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What is Indie Travel?

Indie = independent..

It means you make your own arrangements, figure things out as you go, and don’t want to look at a destination through a bus window all day and then sleep in a predictable chain hotel at night.

Indie travelers are always looking for two things: New experiences and great deals.

On this site, we’ll help you dig up unique lodging options, pack light, find deals on flights, and figure out how you might afford to squeeze some extra travel into your budget.

New to Indie travel? We’ll hold your hand while you get started. Experienced Indie traveler? You’ll love getting ideas and inspiration from travel writers who totally understand you.

Travel is my passion


In May, 2013, I sold all my worldly possessions and took off around the world with everything I owned in a backpack. I’ve been traveling the world ever since, supporting myself as a freelance writer. I know the joy and the pain that come with travel, and I wouldn’t trade one minute of my experiences for anything.

I started this site to share practical tips and information with other travelers and those who dream of travel. You can read my advice here, and increasingly I’m including the voices of other writers as well, all focused on budget travel advice and inspiration.

Have questions, suggestions, or story ideas? Send them to me , I’d love to hear them!

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This site is advertiser supported. When you buy through our links, it supports the site.  However, we want to remain a trusted and scrupulously honest source of information for you, and that goal will always take precedence over potential profit.

Our policy is that all recommendations reflect the genuine opinions of our writers, who are experienced travelers and familiar with the goods and services they write about. When a writer’s recommendation happens to coincide with an affiliate link that supports the site, or an opportunity to take advantage of sponsored content, all is well in our world. If that doesn’t turn out to be enough revenue to support the site, we’d rather walk away than sell out. (hint: Use those affiliate links when they’re provided if you want us to stick around!)

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Indie Travel Explained: What It Is, Why it’s Awesome, and How to Do It

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by  Annie  

Published:  February 1, 2022

Alt Text: Indie travel at the Grand Park in Tirana Albania

If you’ve been around my world for a minute, you’ve heard me talk a lot about indie travel. It’s at the heart of my passion for travel, this website, and the work I do in the world! 

Around the travel industry, you don’t hear about it much because traditional travel agents, tour companies, cruises, and all-inclusive resorts don’t make their money from indie travelers. We are the rebels and nonconformists of the travel world! Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself a “rebel”, hear me out. I promise there’s so much to love about traveling this way.

In this article, I’m going to show you how indie travel can help you create more memorable experiences and save you money at the same time. First, we’ll start with understanding what the hell indie travel even means, then I’ll share a little of my own story with you. We’ll finish up with ways you can learn more about this type of travel and resources to help you get out there and see the world your way!

***This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase using the link, I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. This helps me keep the lights on around here. I ONLY recommend products and services I personally use and love. ***

What is indie travel?

empty boats on the shore of the Adriatic Sea

Indie travel is the ultimate freedom to choose your boat and direction!

Indie travel is just a shortened way of saying “independent travel”. It means planning your own trips without travel agents, multi-day group tours, cruise ships, or all-inclusive resorts. Yes, you do all the work, but in return, you get full control of your experience and how you spend your time and money. 

Indie travel is also a mindset. It’s about connecting with your destination and the people who live there in meaningful and authentic ways. We want to be thoughtful about our travels and how we impact the places we visit. We spend our money intentionally, in ways that support local economies. Rather than staying in generic chain hotels, indie travelers choose accommodations owned by locals. We choose our destinations with care and want to understand the people and cultures we encounter, not just check off a list of “must see” attractions. 

We pay attention to the moments that connect us with our shared humanity. We see travel as an experience not a commodity to be consumed. We want to have fun and also deepen our understanding of the world around us. We open our hearts and allow our travels to change us, to give us new perspectives. We carry these experiences home and our everyday lives become all the better for it.

How I fell in Love with Indie Travel

Picture of indie travel in Apollonia Albania

Indie traveling my way through Albania in the fall of 2021

Honestly, I’d never even heard the term “indie travel” when I went on my first trip to Europe in 2008. I was thrown into the deep end literally overnight! The trip was for a traditional corporate job I had in my mid-twenties. My boss came into my office on a Friday morning and said he needed me to visit five of our European facilities for an upcoming product launch. Then he told me I had to leave the next day! 

With no experience planning international travel, I booked a bunch of flights and hotels and hoped for the best. I sped home to pack everything I thought I might need for the next eighteen days into a ridiculously oversized suitcase. The next morning, I was on a plane to Stockholm. Talk about trial by fire!

Long story short -- the trip changed my life. Before I’d even made it through passport control, I was hooked! I knew this was what I wanted to do forever. Before the day was done, I also knew my experiences weren’t just for me. They were meant to be shared. It was just too damn good to keep all to myself! Though I had a corporate credit card and was there for work, I saw the possibilities of indie travel during those moments of exploring on my own. 

The following summer I had my first real indie travel experience when my boyfriend (now husband <3) and I spent ten days traveling through Europe staying in funky accommodations, riding metros, having picnics, and seeing places I’d always dreamed about. 

Thirteen years later, I’m on a mission to help other fiercely independent travelers find the information, resources, and support to get out there and make those travel dreams come true!

Why You Should Consider Indie Travel

Open-air market stalls in Tirana Albania

Indie travelers get time to explore places like this incredible open-air market!

If you’re like me, the idea of following someone else’s agenda and being shuttled from place to place sounds like a nightmare. Indie travel gives you full control of how you spend your time and money. It’s all about freedom! 

Because you get to create the experience, you get to focus on what matters most to you and skip or save on the rest. I call this approach “value travel” -- it’s not about what’s the cheapest, most popular, or Instagrammable. It’s about intentionally building your travels around what’s most valuable to you.

Indie travel allows you to save money on the elements of a trip that aren’t a priority for you. If you want to visit Paris but don’t care about going to the Louvre, you can save the entrance fee for something you’ll truly enjoy. Yes, you’re allowed to go to Paris and skip the Louvre because indie travel is about the experiences you’ll love, not what everyone says you “should” do. This works for every piece of your trip -- flights, accommodations, transportation, food, etc. Focus on what matters most to you and put the savings toward other activities or your next adventure!

Indie travel means you can slow down and spend all your time in one destination or move from place to place every few days. You can choose to spend a day in Berlin leisurely strolling through miles of trails in the Tiergarten or you can hop around the city on the metro, seeing the major sites. It’s all up to you!

How You Can Learn to Travel this Way

indie traveling through Llogara Pass in Albania

Experience is the best teacher, but now you don’t have to learn it all the hard way!

There is an incredible amount of information online to help indie travelers learn about their destinations. BUT there are a pile of other questions that come up when you’re planning a trip to somewhere new -- How much do I budget for my trip ? How can I make sure I’m getting the most value for my money? How do I plan a route for this trip? How do I create an itinerary? 

There's a lot that happens before the idea of a trip turns into the reality of standing in the passport line waiting for your stamp. I’m hard at work making this site a one-stop shop for all your indie travel needs so you don’t have to scour the internet putting the pieces together one blog post at a time!  

Because I’m a travel planning nerd, I love helping people learn the skills and tools of indie travel -- the stuff that actually brings your trip to life! When I started planning my own trips, no one was really talking about how to put all the pieces together. This is where I’ve become an expert and have so much to share with my fellow indie travelers! To get you started, here's a step-by-step guide to planning your own trip to Europe . 

Let's connect!

Indie Travel Resources

Here are some of my go-to resources when creating my own travels. If you’re ready to plan your own Europe trip, don't miss this guide ! 

  • Skyscanner.com for finding cheap flights
  • Booking.com for looking at the different types of accommodations available
  • Seat61.com for all things train travel
  • Rometorio.com for finding your different transportation options between places
  • Go City Passes for getting deals on major attractions in iconic cities
  • My favorite guidebooks for getting to know a place before I go

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. Happy travel planning!

Now get out there! The world is waiting for you.

What do you think of indie travel? Is it something you enjoy or want to try?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!  

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About the author 

Fun Lover. Food Eater. Bold Explorer. Big Dreamer. Annie is a fiercely independent traveler who loves to create unique and interesting experiences. She thrives on finding the magical moments and hidden gems waiting around every corner. Her passion for helping others make their travel dreams come true fuels her work as a travel planner, consultant, educator, and community builder.

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Thank you very much Annie…!-I have read it with a great interest

I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

I really loved how you gave the back story of how you became a proponent of independent travel. It is inspiring. Anyone can do it!

Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Yes, anyone can do this!

Indie travel is the ONLY way to go! And the only way I have been for 30+ years in Latin America!

One step beyond that is … Why plan every detail? Go with the wind, go with the flow. You ever know what adventure is awaiting you!

I agree completely! It’s the ultimate freedom and where the magic happens. <3

how to be bold

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The Budget Your Trip Blog

An Interview with Marek: The Indie Traveller

  • Post category: Travel Stories

During his two years on the road, Marek has traveled extensively through Southeast Asia and Latin America. What started as a few months spread into several years of travel, during which he made countless friends, experienced dozens of countries and cultures, and learned to live spontaneously. You can learn more about his trip and future trips by visiting his blog, IndieTraveller where he discusses long term travel and backpacking in Asia and Latin America .

What motivated you to take such a big trip?

It was entirely unplanned. In fact, when I was on my flight to Southeast Asia I still had no idea how big my trip was ultimately going to be.

I had broken up with my girlfriend at the time, and I had lost my job (which is typically a bad thing, but it worked out perfectly for me). I did some freelance work for a few months but got increasingly attracted to the idea of taking a break to travel. With a lot of savings in the bank, I decided now would be the time to go to Thailand. I was thinking two months would be plenty; I had never travelled for longer than 3 weeks or so before, so this was going to be the biggest vacation I’d ever had.

A couple of weeks into that trip I found myself in northern Thailand, staying mainly in backpacker hostels. People I met kept discussing when they were going to Laos, and people kept asking me if or when I was going to Laos too. I had hardly ever heard of the country, hadn’t researched it, and knew nothing about it. But that was obviously where for many the backpacker trail led, and so on a whim I went into Laos with two friends I had made in Chiang Rai. Laos then led to Vietnam, Vietnam led to Cambodia, and so on. I ended up traveling for nearly two years.

Where have you gone and where are you going?

I first went to every country in Southeast Asia (with the Philippines and Myanmar being my personal highlights of the region). I then made a pitstop back in Europe, and went on to travel all over Latin America, essentially making my way from northern Mexico all the way down to Argentina.

After nearly two years of travel I am now taking a break as I wanted to have a bit of a solid base again. That said, I’m researching Indonesia at the moment as that’s looking to be my next destination. Last year I stayed on one particular island in Indonesia for nearly the entire duration of my visa allowance. I was so happy just to be on a tropical beach this whole time that I barely saw anything else. It was fantastic, but I swore I would come back to see more of this amazing country. And after that… who knows!

How much did you plan of your itinerary and how much was spontaneous?

I had extensively researched Thailand before the start of my trip. By the time I actually set foot in Thailand my Lonely Planet guide already looked like it had been used for years… all dog eared, folded, underlined, etc.

But I quickly came to realize how much time can be wasted on research. I found that you can never quite predict what things are like on the ground, nor how your travel goals and desires evolve during your trip. Maybe planning everything very tightly is important if you are going away for a week, but if you have a lot of time I find it’s far better to be spontaneous.

I do use guidebooks from time to time, and I take a high-level survey of a destination through internet research and travel blogs, but I don’t block things out in huge detail anymore. There’s no point in trying as whatever I plan will change anyway. Improvisation can seem scary but it’s honestly one of my favorite things about independent travel.

How did you decide which places to go?

Sometimes it’s based on information I looked up, though often it’s just by talking to people you meet along the way (whether it’s locals or fellow travelers). A lot of popular backpacking countries will have a fairly obvious ‘trail’ (a convenient circuit that most people follow), so if you’re at a loss for where to go next you can usually figure out the obvious next step quite easily. Veering off the well trodden path can be rewarding as well, of course.

How do you travel around?

Almost exclusively overland, by bus or train. I do take short flights every now and then whenever it makes obviously more sense (e.g. flying 1 hour versus 35 hours on a bus going through terrible dirt roads). Generally I do find overland travel not just cheaper but also more appealing. It gives you a better sense of how places connect, you get to see the changes in the landscape, and just being in a local bus or train can add a lot to the travel experience.

What have you learned about yourself or what do you think you will learn?

Extended travel does great things for your general life skills and overall level of confidence. I feel like I could be airdropped into any situation now and somehow make due. In the beginning I might have been worried about things like ‘where am I going to stay tonight’ or ‘how will I ever communicate with this person without English’ but then I learned everything can be dealt with easily by being pragmatic and always maintaining a sense of humor.

I also learned that you can meet interesting people anywhere, and that you ultimately need very few material possessions to be happy. After living out of a backpack for such a long time, I was completely shocked to see how much useless stuff I still had left in my storage unit at home (despite a concerted effort to downscale!).

How did you determine (or manage) your budget for your trip?

Since I had a good amount of savings before I started, budgeting for me is mostly about getting a ballpark estimate. I want to know how cheap or expensive a country will be roughly. If I go a little over budget that’s fine, and sometimes I spend less than expected and that’s fine too of course! Sites like yours, or travel blogs that share cost break downs, are very helpful in figuring out roughly what I’ll need to set aside. It will always vary a bit though as everyone inevitably has somewhat different spending habits.

While traveling I try to keep a rough tally in my head of what I’m spending every day on average. Every month or so I’ll check my account through internet banking to see if I’ve been tracking ok.

What’s the craziest story you have from your trip so far?

I get this question a lot and I actually never quite know how to answer it. People probably expect to hear the sort of outrageous story you tell your mates in a pub, but most of my stories are really in-the-moment ‘you had to be there’ experiences. But, anyway, here’s a random one:

In a small town in Laos I was ready to call it a night after having had some drinks with my travel buddies, but on the way home we heard some music in the distance. Curious, we investigated. Following the direction of the sound we ended up at this large disused airfield where a huge Laotian wedding was taking place. There was a band playing music and all these traditional flower decorations and lots of tables with plastic chairs set up in the middle of this jungle airfield. We observed from the sidelines for a minute, but then immediately someone came to us and quite literally pulled us in, generously sharing drinks and food with us. Soon after I found myself dancing in a big circle with children, grandparents, etc. etc. We could hardly communicate with each other through language but somehow we managed to make a lot of friends that night.

I love it when unexpected things happen. Sure, the ‘big moments’ in travel are usually the famous sights like Machu Picchu or Ha Long Bay, but I really cherish the fun little unexpected moments. For instance, one of my favorite memories from the Philippines was when there was a storm and a power cut and this whole evening was just improvised around candlelight and sharing stories. And while road tripping through Central America, constant car trouble got me and a friend to know this whole conga line of car mechanics, as well as so many helpful people who showed us the way.

It’s a clichĂ©, but it’s often the journey and not just the destination.

Do you have any advice for other travelers?

Whatever your travel dreams are, try to make them a reality now. Pack as light as you can, plan as little as you dare, and just do it!


Bryan has visited 56 countries, which is exactly one more country than his wife, and she won’t let him forget it! Also an avid photographer, he enjoys entrenching himself within the local culture in order to learn more about the people of a place. He is the co-founder of Budget Your Trip and loves a good adventure, an exotic meal, or a passionate conversation about global events. And he also loves to find out how much stuff costs, which is why he and his wife started Budget Your Trip.

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  • Category: Games

Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts for Unlocking Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

  • Will Tuttle

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Hero

The day is nearly upon us, Tarnished: Elden Ring ’s largest and, sadly, final expansion launches on June 21. With tons of new locations, weapons, armor, and bosses spanning dozens of hours, Shadow of the Erdtree is everything Elden Ring fans could have hoped for. There’s just one caveat: you need to have progressed far enough into the base game to actually play it.

Since Shadow of the Erdtree fits neatly into the existing Elden Ring lore (and adeptly expands upon it while still leaving a hint of mystery), lowly Tarnished are required to meet and defeat a couple of the key players, Starscourge Radahn and Mohg, Lord of Blood, before venturing into the Shadow Realm. We’ll give you some pointers to getting to them as quickly as possible, but it’ll still be up to you to beat them. (Need help defeating Elden Ring bosses? Hit up KingTut33 on Xbox Live and I’ll happily add you to my list of satisfied Tarnished.)

Starscourge Radahn (Normal Method)  

Although you can technically fight these two bosses in whichever order you want, it make sense to start with Radahn. Radahn is a tough boss that is ultimately located in Redmane Castle in southeastern Caelid (yes, the red rot area), but only after you unlock the Radahn Festival. There are a number of methods to doing this. The most straightforward method involves playing through the story as the developers intended, beginning with battling through Stormveil Castle and defeating Godrick the Grafted.

After he’s down, continue on to the Liurnia of the Lakes region, specifically the Raya Lucaria Academy towering above it in the center of the map. Here, you’ll need to fight your way through magic-wielders galore (this is a wizarding school, after all) and platform your way up some massive lifts to gradually make your way to the boss awaiting you at the top. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon isn’t the most challenging fight in Elden Ring, but it’s certainly one of the most memorable.

Once you’ve beaten both Godrick and Rennala, you can make your way to Redmane Castle in Caelid to begin the Radahn Festival and take on this tough boss with or without the help of the many summons available to you. What would you expect at a festival dedicated to defeating a powerful boss?  

Starscourge Radahn (Fast and Easy Method)

Don’t feel like taking your time and making your way through the game’s golden path naturally? Try this shortcut, which cuts about 20 hours of play down to about two hours.

The Festival of Radahn is triggered by doing certain things in the game. Defeating Godrick and Rennala is the way most players will be able to access it, but you can also activate any Site of Grace in the amber fields of Altus Plateau after getting the right and left halves of the Dectus Medallion and taking the Dectus lift up. So where do you get those, you might ask?

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The first (left) side of the medallion is found in Fort Haight in the starting area of Limgrave, only a few minutes ride from your first site of grace. Even better, you don’t actually need to fight any of the enemies! You can run right in, grab the medallion half, and run right out (or die and respawn). Best of all, you can do the same thing when you’re grabbing the right half of the medallion, which is located in Fort Faroth in northern Caelid.

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After you’ve grabbed both halves, just head to the Dectus Lift at the north end of Liurnia (on Bellum Highway) and follow the “hoist medallion” prompt. When you’re at the top, ride straight north for a moment and you’ll find a site of grace.

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Now it’s on to Radahn!

Mohg, Lord of Blood (Normal Method)

Here’s where things get a little trickier. Even the “normal” method for accessing Mohg is a bit of a challenge and is pretty far into the game (before I dive into the details, there is one important note: This boss is not the same as Mohg, The Blood Omen, who is located in the sewers of Leyndell). To get to Mohg’s home, Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum, you’ll need to play through a good chunk of the game. Following the so-called golden path of the story, you’ll need to defeat all of the main bosses through Morgott, the Omen King, who is located in the city of Leyndell.

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Once Morgott has been downed, you’ll be able to access the Grand Lift of Rold, which will take you up to the snow-covered area called the Forbidden Lands. There’s one twist here: the western part of the Forbidden Lands, called the Consecrated Snowfields, is hidden and requires another special, split medallion. The first part of the medallion is found at Castle Sol in the northern area of the Forbidden Lands and requires you to beat the tough Commander Niall boss to get it.

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The other half of the medallion can be found back in southwest Liurnia in an area called Village of the Albinaurics. This can be a little tough to spot at first, as it’s under a massive overhang in the dark (it’s not quite a cave, but it’s not not a cave either). As you work your way through the Village, you’ll hear some moaning coming from a large jar. Roll through it to meet Albus, who gives you the other half of the medallion.

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Now that you’ve got both halves, head back to the Grand Lift of Rold. There’s now a second option when you hit the lift that says, “hoist secret medallion”. When you’re standing on the lift platform, press right on the D-pad to see the secret medallion option. Now that you’re up in the Consecrated Showfields, find a site of grace and make your way to the southwest part of the area.

travel master indie

After defeating a bleed-inflicting Sanguine Noble and exploring through the ruins, you’ll find a blood-soaked portal that will take you to Mohg’s area. You’ll still need to fight through his mausoleum to get to Mohg, but it’s not too tough given the level you’ll probably be at.

Mohg, Lord of Blood (Fast-ish and Easy-ish Method)

Don’t feel like playing through 40+ hours to make your way to Mohg’s secret palace the more straightforward (yet still quite labyrinthine) way? There’s another method that you can do right from the start. The first NPC you meet when you come up the elevator to Limgrave, White Mask Varre, is the key to this method.

After you talk to Varre the first time, you’ll need to play the game as normal and defeat Godrick. Once he’s down, Varre will move to the Rose Church in Liurnia, which is on a small island in the western part of the lake. Speaking to Varre there will give you the option to answer that something seems off with the Two Fingers. Doing so will cause Varre to give you several Festering Bloody Fingers, which you can (and should) use to invade other players’ games. You only need to invade their game, not beat or even fight them. Once you invade, just use the Finger Severer to leave and return to your world.

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Once you’ve gotten the three invasions done, speak to Varre again and he will reveal himself to be a servant of Mohg and invite you to join the Knights of Luminary Mohg. Respond with the “Anoint me” options and he’ll then give you the Lord of Blood’s Favor item, which you’ll need to soak in the blood of a maiden.

The easiest place to find an already-dead maiden is in The Church of Inhibition. This is located in the northeast corner of Liurnia above the Frenzied Flame Village. Just stroll up to the maiden and select the prompt to soak the Lord of Blood’s Favor. (Note that you can also kill Hyetta, who you’ll meet right next to the first site of grace in Liurnia after clearing Stormveil Castle. However, since she’s also a quest and item giver, it’s not recommended that you do this.)

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Whichever source of blood you decide on, you’ll need to return to Varre yet again to give him the blood-soaked Favor. He finally inducts you into the Order and take your finger for good measure, leaving you with the Pureblood Knight’s Medal. Finally! You can now use this item to be teleported to Mohgwyn’s Palace. You can either sprint or fight your way through any enemies you encounter to finally make it to the Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint site of grace, where you can prep for your battle with Mohg.

Touch the Withered Arm

After you’ve defeated both Radahn and Mohg, either in a 3-4 hours using the “quick” methods listed above or in 40+ hours using the longer methods, all you need to do to access the Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC content is touch the withered arm hanging out of the cocoon in the area in which you defeated Mohg. Best of luck in the Shadow Realm, Tarnished!

(Once again, if you’re having any trouble defeating Radahn, Mohg, or any of the other dozens of bosses in Elden Ring OR Shadow of the Erdtree, drop KingTut33 a line on Xbox Live and I’ll do my best to help!)


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ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Edition

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ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Premium Bundle Pre-Order

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  1. Timeride Time Travel

  2. 2024 Kabe Travel Master Royal x880 LTLuxus Wohnmobil Interior And Exterior Caravan Salon 2023

  3. TravelMaster. Travel Gastronomy Wine beach sea sun drive fly...Come with me

  4. World map for 10th social studies Top 10 Expected places in world map



  1. Bus to Indie

    TravelMaster are the Official Travel Partners on Indie Festival! Our Bus to Indie Indiependence Festival means you don't have to worry about driving your own car and finding parking.With our easy online booking process, it couldn't be more simple. You just choose the Indie Festival Bus route from the three options above and then Choose your desired pick up location/time.

  2. TravelMaster

    Concert Travel - Buses to Concerts & Festivals. Travel Master is a licensed Concert Travel bus & coach service operating high-quality coaches to major venues in Ireland, most noteworthy 3Arena, Croke Park, Aviva Stadium, RDS, Slane Castle and many more spectacular Dublin venues. We are your first choice for coach travel in Ireland while ...

  3. Cork City Shuttle Bus to INDIEPENDENCE Festival 2023

    All Coaches drop you directly to the Coach Park @ Indiependence Music Festival and depart the Coach Park back to Cork City every night at 12am, 1am, 2am, and 3am SHARP Monday morning the Bus returns at 11am Only *N.B - OPEN RETURN ticket allows you to return on your chosen night at any of the times the shuttle is leaving. Monday morning the Bus returns at 11am Only

  4. Indie Travel Collective: A Community of Independent Travelers

    The Indie Travel Collective is a fantastic community to discuss all things travel! This uplifting community is a great place for travel inspiration, deals, and discussions about all things travel. My favorite piece is the resources that Annie puts together to help independent travelers plan their dream vacations!

  5. Your Home for Indie Travel: Learn to Travel Like A Pro

    Learn how to create travel experiences that are more unique, fun, and affordable without big bus tours, cruise ships, or all-inclusive resorts. Get the Indie Travel Dispatch. The future of travel is freedom! The Vision: A place for you to get all the tools, strategies, and skills to plan your own epic travel adventures!

  6. Indie Traveller • Budget Travel Guides, Backpacking Tips & Adventure

    1 Week to 10 Days in Bali: A Non-Influencer's Guide. Motorbike Trips. road trip. April 29, 2024. See the must-visit wonders of Panama in a week with tips for tours, transportation, and top sights. itineraries. April 8, 2024. Having travelled through Chiapas twice, here are my tips for best enjoying this overlooked gem.

  7. What is Indie Travel?

    Indie = Independent. It means you make your own arrangements, figure things out as you go, and don't want to look at a destination through a bus window all day and then sleep in a predictable chain hotel at night. Indie travelers are always looking for two things: New experiences and great deals. On this site, we'll help you dig up unique ...

  8. 13 Gorgeous Indie Travel Magazines You Should Be Reading

    Cereal. This U.K.-based publication offers a minimalist approach to the indie travel magazine scene, with pages of beautiful, yet simple, pictures, accompanied by a small amount of text on each ...

  9. Indie Travel Explained: What It Is and Why You Should Try It

    Indie travel is the ultimate freedom to choose your boat and direction! Indie travel is just a shortened way of saying "independent travel". It means planning your own trips without travel agents, multi-day group tours, cruise ships, or all-inclusive resorts. Yes, you do all the work, but in return, you get full control of your experience ...

  10. Best Indie Travel Magazines

    Lodestars Anthology. The concept: Each issue of this tri-annual indie travel magazine gives an in-depth look at country in all its quirks, charms and splendor. It won't give you restaurant recommendations or sightseeing advice, but it will give you insight into the people, stories and history of a place. What we love: The escapist quality of ...

  11. An Interview with Marek: The Indie Traveller

    An Interview with Marek: The Indie Traveller. During his two years on the road, Marek has traveled extensively through Southeast Asia and Latin America. What started as a few months spread into several years of travel, during which he made countless friends, experienced dozens of countries and cultures, and learned to live spontaneously. You ...

  12. About Us

    The Event Travel Specialists. TravelMaster, based in Cork, is your event travel specialist operating coaches to all leading festivals, concerts and sporting events throughout Ireland. If you wish to travel to a particular event alone, with TravelMaster you can book one individual bus seat using our easy-to-use website; unlike other event travel ...

  13. About • Indie Traveller

    About Indie Traveller. Whether you're into backpacking, road tripping, ecotourism, or cultural trips, at Indie Traveller you'll find honest guides and tips that will help you plan your trip.. Besides focusing on independent travel, Indie Traveller is also an independent site. That means no sponsored trips, influencer marketing, or paid reviews.

  14. Travel Podcasts

    The Indie Travel Podcast is one of the world's best travel podcasts (as voted by you and Lonely Planet), written and produced by international, independent (indie) travelers. We podcast about travel because we love it: adventure travel and long-term travel especially. We have more than 15 years of backpacking and digital nomad experience. The ...

  15. Travel the World ️

    Take an instant vacation with our selection of indie travelling songs! Tracklist & download below… 👇LISTEN ON SPOTIFY: https://spoti.fi/2YCsDdE» Subscribe t...

  16. Where To Travel

    You can find many more authentic places in the Yucatan, or go instead to Chiapas state, Oaxaca, or Mexico City, to name a few. Mayan ruins of Palenque. Mouth-watering food, ancient pre-Columbian ruins, cities with tons of culture and museums, gorgeous beaches, and epic national parks make Mexico a no-brainer.

  17. FAQ

    A: Because TravelMaster is a dedicated concert/event travel company, we adjust our departure time for each and every concert and event. TravelMaster prides itself on always trying to ensure all our customers get back on board and return home safely. If you have any delays please contact us on 021 2347268.

  18. Indie Travel Podcast

    Our 300th podcast. For our 300th episode of Indie Travel Podcast, we revisit our roots and discuss what indie travel means to us. The of Grand Bassam is only 40 kilometres from Abidjan, the capital of the Ivory Coast, and has rebounded from a yellow fever epidemic and a recession to become an arts and crafts hub.

  19. Travel Masters

    Travel Masters welcomes you to the world of Adventure Traveling. This site is a paradise for amateur travelers, budget travelers and nature lovers with lots of information about untouched and unexplored places across India with special focus on Himalayas. We offer value for money customized travel options for our esteemed clients. We help them ...

  20. Concert Travel

    Bus to The Wolfe Tones 3Arena Dublin 2024. € 35.00 - € 45.00. Bus to Tom Odell Live at the Marquee June 2024. € 20.00 - € 45.00. Bus to Electric Picnic 2024- Nationwide Return Service. € 30.00 - € 70.00. Out of stock. Bus to Arcade Fire Malahide Castle July 2024. Bus to Belters Only Musgrave Park June 2024.

  21. Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts for Unlocking Elden Ring's Shadow of the

    The day is nearly upon us, Tarnished: Elden Ring's largest and, sadly, final expansion launches on June 21. With tons of new locations, weapons, armor, and bosses spanning dozens of hours, Shadow of the Erdtree is everything Elden Ring fans could have hoped for. There's just one caveat: you need to have progressed far enough into the base game to actually play it.

  22. LOGIN

    This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.

  23. Terms & Conditions

    General Terms and Conditions of Carriage. Issued by: Travelmaster, Skibbereen, County Cork. Definitions. We", "our", "ourselves", "us" "Travelmaster" and "the company" means Travelmaster, Skibbereen, County Cork. "You", "your", "yourself" and "the hirer" means any person who we have agreed to carry on our ...

  24. Sports Events

    Return Bus Service to Major GAA Football, Hurling, Rugby and Soccer Events in Ireland : TRAVELMASTER PICK UP POINTS.