travel and smile albania



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Other than profiting from high quality dental treatments and saving 50% in rapport with Italy, you could profit in the free time between interventions to have a vacations. Our guides will guide you to discover Tirana and the most beautiful places in Albania, offering you all the free assistance you need:

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  • Continuous assistance in English from 9:00 to 21:00: the guide will be at your disposition from 9:00 until 21:00, to help you solve any problem during your stay and be your tour guide to discover Tirana and the most beautiful places in Albania.
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The guides of Travel and Smile will give you all the information and the advices that you need, so you can enjoy your stay a Tirana.

Result? You will be able to move with ease through the streets of the city and discover the best restaurants, pubs, discos and entertainment and the most beautiful places in Albania.

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22 Travel Tips for Albania: Useful Things to Know Before You Go

My top travel tips for Albania to save you money, time and stress. Read this before you go travelling in Albania.

When I embarked on my 6-month overland journey through the Balkan countries, Albania was definitely the country I was most nervous about visiting.

I had read all about the rugged beaches , high mountains and historic towns and castles – so I had no trouble deciding where to go and what to do . But the people, the culture, the food and all the practical details such as transportation, WIFI and accommodation – well, I had absolutely no clue what to expect.

On the ground, I discovered that most negative stereotypes about the country are untrue. In my experience Albania is safe, affordable, friendly, diverse, tolerant and above all else, incredibly beautiful .

At the same time, I learned that Albania does present some particular challenges , even for those well-practiced at travelling in the region.

Without spoiling any of the country’s special secrets or revealing too many of the quirky things about Albania that are fun to figure out as you go, I want to share a couple of things that will make your travel experience smoother and more fulfilling.

Here are 22 practical travel tips for Albania that I think every traveller should know.

Travel tips for Albania graphic.

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What is travelling in Albania really like? 22 useful travel tips for Albania

Albania is quite unlike any of its neighbours.

It’s tempting to think of the Balkans (particularly the western Balkans) as a monolith. But I don’t need to tell you that every country is its own entity. Within this tapestry, Albania is perhaps the most distinct nation in terms of both its culture and history.

An obvious example: The Albanian language, Shqip , is unlike anything else spoken in the region (or anywhere else in the world for that matter). It’s thought to be descended from an extinct Illyrian tongue, but its exact origins are still a mystery to linguists.

After months of being able to follow the rough contours of a shared speech in Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina , hearing the curious chatter of Albanian on the streets of Tirana was quite a contrast.

Albania’s cultural and religious traditions are also very distinct. And although you can find local variations of cevapi and burek, the cuisine is totally different too!

With the exception of Kosovo where almost 93% of the population are ethnically Albanian, it’s hard to draw a comparison between Albania and any of its neighbours. In many ways Albania feels more like Georgia – slightly chaotic but imminently beautiful, with the furgon the local equivalent of the marshrutka.

Learn a bit about the history before you go

Of course this runs much deeper than just food and minivans. Albania wasn’t part of Yugoslavia and doesn’t have the same ‘baggage’ as its northern neighbours. That’s not to say the nation wasn’t impacted by the Balkan Wars and genocide – it certainly was – but in a different way. No fighting took place on Albanian soil.

Instead, Albania was subjected to its own private horrors, namely 45 years under an oppressive political regime including 30 years with despotic communist dictator, Enver Hoxha, at the helm. Hoxha’s ideology was so hardline, he viewed Yugoslavia and the USSR as too lax. It’s very difficult for an outsider to try and comprehend how this period of history impacted Albania and its people. But I felt compelled to at least try.

One of the most interesting things I found is that Albanians embrace their whole history – the good and the bad. The communist regime only fell in the 1990s so for the majority of the population, it’s not a distant memory but something that’s still very fresh. But it’s never glossed over. Most people we met were happy to chat politics and share their experiences.

For example: There are 173,000 disused nuclear bunkers sprinkled around Albania, each a monument to Hoxha’s paranoia. Instead of destroying them, people decided to either leave them be or repurpose them as museums or galleries. (Now there’s even a Cold War military base that’s being rebranded as an island destination .) Tirana’s collection of Communist-era statues and busts are displayed in a courtyard behind the National Art Gallery. And Blloku, once an exclusive neighbourhood where the party members lived, has been reclaimed as a vibrant cafe and street art district. Even Hoxha’s old house is still standing.

Some might think of Albania as a dark tourism destination. To me, this is a nation of light and colour. While visitors have an obligation to familiarise themselves with the nation’s recent history, it’s important to do so in a respectful, thoughtful way. The Bunk’Art museums in Tirana are a great place to start and will enrich your experience immensely. 

Communist-era statues behind the National Art Gallery in Tirana.

The man atop the horse is General Skanderbeg

On a lighter note, here’s a bit of trivia for you. If Hoxha is Albania’s villain, then the nation’s hero is definitely Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu, AKA General Skanderbeg. 

It took me far too long to learn who Skanderbeg is and why he’s so beloved in this part of the world. As I travelled around the Balkans, I kept seeing the same statue of a warrior – including in squares in Skopje and Prishtina – and started referring to him simply as ‘the man atop the horse’. It wasn’t until I got to Albania that I was finally able to put a name to the face.

Skanderbeg was an Albanian military commander who lived during the early 15th century. He’s famous for leading a campaign against the Ottomans which freed Albania and several neighbouring countries from being vassal states. His penultimate battle was launched from the town of Kruja north of Tirana, now the location of Skanderbeg’s castle-museum. It’s a popular day trip and the place to go if you want to learn more about this chapter of history.

The only other person held in similar esteem is Albania’s heroine, Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, AKA Mother Teresa. Born to Albanian Kosovar parents in Skopje – then part of the Ottoman Empire and now the capital of North Macedonia – she’s beloved in all three countries (though each claims her as their own!).

Albania is overwhelmingly a safe country for tourists

One of the biggest misconceptions about Albania is that it’s unsafe for tourists. In reality, foreigners are very rarely the target of violent crime, and although pickpocketing and scams do happen, they’re not as widespread as in other countries in Europe.

Generally speaking, Albania is overwhelmingly safe for travellers of all types (including solo females) provided you exercise common sense and caution.

My one negative experience in Albania was being fleeced by a taxi driver in Gjirokaster . It was my mistake for not doing my research – I was unfamiliar with the location and agreed to a price without understanding just how short the distance to my hotel was. To avoid misunderstandings within the cities, it’s best to download a taxi app .

The biggest thing to watch out for in Albania is road safety. (Here we find another similarity to Georgia: The driving style.) More on that later.

As a side note: It’s not advisable to drink the tap water in Tirana or other cities/towns.

Avoid visiting in July or August

The best time to visit Albania in my opinion is any time except summer. I travelled during June. As the month went on and my trip was coming to an end, I found most places were getting a little too warm and dry – and much too crowded – for my liking.

Albania has a Mediterranean climate, thus winters are mild but wet. The best time to visit Albania is shoulder season (late March to early June or September through October) when the weather is pleasant both on the coast and in the mountains.

July and August are hot and busy, especially on the riviera, and should be avoided. That’s unless you plan to stick to the mountains, in which case summer is the best time for trekking.

A blue rock pool in Albania.

Consider flying into a neighbouring country

Most people arrive in Albania via the country’s main international airport, Tirana Airport Nënë Tereza. This makes sense if your itinerary starts in the capital or in the northern part of the country.

A second international airport opened in July 2021 in Kukës (KFZ), 150km north-east of Tirana (and just 45-minutes from Prizren in Kosovo ). It’s a suitable starting point for the Albanian Alps, but international arrivals are so far limited to flights from Zurich and Istanbul.

If you’re travelling around the south of Albania, it might be more convenient (and more affordable) to fly into a neighbouring country instead. Corfu International Airport in Greece is a short ferry ride from Saranda, for example, and a logical place to arrive/depart if you’re mainly focusing on the Albanian Riviera.

Also read: My top tips for visiting Montenegro .

Lek is the official currency, but Euros are widely accepted

The official currency in Albania is the lek. Although Albania is not part of the EU, the Euro is widely used as well.

Lek is common currency in convenience shops, at restaurants and among taxi drivers – i.e. for small purchases. You’ll find that most hotels and guesthouses list their prices in Euro, and it usually works out far better to pay for big-ticket items such as hotel bills and rental cars in Euro rather than lek. If you try to pay in lek, you risk losing a big chunk of cash due to the conversion rate.

At the time of writing, 1 Euro is equivalent to 121.5 LEK.

Always have cash on you

Albania is very much a cash society so you need to make sure you have plenty of bills on you at all times. You can get by in Tirana using card only, but outside the capital, cash is still king.

Lek is a closed currency so you’ll have to wait until you arrive in-country to get your hands on some. Remember that lek is only good for small purchases and meals, so only withdraw as much as you need.

ATMs are easy to find in Albania (even in rural areas). Most banks charge a 300-700 lek withdrawal fee, but Credins Bank and Alpha Bank are among those that are fee-free (at the time of writing). Remember to check for any extra charges issued by your home bank.

A woman stands in front of a market shop in Gjirokaster, Albania.

Albania is extremely affordable – even by Balkans standards

Accommodation, restaurants and activities in Albania are all extremely good value for money. We easily got by on 40 USD per person per day – and you could spend a lot less by taking advantage of the hostel scene and sticking to free activities. One of our biggest expenses was museum tickets, something we don’t tend to skimp on.

A generous meal in a restaurant in Albania might cost you 500-1000 lek per person, while cheap snacks such as burek are perfect for breakfast and will only set you back around 100 lek.

Expect to pay 1,600 lek for a local sim card with data, around 200 lek for a cup of coffee, and anywhere from 400-1,000 lek on average for an intercity bus fare.

Buy a sim card when you arrive

Majority of hotels, bars and restaurants in Albania have WIFI, while many beaches and archaeological sites are now serviced by a free public network. Still, if you want unfettered access to the internet for things like booking taxis and navigation, you will need a sim card.

ALBtelecom is the preferred mobile provider in Albania. It’s very easy to buy and register a sim card at one of their shops in Tirana using your passport/ID card. A sim card and internet package (20 GB with 30 days validity) will set you back 1,600 lek.

While coverage in Tirana is good enough to support a burgeoning digital nomad community, reception is still fairly limited in remote areas and non-existent in the mountains.

Don’t put your faith in Google Maps

If you’re getting around Albania with public transport and only using Google Maps for general navigation within the cities, then you have nothing to worry about. But if you’re driving in Albania and using Google Maps to plan your road trip route , you need to watch out for a couple of things.

It seems Google Maps hasn’t quite been able to keep pace with Albania’s rapid infrastructure developments. Missing roads and non-existent turn offs are common encounters, and you’ll find you’re constantly being forced to re-route. Take directions with a grain of salt and always budget extra time to account for detours.

The same goes for finding addresses – street names and house numbers often don’t correspond to what’s on the map. Even major landmarks are sometimes pinned in the wrong spot.

Aerial view of Tirana, Albania.

Furgons are your friends

Albania has a limited railway network connecting Tirana with Shkoder in the north, Durres and Vlore on the coast, and Pogradec on Lake Ohrid in the east. Domestic flights are now available from Tirana to Kukës, and flying can certainly save you time getting from the capital to the far-north.

Travelling around the centre and south of Albania, you’ll be relying on road transport. Renting a car is a great option if you’re a confident driver. Otherwise, furgons are your friends.

Furgons are intercity minivans similar to marshrutka vans used throughout the former Soviet countries . They run on a flexible schedule, stop on demand, and are extremely budget-friendly. The downsides: Road safety is not exactly a priority, luggage space (and legroom) is very limited, and you can forget about AC. Furgons depart when full so it’s important to always arrive at the bus station well ahead of schedule.

An upgrade on the furgon is the coach bus. You’ll find large air conditioned coaches running on most popular routes during the warmer months, including between Tirana and Berat , Kruje, Gjirokaster, Korca , Durres, etc.

Gjirafa Travel is a terrific website for checking bus schedules and timetables online in English. Whenever possible, I recommend cross-checking times locally at the station.

Speaking of bus stations – there are multiple bus terminals in Tirana and trying to figure out which one you need can be extremely confusing! Pogradec and Shkoder have their own stations, while other buses depart from the Regional Bus Terminal – North and South Albania.

Take extra care on the roads

Albanians have a reputation for their maniacal driving style and for flouting the rules of the road. Combined with poor road conditions in many parts of the country (although the major highways are in good nick) and the proliferation of old and worn-down cars on the road, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Be careful when crossing the road, especially in the city. Take precautions whenever you travel by road, and only hire a car if you’re very confident. Try to avoid being out on the road after dark, and never get into a car with someone who’s been drinking. I also recommend capping your road journeys to a couple of hours per leg.

Albanian cuisine is a revelation

Albania is not exactly known as a foodie destination , but it should be. Regional cuisine, traditional Albanian dishes and the country’s super-popular farm-to-table fresh food movement all combine to create a fascinating culinary scene.

Albanian food is so diverse, you can find something new to try every day. I was quite satisfied eating only Albanian food for the entire duration of my stay. I found Albanian food fresher and less meat-oriented than in some other countries in the region. Most restaurants have plenty of vegetarian options.

Northern, central and southern Albania all have their separate culinary traditions , and within that towns and villages have their own specialties. Balkan, Italian, Turkish, Greek and even ancient Roman influences can all be identified, while you’ll find many similarities to other Mediterranean cuisines (especially Greek and Italian).

Seafood reigns supreme on the coast, while in the south, food choices reflect the pastoral landscape: Dairy, citrus and olive oil are all prominent. Garlic and onions are ubiquitous.

Some of my favourite Albanian dishes include: Tavë Kosi , a meal of lamb, eggs and yogurt traditional to Elbasan; Gjirokaster qifqi (arancini-like rice balls flavoured with mint and black pepper); ‘Berati schnitzel’ (pork stuffed with hard cheese) and pispili (spinach pie with a cornbread base), both traditional to Berat; and Korca’s famous savory lakror pie.

Fresh Albanian food on a restaurant table in Berat.

Watch out for raki

One thing Albania does have in common with its Balkan compatriots is the proclivity for alcohol. Sipping spirits in particular is a huge part of the culture.

The drink of choice in Albania is raki or rakia , a potent clear spirit distilled from grapes. Commercial versions are up to 45% proof, but homemade raki is much, much stronger. If you’re at a small restaurant or guesthouse and a recycled plastic soft drink bottle comes out, brace yourself.

It can be difficult to get out of these drinking sessions. I found it much easier to decline as a woman. Remember you can always step away if you feel uncomfortable. Otherwise, take small sips and make sure there’s always something left in your glass to avoid unwanted top ups!

Raki isn’t all bad. In Northern Albania in particular you’ll find lovely varieties of fruit raki made from cherries.

Every day ends with a xhiro

The xhiro is an Albanian tradition and the perfect way to put a full-stop on your day. Essentially a xhiro is a sunset stroll: It involves heading to the nearest pedestrian street and walking laps.

For locals, it’s a way to catch up with friends and neighbours, learn the latest goss and socialise. Ice cream stalls and popcorn vendors set up to cater to walkers, and sometimes entire streets close to traffic for a couple of hours to accommodate people.

This is the ultimate people-watching activity and a terrific opportunity to mix and mingle. But don’t be surprised if people let their glance linger a little bit too long – staring is not considered impolite in Albania, neither whilst out on a xhiro or in everyday life (at restaurants, at the supermarket – I’ve experienced it all). It can be awkward but try not to take it personally – in most cases, people are just curious.

An old man with a cane walks down a path in the city of Korca, Albania.

Albanian people are incredibly hospitable

Hospitality is serious business in Albania (yet another point of similarity to Georgia). In Albania, people are bound by Besa , a code of honour that dictates how others – especially strangers – should be treated. According to Besa, if someone approaches you for help, you accommodate them. If someone comes to you hungry, you feed them. This creed has shaped Albania into an immensely tolerant and welcoming nation.

After WWII, Albania was one of the few nations to emerge with a larger Jewish community – the nation protected its own and offered sanctuary to families fleeing from elsewhere in Europe. In the 1990s, Albania sheltered refugees from Kosovo displaced by conflict.

Today that same kind of generosity is extended to tourists. Kanun , the customary law of Albania, says that the master of a house should always have a spare bed ready for unexpected guests. While I wouldn’t recommend showing up on someone’s doorstep unannounced (Albania has for a reason!), the takeaway is that Albanians will extend you a helping hand if and when you need it.

English is widely spoken, but not ubiquitous

Albanian is the official language in Albania but many people – especially those born after the fall of communism – speak a second language. As one person described it to me, Albanians are ‘thirsty to know the world’, and learning a foreign language is seen as a pathway to knowledge, experience and more opportunities.

English is the most popular second language and is taught in schools. At last count, around 40% of Albanians speak English. In my experience, anyone working in tourism or hospitality has at least a basic understanding of English. We got by in all the major cities and tourist destinations without any issues.

Albania is one of those countries where the language is so much more than a means of communication, it’s part of the culture and identity and a massive source of national pride. Learning a few words of Albanian will earn you big props.

Here are a few basic words:

  • Hello – Përshëndetje (per-shen-det-ye)
  • Bye – Mirupafshim (mi-ru-paf-shim)
  • Yes – Po (po)
  • No – Jo (yo)
  • Thanks – Faleminderit (fal-e-min-der-it)
  • Cheers – Gëzuar (ge-zu-ar)

There is a strong Italian and Greek influence

Albania is just across the pond from Italy and very close to Greece (especially Corfu). There were Italian colonists in Albania from 1926 onwards, and the country was actually invaded by Italy in 1939. Italy especially has a big influence in Albania – to such an extent that I noticed it right away.

You’ll see Italian cars, Italian coffee culture – and yes, pizza on almost every restaurant menu! Pizza is so popular in Albania, if you ever tire of local fare there’s always a Napoletana to fall back on.

Almost a third of Albanian people speak Italian and a quarter of the population speaks Greek. Many areas are officially bilingual Albanian-Italian, with road signs in both languages. If you know either of these languages, communication will come even easier to you.

Three men sip coffee at a cafe in Gjirokaster Bazaar.

Tirana is one of the coolest cities in Europe – so don’t rush it!

Unlike a few other capital cities in the Balkans that are all cold concrete, Tirana is a warm, green, welcoming city that’s bristling with creative energy. I’ve said before that it’s probably the most liveable capital in the region in my opinion. There’s a park, dining precinct, cool museum or street art district around almost every corner.

One day in Tirana is enough for the must-sees, but I really recommend slowing down and spending a couple of nights here, getting into the rhythm of the city with morning markets and nightly xhiros.

We stayed in Tirana for a full week and still didn’t see everything.

Hiking in Albania is a must

I fell in love with Albania’s cities and towns, but even I agree that the country’s natural beauty is its biggest asset.

Albania has 15 national parks, each offering incredible scenery and hiking opportunities. As I recently discovered, Albania has more than 3,200 species of plants, accounting for a whopping 30% of the flora in Europe. One of the best places to appreciate this ecology is Llogara National Park, known for its wildflowers. Others, notably Butrint National Park, combine surreal landscapes with valuable archaeological sites.

Even if you’re an anti-hiker like me, there is one day trek in Albania you at least have to consider: Valbona to Theth . Walking between two alpine villages across two jaw-dropping national parks in the country’s far north, the trail takes you through the heart of the picturesque Albanian Alps or Accursed Mountains as they’re also known. The hike is tough going in spots, but it’s absolutely the best way to experience this side of Albania.

Craggy mountain peaks in the Albanian Alps.

The lakes are just as impressive as the beaches

Albania might be famous for its beautiful beaches, but the unsung heroes of the landscape are the country’s lakes. Komani Lake, Lake Ohrid (shared with North Macedonia) and Skadar Lake in the north (shared with Montenegro ) are all beautiful and worth visiting.

Skadar is the largest lake in the Balkans. Boat trips on the marshy wetlands are popular on the Montenegrin side; on the Albanian side, you can cycle around the periphery from the lakeside city of Shkoder, visiting Rozafa Castle at the same time.

Albania’s share of Ohrid Lake is similarly smaller and with fewer points of interest to the North Macedonian side, yet charming villages such as Lin – a little red-roofed settlement on a natural peninsula – make it worth a visit. Lake Koman is my favourite. The ferry ride through the dramatic river gorge to reach Valbona and the starting point for the aforementioned hike was one of the highlights of my time in Albania.

There are more stunning water features around the country, including cascades and river canyons in the centre (Osumi and Begove near Berat are great), hot springs, and of course the famous Blue Eyes. All offer some much-needed reprieve in the hot summer months.

Have you been to Albania? Are there any extra travel tips for Albania you’d like to add? Leave your best advice in the comments below!

Stone buildings in Gjirokaster Old Bazaar, Albania.

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More from Albania

  • 21 awesome things to do in Albania
  • The perfect Albania itinerary
  • 22 essential travel tips for Albania
  • One day itinerary for Tirana
  • Guide to the Valbona Theth hike
  • Things to do in Gjirokaster
  • Things to do in Berat
  • Things to do in Korca
  • Best beaches in Albania
  • How to visit the Albania Blue Eyes
  • 21 best things to do in Albania
  • 22 useful travel tips for Albania
  • Where to stay in Tirana

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Albania has natural beauty in such abundance that you might wonder why it is such not a well known place or tourist attraction. In this small Mediterranean country, virgin nature and cultural mysteries come together to create a unique sense of place.  From the pure, white snow of the mountains to  the red fields of spring poppies, Albania’s landscape is ever changing with the seasons, offering visitors a warm summer beach holiday or a challenging mountain trek during the fall

Albania offers a remarkable array of unique attractions, not least due to this very isolation: ancient mountain codes of behavior, forgotten archaeological sites and villages where time seems to have stood still are all on the menu.

With its stunning mountain scenery, a thriving capital in Tirana and beaches to rival any elsewhere in the Mediterranean, Albania has become the sleeper hit of the Balkans.

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select your stay

HOTEL Akropoli

HOTEL Akropoli

Hotel Akropoli Tirana is a 3-star hotel with luggage storage and a restaurant, a 10-minute drive from shopping malls such as Skanderbeg Square in Tirana.

HOTEL Nordic

HOTEL Nordic

Hotel Nordic, a new location in the city of Tirana. With a modern architecture where you can find comfort and quality.

travel and smile albania


In the Folè residence you will find decent, comfortable, safe accommodation with high standard services and facilities as well as a lively and attractive environment for young people, safe and inclusive to live and study.

Places to visit in Albania

travel and smile albania


This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its well-preserved Ottoman architecture, cobblestone streets, and stunning hilltop castle. Visitors can explore its historic old town, traditional houses, and vibrant bazaar, immersing themselves in centuries of Albanian culture and history.

travel and smile albania

Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Berat is often called the "City of a Thousand Windows" due to its well-preserved Ottoman-era houses lining the hillside. The city's castle, mosques, churches, and museums offer a glimpse into Albania's diverse cultural heritage.

travel and smile albania

Albanian Riviera

Stretching along the Ionian Sea, the Albanian Riviera boasts pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and charming coastal villages. From bustling Sarandë to tranquil Himarë and Dhermi, visitors can enjoy sun, sea, and relaxation in this Mediterranean paradise.

travel and smile albania

This ancient city, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases ruins spanning from Hellenistic to Ottoman times. Surrounded by lush forests and overlooking the Vivari Channel, Butrint offers a unique blend of archaeology and natural beauty.

travel and smile albania

Nestled in the Albanian Alps, Theth is a picturesque mountain village renowned for its stunning landscapes, traditional stone houses, and outdoor adventures. Visitors can hike to the famous Theth Waterfall, explore nearby canyons, or simply enjoy the tranquility of nature.

travel and smile albania

Albania's cultural capital, Shkodër is home to historic sites like Rozafa Castle, as well as museums, mosques, and lively markets. Situated near Lake Shkodra, the city offers opportunities for boat rides, birdwatching, and exploring the surrounding countryside.

Still not enough?

Enhance Your Albanian Adventure: Book More Tours!

Expand your Albanian journey with additional tours to uncover hidden gems and unique experiences. From ancient ruins to stunning landscapes, there's something for everyone to discover. Explore Gjirokastër's Ottoman old town, the ruins of Butrint, or the charming village of Theth. Book now and let the adventure continue!

travel and smile albania

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  • Convenience: Dental tourism often includes travel and accommodation arrangements, making it a convenient option for those who want to combine dental treatment with a vacation.
  • Reduced waiting times: In some countries, patients can access dental treatment much faster than in their home country, which can be especially beneficial for those who require urgent or specialized care.
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To begin the journey towards optimal oral hygiene and a beautiful smile, we recommend following these steps. We provide our consultancy to you at no cost, and we would be happy to discuss your needs with you.

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As a next step we recommend scheduling a consultation with our experienced dental professionals. During the consultation, we will assess your unique needs and develop a personalized treatment plan that will help you achieve your desired results. We will answer any questions you may have and it would be our pleasure to have the opportunity to serve you.

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As part of our comprehensive service, we will assist you in planning your trip to Tirana. This includes arranging your accommodations, organizing any desired excursions within Tirana or other cities of interest, and providing additional value-added services to enhance your overall travel experience.

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Once you are content with our comprehensive proposal, itinerary, and schedule, simply prepare your luggage and book your flight, and leave the rest to us. We will take care of you from the moment you arrive in the beautiful and sunny city of Tirana.

travel and smile albania

Albania Travel Guide 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Last Updated on March 1, 2024

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

This Albania travel guide is updated every month to give you the best and most up-to-date information on travelling Albania .

Not only that but I’m also a full-time resident on the ground and run the leading Albania travel blog so you get everything from a local perspective.

As Albania’s tourism is slowly increasing the demand for information is increasing too.  Unfortunately, as tourism is still so new, it can be hard to come across factual and up-to-date information. 

For example, bus timetables can change with a click of the fingers, and the only people who would know would be the locals.

Therefore, I have created this full Albania travel guide with all the information you need if you plan to visit Albania for the first time, or the next time! 

💾 Albania is full of beautiful surprises.

I have lots of great information for you to use during your travels to Albania so make sure you bookmark this page so you can come back to it again and again.

Here’s your full Albania Travel guide!

Why should you trust my information?  I have lived in Albania since 2017, so I have a great knowledge of the dos the don’ts, the best local spots to visit and the ones you should avoid! 

Also, I have an extra local insight as my partner is Albanian.

Every month, I try to update this Albania travel guide, sometimes more often as new information comes up or as I explore new places.

If you like this Albania travel guide, then go grab a physical copy of my 170+ page comprehensive downloadable Albania guide here.  

Read more: 11 lessons I have learned from living in Albania

Where is Albania?

Great question, and one that I’m often asked when talking to foreigners outside of Albania.  Where the heck is Albania?!

Albania lies in South-Eastern Europe.  Its neighbours are Greece to the south, Montenegro to the north and Kosovo and Macedonia to the east(ish).

Albania sits on the coast of the Adriatic Sea and is home to some of the best beaches in Europe.

Some of the best beaches are found in the Albanian Riviera which stretches from the city of Vlora (Vlore in Albanian) and the popular tourist city of Saranda (Sarandë in Albanian), where I have lived for 5+ years.

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

How to get to Albania

Albania can be reached in many ways by air, bus and ferry.

Flying to Albania

There is one international airport which is Tirana International airport, also called the Rinas International Airport or Nënë Tereza.

🧳 MUST-HAVE : Before you head out on your trip, make sure you have travel insurance. My #1 recommendation is SafetyWing ! Me and thousands of other travellers use it to stay safe on the road. Click here to check it out.

There is another currently being built in Vlora but who knows if/when that will be finished.  I’ll keep you updated!

Flights in and out of Tirana can be expensive, however, Wizz Air and Ryanair have started a service which means sometimes you can grab budget-friendly flights to and from Tirana throughout the year which is great news for tourism.  Check the latest prices and availability of flights to Tirana here.

Overland from Greece

You can easily catch a bus from Athens to Saranda .  

It takes about 9 hours and costs around €35.  You can also catch a bus from Ioannina which stops at Gjirokastër from there you can catch a bus elsewhere in Albania.

I have caught this bus a dozen times.

If you take snacks and download some entertainment on your phone, it’s not that bad. They do also stop a few times for snacks, lunch and coffee so it really isn’t that bad.

Ferry from Greece

Another incredibly easy way is Corfu!  The island of Corfu is only a 25-minute ferry ride from Saranda.

The prices and times will vary depending on the season. You can find them here.

If you do decide to catch the ferry, especially in the summer, make sure you book a few days before because they can get booked fast and you may miss out.

Corfu does direct flights to a bunch of other European countries.  If I want to fly to the UK I will fly out of Corfu as EasyJet does cheap and direct flights from there!

This can be a great way to get to Albania with a quick stopover in Corfu. 

Usually, you will have to stay in Corfu the night depending on when your flight is but it’s a good excuse to explore the island as it’s very beautiful too.  Check the prices and availability of flights to Corfu here.

Read more : How to get from Corfu to Saranda

Overland from Montenegro

If you’re coming from Montenegro there are buses between Kotor and Podgorica to Shkodër and Tirana. If you want to head towards the south, you will have to change buses in Tirana.

Overland from Macedonia

There are 3 buses from Skopje to Tirana (8:10am, 8:45am and 9pm).  Please check with your accommodation that these are still the times that the bus leaves as in the Balkans bus timetables frequently change!

Overland from Kosovo

If you are coming from Kosovo there are regular buses from Pristina to Tirana.  Then if you want to visit other places around Albania you can go to the regional bus station and catch a 2nd bus to wherever you want to go.

Boat from Italy

You can catch a boat from Durres to Bari and Ancona. 

There are several crossings per week but it’s best to contact the ferries themselves as crossings and prices change from month to month.

🎟 Get access to thousands of airport lounges with ONE discounted pass. Grab your Priority pass today.

If you can weirdly transport yourself to Albania using time travel then I don’t have any information for you, but congratulations, that’s an awesome skill to have!

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Recent History of Albania

Albania’s history is beyond fascinating compared to some other countries in the world. 

From 1941 to 1992 Albania was under the strict communist regime of the leader Enver Hoxha. 

Everything was controlled, from food to housing and jobs.

Some compare it to North Korea, but only those who lived through communism will know. 

There were labour camps where political prisoners were sent if they said something that the communist leader did not like. 

The prisoners built the infrastructure that Albania sees today.

After the collapse of communism, Albania saw itself as a democracy.

Unfortunately, in 1997 the government collapsed after a dodgy pyramid scheme. 

Over 2/3rds of the population invested their life savings into this scheme which meant most people lost everything they had worked hard for all those years.

The civil unrest saw a lot of anger and violence from the citizens of Albania, many fled from the country for a better life.

The civil unrest went on for 6 months and when visiting Albania, you will see for yourself that Albania is still recovering.

There is still a lot of corruption within government sectors today. It seems every day there is a new person whose corruption has been exposed.

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Ancient history of Albania

Many only discuss communism and the civil war as the history of Albania but the real history dives way older than that. 

If you move to Albania, you will find yourself in many conversations with locals about ancient Albania and the Illyrians who many believe are older than the ancient Greeks.

There is so much that hasn’t been uncovered and publicized about Albania’s ancient history.

The ancient site of Apollonia which is in Fier and is a popular site to see if anyone who loves ancient history, is less than 5% excavated.

One of the biggest ancient graves have been found near Korca in 2018 which archaeologists believe are more than 5000 years old!

Butrint National Park is also a great UNESCO site to visit if you want to learn more about the rich history in Southern Albania.

Read more: 5 Best Albania UNESCO Sites to Visit

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Language of Albania

Shqip is one of the most fascinating languages I have come across and one of the hardest to learn (in my eyes!).  It’s an Indo-European language that relates to no other language in the world, it has its own roots.

The North and South speak different dialects.  In the south they speak Tosk, and, in the north, they speak Gheg.

Usually, the two different parts can understand each other a little. 

I found myself in a hostel in Kosovo with a girl from the north and a girl from the south and they were speaking English together because they could not speak Albanian together!

The younger generation in Albania mostly knows some English as they are taught in school.  The older generation you will find speak none such as the adorable Albanian grandmothers.

You don’t have to worry about the language barrier when you travel to Albania as you can always get past it with some English and sign language.

If you really want to impress the locals when you come to Albania it’s a great idea to learn a few words.  Albanian people love it when people try and speak the Albanian language. 

It’s always met with a smile and a little giggle.

  • Pershentdejte – Hello
  • Faleminderit – Thank you
  • Gazuar – Cheers or Salut!

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Capital of Albania

The capital of Albania is Tirana. 

There’s a lot to see and do in Tirana and it’s fast becoming a tourist mecca of trendy cafes and bars and a great place to learn about the recent history of Albania.

I have a full Albania travel guide on the best things to do in Tirana as well as my recommendations on restaurants and hotels below.

The capital city is a great place to base yourself while doing the odd day trip around the local area because there’s SO much to see in this part of the country. Click here to read about the best daytrips from Tirana.

Read more: 19 best things to do in Tirana

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

When should I visit Albania?

I have a full article on the best times to visit Albania below. 

My favourite time is spring because in the south especially, the beach bars start to open, the sun is out and in full swing, and it’s just a little quiet.

Plus if you’re on a budget, then this is a great time before the prices rise in the summer.

Albania has the ol’ Mediterranean climate so during the summer it can get very hot and dry.

Below I go into detail on the pros and cons of travelling at any time of the year.

Read more: The best time to visit Albania

Travel insurance in Albania

If you’re going to travel in Albania, I personally would look into SafetyWing Travel Insurance, you can read more about it here .   They have two great plans whether you are on a budget or want a more comprehensive insurance plan. 

No matter where in the world you are from, or where you are going, they can hook you up with the best deal!

➡ Get an instant travel insurance quote here

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Albania Holidays and celebrations

1st January – New Year’s:   As Albanians generally don’t celebrate Christmas like elsewhere in Europe and other parts of the world, they go all out for New Year’s!

They usually gift presents and see the New Year in with their family then go out and party until the sun rises.

Apparently, this tradition came from communism as all religion was outlawed and the only holiday that isn’t religious is New Year’s.  So, because of that, Albanians only could celebrate one holiday a year.

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14th March – Dita e Verës (Summer Day): This is one of my favourite days in Albania, as it’s the start of spring, is always a great day!

This is the biggest pagan holiday and an important holiday for Albanians and throughout the Balkans.  It celebrates the first day of the Albanian ancient calendar as well as the end of winter and the start of summer and the rejuvenation of nature.

If you want to celebrate this day then head to Elbasan.  Here is the centre of celebrations with concerts and festivities for the day. People also make and eat ballakume – a sweet cookie.

You will notice people wearing a 2-string red and white bracelet named ‘verore’ which many start to wear March 1st.  After dita e vere is over they then tie the bracelet to a tree for good luck.

28th November – Flag and Independence Day: This is the day that Albania declared its independence from The Ottoman empire.  It was proclaimed in Vlore in 1912.

Only 6 days later the first government of Albania was created and led by Ismail Qemali.

A prominent moment was when Ismail waved the first flag of independent Albania from the balcony of the assembly of Vlora.  This flag was inspired by Skanderbeg’s (a national hero) flag which had been used 400 years beforehand.

29th November – Liberation Day: The day after Independence Day Albanians also celebrate liberation day.

This day celebrates when the country was liberated from Nazi Germany during World War 2.

25th December – Christmas Day: Albanians don’t celebrate Christmas day like other countries.  New Year is more celebrated.

On Christmas day all the shops run as normal and the day continues like any other day.  However, New Year’s is a different story.

Read more: Festivals in Albania

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Prices in Albania

Albania is an incredibly affordable destination.  This is the reason why many choose Albania as their holiday destination.

You can grab a beer for about €1-2 and a meal between €5-10.  A hostel bed with breakfast and a beer can cost as low as €10 and a hotel room for around €20-50.

There are many great options for all budgets, whether you’re a backpacker and want to stay in the best hostels , are in the mid-range and want nice hotels that don’t break the bank or prefer a more luxurious holiday within these must-stay luxury Albania hotels .

If you want more of an adventure and plan to hike around the country, here are the top campsites in Albania to stay in!

If you are thinking of a more permanent move then you check out my article where I go through the prices of renting, food and utilities.

It’s also helpful if you are just visiting as it gives you an idea of what you should pay for different things.

Read more : Cost of Living in Albania

Read more: Getting a long-term visa in Albania

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Best places to stay in Albania

There are several accommodation options for travellers coming to Albania. 

In each of my destination Albania travel guide, I recommend the best places to stay in that city or town.

You can book easily through Booking. 

Here are some quick links to destination, hotel and activity guides that will be helpful during your stay in Albania:

Tirana travel guides

  • The Most Incredible Hotels in Tirana
  • 15 best bars in Tirana to check out
  • 16 best restaurants in Tirana
  • Top 12 day trips from Tirana to try

Saranda travel guides

  • 20 Incredible Hotels in Saranda
  • Best things to do in Saranda
  • Best restaurants in Saranda

Ksamil travel guides

  • 17 best Ksamil beaches to visit
  • 10 best hotels in Ksamil

Berat travel guides

  • 12 hotels in Berat to stay in

Northern Albania travel guides

  • Things to do in Theth, Albania – Home to the famous Albanian Alps
  • Kruja Guide
  • Cape of Rodon (Durres) Guide

Southern Albania travel guides

  • Best things to do in Gjirokaster
  • 7 best hotels in Dhermi to stay in
  • Qeparo Guide
  • Himara Guide
  • 13 Amazing Things to do in Korca, Albania
  • 8 Things to do in Permet, Albania – Full Travel Guide
  • Ali Pasha Castle (Butrint)
  • Visiting the Beautiful Blue Eye, Albania (Syri i Kalter)

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

What it’s like to travel to Albania

Travelling in Albania is something you may have never expected. 

Many expect Albania to be dangerous, not friendly and ugly but people are surprised that none of those is true.

Albania is safe for tourists.

The Albanians are some of the friendliest and most welcoming locals in the world.  They will treat you like one of their own.

Albania is far from ugly. The pristine beaches, mountains and people confirm that. Albania tourism is thriving!

When you travel to Albania, you shouldn’t plan too far ahead.  Everything is flexible, from bus timetables to itineraries.

I would suggest having a rough plan but the option to be a little flexible with it.

Read more: 35 Unique Things to do in Albania

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Where to go in Albania

Albania is full of scenic, historic and interesting places to visit. 

You can see the article below which goes into detail of the best places to visit including tourist and local spots which most tourists don’t even know about.

  • Read more: 24 Incredibly beautiful places to visit in Albania
  • Read more: 10 incredible cities to visit in Albania
  • Read more: Theth- Valbona hike: Best hike in Albania!
  • Read more: 14 most must-visit castles in Albania
  • Read more: 5 best hikes in Albania

The best beaches in Albania

My favourite part of Albania are the beaches.  It’s what made me fall in love with Albania in the first place.

I have tried and tested just about all the beaches in Albania and all the beaches located within the Albanian Riviera .

Below you can check out the ones I recommend visiting.

Read more: 17 of the most beautiful beaches in Albania

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Holiday Itineraries for Albania

Below you can read how to spend 1 week in Albania and how to spend 10 days exploring the country! You can get more holiday itineraries in Albania by purchasing my itinerary pack here.

Read more: How to spend 1 week in Albania

Read more: South Albania Itinerary: 10 Days in the Albanian Riviera!

What to pack for Albania

If you’re stuck on what to pack for your trip to Albania, check out my Albania packing list before you start jetting off on your holiday!

Otherwise read below for my must-have top picks for any holiday.

🧳 Anita’s Packing Must-Haves: Don’t leave home without these must-haves in your suitcase!

1️⃣ Travel sandals: Burkens are my must-have travel sandals that are durable, comfortable and you can wear them with every outfit 🩴 Click here to grab them.

2️⃣ Priority Pass: Get access to hundreds of airport lounges worldwide for the price of ONE discounted pass. 🎟️ *ahem* My favourite part may or may not be the free food and champagne 🤣 Click here to get your pass .

3️⃣ Power bank: I don’t travel anywhere these days without a power bank. This helps me keep my phone charged at all times to keep watching Below Deck whilst travelling ⛵️. Click here for my favourite one .

4️⃣ Sony A7iii : I’ve used this camera since 2019 so nearly every photo you see on this website was taken with the help of this exact camera 📸. It’s truly THE best camera I’ve had. Click here to check it out.

5️⃣ Lifestraw Water Bottle : Skip paying for bottled water and instead get a Lifestraw Bottle that you can refill anytime anywhere! 💦 It transforms dirty water into safe drinking water by removing bacteria and parasites with its filtration system inside the bottle. Plus for every product purchased, a school child receives safe water for a year . Click here to grab yours .

Facts about Albania

There are many interesting things to learn about Albania. 

I have included them all in the article below.  Click to check them out!

Read more: Facts about Albania

Health and safety in Albania

Is Albania safe?  This is such a popular question and one of my most viewed articles on Albania answers just that and goes into detail (read below).

Yes, Albania is a safe country to travel whether you’re a family, couple or a solo traveller (female and male).  Petty crime like pickpocketing is non-existent.

You will notice that Albanians have the best hospitality, maybe in the world!  Everyone is very helpful and if you’re very stuck in a situation there will most likely always be someone to help you.

If any other Albania travel guide tells you otherwise, they’re wrong!

The only thing you have to watch out for is taxi drivers as most of the time they will try and charge you 2 or 3x the regular price.

Read more: Is Albania safe?

Wi-Fi in Albania and getting a sim card

Believe it or not, I have found Albania to have better Wi-Fi than in New Zealand. It’s fast and reliable.

As I now live in Albania, I have a Wi-Fi router which was free to set up and cost me 2000 lek per month.  Most accommodation options and restaurants will have Wi-Fi.

If you would like to get a sim card you can do so at any of the Vodafone shops around.  There’s one at the airport if you fly into Tirana. 

They will get you set up on a local sim fast and easily.

For under €10 you can get 5MB of data and I have found that you will most likely get another 5MB free!

Can you drink the water in Albania?

I wouldn’t recommend drinking the water in Albania.  The water throughout the country has high levels of chloride and heavy metals. 

I used to drink the water myself but noticed after a couple of months I started to experience bad stomach pains. 

Then, I found that none of the locals drink the water, that’s when you know to not drink it!

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Cultural norms in Albania

Staring: In Albania, it’s totally normal and encouraged to stare.  You may find at the start it might be a bit uncomfortable, but you will have to get used to it!

I have had old men stop in the middle of the street to just stare at me.  Nowadays I just try and laugh and give a good old stare back!

Expressing: Albanians are very expressive.  They love to move their hands when they talk.

Albanians are also very loud.  Most of the time they are just having a conversation but sound like they are arguing.

The headshake: In some parts of Albania, they will shake their head side to side for a yes and up and down for a no.

They also shake their head side to side when they are listening in a conversation.  It can get very confusing, especially if you’re asking a question and the answer is yes but their head is saying something else.

Grunting: Upon my observations, while living in Albania, I have noticed that Albanians grunt a lot.

In fact, I have listened to a whole conversation once with just grunting and noises instead of words.  Super interesting.

Communication: If you want to know about how your weight is doing, ask an Albanian.  Don’t be offended if Albanians say that you look thin or fat.

Weight is not something that’s a taboo subject to them.  I still struggle with this if I’m honest.  Although, when I’m having a skinny day, it’s the best confidence boost.

Dress:   you’re welcome to wear whatever you like during your time in Albania.  The women make a big effort when it comes to dressing up.

They love to wear big high heels and dresses that I would only wear once in my lifetime, to the local club.  I always feel underdressed at a club or sometimes even walking down the street.

The older men usually wear suits, yes suits!  Just for having a coffee!  Pretty impressive huh.

You may notice that most of the older women in Albania are wearing all black. There is a reason for this.  This is to pay respects to loved ones that have passed.  They usually wear this for as long as 10-20 years after that person has passed away.

Greetings: Albanians will usually greet you with a kiss on each cheek or a handshake.

When older women greet younger women, you will normally get a million kisses, a pinch on the cheek and squeezed until you can’t breathe.

Dating:  Some families still arrange marriage but nowadays this not common at all.  Sometimes the family will be open to their son/daughter dating a foreigner.  I have only heard from one girl I met that it was a problem for her, and she wasn’t accepted into the family.

From personal experience, I have an Albanian boyfriend and his family have welcomed me like I’m their daughter.

However, dating is not really something that Albanians do.  But saying that, if you’re looking for an Albanian boyfriend you will easily find one.

If a single man goes out with a single woman, it’s usually considered that they are together.

So, ladies, if you do go to dinner with a man make it clear that you want to get to know each other and going for dinner doesn’t mean you’re boyfriend and girlfriend.

Men generally don’t like women who have dated many other men in that city/town too.

Albanian men will do anything for their girls and can usually be quite possessive.  They will get jealous easily if you do have guy friends.  Don’t take offence to this though, it just means they care and they will openly tell you that.

Gender roles:   Albanian women generally look after the house and the men work for the family.

This is how most families work in Albania but today it’s now common for women to be working too.  Gender roles are still very much prominent in Albanian society.

As unemployment in Albania is very high, a lot of men will sit in coffee shops for much of the day.

Albanian flexy time:  If someone says to meet at a particular time it usually means at least half an hour after that.  It’s considered polite to be late.

Even Dr/dentist appointments are merely suggestions.  No wonder nothing gets done in Albania quickly.

Albanians don’t like commitment so arranging things ahead of time probably won’t end well.

Superstitions in Albania

I’m currently constructing an article on Albanian beliefs.  In the south, there are many things that Albanians believe in.  For example:

  • If you have finished a glass of raki and you order another, the waiter will pour the raki into the cup you are already using.  They will never give you a new cup.  This is because if you change the cup, you can lovers!
  • You may notice stuffed toys hanging outside houses/apartments.  This is to ward off bad spirits.

Corruption in Albania

I try to be very honest in this Albania travel guide when it comes to corruption. Unfortunately, corruption in Albania is still alive and well. 

It’s not something that you really have to think about unless you do something that’s illegal. 

Corruption is slowing down though if you compare it to five years ago, or maybe it’s that you just can’t see it as obvious anymore.

Things are slowly changing for the better.

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Driving in Albania

If you visit Albania it can be a great idea to hire a car in Albania . That way you will see more of the country and get to stop at all the great hidden spots most tourists would completely miss.

🤫 Insider Tip: The best way to explore Iceland and get off the beaten track is to hire a rental car and explore the area 🚗 Our #1 recommendation is Discover Cars which caters to over 145+ countries around the world. Click here to get an instant quote .

When it comes to driving in Albania, it should come with caution as signs and road laws seem to be merely suggestions for Albanians.

Speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, overtaking on blind corners etc is very common. 

When driving in Albania always drive with caution and beware of all sides of the car as people can and will overtake you without your knowledge.

You MUST put your lights on when driving in Albania. 

There is a law that states it.  Whether the law is followed through, that’s another story.  Better to leave them on than not.

Another thing that they are very tough on is always carrying your drivers’ license. 

Albanians can be put straight into jail if they don’t have their license on them when an officer asks.  This applies to foreigners.

I have had friends who didn’t have their licences on them and it was a horrible experience.  There was a lot of shouting, taken ‘hostage’ in a police station and a huge hassle! 

So please, always carry your licence.

Read more: How to Hire a Car in Albania

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

Religion in Albania

Talk to just about any Albanian and they will tell you that religion doesn’t matter.  They don’t care what you believe in, it’s your choice.

Albania is a Christian country, then after the Ottoman empire, it became predominately Muslim. 

However, during communism, all religion was banned so it became the first atheist country. 

Nowadays many online articles say that the Albanian population is predominantly Muslim, which is somewhat untrue.

If you do come across someone who is a Muslim you probably won’t even notice because pork is eaten, alcohol is drunken, and no one follows any sort of rules.

Drone flying in Albania

You can fly your drone everywhere except near Tirana airport of course and military spaces. 

As of now, there are no laws on drone flying in Albania.

There was speculation that there was, but my partner has personally checked with officials and you can fly anywhere that’s not airspace.

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!


I have a full article on transportation below!  The most popular way of getting around is by public transportation which only consists of busses.

You can also hire a car if you feel comfortable enough to drive.

Backpackers quite often hitchhike through the country which is completely safe.  Albanians often hitchhike themselves so it’s very common.

Read more: Getting around Albania

Read more: Albania bus timetables

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

What to eat in Albania

There are many delicious foods you should try during your time in Albania.  Albanian cuisine is fresh, healthy and very delicious.

They use a lot of olive oil, white (feta) cheese and eat lots of fruit. 

Albania also does great Italian food. Many Albanians moved to Italy after communism and the civil war, and brought back their skills of Italian pizza and pasta. 

Greek food is also readily available.

In the south and along the coast of Albania they eat a lot of seafood.

What I love about Albanian food is that everything is fresh and comes from the local garden, so you always feel full and amazing after a meal!

Read more: 39 Delicious Albanian Dishes to Try!

Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

What to drink in Albania

Raki is the national drink.  It’s an alcoholic spirit which can be between 20-80% and the dangerous thing is, you never really know how strong it is.

Many families brew their own raki.  You will see old men with their glass of raki with their morning coffee.  They use it for health and to ‘keep strong’.

They also use raki in hospitals as a serializer for wounds. 

If you have a cough or cold, someone will probably recommend that you drink Raki.

Albania also has its own beer.  There’s one called Korca and one called Elbar.

There are also some delicious Albanian wine and great wineries to visit in Albania. 

There are 3 around the town of Berat.  My favourite is Çobo.  You can go there for a tasting and for €14 taste 4 wines and a little food platter with olives, cheeses and bread!

Join my travelling Albania Facebook group!

I have created a group on Facebook called ‘Travelling Albania’.  It’s a great group where we help each other with any questions you may have about travelling or living in Albania.  Make sure you join below!

🌍 Join the Facebook group here

If there’s something else that you didn’t find in this Albania travel guide then let me know in the comments so I can be sure to add it!

I try to create as much new and valuable content for this Albania blog as possible.

Other Albanian articles you will love:

  • How to Find an Apartment to Rent in Saranda, Albania
  • 17 best Albanian souvenirs to buy
  • Travel Albania: 15 Beautiful Photos of Albania
  • Reasons Why I Love Albania
  • 9 Reasons Why You Need To Visit Albania
  • Backpacking Through the Balkans: From Bosnia to Albania

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Albania Travel Guide for First Timers: Everything You Need to Know!

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The Comments

Great article. I have Albanian friends .I have always been interested in visiting Albania. In depth guide!

Anita Hendrieka

Thank you for reading! 🙂

Thank you for all your insight into Albania! You are living the dream! I find myself drawn to this area of the world more and more.

Question: my partner and I will be in Athens in May and would like to travel along the coast north. I appreciated your post about taking the bus to Sarande (and this one about renting a car in the Albania). Have you ever seen/heard of the possibility of renting a car to drive from Athens/Sarande through Montenegro to Croatia? Thanks!

Hi there! Thanks for a great and informative read. I’m also a fellow kiwi and my partner and I are about to cross from Corfu to Albania! I was curious as to where this new market is in Tirana you spoke of? Google maps hasn’t provided me much insight. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

Hey Georgie, the market is called ‘Pazari i Ri’ in Albanian 🙂

I have a question I hope you’ll be able to answer. I’m visiting Albania this August with my boyfriend. We plan on backpacking through the country. I’ve read and heard that Albanian people tend to be quite racist towards black people. My boyfriend is black so this concerns me. Can you tell me more about racism in Albania?

Thanks in advance!

Hey Maxime, Thanks for your comment! I’m glad that you have chosen Albania as your holiday destination. To be completely honest, I have heard both positive and negative stories about racism in Albania. As I don’t have any personal experience myself I don’t think I am equipment to answer that question, but I highly recommend joining my Facebook group ‘travelling Albania’ and asking in the forum as there might be people in there who have had some personal experiences! 🙂

Thanks for your reply! I can’t seem to find your facebook group. Can you maybe post the link? Thank you!

Hey Maxime, you can find it here:

Ingrid Danielsson

Hello! I travel to Albania all the time since I know a lot of Albanian people there. So very very much to explore and I do that both with my Albanian friends and with Swedish tourists who I bring to share it with. I should say that the water is very clean and the best possible to drink, at least in the northern regions like Dibra and Tropoja. You can fill your bottle with cold fresh water directly from the mountains at a lot of places along the road, even around Gjirokastër in the south. Also when you buy coffee you often get a glass of water. Don´t be afraid to drink that! I guess only in the biggest cities you should be better off buying your water, which is very cheap but sadly do contribute to the plastic bottle consumption.

Hey Ingrid, yes you’re right! If you can get water straight from the mountain then it’s amazing! Unfortunately nearly all over Albania, it’s not advised to drink water from the tap. There have been tests done in Tirana and Saranda by people I know and they have come back unsafe to drink. I try to get water from the local spring just of Saranda but unfortunately, I do have to buy most of my water when I can’t get there 🙁 Hopefully, Albania can provide fresh drinking water from the tap for their citizens soon!

In my native town Tepelena, we drink from the tap, is good.

Amber Richards

Albania is such an amazing country and often underrated! I’ve been there twice and will go again as soon as I can – great places!

Hi Anita – thanks for the wonderful guide. Regarding driving, is it expected to have an international driving permit, or a regular drivers license (in my case the US) okay?

Trying to avoid a situation like the one you mentioned!

Hey Shawn, yes as you are from the US you will need an international drivers license. You can only use your own license if you are from the EU 🙂

Anita, thank you, thank you, thank you! Your guide is helping me a lot!! The information is very valuable. Next week I’ll be there, yuhu!

Hey!! Major thanks for this guide! You helped me a lot!! Although, I always thought Kukër airport is international too, no?

Yes, there is but as far as I know they do not do commercial international flights. I read somewhere that they might start opening it to some low-cost airlines in autumn 2019

Thomas Mills

Hello, thank you for this wealth of information! I have been fascinated with Albania for years. However, I need your advice, I am in Croatia now, looking into traveling through Albania. But I am concerned about road conditions, and running buses, especially after the recent earthquake. Would you advise me to try this trip, or avoid it for the time being? Thank you for your time and consideration! Tom

Hello, thank you for your amazing experience. I will have a 4 day trip to Albania this November and i intend to visit Tirana and Theth. Do you think its a suitable time to enjoy scenery in Theth ? as i am a natural lover, i would love to explore this beautiful place.

Hey there, depending on when in November you visit it will be constant rain or there may be even snow so I’m not sure it is the best time to visit

Hello! Thanks for the inspiring stories! I do not find any information about grave and burial culture. In each of the countries I visit, I’m visited a some cemetery. I find it interesting to know about other different traditions. What would you recommend to visit? Best regards!

Hi FAB information thanks for the Blog after reading it really looks and sounds perfect. I have just started my nomad journey this year but stuck in two countries due to awful Covid situation. Albania sounds perfect. Being EU citizen I have read up on the 1 year temporary residence visa which I may apply during my 90 days. Please can you please advise as some requirements are not fully detailed on the government webpage. 1. Do I need my birth certificate? (as this would take me long time to arrange) or only passport? 2. I note I need a medical certificate from Armenian Hospital, I am unable to find the full listed details of the tests. What does the health examination entail please? Is it just general health check or a full health screening blood work (what tests) , X Ray etc. 3. Is it easy to obtain / register for a tax number? 4. Would I need to start a business LLC in country, to provide support in my application? (even though my online work is still fledgling as I live on savings and rental income) 5. How long does the process take, normally I am plan to travel early January Thank you very much jo

I would like to visit Albania for the first time as a digital nomad but I’ve heard that there are frequent power cuts. Is that true?

Your blog is a treasure! Thank you so so much. I’m hoping to travel to Albania at the end of this May. Any recommendations on traveling to Albania during the pandemic? Thank you so much!

Hey! Thanks for the lovely comment 🙂 I just published a new post about the situation here: Hopefully that helps!

Dear Anita, Thanks for all the information about Albania, knowing the conuntry sounds amazing! My wife and I want to spend 3 weeks all around the country in July, focusing on the beaches, but I am afraid about the influx of people and covid precautions on them. As you live there, how full use to be the albanian riviera beaches during July? We would appreciate too your recommendation on “special beach places”.

Thanks in advance, Warm regards!

Swarup Kumar

Read your blog with interest Can you advise some acco near prespa lake Not in Podugorce Or a trip for 3 days from kasmil to Prespa Thank you swarup Kumar

Hi Anita, I just found your blog and am very impressed so far. I find myself with the unexpected opportunity of staying in Finiq near Saranda for a while, and wanted to check in to see whether you have done any posts about crafts and artisans in Saranda and surrounding areas, or at least any coverage of souvenirs unique to the area or wider Albania? My primary interest is in the ethnographic and photographic documentation of traditional skills, so I am researching what potential there may be. Also, can you advise me on the importation and use of drones in Albania, and whether places such as Butrint need permits or advance permission? Thanks!

Louise Phillips

Your travel guide to Albania looks amazing. My friend and I are thinking of going to Albania, we are both in our 70’s but are fit and like travelling. Can I pick up a hard copy of your guide in UK? I can see Amazon sell it in the US but cannot find it in Britain? Thanks Louise

Wow! What a fantastic resource, thank you! I’m a travel writer in Canada, and we’re heading to Albania in autumn – can’t wait to put your advice into practice.

An absolutely fabulous article. Thanks.

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Date of experience : 16 March 2024

Excellent dental work

Hi Im Joseph from Ireland. Im 63 and not long back from finishing my treatment with Travel and Smile. Excellent Surgeon. Excellent team around him. Excellent English. Excellent work. Excellent Prices. They care about patients health.I trusted the Surgeon as soon as he gave me his advice on treatment needed.Special hi to Rose. Book and go you will not be disapointed

Date of experience : 12 April 2023

A lady called Rose customer care

A woman called Rose needs to understand that her customer service was so bad . If you decide you don’t what any of their services they will just dump you . I agreed with a £3200 holywood smile but they tried to sell me a procedure that would of cost me over £6000 and 3 visits

Date of experience : 30 September 2023

Exceptional experience …

I am so happy with my dental treatment I’ve had in this dental clinic in Albania. Made me feel as at home, the dentists are perfectionists and the staff are really friendly and can’t do enough for you. Came here alone and I can guarantee that this country is very safe. I can highly recommend them

Date of experience : 12 September 2023


My experience at Travel and Smile dental clinic was very good and more than I expected. The staff is really helpful and they explained me thoroughly, I would highly recommend this clinic to whatever needs you have for teeth

Date of experience : 03 October 2023

Very pleasant experience

I found Travel and Smile dental clinic through internet and came here from Manchester to get my teeth done. I had a very good experience, good communication, excellent staff of doctors, very good surgeon, exceptional hygiene and Rose was exceptional with the organization of my flights and staying here. Minimal discomfort for a little while because I got a small mouth😁 but everything went ok and they were very patient to me and explained everything and put me on ease. I would highly recommend them to anybody and can't wait to come back to have all finished.

Date of experience : 16 September 2023

Delighted !

It has been a week now since I returned with my new Implants/teeth. I'm learning that it's OK the smile again after so long. The experience is one that was helped by the team at 'Travel & Smile' being so attentive to my needs. Everything is bespoke. From the 1st 3D scan when their team gather around the screens & work-out the best course of action to take. And then on through to the conclusion with an astonishing result. I never felt like I was on a conveyor belt far from it. I can quite honestly say that 'I was diligently cared for' In what is/was a very potentially stressful time. Maybe most people there had been putting off this experience for way to long for their own good I know I did. Life changing ! In a good way & in the right hands with these guys. I went on a recommendation of a friend that had also used them & was singing their praise or else I wouldn't have acted. Let's face it. It's never going to be easy 'the dentist' but with the right team it's SO much better. And 'flight, hotel, airport pick-ups' made it all seamlessly easy. Just a couple of chats on the phone & it was all set. All my friends & family love my new bright smile Bless you guys Thank you Anthony

Date of experience : 21 July 2022


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