Tor des Géants 2024 results: François D’Haene and Katharina Hartmuth the giants of TOR330

Endure 24

François D’Haene became just the second Frenchman in 15 years to win the overall title in the feature TOR330 at the Tor des Géants.

D’Haene jointly holds the record with ultrarunning GOAT Kilian Jornet as a four-time men’s winner of UTMB, trail running’s biggest event.

But this was his first appearance in the 330km race in the Italian Alps which features over 24,000 metres of climbing and over three days and three nights, it threw almost every sort of weather at the runners – rain, wind and even snow.

The men’s race was close for much of the time before D’Haene made the decisive move – nine years after Patrick Bohard became the first Frenchman to win.

D’Haene crossed the finish line in Courmayeur at 7:08am with a final time of 69 hours, eight minutes and 32 seconds.

But in the women’s standings it was one-way traffic throughout as Switzerland’s Katharina Hartmuth claimed a record-breaking win – and finished seventh overall.

She clocked an incredible time of 79:10:40, the first woman to finish the TOR330 in less than 80 hours.

Men’s race

For much of the time it turned into an absorbing battle between Frenchmen – first of all it looked to be between Louis Calais and D’Haene, though Martin Perrier (SUI) had been in touch towards the end of day one.

Around this time American star John Kelly’s frustrating record in the race had been extended as he was a DNF .

Through the second night and Calais maintained a relatively slim advantage of around an hour on D’Haene.

But there was a strong move behind as Beñat Marmissolle (FRA), after sleeping almost five hours at the Rifugio Barma, went out in the night and powered his way from ninth to third.

Perrier had dropped back by this point, with Andrea Macchi (ITA) and Britain’s Damian Hall in fourth and fifth respectively, positions they would occupy at the finish – where the latter would make a protest against Ford being a partner of the race .

But who would reach Courmayeur first?

The decisive move came at Ollomont, when D’Haene pulled off an overtake on Calais that had seemed unthinkable just a few hours earlier.

And soon after sunrise on Wednesday he became the new King of the TOR, at Col du Malatrà, the Paradise’s Gate, while Calais started to struggle and began to drop down the field.

François D'Haene crosses the finish line at the Tor des Geants  [Photo credit: Tor des Géants press office | Alessandro Zambianchi - Zzam Agency]

Just over four hours later at 11.10am, it was Marmissolle would follow D’Haene across the line to take second place.

“I am really thrilled to have finished this race and to have done so with a victory, which I never thought possible,” D’Haene said at the finish line.

“I was happy to experience it with my family and friends who supported me. Finishing the Tor des Géants makes you forget the pain, though I still need to recover before thinking about coming back.

“I slept only one hour in total, and the hardest moment was Sunday night with the snow at Col Loson, but the best was yesterday morning with the Matterhorn in the background.”

Women’s race

Hartmuth was the first woman throughout – and on record pace from the outset too.

She was hours ahead of Sabrina Verjee (GBR), the previous record holder, in second, with Claire Bannwarth (FRA) third.

Katharina crossed the finish line on Wednesday evening in 79:10:40. No woman had ever finished the TOR330 in less than 80 hours.

Verjee came very close in 2022 when she stopped the clock at 80:19:38, a performance that surprised everyone given the previous record was five hours slower. Verjee was second to Hartmuth this year in 84:03:21.   Hartmuth said afterwards: “Last year, I knew I wouldn’t finish the race. This year, the goal was just to finish the race, and I definitely didn’t expect this result.

“I knew the Tor des Géants would be tough, but it’s also beautiful. It was a race on my list, a dream, and I often told myself, ‘You’re living a dream.’ It was my first race lasting more than one night, and I managed to sleep only 45 minutes last night.”

Katharina Hartmuth at the Tor des Géants [Photo credit: Tor des Géants press office | Stefano Coletta - Zzam Agency]

With the arrival of Claire Bannwarth in Courmayeur at 11.02pm on Wednesday, the women’s podium of the TOR330 was complete.

Tor des Géants TOR330 results 2024

Sunday 8 – Wednesday 11 September 2024, 330km

  • 1. François D’Haene (FRA) – 69:08:32
  • 2. Beñat Marmissolle (FRA) – 73:10:18
  • 3. Martin Perrier (SUI) – 75:35:59
  • 4. Andrea Macchi (ITA) – 76:43:09
  • 5. Damian Hall (GBR) – 76:49:20
  • 1. Katharina Hartmuth (SUI) – 79:10:40
  • 2. Sabrina Verjee (GBR) – 84:03:21
  • 3. Claire Bannwarth (FRA) – 85:02:47
  • 4. Lisa Borzani (ITA) – 92:09:34
  • 5. Natalie Taylor (GBR) – 95:15:03

Jonathan Turner


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François D'Haene remporte le Tor des Géants (330 km)

François D'Haene à l'arrivée. (Instagram@francois_dhaene)

Le Français François D'Haene s'est brillamment imposé ce mercredi en Italie, après trois jours de course, sur le Tor des Géants, course folle de 330 km (24 000 m D+) .

De retour sur le devant de la scène depuis un an très exactement, François D'Haene vient de signer une énorme performance en s'imposant ce mercredi matin sur le Tor des Géants. Cet ultra-trail atypique, avec son périple fou de 330 km autour de la vallée d'Aoste en Italie et ses plus de 24 000 m D+, est un défi terrible qui s'étale sur plusieurs jours.

Le Français, quatre fois vainqueur de l'UTMB Mont Blanc (2012, 2014, 2017 et 2021) et autant de fois de la Diagonale des Fous (2013, 2014, 2016 et 2018), vient de prouver qu'il avait recouvré tous ses moyens. À peine remis d'une triple fracture malléolaire, il s'était de suite challengé en octobre sur la Diagonale des Fous (8e place au prix d'efforts éprouvants), avant de se frotter à la Hardrock 100 dans le Colorado en juillet (abandon).

Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par François D'Haene (@francois_dhaene)

D'Haene s'est lancé dans le Tor des Géants car il a ressenti un besoin d'aventure très fort . Il s'est minutieusement préparé depuis mi-juillet pour ce challenge hors norme. Parti dimanche matin de Courmayeur, il a longtemps été deuxième mais il a pris les commandes de la course lors du dernier tiers.

Après avoir été accusé lundi de tricherie par Martin Perrier (toujours en course) pour avoir soi-disant reçu l'aide des pacers (qui n'étaient en fait que son équipe de communication afin de produire des images), l'ultra-trailer d'Arêches-Beaufort a tenu bon et a franchi la ligne d'arrivée, toujours à Courmayeur, ce mercredi à 7h08, avec un chrono de 69h8'32''.

« Une première participation avec une victoire c'est juste fabuleux »

François D'Haene

«  J'ai bien mal aux jambes là, à confié D'Haene à son arrivée. Mais, à la fin, on ne sent plus trop la douleur, on est heureux d'arriver, de boucler la boucle. Je suis vraiment très content de finaliser cette aventure qui me tentait depuis trois ans. Une première participation avec une victoire c'est juste fabuleux. Je ne pensais pas pouvoir l'emporter. J'avais vraiment envie de le terminer ce Tor, donc la victoire c'est la cerise sur le gâteau. Et je l'ai fait avec ma famille qui m'a fait l'assistance tout le long, et ça c'était très agréable. »

Lors du finish, il a embrassé sa femme Carline, qui l'a assisté tout au long de la course, avant de boire quelques gouttes de champagne bien méritées. Son ami Jim Walmsley, victorieux de l'UTMB 2023, était là aussi à l'arrivée pour le féliciter.

Un autre Français, Benat Marmissolle, a fini à la 2e place. Le Basque, bien connu pour avoir remporté la Diagonale des Fous 2022, a mis 73h10'18. L'incroyable Claire Bannwarth a pris une belle 11e au scratch, elle est troisième féminine avec un temps de 85h02'47.

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France’s François D’Haene wins Tor des Géants despite cheating allegations

Race champion d'haene was accused of cheating in a handwritten letter by eventual third-place finisher martin perrier.

Francois D'Haene

On Wednesday, France’s François D’Haene , renowned ultrarunner and four-time UTMB champion, claimed his first-ever victory at the 330-km Tor des Géants (TOR330) in the Italian Alps. The demanding course, boasting 24,000 metres of elevation gain over 200 miles, was tough enough—but D’Haene also faced an unexpected challenge. About 250 km into the race, he was hit with a handwritten accusation of cheating from Switzerland’s Martin Perrier , the eventual third-place finisher. Despite the drama, D’Haene powered through to secure the win, becoming only the second French athlete in the race’s 15-year history to take home the title in 69 hours, eight minutes and 32 seconds.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by François D’Haene (@francois_dhaene)

Tor des Géants is regarded as one of the most difficult races in the world, challenging athletes with an unrelenting combination of extreme distances, high altitudes and harsh conditions; competitors face the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest nearly three times during the course of the event, which lasts 150 hours (a little over six days).

The men’s race saw intense competition early on, with D’Haene facing off against countryman Louis Calais , who held the lead for much of the first two days, and Swiss runner Perrier also in the mix. As the race wore on, Calais began to fade, with D’Haene overtaking Calais on the second night, securing his win. France’s Beñat Marmissolle followed D’Haene in, capturing second in 73:10:18.

Only at #TorDesGeants ! 😂 Apparently the sixth place male has accused @francoisdhaene of cheating (having a pacer) during the race, and took time out of his race to HANDWRITE FRANCOIS A LETTER and had it delivered to Francois, on course telling him he’s going to report him😂🤣 — Liam (@aidstationfireb) September 11, 2024

As per D’Haene’s social media , he received a threat in the middle of the race from Perrier, who at the time was in sixth place. “To our great surprise, François was handed a threatening handwritten letter on the way to the race,” the post, shared to D’Haene’s Instagram stories, read. The accusatory note by Perrier read: “I have proof that you have pacers. If you don’t quit by midnight, I’ll release photos proving it.”

Ok, on a carrément la vidéo du moment où François d’Haene reçoit la lettre par un gars sur le bord du chemin. Complètement zinzin. — Dorian Costanzo (@Dorian_Costanzo) September 10, 2024

Tor des Géants requires runners to carry all their supplies, including protection from the elements should they choose to sleep on the course, and athletes can decide when and how long to stop for rest and refreshment. While runners can have a crew that assists them at aid stations and are allowed to run with other competitors, they are not allowed pacers.

D’Haene’s team responded to the letter, explaining that no complaint had been made with officials, that D’Haene may have been followed from a distance by his communications team, who complied with race rules, and D’Haene may have crossed paths with other mountaineers on the trail. Perrier has since finished third in 75 hours, 55 minutes and 39 seconds. At the time of publication, no photos had been released.

“I am really thrilled to have finished this race and to have done so with a victory, which I never thought possible,” D’Haene shared at the finish line. “I slept only one hour in total, and the hardest moment was Sunday night with the snow at Col Loson.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tor des Géants® (@tordesgeants)

In the women’s race, Switzerland’s Katharina Hartmuth has been dominating from the start, maintaining a record pace throughout. On course for a potentially historic win, Hartmuth was holding seventh overall at the time of publication, with Sabrina Verjee of the U.K. in second and Claire Bannwarth of France in third.

For complete results and to follow all the events at Tor des Géants, head here .

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TOR DES GEANTS 2024: Katharina Hartmuth gold and breaks the record

Posted by Corriendo la Vida on September 12, 2024 in tor des geants , tor des geants 330 , tor des geants 330 2024 , trail running france , trail running spain , trail running spain 2024 | Leave a comment

TOR DES GEANTS 2024: KATHARINA HARTMUTH GOLD AND BREAKS THE RECORD. Our MOUNTAIN RACING CALENDAR 2024 brings us the last news on this race. German runner Katharina Hartmuth becomes the first woman to finish the TOR330 in under 80 hours, completing the race in 79h10’40” and securing seventh place overall.

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Photo Carolina Valsecchi


Katharina Hartmuth , a 29-year-old German runner, made history at the TOR330 – Tor des Géants by becoming the first woman to complete the grueling 330-kilometer race in under 80 hours. Finishing in 79h10’40” , Hartmuth not only secured seventh place overall , but also shattered the previous women’s record of 80h19’38” set by Sabrina Verjee in 2022.

Hartmuth dominated the race from start to finish, leading her challengers and gradually distancing herself from Lisa Borzani and Sabrina Verjee , Lisa Borzani dropped to fourth place. Sabrina Verjee , who had a close battle with Borzani up to Rifugio della Barma, is now second, more than 3 hours behind the leader, while  Claire Bannwarth managed to climb up to third place.

Hartmuth had been racing more than four hours ahead of Verjee’s record pace for much of the race, slowing down only towards the end to carefully manage the final kilometers. Finally Sabrina Verjee was second (84h03’21”) and Claire Bannwarth (85h02’47”) got third place.

This victory adds to Hartmuth’s impressive 2023 season, which includes podium finishes at major events like the UTMB (second), the Andorra 100 (won) and Hardrock 100 (third). After withdrawing from the TOR330 last year, her return was marked by determination and a dream to finish the race—one she accomplished with a historic performance.

Hartmuth shared her surprise at the result, stating, “ Last year, I knew I wouldn’t finish the race. This year, the goal was just to finish the race, and I definitely didn’t expect this result,” said Katharina Hartmuth. “I knew the Tor des Géants® would be tough, but it’s also beautiful. It was a race on my list, a dream, and I often told myself, ‘You’re living a dream.’ It was my first race lasting more than one night, and I managed to sleep only 45 minutes last night. ”

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TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 Septembre 2024

TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 Septembre 2024

Tor330 tor des geants® - tor450 tor des glaciers - tor130 tot dret - tor100 cervino monte bianco - tor30 passage au malatrà.

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Tor330 - tor des géants®, 8/14 septembre 2024.

TOR330 - Tor des Géants® Course de trail d’endurance

Distance : 330 km Dénivelé : 24000 D + Temps maximum : 150 heures Départ : Courmayeur - Vallée d’Aoste - Italie Arrivée : Courmayeur - Vallée d’Aoste - Italie Date : 8/14 septembre 2024 Remise des prix: 15 septembre 2024 Places disponibles: 1100


Le TOR330 - Tor des Géants® est la première compétition qui associe longue distance et autonomie du coureur, aucune étape forcée n’étant imposée par l’organisation, le vainqueur sera celui qui terminera la course en gérant du mieux possible ses repos et arrêts aux postes de ravitaillement.

Le Tor des Géants® est la première course de ce genre qui touche toute une région, le long de ses magnifiques sentiers au pied des principaux 4000 des Alpes et à travers le Parc national du Grand Paradis et le Parc régional du mont Avic.

Tout ceci fait de cette course une épreuve unique et inimitable.

Ce trail n’est pas seulement un évènement sportif de compétition mais c’est aussi un moyen de promotion de l’image touristique de la Vallée d’Aoste et des communes participantes.

Le TOR330 - Tor des Géants® se tiendra du 8 au 14 septembre 2024 , le départ sera donné à Courmayeur le dimanche 8 septembre à 10h00 (1er groupe) et à12h00 (2ème groupe), les participants devront terminer l’épreuve avant le samedi 14 septembre à 18h00. La remise des prix aura lieu le dimanche 15 septembre 2024 à 11h00 au Parco Bollino.

Les participants disposent d’un temps maximum de 150 heures pour terminer l’épreuve.


PAX Inscriptions: du 10 au 28 janvier sur

Préinscriptions: du 1er février à 12h00 au 14 février à 24h00, 2024 sur - Sélections avant le 28 février 2024

Inscriptions: de 12h00 le 1er mars jusqu'à 24h00 le 15 mars 2024, ou jusqu'à épuisement des places disponibles, sur


Un système de courses unies par l’eXpérience et les valeurs du TORX®. Terminer une course TORX® eXperience signifie avoir les numéros pour essayer de conclure le TOR330 - Tor des Géants®.

Le TORX® met à disposition des PAX (dossards TOR330) aux finishers d’une TORX® eXperience, indépendamment de la position dans le classement.

Découvrez toutes les courses sur

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Tor des Géants

Tor des Géants

About the race

Considered one of the hardest trail races in the world, the Tor des Géants (TDG or the Tor) course covers an astounding 330 kilometers with over 24,000 meters of elevation gain. It starts in Courmayeur, Italy and then travels down the mountainous west side of the Aosta Valley, crosses the valley at Donnas, then returns via the equally rugged eastern side. Runners will take trails at the foot of some of the highest 4,000-meter peaks in the Alps and travel through Gran Paradiso National Park and the Mont Avic Regional Park. The time limit for this challenging course is 150 hours.

This race is well known throughout the region and the locals do a great job of looking after the runners. People that have run Tor always comment on how friendly and welcoming the race is, which is a good thing considering runners spend most of the time heavily sleep deprived! 

In recent years, the organization behind Tor has launched a series of other, related races. There’s the Tor130, called the Tot Dret, a 130 km race that uses the second half of the Tor des Geants route, and a 30 km Tor30 called Passage Au Malatrà. The organization has even launched something even more challenging than Tor, the 450 km Tor des Glaciers. 

NB: We have estimated next year’s dates based on last year’s dates. We’ll update as soon as we have more info. RTA makes every effort to keep this page up to date.

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    Katharina Hartmuth at the Tor des Géants [Photo credit: Tor des Géants press office | Stefano Coletta – Zzam Agency] With the arrival of Claire Bannwarth in Courmayeur at 11.02pm on Wednesday, the women’s podium of the TOR330 was complete. Tor des Géants TOR330 results 2024. Sunday 8 – Wednesday 11 September 2024, 330km. MEN. 1.

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  4. François D'Haene remporte le Tor des Géants (330 km)

    Le Français François D'Haene s'est brillamment imposé ce mercredi en Italie, après trois jours de course, sur le Tor des Géants, course folle de 330 km (24 000 m D+) .

  5. Tor des Géants - Wikipedia

    Length. about 330km (205mi) Men’s Record. Franco Collé, 66h43' (2021) Women’s Record. Sabrina Verjee, 80h19’ (2022) Site. Official site. Tor des Géants (meaning Tour of Giants in Valdôtain, the dialect of Arpitan spoken in Aosta Valley) is an endurance trail race which takes place in Aosta Valley, Italy, in September.

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  8. TOR330 - Tor des Géants® | TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 ...

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  9. Tor des Géants - Run the Alps

    Considered one of the hardest trail races in the world, the Tor des Géants (TDG or the Tor) course covers an astounding 330 kilometers with over 24,000 meters of elevation gain. It starts in Courmayeur, Italy and then travels down the mountainous west side of the Aosta Valley, crosses the valley at Donnas, then returns via the equally rugged eastern side. Runners will take trails at the foot ...

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