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Can you Microwave a Starbucks Ceramic Mug? (Truth Revealed)

As a writer, sometimes, I need to pull several all-nighters to meet up with deadlines. On those nights, nothing keeps me going like the good old Starbucks coffee.

This is not news: I love my coffee. Hot. 

But when I’m running closer and closer to my deadline, I get so tempted to reheat my coffee in the Starbucks ceramic mug it came in.

But then everyone says you can’t microwave a Starbucks ceramic mug.

The big question is WHY?

Ever asked the same question? Me too!

In this article, I’ll extensively answer all your questions about microwaving a Starbucks ceramic mug. 

I will also offer a lifeline to rebels (like me), who are stubbornly interested in finding ways to do the ‘impossible’, which in this case is, safely microwaving their freaking Starbucks ceramic mugs.

Can you microwave Starbucks Ceramic Mug?

Yes, you can microwave some Starbucks ceramic mugs. However, there are a few that you should not microwave. If there is gold foil, decorative decals or metal on the mug, you can’t microwave it. If there is a ‘microwave-safe’ label at the bottom of the mug, then you can microwave it.

Generally, ceramic is considered microwavable, however, some Starbucks mugs are made with other things that could be harmful if microwaved.

The double-wall ones are so thin that microwaving makes them extremely hot. You bring that anywhere near your lips and you get some scalding. If you choose to wait until the cup is cool enough, it means you’ll be waiting for as long as 10 minutes. This defeats the point of microwaving it in the first place – to save time. 

I’ll tell you what ceramic mugs are good for ; 

To keep the coffee hot for longer and to hold more coffee. They are loved for the variety of colors and designs they bring.

Why can’t you microwave some Starbucks ceramic mugs?

It’s simple. The manufacturer says not to. 

So, how are you going to know which mug is safe to use, especially if there is no “Do not microwave” warning? 

I know. I know. You need more answers, so I’m going to dive deeper into the reasons. 

Did you ever try to microwave a ceramic mug with no microwave-safe label? What happened? For me, nothing eventful happened in the microwave. But when I attempted to grab the mug, it sent a piercing pain through my fingers. I shrieked.


I later found out that the mug got so hot because it was made to absorb heat.

Here’s my logic :

Starbuck ceramic mugs are not made for the microwave per se. They are made to keep drinks hot for a longer amount of time. So, when they sense that heat is coming from anywhere, they absorb it in an attempt to retain the hotness of that drink. This works perfectly if you’re preserving hot drinks.

When you bring a microwave into the equation, then it becomes something else. Microwaves heat from the outside to the inside. And as quick as a flash.

When the ceramic mug begins receiving so much heat, it gets excited and starts acting like a fool. It is not intelligent enough to know that the heat coming from outside needs to get inside for you, the owner, to be pleased. It just absorbs the heat from outside and doesn’t let it get inside.

If you had a security officer who keeps both thieves and family away, wouldn’t you fire him? In the same way, you shouldn’t microwave a Starbucks ceramic mug.

How can you tell if a Starbucks ceramic mug is not microwave-safe?

Pour water into your Starbucks ceramic mug until it’s half full. Put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. At the end of the short heating session, if the mug is hotter than your water, then it is not microwavable. 

This often points to how the mug is made. The thicker ones often have a higher core temperature. As I said before, this is to keep your drink hot for a longer period of time.

This is a sharp difference from normal ceramic mugs because they tend to be glazed. This prevents them from absorbing the heat. On the other hand, some Starbucks mugs are not glazed, so they tend to get hotter than the drink.

I have to say this for your safety, always use a glove when handling your ceramic mug. It can get spiking hot after a little time in the microwave.

The Starbucks ceramic mug has heat-conducting properties, which prevents heat from transferring from the body to the drinks. Worse still, these mugs are often coated with decorations, which may affect the thermal conductivity property. Some of them even have a metal inlay and you know; microwaves and metal don’t mix. 

Finally, the surest way to know whether you can microwave your Starbucks ceramic mug is to check the bottom of the mug for a label. If it says do not microwave, do not. If it says the mug is microwavable, do. If it says nothing, it is better to be safe than sorry. Do not use it in the microwave.

Despite all of these, if you microwave the mug, then you have to do it in short intervals and stir your drink during each interval. But seriously, why would you want to when you have several options to choose from?

Alternatives to Microwaving Starbucks Ceramic Mugs

Say I have successfully convinced you to not microwave your Starbucks ceramic mug that doesn’t come with a microwave-safe label and you’re asking, “what alternatives do I have?” Lotssss. Here are a few:

  • If you love microwaving Starbucks mugs so much, maybe you should consider buying microwave-safe ones. If you can’t find anyone at Starbucks, you could warm your drink in a different mug that is microwave-safe, then pour it back into the Starbucks mug.
  • Try plastic. Some plastics can be microwaved. Just be sure that they have microwave-safe labels, or they could melt and leak chemicals into your drink.
  • Glass containers are best to use in the microwave. No stain. No odor.
  • Other ceramic containers are just as good as glass.
  • Consider using old-school heating methods like stovetops and pans.

Tips to before Microwaving Starbucks Ceramic Mugs

  • Do not use a lid on the mug, when microwaving. It will only serve in containing more heat. Remember that this is the major issue with microwaving your Starbucks ceramic mug in the first place.
  • If the mug is not labeled microwave-safe, use an alternative container or heating method. You can always pour your drink back into your favorite Starbucks mug.
  • If your drink smells or tastes different after microwaving, pour it away. Something is fishy.
  • If you’re uncertain that the mug you’re going to heat is microwave safe, do the 30-second test I taught you earlier. If the mug is hotter than the drink, then it’s not microwave-safe. 
  • Be sure to feel the mug by the handle to know if it is too hot first, before holding it in your hands. If you have oven gloves, then wear them to remove your mug from the microwave.
  • If you do not have gloves, be sure to put the microwaved mug on a baking tray or any other microwave-safe container, so you don’t have to carry the hot mug out with your bare hands.
  • Keep your Starbucks ceramic mug covered, when you have a drink, you’d like to keep warm. The mug’s thermal properties may be a disadvantage when it comes to microwaving. But you could flip things to your favor, by using it to keep your drink hot for a longer amount of time.

Wrapping Up

Not all Starbucks ceramic mugs are safe to use in the microwave. So, before you go ahead and put it in the microwave, just because it’s your favorite, remember to check if there is a microwave-safe label on it. 

If there is no label on it and you choose to microwave it still, then you can only heat it for 30 seconds intervals, while stirring the content each time. Even then, just know that there are risks involved when you use the wrong mug in the microwave.

Can ceramic mugs be microwaved?

Yes, most ceramic mugs are generally microwave safe. However, it’s important to check for any specific instructions on the mug or packaging.

Are ceramic Starbucks mugs microwave safe?

Most ceramic Starbucks mugs are microwave safe, but it’s always best to double-check before microwaving them.

What should I look for when microwaving ceramic dishes?

When microwaving ceramic dishes, make sure they are labeled as microwave-safe and avoid using ones with metallic accents or decorations.

Is it safe to put a mug in the microwave?

It is generally safe to put a microwave-safe mug in the microwave. However, if the mug has any metallic accents or decorations, it should not be used in the microwave.

How can I tell if my ceramic mug is microwave safe?

Check for any specific instructions on the mug or packaging. Most ceramics that are lighter colored glazes and don’t have metallic accents or decorations are generally considered to be microwave-safe.

What easy and practical tips can help me safely use my ceramics in the microwave?

Always check for specific instructions on each item before putting them into your appliance. Avoid using items with metallic accents or decorations as well as those with darker colors that may absorb more of the energy from your appliance than lighter-colored glazes would do so safely without overheating anything inside!

Can I microwave my hot beverage in any ceramic mug?

It is not recommended to use just about anything as a mug for your hot beverage. Some mugs are unsafe for use in the microwave, especially those with metallic paint or metal gilding.

How do I know if my ceramic mug is safe to use in the microwave?

Check if your favorite mug has a label that says it’s microwave-safe. If not, you can test it by microwaving it with some water for 30 seconds and checking if the mug gets too hot or cracks. Dark glazes may also be more prone to overheating and should be avoided.

What happens when I use an unsafe mug in the microwave?

Using an unsafe mug can contaminate liquids microwaved inside them and cause lead exposure from certain ceramic items. The heat generated by the microwave can also cause the metallic paint or metal gilding on some mugs to spark or catch fire.

Are all ceramic items safe to use in the microwave?

Not all ceramic items are perfectly safe for use in the microwave, especially those without proper labeling indicating they’re safe for such usage.

What practical tips should I follow when using a ceramic item in the microwave?

When using a ceramic item like a mug, make sure it’s labeled as being safe for microwaving before heating up your hot beverage inside of it. Avoid dark glazes and metallic paints/metal gilding on ceramics that could overheat during microwaving.

I accidentally used an unsafe mug; what should I do now?

If you’ve already contaminated liquids microwaved inside an unsafe container/cup/mug/etc., dispose of both immediately after allowing them enough time cool down first; don’t reuse either one again since they could pose health hazards due lead exposure from certain types of ceramics/items which have been heated improperly before being used again later on down line!

Microwave Meal Prep

Can You Microwave A Starbucks Ceramic Mug?

By Author Addison LaBonte

Posted on Last updated: May 24, 2023

Categories Microwave Basics

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Is it safe to use a Starbucks ceramic mug in the microwave? Whether you brewed a pot of fresh coffee in the early morning, or you stopped by coffee station to get an afternoon refill, can you microwave a Starbucks ceramic cup?  Starbucks ceramic mugs have become a fad among many collectors because the cups have different theme designs based on holidays and major cities around the world. In addition, the mugs come with a lid so that you can seal the top while commuting.

In general, ceramic mugs are labeled as microwave safe or not for use in microwave. Sometimes the glazed finish used on ceramic mugs contain lead or other heavy metals like arsenic, which can contaminate liquids microwaved in the mug. 

Before you proceed with microwaving a Starbucks ceramic mug, always check the bottom of the cup to see if it is microwave-safe. A label will say, “microwave safe” or “safe for microwave use.” If properly labeled for safe use in the microwave oven, then you can confidently microwave Starbucks cups in the kitchen appliance for a quick reheat. Here are tips to help you microwave a Starbucks ceramic mug the right way!

Why can’t you microwave all ceramic mugs?

In the end, it really depends on how the ceramic mug is made and what type of glaze is used. Some glazes contain lead or heavy metals that are not safe to consume, which may leach into food when heated in a microwave.

If you don’t know whether or not a ceramic mug is safe to microwave, here are a few ways to identify if the ceramic mug is microwaveable:

  • White and black matte glazed mugs are either lead-free or low-lead.
  • Glossy mugs are typically finished with a high-lead glaze.

After heavy usage, especially with acidic foods, in combination with excessive microwaving, the glaze may start to break down or crack. This can lead to a health hazard, which is defiantly something to be aware of.  Glossy glaze finishing introduces the possibility of lead consumption, but nowadays most mugs are labeled microwave-safe. 

Starbucks ceramic mugs are microwave safe as long as they do not have metal gilding in the theme design.  Test your mug by filling it with water and microwaving it for 30 seconds; the liquid should be hotter than the mug. However, if the mug is hotter than the water, then the mug is not microwave-safe. 

Why do some ceramic mugs get hot in the microwave?

You may have already experience microwaving ceramic mugs. In my experience, there have been ceramic mugs that almost burn my fingers when touching the handles just after microwaving.  In fact, some ceramic mugs get extremely hot when used to heat up liquids in a microwave. If the handle of the ceramic mug absorbs more microwave energy than the cut, the occurrence is related to the construction of the mug. 

In general, the thicker the ceramic the hotter the core temperature. As a result, the contents will will remain hot for a much longer period of time. The heat-conducting properties of the ceramic don’t allow for thermal conductivity at a high level. Therefore, heat isn’t able to rapidly transfer all the way into the handle from the body of the cup.  In addition, some Starbucks ceramic mugs are coated with more decorations that affect thermal conductivity in different ways. It is common for some materials to actually heat up quickly and may even block the microwaves from warming the liquid inside the cup. 

Can you heat up Starbucks ceramic mug?

If you want to use a microwave to reheat your beverage, then a ceramic mug is great choice to solve the issue. Before placing any dishes into the microwave, look on the bottom to verify whether or not the dish ware is labeled as microwave safe. Test your Starbucks ceramic mug by filling it half full of water and microwave it for 30 seconds. If the mug gets hotter than the liquid in the short microwave duration, then that cup is not safe for microwave use.

Be aware that cups and dishes can overheat in the microwave. Use caution, microwave in short intervals and stir the contents in between each duration.

Things to know before microwaving Starbucks ceramic mug

Keep your favorite coffee warm throughout the day by safely microwaving a Starbucks ceramic mug. Enjoy a hot beverage by knowing exactly how to reheat coffee in the microwave .

Here are microwaving tips before you reheat anything inside a ceramic Starbucks mug:

  • If the Starbucks mug is not properly labeled for safe microwave use, then use a  microwave safe container like a pyrex glass measuring cup. Afterwards, pour the contents into the mug. 
  • If using a ceramic Starbucks mug in the microwave, do not use the lid. The lid is not safe to use in a microwave oven.
  • Use the microwave in 30 second intervals. Check the temperature and stir the contents at each duration.
  • Always check the temperature of the handle before touching. If necessary, grab the handle of the ceramic mug with an oven glove to remove your mug after heating from microwave. 
  • The reusable ceramic mug with lid will keep a beverage warm for an extended period of time. 

Before proceeding with microwaving a dish ware, be sure to verify if the vessel is safe to use in a microwave. You risk exposure to contaminants and safety hazards when using the wrong containers in a microwave oven.

Whether you are coffee or tea lover, drinking a hot beverage out of a reusable ceramic mug is definitely a regular routine. Not only are Starbucks mugs a collector’s item, but they are a representation of your favorite coffee brand. Not all Starbucks ceramic mugs are microwave safe. Each mug features a unique theme design based on holidays and cities around the world, and the decorations ultimately affect the performance of the mug inside a microwave.

Always take a look at the bottom of the Starbucks mug to see if it is microwave-safe. As an extra precaution, test the ceramic mug by heating water in it before you proceed with using it as a microwave reheating gadget. Remember that the lid is not microwave safe, so cover the hot liquid after reheating. Lastly, if the mug is not safe to use in the microwave, then use a microwave safe container and just pour the hot liquid into your favorite mug!

Is it safe to microwave a Starbucks ceramic mug?


Are Starbucks Ceramic Mugs Microwave Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind the Iconic Coffee Cups

I remember the first time I stepped into a Starbucks café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as I made my way to the counter, my eyes scanning the menu for my favorite drink. As the barista handed me my steaming cup of coffee, I couldn’t help but admire the iconic white ceramic mug adorned with the familiar Starbucks logo. It was a symbol of quality and sophistication, but I couldn’t help but wonder – are Starbucks ceramic mugs microwave safe?

It’s a question that has puzzled many coffee enthusiasts like myself. We often find ourselves in a rush, needing a quick warm-up for our beloved beverage. But the last thing we want is to damage our cherished Starbucks mugs in the process. So, I set out on a mission to unveil the truth behind these coveted coffee cups.

Table of Contents

The Microwave Conundrum: Can I Put My Starbucks Ceramic Mug in the Microwave?

As I delved into my research, I discovered that Starbucks offers a range of ceramic mugs, each with its own set of specifications. Some are labeled as microwave safe, while others are not. This meant that the answer to my question was not a simple yes or no. It depended on the specific mug I owned.

Decoding the Symbols:

To decipher whether your Starbucks ceramic mug is microwave safe, you need to take a closer look at the bottom of the mug. It is here that you will find a series of symbols and identifiers that provide valuable information about the product. Keep an eye out for the symbols that indicate whether the mug is microwave safe or not. The most common symbol is a series of wavy lines, often depicted inside a box or circle. This symbolizes that the mug is safe for use in the microwave.


Even if your Starbucks ceramic mug is deemed microwave safe, it is essential to exercise caution when using it. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

1. Avoid extreme temperature changes: While these mugs can withstand the heat of the microwave, it is best to avoid sudden temperature changes. For example, pouring cold milk into a hot coffee-filled mug may cause the ceramic to crack.

2. Handle with care: Ceramic mugs can become hot when microwaved, so be sure to use oven mitts or a towel to handle them safely. Also, be mindful when removing the mug from the microwave as its contents might be scalding hot.

3. Check for damage: Before microwaving your Starbucks mug, inspect it for any cracks, chips, or other signs of damage. Damaged mugs may be unsafe for the microwave and should be retired.

The Verdict: Are Starbucks Ceramic Mugs Microwave Safe?

Ultimately, whether your Starbucks ceramic mug is microwave safe depends on the specific mug you own. Some mugs are designed to withstand the heat of the microwave, while others are not. To ensure you are using your mug correctly, always refer to the symbols and instructions provided on the bottom of the mug.

The Experience:

As I sat down with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in my beloved Starbucks ceramic mug, I couldn’t help but appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into each one. Although it may take a bit of detective work to determine if your specific mug is microwave safe, the effort is worth it for the peace of mind it brings. So, the next time you find yourself craving a warm cup of coffee, go ahead and pop it in the microwave, as long as your Starbucks mug is deemed safe. Savor every sip and enjoy the experience, knowing that your cherished coffee cup is a perfect companion for your favorite brew.

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starbucks ceramic travel mug microwave safe

Starbucks Cups: Testing the Limits of Microwavable Magic

Y es, you can microwave Starbucks reusable cups safely. You shouldn’t use maximum heat, though. Instead, use a medium heat level for 30 seconds maximum.

Also, remember that the heated cup and coffee would be very hot. So, prepare something to grab it afterward, or your fingers would be burnt.

Can you microwave Starbucks cold cups?

No, you shouldn’t.

Only use cups that have the “microwave safe” label on them.

Why can’t I microwave my ceramic Starbucks cup?

Because the mug is not heat-protected, and you will soon find that your coffee is actually colder than the mug itself.

So, that would be pointless if you put your coffee mug into the microwave just to find out that it’s not microwave-friendly.

Can you heat up Starbucks coffee?

Yes, it is possible to heat up a Starbucks Latte.

If you have left it out overnight, just reheat it in the microwave or on the stove as long as the milk hasn’t been spoiled yet.

Do not overheat it, because that will ruin it too.

Is Starbucks doing reusable cups?

Yes, Starbucks has a cup that they made from 50% recycled materials.

They also want to give people a 10 cent discount on their drink if they bring the cup back.

This is for drinks with coffee, hot chocolate, and apple cider.

Why do Starbucks paper cups say do not microwave?

Starbucks cups that cannot be microwaved are the ones made of paper with a plastic coating to make them waterproof and not leak.

This type of paper cup is not recyclable as well because it’s not pure paper.

Can I microwave Starbucks red cup?

Yes, you can microwave Starbucks red cups.

The cups are safe to use in the dishwasher and in the microwave.

Can Starbucks cold brew be heated?

Can you heat up cold coffee? Yes, but it won’t change the amount of caffeine in it.

So this is a good way to drink your cold coffee in the winter when it is really cold.

Can you heat up Starbucks cold brew coffee?

Yes, you can heat up cold brew coffee.

It is usually concentrated so adding hot water will just make it more like a regular cup of coffee.

How do you use the reusable cup at Starbucks?

To use your personal cup, the barista will pour coffee inside it from a glass.

There is no contact from person to person.

You can take it away still in the mug that has been offered to you by the barista.

Does Starbucks accept reusable cups in 2021?

Yes, they already have a discount for people who use reusable cups.

They offer ceramic cups to all customers.

Can you bring your own cup to Starbucks during Covid?

Yes, you can bring your own cup to Starbucks during Covid.

COVIDSafe means that we have an agreement with the company.

The agreement is about coffee cups with lids and straws, not with things you find in the store.

How many times can you use Starbucks reusable cups?

You can use the Starbucks Reusable Cup up to 30 times.

It is easy to fill out your favorite drink order with a marker.

The cups are $1.90 when you pay with your Starbucks Card, while supplies last.

Can you use reusable cups at the Starbucks drive-thru?

No, only clean cups will be accepted.

Reusable cups will not be accepted at drive-thru lanes, although the company is testing ways to do so safely at its Tryer Center in Seattle.

How much is a Starbucks reusable cold cup?

A Starbucks reusable cold cup can be bought for $3, but they are often sold out.

I also heard that the green straw is now an additional $1.

Are Starbucks cups insulated?

Yes, some of the Starbucks cups are insulated.

They can keep drinks hot for a long time.

Do Starbucks cups have a recycling code?

Starbucks does not have a recycling code on its cups. However, they are made out of recyclable materials. You can recycle them in your local recycling bin.

Can you drink coffee from the Starbucks cup?

Yes, you can drink coffee from the Starbucks cup. The cups are made out of recyclable materials, so they are safe to drink from.

What does the green straw mean at Starbucks?

The green straw means that the drink is made with a dairy product. It can be milk, cream, or Half and Half.

How many ounces does a tall iced soy milk coffee have at Starbucks?

A tall iced soy milk coffee at Starbucks has 12 ounces.

Where can I recycle my reusable tumbler from Starbucks in Canada or US?

In the United States, you can recycle your reusable tumbler at Starbucks stores. They will give you a coupon for free coffee. In Canada, you can recycle your reusable tumbler at most major grocery stores.

Do Starbucks offer a discount for bringing your own cup?

Starbucks does not offer a discount for bringing your own cup. However, you can get a coupon for free coffee if you recycle your Starbucks cup at a store.

Can I order a cold drink in a reusable cup from Starbucks?

Yes, you can order a cold drink in a reusable cup from Starbucks. However, you may be charged for a new cup if the drink is too large.

What type of lid does the Starbucks reusable cup have?

The Starbucks reusable cup has a sippy-cup type lid. This allows you to easily drink from the cup without spilling.

How do I clean my Starbucks reusable cup?

To clean your Starbucks reusable cup, hand wash it with soap and water. Do not put it in the dishwasher.

The debate about whether or not you can microwave Starbucks cups is finally over.

You CAN microwave Starbucks reusable cups , but only if you follow the steps above and stick to the 30 second maximum heating time limit.

If your coffee tastes burnt, this may be why – so don’t forget these tips.

The post Starbucks Cups: Testing the Limits of Microwavable Magic first appeared on .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kollawat Somsri.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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Starbucks Cups: Testing the Limits of Microwavable Magic

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Can You Microwave Reusable Starbucks Ceramic Mugs?

Modified: Apr 27, 2022 by Jennifer Lane · This post may contain affiliate links ·

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Woman holding starbucks ceramic mug over laptop

This is one of those questions that seems simple but is a bit more complicated than you might think. The answer to this question is NO .

While the mug is made of ceramic, and ceramic can generally be considered microwave safe , there are elements in Starbucks mugs that make them unsafe to microwave.

There are a few reasons why these mugs don’t microwave safe. We’ll explain and tell you how to check for certain yourself.

The Reasons Why You Can’t Microwave a Starbucks Ceramic Mug

Although most ceramic mugs are microwave safe by nature, the one big consideration is whether or not your Starbucks mug has any metal in it. Some of the mugs may feature a metal inlay.

If you know or suspect your mug has metal in it, then it is most certainly not microwave safe.

Woman holding starbucks ceramic mug

Additionally, typical ceramic mugs are glazed to protect them from heat and to help insulate the cups. Unfortunately, Starbucks mugs are not protected from the heat, and often the mug will be hotter than the liquid in it.

Check the bottom of your mug; often, there will be instructions as to whether or not you can microwave that specific mug.

If you’re unsure, it’s best not to try to microwave it. However, a common test to tell if a ceramic mug is microwave safe is to microwave it and put plain water in it, and check the temperature of the mug versus the water.

If the mug retains a higher temperature than the water, then the mug is not microwave safe.

Alternative to Microwaving Your Starbucks Ceramic Mug

You have a couple of options rather than microwaving your mug. You can still carry hot liquids in the mug, so one option is to warm your coffee (or even soup ) in a microwave-safe cup and then pour it into your mug.

You could also shop for alternative mugs that are guaranteed microwave safe so that there’s no issue warming your beverages.

What about other Starbucks cups? Read our post here to see if you can put paper Starbucks cups in the microwave .

Also, check out our post about iced coffee from Starbucks to see if you can safely microwave it.

Can You Microwave Your Starbucks Ceramic Mug - Wrapping Up

So now you know not to microwave your Starbucks mug. Hopefully, this gives you the heads up you need to microwave your coffee or other beverage safely.

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Five white plastic cups on a wooden table.

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Paper Vs. Ceramic: Can You Really Microwave Starbucks Cups?

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Most of us enjoy coffee on the go but the weather ahead means your cup will be cold in no time. It makes us wonder: can you microwave Starbucks cups? While the question sounds simple, the answer is not quite straightforward. Let me provide you with some useful tips on how to get the most out of your Starbucks cups.

Since Starbucks cups are made of paper, they are not safe to microwave. There are, however, some cups at Starbucks like the ceramic ones that are microwave safe. To microwave your Starbucks coffee the best option you have is to transfer it to a microwave-safe cup option. 

Is It Safe To Microwave Starbucks Cups?

You have to examine what kind of material the Starbucks cup is composed of to ascertain whether you can microwave. If you know which cup is microwave sensitive, you can avoid it effectively.

Ceramic mug: Starbucks has released a collection of ceramic mugs that showcase holidays and locations from all around the world.  The coating of the Starbucks ceramic mug may be microwave safe depending on the ornamental elements and final glaze. 

For specific information regarding the special theme design, look at the bottom of the mug.  To reheat the coffee, adjust the microwave’s power level beforehand because some mugs may heat up more quickly.

Reusable cup : The Starbucks reusable cup is composed of type 5 polypropylene, which works best for cold drinks but is also thought to be microwave safe. The reusable cup can be used more than 30 times if it is properly maintained and cleaned. 

Use a medium temperature and 30-second intervals during microwave cooking. In order to get the drink to the right temperature, stir it in between each interval and do not overheat.

Tumbler : Most reusable tumblers are built with double-layer insulated walls. Sadly, it is not recommended to use double-walled tumblers in the microwave since too much heat can harm the insulating layer. 

Starbucks tumblers are mostly composed of stainless steel or acrylic plastic. They keep beverage temperatures for a little while longer than other cup designs.

Glass bottle: The Starbucks Frappuccino chilled coffee drink is available in glass bottles at the nearby market, making them convenient grab-and-go options. Even though the instant freeze method has become popular recently, I’m not sure I would use it because water expands when it freezes and the bottle can break if you forget about it in the freezer. 

The Starbucks glass bottle cannot be heated in a microwave. Hence, to safely reheat the beverage so that you can have a hot cappuccino, simply transfer it into a microwave-safe cup.

Plastic cup: The use of plastic cups in the microwave is typically not safe. Fill your cup halfway with water, then test it in the microwave for 30 seconds. The cup is not microwave safe if it is hotter than the liquid inside.

Starbuck’s thin, single-use plastic cups are perfect for takeout or getting a refill in-store, but they are not made to resist the extreme heat produced by a microwave. Use a plastic cup to enjoy a cool beverage, but never microwave it.

Paper cup: It is not advised to microwave paper cups. These are put together with adhesives, then they have a wax or plastic lining inside. Paper cups are built to hold hot liquids, but they cannot be heated again. 

As a result, Starbucks paper cups cannot be heated in a microwave. If you burn the bottom of the cup, melt adhesive, or remove the cup lining, chemicals may leak into the coffee, altering flavor, or the cup may begin to leak hot liquid.

Why Does Starbucks Cups Say “Do Not Microwave?”

Starbucks cups say ‘Do not micro’ because it can cause physical harm to the person who microwaves it. A small circle with wavy lines inside anything represents that it is microwave-safe. This small sign tells you that the cup is quite safe to put in the microwave.

Meanwhile, Starbucks cups don’t have such symbols. It means they are not safe to put in the microwave. Starbucks cups have warning signs on them that they should not be placed in the microwave. Although Starbucks’ reusable cups are microwave-safe, as indicated on their labels, we strongly advise against doing so. 

Will The Microwave Catch Fire If I Heat Starbucks Paper Cups?

Yes, it can catch fire as Starbucks cups are made of paper. You may assume that they are microwave-safe, however, they are not. Even though the majority of the cup is composed of sturdy, cardboard-like material, the plastic cup liner inside renders it harmful to microwave the cup.

It is a common thought that if you heat paper coffee cups for 10-15 seconds in the microwave, it will not cause harm but it is not true. The glue keeping your cup together can be heated to the point of failure in just 10 to 15 seconds in the microwave. Best case scenario, you’ll have a minor leak to deal with; worst case scenario, you might burn yourself on the hot coffee.

The reason why paper cups are not safe to microwave is that paper can heat up and catch fire in the microwave because it contains some water, but the more imminent risk comes from other portions of the cup.

Since most paper cups have liners, not only Starbucks cups, almost all paper cups cannot be heated in a microwave.

Without a liner, paper cups will quickly become wet and leak because they aren’t waterproof. In order to avoid this, Starbucks paper cups include plastic liners that keep the liquid within. It is risky to microwave a cup that has a plastic liner in it since the liner can melt, leaking chemicals into your coffee or inflicting bodily harm to you if it contacts your skin. 

Can You Microwave Starbucks Reusable Cups Safely?

Before putting the cup in your microwave, it’s crucial to look for a label stating that it is microwave-safe.

If you are concerned about the climate, you ought to think about bringing your own cup to Starbucks. You’ll not only spend less on coffee, but you’ll also contribute to waste reduction. Starbucks provides a selection of reusable cups, including ceramic and metal varieties. 

Starbucks offers a slight discount on the purchase of travel cups and reusable coffee mugs that can be used in-store. These mugs are frequently made of plastic or ceramic, which increases the likelihood that they are microwave-safe.

Even other cups that, based on the material, appear to be microwave-safe are dangerous for other reasons. It can be challenging to determine whether a cup can be used in a microwave if it has a rubber gasket or metallic paint simply by looking at it. The wisest option is to look for a label and, if you can’t locate one, choose not to use it.

Why Can’t I Microwave a Ceramic Starbucks Cup ?

As long as they don’t have foil or shiny stickers on them, regular ceramic mugs without double walls are acceptable for use in the microwave. Make sure the cup’s bottom is marked “microwave safe” at all times.

Ceramic coffee mugs from Starbucks can be microwaved. They are composed of polypropylene, a plastic that may be used in the microwave with no harm to human health. Hence, you can safely microwave your Starbucks mug if you need to reheat your coffee in a hurry. To prevent the coffee from spilling, just be sure to take the lid off the mug before placing it in the microwave-safe.

So the next time you need an instant cup of coffee and are in a rush, don’t be afraid to grab a Starbucks mug. It will help you satisfy your coffee craving and is microwave safe!

Are Starbucks Tumbler Cups Fit For Microwaves?

No, the Starbucks plastic cups and tumblers are not microwaveable because they are only made to handle cold beverages. While it’s generally not a good idea to microwave plastic cups, some kitchen cups are fine to do so.

The majority of people are unaware that Starbucks coffee cups cannot be microwaved. When the plastic lining on the inside of the cup is heated, it may emit chemicals, making the coffee poisonous to consume. Coffee cups heated in the microwave pose risks that you should be aware of.

So, It is advised to stay away from microwaving coffee mugs due to the risks involved

What To Do If I Want To Reheat My Starbucks Coffee ?

In your daily routine when you grab a cup of coffee from Starbucks and get busy doing your work, your coffee often gets cold. No one likes to drink cooled coffee. It’s so inconvenient for you to go again and grab another cup of coffee, you rather think of reheating your coffee. But here you think how can I reheat my coffee? Is a microwave an option or not?

So, if your hot coffee is in a Starbucks paper cup then you should transfer it to a microwave-safe bottle such as a ceramic mug or glass mug to reheat.

Although the item is portable, comfy, and lightweight, there are moments when it feels a touch flimsy. If you do want to use a microwave, make sure to do so safely by adhering to the instructions on the cup’s label.

The fact that a cup made to contain hot liquids cannot be heated in the microwave may seem strange, yet it is true. 

Key Takeaways

  • If you frequently reheat coffee, think about getting a reusable Starbucks cup, but make sure to check the label for a microwave-safe label first.
  • Stick to the directions for properly reheating a beverage in the microwave by using a low-power setting, stirring between each 30-second interval, and following the suggested times.
  • You may enjoy a hot Starbucks beverage at any time of day by following these quick and secure reheating instructions!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How long can you microwave a Starbucks cup?

For a maximum of 50 seconds, the microwave can hold a Starbucks cup. If you want your coffee to stay hot after being microwaved, take the lid off of the reusable cup .

Why does the microwave burn Starbucks cups?

The plastic liner of the Starbucks cups melts in the microwave, igniting the paper portion, which then burns.

What material is the Starbucks cup made of?

Polyethylene” is the substance used to make Starbucks cups. This particular plastic can be recycled. 

Why is there a hole in Starbucks cups?

The tiny hole on the takeaway coffee cup lids is actually extremely significant. The gap is necessary to allow the liquid to circulate and prevent you from getting burned, claims Wonderopolis. They claimed: “By eliminating splash back and enabling the liquid to flow, the little hole makes sipping more enjoyable.

Jeannine Mancini

Jeannine Mancini, a Florida native, has been writing business and personal finance articles since 2003. Her articles have been published in the Florida Today and Orlando Sentinel. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education from the University of Central Florida.

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Can You Microwave Starbucks Cups?

Starbucks Paper Cup

Are you trying to figure out if you can microwave Starbucks cups?

Well, you are in the right place.

Today, I am going to take a detailed look at if you should/shouldn’t be microwaving Starbucks cups.

We will also present useful, yet important information, as it relates to the different cups that are available at the popular coffee chain.

With that said, lets us jump right into it.

Are Starbucks Cups Microwavable? (Paper, Plastic or Ceramic Mugs)

Can You Microwave Starbucks Cups: An In-depth Informational Guide

Before we answer that question, we first need to determine the type of Starbucks cup you are planning on microwaving.

We will look at:

  • Plastic/Plastic Reusable

Let’s take a more detailed look at each one below.

Can You Microwave Starbucks Paper Cups?

To start things off, let us see what Starbucks has to say about putting cups in the microwave.

starbucks ceramic travel mug microwave safe

The picture above puts a lot into perspective, as the cup from the coffee chain clearly states, Do not microwave.

A quick search of the Starbucks website, shows no information on the microwaving of paper cups.

However, a former Starbucks supervisor, Santita Ngo, gave some insight as someone posed the question on the popular answer site, Quora.

Screenshot of a Quora answer to "Can Starbucks Cups be Microwaved?"

Santita highlights a couple important points. We will look at them in detail below:.

  • Can’t Withstand the Extreme Heat
  • Toxic Leaching
  • May Catch Fire

They Can’t Withstand the Extreme Heat

Microwaving coffee in Starbucks paper cups, can lead to the cup having structural failure.

 Eco products, manufactures of their own paper cups, explains this concept in great detail . They state:

 “Paper hot cups and soup cups are designed to hold hot drinks and food, but not to withstand the extreme heat of a microwave. At best, the glue at the seam can loosen and the cup will start to leak.”

Alternatively, if the glue melts, your cup may start leaking from the sides.

They’re Prone to Toxic Leaching

The coating found inside the Starbucks paper cups is a mix of wax and plastic.

According to Change plastic for good , they explain that the plastic coating is made of Polyethylene, a plastic that is known for its heat resistance and durability.

While it is good at heat resistance, a 2011 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives highlighted that there is an acceleration of plastic leaching into your beverage, when the plastic is exposed to stresses such as microwave radiation and boiling liquids.

There is a possibility that consuming a beverage in a Starbucks paper cup that was heated in the microwave, might result in the introduction of certain toxins into your body.

The effects of these toxins on your body could be seen in the long-term and this is all the reason why they should be avoided.

They’re a Fire Risk

Finally, there is possibility that putting the Starbucks paper cup in the microwave, could cause it to catch fire.

Manufacturer of paper cups, Eco Products, has a warning on its website.

Paper cups, “at worst, the cups can even catch on fire. This is true for all paper cups. … We recommend microwaving in glass or ceramic containers labeled as microwave safe,”

A search on Twitter, found tons of tweets of people finding out the hard way that Starbucks paper cups can catch fire.

Twitter Screenshots of Starbucks Cups catching fire.

Final Thoughts on Microwaving Paper Cups

 With all the evidence presented above, you definitely should not microwave Starbucks paper cups.

While I am sure thousands of people do this daily, the risks are too much.

If you do want to reheat your coffee , then it is best to do so in a microwave safe cup.

Can You Microwave Starbucks Plastic/Reusable Plastic Cups?

In this section, we will look at if you should be microwaving Starbucks plastic cups.

  • Plastic reusable

Plastic cups are generally used for cold drinks, such as Frappuccino, Refreshers, etc.

But you will not be able to microwave those.

Plastic Reusable

Starbucks Plastic Reusable Cups

Over the past couple of years, Starbucks has introduced reusable and recyclable plastic cups .

These plastic cups which many use for their coffee, are made frompolypropylene, a plastic that is considered to be safe for use in the microwave.

So does that mean Starbucks reusable cups are microwave safe?

If you look at the bottom of the cup or the packaging, it will clearly state that cups should not be microwaved .

You might be wondering, why? Since polypropylene is a microwave-safe plastic.

INEOS, a leading chemical company explains that there are a variety of factors that makes these types of cups unsuitable for the microwave.

The factors that may significantly affect the suitability of polypropylene containers used for reheating foods are:

  • Chemical resistance based on the composition of the contents
  • Maximum exposure to the container (time and surface contact)
  • Thickness of the container
  • Residual stresses imposed during the conversion process

Can You Microwave Starbucks Mugs?

Starbucks Mug

We know many of you also want to know if Starbucks mugs can be microwaved?

The answer to that questions depends on varying factors:

  • What type of mug will be going into the microwave?
  • Is it decorated?
  • Is it double walled?

We go into more details below, looking at the different types of mugs.

  • Ceramic mugs
  • Double wall mugs

Regular ceramic mugs, without the double walls should be OK to be used in the microwave, just as long the as there are no foil or metallic decorations on them.

To be sure, you could always look at the bottom of the mug to see if you see the “microwave safe” label.

Doubled Wall Mugs

While the double wall mugs are used for drinking hot coffee, reheating them in the microwave is a recipe for disaster.

The BarbecueTricks Youtube page gives a short, yet detailed explanation as to why it is not a good idea to reheat Starbucks double wall mugs in the microwave.

Wrapping it up

We’ve reached the end. Were all your questions answered adequately enough?

If you found this article helpful, share it with a friend or let me know in the comment section below.

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Can you microwave travel mugs let's find out.

by Mark Morphew on Apr 19, 2022

Can You Microwave Travel Mugs? Let's Find Out

Let's be honest there's nothing worse than finding that your morning coffee has gone cold. Lukewarm - kinda passable. But stone cold. Not drinkable.

In truth, you should be blaming your travel mug. Most of the best will keep your drink hot for hours, so either yours is faulty, or you need to buy one with better insulation.

But that's a discussion for another time.

Right now, you've got cold coffee, and you need to warm it up - can you microwave the travel mug?

Before you blast your travel coffee mug with the microwave, you better take a few minutes to read through this article.

There's a good chance that the travel cup you're holding can't go in the microwave, and the end result could be catastrophic; for both the mug and your microwave.

Hang tight. You might be in luck. Some are perfectly fine to microwave, while others are not.

Read on to see if your travel mug is microwavable.

Can You Microwave A Metal Travel Mug?

Short answer. No.

If your travel mug is made from any type of metal, stainless steel, or even has metal components, it's not possible to put it in the microwave.

The metal acts as a shield and won't let any microwaves penetrate through to the drink inside.

This means your cold coffee will still be cold no matter how much you blast it in the microwave. Apart from your coffee staying cold, there is also a risk that any points or jagged edges on your travel mug could cause "arcing, " sparks will fly, and fire is possible.

If you don't want to light up your kitchen like the 4th of July, it's probably best to avoid putting your stainless steel travel mug in the microwave.

Can You Put A Plastic Travel Mug In The Microwave?

Yes and no.

If your travel mug says it's microwave safe, you're good to go.

If the original packaging has long gone, have a quick look underneath your mug - often, there will be a stamped label letting you know.

The "microwave safe" label is usually a microwave with some wavy lines on it. However, not all plastic cups will have a label, especially the disposable kind.

starbucks ceramic travel mug microwave safe

If you find yourself in this situation, you have a couple of options. First, don't risk it and presume you can put it in the microwave. It's best to reach out to the company for clarification.

Unlike metal mugs, plastic won't damage your microwave. Still, some plastics are known to release toxins into your drink when exposed to high heat.

These toxic chemicals can be hazardous and are definitely not something you want to be ingesting.

If the plastic travel cup has a #5 on it, it's made from polypropylene (PP) and generally considered microwave safe. But if you have any doubts, best not to take any chances.

Can You Put A Ceramic Mug In The Microwave?

So far, we have metal, no. Plastic maybe. How about a ceramic travel mug - are they microwavable?

If your mug is made from ceramic and does not contain any metal, you should be perfectly fine to microwave it.

However, suppose it contains some plastic parts, such as a sleeve or a lid. In that case, you must double-check and remove the plastic parts before placing the ceramic mug in the microwave.

Just like plastic mugs, most ceramics will indicate whether they are safe for the microwave so just have a quick peek underneath before you put it in.

How Do You Know If A Mug Is Microwave Safe?

Anything made from any type of metal is a definite no. So you can rule out any of your travel mugs made from stainless steel or those with metal components.

New plastic travel mugs tend to be BPA-free and are microwave safe. But always take a second to see if there are any labels or indications before you do.

One hundred percent ceramic mugs are absolutely fine, but extra caution is needed if they have any plastic components.

No matter what material your mug is made from, be sure that it's clearly labeled as microwave-safe. While ceramic, borosilicate glass, and some plastic materials are resistant to heat, your safest bet is to go with a mug marked for use in the microwave.

Most manufacturers of travel mugs will clearly state if their product is microwave safe.

So if you have to go out of your way to determine if your travel mug is safe to use in the microwave, the chances are it isn't.

You Can Always Reheat

Why take any risks.

Transfer your cold drink to a microwave-safe container first, reheat it, and transfer it back to your travel mug.

Once your hot drink is safely back inside your insulated travel cup, it will stay hot for hours. This time just make sure you drink it before it gets cold. I'm pretty sure there are only a set number of times any type of drink or food item can be microwaved.

If you've gotten this far, you should have a better idea if the mug you're holding in your hand right now is suitable for the microwave.

If it isn't, just transfer the contents to something that is and reheat. Simple. Remember, the best microwaveable coffee travel mugs are made from ceramic or BPA-free plastic and stay clear of anything made from metal.

Most of the best-insulated travel mugs are designed to maintain the heat and not for reheating things. If your insulated mug can't hold the temperature and isn't keeping the contents warm, best shop around for a new one.

We have a range of insulated ceramic coated travel mugs that keep your drinks hot for hours and beverages icy cold for even longer.

👉 Head on over here to take a look at our bestseller.

Mark Morphew

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Can You Put Ceramic in the Microwave? Here’s What You Need to Know

In recent years, microwave ovens have become hugely popular as they bring great convenience to the daily cooking process.

However, if you put the wrong containers in a microwave, it could cause potential risks. If worse comes to worst, it could lead to an explosion.

And ceramic mugs and ceramic bowls are the most common containers. So, can you microwave ceramics? How to tell if your ceramic mugs are microwave-safe?

Let’s dive in to learn more…

Can You Microwave Ceramics?

Ceramic products, including ceramic mugs, ceramic bowls, ceramic cups, and ceramic plates, are fired at high temperatures. Therefore, to some degree, they are naturally resistant to heat.

Does it necessarily mean ceramic products are safe to use in the microwave? Can you microwave ceramic mugs, bowls, or plates?

Though ceramic tablewares are usually heat-resistant, wear-resistant, and corrosion-resistant, not all ceramic products can be used in a microwave.


Why Can or Can’t You Microwave Ceramics?

There are all sorts of ceramic products out there and not every one of them is safe to put in the microwave.

Ceramic products come with different types of patterns and edges of different materials. In many cases, it’s the decorations that make the ceramic tableware unsafe to put in the microwave.

Here’s what you need to know before you put a ceramic product in the microwave:

  • Ceramic products with gold, silver edges, and patterns should also not be heated in the microwave oven, as metals are not meant to be used in microwaves.

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  • Glazed ceramics are not safe to put in the microwave as well. Heating glazed ceramics in a microwave could damage the glazed surface and increase the possibility of leaching, and it could lead to sparkles and burn marks.
  • Cracked ceramics should not be used in microwaves. If cracked ceramics are heated in the microwave, it would produce uneven heat and it might result in cracking and explosion.
  • For your safety and the microwave’s, stick to ceramics with a “microwave safe” label if you need to put them in the microwave.

In general, the way to tell if a ceramic product is a microwavable check the ceramic product bottom for a “microwave safe” label.

As long as the ceramic bowl, plate can be used in the microwave oven. The ceramic products are kind of required to have the label on the product body.

If you’re able to find this label on a ceramic mug, cup bowl, plate, or dish, then it means that the ceramic product is heat resistant.

With that being said, unless you see the microwave-safe label, it’s best not to put the ceramic product under microwave cooking.

FAQs About Microwaving Ceramics

Why can’t you microwave starbucks ceramic cups.

Most of the Starbucks ceramic cups and mugs are not recommended to be heated in the microwave.

When you check the bottom of Starbucks ceramic cups, you will see a label saying “ DO NOT MICROWAVE ”, which means Starbucks ceramic cups are not designed to cook within the microwave. Therefore, it could result in cracking or breaking into pieces.


To some degree, Starbucks ceramic cups can cope with heat and coolness. However, the heat happens in the microwave is too rapid and too extreme for these ceramic products.

Can you microwave handmade ceramic mugs?

Well, I’m afraid there isn’t a yes or no answer to this question.

Handmade ceramic mugs can be made with all sorts of materials, and the fired glaze finishing varies for each one of them, so we don’t know for certain if the handmade ceramic mugs are safe to use in the microwave.

I’d not recommend using handmade ceramic mugs in the microwave, though. Handmade ceramic mugs can have variations in thickness, and they will absorb different heat. Chances are it will cause them to shatter when microwaving.

2 thoughts on “Can You Put Ceramic in the Microwave? Here’s What You Need to Know”

Still don’t have an answer to my question. My ceramic microwaveable mug which I’ve used many times now has hairline cracks around half the rim which are brown (coffee) and the coffee is lukewarm instead of hot. Never had this happen before. Is this safe to drink out of now?

Angela: any cracked or chipped ceramic item should not be used to consume beverages or food as the exposed ceramic could harbor germs which may make one ill.

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Can You Put Starbucks Cups In The Microwave? (Find Out Now!)

Alex Praytor

Making a morning run to Starbucks can start a day off right. If you order the venti size, this coffee drink could even last you the whole day. Unfortunately, it will only stay hot for so long.

So, what do you do when your coffee drink cools off too quickly? Can you reheat your Starbucks drink in the microwave?

The disposable cups at Starbucks unfortunately are not microwave-safe. Most paper coffee cups, including those at Starbucks, are lined with plastic to make the cup more waterproof. While these cups resist the temperatures of hot coffee, they cannot resist microwave heat. Putting a Starbucks paper cup in the microwave could result in the lining melting into your drink, or the glue seam coming undone.

We’ll fill you in on why reheating a Starbucks drink in its disposable cup is not a good idea, and also let you know how you can safely reheat your coffee.

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starbucks ceramic travel mug microwave safe

The Making of a Starbucks Cup

You may have noticed a “do not microwave” warning on a Starbucks disposable cup. Starbucks paper cups are designed to withstand the temperatures of your hot coffee, but active heating is a whole new ball of wax! While some Reddit users may choose to ignore this warning, the label was put there for a reason.

Starbucks disposable cups have a paper exterior that uses 10% recycled fibers. Just paper alone is not water-resistant enough to hold your coffee, though. To keep your hot coffee from seeping through your Starbucks cup, the cup is lined with a thin plastic coating on the inside. This waterproof polyethylene lining allows you to drink coffee out of paper.

However, it is also the reason you shouldn’t put this cup in the microwave. The plastic lining also prevents you from being able to effectively recycle your Starbucks cup. However, this is another discussion for another day.

What Happens When You Put a Paper Starbucks Cup in the Microwave

When you microwave your paper to-go cup, the lining and glue can melt and/or create dangerous toxins. In a best-case scenario, you may notice a slight plastic taste to your beverage if you microwave it. However, you could experience more serious consequences. The to-go cup can actually begin to burn in your microwave. Or, the glue that holds the seams of your cup together can disintegrate. No one wants to end up with a lap full of hot coffee. Ouch!

What Starbucks Cups are Microwave-safe?

If you want to reheat your coffee, your to-go paper cup is out. However, many of Starbucks’ reusable cups can be microwaved. In many stores, you can even get a few cents off your order when you use a reusable cup.

Some Starbucks cups that are safe for reheating hot beverages are:

  • Hot color-changing cups
  • Ceramic mugs
  • Travel Cups

Not every reusable Starbucks cup is microwave-safe, however. For example, color-changing cups made for cold drinks are not microwave-safe. Check the bottom of your cup or mug before popping it into the microwave. Most cups and mugs will have a note from the manufacturer that will tell you whether or not you can microwave them. Also, remember to remove lids before microwaving your cup.

How to Reheat Starbucks Coffee in the Microwave

If you didn’t have time to drink all of your coffee before it cooled off, it is possible to reheat your coffee. Just make sure the beverage hasn’t been left in the time-temperature danger zone for too long. If your drink contains milk and has been sitting out for over 2 hours at room temperature, you may just have to count your losses and brew a new cup.

Here are some tips for reheating your Starbucks coffee and retaining as much flavor as possible:

  • Step 1: Pour your drink into a microwave-safe cup for reheating in the microwave.
  • Step 2: Set your microwave to medium-high heat.
  • Step 3: Heat your coffee drink for about 45 seconds.
  • Step 4:  If your coffee is not hot enough for your taste, heat for another 30 seconds.
  • Step 5: Continue to heat using 30-second increments until your drink reaches the desired temperature.

When you boil a coffee drink this can over-extract or burn your drink. Also, any milk in your drink may curdle at high temperatures. Better to go slow with the heating process and retain as much flavor as possible.

Reheating your drink may negatively affect the taste of your coffee. Instead, you can choose to plop a few ice cubes into your cup for a new take on a favorite drink. You won’t even need to change your cup for this method!

Keep in mind that microwaved liquids can go from hot to superheated in a matter of seconds. Superheated liquid is liquid that has reached a temperature past the boiling point. On the surface, it will appear still, but when you move the cup, the liquid can explode. This can cause serious burns. To safely heat coffee in the microwave, it is best to check the heat of your drink at small intervals of time.

Related Questions

Can i microwave glass cups.

If glassware is oven-safe, it follows that it will also be microwave-safe. However, many regular glass cups are not thermo-resistant and can crack or break when exposed to heat. Also, glasses that have a gold or silver rim are not microwavable. Often the glass will have a note on the bottom saying if it is or is not microwave-safe.

Are Starbucks cups recyclable?

Most paper coffee cups, including those at Starbucks, have a plastic lining to keep the coffee inside. This means that they are not fully recyclable. In 2020, Starbucks did a trial run of Bio-PBS lined cups that could be recycled or composted. Starbucks also has plans to serve drinks reusable cups in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The customers would pay a deposit when buying their favorite beverage and the deposit would be refunded when they return the cup.

Where can I order a reusable Starbucks cup?

Starbucks no longer has an online store, but you can buy reusable cups and mugs in Starbucks stores. You can check your Starbucks app to see which cups your local store has in stock. Some stores such as Walmart and Target carry Starbucks cups both in-store and online, or you can order a cup online from Amazon.

Alex Praytor

Alex Praytor is a native Texan who got her degree in English Literature and decided to travel the globe. She finds the architecture and design of homes across cultures fascinating. In her spare time, she visits coffee shops with her family and creates projects for their own home. Alex enjoys sharing tips on how to keep repairs up to date while turning a house into a home.

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Can You Microwave Starbucks Cups? (Microwave Safety Tips)

  • Last updated: Feb 22 2024

With 7 billion of them ending up in landfills every year, finding ways to reuse Starbucks coffee cups is more than a matter of convenience—it’s a better way to treat the planet. Unfortunately, most Starbucks cups, whether it is the paper cup you get at the drive-thru or the fancy plastic tumbler you buy as a stocking stuffer, are not microwave-safe, giving you few options for further use.

Still, “many” doesn’t mean “all.” Starbucks offers a growing array of branded cups as diverse as their coffee menu, with some being more tolerant of the microwave than others. We’ll dive into the details with this look at whether you can microwave Starbucks cups and offer tips for staying safe.

Can You Microwave Starbucks Paper Cups?

Most Starbucks cups are not microwavable, whether they’re disposable to-go cups or expensive branded mugs. You can tell if your Starbucks drink container is microwave-safe by checking the bottom. Look for the microwave symbol or instructions for safe use. Most cups will have a clear warning of “Do Not Microwave” alongside the dishwashing directions.

Starbucks uses a paper cup featuring about 95% cellulose paper and 5% low-density polyethylene for its hot to-go drinks. It’s safest to keep them out of the microwave for a few reasons. One immediate issue many experience is having the glued seam melt and open a leak in the side of the cup. That’s one cleanup you won’t want to handle. But the more significant concern with poly-coated cups like Starbucks to-go containers is toxins leaching into drinks.

There’s some debate surrounding how much the microwave affects the breakdown of LDPE. Yet studies have shown that single-use paper cups release trillions of nanoparticles when filled with hot liquid. Not only does the plastic content hurt the cups’ recyclability, but the health implications may also make you reconsider whether you should use them at all. To its credit, Starbucks is planning to phase out its paper cups as a critical green initiative.

Can You Microwave Starbucks Tumblers and Mugs?

Between the risk of a blown seam and microplastics getting into your drink, there are enough reasons not to use Starbucks paper cups, whether in the microwave or otherwise. But what about those expensive reusable cups?

A glance at the bottom of most Starbucks reusable containers indicates that they are not microwave-safe. Although they use durable polypropylene plastic, extra materials like metals and non-microwavable labels can harm the cup or your microwave.

Other reusable items include metal tumblers, cold cups, water bottles, and hot mugs. You must never put metal items in the microwave for obvious safety purposes. But even ceramic and glass mugs can injure you if you’re not careful. No matter the material, follow the directions on the cup to prevent damage to yourself, the container, and your equipment.

Starbucks Reusable Hot Cup

Although most Starbucks cups should stay out of the microwave, one notable exception is the 16-ounce reusable hot cup. Made of #5 PP plastic, the hot cup (resembling the disposable paper variety) is generally safe to microwave without the lid.

The cheap reusable plastic cup is a practical investment for regular Starbucks drinkers. Alongside its ability to survive the microwave, it is more eco-friendly than paper cups and supplies savings whenever you fill up. Use the reusable 16-ounce cup, and you could get a 10-cent discount and extra reward points. If you visit your local Starbucks daily, the cup will pay for itself in only a few weeks.

Tips for Microwaving Starbucks Coffee

Regardless of the type of cup you use, reheating Starbucks coffee (or any coffee, for that matter) isn’t ideal primarily because of the taste. The ongoing release of organic compounds from reheating will create a bitter, bland flavor far removed from those first few sips. Invest in a quality thermal mug if you’re often in a position where you need to reheat your Starbucks. Have your barista fill it whenever you stop by the coffee shop or transfer the drink immediately after getting it.

In those instances where you can’t avoid nuking your Starbucks coffee, find a microwave-safe mug to hold it. Adjust the microwave setting to half power, and heat the coffee in 30-second intervals. Test and stir between each one until it reaches the desired temperature.

You can use the same technique for a Starbucks paper cup when you’re in a bind. Keeping a close eye on the seam and the lower edge is crucial to ensure it doesn’t burn or open a hole. Starbucks does not recommend microwaving their cups, so take extreme caution and only use this as a last resort.

Final Thoughts

Given the cost of a Starbucks coffee, you can’t get your money’s worth if you don’t finish your drink. But if you’re forced to reheat your latte for a couple of seconds in the microwave , take a few more seconds to find a microwave-safe mug . No matter how you take your coffee, the flavor of a plastic Starbucks cup is hardly one to add to your daily pick-me-up.

  • Read More: Are Blender Bottles Microwave-Safe? (Microwave Safety Tips)
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Featured Image Credit: ana2600, Pixabay

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Best Ceramics Review

Can you Microwave Ceramic Mugs [An Explanation Guide]

Are mugs microwave safe

A ceramic mug is an everyday used item in our house. Sometimes we need to put it into the microwave. But the question is, can I microwave ceramic mugs? If I place it into the microwave, will it crack, break, or boom inside and damage it? Some of us are afraid to put a mug into the microwave. Do they like to know the complete answer to can you microwave ceramic mugs?

The short answer is yes, and you can microwave a ceramic mug because a ceramic mug comes with a safe microwave label. If you found this label on your mug, it is safe for microwaving. It won’t crack, break, or damage inside the microwave. You’re ultimately allowed to microwave this type of mug.

What happens if you don’t get your mug’s microwave-safe label or the mug’s packaging? Now it is a little challenging to know whether it is microwave safe. Yes! We’ve written this article as a complete guide on this topic. You’ll find all related questions and answers here about this topic. So, let’s drive in!

Are ceramic mugs microwave safe?

Are ceramic mugs microwave safe

Have we heard some relevant questions like are ceramic coffee mugs microwave safe? Is a ceramic mug microwave safe? Yes, most ceramic mugs are microwave safe, known for their strength and durability. Ceramics is a material that has a high heat resistance ability, and it tends to be less fragile than glass.

That is why most ceramic mugs are safe to microwave. But there are some unwanted issues in some items which are less. Some of the manufacturers aren’t offering the microwave-safe feature. And they do not recommend their product be placed in the microwave.

In this case, you can’t say all the ceramic mugs are microwave safe. The most considerable amount of products are microwave safe, but some are not. So, you must also check its labels to make sure constantly. You’ll find the label “microwave safe” on its packaging if it is microwave safe.

Can you microwave ceramic mugs?

Can you microwave ceramic mugs

If I ask you, can you microwave a ceramic mug? What is your answer from you? I appreciate that you already know the correct answer. Yes, you can microwave mugs if it is made with ceramic, porcelain, and stoneware. Especially a ceramic mug is as durable and heat resistant to keep safe in high temperatures.

Advance ceramics is more heat resistant than aluminum and other nearly material. While the aluminum starts to melt at 660⁰ Fahrenheit but an advance can still resist 1220⁰ Fahrenheit temperatures. Alumina Fine Ceramics are more resistant than advanced ceramics. It will begin to melt or decompose at temperatures above 2,000℃ (approx. 3,632℉).

So if your ceramic mug is made with advanced or fine alumina ceramic, then you can place it in a microwave. It won’t disappoint you.

Can ceramic mugs go in the microwave?

Most ceramic mugs are microwaveable, and similar materials like stoneware, porcelain, glass, and some plastic are microwave safe. Some of the ceramic mugs are not allowed to go in the microwave. Suppose your mug has metal rings or some décor item, then it does not let it go in the microwave. You can put a ceramic mug in the microwave except for those mentioned above.

How to check microwave-safe mug

How to check microwave-safe mug

There are some tricks to check whether a mug is microwave safe. You can follow these tips below to identify whether your mug is microwave safe or not.

Manufactured label:  Every mug has a manufactured label from the company. Check the mugs label “microwave safe” feature. If a microwave-safe part is available, you can place it in the microwave. It is the simple and most straightforward method to identify a microwave-safe mug.

The thickness of the mug:  Usually, a thicker mug won’t break in the microwave. So if your mug is wide enough, you can try it in the microwave for one minute. Then, if it doesn’t get too hot, you can regularly use it in a microwave.

Heat resistant ability:  A good quality ceramic material can withstand within 1220 degrees to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit temperature. If your mug is made with high-quality ceramic, you can safely use it in a microwave.

Homemade tips:  Take a mug and fill it with regular tap water. Please place it in a microwave and start it for one minute. Now, check whether the mug is cool to the touch or not after one minute. If the mug is still cool to the touch, it proves it is microwave safe.

Durability:  Another feature is durability; a durable ceramic mug is safe to use in the microwave. Because a ceramic material melts at up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, then it gives a mug or other shape. So ceramic is always a durable and highly heat-resistant product.

Can you put a ceramic mug in the microwave?

We’ve got questions like, can I put a ceramic mug in the microwave? Or, can you put ceramic mugs in the microwave? The answer is yes, and you can put it in the microwave.

Will a Ceramic Mug Break in the Microwave?

Will a Ceramic Mug Break in the Microwave

The answer is quite challenging to answer in a single word. However, if you place a non-microwave-safe mug in the microwave, then it can break. To avoid any accident, ensure that it is microwave safe as well.

Are all ceramic mugs microwave safe?

No, all the mugs aren’t microwave-safe. Please check the mug’s label, factory recommendation, quality, durability, and any metal things available or not before placing it in a microwave. All the ordinary mugs wouldn’t be microwave safe. If you do that, it will break inside the microwave. Some travel mug also microwave safe if it has “microwave-safe” label.

How to microwave ceramic mug

How to microwave ceramic mug

Microwaving is a straightforward job to do. Follow these lines below to microwave your coffee mug safely. You can even warm water by microwaving.

  • Plug in the microwave in a socket outlet.
  • Place the coffee mug into the microwave and close its door. (If you want to warm the mug)
  • Fill up a mug with water and do the above step. (If you’re going to boil water)
  • Set up the time for microwaving (For an empty mug, set 30 seconds, and for boiling water, 1 minute is enough)
  • Open the microwave and remove the mug. The cup would be cool to the touch as well. Then, you’re done.

Are ceramic mugs microwavable?

Yes, a ceramic mug is microwaveable if it doesn’t contain any metal item or ordinary melted paint.

Are Starbucks ceramic mugs microwave safe?

Are Starbucks ceramic mugs microwave safe

Starbucks ceramic mug is a worldwide famous brand. There are lots of coffee lover who loves Starbucks mugs for their quality. But can you microwave Starbucks ceramic mug? Yes, all the Starbucks mugs are microwave safe, except those are not recommended for microwave.

Some double-wall reusable Starbucks mugs are not microwave-safe. Because those are not made for microwave-safe features, so all the Starbucks mugs you can use as microwave-safe mugs except those are labeled with “non-microwave” safe.

Can you microwave handmade ceramic mugs?

Can you microwave handmade ceramic mugs

There is still a lot of confusion about whether handmade ceramics are microwave safe or not. But, most of the handmade mugs are entirely microwave-safe as well. However, if your handmade ceramic mug is made with stoneware, earthenware, or terracotta, its microwave-safe chance is less. All the high-quality ceramics-made mugs would be microwave safe.

What happens if your mug is No Label?

If your ceramic mug has no safe microwave information labels, do not put it in the microwave. It won’t be a good idea to use it in a microwave . If you do that, it may crack or break. Also, you can check it by the tricks mentioned above.

Finally, we would say you can use ceramic mugs in the microwave. Most of the ceramic mugs are microwave safe. The best practice is always to check the mug’s microwave-safe label. You are good to go if the mugs are sealed for microwave safety features.

Do not allow any mugs into the microwave. Just use those mugs that are labeled as safe to use. We hope you’ve got this article helpful as well. We like to know about your microwaving experiment and your advice too. Share your knowledge in the comment section and meet with new people. Have a good day!

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17 Best Travel Coffee Mugs for Hot and Cold Drinks

Commute with your coffee under control.

best travel mugs

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

For many of us, coffee is a constant companion — and that means you'll want a trusty travel mug as you head out the door. Whether you prefer a piping hot cup from your drip coffee maker or single-serve coffeemaker , a refill at Starbucks or a dose of joe from your cold brew coffee maker , your travel coffee mug should handle it all without leaking. Fortunately, there's tons of options out there, including stainless steel coffee thermoses to keep your beverages cool and ones with straws for easy sipping.

Over the years, the pros in the Good Housekeeping Institute Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab have tested 45 different travel mugs for hot and cold temperature retention, durability, resistance to leakage, ease of use and more. In our most recent tests, we called in samples of the latest travel mugs and used them both in the office and on our commutes to see how well they held up. We noted how they felt, how they traveled and, unavoidably, how they held up when dropped. Ahead, we rounded up the best travel coffee mugs based on picks that performed well during testing or come from brands that we trust.

Our top picks:

16-Ounce Stainless Steel Mug

Best Overall Travel Coffee Mug

Zojirushi 16-ounce stainless steel mug.

Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Tumbler

Best Value Travel Coffee Mug

Juro stainless steel vacuum insulated tumbler.

Classic Trigger Action Travel Mug

Best No-Spill Travel Coffee Mug

Stanley classic trigger action travel mug.

Sedona Stainless Steel Thermal Tumbler

Best Travel Coffee Mug for Espresso Drinks

Avana sedona stainless steel thermal tumbler.

Good Grips 16-oz Travel Coffee Mug with Leakproof SimplyClean Lid

Easiest to Clean Leak-Resistant Travel Coffee Mug

Oxo good grips 16-oz travel coffee mug with leakproof simplyclean lid.

Flex Sip Lid Coffee Flask

Best Travel Coffee Mug with Carrying Strap

Hydro flask flex sip lid coffee flask.

Heated Coffee Mug

Best Self-Heating Travel Coffee Mug

Smrtmugg heated coffee mug.

Stainless Steel Traveler

Best Wide-Mouthed Travel Coffee Mug

S'well stainless steel traveler.

Luxe Autoseal Vacuum-Insulated Mug

Best Locking-Lid Travel Coffee Mug

Contigo luxe autoseal vacuum-insulated mug.

Rambler Mug with Lid

Best Travel Coffee Mug with Handle

Yeti rambler mug with lid.

Read on for more information on our testing process as well as for tips on what to look for when shopping for a travel coffee mug. For more ideas on what to fill your cup with, check out these coffee recipes to make at home .

Zojirushi's travel mug with a locking lid opens with the push of a button but won't leak or spill (even in a backpack). It will keep hot coffee hot — in fact, the brand is so confident that it offers a five-year warranty on heat retention. Iced coffee fans will appreciate that the mouth is large enough to handle big ice cubes for that extra chill.

Our tester noted that the vacuum-sealed lid keeps water cold all day: "I always grab it from my backpack and think, 'There's no way this could still possibly be cool anymore,' and I'm always pleasantly surprised." We also like the slim design, which is easy to grip and fits nicely into backpacks or totes. It comes in several colors and a 12-ounce version.

This stainless steel mug is a great affordable option, especially considering its large 20-ounce size. What's more, it claims to retain the temperature of your coffee for up to six hours. Online reviewers like that it fits easily into car holders and won't sweat when filled with ice. The tumbler includes two lids: The featured slider lid as well as a flip-style lid , so you can choose which you prefer for the beverage you're drinking. It also comes with a reusable straw and a straw cleaner, though we found the straw was short and inconvenient to use.

Stanley has been in the thermal carafe game since 1913. This travel coffee mug delivers the company's insulated design and also includes a push-button "trigger action" lid that keeps the mug sealed unless pushed. We liked that it means the spout stays closed when you're not hands-on . Our pros did note that it requires some level of strength and dexterity to hold the button while sipping. This mug is available in several colors (even camo!) and in a 20-ounce size.

This 10-ounce travel mug from Avana is perfectly sized for espresso-based drinks, but it's also available in 20-ounce and 30-ounce versions. Kitchen Appliances & Innovation Lab Director Nicole Papantoniou likes that the simple two-piece design is easy to clean because the lid is just one solid piece, unlike many other lids. This is particularly helpful if you like coffee drinks with foam, like latte beverages , that can gunk up lids over time. The contoured mouthpiece makes sipping easy, but it doesn't seal closed, so watch out for leaks. The double-walled insulated construction keeps drinks hot or cold and helps prevent condensation from collecting on the outside.

We love when kitchen gear comes apart for a thorough cleaning, but would rather skip the guesswork that can follow when it's time to reassemble. The OXO travel coffee mug with SimplyClean lid solves this pain point: The four-piece lid is color-coded, numbered and etched with assembly instructions . It's easy to take apart and clean by hand (or in the dishwasher), and simple to put back together for your next cup. Never mind, it's also comfortable to hold. The mug comes in four other colors as well as a 20-ounce size.

Hydro Flask has a huge following when it comes to water bottles — in fact, we named the brand our best stainless steel water bottle — and we're fans of its coffee mugs (called coffee flasks), too . GH Lab tests found that its stainless steel, vacuum-insulated body kept drinks hot and cold for hours, and it was quite leakproof. Hydro Flask also offers a separate wide-mouth lid , which can be handy for cold beverages. (The included lid twists to open and close.) But, be careful drinking hot beverages with a wide mouth as it can spill easily. It's available in a range of colors as well as 16- and 20-ounce sizes , and the little handle helps make it easier to transport.

This SmrtMugg travel mug — rated our best self-heating travel mug — has built-in heat technology to keep coffee hot. Its large battery on the bottom — the manufacturer claims a 10-hour battery life — kept coffee hot (above the target temp of 135˚F) for the full four hours of our Lab tests . Once you get the hang of the controls at the bottom of the mug, the clear digital readout is helpful in setting the temperature and turning off the mug. This travel mug also aced our leak tests. Our tester noted that while the push-button lid is easy to use, the edge of the button can bump your lip while drinking.

This sleek 16-ounce bottle has been redesigned to fit more comfortably in your hand. Though we have not tested this model in the Lab, our pros appreciate that i ts large size and wide mouth can easily fit ice cubes , which makes it a great choice for frequent iced coffee drinkers. We have also found other S'well products to be good at maintaining temperatures. It seals shut and is leakproof; plus, it will keep your drinks cold (or hot!) all day. The S'well comes in a ton of color options as well as 12-ounce and 20-ounce sizes.

This coffee mug from Contigo is super comfortable in your hands, and it has a unique locking feature that makes it leak- and spill-proof. When you want to sip (or chug) your coffee, just press the button to release the seal. During your commute, you can lock the button so you don't accidentally press it while on the go . It's also completely dishwasher-safe, even the lid. One tester did note that with hot beverages, the lid can feel too hot to handle.

This popular Yeti mug looks just like a traditional coffee mug, but it's designed to keep your drinks hot or cold and comes with a lid to prevent unnecessary spills. The sturdy and comfortable handle is large enough for even wide hands. It's available in a dozen different colors as well as sizes from 10- to 30 ounces. Another bonus is that when you buy from the Yeti site, you can customize your product with a short text, a monogram or a logo. Our tester found that the lid slides open easily but noted that it's not leakproof. The brand has also introduced the Rambler Stronghold lid , which screws on (rather than presses in), which we're actively testing in the Lab.

Fellow Carter Everywhere Travel Mug

Carter Everywhere Travel Mug

This little cylinder makes a statement, with testers loving how compact it was. The sleek stainless steel shell contains a ceramic liner intended to keep your coffee free of metallic flavors. The screw top reveals a wide mouth that you can sip from any angle and is large enough for adding ice . It comes in seven additional colors as well as a smaller, 12-ounce size.

W&P Porter Ceramic Mug with Protective Silicone Sleeve

Ceramic Mug with Protective Silicone Sleeve

Papantoniou likes that the inside of this travel mug is easy-to-clean porcelain, which generally helps to prevent buildup over time that can negatively impart flavors . She also noted that it keeps coffee "nice and hot right off the bat." It includes a simple shape and a silicone sleeve for a comfortable non-slip grip. It comes in several colors and a couple of terrazzo prints . It's also available in a 16-ounce size.

Starbucks Classic Green & White Traveler Tumbler Coffee Mug

Classic Green & White Traveler Tumbler Coffee Mug

Starbucks fans will appreciate that they can purchase this mug online rather than solely in the stores. The ceramic mug is easy to use — the lid just pops into place and is surrounded by a rubber seal to help keep it (and the coffee) in place — and easy to clean . "It keeps coffee warm like a standard ceramic mug would, and the lid helps to keep things a little warmer for longer," our tester says. "I like that it's not scalding hot like in a metal mug, so I can enjoy my coffee without burning my mouth." The 12-oz size is perfect for refills of Starbucks tall drinks.

STOJO Collapsible Travel Cup with Straw

Collapsible Travel Cup with Straw

Stojo's collapsible coffee cup makes it possible to travel light while avoiding single-use plastics. The brand impressed our pros with its other collapsible offerings — the Collapsible Bowl won a 2021 Kitchen Gear Award . Similarly, this travel cup is well designed: The cup includes a heat sleeve that provides a structured grip for the squishy silicone cup, and the 16-ounce size includes a straw (which is great for iced coffee or if you prefer to bring your own cup to fountain machines). The collapsed cup is just two inches in size. It's both microwave and dishwasher safe, with 8-ounce , 12-ounce and 24-ounce sizes.

MiiR Flip Traveler

Flip Traveler

With a 4.8-rating on Amazon, this stainless steel thermos comes in a slim design and an easy-to-open lid. Though we have not tested this pick in the Lab, we like its focus on giving back: T he bottom of each travel mug is printed with a "Give Code" that you can enter at Mirr's website for details on the brand's corporate giving , which is funded through every purchase. The Flip Traveler is available in several colors and 12-ounce and 16-ounce sizes .

JOCO Glass Reusable Coffee Cup

Glass Reusable Coffee Cup

This glass bodied Joco mug has a colorful silicone lid and a matching thermal sleeve. It's microwave (and dishwasher!) safe, which makes it a great option if you like to reheat your coffee throughout the day. Since the glass is clear, it's easy to see how much coffee you have left — and hit your preferred shade when you add your creamer. Take note that the lid does not seal shut, so while it might be handy for car commuting, this isn't one that's great for tossing in your bag.

Zoku Instant Iced Coffee Maker

Instant Iced Coffee Maker

For iced coffee fiends, this mug is for you. Get your cuppa in flash: Simply store the inner core of the mug in the freezer, then slip the frozen cup into the protective plastic sleeve and pour in hot coffee. Our tester found that the travel mug will chill your coffee rapidly without watering it down with ice cubes. (The brand actually uses the same concept for its ice cream maker .) Slide in the lid with the provided straw, and you're ready for undiluted iced coffee — though you can add ice if you prefer. One caveat is that the freezable core holds only 11 ounces, which some might find too small.

How we test travel coffee mugs


When the experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab test travel coffee mugs, they use thermocouples to track the temperature of the liquid inside the mug over time. Many of the mugs on this list were tested at home over months (even over commutes) to assess their durability, ease of use and temperature retention.

Our pros also evaluate the mugs for stability, cleanability and comfort of both holding and drinking. They test whether the mug is easy to open and close, and they drop each mug to assess its durability. To test for leaking, our pros roll the mug around on its side as well as turn it upside down and shake it vigorously.

How to find the best travel coffee mug for you


✔️ Material : Many travel coffee mugs are stainless steel, though our list also includes porcelain, glass and silicone options. Double-walled construction is common with stainless steel mugs, and that can help keep your beverage hot or cold longer. Other materials may not be insulated. If you opt for a glass mug, consider borosilicate glass, which is tempered to prevent shattering with hot liquids and can be more durable if dropped. Porcelain mugs are generally easy to clean, and because the material is nonporous, the mug is unlikely to develop odd flavors. Silicone is a great lightweight option, but it can get warm if it does not have a heat sleeve.

✔️ Lid : Some lids are more spill-proof than others. Our Lab experts particularly love the locking feature on the Contigo Luxe Autoseal Vacuum-Insulated Travel Coffee Mug , which adds a level of safety if you plan to toss your mug in your bag. Lids that screw on are also often leak-resistant. Those who prefer a more traditional-style mug with a handle may find that slider lids are common; evaluate those for leaking, as some are prone to dribbles (or worse). Note that spill-proof lids often require more care to clean.

✔️ Washability : Check to see if the mug is dishwasher-safe. If it needs to be washed by hand, make sure you can thoroughly clean it with a sponge or bottle brush .

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Sarah Wharton is the Senior Editor and Analyst for the Good Housekeeping Institute. She tested several of the newest additions to this list as well as led the recent test of heated mugs. She's written about all kinds of kitchen gear as well as coffee advice like how to make a cappuccino and how to make an iced latte .

Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab Director Nicole Papantoniou oversees all testing of kitchen gear, including products like coffee grinders , coffee makers , espresso machines and Nespresso machines . She has tested almost all of these travel mugs and is constantly rotating through an assortment in her daily travel mug use. She is also the lead judge in the Good Housekeeping Institute's forthcoming Coffee Awards .

Headshot of Sarah Gregory Wharton

Sarah (she/her) is a deputy editor in the Good Housekeeping Institute , where she tests products and covers the best picks across kitchen, tech, health and food. She has been cooking professionally since 2017 and has tested kitchen appliances and gear for Family Circle as well as developed recipes and food content for Simply Recipes, Martha Stewart Omnimedia, Oxo and Food52. She holds a certificate in professional culinary arts from the International Culinary Center (now the Institute of Culinary Education).

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Can You Put a Mug in the Microwave?

Enjoying a hot beverage in the winter time only to have it turn cold long before you are finished drinking can be a frequently occurring, irritating experience. Luckily, with the help of a microwave you can make that drink hot again in seconds. But is this always a good idea and are all mugs microwave safe? 

Most ceramic mugs and glass mugs are safe to put in the microwave. Metal mugs and mugs containing any metal components should never be microwaved. Some plastic mugs might also be microwave safe but it’s best to avoid microwaving plastic due to the toxins it can release. 

It can be confusing to know whether or not a mug is microwave safe if it doesn’t explicitly say so on its label. With all the different materials that can be used to make a mug, it isn’t guaranteed to be safe to use in the microwave even if it is ceramic. Today we will provide you with the info you need to know which types of mugs and brands are microwave safe and tips on how to verify that yourself.  

How Do You Know if a Mug Is Microwave Safe?

The surest way to know if a mug is microwave safe is if it is stated outright on the mug’s label or the packaging it came in. As mentioned before, ceramic is a generally safe material for the microwave, however, there are many other components that can make a mug unsafe to put in the oven. The type of ceramic and the color and application of the glaze can affect its compatibility with a microwave.

A common way to test if a mug is safe is to fill it with water and put it in the microwave for one to one and a half minutes. If the handle is hot to the touch and impossible to grasp then the mug is not the best for use in the microwave. This test can be used even on mugs that are deemed microwave safe because even those may overheat up to a point that can cause burns. 

Glass mugs, while not as common as ceramic mugs, are generally safe for use in the microwave if the glass is thick enough. Be aware that certain types of glass can burst under high heat. To avoid this, you can do the test from above for only a minute and if the glass remains cold and the water inside is hot then it is safe for the microwave.

Anything containing metal should never be put in the microwave because the metal may spark and cause a fire. 

While many plastics are deemed microwave safe they could release harmful toxins into your food or drinks and may even melt if the plastic is too thin. It’s best to avoid microwaving plastic unless it’s specified by the manufacturer as microwave safe. Even then, the microwave-safe label just means that no damage will occur to the mug and there’s no risk of sparking but it does not provide a guarantee that any harmful substances from the mug won’t reach the food. 

Is It Safe to Put a Travel Mug in the Microwave?

A lot of mugs designed to take beverages to go are made of or include metal components so it is not advisable to microwave these types of mugs. Others are made with a double wall of ceramic which should not be put in the microwave because it could crack. 

The best option to avoid the issue of needing to reheat something in a travel mug is to get one that keeps liquids hot. These types of mugs are generally made of metal but their heat-retaining design should keep you from encountering the dilemma that would lead you to the microwave in the first place. 

Why Do Some Mugs Get Hot in the Microwave and Others Don’t?

Some mugs, mostly those with darker colored glazes, have a high level of a metal called manganese which causes the mug to heat up more. Lighter colored glazes won’t have this problem but that doesn’t mean every white ceramic mug is microwave safe. 

The quality of the ceramic object is important. Cheaper made, bisque ceramics tend to be thicker and absorb more heat. Higher end ceramics like porcelain generally don’t have this same problem and are microwave safe if they have no metallic detailing. 

The application of the glaze can also affect the way that the mug heats. Poorly or unevenly applied glaze will let in moisture that causes the mug, especially its handle, to heat up a lot. This can also happen with age and frequent use. If the glaze starts to crack then it also starts letting in more moisture which leads to overheating.

Are Starbucks Mugs Microwave Safe?

Starbucks is pretty much the supreme ruler of coffee in America so it’s not a surprise that they manufacture a lot of their own mugs and that there are a lot of coffee lovers out there who collect them but are all their mugs microwave safe?

Any ceramic Starbucks mug without a metallic finish in its design is safe to use in the microwave but you should always make sure the label at the bottom of the cup confirms this. Since many of the collectible Starbucks mugs have intricate illustrations on them it could be easy to miss some metallic coloring and it’s not advisable to microwave a Starbucks mug unless it’s labeled as safe.

The reusable Starbucks travel mugs that resemble their single-use cups are marked as not microwave safe. Why is this the case if most of their other mugs are microwave safe? Well, these mugs are double walled which can cause heat to get trapped and crack the mug.

Are IKEA Mugs Microwave Safe?

Ikea is definitely the most popular one stop shop for furnishing and supplying your home with everything that it needs including a large selection of kitchenware. The company is known for their quality yet affordable home goods which seems to include their mugs but are they microwave safe? 

The answer is yes, Ikea mugs are microwave safe. While the 20 or so models of mugs that Ikea offers are made from a variety of materials, most are made from Feldspar porcelain which is meant to be a more resistant and durable material than that which most other average mugs are made of. Ikea also offers four different types of mugs made from tempered glass which are also microwave safe.

The only Ikea mug which is not officially deemed as microwave safe is their travel mug.

Are Redbubble Mugs Microwave Safe?

Redbubble is an online shop where any artist can provide artwork to be printed on a number of different items. This means that you can get yourself a mug with a design from your favorite independent artist. This makes redbubble an interesting and exciting place to get unique mugs but what is the quality of these mugs and are they microwave safe? 

Yes, Redbubble mugs are generally microwave-safe but you might run into the problem of the handle getting hot after a lot of use and frequent microwaving. They are run of the mill ceramic mugs and deemed microwave-safe according to their label so the same rules apply as to most of the other mugs discussed here. There seems to be no reports of microwaving affecting the art work on the mugs which would probably be the biggest concern in a product like this. 

Redbubble travel mugs, much like most travel mugs mentioned in this article, are not recommended for use in the microwave. 

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Robin is in his 30s and still enjoys the things he enjoyed as a teenager. He has studied nutrition, personal training, coaching, and cooking. He has an ever-growing interest in the art of cooking the best burger in the world. Thankfully, he also loves going to the gym.

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  13. Ceramic Starbucks Travel Mug ceramic starbucks travel mug. ... Microwave, Dishwasher Safe, Insulated Reusable Tall Cup, Splash Resistant Lid - To Go Tumbler for Car Cup Holder, Seafoam. Ceramic. 4.2 out of 5 stars. 4,565. 200+ bought in past month. $20.99 $ 20. 99. FREE delivery Fri, May 24 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon.

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