In the California desert, these sacred spaces offer a chance to connect with the divine

A labyrinth in Apple Valley

From concentric labyrinths etched in sand to elaborate altars constructed in alcoves to a patch of garden in a private yard, sublimely spiritual in its simplicity, sacred spaces – whether personal or institutional – have been deliberately erected across the globe since time immemorial. 

More than a design element to increase property value or a metaphysical marketing ploy, a sacred space is where one goes to reconnect at a soul level. It’s a place to meditate, pray, grieve losses, celebrate gains, honor ancestors, commune with nature, implore help from spiritual guides or offer gratitude for blessings received. At its core, a sacred space provides a safe haven to replenish and cleanse mind, body and spirit. 

The desert is inherently spiritual with a vast openness that encourages quiet introspection and a muted beauty that inspires contemplation. In the words of Italian cleric Carlo Carretto: “The desert does not mean the absence of men, it means the presence of God.” It’s no wonder that desert dwellers and visitors drawn to its sweet solitude are compelled to seek out or create sacred spaces.

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Near Joshua Tree, tucked away among irregular boulders strewn about like a giant game of jacks abandoned by the gods, the Joshua Tree Retreat Center or The Institute of Mentalphysics (the center’s founding legal name) sprawls across more than 400 tranquil acres. Originally created over 70 years ago by Edwin J. Dingle, founder of the Mentalphysics movement, the center today offers “an intentional habitat for wellness-based programs, festive cultural events, environmental education and deep spiritual inquiry” according to its website. 

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In addition to austere desert beauty, the center is purportedly gifted with several energy vortices – some imbued with the spiritual marrow of deific teachers and thought leaders of the past and others organic to the land itself – and is renowned as a hallowed place perfect for spiritual rejuvenation and educational retreats. 

Dingle, who later answered to Ding Le Mei as his enlightenment moniker took hold, associated with many other thought leaders and teachers of his time as evidenced by photos of Paramahansa Yogananda – author of the best-selling classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, and considered one of the preeminent spiritual figures of the 20th century – on the Joshua Tree property. 

According to Reverend-in-Residence Jody Curtis, who teaches at the center and also maintains its newsletter and all social media relevant to the center and its curriculum, Dingle’s transformation is etched in local history and steeped in mystical lore. 

“The story that has been passed down is that Edwin Dingle (who had already started the Institute of Mentalphysics in Los Angeles) was guided out to the desert to this piece of land in 1941,” she recounts. “He saw a light come down from the sky and heard, ‘This is where you are to build, and there will be roads from the great cities that will bring people here.’ So, he raised funds with the help of his Mentalphysics students and bought the property, which was to be designed and built with Frank Lloyd Wright and Lloyd Wright’s son.” 

Boasting the original buildings spawned of the collaboration between Dingle and the famed architect, JTRC today offers sleeping accommodations for up to 250 people, according to its website. The larger expanse of the center is rich in serene vistas, native flora and fauna, and sacred meditation areas, including an elaborate labyrinth and medicine wheel, and prayer sites reflective of major world religions – all watched over by stoic Joshua trees, the desert’s indigenous guardians. Also featured on its grounds are outdoor yoga areas, pool and Jacuzzi, three large meeting halls, and a book and gift store offering a large collection of crystals and products from local artisans. 

However, to laud one section as the healing epicenter is impossible, explains Curtis. “The entire acreage is special. Just wandering around the property is healing and will bring you a renewed sense of joy and peace.” 

Curtis cites the Chalice Well pond as ideal for meditating and the Preceptor of Light (aka Noble Hall) as a powerfully healing space where groups can gather. 

“The Sanctuary is a very unique space for healing as well,” she adds. “And, of course, I love the spot where I have held my Mentalphysics breath class for years – the Lotus Meditation Building created as a memorial to Ding Le Mei’s son, Richard.” 

As for the center’s Mentalphysics focus, the website describes the practice as a “‘Faultless Philosophy of Life’ that will deepen your connection to Source, whatever your religion or beliefs.” 

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“The teachings come passed down for thousands of years from Tibetan monasteries in the Himalayas designed for the development of body, mind and spirit, and transformation of consciousness,” it continues. 

The coursework is extensive and complex, but in its simplest terms involves “breath-work practices and exercises to build up Prana, or life-force energy, in our bodies, along with meditation practices and chanting.” 

The preeminent light guiding JTRC, Curtis suggests, is to nurture the discovery of infinite human potential. “It’s simply the endless capacity to love, to live, to learn, to grow, to evolve,” she concludes. “From a Mentalphysics standpoint, it’s an ever-evolving understanding of the laws that govern the universe and the truth that, ‘Whatever the Creator is, I AM.”

Elevating a remote section of Fairview Dry Lake in Apple Valley, about 100 miles northwest from Palm Springs and 92 miles northeast of Los Angeles, to pilgrimage-worthy status is a 62-foot labyrinth seemingly in the middle of nowhere. 

While research to date has not revealed the name of its creator or creators, that hasn’t stopped spirit-seekers or the curious from making the trek to this place of wind and rocks to “clear your head and get back in touch with nature” as was posted in the blog, “The Desert Way with Jaylyn and John.” 

“Do not step or jump across the rocks,” the post continues. “Just allow yourself to follow the concentric paths to the center. Enjoy the peaceful vibes here but please do not disturb thi sspiritual place.” 

Speculations abound about the labyrinth’s creation, from extraterrestrials designing the symbol as an invocation for humans to choose peace and love over war and hate to Apple Valley locals who made it to offset a weekend of boredom. Some people living near the area believe it was built by one of their neighbors who has yet to come forward. Most say it seemed like one day it wasn’t there and the next, it was. 

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One man, Walter Feller, posted on that he “was fortunate to meet the artist who installed this. She laid it out and her brothers took a couple days to align the rocks. The design is ancient and has been used for various religious ceremonies and for meditation.” Efforts to reach out to Feller for additional information have gone unanswered. 

Nevertheless, curiosity about the large, isolated labyrinth continues to drive folks toward this enigmatic marker of hopeful serenity in an ever-chaotic world. 

Interestingly, California isn’t the only state with an Apple Valley labyrinth. An article titled “A Hidden Treasure at Spirit of Life Presbyterian Church” chronicles the presence and history of a labyrinth situated behind a church in Apple Valley, Minn. 

According to the church report, there in “an open yard surrounded by homes is a small wooden arbor, with two built in benches. Take a closer look and that arbor is actually an entryway into something spiritual – a labyrinth. In 1999, the session commissioned the creation of a labyrinth. Initially, it was mowed into the grass and, later, one of our boy scouts built the outlining brick for the labyrinth as an Eagle Scout project.” 

The labyrinth is used most often in the summer by members of the Spirit of Life Presbyterian Church, but is open to anyone wishing to take a spiritual meander along its path, according to the same report. 

Two labyrinths in two distinct Apple Valleys thousands of miles apart. Maybe it’s something in the pectin?

Creating a sacred space in the home is an increasingly popular method of spiritual self-care. While there are many websites and blogs suggesting how to go about making such a space, all stress one critical aspect: make it your own. 

In Palm Springs, longtime desert resident, photographer and business owner Gary Dorothy parsed out part of his yard for a quiet, meditative space. 

“It is my healing, creative space,” he says. “Every morning and many evenings, I sit for a time with my dogs, often in a red rocking loveseat, watching the sun rising or setting as it transforms the garden in dappled light and illuminates the mountains in breathtaking ever-changing colors.” 

Dorothy’s garden evolved over time. Growing up in rural America instilled in him the underpinnings of an environmentalist, which culminated in Dorothy majoring in botany in college and, at one point, teaching high school biology with an emphasis in environmental education. 

“When our drought became severe here in California, I knew I had to become more responsible and more sensitive to my water usage,” he recalls. 

What began as a conservation effort begun with a degree of trepidation has blossomed in three short years into what Dorothy calls his “little masterpiece” – 17 small “islands,” connected by paths, featuring a robust assortment of primarily drought-tolerant desert plants set in decorative hardscape. 

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“I wanted to make it an artistic creation with small vignettes that could be viewed separately and as a whole – a space that would allow me to relax, meditate, photograph and simply enjoy through my remaining years,” he remembers. “Plant textures and forms, heights and widths, blossoms or lack thereof, shade and open sun, a few rusty artifacts – all contribute to a diverse space that gives the senses opportunities to meander or stay still.” 

Dorothy spent hundreds of hours scouring books and nurseries for ideas and, later, in the garden itself. “I started with three trees – desert willow, palo verde and lysiloma – spaced in a triangle throughout the space which, along with the many tall palm trees I’d planted as a border nearly 20 years ago, provide a lot of shade throughout the day,” he recalls. Heat-tolerance was as important a criterion as drought-tolerance when it came to selecting plants. 

Dorothy suspects that his garden – which occupies his entire back and side yard areas – will never be finished. “I learn about our climate each year, and I make adjustments to try to optimize plant growth and dormancy when needed,” he says. “In the summer, I try to be especially aware of the watering and shade needs of each plant. And I can still be seduced by the beauty of additional plants that I then must find very specific places to incorporate.” 

But in spiritual terms, it’s the journey not the destination. Dorothy acknowledges that the ongoing metamorphosis of his sacred space provides immense and immediate pleasure. An unexpected bonus to what began as Dorothy’s very personal, private place is that the garden has also become the setting for several well-attended public events – from parties and dinners to a horticultural society garden tour. “I feel like these kinds of healing sacred spaces benefit us individually and as a community,” he observes. “The fragile beauty and hardy resilience of growing plants nourish the human spirit. 

“Whether they are large home gardens like mine, or a row of potted plants on an apartment balcony railing, a patio rock garden, a city’s wellness garden, or other self-designated and designed spaces, they provide a soothing antidote to a bustling world often gone mad.”

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Walking the stone labyrinth at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens

Located in the historic West Adams District, the Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens   (3500 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018) is a nonprofit spiritual center that opened in 2002. PALG is the headquarters and learning center of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a non-denominational, ecumenical church. Visitors are invited to "unwind the mind" by walking the stone labyrinth , modeled after the famous Chartres Cathedral labyrinth in France. The Asian-themed meditation garden features 16 water fountains, a koi pond, and several intimate seating areas for reflection and meditation.

Docents are available to give tours of the historic Guasti Villa, built in 1910-14 by Secundo Guasti, an Italian immigrant whose namesake Southern California winery was at one time the largest in the world. The grand villa was designed by the architectural firm of Hudson & Munsell (Frank Dale Hudson and William A.O. Munsell), renowned for landmark buildings such as the original 1913 Building of the Natural History Museum, and Fire Station No. 23 (featured in the original Ghostbusters ). The mansion was declared a Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Monument in 1990.

Convento Building at Mission San Fernando Rey de España

Mission San Fernando Rey de España

Founded on Sept. 8, 1797, Mission San Fernando Rey de España  (15151 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Mission Hills 91345) was the seventeenth of the twenty-one Spanish missions established in Alta California, the region that included the modern states of California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. Named for Saint Ferdinand and located in the community of Mission Hills, the mission is the namesake of the San Fernando Valley and the nearby city of San Fernando. The mission was secularized in 1834 and returned to the Catholic Church in 1861. It became a working church in 1920. Today the mission grounds function as a museum. The church is a chapel-of-ease (a church building other than the parish church) of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Known for its iconic arched portico or colonnade, the Convento Building  was built between 1808 and 1822 and is the mission's only remaining original building. It was the largest adobe building in California and the largest original building at any of the California missions. The Convento Building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1988.

The San Fernando Mission Cemetery is the final resting place of notable figures such as entertainer Bob Hope and his wife Dolores, singer Ritchie Valens, and actor William Frawley.

Walking meditation at Hsi Lai Temple

Hsi Lai Temple

One of the largest Buddhist temples in the Western Hemisphere, Hsi Lai Temple  (3456 S. Glenmark Dr., Hacienda Heights 91745) is a mountain monastery located on a 15-acre site in Hacienda Heights. Spanning more than 102,000 square feet, the temple was completed in 1988 after a ten-year planning and construction process. The temple's architecture, gardens and statuary are modeled after ancient Chinese monasteries from the Ming and Ching dynasties.

Meaning "coming to the West," Hsi Lai is affiliated with Fo Guang Shan, a Buddhist organization from Taiwan. The temple serves as a spiritual and cultural center for those interested in learning more about Buddhism and Chinese culture. A wide range of classes and retreats that promote Humanistic Buddhism are offered at Hsi Lai, including an extended retreat program for those who want to experience monastic life for a longer period of time. There are also recurring monthly services and annual ceremonies. A vegetarian lunch is served daily to visitors from 11:30am to 1:30pm.

Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial at the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Self Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

The Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine  (17190 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades 90272) is tucked away on a lush, ten-acre site in the Pacific Palisades a few blocks from the Pacific Ocean. Founded by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1950, the Lake Shrine offers a lakeside meditation garden with shrines and waterfalls, a hilltop temple with weekly services and meditations, a retreat for silent renewal, and an ashram for Self-Realization Fellowship monks. The Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial is a "wall-less temple" that features a thousand-year-old stone sarcophagus from China, which holds a portion of Gandhi's ashes in a brass and silver coffer.

Less well-known than the Lake Shrine, the Self-Realization Fellowship International Headquarters  (3880 San Rafael Ave, Los Angeles 90065) is located northeast of Downtown LA at the top of Mount Washington. Originally opened in 1909 as the Mount Washington Hotel, the "Mother Center" is the administrative center of the SRF headquarters. The public is invited to wander the grounds, which include gardens, meditation areas and babbling brooks.

Wayfarers Chapel interior during the day

Wayfarers Chapel

The exquisite Wayfarers Chapel  - aka “The Glass Church” (5755 Palos Verdes Dr., Rancho Palos Verdes 90275) is situated on cliffs above the Pacific Ocean. Architect Lloyd Wright, son of the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright, conceived of Wayfarers Chapel as a “tree chapel” - a natural sanctuary set in the middle of a forest. Lloyd Wright’s design is regarded as one of the foremost examples of Organic Architecture, which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world. A popular wedding venue because of its spectacular design and location, the Wayfarers Chapel was featured prominently on The O.C. and appeared in other TV series like 90210 . Wayfarers Chapel was added to the National Register of Historic Places in July 2005.

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spiritual places to visit in california


Sacred sites, mount shasta vortex of power, listen: the power of the sacred sites of mount shasta.



Mount shasta: an ancient sacred site.

This ancient volcano located in Northern California near the Oregon border, is one of the most powerful and high frequency places on Earth. It is a potent catalyst vortex that quickens people’s awakening into the highest possible version of themselves, our true, essential, authentic being. Its also an amplifier of all intentions and a place of instant manifestation.

spiritual places to visit in california


Mount Shasta, in it’s entirety is a Sacred Site. There are also distinct Mount Shasta vortex all around the mountain that resonate very specific frequencies which catalyze and transform in unique and purposeful ways.

Many people believe that the Mount Shasta chakra is the root chakra of the planet. However, others note, and our experience is, that this volcano resonates the crown chakra energy of pure God, spirit and divinity in balance and harmony with all chakras, in all dimensions (as Above, so Below).  Further, there are vortexes at various elevations on the Mountain that resonate at the frequency of each of all seven chakras.

There are also vortexes that have specific manifestation and mystical qualities. The mountain is also unique in that, (like Hawaii) the Sacred Sites can shape-shift into whatever catalyzing frequency is needed for each individuals’ evolution in the moment. Just being in or near the mountain is awe inspiring and alters the vibration of all who experience it.

While many of the vortexes are well known to those drawn to The Mountain, many of the most potent vortexes lie hidden in less known locations. Traveling with a Mount Shasta Spiritual Healers or Sacred Site Guide is the key to finding and accessing these potent places of power.

spiritual places to visit in california

MOUNT SHASTA Mystical Experiences

Types of mount shasta spiritual experiences, the violet fire (purple transmuting flame), pure 5th dimensional reality, trauma release, ecstatic unconditional love and joy, ego death - change and instant transformation, divine male/female balance (relationship), psychic powers, instant manifestation – ascension, inter-dimensionality, manifestation, mount shasta style.

Mount Shasta is a Mountain of instant manifestation. There is even a specific and unique Sacred Site on The Mountain that can be experienced and felt for miles in all directions. It is a pure source of “birthing” anything into physical material reality.  On our Shamanic Adventure Retreats , retreat leader, Magick , often invites Voyagers to bring their biggest, most important intentions – the ones they have never been able to actualize – whether material, spiritual, or both. 

Commonly, whatever intention a Voyager brings happens . . . and happens fast! Once they have actualized what they have never been able to experience in the past (often what the ego was desiring) then they begin to awaken out of the remaining illusions that keep them thinking they are separate. True awakening is possible here and the soul’s true purpose can begin to come alive.  Life will never be the same again!

Manifest what you most desire and manifest a realization of who you really are!

spiritual places to visit in california


The mountain has long been held sacred by various Native American cultures, including the Shasta, Okwanuchu, Modoc, Achromatic, Atsugewi, Karuk, Klamath, Yana and Wintu tribes. The Wintu tribe believes their people were actually birthed out of a sacred spring on the mountain, a potent Sacred Site. The Mountain is still held sacred by Native Americans today and some of the lands are legally and culturally stewarded by our First Peoples. Although we are not offering Native American spiritual retreats CA, our retreats have the highest respect and cultural sensitivity for the wisdom and love the First Peoples have for this sacred land.

spiritual places to visit in california

The LEGEND OF LEMURIA (and its connection to Mount Shasta)

Whether or not the legend of Lemuria seems plausible to you, many people who come to Mount Shasta have an emotional response.  They sense a connectedness with the Mountain, and to themselves, which they haven’t experienced at any other place or time.  People often report that the frequency and vibration of the mountain is higher than anywhere else. Some claim it is a 5th dimensional vortex – an opening to direct knowingness and truth.  Everything seems amplified in beauty and power, and time stops.

Is Mount Shasta part of an ancient society and culture, here long before our recorded history?  Is Lemuria still present and palpable in Mount Shasta? Our retreats open doors to all possibilities, realities and dimensions, and many Voyagers have direct experience of Lemuria and their lives are changed forever by this quickening encounter of Unconditional Love and Oneness. 

Are You Ready for Your Mount Shasta Spiritual Retreat?

Embark on your mount shasta pilgrimage to the mount shasta spiritual vortex.

spiritual places to visit in california

Mount Shasta Group Retreats

Gather with us in the Sacred Sites of Mount Shasta - the earth’s most powerful vortexes and within the space of your own Being. Together with other like-hearted “spiritual voyagers,” we explore the limitless possibilities of multi-dimensional reality together and individually. Most days we will venture out to potent mystical geographical vortexes that have the power to instantly change your life forever. In a Shamanic Container of Unconditional Love, the dynamic of shared experience with others, group intention, personal transformational process, and the mystical, leads us deep into the heart of the Unknown where miracle transformations abound. Join us here.

spiritual places to visit in california

Mount Shasta Custom Retreats

Creating a Custom Retreat in Mount Shasta for your family, friends, partner or yourself is an opportunity to experience the transformational power of Sacred Sites. Adventure out into the mystery of these geographical power vortexes in nature. This Custom Retreat caters to your exact needs and desires. You choose the dates, place, number of days, and type of experience you want: grand adventure, deep personal shamanic work, or a bit of both. It’s a laser focused shamanic journey mystically designed to support your personal intentions. All customized just for you. It will change your life forever. Begin your awakening adventure in Mount Shasta now.

spiritual places to visit in california

Mount Shasta One-Day Journey

Are you visiting Mount Shasta and want to include a Sacred Site shamanic experience into your travel plans? The One-Day Journey is the perfect spiritual adventure to include on your travels. It is an all-day customized Sacred Site shamanic experience, just for you (or you and your friends or family). Voyagers have shared not only that it was the best day of their vacation, but that it was the best day of their life. If you are ready for an epic transformational adventure that happens in nature in the most beautiful Sacred Sites in the world, accelerating change through beauty, shamanism, fun, play and laughter, then we’ll see you on your One-Day Journey. It's time to amplify your adventure!

Religious Sites in California, United States

Religious sites in california.

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spiritual places to visit in california

1. Oakland California Temple & Visitors' Center


2. Carmel Mission Basilica


3. BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir


4. Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament


5. San Diego California Temple - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


6. Mission Dolores


7. Mission Basilica San Buenaventura


8. Salvation Mountain


9. Crystal Cathedral


10. Hsi Lai Temple


11. Glide Memorial United Methodist Church


12. SS. Peter and Paul Church


13. The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas


14. Weaverville Joss House State Historic Park


15. The National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi


16. Old Cathedral of St. Mary


17. Meditation Mount


18. Sea Ranch Chapel


19. Good Shepherd Catholic Church


20. New Camaldoli Hermitage


21. Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple


22. Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano


23. St.John Vianney Chapel


24. Our Lady of the Rosary Church


25. Malibu Hindu Temple


26. Carmelite Monastery


27. Wat Thai of Los Angeles


28. Holy Virgin Cathedral


29. Santa Ysabel Mission


30. Newport Beach California Temple


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The Stunning, Sacred Retreats of California

By Ann Louise Bardach

  • Oct. 4, 2013

Over the past half century, an odd mix of swamis, monks, Zen masters and utopians have secured thousands of acres of prime California real estate to make sanctuaries for those seeking to escape the world. Welcome to God’s country.

The view from the New Camaldoli Hermitage. Pacific Coast Highway, leading north to Big Sur, lies hidden beneath the fog.

spiritual places to visit in california

The chapel at New Camaldoli Hermitage.

spiritual places to visit in california

A stone labyrinth for contemplation at La Casa de Maria.

spiritual places to visit in california

The trail at Green Gulch Farm leading down to Muir Beach.

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Residents at Vedanta Olema Retreat do maintenance work on the property.

spiritual places to visit in california

The Green Gulch flower garden, where workers cut blooms to sell at the nursery.

spiritual places to visit in california

The Bird House cabin at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, currently occupied by a resident Zen student.

spiritual places to visit in california

Citrus trees dot the grounds at La Casa de Maria.

What you notice first is the stillness. The external world seems to drop away here at the heart of more than 2,000 acres of pristine Marin County forest, with Douglas firs soaring overhead and streams and creeks running in rivulets below. And, indeed, that is exactly the point. The property looks much the same as it did in 1946, when a Bengali monk named Swami Ashokananda, the spiritual leader of the Vedanta Society of Northern California , decided to establish a contemplative retreat in the wilderness.

The spectacular tract, about an hour from the Bay Area, was much larger than what he’d had in mind. But it held a special significance for the swami because in 1900, the founder of the Vedanta Society, Swami Vivekananda (who many credit with introducing yoga and meditation to the West), had camped out for two weeks nearby. The society had to have the property. It took up donations from its followers and bought the land for $166,250.

The Vedanta Olema Retreat, as it is now known, is one of the more stunning swaths of preserved land in California, with the Point Reyes National Seashore at its western edge and the vast Golden Gate National Recreation Area encircling its borders like a moat. Its purchase was the first stirring of a peculiarly Californian phenomenon: the spiritual retreat, where those who suffer from a sense of too much worldliness can seek a quieter, purer, more exalted state of being, often for a pittance — or nothing at all, in the case of Vedanta Olema, which leaves donations optional, and requires only an interview at the temple in San Francisco — compared with expensive resorts that may be just down the road.

The irony, of course, is that the Shangri-Las where this higher purpose is sought are themselves in possession of some of the choicest parcels of real estate in the country, secured in fortuitous transactions over the years by religious or spiritual orders from Zen Buddhists, Benedictines and nuns to all manner of New Agers. Because of their religious or nonprofit status, they pay little to no taxes on their holdings, which can rival national parks. And while all this acreage might indeed have become public parkland if the federal government had bought it instead of private hands, it is far more likely that it would have long ago been subdivided. Michael Murphy, a co-founder of the Esalen Institute , on the Murphy family property farther south on the California coast, is a longtime admirer of Vedanta Olema — not least its land. “The property is truly priceless,” he says. “Really, it’s incalculable.”

Murphy’s own land is no less remarkable. In 1910, his grandfather bought more than 300 acres of Big Sur coastline, including its famed hot springs, for about $7,000, following that with another purchase of 200 acres. Fifty years later, Murphy and his Stanford classmate Richard Price had a brainstorm. They thought that the grandeur of Big Sur made the family land an ideal setting for a kind of utopian inquiry into growth, healing, seeking and all things wild and woolly. With capital from Price, they founded the Esalen Institute, which would become the New Age Valhalla it still is today.

When Murphy and Price moved into the main house on the property in 1960, a 22-year-old aspiring writer named Hunter S. Thompson lived on the grounds, working as a gun-toting security guard for Murphy’s grandmother. More eccentrics soon arrived, as Esalen became a kind of mecca for fringe iconoclasts and their faithful: Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy; Ida Rolf (as in Rolfing); encounter groups; and an assortment of Beats, hippies, rockers and drug-addled loonies.

Esalen looks nearly the same today, having preserved its raw beauty. Its storied cliff-dwelling hot mineral baths — with coed nudity — remain its centerpiece. No matter what price you pay for lodging — from sleeping bags in dorms to private rooms overlooking the Pacific — you make your own bed and get a Triscuit-size piece of soap. There is no cellphone coverage. But in other ways it is a very different place.

The institute rents land from the Murphy Family Trust, under an 87-year lease, for terms that the Esalen C.E.O. Tricia McEntee describes as “reasonable,” but there is an unmistakable emphasis on bringing in income. Esalen has become a humming hive of workshops addressing body, mind and beyond. When big-name New Age stars show up for special appearances, the place is packed to its redwood rafters. There are three luxury residences, called the Point Houses, perched over the Pacific, where, for up to $2,500 a weekend, visitors get amenities otherwise unheard of at Esalen, like a land line, Internet service and private decks — rivaling the Post Ranch Inn, the nearby Taj Mahal of Big Sur. There is, of course, no shortage of nostalgic lament from former devotees dismayed by these developments.

“We can never satisfy everyone,” Michael Murphy says, “but we are doing everything possible for the long-term survival of Esalen. Everyone has sacrificed,” he adds, “starting with the Murphy family.” He means, of course, the property that is used by the institute, about 107 acres. Its worth on the open market, Murphy says, defies estimates. “Really, it’s impossible. Who knows? Imagine the equivalent value of all the land beneath Rodeo Drive, or Park Avenue in Manhattan.”

Ten miles south of Esalen, just off Highway 1, a two-mile vertical drive heavenward leads to a pastoral village with epic views of the Pacific. Those craving refuge from the New Age din at Esalen can find it here at the New Camaldoli Hermitage , a Benedictine monastery. Most of the 900-acre property, once the home of the Salinan Indians, was bought in 1958 for about $400,000 by a foundation run by Harry John Jr., heir to the Miller Brewing Company fortune and a fervid Catholic, and presented as a gift to the monks.

New Camaldoli quietly offers do-it-yourself personal retreats, with simple but comfortable lodging and meals, as well as what are called “preached retreats” — weekend workshops like “The 8 Limbs of Christianity: A Catholic Approach to Yoga.” The 16 monks in residence maintain a rigorous schedule of prayer four times a day beginning at 5:30 a.m., and are committed to silence much of the time in this contemplative community that somehow enchants those who come here.

“I’ve often thought about why this place speaks to me so much,” the author Pico Iyer, a regular visitor, writes via e-mail from his home in Japan. “I often describe New Camaldoli as the ideal holiday (since it makes every day seem holy, even if you don’t want to use the word), and the ultimate indulgence (for a retreatant, not a monk): a chance to get away from everything that makes you anxious, to enjoy long days overlooking one of the most radiant landscapes on earth and to come back refreshed and revived, with a new, clear sense of what you should be doing with your life.”

New Camaldoli is not the only religious retreat that has opened its doors more widely to those of any denomination in search of respite. In 1943, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary bought a piece of property in the foothills of tony Montecito for $35,000 to create La Casa de Maria , originally a Catholic novitiate for women studying to be nuns. In 1955, it became a retreat and conference center. Immaculate Heart now describes itself as “ecumenical” and is no longer a novitiate, but La Casa still has three former nuns on its staff of 30 tending to some 14,000 annual guests.

Its 26 acres are pure splendor, directly bordering the San Ysidro Ranch , Montecito’s most expensive resort (where John and Jackie Kennedy honeymooned). La Casa and the ranch share the galloping San Ysidro creek, and have the same breathtaking views of the Santa Ynez mountains. But while a night at the ranch can easily set you back a thousand dollars, that amount will cover a week or more at La Casa — meals and prayers included.

The only road to Tassajara Zen Mountain Center is an unpaved one-lane 14-mile stretch of dirt, gravel and rock leading up from Jamesburg in the Carmel Valley. Much of it snakes along hairpin turns and blind curves, soaring to heights of 5,000 feet with drop-dead descents over the nonexistent shoulder. Stagecoaches in the early 20th century hauled giant pine trees behind them as ballast against a headlong plunge into the valley.

In the mid-1960s, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, the charismatic founder of the San Francisco Zen Center, decided that a rundown hot-springs resort here, deep in the Ventana Wilderness of Los Padres National Forest, was just the spot for the first Zen monastery in the West. In its earliest incarnation, the site had been used by the Esselen Indians. Later it was a Wild West outpost, complete with a bar, before it was reinvented as a spa where visitors journeyed to take the waters. In 1967, the owners wanted $300,000 for their 166 acres. A spirited campaign, championed by the Beat poets Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder, the Zen theologian Alan Watts and the Grateful Dead, who hosted a “Zenefit” concert, raised the money. (In the late 1970s, another 160 acres of wilderness a mile down the road was purchased for $100,000.)

Tassajara has a sister facility, Green Gulch Farm , a sprawling 115-acre spread purchased in 1972 for $200,000 that borders Muir Woods and rolls into Muir Beach. It also offers personal stays, workshops and Sunday Dharma talks, with vegetarian meals included. Green Gulch is known for its 10-acre organic farm that feeds resident staff, students and visitors, and is prized by locals. Some of its produce goes to the vegetarian Greens Restaurant, in the San Francisco marina, which in turns shares its profits with the San Francisco Zen Center, the mother ship of both retreats.

But for off-the-grid austerity, no place surpasses Tassajara. There is no electricity, no A-C and only basic heat in the cabins, and no cell coverage or Wi-Fi at all. There is one public telephone. Cabins are outfitted with one cold-water faucet and are lit at night, when needed, by kerosene lamps. The operative word is “spartan.”

At 5:20 a.m., a gong is sounded as a wake-up call for morning zazen, or sitting meditation, in the zendo for an hour (though this is optional for visitors). There is an evening zazen as well. Six thousand pilgrims come during “guest season,” from May to September, to attend 45 weekend or weeklong workshops, or personal retreats. Only 30 to 60 determined souls — serious Zen practitioners — tough it out the rest of the year.

The one luxury in this spare miniature village of redwood, pine and stone are the baths, steam rooms and swimming pool fed by hot mineral springs that sit along a creek strewn with boulders. Never mind that the air is scented with sulfur. Small matter when you’re floating in the baths, gazing into an azure velvet sky luminously cradling all the business of the universe.

“I’d say,” Pico Iyer writes in his e-mail from across the globe, musing further about New Camaldoli, “that such retreat-places are ideal for people who may have no interest in religion at all — but who crave a kind of peace, an active quiet and a silence that isn’t merely the absence of noise, but the presence of a kind of quickening. A place to do what is hardest, which is nothing at all.” It’s the kind of experience you’d pay anything for. You might say, in the end, that it’s priceless.

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The 25 Essential Italian Pasta Dishes:  Two chefs, one cookbook author, a culinary historian and a food writer made a list of the country’s most delicious meals , from carbonara in Rome to ravioli in Campania.

Mt. Shasta, California

spiritual places to visit in california

Located in the Cascade Range of northern California, Mt. Shasta is a double peaked, infrequently active, stratovolcano rising to 14,162 feet (4317 meters). Geologists speculate that it began forming roughly 593,000 years ago. The largest volcanic peak in the continental United States, Mt. Shasta has five glaciers and numerous steam vents that feed three separate rivers. Long venerated as a sacred place by numerous Indian tribes, including the Wintu, Karuk, Okwanuchu and Modoc, the mountain takes its name from the local Sastise (Shastan) Indians. These tribes have used specific sites on Shasta for the training of medicine men and women, for spiritual vision quests, and for healing and guidance. On the mountain's lower, forested slopes, plants and other natural materials are still gathered for food, medicinal and ceremonial use. Shasta's wildlife includes eagles, black bears and wolves but the bighorn sheep, grizzlies and antelopes commonly sighted in the 19th century have disappeared. Europeans first saw the mountain in 1827 and the first recorded ascent was in 1854. Trails to the summit now allow the climb to be made up and down in one day. The USGS estimates that Shasta has erupted at least once every 800 years during the past 10,000 years and about once every 300 years during the past 3500 years. In 1786, the French explorer Laperouse claimed to have seen a volcanic eruption from the sea but there is no definitive proof of this matter.

Numerous mysterious legends and psychic messages speak of the significance of Mt. Shasta as a place of powerful earth energies. Some of the oldest legends tell of a tribe of dwarf-like people who are believed to live within the center of the mountain and be descendants of the pre-Antlantean culture of Lemuria. Hunters and campers exploring the high altitude forests of Mt. Shasta occasionally report seeing these small beings running through the woods. Contemporary psychics speak of the mountain as the center of a powerful energy vortex that radiates a vitalizing and healing energy throughout the northwestern US. More than any other mountain in North America, Mt. Shasta is a focal point for contemporary spirituality, attracting individual seekers as well as a variety of religious groups. Mt. Shasta is also said to be energetically linked with Mt. Katahdin, a sacred mountain in the state of Maine. Logging interests and resort developers are constantly threatening the great forests and wonderful peacefulness of Mt. Shasta. Prayers and the focused attention of contemporary pilgrims will assist in the protection of this magnificent sacred place.

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Spiritual Retreats and Sacred Places in Siskiyou

In Siskiyou, we may be known for adventure, but we’re also home to one of the most spiritual mountains in the world – Mt. Shasta. Often called the “Magical Mountain,” visitors travel from all over to experience its transcendent nature. We’ve put together a list of spiritual retreats and sacred places worth visiting in Siskiyou.

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Sacramento River Headwaters

Mount Shasta City Park is home to the headwaters of the mighty Sacramento River. The crystal-clear water flowing through the park begins its journey high on the snow-covered peaks of majestic Mt. Shasta before making its way to the headwaters area. Visitors often come to this spiritual spot to drink the water, which is said to have healing powers. A variety of spiritual retreats include a stop here.

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Temple Intention of Mount Shasta

The Temple Intention of Mount Shasta is a staple in the spiritual community. The center is dedicated to evolutionary consciousness and is known for its powerful energy and high vibration. The center hosts concerts, film screenings, sound healings, Kundalini yoga classes, spiritual channelings, detox seminars, universal teachings of the heart and much more.

Mt. Shasta Arts & Healing Center

The Mt. Shasta Arts and Healing Center is known for its exceptional energy. The center hosts a variety of meditations, sound healings, spiritual workshops and expressive arts classes. Visitors often leave here feeling elevated, rejuvenated and inspired. The center also has a variety of spiritual items for sale such as books, crystals, wands and much more.

Panther Meadows

Panther Meadows is known as one of the most ancient outdoor temple sites on Mt. Shasta. Many Native Americans consider the springs that run throughout the meadows to be sacred power points. Visitors often come to the area for its power, medicine and tranquility.

spiritual places to visit in california

The beautiful lakes of Siskiyou including Heart Lake and Castle Lake are also known to be amazing spots for reflection. Find your spirit in Siskiyou, book your trip today! We look forward to welcoming you to the sacred mountain region of Siskiyou.

#DiscoverSiskiyou , adventure , discover siskiyou , Magical Mountain , Mount Shasta , Mt. Shasta , Sacred Places , Spiritual , Spiritual Retreats

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Your Spiritual Guide to Mount Shasta

Heading off to Mount Shasta this past October for a few days was a last minute decision and we loved every minute of it.  It’s such a beautiful time of year to visit the Mount Shasta area because the snow hasn’t yet arrived, the leaves are changing to vibrant oranges, yellows and reds and because it’s off-season, it’s not as crowded as it can get during the peak months of summer.

Mount Shasta is part of the Cascade Mountain Range , located in Siskiyou County in Northern California which is only about 45 miles from the Oregon border. Mount Shasta is the cone of an extinct volcano rising to a height of over 14,162 feet above sea level, and is one of the largest volcanic peaks in the continental United States .  Some say that angels, aliens and their spaceships as well as the survivors of Ancient Lemuria, which sank under the waves of the Pacific Ocean a little over 12,000 years ago, are all a part of Mount Shasta .

As surreal as that may sound to some of you, lightworkers , teachers and clairvoyants trek to Shasta often to absorb the energies from this magical and mystical mountain.  Some go so far to say that the place connects us to the Confederation of Planets and is a major light -grid so to speak of this planet.  See the Spiritual Side of Mount Shasta section for more details.

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We stayed at the Mount Shasta Resort so be sure to read our review , which included its on-site restaurant Highland House. It was conveniently located for all the things we wanted to do, which largely included hiking and spending time in nature and visiting the esoteric, artsy and spiritual shops in downtown Mount Shasta and nearby towns. Let’s explore some of the fun things to do if you head to the Mount Shasta area, particularly in the fall.

Mount Shasta’s Natural Beauty

The main reason people head to Mount Shasta is for its natural beauty. It is surrounded by forests and mountains and the view of Mount Shasta itself is breathtaking. It is also known as a destination that houses many spiritual retreats throughout the year.

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The vibrant leaves of Autumn at the Mount Shasta Resort

Lake Siskiyou Mount Shasta Resort

View of Lake Siskiyou in the distance from our patio at the Mount Shasta Resort

People love to fish (common fish to be found include bass, brown trout, crayfish and rainbow fish) at Lake Siskiyou which is roughly three miles west of Mount Shasta itself. Fed by five clear, mountain streams, Lake Siskiyou ’s 430 acre recreational waters are held by Box Canyon Dam at the south end. Lake Siskiyou Camp Resort on W. A. Barr Road, offers a boat ramp with marina , boat rentals, and free fish cleaning station.

Hiking in Mount Shasta

Hiking in Mount Shasta at Ascension Rock

Hedge Creek, Mossbrae & McCloud Falls

The waterfalls in the immediate area are breathtaking and both offer lovely day hikes and walks. Hedge Creek Falls is hidden from a frontage road and it’s a great place for a quiet walk in nature as well as for a picnic away from the noise. We took a path which takes you behind the falls — think of it as a bit of a cool womb-like cavern (as it has been described) where there is plenty of mist in the air. On a hot day, it’s wonderful (and apparently popular) to sit right under the falls. It was a bit chilly when we were there, so we didn’t opt to get that close, but there are plenty of side paths and views where you can truly breathe it all in without getting wet.

There’s also a nearby path which leads to a lookout area of the Sacramento River. You can easily get here from Mount Shasta by taking the first Dunsmuir exit — there’s a parking area right across from the frontage road which is near the Hedge Creek Park.

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Mossbrae Falls is equally exquisite, which is only about a mile or a half hour walk above the banks of the Sacramento River. All of the falls are relatively close to Mount Shasta itself, so all make for great day trips. The falls here are around 50 feet high and 150 feet wide which fluctuate depending on the season of course. The air here is apparently charged with negative ions so people come to not just bathe in the natural beauty but for healing purposes as well. Apparently negative ions are known to initiate a biochemistry that increases our serotonin levels — it’s also incredibly serene and relaxing here.

The lighting is better if you opt for an afternoon hike since Mossbrae Falls faces the west. This is also fairly close to Dunsmuir — in fact, you can get there a bit easier from downtown Dunsmuir than from Mount Shasta itself. It was actually very close to the Mount Shasta Resort where we stayed. It’s a wonderful place to go and relax for an entire afternoon.

We spent even more time at McCloud Falls , which is also a stone’s throw away from downtown . While it isn’t as vast as Mossbrae Falls (nor does it have the sweeping views from every angle), it’s got it’s own charm. We also sensed a special energy we couldn’t see or touch, but was obviously present. We noticed a couple of hikers when we were there but after we passed them, there was no one to be seen for the rest of the day.  In other words, we had the area to ourselves on that lovely October day.

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The colors were vibrant and the falls ever so beautiful in the backdrop of all of it. We hiked into the woods a bit that circled around the falls itself. The McCloud River was formed from the springs from Panther Meadows, which is has its own magic. The river apparently drops about 6,000 feet from its headwaters and it spills over to create the lovely McCloud Falls on its way down to its delta in Shasta Lake . The cliffs in this area are known to house the American Dipper bird and there’s plenty of other wonderful bird life to be found as well. It is known for these birds — you can see them plunging in and out of the cascades so bring your zoom lens .

Above and below, the natural beauty of the trails and views around McCloud Falls

Above and below, the natural beauty of the trails and views around McCloud Falls

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The view from one of the walking paths above McCloud Falls

McCloud Falls in Mount Shasta

The main walking trail above McCloud Falls

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Burney Falls , which we didn’t have time to explore, was called the eighth natural wonder of the world by President Teddy Roosevelt. Apparently Burney Falls is also sacred to the Ilmawi, Atsugewi and Achumawi bands of the Pit River Tribe as well as other First Nation peoples with territories near the area.

We also didn’t have time to get to the Stewart Mineral Springs , which is known to be an ancient and sacred place. It’s on the list for our next trip to Mount Shasta . Nearby, there is also a Native American purification sweat lodge. The ‘red spring ,’ has high iron content and magnetic energy , which is said to also be sacred to the Divine Feminine. There are also caves in the area, such as Pluto’s Cave , which is a series of lava tubes, apparently one of the most ancient lava tube caves still in existence. Some people say that Pluto’s Cave is an inner-Earth gateway entrance — it’s known for its pyramid buttes and etheric temples with intense energy (say some). It’s roughly a 20-30 minute drive north on I-5 and then Highway 97, followed by a short drive on A12 to get here. There’s a short foot path to the cave once you arrive.

We felt a surge of energy at Castle Crags which we only stopped for a short window. It’s not far off the main drag heading into Mount Shasta however you can opt to go deeper into the peaks and mountain layers which only increases the beauty of the views. If you love to hike, head to Dog Trailhead which is a short drive south on I-5 for around 16 miles (Castella Exit). The trailhead is not far past the Castle Crags State Park entrance — this is well worth doing. The forest area around here is absolutely stunning as are the majestic spires of Castle Crags themselves (Dolmites…which rise to over 6,500 in elevation).

Panther Meadows could arguably be in the Spiritual Side to Mount Shasta section, however truth be told, nearly all the natural wonders of the area should be. Friends showed us a video they took of the creek at Panther Meadows, which highlighted a ‘ light ‘ of sorts flurrying about, a bit like a fairie. I might not have believed this however we saw a similar image appear on another friend’s iPhone video as well.

This is a must visit if you go to Mount Shasta . We headed there with a guide however were only able to get part of the way in because believe it or not, there was already snow along the trail and all were concerned we wouldn’t have time to make it there and back before dark. The path wasn’t easy walking and was rather wet with new fallen snow, even if the layer wasn’t yet that deep.  Panther Meadows is known to be one of the most ancient outdoor temple sites in the area. It is common to hear people report seeing gnomes, faeries and other elementals in the area and during the summer months, you’ll be greeted with a meadow of wildflowers and butterflies.

There’s a relatively easy hike called Panther Meadow Loop , where you can get a great view of the mountains, including Mount Shasta . It takes about 45 minutes and is only 1.5 miles — it’s a rocky path but well-marked and the trailhead starts 12.5 miles up Everitt Memorial Highway to where you see the trailhead marking.

spiritual places to visit in california

Castle Lake

A truly invigorating place is a nearby picnic area and lake, full of fresh air and refreshing cold waters . Known by locals as a magical ‘go to’ natural wonderland, Castle Lake is a pure crystaline glacially formed lake — our friends who go to Mount Shasta regularly said not to miss this gem of a spot and so we didn’t.  Formed by glaciers 10,000 years ago, Castle Lake is held by a pine-covered granite bowl. The lake makes up 47 acres and is 120 feet deep next to a steep rock wall. Above the lake , you can see the beautiful spires of the Castle Crags State Park Wilderness Area. There were a couple of boaters there when we had our afternoon picnic along the shores, and they were fishing for brook and rainbow trout.

The woody area in and around Castle Lake in Mount Shasta

The woody area in and around Castle Lake

We were fortunate enough to spend the day with one of Mount Shasta ‘s local guides: Sahari Lotus and her fabulous partner Barry. She’s more than just a guide — she’s a mystic, clairvoyant, reader and healer, as well as a meditation leader and shamanic drummer who helps you attune to the Ascended Hosts of Mount Shasta herself.

Mount Shasta Tour Guide

Above, we are with Barry, and his partner Sahari Lotus, who is an incredible tour guide , mystic, clairvoyant and healer in the area. Together, as a couple, they provide a magical and transformative experience in nature.

There are areas around the lake where you can picnic (not just on the shores, which we opted to do) but at included picnic tables amidst the forest furs and pines as well.

spiritual places to visit in california

People apparently go to Castle Lake to reflect and meditate because of its serene energy and crystal clear waters, also known for purification. People kayak here, hike in the mountains and woods around the lake or picnic as we did. Sahari also played the Shamanic drum while we were there, which created a very meditative state for all of us — let’s just say that it was hard to leave after her magical drumming here.

Castle Lake in Mount Shasta

Above and below: the beautiful crystaline waters of Castle Lake, which is just a stone’s throw from Mount Shasta

spiritual places to visit in california

Below, Sahari in her element, during a meditation and drumming session along the shores of Castle Lake. She’s not only truly gifted but authentically beautiful in every way and we loved her energy and contribution to our Mount Shasta memory. She knows the area well and can lead you to lesser known hot spots as well as call in the energies and deities that can invoke a spiritually surreal yet grounded experience. Her drumming is outer worldly and beautiful – enuf said!

spiritual places to visit in california

Castle Lake near Mount Shasta

spiritual places to visit in california

Getting to the magical Castle Lake is pretty easy and straight forward — you simply take Lake Street West over I-5 and hang a left at the Stage Road “T”. After hanging a right on W. A. Barr Road and passing Lake Siskyou, you take a left at Castle Lake Road and it’s at the end of that road roughly seven or so miles up. There are places to park here and a public rest room near the parking area as well for planning purposes.

spiritual places to visit in california

Kayaking at Castle Lake

Not far from Castle Lake is a special place known as Heart Lake , but it requires a hike to get there, which we didn’t have time to do on this trip. There’s a trailhead that leaves from Castle Lake Parking Lot and it’s straight up, but on a relatively gentle grade. Heart Lake is apparently also reachable from the Pacific Crest Trail apparently – ask locals as they all seem to know about it.

Closer to town and for the less adventurous is the renowned Sacramento Headwaters , which is right in Mount Shasta City Park . It’s the birthing place of the Sacramento River and its water is meant to be pristine, pure and super healthy. It is world renowned and locals head here with empty bottles to fill. Drinking from these pure and healthy waters is a wonderful way to purify, cleanse and align yourself — we brought our own bottles here just to experience and taste the magical waters of these historical headwaters.

This is the main reason to head to the park btw — there are two bridges which cross the stream, just a little ways down from the Headwaters. There are secluded spots to sit and meditate or just BE near here as well despite the fact that you’re in a central park — depending on what time of day you go, you could have a very solo experience. Locals will head here for a picnic under a tree and it’s a great place to go with kids.

Mount Shasta Castle Lake

Along the shores of Castle Lake in the Autumn

Abundance nature on all sides…..

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Fairy Falls and the ruins of a resort from the 1800’s called Ney Springs are also interesting places to visit. Not far from Castle Lake is a place Sahari wanted us to visit for a ceremony of sorts: Faery Ring . We sat amidst trees in the forest for another Shamanic drumming session and meditation, our second of the day.

Above and below, the woody area Sahari refers to as Faery Ring. Mount Shasta

Above and below, the woody area Sahari refers to as Faery Ring.

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Faery Ring near Mount Shasta

Faery Ring at Mount Shasta

Together with our lightworker and Mount Shasta Guide Sahari Lotus at Faery Ring

Ascension Rock

Another renowned place for beautiful energy is a place called Ascension Rock. You’ll find it by heading north on Everett Memorial Highway as if you’re going up to Black Butte . You need to know where to pull off and park — not difficult — but better with a local. Luckily, we had Sahari and Barry with us and so I hiked in with my eyes looking up to the blissful sky for most of the way until I felt the intense vortex energy in the middle of it all.

Ascension Rock Mount Shasta

Above and below, hiking up to Ascension Rock

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We sat at the base of Ascension Rock for a meditation of sorts, just to listen to the energy speak to us.  There’s a special presence here which can’t be denied whether you consider yourself spiritual or not. People have reported feeling a connection to ascended masters like Saint Germain , Jeshua, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary , and the Maha Chohan. Some say that this magical mountain is the root chakra of the planet while others say it is a portal with unique and powerful vortexes, a bit like mystical Sedona .

Ascension Rock Mount Shasta

Anthony at Ascension Rock

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Above and below, Ascension Rock

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Ascension Rock near Mount Shasta

Black Butte & Old Ski Bowl

If you want to head all the way up to the Summit of Black Butte at 6,325 feet, you will get a spectacular view of the surrounding area. You’ll see the breathtaking Mount Shasta to the east although it was overcast when we were there. Mt. Eddy and the Klamath Mountains are to the west. The trail to the summit was originally built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the late 1930’s which apparently provided access to a Forest Service fire lookout built at the summit . Pack animals were apparently used to bring supplies to people at the S ummit .

Then, there’s Mount Shasta ’s Old Ski Bowl which is far as you can get by car. There’s also a trailhead which leaves from here. The Old Ski Bowl Trail offers great views of some Mount Shasta ’s craggiest terrain, as well as excellent vistas to the south of the McCloud area, the Sacramento River Canyon and the Castle Crags .  Although it was warm when we left Mount Shasta around mid-day, by the time we got to the top, there was a little snow and the temperature was cold enough to warrant a winter coat.

spiritual places to visit in california

Old Ski Bowl Trailhead — snow was already starting to form by mid-October

spiritual places to visit in california

Snow or no snow, the views are breathtaking at the top. Even in the Autumn, the winds were quite strong, so we’d suggest packing layers so you’re prepared for the cooler temperatures at the top.

spiritual places to visit in california

Mount Shasta Herself

Then, there’s the wonder of Mount Shasta herself. The views and awe-inspiring wonder of her majestic size and aura speak for themselves so I’ll let the visuals speak for themselves. See how many ‘faces’ she has to offer. Below are shots we took of her beauty at different times of the day and on different days during our four day stay.  Locals believe Mount Shasta was inhabited by the spirit chief Skell, who descended from heaven to the mountain’s summit .

Spiritual tourism and attractions have been thriving here since the 1960’s and its prominent vortex energy and natural beauty combined are likely why so many events and retreats happen here. There is some concern among certain locals however that those who lead these events need to respect the land they walk on a bit more than they do and that means in some cases, staying away from certain areas which are really sacred.

spiritual places to visit in california

Driving Around

Driving around the area, especially in the fall, offers its own magic.

spiritual places to visit in california

The Spiritual Side to Mount Shasta

Truth be told, Mount Shasta is world renowned as a sacred place with dynamic energy and vortexes abound. It remains a top destination for spiritual seekers and is one of the reasons why there’s so many spiritual retreats held here year round.  Below is a campground area we visited on the way up to Black Butte — friends attended a Goddess retreat that was held here over the summer. The space is called Shasta Camp United Methodist .

There is a main building amidst the trees where people hold events and retreats and another one where the caretaker lives. Additionally, there is a building for public rest rooms and a small (bare bones house) with three bedrooms and one bath. It’s so bare that you’re better off camping but it is very reasonable to rent and simply put: the outdoor space is beautiful.

Shasta Camp United Methodist

Above and below, Shasta Camp United Methodist

spiritual places to visit in california

While Mount Shasta is known for spiritual and meditation retreats and the guys from Stargate have a home here, where they too throw events, the nature and the vortexes in the earth themselves are what calls so many people to the area. Many people believe that a lost continent called  Lemuria  is hidden beneath the  mountain , along with its capital crystalline city, Telos. People have also noted seeing and feeling faeries and other elementals in many places in and around the Mount Shasta area, with Panther Meadows being a prime spot as noted above.

There’s so much raw natural beauty to Mount Shasta itself and it looks so different depending on the lighting, the cloud coverage (or not) and the season. This ice-topped volcano has healing and transcendent qualities to it as do all the natural attractions around it such as all the noted ones below under the Natural Beauty section. Every one you talk to has a special and unique story about Mount Shasta ‘s magic including those from Native Americans. From their own legends and myths to those which come from other ascended masters and teachers, there is no shortage of attention give to this mystical place not far from Oregon ‘s border.

Remember that  Mount Shasta borders the territories of the Shasta, Wintu , Achumawi , Atsugewi and Modoc tribes, so all of their spiritual myths, stories and ancestral roots are part of the mountain as well. Sacred ceremonies have been done on this land since the early days of human settlement. Because of this energy , the town of Mount Shasta and nearby towns have lots of spiritual shops and boutiques as well.

Gateway Peace Garden

Another great spot we visited which had its own unique spiritual presence is a place called Peace Garden. It’s official name is Gateway Peace Garden but it has been shortened to simply Peace Garden by many.

The Gateway Peace Garden is open for quiet visitation and meditation everyday from sunrise to sunset and is located at 834 Ski Village Drive along the principal road that connects the Sacred Mountain of Mount Shasta to the town. The entry trail begins at the Peace Dove address sign at 834 Ski Village Drive and parking is available under the large oak tree at the trailhead.

“Peace within ourselves is a prerequisite to World Peace.”

The message of the Gateway Peace Garden is “World Peace Through Inner Peace ” and its mission is to steward a Consecrated Garden where one may experience a moment of Peace within the setting of Nature, and then carry that feeling of Peace into their daily lives and into the World. In other words, “ Peace within ourselves is a prerequisite to World Peace .” The belief and feeling is that “the Garden joins the many Peacemakers whose sincere efforts are bringing humanity towards Oneness and closer to World Peace and that the Garden is just one flower that manifests the seeds of Peace that will take root around the World. Below are some magic shots we took during our time there, which btw, was not shared with anyone else.

spiritual places to visit in california

What’s lovely about Peace Garden is not just the incredible energy and intention which is part of the land itself, but that there are so many aspects of personal expression throughout the area. Around every turn and corner, there is a new sitting area waiting for you to just BE with it. New statues, new deities, new words of wisdom, new symbols, new energies , new seats , chairs, flags, rocks and aspects of spirituality, each one delivering its own unique imprint and meaning on a new visitor. And, each visitor adds his or her own essence and energy to Peace Garden itself.

The result is this wonderful mish mash of love, connection and peace, all woven into one.

spiritual places to visit in california

With every piece you come across in the garden, it is invoked with love, intention and a purity you can just feel. There’s no need for words and silence was exactly our experience for the 2.5 hours we spent here.

spiritual places to visit in california

While many folks may not have heard of Stargate , many spiritual seekers know that they have a headquarters so to speak in Mount Shasta . We had an opportunity to meet one of the founders and main channels Prageet, who is an English born, internationally renowned channel and his close friend Varid. Prageet has worked with his guide Alcazar and their creation, the Stargate , for about 25 years now . Stargate is a conscious, sacred- geometrical structure that creates a powerful, multi-dimensional energy field – an energy that can take participants into a deep meditative state within moments. It did for us and several others we personally know who have participated in some of the Stargate retreats.

According to the folks at Stargate , the energies of the Stargate can create past life remembering and re-activation of psychic abilities. It can enable participants to access wisdom and knowledge from other dimensional realities, and to actually feel – and in some cases see – benevolent, high energy Beings such as those from the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters , and various Star Families – beings that exist in other dimensional realities and around our Universe . As we said, it’s a very mystical and spiritual place.

Stargate Mount Shasta

Here we are with Varid and Prageet of Stargate in Mount Shasta

For those interested in learning more, see links to their website and workshops under the Resources section at the end of this article .

Downtown, Shops & Nearby Quirks

Downtown Mount Shasta has a number of cute cafes, stores and spiritual boutiques to visit — you could spend a day and a half exploring the shops alone. Nearby Dunsmuir , although it doesn’t offer much in the way of nightlife and social opportunities, has a couple of cute shops  and a bar that has live music occasionally as well. It’s worth a meander through Dunsmuir as well as the other nearby towns.

spiritual places to visit in california

Above, Berryvale seems to be a bit of an institution in downtown Mount Shasta — the store has organic produce and plenty of healthy options, from homemade juices and soups to organic options (canned, boxed and fresh) as well as gluten free crackers and bread.

Mount Shasta

Cute cafe for coffee and light bites in the downtown area

spiritual places to visit in california

One of the many spiritual stores in downtown Mount Shasta that offer crystals, feathers, gemstones and other artifacts.

Dunsmuir and Mount Shasta

Above and below, the best spiritual store in downtown Dunsmuir — you can’t miss it. It offers organic products, candles , artwork and crystals.

Mount Shasta

Above, this downtown Dunsmuir shop has organic items, candles, deities, crystals and soaps. There’s also a large collection of Kwan Yin statues – word has it that the collector wants to get to 1,000 Kwan Yin statues.

spiritual places to visit in california

Lily’s Restaurant in Mount Shasta

The store SOUL CONNECTIONS is the largest spiritual store along the main drag of Mount Shasta — it is large enough to spend several hours in here and the prices are pretty good, especially for Black Obsidian , which is in abundance in this area. Sacred Seed Crystals is another popular choice, as is the Silk Road Chai Shop, Crystal Matrix Gallery, Crystal Keepers, Mount Shasta Arts and Healing Center, Rainbow Angels, Sacred Spirit Ministry and Tamara’s Healing Garden. There are others too, such as the Shambhala Center and the Yoga Center.

Mount Shasta stores

Well renowned is THE CRYSTAL ROOM , which is a combination of an art gallery and a high end crystal and gemstone store, which offers very high end crystals as well as crystal bowls. You can get demonstrations on crystal bowls here and play them yourself as well . It’s a magical place that shouldn’t be missed.

Below, Dunsmuir .

spiritual places to visit in california

Here’s a short video we created of our experience in Mount Shasta this fall.

Useful Resources

  • Office Phone: 530.925.5214
  • Sahari’s cell: 406.599.8415.
  • Stargate and Stargate Experience Academy
  • Mount Shasta Tourism Board aka Visit Mount Shasta
  • Soul Connections
  • The Crystal Room
  • For restaurants , we recommend Lily ‘s, Mike and Tony’s if you love pizza, Mount Shasta Pastry for carb lovers, and Phuket Thai Cafe.
  • For hotels, we stayed at the Mount Shasta Resort (our review here )

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About the author: renee blodgett.

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A Guide to Spiritual Tourism in Mount Shasta

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If you’ve been lucky enough to walk through the quaint downtown area of Mount Shasta, you’ve probably noticed a good number shops that you usually don’t see in other towns. Boutique stores lined with crystals and sage bundles donning names like “Crystal Room” and “Soul Connection” tap into the biggest tourism attraction in the Mt. Shasta area.

Contrary to popular belief, the biggest tourism attraction in the Shasta area isn’t the pristine wilderness we’ve come to know and love. It’s something you can’t necessarily see, but people travel from all over the world to feel.

Mt. Shasta has become known to many as a portal, or vortex, between the outer and inner world. The phenomenon has become an international sensation, as people travel to the mountain to experience its strong metaphysical powers. In fact, spiritual tourism has become one of the driving forces of the Mount Shasta economy and some estimate half of all tourists visit the area for a spiritual experience.

That Special Shasta Feeling

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So what is “spiritual tourism?” Just like anything that can’t be seen or heard, it is difficult to describe, but many associate the feelings of the mountain as a connection to the soul.

“There is an inner and outer world,” describes Andrew Oser, Founder of Mount Shasta Retreats , a spiritual retreat center in the area. “Spiritual goes directly to the inner.”

Oser began coming to the Shasta area in the 1980’s and is now helping others feel the spiritual powers of the mountain.

“Mt. Shasta definitely has an energy,” said Oser. “You can feel it. It’s like a big mirror that reflects the biggest truths of your life.”

spiritual places to visit in california

Spiritual retreats in the area typically tour a group “sacred spots” on the mountain, which include places like Panther Meadows and Ascension Rock. For Oser, the practice of spirituality on Mt. Shasta does not discriminate against any religions or beliefs, and can be used for any goal like an inner cleansing or to reenergize the mind and body.

“It’s about cleaning out your past and looking to the next steps of your future,” described Oser.

Spiritual tourism in the area also includes places where you can simply relax enjoy the healing powers of the mountain. Destinations like the Stewart Mineral Springs offer a wide variety of services like detoxification, balneotherapy and massage treatments. Located in Weed, the wellness center allows visitors to complete an array of spiritual and physical cleansings including mineral water baths, wood-fired sauna and creek plunges in rustic forest accommodations.

A History in the Metaphysical

spiritual places to visit in california

The power of Mount Shasta has been felt by Native Americans for thousands of years. The mountain straddles the past territories of the Shasta, Wintu, Achumawi, Atsugewi and Modoc tribes. They believed the mountain was inhabited by the spirit chief Skell, who descended from heaven to the mountain’s summit.

Starting in the 1800’s, Mount Shasta became a hub for logging on the west coast, but the industry left the area in the 1960’s and the mountain town had to look for a new identity. Without any prompt, spiritual tourism took that mantle and continues to thrive today.

For an astonishing number of people, the history and significance of this mountain community was forever altered when the Ascended Master St. Germain first appeared to Guy Ballard on the flanks of Mt. Shasta in 1934. Certain “truths” were revealed to Ballard over the course of approximately 3,000 sessions. Jesus is regarded as another Ascended Master, and since 1950, the “I Am Come!” pageant, a presentation of Beloved Jesus’ miracles of truth and healing has been held every summer, most recently in Mt. Shasta’s new G. W. Ballard Amphitheater.

In 1931 Wishar Spenle Cerve published the book “Lemuria, The Lost Continent of the Pacific” through the Rosecrucian Society. His account claims there is an ancient, advanced civilization called Telos beneath Mt. Shasta. The surviving Lemurians travel through high-speed underground tunnels to visit other colonies around the world, and sometimes reveal themselves to humans.

There is no central governing body for the spiritual tourism in the area, and is instead fractured into small groups that may have different goals or purposes, but all use the spiritual powers of the mountain to get there. People will likely cite groups like “I Am” and Lemurian enthusiasts, but many of the spiritual guides in Mount Shasta don’t have central beliefs and are simply using the mountain for spiritual harmony.

Come One, Come All

spiritual places to visit in california

While it’s difficult to peg down a central belief system for the spiritual enthusiasts in Mount Shasta, there is no doubt the mountain carries a special feeling when anyone is in the presence of the mighty mountain. Mt. Shasta is universally beloved, with the headwaters of Mount Shasta feeds much of California, so that many people in the state have a little bit of Shasta in them.

Mount Shasta is many things to many people. For some, it can be a hub for outdoor adventures and beauty. For others, it’s a volcano that’s due for a significant geological event. But for most, Mount Shasta is the center of the spiritual universe.

No matter what the mountain is to you, there is one consensus we can all agree on – Mount Shasta is pretty amazing.

Photo of Active NorCal

Active NorCal

Flash flooding reported in shasta county, lightning strike explodes top of redding tree, sending debris 150 yards away, 19 comments.

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12 U.S. Destinations That Will Expand Your Mind

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Mystical, magical, and otherworldly hotbeds of spiritual activity for all your woo-woo inclinations. Consider this a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy — right here in the U.S.A.

spiritual places to visit in california

The Integratron: A Fusion of Art, Science, and Magic

Where : Landers, California

The Vibe :  The geological phenomenon was originally designed to house powers of rejuvenation, human-life extension, and anti-gravity time travel in the heart of California’s Mojave desert. It was built in the 1950s by aircraft mechanic and ufologist George Van Tassel  — under instruction from an alien from Venus he encountered during a space trip. (Hey, that's the story!) The structure, made of wood, fiberglass, and concrete, was sadly never put to the test as a vehicle for time travel (Van Tassel died in 1978). But you can step inside for meditative sonic-healing sound baths sessions, where participants lie down in the main chamber and immerse themselves in harmonic sounds produced by quartz crystal bowls. In the supposedly perfect wooden geometric structure, the experience is so soothing, you'll feel like you're actually bathing in sound. Musicians like Arcade Fire, Moby, and the Smashing Pumpkins have visited the dome in search of new inspiration and larger-than-life vibrations. Sound baths happen bi-monthly and are on a first-come-first-serve basis for $20 per person (private sessions and group rates are available, too).

Good to Know : Aqua Soleil Hotel & Mineral Waters , a contemporary hotel with bright and airy rooms and a spa with 24-hour access to heated mineral pools, is a 40-minute drive from The Integratron. The Ace Hotel and Swim Club , a mid-century boutique hotel and oasis in Palm Spring’s high-desert paradise, is filled with quirky characters and a large outdoor pool and spa. (Plus weeknight karaoke and bingo.) If Airbnb is more your thing, Joshua Tree House is a two-bed, two-bath 1949 hacienda located ten minutes from the west entrance of Joshua Tree National Park.

How to Get There : Drive 2.5 hours from Los Angeles or 60 minutes from Palm Springs.

Read More : Fathom Guide to Joshua Tree

spiritual places to visit in california

Headlands Dark Sky Park: An All-Night Magic Show

Where: Lake Michigan, Michigan

The Vibe : This pitch-black, 550-acre expanse on the shores of Lake Michigan is made up of undeveloped beaches and an ideal low-latitude location to spot the aurora borealis — a mecca for stargazers. Due to the low pollution levels, this 24/7 park offers unobstructed views that allow spectators to see more of the universe above.

Good to Know : Technically, there's no camping allowed, however the park is open 365 days a year and you're allowed to stay all night. (No sleep 'til sunrise.) The Dark Sky Park offers numerous public viewing nights at Headlands Observatory for $3 a person and many other evening events. The best time to see the northern lights are between September and April. If you're not up for an all-nighter, plan ahead and rent a room in The Guest House , a large home on the property that accommodates about 20 guests with private bedroom and bathrooms.

How to Get There : The Headlands is located about two miles west of downtown Mackinaw City in northwest Michigan.

Salvation Mountain: One Man's Painted Heaven

Where : Niland, California The Vibe : Leonard Knight’s self-built 50-foot clay mountain is inscribed with religious passages that focus on a simple message: God is Love. Knight began his sculptural tribute after a hot air balloon journey failed in this patch of the desert near the Salton Sea. He planned to stay for a week, but the project took 30 years to complete and has since become an ever-growing community art project, as Knight encouraged visitors to bring paint and supplies for their own contributions. It is estimated that the mountain contains over 100,000 gallons of paint and thousands of hay bales (the basis of the sculpture).

Good to Know : Follow the rainbow to The Saguaro in Palm Springs and lounge by the pool with views of the hotel's technicolor suites. Or rent a desert cruiser bike and head to the Korakia Pensione , a subdued Mediterranean oasis where you can reflect on your visit to Salvation Mountain while relaxing on private daybeds.

How to Get There : Salvation Mountain is located south of I-10 freeway, about five miles east of Hwy 111 at Niland . It's a 90-minute drive from Palm Springs.

Read More : Fathom's Guide to Palm Springs  and Fathom's favorite Palm Springs Hotels

Linville Gorge.

Linville Gorge: The Grand Canyon of the East

Where: Marion, North Carolina

The Vibe: The pure, virgin forest is said to have natural healing energy and is considered to be the state's best-kept secret. Steep walls enclose the Linville River for twelve miles and protect the oldest grown trees in the forest — a natural shield from loggers. The earth here is so sacred that hikers often remove their shoes for grounding rituals and to embrace the natural healing energy of the gorge.

Good to Know: Linville Caverns is a must-see while visiting Linville Gorge. As North Carolina’s only cave system, visitors can explore many hidden treasures inside Humpback Mountain. At the base of the gorge sits Lake James , a 6,510-acre lake with more than 150 miles of beautiful shoreline. Closest lodging in the National Park is at the Linville Falls Campground with cabins available to rent. Or stay lakeside with a Blue Ridge Farm Stay .

How to Get There : Take the Blue Ridge Parkway about 66 miles north of Asheville. Fuel up before the hike at Table in Asheville for Southern farm-to-table dishes.

Read More :  A 9-Step Guide to Hiking in Style and A Sweet and Smoky Food Tour of Asheville, North Carolina

spiritual places to visit in california

Mount Shasta: An Alpine Community Where Heaven and Earth Meet

Where: Mount Shasta, California

The Vibe : The 14,179-foot ice-covered dormant volcano in Northern California is highly praised by spiritual seekers as one of the most powerful energy vortexes in North America. With over 26,000 visitors a year (many of whom never leave), the peak's high-vibrational energy has lead to many shamantic awakenings, spiritual growth pursuits, emotional restorations, and a-ha moments. "It does not matter where you go on the mountain," wrote Dianne Robbins about her trip here. "The mountain's energy is everywhere." The Shasta worshippers are often compared to Ancient Greeks who were obsessed with Olympus, or to Moses and his Sinai. Legend has it there is even a hidden city inside the peak inhabited by higher-dimensional beings called Lemurians, and the saucer-shaped clouds that often gather at the summit are engineered for the disguise of alien-aircraft arrivals. Talk about far out.

Good to Know : Guided meditations, vision quests, and hiking excursions are available through Shasta Vortex Adventures . The Trinity Divide trails are especially breathtaking with no expert hiking experience required. The three-mile Heart Lake Trail takes hikers up to Castle Peak with stunning views of Mount Shasta's reflection over the small and serene lake. The best time to visit is the late spring when temperatures are in the low 60s, cooler than the average 75° during peak tourist season in the summer. Nestled at the foot of Mt. Shasta, McCloud Hotel is an ideal location for guests hoping to take advantage of the surrounding river and its three waterfalls. Railroad Park Caboose offers the opportunity to stay in your own refurbished vintage Cotton Belt railroad car on a beautiful 50-acre private property.

How to Get There: Mount Shasta is located 60 miles north of Redding, California, and 60 miles south of the Oregon border. Nearby airports include Sacramento and Redding, as well as Medford, Oregon.

Monument Valley, Utah.

Monument Valley: America's Wild West

Where : Monument Valley, Arizona

The Vibe: Famously known as the backdrop to America's 1930s Westerns by John Ford and John Wayne, Monument Valley remains the setting for what many imagine to be the true snapshot of the American West. Visitors come to drive the 17-mile scenic-loop drive, admire the majestic, free-standing sandstone buttes, and imagine themselves embracing a kind of let-their-hair-down freedom, like Thelma & Louise . This sprawling, 92,000-acre valley is home to the Navajo Nation and remains their tribal-owned sacred land dedicated to their Creator. In additional to the loop drive, visitors can experience this ever-changing natural beauty by hiking the eleven trails and lookouts in the park. A famous spot is John Ford's point, where visitors can recreate the iconic image of a solo horseback rider overlooking the high plateau at the edge of the desert.

Good to Know: Peak Season is from May through September; off-season is October through April. The View is located in Monument Valley Park and offers guests unsurpassed vistas from charming cabins with private porches to sip coffee before a morning hike. Four hours northeast of Monument Valley is Red Rock County in Sedona, Arizona, where legendary energy vortexes are found inside Bell Rock and Boynton Canyon (known for hosting powerful masculine, feminine, and ying-yang energy ). Other popular sites to see are Airport Mesa , Chapel of The Holy Cross , and West Fork Oak Creek Trail .

How to Get There : U.S Route 163 is the main U.S. Highway that enters Monument Valley. McCarran Airport in Las Vegas is convenient for those traveling to the Grand Canyon, as it is on the route to Monument Valley.

Read More : An Enchanting Stay in Arizona’s Red Rock Country and What to Do on Your Day Off: Arizona

spiritual places to visit in california

Crater Lake: The Big Blue

Where : Klamath County, Oregon The Vibe: Formed in 4680 B.C. by the volcanic explosion of Mount Mazama, the six-mile-wide, 1,943-foot-deep Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the U.S.; the ninth deepest in the world; and is famous for its crystal-clear water. Worshipped by the indigenous Klamath Native Americans, this sacred lake is known for engendering a spiritual and religious-like wonder: For centuries, the tribe's shaman was the only one allowed to visit the lake, as many feared looking into the depths too long would invite life-long sorrow ... or death. There are no streams of water in or out of the lake, which explains its clarity and vibrant blue appearance. Visitors often seek the Old Man of The Lake , a mysteriously implanted log that has been sitting in place for one hundred years, and the bright, rust-colored Pumice Castle that juts out on the eastern wall of the caldera . Wizard Island , named for its resemblance to a sorcerer’s hat (pre-Harry Potter), is the top of a cinder-cone volcano within Crater Lake, where one can marvel at 800-year-old trees. 

Good to Know: Crater Lake Park is snow-covered from October through June. Peak season is between June and August, when the park's roads, trails, and facilities tend to be fully operational. Crater Lake Lodge overlooks the lake and offers guests a place to unwind after a full day of swimming, hiking, fishing, and touring.

How to Get There : The closest airports are in Klamath Falls (63 miles from park headquarters) and Medford (75 miles). Car rentals are available at both airports. Amtrak provides daily service to Klamath Falls and a shuttle runs from the Amtrak station to Rim Village between late June and early October.

Read More: Hipcamp's Guide to Camping Out West

spiritual places to visit in california

El Santuario de Chimayó: The Teeniest-Tiniest, Holiest Church

Where: Chimayó , New Mexico

The Vibe: The 19th-century adobe-style church is a historical landmark housing "holy dirt" in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo Mountains in northern New Mexico. The National Park Service has called it one of the most important Catholic pilgrimage centers in the United States, with more than 300,000 visitors a year journeying to find deep healing of the mind, body, and spirit. It is reported that during Holy Week, pilgrims make the 30-mile trek from Sante Fe, and even more remarkably, the 90-mile trek from Albuquerque. Returning pilgrims leave behind testimonials of the healing power of the holy dirt, which is dug out of a tiny well named El Pocito, with handouts suggesting silent prayers to say as you rub it on the part of your body in need of its healing powers. The tiny church and its grounds remain an unexplained wonder.

Good to Know: The landmark is an easy drive from Chimayó Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi , a warm, cozy spot nestled in the heart of Santa Fe, with Navajo rugs, hand-carved doors, beamed ceilings, and sandstone walls. The city's oldest hotel, Hotel St. Francis , is beautiful and simple. Plus, it comes with access to hotel concierge Inger Boudouris, who has been working there since 1987 and knows just about everything there is to know about Santa Fe.

How to Get There: El Santuario de Chimayó is a 30-minute drive from downtown Sante Fe and a one-hour drive from Taos.

Read More: Fathom Guide to Santa Fe and The Coziest Adobe in Taos, New Mexico and Eye Candy: Scenes of Santa Fe

Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, Florida.

Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp: Psychic Capital of the World

Where: Volusia County, Florida

The Vibe: A small community between Daytona and Orlando is home to an unusually large number of psychics and mediums (it is called Psychic Capital of the World) and is heavily infiltrated by paranormal-seeking-tourists. The spiritualist camp started in 1875 by George P. Colby , a trance medium who traveled the country giving readings and seances and was instructed by his Native American spirit guide — named Seneca — to build a spiritual camp in Florida. Today, the residents practice the religion of Spiritualism, based on the guiding principle of one continuous life. Visitors are welcome to the camp with lodging provided at The Cassadaga Hotel , which has a 1920s speakeasy vibe and "friendly" spirits, of which guests are warned on the hotel's website. Fun fact: Bright Eyes wrote their album, Cassadaga , here, and Tom Petty alludes to the camp in his song "Casa Dega." Tarot card readings are available by resident mediums, as well as historical property tours, and animal spirit meditations.

Good to Know: Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp offers guided tours Thursday through Saturday. Seminars and workshops are offered weekly on the camp's website. Once you have enough of the paranormal, head 30 minutes north to a very different type of camp in Orlando, Florida, and experience Disney World the adult way at Grande Lakes.

How to Get There: The camp is located off I-4 between Orlando and Daytona Beach.

Read More: There's No Pressure to Act Like an Adult at Disney World

spiritual places to visit in california

Maunakea Observatory: See the Stars Above the Sea

Where: Big Island, Hawaii

The Vibe: The summit of Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii, is the site of the world's largest astronomical observatory, with telescopes operated by astronomers from eleven countries in the world. It is the highest island mountain on Earth, rising 32,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean floor, and the only place in the world where you can drive from sea level to 14,000 feet in two hours. Its unique atmosphere allows for the highest number of cloud-free, clear-sky nights in the world. From the observatory, visitors can gaze into the cosmos, watch moonrises from infrared telescopes, and check out "moon valley," where the Apollo astronauts test-drove their rover before the 1969 odyssey to the moon.

Good to Know : You can drive up all the way to the summit during daytime, weather permitting, and if you have four-wheel drive. (Be aware of high-altitude effects). At night, local volunteer astronomers set up telescopes in front of the visitor station and supervise guests as part of their free nighttime stargazing program. The lower slopes of Mauna Kea are also popular for hunting, hiking, and mountain sightseeing. Once you are ready to rest your eyes, stay at a dreamy, tropical fern forest known as Tree House.

How to Get There : From Waimea, the trip takes about one hour; from Kona, the trip takes about 60-90 minutes.

Read More: Hawaii: Big Island Essentials

Big Horn Medicine Wheel: A 10,000-Year-Old Astrology App

Where: Lovell, Wyoming

The Vibe: Situated in a national forest dating back 10,000 years, the phenomenal large stone structure made from local limestone is a sacred landmark of scientific inquiry used to predict astrological events. It was built by the Plains Native Americans perhaps as long as 800 years ago, and now is protected by the Crow Native Americans. The wheel is located at the summit of Medicine Mountain and is said to be a locus point for the balancing energies of the earth, sun, and moon. At the center of the wheel is a donut-shaped pile of 28-limestone rocks — 28 being a sacred number associated with the lunar cycle. Today, the Big Horn Medicine Wheel continues to help the Crow tribe predict the summer solstice and represents the beauty of changing seasons and new life.

Good to Know:  The Wheel is available for visits only during the summer months. Native Americans have placed prayer flags along with other sacred symbolic items around a circular fence that protects the sculpture. It is expected that visiting tourists respect these items and do not disturb.

How to Get There: Drive 32.6 miles east of Lovell. Take US 14A and turn off onto a marked gravel road (Forest Road 12).

Read More: Fathom Guide to Jackson Hole, Wyoming

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4 Stellar Spots to Survey Outer Space (Or Feel Like You're In It) Space Travel: Let's Go to Mars! 10 Stellar Finds for Amateur Astronauts

We make every effort to ensure the information in our articles is accurate at the time of publication. But the world moves fast, and even we double-check important details before hitting the road.

10 of the Most Spiritual Places in the US

06/05/2022 by Emily Becker 1 Comment

Spirituality is a deeply personal journey for each person. To say that one travel destination is somehow “more spiritual” than another truly depends on the individual. For some people, simply being in unobstructed nature feels deeply spiritual. For others, spiritual places are those with a rich history of worship or religious significance. These are all valid, because who are we to decide what is sacred to anybody?

That said, there are some places in the United States that are particularly spiritual, based on the types of travelers they attract, what they have to offer to seekers, and their history. I think it’s important to keep in mind that many of these are considered spiritual today because of the beliefs and practices of Native Americans, who have a special sacred bond with them. This is one of numerous reasons why it’s essential to visit each of these locations with the utmost respect for nature, and the native people who are considered its guardians.

If you’re looking to incorporate spirituality into your next trip within the US, consider any one of these magical places:

chakra meditation

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1. Sedona, Arizona

most spiritual places in the us Sedona

As Sedona is part of one most powerful energy vortexes in the world , it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most spiritual spots in the country. Some believe that it encompasses a giant energy vortex — a large swirl of earthly energy — while others identify four key vortexes: at Airport Mesa, Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock, and Boynton Canyon.

Sedona also represents a more New Age form of spirituality that focuses on things like energy healing , yoga, and sound baths. Here you’ll find an abundance of wellness spas, healing centers, yoga studios, and other spiritual businesses. There are also plenty of neat Airbnbs in Sedona that are particularly peaceful and have a healing energy.

Being surrounded by red-rock canyons, whimsical forests, and even a few waterfalls , the sheer fact that Sedona is so naturally beautiful might be enough for you to consider it a spiritual destination. From venturing to the bright turquoise waters at Havasu Falls nearby, to checking out the Chapel of the Holy Cross, to doing a sound-bath session, there are lots of spiritual things to do in Sedona for anyone looking to connect to nature, whatever higher spirit they believe in, or just themselves.

2. Big Island, Hawai’i

most spiritual places in the us hawaii

You could easily say that any one of the Hawaiian Islands are particularly spiritual in their own way, but there’s something extra special about the Big Island. The goddess Pele, who is responsible for Hawai’i’s fire and volcanic activity, is especially present there, as this is where four of the state’s active volcanoes reside. You can hike them at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, which is also an epic stargazing spot on a clear night.

Another spiritually charged location on the Big Island is the site of the Pu’u Loa petroglyphs , which is also within the same national park. This important historical site is incredibly important to Hawaiian spirituality, so don’t miss it.

In addition to the Big Island’s spectacular landscape and overall beauty, there are many destinations there for spiritual travelers. From retreat centers to yoga studios and historical sites where you can learn more about the island and its people, there are plenty of opportunities to find the connection you’re looking for.

3. Joshua Tree, California

most spiritual places in the us Joshua tree

As a hugely popular getaway from Los Angeles and San Diego, Joshua Tree receives all kinds of nature-loving visitors who come to see the namesake Joshua trees and surrounding desert. Many people find the desert to be spiritual, evoking a sense of mystery and magical allure. I mean, the Joshua trees themselves are kind of mystical, don’t you think?

For many years, people have also believed that Joshua tree attracts alien life forms. They’ve even built specific structures, like the Integratron building, to communicate with them. Nowadays, the Integratron is where you can go for an intense sound-healing session. There are other places with a similar feel in Joshua Tree as well, like the Desert Reset retreat and many yoga studios.

Whether you’re curious about aliens, dream of waking up to a desert view , or are searching for healing, you’re bound to find something spiritual in this special spot.

Find out what else there is to do in Joshua Tree National Park here.

4. Mount Shasta, California

Chakras 101: The Root Chakra

Mount Shasta in California has a reputation for being the Earth’s root chakra . That’s right, some believe that planet Earth has chakra energy centers just like the human body. Although mighty Shasta hasn’t erupted in 200-300 years, it’s still an active volcano and holds a great deal of energy. This concentration of energy, aka a vortex, is the reason why so many spiritual seekers visit the mountain.

Native Americans have long visited Mount Shasta to perform rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the Creator. These still happen today, but now you’ll see a more diverse group of people visiting for similar purposes. You’ll find reiki healers here, along with meditation teachers and other people hoping to help travelers on their healing journey.

5. Taos, New Mexico

most spiritual places in the us Taos

Taos, a small city in the high desert of New Mexico, is one of the oldest and most enchanting cities in the American West. In fact, Taos has been casting a magical spell on its visitors since Spanish colonists first arrived in 1540. There you’ll find many small adobe chapels that capture the essence of the town’s spirituality and date back hundreds of years.

Nowadays, Taos is home to one of the most innovative “biotecture” communities in the United States. It has over 70 homes, called earthships, which exist completely off the grid. It’s inspiring to experience a community dedicated to sustainability and safeguarding Mother Nature’s resources. There’s something quite spiritually healing to know that so many people are working hard to live more sustainably.

If you’re looking for a beautiful place for a meditation retreat, Taos just might be the spot for you. Retreat centers like Blue Sky Retreat and High Frequency Loft offer meditation, yoga, sound healing, and ecstatic dance.

6. Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe attracts a whole host of spiritual healers, body workers, yoga teachers, artists, and even psychics — and has been doing so for quite some time! Some say that it is the original spiritual capital of the United States, and I can’t blame them. There is an overall mystical vibe there, which is evident throughout the art galleries of Canyon Road, where I suggest you start exploring the city.

Just 30 minutes from downtown Santa Fe is the historical Santuario de Chimayó, a sacred place of worship that dates back to even before the shrine was built in 1813. Even if you aren’t Catholic or Christian, this holy site is said to have healing powers for anyone that visits.

Santa Fe is also home to a world-famous Buddhist monastery, the Upaya Institute and Zen Center . This spiritual center offers daily Zen meditation sessions, as well as other special events, talks, and retreats.

With this combination of Buddhist philosophy, Catholic sacred sites, Native American spirituality, and New Age practices, you can see that Santa Fe has something for almost any kind of spiritual journey.

7. Crater Lake, Oregon

most spiritual places in the us Oregon

What is now Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the entire country, was once volcanic Mount Mazama. Due to a spectacular eruption, the mountain essentially blew its top off and became the giant crater that we see today. Eventually it filled with water, which is how we now have the beautiful and sacred Crater Lake.

For hundreds of years, if not thousands, the lake has been a holy site for Native Americans, particularly the Klamath tribe. Making dangerous and heroic spirit quests to the lake has been part of Klamath traditions for centuries and still continues to this day.

Visiting Crater Lake National Park can be a deeply spiritual experience, just for the sake of spending time in nature by the lake. You won’t find many retreat centers here, like you will in other places on this list. That said, this ideal for travelers who feel most spiritual when connecting with nature.

8. Moab, Utah

most spiritual places in the us Moab

Just a 15-minute drive from the entrance to magical Arches National Park , Moab has one of the most otherworldly landscapes you’ll find in the United States. Look around and marvel at Mother Nature’s work of art. You’ll see pristine arches, plunging canyons, and other rock formations that are as puzzling as they are beautiful.

These formations in Moab at Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park (also nearby) are deeply sacred to Native American communities, who worship them as beings and protectors of the Earth. The peace brought by the desert inspires spiritualists to come and connect with Mother Nature through meditation, sound healing, and other ceremonies.

Red Moon Lodge is a bed-and-breakfast retreat with special spaces dedicated to yoga, meditation, and prayer. The whole place is solar-powered and dedicated to sustainability. This is another big plus for those of you who want to experience the spiritual magic of Moab in a more eco-conscious fashion.

9. Bahá’í House of Worship, Wilmette, Illinois

most spiritual places in the us

Just 20 minutes from Chicago is the beautifully ornate Bahá’í House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois. It is the only Bahá’í temple in the United States, and it attracts worshipers from all faiths. The Bahá’í faith itself includes teachings from all of the major religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The basic teachings of Bahá’ísm include the oneness of humanity, racial and social justice, and other important pillars.

The temple itself is a meeting place for people of all faiths, not just Bahá’ís. I’ve been to the temple a few times. I think it’s a beautiful site which embraces all people regardless of identity. The inside is just as ornate as the outside and remains silent when there are no events going on. It’s a wonderful spot to spend a day reflecting, journaling, or engaging in whatever type of worship that suits you.

10. St. Augustine, Florida

most spiritual places in the us

As America’s oldest city, it’s no surprise that Saint Augustine has quite an interesting narrative. With over 500 years of human history to behold, it has a reputation of having several highly spiritual sites. One of them is Juan Ponce de León’s alleged “fountain of youth.” This is where the Spanish conquistador believed he found an indigenous secret to immortality. The Timucua tribes who lived in the area before the Spanish conquest convinced Ponce de León of the fountain’s magical properties, which is one of the reasons why America’s first-ever Catholic mission was built there.

Even though much of the legend behind the fountain of youth remains a mystery, the old-timey feel of Saint Augustine offers a magical experience. The Spanish architecture and ancient churches add to the mystical quality of the city, making this a very spiritual place for many visitors.

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most spiritual places in the us

I don’t know about you, but a trip to any of these places sounds like an amazing way to recharge my spiritual battery. I feel especially connected to nature in sites that have a special spiritual significance.

What makes somewhere especially spiritual to you?

About Emily Becker

Emily Becker is a digital nomad based in Costa Rica. She's been traveling on and off since 2014 and has visited 15 countries—planning to tick many more off her bucket list. In addition to writing for BMTM, she works as a copywriter and project manager.

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Mike Shubic (@MikesRoadTrip) says

06/07/2022 at 10:58 am

Great post and some spot-on locations.

Samantha Brown's Places to Love

30 Incredible Places to Visit in California

  • June 25, 2023

Fun fact – if California was a country, it would be the 59th largest country in the world – almost twice the size of the United Kingdom! From epic forests to picturesque beaches, there are so many places to visit in California, you could visit every year for your whole life and still find more hidden gems. There’s a reason we keep going back for “Places to Love” ! 

Whether you’re planning a shorter scenic drive or giant road trip , want to follow in the footsteps of your favorite stars, or explore any one of the incredible national parks, below is a giant list of destinations from north to south to help you plan.

All the Best Places to Visit in California from North to South

spiritual places to visit in california

1. Redwood National Park

“From the redwood forests to the gulf stream waters…” Woody Guthrie had the right idea naming these forests in his famous song! Home to some of the tallest trees on earth, a visit to this area is sure to leave you absolutely gobsmacked. Hike around either the main national park or one of the three state parks (Jedediah Smith, Del Norte Coast, or Praire Creek). This protected area is so special, it’s not just one of America’s greatest forests but one of the world’s , as seen by its UNESCO World Heritage designation.

redding ca - sunshine destinations

Did you know Redding is considered the sunniest city in the state? With 300+ days of sunshine each year, it’s a highly underrated place to base yourself for some NorCal adventures. Take advantage of all the kayaking and fishing opportunities when you come.

spiritual places to visit in california

3. Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park has to be one of the liveliest national parks in the country – literally! This geological wonderland is home to all four types of volcanoes – cinder cone, plug dome, composite, and shield. If you plan a visit here, prepare for some serious hydrothermal activity. The most popular way to explore is via the three-mile loop called the Bumpass Hell Trail which brings you to the largest hydrothermal area in Lassen. Just use the name as a warning – those who wander off trail may suffer the same fate as Kendall Bumpass who lost a leg when he broke through the surface of a scalding mudpot.

spiritual places to visit in california

4. Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is worth a visit no matter what time of year. Visiting in summer? Plan to get out on the lake at one of its many beaches. Spring or fall? Enjoy the cooler temperatures and quieter atmosphere to go hiking. Winter? Plan to get out on the slopes and ski ! Just know that if you plan to go on any big holiday like Memorial Day or Labor Day , you’ll be joined by a lot of fellow visitors looking for a nature break.

spiritual places to visit in california

Sonoma County is one of two incredible wine counties in northern California. What makes it unique is that it wants visitors to experience new things just much as it wants you to enjoy its many wineries. While you’re here, be sure to check out the charming small town of Healdsburg, explore the coastline, find out why this area is known for having the largest collection of carnivorous plants in the world, and even go on safari!

spiritual places to visit in california

6. Sacramento

Although it’s the capital of California, Sacramento is often overlooked as a destination for the state’s more famous cities and parks. However there’s a ton to do in America’s Farm-to-Fork capital from gorgeous mural hopping to dining at all sorts of innovative restaurants and breweries. The best has to be the California State Fair, one of the coolest state fairs in the country.

spiritual places to visit in california

7. Napa Valley

When it comes to wine regions in the United State, Napa Valley is easily the most well-known for both its award-winning wines and postcard-worthy landscapes. With over 400 wineries, 95% of them family-owned, this region is perfect for a day visit from San Francisco , a romantic getaway, or even a longer vacation. One of my favorite non-drinking things to do is to pick up some picnic supplies at Oakville Grocery and head to Bothe-Napa Valley State Park for a relaxing lunch. 

spiritual places to visit in california

8. San Francisco

San Francisco hardly needs an introduction. Easily one of the most famous places to visit in California, this city is so full of iconic sites, you’ll need plenty of time just to see them all. From the Painted Ladies to the iconic Golden Gate Bridge to historic Chinatown, be sure to wear your walking shoes! Plus, this city is a great base for exploring all sorts of nearby parks .

spiritual places to visit in california

On the other side of the bay, Oakland often gets overlooked for San Francisco. However, it’s well worth spending a day or so uncovering all the fun things to do here . From the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA), which has a range of exhibits about the state, to the whimsical Fairyland theme park, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

shoulder season travel - yosemite

10. Yosemite National Park

As one of the most visited national parks in the country, the key to enjoying Yosemite is to plan accordingly. Summer is, of course, the most popular time of year, so if you want to do anything here, start early and be patient with potential traffic jams. If you really want to have the park to yourself, visit sometime during fall, winter, and early spring. 

spiritual places to visit in california

11. Santa Cruz

Located on the northern end of Monterey Bay, Santa Cruz is the ultimate surfer destination . Filled with laid back vibes and plenty of opportunity to hit the water, if you’re planning a road trip down the Pacific Highway, make sure to spend at least a night here. It’s also home to one of the oldest boardwalks in the country. Prepare for old school rides, deliciously fried snacks, and all sorts of colorful design.  

Monterey Bay Aquarium - Places to Love

12. Monterey

On the southern side of Monterey Bay, Monterey is an absolute must-visit if you’re in the area. The aquarium is world class and the coastline views are exactly what you imagine when visiting Northern California. Be sure to check out the historic Cannery Row as well.

spiritual places to visit in california

13. Carmel-by-the-Sea

Carmel-by-the-Sea is easily one of the most charming places in the U.S. With storybook-worthy cottages and whimsical small town touches, it’s the perfect spot to come for a quiet weekend getaway. And as a bonus for dog owners – this town goes out of its way to be dog-friendly!

spiritual places to visit in california

14. Pinnacles National Park

One of the more underrated national parks , Pinnacles sees a mere fraction of what Yosemite sees in a year. You don’t have to stress about avoiding the crowds here no matter what time of year you come. It’ll just be you and miles of giant boulders, caves, and wildlife. 

spiritual places to visit in california

15. Big Sur

Further along Highway 1, Big Sur is home to another iconic view of the California coast – that of Bixby Bridge. Spend the perfect weekend staying in either a yurt at Treebones Resort or a treehouse at Post Ranch Inn. Hike around Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, ride a fat bike along the coast, and then soak away at Eslan Hot Springs.

spiritual places to visit in california

16. Paso Robles

One of the lesser known wine regions in the country, Paso Robles is located smack dab between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Stop in to sample their wines – they grow 40 different grape varieties – and then opt for a delicious dinner at Il Cortile Ristorante or Fish Gaucho. 

The Perfect weekend in San Luis Obispo

17. San Luis Obispo

The whole idea of spending a weekend in San Luis Obispo is to SLO down (see what I did there?). This tiny town is home to a bubblegum alley, over the top hotel, and a grand castle. Fun fact – the rooms of the Madonna Inn partly inspired the White Lotus in Hawaii.The key to enjoying SLO is to just come with a plan to wander and enjoy a slower pace of life.


18. Solvang

Right before you get to Santa Barbara, there’s a delightful Danish-inspired town called Solvang . It was founded by Danish-Americans escaping Midwestern winters and they recreated architecture found in Denmark. Don’t miss a visit around Christmas ! From Thanksgiving to the New Year, locals celebrate Julefest Christmas. Keep an eye out for those nisse ! 

spiritual places to visit in california

19. Santa Barbara

You know a place has to be great when the one and only Oprah chooses to settle down there! Santa Barbara more than lives up to its reputation and truly is somewhere I think most of us would want to live. Just big enough to have plenty to do and see and just small enough to get around on bikes; it also has some of the best, sunniest weather year round. Find all the restaurants Julia Childs loved when she lived here; visit the iconic zoo , stroll around the incredible Lotusland, and be sure to catch the sunset from the beautiful Mission Santa Barbara.  

spiritual places to visit in california

20. Los Angeles

I mean… Los Angeles! The city of angels, La La Land, Tinseltown… There’s so much to do and see that you probably spend a lifetime living here and still find more things to uncover. Off the top of my head, The Last Bookstore in downtown, Santa Monica Pier and its epic Ferris wheel , anywhere in Malibu , the Venice Canals , the Getty Museum, the Getty Villa, Griffth’s Observatory, Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden … the list is truly unending. And that’s not even to mention all the best places to eat in LA like tacos at Guisados or Guerrilla Tacos. 

spiritual places to visit in california

21. Big Bear Lake

For a complete change of pace, spend some time in Big Bear Lake . In the summer, get out on the lake and dine at the Pines Tavern. In the winter, hit the slopes! I also highly recommend renting an eco-friendly dune buggy with Betty’s Buggies and driving around San Bernardino National Forest.

spiritual places to visit in california

22. Orange County

Between “The O.C.” and “Laguna Beach,” Orange County has spent the better part of the 2000s on many a television, whether you were the target audience or not. And while it’s fun to take a peek into the lives of SoCal’s richest with a backdrop of sunshine and beaches – I think it’s safe to say the shows didn’t quite showcase all there is to this county. With multiple beaches besides Laguna – think Newport, Huntington, and Long -, the county is also home to a slew of cultural centers and innovative businesses. I met many of them when we filmed “Places to Love” here. 

spiritual places to visit in california

23. Anaheim

Calling all Disney lovers! You’ll want to head to Anaheim to get your Disneyland fix. For those that have also been to the one in Florida; I’m curious – which do you prefer? 

palm springs, california

24. Palm Springs

Whether it’s a babymoon , family trip, or a girls’ trip, Palms Spring is such a fun desert destination. Check out the mid-century modern architecture that populates the town with The Modern Tour and visit all the quirky shops around town. Whether you’re with kids or not , the Cabazon Dinosaur Museum is a must just for those kitschy giant dino statues alone. Be sure to also explore the greater Palm Springs like Coachella Valley (not just for the mega music festival ) or Palm Desert.

joshua tree - gifts that give back

25. Joshua Tree National Park

Spread across the Mojave and Colorado deserts, Joshua Tree has become known as a haven for creatives and those just wanting to get back into nature. Stay in any of its unique accommodations and just spend time exploring the desert landscapes. Don’t miss the unique looking yucca brevifolia plant, aka the Joshua tree! 

spiritual places to visit in california

26. Temecula Valley

Another fantastic wine region, Temecula Valley Wine Country is reminiscent of Tuscany and just feels like the perfect place to relax. Stay at the Carter Estate Winery and book a wine tour with Sidecar Tours to taste test in style. Don’t miss the blended wines at Robert Renzoni Vineyards or the incredible Persian fusion food at Fazeli Cellar Winery. In town, be sure to pick-up some tea at Old Town Spice & Tea Merchants.

spiritual places to visit in california

27. Borrego Springs

Escape to toe desert at Borrego Springs. Make like the Rat Pack and stay at La Casa del Zorro Resort & Spa for some rest and relaxation. Take advantage of the dark skies for some stargazing and during the day drive over to see the many fantastical sky art sculptures spread across 1,500 acres of land.  

spiritual places to visit in california

28. Carlsbad

If you plan on visiting SoCal in the spring, be sure to include Carlsbad into your itinerary. Come March, all 55-acres of Carlsbad Ranch transform into a floral fantasyland. It’s truly one of the most beautiful flower fields in the United States .

spiritual places to visit in california

Fun fact: the whole town of Julian is considered a California Historic Landmark. Once a gold mining town, it’s become known for the fact that despite it southern location, it has four distinct seasons. That and its apples! Yes, you read that correctly – apples. It even has an annual apple festival. And if you, like me, love your applies in the form of a pie, there’s no one that does it better than Mom’s Pie House. They’ve been around since 1984 and make up to 600 pies a day .

spiritual places to visit in california

30. San Diego

Who could visit San Diego and dislike it? As our southernmost place to visit in California, this city is the perfect mix of beautiful location, architecture, and culture all in one. Fun fact: it’s also very prolific in the beer community with nearly 140 breweries to choose from. Besides spending time at the iconic Balboa Park, be sure to shop around Barrio Logan, pretend you’re Marilyn Monroe at Hotel del Coronado, and take advantage of the city’s take on Mexican cuisine.

And there you have it – the best places to visit in California from north to south. Anywhere I’m missing? Sound off below!

spiritual places to visit in california

This Post Has 8 Comments

I used to watch you years ago when I was pregnant with twins. Now they are in their 20s. My daughter asked if I still liked your shows and she sent me a link to your current info. I love the article on California.

Well SB- you nailed it. Great choices, and not just because I have been to every one. Additions- the Kern River area, with great camping spots, and some adrenaline jumping spots. Catalina Island-ok, technically outside of CA- the trip there is an adventure, whether by sail, or powerboat…if the weather turns in the Channel, you can have a little Master and Commander-style fun. Death Valley- ok, I love the desert, but there are some cool things to see. Avoid July- it feels like death. Morrow Bay area- the tide pools, the estuary, and good wine nearby. Lastly- is there a secret meaning with the flat tire on the RV in the last pic? Great pic, by the way….

I think no trip in CA is complete without visiting at least one of the 21 historic missions. Each is unique and if you are going to a coastal city, you’ll be sure to find one within a 45 min drive. Personally I love Mission San Juan Capistrano which has a beautiful garden. Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo have beautiful detailed painting on the interior of the churches. And all share the common history of the Spanish colonial period.

What an excellent suggestion! My husband and I also visited San Juan Capistrano and were very pleased with its preservation and history. Showing my age here, but I remember the story of the swallows returning and hearing the song about them on Saturday morning cartoons – I was bowled over to see the piano that song was composed on at the mission!

The missions are quintessential California historic landmarks. I had the good fortune of walking 800-miles to visit all 21 missions along the El Camino Real. Yup, walk. I know, loco…LOL! But, it was an amazing experience. I met the kindest, most amazing people along the way. Being a transplant from the east coast, I learned so much about the state’s history through visiting its missions.

Loved this so much , but dont forget the Mother Lode, lots of history! Thanks Samantha Brown for such great programming!

Hearst Castle, William Randolph Hearst’s estate in San Simeon. It’s a unit of the California State Parks.

When I saw the headline about pie, I immediately thought of Julian. I was born and raised in California and I love your list of places to visit.

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About the Business

Sukyo Mahikari introduces a practice to purify ones spiritual aspect as an expedient toward attaining happiness. By purifying your spiritual aspect with the Light and leading a life based on principles of sustainability you can revive your spirituality and attain increasing health, harmony and prosperity. Sukyo Mahikari aims to help people all around the world to lead fulfilled lives of peace and happiness and thus realize a heaven on earth. …

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23151 Camino Altazano

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

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Photo of Cody A.

A wonderful experience in the metaphysical journey of the personal ascension process. Very empowering!

Photo of Marita P.

Sukyo Mahikari is a great place for life/spiritual development! Since I have been giving and receiving light for 4 months now I feel happier deep inside. It helps a lot to go through life challenges with a deeper perspective and meaning. I recommend it to anyone awakening spiritually!

Photo of Wendy C.

A wonderful place were you could just come in and relax. It's full with lots of light. It help you recharge for a joyful day! The value having amazing attitude for the atmosphere!

Spiritual Center full with love, harmony, and laughs.

Spiritual Center full with love, harmony, and laughs.

Photo of Leena B.

This is a wonderful place to elevate from deep inside to joy, true happiness and the spirit of service for the sake of society and oneself.

Photo of Camela O.

This center is THE BEST KEPT SECRET OF ALL ORANGE COUNTY! I wanted to try receiving this " Light Energy" because I m a single parent and I was experiencing alot of pain and fatigue to the point that it was very difficult to prepare a meal for my daughter. When I initially walked inside , I felt a very peaceful vibration. They gave my Light to my forehead, then the back of my head and neck . for about 20 minutes . I felt much more calm and my stress level disappeared! Then I layed down on these Japanese mats and then I received Light to my kidney area and then to the painful areas of my body and when I was done, I felt 20 years younger! I had more energy, less pain, I felt happy ! My day went smoother and I woke up the next day with renewed energy and hope! The people were very kind and helpful. And They do not charge! People can make a donation if they want and I just could not believe how AMAZING this place was! I feel everyone should definitely check this place out!!!

Front lobby

Front lobby

Photo of Bruce M.

I have been receiving these wonderful energy sessions from this organization for several years. They are absolutely amazing. I have seen my health, happiness, and overall wellness improving.

Photo of Cecilia M.

Great spiritual place to get closer to God. Receive divine light, elevate your spiritual level and see the miracles unfolding in front of you.

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Tell us: What is California’s most un-missable experience?

(Francine Orr / The Los Angeles Times; Myung J. Chun / The Los Angeles Times; Christopher Reynolds / The Los Angeles Times; Storyblocks)

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It’s no secret that California is big and there’s a lot to see and do across its 163,696 square miles. But what are the must-do experiences?

We chose the top 101 experiences that we believe are the best that the state has to offer right now. But with so many options, we know there are many places and activities that could earn a spot on this list. That’s where you come in.

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spiritual places to visit in california

Leslie Cory is a former audience engagement editor for the Los Angeles Times’ Features sections. She previously worked at Solutions Journalism Network and KUOW, Seattle’s NPR news station. Before that, she was the senior editor of Opinion and director of community engagement at the Hartford Courant. She was born and raised in the Central Valley of California and is a graduate of UC Davis and UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism.

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spiritual places to visit in california

These Are The 12 Most Beautiful Places To Live In California

  • California offers beautiful cities to live in, such as Carmel-by-the-Sea and Palm Springs, with quaint charm and stunning surroundings.
  • San Francisco and Santa Barbara are among the most beautiful places in California to live, with stunning water views and a welcoming atmosphere.
  • From Santa Monica to Laguna Beach, California has coastal cities with white sand beaches, art scenes, and plenty of attractions for families and art enthusiasts alike.

Sprawling on the West Coast of the United States, California is a lovely state full of fun things to see and do. Be it summer or winter. This is one of the best destinations in the US to go for a vacation with loved ones. It boasts a dramatic coastline along the Pacific Ocean that’s dotted with beautiful beaches that are like slices of heaven on earth. The state is home to world-renowned theme parks such as Disneyland Park and Universal Studios Hollywood, making it an enthralling place for family getaways. The famous Yosemite National Park and the historical Alcatraz Island also call California home.

But what about those who've fallen in love with California's stunning summer vacation destinations and want to make the move to the Golden State? There are plenty of places in the state where one can live and still have a fantastic time, but these destinations are the most beautiful ones. Here are some of the best places to live in California if people want to bask in the state's beauty.

UPDATE: 2023/10/04 18:08 EST BY NOAH STAATS

There Are Two More Beautiful Cities In The Golden State To Check Out

This post has been refreshed with two new beautiful cities to live in California, including Carmel-by-the-Sea and Palm Springs. Whether someone wants to stay by the ocean or under a palm tree in the Sonoran Desert, California is one of the United States' greatest places to live and travel.


  • This is a quaint, 3,000-ish-person town in California boasting sealife, history, and culture.

Carmel-by-the-Sea is one of the more quaint California cities to check out while in the state, boasting museums and libraries of the historic Carmel Mission and the fairytale cottages and galleries of its village-like center. The Scenic Bluff Path runs from surf spot Carmel Beach to bird-rich Carmel River State Beach, with a scuba entry point and has become a must-see for those who love the water. This town hosts endless culture, fresh seafood, charming hotels, and isn't as crowded as some of the other places on this list.

Carmel-by-the-Sea also only has a population of under 3,200 people, so this isn't a massive town or city by any means. Hotels, inns, and rentals book up faster in the summer and during peak vacation seasons, so that is worth considering.

Palm Springs

  • Palm Springs is a short drive from the Coachella Valley, hosts food, culture, and LGBTQ+ businesses, and is a short drive to Arizona and Nevada.

Palm Springs is one of the more fun spots to live in California, boasting desert views, shopping galore, great food, plenty of drag queens, and one-of-a-kind motels and inns. Notably, Palm Springs a city in the Sonoran Desert of southern California, close to the Coachella Valley and the iconic Coachella Music Festival. This makes the Palm Springs Valley a hot spot for music festivals, celebrities, and culture. If someone reading makes art in any format, Palm Springs may be the best spot (besides Los Angeles) to do this in the Golden State. One thing to note, however, is that Palm Springs gets very hot in the summer, with average temperatures being well over 100 degrees.

San Francisco

  • San Francisco is in the Northern section of California, boasting stunning water views, food, and diversity, and is a short drive from Napa.

Found in the northern part of California, the city of San Francisco is among the most beautiful places in California to live and is a nice place to spend time with loved ones. While the city boasts a relaxing atmosphere and welcoming community, there are a ton of attractions that residents can explore during their free time.

One of the most iconic landmarks in the city is the Golden Bate Bridge, where romantics like to go to soak up gorgeous sunsets. Anyone looking to have a sweeping view of the city should visit Coit Tower, while revelers and foodies can have an unforgettable experience at Union Square.

Santa Barbara

  • Santa Barbara is known for its clear water, cool temperatures, and is home to many A-list celebrities.

Set in the backdrop of the undulating Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa Barbara is another one of California's most beautiful places to live. Being a coastal destination, it harbors some of the most pristine beaches in California, such as East Beach, Leadbetter Beach, and Butterfly Beach.

Those who can’t seem to travel without their four-legged buddies can hang out at Arroyo Burro County Beach Park.

Visitors and residents alike should check out Shoreline Park, which offers some of the most beautiful ocean views in California .

Santa Monica

  • Santa Monica is a short drive from Hollywood and DTLA, offering food, hotels, and white sand beaches.

Sprawling along California’s South Coast, Santa Monica is an excellent destination for family retreats and romantic getaways. Those visiting the city with family can have a thrilling outdoor adventure at Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier or at Santa Monica Beach. With it being one of the best family-friendly destinations in California, it's also a wonderful place to live in the state, especially for those with children.

Santa Monica Pier is also a fantastic spot in town where families can have fun and indulge in fine dining. Revelers and partygoers living in the city can have a great time entertaining themselves in Downtown Santa Monica.

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Laguna Beach

  • Laguna Beach hosts many art galleries, five-star hotels, and restaurants and is very romantic.

For those looking forward to waking up to magical sunrises and witnessing romantic ocean sunsets, Laguna Beach should be the place to live. It’s a charming city found along California's Pacific coast that is known for its vibrant art scene.

There are plenty of places in the city where art enthusiasts can enjoy themselves, such as the Laguna Art Museum, Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters, Las Laguna Art Gallery, and Arts A Fair. This is one of the most beautiful small towns in California worth visiting and living in.

  • San Diego is closest to Mexico, offers endless beaches, the iconic San Diego Zoo, and is home to many schools.

San Diego is one of the most beautiful places to live in California, where beach aficionados and adventure lovers can have one of the best holiday experiences of their lives. During the warm months, sun-seekers are always flocking to places such as La Jolla Cove, Coronado Beach, Black’s Beach, and San Diego Bay for some fun in the sun.

Those with their families can take their kids to enjoy themselves at Waterfront Park or at Children’s Pool La Jolla. Art lovers can buy souvenirs at the Spanish Village Art Center.

  • Malibu is known for being luxurious, being home to many actors, musicians, and millionaires.

Boasting the picturesque background of the Santa Monica Mountains, Malibu is a fabulous destination for those who wish to experience high-end hospitality. It’s one of the romantic getaways in California in spring , summer, fall, and winter (it's an ideal year-round destination).

Malibu isn't just for visitors, though; it's one of the best places in California to live for those seeking a vacation-like lifestyle. Even celebrities and big personalities love to spend their stays in luxe beachfront Malibu resorts feasting their eyes on awe-inspiring ocean views. The city also boasts some of the best beaches in California.

RELATED: Northern California's Best-Kept Secrets: Exploring Its 10 Most Quaint Small Towns

  • Napa is home to the country's finest wineries and offers plenty of hotels, food, and tours for the entire group.

Nestled in the heart of California’s Napa Valley, Napa is the perfect hideout and living spot for wine lovers and those seeking some of the best views in California. Tourists love to come here during the summer, so they can spend their vacation tickling their taste glands with locally crafted wine.

MONTICELLO Napa Valley, Hendry Winery, Ashes & Diamond Winery, along with California Wine Tours and Transportation, are some of the must-visit sites in the area. Romantics can enjoy a memorable peaceful day out at Fuller Park or Westwood Hills Park.

Castello di Amorosa is a winery we recommend for those in the area.

  • Fresno offers some of the best wildlife and nature in the state.

For people who easily fall in love with orchards, Fresno is one of the best towns in California to live in. The area is known for its beautiful farms that grow grapes, almonds, peaches, and nectarines. With attractions such as Island Waterpark, Fresno County Blossom Trail, and Woodward Park, this is among the affordable vacation spots in California and is a place where travelers and residents can enjoy their time without breaking the bank.

There are several family-friendly attractions in the area as well, including Wild Water Adventure Park and Blackbeard’s Family Entertainment.

Beverly Hills

  • Beverly Hills is one of the most expensive zip codes in the country, offering amazing shopping, hotels, and experiences.

Beverly Hills is a lovely part of California, full of rich history and priceless heritage. Hollywood stars and celebrities love to come to enjoy high-end shopping at the iconic Rodeo Drive. Art lovers won’t visit the city without making a stop at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, where they can view contemporary and pre-Columbian works of art. Plus, families can go for picnics at Coldwater Canyon Park or enjoy a fun day out at the popular Universal Studios Hollywood.

Although many people visit Beverly Hills, not many have the luxury of calling the place home. It's one of the most expensive places to live in California; therefore, it tends to be the living space of the rich and famous. Still, if one can afford to live here, it's the realm of high-end mansions with stunning views.

RELATED: 10 Amazing Places To Visit In California This Spring

Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles is the TV, film, and music capital of the world.

With top attractions such as movie studios, fantastic beaches, and world-class theme parks, no wonder Los Angeles is referred to as the entertainment capital of the world. Young people would be over the moon to hang out at places such as Universal Studios Hollywood or Disneyland Park.

There are plenty of eateries and events taking place at the Grand Central Market, making it the perfect spot for those who've just moved into town to interact with the locals.

Nature lovers can spend their free time exploring more than two hundred and seventy species of animals at the Los Angeles Zoo.

These Are The 12 Most Beautiful Places To Live In California


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    Experience the surreal sanctuary of the Anna Retreat home.Enjoy your rejuvenating stay at this peaceful location with cozy rooms, meditation spaces, labyrinths, and majestic views honoring Mount Shasta.This sacred space includes a two-story home (3300+ sqft), curated with intentional and heart-centered design for family and community gatherings.The Anna home - 6+ bedrooms and 14+ beds - is ...

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    Monterey. On the southern side of Monterey Bay, Monterey is an absolute must-visit if you're in the area. The aquarium is world class and the coastline views are exactly what you imagine when visiting Northern California. Be sure to check out the historic Cannery Row as well. 13. Carmel-by-the-Sea.

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    4 Day "Coming Home" Women's Spiritual Retreat in Joshua Tree, US. Joshua Tree, California, United States. Nov 1 - 4, 2024. 5.00. (4 reviews) Thank you for such a profound experience, I feel peace and whole within myself. From. USD $2,888. FREE Cancellation.

  26. Sukyo Mahikari

    Specialties: Sukyo Mahikari introduces a practice to purify ones spiritual aspect as an expedient toward attaining happiness. By purifying your spiritual aspect with the Light and leading a life based on principles of sustainability you can revive your spirituality and attain increasing health, harmony and prosperity. Sukyo Mahikari aims to help people all around the world to lead fulfilled ...

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    We'll help you find the best places to hike, bike and run, as well as the perfect silent spots for meditation and yoga. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles ...

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    Here are some of the best places to live in California if people want to bask in the state's beauty. UPDATE: 2023/10/04 18:08 EST BY NOAH STAATS There Are Two More Beautiful Cities In The Golden ...