Journey To The Savage Planet PS4 Review

Joe Apsey / January 27, 2020


Early on in my playthrough through Journey To The Savage Planet , I was hit with the realisation that the game was one of the most refreshing I have played in a long time.

Why, you ask? Typhoon Studios ‘ first title stands out as it is a game where the complexities of a narrative, a sprawling open world, and lengthy upgrade trees are all thrown out of the window in favour of a digestible, arcadey, and enjoyable experience.

A 10-15 hour journey that combines genres and doesn’t take itself too seriously, creating a refreshing concoction that reminded me that not all games have to push the boundaries of the industry to be worth playing.

Where Capitalism Meets Space Travel

In Journey To The Savage Planet , you are an employee of Kindred Aerospace, a space travel corporation that is tasked with finding a new home for humanity. Travelling on your own, you are sent to planet AR-Y 26, the titular Savage Planet, alongside a robot computer on your spaceship, called E.K.O.

Upon landing, you head outside onto the surface of the planet and begin to explore, gather data, investigate the creatures, and discover anything and everything you can about the planet.

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The story is never the driving force behind your adventure here, but it does develop slightly, highlighting corporate power over us as humans. The bulk of the interesting narrative beats come through the world-building done through emails and videos.

In your spaceship, you have a video screen that plays a range of advertisements, some of them quite funny, including what might be my favourite parody of the video game industry’s love for multiple editions of a game and microtransactions.

However, those advertisements are occasionally interrupted by live-action video feeds of Kindred Aerospace’s CEO, Martin Tweed (played by Adrian Burhop ), who is your typical monologue giving CEO, often talking about how ‘valuable’ your work has been, when it is clear that he is being disingenuous. Adrian Burhop does a good job at playing the eccentric CEO and is a great complimentary character to the sarcastic and dry E.K.O.


These two characters are nothing amazing, but they do add a nice bit of comedic flavour to the most enjoyable part of Journey To The Savage Planet: the gameplay.


Journey To The Savage Planet incorporates a lot of genres in its gameplay. The game is part first-person shooter, part survival game, part Metroidvania, and part exploration game.

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But, the important part is that they work in tandem with one another surprisingly well. The core loop of the game is to explore the world and slowly work your way through the game’s four semi-open world maps, completing environmental puzzles, scanning flora and structures in the environment, and killing the weird and wacky creatures that call AR-Y 26 home.

The game’s Metroidvania aspect applies to the numerous environmental puzzles in the game, with areas requiring different tools and gadgets to access. These tools range from a grappling hook to a rocket boost and a special glove that lets you hold bombs to open up walls and cave entrances.


These new tools are doled out at a comfortable and smooth pace, changing up the exploration and traversal just enough to keep it interesting.

Typhoon Studios have done a great job at bringing a lot of personality to the game through the creatures. Each one has a memorable look and their colours and design are a perfect match with the varied environments and cartooney landscapes of planet AR-Y 26.

Small and cute Pufferbirds, floating Jellywafts (which are a mix between an octopus and a jellyfish), large hulking toads called Slamphibians that spring into the air and crash down onto you, each enemy feels distinct and memorable and discovering them was one of my favourite things to do.


The actual combat of the game, when fighting some of the more deadly creatures, holds up surprisingly well and is a good deal of fun. It takes an arcadey approach with you being able to dodge sideways, jump around, and not have to worry about running out of ammo (only having to reload).

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Much like the rest of the game, it isn’t trying to be the next great innovation in the industry and takes a carefree approach that I found refreshing in a period where double-A and triple-A games are becoming more and more serious and thematic.

Checklists, Co-op, and Collectibles

To add some meat to the bones of the gameplay loop, Journey To The Savage Planet is also filled with side objectives, collectibles, and even optional story secrets that give some more weight to the backstory of the game.

Those optional story secrets are welcome as the game’s conclusion isn’t very satisfying, with the game feeling like it was missing the final page of a book.

But, if like me, you love collectibles and reaching 100% in a game then Journey To The Savage Planet has you covered with more than enough optional objectives and things to find that your playtime will be extended significantly if you choose to hunt them down.


If you want to kick back and have some fun with a friend, Journey To The Savage Planet allows that through online co-op. Unfortunately, the game does not feature local split-screen co-op , which is a huge bummer as the game is a perfect for it. It would also make a great parent and child experience due to the cartoony nature of the game.

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However, the online co-op is there and during my hour and a half of experiencing it, I can’t say I was impressed. I encountered huge lag issues and glitches due to the fact that one player is the host. So, the game runs off of their save data and network and they are playing locally.

However, the joining player connects to their game and has to play through the internet, which causes some annoying and frustrating lag, especially during heavy combat sequences.


On top of that, the joining player doesn’t retain any of their progress or materials they have earned. So, unless you plan on marathoning the game in one sitting or leaving your PS4’s on, there doesn’t seem to be much point to the co-op at all, which is unfortunate.

Playing on your own is really the best way to play and the experience is a fun and laidback one.

An Enjoyable Romp To Kickoff The Year

Journey To The Savage Planet surprised me with how enjoyable its gameplay loop is. The comedic tone and well-written characters also stood out and elevated the experience as a whole. I enjoyed every second of my time with Journey To The Savage Planet. My multiple playthroughs and 30 plus hours with the game were a great way to kickoff 2020.

If you want a fun and not too serious game to play before the big hitters of 2020 arrive, then you can’t do much better than sticking on a podcast or your favourite playlist and spending some time on the Savage Planet.

Journey To The Savage Planet is available on PS4 from January 28, 2020.

Review code provided by publisher.

The Final Word

Journey To The Savage Planet is a fun, arcadey ride with its comedic characters, cartoony art style and unique blend of game genres. Secrets and secondary objectives galore, creative creature design, and a rewarding gameplay loop only add to that ride. Although the co-op disappoints, you shouldn't overlook Typhoon Studios' great first game.

Journey to the Savage Planet review - a genuinely funny toybox to explore

It's out of this world.

The first time I throw down a cannister of GROB, I'm not entirely sure what it is. As it explodes into a satisfying puddle of goo, the exotic creatures around me - my scanner tells me they're Pufferbirds and they "like, love me": it's already reciprocal - screech a joyful, if alien, screech and waddle straight to it. Awed, I waddle right after them.

Moments later, their little bodies start contorting and their cheerful chirps fade. With dawning horror, I realise I've mindlessly thrown down this unspecified foodstuff without knowing anything about it - even though I'm playing a game with the word "savage" baked right into the title - noticing for the first time it's labelled "bait" in my inventory. It's too late for recriminations, though, isn't it? These poor creatures are jitter-bugging their final death throes. I'll be branded a Pufferbird Poisoner, I think. The Avicide Assassin. Spare me no leniency, I'll wail, as they drag me from the dock. Don't let me-

The convulsion ends in an obnoxiously noisy fart and a cloud of blue atoms spills out from beneath the Pufferbird's backside. Its neighbour swiftly follows it up with a clamorous bottom-burp of its own. There's another trouser toot from the corner of the cave - I hadn't even spotted that one - and the faint luminosity of untapped atoms now presses softly against the dark walls of the cavern. I step cautiously towards them, still wary of upsetting the fowl, and gather my first resource - carbon - of the game.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

Not all experimentation in Journey to the Savage Planet ends so innocuously, of course, but this initial encounter sets the template for what will probably be several hours' worth of "ooh, I wonder what happens if I do THIS?". I spend/waste a lot of time idly skipping through the striking regions of planet AR-Y 26, ears pricked for the telltale "gloop-gloop" sound that lets me know something gross but edible is pulsating close by. Other times there'll be a gentle tinkle to tell me a rich vein of coveted resources - carbon or aluminium, perhaps - is close at hand, or a hypnotic musical sting will indicate a secret is hidden nearby.

The similarities to titles like No Man's Sky and The Outer Worlds are numerous, and several mechanical aspects of the gameplay echo those of others, too, but to be fair to developer Typhoon, Journey to the Savage Planet cultivates its own charm. And oh - it's so gorgeous here! There are craggy mountains and snowy vistas and leafy glades and icy caverns stuffed with indigo crystals. There are giant mushrooms and scolding lava falls and bulbous, explosive shrubs and hallucinogenic trees and plants that shoot fiery lasers at you. Pulsing sacs of... well, I don't know what they're made of, really, but they'll drop seeds that can be trampolines or sticky traps or flowers strong enough to withstand a grapple tether. The game never tells you any of this, of course; it's up to you to fiddle with the curious items in your inventory and experiment with the bright, bold world around you.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

Most of AR-Y 26's animal life is delighted to meet you, whilst others are unaffected by your presence. It troubles fewer still, which means you'll only occasionally need to charge your infinity-ammo pistol and remind the critters you don't necessarily come in peace. Journey to the Savage Planet isn't a shooter in the traditional sense which is probably just as well; the floaty gunplay and frequent recharging mean intense combat sequences with tougher foes can be frustrating, especially if you're looking to take down a boss or relieve a nearby vault of its precious cargo. So unless I'm collecting very specific resources that are only shed when certain species shrug off their mortal coils, I prefer to leave the wildlife be.

A lack of meaningful peril means you can indulge the whim to ignore your in-game objectives as often as you wish. Co-operative partners can float about as they please, free to explore different areas unchained from their companion. Regularly upgrading your equipment means there's always a reason to jump into a handy transporter and revisit old ground, utilising your new tools to unlock areas that had hitherto been inaccessible.

Perhaps most amazingly of all, not once did I begrudge this; despite its dizzying verticality, the maps are contained enough and accessible enough to ensure you're rarely far from your next objective, making backtracking a welcome distraction rather than a chore.

Cover image for YouTube video

Mostly, though, you'll spend your time leaping across AR-Y 26's fascinating flora and fauna as you scout for resources that'll help get your stranded ship up and running. You're working for Kindred Aerospace - the fourth-best interstellar exploration company on earth, no less - which had mistakenly presumed this planet was devoid of intelligent life. The discovery of alien architecture suggests otherwise, but it's up to you to traverse the world, collecting samples and data as you go, and locate what you need to get back home again.

Very occasionally, I encountered a problem. Sometimes, Savage Planet's beasts glitched through the environment, once making it impossible to dispose of a key enemy to unlock a vault until I'd left and returned to the area via a transporter. Without a map to help orientate yourself, the waypoint compass system can be a little confusing, and on a couple of occasions, my handy respawn buddy spawned me in mid-air, which sent me spiralling to my death again. Not sackable offences, granted, and they didn't happen often enough to mar my experience, but something to bear in mind, perhaps.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

And it's funny, too; honestly, genuinely comical. I know, I know - humour is in the beholder's eye, and I've already told you about the farting. Beyond that, though, Journey to the Savage Planet is stuffed with gentle Portal-esque self-deprecation, often breaking the fourth wall and offering up some of the most impressive, and entertaining, FMV in-game videos and advertisements I've ever seen. The AI voice in your ear, EKO, is both informative and charming without ever becoming an irritant, but if you suspect you'd prefer a more solitary experience, you can tweak her chatterbox-ness in the settings.

There are missions and objectives to complete, of course, and items to unlock and upgrade via the wonders of your 3D printer, plus there's plenty of collectibles, too (oh, how I love collectibles!) Succumb one too many times, however, and you'll lose the resources you've collected thus far and be forced to make a Dark Souls-esque dash to retrieve them.

But good grief, there's something so special about being untethered this way, free to float and stomp and cheese my way around this remarkable place, poking my head into the nooks and crannies as I meander along, admiring the friendly fauna I pass by. I don't know why EKO's so keen for us to find the fuel and get home. I'm pretty sure I never want to leave here.

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Journey to the Savage Planet

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  • Welcome to the Pioneer Program! In this upbeat & colorful, co-op adventure game you play as the newest recruit to Kindred Aerospace. Dropped onto an uncharted planet with little equipment and no real plan, you must explore, catalog alien flora and fauna and determine if this planet is fit for human habitation. But perhaps you are not the first to set foot here... Onward to adventure! Good luck - and mind the goo!

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Journey to the Savage Planet – PS4 Review

Journey to the Savage Planet is the debut title from Typhoon Studios, founded by industry veterans Alex Hutchinson, Yassine Riahi and Reid Schneider. Their respective softographies span Spore , Army of Two 40 th Day , Arkham Origins and the early Battlefield games among many others. The studio was acquired by Google Stadia last month so this may be the only glimpse console owners get of Typhoon’s output without plumping for Google’s cloud gaming service in future.

If that’s the case, then it’s a great pity as Journey to the Savage Planet is quite excellent. The elevator pitch for Journey to the Savage Planet could well be comedy Metroidvania, but to describe it purely in those terms as that would come over as particularly glib.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

You’re an employee of Kindred Aerospace, a company that proudly boasts of being the fourth best interstellar exploration company around. Waking up on board one of their Javelin spaceships you awake to an orientation video from the CEO of Kindred, a man named Martin Tweed. He’s irrepressibly optimistic and a great glimpse into the corporation you’re a chattel of. The titular savage planet is meant to be undiscovered but much to the alarm of your CEO, it turns out there are traces of advanced civilisation scattered across AR-Y 26. Your task remains to catalogue the flora and fauna of the planet while also gathering more information on the technologically advanced structures that remain.

In practice this involves you scanning new species as you encounter them, not entirely unlike No Man’s Sky . Although in this instance, the creatures you encounter aren’t freakish nightmare fuel wrought by procedural algorithms. More carefully created by a consistently excellent design team. The creature designs are bright and breezy, bringing to mind Spore in terms of their look and feel. Though that’s hardly surprising given the lead dev’s background. This making of video gives a great insight into the level of detail the team put in.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

The first-person view affords for some creditable combat against the more… aggressive denizens of the planet, the gunplay being frequently satisfying. Rarely will you struggle to take down an enemy, your own ineptitude generally being the only factor leading to your demise.  Glowing yellow weak spots are in abundance on the predatory species, generally on the tip of tentacles that handily wave around.

In the event you die, and you likely will, your corpse will drop where it expires along with your gathered items in an automated recovery pack. Though in a departure from the approach used in Dark Souls , if you die again you won’t lose your stash. When you respawn onboard the Javelin, you’ll be gently mocked by the AI for your carelessness. If you died in an area where your corpse is recoverable you’ll be able to bury your own deceased husk, like its the most normal thing to do. Upon doing so a holographic gravestone will pop up with #1 for your first iteration, #2 for your second and so on.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

Handily your loot box is shown on your UI and you generally won’t have much trouble recovering it. Though the further into the labyrinthine planet you progress, you’ll occasionally spend ages going around in circles trying to retrieve your gear. You won’t begrudge Savage Planet for that much though as you’ll find lots more secrets that way. Kiss goodbye to your attempt at a four-hour playthrough, mind.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

Your first death is likely to be from three flying space octopuses that spit poisonous projectiles in your direction. Coupled with a  small health bar you’re unlikely to come away unscathed. You’re gently corralled towards your first health and stamina upgrade, adjacent to these death dealers. The very orange goo levels you up, though the higher your level, the more you need to get an upgraded health bar. Soon you’ll be swatting away those octopuses, though occasionally sheer force of numbers will still overwhelm you.

Unlike the Metroid series, you won’t have your powers at the outset only to have them stripped away. Instead you won’t have much going on besides a punch, not even a weedy popgun to see off any perceived threat. Not that they’re much threat to begin with, only attacking you when you initiate combat. You’ll procure major upgrades by way of completing significant plot events, a handy double jump being your first upgrade of consequence. There soon follows the likes of a grapple and rocket boost amongst others.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

You can also utilise items held in your left hand. To begin with all you’ll have to hand will be cans of Grob do-it-all food goo which can be used as bait. You’ll soon discover various seed pods that allow you to throw explosives or corrosives amongst other things. One of the more useful items you can deploy is the grappling point, though only to a particular kind of receptive surface.

In typical genre fashion, many of the areas en-route are unavailable when you first pass through them. You’ll want to revisit them to collect more orange goo anyway, so it’s no chore retreading familiar areas. To expedite travel there are a sequence of abandoned alien teleports you can activate as you discover them. Handily your objectives are shown on your HUD, so you know the general direction to travel in.  They’re also shown when choosing which teleport to go to. A map might come in handy sometimes though, as sometimes your loot box can be on the fringe of one area and hard to find.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

As you unlock major upgrades at your ship, the onboard video screens play piped ads from Kindred. These ads are often funny as well as a sideways glance at consumer culture. We want to get some cucumber shitwater-flavoured Grob, just out of sheer curiosity. The very thinly veiled dig at EA and DLC culture is also a highlight.

There’s a co-operative mode on offer here, though sadly only via PS+ multiplayer. Given the devs history with Army of Tutu, we were a little disappointed to discover there’s no local split-screen option. We hope for a future patch, but for now corralling a friend also with the game is the only way to enjoy this mode.

ps4 journey to the savage planet

In conclusion, Journey to the Savage Planet is an excellent 3D exploration game which is often very funny. There’s something vaguely sinister but also endearingly inept about Kindred’s #4 ranking boast, just as Martin Tweed is affable but you’re never quite sure about his motivations. My wife remarked “this game doesn’t look like most of the shit you review.” A ringing endorsement if ever there was one. Go buy this game.

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Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Supports up to 2 online players with PS Plus
  • Online play optional
  • PS5 Version Vibration function and trigger effect supported (DualSense wireless controller)
  • PS5 game streaming supported only with Premium subscription


The definitive edition of the hilarious first-person adventure game Journey to the Savage Planet! Fully optimized for new hardware, running at a snappy 60 frames per second, includes all patches, all that juicy DLC, and a few new cinematics for your viewing pleasure. You have been sent to a distant alien world by your semi-competent employer, Kindred Aerospace, with the aim of finding a new home for humanity! But the world that awaits you is filled with challenges, humor, and surprise, and sadly, Kindred forgot to equip you with any of the gear you will need, meaning you have to go find it and craft it yourself. Play alone or in two-player co-op as you explore a beautiful and surprising alien world to solve the mystery that lurks at its heart before deciding whether or not to return to Earth! Four unique biomes, each with their own flora and fauna to explore. Dozens of wacky creatures to find, catalog, and photograph. A plethora of tools, weapons, and throwables let you tackle the challenges the way you want! Jet Boots! A Grapple! Acid grenades! And more! You'll laugh, you'll cheer, you'll uncover secrets, and you can do it all with your best friend!

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Journey to the Savage Planet review: "A great time no matter what you do"

ps4 journey to the savage planet

GamesRadar+ Verdict

A short and satisfying space adventure which really is laugh out loud funny

Gorgeous environments

Spot-on humor

Painfully relevant satire

Slightly clunky controls

Some obtuse objectives and markers

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ps4 journey to the savage planet

Release date:  January 28, 2020 Platform(s) : PC, PS4, Xbox One Developer :  Typhoon Studios Publisher : 505 Games

Journey to the Savage Planet is a unicorn in this day and age. It's a short game that's totally satisfying, and it's a comedy game that's actually funny. And if that wasn't enough, it also has a crafting system that isn't tedious. It caught me totally off-guard the first time that I got my hands on it, and it continued to surprise me throughout its six-hour runtime – so much so that I'm eager to play more of it for post-game exploration, and maybe again in co-op too. 

Journey to the Savage Planet tips

As a new member of Kindred Aerospace's Pioneer Program, you're sent to the alien planet AR-Y 26 to scout it out, see if it's habitable, and shake it down for resources if it's not. It quickly becomes clear that this planet is a bit more than you bargained for – savage, you might call it – and that your employer isn't terribly concerned for your safety. So begins an irreverent tale of capitalism and climate change which is every bit as scathing as it is satirical. 

Journey to the Savage Planet is a first-person action-platformer about collecting resources, crafting upgrades, using them to explore the titular planet, and shooting various critters which get in your way. Just as importantly, it's a blunt and relentless caricature. It's set in a time when Earth has officially kicked the bucket due to climate collapse, forcing humanity to find a new home among the stars. Naturally, blatantly evil corporations – not unlike Kindred Aerospace – are trying to monopolize the galaxy and monetize free will. 

ps4 journey to the savage planet

Messages and expository snippets constantly remind you of the state of the galaxy and your meager place in it. You, the player, are around $500,000 in debt, but you can halve that by simply selling the rights to your brain. Your contract with Kindred Aerospace ensures that you'll be continually resurrected until your job is done – in other words, not even death can free you from the grip of debtors. At one point, I was advised to read the book, "Just Be Rich Instead of Being Poor." Many key upgrade materials look like oil, and since this is technically foreign territory, I can only assume that war under the guise of democracy is on the way.

This is the kind of exaggerated corporate hellscape as depicted in works like Wall-E and The Outer Worlds, and it's grounded in such a way that it's sometimes hard to laugh it off. Topical descriptions of the Amazon Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef – both totally annihilated in the game, and at risk of a similar fate in real life – are especially harrowing, but this is all just a grim backdrop to the game's surprisingly chipper presentation. And it is nice to see a game actually say something about the serious topics it's skewering without getting bogged down with negativity. 

Cute new world  

ps4 journey to the savage planet

More than anything, Journey to the Savage Planet reminds me of Rare circa Conker's Bad Fur Day. It's bright, cute, colorful, and endlessly charming. AR-Y 26 is filled with adorably boggle-eyed creatures as well as ferocious predators, and there's a dark silliness to it all that plays into its Dr. Seuss aesthetic perfectly. The best part is that every last element serves as a comedic vehicle. This gives the game a Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon quality where I feel compelled to find more creature descriptions and lore entries just to see what they say, because it's usually hilarious. 

Speaking of creature descriptions: your main method of cataloging the planet's flora and fauna is a Metroid Prime-style scanner, and this quickly became one of my favorite features in Journey to the Savage Planet. Sure, scanning enemies and puzzle pieces gave me helpful hints, but I was mainly in it for the laughs. My first entry was for a Pufferbird which, as my sardonic, Glados-esque AI overseer informed me, totally loves me. I was picking up what this game was putting down by this point, so I knew I was going to be doing terrible things to this Pufferbird in the near future, so I apologized in advance. Sure enough, not 10 minutes later, I lured it into what I can only describe as a venus flytrap wood chipper so that I could open a door. I'm sorry again, Pufferbird.

"Journey to the Savage Planet is bright, cute, colorful, and endlessly charming"

Some creatures aren't as naive as Pufferbirds and require a more forceful touch, which brings us to the game's simple but serviceable action. Your main weapon is a laser pistol with infinite ammo (but a limited magazine), and you've also got a grappling hook and jetpack to get around, as well as consumables which fuel an array of gadgets I won't spoil. You can dash to avoid incoming enemies or projectiles, slide under and into gaps, and mantle up ledges. It's not Mirror's Edge or Apex Legends, but Journey to the Savage Planet is fun to play moment-to-moment. I was especially impressed by the game's boss battles, which are far more difficult and memorable than I expected them to be. The controls are a bit clunky at times, with slide stutter and dodgy grapple registration in particular leading to more than a few mishaps, but there are no deal-breakers. Besides, this is a game where combat and movement improve as you unlock more and more upgrades that expand your abilities. 

You can upgrade gadgets by finding Metroidvania-style upgrades which unlock new areas, and by juicing them up with resources. There are only three main resources – carbon, silicon, and aluminum – which keeps things clean and straightforward. Journey to the Savage Planet is not a crafting survival game. It's not Ark or No Man's Sky; you don't have to smelt any iron or grind any materials. I put together a respectable arsenal just by snagging whatever I saw on the way. Resources exist simply to encourage you to explore, and upgrades let you flesh out your play style in mostly optional ways. They also encourage you to experiment, which works well with the game's not-quite-linear path. 

The path less travelled  

ps4 journey to the savage planet

Early in the game, my AI told me to find an alien alloy that I could use to make a crucial upgrade. The target alloy was marked on my compass, but wanderlust set in on the way there and I ended up finding another alloy much closer to my crashed ship. In many games, I would've needed to get the marked alloy anyway because it's what the story calls for. Instead, my AI was like, "Oh, you found a different one, I guess that works too!" 

This was a small interaction, but it taught me that I could do things out of order if I wanted to, and it reinforced that exploration pays off. This shaped the way I played the rest of Journey to the Savage Planet, and while the path forward was still mostly linear, I enjoyed branching off to test the limits of my gadgets and chart my own course. It made my journey feel more personal, especially when I was able to access some things early through clever tactics. In my finest moment, I used deployable bounce pads, gravity, and meticulously timed jumps to access a secret locked behind an upgrade I hadn't discovered, and the sense of triumph was palpable. I would've liked a few more of those freeform moments, but the journey felt well-paced overall. 

It's also worth noting that while I finished the game in just over six hours, that was only with 67% completion. I'm the kind of person who generally blasts through story stuff in open-world games, so I've still got dozens of upgrades and secrets left to find which could easily push Journey to the Savage Planet over the 10-hour mark. That said, don't be put off by the length. This game doesn't need to be any longer, and given the wealth of time vampires on the market, I respect and welcome a good short game. There's more here than you need, so you can play Journey to the Savage Planet precisely as much as you want. And in my experience, you'll have a great time no matter what you do. 

Journey to the Savage Planet was reviewed on PC

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with GamesRadar+ since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.

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Journey to the Savage Planet is a game created and developed by Typhoon Studios . It was published by 505 Games to the Epic Games , Steam , PS4 , and Xbox One on January 28th, 2020. There were later releases to Nintendo Switch on May 21st, 2020, GOG on January 28th, 2021 and Stadia on February 1st, 2021.

Overview [ ]

Journey to the Savage Planet is an upbeat first-person adventure game set in a bright and colorful alien world filled with weird and wonderful creatures . As an employee of Kindred Aerospace , which proudly touts its rating as the 4th Best interstellar exploration company, you are dropped onto the planet AR-Y 26 , deep in a far away corner of the universe. Launched with high hopes but little equipment and no real plan, your job is to explore the planet and document all of the local flora and fauna to determine whether the planet is fit for human habitation. Onward to adventure! Good luck – and mind the goo !

Screenshots [ ]


External links [ ]

  • Official Site
  • Steam Store Page
  • Epic Games Store Page
  • Xbox Store Page
  • PS4 Store Page
  • Nintendo Switch Page

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About this item.

  • 2-PLAYER ONLINE CO-OP: Play solo or bring a friend. Onward to adventure!
  • EXPLORE, FIGHT & CATALOG: Survey 4 different Biomes on Planet AR-Y 26. Scan and catalog alien flora and fauna at your own pace.
  • Discover 30+ creatures, each with unique behaviors, threats, and abilities. Complete player-driven quests while uncovering hundreds of collectibles and secrets along the way.
  • UPGRADE TO ADVANCE: Access new areas by upgrading your tools including a laser pistol, a rocket pack for boost jumps, rocket boots for swift descents and more. Your trusty 3D printer will turn any old space trash you discover into useful items!
  • UNCOVER THE MYSTERY: Are you truly alone? Solve the mystery to complete your survey of the planet.

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Journey To The Savage Planet PS4 - PlayStation 4

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Welcome to the Pioneer Program! In this upbeat & colorful, co-op adventure game you play as the newest recruit to Kindred Aerospace. Dropped onto an uncharted planet with little equipment and no real plan, you must explore, catalog alien flora and fauna and determine if this planet is fit for human habitation. But perhaps you are not the first to set foot here. Onward to adventure! Good luck - and mind the goo!

From the manufacturer


Journey To The Savage Planet



In this colorful, co-op adventure game you play as the newest recruit to Kindred Aerospace. Dropped onto an uncharted planet with little equipment, you must determine if this planet is fit for human habitation. But perhaps you are not the first to set foot here…


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Customers say

Customers like the fun and humor of the game. They say it's an exploration-based game with interesting interactions and humor. However, some find the controls hard to control at times and the game repetitive.

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Customers find the game extremely fun, promising, and immensely enjoyable. They also describe it as an exploration-based game with quirky humor. Some customers say the game is more addicting than they thought, with interesting interactions and side quests for completionists.

"...but I enjoyed most of my time with it and it has a lot of side quests for completionists ." Read more

"Metroidvania style game that is immensely enjoyable and humorous and not too long,10-12 hours maybe." Read more

"...I am so glad I did. It is really a fun game ." Read more

"...Loved every second of this game. Wonderful exploration based game with quirky fun humor. For 30 bucks, it's an awesome value." Read more

Customers find the humor in the video game interesting and funny.

"Fun game that doesn’t take itself seriously. A lot of tongue in cheek humor ...." Read more

"...Wonderful exploration based game with quirky fun humor . For 30 bucks, it's an awesome value." Read more

"Fun game so far with interesting interactions and a lot of humor ." Read more

Customers find the control of the video game software difficult at times. They also say the game is repetitive and annoying.

"...A lot of tongue in cheek humor. It is not a long game but I enjoyed most of my time with it and it has a lot of side quests for completionists." Read more

"...the game also becomes rather repetitive especially after you beat the main boss, since after that your only objective is to either find every..." Read more

"...unless you can somehow get past playing as a character that simply isn't fun to control ..." Read more

"...of the voices were supposed to sound scratchy and breaking-up but it was annoying . I think we just wasted our money...." Read more

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Journey to the Savage Planet

Journey to the Savage Planet

  • First Released Jan 28, 2020 released

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Journey To The Savage Planet Video Review

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Journey To The Savage Planet Is 2020's First Great Co-Op Game

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Journey To A Savage Planet Co-op Gameplay | PAX West 2019

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Journey To The Savage Planet Cheats for Playstation 4

Journey To The Savage Planet for Playstation 4

  • Developer: Typhoon Studios
  • Publisher: 505 Games
  • Genre: Action Adventure
  • Release: Jan 28, 2020
  • Platform: Playstation 4

Hints & Secrets

Teratomo boss fight.

Ou have reached the bottom of the Tower and are now facing the death meatball himself, Teratomo

To defeat Teratomo you must pop the yellow zits all over his body. These deal the most damage to him but you can also shoot him in the eyes to deal slightly less damage. He has three main attacks he will use

Acid Spray: Each of the three big platforms in the back have acid sprayers above them. When teratomo reaches his arms in the sky, whichever one you are standing one, Run! he is about to cover it all in acid, making you unable to stand on it for a short period of time

Tentacle Slap: If you are standing close to Teratomo on any of the three small platforms in the center of the room, after a short amount of time he will raise his tentacles in the air, slapping each of the platforms at once. You will have a small window to jump off the platform and get out of there

Jellywaft Summon: The final thing Teratomo can do is spawn some jellywafts to damage you while you are trying to fight. These can be extra annoying when combined with the acid spray attack, as they will make moving from platform to platform much more dangerous. it is you best bet to take these out as soon as they spawn.

You can use bombegranites to destroy a bunch of zits at once on the left and right sides of his body because they are closely grouped together thanks to his giant size. Each time you deplete one of his health bars he will spit his tongue out and give you access to the inside of his mouth where the planet seed is located.

Walk inside his mouth to try to pull the seed out, get spit out, and do it again two more times. Once you defeat teratomo you will be successful in removing the seed...but uh..he may eat you. Luckily you uh...come out the other end.

Fixer Upper Quest: Ice Caves A way out

Travel through the ice caves until you come across the purple crystals blocking your way. Scan them with your visor to learn more about them. Turns out you can destroy these fragile crystals but you will need to craft a Nomad Crystal First using the 3D Printer on the Javelin.

Fixer Upper Quest: Craft the Nomad Pistol

Continue to travel through the unblocked parts of the cave until you come across your first Puffbird! Its so cute...

Time to Kill it.

Unfortunately to craft the nomad pistol you will need 10 Carbon, which can be easily obtained by smacking around some Puffbirds. Once you have collected the necessary Carbon return to your ship and use the 3D printer to create your Nomad Pistol

Now that you have the pistol you can return to those purple crystals and break them, giving you a way out of the cave and the opportunity to continue to explore the planet.

Fixer Upper Quest: Alien Alloy Finding

Now that you have more access to the planet, your on-board AI will tell you to search for an alien alloy the Cartographers have located on the planet.

Here you will come across your first pile of Orange Goo, which will give you the mission Alien Edibles. There 100 total mounds of goo on AR-Y26 and collecting them increases Health and Stamina.

Continue exploring until you come across what appears to be a frozen lake with orange goo on the opposite end. Unfortunately, what you expect to happen, will. The ice breaks dropping you below, not into a lake, but a den of Jellywaft.

Eventually you will come across a jump that seems impossible to make and will be given the Quest Jump! Jump! to complete.

You MUST complete Jump! Jump! before being able to complete Fixer Upper

Fixer Upper Quest: Continue Your Journey

Once you have completed Jump! Jump! return to the jump that seemed impossible before, but now with your Jump Pack you should make it no problem.

Continue along the path until you come across a giant plant with teeth, aptly called a Meat Vortex.

To clear away the vines and enter the next area, kick a puffbird into its mouth and once it lands the vines extending out from it will retract.

Continue to the marker set by your Cartographer until you come across this purple flower with a faint blue glow. inside is the alien alloy you desire but its locked within this chest like plant.

These plants are called a Vaultivore with this specific one being attached to a creature nearby.

along this path you will see a large alien structure that will give you the Mission Alien Architecture. Complete this mission to learn about how to Fast travel in Journey to the Savage Planet

Fixer Upper Quest: Fighting the Pikemanders

This will be your first true test in Journey to the Savage Planet, as pikemanders are ferocious predators with armor covering the front of their bodies. The only way to damage the Pikemander is to shoot the orange glowing balls on his tail.

Be sure to dodge left and right when they start to spin as they will try to charge and attack you. Dodging that attack and immediately shooting the tail is the best opportunity for you to deal damage. Once you defeat the first Pikemander, two more will show up before the Vaultivore will open up. Binding Bile, which can be found in metal seed pods hanging throughout AR-Y26. This will slow down the pikemander and also give you a better opportunity to get behind them and shoot their weak point. Once you have grabbed the Alien Alloy, return to your ship and insert it into the 3D printer to complete the Quest.


To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:

Secret Trophies

To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:

DLC Trophies: Old School Minus

To unlock the following DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:

DLC Trophies: Hot Garbage

To unlock the following: Hot Garbage DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:

Secret DLC Trophies: Hot Garbage

To unlock the following: Hot Garbage Secret DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:

Game Walkthroughs

Walkthrough (PC) - Journey To The Savage Planet

Walkthrough (PC)

  • Walkthrough Part 1 - Landing Protocol
  • From: Throneful

If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides for this game that can help others leveling up, then please Submit your Cheats and share your insights and experience with other gamers.

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Journey To The Savage Planet - Gameplay Video for Playstation 4

Journey To The Savage Planet - Gameplay Video

  • Added on: Jan 28, 2020

Journey To The Savage Planet - Gameplay Review for Playstation 4

Journey To The Savage Planet - Gameplay Review

Acrylic Nails! for Playstation 4

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Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass Program 2024 | June 4, 2024 | News 19 at 9 a.m.

School is out and we’ve got the tips and tricks to help teens with a physical fitness and wellbeing journey this summer! Planet Fitness has just the plan with the High School Summer Pass™ program. Their National Lead Trainer Teddy Savage shares how it works and how to get started and stick with a health and fitness journey to create lifelong healthy habits well into adulthood. Teddy Savage is the National Lead Trainer at Planet Fitness – as well as a certified fitness trainer – who oversees fitness programming for all of its clubs nationwide. He served as an instructor for Planet Fitness’ “United We Move,” a home work-in digital workout series which was designed in 2020 to combat stress while keeping us all physically and mentally fit throughout the pandemic. Teddy has been with the Planet Fitness team since 2011. Teddy has always been heavily involved in the sports industry. During his career, he served as the Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Tri-City Dust Devils Select baseball team in Houston, Texas, where he helped secure multiple national tournament titles. He even started his own speed and agility camp called Savage Speed & Agility, during which time he trained student athletes of all levels – from middle school to collegiate – to excel in their performance across multiple sports. Teddy’s number one priority is motivating and inspiring people to become the best versions of themselves they can be.

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Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass Program 2024 | June 4, 2024 | News 19 at 9 a.m.

Posted: June 4, 2024 | Last updated: June 4, 2024

School is out and we’ve got the tips and tricks to help teens with a physical fitness and wellbeing journey this summer! Planet Fitness has just the plan with the High School Summer Pass™ program. Their National Lead Trainer Teddy Savage shares how it works and how to get started and stick with a health and fitness journey to create lifelong healthy habits well into adulthood. Teddy Savage is the National Lead Trainer at Planet Fitness – as well as a certified fitness trainer – who oversees fitness programming for all of its clubs nationwide. He served as an instructor for Planet Fitness’ “United We Move,” a home work-in digital workout series which was designed in 2020 to combat stress while keeping us all physically and mentally fit throughout the pandemic. Teddy has been with the Planet Fitness team since 2011. Teddy has always been heavily involved in the sports industry. During his career, he served as the Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Tri-City Dust Devils Select baseball team in Houston, Texas, where he helped secure multiple national tournament titles. He even started his own speed and agility camp called Savage Speed & Agility, during which time he trained student athletes of all levels – from middle school to collegiate – to excel in their performance across multiple sports. Teddy’s number one priority is motivating and inspiring people to become the best versions of themselves they can be.

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I built a tiny house in my parents' backyard and lived rent-free for 5 years. It helped me save money to see the world — and taught me how to live simply.


15 “As Seen On TV” Products That Are Well Worth The Money

Italian Open: Ons Jabeur Takes Best-Friend Job With Paula Badosa Seriously as She Throws Hilarious Challenge To Aryna Sabalenka

French Open: Aryna Sabalenka Pushed to Walk the Runway of Paris Fashion Week as Ons Jabeur and Paula Badosa Stay Loyal to BFF



    ps4 journey to the savage planet

  2. Journey to the Savage Planet (PS4) Review

    ps4 journey to the savage planet

  3. Journey to the Savage Planet Lifts Off on PS4 January 28

    ps4 journey to the savage planet

  4. Journey to the Savage Planet

    ps4 journey to the savage planet

  5. Journey to the Savage Planet (PS4) Review

    ps4 journey to the savage planet

  6. Journey to the Savage Planet

    ps4 journey to the savage planet


  1. Journey to the Savage Planet Part 1

  2. Journey to the Savage Planet season 2 ep13 what a shocking find

  3. Journey To The Savage Planet part 2!

  4. Journey to the Savage Planet #13 ENDE / Ending / Teratomo Boss Fight Ende

  5. Journey to the Savage Planet season 2 ep18 this goo is too hard

  6. Journey to the Savage Planet live stream


  1. Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

    The definitive edition of the hilarious first-person adventure game Journey to the Savage Planet Fully optimized for new hardware, running at a snappy 60 frames per second, includes all patches, all that juicy DLC, and a few new cinematics for your viewing pleasure. You have been sent to a distant alien world by your semi-competent employer, Kindred Aerospace, with the aim of finding a new ...

  2. Journey to the Savage Planet your therapist because it's #JourneyToTheSavagePlanet launch Day!!! 🚀...

  3. Journey to the Savage Planet Review

    Verdict. Journey to the Savage Planet is a game with a lot of nice ideas - trying to single-handedly twist a well-worn genre into new and exciting shapes - but ultimately doesn't quite have ...

  4. Journey to the Savage Planet

    Explore the charming and hilariously chaotic alien world of Journey to the Savage Planet in the official gameplay trailer. The adventure begins Early 2020 on...

  5. Journey To The Savage Planet PS4 Review

    If you want to kick back and have some fun with a friend, Journey To The Savage Planet allows that through online co-op. Unfortunately, the game does not feature local split-screen co-op, which is ...

  6. Journey to the Savage Planet review

    Journey to the Savage Planet review. Developer: Typhoon. Publisher: 505. Platform: Played on PS4 Pro. Availability: Out January 28th on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Moments later, their little bodies ...

  7. Journey to the Savage Planet

    Take a Journey to the Savage Planet, a bright and colorful alien world filled with weird and wonderful creatures. Launching Early 2020 on PlayStation 4, Jour...

  8. Journey to the Savage Planet (2020)

    News Journey to the Savage Planet Looks Like a Daft Sci-Fi Adventure on PS4. Lands next year. Journey to the Savage Planet was announced back at last year's Game Awards show, and we haven't seen ...

  9. Journey to the Savage Planet for PlayStation 4

    Description. Welcome to the Pioneer Program! In this upbeat & colorful, co-op adventure game you play as the newest recruit to Kindred Aerospace. Dropped onto an uncharted planet with little equipment and no real plan, you must explore, catalog alien flora and fauna and determine if this planet is fit for human habitation.

  10. Journey to the Savage Planet

    Journey To The Savage Planet is a fun, arcadey ride with its comedic characters, cartoony art style and unique blend of game genres. Secrets and secondary objectives galore, creative creature design, and a rewarding gameplay loop only add to that ride. Although the co-op disappoints, you shouldn't overlook Typhoon Studios' great first game.

  11. Journey to the Savage Planet

    Journey to the Savage Planet is the debut title from Typhoon Studios, founded by industry veterans Alex Hutchinson, Yassine Riahi and Reid Schneider.Their respective softographies span Spore, Army of Two 40 th Day, Arkham Origins and the early Battlefield games among many others. The studio was acquired by Google Stadia last month so this may be the only glimpse console owners get of Typhoon ...

  12. Journey to the Savage Planet

    Journey to the Savage Planet is a 2020 action-adventure game developed by Typhoon Studios and published by 505 Games.It was originally released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 28, 2020, followed by a Nintendo Switch port on May 21, 2020. An upgraded version of the game titled Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition was released for Stadia as a timed ...

  13. Walkthrough

    Walkthrough. IGN's Journey to the Savage Planet complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Journey to the Savage Planet from the title screen to the final credits ...

  14. Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

    The definitive edition of the hilarious first-person adventure game Journey to the Savage Planet Fully optimized for new hardware, running at a snappy 60 frames per second, includes all patches, all that juicy DLC, and a few new cinematics for your viewing pleasure. You have been sent to a distant alien world by your semi-competent employer, Kindred Aerospace, with the aim of finding a new ...

  15. Journey to the Savage Planet review

    Release date: January 28, 2020 Platform (s): PC, PS4, Xbox One Developer: Typhoon Studios Publisher: 505 Games. Journey to the Savage Planet is a unicorn in this day and age. It's a short game ...

  16. Journey to the Savage Planet

    Journey to the Savage Planet is a game created and developed by Typhoon Studios.It was published by 505 Games to the Epic Games, Steam, PS4, and Xbox One on January 28th, 2020. There were later releases to Nintendo Switch on May 21st, 2020, GOG on January 28th, 2021 and Stadia on February 1st, 2021.. Overview []. Journey to the Savage Planet is an upbeat first-person adventure game set in a ...

  17. Journey To The Savage Planet PS4

    2-PLAYER ONLINE CO-OP: Play solo or bring a friend. Onward to adventure! EXPLORE, FIGHT & CATALOG: Survey 4 different Biomes on Planet AR-Y 26. Scan and catalog alien flora and fauna at your own pace. Discover 30+ creatures, each with unique behaviors, threats, and abilities. Complete player-driven quests while uncovering hundreds of ...

  18. Journey to the Savage Planet Review

    This comedy exploration game blasts off with a lot of fresh ideas, but doesn't quite stick the landing.

  19. Journey to the Savage Planet

    If you felt compelled to join the site as a result of this Guide, then please give Terminator a referral, thank you. This Guide is the property of "Terminator" and is for use only on so if you see it listed anywhere else, then please let me know so action may be taken.. This Guide is valid, as of the 1.08 patch. <= Don't load this bit onto the main site.

  20. Journey to the Savage Planet

    The PlayStation Store has kicked off a new sale dubbed Hidden Gems, offering deals on more than 250 PS4 games like Control, Journey to the Savage Planet, and Indivisible. May 17, 2020 7:04am

  21. Journey To The Savage Planet Cheats for Playstation 4

    Fixer Upper Quest: Fighting the Pikemanders. This will be your first true test in Journey to the Savage Planet, as pikemanders are ferocious predators with armor covering the front of their bodies. The only way to damage the Pikemander is to shoot the orange glowing balls on his tail.

  22. Journey To The Savage Planet Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1

    Journey To The Savage Planet Walkthrough Part 1 - Journey To The Savage Planet Gameplay Part 1! A new game finally hits in 2020, this time for PS4, XB1, and ...

  23. Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass Program 2024

    WHNT - Huntsville. Tue, June 4, 2024, 11:10 AM EDT. Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass Program 2024 | June 4, 2024 | News 19 at 9 a.m. School is out and we've got the tips and tricks to help ...

  24. Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass Program 2024

    13. 3. School is out and we've got the tips and tricks to help teens with a physical fitness and wellbeing journey this summer! Planet Fitness has just the plan with the High School Summer Pass ...