Journey Beyond the Horizon

Things to do in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia- cultural capital of the Minangkabau

West Sumatra is an amazing place, with a great variety of natural wonders and landscapes. It is inhabited by the Minangkabau people who present their rich and unique culture. And there is a city where you can dive deeper into their culture. It is a tourist city, with some interesting historical and natural sites, and a specific local atmosphere. This city is called Bukittinggi, which means “high hill”, and is one of the most attractive places to visit in this part of Indonesia. So, let’s go exploring Bukittinggi and discover the variety of things to do in this amazing destination!

Table of Contents

Some geography

Let’s open the physical map of Sumatra Island, Indonesia. You can see a long mountain chain stretching across the whole length of the island, from Aceh to Lampung. It is called the Barisan Mountains, and a part of it, called Minangkabau Highlands, crosses the province of West Sumatra.

The city of Bukittinggi is located here, in the northern part of West Sumatra , amidst these mountains, at around 950 m altitude. Bukittinggi is surrounded by two volcanoes- Singgalang and Marapi, rising like two majestic sentinels south of the city, and a lot of hills and valleys from the other sides.

Bukittinggi is only about 30 km south of the Earth’s Equator. However, due to its altitude, the climate is relatively cool and pleasant. This is one of the reasons for the choice of its first inhabitants to establish the city here, along with the fertile fields around it. Today, this is one of the reasons why tourists are attracted to visit it. But there are more reasons- its history and culture.

Some history

The Minangkabau Highlands were the cultural and political core of the Minangkabau people. Centuries ago, they established five villages in what is today Bukittinggi. These villages formed a local market center that gradually united into a town. And when the Dutch colonized this area, they named the town Fort de Kock.

In 1825, the Dutch built an outpost on the Jirek Hill (today in the center of modern Bukittinggi) which still stays today, in the middle of a beautiful park. Although they developed the economy and education for the local people, they were still foreign rulers, and the Minangkabau people of Fort de Kock were fighting occasionally for independence.

A canonball from Dutch era

Japanese occupation

During World War 2, the islands of Indonesia were occupied by the Japanese. The Japanese 25th Army established its headquarters here and is known for forcing the local people to dig tunnels at the slopes of the nearby Sianok Canyon. Today, these tunnels are one of the local tourist attractions, located not far from the center.

Mohammad Hatta

Bukittinggi (at that time still known as Fort de Kock) is also known as the birthplace of Mohammad Hatta, the Co-Proclamator and first Vice-President of Indonesia. Today, you can visit his house, turned into a museum. When Indonesia gained its independence, Fort de Kock was renamed Bukittinggi.

Modern Bukittinggi

Since then, Bukittinggi faced some unrest, but for more than 60 years it has been a city of peace and gradually started attracting tourists. Its historical and cultural sites were turned into tourist attractions, and the whole city is one of the best places where you can dive into the local Minangkabau culture.

Some culture

Bukittinggi is the best city where you can experience the culture of the Minangkabau people. Minangkabau is one of the major ethnic groups in Indonesia, along with Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, and more. They are mostly Muslim, and their culture, traditions, food, and daily life are deeply influenced by Islam.

So, while you walk on the streets of Bukittinggi, you can see almost all women wearing hijabs, and many bearded men wearing a local version of songkok (Indonesian traditional Muslim hat). There are a lot of mosques and you can hear the Muslim prayers regularly at certain hours of the day.

At the same time, people are incredibly friendly and open to communicating with foreigners. You can easily make friends with them. There are a lot of markets, shops, and restaurants with local food (mostly spicy), and in general, the whole city is vigorous and full of life.

A normal scenery in the center of Bukittinggi during a rainy day

So, why you would love to visit this place? There are several worth visiting specific tourist attractions in the city, products of the city’s unique geography, history, and culture. And all of the above offers a lot of things to do in Bukittinggi.

Our journey to Bukittinggi

It was the main reason why we included Bukittinggi in our West Sumatra itinerary. We came from Padang , the capital and the largest city in West Sumatra, and spent 3 nights in Bukittinggi- it was our “base camp” for exploring the city itself and the nearby interesting destinations. During that time, we tried and tasted a lot of what this unique city can offer.

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Things to do in Bukittinggi

If you still wonder why you should visit Bukittinggi, what makes it so special, and what to do there, read further about the things you can do in this city.

Visit Jam Gadang, the main symbol of Bukittinggi

This is not only the main symbol of Bukittinggi, but also one of the main landmarks in the whole island of Sumatra, the heart of the city, and the main must-visit spot. Probably the reason is in its symbolic meaning.

Jam Gadang in the Minangkabau language means “Big clock”. It is a clock tower built by the Dutch in 1926 as a gift from the Queen of Holand to the mayor of Bukittinggi. Initially, it was just a normal clock tower in European architectural style.

But when the Japanese occupied the islands of Indonesia, they built a Japanese Shinto-style roof on it, symbolizing their power. After the independence and the creation of Indonesia, the locals removed this roof and built a Minangkabau buffalo-horns-style roof, symbolizing the independent rule of the Indonesians over their own land.

Jam Gadang- the symbol of Bukittinggi

Jam Gadang is located in the middle of the Central Square of Bukittinggi, a favorite place for the local people to meet, walk, and relax. Today, it is surrounded by a fence and ordinary tourists can’t enter inside. It is possible only by a special application in advance. But you can walk around it, take photos of it, and enjoy the panoramic views of the city from above and the local bustling atmosphere.

Stroll around the center of Bukittinggi

Of course, just visiting Jam Gadang should not be your only goal in the center of Bukittinggi (unless you really don’t have time). This iconic tower and its square are surrounded by colorful streets, markets, two malls, and restaurants. It is especially colorful in the evening.

Directly west of it is Plaza Bukittinggi. This mall can be a pleasure for those who like shopping, but even if you don’t such an activity, just strolling inside for a while would be another opportunity to dive into the local life and atmosphere.

On the north-northeast, you can see the new Pasa Ateh Bukittinggi. It is a new mall, still half-empty, but still with some good shops for souvenirs and clothes.

In the center of Bukittinggi

Right beside Pasa Ateh, you can walk through Pasar Atas, the main market of the city, full of stalls for clothes, products for daily use, souvenirs, and food street- another great place to taste the local culture.

Finally, walk down on Ahmad Yani Str. Here you can see some of the best restaurants in Bukittinggi. You can see a lot of horse carriages waiting for tourists. You can try a carriage ride, it can be another exciting experience, however, be ready to discuss the price in advance (they are a bit expensive).

Observe the spectacular Sianok Canyon

A small river gathers its waters from the slopes of Mt Marapi, south of Bukittinggi. When it approaches the southwestern part of the city, it digs a spectacular canyon, considered one of the most beautiful canyons on the island of Sumatra. It is called Sianok Canyon.

Sianok Canyon is not too deep, and its bottom is wide. And it is located only about 10 min walk from the center of Bukittinggi. There is a tourist site, established at the edge of the canyon, called Panorama Park. When you enter inside, you can walk on a short alley to an observing tower.

Sianok Canyon

On your left side, you can see a lot of local monkeys (they are very curious, aren’t afraid of people, and can come very close to you, but don’t touch them, they can bite!), and on your right side, you can buy some souvenirs.

But that’s not all. The same tourist site offers another attraction- the Japanese Tunnels.

Go deep underground in the Japanese Tunnels

This is a network of underground tunnels, reaching more than 40 m depth below the surface at the edge of the Sianok Canyon. The tunnels were built during the World War 2. When the Japanese army realized that they were losing the war, they decided to force the locals to dig these tunnels and use them as an “underground fortress”.

Of course, after the liberation of Sumatra Island from the Japanese, these tunnels were abandoned, but in recent years were restored and turned into a museum. The managers of the tourist site offer guide service, and it would be good to follow them, they would share a lot of stories about this place. If you go alone, be careful! There is a possibility of losing yourself inside the tunnel network!

In the Japanese Tunnels

So, here you have two places to visit in one tourist site- Panorama Park : Sianok Canyon and the Japanese Tunnels.

Working hours: 8:30 to 18:00 Entrance fee: 25 000 IDR

Watch the city from above in Fort de Kock

Here you have a triple tourist site, presenting Fort de Kock, an ethnographic museum, and a Zoo. Let’s start with Fort de Kock.

There are two hills in the center of Bukittinggi. The western one is called Jirek Hill. As mentioned above, in 1825 the Dutch built an outpost here and called it Fort de Kock, named after Hendrik Merkus de Kock, the vice governor of the Dutch Indies at that time. Soon, Fort de Kock became the name of the whole city.

Today, the outpost is restored and turned into a building with a panoramic deck. It is different than the original building, and not so spectacular. But the park around it is beautiful, especially with the great panoramic views of the city. And of course, it has its historical value.

Bukittinggi from above

After you explore it, you can proceed to the next places of interest- the History Museum of Minangkabau Culture and The Zoo. A beautiful bridge, called Jembatan Limpapeh connects Fort de Kock with them, over one of the main streets of Bukittinggi.

Explore the Minangkabau culture in the History Museum

When you cross the Jembatan Limpapeh Bridge, you can hear some animals’ voices. And one of the first things that you can see is a splendid Rumah Gadang (a traditional Minangkabau house ). Go to its central entrance and start exploring it- this is the ethnographic Museum of Minangkabau Culture. Both the museum and the Zoo are located in Taman Bundo Kanduan Park.

The Museum of Minangkabau culture

This museum is small, there are only two floors to explore. Most of the artifacts inside are crafts, clothes, some historical documents, coins, and more- quite similar to the Adityawarman Museum in Padang. However, along with the things that are traditional for such types of museums, you can also see something that is a bit shocking- preserved genetically deformed animals (with 6 limbs, 2 heads, etc.).

Nevertheless, this museum is a good place with educational value.

Enjoy the wildlife animals of The Zoo

The Ethnographic Museum is surrounded by animals. You can notice that this Zoo is a bit different than most zoos in the world. One of the first animals you can see is the two Sumatran elephants- the managers provide corn cobs, and you can feed the elephants. Many of the other animals are also quite close to the visitors. However, many visitors may find their cages too small.

Sumatran tiger in the Zoo of Bukittinggi

The Zoo of Bukittinggi presents mostly animals from the island of Sumatra. You can see Sumatran tapirs, Sumatran tigers, orangutan, and more. There is also a small Aquarium (with an additional entrance fee- 5000 IDR), and some species from other regions of the Earth.

The whole site has two entrances.

Working hours: 8:30 to 18:00 Entrance fee: 75,000 IDR

Visit the house-museum of Mohammad Hatta, one of the founders of modern Indonesia

Bukittinggi has played an important role in the struggle for independence of Indonesia. One of the most prominent symbols of the city is Mohammad Hatta, the first Vice President of the country. He was born in Bukittinggi (then Fort de Kock) in 1902. Today, his house is renewed and turned into a museum.

Bung Hatta House

The house Hatta is small, with two floors, and additional small buildings in the backyard. Inside, you can mostly see the environment where he spent his childhood, with some preserved furniture, a kitchen, and more. You can also learn more information about him, although most of it is in Indonesian.

Working hours: 8:00 to 18:00 Entrance fee: free

Dive into the colorful local life in the open markets of Bukittinggi

Open markets are some of the best places where you can feel the local atmosphere in a city. In Indonesian, they are called “pasar”. There are several pasars in the city. I already mentioned one of them- Ateh Bukittinggi , located just beside the Clock Tower of Jam Gadang. But there are several more.

Just south of Bung Hatta House Museum, on the other side of Jl Soekarno-Hatta is Pasar Bawah Kota , where you can find mostly food- local fruits, vegetables, and spices. Another one is Aur Kuning , located a bit far from the center, under an overpass of Jl By Pass, with more types of goods.

An open market scene in Bukittinggi

Of course, visiting these places is not necessary for shopping, although I would recommend trying some fruits. It may be difficult for some people to endure various smells that can be felt there. But even for taking photos or videos in the pasars is worth visiting it.

Useful tips

This is in brief what Bukittinggi looks like, and what to do in the city. Now, let’s share some useful information about how to do it.

How to get to Bukittinggi

The most popular way to reach Bukittinggi is by bus, van, or car from Padang. You can find shared vans waiting at Minangkabau Airport. They usually leave when they are full, and the trip is about 2-3 hours long (depending on the traffic, especially in the section between Padang Panjang and Bukittinggi). The price is around 50,000 IDR. The main bus terminal in Bukittinggi where they arrive is Terminal Aur Kuning, right beside the pasar that I mentioned above.

“Travel” service

Another more convenient way is to use the service of the “Travel” companies. What do they do? You contact them from your hotel in Padang, they tell you a fixed hour to wait there, and they come to take you. However, they usually don’t know English, so you have to ask a person from the reception of your hotel to help you call them.

Then, they come, and take you on board, but don’t leave Padang immediately, because usually more passengers have called them, and they have to go to their doors. It is a van with 10-12 seats. When it departs, it stops in their office in Padang where you pay the ticket- 60 000 IDR per person.

We used the service of PT Sikumbang Tours. But you can find more in Tabing. When they depart, you have to tell them your destination in Bukittinggi, so they will drop you there.

Long-distance buses

Bukittinggi is also connected to other destinations in Sumatra, even in Java- Medan , Lake Toba, Jakarta , Bogor , Bandung , and more. Long-distance buses travel between these destinations and Bukittinggi is just one of their stops on the way. They are big buses and stop at another bus terminal- ALS Bukittinggi, at Jl Soekarno-Hatta. For them, you have to book in advance .

Check for long-distance buses to Bukittinggi!

Moving around Bukittinggi

All of the places to see in Bukittinggi are located in the center or quite close to it. And if your hotel is in the center, basically, you don’t need transport, you can walk around. If you want to go a bit further, there are local public vans, called “Angkutan Kota”. They are very cheap, however, if you don’t know their routes, they can be not so convenient.

A local "Angkutan Kota"

So, a much better way to move around Bukittinggi is by Grab. Download the application on your phone, register, and you can call a Grab motorcycle or car almost everywhere in the city. It is convenient because you don’t need to explain to the driver where you want to go- you just point it on the map of the application. Another similar service is Maxim, with similar prices.

Besides these, there are motor taxis (ojeks) and car taxis, but they can be much more expensive, especially if you are a foreigner.

Where to stay in Bukittinggi

Bukittinggi is a tourist destination and has a lot of places to stay- from luxurious to budget. You can easily find them on Booking or Agoda . Most of the accommodation properties are located in the center, and it is very convenient for exploring the nearby points of interest. The price of the majority of them is between $9 to $30.

Check for accommodation in Bukittinggi on Booking!

Check for accommodations in Bukittinggi on Agoda!

From the budget hotels, some of the best include Bukittinggi Homestay , Al Barra Syariah , and Syakirah . There are more, however, these three not only have good user reviews but also have a good location. And there are a lot of middle-ranged and luxurious hotels in the center too, like Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi , Hotel Santika Bukittinggi , and Novotel Bukittinggi .

There are also some Airbnb properties, but most of them are more expensive than the hotels. However, they can be a good opportunity to get closer to the local’s daily life.

Another view of the center of Bukittinggi

Bukittinggi as a starting point

These are the things to do in Bukittinggi, in the city itself. But there is more- Bukittinggi is an excellent starting point for visiting many more destinations- and you can use it as a “base camp” for that purpose (so, plan an itinerary for at least 3-4 days and book a hotel for 3 nights!).

These are only some of the most interesting places to visit around Bukittinggi:

  • Koto Gadang Great Wall . It is a beautiful park with a miniature version of the famous Great Wall in China. Located only about 6 km from the center of Bukittinggi.
  • Batang Palupuh Nature Reserve . Located about 10 km north of Bukittinggi. The highlight of this place is the largest flower in the world- Rafflesia Arnoldi. There is a small museum where you can see and learn more about it.
  • Mount Singgalang . It is one of the “sentinels” of Bukittinggi. Mount Singgalang (2877 m) is a non-active volcano. There is a hiking route to its top, and the starting point for it is about 17 km southwest of Bukittinggi.
  • Mount Marapi . This is the other “sentinel” of Bukittinggi. It is 2891 m high, the top is above the tree line, and in general, it is more challenging. Mount Marapi (don’t confuse it with the famous Mount Merapi on Java Island) is the most active volcano on Sumatra Island. The starting point for the trail leading to the top is about 26 km southeast of Bukittinggi.
  • Harau Valley . This is an amazing canyon system, located 49 km northeast of Bukittinggi. It is wide but with vertical cliffs and multiple waterfalls falling on these cliffs.
  • Pagaruyung Palace . This is the most beautiful traditional Rumah Gadang house in Sumatra- the restored version of Pagaruyung Palace, from where the kings of Pagaruyung Kingdom ruled. It is located 45 km southeast of Bukittinggi, near the town of Batusangkar.
  • Lake Singkarak . It is the largest lake in West Sumatra- a beautiful place with a pristine coastline and spectacular views. Located about 50 km south of Bukittinggi.
  • Minangkabau Villages . This area is the core and the route of the Minangkabau people. In Balimbing village you can see the oldest preserved Rumah Gadang house, and Pariangan is the traditional village, with most of its houses in old traditional architecture.
  • Lake Minanjau . This is the most beautiful large volcanic lake in Sumatra. It is located 30 km west of Bukittinggi. The coastline is beautiful, but there is also a point where you can see it from above, in a fantastic panoramic view- the place is called Puncak Lawang, and is also a popular place for paragliding.
  • The Equator . This iconic geographical line is located only 55 km north of Bukittinggi (actually, only 28 km in straight line). Several roads cross the Equator and have markers, but the one located at the village of Bonjol is the most popular, featuring even a museum where you can get an “Equator Certificate”.

Mount Marapi

We left Bukittinggi back to Padang. But before that, we stayed there for 3 nights, visited everything in the city, described above, and used it as a “base camp” for visiting some of the points of interest around it- Pagaruyung Palace, the Minangkabau villages, Lake Singkarak, and Harau Valley. And we can confirm- Bukittingi should be on your bucket list and itinerary plan if you want to explore this part of the world.

Take a look at the video about Bukittinggi below:  

Check some travel books about Bukittinggi and Sumatra:

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This is a guide to Bukittinggi, the cultural capital of the Minangkabau people, with things to do in the city and useful tips.

Hi, we are Krasen and Ying Ying. Krasen is from Bulgaria, and Ying Ying is from China. We are passionate about geography and history, and we believe that the best way to experience it is by exploring the Earth in reality, not in a school, and not virtually.

So, we created this blog Journey Beyond the Horizon, where we share geographical knowledge, travel guides and tips how to experience it when you explore our planet, and a lot of inspiration.

And we wish you a happy journey, not just virtually, but most of all- in reality.

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Bukittinggi: the epic indonesia destination no one talks about.

Indonesia, Bukittinggi

You all know by now that there’s nothing I love more than a bit of a crazy travel adventure.

Yup, getting off the beaten track is what gets me going and while all those amazingly popular spots in Indonesia are popular precisely because they are amazing, that definitely doesn’t mean there isn’t room for some epic hidden gems in this HUGE country.

And I have to say, I think I’ve found one of them.

Or, rather I haven’t found it – it’s been there all along of course – but that it was amazing to stumble upon such a fascinating place that seemed to be on few other international tourists’ radars.

Introducing Bukittinggi – the epic Indonesian travel destination no one is talking about!

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This page contains affiliate links meaning Big World Small Pockets may receive a small commission on any purchases at no extra cost to you.

My time in Indonesia was kindly sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism , but, as always, all views are my own.

Where is Bukittinggi?

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Me in Panoramic Park

Located on the Indonesian Island of Sumatera, Bukittinggi is the province of West Sumatera, 90km from the capital of the region  – Padang.

As you’ll know if you’ve travelled at all in this country, a few hours’ drive is a short distance in Indonesia, which makes Bukittinggi relatively accessible from this city.

Located in the Minangkabau Highlands, Bukittinggi is a small town, bustling with local life and amazing things to discover.

And as I said, best of all, it does not really appear to be on the tourist radar yet at all, perhaps because this whole region is largely ignored by many international travellers in favour of more well-known destinations in Indonesia.

How to Get to Bukittinggi?

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Road

But of course, the fact that it’s less well-known doesn’t make Bukittinggi any less appealing.

In fact, I’d argue it makes it even more appealing.

So how do you get to Bukittinggi in order to experience this secret Indonesian destination?

Well, there are 2 main options when it comes to getting to this part of West Sumatra.

The most popular, quickest and easiest is to fly to the province’s capital of Padang and from there take a bus or minivan for around 2 hours to reach Bukittinggi.

As always, I recommend Skyscanner for checking out the best deals when it comes to flights.

Flights are also popular among travellers because, with many starting their Indonesian journey in either Bali or Jakarta , the fact that Bukittinggi is located in Sumatera, makes most other methods of getting there – like extended boat or bus travel – untenable for many travellers.

If you are already in Sumatera however, you can get a bus to Padang from many other regional capitals and large cities on this island.

Obviously this is going to be time-consuming, but it is going to be cheap!

Damri is the main operator and sometimes buses do pass directly through to Bukittinggi on their way from Medan in North Sumatera south to Jakarta.

Why Should I Go to Bukittinggi?

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Canyon Views

The fact that not many international travellers seem to visit Bukittinggi is definitely a reason to head to this destination in my opinion.

This place is also well worth checking out because of the Padangnese culture and cuisine that can be found across West Sumatera.

It is also a small town that can easily be navigated on foot and not only feels very safe, but gives visitors the great chance to see experience a very authentic sense of life for everyday people here.

The area is 97% Muslim, so more conservative than other places in the country, offering another fascinating cultural dimension to the rich Indonesia tapestry.

In addition, there’s some amazing historical and natural attractions to check out in and around the town including palaces, parks and underground tunnels.

Mount Marapi and Mount Singgalang are 2 volcanoes near the city and both offer great hiking opps and panoramic views. Mount Marapi is actually still active.

Sianok Canyon is another big drawcard as is the quaint village of Koto Gadang nearby.

Climate in Bukittinggi

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Building

Being located close to the equator – in fact you’re almost right on it in this part of Indonesia – Bukittinggi is tropical to say the least.

Mitigating this however, is the fact that Bukittinggi is almost 1000m metres above sea level – which cools things down significantly!

I visited Bukittinggi in October and it rained every day I was there, albeit only for a short amount of time.

While it was warm in the day – think short sleeves – it definitely cooled off at night, meaning long sleeves were most definitely needed.

A thin, light rain jacket, like this excellent one from North Face would also be wise to pack for your trip to Bukittinggi.

What to Do in Bukittinggi?

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Panoramic Park

The question is not really “what is there to do in Bukittinggi?”

More the question is, “but where to begin?”

That’s because there really is such a range of amazing stuff to get your teeth stuck into here.

Starting the with natural side of things – the highland setting of Bukittinggi means this town offers an amazing array of outdoors activity on its doorstep.

As I mentioned before, hiking either Mount Marapi or Mount Singgalang is definitely a good challenge for the active adventure-seekers among you.

The Sianok Canyon and the Tabiang Takuruang are both gorges that can be hiked as well, and offer stunning views across traditional village and rice fields.

The Lembah Anai Waterfall on the drive to Bukittinggi from Padang is also a must-see.

Bukittinggi’s Panoramic Park offers amazing views across the area, including from a 2 storey high lookout tower that can’t be missed either.

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, War Tunnels

In terms of history, the Dutch colonial past of the town means there are several fascinating buildings to visit including the iconic Jam Gadang, which means The Great Clock. No prizes for guessing what it is.

Outside of town, the village of Koto Gadang offers more insight into the imperial history of this part of Indonesia.

The Limpapeh Bridge, Rumah Gadang Baanjuang and the Birth House of Bung Hatta all showcase more local architectural insight and are reminiscent of the more traditional Minangkabau style belonging to this part of the world.

The fascinating Japanese War Tunnels, located with the Panoramic Park, are another great historical attraction that exemplifies a different side of Indonesia’s occupied history.

On the cultural front, the markets of Pasar Atas and Pasar Bawah are worth a visit, as is the Palace of Bung Hatta and the Bukittinggi Plaza.

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Pagaruyung Palace 1

But perhaps the top trump card when it goes to cultural attractions in Bukittinggi is the Pagaruyung Palace.

One of the biggest and most beautiful palaces in West Sumatera, this was the former home of the Queen in this matriarchal society.

It is one of the few remaining regal buildings in this part of Indonesia and is not only architecturally stunning, but also offers the amazing opportunity to get dressed up in the traditional Royal garb and get snapped amongst the décor of this wonderful building – totally hilarious and a lot of fun!

Food in Bukittinggi

ntv travel bukittinggi

Being located near the city of Padang, you’ll be pleased to know that food in Bukittinggi is some of the most delicious in the whole of Indonesia.

In fact, this part of the country is famous for its cuisine across the country and is particularly renowned for its plentiful use of spice and chillies, so get ready!

Traditional restaurants such as Rumah Gadang Sawah Laman offer some of the most amazing dining experiences I had in Indonesia (that’s saying something) –  the fresh food, served as you sit on the floor and eat with your hands!

In the evening, the Rumah Makan Pariwisata Family restaurant in town offers more delicious grub along with the chance to see some incredible Padangnese dance performances at the same time.

Afterwards, De Kock Café in Bukittinggi is a top place for a quiet beer or Ummack (also in the town centre) is the best café hangout.

Where to Stay in Bukittinggi?

Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Window

Sadly there aren’t any hostels, per say, to stay at in Bukittinggi, but there are several budget hotels that are centrally located and get good reviews.

My pick of the bunch include:

  • Astani Family Home
  • Guesthouse Rumah KayuKu

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Indonesia, Bukittinggi, Schoolgirl

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I love my Sony A6000 mirrorless camera , which I’ve used throughout my travels in Indonesia and beyond.

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Bukittinggi - Why Is No One Talking About This Epic Indonesia Destination? {Big World Small Pockets}

So there you have it, my guide to why Bukittinggi is the epic Indonesian travel destination no one is talking about and why you should get there before they start!

Have you visited Bukittinggi?

Did you enjoy your time there as much as me?

Tell me all in the comments below…

ntv travel bukittinggi

Creator of Big World Small Pockets, Stephanie Parker is a travel addict! Originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, Stephanie adventures the world collecting tips, advice and stories, to share with a smile

11 thoughts on “ Bukittinggi: The Epic Indonesia Destination No One Talks About ”

ntv travel bukittinggi

I went to Bukittinggi four years and it has been my favorite Indonesian ever since! The unspoilt beauty of the Minang highlands makes it so endearing & I yearn to go back there again!

ntv travel bukittinggi

Amazing Daniel, so happy to hear from a fellow fan and thanks for your encouraging comment. Wishing you happy travels 🙂

ntv travel bukittinggi

We lived in Jakarta from 1985-1990. My husband was a geologist and was a vice-president of Stanvac (seconded from Mobil Oil). We were blessed to go to Bukittinggi on a long weekend. It was amazing! The people, the culture, the art, the food, the scenery. It was a wonderful experience that we were blessed to experience with our family. I wish we could return.

Hi Lolly, what wonderful memories! Thank you for sharing them with us and glad you were amazed by this place too 🙂

ntv travel bukittinggi

My experience in Bukittinggi with my brother just gets more nostalgic and mythic as time passes. It was a particularly memorable chapter in a 5 week air/bus trek we took from KL, Bukit Lawang, Lake Toba, Krui, Jakarta, Bogor, Singapore, and finally Bali. For me, Bukittingi means great food, unique souvenirs including some gemstones I treasure, and off the beaten track exoticism. Harau Valley, Pangaruyung, Sianok, Gunung Marapi, and wonderful Indonesian hospitality. I also recall it as the starting point of our MENTAL bus trek south thru Sungai Penuh, Bengkulu, Krui, and finally Jakarta. I’ve made some serious overland crossings before but that one stands out. Not for the frail or frightened. All in all, I am left with an abiding need to return and deepen my experience in a spectacular region. Thanks for your post and happy trails ahead. Now I am bursting in my sandals to move to Istanbul in a month and experience another life changing adventure.

Hi Jason, thank you for sharing these vivid and exciting memories. Good luck with the move to Istanbul and wishing you more safe and happy travels 🙂

ntv travel bukittinggi

There are many 3 and 4 stars hotels tho in Bukittinggi. There are pustako hotel, rocky hotel, novotel, balcone hotel and the newer santika hotel. My personal favourite is balcone hotel. You can see the view of bukittinggi from top of a hill

Great tip-off Jared, many thanks for the info. Best, Steph 🙂

ntv travel bukittinggi

Hi Steph, is the orangutang rehabilitation centre still functioning in Bukkittinggi? I spent two awesome adventurous weeks on Lake Toba in 1980 😌🙏

Hi Kim, sorry but I have no idea. I didn’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Although, I thought orangutans only lived in Borneo? Not sure! Anyway, sorry I can’t confirm either way, but glad you have happy memories of Lake Toba. Steph 🙂

ntv travel bukittinggi

maybe you mix it up with Bukit lawang

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  • Accommodations



West Sumatera Cultural Center

Many visitors come to Bukittinggi to visit the remarkable Ngarai Sianok Canyon where giant rock cliff faces, rugged trees which grow on top and the dramatic surrounding mountains make this canyon a spellbinding view. Bukittinggi has a refreshingly cool climate due to its elevation – over 900 meters above sea level. This is an ideal place to go if you want to get beyond the average tourist trail. Compared to other spots in Sumatra, Bukkitinggi only receives a handful of visitors that use the town as a base for nearby hikes or to take cultural tours to the Minangkabau highland.

A flight from Jakarta to Minangkabau International Airport in Ketaping will take about 2 hours. From there you can use a taxi or bus to get to Bukittinggi. Bukkittinggi is a pleasant two-hour drive (90 km) from Padang through the gorgeous Anai Valley up to Agam Plateu. There are frequent local buses from Padang to Bukkitinggi or cheaper shared minivans which depart from Minang Plaza.

The town centre is compact so practically everywhere in Bukittinggi is within walking distance. Bring your walking shoes and take the opportunity to wander around and meet the friendly locals.

Taxis and buses are also available. The bus terminal is in the south of the town. A rented car with chauffeur is the best choice if you prefer privacy. Horse carriages or sado are a colorful, charming transportation to move around town.

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  • 1.1 History
  • 2.1 By chartered minivan
  • 2.3 By taxi
  • 3 Get around
  • 4.1 In town
  • 4.2 Around town
  • 8.1 Sikotang or Sarobat
  • 8.2 Daun Kawa (coffee leaves)
  • 8.3 Jus Pinang (Pinang juice)
  • 8.4 Teh Talua (egg tea)
  • 8.5 Fruit juices
  • 8.6 Kopi Luwak ("Civet Cat" Coffee)
  • 8.7 Alcoholic drinks
  • 9.2 Splurge

Bukittinggi is a city of 117,000 people (2014) in West Sumatra . It is a city popular with tourists because of its pleasant climate and central location. Bukittinggi is also a popular shopping destination for cheap textiles and fashion products, especially for Malaysians.

Bukittinggi (Indonesian for "high hill") is one of the larger cities in West Sumatra. It is in the Minangkabau highlands, 90 km by road from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. It is located near the volcanoes Mount Singgalang (inactive) and Mount Marapi (still active). At 930 m above sea level, the city has a cool climate with temperatures between 16° and 25°C

There are some interesting legends surrounding the foundation and naming of “High Hill” Bukittinggi. The city has its origins in five villages which served as the basis for a marketplace. The city was known as Fort de Kock during colonial times in reference to the Dutch outpost established here in 1825 during the Padri War. The fort was founded by Captain Bauer at the top of Jirek hill and later named after the then Lieutenant Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Hendrik Merkus de Kock. The first road connecting the region with the west coast was built between 1833 and 1841 via the Anai Gorge, easing troop movements, cutting the costs of transportation and providing an economic stimulus for the agricultural economy. In 1856 a teacher-training college (Kweekschool) was founded in the city, the first in Sumatra, as part of a policy to provide educational opportunities to the indigenous population. A rail line connecting the city with Payakumbuh and Padang was constructed between 1891 and 1894. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in World War II, the city was the headquarters for the Japanese 25th Army, the force which occupied Sumatra. The headquarters was moved to the city in April 1943 from Singapore, and remained until the Japanese surrender in August 1945.

During the Indonesian National Revolution, the city was the headquarters for the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) from December 19, 1948 to July 13, 1949. During the second 'Police Action' Dutch forces invaded and occupied the city on December 22, 1948, having earlier bombed it in preparation. The city was surrendered to Republican officials in December 1949 after the Dutch government recognized Indonesian sovereignty. The city was officially renamed Bukittinggi in 1949, replacing its colonial name. From 1950 until 1957, Bukittinggi was the capital city of a province called Central Sumatra, which encompassed West Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. In February 1958, during a revolt in Sumatra against the Indonesian government, rebels proclaimed the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) in Bukittinggi. The Indonesian government had recaptured the town by May the same year.

Bukittinggi is located about 2 hours north-east by road from the international airport. The only way to get there is by car. But all the roads are good and smooth. As Bukittinggi is a tourist destination, try to avoid traveling on weekends as the traffic can be quite bad especially when climbing uphill.

By chartered minivan

Known by the locals as " Travel " is cheapest way to get there. The approximate price is about Rp30,000/person for one way. The vehicle is a Honda Odyssey 2.4 minivan with a capacity of 7 seats. Keep in mind that the bus driver usually waits until the chair occupation is about 75%. Once the car is "full", the minivan will depart and take the passengers to their destination.

Jasa Mulya and Annanta run a SUV service between Padang and Pekanbaru via Bukittinggi. Journey time to Pekanbaru around 6 hours in normal traffic. Fare Rp. 150,000 or 180,000 depending on vehicle type as of December 2023. Contact them on Whatsapp a day or two (or more during peak season) before departure for the actual schedule.

For Kersik Tuo near Kerinci Park, minivans depart throughout the day, leaving the bus station and also picking up at hotels if booked by phone. Travel time is 8 hours, cost is Rp130,000 (2019), and the trip is relatively comfortable, with stops at roadhouses.

The main bus station is at Aur Kuniang, 2km southeast of the town center. Many services are minibuses and shared cars, which stop at the bus station but will also collect and drop passengers at their accommodation if booked by phone.

DAMRI is the bus operator that goes to Padang . Two hours, price Rp20,000 as of 2017. There are also buses to/from Lake Maninjau 1½ hours.

Hotels in Bukittinggi can organize a door-to-door transfer from your hotel in Bukittinggi to your hotel in Padang. Departs hourly. Approximate price: Rp40,000 to 50,000 as of 2017. Hello Hostel might be among the cheapest especially if you stay with them.

Several bus companies (such as ALS) run buses from Parapat near Lake Toba . The trip is very winding and rough, and takes approximately 15–20 hours. Be prepared for bus sickness, and to pay around Rp250,000 to 300,000 depending on bus (always AC, higher class but with toilets; driver will stop every 2–4 hr and for eating). As the trip is uphill from Lake Toba, the one-way fare is more expensive this way than coming from the south. ALS Parapat - Butikkinggi (route Medan–Jakarta) happens multiple times a day (12:00, 14:00, 15:00) but only 18:00 one will take route to Padang (AC, toilet).

ALS also runs a service to Medan from its branch on Jalan Raya Batusangkar.

Numerous buses go from Medan to Jakarta and stop on the way at Bukittinggi.

At PDG (Minangkabau International Airport) of Padang, there are several desks and individual operators where you can order taxis but they all ask around Rp300,000, including Grab and Gojek. There is also a train right at the airport that charges Rp5000 to go to Kayutanam, about half the 70 km to Bukittinggi, from which you can hail a minibus the rest of the way. As of June 2022, there are three trains per day, leaving at 9:25, 14:00, and 19:10, and they take about an hour and 10 minutes. (Going back, trains leave Kayutanam Station at 06:50, 11:30, and 16:20.)

An alternative is to take a motorcycle taxi for Rp20,000 about 4 km to the main road (the Duku turn-off) and hail a passing minibus to Bukittinggi for another Rp20,000. (Warning: they can be crowded.)


Angkot shared taxis may be an affordable way to get around the city, if you happen to know which route stops by where you are staying. Route number and destination are shown on the windshield. Paint colour indicates their terminal in the city - the red ones terminate at Pasar Bawah. A single trip within the city costs Rp 4,000 as of December 2023. Shout out ''siko pak'' (''stop here driver'' in Minang) when you reach your destination. Pay the fare when you get off.

Besides city transportation (Angkutan kota), bus charter and car rental are solutions for getting around in this city. If you want to rent a car, it's best to do so at Minangkabau International Airport. Rent a motorcycle is also possible in Bukittinggi for Rp70,000 a day (more expensive than Kuta ), and you should have booked certain hotel in Bukittinggi first. Please also make certain with motorcycle rental that a day is 24 hours and not 12 hours.

Ojol (motortaxi e-hailing) platforms Gojek and Maxim are available in the city. As of December 2023, Maxim offers more competitive fares with rides under 3 km costing Rp 8,900. Unlike Gojek, Maxim has yet to offer card payments. Carry enough small notes and coins for your ride unless you are happy to tip double of the actual fare.

ntv travel bukittinggi

Bukittinggi is a small town, so these places are within walking distance with each other (15–30 minute walk).

There are horse carriages waiting around the Jam Gadang area. Please be cautioned that the rides are very costly, therefore please ask for their rates first.

Around town

There are two tours that hotels and tour agencies try to push, a tour to Minangkabau and another tour to Maninjau. If you have time, you may go and stay there few days.

The Minangkabau tour will visit these places in east area of Bukittinggi:

  • The King's palace in Pagaruyung
  • Balimbing village with old century traditional house that is more than 350 years old
  • Handcraft in Pandai Sikek, such as kain songket (traditional woven clothes), ukiran kayu or bamboo (handmade crafting)
  • Traditional coffee toasters
  • Bika, traditional sweet made from coconut, rice flour and palm sugar, located in Koto Baru, between Padang Panjang-Bukittinggi.

The Maninjau Tour will visit places in west area of Bukittinggi:

  • Lake Maninjau
  • Puncak Lawang, a place where you can see a panoramic of Lake Maninjau
  • The "44 turns", forty-four numbered(!) hairpin bends up the mountain from where you can see a panoramic of lake Maninjau.

Each tour requires at least 8 hours and usually held from 09:00-17:00 (including a stop at some restaurants). The price is ranging from Rp250,000/pp to Rp450,000/pp (2017 price). Hire a car is highly recommended if you're in a group of more than 4 people. Car's price includes driver, fuel, entry ticket, and parking fee. Tips aren't compulsory, lunch invitation is more than enough. Most of the places require ticket and will charge a parking fee. One tour will require about Rp40,000 only for parking and ticket entry. Another option is hiring a car and arranging with the driver to visit the places in Minangkabau and Lake Maninjau. If you are alone, it is also possible to find guides in the Sianok Canyon park who will take you to Lake Maninjau with a motorbike (ask for Parta e.g., no fixed price, he will take what you give him). In any case, depart earlier, as the tour will take all day.

Famous agencies selling these tours are Lite'n'easy, and Roni's tour and travel (in hotel Orchid). However since they are both recommended by a famous American guidebook, they tend to quote overpriced fees. Hello Hostel (very near both other agencies) seems cheaper.

The budget option to Maninjau is to take the bus (or minibus) from the bus station (get there from the Bemo station near the market) to Maninjau (35 km, 2 hr by bus, 1 hr by minibus). Unfortunately, a tourist racket has been set up so you won't get the ticket for the Rp6000 (Oct 2007) the locals pay. Expect to pay at least Rp10,000 (Oct 2007). Have the right change ready; don't expect to get any from the conductor. To get back, either try to catch a minibus (Rp10,000) or a big bus (Rp15,000-20,000). The big buses you have to catch in the same direction you came, since the narrow road is a one-way for lorries.

The budget option to Minangkabau is to take the Batusangkar public bus for Rp18,000 (Dec 2023) and hire a motorbike (Rp15,000 return as of Oct 2007) from there (or walk the remaining 5 km) to Pagaruyung. You can now also hire one on Maxim for less than Rp10,000 (Dec 2023) one way from Batusangkar city centre. For Minibuses and buses back to Bukittingi leave from the bus terminal or may be flagged down anywhere.

The Harau Valley is a pretty gorge about an hour east of Bukittinggi comprising a valley floor of rice paddy hemmed in by shear sandstone cliffs. There are several waterfalls with pools (both natural and constructed) for bathing, and you can go rock climbing on the cliffs. Harau is reached via Payakumbuh.

If you are interested in visiting the equator, you can take a bus to Bonjol where there is a monument marking the equator built over the main road, good for photo opportunities if you are keen to stand in both hemispheres simultaneously. Theres also a museum on the site which houses a few artefacts of little interest - mainly coins and banknotes. Catch the bus from the Aur Kuning bus station, minibuses depart fairly frequently. Expect to pay Rp10 000 as a tourist. To get back there is a bus which comes from the opposite direction (or northern hemisphere) at 17:00, or alternatively you can wait at the small roadside cafe right next to the monument where locals will help you flag down a bemo which is destined for Bukittinggi (its quite difficult for non-locals to distinguish between a service bemo and a someones car, but the locals seem to know what is what.

  • Traditional dances are performed for 90 minutes every day from 21:00–22:30. Each group has its own schedule. If you want to buy a souvenirs or CDs about their performance, wait until the show finish because every dancer will offer you a souvenirs. The prices are, for CD about Rp100,000, for the traditional flute about Rp50,000. It's more expensive because you can get with half price in the town. (No rupiah!)
  • Bukittinggi and West Sumatra in general also is the great place for adventure , as for rafting, kayaking, surfing, rock climbing, mountaineering and paragliding. See for more informatin of adventure activity and other tour.
  • There are several rivers for rafting and kayaking , as Kuantan River, Anai River, Sinama River, Ombilin River and many others. The grade of the rivers is varied from grade 2 to grade 5.
  • For rock climbing , there is cliff in Baso, Harau Valley and Sijunjuang. The grade of route are varied from 5.8 to 5.14 and the high also varied from 20 m to 150 m.
  • There are several place for paragliding , as Puncak Lawang near Lake Maninjau, Pintu Angin Hill near Lake Singkarak and Aia Manih Beach near Padang.
  • For mountaineering and trekking there is several volcano with the high more than 2500 m above sea level, as Merapi, Singgalang, Tandikek, Sago, Talang, etc. Merapi is an active volcano.
  • Mentawai island is one of the best place in the world for Surfing .
  • For local assistance to arrange transportation, get tourist information or arrange guides, the guys of Lite'n'easy are an excellent choice. They are friendly, knowledgeable, speak English and are conveniently located at Bedudal Cafe (see the Eat section below), just ahead of the pedestrian bridge over Jl A. Yani. Ask for Fikar.

Ramayana Shopping Mall accepts credit cards. There are also 2 markets known as Pasar Atas (Upper Market) and Pasar Bawah (Down Market) near Jam Gadang. Pasar Atas is the largest market in Bukittinggi. On Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays vendors sell their goods beside the road.

Pasar Bawah is for fruits and vegetables whereas Pasar Atas is for souvenirs and clothes. Most of the prices in each kiosk are similar, and you should bargain. One wholesale shop located in the middle of Pasar Atas sells souvenirs at the lowest price. A pair of women's slippers is about Rp7,000 and a key holder is about Rp2,000-5,000. Most of the souvenirs sold here are of low quality. Souvenirs of better quality can be found in Pandai Sikek . One men's shirt is about Rp35,000 and a pair of leather women's slippers is about Rp35,000.

Pasar Aur Kuning area is a large group of wholesale ("grosir") sales market/shops. Pasar Aur Kuning deserves a special mention here. It is famous with the local people/season travelers. If you are buying items in bulk, this is the place to visit. Some of the shops will allow you to buy in small quantities "eceran". Please ask the trader if they allow "eceran". For price comparison, if a trader in Pasar Atas (Clock Tower area) sells a cowboy hat for Rp100,000 as the opening price, you can expect to buy exactly the same item at Pasar Aur Kuning for Rp30,000. The price per item may go down further after negotiations. To get to Pasar Aur Kuning, take the red Angkot (minibus) from Pasar Bawah (in front of Pasar Banto). Angkot no. 19 or 13 (Tigo Baleh) charge Rp2000 one way. Pasar Aur Kuning also houses a bus terminal to various parts of Indonesia. Travel to Padang by van is located adjacent to Simpang Rayo restaurant.

  • Aishah Chalik Art Shop, Jl. Cinduamato 90. Various souvenirs. There is good quality traditional cloth called kain songket (colorful cloth with golden thread embroidery), as well as shoes, T-shirts, sarongs, prayer rugs, female prayer clothing, etc.
  • Toko Tiga Saudara, Pasar Wisata Bukittingi. This is a one stop centre for sovernirs, i.e. woven handbags, keychains, replicas of "Rumah Gadang", miniature bicycles. You can get better prices if you buy in bulk. Look for a guy by the name of Anton. Do ask for a discount. You will notice that item displayed would be of slightly better quality than that offered in smaller shops. Price comparison is essential to enjoy better bargains.

People in Bukittinggi like dry, spicy, and sweet snack foods. They make snacks with different tastes and shapes from ingredients that make the foods here special. For example, from cassava they can make spicy long cassava chips, tasty cubed cassava chips, and sweet round cassava chips. The many others include shredded dry eel, spicy potato chips, sweet potato chips, etc. They can be found in Pasar Atas at low prices, but they are not fresh. On the way back to Padang there are many food shops that sell these snacks of better quality.

There's small fish named Ikan Bilih (Bilis) or "ikan Danau" in Lake Singkarak that is not found elsewhere. Locals deep fry it or cook it in a sour soup with vegetable. One portion of fried Bilih is about Rp 5,000 and you eat the whole fish, head and bones and all. Most of the restaurants in Bukittinggi serve Padang cuisine which is creamy, spicy, and hot. An average price is about Rp 15,000 per person for one meal. The food unsold is kept overnight and reheated the next day, so it is not recommended for those who like fresh food.

After dark, there are many hawkers near Jam Gadang selling fresh foods such as nasi goreng (fried rice), mie rebus (boiled noddles) Roti Bakar (bun with scrambled eggs), and martabak mesir (beef pancake). One portion is about Rp 7,500 - Rp 10,000 pp.

Do try the local dessert delicacy known as "Martabak Bandung". The same dish is widely known in Malaysia as "Apam Balek" but the Malaysian version is limited to only one flavour i.e. nuts with a mixture of corn. Here in Bukittinggi or other parts of Indonesia, there are no less than 50 flavours of Martabak Bandung to choose from such as chocolate, cheese, strawberry, jackfruit, honey, banana, durian, etc. It should not be confused with "Martabak Mesir" which is a delicacy from the Middle East.

Anti-diarrhea medicine is highly recommended in case you get diarrhea during your food adventure.

  • B and J's (formerly Apache Cafe) , near Fort de Cock . Great, reasonably priced food and friendly staff that speak very good English. They can also arrange tours and give information on transport.  
  • -0.312142 100.372805 1 Simpang Raya Kantin , 8 Jalan Sudirman , ☏ +62 752 22163 . 05:30 - 00:00 daily . Traditional Minangkabau food. ( updated Nov 2022 )
  • Turret Cafe and Restaurant , Ayani St. 140 , ☏ +62 752 625956 , [email protected] . 07:00-23:00 . Traditional Minangkabau and European food. Main dishes: Rp10,000-60,000 .  
  • Bedudal Cafe , Jln. A. Yani No 95/105 ( just before the pedestrian bridge ). Fruit juices, beer, soft drinks, Indonesian + European dishes - reasonably priced and excellent quality. English spoken.  
  • -0.3031 100.3462 2 TARUKO caferesto ( villa ), Jalan Taruko, Jorong Lambah, Nagari Sianok Anam Suku, Kecamatan Ampek Koto ( 15-minute walk on bottom of green Sianok Canyon from city center to the west ), ☏ +62-821-7115-7023 , [email protected] . 08:00-19:00 . A unique riverside restaurant at the bottom of the green Sianok Canyon with beautiful scenery and delicious Indonesian, Thai, Chinese, Indian and Western food and drinks. The traditional architecture of the restaurant, surrounded by terraced rice fields and the crystal-clear river crossing beside a beautiful garden. €1 .  

If Travelling during Ramadan , Dea bakery, one stall at Makan Place Plaza Bukittinggi are opened for lunch (and breakfast for bakeries). Street markets like near pasar bawah would too. Other places may be but with a closed-like front door so need to pay attention to find them.

Sikotang or Sarobat

Sikotang or Sarobat is one of the most famous drinks in Minangkabau. The beverage is made from red ginger ( Zingiber sp) and spices such as cinnamon bark ( Cinnamomum sp), nutmeg/"pala" ( Myristica fragrans ), etc. Sikotang is usually mixed with egg, bread, green beans (kacang padi/kacang ijo), and cane or palm sugar. Such a hot drink is useful for keeping your body warm during a cold highland night like in Padang Panjang, Batusangkar and Bukittinggi. Price Rp 5,000-15,000.

Daun Kawa (coffee leaves)

Daun kawa is made from roasted dry leaves of the coffee tree. The dried leaves are boiled in hot water and put into sections of bamboo and drunk from a "cawan tampuruang" (coconut shell). It can be found in Bukittinggi, Payakumbuh and Batusangkar. Please ask anyone, especially people over age 40. They will show you where a good place is to taste Daun Kawa! Price Rp 5,000-15,000 in 2009

Jus Pinang (Pinang juice)

Juice of Pinang (betel nut, the Areca catechu seed) is a bitter tasting drink available in Padang, Bukittingi, and other areas that is believed to have an effect on sexual stamina. Pinang has a biological effect as a stimulant like tobacco, coffee, and tea. Its chemical contents are arecolin, arecain, tannin, and flavonoids. Just try it and feel the difference! For beginners, don't drink more than one pinang seed. Price Rp 5,000-15,000 in 2009.

Teh Talua (egg tea)

This is a special Minangkabau drink made from egg mixed with hot tea and lemon. Please taste it. You will never forget the experience! Price Rp 5,000-15,000 in 2009.

Fruit juices

There are a variety of fruit juices ranging from Alpokat (avocado juice), Sirsak (soursop), Jeruk (orange), wortel (carrot) etc. The list is endless. Prices range from Rp 4,000-10,000.

Kopi Luwak ("Civet Cat" Coffee)

Enjoy one of world's most prestigious coffees, Kopi Luwak, in Batang Palupuah Kampong, Bukittinggi. The coffee is made from coffee beans that have passed through a civet cat before roasting. Keep in mind the vast majority of coffee that is sold as "Civet Cat coffee" is not authentic.

Alcoholic drinks

The Minangkabau also have traditional alcoholic beverages such as tuak. Tuak is made from fermented nira, a liquid collected by cutting the fruit branch of aren or enau tree ( Arenga pinnata ). However, it is quite difficult to find in Bukittinggi due to the Muslim majority population.

Small budget hotels are easy to find. Many locals offer accommodation which are like family-owned hotels that provide a "feel at home" atmosphere. The prices span from Rp 80,000 - Rp 200,000 per room without air-conditioning. Breakfast is included. There are no lifts in these small hotels, so be prepared if your room is on the upper floors. Room cleaning is not provided everyday in some cases, so don't hesitate to ask the hotel manager if you want a daily cleaning service.

  • Hotel Cindua Mato , Jl. Cindur Mato 96 ( across the street from the Zoo ), ☏ +62 752 21346 , fax : +62 752 22808 . Around 10 rooms. No hot water. Rp85,000 .  
  • Orchid Hotel , Jl Teuku Umar, doubles from Rp170,000 including a very basic breakfast (coffee and bread). Located near the mosque, the call to prayer can be extremely loud, especially from F-Su and during Ramadhan. Staff is nice but constantly trying to sell you tours, transportation, etc. No wifi.
  • Hotel Asean , Jl Teuku Umar, singles from Rp80,000.
  • d'enam Hotel , Jl Yos Sudarso No. 4, double with toilet Rp100,000, toilet outside Rp90,000 (prices 2017); located on top of a hill close to the mosque and the clocktower, friendly and helpful staff, ☏ +62 752 32240 .
  • Hotel Murni , Jl A. Yani (north end) . Old building. Rooms with two beds: Rp80,000  
  • Hotel Tigo Balai , Jl A. Yamin . smallish rooms but reasonably clean and nice staff. Rp80,000.  
  • Hello Guesthouse , jl Teuku Umar , [email protected] . Nice staff and clean hostel with small breakfast included. Dorm Rp75 000, double room Rp150 000 (2017) .  
  • -0.30417 100.368176 1 Kareem Syariah Hostel , Jl. Ahmad Karim Belakang Ramayana No.9c, Benteng Ps. Atas, Kec. Guguk Panjang, Kota Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat 23136 ( downtown, near hello guesthouse ), ☏ +62 821-7095-0506 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 11:00 . shared bathroom, hot water, towel, soap, wifi - careful as very slow on all floors but 1F. small double, either double bed, either bed bunk, fan (but noisy), power plugs, internal window. toilets: mix squat and western with toilet paper and toilet gun. water fountain, free tea and coffee. rooftop that can be used to eat. no kitchen, fridge or microwave. Receptionists kind and caring but limited english, help of online translation and not much tours or advice for backpacker travel. No laundry service but shops nearby. no dorm, room Rp 90-125,000 (online cheaper than walk-in) . ( updated Apr 2024 )

The top hotels in the city are The Hills Bukittinggi (formerly the Novotel Coralia ) and Pusako Hotel . Although The Hills Bukittinggi is comfortable place to stay especially for tourists from the West, the cost is at least Rp 800,000 for a night; in comparison there are many small hotels around Fort de Kock that are around Rp 120,000 that are quite nice.

There is a row of internet cafes along Jl. Ahmad Yani and Jl Pemuda. Four internet cafes are in the vicinity of (underneath) the pedestrian bridge which links Fort de Kock and the zoo.

Check out the prices as the internet cafes on the main street are so much more expensive than the ones around the corner. Suggest you ask a local for the cheapest one. The local price is Rp4,000 per hour.

Most hotels and many restaurants offer complementary Wi-Fi, although the speed may not always be as high as you expect.

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17 Wisata Bukittinggi, Rekreasi Edukatif dengan Cara Seru

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Bukittinggi adalah salah satu ikon pariwisata dari Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Kota perekonomian terbesar kedua di provinsi tersebut memiliki banyak lokasi wisata yang tak hanya indah, tetapi juga bersejarah. Kamu bisa mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata Bukittinggi yang jaraknya berdekatan sambil menikmati pesona alam memukau.

Tempat wisata Bukittinggi memiliki keragaman, mulai dari wisata sejarah, wisata budaya, wisata alam, hingga jajaran tempat kuliner. Wisata Bukittinggi sendiri begitu terkenal dan menjadi daya tarik bagi banyak wisatawan dari dalam maupun luar negeri untuk berkunjung ke Bukittinggi. Simak rekomendasi wisata Bukittinggi berikut ini.

17 Destinasi Wisata Bukittinggi untuk Liburan Lebih Seru

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Destinasi wisata Bukittinggi yang edukatif tersebar di berbagai wilayah - WonderVerse Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah rekomendasi tempat wisata Bukittinggi yang bisa kamu jelajahi, baik yang ada di dalam kota atau yang tak jauh dari Kota Bukittinggi. Nikmati liburan seru sambil rekreasi edukatif di beragam tempat wisata Bukittinggi berikut:

1. Jam Gadang Bukittinggi

Jam Gadang Bukittingging adalah salah satu tempat wisata Bukittinggi yang sangat populer. Bisa dibilang ini adalah landmark Kota Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang memiliki denah dasar 13 x 4 meter dengan ketinggian total 26 meter dari permukaan tanah. 

Menara jam ini dibangun pada tahun 1926 silam dan kawasan landmark ini telah menjadi saksi bisu perjuangan rakyat Indonesia melawan kolonial di masa pra-kemerdekaan silam.

2. Lobang Jepang Bukittinggi

Tempat wisata Bukittinggi selanjutnya adalah sebuah bunker yang dibuat ketika Jepang datang dan turut menjajah Indonesia. Bunker tersebut dikenal sebagai Lobang Jepang Bukittinggi yang jaraknya sekitar 40 meter di bawah Ngarai Sianok. 

Bunker ini memiliki panjang 1.470 meter yang di dalamnya terdapat 21 terowongan yang digunakan oleh tentara Kekaisaran Jepang untuk berlindung, tempat amunisi, dapur, ruang tahanan, ruang penyiksaan, hingga tempat tinggal.

3. Bukit Ngarai Takuruang

Bukit Ngarai Takuruang menjadi tempat wisata Bukittinggi selanjutnya yang wajib kamu kunjungi. Bukit ini berada di sebuah tebing yang menjulang tinggi dan membelah sungai. Di sekitar kawasan itu terdapat Puncak Singgalang. 

Kawasan ini konon terbentuk akibat gempa besar yang membuat sebuah patahan yang membentang di sepanjang Pulau Sumatera. Kamu bisa menikmati panorama alam yang menakjubkan di sana dan gemercik air sungai yang jernih. Ini adalah salah satu tempat healing terbaik di Sumatera Barat.

4. Lembah Ngarai Sianok

Tempat wisata Bukittinggi selanjuntnya adalah Lembah Ngarai Sianok, membentang dari Nagari Koto Gadang di selatan hingga Nagari Sianok Enam Suku di utara. Lembah ini mempunyai panjang sekitar 15 kilometer dengan kedalaman mencapai 100 meter dan lebar celah sekitar 200 meter. 

Lembah Ngarai Sianok menawarkan suasana tenang, kedamaian, serta pemandangan yang luar biasa menakjubkan.

5. The Great Wall of Koto Gadang

Tempat wisata Bukittiinggi selanjutnya yang direkomendasikan adalah The Great Wall of Koto Gadang yang sekilas mirip dengan Tembok Besar China. Di sini, kamu bisa menjelajahi ratusan anak tangga dan masih jadi bagian dari Janjang Saribu Guguk Panjang menuju Goa Jepang.

6. Benteng Fort de Kock

Benteng Fort de Kock adalah tempat wisata Bukittinggi yang bersejarah. Benteng ini konon dibangun oleh tentara kolonial Belanda yang bertahan saat digempur rakyat Minangkabau di masa silam. 

Lokasinya berada sekitar 1 kilometer saja dari pusat Kota Bukittinggi. Benteng ini cukup mudah dijangkau. Benteng yang serupa juga terdapat di Batusangkar yang dibangun oleh kolonial Belanda pada Perang Paderi pada tahun 1821 hingga 1837 silam.

7. Jembatan Limpapeh

Dari Benteng Fort de Kock, kamu bisa menuju Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan melalui Jembatan Limpapeh. Jembatan berwarna kuning dan merah ini akan terasa bergoyang atau bergetar ketika dilalui. Banyak orang tertarik menyeberangi jembatan ini karena memacu adrenalin.

8. Museum Rumah Adat Baanjuang

Museum Rumah Adat Baanjuang menjadi salah satu tempat wisata Bukittinggi yang menarik. Rumah adat ini memiliki wujud yang masih tradisional sehingga kamu bisa merasakan langsung vibes wilayah Bukittinggi.

Di museum ini terdapat berbagai benda bersejarah dan budaya Minangkabau yang disimpan di sini. Selain itu, ada juga beberapa hewan unik yang telah diawetkan, mulai dari kerbau berkepala dua, kambing dua wajah, hingga kerbau berkaki delapan.

9. Museum Rumah Bung Hatta

Tempat wisata Bukittinggi berikutnya adalah Museum Rumah Bung Hatta, salah satu tokoh proklamator Indonesia. Rumah dari wakil presiden pertama Indonesia ini berlokasi di Kota Bukittinggi dengan area rumah yang cukup luas. Museum ini dikelolah oleh Dinas Pariwisata, Seni, dan Budaya Kota Bukittinggi.

Rumah tempat lahirnya Bung Hatta ini dijadikan sebagai museum sebagai bentuk penghormatan dan untuk mengenang jasa-jasa beliau di masa sebelum dan setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia.

10. Taman Monumen Bung Hatta

Jika Istana Bung Hatta dijaga ketat, kamu bisa mengunjungi Taman Monumen Bung Hatta yang lokasinya berada persis di samping istana tadi. Taman ini dibangun di lereng bukit landai yang suasanya cukup rindang dan sejuk. Di sana terdapat patung Bung Hatta yang dibangun untuk mengenang semua jasanya.

11. Tabiang Takuruang

Tempat wisata Bukittinggi selanjuntnya bernama Tabiang Takaruang yang bisa dikunjungi setelah menempuh perjalan sekitar 30 menit dari pusat kota. Di sana, kamu bisa melihat bukit kokoh yang menjulang dengan latar belakang Puncak Singgalang. 

Nikmati panorama di kawasn Tabiang Takuruang yang begitu menakjubkan. Bisa juga berenang di sungainya yang begitu jernih dan airnya yang sejuk dan segar.

12. Museum Tri Daya Eka Dharma

Selanjutnya adalah Museum Tri Daya Eka Dharma, tempat wisata Bukittinggi berupa museum yang menyimpan beragam koleksi kemiliteran. Mulai dari pakaian militer, ragam jenis senapan, granat, amunisi, meriam, radio, hingga alat pemancar. 

Selain itu, ada juga foto-foto jadul para pahlawan revolusi yang dipajang. Kamu juga bisa melihat koleksi beragam senjata tradisional yang pernah digunakan pejuang Indonesia untuk melawan tentara kolonial Belanda, mulai dari badik, parang, ruduh, pupuik tanduk, dan sebagainya.

13. Janjang Ampek Puluah

Tempat wisata Bukittinggi berikutnya adalah Janjang Ampek Puluah, yang sebenarnya adalah anak tangga yang dapat menghubungkan Pasar Atas dan Pasar Bawah di Kota Bukittinggi. Tangga ini dibangun pada tahun 1908 di masa kolonial Belanda. 

Untuk berpindah antara pasar, kamu mesti melewati 100 anak tangga. Sebanyak 40 anak tangga di bagian atas memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil. Tempat wisata ini cukup terkenal sejak lama karena berperan besar bagi masyarakat Bukittinggi.

14. Danau Singkarak

Danau Singkarak begitu terkenal akan airnya yang jernih. Tempat wisata Bukittinggi ini bisa kamu nikmati sambil berkeliling danau menggunakan sampan nelayan. Selaiin itu, kamu juga bisa berkeliling dengan naik kereta api wisata di sana. Kamu bisa terbius akan panorama danau yang sangat luar biasa.

Meskipun air di danau ini jernih, tak banyak ikan yang di dalamnya. Danau Singkarak hanya ada sekitar 19 jenis ikan saja. Kondisi ini mungkin terjadi karena air dan jumlah makanan yang terbatas.

15. Jembatan Gantung Guguak

Jembatan ini berada di kawasan Ngarai Sianyia Nagari Guguak Tabek Sarojo. Pemandangan indah bisa langsung kamu nikmati ketika melintasi jembatan ini, seperti pemandangan Ngarai Sianyia dan dua air terjun setinggi 75 meter. Jembatan ini membentang di ketinggian 150 meter dengan panjang 125 meter.

16. Tarusan Kamang

Tarusan Kamang merupakan destinasi wisata Bukittinggi yang enggak boleh kamu lewatkan juga, nih. Lokasinya tidak begitu jauh dari Kota Bukittingi dan kamu akan menikmati pemandangan indah dari sebuah danau. 

Danau itu akan mengering pada musim panas. Pemandangan senja di Tarusaan Kamang begitu indah dan syahdu dan menjadi daya tarik banyak orang untuk mengunjungi wisata alam ini.

17. Puncak Lawang

Wisata Bukittinggi selanjutnya adalah Puncak Lawang yang tak kalah terkenal. Dari puncak ini, kamu bisa melihat langsung pemandangan Danau Maninjau yang begitu luas dan sangat menakjubkan dari ketinggian. Udara di atas Puncak Lawang pun begitu sejuk dan membuat banyak pengunjung betah berlama-lama karena nyaman.

Jadi, sudah menentukan mau ke mana saja ketika berkunjung ke Bukittinggi? Itu dia rekomendasi wisata Bukittinggi yang bisa langsung kamu eksplorasi sendiri. Kamu pun bisa menjelajah lebih jauh beragam hal terkait destinasi wisata alam Indonesia atau budaya dan tradisi Minangkabau lainnya bersama WonderVerse Indonesia.

WonderVerse adalah platform yang menyediakan pengalaman virtual untuk melihat kebudayaan dan keindahan Indonesia. Bersama WonderVerse, kamu bisa menjelajah alam Indonesia dan melihat ragam hewan khas Indonesia, mengenal beragam budaya dan pakaian adat Indonesia, hingga membeli makanan dan souvenir khas Indonesia.

Yuk, rencanakan liburan impian kamu di Indonesia dengan menjelajahi keajaiban alam Indonesia dari universe lain dengan WondeReal Land. Untuk pengalaman yang lebih terasa, kamu bisa memainkannya dengan bantuan 360 VR. 

Melalui WondeReal, kamu bisa memesan semua akomodasi mulai dari tiket pesawat, wisata, hingga transportasi lokal harian. Penasaran seperti apa? Yuk, kunjungi WonderVerse Indonesia Indonesia di halaman ini !

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Top Tours in Bukittinggi, Indonesia

Bukittinggi tours.

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1. West Sumatra Cultural Tour With Accommodation 4 Days 3 Nights

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2. Private Multiday Tour in Minangkabau with accommodation 4 days

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3. Private Photography Trip 3 Days 2 Nights With Accommodation

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4. 3 Days Private Padang Tour: Minangkabau Cultural Center, Village & City Tour

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5. 2 Days Private Tour to See Bull Race and Raflesia Arnoldi Flower

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6. 3 Days Pacu Jawi Trip With Accommodation in Tanah Datar Nagari

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7. Private Transfer from Simarasok to Padang Airport (PDG)

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8. Private Transfer from Bukittinggi to Padang Airport (PDG)

Keep the fun going with other experiences in the area.

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Private Transfer from Tanjung Alam to Padang Airport (PDG)

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Private Transfer from Padang Panjang to Padang Airport (PDG)

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Private Transfer from Nagari Sikucur to Padang Airport (PDG)

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Private Transfer from Batusangkar to Padang Airport (PDG)

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Private Transfer from Nagari Sungai Asam to Padang Airport (PDG)

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Private Transfer from Singkarak to Padang Airport (PDG)

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Air Tawar Timur

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to ulak karang

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Simarasok

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Belakang Tangsi

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Berok Nipah

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Olo

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Bukittinggi

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Rangkiang Luluih

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Singkarak

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Nagari Sikucur

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Tanjung Alam

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Padang city

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Balai Batu Sadara

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Batusangkar

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Private Transfer from Padang Airport (PDG) to Ulak Karang Utara

What travellers are saying.


PT Minang Riau Express

PT Minang Riau Express

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Dengan Armada Kijang Innova

Perjalanan anda aman dan nyaman bersama kami, Dengan Armada pilihan dan Driver yang sudah berpengalaman

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Butuh Travel?

Mencari layanan perjalanan terpercaya dari Bukittinggi Tujuan Pekanbaru? Coba lihat PT Minang Riau Express. Dengan Armada Kijang Innova yang dimilikinya memberikan pengalaman perjalanan yang aman dan nyaman bagi penumpangnya.

Lokasi Kantor

  • Kantor Bukittinggi: Jl. Soekarno – Hatta No.24 Manggis HP/WA. 0853-7412-6432
  • Kantor Pekanbaru: Jl. Ababil No.3B Sukajadi HP/WA. 0812-7722-4432

Jadwal Perjalanan Dan Tarif

  • Pagi Jam 10.00 WIB
  • Siang Jam 14.00 WIB
  • Malam Jam 20.00 WIB
  • Ekonomi 7Seat Rp.150.000/Org
  • Executive 5Seat Rp.180.000/Org

Contact Information

Jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan atau ingin melakukan pemesanan, Anda dapat menghubungi PT, Minang Riau Express di nomor kontak berikut:

Telepon: 0853-7412-6432

Kenapa Memilih PT Minang Riau Express?

Ada beberapa alasan mengapa PT Minang Riau Express menjadi pilihan utama untuk perjalanan dari Bukittinggi Ke Pekanbaru:

  • Kendaraan Kijang Innova yang nyaman dan terawat
  • Driver berpengalaman dan profesional
  • Layanan yang cepat dan dapat di andalkan
  • Harga kompetitif

Jadi, Baik Anda berpergian untuk urusan bisnis maupun liburan, Pilihlah PT Minang Riau Express untuk perjalanan bebas repot antara bukittinggi dan pekanbaru.

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“If You never try You’ll never Know.”

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By Yopi Andreas

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10 Tempat Wisata di Bukittinggi yang Wajib Dikunjungi travel travel tips, lenny septiani,, anggara wikan prasetya.

Tim Redaksi

Lenny Septiani

Penulis anggara wikan prasetya, 1. jam gadang.

Jam Gadang, bangunan ikonik di Bukittinggi.

Berkunjung ke Bukittinggi terasa tak lengkap jika belum mengunjungi ikonnya, yaitu Jam Gadang. Jam yang sering disebut kembaran Big Ben London ini dibangun pada 1926.

Dengan tinggi 36 meter dan 4 tingkat, Jam Gadang merupakan hasil rancangan arsitek Minangkabau Yazid Rajo Mangkuto dan Sutan Gigi Ameh.

Baca juga: Wisata Sejarah, Menyusuri Rumah Masa Kecil Bung Hatta di Bukittinggi

Jika ingin mengunjungi tempat wisata di Bukittinggi yang satu ini, jangan lewatkan kesempatan berfoto di sekitar destinasi ikonik ini.

2. Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan

Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan atau dikenal sebagai Kebun Binatang Bukittinggi merupakan taman margastwa tertua peninggalan Belanda di Indonesia.

Lokasinya ada di Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani, Kecamatan Guguk Panjang, Bukittinggi.

Dibangun pada tahun 1900 dengan nama Stormpark, obyek wisata di Bukittinggi ini lahir dari gagasan Gravenzanden yang bertugas di Fort de Kock.

Baca juga: Liburan 2 Hari 1 Malam ke Sumatera Barat, Ini Total Biayanya

Kebun Binatang Bukittinggi juga memiliki beberapa wahana tambahan, seperti Museum Rumah Adat Baanjuang, Museum Zoologi, dan akuarium.

3. Benteng Fort de Kock

Ilustrasi Sumatera Barat - Tempat wisata Fort de Kock di Bukittinggi.

Tempat wisata di Bukittinggi lainnya adalab Benteng Fort de Kock.

Lokasinya ada di Bukit Jirek Negeri Bukittinggi dan didirikan pada 1825 oleh Kapten Bauer.

Direnovasi pada tahun 2002 oleh pemerintah daerah, kini Benteng Fort de Kock menjadi Taman Kota Bukittinggi dan Taman Burung Tropis.

Selain menjadi warisan sejarah, Benteng Fort de Kock sekarang juga menjadi tempat wisata sekaligus bermain.

Baca juga: Ada Terowongan Peninggalan Jepang di Bawah Kota Bukittinggi

Di dalam Benteng Fort de Kock, terdapat banyak sekali benda bersejarah khas Minangkabau, seperti tanduk kerbau, pakaian adat, dan peralatan tradisional untuk menangkap ikan.

Setelah mengunjungi Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan, pengunjung bisa sekaligus mengunjungi Benteng Fort de Kock karena lokasinya yang berdekatan.

  4. Jembatan Limpapeh Jembatan…

Tag museum rumah kelahiran bung hatta wisata bukittinggi tempat wisata di bukittinggi dan sekitarnya tempat wisata di bukittinggi tempat wisata di bukittinggi 2022 tempat wisata di bukittinggi dan sekitarnya 2022 tempat wisata di bukittinggi sumatera barat tempat wisata di bukittinggi yang terbaru.


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Sumatra Backpacking Guide: In-Depth North And West Sumatra Itinerary

Sumatra Backpacking Guide: In-Depth North And West Sumatra Itinerary

Embarking on a Sumatra backpacking trip is one of those decisions you’ll look back on and think, “I’m so glad I did that”. Despite being Indonesia’s largest island, Sumatra is very much off the typical tourist map in southeast Asia. 

That means a few things, the first one being that you won’t be jostling with other tourists for views or hikes. Instead, it’s very likely that you may be the only one trekking the Mount Sibayak volcano at sunrise or looking over the rice terraces bowl in the Harau Valley.  

Two: it’s easier to have more authentic cultural experiences, whether that’s living with the Mentawai tribe on a remote Indonesian island, following a trail mapped out by local teenagers, or cooking Indonesian cuisine at your homestay after spending two days in the jungle in pursuit of seeing Sumatran orangutans.

The third point is the most important, however: putting together a Sumatra itinerary is not a walk in the park. There is no standard backing route in Sumatra… yet. 

If there was one thing I could have wished for during my time travelling Sumatra, it would have been an in-depth Sumatra blog. And I don’t just mean a north Sumatra itinerary, but a west Sumatra itinerary too.

Sumatra doesn’t only provide the chance to explore an offbeat travel destination away from the typical Indonesia tourist track. It is also one of only two destinations in the world with orangutans . 

It also has the largest crater lake in the world. Volcanoes, canyons, valleys, remote islands, traditional architecture, and authentic Indonesian food are just a handful of the reasons why you should visit Sumatra.

Any backpacking guide would fall short at only providing the best destinations to visit.

My guide, along with my other detailed Sumatra blog posts, covers the practical aspects of travel in Sumatra, such as how to get around, where to stay, seasons to avoid, and what to wear in Sumatra .

Table of Contents

Where is Sumatra?

Sumatra is in Indonesia, an archipelago with over 17,000 islands and islets – that’s even more islands and islets than in the the Philippines .

Sumatra is part of southeast Asia, which has a popular backpacking trail. It’s adjacent to mainland Malaysia and north of the Indonesian island of Java. Further south, Bali sits at the southern end of Java.


Best time to visit: April to May

Flights to Medan: AirAsia

Best site for Sumatra accommodation:

Why is Sumatra famous?

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  • Sumatra is one of only two islands in the world with orangutans (the other is Borneo).
  • It has the world’s largest crater lake, Lake Toba . 
  • It is the sixth-largest island in the world.
  • It has some of the most important and unique rainforests in the world, which are home to important species such as Sumatran tigers, rhinos, elephants, gibbons and sun bears. Many of the species are native to the island (only found in Sumatra).
  • Sumatra is an offbeat travel destination in Indonesia: you don’t need to compete with backpacker crowds and you can experience more authentic interactions with locals.
  • It is the third-largest coffee producer in the world. You must try Sumatran coffee.
  • There are 10 national parks in Sumatra.
  • Sumatra features distinct traditional houses called Rumah Gadan, which feature gabled concave roofs inspired by the shape of buffalo horns.
  • Sumatra is located on the Ring of Fire. Therefore, it is famous for having 68 volcanoes and having experienced past eruptions and other natural disasters.

Backpacking Sumatra: Is it worth going to Sumatra?

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A few islands in Indonesia take the brunt of its tourism: the island of Bali is the front-runner. I’ve met several people who seem to think that Bali is a country on its own.

In more recent years, Indonesian destinations like Lombok, Java, and Komodo have also grown in popularity.

Sumatra is off the beaten backpacking route, and that’s exactly why I adore it. The tourist attractions in Sumatra – if you can even call them that – are not at all saturated.

It’s the first place where I really felt like I could get a real sense for the culture and everyday life in Indonesia.

Then, you have Sumatra’s landscapes: it is home to the largest volcanic crater lake in the world, Lake Toba and multiple volcanoes, including ones that you can hike safely.

There are remote islands with tribes, world-renowned waves, and silky beaches. There are also mountain ranges, lakes, valleys, canyons, and fishing towns. 

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Abdi Homestay in Harau Valley

Seeing orangutans in Sumatra was one of the biggest highlights of my travel in southeast Asia. Nothing can compare to the way the 191-pound creatures teeter between thin vines and trees.

Even if you have already seen the orangutans in Borneo, Sumatra is still worth visiting. The orangutans in Sumatra are slightly lighter in colour and they typically have longer fur and narrower faces than their Malaysian relatives. 

Sumatra is not a party backpacking destination. As a predominantly Muslim island, there are no bars or clubs, and I didn’t see a hint of alcohol anywhere.

Hostels are not really a thing in Sumatra yet, either. Most of the people travelling Sumatra are couples, solo travellers, and small friend groups. You’re likely to meet very few people on your travels, and if you do, it’ll mostly happen in the popular homestays in north Sumatra.

View of a volcano from Jam Gadang in Bukittinggi

Many people are put off of visiting Sumatra because of its headlines: earthquakes, tsunamis, and flash flooding. Sumatra is, to be frank, prone to natural disasters. It is located along the Ring of Fire, an area of increased seismic activity.

However, as long as you’re informed about what to do during a tsunami or earthquake, I don’t think you should be put off visiting Sumatra. Earthquakes and tsunamis can happen in many popular destinations in southeast Asia and in the world – Thailand, too – so why should you skip this particular spot?

Backpacking Sumatra: What are the best months to visit Sumatra?

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The best months to visit Sumatra are April and May .

These months fall within Sumatra’s dry season, when the weather is hot, humid, and approximately 32 °C (90 °F) most days.

They also fall outside of Sumatra’s burning season, which is between June and October. 

Ramadan in Sumatra

You might want to avoid visiting Sumatra in early April because most of the population will be celebrating Ramadan and food is difficult to come by during daylight hours.

Once per year, Ramadan takes place in Sumatra. During this holy period, the island’s Muslim population take part in a month of fasting. As a result, restaurants in Sumatra are closed during daylight hours.

While most homestays will provide you with basic Indonesian meals, I found it very difficult to find substantial food during the day. I found I quickly felt depleted in energy.

Finding food was easier at Lake Toba, which is predominantly Christian.

In 2024, Ramadan takes place between the 10th March and the 9th April.

Burning season in Sumatra

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If you haven’t heard of burning season, it is a period of time when farmers in southeast Asia use slash and burn methods to dispose of old crops.

When the crops are burnt, a haze forms and spreads across southeast Asia (believe me, I experienced the intense haze in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia).

Burning season in Sumatra is between June and October . It is worst between July and September. The air quality in Sumatra decreases. Many country’s residents are told to stay inside to avoid respiratory symptoms.

The views in Sumatra also become hazy, making the scenery less impressive. You should try to avoid travelling during burning season. 

Weather in Sumatra

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There are two main seasons in Sumatra: 

Dry season (between February and August):

Average temperature: 32 °C

Daylight hours: 12 hours

The tropical climate means that rainstorms still occur, but they aren’t likely to interrupt your travel plans.

The weather is likely to be consistently hot, humid, and sunny with small episodes of rain.

Wet season (between September and January) :

Average temperature: 30 °C

Monsoon season begins in September (in north Sumatra) or October (in west and south Sumatra), which can cause flooding and disruption to public transport. 

Mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria and leeches are more common during wet season. Outdoor activities are more dangerous due to the possibility of flooding.

It’s very important to wear mosquito repellent and use other preventive measures like mosquito coils. Anti-malaria tablets might be advisable.

Altitude differences

In the highlands of Sumatra, temperatures are more moderate. They’re likely to range between 20 and 28 °C depending upon the weather and the altitude.

Backpacking Sumatra: How many days do you need in Sumatra?

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Sumatra is a big island. At its widest point, the island measures 435 kilometres. From north to south, the island is 1,790 kilometres long.

You need time to travel the entirety of Sumatra. 

To travel north and west Sumatra, you should allow at least two weeks to one month .

Travelling between north and west Sumatra requires overnight bus transport.

You can travel just north or west Sumatra – not both – in as little as 10 days . 

Ideally, to travel Sumatra in its entirety, including the north, west and south Sumatra, you need at least three weeks to one month .

Visas in Sumatra

To travel Sumatra as a foreigner, you will need an Indonesian tourist visa.

For most international passports, Visas on Arrival are valid for 30 days only. 

How to extend your visa on arrival in Sumatra

Most Visas on Arrivals can be extended once for an additional 30 days. The only way to do this is by applying in person at an immigration office.

The process will require visiting the office in person more than once, with the first visit being at least 14 days before your visa expires. 

You need to find a suitable ‘Kantor Imigrasi’.

Visa extensions can be arranged in Medan in North Sumatra and in Padang in West Sumatra, according to Google Reviews.

There are a few other immigration offices in Sumatra, but I can’t say with 100% certainty that they offer this service. Please check by contacting the offices in advance.

Backpacking Sumatra: How to get to Sumatra

A home in Harau Valley has a pond and rice field, with cliffs in the background.

The best way to get to Sumatra will depend upon where you’re departing from.

If you’re departing from a country far away from Sumatra, the best and cheapest option is to fly into Medan , the largest city in Sumatra. The city is in the north of Sumatra and a good base to start your itinerary.

AirAsia will provide the cheapest connecting flights from Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Bangkok.

If you’re travelling the Indonesian island of Java (especially in the north of Java, near to Jakarta), you can take the ferry from the port of Merak at the very northern tip of Java. They bring passengers to south Sumatra.

From there, you can explore south Sumatra (the most offbeat part of the island) or immediately take a night bus to west Sumatra.

If you’re visiting mainland Malaysia before backpacking Sumatra, you can also take the ferry from Port Dickson or Malacca to Damai in east Sumatra. It may be slightly cheaper than a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Medan.

The best route to take is the ferry from Malacca, as it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a variety of historical attractions and only a couple of hours by bus from Kuala Lumpur.  

You must book the ferry in person at the port, and take enough cash in MYR or IDR to buy your visa upon arrival in Sumatra. The Malaysia-Sumatra ferry is run by the Indomal Fast Ferry company.

You may need to purchase a return ticket or show proof of your onward journey out of Indonesia, although I wasn’t asked for this. From Damai, you will need to haggle a taxi to take you to the bus station to book an overnight bus to west Sumatra or north Sumatra.

Don’t pay more than 60,000 IDR or you’re being ripped off. Ask them to stop at an ATM and a tourist SIM card shop en route.

Backpacking Sumatra: How to get around Sumatra

Bus is the primary form of transport around Sumatra. These can be divided into local buses and long-distance buses. There are also local taxi and Grab services.

Local travel in Sumatra

Tourist sits sideaways in a cramped bus in Lake Toba.

There are three main options for travelling locally in Sumatra (e.g. from one destination to another in the same town or city):

  • E-Hailing services such as Grab or GoJek : The easiest and best way to travel is using Grab or GoJek, which act in the same way as Uber. Using an internet connection, you order an affordable taxi (in the scooter or car form) using your smartphone. You agree on the fare before ordering the taxi, leaving no surprises.
  • Taxis : Taxis are another option, but they are more expensive than a Grab or GoJek. You will need to haggle the price.
  • Buses : In some destinations, such as Medan, there are also buses available. To be honest, unless you want to set yourself a challenge of travelling by public transport, you’re better off sticking to Grab or another e-hailing service for the convenience. The taxis are inexpensive.

Long-distance travel in Sumatra

There are three main forms of long-distance travel in Sumatra:

1. Local buses

Local public buses are used by everyone in Sumatra to get from A and B, not just for tourists who are backpacking Sumatra.

This might be a large overnight bus with air-con or a small, rickety mini-bus where the windows hardly open.

Local buses, in general, are cheap and fairly easy to navigate.

Every time I wanted to take a public bus for a journey under five or six hours, I turned up at the bus station on the same day and waited less than half an hour. I paid in cash on the bus. 

For overnight journeys, you need to turn up to the bus station at least one day before to book your ticket in advance because they quickly get full up.

The ‘executive’ buses are popular because they feature luxuries likeair conditioning, reclining seats, extra leg-room, blankets, and toilets. 

In general, I found local buses to be the cheapest way to travel. For short journeys, I didn’t mind the lack of comfort because I have small legs. However, tall people will struggle with the lack of legroom in small minivans and mini buses for extended periods of time.

Tourist buses

A tourist bus is a car or a minivan shared between a group of tourists who do or do not know each other.

The bus operator usually takes separate bookings at a fixed price and groups ourists travelling in the same direction together.

If you’ve travelled in Mexico or Cuba, you’ll realise that they are similar to the collectivo taxi concept.

Tourist buses currently only run in north Sumatra because there are not enough tourists in west Sumatra. Having started my travels in west Sumatra on local buses, I was frustrated because tourist buses are more expensive but just as cramped as local buses, sometimes with the same delays (or more) because they are taking more indirect routes to drop tourists at their different homestays.

Flying in Sumatra

There are airports in Medan (north Sumatra), Padang (west Sumatra), and Palembang (south Sumatra), Gunungsitoli (Nias Island), and various other locations in Sumatra. 

However, the flights are infrequent and expensive. You can expect to pay £50 – £100 for a flight between Medan and Padang.

Meanwhile, a comfortable ‘executive’ overnight bus with air conditioning costs under £15 for the same journey.

Flying is only helpful if you want to skip any overnight bus journeys between north or west Sumatra. Also, consider whether travel delays will make you miss your flight.

Also, is it worth going back to Medan for a flight to Padang if you’re already partway down the island e.g. already at Lake Toba?

Travel insurance is essential for any trip abroad. If you’re in an accident or experience an emergency, you need adequate cover. I recommend  Staysure  for single or multiple trips per year and SafetyWing for digital nomads.

The Best Route for Backpacking Sumatra

I’m going to begin by listing the best destinations in north and west Sumatra and why you should consider visiting them.

Then, I’m going to provide the best routes for the amount of time you’re visiting Sumatra – one month, three weeks, two weeks, 10 days, or one week.

Backpacking North Sumatra Itinerary

Best for: Historic sites and culture

Time needed : 1-2 days

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Medan is the biggest city in Sumatra population-wise. A brief visit is all you need when you’re backpacking Sumatra, unless you consider yourself a history and culture buff.

Some of the most interesting attractions in Medan are the Great Mosque of Medan , which has Islamic and European influences, and Maimun Palace , the royal house of the Sultanate of Deli.

For dinner, hunt down Indonesian street food on Jalan Selat Panjang , which is famous for its food stalls. There are also several temples you can explore in the city. 

If you want to explore Medan with an informative guide, you could try a Medan guided group tour .

Where to Stay:

  • Backpackers: Semalam at Sun Yat Sen , a boutique hostel in Chinatown.
  • Mid-budget: Ibis Styles Medan
  • Luxury: JW Marriott Medan

2. Bukit Lawang 

Best for: Orangutan jungle trekking

Time needed : 2 days – 10 days (depending upon the length of your jungle trek)

A Sumatran orangutan in Bukit Lawang gazes at the camera from between two tree trunks.

Bukit Lawang is the reason many people visit Sumatra. The small village is home to the largest Sumatran orangutan sanctuary in Sumatra.

The sanctuary is located in the Gunung Leuser National Park, which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Jungle trekking to see orangutans can last anywhere between one day and 10 weeks, with overnight camping increasing your chances at seeing orangutans, along with other wildlife such as Thomas’s langur and gibbons. Most people do a one- or two-day trek.

In Bukit Lawang, you can also go tubing on the river or take part in farm tours, a becak tour, or visit the Bat Cave.

  • Best Pick (££): Ecolodge Bukit Lawang (note that this accommodation sells out weeks in advance in high season)
  • Mid-budget: Jungle Inn Bukit Lawang
  • Backpackers: Sam’s Bungalows

Best Orangutan Trekking Tours:

  • 1 Day:  Four-hour jungle trek  with Sumatra EcoTravel.
  • 2 Days:  2 Days and 1 Night jungle trek , including overnight camping and river tubing, with Sumatra EcoTravel.
  • 3 Days:  3 Days and 2 Nights jungle trek  with overnight camping and river tubing. Some proceeds from this tour go towards supporting a local school in Bukit Lawang.

If you’re limited on time or you don’t want to spend time overnight in the village (the village was hit by a severe flash flood back in 2003 due to deforestation), note that you have the option of taking an orangutan trekking day tour from Medan instead.

Visit my guide to the best things to do in Bukit Lawang .

3. Berastagi

Best for: Volcano trekking

Time needed : 2 days

Farm fields and colourful houses in Berastagi in West Sumatra.

Berastagi is a town in the Karo highlands between Medan and Lake Toba.

It is best-known as a base for climbing Mount Sibayak , an 2094-metre-high active stratovolcano with hot springs, sulphur fumes, and a cone-shaped crater.

Unlike the town’s other volcano, Mount Sinabung, the last eruption of Sibayak was in 1881 and it has been deemed safe to climb.

The town’s name literally means ‘city of rice’. It has a thriving farm industry, so visiting the market is another must.

You can also visit the remains of local villages demolished by Mount Sinabung’s eruptions or take a day trip to Sipiso Piso , an impressive 120-metre plunge waterfall.

  • Backpackers: Nachelle Homestay provides a map with local information and arranges volcano trekking tours.
  • Luxury: Sinabung Hills Berastagi

4. Lake Toba (Samosir Island)

Best for: Swimming, relaxation, Batak culture, and hiking

Time needed : 3-5 days

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After Bukit Lawang, Lake Toba is the second best-known spot in Sumatra. It is the largest crater lake in the world. Swimming in the lake is a bucket-list activity for many.

Samosir Island, a small island with an ancient Batak culture , is the most popular place to stay.

You can scooter around the entire island in one or two days, and visit sites to learn about the tribal culture. The island is the original home of the Bataks.

  • Backpackers: Reggae Guesthouse or Laster Jony’s
  • Mid-budget: Zoe’s Paradise Waterfront Hotel
  • Glamping: Bobocabin Signature Toba

Visit my Samosir Island and Lake Toba travel itinerary or check out the best hotels in Lake Toba .

Best fo r : Accessing surfing beaches and diving sites

Time needed : 2-3 days

The city of Aceh, including its mosque and harbour, framed by misty hills.

Aceh is a city at the very northern tip of Sumatra. Sadly, it’s best-known for being devastatingly hit by the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami (the same tsunami that badly hit Phuket in Thailand).

However, the city also has good access to beautiful beaches and diving sites, as well as nearby mountains with hikes.

Surfers especially like Lhoknga Beach, 15 kilometres away from the city. There’s a tsunami museum in the city if you’d like to learn more about the 2004 disaster and how the city was rebuilt.

From Aceh, you can take a boat to Pulau Weh, a popular island.

Where to Stay: Lala Hostel

6. Pulau Weh (Sabang)

Best fo r : Diving, snorkelling, and relaxing

A boat floats in front of a remote beach with clear water and coral reefs in Sabang, West Sumatra.

Pulau Weh, or Sabang as it’s also known, is a small island accessible by a 45-minute fast boat from Aceh.

Diving and snorkelling are the main draws on the island, as although some of the shallow reefs were damaged by the 2004 tsunami, the deeper reefs are of incredible quality.

The island is mostly covered in palm trees and has hot springs, beautiful ‘hidden’ coves, Japanese bunkers, and a volcano.

The Best North Sumatra Itinerary

Those are the main destinations you’ll want to be aware of in north Sumatra, but in what order should you visit them?

The following itineraries are the best routes for backpacking north Sumatra.

Aceh and Pulau Weh are the most time-consuming to visit, so you may want to leave these destinations out of your backpacking Sumatra itinerary if you’re short on time.

  • Medan – Aceh – Pulau Weh – Aceh – Medan – Bukit Lawang – Berastagi – Lake Toba
  • Medan – Bukit Lawang – Berastagi – Lake Toba (if you don’t have time to visit Aceh or Pulau Weh).

Backpacking West Sumatra Itinerary

1. bukittinggi.

Best for: Canyon trekking and visiting underground Japanese tunnels

Time needed: 2 days

Sianok Valley in Bukittinggi, featuring a hairpin bend and houses.

Bukittinggi’s best feature is most definitely Sianok Canyon , a wide canyon bordered by rocky cliffs and featuring the Koto Gadang Great Wall which has been likened to a miniature version of the Wall of China.

The town has views of Mount Merapi and Mount Singgalang, two volcanoes where unfortunately trekking is currently off-limits.

However, with underground Japanese tunnels from World War II and nearby forests with the famous smelly flower titan arum, Bukittinggi is well worth visiting.

  • Best pick ( ££ £): Padi Ecolodge , traditionally-designed wooden lodges at the entrance to the canyon.
  • Budget: Aur Kuning Hostel
  • Luxury: The Balcone Hotel & Resort or Novotel Bukittinggi

Visit my guide to the best things to do in Bukittinggi Sumatra .

2. Harau Valley and Payakumbuh

Best for: Hiking trails, rock climbing, and peaceful rice terraces and farms

Time needed : 2-4 days

Woman wearing a sports crop top with bare shoulders sits on a hill overlooking the rice terrace basin in Harau Valley.

Aptly named the ‘Yosemite of Indonesia’ by the tourism board and also with a keen likeness to Switzerland, Harau Valley is exactly the place you should go if you like scenery with waterfalls, tall cliffs, rice terraces, and farms.

There are hiking trails with views over the rice fields, as well as climbing routes for professional rock climbers.

Take an opelet (the motorised version of a becak) into Payakumbuh, the local town, to explore the markets and local restaurants and to see its traditional Minangkabau architecture.

Staying at Abdi Homestay is practically a backpackers’ rite of passage. The Swiss-style chalets are based underneath one of Harau’s most impressive waterfalls and overlook rice fields. You can book directly through the WhatsApp number on the Abdi Homestay Instagram .

Visit my Harau Valley travel guide for the best things to do .

3. Lake Maninjau 

Best for: An offbeat crater lake surrounded by rice terraces and farms

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Lake Maninjau is a crater lake based in a hilly bowl of rice terraces, accessible by a road with 44 hairpin turns.

It is tiny compared to Lake Toba in the north of Sumatra, but this is exactly what makes it feel so much more intimate.

It’s possible to cycle (or scooter) around the entire 50-kilometre road around the lake in one day, passing by local fishing villages, rice terraces, fish farms, floating mosques, schools, parks, and tiny local shops and restaurants.

The Puncak Lawang viewpoint is an unmissable spot above the lake. You can’t swim in the lake due to the fish farms, but I count it as my second-favourite destination in Sumatra.

Where to Stay: Beach Guesthouse or Eka’s Bungalows (previously called Muaro Beach Bungalows)

Visit my guide to the best things to do at Maninjau Lake .

Best for: Rice terrace scenery and glamping

Woman wearing black linen trousers, a vest and a long-sleeved blue shirt sits on a rock overlooking rice terraces near Harau Valley.

Sikabu is the ultimate undiscovered destination in Sumatra. Right now, it is mainly popular with regional Indonesian tourists and yet to make a mark on the international Sumatra tourist map.

If I hadn’t taken a day trip there from Harau Valley, I’d have had no idea it existed.

The tiers of rice terraces, occupied by grazing water buffalos and farmers, have views over Payakumbuh and Mount Sago.

There are waterfalls and a biking park nearby, but the main attraction is the quiet rice terrace environment, coffee shops and restaurants, and the ridiculously beautiful Sikabu Glamping .

Best for: Food, culture, beaches, and the ferry to the Mentawai Islands

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Padang is the departure point for the Mentawai Islands, but it’s also a good place for foodies. Padang cuisine is famous, especially nasi Padang  (Padang rice), which is a style of dining where restaurants stack up to 50 different plates and diners pick and choose their dishes.

Padang has a Chinatown, a colonial Dutch old quarter, a museum, and a famous sunset beach called Pantai Air Manis.

Fast ferries to the Mentawai Islands run several times per week, usually on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and take up to six or seven hours.

Where to Stay: Kokos Hostel (hostel with dorms) and The View Padang .

6. Mentawai Islands (including Siberut Island)

Best for: Surfing, tribal culture and relaxation

Time needed : 3 – 7 days

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The Mentawai Islands seem like a separate place to Sumatra. The islands are considered to be one of the best surfing destinations in Indonesia. Surf camps are very popular.

If you’re not a surfer, don’t worry, because the island has silky-soft beaches and great snorkelling spots too.

Semi-nomadic tribes inhabit the islands, and responsible tourism agencies can arrange visits to the tribes to learn about their culture.

Where to Stay: The most popular surf camp (which is all-inclusive) is Nyang Ebay Surf Camp . The Kingfisher Mentawai Resort is also popular, but more upscale.

7. Nias Island

Best for: A remote island with surfing beaches and caves

Time needed : 3-4 days

Nias Island is another barely-explored island off the west coast of Sumatra. The island is made up of palm, cocoa and rubber trees. It has small villages, waterfalls, and caves, as well as pristine beaches and corals for snorkelling.

Surfing is also popular at Nias Island. One small museum divulges the local island culture, which is distinct from the mainland; many of the elders don’t speak any Indonesian, because the island has its own language.

  • Budget: Oseda Nias Surf House and Nias Surf Stay

The Best West Sumatra Itinerary

The best west Sumatra itinerary will ideally visit all of the following destinations, but if you’re short on time, your best bet is to miss out on visiting Nias Island or the Mentawai Islands.

The Mentawai Islands, however, are a must-visit for many, and require at least 3-5 days.

If visiting Mentawai is a non-negotiable for you, you may have to skip destinations like Sikabu or Lake Maninjau.

  • Bukittinggi – Harau Valley/Payakumbuh – Sikabu – Lake Maninjau – Padang – Mentawai Islands – Nias Island (full itinerary arriving by bus from north Sumatra).
  • Padang – Mentawai Islands – Bukittinggi – Harau Valley/Payakumbuh – Sikabu – Lake Maninjau – Nias Island (full itinerary arriving by a flight in Padang).
  • Bukittinggi – Harau Valley/Payakumbuh – Sikabu – Lake Maninjau (without the islands).

Sumatra Itinerary: 3 Weeks

Three weeks backpacking Sumatra gives you plenty of time to visit both north and west Sumatra.

You may have to skip Aceh in the very north of Sumatra and/or some of the islands in the west.

  • Medan : 1 day
  • Bukit Lawang : 3 days (includes two days of orangutan trekking and one half-day of travel)
  • Berastagi : 2 days (includes one day of volcano trekking and one half-day of travel)
  • Lake Toba : 3 days (including one travel day). Take an overnight bus to Bukittinggi in West Sumatra.
  • Bukittinggi: 2 days (including one short journey
  • Harau Valley/Payakumbuh : 2 days
  • Sikabu: 1 day
  • Travel day : 1 day. Take a taxi to Payakumbuh, a bus to Bukittinggi, and a second bus to Lake Maninjau.
  • Lake Maninjau : 2 days
  • Padang: 1 day
  • Mentawai Islands : 4 days
  • Travel day: Take a flight to Medan to return home (book in advance) or take an overnight bus to west or south Sumatra for the ferry terminals onwards to Malaysia or Java.

Sumatra Itinerary: 2 Weeks

The following two-week Sumatra itinerary covers north and south Sumatra.

  • Bukit Lawang : 3 days
  • Berastagi : 1 day
  • Lake Toba : 2 days. Take an overnight bus to Bukittinggi in West Sumatra.
  • Bukittinggi: 2 days
  • Harau Valley/Payakumbuh : 2 days (including a possible afternoon visit to Sikabu)
  • Padang: 1 day (mostly a travel day)
  • Travel day: Take a flight to Medan to return home (book in advance, or take an overnight bus to west or south Sumatra for the ferry terminals onwards to Malaysia or Java.

The following two-week itinerary focuses entirely on north Sumatra:

  • Medan : 1 day. Take an overnight bus to Aceh.
  • Aceh: 1 day
  • Pulau Weh (Sabang) : 2 days
  • Aceh: 1 day. Take an overnight bus to Medan.
  • Berastagi : 2 days
  • Lake Toba : 3 days. Take an overnight bus to Bukittinggi in West Sumatra.
  • Travel day : 1 day. Take a bus from Lake Toba to Medan.

The following two-week itinerary focuses entirely on west Sumatra and the Mentawai Islands:

  • Travel day: 1 day. Take an overnight bus to Bukittinggi from Medan or another city.
  • Padang: 1 day (including a half-day of travel)
  • Travel day: Take a flight to Medan to return home (book in advance), or take an overnight bus to west or south Sumatra for the ferry terminals onwards to Malaysia or Java.

Sumatra Itinerary: 10 Days

If you only have 10 days (or less) in Sumatra, it’s going to be difficult to visit west Sumatra unless you take a flight immediately from Medan to Padang.

If you do this, you won’t have any time to visit north Sumatra.

A 10-day itinerary for north Sumatra:

A 10-day itinerary for west Sumatra (beginning in Padang):

  • Mentawai Islands: 4 days
  • Bukittinggi: 2 days (including a half-day bus)
  • Harau Valley/Payakumbuh and a day trip to Sikabu : 2 days
  • Travel day: 1 day. Take a flight to Medan to return home (book in advance), or take an overnight bus to west or south Sumatra for the ferry terminals onwards to Malaysia or Java.

Sumatra Itinerary: One Week

If you only have one week to go backpacking in Sumatra, I’d recommend staying close to Medan.

You’ll probably only have time to go orangutan trekking and to visit either Berastagi or Lake Toba.

The following itineraries are possible.

Lake Toba and Bukit Lawang:

  • Bukit Lawang : 3 days (including two days of orangutan trekking)
  • Lake Toba : 3 days

Berastagi and Bukit Lawang:

What to pack and wear when backpacking Sumatra

Girl wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt walks through a farm in Harau Valley.

Sumatra is a predominantly Muslim country, so dressing conservatively is essential on the majority of the island. Some places are less conservative, such as Lake Toba, a Christian enclave, and the Mentawai Islands.

There are also mosquitos and the weather to think of, among other things, which is why I’ve created a full guide to what to wear in Sumatra and a full packing list to help you prepare for your trip.

Cost of backpacking Sumatra

Travelling in Sumatra is mostly inexpensive.

Typically, Indonesian main meals cost me between 10,000 IDR and 40,000 IDR, which is equivalent to £0.50 to £2.10 (€0.6 to €2.50).

For basic accommodation in a double room with air conditioning and either a private or shared bathroom, I typically paid between 100k IDR and 220k IDR, which is equivalent to £5.20 to £11.50 (€6 to €13.50).

If you’re sharing the room between two people, you can cut the price of the room in half.

Accommodation is generally slightly more expensive in north Sumatra than in West Sumatra.

Bus travel is the most expensive part of travelling Sumatra. Overnight bus travel between Bukittinggi (west Sumatra) and Medan (north Sumatra) costs 225k IDR for an ‘economy’ bus without air conditioning.

It’s 260k IDR for a bus with a toilet and air conditioning.

Expect to pay 335k IDR for an ‘executive bus’ with extra legroom, air conditioning and a toilet. That’s equivalent to either £11.80, £14, or £17.50.

Short-haul bus journeys via local bus are less expensive and usually cost between 20K and 50K for a one- to six-hour journey.

Tours and activities in Sumatra will be another bigger expense when backpacking Sumatra.

For example, a one-day trekking tour in Bukit Lawang costs around 900-1000k IDR (approximately £50) and a two-day tour costs around 1500k IDR (approximately £80).

Backpacking Sumatra Tips

ntv travel bukittinggi

  • Read the text carefully when booking your accommodation. If you’re an unmarried couple or friends who are male and female, you won’t be permitted to share a room in some hotels and homestays.
  • Bring plenty of mosquito repellent. Mosquito repellent suitable for the skin is hard to find in Sumatra, even in supermarkets. Mosquitos in Sumatra carry malaria, among other diseases. If you do run out, ask for ‘Autan’ mosquito repellant.
  • Make time for travel delays due to weather and traffic.
  • Monitor news outlets for warnings for natural disasters and stay away from danger zones. They are there for a reason.
  • Take a friend. While you can solo travel in Sumatra, it’s harder to meet other travellers because they are less tourists. Most of the people travelling Sumatra are couples or existing groups. In North Sumatra, you’re more likely to meet solo travellers.
  • Dress conservatively in Muslim areas (most of the island)

WiFi and Internet in Sumatra 

ntv travel bukittinggi

Wi-Fi in mainland Sumatra is mostly stable and fast. To access 4G, you cannot rely on a local SIM card.

Unlike in other parts of Indonesia, foreigners can not use a local SIM card because they are only compatible with phones purchased in Sumatra. Believe me, I tried.

You must buy a tourist SIM card . These are sold in very few places: the only places I can vouch for are Medan airport and one small shop in Dumai (near the ferry port).

I believe they are mostly sold around the entrance points into Sumatra, so buy one as soon as possible upon your arrival.

You can buy an E-Sim for Indonesia too. I did this after missing my chance in Dumai. However, the E-Sim had patchy signal. Some days, it worked. Others, it didn’t for no apparent reason.

My friend and I brought the same E-Sim. When we were in the same location, sometimes one of us would have 4G and the other wouldn’t. For that reason, I’ve linked a different E-Sim.

Places to Visit After Sumatra

1. malacca, malaysia.

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Who could turn down a chance to visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site? Malacca (also Melaka) in Malaysia is accessible by a direct ferry from Sumatra via the port in Dumai. Chinatown is its most famous part, especially the weekend Jonker Street night market.

However, it’s packed to the brim with historical sites, including a 17th-century Chinese temple, an 18th-century Javanese-style mosque, and a church.

River cruises run along the riverfront, which is lined with bars and coffee shops, as well as fascinating street art.

From Malacca, you can visit Kuala Lumpur and continue your travels through Malaysia – to places like Tioman Island, Penang, Ipoh, or the Cameron Highlands, for instance.

2. Java, Indonesia

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Java is an Indonesian island immediately south of Sumatra, accessible by a flight or ferry, and a great choice after backpacking Sumatra.

Like Sumatra, it’s speckled with volcanoes. It’s home to the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, but the most famous things on the tourist map are Mount Bromo, crater volcano, and Mount Ijen, which spits out what has become known as ‘blue fire’ on the south of the island (close to west Bali).

Yogyakarta’s temples are also world-renowned.

3. Singapore

ntv travel bukittinggi

Singapore, one of the cleanest cities in Asia, is a short flight away. Its skyline is one of the most famous in the world, especially the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens By The Bay.

Dine on local food in the hawker markets and soak up the green spaces, such as the botanical gardens. There are museums, a theme park, temples, and a reel of other things to see.

While Sumatra does not have a backpacking trail, it is a great destination for backpackers who want authentic local experiences and enjoy hiking, natural scenery, and wildlife. The island has volcanoes, crater lakes, valleys, and canyons, as well as Sumatran orangutans and other indigenous species.

The most beautiful island in Sumatra is widely regarded to be the Mentawai Islands, a group of islands covered in palm trees and remote beaches. Surf camps are popular on the Mentawai Islands.

The crime rate in Sumatra is very low. In 2020, there were 150 crimes recorded per 100,000 people.

The average temperature in Sumatra is 32 °C. The temperature is consistently hot and humid all year round.

The southernmost point of Sumatra is a short ferry journey from the north of Java. If you’re travelling from Medan to Jakarta, however, the flight covers over 1,800 kilometres.

Sumatra is a developing country with rural and urban poverty. Wealth is distributed unevenly, with very few benefitting from the island’s oil fields, coalfields, gold and silver.

Sumatra is located in the Ring of Fire, so it is considered to be prone to natural disasters such as volcano eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. The crime late is low. Overall, Sumatra is safe as long as you know the proper precautions to take in the event of a natural disaster.

A flight from Denpasar in Bali to Medan in Sumatra takes approximately three to four hours non-stop.

Most people consider Sumatra to have better scenery and wildlife than Java. However, Java is appreciated for its culture and temples. There are orangutans in Sumatra, but not in Java.

Katie Treharne

Escape Artist Katie owner riding a yellow quad bike over former lava fields on Mount Mayon in the Philippines.

I’m Katie, the owner of Escape Artist Katie. I have been travel writing since 2018, including writing for luxury travel magazines and publications such as Wanderlust.

As well as being a digital nomad who works and lives abroad permanently, I’m a big advocate for  offbeat travel  and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

I hope you found my article useful – find out more  about  me here or keep up with my travels on  Instagram .

Niraj Patel

Monday 25th of March 2024

Hi Katie Amazing blog! Thank you so much

I wanted to spend 3 weeks backpacking in Sumatra with my wife and 14 and 12 year old. Due to their summer vacation we can only go in June.

Do you think travel during the "burning season" is bad enough to change our travel destination? Thank you

Monday 19th of February 2024

Thank you Katie! I was planning on going to Sumatra to begin my indonesian trip. But unfortunately, I could only go in September and had no idea about the burning season. Therefore, I will not visit Sumatra. You are the only in depth blog on Sumatra that I've found. So thank you!!!

Friday 12th of January 2024

Loved this blog thank you, so informative.

I am a Deaf Solo Traveller.

My “priveleged” dilemma is which trek/company to use for the orang utans jungle activity. I want to do something ethical here, but need to feel safe. Perhaps you can give me a couple suggestions?

Arriving Medan on 21st January. I see it is wet season from your blog, and am slightly worried! Assume its not like raining all day everyday when its wet season?! Sorry to sound naive here.

With thanks Tyron

Forgot to add my contact!

Friday 13th of October 2023

Hello Katie...thanks for the thorough post! I was in Sumatra in 2010 and am heading back in January. I'm planning to fly to Padang and then slowly work my way to Lake Toba. From Bukittinggi onward, I don't really know much about the country on the way to Lake Toba? Any recommendations for that stretch? Thank you and enjoy your travels!


Hi Larry! Have a brilliant trip. I also started my trip in Padang. In Western Sumatra, I'd highly recommend visiting Padang, Mentawai Islands (if you have time), Harau Valley, Maninjau Lake, and Sikabu (they are all quite accessible from Bukittinggi). After speaking to locals about the areas between Bukittinggi and Lake Toba, I decided against making any stops due to time constraints. Nias Island is the main place - it requires a small detour. Sipirok is around halfway too - locals told me that this area has some guesthouses and it's mainly popular for trekking and waterfalls.

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Sahabat Perjalanan Anda

Travel Pekanbaru Padang, Pekanbaru Bukit Tinggi

Kami sangat mengerti kebutuhan anda. Berbagai fasilitas dan layanan kami sediakan demi keamanan dan kenyamanan anda

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Tetap tersambung dengan keluarga anda selama dalam perjalanan bersama kami tanpa takut kehabisan kuota.

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Tanpa khawatir perut lapar dalam perjalanan nyaman anda, kami sediakan Snack untuk menunda lapar anda.

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Tanpa takut sakit kepala lagi, bantal yang empuk siap membuat anda lebih rileks sampai tujuan.

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Udara yang sejuk dari AC dan pembersih udara membuat anda merasa lebih nyaman.

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Nikmati hiburan selama dalam perjalanan bersama kami.

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Keselamatan dan Kenyamanan Anda adalah Prioritas Kami

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Armada Innova

Dengan armada khusus Innova yang terbukti nyaman menghantarkan anda sampai tujuan.

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Pengemudi Berpengalaman

Kami memiliki pengemudi berpengalaman untuk menjaga keamanan.

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Extra Nyaman

Dengan kabin yang luas sehingga menjamin kenyamanan lebih untuk penumpang.

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Setiap kendaraan telah lolos uji KIR, service rutin untuk tetap menjaga keamanan penumpang.

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Satu - satunya Travel yang bekerjasama dengan DISHUB yang dilengkapi APAR standar DAMKAR.

Berbagai Pilihan Paket

Kami memiliki berbagai pilihan paket dengan harga terjangkau, lengkap dengan berbagai fasilitas dan layanan.

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Kami menyediakan paket Executive dengan berbagai fasilitas dan layanan yang membuat anda lebih nyaman.

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Paket hemat untuk anda yang ingin bepergian dengan nyaman dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas yang kami sediakan.

Rute Perjalanan

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Dari Pekanbaru

Dari padang, dari bukittinggi.

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Selamat Datang

Komitmen dalam Melayani

Kami memiliki 3 Rute perjalanan dengan berbagai fasilitas dan layanan yang membuat anda nyaman sampai tujuan

Pekanbaru - Bukittinggi - Padang

Kami Juga Menerima Pengiriman Paket

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9 Travel Padang Bukittinggi Terbaik Harga Murah & Cepat

Travel Padang Bukittinggi menjadi pilihan transportasi umum yang bisa digunakan untuk masyarakat Padang yang ingin bepergian ke kota Bukittinggi dan sekitarnya.

Anda bisa memesan travel reguler atau charter mobil travel untuk rombongan menuju daerah Bukittinggi dengan mudah.

Bukittinggi sering menjadi tujuan bagi masyarakat yang ingin berlibur ke tempat wisata ikonik seperti Jam Gadang, Ngarai Sinok, Taman Margasatwa Kinantan, dan lain sebagainya.

Travel Padang Bukittinggi

Bagi masyarakat Padang yang ingin mengunjungi sanak saudara di Bukittinggi juga bisa mengandalkan mobil travel.

Tidak perlu bingung karena berikut ini ada beberapa rekomendasi travel dengan rute Padang – Bukittinggi yang bisa menjadi pilihan untuk Anda.

Baca juga :

  • Travel Padang Pekanbaru
  • Travel Pekanbaru Padang

9 Travel Padang Bukittinggi untuk Perjalanan Lebih Nyaman dan Aman

Perjalanan lebih aman dan terjamin dengan travel Padang Bukittinggi yang terpercaya. Tentunya sudah banyak agen travel yang menyediakan layanan seperti ini.

Bagi Anda yang membutuhkan informasi mengenai penyedia travel yang melayani jurusan Padang-Bukittinggi, berikut beberapa rekomendasi pilihannya.

1. Erte Oke Tour &Travel

Rekomendasi yang pertama ada Erte Oke Tour & Travel yang ada di Sumatera Barat, tepatnya di daerah Agam.

Layanan travel dari Erte Oke ini bisa digunakan masyarakat Padang yang berencana bepergian ke Bukittinggi dengan mobil travel atau membutuhkan carter mobil.

2. Armada Travel Oke

Berikutnya ada Armada Travel Oke yang juga melayani jasa transportasi berupa travel dengan rute Padang – Bukittinggi.

Mudah untuk menemukannya karena kantor Armada Travel Oke yang berada di Kota Padang.

Calon penumpang dapat memesan tiket untuk travel secara langsung maupun online yang lebih praktis.

3. AWR Travel

Rekomendasi travel untuk rute Padang-Bukittinggi selanjutnya adalah AWR Travel miliki AWR Group.

Jasa travel ini termasuk salah satu yang populer bagi masyarakat Padang yang sering bepergian menggunakan travel.

Jasa travel AWR kerap menjadi pilihan masyarakat karena layanan yang diberikan cukup memuaskan.

Perusahaan ini melayani jasa travel, paket, bus, dan cargo sehingga pelayanannya tentu sudah terjamin.

4. Maestro Travel

Penyedia jasa angkutan travel dari Padang ke Bukittinggi ini melayani penumpang yang ingin charter travel.

Rute travel atau perjalanan yang disediakan adalah Padang-Bukittinggi PP. Pemesanan travel reguler bisa dilakukan dengan menghubungi kontak yang tersedia.

5. Bintang Tour Travel

Penyedia travel dengan rute Padang-Bukittinggi berikutnya adalah Bintang Tour Travel.

Penumpang dapat memesan mobil travel dengan jadwal yang bisa disesuaikan kebutuhan. Bintang Tour Travel menyediakan travel reguler maupun charter travel.

6. Rhino Travel

Berikutnya ada Rhino Travel yang menyediakan layanan perjalanan dengan mobil travel untuk penumpang tujuan Padang-Bukittinggi.

Rhino Travel sering menjadi andalan bagi masyarakat yang ingin bepergian ke luar kota atau membutuhkan travel Padang Bukittinggi sebagai pilihan moda perjalanannya.

7. Triarga Bukittinggi

Selanjutnya ada Triarga Bukittinggi yang bisa menjadi pilihan transportasi untuk Anda yang ingin berangkat dari Padang ke Bukittinggi.

Travel yang satu ini memberikan fasilitas travel jemput dan antar door to door sehingga penumpang tidak harus datang ke pool atau garasi.

8. Tranex Graha Perkasa Mandiri

Pilihan berikutnya adalah Tranex Graha Perkasa mandiri yang melayani perjalanan dengan rute Padang – Bukittinggi.

9. GWD Travel

Layanan travel dengan rute Padang – Bukittinggi juga disediakan oleh GWD Haru Travel Padang Solok.

Disediakan mobil yang nyaman dan fasilitas penjemputan untuk penumpang yang menggunakan jasa travel ini.

Nah, itulah beberapa penyedia travel yang bisa Anda andalkan untuk bepergian dari Padang ke Bukittinggi selain transportasi bus.

Pilih travel Padang Bukittinggi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, bisa untuk keberangkatan pagi, sore, atau malam.

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Daftar Alamat Agen Travel Di Bukittinggi

Daftar Alamat Agen Travel Di Bukittinggi

Agen Travel Bukittinggi By Sanjaya Tour

bagi anda yang lokasinya jauh dari stasiun, atau pusat kota dan tidak di lalui angkutan umum seperti bus, jangan khawatir anda masih bisa menggunakan jasa agen travel Bukittinggi. ya, di Bukittinggi sendiri terdapat banyak agen travel yang bermunculan saat ini karena permintaan yang selalu meningkat

oleh sebab itu banyak agen travel yang berlomba – lomba untuk memberikan yang terbaik, untuk mendapatkan pelanggan, salah satunya dengan cara door to door service atau lebih kita kenal dengan layanan antar jemput di lokasi sesuai dengan permintaan pelanggan

bisa di rumah, kantor, hotel, penginapan, maupun tempat lainnya dengan layanan tepat waktu, armada keluaran terbaru, tarif harga tiket travel yang terjangkau, memiliki banyak rute tujuan sesuai dengan kebutuhan

bagi anda yang sedang mencari daftar agen travel bukittinggi dengan harga tiket termurah, jadwal keberangkatan tiap hari dan melelui rute seseuai dengan keinginan anda, disini kami telah merangkumnya untuk anda

mulai dari alamat, harga tiket, rute dan jadwal keberangkatan dengan rute tujuan dari jambi Ke palembang, lampung, padang, bangko, batam, medan, lubuklinggau, payakumbuh muaro bungo, tembilahan, sibolga, sungai penuh, jakarta berikut kami telah merangkumnya untuk anda

Rino Agen Travel Bukittinggi Padang PP

bagi anda yang mau pergi ke kota padang metro dan sekitarnya tidak salahnya untuk menggunakan jasa travel bukittingi padang pp Rino Travel, karena selain telah berpengalaman dalam mengantarkan para penumpangnya, mobil di sini cukup terwat akan kebersihannya, dan selalu wangi sehingga membuat anda nyaman dalam perjalanan

Baca juga: Rental Mobil di Bukittinggi

selain layanan agen travel bukittingi padang pp, disini juga membuka rute perjalanan ke kota kota besar di sumatra seperti Tembilahan | Batusangkar | Rengat | Belilas | Teluk Kuantan

dengan jadwal travel yang bisa di sesuaikan dengan keberangkatan pesawat di bandara, untuk pemesanana bisa secara online saat anda dalam perjalanan. layanan antar jemput atau door to door service selalu tepat waktu sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah di tentukan,

apabila dikira bangku masih kosong travel akan tetap berangkat tanpa harus menunggu bangku terisi semua, untuk informasi pemesanan anda bisa menghubungi costumer service kit travel dengan no telephone yang tertera di bawah ini

Agen Travel Bukittinggi Pekanbaru

merupakan jasa agen travel di Bukittinggi yang melayani jasa perjalanan transportasi dengan rute atau tujuan ke Pekanbaru

menggunakan armada terbaik dan terewat sebagai kendaraan oprasional yang di gunakan oleh Travel karena travel ini memiliki rute yang cukup jauh dengan demikian keamanan serta kenyamanan lebih terjamin untuk antar maupun jemput pelanggan ke lokasi yang diinginkan.

untuk urusan perjalanan ke bukittinggi anda bisa mempercayakan kepada agen travel bukittinggi pekanbaru pp dengan layanan door to door service atau antar jemput tepat waktu harga tiketnyapun cukup terjangkau, melayani juga pengiriman paket dan dokumen sampai tujuan

dengan di dukung supir berpengalaman dan handal dalam mengemudikan kendaraan serta fleksibel akan kemauan penumpang, sehingga penumpang tidak merasa sungkan apabila ingin berhenti sejenak untuk beribadah, makan, ataupun ke toilet

Pesona Agen Travel Bukittinggi Jambi

ntv travel bukittinggi

bagi anda yang ingin bepergian ke jambi kerinci bisa menggunakan jasa pesona batu sangkar travel selain aramadanya keluaran terbaru drivernyapun sangat profesional.

layanan door to door servicenya / antar jemput penumpang di lokasi yang telah di tentukan sangat tepat waktu untuk tujuan ke sarolangun, bangko, sungai penuh, siluak jadi bila anda akan bepergian ke tempat tersebut tidak salahnya menggunakan jasa agen travel Bukittinggi pesona batu sangkar travel

selain penumpang pengiriman paket maupun dokumen bisa anda percayakan di sini, selain harganya cukup murah ketepatan waktu pengirimanpun bisa di lakukan karena barang yang anda kirim akan langsung di antar pada hari yang sama

Rute Tujuan

Cv. yossy mandiri travel bukittinggi palembang.

mau ke palembang tapi bingung mencari agen travel yang bisa mengantar kan dari bukittinggi ke palembang? tenang saja di sini terdapat jasa travel bukittinggi yang bisa membantu anda dalam urusa transportasi khususnya ke palembang, selain itu juga melayani rute lain seperti, muaro bungo, tebing tinggi, jambi, Yosi Travel hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan travel ke bukittinggi dengan harga tiket murah dan layanan memuasakan

Baca juga: Hotel Termurah Di Pekanbaru

pemesanan tiket cukup mudah karena agen travel disini selalu update dalam urusan teknologi, anda bsa memesan dengan cara bantuan aplikasi chatting wahatsapp dengan format order sebagai berikut:

  • Hari / Tanggal           :
  • Nama                       :
  • Alamat Penjemputan :
  • No Hp / WhatsApp     :
  • Tujuan                     :
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  • Note / Catatan         :

PT Travel Medan Travel Bukittinggi Medan

PT Travel merupakan salah satu perusahaan agen travel yang cukup berpengalaman di palembang khususnya yang membutuhkan jasa agen travel bukittinggi medan atau sebaliknya dari medan ke bukittinggi

selain itu juga agen travel medan ini melayani beberapa daerah di sekitarnya diantaranya adalah Sibolga | Natal | Sidempuan | Tabuyung | Pasaman, oleh sebab itu PT Travel Medan sebagai salah satu rekomendasi agen travel terbaik

karena menggunakan armada terbaru bisa di katakan terbaik di kelasnya jadi lebih aman dan nyaman, selain mengantarkan penumpang penitipan paket / barang / dokumen bisa dilakukan dengan tepat waktu, jadwal keberangkatannya pun ada di setiap jam jadi kapanpun anda kan ke medan bisa langsung order di sini

Baca juga: Paket Wisata di Medan

penjemputan di lokasi yang telah di tentukan selalu tepat waktu, karena di dukung oleh sumber daya manusia / driver yang berpengalaman mengetahui akan kondisi dan medan jalan tau akan rute – rute tercepat dan pastinya selalu mengutamakan keselamatan para penumpangnya

Cara Pemesanan

  • Hubungi marketing travel telephone / datang ke garasi
  • tentukan keberangkatan, tanggal jadwal penjemputan
  • berikan alamat penjemputan secara detail dan lengkap
  • pembayaran pembelian tiket

Tips dari Agen Travel Pekanbanru

  • tentukan tujuan kota mana yang akan anda tuju
  • pilih jasa travel yang sesui dengan tujuan
  • siapkan barang bawaan secukupnya
  • simpan barang berharga anda di tempat yang aman
  • bawalah obat masuk angin / mabuk perjalanan sebagai antisipasi

*Keterangan: Harga tiket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

kami melayani kerjasama bagi pemilik / perusahaan agen travel ingin beriklan atau ingin menjadi bagian dari sanjaya tour dengan cara menghubungi pada kolom komentar, atau chat E-mail

Travel padang bukittinggi antar jemput ongkos 2021 ke dari awr pt armada oke kota sumatera barat erte nomor telepon mobil sidempuan tarif bandara jadwal harga pt.Armada no solok jakarta

Beberapa Daftar Jasa Travel Dari Padang Ke Bukittinggi Yang Harganya Murah Mulai Rp.50.000

Padang ke bukittinggi❤️.

Sebuah layanan travel dengan jurusan Padang – Bukittinggi memang tidak sebanyak kota-kota lainnya. Namun tak perlu khawatir karena untuk Anda yang ingin pergi ke Bukit Tinggi dari Padang tak perlu lagi khawatir.

Ada beberapa pilihan travel Padang Bukittinggi yang bisa dijadikan sebagai pilihan transportasi.

Dengan menggunakan layanan travel tersebut tentu saja nantinya akan memberikan kemudahan, lebih praktis, lebih terjangkau dan tentunya Anda dapat beristirahat selama di perjalanan.

Bicara tentang travel Padang Bukittinggi, berikut ini adalah rekomendasinya yang bisa dijadikan sebagai pilihan:

1. Armada Travel Oke ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Pemuda, Padang Barat, Olo, Sumatera Barat (Depan Plaza Andalas, samping Bank BCA) Jam Buka: 07.00 – 19.00 WIB Nomor Telepon: 081266770033

Berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan mulai dari jam keberangkatan dan rute singgah, maka Anda bisa langsung saja menghubungi pihak travel melalui nomor kontak yang sudah tertera. Begitupun dengan informasi armada yang digunakan beserta fasilitasnya.

2. Maestro Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Raya Ampang – Kalawi No.11, Padang, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 06.00 – 21.00 WIB No Telp: 085363229888

Jurusan Padang – Bukittinggi PP ini melayani shuttle ataupun carter, selain itu juga melayani rute ke Bandara International Minangkabau (BIM). Namun untuk info jam keberangkatan dan rute singgah, Anda bisa menanyakannya ke pihak travel agar lebih jelas.

Sedangkan armadanya sendiri adalah mobil Suzuki APV, Daihatsu Luxio dan juga Bus Pariwisata. Dimana memiliki fasilitas AC, reclining seat, musik dan layanan antar jemput door to door.

3. Sikumbang Tur AWR ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Veteran No.29, Purus, Padang Barat, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 08.00 – 22.00 WIB No Telp: (0751)37337 Website:

Informasi mengenai jadwal keberangkatan dari jam dan rute singgah maupun rute yang dilalui bisa ditanyakan secara langsung melalui kontak yang sudah tersedia. Dengan demikian tentu saja nantinya akan memberikan informasi yang lebih jelas dan lengkap.

Kemudian untuk armadanya sendiri adalah sebuah mobil Isuzu Elf dengan fasilitas AC, reclining seat dan juga layanan antar jemput dengan sistem pool to pool maupun point to point.

ntv travel bukittinggi

4. Erte Oke Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Akses Bandara, Katapiang, Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat Jam Buka: 09.00 – 20.00 WIB No Telp: 082389044406

Perjalanan dari Padang menuju Bukittinggi dapat menggunakan travel ini, dimana untuk informasi lebih lengkap seperti rute singgah, jam keberangkatan dan armada beserta fasilitasnya langsung saja ditanyakan ke pihak travel.

Anda bisa menghubungi nomor kontak yang sudah tersedia, dengan demikian informasi yang diperoleh juga lebih jelas.

Widi Astuti Dwi atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Widi (lahir 24 Juli 1995) adalah seorang penulis berasal dari Pekalongan Jawa Tengah. Widi salah satu penulis yang aktif mengunggah karya tulisnya di

Posting terkait:

8 Daftar Travel Dari Pekalongan Ke Jogja Mulai Rp.110.000

5 Agen Travel Dari Karawang Ke Tujuan Jakarta Mulai Rp 15.000

ntv travel bukittinggi

8 Rekomendasi Travel Malang Kediri Dengan Harga Mulai 65 Ribu

5 Daftar Travel Dari Subang Ke Bandung Mulai Rp 45.000

6 Daftar Travel Samarinda Ke Balikpapan Mulai Rp.43.000

5 Daftar Travel Malang Gresik Dengan Harga Termurah Rp.80.000

  • Indonesia (57435 Hotels) >
  • West Sumatra (661 Hotels) >
  • Bukittinggi (182 Hotels)

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Hotels in Bukittinggi

Other accommodations in bukittinggi, other star hotels in bukittinggi, other hotels in bukittinggi, hotels near popular landmarks, hotels in nearby cities, popular hotels in bukittinggi.

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi

Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Grand Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi

Grand Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi

RESTAURANT Pusako Hotel Bukittinggi

Pusako Hotel Bukittinggi

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Hotel Santika Bukittinggi

Hotel Santika Bukittinggi

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Grand Gallery Hotel Bukittinggi

Grand Gallery Hotel Bukittinggi

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Grand Bunda Hotel Syariah Bukittinggi

Grand Bunda Hotel Syariah Bukittinggi

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Muara Hotel Bukittinggi

Muara Hotel Bukittinggi

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Campago Resort Hotel

Campago Resort Hotel


Royal Denai Hotel





EXTERIOR_BUILDING Royal Denai View Hotel

Royal Denai View Hotel

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Benteng Hotel Bukittinggi

Benteng Hotel Bukittinggi


Prima Dini Hotel

LOBBY TripleTree Hotel & Resort Bukittinggi

TripleTree Hotel & Resort Bukittinggi

LOBBY Villa Victoria Cafe

Villa Victoria Cafe


Bamboo Shack



BEDROOM Mulia Hotel Syariah

Mulia Hotel Syariah

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Fahira Hotel Syariah

Fahira Hotel Syariah

Facts about hotel in bukittinggi, guest reviews in hotel near bukittinggi, hotels in popular areas, frequently asked questions about hotels in bukittinggi, what are the best areas to visit near bukittinggi.

If you are in Bukittinggi, you can also visit Guguk Panjang , Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh , Mandiangin Koto Selayan

Where are the best cities to visit in Bukittinggi?

The best cities to visit in Bukittinggi are Padang , Payakumbuh , Padang Panjang , Solok , Pariaman , Sawahlunto , West Pasaman Regency , Padang Pariaman Regency , Dharmasraya Regency , South Pesisir Regency

What are the best hotels and accomodation near Bukittinggi?

The most popular hotels booked by tourists are Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi , Grand Royal Denai Hotel Bukittinggi , Pusako Hotel Bukittinggi , Hotel Santika Bukittinggi , Grand Gallery Hotel Bukittinggi , Grand Bunda Hotel Syariah Bukittinggi , Muara Hotel Bukittinggi , Campago Resort Hotel , Royal Denai Hotel , BENHAS Hotel

How many hotels are listed in Bukittinggi?

Currently, there are around 182 hotels that you can book in Bukittinggi

Other Popular Hotels in Bukittinggi

ntv travel bukittinggi

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  1. Ntv

    NTV Travel Bukittinggi adalah Usaha Jasa Angkutan darat (AJAP) tujuan Bukittinggi Pekanbaru (P/P). Kami sudah berdiri lebih dari 7 tahun. NTV Travel Bukittinggi dilengkapi dengan Izin Penyelenggaraan Angkutan Orang 9120003820338 Kode KBLI 49415 dan sudah menjadi anggota ORGANDA (Organisasi Angkutan Darat) dan bekerja sama dengan Asuransi Jasa ...

  2. THE 5 BEST Bukittinggi Tours & Excursions

    2. West Sumatra Cultural Tour With Accommodation 4 Days 3 Nights. 2. Historical Tours. 3+ days. As an experienced travel agent we always offer our customers with the high quality product with an affordable price as our…. Free cancellation. from. $400.

  3. Things to do in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia

    Bukittinggi is also connected to other destinations in Sumatra, even in Java- Medan, Lake Toba, Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, and more. Long-distance buses travel between these destinations and Bukittinggi is just one of their stops on the way. They are big buses and stop at another bus terminal- ALS Bukittinggi, at Jl Soekarno-Hatta.

  4. Bukittinggi: The Epic Indonesia Destination No One Talks About

    Located on the Indonesian Island of Sumatera, Bukittinggi is the province of West Sumatera, 90km from the capital of the region - Padang. As you'll know if you've travelled at all in this country, a few hours' drive is a short distance in Indonesia, which makes Bukittinggi relatively accessible from this city.

  5. Bukittinggi

    West Sumatera Cultural Center. Many visitors come to Bukittinggi to visit the remarkable Ngarai Sianok Canyon where giant rock cliff faces, rugged trees which grow on top and the dramatic surrounding mountains make this canyon a spellbinding view. Bukittinggi has a refreshingly cool climate due to its elevation - over 900 meters above sea level.

  6. Things to Do in Bukittinggi, Sumatra + The Best Day Trips

    Things to Do in Bukittinggi: The Best Day Trips from Bukittinggi. 1. Maninjau Lake and Puncak Lawang. Maninjau Lake is a crater lake approximately two hours from Bukittinggi by bus, scooter, or car and accessible by 44 hairpin bend turns. The lake is surrounded by peaceful fishing villages and paddy fields.

  7. Bukittinggi

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  8. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Bukittinggi

    Bung Hatta is the founding father of the Republic of Indonesia. His house of birth was built in 1860s. Bung Hatta was... 9. Pandai Sikek. 11. Neighbourhoods. By 862laksmia. Pandai Sikek street at Padang Panjang city is famous with Minang Woven, hand made and manual machine embroidery.

  9. Tips & Panduan Liburan ke Bukittinggi

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  10. Bukittinggi

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    1. Jam Gadang Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang Bukittingging adalah salah satu tempat wisata Bukittinggi yang sangat populer. Bisa dibilang ini adalah landmark Kota Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang memiliki denah dasar 13 x 4 meter dengan ketinggian total 26 meter dari permukaan tanah.

  12. THE 5 BEST Bukittinggi Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    Bukittinggi Tours. Bukittinggi. Tours. 1. West Sumatra Cultural Tour With Accommodation 4 Days 3 Nights. As an experienced travel agent we always offer our customers with the high quality product with an affordable price as our…. 2. Private Multiday Tour in Minangkabau with accommodation 4 days.

  13. PT Minang Riau Express

    Kantor Pekanbaru: Jl. Ababil No.3B Sukajadi HP/WA. 0812-7722-4432. Jadwal Perjalanan Dan Tarif. Pagi Jam 10.00 WIB. Siang Jam 14.00 WIB. Malam Jam 20.00 WIB. Ekonomi 7Seat Rp.150.000/Org. Executive 5Seat Rp.180.000/Org. Contact Information. Jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan atau ingin melakukan pemesanan, Anda dapat menghubungi PT, Minang Riau ...

  14. 10 Tempat Wisata di Bukittinggi yang Wajib Dikunjungi

    Kebun Binatang Bukittinggi juga memiliki beberapa wahana tambahan, seperti Museum Rumah Adat Baanjuang, Museum Zoologi, dan akuarium. 3. Benteng Fort de Kock. Lihat Foto. Ilustrasi Sumatera Barat - Tempat wisata Fort de Kock di Bukittinggi. (SHUTTERSTOCK) Tempat wisata di Bukittinggi lainnya adalab Benteng Fort de Kock.

  15. TOP 7 Travel Pekanbaru Bukittinggi PP, Kontak dan Jadwal

    1. Sahabat Tour & Travel. Sahabat Tour & Travel melayani travel Pekanbaru Bukittinggi dengan fasilitas mobil full AC. Selain itu, armada yang digunakan oleh Sahabat Tour & Travel juga telah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas full entertainment, Jadwal keberangkatan tersedia 3 kali sehari, yaitu pada pukul 10.00, 14.00, dan 20.00 WIB.

  16. TOP 7 Travel Bukittinggi Padang PP (Alamat & Harga)

    Layanan Andri Tour & Travel Agent beralamat di Jalan Raya Bandara Internasional Minangkabau Ketaping, Kecamatan Batang Anai, Kasang, Padang Pariaman, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat. Berikut detail informasi layanannya. Nama: Andri Tour & Travel Agent Bukittinggi. Nomor Telepon: 0812-7710-7739.

  17. Sumatra Backpacking: North and West Sumatra Itinerary

    Overnight bus travel between Bukittinggi (west Sumatra) and Medan (north Sumatra) costs 225k IDR for an 'economy' bus without air conditioning. It's 260k IDR for a bus with a toilet and air conditioning. Expect to pay 335k IDR for an 'executive bus' with extra legroom, air conditioning and a toilet. That's equivalent to either £11. ...

  18. Travel Pekanbaru,Padang,Bukittinggi

    Satu - satunya Travel yang bekerjasama dengan DISHUB yang dilengkapi APAR standar DAMKAR. Paket Spesial. Berbagai Pilihan Paket. Kami memiliki berbagai pilihan paket dengan harga terjangkau, lengkap dengan berbagai fasilitas dan layanan. ... Pekanbaru - Bukittinggi - Padang.

  19. 9 Travel Padang Bukittinggi Terbaik Harga Murah & Cepat

    Bagi Anda yang membutuhkan informasi mengenai penyedia travel yang melayani jurusan Padang-Bukittinggi, berikut beberapa rekomendasi pilihannya. 1. Erte Oke Tour &Travel. Rekomendasi yang pertama ada Erte Oke Tour & Travel yang ada di Sumatera Barat, tepatnya di daerah Agam.

  20. Agen Travel Bukittinggi Info (Harga Tiket + Rute

    Daftar Alamat Agen Travel Di Bukittinggi. mulai dari alamat, harga tiket, rute dan jadwal keberangkatan dengan rute tujuan dari jambi Ke palembang, lampung, padang, bangko, batam, medan, lubuklinggau, payakumbuh muaro bungo, tembilahan, sibolga, sungai penuh, jakarta berikut kami telah merangkumnya untuk anda

  21. 4 Travel Dari Padang Ke Bukittinggi Rp.50.000 Antar Jemput

    2. Maestro Travel. Alamat: Jalan Raya Ampang - Kalawi No.11, Padang, Sumatera Barat. Jam Buka: 06.00 - 21.00 WIB. No Telp: 085363229888. Jurusan Padang - Bukittinggi PP ini melayani shuttle ataupun carter, selain itu juga melayani rute ke Bandara International Minangkabau (BIM). Namun untuk info jam keberangkatan dan rute singgah, Anda ...

  22. 179 Hotels in Bukittinggi, near West Sumatra

    46,215 reviews from hotels in Bukittinggi with aggregated rating of 8.4/10. Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Bukittinggi will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily! Catur O. N.

  23. Travel-Ntv Pekanbaru Dumai

    Travel-Ntv Pekanbaru Dumai is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Travel-Ntv Pekanbaru Dumai and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and...