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Simplified guidelines for coding and documenting evaluation and management office visits are coming next year. Learn how to apply the guidelines to some common visit types.


Fam Pract Manag. 2020;27(6):6-11

Author disclosures: no relevant financial affiliations disclosed.

Editor's note: In its 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, CMS released new guidance regarding coding for prolonged E/M services. This article has been updated accordingly.

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The American Medical Association (AMA) has established new coding and documentation guidelines for office visit/outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) services, effective Jan. 1, 2021. The changes are designed to simplify code selection and allow physicians to spend less time documenting and more time caring for patients. Physicians and other qualified health professionals (QHPs) will be able to select the level of office visit using either medical decision making (MDM) alone or total time (excluding staff time) on the date of service. In addition, the history and physical exam will be eliminated as components of code selection, and code 99201 will be deleted (code 99211 will not change). (See “ E/M coding changes summary .”)

To follow up on the previous FPM article detailing these changes (see “ Countdown to the E/M Coding Changes ,” FPM , September/October 2020), we have applied the 2021 guidelines to some common types of family medicine visits, and we explain below how documentation using a typical SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note can support the chosen level of service.

In each vignette, we've arrived at a code based only on the documentation included in the note. It's possible that a more extensive note could support a higher level of service by further clarifying the physician's decision making. But we've analyzed each case through an auditor's lens and tried not to make any assumptions that aren't explicitly supported by the note.

Starting in January, physicians and other qualified health professionals will be able to select the level of office visit using either medical decision making alone or total time (excluding staff time) on the date of service.

Medical decision making is made up of three factors: problems addressed, data reviewed, and the patient's risk. The highest level reached by at least two out of three determines the overall level of the office visit.

If the visit was time-consuming, but the medical decision making did not rise to a high level, the physician or qualified health professional may want to code based on total time instead.


Starting in January, physicians will be able to select the level of visit using only medical decision making, with a revised MDM table. (See the table at .)

The four levels of MDM (straightforward, low, moderate, and high) will be maintained but will no longer be based on checkboxes or bullet points. The level of service will be determined by the number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter, the amount and complexity of data reviewed and analyzed, and the patient's risk of complications and morbidity or mortality.

Here's what that looks like in practice:


An established patient presents for evaluation of eye matting. The documentation is as follows:

Subjective: 16 y/o female presents with a 2-day history of bilateral eye irritation. She denies any fever or sick contacts. She started having a slight runny nose and cough this morning. She thinks the matting is a little better than yesterday. She wears daily disposable contacts but hasn't used them since her eyes have been bothering her. Her younger sibling has had similar symptoms for a few days.

Objective: Temperature 98.8, BP 105/60, P 58.

General: No distress. Does not appear ill.

HEENT: Mild bilateral conjunctival erythema without discharge. No tenderness over eye sockets. EOMI, PERRL.

Neck: No cervical lymph nodes palpated.

Lungs: Clear to auscultation.

Assessment: Viral conjunctivitis.

Plan: Reviewed likely viral nature of symptoms. Supportive and conservative treatment options reviewed, including eye cleaning instructions and contact lens precautions. Call the office if symptoms persist or worsen. Avoid use of contacts until symptoms resolve.

CPT code: 99212.

Explanation: Under the 2021 guidelines, straightforward MDM involves at least two of the following:

Minimal number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter,

Minimal (in amount and complexity) or no data to be reviewed and analyzed,

Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment.

This is the lowest level of MDM and the lowest level of service physicians are likely to report if they evaluate the patient themselves (code 99211 will still be available for visits of established patients that may not require the presence of a physician).

In this fairly common scenario, the assessment and plan make it clear that the physician addressed a single, self-limited problem (“minimal” in number and complexity, per the 2021 MDM guidelines) for which no additional data was needed or ordered, and which involved minimal risk of morbidity.

Per the 2021 CPT guidelines, “For the purposes of medical decision making, level of risk is based upon consequences of the problem(s) addressed at the encounter when appropriately treated.” In this case, there is little risk of morbidity to this patient from the viral infection diagnosed by the physician.

It's possible the physician considered prescribing an antibiotic in this case, but decided against it. Options considered but not selected can be used as an element for “risk of complications,” but they should be appropriate and documented. There is no documentation in this note to indicate the physician made that decision. The documentation provided, therefore, does not support a higher level of service using MDM. But if the physician did make that decision and the ensuing conversation with the patient was time-consuming, the physician always retains the option to choose the level of service based on time instead.


An established patient presents for follow-up for stable fatty liver. The documentation is as follows:

Subjective: 62 y/o female presents for follow-up of nonalcoholic fatty liver. She has no other complaints today and no other chronic conditions. She denies any fever, weight gain, swelling, or skin color changes. She also denies any confusion. She continues to work at her regular job and reports no difficulties there. She denies any unusual bleeding or bruising. Energy is good. Diagnosis was made three years ago, incidentally, on an ultrasound. Condition has been stable since the initial full evaluation.

Objective: BP 124/70, P 76, Temperature 98.7, BMI 26.

General: Well-appearing. Alert and oriented x 3.

Eyes: Sclera nonicteric.

Heart: Regular rate and rhythm; trace pretibial edema.

Abdomen: Soft, nontender, no ascites, liver margin not palpable.

Skin: No bruising.

Labs reviewed and analyzed: CBC normal, CMP with elevated AST (62 IU/ml) and ALT (50 IU/ml), PT/PTT normal.

Last ultrasound was 3 years ago.

Assessment: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, stable.

Plan: LFTs continue to be improved since initial diagnosis and 30-pound intentional weight reduction. Continue monitoring appropriate labs at 6-month intervals. Follow up in 6 months, or sooner if swelling, bruising, or confusion. Avoid alcohol. Continue weight maintenance. She is reassured her condition is stable and has no other questions or concerns, especially in light of her prior extensive education on the topic. I am arranging for hepatitis A and B vaccination. Discussed OTC medications, including vitamin E, and for now will avoid them.

CPT code: 99213

Explanation: Under the 2021 guidelines, low-level MDM involves at least two of the following:

Low number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter,

Limited amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed,

Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment.

In this vignette, the patient has one stable chronic illness, which is an example of an encounter for problems low in number and complexity. The risk of complications from treatment is also low. The “Objective” section indicates review of three lab tests, which qualifies as a moderate amount and/or complexity of data reviewed and analyzed. However, the level of MDM requires meeting two of the three bullets above, so the overall level remains low for this vignette.


An established patient with obesity and diabetes presents with new onset right lower quadrant pain. The documentation is as follows:

Subjective: 42 y/o female presents for evaluation of 2 days of abdominal pain. She has a history of Type 2 diabetes, controlled. Pain is moderate, 6/10 currently, and 10/10 at worst. The pain is intermittent. The pain is located in the back and right lower quadrant, mostly. She denies diarrhea or vomiting but does note some nausea. She denies fever. She denies painful or frequent urination. She is sexually active with her spouse. She has had a hysterectomy due to severe dysfunctional bleeding. She has not tried any medication for relief. No position seems to affect her pain. She has not had symptoms like this before. Home glucose checks have been in the 140s fasting. Her last A1C was 6.9% two months ago. Family history: Sister with a history of kidney stones.

Objective: BP 160/95, P 110, BMI 36.1.

General: Appears to be in mild to moderate pain. Frequently repositioning on exam table.

HEENT: Moist oral mucosa.

Abdomen: Mild right-sided tenderness. No focal or rebound tenderness. Normal bowel sounds. No CVA tenderness. No suprapubic tenderness. No guarding.

UA with microscopy: 3 + blood, no LE, 50–100 RBCs, 5–10 WBCs.

CBC, CMP, CT stone study ordered stat.

Assessment: Abdominal pain – suspect renal stone. Also consider cholecystitis, gastroparesis, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, and early small bowel obstruction.

Diabetes, type 2, controlled.

Obesity – this is a risk factor for gall-bladder problems, but still favor renal stone.

Plan: Ketorolac 60 mg given in office for pain relief. Hydrocodone/APAP prescription for pain relief. Discussed at length suspicion of renal stone. Will plan lab work and pain control and await CT stone study. Urine sent to reference lab for microscopy. Drink plenty of fluids. Urine strainer provided. Call the office if worsening or persistent symptoms. Await labs/CT for next steps of treatment plan. Will follow up with her if urology referral is indicated.

CPT code: 99214

Explanation: Under the 2021 guidelines, moderate level MDM involves at least two of the following:

Moderate number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter,

Moderate amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed,

Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment.

In this vignette, the patient has one undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis (abdominal pain) and two stable chronic conditions (diabetes and obesity). Either one (the new problem with uncertain prognosis or two stable chronic conditions) meets the definition of a moderate number and complexity of problems under the 2021 MDM guidelines. But they do not meet the threshold of a high number and complexity of problems, even when combined.

The physician reviews or orders a total of four tests, which again exceeds the requirements for a moderate amount and/or complexity of data, but doesn't meet the requirements for the high category.

The prescription drug management is an example of moderate risk of morbidity. One might argue that the risk of morbidity is high because renal failure could result from a major kidney stone obstruction. But even then the overall MDM would still remain moderate, because of the number and complexity of problems addressed and the amount and/or complexity of data involved.


An established patient with a new lung mass and probable lung cancer presents with a desire to initiate hospice services and forgo curative treatment attempts. The documentation is as follows:

Subjective: 92-year-old male presents for follow-up of hemoptysis, fatigue, and weight loss, along with review of his recent chest CT. He reports moderate mid-back pain, new since last week. Appetite is fair. He denies fever. He continues to have occasional cough with mixed blood in the produced sputum.

Objective: BP 135/80, P 95, Weight down 5 pounds from 2 weeks ago, BMI 18.5, O2 sat 94% on RA.

General: Frail-appearing elderly male. No distress or shortness of breath. Able to speak in full sentences.

HEENT: No palpable lymph nodes.

Lungs: Frequent coughing and diffuse coarse breath sounds.

Heart: Regular rate and rhythm.

Ext: No extremity swelling.

MSK: Moderate tenderness over multiple thoracic vertebrae.

CT shows large right-sided lung mass suspicious for malignancy, along with a moderate left-sided effusion. Lytic lesions seen in T6-8.

Assessment: Lung mass, suspect malignancy with bone metastasis.

Plan: After extensive review of the findings, the patient was informed of the likely poor prognosis of the suspected lung cancer. We reviewed his living will, and he reiterated that he did not desire life-prolonging measures and would prefer to allow the disease to run its natural course. He also declines additional testing for diagnosis/prognosis. A shared decision was made to initiate hospice services. Specifically, we discussed need for oxygen and pain control. He declines pain medications for now, but will let us know. He and his son who was accompanying him voiced agreement and understanding of the plan.

CPT code: 99215

Explanation: Under the 2021 guidelines, high level MDM involves at least two of the following:

High number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter,

Extensive amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed,

High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment.

In this vignette, the patient has one acute or chronic illness or injury (suspected lung cancer) that poses a threat to life or bodily function. This is an example of a high complexity problem in the 2021 MDM guidelines. The physician reviewed one test (CT), so the amount and/or complexity of data is minimal. A decision not to resuscitate, or to de-escalate care, because of poor prognosis is an example of high risk of morbidity, and the physician has clearly documented that in the plan portion of the note. Consequently, even though the amount and/or complexity of data is minimal, the overall MDM remains high because of the problem addressed and the risk involved.

Under the new guidelines, total time means all time (face-to-face and non-face-to-face) the physician or other QHP personally spends on the visit on the date of service. Examples include time spent reviewing labs or reports, obtaining or reviewing history, ordering tests and medications, and documenting clinical information in the EHR.

The AMA has also created a new add-on code, 99417, for prolonged services. It can be used when the total time exceeds that of a level 5 visit – 99205 or 99215. (See “ Total time plus prolonged services template .”)


An established patient presents with a three-month history of fatigue, weight loss, and intermittent fever, and new diffuse adenopathy and splenomegaly. The documentation is as follows:

Subjective: 30-year-old healthy male with no significant PMH presents with a three-month history of fatigue, weight loss, and intermittent fever. He travels for work and has been evaluated in several urgent care centers and reassured that he likely had a viral syndrome. Fevers have been as high as 101, but usually around 100.5, typically in the afternoons. Testing for flu and acute mono has been negative. He denies high-risk sexual behavior and IV drug use. He denies any sick contacts. He has not had vomiting or diarrhea. He has not had any pain. He denies cough.

Objective: BP 125/80, P 92, BMI 27.4.

General: Well-nourished male, no distress.

HEENT: No abnormal findings.

Lungs: Clear.

Heart: No murmurs. Regular rate and rhythm.

Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, moderate splenomegaly.

Skin: Multiple petechia noted.

Lymph: Multiple cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymph nodes that are enlarged, mobile, and non-tender.

Assessment: Weight loss, lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly

Plan: Prior to the visit, I spent 15 minutes reviewing the medical records related to his recent symptoms and various urgent care visits. We reviewed the differential at length to include infectious disease and acute myelodysplastic condition. I have ordered stat blood cultures, TB test, EBV titers, echo, and CBC. The pathologist called to report concerning findings on the CBC for likely acute leukemia. I called the patient to inform him of his results and need for additional testing. I also discussed the patient with oncology and arranged a follow-up visit for tomorrow. I spent a total of 92 minutes with record review, exam, and communication with the patient, communication with other providers, and documentation of this encounter.

CPT Codes: 99215 and 99417 x 3.

Explanation: In this instance, the physician has chosen to code based on time rather than MDM. The physician has documented 92 minutes associated with the visit on the date of service, including time not spent with the patient (e.g., time spent talking with the pathologist and time spent in documentation). According to the 2021 CPT code descriptors, 40–54 minutes of total time spent on the date of the encounter represents a 99215 for an established patient.

The 2021 CPT code set also notes that for services of 55 minutes or longer, you should use the prolonged services code, 99417, which can be reported for each 15 minutes beyond the minimum total time of the primary service (99215). The difference between the 92 minutes spent by the physician and the 40-minute minimum for 99215 is 52 minutes. There are three full 15-minute units of 99417 in those 52 minutes, so the physician may report three units of 99417 in addition to 99215. CPT 2021 instructs you to not report 99417 for any time unit less than 15 minutes, so the seven remaining minutes of prolonged service is unreportable.

Note that if this had been a new patient, the physician would only be able to report two units of 99417 in addition to 99205. Though the elements of MDM do not differ between new and established patients, the total time thresholds do. The range for a level 5 new patient is 60–74 minutes.


CPT does not dictate how physicians document their patient encounters. As illustrated above, a standard SOAP note can be used to support levels of MDM (and thus levels of service) under the 2021 guidelines.

Physicians who want to further solidify their documentation in case of an audit may choose to make the elements of MDM more explicit in their documentation. This could be particularly helpful for documenting the level of risk, which is the least clearly defined part of the MDM table and potentially most problematic because of its inherent subjectivity. Stating the level of risk and giving a rationale when possible allows a physician to articulate in the note the qualifying criteria for the submitted code. For example, going back to our vignette of moderate MDM, the physician could note in the chart, “This condition poses a threat to bodily function if not addressed, due to acute kidney injury for an obstructive stone.”

It is also worth noting that much of the note in each case is for purposes other than documenting the level of service. For instance, with history and physical exam no longer required, the subjective and objective portions of the note are recorded primarily for continuity or quality of care rather than to justify the level of service. This provides some administrative simplification. What's in the note will become more about what is needed for medical care and less about payment justification under the new guidelines. That's a plus for primary care.

We hope these examples are helpful as you prepare to implement the 2021 CPT changes. You can also visit for more resources and information.

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Medical Bill Gurus

Evaluation and management (E/M) services are an essential part of medical practices, especially in family medicine. These services are categorized using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for billing purposes. Properly documenting and coding for E/M services is crucial to maximize payment and minimize audit-related stress.

There are different levels of E/M codes, determined by the medical decision-making or time involved. It’s worth noting that the guidelines for E/M coding have undergone changes, including the elimination of history and physical exam elements, revisions to the MDM table, and an expanded definition of time for E/M services.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding E/M codes and guidelines is crucial for accurate billing.
  • There are different levels of E/M codes based on medical decision-making or time involved.
  • Recent changes to E/M coding include the elimination of history and physical exam elements.
  • The definition of time for E/M services has been expanded.
  • Proper documentation and coding help maximize payment and reduce audit-related stress.

Overview of Office Visit CPT Code Changes

The CPT Editorial Panel made significant revisions to the documentation and coding guidelines for office visit E/M services in 2021, with further changes introduced in 2023. These updates aim to simplify documentation requirements, reduce administrative burden, and ensure accurate coding for evaluation and management services.

One of the key changes introduced is the addition of add-on code G2211. This code accounts for the resource costs associated with visit complexity inherent to primary care and other longitudinal care settings. The inclusion of this add-on code reflects a more comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges and workload associated with these types of visits.

Additionally, the revisions eliminate the requirement for history and physical exam elements to be considered in E/M code level selection. This change allows healthcare providers to focus more on medical decision-making (MDM) and limits the need for extensive documentation of these elements in the medical record.

The MDM table has also been revised to better reflect the cognitive work required for evaluation and management services. This ensures that the complexity of the MDM is accurately captured in the coding process and supports appropriate reimbursement for the level of care provided.

Furthermore, the definition of time for many E/M services has been expanded. The expanded definition of time includes both face-to-face and non-face-to-face components of care on the day of the encounter. This change recognizes the comprehensive nature of care provided and allows for a more accurate reflection of the time spent in the management of the patient.

Using Total Time for Office Visit CPT Code Selection

When it comes to selecting the appropriate office visit CPT code, total time can be a valuable factor to consider. Total time refers to the sum of all the physician’s or qualified health professional’s (QHP) time spent in caring for the patient, both face-to-face and non-face-to-face, on the day of the encounter. This expanded definition of time allows for a more comprehensive evaluation and management of the patient’s needs.

Total time can be utilized in selecting the level of service for various evaluation and management services, including office visits, inpatient and observation care, consultations, nursing facility services, home and residence services, and prolonged services. It provides a broader perspective on the physician’s involvement in the patient’s care, taking into account all aspects of their interaction.

However, it’s important to note that for emergency department visits, the level of service is still determined primarily by medical decision-making (MDM), rather than total time. This distinction recognizes the critical nature of emergency care and the need for prompt assessment and action.

Accurate documentation of the total time spent is key to ensuring proper code selection and appropriate reimbursement. The total time should be well-documented in the patient’s medical record, including both the face-to-face and non-face-to-face components of the encounter. This documentation serves as a crucial reference point for billing and auditing purposes.

To summarize, total time offers a comprehensive perspective on the physician’s engagement with the patient, encompassing both face-to-face and non-face-to-face interactions. It allows for a more accurate selection of office visit CPT codes and ensures the appropriate level of reimbursement for the provided services. Proper documentation of total time is essential to support the medical necessity of the encounter and maintain compliance with coding and billing guidelines.

Documentation Requirements for Total Time Calculation

When determining the total time for selecting office visit CPT codes, it is essential to adhere to specific documentation requirements. By accurately documenting the time spent on various activities during the encounter, healthcare providers can ensure proper code selection and optimize reimbursement.

To calculate the total time for office visit code selection, the following activities should be included:

  • Reviewing external notes/tests
  • Performing an examination
  • Counseling and educating the patient
  • Documenting in the medical record

These activities reflect the time personally spent by the physician or qualified health professional (QHP) on the date of the encounter. However, there are also activities that should be excluded when calculating total time:

  • Time spent on activities typically performed by ancillary staff
  • Time related to separately reportable activities

It is crucial to specifically document the total time spent on each activity during the date of the encounter, rather than providing generic time ranges. This detailed documentation ensures transparency and accuracy in code selection and reimbursement.

In addition to capturing face-to-face time, it is important to record non-face-to-face time as well. Non-face-to-face time includes tasks performed outside of direct interaction with the patient, such as reviewing test results or consulting with other healthcare professionals.

Example of Total Time Calculation:

Let’s consider an example where a family physician spends the following time on a patient encounter:

  • 45 minutes performing an examination and counseling
  • 15 minutes reviewing external notes/tests
  • 10 minutes documenting in the medical record
  • 5 minutes discussing with an ancillary staff

In this case, the total time would be calculated as follows:

By accurately documenting the specific total time spent on each activity and excluding ancillary staff time, healthcare providers can ensure proper code selection and reimbursement. This meticulous documentation of total time in the medical record provides a comprehensive overview of the services rendered and supports accurate billing.

Split or Shared Visit Documentation Guidelines

A split or shared visit occurs when a physician and other qualified health professional (QHP) provide care to a patient together during a single Evaluation and Management (E/M) service. In such cases, the time personally spent by the physician and QHP on the date of the encounter should be summed to define the total time.

However, only distinct time should be counted. This means that overlapping time during jointly meeting with or discussing the patient should not be double-counted. The distinct time should represent the unique contribution of each provider involved in the split or shared visit.

It is important to note that time spent on activities performed by ancillary staff should not be included in the total time calculations. The total time should only reflect the face-to-face time and distinct time spent by the physician and other QHP directly involved in providing the medically necessary services.

Documentation should support the medical necessity of both services reported in a split or shared visit scenario. This includes clearly documenting the need for both physicians or QHPs to be involved and the services each provider contributed to the patient’s care.

Applying Total Time to Specific E/M Services

Total time is a valuable tool for selecting the appropriate level of service for a variety of Evaluation and Management (E/M) services. This method can be applied to different specific E/M services, ensuring that the level of care is clinically appropriate and adequately reimbursed. By considering the total time spent during the encounter, healthcare providers can accurately assign the appropriate office visit CPT code.

The application of total time is not limited to office visit services. It can also be used for inpatient and observation care services, hospital inpatient or discharge services, consultation services, nursing facility services, and home or residence services. This flexibility allows for a comprehensive approach to E/M coding, regardless of the specific type of service provided.

When selecting the visit level based on total time, it is important to ensure that the encounter is counseling-dominated. While total time can be used as the sole determinant for selecting the visit level, counseling should still play a significant role in the encounter. This ensures that the level of service reflects the complexity and intensity of the counseling provided during the visit.

It is crucial to emphasize that total time should be clinically appropriate and supported by documentation in the medical record. This documentation should clearly demonstrate the medical necessity of the services provided and the time spent on the date of the encounter.

Applying Total Time to E/M Services: An Example

To illustrate the application of total time to specific E/M services, let’s consider an example of an office visit for a counseling-dominated encounter:

In this example, the total time spent during the encounter determines the appropriate level of visit code. For a total time of 25 minutes, a level 3 visit (CPT code 99213) is selected. If the total time is 40 minutes, a level 4 visit (CPT code 99214) would be appropriate. Finally, a total time of 60 minutes would result in a level 5 visit (CPT code 99215).

By applying total time to specific E/M services, healthcare providers can ensure accurate coding and appropriate reimbursement for the care provided. This method promotes comprehensive and patient-centered care while maintaining compliance with coding guidelines. Understanding the nuances of applying total time is essential for optimizing billing practices and promoting quality healthcare delivery.

Caveats and Considerations for Time-based E/M Coding

When utilizing time as the basis for selecting E/M codes, there are important caveats and considerations to keep in mind. Time-based coding should only be used in situations where counseling dominates the encounter, and it should not include time spent on separately reportable services. Documentation should clearly indicate that the services provided were not duplicative and were necessary for the management of the patient. Additionally, it is crucial to note that the professional component of diagnostic tests/studies and activities performed on a separate date should not be included in the total time calculation.

Considerations for Time-based E/M Coding

  • Use time-based coding only when counseling dominates the encounter.
  • Exclude time spent on separately reportable services.
  • Ensure documentation supports the necessity of the provided services.
  • Do not include the professional component of diagnostic tests/studies.

Implications of Time-based E/M Coding

When selecting E/M codes based on time, it is important to adhere to the specified guidelines and considerations. Failing to do so can lead to inaccurate coding, reimbursement issues, and potential compliance concerns. By understanding the requirements and accurately documenting the relevant information, healthcare providers can ensure proper medical billing and maintain compliance with coding and documentation guidelines.

Documentation Requirements for Time-based E/M Coding

Time-based e/m coding

Updates and Changes to CPT E/M Guidelines

The CPT Editorial Panel has recently implemented updates and changes to the Evaluation and Management (E/M) guidelines, specifically focusing on medical decision making (MDM), history, and exam. These updates aim to enhance the accuracy and specificity of E/M coding and documentation.

One significant change in the new guidelines is the emphasis on a medically appropriate history or exam, rather than relying solely on the number or complexity of problems addressed. This shift highlights the importance of gathering comprehensive patient information to guide medical decision making.

The MDM levels have also been revised to align with those used for office visits. This alignment ensures consistency across different types of E/M services and facilitates accurate code selection for medical billing and reimbursement.

By updating and refining the guidelines, the CPT Editorial Panel aims to streamline the coding and documentation process, making it easier for healthcare providers to accurately capture the complexity of patient encounters and facilitate proper reimbursement.

Changes in CPT E/M Guidelines

| Old Guidelines | Updated Guidelines | |—————————-|———————————| | Emphasized number of | Emphasize medically appropriate | | problems addressed | history or exam | | MDM levels differed across | MDM levels align with office | | different E/M services | visit levels | | | |

The updates in the CPT E/M guidelines bring about significant changes in capturing the complexity of patient encounters. Healthcare providers should familiarize themselves with these updates to ensure compliance with the revised guidelines, thereby facilitating accurate coding, billing, and reimbursement.

Guidelines for MDM Selection in E/M Services

In the process of selecting the appropriate E/M codes for evaluation and management (E/M) services, medical decision making (MDM) plays a crucial role. MDM encompasses several factors that need to be considered, including the number and complexity of problems addressed, comorbidities, the amount and complexity of data reviewed and analyzed, and the risk of complications, morbidity, or mortality.

It is important to note that the final diagnosis alone does not determine the complexity of MDM. Rather, the complexity is determined by the impact of the condition on the management of the patient. The more complex the problems, comorbidities, and data analysis, as well as the higher the risk of complications, morbidity, or mortality, the more intricate the MDM.

In accurately reflecting the level of complexity in the documentation and coding of E/M services, healthcare providers ensure proper reimbursement and compliance with coding guidelines. By carefully evaluating the factors that contribute to MDM, providers can effectively demonstrate the complexity of the problems addressed and the resources required to manage them.

Here is a breakdown of the key considerations for MDM selection in E/M services:

  • Number and complexity of problems addressed
  • Comorbidities
  • Amount and complexity of data reviewed and analyzed
  • Risk of complications, morbidity, or mortality
  • Final diagnosis and its impact on management
  • Complexity of problems and their management

Accurately documenting and coding the appropriate level of MDM is essential for ensuring proper reimbursement and comprehensive representation of the complexity of the patient’s condition. It is crucial to pay attention to the specifics of each patient’s case and make informed decisions based on thorough evaluation and analysis.

Mdm selection e/m services

Impact of Office Visit CPT Code Changes on Medical Billing

The changes in office visit CPT code guidelines have had a significant impact on medical billing and reimbursement. Healthcare providers must adapt to these changes and understand the documentation requirements and accurate coding necessary to ensure proper reimbursement and reduce the risk of audits.

Accurate coding is crucial in accurately reflecting the level of service provided during the office visit. It ensures that healthcare providers receive accurate reimbursement for their services and helps to reduce the burden of potential audits. Proper documentation and coding also contribute to compliance with coding and documentation requirements, mitigating the risk of financial loss and noncompliance.

It is essential for healthcare providers to familiarize themselves with the new guidelines and understand how to properly document the relevant information. This includes accurately capturing the level of service provided, the complexity of problems addressed, and the time spent on the date of the encounter. By adhering to these documentation requirements, healthcare providers can ensure accurate coding and reimbursement, reducing the risk of claims denials or audits.

Proper documentation not only helps in accurate coding and reimbursement but also simplifies auditing processes, ensuring compliance with coding and documentation requirements. Auditing plays a vital role in the healthcare system, and having the appropriate documentation in place can streamline the auditing process and provide evidence of accurate and compliant billing practices.

Compliance with coding and documentation requirements is essential to avoid potential financial loss and maintain a good standing within the healthcare industry. By accurately documenting and coding office visit services, healthcare providers can demonstrate their commitment to compliance and ensure that they are providing high-quality care to their patients.

In conclusion, the changes in office visit CPT code guidelines have had a significant impact on medical billing and reimbursement. It is crucial for healthcare providers to understand the documentation requirements, accurately code the services provided, and ensure compliance with coding and documentation guidelines. By doing so, healthcare providers can streamline the billing process, reduce the risk of audits, and ensure accurate reimbursement for their services.

Resources for Understanding Office Visit CPT Code Guidelines

When it comes to understanding the guidelines for office visit CPT codes and navigating the changes in E/M coding, healthcare providers can rely on valuable resources provided by reputable organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Medicare Learning Network (MLN). These resources offer comprehensive guidance and tools that can help healthcare providers stay up to date and ensure accurate reimbursement.

The CPT Evaluation and Management Services Guidelines, developed by the AMA, provide detailed information on office visit CPT codes, E/M coding principles, and documentation requirements. This resource serves as a comprehensive guide to help healthcare providers understand the intricacies of office visit coding and ensure compliance with the latest guidelines.

The Medicare Learning Network, an educational resource developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), offers webinars, articles, and other educational materials specifically designed to assist healthcare providers in understanding and implementing the changes in E/M coding. These resources provide practical insights and clarification on the documentation requirements and coding changes specific to office visit CPT codes.

Furthermore, the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Lookup Tool, available on the CMS website, enables healthcare providers to access reimbursement information for specific office visit CPT codes. This tool allows providers to accurately determine the appropriate reimbursement for their services and ensure proper billing practices.

By leveraging these resources, healthcare providers can enhance their understanding of office visit CPT code guidelines, navigate the complexities of E/M coding, and ensure accurate reimbursement for their services. Staying informed and utilizing these valuable resources is imperative for maintaining compliance and optimizing coding practices.

Understanding the guidelines for office visit CPT codes is essential for accurate medical billing and insurance reimbursement. The recent changes in E/M coding guidelines, particularly regarding time-based code selection and medical decision making, necessitate proper documentation and accurate coding. By comprehensively understanding these guidelines, healthcare providers can maximize their payment, reduce the stress associated with audits, and ensure compliance with coding and documentation requirements.

Accurate medical billing is crucial for healthcare practices to receive fair reimbursement from insurance companies. By following the comprehensive guide provided by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Medicare Learning Network (MLN), healthcare providers can confidently navigate the complexities of office visit CPT codes. This comprehensive guide provides detailed information on selecting the appropriate codes based on medical decision making, time-based code selection, and documentation requirements.

Properly documenting the relevant information and coding accurately not only ensures accurate reimbursement but also reduces the risk of audits and increases compliance. By adhering to the guidelines and best practices outlined in the comprehensive guide, healthcare providers can maintain accurate and compliant medical billing practices, ultimately benefiting both their practice and their patients.

In conclusion, understanding the guidelines for office visit CPT codes is crucial for accurate medical billing and insurance reimbursement. By following the comprehensive guide provided by industry resources such as the AMA and MLN, healthcare providers can navigate the changes in E/M coding and ensure compliance with coding and documentation requirements. This comprehensive understanding of the guidelines allows healthcare providers to optimize payment, minimize audit-related stress, and maintain accurate and compliant medical billing practices.

What are office visit CPT codes?

Office visit CPT codes are evaluation and management (E/M) codes used for billing purposes in family medicine practices and other healthcare settings.

What are the changes to the office visit CPT code guidelines?

The office visit CPT code guidelines have been revised to eliminate the history and physical exam elements, introduce an add-on code for visit complexity, revise the medical decision-making table, and expand the definition of time for E/M services.

How can total time be used for office visit CPT code selection?

Total time, which includes both face-to-face and non-face-to-face interactions, can be used to select the level of service for office visit codes and other E/M services.

What should be included in the calculation of total time for office visit code selection?

Activities such as examining the patient, counseling and educating the patient, reviewing external notes/tests, and documenting in the medical record should be included in the calculation of total time. Ancillary staff time and time related to separately reportable activities should be excluded.

How should total time be documented for office visit code selection?

It is important to document the specific total time spent on activities on the date of the encounter in the patient’s medical record, rather than providing generic time ranges.

What are the documentation guidelines for split or shared visits?

In a split or shared visit scenario, the time personally spent by the physician and other qualified health professional (QHP) should be summed to define total time. Distinct time should be counted, and time spent on activities performed by ancillary staff should not be included.

Can total time be used for other E/M services besides office visits?

Yes, total time can be used to select the level of service for inpatient and observation care services, hospital inpatient or discharge services, consultation services, nursing facility services, and home or residence services.

What are the caveats and considerations for time-based E/M coding?

Time-based coding should only be used when counseling dominates the encounter, and it should not include time spent on separately reportable services. It is important to ensure that the services provided were necessary for the management of the patient.

What updates have been made to the CPT E/M guidelines?

The CPT E/M guidelines have been updated to emphasize the need for a medically appropriate history or exam and to revise the levels of medical decision making to align with office visit levels.

How is medical decision making (MDM) determined in E/M services?

MDM is determined by considering the number and complexity of problems addressed, comorbidities, the amount and complexity of data reviewed and analyzed, and the risk of complications, morbidity, or mortality.

What is the impact of the office visit CPT code changes on medical billing?

The changes in office visit CPT code guidelines have a significant impact on medical billing, requiring proper documentation and accurate coding to ensure accurate reimbursement and reduce the risk of audits.

Where can healthcare providers find resources to understand the office visit CPT code guidelines?

Healthcare providers can refer to resources such as the CPT Evaluation and Management Services Guidelines from the American Medical Association and the Medicare Learning Network for guidance on understanding and implementing the office visit CPT code guidelines.

What is the importance of understanding office visit CPT code guidelines?

Understanding office visit CPT code guidelines is crucial for accurate medical billing, insurance reimbursement, and compliance with coding and documentation requirements.

What is the overall purpose of the comprehensive guide on office visit CPT code guidelines?

The comprehensive guide on office visit CPT code guidelines provides healthcare providers with a thorough understanding of the guidelines, enabling them to maximize payment, reduce the stress associated with audits, and ensure compliance with coding and documentation requirements.

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June 19, 2024

E/M Office Visit Scenarios

It can be difficult to translate theE/M rules into patient scenarios. The guidelines seem great in theory, but how does a clinician use them and select the correct level of service?

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Last revised April 8, 2024 - Betsy Nicoletti Tags: E/M overview

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Learn About Insurance Codes to Avoid Billing Errors

Mistakes in coding can cost you money

Insurance codes are used by your health plan to make decisions about your prior authorization requests and claims, and to determine how much to pay your healthcare providers. Typically, you will see these codes on your Explanation of Benefits and medical bills.

This article will explain what you need to know about these codes, and how to confirm that no mistakes have been made in the billing process. This can potentially save you money, depending on your health coverage.

An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is a form or document that may be sent to you by your insurance company several days or weeks after you had a healthcare service that was paid by the insurance company.

Your EOB is a window into your medical billing history. Review it carefully to make sure you actually received the service being billed, the amount your healthcare provider received and your share are correct, and that your diagnosis and procedure are correctly listed and coded.

Importance of Insurance Codes

EOBs, insurance claim forms, and medical bills from your healthcare provider or hospital can be difficult to understand because of the use of codes to describe the services performed and your diagnosis. These codes are sometimes used instead of plain English, although most health plans use both codes and written descriptions of the services included on EOBs, so you'll likely see both. Either way, it's useful for you to learn about these codes, especially if you have one or more chronic health problem.

For example, millions of Americans have type 2 diabetes along with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This group of people is likely to have more health services than a person who has none of these conditions, and will therefore need to review more EOBs and medical bills.

Coding Systems

Health plans, medical billing companies, and healthcare providers use three different coding systems. These codes were developed to make sure that there is a consistent and reliable way for health insurance companies to process claims from healthcare providers and pay for health services.

Current Procedural Terminology

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are used by healthcare providers to describe the services they provide. Your healthcare provider will not be paid by your health plan unless a CPT code is listed on the claim form.

CPT codes are developed and updated by the American Medical Association (AMA). The AMA issues an annual update to the CPT codes. For 2024, the update includes 230 new codes, 49 deleted codes, and 70 revised codes.

However, the AMA does not provide open access to the CPT codes. Medical billers who use the codes must purchase coding books or online access to the codes from the AMA.

The AMA site allows you to search for a code or the name of a procedure. However, the organization limits you to no more than five searches per day (you have to create an account and sign in to be able to use the search feature).

Also, your healthcare provider may have a sheet (called an encounter form or "superbill") that lists the most common CPT and diagnosis codes used in their office. Your healthcare provider's office may share this form with you.

Some examples of CPT codes are:

  • 99201 through 99205: Office or other outpatient visits for the evaluation and management of a new patient, with the CPT code differing depending on how long the provider spends with the patient.
  • 93000: Electrocardiogram with at least 12 leads.
  • 36415: Collection of venous blood by venipuncture (drawing blood).
  • 98975 through 98981: Therapeutic remote monitoring (new as of 2022).
  • 90380, 90381, 90683, 90679, and 90678: Related to the new RSV vaccinations (new for 2024).

Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System

The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) is the coding system used by Medicare. Level I HCPCS codes are the same as the CPT codes from the American Medical Association.

Medicare also maintains a set of codes known as HCPCS Level II. These codes are used to identify products, supplies, and services that aren't covered under CPT codes, including ambulance services and durable medical equipment (wheelchairs, crutches, hospital beds, etc.), prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies that are used outside your healthcare provider's office.

Some examples of Level II HCPCS codes are:

  • L4386: Walking splint
  • E0605: Vaporizer
  • E0455: Oxygen tent

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services maintains a website where updated HCPCS code information is available to the public.

International Classification of Diseases

The third system of coding is the International Classification of Diseases, or ICD codes. These codes, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), identify your health condition, or diagnosis.

ICD codes are often used in combination with the CPT codes to make sure that your health condition and the services you received match. For example, if your diagnosis is bronchitis and your healthcare provider ordered an ankle X-ray, it is likely that the X-ray will not be paid for because it is not related to bronchitis. However, a chest X-ray is appropriate and would be reimbursed.

The current version is the 11th revision, or ICD-11, which took effect as of 2022. ICD-11 replaced ICD-10, which had been used in the U.S. since 2015. (The U.S. transitioned from ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes in 2015, but the rest of the world's modern healthcare systems had implemented ICD-10 many years earlier.)

Some examples of ICD-11 codes are:

  • 4A44.A1: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
  • 6A70.1: Single episode depressive disorder, moderate, without psychotic symptoms
  • ND14.7Z: Sprained ankle

A complete list of diagnostic codes (known as ICD-11) can be found on the WHO website , making it fairly straightforward to search for various codes.

CPT codes continue to be used in conjunction with ICD-10 codes (they both show up on medical claims), because CPT codes are for billing, whereas ICD-10 codes are for documenting diagnoses.

Coding Errors

Using the three coding systems can be burdensome to a practicing healthcare provider and busy hospital staff and it is easy to understand why coding mistakes happen. Because your health plan uses the codes to make decisions about how much to pay your healthcare provider and other healthcare providers, mistakes can cost you money.

A wrong code can label you with a health-related condition that you do not have, result in an incorrect reimbursement amount for your healthcare provider, potentially increase your out-of-pocket expenses , or your health plan may deny your claim and not pay anything.

It's possible for your healthcare provider, the emergency room, or the hospital to miscode the services you received, either coding the wrong diagnosis or the wrong procedures. Even simple typographical errors can have significant consequences.

Example of Coding Error

Doug M. fell while jogging. Because of pain in his ankle, he went to his local emergency room. After having an X-ray of his ankle, the ER physician diagnosed a sprained ankle and sent Doug home to rest.

Several weeks later Doug got a bill from the hospital for more than $500 for the ankle X-ray. When his EOB arrived, he noticed that his health plan had denied the X-ray claim.

Doug called his health plan. It took a while to correct an error made by the billing clerk in the emergency room. She accidentally input the wrong ICD-11 code, changing ND14.7Z (sprained ankle) to NC54.7Z (sprained thumb).

Doug's health plan denied the claim because an X-ray of the ankle is not a test that is performed when someone has a hand injury. But once the error was resolved, the claim was reprocessed and the ankle x-ray was covered by Doug's plan (remember that "covered" doesn't necessarily mean "paid for." Doug would still have to pay any applicable deductible, copay, or coinsurance).

For every medical procedure, there's an associated code. The CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes are developed and maintained by the American Medical Association. The HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) is used by Medicare (and overlaps with CPT codes, for services that have CPT codes). And ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases, 11th revision) is maintained by the World Health Organization.

A Word From Verywell

There are several steps in the process of filling out and submitting a medical claim. Along the way, the humans and computers involved in the process can make mistakes. If your claim has been denied, don't be shy about calling both your healthcare provider's office and your health plan, and asking them to clarify anything that you don't understand about your medical records and billing statements.

American Medical Association. CPT Purpose and Mission .

American Medical Association. AMA releases CPT 2024 code set . September 8, 2023.

American Medical Association. Finding coding resources.

Medicare Payment, Reimbursement, CPT Code, ICD, Denial Guidelines. CPT Code — 99201, 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205 — Office Visit Code .

Find-A-Code. CPT 93000 in section: Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads .

Dowling, Renee. Medical Economics. How to Properly Document and Bill for Venipuncture .

Fast Pay Health. Are Your Prepared for 2022 CPT Code Changes? January 4, 2022.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. HCPCS Coding Questions .

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. HCPCS quarterly update .

World Health Organization. WHO Releases New International Classification of Diseases (ICD 11) .

Independence Blue Cross Blue Shield. Transition to ICD-10: Frequently Asked Questions .

ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (Version : 02/2022). 4A44.A1 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis .

ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (Version: 02/2022). 6A70.1 Single episode depressive disorder, moderate, without psychotic symptoms .

ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (Version: 02/2022). ND14.7 Strain or sprain of ankle .

Hirsch JA, Nicola G, Mcginty G, et al. ICD-10: History and context . AJNR Am J Neuroradiol . 2016;37(4):596-9. doi:10.3174/ajnr.A4696

Bohnett, Charlotte. WebPT. 8 Things You Need to Know Now About ICD-10 . The Web's Free ICD-10-CM/PCS Medical Coding Reference .

By Michael Bihari, MD Michael Bihari, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician, health educator, and medical writer, and president emeritus of the Community Health Center of Cape Cod.

Medical Billing and Coding - Procedure code, ICD CODE.

Medicare codes

Nov 16, 2009 | Medical billing basics | 1 comment

D1 Claim/service denied. Level of subluxation is missing or inadequate. D2 Claim lacks the name, strength, and dosage of the drug furnished. D3 Claim/service denied because information to indicate if the patient owns the equipment that requires the part or supply was missing. D4 Claim/service does not indicate the period of time for which this will be needed. D5 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks individual lab codes included in the test. D6 Claim/service denied. Claim did not include patient’s medical record for the service. D7 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks date of patient’s most recent physician visit. D8 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks indicator that “xray is available for review.” D9 Claim/service denied. Claim lacks invoice or statement certifying the actual cost of the lens, less discounts or the type of intraocular lens used. D10 Claim/service denied. Completed physician financial relationship form not on file. D11 Claim lacks completed pacemaker registration form. D12 Claim/service denied. Claim does not identify who performed the purchased diagnostic test or the amount you were charged for the test. D13 Claim/service denied. Performed by a facility/supplier in which the ordering/referring physician has a financial interest.

Remark codes must be used to relay service-specific Medicare informational messages that cannot expressed with a reason code. Medicare remark codes are maintained by HCFA. Remark codes and messages must be used whenever they apply. Although contractors may use their discretion to determine when certain remark codes apply, they do not have discretion as to whether to use an applicable remark code in a remittance notice. A limitation of liability message (m25-M27) must be used where applicable. An unlimited number of Medicare line level remark codes may be entered as warranted in an X12 835 Remittance Advice; there is a limit of 5 line level remark code entries in a NSF Remittance Advice and on a standard paper remittance notice. a. Line Level Remark Codes Code Value Description

M1 X-ray not taken within the past 12 months or near enough to the start of treatment. M2 Not paid separately when the patient is an inpatient. M3 Equipment is the same or similar to equipment already being used. M4 This is the last monthly installment payment for this durable medical equipment. M5 Monthly rental payments can continue until the earlier of the 15th month from the first rental month, or the month when the equipment is no longer needed. M6 You must furnish and service this item for as long as the patient continues to need it. We can pay for maintenance and/or servicing for every 6 month period after the end of the 15th paid rental month or the end of the warranty period. M7 No rental payments after the item is purchased, or after the total of issued rental payments equals the purchase price. M8 We do not accept blood gas tests results when the test was conducted by a medical supplier or taken while the patient is on oxygen. M9 This is the tenth rental month. You must offer the patient the choice of changing the rental to a purchase agreement. M10 Equipment purchases are limited to the first or the tenth month of medical necessity.

Medicare denial reason code -1 Medicare denial reason code – 2 Medicare denial reason code – 3 Denial EOB Medicare EOB Denial claim example Denial claim Medicare denial codes For full list


M1 X-ray not taken within the past 12 months or near enough to the start of treatment.

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8-year-old girl has medical emergency on SkyWest flight to Chicago and dies

SkyWest and United Express planes on the tarmac.

An 8-year-old girl from Missouri became “ill and unresponsive” on a SkyWest flight to Chicago on Thursday and was later pronounced dead, authorities said.

The flight took off from Joplin, Missouri, and was headed to Chicago before making an emergency landing in Peoria, Illinois.

“Her family immediately notified the flight personnel of her condition, and they began rapidly rendering aid. Upon landing in Peoria, she was not breathing and had no pulse,” according to a statement from the Peoria County Coroner’s Office .

The child was identified as Sydney Weston, of Carl Junction, Missouri, the coroner's office said.

The plane landed at the General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport about 7 a.m. because of a medical emergency, the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office said Thursday on Facebook .

Emergency personnel, including deputies and the Air National Guard, attempted “life-saving measures,” but the child was later pronounced dead at a local hospital, the sheriff’s office said.

SkyWest Airlines on Friday confirmed that the child was aboard flight 5121, operating as United Express, from Joplin to Chicago O'Hare International Airport, when a passenger became sick and the flight was diverted to Peoria.

There, she was "met by paramedics to attend to a passenger in medical distress. We appreciate the efforts of our crew members who responded quickly to assist and the medical personnel who met the aircraft," SkyWest said.

The girl died shortly after 8 a.m., the coroner’s office said.

“There was no evidence of foul play and no signs of abuse or neglect,” the coroner’s office said in a statement Friday .

But a preliminary autopsy was inconclusive "and pending several studies," it said.

Medical personnel is awaiting histology, biopsies, cultures, blood hematology and chemistry, and toxicology testing. Results generally take four to six weeks.

"Once we have those tests completed, it is our hope that we will be able to provide a definitive and exact cause of death for this little girl and give her family some answers," according to the coroner's office.

The family of Sydney Weston could not be immediately reached Friday for comment.

Antonio Planas is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital. 


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Older women are being significantly shortchanged by medical research

Men are the focus of more health studies, leaving unanswered questions about women and cancer, Alzheimer’s and other serious conditions.

Medical research has shortchanged women for decades. This is particularly true of older women, leaving physicians without critically important information about how to best manage their health.

Late last year, the Biden administration promised to address this problem with a new effort called the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research . That inspires a compelling question: What priorities should be on the initiative’s list when it comes to older women?

Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health, launched into a critique when I asked about the current state of research on older women’s health. “It’s completely inadequate,” she told me.

One example: Many drugs widely prescribed to older adults, including statins for high cholesterol , were studied mostly in men, with results extrapolated to women.

“It’s assumed that women’s biology doesn’t matter and that women who are premenopausal and those who are postmenopausal respond similarly,” Faubion said.

“This has got to stop: The FDA has to require that clinical trial data be reported by sex and age for us to tell if drugs work the same, better or not as well in women,” she added.

Consider the Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi , approved by the Food and Drug Administration last year after the manufacturer reported a 27 percent slower rate of cognitive decline in people who took the medication. A supplementary appendix to a Leqembi study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that sex differences were substantial — a 12 percent slowdown for women, compared with a 43 percent slowdown for men — raising questions about the drug’s effectiveness for women.

This is especially important because nearly two-thirds of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease are women. Older women are also more likely than older men to have multiple medical conditions , disabilities, autoimmune illnesses , depression and anxiety, uncontrolled high blood pressure and osteoarthritis, among other issues, according to scores of research studies.

Even so, women are resilient and outlive men by more than five years in the United States. As people move into their 70s and 80s, women outnumber men by significant margins. If we’re concerned about the health of the older population, we need to be concerned about the health of older women.

As for research priorities, here’s some of what physicians and medical researchers suggested:

Heart disease

Why is it that women with heart disease, which becomes far more common after menopause and kills more women than any other condition — are given less recommended care than men?

“We’re notably less aggressive in treating women,” said Martha Gulati, director of preventive cardiology and associate director of the Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. “We delay evaluations for chest pain. We don’t give blood thinners at the same rate. We don’t do procedures like aortic valve replacements as often. We’re not adequately addressing hypertension.

“We need to figure out why these biases in care exist and how to remove them.”

Gulati also noted that older women are less likely than their male peers to have obstructive coronary artery disease — blockages in large blood vessels — and more likely to have damage to smaller blood vessels that remains undetected. When they get procedures such as cardiac catheterizations, women have more bleeding and complications.

What are the best treatments for older women given these issues? “We have very limited data. This needs to be a focus,” Gulati said.

Brain health

How can women reduce their risk of cognitive decline and dementia as they age?

“This is an area where we really need to have clear messages for women and effective interventions that are feasible and accessible,” said JoAnn Manson, chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a key researcher for the Women’s Health Initiative , the largest study of women’s health in the United States.

Numerous factors affect women’s brain health, including stress — dealing with sexism, caregiving responsibilities and financial strain — which can fuel inflammation. Women experience the loss of estrogen, a hormone important to brain health, with menopause. They also have a higher incidence of conditions with serious impacts on the brain, such as multiple sclerosis and stroke.

“Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just start at the age of 75 or 80,” said Gillian Einstein, the Wilfred and Joyce Posluns chair in women’s brain health and aging at the University of Toronto. “Let’s take a life course approach and try to understand how what happens earlier in women’s lives predisposes them to Alzheimer’s.”

Mental health

What accounts for older women’s greater vulnerability to anxiety and depression?

Studies suggest a variety of factors, including hormonal changes and the cumulative impact of stress. In the journal Nature Aging, Paula Rochon, a professor of geriatrics at the University of Toronto, also faults “ gendered ageism ,” an unfortunate combination of ageism and sexism that renders older women “largely invisible.”

Helen Lavretsky, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles and past president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, suggests several topics that need further investigation. How does the menopausal transition impact mood and stress-related disorders? What nonpharmaceutical interventions can promote psychological resilience in older women and help them recover from stress and trauma? (Think yoga, meditation, music therapy, tai chi, sleep therapy and other possibilities.) What combination of interventions is likely to be most effective?

How can cancer screening recommendations and cancer treatments for older women be improved?

Supriya Gupta Mohile, director of the Geriatric Oncology Research Group at the Wilmot Cancer Institute at the University of Rochester, wants better guidance about breast cancer screening for older women, broken down by health status. Currently, women 75 and older are lumped together even though some are remarkably healthy and others notably frail.

Recently, the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force noted that “ the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening mammography in women 75 years or older,” leaving physicians without clear guidance. “Right now, I think we’re underscreening fit older women and overscreening frail older women,” Mohile said.

She also wants more research about effective and safe treatments for lung cancer in older women, many of whom have multiple medical conditions and functional impairments.

“For this population, it’s decisions about who can tolerate treatment based on health status and whether there are sex differences in tolerability for older men and women that need investigation,” Mohile said.

Bone health, functional health and frailty

How can older women maintain mobility and preserve their ability to take care of themselves?

Osteoporosis, which causes bones to weaken and become brittle, is more common in older women than in older men, increasing the risk of dangerous fractures and falls. Once again, the loss of estrogen with menopause is implicated.

“This is hugely important to older women’s quality of life and longevity, but it’s an overlooked area that is understudied,” said Manson of Brigham and Women’s.

Jane Cauley, a distinguished professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health who studies bone health, would like to see more data about osteoporosis among older Black, Asian and Hispanic women, who are undertreated for the condition. She would also like to see better drugs with fewer side effects.

Marcia Stefanick, a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, wants to know which strategies are most likely to motivate older women to be physically active. And she’d like more studies investigating how older women can best preserve muscle mass, strength and the ability to care for themselves.

“ Frailty is one of the biggest problems for older women, and learning what can be done to prevent that is essential,” she said.

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF.

medical visit d1

40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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