Epic Road Rides

Tour du Lac Léman (AKA cycling around Lake Geneva)

The Tour du Lac Léman is a 175 kilometre cycling route that allows cyclists to complete a full loop of beautiful Lac Léman/Lake Geneva on a well-signed cycle route.

The route offers beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and, to a lesser extent, the lake, and takes you through ancient towns and villages.

If you happen to be in Geneva with your bike (or the time to hire one), you should definitely consider tackling this cycle around Lake Geneva.

John Vicars, and his wife Sue, did just that.

Here he shares his experience of this Lac Leman cycling tour.

Want more info about basing yourself in Geneva? Check out this article on cycling in Geneva . These tips on preparing for long rides and training for long distance rides might also be useful.

Where is Lac Léman?

Lac Léman is the French name for what most non-French speakers know as Lake Geneva. The Swiss city of Geneva sits on the shores of Lac Léman.

Lac Léman is a huge lake that separates Switzerland from northern France. It is the largest natural lake in the Alps and Europe’s second largest freshwater lake. It sits on the course of the River Rhône, with the French Alps to the south and Switzerland’s Jura Mountains to the northwest.

Broadly speaking, the northern side of the lake belongs to Switzerland (the cantons of Geneva, Vaud and Valais) and the southern side to France (the Haute Savoie region). French is the most commonly used language around the lake.

As well as the mountain vistas, there are impressive towns and cities all around the lake, with highlights including Lausanne, Montreux and Evian-les-Bains, not to mention the medieval Chateau de Chillon. We also enjoyed the beautiful vines you pass when cycling by Lake Geneva – this is Switzerland’s second largest wine-producing region.

Tell us about the Tour du Lac Léman.

Cycle route 46 comprises cycle lanes that allow you to cycle all the way around the lake through both Switzerland and France.

As you would imagine from a route in the bottom of a valley, this Lake Geneva cycle route is a relatively flat course with just over 800 metres of climbing spread over a 170 kilometre distance. It’s known as the Tour du Lac Léman.

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What prompted you to tackle this route?

I had spoken to French cycling friends who had recommended taking a bike around Lake Geneva. As I was driving north from Spain back to the UK, it was relatively simple to take a detour into Switzerland.

I was intrigued to check out this cycle route that runs for around 100 miles around Lac Léman, through two countries. I was also interested to see how cyclists were integrated with both pedestrians and motor vehicles.

For those living in the UK it’s still something of a novelty to be able to ride straight through manned border controls between different countries! Think breakfast in Switzerland, lunch in France and back for a Swiss dinner!

Tell us what the day was like.

For our Lac Leman bike tour, we were based in Switzerland near the town of Nyon and travelled in a clockwise direction. So we were always riding right by the lake side.

We passed through well-known towns such as Lausanne and Montreux on the Swiss side of the lake, and the spa towns of Evian-les-Bains and Thonon-les-Bains in France. We then crossed back into Switzerland, through Geneva and then back towards Nyon.

We did the loop in late July and it was very hot, around 35 degrees. Yet during this Lake Geneva bike ride I was pleased to note that there were ample opportunities to stop in the many towns and villages on the route, for stocking up with food and drinks.

It should be said that this is not a rough track route adjacent to the beaches and waterfront. Rather, the Tour du Lac Léman route is a marked loop, in the main, that runs either on or adjacent to the main roads that circle the lake. The entire route is on asphalt.

Cyclist at Thonon Les Bains by lake geneva

What were your three favourite parts of the Tour du Lac Léman?

The three things that stood out to me were as follows. Look out for these when you cycle Lake Geneva in Switzerland and France!

Swiss cycle lanes

On the Swiss side, the quality of the cycle lanes in terms of both the markings and the smooth surface was impressive. You felt totally safe, even when approaching main road junctions, and it was clear that the cycle lanes are extremely well used by commuters as well as leisure riders. Motorists seemed used to the volume of cyclists and as such were totally integrated. Pedestrians were in the main using paths and tracks nearer to the water’s edge. (For our opinion of the lanes on the French side, see below .)

Alpine views

After Montreux, with about 100km of distance around Lake Geneva to go, there were several kilometres away from the lake through woodland that took us across the River Rhone. These afforded us stunning views of the front range of the northern Alps. You can see the magnificent peaks of Les Jumelles and Les Cornettes de Bise.


I loved the ride through Evian-les-Bains, home of the famous bottled water and a very classy looking holiday location. It was by far the most glamorous and appealing place on the lake, and I made a mental note to revisit at some point in the future. We found a nice little waterside café for lunch here and enjoyed a cheese tart salad.

Cycling Tour du Lac leman, cyclist coming into Geneva

What were the best and worst parts of the route?

Cycling into geneva.

I thought the best part of our Switzerland cycling tour was the ride into the city of Geneva. The route here is on good quality surfaces, because you are back in Switzerland, cycling close to the beach and water’s edge. This section of the route is also slightly downhill. After nearly 150 kilometres in the saddle, this was very welcome.

Cycling in Geneva seems very popular. I remember following a man in business attire for a couple of kilometres and I don’t think we travelled at less than 30 kph at all!

French cycle lanes

The worst part of our Lac Leman tour was unfortunately the quality of the cycle lanes on the French side. While you could see that the lanes were built with a purpose and as part of an overall strategy in Switzerland, in France they were of inferior quality. At times, they seemed to be something of a ‘bolt on’ to the main road.

That said, in contrast to the Switzerland bike tour, the French side could be more peaceful. It did take us away from the main road on several occasions, and these sections offered the quietest and most isolated part of the loop.

How fit do you have to be to ride the route?

Riding 170km is no mean feat, but for an experienced rider this is not a particularly difficult route as in the main it is relatively flat. That said, it is not a route for a novice rider, as you need to be in the saddle for around 6 hours or so. The timing will depend upon your pace.

The most difficult part of lasting the Lake Geneva distance was the heat.

If you wanted to ride the equivalent of 100 miles in a circular loop, then there cannot be many more picturesque and flatter places to ride. The Tour du Léman also has the added bonus of having plenty of places to stop to eat and drink, plus a well signposted route to follow!

Views of Lac Leman

What sort of logistics are involved?

A cyclo tour of Lac Léman requires some thought. Here’s how we went about tackling our cycle tour at Lac Léman.

Depending on your average speed, you need to allow 6 or so hours in the saddle. Plus an extra hour to cater for lunch and miscellaneous breaks.

If you are planning to negotiate the route in the summer, then beware that the temperatures can reach 35 degrees or more.

The earlier you start the better when it comes to Lake Geneva cycling. We left our hotel, after a hearty breakfast, at 8.30am and enjoyed a good two and a half hours before you could feel the sun burning through the layers of sunscreen.

We planned our lunch stop before we setting out on our Lake Geneva bike tour. The spa town of Evian-les-Bains was our target after 100 kilometres, as we wanted to break the back of the journey before it became really hot. After that I knew we had Geneva and Nyon on the agenda, where there were plenty of opportunities to take on further food and drink. Plus of course the opportunity to cool down for a few minutes.

You can complete the route comfortably on a road bike. We took our own and knew they were in top condition, but we did take spare inner tubes and gas canisters. Fortunately, we didn’t need them!

One thing to note is that you will lose your way unless you follow the GPS route for your Geneva road trip. There are plenty of twists and turns, particularly on the French side, that demand full concentration.

Tell us about your kit choice.

We wore Stolen Goat jerseys and matching shorts as we knew that it was a long ride and needed to be comfortable throughout the day.

We were riding in the middle of a hot summer, so wet/cold weather gear was not required.

Cyclist on the cycling loop around lake geneva, switzerland

How did you organise your nutrition?

We planned our lunch stop, and decided how to replenish before and afterwards, ahead of our Switzerland bike trip. We stopped to refill our bidons every 90 minutes (adding our own electrolyte tablets), and took plenty of energy bars and gels with us.

In the midsummer heat, I cannot stress enough how much you need to drink – even when you’re not feeling thirsty. I worked on the basis of breakfast fuelling me for two hours, then made a mental note to eat something each hour.

We took the remainder of the route on feel: if one of us felt thirsty or hungry, we stopped at the next available village or town. Bizarrely, after 160 kilometres, I had an uncontrollable urge for an ice cream and duly bought one from a little kiosk at the side of the lake in Nyon!

Ice cream stop on the circuit of Lake Geneva

What tips would you give someone wanting to cycle around Lake Geneva?

I think anyone contemplating Switzerland cycling tours around this large lake needs to have completed some prior rides of at least 4 or 5 hours in duration. Whilst the terrain is relatively flat, it still demands concentration, and the ability to know how to refuel.

In any event, take some electrolyte tablets to add to the water you purchase, as well as as much food you can carry – you will eat it, I can guarantee!

You need to be comfortable in riding with traffic. Whilst the cycle lanes are clearly marked, there are areas in the towns where you have to mingle with cars and lorries. This is not a cycle path around the side of the beach.

Read the highway code for France and Switzerland before you go – there are some differences between the two countries.

On the Swiss side, look out for the red cycling route signs with the number 46 in white on a blue square. On the French side, the signs are the green and white bike route signs, with Tour de Léman on a blue square.

The signs are pretty regular and easy to spot on the Swiss side, but it’s harder on the French side. I’d suggest you have someone in your group following a GPX route around the lake. Otherwise, you will probably get lost on the French side, and waste unnecessary time and effort.

If you can, plan to do the loop during months other than June to August. It’s very hot, and in the bottom of the valley there is not much wind to cool you down.

Bear in mind events like the world-famous Montreux jazz festival ; if you decide to visit when that is on, I imagine the roads and hotels would be really busy.

We took our passports with us but didn’t need them. The border crossings are manned, but no-one seemed to be stopped as they passed through the lines.

Note that it’s a requirement to carry ID (passport or national id card) with you in both France and Switzerland.

Language and currency

Everyone we met spoke French and a little English. The currency in Switzerland is the Swiss Franc, but we found they accept the Euro in most establishments (just check you’re happy with whatever conversion rate is being applied).

If you are ever in the area, the Tour de Lac Léman is highly recommended.

A big thank you to John for sharing his experience with us.

Want to know more about cycling in/around Geneva?

If you want more info on riding in this spectacular area, don’t miss our Q&A on cycling in Geneva .

You may also have heard of the epic cycling route that runs from Geneva to Nice – it’s called the Route des Grandes Alpes and this article shares what you need to know .

Our article on the best cycling routes (and climbs) in Switzerland may also be helpful.

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John Vicars

John Vicars divides his time between England and Spain and, together with his wife, clocks in around 10,000 miles each year searching out Europe’s finest roads. John loves to share his experiences (good and bad) from the saddle and has a particular loathing for double digit gradients, sub-zero temperatures and red traffic lights!

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15 Responses to “Tour du Lac Léman (AKA cycling around Lake Geneva)”

Good description. I’m planing this for Summer 2022. What year was this written?

May 2021, but for anyone reading this comment in future, we do try and keep content updated so it may have been updated since then! You can check the date by searching for the article and the date appears on hover.

Hi, the gpx link is broken, is there any chance it could be uploaded somehow.

Fixed! Thanks for flagging this.

I cannot do 175km in one day. How to break it up? where to stay?

There are lots of towns and villages around the lake, so I’d suggest deciding how much you want to ride each day and then book accommodation based on that. Alternatively drop me a line and I can put you in touch with a cycling tour company that can assist.

Planning to do this in June. Anyway to get a guide to go with me? I am planning to ride this in a day.

Hi Tariq, sorry for the slow reply, always best to email us if you’re looking for a quick answer. Feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] if you’re still looking for assistance?

Hello, I enjoyed reading your trip around the Lake. I am not a trained cyclist but a former marathon runner. Due to injury I can’t run at the moment. I will be in Lausanne the last week of August. I am interested in renting a bike and riding it from Lausanne to Montreux. How busy the path in this segment for novice rider to be aware of and what spots you recommended to stop for sightseeing. I can return via train if they let me drop the bike at Montreux station. Thank you!

As always, best to leave early in the morning to avoid the worst of the heat and crowds! Enjoy!

Hello! The gpx file doesn’t work. I want to do this in a few weeks. Could you send it to me? Thanks a lot !

We just got back from a long weekend riding around Morzine / following the TDF and fancied a flat ride so decided to ride the lake, so taking away the epic views of the mountains (as we had first hand experience of them) I must admit I was slightly disappointed with our visit to the lake. I was hoping for amazing view’s of the lake and small little villages and quaint towns, but we found the majority of our day just on ordinary roads with no view of the lake…

Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and sorry to hear the views weren’t as impressive as hoped for. Hope you had an amazing trip nonetheless! Best wishes, Clare

One of my coworkers suggested a short deviation from this route into the vineyards around mile 40. You should really include this in the route, it was a beautiful view from the side of the hill with the vineyards down to the lake. Reach out and I can share you my gpx.

Thanks for this suggestion Jessica, and feel free to reply with your GPS link!

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lac leman tour

Tour du Lac Léman (Cyclotour)

Distance : 177 kilomètres Dénivelé : 800 + Durée: Entre 5 et 7 heures Difficulté : ★★★★☆ Type d’itinéraire : Vélo de route (100% bitume) Trafic: moyen à élevé Créé par : Cycliste.ch

Vacances à vélo et sorties guidées avec A Swiss With A Pulse

Le Tour du Lac Léman est l’un des tours à vélo les plus connus en Suisse romande. Il représente souvent un objectif de saison pour les cyclistes débutants et un moyen idéal de faire une grosse sortie foncière pour d’autres. Certains l’adorent, d’autres le détestent. Pour nous il s’agit d’un tour sympa et accessible à réaliser entres amis. Le parcours très plat permet effectivement à des cyclistes de niveaux différents de rouler ensemble, les plus forts rouleront devant pendant que les autres bénéficieront de l’aspiration pour apprécier la vue.

Le Tour du Lac Léman offre de nombreuses possibilités d’arrêts pour apprécier un bon café et se restaurer.

Du côté Suisse, le highlight est sans aucun doute le passage dans Lavaux, au pied du vignoble. Aux petites heures du matin, la route offre un spectacle magique avec une vue sur le la lac Léman qui se trouve à quelques dizaines de mètres en contre-bas. Les plus courageux pourront emprunter la Petite-Corniche, qui rajoute un tout petit peu de dénivelé mais qui permet de profiter d’une vue exceptionnelle sur le Léman depuis Lavaux, site classé au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.

Les principales étapes côté français sont Evian-les-Bains, Thonon-les-Bains et Yvoire. Ces trois villes sont desservies par la CGN à destination de Lausanne, Morges et Nyon, ce qui permet de rentrer en bateau pour écourter la balade.

Le Tour du Lac se réalise en règle générale dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre (Lausanne – St- Gingolphe – Genève – Lausanne). Nous vous recommandons d’effectuer le Tour du Lac Léman le dimanche matin avec un départ de bonne heure, ceci vous permettra de profiter pleinement de vos 180 kilomètres dans des conditions plus calmes et avec moins de trafic.

Combien de temps faut-il pour faire le Tour du Lac Léman à vélo ?

Cette question revient souvent et la réponse n’est pas si facile. Les plus rapides du Cyclotour mettent environ 4h15 en roulant en groupe et en bénéficiant des conditions de trafic optimale dues au départ très matinal de l’épreuve. La grande majorité doit en revanche compter entre 6 et 7 heures pour venir à bout du Tour du Lac en comptant les quelques arrêts.

Les plus motivés peuvent se rendre sur la page Facebook des «  Cinglés du Léman  » qui regroupe les passionnés du Tour du Lac et tient à jour un classement du nombre de tour réalisé durant l’année. Le vainqueur 2017 totalise près de 40 tours du Lac en une année, soit plus de 7000 kilomètres !

Pour en savoir plus sur la cyclosportive organisée chaque année au mois de mai sur les routes du Tour du Lac, vous pouvez vous rendre sur la  page du Cyclotour .

L’itinéraire passant en France, n’oubliez pas de prévoir une pièce d’identité et quelques euros pour la pause café.

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Itinéraires qui pourraient vous intéresser

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Cliquez ici pour accéder à la liste complète des itinéraires.

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Tour du Léman

lac leman tour

  • Distance 190 km
  • Ascent 2100 m

On their tour around the lake of Geneva, cyclists will be rewarded for their efforts by the stunningly beautiful landscapes. 200 km of marked trails lead through 5 regions in 2 countries: Geneva, Pays de Gex, the cantons of Vaud and Valais, as well as the Chablais Haut-Savoyard.


Lake Geneva is the largest natural lake in the Alps and offers an incredible panorama to everyone delighting in its shores. The vast expanse of water, which reflects the snowy mountains, is encircled by a varied landscape. The contrast between water and mountains is a constantly changing feature of the route around the lake. The easy pedal along the lake shore is followed by steep sections on the slopes; the urban bustle on the busy streets is replaced by a peaceful, rural ambiance. Some protected sections are more suitable for families than others that are exposed to road traffic. We recommend cycling clockwise around the lake to stay as close as possible to the shore. The route runs from Geneva along the northern lake shore via Chablais in the French Departement Haute-Savoie. At one end Geneva, the well-known Swiss metropolis, at the other a peaceful oasis, the nature reserve of Les Grangettes in the Valais. To the north Lausanne and the Vaud Riviera, one of Switzerland's main tourist hotspots. To the south the sheltered French shore, where the mountains seem to plunge directly into the lake. Lake Geneva also owes its charm to its border location. The rich variety of culture is the same yet very different. Those wanting to really sample and understand it however must take at least two or three days. If you could only make time stand still!

In St-Gingolph the route crosses the border and then leads more than 60 km through the Chablais region in the Haute-Savoie. To the French part of the route Public transportation combination offer It’s worth scheduling a small break in Villeneuve and taking the boat to Lausanne. From the boat you have a wonderful view of the vineyards of Lauvaux and of Lake Geneva.

lac leman tour

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An enjoyable tour includes the careful planning of the same. Please inform yourself in advance at the local information center about the route and weather conditions. Depending on the season and weather conditions, this route may be blocked or interrupted

Technical information

Tour du léman, stage 1/4, tour du léman, stage 2/4, tour du léman, stage 3/4, tour du léman, stage 4/4, quick facts, route number.

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The Best Things to See and Do Around Lake Geneva, Switzerland

A thunderstorm over Lake Geneva

Lake Geneva, or Lac Léman, is Switzerland’s largest lake, and it curves along the border of France. A trip there is guaranteed to come with dramatic scenery. On the Swiss side, you have the Jura Mountains, and across the border in France, the glistening, snow-capped peak of Mont Blanc is visible on clear days. Here are the best things to see and do around Lake Geneva .

Lavaux vineyards.

Lavaux vineyards

Caves ouvertes

Wine lover or not, you’ll fall for the caves ouvertes , a wonderful tradition that welcomes the coming of spring around Lake Geneva. Every year, all of the wine producers, most of them small, family-run businesses, open their doors to sell their wares at discount prices. Buy a glass, and you can ‘sample’ as many different Swiss wines as you like. Most of the small villages around Lake Geneva host their own events, including traditional Swiss food stalls offering up dishes such as raclette.

While exploring Geneva , you’ll inevitably glimpse the towering cascade of water which is the Jet d’Eau (literally, the water jet). The fountain started its life as a safety valve for a hydroelectric plant ; now it’s a steadfast landmark of the city. Take a tour around the city’s lakefront from the Jardin Anglais to the Jardin Botanique on the opposite bank, crossing the Pont du Mont-Blanc, to take in the best sights that Geneva has to offer you.

people cheering on a mountain

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Jet d’Eau, Geneva, Switzerland

Chillon Castle

Chillon Castle is one of the jewels of Lake Geneva – and the entire country. It’s renowned as the most beautiful castle, not least because of its perfect setting on the shores of Lake Geneva, with enviable overlooks of the distant mountains. The castle dates back to the 13th century and has been a fortress, summer home and a prison during its long life. Learn more about its fascinating history here .

Chillon Castle, Avenue de Chillon 21, Veytaux / Montreux, Switzerland , +41 21 966 89 10

Chillon Castle

Visit local markets

Some of Switzerland’s best local markets take place in the towns around Lake Geneva. At the Puces de Nyon, all manner of second-hand and vintage items are for sale along the waterfront. During summertime, the town of Vevey plays host to a Swiss folklore market , complete with traditional dress, tankards of beer and plenty of trinkets and local crafts. Weekly markets also occur in Geneva , Lausanne, Montreux and most other towns.

The Best Things to See and Do Around Lake Geneva, Switzerland

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Why Lausanne Is a Must-Visit Destination for Food and Wine

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What will be YOUR challenge?

Evian – lausanne.

Do you want to see the highlights of the cyclotour without having to do the full 176 km? Then this format is just right for you! And that's a promise.

Lausanne – Lausanne

Are you brave enough to take up the challenge of the Cyclotour du Léman? If so, then go for it! Leave your worries behind you, the magical scenery around Lake Geneva will become a massage for your soul!

Latest News

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We hope you enjoyed riding this summer, get ready for the winter season.

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Registrations open - Lausanne-Evian to come

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Another record turnout for the 21st edition of the Cyclotour du Léman

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Security Reminder

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21st edition next weekend

lac leman tour

Cyclotour du Léman traverses some of the most interesting terrain that Switzerland and France has to offer. From the gorgeous rolling hills of the Lavaux wine region, to one of Europe's most visited castles. And what better way to see it all than by bike?

lac leman tour

Lavaux wine region

lac leman tour

Sports city of Lausanne

lac leman tour

Chillon Castle

lac leman tour

Jet d'Eau, Geneva

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Mont-Blanc Bridge

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Cyclotour du Léman 2015

When you see the Dents du Midi mountain range the opening stages of the Cyclotour du Léman are behind you and it’s time to turn right and head towards the French border.

A small group of riders make good progress through the Lavaux; with over 2,000 riders you’ll find a peloton to match your pace in the Cyclotour du Léman.

The Cyclotour du Léman is a cycling sportive event in Switzerland with a choice of three distances, including the full 180km cycle around Lake Geneva.

The Cyclotour du Léman takes cyclists on a beautiful route around Lake Geneva (Lac Léman locally) that winds through vineyards and apple orchards against a backdrop of a shimmering lake and towering mountains.

It must be amongst the most beautiful cycling events in the world.

Cyclotour du Léman Cycling Holiday

Cyclotour du  Léman Event Details

  • Date:  Sunday 24th May 2015
  • Distances: 180km, 110km or 60km
  • Cyclists:  3000+ cyclists took part in 2014
  • Established since: 2015 will be the 12th edition of the Cyclotour du Léman
  • Start: Lausanne, Switzerland (180km), Evian-les-Bains, France (110km) and Geneva, Switzerland (60km)
  • Finish: Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Nearest Airport: Geneva International Airport
  • Accommodation: Brevet’s Cyclotour du Léman holiday  and Cyclotour du Léman Sportive Weekend include lakeside accommodation near the start line

Cyclotour du  Léman Course Preview

Choose From Three Sportive Distances

The Cyclotour du Léman is great if you are looking for a group cycling holiday with cyclists of different levels of fitness and experience as there are three distances to choose from ranging from the 180km Tour du Lac to the 60km ride from Geneva to Lausanne through the La Côte wine region.

Lausanne to Lausanne – 180km Tour du Lac

The full 180km cycle around lake Geneva from Lausanne to Lausanne, known as the “Tour du Lac” locally, departs from the Pierre-de-Coubertin Stadium in Lausanne near to the lake front home of the International Olympic Committee.

At 180km the route is long enough to make it a great sportive challenge whilst at the same time the modest elevation profile means that Cyclotour du Léman is a perfect early season sportive if you are training for sportive such as La Marmotte or L’Etape du Tour.

Evian to Lausanne – 110km Cycling Through France and Switzerland

The 110km route from Evian-les-Bains in France, home of the eponymous mineral water, takes cyclists through both France and Switzerland and is a beautiful way to discover the region.

Most people start in Lausanne and catch the ferry across Lac Léman to Evian. After a stunning ferry ride across Lac Léman with views of Mont Blanc and the Portes de Soleil ski region cyclists arrive in Evian to set off on the Cyclotour du Léman.

Geneva to Lausanne – 60km ride along La Côte

For cyclists looking for a shorter sportive challenge the route from Geneva to Lausanne along La Côte features endless vineyards and apple orchards in this famous wine growing region of Switzerland.

After leaving the Vengeron beach in Geneva with its views of the famous Jet d’Eau water fountain, the route quickly leaves Geneva behind and follows the coastal road along the lake to Lausanne.

Cyclotour du Léman Cycling Holiday

If you would like to combine the Cyclotour du Léman with a block of early season riding then check out Brevet’s  Cyclotour du Léman holiday  that includes guaranteed Cyclotour du Léman entry, 5 days riding, 4 nights full board accommodation and exclusive VIP hospitality in the race village.

Cyclotour du Léman Cycling Holiday

Short on time? Join us just for the weekend on our  Cyclotour du Léman Sportive Weekend  that includes lakeside accommodation near the start line.

2015 Cyclotour du Léman Entry

Take away all the hassle and let us do the admin so you can focus on the pedalling, both Brevet’s  Cyclotour du Léman holiday  and  Cyclotour du Léman Sportive Weekend  include guaranteed entry for the Cyclotour du Léman.

Training for the Cyclotour du  Léman

At 180km in length the Cyclotour du Léman requires a training plan that will build cycling endurance over a number of weeks. By following a sportive training plan and training consistently your body will adapt to the demands of endurance cycling. As an early season sportive such as the Cyclotour du Léman is perfect if you are targeting a sportive later in the season. Brevet’s early season  Cyclotour du Léman holiday  finishes with the Cyclotour du Léman.

Sportive Training Tips

  • Make training dates with friends to help you stick to the plan
  • Practice how you will eat and drink before race day during a weekend long ride
  • Training with a club or a group of friends will help develop your group riding technique

Cyclotour du Léman Training Plan

Are you in training for the Cyclotour du Léman? Use our free 12 week Sportive Training Plan to get you in the best possible shape for the Cyclotour du Léman. Simply fill the form below and we’ll send you your free training plan:

Sportive Training Plan – Request Download

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Useful websites for the Cyclotour du Léman

You’ll find these websites useful if you’d like to take part in the Cyclotour du Léman sportive:

  • Cyclotour du Leman official website: Cyclotour du Léman
  • Route preview on YouTube: Cyclotour du Léman route preview
  • Professionally supported sportive holiday: Brevet’s  Cyclotour du Léman holiday  and  Cyclotour du Léman Sportive Weekend

Still searching for a sportive? Then check out our sportive calendar for the best handpicked cycling events in Switzerland.

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Lake Geneva Boats: Spring Pleasure Cruises on Lac Léman

CGN pleasure boat cruises depart daily on Lake Geneva during spring — mid-April to mid-June — from Genève, Lausanne, Nyon, Vevey, Montreux, Chillon, Evian and smaller ports.

Savoie off Nyon with Snow Peaks

During the spring season from mid-April to early June, CGN pleasure boat cruises depart daily from most ports on Lake Geneva in Switzerland and France. Popular cruise routings are return trips from Geneva but arguably the best cruises are in the upper lake region where boats cruise past the vineyards of the Lavaux with the Alps in the background. Passenger ferries are options for sightseeing excursions, especially from Lausanne to Evian and from Nyon to Yvoire. Lunchtime and dinner cruises are popular too with reservations highly advisable if planning to eat on board.

Pleasure Cruises on Lake Geneva in Spring and Easter

In 2024 , the spring season timetable starts on 20 April but several cruises are already possible on Sundays and over the Easter weekend, which in 2024 falls on the last weekend of March and the first few days of April. Gourmet lunch cruises will be available every day from 29 March to 1 April with boats departing from Geneva, Lausanne, Vevey, Montreux, and most ports on the upper lake.

Boats Geneva-Mt-Blanc

During the spring season, boat cruises are possible daily on Lac Léman, although the options remain higher over weekends. The spring timetables of CGN are in operation from mid-April to the end of May.

In spring, Lake Geneva boat cruises are on four basic routings:

  • Geneva circular roundtrip cruises — usually around an hour. ( Book 50-minute cruises from Genève online .)
  • Geneva to Lausanne — almost four hours — often with stops possible at Morges, Nyon, and Yvoire (in France).
  • Upper Lake area from Lausanne to St Gingolph with stops amongst others at Montreux, Vevey, and Chateau de Chillon.
  • Ferry services — short crossings between Switzerland and France — from Lausanne to Evian and Nyon to Yvoire. ( Passenger ferries operate year-round.)

The historic paddle steamers are the best choice and fares are the same as for more modern boats — paddle steamboat cruises are usually clearly marked as such in the published timetables.


Spring Pleasure Boat Cruises from Genève

Savoie and Mouette in Geneva

Circular cruises from Geneva are possible three to six times per day during the spring season. The basic cruise is just less than an hour and departs from Geneva and stops on demand in Bellevue. Modern boats are mostly used on this routing.

Lunchtime cruises are often available and are usually on a historic paddle steamboat — the cruise is longer (and more expensive) with lunch optional and best reserved in advance. Dinner cruises are mostly on Friday evenings with reservations essential. Fondue is served on Friday dinner cruises until late May.

Geneva has several departure points with not all boats stopping at all landings. The most important departure points are Genève Mont-Blanc (on the station side of the lake near the bridge across the Rhone) and Genève Jardin Anglais (old town side of the lake).

A further cruise option in Geneva is the Mouette boats which are part of the public transportation system and therefore use the same tickets as the tram or bus (but far more fun).

Cruises between Geneva and Lausanne via Nyon and Yvoire

Savoie Off Nyon and Mt Blanc

Cruises to Nyon , Yvoire , and Lausanne are further options when cruising from Geneva. (However, if time and budget allow, it is better to take the train and cruise on the more spectacular upper part of Lac Léman.)

Basic options when cruising from Geneva are to beautiful medieval Yvoire in France or to Nyon in Switzerland. depending on the cruise, boats may also call en route at Versoix and Coppet .

In spring, the full Geneva to Lausanne cruise — nearly four hours — is only possible on weekends. In addition to the above, these cruises may also call at Rolle, St-Prex , Morges , and St-Sulpice .

These line cruises are commonly taken only one way with sightseeing at the destination and then return to Geneva by train (or vv). During spring, the cruises are often not frequent enough to plan on continuing the journey on a later boat. The railway links and bus services on the Swiss side of the lake are very good. Frequent ferries are available between Yvoire and Nyon but don’t miss the last boat — Yvoire offers limited alternative public transportation options back to Geneva.

Cruises on the Upper Lake in Spring

SS La Suisse approaching Lausanne-Ouchy

The Haut Lac (Upper Lake) is the most beautiful part of Lake Geneva. In any season, the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage-listed vineyards of the Lavaux region between Lausanne and Montreux are spectacular while snow-covered Alpine peaks are constantly in the background.

Even in spring, cruises on this part of Lake Geneva are frequent and as an added bonus, most cruises are on the historic paddle steamers Italie (1908) and La Suisse (1910). These boats have beautiful restaurants — especially in first class. Reservations are highly recommended — even if not eating here, consider having a coffee after the main service has finished and tables become available.

In spring, it is usually possible to start (or complete) two cruises per day from Lausanne to Vevey — an hour cruise. Around six cruises per day do the circular cruise from Vevey via amongst others Montreux, Chateau de Chillon , and St-Gingolph in around two hours. Chateau de Chillon claims to be the most popular monument in Switzerland — it is fun to visit —  buy tickets online in advance .)

The basic routings are as follows but note not all boats call at all ports on all cruises:

cgn boat approaching chateau de chillon castle near montreux

  • Lausanne to Vevey(or reverse) in an hour with stops at Pully, Lutry, Cully, and Rivaz-St-Saphorin in the Lavaux region.
  • Circular cruises from Vevey Marché in two hours with stops usually en route at Vevey-La Tour , Clarens, Montreux , Château de Chillon , Villeneuve, Le Bouveret, and St-Gingolph. Boats from St Gingolph usually cross the lake directly back to Vevey but a few cruises are possible in the reverse direction starting from Chateau de Chillon and Montreux.

Travelers setting out early could use later boats if stopping en route for sightseeing. Railway connections are very easy from all ports except St Gingolph and Le Bouveret. The train-boat connections are easiest at Vevey-Marché (flat walk and very frequent trains) and Montreux — escalators. From the lakeside Lausanne-Ouchy (and Olympic Museum ) to Lausanne train station (and Gothic cathedral ), use the metro — otherwise, it is a long, very steep walk.


Ferry Boats on Lake Geneva

The regular ferry boats on Lake Geneva are further options for cruising on Lac Léman but the cruise may be as short as 20 minutes.

For tourists, the two popular passenger ferry boat routings on Lake Geneva are:

  • N3 : Nyon in Switzerland to Yvoire in France — 20 minutes up to 15 times per day
  • N1 : Lausanne to Evian — 35 minutes up to 12 times per day. The Leman Express made travel by rail between Geneva and Evian significantly simpler in recent years but the ferry to and train from Lausanne are still often the better choice.

As these ferries cross the border, Swiss customs checks are occasionally made. Furthermore, travel regulations in France may at times be different than in Switzerland.

It is essential to buy ferry boat tickets before boarding boats — fines are steep.

Tickets for Lake Geneva Boat Cruises

CGN's Simplon paddle steam boat in Geneva with a Mouette passenger ferry passing in the foreground.

CGN operates all Lake Geneva boat cruises — a few local sightseeing and circular cruises are also available in especially Geneva. Tickets may be bought in advance online, often as part of railway tickets, at boat landings, and from vending machines.

In smaller towns, tickets may also be bought immediately when boarding the boats. However, on the ferry boats and any boats with the Autocontrôle (an eye symbol), tickets MUST be bought before boarding, or expect a heavy fine if tickets are checked.

Many special tickets are available to make cruises cheaper. The half-fare card is valid while the best savings deal for families is the Carte Junior . CGN also has cheaper day tickets and special family tickets worth considering especially for longer cruises. If the budget allows, first-class tickets are worth the surcharge for better views and open decks.

More on Lake Geneva Pleasure Boats and Cruises:

SS Montreux on Lac Leman

  • Pleasure Boats and Ferries on Lake Geneva
  • Lake Geneva Boat Cruises in Spring
  • Passenger Ferries on Lake Geneva
  • Book Cruises at GYG or at CGN
  • Passenger Ferries and Cruises from Lausanne to Evian and Thonon
  • Savings Tickets for CGN Lake Geneva Boat Cruises
  • Summer Lake Geneva Boat Excursions and Day Cruises
  • Spring & Autumn Cruises on Lake Geneva
  • Winter and Christmas Cruises on Lake Geneva
  • Pleasure Boat Excursions to Yvoire
  • Boat Cruises from Genéve to Lausanne
  • See the Historic Paddle Steamers at the Parade Navale
  • New Year’s Eve Dinner Cruises on Lake Geneva

Home » All Lake Geneva Boats & Ferries » Lake Geneva Boats: Spring Pleasure Cruises on Lac Léman


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  1. Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) Tours and Tickets

    from. $118.83. (STTG04) - Sightseeing Cruise at Geneva with Wine and Aperitif. 85. Enjoy a quiet zero-emission boat cruise and be surprised by the views of Lac Leman in Geneva. From the International District of Geneva to Cologny this cruise will offer you a unique view on Geneva with the Alps on the background.

  2. Tour du Lac Léman (AKA cycling around Lake Geneva)

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  3. Home

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  4. Itinéraire vélo

    800 m. 800 m. En savoir plus sur ce Tour. Le Tour du Lac Léman est l'un des tours à vélo les plus connus en Suisse romande. Il représente souvent un objectif de saison pour les cyclistes débutants et un moyen idéal de faire une grosse sortie foncière pour d'autres. Certains l'adorent, d'autres le détestent.

  5. Cycle Around Lake Geneva in Switzerland and France

    Cycling route 46 guides cyclists on the 200-km Tour du Léman bike tour around Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) in Switzerland and France. The route is suitable for most cyclists and families as it generally follows quiet country and agricultural roads with only gentle inclines. It is also easy to adapt the route for better views or by using Swiss ...

  6. Pleasure Boats and Ferries on Lake Geneva, Switzerland

    Tourists have been enjoying pleasure cruises on Lake Geneva for well over a century. Many of the day cruise boats on Lac Léman are Belle Époque paddle steamers in a two-class configuration. The Montreux (built 1904) is the oldest boat in regular operation while the elegant La Suisse (1910) is the grande dame of the CGN fleet.. The Compagnie Générale de Navigation sure le Lac Léman, better ...

  7. Lake Geneva

    Lake Geneva is a water body of superlatives: mildest climate, largest lake and lake with the largest amount of water in Central Europe.The Celts called it "Large Water" or "Lem an", and to this day it is called Lac Léman in French. And it certainly is big. Scheduled boats, historic paddle steamers and small ferries ply this 582km2 body ...

  8. Promenade du Lac Léman

    No. 148. Distance. 3 km. Duration. 40 min. Ascent. 10 m. On a tour of Geneva, you soon realize that the vibrant metropolis also offers wonderful locations in natural surroundings. Combined with the urban background, the attractive promenade alongside the lake, is the ideal place to take a stroll.

  9. Tickets & Tours

    Find and book tours and tickets to Lake Geneva (Lac Léman). Experience Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) by buying tickets with Viator. Free cancellation, payment options and millions of reviews. ... The Lake Leman tour was really eventful as we had a sudden storm broke out while sailing peacefully after a gorgeously sunny day.

  10. Things to do in Lake Geneva

    For the ultimate Lac Léman activity, opt for a sightseeing cruise aboard one of the CGN boats to travel in Grand Tour style. The belle époque boats link up key lake towns such as Évian-les-Baines, Geneva, Lausanne, Montreux, Nyon, Thonon, Vevey, and Yvoire, and run all year.

  11. Tour du Léman

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  14. Official Website of CGN

    Lavaux Tour cruise from Lausanne . Gourmet . Lunch on the lake Riviera Tour cruise . Gourmet . Discover all the cruises. BELLE ÉPOQUE FLEET A fleet unique in the World. Discover our fleet . Our know-how. Follow us on @cgn_switzerland. Newsletter. Let's stay in touch and discover all our offers, promotions, contests and much more. ...

  15. Lake Geneva Pleasure Cruises from Vevey and Lausanne

    See Savings Deals on Lake Geneva Cruise Boats for a range of savings options to make cruising in Lac Léman boats cheaper.. Sample one-way fares are around (First Class): Lausanne circular cruise CHF50 (CHF70) for the three-hour circuit, Lausanne-Vevey CHF20 (CHF28), Lausanne-Montreux/Chateau de Chillon CHF26 (CHF37) and Vevey two-hour circuit CHF38 (CHF53).

  16. Home

    Highlights. Cyclotour du Léman traverses some of the most interesting terrain that Switzerland and France has to offer. From the gorgeous rolling hills of the Lavaux wine region, to one of Europe's most visited castles. And what better way to see it all than by bike?

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    Tour du Lac Léman - Cyclotour. Expert. 07:36. 177 km. 23.3 km/h. 1,100 m. 1,100 m. Expert road ride. Very good fitness required. Some portions of the Tour may be unpaved and difficult to ride. Better plan each individual stage of your adventure with the multi-day planner — available as a part of komoot Premium.

  18. Cyclotour du Léman

    The Cyclotour du Léman is a cycling sportive event in Switzerland with a choice of three distances, including the full 180km cycle around Lake Geneva. The Cyclotour du Léman takes cyclists on a beautiful route around Lake Geneva (Lac Léman locally) that winds through vineyards and apple orchards against a backdrop of a shimmering lake and ...

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    Boutique Small Group European Experiences around Switzerland's Lac Leman (Lake Geneva) 0. Skip to Content Home Autumn 2024 Tours 2025 Tour Schedule Italy Tuscany | Signature Tour ... On this 4 Day / 3 Night tour, you will join us on Lac Léman/Lake Geneva, the largest lake in the Alps, ...

  20. Lake Geneva Boats: Spring Pleasure Cruises on Lac Léman

    The Haut Lac (Upper Lake) is the most beautiful part of Lake Geneva. In any season, the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage-listed vineyards of the Lavaux region between Lausanne and Montreux are spectacular while snow-covered Alpine peaks are constantly in the background.. Even in spring, cruises on this part of Lake Geneva are frequent and as an added bonus, most cruises are on the historic ...

  21. Cyclotour du Léman

    There are four distances to choose from ranging from the 180km Tour du Lac to the 60km ride from Geneva to Lausanne through the La Côte wine region. Lausanne to Lausanne - 176km Tour du Lac. The full 180km cycle around lake Léman from Lausanne to Lausanne, known as the "Tour du Lac" locally, departs from Lausanne near to the lake front ...

  22. Tour du Lac

    Prize cup for the fourth Tour du Léman (1975). The Tour du Lac regatta (also known as the Tour du Léman or the Tour du Lac Léman à l'Aviron) is a rowing regatta on lake Geneva in Switzerland.Since 1972 the regatta has been organized at the end of September every year by the yacht club Société Nautique de Genève.The tour, which starts in Geneva and runs around lake Geneva.