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“Mengenal istilah It Girl ” 

Trend life style ala alpha female idaman semua orang, masa kini, banyak bermunculan tren dengan istilah baru dari efek globalisasi yang sangat marak dan sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan di kalangan masyarakat. baik tren yang berkaitan dengan l ifestyle , hobi, tontonan, makanan, dan lain sebagainya..

Tren yang berkenaan dengan Alpha Female pasti menjadi suatu hal yang sangat keren dan patut dijadikan motivasi bagi kalangan Female itu sendiri. 

Tahukah kalian, IT Girl adalah salah satu tren lifestyle ala Alpha Female, loh!. 

Julukan ini kerap disematkan pada wanita muda, cerdas,  famous , mapan, pandai merawat diri, aktif di berbagai bidang, bahkan dapat memotivasi orang sekitar karena vibes dan pengaruh yang It Girl bangun. 

Namun, bagaimana cara membentuk tren lifestyle alpha girl ini? 

Sebelumnya, kita patut mengenal istilah apa itu "IT Girl"

Apa Itu It GIRL ?  

Mengutip dari perbincangan netizen di aplikasi X yang membahas terkait It girl, 

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5 Arti Kata Journey di Kamus Bahasa Inggris Terjemahan Indonesia

Terdapat 5 arti kata 'journey' di Kamus Bahasa Inggris Terjemahan Indonesia.

arti journey

Nomina (kata benda)

  • Penjelajahan

Verba (kata kerja)

  • Mengadakan perjalanan

Menurut Kamus Bahasa Inggris Terjemahan Indonesia, arti kata journey adalah penjelajahan. Arti lainnya dari journey adalah kepergian.

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  • Mengenai Kami
  • Hubungi Kami
  • Kebijakan Privasi
  • Pedoman Media Siber
  • Redaksi & Manajemen
  • Download Video TikTok
  • Kamus Inggris-Indonesia

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Iklan tertutup dalam 10 detik

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Girl Power Talk

Back to People We Admire

Leading with Heart and Passion: Julia Healey’s Social Impact Journey

Childhood and Life Purpose

Professional Journey and Career


Inspiring Philanthropy

Professional Achievements and Milestones

Finding balance

Advice to Budding Philanthropists

  • Initially intending to work in finance, Julia shifted to the nonprofit sector after personal experiences broadened her understanding of social issues.
  • She successfully combines her business skills with nonprofit work to create sustainable change.
  • As a leader, Julia believes in leading with vulnerability and openness to build a stronger team.
  • She encourages young leaders to find and pursue their passions to drive social impact.

1. Tell us about your childhood.

I am Italian, but I grew up in New Jersey. So being a Jersey girl has always been part of my identity. My mother was a teacher and had a proper way of doing everything, from assignments to schedules. I grew up in a household full of love, but being the child of a teacher, much was expected of me. As an only child, I had to initiate conversations and make friends with other children as I did not have an automatic one. Even today, I can build community wherever I go. Starting at a young age, I always wanted people to play how I wanted. I did a lot of activities, including tap dancing, and my parents were incredibly supportive of everything I wanted to do. There was a healthy amount of encouragement to try anything, with the understanding that commitment was necessary. If I failed, it wasn’t a big deal. This was the time to learn what I was good at and what I was not.

2. Tell us about your professional journey and your motivation to do so.

My undergrad degrees are in finance and accounting, and I have an MBA in finance. I thought I was going to enter the financial world, then I fell in love. I had a wonderful upbringing; my parents gave me every opportunity. I fell in love with someone who didn’t have the same, and I started to learn about his life. My husband and I have been together for 20 years; next year will be our 20th anniversary. He faced struggles and hardships including not having access to the same information and media I had. For me, going to college was never a question. You go to elementary school, then middle school, then high school, and then college—it was never optional for me. I didn’t realize it was optional for others. This realization led me to research nonprofits. Initially, I thought I might not fit into a nonprofit because of my business background. However, I realized that creating sustainability and sustainable change is essential, and having a business background is perfect for that. It was cool to see both sides of my passion—accounting and finance—combined with building a sustainable business and applying that to the nonprofit world. My business background helps make my projects and programs sustainable. It allows me to evaluate if a program should be implemented and how to rally donor bases around it. There are many ways to create sustainability in nonprofit projects, and I realized that the nonprofit industry could benefit from someone like me.


3. What inspired the establishment of The Athletes Charitable?

As a big Philadelphia Eagles fan, I learned a lot about philanthropy through the charitable efforts of my favorite players. Issues like food insecurity in inner-city Philadelphia and spreading the word of God to certain communities caught my attention. I was fascinated by what my favorite athletes were doing off the field, which educated me about various social issues I hadn’t been aware of before. This experience was empowering and made me think, “What if I could bring this to more professional athletes? How many more people could be inspired and educated about important issues or how they can help?”

My parents were also involved in philanthropy, but their causes didn’t resonate with me as much. My dad supported MathCounts, a math program, and my mom fought for teachers’ rights in New Jersey. While I supported them, it wasn’t my passion. My real interest sparked when I saw how athletes used their platforms to raise awareness about significant issues.

This led me to wonder, “What if we made it easier for professional athletes to get involved in philanthropy? Could we create more impact?” And that’s how The Athletes Charitable was born.

4. What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far?

Sometimes, the biggest challenge for me is creating a team. I often look for people with similar skill sets to mine, but I realize I also need to consider values. Finding the right team of people to come together to promote this cause has been a challenge. Believing in your ideas can also be challenging. Sometimes you have an idea and think it’s really good, but then you doubt yourself. In 2022, we launched our professional athletes division of United Charitable, called Athletes Charitable. We support professional athletes in their philanthropic journey , helping them create their programs from the ground up. I wondered, “Is this a good idea? How do I go to my board of directors and say we are pursuing this?” Two years later, we had over 30 players, raised millions of dollars, and had more impact than I expected. It has gone really well, but there’s always that little seed of doubt.

5. As the CEO and President of United Charitable, what is your leadership style?

I truly believe in leading with your vulnerabilities and not being afraid to show them. It’s how you will get people to be around you and share their vulnerabilities as well so you can become stronger together. My leadership style has changed over time, and embracing that change is incredibly important. Listening to the people around you is crucial. Being a blunt person means you sometimes put people off by saying exactly what you feel. However, I share my vulnerabilities and invest in people, showing them I want them to succeed. I share the problems we face, my insecurities, and what we need help with. Being honest about everything is the first step to fixing problems. Dictator-style leadership, where problems are hidden, makes me laugh because problems are inevitable and need to be addressed openly. It’s important to listen to people, know your values, and understand how you want to lead. This way, you won’t be swayed by what everyone else wants from you, which is challenging as you move up the ranks. Many people are afraid to discuss mistakes with their bosses. But we are all fallible; that is the definition of being human. Creating an environment where mistakes can be discussed and learned from is essential.


6. How do you empower your team at United Charitable to achieve their best work?

I give my team space to explore what’s important to them and allow them to implement their ideas. It’s challenging for me to step back, but it’s essential for their growth. For example, one of our employees recently earned a storytelling certificate from Georgetown and now oversees our communications. Her passion for storytelling enhances how we share the United Charitable mission. Similarly, our VP, Hannibal Navies, is pursuing a certificate in philanthropic thought leadership, which will help us integrate public, private, and nonprofit sectors to drive change.

Supporting our team’s passions fosters their growth and benefits United Charitable. This approach has led to meaningful content, like our blog highlighting clients and their charitable choices, inspired by our employee’s storytelling course. Allowing team members to pursue their interests and develop their skills creates a strong, motivated, and effective team.

7. How do you encourage people to get involved and support your cause?

I focus on meeting them where they are. Guilt is not a positive strategy, so I seek to understand their reasons for hesitating—whether it’s a lack of knowledge, feeling their impact won’t be significant, or financial concerns. Engaging donors often means facing rejection, but perseverance is key. For example, I once had a donor who could only give $50 a month and didn’t see themselves as a philanthropist. I suggested they find two or three friends to do the same, emphasizing how their contributions could support an after-school program.

The key is to make people feel connected and impactful, regardless of the amount they give. By showing them how even small donations can make a difference, we help them see their value. Personalizing our approach and understanding what matters to our donors has always been crucial for us.

8. What was it like to speak at the 5th Annual Sports Power Brunch with so many incredible women leaders?

It was the highlight of my career. Being up there addressing the amazing women in the room about the power of philanthropy and professional athletes was amazing. That was an idea I wasn’t sure about following. But just getting the clients, building Athletes Charitable, working with my amazing VP, Hannibal Navies, and then going up there and saying, “Hey, I had an idea, and now I’m here,” is pretty powerful. It’s one of those full-circle moments. I’m a die-hard Philadelphia Eagles fan, as you’ve seen from all the material about me, and my starting quarterback’s agent was there, being honored for being an amazing woman.

9. Could you share a few insights from your podcast, the Inspired Changemakers?

Inspired Changemakers has been an incredible experience for me because I get to highlight people driving change in various areas. The podcast isn’t limited to a specific type of change; it covers a wide range, including personal development, fitness, mental health, environmental issues, and education. I feature guests who are committed to making a difference in any way they can.

As individuals, we often find ourselves stuck and in need of change. This is particularly true for women, who go through many different phases in life. For instance, I am a wife, a mother, and a CEO. Each phase requires significant personal change. Through these conversations, I explore how others approach change, make it less daunting, and transition from one stage to another. This dialogue is incredibly empowering.

The guests on Inspired Changemakers are people who have inspired me personally. They have either influenced my thinking or made a significant impact on my life. I find it fun and enriching to share their stories and insights, as they offer valuable perspectives on navigating and embracing change.


10. How do you balance your work and personal life and what is one thing you enjoy doing in your free time?

Balancing work and personal life is a daily struggle, but I continually work on it. Every day, I think about how I’d like to spend my time, whether it’s having a cleaner house, preparing fresh meals for my kids, or contributing more to meetings. It’s essential to recognize these thoughts and address them. For a long time, I believed balance would just happen, but it doesn’t. You have to actively work on it.

Recently, I’ve found gardening to be a grounding activity. I enjoy gardening with my kids, and it serves as a metaphor for life’s journey. Watching a tomato plant grow from seed to fruit reminds me that everything takes time and effort. Just like a plant needs sun, water, and soil, we need various elements to thrive. Gardening has helped me stay centered and appreciate the process of growth.

Another advice I’d give my younger self is to take five-minute walks. This simple act can be incredibly refreshing and grounding. Before responding to an email, taking a phone call, or starting a task, stepping outside for a few minutes—even if it is raining—can help clear your mind. It allows you to gather your thoughts and understand your values better. Knowing where you stand makes it easier to navigate your day.

11. How would you advise Young Leaders with a passion for social impact?

Just create change and find a way to be passionate about it every day. We often want to see change but align ourselves with an organization or something that may not necessarily help us be passionate every day to fight the cause. For me, my career in helping families incorporate charitable giving and legacy planning motivates me every single day. I am celebrating 14 years with United Charitable since its beginning in 2010. Every day, I wake up with the same mentality: my job is to inspire others to create change, whether through social entrepreneurship, legacy planning, or charitable gift planning. I am incredibly passionate about it, and that hasn’t changed. Find something you are passionate about. Some philanthropists may not know if their idea will work. As entrepreneurs trying to make change, we understand that change might not happen right away, and we do not know if it will work. You just need to do it every day and be passionate about it because that will give you the best chance to create change.


Julia Healey has embraced the power of love, authenticity, resilience, and community. Rooted in a philanthropic mindset, she helps families incorporate charitable giving and legacy planning. Her empowered outlook on life is reflected in her ability to gain clarity while navigating various roles in her personal and professional life.


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Unveiling the veil: understanding how women’s bodies are sexualized, investing in myself: a journey to finding balance, strategies on how to support women in the workplace, why the focus on women in leadership, know an impactful story.

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Terjemahan lirik lagu journey - lady luck.

Roll the dice, roll them twice. Gulingkan dadu, gulung dua kali. My, my can you spare a dime? Saya, saya bisa Anda cadangan sepeser pun? Ooh, snake eyes, the lady flies. Ooh, mata ular, lalat betina. My, my, my Saya, saya, saya She's so hard to find. Dia sangat sulit ditemukan.

Ooh, lady luck, yeah, lady luck. Ooh, nyonya keberuntungan, ya, nyonya. Ooh, my lady luck, oh, my lady luck. Ooh, keberuntungan wanita saya, oh, keberuntungan wanita saya.

Now what went wrong? Sekarang apa yang salah? I've been here too long. Aku sudah lama di sini. Can you spare a dime? Bisakah kamu menyisihkan sepeser pun? Luck's disguised Luck menyamar In her eyes. Di matanya. Oh, my lady's so hard to find. Oh, wanita saya sangat sulit ditemukan.

Lady. She's gone. The lady, she's gone. Wanita. Dia pergi. Wanita itu, dia pergi.

Oh my lady, Oh my lady, Oh my lady, Oh my lady, Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, My lady, luck. Putri saya, beruntung.

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Perbedaan "Trip", "Travel", "Tour", dan "Journey" dalam Bahasa Inggris

Perbedaan "Trip", "Travel", "Tour", dan "Journey" dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sebagai pengguna bahasa Inggris, kamu tentu mengenal kata “trip”, “travel”, “tour” dan “journey”. Bahkan, kamu mungkin pernah menggunakannya saat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris , baik dengan berbicara, maupun menulis. Biasanya, keempat kata tersebut digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa kamu sedang liburan. Lalu, bagaimana cara membedakan waktu penggunaannya? Nah, berikut ini adalah penjelasan lengkap dari masing-masing kata dan contoh penggunaannya yang tepat:

Secara harfiah, kata “trip” artinya adalah sebuah perjalanan, biasanya bolak-balik ke suatu tempat. Meski bisa digunakan untuk perjalanan jauh, kata “trip” akan lebih sesuai digunakan untuk perjalanan singkat yang sengaja dilakukan untuk kesenangan atau menyenangkan diri sendiri. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa menggunakan kata “trip” yang berupa kata benda atau noun untuk menceritakan perjalanan kerja ( business trip ), liburan singkat ( short trip ), atau liburan sekolah ( school trip ). Agar lebih jelas bagaimana menggunakan kata “trip” dengan tepat, berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang bisa kamu pelajari:

We had a short trip to Bandung last week. (Kami melakukan perjalanan singkat ke Bandung minggu lalu.)

He’s gone to Paris for a business trip . (Dia pergi ke Paris untuk melakukan sebuah perjalanan bisnis.)

He went with me to my overseas trip last year. (Dia ikut bersamaku melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri tahun lalu.)

She’s planning a trip to Singapore. (Dia merencanakan sebuah perjalanan ke Singapura.)

Kata “travel” dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya bisa diartikan sebagai “bepergian”. Itu sebabnya, saat kamu jalan-jalan ke berbagai tempat dalam jarak yang cukup jauh, kamu bisa disebut sedang travelling. Kata ini sebenarnya tidak berbeda jauh maknanya dengan kata “trip”. Akan tetapi, jika “trip” adalah kata benda atau noun , kata “travel” termasuk sebagai kata kerja atau verb . Dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa menggunakan kata “travel” untuk menunjukkan aksi atau kegiatan yang dilakukan dan berkaitan dengan bepergian. Jika kegiatan tersebut sedang berlangsung saat kamu mengatakannya, kamu bisa menggunakan kata “travelling” sebagai present participle dari kata “travel”.

Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan kata ini dengan tepat, simak beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini.

I traveled abroad a lot last year.  (Aku sering bepergian ke luar negeri tahun lalu.)

We love to travel by train. (Kami suka bepergian menggunakan kereta api.)

My parents enjoy travelling around Asia continent. (Orangtua saya sangat menikmati bepergian keliling benua Asia.)

Sama halnya dengan kata trip, kata tour juga termasuk sebagai kata benda atau noun . Kata yang satu ini memiliki makna “perjalanan yang dilakukan ke beberapa tempat, bisa daerah, kota, hingga negara”. Hal ini bisa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan sebuah perjalanan yang menyenangkan dan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan ke beberapa tempat. Meski demikian, kata ini sebenarnya juga bisa difungsikan sebagai verb layaknya “travel”. Biasanya, jika digunakan sebagai kata kerja, tour bermakna aktivitas bepergian yang dilakukan ke beberapa tempat secara berkelanjutan.

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan kata “tour” sebagai  noun dan kata “tour” sebagai verb dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang tepat.

Kata “tour” sebagai noun

They embarked on a tour around the country. (Mereka melakukan perjalanan keliling negara ini.)

When I was in Europe, I rode a bus tour. (Saat aku berada di Eropa, aku naik tur bus.)

Kata “tour” sebagai verb

She’s currently touring with her theatre club . (Dia saat ini sedang berkeliling dengan klub teaternya.)

He’s toured the country promoting his new album. (Dia bepergian keliling negara ini untuk mempromosikan album barunya.)

Sedikit berbeda dengan ketiga kata lainnya, journey yang tergolong sebagai kata benda atau noun ini memiliki makna “sebuah perjalanan panjang yang jauh dan memakan waktu lama.” Biasanya, kata journey juga bisa digunakan untuk mengatakan “perjalanan hidup” dalam bahasa Inggris.

Jika kamu ingin menggunakan kata journey saat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, pastikan kamu sudah menggunakannya secara tepat. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata “journey” sesuai konteks.

Lani had a very thoughtful journey in Africa. (Lani mengalami perjalanan yang berat di Afrika.)

She has a wonderful journey touring across the world. (Dia mengalami perjalanan yang sangat indah saat berkeliling dunia.)

My journey was tiring. (Perjalananku sangatlah melelahkan.)

Nah, dari penjelasan lengkap di atas, kini kamu sudah paham bukan bagaimana menggunakan keempat kosakata tersebut?

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What is the translation of "journey" in Indonesian?

"journey" in indonesian, journey {v.t.}.

  • volume_up berpergian

journey {noun}

  • volume_up proses panjang perubahan dan pengembangan diri

set out on a journey {vb}

  • volume_up mengadakan perjalanan


Journey [ journeyed|journeyed ] {transitive verb}.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

set out on a journey {verb}

Context sentences, english indonesian contextual examples of "journey" in indonesian.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

Monolingual examples

English how to use "journey" in a sentence, english how to use "set out on a journey" in a sentence, synonyms (english) for "journey":.

  • journalistic
  • journalistic style
  • joyous occasion

More translations in the English-Japanese dictionary .

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Zooey deschanel sings karaoke amid movie shoot in north carolina, zooey deschanel singin' karaoke in north carolina ... a lil' mj, band & journey.

Zooey Deschanel is usually acting her ass off on camera -- but to cap off the month of May ... she was singing her ass off instead, and doing a damn good job too.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, that shows the "New Girl" star at an art gallery/wine bar in Wilmington, NC two Sundays ago ... where we're told she and some colleagues rented the space for a good old-fashioned karaoke sesh.

As you can see, Zooey was on the mic and belting out songs -- including "Don't Stop Believin'," "The Weight" and even "We Are the World." For each, she sang her heart out.

Now, in terms of who her friends are here ... eyewitnesses tell us they were actually her coworkers -- namely, ones from a movie she's working on in town called "Merv." The director of the flick, Jessica Swale , is the blonde lady next to ZD.

We're also told other cast and crew came along for the get-together ... including Charlie Cox , who's also in this upcoming flick.

Anyway ... the tunes certainly had Zooey and co. moving and grooving -- and it's pretty funny, 'cause she's actually known to be quite musical as well ... something we've seen over time.

In fact, Zooey actually met her partner Jonathan Scott during "Carpool Karaoke" a few years back -- and after they hit some high notes together ... they've been a couple ever since.

ZD has also put her pipes on display in her films too -- so yeah, she's super talented.

Take it away, Z ... put that load right on us!

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Step Into Your Black Girl Luxury Era With Kendall Miles

Chicago native Kendall Reynolds founded her namesake luxury shoe label Kendall Miles in 2015 with luxury for Black women in mind. She built the crux of her brand while in school at USC where she graduated with an international relations degree with a focus on entrepreneurship. Notably, what’s unique about Reynolds’ journey is the fact that due to her mother’s support and financial backing, she was able to fully take a leap of faith and launch her business as she learned the necessary business skills and acumen at USC, according to Teen Vogue . 

During her senior year, she worked diligently to carve out the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey as a footwear brand founder. Reynolds combined her first name and her brother’s first name to keep her brand distinctively personal to her. Her pre-existing business track and fascination with shoes from a young age were kismet as she set out to create striking shoes. Her luxury footwear designs have gone on to be worn by the style maven Rihanna and the beloved R&B songbird Kehlani. 

Step Into Your Black Girl Luxury Era With Kendall Miles

As a self-taught designer, Reynolds has always valued learning more about the design process and enrolled in a three-week crash course in Italy at the Arsutoria institution. There she learned about the different types of shoes and how to sketch properly. Through that and constantly learning on her own, she’s built Kendall Miles into the brand it is today with an infusion of culture along with luxury. While her consumer market is diverse, she emphasizes seeing Black women in luxury products as not many brands, especially her European counterparts , aren’t pushing that to the forefront. 

“This messaging isn’t to exclude other races, we want a diverse customer base, but first it’s imperative that we drill down on this message because no one else is encouraging us to elevate our lives in a genuine way,” Reynolds explained. “Elevating your mindset on what you deserve and how you show up can change your life in a very meaningful way. The culture we play into is much more spiritual and healing than pop culture,” she added. 

Step Into Your Black Girl Luxury Era With Kendall Miles

The brand’s ethos also lies in Reynolds being a third-generation entrepreneur which is why her designs are made in Italy. She utilizes a manufacturer that is a family-run mom-and-pop style business. From a design stance, the brand’s ethos finds a healthy balance between sophisticated, youthful, and edgy. You can see that within pieces like the HALO sandals and feathered bag from her new collection entitled “ Delicate Desires ” as well as the Foxxy Ibiza, and Siren pumps. Each piece is packed with vibrant colors and unique silhouettes to offer customers a full experience of glamour. The brand also prides itself in its expanded sizing of true sizes 12 through 14—a rarity in luxury footwear.

Step Into Your Black Girl Luxury Era With Kendall Miles

The designer often pulls inspiration through realms outside of fashion ranging from travel to just being outside in nature. Other things from special occasions to personality traits can lead Reynolds to design her “perfect” shoe. With an exquisite eye for detail, she’ll also look at the cuts of clothing and how they’d complement her shoe designs.

Reynolds has built an immensely supportive community surrounding her label. She described the women she works with as educated, fashionable, self-encouraged, motivated, and confident women; the type of network that anyone would thrive in. “From customers to cheerleaders to followers, the community surrounding Kendall Miles is so quality and impactful. I’m always learning from our community, whether it is directly related to the types of shoes they need or general life advice,” said Reynolds. 

Her dreams and goals for the brand’s future include diversifying her offerings with women’s footwear from flats to lower heels and entering the men’s market. Reynolds wants to continue to show up as a Black woman in luxury for make it “a little bit easier for the next Black girl who goes to Italy to make shoes.”

Shop the new Delicate Desires collection on . Sizes range from 36 to 43 while prices on shoes and accessories range from $475 to $1,195.

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Moody College of Communication

‘mean girls’ musical filmmakers recount their journey to the big screen.

Moody alumnus Arturo Perez Jr. and wife Samantha Jayne

Married filmmakers Arturo Perez Jr., who graduated from Moody College of Communication in 2006 with a radio-television-film degree, and Samantha Jayne knew they had to be scrappy to break into the film industry. The pair spent 10 years taking whatever jobs they could and developing their own work for no pay just to make a name for themselves. 

After nearly 20 years in the industry, their hard work paid off in 2020 when former “Saturday Night Live” star Tina Fey caught wind of their talent and asked them to pitch an idea for a film adaptation of the “Mean Girls” Broadway musical, which itself is based on a 2004 film written by Fey. 

“Mean Girls” cost $36 million to make, a meager budget by box office film standards, and went on to gross more than $100 million worldwide after its release in January. 

Those years it took to get their filmmaking career off the ground were crucial preparation for helming a full-length feature film. Perez said he spent many days directing live music videos for independent artists for the YouTube channel “La Blogotheque,” working for free. This allowed him to practice so he could close what Perez calls “the gap” — a chasm that exists between having good taste and ability to follow through with the work.

“When you're making your first movie, you haven’t made any mistakes,” Perez said. “Then you have to go and make all of the mistakes so that next time you will learn from them.”

Perez and Jayne said they got their first taste of success with a series of shorts called “Quarter Life Poetry,” based on Jayne’s own quarter-life crisis while working at an advertising agency. It earned acclaim at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival and later was picked up by FX. The studio agreed to develop the shorts into a half-hour episode TV series, but the pandemic derailed the project. 

After the network dropped their show, Perez and Jayne discussed ending their film careers, joking that they briefly considered a simpler agricultural life. But it was during this slump that Fey reached out. Jayne said the recent upset encouraged them to not hold back during their pitch.

“It was nice because the attitude that we had towards ‘Mean Girls’ was that we had already gotten so burned, so we just wanted to propose exactly how we would do it,” Jayne said. “We just didn’t have fear going into it, which I think was ultimately helpful.”

When the pair got the job, they began infusing their comedic style into the source material. They said they felt pressure trying to live up to the cult-classic film and the 12-time Tony-nominated Broadway musical, while simultaneously breathing new life into the project. 

Perez and Jayne didn’t have all the resources of a blockbuster film, but they did not let that stop them. They took over a high school in New Jersey for a little more than a month to film and never wasted a second. Perez said they would shoot entire musical sequences with their phone during rehearsals, exactly how it was meant to look in the movie, so they had everything set when cameras started rolling. 

“There was just no time, so the goal was to have everything totally figured out beforehand,” Jayne said. “On the day, it was purely about execution and leaving some breathing space for the actors to do their thing.” 

Perez and Jayne have always prided themselves on their resourcefulness. From the beginning of their careers, they found ways to use what they had to make movies and encourage young filmmakers to do the same. 

“No one’s going to hire you to be a director,” Perez said. “You just have to go out, make films and get better.”

The couple encouraged radio-television-film students to use what they have to make something short and simple, whether it's a scene from a longer project or a standalone short, to show their skills. They recommended shooting in a single location, asking friends to help out, posting the project to easy-to-access sites like Vimeo and sending it out to everyone possible. 

“If you want to be a director, go for it,” Perez said. “You have to be able to call yourself a director first, believe it and then start making the most you can.”

Perez said making movies is not always a glamorous process, but it's the love of the craft that pushes you forward. 

“If you like bringing people together to make movies, you already won,” Perez said. “It doesn’t matter if it's good or bad. That part will get better over time. It’s just about getting together to make something.”

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The Mama Maven Blog

NYC Mom Lifestyle and Easy Recipe Blog

A Tour of Italy with the Journey Girls

08/31/2015 by The Mama Maven

By Amanda Gurall

I recently had the pleasure of attending a preview of the fall launch for Journey Girls, a series of 18″ dolls produced and sold by Toys “R” Us. Five years ago they created this line of dolls and have since expended form four to seven different dolls to choose from. Each doll has her own backstory with varied interests but they all come together to travel the world, each year bringing them to a new country. Since Toys R Us is no longer in business, you can still find them on Amazon ! 

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This fall the collection features Italy and all of the dolls have cute new outfits to travel in. None of them are specifically Italian (except one that says “ciao”), but all of them are true to the doll’s character and my daughter really loved the clothes. The dolls are a bit older looking than some 18″ dolls which is nice if your child wants to act out the story of the girls traveling on their own all over the world as my daughter did.

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“Adventure seeker Kelsey will challenge herself by taking on the best hiking trails and exploring marine life within Italy’s 4,000-plus miles of coastline!”

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My eight year old daughter has two other dolls this size and her Journey Girl Kelsey fit right in with them, the clothes are mostly interchangeable with other dolls although the Journey dolls have thinner legs and smaller feet so some pants and shoes may not work on bigger dolls. Kelsey is able to stand in her shoes which was great. I think the rooted lashes and hair are nice and easy to maintain and her vinyl has good coloring and weight to it, adding to the durability over time. The collection is adorable and I am happy about the quality so i definitely recommend the Journey Girl collection to anyone who loves playing with or collecting dolls!

The age recommendation is 6 and up. There’s several exclusive to Amazon dolls now — find Journey Girls and accessories on Amazon. 

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Journey Girls 18 inch Alana Hand Painted Doll with Brown Hair Light Blue Eyes, Pretend Play

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Journey Girls 18 inch Alana Hand Painted Doll with Brown Hair Light Blue Eyes, Pretend Play

Purchase options and add-ons.

  • Take the Journey and share the experience with Alana. A movie and TV buff, Alana loves all things related to film!
  • Each Journey Girl doll stands 18 inches tall and comes dressed in her own travel-inspired fashion.
  • Features beautiful rooted hair and expressive hand-painted faces.
  • Girls will love dressing and styling their Journey Girl doll for any adventure.
  • Inspires creative, imaginative, and aspirational play.
  • Each doll’s outfit is interchangeable.

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Journey Girls 18 inch Alana Hand Painted Doll with Brown Hair Light Blue Eyes, Pretend Play

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Product information

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Take the Journey and share the experience with Alana. A movie and TV buff, Alana loves all things related to film! She even wants to be a producer when she gets older! She’s creative, ambitious, and her go-getter attitude makes her a great friend to look to when you need a pick me-up or encouraging word! Alana stands 18 inches tall and features beautiful light blue eyes with rooted eyelashes. Girls will love brushing and styling Alana’s long brown hair. Ages 6+ Just like Alana, each Journey Girl has her own individual and unique style while sharing similar interests with her friends. Journey Girls all love to travel and explore, seeking out new friends and super exciting adventures. Journey Girls are fashion forward and make use of their own special leadership skills – whether it be a strong and infectious sense of self-confidence, or a great way of helping friends through a sticky, silly, or sticky-silly situation! While each girl is different, one thing is for sure – Journey Girls are all about sharing. Whether it’s sharing something from their closet or something from their heart, Journey Girls are there to share adventures with their friends.

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May contain small pieces.

From the manufacturer

journey girls, my generation dolls, our generation dolls, wellie wishers, american girl dolls

Journey Girls - Alana

By just play.

Take the Journey and share the experience with Ilee. A free-spirited nature lover, Ilee is spontaneous and loves enjoying all the great outdoors has to offer. She loves a good pun and often tells her friends to “romaine calm!”

Alana stands 18 inches tall and features beautiful hazel eyes with rooted eyelashes.

A movie and TV buff, Alana loves all things related to film! She even wants to be a producer when she gets older! She’s creative, ambitious, and her go-getter attitude makes her a great friend to look to when you need a pick me-up or encouraging word!

  • Each Journey Girl doll stands 18” tall and comes dressed in her own travel-inspired fashion.

journey girls, american girl dolls, cabbage patch dolls, my generation doll, our generation doll

What's in the box

  • Journey Girls 18 inch Alana Hand Painted Doll with Brown Hair Light Blue Eyes

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Who is the new friend that arrived? Check the full unboxing of the new Journey Girl!

Mama Is Here

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Magical dress, cutest unique hair, purse accessory - but the shoe is a bit tight fyi

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Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the quality, durability, and softness of the toy figure. For example, they mention it's very pretty, has beautiful hair, and the clothes and accessories look well-made. That said, opinions are mixed on fit.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers are satisfied with the quality of the toy figure. They mention that it is very pretty, has beautiful hazel eyes, and has beautiful hair. They also appreciate the brown skin and freckles. The faces are expressive and not all similar like the American Girl dolls. They say the body is solid and like an expensive doll. Customers also mention that the toffee-colored skin is unique and adds to the doll's beauty. Overall, customers say the tote is a great buy especially for the price.

"...And their faces are much more expressive and not all similar like the American Girl dolls...." Read more

"...with their outfits they They move their arms and legs, great value for their money . My granddaughter’s absolutely adored these dolls." Read more

"This doll is absolutely beautiful , my 7yr old daughter picked her out with her birthday gift card and she takes her everywhere!..." Read more

"...But what stood out to me the most was her toffee-colored skin which is unique and adds character to the doll...." Read more

Customers like the durability of the toy figure. They mention that it's well-made, the clothes and accessories look well-crafted, and the box is sturdy. Some say that the quality feels better than other dolls.

"...For 20 bucks if she messes these up, who cares! They are still of excellent quality , they come with the outfit and the shoes, Kelsey comes with a hat..." Read more

" Really cute well made doll . Proud to give this product" Read more

"...Also the doll is high quality material it glistens and is made of hard and soft plastic through out...." Read more

"...Even the clothes and accessories look well-made .The only con I have is the packaging...." Read more

Customers like the softness of the toy figure. They mention that it has a soft tummy area, and a huggable torso. They also say that the hair feels and acts real.

"...Ilee's hair is super soft and appears that it will be easy to style. Even the clothes and accessories look well-made...." Read more

"...She has a soft , plush stomach area (similar to the 18” Adora dolls) and hard limbs/face/upper body...." Read more

"...The most impressive part to me is that they have just a soft tummy area . The rest is matches the arms, legs and head...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the fit of the toy figure. Some mention that it's the perfect size, fits all normal 18" doll clothes, and is much larger than they were expecting. However, others say that the knees don't bend, the clothes barely fit, and the doll doesn't stand on its own.

"...She is 18 inches and fits in all the doll clothes we already have. My 8-year-old daughter loves her and wants more of the dolls now...." Read more

"My daughter loves this doll. It is a good size at 18 inches and can stand on its own...." Read more

"...Her pants are low rise so they dont even cover her butt." Read more

"...her hair is still neat and her clothes fit well ." Read more

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DI baseball super regionals

🏆 Oklahoma wins record fourth WCWS title in a row

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🏃‍♀️ DI outdoor T&F finals | June 7, 2024

2024 ncaa baseball bracket: men's college world series scores, schedule.

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The 2024 NCAA DI baseball tournament is in the super regional round. Games continue through the Men's College World Series from June 14-23/24. Tournament selections were made  on Monday, May 27.

CONFERENCE TOURNAMENTS: Every conference tournament winner and automatic bid

The 2023 Men's College World Series came to a close when LSU routed Florida 18-4 in the decisive game of the finals to win its seventh national championship.

The complete NCAA regional, Super Regional, 2024 Men's College World Series schedules and results are below. 

  • Selection show: Monday, May 27 at Noon ET | ESPN2/ESPNU
  • Regionals: Friday-Monday,   May 31-June 3
  • Super Regionals: Friday-Monday, June 7-10
  • First day of MCWS games:  Start   Friday, June 14
  • MCWS finals:  Saturday-Monday, June 22-23/24

2024 NCAA DI baseball tournament bracket

DI baseball super regional bracket

👉  Click or tap here for the interactive 2024 bracket   |  Printable MCWS bracket  | Regional brackets

All times in ET

2024 DI baseball tournament super regionals schedule

Dates : Friday-Monday, June 7-10

Knoxville Super Regional

  • Game 1: (1) Tennessee vs. Evansville | 3 p.m. ET Friday, June 7 | ESPN2
  • Game 2: (1) Tennessee vs. Evansville | 11 a.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPN2
  • Game 3 (if necessary): (1) Tennessee vs. Evansville | 6 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPNU

Tallahassee Super Regional

  • Game 1: (8) Florida State vs. UConn | 12 p.m. Friday, June 7 | ESPN
  • Game 2: (8) Florida State vs. UConn |11 a.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPN
  • Game 3 (if necessary): (8) Florida State vs. UConn | 12 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPN2

Charlottesville Super Regional

  • Game 1: (12) Virginia vs. Kansas State | 7 p.m. Friday, June 7 | ESPN2
  • Game 2: (12) Virginia vs. Kansas State | 3 p.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPNU
  • Game 3 (if necessary):  (12) Virginia vs. Kansas State | 3 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPNU

Chapel Hill Super Regional

  • Game 1: (4) North Carolina vs. West Virginia | 6 p.m. Friday, June 7 | ESPN
  • Game 2:  (4) North Carolina vs. West Virginia | 8 p.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPN2
  • Game 3 (if necessary):  (4) North Carolina vs. West Virginia | 3 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPN2

Lexington Super Regional

  • Game 1: (2) Kentucky vs. Oregon State | 6 p.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPNU
  • Game 2: (2) Kentucky vs. Oregon State | 9 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPNU
  • Game 3 (if necessary):  (2) Kentucky vs. Oregon State | TBD Monday, June 10 | TBD

Athens Super Regional

  • Game 1: (7) Georgia vs. NC State | 12 p.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPNU
  • Game 2: (7) Georgia vs. NC State | 12 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPNU
  • Game 3 (if necessary):  (7) Georgia vs. NC State | TBD Monday, June 10 | TBD

Clemson Super Regional

  • Game 1: (6) Clemson vs. Florida | 2 p.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPN
  • Game 2: (6) Clemson vs. Florida | 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPN
  • Game 3 (if necessary):  (6) Clemson vs. Florida | TBD Monday, June 10 | TBD

Bryan-College Station Super Regional

  • Game 1: (3) Texas A&M vs. Oregon | 2 p.m. Saturday, June 8 | ESPN2
  • Game 2: (3) Texas A&M vs. Oregon  | 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 9 | ESPN2
  • Game 3 (if necessary):  (3) Texas A&M vs. Oregon | TBD Monday, June 10 | TBD

2024 Men's College World Series schedule 

Brackets for Men’s College World Series games won’t be determined until Monday, June 10.

  • Game 1: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 2:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 3: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 4:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 5: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 6:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 7: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 8:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 9: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 10:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 11: TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 12:  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN
  • Game 13 (if necessary): TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | TBD
  • Game 14 (if necessary):  TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | TBD
  • MCWS Final Game 1 : TBD vs. TBD, 7:30 p.m. | ESPN
  • MCWS Final Game 2 : TBD vs. TBD, 2 p.m. | ABC
  • MCWS Final Game 3 (if necessary) : TBD vs. TBD, 7 p.m. | ESPN

2024 DI baseball tournament regionals schedule

Here are the regional schedules for Friday, May 31 through Monday, June 3:

Knoxville Regional

  • Game 1: Indiana 10, Southern Miss 4
  • Game 2:  Tennessee 9, Northern Kentucky 3
  • Game 3: Southern Miss 6, Northern Kentucky 0
  • Game 4:  Tennessee 12,  Indiana 6 
  • Game 5:  Southern Miss 15,  Indiana 3  
  • Game 6:  Tennessee 12,  Southern Miss 3

🏆 Tennessee advances

Lexington Regional

  • Game 1 : Kentucky 10, Western Michigan 8 
  • Game 2:  Illinois 4,  Indiana State 1
  • Game 3:  Indiana State 6 , Western Michigan 4
  • Game 4:  Kentucky 6,  Illinois 1
  • Game 5:   Indiana State 13,  Illinois 2 
  • Game 6:  Kentucky 5,  Indiana State 0

🏆 Kentucky advances

Bryan-College Station Regional

  • Game 1:   Texas A&M 8, Grambling 0 
  • Game 2:  Texas 12,  Louisiana 5
  • Game 3:  Louisiana 12,  Grambling 5 
  • Game 4:  Texas A&M 4, Texas 2
  • Game 5 : Louisiana 10, Texas 2
  • Game 6:   Texas A&M 9,  Louisiana 4

🏆 Texas A&M advances

Chapel Hill Regional

  • Game 1: LSU 4, Wofford 3
  • Game 2: North Carolina 11, LIU 8
  • Game 3:  Wofford 5 , LIU 2
  • Game 4:  North Carolina 6,  LSU 2
  • Game 5:  LSU 13, Wofford 6 
  • Game 6:  LSU 8, North Carolina 4
  • Game 7:   North Carolina 4,  LSU 3  (10 inn)

🏆 North Carolina advances

Fayetteville Regional

  • Game 1:  Arkansas 17, Southeast Missouri 9 
  • Game 2:  Kansas State 19 , Louisiana Tech 4 
  • Game 3:  Southeast Missouri 9, Louisiana Tech 3
  • Game 4:  Kansas State 7, Arkansas 6
  • Game 5: Southeast Missouri 6. Arkansas 3
  • Game 6:   Kansas State 7,  Southeast Missouri 2

🏆 Kansas State advances

Clemson Regional

  • Game 1: Coastal Carolina 13, Vanderbilt 3
  • Game 2:  Clemson 4, High Point 3
  • Game 3:  High Point 10 , Vanderbilt 9
  • Game 4:  Clemson 4, Coastal Carolina 3
  • Game 5:  Coastal Carolina 6, High Point 5
  • Game 6:  Clemson 12,  Coastal Carolina 5

🏆 Clemson advances

Athens Regional

  • Game 1: Georgia 8, Army 7
  • Game 2:  UNC Willmington 9, Georgia Tech 0
  • Game 3:  Georgia Tech 4 , Army 2
  • Game 4:  Georgia 11,  UNC Wilmington 2
  • Game 5: Georgia Tech 3, UNC Wilmington 1
  • Game 6:  Georgia 8,  Georgia Tech 6  (10 Inn.)

🏆 Georgia advances

Tallahassee Regional

  • Game 1: Florida State 7, Stetson 2
  • Game 2:  UCF 8,  Alabama 7
  • Game 3:  Stetson 4, Alabama  0
  • Game 4:  Florida State 5, UCF 2
  • Game 5:  UCF 5, Stetson 2 
  • Game 6:  Florida State 12,  UCF 4

🏆 Florida State advances

Norman Regional

  • Game 1: UConn 4, Duke 1
  • Game 2:   Oklahoma 14, Oral Roberts 0 
  • Game 3:  Duke 6,  Oral Roberts 2
  • Game 4:  UConn 4, Oklahoma 1
  • Game 5: Oklahoma 4, Duke 3
  • Game 6:  Oklahoma 6, UConn 4
  • Game 7:  UConn 7,  Oklahoma 1

🏆 UConn advances

Raleigh Regional

  • Game 1:   South Carolina 8,  James Madison 7  
  • Game 2:   NC State 9, Bryant 2 
  • Game 3: James Madison 8 , Bryant 1
  • Game 4:  NC State 6,  South Carolina 4
  • Game 5:  James Madison 2,  South Carolina 0 
  • Game 6:  NC State 5,  James Madison 3

🏆 NC State advances

Stillwater Regional

  • Game 1:  Florida 5,  Nebraska 2 
  • Game 2:  Oklahoma State 19, Niagra 7
  • Game 3:  Nebraska 7,  Niagara 5
  • Game 4:  Oklahoma State 7,  Florida 1
  • Game 5 : Florida 17, Nebraska 11
  • Game 6:  Florida 5, Oklahoma State 2
  • Game 7:   Florida 4, Oklahoma State 2

🏆 Florida advances

Charlottesville Regional

  • Game 1: Virginia 4, Penn 2
  • Game 2:  Mississippi State 5, St. John’s 2 
  • Game 3:   St. John's 10,  Penn 9
  • Game 4:  Virginia 5,  Mississippi State 4
  • Game 5:  Mississippi State 13, St. John's 5
  • Game 6:   Virginia 9,  Mississippi State 2

🏆 Virginia advances

Tucson Regional

  • Game 1: West Virginia 4,  DBU 1
  • Game 2:  Grand Canyon 9,  Arizona 4
  • Game 3:  DBU 7,  Arizona  0
  • Game 4:  West Virginia 5, Grand Canyon 2
  • Game 5 : Grand Canyon 12, DBU 10 
  • Game 6:  West Virginia 10,  Grand Canyon 6

🏆 West Virginia advances

Santa Barbara Regional

  • Game 1:  Oregon 5,  San Diego 4
  • Game 2:  UC Santa Barbara 9, Fresno State 6
  • Game 3:  San Diego 7,  Fresno State 5
  • Game 4:   Oregon 2,  UC Santa Barbara 0
  • Game 5 : UC Santa Barbara 4, San Diego 2
  • Game 6:  Oregon 3,  UC Santa Barbara 0

🏆 Oregon advances

Corvallis Regional

  • Game 1:  UC Irvine 13, Nicholls 12 
  • Game 2:   Oregon State 10, Tulane 4 
  • Game 3:  Tulane 3, Nicholls 0
  • Game 4:  Oregon State 5, UC Irvine 3
  • Game 5 : UC Irvine 17, Tulane 7
  • Game 6 : Oregon State 11, UC Irvine 6

🏆 Oregon State advances

Greenville Regional

  • Game 1: Evansville 4, East Carolina 1
  • Game 2:  VCU 1,  Wake Forest 0 
  • Game 3: East Carolina 7 , Wake Forest 6
  • Game 4:  Evansville 17,  VCU 11
  • Game 5: East Carolina 10, VCU 7
  • Game 6:   East Carolina 19, Evansville 6
  • Game 7: Evansville 6,  East Carolina 5

🏆 Evansville advances

Baseball  Championship: Future dates

MCWS HISTORY:  Winningest coaches  |  Most titles  |  Most appearances   |  Conferences most represented

Here is more on how the tournament works:

What is the difference between the Division I baseball tournament and the College World Series?

The NCAA Division I baseball tournament is a 64-team tournament that starts in May. After two rounds of play (which each consist of multiple games), there are just eight teams left. These eight teams then head to Omaha, Neb. for the College World Series. The CWS is the culmination of the DI tournament, where the teams compete in two brackets, with the winners of each meeting in the CWS finals, a best-of-three series to decide the NCAA champion.

When did the College World Series start?

The first-ever NCAA Division I baseball tournament was in 1947, and would barely be recognized as the same tournament nowadays. The 1947 tournament featured just eight teams, which were divided into two four-team, single-elimination brackets. The two winners — California and Yale — then met in a best-of-three final in Kalamazoo, Michigan. California would go undefeated through the inaugural CWS and beat Yale to capture the first title.

How are teams selected for the NCAA Division I baseball tournament?

Since 1954, the NCAA Division I baseball tournament field has been split into two qualifying groups: The automatic berths, and the at-large selections. Since 2014, that in a typical year split sees 31 conference champions receive automatic berths, and 33 teams receive at-large bids, decided by the NCAA Division I Baseball Committee. 

Men's College World Series champs since 1947

California defeated Yale in the first-ever Men's College World Series, the first of two played in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Texas put itself on the map as the first back-to-back champions in winning the only MCWS ever played in Wichita, Kansas in 1949. The following season Texas won its second championship, opening Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha.

Here's a complete list of all the College World Series finals in the 73-year history of the event. Ole Miss won the 2022 Men's College World Series in two games over Oklahoma.

*Indicates undefeated teams in College World Series play.

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  • Every 2024 college baseball super regional, previewed

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  • The 16 college baseball super regional teams, re-ranked

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  • Storylines to watch in the 2024 NCAA baseball super regionals
  • Championship Info
  • Game Program

Men's College World Series

  • 🗓️ 2024 schedule
  • 🔮 Future dates
  • 🤔 How the MCWS works
  • 🏆 Programs with the most MCWS titles
  • 💪 Coaches with the most MCWS wins
  • ⚾ Every champion in tournament history

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Everything you need to know about how the Men's College World Series works

Di baseball news.

  • 2024 NCAA baseball bracket: Men's College World Series scores, schedule
  • All 16 DI baseball super regional teams, re-ranked

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College baseball career home run leaders

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Here are the baseball programs with the most Men's College World Series titles

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The 7 longest home runs in MCWS history (that we know of)

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Lirik Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl dan Terjemahan Lagu

  • Arti Makna Lagu
  • Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan
  • Video Musik (Official)

Arti dan terjemahan lirik lagu Galway Girl yang di nyanyikan oleh Ed Sheeran dalam Album ÷ (Divide) (2017) ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, mari kita simak lirik terjemahan/artinya di sini.

Arti Lirik Lagu dari Lirik Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl dan Terjemahan

[Chorus:] She played the fiddle in an Irish band Dia bermain biola dalam sebuah band orang Irlandia But she fell in love with an English man Tapi dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang pria Inggris Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Mencium leher dan lalu aku menggandeng tangannya Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" Bilang, "Sayang, aku hanya ingin menari"

[Verse 1:] I met her on Grafton street right outside of the bar Aku bertemu dengannya di Grafton tepat di luar bar She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar Dia berbagi rokok denganku, sementara saudaranya bermain gitar She asked me what does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm? Dia bertanya pada apa artinya, coretan Gelic di tanganmu? Said it was one of my friend's songs, do you want to drink on? Bilang itu salah satu lagu temanku, apa kau mau minum? She took Jamie as a chaser, Jack for the fun Dia menyruh Jamie mengganti minum, Jack untuk bersenang-senang She got Arthur on the table with Johnny riding a shotgun Dia punya Arthur di atas meja dengan Johnny mengokang senjata Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar Ngobrol lagi, sekali lagi minum di bar Then put Van on the jukebox, got up to dance Lalu manyalakan Van di Jukebox (alat musik), bangunlah menari

[Chorus:] You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band Kau tahu, dia bermain biola dalam sebuah band orang Irlandia But she fell in love with an English man Tapi dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang pria Inggris Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Mencium leher dan lalu aku menggandeng tangannya Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" Bilang, "Sayang, aku hanya ingin menari" With my pretty little Galway Girl Dengan gadis Galway ku (Galway; Kota di Republik Irlandia) You're my pretty little Galway Girl Dengan gadis Galway ku

[Verse 2:] You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool Kau tahu dia mencolek ku di tempat memanah dan lalu dia mencolek ku  di kolam renang And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room Dia kemudian dia menciumku seolah tak ada orang lain di dalam ruangan As last orders were called was when she stood on the stool Seperti perintah terakhir yang terpanggil saat dia berdiri di bangku After dancing to Cèilidh singing to trad tunes Setelah menari, Cèilidh menyanyikan lagu I never heard Carrickfergus ever sang so sweet Aku pernah dengar Carrickfergus pernah bernyanyi begitu merdu A capella in the bar using her feet for a beat Capella di bar menggunakan kakinya tuk menghentakan Oh, I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week Oh, aku bisa punya suara yang bisa terus di ulangi selama seminggu And in this packed out room swear she was singing to me Dan keluar ruangan bersumpah dia bernyanyi denganku

[Chorus:] You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band Kau tahu, dia bermain biola dalam sebuah band orang Irlandia But she fell in love with an English man Tapi dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang pria Inggris Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Mencium leher dan lalu aku menggandeng tangannya Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" Bilang, "Sayang, aku hanya ingin menari" My pretty little Galway Girl Gadis Galway ku My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl Gadis Galway ku

[Verse 3:] And now we've outstayed our welcome and it's closing time Dan sekarang kita sudah selsai, dan itu waktu penutupan I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine Aku menjabat tangannya, tangannya memegang tanganku Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine Mantel kami berdua bau asap, wiski dan anggur As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night Seperti kita mengisi paru-paru kita dengan udara dingin malam I walked her home then she took me inside Aku berjalan pulang lalu dia membawaku ke dalam To finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine Untuk menghabiskan bebebrapa cemilan dan sebotol anggur I swear I'm gonna put you in a song that I write Aku bersumpah aku akan menempatkanmu dalam sebuah lagu yang ku tulis About a Galway Girl and a perfect night Tentang Gadis Galway dan malam yang sempurna

Informasi Lagu dan Lirik Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl

Artis: Ed Sheeran Judul: Galway Girl Penulis Lirik: Ed Sheeran, Niamh Dunne, Stan Graham, Eamon Murray, Liam Bailey, Amy Wadge, Foy Vance, Johnny McDaid, Damian McKee, Beoga & Steve Earle Diproduksi oleh: Mike Elizondo Dirilis: 3 Maret 2017 Album: ÷ (Divide) (2017) Genre: Rap, Pop

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INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Offer ends 15 June

About This Game

  • The game features a variety of parkour methods; gliding, climbing, jumping, sprinting, and mid-air dashing can all be freely combined!
  • A unique gravity system makes parkour more interesting and challenging. You will experience different gravity fields and need to adapt flexibly to progress smoothly.
  • Collect items and dodge traps.
  • After each parkour run, the game records your best score, constantly challenging yourself to achieve the highest score and become a true parkour master!

System Requirements

  • OS: window 10
  • Processor: i3
  • Memory: 400 MB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
  • Storage: 460 MB available space

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Apa Terjemahan dari "beautiful" di bahasa Indonesia?

"beautiful" bahasa indonesia terjemahan, beautiful {kt sft}.

  • volume_up indah

beauty {kt bnd}

  • volume_up keindahan

beautiful {kata sifat}

  • open_in_new Tautan ke sumber
  • warning Request revision

beauty {kata benda}

Contoh penggunaan, english indonesian contoh kontekstual "beautiful" di bahasa indonesia.

Kalimat ini berasal dari sumber eksternal dan mungkin tidak akurat. tidak bertanggung jawab atas isinya.

Contoh Monolingual

English cara menggunakan "beautiful" dalam kalimat, english cara menggunakan "beauty" dalam kalimat, persamaan kata, sinonim (bahasa inggris) untuk "beauty":.

  • beautification
  • beautifully
  • beauty spot
  • beaverboard

Terjemahan lebih lanjut di kamus bahasa Inggris-bahasa Indonesia .

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  28. Lirik Ed Sheeran

    Arti dan terjemahan lirik lagu Galway Girl yang di nyanyikan oleh Ed Sheeran dalam Album ÷ (Divide) (2017) ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, mari kita simak lirik terjemahan/artinya di sini. Arti Lirik Lagu dari Lirik Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl dan Terjemahan [Chorus:] She played the fiddle in an Irish band Dia bermain biola dalam sebuah band orang ...

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    About This Game. The game features a variety of parkour methods; gliding, climbing, jumping, sprinting, and mid-air dashing can all be freely combined! A unique gravity system makes parkour more interesting and challenging. You will experience different gravity fields and need to adapt flexibly to progress smoothly. Collect items and dodge traps.


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