The Guide To What To Wear On A Tiger Safari In India

Published by vibhav on 05/01/2024 05/01/2024.

When planning the first trip to a new location, the question of what to pack and what not to pack always arises. If it’s a foreign country, we must consider various cultural and local customs concerning our clothing. Additionally, climate and weather conditions play a crucial role in deciding what clothes to pack.

The most challenging aspect of packing arises when planning a safari in a new location. Every location and forest differs significantly; what might be suitable for the African savannah’s climate and landscape may not be appropriate for the forests of Southeast Asian countries or the Amazonian rainforests.

While most travel agents can efficiently help plan your trip, only a ground agent can provide information on all the minute details of your journey. With a team of experts boasting over three decades of experience, Nature Safari India understands the challenges tourists face when planning their tiger safari in India. Therefore, we’re here to offer suggestions on what to wear when planning a tiger safari in India.

1. Understanding the Terrain for a Tiger Safari in India

1.1. climate variability across national parks & tiger reserves in india.

India, being a vast country, is divided into 10 distinct biogeographic zones encompassing diverse terrains such as deserts, rainforests, mountains, mangroves, and more. The nation proudly boasts an extensive network of 998 protected areas, comprising 106 national parks, 567 wildlife sanctuaries, and 325 other categories of protected areas. Additionally, there exists a network of 54 tiger reserves.

Tigers, being highly adaptable big cats, are distributed across the country, except for the high-altitude Himalayan region and the deserts in the western region. Each tiger reserve features its own microclimate within a landscape, and dressing appropriately for these climatic conditions not only ensures our comfort but also aids in better camouflage to prevent startling the animals.

1.2 Insight into Terrain Challenges

Tiger reserves across India showcase diverse landscapes and microclimates that foster a wide range of natural vegetation. This encompasses the lush evergreen forests of the Western Ghats, the arid expanses of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in western India, the humid mangrove forests of Sundarbans, the coniferous woodlands of the Himalayas in Corbett Tiger Reserve, the deciduous forests of central India, and the high elephant grasses of Kaziranga.

Tigers, well adapted to these varying climatic conditions, inhabit terrains within the reserves that span mountains, rivers, plains, grasslands, steep hills, and ravines. However, they remain unaccustomed to human disturbances, which explains their avoidance of urban areas. Each ecosystem—forests, grasslands, and savannah—holds its uniqueness, requiring appropriate attire not only for comfort but also to blend harmoniously with the surroundings.”.

2. Practical Attire for a Tiger Safari in India

2.1 optimal clothing choices for a tiger safari in india’s varied climate.

India, being a tropical country, experiences four distinct seasons across most of its regions: summer, winter, monsoon, and autumn. While most tiger reserves remain closed for safaris during the monsoon due to heavy rainfall, some reserves open certain areas that receive comparatively less rain.

Winters tend to be harsh in many reserves, necessitating the use of multiple layers of warm clothing during early morning safaris. As the sun rises, these layers might need to be shed to adapt to the increasing warmth. Summers are notably hot, demanding light and breathable cotton clothing . Autumns offer a comfortable climate, sometimes requiring a light woolen garment during the early morning tiger safaris.

During the monsoon, it’s essential to carry rain covers, typically provided by most lodges for safari outings. In some reserves, rain can be unpredictable, leading to experiences ranging from light showers to heavy downpours, occasionally accompanied by storms.

Attire for a Tiger Safari in India

2.2 Selecting Clothing that Offers Protection from Insects and Sun During a Tiger Safari in India

Tiger reserves are not only habitats for large mammals but also home to numerous insects, some of which can cause significant pain from stings, although they are not venomous. Additionally, mosquitoes are prevalent, particularly during the early and late hours of the day. Visitors are advised to use insect repellent creams to prevent such encounters. It’s also crucial to avoid using perfumes or scents that attract insects, particularly wasps and bees .

Wearing full-sleeved clothing serves a dual purpose: it not only shields against insects but also provides protection from the intense tropical sun. These reserves, located in tropical regions, experience direct sunlight, especially during the warmer parts of the day. Utilizing sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, and full-length clothing aids in safeguarding oneself from harmful sunrays .

3. Safari Gear Selection for a Tiger Safari in India

3.1 essential accessories to carry during tiger safari in india.

Hats, sunglasses, and scarves are essential items to pack for your tiger safari in India . A quality hat serves the dual purpose of shielding your head and face from harmful sun rays and safeguarding your hair from dust. While on a jeep during a tiger safari, dust stirred by the preceding vehicle might be a concern. To shield yourself from the dust, it’s advisable to cover your face with a mask or scarf . Additionally, using sunglasses is crucial for protecting your eyes , not only from the sun but also from airborne dust particles.

Safari Gear Selection for a Tiger Safari in India

3.2 Footwear Selection for Wildlife Safari in India

There are comfortable and durable footwear options available for exploring wildlife in India. While tiger safaris in India are primarily conducted via jeeps, some reserves such as Satpura Tiger Reserve and Kanha Tiger Reserve in Central India offer walking safaris as well. The safari hours vary depending on the time of year and the specific tiger reserve.

Spending extended periods in jeeps during safaris necessitates comfortable and breathable shoes . It’s essential to choose footwear that provides comfort and durability to ensure an enjoyable and hassle-free wildlife exploration experience.

4. Respectful Dressing During a Tiger Safari in India: Cultural Considerations

4.1 dress codes and cultural etiquette in indian wildlife reserves.

While on your tiger safari in India, there might be opportunities to visit local communities. During such visits, it’s advisable to carry a scarf and wear clothing that doesn’t expose much skin . The scarf can be used to cover your head when visiting religious places or out of respect for local customs . While on the tiger safari in India itself, there’s less concern about clothing choices, but it’s preferable to avoid garments that excessively expose skin .

4.2 Balancing Comfort with Respect for Local Customs

During a visit to a tiger safari, it’s essential to strike a balance between comfort and respecting local customs. Carrying a scarf or a piece of cloth allows you to cover yourself whenever and wherever necessary.

5. Packing Tips for a Tiger Safari in India: Efficient and Versatile Wardrobe Choices

5.1 efficient packing tips for your safari tour in india.

Its necessary to pack the things efficiently so that whenever it is required you don’t need take out each item every time. Make a list of all the items required for different occasions and pack all the items accordingly in different pouches.

5.2 Layering Techniques for Temperature Fluctuations During a Tiger Safari in India

During a tiger safari in India , temperatures can fluctuate significantly. For instance, during an early morning safari in central India, temperatures might drop to around 5⁰C, but as the day progresses, they can rise to approximately 25⁰C. This fluctuation necessitates wearing different layers of clothing that can be gradually removed as the temperature increases. Similarly, during an afternoon safari, you may start with more layers as the temperature begins to decrease.

guests from united states enjoying stay in Dhikala forest rest house after tiger safari

6. Outfit Ideas for a Tiger Safaris in India

6.1 practical outfits for early morning and evening safaris.

It is recommended to wear loose and comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather and climate conditions during morning and afternoon tiger safaris in India. It’s advisable to avoid bright colors and, if feasible, consider wearing tropical camouflage outfits for better blending with the surroundings.

6.2 Fashionable Yet Functional Attire for Enjoying Wildlife Safari Experience in India

Wearing a branded cargo pant and shirt along with a multi-pocket vest and a hat not only offers a stylish safari look but also provides great comfort. The multiple pockets are convenient for keeping various items organized and separate during the excursion.

wearing light colour clothes during safari and birdwatching in india

Preparing with the right attire is key to ensuring an unforgettable tiger safari experience in India. By adhering to the recommended clothing choices – opting for comfortable, layered outfits suited to fluctuating temperatures, avoiding bright colors, and considering camouflage for blending in with the surroundings – adventurers can embark on an immersive journey with confidence. Remember, the perfect combination of comfort, practicality, and respect for local customs sets the stage for a truly remarkable tiger safari in India, where every moment amidst the wilderness becomes a treasured memory.”

vibhav srivastava naturalist

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What to Wear On Safari: A Complete Packing List & Outfit Examples

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I’ve been on a few safaris as a backpacker in India but hadn’t seen a tiger yet, so was stoked to get to visit Bandhavgarh Park – the park with the highest density of tigers in India. I wasn’t sure what to wear on safari, though! As a backpacker, I just threw on what was in my backpack but I’m not really rocking ali baba pants anymore and as this was a boutique safari lodge it required what they call “smart safari clothing”.

I actually had some cute safari outfits in mind from pieces I had picked up, so I didn’t need to go shopping for this trip. I’m going to share a detailed safari packing list and some exact women’s safari clothing that is stylish AND comfortable while still being “smart”.

You’ll also need some safari gear to go along with your outfits, so I’ll share all those details, too! I’m going to start out with some tips on just want to expect on safari in terms of the dirt, sun, weather, colors to avoid, and other things to make note of.

What to Wear on Safari | My Safari Packing List

Just how dirty will you get.

The roads are so dusty! Most safari parks are shut during the rainy season, so you’ll likely be on a safari when the roads are dusty. With an open-air vehicle, you’ll have the dust get on your skin, hair, and face plus of course all your clothes. Add on top of that there will be more Jeeps around that are kicking up dust.

Beyond dusty roads, there are some times when you might be able to get out of the safari vehicle (when it’s safe) so you’ll want to make sure you’re covered from your ankles to your collar bones! It just will make it so much nicer when you strip off your dirty clothes at the end of the day. Basically, this is not the time for a silky white dress! If you take a backpack, camera, hat, or anything – just know it’s ALL going to be covered in dust.

One other thing to avoid? Fleeces. They just attract the dirt in a big way! Fabrics that are similar to a windbreaker are best. You’ll likely wear the same jacket again and again. and it’s nice to just shake the dirt off so it’s fairly clean the next time you put it on.

What should I expect from the weather?

You are going to need layers. Safaris are usually sunrise and sunset that means it can be cool at the start of a morning safari and the end of an evening safari. But, when the sun is high in the sky, it’s HOT. It’s not a big problem; layers are key.

Don’t forget sun protection!

I wore a baseball hat the whole time. It protects from the sun but it also keeps my hair from getting tangled from the wind. I wore Sun Bum face stick sunscreen .

What colors to wear

You have to wear neutral earth-tone colors. Don’t be the person in a bright pink dress scaring off all the animals! You want to blend in. Tans and browns are good. Don’t wear white.

What about when I’m back at the hotel?

My resort was pretty luxurious, and if yours is too, you want to wear something “smart”. A nice midi dress, culottes with a button-up, or jeans and a linen top would be good options.

What Safari Gear You’ll Want to Bring

Safety/first aid.

Your safari car will likely have all the basic first aid things you might need but it doesn’t hurt to take some to have in your room or in your backpack (or in my case, fanny pack ). One thing you need? bug repellant. I love the [easyazon_link identifier=”B004NRPD7G” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]mosquito wipes[/easyazon_link], so much easier to use than spray.

Camera Equipment

My camera is the [easyazon_link identifier=”B079VDF7ZG” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]Panasonic Lumix GX85[/easyazon_link] and for the safari, I used my favorite zoom lens, the [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MU3WOVP” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]Lumix G Vario 35-100mm F2.8[/easyazon_link] . This is zoom but not one of those intense ones that are huge. It’s small, and I carry it in my purse. I also recommend using a [easyazon_link identifier=”B07CGTVKSP” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]MegaGear leather case[/easyazon_link] to protect it from dust and dirt.

You safari might have [easyazon_link identifier=”B06XT7M6P5″ locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]binoculars[/easyazon_link] you can use, but if they don’t you DO want to have some yourself. You will also want an [easyazon_link keywords=”travel alarm clock” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]alarm clock[/easyazon_link] in case you don’t use your phone and for the lodge grounds, [easyazon_link keywords=”headlamp” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]a headlamp[/easyazon_link] is so helpful.

My Safari Outfits in India

samode safari lodge review

Cooler Weather Safari Outfit

I am a fan of Anatomie clothing . It is lightweight, takes up essentially no luggage space, is wrinkle-resistant, can be hand-washed in cold water with hardly any effort, and dry in five minutes with a hair drier. According to their site, two pairs of pants weigh less than a banana. That saves a lot of space compared to two pairs of jeans! Plus, they are comfortable, neutral, and look safari-smart.

It’s expensive, and it’s something that you should invest in if you will be traveling a lot and want something you can pack without thinking. I wore these same outfits in Panama for all my adventure days and it’s nice to just have it for future trips.

This outfit is the “Kenya Safari Jacket” in Khaki . The pants are the “Luisa” in Khaki .

Not pictured, I also took the metallic Merika windbreaker.

I wore my FAVORITE UGG sneakers which I’ve shared about over and over, the “Tye” ones in the color “Slate”. I wore a black Free People bandana shirt with the Rolling Stones on it so it would look more chill and not like a “safari outfit”. I also took my NY Yankees hat , which is on every trip with me. I wore my Ray-Ban Wayfarer’s because they are big and cover a lot of my face. Take a scarf with you as well for on the car to protect your face.

india safari shirt

Warmer Weather Safari Outfit

The above outfit is also Anatomie. The pants are the “Techno Chino” in grey and the top is “Melissa” tee in Grey . Again, I wore my UGG Tye tennies ,  Ray-Ban Wayfarer’s , and my NY Yankees hat . With this, I wore the same Merika windbreaker I mentioned above.

You might do four safaris on a trip (there are two a day at most places and many people do 3 nights/2 days on safari because it’s kind of pricey to do more), so I wore these two outfits twice each, except I changed tee shirts! But the same pants and jackets because they are that Anatomie fabric that you just brush off the dirt and it’s fine. They are so thin that you don’t sweat in them but also protect from the chill in the mornings.

Our safari gave us blankets to cover up with when it was cold!

india safari shirt

I also just throw in my Homebodii monogrammed pink satin PJ’s . I’m sure now you’ve seen them in basically all my packing posts! I almost always travel with a hair scarf these days and I’m wearing an Anthropologie ones in the photos above. I wore it up to the lodge with jeans and a linen button up one evening and it dresses up any outfit.

Samode Safari Lodge Review

Hotel Lounging

I have two Free People “Love to Love You Midi Dresses” . I have a yellow one I loved but they went on clearance (and still are) so I got this sage green one which was $39 (steal) and perfect for a safari lodge. I took my UGG Kari Slides .

Really the UGG Tye sneakers and Kari slides are all I need these days when I travel in terms of shoes!

I didn’t take more photos at the lodge, but I did wear other clothes. My lodge safari clothes were:

  • The midi dress picture above
  • Levi’s that I wore with a GAP linen button-up in a cream color
  • Linen overalls in navy blue that I wore a long-sleeve shirt underneath
  • A long maxi dress from Lulu’s – maxi dresses are great, and the linen button-up over it

Samode Safari Lodge Review

I took two swimsuits only because I was also on vacation going to other places. I took my favorite Melissa Odabash swimsuit , the “Mexico” which I have in black and brown. I also took my L*Space “Crossroads Texture” bikini with the Rebel top and Frenchi bottom .

A Sample Safari Packing List

Luggage & carry-on.

For luggage, I took my large Ebags Fortis bag and my small Ebags Fortis Pro ( review of this one here ). I’ve been such a Delsey luggage fan for so long, but lately have been gravitating to this set. The carry-on especially is my favorite by far right now. It blows away the “Away” bag!

Personal Item / daily bag

I took my current favorite backpack, the Lo and Sons Hanover , as my personal item on the plane ( review of the brand here ). This is IDEAL because it has all my electronics in it but they are in the organized, pocketed inner-shell. You then unclip that and take it out, leaving an empty backpack and all your stuff that was in it, still in the inner-shell, in the hotel room. I then took the outer shell as my safari bag! It was perfect. I threw in my hat, scarf, sunglasses, ID (you need to take ID for parks!), bug repellant, camera, and lenses.

10 Things to Know Before Taking a Bandhavgarh National Park Safari

Safari Clothing

  • 4 Shirts (two long-sleeve and two short-sleeve)
  • 2 jackets (one heavier than the other)
  • 2 Safari pants
  • 1 linen button-up shirt
  • 1 Leggings for layering if it’s very cold
  • Baseball Hat
  • Tennis Shoes for the safari
  • Scarf (large for face and small for hair)

india safari shirt

Hotel Clothing

  • Pantsuit (linen is nice because it’s warmer than cotton and looks nicer)
  • Culottes (I love the chinos from Anthropologie )
  • 2 maxi dresses
  • Button-up shirt
  • 1 long-sleeve shirt
  • 1 tee shirt
  • Swimsuit cover-up
  • Conditioner
  • It’s a 10 (you’ll need detangler from all the wind!)
  • Lotion (you need some serious body lotion because the dust dries you out, I like Aveda )
  • Because it’s dry, also Vitamin C serum and a face mask (loving the Milk mask from Patchology )
  • BB Cream or Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer
  • [easyazon_link identifier=”B079VDF7ZG” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]Panasonic Lumix GX85[/easyazon_link]
  • [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MU3WOVP” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]Lumix G Vario 35-100mm F2.8[/easyazon_link]
  • [easyazon_link keywords=”Headlamp” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]Headlamp[/easyazon_link]
  • [easyazon_link identifier=”B07CXG6C9W” locale=”US” tag=”Hipinhee-20″]Kindle[/easyazon_link] (so much downtime and many lodges won’t have WiFI!)

Overall, the thing that made my trip easy was the Anatomie outfits. If I had the budget, I’d get one more to take with me but they are pricey – I’m happy I have the two I do, and they take up NO space and are so nice to throw on and feel totally “ready” and looking good and “smart” but also cute and blending it safari-style!

Shop the Post

For more packing tips:.

  • The Only Beach Vacation Packing List You Need
  • Packing For Finland in Winter: Don’t Make the Mistakes I Did
  • Packing for Various Regions of Long-term Travel in One Suitcase

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amazing blog. great information that you shared. i really enjoyed. thanks for sharing:)

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You really know how to choose clothes, very beautiful. Great for your trip!

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Hey, I enjoy reading your blogs its very informative, and these tips are very useful thanks for sharing!

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Adventure Travel Planning

The Essential Safari Clothing Guide

The first thing you may be thinking is, why safari clothing? What makes it different?

First, it’s tailored to the outdoor conditions common on safaris.

Second, all of the pockets on African safari clothing can be very useful when you carry gear around, especially if you’re out to take photos and/or videos to document this incredible adventure travel experience.

Sometimes you may be out in the elements for hours on end as you wait to spy some incredible wildlife, and you’re going to enjoy the experience a lot more if you’re comfortable.

This brief guide to African safari clothing will help you to do that as you watch for majestic lions, elegant giraffes, stately elephants and all of the other amazing wildlife you’ll see while on safari in Kenya , Tanzania , South Africa or another African location.

So what kind of safari clothing should you be thinking about while preparing for your expedition to Africa?

Keep this in mind: Chances are you’re going to be out in some hot weather and maybe walking through some rugged country while out in the bush, so you need to protect your skin from head to toe. That means you need to cover up as much as you can.

Safari clothing in Africa

Do bring some extra safari clothing for colder weather. You may be surprised how much the temperatures can drop at night, so think layers.

Three comfortable outfits (shirts, pants, underwear) are often recommended for a safari, but check with your guide and ask for their recommendation based on the number of days of your safari, seasonal weather conditions and the type of safari you choose.

You may want to dress differently if you’re going to be trudging through the bush as opposed to sitting in a vehicle the whole time.

Wear neutral colors like khaki, brown and olive.

Bright colors, like red, draw attention to you and are not good for viewing wildlife. They may even scare off some of the animals you want to see.

White (and pale colors in general) can also draw attention and they will show all of the dirt you run into on your safari, so stay away from them as well. And some claim that blues and blacks attract certain nasty insects that like to bite, so you may also want to stay away from these colors.

Do not bring camouflage colored safari clothing. You may get mistaken for the military and that, my friend, could ruin your whole safari.

Here’s your list of essential African safari clothes.

Safari hat The safari hat is the key to protection from the sun. You’ll want it to be gas permeable to release the heat from your head and it should have a wide enough brim so that your neck and face are protected even when the sun gets low.

Look for a hat with an absorbent band on the inside to catch your sweat and make sure it’s waterproof to keep you a little drier should you run into an unexpected rainstorm.

Long safari trousers You’re going to need long safari pants for full protection against sunburn, mosquito bites at night and getting scraped up in the bush. You might also want to bring some safari short pants for those hot African afternoons. Just make sure you stay in the shade or put on plenty of sunscreen.

Here’s a great tip for you. Find long safari pants that are convertible to shorts. They’ll have zippers about half way down the leg that allow you to remove the bottoms. They’re the perfect solution for any safari weather conditions.

Long sleeved shirts The long sleeved safari shirts follow the same principles as the trousers. You need them for protection from the sun and from getting scraped up when out walking in the bush. Do take a short sleeved shirt, or two, if you like, or just take loose fitting long sleeved shirts that you can roll up past your elbows.

Safari jacket (or safari vest) Safari jackets are great for the evenings and at night when it can get pretty chilly, or for the cooler times of the year. An alternative for when it’s hot is the safari vest. The great thing about both of these garments is that they have plenty of pockets, which is great when you need to carry gear (like photography equipment).

A couple of points to wrap things up Think lightweight when packing: Safari clothing made from lightweight fabrics, lightweight safari walking shoes or boots (no heavy boots unless they are necessary for a walking tour) and don’t over pack. You don’t want to be hauling heavy luggage through the bush.

And leave your jewelry at home. It will just get in the way, and it doesn’t impress the wild animals anyway, so why bother.

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Safari Suit

Safari Suit

Indian Safari Suit (Image Courtesy: Fashionably Desi)

Indian Safari Suit (Image Courtesy: Fashionably Desi)

Safari Suits means clothing created for cross-country expeditions. Due to its cool fabric, safari jackets were initially designed for military purposes in Britain woven out of the cotton drill and were to be used in warm climatic conditions.

Another use of Safari suit was during Safaris in jungles where its light green color was used as a camouflage which made the militants blend in with the natural surroundings. It was also the most common form of clothing among professionals working in both government and nongovernment organizations.

Origin and History

The safari suit was a gift by British Raj to India.

In India, Safari suit was seen as a big shift from the Gandhian Khadi to new modern western dress code. Safari Suits became popular amongst masses only after 1990 when Reliance Industries started producing Safari Suit clothing within India. Before that the access was limited to bureaucratic and political classes.

Another prime reason for the popularity of safari suits in India is its low cost and better usability. Few popular Indian personalities who flaunt the understated charm of the Safari suit include Industrialist Rahul Bajaj, Cricketer Sunil Gavaskar, and late Bollywood stars Rajesh Khanna and Vinod Khanna.

Apart from India, Safari suits became popular in United Arab Emirates, South East Asia, and Africa as well. Moreover, Safari suits were a common style during the Pop culture and were commonly seen in James Bond movies as well.

The acceptance for safari suit had become so apparent that unofficially it was the official uniform for the urban educated professionals. As the popularity of safari suit increased, the bureaucratic uniform soon became a fashion statement during weddings, parties and other public occasions. Safari suit truly became the status symbol of the urban elite and professionals.

Safari suits were also known as Leisure suits due to their casual and comfortable design. Initially, safari jackets were made for military purposes, thus it carried rough and tough styles with patch pockets and open collars. The fabric used was also coarse and thick. The suit can be worn with or without a belt. One of the most common additions to the safari suit is a round hat.

Safari Jacket

Safari Jacket

The overall style has evolved over the last several years which has made this timeless piece of clothing even more appealing and in sync with today’s trends. Finer fabrics are also used, which are in contrast to the coarser forms of materials used initially. These days women don the Safari jackets as well with skirts or jeans. Several designers have given the masculine Safari Jacket a touch of elegance in order for it to appeal to more feminine tastes.


Safari suits have undergone many changes over a period of time, including the changes in the purpose for which it is worn. With the change in usability, finer cloth is used to make the Safari Jackets for example Linen, Khadi, and Cotton. Moreover, the collars have been modified to a large extent and are more ‘shirt like’ and smaller.

If a woman wishes to dress with an ‘on the edge’ appeal, then a Safari jacket can do complete justice to that. At the same time, a Safari jacket helps any man to bring about the manliness’ in his style while giving a chic and understated style statement. The safari suit can be both with full sleeves and short sleeves. The colors are generally in lighter shades.

Making a Fashion Statement

Ladies Safari Suit

Ladies Safari Suit

For men, a nice tie in a contrasting color would add the X-factor which would look classy and trendy all at the same time.

For women who wish to wear the Safari Suit should opt for minimal accessories since the basic essence of the Safari suit exhibits simple elegance and understated style. A nice chunky watch or bracelet would add the perfect feminine touch to the overall style.

Weather Suitability

The traditional Safari Suits are best for hot and humid weather conditions since they are mostly made out of heat beating’ fabrics such as Cotton , Linen or Khadi. However, due to fashion revamping the basic style of the Safari suit, one can now find them in warmer materials like Tweed or wool which make it perfect for colder climates as well.


For Safari Suits made out of Cotton or Linen, a machine wash would be best. However, for sturdier fabrics that require more care like Tweed or Wool, a dry clean method would be the best option.

Interesting Facts and Comparisons

  • Roger Moore wore safari in more than 3 James Bond movies: The Man with Golden Sun, Moonraker and Octopussy.
  • Natwar Singh, an Indian diplomat and ex-foreign minister, while returning from United Nation’s summit with his colleagues from different ages, regions and backgrounds, noted that each one of them were wearing Safari suits.
  • Team Utsav Pedia

Categories:   Attires , Clothing Styles & Drapes

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Safari Shirts for Men, Women, & Kids

Safari shirts for men, women, and children in a range of styles. Choose safari shirts made from specially-developed and expedition-tested anti-insect fabrics for comfort, protection, packing convenience. Safari shirts add safari-style for your next outdoor adventure, & are a timeless addition to your wardrobe. Live adventure everyday by wearing these safari shirts to work and over weekends.

  • Safari Clothing
  • Safari Shirts
  • Boys & Girls
  • Trousers & Shorts
  • Jackets & Fleeces
  • Safari Hats
  • Beanies & Scarves
  • Dresses & Skorts
  • Shoes & Boots
  • Socks & Ankle Gaiters
  • Holdalls & Duffle Bags
  • Weekenders & Carry-ons
  • Backpacks, Satchels & Small Bags
  • Toiletry Bags for Travel
  • Totes & Champagne Coolers
  • Business bags
  • Luggage Trolley
  • Pannier Bags
  • Pet Feeders
  • Locks & Scales
  • Gift Vouchers
  • Books & Maps
  • Multi-tools
  • Insect Repellent
  • Torches (flashlights)
  • Straps & Mounts
  • Trophy Cameras
  • Binocular Photography
  • Cleaning Kits
  • Essential Accessories
  • Travel Essentials
  • Travel Adaptors
  • Evenings, Outdoor & Travel Clothing
  • Outdoor, Travel & More
  • Safe drinking water
  • Rufiji™
  • Mara&Meru™


  • Insect Protection
  • Sun Protection
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Wicking & QuickDry
  • BUGTech™
  • Security Pocket
  • Roll-up sleeve tabs
  • Feminine cut
  • Sunglasses Loop
  • SAFARITech™

Safari Shirts Read our Safari Shirts Advice Guide

Safari shirt guide.

If you are not sure which features to look for in a safari shirt, then you have come to the right place. In this article we discuss the safari shirt features which are important for all safari shirts - and provide a visual summary of the most important safari shirt features - plus we chat about the additional safari shirt features which add to your comfort & enjoyment of the outdoors. After all, while our safari shirts are made for Africa, they are also the best performing outdoor & lifestyle shirts too. We also answer your frequently asked safari shirt questions , tell you a little bit more about why we are best placed to offer you advice & the best safari shirts , and provide a guide to the best safari shirts based on client reviews. We also then list our full range of expedition-tested™ safari shirts further down this page for you to choose from. Shop confident in the fact that you are buying the best.

Safari Shirt Introduction : Safari shirts are definitely the most important safari clothing essential for all safari - and outdoor - activities. The following advice is true for men's safari shirts , women's safari shirts , and children's safari shirts .

What features should a safari shirt have?

  • Keep you cool : First and foremost a safari shirt must keep you cool when it gets hot - and offer high-level protection from the sun and insects.
  • Modern fabric with Wicking : The best safari shirts are made from lightweight, modern fabrics which wick moisture away from your skin to assist in the cooling of your body as the temperature rises. Wicking also aids in the quick release of wrinkles caused by packing your safari shirts into a bag. It also makes washing and drying your shirt that much faster so that you are able to re-use the same shirt on the same day - or even within hours - of washing. BUGTech™ & MaraTech™ fabrics both wick moisture five times faster than natural fabrics such as cotton. This wicking - or quick dry action - also explains why modern fabrics only need to be hung up after washing and can be worn without ironing, whereas natural fabrics hold much more water which need heat to literally iron out and remove wrinkles caused by the retention of moisture. This explains why steam irons are more effective at removing wrinkles as they add water to the garment and then quickly remove - or wick - the moisture away.
  • Insect protection : A safari shirt should also provide insect protection - which is proven to work - and which becomes a part of your insect protection strategy. A great example of high level protection are safari shirts made from BUGTech™ fabrics. Always use a very good insect repellent for the highest level of protection.
  • Sun protection : Safari shirts must also protect you from the sun and have at least a rating of UPF50+ for maximum protection. Safari shirts made from either BUGTech™ or MaraTech™ fabrics offer this high sun protection factor. Get added protection by using a sunscreen which is proven to work in the hot sun.
  • Long sleeves : As your first choice opt for safari shirts with long sleeves over short sleeves. This enables you to roll your safari shirt sleeves down: 1. to protect your forearms from sunburn; 2. to, conversely, keep you a little warmer when it is cooler in the early mornings and evenings; and 3. to use the built-in anti-insect finish as part of your strategy to protect you from biting insects at night. You would simply roll your sleeves up once you have applied sunscreen should you feel a bit too hot and during active safaris - when walking, paddling, horse riding or mountain biking. Short sleeve safari shirts & safari t-shirts are great to take with you too, but use your discretion when wearing them and be sure to cover up your arms and neck with insect repellent & sunscreen.
  • Safari-suitable colour : Safari shirt colour is key and so your safari shirt should be made from fabrics which have neutral, natural tones which blend in more easily with the African bush. The more you blend in, the better your viewing of wildlife will be - especially of larger species such as elephant and rhino. These large species have pretty poor eyesight when compared to the big cats and plains game - and so they are less likely to spot you if you blend in, than if you are wearing a highly conspicuous colour such as white. For colours think of safaris shirts made from darker shades of stone, olive, sand, brown, green, and of course of the classic safari favourite: khaki. The added upside for this is that safari colours are always in fashion and so you will happily use your safari shirt for just about any other outdoor activity.
  • Collar : The best safari shirts also have a collar so that you neck is protected from the sun - and if your safari shirt has built-in insect protection then your neck will have another layer of protection against biting insects. Always spray a very good insect repellent & sunscreen onto your neck for added protection.
  • Tested to work : Only use safari shirts which have actually been proven to work in Africa. Our full range of women's safari shirts , men's safari shirts , and kids' safari shirts have been used time and again by our clients on safari - and, better yet, we have expedition tested & safari tested our full range. As we like to say when we develop and test our safari shirts: we sweat so that you do not have.

Summary of safari shirt key features:

Women's Pioneer Anti-Insect Safari Shirt, by The Safari Store

Your safari shirt should be made from fabric which wicks away moisture and offers high-level UPF50+ sun protection

Boys' & Girls' Anti-Insect Safari Shirt, by The Safari Store

Choose a safari shirt which has built-in anti-insect protection

Men's Anto-insect Everything Safari Shirt in Safari Suitable Colour, by The Safari Store

Select safari shirts made in safari-suitable colours

Women's safari shirt with key safari shirt features, by The Safari Store

Ideally a safari shirt should also have a collar, long sleeves - and of course be expedition field-tested & proven to keep you cool.

Other safari shirt features which provide those simple little touches which make a difference to your days on safari:.

  • Roll-up sleecve tabs : Safari shirts that have roll-up sleeve tabs on the sleeves. We are often asked why these are necessary. The answer lies in the fact that the best shirts for safari are made from lighter, thinner technical fabrics which are not as thick or rigid as fabrics like cotton. Once rolled up, these modern, advanced fabrics do not stay in place as easily as thicker, hotter fabrics. Roll-up sleeve tabs take care of this for you using a tab and button to simply convert a long-sleeve shirt into a shorter-sleeved shirt by holding the rolled-up sleeve in place. We have also added a second roll-up sleeve tab to some of our shirts - for example, the Men's Explorer & Women's Pioneer shirts - as, in our expedition-testing, we found that only one sleeve tab was not ideal when shirts got wet or on active safaris. Two tabs are definitely better than one.
  • Sunglass loops : Sunglass loops on the placket of your safari shirt are very useful. The placket is where the button and button holes are located down the front of the safari shirt. How many times have you put your favourite/expensive/only pair of sunglasses into the 'v' formed by the opening of your shirt, only to forget they are there, bend over to pick something up, leaving your sunglasses scratched and ruined when they fall to the ground - or lost altogether if you do not notice? Sunglass loops are hidden little gems which help to prevent this from happening.
  • Smelling fresh : Shirts that have a built-in anti-microbial finish do keep your safari shirt wearable - and you smelling fresher - for longer. Safari shirts with an anti-microbial finish usually use small amounts of silver built into the finish of the fabric. This silver creates microscopic currents which help to keep bacteria build-up at bay - and it is bacteria which causes body odour.
  • Optional security pocket : Zipped security pockets are useful for keeping essentials safe and on your person. Usually only men's safari shirts have chest pockets which are large enough for security pockets - and so, very often, women's safari shirts do not have security pockets simply as they are styled to be smaller. We see zipped security pockets as a nice-to-have and not a must-have as often you will either have a small safari bag with you, or will be wearing trousers with pockets.
  • Safari style : Shirts with classic safari style to match their outdoor performance. There is no reason for your safari shirt to resemble a hot, heavy, shapeless canvas safari tent. Select safari shirts which also offer classic cuts to suit your style. Think rugged sophistication for men and feminine lines for women. You may as well look good - and feel comfortable - in your favourite safari shirt.
  • Mix & match : Pack a few men's and women's safari t-shirts to help you mix and match your safari style. On cooler days, some of our clients prefer to wear a safari t-shirt as a base layer, with a long-sleeve safari shirt worn over their t-shirt as a lightweight outer layer which also offers all the protection listed above. This is a very popular way to dress boys & girls on safari too. It also looks great - although, for really hot weather, we would always recommend only wearing a lightweight, long-sleeved safari shirt as they offer the best performance and protection.

Safari shirt questions & answers

We provide answers to questions we are frequently asked about safari shirts

How many safari shirts should I pack for my safari?

Up to 4-day safari: x 2 safari shirts; Up to 8-day safari: x 4 safari shirts; Up to 12-day safari: x 6 safari shirt

Note: This includes a mix of long sleeve safari shirts & t-shirt type safari shirts. So for example for the 8-day safari we would pack 2 long-sleeve safari shirts & 2 t-shirt safari shirts. The number of times when you are able to wash your safari shirts also makes a difference, plus of course whether or not you pack other shirts too or only pack safari shirts.

Can I wear white safari shirts on safari?

The short answer to that is "no". From a game viewing perspective white and black are the two most conspicuous colours on safari and so are best avoided. Your guide may not allow you to go on a walk if you are wearing white. From a practical perspective white gets dirty quickly and can be ruined by the dust & mud on a safari. Around the lodge you may of course wear white shirts - and we actually love to do just that as there is nothing better than having a hot shower after a long day on safari and then dressing in a crisp white shirt.

What type of safari shirts should I avoid?

Please do not pack thick, heavy, safari shirts made from heavier weights of cotton and other fabrics. You will be hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable on safari. As a general rule cotton also performs way worse than modern fabrics and does not keep you cool through high-level wicking - which explains why you get big sweat patches when wearing cotton as moisture is not moving away from your skin fast enough to keep you cool. Shirts made from cotton - and other thick fabrics - do not provide built-in insect protection, nor do they have built-in anti-bacterial properties. Wearing thick cotton versus wearing modern manmade fabrics is pretty much the same as using an old typewriter to write a letter rather than a modern laptop.

What weight should the fabric used to make my safari shirt be?

We recommend safari shirts made from fabric which is between 80 and 130 grammes per square meter (gsm). Any heavier and the shirt will be too hot and bulky. Most of the safari shirts we stock are made from fabric which is 83 gsm - such as the Mens's Explorer & Everything Shirts ; and the Women's Pioneer & Everything shirts .

Can I look stylish on safari?

Absolutely yes. Gone are the days of tent-shaped shirts for men and women. Our modern safari shirts use cuts & fabric which combine timeless safari-style and high-level outdoor performance to make sure that you always look good and are comfortable on safari. What is more, safari colours never go out of fashion and are often at the forefront of colours chosen by fashion designers. For women our safari shirts use designs which are cut to flatter. Smaller sizes are more fitted to accentuate the body, while larger sizes use a straighter cut for added comfort. For men rugged explorer designs are combined with subtle finishes which are in keeping with today's fashion trends. The best part about our safari shirts is that they really do combine fashion and functionality to ensure that you are able to wear your safari shirt in the city, the countryside, and on safari in the Serengeti.

Are safari shirts good for the outdoors too?

With Africa as our testing ground - and expeditions our preferred testing method - our safari shirts have passed the ultimate testing regime with flying colours. All the technical features listed above ensure that our shirts are the best you can buy for general outdoor & adventure wear too. In fact well known explorers - such as Steve Backshall - have been spotted wearing our safari shirts just about everywhere: from the English countryside to the forests of Venezuela.

Our safari shirt advice is advice you can trust. Our safari shirts are designed & expedition-tested to be the best

Our main reason for existing - and the very reason why Steve founded The Safari Store - is to improve the enjoyment for all our clients of the safari & outdoor experience. To achieve this we are constantly testing and trying new designs, ideas - and make it our primary focus to study new technologies and apply them through clever garment engineering in the products we make for your next adventure. Our process can be summarized as: research, design, sample, discuss & expedition test, refine sampling, wearer test for comfort, and then make and stock ready for your next adventure.

We also have a unique understanding of safari. We have experienced Africa & Safari not only from birth - as we were all born & raised in Africa - but also on every level. Steve spends two to three months of each year camped in a tent under a tree with his partner Claire - with no back-up or facilities - in the wildest places he can find in Africa just to live in our clothing and gear. This provides another layer of lifestyle & comfort testing for our products and it is an invaluable part of our process. We have also done it all: from grassroots sweating it out on expeditions to staying at the finest lodges. We have broken down, got lost, been stuck in mud/sand, had tyres puncture, walked our way out of car trouble, paddled, walked, ridden bicycles and horses, climbed sand dunes and mountains - just to understand Africa and the outdoors better. We have needed cotton wool to stop bleeding from cuts and scrapes on expedition, and experienced what it is like to be treated like cotton wool by luxury lodges. This grass roots to gold taps understanding of safari is what sets us apart. We apply all this knowledge into creating quite simply the best products and providing unbiased, well thought out advice. We sweat, so that you don't have to.

A selection of the best safari shirts based on client reviews:

We value all our client reviews highly, and use them to guide us as we tweak existing products, and create new products. They are also a great way for you to see what other clients have thought about our safari shirts. Here is a selecttion of our safari shirts which have been highly-rated in client reviews

Women's Pioneer Safari Shirt is highly rated by our clients

Women's Pioneer Anti-Insect Safari Shirt

Review by client Kirstin Sercombe: "I love this shirt - the fit is perfect and it is stylish and easy to wear. I am just about to buy another one!" View all reviews for this safari shirt Shop this safari shirt >

Men's Explorer Anti-Insect Safari Shirt has good client reviews

Men's Explorer Anti-Insect Safari Shirt

Review by client David: "I bought 2 of these shirts in 2011. They are still in regular use, though coming to the end of their life. They were bought for the ease of washing/drying. I had not expected them to last this long. I use them at least twice a week every week on a ranch in Kenya." View all reviews for this safari shirt Shop this safari shirt >

Scroll down to shop safari shirts, or use these links to explore more advice & products:

Safari Shirt Links:

  • Men's Safari Shirts
  • Women's Safari Shirts
  • Boys' & Girls' Safari Shirts

Safari Clothing Links:

  • Safari Trousers & Shorts
  • Safari Jackets & Fleeces
  • Safari Dresses & Skorts
  • Safari Beanies & Scarves
  • Safari Shoes & Boots
  • Safari Socks & Ankle Gaiters

Men's Explorer BUGTech Anti-Insect Safari Shirt in Katavi Khaki

Men's explorer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in khaki olive, men's explorer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in baobab khaki, men's explorer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in dark olive, women's pioneer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in katavi khaki, women's pioneer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in khaki olive, women's pioneer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in baobab khaki, women's pioneer bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in dark olive, boys' & girls' bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in katavi khaki, boys' & girls' bugtech anti-insect safari shirt in willow, men's explorer safaritech shirt in katavi khaki, women's pioneer safaritech shirt in katavi khaki, women's bugtech anti-insect everything safari shirt in baobab khaki, women's bugtech anti-insect everything safari shirt in safari willow, men's bugtech anti-insect everything safari shirt in safari willow, men's bugtech anti-insect everything safari shirt in baobab khaki, men's bugtech anti-insect everything safari shirt in katavi khaki, women's serengeti v-neck safari t-shirt in safari dusk, women's serengeti v-neck safari t-shirt in safari bushwillow, women's serengeti v-neck safari t-shirt in safari earth, girls' young rangers club v-neck t-shirt in desert olive, men's everyday safari shirt, bugtech in katavi khaki, men's everyday safari shirt, bugtech in safari willow, women's everyday safari shirt, bugtech in katavi khaki, women's everyday safari shirt, bugtech in baobab khaki, women's long sleeve serengeti v-neck t-shirt in safari dusk, women's long sleeve serengeti v-neck t-shirt in safari bushwillow, women's long sleeve serengeti v-neck t-shirt in safari earth, women's nosilife adventure long-sleeved safari shirt in soft moss, women's nosilife pro safari shirt in khaki mushroom, mara&meru™ laced safari tank top in safari forest green, men's savute safari t-shirt in desert olive, men's savute safari t-shirt in desert olive (new fit), boys' young rangers club round-neck t-shirt in safari kudu, men's adventure anti-insect safari shirt in dark khaki, men's kiwi safari shirt in safari pebble, boys' & girls' adventure trek long-sleeved shirt in dark khaki.

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Design and features, team members.

Red Checks Mens Safari Shirt

Red Checks Mens Safari Shirt

Blue Checks Safari Shirt for Men

Blue Checks Safari Shirt for Men

Green Yellow Checks Safari Shirt for Men

Green Yellow Checks Safari Shirt for Men

Grey Checks Safari Collar Outdoor Shirt for Men

Grey Checks Safari Collar Outdoor Shirt for Men

Boy Scout Uniform burlywood Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts Half Sleeves

Boy Scout Uniform burlywood Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts Half Sleeves

Zoo Keeper Shirt Safari Cotton Boy Scout Shirt 4 pocket Bush Shirts

Zoo Keeper Shirt Safari Cotton Boy Scout Shirt 4 pocket Bush Shirts

Boy Scout Uniform tan checks Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts full Sleeves

Boy Scout Uniform tan checks Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts full Sleeves

Boy Scout Uniform blue checks Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts full Sleeves

Boy Scout Uniform blue checks Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts full Sleeves

Mens Hunting Shirts Safari Gainsboro Boy Scout Uniform 4 pocket Bush Shirts

Mens Hunting Shirts Safari Gainsboro Boy Scout Uniform 4 pocket Bush Shirts

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Divergent Travelers

Best Safari Shirt for Men & Women (Advice on What to Avoid too!)

Once you have decided that a Safari is your next travel adventure, it is time to start your packing list. While we all like to put our best style foot forward when heading to another country, there must also be a certain functionality in your clothing.

That is what makes choosing the best safari shirt a bit more complicated than you may initially assume. There is importance in the color choices you make, the cut and style of the safari shirt, and the comfort and protection of the materials used.

In this article, we will go through some of these and a few other key features to consider before purchasing the perfect shirt for your safari trip!

Top 6 Safari Shirts

Table of Contents

Quick Answer: Best Safari Shirt

  • Best For Wind Men’s:  Arc’teryx Skyline LS Shirt Men’s
  • Best For Wind Women’s:  Eddie Bauer Women’s Infinity Long-Sleeve Button-Front Shirt
  • Best For Heat Men’s: Men’s Mountain Hardwear Canyon Shirt  
  • Best For Heat Women’s:  Orvis Women’s Open Air Casting Shirt
  • Best Value For Men: Columbia Men’s Tamiami II Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Best Value For Women: Women’s Columbia PFG Tamiami II Long Sleeve
  • Best For Cold Men’s:  Men’s prAna Merger Long Sleeve
  • Best For Cold Women’s:  Arc’teryx Women’s Yonge Long Sleeve Wrap
  • Best For Sun Protection Men’s:  Columbia Men’s PFG Bahama II Long Sleeve Shirt 
  • Best For Sun Protection Women’s:  Women’s Mountain Hardwear Canyon Shirt
  • Best For Rain Men’s:  Men’s Propper Long Sleeve Tactical Shirt
  • Best For Rain Women’s:  Propper Women’s REVTAC Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Best For Moisture Wicking Men’s:   Simms Guide Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Best For Moisture Wicking Women’s:  Royal Robbins Women’s Expedition Dry Stretch 3/4 Sleeve

Tips for Choosing the Best Safari Shirt

Divergent Travelers on safari in Africa - Best Safari Shirt

Color Choice Matters

Choosing the color of your safari shirt is more than just a style preference. Certain colors and patterns can attract unwanted attention from both wildlife and people.

That is why understanding the potential repercussions of your color choices is so important. Here are some colors to avoid and some to consider before you buy them. 


  • Bright colors including white:  When you are out in the brush, scouting for animals the last thing you want is to be flashy. Bright colors, especially red and including white, can be seen from far away in the desert wilderness and can alert the wildlife you are hoping to catch a glimpse of.  The last thing you want is to be the reason everyone’s safari is a bust. Instead, try for more neutral tones. 
  • Blue: Blue is another important color to avoid especially if you are on safari in Eastern Africa. This is because blue is known to attract the tsetse fly. Tsetses can transmit diseases that can cause severe illness, so it is best to take the appropriate measures to avoid them as much as possible. 
  • Black: Black is another color that should be avoided on safari. Like blue, black has been proven to attract tsetse flies and it also absorbs the strong heat from the desert sun which can lead to its own health risks.  
  • Camouflage: While camouflage is more of a pattern than a color, and may help you blend into the natural environment, it is still best to avoid. In most African countries camouflage is associated with soldiers and the military. You don’t want to confuse people as to your purpose on Safari or become an unnecessary target in potentially hostile areas. 

David Stock on safari in Africa


  • Khaki, Brown & Tan: Khaki, brown and tan are the recommended colors when out on Safari. These colors will help you blend into the environment especially during the dry season which will help increase your odds of an animal sighting.  Beyond that, the roads you will be traveling are dirt and can be extremely dusty. This dust will settle in your clothing and chances are you won’t be finding a laundry mat anywhere nearby. Tan, khaki and brown colored shirts have the ability to conceal dirt and keep you looking fresh even after a full day excursion. 
  • Dark Browns & Greens: During the rainy season, the vegetation becomes lusher and the soil becomes darker from the moisture. If going on Safari during this time, you may want to consider darker browns and/or greens as a better way to blend in. Make sure to do your research on the area you will be traveling to, so you can evaluate which season they may currently be experiencing. 

Walking safari in Zimbabwe - Best Safari Shirt

Materials to Consider

The best safari shirts are going to be those made to combat harsh environments. They need to be durable, lightweight, resistant to the sun, quick to dry and have the ability to protect against bugs.

All of these elements start with the type of material the shirt is made from. Here are some of the pros and cons of the most popular materials used in safari shirts. 

Synthetic materials are man-made fabrics like nylon or polyester. These tend to be extremely lightweight, great at wicking away moisture and quick to dry even when soaked all of the way through.

Safari shirts made from these fabrics are soft to the touch making them tremendously comfortable in any environment. They are also thin which helps you to stay cool even when wearing long sleeves to avoid sun exposure. 

The downside to synthetics is that they are not great at trapping in heat. This is a concern as most safari’s drives are done at dawn and dusk when the desert is at its coolest.

These are also the times of day that mosquitoes, gnats and flies are at their prime and the thinness of synthetics offers little protection. That is why if you choose the synthetic option it is best to use these safari shirts with layers to make up for these weaknesses. 


  • Moisture-wicking 
  • Lightweight 
  • Quick-drying 


  • Best in warm weather 
  • Less durability 
  • Less protection against bugs

walking safari in Africa - Best Safari Shirt

Cotton is the most accessible fabric used in most shirts we find at the store. It is cheap to manufacture and is one of the softest materials we can put on our bodies. It has the ability to trap body heat keeping you much warmer than your average synthetic and comes in every style you can imagine. 

That being said, the downfall of cotton is moisture. It does not have the inherent ability to wick away sweat like nylon or polyester and will take forever to dry if caught in a downpour.

This is why cotton is never recommended for other outdoor activities such as hiking. If you get caught in an afternoon rainstorm and stay out in the Sahara once the heat of the sun dissipates, you may run the risk of hypothermia on the ride home. Or at the very least extreme discomfort. 

  • Soft and extremely comfortable


  • Retains moisture 
  • Takes a long time to dry 
  • Can be too warm in peak heat

David Stock on safari in Zimbabwe

Natural materials

Natural materials have made their way into much of outdoor apparel, so it only makes sense that they are found in Safari shirts as well. Materials such as hemp, linen, and wool fall under this category and each come with strengths and weaknesses.

Natural fabrics are responsibly sourced without producing as much waste through their manufacturing. They tend to be highly durable (especially hemp) and are well suited for a variety of environments.

However, due to their organic nature, these materials tend to lead to a more expensive product. Also, all of these natural materials are much more prone to wrinkling, wool and hemp can be too warm during peak heat hours and linen offers little protection against bugs. 


  • Reasonably sourced and recyclable 
  • Highly durable 
  • Extremely warm 
  • Expensive 
  • Prone to wrinkling

David Stock on safari in Zimbabwe - Best Safari Shirt

UV Protection

When spending any amount of time in desert climates, protection from the sun should be a major concern. Here there is very little to protect your skin against the harsh rays, that is why you need to rely on your clothing. You may believe that as long as you are covered UV radiation cannot reach you, but that is not always the case. 

A standard cotton t-shirt can let in more than 20% of UV radiation, which is a lot if you are planning for extended exposure while on Safari. That is why you want to look for shirts with a UPF, or UV protection factor, rating.

This indicates what percentage of UV-rays can penetrate through any given fabric. UPF rating of at least 30 is recommended in a Safari shirt, and if you can find one with a UPF rating of 50, which will protect you against 99% of UV-radiation, it will definitely be worth the extra money. 

Best Safari Shirt Recommendations

Columbia PFG Tamiami II Long Sleeve Shirt - Best Women's Safari Shirt

Columbia PFG Tamiami II Long Sleeve Shirt 

This is one of the best options available for a safari shirt, checking all of the necessary boxes. It is stylish with clean lines and a flattering cut. It comes equipped with fantastic moisture-wicking properties, mesh breath-ability, and UV protection.

This shirt can easily be worn in the heat of the day or to an evening meal back at camp. 


  • Material: mesh and polyester 
  • Omni-Shade UPF 40
  • Omni-Wick moisture technology 
  • 2 chest pockets
  • Mesh-lined vent at back 
  • Button Closure
  • Roll-Up Sleeves

Check Women’s Columbia PFG Tamiami II Long Sleeve price at Columbia.

Women's Quick-Dry Sun Protection Convertible Roll-Up Sleeve - Best Women's Safari Shirt

Women’s Quick-Dry Sun Protection Convertible Roll-Up Sleeve

Why not be fashionable in addition to comfortable while out on safari. The Women’s quick-dry sun protection convertible roll-up sleeve shirt is one of the top safari shirts offered on Amazon.

This loose vented shirt will keep you cool in the sun while its quite fabric will not make noises while out on a walking safari searching for wildlife. 

  • 100% Polyester
  • Button closure
  • Breathable, Lightweight and quick dry nylon fabric 
  • Feature detachable button down long shirts with chest pockets, you can quickly convert long sleeve to short sleeve
  • Sun Protection: UPF 40+ fabric blocks Sun and UBA rays to protect skin from sunburn.
  • Comfort & Breath-ability: This long sleeve women’s safari shirt features 80% Rayon, 20% Nylon quick dry fabric for ultimate breath-ability and comfort.

Check Women’s Quick-Dry Sun Protection Convertible Roll Up Sleeve Shirt price at Amazon

Women's Casual Loose Roll-up Sleeve Blouse 

Women’s Casual Loose Roll-up Sleeve Blouse 

The Women’s casual loose roll-up sleeve blouse comes in many great safaris colors and is great women’s shirt for any safari location. This lightweight shirt is comfortable and breathable to wear with feeling cool and soft to the touch.

It’s yet casual but functional with a v-neckline and cuffed sleeves. The two front pockets are also great for a camera lens and anything else you may need while out on a safari. 

  • Women’s basic casual V-neck button blouses. 
  • Casual loose fit. It features a classic shirt collar, two front pockets at chest and full-length button-down closure.
  • Long cuffed sleeves with roll taps.

Check Women’s Casual Loose Roll-up Sleeve Blouse  price at Amazon

Women's Long Sleeve Round Neck Sweatshirt 

Women’s Long Sleeve Round Neck Sweatshirt 

While out on safari you’re going to need something to keep you warm in the early mornings and late evenings. The Dutebare Women’s long sleeve round neck sweatshirt Is just what you need to keep you warm while viewing your favorite animals on Safari.

This top women’s safari shirt comes in many great colors and acts as a great cover-up blouse. 

  • Material:  Cotton blend, lightweight Breathable, Elastic material.
  • Feature: Long sleeve round neck Tunic Tops, Pullover, Pocket inside, Loose fit

Check Dutebare Women’s Long Sleeve Round Neck Sweatshirt price at Amazon

Columbia Men’s PFG Bahama II Long-Sleeve Shirt - Best Men's Safari Shirt

Columbia Men’s PFG Bahama II Long-Sleeve Shirt

Columbia hands down offer’s the best safari shirts for men. They are designed specifically for the outdoorsman and any adventure they may be on. This lightweight durable nylon shit is one of the best out on the market.

I own many and its the shirt I’m wairing in many of the safari photos in this post. It has amazing mesh-lined cape vents that will keep you cool and its UV protection will keep you protected from the sun. Its sleeves feature buttons that allow you to convert the long sleeves to short sleeves for those hot safari days.


  • 100% Tactel; Nylon
  • SUN PROTECTION: Columbia Men’s PFG Bahama II Long-Sleeve fishing shirt features our signature UPF 30 fabric that helps to blocks UVA and UVA rays to help prevent sunburns and skin damage during long hours in the sun.
  • This long sleeve men’s safari shirt features two handy chest pockets with velcro closure for convenient storing and roll-up sleeves.
  • COMFORT & BREATHABILITY: Hidden vents at the shoulders and 100% nylon quick dry fabric make for a shirt that’s breathable and comfortable during any outdoor activity.
  • RELAXED FIT: A relaxed, lightweight fit make this safari shirt the ultimate choice.
  • OMNI-SHADE: Be safe and protected. Omni-Shade blocks UVA and UVB rays to help prevent sunburns and long-term skin damage. 

Check Columbia Men’s PFG Bahama II Long-Sleeve Shirt price at Columbia.

Men's Propper Long Sleeve Tactical Shirt

Men’s Propper Long Sleeve Tactical Shirt

Stand up to the task with the comfortable, durable and professional Propper men’s tactical shirt. Its lightweight ripstop material coated in DuPont Teflon fabric protector will keep you cool while it resists fading, shrinking, stains and wrinkles.

The MOCK button-up front gives you a professional look while concealing your zipper. Additional features, including a longer tail in back, two zippered chest pockets, roll-up sleeve tabs, and gusseted underarms preserve the look without hindering your storage capacity or range of motion.

  • Material: Polyester/Cotton Blend
  • Zipper Closure
  • Wrinkle-Resistant
  • Fade Resistant
  • Teflon Fabric to Repel Water and Stains
  • Two Chest Pockets
  • Gusseted Underarm for Easier Movement

Check Men’s Propper Long Sleeve Tactical Shirt price at Amazon

Men's prAna Merger Long Sleeve

Men’s prAna Merger Long Sleeve

With natural breathability and odor-reducing features, the prAna Merger Long Sleeve Shirt for men is a natural go-to for travel.

It’s super soft and stretchy, thanks to a blend of sustainable hemp and recycled polyester, and slim-fitting for a modern-day look. 

  • Material: Hemp/Recycled Polyester Blend
  • Double chest pockets
  • Concealed Left Zip Pocket
  • Lightweight

Check Men’s prAna Merger Long Sleeve price at prAna.

Men's Mountain Hardwear Canyon Shirt

Men’s Mountain Hardwear Canyon Shirt

Mountain Hardwear Size Guide Grab a quick drink, adjust your pack, and dunk your bandanna in the cold river water before continuing on in the Canyon L/S Shirt. Relaxed fit gently drapes off the body for comfort during both exercise and everyday activity.

Constructed from lightweight, quick-drying, wrinkle-resistant fabric with abrasion-resistant properties. UPF 30 fabrication protects your skin during outdoor activity by blocking harmful Ultraviolet A and Ultraviolet B rays (UVA and UVB).

The spread collar is designed to also flip up for increased sun protection. Full-button front closure.

Long sleeves boast a snap tab roll-up feature. The flap chest pocket features a loop to secure sunglasses when not in use. Napoleon zip pocket. Mesh panels and vented yoke increase airflow. Ergonomically positioned seams for increased comfort when wearing a pack. 

  • Material: Mesh/Polyester
  • UPF 30 Sun Protection
  • Wrinkle-Resistant Fabric
  • Full Button Front Closure
  • Two Front Chest Pockets
  • Roll Up Sleeves

Check Men’s Mountain Hardwear Canyon Shirt price at Amazon

Walking safari group in Africa - Best Safari Shirt

Not finding what you are looking for? Check out our favorite places to go shopping for travel gear.

  • Shop Columbia – The industry leader in outdoor apparel and products; You can find anything from great jackets, gloves, hats, shirts, and travel pants.
  • Shop REI – They offer some of the best outdoor gear around. We love REI since they have a year Love it or hate it no questions guarantee.
  • Shop Moosejaw – Has a huge selection of outdoor gear at killer prices.

More on Safari Gear:

  • The Best Safari Hat for Travel
  • 15 Best Safari Bags for your Next Adventure
  • 12 Best Down Vests
  • The Best Camera for Wildlife Photography
  • 25 Epic Places to Have the Best Safari in Africa
  • Best Sri Lanka Safari: 8 Park Comparison guide
  • Top 8 African Safari Animals (and Where to Find Them!)
  • The Only Zimbabwe Safari You Should Ever Take

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Travel planning resources, about david stock.

I have always been an outdoorsman so becoming an adventure traveler was just the next natural step. I love nature, I love to get off the beaten path and I like to explore. I enjoy scuba diving and cars. And yes, Lina and I have a naked dog.

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Divergent Travelers- Adventure Travel Blog

Kate Abroad

Kate Abroad

5 things to know before going on safari in India in 2024

Forget Africa, India is now one of the most popular places to go on safari. You can see tigers, rhinos, lions and many more rare animals on an Indian safari.

A safari vacation is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, something unlike any other vacation but one which requires a lot of research and planning in order to make it a complete success.

Whether you’re thinking of adding a safari onto your sightseeing in India or planning your entire Indian trip around the safari, this article has the tips that will help you prepare for and plan an unforgettable jungle jaunt in the wilds of India .

Travel tips for Indian safaris

1. book everything well in advance.

A majority of the national parks in India regulate the entry of visitors and vehicles to cause minimum disturbance to wildlife. As such, only a limited number of vehicles are allowed per day and rooms in lodges are also few. Booking everything in advance is therefore of paramount importance.

2. Make time for more than one safari during your stay

To increase the chances of wildlife sightings, it is prudent to go on as many safaris in a day for the maximum time that the park permits. Wildlife spotting is never guaranteed as most animals tend to be shy and elusive, hence the more time you spend in the jungle, the better the viewing experience will be.

3. Choose your safari destination carefully

It is essential to choose a safari destination that meets your requirements. While certain parks are great just for birding, others excel in harbouring unique animal species such as the rhinoceros, Asiatic lion, or the Royal Bengal Tiger .

4. Travel during the right season

National Parks in India usually open in October after the rainy season and close in June before the advent of the monsoon. While all the opening months are good for animal sightings, the big cats can be seen more often in the drier months of April to June as they congregate on the limited sources of water left in the park and thus making viewing easier..

5. Wear the correct clothing

Packing the right clothes, and keeping the weather and the game drives in mind is essential to make your safari holiday a grand success. Certain items like hats, jackets, binoculars and a bandana for dust protection, must be carried at all times. Utmost care must be taken that your outer clothing is in neutral colors, so as to blend with the jungle like beige, brown or green.

pench behind a log in indian park

What to pack for a safari in India

  • Sturdy shoes
  • Full-sleeved shirt
  • A water bottle you can fill on the go in order to minimise the impact of plastic in the wild and improve the environment
  • A journal to document your experience
  • If you are a photo buff, a camera with spare batteries and a memory card

Tips for going on safari in India with kids

When planning a child-first safari, few things need to be kept in mind so as to make the experience a whole lot easier.

Limit the number of destinations in one trip and ask your lodge manager in advance about any kid-friendly activities.

Carry all the protection gear and relative medicines,but most importantly, stoke their imagination by asking them what they saw and make a sketch to make the experience more rewarding for them.

animal on dirt track in indian national park safari

How to budget for an Indian safari

A major part of your safari experience will include stay, park fees, transfers, meals and game drives. These expenses are usually included in your safari package and are payable in your local currency to your agent back home.

That said, you will still need a sizable sum for items of personal nature, tipping, shopping, purchasing snacks from the local shops etc. You can use your debit card to withdraw cash from ATMs in India if you are from a European destination.

Best ways to pay for your Indian Safari

Some merchants in the country also accept American Express and Discover credit cards, but it is best to ask your safari tour operator about this before leaving your home country. As a thumb rule, allow £10 per person per day for drinks and purchasing souvenirs and craft items.

Most major brands of traveler cheques are accepted throughout India, mainly from Thomas Cook or Amex. Charges for encashing traveler cheques may vary from bank to bank and place to place. You must present your passport whenever you change currency or traveler cheques.

In case your hotel payments are not covered in the package, all foreign nationals must pay their hotel bills in the currency of their country either by cash, traveler cheques or credit card. You can pay in Indian rupees also if you have proof of changing money.

International Money Transfer:

PayPal: Best for peer-to-peer transfers and sending large amounts

Charges: 99 cents minimum and $4.99 max.

Limit: No limit for verified accounts

PayPal beats its competitors simply with the choice of payment methods and accessibility. Funds can be received instantly into the recipient’s PayPal account and transferred into a bank account the next day.

Zalle: Best for bank transfer

Charges: $0 for sending or receiving money

(Check with your bank if they levy any additional charge to use this service)

If you don’t want to send money through an app like PayPal, but still want access to fast, zero fee bank transfers you can pay directly by using an app like Zelle, even if your bank account is not a partner with Zelle.

Recipient’s enrolled with Zelle will get the funds in a matter of minutes, but the transaction limit is decided by the credit union or the member’s bankThose who have not partnered with Zelle can only send $500 per week.

Wise: Low fees

Charges: Fx markups between 0-1%

Wise , formerlyTransferWise, offers low-fee and fast money transfers, depending on the currency in question. Wise currently offers a real exchange rate but charges a fee of $99, which will know your safari operator and you get the best deal by far.

Bank transfers:

Since you need to pay way ahead of time to book a safari, your agent in India will quote you in INR and ask you to remit by bank transfer. Using this mode will however cost you substantially more than it should.

Banks charge a fee for executing a transfer through the SWIFT network. Secondly, if your bank and the Indian Bank don’t have a relationship, you pay a further fee of $100+ Lastly you pay the Fx conversion fee which allows them to charge an extra 3% to 4% per transaction.

Frequently asked questions about safaris in India

Where are the most popular locations for safaris in india.

  • Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan (Northeastern India), known for tigers – click here to see Ranthambore safari tours
  • Nagzira Wildlife Sanctauary, Mahrashtra (central India), known for tigers
  • Hemis National Park, Ladakh (Northern India), known for snow leopards

What animals can you see on safari in India?

Depending on which park you go to in India, you can see tigers, elephants, Asiatic lions, Indian rhinoceros and Indian leopards and lesser-known animals like the pangolins (scaly anteaters) and sloth bears.

If you’re planning a trip to India you might also be interested in some of my other India travel guides including:

  • Khajuraho temples (close to the Panna National Park safari location)

Happy travelling!

Asia Travel Resources

  • Book trains and buses through 12.go Asia to avoid queues at the station
  • Find the best prices on hotels with flexible cancellation at
  • Pre-book day tours and tickets for attractions on Klook
  • Save on Bangkok, Hong Kong and Singapore attractions with a Go City Pass
  • Sort your currencies in one place with a Wise multi-currency card

india safari shirt

Guest Author

This article was written by Jyotsna from Wander With Jo who is an expert in all things wildlife travel and has been camping, hiking, skiing and wildlife-spotting in parks across India.

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During the 19th-century arrived a piece of clothing that remains popular to date  — the safari suit.

The suit has its origins in africa, where it was used for safari tours due to its light and breathable material., it was this same quality that made it ideal for the uniforms of soldiers of the british army, who were stationed in south africa during the second boer war., the button-down shirt has four large pockets on the chest and waist areas, which were ideal for carrying bullets, weapons, and binoculars., the shirt has a large collar and a belt at the waist, which keeps everything together; and the pants, too, come with pockets., when it first arrived in india during the colonial era, the safari cloth retailed at approximately rs 40 per metre and was considered a luxury that could be afforded by only the cultural elite., geeta khanna, principal director of the hirumchi styling company — one of india’s first styling companies — agrees., “it [safari suit] spelled prosperity and an anglicised mindset that was considered superior,” she notes., the tailored suit continued to be fashionable attire for men up until the 70s, when the unisex safari suit became du jour., french designer yves saint laurent came up with the two-piece safari suit, which was worn later by roger moore as james bond., the 007 fandom in the western world caused people to imitate their styles., they had a special spot in the world of indian media too, as everyone from sunil gavaskar to rajesh khanna and vinod khanna wore them in ads and movies., in time, the simplicity and allure of the safari suits got their place in politics, with even former president ram nath kovind often sporting the suit in the bandh-gala style., rishabh khandelwal, co-founder of hangrr, a custom clothing brand for men, says the “unlined, unstructured” safari suit jackets are similar to military uniforms in style and design., while the liberalisation of the 90s opened up india’s economy to a host of western products, marking a shift in the country’s geopolitical landscape, the safari suit faced stiff competition from other styles., but even so, it has not been rendered irrelevant., whether for the sake of nostalgia or as experiments with retro fashion, the safari suit has been etched in the patchwork of indianness..

Safari Shirts for Men | TAG® Safari

TAG ® Safari

Clothing, gear & style. since 1990, authentic safari travel & adventure gear, safari shirts for men.

Front view of a Men's Safari Shirt in Short Sleeves, color Khaki. The shirt has two flap-covered chest pockets, button-down collars, buttoned roll-up tabs on the sleeve cuffs, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$56.00 $70.00

Front view of a Men's Safari Shirt in Long Sleeves, color Khaki. The shirt has two flap-covered chest pockets, button-down collars, buttoned Swiss tabs on the sleeves, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$59.00 $80.00

Front view of a Men's Trail Shirt in Short Sleeves, color Moss. The shirt has two flap-covered chest pockets, button-down collars, functional cross-stitched shoulder straps, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$69.00 $85.00

  • Khaki/Olive
  • Olive/Khaki

Front of a Men's Upland Shirt in Long Sleeves, color Khaki/Olive. The shirt has a contrasted quilted shooter patch and forearms, two flap-covered chest pockets, button-down collars, buttoned Swiss tabs on the sleeves, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$72.00 $85.00

Front view of a Men's Shooter Shirt in Long Sleeves, color Khaki. The shirt has a quilted shooting pad at the right shoulder, ammo pockets on the sleeves, two flap-covered chest pockets, button-down collars, functional cross-stitched shoulder straps, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$72.00 $80.00

Front view of a Men's Shooter Shirt in Short Sleeves, color Khaki. The shirt has a quilted shooting pad at the right shoulder, ammo pockets on the sleeves, two flap-covered chest pockets, button-down collars, functional cross-stitched shoulder straps, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$69.00 $80.00

Front view of a Men's Clay Bird Shirt in Short Sleeves, color Khaki. The shirt has a quilted recoil pad at the right shoulder, a mesh-lined vented back, a flap-covered chest pocket, button-down collars, a button-front placket, a stitched FITASC gun position line, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

$75.00 $80.00

Front view of a Men's Shooter Shirt with Buffalo Logo in Short Sleeves, color Khaki. The shirt has a quilted shooting pad at the right shoulder, ammo pockets on the sleeves, two flap-covered chest pockets with an embroidered Tag buffalo logo above the left pocket, button-down collars, functional cross-stitched shoulder straps, a button-front placket, double stitching throughout, and long rounded tails for tucking into pants. 100% cotton.

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  1. Khakhi Cotton 4 pocket Safari Shirts

    india safari shirt

  2. Dark Khaki Cotton Kalahari Safari Shirt

    india safari shirt

  3. Women’s Safari Shirt

    india safari shirt

  4. Men's UV Safari Shirt / Quick-dry Safari Shirt

    india safari shirt

  5. LL Bean India Safari Shirt Epaulettes Roll Tab Sleeves (Men L) Green

    india safari shirt

  6. Best Looking Safari Shirt?

    india safari shirt


  1. Safari Shirt from Uptownie

  2. Safari Suit, cutting Karna Sikhe / Safari Shirt Cutting Easy Method / Safari Suit Cutting /

  3. Safari Shirt Stitching Process| Coat Collar|Tailoring |Nafees Tailors

  4. Heavy size safari suit cutting

  5. British India

  6. India Safari


  1. Men's safari shirts, travel shirts, & outdoor shirts

    Pack men's safari shirts which offer a combination of effective wicking, sun protection (SPF50+ is best), and proven insect defence. As a general rule, men's safari shirts made from man-made fibres (e.g. polyamide) are superior to natural fibres such as cotton as they wick moisture away from the skin much faster than cotton shirts. Faster ...

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    Men's BUGTech Anti-insect Everything Safari Shirt in Katavi Khaki. £65.00. Women's Serengeti V-neck Safari T-Shirt in Safari Dusk. £42.00. Women's Serengeti V-neck Safari T-Shirt in Safari Bushwillow. £42.00. Women's Serengeti V-neck Safari T-Shirt in Safari Earth. £42.00. New In.

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    Men's Long Sleeve Shirts UV UPF 50 Sun Protection Hiking Fishing Safari Shirt Quick Dry Cool Utility Blouse (5052 Khaki M) 4.2 out of 5 stars 61 ... [NAMOH India] # Linen # Unstitched Fabric for Shirt/Safari Suit/Paint Shirt/Kurta Pajama. (1.7 Meter for Shirt) 3.2 out of 5 stars 4

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    My lodge safari clothes were: The midi dress picture above. Levi's that I wore with a GAP linen button-up in a cream color. Linen overalls in navy blue that I wore a long-sleeve shirt underneath. A long maxi dress from Lulu's - maxi dresses are great, and the linen button-up over it.

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    Safari Shirts. The perfect safari outfit for men starts with a shirt. A safari shirt will make all the difference in style and comfort. A synthetic shirt will give the most practicality, while cotton or linen shirts have a more timeless look. It's tough to beat a white linen shirt, but it quickly gets dirty on safari.

  9. Buy Jungle Safari Shirt Online In India

    SAFARI Birthday Party t-shirt design Editable Template Printable Jungle animals t-shirt animal print Editable dtf sublimation t-shirt design. (2.7k) ₹ 764. ₹ 1,528 (50% off) Digital Download.

  10. Buy Safari Clothing Online In India

    100% Hemp Safari Jacket, Sustainable Saharian Jacket with Belt, Grey Cargo Jacket, Surplus Bush Jacket, Charcoal Gray Color Oversized Shirt. (262) ₹ 19,523. Etsy's Pick.

  11. Indian Safari Suit

    Indian Safari Suit. Basic - Half-Canvas - Versatile Basics. USD. 169. Some have a reason to believe that the birthplace of timeless safari suit was India. Unlike other safari suits online, this Safari Suit has both the essence intact in it - the classic elegance of India in its overall make and has the elements of stylish safari suits designs ...

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    Company" by Outside Magazine. Natural Habitat Adventures Ranked. "Best Outfitter". Voted Best Winter Trip: Natural Habitat Adventures' Monarch Butterfly Migration, Mexico. These packing guides provide a comprehensive overview of clothing and gear that will leave you prepared for your next India adventure!

  13. The Essential Safari Clothing Guide

    Long sleeved shirts. The long sleeved safari shirts follow the same principles as the trousers. You need them for protection from the sun and from getting scraped up when out walking in the bush. Do take a short sleeved shirt, or two, if you like, or just take loose fitting long sleeved shirts that you can roll up past your elbows.

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    The safari suit was a gift by British Raj to India. In India, Safari suit was seen as a big shift from the Gandhian Khadi to new modern western dress code. Safari Suits became popular amongst masses only after 1990 when Reliance Industries started producing Safari Suit clothing within India.

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  16. Jungle Safari Clothes

    WWF - India. Safari Jacket/Vest | Cotton| Sleeveless | Safari, Hiking, Adventure, Golf, Work, Casual | All season. 4.0 out of 5 stars 105 ... Jungle Animal Safari Summer Kid's Sleeveless Vest T-shirt Shorts Set for Baby Boys & Girls. 4.7 out of 5 stars 4

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    Boy Scout Uniform burlywood Safari Shirt Mens Hunting Shirts Half Sleeves. $140.00.

  18. From Africa to India: The Long Journey of the Safari Suit

    From the African bushes to Indian bureaucracy—the long journey of the safari suit. President Ram Nath Kovind often wears safari suits in the 'bandh-gala' style. Source: President Ram Nath Kovind/Facebook. Ted Lapidus and Yves St Laurent, designers from the style heaven, France, are credited with designing the two-piece safari suit.

  19. Best Safari Shirts for Men & Women (What to Avoid too!)

    Quick Answer: Best Safari Shirt. Best For Wind Men's: Arc'teryx Skyline LS Shirt Men's. Best For Wind Women's: Eddie Bauer Women's Infinity Long-Sleeve Button-Front Shirt. Best For Heat Men's: Men's Mountain Hardwear Canyon Shirt. Best For Heat Women's: Orvis Women's Open Air Casting Shirt.

  20. 5 things to know before going on safari in India in 2024

    Make time for more than one safari during your stay. 3. Choose your safari destination carefully. 4. Travel during the right season. 5. Wear the correct clothing. What to pack for a safari in India. Tips for going on safari in India with kids.

  21. The Uniform That Binds Africa & India: The Journey of the Historic

    Rishabh Khandelwal, co-founder of Hangrr, a custom clothing brand for men, says the "unlined, unstructured" safari suit jackets are similar to military uniforms in style and design. While the liberalisation of the 90s opened up India's economy to a host of Western products, marking a shift in the country's geopolitical landscape, the ...

  22. Safari Shirts

    Mens Safari Shirts Long Sleeve UV Protection Hiking Fishing UPF 50+ Quick Dry Camping Travel Shirts. 4.3 out of 5 stars 1,112. 50+ bought in past month. $30.49 $ 30. 49. FREE delivery Mon, May 27 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Or fastest delivery Thu, May 23 . Best Seller in Men's Activewear Button-Down Shirts +41.

  23. Safari Shirts for Men

    Tag Safari. $75.00. Safari Shirts for men Double Flap Pockets and Classic Safari Style Epaulettes made in Africa from durable Lightweight Cotton Pre-Washed and pre Shrunk provide Natural UV Protection. Made In Africa for your Safari Adventure and Travel, these classic Safari shirts are made by Tag Safari since 1990.