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Hermes Airport është kompani shqiptare e licensuar në fushën e transportit të udhëtarve me autobus në linja të rregullta. Ka dy licensa operimi, Vlorë – Rinas – Vlorë dhe Shokodër – Rinas -Shokodër. Prej 1 gushtit 2020 operon në linjën Vlorë-Rinas-Vlorë. Kompania është së bashku me Hermes Travel, kompani e licensuar në fushën e turizmit dhe Hermes Lines, kompani e licensuar në fushën e transportit ndërkombetar të udhëtarve me autobus pjesë e grupit Hermes me qendër në Vlorë. Grupi Hermes themeluar në qeshor të 1998 me një flot prej 27 autobusash të certifikuar për transport turistik dhe të distancave të largëta, është operatori i parë shqiptar që nisi shërbimin në linjë të rregullt me Italinë. Me themelimin e Hermes Aeroport në nëntor të 2016 grupi Hermes dëshiron të sjell risi dhe rritje të cilësisë në transportin në linjë të rregullt brenda vendit.

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Albania Tour Guide

How to get from Tirana airport to Vlore? Bus, Taxi, Car

If you are flying to Tirana airport and you would like to go to Vlore beach, you might be wondering: How to get from Tirana airport to Vlore? In this blog post, I will discuss the best ways to get from Tirana airport to Vlore by bus, by taxi or with a rental car.

How to get from Tirana airport to Vlore? You can get from Tirana airport to Vlore by direct airport bus, by taxi or by rental car. There is no train connection. The direct airport bus departs 6 x times a day and costs 1000 LEK (8.20 EUR). A taxi costs 86 euros. And a rental car is 20 -25 euros per day plus 4000 LEK (33 EUR) for petrol.

Although there is a direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore, it only departs 6 x a day. So I recommend you scroll down to check the timetable with your arrival time. Alternatives are a taxi from the airport or renting a car. I will also discuss a direct bus from Tirana airport to Tirana or a direct bus to Durres as an alternative. Let’s begin!

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Getting from Tirana airport to Vlore by bus, by taxi or by rental car

How to get from tirana airport to vlore by bus.

You can get from Tirana airport to Vlore by bus. There is a direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore. The direct bus is operated by Hermes Airport.

The direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore depart 6 x times per day. The bus from Tirana airport to Vlore departs at 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 13:30 PM, 14:30 PM, 16:30 PM, 22:00 PM. The bus journey from Tirana airport to Vlore takes roughly 2.5 hours.

A bus ticket from Tirana airport to Vlore costs 1000 Albanian Leke (8.20 euros). If you have questions about the direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore, you can reach out to Hermes Airport at [email protected] or by calling +355 676097542.

The direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore only departs 6 x times per day. So it might not match with your flight arrival time or you may miss the bus if you spend a lot of time waiting at the border/luggage collection.

In that case, you can take a direct bus from Tirana airport to Durres or a bus from Tirana airport to Tirana. Durres would be the most convenient because it is a coastal town en route to Vlore. For more information on the alternative routes, scroll down, please.

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How does a taxi from Tirana airport to Vlore cost?

A taxi from Tirana airport to Vlore costs 86 euros with the official airport taxi. It will take roughly 2.5 hours to get from Tirana airport to Vlore by taxi.

Price of a taxi from Tirana airport to Vlore:

  • Tirana airport taxi charged 86 euros for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Vlore
  • Merr Taxi charges 101 euros for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Vlore
  • UPs taxi charges 11341 Leke (93 euros) for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Vlore

It is the easiest to take the official airport taxis. The official airport taxis are parked in front of the Arrivals Hall at the airport and you can recognize them as yellow taxis with the airport logo. Another advantage to taking the official airport taxi is that they have a set price list, which they published online, here: . So you won’t be surprised by the pricing.

If you prefer to call your own taxi or book a taxi beforehand. You can contact many taxi companies in Albania via Whatsapp or Viber directly. Or you can download the popular taxi apps in Albania: UPs Taxi App, Speed Taxi App or taxi app. Uber does not operate in Albania.

How much does a car rental from Tirana airport to Vlore cost?

An affordable car rental at Tirana airport costs at least 20-25 euros per day. Petrol from Tirana Airport to Vlore will be roughly 4000 Leke (33 euros). And it will take you 2.5 hours to get from Tirana airport to Vlore.

I recently wrote a blog post about the prices of car rentals in Albania. I basically contacted 15 car rental companies in Tirana and at Tirana airport. And I typed up all the prices offered in this blogpost:

However, to get an affordable car rental offer, I highly recommend you reach out to car rental companies before your holiday in Albania. Because car rental prices do vary significantly between companies. And when you arrive at the airport and simply pick the nearest car rental desk, you may be charged a lot more than 25 euros per day.

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It is easy to drive from Tirana airport to Vlore. Tirana Airport is located alongside the highway between Tirana and Durres. From the airport, you must turn onto the highway in the direction of Durres. Then from Durres, you drive southwards via Fier city to Vlore. Signage is good on this route.

The quality of the highway from Tirana airport to Vlore is good, so you do not have to worry about it. If you read on the internet that road quality in Albania is poor, this mainly applies to the mountainous areas in the North and East of Albania.

Is there a train from Tirana airport to Vlore?

There is no train from Tirana airport to Vlore. Because Tirana airport is not connected to any train network. So you cannot take any trains from Tirana airport.

There is no point in taking a taxi from the airport to the train station in Kashar, which is 10 kilometres from Tirana. Because trains in Albania are infrequent, old fashioned and very slow. So it is not a good alternative and you will not be faster.

The trains in Albania were built during the communist regime, which ended in 1992. And these trains have not been maintained, refurbished or expanded since the fall of communism. So you might take a train in Albania to experience an old fashioned train, but not as an effective manner of transportation.

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How far is Tirana airport from Vlore?

Tirana Airport is 148 kilometers from Vlore. It will take you roughly 2.5 hours to travel from Tirana Airport to Vlore by bus, by rental car or by taxi.

Alternative ways to get to Vlore

If you have a long flight, a delay or you arrive late, a direct trip from Tirana airport to Vlore might be a bit too much for you. So what are the alternatives?

Option 1: Take a bus / taxi from Tirana airport to the city centre of Tirana and travel to Vlore the next day Option 2: Take a bus / Taxi from Tirana airport to Durres and travel to Vlore the next day

How to get from Tirana airport to the city centre of Tirana?

You can get from Tirana airport to the city centre of Tirana with the airport shuttle bus, a taxi or a rental car.

The direct bus from Tirana airport to the city centre of Tirana departs every hour between 8:00 AM and 19:00 PM and there are two extra busses at 21:00 PM and 23:00 PM. You can check the bus timetable here:  The airport bus is operated by LUNA. A bus ticket costs 300 Lek (2.50 euros). And the bus will drop you off behind the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet on Skanderbeg Square.

How much is a taxi from Tirana airport to the city centre?

A taxi from Tirana airport to the city centre of Tirana costs 20 – 25 euros with the official airport taxi service.

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How do I get to Vlore from Tirana?

You can get to Vlore from Tirana by bus, by taxi or in a rental car.

The local bus from Tirana to Vlore departs from the Regional Bus Terminal. So your first step is to travel from the city centre of Tirana to the Regional Bus Terminal North and South Albania. This bus terminal is located here:

The Regional Bus Terminal is around 20 minutes by car from the city centre. You can take a taxi to the Regional Bus Terminal for around 5 euros. Or you can take the bus in the direction of Instituti, which departs from the Dede Gjo Luli Street behind the National History Museum on Skanderbeg Square. The bus to Instituti stops at the Regional Bus Terminal.

Once you are at the Regional Bus Terminal, you can take the bus to Vlore. The bus to Vlore departs every 30 minutes between 5:00 AM and 17:30 PM. You can check the bus timetable here:   . A bus ticket from Tirana to Vlore costs 500 LEK (4.10 euros) for a one-way journey.

How to get from Tirana airport to Durres?

You can get from Tirana airport to Durres by bus, by taxi or in a rental car.

Durres is a coastal city with beautiful beaches about 30 minutes from Tirana International airport. Moreover, if you plan on travelling onwards to Vlore the next day, you will have a shorter journey the next day. Because Durres is closer to Vlore than Tirana or Tirana airport.

There is a direct bus from Tirana airport to Durres, which departs 5 x times per day. The bus from Tirana airport to Durres departs at 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 15:30 PM, 17:00 PM and 22:00 PM.

A bus ticket from Tirana airport to Durres costs 1000 Leke (8.25 euros) for a one-way trip. The bus is operated by Adis.

A taxi from Tirana airport to Durres costs between 21 – 30 euros vary between taxi companies. I did request the taxi rates from several taxi companies, you can see an overview below:

  • Tirana Airport taxi charges 25-30 euros for a taxi from Tirana airport to Durres
  • Merr Taxi charges 23 euros for a taxi from Tirana airport to Durres
  • UPs Taxi charges 2603 ALL (21.50 euros) for a taxi from Tirana airport to Durres
  • Speedtaxi charges 2500 Leke or 21 euros for a taxi from Tirana airport to Durres
  • City Taxi charges 3000 Leke (25 euros) for a taxi from Tirana airport to Durres
  • Euro Taxi charges 30 euros for a taxi from Tirana airport to Durres

How do I get from Durres to Vlore?

You can get from Durres to Vlore by bus, by taxi or by rental car.

The bus from Durres to Vlore departs from the Durres Bus Terminal (in Albanian: Stacioni i Autobusëve Durrës). You can see the location on a Google Map here:

The bus from Durres to Vlore departs between 5:35 AM and 18:05 PM. The bus departs at: 5:35 AM, 6:05 AM, 6:15 AM, 6:35 AM, 7:00 AM, 7:05 AM, 7:35 AM, 8:05 AM, 8:35 AM, 9:05 AM, 9:30 AM, 9:35 AM, 10:05 AM, 10:35 AM, 10:45 AM, 11:00 AM, 11:05 AM, 11:35 AM, 12:00 PM, 12:05 PM, 12:35 PM, 12:45 PM, 13:05 PM, 13:30 PM, 13:35 PM, 13:45 PM, 14:05 PM, 14:35 PM, 14:45 PM, 15:05 PM, 15:35 PM, 16:00 PM, 16:05 PM, 16:35 PM, 17:05 PM, 17:35 PM, 18:00 PM, 18:05 PM.

A bus ticket from Durres to Vlore costs 400 Leke (3.30 euros) for a one-way trip. A taxi from Durres to Vlore costs 85 euros if you book with Merr Taxi or 9675 Leke (80 euros) with UPs Taxi.

Things to do in Vlore

Vlore is a stunning coastal city. There is a beautiful boulevard along the seaside. In the city, you can visit some great seafood restaurants. And further to the South, there are amazing hotels right on the beach! Let’s explore the best things to do, whilst staying in Vlore.

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Apollonia Archaeological Park

Apollonia is an archaeological park in the centre of Albania. In ancient times, Apollonia was an important Greek city. The city was founded in 588 BC by Greek colonists from Corfu and Corinth. However, it was during the Roman period that the city of Apollonia really flourished.

In the 4th century AD, Apollonia was an important economic city and trade centre. The city was known for its famous school of philosophy. Cicero, a famous Roman public speaker, called Apollonia “a great and important city”. And the city was also one of the most important gateways to the Via Egnatia, which was a Roman trade route through the Balkans.

The ruins of Apollonia were re-discovered at the beginning of the 19th century. The park is set on a hilly plateau and it is surrounded by calming nature.

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Sightseeing at Zvernec Island

Zvernec Island is a little island in the Narta Lagoon. The island is about a 30-minute drive from Vlore city. It is a very picturesque location, which is definitely worth a visit! The little island is connected to the mainland via a long wooden bridge. From the coastline, you will have a stunning view of the island across the bridge. You can walk over the long wooden walkway and step foot on Zvernec island. On the island, there is a little Byzantine monastery from the 13th century.

The coastal road along the Albanian Riviera

Vlore Beach is also the starting point of the Albanian Riviera. From Vlore, you can get on the road to Saranda, which leads all the way to the Greek Border. The coastal road is actually stunning. The road turns and twists along the coast and it has beautiful views of all the beaches below. In about 3-4 hours, you can see all the beaches of the Albanian Riviera whilst making short stops along the road.

Llogara Pass

The Llogara Pass is a mountain pass on the coastal road. It is the highest point on the coastal road, at a height of 1027 meters. It has a beautiful viewpoint, where you can make a stop to take pictures. From the pass, you will have a spectacular view of Palase beach, the Dhermi village and the Ionian Sea. There is a lovely restaurant at the top of the Llogara Pass, with floor to ceiling windows. It is a perfect place to relax and drink a coffee whilst taking in the view!

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The Transportation Guide every Traveller in Albania Needs in 2024!

Whether you travel by bus, by car, by ferry, by taxi or with a rental car - this transportation guide will get you to the most beautiful places in albania., and it's yours free, you have successfully subscribed, karaburun peninsula.

The Karaburun Peninsula is a rocky peninsula, that points into the Adriatic Sea. Alongside the peninsula, there are hidden beaches, which can only be reached by boat or by a long hike. The peninsula is located between Vlore and Dhermi, so you can take a boat trip from either side.

The Karaburun Peninsula has hidden pristine beaches. Moreover, some of the beaches and caves have a mysterious history.

You can take a boat from Vlore harbour to explore the Haxhi Ali Cave and some beaches on the eastern side of the peninsula. The Haxhi Ali Cave is a massive cave, which can hold several speedboats at a time. In the past, this mysterious cave was used by pirates to seek shelter and hide.

Or you can take a boat from the Dhermi Village to visit the other side of the peninsula. From Dhermi, you can visit the Blue Cave and Gramata Bay. Gramata Bay is the highlight of the peninsula. Gramata Bay means “the bay of scriptures”.

The seawater can be rough around the Karaburun Peninsula. And Gramata Bay is one of the few places, which offered ships shelter from the rough sea. Therefore, many sailors carved inscriptions and symbols in the rocks of the bay, to thank their god for the shelter of the bay. Some of the scriptures were written by the ancient Greeks.

The best way to get to the Karaburun Peninsula is by boat. A boat trip from Vlore to the Haxhi Ali Cave and a few beaches on the eastern side costs 2500 LEK (20 euros) per person. A boat trip from Dhermi to Gramata Bay and the Blue Cave costs 150 euros for 6-7 persons. By foot, it will take six hours to reach the beaches of the Karaburun Peninsula.

About me

I am an Albania Tour Guide , who organizes 1-day, 2-day or multiple day private tours in Albania . I arrange your transportation and I am your English speaking guide. So that, you get to experience the most beautiful places in Albania! Kind regards, Manon

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I am a tour guide in albania.

I am an Albania Tour Guide , who organizes 1-day, 2-day or multiple day private tours in Albania .

Albanian Way

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How to Travel between Tirana and Vlorë

The bus from vlore to tirana.


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If arriving from the United Kingdom, you’ll land in Tirana on the FlyWhiz airlines flight from London Luton. While Tirana is a majestic city, you might want to experience the Albanian Riviera, which is about 160km south of Tirana on the Ionian Sea coast line which stretches from Vlore to Ksmail in the far south.

There are 2 ways to get to Vlore from Tirana (and vice versa) and 1 way in future.

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There are two busses you can get….

Tirana Airport to Vlore

Hermes Airport shpk runs a shuttle service from Tirana Airport to Vlore (and vice versa). The rate for a single trip is 1,000 Lek. You can book online.

Rinas – Vlore: 10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:30, 22:00 Vlore – Rinas: 05:00, 07:30, 11:00, 12:30, 14:00, 17:00

Hermes Airport Mob: +355 676097542 Email: [email protected] Website:

Note: This bus company has the same branding as the UK delivery company Hermes but is not affiliated.

Tirana Bus Terminal to Vlore

There are regular busses from  Tirana International Airport  to Tirana City Centre. (every hour from 8am to 7pm)

The bus station is modern and well equipped with good links to popular destinations in Albania and, you can even hitch a ride to Kosovo, Montenegro and Greece from here with 36 International Lines (of these 9 are from Kosovo and 27 international: Greece, Italy, Istanbul, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Montenegro)and  20 bus stops which are separated for Gate stationing according to destinations. (eg from 1-8 Greece, from 9-10 Italy etc etc.)

The Tirana Bus Terminal website does not have bus time tables – please see the time table image below if your destination is not Vlore or take a look over the  Tirana official website

Vlore – 0500; 0530; 0555; 0620; 0645; 0710; 0735; 0800; 0825; 0850; 0915; 0940; 1005; 1030; 1100; 1130; 1200; 1230; 1300; 1330; 1400; 1430; 1500; 1600; 1630; 1700; 1730;

Where to get tickets: You can buy your ticket at the station. Tirana Bus Station location:   Terminali i Autobusave të Jugut dhe Veriut (South and North Albania Bus Terminal),  8QVG+PQ2, Kashar, Albania

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If you’d rather DIY the journey. You can hire a car from most popular rental places and pick up at the airport or in Tirana. The drive is 157km towards Durres and then down the coast of Albania on the  SH4 motorway.

If you have you’re own rented wheels, you have an opportunity to take the scenic route and hug the coast line, picking up  Divjaka-Karavasta National Park  along the way.

By Train (For the future)

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Albania’s train network is still being built and this year (2022) it has 1 line open. Durres to Elbasen. It is very cheap (about £1) but it’s a no go for now. In the future, it’ll be great!

According to HSH – the Albanian Rail Network , you’ll be able to get a train from Tirana to Vlore which will leave Tirana at 14:30. on the V line – again, this doesn’t exist yet!

Where to buy tickets: You can not buy tickets in advance. Buy tickets at the station.

Hello. I'm Vince and partly run the Albanian Way website. I work in International Trade in the UK, moving goods around the world. We created this website to help show as many British people as possible, the true beauty of Albania, and maybe encourage a couple of people to pick it as their next holiday destination :)

Delicious Albanian Pancakes with Yogurt: Recipe and Tips

Delicious Albanian Pancakes with Yogurt: Recipe and Tips

Chaos of the South and North Bus Terminal in Tirana, Albania

How to Get to Durres: Finding the Bus Terminal and Catching the Bus

Navigating Taxi Services in Albania: Tips and Warnings

Navigating Taxi Services in Albania: Tips and Warnings

Illustration of Albania head nodding for no and shaking for yes

Head Gestures of Albania: Shaking for Yes, Nodding for No

Dhermi - bohemian beach dream, random albanian word, copyright

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Albania On Wheels

Albania On Wheels

Visiting Albania By Car

From Airport to Adventure: How Bus Transfers from Tirana Airport Can Take You to Exciting Destinations

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Welcome to Tirana! As you step off the plane and into the bustling Tirana Airport, the possibilities for adventure await. But how do you get from the airport to your exciting destination? That’s where bus transfers come in.

With bus transfers from Tirana Airport, you can seamlessly travel to some of the most breathtaking destinations in Albania. Whether you’re craving the stunning coastal views of Saranda or the historic charm of Berat, these convenient and reliable bus transfers can take you there.

Not only do bus transfers provide a hassle-free way to reach your destination, but they also offer a unique opportunity to see the scenic landscapes of Albania along the way. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as you soak in the beauty of the country.

No matter if you’re a solo traveler or part of a group, bus transfers from Tirana Airport are the perfect option for those looking for convenience, affordability, and reliability. So why wait? Let the adventure begin as soon as you land, with bus transfers that take you from the airport to your dream destination.

If instead you are looking for a more comfortable option, and you prefer setting your own schedule, then have a look at the car rental options at the Rent From Locals website, which offers very competitive prices.

Below you can find some information on the main bus companies that operate from Tirana airport:

LU-NA shpk offers a shuttle service from TIA to Tirana and vice versa. The bus is stationed behind the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The rate for a single fare is  400 Albanian Lek .

Service Hours:

Tirana – Rinas (Airport) – Tirana

To serve the passengers, there is a regular bus line that offers 24 hour service 7 days a week. The bus is parked in Tirana behind the Palace of OPERA and BALLET. The journey takes 30 minutes.

Service hours:

Tirane – Airport :  24 h

Airport – Tirane:  24 h

Frequency ; Every Day

Price :400 Leke

Contact:  Luna shpk

Email:  [email protected]


In case you need more information, please contact the following numbers:

Cell phones: 00355692982128

Durres – Aeroport:  08.00,  09.30,  11.00,  13.00,  15.00,  17.00,  19.00

Aeroport – Durres:  10.00,  12.00,  14.00,  15.30,  17.00,  19.00, 21.00

Frequency ; Cdo dite

Price : 600 Leke

Contact: Adis shpk

Phone: +355 52 22 55 39

Mobile:  +355 68 60 90 721

Email :  [email protected]

Likometaj Aeroport offers a shuttle service from TIA to Fier and vice versa.

The rate for a single fare is  1,000 Albanian Lek .

The fee and service for one way is  1000 ALL .

The round trip fee is  1000 Lekë (Within a day) .

Fier – TIA:  03:00, 05:30, 08:30, 10:30, 13:30 , 15:00: 17:00; 19:00, 00:00

TIA – Fier:  09:00, 10:30, 11:30, 13:00, 16:30, 17:30, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00

Contact: Euro Albania Travel

Mobile:  00355696740073

Email:   [email protected]


Hermes Airport shpk offers a shuttle service from TIA to Vlore and vice versa. The rate for a single fare is 1,000 Albanian Lek.

Vlore – Rinas:  05:00, 07:30, 11:00, 12:30, 14:00, 17:00

Rinas – Vlore:  10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:30, 22:00

Contact: Hermes Airport

Mob:  +355 676097542

Email:   [email protected]


Bus lines from Tirana

If you need more options, then you might need to get to Tirana first, and then catch another bus from there to other cities.

Tirana City Transport

Tirana is very busy city, and has more than 20 bus lines. But it doesn’t have a terminal yet. All bus stations are located around Tirana Center, From Kulla Sahatit, to Piazza, behind the Cultural Palace, Behind National Museum, close to National Bank, close to Rruga e Kavajes and Rruga e Elbasanit. The ticket is 40 leke. You can find public bus from 6 AM-11 PM. It takes from 3-10 minutes to wait in bus stops for next bus.

Here are the urban bus lines:

  • Kombinat-Kinostudio
  • Uzina Dinamo-Sharrë
  • Uzina e Traktorëve
  • Tirana e Re
  • Mjull-BathoreIn addition, there are several bus lines linking Tirana to several shopping centers in the suburbs:CityparkQTUCasa ItaliaTirana East GateRinas Express

Interurban buses tirana

Many buses run between the major cities of Albania. Bus travel is inexpensive and a good way of seeing the countryside. Buses travel nearly always in the day-time, but they do not always run to a regular schedule. A long-distance fare, such as from Tirana to Saranda, costs between 1,000 and 1,200 lek. Many travellers prefer to use the many private vans that rival the scheduled bus routes but which operate almost entirely without schedules or set fares. You should always consider the condition of the van before choosing to travel in one, as many operate informally.

Timetable of North Buses

South-East buses timetable

South buses timetable

Interurban transport

From Tirana the main routes are:

Line: Tirana-Durres

Southbound:  Tirana-Berati; Tirana-Vlora; Tirana-Gjirokastra;Tirana-Saranda

Northbound :Tirana-Kruje;Tirana-Lezhe;Tirana-Shkoder;Tirana-Bjaram Curri

All intercity bus lines in the area South, Durres and North are located at the Turn of Kamza,Kastriotet road,Kashar,Tirana

– Southeast :

Tirana-Pogradec; Tirana-Korca

Southeast buses depart from “Qytet Studenti” station.

Timetable of Interurban bus for South and North Terminal

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hermes travel vlore rinas

Pasagjeri shqiptar shpërblehet me 20 mijë euro nga linja ajrore në Aeroportin e Tiranës

hermes travel vlore rinas


hermes travel vlore rinas

Transporti & Drejtimet

Publikuar nga, tia në 23 prill 2022.

Ndani këtë informacion.

LU-NA shpk ofron shërbimin e transportit të pasagjerëve nga TIA në Tirane dhe anasjelltas.

Tarifa e shërbimit për një rrugë është 400 Albanian Lek.

Oraret e shërbimit:

Tirane – TIA – Tirane

Për t’u shërbyer pasagjerëve është vendosur një linjë e rregullt autobusi që ofron shërbim cdo dite 24h. Autobusi është i parkuar në Tiranë mbrapa Pallatit te OPERAS dhe BALETIT. Udhetimi zgjat 30 minuta.

Tirane - Aeroport:   24 h

Aeroport - Tirane:   24 h

Frekuenca ; Çdo ditë

Cmimi : 400 Leke

Contact: Luna shpk

Email: [email protected]


Në rast se ju nevojitet më tepër informacion, ju lutem të kontaktoni në numrat e mëposhtëm:

Celulari: 069 29 82 128

Service Hours:

Durres - Aeroport:   08.00,  09.30,  11.00,  13.00,  15.00,  17.00,  19.00

Aeroport - Durres:   10.00,  12.00,  14.00,  15.30,  17.00,  19.00, 21.00

Frekuenca ; Cdo dite

Cmimi : 600 Leke

Contact: Adis shpk

Phone: +355 52 22 55 39

Mobile:  +355 68 60 90 721

Email : [email protected]

Likometaj Aeroport ofron shërbimin e transportit të pasagjerëve nga TIA në Fier dhe anasjelltas.

Tarifa e shërbimit për një rrugë është 1,000.00 Albanian Lek.

Tarifa e shërbimit për vajtje-ardhje është 1,000.00 Albanian Lek. (Brenda dites).

Fier – TIA: 03:00, 05:30 , 08:30 ,10:30 ,13:30 , 15:00: 17:00 ; 19:00 , 00:00

TIA – Fier: 09:00 , 10:30, 11:30 , 13:00 , 16:30 , 17:30 , 19:00 , 21:00 , 23:00

Në rast se ju nevojitet më tepër informacion, ju lutem të kontaktoni numrat e meposhtem

Mobile:  00355696740073

E-mail:   [email protected]


Hermes Airport shpk ofron shërbimin e transportit të pasagjerëve nga TIA në Vlore dhe anasjelltas.

Tarifa e shërbimit për një rrugë është 1,200.00 Albanian Lek.

Vlore - Rinas:  01:30, 03:30, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 20:00

Rinas - Vlore:  03:30, 11:00, 12:30, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:15, 24:45

Në rast se ju nevojitet më tepër informacion, ju lutem të kontaktoni numrat e meposhtem.

Mob:  +355 676097542


Hermes Airport shpk ofron shërbimin e transportit të pasagjerëve nga TIA në Shkodër dhe anasjelltas.

Shkodra - Rinas:  07:30, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00

Rinas - Shkodra:  11:15, 12:45, 17:30, 20:10

Publikimet më të fundit

Më poshtë do të gjeni një përmbledhje të njoftimeve për shtyp dhe publikimeve tona më të fundit të publikuara që shërbejnë për të informuar publikun në mënyrën më të saktë dhe transparente.

hermes travel vlore rinas

Lexo më shumë

hermes travel vlore rinas

Tirana International Airport mirëpret fluturimin Inaugurues të FlySas nga Kopenhagen, Danimark

hermes travel vlore rinas

Tirana International Airport mirëpret fluturimin Inaugurues të SalamAir nga Muscat, Oman

Fluturoni me mendje të qetë.

Shijoni fluturimin tuaj dhe zbuloni ofertat dhe promocionet më të fundit nga partnerët tanë.

hermes travel vlore rinas

Rent Point Albania

Super çmime për makina me qera! Shijoni udhëtimin tuaj në maksimum.

hermes travel vlore rinas

Air Albania

Ne ju sjellim më afër destinacioneve më të dashura të Evropës.

hermes travel vlore rinas

Mediat sociale

Përmbajtja e lidhur me industrinë, ankesat & sugjerimet, regjistrohu në buletinin tonë.

Ofertat e zgjedhura për pushime, frymëzimin dhe këshillat më të fundit të udhëtimit, direkt në kutinë tuaj hyrëse.

Cilat janë sendet të cilat konsiderohen si mallra të rrezikshme dhe nuk janë të lejuara në bord?

Ku pihet duhan në tia, ku mund të udhëtoj brenda zonës shengen pa u pajisur më parë me vizë, si mund të marr informacionin e fluturimit.

hermes travel vlore rinas

[email protected]

Stay connected

Në Aeroport

[email protected]


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  1. Kreu

    Ka dy licensa operimi, Vlorë - Rinas - Vlorë dhe Shokodër - Rinas -Shokodër. Prej 1 gushtit 2020 operon në linjën Vlorë-Rinas-Vlorë. Kompania është së bashku me Hermes Travel, kompani e licensuar në fushën e turizmit dhe Hermes Lines, kompani e licensuar në fushën e transportit ndërkombetar të udhëtarve me autobus pjesë e ...

  2. Destinations

    Prej 1 gushtit 2020 operon në linjën Vlorë-Rinas-Vlorë. Kompania është së bashku me Hermes Travel, kompani e licensuar në fushën e turizmit dhe Hermes Lines, kompani e licensuar në fushën e transportit ndërkombetar të udhëtarve me autobus pjesë e grupit Hermes me qendër në Vlorë. Grupi Hermes themeluar në qeshor të 1998 me ...

  3. Home

    Hermes Airport është kompani shqiptare e licensuar në fushën e transportit të udhëtarve me autobus në linja të rregullta. Ka dy licensa operimi, Vlorë - Rinas - Vlorë dhe Shokodër - Rinas -Shokodër. Prej 1 gushtit 2020 operon në linjën Vlorë-Rinas-Vlorë. Kompania është së bashku me Hermes Travel, kompani e licensuar në ...

  4. Tirana International Airport

    To serve the passengers, there is a regular bus line that offers 24 hour service 7 days a week. The bus is parked in Tirana behind the Palace of OPERA and BALLET. The journey takes 30 minutes. Service hours: Tirane - Airport : 24 h. Airport - Tirane: 24 h. Frekuenca; Every Day. Cmimi: 400 Leke. Contact: Luna shpk.

  5. Vlorë to Rinas

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Vlorë to Rinas easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Vlorë to Rinas right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make ...

  6. How to get from Tirana airport to Vlore? Bus, Taxi, Car

    There is a direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore. The direct bus is operated by Hermes Airport. The direct bus from Tirana airport to Vlore depart 6 x times per day. The bus from Tirana airport to Vlore departs at 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 13:30 PM, 14:30 PM, 16:30 PM, 22:00 PM.

  7. Shërbimet

    Prej 1 gushtit 2020 operon në linjën Vlorë-Rinas-Vlorë. Kompania është së bashku me Hermes Travel, kompani e licensuar në fushën e turizmit dhe Hermes Lines, kompani e licensuar në fushën e transportit ndërkombetar të udhëtarve me autobus pjesë e grupit Hermes me qendër në Vlorë. Grupi Hermes themeluar në qeshor të 1998 me ...

  8. Hermes Aeroport transfers

    Hermes Aeroport transfers. +355 67 609 75 42 more than a year ago. share post a comment. Bus transfers between Tirana airport and Vlora and other destinations on the southern coast. Several departures daily, 1200-1500 lek.

  9. Rinas to Vlorë

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Rinas to Vlorë easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Rinas to Vlorë right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make ...

  10. Transfers from Tirana Airport (TIA) to Vlorë

    Tirana Airport (TIA) to Vlorë distance. 98 Miles approximately. 158 Kilometres approximately. This map and route are for information purposes only, with no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. The transport company retains absolute discretion to choose the route to your destination. Distance and travel times are only indicative between ...

  11. How to Travel between Tirana and Vlorë

    Tirana Airport to Vlore. Hermes Airport shpk runs a shuttle service from Tirana Airport to Vlore (and vice versa). The rate for a single trip is 1,000 Lek. You can book online. Timetable. Rinas - Vlore: 10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:30, 22:00.

  12. Tirana Airport to Vlorë

    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Tirana Airport to Vlorë right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can ...

  13. Hermes aeroport bus from Vlore

    1. Re: Hermes aeroport bus from Vlore. Get a regular bus from Vlore to Tirana, then from bus terminal get a taxi to airport. Bus terminal to airport is about 13Km so it won't cost more than €10 or even less. Cardiff, United... 2. Re: Hermes aeroport bus from Vlore.

  14. HERMES AEROPORT (@hermesaeroport) • Instagram profile

    1,434 Followers, 2 Following, 8 Posts - HERMES AEROPORT (@hermesaeroport) on Instagram: "Per me shume informacion dhe rezervime Cel: 0676097542 Office location:"

  15. Fluturime

    TIA travel. Zbuloni Shqipërinë me TIA Travel. ... Vlore. Hermes Airport shpk ofron shërbimin e transportit të pasagjerëve nga TIA në Vlore dhe anasjelltas. Tarifa e shërbimit për një rrugë është 1,200.00 Albanian Lek. Oraret e shërbimit: Vlore - Rinas: 01:30, 03:30, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 20:00.

  16. Transfer Options from Tirana International Airport to Vlorë

    The distance between Tirana Airport and Vlorë is approximately 150 km, meaning the trip takes 2 hours by car. You have 3 options for transfers from Tirana Airport to Vlorë; taxi, private transfer or bus.The quickest and most convenient way is by taxi or private transfer as these services take you straight to the doorstep of your hotel.. For travellers on a budget, taking a direct bus from ...

  17. Contact Us

    Prej 1 gushtit 2020 operon në linjën Vlorë-Rinas-Vlorë. Kompania është së bashku me Hermes Travel, kompani e licensuar në fushën e turizmit dhe Hermes Lines, kompani e licensuar në fushën e transportit ndërkombetar të udhëtarve me autobus pjesë e grupit Hermes me qendër në Vlorë. Grupi Hermes themeluar në qeshor të 1998 me ...

  18. Flights

    Flights - Tirana International Airport ... By Bus

  19. Tirana Airport (TIA) to Vlorë

    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Tirana Airport (TIA) to Vlorë right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring ...

  20. Hermes Lines Vlore

    The accuracy of the company profile for Hermes Lines is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator. Last update on 27 Sep, 2022 Registered with us on 5 Jan, 2016

  21. Taxi from Vlore to tirana airport : r/albania

    Hermes Aeroport Vlorë - Rinas (every hour a bus) 067 60 97 542. these guys drive everyday from vlore to Tirana airport. And all that for only 10euro! It's a little bus and within 2hrs you are at the airport. I have always used their service. Ask for unlicensed taxi.

  22. From Airport to Adventure: How Bus Transfers from Tirana Airport Can

    Buses travel nearly always in the day-time, but they do not always run to a regular schedule. A long-distance fare, such as from Tirana to Saranda, costs between 1,000 and 1,200 lek. Many travellers prefer to use the many private vans that rival the scheduled bus routes but which operate almost entirely without schedules or set fares.

  23. Tirana International Airport

    TIA travel. Zbuloni Shqipërinë me TIA Travel. ... Vlore. Hermes Airport shpk ofron shërbimin e transportit të pasagjerëve nga TIA në Vlore dhe anasjelltas. Tarifa e shërbimit për një rrugë është 1,200.00 Albanian Lek. Oraret e shërbimit: Vlore - Rinas: 01:30, 03:30, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 20:00.