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Caminito del Rey Entradas

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Excursiones al Caminito del Rey

Excursiones al Caminito del Rey

Índice de Contenidos

Las 13 Mejores Excursiones al Caminito del Rey

Hay varias formas de recorrer el Caminito del Rey. Puede realizar una visita guiada, que le llevará por el sendero y le contará la historia de la zona. O puede ir por su cuenta y explorar a su propio ritmo.

También hay excursiones de un día en autobús desde otras ciudades: Málaga, Sevilla, Córdoba, Madrid y otras.


En cualquier caso, hay mucho que ver y hacer en el camino. Estas son algunas de las mejores excursiones que puedes hacer mientras visitas el Caminito del Rey.

1. Entradas

El precio de la entrada para el Caminito del Rey en la web oficial Getyourguide.es es de 14,50 euros por persona.

Ventajas de comprar en Getyourguide.es:

  • Reservar ahora y pagar después le permite asegurar su asiento sin tener que pagar hoy.
  • Cancelación gratuita: cancele su reserva con 24 horas de antelación y obtenga un reembolso completo.

Tendrá más flexibilidad en caso de que sus planes cambien repentinamente o el tiempo se vuelva malo.

Qué incluye : entrada, tarifa de reserva

No apto para : menores de 8 años

Qué llevar : pasaporte o carnet de identidad, gafas de sol, agua, sombrero, calzado cerrado

Punto de encuentro : W6J6+Q4, 29550 Gobantes, Málaga, España

Opiniones de clientes : «En general, el viaje fue fantástico y estamos contentos de haberlo hecho.»

2. Visita Guiada

Una visita guiada a pie es la mejor manera de asegurarse de que ve todos los aspectos más destacados de este increíble lugar.

Visita Guiada

La excursión terminará en un punto de observación donde podrá disfrutar de una increíble vista del desfiladero antes de regresar a su hotel. Es una experiencia inolvidable que no debe perderse cuando visite el sur de España.

Le recomendamos que reserve las visitas guiadas en GetYourGuide.es si necesita un guía en francés, italiano, alemán u holandés.


Qué incluye : entrada, guía, casco

Guía : español, inglés, francés, italiano, alemán, holandés

Punto de encuentro : en la puerta del restaurante El Kiosko

Opiniones de clientes : «¡Super tour! Era un día abrasador (40°C), pero no lo notamos por el impresionante paisaje.»

3. Vía Ferrata

La Vía Ferrata es un sistema de puentes, escaleras y cables que permite cruzar el camino de la montaña. Originalmente se construyó para que los trabajadores accedieran al Caminito del Rey, pero ahora está abierto al público.

Vía Ferrata Caminito del Rey

Si vas a visitar el Caminito del Rey, no dejes de probar la vía ferrata. Es una experiencia emocionante que le dará una nueva perspectiva de este peligroso pero hermoso sendero.

GetYourGuide.es tiene 4 actividades sobre la vía ferrata. Las excursiones cuestan a partir de 60 euros .


Qué incluye : instructores, casco y arnés, guantes de protección, botella de agua

Instructores: español, inglés

Punto de encuentro : en el Complejo Turístico La Garganta

Reseñas de clientes : «Lo pasamos muy bien. No se puede ver el Caminito del Rey, pero creo que esta excursión es aún más sorprendente. Al principio, estábamos un poco nerviosos porque estás subiendo muy alto. Sin embargo, los guías eran experimentados y la seguridad era su principal preocupación. Un grupo de diez personas estaba bien; pudimos hacer fotos y vídeos, y había una vista increíble desde allí arriba.»

4. Recorrido Exprés

Se trata de un paseo exprés de 2,5 horas por el Caminito del Rey, una de las rutas de senderismo más famosas y bellas de España.

Recorrido Exprés

Precio desde 60 euros por persona.


Qué incluye : guía multilingüe, transporte de ida y vuelta desde el punto de encuentro hasta el sitio, entrada

No apto para: personas con problemas de movilidad

Punto de encuentro : el punto de encuentro puede variar

Reseñas de clientes : «Me interesaba mucho ver el Caminito del Rey, pero era la única excursión de mi itinerario que no estaba agotada. La comida no me preocupó mucho, pero fue agradable probar algunos quesos. Las vistas son espectaculares, y la historia que hay detrás es fascinante.»

5. Tour Privado

El día comenzará con un traslado desde su hotel, tras el cual partirá hacia Ardales. Su guía le explicará la historia de la región mientras conduce por pequeños pueblos y tierras de cultivo.

Tour Privado

Aunque el Caminito del Rey está abierto al público, le recomendamos encarecidamente que realice una visita privada. Esto le permitirá evitar las grandes multitudes y disfrutar de un ambiente más íntimo.

Una excursión privada es la forma perfecta de alejarse del ajetreo de la vida cotidiana y disfrutar de la belleza de la naturaleza. Reserve ahora y permítase embarcarse en un viaje inolvidable.


Qué incluye : tour guiado, entrada, casco, transporte de ida y vuelta al hotel

Duración : 5 horas

Opiniones de clientes : «¡Gracias por un viaje increíble a Caminito del Rey! Todo lo demás fue sin problemas, excepto el calor extremo))»

6. Excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga

GetYourGuide tiene más de 10 excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga con transporte, para que pueda disfrutar de esta increíble caminata sin preocuparse de cómo llegar por su cuenta.

Excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga

¡Si está buscando una excursión emocionante desde Málaga, consulte el Caminito del Rey! Los costes comienzan en 49 euros , pero el precio medio ronda los 60 euros.


Qué incluye : transporte en autobús, entrada, guía multilingüe, tiempo libre para almorzar y nadar en el lago

Duración : 8 horas

Guía : español, inglés

Punto de encuentro : de manera diferente, según la empresa

Opiniones de clientes : «Tuvimos a Álvaro y Pablo como guías. Fueron fantásticos: amables, simpáticos, y todo lo que dijeron sobre la historia del Caminito fue aún más fascinante. Si estás en la zona, el caminito es una actividad que debes hacer; el paisaje es impresionante; crearás recuerdos maravillosos.»

7. Viajes Organizados al Caminito del Rey desde Madrid

Sólo hemos podido encontrar una compañía con la que se puede viajar desde Madrid al Caminito del Rey. El coste de la excursión es de 259 euros por persona.

Viajes Organizados al Caminito del Rey desde Madrid

El viaje también incluye una visita al centro de la ciudad de Málaga, donde podrá explorar las calles históricas, las tiendas y los restaurantes.

Para obtener más información sobre el programa, hacer preguntas y reservar una visita, visite el sitio web oficial pangea.es

Qué incluye : AVE (Madrid – Málaga – Madrid), 2 noche de hotel cerca del Caminito del Rey , entrada y guía, visita guiada a Málaga

Duración : 3 días

Reservas : 910-837-976

8. Excursión al Caminito del Rey desde Sevilla

Saldrá de Sevilla por la mañana y hará un viaje de dos horas en minibús hasta el lugar donde se encuentra el famoso Caminito del Rey.

Excursión al Caminito del Rey desde Sevilla

A lo largo del camino, disfrutará de vistas y paisajes impresionantes. No olvide traer su cámara para capturar los mejores momentos.

El tour puede ser cancelado si no se alcanza el número mínimo de participantes.


Qué incluye : transporte al hotel, guía, entrada

Duración : 10 horas

Guía : español, inglés, francés

Punto de encuentro : en la oficina de Naturanda Turismo Ambiental, Calle Rastro 12A, Sevilla

Opiniones de clientes : «Es un gran lugar. Muy recomendable. Nuestro guía Reyes era fantástico, conocía todo tipo de datos fascinantes y era muy divertido estar con él. Como más tarde había la posibilidad de ir al lago, recomiendo que se lleve su propio material de natación.»

9. Excursión de un día al Caminito del Rey desde Cádiz

Nattivus.com ofrece una emocionante excursión de un día al Caminito del Rey desde Cádiz. Esta es una oportunidad increíble para ver de cerca una de las atracciones turísticas más populares de España.

Al Caminito del Rey desde Cádiz

Si busca una excursión espectacular desde Cádiz, el Caminito del Rey es una gran opción. Nattivus.com puede ayudarle a planificar su viaje y asegurarse de que todo salga bien. La excursión cuesta desde 165 euros por persona.

Pero asegúrese de comprobar en el sitio web si la excursión está disponible para su reserva.

Qué incluye : recogida y regreso en hoteles en Cádiz, visita guiada, seguro de accidentes

10. Desde Córdoba: excursión de 1 día

Córdoba es una hermosa ciudad situada en el sur de España. Aunque no es tan conocida como otras grandes ciudades españolas, tiene mucho que ofrecer a los visitantes. Una de las mejores cosas que hacer en Córdoba es hacer una excursión de un día al Caminito del Rey.

Desde Córdoba: excursión de 1 día

Las excursiones suelen incluir el transporte de ida y vuelta a Córdoba, así como un guía que le orientará durante el recorrido. Y créanos, ¡tener un guía vale la pena! Él o ella podrá mostrarle las mejores vistas y contarle la historia del sendero.


Qué incluye : guía turístico oficial, traslado de regreso desde Córdoba

Duración : 7 horas

Guía : inglés, español

Punto de encuentro : 37°52’32.3″N 4°46’35.8″W

11. Excursión al Caminito del Rey desde Marbella

El Caminito del Rey se encuentra a una hora y media en coche de Marbella, lo que lo convierte en una opción de viaje de un día ideal para aquellos que quieran explorar Andalucía.

Excursión al Caminito del Rey desde Marbella

Si busca aventura durante su estancia en Marbella, considere una excursión de un día al Caminito del Rey. La excursión cuesta desde 65 euros por persona y dura unas 12 horas.

Qué incluye : transporte en autobús, guía en español, entrada al Caminito del Rey

Duración : 12 horas

Punto de encuentro : Av. Ramón y Cajal, 329601 Marbella

12. Al Caminito del Rey desde Ronda con Guía

Álvaro Peral López es un guía con muchos años de experiencia en el sector turístico. Ha organizado y dirigido muchas excursiones en la zona de Ronda, incluido el Caminito del Rey.

Caminito del Rey desde Ronda

  • 1 persona: 240 €
  • 2 personas: 160 € por persona
  • 3 personas: 135 € por persona
  • 4 personas: 120 € por persona
  • 5 ó más personas: 110 € por persona

La excursión incluye todo el equipo necesario, así como una sesión informativa de seguridad.

Si buscas una aventura en la zona de Ronda, no dudes en contactar con Álvaro. No le decepcionará.

Qué incluye : transporte de cortesía, guiaje con un guía local de turismo activo, seguro de responsabilidad civil y accidentes, comida tradicional tras la ruta, bastones de senderismo (solicitar con antelación)

Teléfono : 650-78-59-26

13. Excursión al Caminito del Rey desde Granada

El Caminito del Rey es una excursión muy popular para los visitantes y residentes de Granada, ya que está a sólo 140 km de la ciudad. La mejor manera de llegar al Caminito del Rey es en coche, ya que no hay transporte público que vaya directamente al inicio del sendero.

Excursión al Caminito del Rey desde Granada

El Caminito del Rey es una excelente excursión para los amantes de la naturaleza, ya que el sendero atraviesa un pintoresco desfiladero con impresionantes acantilados y vistas. Esta excursión no está recomendada para niños o personas con miedo a las alturas.

Su guía le recogerá en su hotel de Granada y le llevará al punto de partida de la ruta. A partir de ahí, seguirá un sendero que serpentea por los acantilados, a través de puentes y túneles. A lo largo del camino, se detendrá para disfrutar de las vistas y hacer fotos.

Qué incluye : guía, entrada, transporte en coche privado

Duración : 5-7 horas

Punto de encuentro : en la plaza Mariana Pineda

Opiniones de clientes : «Nuestro conductor llegó a tiempo. Nos presentaron al guía cuando llegamos. No tuvimos que hacer cola para comprar las entradas. El paseo en sí es increíble y encantador Luego nos encontramos con nuestro conductor al final de la ruta, donde volvimos a visitar Granada. Todo fue bien y todo salió bien.»

Excursión al Caminito del Rey con Transporte

Si no vives en Málaga pero vas a recorrer el Caminito del Rey, te recomendamos que reserves una excursión que incluya el transporte hasta el inicio de la ruta y el regreso a tu ciudad. También le recomendamos que lleve calzado resistente y mucha agua.

Método para Encontrar Ofertas de Excursiones

Hay varias maneras de encontrar buenas ofertas de excursiones durante las vacaciones.

Una opción es preguntar al personal de su hotel o centro turístico si tiene alguna recomendación.

Otra opción es buscar en Internet operadores turísticos en la zona en la que estás de vacaciones. Una vez que haya encontrado algunas empresas, llámenos y pregunte por sus tarifas y disponibilidad.

Por último, también puedes consultar con tu proveedor de seguros de viaje para ver si ofrecen algún descuento en las excursiones.

Siguiendo estos consejos, debería poder encontrar algunas buenas ofertas en excursiones mientras está de vacaciones.

Trucos para Reservar Excursiones

Cuando reserve una excursión, asegúrese de hacer preguntas a la empresa sobre sus procedimientos y políticas de seguridad. También es una buena idea leer los comentarios de la empresa en Internet antes de reservar nada.

A continuación se indican otras cosas que hay que tener en cuenta al reservar una excursión:

  • Asegúrese de saber qué incluye el precio de la excursión. Algunas empresas cobran un suplemento por cosas como el alquiler del equipo o el transporte de ida y vuelta al lugar de la actividad.
  • Pregunte por las restricciones de edad y los requisitos físicos para la actividad. Asegúrese de que todos los miembros de su grupo puedan participar.
  • Averigüe si hay un tamaño máximo de grupo para la excursión. Es importante saberlo para poder planificar en consecuencia.
  • Pregunta por la política de cancelación. Algunas empresas cobran una cuota si cancelas, así que asegúrate de conocer su política.
  • Prepárate para el mal tiempo. Si la actividad tiene lugar al aire libre, asegúrate de tener un plan de respaldo en caso de lluvia u otras inclemencias del tiempo.

Seguir estos consejos le ayudará a tener una gran experiencia en su excursión.

Los precios de las excursiones pueden variar según la temporada. Los precios sólo son válidos en el momento de la redacción. Consulta en Getyourguide.es.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿cuánto tiempo se tarda en recorrer el caminito del rey.

El tiempo que se tarda en recorrer el Caminito del Rey depende realmente de la velocidad a la que se camine y de la frecuencia con la que se pare para disfrutar de las vistas. En general, la mayoría de la gente tarda entre 3 y 4 horas en completar el recorrido.

¿Cuál es la Mejor Hora para ir al Caminito del Rey?

La mejor época para visitar el Caminito del Rey es la primavera o el otoño, cuando el tiempo es más suave.

¿Qué Tren Pasa por el Caminito del Rey?

La estación de tren más cercana al Caminito del Rey es la de El Chorro, que está a unos 10 minutos a pie. También se puede tomar un tren hasta Ronda, que está a una hora en coche del Caminito del Rey.

Última Hora 2 Entradas Gratis Oferta Acceso Norte Próximos Eventos Aviso Legal Política de Privacidad Política de Cookies Afiliación y Contacto

Este no es un sitio web oficial de Caminito del Rey, para el sitio web oficial vaya a: www.caminitodelrey.info

Contacto con nosotros: [email protected]

Sobre Mí Diputación de Málaga

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10 Best Caminito del Rey Tours (A Must-Do Activity!)

Are you looking for the best Caminito del Rey tours? This guide is for you.

Caminito del Rey is the most impressive hiking trail in Malaga. Having visited it, I can assure you that the landscape is one of a kind. With impressive canyons, hanging bridges, and beautiful natural surroundings, you’ll be amazed.

But it’s also rich in history and once one of the most dangerous hiking trails in the world!

In this guide, I’ve compiled the best tours for you, including the one I recently took and some of the things you should know before booking your tickets to this attraction.

Pinterest pin that reads the best caminito del rey tours.

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Table of Contents

My Top 3 Picks: Caminito del Rey Tours

Mountain view from Caminito del Rey, Spain

Caminito del Rey Guided Tour with Bus

✔️ Pick up and drop off Malaga city centre

✔️ Knowledgable guides

✔️ Affordable

Caminito del Rey lake view

Caminito del Rey Private Tour

✔️ Pick up and drop off from your hotel

✔️ Private tour

✔️ Flexible

A photo of the town hall of Ardales, Malaga, Spain

Caminito del Rey, White Village, Tapas Brunch

✔️ Pick up and drop off from Malaga city centre

✔️ Reduced group

✔️ Tapas after completing the trail

1. From Málaga: Caminito del Rey Guided Tour with Bus

Selfie of Cristina and partner in Caminito del Rey.

Duration: 6 hours | Languages: English and Spanish | Rating: 4.8 out of 5 |  Book it now

I don’t always book a tour when I travel to a new place, and the chances are even lower if I’m visiting somewhere near my hometown as I know the area very well.

However, I really wanted to discover the history behind this hiking trail which had been on my list for a while, so I booked this Caminito del Rey guided tour .

The meeting point is just outside Maria Zambrano (Malaga train station and shopping centre), and the organisation was good. 

The coach driver took us safely close to the north entrance of Caminito del Rey, which can only be accessed on foot.

Once we arrived, our guide gave us the entry tickets, and El Caminito del Rey staff gave us a helmet with a shower cap for hygiene reasons. We were looking very attractive (not really! But safety first!)

Then we started the trail and made stops along the way to listen to our guide, who told us why Caminito del Rey was built in that area, why it was named after the King of Spain at that time, and the fauna and flora. He was very knowledgeable.

However, a downside is that we couldn’t always clearly hear our guide, and I wished we had audioguides.

The walk was incredible, and I was totally amazed by the landscape. Unfortunately, we didn’t see much wildlife besides a few vultures flying over.

Once we finished the walk, I thought that was the end, and we were going to head to our meeting point in the morning; however, the guide told us that they had recently added a stop in Álora, a nearby “ pueblo blanco ” whitewashed town.

We went to a restaurant where we were served tapas. It was a nice gesture, I always appreciate food, but being a Spaniard and from the area, I must say I was a bit disappointed with the food (especially the ensaladilla rusa!)

After our 1-hour lunch break, we returned to Malaga.

“We glad we booked this excursion. Caminito del Rey is an amazing and one of a kind place. Furthermore, Daphne our tour guide has been funny, extremely knowledgeable, caring and kind. Would recommend this tour to everyone. Shout out to the coach driver Mr. Andres for the safe and smooth ride back to Malaga. Muchas gracias :)” – Maria ( Read more reviews )

📌 Check out availability and price here

2. Costa del Sol: Caminito del Rey Guided Trip with Breakfast

A photo of a group of people doing the Caminito del Rey hiking trail.

Duration: 3-7 hours | Languages: English, French and Spanish | Rating: 4.5 out of 5 |  Book it now

All the Caminito del Rey tours start early in the morning, and if you love breakfast and can’t have it before your excursion (most breakfast places don’t open at 7 a.m.), why not book this tour that includes breakfast?

The first stop of your trip is breakfast. After breakfast, you’ll go to Caminito del Rey . Listen to the interesting stories behind this pathway, enjoy the breathtaking views and cross Desfiladero de los Gaitanes (the scariest part of the trail!)

Right after your walk, you’ll go to Ardales, a nearby whitewashed town where you’ll have one hour to explore on your own. 

Finally, you’ll be dropped off at your hotel.

“We enjoyed our trip so much. Our guide was superb, so informative and friendly. Fluent in several languages. The pictures do not begin to showcase this incredible walk. We highly recommend this tour to anyone thinking about going. Deborah Henry, with 3 friends.” – Deborah ( Read more reviews )

3. El Chorro: Caminito del Rey Guided Tour with Shuttle Bus

A photo of Caminito del Rey hike in Alora, Malaga, Spain.

Duration: 4 hours | Languages: English and Spanish | Rating: 4.7 out of 5 |  Book it now

Whether you’re travelling to Caminito del Rey by car or train, this guided tour with a shuttle bus is a good option.

If you travel by train, the guide will wait for you in case it arrives a bit late, so you don’t need to panic about missing the tour.

Once you meet your local guide, you’ll take the shuttle bus and walk to the north entrance of Caminito del Rey. 

During this breathtaking 8-kilometre hiking trail, you’ll hear all about the history, flora and fauna whilst admiring the canyons and surroundings.

“Sergio (the guide) was truly a delight! He was informative, humorous, knowledgeable and absolutely was the “icing on the cake “ during this hike. My friends and myself felt such a sense of accomplishment and gained an insight into the incredible hard work and effort achieved by the sailors that created this dam. The views were breathtaking and it felt truly invigorating to complete it. The walkway felt safe and sturdy and none of our group had any negative thoughts during the hike. PLEASE don’t miss out on it … definitely one to tick off the “life list “ (not bucket) 😍” – Midge ( Read more reviews )

4. From Malaga: Caminito del Rey, White Village, Tapas Brunch

Caminito del Rey lake view.

Duration: 8+ hours | Languages: English | Rating: 4.9 out of 5 |  Book it now

Caminito del Rey takes only about 2 hours to complete, so if you want to make a full day out of this, this tour is perfect because it also includes visiting a traditional Andalusian white village and eating tapas.

If you don’t like big groups, another advantage of this Caminito del Rey excursion is that it’s limited to 8 people, so you have more opportunities to ask your guide for things and get to know other travellers.

You’ll be picked up from Malaga city centre and go to the meeting point at Caminito del Rey on a minibus. From there, you’ll start this amazing hiking trail with your guide.

You’ll discover things about the trail you wouldn’t if you were going to do this hike alone. Plus, you’ll have the chance to take many photos and videos along the way.

After the trail, you’ll head to Alora to explore the historic centre, Alora’s Castle , Church and Archaeological Museum.

Before you head back to Malaga by train, you’ll enjoy a selection of tapas.

“Everything was fantastic. The organization of the whole day is taken care of. You can see beautiful things outside of Malaga, learn about the culture and have a great meal with local products. The guide will tell you a lot about the area, make pictures of you want and take care of everything. It is worth every cent.” – Lidia ( Read more reviews )

5. Caminito del Rey Private Tour from Costa del Sol

Caminito del Rey old pathway.

Duration: 5-6 hours | Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Czech and Slovak | Rating: 5 out of 5 |  Book it now

Who doesn’t like a private tour? I don’t book private tours all the time, but I sometimes do, and it makes a big difference because I’m usually introverted and wouldn’t like to ask questions in front of 28 people, and I feel like I get to know the guide a bit more, which is nice.

This Caminito del Rey trip has all the perks for anyone who loves private experiences. You get picked up and dropped off at your hotel, do the tour at your own pace and have more opportunities to ask questions.

“Fantastic excursion that went beyond our expectations … shame to miss it because it is something unique” – Get Your Guide Traveller ( Read more reviews )

6. Caminito del Rey: Entry Ticket and Guided Tour

A peekaboo view of the river and trees at Caminito del Rey.

Duration: 2 hours | Languages: English and Spanish | Rating: 4.6 out of 5 |  Book it now

If you’re planning to drive to Caminito del Rey but would like a guided tour to learn all the interesting facts and history behind this impressive hiking trail, this tour is perfect.

You’ll meet your guide in the ticket office, located in the north access of Caminito del Rey. You’ll start the walk after they give you some safety instructions, a helmet and radio guides.

Be ready to see some of the best natural landscapes in Malaga, and if you’re lucky, you might spot some animals too!

The tour includes tickets to Caminito del Rey, a bilingual guide and a radio guide. It doesn’t include hotel pickup and drop-off and the shuttle bus to the meeting point, which costs €2.50 per person.

“Caminito del Rey was a good experience for me and my family. We paid to have the 2 hour guided tour and we enjoyed the walk through the mountain ravine and all the guide stories of how the pathway was built in 1904. It would be good to have a better microphone system for visitors since our guide was excellent but it was not easy to hear some of the details because the microphone was not great quality. However we got most of it so we appreciate the information.” – Get Your Guide Traveller ( Read more reviews )

7. From Marbella & Fuengirola: Caminito del Rey Guided Day Trip

Plaque with information about Caminito del Rey hiking trail.

Duration: 8-10 hours | Languages: English and Spanish | Rating: 4.7 out of 5 |  Book it now

One of the most important things to do when booking a Caminito del Rey day trip is to check out the meeting points. It’s easy to forget, and you might realise they don’t offer pick-ups from your location late.

This one offers bus transportation from places like Marbella, Fuengirola, Mijas Costa, Ojen and Coin.

During this guided hiking day trip, you’ll see amazing scenery and learn everything about Caminito del Rey.

Get ready for an adventurous day with photo opportunities and adrenaline, especially when you cross the suspension bridge.

“Great opportunity to see the caminito del rey. Our driver Jose and tour guide Javier were great. Javier was so easy going and chatty when needed. Highly recommend. The path is less than 8 km long and totally safe for all fitness levels. Must see if in Malaga.” – Dominika ( Read more reviews )

8. Caminito del Rey Day Trip with Kayaking Tour

Mountain view from Caminito del Rey, Spain.

Duration: 8+ hours | Languages: English and Spanish | Rating: 5 out of 5 |  Book it now

If you’re looking for a full day of adventure, this Caminito del Rey with kayaking tour is your best choice. However, be aware that this tour isn’t available all year round.

Once you arrive in El Chorro, you’ll meet your guide at Hotel La Garganta , where you’ll get a picnic box for later. 

The day starts with the kayak activity. This guided kayak tour lasts about 2 hours, and not only will you learn about this spectacular place, but you’ll also enjoy the views from the reservoir.

After the activity, you’ll have time to recharge your batteries and enjoy your picnic. Then, you’ll head to the main attraction of the day, Caminito del Rey.

You’ll spend about 2 hours to complete the hike while learning about this unique pathway.

“What an amazing day, we started with kayaking and then did the walk; our guide Alex was amazing and very informative. He made sure we all were having a great time, took pictures of us and made the whole experience more fun. My partner and I had one of our best days. Highly recommend this amazing experience” – Rima ( Read more Caminito del Rey reviews )

Caminito del Rey lake view

Caminito del Rey tours from other Andalusian cities

  • From Cordoba: Caminito del Rey Day Trip
  • From Seville: Caminito del Rey Full-Day Hike

Important things to know before doing Caminito del Rey

  • This hiking trail isn’t suitable for children under 8 years old, travellers with mobility impairments, altitude sickness, pre-existing medical conditions or fear of heights.  
  • Wear appropriate and comfortable footwear. You’ll be walking on a wooden path with gaps in some parts of the trail.
  • Bring your own helmet if you don’t want to use the ones that are borrowed at the ticket office.
  • Pack a bottle of water and snacks (optional).
  • If possible, avoid visiting Caminito del Rey in the summer. The temperature can reach up to 40 degrees Celsius (104 °F), and they even close the trail when there are extremely hot weather conditions.

Frequently asked questions about the Caminito del Rey hike

Is the guided tour of caminito del rey worth it.

Yes, it’s the best way to learn about Caminito del Rey.

How long do you need at Caminito del Rey?

You need between 1.5 to 2 hours.

Can you just turn up at Caminito del Rey?

Caminito del Rey is one of the most famous hiking trails in Southern Spain , so you must book your tickets in advance.

How much does it cost to walk the Caminito del Rey?

The general admission is 10 euros.

Where is Caminito del Rey located?

Caminito del Rey is located in Ardales, a town in the province of Malaga.

How far is Caminito del Rey from Malaga?

Caminito del Rey is a 1 hour and 10 minute drive from Malaga.

Is Caminito del Rey safe?

Yes, Caminito del Rey has been adapted for visitors and is now safe.

Conclusion on the best Caminito del Rey excursions

Caminito del Rey is one of those hiking trails to add to your Spain bucket list ! If you aren’t scared of heights, you’ll be amazed by the canyon, gorge and surroundings. Plus, it isn’t a difficult hike.

Enjoy your time in Caminito del Rey!

Cristina xx

Save these Caminito del Rey guided tours on Pinterest for later!

Pinterest pin that reads the best caminito del rey tours.

Things to do before visiting Malaga

  • Book cheap flights to Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport with  Skyscanner .
  • Take a look at  this Malaga hotel guide  to help you choose accommodation.
  • Check out tours and activities in Malaga with  Get Your Guide .
  • Book a free walking tour in Malaga with  GuruWalk .
  • Travelling around Costa del Sol? Check and compare car hire with  Discover Cars .
  • Buy travel insurance  for your trip. This is a must for any trip!

Read more about Malaga

  • Is Malaga Worth Visiting?
  • How to Spend One Day in Malaga (Itinerary)
  • 22 Best Free Things To Do In Malaga
  • Unusual Things to Do in Malaga
  • The Ultimate Malaga Food Guide
  • Best Malaga Food Tours
  • Best Malaga Winery Tours and Experiences
  • 14 Towns in Malaga You Will Love
  • Beautiful Beach Towns Near Malaga

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Travel Writer

Cristina is the founder and writer of My Little World of Travelling. She was born and raised in Malaga (Costa del Sol) and studied for a Master's Degree in Tourism. She is passionate about showing her hometown and other beautiful Andalusian destinations. She helps other travellers plan their trips to Spain by providing local advice and unique insights.

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Caminito del Rey

Prepare your visit, visitors' reception centre, the entrance to the caminito del rey.

The Visitors' Reception Centre is situated at el Puerto de las Atalayas, 57.7km away from Málaga, 6km away from the Ardales crossing and 51km away from Antequera. Currently, at the Visitors' Reception Center you cannot buy tickets to access the Caminito del Rey. You can reserve and purchase your ticket through this website or directly at the northern access of the Caminito, at the ticket office. You can park in Visitors' Reception Centre Parking (2 euros/day). + INFO

Visitors' Reception Centre

the Caminito del Rey environment

It is in this environment where, since the 19th and 20th centuries, a set of railway and hydroelectric infrastructures were located that formed the backbone of the connections and the road network that we have inherited in the 21st century..

Declared by the Junta de Andalucía as a Natural Area in 1989, it had already been classified as a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) in 1987 and, since 2006, it is part of the Andalusia-Morocco Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean. and from the list of Places of Community Importance of the Mediterranean Biogeographic Region.

This natural enclave has been a focus of influence for the settlement and development of human groups in the surroundings of the natural area of ​​Gaitanejo and El Chorro from prehistoric times to the present day, documented by the abundance of archaeological sites.

Ardales cave

Ardales cave

Necropolis of Las Aguilillas

Necropolis of Las Aguilillas

The Rock Church of Bobastro

The Rock Church of Bobastro

Children under 8 years old cannot access the Caminito del Rey.

Those over 8 years old must bring their original ID or Family Book to verify their age.

General admission

Make the Caminito your own way. 10 ticket purchase limit

Official guided visit

Maximum group of 30 people accompanied by a guide with a quality certificate. Visits in Spanish and English.

Shuttle Bus

Reserve your place on the shuttle bus.

Reserve your place in the car park.

Aerial image of El Caminito del Rey

Every extraordinary inheritance must belong to humanity as an infinite legacy in time. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to guarantee its cataloging and conservation, but also its dissemination as the good of all. And that is why any candidacy to be World Heritage needs not only the conviction of the people and institutions that present it but also that of the target audience..

Candidacy a UNESCO World Heritage

Based on seven landmarks that, in an environment of less than 20 kilometers, are part of our history and that we are sure will make you fall in love: The Natural Park of the Desfiladero de los Gaitanes, the El Chorro / Conde de Guadalhorce and Gaitanejo Dams, the footbridges of the El Chorro hydroelectric waterfall, the El Chorro railway station and bridges over the Gaitanes, as well as the Paleolithic Cave of Ardales, the prehistoric Necropolis of Las Aguilillas and the Mozarabic cave church of Bobastro. These milestones have converged for centuries around an exceptional enclave that has witnessed the passage of human nuclei since the Paleolithic and whose uniqueness has allowed industrial development to have left us a legacy in the form of a little path through history and spectacularity. of one of the most impressive landscapes of universal geography.

Aerial image of El Caminito del Rey

Located in the Puerto de las Atalayas

from Málaga city

from the Ardales crossing

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Logo Caminito del Rey

El "Caminito del Rey", ubicado en el Paraje Natural Desfiladero de los Gaitanes, se sitúa en el centro de la provincia de Málaga, a menos de 60 km de la capital, delimitado al norte por la Serranía de Ronda y los Llanos de Antequera y al sur por el valle del Guadalhorce y de la comarca histórica de Campo de Cámara.

  • Centro de Recepción de Visitantes. Puerto de las Atalayas
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Shore Excursions Group

Caminito del Rey

Caminito del Rey

  • Embark on an adrenaline-fueled trek on the El Caminito del Rey, offering breathtaking views of the Gaitanes Ravine.
  • Enjoy the expertise of a guide who shares fascinating history of the Gorge Desfiladero de los Gaitanes' formation.
  • Ascend an exhilarating 328 feet in the air for unrivaled panoramic views of the surrounding scenery.
  • Journey through narrow tunnels, cross turquoise blue waters, and wind along the King's Little Pathway.
  • Don't miss this epic adventure in Malaga that combines thrilling heights, stunning landscapes, and intriguing history. Book now as slots fill up fast!


Trek through the mountainous terrain of El Caminito and catch breathtaking views along the way when you embark on this exciting walking tour near Malaga. Your tour includes an expert guide who will share the history of the Gorge Desfiladero de los Gaitanes' formation as you walk along the famous King's Little Pathway. Head 328 feet in the air to get panoramic views of the Gaitanes Ravine, making this the perfect tour for thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Begin your epic trek along the El Caminito del Rey path along the Ojen-Monda-Ardales route to arrive at Malaga's main water reserve: Conde de Guadalhorce Dam. Here, you'll learn about the Gorge Desfiladero de los Gaitanes from your guide. The River Guadalhorce helped carve this natural area into a canyon and served as its northern access. El Caminito del Rey stretches nearly two feet long, served as the channel that was constructed to bridge the north access to the southern access point of El Chorro for this water resource, and is also known as the King's Path after King Alfonso XIII.

Conclude your tour with an unforgettable view of the Gaitanes Ravine, as you ascend 328 feet into the air. Climb across wooden bridges, cross turquoise blue waters and get your take in the breathtaking views of the ravine as you journey through narrow tunnels and winding paths.

From panoramic views of the ravine to learning about what it took to build the epic channel known as the King's Little Pathway, this adventurous hike takes you on a journey like none other. Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you maneuver through the ravine and across the channel and book this exciting tour in Malaga today!



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Caminito del Rey

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Caminito del Rey

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Más información.

Situado en la provincia de Málaga, el Caminito del Rey fue construido en el siglo XX como vía de acceso entre dos saltos de agua. De esta forma, la central hidroeléctrica encargada de la explotación de estos recursos naturales tendría mejor acceso a ellos.

Tras varios años de deterioro y posterior remodelación, el paso fue  abierto al público en el año 2015 . ¿Listos para disfrutar de sus vistas de infarto?

¿Por qué visitar el Caminito del Rey?

Visitar el Caminito del Rey es una experiencia imperdible. Atravesando las pasarelas suspendidas en el aire y los tramos construidos sobre paredes rocosas disfrutaréis de unas vistas panorámicas inmejorables del desfiladero de los Gaitanes y la Sierra de Málaga. 

El origen del nombre

Las obras de este paso fueron concluidas en el año 1905 , pero no serían inauguradas oficialmente hasta 1921. Fue entonces cuando Alfonso XIII se desplazó hasta la presa del Conde del Guadalhorce para recorrer esta maravilla de la ingeniería. Desde ese momento, empezó a conocerse popularmente como el Caminito del Rey . 

Otras atracciones de interés en Ardales

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Responsable del tratamiento: CIVITATIS TOURS, S.L. (CIVITATIS). Finalidad: Prestación de los servicios solicitados; Remisión de comunicaciones comerciales sobre los productos y servicios de CIVITATIS, para lo que se podrán elaborar perfiles comerciales de nuestros clientes; Remisión de encuestas con el objeto de valorar los servicios ofrecidos y su grado de satisfacción, así como la publicación de las opiniones sobre el servicio recibido; Cumplimiento de las obligaciones de índole contable, legal, fiscal y administrativa; Publicación de las imágenes de los clientes y Tratamiento de datos para fines estadísticos. Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, a la limitación de su tratamiento, a oponerse al mismo y a su portabilidad. Información Adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional sobre Protección de Datos en las Condiciones Generales de Contratación .

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excursion caminito del rey

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Caminito del Rey tour from Malaga

from 53 reviews

Up to 3 days

English, Espanol

Caminito del Rey tour from Malaga. The trip. In this Caminito del Rey tour from Malaga in a small group you will discover one of the most beautiful gorges in the world. Departing from Malaga city center in our van (50 minutes drive) we will discover the Guadalhorce valley, a unique valley in the province specialized in the production of citrus trees. We will ascend and cross the mountains of Malaga and some white villages. Once in Ardales , we will get in the Natural Park, where you can enjoy the views of the Guadalhorce lake , the olive and almond trees plantation in a hilly landscape full of windmills. The hike. Once in the parking, we will start the Caminito del Rey hike (8 kms) crossing the tunnel and we will get into the forest. We have 1,5 km until the entry of the oficial area and the first gorge. Once in the check in area we have to put on the helmets and we get into the Gaitanejos gorge. You will be amazed by this narrow gorge and by the beautiful orange colours of the limestone. We will stop in some spots to discover the history and the wild life of the natural park. Once finished the first gorge we will get into a beautiful valley. The views from the valley are beautiful with some stunning view points to the next gorge. Once in the forest we will do a relaxing picnic with local products at one side of the kings path. We are facing the last part of the valley and aproaching the second and even more beautiful gorge. In Los Gaitanes gorge , the kings walkway is breathtaking due to the vertical views. We will discover some geologic phenomenon, some fossils and some spectacular views until we get into the suspension bridge. Here you will feel like floating in the air suspended 120 meters over the river. The way back. We still have to cross the last part over El Chorro reservoir and hike until El Chorro village, where we will get the shuttle bus to come back to the starting point and then come back to Malaga in the van. If you dont get a spot in this Caminito del rey tour from Malaga you always can book our Caminito del Rey tour in a mini bus.
  • Hike throught the most breathtaking gorges in Europe.
  • Inmersion in the productions and traditions of the guadalhorce valley.
  • Local guide expert in the history and geography of Caminito del Rey.
  • SMALL GRUOP (max 8 p.) of independent travellers from all around the world.
  • Picnic in the Natural Park with local products.

What you will do


We pick you up with a comfort van in Malaga city center (Cerezuela Street No. 3) and we depart to the Guadalhorce reservoir. During the trip we will cross the Guadalhorce valley, a unique valley in the province specialized in orange and lemon tree plantations. We will cross the Alcaparain mountain range and some white towns.


From the Guadalhorce reservoir, we will begin the route crossing a tunnel dug under the rock. We have a 1.5 km trail to the official entrance of the Caminito del Rey. From there we will discover the geology of the natural park, the wildlife and spectacular landscapes. We will stop at the most outstanding viewpoints to take photos and enjoy the views.

At the end of the hike we will take the shuttle bus that will take us back to the beginning of the route.

We come back to Malaga city from the Guadalhorce reservoir

Drop off in Malaga city center, calle cerezuela n3.


  • Specialized bilingual guide.
  • Private Transport from Malaga city center.
  • Poncho coat in case it rains.
  • Picnic with local products.
  • Fresh water.
  • King´s Walkway tickets.
  • Shuttle bus from the finish of the hike to the start of the hike.
  • All other clothing.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the van.
  • To wear flip flops or sandals during the hike is not allowed.

Activity Types

Activity's location, i'm not staying in malaga, how do i get to the pickup location.

If you are staying in Torremolinos, Benalmádena or Fuengirola, the meeting poing is just three minutes walking from the last train station in Málaga ("Alameda").

Can we be picked up somewhere else?

If you want to hire a private guided tour for your group we can arrange a meeting point close to your accommodation.

Can we do the hike with sneakers?

Yes, most of the people do the hike with sneakers or other comfortable shoes. Flip flops are not allowed in the natural park.

What is the minimun age to do the hike?

8 years old

Is a big meal included?

Water and a picnic with some local products are provided but not a big meal.

Do you recommend this hike to people with vertigo or afraid of heights?

Our experiences are offered in the Airbnb platform as well. The reviews you can read in our website have been taken from there. You can check there that the average ratings of our trips are around 4,9/5

Caminito del Rey tour is the one of the best hiking trips you can do from Malaga. The trail crosses beautiful gorges until El Chorro. The excursion starts and finishes in Malaga city center

Thank you for this amazing day

We really enjoyed this tour, dont miss this, great time, what a great trip, well organized, awe inspiring, not to be missed, strongly recommended, nice activity, great excursion, an once in a life time experience, suosittelen lämpimästi, great guide, incredible experience, sooooo beautiful, absolutly recommended, absolutly beautiful, super recomendable, unforgettable, amazing walk, highly recommend, fantastic tour, great experience, highlight of our trip, beautiful, higly recommended, amazing time, amazing pictures, fantastisk oplevelse., superbe randonee, great trip, write a review, leave a review cancel reply.

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Organized by

Caminito del Rey tour is the one of the best hiking trips you can do from Malaga. The trail crosses beautiful gorges until El Chorro. The excursion starts and finishes in Malaga city center

Málaga Activa Tours

Member Since 2019

189 Reviews

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excursion caminito del rey

Excursion Caminito del Rey from Malaga and from Costa del Sol

  • English, Spanish
  • Online confirmation
  • Free cancellation

Caminito del Rey,


How to book, book your place.

Discover El Caminito del Rey, known as the most dangerous path in the world. A spectacular walk through paths and walkways attached to the wall where the maximum height reaches 105 meters high with a total distance of 7.7 kilometres. This tour is the most comfortable and practical way to visit the Caminito del Rey from Malaga or the Costa del Sol. Includes: Round trip bus, guided tour and entrance tickets to the Caminito del Rey.

The weather in the Caminito del Rey

  • Entrance to the Caminito del Rey.
  • Transport to and from the selected point on the Costa del Sol or Malaga city.
  • English and Spanish-speaking guide for the coach and excursions
  • Food and Drink
  • Tickets not listed above

We recommend:

  • Carry closed shoes.
  • Not suffer from vertigo

It is forbidden:

  • Selfie sticks and drones
  • Making loud noises
  • Grubbing up vegetation
  • Bathing in the river
  • Leaving the path
  • Bringing animals
  • Bulky suitcases or bags
  • Motorbike or bicycle helmets.
  • Walking sticks

Details of the excursion

  • Adults (+18 years): 59€.
  • Children (8 - 17 years old): 59€ - Must be accompanied by an adult (+18 years old)
  • Children (0-7 years): No access.

Consult calendar.

🚍Malaga & Costa del Sol⏩Ardales 🕑 1 hour 20 minutes

  • 30 minutes breakfast stop in Ardales

🚍 Ardales ⏩Northern access to Caminito del Rey🕑 20 minutes

  • 3 hours Caminito del Rey from north access to south access

🚍 El Chorro⏩Malaga & Costa del Sol🕑 1 hour 20 minutes

🌟If you see this icon, it is because these are the most popular collection areas

🚍From Ardales

  • Ardales Village Area

🚍From Málaga

  • 🌟Malaga city centre - Av. Andalucía 10
  • Zona Málaga Teatinos - Metro Ciudad de la Justicia

🚍From Torremolinos

  • Los Alamos Area
  • Puente Real & Manconfort Hotels Zone
  • Costa Lago Area
  • Playamar area
  • 🌟Zona Bajondillo
  • Hotel Cervantes & Fenix Area
  • 🌟Zona Torremolinos Centre
  • Casablanca Zone
  • Hotel las Palomas and Hotel Al-Andalus area
  • Hotel Princesa Solar Area
  • Hotel Montemar and Hotel Pez Espada Area

🚍From Benalmádena

  • 🌟Puerto Marina and Plaza Solymar areas
  • Bil-Bil Castle Area
  • Los Maites and Bil Bil Beach area
  • Torrevigia area of Torrequebrada (Hotel Sunset Beach and Hotel Best Benalmádena)
  • Torrequebrada Area
  • Area Hotel Flatotel
  • Torremuelle area, Playa Bonita and Palladium Hotel
  • Holiday World Village Hotel Zone

🚍From Fuengirola

  • Torreblanca area and Gardenia Park Hotel
  • Los Boliches area
  • 🌟 Area Fuengirola Centre
  • Las Pirámides Area
  • El Castillo Sohail Area

🚍You can also take a look at other collection areas from Marbella and Western Costa del Sol

  • Cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before departure and receive a full refund.
  • If you cancel with less time, arrive late or don't show up, no refund is offered.
  • El Caminito del Rey reserves the right to cancel due to inclement weather, in which case a full refund will be given.

No, it is not accessible. Please check availability in advance

  • Bringing a mask is compulsory when using the bus. According to Royal Decree 286/2022 .
  • Hydroalcoholic liquid on the bus for all passengers.

Service Temporarily Unavailable

( wrong credentials ), ( service disabled ).

1.Consult the booking calendar.

2.Choose the desired date.

3. Select the start time of the activity.

4. Choose the collection area:

*Note: The time and place chosen corresponds to your meeting point for the excursions that include a bus.

5.Fill in your details in the form.

6.Secure payment method.

7.Immediate confirmation.

What time does the activity end?

The activity lasts 6-8 hours, depending on your pick-up point.

Below you will find the approximate time of return by zone:

  • La Cala de Mijas - 17:00h
  • Fuengirola - 16:30h
  • Benalmádena - 16:00h
  • Torremolinos - 15:30h
  • Malaga - 15:00h
  • Ardales - 14:30h

How long does it take to complete the entire route?

The official tour of the Caminito del Rey lasts 3 to 4 hours, depending on the pace of each person.

Is there a breakfast stop?

Yes, we will make a short 30 minute stop in Ardales for breakfast.

Is it possible to bring food and drink on the excursion?

Yes, we recommend you bring a snack and a drink, usually 1L of water, with you for the activity. There is nowhere to shop during the tour.

Is it possible to have lunch after the complete route?

No, there is no time for lunch in a local restaurant. At the end of the route we will meet up with the whole group to return to our pick-up point. However, at the end of the route you will be able to buy snacks and drinks at the exit of the Caminito del Rey.

Can children do the Caminito del Rey?

Entry to the Caminito del Rey is forbidden to children under 7 years of age. However, entry allowed from the age of 8 years and over . Minors between the ages of 8 and 17 must be accompanied by an adult. Consult here: Recommendations for doing the Caminito del Rey with children.

Are pets allowed?

No, pets are not allowed in this activity.

I need to contact you urgently, how do I do it?

We have established customer service hours through three different forms of contact:

In case you are not available by phone, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact with us by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any further questions, you can consult the complete section on frequently asked questions.

1188 opinions for Excursión Caminito del Rey desde Málaga y desde Costa del Sol

Based on 1189 rating(s)


1177 Customers have recommended this article

Reviewed by 1168 customer(s)


Florin Alexandru

It was a great pleasure this tour, a wonderful guide, sociable, friendly, joking. Unfortunately I have a negative experience: first we bought the ticket, online, and the email confirmation said 15:20. Ok, I arrived at the meeting point at 14:50, waited until 15:30 and seeing that the coach did not show up, people were not at that point, I called many times to the agency Visitanddo at the number given in the confirmation email. There was no answer. I sent a WhatsApp message and they replied much later, saying that they couldn't do anything as I had to give 24 hours notice. And that the appointment time was at 13:45. Indeed, somewhere very, very, very, very far down in the payment confirmation they specify this, it seemed too late. Then I sent an email, also to Visitanddo but they didn't answer me until the next day, what do you think? From Booking. Com. that I bought the ticket through them. They have told me that they have no confirmation that I did not attend the tour and therefore they can't do anything. A nuisance, just so they don't change the date. In the end I got fed up with them all but the tour I didn't give up and paid the second time, so I went. Thank you very much Monica, a lovely guide.


All was well.

Wonderful walk, wonderful guide. Thank you.


Sandra Amato

Really a wonderful tour! Juanjo very attentive and professional. Thank you


Alfredo Gerardo

Hi Juanjo, we found him very friendly and diligent, he led the excursion very well, respecting the times of the whole contingent, with a lot of patience and respect, thank you very much!


Anna and Ivana

The tour was perfect, a once in a lifetime experience, we enjoyed it very much and the guide was great, thank you very much Ales. We will continue to recommend.


Very good Ales, guide of our bus and Antonio the guide of the Caminito in Spanish speaking group.


It was an incredible experience. If you want to live the emotion I highly recommend it. Thanks to the guide, thanks to Antonio, a very prepared person, he explains everything in detail.


A great person with a lot of knowledge about the excursion. Sometimes a bit too much information, but he likes to give the information.

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Would you like to visit one of the most impressive spots in the province of Malaga?

Make the most of it! only during the month of October and book the excursion to the Caminito del Rey from Malaga and Costa del Sol with a 10% discount.

Book now and enjoy the tour whenever you want!

Offer valid from October 1st at 00:00h until October 31st at 23:59h.

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  • Costa del Sol

Caminito del Rey from Costa del Sol

Description, meeting point, additional information.

  • Admission to Caminito del Rey
  • Transportation on an air conditioned coach
  • Multilingual escort guide (English, Spanish, French and German)
  • Local guide
  • Lunch, beverages or other services not specified above


Please contact Julià Travel 48 hours prior to departure date to choose be picked up at the indicated point or at your hotel.

  • This tour have multiple pickup stops along Costa del Sol in the cities of Málaga, Torremolinos, Fuengirola and Marbella. The duration of the tour includes transportation.
  • Two and a half to three hours are needed to complete the route walking. Please wear appropriate attire.
  • Entrance to Caminito del Rey is forbidden for children under 8 years old.
  • The pathway is not adapted to wheelchair users. It is not recommended for people with reduced mobility or for those who suffer from dizziness.
  • We recommend you to take water and snacks with you.
  • There are no toilets along the pathway.

excursion caminito del rey

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  • Malaga Excursions
  • Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion S3499

Malaga Guadalhorce River Cruise Excursion Cost

Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion

Malaga, spain (excursion id s3499).

excursion caminito del rey

  • Free Cancellation Until 24 hours Before Excursion
  • No Port - No Pay: Money Back Guarantee
  • Free Unlimited Booking Changes 100% flexibility!
  • Duration 10 hours
  • Activity Level Active
  • Minimum Age 8 Years Old
  • Languages EN | ES


  • Meeting Point
  • Restrictions


  • Round-trip transportation from the meeting point in Malaga!
  • English-speaking, professional excursion guide!
  • Hike Caminito del Rey (The King's Little Pathway)!
  • Entrance fee to Caminito del Rey!
  • Safety helmet!

The panoramic view of this natural canyon will captivate you. After being closed for 15 years due to deterioration, the much-anticipated reopening took place in March 2015 and welcomes thousands of visitors each year. Today the hike is a very safe experience and welcomes anyone over the age of 8 provided there is no fear of heights! The estimated time for your journey high above the river is approximately 2.5 to 3 hours, making comfortable clothing and sunblock an absolute must.

Upon completion of the trek and full of adrenaline, enjoy a relaxing drive back to Malaga to the meeting point where you can return to your Malaga cruise terminal at your leisure. Please allow 8 hours for the excursion duration plus additional time to return to the pier.

What is included?

  • Round-trip transportation from the meeting point in Malaga
  • English-speaking, professional excursion guide
  • Hike Caminito del Rey (The King’s Little Pathway)
  • Entrance fee to Caminito del Rey

Excursion Notes

  • Excursion prices shown are quoted in US dollars.
  • As you may be visiting a religious or memorial site, shoulders and knees must be covered on men and women.
  • We suggest you have cash (Euros) on hand for refreshments, taxi cost, excursion staff gratuities, shopping, etc.
  • Sensible, rubber-soled walking shoes are highly recommended along with sun protection.
  • Please pay attention to the restrictions and requirements for this excursion, no refund will be granted if the requirements are not met.
  • Duration is approximately 8 hours but please allow an additional 30+ minutes back to the pier. This excursion may not work for your ship's time in port and the "all aboard" time. Please check before you book.
  • Not available on Sundays

Where we meet

For the Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion, you will meet at a centrally located spot from your cruise terminal or hotel in Malaga. All necessary details will be printed on your Shore Excursion Electronic Ticket.

Excursion Restrictions

  • The minimum participation age is 8 years old.
  • This excursion involves a 2.5 to 3-hour hike.
  • This excursion is not wheelchair accessible and is prohibited for people who might suffer from dizziness and fear of heights. Note that once the hike has started, there is no place to stop, turn back, or another way down; you must continue.
  • There are no toilets along the path.
  • Guests must be able to climb multiple steep stairs and steps.
  • Guests must be able to walk on the 3ft (1 meter) wide sidewalk/pathway located on the side of the cliff. 
  • Please be advised that this excursion is subject to weather, if conditions are not favorable, the excursion can be canceled last minute.
  • If you decide to NOT do the hike upon arrival, there will not be a refund.
  • This Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion may involve risks. We suggest you check with your elected person of choice to see if these possible risks might affect you.

Excursion FAQ

  • Your ship arrives into port late and you cannot make it in time to the meeting location (we will verify with the tour operator).
  • Your ship skips/misses the port.
  • Weather conditions or equipment failure prevents the operator from running the excursion.
  • A medical problem prevents you from safely participating in the excursion (we will verify with the excursion operator and the guest may send doctor's note). This applies to individuals only and not the remainder of the group.
  • Cancellations/deposit refund requests that do not comply with the above may not be subject to refund.
  • Refunds may be subject to a service charge fee as determined by the payment processor, please refer to Terms and Conditions for more information.

Book this Malaga Excursion

excursion caminito del rey

Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion Experiences

This excursion is available to everybody and specially designed to accommodate passengers of the following cruise lines.

excursion caminito del rey

Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion Reviews

For those of you looking for an amazing experience with spectacular views, come visit the breathtaking trails of El Caminito del Rey, The King's Little Pathway. Don't forget your camera for some of the most incredible pictures you will ever take!

excursion caminito del rey

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Excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga

36°43'21"N 04°25'30"O

Puente colgante en el Caminito del Rey de Málaga-Buendía

  • Free tours (5)
  • Visitas Guiadas (6)
  • Paseos en barco (4)
  • Tours a pie (3)
  • Excursiones (8)
  • Transportes y traslados (2)

Atracciones Turísticas

  • El Teatro Romano y la Alcazaba (2)
  • El Caminito del Rey (3)

Destinos cercanos

  • Ardales (2)
  • Benahavís (1)
  • Benalauría (1)
  • Benalmádena (7)
  • El Colmenar (1)
  • Estepona (3)
  • Fuengirola (7)
  • Torremolinos (7)

No hay nada que filtrar

Excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga (2)

Recientemente restaurado, el Caminito del Rey es una aventura única que no puedes perderte.

Excursión al Caminito del Rey

50,15 € 59,00€


En este viaje te llevaremos al famoso 'Caminito del rey'

Excursión guiada al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga

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Todo sobre Málaga

Opiniones Excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga

Todas las opiniones son de clientes verificados por la plataforma externa Truspilot. La transparencia y veracidad son elementos esenciales en Buendía.

Las excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga, un lugar único en Andalucía

Málaga es uno de los destinos turísticos más demandados, su patrimonio cultural y arquitectónico, su fantástico clima y el carácter de su gente cautiva a los visitantes que se acercan hasta esta ciudad andaluza año tras año.

En sus alrededores, aproximadamente a una hora, nos encontraremos con el impresionante Caminito del Rey , un puente construido en las paredes del desfiladero de los Gaitanes , entre los municipios de Ardales, Álora y Antequera, que finaliza en El Chorro .

Caminaremos sobre pasarelas peatonales colgadas de paredes de piedra, con tramos estrechos y alturas de más de 100 metros sobre el río Guadalhorce .

Acompañando de un guía podrás descubrir la historia y una de las vistas más extraordinarias de nuestro país. 

Además de recogerte en Málaga centro, si estás alojado en Benalmádena, Fuengirola o Torremolinos, también podrás disfrutar de esta salida sin necesidad de desplazarte a la capital de la provincia.

Es una actividad apta para mayores de 8 años , siempre que vayan acompañados de un adulto, pero hay que tener en cuenta que es un recorrido de más de 7 kilómetros , unas tres horas aproximadamente y que pasaremos por desfiladeros muy altos, tres cañones (el Gaitanejo, el Tajo de las Palomas y el de los Gaitanes) y un gran valle por lo que, si tienes problemas de salud o miedo a las alturas , te recomendamos realizar otra actividad. 

Puedes reservar con nosotros la excursión a Gibraltar, a Ronda o a Gibraltar con observación de delfines incluida.

Se puede realizar esta impresionante ruta durante todo el año, de martes a domingo. Los lunes no se encuentra disponible , y los días 1 de enero, 24, 25 y 31 de diciembre tampoco.

¿Qué está prohibido en las excursiones del Caminito del Rey?

Son varias cosas las que debemos tener en cuenta al realizar este trayecto, además de llevar ropa cómoda, agua y algún aperitivo para el camino , existen ciertos objetos que no están permitidos y algunas normas que es necesario respetar que mencionamos a continuación:

  • Paraguas (en caso de lluvia tendríamos que vestirnos con un chubasquero).
  • Uso de drones y palos selfie .
  • Llevar animales.
  • Cascos de motos o bicicleta.
  • Bañarse en el río.
  • Maletas o bolsos voluminosos.

También es importante saber que no hay cobertura ni conexión wifi , así que será la excusa perfecta para desconectar del móvil y adentrarte sin distracciones en plena naturaleza.

La excursión al Caminito del Rey es un imprescindible tanto para los malagueños como para los turistas que se encuentran disfrutando de unos días en esta región.

Guided Tours, Caminito del Rey

El caminito del rey, guided tours.

We offer below selected guided tours to walk the Caminito del Rey. Either make you own way to El Choro by car or train or take an excursion from Seville, Malaga or Costa del Sol. These are ideal if you do not have a hire car since getting there by train limited.

Additioinally if the parking and logistics of getting to the information points at the correct time and catching the return shuttle bus seem complicated then these tours are idea.

A guide will explain the story of the path and point out interesting features along the route.

Guided tour Camino del Rey

The tours listed below have pick up points at the Caminito del Rey . For excursions picking up at other cities or resorts check out these listing: Excursions from Seville , Excursions from Malaga , Excursions from Costa del Sol , Excursions from Torremolinos , Excursions from Fuengirola , Excursions from Marbella.

Book guided tour Camino del Rey

Caminito del rey: guided tour + shuttle bus from el chorro.

Caminito del Rey: Guided Tour + Shuttle Bus from El Chorro

This is a walk to remember. Hugging the side of a cliff you'll traverse a narrow pathway inside of a canyon. While it might sound terrifying, it's a trip you won't regret.

Via Ferrata Caminito del Rey

Via Ferrata Caminito del Rey

This activity takes place in a unique environment, surrounded by rugged mountains and lakes. An adventure in nature full of sensations which highlights the zip line of more than 30 meters and the 2 cable bridges over the void.

Caminito del Rey Trekking Walkway

Caminito del Rey Trekking Walkway

Discover El Caminito del Rey, one of the most demanded and impressive visit. A tour in a unique natural environment through a breath-taking path that crosses the Gorge of the Gaitanes, in the province of Malaga.In 1921, El Caminito del Rey was named because of King Alfonso XIII who went there.

Caminito del Rey group walking tour

Caminito del Rey group walking tour

Discover the Caminito del Rey with an experienced guide who will explain you the importance of this place in the Spanish contemporary history while watching its stunning views, rocks, flora and fauna.Bilingual tour in Spanish and English

Book private guided tour Camino del Rey

Book guided excursions from other destinations to camino del rey, book private guided excursions from other destinations to camino del rey, destinations.

  • Tours and Excursions
  • Caminito del Rey


  1. Las 13 Mejores Excursiones al Caminito del Rey, Málaga

    Estas son algunas de las mejores excursiones que puedes hacer mientras visitas el Caminito del Rey. 1. Entradas. El precio de la entrada para el Caminito del Rey en la web oficial Getyourguide.es es de 14,50 euros por persona.

  2. 10 Best Caminito del Rey Tours (A Must-Do Activity!)

    Check out availability and price here. 7. From Marbella & Fuengirola: Caminito del Rey Guided Day Trip. Duration: 8-10 hours | Languages: English and Spanish | Rating: 4.7 out of 5 | Book it now. One of the most important things to do when booking a Caminito del Rey day trip is to check out the meeting points.

  3. El Caminito del Rey, Malaga

    Walk El Caminito del Rey through the Desfiladero de los Gaitanes gorge on this full-day tour from Malaga. Head into Andalucia's countryside for a guided hike along the footbridge and cliffside pathway, which hangs about 330 feet (100 meters) above the river, as you absorb the bird's-eye views from the vertiginous 1-yard (1-meter)-wide path.

  4. Plataforma Oficial de reservas Caminito del Rey

    El Centro de Recepción de Visitantes está situado en el Puerto de las Atalayas. A 57,7 km desde la ciudad de Málaga, a 6 km del cruce de Ardales y a 51 km desde Antequera. Actualmente, en el Centro de recepción de visitantes no se pueden comprar entradas para acceder al Caminito del Rey. Puede reservar y adquirir su entrada a través de ...

  5. Plataforma Oficial de reservas Caminito del Rey

    The Visitors' Reception Centre is situated at el Puerto de las Atalayas, 57.7km away from Málaga, 6km away from the Ardales crossing and 51km away from Antequera. Currently, at the Visitors' Reception Center you cannot buy tickets to access the Caminito del Rey. You can reserve and purchase your ticket through this website or directly at the ...

  6. Caminito del Rey

    Head 328 feet in the air to get panoramic views of the Gaitanes Ravine, making this the perfect tour for thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. Begin your epic trek along the El Caminito del Rey path along the Ojen-Monda-Ardales route to arrive at Malaga's main water reserve: Conde de Guadalhorce Dam. Here, you'll learn about the Gorge ...

  7. Excursiones y visitas guiadas por el Caminito del Rey

    Excursión al Caminito del Rey. 9,1 / 10 1.754 opiniones. Málaga. Cancelación gratuita. En esta excursión al Caminito del Rey viajaremos desde Málaga a una de las principales atracciones turísticas de la provincia. ¡Os enamoraréis de su belleza! 6 - 8h Español Excursiones de un día. desde. 65,40 US$.

  8. Caminito del Rey tour from Malaga.

    Caminito del Rey tour from Malaga in a small group (8 people). The Kings path trip is the most stunning trail you can do in Malaga. Tickets are included. ... Great excursion, very well organized, worth the price, Alphonso is super informative and very attentive to all the group. The caminito del Rey is quite the scenic hike to visit.

  9. From Málaga: Caminito del Rey Full-Day Tour

    Get ready to test your nerves on a high altitude adventure along El Caminito del Rey. Follow the path about 3 kilometres long and less than 1 metre wide, hanging 100 metres above the Guadalhorce River. See the construction of a water channel from the northern reservoirs to El Chorro and how the path was built to maintain the channel.

  10. Excursion to the Caminito del Rey 2023

    Don't worry—here are some similar options. Malaga, Andalucia. Malaga Shore Excursion: City Sightseeing Malaga Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour. 105. from $27.28. Malaga, Andalucia. Hen Party Treasure Hunt Malaga. 4. from $45.83.

  11. Excursion Caminito del Rey from Malaga and from Costa del Sol

    Discover El Caminito del Rey, known as the most dangerous path in the world. A spectacular walk through paths and walkways attached to the wall where the maximum height reaches 105 meters high with a total distance of 7.7 kilometres. This tour is the most comfortable and practical way to visit the Caminito del Rey from Malaga or the Costa del Sol. Includes: Round trip bus, guided tour and ...

  12. Caminito del Rey day tour from Costa del Sol

    Buy now, Pay Later with PayPal. Join us on this full day excursion to Caminito del Rey from Costa del Sol where you can enjoy the views of the Andalusian white villages along the way. In addition, you will be able to recharge your batteries and get to know the picturesque town of Ardales before starting the hiking route.

  13. Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion

    For the Malaga Caminito del Rey Hiking Excursion, you will meet at a centrally located spot from your cruise terminal or hotel in Malaga. All necessary details will be printed on your Shore Excursion Electronic Ticket. The minimum participation age is 8 years old. This excursion involves a 2.5 to 3-hour hike.

  14. Excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga

    Las excursiones al Caminito del Rey desde Málaga, un lugar único en Andalucía Málaga es uno de los destinos turísticos más demandados, su patrimonio cultural y arquitectónico, su fantástico clima y el carácter de su gente cautiva a los visitantes que se acercan hasta esta ciudad andaluza año tras año.

  15. From Marbella or Estepona: Caminito del Rey Guided Day Trip

    GetYourGuide traveler - France July 26, 2023 - Verified booking. See more reviews. Product ID: 445550. Take a day trip from Marbella or Estepona and walk the Caminito del Rey, a path pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, with a guide. Then, spend some free time in Álora or Ardales.

  16. From Marbella or Estepona: Caminito Del Rey Guided Day Trip

    With a duration of 6 hours, the Caminito Del Rey guided day trip offers participants the chance to discover breathtaking views and explore El Caminito del Rey in the province of Malaga. Excursion details include: Unparalleled Experience: Visitors get to walk along the famous Caminito del Rey, known for its thrilling pathway and beautiful ...

  17. From Fuengirola: Caminito del Rey Guided Day Trip

    Full description. During the bus tour you will enjoy the journey from Fuengirola and different points a long Costa del Sol to Ardales, to continue to the northern access to the Caminito del Rey, where the tour will begin. This excursion to the Caminito del Rey is the easiest and most comfortable way to visit this peculiar enclave, whose works ...

  18. Guided Tours, Caminito del Rey

    Via Ferrata Caminito del Rey. 65. EUR. This activity takes place in a unique environment, surrounded by rugged mountains and lakes. An adventure in nature full of sensations which highlights the zip line of more than 30 meters and the 2 cable bridges over the void. More info, prices and booking →.

  19. Cómo hacer el Caminito del Rey en Málaga

    Caminito del Rey. A poco menos de 60 kilómetros de Málaga encontramos uno de los paisajes más bellos de la provincia, rodeado de desfiladeros y valles, en el que se ubica el Caminito del Rey, que es una ruta de senderismo que se realiza en parte a través de unas pasarelas construidas en las paredes de roca del desfiladero, paralelo al Río Guadalhorce, con prácticamente 100 metros de ...

  20. Guide to hiking El Caminito del Rey

    WHAT IS THE EL CAMINITO DEL REY? El Caminito del Rey is a walkway pinned along the walls of the El Chorro Gorge. Cut by the Guadalhorce River, the gorge consists of three narrow canyons: Gaitanejo Gorge, El Tajo de las Palomas, and Desfiladero de los Gaitanes. The final gorge is the most striking, with walls 400 metres high and only 10 metres apart.

  21. Unesco Caminito del Rey

    Es por ello que queremos dar a conocer la candidatura del Caminito del Rey como Patrimonio Industrial Hidroeléctrico a Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO compuesta por tres hitos, como son las Presas de El Chorro/Conde de Guadalhorce y Gaitanejo, las pasarelas del Salto hidroeléctrico de El Chorro, y la estación de ferrocarriles de El Chorro y ...

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    Shopping in Tomsk. Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. 1. Art Gallery on Kartashova St. 12A. 2. Astra Art Gallery. 3. Izumrudny Gorod. But if you're not a fast-food person there's also an Italian restaurant and a restaurant of Asian cousin.

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    Located on the River Tom, the city was founded in 1604 by the order of Tsar Boris Godunov as a military outpost against nomadic peoples. Gold was discovered in 1830, which boosted the fortunes of the city, but after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, which bypassed Tomsk and passed the area further to the south, economic ...

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