the North rose - a technical structure

The earliest rose window is the one in the north transept, installed in the beginning of the 14th century. The rose was placed into a square section of the window filled with plain glass. After the rose was built, stability problems arose.

Considering its great complexity and delicacy, it was not surprising that this window did not turn out exactly as planned. Like the rose windows of other cathedrals built at this period, such as that at Troyes cathedral, using ever thinner tracery meant the weight of the glass and leading could no longer be supported.

Thus, extra support and strength had to be added - for Tours a central stone prop and rather spectacular external buttressing were installed to prevent total collapse. The vertical stone bars gave the appearance of dividing the rose into two, both at the interior of the window and the exterior.

Outside, dramatic buttressing was added to Tours cathedral north facade, supporting the rose window and preventing the whole facade bursting apart.

Tours cathedral north facade, showing the dramatic buttressing supporting the rose window

some windows

"While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground, The angel of the lord came down, And glory shone around." [Nathan Tate, 1652-1715]

The angel, with a red halo and green top, emerging from white clouds, floats at the top of the blue arch. The angel looks down at the two shepherds, one to each side.

while shepherds watched their flocks' stained glass window

A bishop supervises the construction of a church

A bishop supervises the construction of a church

window of saint martin

Saint Martin (371-396) was a Roman centurion who started his saintly deeds by cutting his military cloak in half and giving a half to a rags-clad beggar one bitter winter. Later, he converted to Christianity and became the Bishop of Tours. His remains were buried in the crypt of the earliest version of the Basilica at Tours.

Saint Martin's Day is on 11/11 (11th November), a day now more widely commemorated for Armistice Day of World War One!

Jesse Tree window

This Jesse Tree window is one of the very earliest illustrated stained glass windows, constructed in the 12th to 13th century. This window is also a very early representation of the Jesse tree in glass. Previously to this, Jesse trees were depicted by book illustrations.

The Jesse Tree at Tours cathedral, showing Jesse sleeping with the tree growing from his 'loins'.


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Tours Cathedral

The Tours Cathedral ( Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours ), dedicated to Saint Gatien, its first bishop, was begun about 1170 to replace the just-started cathedral that burned down in 1166 during the quarrel between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England.

Work on Tours Cathedral proceeded at a leisurely pace over the centuries until 1547. The lowermost stages of the west towers belong to the 12th century, but the rest of the west end is in the profusely detailed Flamboyant Gothic of the 15th century. It was completed just as the Renaissance was flourishing, which can be seen in the belfries. Henry James complimented the cathedral's "charming mouse-colored complexion." ( A Little Tour in France ).

Inside the triple-naved church, building proceeded as always from the sanctuary and choir, which has some of the finest stained glass (13th century), and worked pier by pier down the nave. The choir is 13th century; the transept and east bays of the nave are 14th century; a cloister on the north is contemporary with the facade.

Just beyond the south transept stands the tomb of the sons of Charles VIII and Anne de Bretagne. After the death of both Charles and his sons, the Valois line came to an end and Anne was obliged by law to marry Charles' cousin, Louis XII.

When the 15th century illuminator Jean Fouquet was set the task of illuminating Josephus's Jewish Antiquities , his depiction of Solomon's Temple was modeled after the nearly-complete Cathedral of Tours.

The atmosphere of the Gothic cathedral close permeates Honoré de Balzac's dark short novel of jealousy and provincial intrigues, Le Curé de Tours ( The Curate of Tours ) and his medieval story Maitre Cornelius opens within the cathedral itself.

Quick Facts on Tours Cathedral

  • This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Cathedral of Tours" and is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License .
  • The Rough Guide to France 9 (April 2005), 563.
  • Frommer's France 2007 .

More Information

  • Cathedrale St-Gatien -
  • Tours - Ciao Adriano
  • Cathedrale Saint-Gatien - University of Quebec (includes info on the cathedral's organ)
  • Cathedral Saint Gatien - article by Ted Fitzgerald for the Western Catholic Reporter
  • Tours: Cathedrale Saint Gatien - Wall Paintings (includes several images, especially of recently-discovered murals of St. Martin)
  • Photos of Tours Cathedral - here on Sacred Destinations

Map of Tours Cathedral

Below is a location map and aerial view of Tours Cathedral. Using the buttons on the left (or the wheel on your mouse), you can zoom in for a closer look, or zoom out to get your bearings. To move around, click and drag the map with your mouse.

Touraine Val de Loire – ADT de la Touraine EN

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Saint-Gatien Cathedral

Saint-Gatien Cathedral-1

Saint-Gatien Cathedral – Tours, Loire Valley, France. Jean-Christophe Coutand / ADT Touraine

Saint-Gatien Cathedral-2

Tours Cathedral – Cathedral of Saint Gatianus of Tours Francis Mattéo / ADT Touraine

Saint-Gatien Cathedral-4

Tours Cathedral – Cathedral of Saint Gatianus of Tours Jean-Christophe Coutand / ADT Touraine

Saint-Gatien Cathedral-6

Saint-Gatien Cathedral is an "open book" of Gothic art, featuring a wide range of styles. It was built between the 13th and 16th centuries on the remains of the Gallo-Roman city. The elaborate flamboyant façade is attractively lit up at night. The cathedral with its remarkable tall windows also hosts the tomb of the children of Anne of Brittany and Charles VIII, with graceful sculptures from about 1500. From Saint-Gatien Cathedral, you can access the cloister of the Psalette , a religious building that is owned by the National Monuments Centre. A century before Saint Martin, Saint Gatien was the first bishop of Tours . He was sent by the Pope to bring the gospel to Touraine in about 250. Mass: SUN 11.00 & 18.30; MON, WED, FRI 19.00.


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Visite pour les groupes toute l'année sur réservation.

  • Group rate : 15,00 € - scolaires à partir de 8 pers.
  • Group rate : 2,00 € - Par pers.
  • Free rate : Pendant les permanences

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cathedral saint gatien de tours

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Lieu Assemblée Centre Est ; CATHEDRALE

Cathédrale Saint-Gatien

Adresse: Place de la Cathédrale 37000 Tours

Edifiée de 1170 à 1547, la cathédrale est l’un des fleurons de l’architecture gothique de la région Centre-Val de Loire. La Tour nord achevée en 1507 reçoit un vocabulaire décoratif de la première Renaissance. A l’intérieur on découvre un ensemble exceptionnel de vitraux du XIIIe siècle, mais également des verrières contemporaines de Gérard Collin-Thiébaut, installées dans le bras nord du transept.

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Présence Cathédrale

Présence Cathédrale

Un autre regard sur la cathédrale st gatien de tours.

cathedral saint gatien de tours

De pierre et de verre, la cathédrale est un livre où les générations successives écrivent l’histoire de notre civilisation.

Visiteurs d’un jour ou de toujours, venez découvrir les richesses de ce fleuron de notre patrimoine tourangeau.

A travers l’architecture, les vitraux, la symbolique, l’histoire … les accueillants bénévoles de notre association vous emporteront dans ce voyage au cœur des racines et des valeurs spirituelles judéo-chrétiennes de notre société occidentale.

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To awaken your senses in the Loire Valley - Claire & Manu's Blog

Cathedral Saint-Gatien (Tours): visit + photos

by Clara BALAYER , Region Lovers | March 29, 2024 | no intrusive ads, no sponsored content, just some affiliate links - if you use them, we get a small commission (read more)

If you're visiting Tours, don't miss a visit to the cathedral! A true treasure of the city , it will delight architecture and history enthusiasts and art lovers alike. In addition to its typically Gothic composition, this religious building boasts an incredible collection of stained glass windows and a peaceful cloister .

In this article, we'll fill you in on the latest discoveries and anecdotes about this unusual monument! You'll also find all our tips and photos to help you visit Saint-Gatien Cathedral in Tours.

Visit Saint-Gatien Cathedral in Tours

This guide is completely independent , based on our experiences. We visited the region anonymously, making our own choices and paying our bills in full.

Why visit Tours Cathedral?

Is saint-gatien cathedral worth it our opinion:.

Located right in the center of town, this majestic building is well worth a visit for its dazzling collection of stained glass windows . In addition to its 13th-century stained glass windows, Tours Cathedral is one of the very first religious monuments in France to feature a series of contemporary stained glass windows, which we found magnificent.

Detail of one of the stained glass windows in Tours Cathedral

In the heart of Tours, in one of the Loire Valley's most beautiful cities , the Cathédrale Saint-Gatien is also the perfect place to stop off for a quiet stroll through its peaceful cloister. Listed as a Monument Historique, it is the only cloister still preserved of all the cathedrals in the Centre-Val de Loire region!

What's Tours Cathedral famous for?

Because it's one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the Centre-Val de Loire region ! We were amazed by its beauty, as impressive on the outside, with its majestic Gothic façade, as it is on the inside, with its vibrant collection of stained glass windows.

Facade of Saint-Gatien Cathedral, Tours

Cathédrale Saint-Gatien is also renowned for its architectural testimony . Four centuries of architecture await you: from the Romanesque base, to the radiant and then flamboyant Gothic ornamentation, to the Renaissance towers built around 1547. In short, there's something for everyone!

Finally, the cathedral is also famous for inspiring Balzac , the emblematic 14th-century novelist. A leader of realism, he made his mark with his masterpiece, La Comédie Humaine . A native of Tours, he couldn't resist sketching the superb Cathédrale Saint-Gatien! In this article, you'll find a few quotes from our illustrious author.

Our favorite moments

The cathedral is admirable both inside and out, but here are our favorites from our visit:

  • At the risk of repeating ourselves, for us, the discovery of the stained glass collection is a must at Tours Cathedral. Our favourites? Those of the choir, truly impressive when the light shines through them. Believe us, you won't be able to resist their magic!
  • The cloister's panoramic terrace offers another view of the cathedral. We particularly enjoyed getting up high and appreciating the architectural harmony of the cathedral, despite the changes it has undergone over the ages.

Low-angle view of Tours Cathedral from the cloister terrace


In the city center

Enjoy the city, its restaurants and beautiful architecture.

  • Hotel Ferdinand - check prices, pictures and availability
  • Hôtel du Cygne - check prices, pictures and availability
  • Hotel L'Adresse - check prices, pictures and availability

Hotel Ferdinand

Near the station and around the city center

An early train? Or just a little more peace and quiet? Here are our recommendations:

  • Hotel Les Trésorières - 5 stars - check prices, pictures and availability
  • Aparthotel Central Parc Tours - check prices, pictures and availability
  • Hotel Oceania L'Univers Tours - check prices, pictures and availability

Hotel Les Trésorières

In the countryside around

Looking for a bit of peace and quiet, without straying too far from the city of Tours? Here's our suggestion:

  • Hotel Domaine de la Tortinière - 20 min away - check prices, pictures and availability
  • Hotel Troglododo - unusual 25min away - check prices, pictures and availability

Domaine de la Tortinière

See our reviews of the best hotels in Tours

History in brief

Today's cathedral is the successor to three buildings:

  • Around 338: Saint Lidoire, bishop of Tours, builds the first cathedral.
  • 372: Saint Martin succeeds Saint Lidoire, hence the many motifs associated with this saint that you'll come across again and again during your visit!
  • 590: Bishop Gregory of Tours rebuilds the cathedral and dedicates it to Saint Maurice.
  • 1125-1150: Reconstruction in the Anjou style.

View of the ceiling of Saint-Gatien Cathedral, Tours.

It wasn't until 1236, after a series of changes and fires (558, 1167), that work began on the cathedral as we know it today. They were commissioned thanks to the generosity of Saint Louis, Capetian King of France, and his mother, Blanche of Castile. The construction of the radiant choir dates from this period, and work will continue in this style:

  • Around 1450: Completion of the nave in the flamboyant style for the upper sections.
  • 1450-1484: Construction of the facade in the same style.
  • 1507: Completion of the Renaissance-style north tower.
  • 1534-1547: The crowning of the south tower in the same style marks the cathedral's completion!

Cathédrale Saint-Gatien was listed as a historic monument in 1862 and has been restored many times since. Between 2009 and 2019, for example, the French government invested 6 million euros in renovations, and further investments are planned to preserve this heritage jewel.

View of a chapel in Saint-Gatien Cathedral, Tours

How to get there: Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Tours

Where is tours cathedral.

  • In downtown Tours
  • Entrance is at Place de la Cathédrale, rue Lavoisier
  • The cathedral is a 5-minute walk from the Musée des Beaux-arts de Tours.


  • Compare prices on our preferred platform: DiscoverCars - one of the best rated sites.
  • Choose a fairly compact car (many villages have narrowed the road).
  • Think about full insurance (parking in big cities is really tight).
  • There is a lot of demand, book it early .

cathedral saint gatien de tours
  • Nearest streetcar stop: Nationale (line A)
  • To plan your itinerary, we recommend you visit the official website of the public transport network here .

    View of the bicycle park in front of Tours Cathedral

    If you're coming by car, you can park your vehicle on either side of the cathedral, on rue Fleury and rue de la Psalette, where numerous paying spaces are available, some of them handicapped. The Plaça des Turones parking lot is also a good alternative, and you can walk to the cathedral in just 3 minutes.

    If you're coming by bike, you'll be delighted to find a number of bike stands in the cathedral square, just opposite the main entrance.

    DISCOVER Tours

    • Things to do in Tours
    • Where to sleep in Tours: best hotels
    • Where to eat in Tours: best restaurants - coming soon
    • Rent a car in Tours
    • Best castles around Tours
    • Visit the Tours Museum of Fine Arts - coming soon
    • Visit the Basilica of Saint Martin in Tours - coming soon
    • Visit the Botanical Garden of Tours - coming soon
    • Visit Saint-Gatien Cathedral
    • Visit the Companionship Museum - coming soon

    cathedral saint gatien de tours

    Practical tips: duration, timetables.

    Best time to visit.

    As with all religious buildings, we advise you to avoid service times if you want to make the most of your visit. To find out more, visit the cathedral's official website here.

    Otherwise, you can visit us at any time of day, as we are not overcrowded. However, for a quieter visit, we advise you to come at opening time or at lunchtime. A final tip: visit the cathedral when the sun is high, to enjoy the magnificent play of light through the stained glass windows. So you can have fun reproducing these kinds of photos!

    View of a chapel in Tours Cathedral

    Length of visit and main difficulties

    We advise you to allow between 10 and 40 minutes for a tour of the cathedral, taking in its façade, admiring its stained glass windows and discovering its secrets, before finishing with a visit to the Psalette Cloister. The cloister, gardens and terrace are managed by the CMN (Centre des Monuments Nationaux), which regularly stages temporary exhibitions. This may make your visit a little longer. Find out more here .

    After our visit, we walked around the cathedral to Place Grégoire de Tours to admire its chevet (see photo below). We particularly liked this viewpoint and recommend this step aside!

    Saint-Gatien Cathedral is suitable for people with reduced mobility and baby carriages (the entrance gate is accessible and the aisles are wide enough to move around). The cloister has a special tour program, which you can find here .

    View of the chevet of Tours Cathedral.

    Advice on how to visit

    The building has no specific itinerary, but for architectural purists, we recommend following a chronological route, from the oldest to the most recent. For this reason, we advise you to make your visit in the following order:

    • Start directly with the 13th-century choir and ambulatory chapels,
    • Retrace your steps and admire the 14th-century nave and transept,
    • Round off your visit with a tour of the cloister . Although it was already the workplace of the canons in the Middle Ages, the buildings you can see today were only constructed between the 15th and 16th centuries.

    View of the rose at sunset in Tours Cathedral

    A LITTLE MORE patience

    All the photos, maps, information, good addresses to make your stay in the Loire Valley a success, will soon be gathered in a single ebook!

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    Schedules and rates

    Saint-Gatien Cathedral is open to visitors every day from 08:30 to 18:30. Access is free of charge .

    The Cloître de la Psalette is only accessible from inside the cathedral. Cloister opening times vary according to the following, and please note that access is closed 15 minutes before closing time.

    • March 1 to May 3 : 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    • May 4 to September 7 : 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
    • September 8 to October 31 : 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    • November 1 to February 28 : 9.30am - 12.30pm and 2pm - 5pm

    Closing of the Cloister:

    • January 1 , May 1, November 11 afternoon and December 25.
    • Sunday mornings all year round, Mondays and Tuesdays from October 1 to March 31.

    Tip: if you arrive in the afternoon, you may want to start with the cloister.

    Access to the Cloître de la Psalette, on the other hand, is subject to a charge , as follows:

    • Individuals: €5
    • Free: under 18s, students, unemployed, disabled persons and accompanying adult

    Overview of Tours Cathedral

    Guided tours

    Saint-Gatien's Cathedral does not offer guided tours, but you can book group tours (minimum 6 people) in French or English with the Présence Cathédrale association by clicking here . Otherwise, the association's mediators are present in the cathedral from Easter weekend to November 11 (date of the winter Saint-Martin's Day), on Fridays and Saturdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 5pm.

    We also recommend that you take the time to read the many explanatory charts scattered around Saint-Gatien Cathedral, particularly those that explain in detail the symbolism of the stained glass windows.

    View of an explanatory panel inside Tours Cathedral

    Tours is a gourmet city with a varied choice of restaurants from different horizons. Here's a small selection while we wait for our article on the city's best restaurants (coming soon!).

    If you want to eat close to the Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, we'd advise you to do so:

    • La Boulangerie de la Scellerie : just a 3-minute walk from the cathedral, this traditional bakery offers a wide selection of sandwiches, salads, quiches and pastries. We recommend you take the whole lot with you for an impromptu picnic in the nearby Jardin François Sicard.
    • Restaurant Makeda : just a 4-minute walk from the cathedral, this Ethiopian restaurant serves delicious, perfectly seasoned dishes. Don't miss their freshly roasted, invigorating coffee!

    Exterior view of Makeda restaurant in Tours

    Stunning architecture

    As soon as we arrived in the cathedral square, we were struck by the beauty of its façade and the abundance of its ornamentation. But what makes it truly unique is the mix of styles it proudly sports!

    A complex facade

    This entrance alone represents 4 centuries of architecture, from the 12th to the 15th century. We immediately spotted the flamboyant Gothic style, with its flame decoration, slender arches and two 70-meter-high vertical towers. However, if you look closely, these towers are not topped with spires, as the Middle Ages would have it, but with domes. This stylistic effect is typical of the Renaissance period, during which they were modified. Likewise, the contrast between the sumptuous front decor and the sleekness of the tower, hidden behind it, the only vestige of the cathedral's Romanesque period, is striking. We were amazed at how well these different architectural layers coexisted!

    Overview of the façade of Tours Cathedral

    Before entering the building, we spent a good while admiring the fine stonework that lines the entire edifice. The reason it's so finely chiselled is that it was built from very soft limestone, tuffeau, also used for the chateaux of the Loire Valley.

    Detailed view of the voussoirs on the façade of Tours Cathedral

    We also took time to observe the abundance of detail on the facade, stopping to consider the voussoirs of the three portals that pierce the base. In addition to the friezes of plants that seem to intertwine endlessly, we particularly liked the thirty statues of bishops and saints that hang there. They were remade in the 19th century by sculptor Pierre Damien, as most of the original statuettes were destroyed during the Wars of Religion or the French Revolution.

    A grandiose interior

    The interior of Cathédrale Saint-Gatien is typically Gothic, with a well-developed choir, exceptional stained glass windows and a string of columns. As you enter the cathedral, you'll be struck by the impressive network of arches that irrigate it. To describe it, Balzac speaks of a "forest of assembled columns" or even "an elegant labyrinth" in his work Jésus Christ en Flandre ,(1846). This idea of a maze is surely due to the length of the nave, which reaches 100 meters with its 8 bays, and the arrangement of its 29-meter-high pillars rising in a single jet from the floor to the vaults. This accentuates the idea of unity and slenderness, especially as the elevation is on three levels. We ourselves experienced the sense of immensity described by the author as we walked along the nave.

    Overview of the interior of Tours Cathedral, with a view of the rose at sunset

    Light is also an essential component of Saint-Gatien Cathedral. In this image, you can see the jets of light escaping from the triforium, the narrow galleries typical of Gothic architecture, just above the arcades. We loved the sense of purity it gave off. Finally, from the choir, we recommend you contemplate the incredible perspective offered by the nave, which ends with a shaft of light at sunset.

    A unique cloister

    For us, the cloister of the Psalette is the highlight of the show at Saint-Gatien's Cathedral! It takes its name from the Psalette (from the Latin psallere, to sing psalms), a music school adjoining the cathedral that went by this name. Between the 5th and 10th centuries, the cloister was the workplace of the canons (religious who lived in community in a cathedral), but the version we're strolling through today dates from the 15th century. After visiting the three galleries, we enjoyed a timeless break in the gardens.

    We then took the magnificent spiral staircase. Restored in 1998, it is said to have been built in the 16th century by architect Bastien François, as a replica of the Château de Blois. Upstairs, you can see the scriptorium, a room dedicated to the manuscript writing for which the canons of Saint-Gatien were renowned, and their bookshop, which preserved the chapter books.

    View of the Cloître de la Psalette in Tours Cathedral and its spiral staircase

    Our favorite part? Enjoy breathtaking views of the cathedral from the panoramic terrace. A mysterious atmosphere emanates from this traverse, where the legacy of time is palpable. Watch out for the gargoyles watching you!

    View of Tours Cathedral from the terrace of the Cloître de la Psalette

    While we loved our serene experience in the cloister, Balzac depicts it quite differently in his work Le Curé de Tours , published in 1832. He drew inspiration from it for the décor of a house adjoining the cathedral, where two priests quarrel. And, it seems, he doesn't see it the same way we do!

    Judge for yourself: "This place is a desert of stones, a solitude full of physiognomy, and which can only be inhabited by beings who have either reached complete nullity or are gifted with prodigious fortitude." Fortunately, this point of view is fictional, and there's no doubt that you, like us, will be charmed by this little haven of peace in the middle of Tours! In fine weather, deckchairs are even available for longer strolls.

    The jewel of Tours Cathedral: its stained glass windows

    The cathedral's stained glass windows are a veritable painting of light, and well worth a visit to Tours. Take the time to appreciate each of their color variations and read their dedicated explanatory labels to learn more about their specific symbolism.

    The choir windows

    The 800m2 of stained glass in the cathedral's choir can truly be described as a jewel. Looking at this dazzling palette is enough to make you dizzy! This is one of the finest examples of 13th-century medallion stained glass in Europe! Perfectly intact and complete, they fascinated us with their brilliance and striking color play.

    Overview of the stained glass windows in the choir of Tours Cathedral

    Take the time to admire the different motifs that adorn the three roses and make the cathedral's interior come alive! You'll see cross petals, shamrocks and quatrefoils. Despite the fact that two centuries separate the sunset rose (15th century) from the roses in the transept (18th century), the harmony of colors is spot on.

    To capture their splendor, who better than the illustrious Balzac: "The lace of the roses suddenly shone. Every vein, every carved edge, the smallest line became silver. The sun lit fires in all the stained glass windows, whose rich colors twinkled like stars." (Source: Jesus Christ in Flanders ,1846).

    Detailed view of the north rose of Tours Cathedral

    Contemporary stained glass

    First, in the north arm of the transept, you'll discover nearly 200m2 of stained glass created in 2011 by artist Gérard Collin-Thiébaut and master glassworker Pierre-Alain Parot. We particularly liked the artist's decision to blend religious iconography with contemporary representation. If you look closely, you'll see the dialogue between the photographs of passers-by that the artist has observed in the vicinity of the cathedral and the figure of Saint-Martin that he has reproduced.

    We were pleasantly surprised to see how well these contemporary stained glass windows complemented the medieval windows in the triforium and rose on the north façade. However, this stained glass creation was based on technical innovations such as glass printing technology and computer assistance. It just goes to show that the art of stained glass knows how to renew itself and endure!

    Overview of contemporary stained glass windows at Tours Cathedral

    We particularly liked the stained glass window above. Not only do red and blue vibrate in unison for a dazzling contrast, but the association of symbols is also very strong. Indeed, under the red spot, you can first make out the infamous procession of homeless tents on Paris's Canal Saint-Martin. Just above, the red-orange sun symbolizes the miracle of Saint Martin's globe of fire. He is said to have been crowned with this globe after stripping off his clothes to clothe a beggar just before officiating mass. We thought it would be a good idea to bring together a religious episode from the past and at the same time encapsulate a social phenomenon of the early 21st century, namely extreme precariousness. Could this be a hidden message from the artist to encourage people to help each other?

    Overview of modern stained-glass windows in the cloister library of Tours Cathedral

    Then, in the cloister library, you'll find stained glass windows created in 1960 by master glassworker Max Ingrand. They represent a modernized vision of the "liberal arts", disciplines such as rhetoric and astronomy that were taught in the Middle Ages. Why is this? To recall the original function of this cloister, which housed a music school where young choirboys were trained.

    A cathedral full of surprises

    Tours Cathedral will surprise you with the little details you'll find along the way. Keep your eyes peeled!

    The royal tomb

    In the first south chapel of the ambulatory, you'll find the royal tomb. Carved in Carrara marble around 1500, it houses the remains of Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany's two children, Charles and Charles-Orland. Initially installed in the Basilique Saint-Martin, it only moved to Tours Cathedral in 1834, spared from the Revolution thanks to its beauty. It is recognized as a major work!

    View of the tomb in the ambulatory of Tours Cathedral

    What did we like in particular? The stylistic mix of this tomb with:

    • On the one hand, the macabre realism of these small recumbent figures by sculptor Michel Colombe, in the pure French tradition that has its roots in the medieval age.
    • On the other, the finesse of the decorations, typical of the Italian Renaissance of the 15th century: winged paws, dolphins at the corners, vegetal frescoes and "putti", little naked angels. The vat is by Jerome de Fiesole, brought back by King Charles VIII from his Italian campaign.

    Consecrated in 2018, this altar is worth a look for the purity of its stone (a monolithic block of marble limestone from Burgundy) and its engraved motif. Created by artist-sculptor Alicia Drouillet, it depicts 8-petal Gothic roses, a motif identical to that spotted by architects in various parts of the cathedral (notably the façade towers) and replicated here for symbolism.

    View of the altar of Tours Cathedral and its choir in the background

    We loved the contrast between the delicacy of this engraving and the mass of this altar, which weighs almost 2800kg when hollowed out! A pretty Latin cross hides in the middle of this subtle damask. Unlike the photo above, where it appears to be highlighted, you'll need to pay close attention to distinguish it.

    Frescoes and other remarkable features

    Another special feature of the cathedral is its frescoes! They covered the entire wall in the 13th century, and despite successive vandalizations, some have been preserved. One of the chapels in the ambulatory features the "Charity of Saint-Martin" , a major motif in Christian iconography . It features the figure of Saint Martin (circa 316-397), cutting off his cloak to share with a beggar.

    View of the fresco of Saint Martin in a chapel of Tours Cathedral

    Two details surprised us: the fact that Saint Martin is on horseback and that he carries a sword. Indeed, at the time of this episode, he was a young legionary in the service of the Roman Empire, not yet baptized. It was only the following night, when Christ appeared to him in the guise of a beggar, that he decided to convert and dedicate his life to the Faith. We were overwhelmed to see this heritage, almost intact, and to learn more about its religious origins!

    In addition to our favorites detailed above, you'll also find..:

    View of the Tabernacle de Chambord installed in Tours Cathedral

    Le Tabernacle de Chambord : Dating from the 17th century, it was confiscated during the French Revolution, then donated by Louis XVIII to the Carmelite monastery in Créteil, before arriving at Chambord in 1963. Its size (1.80 m high by 2.70 m long) is exceptional, given that its sole purpose is to hold the ciborium, with the hosts consecrated at Mass. Located in one of the choir chapels, you'll also notice its delicate craftsmanship, the structure being made of oak but veneered with ebony and ivory.

    View of the organ installed in Tours Cathedral

    The Great Organ : located in the south arm of the transept, you won't want to miss it! It was donated in 1468 by Hélie de Bourdeilles, Archbishop of Tours, before being adorned in 1521 with a dozen cherubs. We loved the contrast between the lustrous wood and the glass in the rose window just behind it! We invite you to take a look at the details of the entire woodwork, as since 1984, the oak buffet and its 818 antique pipes have been listed as a "Monument Historique". And if you're lucky, you may be able to attend organ concerts in August and September (see here ).

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    cathedral saint gatien de tours

    Frequently asked questions

    When to see the cathedral illuminated.

    No information is given on the cathedral's official website, so we suggest you refer here to find out more from the Tours tourist office. Please note, however, that the cathedral is lit at dusk until 11pm all year round. So it may be worth coming back for a night-time visit from the outside!

    View of candles in Tours Cathedral

    What to do near the cathedral

    There are many tourist attractions within easy reach of Cathédrale Saint-Gatien:

    • Musée des beaux-arts de Tours : housed in the former bishop's palace, this museum boasts a varied collection of works ranging from Antiquity to contemporary art (see our dedicated article soon).
    • The Château de Tours : a majestic 15th-century building in dialogue with photography exhibitions from the Jeu de Paume museum in Paris (see our dedicated article coming soon).
    • The botanical garden : a wonderful natural setting for a break in your day of sightseeing! (see our dedicated article coming soon)

    To find out more about the mysteries of the city of Tours and explore its nooks and crannies, you can book a tour of its historic center: See prices and availability .

    Tours is also an ideal city for those wishing to visit the Loire Valley and its castles, including the famous Château de Chambord, for which you can book a guided day tour from Tours: See prices and availability .

    And if you're in the mood for a bucolic jaunt, check out our article on the 12 most beautiful villages in the Loire Valley here .

    Why Saint-Gatien?

    The cathedral was originally called Saint-Maurice! It was so named as early as 590, when Bishop Gregory of Tours decided to rebuild it, and it was dedicated to Saint Maurice. Its reconstruction took so many centuries that the inhabitants of Tours invented the saying "as long as the construction of Saint-Maurice"! It wasn't until the 14th century that the name was changed to Saint Gatien, a bishop commissioned by Pope Fabien to evangelize Touraine around 250 AD.

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    Tours cathedral.

    Tours, France

    Saint Gatien's Cathedral was built between 1170 and 1547. The first cathedral of Saint-Maurice was built by Litorius (Lidoire), bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding St Martin). Burnt in 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours and rededicated in 590. Its location, at the south-west angle of the castrum, as well as its eastern orientation, resulted in the original access being through the late-Roman surrounding wall (such a configuration is quite rare). The cathedral was then rebuilt during the second quarter of the 12th century and again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England.

    The first phase of present cathedral concerned the south transept and the towers, as early as 1170. The chancel was rebuilt from 1236 to 1279 by Étienne de Mortagne but the nave took much longer to build. The architect Simon du Mans rebuilt the transept and started the nave, including six spans, aisle and chapel, built during the 14th century — the first two spans correspond to those of the old Romanesque cathedral and date back to the 12th century. The nave was only finished during the 15th century by architects Jean de Dammartin, Jean Papin and Jean Durand, thanks to the generosity of Charles VII and the Duke of Brittany Jean V.

    While building the present cathedral, the nave was then extended westward and the towers surrounding its entrance were erected during the first half of the 16th century, the first tower in 1507 by Pierre de Valence 87 m high, and the second tower during 1534 and 1547 by Pierre Gadier. Highlighting the special feature of the building, called supra, the towers were erected outside of the old city. The late-Roman surrounding wall is visible in cross section at the rear of the towers from the north.

    In 1356, the cathedral received its new name of saint Gatien. Its construction having been particularly slow, it presents a complex pattern of French religious types of architecture from the 13th century to the 15th. For example, the tower buttresses are Romanesque, the ornamentation generally is pure Gothic, and the tops of the towers are Renaissance (beginning of the 16th century).

    The organ, donated by Archbishop Martin de Beaune, was built by Barnabé Delanoue in the 16th century. One can also see, in the cathedral, the tomb of the children of Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany, who died as infants. This tomb, in Carrara marble, made by Girolamo da Fiesole, in the Italian style, and whose recumbent statues are reminiscent of 15th-century French medieval tradition (school of Michel Colombe), was kept since 1506 in Saint-Martin de Tours before being moved in 1834 to Saint-Gatien.

    To the north of the cathedral is a small cloister, also built during the Renaissance. To the south of the cathedral is the former archbishop's palace, built in the early 18th century, which has now become the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours.

    • Cathedrals in France
    • Religious sites in France
    • Birth of Capetian dynasty (France)

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    Accueil et visites

    L’association « PRÉSENCE CATHÉDRALE » a été créée en 1989 et a pour objet la mise en valeur, sous la responsabilité du curé de la cathédrale, du patrimoine culturel et spirituel de la cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours.

    Elle accueille des touristes pressés, des croyants ou non, des pèlerins désireux d’un moment de recueillement, des groupes d’enfants et de lycéens, des étrangers ajoutant à « leurs » châteaux de la Loire cette cathédrale, superbe lien entre gothique et Renaissance, et enfin des Français de tout l’hexagone, avides de retrouver les racines de leur patrimoine ou de marcher sur les traces de saint Martin par exemple.

    Notre accompagnement, attentif à tous, veut donner un sens culturel et surtout spirituel à leur visite en proposant un autre sens qu’artistique aux vitraux, objets de leur admiration.

    Mais l’essentiel est qu’après cette traversée du grand vaisseau de pierre, dressé par les hommes d’autrefois pour ceux d’aujourd’hui, chacun d’eux ne reparte pas indemne, saisi par cette beauté qui témoigne de Dieu.

    Les accueillants, munis d’un badge, sont présents dans la cathédrale du week-end de Pâques au 11 novembre (date de la saint Martin d’hiver), les vendredis et samedis de 10 h 30 à 12 h 30 et de 15 h à 17 h.

    Pour des demandes de visites de groupes, vous pouvez contacter le : 07 66 39 84 11 .

    Site web :

    Cathedral Saint-Gatien

    Monument in tours.

    Cathedral Saint-Gatien - Monument in Tours

    A true masterpiece of Gothic art, the Saint-Gatien cathedral sits in the heart of old downtown Tours, in Indre-et-Loire . Today listed building, it was built between the thirteenth and sixteenth century on the remains of an ancient Gallo-Roman city. Under royal patronage, the building has seen all the kings of France since Louis VII become canons of honor, showing its importance in the kingdom.

    Remarkable, the Saint-Gatien harmoniously blends the High Gothic, with its impressive bedside shrine, Gothic in its finely sculpted façade and elegantly lit at night, through the Renaissance style that reveals the crowning of two towers.

    On the bedside, one of the most beautiful Gothic works of the thirteenth century, visitors will discover many statues animating the walkway and include representatives of the patron saints of the cathedral.

    Inside the religious building, hard to remain indifferent to the beauty of the tomb of the children of Anne of Brittany and Charles VII with its incredible sculptures of the sixteenth century lit by stained glass windows. In the north, it is possible to admire a Renaissance cloister classified as an historic monument, while in the south, the palace of the archbishop now houses the Museum of Fine Arts in the city.


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    • Cathédrale Saint-Gatien

    Tours Cathedral is a romantic catholic church, built between 1170 and 1547. Of special interest are the fifteen - 13 century chancel windows and the three, 13, 14 & 15 centuries rose windows. Tomb of Charles VIII’s children. Great Organs (16 & 17 centuries). Mass: SUN 11.00 & 18.30; MON, WED, FRI 19.00.

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    • 01 April 2024 - 31 October 2024 08:30 - 18:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

    1 rue Racine, 37000, TOURS

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    07 66 39 84 11

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    Cathédrale Saint-Gatien


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    • Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours in Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine ‎ (114 F)
    • Cloître de la Psalette ‎ (1 C, 117 F)
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    Tours Cathedral

    Tours Cathedral

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    • Pierre Bideau (lighting designer)

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    Relevant publications.

    • Rapin, Thomas (2003): La cathédrale de Tours. La façade. Les campagnes du 15 ème siècle et le programme iconographique du portail central . Presented at: Congrès archéologique de France - Monuments en Touraine , 155éme session , pp. 301-315.
    • Andrault-Schmitt, Claude (2003): La cathédrale de Tours. Le chevet du 13 ème siècle . Presented at: Congrès archéologique de France - Monuments en Touraine , 155éme session , pp. 281-299.
    • Pérouse de Montclos, Jean-Marie (1988): Le guide du Patrimoine: Centre. Val de Loire . Ministère de la Culture, Hachette , Paris (France), pp. 607-614.
    • Perrot, Françoise (2003): Note bibliographique sur les vitraux du chevet de la cathédrale de Tours: entre l'ouest et l'Île-de-France . Presented at: Congrès archéologique de France - Monuments en Touraine , 155éme session , pp. 325-328.
    • Collombet, François (1997): Les plus belles cathédrales de France . Sélection du Readers Digest , Paris (France), pp. 62-65.
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    cathedral saint gatien de tours

    Tours, Cathédrale Saint-Gatien

    Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours - Exterior, western frontispiece, portals

    Begun ca. 1170


    1. Tours Cathedral

      Tours Cathedral (French: Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours) is a Roman Catholic church located in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France, and dedicated to Saint Gatianus.It is the seat of the Archbishops of Tours, the metropolitan cathedral of the Tours ecclesiastical province.It was built between 1170 and 1547. At the time construction began, the church was located at the south end of the bridge over ...

    2. Cathédrale Saint-Gatien

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien. La Cathédrale St-Gatien est ouverte tous les jours de 8h30 à 20h00 tous les jours de la semaine. Pendant la période de Pâques au 11 novembre, vous pourrez rencontrer dans la cathédrale, des accueillants bénévoles de l'association Présence Cathédrale que vous reconnaîtrez à leur badge.

    3. Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours

      La cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours est une cathédrale catholique romaine, située à Tours dans le Vieux-Tours, en Indre-et-Loire. Dédiée à saint Gatien, le premier évêque de Tours, elle est le siège de l' archidiocèse de Tours et la cathédrale métropolitaine de la province ecclésiastique de Tours . Elle a été classée monument ...

    4. Tours cathedral : Saint Gatien de Tours

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours, is dedicated to the first bishop of the city and is a 'must-see' when visiting the Loire Valley. The current cathedral sits on the site of a number of predecessors all of which were damaged by fires. One in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England (who also ruled over the ...

    5. Cathedrals 16: Cathedrale Saint-Gatien at Tours

      The cathedral at Tours has been rebuilt several times, the older edifices destroyed or badly damaged by fire. Thus the first cathedral, dedicated to Saint Maurice was built between 337 and 371. It burnt in 558, but was rebuilt and reopened in 590. Work on the actual building started in about 1220. By 1356, the cathedral was rededicated to Saint ...

    6. Tours Cathedral: A Historical Jewel in the Heart of France

      Tours Cathedral. Tours Cathedral: A Historical Jewel in the Heart of France. Nestled in the picturesque city of Tours, France, the Tours Cathedral, officially known as "Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours," stands as a magnificent representation of Gothic architecture and the city's rich religious heritage. The construction of the cathedral began ...

    7. Tours Cathedral

      The Tours Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours), dedicated to Saint Gatien, its first bishop, was begun about 1170 to replace the just-started cathedral that burned down in 1166 during the quarrel between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England.. Work on Tours Cathedral proceeded at a leisurely pace over the centuries until 1547. The lowermost stages of the west towers belong to ...

    8. Saint-Gatien Cathedral in TOURS, Visite & Tourism Loire Château Tours

      From Saint-Gatien Cathedral, you can access the cloister of the Psalette, a religious building that is owned by the National Monuments Centre. A century before Saint Martin, Saint Gatien was the first bishop of Tours. He was sent by the Pope to bring the gospel to Touraine in about 250. Mass: SUN 11.00 & 18.30; MON, WED, FRI 19.00.

    9. Cathédrale Saint-Gatien

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien. Place de la Cathédrale. 37000 Tours. Edifiée de 1170 à 1547, la cathédrale est l'un des fleurons de l'architecture gothique de la région Centre-Val de Loire. La Tour nord achevée en 1507 reçoit un vocabulaire décoratif de la première Renaissance.

    10. Présence Cathédrale

      Un autre regard sur la cathédrale St Gatien de Tours. De pierre et de verre, la cathédrale est un livre où les générations successives écrivent l'histoire de notre civilisation. Visiteurs d'un jour ou de toujours, venez découvrir les richesses de ce fleuron de notre patrimoine tourangeau. A travers l'architecture, les vitraux, la ...

    11. Cathedral Saint-Gatien (Tours): visit + photos

      Saint-Gatien's Cathedral does not offer guided tours, but you can book group tours (minimum 6 people) in French or English with the Présence Cathédrale association by clicking here. Otherwise, the association's mediators are present in the cathedral from Easter weekend to November 11 (date of the winter Saint-Martin's Day), on Fridays and ...

    12. Tours Cathedral, Tours, France

      Saint Gatien's Cathedral was built between 1170 and 1547. The first cathedral of Saint-Maurice was built by Litorius (Lidoire), bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding St Martin). ... was kept since 1506 in Saint-Martin de Tours before being moved in 1834 to Saint-Gatien. To the north of the cathedral is a small cloister, also built during ...

    13. Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Tours

      Château de Tours. 78. 0.1 mi Architectural Buildings • Castles. Enceinte gallo-Romaine. 8. 0.2 mi Ancient Ruins. Oratoire de La Sainte-Face. 1. 0.2 mi Religious Sites. Musee du Compagnonnage. 670. 0.4 mi Speciality Museums. ... Cathedrale Saint-Gatien is a beautiful building. Its construction took a few hundred years to complete, and it is ...

    14. Visiter la cathédrale

      Les accueillants, munis d'un badge, sont présents dans la cathédrale du week-end de Pâques au 11 novembre (date de la saint Martin d'hiver), les vendredis et samedis de 10 h 30 à 12 h 30 et de 15 h à 17 h. Pour des demandes de visites de groupes, vous pouvez contacter le : 07 66 39 84 11 . Site web :

    15. Cathedral Saint-Gatien

      A true masterpiece of Gothic art, the Saint-Gatien cathedral sits in the heart of old downtown Tours, in Indre-et-Loire. ... Place de la Cathédrale, Tours: Telephone +33 2 47 70 21 00: Official site: Have your say. French lessons online. A French course with a difference! Learn by email with Victor Hugo on ...

    16. Tours en Val de Loire

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien Tours Cathedral is a romantic catholic church, built between 1170 and 1547. Of special interest are the fifteen - 13 century chancel windows and the three, 13, 14 & 15 centuries rose windows.

    17. Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Tours

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Tours: See 2,175 reviews, articles, and 2,120 photos of Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, ranked No.2 on Tripadvisor among 76 attractions in Tours. ... Place de la Cathédrale, 37000, Tours France. Reach out directly. Visit website Call. Full view. Best nearby. Restaurants. 634 within 5 kms.

    18. Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Tours

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, Tours: See 2,171 reviews, articles, and 2,119 photos of Cathédrale Saint-Gatien, ranked No.2 on Tripadvisor among 78 attractions in Tours. ... Château de Tours. 78. 0.2 km Architectural Buildings • Castles. Enceinte gallo-Romaine. 8. 0.3 km Ancient Ruins. Oratoire de La Sainte-Face. 1.

    19. Category:Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours

      Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours 2022 07.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.02 MB Cattedrale di Tours, ante 1914 - Archivio Meraviglioso ICM BC1914n42f9.jpg 427 × 999; 317 KB Chevet Cathédrale de Tours au matin (juin 2023).JPG 3,008 × 2,304; 4.81 MB

    20. Tours Cathedral (Tours, 1547)

      Médiathèque de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine: Centre: Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours; Paradoxplace: Cathedral of St-Gatien, Tours; Photoenligne: Cathédrale Saint-Gatien ... La cathédrale de Tours. Le chevet du 13 ème siècle. Presented at: Congrès archéologique de France - Monuments en Touraine, 155éme session, pp. 281-299 ...

    21. Tours, Cathédrale Saint-Gatien

      Tours, Cathédrale Saint-Gatien. Images Search Gallery. Panoramas. Search Gallery ... Dol-de-Bretagne, Cathédrale Saint-Samson. Domont, Église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine. Donnemarie-Dontilly, Église Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité ... Provins, Tour de César. Rampillon, Église Saint-Éliphe. Reims, Basilique Saint-Remi.

    22. Kathedrale von Tours

      Die Kathedrale von Tours ist eine gotische Kirche, die dem heiligen Gatianus geweiht ist, ... 1562 verwüsteten die bilderstürmenden Hugenotten Saint-Gatien und zerstörten dabei auch die Portalstatuen, ... Ursprünglich in der Abtei Saint-Paul de Cormery: 2: Maurice: Bollée père et fils: 1864: 1750: d 1-1: 3: Gatien: Bollée père et fils ...

    23. Cathédrale de Tours, noble vaisseau gothique

      La Cathédrale de Tours est dédiée à Saint Gatien, le premier évêque de la ville. Son édification prendra quatre siècles. Les deux tours de style renaissance ...