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How to Travel by Bus: Our Ultimate Guide

bus travel guide

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Around Your Destination by Bus During Your Trip

Traveling by bus is a popular way for locals and travelers alike to get around various different countries all over the world. Bus companies generally connect major cities with smaller towns and typically run 24/7. This inexpensive mode of transportation is available to travelers in most destinations around the world, so understanding how to make the most of bus travel will help you have a smooth, hassle-free experience navigating an unfamiliar destination. Our bus travel guide will set you up for success, so keep reading!

Bus travel is the lowest cost option, and you can bring your own food and beverages. During the day, traveling by bus gives you an opportunity to see more of the country in which you’re traveling, while bus travel at night means you can relax (and in some cases, maybe even save money on a night of accommodation).

Before heading off for your next trip, read this take in-depth bus travel guide, and learn everything you need to know before experiencing the wonderful world of bus travel.

bus travel guide

Bus Travel Guide Navigation Menu

General Bus Travel Information

Advantages of bus travel, disadvantages of bus travel, how to buy a bus ticket, safety tips for traveling by bus, traveling by bus with luggage, what to pack for a bus trip.

  • About Hop-On / Hop-Off Bus Tours
  • The Basic Principles of Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips by Country or Region

  • USA Bus Travel
  • Mexico Bus Travel
  • Costa Rica Bus Travel
  • India Bus Travel
  • Europe Bus Travel
  • Ireland Bus Travel
  • Spain Bus Travel
  • New Zealand Bus Travel

While it does have some downsides, bus travel certainly offers a few advantages. Let’s learn about them below.

It’s one of the most cost-effective forms of transport

One amazing aspect of traveling by bus is that it is usually the most cost-effective. Typically, bus travel allows you to go further for a lower price.

Bus fare can be incredibly inexpensive when purchased in advance, with some trip tickets being as low as $10 or $20.

Book ahead of time or at the last minute

Bus travel is generally on a schedule. This allows you to purchase your ticket ahead of time if necessary so you can plan out your itinerary.

Bus Travel on a Schedule

As a result, you can often book at the last minute. That’s a great feature when it comes to flexibility.

Choose your seat

Although this is not the truth for all bus services, on many bus journeys you can pick your seat during purchase. When you get to choose your seat, you know you can sit with family and friends (or your preferred section of the bus).

Overnight travel

Depending on where you’re traveling (and how safe it is), you might consider traveling at night so you can sleep on your bus. You can save money on a night of accommodation, or get some rest before your next destination.

Quick check in

Unlike traveling by plane , bus travel does not usually require a check in, and if it does it is usually quick. This allows you to arrive right before your bus leaves and waste less time at the station waiting around.

Generous luggage allowance

Usually there are no luggage regulations when traveling by bus. You won’t have to pay for extra baggage. You’ll also be able to bring a few extra bags if you need to.

Bus Luggage

Bus stations are centrally located

Most airports are far away from the city center and require an expensive taxi into the city. Bus stations are usually closer to the center and allow you to get to your destination more quickly.

For all its advantages, bus travel does have some disadvantages.

Can’t always choose your seat

Although many bus companies do allow you to pick your seats, this is not always the case. In the event you cannot pick your seats you might be seated away from friends and family, or seated in an undesirable location.

Bus journeys usually take longer than other forms of travel.

It is also much easier for busses to be delayed than plane or train travel. They also often break down.

This is something you need to take into account when taking a bus.

Bus can be full

If you do decide to book last minute, there is a higher chance the bus will be full than you would find with other modes of transportation. Many busses have fewer seats.

Full Bus

Won’t always travel directly to your destination

Bus travel often requires a few connections. This means you may need to take multiple busses to get to your destination. If you rent a car , you have full control over where you go.

Fewer services and amenities

Although some buses do provide food, you’re not as likely to get a meal as you would on a plane or train. Additionally, busses might not even include a restroom! Make sure to ask about this before you embark on your journey.


Busses are not known to be the most comfortable form of travel. If you have your heart set on a reclining seat or foot rest, make sure you confirm they’ll be included before you buy your ticket.

Uncomfortable Bus

Even though bus travel is typically quite safe, there are certain precautions you should take to stay as safe as possible.

Check that the route is known to be safe

Before traveling by bus you should see if the route is known for accidents. If so, you should avoid traveling on it at night. Additionally, you should check whether there are bus robberies in the area.

Choose your seat wisely (if you can)

If you are able to choose your seat then take a few things into consideration. The window might allow you to sleep better and feel a bit more secure. Whereas the aisle can allow taller people to stretch their legs.

Uncomfortable Bus Ride

You also might want to consider the area of the bus you are in. The front is known for being good to those who get car sick. Meanwhile, the back is known for being bumpy. The middle of the bus is generally the safest part of the bus.

Hide valuables in a few places

Whether you keep your money in your wallet or in your sock, when riding on a bus try to separate your cards, cash and any other valuables. In the event you are robbed, you may be able to salvage more than you would if everything is in one place.

Wear your seatbelt (if available)

If you have the option to wear a seatbelt, do it! You’ll be glad you did if there’s an accident.

Stay hydrated

You may not be able to purchase water during a long bus trip. Bring water with you to avoid this.

There are two main methods of purchasing a bus ticket:

  • At the station

Online can be a very convenient method as you can do it in advance. Unfortunately, buying bus tickets online isn’t always possible.

If the only option is buying your tickets at the station, you may have to pay in cash, so make sure you have enough on you.

Buying a Bus Ticket

Here are some essential tips for when you bring luggage on your bus trip.

Check the luggage allowance

Although many busses do not have a luggage allowance, make sure you check the rules of the bus company you plan to travel with.

Watch your luggage as it goes under the bus

Some bus companies offer a receipt for your luggage when placing it in the underneath compartment of the bus. Other companies simply place your luggage underneath the bus and expect you to collect it after.

Luggage Under Bus

Bring all valuables and documents onto the bus with you

Make sure to keep everything valuable close to you on the trip. This includes your passport and ticket as well as any valuables you brought with you.

Label your luggage

Mistakes happen! If your luggage gets lose but has your name and address on it, you’re less likely to lose it forever.

In case of theft

If your luggage is stolen, first report it to the authorities. It may not be an actual theft but an accident.

Traveling by bus is often a tedious journey, but there are a few essentials that will make any bus journey much more manageable and enjoyable.

Packing for a Bus Trip

Scarf or blanket

If you are taking a bus that has air conditioning you may consider yourself lucky, until you are three hours into a freezing cold bus ride.

The A/C is often raised extremely high, so it would be in your best interest to bring a large scarf or a small blanket with you. You can also bring a sleeping bag liner for overnight journeys.

Travel pillow, ear plugs, and facemask

A travel pillow will improve any journey, especially on a bus. Whether you bring an inflatable or a cloth neck pillow, combining this with ear plugs and a facemask will allow you to sleep much more easily.

Comfortable Bus Travelling

Wear something comfortable

Remember, busses tend to be quite cramped. It’s a good idea to wear comfortable clothes, especially if you’re have to sleep while you’re on the road.

Bring snacks (and water)

Most busses do not have food, so you should come prepared with your own snacks.

Eating on a Bus

Here are some examples of popular foods to bring on a bus journey. Make sure to bring some bottled water, too.

  • A to-go meal (along with a beverage)


Unless you get lucky with a bus that provides Wi-Fi, you should make sure to have entertainment loaded up on your phone or tablet device. This might mean downloading some of your favorite shows, movies, and games.

You should also make sure your headphones and devices are charged. Bring a portable charger too, if you can.

Download an offline GPS app

Since your phone might not always work in every country you travel to, download an offline map app such as “” This will allow you to monitor how close you are to your stop.

Hand sanitizer, wipes, and tissues

Tissues are great for bathroom stops when toilet paper is not available.

Bus Toilet

Hand sanitizer and wipes are also handy for when there is no soap or you need to quickly clean your hands.

About Hop-On-Hop-Off Bus Tours

Hop-on-hop-off bus tours are a fun and cheap way to explore a new city.

Hop-On-Hop-Off Bus Tours

With hop-on-hop-off bus tours, you generally pay for a pass for a specified route. You can often purchase these far in advance and then book closer to your departure.

On a hop-on-hop-off bus tour, your driver is generally your tour guide as well as travel agent. You should show this person your ticket as you board.

Throughout the day on your hop-on-hop-off tour, you should be offered many options to use the toilet or purchase a refreshment. Some hop-on-hop-off tours have multiple busses going on the same route, and if you have that advantage, you can spend as much time as you like at each stop.

There is the option to have a quick tour packed with activities, or a slow and relaxed day as well.

Recap: The Basic Principles of Bus Travel

Traveling by bus is not the same in every country, but there are certain tips that will help out everywhere. Here they are below.

The Basic Principles of Bus Travel

Utilize the Extras

Whether this is to use your free Wi-Fi or the reclining seats, find the aspects of the bus that can make your trip the most comfortable. This might also include the ability to pick your seat, or simply arriving early to snag the front window.

Track Your Trip

Use either your phone’s GPS or another form of map. This will allow you to be aware of your surroundings and know when it is your time to get off the bus.

Bring Charging Cables and Charge Your Devices In Advance

Not all busses have charging ports onboard.

Charging Port on a Bus

Make sure to bring your charging cables, but also be sure to charge all your devices ahead of time. This includes headphones.

Wear Layers and Bring a Blanket

Always bring a blanket and wear layers of clothing. You never know what the temperature will be like on board.

Bring an Eye Mask (and Even Ear Plugs)

Bring your earplugs and an eye mask if you plan to get some sleep.

Bring a Night Light or Head Torch

If you would rather stay awake on a night bus, bring a night light or head torch to be able to read or do activities

Bring Change

Bring change. If you want the opportunity to purchase items along the way bring some cash.

Stay Calm and Be Ready for Anything

Remember that a bus journey is more prone to delays.

This could mean a flat tire or an engine issue. Keep a good attitude, and be ready to embrace any issues or part of the journey that can occur while traveling by bus.

Tips for Taking a Bus in the USA

Traveling by bus within the USA is a popular and affordable way to get from one location to the next. The buses within the United States usually offer Wi-Fi, comfortable reclining seats, and onboard bathrooms.

Travelling by Bus in the USA

Well known bus companies in the USA include:

  • Jefferson Lines

Purchase in advance

You can generally save money by purchasing your tickets in advance. Visit the relevant bus company’s website.

Ride during the day to view more of the scenery

There is beautiful scenery in many states in the United States. Traveling during the day allows you to view gorgeous mountains, forests, lakes, and even city lights.

American Bus

Pack snacks

The best way to get through a bus trip in the U.S is by bringing healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, or pre-packaged snacks, like energy bars. You might even be able to pick up a sandwich or salad at one of the rest stops, but don’t forget bottled water to stay hydrated.

Dress for the climate

Since there are several different climates around the United States, it is important to dress for the climate you plan to end up in. You can also bring layers in case the bus is cold, or if you are starting in one climate but moving to another.

Arrive early

In the US seats are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Make sure to arrive at least one hour before your bus is scheduled to leave in order to get the seat of your choice.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Costa Rica

Long distance busses are very nice in Costa Rica with reclining seats and often air conditioning. The smaller local buses can get a bit uncomfortable, but they are quite cheap and better than walking.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Costa Rica

Get on in the front and pay the driver at that time

The price for your bus should be listed in the local currency on the window.

Do not put your bags on the top shelf

This makes it very easy to slide bags towards the back and eventually steal them. Keep your bag next to you or under your feet if possible.

Keep an eye on suitcases below the bus at every stop

If you have a big suitcase it is inevitable that you will need to place it underneath the bus. Make sure you keep an eye on that side of the bus at every stop to avoid your bag being stolen.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Ireland

Traveling by bus in Ireland isn’t specifically luxurious, but it’s certainly budget friendly. Most connections are available between major cities.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Ireland

Long-distance buses are reliable and comfortable. Local busses are known for delays and occasional breakdowns but are still an inexpensive way to travel while on a budget.

Book ahead of time

Long distance busses can be booked ahead of time via the BusEireann website.

Download media

Most long-distance busses offer Wi-Fi, but you should download any media you want to watch ahead of time. Reserve the free Wi-Fi for chatting or surfing the web.

Catching a local bus

To catch a local bus you will need to wave at the bus driver as it approaches. If you do not wave, the bus will not stop.

Tips for Catching a Local Bus

Ask about discounts

There may be available discounts for students, seniors, or tourists. Always ask about possible discounts.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Spain

Busses are a preferred method of travel within Spain, and they allow you to see many parts of the country at a low price.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Spain

Main bus companies in Spain

  • Bus Almeria Madrid BAM
  • Comes , Conda
  • Daibus-Interbus

Upgrade if you can afford it

Most buses in Spain offer multiple class options which can really improve your traveling experience. Specifically while riding on ALSA, the largest bus company in Spain, you can choose from the following options:

  • Premium: Luggage control, special menus, touch-screens for entertainment, free Wi-Fi, plugs, baby seats and bottle warmers, and door-to-door pickup service.
  • Supra+: Free WiFi, additional travel security, free bottles of water, child care service, baggage control and service, catering and drinks, leather seats with leg rests, a hostess, and gifts.
  • Supra Economy: Free Wi-Fi, additional travel security, and free bottles of water.
  • Eurobus: Preferential treatment, fast embarking, and free bottles of water.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Europe (countries we haven’t mentioned)

When taking the bus in Europe you are given the opportunity to travel at a great price, with no luggage fees. The major bus company in Europe is Flixbus . 

Tips for Taking a Bus in Europe

In order to secure your ticket at a great price go on to the Flixbus website and purchase in advance. This might allow you to pick your seat ahead of time as well.

Cancel or change your ticket

If you need to cancel or change your ticket, you can do so through the website. This is usually only for the cost of 1 euro and can be done up to 15 minutes before departure.

Dress in layers

You do not want to be too cold or too warm during your bus travel.

Maybe the A/C is blasting or you’re heading to a cold destination. Be sure to wear layers and bring an extra sweater or scarf.

Bring some cash

Since most of the time you are able to buy snacks or drinks on the bus, you may want to bring a bit of cash to make it easy to do so.

Bring your charging cables

Since most European busses are equipped with Wi-Fi, make sure to bring your charging cables to be able to plug your devices in on the trip.

Make sure to arrive 15 minutes before departure, and have your passport and your ticket ready to go.

Know your baggage policy

Regarding baggage, you will be allowed one small carry-on and two pieces of large luggage. Make sure these are marked with your name and address, and be sure to put your valuables in your carry on.

Related: 10 Inspiring Europe Itineraries and Trip Ideas

Tips for Taking a Bus in Mexico

Mexico has a great network of buses that are generally comfortable and connect cities to smaller parts of the country. Many cities and towns have one main bus terminal from which all long-distance buses operate.

Tips for Taking a Bus in Mexico

Main bus companies in Mexico

  • ETN Turistar
  • Grupo Estrella Blanca
  • Primera Plus

Busses can be robbed

One way to avoid being on a bus that is robbed is by splurging for a deluxe or 1st-class bus. You can also ride during the day.

Place baggage in the baggage hold

You should receive a receipt for your baggage after you place it in the hold. Be sure to keep your valuables with you.

Bring a blanket or layers

Although Mexico is known for being warm, the buses are typically air conditioned. Either wear layers or bring a blanket with you.

Bring an eye mask and ear plugs

Most buses play music videos or movies the entire trip. Bring an eye-mask and earplugs if you prefer to sleep.

Tips for Taking a Bus in New Zealand

Travelling by bus is a great way to see a lot of the country while in New Zealand. You get to meet locals and possibly make new friends.

Tips for Taking a Bus in New Zealand

Book in the slow season

The slow season is from April to August. Generally, it is cheaper to purchase bus passes during this time. Just make sure that you activate your pass within one year.

Look for views

Oftentimes there might be a better side to sit on the bus in order to have the best view. You can ask the driver which is the best side so you can see the best views.

See if lunch is included

Although sometimes lunch might be included, other times it won’t be. Make sure to pack lunch on the bus for trips that have not included it.

Pick your seat wisely

Avoid sitting near the toilet as it can be smelly on long trips.

Picking a Bus Seat

Do not be late

Although buses aren’t always on time in New Zealand, make sure to be on time as the bus will not wait for you.

Tips for Taking a Bus in India

Taking busses in India should only be done by those who are ready for an adventure and not expecting comforts.

Tips for Taking a Bus in India

Prepare for anything

In some cases you may be asked to get out of the bus to make a sharp turn, or be asked to help push the bus. If you are traveling by bus in India prepare for anything.

Typically you cannot buy ahead, so you will need to simply show up early and purchase from the driver’s helper.

Keep your belongings close

Theft can happen anywhere. Keep your bag close to you at all times. On a sleeper bus you can choose to place your bag behind your head or below your bed.

Wear appropriate clothes

You may have air conditioning or you may not. Be prepared for either option so you are not freezing cold or overheated.

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Find cheap bus tickets in United States

Easily compare and book your next trip with Busbud

Popular routes in United States

Intercity bus travel provides a green, affordable and efficient transportation option for people who want to explore the world. In the US, it's no different.

Bus travel in the USA has become a more sought-after way to travel the country in the last few years. That is primarily due to the fact that bus companies have been investing in improving their services, and now travelers can choose from a range of bus companies that offer different ranks of comfort and amenities. 

Concerns about finding greener forms of transportation also make a case for buses in the US. Bus travel is better for the environment, as these vehicles emit lower levels of CO2 per passenger mile compared to other forms of transportation, like planes, cars and, sometimes, even trains. 

As people start to worry about the environment, bus companies invest in more modern fleets that are more efficient in terms of energy expenditure. 

Taking a bus is a great way to see more of the country while stretching your travel budget. But before you hop on a bus to explore the country, it's good to know a few things.

Buses in the United States

What to expect from bus travel in the USA

When it comes to regional travel in the US, traveling by bus may be a convenient and budget-friendly option. Although prices can vary depending on the type of bus and time of year, bus fares are usually fairly reasonable and more affordable than other transportation methods.

When traveling by bus in the US, the bus can take you anywhere you need to go. Regional trips connect cities like Boston and New York in just about 4 hours for fair prices. But you can also take longer interstate trips if you're willing to take the time, like Denver to Dallas, which takes about 18 hours as the bus makes a few stops along the way.

It's good to keep in mind that the United States is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of land area, so distances can be long. That's also why night buses are frequent. You can board the bus in one city and wake up in a state completely different than where you were before. Read our guide with  expert tips for an overnight bus trip. 

How to choose the best bus company?

When choosing a bus company for your next trip, there are several factors to consider. It's helpful to look at reviews of the bus company to see recommendations from fellow travelers who have used the company before.

Comparing prices is the logical next step to ensure you're getting a good value for your money. But ultimately, making sure your chosen bus has all the amenities you need will ensure a smooth and comfortable journey. So be sure to check the amenities and comfort level of their buses. Are there comfortable seats with plenty of legroom? Is there onboard WiFi or entertainment options?

buses in the US

Amenities in USA buses

When taking a bus, it's essential to consider the amenities available. The good news is that in the US, free WiFi, power outlets, reclining seats, air conditioning and bathrooms are common features to most bus companies, including Greyhound, Jefferson Lines, Southeastern Stages, and RedCoach. So you can be sure to have the basics for a pleasant trip. 

Depending on the route, you can travel with more upscale bus companies. An example is the ride offered by The Jet between NYC and DC. Their luxury buses deliver a highly comfortable ride with an onboard concierge, only 14 seats, motion-canceling seats and a long list of other attributes.

In general, the buses in the US are pretty clean, comfortable and spacious. It's also an industry practice to provide a good amount of storage for luggage. Most companies don't let you pick your seat during the booking process and work on a first come, first serve basis. Although there are a few exceptions. Most buses make quick stops for breaks on longer journeys, so you can grab a bite to eat and stretch your legs.

buses in the US

Bus classes

Traveling by bus in the US might have options from different classes. Economy seats are typically just standard seating with basic amenities and can be a budget-friendly option. Executive and first-class buses often offer more spacious seating and advanced amenities, including entertainment options like TVs, drinks, and snacks and these buses usually have fewer seats.

So, when planning your trip, consider what kind of experience you want and budget for it accordingly.

Overall, traveling by bus in the US can be a great way to see more of the country while also being eco-friendly and budget-friendly. With modern buses offering all the amenities you need, bust travel allows for an enjoyable and comfortable journey.

What are the leading bus companies in the USA?

A country the size of the US is bound to have numerous bus companies, but some of the largest and most well-known are Greyhound, Jefferson Lines, Southeastern Stages, Flixbus, Tornado Bus Company, Ourbus and RedCoach. These companies cover a wide range of routes across the country and are responsible for connecting big cities to even the smallest towns in rural areas.

If you wish to know more about each of them, check out our blog post about the  top bus companies in the US and how they compare. 

How to buy a bus ticket

Long gone are the days of staying in line to buy bus tickets at the station. Now, planning a bus trip can be as easy as a few clicks on your computer or smartphone.

Purchasing bus tickets online with Busbud allows you to compare prices and schedules from thousands of bus routes in the United States. All you have to do is enter your departure and destination cities, choose the date of your preferred trip and select the desired bus operator. You can even filter the results by cost and length of the journey.

From there, simply follow the prompts to securely pay for your ticket and receive it in your e-mail. So next time you need to buy a bus ticket, use Busbud for a convenient and cost-effective booking experience.

Start planning your trip today!

USA buses

What popular bus companies operate in United States?


Why choose Busbud?

The best way to book bus and train tickets. makes it easy for you to find, compare and book city-to-city bus tickets, all over the world. We save you the extra trip to the bus station. Use Busbud to book your trip online, in your own language and currency, wherever you are. Busbud prides itself on its worldwide partnerships. We make it possible for you to buy tickets with its large network of trustworthy bus partners like Greyhound, Eurolines, ALSA, OUIBUS (BlaBlaBus), National Express and many others.

What are the top visited cities in United States?

Buses to New York

Plan your next bus trip in United States

  • Bus from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando
  • Bus Dallas - Houston
  • Newark - Washington
  • Bus from Albany to New York
  • Bus New York - Niagara Falls
  • New York - Atlantic City
  • Bus from New York to Buffalo
  • Bus Las Vegas - Los Angeles
  • Buffalo - New York
  • Bus from Los Angeles to San Francisco
  • Bus Washington - Newark
  • Austin - Dallas
  • Bus from New York to Baltimore
  • Bus Tampa - Miami
  • Hartford - New York

Most popular airports and destinations

  • South Station to Boston
  • New York to Port Authority
  • San Diego to Los Angeles International Airport
  • Newark to Newark Liberty International Airport
  • Dallas to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

Top bus and train stations

  • Buses to GW Bridge
  • Buses to 31st St & 8th Ave
  • Buses to Penn Station
  • Buses to Union Station
  • Buses to Port Authority Bus Terminal

Sustainable travel

  • Travel from Richmond to Richmond
  • Travel from Salem to Washington
  • Travel from Saint Paul to Minneapolis
  • Travel from Kansas City to Lawrence
  • Travel from Lawrence to Kansas City
  • Travel from Palm Springs to Riverside
  • Travel from Chicago to Columbia
  • Travel from Aberdeen to Richmond
  • Travel from San Diego to San Marcos
  • Travel from New York to Washington
  • Travel from Bellingham to Washington
  • Travel from Indianapolis to Indiana
  • Travel from New York to Glens Falls
  • Travel from Los Angeles to Chatsworth
  • Travel from Washington to New York

Plan your next trip

  • Trains to New York
  • Trains to Washington
  • Trains to Boston
  • Trains to Orlando
  • Trains to Philadelphia

Ticket prices and travelcards

Ticket prices and travelcards

Fares for Moscow's public transport network are the same for every mode of transport making it really easy to travel. See all the different tickets here !

Troika Ticket

This is the most economical option if you're spending a few days in the Russian capital. The card can be purchased and recharged at various station machines or even with the special Moscow Metro application. Your balance can be checked on the app or in the small yellow terminals inside the metro stations. A trip works out at ₽ 42 ( US$ 0.50), but if you change transport within 90 minutes, you'll only pay ₽ 23 ( US$ 0.30) for the next trip.

The day ticket for the Moscow metro can be purchased at any of the stops in the city. The price is ₽ 265 ( US$ 3) per day and ₽ 500 ( US$ 5.70) for three days.

90-Minute Ticket

The most convenient card if you want to take several types of transport within an hour and a half period. It costs  ₽ 65 ( US$ 0.70) per person and allows one metro ride and an unlimited number of trips on other types of public transport in Moscow during the time of its duration.

Different Moscow Metro tickets

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Moscow's crazy traffic and its excellent metro network mean that the city's buses and trolleybuses aren't the number one option for tourists.

Where to stay

Moscow has a wide range of accommodation: find the perfect district for you and book hotels, hostels and apartments at the best possible price.

bus travel guide

Moscow Metro: The Complete Guide

The Moscow Metro is busy, but easy to use

Robert Schrader

With nearly 7 million riders per day on its 16 lines, the Moscow Metro is the sixth-busiest metro system in the world as of March 2019. Riding the Moscow Metro, however, does not need to be a stressful experience. In fact, it's by far the easiest and most enjoyable way to get around Moscow, especially since many Moscow Metro stations are veritable works of art. Our guide to the public transportation will teach you how to ride the Metro and more.

How to Ride the Moscow Metro

Here is some essential practical information you need to know to easily and seamlessly ride the Moscow Metro.

  • Fares: Moscow Metro fares start at 55 rubles for a one-way ticket, which is good for five days after purchase. You'll pay more if your journey takes you outside of the central Moscow zones of A and B, though this is not the case for most tourists.
  • How to Pay: Cash is the only way to buy a one-way ticket. However, if you have Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, you can tap your phone directly at the ticket gate and enter using NFC technology. You can also use both mobile payments and credit cards to top-up your reloadable Troika card.
  • Routes and Hours: The Moscow Metro has 13 lines that snake and criss-cross the city, plus outer and inner loop lines that string them together, as well as a monorail. The Moscow Metro is open from approximately 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., and trains run with a frequency that can range between 1 and 7 minutes.
  • Service Alerts: Download the official MosMetro app on the AppStore or Google Play .
  • Transfers: Regardless of how you pay to enter the Moscow Metro, you can transfer to any of the core lines plus the Moscow Monorail without passing through an additional ticket gate. If you wish to transfer to bus lines, airport trains or other rail services, paying with Troika or your mobile device might be more convenient.
  • Accessibility: Although Moscow Metro is impressive and modern in many ways, it is not very accessible . Visitors who use wheelchairs should try to avoid the subway and take aboveground transportation instead.

Beautiful Moscow Metro Stations

The Moscow Metro has achieved internet notoriety — and not just because of how busy it is. Several Moscow Metro stations are distractingly beautiful, including:

  • Aviamotornaya: Brilliant gold themed to the flight of Icarus.
  • Komsomolskaya: Bright yellow ceilings and murals chronicling Russia's journey to independence.
  • Mayakovskaya: Art Deco, featuring mosaic ceilings and pink marble floor
  • Park Pobedy: Modern station (built in 2003) with colorful murals; one of the deepest metro stations in the world (276 feet below ground!).
  • Ploschad Revolutsii: Constructed in 1938 at the height of Soviet pride, this station is home to bronze statues that locals still rub for good luck.

Although it's technically legal to take pictures within the Moscow Metro, guards might approach you if you spend too long photographing a particular station, or use professional equipment like a tripod. Be as discreet as possible to avoid an uncomfortable confrontation!

Other Moscow Public Transit

In addition to the (mostly) subterranean transport offered by the Moscow Metro, Russia's capital is home to a number of aboveground transport options. This includes a large network of buses, as well as trams and "trolley buses." While these are all cheaper than the Moscow Metro, they also require some command of Russian to use; the ordinary buses are also subject to sitting in Moscow's terrible traffic.

In terms of payment, your Moscow Metro ticket isn't valid for transit to any other form of transit, though a Troika card will allow you to do so seamlessly. Likewise, while the various Aeroexpress trains (between Sheremetyevo Airport and Belorussky Station, Domodedovo Airport and Paveletsky Station and between Vnukovo Airport and Kievsky Station) feature modern vehicles and offer fast, reliable connections to Moscow's major airports, these lines are not considered to be part of the Moscow Metro system.

As noted earlier, the Moscow Metro is technically organized by "Zone," with the center of Moscow being occupied by the "A" and "B" zone. Again, you shouldn't worry too much about this. If you're hanging out in the parts of the city, you probably speak enough Russian to be able to ask a local for advice!

Taxis and Ride Sharing Apps

The bad news? It is exceedingly unlikely that a taxi drive in Moscow will speak English. The good news? Uber works in Moscow as of March 2019, which means that if you have the app installed on your smartphone (and a Russian SIM card, which you can pick up at Moscow Airport), your next Moscow ride is basically a matter of plug-and-play.

Russia also has a number of homegrown ride sharing apps, though these aren't as ubiquitous as Uber — they also don't have good English-language interfaces. If you're interested in learning more about them, in any case, be sure to visit the websites of InDriver or Taxi Maxim . Keep in mind that many of these applications require Russian credit cards, or a Russian bank account to pay for rides.

Security-wise, the technological aspect of using ride sharing apps in Russia makes them relatively safe. On the other hand, taxis have a dodgy reputation at best. If you do end up needing to take a taxi in Moscow, make sure to use a registered car. The ones waiting at the airport stands are generally legitimate; within the city limits, try and have your hotel call a taxi to be safe.

Renting a Car in Moscow

Traffic in Moscow is reliably awful, to say nothing of how difficult navigating the city's serpentine network of ring roads and one-way streets can be. However, if you do want to rent a car in Moscow (or in Russia, more generally) there are some facts you should keep in mind.

Documentation wise, it's not officially necessary to carry an International Driving Permit (IDP) — your US driver's license will work, at least if you plan to drive in Russia for less than six months. However, it might serve you well to get an IDP (you can apply at your local AAA office) for peace of mind. In Russia as in the US, you drive on the right side of the road; gas costs about 40 rubles per liter, or about $2.40 per gallon.

Another potential downfall of renting a car of Russia is the threat of interactions with Russian traffic police. While this doesn't put you in any mortal danger, there is a chance you'll have to bribe your way out of any confrontation, which outside the center of Moscow or other Russian cities will almost certainly necessitate some Russian language or body language skills.

Tips for Getting Around Moscow

Regardless of whether you take the Moscow Metro or any of the other transportation options listed here, these general tips for getting around Moscow will serve you well:

  • Moscow's city center is very walkable. Unless you're visiting on a bitterly cold day during the middle of winter, many of Moscow's attractions are close enough together that you could walk. For example, you can easily walk from Red Square to Gorky Park, Bolshoy Theatre , Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts , the Kremlin or simply along the Moskva River.
  • All roads lead to Red Square. Although Moscow is not a grid-pattern city, it is relatively organized. The majority of major roads start and end at Red Square; the rest are circular ones that connect the "spokes" from Red Square. With this basic idea in mind, it's pretty difficult to get lost in Moscow!
  • Moscow's awful traffic means that rail is usually the quickest option. Even if the physical distance between two places is shorter by car, traveling via the Moscow Metro is probably going to be quicker.
  • English signage in Moscow has greatly improved over the years. On the other hand, familiarizing yourself with the Cyrillic alphabet before your trip to Russia probably wouldn't be a bad idea. If you need to push someone out of the way (spoiler alert: you probably will!), say izvineetye (sorry) to excuse yourself.
  • Petty theft is common, especially during rush hour. Wear your backpack in front of your body, and don't keep large amounts of cash (or your smartphone!) in your back pocket. Hide any conspicuous signs of wealth to avoid being a target!

The Moscow Metro is easy to use—once you get the hang of it. After all, more than two billion trips take place across its rails every year. If it were difficult, this simply wouldn't be possible! Want to learn more about things to do in Moscow? Make sure to check out this guide to Red Square , which is both the geographical and cultural heart of Moscow (and arguably Russia).

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bus travel guide

Highway Bus Guide from Sapporo Station: Bus Stop Locations and Ticket Reservations

Highway express buses are a great way to get around Hokkaido. While central Sapporo is home to two main bus terminals, since October 2023, the Sapporo Station Bus Terminal has been closed for renovations related to the Shinkansen bullet train extension. Various bus stops have relocated to temporary locations nearby. So for smoother travels, you'll want to confirm the exact location of your bus stop and plan how you will get there well in advance. Here, a local Hokkaido writer will introduce the bus services and stop locations bound for popular tourist destinations, along with valuable tips to help you make the most of your travels.

Why Choose an Express Bus to Get Around Hokkaido?

Sapporo station bus stop overview, bus services to destinations outside sapporo, buses to popular tourist destinations, buses to popular hot spring destinations, buses to new chitose airport, take the highway bus from sapporo station for a comfortable journey.

Image: PIXTA

1. Low Prices   Compared to air and rail travel, the best thing about express buses is their cost-effectiveness as the most affordable way to travel. Bus terminals are also typically located in central locations, meaning that if you’re staying in the city, you’ll likely save even more on transportation costs after you’ve arrived, too. 2. Frequent Departures There are also usually way more express buses running between cities than air or rail services. Running from early morning to late evening, you can easily select a departure time that best fits your schedule. Night buses are also available between major cities like Hakodate and Kushiro , making it incredibly convenient for travelers who want to reserve their daytime for sightseeing. 3. Comfortable Rides Large luggage, such as suitcases and carry-ons, can be stored in the bus’s luggage compartment, allowing you to enjoy the ride without worrying about your belongings. Buses also usually feature reclining seats and free Wi-Fi, so you can spend your ride relaxing while taking in the scenery outside or looking up more tourist information. For longer trips to places like Hakodate , some buses offer three rows of single-seaters for extra comfort and privacy, free from the concerns of neighboring passengers.

  • Buses typically depart promptly, as scheduled. Because most will take off without a final confirmation check, we recommend boarding well in advance. This also applies to any interim stops, so be sure to note the exact time the bus is scheduled to depart.
  • Also, be aware that while the express bus schedule serves as a guide, delays may occur due to weather, traffic, or other factors, especially in Hokkaido, where heavy snowfall can occasionally block expressways in the winter.

There are six bus companies clustered around Sapporo Station. However, due to the terminal closure (scheduled until until 2028), the bus stops are temporarily scattered around a wide area from Nishi 1-chome to Nishi 4-chome in the east-west direction, and Kita 3-jo to Kita 7-jo across the JR station from north to south. So be prepared for some potential extensive walking, especially if you're unfamiliar with your bus stop location.

  • The largest concentration of express bus stops is along Nishi 4-chome. Buses bound for hot spring resorts are located on the east side at Nishi 1-chome.

Locations of Major Bus Companies and Ticket Counters

Locations of Major Bus Companies and Ticket Counters

1. Hokkaido Chuo Bus

In addition to airport shuttle buses to and from New Chitose Airport , Hokkaido Chuo Bus operates the largest number of routes, with 10 requiring reservations (8 to and from Sapporo ) and 15 that don’t. Their buses are recognizable by their red and white colors, with ticket counters and bus stops similarly marked in red. The ticket counter is located near the West Exit of the Nippon Seimei Building.

bus travel guide

Timetables and boarding locations for each route are posted together on the wall of the ticket counter, ensuring ease of navigation despite the numerous routes in operation. Opposite the counter and bus stop is the Red Brick Government Office*, making it a worthwhile sightseeing stop for those with time to spare. (*Due to ongoing renovations in 2024, there is a temporary facility open to the public.)

bus travel guide

2. Jotetsu Bus

Jotetsu Bus operates the Kappa Liner express bus to Jozankei. The ticket counter is located at the Sapporo Station South Exit Station Square, south of the station's east concourse exit.

3. Hokkaido Bus

Hokkaido Bus operates express buses from Sapporo to Hakodate , Kushiro , Obihiro , and Kitami, as well as night buses. Tickets are only available by reservation online or by phone, so there is no designated ticket counter.

Buses from Sapporo to Otaru

Buses from Sapporo to Otaru

Buses from Sapporo to Niseko

Buses from Sapporo to Niseko

Buses from Sapporo to Asahikawa

Buses from Sapporo to Asahikawa

Buses from Sapporo to Furano

Buses from Sapporo to Furano

Buses from Sapporo to Hakodate

Buses from Sapporo to Hakodate

Bus from Sapporo to Noboribetsu Onsen

Bus from Sapporo to Noboribetsu Onsen

  • Address Noboribetsuonsencho, Noboribetsu-shi, Hokkaido, 059-0551 View Map
  • Nearest Station Tomiura Station (Muroran Main Line)
  • Phone Number 0143-84-3311

Bus from Sapporo to Jozankei Onsen

Bus from Sapporo to Jozankei Onsen

  • Address Sadayamakei Onsen, Minami-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 061-2302 View Map
  • Nearest Station Sapporo Station (Hakodate Main Line) 65 minutes by bus
  • Phone Number 011-598-2012

Buses to New Chitose Airport

  • Address 987-22, Bibi, Chitose-shi, Hokkaido, 066-0012 View Map
  • Nearest Station New Chitose Airport Station (Chitose Line)
  • Phone Number 0123-23-0111

Q: Where can I wait for the bus in inclement weather?

Q: Where can I wait for the bus in inclement weather?

There are public benches and open seating spaces available in the underpasses around Sapporo Station. Some are equipped with digital signage displaying timetables and information maps for checking bus schedules and boarding locations. Near the Intercity Express Bus Terminal, you'll find benches and open spaces at the Sapporo Ekimae-dori Underground Passageway (Chi-Ka-Ho). Particularly convenient are the open spaces in front of the Nippon Seimei Sapporo Building near Exit 2 and in front of Akarenga Terrace near Exit 4. Closest to the Donan Bus and Jotetsu Bus stops are the benches on the concourse of the Toho Subway Line, located near Exit 20 and 23.

Q: What if I need to use the bathroom while waiting for the bus?

Public restrooms are available at Sapporo Subway Station (Namboku and Toho lines) and in the Chi-Ka-Ho. Nearby commercial facilities may also offer restrooms, although availability may be limited. Long-distance intercity buses have restrooms on board, however, so if your departure time is approaching, we recommend waiting until after you board the bus.

As you can see, there are a number of bus stops now scattered all around Sapporo Station. To get around more comfortably, we recommend checking your designated bus stop well in advance. Sapporo features an extensive network of underground passageways, allowing you to get around safely even during winter or inclement weather. And for an even smoother trip, be sure to familiarize yourself with the nearest passageway entrances, too!

bus travel guide

Written by:

Minna no Kotoba Sha

Minna no Kotoba Sha

Minna no Kotoba Sha is a production company founded by an editor with extensive experience in editing local magazines in Sapporo. For over 20 years, our team has conducted research and written articles across Hokkaido, with Sapporo as our primary hub. Our diverse portfolio includes the production of various books such as travel guides, informational magazines, and collections showcasing the picturesque landscapes of Hokkaido. Comprised entirely of women, the team at Minna no Kotoba Sha boasts diverse interests, including a passion for travel, culinary delights, and alcoholic beverages. The scope of our communication efforts spans a wide range, covering everything from introducing notable restaurants to providing coverage of local events and sharing stories of leisure experiences.

bus travel guide

  • Area Sapporo / Chitose
  • Category Other Sightseeing
  • How To: Transportation

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  • 1 Understand
  • 3 Travel speed
  • 4 Eat and drink
  • 7.1 Americas
  • 8 Related itineraries
  • 9 Stay safe

All continents, including Antarctica, have some sort of bus travel and unless government regulations or geography prohibit it, you can find some – at least nominal – bus service almost anywhere you go. While comfort and prices range wildly, from the infamous chicken buses, the engines of which may or may not survive the next steep ascent, to luxury buses in countries such as Saudi Arabia, buses are usually the cheapest option at least on short distances.

bus travel guide

Contrary to rail, which is usually organized at the national level, it is often easy for anyone to start a bus company. Where regulation is absent or moderate, there will thus be many independent firms, not always coordinating very well. You often have to check the connections locally.

There may also be a few dominating companies. National monopolies or cartels are rare, but in some countries government regulation sets (usually rather low) prices and/or pays subsidies, thus establishing a quite stable market. Still competition often varies from route to route. You will not have much trouble finding a company that goes from Washington DC to New York City, but a trip from Herzogenaurach to Regensburg may only be offered by a single company or none at all as a direct route.

Some main categories of buses are:

  • Public transportation : Part of the national or local government system for public transportation; often integrated with urban rail services (such as tram or metro), in some cases with a transferable ticket system. These buses are usually cheaper and have a wider network than any other option, but might also be uncomfortable and overcrowded, with a risk of crime . The driver might only speak the local language.
  • Independent coach lines: Typically intercity buses (such as intercity buses in Europe and inter-city buses in the USA ), airport coaches, etc. Comfort and service level vary a lot; you usually get what you pay for.
  • Tour buses : Catering to tourists, with tour guides speaking various languages. Can have a hop-on-hop-off scheme. Might be a costly way to get around at full price; special offers are usually common.
  • Sponsored shuttle buses: Buses to suburban shopping malls, ferries , etc, on a limited route and schedule. Might give free rides to the public, or only to patrons of the service provider.
  • Chartered buses: Rented by a travel agent , or a travel group .

Depending on the line, tickets may have to be bought in advance, paid to the driver or paid to a separate conductor. On some lines it is possible to reserve seats.

Something being announced as a bus route does not necessarily mean you will ride a bus. In some regions you may end up in a lorry and where passenger volumes are small you might have to board what looks like a taxi. Also, bus stops are not always well marked or marked at all.

bus travel guide

Bus operators have different attitudes towards standing passengers. While it is par for the course on chicken buses , laws and regulations in other places may require not only sitting down but buckling up. In some countries a few buses at the lower end of the price scale may transport standing passengers even over long distances, but the "first class" buses on major routes may not even fill all seats or seat less than the standard 2 + 2 (two left and right of the aisle).

For long bus rides you may want to have a bottle of water , something to eat (eating not allowed in all buses, though), something to read and perhaps something to lean your head against if getting tired. A map and guidebook, with which to keep track of what you see, is also good to have. On some lines there are newspapers, coffee and snacks available. If you are prone to get carsick, avoid seats in the rear end, try to get a seat with a good view, avoid reading or looking at your tablet for longer moments, and have a plastic bag handy. If you are travelling with children , having food, entertainment, paper towels etc. may be crucial. Unless there is a functional toilet , you should use the breaks (but do not miss the bus). If you aren't getting off at the very last stop, it is usually a good idea to try and tell other people on the bus, especially the driver or conductor, where you have to get off. In many instances, stops are "on demand" only or in non-obvious places and you may only recognize the landmarks of the city you want to go to when the bus is already pulling out of the station.

Capacity for luggage varies. On some buses you will want or have to have your bags on your lap, in some there is an overhead rack for smaller bags, in some there is a luggage compartment below or behind the passenger compartment, in some the luggage is fastened on the roof. You may want to have your most important belongings in bags small enough to keep with you even in a crowded bus.

Travel speed

bus travel guide

Almost all buses are designed for top speeds no higher than 110 km/h, some don't even reach 80 km/h. In some countries, e.g. Germany, this is enshrined in laws and thus technical developments in favor of higher speeds are unlikely. This means in practice that, all else being equal, trains are faster than buses almost everywhere where railways are up to a 21st century standard. (However, bus departures may be more frequent and have more convenient stops). In low income countries some buses are even slower and the ubiquitous former US school buses sometimes have trouble getting up hills. Still, bus drivers – especially those of "minibuses" – are notorious for driving aggressively, even if that might seem "suicidal" to outsiders. Be assured that especially when there has been a delay and time has to be made up, the driver will do anything in their power to get the lost time back. Another factor often limiting travel speed is the state of the roads. Sure, the Caribbean Coast is only a few hundred kilometers from Managua , but the roads are often nothing more than a small stretch of dirt that has been (mostly) cleared of trees and undergrowth and even at the maximum speed the bus will do on such routes you can easily spend a day or more on the road. If you take a ride such as these, you will surely have a tale to tell, but you might want to reconsider taking a bush plane on the way back, especially if the bus does not in fact make it and you have to be picked up by the next one.

Eat and drink

While some bus companies have perfected "at your seat service" to an art form, and others have roving vendors for everything portable, buses in other regions may offer a limited selection only or nothing at all. Bringing your own is always a good idea, especially on long routes. This is also true if the bus makes scheduled "lunch breaks", as those are often at overpriced venues exploiting a captive market. Don't get yourself into a situation where you have to spend $20 on a two-day-old sandwich or go hungry for the next eight hours. Choose food that won't make a mess and won't fill the cabin with an odour. Read up about the bus company you're travelling with to learn about the services they provide, if any.

In some regions one is always supposed to share ones food or snacks with those nearby, at least among the ones sharing a bench. It is generally polite to accept a small amount of what you're offered, even if you don't really want it.

A long bumpy bus ride is often the ideal way to meet locals and strike up conversations with "real" people. Except tour buses and other services which cater to an international crowd, language barriers can be expected (do not forget to bring a phrasebook ).

bus travel guide

Sleeping restfully on buses can be difficult – it's easy to end up exhausted after an overnight bus from one city to another. But if you can master it, it's a way to both save money on lodging for a night and also use your waking hours to enjoy your destination instead of spending them on transportation. A few recommendations:

  • Sleeping is easier on a route without too many stops. If the bus is stopping in lots of towns along the way, you'll likely be woken up by lights turning on, people moving around, and the bus starting and stopping when it gets close to a station.
  • Some buses have seats that recline very far to make for a more comfortable place to sleep; others just recline a little or not at all. When you buy your ticket, the company may let you choose a seat that reclines further and has more legroom, for a higher price of course. A few buses even have actual bunks on board!
  • Neck pillows. Some people swear by them; others can't find a way to make themselves comfortable with one. It's worth trying one out to see if you like it. Neck pillow connoisseurs say the material makes a big difference—you'll have to decide for yourself. Of course a real pillow is an option too; it's awfully bulky, but you'll see people using one on some overnight buses.
  • You might consider a sleep mask and earplugs to avoid being woken up by movement or lights turning on...though on the other hand, sometimes the lights are being turned on for a reason that you might want to wake up for, such as getting close to your stop or the conductor checking tickets.
  • Wear layers—if the air conditioning is on too high or nonexistent, you'll sleep better if you can control your temperature a little more. Some passengers bring a blanket, which both keeps you warm and also makes it feel a little more like you're in bed.
  • The day before your overnight bus, practice good habits to help you sleep: do some physical activity so you'll be tired, avoid caffeine in the late afternoon, and eat a filling dinner so you're not trying to fall asleep on an empty stomach. Hopefully this will help balance out the other aspects of the situation that are less conducive to sleep.
  • Brush your teeth at the bus station bathroom before getting on. Not only is it good hygiene, it'll make it feel like bedtime. And there's no need to be self-conscious about it—you may even see other people brushing their teeth too. Some large bus stations even have showers available.
  • Secure valuables and arrange your stuff so that it's difficult to steal without waking you up, for instance by wrapping the strap of your bag around your arm.
  • If your stop isn't the last one, it's wise to set an alarm on your phone to make sure you don't miss it. But turn it off as soon as you're awake, and don't irritate the other passengers by hitting snooze!
  • And finally: like anything, sleeping on a bus does get easier with practice.

Though not as common as sleeper trains , buses specifically designed for sleeping passengers do exist in some parts of the world. These range from seats that recline extra-far to honest-to-goodness bunks with pillows and blankets. These are often more expensive than a "regular" bus. If you find the increased comfort worth the price difference, by all means go for it.

Bus travel by region

bus travel guide

Wikivoyage has guides on bus travel in some countries where this phenomenon is either widespread or rather new. If you know about a country Wikivoyage should cover but does not, please plunge forward and create the article. For many countries the issue is more briefly handled in the "Get around" sections.

  • Long-distance bus travel in the United States – not the fastest nor glamorous but sometimes the least expensive, sometimes the only way to get around the United States without a car
  • Bus travel in Mexico – became the most important mode of travel for the rich and the poor alike when internal air travel was dominated by a state monopoly and therefore very expensive and rail travel entered a terminal decline ending in only two tourist lines open to passengers today. A bus ride with some companies in Mexico rivals flying business class on a plane.
  • Chicken bus – the backbone of public transport in e.g. Central America
  • Intercity buses in Germany – virtually illegal prior to 2010, this market is rather new and volatile
  • Intercity buses in France – partially modeled after the German situation, the market is still quite young
  • Bus travel in the United Kingdom
  • Rail and bus travel in Sweden – dealing with rail travel as well
  • Marshrutka – common in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.
  • Bus travel in former Yugoslavia – often the only feasible way to get around without a car
  • Bus travel in Japan – yes, Japan is famous for the Shinkansen (and rightly so), but if you are travelling on the cheap or want to go to places where no train goes, the bus is your mode of choice
  • Bus travel in Israel – the most important mode of transport in the country
  • Bus travel in the Philippines – While planes are faster and safer, hassles with security and frequent delays make buses a cheap and popular way to travel between cities and large towns, especially on the large islands.

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  • Colombia to Patagonia overland

In general, buses are less safe and more prone to accidents than trains, although safer than cars. Buckle up where seat belts are available. They may be mandatory.

City buses are a high-risk area for pickpockets , who can take advantage of packed crowds, noise, and travellers' confusion. Long-distance buses tend to be safer in this regard, as they are usually less packed and fewer people wander on and off the bus in a short time, but still keep an eye on your luggage.

Night buses are likely to be less safe than day buses – this goes for long-distance buses as well as city buses.

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【10% OFF】How to Get from Busan to Seoul: Timetable & Ticket Fare

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June 27, 2024

Busan to Seoul

Planning to travel from Busan to Seoul? 👀This article offers the detailed guide to how to get from Busan to Seoul, including KTX Busan to Seoul, flight, and bus. Check to timetable and ticket fare for all transport options and start your trip now!🥳

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How to get from from Busan to Seoul

How to get from from Busan to Seoul

There are several transportation options to travel from Busan to Seoul, including KTX trains, bus, and flight. Here's a overview of each option:

*The price varies depending on the exchange rate and date.

KTX from Busan to Seoul: Schedule & Ticket Fare

KTX from Busan to Seoul: Schedule & Ticket Fare

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Flight from Busan to Seoul: Timetable & Ticket Fare

Flight from Busan to Seoul: Timetable & Ticket Fare

Taking flights from Busan to Seoul generally takes 1 hour, with the price more expensive than taking KTX bullet trains. Check the schedule and ticket fare for flights from Seoul to Busan to learn more!

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Air Busan

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on

Grab Cheap Flight from Busan to Seoul

Grab Cheap Flight from Busan to Seoul

If you are going to fly from Busan to Seoul. We have listed cheap flight tickets below for your reference. Buy cheap flights from Busan to Seoul to strat your journey now!

Bus from Busan to Seoul

Buses from Busan to Seoul are a popular mode of transportation for people traveling between these two major cities in South Korea. Taking bus from Busan to Seoul typically takes around 4 to 5 hours. Here are some key points about the bus service from Busan to Seoul:

Best Things to Do in Seoul

Best Things to Do in Seoul

1. N Seoul Tower

N Seoul Tower

N Seoul Tower, also known as Namsan Tower or Seoul Tower, is a communication and observation tower located on Namsan Mountain in central Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Seoul, offering panoramic views of the city from its observation deck. The tower is 236.7 meters high and was first established in 1969 as a broadcast tower.

2. Namsan Mountain Park

Namsan Mountain Park

Namsan Mountain Park, also known as Namsan Park, is a beautiful public park located in central Seoul, South Korea. It is situated on Namsan Mountain and is renowned for its panoramic views of Seoul's cityscape. The park is home to numerous attractions including N Seoul Tower, a botanical garden, hiking trails, and historical landmarks like the ancient city wall.

3. Myeong-dong


Myeong-dong is a vibrant shopping district located in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the busiest areas in the city, renowned for its wide range of shopping and dining options. The area is particularly famous for its street food, cosmetics shops, and fashion boutiques.

4. Gyeongbokgung Palace

Gyeongbokgung Palace

Gyeongbokgung Palace is a grand and historically significant palace located in Seoul, South Korea. It was built in 1395 during the Joseon Dynasty and served as the home of Kings and the government of Joseon. The palace is renowned for its beautiful architecture and large premises, which include several buildings, gardens, and courtyards.

5. Bukchon Hanok Village

Bukchon Hanok Village

Bukchon Hanok Village is a traditional Korean village located in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. It is home to hundreds of traditional houses, known as 'hanok', that date back to the Joseon Dynasty. The village is a popular tourist destination as it offers a unique opportunity to immerse in traditional Korean culture and lifestyle.

6. Myeongdong Nanta

Myeongdong Nanta

Myeongdong Nanta is a popular theatrical performance in Seoul, South Korea. It is a non-verbal comedy show that incorporates traditional Korean samul nori rhythm. The performers use a variety of kitchen items such as pots, pans, and knives as their musical instruments.

Easy to travel from Busan to Seoul

Easy to travel from Busan to Seoul

This article offers three ways to get from Busan to Seoul: by train, bus, or plane, each with its own pros and cons. However, if you're unsure about how to choose, consider KTX bullet trains. It's a great way to immerse yourself in Korean culture and enjoy the country's landscapes.

So why wait? Grab a special 10% discountI and buy your KTX Busan to Seoul train tickets now!

FAQs about KTX Busan to Seoul

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  • Seoul to Busan
  • 1. How to get from from Busan to Seoul
  • 2. KTX from Busan to Seoul: Schedule & Ticket Fare
  • 3. KTX from Busan to Seoul Discount
  • 4. Flight from Busan to Seoul: Timetable & Ticket Fare
  • 5. Grab Cheap Flight from Busan to Seoul
  • 6. Bus from Busan to Seoul
  • 7. Best Things to Do in Seoul
  • 8. Easy to travel from Busan to Seoul

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20+ Things to Know Before You Travel By Bus in the USA

February 21, 2018 by Karen Turner 10 Comments

I have many talents, but driving is not one of them. I’ve never been given a driver’s license, so I’ve been forced to travel by bus in the USA. Although it’s maybe not “cool” to travel by buses around the United States, taking Greyhound buses and Megabus is often a good cheap way to travel around the USA.

Keep reading for my recommendations for the bus companies in the United States, reviews of different bus companies in the US, what to know about bus travel in the United States, and what to bring on long bus trips in the United States.

bus travel guide

  • 1 Should you travel by bus in the US?
  • 2.1 Greyhound
  • 2.2 Megabus
  • 2.3 BoltBus
  • 2.4.1 Other Bus companies in the United States
  • 3.0.1 The bus stations…
  • 3.0.2 Finding the bus departure place may be harder than you realize!
  • 3.0.3 You might get dropped off in the middle of nowhere
  • 3.0.4 Avoid buses that depart or arrive late at night
  • 3.0.5 Book in advance to get the best times and prices
  • 3.0.6 Not every bus still has wifi… or working plugs
  • 3.0.7 You need identification and often your bus ticket printed
  • 3.0.8 Your bus ticket is typically non-refundable and for a specific time
  • Don’t drink too many liquids
  • Set an alarm
  • One suitcase and one backpack.  Keep your valuables with you.
  • 3.0.11 Be early for the bus!
  • 4.0.1 Be sure to bring antibacterial gel
  • 4.0.2 Travel Pillow.
  • 4.0.3 Backpack that will fit your valuables, including your laptop.
  • 4.0.4 Your iPad and a season of shows lined up with some headphones.
  • 4.0.5 Snacks.
  • 4.0.6 Wear layers and bring a sweatshirt.
  • 4.0.7 A good book and a reading light.
  • 4.0.8 External Phone Battery Charger

Should you travel by bus in the US?

Yes, and no. If your trip around the United States is focused on city hopping, especially within one region (e.g. East Coast), traveling by bus in the United States is a good choice.. It’s often cheaper and easier not to have a car in big cities in the United States as parking can add up.  However, it depends a lot on the city as some cities have great public transportation system while others have terrible public transportation systems.

If you’re planning on focusing on the beautiful National Parks, you’re going to have difficulty getting around more rural areas of the US without a lot of money spent on taxis.  Some National Parks have better infrastructure in terms of getting there without a car (e.g. Yosemite), but many parks are quite rural and require extra time/money to get there without a car.  It might make sense to take a bus for some legs of your journey and do tours once you’re within a city.  This will be cheaper than all-inclusive options.

Bus travel in the United States is far more sustainable than traveling by car around the United States.  People love to write about road trips, but bus travel is way more eco-friendly!  Similarly, not everyone can afford a car or it doesn’t make sense to drive into another big city.

As a result, I think that travel by bus around the US can be a great option for those on a budget, anyone who’s into sustainable travel, and for those who don’t want to have to bother with driving in big American cities.

Bus travel in the United States is often not as advertised online in terms of wifi and on-board entertainment. Although many bus companies are interested in creating more premium experiences and improving the average bus experience, my experiences traveling by bus in the United States has been gritty and unglamorous. This has been the case for my husband too. ( What did you think you were getting when you paid $25 for a 8 hour bus across the country?)

Photo of Chicago. Read tips for surviving overnight bus rides and things to know before traveling by bus in the United States! #travel #UnitedStates #USA

Photo from Chicago, which was a 14+ hour bus ride

National bus companies in the United States

You’ll encounter a lot of bus companies in the United States although many are regional bus lines that I haven’t personally encountered. Most of the time, unless it’s a major American holiday, bus travel doesn’t require significant planning beyond a day or two in advance.  American buses tend to be cheaper if you book way in advance with a major company (e.g. Greyhound or Megabus) while regional bus rates tend to rise less closer to the dates.

Greyhound is the most ubiquitous bus company in the United States.  Among the bus companies, the opinions about Greyhound buses online  tends to be more favorable although most people I know who regularly take Greyhounds aren’t their biggest cheerleaders.  The coverage of Greyhound buses is good across the country and you can get across the United States on a Greyhound on the drop of a hat.

However, you will probably have numerous stop-offs in various cities, which can add some time.  However, it’s possible to get to Yosemite with a Greyhound, which is why if you’re traveling in the United States without a car.  It’s often best to buy Greyhound tickets at least two weeks in advance and they have special deals if you buy online.

It’s basically very hard to get a $1 fare on Megabus at this point, but you can get some good deals on Megabus if you book ahead.  I started taking Megabus when it got started.  At this point, Megabus tends to be standard and their concept is getting you there.  The demographic for Megabus is considerably younger than Greyhound and you’ll find a lot of students taking Megabus.

Megabus tend to be stricter about bag sizes although they more uniformly have working outlets on their buses.  Coverage for Megabus is best on the East Coast, Midwest, and between college towns in the United States. They also have some coverage on the West Coast.

My husband has sworn off Megabus after the wheels almost caught on fire and the driver told the passengers it wasn’t safe to continue.  He was forced to wait in the middle of nowhere waiting for a new bus to come pick them up.  A couple of other friends have similar stories although I generally take Megabus given the choice as I find people are a bit more considerate.

BoltBus is a “premium” bus company that runs on the East and West coast.  Their buses tend to be much newer and nicer than others that I’ve taken, however the routes are more limited to major cities on the coasts.  Their plugs tend to work much more reliably and recently, they started including movies in the price of the bus.

I’ve generally liked BoltBus and I wish that they would expand to more cities.  It’s my go-to choice for traveling from New York City to Washington DC.

Trailways Transportation System

Trailways is a network of 70+ regional bus companies in the United States that compromises the oldest bus network in the United States.  Their network crosses the United States and I’ve taken Trailways quite a few times.  I find their buses not as uniform as you’re likely to be switching companies as you switch state lines.  Most of my experience taking Trailways meant that I had long layovers in rural Pennsylvania at one particular transfer point.

For smaller cities with less coverage on the big names, I find that Trailways is more reliable in helping you find a route although it might add time to your journey.  It depends on the bus journey, however I find that Trailway buses tend to stop off a lot more although it makes the journey through the United States far more scenic as you’re often taking non-highway routes.

Other Bus companies in the United States

Bus traveling along highway in the United States. Must-know tips if you're considering traveling by bus in the US!

Photo by Denis Rozhnovsky/Bigstockphoto

There’s a ton more bus companies in the United States, including Vonlane (Texas), Fullington Trailways (New York/Pennsylvania), Utah Trailways (Utah), Burlington Trailways (Vermont), Jefferson Lines, Bieber Tours (Pennsylvania/New York), Barons Bus Lines (East Coast),  Adirondack Trailways (Canada/New York), RedCoach (Florida; premium bus), Capital Trailways (South/Alabama), Hoosier Transportation (Midwest/Iowa/Michigan/Kentucky), Indian Trails (Michigan), Peter Pan (East Coast), Orange Belt (California), etc. There’s a ton more.  If you’re not seeing a route to where you’re going, I recommend stopping by the bus station to see if there’s a bus heading that way on a regional line.

On the east coast and the west coast, you’ll also find Chinese bus companies that run between the Chinatowns or downtowns of major cities on the East Coast/West Coast.  The Chinese bus companies are often the cheapest option if you’re traveling to/from New York City or LA to a nearby major city.

Due to price, I often took the Chinese bus companies.  These bus rides went by without incident for me, but my cousin was stranded in the middle of nowhere after a bus broke down and the bus company wasn’t helpful at all.

Things to know about bus travel in the United States

The bus stations….

With the creation of the interstate highway system, buses in the United States stopped being as popular as they were before.  The bus infrastructure has suffered as a result.  Most bus stations tend to be on the dingier side and do not require a ticket to enter the bus station, so it’s best to be aware of your belongings.  Most bus stations in the United States tend to be located in the city center, which aren’t always in the best neighborhoods.

In the case of many of the “newer” bus lines (e.g. Megabus), their business model is about cutting out the bus station to pass on savings to consumers.  This means that their bus station may be a Walmart parking lot or simply a curb on a sidewalk.  As a result, you might be forced to wait outside for the bus and/or there may be no bus station for you to wait inside at.  Bring an umbrella if you think this might be the case.

Finding the bus departure place may be harder than you realize!

Often, bus terminals for Greyhound and other regional bus stations are well-established terminals in the city center.  However, for some of the newer bus companies, they have their buses designated in a large area.  You’re going to need an extra twenty minutes at minimum if you’re taking Megabus to find your bus if it’s departing from most major cities.

In New York, I’ve found that I need the extra time to walk past all the buses waiting to find the correct departure point. Similarly, when I took BoltBus out of DC, I had to spend a while searching for the one departing for NYC as there were more than five buses departing around the same time.

You might get dropped off in the middle of nowhere

Modern-day America has been built for cars.  For most major cities, you’ll be dropped of at the bus terminal, which can be far from the non-downtown parts of a city. I used to often take one route and the bus terminal was over three miles from the main downtown area, which can be tricky if you don’t have a car.

In one case, I was forced to take a taxi as it wasn’t possible to get from the bus terminal to my final destination (the airport) without it.  It’s good to check where the bus stop will be as you don’t want to need to take a taxi to get there.  Google Maps in my go-to source.

Avoid buses that depart or arrive late at night

Trust me on this one. A lot of cities have poor transportation after a certain hour (often eleven at night), and often bus terminals are in the heart of the city center.  Unlike European cities, many American city centers aren’t uniformly safe and I recommend using some caution if you’ll be walking around with all your valuables late at night.  Crime in America is an issue.

Book in advance to get the best times and prices

Many bus companies, especially Boltbus and Megabus, advertise low rates if you book as far in advance as possible.  I often take Megabus and wait to see when the tickets go on sale, so I can get one of the first tickets, which is typically less than $5.  If you wait too long, especially for holiday weekends, the prices will go up considerably.  That said, you’ll find a bus to your destination within a day or two if you simply head to the bus station on short notice.

Not every bus still has wifi… or working plugs

Girl sitting on a bus. Read tips for traveling without a car in the United States and what to know about bus companies in the United States.

A good playlist is always a good idea. Photo by VadimGuzhva/bigstockphoto

Although many bus companies advertise that buses have wifi, the wifi on the bus is ridiculously slow, throttled for video, and unreliable.  I’ve been on countless buses where the wifi never worked because it didn’t have wifi, the wifi was broken, or there were too many people on it at once.

It’s become trendy to have outlets, but often, the outlets are somewhere really inconvenient or they don’t work.  A lot of people think initially that they’ll work on the bus, but I find that it’s not a conducive environment for working as the seat-tray makes it hard to fit a laptop in many cases.

This becomes especially true when others decide to lean their chair back.  I’ve been on buses where the outlets were above you in the “ceiling”, so unless you spend the whole bus ride holding your plug in the outlet, you will not be charging your electronics.  Some of the newer buses have improved upon this design and have easy-to-access plugs/usb ports.

You need identification and often your bus ticket printed

Typically, any photo identification will do, however the name needs to match the ticket. That means that you typically can’t use your friend’s ticket. If you’re a foreigner, I recommend having your passport on you.

Not all bus companies allow e-tickets, so I always print my ticket ahead as finding a good place to print my ticket isn’t always easy near the bus station.  Some bus companies are better about accepting e-tickets, so check the terms to see if it’s enough to have a ticket on your phone.

The real reason that I always print my ticket?  I need to have my phone charged enough for when I arrive.  As a result, I recommend having it printed, so you don’t need to worry about having your phone charged up for the next transfer or for when I arrive at the destination, particularly if it’s a long bus ride.  I often find myself playing on my phone, which can kill the battery.

Your bus ticket is typically non-refundable and for a specific time

Unless you pay extra for a refundable ticket, you’re often getting one for a specific time. Don’t miss your bus! Some bus companies allow you to change the ticket for the difference in ticket price in addition to a fee, but I’ve actually bought a ticket in most of those cases as it was cheaper than the change fee.

Oh, the people you’ll meet!


Dr. Seuss must have taken buses around the United States. While most of my bus trips have gone by without incidence, both my husband and I have some  memorable  bus travel stories as do most of my friends. Most people sleep, stare out the window, talk to friends on the phone, or chat with friends on the bus. Let’s be clear that most people you’ll encounter on the buses will be non-offensive, but as I have regularly taken regional buses through rural areas, you’re bound to meet some characters.

This following story is from my husband who took a twenty-four hour Greyhound bus from Pennsylvania to Kentucky via Ohio…

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, many students choose to take Greyhound home because it is so cheap.  You’re  not supposed to bring alcohol on the bus, however some people do.  This student had smuggled a bottle of peach flavored vodka on the bus.  He was hell-bent on talking to every girl on the bus and switched seats countless times.  He was drinking the vodka and kept offering it to the girls.  After they all rejected it and him, he sitting up next to me. There was a girl nearby from Hawaii who was heading to a friend’s house in Iowa to celebrate Thanksgiving.  The girl and the guy hit it off and get very drunk on the bus.  They start having a big make-out session, so the whole bus was just eavesdropping while some were openly watching them.   The issue was that it was night-time and they were being loud while everyone else on the bus was trying to sleep. The first leg took us to Columbus, which is a big switching point for buses.  I was heading south from there as was the guy.  The girl was heading further west from there. We get to Columbus and they decide that they’re in love .  The girl invites him to come to Iowa with her to her friend’s house and the guy actually switches his ticket to go to Iowa.  Sure enough, they left for Iowa together to her friend’s parents house. Imagine her friend’s reaction when she shows up hungover with this random guy she met on a Greyhound.

Don’t drink too many liquids

This is a newbie bus mistake.  It’s good to stay hydrated and I typically bring at least one bottle of water for longer journeys, however I generally avoid bus bathrooms.  More importantly: Some buses, especially regional ones for shorter legs, don’t have a bathroom on the bus.  Be sure to use the bathroom at the bus terminal before you leave!

It’s not a guarantee that your bus will stop off at a bus station or rest stop long enough for you to go inside.

For longer trips, keep in mind that the bus will probably stop off at a rest stop as they’re not allowed to drive over a certain number of hours without stopping.  It’s not a guarantee for shorter journeys that the bus will stop off at a rest station long enough for you get something to eat, so bring your own food/drinks ahead.

If it looks like you’ll have fifteen minutes waiting at a station for passengers, be sure to tell the bus driver that you’ll be back to ensure that the bus doesn’t leave without you.  There’s often a line for the restroom at rest stops.

Set an alarm

Photo of man sleeping on overnight bus in the United States. Read more tips for surviving long bus trips and what to know before taking a Greyhound bus in the United States.

On long bus rides, you might fall asleep. That’s fine, however if your destination isn’t the final destination, you’ll want to set an alarm on your phone before the time that your bus is supposed to arrive.  There might be traffic, but in general, it’s a safe move.

One suitcase and one backpack.  Keep your valuables with you.

Remember that you’re NOT on a plane. Some bus companies are more lax about luggage, however if it’s a crowded bus or you’re traveling over major holiday, you might need to pay for an extra bag.  I also recommend avoiding having your stuff in bags if possible as I’ve seen people get rejected from boarding onto buses when carrying their belongings in plastic bags.

I tend to keep my valuables in my backpack rather than below the bus, especially if the bus has a lot of stop off points  I recommend labeling your bag clearly as it’s hard to find a black suitcase among 50 other black suitcases .  Weird size luggage might cause issues, so ask beforehand.

Typically at stops, people take their items from the hull, so unless you want your bag taken by mistake, it’s best to keep your valuables in your backpack with you on the bus.  I’ve never had a bag stolen or taken by mistake, but if it’s a long ride with a lot of stops, I recommend labeling your bag clearly and packing your backpack carefully.

Be early for the bus!

Although it hasn’t often happened, buses leave on time.  More often than not, they’ll wait a couple more minutes for passengers who are running a few minutes late, but I’ve seen so many people running after the bus without success.  You need time to get your luggage under the hold.  Certain bus companies, including Megabus, overbook their seats, so if you’re not there early and it’s a full bus, you might get rejected on the bus and need to wait for the next one.

What to bring on long bus trips in the United States

If you’re wondering what to pack for an overnight bus trip, I’m well-experienced in these long miserable journeys that I’ve done to save money.

Be sure to bring antibacterial gel

bus travel guide

Some bus bathrooms are best avoided.  Similarly, the soap dispenser may not work. Be sure to have your own antibacterial gel to clean your hands with, especially if you plan on eating.

Travel Pillow.

bus travel guide

This is the MOST important item that you’ll want to pack for an overnight bus trip as I struggle to sleep without a good travel pillow. I have this exact travel pillow and I love how small it folds up!

Backpack that will fit your valuables, including your laptop.

bus travel guide

I recommend looking for a carry-on friendly sized backpack that can fit your backpack as well as most of your valuables, so that they’re close to you.

Your iPad and a season of shows lined up with some headphones.

bus travel guide

This is definitely not a necessity, but if you’re going to have a lot of long bus trips, I recommend bringing an iPad , so you can watch movies on the bus.  Download your shows before you leave wifi!

bus travel guide

I recommend not buying your snacks at the bus station if possible as the prices tend to be a lot higher and the selection isn’t as good as going to the supermarket! Avoid peanuts as some people are really allergic.   I really like to carry granola bars with me as they’re hard to smoosh and non-messy.

Wear layers and bring a sweatshirt.

bus travel guide

You never know when the bus will be too warm or too cold, so I always try to bring a sweatshirt to put on over my clothes in case I get cold! I recommend dressing comfy and you’ll be sitting for many hours.

A good book and a reading light.

bus travel guide

For night buses, the driver typically shuts off the lights after a certain time. Although there’s a reading light from above, I’m often very conscious of it annoying the people around me.  Instead, I usually bring my own reading light as well as a good book.  For a good read, I recommend Night Film (which will take you many hours to finish), the Power , or On the Road for some American travel inspiration.

External Phone Battery Charger

bus travel guide

You never know when there won’t be a working charger on the bus and you might need to make a phone call. Don’t let your phone die and carry an external phone battery charger .

Have you traveled by bus in the United States? Anything you’d add?

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Considering traveling by bus in the United States? 20+ tips from an experienced American traveler on what to know about bus travel in the USA & what to pack for an overnight bus journey. #Travel #USA #UnitedStates

About Karen Turner

New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.

Reader Interactions

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February 24, 2018 at 12:47 am

Wow, I live in the US and I have never even considered bus travel (excluding taking the Megabus very occasionally from San Francisco to LA). That’s such a cool way to travel the country, and I will definitely have to consider it in the future! Thanks for sharing all these helpful tips.

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February 24, 2018 at 3:12 am

The US is so spread out that it’s difficult to see a lot of it without access to a car. Bus is often the only option for many travelers. I’ve never traveled long distance by bus in the US, but I’ve heard they’re pretty unpleasant.

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February 24, 2018 at 4:09 am

I haven’t been to the US of A but everyone has always told me that if you want to move around, you need a car. That is the only way to travel unless you consider flights which can get expensive. I was pleasantly surprised to know that the bus routes are usable.

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February 24, 2018 at 1:01 pm

Super comprehensive and useful guide! I felt I’ve learned a lot about the buses in U.S just from this post. The reading light is a great suggestion – I’m gonna consider that the next time I fret over bringing a book on trips! Same like you, I feel conscious that the overhead light will be disturbing to my neighbour 😉

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February 24, 2018 at 2:03 pm

I went to college in DC so def took the fung wa chinatown bus many times! I did have a greyhound driver once say (at a rest stop) “I dont count heads, I just count time” meaning he was rolling out at the designated time with or without you! I think now at age 40, I’ve graduated from Bus travel.

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February 24, 2018 at 2:32 pm

I’ve only ever taken the bus between NY and Baltimore (China Bus). I’m laughing at the Dr. Suess comment and the need for hand santizer!!! LOL

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September 17, 2018 at 5:18 pm

thanks so much, gonna do it now in advance! from the Uk to AmericaU here I come !!!

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May 12, 2019 at 5:00 am

Don’t use Greyhound bus.. Many of the buses are unsafe, employees for the most part are rude worst of all is the huge amount of lost luggage. Its piled in s warehouse in Dallas I think, and you will never see it again. Mine was lost last summer and none will help me get it back. Travel Greyhound at your own risk.

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May 20, 2019 at 2:37 pm

The buses are affordable but the catch is, IF YOU CANCEL YOUR TRIP, ITS ‘ZERO’ REFUND! However, they can reschedule you at no cost. So, think well and be sure before you book!!

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July 11, 2023 at 7:01 pm

Tip for sleeping on busses

If you are fortunate enough to have 2 seats to yourself push back your seat to the limit. Then leave the other seat in upright position. You can then test your Head on the other seatback. About as comfortable as it gets on a bus

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From bus services to buffets, best wallet-friendly travel ideas

10Best Editors

June 26, 2024 // By 10Best Editors

By 10Best Editors June 26, 2024

Travel doesn't have to be expensive. Some of the best attractions in the United States are completely free, and it's possible to find an inexpensive hotel room while still staying in style. Rental car? Skip it by visiting a walkable city.

To find the best wallet-friendly options, a panel of travel experts and USA TODAY 10Best editors selected their top picks in five budget travel categories, then readers voted for their favorites over four weeks — and the results are in.

Click on each category below to see the full winners list:

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Best Budget-Friendly Hotel Brand: Motel 6

Enjoy quality accommodations at an affordable price at Motel 6

Well-loved and easily recognized by those traveling the roadways of the United States, Motel 6 has made a name for itself by being clean, friendly, dependable, and most importantly, affordable. Expanded cable TV and pet-friendly rooms make this hotel a good choice for those looking to stay within their budget. Free coffee in the mornings makes getting up and going a pleasure.

Full list of winners: Best Budget-Friendly Hotel Brand »

Best Buffet Restaurant: Shady Maple Smorgasbord in East Earl, Pennsylvania

Dig in at the impressive Shady Maple Smorgasbord

Shady Maple Smorgasbord, claiming to be "the largest buffet in America," serves delectable Pennsylvania Dutch dishes in East Earl, Pennsylvania. The well-prepared comfort food is offered on a 200-foot-long smorgasbord, and the space is designed to offer a cafeteria-style ambiance. A gift shop is open to visitors, and their birthday specials are popular.

Full list of winners: Best Buffet Restaurant »

Best Bus Service: Yankee Line

Yankee Line ranks No.1 for offering the best bus service in the country

In operation for more than 45 years, Yankee Line serves the Northeast, from Boston to New York City. In addition, the company offers charter services for corporate events, school trips, and much more. Their fleet of custom-built coaches features free Wi-Fi, an onboard restroom, and power outlets.

Full list of winners: Best Bus Service »

Best Free Attraction: Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach, Florida

See sea turtles or other marine line up-close at Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Situated in Juno Beach, the Loggerhead Marinelife Center is focused on ocean and sea turtle conservation, and it’s free and open to the public each day. Since the goal is to rescue and return wildlife to their natural habitats, the number of resident sea turtles will vary when people visit. Additionally, there are plenty of other sea creatures to observe, and volunteers are helpful and willing to answer questions from visitors.

Full list of winners: Best Free Attraction »

Most Walkable City to Visit: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is declared the most walkable city to visit in the U.S. for second year in a row

Philadelphia is beloved for its cultural and historical attractions, and its walkability is appreciated by residents and visitors. Tourists would likely most enjoy strolling Center City — home to the historic Old City and gorgeous Rittenhouse Square neighborhoods.

Full list of winners: Most Walkable City to Visit »

Congratulations to all these winners! Remember to visit daily to vote in more Readers' Choice Awards.

Popular Colorado destinations served by beefed-up summer public bus service

bus travel guide

Bustang is beefing up its summer service, adding trips to several popular Colorado destinations and new coaches to meet the demand of the heavy traffic season.

Here is a look at the Colorado Department of Transportation's public bus updates.

Bustang schedules and fares can be found here .

Bustang expanding three of its most popular routes this summer, including Fort Collins

  • North Line: One additional trip between Denver and Fort Collins. Adjusted the timing on its North Line holiday and weekend schedules for added convenience.
  • West Line: Four trips between Denver and Glenwood Springs.
  • South Line: Two additional trips between Denver and Colorado Springs.

Bustang adds new coaches to its fleet

CDOT added 25 new coaches. The coaches are equipped with a restroom, bike racks, Wi-Fi, power outlets, USB ports and gear storage under the coach.

Bustang offering service to Estes Park, including stops in Boulder

The Bustang to Estes seasonal service is back this summer, making two roundtrips on Saturdays, Sunday and Labor Day between Denver Union Station, Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.

This year’s schedule includes two new stops in the Boulder area to accommodate travelers. 

Bustang offers van service to Colorado's mountains

Originating at Denver’s Union Station, the Pegasus shuttle van offers year-round daily express service to and from the mountains.

Summer promos include 25% off tickets for travel July 13–31.

 Pegasus uses the Interstate 70 Express Lanes at no additional cost.

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Niagara Falls, Washington DC, Philadelphia & Amish Country 4D/3N (from New York)

"I was blown away by the culture and nature of this part of the world. The whole trip was great." Iris, traveled in April 2019

LA to the Bay (11 Days) Tour

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"She was organized and fun and always a step ahead to ensure things ran smoothly. I'm incredibly grateful I was able to have a stress free vacation!" Kaci, traveled in October 2022
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Classic Fall Foliage Tour

Explorer Family Coach / Bus Sightseeing Historical +2

Classic Fall Foliage

"Very well organized and executed. Tour Director handled changes/issues very well." Dana, traveled in October 2022

Wonders of the American West (Classic, 10 Days) Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Coach / Bus +1

Wonders of the American West (Classic, 10 Days)

"The lodgings were fine for the type of trip. Too much time was spent at Monument Valley/Mystery valley." Douglas, traveled in May 2024

Northern California (8 Days) Tour

Northern California (8 Days)

"This was a terrific trip and I give it high marks for accommodations, meals, sights seen, and pacing." william, traveled in May 2019

Rhythms of the South (11 Days) Tour

Explorer Family Coach / Bus Historical +1

Rhythms of the South (11 Days)

"The tour was well put together, the quality of the accommodation differed at each destination." Jayne, traveled in September 2019

Scenic Parks Explorer (15 Days) Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Explorer Coach / Bus +2

Scenic Parks Explorer (15 Days)

"The route was awesome; the tour was top-notch." Lori, traveled in September 2021

Highlights of the Canyonlands Tour

Highlights of the Canyonlands

"It was a great overview of many of the Wild West's natural, fantastic features." David, traveled in April 2022

East Coast Explorer: 8-Day Group Tour of New York, Boston & Washington DC Adventure Tour

Explorer Coach / Bus Sightseeing Historical +2

East Coast Explorer: 8-Day Group Tour of New York, Boston & Washington DC Adventure

"A lot of travelling but you get to see a lot in a short amount of time." DavidStevens, traveled in June 2022

The Big Texan Adventure Tour

In-depth Cultural Active Coach / Bus +1

The Big Texan Adventure

"You won't go wrong with this tour or this company! Next year California with Travelling Tme to join others from our group...friends for life!" SheenaMunro, traveled in May 2022

Rhythms of the Road (including Hammond) Tour

Explorer Family Coach / Bus

Rhythms of the Road (including Hammond)

"The tour took us exactly where we wanted to go. It was someone else doing the organising!" James, traveled in June 2018

USA - American Getaway Tour

USA - American Getaway

"Accommodation excellent and bus very comfortable." Julie, traveled in April 2024

San Francisco & Yosemite Express 3D/2N (From Los Angeles) Tour

Active Family Coach / Bus Historical Christmas & New Year +2

San Francisco & Yosemite Express 3D/2N (From Los Angeles)

"The tour was excellent." Hana, traveled in April 2018

What people love about Coach / Bus Tours in USA

Excellent tour! Our guide, Ken Black, was the best tour guide ever. He took us to the best places, made excellent hike recommendations depending on our interests and capabilities, made sure we were safe and had fun at all times!
A hectic and fast paced trip, starting with early mornings. Loved Niagara Falls and being able to go to the Canadian side for one night (remember to apply for a Canadian Esta and bring your passport). Pennsylvania and Amish country side was a treat. Wish we had more time there. Love hearing about American history. Then Washington DC- amazing city. We disembarked after touring DC monuments and aeronautical museum and spent two more days in DC. Wharf, eateries, sights and monuments within reach.
This was an amazing tour! Emily was brilliant she had loads of recommendations in all of the places we stopped in and made sure that everything always ran smoothly! Thank you for a fab tour!

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2024 Detroit Ford Fireworks guide: How to watch, event info, parking, curfew, more

Everything you need to know about the 2024 ford fireworks.

Kayla Clarke , Senior Web Producer

DETROIT – We have everything you need to know about the 2024 Ford Fireworks.

How to watch the Ford Fireworks from home

The 66th annual Ford Fireworks are set to light up the Downtown Detroit sky on Monday, June 24. The fireworks show will be broadcast live on Local 4 and Local 4+, which is available for free, even outside the Detroit area.

Watch the 66th annual Ford Fireworks live here on Local 4+ with pre-show coverage at 8 p.m. and the fireworks show at 10 p.m.

Best Downtown Detroit viewing spots

The following locations are considered the best places to watch the Ford Fireworks in person:

  • Belle Isle (Viewing from the MacArthur Bridge is not allowed)
  • Spirit Plaza

📷 Share your photos of fireworks celebrations with us on MIPics!

Hart Plaza and Spirit Plaza are both open to the public. People are not allowed to set up or gather before 2 p.m. on June 24. The plazas will remain open until capacity is reached and there is no re-admittance into either plaza. Anyone who enters will have to undergo a security screening that will include the searching of backpacks and coolers.

What to know about the rules at Hart Plaza and Spirit Plaza:

  • No tents, alcohol, drones, pets, or contraband (weapons, knives, etc.) will be allowed.
  • Flames or fires are prohibited, and cooking is prohibited.
  • Fireworks are not allowed.
  • Reserving an area in excess of the number of people currently in the group is prohibited.

Belle Isle will be closed on Monday until 2 p.m. The island will open to vehicular traffic at 2 p.m. and remain open until capacity is reached. The island will open at 5 a.m. to pedestrians and bicyclists.

Drivers will need a Recreation Passport to enter the island. The passport is only needed for vehicles and can be purchased at the entrance for $14. The passport costs $11 for out-of-state and international visitors for the day. When capacity is reached, no other vehicles will be allowed in the park.

You can get updates on when the island is full by texting GEM to 80888.

What to know about the rules at Belle Isle:

  • Alcohol consumption is prohibited on the island.
  • No tents and canopies allowed.
  • From 2 - 4 p.m., all vehicles will be directed to the paddock area (except those with valid ADA placards)
  • RV parking will be on the paddock area near the Casino.
  • Consumer fireworks are prohibited on the island.

Detroit weather updates

The forecast for the Ford Fireworks is looking fantastic. High temperatures reach the low-to-mid 80s Monday afternoon but drop into the 70s by the time the fireworks kick off.

Click here to see the latest weather forecast.

What to know before heading downtown

Here is what you’ll want to know before you head to Downtown Detroit on Monday.

Closed locations

The following Detroit locations will be closed on Monday, June 24:

  • RiverWalk in its entirety including Milliken State Park/Harbor
  • AB Ford Park, 100 Lenox
  • Gabriel Richard Park, 7130 E. Jefferson
  • Mariner Park, 14700 Riverside Blvd.
  • Lakewood East, 14578 Riverfront Blvd.
  • Erma Henderson Park, 8800 E. Jefferson Ave.
  • Owens Park, 8430 E. Jefferson Ave.
  • Stockton Park, 9250 Dwight
  • Maheras-Gentry Park, 12550 Avondale
  • Elliott Park, 110 Mt. Elliott
  • Riverside Park

Road closures

The following traffic changes will go into effect around 6 p.m. on Monday:

  • No northbound or southbound traffic will be allowed on Woodward Avenue beginning at Park and Witherell. Motorists may cross Woodward at John R/Clifford, Grand River, and State/Gratiot.
  • All streets south of Fort and west of Woodward will be closed.
  • All streets south of Congress and east of Woodward will be closed.
  • Beginning at 6 p.m., freeways will begin to close. *

Detroit police may close freeways or surface streets earlier in the day if there is a high amount of traffic.

Where to park

The parking department will not enforce parking meters after 5 p.m. on June 24. All other parking restrictions will need to be followed.

If you violate a parking restriction you will receive a ticket and in some cases vehicles may be towed. Motorists will be ticketed for the following:

  • Improper parking (vehicles within 20 feet from crosswalk; within 15 feet from an intersection; within 30 feet of a stop sign or traffic control device; and within 15 feet of a fire hydrant)
  • Parking in front of fire hydrants and bus stops or blocking driveways and alleys.
  • Parking in designated zones, such as handicap zones (without proper credentials), fire lanes, no parking zones or no standing zones

The parking department offers parking at the following city-owned garages:

  • Ford Underground Garage at 30 East Jefferson Avenue will be open from 6 a.m. until 1 a.m. and cost $10.
  • Eastern Market Garage at 2727 Riopelle Street will be open from 6 a.m. until 11 p.m. and cost $5.

Viewing the fireworks or tailgating from any parking facility is not allowed. If you need more information you can call 313-221-2500 or go online to .

If your vehicle has been towed you’ll need to talk with a Detroit police officer to determine which company towed your vehicle.

Minor curfew in effect

Detroit will be enforcing its existing curfew for minors ages 17 and under. The curfew is in effect from 8 p.m. on June 24 until 6 a.m. on June 25 for the area bounded by the Detroit River, Rosa Parks Blvd., Lodge Freeway, Fisher Freeway, the extension of Fisher Freeway east to include Gratiot Avenue, Vernor Highway, Chene Street, Atwater Street and Chene Park.

Minors can view the fireworks from any approved public area but they must be with a parent, legal guardian, or other adult age 21 or older, if they are within the curfew boundaries. Minors are still allowed to travel to and from work, school, church, or organized activities.

Minors found to be violating the curfew will be taken to the Butzel Family Center, 7737 Kercheval and held there until a parent or guardian can pick them up. The parent or guardian will receive a “parental responsibility violation ticket.”

Lost children will be taken to the following locations:

  • Huntington Place, off Atwater Dr. in the atrium
  • Detroit Police Department 3rd Precinct, 2875 W. Grand Blvd. (313) 596-5300
  • Detroit Police Department 4th Precinct, 4700 W. Fort Street (313) 596-5400
  • Butzel Family Center, 7737 Kercheval, 628-2100

Detroit People Mover

Rides on the Detroit People Mover are completely free. The People Mover will be open for the fireworks from 7 a.m. until midnight.

Riders will want to exit at the Financial District Station for viewing at Spirit or Hart Plaza. Anyone transferring to the People Mover from the Rosa Parks Transit Center will want to board at Times Square Station.

Trains will not stop at Huntington Place and the Renaissance Center after 2 p.m. due to early closures.

You can find more information at or call 313-224-2160.

DDOT bus reminders

The following Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) bus routes will be impacted by the fireworks:

  • Grand River (#3)
  • Woodward (#4)
  • Van Dyke/Lafayette (#5)
  • Gratiot (#6)
  • Conant southbound only (#12)
  • Jefferson (#9)
  • Dexter (#16)
  • Russell (#40)
  • Chene (#52)
  • Cadillac/Harper (#67)

All DDOT routes will go to the Rosa Parks Transit Center. You can call 313-933-1300 for more information.

Copyright 2024 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Kayla clarke.

Kayla is a Web Producer for ClickOnDetroit. Before she joined the team in 2018 she worked at WILX in Lansing as a digital producer.

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Ultimate Mexico Bus Travel Guide 2024

Last Updated on April 17, 2024 by Ashlea J. Russell

bus travel guide

Wondering what it’s really like to travel by bus in Mexico?

Mexico is a big country and if you plan on leaving the tourist trail at all you’re going to be faced with an age old predicament: “That place looks amazing! But how do I get there?”.

Unless you’re planning on driving yourself around the country, there’s a good chance your travels around Mexico are going to require a bus or two.

I love to travel by bus in Mexico but it can be a daunting if you’re not sure what to expect, how it works, or if your Spanish needs improvement.

This guide will cover everything you need to know to confidently and safely explore Mexico by bus , like a pro.

Mexico Bus Travel

In many other countries, buses don’t always have the best reputation and usually aren’t a traveller’s first choice when it comes to getting around. But in Mexico, buses are the way of the people and the experience will likely surprise you .

Many other countries rely on train travel as a comfortable way to travel long distances and that used to be the case in Mexico. Since the 1800’s, passenger trains were the main way to get from place to place and beautiful, old-fashioned train stations known as ferrocarriles can still be found across the country as a reminder.

Mexico used to have an extensive train network but now it is used only for freight.

After the Mexican Revolution (1910 – 1920) the train system was underfunded and eventually passenger trains stopped running at all. The national train system was privatized and much of it was sold to US companies who now use the existing infrastructure for freight trains .

Enter, the humble bus.

Bus travel in Mexico is a must for anyone who doesn’t have an unlimited budget for private drivers or a vehicle of their own. Luckily, Mexico has one of the most extensive and affordable bus networks in the world but it can be confusing to navigate.

The standard of bus can range from rickety motion-sickness machines to incredible first-class coaches bursting with amenities . And similarly, bus stations can range from the side of a road to what resembles a modern multi-wing airport .

I know what it’s like to be intimidated by the prospect of bus travel in Mexico and now that I’m a regular passenger, my only regret is not doing it sooner .

This guide will teach you how to navigate the system , find the service that works best for you , and get you safely from A to B while enjoying the experience .

Choosing Your Bus Company

Knowing which bus company to choose in Mexico is important. Unless you’re a seriously budget-conscious traveller you’re probably going to want to opt for a first class bus so it’s key that you know which companies offer this experience.

It’s also important that you understand that there are different levels of service within the first class bus arena and I’ll cover those in the next section.

If you do happen to be one of the super budget travellers who doesn’t want to spare the extra few bucks for first class, I’ve covered your options below.

Executive & First Class Bus Companies

First class buses are the creme de la creme of bus travel in Mexico and executive class buses are the cherry on top. These are the buses travel dreams are made of.

I was absolutely floored by the quality the first time I took one of these buses in Mexico and shocked at how inexpensive this experience was.

Bus companies in Mexico are generally organized regionally and are not all available everywhere in the country. Check out my list of bus companies operating first class buses in Mexico below:

There are several first class bus companies in Mexico but in my opinion the best options are ETN and ADO.

My personal first choice for bus service in Mexico is ETN (pronounced EH-TEH-ENEY ). They offer top of the line buses and service and I’ve only had excellent experiences with them.

Another great choice is ADO (pronounced AH-DAY-OH ). ADO has been in the business since the 1950’s and has the largest bus network in all of Mexico, operating mostly from Mexico City heading south. ADO also owns many of their own stations and are a well-trusted name in the bus business.

The experience with ETN and ADO tends to be very consistent and reliable making them a favourite amongst Mexicans and visitors.

  • Several years ago ADO purchased OCC and didn’t bother rebranding it. OCC is the same service level as regular ADO first class buses and it’s not uncommon to see OCC buses at ADO stations.

ADO has the largest bus network in all of Mexico.

Second Class Bus Companies

If you’re very budget conscious you may prefer to save a few bucks by going the second class bus route. Most second class bus services in Mexico tend to be localized to specific areas but I did want to highlight a common one that you may see come up.

AV and Cristobal Colon are owned by ADO and they are second class services , also known as económico or “economy”. When you are looking for ADO buses in Mexico you may come across these names and it’s important to note that they are not first class buses .

  • Before you decide which bus service you’d like to take in Mexico make sure you check out the differences in the next section.

Choosing Your Bus Service

Buses in Mexico come in a few different service levels which I like to break down into second class and first class and above .

Unless you have a seriously tight budget, I recommend that everyone visiting Mexico opt for first class buses or higher (when possible).

bus travel guide

First Class & Above

The quality of service on first buses in Mexico varies company by company but the bottom line standard remains roughly the same.

With some of the smaller regional companies the buses will likely be older , and top of the line companies like ETN and ADO run a newer , more polished fleet . Wherever they fall on the scale, first class buses are always the best value for money in my opinion.

ETN is my first choice for bus travel in Mexico.

The cost to upgrade from second class would be considered fairly negligible to most people and the difference in service is notable as first class buses are safer , faster , and more comfortable .

First class buses are also the most direct bus services to get from point to point in Mexico. This is important for two main reasons:

1. Fewer stops mean faster travel .

2. Buses that only stop at official stations or don’t stop at all are significantly safer .

In terms of comfort first class buses also have a lot to offer. At a minimum first class buses feature:

If you decide to take it one step further and opt for a luxury or executive class bus, in addition to the above you can also enjoy amenities such as:

  • Even Larger Seats
  • Even More Legroom
  • Individually Controlled Air-Conditioning Vents
  • Seat Reservations
  • Individual Seats (1-2 Configuration)
  • Male/Female Bathrooms
  • At-Seat Charging Outlets
  • Onboard Cafeteria
  • Complimentary Beverage
  • Onboard WiFi
  • Pillows & Blankets
  • Seatback Entertainment
  • Folding Table
  • In Station Lounge Access (Where Available)

Many of the bus company websites have a page that will show examples of their fleet and what to expect from each service. You can find these on their individual websites, usually on pages marked Servicios “services” or Marcas “brands”.

As ADO has the largest network of buses, I’ve included a pocket cheatsheet of each of their service levels below for you to screenshot or save for later.

bus travel guide

Second Class

Second class buses in Mexico are definitely not of the same standard as first class and what you actually get is luck of the draw.

While they are cheaper than first class buses they usually don’t offer much of a savings and the value for money is much lower which is why I always recommend springing for first class.

Just so you have the full picture, here are a few things you should expect to find on second class buses in Mexico, should you choose this option:

  • Small Seats
  • Limited Legroom
  • Non-Reclining Seat
  • No Air-Conditioning
  • No Seat Reservations
  • Over-Selling/People Standing In The Aisles
  • A Bumpy Ride/Motion Sickness
  • More Stops/Longer Journey
  • Separate, Smaller Stations/No Station
  • Old Vehicles

Sometimes taking a second class bus is unavoidable in Mexico but if you have the option, especially on journeys longer than an hour , you should take the opportunity to upgrade to first class or higher.

If you do have to take a second class bus aim for the most direct option possible. ADO offers second class services called AV and Cristobal Colon which they call directo economico “direct economy”. This means they make a lot fewer stops which is a very important feature.

Not only do fewer stops mean a faster journey, they also mean a safer one. If you’ve ever heard about robberies on buses in Mexico, this is usually in reference to second class services.

Buses that stop along the road to pick up passengers should always be avoided , especially when travelling long distances or across state lines .

These passengers are able to board without security checks and while not everyone is dangerous, this is a common way for people to rob bus passengers.

The bus will stop somewhere very rural and someone or a team will board the bus and take all the phones, valuables and money from everyone on board.

An easy way to mitigate this potential danger is to choose direct bus routes that only make scheduled stops at official stations. In other words, choose a first class bus!

First class bus travel in Mexico is spacious and comfortable, but executive buses are like flying business.

Choosing Your Bus Station

The most important thing to consider when choosing your bus station in Mexico is that you’re actually looking at the right one!

All too often, people will show up at a bus station for their bus and realize they’re in the wrong place and we don’t want that to be you.

The first thing you need to understand is that there may be multiple bus stations in any given area of Mexico. Even small towns may have two or three bus stations!

Generally speaking, second class buses in Mexico will depart from a separate bus station . These stations are normally smaller and more basic, often in less central locations.

Bus stations in Mexico can feel more like airports in the larger cities.

First class buses usually depart from the central bus stations and if you’re travelling with ADO, they often have their own branded bus stations .

Pay close attention to the names of the stations . When you enter the location name into a booking website it will show you buses for that whole location . In the case of Mexico City, this means you could get results for four different bus terminals .

I always recommend Googling the bus station options that are presented to you to see how convenient they are for you before choosing. You may see a bus that has great timing but it drops you off at the airport, 40 minutes from your hotel.

Work smarter, not harder!

Facilities At Bus Stations

Bus stations in Mexico can range from a small shelter on the side of the road to something that closer resembles an airport.

Buses are the most popular way for people to travel around Mexico so it makes sense that many of the bus stations would be built to handle volume. I was recently at Querétaro bus station and it was enormous and made up of 4 large buildings.

Here’s an idea of the sort of facilities and amenities you may find at bus stations in Mexico:

Every bus station is different and they will not all offer everything listed above. At the very least you’ll get ticket vendors, a waiting room and a washroom.

Authorized Taxis

Many bus stations in Mexico offer an authorized taxi service similar to what you’d see at an airport. This is great because prices are usually listed and set by travel zone which means you don’t have to worry about negotiating a price.

When you arrive at the station take a look around for taxi or authorized taxi signs .

Taxi signs at bus stations in Mexico are usually easy to find.

With authorized taxis the system is set up so that you purchase your ticket from a vendor and you provide that ticket to the driver. This way you don’t have to deal with the driver directly when it comes to payment (unless you want to tip).

Depending on the size of the station, there may be one authorized taxi vendor or several. If there are a few in a row then feel free to shop around but the prices are likely to be pretty close, if not the same.

Once you purchase your ticket, the vendor will point you in the direction of the taxi stand. There will likely be an attendant there who is managing the line . You can join the line and when it’s your turn they’ll ask you where you’re going. You can tell them, or show them if you have the address written or printed out.

The attendant will pass this information to the driver, you’ll hand over your pre-purchased ticket and hop into the taxi.

  • Sometimes people will try or offer to porter your bags. If they do this they are expecting a tip. I travel light so I tend to porter my own bags but the choice is yours.

Airplane vs Bus

Generally speaking, bus travel in Mexico is the cheapest way to get around but there are a few instances in which taking a domestic flight is around the same price (or slightly more expensive) but much faster.

A good example of this is the very popular journey of Mexico City to Oaxaca . Many people look at a map of Mexico and think Mexico City to Oaxaca isn’t very far, so they will automatically think a bus is the best choice. What they don’t account for is that Mexico is a very long country and Oaxaca is in the mountains.

When I made the journey from Mexico City to Oaxaca I looked at both buses and airlines and ultimately decided to fly.

The cost of the bus from Mexico City to Oaxaca depends on the level of service you choose but generally this runs $700MXN [$35USD/$48CAD] for a regular first class bus to $1,200MXN [$60USD/$85CAD] for the top tier ADO Platino service.

The bus journey takes about 7 hours but can take a few hours longer due to construction and travel delays.

Flights for this route typically cost under $1,800MXN [$90USD/$120CAD] and take 1 hour 15 minutes. There are multiple flights per day operated by various air carriers, so there are plenty of options to choose from.

  • Rule of Thumb : If your bus journey is upwards of 6 hours, check for domestic flight options. If the bus journey is less than 6 hours check out your first class bus options.

Buying Tickets & Making Reservations

Buying bus tickets in Mexico can be very straight forward, or it can come with a few hoops to jump through.

If you’re anything like me you like to have your travel logistics worked out at least a little in advance. My days of blindly showing up at a bus station asking where and when the next bus goes are behind me!

  • Bus schedules in Mexico change a lot so it’s best to not book tickets more than two weeks in advance.

When it comes to buying bus tickets in Mexico you have three main options . You can purchase in advance directly from the operator , purchase in advance using an English language retailer , or purchase at the station on the day .

  • There are pros and cons to each of these methods so make sure you read the next three sections to fully understand your options.

In Advance Directly From The Operator

The cheapest way to book bus tickets in Mexico is directly from the operator on their website. Cheapest sounds great right? But you may run into some issues.

The quality of website varies company by company and some bus companies don’t have a booking website at all.

It’s a good idea to explore all your bus options on an English-language retailer like BusBud first to help you figure out which company offers the service, route and timing you’re looking for, then head directly to their website to purchase directly.

ETN is a good example of a great website. They have an excellent English-language site and offer discounts for booking tickets in advance. Simply enter your origin point and destination, along with the date you want to travel and click Search .

  • If a website has an English version it’s usually marked by a US flag 🇺🇸 in the corner.

The results will show you all of your bus options along with some important information.

In addition to the departure and arrivals times, the most important information you can see here is the number of seats that are remaining on each departure and whether it is Local or Transit . Here’s how to read the ETN bus options:

When booking a bus in Mexico the booking screen will display a lot of useful information.

  • If your departure reads Local/Locale/Viaje Locale this means the bus originates from where you’re boarding . If it reads Transit/Viaje/Viaje de Paso it means the bus originates elsewhere and makes a scheduled stop where you’re boarding.

ADO has the largest bus network in Mexico but doesn’t have an English language website and it doesn’t cooperate well with Google Translate. So here’s how to read the booking screen on ADO:

ADO doesn't have an English language website and doesn't cooperate well with translation tools.

Once you select which bus you’d like to take, the next screen will show you a seat map. Here you can select seats for as many passengers as you’re booking for.

  • On double decker buses I recommend booking on the second floor toward the front for the best views.

Once you’ve selected your seats you can move to the next screen to complete passenger information.

The next page when booking your bus in Mexico will be a seat map to choose your seats.

On the passenger information page make sure you enter your information as it appears on your ID. I’ve translated the ADO booking screen for you below:

When booking a bus in Mexico enter your passenger information as it appears on your ID.

  • At some point along the way you may be offered optional insurance or asistencia . It typically costs $15MXN [$0.80USD/$1.10CAD] and covers accident and illness.

Now you’re at the payment stage and this is often where people run into problems.

Depending on the company you are booking through you may have up to three payment methods available to you:

  • Credit Card
  • Cash/In Store

Paying by credit card and PayPal are fairly self-explanatory. Simply enter your details and you should be good to go.

But recently there have been a lot of reports of foreign credit cards being denied by Mexican bus company websites and this is due to a huge influx of chargebacks they are facing.

If this happens to you, you may want to choose the Cash/In Store option. With this option you’ll be sent a code and a list of well-known stores like OXXO or Soriana. You will need to take your code to the store and pay them to get your tickets.

Your other option is to purchase your tickets online using an English-language retailer like BusBud, which you can read more about in the next section.

In Advance Using An English-Language Retailer

There are a few reasons why you might want to purchase bus tickets in Mexico through a retailer rather than directly from the operator but here are the most common:

  • The operator’s website won’t accept your foreign credit card.
  • The operator’s website won’t accept your postal/zip code.
  • The operator’s website doesn’t have an English version.

If you find yourself in any of these situations or if you are looking for a bus search engine to help you plan your route I recommend you opt for BusBud .

BusBud is the world’s largest bus booking website. Simply enter where you’re starting, where you’re headed, and on what date. Then they will present to you all your bus options for that day.

BusBud is a good option for purchasing bus tickets online in Mexico.

You’ll be able to easily see which bus companies run this route, the different departure times, duration of the journey, which stations are used, and the price. They’ll even show you connecting bus options and options that involve multiple operators.

  • Prices on BusBud are shown in your local currency and this can be changed at the top of the page.

For a little more information on a particular journey you can click through to the next page. This will show you the amenities on this journey, if there is any flexibility in the ticket, boarding requirements, and luggage inclusions.

Tickets on BusBud do cost a little more than if you purchase directly but sometimes it’s worth the premium. While some companies like ETN have excellent English websites other companies like ADO don’t have an English site at all and Google Translate struggles with the format of their site.

And while I haven’t had any issues, recently I’ve heard from many travellers that companies like ETN are blocking US credit card purchases.

If you find yourself in these situations it’s good to know you’ve got a reliable backup plan. It’s also just a handy tool to do some research into which buses are available for your planned route.

At The Station On The Day

Sometimes it’s not possible to purchase your bus ticket in advance or maybe you opted not to. In this case, you’re going to need to purchase a ticket at the station on the day.

Bus ticket windows in Mexico are divided by company.

How this works varies depending on the station you’re departing from and/or the bus service you have selected.

  • Most larger stations will have ticket retailers divided by company i.e. ADO, ETN, Primera Plus, etc.
  • Most larger ADO owned stations will have ticket retailers divided by class i.e. ADO, ADO GL, ADO Platino, etc.
  • Smaller stations may have a single retailer or convenience store that sells the tickets. They should have a sign that reads something like venta de boleto which means “ticket sales”.
  • Very small stations or locals services will have either the driver or another person selling the tickets at the bus platform .
  • First Class buses may ask you to reserve a specific seat. If you notice your ticket has a seat number on it you can ask respeta el numero de asiento? Which means “do you respect the seat number?”. If yes, be sure to sit in your assigned seat.

Should You Get The Insurance?

Most bus companies in Mexico will offer optional insurance or assistance during the purchase process on their website. Whether or not you opt for the insurance is totally up to you but here’s what you need to know to decide.

Most insurance offered by bus companies in Mexico do not cover cancellations. Typically this insurance is designed to cover anything that happens during your journey like accidents and lost luggage . You can see an example of the ETN coverage below (Note: these amounts are in Mexican Pesos):

Bus insurance in Mexico is totally optional but you should have your own travel insurance anyways.

Bus company insurance in Mexico is very inexpensive at around $15MXN [$0.80USD/$1.10CAD]. Because of the low price tag people will often throw it on because why not?

Whether you opt to add the insurance or not, you should have travel insurance anyways.

Most travel insurance policies will cover the same categories as the bus company offers but in much higher amounts. It also means that if you need to make a claim you can do so in your own native language.

You may have travel insurance through your credit card or you can get a quote with SafetyWing below:

Travelling with Pets

Travelling with pets is still a fairly new concept in Mexico. While in other parts of the world people view their pets as family members, that’s not the case in Mexico.

Most bus companies will allow the transport of cats and dogs as cargo . So your pet will need to be sedated , crated and will travel in the hold for the duration of your trip. Pets are not allowed to travel in the passenger cabin of the bus .

If you have a working animal like a guide dog , some companies will allow them to ride inside the passenger cabin.

These animals must be smaller breeds and you must present medical certificates for both yourself and the designation of the animal.

Pets are considered part of your luggage allowance and there is a limit to how many can travel on a bus at any given time, usually two. You will need to register your pet as cargo in advance.

Preparing For Your Bus Journey

Before you take a bus journey in Mexico you will want to prepare in advance. Here are a few quick tips to consider:

I always recommend arriving at least 30 minutes ahead of time for any bus journey in Mexico. This is also recommended by the bus companies and will give you enough time to navigate the system without feeling under pressure.

What To Expect At The Station

Okay, so you figured out which bus you want to take and now it’s time to get the ball rolling.

Most bus companies recommend that you arrive at the station at least 30 minutes ahead of your departure time and I recommend you do so also (especially if you have luggage).

Arriving 30 minutes early might sound like a overkill but the boarding and pre-boarding processes can take some time. The Mexico bus system is a well-oiled machine and there are steps to follow before the bus can depart.

Some bus stations in Mexico are enormous and feel like airports.

Come Prepared

I strongly advise that you Google your station in advance of your day of travel so you know what you’re dealing with. The standard of bus station can vary dramatically across Mexico and so can the amenities offered to you.

By Googling your station in advance you’ll be able to see if you’re headed to a modern bus station with food options and shops, or somewhere you’ll want to bring snacks and water with you.

  • Also consider what you will do when you reach your destination. Do you need to have cash for a taxi? Does the station have ATMs or do you need to hit the bank before you go?

If You Don’t Have A Ticket, Go Get One

Buses are the number one mode of transportation in Mexico and they do sell out! If you decided not to purchase a ticket in advance the first thing you should do is go buy a ticket.

  • Where you purchase a ticket will vary slightly based on the station and service. For more information on how to buy a ticket at the station read the Buying Tickets & Making Reservations section above.

Find Your Platform

Once you’ve got your ticket the next thing you should do before anything else is find your platform . If you purchased your ticket at the bus station the attendant should tell you your platform or you can ask them.

Some bus stations in Mexico will have a Departures Board which will also have this information. If you’re not sure then just head to an employee or security guard, show them your ticket and simply ask plataforma? . They should have no problem pointing you in the right direction.

When taking the bus in Mexico, find your bus platform first.

Bus platforms in the newer, larger bus stations are similar to gates at the airport. They may have glass doors that will remain closed until boarding, there will typically be seating and there may be some security features.

If you’re early and there’s not a lot of activity at the platform, this would be a good time to use the washroom or grab snacks and drinks. Just make sure you’re back in plenty of time to board.

Checking Your Bags

If you’re unfamiliar with bus travel in Mexico you may be surprised at how process-driven the system is. Unlike other parts of North America or Europe where your bags are just chucked into the cargo hold, things are a little more organized here.

Typically 15-30 minutes prior to the departure of your bus, baggage check will begin. This often happens at the same time as boarding.

During baggage check you will show the attendant your ticket and they will ask you how many bags you are checking. They will tag your bag (usually with your seat number) and then hand you the stub . Your bags will then be loaded into the cargo hold based on your destination.

  • Keep your baggage tag stub safe. You cannot retrieve your bags without it.

When you arrive at your destination there will be a baggage attendant. Hand them your stub and they will retrieve your bags for you.

  • Never check your valuables. Always keep money, electronics, documents, jewellery and anything else of value with you inside the bus at all times.

Boarding & Security

Boarding the bus in Mexico is not unlike at an airport. There will be an attendant or team of attendants, usually with a desk who will call the bus. Join the line and wait your turn.

  • Don’t be pushy and respect the queue. For some reason, boarding creates a sense of panic amongst certain travellers. Just relax. If you’re in the line, the bus will not leave without you.

When it’s your turn hand your ticket or show your electronic ticket to the attendant. They will confirm the information with you by repeating your destination and you can confirm back by saying Sí .

You should keep your ID handy in case they need to see it. This is not uncommon especially when travelling to and from Mexico City.

This is also a good time to confirm if everyone should be in their assigned seats by asking respeta el numero de asiento? Which means “do you respect the seat numbers?”

  • If seat numbers are respected and someone is in your seat you should not try to move them. Go back to the driver or attendant and say Disculpe, hay alguien en mi asiento. “Excuse me, there is someone in my seat.” They will help you.

At some stations, often in major cities there may be security clearance as part of boarding. This typically a metal detector like at an airport. Pay attention to the staff as they will often wave foreigners through without stopping you.

Finding Your Seat & Settling In

Now that you’re on board you can settle in! Hopefully you sprung for a first class bus service and you’re in for a treat! Seat numbers are usually marked above the seat at eye level.

There will be an overhead compartment for carry-on luggage although I usually have enough room to keep my bag with me in my seat. If you decide to use the overhead compartment be sure to bring your valuables into your seat with you in case you fall asleep and someone goes shopping in your bags.

Get comfy! Bring your valuables into your seat with you and enjoy the ride.

Now you can get comfy and log onto the WiFi, adjust your seat, fire up the in-seat entertainment, or whatever else your bus offers.

Mexico Bus Safety

Danger, or just the fear of it can easily ruin a trip. No one can truly enjoy themselves if they’re worried and can’t relax but of course, being aware of potential problems is just plain good sense.

So here are a few of the main ways that you can help set yourself up for a trouble-free bus journey in Mexico.

Only Take Direct Buses

I’m starting with this one because I think it’s really important and often overlooked.

Many people when they travel pay close attention to their spending and budget – which is fair enough! But sometimes it can push us to cut certain corners in order to save a couple of bucks.

One such corner that should never be cut is choosing a longer bus ride just to save some coins.

So why is this such a big deal? Well, you may have heard that in Mexico (much like most everywhere on earth), crime exists and a common criminal scheme is to rob bus passengers. The thing is though, it’s hard to rob a bus that won’t stop !

  • This sort of crime is typically found on long bus journeys, especially across state lines. Second class buses on short journeys (less than 1 hour) are generally unaffected.

Many second class buses in Mexico will take long, meandering routes along their journey and can be flagged down at the side of the road. This means that anyone boarding the bus on the side of the road is exempt from the usual security measures that are implemented when boarding at a station.

When you leave the big cities it's common to travel through lots of rural areas on your bus journey.

This makes it an easy way for robbers to stop a bus load of people and take all the phones, valuables and money from the bus before taking off, never to be seen again.

The easiest way to avoid being a victim of this sort of crime is to take direct buses that only make scheduled stops at official stations . In other words, take first class buses in Mexico.

  • If you must take a second class bus across long distances in Mexico look for directo economico “direct economy” bus services like AV and Cristobal Colon (both ADO brands) as these make fewer stops.

Don’t Be a Hero

Normally I don’t like talking danger in Mexico because I believe Mexico gets an unfairly bad rap when it comes to this sort of thing. But in this case I have some very sage advice that I think is important.

If you ever do find yourself as a victim of one of these bus bamboozles don’t be a hero . As painful as it is to hand over all your worldly goods to some undeserving bully, it’s not worth risking injury (or worse).

Remember, it’s just stuff and things are replaceable .

Do not try to hide valuables or try to trick them by only handing over some things. Just remain calm and hand it all over .

  • The only appeal that you may want to make is to keep your documentation or passport. Use your discretion, show this item to the person and simply say por favor? “please”.

It’s a scary thing to consider and hopefully something you’ll never have to experience, but it’s important to know what to do if the time comes.

Speaking of belongings, it’s important when taking buses in Mexico that you pack smart. Here are a few quick tips to help you pack the right way:

When taking the bus in Mexico be sure to pack an extra layer or scarf to keep warm.

Have a Plan

When travelling by bus in Mexico, you should always have a plan. You should have considered and have answers to the following questions:

  • Which bus company am I using?
  • What time does the bus depart?
  • How am I getting to the station?
  • How much cash do I need?
  • How am I getting from the arrival bus station to my next point?

Planning ahead and having answers to these questions will help you navigate the bus system in Mexico with ease without feeling (and looking) too lost.

(Try To) Blend In

Speaking of looking lost, try to blend in! Sure, it might be hard to blend in when you’re visibly a foreigner carrying luggage, but I’m talking about blending into the way things are done .

I recently took a bus from the gorgeous town of San Miguel de Allende to Querétaro and while myself and about 15 other people were waiting quietly in a line for our bus a young woman burst onto the scene in a frenzy.

bus travel guide

She was frantically yelling (in English) at the station employees, interrupting their conversation and attracting the attention of everyone in the quiet station.

For some reason public transportation sends some people into a panic!

Eventually, she calmed down and joined the back of our line and was a prime example of what not to do.

A great way to travel respectfully and blend in is to observe what the locals are doing . If people are speaking quietly, speak quietly. If people are walking on one side, walk on that side too. If people are waiting in line, join the line.

If you’re ever unsure of what to do you can absolutely approach members of staff and ask for help. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, show them your ticket and they’ll point you in the right direction. Just be sure to use your manners, wait your turn, and remain calm.

Making a scene or attracting unwanted attention is an easy way to put yourself on the radar of petty criminals and scammers. If you look like you know what you’re doing you are less of a target.

This safety tip is a bit of a given when it comes to travel, or life in general. Be aware. Be aware of yourself, your belongings, your surroundings and the people around you at all times.

Here are a few awareness tips to keep in mind when using buses and bus stations in Mexico:

  • Never leave bags unattended.
  • Always keep valuables close to your body.
  • Be aware of people invading your space.
  • Be aware of people around you. Are you seeing the same face in multiple locations?
  • Never flash cash and valuables.
  • Always keep your valuables in the seat with you.
  • Never fall asleep when your valuables are accessible by others.

These awareness and safety tips are not designed to frighten you. These are the same tips I would give to anyone visiting anywhere in the world.

It’s about setting yourself up for success and using street smarts to avoid the unfortunate happening.

With a little street smarts you'll be able to relax and enjoy your bus journey in Mexico.

Useful Language For Mexico Bus Travel

If you haven’t already, grab my Free Useful Mexican Words & Phrases Cheatsheet at the bottom of this page. It’s full of really handy language you’ll need to navigate Mexico.

Here’s some other language you’ll likely need when taking the bus in Mexico:

  • ATM: cajero
  • Bank: banco
  • Baños: bathrooms
  • Bus Station: terminal de autobuses
  • Cash: efectivo
  • Credit Card: tarjeta
  • Do you respect seat numbers? Respeta los numeros de asientos?
  • Entrance: entrada
  • Exit: salida
  • I’m going to ____: voy a _____
  • I need help: necesito ayuda
  • How much does it cost? Cuánto cuesta?
  • Left: izquierda
  • Luggage: equipaje
  • Platform: plataforma
  • Right: derecha
  • Straight: derecho
  • Taxi Stand: sitio de taxis
  • Ticket: boleto/billete

Summary: Buses In Mexico

Hopefully I’ve convinced you by now that buses are a fantastic way to get around Mexico! First class buses in Mexico are the best buses I’ve ever travelled on anywhere in the world and they are unbelievably affordable for the quality of service provided.

Taking a bus in Mexico is a rite of passage and it doesn’t have to be scary . With a little preparation and knowledge of how the system works you’ll be falling in love with the experience like I did.

Using common sense along with the know-how, safety tips and useful phrases I’ve provided in this article you can navigate the buses of Mexico with confidence . Once you take your first trip I’m sure you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!

bus travel guide

Tips for Your Journey & FAQs

Tips for your bus trip.

Some tips from us (and seasoned travelers) to help your trip go smoothly.

Have a great journey!

We have free Wi-Fi on most of our buses and at our stations. So you can keep up with your social life – and post live from your trip with Instagram-worthy scenic shots (which you'll tag #gogreyhound of course...).

On time, early, or delayed, our bus tracker lets you know where your bus is with live updates and information allowing you to better plan your trip. Track My Bus is simple and easy to use and it's ideal for anyone picking up a friend or family member at the terminal to track a bus and plan ahead. 

Find your bus by schedule number, departure city or arrival city and get live status updates showing your bus' progress. The status update will indicate if your bus is on time, early or delayed and give an approximate arrival time. 

No more guessing or wondering, now you can use your time wisely and plan ahead. Go to to track your bus now.

Follow us on the ‘Gram! Visiting our Instagram page means swiping through some amazing travel inspiration and fun adventures to add to your to-do list. Our IGTv and highlights will guide you to all the scenic spots and must-try food joints for current or future destinations. In addition to being a travel guide, we also offer some inspiring employee stories and celebrity collaborations and events.

On most of our buses, there's a power outlet at nearly every seat. So if you want to watch the entire movie library on your laptop or tablet – go right ahead, you'll never run out of juice! And you'll get off the bus with a fully charged phone, no matter how much tweeting and instagramming you do during your trip.

What's chilly for you, might be too hot for another passenger. We try our best to find a happy medium temperature, but a blanket will give you your very own temperature control tool. Or just layer up with a cozy zip-up.

If your Greyhound bus is taking you through parts of the United States, Canada or Mexico, you're going to see some amazing scenery. So why not bring a map or guidebook to tell you more about the towns, cities and landscape you’re traveling through?

Some people can sleep through a hurricane; other people need a bit more quiet. If you’re a light sleeper, you’ll find it helpful to bring an eyemask and a pair of earplugs.

Reading a book that you just can’t put down? Don’t worry. Although we dim the lights on late-night and overnight journeys, every seat has an overhead spotlight. (Also great if you need to find that midnight snack you've brought in your carry-on baggage.)

We don’t sell food or drink on our buses, so it’s a good idea to stock up on food and drinks before boarding (not alcoholic drinks though, they're not allowed). But if you forget, the bus does stop frequently (check your itinerary to see how often), and some stops will have places to buy food.

Our Greyhound stations and the stores inside them accept credit or debit cards. But, your bus might take a rest stop along the route where there are shops or food stalls that only accept cash. So make sure you bring some real money, and not just plastic.

If you’re a keen photographer or Instagrammer, take advantage of the opportunity for some scenic photos. You now have the option of purchasing your preferred seat so you can get the best window views. Be sure to choose a reserved seat when you book.

Bus Travel FAQs

Useful things to know before, during and after your trip.

Before you travel

It's easy, we have a bus stop finder tool that will help you find the address, directions, hours of operation and contact details. Find my bus stop .

Be ready to board your bus 15 minutes prior to departure.

Have a look at our baggage guidelines before packing. Make sure what you bring fits within our weight and size limits, and you don't bring any prohibited items. See baggage info .

Yes, if something comes up and you need to change your ticket, go to Manage My Booking for more details.

Your Tickets

There are 3 sections on your ticket that will assist you when boarding the bus.

  • Booking Number: This can also be found in your confirmation email.  
  • QR Code: Will be scanned by the driver when boarding the bus.  
  • Seat Number: The passenger's selected or assigned seat number will show in this section.

bus travel guide

No problem. When you get to the station, see one of our agents at the ticket counter, or use the self-serve kiosk if the station has one. You can also show a valid ID to the driver and be allowed to board the bus if you do not have your ticket. 

If you purchased the ticket under your name you can go directly to the bus and board by showing your photo ID or click "Print Ticket" from your ticket confirmation page and show that to the Greyhound driver. If you are traveling on another carrier, you must have a printed ticket. 

  • Be sure you have your contact details inside and outside of the bag.  When you’re called to board, simply stow your bag under the bus when you board.
  • It’s up to you to collect your baggage when you get off the bus.
  • If you’re transferring from one bus to another, you need to collect your bags from the first bus and bring them to the next.

If you still have the confirmation email, you can simply show that to the driver.

You can also go to Manage My Booking , choose Resend my booking confirmation, and add the email you originally used

Click here and enter the email address used for your booking to resend your booking confirmation.

Boarding begins 15 minutes before departure time.

During your trip

Yes, all of our buses are equipped with seat belts. For your safety, we encourage all customers to wear a seat belt and all California passengers must wear a seat belt at all times while sitting in their seat.

There are loads of features on Greyhound buses to help you get the most from your journey. Read more about them here .

The length of the stop depends on whether the bus needs to be serviced too, which could take a little longer. But don't worry, you will always have time to stretch your legs, use the restroom, take a smoke break or grab a snack.

Pass the time and explore a new world of media with our Onboard Entertainment system.  With this system, you can enjoy movies and television shows, play games, surf the Web, and read the latest news all from your own Wi-Fi enabled devices including laptops, tablets or smartphones. Click here to see what's playing.

After you travel

You may retrieve your bags from the storage compartment under the bus. 

It's easy, we have a bus stop finder tool that will help you find the address of the station where you've arrived and you can get directions from there to anywhere you need to go. Find my bus stop .

They certainly can. They can track your bus in real time, and also find the address and directions for the stop where you're arriving. You can find bus station details and directions here:

Track My Bus

Find my bus stop

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The bus travel guide for central america, making bus travel easy, no more confusing bus travel.

Finding accurate information about bus stations and bus schedules in Central America can be difficult. Centrocoasting has the most accurate and up-to-date information for bus travel in Central America. We have personally ridden every bus and snapped photos for you along the way. There is a ton of information for El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, with Panama coming soon. Next year we will bring you more countries too!

Help your fellow traveller!

We here at Centrocoasting are just like you: travellers who love the adventure of local buses. This Guide is based on personal experience, but things change and we don’t have every detail and schedule, yet! Nothing in this site is guaranteed. We have tried our best to be a helpful source of info by adding and fixing times and prices when we find changes and updates.  But, this is where you come in – help us help you and your fellow travellers by sharing your experience and adding bus schedule, route and price information. We get submissions all of the time from travellers just like you, so join the fun and leave us your travel tips and info updates in the comments on each station page. Thank you!

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Night time bus traffic on the long dusty road of #santateresa. For those of you who’ve been here this picture will remind you of the love/hate relationship you develop with the main road! I sure do love this little town ❤️ #costarica #bustravel #centralamerica #travel #surf photo credit to @yonasuu

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A Complete Guide to Bus Travel Around Mexico

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There are three main ways to travel around Mexico: by plane, by private vehicle or by bus.

In this blog post we’ll tell you everything you need to know about bus travel around Mexico. This post is aimed at backpackers staying in the country for a longer period of time, for those who don’t want to rent a car and for those looking for affordable and more sustainable travel options to flights.

For reference, we spent just under three months in Mexico and only used buses to travel between places. During this time we travelled with many different bus companies, on day-time and overnight buses, and waited at many different bus stations. Whilst this doesn’t make us experts, our experience allows us to provide you with insider advice, tips and comparisons of the various bus operators. 

Over the years we have also travelled across the USA and backpacked around Europe , Peru and Colombia using plenty of buses as a means of transport. Therefore, we have lots of experience when it comes to taking long-distance bus rides and will be able to provide good comparisons to other countries too.

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Table of Contents

About Bus Travel Around Mexico

Before we delve into the details let’s start by saying that taking the bus isn’t only going to save you money. It will also exceed your expectations. At least it did with ours…

Mexico actually doesn’t have a national bus company. Instead, the country has many regional companies which cover most of the places you’re likely to travel to during your stay. I’ll detail these further below.

Apparently Mexico has invested a lot of money in high-speed toll roads and roads in general since the 1990s. In addition, bus operators have also invested to create an extensive bus network across the country. These inter-city buses normally have three different classes: executive, first and second class. Executive and first class buses definitely offer a safe, modern and comfortable environment to travel in for long hours. Second class buses are normally just as safe but they are more common on shorter journeys. Sound too good to be true? 

Well, after using many well-known bus companies across the USA and Europe such as Greyhound, Megabus and National Express, I can safely say that Mexico’s buses became our absolute favourite ones. We had massive, comfortable seats that we’d only ever seen as we walked past the business class section on planes. We had fantastic leg room with leg rests that made us feel like we were in bed. In addition, many services provided on board entertainment that helped to kill the time.

Our Top Resources for Travelling Around Mexico

  • 🚌 Find bus routes and companies using Busbud
  • 📱Get an eSIM with  Airalo  to be able to use data
  • 🛡️Don’t forget to buy travel insurance via  SafetyWing

What to Consider Before You Decide to Travel by Bus in Mexico

Before you start purchasing bus tickets after hearing us raving about how good they are, ask yourself the following questions to make sure that bus travel is the best mode of transportation for YOU:

Do I get motion sick easily? – I wouldn’t recommend taking buses across the country if you suffer from serious motion sickness. The journeys are generally long, the roads can be bumpy and very windy in certain areas. In that case flying is probably a better option for you.

How much time do I have? – If you need to be somewhere on a certain day or time then make sure to take an earlier bus, travel the day before or pick another method altogether. Whilst buses are generally on time with very minimal delays, you really never know what’s going to happen on the roads. You don’t want to risk missing an important flight for example.

Do I know some Spanish? – Whilst you’ll be able to communicate in English at airports, this isn’t the case at bus stations. We found very little English-speaking staff even at massive stations such as Mexico City. Therefore, I recommend learning the basics prior to your trip such as how to ask for bus tickets, dates, times and numbers. There is also the life-saving Google Translate App which will be your best friend during your travels.

Where to Find Information About Bus Routes and Companies

Although I’ll detail and link the main companies we used below, it’s always good practice to do your own research too.

Our main online sources that helped us to find bus routes and companies operating to and from our next destination were Busbud , Rome2Rio and Moovitapp.  These websites are also great if you’d like to travel locally and are looking for smaller bus operators and detailed bus routes.

bus travel guide

Is It Safe to Travel by Bus in Mexico?

I guess there’s one more important factor you’ll want to consider before committing to a long-distance bus ride: Is it safe?

My short answer is: YES.

We never felt unsafe on any of the buses whether it was during the day or at night. We never felt unsafe waiting at the bus stations either. However, crimes are not uncommon, especially in densely populated cities. You might also read some scary stories that happened to people who were unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time, but in my opinion this is very rare.

Whilst you’re most likely to have an uneventful journey, below are a few of my general tips for extra safety:

  • If you’re travelling solo, or having to travel to the bus station for an overnight bus, I suggest calling an Uber or official taxi. 
  • We used public transport to get to the station many times, but make sure to avoid travelling during rush hour. It’s really uncomfortable and awkward to be squeezed onto a busy metro with all your belongings. Plus, it’s also harder to pay attention to every bag you own.
  • Once at the station, make sure to have all your belongings with you at all times. It’s obviously easier to grab food or go to the toilet if you’re travelling in pairs or small groups.
  • For extra security, consider putting a lock onto both your big bag and smaller backpacks.
  • I know it’s obvious, but don’t put any valuables into the bag that’s going under the bus. They can get thrown all around not just stolen.
  • Lastly, having good travel insurance is key in case your bags get lost or stolen.

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Bus Stations

Most cities and towns you’ll be travelling to will have a central bus station called Central de Autobuses. Although they’re called ‘central’, the bus stops are likely to be located quite a bit further from the town than the centre.

Unlike in Costa Ric a , it’s very rare if individual bus companies have their own terminal, but not unheard of. In big cities there will usually be a long distance bus station and a local bus station. Mexico City actually has 4 different long distance bus stations! Therefore, make sure to check the location where your bus departs from prior to your journey.

Once at the bus station, you’ll normally find different bus companies selling tickets, convenience stores selling drinks and snacks, fast food places and cafés. Bus stations will also have toilet facilities. The use of these toilets normally costs between 5 or 6 pesos.

Top Tips – Make sure to have some coins to be able to use the metal gates. You might have to pay extra for toilet paper, so either have extra change on you or carry some. 

Bus stations also have seating areas at the gates where you can wait until your bus is ready for boarding. 

Top Tip – At the ticket office they will tell you which gate your bus will depart from, but if you’re unsure, you can always double check it with the staff at the gates. 

Normally the number and variety of facilities depends on the size of the bus station. Therefore, I recommend doing some research and buying enough food and drinks prior to arriving at the bus stops in case they don’t have sufficient facilities. For example, some touristy bus stops such as in Puerto Escondido felt a bit bare and there wasn’t any supermarkets close by either.

bus travel guide

Purchasing Bus Tickets Online vs at the Bus Station

Online reservations.

Many companies now have their own websites where you can purchase your bus ticket. Sometimes they even offer a discount if you buy your ticket online which is great.

However, bear in mind that these websites might not be as advanced as you’re used to. In many cases you might not even be able to book your ticket online for various reasons:

  • We noticed that some websites only accept credit card payments from bank cards that were issued in Mexico.
  • Another issue we had when trying to buy tickets online was that at the card detail section they asked for the postcode that your card is registered to, but you could only put numbers in. In the UK, we have letters in our postcodes as well as numbers so couldn’t complete the section correctly.
  • Some bus companies will want to see your passport and Immigration Form (FMM) when you purchase a ticket, especially when travelling between states. This means that you will likely have to buy it at the station instead of online.

Even if you can’t book your ticket online, the websites at least will allow you to see their timetables and prices. 

Buying Ticket at the Bus Station

In many instances you’ll have no other choice than to buy your ticket from the ticket office.

Before heading to the bus stop, I recommend making a note of the bus company you want to use, your planned travel date and time and have it all in your head in Spanish as well. Don’t forget to take your passport and Immigration Form (FMM) with you too.

Bus stations will have all the bus operators’ names on the counters so you’ll know which one to queue up at. Luckily, most of the ticket officers will have a monitor which they usually turn towards you so you can double check the date, time, destination, route and seat you’d like to reserve. If you’re buying bus tickets in advance, make sure to double check that your travel date is correct.

You’ll normally have the option to pay by cash or card especially in bigger cities. To avoid a lot of exchange fees, I recommend converting your own local currency to Pesos with a Wise card.

bus travel guide

Overnight Bus or Daytime Bus?

Another dilemma you might have is whether to travel during the day or at night. Obviously, this is only applicable if a company offers these types of services. For some routes you will have no choice. 

During our 3 months in Mexico we had a good variety of overnight and daytime bus trips. Below we detail the pros and cons of each to help you decide which one you should take.

Note – During my research, I read many articles that generally advise you against travelling long distances at night. I think this is more true if you’re renting a car and driving yourself and I also advise you against driving at night in Mexico. However, we felt completely safe on every single night bus we took. These buses normally travel on toll roads which are considered much safer at night than the more remote non-toll roads. Just make sure to avoid second-class buses for overnight travel. 

Overnight Bus

  • Saving one night’s accommodation.
  • Buses are comfortable with plenty of leg room, leg rests and reclining seats for even more comfort.
  • If you arrive early to your next destination, you have a full day to explore.
  • You can always ask if your accommodation is ready for you to check in early or alternatively hold your bags while they prepare the room.
  • Might not get a good night’s sleep.
  • Won’t see much of the beautiful landscapes, towns and villages that are located between your origin and destination. 
  • If you arrive early you might not be able to check in to your accommodation.
  • You’ll probably have to store your luggage at your accommodation until check-in. If you’d like to explore in the meantime, you’ll likely have to leave some of your valuables behind.

Daytime Bus

  • Be able to admire the beautiful landscapes, towns and villages that are located between your origin and destination. 
  • You’ll be able to check in to your accommodation straight away.
  • Have to have an accommodation booked for the night.
  • You’ll lose a day of exploring by being on the bus all day.
  • Some bus companies (OCC and ADO) will play movies on their TV screens during the entire journey which some might find slightly too loud and annoying.

bus travel guide

Things to Do Before, During and After Your Bus Ride

Before your bus journey.

  • Have your ticket and documents ready. The bus driver will ask for your seat number when he fills out the luggage tag.
  • Buy enough food and drinks for the ride. (You can normally find plenty of options at the station, but some might only have snacks. In that case come prepared and buy what you need beforehand.)
  • I suggest having a few layers on you. The A/C on these buses can be strong.
  • Take all valuables and everything you might need with you onto the bus. 
  • Download offline entertainment, such as movies, books, music and games. (4G might not be available between settlements.)
  • Charge all your electronic devices in case the plugs don’t work. Alternatively, I recommend carrying a portable charger with you. They normally have USB cable slots but bring your adapter with you too just in case they have normal outlets.
  • Know where you’re going after you get off the bus. Download offline maps of the area or screenshot the address and route you’re travelling to. This is especially important if you have no local sim card or your 4G doesn’t work.

During Your Bus Journey

  • Make sure to keep both the bus and luggage ticket as you’ll be asked for that when collecting your bags.
  • Keep your passport and Immigration Forms (FMM) handy too. Some areas in Mexico –  especially around the southern states – will have regular random checks where you might be required to show your travel documents.
  • Always be mindful of your fellow travellers and create as little noise as possible. Headphones can be very useful if you have noisy fellow travellers. Some of the better buses will have on board entertainment like on flights so you can always practice your Spanish by watching a movie or two. A few companies were giving out headphones but they are mostly cheap and just a waste of plastic, so have your own.
  • Some buses will let people who sell snacks and drinks on board. This is completely normal in Mexico. It’s up to you whether to purchase something or not, but have small change on you in case you start to crave something.
  • We noticed that ADO and OCC buses stop for 10-15 minutes at certain bus stations to refuel and clean the vehicle. This provides a great opportunity to stretch your legs or purchase some extra food and drinks. Don’t forget to take your valuables with you and also have your ticket in hand when the bus is ready to leave. 

After Your Bus Journey

  • Before leaving the bus make sure to check that you have all your belongings, including overhead storage, under and in between the seats.
  • Get your luggage ticket ready to collect your bags. (I really liked how strict they were with double checking the tickets.)
  • Don’t forget to take your rubbish with you and dispose of it in a bin at the station. I suggest bringing a garbage bag with you where you can collect all your waste. 

A Review of Bus Companies We Used in Mexico

The above map shows the bus routes we took during our three months in Mexico. Below is our short itinerary and the company we travelled with. These are only the long-distance routes, but we also used many local buses which I provide more details of in the relevant blog posts.

  • Mexico City to Guadalajara – Primera Plus (daytime)
  • Guadalajara to San Luis Potosi – Primera Plus (daytime)
  • Ciudad Valles to Mexico City – Omnibus de Mexico (overnight)
  • Mexico City to Puerto Escondido – ETN (overnight)
  • Oaxaca to San Cristobal de las Casas – OCC (overnight)
  • San Cristobal de las Casas to Palenque – OCC (daytime)
  • Palenque to Merida – OCC (daytime)
  • Merida to Valladoid – ADO (daytime)
  • Valladoid to Cancun – ADO (daytime)

As I mentioned before, there are many other regional and local bus companies operating across Mexico. However, this list definitely includes most of the names that you’ll come across during your research. 

Please Note – The short review of the companies below is purely based on our experience. We all travel differently, have different needs and events out of our control can influence our experiences. So in short, just take everything with a pinch of salt. 

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Primera Plus

Our first long-distance bus journey experience was with Primera Plus travelling from Mexico City to Guadalajara. We also used the company to travel to San Luis Potosi. 

Primera Plus is definitely one of the biggest bus companies in Mexico. It also covers a relatively big network of bus routes around central Mexico and some Pacific destinations. 

They had everything on board to make our journey comfortable: large seats, USB outlets, individual screens, A/C, working WIFI and even male/female toilets. We really enjoyed travelling with the company.

Top Tip – If you buy your tickets online you get an extra 10% off. Make sure to print off your ticket prior to your journey or ask for it at their ticket desk.

Click here to plan your trip with Primera Plus.

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Omnibus de Mexico

We chose Omnibus de Mexico for our overnight bus journey between Ciudad Valles and Mexico City. This was also our very first overnight bus experience in the country. The bus had pretty much everything we needed for the night such as big, comfortable and reclining seats with leg rests that made sleeping much easier. It also had USB and normal outlets so we could charge our electronic devices. Toilets and A/C was also available. It said that WIFI was available on board, however it didn’t work for us. We also couldn’t book our tickets online so had to pre-book them at the bus station.

The bus company definitely operates one of the most extensive bus networks in Mexico.   You can travel with them in the northern, western and eastern regions around Mexico City. However, they don’t operate in the southern states.

Click here to plan your trip with O mnibus de Mexico.

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One bus company we really wanted to try during our trip was ETN. It is known to be one of the best luxury bus companies in the country . 

We picked the company for our overnight trip between Mexico City and Puerto Escondido. It was probably the longest journey we had (13 hours) so we wanted to have maximum comfort. ETN normally have double decker buses, very large seats with enormous leg room, reclining seats and leg rests that make it feel like you’re in bed. They also had individual screens for entertainment, USB cable slots for charging, A/C and of course toilets. We definitely felt like we were in first class on an airplane. 

They operate between many major cities along the Pacific Coast, central, northern, eastern and some southern cities. It’s probably one of the most expensive bus companies too, but you can get approximately 10% discount if you book your ticket online.

Click here to plan you trip with ETN.

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ADO (Autobuses de Oriente)

Autobuses de Oriente aka ADO is a massive bus company in Mexico that owns several smaller bus companies such as OCC. You’ll very likely be travelling with either an ADO or OCC bus if your itinerary includes states such as Chiapas, Yucatan and Oaxaca.

We used the company on quite a few occasions travelling through these states. They obviously had toilets on board, USB outlets and A/C. The buses had comfortable seats but they felt slightly smaller, there wasn’t comfortable leg rests and the leg room also felt less than what we got with the other companies.

They also had on board entertainment, however the screens weren’t individual ones as on the other buses. They actually played movies during the entire journey and only switched them off during the night. This can be fun, especially if you’d like to learn some Spanish, but it can also be very disturbing if you’d like to sleep or read on the bus.

You can easily book your ticket online and just show the PDF version when boarding. There’s no need to print them off which is great.

During longer journeys the bus stops at least once at a bigger station for 10-15 minutes to refuel and they disinfect the entire bus inside-out. Both OCC and ADO had a very strict cleaning policy in place that we hadn’t experienced with the other companies. This also offers the opportunity to stretch your legs a bit and to grab a coffee or snack from the station.

Note  – Make sure to have all your travel documents in hand. There are many checkpoints around these areas of Mexico and you could be asked for your passport and ticket at any of them. Many times they also came on board with a camera and filmed all the passengers.

Apparently they have different classes and have some more luxurious services, however we never travelled with them. 

Click here to plan your trip with ADO.

bus travel guide

We travelled both overnight and during the day with OCC branded buses. As I mentioned above OCC is part of ADO, but they didn’t change the branding. So you’ll book through the ADO website and essentially your ticket will either be with an ADO or an OCC branded bus depending on the route. 

The OCC branded buses were pretty much exactly the same as the ADO branded ones. They had the same level of comfort, facilities and were operating the same way in terms of stops and cleaning. 

Click here to plan your trip with OCC.

Final Thoughts on Bus Travel Around Mexico

We really enjoyed travelling by bus across Mexico and I never ever thought that these bus trips would become some of the most comfortable ones we’ve ever taken as well as some of the safest and most secure. 

Although the journeys were long, we felt like time passed very quickly and we even managed to have decent night’s sleeps on the overnight buses. Travelling by bus didn’t just reduce our carbon footprint but also made us feel like we saw a lot more of Mexico. Travelling during the day also allowed us to experience the crazy changes in scenery and really appreciate the scale of the country. 

Have you ever travelled around Mexico by bus before? If so, let me know about your experience in the comment section below. If not, would you want to try out any of the routes or bus companies we mentioned? 

Now, let your adventure begin,

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Our Top Travel Resources

Accommodation:  For hotels we always use  and  Hostelworld  for hostels. We also book longer stays on Airbnb or  Vrbo.

Flights:  To find the best flight prices we always check  Skyscanner ,  Google Flights  or  WayAway.  Then we also check the airlines’ websites too for comparison.

Car Rentals:  We use  Discover Cars  when we want to rent a car as it compares local, national and international companies.

Activities:  If we book organised tours we always check either  GetYourGuide  or  Viator.

Foreign Currency:  Whenever we can we prefer to pay in local currency and for that we always use our  Wise card.   We can easily withdraw money from the ATM or pay by card at most shops and restaurants.

Travel Insurance: We never go anywhere without travel insurance. You never know what will happen on your trip, so good travel insurance like SafetyWing can protect you in case of injury, illness, theft and cancellations.

eSIM and VPN: To get data abroad we use  Airalo which is an app that allows you to download a prepaid eSIM to your phone in over 190 countries. Make sure to have a VPN to avoid hackers accessing your personal data when using public WIFI. We use  Surfshark  which is the only VPN that offers one account on unlimited devices. 

Remember…It all starts with a Pin…

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Thanks for all the great info. I was hoping to find out if it’s possible to buy a multi-segment ticket, and stop for various periods of time along the way. Is this permitted, or do you have to be on a specific bus at a specific time?

Thanks for the feedback Danny. I don’t think you can buy that type of ticket, since most routes are run by different bus operators. I think it’s best to just book your ticket for a specific bus once you know when you would likely be on it. Hope this helps. Safe travels.

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Traveloka Team

25 Jun 2024 - 5 min read

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Get from Phuket to Krabi

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Phuket and Krabi are often at the top of any traveller’s itinerary when exploring Thailand. Each destination offers stunning beaches, captivating landscapes, and vibrant cultures. Luckily, travelling between these paradises is easy. In this post, you can learn how to get from Phuket to Krabi through several travel options.

How Far is Krabi from Phuket?

Phuket and Krabi are neighbouring provinces that share a coastline. The journey from these areas covers approximately 160 km or around 100 miles.

However, this distance may vary slightly depending on your exact starting and ending points within each province. The road journey usually takes 2 to 4 hours, depending on the traffic conditions.

Besides, the water routes might take a bit faster. Various transportation modes are available to choose from. You can reach Krabi by bus, taxi, ferry, and speedboat.

Flight From Singapore To Krabi

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Jetstar Asia Airways

Start from US$ 64.79

Singapore (SIN) to Krabi (KBV)

Sun, 30 Jun 2024

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Start from US$ 66.27

Thu, 18 Jul 2024

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AirAsia Berhad (Malaysia)

Start from US$ 82.82

Sat, 27 Jul 2024

How to Get from Phuket to Krabi

This comprehensive guide explains all transportation options for getting from Phuket's vibrant shores to Krabi's breathtaking landscapes.

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This public transportation mode offers an affordable and scenic route to Krabi. Therefore, it is an ideal option for budget-conscious travellers.

How do you get from Phuket to Krabi by bus? Just catch the bus at Phuket Terminal 2, located on Thepkasattri Road. This bus terminal is a 15-minute drive from the city centre.

Several companies operate bus services from Phuket to Krabi. These buses depart several times a day. So, you have to check the schedule when purchasing the tickets. This way, you will not miss the bus.

This journey typically takes 3 to 4 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the number of stops. Travelling to Krabi by bus will not break your bank because the Phuket to Krabi bus fare is around THB 230.

Bus Station Address : Ratsada, Mueang Phuket District

Bus Schedule : 06:30 AM, 08:20 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:20 AM, 13:15 AM

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Sea Seeker Krabi Resort (SHA+)

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954 Moo 2, Tumbon Aonang

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This transportation mode is a great choice for a hassle-free and comfy travel experience. It is also ideal for those who go from Phuket Airport to Krabi.

Unlike other public transportation, taxis offer a direct and private trip mode. It picks you up from your location and drops you off at your destination in Krabi.

However, taxis are significantly more expensive than buses. The fares range from THB 3,000 to 4,000 depending on the taxi companies and the distance.

How do you get from Phuket to Krabi by taxi? You can grab various taxi companies operating in Phuket Airport or order via a mobile taxi booking app.

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If you prefer a water journey, travelling by ferry offers a relaxing way to reach Krabi. This option allows you to experience the fantastic view of the Andaman Sea, the islands, and the coastlines.

Besides, a ferry ride is faster than a road trip because the distance is only 50 km. But how to get from Phuket to Krabi by ferry?

Ferry services operate from Rassada Pier and Bang Rong Pier. Rassada Pier is near the town centre, while Bang Rong Pier is near Phuket Airport. The ticket price ranges between THB 400 to THB 1,000 depending on the ferry company and the pier where you depart.

How long is the ferry from Phuket to Krabi? This water journey takes 2 hours. But you should note that the weather will affect the trip.

It will be more convenient if you book your ferry tickets in advance. So you can check the departure schedule and ensure availability, especially during the high season.

Rassada Pier Address : 423 Tha Rue Mai road, tambon Rassada, Muang

Bang Rong Pier Address : Soi Mukthalang, Thep Krasatti, Thalang District

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Snorkeling Ferry Cruise from Phuket to the Phi Phi Islands (Standard Class) | Thailand

4. Speedboat

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Speedboats offer an exhilarating adventure and are the fastest way to travel between Phuket and Krabi. This way, you can enjoy the adrenaline rush as you race across the turquoise water of the Andaman Sea.

How to get from Phuket to Krabi by speedboat? The speedboats depart from Bang Rong Pier and arrive at the Floating Pier near Railay Beach and Nopparat Thara Pier near Ao Nang Beach. The private speedboat costs around THB 16.000 for a maximum of 10 passengers.

Speedboat Schedule :

5. Car Rental

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Renting a car is wise if you want to prioritise flexibility and privacy when travelling to Krabi. Unlike public transportation, renting a car allows you to create your itinerary without sticking to the schedule.

In addition, you can visit any attractions you like and make spontaneous stops anytime. When using a car rental service, you have two options: hiring a driver or driving yourself.

If you want to reach Krabi at your own pace, just book the car rental service through Traveloka . The car rental rates vary depending on the type of car that you choose. It ranges from THB 770 to THB 1,300 per day.

What is The Best Way to Get from Phuket to Krabi?

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A variety of travel options to Krabi are available. Each of them has its own advantages and weaknesses. So, you can determine the best way to travel to Krabi based on your budget, time flexibility, and the comfort level you want to experience.

For instance, taking a bus is the best option for those planning cost-effective trips. Unfortunately, the bus may not be as comfortable and flexible as a taxi.

Besides, the ferry is an ideal choice to experience the scenic pleasure of the water journey. However, if time is your priority, riding a speedboat is a wise option.

Then, what is the best way to get from Krabi to Phuket? If you want to return to Phuket after exploring the beautiful landscape of Krabi, you can choose similar travel options such as bus, taxi, speedboat, and ferry.

So, have you determined how to get from Phuket to Krabi ? Just select the best travel option based on your travelling budget and preference. This way, you can focus on creating lasting memories in this captivating corner of Thailand.

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Moscow’s landscape is particularly unique as it is set in the Palouse region , an area between Idaho, southeastern Washington, and even Oregon, known for its peculiar rolling green hills, which make it one of the most beautiful vistas in the state . d.

UPDATE: 2023/08/22 16:57 EST BY NOAH STAATS

There Are More Things To Do While In Moscow, Idaho!

This article has been refreshed with new stops in Moscow, Idaho, as well as tips, tricks, and things to experience in town. From fun waterslides to nature preserves to beer, here are all the reasons Moscow should be on the itinerary this fall and beyond!

Things To Do

Here is everything travelers need to know about planning a great trip to Moscow, Idaho, including the best time of year to visit, where to eat and drink, and the best activities.

Check Out The Historic McConnell Mansion

One thing to do while in Moscow, Idaho, is to go see the McConnel Mansion , located in Moscow's historic neighborhood. Here is where a home built by the former governor sits, now working as a place to learn more about Moscow, as well as see how life and architecture looked back then.

Constructed in 1886, this museum also features period rooms and decor, so it's certainly worth seeing for people in the area.

  • Address: 110 S Adams St, Moscow, ID 83843
  • Hours: Dependent on season/tour

Soak Up The Sun At Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center

The next thing to do in Moscow, Idaho, is to check out the Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center . Here is where families or groups can enjoy the outdoor seasonal water park with a lazy river, large pool, waterslides & interactive play area.

This aquatic center boasts a great summer itinerary, making it perfect for travelers with children.

  • Address: 830 N Mountain View Rd, Moscow, ID 83843
  • Hours: Open daily from 12 PM to 7:30 PM (Open at 11 AM on Saturdays and Sundays)
  • Tickets: Children 3 and under FREE, Children 4-17 $5.75 including tax, Adults 18-64 $7.75 including tax, Seniors 65+ $5.75 including tax

Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute

Another idea while in town would be to visit the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute. Here is where people visiting Moscow can explore a 26.2-acre nature preserve in the city, as well as walk around and enjoy the fresh air.

  • Address: 1040 Rodeo Dr, Moscow, ID 83843
  • Hours: Open Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM

See A Show At The Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre

The next idea for a Moscow, Idaho, visitor is to catch a performance at the city's Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre . Here lies a restored historic theater that offers classic films, community events, and a variety of stage performances.

  • Address: 508 S Main St, Moscow, ID 83843

Cycle Some Of The Palouse Bike Trails

A very popular tourist activity in Moscow is to rent a bike and cycle through some of the Palouse bike trails. A popular trail is the 7-mile Bill Chipman Palouse Trail between Pullman in Washington and Moscow.

  • Admission: Bike rental costs will vary; check out Paradise Bike Rentals
  • Address: The trail end points are SE Bishop Blvd. (Pullman, WA) and Farm Rd. (Moscow, ID)

View The University Of Idaho Arboretum & Botanical Garden

Spend an afternoon checking out the countless plants from across the world in the University’s Arboretum & Botanical Garden . The garden is open every day, from dawn to dusk.

  • Admission: Free
  • Address: 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2281, Moscow, Idaho

Head To The Moscow Farmer’s Market

Visiting the Farmer’s Market is the big thing to do in Moscow and is incredibly popular with locals and visitors alike. It’s held from May to October from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Check out the fresh produce and enjoy some local performers entertaining the crowds.

  • Address: 101-155 W 4th St, Moscow, ID 83843

Camp Out In Robinson County Park

This campsite is great for those who would like to immerse themselves in nature but also want to be close to town, and the campsite in Robinson is just a ten-minute drive from downtown Moscow. This park has plenty of trails and picnic spots to enjoy.

  • Admission: $20 a night to camp
  • Address: 5168 Robinson Park Rd, Moscow ID 83843

Related: 8 Idaho State Parks To Add To Your Scenic Bucket List

Check Out The Appaloosa Museum & Heritage Center

For those wanting to learn about the history of the beautiful Appaloosa horse breed, native to the Palouse region, the Appaloosa Museum & Heritage Center is a perfect place to spend the afternoon.

Here is where guests can tour the Davis-Gillman Activity Center, Gift Shop, and Picnic Area, all while learning more about this area's rich culture.

  • Address: 2720 Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID 83843, USA
  • 1912 Center: Check out some local art and learn about cultural initiatives in Moscow
  • Address: 412 E. Third St. Moscow, ID 83843

Tour The Third Street Gallery

Next up, guests of the city of Moscow, Idaho, can check out the Third Street Gallery. The Third Street Gallery is located on the second and third floors of Moscow's beautifully renovated and historic City Hall, making that another nice thing to see while here.

  • Address: 206 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID 83843, USA
  • Hours: Seasonally/dependent on art and creators

Skate At The Palouse Ice Rink

Another fun stop in the Moscow area is the Palouse Ice Rink , a fun place to visit for all the family for some ice skating and hockey in the winter and rollerblading during the summer.

This could be a nice location to bring the family, especially for people with young kids.

  • Admission: Adults - $10, Children 6-17 - $8.00, 5 and under free
  • Family Admission (up to 5 members) - $35.00
  • Address: 1021 Harold St, Moscow, ID 83843, USA

Taste Local Moscow Craft Beers

Moscow has a pretty extensive craft beer culture, and it's well worth making a day of visiting some of the local breweries. Here are several great breweries to check out.

Moscow Brewing Company : Be sure to visit Moscow’s first brewhouse for some great history and even better beer

  • Address: 630 N Almon St #130, Moscow, ID

Hunga Dunga Brewing Company - Offering unique IPAs, Stouts, and so much more.

  • Address: 333 N Jackson St, Moscow, ID 83843, USA

Rants & Rave Brewery - A brewery and a grill, what’s not to love?

  • Address: 308 N Jackson St, Moscow, ID, USA

Best Time To Go To Moscow, Idaho

Moscow, Idaho, has a temperate climate with hot summers and cold winters. During the summer months, the temperature can reach into the 90s and can be quite dry. The winters are cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing and the area receiving some snowfall. Spring and fall are mild, with temperatures ranging from the 40s to 60s.

The best time of year depends on what visitors have planned for the trip. The months of June, July, and August are great for outdoor activities like hiking and biking.

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However, in the winter months, there are local mountains and resorts suitable for snowboarding, skiing, and snowshoeing for those interested in winter sports. The Palouse Ice Rink is a popular spot for locals and visitors during the winter, too, and also offers some family-friendly activities the whole year round. Even a scenic road trip can be enjoyable during Idaho's winter .

The city tends to be a bustling hub of activity during its festivals, like the Rendezvous in the Park music festival, which usually takes place on the third weekend in July, or the Moscow Winter Carnival, which takes place in early December.

Best Ways To Get Around Moscow Idaho

Moscow is a very walkable city, and most of the main destinations for tourists can be accessed on foot, especially during the summer. Getting around on a bike is a great option; Moscow has 36 miles of paved trails, so renting a bicycle in town could be a good choice for visitors.

  • Paradise Bike Rentals is a convenient bike rental shop on Main Street.

Moscow also has a public bus system called the Sustainable Moscow Area Regional Transportation or SMART transit that covers two loops, one in the west and one in the east of the town, and the fixed routes are free.

There are multiple taxi and rideshare companies in Moscow, and Uber and Lyft are also available. Here are some local Taxi company options:

  • Moscow Taxi
  • Pegasus Taxi

It’s possible to rent a car coming from the regional Pullman Moscow airport from companies Avis, Hertz, Enterprise, and Budget.

Where To Eat In Moscow, Idaho

Moscow, Idaho, has some great spots for food, drinks, and coffee if visitors know where to look. The food options in Idaho tend to pleasantly surprise visitors. As it's a student town, there are more than a few fun bars too.

Best Breakfast in Moscow, Idaho

One World Café, Breakfast Club, Varsity Diner

Delicious Lunches in Moscow, Idaho:

Shari’s Café and Pies, Einstein Bros Bagels, Stax

Fantastic Dinners in Moscow, Idaho:

Nectar, Tapped - Taphouse & Kitchen, Lodgepole

Great Coffee Shops in Moscow, Idaho:

Café Artista, Bucer's Coffee House Pub, Steam Coffee

Fun Bars in Moscow, Idaho:

John’s Alley Tavern, Mingles Bar & Grill, Neat Whiskey Bar

Where To Stay In Moscow, Idaho

There are a number of hotels and rentals in the city, although some travelers also opt to stay in the nearby Washington state town of Pullman. Here are a few options in Moscow itself:

Highly rated hotels in Moscow Idaho

Best Western Plus University Inn : Room rates at the Best Western Plus University Inn start from $120 per night

  • Amenities: Swimming pool, fitness center, on-site restaurant, and bar
  • Address: 1516 Pullman Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Moscow : Room rates at the Fairfield Inn & Suites start from $140 per night

  • Amenities: Free breakfast, indoor pool, and fitness center
  • Address: 1000 West Pullman Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843, United States

Mid-Tier hotels in Moscow

The Monarch Motel Room rates at the Monarch Hotel start from $100 per night

  • Amenities: garden/chill-out area
  • Address: 120 W 6th St, Moscow, ID 83843, United States

Hotel Mccoy Pullman Room rates at this property start from $140 per night

  • Amenities: Fitness center, Restaurant, Bar/Lounge, Free Wi-Fi, Free parking
  • Address: 455 Southeast Paradise Street, Pullman, WA 99163

Related: Idaho The Potato State: Why Not Sleep In A Hotel Shaped Like One?

Budget hotels in Moscow Idaho

La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Moscow Pullman : Room rates at La Quinta Inn & Suites start from $130 per night

  • Amenities: Free breakfast, airport shuttle, shuttle to local attractions
  • Address: 185 Warbonnet Dr, Moscow, ID 83843, United States

Super 8 by Wyndham Moscow / Pullman: Room rates at Super 8 by Wyndham Moscow start from $80 per night

  • Amenities: Mobile check-in, Wi-Fi, free coffee & breakfast Item
  • Address: 175 Peterson Drive Pullman Hwy and 175 Peterson Dr, Moscow, ID 83843

Tips For Visiting Moscow, Idaho

Moscow is a University city in north central Idaho and has a population of just over 25,000. It’s about 8 miles east of the Washington State border. It’s been home to the University of Idaho since 1889.

Moscow is served by a regional airport, The Pullman Moscow Airport is four miles west of the city, and the closest major airport is Spokane International Airport in Washington, located within 90 miles east of the city.

From here, visitors can rent a car or arrange a shuffle to get to Moscow; it will take about an hour and 40 minutes.

Related: Explore Idaho's Capital City: The Ultimate Travel Guide To Boise & Things To Do

Moscow is located along Highway 95, which runs north and south through the city. It’s also possible to travel to Moscow by bus from Spokane and Seattle. It’s good to know a little bit about the unique landscape travelers will get to explore when visiting Moscow. It’s part of the Palouse region, which encompasses parts of north central Idaho, southeastern Washington, and a little bit of Oregon.

Its distinctive and peculiar rolling green hills are made of a material called loess, which is mainly dust and silt blown in over thousands of years from the southwest.

After periods of deposition and erosion in harsh weather, unique dune-like shapes formed in the landscape. The Palouse region is a major agriculture zone, mainly for grain production, and it's also a stunning place to experience as a tourist.

How To Spend The Perfect Day In Moscow, Idaho

A perfect day in Moscow will start with a great breakfast, so head to the popular One World Café for a delicious bite to eat and then get ready to take on some of the incredible Palouse biking trails. Rent a bike for the afternoon and take the Bill Chipman Palouse trail nearby by Pullman and back.

Don’t forget to bring a camera. Head for lunch at Stax for some soup and sandwiches, and then visit the University of Idaho campus for a stroll through the arboretum and Botanical Garden. While on campus, check out some of the famous landmarks, like the Kibbie Dome or the Prichard Art Gallery.

In the evening, enjoy a fancy dinner at Lodgepole and polish the evening off with a drink at John’s Alley Tavern.

12 Things To Do In Moscow: Complete Guide To A Unique Idaho City


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  30. 12 Things To Do In Moscow: Complete Guide To A Unique Idaho City

    Café Artista, Bucer's Coffee House Pub, Steam Coffee. Fun Bars in Moscow, Idaho: John's Alley Tavern, Mingles Bar & Grill, Neat Whiskey Bar. There are a number of hotels and rentals in the city ...