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best winter solo trips

How to Enjoy Winter Solo Travel: Destinations, Planning & Packing

Janice Waugh

January 16, 2024 by Janice Waugh

best winter solo trips

I embrace winter. I skate and ski and, as you'll see below, occasionally snowshoe as well. When it comes to travel in winter, I prefer to stay in the cold rather than go south. Yes, I love winter solo travel.

I have taken many winter trips over the years. I never let the temperature stop me. Typically, the brighter the day, the colder it is outside. When it's really cold, the inside of my nostrils freeze. Layers and face protectors, hoods and down-filled leather mitts, all protect me from the elements and allow me to enjoy them.

As a result I have lots of recommendations for great winter solo trips, I have a good sense of how to plan for one, and I know how to pack for a winter trip while still only using a carry-on suitcase. Here's my advice for great solo travel in winter.

best winter solo trips

Table of Contents

Where to See the Northern Lights: Aurora Borealis

I have twice traveled to northern locations only to miss the northern lights. Whitehorse was cloudy and I was just a bit late for the aurora borealis season in Iceland. Ironically, and contrary to all advice, my best viewing was in summer on the north shore of Lake Superior. It wasn't an intense display but there was still the magical curving, curling, and shimmering to enjoy.

The best northern lights viewing is from September to March with the prime months being December to February when the days are very short and the nights very long. The key is to have a very dark, cloudless sky so have a look at the full moon schedule and avoid those dates. Viewing will also be better closing in on midnight and after. Popular destinations for the northern lights are Norway, Sweden, and Finland in Europe, northern Manitoba and the Yukon in Canada, and Alaska in the United States.

This article on offers a technical explanation of auroras and a number of webcams to view them virtually.

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Where to Go for Scandinavian Spas in North America

An outdoor spa in winter is a very special experience. Cold outside, warm pools and saunas, wood fires and hot drinks: it's the ultimate in a winter cosy day. All my winter spa experiences have been solo and I've loved each one.

I've been to the Scandinave spa in Whistler, British Columbia. They have locations at Mont Tremblant, Blue Mountain, and in Old Montreal as well. The Thermëa spa in Winnipeg, Manitoba is in a beautiful location and a reasonable taxi ride from the city. (They have recently opened another location in Whitby, Ontario.) There is also the Nordik Spa-Nature in Chelsea, Quebec and Vettä Nordic Spa north of Barrie, Ontario. As you can see, my spa experience has been in Canada. For a list of winter spas in the United States read here .

To enjoy a winter spa, remember to bring a hat (a toque if you speak Canadian), use face moisturizer because the winter is a dry season, avoid alcohol until after your spa experience, and check with your doctor first if you have health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.

Read here to learn about a variety of international spa experiences.

image, Woman snow shoeing, winter travel fun

Adventure Winter Destinations: This Is How to Do Winter Solo

Wilderness Adventures   Going into the wilderness is particularly magical in winter. A blanket of snow captures sound, making it noticeably quiet. The exception to the quiet is the crunch of the snow beneath your boots, especially when it is very cold. The colder it is, the more the snow crunches. Here are three recommendations:

  • Back country adventure in western Canada. Read  Adventure Travel in Western Canada
  • Soft adventure in Canada's Rocky Mountains. Read  Solo Travel Destination: Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada
  • Guided back country ski and snowshoe experiences in Algonquin Park.

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Urban Winter Solo Travel Adventures for January and February 

Northern cities know how to make the most of winter. You get the urban experience with outdoor activities as well. Three cities in particular come to mind.

  • Ottawa is great for skating on the famous Rideau Canal; Winterlude, their annual February festival; and cross-country ski trails along the Ottawa River. Read  Ottawa Getaway: Warm Memories from a Winter Trip .
  • Montreal has its old city where you can walk from the cold to the warmth of bistros, cafes, and pubs. There's also Mount Royal where you can go skating on Beaver Lake, cross-country skiing along the side of the mountain, and even take in a guided snowshoe event in the evenings. You can also read  Solo Travel, Running, and Run Crews .
  • Quebec City is probably the coldest of these three cities but, again, it has so much to offer, such as its  Carnival  in February. Read  Solo Travel Destination: Quebec City, Canada  for one of our reader's winter experiences in Quebec City.

image, skier, winter sports solo

Skiing and Winter Resorts

  • Mont Tremblant .  Read  Mont Tremblant: The Perfect Winter Getaway  and  Taking on My Zipline Fear – With Mixed Results .
  • Whistler-Blackcomb, British Columbia . While there, try Ziplining and, in Whistler, skiing. See  Solo At Whistler Blackcomb: 32 Tips You Need to Know . While you're there, try some other outdoor activities.

image, pond hockey championship

Small Town Winter Travel Destinations

Small towns are just that: small. They are easy to navigate, usually friendly, close to nature, and are typically very safe. Here are a few small towns that are great in winter.

  • Whitehorse , Yukon is a town that many southerners have moved to. It's a town full of lots to do all year around and, if you're lucky, you'll see the northern lights. Read  Solo Travel to Whitehorse: Highlights & No Lights in Canada’s North .
  • Plaster Rock, New Brunswick is a destination well off the beaten path, but come February it's a hot spot for pond hockey. The World Pond Hockey Championships attract visitors from Europe and North America.
  • Muonio, Finland is a destination I'd like to reach based on a readers report:  Solo Travel Destination: Muonio, Finland .

image, christmas market, solo winter travel

Europe for Solo Winter Travel 

There isn't a European destination that I wouldn't visit in winter, though there are some more attractive than others. I can certainly recommend Switzerland where I lived in 2002. There's nothing better than a day of skiing followed by fondue by a fireplace in a chalet. Here are a few posts we have on winter European destinations.

  • Solo Travel Destination: Lapland, Finland
  • Exploring Christmas Markets in Germany and France
  • Solo Travel Destination: Bansko, Bulgaria
  • Solo Travel Destination: Sweden

Trip Planning for Cold Winter Travels

  • Decide on your winter activities . Do you want to ski, traipse around a city, or take in a winter festival? Decide what you want to do on your winter getaway first and then choose your destination accordingly.
  • Choose your destination . In some cases, you can have it all. Skiing is available within an hour of Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City. Consider seasonal events: Winter Festivals: The Fun of Going to Festivals Solo . Know what you want to do first and the location will fall into place.
  • Plan your transportation . Now that you know where you want to go you want to know what it will take to get there. If you're not sure, use This site gives, in great detail, all the options of how to get from one place to another, how long it will take, and how much it will cost.
  • Book your accommodation . is the most popular site for booking hotels, hostels, and B&Bs according to our readers. I also like , a site similar to Airbnb on which I've had better success.
  • Monitor the weather . Two weeks before leaving, start monitoring the weather at your destination. I use the Weather app on my phone and add my destination to it. This makes it easy to get the 14-day outlook.
  • Pack according to the weather. See the next section.

For detailed information on solo trip planning, check out our Solo Travel Planning Guide .

Packing for Winter Travels

My biggest concerns are cold feet, cold hands, and a cold back. If I can keep all these warm, I'm okay. Please see my standard carry-on packing list here . Below are special items for cold winter solo travel. Most were worn onto the plane so they didn't affect my carry-on capacity at all.

  • Boots   My boots are rated for 25 below zero Celsius. You might not need your boots to be that warm, but I love knowing that my feet will never get cold. Bottom line: you need warm boots .
  • Shoes   It's common when you're traipsing about in the snow in boots to carry a pair of light shoes with you for when you go inside. Choose a pair of indoor shoes that are light and easy to pack.
  • Parka   You can spend a lot on a parka but that's not really necessary. The key to a warm parka is a good layer of down or quality insulation and the right fit. It can't fit too close to your body. There needs to be air between your body and the jacket to act as another layer of insulation. A hood is essential on particularly cold or windy days. A 3/4 length is ideal.
  • Pants   Jeans are not great in really cold weather. Corduroy pants are much better. The wales in the fabric create space for air and some insulation and prevent the fabric from becoming stiff with cold.
  • Wind Pants   You can buy insulated snow pants but I find wind pants over pants and long underwear  do the job in most cases. I spent my week in Quebec city wearing cords and wind pants when out and about and found my legs were just fine. These are the pants from my rain suit.
  • Layers   You have to travel with long underwear. I prefer silk for warmth because the layer is so thin it's barely noticeable and because, unlike synthetic fabric, it keeps smelling fresh.
  • Scarf and Neck Warmer   These are so important. On really cold days I wear both. The neckie does what it should. It keeps my neck warm and stops any wind from going down my jacket. The scarf is more flexible and goes around my face if required.
  • Mittens   You need a pair of gloves but you also need a great pair of mitts. My mitts make me smile every time I see them. They remind me of being warm on really cold days. They're too warm for most days in Toronto but when I'm in a really cold environment they are perfect.
  • Hat   In Canada we call a knitted wool hat a toque. Even with a hood up you need a toque.

Winter Road Trips Are an Option

Winter driving can be different than the rest of the year but not always. Most of the time, weather isn't an issue. However, you do have to plan for the possibility. To do so, read  A Winter Road Trip Alone: Essential Tips for Survival and Enjoyment.

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best winter solo trips

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A Solo Woman Traveling

Boutique Travel Guides & All-Female Luxury Tours

A Solo Woman Traveling

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter For Solo Females

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Looking for the best places to travel in the US in winter? Between the holidays and vacations, winter is a popular time to travel. I grew up in Boston, Massachusetts where escaping the winter was always on my to-do list.

Either you’re traveling somewhere tropical while there’s a snowstorm back at home, or you’re traveling towards the snow to leave your warm and sunny neighborhood behind. 

That said, if you’re looking for some winter travel inspiration, you’ve come to the right place! I’m sharing 35 of the best places to travel in the US in winter.

And don’t worry, there’s something for everyone in this guide. Whether you’re seeking the snow or the sun, this guide has you covered!

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

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35 Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

New york city.

New York City in the winter, especially around the holiday season, is truly a sight to behold. From ice skating by the lights of the iconic Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree to the Times Square New Year’s Eve ball drop, there’s plenty to do in NYC in winter.

You will want to have at least 2 days in New York at minimum, ideally 4-5.

Although New York is definitely a cold winter travel destination, you might not be bombarded by snow. And if you aren’t visiting during the holiday rush, it’s not as packed as it would be otherwise. There are so many December getaways in the US , New York being my one of my favorites.

NYC: Luxury Brunch, Lunch or Dinner Harbor Cruise

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter NYC

Joshua Tree National Park

If you’ve been wanting to visit Joshua Tree National Park , winter is one of the best times to do it! Located in the Mojave Desert in Southeastern California, the temperatures can quickly get over 100 in the summer. By contrast, winter weather in Joshua Tree is much milder.

The best things to do in Joshua Tree National Park are hiking, camping, and stargazing! There are lots of beautiful hikes of a variety of lengths and difficulties. At night, take advantage of the light-pollution-free area and see a sky full of stars.

Joshua Tree National Park: Self-Driving Audio Tour

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter Joshua Tree

Key West, Florida

Key West is a great warm weather winter destination in the US. This southern Florida city boasts a subtropical climate year-round, with warm water to boot! The warm weather isn’t a secret though; winter is Key West’s most popular time.

Head to this southernmost point for a lively, party atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and plenty of natural adventures. There are lots of opportunities for scuba diving and sea-life spotting off the shores of Key West.

If you are looking to extend your trip outside of the US, Havana Cuba is just a stone’s throw away from Key West.

Key West Tour: Conch Train Tour

Key West Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is undeniably magical, perhaps even more so in the winter. Located in Wyoming, this breathtaking park is mostly visited during the peak of summer. During winter, snowfall covers many of the roads, which means access is more limited.

However, it’s an excellent way to see the park more naturally.

Ditch the car and opt for snow-friendly modes of transportation like skis, snowshoes, and snowmobiles. With fewer crowds, you’re more likely to spot some of the park’s wildlife, like bison. Steaming hot springs in Yellowstone are a stunning sight against the frozen landscape.

Private Tour: West Yellowstone Park Tour with Local Guide

Yellowstone Park

Pasadena, California

Southern California is always a good bet if you’re seeking a warmer winter. This year, add Pasadena to your list! Northeast of downtown Los Angeles, Pasadena’s winter claim to fame is the Rose Bowl and Rose Parade. 

Every January 1st, elaborately decorated botanical floats parade through the streets of Pasadena to ring in the new year. The entire week before the event is also filled with festivities.

Top tip: if you’re planning your winter travel around Pasadena, be sure to book early!

Pasadena: Old Pasadena Scavenger Hunt Walking Tour

Pasadena California Sign

Londonderry, Vermont

Located in the south of Vermont, the tiny town of Londonderry is home to the Magic Mountain Ski Area. This small ski resort is perfect for serious skiers searching for a classic ski resort experience.

Its winding wooden slopes offer more of a challenge and lower lift ticket prices. Off the slopes, you can relax in the spacious tavern.

Londonderry Vermont

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans is a great US city to visit in the winter if you prefer sun to snow! Even in the coldest months, the average high temperature is just below 70º. February is the busiest winter month for New Orleans, as that’s when the city hosts its annual Mardi Gras celebrations.

Aside from that, winter might be the best time to visit New Orleans to get all of the charm, much smaller crowds, and less humidity.

All of the best things to do in New Orleans are still just as possible during the winter. Ghost tours, drinks on Bourbon Street, and beignets are made even cozier with festive holiday lights!

New Orleans: Night Cemetery and Ghost BYOB Bus Tour

New Orleans Parks

Breckenridge, Colorado

Colorado is home to incredible winter weather destinations with some of the highest elevations in the US. Breckenridge is one of them. Originally a mining and fur trading town, Breckenridge is now one of Colorado’s most popular ski destinations. Be sure you pack a good ski jacket !

There’s more than just skiing in-store in Breckenridge, though! The Victorian downtown area is preserved in a National Historic District, where you’ll also find plenty of stores and restaurants to check out.

Wine tasting, sledding, and the International Snow Sculpture Championships round out Breckenridge’s diverse winter activities.

Plan A Road Trip with Roadtrippers ! – Save $5 with Code: BTR5QTP

Breckenridge Co in Winter

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is a lot quieter in the winter but just as beautiful! Snow-capped mountains, sparkling lakes, and towering sequoias are just a few of the park’s highlights. 

There are many hiking trails still open during the winter, where you can catch the iconic sights of the park, including El Capitan, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Mirror Lake.

In February, the sun aligns perfectly with the Horsetail Falls. At sunset, the falls take on the sun’s orange color, appearing to become a flowing fall of fire instead of water.

Yosemite National Park: Valley Orientation Tour

Yosemite National Park in Winter

Leavenworth, Washington

If you’re craving the Christmas markets of Europe without the international flight, Leavenworth is a must-visit for your winter travels! Leavenworth is a Bavarian-styled village in central Washington. 

Nestled in the Cascade Mountains, Leavenworth is just a 2-hour road trip from Seattle, but it transforms into the perfect winter wonderland! From alpine facades and Bavarian restaurants to beautiful trails and stunning lakes, there’s plenty to occupy any traveler.

Leavenworth: Mountain Views Guided E-bike Tour

Leavenworth Washington in Winter

Fairbanks, Alaska

Lean into the chilly weather during the winter months with a trip to Alaska! There are many wonderful destinations to add to your trip, but Fairbanks probably gives you the best of everything. Most people visit Alaska on a cruise , but if you have the opportunity to stay on dry land, I think you will really love Fairbanks.

One of the best things to do in Fairbanks in the winter is to look for the Northern Lights! You can book tours that seek out the magical lights during your stay. You can also take advantage of all that Alaska offers from Fairbanks, including hot springs, dog sledding, Arctic Circle tours, and more!

Lake Tahoe is an all-weather destination, but if you love winter sports, it’s a great place to visit during the winter! Multiple ski resorts boast world-class ski and snowboard slopes. It’s one of the United States’ most popular skiing destinations for a reason!

Even if you’re not keen on skiing, there’s a lively apres-ski atmosphere at the resorts and all around Lake Tahoe. Enjoy scenic views of Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevadas from the many wonderful restaurants and bars, or gear up and go on a cool hike!

Lake Tahoe: Self-Guided Driving Tour

Lake Tahoe in Winter

Maui, Hawaii

When you think of winter holidays, Maui is probably more along the lines of what you’re imagining. White sand beaches, palm trees, and relaxing under the warm sun. Maui is one of Hawaii’s larger and more popular islands, but it’s not just beaches.

The natural landscape of Maui is truly breathtaking, from the beaches and cliffs to lush vegetation. A trip to Maui is perfect for nature lovers looking for a break from the winter weather!

Lahaina: Turtle Town Snorkel and Whale Watching Cruise

Sea Turtles in Maui

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

If you’d prefer a road trip to a plane ride, Fort Lauderdale offers the picturesque white sands of Hawaii a bit closer to home. On the southeast coast of Florida, Fort Lauderdale is a calmer, slower, but no less enjoyable version of Miami Beach.

The city’s lively boardwalk is lined with upscale restaurants and boutiques, perfect for the solo traveler to explore. The best times to visit Fort Lauderdale are December through April. The earlier in the season you go, the easier it will be to avoid any spring break crowds. With highs often in the 80s, Fort Lauderdale is the perfect warm winter travel destination!

Water Activity: Everglades Day Safari from Fort Lauderdale

Florida beaches in winter

San Diego, California

San Diego offers another warm winter getaway on the other side of the country! As California’s southernmost city and one of its most populous, there’s no shortage of things to do during your visit to San Diego.

Mild weather year-round is a big perk of San Diego, especially in the winter. While the Pacific Ocean might be a bit too chilly to spend much time in, it’s still worth visiting the beaches. In addition to the beaches, you can spend your time in San Diego exploring the many museums or enjoying the foodie scene in Little Italy.

GPS Talking Tour Cars: Downtown & Old Town

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter is San Diego

Whitefish, Montana

Whitefish is a classic resort town in Montana, an ideal winter travel destination for any winter sports enthusiasts! Situated in the Rocky Mountains, Whitefish is the gateway to Glacier National Park. As such, the environment there is dominated by breathtaking mountains and sparkling lakes.

The biggest draw for this small town is the Whitefish Mountain Resort, but the main street in Whitefish is also full of lovely boutiques and cafes!

St. Augustine, Florida

The oldest city in the United States, St. Augustine is also a great place to travel in the winter. With temperatures ranging from the 40s to the upper-60s, you can escape frigid, snowy weather for a more mild climate. It is also the best time to go kayaking with manatees !

History lovers will get a thrill in St. Augustine by exploring the old Spanish stone fortress Castillo de San Marcos. Flagler College is also located in St. Augustine.

St. Augustine is a thriving mix of fun shops and restaurants between college students and the tourism industry.

Night Tour St Augustine: Nights of Lights Trolley Tour

St. Augustine, Florida

Asheville, North Carolina

Looking for a winter mountain getaway without the snow? Head to Asheville, North Carolina for a weekend in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Asheville is a bustling, quirky town in western North Carolina. Tourists flock there throughout the year, but winter is a bit slower than the fall leaf-peeping season.

Pay a visit to the famous Biltmore Castle , which gets decorated beautifully for Christmas. You’ll find plenty of local shops, restaurants, and bars in downtown Asheville. Outside of the city, enjoy plentiful breweries and scenic hiking trails. And, of course, you can’t miss a drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway!

A Solo Woman Traveling recommends Asheville, NC

San Francisco, California

Home to the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco is one of the best winter destinations in the US. This bay city is well known for a variety of reasons, including its winding roads, colorful Victorian homes, and diverse cultural and culinary scene.

Visiting in the winter means more affordable hotels and less crowded destinations. If you are traveling with your pet, there are lots of things to do in San Francisco with your dog!

If you time it right, you can even experience the Chinese New Year in San Francisco! San Francisco has a thriving Chinese culture, so this isn’t to be missed.

This Northern California city can get a bit chilly – in the 50s – so make sure to pack layers!

San Francisco: Golden Gate Bay Cruise

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter is San Francisco

Orlando, Florida

Theme park enthusiasts rejoice! Winter is one of the best times to visit Orlando, Florida. If destinations like Disney World and Universal Studios are on the top of your list, avoid school holiday times around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Otherwise, winter is ideal for spending a day in a theme park without the dreaded Florida humidity.

There’s much more to Orlando than theme parks, though. You’ll find lush parks and popular restaurants, and you can even travel to visit the John F. Kennedy Space Center !

Orlando: The Wheel at ICON Park Observation Wheel + Options

Orlando Florida in Winter

Phoenix, Arizona

An obvious choice of the best places to visit in the US in winter includes Arizona. Phoenix and its surrounding area are undeniably one of the best warm winter destinations in the US! The city itself is best known in the winter for its Lantern Festival, which is the largest in North America. The Lantern Festival, which runs from November to the new year has a stunning lantern and light displays.

In the greater Phoenix metropolitan area is Scottsdale. This hip and luxurious town is best known for its resort atmosphere, spas, and trendy restaurants. It’s an attractive combination for the solo traveler!

Bryce Canyon National Park

Utah is home to many national parks that become absolutely breathtaking in the winter. Bryce Canyon National Park is one of these. The iconic red rock spires get covered in snow for a totally magical vista. 

While fewer trails and services are available during the winter, the park is also less overrun with visitors. Take advantage of the winter-exclusive activities like snowshoeing and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Packing Essentials

Charleston, South Carolina

Named the Top City in the World by Conde Nast Traveler nine years in a row, Charleston is one of the best southern cities to visit in winter.

My last trip to Charleston was during the summer, and the heat and humidity were nearly intolerable. In the winter, you benefit from milder weather without compromising on any of the wonderful things Charleston has to offer.

Walking around Charleston, especially in the historic district, is a treat. Snap a photo of the famous Rainbow Row, walk along the waterfront, and stumble across some of the best restaurants in the South.

Charleston: Haunted Carriage Evening Tour

Charleston, one of Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

Death Valley National Park

Death Valley National Park might not seem like the logical choice for your winter travels home to North America’s lowest point and the highest recorded temperatures in the US. However, winter is the best time to visit this unique location. 

The weather is much more tolerable than the summer highs of over 100º. Walk around the ghost town in Titus Canyon and visit Badwater Basin to stand at the continent’s lowest point below sea level.

Savannah, Georgia

best winter solo trips

Steeped in history with plenty of modern culture and amenities, Savannah is one of the best places to travel in the US in winter. Avoid the heat of a Southern summer and visit this historic town during cooler months.

Savannah is one of the best US cities to visit in November ! If you visit at the tail end of the month you can enjoy all the festive decorations.

Plenty of walking tours will take you around significant and potentially haunted locations around Savannah. I love tours as a solo traveler as they’re a great way to meet other travelers! Savannah is also home to world-renowned cuisine and incredible luxury hotels.

Savannah: Ghosts & Gravestones Trolleybus Sightseeing Tour

Savannah, GA one of the Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

Bend, Oregon

Bend is a popular winter travel destination, and for a good reason! There’s no shortage of winter sports and activities in Bend. Located along the Deschutes River in central Oregon, Bend has several perfect mountains for skiing and snowboarding. Many tour companies run unique tours in Bend, including dog sledding, snowshoeing, and beer trails!

Vail, Colorado

Vail is one of the most popular US winter travel destinations, with nearly 700,000 people visiting every winter. Skiing is one of the main draws to the area, as Vail is home to several luxe ski resorts. For non-skiers, Vail Village is a Bavarian-style village with many shops and restaurants. Overall, Vail offers a winter getaway in the style of European ski holidays without traveling abroad.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City is Utah’s capital city and a great travel destination for the winter! Steep canyons make for incredible skiing. The United States’ largest ski resort, Park City Mountain Resort , is less than a 30-minute drive away from Salt Lake City.

Beyond snow activities, Salt Lake City also has a vibrant scene perfect for travelers, with lots of local breweries and restaurants. In Salt Lake City, you can also wander around an Ice Castle. This magical ice fortress offers winter fun for all ages.

Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

Austin, Texas

Austin is known as the Live Music Capital of the world, which has year-round appeal! Visiting in the winter, however, means you avoid the Texas summer heat and the crowds of large festivals in the spring and fall. Between the natural environment and parks and the thriving cultural, culinary, and arts scene, you could easily spend plenty of time in Austin!

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Jackson Hole is the best US travel destination in the winter for thrill-seekers and adventure lovers! Some of the most extreme and challenging ski slopes are in Jackson Hole, which draws advanced skiers to the resort.

Outside of skiing, you can view the picturesque Teton Mountain Range, visit the National Elk Refuge , and browse the shops and restaurants in the Western-style town of Jackson.

Seattle, Washington

Located on the Puget Sound in Washington, Seattle is one of the best places to visit in winter! Despite its often rainy weather, which doesn’t relent in the winter, Seattle is full of charm and delight. It’s known as the Emerald City due to the high concentration of trees and greenery in such an urban setting.

During your visit to Seattle, be sure to check out Pike Place Market , the Space Needle, and any of the incredible restaurants that call Seattle’s culinary scene home. Coffee lovers will also get a jolt out of visiting Seattle. Starbucks’s flagship store is located here!

Seattle, on e of the Best Places to Travel in the US in Winter

Boulder, Colorado

Boulder is a fantastic winter destination! Although there are plenty of winter activities around, it’s not as ski-centric as some other Colorado destinations. The University of Colorado Boulder is also located here, contributing to a year-round flurry of activity in this college town. 

In Boulder, indulge in some retail therapy at the Pearl Street outdoor mall, go hiking in the Flatirons, and wrap up your days enjoying craft beer from local breweries.

Stowe, Vermont

Stowe makes a list if you’re looking for the best winter vacation! This stunning, romantic small town has tons of winter activities, including skiing and hiking in Wiessner Woods. From Stowe, you can also visit Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield.

Stowe Mountain Lodge offers plenty of skiing opportunities or just a relaxing ski lodge staycation!

Sedona, Arizona

Sedona has been named one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and it’s undoubtedly a top winter travel destination. Sprawling landscapes of red rock formations draw millions of tourists each year. 

While it gets chilly at night, days in Sedona are wonderfully temperature, perfect for exploring all the trails and parks in the area! Sedona is also home to a thriving arts culture and lots of indigenous history that’s worth learning about while you’re visiting.

Sedona: Verde Canyon Railroad Tour

Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake National Park is located in the Cascades Mountains in Oregon. The main lake from which the park gets its name was formed from the collapse of an old volcano. Today, the park offers beautiful winding trails and stunning vistas of the large lake.

In the winter, park rangers offer guided snowshoe trails, and you can view the lake from the rim of the crater.

Best Travel Backpacks

Hot Springs, Arkansas

Winter in Hot Springs, Arkansas, can be a magical wonderland with its charming landscapes. Nestled in the Ouachita Mountains, this picturesque town offers a unique blend of relaxation and adventure.

Embarking on a scenic hike through the frost-kissed trails of Hot Springs National Park is a must-do. The cool, crisp air invigorates the senses as you meander past bubbling thermal springs and take in breathtaking views. For a touch of history and luxury, a visit to the historic Bathhouse Row is in order.

Imagine indulging in a soothing bath in the same springs that have been frequented by generations seeking relaxation. The winter ambiance adds an extra layer of enchantment to the experience.

The United States has some of the best winter destinations for every preference.

Whether you’re seeking snow and skiing thrills, prefer a relaxing week on the beach, or want to explore some of the country’s biggest cities, there’s a US winter travel destination for everyone!

Winter is also an excellent time for solo travel , as you can take advantage of any inclement weather to relax and enjoy time for yourself. More benefits of traveling alone here. 

Pro Tip:  Even though I found solo travel to be super safe, I ALWAYS recommend getting   travel insurance  to avoid any mishaps. Lost luggage or getting sick can happen at any time.

Check out the blog for more solo travel tips and specific destination guides. You can also follow along with my latest adventures on Instagram ! If you have been to one of these 35 best places to travel in the US in winter, I want to hear about it! Leave a comment!

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Best Places to Visit in Winter in the US

Melissa Byron, a seasoned solo traveler since 2009, is the founder & visionary behind A Solo Woman Traveling. Drawing from her extensive personal experience globetrotting solo to over 40 countries, she has dedicated herself to a mission: crafting invaluable guides and itineraries for women who embark on solo adventures.

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Great suggestions! Thanks!

As soon as I read the title of your post I wondered if you had included NYC and what position it was ranked into… and I was not surprised to see it in the first spot! I 100% agree with you, the city gets so cooler during the winter months! The rest of the list is amazing too, the Yosemite park is another must-visit spot, any time of the year! Thanks for sharing!

Love this! So many great destinations that I have yet to visit!

It’s great that I bumped into this post – We’re planning for our upcoming winter holiday and here we can find so many interesting options to choose from!

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Top 15 Best Solo Travel Destinations in December: Where to Go for Winter Adventure

Travel Destinations

best winter solo trips

Marcus Shen

Content writer

April 8, 2024

Top 15 Best Solo Travel Destinations in December: Where to Go for Winter Adventure

December is a great time to travel solo and explore new destinations. With the holiday season in full swing, many countries celebrate Christmas and New Year's with festive decorations, music, markets, and parades. Traveling alone during this time can be a unique and enriching experience, allowing solo travelers to immerse themselves in new cultures and traditions and make new friends along the way.

Choosing the right destination for solo travel in December can be challenging, but there are many options to suit different preferences and budgets. From sunny beaches in the Caribbean and Mexico to snowy slopes in Europe and North America, there are plenty of destinations to explore. Some travelers may prefer to stay close to home and explore the top solo travel destinations in the US, while others may want to venture further afield to experience Europe solo or explore Asia alone.

Key Takeaways

  • December is a great time to travel solo and experience new cultures and traditions during the holiday season.
  • Choosing the right destination for solo travel in December depends on personal preferences and budget.
  • From sunny beaches to snowy slopes, there are many destinations to explore, including top solo travel destinations in the US, Europe, Asia, and South America.

Why Travel Solo in December

scenic view of snowy mountains with pine trees and cloudy sky - Photo, Image

December is a great time to travel solo for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season or embrace the winter wonderland. Here are some reasons why traveling solo in December can be a great experience:

Fewer Crowds and Cheaper Prices

December is considered an off-season for many destinations, which means fewer crowds and lower prices. This can make it easier to find accommodation, transportation, and activities without breaking the bank. Additionally, many tourist attractions are less crowded, allowing solo travelers to explore at their own pace.

Winter Activities

For those who enjoy winter sports, December is the perfect time to hit the slopes or go ice skating. Many ski resorts offer discounts for solo travelers during the off-season, making it an affordable option for those who want to hit the slopes alone. Ice skating rinks are also set up in many cities during the holiday season, offering a fun and festive activity for solo travelers.

Festive Spirit

December is the month of holiday celebrations, and many destinations around the world embrace the festive spirit with colorful decorations, light displays, and special events. Solo travelers can immerse themselves in the local culture and traditions, experiencing the holiday season in a unique and memorable way.

Time for Reflection

The end of the year is a time for reflection and introspection, and solo travel can provide the perfect opportunity for this. Without the distractions of daily life, solo travelers can take the time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new year. It can also be a time to disconnect from technology and social media, allowing for a more authentic and meaningful travel experience.

Overall, traveling solo in December can be a great way to experience winter activities, embrace the festive spirit, and take time for personal reflection. With fewer crowds and lower prices, it can also be an affordable option for those who want to explore the world on their own terms.

Choosing the Right Destination

Choosing the right destination is crucial for a successful solo travel experience in December. It is essential to consider factors such as convenience, safety, budget, weather, and cultural attractions. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect destination for your solo travel adventure in December.


When choosing a solo travel destination, convenience is key. You want to select a destination that is easy to get to and navigate. Consider the transportation options available, such as flights, trains, buses, or rental cars. You should also research the local transportation system and determine if it is safe and reliable.

Safety should be a top priority when selecting a solo travel destination. You should research the crime rate and political stability of the destination before booking your trip. It is also important to consider any health risks, such as disease outbreaks or natural disasters.

Budget is another essential factor to consider when selecting a solo travel destination. You should research the cost of accommodations, food, transportation, and activities in the destination. Look for deals and discounts on flights, hotels, and tours. You can also save money by traveling during the off-season or staying in budget-friendly accommodations such as hostels or Airbnb.

Weather can significantly impact your solo travel experience, so it is important to research the destination's climate before booking your trip. You should consider factors such as temperature, rainfall, and daylight hours. If you are looking for warm weather, consider destinations such as the Caribbean, Mexico, or Southeast Asia. If you prefer cold weather and winter activities, consider destinations such as Canada, Iceland, or Switzerland.

Cultural Attractions

Finally, consider the cultural attractions available in the destination. Look for destinations that offer unique experiences and opportunities to learn about different cultures. Consider visiting museums, historical landmarks, or attending cultural events such as festivals or concerts.

By considering these factors, you can choose the perfect destination for your solo travel adventure in December.

Top Solo Travel Destinations in US

If you're looking for a solo travel destination in December, the United States has plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the best destinations to consider:

Exploring California

San Clemente Pier at Sunset after a storm. - Photo, Image

California is a great place to visit in December, especially if you're looking to escape the cold weather. The state has a lot to offer, from its beautiful parks and beaches to its world-class museums and attractions. Some of the top places to visit include Balboa Park in San Diego, which is home to a variety of museums and gardens, and Yosemite National Park, which offers stunning views of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Holiday Season in New York City

New York City - Manhattan skyline at winter sunset - Photo, Image

New York City is one of the most popular destinations for solo travelers in December, thanks to its festive atmosphere and iconic holiday attractions. Visitors can take in the famous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, go ice skating at Central Park, or explore the holiday markets around the city. And if you're looking for some indoor fun, there are plenty of museums and galleries to check out as well.

Sun and Sand in Florida

Palms - Photo, Image

For those looking to soak up some sun, Florida is a great destination to consider. With its warm weather and beautiful beaches, the state is perfect for outdoor activities like golfing, swimming, and surfing. And if you're looking for a break from the beach, there are plenty of cultural attractions to explore as well, including the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg and the Miami Art Museum.

Discovering San Diego

The skyline of San Diego, California on a cloudy November day. - Photo, Image

San Diego is another great destination for solo travelers, thanks to its laid-back vibe and variety of attractions. Visitors can explore the city's art and culture scene, visit the famous San Diego Zoo, or take a stroll through the historic Gaslamp Quarter. And with its mild weather, December is a great time to visit without having to deal with the crowds of summer.

Winter Wonderland in Vail

The Rocky Mountain Landscape - Photo, Image

If you're looking for a winter sports destination, Vail is a great place to consider. The town is home to some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the country, with over 5,000 acres of skiable terrain. And if you're not into winter sports, there are plenty of other activities to enjoy as well, including snowshoeing, ice skating, and horse-drawn carriage rides.

Overall, the United States has plenty of solo travel destinations to choose from in December, whether you're looking for sun and sand or a winter wonderland. Just be sure to plan ahead and book your accommodations and activities in advance to make the most of your trip.

Experiencing Europe Solo

Looking for the perfect solo travel destination for December? Europe has a lot to offer! From romantic Paris in winter to the festive spirit in Finland, there is something for everyone. Here are some of the best destinations to experience Europe solo:

Romantic Paris in Winter

Snowstorm in Paris - Photo, Image

Paris is known as the city of love, and what could be more romantic than Paris in winter? Enjoy a stroll along the Seine River, go ice skating at the Eiffel Tower, and warm up with a cup of hot chocolate at a cozy café. For art lovers, the Louvre and Musée d'Orsay are must-visit museums.

Historical Tour in Rome

The Coliseum covered by snow - Photo, Image

Rome is a city with a rich history, and December is the perfect time to explore it. Visit the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Pantheon to learn about the city's ancient past. For architecture enthusiasts, the Vatican City is a must-visit, with its stunning St. Peter's Basilica and Sistine Chapel.

Festive Spirit in Finland

Helsinki winter. - Photo, Image

Finland is the perfect destination for those looking for a winter wonderland experience. Visit the Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, go dog sledding, and enjoy the stunning northern lights. And don't forget to visit the Christmas markets in Helsinki for some festive shopping.

Cultural Immersion in Marrakech

Beautiful village in Ourika valley in High Atlas Mountains, Moro - Photo, Image

Marrakech is a city with a rich culture and history, and December is the perfect time to experience it. Visit the Bahia Palace and the Koutoubia Mosque, and explore the winding streets of the Medina. And for a truly unique experience, stay in a traditional riad.

Solo Adventure in Iceland

Skogafoss waterfall. Natural tourist attraction of Iceland. winter landscape on a sunny day. Amazing in nature - Photo, Image

Iceland is a destination for the adventurous solo traveler. Visit the stunning waterfalls, go whale watching, and take a dip in the Blue Lagoon. And if you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of the northern lights.

No matter what your interests are, Europe has something for everyone. So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable solo adventure.

Exploring Asia Alone

Asia is a vast continent that offers a myriad of experiences for solo travelers. Whether you're seeking a cultural adventure, a modern cityscape, or a vibrant nightlife, Asia has something for everyone. Here are some of the best solo travel destinations in Asia to visit in December.

Cultural Experience in India

agra fort diwan i am    - Photo, Image

India is a country that is rich in culture, history, and architecture. A solo trip to India offers a chance to explore the country's diverse traditions and customs. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene backwaters of Kerala, India has something for everyone. Some of the must-visit destinations in India for solo travelers include the Taj Mahal, Jaipur, Goa, and Varanasi.

Modern and Traditional Japan

Japanese mountain in Mishima - Photo, Image

Japan is a country that seamlessly blends modernity with tradition. A solo trip to Japan offers a chance to explore the country's unique culture, history, and modern cityscape. Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, is a must-visit destination for solo travelers. The city's vibrant nightlife, delicious cuisine, and unique fashion scene are sure to leave you mesmerized. Other must-visit destinations in Japan include Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima.

Vibrant Nightlife in Singapore

Firework display with people celebrating New Year in downtown Singapore - Photo, Image

Singapore is a city-state that is known for its vibrant nightlife, modern architecture, and rich culture. A solo trip to Singapore offers a chance to explore the city's diverse neighborhoods, each with its unique character. From the bustling streets of Chinatown to the high-end shopping district of Orchard Road, Singapore has something for everyone. Some of the must-visit destinations in Singapore for solo travelers include Marina Bay Sands, Clarke Quay, and Sentosa Island.

In conclusion, Asia is a continent that offers a plethora of experiences for solo travelers. Whether you're seeking a cultural adventure, a modern cityscape, or a vibrant nightlife, Asia has something for everyone. With its diverse destinations, rich history, and unique culture, Asia is the perfect destination for solo travelers looking to explore the world on their own terms.

Solo Travel in South America

South America is a diverse continent with a rich culture, history, and natural beauty. It offers a plethora of options for solo travelers who are looking for adventure, exploration, and relaxation. In this section, we will explore two of the best destinations for solo travel in South America: Patagonia Expedition in Chile and Historical Tour in Ecuador.

Patagonia Expedition in Chile

El Yeso waterfall, in the Cajon del Maipo, Chile - Photo, Image

Patagonia is a region located at the southern end of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile. It is known for its rugged terrain, glaciers, and stunning landscapes. Patagonia is an ideal destination for solo travelers who love the outdoors, adventure, and wildlife.

Chilean Patagonia is home to Torres del Paine National Park, one of the most popular destinations in the region. The park offers a variety of activities such as hiking, trekking, and wildlife watching. Solo travelers can join a group tour or hire a guide to explore the park's famous W Trek or O Circuit.

For more adventurous solo travelers, there are options for kayaking, horseback riding, and even ice climbing. Patagonia is also home to the Perito Moreno Glacier, one of the few glaciers in the world that is still advancing. Solo travelers can take a boat tour or hike on the glacier with a guide.

Historical Tour in Ecuador

Cotopaxi Glacier - Photo, Image

Ecuador is a small country located in the northwest region of South America. It is known for its rich history, culture, and architecture. Ecuador is an ideal destination for solo travelers who are interested in learning about the country's history and culture.

One of the best places to visit in Ecuador is Quito, the country's capital. Quito is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its colonial architecture. Solo travelers can take a walking tour of the city's historic center and visit landmarks such as the Plaza de la Independencia and the Church of the Society of Jesus.

Another must-visit destination in Ecuador is Cuenca, a city located in the southern part of the country. Cuenca is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its well-preserved colonial architecture. Solo travelers can visit landmarks such as the New Cathedral and the Old Cathedral, which date back to the 16th century.

In conclusion, South America offers a variety of options for solo travelers who are looking for adventure, exploration, and relaxation. Patagonia Expedition in Chile and Historical Tour in Ecuador are just two of the many destinations that the continent has to offer. Solo travelers can choose from group tours or hire a guide to explore these destinations at their own pace.

Solo Travel Activities

When it comes to solo travel activities in December, there are plenty of options available for travelers. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures or cultural experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some of the best solo travel activities to consider:

Outdoor Activities

For those who love the great outdoors, there are plenty of activities to enjoy during solo travel in December. Hiking and biking are popular options, with many destinations offering scenic trails and routes to explore. Skiing is also a great option, with many ski resorts open for the winter season. Some popular ski destinations include Whistler in Canada, Aspen in Colorado, and Chamonix in France.

Water Activities

If you're looking for water-based activities, there are plenty of options available as well. Scuba diving and snorkeling are great options for those who love to explore the underwater world. Destinations like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Maldives, and the Caribbean offer some of the best diving and snorkeling experiences in the world. Kayaking is also a great option for those who love to explore the waterways. Some popular kayaking destinations include the fjords of Norway, the rivers of Costa Rica, and the lakes of Canada.

Wildlife Experiences

For those who love wildlife, there are plenty of opportunities to get up close and personal with some amazing creatures. Safari tours in Africa are a popular option, with destinations like Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa offering some of the best wildlife experiences in the world. Whale watching is also a great option, with destinations like Iceland, Canada, and Norway offering some of the best opportunities to spot these majestic creatures.

In conclusion, there are plenty of solo travel activities to enjoy in December. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures, water-based activities, or wildlife experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So why not plan a solo trip this December and explore all that the world has to offer?

Accommodations for Solo Travelers

Finding the right accommodation can make or break a solo travel experience. Solo travelers often prioritize safety, convenience, and affordability when choosing where to stay. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available to cater to these needs.

Boutique hotels can be a great option for solo travelers looking for a cozy and unique experience. These hotels are often smaller and more intimate than chain hotels, giving solo travelers a chance to connect with locals and other travelers. Additionally, boutique hotels often have stylish decor and amenities that make for a comfortable stay.

For solo travelers who prioritize convenience, hostels can be a great option. Hostels typically offer affordable dormitory-style rooms, making them a great choice for budget-conscious travelers. Additionally, many hostels offer communal areas where travelers can meet and socialize with others.

For solo travelers who prefer more privacy, renting an apartment or room through services like Airbnb can be a good option. This allows solo travelers to have their own space while also having access to local recommendations and advice from the hosts.

Overall, solo travelers have a variety of options when it comes to accommodations. It is important to prioritize safety, convenience, and comfort when choosing where to stay.

Planning and Preparing for Your Trip

Planning and preparation are essential for any solo trip, especially when traveling in December. Here are some tips to help you plan and prepare for your December solo trip:

Decide on Your Destination

The first step in planning your solo trip is to decide on your destination. Consider factors such as your budget, interests, and travel goals. Do some research on the best solo travel destinations for December to help you make an informed decision.

Book Your Accommodation

Once you have decided on your destination, it's time to book your accommodation. Look for affordable and safe options such as hostels or hotels with good reviews. Consider the location and proximity to transportation options.

Plan Your Activities

Research the activities and attractions available at your destination and plan your itinerary accordingly. Make sure to leave some free time for spontaneous adventures and relaxation.

Budget for Your Trip

Create a budget for your trip, including transportation, accommodation, food, and activities. Stick to your budget to avoid overspending and financial stress during your trip.

Pack light and smart for your solo trip. Consider the weather and activities you have planned. Pack versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched. Don't forget essentials such as a first aid kit, travel documents, and chargers.

Safety is a top priority when traveling solo. Research the safety of your destination and take precautions such as carrying a money belt and avoiding isolated areas at night. Stay aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts.

With these tips, you can plan and prepare for a safe and enjoyable solo trip in December.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some top destinations for solo travel in december.

December is a great time to travel solo, and there are many destinations to choose from. Some top destinations for solo travel in December include Colombia, London, Paris, Bali, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Each of these destinations offers unique experiences and attractions that are perfect for solo travelers.

Where can I find the best Christmas getaways for singles over 50?

If you're a single traveler over 50 looking for a Christmas getaway, you might want to check out some of the top destinations for solo travel in December. Places like London, Paris, and the U.S. Virgin Islands offer a variety of activities and attractions that are perfect for solo travelers of all ages.

Which countries are best for solo travel during the holiday season?

Many countries are great for solo travel during the holiday season, but some of the best include Colombia, Bali, Thailand, and Japan. These countries offer a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty that is perfect for solo travelers.

What are some tips for solo female travel in December?

Solo female travel in December can be a great experience, but it's important to take some precautions to stay safe. Some tips for solo female travel in December include dressing appropriately for the weather, being aware of your surroundings, avoiding walking alone at night, and staying in well-lit areas.

How can I spend Christmas alone in Europe?

If you're spending Christmas alone in Europe, there are many things you can do to make the most of your trip. You might want to visit some of the top Christmas markets in cities like Berlin, Vienna, and Munich. You could also take a scenic train ride through the Swiss Alps or go skiing in the French Alps.

What are the best destinations for solo male travelers during December?

Solo male travelers looking for a destination in December might want to consider places like Colombia, Bali, Thailand, or Japan. These countries offer a variety of activities and attractions that are perfect for solo male travelers, including hiking, surfing, and exploring ancient temples and ruins.

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10 top spots for solo travelers in winter (or any other time of year)

Dec 10, 2021 • 10 min read

A woman tourist contemplating the amazing landscape of Machu Picchu with arms open. Archaeological site, UNESCO World Heritage

Trekking to Machu Picchu is just one of many South American adventures that's perfect for solo travelers © Getty Images / iStockphoto / Andres Jacobi

The idea of traveling alone can be daunting if you've never taken a solo trip before. Checking in for your outbound flight is easy – it's only when you arrive alone in an unfamiliar destination that it all becomes real. But any initial doubts are fleeting. By the time you've checked into your hotel and hit the streets looking for your first meal, nerves will already be giving way to the thrill of being somewhere new.

A major factor in mastering the art of solo travel is selecting the right destination. Whether you're embarking on an epic multicountry trip or taking an impulsive city break, some places are more suitable for a solo travel experience than others. There are destinations that are naturally suited to solitude, and destinations where travelers are naturally thrown together, making it easy to meet new people.

Best of all, there are solo travel destinations in every corner of the globe, so you can take a solo trip in the depths of winter as easily as you can at the height of summer. Here are 10 sure-fire destinations for lone travelers, organized by interest. Whether you’re into raves, relaxation, hiking or sightseeing, these spots are certain to get your solo travel adventure off on the right foot.

South America: best for solo adventures

With mountains to climb, rivers to raft, ancient ruins to uncover and jungles to explore, South America is the ultimate adventure destination. And the northern hemisphere's winter is South America's summer – the prime time to visit Patagonia and the Andes. From well-trodden paths in Argentina , Chile and Brazil to virgin jungle trails in Ecuador and Colombia , the continent has something for every kind of adventurer. You'll certainly never struggle for company on the trek to Machu Picchu !

Don’t let the continent's size daunt you – with easy border crossings and well-established traveler hubs, South America is ideal for solo overlanding. The well-worn Gringo Trail, which takes in the continent’s most popular destinations, ensures recurring rendezvous with fellow adventurers and ample opportunities to buddy up with travelers heading in the same direction. This, paired with the general warmth of local people and the continent’s premium hostel network, makes solo travel simple.

Epic solo travel experience : Mountain biking down Bolivia ’s infamous Death Road (the name is an exaggeration, in case you were worried) and debriefing with your fellow riders over a few beers afterward.

Pura Taman Saraswati temple in Ubud, Bali

Ubud, Indonesia: best for self-reflection

Whether you loved or loathed Elizabeth Gilbert’s seminal solo travel memoir Eat, Pray, Love , there’s no denying that Bali has a special magic. The island's artistic and spiritual center, Ubud , is where the author found love (and presumably ate and prayed) and it remains a wonderfully laid-back place for solo travelers to relax, reflect and recharge. And Bali is a year-round destination – summer is peak season, but the island has a quieter and calmer charm in winter.

Nestled among emerald rice fields ringed by mist-wrapped mountains, Ubud attracts throngs of solo travelers, meaning no probing glances if you arrive alone at a morning yoga class or ask for a table for one in one of the town’s salubrious vegetarian cafes. To really harness the healing power of Ubud (and for some serious solitude), check yourself into one of the many health retreats that dot the verdant hills around town.

Epic solo travel experience : Getting up super early before the heat climbs to join a holistic class – you find lessons in everything from yoga and meditation, and you can follow up with a massage at a tried and tested spa such as Taksu Spa .

Young people dancing at a Berlin club

Berlin, Germany: best for nightlife

Some say you are more likely to get into Berghain , the most famous nightclub in Berlin , if you arrive alone. Whether or not that’s the case, the rumor demonstrates the German capital’s natural affinity for solo travelers. Legions of solo citybreakers are drawn by Berlin's deserved reputation as one of the friendliest, most inclusive cities in Europe, and by its famous nightlife.

Berlin is one of the best places in Europe to party, offering a collection of colossal clubs and graffiti-spattered beer gardens, but going clubbing is just one of many things to do in Berlin. Thought-provoking history surrounds you from the moment you arrive, from the Brandenburg Gate to the Holocaust Memorial , while quirky cafes, cool boutiques, weekend flea markets and a growing food-truck scene provide more leisurely delights. Berlin is an easy place to wander alone, or join a walking tour for some company.

Epic solo travel experience : Heading out to a bar or nightclub and seeing where the night takes you. For some guided imbibing, join a beer tour with Brewer's Berlin Tours or Berlin Craft Beer Experience .

An elephant passes a safari jeep in Kenya

East Africa: best for a group tour

Have you always dreamed of viewing gorillas in the jungles of Rwanda , meeting a Maasai chief in Kenya  or spotting the “Big Five” in Tanzania , but were daunted by the logistics of tackling East Africa independently? A group tour can simplify the experience of visiting this stunning region of the world, and provide a buffer for the sometimes challenging experiences Africa can throw at first-timers.

East Africa’s tourism infrastructure is well developed and traveling solo in most countries here is quite achievable (particularly in Kenya and Tanzania), but joining a group tour means you can bundle together a string of big game-viewing safaris in multiple countries, without getting hit by additional lone traveler charges or facing the daunting prospect of arranging multiple tours and transport.

Best of all, tours in these bucket-list destinations attract a diverse group of travelers, meaning you’re much less likely to be the only solo traveler sandwiched between canoodling couples, or the only 20-something in a coach full of empty-nesters.

Epic solo travel experience : Catching the great migration from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya – an almost Lion King -esque parade of wildebeest, zebras, gazelles and predators.

View from the walkway on The Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Singapore: best for a solo stopover

With all manner of cultural attractions to explore, a growing collection of hostels and guesthouses, loads of free things to do , and one of the world’s best public transport systems (including excellent airport links), there are few more stress-free solo travel experiences than landing at Singapore 's award-winning Changi airport on a tropical afternoon.

Whether you choose to amble with an audio guide through the Chinatown Heritage Centre , gawp at the otherworldly Gardens by the Bay , plunge into a lavish rooftop pool, or join the hordes feasting in Singapore's hawker food courts , the city is perfectly suited to solo travel. An added bonus is the city's cosmopolitan attitude – locals don't bat an eyelid at the daily influx of international arrivals, and there are few hassles and scams to worry about.

Epic solo travel experience : Checking out the cozy cafes and quirky boutiques in the gentrified 1930s housing estate of Tiong Bahru .

Interior of Rome's Colosseum with a crowd of tourists

Rome, Italy: best for culture

From ancient icons such as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum to the towering masterpiece of Renaissance architecture that is St Peter’s Basilica , Rome ’s cityscape is a kaleidoscopic canvas of artistic flair, architectural wonderment and historical marvels. Whether you’re visiting for two days or two months, there's so much to see that there's little risk of becoming bored.

Though English is not as widely spoken as in some European nations, it’s hard to feel lonely among the 14 million other tourists who visit this cultural hub each year. And solo dining means you only have to worry about keeping one palate happy in Rome's fabulous restaurants . But don’t pack too much into your itinerary, as Rome rewards relaxation; mingling with strangers over a glass of vino at sunset is an essential pastime in The Eternal City.

Epic solo travel experience : Visiting St Peter’s Basilica and walking the 7km (4.3 miles) of artwork-filled halls that comprise the Vatican Museums .

A young woman orders food from a food truck in Portland, Oregon.

Portland, Oregon: best city break

One of the USA 's hippest hubs, Portland has all the cultural advantages of a major metropolis, but the down-home intimacy of a small town. This affable attitude reverberates in the town’s urban wineries, microbreweries and coffee shops, where conversation flows quicker than the drinks can be poured. And with its patchwork of small, friendly neighborhoods , it's easy to discover this easy-going city one district at a time.

There’s more to this bastion of counterculture than its love of a good chinwag, with a host of whimsical attractions highlighting its quirky streak, from a museum dedicated to vacuum cleaners to an urban herd of goats. It’s also a cinch to navigate, with good public transport and a popular bike-share scheme. And while Portland is famous for its artisan restaurants, a more sociable – and undeniably more fun – way to dine is at the city’s 500-or-so street food carts.

Epic solo travel experience : Exploring the Alberta Arts District; for the company of fellow art enthusiasts, time your visit to coincide with the Last Thursday art walk .

A group of tourists prepare ingredients during a Thai cooking lesson in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai, Thailand: best for food

It's a close-run thing, but for solo foodie travel, one destination stands above all others for travelers who view the world through the prism of a knife and fork. The capital of northern Thailand – and once the center of an independent kingdom – Chiang Mai offers the entire Thai package in one compact location: stellar food, rich culture, ancient ruins, responsible elephant encounters , relaxed nightlife and an easy-going traveler scene that's easy to plug into.

Every time of day is snack time in Chiang Mai. From the city's impressive northern Thai restaurants to its fun-filled and frenetic night markets and hole-in-the-wall restaurants serving the city's famous kow soi soup, the city always has a fork or spoon in hand. What makes Chiang Mai especially suited to solo travelers is its collection of cooking schools – ideal places to meet new people and learn how to cook up a perfect bowl of phat thai , green curry or hot and sour tom yam soup.

Epic solo travel experience : Learning to cook Thai food, of course! Most courses start with a market trip so you can learn to identify local ingredients before you start pounding herbs and spices to make your own curry paste ( Small House Chiang Mai is one recommended school).

Palm trees and colorful houses line a beach in Caye Caulker, Belize

Caye Caulker, Belize: best for an island escape

Enchanting atolls aren’t reserved for honeymooners. Pastel-hued, car-free Caye Caulker has always been a great place for solo travelers thanks to its compact size and easy-going, backpacker-friendly vibe, which draws a relaxed, international crowd in search of a less commercialized slice of paradise.

It’s easy to lose days lounging at The Split , the island’s premier beach, but there are plenty of other activities on offer, from snorkeling and diving on teeming reefs to kayaking to lesser-visited parts of the island while keeping a beady eye out for crocodiles. 

Join other travelers at local reggae bars during the afternoon happy hour before sampling Creole-style street food come nightfall. What's arguably the greatest blessing of solo travel? You don’t have to share your shrimp and swordfish dinner!

Epic solo travel experience : Snorkeling or diving in the Caye Caulker Marine Reserve , which teems with turtles and small sharks.

Car driving along a sandy beach on Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia

East Coast Australia: best for road-tripping

It would actually be hard to explore the East Coast of Australia alone. So many travelers follow the snaking stretch of road that runs from Sydney to Cairns that solitude is often harder to find than companionship. For travelers in search of natural wonders, excellent infrastructure, abundant tours and group activities and raucous late-night revelry, there are few places to match it.

But it’s not just the good-time vibe that makes this stretch of coastline so spectacular. The classic road trip route is studded with bucket-list attractions, from lolling on Sydney’s iconic Bondi Beach to rambling through the ancient Daintree Rainforest or blowing bubbles on the Great Barrier Reef . Consider renting a car to explore – the most memorable moments will likely come from interactions with locals in coastal surf towns and one-pub villages in the Outback an hour or two inland from the coast.

Epic solo travel experience : Joining a tour with the East Coast's Indigenous people. Tours led by guides from Aboriginal communities will show you a less-seen side to this well-explored land.

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This article was first published Nov 30, 2017 and updated Dec 10, 2021.

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The Appeal of Winter Solo Travel

Embarking on a solo adventure during the winter season can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Traveling alone offers a multitude of benefits, and winter, with its unique charm, brings its own set of advantages. Let’s explore the appeal of winter solo travel.

Benefits of Traveling Solo

There are numerous advantages to embarking on a journey alone. Traveling solo allows individuals to have complete control over their itinerary, enabling them to explore destinations at their own pace and indulge in activities that align with their interests. It provides an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and a sense of independence.

Solo travel also encourages interactions with locals and fellow travelers, fostering new connections and friendships. It allows for more flexibility in decision-making, ensuring that every moment of the trip is tailored to individual preferences. Moreover, solo travel provides a chance to step out of one’s comfort zone, embrace new experiences, and build confidence.

Why Winter is a Great Time for Solo Travel

Winter can be an ideal time for solo travel due to several factors. Firstly, many popular tourist destinations tend to be less crowded during the winter months, offering a quieter and more intimate experience. This allows solo travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture and truly connect with the destination.

Additionally, traveling in the off-season often translates to lower prices for accommodations, flights, and attractions. This can make winter travel more affordable and accessible, especially for those on a budget.

Winter landscapes and seasonal activities add a magical touch to solo travel. From witnessing the mesmerizing Northern Lights in Iceland to skiing in the picturesque Swiss Alps, winter destinations offer unique experiences that are best enjoyed in solitude. Exploring Christmas markets in Germany or encountering winter wildlife in Canada can create unforgettable memories for solo travelers.

It’s essential to consider the climate and weather conditions of your chosen destination during winter. Some locations may experience extreme cold or challenging weather, requiring adequate preparation. Researching and planning ahead will help ensure a safe and enjoyable winter solo trip.

When preparing for a winter solo adventure, remember to pack essentials such as warm clothing, sturdy footwear, and appropriate gear for the activities you plan to engage in. Prioritize safety and health by being mindful of the weather conditions, staying hydrated, and taking necessary precautions.

Embrace the spirit of solo travel during the winter season and embark on a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and unforgettable experiences. For more insights on off-season solo travel destinations, check out our article on off-season solo travel destinations .

Factors to Consider for Winter Solo Travel

When embarking on a solo winter adventure, there are several factors that solo travelers should consider to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. These factors include climate and weather conditions, safety and security, as well as accessibility and transportation.

Climate and Weather Conditions

Before planning a winter solo trip, it’s important to research and understand the climate and weather conditions of your chosen destination. Different regions experience varying degrees of cold temperatures and winter weather phenomena. Some destinations may have milder winters, while others can be extremely cold with heavy snowfall. By knowing what to expect, you can pack appropriate clothing and gear to stay comfortable during your trip.

It’s also crucial to be aware of any extreme weather events, such as blizzards or avalanches, that may occur in certain regions during the winter months. Stay updated on weather forecasts and advisories, and be prepared to adjust your plans accordingly. For more information on off-season travel destinations, check out our article on off-season solo travel destinations .

Safety and Security

Safety should always be a priority when traveling solo, especially during winter. Take the time to research the safety and security situation of your chosen destination. Look for any travel advisories or warnings issued by the relevant authorities. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers and have a plan in case of any unforeseen situations.

In winter, safety considerations may include icy or slippery conditions, potential frostbite or hypothermia, and the risks associated with outdoor winter activities. Ensure you have appropriate winter gear and take necessary precautions to minimize these risks. For more tips on staying safe during your winter solo trip, refer to our article on solo travel destinations in summer .

Accessibility and Transportation

When planning a winter solo trip, consider the accessibility and transportation options available at your chosen destination. Some areas may experience limited transportation services or road closures due to winter weather conditions. It’s important to check if flights, trains, or other modes of transportation are operating regularly, and if there are any specific requirements or restrictions in place.

Additionally, research the availability of public transportation or rental vehicles to get around your destination. In some cases, certain attractions or areas may be inaccessible during winter, so plan your itinerary accordingly. Having a backup plan in case of any transportation disruptions can help ensure a smoother travel experience. For more information on solo travel activities in different seasons, visit our article on solo travel activities in spring .

By considering these factors of climate and weather conditions, safety and security, as well as accessibility and transportation, solo travelers can make informed decisions and have a successful winter solo trip. Proper planning and preparation will enable you to fully enjoy your winter adventure while staying safe and comfortable. Don’t forget to check out our article on spring travel tips for solo travelers for more insights and recommendations.

Unveiling the Best Winter Travel Destinations

Winter is a magical time to embark on solo travel adventures. Whether you seek natural wonders, thrilling outdoor activities, or cultural festivities, there are incredible destinations around the world that offer unforgettable experiences. Here are some of the best winter travel destinations for solo adventurers:

Northern Lights in Iceland

Iceland is renowned for its mesmerizing display of the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. Witnessing the dancing lights in the winter sky is an awe-inspiring experience. Reykjavik, the capital city, serves as a convenient base for exploring the country’s natural wonders. From snow-covered landscapes to ice caves and geothermal spas, Iceland offers a unique winter solo travel experience. For more information on off-season solo travel destinations, check out our article on off-season solo travel destinations .

Skiing in the Swiss Alps

For adventure enthusiasts, hitting the slopes of the Swiss Alps is a dream come true. Switzerland boasts some of the best skiing and snowboarding destinations in the world. Whether you’re a seasoned skier or a beginner, there are slopes suitable for all skill levels. The picturesque alpine villages, cozy chalets, and stunning mountain scenery create a perfect backdrop for a solo winter escape. Remember to check out our article on solo travel destinations in summer for more destination ideas during other seasons.

Christmas Markets in Germany

Germany is famous for its enchanting Christmas markets, where festive cheer fills the air. Exploring the markets during the winter season is a delightful experience for solo travelers. Cities like Berlin, Munich, and Nuremberg come alive with twinkling lights, traditional handicrafts, delicious food, and warm mulled wine. Immerse yourself in the holiday spirit, stroll through the market stalls, and indulge in the festive atmosphere. If you’re planning a trip in spring, don’t miss out on our article about solo travel activities in spring .

Winter Wildlife in Canada

Canada is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, especially during the winter months. From polar bears in Churchill to whales off the coast of British Columbia, the country offers unique opportunities to witness incredible winter wildlife. Embark on wildlife safaris, go snowshoeing, or take a scenic winter hike to get up close and personal with Canada’s diverse fauna. Don’t forget to check out our article on spring travel tips for solo travelers for more solo travel tips during other seasons.

Festivals in Japan

Japan is a captivating destination any time of the year, but winter brings its own allure. The country hosts a range of vibrant winter festivals, such as the Sapporo Snow Festival and the Otaru Snow Light Path Festival. Marvel at intricately crafted snow sculptures, enjoy traditional performances, and savor delicious local cuisine. Winter in Japan offers a blend of cultural immersion and natural beauty that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

These are just a few of the many enticing winter travel destinations for solo adventurers. Whether you’re seeking natural wonders, thrilling activities, or cultural experiences, these destinations offer something for everyone. So, embrace the winter season and embark on a solo journey to create unforgettable memories. Safe travels!

Tips for a Successful Winter Solo Trip

Embarking on a winter solo trip can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, it’s essential to be well-prepared. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your winter solo adventure.

Research and Planning

Thorough research and planning are key to a successful winter solo trip. Start by choosing the destination that aligns with your interests and preferences. Look for off-season solo travel destinations that offer unique winter experiences. Consider factors such as weather conditions, available activities, and safety.

Research the local customs, traditions, and local laws of your chosen destination. Familiarize yourself with the local transportation system, including public transportation options and any necessary permits or visas. It’s also wise to research accommodation options and book in advance to secure the best deals.

Packing Essentials for Winter Travel

When packing for a winter solo trip, it’s crucial to prioritize warmth and comfort. Here is a list of essential items to pack:

Additionally, pack any specific items required for your chosen activities, such as skiing gear or winter hiking equipment. Don’t forget to pack a good travel guide and a solo travel destinations in summer book to keep you entertained during your journey.

Staying Safe and Healthy

Safety should always be a top priority when traveling solo, especially during winter. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your loved ones informed about your travel plans and share your itinerary with someone you trust.
  • Stay updated on weather conditions and follow any advisories or warnings issued by local authorities.
  • Carry a fully charged phone and keep emergency contact numbers saved.
  • Purchase travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and trip cancellations.

To stay healthy during your winter solo trip, remember these tips:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, even in cold weather.
  • Protect your skin from the harsh winter elements by using moisturizers and lip balms.
  • Pack any necessary medications and a small first aid kit.
  • Dress in layers to regulate your body temperature and prevent overheating or hypothermia.

Embracing the Solo Experience

Traveling solo in winter offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. Embrace the experience and make the most of your journey by:

  • Being open to meeting new people and engaging in conversations.
  • Trying local cuisine and immersing yourself in the local culture.
  • Taking time for self-reflection and enjoying moments of solitude.
  • Being flexible and open-minded, allowing for spontaneous adventures.

Remember, spring travel tips for solo travelers can also be applied during winter solo trips. Stay positive, stay safe, and enjoy every moment of your winter solo adventure.

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Your Ultimate Guide to Solo Travel in Winter

Last Updated on November 27, 2023 by

Winter is a magical season for exploration, offering a unique charm and a tranquil beauty that beckons adventurers to embark on solo travels. While summer vacations are popular, the winter months present a breathtaking canvas for wanderlust. Imagine snow-capped landscapes, cozy cafes, and the thrill of experiencing destinations in their off-season splendor. Solo travel during winter can be a rewarding and transformative experience, filled with unforgettable moments. This guide is designed to equip you with insights, tips, and advice to embark on an incredible solo winter adventure.

Destination 1: Banff, Alberta

Destination 2: quebec city, quebec, destination 3: whistler, british columbia, destination 4: ottawa, ontario, destination 5: halifax, nova scotia, 2. packing essentials:, 3. accommodation:, 4. safety measures:, 5. embracing the winter activities:, 6. immersing in local culture:, 7. mindful solo travel:, conclusion:, the ultimate guide to solo tours in winter: what, when, and how of winter single holidays.

Winter is here and so is the urge to hike a lofty snowy peak! Discover the joys and essentials of embarking on solo travel winter destinations. Be with us as we take you from packing tips to choosing destinations, this guide prepares you for an unforgettable cold-weather journey: 

1. Choosing the Perfect Destination:

Canada is, definitely,  one of the best countries to solo travel! Research the local winter festivals, events, and activities that align with your interests, whether it’s skiing, snowboarding, or experiencing traditional winter celebrations. Here is a brief list of the best solo travel destinations in Canada:

Note: Try searching for destinations that are not so hyped as they charge you your kidney even for the basic amenities. Instead, look for destinations that are less crowded, less hyped, more wonderful, and happen to be safe and the best solo trips for women!

Banff, Alberta

Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, Banff is a winter paradise. One of the best winter solo trips you can take is to Banff National Park. Explore the stunning Banff National Park, where you can ski or snowboard at world-class resorts like Lake Louise or Sunshine Village. Don’t miss the chance to soak in the Banff Upper Hot Springs while surrounded by snow-capped mountains.

Quebec City, Quebec

For Solo Holidays, Quebec is an excellent choice too! Experience the old-world charm of Quebec City during the winter months. Wander through the historic Old Town adorned with twinkling lights, visit the iconic Château Frontenac, and immerse yourself in the Quebec Winter Carnival, North America’s largest winter carnival featuring parades, ice sculptures, and vibrant festivities. Quebec’s Christmas market is just wow! It is indeed the best winter vacation for solo travelers!

Whistler, British Columbia

British Columbia is yet another favorite solo travel winter destination. Renowned for its exceptional skiing and snowboarding opportunities, Whistler is a haven for winter sports enthusiasts. Hit the slopes at Whistler Blackcomb, indulge in après-ski delights at cozy mountain lodges, and explore the charming Whistler Village with its array of shops and restaurants.

Ottawa, Ontario

For Single holidays, one can also look for the Canadian Capital province. As Canada’s capital, Ottawa offers a delightful winter experience. Skate along the Rideau Canal Skateway, the world’s largest skating rink, and marvel at the stunning ice sculptures during Winterlude, an annual winter festival celebrating the season’s joys.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Experience the maritime culture of Halifax amidst a winter backdrop. Explore the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site, savor fresh seafood at local eateries, and embrace the cozy atmosphere of pubs and live music venues.

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Packing Essentials

– Layer clothing: thermal wear, sweaters, waterproof jackets, gloves, and a reliable pair of boots to keep warm.

– Essential accessories: a good quality scarf, hat, and sunglasses to protect against the winter sun and snow glare.

– Portable charger, universal adapter, and a sturdy backpack for convenience and practicality.

– Medications, if necessary, and a basic first aid kit.

– For solo female travel in winter, keep emergency contacts handy and always prefer your safety over adventure!


-Solo travel in winter can be extremely tricky and painful if you don’t book your accommodation in advance! There are myriad solo vacation packages available on the web! Do a basic research and compare and if you feel like it, get one for hassle-free traveling!

– Book accommodations in advance, especially during peak winter months, and consider centrally located places for easy access to amenities and attractions.

– Options like hostels, guesthouses, or Airbnb can offer unique experiences and opportunities to meet fellow travelers.

-Solo travel for women in winter is only preferred if they find that perfect resting place. Safety and warmth should be your priority after all!

Safety Measures

– Stay informed about weather forecasts and travel advisories for your chosen destination. Single-person holidays are best, undoubtedly, but you are all your own. Stay alert always!

– Before initiating solo trips for women or men (our suggestion is mostly gender-neutral), inform someone trustworthy about your travel itinerary and stay in touch regularly. 

– Use reliable transportation options and follow safety protocols when engaging in winter activities like skiing or hiking. Book solo travel tour flight packages for hassle-free air transportation!

Embracing the Winter Activities

– Engage in winter sports: skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or snowshoeing for an exhilarating experience. Canada is full of such experiences for solo traveller holidays!

– Explore local traditions: attend winter festivals, visit Christmas markets, or participate in cultural activities unique to the region.

– Enjoy the scenic beauty: embark on winter hikes, take a scenic train ride, or capture stunning photographs of snow-covered landscapes.

Immersing in Local Culture

– Try local cuisine: warm up with comfort foods like hearty stews, and traditional soups, or indulge in local delicacies. This is one of the best activities one can undertake during solo tours in winter.

– Connect with locals: strike up conversations, join local tours, or volunteer for community activities to gain insights into the local way of life.

Mindful Solo Travel

– Embrace solitude: use solo travel as an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth.

– Stay flexible: embrace spontaneity and be open to unexpected experiences that may arise during your journey.

– Practice self-care: prioritize rest, stay hydrated, and take breaks to recharge when needed.

-If you’re new to solo traveling, get a solo travel package that will guide you to end-to-end accommodations, activities, and travel!

8. Capturing Memories:

Capturing Memories

– Keep a travel journal or blog to document your experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

– Capture the moments: take photographs, create videos, or sketches to preserve memories of your winter escapade.

Solo traveling during the winter months offers a unique chance to discover the world in a different light. It’s an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, embrace new adventures, and create unforgettable memories. With proper planning, an open mind, and a spirit of adventure, your solo winter journey can be a rewarding experience. So, pack your bags, embrace the cold, and let the magic of winter travel unfold before you.

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5 Solo Travel Trips to Go on This Winter

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A nationally recognized reporter, writer, and consumer advocate, Ed Perkins focuses on how travelers can find the best deals and avoid scams.

He is the author of "Online Travel" (2000) and "Business Travel: When It's Your Money" (2004), the first step-by-step guide specifically written for small business and self-employed professional travelers. He was also the co-author of the annual "Best Travel Deals" series from Consumers Union.

Perkins' advice for business travelers is featured on , a website devoted to helping small business and self-employed professional travelers find the best value for their travel dollars.

Perkins was founding editor of Consumer Reports Travel Letter, one of the country's most influential travel publications, from which he retired in 1998. He has also written for Business Traveller magazine (London).

Perkins' travel expertise has led to frequent television appearances, including ABC's "Good Morning America" and "This Week with David Brinkley," "The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather," CNN, and numerous local TV and radio stations.

Before editing Consumer Reports Travel Letter, Perkins spent 25 years in travel research and consulting with assignments ranging from national tourism development strategies to the design of computer-based tourism models.

Born in Evanston, Illinois, Perkins lives in Ashland, Oregon with his wife.

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The hospitality industry usually looks at travel the same way that Noah looked at his ark: two-by-two. Cruises, hotels, tours, and many other activities are geared—and priced—to favor couples, with the familiar “per-person, double-occupancy” (PPDO) pricing as the norm. But that’s no longer a realistic reflection of today’s travel market.

Whether you’re a millennial, a baby boomer, or somewhere in between, an increasing number of people are seeking ways to travel solo. I personally travel solo because my long-term travel companion, my wife, died a few years ago. Some young people enjoy solo travel simply for the freedom it gives them to do what they want. It’s true for all types of solo travel enthusiasts that you can’t totally escape the solo travel penalty that lodging or tours frequently impose—but you can at least try to minimize it.

Here are some ways to tap into truly solo travel—not the singles-matching system that so many travel operators use. You don’t have to give into sharing a hotel room or cabin with anybody, let alone a stranger.

1. Solo Travel Trips: Cruises

Didn’t think cruising accommodated single travelers? Norwegian Cruise Lines is a major player in solo cruising, with “studio” cabins specially designed for solo occupancy: The Norwegian Epic has 128 onboard so you’ll have plenty of solo travel company, and some other ships feature anywhere from 10 to 50 solo cabins. Rates are typically higher than half the standard PPDO rates for the cheapest cabins, but they’re still good options as long as you book early.

Not looking for a smaller solo room? Then consider booking late: Cruise lines sometimes offer free or very low single supplements for solo occupancy of a conventional double cabin—especially if the ship isn’t full within a month or less of departure date. During winter the best deals are usually in the Caribbean, but don’t ignore a late-winter holiday on a Mediterranean or river cruise, where operators also sometimes offer good solo rates. One of the easiest ways to locate these deals is to sign up for email deal alerts from SmarterTravel’s sister website, CruiseCritic .

2. Solo Travel Trips: Ski Trips

Skiiers and snowboarders who want freedom on the slopes have little to lose from booking a solo travel snow adventure. Yes, you’ll probably pay the same price for your hotel room or condo that couples would be able to split—but stick with a budget accommodations, and everything else is basically per-person, with no particular benefit for couples. You pay lift tickets, meals, and equipment rentals only for yourself, and there’s usually an apres ski lodge where you can chat with other travelers after enjoying the slopes at your own pace.

3. Solo Travel Trips: Head for Europe

Airfare, of course, doesn’t punish solo travel, and although newer chain hotels in Europe generally charge the same for singles as couples, many smaller hotels can offer single rooms at single rate, or you can go for a single bed in a hostel.

If you prefer to roam a bit, use trains. Individual tickets are easy to purchase for one, while rail passes give your schedule even more flexibility than solo travel already does. Train ticket purchases rarely favor couples and mean less waiting around alone in airports. Solo travelers who rent a car will of course pay the same as couples or even two couples, but if you can drive stick shift and get a good enough deal, that penalty doesn’t matter.  

4. Solo Travel Trips: Find a Solo Travel Tour Option

Although lots of tour operators claim to offer solo travel options, many of them either pair single travelers to take advantage of PPDO prices or impose stiff single supplements. Some, however, do offer solo-priced tours. A good place to start looking is Connecting Solo Travel Network , an agency based in Canada that compiles data on tours from different operators. Quite a few of its postings target solo travel seekers, dubbed ‘mature singles’. Solo Trekker 4U tracks prices of solo travel options to provide a large, searchable database of tours and cruises. And  Women Traveling Together focuses almost entirely on upmarket solo-occupancy tours for women.

5. Solo Travel Trips: Head for Asia

It’s a long flight away, but in my recent visits I’ve found that prices on hotels just below the deluxe level in China and Thailand are low enough that you don’t have to worry about paying the double rate as a single. Downmarket hotels go for typical hostel rates, and the cost of meals and necessities is usually lower.

Over the last few months, we’ve seen lots of flash sale airfares from the U.S. and Canada to China and Thailand, some for under $500 round-trip. In China you can either stay put in one city, or get around on China’s world-leading, high-speed rail network, which offers comfortable accommodation at attractive fares.

More from SmarterTravel:

  • Say Goodbye to Bag Fee Transparency: DOT
  • 7 Things to Hate About Solo Travel
  • 27 Best Apps for Solo Travelers

Consumer advocate Ed Perkins has been writing about travel for more than three decades. The founding editor of the Consumer Reports Travel Letter, he continues to inform travelers and fight consumer abuse every day at SmarterTravel.

We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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Essential Iceland Solo Travel Guide (2024)

If you’re planning a solo trip to Iceland and wondering what you need to know before you arrive then this Iceland solo travel guide has you covered!

Solo travel in Iceland can seem intimidating, it’s remote, and freezing, and in winter there are only five hours of light a day. I spent a week in Iceland alone in January, in the coldest darkest part of the year, and it was one of the best trips I’ve ever done.

Iceland is a great destination for solo travellers, it’s safe, the people are friendly and there’s tons to do.  Hopefully, this post inspires you to book a solo trip to Iceland right away!

solo in Iceland at the waterfalls

Tips for planning your Iceland solo trip

The island of Iceland, located in the Arctic region between the USA and UK, is sparsely populated.

Less than 400,000 people live on the island and about a third of them live in the capital city of Reykjavik.

Because there is only the one city, with smaller towns and fishing villages spread out around the coast, most visitors to Iceland base themselves in Reykjavik. This is definitely the easiest and most convenient option for solo travellers.

Another popular alternative is a road trip. However, many roads are closed in winter (the best time to visit Iceland if you want to see the Northern Lights) and safety precautions are needed given the extreme weather Iceland sometimes experiences.

The best Iceland accommodation for solo travellers

I recommend booking accommodation in Reykjavik for the duration of your trip and then taking short day trips out of the city.

If you visit in winter, it’s a good idea to pick the fancy hotel over the backpackers. The cold weather and lack of daylight in Iceland mean that you’re likely to spend a lot of time in your accommodation, so you might as well stay somewhere nice.

Best Iceland hotel for solo travellers

I stayed at Canopy by Hilton in the Reykjavik city centre (booked via for max flexibility).

The Canopy Hotel is unique in that it is made up of interconnected houses which have been kitted out luxuriously and are super cosy in the winter evenings.

Staying in one of the outer buildings, I felt like I had a house to myself, but I could also go hang out in the bar or lounge areas if I felt like some company.

The breakfast buffet at Canopy was a real highlight, although there was far more fish than I’m used to eating in the morning!

Best Iceland hostel for solo travellers

For a cheaper option, more suited to summer trips, KEX Hostel is the way to go. KEX has a cafe, bar and lounge and is super centrally located.

Plus it’s about as cheap as accommodation in Reykjavik gets at around $35USD per night.

Things to do in Iceland for solo travellers

Iceland is on many solo travellers’ bucket lists. Whether it’s because of the Northern Lights, the glaciers or the waterfalls, or any of the other unique attractions of Iceland there are so many reasons to go to Iceland.

As a solo traveller in Iceland, it’s easy to access these activities, either by planning ahead or by taking day tours. I did a mix of both.

You can see many of Iceland’s biggest hits by doing day trips out of Reykjavik.  If you plan your Iceland trip for the winter months you’ll avoid most of the crowds.

Check out how few people there are in the pictures below!

solo in Iceland at another waterfall

Get out and explore Iceland

The tourism model in Iceland is very much centred around on day trips. Every morning in Reykjavik you’ll see rows of buses pull up outside the hotels to load up people for trips to the Golden Circle, South Shore and beyond.

For a solo traveller in Iceland, these organised day tours are a super convenient way to get outside the city, meet other travellers, and see some of the epic waterfalls and glaciers Iceland is famous for.

Read my post on the best Iceland day trips – these are all great options for solo travellers, I did them all on my own and rated it!

reykjavik Iceland winter in the snow

Stay and relax around Reykjavik

The limited daylight is also a great excuse to stay inside and chill, although as a solo traveller, you don’t need an excuse! You could catch up on sleep or relax the local way, at one of the island’s many hot springs.  

The Blue Lagoon is the best-known hot springs and is definitely worth the trip out of Reykjavik .

Ideally, go around sunrise/sunset so you can experience the otherworldly magic of the pools in the dark and the views up to the mountains.

If you want to splash out then a drink in your robe in the upstairs bar or buying an individual face mask (rather than slopping on the communal bucket mask) really adds to the experience.

visiting Blue Lagoon Iceland in the dark

Iceland solo travel itinerary

As a solo traveller you have the benefit of being able to go completely at your own pace, but if you’re looking for some ideas of how to plan your Iceland solo trip, here’s a potential itinerary.

This works well if you’re based in Reykjavik. If you’re staying in other spots on the island you might want to swap out some of the day trips for activities closer to where you’re staying.

Days 1-2: Explore Reykjavik – Check out some museums, street art, shops and Hallgrimskirkja

Day 3: Golden Circle Day Trip

Day 4: South Shore Day Trip

Day 5: Do something outdoorsy, whale/dolphin watching cruises or snowmobiling and glacier climbing are all options

Day 6: Reykjavik food tour or cooking class , Northern Lights tour (if visiting in winter)

Day 7: Kick back at the Blue Lagoon before heading to the airport

Trying Icelandic food

You might have heard that the food in Iceland can be a bit unusual (fermented shark anyone?) or ethically marginal (whale meat?) but there are also some gems like the rhubarb liqueurs and liquorice chocolates so you should absolutely make sure to try Icelandic cuisine on your trip.

Icelandic food is generally similar to Scandinavian cuisine with a lot of seafood, local meats, open sandwiches and liquorice.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you may need to stick to the more touristy restaurants as there will be limited options elsewhere.

I took an Icelandic cooking class at Salt Eldhús  which, for a solo traveller, is a great way to meet people, learn about the history of the local dishes and have a go myself.  

The tour at Omnom Chocolate Factory is also worthwhile. It’s a less hands-on option if you just want to taste yum things without the effort.  

I took the chance to try some fancy restaurants on my trip and nobody blinked an eye at me dining alone. I also found that the waitstaff were happy to have a chat.

If you are an open-minded meat eater, trying some of the specialities at top Reykjavik restaurants like Matur og Drykkur and Grillmarkadurinn is a memorable experience. Offerings include reindeer, horse, whale and shark.

Nothing in Iceland is cheap and these restaurants are a real splurge but the freshness and quality of their food is worth it. I would definitely recommend this over the ‘famous’ fish and chips and hot dog places in the tourist areas.

If you want something more structured, there are good food tour options in Reykjavik . Food tours are one of my favourite things to do when travelling solo, and signing up for one in Reykjavik is a great way to sample lots of Icelandic cuisine in one go.

Can you solo travel in Iceland without a car?

Even though Iceland is famous for the Ring Road road trip you don’t need a car to enjoy Iceland as a solo traveller.

If you still want to do the Ring Road then you’ll need to book a tour package but that has the benefit of taking all the logistics off your hands.

Otherwise, you can base yourself in Reykjavik and see the island through day trips. You can still cover a lot of ground this way as Iceland isn’t all that big so there’s no need to worry that you’ll be missing out if you choose not to hire a car when solo travelling in Iceland.

If you don’t have a hire car, it’s best to pre-book an airport transfer from Keflavik Airport into Reykjavik city centre so you can have a stress-free (and cheaper) arrival. I went with Flybus because of their good price and availability.

What does a solo trip to Iceland cost?

A trip to Iceland doesn’t come cheap, Iceland is known as one of the most expensive countries in the world to visit. And a solo trip to Iceland will cost even more than a couple/group trip because you aren’t getting those group accommodation savings.

Even though the costs are high, I recommend not getting too hung up on costs as there are tons of bucket list experiences on offer in Iceland and given how remote the island is, for most of us Iceland isn’t a place you can easily go back to.

Here’s approximately what I spent on my week-long solo trip to Iceland:

  • Flights: $500NZD (Icelandair from New York, EasyJet to London)
  • Accommodation: $1900NZD (6 nights in a queen room in a four star hotel, breakfast included)
  • Tours: $400NZD
  • Food: $70NZD day approximately, this is a rough estimate for eating out lunch and dinner (my breakfast was included).

All numbers are approximate. I travelled in the offseason which means things were slightly cheaper.

You could definitely make your solo Iceland trip cheaper by buying groceries and eating in. I also cut costs days by having a milky coffee and a bread pastry for lunch. Coffee shops are much cheaper than full sit down lunches.

Another great tip is to book accommodation with breakfast included so you can fill up at breakfast and skip lunch.

Is Iceland safe for solo female travellers?

Yes! Iceland is so safe that people are known to leave their babies in prams outside shops. Iceland is probably the safest country I’ve visited as a solo female traveller.

If you’re particularly concerned about safety as a solo traveller in Iceland then I would recommend visiting in the summer as then you won’t have to worry about walking around after dark – it just doesn’t get dark!

Iceland should absolutely be on your solo travel bucket list.  If you’ve been to Iceland on your own or are planning to go don’t forget to share your plans/highlights in the comments below!

Happy travelling!

Europe Travel Resources

  • Find the best prices on hotels with flexible cancellation at
  • Find awesome day tours on Get Your Guide
  • Book train tickets and buy cheap multi-trip passes from Rail Europe
  • Travel super cheaply across 28 countries with Flixbus
  • Save on attractions with a city pass from Go City (including Amsterdam, Paris and Rome)
  • Sort your Euros and other currencies with a Wise multi-currency card

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Kate is the founder of Kate Abroad. She has travelled to nearly 40 countries from Austria to Vanuatu, and lived in 3. She's on a mission to empower other Gen Zs and Millenials travel affordably by sharing helpful travel guides, stories and tips to over 200,000 readers.

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Taranaki volcano, New Zealand

The 15 best places to travel alone

There’s nothing like gallivanting around the globe on your own. These are the best solo travel destinations in the world

John Bills

Nothing sounds quite as liberating as upping sticks and going to see the world, at whatever pace, and for however long you want. The freedom of only being tied to your own schedule is the beauty of travelling solo, and it seems like lots of us are catching on. 

Travelling the world alone has only grown in popularity since we came out of pandemic restrictions, with many of us adopting the ‘life’s too short’ mindset, and working up the courage to just book that damn flight. And why shouldn’t we? There’s such an abundance of places to travel solo, some so glorious that you won’t even notice you don’t have company. 

Of course, there are some things to consider if you’re jetting off solo. Safety, especially for women travellers , is an important element to factor into your planning, among plenty of other aspects that need weighing up. We’ve done our research: here is our list of the best solo travel destinations in the world. 

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The best places to travel alone


1.  Iceland

The aptly-named ‘land of fire and ice’ is a magnet for nature fanatics, and perfect for those travelling solo. An abundance of caves, caverns, black-sand beaches, waterfalls, volcanoes and geysers should be plenty to keep you occupied, as the landscape and scope of this Nordic island is second to none. The country’s charming capital, Reykjavik , is jam-packed with activity – why not add the Blue Lagoon or the Laugarvatn Fontana to your to-do list for some solo relaxation? And the best thing about Iceland for solo travellers is the safety. The country is named time and time again named  one of the safest places for travellers , thanks to low crime rates and a generally accepting society. It’s definitely one for the bucket list.

📍 Discover the best things to do in Iceland

East Coast Australia

2.  East Coast Australia

It goes without saying that Australia is absolutely massive. Mahoosive. Ginormous. And while that fact might make it seem daunting, particularly for those of us travelling solo, most of the action is concentrated on the East Coast. There are plenty of classic routes that run from Adelaide to Brisbane and beyond, allowing intrepid explorers to visit a variety of exciting towns that each seem to have their own magnificent ocean view. Australians are famously sociable, too, so meeting new people will never be an issue in this isolated corner of our beautiful planet.

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3.  Botswana

For those keen to explore the wonders of Africa, Botswana is likely your best bet. The country has a wealth of wildlife to appreciate and observe, with nearly 40 percent of its land area being devoted to national parks. The Okavango Delta, Kalahari Desert and Chobe National Park are world-renowned safari spots, home to everything from giraffes to rhinos. Botswana is also a politically and economically steady nation, and ranks highly on safety indexes for African countries. This, plus the fact that many Botswanans speak excellent English, makes it a great destination to navigate on your solo travels.


4.  Canada

Canada ’s name is one thrown around most often when it comes to solo travel. The population has a worldwide reputation for their friendliness, and the country has everything you could want from a travel destination. Incredible off-the-grid adventure opportunities like visiting the Rockies, Niagara Falls and Banff National Park offer up plenty to see for intrepid globetrotters. However, Toronto is considered one of the world’s most multicultural cities, and Vancouver is famed for its unique urban design, stunning surroundings and the fact it's on the doorstep to some incredible nature. The weather? Not so great, but the people? Incredible.


5.  Vietnam

Vietnam ’s unique beauty and complicated history make it a compelling travel destination, particularly for those doing so alone. The country has grown into a popular travelling hotspot, and that’s led to a thriving social scene – the well-established tourist route means it should be really easy to meet like-minded travellers to journey alongside. Ha Long Bay, Hanoi and the Ha Giang Loop are three of the nation’s tourist highlights. There are also great transport networks, it’s budget-friendly and full of hostels. What more could you ask for when you’re travelling alone?

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6.  Portugal

Portugal’s most popular spots frequently pick up travel awards and plaudits alike, and the hype is not without good reason. Lisbon is a backpacker’s dream, while the dreamlike beauty of Porto attracts wide-eyed adventurers from all over the world.  The Algarve is much more than its budget holiday destination suggests, and the rest of the country is packed with stunning sights and spots. This European treasure boasts 800km of coastline, and it’s a particularly surfer-friendly paradise, thanks to the fact it’s perched on the edge of the Atlantic.

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7.  Chile

In South America, Chile leads the way in terms of quality of life, and unsurprisingly, lowest crime rate. It’s the perfect destination for people travelling alone thanks to its tight-knit community of backpackers, and, of course, abundance of sights to see. Atacama, the driest desert in the world, is located in the north, while there’s plenty to see in Santiago, the nation’s capital. You won’t go thirsty either, thanks to the fantastic Chilean repertoire of beer and wine. It’s also considered one of the best places in the world for stargazing, thanks to its high altitude.


8.  Slovenia

Small but perfectly formed, Slovenia is a tremendous destination for solo travellers. The old ‘four seasons in a day’ adage is very much alive and well in a place where you can spend the morning skiing in the Alps before heading for a romantic solo sunset on the Adriatic at Piran. The capital, Ljubljana, is the perfect base for exploration, a city of friendly people and social spots an easy bus or train from Slovenia’s famous lakes and less-famous postcard villages. Pro tip: pick up a €15 IZLETka train ticket and get unlimited travel on the weekends.

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New Zealand

9.  New Zealand

New Zealand is a country that just gets things right. For one, it takes its reputation as one of the safest countries in the world very seriously, meaning travellers can explore in total security. But it isn’t usually safety that brings individual adventurers to New Zealand ; instead, it’s the dazzling landscapes, buzzing towns and cities and convivial people that make NZ the place it is. All of the bigger towns are backpacker paradises filled with history, culture and booze (the great trifecta of backpacking), and the scenery in between is staggering.

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10.  Ireland

Irish storytelling is world-famous, immortalised in the novels of Joyce, Stoker, Wilde and the rest. Spend an evening in any Dublin pub and you will almost certainly hear a tale for the ages, as locals spin yarns and transport listeners to a world within a world, one pint at a time. The friendly hospitality of the Irish guarantees good conversation, while the stunning breadth of nature here allows for tranquil walks and plenty of room to think, ideal for solo travel. Getting around also couldn’t be easier, as it looks like Irish railway services are about to be amped up .

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11.  Japan

It can often feel as though Japan has been organised with solo travellers in mind. The efficiency of its transport links is as legendary as such things can be, allowing vagabonds all the time in the world to hit up the gripping cities and out-of-this-world scenery. (Check out our Japan rail itinerary if you’re planning to see the place by train.) The Japanese are among the friendliest in the world, the food is incredible and the whole experience is exactly that: an experience. It’s also another country that is consistently ranked the safest destination in the world for solo travellers .

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Greek Islands

12.  Greek Islands

No matter your preferred form of travel, a spot of island-hopping in Greece is almost a rite of passage for any traveller. That’s why you’ll meet everyone from excitable backpackers to considered veterans of the road here, each with a different story to tell. The Greek Islands are gorgeous and lush, not to mention packed with excellent food. Each one seems ready to capture your heart and convince you to stay forever and ever. Kefalonia and Corfu are the most popular and thus offer endless social opportunities, while the serenity of Naxos and Icaria will appeal to more introverted explorers.

📍 Discover the best Greek islands


13.  Bhutan

What could be safer than a culture so infused with Buddhism? Bhutan is definitely a place to include on your list should safety be one of your top priorities. The Trans Bhutan Trail reopened in 2022 , meaning travellers can follow in the footsteps of pilgrims and monks who trod the 400km route. The architecture is awe-inspiring, and the tiny country is of course perched on the very edge of the Himalayas, meaning the views are truly unmatched. There’s also tranquil lakes, luscious green valleys and dazzling glaciers to admire. Take heed: you will need some extra cash to splash in Bhutan, as the country has a pretty steep tourist tax .


14.  Croatia

Another super-safe solo-friendly destination is this jewel of the Adriatic. Boundless glorious beaches, fascinating mediaeval towns and relatively low prices are what Croatia has become so popular for. The nightlife is another perk of this place – the festival calendar is absolutely jam-packed, and Croatian cities are known for their cheap drinks and plethora of party spots. Eight national parks are also dotted around the country. Like waterfalls? There’s a whopping 90 of them at Plitvice Lakes,  though if you want a dip, head to the smaller falls at Krka National Park instead. Croatia is also an underrated wine producer and, of course, a hotspot for  Game of Thrones  fans.

📍 Discover the best things to do in Croatia


15.  Singapore

The phrase ‘melting pot’ is ridiculously overused, but one place that’s truly worthy of the label is Singapore . The island nation is a glorious meeting of different cuisines and cultures, with a landscape characterised by ancient temples and towering glass skyscrapers. Singapore is also incredibly safe, according to 96 percent of locals who we surveyed last year for our annual list of the world’s best cities . There are plenty of hostels if you’re wanting to meet other travellers. Spend your time soaking up the year-round tropical climate, and make sure to go on a food tour through Singapore’s  markets . 

📍 Discover the best things to do in Singapore

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The best solo travel destinations

By Anna Prendergast and Anna Hart

The best solo travel destinations in the world for 2024

2024 is set to be huge for travellers who want to break away from the beaten path, or simply explore it on their own terms. Typically thought of as a student’s game, studies suggest that senior travellers are starting to take up more space in the  solo travel  sector. Whatever age, stage or vintage, solo travellers tend to take their time and embrace slow travel and research suggests that holidays are deemed more essential than ever for mental health, marking a shift towards carefully curated trips that have a big personal impact and a smaller environmental one. Solo travel is also increasingly accessible, with innovative tour operators such as  Planet Abled  and  Halal Tours  providing tailor-made trips to under-served communities. According to  Skyscanner , over 50 percent of travellers chose to book trips alone in 2023 if their travel interests didn't align with those of their friends – and why compromise? Whether you want to pick up a new skill, immerse yourself in a new culture, take the scenic route or make new friends on a group tour, these are the best solo travel destinations for 2024.

A young man hiking on the Tour du Mont Blanc trail in the French Alps.

The French Alps

Best for: nature-first escapes

Ski holidays have long been known as group events, with rowdy aprés and jam-packed chalets, but going on a solo trip to the Alps can reap a whole host of rewards. Rise with the sun to be the first to carve through pristine blankets of snow without having to wait for anyone else, avoid boisterous bars in lieu of elegant eateries with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the slopes, and retreat to your serene hotel to cosy up by a roaring fire with a good book. For serious sophistication in Les Trois Vallées, book into Six Senses Residences Courchevel for the ultimate sleek ski experience, while Aman Le Mélézin has a cosseting spa (the deep tissue is guaranteed to re-energize tired legs). If you'd rather travel in the summer months, there are plenty of hiking tours with routes all across the French Alps offering community-led holidays for solo travellers.

Seoul South Korea

Seoul, South Korea

Best for: fashion-forward travellers

There are few things quite as gratifying as a solo shopping trip, and where better to embark on a sartorial adventure than Asia’s most stylish city ? The South Korean capital is known as the home of some of the world’s best-dressed people – and Seoul ’s recent pop culture boom has had a helping hand in highlighting exactly that. Behind the glitz and glamour of Seoul’s sky scraping buildings and futuristic stores, delve into the neighbourhoods that provide the backbone to the city’s fashion-forward reputation. You’ll find artisanal havens that have been operating for generations, from shops dedicated to the ancient craft of ceramics to all-natural skincare brands pairing centuries-old traditions with the latest research. You’ll return home with a suitcase full of secrets.


Best for: safety-first solo travellers

With low crime rates and a harmonious Buddhist culture,  Bhutan  has long held a reputation as a super-safe destination for solo travellers, which is understandably a priority for many, particularly women, Black people, LGBTQ+ or minority communities. In 2022, the Trans Bhutan Trail reopened after 60 years, making this year the perfect time to follow in the footsteps of monks, traders and pilgrims on the 250-mile route. Pass through the folklore-filled Dochula Pass, visit Trongsa’s high-altitude dzongs, and hike up to the sacred cliffside Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Paro Taktsang – the route offers direct access to  Bhutan’s  culture and cuisine, with homestays dotted along the way and local life at every turn, with profits being redirected back into the trail and the communities that support it. The country’s spiritual heritage is somewhat infectious, with outlooks that are grounded in gratitude and see nature as a blessing – the dramatic Himalayan mountainscape, deep green valleys and pristine lakes, rivers and glaciers make it impossible to disagree.

The Galapagos Ecuador

The Galapagos, Ecuador

Best for: upmarket adventure

Few  bucket-list destinations  provide the chance to see quite so much extraordinary wildlife all in one go, but this archipelago of volcanic islands off the coast of  Ecuador  has an awe-inspiring, goosebump-giving roster of blue-footed boobies, Galápagos tortoises, sea lions, and flamingos to see in their natural, protected habitat. And that’s just above ground: scuba divers will find white-tip reef sharks, bottlenose dolphins, scalloped hammerheads, black-nosed butterflyfish, king angelfish and manta rays under the surface, especially around Darwin’s Arch and Gordon’s Rock. Liveaboards and dive boats are a super social way for solo travellers to experience somewhere like the Galapagos, which is usually pigeon-holed for large groups, but forward-thinking tour operators are starting to identify a gap in the market for those that want the option of drinks on the deck or a quiet in-room cocktail. Small charters are targeting a more upmarket crowd, such as G Adventures’ new Reina Silva Voyager, which took to the waters in April 2022 with two solo cabins, saving customers money and preserving their privacy.

Bavaria Germany

Bavaria, Germany

Best for: fly-and-flop (face down on a massage table, preferably)

With health – both physical and mental – at the forefront of our consciousness more than ever before,  wellness retreats , spa holidays and treatment-focused trips are no passing trend. And whilst a couples massage sounds lovely in theory, self-care is one of the few spaces in which you’re meant to be entirely self-focused, without anyone else’s expectations, time restraints or itineraries being imposed upon you. But it needn’t feel clinical, either – Bavaria’s many baths are drawn from naturally medicinal hot springs and are often surrounded by glassy lakes, snow-topped mountains and fairytale forests deep in  Germany’s countryside . Traditional spa towns such as Bad Tölz (whose mineral-packed mud baths are credited with relieving back pain and rheumatoid arthritis) are just under an hour from Munich, whilst results-driven Alpine retreats like  Schloss Elmau are 45 minutes from Innsbruck. Flights to both are extremely affordable and take less than two hours from the UK.

Okavango Delta Botswana

Okavango Delta, Botswana

Best for: once-in-a-lifetime wildlife

Sustainable  tour operator Intrepid Travel launched its Premium range this year, and it quickly became their most popular product, particularly with the 50+ solo age group seeking out high-end experiences that both step outside their comfort zone and support local communities along the way. According to both Journey Woman and Overseas Adventure Travel, demand has never been higher for women in their 50s, with  safari trips  to destinations such as  Kenya , Tanzania and Botswana leading the trend, indicating that a bucket-list approach to travel in later life is on the rise once again. Botswana brims with breathtaking sights and sounds, as well as being a ‘big five’ destination: herds of elephants gather at waterholes; the great zebra migration takes place cross-country; lions, hippos and giraffes all call the Okavango Delta home. With blue waxbills and woodland kingfishers, it’s a birdwatcher's paradise, too. Depending on whether you’d rather see baby antelopes or take a mokoro canoe trip (for example), be sure to book the right time of year so you don’t miss out. For younguns, EcoTraining runs a variety of courses in Mashatu Game Reserve where you can learn to track animals, navigate the bush, identify species and more – from week-long workshops to year-long qualifications.

Western Australia

Western Australia

Best for: slow travel on your terms

Whether you’re breaking in a new driver’s license or breaking away from the nine-to-five,  Australia’s  appeal is ageless and enduring (and there’s no language barrier for those that speak English). Movements embracing travel by road and rail show no signs of slowing down, and this country’s vast open road and impressive landscape are ideal for both. Being behind the wheel provides total freedom and means you’re in control of your itinerary – if you like a place, stay a while – whilst moving around by train can take the stress out of a solo trip: your route is pre-planned and you can sit back and enjoy the ride. The Ghan is one of Australia’s – and the world’s – most iconic trains, but the transcontinental route from  Sydney  to Perth on the Indian Pacific is a great alternative. Many Aussies use the service, so it’s a fun way to eavesdrop on – and meet – the locals, and the three-day sleeper train means you can gaze out the window at the rugged Blue Mountains and endless expanse of the Nullarbor Plain.

The Dolomites Italy

The Dolomites, Italy

Best for: high-energy hikers

A 10-day hut-to-hut stomp through  Italy’s  stunning limestone landscape provides solitude scenery and a sense of achievement in spades – perfect for restless adventurers and those that want a physical challenge that reaps major rewards. Alta Via 1 is around 75 miles and takes about 10 days to complete, and whilst some solo travellers book a mountain leader or group trek, it’s perfectly manageable if you invest in a good guidebook and pack appropriate supplies. Depending on the route you take, there are campsites available, so many take a one-man tent (and lots of layers), but the most immersive experience comes from the traditional rifugios, simple mountainside huts with running water and shared bedrooms set among the wildflowers and evergreens. Since everyone you meet here will be on roughly the same adventure, it’s a lovely way to share stories, trade tips, reflect on the experience and even make friends.

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Best for: beaches

It’s hard to imagine a coastline more abundantly blessed than Costa Rica ’s, and nature’s generosity is warmly extended to travellers. The hubs of Tamarindo, Santa Teresa, Puerto Viejo, La Fortuna and Nosara are particularly solo-traveller friendly places to start, and at friendly hostels such as Tamarindo Backpackers , lone travellers land here and immediately place themselves within a tribe of other yogis or surfers, or simply find their crew while clambering through bat-bedecked caves or scaling volcanic peaks.

One of the world’s most biodiverse nations, Costa Rica prioritises wildlife preservation with a string of outdoor adventures on the menu and development balanced by green energy such as hydro and wind power. This makes it a mecca for a particular breed of eco-minded adventurer, a true feel-good destination.

Whether you fancy hiking, mountain-biking, kayaking or even jungle ziplining your way around the country, navigating Costa Rica is made easy for you, a real bonus when you’re doing the schlep solo. Expect to rub up against reassuringly familiar trends from home including farm-to-table dining, an emphasis on sustainable travel, and achingly hip cafés – but Costa Rica remains both tantalisingly exotic and tirelessly surprising.

Best for Scandi cool  Spread across 14 islands connected by bridges with a cobblestoned old town  and a smattering of...

Stockholm, Sweden

Best for: Scandi cool

Spread across 14 islands connected by bridges, with a cobblestoned old town ( Gamla Stan ) and a smattering of elegant parks, Stockholm combines fairytale good-looks with the functionality of a Scandinavian metropolis, and the safety and slickness of this city makes it a particularly great city option for solo females.

Culture comes easy in Stockholm, so start at the Moderna Museet on the central island of Skeppsholmen, or take things shamelessly pop at the ABBA Museum Hall of Fame . Berns Hotel is the chandelier-draped grand dame with a legendary bar and restaurant, at the geographical and figurative heart of Stockholm, but the stylish young upstart is Miss Clara . This sleek 92-room Nobis hotel is housed in the former Ateneum girls school, with original art nouveau decor and herringbone parquet flooring, swirly bentwood bedheads and arched windows that overlook Sveavägen Boulevard.

Stockholm won’t snatch the crown for cutting-edge-cuisine off Copenhagen’s head anytime soon (the Danish capital has 15 Michelin stars against Stockholm’s nine), but at Mathias Dahlgren's airy, informal Matbaren brasserie on the waterfront you can pick up a Michelin starred lunch for £24.

You haven’t been to Stockholm until you’ve been on the water. Get a break from the city by taking the boat out to the idyllic harbour town of Vaxholm for lunch at the Waxholms Hotel.

Best for adventure  Canadas cities are famously civilised cultured and classy but its the outdoorsy assets within easy...

Best for: adventure

Canada ’s cities are famously civilised, cultured and classy, but it’s the outdoorsy assets within easy reach of Toronto , Montreal, Vancouver or Ontario that make Canada such a mecca for solo travellers. As the globe's second-biggest country, Canada offers a vast menu of landscapes, from soaring mountains, remote beaches and wild tundra to lush rainforest, all spread across six timezones.

Adventure highlights include kayaking or rafting the South Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories or navigating the swells and surf of Nova Scotia, but the outdoors is also stamped firmly on Canadian cities, so for outdoors-obsessed solo travellers, even the cities deliver. Vancouver’s Stanley Park is that rare thing, a city park that really does feel a little rugged, but spits you out a short cycle from one of the world’s greatest food markets and streetfood scenes at Granville Island .

Heading north out of Vancouver, the quirky town of Dawson in the Yukon Territory offer a rich taste of Canadian smalltown culture, with a music festival that should belong on the list of any culture-craving solo traveller. Dawson is also the launchpad for snow-based activities in the winter months, and hiking and biking in the summertime.

Best for a city break  If there is a solo travel equivalent to grabbing the bull by the horns it is this jetting off to...

New York, USA

Best for: a city break

If there is a solo travel equivalent to grabbing the bull by the horns, it is this: jetting off to the world’s most high-octane city alone. But you’re never alone in this big anonymous city, you’re never bored, and you’re never conspicuous. New York doesn’t give a damn who you’re with; and such insouciance is infectious.

Every traveller lands in New York clutching a lengthy do-do list, and solo travellers make better progress, so go eat that pretzel in Central Park, wander the art-lined walls of the Metropolitan Museum, stroll wide-eyed along Broadway, catch a world-class show, shop the big brands of Fifth Avenue and the vintage boutiques of Williamsburg and soak in a swish urban spa such as Aire Ancient Baths in Tribeca.

The city’s long-established bartop dining scene makes dining solo a relaxed affair, and with urban wineries in Brooklyn, classic Jewish delis in Manhattan and virtually every national cuisine represented in some corner of the city, your tastebuds are in for an adventure. One of the joys of Manhattan is that so many of the city’s prime cultural and artistic attractions are moments away from each other, but it’s also just a breezy subway ride to any other neighbourhood. Perhaps make a music pilgrimage to the iconic jazz joint Minton’s , where Southern-style soul food like smoked praline pork chops and bourbon-loaded cocktails is served to a soundtrack of former Minton’s players like Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis and Charlie Parker.

Best for responsible travel  The Caribbean might not seem like an obvious choice for solo adventurers but Dominica is a...

Best for: responsible travel

The Caribbean might not seem like an obvious choice for solo adventurers, but Dominica is a world away from the pricey honeymoon resorts on neighbouring islands. A ferociously geothermal island around the same size as Anglesey in Wales , Dominica’s volcanic craggy coastline and lack of white-sand beaches has deterred swanky multinational hotels and package tourists for decades – and Dominica is so much richer for it. With a thrilling menu of adventures on offer – treks to bubbling lakes, caving through gushing gorges, rafting up mangrove swamps – and the promise of genuinely affordable accommodation alongside stylish splurges, it’s a genuinely backpackable island, with a fascinating British colonial heritage, vibrant cultural scene and disarmingly caring local community.

2017’s Hurricane Maria took its toll on the island’s infrastructure and the island is keen to welcome back travellers, so this is a genuinely responsible way to spend your tourist dollar and help rebuild the island. The smart way to experience the island is to veer between affordable quirky B&Bs such as Cocoa Cottage and swanky eco-lodges including Secret Bay . An unspoiled, unknown gem, Dominica is set to re-emerge as a destination for eco-minded adventure travellers.

Best for learning new skills  Thailand is where it all started for travellers the world over but this Southeast Asian...

Best for: learning new skills

Thailand is where it all started for travellers the world over, but this South-east Asian idyll is still hard to beat when it comes to transformational solo travel, with courses in everything from Thai cookery to massage to yoga to scuba-diving, and a well-trodden route that makes Thailand particularly safe for solo female travellers.

Chiang Mai makes for a more chilled urban Thai experience than Bangkok , as well as being a springboard to Thailand’s waterfall-studded, rainforested north, and hippy hubs such as Pai. For a treat, book into 137 Pillars for 1880s Lanna architecture, but the warm Thai welcome extends to quirky, charming and more budget-friendly flashpacker joints like Mo Rooms .

Then head south to match with your own dream beach, whether it’s diving with whale sharks off Ko Tao, combining health with hedonism on Ko Phang Nguan, or kiteboarding and kicking back in Hua Hin. The serene spirituality of Thailand as well as the fact that dining well is a gloriously democratic and informal pleasure only adds to the country’s charms for solo adventurers; it’s genuinely hard to feel stressed in Thailand.

Best for eating and drinking  Texans are famously some would say notoriously friendly and Austin is a city where youll...

Austin, Texas

Best for: eating and drinking

Texans are famously, some would say notoriously, friendly, and Austin is a city where you’ll never be short of a smile, whether it’s across a shared plate of streetfood, across a grimy dancefloor, or across the water of one of the steamy city’s cherished swimming holes. Dining out is a thoroughly relaxed affair in Austin, as much of the best eating in town is dished out of food trucks – where solo travellers join other diners at bar-style seating and never really eat alone. There are over 1,000 food trucks rolling around town, but Gourdough’s doughnuts are cult dishes in Austin, served out of a vintage Airstream; go big and go for grilled banana and bacon.

Hip hotelier Liz Lambert runs the sleek Hotel Saint Cecilia and the more affordable San Jose Hotel around the corner on South Congress, which teems with organic grocery stores, vintage stores, coffeeshops, taco shacks and music venues like the legendary Continental Club .

If South Congress is the city’s hipster thoroughfare, the up-and-coming creative neighbourhood is the East Side, best seen after an afternoon touring and tasting the local brewery, Hops & Grain Brewing . Make pilgrimage to Rainey Street , a residential street turned urban phenomenon, where bars and cafes are housed in converted bungalows. In the morning, leap out of bed early to cycle the steamy 10-mile circuit of Ladybird Lake along the new hike and bike track’, perhaps cooling off at beautiful Barton Springs pool (free before 8am; £2 after), a vast spring-fed swimming pool hewn out of rock.

An expert's guide to Austin

Best for making friends  Shunned by travellers for decades because of sectarian violence in recent years Belfast has...

Belfast, Ireland

Best for: making friends

Shunned by travellers for decades because of sectarian violence, in recent years Belfast has emerged as one of the most culturally vibrant and friendly city break destinations in Europe . This a big-hearted town where a lone traveller can turn up alone at a Cathedral Quarter bar like The Spaniard and find a few new friends before they’re halfway through that pint of Guinness. The Merchant remains the city’s smartest hotel, but there are a smattering of stylish and oddly affordable boutique joints, of which the Bullitt Hotel is an exemplar. Meanwhile, on the food scene, mainstays like Mourne Seafood rub up against innovative upstarts like the Muddlers Club .

The newly-minted Titanic Quarter is the city's number-one tourist draw, and the museum centrepiece is well worth a visit, as is the MAC Belfast and the Ulster Museum, which sits in the beautiful Botanical Gardens. Before the Troubles, Belfast was a relatively wealthy Victorian centre of shipbuilding, and leafy parks like Lady Dixon and Lagan Meadows provide a reminder of the city’s gentile past, all too often overlooked by visitors

Best for surfing  In need of a shorthaul sunny destination where you wont be surrounded by families and couples...

Best for: surfing

In need of a short-haul sunny destination where you won’t be surrounded by families and couples? Portugal’ s enviable surf camp scene gives its coastline an altogether different vibe, where solo travellers can easily turn up alone and be clinking bottles of Sagres with new friend that evening.

With over 800km of coast, you can choose between melodramatic cliffs, stellar surf breaks, dune-covered beaches and serene sandy islets; Portugal can afford to be generous with its coastline, so no stretch feels entirely dominated by families, or couples, but a healthy mixture. Beyond the beaches, solo travellers hike the granite peaks of Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês or explore the traditional villages in the lesser-explored Beiras, increasingly on the map for wine-loving or retreat-craving travellers.

On top of the natural scenery, Portuguese cities like Lisbon and Porto are fiercely unconventional and informal compared to their Spanish, French or Italian counterparts. And festivals dominate Portugal ’s calendar, so consider planning a solo jaunt around Lisbon’s Festa de Santo António or Porto’s Festa de São João, or find a smaller jazz or rock festival down the coast.

But at any time of year you can hit the bars to hear the mournful strains of fado music, and in Portugal you’ll never dance alone.

Surfing holidays for women | How surf school can change your life

Best for culture  It used to be fashionable to dismiss Singapore as a sterile stopover city but frankly those travellers...

Best for: culture

It used to be fashionable to dismiss Singapore as a sterile stopover city, but frankly, those travellers weren’t trying hard enough. 21st-century Singapore is a cultural and culinary melting pot, with world-class cultural institutions, space-age green spaces and a thrillingly diverse hotel and restaurant scene. What travellers invariably love most about Singapore are the dramatic contrasts; historic Hindu temples sit at the feet of soaring skyscrapers, world-class museums have rainforest as their back garden, and crumbling 19th century shophouses now house vintage boutiques and speakeasy-style cocktail dens. Thanks to a long history of migration, Singapore is one of Asia ’s most ethnically diverse, and racially integrated, cities, with significant Malay, Indian and Eurasian minorities alongside the 74% Chinese Singaporean majority. This enables travellers to explore countless colourful cultures and cuisines without leaving the island. And one major bonus: English is the principal spoken language, so there is zero language barriers, adding to the friendliness and security of an already welcoming and ultra-safe city destination.

Step into Hong Kong in Chinatown, where the smell of sweet cured pork intermingles with the smoke from the Hindu temples at neighbouring Little India , whose Tekka Market is one of the most vibrant and colourful (and frequently Instagrammed) sights on the island. Meanwhile, in Kampong Glam, the Arab quarter, Haji Lane is lined with independent boutiques, retro barbershops and - the ultimate badge of hipster pride - a Tokyobike store, positioning Singapore alongside Copenhagen , Berlin , Melbourne and Shoreditch . Singapore is a place where European influences comfortably rub up against Chinese, Malay and Indian traditions; no other destination so successfully celebrates the marriage between East and West.

The Best Solo Travel Destinations in the United States for an Unforgettable Adventure

Whether you're looking for activity or relaxation, your dream trip awaits.

preview for 15 of the Best Solo Getaways for a Little You Time

Whether you're planning your first adventure on your own or are a solo travel veteran, choosing a destination can be overwhelming, especially if you still have a lot of places to check off your bucket list . The good news is, you don't have to go far for the adventure or relaxation you crave, because there are plenty of options across the U.S.

Weighing variables such as walkability, safety, self care opportunities, number of historic sites and museums and access to nature, we've come up with a list of the best places in the U.S. for solo travelers — ranging from mountain and beach destinations to small towns and large cities. Time to book your ticket for one, plan your itinerary (or don't, remember, it's your trip!) and answer to no one except yourself for a few days.

Saratoga Springs, New York

saratoga springs, new york

This beautiful upstate New York town is a short Amtrak ride from the city, so it's ideal for NYC residents looking for a quick solo escape. Watch a horse race at the historic Saratoga Race Track, jam out at a concert at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center and enjoy the mineral spring baths (where the city gets its name!) at the Saratoga Spa State Park. Oh and don't miss the fabulous dining and shopping up and down Broadway.

Waco, Texas

waco, tx, usa march 18, 2017 the entrance to magnolia seed and supply overlooking plants in the garden area of magnolia silos

Ideal for the Fixer Upper fan looking for a low-key getaway, the heart of Chip and Joanna Gaines's Magnolia empire is a fun Texas town that's a short drive from both Austin and Dallas. Stop at Magnolia Market for tasty treats and farmhouse chic shopping. Beyond Magnolia, there's boutique shopping, wine and beer tastings and an impressive nightlife downtown. For more fun, tour the Dr. Pepper Museum, check out the Mammoth National Monument or visit the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum.


Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

fairy tale like small store with straw roof

You'll feel like the main character in a storybook in Carmel-by-the-Sea — but in addition to marveling at the fairytale-like village, there's plenty to do. You'll find the famous Pebble Beach golf course, the Carmel Mission Basilica Museum, Point Lobos State Natural Reserve and the white-sand Carmel Beach all nearby. Pro tip: Carmel Bakery and The Cottage of Sweets are great treat-yourself stops.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

inn and spa at loretto hotel, santa fe

Santa Fe is a prime destination for art lovers, as it's home to both the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and the original Meow Wolf (an experimental, immersive art exhibit that doubles as something of a psychedelic escape room). Art galleries, antique stores and craft shops line picturesque downtown Santa Fe, which is also a great place to try New Mexico's famous red and green chiles. Don't forget to book a spa day at the Inn & Spa at Loretto .

Burlington, Vermont

burlington skyline on the banks of lake champlain

If relaxation is what you crave, Burlington is a bucolic little town with a laid-back atmosphere. Saunter through the lovely Church Street Marketplace, tour the Ben & Jerry's factory, grab a cold drink at a craft brewery or take a cooking class at Essex Resort & Spa (just a short 20-minute drive away). When the weather's warm, partake in all of Lake Champlain's fun — from boating and sunbathing at the beach to hiking along the shore. Or visit during the fall, when the foliage is nothing short of superb.

Flagstaff, Arizona

downtown flagstaff

Flagstaff has as many activities as a big city, but with a small town vibe. It's close to natural and historical wonders, like the Grand Canyon, Walnut Canyon and the Wupatki National Monument, but you won't need a car to see them — plenty of tour operators are located in Flagstaff. If you're into space, the famous Lowell Observatory — a.k.a. where astronomers first discovered the ex-planet Pluto — is just outside of town. The city's downtown is a destination in its own right, with restaurants and bars to fill your time between adventures in the desert.

Portland, Maine

aerial view portland head lighthouse maine usa

Ranked one of the 25 safest places to live by U.S. News , Portland is a pristine New England seaside city with beautiful lighthouses, an art museum and opulent Victorian mansions. Stop by any of the waterfront restaurants for the fresh catch of the day, or pop into a local brewpub for a pint.

New York City, New York

brooklyin bridge's pedestrian walkway at sunrise, new york city

Big city energy seekers, this one's for you! Solo travelers will never run out things to do in the city that never sleeps. Visit some of the world's best museums, catch a Broadway show or join the hunt for the "best" slice of pizza or bagel in the city — both matters of some dispute. You'll need the extra carbs to explore the vast city by subway, from Central Park and Battery Park to the hipster enclaves of Brooklyn and the multi-cultural offerings of Queens.

The Poconos, Pennsylvania

fire pits at sunset at lake resort

The Poconos, a mountainous region in northeastern Pennsylvania filled with ski slopes and charming small towns, is a great option for adventure and relaxation seekers alike. You'll need a car to get around, but driving through the scenery — especially in the fall — is one of the area's highlights. Hit hiking trails, like the one to Bushkill Falls, and stop at local gems, like Callie's Candy Kitchen. If you're seeking relaxation (and a spa) more than action, stay at one of the many resorts in the Poconos, like Skytop Lodge.

Savannah, Georgia

around forsyth park

Savannah is best known for its historic district, filled with beautiful architecture, museums, art galleries and lush green squares — all ideal for solo exploration. Plus, the "Hostess City of the South" is a foodie paradise, with a diverse range of restaurants and cafes serving all sorts of delicious cuisine. But don't forget to make time for Southern food while you're there!

Boise, Idaho

hot air balloons

Another one of the U.S.'s 25 safest places to live , Boise is surrounded by mountains, making it a scenic location and hiker's paradise. The city itself has quite a few green spaces, including the Idaho Botanical Garden and Camel's Back Park. On Saturdays from mid-April to mid-December, it hosts the Capital City Public Market, filled with local food and craft vendors. If you happen to visit in late summer, don't miss the magical annual Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic held in Ann Morrison Park.

Ann Arbor, Michigan

liberty street scene in ann arbor

Ann Arbor is an under-the-radar town perfect for museum lovers, thanks to the University of Michigan. Worth a visit are the institution's Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History and Museum of Archaeology. We also suggest strolling through the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and catching a show at the Hill Auditorium. Off campus, visit the Nickels Arcade for shopping and eats.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

bricktown, oklahoma city

To put it simply, Oklahoma City is an underrated destination. Between its boisterous Bricktown neighborhood, unique Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, beautiful Myriad Botanical Gardens and whitewater rafting and kayaking facility, you might be surprised by how much there is to do. For food and accommodations, check out the newly-opened National Hotel, housed in a former bank (psst, there's a cocktail bar in the old vault).

Reno, Nevada

welcome to reno

Sure, Las Vegas might get most of the attention in Nevada, but Reno is a more approachable destination for a solo trip. Yes, there are casinos here, but you'll also find impressive art and automobile museums, a lovely rose garden and the Nevada Historical Society. In the winter, skiing is nearby, and in the early fall, Reno hosts the world's largest free hot air balloon event. "The Biggest Little City in the World" certainly lives up to its moniker.

Tampa, Florida

tampa florida skyline

Most travelers are familiar with South Florida's hotspots, but Tampa to the west (also considered one of the safest cities to live in the U.S. ) is rightfully drawing attention. Its most famous attraction is Busch Gardens, but the city has more to offer than roller coasters. Head to the Tampa Riverwalk for waterfront dining, or visit Ybor City for lively nightlife, classic cigar lounges and the original 118-year-old Columbia Restaurant — home to one of the tastiest house salads you'll ever eat and a must-see flamenco show.

Asheville, North Carolina

house on the hill

Asheville has an impressive range of offerings for all types of interests. Are you a fan of history? There's the Biltmore Estate.Shopper? Head for the Grove Arcade. Hiker? The Blue Ridge Mountains are yours to explore. Art Lover? Stroll through the River Arts District. Oh, and did we mention the local breweries and exceptional Southern comfort food?

Boulder, Colorado

pearl street mall, downtown boulder

Before you hit the ski slopes or hiking trails (depending on the season), check out the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, filled with quirky shops and tasty eats. You might not expect it, but Boulder is also home to a landmark tea spot called the Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse (a solo afternoon tea sounds divine to us), a contemporary art museum and the Shelby American Collection of classic cars.

Chicago, Illinois

cloud gate sculpture at att plaza,chicago

Chicago may be a big city, but it's easy to navigate on foot — or on the "L" train system. There's no shortage of activities, whether you're interested in taking an architectural history boat tour, visiting the Art Institute of Chicago or Field Museum or taking a selfie with the famous "Bean." This should go without saying, but make sure to take yourself on a deep-dish pizza tour, because you deserve it (and you'll have the whole pie to yourself).

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

harpers ferry, west virginia

If you're interested in hiking part of the Appalachian Trail, hit the region around Harpers Ferry. The visitor center is considered the "psychological midpoint" of the trail, and there are a number of scenic day hikes in the area. The town itself — which boasts small-town charm — is part of the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and has an antique shop (called The Gilded Flea) and a historic candy shop.

South Bend, Indiana

morris performing arts center in south bend

College towns make for perfect weekend getaways for solo travelers, with lively downtowns and impressive museums — and South Bend is no exception. There's a three-story automotive museum, two art museums, a gorgeous neo-Gothic church, the Morris Performing Arts Center and a scenic riverfront park to fill your itinerary. It also has several chocolate shops, the Indiana Whiskey Company for tastings and restaurants serving cuisine from all around the world.

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  • 13 of the best winter sun locations

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Matt Chappell 1st Oct 2023 27 min read

Whether it’s the drop in temperature or your leftover annual leave, you may find yourself dreaming about basking in the winter sun on a beautiful beach.   Whatever your motivation, you’ve probably always wondered: where are the best places to go for sun in December, January or February? 

Here we’ve compiled a list of the top winter sun destinations, with all the information you need to make the right choice.

1. Marrakech, Morocco

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Best for : Cultured city escapes Average temperature : 20ºC / 68ºF When to go : November – March

Like other countries in the Northern Hemisphere, Morocco has a seasonal climate. Whilst the summer months can see temperatures reaching highs of 40ºC, winter offers a milder climate with averages around 20ºC, meaning it’s an excellent choice for relaxed sightseeing and one of our top winter sun destinations.

Make the most the glorious weather and visit the Medina of Marrakech , where you can find everything from handwoven carpets to intricate gold work. At night, the main square, Jemaa el-Fnaa, comes alive with snake charmers and storytellers enacting Morocco’s rich traditions.  Art-lovers will appreciate the Jardin Majorelle, a beautiful cactus garden painted in a striking shade of cobalt blue. History buffs should head to the Saadian Tombs, a mediaeval mausoleum housing the bones of royals and dignitaries down the ages.  Explore more of Flash Pack’s group solo trips to Morocco .

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Best for : Caribbean beaches Average temperature : 26ºC / 79ºF When to go : December – February

Cuba enjoys pleasant tropical temperatures in winter, with a spell of dry weather running from November to mid-April, making it an excellent choice for a winter sun break. 

Havana is one of the country’s star attractions, with its Unesco World Heritage Old Town, beautiful ruins and historical atmosphere. Cuba is a very musical country and you’ll hear the rhythms of salsa and jazz drifting through the streets wherever you go. History-lovers will be well-served with revolutionary landmarks at every corner, while iconic vintage cars  create a real sense of nostalgia through the streets.

On the coast, the white-sand beaches of Cayo Levisa are wonderfully warm during these months, with clear blue seas and palm-fringed shores. Looking for some winter sun ? Take a look at Flash Pack’s  Soulful Cuba itinerary .

3. Krabi, Thailand

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Best for : Rock-climbing adventure Average temperature : 31 – 34ºC / 89º – 93ºF When to go : December – February

Thailand is one of the best places for winter sun, with pleasant dry weather and temperatures averaging between 31°C and 35°C.

The province of Krabi is a firm favourite, with its pristine shoreline, warm blue seas and craggy limestone cliffs. The islands of the Andaman Sea are a huge draw, with Phi Phi luring travelers to powdery beaches and spectacular snorkeling opportunities.

Just under two hours by ferry, Railay Bay has some of the best climbing spots in the region. You’ll find options available for all levels of experience, whether you’re a seasoned rock-climber or looking for your first introduction to the sport. Beyond climbing, there are hidden jungle lagoons, mysterious caves and ancient temples, the perfect stomping ground for the region’s mischievous monkeys.  For more adventures, see Flash Pack’s  Thailand trips .

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Best for : Rainforest adventure Average temperature : 28ºC / 82ºF When to go : November – April

As a tropical country, Belize has two seasons: wet and dry. November to April marks the dry season, meaning just as the Northern Hemisphere moves into winter, Belize is gearing up for glorious sunshine. So, if you’re looking for a warm winter getaway, why not consider Belize?

Whilst it may be tiny, its widespread tropical charm cannot be ignored. Inland, the dense jungle of Pine Mountain Ridge offers activities like ziplining and canyoning, with some epic hikes to be had, too. Along the coast, you’ll find crystalline seas perfect for snorkeling and soft white beaches crying out for a spot of sunbathing.

The islands of Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker boast pretty Caribbean towns, with their lush shores frequented by reef sharks and turtles. Whether you’re looking for wildlife or beaches, Belize is one of the most spectacular winter sun locations.  Explore more of Flash Pack’s trip to Belize .

5. Baja California, Mexico

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Best for : Snorkelling with sea lions Average temperature : 25 – 27ºC / 77º – 80ºF When to go : November – April

Mexico has a diverse climate, varying considerably depending on where you are in the country. Along the coast, winter brings warm, dry weather, with temperatures lower than the summer months but pleasant enough to enjoy a spot of sunbathing or sightseeing. Sea temperatures during this period average around 20C, providing good conditions for swimming and snorkeling.

Cabo San Lucas is known for its beautiful blue seas and intriguing rock formations, best explored on a boat ride along the coast. Further north, the mysterious island of Espiritu Santo beckons with its desolate, volcanic terrain and biodiverse shores. Keep an eye out for dolphins, whales and sea lions exploring their natural habitat.  Discover all that Mexico has to offer on a Flash Pack group tour.

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Best for : Wild wadi swimming Average temperature : 26ºC / 79ºF When to go : October – April

Oman has a hot desert climate, with temperatures reaching overbearing levels in the summer. Come winter, it’s more pleasant, with average temperatures of 26ºC and ranking Oman as one of the top winter sun destinations.

The capital Muscat overlooks the Gulf of Oman, which in winter is graced with a refreshing sea breeze. With a rich history dating back to antiquity, the streets of Muscat are lined with classical Arab architecture offering a wealth of culture to be explored.

Further inland, Oman’s oases offer respite from the desert heat. Known as wadis, these emerald lagoons are usually found in valleys and ravines, surrounded by rugged desert. Fringed with palm trees and boasting some of the most eye-catching waters, they are one of the most impressive experiences Oman has to offer. Try Wadi Bani Khalid and Wadi Shab where you can swim in the pools.  See more of Flash Pack’s  Oman adventure .

6. Cape Town, South Africa

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Best for : Swimming with penguins Average temperature : 28ºC / 82ºF When to go : December – February

Like other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, summertime in South Africa runs from December to February, coinciding with the Northern Hemisphere’s winter months. Average sea temperatures are around 20ºC, making it a perfect winter sun destination.

New to South Africa? Cape Town is an excellent place to start. Table Mountain attracts adventure-lovers, with its epic abseiling opportunities. Nearby Stellenbosch produces some of the world’s finest wines, offering tastings in incredible settings. The coastline is carved by magnificent Atlantic waves all year round, making it a great place to learn to surf. And, if you venture just a little further south, you’ll reach the Cape Peninsula, one of the few places where you can encounter African penguins in their natural habitat.  Explore all that the country has to offer on Flash Pack’s South African adventure .

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Best for : Historical sightseeing Average temperature : 19ºC / 66ºF When to go : December – February

Whilst summer temperatures in Egypt can reach highs of 35ºC, winter offers a pleasingly cooler climate with fewer crowds. This means that you can enjoy the best of Egypt without competing for space with tourists, making it a top destination for winter sun

Start your adventure in Cairo, from which you can easily visit the ancient city of Giza, home to the Great Pyramid and legendary Sphinx. Follow the Nile south to Luxor, a city constructed on the site of ancient Thebes. From the 16th – 11th century BC, Thebes was the seat of power for Egypt’s pharaohs. The remnants of this legacy can still be seen today, with the ancient city much like an open-air museum, with walls carved with hieroglyphics and adorned with sacred statues. You’ll also find the Valley of the Kings, the ‘gateway to the afterlife’, where pharaohs and nobles are buried. The Temple of Amun-Ra is equally impressive, built as an offering to the God of Luxor, believed in ancient Egypt to have created the universe.  Continue further south along the Nile and you’ll discover Aswan, a southern city in the province of Nubia. Visit the Unesco-founded Nubia Museum to learn all about this ancient African culture.  You can see some of these remarkable landmarks, and more, on Flash Pack’s  Egyptian adventure .

8. Kerala, India

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Best for : Lazy beach escapes Average temperature : 28ºC / 82ºF When to go : December – February

The best time to visit India’s far south is from December to February when temperatures cool to a pleasant average of 28ºC. The rest of the year is either hot or humid, with monsoon season falling between June and October. Visit in winter and you’ll be greeted with beautiful, sunny climes without the humid heat of the summer months.

Kerala, in particular, is a wonderful spot for chilled escapism. With a long stretch of coast overlooking the Arabian Sea, Kerala’s golden beaches are made for basking in the winter sun with a book in hand. Mountain-lover? Head a little inland to the Western Ghats, a mountain range even older than the Himalayas, for scene-stealing hikes.

And if you’re after local culture, visit Kochi for traditional Kathakali performances. Originating from Kerala, it’s one of India’s most revered and sacred dance forms, with participants enacting ancient Hindu stories using only facial expressions.  Explore more of Flash Pack’s Indian adventures .

9. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

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Best for : Carnaval in February Average temperature : 29ºC / 84ºF When to go : December – February

Summer in Brazil runs from December to March, making this a brilliant destination for a winter sun escape.  Rio de Janeiro is one of the world’s best city escapes, where golden beaches expand beneath rugged mountains on the doorstep of a vibrant and energetic city. Why choose between mountains and beach, city or nature when you can have them all?

Visit Rio in February and you’ll find yourself in the thick of the world-famous Carnival, undoubtedly the highlight of the year. Beyond the frivolity, the beaches are home to majestic waves, perfect for budding surfers. And, of course, Christ the Redeemer, the iconic mountain-top statue overlooking the city and the sea, it one of the city’s top spots to visit.  Enjoy some winter sun in Brazil as part of a Flash Pack group tour.

10. Luang Prabang, Laos

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Best for : Buddhist temples and heritage Average temperature : 27 – 29ºC / 80 – 84ºF When to go : December – March

Like neighboring Thailand, the winter months coincide with Laos’ dry season. Temperatures average around 28ºC, making it one of the best places for winter sun. 

Luang Prabang, the former royal capital, is one of the country’s prettiest towns. With a deeply spiritual local culture, you’ll witness monks in saffron robes collecting alms each morning before daybreak. The streets are fringed with ancient temples decorated in mosaics depicting Buddhist stories, and boutiques sell handmade crafts and textiles. A  little further south, you’ll find Kuang Si Falls, a beautiful three-tiered waterfall deep in the rainforest, perfect for a wild swim after a jungle hike.  Explore more on Flash Pack’s  Laos adventure .

11. Yucatán, Mexico

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Best for : Wild cenote swimming Average temperature : 28ºC / 82ºF When to go : December – March

The winter season sees temperatures on the Yucatán Peninsula hover around 28ºC, providing balmy conditions for exploring the region’s archaeological and cultural sites, and enjoying a dose of much needed winter sun.

What can you expect on an adventure in Yucatán? Firstly, impeccable beaches. Isla Holbox is simply beautiful, with striking white sands and aquamarine waters home to a diverse range of wildlife. Snorkeling is a must. And, at the Cancún Underwater Museum, you can swim your way through a series of sculptures and artworks surrounded by coral reefs.

There are also impressive  Mayan ruins. From Chichen Itza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, to Tulum Ruins, the wealth of history is remarkable. There are also plenty of cenotes, secluded lagoons that are often located inside caves, with ethereal waters that will cast away any winter blues.  Discover what Mexico has to offer on a Flash Pack group tours.

12. Hoi An, Vietnam

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Best for : Delicious food and cultural heritage Average temperature : 25ºC / 77ºF When to go : November – February

Whilst summer in central Vietnam sees temperatures reach 35ºC, winter brings cooler weather, which is pleasantly refreshing.

Looking for a relaxing winter sun escape? Swap the bustle of Hanoi for the lantern-lit streets of Hoi An. Located on the coast of Central Vietnam, this historical port city has a unique atmosphere, owing to its blend of Chinese, French and traditional Vietnamese influences. Hoi An’s cosmopolitan history has also left its mark on the local cuisine, with grilled meats paired with spicy salads, rice noodles and banh mi,  an elaboration on the French baguette.

The Old Town, a Unesco World Heritage Site, is renowned for its historical character, with Japanese houses, Chinese pagodas and tailor shops lining the streets. Tailoring is a respected local craft in Hoi An, with a breadth of Vietnamese silk also produced. Whether you’re looking to explore cultural gems, get a taste of delectable cuisine or indulge in some bespoke tailoring, Hoi An offers a memorable experience for any solo traveler.  Explore Hoi An as part of our Vietnam adventures .

13. Sri Lanka

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Best for : Ancient Unesco ruins Average temperature : 27ºC / 80ºF When to go : November – February

Like other tropical countries, the best time to visit Sri Lanka is during the dry season, which coincides with the cold winter months in across Europe and the US. With sea temperatures averaging 27ºC, Sri Lanka’s golden beaches are some of  the best places for a spot of winter sun.

Beyond the unspoilt beaches, Sri Lanka is a country steeped in ancient history and Unesco World Heritage ruins. At Sigiriya, one of Sri Lanka’s most iconic sights, the fifth-century city is carved from a slab of sheer rock towering over the landscape. At Polonnaruwa, once the religious heart of Sri Lanka, the ancient relic is lined with temples and crumbling Buddhas, best explored by bike. These sites offer an impressive glimpse into Sri Lanka’s historic past.  Take a look at Flash Pack’s  Sri Lanka adventure.

If you’re craving the warmth of winter sun, try a group solo adventure with Flash Pack , where you’ll explore some of the best winter sun locations alongside other like-minded travelers .

Got a story or adventure that could inspire a solo traveler like you? Tag @flashpack on social or email [email protected] to be featured.

Images: Flash Pack and Unsplash

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The Golden Rules of Solo Travel

By Olivia Morelli

Image may contain Person Walking Grass Plant Outdoors Nature Scenery Landscape Art Mountain and Mountain Range

The joys of traveling solo are endless. It is freeing to explore new places alone—you can go where you please, eat when you want, and enjoy quality time with yourself uninterrupted. The interest in solo travel has been slowly rising for a while, in tandem with the desire for deeper, slower, more connective trave l. For many, solo travel is the perfect way to achieve this—it provides an opportunity to trust your instinct, go with your gut, and get lost in the experience. You rely on yourself rather than on others’ whims or desires.

But, if you’re not a seasoned solo traveler, it can be a daunting prospect. In an age of constant connectivity, the idea of being alone for an extended period of time is stark. Below, we spoke to travelers who frequently book solo trips about their golden rules for traveling alone.

Dining alone isn’t weird

For most people, the thought of dining alone is one of the biggest barriers to traveling solo. But once you get past the conviction that everyone is noticing or judging you, it’s a totally freeing experience. “Dining alone isn’t as uncommon as you might imagine,” says Estée Lalonde, a creative director and influencer with a passion for solo travel. “I personally find it empowering! Sometimes I bring a book with me or watch an episode of my favorite show on Netflix with my headphones on, but other times I just enjoy the atmosphere and end up chatting to the people at the table next to me.”

Book counter dining at restaurants if it's too weird for you

If you are someone who does feel uncomfortable about dining alone, opt for a bar or counter seat. It’s much less intimidating than having a whole table to yourself, and you are more likely to end up chatting to the staff or the person sitting next to you. "The first time I went out for a meal alone, I went to JG Melon on the Upper East Side of New York City ,” Sarah James, Condé Nast Traveller ’s deputy digital editor, says. “I took a book, and nervously shuffled onto a bar stool for my burger—but ended up chatting away to the charming bartender and the women sat next to me. Now I often opt for a counter seat when eating alone, and no longer take a book with me. Either I end up talking to someone or just enjoy the peace. A general rule I live by—we're all so wrapped up in our own lives, no one is paying much attention to other people."

Consider a hostel

Not only are hostels affordable, but they're also great places to meet fellow travelers—whether they're in the same solo boat as you or not. Many have a cheap bar onsite that allows you to fall into natural conversation with compatriots who may become friends, or at least will have great tips for things to do.

Fake it till you make it

Most people feel nervous about meeting new people, and introverts especially struggle to make the first move when in a new place. But remember that everyone is in the same boat, and most solo travelers will have experienced those same emotions. The first five seconds are the hardest, but once you’ve introduced yourself, you’ll quickly realize it wasn’t as big a deal as you originally thought. You’d kick yourself if you let a bit of shyness ruin your trip, so use that as the motivation you need to approach a fellow traveler. And remember, if you present with confidence, that will show—fake it til you make it is a reliable life rule to follow.

best winter solo trips

Never consolidate all of your assets

“This is a lesson that I learned the hard way after getting pickpocketed in a crowded Jerusalem marketplace,” says global digital director Arati Menon, “I had stupidly carried all my credit cards and cash with me—luckily no passport!—in a single wallet and as a result, had no way of paying the hotel bill later that day when I checked out. Now, I always split my cards and cash (and IDs) across various places: wallet, purse, luggage—and if possible, store at least one of these in a locked safe back at the hotel.”

Don’t fear loneliness

“Remember that a bit of loneliness can be bracing and character-building,” says Toby Skinner, Condé Nast Traveller ’s features director. “My experience traveling is generally that people are decent, kind and interesting—and you found that out most acutely by being alone (whereas everyone leaves couples well alone.) Some of my most memorable travel experiences have been on my own—like when I was stranded in Nanjing at 2 a.m. by a delayed train in 2001, and a local student let me bunk in his dorm room for the night.”

Take the train

“While even the most extroverted of travelers avoid chit chat like the plague on a plane, I have found traveling by train to be a much more social means of transport," says associate editor Hannah Towey. "Last summer, I traveled solo on the Amtrak Coastal Starlight from Santa Barbara to San Francisco and spent the entirety of the 9-hour journey in the communal observation lounge, where fellow travelers rotated in and out, sharing tables and playing cards while admiring the views. As the sun set on the second half of the trip, a few musically-inclined passengers formed an impromptu band complete with an acoustic guitar and mandolin. Word slowly spread and others trickled in from other parts of the train to take turns singing songs in different languages. It might take a few more hours than a flight, but who knows, you might even find the Ethan Hawke to your Julie Delpy and spend a spontaneous evening together in Vienna.”

Plan around cultural events

Arriving at a destination just as the locals are gearing up for an important cultural event can be an incredible way to immerse yourself straight away. Look up religious festivals, bank holidays, and street parties to see what time is best to visit and plan accordingly. You’ll get a real flavor of the people, the food, and even the music, and you might end up making friends along the way.

Research solo travel in your destination

As obvious as “do your research” sounds, it’s an important step to remember. Look at online forums and speak to people who have previously visited the destination. What safety precautions should you be taking? Is it safe to walk between locations, or is it better to use taxis? Are taxis easy to find? What is the destination's culture like after dark? For women, in particular, it is best to plan ahead to avoid getting stranded in remote neighborhoods after dark.

Have a rough plan for each day

It can feel daunting waking up in a brand new destination and not knowing where to start, so make sure to create vague itineraries for your trip. What are your non-negotiables in this destination? Any big attractions you want to tick off? Restaurants you’ve been desperate to try? Beaches you’ve always wanted to visit? “I like to have 3-5 little activities in mind for each day, like visiting a particular store or trying the local cuisine,” Estée tells us. “If you have a bit of direction you can leave space in between each activity to be spontaneous and discover the local area.”

Build in group activities

Booking tours and group events is a great way to meet other travelers. Most hostels have a list of activities available for guests to sign up for, and if not, then there are walking tours or live music events at local bars. “Try to see people as opportunities," Toby advises. “I'd build in communal activities to your itinerary and remember that you’ll probably never see these people again, so you have nothing to lose in almost any interaction and possibly a lot to gain—though there might be a touch of male privilege in that.”

Walk as much as you can

“Sometimes when I travel to a new place, I can be nervous to leave my bed as a solo traveler,” Estée admits. “As soon as I get outside and start walking I feel better—like I’m part of the city and that I belong there!” Exploring by foot is a great way to get to know the bones of a destination. You’ll soon create a mental map of the area nearest your accommodation and might stumble upon some hidden gems you wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

Allow yourself to be spontaneous

On that note, try to allow yourself some spontaneity. Having a rough plan is definitely advisable, but don’t stop yourself from following your gut if you have a sudden urge to pop into a shop, follow the sound of the crowds or head for the beach. It’s often the spur-of-the-moment decisions that result in the best experiences.

Bring good books

It’s easy to whip out your phone and rely on scrolling when you’re by yourself, and while that is a great way to decompress if you’re feeling jittery, there are few things more romantic than settling in at a street-side cafe and getting lost in the pages of a good book .

Bring a journal

Journaling has become a popular pastime of late, and keeping a travel journal is a great way to combine the mental health benefits of getting out your thoughts and feelings with the memories and emotions of traveling solo. “I find all of that time alone enables me to clear my head, and journaling is a great way to regulate those emotions,” Estée explains.

Keep a separate copy of your personal details

Sounds old school, but in lieu of printing out paper copies of all your bank details, phone numbers, and accommodations details, try keeping a document of all your information and emailing it to yourself. This way, if you lose your phone, you can ask the reception of your accommodation or staff at a hotel/restaurant/bar to borrow a phone and log into your email account to access anything you need. It’s also worth memorizing your card details and any emergency phone numbers (both personal and local emergency service numbers).

Take other safety precautions

There are plenty of ways to protect yourself when traveling alone. Sharing your location with your friends and family back home is a lovely way to keep in touch without having to actually message them—they can watch your journey from afar and keep track of your whereabouts if you haven’t contacted them for a while. Remember to bring a padlock for your backpack and lockers if you’re staying in hostels, and study basic phrases in the language of your destination, just in case you get lost and need some help.

Don’t forget insurance

There’s always something that doesn’t go to plan on any trip, and as a solo traveler, you’ll want to make sure you mitigate any stress that comes from changing itineraries. Buying travel insurance is the best way to protect yourself from any transport cancellations and unforeseen circumstances, and will cover any costs from injuries or thefts. Sounds scary, but it’ll be worth it if the worst happens!

A version of this story originally appeared on Condé Nast Traveller .

best winter solo trips

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best winter solo trips

Going it alone: 10 of the best trips for solo travel

O nce the preserve of singletons and gap-year students, solo travel has recently taken on a shiny new look. Rather than a function of necessity or compromise, holidaying alone has become the ultimate indulgence in 2024: a rare chance in this ultra-demanding world to put one’s own needs and priorities first.

"Travelling solo is a liberating experience. It offers the chance to do what and go where you want, on your own terms," says Jonathan Frankham of World Nomads . "It also makes you more likely to branch out, forge deeper connections with others and discover more about yourself."

In short, people are now travelling solo not because they have to – but because they want to. Emboldened with a ‘now or never’ attitude post-pandemic and more confident than ever about spending time in solitude, travellers are busy booking their dream trips, regardless of life stage or relationship status. Many tour operators have noticed the trend: Scott Dunn reported a 30 per cent increase in solo bookings in 2023, while Black Tomato saw them almost double. In response to demand, many operators have launched solo travel collections or solo-specific departure dates, while others are waiving pricey single supplements.

The range of solo travel experiences on offer has broadened, too. You can tick off bucket list trips like hiking the Camino de Santiago or cruising to Antarctica that loved ones in your life might be reluctant to commit to – but also book self-care wellness breaks or enriching learning holidays. Some trips, such as those from Discover the World , let you dial up or down the amount of time you spend in a group environment, so you get both alone time and the reassuring safely blanket that comes with being around others.

A reassuring safe space can be especially appealing to solo female travellers , of which there are now more than ever. According to Student Universe 84 per cent of polled Gen Z women are interested in solo travel, while Craft Travel reports a 350 per cent increase in women-based adventure travel compared to last year. Founder of the latter, Julia Carter, says: "Women who we would have more often seen putting off ‘adventurous’ destinations until they had a partner or their partner’s schedule allowed are no longer holding back."

10 solo trips to try

1. polar bears in canada.

In response to a noticeable uptick in solo bookings, Discover the World has just launched a new solo travel collection with dedicated singles departure dates – including to New Zealand and Iceland. Some trips are catered specifically to female travellers, including a special women-only departure of the Polar Bear Adventure in October 2024. There will be a female expedition leader at the helm when you journey on special ‘polar rovers’ to see the snow-white giants in the Churchill wilds, and you’ll have the chance to meet local indigenous women and hear about their lives on the arctic tundra too.

Five days from £7,593,

 2. Pilates in Morocco

For special interest breaks – whether that’s painting , cookery or learning a language – Flavours Holidays ticks the boxes for solo travellers, as it never charges a single supplement. The upcoming group Pilates Morocco Retreat will give you a week in a villa overlooking the Atlas mountains, with daily pilates classes and an optional hike into the sun-baked landscapes. Explore the bustling Marrakech souks, wander through the serene Majorelle Garden or tuck into fragrant tagines, either with new friends or when exploring on your own.

Seven days from £2,199,

3. Walking in Spain

Love nothing more than a good yomp in the great outdoors? More than half of Ramble Worldwide travellers are solo hikers, so you’ll be in good company. The moderately difficult Walking from San Telmo itinerary on Mallorca doesn’t have a single supplement and takes in raw mountain and coastal trails – including a challenging climb on the Archduke’s Trail around the hills of S’Arraco (the views are worth the thigh-burn). You’ll also have time to visit uninhabited island Dragonera, see hillside village Valldemossa and unwind by the pool in the spring or autumn sunshine (departure dates include April, May, September and October 2024).

Seven days from £1,285,

4. Safari in Kenya

A safari is a proper bucketlist trip – but one that can feel challenging to tackle all on your own. Dedicated solo holiday specialist Friendship Travel brings together world-class wildlife with beachside downtime in a group hols where there’s always a host on hand if you need them. The Kenya Safari and Beach itinerary kicks off on the sands at Diani Beach on the Indian Ocean before heading into the bush for stays at two different safari camps – one with views of Mount Kilimanjaro and the other in the heart of a 10,000-acre private game sanctuary. Then there’s more lazy lounger time again before you head home.

Seven nights from £2,550,

5. Getting fit in St Lucia

Wellness breaks are an understandably popular pick among solo travellers; all that alone time gives you the opportunity to overhaul your eating regime, set new fitness goals or undergo a major health reset. All-inclusive wellbeing resort BodyHoliday in St Lucia has a themed ‘September solos’ month where the usual single supplement is waived and the extensive rota of fitness classes and activities is supplemented by group hosted dinners. You also get a spa treatment included on every day of your stay.

Seven nights from £3,000,

6. Culture in Oman

Sustainably minded YellowWood Adventures focuses on cultural holidays that really get under the skin of a unique destination – and 70 per cent of travellers on their trips are solos. The Undiscovered Oman trip lets you get stuck into the local lifestyle and scenery, meeting Bedouins, sailing around the protected Daymaniyat Islands and wild camping in the powdery Sugar Dunes desert by the Gulf of Oman. The company also supports charity endeavours on the ground in their destinations and compensates for emissions by planting 15 trees per traveller through WeForest.

Nine days from £2,799,

7. Female empowerment in Turkey

With so many solo female travellers knocking on their door – around a third of all their bookings – Intrepid Travel decided it was time to relaunch their portfolio of female-only trips, designed to immerse you in the cultural spaces of local women. On a new Turkey Women’s Expedition, you’ll visit a mother and daughter in their Istanbul home to sample börek, hike the Soganli Valley and visit a social enterprise that supports low-income women through handicrafts.

12 days from £2,315,

8. Cruising in Peru

Cruising can be perfect for solo travellers, as travel by ship provides the comforts of group travel with the option to be reclusive when you fancy. Luxe small-ship line Aqua Expeditions has announced that it’s waiving solo supplements (usually 25% extra) on select cruises in 2024 and 2025, including voyages on the Aria Amazon in January, February and September. Sailing down the jungle-cloaked Peruvian Amazon on the intimate ship, you’ll get the inside track from experienced naturalist guides on the rich marine and land life. Off-boat expeditions let you see it all up close; piranha fishing, anyone?

Seven nights from £6,030,

9. Sunshine in Vietnam

Get to know one of Southeast Asia’s most fascinating countries and soak up the tropical sunshine with a multi-award winning specialist in the solo travel sphere, Just You. Running over nearly two weeks to give you the full country immersion, the Discover Vietnam trip includes a sightseeing tour in Hanoi, an overnight cruise in Halong Bay and a visit the UNESCO-protected old town of Hoi An, along with plenty of other stops. A good pick if you want to be in a social group dynamic for your entire trip.

From £3,699,

10. Remote adventure in Togo & Benin

Even if you normally travel with a partner or family, a solo expedition can suit when you want to experience somewhere more niche on your wish list. Wild Frontiers does those kind of unique destinations – everywhere from Kyrgyzstan to Honduras – like a pro and perhaps unsurprisingly 70% of their customer base is solo travellers. A Togo & Benin Voodoo Explorer trip delves deep into the rich cultures of West Africa, exploring the UNESCO Royal Palace of Abomey, boat-riding through the continent’s largest stilt village and discovering haunting Ouidah, spiritual home of voodoo.

14 days from £3,495,

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9 Best Cruise Lines for Solo Travelers [2024]

Updated : May 29, 2024

AAA Travel Editor, SMS

Table of contents.

  • Holland America Cruise Line
  • Silversea Cruise Line
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Azamara Cruise Line
  • Cunard Cruise Line
  • Viking River Cruises
  • Seabourn Cruise Line
  • Oceania Cruise Line 
  • Celebrity Cruises

How To Avoid Single Supplements 

Book your solo cruise with aaa.

With plenty of ways to mingle with other passengers (or enjoy some quality alone time), going on a cruise alone is the perfect getaway for solo and single travelers .

However, you’ll need to do your research before booking since cruising solo can get expensive. Some cruise lines charge single supplements, which means you'll pay extra when traveling alone and staying in a room that's usually meant for two people.

Luckily, as solo cruising has become more popular, certain cruise lines have started to cater to the needs of guests traveling alone and even offer cabins specifically designed for solo cruisers. 

Read on to discover the best cruise lines for solo travelers. 

1. Holland America Cruise Line

best winter solo trips

Single cabins: Yes

Solo travel perks: Single Partners Program

AAA Member Benefit: 

  • $50 onboard spending credit per person

AAA Vacations ® Benefit:

  • 50 Denali Dollars per person on Alaska cruises for Verandah staterooms and above

Known for having some of the best customer service in the industry, it should come as no surprise that Holland America Line is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience to solo travelers onboard their fleet of ships. 

The line’s newest ships—Rotterdam, Koningsdam and Nieuw Statendam—have 12 single staterooms perfect for solo travelers. Each of these rooms is approximately 127-172 square feet and equipped with full-size and modern amenities. Plus, every single cabin boasts an ocean view, so you can enjoy the scenery during your voyage. 

Holland America Line also does a great job at creating an atmosphere of camaraderie on their ships. The Single Partners Program, offered on most voyages, puts on activities, cocktail parties and mixers for singles and solo travelers to mingle during the cruise. Whether you enjoy exercise classes, wine tastings or trivia, you’re sure to meet other travelers with similar interests through this program. 

2. Silversea Cruise Line

best winter solo trips

Single cabins: No

Solo travel perks : Low single supplements 

AAA Member Benefit:

  • Up to $300 per person in onboard credit on select voyages

Smaller cruise lines are great for solo travelers since you’ll see familiar faces throughout your journey, which can make it easier to strike up conversations and form connections with fellow travelers. 

One of the best small cruise lines for solo travelers is Silversea Cruise Line. While they don’t offer single cabins, they have extremely low single supplements of just 25 percent on certain voyages. For reference, most cruise lines have single supplements that are 50 percent to 100 percent of the fare, so Silversea’s rate is very affordable in comparison. 

At the beginning of your voyage, there will be a champagne Welcome Reception which serves as the perfect opportunity to mingle with other solo travelers. During certain journeys, Gentlemen Hosts will be available aboard to welcome solo guests.

3. Royal Caribbean

best winter solo trips

Solo travel perks : Solo traveler meet-ups 

  • Free 8x10 photo per stateroom on 7+ night balcony or suite bookings

AAA Vacations® Benefit :

  • Complimentary sparkling wine and chocolate-covered strawberries 
  • $25 onboard spending credit per stateroom for six nights or less voyages
  • $50 onboard spending credit per stateroom for 7-10 night voyages
  • $100 onboard spending credit per stateroom for 11+ night voyages 

Royal Caribbean offers studio staterooms on certain ships that are perfect for solo travelers and adult cruisers . When you book one of these rooms, you can avoid paying the typical single supplement fee. These rooms range from 101 square feet to 199 square feet, and you can choose from an inside stateroom, a virtual balcony stateroom or an ocean-view stateroom with a balcony. 

Studio staterooms are available on the following ships in their fleet: 

  • Anthem of the Seas
  • Brilliance of the Seas
  • Quantum of the Seas 
  • Harmony of the Seas 
  • Spectrum of the Seas
  • Ovation of the Seas

Once onboard, Royal Caribbean offers a ton of on-board activities, shows and dining experiences that make it ideal for solo travelers. Plus, they often have meet-ups for solo travelers looking to make friends while onboard. 

4. Azamara Cruise Line

best winter solo trips

Single cabins : No

Solo travel perks : Special rates as low as 25-50% off stateroom fares and gatherings for solo travelers 

AAA Member Benefit :

  • $150 per stateroom onboard credit on select Club Ocean View or above sailings.
  • Onboard spending credit of $200 per stateroom 

Azamara Cruise Line operates a fleet of mid-sized ships that journey to destinations all over the world. The cruise line is known for its Destination Immersion® experiences that feature intimate ships, access to smaller ports that other cruise ships can’t visit and longer stays at ports. 

Azamara provides special rates for solo travelers as low as 25-50 percent off stateroom fares. Additionally, they offer thoughtfully created activities and gatherings for solo travelers to socialize with each other onboard. 

5. Cunard Cruise Line

best winter solo trips

Solo travel perks : Group dining, coffee chats and cocktail parties for solo travelers

  • Onboard credit for all voyages that are 7 nights and longer 

Cunard is among the best luxury cruise lines , and it’s a great option for solo travelers looking for upscale service, socialization opportunities and elegant staterooms. The cruise line offers single staterooms aboard their Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth ships. During your time aboard, you’ll enjoy 24-hour room service, luxury toiletries and a complimentary bottle of sparkling wine. 

The cruise line is also known for its delicious culinary options and for going out of the way to ensure solo travelers have an enjoyable dining experience. While you can always choose to dine solo, they also provide the option to dine with fellow travelers at a shared table. Solo travelers can also attend coffee chats and cocktail parties to socialize with other guests. 

6. Viking River Cruises

best winter solo trips

Solo travel perks : Special solo traveler fares 

  • $100 per person shipboard credit for cruises 8-11 days
  • $200 per person shipboard credit for cruises 12+ days 

If you’re looking to embark on a solo river cruise in Europe , look no further than Viking River Cruises. The cruise line is known for its immersive journeys sailing through the world’s greatest rivers while offering world-class accommodation, incredible customer service and unique cultural events along the way. 

While Viking doesn’t have single cabins, they will occasionally offer special solo traveler fares. Plus, you can check for other discounts available for the cruises you’re interested in to save money on your travels.  

7. Seabourn Cruise Line

best winter solo trips

Solo travel perks : Special offers for solo travelers on select voyages 

  • Singles receive $150 per suite onboarding spending credit on select sailings 

AAA Vacations® Benefit:

  • $200 per suite onboard spending credit on select sailings 

Prefer to feel like you're on a private yacht instead of a cruise ship? The small-ship cruise line, Seabourn provides an intimate experience complete with personalized service, optional shore excursions and entertainment options. 

The cruise line offers a discounted single supplement, beginning at just 10% more than current fares for certain voyages and suite categories. The discount is available for cruises to Alaska , Greece, Iceland, Greenland and more. 

8. Oceania Cruise Line 

best winter solo trips

Single cabins : Yes

Solo travel perks : Social events and group dining tables

  • $100 per person onboard spending credit on select sailings 
  • Complimentary pre-paid gratuities
  • Free group wine tasting with a sommelier

From friendly crew members to social events, The Oceania Cruise Line goes above and beyond to make solo travelers feel at home on their ships. Solo cruises can attend cocktail parties or opt into group dining to meet other guests onboard. The small ships are also easy to navigate and provide a relaxing atmosphere. 

With solo staterooms available aboard the Vista, Regatta, Insignia, Nautica and Sirena ships, you don’t have to worry about solo supplements driving the price up. The accommodations feature private verandas or ocean-view windows as well as many amenities to keep you comfortable during your voyage. 

9. Celebrity Cruises

best winter solo trips

Solo travel perks : Hosted social events

  • Onboard credit based on the stateroom category booked

Celebrity Cruises is another popular cruise line for solo travelers, offering social events to help solo cruisers make new friends. Known for its inclusivity, Celebrity Cruises is also one of the most LGBTQ-friendly cruise lines in the industry. Their itineraries, such as their Bali, Malaysia and Thailand itineraries, are some of the best cruises for solo travelers looking for excitement and adventure. 

Celebrity’s solo cruise cabins are available on the Celebrity Edge®, Celebrity Apex®, Celebrity Beyond℠ and Celebrity Ascent℠ ships. Solo travelers can choose between an ocean-view room with a veranda and an inside stateroom. All of the solo rooms come with the same products and services as the regular staterooms. 

The easiest way to avoid single supplements is to opt for a cruise line that offers solo cabins. However, if your heart is set on a cruise line or ship that doesn’t have this perk, consider looking out for specials that waive or discount single supplements. You can also try using a roommate matching program that some cruise lines offer, which pairs you in a room with another solo traveler. 

Whether you're looking to book a quick getaway or an around-the-world cruise , embarking on a solo cruise is a rewarding experience offering adventure, relaxation and the freedom to cater your journey around your preferences. Not to mention, you can partake in the many things to do on a cruise and make life-long friends along the way.  

Book your solo cruises with AAA Travel and ensure you’ll have peace of mind during your once-in-a-lifetime trip. With your AAA Membership , you'll receive exclusive deals, onboard spending credits and other perks.

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The 12 Best Tropical Destinations for Solo Travelers

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For solo travel, I tend to gravitate toward structured trips , like exploring a few cities in Scandinavia, road tripping through Northern California, or seeing the Taj Mahal. It might be my Type A tendencies, but my solo travel usually includes a packed itinerary with goals like fitting in bucket list attractions or making it to a new continent . What I don't associate with solo travel is a tropical vacation . Palm-lined beach towns and scuba dive lessons aren't necessarily top of mind for the traveler going it alone. Driving the coast of Maui, sailing in French Polynesia, or bronzing on the Riviera Maya are activities usually tailored to couples and families.

After talking to 12 solo travelers who specifically sought out tropical destinations, one thing is apparent to me: The island life is definitely not reserved for bachelorette parties, couples, college groups, and families anymore. Tropical destinations offer perfect itineraries (and prices ) for when you need to escape from the hustle of real life—you just have to know where to go. And choosing a tropical destination doesn't mean you won't find must-see landmarks; get you a destination that can do both.

As with all solo travel, you might need to give yourself a push to actually make your trip happen. Whether you're going through a big life change and need time to process, you're traveling for work and looking to extend your trip, or you're just in desperate need of a change of pace, sometimes lounging on a beach by yourself is exactly what the doctor ordered. Here are 12 of the best tropical destinations to explore on your own:

"Australia, specifically the Great Barrier Reef , was a bucket list destination for me. I spent a week exploring the reef and it was mind boggling. You could definitely see the damage the reef has suffered, but the wildlife was indescribably beautiful. I also spent time in Cairns, an area that's perfect for a solo traveler. You have easy access to the Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest, and the Tablelands. I felt safe throughout my travels in Australia. The people were simply amazing—I even lost my cell phone in a cab and was able to get it back, thanks to the cabbie. I would recommend Australia for any traveler, but especially solos." — Charmayne Evans

"I went to Bermuda last September for my first solo vacay. I really enjoyed it because it's super close to the east coast, they speak English and take American currency, and the island is so small, it's super easy to navigate on your own via motorbike or public transit. I mostly took the bus everywhere. I ended up Airbnb-ing it and rented a room in a woman's home. The island is totally manageable on your own. I found all the locals to be super helpful with directions and recommendations. I also loved Bermuda because if you wanted, you could do all the action packed stuff (swim with dolphins, etc.) or just sit on the beach all day, which was more my speed. Also, if you're willing to venture around the island a bit, and you take the time to learn from the locals, there's a ton of more secluded and quiet beaches that are not mobbed with tourists." — Colleen Hughes

The Galapagos, Ecuador

"The Galapagos are ideal for solo travelers, whether you crave isolation or company. A cruise is the best way to see the islands , and smaller ships, like Haugan Cruises, have communal dining so you'll always have someone to chat with at dinner. With a land-based stay on Isabela or Santa Cruz, you can book a day cruise or walk to see flamingos, giant tortoises, and sea lions. If you want a swimming partner, sea lions and penguins are happy to oblige." — Johanna Reed

"In February I went to the southern islands of Ko Tao, Ko Phangan, and Ko Samui before starting a new job. The weather was absolutely perfect , and if you're looking to learn to scuba, this is the place to do it. As a solo traveler, it's so easy to meet people on snorkeling day trips or while island hopping or hiking the waterfalls. Nightlife on the Thai islands is also easy to find and a good place to meet people. If you're in the area for a half moon or full moon party in Ko Phangan, definitely check it out!" — Maxine Renn

"Living in Asia provides me with some great solo-travel destinations—one of my favorites being Laos. The backpacker culture makes it easy to keep to your own itinerary and still meet others to visit attractions or split a tuk-tuk with. Laos had everything you could want from a visit to SE Asia: jungle treks, swimming in blue lagoons, and endless natural beauty. It doesn't have the same manufactured tourism feel as some other countries nearby, but still offers structure and support, which can be nice when you are going it on your own. The best part is the street food—don't miss the markets and fresh sausage in Luang Prabang." — Rita Callahan

Turks and Caicos

"It was my first international solo trip ever, and it was amazing. I was going through a breakup and wanted to get my confidence back. I had never traveled internationally by myself before and thought if I could travel in a different country by myself, then I can do anything by myself. I put a lot of research into safe destinations before settling on Turks and Caicos . I wanted a relaxed location where English was spoken. I was already nervous and thought that if I didn't have to worry about communication, it would ease my nerves a bit. I liked that the island was small enough to bike from my hotel on the water to the small town nearby, and everyone was so kind. The best part was getting to just do what I wanted, when I wanted, and not have to worry about anyone else's opinion. It was definitely a good spot for a solo traveler—especially a female solo traveler. I felt safe the whole time, even when I was biking around exploring the town. I'm kind of spoiled, because now I'd rather travel by myself than with other people." — Tracy Huynh

"I spent this April in a small surf town on the west coast of Sri Lanka. It was an unplugged vacation—I didn't even bring my laptop. My goal was to surf twice a day, everyday. With safe (and cheap) transportation options like the train or a taxi, Sri Lanka is well-suited for one. I'd recommend booking a private room in a hostel or a surf camp package, so you can meet other vacationers. There are tons of backpackers making their way around the island, so it's easy to link up with other people. Sri Lanka attracts health-minded tourists, and there are tons of outdoor activities available everywhere. During the busy season, most hostels will have a yogi-in-residence leading classes. I'd recommend taking a break from the Lanka beach life and checking out the tea plantations around Ella. The mountainous train ride offers the views you've probably seen on your Instagram feed. As a solo female traveler, safety is always a concern, but the ease of getting around the island coupled with the hospitality of locals made me feel secure." — Alexandra Talty

"I actually was invited to dog-sit for my aunt, so that was the catalyst for this trip—hello not paying for accommodations! It was my first solo trip, and I was in Miami long enough to get to know the area, as well as embrace the independence and solitude of traveling solo. Miami is a fantastic locale for solo travel: the people I met were all super welcoming, the food is phenomenal, and you have the options to explore the city, do outdoorsy activities, or live that beach bum life." —Natalie Large

"After I turned 25, I decided to take a break from the nine-to-five and adventure throughout Europe and Asia. Every country I've visited so far has been amazing, but Indonesia definitely owns the top spot on my favorites list. While the country's natural beauty is out of this world, the people are what made my experience there as a solo traveler so amazing. My favorite memory has to be losing my iPhone on the top of a volcano in East Java and having the phone back in my hands a few months later after a local found it and wanted to return it to its rightful owner. Even more than Bali, I'd recommend Lombok, which is the island right next to Bali." —Arren Quezada

"I can't think of a better place to travel solo than Costa Rica . From the gorgeous coast line, to the rich rainforest, to the majestic cloud forest, there is so much to see, do, and explore. Costa Ricans are famous for their laid back pura vida (pure life) attitude, and their spirit is as relaxed and welcoming as you could imagine." — Kayla McCormack

"I had a fantastic time in Crete and can't recommend it enough! Filled with small mountain towns and gorgeous beaches on every side, there was so much to explore. The island was beautiful, the food delicious and uniquely Greek, and the people were so friendly. Everyone I met spoke an impressive amount of English. I felt incredibly safe the entire time I was there, even when walking around the old quarter of Chania — the city I stayed in — at 1 o'clock in the morning." — Hillary Handy

"I was working with an NGO in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, for the summer and went for a five-day vacation to Siem Reap to see the temples of Angkor Wat. It was definitely a more adventurous place to go alone, especially as a young woman, but it was actually pretty easy because Siem Reap accommodates so many tourists. My hotel, which was so cheap, had a tuk tuk driver pick me up when my bus got in. They were tremendously helpful and available, and arranged for my tuk tuk drivers to and from the temples — even when I went at sunrise — and from the kayaking trip I went on. The combination of having very knowledgeable guides and drivers, plus the ability to wander the temples and town by myself and still feel comfortable was the best part. It was equally independent and supportive." — Eleanor Brakewood

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