13 Bloodiest & Goriest Horror Movies of All Time

Gory, bloody, and utterly disgusting, here are 13 of the goriest movies of all time, ranked. Splatter time! 🩸

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While any type of film can feature excessive blood and gore, the bloodiest movies of all time typically fall within the horror genre.

Table of Contents

Gore movies, a subgenre retroactively labeled as “splatter,” emerged in the 1960s as exploitation filmmakers continued pushing the limits of what could be shown on screen. Splatter films feature a heavy focus on gore as one of their primary draws. Splatter movies tend to cross into other categories including slashers , zombie films , crime movies, and more, but the blood has to flow freely to be considered splatter.

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Presented here is a list of some of the absolute bloodiest films from around the world. Movies were selected and ranked based on a combination of quantity and quality of gore, with each film containing multiple scenes of explicit, stomach-turning carnage (and a few where it’s pretty much non-stop).

The Top 13 Movies with the Best Gore

13. the wizard of gore (1970).

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No list of gory movies could be complete without an entry from Herschell Gordon Lewis, the Godfather of Gore. Lewis is cited as creating the splatter subgenre with 1963’s Blood Feast , but The Wizard of Gore from 1970 is easily one of his bloodiest films. The movie is about a magician named Montag the Magnificent who claims to be performing an illusion when he brutally mutilates his female assistants on stage. Whether he’s performing a harmless trick or not, audiences are treated to acts such a disemboweling with a chainsaw, removing a brain with a large spike, pulling out guts with a sword down a throat, and more.

12. Hostel (2005)

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Writer/director Eli Roth was instrumental in reviving widespread interest in splatter movies in the early and mid-2000s. His second film, Hostel , is the quintessential film in a new wave of splatter dubbed “torture porn.” Backpackers and tourists in Slovakia are kidnapped , and clients pay for the opportunity to torture and kill the kidnapped people using any means they can imagine. People are stabbed, bludgeoned, shot, sliced, and dismembered throughout much of the film’s runtime. The gore is debatably gratuitous to the point of ridiculousness in Hostel , but that could be by design. Eli Roth enjoys sewing a thread of dark humor into his movies.

11. Demons (1985)

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Directed by Lamberto Bava, son of Italian master of horror Mario Bava, Demons is an ultra-bloody movie about a demonic curse unleashed inside a sealed movie theater. After a woman receives a cut on her cheek from a mysterious mask, she turns into a fanged, demonic monster during a transformation involving plenty of puss and blood. The people she attacks also become demons, and the carnage escalates. People are slashed, smashed, bitten, and ripped apart, and that’s just the start. One of the film’s gory highlights shows a fully-formed demon emerging from the back of an unfortunate movie-goer.

10. Zombie (1979)

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Herschell Gordon Lewis isn’t the only filmmaker who can claim the title of the Godfather of Gore. That name has also been attributed to Lucio Fulci, one of Italy’s most prominent makers of brutal and transgressive films. Many of Fulci’s movies could have earned a spot on this list, but 1979’s Zombie stands out as probably his most-watched gore film.

Zombie takes place mostly on a remote island where the dead have come back to life. The rotting zombies are gory on their own, but the film also relishes in its depictions of blood and guts. Throats are ripped out, entrails are eaten, and there is an excruciating scene involving an eye and a broken door that cannot be forgotten.

9. High Tension (2003)

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High Tension is an entry in a wave of brutal French films dubbed New French Extremity . The movies feature uncomfortable violence among other disturbing elements, and High Tension brings violence to the screen in massive amounts. The film follows a woman as she tries to help her best friend escape the clutches of a serial killer. The film kicks off with a home invasion involving an inventive decapitation and a geyser of a throat slashing, and it also includes an axe murder and a disemboweling before the final credits roll. Blood literally covers the screen at one point.

8. Day of the Dead (1985)

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Though the term “splatter” in reference to incredibly bloody movies was coined by George Romero when discussing his zombie classic Dawn of the Dead (1978), that movie’s sequel, Day of the Dead (1985), is even more gory. Zombie movies tend to be fairly bloody to begin with, but special effects master Tom Savini really pushed the gore to new levels in this film.

Much of the movie’s early gore involves a mad scientist’s lab where viewers are treated to gut-churning sights including a zombie with no head but with its brain still attached to its spinal cord. By the end of the film, we also are treated to multiple people being ripped apart in agonizingly slow and brutal zombie ways. One highlight is when a man has his head slowly pulled off his body while screaming, and his vocal cords are stretched so that his scream gets higher and higher pitched.

7. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

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Cannibal Holocaust isn’t just gory in a “film entertainment” kind of way, it’s a movie that remains controversial decades later due to its gruesome content that crosses over into real life. The movie is shot partly in a pseudo-documentary style reminiscent of the “mondo” films that gained popularity in the 1960s, many of which show real-life animal cruelty. Cannibal Holocaust shows multiple animals killed on-screen, including a lengthy scene of a giant turtle being butchered.

In addition to the real animal violence, fake movie violence in the film includes amputations, decapitations, graphic sexual violence against men and women, and, of course, the eating of human flesh . The style of how the film is shot helps add to the realism of the gore effects, famously leading to director Ruggero Deodato being forced by authorities to prove his actors weren’t actually killed on screen.

6. Tokyo Gore Police (2008)

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Roughly coinciding with the surge of “torture porn” in the western world, Japan had a rise in over-the-top splatter movies beginning roughly in the 2000s. In contrast to the more grim efforts coming out in other countries, Japan’s splatter movies often mix all-out comedy with their gore, leading to some of the most memorable and inexplicable scenes of bloody violence.

Tokyo Gore Police takes place in a future where technological advances allow criminals to grow weapons out of injuries on their bodies. The police hunt down these monsters, and bodies are ripped and blown apart in their ensuing battles. Describing some of this film’s scenes will never do it justice. After all, a naked woman with an alligator’s jaws in place of her legs ripping off a man’s arm is something everyone really needs to see for themselves.

5. Adam Chaplin (2011)

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Indie filmmaker Emanuele De Santi’s fingerprints are all over the gore-drenched action horror flick Adam Chaplin . De Santi has seven different credits on the film, including writing, directing, and starring as the main character, Adam Chaplin. In the movie, Chaplin’s wife is killed by the mafia , so he summons a demonic power to aid his in his quest for vengeance. Chaplin kicks, punches, and rips his opponents apart in a series of some of the most gory fights ever put on screen. With its unique villains, perfectly muscled hero, and outlandish visual style, Adam Chaplin feels like a live-action anime in the best, most violent way possible.

4. Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985)

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Guinea Pig is a series of gory Japanese splatter films released between 1985 and 1990. The movies are known for their copious amounts of blood and gore, and the second film in the series, Flower of Flesh and Blood , is arguably the most gruesome of the lot.

The movie starts off by proclaiming that what you’re about to see is a recreation of an actual snuff film sent to manga artist and writer Hideshi Hino. That’s all the story audiences get, and the bulk of the movie consists of a deranged man methodically dismembering a drugged woman as he waxes poetic about the nature of beauty. The man uses a saw, a chisel, and even a spoon to pull the woman apart. The film became notorious, with some people thinking it was an actual snuff film, and others mistakenly attributing it to influencing real-life murders.

3. American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore (2014)

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Much like Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (of which this film is clearly inspired by), American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore has a very simple plot. Two women are kidnapped by a small group of men making a snuff film. Most of the movie, shot found-footage style , depicts the slow dismemberment of the women. Amputation, evisceration, eye gouging, skinning, and more are all shown in gory detail.

2. Evil Dead (2013)

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To be completely fair, any movie in the Evil Dead series could have made it onto this list. Of Sam Raimi’s originals, Evil Dead II (1987) might have the edge on gore thanks to its sheer volume of various fluids flowing freely throughout its cabin in the woods. The 2013 installment takes the blood and gore to new depths though, with blood literally raining down and soaking everything on-screen.

The story in the 2013 version is essentially the same as the 1981 version. A group people unleash a demonic entity in a secluded cabin, they become possessed, and they slaughter each other. There are great twists to keep longtime fans on their toes, and the movie does a great job of paying tribute to certain scenes from the original trilogy. From box cutters to nail guns to chainsaws, many implements are used to destroy the bodies of the cabin’s unfortunate occupants.

1. Dead Alive (1992)

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In the eyes of many, Dead Alive (originally titled Braindead ) is the goriest film of all time. Peter Jackson (director of the Lord of the Rings films) began his career in wonderfully trashy horror movies, and this is his most heralded. In the movie, a quiet man does his best to contain a zombie outbreak started when his mother is bitten by a Sumatran Rat-Monkey. The situations are gloriously ridiculous, leading to characters having to say memorable lines such as, “your mother ate my dog!” The final scenes involve some of the most epic zombie slaughtering of all time, culminating in a lawnmower bloodbath for the ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are gore films called.

The most common term for a gore movie is “splatter.” The creation of the term “splatter cinema” is credited to George Romero for his descriptions of the bloody violence in his own movie Dawn of the Dead (1978). Later, a comprehensive definition of “splatter” was codified by author John McCarty in his book The Official Splatter Movie Guide (1989).

Why do horror movies have gore?

Gore adds an important aesthetic value to the horror movies that use it, though that value varies greatly from film to film. Outlandish, over-the-top gore seen in a movie like Dead Alive (1992) is used for comedy in what some people refer to as “splatstick.” Realistic gore seen in a movie such as Inside (2007) is used to disturb audiences in a way that makes the film exponentially more horrific than if the blood wasn’t there. Between those two extremes, a great number of horror movies use gore to both delight gorehounds and repulse everyone else.

Why do people watch gory movies?

People watch gore movies for the same reasons they watch any kind of horror movie: they enjoy it. Just like other types of horror, seeing blood and guts on-screen can provide a rush from the fear, disgust, or fascination. We know the violence and gore isn’t real, and we’re watching in a safe environment, so the experience can be exhilarating. Gore is simply a different form of horror, so for some people, gore movies are a form of escapism. Enjoying gore is not weird, and splatter movies should not be looked down on as a lesser form of horror. For other fans of splatter, a really good gore movie is like watching a magic show. The master of practical gore effects, Tom Savini, describes himself and his fellow filmmakers as illusionists performing magic tricks. Many gorehounds love watching these types of movies because they appreciate the artistry going on behind the scenes. A really good gore effect is a beautiful thing to see, and figuring out how a surprisingly realistic effect was made is part of the fun.

Is gore a type of horror?

Short answer: Yes, gore movies are generally considered to be a subgenre of horror films. For a more thorough answer, you have to consider that blood and gore can be present in just about any type of movie, horror or otherwise. The movies with the most killing tend to be action movies and war films (with the Lord of the Rings movies containing some of the highest on-screen kill counts ever), and many of those can get quite bloody. So just because a movie is gory, that doesn’t necessarily make it a “gore movie” in the way we tend to think about them. Consider the 1991 movie Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky . During a fight in one scene, the titular hero Ricky knocks a guy’s eye completely out of his head, then Ricky’s opponent eviscerates himself and tries to strangle Ricky with his bloody intestines. But Riki-Oh is an action movie, not a horror movie. The difference really comes down to the intent of the film (for example, thrills and comedy versus fear and revulsion). So, even though splatter is generally considered to be within the realm of horror, there are plenty of exceptions to that rule.

Are “splatter” and “torture porn” the same thing?

No, “torture porn” is not the same as “splatter.” For the most part, torture porn refers to a specific cycle of violent movies that began in the mid 2000s. Movies like the Hostel series, the Saw series, and The Devil’s Rejects (2005) were dismissively labeled as torture porn by some commentators. Ostensibly, these movies tend to focus primarily on pain and suffering, though not all films grouped into the label fit that description. Splatter is less about pain and suffering and more about blood and guts. After all, one of the most notorious gore movies of all time, Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985), consciously removes explicit suffering from the equation and focuses almost solely on gore.

What was the first gore movie?

Blood Feast (1963) by director Herschell Gordon Lewis is the first gore movie. Of course, movies prior to Blood Feast showed blood to varying degrees. For example, the Japanese film Jigoku (aka The Sinners of Hell ) is considered by some to be a splatter movie, and it came out in 1960. However, Blood Feast is the film that brought together everything we think about gore movies for the first time in a way that popularized the gore-movie format.

Further Reading

  • 30+ Offensive, Banned, and Controversial Movies
  • Bloodiest Slasher Movies From The 80s
  • Unwatchable: Top 60 Most Disturbing / Shocking Movies Ever Made
  • The Best Horror Movies on Netflix
  • 90s Horror Movies

Meet The Author

Chris has a degree in film studies at Temple University’s campus in Tokyo, Japan. He is a renowned expert on horror cinema.

Chris Catt

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Zombie Road Trip

In Zombie Road Trip the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten. Are you up for the challenge? From the creators of the Tiki Totems saga comes a game that blends the boundaries of runner and racer trick games! Race against the unrelenting Zombie Horde across the great wastelands in the never-ending game of survival. Shoot the zombies ahead with your impressive arsenal of weapons and witness true ragdoll-packed gore galore! Perform tricks to get boost and drive as far as you can in the frantic game of make tricks or die a horrible death"

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Zombie Road Trip

Zombie Road Trip

Killing zombies in an iOS game could be the modern equivalent of the popular turn of phrase 'shooting fish in a barrel'. At the current rate, it's likely that some time within the next eight months the zombie infestation of the App Store will be complete.

Spurious statistics aside, Zombie Road Trip never attempts to hide the fact that it's cashing in on the undead re-murdering trend, and as gore-soaked endless-runners go it's perfectly adequate.

If you're looking for a bit more meat on your recently deceased bones, though, you'd be better off looking elsewhere.

The game is all about staying one step ahead from the zombie horde. You're driving a car across a post-apocalyptic wasteland taking pot shots at the undead in front of you and pulling off backflips to keep away from those behind.

Two buttons on the left and right of the screen control the angle of your vehicle, and tapping anywhere else fires out a volley from whatever weapon you have equipped. You don't need to worry about steering, because in the zombie-afflicted future, every town is a straight drive along from the next.

Flipping and pulling off skill shots fills a boost meter that, once it's full, let's you blast off at ridiculous speeds. Landing tricks well gives you a brief boost, too, making them essential to keeping ahead of your ravenous pursuers.

Towns act as short-lived havens of respite from the oncoming flesh-eaters, and an ominous darkening of the sky lets you know when the horde is almost upon you. It makes for an effective and entertaining experience - to begin with at least.

Unfortunately, Zombie Road Trip can't sustain its early intrigue. The gameplay gets very stale after a few tries, and the urge to push further into the game is muddied by the overwhelming feeling of grind that accompanies each run.

It's entertaining in small doses, but you accomplish so little in those bites that eventually you'll lose the taste for it. Zombie Road Trip is just the latest in a long line of gore-dripping cartoon undead-fests that doesn't manage to imbue its content with enough fun to recommend.


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The rules are simple, escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten. ready.



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Zombie Road Trip Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide to Survive the Horde

The zombie hoard is hot on your trail, and you have only your trusty ride to rely on!  Zombie Road is an endless runner where you perform tricks in the air to speed away from the zombie horde. There are lots of different cars for you to try out, including mammoths, pigs, and even dinosaurs! Our Zombie Road cheats and tips will show you how to survive the horde and also rack up a ton of brain coins!

Zombie Road is a wacky little game, but that makes us love it all the more. What other game lets you drive a t-rex head? But enough of that, let’s get started with our  Zombie Road Trip cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

Shoot down the ticket bird!

Every so often you will see a zombie bird flying around in the air. These birds are usually really tiny, so they are a hard target to hit. However, if you do manage to take them down, you will be rewarded with a ticket to spin the wheel at the end of the game. You can also hit them with a well-timed jump.

Whenever you are caught by the horde, the game will take you to the prize wheel. Every ticket you have lets you spin the wheel once, and you can win up to 500 brain coins! Alternatively, you can also convert your tickets into 25 brain coins each, but we do not really recommend this. You might as well take a chance on the wheel to potentially earn up to five times that!

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Clean landing will help you stay ahead of the horde!

Getting the mini-boosts from doing tricks in the air is the key to staying ahead of the horde. Pulling off front flips and back flips is easy enough, but actually landing them is the hard part. Do not over commit to a flip – if it looks like you are approaching the ground faster than you thought, it is much safer to straighten out and stick the landing than risk another flip and lose it all!

There are four types of lands – bad landing, crap landing, good landing, and perfect landing. Bad landing is when you land almost completely upside down, sometimes resulting in an explosion. When you car explodes it is not the end of the world since you respawn shortly after, but this allows the horde to catch up to you real fast!

Crap landing is when you land awkwardly or at a strange angle. Good landing is what you want, and that is when your vehicle lands mostly straight. Perfect landing is when you land completely flat, with no bumps at all. The better your land is, the more your boost meter fills up. Clean lands will help you get your super boost faster!

Be careful when boosting!

When the boost meter fills up all the way, your car will automatically enter the super boost state. As you can tell by the name, you will go very fast in this state, and not even zombies will slow you down.

This is really helpful to pull ahead of the horde, but be careful – if you end up exploding, your super boost will immediately end no matter how much was left on the meter. Be careful about going too fast off of jumps!

zombie road trip extra gore

Upgrade your cars and try them all out!

We are not too sure about this as there is no way to confirm, but in our testing it seems like each car has its own handling style. Some cars flip faster than others, some have more traction and thus an easier time landing, but because the game does not really tell you what a car’s stats is, it is up to you to try them all out and see which one handles the most to your liking.

You can also upgrade cars using some extra brain coins. Again, because the game does not tell us what this does exactly, we are not too sure what upgrading your car does. Each car’s upgrade seems to get more armor with spikes, so we can only assume that this makes your car more durable to zombie attacks.

Complete the missions!

You earn brain coins every time you splatter a zombie, but it is pocket change compared to the missions. You always have three missions on hand, and you can check them at any time by pausing the game. Each mission is usually worth around 100 brain coins and they are not that difficult to complete, so try to do as many as you can in a single run.

That’s all for Zombie Road Trip. If you have any other tips or tricks to share, let us know in the comments below!

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Zombie Road Trip

In Zombie Road Trip the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten

In Zombie Road Trip the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten

Zombie Road Trip

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In Zombie Road Trip the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten. Are you up for the challenge?

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In Zombie Road Trip the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten. Are you up for the challenge? From the creators of the Tiki Totems saga comes a game that blends the boundaries of runner and racer trick games! Race against the unrelenting Zombie Horde across the great wastelands in the never-ending game of survival. Shoot the zombies ahead with your impressive arsenal of weapons and witness true ragdoll-packed gore galore! Perform tricks to get boost and drive as far as you can in the frantic game of make tricks or die a horrible death" Zombie road trip features : - 8 landscapes each with its own distinct look - fully randomised terrain (every play through will feel brand new) - dynamic zombie demolition engine (every collision will look awesome and new) - 10 exciting weapons to dispatch your foes - 76+ unique cars - 8 gadgets that will change the way you play the game - beautiful full retina universal graphics - buttons & tilt controls; you choose! - Facebook and Twitter integration. Share your victories with ease! - Distance Indicator to show your friends best Zombie Road Trip - coming from Spokko and Noodlecake.

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Zombie Road Trip


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Play Zombie Road Trip for free! In these awesome Zombie games , you will have to optionally grab a vehicle and collect all the coins from the map and defeat zombies. Zombie Apocalypse WarZ is a 2D game where you will have to finish the line the fastest way possible!

It will be accessible at first, but it will become more challenging! Try collecting all the coins if you want to upgrade and even more! You can even play these driving games on mobile as well! But that isn't it; you will be making a trip, and there will also be Racing zombie games out there!

Try and defeat all of them, or else you will be eaten! Drive Dungeons and Zombies carefully, and don't let your vehicle explode! So, Are you ready to begin? Then let us get driving! Instructions: Use Arrow Keys to Drive and Space to jump.

Release date: 4 April 2021 , Platform: Web browser (Desktop and Mobile)

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10 goriest zombie movies of all time.


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Horror movies reached an apex in the 1980s with the "video nasties." These movies mostly survived on the splatter of blood and the gory after effects of demons and victims in movies. Ti West is a filmmaker who has based his career on paying homage to these nasties, and his 2022 horror movie X is a movie that did exactly that, with some horrific and gory practical effects.

Next up is the prequel to that movie, Pearl , which hits later this year. However, for people who want to get more of the blood and gore of those horror movies, there are so many great zombie movies from the past to choose from. Whether looking for slow-moving zombies or the more crazed versions, there is no lack of gore in these movies.

Braindead (1992)

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It seems almost hard to believe that before he made his Lord of the Rings movies, Peter Jackson made low-budget gore-splattered horror comedies . Of these, his first minor masterpiece was the 1992 horror movie Braindead , which was renamed Dead Alive in the United States. The movie's horrors started when a Sumatran rat monkey bit someone, and they died and became a bloodthirsty zombie.

This led to a man fighting for his life while a zombie-hunting preacher arrived to fight the evil dead as well. The movie was full of gore, possibly more than almost any other movie. It ended up going over the line when a zombie died via a lawnmower — from the lawnmower's point of view.

Rabid (2019)

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When looking at gore in movies, David Cronenberg has released some of the most iconic movies of the sort — horror or otherwise. What makes his gory spectacles different is they are not like other video nasties, and critics often see them as masterpieces. One of his earliest gore-fests was the movie Rabid .

While the movie details a "vampire contagion," it is more of a zombie outbreak than anything. Cronenberg also pushed the boundaries of decency when he mixed his gore with sexual situations and cast adult film star Marilyn Chambers in the lead role. With Cronenberg's iconic body horror sensibilities, this is a gory movie that is often hard to watch.

Day Of The Dead (1985)

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When looking at George Romero's Dead movies, the first — Night of the Living Dead — is a landmark in zombie cinema. Dawn of the Dead remains his best. However, while the third movie, Day of the Dead , doesn't get as much praise, it is the goriest of the original trilogy.

While Day of the Dead doesn't have the satire of the first two, it makes up for it with the excessive gore and emotional trauma. The humans barricade themselves in a military compound and turn on one another. The gore here, especially when the military scientists cut open the still-moving zombies, is top-quality practical effects.

Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

The first movie that really showed how gory zombie movies could be was the first Dawn of the Dead . While there was some gore in the original Night of the Living Dead , it was when Tom Savini came on board as the makeup maestro that the zombie movies really took off. However, the Zack Snyder remake from 2004 took things up a notch.

This movie had fast-moving zombies, and these were just as horrific as anything in the original movie. The entire movie is soaked with gore, and a scene toward the end didn't hold back. When a baby is born a zombie, and the survivors have to put it down, the gore was just the tip of the iceberg.

Dead Snow (2009)

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Dead Zone is a Norwegian zombie movie that plays out like a black comedy that pays homage to Sam Raimi's Evil Dead . However, instead of college kids releasing demons on the world, vacationers release a hoard of Nazi zombies straight from the Third Reich. After this, things get crazy with the gore.

The movie is a throwback to the splatterfest movies of the 1980s. Nothing might be as great as seeing the hikers kill the zombie Nazis, but the results come close. There is even one scene where a hiker is on the run from a hoard of zombies and uses the still-attached intestines of another zombie to repel down a mountain.

Re-Animator (1985)

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Based on HP Lovecraft's story, Stuart Gordon released his masterpiece Re-Animator in 1985. In this movie, Jeffrey Combs stars as a scientist named Herbert West who believes he can bring the dead back to life using science. However, this is never a good thing.

These dead people return more like Frankenstein creations, and then they kill. This movie is a splatter gore lover's dream and throws in some risqué situations as well. The absurdist humor adds to the gore and makes this a movie that fit in perfectly with the video nasties of its era.

Zombie Holocaust (1980)

Zombie Holocaust is one of the most over-the-top zombie horror movies ever made. This is an Italian zombie movie from director Marino Girolami, and he started his movie with the desecration of corpses in New York City hospitals. The corpses had their organs pulled out and eaten, which sends two medical professionals to the Maluku Islands to investigate.

The movie mixes the old-school zombie movies with men bringing the dead back to life, and it mixes it with the gore and disgusting effects of the Romero-era zombies. While the story was completely ridiculous, the amount of excessive gore made this an underground hit in the 80s and a true cult classic.

Yummy (2019)

Stream now on amc+ and shudder.

One of the lesser-known gory zombie movies hit in 2019 as a Shudder-exclusive movie called Yummy . The plot of this absurdly named zombie movie had a man going to a hospital in Eastern Europe, so his wife could get breast reduction surgery and his mother-in-law could have another face job. When the man mistakenly releases "patient zero" of a zombie disease, the outbreak starts.

The zombie outbreak tears through the hospital, which opens up the opportunity for the movie to show some disgusting gore when different patients in various conditions end up zombified. Yummy brought something fresh to a worn genre, but didn't hold back on the fan-favorite gore effects.

Zombie Flesh Eaters (1979)

Released in 1979, Zombie Flesh Eaters continued what George Romero did with his Dawn of the Dead movie. While Romero created the modern-day zombies that fans love in movies, this movie allowed Italian giallo filmmaker Lucio Fulci a chance to work in his playground. What resulted was disgusting gore, with one of the most iconic scenes in zombie movie history.

Fulci took the new ideas of zombies that Romero created and mixed it with the original zombie mythos from the Caribbean voodoo scene. His zombies were disgustingly falling apart, and their gory design alone made this a video nasty. There was also one of the most iconic zombie scenes that made this movie a classic when a zombie walking along the bottom of the ocean battled a shark.

Wyrmwood (2014)

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Released in 2014, Wyrmwood created a new form of zombie movie. Taking place in the Australian outback, a mechanic finds himself in a battle with hordes of zombies. However, things really take a sharp turn when one survivor learns she can telepathically control the zombies and uses them to escape the clutches of a mad scientist.

The movie doesn't hold back with releasing the unrelenting gore effects. After years of zombie movies slipping into obscurity outside the comedy efforts, Wyrmwood marked a return to style in 2014. The gore and relentless over-the-top action made this a zombie favorite.

NEXT: 15 Scariest Zombie Movies To Never Watch Alone, Ranked

  • Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with These Great Reads

BadAss Zombie Road Trip

Tonia brown.

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First published January 17, 2012

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Zombie Road: Missouri’s Haunted Trail Through Time

  • October 20, 2023
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When it comes to haunted places in Missouri, few spots evoke as much fear and fascination as Zombie Road. Located in Wildwood, a stone’s throw away from St. Louis, this once active road has now been converted into a series of trails frequented by hikers and cyclists. But not all those who roam these paths are living. According to numerous reports, this trail is one of the most haunted locations in the state, resonating with stories and sightings that date back to the 1800s.

The History of the Haunted Road

Zombie Road, a series of trails in Wildwood near St. Louis, Missouri, has a past that is as murky and complex as the stories that haunt it. Its origins can be traced back to the mid-1800s, making it one of the oldest and most storied roads in the region. Over the years, the road has undergone numerous transformations, but its haunted legacy endures. Let’s delve into the rich history that has contributed to making Zombie Road a hotspot for ghost hunters and thrill-seekers alike.

In the mid-1800s, the original road was constructed to serve as a pathway connecting communities and facilitating transportation. It was likely used by wagons, horse-drawn carriages, and later by motor vehicles. For decades, the road was a vital link for locals but also set the stage for many stories and legends that would emerge over time.

As the years passed, new roads and highways were built, and the original Zombie Road gradually lost its importance as a major thoroughfare. Eventually, it was converted into a trail system for hiking and cycling, attracting nature lovers who were often unaware of its darker history.

One of the most haunting stories linked to Zombie Road is the tale of Della Hamilton McCullough, who died in a tragic accident on the adjacent train tracks in 1876. According to local records, Della was struck and killed by a train, and her spirit is said to haunt the tracks to this day. Her verified death adds a layer of authenticity to the ghostly claims surrounding the road.

Even before it was officially named “Zombie Road,” the pathway was the subject of local myths and legends. Stories of strange occurrences, from inexplicable sounds in the night to mysterious disappearances, have long been part of the area’s oral tradition. These stories, passed down through generations, contribute to the road’s eerie reputation.

The name “Zombie Road” itself adds to the road’s mystique. While there are various theories on how it got this name, the moniker perfectly encapsulates its haunted nature. The term “zombie,” often associated with the undead or ghostly beings, perfectly complements the multiple sightings of spectral figures and mysterious lights reported over the years.

Sightings: A Catalogue of Apparitions

When it comes to Zombie Road in Wildwood, Missouri, the sightings are what truly fuel its haunting reputation. Both locals and visitors alike have reported a variety of supernatural occurrences that defy easy explanation. These sightings range from ghostly figures to inexplicable lights, each adding another layer to the enigma that is Zombie Road.

One of the most frequently reported sightings is that of shadowy figures lurking among the trees that line the trail. These dark forms are often seen out of the corner of the eye and seem to vanish when directly looked at. What makes these sightings even more unnerving is the feeling many report of being watched or followed as they make their way down the trail.

Zombie Road

Another common observation is the appearance of unexplained lights deep within the forest. These are not your typical fireflies or reflections. Described as orbs or even lantern-like illuminations, these lights have a tendency to appear and disappear randomly. Some adventurers have even reported these mysterious lights following them, maintaining a consistent distance, as if observing or even guiding their way.

Perhaps the most credible and widely discussed sighting is that of Della Hamilton McCullough, whose tragic death on the nearby train tracks in 1876 is verified by local records. Visitors often report seeing a spectral woman near the train tracks, usually around the anniversary of her death. These reports add a layer of historical authenticity to the supernatural claims, making even skeptics pause and consider the possibilities.

Although the trail is officially closed at night, that doesn’t stop some thrill-seekers from exploring its darker aspects under the cover of darkness. Those who have ventured down Zombie Road at night often come back with stories that are both chilling and captivating. Whether it’s a sudden drop in temperature, feeling a ghostly touch, or hearing footsteps when no one else is around, nighttime visits seem to amplify the road’s eerie aura.

Officially, Zombie Road is closed to the public at night, likely due to the risks posed by its shadowy turns and the steep slopes that flank it. However, this hasn’t deterred the more adventurous—or perhaps foolhardy—from exploring its dark stretches under the moonlight. Many of these nighttime adventurers come back with stories that are as chilling as they are captivating, further cementing the road’s haunted reputation.

Zombie Road serves as a spectral junction where the natural beauty of Wildwood meets the unsettling unknown. Whether the haunting accounts are products of overactive imaginations or evidence of restless spirits, the lore surrounding this trail captivates everyone who hears it. Its history, the confirmed stories like that of Della Hamilton McCullough, and the countless sightings make Zombie Road an unmissable chapter in Missouri’s anthology of the paranormal. As long as these tales continue to circulate, the road will undoubtedly attract a steady stream of the curious and the brave, each hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.


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9 of the Goriest Scenes in Zombie Cinema History

By Chris Alexander

A look at 9 of the goriest scenes from classic zombie films

It’s strange to think that the sort of ultra-violence that the previous generation (of which this writer is one) had to work hard to see is now standard primetime fare.

Once upon a time, the zombie horror film offered the most sickening and sanguinary stuff you could find, stuff that went beyond a hard R or even X rating, stuff the MPAA refused to touch and whose only hope was to be unleashed unrated. Before the internet, before DVD, fans would pay top dollar for skeezy VHS bootlegs of notorious zombie films (usually Italian ones) just to catch a glimpse of the sort of wanton evisceration that journos like Chas.Balun rhapsodized about in the pages of Fangoria and Gorezone.

Look at The Walking Dead .

RELATED: Greg Nicotero talks about the most famous gore sequence in The Walking Dead’s 6th season

KNB’s revolutionary make-up FX have given the world the most alarming and stomach-flipping gore any of us have ever seen and it’s nestled between car commercials, when our kids are still up and about. It’s insane to consider just how acceptable all this cannibal corpse chaos is. Hell, this writer just bought his seven-year old a bunch of The Walking Dead action figures from Toys R Us that made me sort of sick to look at. He, of course, never batted an eye. It’s just the way it is.

But the road to primetime putrescence was hard earned. Zombie culture had to work its way up to the level of sick we see now.

Here then, we select nine of the goriest scenes from classic zombie films that were once the ne plus ultra of undead gore. Dangerous gags that made you gag and made you feel like you might just be committing a crime by witnessing them.

Have a look…

Zombie Gore

Night of the living dead (1968).

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Writer/director George A. Romero and co-writer John Russo's landmark 1968 zombie horror movie set the template (with ample nods to Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend") for the contemporary ghoul film. And because of that, of course, there is ample cannibal carnage. And in 1968...no one had seen such things. The sequence where the zombies dine on the fried survivors is still hideous and horrifying and it shocked the world.

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (1974)

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (1974)

Jorge Grau's haunting and surreal Spanish/Italian zombie classic is a class act that occasionally aims for cheap shocks and stomach flipping gore. The scene towards the end, when the ghouls lay waste to the hospital, features the first known bit of zombie tit-removal, a sickening scene where a nurse gets her breast torn off and then has the rest of her torso torn apart.

Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Dawn of the Dead (1978)

George A. Romero chased the legend of his breakthrough Night of the Living Dead with this epic, full-color sequel, a brilliant, emotional action-horror-allegory that once more re-defined the ways in which we watch zombie cinema. Tom Savini's riotous gore effects fill the screen but the real jaw-dropper comes near the climactic biker-siege, with the poor thug getting his body torn to tasty shreds. Stunning stuff.

Zombie (1979)

Zombie (1979)

Italian director Lucio Fulci's unnoficial prequel to and ripoff of Dawn of the Dead set the standard for the strong European gore horrors of the early 1980s. Zombie (aka Zombi 2 as Dawn was released in Italy as Zombi) boasts the shocking scene where a woman (Olga Karlatos) has her eyeball slowly impaled on a splinter of wood by a sadistic ghoul. Ouch!

Burial Ground (1981)

Burial Ground (1981)

Yet another post-Dawn of the Dead/Zombie Italian ghoul exploitation romp, Andrea Bianchi's Burial Ground is a crusty, lurid and unsavory thing. This is the film that features little person actor Peter Bark playing a 12 year old who, when he comes back from the dead, eats his mom's bloody breast, fulfilling an incestuous wish he had in life. Disgusting!

The Beyond (1981)

The Beyond (1981)

More Fulci mayhem came in the form of this metaphysical zombie classic, with a hotel built over the 7th gate of hell vomiting up all manner of shambling demonic stiff. The scene where a little girl zom gets her head blown apart, revealing daylight behind the cranial hole, is legendary and tasteless.

Retun of the Living Dead (1985)

Retun of the Living Dead (1985)

Dan O'Bannon's mutant punk rock horror masterpiece has been copied many times but nothing quite equals its bizarre balance of sickening horror and bleak, black laughs. This is the first "brain-eating" zombie film and when we see Tarman first bite down on Suicide's scalp its a queasy shock.

Re-Animator (1985)

Re-Animator (1985)

Stuart Gordon's Lovecraft-fueled Grand Guignol masterpiece is a mad scientist movie first, with liberal doses of living dead damage popping up in revolting ways. The revived dead in Re-Animator don't eat people (though David Gale tries to eat Barbara Crampton at one point) but they sure are insane. The nastiest scene sees Dr. Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) wrestle a sturdy zombie and impale him with a bone saw. Disgusting and awesome.

Day of the Dead (1985)

Day of the Dead (1985)

Tom Savini evolved the art of zombie make-up (with the help of a young Greg Nicotero!) in this third George A. Romero ghoul opera. Day of the Dead is a talky, depressing film punctuated with tons of show-stopping gore sequences, the best of which comes near the climax when Captain Rhodes (Joe Pilato) is torn in half by a crew of hungry corpses. "Choke on 'em! Choke on 'em!"

Chris Alexander

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    Battling your way across the zombie-infested American wasteland can be treacherous and devastating to the bonds of friendships, and this group realizes how easy it is to screw-up at every gruesome corner. ... Road Trip Z - Terrifying New Zombies and Gore! August 07, 2020 ...

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    In Zombie Road Trip the rules are simple - escape the zombie horde or have your brain eaten. ... Shoot the zombies ahead with your impressive arsenal of weapons and witness true ragdoll-packed gore galore!Perform tricks to get boost and drive as far as you can in the frantic game of make tricks or die a horrible death"Zombie road trip features ...

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    Shoot the zombies ahead with your impressive arsenal of weapons and witness true ragdoll-packed gore galore! Perform tricks to get boost and drive as far as you can in the frantic game of make ...

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    Zombie Road, a series of trails in Wildwood near St. Louis, Missouri, has a past that is as murky and complex as the stories that haunt it. Its origins can be traced back to the mid-1800s, making it one of the oldest and most storied roads in the region. Over the years, the road has undergone numerous transformations, but its haunted legacy ...

  21. Goriest Scenes in Zombie Cinema History

    Tom Savini's riotous gore effects fill the screen but the real jaw-dropper comes near the climactic biker-siege, with the poor thug getting his body torn to tasty shreds. Stunning stuff. Zombie (1979)

  22. Zombie Road Trip: Ride or Die

    Shooting zombies drive: killing survival safari! Ride or die on dead zombie road

  23. Zombie Road Trip (Gore Warning-)

    Hi! Its me No sounds sorry- But enjoy!