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9 Books for Kids Who Love Traveling

Books for kids who love to travel, explore, and expand their horizons..

9 Books for Kids Who Love Traveling

They say that we should all sit back and "enjoy the journey," right?

But what about those kids who just want to get there? What about those kids who love to explore a new park, city, or museum but get antsy on the ride?

We’ve found your lifeline, parents.

Pack your carry-on with a bunch of these books that will definitely speak to those kids who love to travel! Whether your child loves the journey or not, he or she won’t be able to put down these books that in some way remind us of travel time with family.

Look for them as audiobooks to help make travel time pass more quickly, or have your kids  go on a bookshelf scavenger hunt . Send them to your child at camp or at Grandma’s house this summer.

Whatever you choose, whether your kids read them before, during, or after his journey, we’re betting they’ll love them. Here are nine books for traveling kids, in order from younger readers to older:

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What would you add to this list? What are your favorite books for traveling kids?

Share your ideas on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page  or find Amy on Twitter @teachmama and let’s continue the conversation! Featured Photo Credit:  Maria Pavlova/iStockphoto ----

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Travelling Books

From Scholastic UK

Resource type: School book fair

Price band: Free

Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3

Region(s): All of UK

Travelling Books offers a Book Fair scheme that allows schools to earn up to 60% of their Book Fair sales value in Rewards. The Rewards can be used to buy books and teaching resources from a range of over 10,000 titles available through the Scholastic Schools Catalogue or the online Scholastic Shop.

Travelling Books supplies mobile bookcases pre-packed with a selection of hundreds of titles that cover all reading ages and interests. Prices start from £2.99 to ensure that there is something for everybody.

Schools are responsible for planning, promoting and running their Book Fair, but local Book Fair Distributors are available to provide advice and support over the phone. There are also free planning and promotional resources available to download from the Travelling Books website.

 Cost:  Free. In addition, schools can earn up to 60% of the value of the event sales, depending on the total value of the sales.

About The Travelling Book Company:  The Travelling Book Company was bought by Scholastic UK in 2015, and is now part of Scholastic Corporation, the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books.

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  • The books offered through Travelling Books are selected from over 60 different publishers and include the latest books from big name authors, tried and tested classics, non-fiction and pocket-money pick-ups.
  • Rewards can be used to buy individual titles, but there are also curated book and resource packs that offer savings of up to 50% on the published price.
  • Book Fairs can be a good way to get new books for the school library or classroom without dipping in to the school budget.

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5 Book Series That Will Take Your Child on a Time-Traveling Adventure

Travel to a whole new dimension…without leaving home..

If your child likes to read science fiction, adventure, or historical fiction, why not catapult her into a new dimension with a little time travel! Inspired by our recent enjoyment of the A Wrinkle in Time , here are five more time travel-themed book series to explore.

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1. A list about time travel books for kids would not be complete without mention of The Magic Treehouse series  by Mary Pope Osborne. This classic series takes children on an adventure to a new time and place with each book — from prehistoric dinosaur times to ancient Egypt and everywhere (and every time!) in between. Start with the first book in the series:  Dinosaurs Before Dark . 

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2. Three middle schoolers head back in time through a time travel portal in a mysterious book in Nicholas O. Time’s In Due Time series. In the first book in the series, Going, Going, Gone , the trio head back to the 1950s to see if they can change family history — but will changing the past effect have the positive effect on the future that they hope for?

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3. Time travel for the graphic novel lover, The Wrong Wrights is the first in the Secret Smithsonian Adventures series by Chris Kientz. It follows the adventure of four schoolmates whose school field trip turns into a fight to restore the history of aviation.

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4. The Time Hunters by Carl Ashmore is book one in a time travel series packed with fast-paced action, adventure, and mystery. Becky and Joe aren’t thrilled to be sent to spend the Summer with crazy Uncle Percy until they discover he is actually a time traveller on the hunt for the legendary Golden Fleece.

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5. Jake’s parents have disappeared and they could be anywhere in the world — in place and time! So begins the engaging and entertaining The History Keepers: The Storm Begins by Damian Dibben. Can Jake travel through history to find his parents and save the world?

Do you have a favorite time travel series? We’d love you to share your suggestions over on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page .

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The Travelling Dane


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Travel was NOT better before the internet! A tourist in Moscow, Russia ’99.

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“Travelling was better back in the old days before the internet.” You hear that a lot. “Travel has forgotten the charm of getting lost.” I don’t think people who say this actually travelled back then. I’m thrilled, it has changed the last 20 years!

One thing that has changed is travel pictures. So of course, this article will have badly scanned photographs 90’s-style. Because before the digital revolution you didn’t know if you had taken a good picture – and it wasn’t really that important either…

It’s tourism history and time travel in one.

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Moscow is the capital of the largest country in the world – Russia – and for that reason alone, it is worth visiting. But today it’s Michelin restaurants and 5-star hotels and google maps help you find that cool boutique with the colourful scarfs, we had to deal with breakfast tickets and hotel key ladies!

If you think Russia is closed and difficult travel destination today, you have no idea, and travelling before the internet means problems you couldn’t imagine.

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Now, travel back to 1999, and everyone’s worried about the Y2K (look it up) and Russian leader Boris Yeltsin is still months away from retirement.

I’m 19 and at the beginning of a 3 month long journey across China starting with the Trans-Mongolian train from Moscow. Why? Because my friend and I decided it when drunk (of course). Luckily, I’m writing a travel diary in case of travel blogging will be a thing in 20 years time.

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The metro stations are the most beautiful underground stations in the world – if you ask me! But of course taking the metro is difficult in 1999 as well. After a long conversation – in French! – we get tickets. Wrong tickets! But hey, that’s all part of the now lost charm of travelling without being able to thoroughly prepare from home, look up things you don’t understand or quickly googletranslate important destinations.

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But if I have to get lost in a metro system, I will choose the Russian one. It’s mainly from 1935, and the reason why I’m so smitten is because they are small palaces with art. Stalin propaganda sure, but beautiful with marble and mosaics telling of the great writers and artist of Russia like on Mayakovskaya. Even the Bolshoi was at the opening. This year, the new ring of the metro in Copenhagen opens, but I’m pretty sure, it will not be world class design…


Hotels are not really a big thing in 1999. A few concrete government owned places is your only option. We are staying at a typical squared grey lifeless way outside town near Izmailova Park. (There’s a huge flea market close by for that crochet napkin or Soviet memorabilia. I bought a hip flask with the hammer & sickle…)

On each floor of our hotel is a key lady! We ask ours: “What time is breakfast?” She looks blankly at us and shakes her head. “Where is breakfast?”, we ask at the reception. Nobody can help us, because nobody speaks English and we can’t translate anything into Russian.

So we head for Infotourist to find someone English speaking. Even though it’s absurd, were are now asking a tourist information where and when our breakfast is. “You need breakfast tickets!” “How do we get those”, we ask. “I can give you.” There is much happiness. But alas, we are not listed in her papers. “I need your vouchers”, she says.

So we go back to the hotel to find our hotel vouchers (nothing online remember). But to get into the elevator, you need your key paper (not a keycard, but a paper). We collect the paper at the recpetion, take the elevator and the key paper is now exchanged with the key lady on our floor – 15th – who hands us our key, so we can enter the room. Afterwards, the entire paper exchange is repeated in reversed order.

Why did we bother with that breakfast?


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Kremlin is the main sight, and if you look up the hashtag on Insta, you’ll find way better pictures than I could ever take. But this is a place where you want your camera to work. Mine of course broke and with no camera phones or anything: no pictures for me. I hand in the camera in the gigantic departments store GUM , and meanwhile we use my friends camera. Then why don’t I have any great pictures? Because we dropped the camera on the ground! See the fuzzy edges? Wouldn’t happen today…

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Kremlin & the Red Square are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and with good reason. Kremlin is where the government and Putin resides. It was built between 14th and 17th century and was residence for the Prince and also plays an important religious role. On the red square you also find the elaborately ornamented St. Basil’s Basilica with the recognizable orthodox onion domes.

At the other end of the large square is the final resting place of Lenin as you can see on the picture below. It’s the mastaba shaped building. It’s weird, and it will not make your or anyone else’s life better. But I did it anyway. You stand in line before entering a very dark room with embalmed Lenin in the middle. It smells a little stale in there. Then we slowly and silently defile pass the well guarded wax figure and out again. It’s a relief to get out in the fresh air.

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Guess which other dead world leaders you can visit on the embalmed communist leader tour…


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We have tickets for the Trans-Mongolian bought through German railway via Danish railway (before internet you remember). Included is a guided tour in Moscow. Back then, even being on our first trip, overwhelmed and a bit lost, we are sceptical of this. But we join to meet the other train riders.

A typical Russian lady leads us around looking at weird things. Especially when she points out the only fast food restaurant in town. Hmmm… After a while, we try to leave the shop she really wants us to buy stuff in. She clearly gets upset and will not accept we see or do something else than what she wants. It feels like she is not there to guide us, but to watch us and to make sure we get the “right” story of Russia. That started my aversion of guided group tours.

But she does takes us by a lake, which she claim is where my favourite composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was inspired to write “ Swan Lake “. I can’t find any evidence to support that – but I’ll take it.

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I sincerely hope this has changed, since there’s was nothing good old days about this place:  Gorky Park – the Tivoli of Moscow.

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The first attraction we encounter is a black panther. Not a political activist, but a real black panther. I have always dreamed of seeing a panther, but not in this way. It looks sedated on a blanket and it’s chained chained. Get your picture taken! And if you’re not into panthers, there are also dressed monkeys and the endangered ocelot!

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Gorky Park is a horrible experience. After we leave the panther and its clearly animal-loving owner, we go into the park. What we mainly encounter is drunk sailors starring at us. We are definitely the only foreigners. We take a ride in the huge and nerve-wracking unstable ferris wheel, but the view was pretty. Then we quickly leave. But having no online map, we get lost and end up in a very scary neighbourhood. I almost cry with relief, when we find the metro again.

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The 90-year old amusement park has an interesting story and is named after the Russian and Soviet writer  Maxim Gorky , who was first a supporter of Lenin, but later a critic. You might have heard about the place from the Scorpions “Wind of Change”.

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But before leaving Moscow, we ended the visit with a very uncomfortable situation, which I’m not sure even the internet could have averted.

We have some time to spare, so we decide to visit one of the many cemeteries to learn more about the Russian life. But a cemetery is a place of unwritten rules. As I’m quietly watching a tombstone with a picture of the deceased on, a small group of elderly ladies start to shout at us in Russian. We do everything we can to figure out what we are doing wrong and try to apologize. But we can’t look up the word sorry, and we are pushed out of the cemetery. I still today feel sad for insulting them.

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According to my travel diary, I left Moscow with the words:

“Tired of this noisy, car infested, grey and polluted city and looking forward to the desert wasteland og Sibiria and the swaying rhythm of the train.”

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I’m planning to go back to Moscow soon. First of all, because my sister wants to visit the restaurant White Rabbit , but also because I want to see what has changed. And take some better pictures.

This was actually my second visit to Russia having been with my grandmother(!) in St. Petersburg 4 years before. Find out how that went in visiting the city of tsars & revolutions as a teenager with a senior group!

Do you agree it’s better now?

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THE MOSCOW TRAVEL GUIDE 2024: The Traveler’s Essential Handbook

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THE MOSCOW TRAVEL GUIDE 2024: The Traveler’s Essential Handbook Kindle Edition

  • Print length 61 pages
  • Language English
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publication date January 16, 2024
  • File size 187 KB
  • Page Flip Enabled
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CSLGF5JD
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 16, 2024
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 187 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
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  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 61 pages

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  1. Travelling Books

    Welcome to Travelling Books! We help to bring children and books together, delivering Book Fairs - pop-up bookshops - to thousands of schools in the UK every year. Every Book Fair showcases the very best books to engage every type of reader, and every book sold can help to earn free books and teaching resources for your school.

  2. The books

    The books. The very best children's books. Every Travelling Book Fair brings hundreds of the best books for children to your school. Carefully curated by our book buying team, your tailored selection includes something for every age, ability and interest, and with prices starting from only £2.99, there's sure to be a book for every child. Get ...

  3. Travelling Book Fair Parents Hub

    Travelling Book Fair Parents Hub - Travelling Book Fairs. When our Travelling Book Fair arrives, you'll be able to browse over 200 of the books children really want to read, from award-winners and new releases to beloved favourites and bestsellers, all at amazing prices. Plus, for every book bought, you help to earn free books for our school!

  4. Celtic Travelling Books

    Welcome to Celtic Travelling Books! We help to bring children and books together, delivering Book Fairs - pop-up bookshops - to thousands of schools in the every year. Every Book Fair showcases the very best books to engage every type of reader, and every book sold can help to earn free books and teaching resources for your school.

  5. Travel and Fantasy Books

    Adventure is only a page away with titles ready to transport readers to new worlds - real or imagined.

  6. PDF Travelling Books

    Travelling Books - Scholastic

  7. The books

    The very best children's books. Every Celtic Travelling Book Fair brings hundreds of the best books for children to your school. Carefully curated by our book buying team, your tailored selection includes something for every age, ability and interest, and with prices starting from only €3.70, there's sure to be a book for every child.

  8. About Celtic Travelling Book Fairs

    Every book sold at your Book Fair helps to earn Rewards that you can spend on free books† and resources for your classrooms and library. Each year, Travelling Books helps to donates €10 million worth of free books to schools across the UK and Ireland. As an example, for every €10 that you spend, your school can earn up to €6 back in ...

  9. 9 Books for Kids Who Love Traveling

    Here are nine books for traveling kids, in order from younger readers to older: Airport by Susan Canizaras, PhD & Adrianne Weber. Two Little Trains by Margaret Wise Brown. LaRue Across America by Mark Teague. Olivia Goes to Venice by Ian Falconer. A Whirlwind Vacation by Nancy Krulik. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.

  10. About Travelling Book Fairs

    Every book sold at your Book Fair helps to earn Rewards that you can spend on free books and resources for your classrooms and library. Each year, Travelling Books helps to donate more than £9 million worth of free books to schools across the UK and Ireland. As an example, for every £10 that you spend, your school can earn up to £6 back in ...

  11. Travelling Books

    Travelling Books offers a Book Fair scheme that allows schools to earn up to 60% of their Book Fair sales value in Rewards. The Rewards can be used to buy books and teaching resources from a range of over 10,000 titles available through the Scholastic Schools Catalogue or the online Scholastic Shop. Travelling Books supplies mobile bookcases ...

  12. 5 Book Series That Will Take Your Child on a Time ...

    3. Time travel for the graphic novel lover, The Wrong Wrights is the first in the Secret Smithsonian Adventures series by Chris Kientz. It follows the adventure of four schoolmates whose school field trip turns into a fight to restore the history of aviation. 4. The Time Hunters by Carl Ashmore is book one in a time travel series packed with ...

  13. Free Resources

    Celtic Travelling Book Fair Order Form Summer 2024 (PDF) pdf, 300 KB. Book Fair Arrows Spring 2024. pdf, 1 MB. Book Fair Social Media Graphic Spring 2024. jpg, 2 MB. tbf fairs certificate.pdf. pdf, 200 KB. Find everything you need for your Celtic Travelling Book Fair in Free Resources.

  14. Log in or register

    Register now. i: By accessing your account, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. School Book Fairs are a wonderful week long reading event, with mobile bookcases packed with the best books to sell to your pupils. We provide everything you need to promote and run your Book Fair. Getting children reading.

  15. BRONTE & FRANK GO TO MOSCOW (Children's Traveltivity Guide): Megan

    Delivering to Lebanon 66952 Choose location for most accurate options Books. Select the department you want to search in

  16. A trip to Moscow

    Either read a good travel book or book a guide who can personally take you to the best places that interest you and tell about the sights you're seeing. We used Dan Petrov on 2 different trips to Moscow and found him to be wonderfully friendly and witty not to mention super knowledgeable.

  17. Travel was NOT better before the internet! A tourist in Moscow, Russia

    People forget how difficult travelling was before you had the world on your phone! Thank god tourism has changed the last 20 years. Skip to content. HOME; DESTINATIONS. ... portugal romania russia saudi arabia scotland serbia slovakia slovenia solo south korea spain sustainable sweden switzerland thailand travel book türkiye uk unesco uruguay ...

  18. Travelling Books FAQs

    You can use all of your earned Rewards by choosing books from the bookcases whilst the Book Fair is in school. Rewards are valid against the RRP of each book. If you still have Rewards left you can spend them in our online shop. Please note that online orders will incur a £4.95 postage charge.

  19. Parents

    You can now make a Book Fair payment online. Once you have chosen your books, you can also pay using our secure parent payment system. Search for and select your school here to make a payment. Once payment is complete, please inform your school of your payment reference and details of the books you would like to buy.

  20. THE MOSCOW TRAVEL GUIDE 2024: The Traveler's Essential Handbook

    Embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Russia's capital with "THE MOSCOW TRAVEL GUIDE 2024: A Traveler's Essential Handbook." Authored by Jessica D. Lowell, this meticulously crafted guidebook is your passport to discovering the magic, history, and cultural vibrancy that define Moscow in the year 2024.

  21. Find school

    Find your school. Enter a postcode or school name *. School Book Fairs are a wonderful week long reading event, with mobile bookcases packed with the best books to sell to your pupils. We provide everything you need to promote and run your Book Fair. Getting children reading.

  22. Spend rewards

    Celtic Travelling Books has partnered with Scholastic to make running a Book Fair even more rewarding, with a brand new range of books and resources to choose from using your Book Fair Rewards. The quickest way to claim your Book Fair Rewards and to sort payment after your Book Fair has finished is to complete the online Fair Record Sheet. It ...

  23. Contact Travelling Books

    Address. Celtic Travelling Books. Unit 5 West Point Business Park. Navan Road. Mulhuddart. Dublin 15. D15 W95A. Celtic Travelling Books contact details.