
  • May 11, 2023

How to Open a Stuck Yeti Lid: Tips and Tricks

We've all been there. You're out camping, on a road trip, or simply at home enjoying a cold drink when you realize the worst has happened - your Yeti lid is stuck shut! Whether it's from over-tightening or sticky substances, a stuck Yeti lid can be frustrating and ruin your good time. Fear not, as we have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you open that stubborn Yeti lid. From using dish soap to turning it upside down and tapping it, we've got you covered. We'll also share some preventative measures to help avoid this issue in the future. So, if you want to save yourself the headache of struggling with a stuck Yeti lid in the future, read on!


Starting with an interesting fact, Yeti lids are known for their durability and strength. However, it's not uncommon for a Yeti lid to get stuck or difficult to open. This can be frustrating, especially when you're in need of your drink. That's why it's important to know how to open a stuck Yeti lid efficiently and safely without causing any damage. In the following paragraphs, we'll explore the common reasons why Yeti lids get stuck and provide helpful tips and tricks to open them without breaking a sweat.

The Importance of Knowing How to Open a Stuck Yeti Lid

A stuck Yeti lid can be a frustrating experience, especially when you're in a hurry or on the go. Knowing how to open a stuck Yeti lid is essential to ensure that you can enjoy your drink without any hassle. By familiarizing yourself with the various methods and tricks for opening a stuck lid, you can save time and avoid the stress of struggling with a stubborn lid. Don't let a stuck Yeti lid ruin your drinking experience; learn how to open it easily with our tips and tricks.

Common Reasons Why Yeti Lids Get Stuck

Understanding the common reasons why Yeti lids get stuck is crucial in preventing this frustrating experience. Over-tightening the lid can create a vacuum seal that makes it difficult to open, while temperature changes can cause expansion/contraction, making it harder to remove. Debris buildup around the lid's rubber gasket can also prevent it from opening smoothly. By being aware of these issues, you can take steps to avoid them and ensure your Yeti lid functions as intended.

Steps to Open a Stuck Yeti Lid

When faced with a stuck Yeti lid, there are various methods you can try to loosen it. Applying hot water or ice to the lid or using rubber gloves for better grip are some common techniques. Tapping the lid gently with a soft mallet or using a strap wrench to twist it off can also help. Additionally, applying some lubricant like vegetable oil or WD-40 can assist in loosening the stubborn lid. Try these methods and enjoy your drink without any hassle.

1. Push It Down HARD Then Twist

When it comes to opening a stuck Yeti lid, pushing down on the lid before twisting can make all the difference. This technique helps release the pressure and makes it easier to open. Using a rubber grip or cloth to get a better grip on the lid can also help. If that's not enough, applying heat to the lid, such as with hot water or a hair dryer, can expand the metal and loosen the seal. Just be sure to avoid using excessive force or tools that could cause damage to the lid or cooler.

2. Use a Stick or Bar as a Lever

When all else fails, using a stick or bar as a lever is an effective method to open a stuck Yeti lid. This technique allows you to apply more force and leverage to the lid to pry it open. It's important to choose a sturdy stick or bar that can fit between the lid and body of the cooler without causing any damage. Be cautious while using this method as it must be done with care to avoid damaging the lid or cooler.

3.Run It Under Hot Water

If you're struggling to open your Yeti lid, running it under hot water may do the trick. This approach works by expanding the metal and loosening it from the container. However, be careful not to burn yourself when handling hot water and metal. It may take a few minutes of running hot water over the lid for this method to be effective. If the lid still won't budge, try using a rubber grip or towel to get a better grip on it.

Tap It Around The Lid (To Loosen Up Sticky Substances)

Sometimes, Yeti lids can get stuck due to sticky substances like honey or syrup. If you're facing this problem, tapping the lid around its edges can help loosen up these substances and make it easier to open. However, be sure to tap gently so as not to damage the lid or spill any contents. Alternatively, running the lid under warm water for a few seconds can help melt any sticky substances and make opening the lid less of a challenge.

4. Tighten Then Untighten

When dealing with a stuck Yeti lid, an effective technique to try is tightening it before trying to open it again. This method can help break any vacuum seal that may be causing the lid to stick. After tightening, try to untighten the lid using a rubber grip or cloth for better traction. Applying heat to the lid using hot water or a hairdryer can also make it easier to open. Avoid using excessive force or tools that may damage the lid or Yeti itself.

5. Dish Soap Around The Lid

A simple solution to opening a stuck Yeti lid is by using dish soap. Applying dish soap around the rim of the lid and allowing it to sit for a few minutes can loosen the grip of the lid, making it easier to open. However, make sure to use a minimal amount of soap to avoid creating too many suds that could make it slippery. Don't forget to rinse the lid with water after opening it to remove any remaining soap residue. Remember, avoid using excessive force when trying to open a stuck Yeti lid, as this could damage the lid or the tumbler itself.

6. Put It In The Fridge/Freezer or Ice Bath

When dealing with a stubborn Yeti lid, extreme temperatures can be a game-changer. By placing the container in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes, you can cause the metal to contract and make it easier to open. Alternatively, you can try dipping the tumbler into an ice bath to achieve the same effect. Remember not to rely on hot water or heat as they may cause damage to your Yeti and affect its insulation properties.

7. Turn It Upside Down and Tap It

Sometimes, Yeti lids can become stuck due to changes in pressure or temperature. In these cases, turning the container upside down and tapping the bottom can help release any pressure holding the lid in place. Be sure to use a soft towel or cloth when tapping to avoid damaging the container, and if this method doesn't work, try running hot water over the lid for a few minutes before attempting to open it again. Additionally, using a rubber jar opener or gloves can provide extra grip and leverage when trying to open a stubborn Yeti lid.

8. Get Someone To Help You

When all else fails, sometimes the best way to open a stubborn Yeti lid is to get a little help from a friend. Having someone else hold the cooler steady while you apply pressure to the lid can be just what you need to finally get it open. Make sure they are holding the cooler in a way that doesn't block your access to the lid, and if necessary, use a rubber grip or cloth to improve your grip on the lid. With two people working together, you can often open even the most stuck Yeti lids.

9.Use a Towel

If you're struggling to get a good grip on your Yeti lid, using a towel is one of the most effective ways to open it. Simply wrap the towel around the lid and twist it in the opposite direction of the stuck lid. This technique provides better torque and leverage, making it easier to loosen even the most stubborn lids. Just be careful not to apply too much force or twist too hard, as this could damage the lid or container. If you're having trouble getting the lid off with a towel, try tapping it gently with a rubber mallet or running hot water over it before attempting again.

Tips to Prevent Yeti Lids from Getting Stuck

To prevent your Yeti lid from getting stuck, avoid overtightening it when closing it. This common mistake can cause the gasket to become compressed and make it harder to open the lid. Another important step is to ensure that the gasket is clean and properly seated before closing the lid. Additionally, periodically applying a light layer of lubricant to the gasket helps keep it from sticking. Lastly, avoid exposing your Yeti to extreme temperatures as it can cause the gasket to expand or contract. Following these tips will help keep your Yeti in top condition for years to come.

Clean Your Yeti Lid Regularly

Maintaining a clean and debris-free Yeti lid is critical in preventing it from getting stuck. Regular cleaning of the lid can also help extend its lifespan. To clean your Yeti lid, simply use a mild soap and warm water solution, thoroughly drying it before reattaching. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the seal. If you find your Yeti lid already stuck, applying a small amount of lubricant or cooking oil around the rim may help loosen it up.

Avoid Over-Tightening the Lid

Properly securing your Yeti lid is crucial for keeping your food and drinks safe, but over-tightening can cause it to become stuck. To prevent this, ensure that you screw on the lid until it is snug, but not overly tight. Excessive force or using tools to open a stuck lid can damage both the lid and the cooler, so use hot water or a rubber grip pad for added leverage instead. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your Yeti cooler can also help prevent lids from getting stuck in the first place.

Opening a stuck Yeti lid can be frustrating, but knowing the right techniques can save you from the hassle of buying a new one. From pushing down hard and twisting to using a hammer, there are several ways to get it unstuck. And to prevent it from happening again, regular cleaning and avoiding over-tightening the lid goes a long way. Check out our list of similar posts for more tips on Yeti cups and recent posts for other useful content. Don't forget to bookmark our page for future reference!

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YETI Rambler Bottle Lid Stuck? Here’s Why. PUT IT DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION!

Is the lid to your YETI Rambler Bottle stuck and won’t come off? WARNING: There may be a whole bunch of PRESSURE inside the bottle because you left something in there that contains sugar. The sugars have fermented and caused a buildup of gas! There is so much pressure on the threads that the lid won’t turn unless you crank on it with a tire iron (NOT advisable). Read YETI’s warning label about this.

In this video I’ll tell you how I found all this out the hard way. I love my YETI products and highly recommend them. They keep my beer cold and my coffee hot. They’re the only thing (other than a beer bottle) that I drink out of. This video is NOT a negative review. It’s merely to reiterate YETI’s warning about what not to put in the Rambler Bottle.

As a matter of fact, if you want to keep your beer COLD and safe from these pesky flies here in the Southeast Asia HEAT? Get yourself a YETI Rambler 20 oz. Tumbler .

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12 Simple Ways To Open a Stuck Yeti Lid (That Actually Work)

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a situation where you need to open a lid but don’t know how? This happens to me all the time! I’m sure you’ve been there before too. You’re at home, you want to get something out of the fridge, but you don’t know how to open the lid. 4xnZwD_jzgk I’ll explain you 12 ways to open a stuck lid that actually work.

Why Is My Yeti Lid Stuck?

If you have ever tried to open a stuck lid on your Yeti, you know how frustrating it can be. It seems like every other day I am trying to get my lid off only to end up frustrated because it won’t budge. Well, we’ve got good news! We found 12 ways to actually open a stuck lid on a Yeti. These methods range from using a hair dryer to using a hammer. So, if you’re having trouble getting your Yeti lid off, check out our list below and see what works for you. 1. Use A Hair Dryer 2. Use A Hammer

1. Push It Down HARD Then Twist

You can try pushing down hard on the top of the lid and twisting the lid. This method usually works well if the lid is not stuck very tightly. 2. Pry It Off With Your Fingers 3. Use A Knife To Cut Into The Plastic

2. Use a Stick or Bar as a Lever

1. Push It Down HARDSometimes, the lid won’t budge until you push it down really hard. Try using a stick or bar as leverage to force the lid off. 2. Pry It Off With YOUR FINGERSIf the lid doesn’t move, try pulling it off with your fingers. 3. Use A KNIFE TO CUT INTO THE PLASTICSometimes, the plastic will break away from the metal frame. If you’re lucky, the knife will cut right into the plastic and release it. 4. Use A ScrewdriverTo remove screws that are holding the lid onto the base of the cooker. 5. Use A HammerTo loosen the lid. 6. Use A SawTo cut the lid off. 7. Use A PlungerTo remove any remaining pieces of plastic. 8. Use A Hair DryerTo blow hot air under the lid to help loosen it. 9. Use A LighterTo melt the plastic. 10. Use A Fire ExtinguisherTo put out the fire. 11. Use An Ice

3. Drill a Hole In The Lid (And Buy a New One)

1. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the bottom of the lid. 2. Remove the old lid. 3. Use a drill bit to create a hole in the center of the lid. 4. Put a new lid on top of the cooker. 5.url= To Open A Microwave/url 5. Use a hair dryer to blow hot air under the old lid to help loosen it.url= to open a microwave oven – YouTube/url url=…….

4. Run It Under Hot Water

To remove the old lid, run the microwave under hot water until the metal loosens. Then carefully lift off the old lid.

5. Tap It Around The Lid (To Loosen Up Sticky Substances)

Tap around the lid to loosen any sticky substances. 6. Clean Out The Microwave With A Dishcloth Use a dishcloth to clean out the microwave.

6. Tighten Then Untighten

Tighten the lid, then untighten it. This helps prevent the lid from popping off while heating. 7. Use A Spoon To Remove Any Spills Use a spoon to remove any spills.

7. Dish Soap Around The Lid

Dish soap around the lid prevents moisture from dripping onto the stove top. 8. Keep Your Stove Clean Keep your stove clean. It’s easy to get grease stains on the stove top if you don’t.

8. Put It In The Fridge/Freezer or Ice Bath

Put your dishwasher away after washing dishes. This helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold. 9. Use A Good Quality Knife A good quality knife is important for cutting vegetables and meat.

9. Turn It Upside Down and Tap It

Turning your dishwasher upside down and tapping it on the bottom will help release any trapped air bubbles from the dishwasher. 10. Keep Your Dishwasher Clean Clean your dishwasher every week. Make sure to clean the racks and shelves, the door gaskets and seals, the spray arms, and the pump.

10. Get Someone To Help You

If you have a dishwasher that doesn’t seem to drain properly, try turning off the power switch and unplugging the unit. Let the dishes soak overnight and then plug the unit back into the wall outlet. Wait until the next day to run the dishwasher again. This usually solves the problem. 11. Check For Leaks Check your faucet handles and spigots for leaks. Try using a wet rag to wipe away any moisture around the area. If you notice any dripping, stop using the faucet immediately.

11. Use a Towel

Use a towel to dry the sink after washing dishes. A towel absorbs moisture from the air and helps prevent mold growth. 12. Clean Your Sink Clean your sink thoroughly after each use. Make sure to clean under the faucets and drains. Wipe down the sides of the sink with soap and hot water.

12. Use a Hammer (Yes a Hammer)

A hammer is used to drive nails into wood. It is also useful for driving screws into metal objects such as pipes. 13. Keep a Shovel Nearby Keep a shovel handy near the front door. This tool is useful for digging out snow and ice from around the house.

If You’ve Tried Everything You May Need To Buy a New Bottle

You can buy a new bottle of wine if you’ve tried everything else. 14. Make Your Own Wine Wine making is not difficult but requires patience and practice.

Do Yeti tumblers have screw on lids?

Yeti is planning to launch new colors for 2021. It will be available in black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, pink, grey, silver, and gold.

Is Yeti chug cap removable?

Yeti Ice Pink Limited Edition is available for $99.00. It comes with a stainless steel body, a stainless steel bowl, a stainless steel lid, a stainless steel handle, a stainless steel whisk, and a stainless steel spoon. It is available in two sizes, 13.5L and 17L. It is not available in stores but online only.

How do you remove the Yeti chug cap?

Coffee mugs are very useful but sometimes they get stuck and won’t budge. This happens because of the glue used to hold the handle onto the cup. To remove the glue from the handle, soak it in warm water for about 10 minutes. Then, gently rub the handle with a soft cloth. Once the handle is clean, dry it thoroughly. It is recommended to avoid using any harsh chemicals such as vinegar or alcohol since these could damage the surface of the mug.

What type of yeti do I have?

Yeti is a brand name of electric kettles manufactured by Whirlpool Corporation. It is a kettle which is designed to provide a quick and easy way to make tea, coffee, hot chocolate and other beverages. Yeti comes with a built-in thermostat which automatically adjusts the temperature according to the quantity of water added. It has a stainless steel body, a removable drip tray and a handle for carrying. It has a 1.5 litre capacity and a maximum working temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.

How do you open a stuck coffee mug?

To remove the Yeti Chug Cap, simply unscrew the top of the bottle from the bottom. Once removed, you can pour the contents into another container.

Is Yeti ice pink limited edition?

Yeti Chug Cap is not removable but it does have a vent hole on top of the cap. This allows air to flow into the bottle while keeping carbonation from escaping.

Is Yeti coming out with new colors 2021?

Yeti Tumbler Lid Screws Yes. But not all Yeti tumblers come with screw on lids. It depends on the model you buy.

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Watch CBS News

Yeti Recalling Travel Mugs Because Stronghold Lids Can Pop Off, Posing Burn Hazard

November 10, 2020 / 9:35 PM EST / CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- There is a consumer alert for a popular brand of travel mugs.

Yeti is recalling nearly 250,000 mugs because customers could end up getting burned.

The recall involves the Rambler 20-ounce travel mug with a Stronghold lid.


Yeti says that specific lid can pop off and hot liquid can spill out.

There have been two reports of that happening, but no injuries.

Yeti says customers should stop using the mugs and return the lids for a full refund.

"We are issuing a voluntary product recall of the Rambler® 20 oz Travel Mug with Stronghold Lid after learning the lid's MagSlider™ and mug contents can be expelled if the mug is filled with hot liquid, sealed with the lid, and shaken, which poses an injury hazard," the company said in a statement.

"The product was available for purchase through from October 1, 2020 through October 9, 2020 and about 15,000 units were sold. No injuries have been reported."

The company's traditional magnetic lids are not impacted by the recall.

For more information, visit .


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12 Simple Ways To Open a Stuck Hydro Flask Lid (That Actually Work)

Ryan McLean

  • July 18, 2023
  • Bottle Tips , Bottles , Hydro Flask

Open a Stuck Hydro Flask Lid

Hydro Flask bottles are great at keeping drinks cold all day long and they are built strong and durable do they don't break or leak. However, their strength comes with a downside.

Sometimes smoothies, juices, coffee, milk and carbonated drinks can produce gases and build up so much pressure inside the bottle that the lid gets completely stuck on.

Drinks drying and getting sticky around the rim of your Hydro Flask can also add to the problem making the lid hard to open. My kids often have problems with the lid but sometimes they get so stuck even an adult can't open them no matter how hard you try to twist.

If your Hydro Flask lid is stuck there are a bunch of different things you can do to try to get it unstuck. Some may work for you, some may not but at least one item in this list (or a combination of items) should get your Hydro Flask lid undone and open.

See the latest price of Hydro Flask bottles at (or compare to the price of Hydro Flask bottles at Amazon )

travel mug lid stuck

Why Is My Hydro Flask Lid Stuck?

travel mug lid stuck

Hydro Flask bottles are designed to be completely water tight and air tight so they don't leak. You obviously don't want your Hydro Flask to leak when it's being bumped around in your bag or when you drop it or it gets knocked over.

However, this means that when there is a build up of pressure inside your Hydro Flask that pressure can't escape. Instead the pressure pushes on the lid creating a lot of friction on the lid threads making it hard to open.

Carbonated and fizzy beverages like soda and beer can build up pressure from the carbon dioxide, but usually not enough to make your lid completely stuck. They just make it a bit hard to open.

However, drinks like smoothies, fruit juices and anything with milk in it that is left in your Hydro Flask for longer than expected can begin to break down, ferment and create gases that eventually build up a lot of pressure.

This upward pressure creates a lot of friction where the thread of the lid connects with the thread of the main body of the bottle and this friction is what makes the lid hard to open.

Standard Hydro Flask bottles also have their thread on the inside of the bottle. This means when you drink anything other than water the thread fills up with your drink. Stick substances like soda or juice can cause the lid to become sticky as they dry making it even harder to open.

So there are a couple of main reasons why your Hydro Flask lid may have gotten stuck. But more importantly how can you get a Hydro Flask lid unstuck?

1. Push It Down HARD Then Twist

This is one of the easiest strategies and you can do it by yourself and it needs nothing other than your strength.

The basic premise behind this method is that the pressure in the bottle creates an upwards force on the lid and friction as a result.

By pushing down hard on the lid then trying to twist as you're applying that downward pressure you can counteract some of the upward pressure, relieving the friction and making the lid easier to twist open.

Definitely worth a try before attempting anything else as it may be all you need.

2. Use a Stick or Bar as a Lever

Most Hydro Flask lids have a loop handle that can fit 2-4 fingers in them or they have a hard plastic finger loop on the side.

These loops are large enough that you can fit a stick or bar or some kind of long object through there in order to create a level that you can push or pull on to open the lid.

The lever allows you to apply more torque (rotational force) which helps you open the lid.

The longer your lever the less effort you need to put in to open the lid.

This is how most people with REALLY stuck Hydro Flask lids manage to get them open.

You do need to be careful though as the loops are made from a softer plastic than the lid and too much force applied too quickly can damage or completely break the loop.

You also need to be careful as when there is a lot of pressure the lid could come flying off. The avoid this happening simply turn the lid slowly, just a little bit at a time. Eventually you will break the air tight seal with the lid still in place, the pressure can escape and you can safely remove the lid.

3. Drill a Hole In The Lid (And Buy a New One)

This method is pretty extreme as it obviously breaks your lid completely but if you can't get your lid off using any other method at least it saves you bottle and you can always buy a new lid.

Use a drill to drill a hole through the top of your plastic lid all the way through. The drill doesn't have to be big, just a large enough hole for the air to escape.

Doing this will allow all the air pressure to escape out of the hole and then you should be able to easily unscrew the lid.

However, after doing this you'll need to buy a new lid. They cost as little as $10 or you can even get generic ones for cheaper. See the full range of the best Hydro Flask lid options .

This may be the excuse you need to update to that straw lid you've always wanted.

See the latest price of the Hydro Flask Straw Lid at (or compare price of Hydro Flask Straw Lid at Amazon )

travel mug lid stuck

4. Run It Under Hot Water

Running a stuck lid under hot water can work for everything from Hydro Flask lids to jam jars. They use the same premise.

Metal conducts heat and expands quicker than glass or plastic. Metal also expands and becomes more malleable when hot giving the lid more room to unscrew and come off.

In the case of jam jars the lid is usually made of metal and expands allowing you to get it off.

With Hydro Flask standard bottles the bottle itself is metal while the lid is plastic.

So as the metal bottle gets hot the bottle expands out a little bit loosening up the friction on the lid allowing you to open it more easily.

You'll want to focus the hot (or boiling water) around the rim of the bottle trying not to pour much boiling water on the lid itself.

Wide Mouth Hydro Flasks however have the thread on the outside of the bottle so while this technique is still worth trying it may not work as well.

This may not solve your problem or get your Hydro Flask lid unstuck by itself, but this method combined with other methods on this list can be more effective that when used alone.

5. Tap It Around The Lid (To Loosen Up Sticky Substances)

If you've been drinking juice or coffee or soda or something other than water in your Hydro Flask your drink may have dried in the thread of your lid and gotten sticky.

Banging the lid of your Hydro Flask up against the kitchen bench or some other hard surface can help to unstick some of this material making the lid easier to open.

You'll want to make sure you don't bang too hard as the plastic lid (and the bottle itself) can get dented if you aren't careful.

You'll also likely want to combine this technique with other options in this list.

6. Tighten Then Untighten

Don't ask me exactly why this is effective but it is and sometimes it really does work.

Instead of just trying to untighten your lid sometimes you can try tightening it a little bit first then trying to untighten it.

You might only need to do this once or you may need to go back and forth a few times before your lid comes completely undone.

This tighening and untightening wiggles the lid back and forth ever so slightly and maybe it builds up heat or works in some other way but it can lead to your lid being just loose enough to get completely undone.

7. Dish Soap Around The Lid

Detergent is designed to break down grease, oil and grime and it also works well to make things slippery. That's why putting detergent on the kid's backyard water slide can make it much more fun.

Rubbing some around the lip of your Hydro Flask where the lid connect to the bottles means that some of that dish soap might be able to get into the cracks of your bottle just enough to lubricate the lid and help you get it unstuck.

8. Put It In The Fridge/Freezer or Ice Bath

Gases can turn into liquids when they are cooled down and this can help to release some of the pressure inside your bottle which in turn makes your lid easier to open.

The different cooling rates of the stainless steel bottle and plastic lid may also help to make taking the lid off easier. Basically the opposite of the (run it under hot water) trick mentioned above.

It is important to realise that Hydro Flask bottles are vacuum insulated. This means they aren't great a heat transfer and it'll take time to cool down the inside of the bottle.

It might take a day or two in the fridge or maybe 6-12 hours in the freezer to have an effect.

Another thing you can try if you're just looking to cool down the bottle and the lid is to throw your bottle in an ice bath.

Fill up a bucket with cold water and ice and then put your Hydro Flask in it to sit for 5-10 minutes and get ice cold. Then take it out and try to open the lid.

9. Turn It Upside Down and Tap It

If you still have a bit of liquid left in your Hydro Flask bottle or tumbler then turning it upside down and giving it a tap or a shake can slosh around the drink inside and help you break the seal.

10. Get Someone To Help You

Two heads are better than one and sometimes opening a Hydro Flask bottle where the lid has gotten stuck requires some help.

Get a friend of family member to help you. Standing opposite each other one of you holds the lid while the other holds the bottle.

Each of you rotate in opposite directions so you're combining your efforts and applying more torque to the lid than you could do on your own.

Alternatively, place the bottle standing on a table or the ground and one person holds the bottle steady while the other uses two hands (or maybe a stick/bar) in order to twist the lid open.

You can also combine the back and forth strategy mentioned above with your friend alternative back and forth to get the lid unstuck.

11. Use a Towel

Grab a towel or a small cloth and place it over the lid and then try to open it.

This can give you more grip, be easier on your hands and also it gives you a wider lid to apply force to.

This works kind of like the lever. The wider the lid the more force you can apply to the threads to get them unstuck.

12. Use a Hammer (Yes a Hammer)

Sometimes your lid needs a large amount of force but in a short time frame.

Instead of just trying to twist harder with your hands you can get a hammer and hit the other of your Hydro Flask lid where the handle meets the lid. Make sure to hit in the direction you want to open the bottle.

Don't hit it too hard as you might break the lid or dent it but hard enough that it moves the lid a little bit.

Putting a towel over the top of it can reduce the chances of you denting or damaging your lid.

For EXTRA force use the stick bar method and then hit the bar with your hammer. Again you need to be careful not to break the carry handle but this should almost definitely get your stuck Hydro Flask lid open.

If You've Tried Everything You May Need To Buy a New Bottle

travel mug lid stuck

Chances are one of the methods mentioned above should work to get your Hydro Flask lid unstuck.

If they haven't work then try a couple or a few methods in combination. Heat it up, tap it and use the lever to open it (with the help of a friend).

But if you find that there is absolutely no way to get your lid unstuck and there is nothing more you can try then what should you do?

Firstly, you can try contacting Hydro Flask directly. Their bottles are covered by a lifetime warranty and under special circumstances (and if you get a really nice customer support person) they may actually replace the bottle for you.

Otherwise you may just need to bite the bullet and realise it's time to buy yourself a new Hydro Flask.

Hydro Flask have a range of bottles and sizes and they are constantly releasing new colors. Maybe this is the perfect excuse to get the color and size you have always wanted.

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When was the last time you hand washed your YETI mug? Exactly.

Yeti Tumbler Mold

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In fact, many travel mugs have removable seals to trap in heat or cold — and if they aren't properly cleaned and dried, these seals also trap moisture. Mold, which is a type of fungus, flourishes in moist, dark areas. Yep, that means with every sip of coffee, you're probably also drinking mold if your lid hasn't been properly cleaned.

After hearing that this was causing people to get sick, Veronica Lucas took a closer look at her travel mug and discovered tons of mold hidden underneath the lid's removable seal. She shared photos to Facebook, and the post went viral with 16,000 likes and more than 2,000 comments.

Veronica's not alone. In October 2018, Dr. Beau Pierce , a sports chiropractor based in Santa Maria, California, posted a now-viral video titled "A Yeti Style Cup Almost Killed My Patient." In the video, he explains how one of his patients mentioned how he was struggling to beat an ongoing sickness. After asking a series of questions, Dr. Beau noticed his patient's tumbler sitting on the counter and upon taking a closer look, discovered mold hidden underneath the lid.

It's a bit extreme to say that a tumbler was killing his patient, but the connection between a moldy lid and sickness is very likely. Consuming mold, at any degree, isn't good for your health. "Some molds cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems. And a few molds, in the right conditions, produce 'mycotoxins,' poisonous substances that can make you sick," according to the USDA .

While the YETI name is being thrown around, this is a common problem with all tumblers that have removable seals, no matter the brand. YETI, however, responded to with the following statement:

We take our customer safety very seriously here at YETI and encourage customers to follow all product usage instructions, including proper cleaning of Rambler lids. For a thorough cleaning, we recommend removing the lid gasket and MagSlider, which should both be washed and dried separately before reinstalling. Learn more about how to clean YETI Rambler products here .

On their FAQ page , YETI explains that just sticking it in the dishwasher won't necessarily do the dirty work: "And here's an extra tip to prolong the life of your YETI cup: before it goes in the dishwasher, remove the rubber lid gasket to prevent any grime build up in the lid. Then throw it in the silverware basket." So, there. The solution has been in front of our faces all along.

To prevent mold, Carolyn Forte , Director of the Home Appliances and Cleaning Products Labs at the Good Housekeeping Institute , recommends that you scrub any areas that the dishwasher can't reach. "To get rid of all the residue and resulting mold, you should totally disassemble the tumbler and scrub all the pieces by hand in hot, soapy water to be sure they are clean," she explains. "These cups and thermal carafes have removable seals for a reason."

Her top tip: Stick it in the dishwasher before you wash it by hand. "While the dishwasher is great, it can’t do everything, and it can’t clean under these seals. In fact, water from the dishwasher can actually get trapped in there, which causes mold to grow." No, thanks!

To be clear: We're not telling you to ditch your tumblers altogether. This is simply a friendly reminder to give your reusable to-go cups a regular deep clean.

Shop These Travel Mugs (And Remember to Wash Under the Lid)

YETI Rambler Tumbler

YETI Rambler Tumbler

S'well Stainless Steel Travel Mug

S'well Stainless Steel Travel Mug

Tiger Vacuum Insulated Travel Mug

Tiger Vacuum Insulated Travel Mug

HYDRO FLASK Hydro Flask Coffee Mug

HYDRO FLASK Hydro Flask Coffee Mug

Headshot of Amanda Garrity

Amanda Garrity is a lifestyle writer and editor with over seven years of experience, including five years on staff at Good Housekeeping , where she covered all things home and holiday, including the latest interior design trends, inspiring DIY ideas and gift guides for any (and every) occasion. She also has a soft spot for feel-good TV, so you can catch her writing about popular shows like Virgin River , Sweet Magnolias, Hallmark Channel’s When Calls the Heart and more. 

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THERMOS Stainless King Vacuum-Insulated Travel Tumbler, 16 Ounce, Midnight Blue

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The Best Travel Mugs to Put at the Top of Your Packing List

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By Tyler Chin

Image may contain Bottle Cup Jar and Shaker

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

As we become more conscious of our impact on the environment, many of us are quickly looking for ways to lessen our carbon footprint. One easy way is to ditch the disposable coffee cups at your favorite cafe (or even better) supply your own coffee, and bring it on the go. Because we know nobody likes a lukewarm brew (iced or hot—there is no in-between), we wanted to ensure that you’re only sipping out of one of the best travel mugs around.

The Best Travel Mugs, According to GQ

  • The Best Travel Mug, Overall : Fellow Carter Slide Mug , $30
  • The Best-Designed Travel Mug : Miir 360 Traveler , $28
  • The Best Travel Mug with a Handle : Hydro Flask Stainless Steel Reusable Mug , $33
  • The Best Jumbo-Sized Travel Mug : Brumate Toddy XL Mug , $40
  • The Best Wide-Mouth Travel Mug : Kinto Travel Tumbler , $29
  • The Best Barista-Approved Travel Mug : KeepCup , $30

Because, if you’re anything like us, you may wish you could have a 24/7 caffeine IV. Sadly, that’s not a thing, but the best travel mugs make it so that you never have to be without the cup of Joe. To find the options worthy of your bean juice, we tested and reviewed a handful of models to ensure that your sweet caffeination would be good from the first sip to the last—no matter how long it takes you to finish your bevy. Here’s what the competition boiled down to and which travel mugs are best suited for which kind of person.

The Best Travel Mug, Overall: Fellow Carter Slide Mug

Image may contain: Cylinder, Tin, Can, Trash Can, Bottle, and Shaker

Carter Slide Mug

From its cult-favorite electric kettle to the newly released drip coffee maker of our dreams, Fellow’s been big on coffee gear since the brand first stepped on the scene in 2013. One of its best products is its Carter mug, which won a Specialty Coffee Association award in 2021 for best coffee design. The double-wall vacuumed mug keeps everything nice and warm inside for 12 hours, while the ceramic lining ensures no metal flavors leech into your drink (subsequently, it keeps drinks cold for a full day if that’s more your jam). The matte exterior—which comes in a wide selection of colors—has a grippy texture that’s a pleasure to hold.

The original Carter mug had a regular screw-top lid, which housed a splash guard, preventing any liquid from ending up on your face if you were trying to take a sip and suddenly got jolted. We’re much bigger fans of the slide lid, which slips open with a quick and easy motion of the thumb, though it is a tad annoying having to disassemble it to clean it properly. It’s also completely spill-proof, which we’ve tested through the many times we’ve tossed a full cup of coffee into our bags and ended up with a dry laptop.

The Best-Designed Travel Mug: Miir 360 Traveler

Image may contain: Bottle, Tape, Water Bottle, and Shaker

360 Traveler

Here’s a huge first-world problem: having to rotate your cup seemingly forever to find the opening to grab a sip. Miir’s 360 Traveler combats this by turning the entire circumference of the lid into an opening for sipping. All you have to do is depress the center button and freely sip from wherever you damn well please. Ingenious—we know. Its slim build lets it sit comfortably in most, if not all, car cupholders, and it’ll keep your drink at your desired temperature without having to worry about outside factors—like if you left your hot coffee in an ice-cold car for a couple of hours or vice versa. And if this lid doesn’t suit your fancy, the body is compatible with a number of other Miir toppers, like a regular twist-off or a straw option.

The Best Travel Mug with a Handle: Hydro Flask Stainless Steel Reusable Mug

Image may contain: Cup, Beverage, Coffee, and Coffee Cup

Hydro Flask

Stainless Steel Reusable Mug

Imagine your regular at-home mug, but primed and prepped to take a beating. Hydro Flask’s insulated mug is great for daily sipping, keeping your drinks hot, and being easy to clean. It’s one of the most durable travel mugs we’ve tried, something that the brand has carried across all of its drinkware options. The no-slip exterior is a nice touch, though we’re sure you’ll mostly be holding it from the handle. We also like how smoothly liquids flow through the lid so that you can chug that 8 a.m. coffee long before you’ve made it to the office.

The Best Jumbo-Sized Travel Mug: Brumate Toddy XL Mug

Image may contain: Steel, Bottle, and Shaker

This isn’t just another big dumb cup . Brumate’s Toddy XL has been perfected to help you always keep your big gulps of cold or hot beverages with you. The extra-long handle is a pleasure to hold and makes it easy to hold such a large-format container. If you were to drop this, you could rest easy knowing that none of your contents would spill onto the floor.

The Best Wide-Mouth Travel Mug: Kinto Travel Tumbler

Image may contain: Jar, Pottery, Urn, Bottle, Shaker, Hockey, Ice Hockey, Ice Hockey Puck, Rink, Skating, and Sport

Travel Tumbler

Kinto’s array of minimalist tableware and lifestyle gear makes it a winner in the looks department. But functionally? Yeah, we’re big fans of the brand for that, too—especially with this low-key travel tumbler. The sleek container features a tapered lid that makes it easy to grasp, while the thin lip is just a pleasure to drink from, allowing drinks to waterfall seamlessly into your mouth. The wide mouth of the tumbler makes this great for use as an iced coffee mug because you’re more easily able to add ice, but no matter what temperature your drink is, it’ll stay that way for hours and hours.

The Best Barista-Approved Travel Mug: KeepCup

Image may contain: Jar, Pottery, and Cup

Brew Cork Reusable Coffee Cup

Imagine your regular disposable coffee cup, but fashion it out of glass and a reusable lid, and you’ll have KeepCup. The brand was founded by Australian cafe owners as a way to combat overflowing landfills teeming with single-use cups. KeepCup was designed with baristas in mind so that they could use these containers in lieu of disposable options—it sits perfectly under an espresso machine’s group head (where the espresso comes out from) and is sized to replicate industry-standard cup sizes. The lid is splash-proof, not spill-proof, and comes with a cork band that’ll make sure you don’t burn your hands on your hot cuppa.

3 More Travel Mugs We Love

Yeti knows how to keep things cold (just check out its coolers ), and it’s also great at keeping things hot. Why would anyone want a stupidly cute cup that’s this small? Maybe someone likes to use a moka pot on their travels, or they managed to haul their whole espresso setup onto the backroads. We don’t care why someone would want to use this, only that we absolutely love how dainty this thing is and what a pleasure it makes drinking espresso out of. Also, we found that it’s compatible with Yeti’s 10-ounce tumbler lids just to keep the mosquitoes away from your joe.

Image may contain: Bottle, Shaker, Electronics, and Steel

Temperature Control Travel Mug

Ember’s temperature-controlled mugs are a godsend for folks who take forever to finish their coffee. The same science is applied to its travel mug, which keeps your drink at the exact temperature you set—between 120 and 145 degrees Fahrenheit—for up to two hours. Its leak-proof lid prevents any unwanted accidents, and it’s fully submersible in water up to one meter in case it accidentally takes a plunge in some liquid.

Image may contain: Cup, Bottle, and Shaker

For a cheap travel mug that doesn’t suck, RTIC’s is able to keep your bevvies warm and securely inside the container. They’re fully dishwasher safe, which is a plus, and they come in over a dozen colors to match your vibe.

What to Look for in a Travel Mug

Size : Tall? Grande? Venti?! We’re ditching the Starbucks lingo to bring you a variety of travel mug sizes to accommodate however much coffee (or tea or whatever) you tend to drink on the regular. If you’re chugging joe like it’s a Big Gulp, go big with something like the Brumate Toddy XL to make fewer trips to the coffee pot. But if all you need is a quick shot (of espresso) or a moderately sized latte, then maybe something smaller like a KeepCup or dainty Yeti will get you where you need to go. Also note that if you’re pouring a small beverage, like a cortado, into a much larger container, that beverage will cool down faster because of all the empty space, regardless of the vacuum insulation.

Leakproof : We know there are a lot of klutzes around us, so we want to make sure your beverage stays exactly where it should be: in your mouth or your mug. A good travel mug should be leak- and spill-proof, but we made exceptions for the KeepCup, which we think is a great way to opt out of using disposable cups at cafes without disrupting a barista’s routine for making drinks.

Easy to Clean : Not all travel mugs need to be dishwasher safe, but in the hopes that you’re regularly cleaning your container, we made sure to find easy travel mugs to give a thorough cleaning. The last thing you need is built-up gunk in your travel mug to harbor bacteria, leading to sickness or just an overall nasty drinking experience.

How We Tested

We found a variety of travel mugs that were popular with reviewers and tested them to see how they performed with daily use over a prolonged period. We evaluated travel mugs based on their durability, ability to keep beverages hot, and overall aesthetic to determine which options were best for various people. Finally, we assessed how easily these travel mugs came apart to give a thorough cleaning and how long-term use impacted their performance.

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Odintsovo in Moscow Oblast, Russia

Safety Score: 4,4 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Russia.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Russia . Last Update: 2024-05-16 08:19:50

Delve into Odintsovo

Odintsovo in Moscow Oblast with it's 137,041 habitants is located in Russia about 14 mi (or 23 km) west of Moscow, the country's capital town.

Current time in Odintsovo is now 07:22 AM (Friday). The local timezone is named Europe / Moscow with an UTC offset of 3 hours. We know of 6 airports close to Odintsovo, of which two are larger airports. The closest airport in Russia is Vnukovo International Airport in a distance of 6 mi (or 10 km), South. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Russia is Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent in a distance of 11 mi (or 18 km), East. If you need a hotel, we compiled a list of available hotels close to the map centre further down the page.

While being here, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Krasnaya Pahra, Cheremushki, Vostochnoe Degunino, Moscow and LMS. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays local weather conditions & forecast: 17°c / 63 °f.

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Saturday, 18th of May 2024

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14°C (58 °F) 10°C (51 °F) Sky is clear, gentle breeze, clear sky.

Sunday, 19th of May 2024

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17°C (62 °F) 13°C (56 °F) Scattered clouds, light breeze.

Monday, 20th of May 2024

17°C (63 °F) 15°C (59 °F) Sky is clear, gentle breeze, clear sky.

Hotels and Places to Stay

Photo of the hotel Barvikha Hotel & Spa

Barvikha Hotel & Spa

Address 4,2 mi Odintsovsky District, Barvikha Village 114/3, 143083 Barvikhinskoye Russia

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 14:00 Reception Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00 Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Photo of the hotel Postoyalets Hotel

Postoyalets Hotel

Address 0,4 mi ul. Svobody 1 143007 Odintsovo Russia

Checkout: 23:00 - Checkin: 06:00 Reception Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00 Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Photo of the hotel Park Inn by Radisson Odintsovo

Park Inn by Radisson Odintsovo

Address 0,5 mi Ul. Nedelina 8 143006 Odintsovo Russia

Photo of the hotel Apart Hotel NEP-Dubki

Apart Hotel NEP-Dubki

Address 3,5 mi Poselok Vniissok,ul. Druzhby 2 119330 Moscow Russia



Address 6,2 mi 1 PRIVOLNAYA ST MARUSHKINO 143350 MOSCOW Russia

Checkout: - Checkin: 14:00 Reception Weekday: - Weekend: closed

Photo of the hotel Bort-Hotel Vnukovo

Bort-Hotel Vnukovo

Address 5,0 mi Vnukovo 85 108817 Vnukovo Russia

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 12:00 Reception Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00 Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

Photo of the hotel Romashkovo Farm

Romashkovo Farm

Address 4,7 mi Sovetskaya 14 A 143025 Odintsovo Russia

Checkout: 12:00 - Checkin: 13:00 Reception Weekday: 0:00 - 24:00 Weekend: 0:00 - 24:00

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Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

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Gagarin cup (khl) finals:  atlant moscow oblast vs. salavat yulaev ufa.

Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final.  While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.  Just reaching the Finals is a testament to Atlant's disciplined style of play, as they had to knock off much more high profile teams from Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg to do so.  But while they did finish 8th in the league in points, they haven't seen the likes of Ufa, who finished 2nd. 

This series will be a challenge for the underdog, because unlike some of the other KHL teams, Ufa's top players are generally younger and in their prime.  Only Proshkin amongst regular blueliners is over 30, with the work being shared by Kirill Koltsov (28), Andrei Kuteikin (26), Miroslav Blatak (28), Maxim Kondratiev (28) and Dmitri Kalinin (30).  Oleg Tverdovsky hasn't played a lot in the playoffs to date.  Up front, while led by a fairly young top line (24-27), Ufa does have a lot of veterans in support roles:  Vyacheslav Kozlov , Viktor Kozlov , Vladimir Antipov, Sergei Zinovyev and Petr Schastlivy are all over 30.  In fact, the names of all their forwards are familiar to international and NHL fans:  Robert Nilsson , Alexander Svitov, Oleg Saprykin and Jakub Klepis round out the group, all former NHL players.

For Atlant, their veteran roster, with only one of their top six D under the age of 30 (and no top forwards under 30, either), this might be their one shot at a championship.  The team has never won either a Russian Superleague title or the Gagarin Cup, and for players like former NHLer Oleg Petrov, this is probably the last shot at the KHL's top prize.  The team got three extra days rest by winning their Conference Final in six games, and they probably needed to use it.  Atlant does have younger regulars on their roster, but they generally only play a few shifts per game, if that. 

The low event style of game for Atlant probably suits them well, but I don't know how they can manage to keep up against Ufa's speed, skill, and depth.  There is no advantage to be seen in goal, with Erik Ersberg and Konstantin Barulin posting almost identical numbers, and even in terms of recent playoff experience Ufa has them beat.  Luckily for Atlant, Ufa isn't that far away from the Moscow region, so travel shouldn't play a major role. 

I'm predicting that Ufa, winners of the last Superleague title back in 2008, will become the second team to win the Gagarin Cup, and will prevail in five games.  They have a seriously well built team that would honestly compete in the NHL.  They represent the potential of the league, while Atlant represents closer to the reality, as a team full of players who played themselves out of the NHL. 

  • Atlant @ Ufa, Friday Apr 8 (3:00 PM CET/10:00 PM EST)
  • Atlant @ Ufa, Sunday Apr 10 (1:00 PM CET/8:00 AM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Tuesday Apr 12 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Thursday Apr 14 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)

Games 5-7 are as yet unscheduled, but every second day is the KHL standard, so expect Game 5 to be on Saturday, like an early start. 

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  1. YETI Rambler 20 oz and 30 oz Travel Mug Recall FAQ

    The Rambler® Travel Mug comes with our new twist-on, leak-resistant, double-magnet Stronghold™ Lid. This is a special design that's only available in the Travel Mug family, so be sure to check which size you need. The Rambler® 20 oz. Travel Mug uses the 20 oz. Stronghold™ Lid, while the Rambler® 30 oz. Travel Mug uses the 30 oz ...

  2. 12 Simple Ways To Open a Stuck Yeti Lid (That Actually Work)

    Then take it out and try to open the lid. 9. Turn It Upside Down and Tap It. If you still have some liquid in your Yeti bottle or cup then turning it upside down and giving it a tap or even shaking the bottle can sometimes be enough to slosh the liquid around and help you to break the seal. 10.

  3. How to Open a Stuck Yeti Lid: Tips and Tricks

    Avoid using excessive force or tools that may damage the lid or Yeti itself. 5. Dish Soap Around The Lid. A simple solution to opening a stuck Yeti lid is by using dish soap. Applying dish soap around the rim of the lid and allowing it to sit for a few minutes can loosen the grip of the lid, making it easier to open.

  4. Yeti Rambler 30 oz. Travel Mug w/ Stronghold Lid

    Using a Grip-It Oil Filter Wrench to loosen a Stronghold Lid.

  5. YETI Recalls Rambler Travel Mugs with Stronghold Lid Due to ...

    Description: This recall involves the Rambler 20 oz Travel Mug with Stronghold Lid. The travel mugs were sold in a variety of colors. The recall only involves travel mugs with the date code 34204010. The date code is located on the bottom of the travel mug base. The SKU is located on the product packaging slip for online orders, and the product ...

  6. How to Remove a Tightened and Screwed on Wrong Plastic Lid

    Run the Lid Under Hot Water. When a lid on a partially used jar is stuck, it could be glued shut. If you can't loosen it using a rubber glove, turn on the hot water and let it run until it reaches its maximum temperature. Hold the lid under the water for about 30 seconds. Thankfully, you're still wearing rubber gloves, so you don't have to ...

  7. YETI Rambler Bottle Lid Stuck? Here's Why. PUT IT DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION!

    WARNING: There may be a whole bunch of PRESSURE inside the bottle because you left something in there that contains sugar. The sugars have fermented and caused a buildup of gas! There is so much pressure on the threads that the lid won't turn unless you crank on it with a tire iron (NOT advisable). Read YETI's warning label about this.

  8. YETI Product Recall 2020

    Please note that Travel Mugs with the date codes listed below have been reworked with the newly designed Stronghold Lid which was not part of the voluntary recall from November 4th, 2020. The voluntary recall was only for Rambler 20oz Travel Mug units purchased between the dates of October 1 and October 9, 2020. • Ice Pink: 37204010.

  9. 12 Simple Ways To Open a Stuck Yeti Lid (That Actually Work)

    5. Tap It Around The Lid (To Loosen Up Sticky Substances) Tap around the lid to loosen any sticky substances. 6. Clean Out The Microwave With A Dishcloth Use a dishcloth to clean out the microwave. 6. Tighten Then Untighten. Tighten the lid, then untighten it. This helps prevent the lid from popping off while heating.

  10. How To Clean Your YETI Rambler Lids And Bottle Caps

    The Stronghold™ Lid ONLY fits the 20 oz. Travel Mug and is not compatible with other YETI drinkware. TRIPLEHAUL™ CAP CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS. This is our classic cap, over-engineered to be leakproof, easy-to-carry, and tough as hell. It's the foolproof way to transport your hydration from Point A to Point B without spilling a drop.

  11. Yeti Recalling Travel Mugs Because Stronghold Lids Can Pop Off, Posing

    The recall involves the Rambler 20-ounce travel mug with a Stronghold lid. Yeti is recalling nearly 250,000 mugs because customers could end up getting burned. (Credit: CPSC) Yeti says that ...

  12. 20oz Rambler straw lid stuck on 20oz Rambler Travel Mug

    I just purchased a new 20oz Rambler Travel Mug. I purchased the 20oz Rambler Straw Lid to go along with it, since I mostly wanted to use the mug for iced drinks, and it said it was compatible with 20z Ramblers. I guess I misinterpreted and it turns out the straw lid is NOT compatible with the Rambler Travel Mug, and now the straw lid is ...

  13. 12 Simple Ways To Open a Stuck Hydro Flask Lid (That Actually Work)

    4. Run It Under Hot Water. Running a stuck lid under hot water can work for everything from Hydro Flask lids to jam jars. They use the same premise. Metal conducts heat and expands quicker than glass or plastic. Metal also expands and becomes more malleable when hot giving the lid more room to unscrew and come off.

  14. How to Clean Mold from Under Your Travel Mug's Lid, According to a

    After hearing that this was causing people to get sick, Veronica Lucas took a closer look at her travel mug and discovered tons of mold hidden underneath the lid's removable seal. She shared ...

  15. Nomad Travel Mug : r/nespresso

    Downvote a million times. The Nespresso travel mugs just aren't built well enough to stand up to a workshop environment. The lids crack and break very easily. I'd look elsewhere for something that's durable for such a workplace. I like my yeti 20oz travel mug. It's skinnier at the bottom so it fits in a cup holder.

  16. "reset cap" notification. Help! : r/Embermug

    r/Embermug. r/Embermug. •. 69e5d9e4. "reset cap" notification. Help! I've had my ember travel mug 2 since Christmas, and have used it every day, and made sure to thoroughly wash and charge it every night. Last night after washing it, I get a "reset cap" message on the mug that won't go away, despite trying to reset the mug several times.

  17. Customer Questions & Answers

    Answer. Showing 1-10 of 37 answers. Every one of the lids on my "twist on" Starbucks tumblers gets stuck. I empty them out through the straw hole, stick it in the freezer for 2-3 minutes and the lid twists right off. Heat will make it expand and tighten the lid. Cold does the opposite, in my experience. SophiaNC.

  18. 9 Best Travel Mugs of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

    The Best-Designed Travel Mug: Miir 360 Traveler, $28. The Best Travel Mug with a Handle: Hydro Flask Stainless Steel Reusable Mug, $33. The Best Jumbo-Sized Travel Mug: Brumate Toddy XL Mug, $40 ...

  19. Akulovo, Odintsovsky District Map

    Akulovo, Odintsovsky District. Akulovo, Odintsovsky District is a hamlet in Moscow Oblast, Central Russia and has about 239 residents. Akulovo, Odintsovsky District is situated nearby to the hamlet посёлок Дома отдыха 'Озёра' and the neighborhood Клубный дом «Грибовский лес». Photo: Mikolas, CC BY ...

  20. How do I clean the lid for my travel mug? I can't figure out ...

    If you have the extra money to spend they make lids to fit your tumbler that come with magnetic sliders. I have one for every tumbler now so much easier to clean. I had a lid just like yours and after so many times of removing it the things you pinch for it to come out finally broke.

  21. Destination Guide: Odintsovo (Moscow Oblast) in Russia

    Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Russia. Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Russia. Last Update: 2024-04-23 08:18:23. Delve into Odintsovo. Odintsovo in Moscow Oblast with it's 137,041 habitants is located in Russia about 14 mi (or 23 km) west of Moscow, the country's capital town.

  22. Distance Moscow → Ryazan

    Worldwide distance calculator with air line, route planner, travel duration and flight distances. Distance Moscow → Ryazan. Distance: 114.47 mi (184.22 km) Driving route: -- + + Distance from Moscow to Ryazan #1 Moscow 55.755787,37.617634 Тверской ...

  23. Long term experience with a 14oz Ember Mug 2, including Ember ...

    Charging coaster uses live pins that contact the bottom of the mug. These pins will get stuck and the coaster no longer works. If something metal falls on the pins it can spark. ... I got my wife the travel mug and got myself the normal 14oz. The travel mug needs to hold more liquid. ... A lid that has a 360 drinking area. It depresses, and ...

  24. Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

    Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final. While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.