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Jobs & Work Abroad Programs

Browse international jobs and find the position for you..

Work abroad programs are a great way to earn more than just money. The list of advantages is practically endless: broadened horizons, new skills, improved independence, new friendships (and business relations), a new language added to your repertoire, and a boost to take your career dreams to the next level. You’ll be having so much fun overcoming new challenges and having new experiences that your job abroad won’t even feel like work; rather, it’ll be like one crazy (paid!) adventure.

So how do you even get a job abroad ? Well, you’ll want to start by finding the destinations where you can legally work abroad and then start your job search. Or, you can find a job that allows you to work abroad, and they will often sponsor your work visa.

You can also get a job overseas with no experience ! In fact, teaching English abroad is the perfect job in that particular scenario. However, if teaching isn’t your true calling, you can either apply for international positions while still at home, or apply for a work visa abroad and figure things out once you arrive.

Here’s how to get a job abroad:

  • Choose a destination. Places like Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland grant Working Holiday Visas to citizens of certain countries and who meet an age requirement. If you want to work abroad for a year or permanently, then you’ll want to secure a job offer prior to applying for work visas abroad.
  • Choose your field. Sometimes, it’s easier to figure out what kind of job you want prior to choosing the destination. The demand for certain positions is higher in some countries than others, which will make your job search a lot easier (or more challenging).
  • Apply to open job opportunities. Once you know where you want to go and what kind of job you want overseas, then it’s time to start applying to work abroad programs! The length of this process will vary depending on your qualifications and prior experience, and perhaps even your proficiency in the local language. 
  • Apply for a work visa. Once you find your job, then you can apply for a work visa. Most likely, you’ll need to show proof of a job offer in order to qualify. There should be someone at your new workplace who is in charge of assisting you with planning your trip abroad.

The best types of jobs abroad depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for. Do you want to only work for room and board? WWOOFING is for you. Are you okay with working odd jobs here and there in order to fund your travels around the world? You can find short term and seasonal work on orchards, vineyards, and farms in countries like Australia and New Zealand. Or, if you want to start a permanent career abroad, nurses, program developers, software engineers, marketers, and teachers are needed all over the world.

Your options for working abroad will depend on your nationality. You’ll want to find the easiest countries to get a work visa for citizens of your home country, since the process of applying for work visas can be drawn out and complicated. For Americans, it’s exceptionally easy to get short term work visas in New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland. However, as previously mentioned, you can get sponsored for work visas almost anywhere as long as you have a valid job offer beforehand.

There are lots of reasons for working overseas ! Perhaps the earning potential is much higher in a country abroad than at home. Or maybe there are better job opportunities overseas in your chosen field. Or maybe, like so many of us, you just really want to be able to live abroad sustainably! Being able to work abroad means being able to travel and immerse in new cultures indefinitely—and that sounds like a dream come true to us.

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How to travel and work abroad

To travel and work abroad for a year or short term, you'll need to qualify for a work visa in your destination. Some places, like Australia and New Zealand , make this easy even without a degree or sponsorship. Teaching English is also a good way to work abroad.

  • 7 Best Ways to Work Abroad
  • 11 Countries Where It’s Easy to Get a Work Visa

Where to find jobs abroad

The easiest places to find jobs abroad (without needing special skills) are New Zealand , Australia , and Ireland , due to the availability of working holiday visas. There is also demand for English teachers in Korea , China , and Vietnam .

  • 10 Best Countries to Work in the World in 2023
  • Working Holiday Visas for U.S. Citizens: Are You Qualified?

Why work abroad?

Reasons to work abroad include sustainable long term travel, networking opportunities, language learning opportunities, and a unique way to build your resume/CV for your future career or academics.

  • Why Work Abroad? 9 Legit Reasons

What are the best types of jobs abroad?

The best types of jobs abroad include teaching English , hospitality (especially hotels and restaurants), nursing , and agriculture . Successfully finding jobs in these fields involves a varying degree of skill and qualifications.

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  • 14 Careers Involving Languages and Travel

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Jobs that require travel: 25 amazing careers that let you see the world

A list of super cool jobs that require travel or can be done remotely and tips to get free accommodation abroad and live the life of your dreams.

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Worldpackers Worldpackers

Jan 25, 2024

Jobs that require travel

Ever felt a pang of envy for those who seem to live out of their suitcases, collecting passport stamps like badges of honor? Ever wished your job would let you explore different corners of the world? Luckily, there are many jobs that require travel. You could soon be globetrotting as part of your work!

In this article, we’ll explore 12 amazing careers that call for travel and 13 professions that allow you to work remotely as you globe-trot . Plus a special tip on how to volunteer in exchange for accommodation as you travel around the world.

The allure of jobs that require travel

Jobs that require travel are more than just a way to earn a living. They give you a chance to have thrilling experiences, encounter new cultures, and cultivate oneself. Take a look at some of the advantages of this lifestyle.

Exposure to different cultures

By engaging in a job that requires travel, one can gain an immersive experience of diverse cultures. Beyond simply visiting new places, these jobs often demand interaction with locals, which adds another layer of cultural experience. It's like having the world as your classroom.

Opportunities for networking

Journeying far and wide gives you access to networks beyond your home base. Meeting professionals from other countries can open doors for future opportunities - think global collaborations or even job offers. Effective networking, after all, plays a significant role in career advancement.

Skill development

Navigating through foreign lands can hone important skills such as problem-solving abilities and adaptability . You may face challenges along the way – language barriers or unfamiliar customs – but overcoming them helps develop resilience.

Personal growth

Besides professional development, travel-related work fosters personal growth too. " Travel broadens the mind " - this adage rings true when you step out of your comfort zone and venture into unknown territories.

Adventure and exploration

Travel jobs often equate to an adventurous lifestyle. You might have the chance to explore uncharted terrains, meet diverse people, and taste exotic cuisines. These experiences make your life a continuous adventure.

Enhanced creativity

Last but not least, travel stimulates creativity. Studies suggest that exposure to different cultures can spark creative thinking. This newfound inspiration can translate into more innovative ideas at work and more passion for life.

In essence, jobs that require travel are a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth, cultural immersion, and exciting adventures. But how can you put all that into practice in your own professional life? Let's take a look at some interesting jobs that require travel.

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12 examples of traveling careers

1. flight attendant.

Have you ever imagined visiting different cities across the globe as part of your daily routine? As a flight attendant, you can experience traveling to several destinations in the same week. This exciting job requires travel and makes your daily life far from boring.

A flight attendant's role is more than just serving snacks at 30,000 feet. They are tasked with guaranteeing traveler security, giving client assistance, and making each voyage feel like an energizing experience. From demonstrating safety procedures to assisting passengers with their needs – it’s all in a day’s work.

flight attendant is one of the most known jobs that require travel

2. International aid worker

A career as an international aid worker is both fulfilling and adventurous. You'll provide crucial support in areas hit by natural disasters or conflict . Organizations like Doctors Without Borders are often on the lookout for committed individuals ready to make a difference.

Keep reading:  7 careers in healthcare that allow you to travel as a volunteer

3. Travel writer

Fancy yourself with words? A travel writer crafts engaging articles about various destinations worldwide. They explore local culture, cuisine, attractions while capturing unique stories. 

Effective communication skills paired with an insatiable curiosity towards diverse topics can lead to opportunities across different industries including tourism, marketing agencies and more.

Got excited? Read our articles on how to become a freelance writer  and how to become a travel writer.

4. Photographer

In an era where visual storytelling reigns supreme, the role of a travel photographer has become a coveted profession that seamlessly blends passion, adventure, and creativity. 

Beyond the excitement of the journey, the role of a traveling photographer helps document important facts,  immortalize fleeting moments and preserve the beauty of diverse landscapes, ensuring that the stories of different cultures and places endure.

travel photographer

5. Cruise line worker

A cruise line worker's life can be one grand adventure at sea. From chefs to entertainers, these roles offer an exciting opportunity to work while exploring beautiful oceanic vistas and spending time with coworkers and guests from different cultures.

You'd be surprised at how much more there is to this job than just sailing through azure waters. While it's indeed exciting, it can also be demanding with long work hours and high expectations for customer service.

But don't let that deter you; the benefits are plentiful too. You’ll likely be able to save all the money you make during your time at sea, since you won't be spending money on accommodation and food, besides getting the chance to explore amazing destinations during your breaks.

6. International tour guide

If you're seeking a job that requires travel, becoming an international tour guide might be your ticket. Imagine leading excited tourists through travel destinations worldwide. It's like being the master of ceremonies for adventure.

Being a guide is not just about reciting facts and figures; it’s also about sharing stories and experiences that make each place unique. You become the bridge between cultures , helping travelers see the world from different perspectives.

Apart from showcasing attractions, part of guiding adventures involves handling logistics behind-the-scenes such as coordinating transportation and managing group dynamics while ensuring everyone has fun.

This isn’t your typical 9-to-5 desk job - far from it. Your office changes with every new destination. One day you could be exploring ancient ruins; the next, navigating bustling cities.

tour guide

7. Sales representative

A sales representative might need to travel frequently, meeting clients and attending trade shows. It's an excellent opportunity for those who excel in communication and negotiation skills while enjoying the perks of traveling.

8. Foreign Service worker

Embarking on a career in foreign service is like stepping into an international whirlwind. You'll find yourself navigating complex relations between nations, often requiring travel to embassies worldwide. 

Becoming a diplomat or other foreign service worker isn't just about globetrotting; it's also about making real changes and building bridges across cultures.

Your day-to-day tasks could include everything from handling visa applications to negotiating treaties - all while adapting to different customs and languages.

foreign service worker

9. Truck driver

Imagine yourself in the driver's seat of a big-rig, windows rolled down and tunes playing. You get to see different parts of the country while delivering shipments - sounds like a dream job for travel lovers.

A truck driver's life is filled with exploration and adventure. Sure, it's not your typical tourist destination experience, but truck driving lets you soak in natural landscapes that many never get to witness.

10. Scuba diving instructor

Becoming a PADI certified scuba diving instructor is an exhilarating journey into an underwater world. You'll meet unique marine life up close and discover stunning underwater landscapes all while sharing your passion with others.

A career in this field isn't merely confined within the bounds of teaching; it opens doors for exploration too. A regular day at work means delving into beautiful coral reefs or exploring forgotten shipwrecks - adventures that most can only dream of.

As this role can require travel, you'll also get to learn from diverse communities across different countries.

scuba diving can be a job that requires travel

11. Retail buyer

This profession involves navigating through diverse markets, exploring international trends, and building relationships with suppliers, all while curating a compelling assortment of products for consumers.

Whether scouring bustling marketplaces in Asia or attending trade shows in Europe, the journey often entails immersing oneself in the vibrant energy of different cultures and gaining firsthand insights into the nuances that shape consumer behaviors and preferences worldwide.

12. Consultant

Whether you’re hired by a specific company or not, working as a consultant is another great job that might require travel. From finance whizzes to HR experts , consultants offer valuable insights and strategies tailored for each client's needs. Depending on what you already work on now, you might be able to turn it into a traveling career by acting as a consultant.

The world of remote work

Landing a job that requires travel isn't the only way to make money while you see the world. If you've got a knack for self-management, discipline, and a love for freedom from office constraints , then freelance or remote work might be your ticket to a thrilling career.

One such avenue is becoming a digital nomad . These tech-savvy individuals redefine the traditional workplace by making any location with internet access their office . But it’s not just beachfront cafes or hip co-working spaces they frequent – think airport lounges, public libraries or even road trips. A strong sense of adventure and adaptability helps them overcome challenges like time zone differences and occasional Wi-Fi woes.

If you need or want more stability, you can also be a remote worker with a home base – “ location independent ”, as people often call it. That way you get to have a place to come back to, but also have the freedom to travel anytime you want.

There are plenty of jobs that require travel or can be done remotely

There are plenty of jobs that you can perform as a remote worker. Here are some examples:

13 jobs that you can do while traveling

  • Software Developer: Developing software and applications for various clients or companies.

Web Designer or Web Developer: Creating and designing websites, user interfaces, and web applications.

  • Graphic Designer: Designing visual concepts using computer software, working on projects such as advertisements, brochures, and logos.
  • Content Writer or Copywriter: Writing articles, blog posts, website content, and marketing materials for businesses and clients.
  • Social Media Manager: Managing social media accounts, creating content, and engaging with audiences.
  • Virtual Assistant: Providing administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients remotely, including tasks such as scheduling, data entry, and customer service.
  • Online Teacher: Teaching or tutoring students in various subjects or languages.

Digital Marketing Specialist: Implementing marketing strategies, managing campaigns, and analyzing data for businesses and clients.

  • SEO Specialist: Optimizing websites to increase their visibility on search engines.
  • E-commerce Store Manager: Managing online stores, overseeing product listings, and handling customer service.
  • Video Editor : Editing and producing videos for clients and companies.
  • Translator or Interpreter: Providing translation services for documents, meetings, or conferences remotely for clients in different languages.
  • Customer Support Representative: Providing customer service and support to clients or customers remotely via email, chat, or phone.

Keep reading :  Complete guide to digital nomad jobs

you can be a digital nomad

Work exchange: travel the world as a volunteer

Want to start taking on the world but still haven’t found a job that requires travel and meets your skills? Or do you feel like trying it out as a digital nomad, but want to make this a cheap journey? 

If you're looking to explore different cultures, build meaningful connections , and make a positive difference on your travels, a work exchange is the perfect opportunity. But what is it exactly? Work exchange or volunteering abroad allows you to offer your skills and time to hosts around the world in return for accommodation and other benefits.

Worldpackers , one such platform that facilitates these exchanges, connects eager travelers with host businesses, NGOs and non-profit projects worldwide. From helping out on an organic farm in Italy to teaching English classes at a school in Thailand, there's no limit to where this adventure can take you.

The process is straightforward. You browse through various listings on the website until something catches your eye; each listing details tasks expected from volunteers and perks offered by hosts.

Keep reading: How to balance working and traveling the world with Worldpackers

Jobs that require travel

Tasks that open doors to new cultures

You may ponder what sort of assignments are accessible. While they vary widely depending on the host’s needs and location, common roles include receptionist duties at hostels, gardening work at eco-villages, or even social media management for local businesses. 

These tasks let you interact closely with other travelers and with locals—giving invaluable insights into their way of life—which beats any typical tourist experience hands down.

The perks are more than just free lodging

But let's not forget about the perks, which go beyond free accommodation. Hosts often include other benefits like meals, free laundry and access to an equipped kitchen . This means less money spent on necessities so more budget left for exploring attractions nearby.

In some cases, hosts may also provide language lessons, cooking classes, or local tours , enriching your travel experience further.

A work exchange is also a chance to forge ties with locals and fellow travelers worldwide. These bonds might persist even when you're back home, establishing an invaluable global network in our highly connected world.

There are thousands of work exchange or volunteering positions available all around the world. 

Just to have an idea, look at some of the top hosts in different continents:

  • Meal with toucans: cook watching all kinds of birds in Goiás, Brazil
  • Help create a great hostel while exploring Edinburgh, Scotland for free

volunteering in Scotland

  • Create content to promote a beautiful project in Tamaulipas, Mexico
  • Put your creative helping hands to use in amazing Jaisalmer, India
  • Learn about gardening with typical local tools in Tagounite, Morocco

see the world with free accommodation

  • Contribute with an animal care and vet volunteer program in Kampala, Uganda
  • Help with housekeeping in a tropical paradise in Roatán, Honduras
  • Live a remote off grid life and volunteer at a farm in Havelock, New Zealand

find volunteer jobs that require travel

Ready to start traveling for a living?

If you've ever dreamed of jobs that require travel, the world's your oyster. As you've learned, there are plenty of opportunities out there. You can immerse yourself in different cultures and gain new skills while exploring exotic locales.

Work exchange programs like Worldpackers even let you volunteer across the globe - a fantastic way to see the world without breaking the bank. And remember: your career doesn't have to be stationary. It's all about uncovering what suits you best. Have fun!

If you like this article, follow us on social media for more travel tips and inspiration. We're on Tiktok and Instagram .

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Nov 30, 2023

Interesting and adventures jobs

travel jobs out of country

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Thank you so much for your time, and keep up the fantastic work with your blog! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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How to make money with your phone while traveling, what is location independence and how can you get it.

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How do Worldpackers trips work?

As a member, you can contact as many hosts and travel safely as many times as you want.

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10 Best Jobs That Allow You to Travel

These best travel jobs allow you to build a fulfilling career while traveling domestically or internationally.

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Satisfy your wanderlust with these travel jobs.

Getting a 9-to-5 job doesn't mean you have to put your dream of traveling the world on hold. Many professions nowadays not only provide financial stability but offer the exciting perk of frequent travel. Let's explore some of the best jobs that allow you to build a fulfilling career while satiating your wanderlust.

We've taken the top travel jobs from the U.S. News 100 Best Jobs rankings. These jobs are described by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as having a travel component.

a female logistics worker is organising dispatch of freight on her interactive digital map whilst talking on her headset.

10. Cartographer

Median salary: $71,890 Expected job growth by 2032: 5%

Cartographers collect data to create detailed geographic maps. They use advanced tools like geographic information systems, or GIS, for spatial analysis, ensuring accuracy in representing terrain, features and other information. Although cartographers spend much of their time in offices, specific jobs may require extensive travel to locations that are being mapped.

Learn more about cartographers .

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(Caiaimage | Paul Bradbury

9. Public Relations Specialist

Median salary: $67,440 Expected job growth by 2032: 6%

Public relations specialists' main job is to generate positive publicity for their clients and help them maintain a good reputation. They can work in various industries, including corporate, government, nonprofit or agency settings. As a public relations specialist, you may travel often to engage with the media, attend events and build relationships with stakeholders.

Learn more about public relations specialists .

Foreman looking at and writing on his clipboard in front of a floor to ceiling window in an empty room at a construction site.

8. Construction Manager

Median salary: $101,480 Expected job growth by 2032: 5%

Construction managers oversee construction projects from start to finish, collaborating with architects, engineers and contractors to ensure projects adhere to budgets, timelines and quality standards. Since construction managers often manage several projects simultaneously, they may need to frequently travel among sites.

Learn more about construction managers .

The coach is explaining the tactics to the soccer team. The athletes are sitting on the bench.

7. Sports Coach

Median salary: $44,890 Expected job growth by 2032: 9%

Sports coaches help athletes develop to their full potential and reach maximum performance. The travel frequency for sports coaches, especially in major leagues like the NFL and NBA, is high. These coaches often accompany their teams to away games in different states, which means they spend lots of time on the road.

Learn more about sports coaches .

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6. Flight Attendant

Median salary: $63,760 Expected job growth by 2032: 11%

Flight attendants travel wherever an aircraft goes, ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers. They also communicate with pilots regarding flight details and cabin conditions.

Flight attendants' travel frequency depends on factors such as their seniority and the airline's scheduling policies. Junior flight attendants often have less control over their schedules and may work more weekends and holidays.

Learn more about flight attendants .

Business woman study financial market to calculate possible risks and profits.Female economist accounting money with statistics graphs pointing on screen of computer at desktop. Quotations on exchange

(Getty Images) |

5. Sales Manager

Median salary: $130,600 Expected job growth by 2032: 4%

Sales managers are responsible for directing an organization’s sales team. Some of their duties may include setting sales goals, analyzing data, developing training programs for sales representative and addressing any changes necessary to meet customer needs. Depending on the company, sales managers may have to travel to national, regional or local offices and attend in-person customer meetings.

Learn more about sales managers .

Businesswoman working on a tablet in the office.

4. Operations Research Analyst

Median salary: $85,720 Expected job growth by 2032: 23%

Operations research analysts use advanced techniques, such as data mining and mathematical modeling, to develop solutions that help organizations operate more efficiently. They help businesses solve a wide range of problems, including supply chain optimization, production planning and inventory management.

Although operations research analysts typically spend their time in offices, they may travel occasionally to meet with clients.

Learn more about operations research analysts .

Mid adult Chinese man sitting at desk using computer, IT supporter assisting office worker, software developer looking at screen and concentrating

3. Management Analyst

Median salary: $95,290 Expected job growth by 2032: 10%

Management analysts, also known as management consultants, are experts who specialize in helping companies improve efficiency and increase profits. How often management analysts travel depends on the company they work for and their current projects. However, those who pursue a career in management consulting can expect to travel quite frequently to meet with clients.

Learn more about management analysts .

Businesswoman brainstorming ideas on whiteboard with colleague. Female business partners having brainstorming session in startup meeting room.

2. Marketing Manager

Median salary: $140,040 Expected job growth by 2032: 7%

Marketing managers gauge the demand for a product and help develop a marketing strategy that fits. Depending on their company’s needs, marketing managers may travel throughout the country or worldwide to meet with clients and attend conferences.

Learn more about marketing managers .

Administrator business man financial inspector and secretary making report calculating balance. Internal Revenue Service checking document. Audit concept

Median salary: $113,990 Expected job growth by 2032: 23%

Actuaries assess and manage financial risks using mathematical and statistical models. They often work in industries such as insurance, finance and retirement planning, determining the likelihood of events and their financial impacts.

Travel frequency for actuaries varies depending on the employer and their specific job role, but some may travel occasionally to attend meetings or meet with clients.

Learn more about actuaries .


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25 Best Travel Jobs to Make Money Traveling the World (2024)

Where have you always wanted to go? 

Perhaps Egypt? How about Peru? Or maybe Paris? Wherever it is, jobs that allow you to travel can take you there.

But which travel jobs are best for you?

If you’re wondering how to travel and work abroad, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore 25 jobs for people who like to travel.

But first, let’s take a quick look at four types of travel jobs.

4 types of travel jobs

There are many different ways to travel while working. All of the travel jobs listed in this article fall into one of the following categories:

Digital nomad jobs

Jobs that pay to travel

  • Expats working and traveling abroad

Backpacker jobs

Some types of travel jobs require a high level of expertise, and some aren’t as flexible as others. However, they all give you the means to cover some (or all) of your travel expenses.

So, what’s the difference, and which one’s best for you?

1. Digital nomad jobs

Digital nomads are people who travel while working online. As a result, digital nomad jobs provide an enormous amount of flexibility and independence when traveling.

Examples of digital nomads include freelance developers, graphic designers, and dropshippers .

With this type of travel job, all you need is a reliable internet connection and a laptop. You can travel to the best digital nomad cities and work from coffee shops, hotels, or coworking spaces. The jobs are often fully remote.

2. Jobs that pay to travel

This type of job encompasses traditional travel jobs, typically in the hospitality and tourism industries.

Examples of jobs that pay to travel include cruise ship workers, flight attendants, and tour guides.

These jobs often dictate when and where you get to travel and often provide free accommodation. So while there’s less freedom than in digital nomad jobs, these jobs may be easier to get if you have prior experience working in hospitality.

3. Expats working and traveling abroad

The term “expat” stands for “expatriate.” It refers to people who are citizens of one country but decide to live and work in another country.

Examples of expat travel jobs include English teachers, au pairs, or government workers.

Expats might live in other countries for just a few months or years at a time. So, if you’d prefer to work outside your home country and sink your teeth into a new culture or language, this may be the dream job for you.

4. Backpacker jobs

Let me give it to you straight: Backpacker jobs are probably the least glamorous, requiring you to work long hours for a minimal wage. 

Examples include bartenders, hostel workers, and surfing instructors.

Still, this type of travel job has a lot of benefits. These entry-level travel jobs don’t usually require a computer or college degree. 

They also provide plenty of flexibility so you can travel at your own pace. Plus, finding local work while traveling is one of the best ways to meet interesting people and experience different cultures.

25 best travel jobs to make money while traveling the world 

Now that you understand the types of travel jobs available, let’s dive a bit deeper. Here are 25 of the best jobs for people who like to travel. 

Let’s start with jobs that you can do with just a laptop and an internet connection.

1. Web design/development

A common job for digital nomads is web design and development. To start, learn how to create a website . Or try searching for jobs on sites like GitHub Jobs and Upwork . 

These days, it’s possible to make money writing about virtually anything. Look for jobs on sites like FreelanceWriting , Blogging Pro , and Problogger .

Freelance Writing: Jobs

3. Graphic design

Do you love graphic design? Why not turn your passion into a job that covers your travel costs? You can find graphic design traveling jobs on sites like Freelancer and Dribbble .

Dribbble: Graphic Design Jobs

4. Travel blogger

Many people make money with travel blogging. However, it can take time to build a sustainable income from this source. To find out more, check out How to Start a Travel Blog .

5. Dropshipper

Dropshipping might just be the best job to travel the world. It’s a hands-off approach to selling physical products online. You manage your store and promote products to your target market . Then, your supplier will ship the products to customers on your behalf. To get started and gain experience, read How to Start a Dropshipping Business .

6. Online teaching/tutor

Teaching online is one of the best travel jobs, thanks to its low barrier to entry. If you’re a native English speaker and love to teach, you can be up and running in no time. To learn more, check out our full-length guide, Online Teaching: Everything You Need to Know .

7. Online translator

If you’re fluent in more than one language, consider becoming an online translator. This job makes it easy to travel while working. Plus, there are plenty of websites out there to help you find potential clients, such as  Translators Base .

8. Digital marketer

Countless businesses need help with digital marketing. Like many of the best travel jobs, digital marketing isn’t something you can learn in a week or two. However, there are plenty of free resources online to help you become a digital marketer and make big bucks while traveling! Get started with this article: Digital Marketing Made Simple: The Complete Beginner’s Guide .

9. Programmer

If you know how to code—or you would love to learn—you could travel the world while working as a computer programmer. There are plenty of websites out there that teach programming, such as Free Code Camp , Code.org , and Code Academy .

Code Academy

10. Virtual assistant

Many businesses and individuals hire people to help them with administrative tasks, like scheduling and responding to customer inquiries. These people are known as virtual assistants. To learn more, check out How to Become a  Virtual Assistant .

11. Customer service agent

Are you great with people? Do you have plenty of patience and a genuine desire to help? Tons of businesses hire remote customer service agents. To find customer service jobs, check out remote job boards like FlexJobs , JustRemote , and We Work Remotely .

We Work Remotely

Do you want to travel for a living? Here are some jobs with travel opportunities.

12. Yacht worker

This travel job almost sounds too good to be true. You can travel for a living on some rich person’s luxury yacht—you just have to earn your keep as a deckhand or steward! The yacht is like a free house because you don’t pay rent. Look for yacht travel jobs on sites like Yacrew and Bluewater .

13. Cruise ship worker

If you’d rather sail on a bigger ship, consider working on a cruise ship. This type of travel job provides plenty of work opportunities. For example, you can work as a waiter, bartender, cleaner, lifeguard, or musician. Try searching for jobs on websites like All Cruise Jobs , Indeed , and Cruise Job Finder .

Jobs That Pay to Travel: All Cruise Jobs

14. Flight attendant

Working as a flight attendant provides plenty of opportunities to travel different countries, with airline and hotel discounts to boot! However, the hours can be long, and jet lag is a common occurrence. You can find flight attendant opportunities on Indeed and  AirlineCareer .

15. Photographer

Photography could be your round-the-world ticket. It’s not easy to turn this hobby into a career, but many people achieve it every year. Make sure to specialize in a niche geared for travel, such as destination weddings or travel photography. To learn more, check out this guide on How to Start a Photography Business .

If you want to immerse yourself in a different culture, consider living abroad long term with these travel jobs.

16. English teacher

To become an English teacher, it’s likely you’ll need a TEFL (teach English as a foreign language) certification. Find out more on TEFL’s website or look for jobs on Go Overseas .

Jobs Related to Travel: TEFL

17. Scuba diving instructor

Do you love scuba diving? If you get qualified, you could teach scuba diving all over the world, from India to Iceland. To learn more, check out the Professional Association of Diving Instructors or look for jobs on Divezone and Go Abroad .

18. Au pair

Are you great with children? If so, why not become an au pair? Many families hire live-in babysitters from foreign countries because they want their children to grow up speaking a foreign language. You can search for au pair careers on Go Overseas , Go Abroad , and AuPairWorld .

Jobs with Travel Opportunities: Go Overseas

19. Foreign service travel jobs

If you’re looking for a more serious travel career, consider working for the foreign service or an intergovernmental organization (IGO). These jobs are usually only open to people who have relevant degrees and experience. Here are some links to find out more for citizens of the United States , the United Kingdom , and Canada .

20. Peace corps/NGO work

If you want a unique and potentially life-changing trip, try volunteering with the Peace Corps or a non-governmental organization (NGO). The pay isn’t great, but these jobs can provide a rich travel experience.

Finally, let’s take a look at some entry-level travel jobs.

21. Hostel worker

Hostels often hire travelers for temporary positions in exchange for free food, accommodation, and sometimes a small wage. You could become a receptionist or housekeeper to make your travel dreams a reality. Visit sites like Hostel Jobs and HelpStay to find your first travel job as a hostel worker.


22. Bartender

Most countries have bars, clubs, and restaurants—and the work is pretty much the same wherever you are in the world. Still, it helps to speak the local language. Sites like HelpX and HelpStay are highly recommended for bartender work search.

WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. This organization helps to connect budget travelers with organic farms in need of workers around the world. In return for working 20 to 30 hours per week, you’ll be given free food and accommodation—although, you won’t be paid, so this isn’t a real travel job. However, it’s a great way to cut travel expenses while you’re on the road.

24. Yoga/fitness instructor

If you have the experience, you could travel the world as a freelance yoga or fitness instructor. Many instructors find work with local gyms, hotels, and fitness studios. To find such travel jobs, visit Yoga Travel Jobs , Health and Fitness Travel , and Yoga Trade .

Yoga Travel Jobs

25. Ski instructor

If you’re a keen skier, you could fund your skiing adventures by working as an instructor. This travel job is similar to scuba instructing, but it can be easier to find short-term work. Some jobs involve training clients on ski resorts, which could be a fun way to explore new places while earning a living.

Start making money while traveling the world

If you want to start working and traveling, there are plenty of travel jobs out there. From digital nomad roles to entry-level positions, you have many ways to generate income. Consider getting a job that fits your experience, so you can excel and progress faster than people usually do.

In summary, here are 25 of the best travel jobs to make money while traveling the world:

  • Website designer/developer
  • Graphic designer
  • Travel blogger
  • Dropshipper
  • Online teacher/tutor
  • Online translator
  • Digital marketer
  • Virtual assistant
  • Customer service agent
  • Yacht worker
  • Cruise ship worker
  • Flight attendant
  • Photographer
  • English teacher
  • Scuba diving instructor
  • Foreign service travel jobs
  • Peace Corps/NGO work
  • Hostel worker
  • Yoga/fitness instructor
  • Ski instructor

What do you think is the best travel job? Have we missed any? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Travel jobs FAQ

How do i get a job while traveling the world.

  Keep an eye on job boards and career websites where companies post travel-friendly jobs. These days, you can work as a digital nomad or do entry-level jobs in most countries worldwide while enjoying all they have to offer. 

What is the best job to have while traveling?

The best travel job for you is one that suits your experience and skills. If you’ve been working as a translator for a while, consider applying for online translation jobs. If you don’t have any prior work experience, you can consider entry-level positions such as hostel worker or bartender. 

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The Packable Life

16 Travel Jobs & Side Hustles [Get Paid to Travel!]

Five men smiling and standing in front of a mountain range during a guided travel and hiking trip on the final day of a paid job

Of course, remote work and the digital nomad life are great, but we’re here to show you jobs that require travel as a prerequisite. In other words, if you play your cards right, you can make traveling an integral part of your job.

There’s nothing wrong with a “regular” job, but some of us need a slightly less conventional line of work. With the right hustle, you can spend time seeing the world, experiencing new cultures, eating new food, etc. – all while earning money (or, at the very least, not losing any).

Finding a travel job and getting paid to see the world isn’t as complicated as it sounds. I’m currently doing so and will walk you through many of the options that exist for you. Read on to learn the ins and outs of working on the go — we guarantee there’s at least one job here with your name on it.

Travel Jobs & Side Hustles

Start a Travel Blog

Become a freelance travel writer, teach english abroad, teach english online.

  • Start a YouTube Channel

Become a Professional House & Pet Sitter

Become a travel nurse, work as a flight attendant, work on board a cruise ship, find a job as a tour guide, become a travel journalist, freelance as a travel photographer, move overseas and become a translator, find an au pairs job abroad, work for the peace corps, volunteer abroad for free accommodations.

  • Final Thought: Travel Jobs & Side Hustles

Man and his dog in a white camper van typing on his laptop while working on his travel blog

What kind of travel blog would we be if we didn’t walk you through what we know best? Noel , the founder of The Packable Life, makes a living full-time by sharing tips, resources, and gear recommendations for travelers, hikers, and backpackers worldwide.

If you have wanderlust, time, and resources, you’re probably qualified to start your own travel blog. Travel planning can be challenging on your own, which is why many of our readers turn to more experienced travelers (us) for help.

Bloggers earn money through affiliate marketing, ad revenue, and brand partnerships. If that sounds intimidating and hard to get into, it really isn’t — consistency, transparency, and a little luck will take you a long way as a travel blogger.

Resource : How to Start a Travel Blog

As a freelance travel writer, this one is right up my alley. Here’s one of the Internet’s best-kept secrets: anyone with a flair for writing can write for reputable publications, bloggers, and newspapers, many of which focus primarily on the travel sector.

If you have a way with words and are passionate about traveling, you stand a good chance at landing a writing gig in the travel niche. Ultimately, the job boils down to writing the types of articles you wished you’d read before leaving on a trip.

Getting your foot in the door can take a little while, but once things get going, you can manage your workload and have spare time to visit the locations you read about online. I’ve discovered lots of places that can help you find writing jobs, such as:

  • National Geographic Travel
  • Adventure in You

Resource : Travel Writing Jobs

Man giving a peace sign surrounded by four kindergartners while teaching English in Chengdu, China

English is a global standard, so there’s always a demand for people qualified to teach it. If it’s your native language (or you feel it might as well be), you can earn a respectable living by teaching English abroad.

Countries like Japan , South Korea , and China are keen on hiring foreign teachers, especially language tutors. Often, you don’t even need to speak the local language. And whenever you’re not teaching, you’ll have plenty of time to immerse yourself in the local culture and forge lifetime memories.

For a very reasonable price, you can pay to get accredited (or otherwise qualified) via an online program . Once you get a certificate, you can apply to as many places as you want and see where you end up.

Resource : Best Countries to Teach English

You can always try online English tutoring if you don’t want to be a teacher tethered to a single location. The nature of the job is very similar to what we discussed above, only you’ll get to move around as you teach and see more of the world.

Depending on the website or service, you may or may not need a teaching certificate to land one of these jobs. Either way, prospective countries are full of students eager to learn, so expect a reasonable income and a flexible schedule.

Some jobs involve zero upfront investment, but others require setting up a ‘digital classroom’ with a whiteboard and props. Here are some of the most reputable sites for this niche:

  • EnglishHunt

Resource : Best Online English Teaching Companies

Start a youtube channel.

For those of you who are a bit more adventurous, a viable (but admittedly harder) option would be to start a YouTube channel to chronicle your travels. Practically, this means showing off some of the most interesting parts of your trips and hoping your channel takes off.

The hardest part about running a YouTube travel channel is standing out from the crowd — there are loads of ambitious travelers out there with fantastic production skills. Even if your videos are great, those inscrutable YouTube algorithms greatly influence what goes viral and what doesn’t.

Still, if your channel takes off, the sky’s the limit regarding how many people you can reach. Luckily, you can always take inspiration from the platform’s most engaging content creators. Here are some of my personal favorites:

  • Drew Binsky
  • Bald & Bankrupt
  • Nicole Laeno

Resource : Starting a YouTube Channel

Cat staring out a window while her owners are out of town and she's under the care of a house sitter

House-sitting jobs are less about making money and more about securing a nice place to stay for free. In exchange for looking after somebody’s property, you can crash at their place for a while and spend your lodging savings some other way.

Every now and then, people get to house-sit for the rich and famous and make a pretty penny while doing so. You may be tempted to aim high right off the bat, but remember — most pro housesitters got started with unpaid jobs, so be sure to temper your expectations.

In a way, a free bed is a lot like making actual money, so search online for offers in the area you’d like to visit. To keep things simple, TrustedHousesitters is by far the most reputable and reliable source for house-sitting gigs. Check it out first and go from there.

Resource : How to Become a House Sitter

Experienced nurses can travel the world and earn money by sharing their essential healthcare skills. As a trained nurse, you’d be hard-pressed to find an organization that wouldn’t benefit from your help in some way.

Nursing is one of those jobs that objectively makes the world a better place, and doing it abroad lets you make a difference in ways you can hardly imagine. Besides, travel nursing keeps things fresh by allowing you to move around every few months and experience new cultures.

The hard part is having enough training and real-world experience since there’s no shortage of people competing for these positions. Still, if you’re passionate about healthcare but want more time to yourself, travel nurses arguably get the best of both worlds.

Resource : How to Become a Travel Nurse

“Work and travel” doesn’t get much more literal than this. Flight attendants travel the world and make airline passengers’ flights more comfortable, and in their downtime, they get to enjoy free hotels and lots of sightseeing around the globe.

No university degree is required to be a flight attendant, so the barrier to entry is pretty straightforward: you need to be hospitable, empathetic, and fully committed to your passengers for the duration of an entire flight. A winning smile doesn’t hurt, either.

Obviously, people with a specific type of temperament would fare better at a hands-on job like this. It also helps if you have a background in service and hospitality, but if you don’t mind flying and feel you have what it takes, it can make for a fantastic experience.

Resource : How to Become a Flight Attendant

Cruise ship navigating clear blue waters in the afternoon

If you aren’t the biggest fan of flying, you can always ride the waves instead and land a job on a cruise ship. Interesting tourists, solid wages, and breathtaking port towns are only some of the reasons to consider this career path.

Since cruise ship workers are always on the move, you can expect to see new destinations every few days. Not to mention, you’ll get to meet new people with each cruise if you want to play the social game as you travel.

Remember that working on a cruise ship takes a specific set of skills. Also, applying for a position can be easier said than done. For a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about cruise ship work, check out Wandering Earl’s 175-page eBook to land a job in no time.

Resource : Work on Board Cruise Ships

If you want to get paid to travel, consider jobs that involve helping fellow travelers. If you have a city or country you know well, you can show people around for a living and point them towards some of the destination’s more interesting landmarks and activities.

People who love history, food, and culture would get a kick out of this job — after all, what could be more rewarding than being paid to share your passion with like-minded people? The primary qualifications needed are good social, navigational, and communication skills.

Multi-language fluency is also a big plus. A lot of tour guide positions pay extra if you can translate what you’re saying into the local language, so it may be helpful to at least learn the basics before applying.

Resource : How to Become a Tour Guide

As far as travel jobs go, solid writing skills can help pay the bills while you travel. Writing informative and enticing reports from the road is always in demand. As a travel journalist, you’ll get to travel year-round and meet exciting people from all walks of life.

Travel journalists usually pair up with tour companies or independent contractors to visit and write pieces on specific cities or countries. Compared to more formulaic blogging formats, you’re freer to focus on telling stories about intriguing or unique destinations.

Travel journalism’s relative lack of format templates means you’ll need some extra creative juice in your storytelling — fresh angles and a more evocative style. But talented wordsmiths can earn a good living in travel journalism by crafting memorable stories.

Resource : Travel Journalist Career Guide

Professional photographer in a field holding a camera in his right hand as the sun goes down in the distance

Some people have a special knack for cameras, an ability to rise above tourist-level snapshots. If that sounds like you, consider becoming a full-time travel photographer. Travelers are constantly taking photos, so why not be the one who earns money doing it?

Travel photography can take you in many directions, from selling to publications to advertising on stock photo websites. If the stars align, you can use your photos to grow your social media and website traffic and go on to even bigger things.

This is a very competitive field since everyone these days thinks they’re an artist. Still, if you have a good eye, the necessary technical skills, and some travel savings to fall back on, photography could be an investment worth considering.

Resource : Travel Photography Jobs to Take You Around the World

Your iPhone may help you translate a menu or decipher street signs, but it’s seldom up to the task of handling everyday conversations, especially in the workplace. But if you know an extra language or two, you can earn good money by translating.

Machines rarely convey the level of nuance so essential to smooth human interactions. When you’re a fluent translator, you can become indispensable, especially in more demanding business and technical environments.

Unfortunately, the demand for general full-time translators is relatively modest. However, as mentioned above, multi-language fluency can boost your chances as a language tutor or tour guide. For the big bucks, build your technical vocabulary in another language.

Resource : How to Become a Translator

No matter where you go, kids will always be kids, and those who can handle them can make a decent living doing so. Sure, it’s a lot of responsibility, but you get lots of time for after-hours sightseeing and adventuring.

Wherever you go, spending time with kids is a great way to familiarize yourself with the local culture. Kids ask a lot of questions, and if they like you, they’ll be happy to try to answer your questions. It can be a very enriching exchange.

Being patient and liking kids is, of course, a prerequisite for this job. Running after young ones can be hard physical work, so it helps if you have experience with children and are relatively fit and active. Keeping up with them will definitely burn some calories.

Resource : Become an Au Pairs and Find Host Families Abroad

White man in Africa standing in front of a group of African children under a tree while teaching them English

If committing to nursing or medical school isn’t an option, consider joining the Peace Corps to help in other ways. There are communities in need of food and shelter all over the world, so this can be one of the most rewarding options for hard-working empaths.

Working for the Peace Corps can take a lot out of you, but the organization makes it worth your while. On top of decent compensation, you get the added benefit of doing things that matter for people who genuinely need your help.

Be warned that you’ll probably need to sign a two-year contract once you qualify, so backing out would be tricky. This is the kind of job you apply for if you’re absolutely sure you can handle it, so think carefully before signing up.

Resource : Work for the Peace Corps

Being an unpaid volunteer while earning money sounds contradictory, especially when traveling. But if you focus on the big picture when you do the math, it can actually work. Start by calculating the cost of lodging and food, a big chunk of your travel expenses.

Most organizations know that you still need to be compensated even though you’re not on their payroll. They’ll often help you get placed with host families or subsidized, low-cost lodging. Your meals may be included in this, or at least be more affordable.

You’ll still have other travel expenses, but affording them becomes much easier if the essentials are covered. Ask your volunteer-based employer about other cost-saving resources within the community and save even more.

Remember : Today’s volunteer position might become your paid job of tomorrow. It may make sense to play the long game. Learn more about all of this by checking out these reputable placement services for volunteer jobs:

  • Go Overseas

Resource : Best Volunteer Abroad Programs

Find a travel job & get paid to explore the world.

Group of flight attendants and a pilot getting paid to travel as they walk down the tarmac towards the sunset

And there you have it — 16 of the best travel jobs that’ll help you get paid to bounce around the world. From travel blogging and au pair gigs to becoming a travel nurse or flight attendant, there really is something for everyone looking to make a buck while on the road.

Anyone can benefit from devoting themselves to seeing the world firsthand and all that it has to offer. Here at The Packable Life, we’ve built our lives around travel, so we practice what we preach and know it can also work for others.

One of the hardest parts of holding down a conventional job is that it can leave you feeling trapped. Working on the go can change all that. If you’re getting itchy feet, choose a path that gets you out of town to earn money while exploring globally.

I’ve learned firsthand that finding travel jobs and getting paid to work on the road isn’t all that hard. Yes, taking the first step with a job outside your comfort zone can be daunting, but if you stick to it, the rewards can change your whole life for the better.

Last Updated on March 18, 2024

Photo of author

Andrej Paskalov

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  • Jobs Abroad

Group of women

7 Best Ways to Work Abroad

Season Cooper

A recent University of Delaware graduate, Season is a freelance writer and editor. In her spare t...

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How does “working abroad” work?

So, you want to travel and live abroad but your bank account is totally killing your vibe? Consider looking at working abroad. Companies are global and there are opportunities everywhere! Not just teaching. Jobs are diverse and range across industries, so when it comes to finding the best ways to work abroad, there’s always a way. Whether you are looking for ways to work abroad after college, having a mid-career shift, or exploring jobs abroad for the over 50s; it’s never too late to make working abroad work for you!

Girl in sunglasses

This isn’t a typo, you CAN work abroad!

The term working abroad means a lot of different things. Depending on where you go, who you work for, and the length of time you plan to stay; working abroad is a process. As you determine the best way to work abroad it’s important to think of all the details involved. But don’t worry we got you!

Age considerations when working abroad

Usually, age is nothing but a number but when it comes to working abroad it can sometimes limit your options. Rule one in the world of working abroad is that you’ll always need a visa. Second to your passport, your visa is the key to working and staying in your country of choice legally. Now here is where age comes in. A snapshot:

  • There are many ways to work abroad after college. Your college graduation date always seems so far, until it isn’t. When it finally arrives all you find yourself thinking about is finding a job and starting a career. It’s a lot of pressure to put your experience and degree to use (trust us, we’ve all been there.) But for first time job seekers like yourself, it’s also the perfect time to expand your opportunities and look abroad. Even if you’re not too sure about what you want to do, working abroad is a great idea. The best way to work abroad in this case is to snag a working holiday visa and use sites like LinkedIn or UK site Neuvoo. Check out this resource: The Busy Student’s Guide to Finding Work Abroad After College
  • Find career break jobs abroad. Escaping from your regular 9-5 job will probably be on your wish list at one point or another, so why not take a career break abroad to really amp up your time away. While a career break is far from a vacation, working abroad is one of the best ways to spend it. You can gain a global experience and get a more refreshed look at what you want next in your life and career. It’s a total career booster! Kick Off Your Career Break Planning Here!
  • Yes, there are absolutely jobs abroad for the over 50s. While you may not qualify for the working holiday visa, there’s still jobs after 50. Whether you are looking to relocate to a different country to continue your career, deciding to take a career break, or choosing the volunteer route for your retirement years; know that you have options everywhere. 

[Download our FREE eBook for even more tips & tales from first time workers abroad]

Guy sitting with a beach background

Imagine ditching the cubicle for an office with an open view

More info because you're not too old for a working holiday

The typical visa of choice to work abroad is the working holiday visa which typically serves those between the ages of 18-30 and sometimes 35 depending on the country you’re going to. You can stay up to two years and get to know your country and fund some extra travel stops. Holiday visas are great ways to work abroad after college since they require little to no experience and are simple to apply for. For the 18-35 age bracket, this is the way to go.

However, if you’re looking for the best way to work abroad after 35, being ineligible for a holiday visa isn’t the end of the road. Instead, you would just apply for a work visa. Unlike holiday visas, these are a little more difficult as they longer to get, so plan in advance. For these visas, be prepared to show off your qualifications and flaunt your professional skills, you will need these to be impressive in order for employees overseas to sponsor you. If you’re on a career break or more seasoned professional, your resume and experience level are a huge advantage. Once you nab a sponsorship its smooth travels from here.

When it comes to getting your dream life abroad, age won’t stop you from getting to your destination. Your journey there is just different.

[ Download the expert guide on how to get a visa for anywhere ]

7 best ways to work abroad, 1. through an agency / program provider.

Program providers, regardless of where they are based, offer a wide range of work, intern, and volunteer abroad opportunities around the world. Supporting you from when you first show interest to your return home agencies like these help you sort out everything you did and didn’t think of. For a fee that ranges from agency to agency you can get help with your visa, phone, and job placement among other things. It’s one of the best ways to work abroad if you find yourself needing an extra push or organizer through the process.

  • Pros: These people are here to make your transition abroad super smooth. They’re going to help you get your visa, driver’s license, health insurance, even helping you set up an international bank account if you need it. If this is your first time working abroad these are your peeps!
  • Cons: Depending on the support you need, the fees for these agencies can end up on the high side. Leaving you less money to spend once you arrive. However, budgeting ahead can make this big con a minor one.
  • More info: How to find the perfect work abroad program provider

2. Work abroad as a teacher

You believe the children are the future, so teach them well and lead the way as a teacher abroad. If you have a TEFL certification , you can teach almost anywhere in the world to leave a lasting impact on the students you teach. Teach students English and maybe pick up a little bit of the local language in return. You will have flexible hours, and with your salary have time to explore other places in your chosen country. It’s a work abroad option anyone can do, young or old, experienced or not. The only requirement for these positions is that English is your native language. Not too shabby, eh?

  • Pros: While it’s never about the money, your teaching salary combined with the low cost of living of the country you’ll be teaching in is a major pro! While you can always stash it away for your own travels, the money you have left over can always go towards beating those student loans. (super pro!)
  • Cons: While temporary, culture shock is sooo real and will definitely be a challenge when it comes to adjusting to your new life overseas.
  • More info: Get hired—browse teaching jobs abroad

Table of Korean food

BEST lunch break ever!

3. Move abroad, then find work

For all the explorers out there! You don’t always need a job before you reach your destination. If you have the means to get up and go, definitely do it. Don’t let people make you second guess your decision either; just because your decision isn’t conventional doesn’t mean your move is doomed. Our organized checklist is a must have if you choose this route and can also make your move go smoother. Start applying to positions before you land, network with recruiters, and hit the ground running.

  • Pros: You make your own path. Being completely independent is a surefire way to not only get immersed in the ways of your new country but have complete control over your experience.
  • Cons: Moving abroad this way is like having another full time job. Pressing the restart button on your life will be overwhelming especially with the heavy paperwork you’ll have to deal with. So if you like to avoid stressful situations at all time you might want to skip this way of moving abroad.  
  • More info: How to find a job in another country  

4. Get a working holiday visa

If you don’t want to work abroad on a permanent basis snagging a working holiday visa is a great option. Travelers aged 18-35 are eligible and can stay for up to two years depending on the country they choose to stay in. While your working holiday visa determines where you can work and live legally for a period of time, this visa has no restrictions on any free travel you wish to do.

  • Pros: One of the best things about a working holiday visa is the work experience you will get on your resume. Once you choose to start applying for jobs back home your time abroad will be a standout experience that will set you apart from other applicants. Your experiences here are also going to make some unique interview answers.
  • Cons: There’s an age limit. While other visas aren’t as easy to obtain as working holiday visas thankfully there are other opportunities to work abroad after 35.
  • More info: How to work abroad for a couple of months… or more

Group of women

Make lifelong friends with your international co-workers

5. Do a work exchange

Ideal if you have a tight budget, completing a work exchange is the closest you can get to traveling abroad for free. Through a work exchange you can do a range of things from pretty much anywhere in the world. You can be a video production intern in Israel, a marketing intern in Bali, or work in a hostel in Argentina. As you work in exchange for your room and board all you have to worry about is securing a visa! So, if you’re into wanderlust with little financial pain, a work exchange is the perfect move.

  • Pros: Your housing is free and depending on the program your meals will be free too. Not having to worry about food or where you’re going to stay is a huge relief. The only budgeting you’ll have to worry about is planning for trips of your own.
  • Cons: While your housing will be free for the program, you can’t control where you stay. Most of the time, your accommodations will be far from the 5-star living you might be used to at home. While you certainly won’t be living in squalor be prepared to give up “luxuries” like privacy or convenience.
  • More info: Check out work exchange programs here

6. Volunteer

The act of giving back isn’t just restricted to your community at home. Take your passion for a cause and help people from all over. In addition to traveling, you get to be a part of something that is important and meaningful. As a volunteer, these working experiences won’t be paid, but the work you put into aiding communities, problem-solving, and practicing cross-cultural communication are experiences that have more value than any paycheck you’ll receive. Since there is so much you can get out of this experience volunteering is definitely one of best ways to work abroad after college

  • Pros: As a volunteer abroad, you can truly get to know the world around you. A destination is more than just its tourist brochure or visiting guide. Get to know the locals, culture and language outside the vacationer bubble. It’s only by immersing yourself in these communities that you can truly achieve an impact and aid in positive change.
  • Cons: Problems just don’t solve themselves overnight. With this being the case, be ready for the unfortunate reality that you can’t help everyone. While your efforts will always be appreciated, real change takes time and can be a complicated journey itself.
  • More info: Everything you need to know about service learning projects abroad

7. Freelance/digital nomad

Travel Writers, Web Designer, Photographers, and Vloggers are some of the many things you can do as a digital nomad. Earn your money and grow your clients while traveling the world. If you can’t stand the idea of having a 9-5 within a tiny cubicle, then becoming a digital nomad is one of the best ways to work abroad while pursuing your passions. This lifestyle is definitely ideal for self-starting entrepreneurs looking for a flexible schedule.  

  • Pros: As a digital nomad you work your own hours and you can finally be your own boss! Taking your career into your own hands is a powerful statement and one you should be proud to make!
  • Cons: The downside to this life is that your income won’t always be consistent. Before you jet off and become a digital nomad make sure you have enough savings in the bank to cover the days you won’t be making money.
  • More info: The newbie guide on how to be a digital nomad  

[ Browse ALL available jobs abroad ]

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Since were sitting here, let make our travel dreams a reality!

Next steps to finding the best way to work abroad for YOU

Before you jet off to your new life in the country of your dreams, check out our articles to make sure you get your life together before you go abroad. You can also get more into the planning stages by looking through all our resources below. Get your dream job and your dream life at the same time! Choosing a work abroad program isn't as hard as it sounds, especially if you follow these steps:

  • Decide where to go. Figuring out where YOU should work abroad is paramount. Have a short list of locations that sound ideal for your goals. Don't let your experience (or lack thereof!) hold you back—choose a place that's right for you.
  • Pick your job. Do some reflection on what skills and knowledge you bring to the table, and which type of company or organization—and role within—would best benefit from your time and energy.
  • Choose from the best work abroad programs in the world. Pay attention to past participants’ reviews, program/university reputation, location, and how the project's needs match your skills. Some programs may even share contact info for ambassadors or past participants if you want the REAL dirt. Here are more considerations to make as you figure out how to choose the right job program for you . Pro tip: You can use MyGoAbroad to compare programs side-by-side.
  • Plan your finances. Sort out funding before you go to afford daily essentials and splurge on travel (in addition to program costs and airfare). Be sure to raise a little extra money to donate to the organization that you'll be working with. Learning how to save for jobs abroad is essential prior to your travels!
  • Get prepared! Preparing to work and move abroad is as fun as it sounds. With the days til departure number dwindling and your excitement boiling, it can be easy to overlook the details. Lean on us to help guide you through your pre-departure process—that's what we're here for.

[ Prepare Early: Download This Planning Timeline We Made Just for You ]

You’re informed, so what’s stopping you.

When it comes to working abroad, there are plenty of opportunities. You just need to make sure you have organized all your paperwork and have a clear plan for what you want to do. Although the process can seem annoying, and never-ending there’s always going to be light at the end of the tunnel. So get organized for these visa applications and let’s get to work!

Get 5 FREE Job Recommendations Abroad

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International Citizens Group

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The 9 Best Work From Anywhere Jobs for Travelers and Expats

International remote jobs and how to find them.

It is entirely possible to travel the world and settle in a foreign country and work a remote job with little more than a laptop and a few essentials.

Technology is always advancing, and connectivity is at an all-time high. Today, people have the option to do whatever type of work they want from wherever they want to do it. As long as the opportunity for global remote work exists, we expect that the number of “digital nomads” will continue to increase.

But why is it that so many remote workers choose to travel the world and work abroad  rather than just work from the comfort of home? There are lots of reasons why this trend is growing.

Keep reading for our insights into the digital nomad lifestyle and the top 9 best international remote jobs for travelers, expats, and digital nomads.

1. Working Abroad as a Web Developer

An overseas web developer is at the top of our list for two reasons: it’s a high-paying job and it’s in high demand.

With a reliable internet connection and the right expertise, you can do this job from anywhere in the world.

This job requires a good deal of skill, but you don’t necessarily need a college degree to become a successful web developer. If you don’t have a college degree in this field, you can get over the learning curve by taking advantage of high-quality resources online. In many cases, you can even find free resources to learn and perfect your web development skills.

Companies hire developers to design everything from informational websites to complex e-commerce sites. With an endless number of websites popping up every day, the demand for developers seems to be increasing all the time. WordPress is the most popular CMS, so make sure you have extensive knowledge in that area.

If you want to work as a nomadic developer, you’re going to either find a company that is fine with you working remotely or pick up contract work.

Working remotely for a North American or European-based country full-time is ideal because there is more job security than remote work as a contractor. However, you may run into issues with the time zones if you are required to be online at the same time as your colleagues.

Freelance web development is an alternative to full-time work. While freelancing offers more flexibility, there is less job security. Freelancing is also a great opportunity to gain some work experience so you don’t appear entry-level when applying for that new job.

Related: The Best Places for Living Abroad

2. Social Media Marketer Jobs for Digital Nomads

More and more companies are relying on social media as their primary form of marketing. As that trend grows, social media marketers will continue to be in high demand. From small companies to large corporations, digital nomads can do social media marketing from anywhere.

Managing social media accounts for various companies is a great gig for anyone looking to work from home or from halfway across the world. The tasks can range from making posts and uploading photos to monitoring posts and replying when needed. If you know how to keep people engaged, build a brand persona, and increase followers, this might be the perfect job for you.

3. SEO Jobs While Working Abroad

It doesn’t matter whether you have an informational site or an e-commerce site – everyone needs search engine optimization (SEO) if they want to show up in search results. And if you’re experienced in search engine optimization, you’ve got highly marketable skills.

The job of an SEO specialist is to help companies improve their rankings in Google and other search engines. The basic principles are easy to understand, but there are a lot of little details involved that make it quite complex. To be successful and effective in the field, you’ll need to have in-depth knowledge of how search engines work and what affects website rankings.

Interested in learning the ins and outs of what it means to be an SEO specialist? There are lots of great resources online that you can study to become more successful in the field. And since SEO is always evolving, it’s wise to continually seek out online resources to learn the newest and most effective strategies.

4. Travel or Lifestyle Blogger

This may sound like a dream job for some people, but being a successful blogger is not easy.

The number of failed bloggers significantly outweighs the number of people who have success with blogging.

And the number of bloggers who can turn a successful blog into a revenue generator is even smaller.

It seems logical that if you travel the world, you can put yourself in a pretty good position to be a successful travel blogger. But the fact is, there’s a lot more to it than that.

Passion in your niche goes a long way, especially if you’re writing a travel or lifestyle blog. But the most successful bloggers also have a unique and varied set of skills, including several that also make this list.

But passion isn’t all it takes; you have to be a strong writer. You need to know a thing or two about SEO in order to get your blog to rank in search results. And it’s best to know, or at least have an understanding of, web development.

It’s also beneficial to have some skills in graphic design and photography. And you absolutely must know how to manage your social media. If you don’t know how to market your blog, you won’t get readers and subscribers. And without subscribers, you’ll never be able to monetize your site.

Related: Cheapest Countries for Living Abroad

5. E-Commerce Entrepreneur

As with any new company, it is hard to get an online store off the ground. Finding your footing and gaining traction can be a challenge, but once you’ve got it, it can be a rather lucrative endeavor. As the owner of your own company, you can run your e-commerce store virtually anywhere in the world.

The freedom to work your own hours from anywhere you want makes this a great job for digital nomads. You can sell the products that you believe in. You can support the manufacturers and suppliers that you want to buy from. You can connect with customers who have the same aesthetic or have a passion for the unique products you sell.

But the best part is the passive income you can earn. With the right systems in place, you can take orders from all over the world and bring in money while you relax, lay on the beach, or sleep.

Just remember this:

To get to that point, you’ll need to build your base, prove yourself, and learn how to market your brand through social media and other methods.

6. Freelance Copywriter Jobs

If you’re an excellent wordsmith, making a living as a copywriter is a great option. Every company and every website needs great writers to make their site professional and marketable. Plus, strong copywriting is an important factor in SEO.

Companies everywhere hire writers to craft everything from blog posts to web copy to product descriptions to FAQ pages. Depending on the gig and the company, the work can be quite creative or very technical, making it a great option for all sorts of skilled writers.

To get started, check out online freelance sites like Upwork to find clients and projects. Just keep in mind, if you want to be successful as a copywriter, you’ll need to find other ways to secure long-term clients that can offer a steady flow of work.

7. Expat Graphic Designer Jobs

Do you have skills in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign? Like copywriters, graphic designers can find a variety of different avenues to go down in this field.

From simple logo work to ultra-creative and artistic designs, graphic designers are always in demand.

As long as you’re good at what you do, most companies don’t care where you do it from. It’s a perfect job for digital nomads looking to move from place to place, gather inspiration for their art, or expand their world knowledge. As with writers, in many cases, living a nomadic lifestyle can actually be helpful to your career.

Another benefit to this career is that graphic design is one field where it often doesn’t matter if you have a college degree. Having a solid online portfolio that demonstrates your abilities and your style is sometimes all you need.

8. Remote Virtual Assistant Jobs While Traveling the World

Simply put, a virtual assistant is similar to an administrative assistant. Yet, the scope and depth of the job vary greatly from person to person and company to company.

As a virtual assistant, expect to handle all or most of the digital obligations for an individual or a company. This includes scheduling meetings, replying to emails, and other clerical work.

But a remote virtual assistant is much more than a traditional secretary. Some companies rely on their VAs to perform some very specific tasks, such as public relations, billing, and customer support.

The one thing that makes being a VA tricky for digital nomads is the issue of time zones. Many companies want their VAs to be available during the same hours they work. So if you’re an expat in Thailand, it may be difficult to secure a remote position working for a company in London or New York.

Related: Best Countries for Working Abroad

9. Online or ESL Teacher While Living Abroad

As an English-speaking expat with a passion for education, working as an ESL teacher can be an extremely rewarding career. And with the digital economy and global classroom, you can now do the job from anywhere in the world.

Check out online portals such as VipKid to learn how you can teach English to non-English speaking students online.

Don’t want to teach the English language? That’s okay – with online resources like Udemy you can sell online courses to anyone who wants to learn any skill you have.

From music to physics and everything in between, Udemy is an incredible resource for online learning. You’ll need to be an expert in your field to qualify to sell your classes online. You’ll also need to be able to produce your class videos, sell them, and market them to aspiring students.

If you can do all of that, the dream of teaching remotely can become your reality.

Read: Teaching English as a Second Language

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Top Ten Job Sites for Global Nomads

Ready to embark on your dream of working remotely as a digital nomad?

Whether you call it telecommuting or working remotely, there are thousands of jobs out there that you can do from anywhere in the world.

Check out this list of the top 10 sites with international remote job postings to jumpstart your job search:

  • We Work Remotely
  • Freelancer.com
  • Virtual Vocations
  • Working Nomads

Why Are So Many People Choosing the Digital Nomad Life?

A digital nomad working on a computer outside

There are lots of opportunities to travel the world and live in remote, exotic locations. You can move from place to place. You can opt to move freely between large cities, beach communities, and rural villages. As long as you can connect to Wifi, there are certain careers that you can do from anywhere you choose.

The cost of living in developing countries is much cheaper than living in North America and Europe. In the United States, a $50,000 per year salary can afford you a comfortable life in many cities and states. But if you earn $50,000 per year in Thailand or the Philippines, you can live a life of luxury.

Also Read: Best Money Transfer Companies

Some people prefer to work hard and play hard. Others prefer to work less and spend less. Some digital nomads choose to live in certain countries because they can work less and enjoy more free time. For those who live in one country for an extended period, getting a coworking space provides a comfortable office environment at a low cost. In some countries, a 10-hour workweek can cover the cost of living, leaving you plenty of time to do the things you love.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. As long as you have a career that allows you to work from anywhere, the digital nomad lifestyle is possible.

Check out the online job boards listed above to get started. Think about your skillset and how you can apply it to one or more of the jobs on this list.

Working remotely offers a sense of freedom and allows you to enjoy that work-life balance that everyone is searching for. With hard work and perseverance, working your dream job in an exotic foreign country can become your new reality.

  • Health and Travel Insurance for Digital Nomads
  • The 5 Best Countries to Work In for Global Nomads
Author: Joe Cronin , Founder and President of International Citizens Group . Mr. Cronin, a former expat, is an authority in the areas of international travel, and global health, life, and travel insurance, with expertise in advising individuals and groups on benefits for today's global workforce. Follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter .

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  • International EORs and PEOs
  • Expatriate Selection: Lessons From the U.S. Peace Corps
  • Expatriate Stigmatization: How HR Professionals Can Combat this Underestimated Challenge
  • Perceived Organizational Support: Fundamental to Expat Success
  • Pre-Departure Preparation and Training: The Role of HR
  • Understanding and Preventing Expat Failure

travel jobs out of country

H-2B Seasonal Work Program: Out-of-Country Workers


  • Up to 9 months (one time) or up to 3 years with visa extensions

The H-2B visa program enables foreign workers from eligible countries to come to the USA for seasonal jobs. Alliance Abroad partners with luxury hotels, resorts, restaurants, amusement parks, pools and country clubs across the United States, providing hundreds of job opportunities during the summer and winter seasons.

The best parts?

  • The employer pays for your program fee, travel, and visa expenses.
  • After your program ends and you return home, you can re-apply again indefinitely, as long as you continue to be visa approved and your previous program was in good standing.
  • With the help of Alliance Abroad, you can also decide to stay in the USA for up to 3 years, through visa extensions/new seasonal jobs (subject to jobs inventory and your eligibility).

travel jobs out of country

the last 3 months are an experience I'll never forget


A great two months working at the camp

  • Rhode Island, Cook, $14.80 /hr
  • South Carolina, Cook, $17.50 /hr
  • Florida, Cook, $15,08 /hr

Front Desk and F&B

  • Florida, Food Runner $12,72 /hr
  • Florida, Busser $12,72 /hr
  • Florida, Front Desk $13,43 /hr
  • Rhode Island, Bartender, $16.45 /hr
  • Rhode Island, Dining Room Attendant, $13.76 /hr
  • Rhode Island, Front Desk, $15.91 /hr
  • South Carolina, F&B, $14.25 /hr

Housekeeper & Other

  • Florida, Housekeeper, $13,29 /hr
  • Florida, Houseman, $13,43 /hr
  • Minnesota, Golf Maintenance & Landscaper, $17.52 /hr
  • Maryland, Lifeguard, $15.25 /hr
  • South Carolina, Housekeeping, $17 /hr

What the program includes

Guaranteed placement & housing.

Seasonal job and housing secured before arriving in the U.S. so you know exactly where you are going and what you will earn.

Resume & Interview Preparation

We help you with your resume and interview preparation, so you make a great first impression and land the right job.

International Requirements & Assistance

Our team will provide guidance and support on H-2B visa applications as well as travel plans.

Extension Assistance

If you would like to extend your program after your initial contract is complete, Alliance Abroad will help connect you with a seasonal employer approved for a different season so that you may continue to stay and work on the H-2B visa (subject to jobs inventory and your eligibility)

Fees & Eligibility

There is no program fee to participate in the H-2B program.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have a Passport valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements)
  • Have a level of English sufficient for the position. English needed ranges from basic to advanced depending on the job requirement.
  • Must be available to start working from April 1st, 2024.

Apply Online

If your profile meets the program and our jobs requirements, our team will contact you to answer any questions you may have, and see what positions you are interested in/qualify for.

Interview with an Employer

Participate in one or several employer interviews to find your perfect match.

Complete Your Application

If you’re hired, congrats! Now, you’ll need to submit the complete application documentation according to the paperwork deadlines.

Apply for the H-2B visa

Alliance Abroad will advise you on when to apply for your H-2B visa, in some cases, will schedule the visa appointment for you.

Start Planning Your Trip

Once your visa is approved, Alliance Abroad and/or your employer will take care of your travel arrangements.

Ready to take a leap?

Your next adventure starts now…

travel jobs out of country

Jobs at Vail Resorts

Careers at Vail Resorts

  • Our Resorts
  • Perks & Benefits
  • Culture and Values
  • Applying Internationally
  • An Inside Look
  • Ski & Ride School
  • Restaurant Operations
  • Mountain Operations
  • Transportation
  • Guest Services
  • Store Operations
  • Hotel Operations
  • Summer Operations


  • Beaver Creek
  • Breckenridge
  • Crested Butte
  • Grand Teton Lodge Company
  • Vail Resorts Headquarters
  • Stevens Pass
  • Mount Sunapee


  • Jack Frost Big Boulder
  • Seven Springs & Hidden Valley
  • Mt Brighton
  • Alpine Valley
  • Boston Mills & Brandywine
  • Mad River Mountain
  • Hidden Valley, MO
  • Paoli Peaks
  • Whistler Blackcomb
  • Falls Creek

Vail Resorts offers a limited number of international opportunities per year, mostly in summer and winter seasonal roles. Each year the company pursues applicants through work visa exchanges and foreign skilled labor work permits at our Canadian, USA, and Australian resorts. International employees working at Vail Resorts enjoy competitive pay, amazing discounts, a season pass, and an Experience of a Lifetime! 

Vail Resorts offers a limited number of international opportunities per year, mostly in summer and winter seasonal roles. Each year the company pursues applicants through work visa exchanges and foreign skilled labor work permits at our Canadian, USA, and Australian resorts. International employees working at Vail Resorts enjoy competitive pay, amazing discounts, a season pass, and an Experience of a Lifetime!​

BridgeUSA Summer Work & Travel (J-1 Visa)​ Vail Resorts participates in the Summer Work and Travel program for our summer and winter seasons.  Vail Resorts hires new and returners J1 Visa Summer work & travel only through the following organizations:  CCUSA ,  CIEE , &  Globalwat/IENA . New and returner applicants should only apply through our partners and not our careers website. Work & Travel positions are limited.

BridgeUSA Intern/Trainee (J-1 Visa)​ Vail Resorts offers Culinary or Service Internships through the J1 intern program for 6-month internships. Vail Resorts works with  ITN  to place new interns. ​

H2B Visa​ Vail Resorts participates in the H2B program for the summer and winter seasons. Specific resorts will post in or out-of-country H2Bs positions  through our careers website . H2B positions we offer include Advanced Housekeepers, Advanced Cooks, Dishwasher, Ski Instructors, and Janitors.  Winter H2B positions are posted in June and Summer H2B positions are posted in February. ​

Canada International Experience​ Whistler participates in the Working Holiday programs. First-time applicants to the working holiday program can apply for our seasonal positions through our  careers site  once their IEC: working holiday application has been approved. Vail Resorts partners with The Working Holiday Club organization to hire working holiday applicants who want additional support with IEC: working holiday process.​ ​ Canada Work Permits​ Whistler will post company-sponsored positions on our  careers website . Positions that Whistler sponsors for work permits are High-level Certified Ski Instructors and Housekeepers.​

Australia Anyone working for Perisher must have the right to work legally in Australia. This means you will need a visa with work rights. The most popular type of visa to work for young adults is the 'Working Holiday Maker Visa' for those who want to extend a holiday and work in Australia to fund it.  For some skilled roles such as certified, experienced Snowsports Instructors, Groomers and Snowmakers we will support successful candidates that are not eligible for a WHV to gain a suitable work visa for Australia. For more information please visit Perisher’s  website  for more information​


travel jobs out of country

How to Become an International Travel Nurse

Gayle Morris, BSN, MSN

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  • What Is an International Travel Nurse
  • Steps to Become

Choosing a Specialization

  • Credentials

Traveling nurse wearing scrubs and a face mask rides a European commuter train.

Great pay and boundless opportunities are just some reasons why nurses choose travel nursing. The job options are a good fit for nurses who love to travel, discover new places, and want to broaden their skill set.

Travel nurses help temporarily fill shortages. In the U.S., assignments may range from 13-26 weeks, but international assignments are often at least one year.

European countries offer some of the highest-paying jobs. Benefits can include a housing stipend, travel costs, and partially covering food and other living expenses.

Travel nursing jobs within the U.S. are simple to arrange. Travel nursing internationally, however, has a few added prerequisites.

Discover how to become an international travel nurse, types of assignments available, and the required certifications.

How Long to Become: 4-6 years

Degree Required: ADN, BSN, or MSN

Job Outlook: 6% growth, 2021-2031 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

What Is an International Travel Nurse?

There is a global nursing shortage . Countries with shortages need to increase nurse graduates by an average of 8% annually. One out of every eight nurses works in a country where they were not born or trained. This is what international travel nursing looks like.

Travel nursing is available domestically. But you can also choose to travel and work internationally.

Nursing shortages have hit countries across the world and they require medical personnel to fill their needs. This offers travel nurses an opportunity to expand their skills and learn new medical techniques.

Many countries need to fill positions in nursing specialties . Hospitals, doctors’ offices, and outpatient care clinics are just some of the settings in need of international travel nurses.

The most sought-after nurses often have experience in emergency rooms (ERs)/ emergency departments (EDs) as an ER nurse , intensive care, and cardiac care. Nurses with experience as a labor and delivery nurse and in neonatal nurse care are also desirable.

Steps to Becoming an International Travel Nurse

Becoming an international travel nurse is much like working as a domestic travel nurse. However, there may be additional requirements depending on your destination.

A nurse must hold licensure from the state board of nursing , which confers the registered nurse (RN) credential.

Earning this requires passing the National Council Licensure Examination for RNs (NCLEX-RN). Some states have additional requirements.

To start your journey as an international travel nurse, take the following steps:

Earn a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree.

International travel nursing demands high-level nursing skills in your specialization. This starts with earning a four-year bachelor of science in nursing degree from an accredited school.

A bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) improves patient care and prepares you for leadership and management positions.

Nurses with an associate degree in nursing (ADN) may enroll in an RN-to-BSN degree bridge program to complete their BSN. If you are entering a BSN program with a bachelor’s in another field, consider accelerated nursing programs .

Pass the NCLEX-RN exam.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing offers the NCLEX exam . It is a national exam all U.S states accept. The test demonstrates your clinical competency in nursing and decides if your state will issue you a nursing license.

To take the exam, you must hold either an ADN or BSN, which can also help you develop a NCLEX study plan . You are tested on care management, pharmacology, and safety and infection control, among other areas. NCLEX practice questions are available through various study sites.

Gain experience.

To work and travel domestically, the best travel nursing agencies may want you to have at least one year of experience in your specialty. However, international travel nursing positions may require even more experience or nursing certifications . This depends on the country and the facility you’ll work from.

Earn proper credentials.

Domestic travel nursing requires that you have a nursing license in the state where you will be working. For international travel nursing, your destination country may have a longer list of requirements.

This list can include a valid passport, visa to work in the country, and vaccinations needed before traveling . Some facilities may require special certifications. Others may require a language test to demonstrate proficiency before travel.

Find employment.

International travel nurses may work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, or outpatient clinics. While it’s not necessary to work with a travel nursing agency, it can help you look for work, finalize your contract, and move.

Note the length of your contract as you decide on your location. Domestic travel nurses often work 13-26 weeks. International nurses may be offered one- or two-year contracts.

International Travel Nurse Schooling

As you consider your options as a travel nurse, know the educational and skill requirements you may need. Most organizations prefer a BSN degree.

To work internationally, you need an undergraduate degree in nursing from a four-year program, such as an in-person or online BSN program . To apply for a graduate-level program, students often must hold a BSN.

Admission Requirements

Program curriculum, time to complete, skills learned.

Whether choosing to work in a nursing specialization or advancing your career through a graduate program , nursing offers the opportunity to specialize. Nurses graduating from a BSN program can choose to become certified in a specialty, which demonstrates their advanced knowledge.

For example, nurses may choose certification as a rehabilitation nurse , a pain management nurse , or in cardiac care.

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can choose to practice as a family nurse practitioner, pediatric nurse practitioner, adult-gerontology nurse practitioner , acute care nurse practitioner, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, certified registered nurse anesthetis t, and more.

The specialty you choose will help determine your opportunities as an international travel nurse.

International Travel Nurse Credentials

International travel nurses need a nursing license in the U.S. An APRN needs to take the certification exam in their specialty. After these two requirements, you will need a passport, visa, work permit, and any sponsorship for your destination country.

Each country may have its own list of necessary documentation. This can include professional references, birth certificates, immunization records, and proof that you can speak the language.


APRNs need certification in their specialty field. For example, those who want to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP) must pass the FNP certification exam. This is a valid, reliable demonstration of your competency in the field.

An RN may choose to have certifications that demonstrate advanced knowledge in rehabilitation nursing, pain management, or other specialty areas. Professional associations offer certifications that have specific requirements to maintain the credential.

Nursing requires state licensure that confers the credential of RN on the nursing candidate. To get the license, nurses must pass the NCLEX-RN.

Additional requirements depend on the state, including background and fingerprint checks, or school transcripts. Each state board of nursing has requirements to maintain licensure, including continuing education .

Working as an International Travel Nurse

Nursing gives you a unique opportunity to work and travel the world. The severe global nursing shortage has opened up opportunities for nurses who work in operating and emergency rooms, cardiac and neonatal units, and other specialties.

Countries with the highest salaries for travel nurses are Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the United States. However, they also have the highest cost of living. The average salary is $115,020 per year according to ZipRecruiter as of January 2023, or about $2,210 per week.

The simplest way to get into international travel nursing is to sign up with an agency that works with international organizations. They help refine your travel search based on your skills and past work experience.

Consider testing the waters as a travel nurse within the U.S. before exploring long-term contracts overseas.

Another option is working with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD, which has international jobs for nurses. The DoD works with you to ensure you have the necessary documentation to work overseas. You can receive job alerts for their international postings.

Beyond documentation, you need skills. Nurses should have communication, conflict resolution, and team player skills. Without a strong command of the local language, it is impossible to be successful.

The following are some common workplace settings for international travel nurses. Note that your specializations and certifications will help determine the positions available to you.

Organizations seek nurses who have specialty skills in the intensive care unit, emergency room, telemetry, or the operating room. These areas require critical thinking for nurses , initiative, and leadership.

Outpatient Care Clinics

In an outpatient setting, nurses must be proficient at triage, assessment, educating patients, starting IVs, and RN case management .

Doctors’ Offices

In a doctor’s office, a nurse needs mastery of communication, assessment, medication administration, wound management, and minor medical procedures.

Becoming an International Travel Nurse: FAQs

Do travel nurses go internationally.

Travel nurses can choose to travel domestically or internationally. To travel and work overseas, you need a license and certification in your specialty, passport, and work visa. You may also need to take a language test to prove proficiency and provide reference letters. While domestic travel assignments can last up to 26 weeks, international ones can last up to two years.

How much do international travel nurses make?

Travel nurses are well paid to offset the stress of living and working away from home. Travel nurse salaries depend on your nursing specialty and country placement. Your compensation package includes an hourly salary, housing stipend, and travel expenses. It may also cover food and other living expenses.

How do I become an international nurse?

The first step is to earn your BSN from an accredited school. After graduation, you must pass the NCLEX-RN and apply for a license in your state. Most travel agencies want new nurses to have at least one year of bedside experience. Many recommend two years to gain proficiency in a specialty to practice internationally.

Once accepted by an agency, it can take up to one year to gather the necessary documents required by the country if you do not already have them. This can include a passport, work visa, recommendation letters, and testing in the language. Some countries may also require sponsorship.

Where is the best place to work as an international travel nurse?

International travel nursing is an opportunity to travel overseas while working. The best place depends on your goals. For example, Luxembourg is one of the highest-paying countries, but they also have a high cost of living. Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia do not require learning a new language. The Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, and Bolivia can offer a chance to make a real difference in people’s lives.

Learn More About International Travel Nurses

10 Tips for Nurses Interested in International Travel Nursing

10 Tips for Nurses Interested in International Travel Nursing

International travel nursing offers you the chance to globe-trot while getting paid. These 10 tips can help you navigate travel issues that may arise.

How Much Do Travel Nurses Make?

How Much Do Travel Nurses Make?

Travel nurses can earn more than other RNs. Learn more about travel nurse pay rate, benefits, and tax breaks. Identify the highest-paying states and travel nurse specialities.

Military Nurse Career Overview

Military Nurse Career Overview

Military nurses work in fast-paced environments, caring for enlisted soldiers and their families. Learn about how to become one in the guide below.

Missionary Nurse Career Overview

Missionary Nurse Career Overview

Missionary nurses travel overseas to deliver nursing care and Christian counseling. See how you can become a missionary nurse and learn more about what they do.

Page last reviewed January 23, 2023

Wealth of Geeks

Wealth of Geeks

9 Jobs That Can Be Done While Traveling

Posted: December 24, 2023 | Last updated: December 24, 2023

<p>In a world of high-speed living and remote jobs, earning money anywhere is possible. Travel isn’t cheap. It costs a lot of money, and working in an office does not leave much time for leisure. If you are on vacation and have seen all there is to be seen, you may look for something else to pass the time.</p> <p>Remote jobs don’t have to be boring. In fact, many of them are great options for earning free or discounted travel. You just have to know how to choose which of these <a href="https://wealthofgeeks.com/travel-experts-share-everything-they-wish-tourists-knew/">travel</a> jobs is right for you.</p>

In a world of high-speed living and remote jobs, earning money anywhere is possible. Travel isn’t cheap. It costs a lot of money, and working in an office does not leave much time for leisure. If you are on vacation and have seen all there is to be seen, you may look for something else to pass the time.

Remote jobs don’t have to be boring. In fact, many of them are great options for earning free or discounted travel. You just have to know how to choose which of these travel jobs is right for you.

travel jobs out of country

1. Blogging

Blogging while traveling is a great way to earn some money. Your office is wherever your laptop is, so you are never tied down to one place. This can help you travel the world with just a laptop and a bit of data, which you can always find in local cafes or restaurants . It’s even better if you do travel writing, so you can combine firsthand experience with creative writing that helps others plan their travels.

<p><span>The rise of Mukbang videos, where people eat insane amounts of food while sometimes conversing with the camera, is weirdly intriguing to many and simultaneously perplexing. While it attracts massive audiences, the fascination with watching someone devour excessive quantities of food remains a mystery. Moreover, this trend raises concerns about promoting unhealthy eating habits and overindulgence.</span></p>

2. Vlogging

Similar to blogging, video blogging, also called “ vlogging ,” is a visual form of content. You can write blogs for your website but also work as a freelancer for other people’s websites. When it comes to vlogging, however, people usually vlog for their own channels. It takes more time to succeed but can also be more rewarding monetarily. All you need is a smartphone with a nice camera, or if you want to be fancy, a laptop with some video editing software like Adobe PremierePro or DaVinci Resolve.

<p>Interestingly, it seems like millennials have a better understanding of technology. Gen Z grew up with tech, but millennials have more experience with the inner workings, like troubleshooting a computer or building an HTML code. I would think the opposite would be true, but tech has become too easy for Gen Z in some ways.</p>

3. Video Commercials

This one is both fun and rewarding. If you have a smartphone with a decent camera and invest in an excellent DJI drone, you can earn some nice money on your travels. Combine this with an investment in a decent laptop and a video editing course, and you have a recipe for success. When I was on vacation in Corfu , I discovered an opportunity with their beautiful beachfront Tavernas. I packed my drone, visited a few of them on foot, and offered them my services. I scored two jobs for filming a video ad and one logo redesign job, which made me a nice profit for less than a full day of work.

travel jobs out of country

4. Singing and Playing an Instrument

Singing or playing an instrument is another excellent way to earn some surprisingly good money. If you are a good singer and can play an instrument, you can always play in the city center or other popular spots. Many great talents have been discovered performing in public this way. You can also offer your skills to local restaurants or lounges if they are in need of live music or other entertainment.

<p>If you know how to cut hair, another great way to earn money is to offer free haircuts and keep profits from their tips if they decide to give you one. You only need hair clippers for this one, so you can be flexible and earn well in countries where haircuts are expensive. <em>Pro tip</em>: You can combine this with vlogging and use this as your content on your vlog to increase exposure.</p>

5. Haircuts for Tips

If you know how to cut hair, another great way to earn money is to offer free haircuts and keep profits from their tips if they decide to give you one. You only need hair clippers for this one, so you can be flexible and earn well in countries where haircuts are expensive. Pro tip : You can combine this with vlogging and use this as your content on your vlog to increase exposure.

<p><span>In a tabloid or on a gossip website, if a celebrity looks to be posing in a staged photo, they most certainly are. Stars view it as a cooperative effort that benefits all parties, and fans frequently aren’t aware that the “candid” photos were expertly staged before being made public.</span></p>

6. Exposure for Businesses

This travel job is for those with a well-developed online business. If you already have a travel blog , you can always ask restaurant owners, bar owners, hotels, and others who provide services in tourism if they would like to collaborate on a promotion on your website. The business will get exposure to your audience, and you can negotiate payment or exchanges for that promotion, like a one-night hotel stay or a free meal.

<p>This unique locale lets guests taste wine from three family-owned micro-wineries: Blacksmith Cellars, Sunset Cellars, and King Andrew Vineyard. Staff at the tasting room are wine producers and grape growers, providing expert knowledge on the local wines and the Suisun Valley wine region. The tasting list changes weekly. And guess what — you can bring picnics or snacks (but no outside drinks). Stop by La Barista Espresso for deli sandwiches on your way to the <a href="https://suisunvalleywinecoop.com/" rel="nofollow noopener">Suisun Valley Wine Co-op</a>.</p><ul> <li><strong>Blacksmith Cellars:</strong> Founded in 2003, winemaker Matt Smith crafts complex wines, distinctive varietal-driven and blended wines.</li> <li><strong>Sunset Cellars:</strong> Starting in 1997 in the garage of the Inner Sunset neighborhood in <a href="https://wealthofgeeks.com/kid-friendly-things-to-do-in-san-francisco/">San Francisco</a>, Sunset Cellars has a minimalist winemaking style and respects the grower’s efforts in the vineyards.</li> <li><strong>King Andrew Vineyard:</strong> After growing grapes in their own vineyard, Roger King and his wife Carol brought their bottled wine from small lot production to the winery. The fresh and vibrant wines are bottled with limited intervention.</li> </ul><p>Reservations are not required, but they are recommended.</p>

7. Bartending

A good barista is always a much-needed part of the crew. If you know how to mix drinks or make a killer espresso, you can always offer your services to nightclubs or cafes and earn a decent wage, plus tips.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nina Lishchuk.

8. Temporary Tattoos or Hair Styling

Unlike the classic tattoo industry, where laws and regulations can tie up employment approval, temporary tattoos can be done anytime, anywhere, and do not fall under any laws and regulations. There is a low risk of infection with temporary tattoos or paints, unlike classic tattoos that are created by piercing the skin. Hair braiding or wrapping is popular at beach destinations and can also be done anytime, anywhere.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

9. Working on a Cruise Ship

Working on a cruise ship is more permanent, but it still fits within the scope of travel jobs. There are numerous jobs that you can do on a cruise ship, and each of those offers some nice wages. Understandably, a captain makes much more than a cabin steward, but all employees receive benefits and gratuity. You can use the time between shifts to discover beautiful cities wherever you stop. 

<p>Discussions about places to visit in Montenegro tend to begin with Kotor, and it is easy to see why. Kotor packs plenty into its relatively small borders, with a proud maritime history allied to modern cafes, restaurants, and bars, plus some of the most alluring churches in this part of the world. Stop for a romantic courtyard lunch at Pržun before taking the arduous walk up to the fortress walls, where the ultimate view of the Bay of Kotor awaits.</p>

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Trump Has Been Convicted. Here’s What Happens Next.

Donald J. Trump has promised to appeal, but he may face limits on his ability to travel and to vote as he campaigns for the White House.

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Donald J. Trump in a dark suit, red tie and white shirt.

By Jesse McKinley and Maggie Astor

  • May 30, 2024

The conviction of former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday is just the latest step in his legal odyssey in New York’s court system. The judge, Juan M. Merchan, set Mr. Trump’s sentencing for July 11, at which point he could be sentenced to as much as four years behind bars, or to probation.

It won’t stop him from running for president, though: There is no legal prohibition on felons doing that . No constitutional provision would stop him even from serving as president from a prison cell, though in practice that would trigger a crisis that courts would almost certainly have to resolve.

His ability to vote — for himself, presumably — depends on whether he is sentenced to prison. Florida, where he is registered, requires felons convicted there to complete their full sentence, including parole or probation, before regaining voting rights. But when Floridians are convicted in another state, Florida defers to the laws of that state, and New York disenfranchises felons only while they are in prison.

travel jobs out of country

The Trump Manhattan Criminal Verdict, Count By Count

Former President Donald J. Trump faced 34 felony charges of falsifying business records, related to the reimbursement of hush money paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels in order to cover up a sex scandal around the 2016 presidential election.

“Because Florida recognizes voting rights restoration in the state of conviction, and because New York’s law states that those with a felony conviction do not lose their right to vote unless they are incarcerated during the election, then Trump will not lose his right to vote in this case unless he is in prison on Election Day,” said Blair Bowie, a lawyer at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonprofit watchdog group.

Mr. Trump will almost certainly appeal his conviction, after months of criticizing the case and attacking the Manhattan district attorney, who brought it, and Justice Merchan, who presided over his trial.

Long before that appeal is heard, however, Mr. Trump will be enmeshed in the gears of the criminal justice system.

A pre-sentencing report makes recommendations based on the defendant’s criminal record — Mr. Trump had none before this case — as well as his personal history and the crime itself. The former president was found guilty of falsifying business records in relation to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, a porn star who says she had a brief sexual tryst with Mr. Trump in 2006, in order to buy her silence.

At the pre-sentence interview, a psychologist or social worker working for the probation department may also talk to Mr. Trump, during which time the defendant can “try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment,” according to the New York State Unified Court System.

The pre-sentencing report can also include submissions from the defense, and may describe whether “the defendant is in a counseling program or has a steady job.”

In Mr. Trump’s case, of course, he is applying — as it were — for a steady job as president of the United States, a campaign that may be complicated by his new status as a felon. Mr. Trump will likely be required to regularly report to a probation officer, and rules on travel could be imposed.

Mr. Trump was convicted of 34 Class E felonies, New York’s lowest level , each of which carry a potential penalty of up to four years in prison. Probation or home confinement are other possibilities that Justice Merchan can consider.

That said, Justice Merchan has indicated in the past that he takes white-collar crime seriously . If he did impose prison time, he would likely impose the punishment concurrently, meaning that Mr. Trump would serve time on each of the counts he was convicted of simultaneously.

If Mr. Trump were instead sentenced to probation, he could still be jailed if he were later found to have committed additional crimes. Mr. Trump, 77, currently faces three other criminal cases: two federal, dealing with his handling of classified documents and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election , and a state case in Georgia that concerns election interference.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers can file a notice of appeal after sentencing, scheduled for July 11 at 10 a.m. And the judge could stay any punishment during an appeal, something that could delay punishment beyond Election Day.

The proceedings will continue even if he wins: Because it’s a state case, not federal, Mr. Trump would have no power as president to pardon himself .

Jesse McKinley is a Times reporter covering upstate New York, courts and politics. More about Jesse McKinley

Maggie Astor covers politics for The New York Times, focusing on breaking news, policies, campaigns and how underrepresented or marginalized groups are affected by political systems. More about Maggie Astor

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

Next Steps: The judge in the case set Trump’s sentencing for July 11, and Trump already indicated that he plans to appeal. Here’s what else may happen .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country and over the world . Here’s what Trump , voters , New Yorkers , Republicans  and the White House  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension , reshuffling a race that has been locked in stasis and defined by a polarizing former president.

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

Connecting the Dots: As rumors circulated of Trump’s reported infidelity, two accounts of women  being paid to stay silent about their encounters became central to his indictment.

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The Conservative government has pledged £1bn a year in a bid to increase the number of GP appointments in the UK. Watch our conversation with Health Secretary Victoria Atkins on Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips from 8.30am.

Sunday 2 June 2024 07:30, UK

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Election news

  • Coming up on Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips from 8.30am
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  • Be in the audience for our election leaders event
  • Live reporting by  Faith Ridler

Expert analysis

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Election essentials

  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
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  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

On 12 June, Sky News will host an election leaders' event in Grimsby - a key marginal seat and one of our Target Towns this election year.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and the Conservative leader Rishi Sunak have been invited to attend, and we are looking for a live audience to join us on the night.

If you would like to be part of this studio audience, and be given the opportunity to ask a question to one of the party leaders, please complete the short questionnaire in this link .

With the general election campaign officially under way, what better time to keep a close eye on the latest polling?

The Sky News live poll tracker - collated and updated by our Data and Forensics team - aggregates various surveys to indicate how voters feel about the different political parties.

See the latest update below - and you can read more about the methodology behind the tracker  here .

By Tamara Cohen , political correspondent

As AI deepfakes cause havoc during other elections, experts warn the UK's politicians should be prepared.

"Just tell me what you had for breakfast", says Mike Narouei, of ControlAI, recording on his laptop. I speak for around 15 seconds, about my toast, coffee and journey to their offices.

Within seconds, I hear my own voice, saying something entirely different.

In this case, words I have written: "Deepfakes can be extremely realistic and have the ability to disrupt our politics and damage our trust in the democratic process."

We have used free software, it hasn't taken any advanced technical skills, and the whole thing has taken next to no time at all.

This is an audio deepfake - video ones take more effort to produce - and as well as being deployed by scammers of all kinds, there is deep concern, in a year with some two billion people going to the polls, in the US, India and dozens of other countries including the UK, about their impact on elections.

You can read more from Sky News below:

By Adam Boulton , Sky News election commentator 

The last time there was a change in the main party of government an outgoing Labour minister famously left a note saying "I'm afraid there is no money". Never mind that, for the next five weeks until polls close at 10pm on 4 July the UK has no MPs.

At the stroke of midnight last Thursday all their writs expired. All those seeking to get into the Commons are now just prospective parliamentary candidates. They have until this Friday to make sure that their names are registered on the ballot paper.

Even if there are no gains and losses and not a single seat changes hands between the parties, the next parliament is certain to look very different from the last one.

So far 134 members of the 2019-2024 parliament have announced they will not be fighting them again. This means that a minimum of 20%, one in five, of the new MPs will be new faces.

Our flagship Sunday morning show, hosted by  Trevor Phillips , will be live on Sky News from 8.30am, and we have a packed line-up for you after this eventful first week of the campaign.

Trevor will be chatting to:

  • Yvette Cooper , Labour's shadow home secretary;
  • Victoria Atkins , health secretary;
  • Stephen Flynn , SNP Westminster leader;
  • Rhun ap Iorwerth , Plaid Cymru leader.

On Trevor's expert panel will be:

  • Andrew Marr , broadcaster;
  • Jo Tanner , former Conservative adviser;
  • Anne McElvoy , Politico's executive editor.

Watch live on Sky News and in the stream at the top of this page - and follow updates here in the Politics Hub.

Watch  Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips  from 8.30am every Sunday on Sky channel 501, Virgin channel 602, Freeview channel 233, on the  Sky News website  and  app  or on  YouTube .

The Conservative government has pledged £1bn a year in a bid to increase the number of GP appointments in the UK.

The Tories say they would build both GP surgeries and community diagnostic centres if they were re-elected to government.

The party wants to build 100 new GP surgeries and modernise another 150.

However, this bears echoes of the 2019 promise to build 40 new hospitals by 2030 - something the government will not be able to do, according to the National Audit Office.

The report released last year found only 32 of the 40 new hospitals promised by Boris Johnson would be built by the end of the decade - and some may be too small.

By Tim Baker , political reporter

Labour has announced its plans to reduce net migration - with Sir Keir Starmer accusing the Conservatives of having "repeatedly broken their promises" to get the number down.

It marks another attempt by the Labour Party to appeal to Conservative voters.

Figures published after Rishi Sunak called the general election showed a net of 685,000 arrived in the UK last year - down from a record of 764,000 in 2022.

The 2023 figure is still three times the number in 2019 when the last election took place. The Conservatives promised in their manifesto that year to get net migration down.

Good morning!

The tooth-and-nail fight for all 650 parliamentary seats, and the keys to Number 10, is well under way after parliament was officially dissolved on Thursday.

Political parties are spreading out across the country to get their message out ahead of polling day on 4 July.

Here's what you need to know as campaigning continues today:

  •  The Conservative government has pledged £1bn a year in a bid to increase the number of GP appointments in the UK;
  • The Tories say they would build both GP surgeries and community diagnostic centres if they were re-elected to government. The party wants to build 100 new GP surgeries and modernise another 150;
  • Labour has announced its plans to reduce net migration - with Sir Keir Starmer accusing the Conservatives of having "repeatedly broken their promises" to get the number down;
  • The SNP will be campaigning in Glasgow today, with the party's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn and Scotland's First Minister John Swinney both set to give speeches;
  • And Labour's Bridget Phillipson and Yvette Cooper will be in south London for a quick campaign visit - we will likely hear from them;
  • Rishi Sunak will also be out and about today.

Join us on Sky News from 8.30am for Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips - we will be hearing from:

Stick with us for all the latest political news throughout the day.

We're wrapping up our coverage for tonight.

Join us on Sky News from 8.30am for Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips  - we will be hearing from:

Follow along in the morning as we keep up to date with the latest in 2024 General Election campaign.

The Liberal Democrats are announcing that they will "reverse Tory cuts" to the Public Health Grant and commit to investing £1bn a year as part of a key manifesto commitment.

The grant is paid to local authorities from the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) budget to provide preventative health services.

The party says there has been a 28% real-terms per person cut in the value of the Public Health Grant since 2015/16 - and that it has been cut in Rishi Sunak's Yorkshire seat by £5m.

Lib Dem deputy leader Daisy Cooper said in a statement that the Tories have "decimated public health funding, leaving Britain with a ticking time bomb of health challenges".

She went on: "The public health crisis in our country has Rishi Sunak's fingerprints all over it. He has slashed funding for vital local services that support children, failed to fix our crumbling hospitals and overseen a stark rise in health inequality.

"The Liberal Democrats would reverse these scandalous cuts and invest in empowering local communities and individuals to lead healthier lives."

In response, Health Secretary Victoria Atkins said all the Lib Dems have done during the campaign so far is "snipe from the sidelines and taken part in ridiculous gimmicks".

She said they would "prop up a Labour government" whose plans, in their view, have a £38.5bn "black hole".

"Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives have a clear plan and have taken bold action," she added.

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    We spoke a short while ago to Kate Forbes, MSP and deputy first minister of Scotland, and we asked why the SNP thinks Labour's plan to create GB Energy - a publicly owned energy company ...