What is the future of travel?

A hand with bright yellow nails reaches for the handle of a blue suitcase.

All aboard! After the pandemic upended life and leisure as we know it, travel is roaring back. The industry is set to make a full recovery by the end of 2024, after losing 75 percent of its value in 2020. Much of this has been so-called “revenge travel,” or people embarking on international or bucket list trips that were delayed by the pandemic. But domestic travel is recovering quickly too and is set to represent 70 percent of travel spending by 2030.

Get to know and directly engage with senior McKinsey experts on travel and tourism

Margaux Constantin is a partner in McKinsey’s Dubai office, Matteo Pacca is a senior partner in the Paris office, and Vik Krishnan is a senior partner in the Bay Area office.

We’ve done a deep dive into the latest travel trends and how industry players can adjust accordingly in The state of travel and hospitality 2024 report. Check out the highlights below, as well as McKinsey’s insights on AI in travel, mass tourism, and much more.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Travel, Logistics, and Infrastructure Practice .

Who are today’s travelers, and what do they want?

In February and March 2024, McKinsey surveyed  more than 5,000 people in China, Germany, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the United Kingdom, and the United States who had taken at least one leisure trip in the past two years. Here are six highlights from the results of that survey:

  • Travel is a top priority, especially for younger generations. Sixty-six percent of travelers we surveyed said they are more interested in travel now than before the COVID-19 pandemic. And millennials and Gen Zers  are traveling more and spending a higher share of their income on travel than their older counterparts.
  • Younger travelers are keen to travel abroad. Gen Zers and millennials who responded to our survey are planning nearly an equal number of international and domestic trips in 2024. Older generations are planning to take twice as many domestic trips.
  • Baby boomers are willing to spend if they see value. Baby boomers still account for 20 percent of overall travel spending. They are willing to spend on comforts such as nonstop flights. On the other hand, they are more willing to forego experiences to save money while traveling, unlike Gen Zers who will cut all other expense categories before they trim experiences.
  • Travel is a collective story, with destinations as the backdrop. Travelers both want to hear other travelers’ stories and share their own. Ninety-two percent of younger travelers were inspired by social media in some shape or form for their last trip.
  • What travelers want depends on where they’re from. Sixty-nine percent of Chinese respondents said they plan to visit a famous sight on their next trip, versus the 20 percent of European and North American travelers who said the same. Respondents living in the UAE also favor iconic destinations, as well as shopping and outdoor activities.

Learn more about McKinsey’s  Travel, Logistics, and Infrastructure Practice .

What are the top three travel industry trends today?

Travel is back, but traveler flows are shifting. McKinsey has isolated three major themes for industry stakeholders to consider as they look ahead.

  • The bulk of travel spending is close to home. Seventy-five percent of travel spend is domestic. The United States is currently the world’s largest domestic travel market, but China is set to overtake it in the coming years. Stakeholders should make sure they capture the full potential of domestic travelers before turning their attention abroad.
  • New markets such as India, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe are growing sources of outbound tourism. Indians’ travel spending is expected to grow 9 percent per year between now and 2030; annual growth projections for Southeast Asians and Eastern Europeans are both around 7 percent.
  • Unexpected destinations are finding new ways to lure travelers and establish themselves alongside enduring favorites. Rwanda, for example, has capitalized on sustainable tourism by limiting gorilla trekking permits and directing revenue toward conservation.

Circular, white maze filled with white semicircles.

Looking for direct answers to other complex questions?

For a more in-depth look at these trends, check out McKinsey’s State of travel and hospitality 2024   report .

How will AI change how people travel?

In the 1950s, the introduction of the jet engine dramatically reduced travel times, changing the way people traveled forever. Now AI is upending the industry  in a similarly fundamental way. Industry players down to individual travelers are using advances in generative AI (gen AI) , machine learning , and deep learning  to reimagine what it means to plan, book, and experience travel. “It’s quite clear,” says McKinsey partner Vik Krishnan , “that gen AI significantly eases  the process of travel discovery.”

For travel companies, the task now is to rethink how they interact with customers, develop products and services, and manage operations in the age of AI. According to estimates by McKinsey Digital, companies that holistically address digital and analytics opportunities have the potential to see an earnings improvement of up to 25 percent .

McKinsey and Skift Research interviewed executives from 17 companies across five types of travel business. Here are three key findings on how travel companies can reckon with emerging technologies, drawn from the resulting report The promise of travel in the age of AI :

  • Segmentation. Companies can use AI to create hyperspecific customer segments to guide how they interact with and serve customers. Segmentation can be based on a single macro characteristic (such as business versus leisure), or it can be so specific as to relate to just one customer.
  • Surprise and delight. In the travel context, gen AI could take the form of digital assistants that interact with customers throughout their journeys, providing personalized trip itineraries and tailored recommendations and helping to resolve unexpected disruptions.
  • Equipping workers better. AI tools can free up frontline workers’ time, allowing them to focus more on personal customer interactions. These tools can also shorten the training time for new hires and quickly upskill  the existing workforce.

AI is important, yes. But, according to Ella Alkalay Schreiber, general manager (GM) of fintech at Hopper, “The actual challenge is to understand the data, ask the right questions, read prediction versus actual, and do this in a timely manner. The actual challenge is the human thinking, the common sense .”

How is mass tourism changing travel?

More people are traveling than ever before. The most visited destinations are experiencing more concentrated flows of tourists ; 80 percent of travelers visit just 10 percent of the world’s tourist destinations. Mass tourism can encumber infrastructure, frustrate locals, and even harm the attractions that visitors came to see in the first place.

Tourism stakeholders can collectively look for better ways to handle visitor flows before they become overwhelming. Destinations should remain alert to early warning signs about high tourism concentration and work to maximize the benefits of tourism, while minimizing its negative impacts.

Destinations should remain alert to early warning signs about high tourism concentration and work to maximize the benefits of tourism, while minimizing its negative impacts.

For one thing, destinations should understand their carrying capacity of tourists—that means the specific number of visitors a destination can accommodate before harm is caused to its physical, economic, or sociocultural environment. Shutting down tourism once the carrying capacity is reached isn’t always possible—or advisable. Rather, destinations should focus on increasing carrying capacity to enable more growth.

Next, destinations should assess their readiness to handle mass tourism and choose funding sources and mechanisms that can address its impacts. Implementing permitting systems for individual attractions can help manage capacity and mitigate harm. Proceeds from tourism can be reinvested into local communities to ensure that residents are not solely responsible for repairing the wear and tear caused by visitors.

After risks and funding sources have been identified, destinations can prepare for growing tourist volumes in the following ways:

  • Build and equip a tourism-ready workforce to deliver positive tourism experiences.
  • Use data (gathered from governments, businesses, social media platforms, and other sources) to manage visitor flows.
  • Be deliberate about which tourist segments to attract (business travelers, sports fans, party groups, et cetera), and tailor offerings and communications accordingly.
  • Distribute visitor footfall across different areas, nudging tourists to visit less-trafficked locations, and during different times, promoting off-season travel.
  • Be prepared for sudden, unexpected fluctuations triggered by viral social media and cultural trends.
  • Preserve cultural and natural heritage. Engage locals, especially indigenous people, to find the balance between preservation and tourism.

How can the travel sector accelerate the net-zero transition?

Global warming is getting worse, and the travel sector contributes up to 11 percent of total carbon emissions. Many consumers are aware that travel is part of the problem, but they’re reticent to give up their trips: travel activity is expected to soar by 85 percent  from 2016 to 2030. Instead, they’re increasing pressure on companies in the travel sector to achieve net zero . It’s a tall order: the range of decarbonization technologies in the market is limited, and what’s available is expensive.

But decarbonization doesn’t have to be a loss-leading proposition. Here are four steps  travel companies can take toward decarbonization that can potentially create value:

  • Identify and sequence decarbonization initiatives. Awareness of decarbonization levers is one thing; implementation is quite another. One useful tool to help develop an implementation plan is the marginal abatement cost curve pathway framework, which provides a cost-benefit analysis of individual decarbonization levers and phasing plans.
  • Partner to accelerate decarbonization of business travel. Many organizations will reduce their business travel, which accounts for 30 percent of all travel spend. This represents an opportunity for travel companies to partner with corporate clients on decarbonization. Travel companies can support their partners in achieving their decarbonization goals by nudging corporate users to make more sustainable choices, while making reservations and providing data to help partners track their emissions.
  • Close the ‘say–do’ gap among leisure travelers. One McKinsey survey indicates that 40 percent of travelers globally say they are willing to pay at least 2 percent more for carbon-neutral flights. But Skift’s latest consumer survey reveals that only 14 percent  of travelers said they actually paid more for sustainable travel options. Travel companies can help close this gap by making sustainable options more visible during booking and using behavioral science to encourage travelers to make sustainable purchases.
  • Build new sustainable travel options for the future. The travel sector can proactively pioneer sustainable new products and services. Green business building will require companies to create special initiatives, led by teams empowered to experiment without the pressure of being immediately profitable.

What’s the future of air travel?

Air travel is becoming more seasonal, as leisure travel’s increasing share of the market creates more pronounced summer peaks. Airlines have responded by shifting their schedules to operate more routes at greater frequency during peak periods. But airlines have run into turbulence when adjusting to the new reality. Meeting summer demand means buying more aircraft and hiring more crew; come winter, these resources go unutilized, which lowers productivity . But when airlines don’t run more flights in the summer, they leave a lot of money on the table.

How can airlines respond to seasonality? Here are three approaches :

  • Mitigate winter weakness by employing conventional pricing and revenue management techniques, as well as creative pricing approaches (including, for example, monitoring and quickly seizing on sudden travel demand spikes, such as those created by a period of unexpectedly sunny weather).
  • Adapt to seasonality by moving crew training sessions to off-peak periods, encouraging employee holiday taking during trough months, and offering workers seasonal contracts. Airlines can also explore outsourcing of crew, aircraft, maintenance, and even insurance.
  • Leverage summer strengths, ensuring that commercial contracts reflect summer’s higher margins.

How is the luxury travel space evolving?

Quickly. Luxury travelers are not who you might expect: many are under the age of 60 and not necessarily from Europe or the United States. Perhaps even more surprisingly, they are not all millionaires: 35 percent of luxury-travel spending is by travelers with net worths between $100,000 and $1 million. Members of this group are known as aspirational luxury travelers, and they have their own set of preferences. They might be willing to spend big on one aspect of their trip—a special meal or a single flight upgrade—but not on every travel component. They prefer visibly branded luxury and pay close attention to loyalty program points and benefits .

The luxury-hospitality space is projected to grow faster than any other segment, at 6 percent per year  through 2025. And competition for luxury hotels is intensifying too: customers now have the option of renting luxurious villas with staff, or booking nonluxury hotels with luxury accoutrements such as rainfall showerheads and mattress toppers.

Another critical evolution is that the modern consumer, in the luxury space and elsewhere, values experiences over tangible things (exhibit).

Luxury properties may see more return from investing in a culture of excellence—powered by staff who anticipate customer needs, exceed expectations, create cherished memories, and make it all feel seamless—than in marble floors and gold-plated bath fixtures. Here are a few ways luxury properties can foster a culture of excellence :

  • Leaders should assume the role of chief culture officer. GMs of luxury properties should lead by example to help nurture a healthy and happy staff culture and listen and respond to staff concerns.
  • Hire for personalities, not resumes. “You can teach someone how to set a table,” said one GM we interviewed, “but you can’t teach a positive disposition.”
  • Celebrate and reward employees. Best-in-class service is about treating customers with generosity and care. Leaders in the service sector can model this behavior by treating employees similarly.
  • Create a truly distinctive customer experience . McKinsey research has shown that the top factor influencing customer loyalty in the lodging sector is “an experience worth paying more for”—not the product. Train staff to focus on tiny details as well as major needs to deliver true personalization.

What’s the latest in travel loyalty programs?

Loyalty programs are big business . They’ve evolved past being simply ways to boost sales or strengthen customer relationships; now, for many travel companies, they are profit centers in their own right. One major development was that travel companies realized they could sell loyalty points in bulk to corporate partners, who in turn offered the points to their customers as rewards. In 2019, United’s MileagePlus loyalty program sold $3.8 billion worth of miles to third parties, which accounted for 12 percent of the airline’s total revenue for that year. In 2022, American Airlines’ loyalty program brought in $3.1 billion in revenue, and Marriott’s brought in $2.7 billion.

But as this transition has happened, travel players have shifted focus away from the original purpose of these programs. Travel companies are seeing these loyalty programs primarily as revenue generators, rather than ways to improve customer experiences . As a result, loyalty program members have become increasingly disloyal. Recent loyalty surveys conducted by McKinsey revealed a steep decline in the likelihood that a customer would recommend airline, hotel, and cruise line loyalty programs to a friend. The same surveys also found that airline loyalty programs are driving fewer customer behavior changes than they used to.

So how can travel brands win customers’ loyalty back? Here are three steps to consider:

  • Put experience at the core of loyalty programs. According to our 2023 McKinsey Travel Loyalty Survey , American respondents said they feel more loyal to Amazon than to the top six travel players combined, despite the absence of any traditional loyalty program. One of the reasons for Amazon’s success may be the frictionless experience it provides customers. Companies should strive to design loyalty programs around experiential benefits that make travelers feel special and seamlessly integrate customer experiences between desktop, mobile, and physical locations.
  • Use data to offer personalization  to members. Travel brands have had access to customer data for a long time. But many have yet to deploy it for maximum value. Companies can use personalization to tailor both experiences and offers for loyalty members; our research has shown that 78 percent  of consumers are more likely to make a repeat purchase when offered a personalized experience.
  • Rethink partnerships. Traditionally, travel companies have partnered with banks to offer cobranded credit cards. But many credit card brands now offer their own, self-branded travel rewards ecosystems. These types of partnerships may have diminishing returns in the future. When rethinking partnerships, travel brands should seek to build richer connections with customers, while boosting engagement. Uber’s partnership with Marriott, for example, gives users the option to link the brands’ loyalty programs, tapping into two large customer bases and providing more convenient travel experiences.

In a changing travel ecosystem, travel brands will need to ask themselves some hard questions if they want to earn back their customers’ loyalty.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Travel, Logistics, and Infrastructure Practice . And check out travel-related job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ Updating perceptions about today’s luxury traveler ,” May 29, 2024, Caroline Tufft , Margaux Constantin , Matteo Pacca , and Ryan Mann
  • “ The way we travel now ,” May 29, 2024, Caroline Tufft , Margaux Constantin , Matteo Pacca , and Ryan Mann
  • “ Destination readiness: Preparing for the tourist flows of tomorrow ,” May 29, 2024, Caroline Tufft , Margaux Constantin , Matteo Pacca , and Ryan Mann
  • “ How the world’s best hotels deliver exceptional customer experience ,” March 18, 2024, Ryan Mann , Ellen Scully, Matthew Straus, and Jillian Tellez Holub
  • “ How airlines can handle busier summers—and comparatively quiet winters ,” January 8, 2024, Jaap Bouwer, Ludwig Hausmann , Nina Lind , Christophe Verstreken, and Stavros Xanthopoulos
  • “ Travel invented loyalty as we know it. Now it’s time for reinvention. ,” November 15, 2023, Lidiya Chapple, Clay Cowan, Ellen Scully, and Jillian Tellez Holub
  • “ What AI means for travel—now and in the future ,” November 2, 2023, Alex Cosmas  and Vik Krishnan
  • “ The promise of travel in the age of AI ,” September 27, 2023, Susann Almasi, Alex Cosmas , Sam Cowan, and Ben Ellencweig
  • “ The future of tourism: Bridging the labor gap enhancing customer experience ,” August 1, 2023, Urs Binggeli, Zi Chen, Steffen Köpke, and Jackey Yu
  • “ Hotels in the 2030s: Perspectives from Accor’s C-suite ,” July 27, 2023, Aurélia Bettati
  • “ Tourism in the metaverse: Can travel go virtual? ,” May 4, 2023, Margaux Constantin , Giuseppe Genovese, Kashiff Munawar, and Rebecca Stone
  • “ Three innovations to solve hotel staffing shortages ,” April 3, 2023, Ryan Mann , Esteban Ramirez, and Matthew Straus
  • “ Accelerating the transition to net-zero travel ,” September 20, 2022, Danielle Bozarth , Olivier Cheret, Vik Krishnan , Mackenzie Murphy, and Jules Seeley
  • “ The six secrets of profitable airlines ,” June 28, 2022, Jaap Bouwer, Alex Dichter , Vik Krishnan , and Steve Saxon
  • “ How to ‘ACE’ hospitality recruitment ,” June 23, 2022, Margaux Constantin , Steffen Köpke, and Joost Krämer
  • “ Opportunities for industry leaders as new travelers take to the skies ,” April 5, 2022, Mishal Ahmad, Frederik Franz, Tomas Nauclér, and Daniel Riefer
  • “ Rebooting customer experience to bring back the magic of travel ,” September 21, 2021, Vik Krishnan , Kevin Neher, Maurice Obeid , Ellen Scully, and Jules Seeley

A hand with bright yellow nails reaches for the handle of a blue suitcase.

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Travel Agency Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Travel Agency Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Travel Agency business plan.

We have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their travel agencies.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Travel Agency business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

My Itinerary Travel Agency is a new travel agency located in Boca Raton, Florida. The company is founded by Sandra Rodriguez, an experienced travel agent who has gained valuable knowledge on how to run a travel agency during the past ten years while working at Fun Destinations Travel Agency. Now that Sandra has experienced managing a travel agency, she is ready to start her own company, My Itinerary Travel Agency. Sandra is confident that her organizational and communication skills, combined with her understanding of business management, will enable her to run a profitable travel agency of her own. Sandra is recruiting a team of highly qualified professionals to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a travel agency – sales and marketing, vendor relationships, customer relationship management, budgeting, and financial reporting.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will provide a full suite of travel planning services for individuals nationwide through its sophisticated online platform and accompanying customer app. My Itinerary Travel Agency will be the go-to travel agency for personalized service, convenience, and expertise of its travel agents. The company will be the ultimate choice for customer service while offering the best travel accommodations available.

Product Offering

The following are the services that My Itinerary Travel Agency will provide:

  • Airline travel bookings
  • Tour and travel package sales
  • Accommodation reservations and bookings
  • Cruise bookings
  • Car rental reservations
  • Travel ticket sales and reservations
  • Tour ticket sales and reservations

Customer Focus

My Itinerary Travel Agency will target individuals nationwide who are looking for personalized and convenient travel planning services. The company will target vacationers, tourists, and business travelers who are seeking the best deals on premium accommodations. No matter the customer, My Itinerary Travel Agency will deliver the best communication, service, and the best prices.

Management Team

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be owned and operated by Sandra Rodriguez. Sandra is a graduate of Florida University with a degree in business. She has over ten years of experience working as a travel agent for another local agency. Sandra will be the company’s chief executive officer. She will oversee the travel agency staff, manage customer relationships, and build vendor relationships.

Sandra has recruited sales and marketing expert, Sara Anderson, to be the company’s chief marketing officer and help oversee travel agency’s sales and marketing activities. Sara will handle all branding, marketing, advertising, and outreach for the company. She will also create and maintain the company’s online and social media presence. Sara has a Master’s degree in Marketing and has nearly ten years of experience working as a marketing director for a leading travel industry corporation.

Success Factors

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Skilled team of travel agents combined with the latest technology in the industry will allow the company to provide its clients with personalized service and modern convenience to make planning their trip easy and efficient.
  • The members of the leadership team have long standing relationships with a large pool of vendors, allowing them to provide clients with the best deals possible on premium accommodations.
  • The company offers a variety of modes of communication to better serve more clients’ preferences. Customers can speak with a travel agent in person, via telephone, video call, email, or chat through the website or app. Support is available 24/7 to ensure all clients’ questions and concerns are promptly attended to.

Financial Highlights

My Itinerary Travel Agency is seeking $290,000 in debt financing to launch its travel agency. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the office space, and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff and marketing expenses. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office build-out: $110,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $70,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, utilities): $90,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for My Itinerary Travel Agency.

Company Overview

Who is my itinerary travel agency.

My Itinerary Travel Agency is a newly established travel agency in Boca Raton, Florida. My Itinerary Travel Agency will be the first choice for anyone seeking a personalized approach, 24/7 support, and streamlined technology to make trip planning easy. The company will serve customers nationwide from their headquarters in Florida.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be able to guarantee the best deals possible thanks to the leadership team members’ long standing relationships with a large network of vendors in the hospitality, transportation, and entertainment markets. The company’s team of highly qualified travel agents will provide personalized service to each client, removing the uncertainty and hassles associated with finding and booking the right accommodations.

My Itinerary Travel Agency History

My Itinerary Travel Agency is owned and operated by Sandra Rodriguez, an experienced travel agent who has gained valuable knowledge on how to run a travel agency during the past ten years while working at Fun Destinations Travel Agency. Now that Sandra has experienced managing a travel agency, she is ready to start her own company, My Itinerary Travel Agency. Sandra is confident that her organizational and communication skills, combined with her understanding of business management, will enable her to run a profitable travel agency of her own. Sandra is recruiting a team of highly qualified professionals to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a travel agency – sales and marketing, vendor relationships, customer relationship management, budgeting, and financial reporting.

Since incorporation, My Itinerary Travel Agency has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered My Itinerary Travel Agency, LLC to transact business in the state of Florida
  • Has identified the ideal location for the company’s office and is in the process of securing a lease
  • Reached out to numerous contacts to include transportation, hospitality, and entertainment companies to begin securing vendor contracts
  • Began recruiting a staff of accountants, travel agents, and other office personnel to work at My Itinerary Travel Agency

My Itinerary Travel Agency Services

  • Airline travel comparisons and bookings

Industry Analysis

The U.S. travel agency industry is valued at $48.5B with more than 90,600 businesses in operation and over 318,600 employees nationwide. Factors currently driving industry growth include an increase in domestic tourism and travel for overnight trips, vacations, and business purposes. More domestic travel typically results in more consumers using travel agencies to book their trips. The travel agency industry can be segmented by brick-and-mortar establishments or online businesses. The global market size for the online travel agency segment reached $432B last year and is expected to rise as more people use the internet to book their trips. The travel agency industry relies heavily on the use of technology. Industry operators must stay up-to-date on the latest travel technology in order to remain competitive in the market.

One of the most significant hurdles for travel agency operators is attracting customers in the age of do-it-yourself booking. Now that customers are able to book many of their travel accommodations themselves, travel agents must be able to demonstrate why booking with them is a better option. Some ways industry operators can add value are by providing personalized services, promotional discounts, and helpful information about accommodation options.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will target individuals nationwide who are looking for personalized and convenient travel planning services. The company will target vacationers, tourists, and business travelers who are seeking the best deals on premium accommodations. No matter the customer, My Itinerary Travel Agency will deliver professional communication, service, and the best prices.

The precise demographics for Boca Raton, Florida are:

Customer Segmentation

My Itinerary Travel Agency will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Individuals and families planning a vacation
  • Business travelers
  • Individuals and families in need of accommodations for events such as weddings, reunions, or conventions

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Fun Destinations Travel Agency

Fun Destinations Travel Agency is one of the largest and oldest travel agencies in Florida. The company was founded in 1958 in Boca Raton with one small office location. Now, the company has over 50 locations throughout multiple states. Fun Destinations specializes in booking accommodations for family vacationers. The company books accommodations near key family destinations such as theme parks, resorts, and tourist attractions. Fun Destinations is family owned and operated so the founders are familiar with the hassles associated with planning a family vacation. For this reason, Fun Destinations focuses on booking the best family-friendly accommodations so its clients can relax and enjoy the family fun.

Best Fit Vacations Travel Agency

Best Fit Vacations Travel Agency is a small travel agency catering to Boca Raton locals from its central office and nationwide clients via its online booking platform. The company was established in 1995 with the mission of providing vacation accommodations that will be “the best fit” for every client. Best Fit Vacations is owned and operated by industry professionals that have extensive experience working with vendors to negotiate the best deals for clients. The company strives to get the lowest prices for every booking and regularly finds additional savings and discounts other agencies might not know about.

Trustworthy Travel Agency

Trustworthy Travel Agency is a Boca Raton, Florida-based travel agency that provides superior service to its consumers. The company is able to provide a wide variety of travel accommodation bookings for customers in the area. Trustworthy Travel Agency has three locations throughout the state and operates an online booking platform for nationwide travelers. Customers can book online or over the phone at their convenience. The company uses an algorithm that finds the lowest prices on travel, lodging, and other accommodations across the country.

Competitive Advantage

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • My Itinerary Travel Agency offers the best deals through its extensive vendor network.
  • The company offers personalized customer service, a variety of communication modes, and 24/7 support.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for My Itinerary Travel Agency is as follows:

Social Media Marketing

The company’s chief marketing officer will create accounts on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. She will ensure My Itinerary Travel Agency maintains an active social media presence with regular updates and fun content to get customers excited about traveling.

Professional Associations and Networking

My Itinerary Travel Agency will become a member of professional associations such as the Travel Agency Association, American Travel Agents Society, and the Florida Travel Industry Association. The leadership team will focus their networking efforts on expanding the company’s vendor network.

Print Advertising

My Itinerary Travel Agency will invest in professionally designed print ads to display in programs or flyers at industry networking events. The company will also invest in professional ads to place in travel magazines and local publications.

Website/SEO Marketing

My Itinerary Travel Agency’s chief marketing officer will design the company website. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all the services that My Itinerary Travel Agency is able to provide. The website will also list testimonials from happy customers.

The chief marketing officer will also manage My Itinerary Travel Agency’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that when someone types in a search engine “best travel agency” or “travel agency near me”, My Itinerary Travel Agency will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of My Itinerary Travel Agency will be on par with (and often lower than) competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing the company’s services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for My Itinerary Travel Agency.

Operation Functions:

  • Sandra Rodriguez will be the chief executive officer for the company. She will oversee the travel agents, vendor relationships, and customer relations. Sandra has spent the past year recruiting the following staff:
  • Sara Anderson – chief marketing officer who will oversee all marketing strategies for the company and manage the website, social media, and outreach
  • Tom Brown – accountant who will provide all accounting, tax payments, and monthly financial reporting for the company
  • Christopher Jones – lead customer support manager who will directly oversee all customer support activities


My Itinerary Travel Agency will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

12/1/2022 – Finalize contract to lease the office

12/15/2022 – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for the My Itinerary Travel Agency management team

1/1/2023 – Begin build-out/renovation of the office, and purchase office equipment and supplies

1/15/2023 – Begin networking at industry events and implement the marketing plan

2/15/2023 – Finalize contracts for initial vendors

3/15/2023 – My Itinerary Travel Agency officially opens for business

Financial Plan Business Plan FAQs

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for My Itinerary Travel Agency are the commissions earned as a percentage of bookings from vendors and fees charged to customers for consultations and services.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff a travel agency firm. The expenses will be the payroll cost, utilities, greenhouse equipment and supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Average accommodations booked per month: 9,000
  • Average commissions per month: $15,000
  • Overhead costs per year: $640,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, what is a travel agency business plan.

A travel agency business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your travel agency business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your travel agency business plan using our travel agency Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Travel Agencies?

There are a number of different kinds of travel agencies , some examples include: independent agency, host agency or franchise.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Travel Agent Business Plan?

Travel agencies are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.  This is true for a travel agent business plan and a tour and travel business plan.

What are the Steps To Start a Travel Agency Business?

Starting a travel agency business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Travel Agent Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed business plan for your travel agency  that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your travel agency business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your travel agency business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Travel Agency Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your travel agency business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your travel agency business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Travel Agency Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your travel agency business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your travel agency business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful travel agency business:

  • How to Start a Travel Agency Business


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Here's how you start a profitable travel agency.

travel agency profitability

Embarking on the journey of starting a travel agency can be an exhilarating adventure for those with a love for exploration and a knack for planning unforgettable experiences.

Whether you're a seasoned travel professional aiming to establish your own brand or an enthusiastic globetrotter ready to transform your passion into a thriving business, launching a travel agency requires strategic foresight and commitment.

In this blog post, we'll navigate you through the crucial stages of opening a travel agency, from the early planning phase to the launch of your first curated journey.

How you should prepare to start a travel agency

Market research and concept, choose a concept.

Choosing a concept is one of the first steps in opening a travel agency because it will define the type of travel experiences you curate, the destinations you focus on, and the clientele you attract.

This decision will influence your branding, marketing strategies, partnerships, and the overall direction of your business. A well-defined concept can help your travel agency stand out in a crowded market and draw in travelers who are looking for specific types of experiences.

Think of your concept as the theme of the story your travel agency wants to tell. It's about deciding the narrative you want to weave through the trips and adventures you plan for your customers.

To assist you in choosing the right concept for your travel agency, we have summarized some of the most popular concepts in the table below.

business plan travel agency and tour operator

Pick an audience

When launching a travel agency, it's crucial to tailor your services to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience.

For instance, if you're aiming to attract adventure-seeking millennials, you might focus on offering off-the-beaten-path travel experiences, eco-friendly accommodations, and social media-worthy destinations. You'd likely use online platforms and social media to engage with this tech-savvy group.

Conversely, if your ideal clients are retirees looking to explore the world at a more leisurely pace, your travel packages might include luxury cruises, guided tours, and cultural experiences with a high level of comfort and convenience. Your marketing efforts could be more traditional, perhaps through print media and community events.

Understanding your audience is essential because it shapes every aspect of your travel agency, from the travel packages you create to the marketing strategies you employ. It's similar to choosing a gift; you consider the recipient's interests and preferences to ensure they will appreciate it.

Moreover, a deep knowledge of your target market enables you to communicate with them more effectively. If you know who you're catering to, you can determine the best channels and messages to reach them. For example, targeting families might involve advertising in family-oriented publications or online forums.

In our business plan for a travel agency , we have identified various customer segments that could be pertinent to your venture.

To help you envision the potential clientele for your travel agency, we've compiled a summary of typical customer segments below.

Get familiar with the industry trends

As a travel agency, staying abreast of the latest trends in the travel industry is crucial for tailoring your offerings to the evolving preferences of travelers. By aligning your services with these trends, you can attract a broader clientele looking for experiences that resonate with current travel desires.

Trends in the travel industry can range from the types of destinations tourists are interested in, to the style of travel they prefer. For instance, there's a growing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly travel options, as well as personalized experiences that cater to individual interests.

Our business plan for a travel agency is updated biannually to include these new emerging trends, ensuring that you have the insights needed to create a thriving travel business.

For example, many travelers are now seeking immersive cultural experiences, preferring to live like a local rather than just visiting the typical tourist spots. There's also a rise in adventure tourism, where travelers are looking for active experiences like hiking, diving, or wildlife safaris.

Moreover, wellness tourism is on the rise, with travelers looking for trips that focus on their health and well-being, including spa retreats, yoga workshops, and fitness adventures.

With the digital age in full swing, offering virtual tours and augmented reality experiences can also set your agency apart, providing a taste of travel to those who can't physically go.

We have compiled a list of more trends in the table below.

However, there are also some declining trends.

Package tours with rigid itineraries are becoming less popular as travelers seek more flexibility and autonomy in their travel plans.

Additionally, destinations that are perceived as over-touristed or not environmentally conscious are seeing a decline in interest due to the growing awareness of sustainable travel.

Lastly, with the rise of digital and virtual experiences, traditional travel services that don't incorporate technology may find themselves less relevant in the current market.

business plan travel agency

Choosing the ideal location

Choosing the ideal location for your travel agency is a strategic decision that can significantly influence its success. This decision requires careful consideration of several key factors.

Understanding the local demographics is the first step. A travel agency should cater to the travel preferences and financial capabilities of the surrounding population. If the area has a high concentration of retirees, for example, you might focus on leisure and luxury cruises. In contrast, areas with young adventurers may require a focus on backpacking trips and adventure tourism.

Visibility and accessibility are crucial for a travel agency. A storefront in a high-traffic area, such as a shopping mall or a busy street with other retail businesses, can attract walk-in clients. Proximity to public transportation or main roads is also beneficial, as it makes your agency more accessible to clients who may be passing by.

While you want to avoid areas saturated with travel agencies, a certain level of competition indicates a demand for travel services. Being near complementary businesses, like bookstores or outdoor equipment shops, can also be advantageous as they attract a similar customer base.

Rent costs are a significant factor. Prime locations with high visibility often come with higher rents, so you should weigh the potential for increased client traffic against the overhead costs. A balance must be struck to ensure the rent is manageable based on your projected revenue.

Negotiating favorable lease terms can have a substantial impact on your travel agency's financial well-being. This could include securing a lease with renewal options, negotiating limits on rent increases, or obtaining a reduced rent period initially to offset startup costs.

Consider the growth potential of the neighborhood. Is the area developing in a way that could bring more clients to your agency? The possibility of expanding your premises in the future without relocating can be a significant advantage as your agency grows.

Market research and demographic analysis tools can offer valuable insights into the best locations for your travel agency. These tools can help pinpoint neighborhoods with an ideal customer base for your services.

The choice between a city center and a suburban area depends on your target market and business model. City centers typically offer higher foot traffic but come with steeper rents and increased competition. Suburban areas might provide a loyal local clientele with potentially lower rent but may require additional marketing efforts to establish your presence.

Being situated near event venues, convention centers, or corporate offices can provide a steady stream of potential clients, especially if your agency specializes in corporate travel or group bookings.

It's also important to understand local zoning laws, business regulations, and other legal requirements to ensure that your chosen location is suitable for a travel agency. Compliance with these regulations from the outset can prevent costly legal issues down the line.

Finally, assessing the long-term viability of a location is critical. Consider upcoming developments in the area that could impact your business, either positively by increasing foot traffic or negatively by introducing more competitors or raising rents.

Startup budget and expenses

Calculate how much you need to start.

On average, the initial capital needed to open a travel agency can vary significantly, ranging from as low as $5,000 to $20,000 for a home-based or online operation to $30,000 to $100,000 for a physical storefront in a well-trafficked area .

If you want to know the exact budget you will need for your own travel agency and also get a full detailed list of expenses, you can use the financial plan we have made, tailored to travel agencies . This excel file is actually very user-friendly and it will give you an instant and full detailed analysis of your future project.

The budget can vary the most due to the location of the travel agency. Prime locations in high-traffic areas tend to have higher rental costs, which can significantly increase startup expenses.

The size of the travel agency also plays a crucial role in determining the initial investment. A larger space not only increases rent but also may require more staff and marketing to attract clients, leading to higher operational costs.

The quality of technology and software is another significant factor. High-quality, reliable booking and customer management systems are expensive but can save money in the long run through efficiency and customer satisfaction. Conversely, starting with basic or lower-quality software can reduce initial costs but may lead to inefficiencies or a less professional service offering over time.

If the available capital is limited, it's still possible to open a travel agency, but careful planning and prioritization are crucial. The very minimum budget could be around $5,000 to $10,000 if you choose to operate online, minimize the size of your operation, use cost-effective software solutions, and manage much of the work yourself. This approach requires a hands-on strategy, focusing on a niche travel market to reduce complexity and costs.

To make the most of a limited budget, consider the following tips.

business plan travel agency

Identify all your expenses

The expenses when starting a travel agency include office space rental, licensing and permits, insurance, marketing and advertising, technology and software, staff training, establishing a customer base, and a reserve for unexpected expenses.

Office space is essential for a travel agency, and costs can vary greatly depending on location and size. On average, you might spend between $500 to $5,000 per month for rent. A well-located office can attract walk-in clients, but some agencies may opt for a home office or shared space to save on costs.

Licenses and permits are necessary for legal operation. Costs vary by location but typically range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. This includes business operation licenses and travel seller registration.

Insurance is critical to protect your business against liability, property damage, and other potential risks. Essential policies include general liability, property insurance, and errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, particularly important in the travel industry. Annual premiums can range from $500 to $3,000 or more, depending on your coverage levels and agency size.

Allocating funds for marketing and advertising is crucial for attracting customers. Initially, you might spend between $1,000 to $10,000 on marketing efforts, including social media advertising, traditional advertising, and creating a website. The amount can vary based on your strategy and the competitiveness of your market.

Investing in technology and software for booking systems, customer relationship management (CRM), and accounting software is important. Costs can range from $1,000 to $15,000, depending on the sophistication of the systems you choose. Subscription-based services may have ongoing monthly fees.

There are also training costs for staff and professional development. Setting aside $1,000 to $5,000 for initial training and ongoing professional development can help ensure high-quality service. This also includes any costs for obtaining or maintaining travel industry certifications.

Establishing a customer base is an ongoing expense that involves networking, partnerships, and customer acquisition strategies. Initial efforts can cost between $2,000 to $20,000. Developing relationships with reliable suppliers and considering commission structures can help manage costs.

Finally, setting aside a reserve for unexpected expenses or emergencies is crucial. A good rule of thumb is to have at least three to six months' worth of operating expenses saved. This can cover unforeseen issues, market changes, or shortfalls in cash flow.

Here is a summary table to make it easier to digest. For a full breakdown of expenses, please check our financial plan for travel agencies .

Business plan and financing

Make a solid business plan.

You have probably heard it already but, yes writing a business plan when opening a travel agency is crucial.

Why? Because a business plan serves as a roadmap for your venture, detailing your objectives, strategies to achieve them, and the potential obstacles you might encounter. A well-structured business plan is not only a tool for staying organized and on track but also critical if you're seeking funding from investors or financial institutions, as it shows the feasibility and future profitability of your travel agency.

The key components of a travel agency business plan include market analysis, financial planning, and operational strategy, among others. Market analysis is vital to understand your target market, their travel habits, and the competitive environment. It involves researching trends in the travel industry, pinpointing your main competitors, and discovering a niche or unique value proposition that distinguishes your travel agency from others.

Financial planning is another essential element. This section should detail your expected income, the cost of sales (including travel packages and partnerships with hotels and airlines), labor costs, and other operational expenses. It should also feature projections for profit and loss, cash flow, and a break-even analysis. Financial planning offers you and potential backers a transparent view of your travel agency's fiscal health and expansion prospects. You will find all of this in our financial plan for a travel agency .

While the structure of a travel agency business plan shares commonalities with other business plans, the focus on certain areas may vary.

For instance, a travel agency will emphasize product development (curating unique and attractive travel experiences), supplier relationships (negotiating deals with hotels, airlines, and tour operators), and location analysis (a visible and accessible office can be beneficial, although online presence is increasingly important). Additionally, demonstrating knowledge of travel regulations and the ability to provide exceptional customer service is crucial.

To succeed and create an effective travel agency business plan, you should conduct in-depth research and maintain realistic financial projections and capabilities. Engage with potential clients to understand their travel preferences, desires, and budget. Also, consider the scalability of your business model and how you might grow or diversify your services in the future.

In the case of a travel agency, particular attention should be given to establishing a strong brand identity and marketing strategy that connects with your intended audience. Emphasizing the exclusivity of your travel packages, the expertise of your staff, or the personalized experience you offer can set your agency apart in a competitive industry.

Success depends not only on the quality of your travel offerings but also on meticulous planning, understanding your market, managing finances prudently, and executing your operational strategy with precision.

Remember, a business plan is not a static document but a dynamic one that should be revisited and revised as your travel agency grows and adapts to the changing market.

Get financed

Concerned about how to finance your dream travel agency? There's no need to fret; a variety of financing options are available to help you get started.

Financing for a travel agency can come from multiple sources, including raising capital from investors, securing loans from banks or financial institutions, and obtaining grants or subsidies.

Each financing method has its own set of benefits and things to consider.

Raising capital means finding investors who will provide funds in exchange for equity in your travel agency. This is advantageous because it doesn't require immediate repayment like a loan does.

However, it also means parting with some ownership and possibly some control over your agency's operations.

For a travel agency, this could be a good strategy if you're looking to scale up quickly or if you need substantial initial capital for marketing campaigns or a strategic storefront location. To attract investors, you'll need a robust business plan that shows growth potential, profitability, and a deep understanding of the travel industry.

Another option is to take out a business loan.

This path allows you to maintain complete ownership of your agency but requires you to pay back the borrowed amount with interest. Loans can be used for a variety of purposes, such as securing office space, investing in technology and booking systems, or covering initial marketing expenses.

Banks often ask for a down payment or collateral, which might range from 15% to 25% of the loan amount. It's crucial to balance the proportion of your budget that comes from loans to avoid overwhelming your business with debt. Your travel agency's projected income should be sufficient to cover loan repayments while still allowing for operational costs and growth.

Grants or subsidies are another avenue, though they are less common.

These funds are typically provided by government bodies or non-profit organizations to support small businesses, particularly in niche markets or for innovative services. Grants do not need to be repaid, but they are competitive and often come with specific requirements.

For a travel agency, grants might not be the most reliable primary source of funding but could be used to complement other financing methods for certain initiatives or to adopt sustainable practices.

To effectively secure financing from lenders or investors for your travel agency, you must prove the viability and profitability of your business idea.

This involves crafting a comprehensive business plan that includes market analysis, a clear definition of your target market, detailed financial projections, and an effective marketing strategy. Your business plan should emphasize what makes your travel agency unique, such as specialized travel packages, exceptional customer service, or innovative technology use.

Lenders and investors will judge your travel agency based on criteria like your creditworthiness, industry experience, available collateral, and the strength of your business plan.

They will scrutinize the financial projections of your travel agency to determine if you can generate enough revenue to cover operating costs, repay debts, and turn a profit. Demonstrating a thorough grasp of the travel market, including trends, consumer behavior, and competitive analysis, will bolster your case.

Below is a summary table of the various financing options mentioned for opening a travel agency, along with their advantages, considerations, and potential uses:

Legal and administrative setup

Permits and licenses.

Starting a travel agency involves meticulous planning and compliance with various regulations and requirements to ensure the safety, satisfaction, and protection of your clients and your business.

The specific permits, licenses, industry regulations, inspection schedules, consequences of non-compliance, and insurance policies you'll need can differ based on your location, but there are common standards that are applicable in many regions.

First, you'll need to secure the necessary business permits and licenses.

This often includes a general business license from your city or county, and if you're selling travel insurance or other financial products, you may need a special license for that. For example, in the United States, selling travel insurance typically requires you to be licensed as a seller of travel insurance in the states where your clients reside. Additionally, if you're planning to offer travel packages, you might need to register as a seller of travel in certain states.

It's imperative to consult with your local government and industry-specific agencies to understand the precise requirements for your area.

Regarding industry regulations, travel agencies must comply with consumer protection laws and regulations that govern advertising, disclosures, and the handling of customer funds. This includes being transparent about the terms and conditions of travel packages, accurately representing services, and providing refunds or alternatives if services are not delivered as promised.

Inspections are not typically a part of travel agency regulations, but audits and reviews can be conducted by industry associations or licensing bodies to ensure compliance. The frequency and nature of these reviews can vary, but they are generally less frequent than health inspections for food establishments.

Non-compliance with industry regulations can lead to penalties ranging from fines to revocation of your license or registration, and in severe cases, legal action. It's crucial to understand and adhere to these regulations to maintain a reputable and lawful business.

Insurance is a vital component of safeguarding your travel agency. At the very least, you'll need professional liability insurance (also known as errors and omissions insurance) to cover mistakes or negligence in your services that could lead to client claims.

General liability insurance is also important to protect against accidents or injuries that may occur in your office. If you have employees, you'll likely need workers' compensation insurance to cover any work-related injuries or illnesses. Additionally, considering a commercial property insurance policy is advisable if you own or lease physical office space.

Furthermore, given the nature of the travel industry, you might also want to look into specific travel agency insurance policies that can cover risks like trip cancellations, supplier defaults, and other travel-related contingencies that could affect your clients and, by extension, your business.

Business Structure

The three common structures for opening a travel agency are LLC (Limited Liability Company), partnership, and sole proprietorship. Each has their unique features and implications for your business.

Please note that we are not legal experts (we specialize in business and financial planning) and that your choice should be based on how much risk you're willing to accept, how you prefer to handle taxes, and your plans for growing and possibly selling your travel agency.

In simple terms, a sole proprietorship is simple and straightforward but carries personal liability. A partnership allows for shared responsibility but requires clear agreements to manage risks. An LLC offers a balance of protection and flexibility, making it a strong option for many businesses looking to scale.

Consider your long-term goals, and consult with a financial advisor or attorney to make the best choice for your travel agency.

We’ll make it easier for you, here is a summary table.

Getting started to start a travel agency

Offer development, design and lay out.

Designing and laying out your travel agency for operational efficiency and an enhanced customer experience requires thoughtful consideration and strategic planning.

Let's explore how you can achieve this, focusing on customer engagement, balancing technology with budget, and ensuring privacy and security.

Firstly, envisioning customer engagement is crucial.

Your travel agency's design should welcome customers into a space that inspires travel. From the entrance, guide them through an area that showcases stunning travel imagery and interactive displays. The layout should encourage customers to explore different destinations, with staff positioned to provide information and assistance as needed. Place your most enticing travel packages and offers in areas where customers are likely to pause, such as near seating or refreshment areas.

This setup not only highlights your best offers but also encourages customers to consider additional travel options as they move through the agency.

Regarding the design to facilitate this engagement, consider the layout's ambiance and accessibility.

Open spaces, clear signage, and a logical arrangement of the environment promote easy movement and a sense of adventure. The consultation area should be clearly marked and designed to be inviting, with comfortable seating and privacy screens to ensure confidential discussions. If your travel agency includes a waiting area, ensure it's equipped with engaging travel literature and refreshments to keep customers comfortable and engaged while they wait.

Balancing the need for advanced technology with budget constraints is another challenge.

Start by prioritizing essential technology that directly impacts the customer experience, such as high-resolution displays for showcasing destinations and user-friendly booking systems. These are worth investing in because they are the core of your travel agency's operations. For other items, consider cost-effective solutions like cloud-based software for managing bookings and customer relationships, which can reduce the need for expensive on-site servers.

Additionally, plan for technology that offers scalability and efficiency, like integrated CRM systems or virtual reality experiences, to get the most value for your investment.

Privacy and security in the travel agency layout are paramount. Your design must include private consultation areas where customers can discuss travel plans and personal information without being overheard. Secure storage for sensitive documents and a reliable network security system are essential to protect both customer data and your business.

Specific protocols for handling personal information, secure payment processing, and data storage are crucial for privacy and compliance. Implement a system that ensures all customer information is handled confidentially and stored securely, with access restricted to authorized personnel only.

Train your staff thoroughly in privacy practices, emphasizing the importance of discretion, secure logins, and the proper handling of payment information.

Regularly review and update these protocols to comply with local privacy regulations and best practices.

Craft your offer

Your travel packages and services will be the cornerstone of your travel agency's success (or the reason for its struggles).

To begin, understand the preferences and needs of your target market through direct engagement, such as customer interviews and feedback forms, and indirect research, like analyzing travel trends and studying what successful competitors are offering.

Once you have a clear understanding of your target market's travel desires, you can start to design travel packages that not only meet their needs but also offer something unique.

Incorporating local experiences and off-the-beaten-path destinations into your travel packages is an excellent way to differentiate your offerings and promote sustainable tourism.

This strategy not only supports local communities and minimizes the environmental impact of travel but also ensures that your clients have authentic and memorable experiences. Forge relationships with local tour operators and accommodation providers to understand what unique experiences you can offer throughout the year. This knowledge allows you to plan your travel packages with seasonal activities, offering exclusive experiences that can attract travelers looking for something beyond the typical tourist spots. Seasonal travel packages also create excitement among your clients, as they anticipate new and unique adventures.

To ensure your travel packages are competitive, focus on exclusivity and quality.

This can be achieved by offering bespoke itineraries that cater to niche interests, such as culinary tours, adventure sports, or cultural immersion trips. Sharing the story behind each destination, like its history, culture, or ecological significance, can also add depth to your travel packages.

Ensuring consistency and quality in your travel services involves setting high standards and clear processes.

This can include detailed itineraries with reliable accommodations and transport, thorough training for your travel consultants, and regular checks on customer satisfaction. Consistency is crucial for building trust with your clients, as they will know exactly what to expect when they book a trip with your agency. Invest in partnerships with reputable service providers and don't hesitate to refine your travel packages based on feedback and new opportunities.

Utilizing customer feedback is vital for the ongoing enhancement and development of your travel offerings. Create channels for feedback, such as online reviews, surveys, and social media interactions, to understand what your clients appreciate and where there might be opportunities for improvement.

Be receptive to constructive criticism and ready to adapt based on customer insights. This not only aids in refining your travel packages but also demonstrates to your clients that you value their feedback, encouraging loyalty and repeat business.

Determinate the right pricing

When opening a travel agency, it's crucial to establish a pricing strategy that balances profitability with customer satisfaction. Here's a methodical approach to setting your prices effectively.

Firstly, you must understand your costs thoroughly, which include staff salaries, office expenses, marketing, software systems for booking and customer management, and any other costs associated with providing travel services.

Ensuring your prices cover these costs is fundamental to your agency's profitability.

Next, analyze your competition and the broader travel market to gauge the going rates for similar travel packages and services. While you don't need to mirror these prices, this research provides a valuable reference point.

Understanding the price sensitivity and preferences of your target market is also essential. Gather insights through customer feedback, surveys, or by experimenting with different price points and observing the effect on sales. This will help you find the sweet spot where customers feel they're getting good value without being overcharged.

Psychological pricing strategies can be effective in the travel industry as well.

Charm pricing, such as offering a trip at $999 instead of $1000, can create the illusion of a better deal. This tactic might be particularly useful for budget travel deals or special promotions.

However, you should apply this strategy carefully to maintain the perceived value of your travel packages.

The perceived value is crucial in the travel business.

Enhancing this perception can be achieved by providing exceptional customer service, creating exclusive travel experiences, and ensuring a strong brand presence. For instance, curating unique travel itineraries or providing personalized services can justify higher prices because customers perceive they are receiving more value for their money.

Seasonal pricing strategies can optimize sales by promoting travel packages during peak seasons or offering off-season discounts to stimulate demand.

For example, you might offer early bird specials for summer vacations or exclusive deals for winter getaways to encourage bookings during typically slower periods.

When introducing new travel services, introductory pricing, such as special launch offers or package deals, can entice customers to try them out. Once these services gain popularity, you can adjust the prices based on demand and cost factors.

For online bookings versus in-person consultations, consider the different costs and customer expectations. Online pricing may need to reflect convenience fees or service charges, which could be included in the package price or listed separately. Offering online-exclusive promotions can also drive bookings through your digital platform.

Lastly, the psychological impact of discounting travel services should be considered carefully. While promotions can increase bookings and attract new customers, too much discounting can harm your brand's image and lead to a perception of lower quality. Use discounts strategically, such as for last-minute bookings to fill up unsold inventory, without setting a precedent for constant price reductions.

Manage relationships with your suppliers

Poor relationships with suppliers could jeopardize your travel agency's ability to provide exceptional experiences for your clients.

On the contrary, nurturing strong partnerships with suppliers such as hotels, airlines, and tour operators will ensure access to high-quality travel options and exclusive deals.

Regular communication, prompt payments, and showing appreciation for their products and services can build loyalty and dependability. Be clear about your client's needs and expectations, and whenever possible, experience their services firsthand. This deepens your understanding of their offerings and potential issues, enabling you to collaborate more effectively.

Additionally, consider long-term contracts with key suppliers to secure competitive rates and guarantee availability, but also maintain a network of alternative providers to mitigate risks of unavailability or price surges.

For managing travel packages, inventory management techniques such as dynamic pricing are essential. This approach allows you to adjust prices based on demand and supply, maximizing profits. Regularly monitor booking trends to adjust offerings according to market demand, avoiding overcapacity and maximizing revenue. Implementing a real-time booking system can also be effective, where travel options are sourced and confirmed as needed, though this requires accurate market forecasting.

Technology can significantly improve package management and enhance customer satisfaction in a travel agency.

Implementing a booking management system that integrates with customer relationship management (CRM) systems allows for real-time tracking of reservations and client preferences. This technology can help predict trends more accurately, streamline booking processes, and identify opportunities that can inform package development and promotional strategies.

Additionally, digital tools can facilitate better communication with suppliers, enabling more efficient booking adjustments and collaboration.

Scaling travel agency operations presents challenges such as maintaining service quality, managing increased costs, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Address these challenges by standardizing service protocols, training staff thoroughly, and investing in technology that can increase efficiency without compromising the travel experience.

Scaling up also means more bookings, so negotiate pricing with suppliers for volume deals without sacrificing service quality. Customer satisfaction becomes even more critical as operations grow, requiring consistent delivery of promised travel experiences and more frequent customer feedback collection.

Implementing effective cost control measures involves scrutinizing every aspect of sourcing and providing travel services and packages. Regularly review and negotiate with suppliers to ensure you're getting the best rates without compromising service quality.

Also, consider alternative travel options that may offer cost savings or unique experiences. Utilize technology to track and analyze costs, client feedback, and booking patterns to identify areas for improvement. Reducing unnecessary expenses not only cuts costs but also allows you to offer competitive pricing, appealing to budget-conscious travelers.

Hire the right people

When starting a travel agency, you should be strategic about your hiring process, especially if you're working with a limited budget. Initially, you'll need a core team that can handle travel planning, customer service, and business management.

For travel planning, experienced travel agents are essential. They should have a deep knowledge of travel destinations, booking processes, and itinerary planning. A senior travel agent or travel consultant with a strong background in creating customized travel experiences can be a valuable asset to set the standard for your service offerings.

Customer service representatives are crucial for handling client inquiries, bookings, and providing support before, during, and after trips. They should be excellent communicators with a passion for travel and helping others.

For management, you'll need someone who can oversee the agency's operations, manage staff, and handle administrative tasks such as marketing, financial planning, and ensuring compliance with travel industry regulations.

As your travel agency grows, you might consider hiring specialized roles such as marketing experts, IT support for your booking systems, and additional administrative staff. Outsourcing can also be a strategic move for roles like accounting and web development, allowing you to focus on your core business while utilizing external expertise.

When hiring, prioritize candidates with a mix of industry knowledge, experience, and a passion for travel. For travel agents, look for certifications from recognized travel institutions and hands-on experience in the travel industry. Customer service skills are essential for front-line staff, along with the ability to work efficiently under pressure. For managerial roles, seek candidates with experience in travel agency management, a strong understanding of business operations, and leadership qualities.

To ensure a good fit for your travel agency's culture and demands, consider practical assessments such as role-playing customer service scenarios or testing travel destination knowledge during the hiring process.

Look for candidates who demonstrate a genuine passion for travel, customer service, and the ability to adapt to the dynamic nature of the travel industry.

Finding the right candidates can be challenging. Utilize travel industry networks, job boards, social media platforms, and attend travel trade shows to reach potential candidates. Offering internships or apprenticeships can also be a way to connect with emerging talent from travel and tourism programs.

Here is a summary table of the different job positions for your travel agency, and the average gross salary in USD.

Running the operations of your travel agency

Daily operations.

Running a travel agency smoothly requires organization, efficiency, and a keen understanding of your clients' needs. By adopting the right tools and practices, you can ensure a seamless operation and provide exceptional travel experiences.

Firstly, a robust Travel Agency Management System (TAMS) is essential. Look for a system that integrates itinerary planning, booking, customer relationship management (CRM), and financial tracking.

This integration allows you to handle bookings in real-time, maintain client profiles with their travel preferences and history, and manage your finances effectively. Many TAMS platforms also support communication with clients through automated emails and reminders, which can enhance the customer service experience.

For itinerary management, choose software that allows you to create personalized itineraries quickly. The best systems enable you to collaborate with clients and make adjustments on the fly, ensuring their needs are met precisely.

Effective supplier relationship management is also key in the travel industry. Establish clear communication channels with your partners, such as hotels, airlines, and tour operators. Set expectations for response times, service quality, and payment terms. A strong network of reliable suppliers can provide you with competitive rates and availability, giving you an edge in the market.

Investing in your team's well-being and professional development is crucial. Provide regular training on the latest travel trends, destinations, and technology tools. Set clear goals and expectations, and offer constructive feedback. Recognize and reward excellent performance to maintain high morale and encourage a culture of excellence.

Creating memorable travel experiences starts with understanding your clients' desires. Train your staff to be attentive and proactive. Encourage them to build rapport with clients, remembering their past travel experiences and preferences to offer tailored recommendations.

Maintaining a professional and welcoming office environment, with up-to-date travel brochures and a comfortable consultation area, can also enhance the client experience.

Develop customer service policies that reflect the unique nature of travel planning. This might include flexible booking options, transparent cancellation policies, and a commitment to support clients before, during, and after their trips.

Encourage clients to provide feedback through your website, email surveys, or social media. Respond to feedback promptly and constructively, showing that you value their opinions and are dedicated to continuous improvement.

When handling complaints, listen empathetically and offer practical solutions. Whether it's rebooking a flight or providing future travel credits, show your commitment to resolving issues. Turning a challenging situation into a positive outcome can often result in a loyal client who trusts your agency to handle their travel needs.

Revenues and Margins

Know how much you can make.

Understanding the financial workings of a travel agency is crucial for success in the industry.

We have an in-depth article on the profitability of travel agencies that provides extensive details. Below, we'll summarize some key points.

One important metric for travel agencies is the average booking value, which represents the average amount a customer spends on a single travel booking.

The average booking value can vary greatly depending on the type of travel agency and its market focus. For luxury travel agencies, which cater to high-end clients seeking exclusive experiences, the average booking value could be quite high, perhaps between $5,000 and $20,000 .

Conversely, a standard retail travel agency that offers a wide range of travel options to the general public might see a lower average booking value, potentially between $500 and $3,000 .

Niche travel agencies, which specialize in certain types of travel like adventure tours or eco-tourism, might have varying booking values based on the uniqueness and demand for their offerings. We could estimate an average booking value between $1,000 and $5,000 .

When it comes to revenue, this too will differ. You can estimate your travel agency's revenue accurately with our financial plan tailored for travel agencies .

Urban travel agencies might see monthly revenues ranging from $10,000 to over $500,000 , leading to annual revenues between $120,000 and $6 million .

Rural travel agencies may have lower revenue expectations due to a smaller customer base, with annual revenues often between $50,000 and $300,000 .

Startup travel agencies typically experience lower revenues as they work to establish a customer base and brand presence. Initial monthly revenues might not exceed $5,000.

Established travel agencies benefit from repeat business and referrals, which can lead to higher and more consistent revenues.

Luxury travel agencies, while potentially earning higher commissions per booking, may have a smaller customer base due to the exclusive nature of their services. Annual revenues for such agencies might not typically exceed $2 million .

Franchise travel agencies can often achieve higher revenues due to strong brand recognition and marketing support, with annual revenues ranging from $200,000 to $1 million .

Revenue for niche travel agencies is heavily dependent on the popularity and demand for their specialized services, making it challenging to provide an average range.

Travel agencies don't just earn money from booking trips. They have a variety of revenue streams available to them.

If you're looking for inspiration, here's a table that outlines many different ways a travel agency can generate income.

Understand your margins

As with any business, understanding the difference between revenue and profit is crucial for a travel agency. Before we can determine the actual earnings at the end of the year, we must consider the expenses and margins of the travel agency.

Let's delve into the gross and net margins, which are key indicators of a travel agency's profitability.

To calculate your own margins and get a precise figure for your potential profit, you can adjust the assumptions in our financial model designed for travel agencies .

The typical range of gross margins for travel agencies can vary, often ranging from 10% to 30%.

Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS), which for a travel agency includes direct costs such as payments to tour operators, airlines, and hotels, from the revenue generated from the sales of travel packages, then dividing this number by the revenue, and finally, multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Net margins, however, account for not just the COGS but also all other expenses a travel agency incurs, such as office rent, utilities, marketing expenses, administrative costs, and taxes. This figure is obtained by subtracting all operating expenses from the gross profit.

Net margins offer a more complete view of a travel agency's profitability and are typically lower than gross margins, with industry averages often ranging from 2% to 8%, reflecting the tighter profitability after all costs are considered.

Different types of travel agencies—online, boutique, and full-service—can have varying profit margins due to differences in their business models, operational scale, and target markets. Here is a table to illustrate this.

Margins in a travel agency are significantly influenced by factors such as service mix, pricing strategy, and scale of operations.

A diverse service mix can attract a wider customer base but may also increase complexity and costs. Pricing strategy is critical; prices must be competitive yet sufficient to cover costs and generate profit. Scale of operations can affect cost efficiencies, with larger agencies often benefiting from lower per-unit costs due to higher volume.

Ongoing expenses that impact travel agency margins include payments to service providers, staff salaries, office rent, and marketing costs. Fluctuations in travel demand can affect gross margins. Labor is another significant expense, especially for agencies that provide personalized services. Rent can vary widely by location, and marketing is essential for customer acquisition and retention.

Agencies focusing on niche markets like luxury or adventure travel may see different margin dynamics compared to those with a broader service range. While niche agencies can charge premium prices, they also face higher operational costs and potentially limited market size, impacting the overall margin.

External factors such as economic conditions, travel trends, and seasonality also play a crucial role in travel agency margins. Economic downturns can reduce consumer spending on travel, while peak seasons can significantly boost sales. Staying current with travel trends and adapting service offerings accordingly can help manage these fluctuations.

The challenge of maintaining healthy margins in the face of rising operational costs and intense competition is significant. Travel agencies can mitigate these challenges through efficient cost management, strategic pricing, optimizing operations, and investing in technology for productivity improvements.

Regularly tracking and analyzing financial performance, including gross and net margins, is vital for ensuring the financial health and sustainability of a travel agency (and you can do all of that with our financial model specifically for travel agencies ).

Implement a strong marketing strategy

Marketing for a travel agency can be as exciting as the destinations you're promoting. We understand that you'll be focused on creating unforgettable travel experiences for your clients, so we'll keep our marketing advice straightforward and impactful, just like the strategy we've detailed in our business plan for a travel agency .

Building a brand for your travel agency is essential. Your brand is the identity that customers connect with and remember. It's more than just your logo or the images you use; it's the promise of adventure, relaxation, and memories that you deliver. Your brand should encapsulate the essence of your travel services, whether that's luxury getaways, eco-tours, or family-friendly vacations. A strong brand will help you stand out in the competitive travel market and cultivate a dedicated clientele.

Begin your marketing plan by identifying your target audience. Who are your ideal clients? What do they seek in their travels? Are they after exotic adventures, cultural immersion, budget-friendly trips, or high-end luxury experiences? Knowing your audience will shape your branding and marketing efforts.

For promotion, social media and online marketing are invaluable for travel agencies. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are ideal for showcasing stunning travel destinations and sharing customer testimonials.

Engage your audience with travel tips, destination highlights, and interactive content like polls or quizzes about their dream vacations. Share stories and photos from happy clients to illustrate the amazing experiences your agency provides.

Content strategies that resonate with travel agencies include highlighting unique travel packages, sharing travel guides for different destinations, and promoting special deals or seasonal trips. Collaborating with travel influencers or local businesses in the tourism industry can also increase your visibility.

Not every marketing tactic will suit your travel agency. For instance, if your focus is on luxury travel, budget travel forums are not the right place for your marketing efforts. Similarly, if you specialize in cruises, content about backpacking adventures might not align with your brand.

Even with a modest budget, there are clever ways to attract new clients.

First, consider attending travel expos or local community events to showcase your services. This can lead to direct bookings and enhance your agency's profile.

You can also offer travel webinars or information sessions to share your expertise and entice potential customers.

Forming partnerships with local businesses, like upscale restaurants or retail stores, can help you reach a broader audience.

Implementing a referral program can motivate your existing clients to recommend your agency to others. Simple incentives or discounts on future travel can be very effective.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Encourage your satisfied travelers to share their experiences and offer them perks for bringing new clients to your door.

Grow and expand

We want you to thrive with your travel agency. We trust that the insights provided here will aid you in reaching new heights.

Imagine you're at the helm of a flourishing travel agency, with robust margins and a strong cash flow. Now is the moment to contemplate how to scale and broaden your enterprise.

There's always potential for greater success, and we're here to show you the path to attain it.

Also, please note that there is a 5-year development plan tailored for a travel agency in our business plan template .

Successful travel agency owners often exhibit qualities like resilience, adaptability, a profound knowledge of the travel industry, and the ability to connect with and understand their clientele. These attributes are essential as they steer the growth of their business.

Before expanding a travel agency's service offerings, consider the existing market demand, the compatibility of new services with your current portfolio, and how these additions will impact your operations.

Market research is critical in this decision-making process. By examining customer preferences, travel trends, and the success of similar services in the market, you can make informed choices that are in line with your agency's capabilities and customer expectations.

Evaluating the success of current operations involves analyzing sales trends, customer feedback, and operational efficiency. If your agency consistently hits or surpasses sales targets, receives positive feedback, and operates efficiently, it might be ripe for expansion.

Opening additional branches should be grounded in solid evidence of demand, a deep understanding of the target market, and the financial robustness of your current operation.

Franchising can be a way to expand with lower capital risk, tapping into the entrepreneurial spirit of franchisees. However, it demands a strong brand, proven operational systems, and the capacity to support franchisees. Opening owned branches gives more control over operations and customer experience but requires more capital and direct management. Each model has its pros and cons, and the choice depends on your business objectives, resources, and preferred growth strategy.

Digital channels, including online booking platforms and social media marketing, can significantly increase a travel agency's reach and sales. Establishing an online presence allows you to cater to clients beyond your immediate geographic location, adapting to the increasing demand for digital convenience.

This strategy necessitates an understanding of digital marketing, logistics for travel arrangements, and maintaining service quality.

Branding is vital as it sets your travel agency apart in a competitive market. A strong, consistent brand identity across all branches and platforms can enhance customer loyalty and attract new business. Strengthen your brand by ensuring that every customer interaction reflects your agency's values, professionalism, and quality.

Maintaining consistency across multiple branches is challenging but crucial. This can be achieved through detailed operational manuals, training programs, and quality control systems.

Regular visits and audits, along with fostering a strong, shared culture, help ensure each branch upholds the standards that contributed to your original location's success.

Financial metrics and business benchmarks indicating readiness for expansion include consistent profitability, a strong cash flow, and meeting or exceeding sales projections over a significant period.

Additionally, having a scalable business model and the operational capacity to support growth is essential.

Partnerships with other businesses and participation in travel expos can introduce your agency to new customers and markets. These opportunities allow for creative collaboration, community engagement, and brand visibility, contributing to your agency's growth.

Scaling services to meet increased demand involves logistical considerations such as technology upgrades, efficient staff management, and possibly expanding your office space. Ensuring that your team can handle the increased volume without sacrificing service quality is key.

Finally, it's crucial that your expansion efforts remain aligned with your travel agency's core values and long-term objectives. Growth should not compromise the essence of what made your agency successful in the first place.

Regularly revisiting your business plan and values can help ensure that your expansion strategies are in harmony with your vision and mission, preserving the core of your travel agency as it grows.

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Starting a Travel Business: How to Become a Travel Agent

Author: Briana Morgaine

Briana Morgaine

17 min. read

Updated March 18, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Travel Agency Business Plan Templates

If you’re someone who loves travel, meticulous planning, and helping others have great experiences, consider starting a travel business and becoming a travel agent.

After a sharp drop in international and domestic travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, air travel demand has returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Pent-up demand from families who put off trips is driving tourism activity even as fewer travelers cite the pandemic as a major concern. Those tourists are forecast to drive solid long-term growth in the worldwide travel and tourism industry – and plenty of business opportunities for those who can make vacation planning less stressful.

Becoming a travel agent can be fairly inexpensive, as business ventures go, and you can often get away with limited staff and little upfront cost.

That being said, success largely depends on finding the right niche in a fiercely competitive market, given the rise in online direct-to-consumer travel booking sites. So, if you want to be successful, you’ll want to focus a lot of your effort on your market research , branding, and marketing. You’ll need to know who needs your services—your target market—and what they’ll be willing to pay. 

If this sounds right up your alley, keep reading. I’ve interviewed several founders of successful travel agencies for their advice on everything you need to get started, and I’ve also included plenty of links and resources to help you work through the process of starting your own travel business.

  • 1. Create a plan for your travel business

Make no mistake: No matter what industry you’re in, a business plan is essential. You may not need a formal business plan if you’re not seeking a loan or investment funding for your business, but don’t skip it. Write a one-page business plan instead.

You can do it in less than an hour. Writing a business plan is scientifically proven to help you grow faster , so don’t skip this step. 

What kind of travel agent are you interested in becoming? If you’re planning to be a home-based travel agent, you’ll want to look into finding a host travel agency where you’ll essentially be an independent contractor. If this is the type of travel business you’d like to start, the business planning process should be fairly straightforward.

However, if you’re looking into starting your own travel business from the ground up, you’ll be looking at a much more lengthy planning process—but you’ll also have more flexibility to build a business that’s all your own.

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A case for starting early

“In starting ADDISON Yacht Charters , we began market analysis and business planning efforts a full year before we launched the company in November 2013,” says owner Scott Bessette.

“During that period, we attended industry events such as regional yacht shows in the Virgin Islands, Antigua, Florida, and Monaco to acquire as full an understanding as possible with regards to what products and services were being delivered to the market, who was delivering those products and services, and who was purchasing those products and services,” he explains.

Starting the planning process early helped Scott hone in on his vision for his business. “In this manner, we determined what our market niche could be, and established whether or not we could compete in the existing market, and what it would take to succeed,” he says.

Scott was able to get a clear sense of where he wanted to take it, and how to tailor his business to best suit the market needs.

What kind of travel agent business plan will you need?

The kind of travel agency business plan you’ll need will vary depending on what kind of funding you’re looking for.

Are you hoping to eventually run a large travel agency, and interested in seeking a loan, or maybe investment from angel investors? You’ll want a formal business plan for a travel agency that contains all the necessary information on your business. Are you more interested in becoming a travel agent using your own savings, without seeking outside investment or loans? A more lightweight one-page plan might be a perfect fit for your business.

Even if you do intend to pitch your business idea to lenders and investors, you can start with a Lean Plan, and flesh out the rest of the info later on.

Whatever your specific reason for writing a business plan for your travel business, the most important thing is that you write one, period. The travel industry is fragmented , and having a clearly defined niche and a plan will help you stand out. Writing a business plan for your travel agency will help you narrow in on what your goals are, and establish a clear, focused vision going forward.

We’ve covered nearly every aspect of writing a business plan here on Bplans, so be sure to check out the links below when you’re ready to get started. We also have several travel industry business sample plans, which will give you an idea of what your business plan should look like.

Resources to help you create a business plan for a travel agency:

  • How to Write a Business Plan
  • Travel Agency Sample Business Plan
  • 2. Conduct market research and find your niche

What kind of travel agency do you plan on starting? Moreover, what kind of travel business does the industry or your local community actually need?

“When you launch a travel business, the most important thing to do is to provide a valuable service,” says Jacquie Whitt, owner of Adios Adventure Travel .

This means doing some market research to find out what kind of travel agent or travel business the market really needs. Is there a niche you can fill? Maybe there’s an opening in the travel market to provide destination adventure honeymoons for young couples who would rather go backpacking than relax on the beach. Think about the people in your local community too—do they need something specific?

“In a saturated luxury travel market, Urbane Nomads had to distinguish itself from more seasoned players from the get-go,” says founder Hajar Ali. “The dual elements of adventure and luxury was an unexplored niche which we filled very well.”

Hajar says of Urbane Nomads: “It was conceived as the kind of travel company that would remain relevant in the age where most travel-related bookings are made online. We specialize in the sort of experiences that can’t be booked online—adventurous trips to non-mainstream destinations, lodges that can’t be booked online—or indeed, by non-travel professionals—and special experiences and access to personalities that would have been impossible without the personal connections.”

What niche are you filling? Start by researching the travel market in general. Find out who the major players are that you’ll be competing against, determine who your ideal customer is, and define what they want.

Resources to help you do market research and determine your niche:

  • Practical Market Research Resources for Entrepreneurs
  • How to Do Market Research
  • How to Create a Unique Value Proposition
  • How a Buyer (or User) Persona Can Improve Your Business
  • What Is Target Marketing?
  • 3. Develop a brand as a travel agent

Once you’ve determined what the market looks like and what specific niche you’ll be filling, it’s important to get down to the nitty-gritty of creating a strong brand image .

As the travel industry is so competitive, having a well-developed brand will help your business stand out. How do you want your customers to feel when they visit your website, view your advertising, or use your services?

Lorne Blyth, Founder and Director of Flavours Holidays, had a very specific vision for her brand. “[At Flavours Holidays], we have been specializing in cooking, Pilates, painting, photography, and language holidays in Italy since 1998,” she says. Lorne’s vision was to create a brand that “gave guests a true taste of Italy.”

“I use that as part of my branding, as we would like to perceive ourselves as being experts on all things Italy,” says Lorne. “That is why our tagline is ‘Passionate, Inspiring, Authentic.’”

Why should customers use your services, rather than just book a trip themselves? What experience can you provide that others can’t?

Do you offer unique services, such as partnerships with the locals of your travel destinations, that customers wouldn’t have access to otherwise? Is your selling point the ease of having someone else plan your trip for you, down to the last detail? Are you all about personal touches and a great customer service experience?

This is the first step to determining your travel business’s brand strategy— determining who you are. We’ve gone in-depth on how to build a memorable brand for your business, so check out the articles below for more information on branding.

Resources to help you brand your travel business:

  • The Definitive Guide to Building a Brand
  • Your Brand’s Tone of Voice: Why It Matters and How to Craft It
  • 4. Deal with the legal side

A travel business is, for the most part, a fairly simple one to set up. Unlike starting a brewery or starting a dispensary , there isn’t a lot of legal red tape when it comes to becoming a travel agent and starting a travel business. 

Determining if you’ll require licensing

In most locations, you won’t need any specific licenses or certifications, but licensing requirements will vary by state and country.

For the U.S. in general, there is no specific license needed to start a travel business; however, state laws vary . In California, Washington, Hawaii, Iowa, and Florida, you’ll need a Seller of Travel license. Canada also has licensing requirements that vary by location, and in the U.K., you’ll need an Air Travel Organiser’s License .

Choosing the structure of your travel business

Beyond specific licenses, there are general licenses that you’ll need before you start any type of business.

First off, choose your business structure . Scott Bessette, owner of ADDISON Yacht Charters, started his travel agency as an LLC , which he says suited his business needs. “Before we considered starting our agency, we determined that a Limited Liability Company was the appropriate structure for what we were trying to achieve.”

Why was an LLC the best choice? “We had no intention of going public, or having to secure formal investment,” he says. “Further, we had a very simple organization structure, so ease of governance and compliance drove our choice of corporate structure.”

However, the business structure you choose will depend largely on your plans for your business, and how you intend to fund it. If for example, you plan to seek outside investment, you may want to look into starting your business as a corporation .

Naming your business and applying for a Federal Tax ID number

You’ll also want to formally name your business (even if it’s just you, becoming a travel agent!), which involves filing a DBA , or a “doing business as.” You’ll also need to apply for a Federal Tax ID number , otherwise known as a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN or FEIN). We’ve covered these topics in plenty of detail, so be sure to check out the links.

Scott also adds that setting up the legal end of things was fairly simple.

“Establishing the legal and licensing requirements was one of the easiest aspects of starting the business,” he explains. “All said, conception and gestation of ADDISON Yacht Charters was long-term, but she was born after only two days of hard labor.”

Resources to help you determine the legal structure and name for your business, as well as other legal considerations:

  • The Complete Guide to Choosing Your Business Structure
  • The Complete Guide to Registering Your Business Name
  • Resources and Tools to Help You Name Your Business
  • How to Apply for a Federal Tax ID Number
  • How and Where to Obtain Business Licenses and Permits
  • Keep Your Startup Safe from Legal Trouble
  • 5. Determine your funding strategy

How do you plan to fund your new travel business?

Luckily, your starting costs should be fairly low: You won’t have expensive equipment to buy, and you probably won’t need extensive space in the beginning. If you’re hoping to become a travel agent working out of your own home, you may not even need office space at all. 

However, be sure to have a plan in place for how you will obtain funding. You’ll need funds for marketing materials at the very least; both online, such as your business website , and offline, such as flyers, posters, business cards, and more . Your initial funding budget will also likely go toward any branding or advertising, and you may eventually also decide to rent office space and hire employees, which is a fairly large expense.

Unlike many businesses, there isn’t one tried-and-true path for funding a travel business. From personal funds to venture capital funding, it’s all a possibility.

Many travel agencies are self-funded since they have low initial overhead and can be started fairly easily (though face stiff competition to stand out). “I didn’t get any funding at all, apart from $2,000 borrowed from my dad for the website,” says Brady Hedlund, founder of Life Before Work.

Looking into loans and a line of credit is also a good first move. “We developed banking and relationships with firm lines of credit and support, to ensure that as we started to deliver, funds were available to spend before the client paid the bill,” says Scott of ADDISON Yacht Charters. “ Cash flow is critical to the appearance of a business’s success.”

However, when it comes to financing your travel business, angel investment, and even venture capital funding isn’t completely out of the question. “We formed an LLC to start Project Expedition and closed a $300k seed round in January 2015 to help drive the development of our MVP (minimum viable product),” explains founder Jeremy Clement.

Don Halbert, owner of Costa Rica Vacations , also funded his travel agency through venture capital. “Funding for this venture came from a venture capital company which would later become one of our primary partners,” he explains.

Resources to help you with the funding process:

  • How to Get Your Business Funded
  • 35 Great Ways to Fund A Small Business
  • What Do Venture Capital Firms Want?
  • 10 Tips for Finding Venture Funding
  • 6. Choose a location and hire employees

Next, you’ll want to make a plan for the logistics of opening your travel business to the public. If you’re starting a travel agency and require office space, this section will likely be more relevant than if you plan to work as a travel agent out of your home. 

How many employees will you need to hire? You may not need any to start, until you decide to expand your operations.

You might also want to look into remote employees , suggests Mike Liverton, CEO and founder of Leavetown Vacations . “While many company employees live and work as home-based ‘Destination Experts,’ our main headquarters are downtown Vancouver,” he says.

Additionally, you’ll want to determine your business location . While foot traffic will likely not be a primary motivator in choosing a business location, you’ll want to pick somewhere that accommodates your space needs as well as reflects your desired brand image.

However, as with employees, you’ll find that a physical location isn’t always an absolute necessity. “We have never booked a client from our hometown,” says Scott.

“We’re a 24/7 business, that cannot be limited to when I am in the office, or more importantly, marginalized when I am not,” he explains. “The ADDISON staff has families, conflicts, and important events in their lives. We constructed and positioned our business to be virtual in nature; to be operational anywhere, anytime. I’ve conducted business from Europe, the Caribbean, from multiple states, and during my children’s sporting events.”

“We didn’t choose our business location, we chose a virtual location,” he adds. Whether or not you choose to go this route will depend on your specific niche and brand; however, it’s certainly an option to consider.

Resources to help you set up your travel business and hire employees:

  • How to Choose a Business Location
  • 13 Out of the Ordinary Ways to Find the Perfect Business Location
  • How to Hire Your First Employee
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Business Website
  • 7. Market and launch your travel business

Marketing will likely be where the majority of your initial funding budget goes, as it’s an important area to focus on when becoming a travel agent and starting a travel business. In fact, it’s a good idea to come up with a marketing plan as soon as possible.

For Don, the idea that you must spend money to make money drove the marketing strategy behind Costa Rica Vacations.

“Our ‘lesson learned’ in starting up our agency was primarily the realization that your Google Adwords budget can single-handedly determine your success when starting out in this normally competitive market,” he says.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all your advertising efforts should revolve around paid advertising, however. Plenty of your focus should go into social media marketing and guerrilla marketing tactics.

“I started out eight years ago running backpacking trips to Thailand, advertising using only lean, guerrilla marketing tactics,” says Brady Hedlund of Life Before Work. “I created an itinerary and website and hit the streets of western Canada to promote my new company.” Since his target demographic was 18-30-year-olds looking for an ‘adventure party tour,’ he went to university campuses and handed out flyers and posted signs advertising his travel agency.

“I didn’t get a single call for over a year,” he explains. “I honestly had no idea what I was doing at the time, but eventually, the business picked up and began to grow at an exponential rate. Flash forward eight years, and we now have a team of 35 full-time staff operating in 18 countries.”

Your marketing strategy will, as with all aspects of starting a travel business, be largely dependent on your specific niche, the demographic you are after, your budget, and your bandwidth as a business. That being said, combining both paid advertising with other guerrilla tactics (both online and offline) will likely serve you well.

Resources to help you market and launch your travel business:

  • How to Write an Effective Marketing Plan
  • 20 Marketing Tools Every Small Business Owner Should Try
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Google AdWords for Small Business
  • How to Have the Best Opening Day Ever
  • Words of advice: Final tips from entrepreneurs who have started successful travel businesses
  • “We searched for quite some time to find an underwriter that would provide us with general liability insurance, due to the amount of risks involved in adventure travel…This is a tricky product when it comes to insurance, but it’s obviously a very important piece of the pie.” – Brady Hedlund, Life Before Work
  • “From the beginning, I have built up relationships with various individuals in Italy to help recruit staff for the villas used during our vacations. This varies from local cooks to tour guides to drivers. The little touches along the way, from booking flights for guests to getting the transport back to the airport, all adds up as every little bit helps to create the perfect experience for my guests.” – Lorne Blyth, Flavours Holidays
  • “It’s important that your business partners share your values. I work with people in South America who are now my friends. We’re not in it for the money; we enjoy our jobs and if we can ‘eke’ out a living, all the better.” – Jacquie Whitt, Adios Adventure Travel

Business plan template and travel agency resources 

By now it should be clear that starting a travel agency requires a strategic approach and lots of planning. But don’t worry if it feels overwhelming. At Bplans, we have a full library of business planning resources to help you get started. You can browse through our free collection of over 500 real business plan examples , or download our free business plan template to help your travel business take flight. 

Content Author: Briana Morgaine

Bri Morgaine is a seasoned content marketing leader with a decade of experience in copy editing, social media operations, and content strategy— having honed her skills at industry giants like Palo Alto Software and Andreessen Horowitz.

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Table of Contents

  • Business plan template and travel agency resources 

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How to start a travel business

Starting a business  in the travel industry can be a thrilling and profitable venture. Criteo’s survey reveals that more people worldwide  plan to visit friends or family or travel for leisure in the next one to three months in 2024. This surge in global travel presents a golden opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to dive into the vibrant travel industry.

This guide will walk you through the steps of starting and managing a successful travel agency, some examples of travel business websites  and how to become profitable.

What is a travel business?

A travel business is a service-oriented business   that offers clients various travel-related accommodations, amenities and services. Travel agencies typically provide services such as:

Trip planning and reservations

Transportation services, including flights, car rentals and transfers

Accommodations, such as hotels, resorts and vacation rentals

Tour guide packages and experiences

Travel insurance and assistance services

how to start a travel business, what is a travel business

Why start a travel business?

The travel industry is on an exciting upward trajectory, with a projected annual growth rate of 3.47% globally through 2028 . With travelers spending billions every year on accommodations, transportation and other services, the travel sector is a goldmine of potential revenue.

In addition, people want personalized, unique travel experiences tailored to their preferences. Euromonitor International  shares that travelers would be willing to pay more for these customized experiences. This means there's a huge opportunity to create your own travel agency that delivers these one-of-a-kind trips and reap big from the growing demand for personalized travel.

Decide on a travel business niche

Create a business plan

Select a business structure

Obtain business financing or capital

Set up accounting and bookkeeping services

Source specific travel equipment

Register your travel business

01. Decide on a travel business niche

The first step to creating a travel business is deciding on the specific niche you want to target. Focusing on a specific market segment—like adventure travel, family vacations, luxury trips, wellness retreats or sustainable tourism—allows you to create experiences that resonate with each traveler. 

It also helps to differentiate your services, position yourself as an expert in the chosen area and effectively target people seeking those particular travel experiences.

start a travel business - choose a travel business niche

02. Create a business plan

A business plan serves as a roadmap for your business and helps you communicate your vision to potential investors when looking for funding. Create a detailed business plan  that outlines the key aspects of your company. This includes identifying your target market, summarizing your executive strategy, implementing a marketing strategy  and projecting your financials. 

Also, make sure to include important details like the type of business  you want to start and your chosen business name .

Here’s a travel business plan template you can use to get started. Adjust and expand the sections based on your specific business model and goals.

Here’s a travel business plan template to get you started:

Travel business plan template

Executive Summary

Business Name:  [Your Travel Business Name]

Business Structure:  [Sole Proprietorship/Partnership/LLC/Corporation]

Location:  [City, State]

Founding Date:  [Month, Year]

Founders/Owners:  [Names]

Mission Statement:  [Concise statement of the business’s purpose]

Business Description

Overview:  Briefly describe your travel business, including key features, services and amenities.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):  Clearly define what sets your travel business apart from competitors.

Target Market:  Identify your primary customer demographic and market segment.

Services and Amenities

List and describe the travel services and amenities your business will offer.

Include trip planning, transportation, accommodations, tour packages, etc.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview:  Provide an overview of the travel industry, including trends and growth projections.

Competitor Analysis:  Identify key competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

Target Audience:  Define your target customer profile and their preferences.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Plan:  Outline your strategies for promoting the travel business, including online and offline channels.

Pricing Strategy:  Detail your pricing structure and any promotional pricing.

Sales Tactics:  Describe how you will attract clients and increase bookings.

Operational Plan

Location and Facilities:  Describe the physical location and facilities of your travel business.

Suppliers:  List and describe key suppliers for travel-related services.

Staffing:  Outline your staffing plan, including roles and responsibilities.

Financial Plan

Startup Costs:  Detail initial investment requirements and startup expenses.

Revenue Projections:  Provide realistic revenue projections for the first 3-5 years.

Operating Costs:  Outline ongoing operating expenses, including marketing, staff salaries and technology.

Funding Proposal

Purpose of Funding:  Clearly state how the funds will be utilized.

Amount Needed:  Specify the amount of funding required.

Repayment Plan:  Outline the proposed repayment plan for loans or investments.

Risk Analysis

Identify potential risks and challenges that may impact the success of your travel business.

Develop strategies to mitigate and manage these risks.

Include any additional documents or information relevant to your business plan.

Examples:  Market research data, resumes of key team members, mock-ups of marketing materials.

Summarize the key points of your business plan and highlight the potential success of your travel business.

Conclude with a call to action or next steps.

Note: This template serves as a general guide. Adjust and expand sections based on your specific business model and goals.

03. Select a business structure

Here, you get to choose the business structure that best suits your goals. Common options like a sole proprietorship , partnership , limited liability company (LLC)  or corporation  each have their own pros and cons.

For example, a sole proprietorship is easy to set up and you have complete control over the business. But there isn't a legal distinction between you and the business, which means you take personal responsibility for all debt, losses and taxes. 

On the other hand, a corporation offers limited personal liability, which allows shareholders to purchase stock without worrying about their private assets being used to clear loans if the company goes into debt. However, setting up a corporation can be complex and costly. You may also get double taxation (on profits and dividends).

Learn more:   How to start an LLC  

how to start a travel business - choose business entity

04. Obtain business financing or capital

While starting a travel business can be quite an adventure, it also comes with significant upfront costs. You'll need money to get things rolling and keep your business afloat. This might mean taking out bank loans, hunting for grants or attracting investments from stakeholders.

You must first calculate how much capital you need to start and run your business until it becomes self-sustaining. Some expenses to consider include:

Building a website  and maintaining it

Marketing and advertising campaigns

Trip planning software and tools

Reservation systems and travel management software

Staff recruitment and travel agent training

Initial salaries and benefits for employees

Transportation services (e.g., vehicle fleet or partnerships with transportation providers)

Technology infrastructure (computers, servers, etc.)

Licensing and permits for operating a travel business

Insurance coverage for travel-related risks

Office space and utilities

Professional services (legal, accounting, etc.)

Next, consider the various sources of funding for your travel business. Each funding option has its own requirements, benefits and levels of risk. Explore multiple avenues to find the best fit for your business model. 

Some common options include:

Personal savings:  Using your savings can help you fund your business without taking on debt. But you need to have enough reserves to cover business expenses and emergencies.

Bank loans:  To qualify, you’ll need a strong credit history and a solid business plan. Be prepared to provide collateral and demonstrate your ability to repay the loan.

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans:  SBA loans are designed to support small businesses and often come with favorable terms. The application process can be lengthy, but the benefits are worth the effort.

how to start a travel business - how to raise money for a business

05. Set up accounting and bookkeeping systems

Invest in reliable accounting software that suits your business needs to establish strong accounting and bookkeeping systems. Popular options like QuickBooks  and Xero  offer features tailored for small businesses, such as invoicing, expense tracking and financial reporting. 

It's also best to open a dedicated business bank account to separate your business and personal finances. This will simplify bookkeeping and make sure you record all business transactions accurately.

06. Source specific travel equipment

The right equipment can enhance the quality of your services, boost customer satisfaction and help you stand out in a competitive market. Consider the type of travel experiences you want to offer and the specific requirements of your target audience. 

Then, make a list of necessary items such as:

Reservation management software

Vehicles (if you provide transportation services)

Communication systems (like phones and email)

Office furniture and supplies

Technology infrastructure (like computers and servers)

Some equipment, like cars, might be too expensive to purchase outright. So, consider renting or leasing options. That way, you can access high-quality equipment without a significant initial investment.

07. Register your travel business

After writing your business plan and choosing your business structure and name, it’s time to register with federal and state governments to legally operate your travel business. 

This includes filing the necessary paperwork to create your business entity, such as articles of incorporation for a corporation or articles of organization for an LLC. You must also get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS for tax purposes.

In addition, depending on your location and specific services, you may have to get various licenses and permits. These could include a general business license, a seller of travel (SOT) license or specific industry-related permits. Research the requirements in your state and local area so that you comply with all regulations to avoid fines and legal issues.

how to start a travel business - register business

Learn more: How to register a business , How to get a business license

Tips for managing your travel business for profitability:

Now that your travel business is up and running, you need to manage it properly to become profitable. Here are some general tips on how to achieve that:

Research your industry

The travel industry is dynamic, with new trends emerging regularly. Therefore, get to know the sector inside out. Understand your competitors, target customers and what kind of financial investment you need. This way, you can tailor your services to meet customer expectations, which can result in them recommending your business to others. 

If you're new to the travel industry, consider gaining experience by working as a travel agent or volunteering at a tourism office. This hands-on experience will give you valuable insights and skills, which you can use to build a network of industry contacts who can be crucial for your company’s success.

Develop a marketing strategy

A marketing strategy helps you reach your target audience, build brand awareness and drive bookings. Focus on the channels where your audience is most active. This includes social media, email and doing partnerships with influencers or travel bloggers. 

Consider launching a travel blog , too, as over a third  of people worldwide visit personal travel blogs for ideas. A user-friendly and search engine optimized (SEO) travel website can help showcase your services and attract potential customers. 

Learn more:  Check out these travel blog names  for some inspiration. 

Once you build your website, create engaging content, such as blog posts, videos, newsletters and promotional offers that resonate with your audience. High-quality content builds trust, showcases your expertise and encourages potential clients to book with you.

Invest in customer service for your travel business

A travel business isn't just about booking flights and hotels for clients—it’s about creating unforgettable experiences from the moment a customer starts planning their trip until they return home. That is what leads to referrals. In fact, 61% of travelers   say that recommendations from friends and family are crucial deciding factors when choosing a travel company.

With that in mind, respond to customer inquiries quickly and professionally. Help clients navigate every aspect of their journey, whether it’s dealing with lost luggage or offering travel insurance advice. Be the dependable support they need while traveling, like having a 24/7 concierge service at their disposal. This way, you’ll have a highly satisfied customer base that feels supported and valued throughout their travel experience.

Build partnerships for business operations

To boost the growth of your travel business, think about teaming up with airlines, hotels, tour operators and key players in the industry. These partnerships can unlock exclusive deals that let you offer clients exciting perks like preferential rates, premium accommodations and tailored travel packages, which enhance the value of your services.  

You can also attend networking events and industry gatherings to meet experienced professionals and gain valuable insights. Building these connections and staying on top of the latest trends can position your travel business as the go-to expert for people looking to travel.

Travel businesses to inspire (all built on Wix)

Let’s now look at some examples of successful travel businesses to give you an idea of how to start one.

The Lucky Traveler

Travel expert specializing in planning All-inclusive Vacations, Comprehensive Trip Planning, Points and Miles Consultation and Destination Weddings.

How to start a travel business - Wix user example

A full service travel agency with experience in planning "bucket list" vacations and navigating the travel industry.

How to start a travel business - Wix user example

Worldwide Fun4All travel

Travel agent focusing on planning tailoring trips to clients needs and interests.

How to start a travel business - Wix user example

Benefits of starting a travel business:

Running a travel business gives you the freedom to be your own boss. You can set your own hours, make decisions that align with your vision and have the flexibility to balance work and personal life.  

In addition, the demand for travel services is consistently high, particularly in areas with a substantial tourist presence. This creates room for multiple revenue streams, from booking commissions and service fees to custom travel packages and partnerships with hotels and tour operators.

Starting a travel business also helps you build a vast network of contacts in the industry. From clients and suppliers to fellow travel professionals, these relationships can lead to collaborations, partnerships and new business opportunities.

Challenges of running a travel business:

Despite its numerous benefits, the travel sector still has its challenges. One issue is that the industry is susceptible to economic conditions. Economic downturns, recessions and fluctuations in currency exchange rates can significantly impact travelers' spending habits and overall demand for travel services.

Moreover, coordinating travel logistics, managing bookings and making sure customers have a seamless experience can be challenging if you lack the necessary skills and tools. Any mismanagement can lead to customer dissatisfaction and reputational damage. However, online booking systems and scheduling software  can help you manage these aspects effectively.

How profitable is a travel business?

The profit margins for travel businesses in the U.S. vary widely based on the type of business, target market and business model. Here’s a general breakdown:

Online travel agencies (OTAs) : These businesses typically have 10% to 20% profit margins.

Tour operators:  With profit margins around 15% to 30% , tour operators benefit from package deals and markups on activities.

Hotels and resorts:  Profit margins for these can vary greatly, averaging around 3% to 8% . However, luxury travel properties can achieve much higher margins thanks to their premium services and amenities.

Airlines:  Profit margins are often slim, around 2% to 5% , due to high operational costs and fuel dependency.

Cruise lines:  Profit margins can be higher, reaching 10% to 15% , due to their all-inclusive nature and the enticing onboard spending options available to passengers.

Note:  These are just a general guide to profit margins, so make sure to research them before starting any type of business.

Looking to start a travel business in a specific state?

Licensing laws around travel can get complicated pretty fast. The good news is that a travel agent license is not required at the federal level. However, things change at the state level. While many states don't demand special licensing, a few have specific requirements like the SOT regulations.

States that require an SOT license include California , Florida , Hawaii  and Washington . If your agency operates in or sells to clients in these states, you’ll need to register as a seller of travel.

Other states with regulations worth noting include:

Delaware:  Requires an occupational license  for agencies based in the state.

Illinois: The Illinois Travel Promotion Consumer Protection  states that agencies must establish a trust account if they accept client payments unless they meet specific insurance and surety bond requirements.

Louisiana:  Imposes a licensing fee based on gross sales  for retail travel agencies (storefronts). Home-based travel agencies are exempt.

Massachusetts:  Has specific rules  for travel agencies, detailed in a state document.

New York:  Enforces the Truth in Travel Act , which includes specific disclosure requirements for travel agencies.

No matter where you're starting your travel business, be sure to keep these tips in mind:

Stay updated with local and federal regulations, as laws can change.

Get professional liability insurance to protect your business and meet any state-required consumer protections.

Consult a legal professional or a travel advisor who knows the law inside out. They can offer specific advice that can help you avoid pitfalls.

If you're an independent travel agent, partner with a host agency and use their seller of travel number to reduce expenses and administrative burden.

How to start a travel business FAQ

How much money. doi need to start a travel business.

The amount of money you need to start a travel business can vary widely depending on several factors. These include the scale and scope of your operations, business model and location. For example, a mid-scale travel agency in the U.S. can cost you $44,000 to $155,000  to start. But it may be as little as $10,000 if you want to operate from home.

Is starting a travel business worth it?

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Gateway Travel Host Agency

Navigating the Future: Business Development and Support in the Travel Industry

A man staring the city view from the roof deck.

When it comes to navigating the future of the travel industry, it's crucial to have the right support structure in place for business development at every step of the journey. At Gateway Travel, we've been providing the necessary industry support to travel agents, helping to facilitate the exciting journey of travel business evolution.

Understanding the Travel Business Support

Travel business support, within the context of a rapidly evolving industry, is a lifeline for both established and budding travel agencies. It's a comprehensive approach, which pours into critical components of business such as technology, training, customer service and marketing among others. The aim is to ensure smooth operations and provide agents with the necessary tools to make their businesses thrive.

Why Business Development is Vital

Strong business development plays an integral role in shaping the future of the travel industry. By stringing together a good business model, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, and customer retention and acquisition techniques, businesses can bring in more revenue and increase market share.

The ideal scenario is striking a balance between maintaining and growing a customer base, and exploring new markets or segments that can be introduced into the business portfolio. For instance, if you've got a travel business that specializes in corporate bookings, consider expanding to include personalized travel experiences for your corporate clients. This way, not only are you growing your existing customer base, you're also venturing into new territory.

A man providing support to new agent.

The Crucial Role of Industry Support

In a terrain as varied and dynamic as the travel industry, receiving the right industry support can make or break a business. Industry support can come in many forms; ranging from networking events, to training seminars, market research data and a strong community of peers.

At Gateway Travel, we strive to provide our travel agents with all these components. We believe that at the heart of every successful business are people who are adequately equipped with the right resources, knowledge, and connections. This is why we provide comprehensive training to our agents to ensure they understand and adapt to the latest industry trends.

Embracing the Future of the Travel Industry

There is no doubt that the travel industry has seen tremendous changes over the past few years. With new technologies influencing consumer behaviour and expectations, travel agents need to be on top of their game to stay relevant.

Fortunately, embracing the future of travel industry does not mean that businesses have to navigate these changes alone. At Gateway Travel, we are dedicated to providing our agents with updated market research, technological insights and necessary tools to tackle these shifts head-on.

The Ever-Changing Landscape of Travel Business Evolution

Staying successful in a rapidly evolving industry like travel requires agility and forward thinking. Travel business evolution, in essence, means foreseeing the changes that are bound to occur, and being ready to adapt to them quickly and efficiently.

Gateway Travel is here to ensure that your travel business stands the test of time, no matter how much the industry might change. We equip our travel agents with the ability to quickly adapt to changes and to understand the behavior of the modern traveler.

In conclusion, progress in the competitive landscape of the travel industry is strongly linked to quality business development, robust industry support and the ability to adapt to the ongoing travel business evolution. As partners in your journey , we at Gateway Travel are committed to providing you with the necessary resources, insights and tools to succeed now and well into the future. Trust your business growth to us, and together, let's navigate the exciting future of the travel industry.

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How To Start A Tourism Business: Actionable Insights For 2021 & Beyond

  • Business Management

Are you researching how to start a tourism business?

Since COVID, there are new considerations for travel businesses looking to enter the market, whether they focus on adventure travel , wellness retreats, or organizing local trips. For example, you will have to put careful thought into how you approach safety, insurance, branding, and marketing for your company.

To take some of the unknown out of the process, we have gathered some helpful insights for you. As with any start-up, there are many moving parts to bring together before you reach the point of lift-off.

Overall, you need to have a clear strategy, a good business idea, and be willing to put in the work.

travel business development

How To Start A Tourism Business: Step-By-Step Instructions

1. formulate a plan for your business.

First, you need to develop a clear business plan .

Before setting the entity up, you’ll need a concise vision and understanding of what the business will look like and the direction it is going in. Here are some important aspects to cover:

Consider Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Why will people sign-up with your company? What makes you great and stands you out from the competition? Is there something that you are going to do differently that travelers should know about?

Consider the answers to these questions and proudly claim them in your marketing materials to attract your ideal customers.

Mull Over Your Target Audience

You have a passion that is driving you to start a travel business.

It's this passion that is going to shine through and attract your ideal clients. Walk in knowing precisely who these clients are and what drives them to you, in particular.

From there, you can work on creating marketing messaging to reach them and draw them to your company.

Design Your Tours For Post COVID-19 Travel

How To Start A Travel Business In 2021

As we emerge from the pandemic, safety while traveling will be top of mind for your clients.

Reconnection is going to be another aspect that travelers will be chasing. After months apart, there is lost time with family and friends to make up for.

When designing your tours, keep these two factors top of mind. Travelers will want reassurance that they can travel with peace of mind while having a great experience with their loved ones. As a travel company or tour operator, they will be looking to your expertise to guide them through the unknown terrain of traveling post-COVID.

Work Out Details For The Day-To-Day Operations

It’s essential to figure out the small print around how you will operate day-to-day.

Establish things like your operating hours, who you need to appoint to your team, and where you will work from. Also, consider your asset and equipment requirements and when and how you plan to go to market.

Estimate Your Costs

Naturally, you want your operation to be viable so that you can make a living off doing what you love. To get an idea of where you will be money-wise, you need to draw up a financial plan.

Steps To Start A Travel Company

Work out exactly what your business costs will be. Keep in mind that you might have start-up and day-to-day running expenses, as well as costs related to suppliers and vendors once you're operating.

With this information, you can establish how much you need to charge clients for your service or offering.

Take a minute to check whether this is relative to what your competitors charge and suited to the market you are targeting?

As you will likely have start-up costs initially, you may not make a profit right away. See if you can put a number on how many tours or how much revenue it will take to get you to this point. Make a note of this and allow a little wiggle room for the unexpected.

2. Sort Out The Legal Stuff

The next big step in how to start a tourism business is to set up your operation to trade legally.

Register Your Business

First, you need to pin down a name and register your company.

Some of the different legal business structures include sole proprietors, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLC), and corporations. Select a suitable one based on your expected annual turnover, whether you are operating alone or with a partner, and whether you wish to carry liability personally.

Open A Bank Account

What Do You Need To Start A Business

Open up a dedicated company bank account so that you can keep your personal and business finances separate.

Complete Your Tax Registration

The next step is to register your business for state and federal tax.

The type of taxes and date you’re liable to pay will depend on what legal entity you operate as. Business tax returns can get pretty complicated. So, it’s a good idea to appoint a professional tax practitioner who can ensure that you are registered correctly and prepare your returns.

Get Liability Insurance

All companies face unknown risks. To operate legally, lawfully, and safely, you need to get liability insurance at a minimum. This will protect you in the case a guest or employee has an accident.

Other insurance types to look into include Workman’s Compensation, Accounts Receivable, Property, and Errors and Omissions insurance.

Apply For Your Local Permits and Licenses

Depending on what kind of company you are starting, you may need local permits or licenses to operate, for example, a tour operator license.

Check in with your local tourism body or nearest government office to see what the requirements are.

Note that these can differ from state to state, so if you work in a state other than the one you are registered in, you may need to factor this into the equation too.

Permits and licenses required for travel businesses

3. Develop Your Branding and Marketing

When researching how to start a tourism business, you’ll hear how critical it is to establish a brand image. It should represent who you are and speak to your audience.

On top of that, you need a clear marketing strategy to grow your customer base and get your brand online. Some of the first things to focus on are to:

  • Put up a website
  • Sign up to a bookings and payment platform provider, like WeTravel
  • Design a company logo
  • Start an online blog
  • Set up social media accounts
  • Claim your Google My Business profile
  • Create profiles on review platforms
  • Sign up with OTAs, travel agents, or vendor partners
  • List on local directories

From there, it helps to know how to really sell your tours . Also, take a look at how your competitors market and sell their products. You can use the information to do even better.

4. Get The Right Tools, Technology, Team, and Equipment

Before you launch your business, be fully prepared with everything you need on the ground and to make things happen behind the scenes.

How To Put Together A Business Team

We’ve just mentioned some of the most important digital and technological considerations, including having a website, payment platform, social media accounts, and more.

Of course, you need computers, phones, and to furnish an office. You’ll need software and apps, like social media management or remote working tools.

You might also require equipment to host your tours or carry out your service, such as vehicles, radios, bicycles, and so on.

The last thing here is to hire a top-notch team. The people who work for you make or break your client experience, so choose them wisely.

5. Square Up Your Accounting

Finally, put your accounting systems in place. Keeping track of finances is vital to your business’s success, so having a formal process from the get-go is a must.

You’re Now Ready To Launch

From your research on how to start a tourism business, you'll know that it's no easy feat. But, after running through the points above, you’re now ready to launch and set up for success. Congratulations and good luck; let the real work begin.

Are you interested in finding out more about WeTravel’s booking and payment platform for your business? Watch the short clip below, or get in touch with us for a demo .

travel business development

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About the author

Lucas Ennis (he/him)

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Travel Agency Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Growthink.com Travel Agency Business Plan Template

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their travel agencies. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a travel agency business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Travel Agency Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your travel agency as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Travel Agency

If you’re looking to start a travel agency or grow your existing travel agency you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your travel agency in order to improve your chances of success. Your travel agency business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Source of Funding for Travel Agencies

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a travel agency are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business.

The second most common form of funding for a travel agency is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding, or, like a bank, they will give you a loan.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

Your travel agency business plan should include 10 sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of travel agency business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a travel agency that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of travel agencies.

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the travel agency industry. Discuss the type of travel agency you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of travel agency you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types:

  • Commercial Travel Agencies : this type of travel agency caters to business travelers. These agencies specialize in tracking down deals for business travelers to help companies manage travel costs.
  • Online Travel Agencies : this type of travel agency exists only in cyberspace. They provide clients with the convenience of online booking and discounts that are available only to professional travel agencies.
  • Niche Travel Agencies : this type of travel agency provides clients with specialized knowledge of a region.
  • Membership Associations : Memberships associations give travelers access to the organization’s travel planning services for the cost of an annual membership rather than charging per transaction. This type of agency offers the most benefit to frequent travelers.

In addition to explaining the type of travel agency you operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales goals you’ve reached, new location openings, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the travel agency business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the travel agency industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there was a trend towards glamping, it would be helpful to ensure your plan calls for plenty of luxury camping packages.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your travel agency business plan:

  • How big is the travel agency business (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your travel agency. You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your travel agency business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: sports enthusiasts, soccer moms, baby boomers, businesses, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of travel agency you operate. Clearly baby boomers would want a different atmosphere, pricing and product options, and would respond to different marketing promotions than businesses.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most travel agencies primarily serve customers living in their same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other travel agencies.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes customers making travel arrangements themselves at home. You need to mention such competition to show you understand that not everyone who travels uses travel agency services.

With regards to direct competition, you want to detail the other travel agencies with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be travel agencies located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What products do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide better travel packages?
  • Will you provide products or services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you make it easier or faster for customers to book your offerings?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a travel agency business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : in the product section you should reiterate the type of travel agency that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to regular accommodation and transportation booking, will you offer items such as tour packages and excursions?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the packages you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your travel agency. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your travel agency located next to a heavily populated office building, or highly trafficked retail area, etc. Discuss how your location might provide a steady stream of customers.

Promotions : the final part of your travel agency marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Making your travel agency’s storefront extra appealing to attract passing customers
  • Distributing travel brochures outside the travel agency
  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local bloggers and websites
  • Social media advertising
  • Local radio advertising
  • Banner ads at local venues

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your travel agency such as serving customers, procuring supplies, keeping the office clean, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to serve your 1,000th customer, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch a new location.

Management Team

To demonstrate your travel agency’s ability to succeed as a business, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in the travel agency business. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in travel agencies and/or successfully running retail and small businesses.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve 50 customers per week or 100? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $100,000 on building out your travel agency, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a travel agency:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Cost of equipment like computers, website/platform, and software
  • Cost of marketing materials and maintaining an adequate amount of supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your store design blueprint or location lease.

Travel Agent Business Plan Template PDF

You can download our travel agent business plan PDF to help you get started on your own business plan.  

Travel Agency Business Plan Summary

Putting together a business plan for your travel agency is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the travel agency business, your competition and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful travel agency.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Travel Agency business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.  

Click here to see how Growthink’s business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.

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12 ways to grow your travel agency business

  • December 22, 2023

Ways to Grow Your Travel Agency Business

For those of you who are driven and inspired to run a successful travel agency business, you’ve come to the right place. Below, you’ll find 12 of the most valuable ways to grow your travel agency like a pro.

With industry-leading tips and tricks, you’ll soon discover some of the secrets behind how to grow your travel agency business. 

​1. Become recognised as an expert 

When it comes to booking holidays, many have to navigate their way through pages of travel-related information on the internet on destinations which they’ve never visited.

But you can position your travel agency business as an industry expert by actually exploring new destinations yourself that give you the edge over everyone else. Take video footage and pictures to attract potential customers on social media.

Examples of these include:

  • Cruises: Show you know the different brands and what they offer
  • Exotic destinations: Show footage that tempts travellers to book
  • Winter destinations: Clearly define what the weather is like during British wintertime
  • Resorts: Take videos of different room types and facilities

Among these options, cruises are a particularly great choice to pursue because they attract luxury travel clients that book high-value holidays and can bring you repeat business.

And if you’re ready to pursue this profitable opportunity, you’ll want to specialise and become a cruise travel agent .

By offering personalised travel packages that set you apart from the competition, you’re well on your way to success.

2. Reinforce the personal approach

In our age of hyper-personalisation, your travel agency business shouldn’t be left behind. 

Customers today expect a personal service and touch, whether it’s a quick reply to an inquiry or expert advice. The personal approach lets them know you’re there for them before, during and after their trip.

And when they feel they can count on you to help them with their needs and questions, you’ll soon start boosting your reputation as an industry-leading travel agency.

For this reason, you need to drop the generic text messages and emails and put your heart and soul into helping your customers book their best holiday yet. They’ll appreciate it and this will pay off in the long run.

3. Sell experiences – tell a story

Another great way to boost your travel agency business and differentiate yourself from the rest is to sell experiences.

These can range from zip lining in Costa Rica to skidoo safaris to see the Northern Lights in Lapland or a cookery class in Thailand. Many travellers are looking for excitement and an immersive cultural experience that can give them a much-needed adrenaline rush or a highly memorable experience that they’ll never forget.

This is where you come in with your unique experience packages, tailored exclusively to your customers’ needs as you add value to their trip. Promote these tailormade experiences as stories on social media.

4. Maintain your online presence

There’s no denying the power of having an online presence. But this goes beyond merely having a website.

As a trusted travel agency, there needs to be regularity, consistency and freshness across your entire online presence, including and especially social media. 

Whether you choose Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest as your social media channels, make sure to be consistent with your brand messaging.

Consistency across your online presence is the secret to ensuring you present a professional front that’s trusted by your customers.

Make sure that both your copy and your visuals align with your brand voice and create a harmonious offering that your customers won’t be able to resist.

5. Identify gaps in your performance

No matter how good a travel agent you are, there is always room for improvement. As they say, the sky’s the limit and you should always be striving to improve your performance.

To do this effectively, make sure you set out measurable key performance indicators for yourself that you measure your efforts against.

Then, set new and higher targets and standards for yourself by evaluating what you’ve done well and which areas of your offering could use improvement.

For example, expert travel business development managers at The Travel Franchise help consultants improve performance by setting different goals such as ensuring they have clients travelling throughout the year not just in summer or winter. If sales are low in spring they may need to promote more city breaks for example. 

6. Nurture customer loyalty

Customer loyalty is a big deal these days. The last thing you want is for a loyal customer to head over to your competition because you missed out on retaining them.

This is where you need to step up your game and give it your all. Customer loyalty can be nurtured in many ways. 

You can encourage repeat business through a loyalty scheme where clients build points and get rewarded perhaps with access to airport lounges and also reward word-of-mouth referrals. And don’t forget the personal touch.

Sending personal messages on birthdays and holidays is a good way to keep your travel agency top of mind for your customers when they’re ready to book their next trip.

All this combined can improve your customer experience and loyalty, boost your positive online reviews and then drive more customers and bookings to your travel agency.

7. Showcase happy clients

There’s a lot to be said for glowing customer testimonials and reviews. They are the modern equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing.

The more positive reviews your customers leave for you, the higher your chances of attracting new ones.

However, this requires action on your part. One way to make the most of your happy clients is to showcase their testimonials on your social media channels and website.

The more visibility you gain, the higher the chances of being booked by new customers. Also ask them to leave reviews on TrustPilot.

8. Don’t stop growing your professional skills

The travel industry is constantly changing with new and improved travel itineraries, adventurous experiences and travel requirements.

That’s why you need to step up to the plate and continue growing your professional skills. If you belong to a travel franchise, you will be offered free online training with different operators.

Whether you want to improve your knowledge of all-inclusive resorts or packages for honeymooners, you’ve always got to stay one step ahead of the competition through continuous skills development.

9. Consider a collaboration with influencers

Working with influencers can have a major impact on your travel agency.

This is where you collaborate with people that have a strong reputation for offering honest reviews and recommendations.

While it requires a financial investment or offering freebies, their social following can be tapped into as they promote your travel packages to earn you more paying customers.

10. Foster relationships with existing clients

Existing clients are one of your biggest sources of continued success.

If you do a good job of organising an exceptional trip for them, they’re more likely to come back to you again and again. 

Consider selling new packages to them at discounted rates.

Alternatively, foster strong personal relationships so that they can become a good source of referrals for your travel agency.

11. Invest in travel agent software

There’s no denying that travel agent software is a must for a successful travel agency business. 

This is where you need to do your research into leading, yet wallet-friendly, software that does everything you need it to do.

Be sure to carefully compare packages and choose the one that meets your needs best.

Travel agent software is going to be like your trusted assistant that helps you speed up bookings and manage customer relationships. But it can be expensive so becoming part of a franchise where this is included in the price could be an option.

12. Become a part of a franchise chain

Sometimes, doing it all on your own can feel daunting. Without a helping hand by your side, you can easily feel lost, confused and overwhelmed.

But there is a solution to this dilemma and it all starts with becoming a part of a travel agency franchise.

Look at the top UK travel franchises and see what they include. Most should offer training and support, travel agency software, operational support and marketing to name just a few.

With uncapped earning potential, affordable commissions and an extensive support network, you are literally getting a business solution where you’ll be helped every step of the way.

How The Travel Franchise can help you grow your business

Looking for a travel agency franchise opportunity? The Travel Franchise is the highest ranked travel franchise in the UK according to Elite Franchise and Franchise Direct. The company can help people new to travel how to grow a travel agency from the ground up while experiencing massive levels of growth.

The company features numerous case studies about dozens of successful travel agency franchisees to prove this point, but why not try it for yourself? There’s a lot to be said for the great levels of support you’ll enjoy as The Travel Franchise franchisee. And with the brand’s Business Development Managers at your side, you’ll have a constant partner guiding you on the road to success.

Breaking into the travel agency business doesn’t have to feel daunting. Instead, you can enjoy the high levels of support that The Travel Franchise offers . What’s more, you neither need prior experience in the industry nor a high start-up investment with packages starting from just £2,995 + VAT.

Don’t let anything stand in the way of following your travel agency dreams. Get in touch with The Travel Franchise today and see your personal vision come to life!

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Reimagining business travel, without all the baggage

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Since travel came to a screeching halt in March 2020, many have predicted that business travel might never recover, given the advances of video conferencing and the embrace of work from home policies.

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But global business travel spending is expected to surpass 2019 levels this year, according to the Global Business Travel Association’s Business Travel Index released in August — that's two years sooner than GBTA was forecasting the previous year. A Mastercard survey of travel decision-makers , also released in August, found that nine out of 10 believe business travel is still critical for driving growth, and more than half expect to spend more than $1 billion on travel in 2025, up from 11% pre-pandemic.

That’s music to the ears of airlines and convention hotels, but technological advances, changing expectations and new pressures have also altered the business travel landscape in ways that may ease the journey for road warriors and frequent flyers – and the corporate teams who manage their travel. Here are five trends shaping business travel in 2024.

01 'Bleisure' is here to stay

Remote work is here to stay, and some companies have even instituted “work from anywhere” benefits, giving employees the opportunity to stretch out vacations abroad or visits to family. It also means corporate travelers can extend business trips by a few days, giving them a chance to explore more than just the convention hall or hotel amenities. The days of two-day international business trips may soon be in the rear-view mirror, as employees enjoy the perks of flexible office policies. But a distributed workforce can create new challenges when it comes to monitoring spending — a person working from home might have different expenses than a traditional office worker, like buying subscriptions, office furniture and computer equipment, which can make it more difficult for companies to predict and account for spending.

02 Business travel, consumer experience

For companies, combining business and travel is not always smooth sailing — managing expenses and reimbursements can get complicated. And for employees, the ease of paying with a tap or a click in their daily lives is missing from travel and entertainment payments, as anyone who labored over an expense report can attest. That’s why many companies are moving to virtual cards for travel expenses. These cards are created instantly for specific purposes — a business trip, a client dinner at a conference, travel arrangements for a promising recruit — with customized spend controls, such as the amount, time period and type of purchase where the cards can be used, producing detailed data for tracking, reporting and automated reconciliation. They can even be issued directly to mobile wallets, creating contactless travel experiences.

These heightened consumer expectations could also make companies expand the benefits on their commercial and corporate T&E cards — better travel insurance, concierge support, telemedicine offerings and access to airport lounges, for example.

03 AI at your service

Another extension of the “consumerization” of business travel? The AI tools taking hold in the leisure travel sector, including virtual travel agents that can customize itineraries and lock in low fares, are likely to make waves in corporate travel as well. These bots can tailor travel based on T&E policy, budget and employee preferences. And with the cost of business travel rising – CWT’s Global Business Travel Forecast for 2024 shows a 3% rise in average cost per attendee per day for meetings and events, and a 3.6% increase in hotel rates — corporate travel teams can use AI for better price predictions, more proactively managing their budgets. It can also help these teams build more dynamic policies and even adjust spending limits by analyzing past spend on a much more granular level. AI tools can simplify the arduous expense report process for both employees and finance teams by automating the capture and review of repetitive and predictable expenses. Nine in 10 travel decision-makers plan on investing in AI and machine learning to improve processes and personalize travel for their employees, according to the Mastercard survey.

04 Tracking the impact of travel

Many corporations are making concerted efforts to lower their carbon footprint. Nine in 10 travel decision-makers in Mastercard’s survey said they are more focused on tracking environmental, social and governance efforts — greenhouse gas emissions from company travel, for example. Carbon emissions tracking tools that show carbon footprint of business trips and seat selections can drive more environmentally conscious travel decisions. With sustainability at the top of corporate agendas, we can expect companies to seek out ways to help them achieve their sustainability goals. Mastercard’s T&E Consulting Services, for example, helps corporations re-evaluate their T&E policies and procedures, assess supplier performance and improve for the future.  

05 The rise of the chief travel officer

At many organizations, the responsibility for corporate travel is split between human resources, finance, procurement, technology and even security teams. Even if they’re using the same tools and platforms, there’s often a disconnect when it comes to long-term strategy and decision-making. As business travel becomes more automated, larger companies may benefit from a chief travel officer — someone who can work across the organization to streamline processes, discover efficiencies and make the most of these emerging tools, enterprise solutions and corporate card benefits, including travel risk management services, concierge support and telemedicine offerings.

The resurgence of business travel illustrates the enduring value of in-person interactions — the building of relationships, the sparking of innovation, the deepening of trust that comes from sitting across the table or sharing a meal. Technology may have enabled the rise of virtual work, but technology is also making business travel smarter and more seamless than ever before.

This month, the Mastercard Newsroom is exploring how rapidly evolving technology, heightened consumer expectations and economic and societal pressures are changing how we live, work, shop and innovate.  

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17 Innovative Tourism Business Ideas and Trends for 2024


In This Article: Trends to Inspire Your Tours and Activities

Gig-Tripping, Bleisure, and Skip-Gen Travel: From eco-conscious adventures to immersive culinary experiences, what are some of the top travel business ideas likely to appeal to travelers in 2024? And how can tour businesses capitalize on them?

It’s that time of year again; when we take a deep dive into the research into travel and tourism trends for the year ahead so you don’t have to. As well as scouring the travel press, talking to our partners, customers and contacts, and racking our own brains here at Rezgo, we’ve picked highlights from several influential research reports into tourism business trends for 2024. 

Even if you’re getting into the tour operator industry, there’s a lot of reasons to be optimistic. Read on to learn the tourism trends you can use to start your tour business in 2024.

Reasons to be cheerful about tourism in 2024

great wall of china

These findings were backed up by UNWTO’s latest Tourism Confidence Index survey of travel professionals. It found that “67% of tourism professionals indicating better or much better prospects for 2024 compared to 2023.”

According to the UNTWO, reasons to be optimistic in 2024 include:

  • An uptick in the reopening of several source markets and destinations in Asia
  • An increase in Chinese outbound and inbound tourism
  • More travel to and around the Middle East and Africa through a unified tourist visa implemented by Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries
  • Strong outlook for travel to Europe, for example for the Paris Summer Olympics, and from the United States, backed by a strong US dollar

On the flip side, according to UNWTO findings, “Persisting inflation, high interest rates, volatile oil prices and disruptions to trade can continue to impact transport and accommodations costs in 2024.” In addition, if you have been having difficulties finding staff, you’re not alone. Many tourism businesses continue to face challenges filling vacancies to help them meet the steadily rising demand from travellers.

Overall though, 2024 promises an exciting array of tourism trends that cater to diverse interests and preferences. Let’s take a look at travel and tourism business ideas for 2024, with a focus on ideas for tours, events, activities and attractions that your travel business could use to attract new and existing customers alike. 

Trending tourism business ideas for 2024

1. sustainable tourism and ecotours.

According to the UNWTO report, many travellers will consider “sustainable practices and adaptability” when making their travel plans in 2024. They are not only interested in booking with tour companies that do business in a sustainable way, but they also want to travel in an eco-friendly way, seek out eco-friendly places to stay and book activities and tours with a sustainability element. This is backed up by Arival’s “ The 2024 U.S. Tour Taker ,” which found that nature tours and other “ecotours” are in high demand from US travelers in particular. 

Booking.com’s trends report for 2024 prompted the online travel marketplace to predict that ”the world of travel is poised for a sustainable makeover,” as travellers seek out eco-friendly places to stay and activities and locations with a sustainability element. TravelPulse reported that many travelers increasingly look to travel off season and seek out less well-known destinations to do their bit to try to decrease overtourism.

So-called “ecotours” let tourists enjoy a vacation while also learning about environmental and sustainability issues in a particular location. Some enable people to do something tangible to help, such as volunteering to plant trees or help to restore habitats. Many travelers these days also seek out “small footprint” or socially-responsible travel. This may not be an ecotour as such; it could just mean they favor tour companies that take steps to minimize the impact of their tours or incorporate a social responsibility element. Booking.com’s  Sustainable Travel Report 2023 found that 76 percent of travelers want to travel more sustainably in 2024. 

2. Train travel

From the “Flying Scotsman” to the “Orient Express,” there are few more romantic ways to travel than by train. However, train travel continues to overlap with other trends in our list, as it becomes more popular as a way to travel more sustainably by reducing car and air travel, traveling slower (unless we’re talking train travel in Japan) and for longer, as well as traveling to more countries on the same trip. Train travel as both a means to travel and see more of a destination continues to increase in popularity. Euromonitor International found that in 2024, “the fastest growing travel category worldwide is rail transport at 35.6 percent over 2023-2024.”

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Train travel can also offer scenic views, comfortable travel with spacious seats, sleeping accommodations for longer or overnight trips, the opportunity to socialize with other travelers, and convenient access to city centers. Again overlapping with other trends, train travel also offers more immersive travel experiences and lets travelers see more of a country while mixing with locals. Many countries and rail companies, especially in Europe, offer passes that let travelers visit multiple places in one trip without leaving the ground.

3. Food and drink experiences 

Food and drink experiences 

Many of the reports we looked at highlighted culinary experiences as a trend for 2024. After all, who doesn’t like a good meal or drinks with friends? Many travellers want to combine their love of food with their love of travel. Food tours allow travellers to savour the authentic flavours of a destination while discovering, and literally getting a taste for, its cultural heritage. Activities such as cooking classes let travelers enjoy an even more immersive culinary experience. 

While winery tours have long been a favourite travel activity for wine lovers, an explosion of craft beer, vodka, gin and other drink producers provides a multitude of other opportunities for drink-related tours activities. They can cater as much to enthusiasts looking to indulge in the finer things in life, as true connoisseurs. Booking.com found that 78 percent of travellers want to experience new foods, and half go to the length of organizing trips around specific restaurants or dishes, including iconic dishes of particular destinations. And keep an eye on “wild-feasting”—a new trend where you not only eat locally-grown ingredients but forage for, and even cook, them in the wild.

4. Sports tourism

Sport is a passion for many people around the world, and travelers often like to combine their love of a particular sport or sports team with their passion for travel. In 2024, Europe hosts the Paris Summer Olympics and the soccer UEFA Euro 2024, while soccer lovers often travel to see their favourite team in England, Spain, Germany and the top European leagues. However, even smaller teams get a look in. The Netflix show Welcome to Wrexham has put the small Welsh town on the map after Hollywood stars Rob Mcelhenney and Ryan Reynolds bought the local soccer team.


As well as events like the Olympics, there are also annual events that attract global interest, such as the Super Bowl, the Tour de France and Formula One, which also has a hit TV show, Formula 1: Drive to Survive . A sporting, or other, event can provide a reason for people to visit a particular location, even if they don’t have tickets, to sample the atmosphere and explore the sights. 

5. Tours and experiences with locals


Immersing oneself in the local culture is made possible through tours or experiences led by knowledgeable locals. These insiders offer unique insights, hidden gems, and authentic encounters that enhance the overall travel experience. They help meet a growing demand for more immersive experiences that take travelers inside a location and culture and deepen their understanding of it. Hilton’s 2024 Trends Report  found that many travellers will prioritize experiences (85%), exploring the unknown, trying local food, and learning about the local culture.

Indigenous experiences are still a growing trend. Countries around the world, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are making an increased effort to reverse past wrongs when it comes to treatment of Indigenous peoples, while also empowering Indigenous communities to take a lead in areas like travel and tourism. 

6. Transformational trips

A buzz phrase you heard a lot of in 2023 was “transformational retreat,” and 2024 looks likely to continue the trend. Booking.com’s 2024 travel trends report prompted them to label 2024 as a year that reinforced that “travel isn’t just an escape, but a catalyst for experiencing our best lives.”

relaxing activities

A transformational trip is a travel experience designed around a specific activity, personal goal, or mental or physical health need. They can include retreats that cater to people who want to undergo a significant personal or spiritual transformation, or at least get away from it all in order to return refreshed. Retreats and activities include meditation, yoga, therapy, workshops, and other experiential practices. Most promote self-awareness, personal growth, and positive change, typically taking place in a secluded and peaceful setting and led by experienced facilitators or coaches. 

Wellness vacations have been a growing tourism business trend for some time, with demand accelerated by the pandemic. Tours that offer people the chance to pamper themselves and generally recalibrate are likely to be extremely popular for the foreseeable future.

7. Quiet travel

Not everyone is looking for a transformational outcome from their vacation; many simply want to unwind and enjoy some quality “me time.” Continuing the 2023 trend, many people still want to unplug and undertake a “digital detox.” They could be seeking respite from “doom scrolling” through social media and news feeds on their digital devices, or they just want a break from the glowing screens so prevalent in their day-to-day. 

spa treatment

Trips that encourage travelers to leave their devices at home will be popular, whether to a wellness retreats that bans or discourages digital devices, or an out-of-the-way destination that makes electronic communication extremely difficult. As well as digital detoxing, an example of a trend that is still going strong is forest bathing. This involves becoming immersed in nature to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It can be as simple as going for a long walk through a forest, or sitting by a lake and taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural surroundings. Research has shown that forest bathing can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and even boost the immune system and reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

8. Skip-gen travel

Deloitte’s “2024 travel industry outlook” report found that the baby boomer generation is getting back into the swing of things when it comes to traveling. This could be a factor in the emergence of a trend towards “skip generation trips” or skip-gen travel. This is when grandparents take their grandkids on vacation as a way for these two generations to bond and create some memories. Boomers can have more disposable income and more time, and parents with kids that can travel in this way appreciate the chance to travel on their own or just enjoy a break at home. All-inclusive resorts and other places with lots of activities for different generations are popular skip generation trips.

9. Solo travel 

Of course, not everyone has a posse to travel with or wants to travel with others. Solo travel continues to be very popular and has moved from a niche to a mainstream market. A Skyscanner report found that 40 per cent wanted to travel solo for mental health wellness reasons, while singles and divorcees ranked highly for being ready to take a solo trip. The report concludes: “There is no longer any stigma attached to taking a trip on your own, and many tour companies cater specifically to this market.”

Arival ’s 2024 U.S. Tour Taker report found that the preference for independent travel increases with age, with 38 percent of people over 55 preferring to go it alone, compared with 26 percent of the 18-34 group. ​This indicates that older, more experienced travelers, who are often more affluent, prefer small group and independent travel. ​Women travelling on their own or with other women also continues to be a growing trend, with a number of tour operators dedicated to women-only trips.

10. Frontier travel

people kayaking around glacier

While it may sound like something out of the script for the TV show Westworld , frontier travel is a new travel trend for 2024 that takes travelers into wilder, more unusual destinations off the beaten track. This could mean grand adventures like following in the footsteps of great explorers across the Drake Passage to Antarctica or up Everest. Or it could mean taking a guided group trip to hike to and camp in a remote location or journey down a river by kayak or canoe.

These trips need a certain element of adventure and excitement, challenging travelers to get out of their comfort zone. This ties in with the transformational trip trend above, as people seek experiences that they will not only remember forever, but that could change them forever.

11. Hush trips, workcations, and micro-cations

In our 2023 report we highlighted the trend toward “hush trips” (when remote workers take a workcation without telling their boss) and workcations, when people travel abroad with the intention of combining a vacation with work. This kind of travel continues to be popular, and accommodation providers—from hotels to Airbnb apartments—often boast of dedicated work areas and other facilities for remote workers.

Many such trips are “micro-cations,” short trips often taken close to home, often at the last minute. The micro-cation trend has continued to grow for the last few years, as people look for quick, convenient, and often budget-friendly getaways that don’t require a lot of planning. When you combine the acceptance of remote working among many more employers with a large number of people who left the office behind and didn’t miss it for a second, you have an opportunity to create workcation and hush trip experiences for digital nomads and remote workers.  

12. Traveling for “bleisure”

The tourism industry and travel press do love a good old portmanteau to describe the latest trend. Hot on the heels of workcations, the related trend of “bleisure” shows no sign of letting up. Bleisure is a name coined to describe the trend of business travellers tacking on some leisure time to the end of business trips or just taking their family along with them. Where a workcation is often a longer trip designed around work, the growth of bleisure trips reflects the fact that as business travel bounces back, people still want as much vacation time as they can get. 

Deloitte’s “2024 travel industry outlook” report found that corporations are more concerned with costs than COVID now, but “trips to build client relationships and support team collaboration remain key to business success.” In fact, the report found that “US corporate travel spend is still likely to finally pass the pre-pandemic line within the next year.”

13. Set-jetting

city by the ocean

If you’ve ever wanted to visit the set of your favourite movie or TV show, you’re not alone. A top travel trend for 2023 that is continuing in 2024 is “set-jetting,” when travelers visit destinations primarily because they were featured in a popular movie, TV show, or book. According to research, 39 percent of travelers have booked trips to places featured on shows or movies ( Expedia ). While people have long been drawn to iconic movie locations, perhaps the earliest example of mass set-jetting was New Zealand’s tourism industry getting a huge boost after the country played a leading role in the “Lord of The Rings” movies. Fans of the “Outlander” books and TV series have also been making pilgrimages to Scotland to see the country that provides the backdrop for their favourite show.

People don’t just want to visit the actual physical set and filming location, but also just the cities or countries featured in a particular production. Popular shows where the location is as much the star of the show as the actors, such as “The Crown” (England,) “Emily in Paris” (Paris,) and “The White Lotus” (Sicily), have been credited with triggering a surge in demand for particular locations and experiences relating to the shows, such as a themed tour. And tour companies like Black Tomato have jumped on the trend to offer set-jetting itineraries .

14. Destination dupes

The economic upheaval we saw through 2022 and 2023 looks set to continue through 2024, . Inflation and cost of living rises mean while the desire to travel is still strong, many travelers will still have at least one eye on their budget. This has led to a new trend called destination dupes,  when people seek out trips to locations that offer similar experiences to well-known or preferred locations, but that are more cost-effective. 

Hotel giant Marriott commissioned a survey of over 14,000 travellers , and over 25 percent said they were choosing destination dupes in 2024. Examples of dupes include someone who lives in the US choosing a Canadian lake resort over an Italian Lakes destination. Here’s a good guide to popular holiday swaps for 2024 .

15. Coolcations

In the wake of rising temperatures and an increase in the number and intensity of wildfires in parts of North America, Europe and around the world, keeping cool is likely to be top of mind for many travelers in 2024—even among those who typically seek out the sun for their vacation.

Enter the “colocation.” Marriott’s survey found that over half of respondents would be considering climate change when planning their trips. Fifty-six percent said they were more interested in cooling down than baking in the sun. This makes areas like northern Europe a popular destination dupe as people look for similar attractions, such as culture, scenery, etc., to the hotter locations they might have chosen in the past but with a cooler climate.

16. Gig tripping

Just as the trend of people taking trips to sports and other events has grown, so too has this travel trend that is music to the ears of the travel industry. For example “swifties” from around the world are flocking to Taylor Swift concerts abroad, especially if tickets in their home country, especially the US, are hard to come by. CN Traveler called this the Swift Effect, as people travel to one-off gigs to see their favourite performer, as well as established (Glastonbury in the UK and Coachella in the US) and new (Untold in Romania) multi-day music festivals.

17. Sleep retreats

person happily waking up

As we highlighted in our 2023 trends, everyone likes a good night’s sleep, especially on vacation, and the travel industry is waking up to the opportunities offered by a rise in “sleep tourism.” This trend continues to grow. Some travelers simply want a relaxing holiday with a comfortable bed and in an environment conducive to getting plenty of rest. For example, the Park Hyatt New York offers a stay in their  One Bedroom Sleep Suite by Bryte . Others are taking advantage of a growth in technology geared towards helping people get their eight hours a night, and are booking “sleep retreats.” Swedish bed brand Hastens opened a branded Sleep Spa , and the  HOTEL de LËN offers guests a “regenerative sleep experience.” Good night, sleep well.  

These are just a selection of travel business trends for 2024 that could open up new opportunities for your tour business. For example, we haven’t even touched on how technology is changing the travel industry. And don’t forget traditional travel experiences, or in-destination activities. The Arival report highlighted that sightseeing tours, “hop-on, hop-off” experiences, and other tried and tested travel experiences and ways of seeing the sights are still going strong.

How to take advantage of innovative tourism business ideas

In an ever-evolving landscape of travel and tourism, the trends for 2024 reflect a desire for authenticity, sustainability, and immersive experiences. From eco-conscious adventures to culinary escapades and everything in between, travelers are spoilt for choice when it comes to exploring the world in new and exciting ways. Embracing these trends promises to enrich the travel experience and create lasting memories for adventurers of all kinds.

The key to taking advantage of these innovative tourism business ideas and other tourism industry trends is to always be thinking of your next profitable business opportunity. Here are a few ways to keep on top of what’s new and interesting in the travel business:

Maintain an ideas file

Include those “out there” trends that seem absurd the first time you hear them. Think about some recent innovations that would have been dismissed with a laugh not that long ago: Self-driving cars, passenger space travel, drone deliveries… Even that Holy Grail of futuristic inventions, the personal jetpack, is getting closer to reality. All but the most outlandish trends are worth tracking in case there’s a germ of an idea for a new business opportunity in there.

Listen to your audience

Hang out in online travel discussion forums, on social media, and in other places where travelers gather to swap notes and ideas or express needs and dreams. You might uncover a new business idea no-one else has come across yet.

Follow your competitors

Monitor what your direct competitors and others in the tourism business are up to. Subscribe to every industry newsletter you can, including those of your competitors, to keep up with emerging trends and help with your business idea generation.

Solicit customer feedback

Be proactive in asking your customers for feedback. Don’t just ask them what they liked and didn’t like about their experience with your company; ask them if there’s anything they would like to do that they currently can’t. 

Invest in the right booking system

travel business development

It goes without saying that every tour operator should offer online booking and take a mobile-first approach. Not doing both of those things makes taking advantage of the above trends very difficult. The customer experience starts the moment they enter your website. Online booking enables them to easily browse, book, and pay for tours anytime and from is anywhere. Learn more about how Rezgo booking software is  tailor-made for adventure companies.

At Rezgo, we always have our ear to the ground when it comes to the latest tourism trends and business opportunities. The Rezgo booking system is a comprehensive platform that enables you to become a more

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Written By | Rob Mathison

Rob Mathison is a Vancouver-based freelance writer focusing on tech, travel, digital marketing, and education. He is a co-author of The Complete Resident’s Guide to Vancouver.

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GBTA Professional Development is designed to power the careers of business travel professionals through education and certification. Our courses ensure carefully crafted experiences where you will be taken on a journey with a small group of business travel professionals and mentors who care about your progress. GBTA Academy courses are everything you need to forge a successful career in the business travel industry, build a supporting network, and achieve recognition and advancement.

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A certificate is given following an education and training course that has specific learning outcomes. A certification is a standardized test that measures competencies in the profession.

The GTP is the premier certification for the business travel professional. The certification is a computer-based examination consisting of 125 multiple choice questions administered in a 3-hour timeframe.

You may take the GTP Certification exam once you’ve prepared for the exam, completed the application process, and are deemed eligible to sit for the exam. The exam application is available now at gbta.org/certification.

The Global Leadership Professional (GLP) is the designation within the Leader-Level education program that centers on business strategy and leadership for senior managers in business travel. The Global Travel Professional (GTP) is a certification process that is independent from educational programs or training courses. It is an exam used to measure proficiency in the competencies of the business travel profession.

The education programs are not a requirement for the GTP exam.

Education and training makes individuals more knowledgeable and competitive in the marketplace. The industry has evolved dramatically over the last ten years and you must keep up with the latest trends, best-practices and regulations to continue to be an effective business travel professional.

Send your questions and ideas to the GBTA Professional Development team at  [email protected] .

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What Is Business Development?

  • Business Development Basics
  • Areas of Development
  • Business Development Process
  • Creating a Plan
  • Skills Needed

The Bottom Line

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Business Development: Definition, Strategies, Steps, and Skills

Why more and more companies worldwide are embracing this planning process

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10'000 Hours / Getty Images

Business development is the process of planning for future growth by identifying new opportunities, forming partnerships, and adding value to a company. It involves understanding the target audience, market opportunities, and effective outreach channels to drive success.

Business development may involve objectives around sales growth, business expansion, strategic partnerships, and increased profitability. The process impacts every department, including sales, marketing, manufacturing, human resources, accounting, finance, product development, and vendor management.

Key Takeaways

  • The overarching goal of business development is to make a company more successful.
  • It can involve many objectives, such as sales growth, business expansion, the formation of strategic partnerships, and increased profitability.
  • The process impacts every department, including sales, marketing, manufacturing, human resources, accounting, finance, product development, and vendor management.
  • Business development leaders and team members need a diverse range of both soft and hard skills to meet these objectives.

How Business Development Works

Business development strives to increase an organization’s capabilities and expand its reach to achieve financial and strategic goals. This process can significantly impact various departments within the organization, utilizing their specialized skills to drive growth.

Business development serves as the thread connecting all of a company’s functions or departments. It helps a business grow and improve in areas such as sales, revenue, product offerings, talent acquisition, customer service, and brand awareness.

Business development encourages teamwork and strategic planning across all departments, ensuring that the organization grows cohesively and sustainably.

Sales and Marketing

Sales personnel often concentrate on specific markets or clients, aiming to achieve targeted revenue numbers. For example, a business development team might assess the Brazilian market and determine that $1.5 billion in sales is achievable within three years. With this goal, the sales department develops strategies to target the new market’s customer base .

Business development often requires a longer-term approach than traditional sales strategies. The Society for Marketing Professional Services describes sales as akin to hunting, while business development is more like farming—a long-term investment of time and energy without immediate payoff.

Marketing supports sales by promoting and advertising the company’s products and services. A business development leader and their team can help set appropriate budgets based on the opportunities involved.

Higher budgets enable aggressive strategies like cold calling , personal visits, roadshows, and free sample distribution. Lower budgets tend to focus on more passive strategies, such as online, print, and social media ads, as well as billboard advertising.

Legal and Finance

To enter a new market, a business development team must decide whether to go solo by navigating all required legal formalities or to form a strategic alliance or partnership with firms already operating in that market. Assisted by legal and finance teams, the business development group weighs the pros and cons of each option and chooses the one that best serves the business.

Finance may also become involved in cost-cutting initiatives. Business development is not just about increasing market reach and sales, but also about improving the bottom line.

For example, suppose an internal assessment reveals high spending on corporate business travel. In that case, the team may change travel policies such as hosting videoconference calls instead of on-site meetings or opting for less expensive transportation modes. The outsourcing of noncore work, such as billing, technology operations, or customer service, may also be part of a development plan.

Project Management/Business Planning

International business expansion involves critical decisions about whether to establish a new facility in the target market or manufacture products in the base country and import them. If opting for the latter, it may also require assessing the need for an additional facility in the base country.

The business development team evaluates and finalizes such decisions based on cost and time assessments. Once a decision is made, the project management and implementation team can begin working on the desired goal.

Product Management and Manufacturing

Regulatory standards and market requirements can vary across regions and countries. For example, a medication permitted in India may not be allowed in the United Kingdom. This can necessitate a customized or entirely new product for the new market.

Almost all countries require specific documentation and have regulations that must be met to ensure the safety, quality, and conformity of imported products.

These requirements drive the work of product management and manufacturing departments, which are influenced by the business strategy. Cost considerations, legal approvals, and regulatory compliance are all critical aspects assessed during the development process.

Vendor Management

Will the new business need external vendors ? For example, will shipping require a dedicated courier service, or will the company partner with an established retail chain for sales? What are the costs associated with these partnerships?

The business development team collaborates with relevant internal departments to address these questions and determine the best strategies for external engagements.

10 Potential Areas for Business Development

Business development often requires employees from various departments to collaborate, facilitating information flow, strategic planning, and informed decision making. Here is a summary of potential areas where business development may be involved, depending on the organization:

  • Market research and analysis : Identifying new market opportunities and developing effective strategies
  • Sales and lead generation : Prospecting, qualifying leads, and coordinating with the sales team to convert leads into customers
  • Strategic partnerships and alliances : Forming strategic alliances, joint ventures, or collaborations that create mutually beneficial opportunities
  • Product development and innovation : Conducting market research, gathering customer feedback, and collaborating with internal teams to drive innovation
  • Customer relationship management : Implementing customer retention initiatives and loyalty programs, and gathering customer feedback, to enhance satisfaction and drive repeat business
  • Strategic planning and business modeling : Identifying growth opportunities, setting targets, and implementing strategies to achieve sustainable growth
  • Mergers and acquisitions : Evaluating potential synergies, conducting due diligence , and negotiating and executing deals
  • Brand management and marketing : Creating effective marketing campaigns, managing online and offline channels, and leveraging digital marketing techniques
  • Financial analysis and funding : Exploring funding options, securing investments, or identifying grant opportunities
  • Innovation and emerging technologies : Assessing the potential impact of disruptive technologies and integrating them into the organization’s growth strategies

The Business Development Process in 6 Steps

While the specific steps in the business development process will depend on the particular company, its needs and capabilities, its leadership, and its available capital, some common steps include:

Step 1: Market Research/Analysis

Begin by conducting comprehensive market research to gain insights into market trends, customer needs, and the competitive landscape. Analyze data and gather additional information to identify potential growth opportunities and understand market dynamics.

Step 2: Establish Clear Goals and Objectives

Leveraging that research, define specific objectives and goals for business development efforts. These goals could include revenue targets, market expansion goals, customer acquisition targets, and product or service development. Setting clear goals provides a focus and direction for the business development process.

Step 3: Generate and Qualify Leads

Use various sources, such as industry databases, networking , referrals, or online platforms, to generate a pool of potential leads. Identify individuals or companies that fit the target market criteria and evaluate them based on predetermined criteria to determine their suitability and potential value.

Step 4: Build Relationships and Present Solutions

Initiate contact with qualified leads and establish relationships through effective communication and engagement. Utilize networking events, industry conferences, personalized emails, or social media interactions to build trust and credibility.

As your relationship forms, develop and present tailored solutions that align with the client’s needs. Demonstrate the value proposition of the organization’s offerings and highlight key benefits and competitive advantages.

Step 5: Negotiate and Expand

Prepare and deliver proposals that outline the scope of work, pricing, deliverables, and timelines. Once the client agrees, collaborate with legal and other relevant internal teams to finalize and execute the contract to ensure all terms are clear and agreed upon. Maintain communication with the client throughout this process to address any questions or concerns.

Step 6: Continuously Evaluate

Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of business development efforts. Analyze performance metrics , gather feedback from clients and internal stakeholders, and identify areas for improvement. Regularly refine strategies and processes to adapt to market changes and optimize outcomes.

While it’s common for startup companies to seek outside assistance in developing the business, as a company matures, it should aim to build its business development expertise internally.

How to Create a Business Development Plan

To effectively create and implement a business development plan, the team needs to set clear objectives and goals—ones that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). You can align these objectives with the overall business goals of the company.

Companies often start by analyzing their current state through a  SWOT analysis , evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This helps identify target markets and customer segments and define a unique value proposition.

The external-facing stages of a business development plan are crucial. These stages should outline sales and marketing strategies to generate leads and convert them into customers. They should also explore potential strategic partnerships and alliances to expand reach, access new markets, or enhance offerings.

Teams should also conduct a financial analysis and resource planning to determine the resources needed for implementing the plan. Once implemented, progress should be tracked against the key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ve chosen to ensure the plan’s effectiveness.

Skills Needed for Business Development Jobs

Business development requires a wide range of hard and soft skills.

Leaders and team members in business development need well-honed sales and negotiation skills to interact with clients, understand their needs, and influence their decisions. They must build rapport, handle challenges, and close deals. Effective communication, both verbal and written, with customers and internal stakeholders, is crucial.

Business development specialists should be thoroughly aware of the market in which they operate and keep up with market dynamics, competitive activities, and industry developments. They need to identify potential opportunities, make informed decisions, and adjust strategies as necessary, requiring strong analytical skills.

Internally, business development practitioners must clarify priorities, set realistic deadlines, manage resources efficiently, and monitor progress to guarantee the timely completion of tasks.

Finally, business development professionals should conduct themselves with high ethical standards. They must maintain confidentiality, act legally and ethically, and build trust with customers and stakeholders.

Why Is Business Development Important?

In addition to its benefits to individual companies, business development is important for generating jobs, developing key industries, and keeping the economy moving forward.

What Are the Most Important Skills for Business Development Executives?

Development executives need to have leadership skills, vision, drive, and a willingness to work with a variety of people to get to a common goal.

How Can I Be Successful in Business Development?

Having a vision and putting together a good team are among the factors that help predict success in business development. A successful developer also knows how to write a good business plan, which becomes the blueprint to build from.

What, in Brief, Should a Business Development Plan Include?

A business development plan, or business plan , should describe the organization’s objectives and how it intends to achieve them, including financial goals, expected costs, and targeted milestones.

Business development is key to companies’ growth and achievement of their goals. It involves setting clear objectives, leveraging market research, forming strategic partnerships, and aligning efforts across all departments to drive success.

A well-executed business development plan not only supports short-term revenue growth but also ensures long-term sustainability. As companies across various industries increasingly recognize its importance, the role of business development continues to grow.

Society for Marketing Professional Services. “ What Is Business Development? ”

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10 ways a travel management program can benefit your small business

  • Business travel is on the rise.  
  • Business travel management programs, like IHG's Business Edge, make booking travel easier and more efficient.  
  • From discount offerings to flexible booking options, businesses are reaping the benefits of travel management programs.  

Business travel is growing at a steady but significant pace. According to one report, 77% of people anticipate traveling more in 2024 than in 2023 — and 21% of those planned excursions are business-related. According to the US Travel Association, total business travel spending is expected to reach $280.8 billion by 2026. But all this travel requires lots of planning and logistics on behalf of travel bookers. Businesses are spread awfully thin booking and scheduling travel for their employees, not to mention navigating hurdles like unfavorable weather forecasts or flight cancellations. That's especially true for small and medium-sized businesses that already operate with fewer people and resources.  

It's time for a new era of business travel — and that's why IHG Hotels & Resorts prioritizes the people working behind the scenes with IHG Business Edge, helping them book and manage travel and ensuring employees travel seamlessly to and from their destinations.  

Designed specifically for small and midsize enterprises, IHG Business Edge is a comprehensive travel program that provides discounts small businesses can count on (plus a host of additional benefits). With more than 6,000 locations around the world, the travel program has something for every small business, regardless of budget or industry. Travel bookers save time and energy on menial tasks, while employees can travel knowing they're taken care of.  

Projected US business travel spending by year

Source: business travel news  .

Below are a few ways a travel management program like IHG Business Edge can help small- and medium-sized businesses manage employee travel more effectively — no matter where they're going.  

1. Free and easy initiation  

When it comes to travel programs for businesses, there's often a barrier to entry. Initiation fees can make joining inaccessible, especially for small businesses already navigating financial challenges. 

IHG Business Edge is completely free to join, with no hidden costs or fees, and no minimum annual spend. Enrollment is quick and easy — it only takes two minutes using your company information. 

2. Discounts right at your fingertips  

In an economic environment where expenses can quickly stack up,  small and medium businesses must identify opportunities to save. The IHG Business Edge membership can help: It automatically unlocks guaranteed discounts across more than 6,000 IHG hotel locations globally. Members receive a discount on the best flexible rate for the hotel they book, and employees can access the discount while they travel. 

3. Everything you need, all in one place  

For small and medium-sized businesses, often with smaller budgets and fewer resources than their larger counterparts, managing employee travel can be expensive and time-consuming. Keeping track of destinations, flights, and lodging — and digging to find budget-friendly options — can take up time and energy that might be better spent on more strategic tasks.  

IHG's one-stop shop portal lets you book and manage employees' travel, receive premium content, and monitor essential information such as hotel spend, average daily rate, booking nights, and savings data. 

4. Benefits and upgrades for loyal travelers  

Travelers registered with IHG Business Edge receive an upgrade to One Rewards Silver Elite status after their first stay, meaning they can earn 20% bonus points (which don't expire), access exclusive promotions, and take advantage of late checkout. The more travelers stay, the more rewards they can choose from, including upgrades and food and beverage rewards. 

5. A flexible booking experience  

Just like their employees, business travel managers often find themselves on the go, whether traveling to a conference or commuting to the office. That's why program members can choose from a number of booking methods. They can book employee travel through the portal, on IHG.com, over the phone, or via the IHG app. 

6. Access to exclusive partner perks  

According to one report , most business travelers say they get more out of rewards programs than they put into them — and that's certainly a priority for IHG Business Edge. The program's partners offer exclusive benefits to members, so they can take advantage of deals and discounts while they travel. IHG's list of trusted, handpicked partners includes Dell Technologies, iStock by Getty Images, and Currencies Direct. 

Other partners include business mentoring organization Digital Boost, which offers program customers free mentoring, and network security solutions provider NordLayer, which provides members with a 20% discount on yearly licenses.  

7. An award-winning travel program  

Once enrolled in IHG Business Edge, businesses can rest assured their employees will be looked after. 

IHG Business Edge has won Global Traveler magazine's GT Tested Reader Survey Award for Best Small-to-Mid-Sized Business program for five years in a row. It also took home the title of Global Traveler's Best International Hotel Chain, Best Domestic Hotel Chain, and Best Hotel Website.  

8. Small business travelers front and center  

IHG Business Edge has worked hard to understand the needs of small businesses. The program was developed alongside travel managers and travelers alike to ensure a streamlined joining and booking process, competitive rates, enticing perks, and comprehensive travel metrics.

9. Helpful support when you need it most  

Organizing a business trip can be stressful, with travel managers often handling multiple destinations and itineraries at once. IHG Business Edge is here to help, with its dedicated support center, available to answer questions and solve challenges as they arise. 

10. Travel for work — and fun  

In addition to business travel, employees can use their IHG Business Edge membership for personal vacation. Traveling employees simply need to link their IHG One Rewards number to their company's IHG Business Edge account. They will accrue points during leisure travel —  and their employers will earn program benefits, too. 

Ready to unlock a smarter way to manage travel and reduce expenses? Join IHG Business Edge today.

This post was created by Insider Studios with IHG Business Edge. 

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travel business development

Countries, economies and regions

Select a country, economy or region to find embassies, country briefs, economic fact sheets, trade agreements, aid programs, information on sanctions and more.

International relations

Global security.

  • Australia and sanctions
  • Australian Safeguards and Non-proliferation Office (ASNO)
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control
  • Peacekeeping and peacebuilding

Regional architecture

  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  • East Asia Summit (EAS)
  • Australia and the Indian Ocean region
  • Pacific Islands regional organisations

Global themes

  • Child protection
  • Climate change
  • Cyber affairs and critical technology
  • Disability Equity and Rights
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights
  • Indigenous peoples
  • People Smuggling, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
  • Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment
  • Australia’s treaty-making process

International organisations

  • The Commonwealth of Nations
  • United Nations (UN)
  • World Trade Organization

Foreign Arrangements Scheme  

Trade and investment, about free trade agreements (ftas).

  • The benefits of FTAs
  • How to get free trade agreement tariff cuts
  • Look up FTA tariffs and services market access - DFAT FTA Portal
  • Discussion paper on potential modernisation – DFAT FTA Portal

About foreign investment

  • The benefits of foreign investment
  • Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)
  • Australia's bilateral investment treaties
  • Australia's foreign investment policy

For Australian business

  • Addressing non-tariff trade barriers

Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai

Stakeholder engagement.

  • Ministerial Council on Trade and Investment
  • Trade 2040 Taskforce
  • First Nations trade

Australia's free trade agreements (FTAs)

  • ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand (AANZFTA)
  • Chile (ACLFTA)
  • China (ChAFTA)
  • Hong Kong ( A-HKFTA & IA)
  • India (AI-ECTA)
  • Indonesia (IA-CEPA)
  • Japan (JAEPA)
  • Korea (KAFTA)
  • Malaysia (MAFTA)
  • New Zealand (ANZCERTA)
  • Peru (PAFTA)
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  • Thailand (TAFTA)
  • United Kingdom (A-UKFTA)
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
  • European Union (A-EUFTA)
  • India (AI-CECA)
  • Australia-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
  • Australia-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Trade and investment data, information and publications

  • Fact sheets for countries and regions
  • Australia's trade balance
  • Trade statistics
  • Foreign investment statistics
  • Trade and investment publications
  • Australia's Trade through Time


Services and digital trade.

  • Service trade policy
  • Australia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement
  • Digital trade & the digital economy


Australia’s development program, performance assessment.

  • Development evaluation
  • Budget and statistical information

Who we work with

  • Multilateral organisations
  • Non-government organisations (NGOs)
  • List of Australian accredited non-government organisations (NGOs)

Development topics

  • Development issues
  • Development sectors

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

  • Sustainable Development Goals

Where we deliver our Development Program

Humanitarian action.

Where and how Australia provides emergency assistance.


Australia awards.

  • Australia Awards Scholarships
  • Australia Awards Fellowships

New Colombo Plan

  • Scholarship program
  • Mobility program

Public diplomacy

  • Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program
  • Australia now
  • UK/Australia Season 2021-22

Foundations, councils and institutes

  • Australia-ASEAN Council
  • Australia-India Council
  • Australia-Indonesia Institute
  • Australia-Japan Foundation
  • Australia-Korea Foundation
  • Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR)
  • Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR)

International Labour Mobility

  • Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme
  • Agriculture Visa

Australian Volunteers Program

Supporting organisations in developing countries by matching them with skilled Australians. 

Sports diplomacy

Australia is a successful global leader and innovator in sport.

A global platform for achievement, innovation, collaboration, and cooperation

About Australia

Australia is a stable, democratic and culturally diverse nation with a highly skilled workforce and one of the strongest performing economies in the world.

Australia in Brief publication

This is the 52nd edition of Australia in Brief, revised and updated in February 2021

Travel advice

To help Australians avoid difficulties overseas, we maintain travel advisories for more than 170 destinations.

  • Smartraveller – travel advice

International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate

Prove your COVID-19 vaccinations when you travel overseas.

  • Services Australia

The Australian Passport Office and its agents are committed to providing a secure, efficient and responsive passport service for Australia.

  • Australian Passport Office

24-hour consular emergency helpline

  • Within Australia: 1300 555 135
  • Outside Australia: +61 2 6261 3305
  • Getting help overseas
  • Visas for Australians travelling overseas
  • Visas to visit Australia

News, speeches and media

Launch of the report ‘first nations businesses succeeding internationally’.

On 31 August, the Minister for Trade and Tourism launched the report ‘First Nations Businesses Succeeding Internationally.’

This research is the first of its kind to use data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Supply Nation to identify the economic contributions and performance of a selection of Australia’s First Nations businesses in international trade and tourism.

The findings highlight the benefits of international trade and the significant contribution these First Nations business make to their local communities and the Australian economy.

This research was developed in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and Supply Nation.

The report is available on Austrade’s website .  

  • Stand Up for Free Enterprise

2024 Global Aerospace Summit Agenda

Agenda is subject to change.

Day 1 — Aviation

Day 2 — space.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Welcome Remarks — Main Plenary

  • Christopher D. Roberti, Senior Vice President for Cyber, Space, and National Security Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Explore more

  • 2024 Global Aerospace Summit
  • Attendance Justification
  • Sponsorship Opportunities

Keynote Remarks | FAA Update — Main Plenary

  • Michael G. Whitaker, Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
  • Moderated by Karen Walker, Editor-in-Chief, Air Transport World

Fireside Chat |  RTX Insights — Main Plenary

  • Gregory Hayes, Executive Chairman, RTX
  • Moderated by Neil Bradley, Executive Vice President, Chief Policy Officer, and Head of Strategic Advocacy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Government Fireside Chat |  Aerospace Development — Innovation Stage

  • Derek M. Tournear, Ph.D., Director, Space Development Agency
  • Moderated by Sarah Mineiro, Senior Associate (Non-Resident), Aerospace Security Project, Center for Strategic & International Studies

Fireside Chat |  Airbus Insights — Main Plenary

  • Guillaume Faury, CEO, Airbus
  • Moderated by Phil LeBeau, Auto and Airline Industry Reporter, CNBC

Fireside Chat | Cybersecurity Across Transportation and Space Systems ​ — Innovation Stage

  • Harry Coker, Director, Office of the National Cyber Director
  • Moderated by Christopher D. Roberti, Senior Vice President for Cyber, Space, and National Security Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Panel Discussion | Advanced Air Mobility — Main Plenary

  • Tyler Painter, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, Wisk
  • Robert Rose, Chief Executive Officer, Reliable Robotics
  • Kyle Clark, Founder & CEO, BETA Technologies
  • Moderated by James A. Viola, President and CEO, Vertical Aviation International

Fireside Chat | Shaping the Future of Aviation Cybersecurity — Innovation Stage

  • JR Williamson, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, Leidos Holdings, Inc.
  • Jason Layman, Senior Vice President, Federal Technology Strategy, BigBear.ai
  • Deneen DeFiore, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, United Airlines, Inc.
  • Moderated by LaLisha Hurt, Public Sector Industry Advisor, Splunk

Fireside Chat | JetZero Insights — Main Plenary

  • Tom O'Leary, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, JetZero
  • Moderated by Barry Eccleston, Former CEO, Airbus Americas Inc and Strategic Adviser, JetZero

Panel Discussion | Sustainable Space ​ — Innovation Stage

  • Jennifer Essigs, Head of Sustainability at AE Industrial Partners
  • Troy M. Morris, Co-Founder & CEO, Kall Morris Inc.
  • Ellen Gertsen, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy, NASA
  • Moderated by Douglas Gorman, Reporter, Payload Space

Panel Discussion |  Advanced Aerospace Manufacturing — Main Plenary

  • Scott Wright, Division, President, Advanced Material, Huntsman
  • Chris Power, Founder & CEO, Hadrian
  • Steve Mathias, Senior Vice President Strategy and Growth, Defense, GKN Aerospace
  • Moderated by Jenness Simler, Chair, National Security Practice, Invariant

Networking Break 1

Luncheon Government Keynote | Capitol Views — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Sam Graves, Chairman, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
  • The Honorable Rick Larsen, U.S. Representative (D-WA) and Ranking Member, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Moderated by Jeffrey S. Shockey, Senior Vice President, Global Government Relations, RTX

Luncheon Keynote | FedEx — Main Plenary

  • Richard Smith, Richard W. Smith, Chief Operating Officer, International, and Chief Executive Officer, Airline, Federal Express Corp

Carol B. Hallett Award Presentation — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Carol B. Hallett, Former Of Counsel, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Former President and CEO, Transport Association, Former Commissioner, U.S. Customs Service, and Former U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas

Keynote Presentation |  Politics 2024 — Main Plenary

  • Neil Bradley, Executive Vice President, Chief Policy Officer, and Head of Strategic Advocacy

Fireside Chat — Main Plenary

  • David Wroth, Director of Technology and Systems, UL Standards & Engagement
  • Moderated by Bill Secord, Executive Vice President, Air Line Pilots Association and Captain, FedEx Express

Networking Break 2

Keynote Remarks — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Frank Kendall, Secretary, U.S. Air Force 

Artemis Mission Update — Innovation Stage

  • Michael Sarafin, Artemis Mission Manager, Moon to Mars Program Office, NASA

CEO Fireside Chat — Main Plenary

  • Blake Scholl, Chief Executive Officer. Boom Supersonic
  • Moderated by The Honorable Marion Blakey, Former Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration

  CFM | 50 Years Extraordinary Together — Main Plenary

  • H. Lawrence (Larry) Culp, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GE Aerospace
  • Olivier Andriès, Chief Executive Officer, Safran

  Fireside Chat — Innovation Stage

  • Jared Evans, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Office of Strategic Capital, U.S. Department of Defense
  • Moderated by John Neal, Vice President, Space Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

CEO Fireside Chat | United Insights — Main Plenary

  • Scott Kirby, Chief Executive Officer, United Airlines Holdings, Inc.
  • Moderated by Lori Aratani, Reporter, The Washington Post

Capitol Views — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Dusty Johnson, U.S. Representative (R-SD), Member, House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and Co-Chair, Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus, U.S. House of Representatives
  • The Honorable Sharice Davids, U.S. Representative (D-KS), Member, House Committee on Science and Technology and Co-Chair, Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Moderated by Robin Hayes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Airbus Americas

CEO Fireside Chat | Allegiant Insights — Main Plenary

  • Gregory C. Anderson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Allegiant Travel Company
  • Moderated by Leslie Josephs, Aviation Reporter, CNBC

Fireside Chat | Hypersonics Take Flight — Innovation Stage

  • Alex Tai, Chairman, New Frontier Aerospace
  • Jess Sponable, Founder, President and Chief Technology Officer, New Frontier Aerospace
  • Moderated by Oscar S. Garcia, Founding Partner, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 
  • The Honorable Garret Graves, U.S. Representative (R-LA), Chairman, Aviation Subcommittee, House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Moderated by Lauren Beyer, President, Cargo Airline Association

Networking Break 3

Panel Discussion |  Sustainable Solutions — Main Plenary

  • Jill Blickstein, Head of Environment, Social and Government (ESG), American Airlines
  • Michael Winter, Chief Scientist, RTX
  • Moderated by Tom Gentile, Chief Executive Officer & President, Hexcel Corporation

Panel Discussion | Connected Aviation Ecosystem — Main Plenary

  • Jennifer Schopfer, President of Connected Aviation Solutions, Collins Aerospace
  • Fabrice Villaumé, Head of Digital Business, Airbus
  • Tim Murnin, Head of Industry Solutions & GTM, Amazon Web Services
  • Moderated by Oriana Pawlyk, Aviation Reporter, POLITICO

Fireside Chat | The Future of Low-Cost Carriers — Main Plenary

  • George Novak, President and CEO, National Air Carrier Association
  • Faye Malarkey Black, President and CEO, Regional Airline Association

Evening Networking Reception with Giveaways

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Morning Government Keynote — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Don Graves, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Moderated by Jenna Shrove, Executive Director of Strategic Advocacy and Advisor to the Chief Policy Officer, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Marc A. Nichols, Chief Counsel, Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Aviation Administration
  • Moderated by John Drake, Vice President, Transportation, Infrastructure, and Supply Chain Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Fireside Chat |  Congressional Aerospace Priorities — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Jerry Moran, Senator (R-KS), Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Aviation Safety, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate
  • Moderated by Rodney Davis, Head of Government Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Fireside Chat | Direct Aviation — Innovation Stage

  • Marc Allen, Chief Executive Officer, Electra.aero
  • Moderator to be announced

Panel Discussion | The Future of Launch and Lift Capability — Main Plenary

  • Lars Hoffman, Vice President, Government Sales, Blue Origin
  • Brett Alexander, Chief Revenue Officer, Firefly Aerospace
  • Daniel Murray, Executive Director of Operational Safety, Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
  • Moderated by Loren Grush, Space Reporter, Bloomberg News

Fireside Chat | Lilium Insights — Innovation Stage

  • Klaus Roewe, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Lilium

Fireside Chat |  CEO — Main Plenary

  • Christopher J. Scolese, PhD., Director, National Reconnaissance Office
  • Moderated by Andrew Bunker, Vice President of Government Operations and Business Strategy, RocketLab

Panel Discussion |  National Security Space Satellite Systems — Main Plenary

  • John Serafini, Chief Executive Officer, Hawkeye 360
  • Christina Cook, Chief Revenue Officer, True Anomaly
  • Ron Lopez, President, Astroscale U.S. Inc.
  • Moderated by Rob Geckle, Chief Executive Officer, Airbus US Space and Defense

  Fireside Chat | Hop-On Jet Service powered by JSX — Innovation Stage

  • Alex Wilcox, Co-Founder and CEO, JSX
  • Moderated by Gary Leff, Author, View from the Wing

Fireside Chat with the Chair of the FCC — Main Plenary

  • The Honorable Jessica Rosenworcel, Chairwoman, Federal Communications Commission

Luncheon Fireside Chat with U.S. Space Force — Main Plenary

  • Brig. Gen. Brian A. Denaro, Senior Military Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Air Force, Space Force
  • Moderated by Jacqueline Feldscher, Managing Editor, Payload

Lunch | Luncheon Congressional Keynote — Main Plenary

  • Speakers to be announced

Lunch |  Luncheon CEO Fireside Chat — Main Plenary

  • Dirk Wallinger, CEO, York Space Systems
  • Moderated by: Kirk Konert, Managing Partner, AE Industrial Partners

Panel Discussion | Future of Science in Space — Main Plenary

  • Lucie Low, PhD., Chief Scientist, Axiom Space
  • Twyman Clements, President and Co-Founder, Space Tango
  • Clive Niels Svendsen, PhD, Professor and Executive Director, Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute, Kerry and Simone Vickar Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in Regenerative Medicine, Cedars-Sinai

Panel Discussion | Aviation Workforce Development — Innovation Stage

  • Christina Cassotis, CEO, Allegheny County Airport Authority
  • Ryan Goertzen, Vice President Maintenance Workforce Development, AAR Corp
  • Dr. Kelly Austin, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Moderated by Andi Sims, Vice President for Business Development, HPM
  • Peter Cannito, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Redwire
  • Moderated by Michael Sheetz, Space Reporter, CNBC
  • Tim Keating, Chief Strategy Officer & Senior Vice President, Global Government Relations, Sierra Space
  • Moderator: Christopher D. Roberti, Senior Vice President, for Cyber, Space, and National Security Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Fireside Chat | Future of Space-based Nuclear Power and Propulsion — Main Plenary

  • Amy C. Roma, Partner, Global Regulatory, Hogan Lovells
  • Max Haot, Chief Executive Officer, Vast Space
  • Moderated by Christian Davenport, Reporter, NASA and Space Industry, The Washington Post

Panel Discussion | Space Situational Awareness — Main Plenary

  • Araz Feyzi, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, Kayhan Space
  • Tony Frazier, Chief Executive Officer, LeoLabs
  • Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Moderated Jeff Foust, Senior Staff Writer, SpaceNews

Closing Remarks 


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  3. 4 Tips to Boost Travel Business 😀✈️

  4. Travel Services

  5. Best Countries For Business Travel

  6. Biggest Opportunity For Business Travel


  1. What are the latest travel trends?

    Many organizations will reduce their business travel, which accounts for 30 percent of all travel spend. ... One major development was that travel companies realized they could sell loyalty points in bulk to corporate partners, who in turn offered the points to their customers as rewards. In 2019, United's MileagePlus loyalty program sold $3. ...

  2. Travel Agency Business Plan Template (2024)

    The U.S. travel agency industry is valued at $48.5B with more than 90,600 businesses in operation and over 318,600 employees nationwide. Factors currently driving industry growth include an increase in domestic tourism and travel for overnight trips, vacations, and business purposes.

  3. Here's how you start a profitable travel agency

    Also, please note that there is a 5-year development plan tailored for a travel agency in our business plan template. Successful travel agency owners often exhibit qualities like resilience, adaptability, a profound knowledge of the travel industry, and the ability to connect with and understand their clientele.

  4. Starting a Travel Business: How to Become a Travel Agent

    1. Create a plan for your travel business. Make no mistake: No matter what industry you're in, a business plan is essential. You may not need a formal business plan if you're not seeking a loan or investment funding for your business, but don't skip it. Write a one-page business plan instead.

  5. How to start a travel business in 7 steps

    Select a business structure. Obtain business financing or capital. Set up accounting and bookkeeping services. Source specific travel equipment. Register your travel business. 01. Decide on a travel business niche. The first step to creating a travel business is deciding on the specific niche you want to target.

  6. Navigating the Future: Business Development and Support in the Travel

    Strong business development plays an integral role in shaping the future of the travel industry. By stringing together a good business model, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, and customer retention and acquisition techniques, businesses can bring in more revenue and increase market share.

  7. Business travel trends 2022

    Another 15% say variants triggered a significant rethink of their travel policies. Corporate travel will experience a steady, but not meteoric, rise this year. Spend is projected to reach 36% of 2019 levels in Q2 2022, and 55% by the end of the year. Business travel is at least two years from reaching prepandemic spend, as some travel use cases ...

  8. How To Start A Tourism Business: Actionable Insights For ...

    3. Develop Your Branding and Marketing. When researching how to start a tourism business, you'll hear how critical it is to establish a brand image. It should represent who you are and speak to your audience. On top of that, you need a clear marketing strategy to grow your customer base and get your brand online.

  9. Travel Agency Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

    Travel Agency Business Plan Template. Written by Dave Lavinsky. Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their travel agencies. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning.

  10. 12 ways to grow your travel agency business

    For example, expert travel business development managers at The Travel Franchise help consultants improve performance by setting different goals such as ensuring they have clients travelling throughout the year not just in summer or winter. If sales are low in spring they may need to promote more city breaks for example. 6. Nurture customer loyalty

  11. The future of business travel: Travel trends for 2024

    Here are five trends shaping business travel in 2024. 01. 'Bleisure' is here to stay. Remote work is here to stay, and some companies have even instituted "work from anywhere" benefits, giving employees the opportunity to stretch out vacations abroad or visits to family. It also means corporate travelers can extend business trips by a few ...

  12. Top Business Strategies for Travel Agencies During and After the

    For Keisha Adriano, a travel consultant at Travelwise International, self-development — from leadership skills to service structure — is a primary focus for her and her colleagues. "Each agent has a weekly two-hour development [session] used to help perfect their craft," said Adriano, who cites educational videos on motivational ...

  13. Top 17,799 Travel Business Development Jobs (Hiring Now)

    Outside Business Development Executive. Kretek International, Inc. 3.6. Sacramento, CA. From $60,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 1. Easily apply. Handling all administrative aspects of the job to include travel plans, and expense reports. The ability to travel up to 75% of the time within the United….

  14. 17 Innovative Tourism Business Ideas and Trends for 2024

    13. Set-jetting. If you've ever wanted to visit the set of your favourite movie or TV show, you're not alone. A top travel trend for 2023 that is continuing in 2024 is "set-jetting," when travelers visit destinations primarily because they were featured in a popular movie, TV show, or book.

  15. Travel Business Development Work, jobs (with Salaries)

    Business Development Executive - Mid Market - Travel Tourism and Events. Viva.com. Remote in London. Typically responds within 1 day. Attend and participate in sales meetings, training sessions, and events as per the requirements of the business; Mobile phone and laptop allowances; Active 1 day ago ·.

  16. Corporate Business Travel: Everything You Need to Know

    Corporate business travel can be an invaluable path to both business growth and individual career development, building strong relationships and teams. No matter what form it takes, it's prudent ...

  17. Professional Development

    Education and certification designed by business travel professionals for business travel professionals. GBTA Professional Development is designed to power the careers of business travel professionals through education and certification. Our courses ensure carefully crafted experiences where you will be taken on a journey with a small group of business travel…

  18. Business Development: Definition, Strategies, Steps, and Skills

    Business development is a process aimed at growing a company and making it more profitable and successful. ... the team may change travel policies such as hosting videoconference calls instead of ...

  19. 10 ways a travel management program can benefit your small business

    According to the US Travel Association, total business travel spending is expected to reach $280.8 billion by 2026. But all this travel requires lots of planning and logistics on behalf of travel ...

  20. Israel Names Yael Golan North American Interim Tourism Commissioner

    The Israel Ministry of Tourism (IMOT) named Yael Golan interim tourism commissioner for North America, and appointed Richard Liverance as its western region marketing director and Lisa McManus as it business development manager for the Midwest region. Golan replaces Eyal Carlin, who joined El Al ...

  21. Launch of the report 'First Nations Businesses Succeeding

    On 31 August, the Minister for Trade and Tourism launched the report 'First Nations Businesses Succeeding Internationally.' This research is the first of its kind to use data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Supply Nation to identify the economic contributions and performance of a selection of Australia's First Nations businesses in international trade and tourism.

  22. 2024 Global Aerospace Summit Agenda

    Agenda is subject to change. Day 1 - AviationTuesday, September 10, 2024 Welcome Remarks — Main Plenary Christopher D. Roberti, Senior Vice President for Cyber, Space, and National Security Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Keynote Remarks | FAA Update — Main Plenary Michael G. Whitaker, Administrator, Federal Aviation AdministrationModerated by Karen Walker, Editor-in-Chief, Air Transport ...

  23. Iowa Department of Transportation: Iowa Transportation Commission to

    AMES, Iowa - Sept. 5, 2024 - The Iowa Transportation Commission will hold its next business meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, in the Materials Conference Room at the Iowa Department of Transportation's headquarters at 800 Lincoln Way in Ames. Business meeting agenda Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 Time Title Presenter 1 p.m. *Approve Minutes of the August 13, 2024 Commission Meeting Stuart ...

  24. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Pyatigorsk (2024)

    Monument to Kise Vorobyaninov. 10. Verkhniy Market. The Verhniy market is in the heart of Pyatigorsk. The first trading rows appeared in 1956. Initially, the market was called collective farm, as it was intended for the sale of agricultural products…. 11. Muzey Nasekomykh.

  25. THE 10 BEST Pyatigorsk Sights & Historical Landmarks

    Unique to the area are hot mineral springs that led to the development of more than 100 sanatoriums dedicated to all Russians' health. ... Family Hotels Romantic Hotels in Pyatigorsk Pyatigorsk Resorts Pyatigorsk Luxury Hotels Pyatigorsk Spa Resorts Pyatigorsk Business Hotels. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travelers' Choice Help ...

  26. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Pyatigorsk (UPDATED 2024)

    8. The Eagle Mounument. Great time to spend your day at the Eagle Monument. Nice green view and beautiful weather during my visit. Must visit... 9. Verkhniy Market. The Verhniy market is in the heart of Pyatigorsk. The first trading rows appeared in 1956.

  27. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Pyatigorsk

    Monument to Kise Vorobyaninov. 10. Verkhniy Market. The Verhniy market is in the heart of Pyatigorsk. The first trading rows appeared in 1956. Initially, the market was called collective farm, as it was intended for the sale of agricultural products…. 11. Muzey Nasekomykh.