tour a peru

  • Lima Colonial y Tierra Sagrada de los Incas 7 días

Encuentro de los Incas 8 días

  • Explora Cusco + Camino Inca Corto con la Selva Amazónica 8 días
  • Perú Cultura Viva + Eco Amazonia Peruana 9 días

Perú Espectacular 10 días

  • Perú Histórico y Gastronómico 10 días

Orígenes de los Incas 10 días

  • Explora las Maravillas del Perú, Costa, Andes y Amazonia 13 días
  • Desafío de los Incas 15 días
  • Orígenes y Misterios de los Andes 16 días
  • Increíbles Tesoros Escondidos + Huaraz 17 días
  • Machu Picchu 1 día
  • Machu Picchu Increíble 2 días
  • Valle Sagrado + Machu Picchu 2D
  • Machu Picchu Express 3 días

Machu Picchu Moderada 4 días

Machu picchu clásico 5 días, machu picchu + laguna humantay 6 días.

  • Increíble Experiencia en Machu Picchu 7 días
  • Machu Picchu Inolvidable 8 días
  • Desafío Machu Picchu 8 días

Camino Inca Corto 2 días

  • Valle Sagrado + Camino Inca Corto 3 días

Camino Inca Clásico 4 días

  • Camino Inca Combinado 6 días
  • Camino Salkantay SKY 4 días
  • Camino Salkantay Sky 5 días
  • Camino Salkantay Combinada 7 días
  • Camino Inca Jungle en Bicicleta 4 Días
  • Choquequirao Trek 5 días
  • Caminata Lares 4 Días
  • Laguna Humantay 1 día
  • Tour Montaña 7 colores 1 día
  • Blog de Viajes

¡Tu viaje a Perú comienza aquí!

Agencia de viajes a perú & tour operador.

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Somos especialistas en ofrecer paquetes turísticos a Perú 100% personalizados y hechos a su medida.

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Tenemos experiencia en la industria del turismo, más de 7,000 clientes han viajado con nosotros

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Tours y Paquetes destacados en Perú

Encuentra tu viaje ideal. Aquí te ofrecemos los mejores Paquetes de Viajes a Perú. ¡Déjate seducir por la historia, la cultura y la naturaleza peruana!

Señoras tipicas de Cusco

Lima, Cusco y Puno Alojamiento Incluido Traslado y entrada incluido Tren turístico Actividades y excursiones Desayuno incluido Salidas diarias

paquete lineas de nazca

Lima, Nazca, Cusco y Puno Alojamiento incluido Traslado y entrada incluido Tren turístico Actividades y excursiones Desayuno incluido Salidas diarias

Una chica en Machu Picchu

Cusco Alojamiento incluido Traslado incluido Tren turístico Actividades y excursiones Desayuno incluido Salidas diarias

¿Por qué elegirnos como su Agencia de Viajes en Perú?

Peru Grand Travel se destaca como la agencia de viajes líder en Perú, brindando experiencias excepcionales. No sólo ofrecemos paquetes de viaje; adaptamos las experiencias para adaptarlas al perfil de cada cliente. Nuestra pasión es hacer realidad los sueños de quienes desean explorar este maravilloso país.

Experiencia local

Nuestra agencia de viajes se enorgullece de contar con un equipo de expertos locales apasionados por su país. Con décadas de experiencia en el turismo peruano, conocemos cada rincón, cada tradición y cada joya escondida que este país tiene para ofrecer. Esto significa que no solo te llevamos a lugares icónicos sino que también te sumergimos en la auténtica esencia del Perú.

Itinerarios personalizados

Reconocemos que cada viajero es único y eso es precisamente lo que nos diferencia. Como agencia de turismo, nos enorgullecemos de adaptar cada viaje a sus intereses, deseos y necesidades específicas. Tu experiencia será completamente personalizada para que vivas la aventura que siempre has soñado. ¡Té esperamos con los brazos abiertos, En tu siguiente ruta turística!

Guiado con pasión

Lo que realmente nos distingue es nuestra pasión por el Perú. Nuestros guías locales expertos lo cautivarán con historias fascinantes y conocimientos profundos de la historia y la cultura del país. Cada recorrido se convierte en una lección de vida y una experiencia inolvidable. ¡Prepárate para una anécdota única, por nuestro imponente espacio geográfico de los Incas!

Calidad y Confort

La comodidad es esencial para un viaje sin preocupaciones y en Peru Grand Travel nos aseguramos de que su experiencia sea cómoda y placentera. Colaboramos con los mejores hoteles y proveedores de servicios para garantizar que cada aspecto de su viaje cumpla con sus expectativas y cubra las necesidades que está buscando, ¡Ven y únete a nuestros fascinantes recorridos!

¡Encuentra el viaje de tus sueños hoy! Echa un vistazo a nuestros paquetes de viajes.

Tours recomendados a perú 2024.

Si estás planeando viajar a Perú, echa un vistazo a nuestros tours que te propone Peru Grand Travel. Te garantizamos que no te arrepentirás.

Señoras felices en la isla de Uros Puno

Cusco y Puno Alojamiento incluido Traslado y entrada incluido Tren turístico Actividades y excursiones Desayuno incluido Salidas diarias

Machu Picchu y una persona sentada

Cusco Alojamiento incluido Traslado Incluido Tren turístico Actividades y excursiones Desayuno incluido Salidas diarias

Una llama en Machu Picchu

Cusco Dificultad moderada Distancia total 12 km Altitud maxima 2720 msnm Hasta 16 personas Consultar disponibilidad

Una chica en descenso del Warmi Wañusca del Camino Inca

Dificultad moderada Distancia total 43 km Altitud maxima 4215 msnm Hasta 16 personas Consultar disponibilidad

Proyectos Sociales

Peru Grand Travel promueve un turismo responsable y sostenible, ofreciendo experiencias auténticas mientras contribuye al desarrollo de las comunidades locales y al cuidado del medio ambiente.

Navidad para Todos: Nuestra Generosidad y Amor

Calca – 2018

Por un Planeta más Limpio: Nuestra Campaña de Limpieza

Moras, Urubamba – 2022

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Peru Tours & Vacations

Hikers in a group photo with their guide on the trek to the Sun Gate at Machu Picchu, Peru

Peru is brimming with natural wonders

This vibrant country in South America boasts a tapestry of experiences, from the famous ruins of Machu Picchu to the adventures that await you in the ancient capital of Cusco. Savor the bold flavors of Peruvian cuisine, explore the cobbled streets of Arequipa and learn the locals' way of life on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca . Absorb Peru's rich history by retracing the steps of the Inca, and bask in a country where the past meets the present in a symphony of color, culture and diverse landscapes.

Our Peru trips

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Inca Trail Express

Real Peru to Bolivia

Articles of Peru

Best places to travel in February

Best places to travel in June

Inca Trail Trek Permits: How to Secure the Easy Way

The joy of seeing Machu Picchu with the descendants of its builders

From heartache to hiking boots in Peru’s Sacred Valley

Machu Picchu or Chichen Itza? Which historical site should you visit?

10 ways to get closer to nature with Intrepid  

What to expect on an Intrepid Premium trip

Peru departures by month

Popular destinations, peru at a glance, capital city.

Lima (population 11 million)

Peruvian Sol (PEN)

Spanish, Quechua

(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin) Type C (European 2-pin)

Learn more about Peru

Best time to visit peru.

Peru is a fascinating country with four distinct geographical regions. Not many countries can offer beaches, mountains, rainforests and deserts on one visit. These distinct regions offer something for everyone, which is why most Intrepid tours operate all year round.

June, July and August are considered the driest months in the Highlands and Amazon basin and are optimal for hiking and river journeys. However, even during the rainy season in the Amazon, the rains only fall for a few hours at a time. In the Andes, the rainy season can sometimes just mean a bit of overcast weather.

Remember that the Inca Trail is closed for maintenance in February, although there are other treks to Machu Picchu which are available at this time.

Learn more about the best time to visit Peru

Culture and customs

Like many other South American nations, contemporary Peru is a rich mix of the modern and the ancient. In the highlands, where most of the population is Quechua or Aymara (descendants of the Incas), people speak their local language, wear traditional clothes, follow Inca traditions and chew coca leaves. Most lead agricultural lives and there is a great deal of poverty.

This is a stark contrast to the  European -influenced coast, which is considerably wealthier and mixed with Europeans, Mestizo (mix of Spanish and indigenous), Afro-Peruvians, Japanese  and Chinese immigrants.

Cultural festivals offer fascinating insights into the ancient customs of Peru that have been carried on from Inca times, with centuries-old food, clothing, song and dance playing an integral role in these celebrations.

What unites the country is a reverence for religion and family, as well as a love for soccer, or  futbol , as it’s called here.

Eating and drinking

Peruvians take their food seriously. Whether you’re in a village or a large city, your taste buds will thank you for visiting this South American nation.

Peruvian cuisine draws on a mix of Andean, Spanish, African and Asian influences. Stews and soups made with potatoes (Peru grows more than 4,000 varieties!), corn and quinoa are common, particularly in the highlands. Japanese-inspired seafood dishes and chifas (Peruvian-Chinese fusion) restaurants are also popular along the coast.

The cuisine is meat-heavy, but vegetarian options aren’t hard to come by - particularly dishes featuring avocados which grow abundantly throughout the country.

Foods to try in Peru

Peru's national dish is made with fish marinated in lime juice, onions, salt and chili peppers. It's typically served with chunks of corn on the cob and sweet potato. Cevicherias in Lima do it best.

Adventurous eaters should add cuy (guinea pig) to their must-try list. Roasted and usually served whole, it’s a popular staple in the highlands.

3. Lomo saltado

This beef or alpaca stir-fry is a popular chifa dish found across Peru. 

4. Pisco sour

Made by mixing pisco, the national brandy, with lime juice, egg whites and sugar, this creamy and zesty cocktail goes down a treat. 

5. Coca tea

Rumored to help with altitude sickness, this tea made from coca leaves is drunk by locals all over the Andes region and is hailed for its 'medicinal' properties.

Learn more about what to eat in Peru

Learn more about what to drink in Peru

Geography and environment

Peru is home to a diverse range of landscapes, including parts of the Amazon Basin, the Andean mountain range and Lake Titicaca. Not to mention areas of tropical savanna, desert, cloud forest and mangroves. Peru also has a long stretch of coast along the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Coast alternates between narrow bands of desert and fertile valleys, while the Andes cut through the center of the country, separating the coast from the jungle. Machu Picchu, Cusco and Puno are all located in the Highlands region.

History and government

Early history.

Archaeological evidence indicates that early life in Peru started up to 11,000 years ago, with nomadic people living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Organized civilizations based on land cultivation appear to have been established sometime around 6000 BC.

Over the centuries, Peru has seen many different civilizations rise and fall, grow and decline and evidence of these ancient civilizations can be found all around the country today, with the Nazca Lines being one of the most enigmatic examples.

However, the Incas lay claim to being one of the most famous and revered empires of all. Spanning from 1438 to 1532 AD, the audacious Inca Empire was responsible for one of the world's most impressive archaeological ruins – Machu Picchu.

Recent history

Military coups and regional disputes have dominated Peru's more recent history. The period between 1960 and 1990 saw lots of political instability and economic difficulty. With world commodity prices leveling out, Peru's agriculture-based economy suffered, as did its population who were largely reliant on farming.

New leadership in the 1990s and beyond has led to economic reforms and trade promotion, which has driven economic growth.

Celebrating the centenary of the re-discovery of Machu Picchu in 2011, Peru continues to enjoy widespread international attention for its cultural and historical riches.

Must-visit places in Peru

Peru isn't short of bucket list-worthy wonders. Here are just a few must-visit places to experience on your trip:

1. Machu Picchu

No matter how many photos you've seen, nothing can prepare you for seeing Machu Picchu in the flesh. Time slips away as you try to uncover the ruins' secrets and marvel at how such grandeur is possible in such a remote place.

History comes to life in Cusco . You can't turn a corner without coming across another reminder of its Inca past. Ruins are everywhere, and even new, elegant buildings have been built upon old Inca temples, houses and markets.

3. Sacred Valley

This fertile valley is packed with Inca sites including the massive fortress of Ollantaytambo. Visit on market day when the laidback villages come to life. The cobbled streets fill with every color, produce and animal imaginable.

4. Amazon Jungle

Spend mornings watching colorful macaws and monkeys, and afternoons learning about traditional plant usage or spotting crocs in oxbow lakes. Then, at night, get your torch ready to seek out the jungle's larger creatures.

Peru's capital is home to unexpected treasures. Dig beneath the city's surface to uncover pre-Columbian temples, a touch of elegance and a huge dose of modern distractions; like the cafe-rich district of Miraflores. Lima is also world-renowned for its incredible food scene.

6. Arequipa

The White City, as it's affectionately known, is spectacular. Surrounded by canyons, volcanoes and deserts, the location is perfect for exploring Peru's wild side. But the true beauty of the city is in its buildings, built from white volcanic rock.

7. Colca Canyon

While the canyon is a dramatic sight (it's twice as deep as the Grand Canyon), it's a glimpse of the elusive Andean condor that will really get your heart racing. With a wing span of 3.2 meters, this bird doesn't just glide, it soars.

8. Lake Titicaca

Big enough to house countless island communities, coca smugglers and the entirety of Bolivia's navy, Lake Titicaca is massive. Remnants of ancient cultures are everywhere and many communities live on reed islands as they have done for hundreds of years.

9. Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines are one of the world's great mysteries. Shapes of spiders, monkeys and birds are drawn into the desert landscape over 500 sq kilometers. The most amazing part? They're only visible from the air.

10. Aguas Calientes

Whether you've just trekked the Inca Trail or traveled by train through the Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes is the perfect place to stop, soak in a steaming thermal bath and reflect on the adventure so far.

You'll find vendors selling colorful Peruvian handicrafts at tourist spots across the country. When possible, try to carry small bills and coins, as it can be difficult for vendors to give change, especially in remote areas.

Things to buy in Peru

1. Alpaca wool clothing

As one of the largest alpaca wool producers in the world, you'll find alpaca wool clothing almost everywhere in Peru. Beautiful shawls, ponchos and jumpers are the perfect way to keep warm, as Peruvians have traditionally done for centuries.

The classic hallmark of any backpacker who has traveled through South America, the chullo (knitted hat with ear flaps) might be a bit of a travel cliché but will be well-received as a gift back home.

3. Jewelery

Good quality gold and silver earrings, rings and bracelets are widely available throughout Peru, with classic Inca-style designs proving popular.

Festivals and events in Peru

Festivals are an important part of Peruvian culture. If you're lucky (or very organized), your trip may coincide with one of these lively fiestas:

Virgen de la Candelaria (Virgin of the Candlemas)

The city of Puno celebrates its patron saint with an epic two-week party each November. Join in the revelry as performers parade the streets in elaborate costumes and masks. 

Mistura Culinary Festival

Mistura is a massive event held in September where thousands of Peruvians and tourists come together to celebrate the country’s cuisine in Lima.

Cusco Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun)

Every year on June 24, Cusco celebrates the winter solstice with street dances, parades and a re-enactment of the Inca winter solstice festival at the Sacsayhuaman ruins.

Each year before Lent, cities across Peru host Carnaval celebrations, but the festivities in Cajamarca are known for being the wildest – and wettest. Visitors flock to the city for nine days of dancing, partying, parades and water fights.

Learn more about festivals in Peru.

Public holidays that may impact travel include:

Feast of St Peter and St Paul

National Independence Days

Feast of Santa Rosa de Lima

Battle of Angamos Day

All Saints Day

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Please note that the dates of  Peru's public holidays  may vary.

Highlights of Peru

However you get to Machu Picchu – whether it’s through spectacular scenery on the classic Inca Trail, through small Andes villages on the Inca Quarry Trail, or over mega mountain passes on the Choquequirao Trail – the feeling of reaching this otherworldly archaeological site will stay with you for a lifetime. This ancient 15th-century citadel is a spectacular reminder of the ingenuity of the Inca civilization.

2. Arequipa

Be dazzled by the 'White City' of Arequipa. Standing at the foot of El Misti Volcano, Arequipa vies with Cusco for the title of Peru's most attractive city. Wander the famous Plaza de Armas and while away the days in cozy cafes, admire the city's beautifully built churches and the iconic Basilica Cathedral, or learn about ancient mummies in the Andean Sanctuaries Museum.

Shrouded in mystery, the Nazca Lines is one of the world’s most intriguing archaeological sites. Thanks to dry desert conditions, these geoglyphs – which date back to the 2nd century BC – and the mummies, textiles, ceramics and other relics that have been discovered here, offer a rare glimpse into pre-Inca life. Climb to the viewing platform, or perhaps take a flight over the lines for an epic view.

4. Puerto Maldonado

Experience the magic of the Amazon on an enthralling jungle adventure. Hike beneath cool, leafy canopies while looking for monkeys, parrots and otters; cruise along the Amazon on a canoe; learn about the healing properties of native plants with a local guide, and swap your alarm clock for the songs and croaks of toucans and other tropical birds.

Welcome to the capital of Peru. Lima is one of the most up-and-coming foodie destinations, so the best way to explore is through your tastebuds! Be sure to sample ceviche (the country’s national dish), washed down with a pisco sour in the bustling Barranco neighborhood. Then, stroll through the beautiful Lima Cathedral, or swing your hips to folk music at a peña  (a traditional Peruvian music venue).

6. Lake Titicaca

Defy logic while standing on Lake Titicaca’s famous floating islands, which are made entirely out of reeds by the Uros people (who still live on them!). Surrounded by striking peaks on the border of Peru and Bolivia , this is one of the highest lakes in the world. Dive into learning about the history of the lake and its communities, or simply enjoy the bliss of being immersed in nature.

Cusco is South America's oldest continuously inhabited city and was the home of the Inca for two centuries before the Spanish arrived. Today, it’s a fascinating combination of both cultures. Tour the Coricancha Temple, wander the World Heritage-listed Cusco Cathedral, peruse the colorful San Pedro market, or do the incredible Inkilltambo trek on the city’s outskirts.

8. Sacred Valley

Treasured for its climate and fertile land, Sacred Valley has long been the main food source in the high Andes. It’s also home to the ruins of Sacsayhuaman, another site that will show you how incredible the Inca civilization was. Take part in an ancient cooking ritual known as pachamanca with the Chichubamba community; do a traditional chocolate and corn beer workshop; or climb the steep terraces to Ollantaytambo where sweeping views over the valley await.

Further reading

Peru travel faqs, do i need a visa to travel to peru.

Peru has visa-free travel agreements with most countries, and foreign nationals including those from the  United Kingdom , United States,  New Zealand  and  Canada  do not require a visa for tourism purposes. Eligible foreign nationals will be issued a free visitor permit in their passport upon arrival.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 27 June 2023 

Is tipping customary in Peru?

While tipping isn't mandatory in Peru, it's customary to add spare change or a small amount to restaurant bills. Although most restaurants and bars may already include a 10% service charge within the bill, feel free to add more if the service was good. Taxi drivers generally don't expect tips.

What is the internet access like in Peru?

Internet can be accessed at hotels, restaurants and cafes in large cities, but it can be more limited in rural and remote areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Peru?

Cell phone coverage is generally good in Peru’s cities, but may not be available in more remote and mountainous areas. Ensure global roaming is activated with your service provider before leaving home. You could also buy a local SIM card when you arrive.

What's the weather like in Peru?

The weather in Peru differs from region to region with coastal areas experiencing a subtropical desert climate, a tropical climate in the Amazon rainforest and a temperate climate in the Andes (places like Cusco and Arequipa). While varying climates can mean the best time to visit  Peru  changes depending on the region you're visiting; generally, May to October sees consistently dry and sunny days perfect for enjoying the vibrant cities and beautiful landscapes of this  South American  country. 

What to wear in Peru

Wearing layers made of natural, breathable fabrics like linen and cotton is a good idea for Peru's varying climates. Merino wool is good for hiking and trekking as it wicks away moisture and regulates body temperature, and lightweight, quick-drying sportswear is a good idea for hot weather.

What are the toilets like in Peru?

Peru has a mix of both squat toilets and western-style flushable toilets. It’s a good idea to carry your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as they are not always provided. Some public toilets charge a small usage fee. Expect to use squat toilets if traveling on the Inca Trail. 

Can I drink the tap water in Peru?

Drinking tap water isn't recommended in Peru . I t's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating . Your local leader will be able to help you find filtered water, and for environmental reasons, we suggest filling a reusable bottle to avoid buying plastic bottles.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Peru?

Most hotels, large retailers and tourist attractions accept credit cards but will usually charge a fee (about 7%) for using them. Expect to pay cash when dealing with small vendors, family-run restaurants and market vendors. 

What is ATM access like in Peru?

ATMs can be found in most of Peru's major cities and tourist areas. ATMs are far less common in rural areas and small villages so have enough cash to cover purchases when traveling away from the larger cities.

Do I need any vaccinations before visiting Peru?

No vaccines are required in order to enter Peru but some are recommended for protection against disease. Visit your doctor or travel clinic for advice and make sure to schedule vaccinations 4-6 weeks before your departure date, as some require time to become effective.

Recommended travel vaccines for Peru:

1. Hepatitis A (transmitted through contaminated water) 2. Typhoid (transmitted through contaminated water) 3. Yellow Fever (transmitted by mosquitos): This vaccination is recommended if you’re visiting Puno or the Amazon. Some countries require a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate for entry after visiting Peru. Do your research before leaving home to see if you require this vaccine.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

What kinds of accommodation will I be staying in?

Experience home-grown hospitality and food while staying with a local family who live right on the shores of Lake Titicaca.

  • Jungle Lodge

Stay close to the wildlife action in a lodge located within the leafy wilds of the awesome Amazon Jungle.

Camping along the Inca Trail is one of the world's most sought-after travel experiences. Bond with new friends over delicious local food and rest up before another day of trekking.

What kinds of transport will be used in Peru?

Intrepid believes half the fun of experiencing a new country is getting there, and getting around once there! Where possible, Intrepid uses local transport options and traditional modes of transport - which usually carry less of an environmental impact, support small local operators and are much more fun.

Pedal along Lima’s incredible coastline, making your way through local areas and go on a cycling adventure to the epic Sacred Valley.

Spot exotic flowers, birds and mammals while enjoying a canoe ride down the mighty Amazon River.

Everyone gets a window seat while riding on the Vistadome train. The clear roof and windows allow maximum viewing for all.

Will I experience altitude sickness in Peru?

Most people can start to feel the effects of altitude at over 6561 feet (2000 m) regardless of age, gender or fitness level. While our leaders have basic first aid training and are aware of the closest medical facilities, it is very important that you make yourself aware of the cause and effects of traveling at altitude, monitor your health and seek assistance accordingly. It’s important to take it easy, drink plenty of water and speak to your group leader at once if you feel unwell.

We recommend seeing your doctor if you have any health concerns before undertaking the trip. Particularly if you have a pre-existing medical condition or take any medication.  

Is Peru a LGBTQIA+ friendly destination?

While it might be common to see rainbow flags displayed throughout the Andes, this is, in fact, the flag of the Inca Empire and not a gay pride flag. Peru is a conservative, Catholic country where LGBTQIA+ rights are still developing. Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community don’t publicly identify themselves, and generally, Peruvians will tolerate homosexuality on a ‘don’t-ask-don’t-tell’ basis. While Lima may be more tolerant towards LGBTQIA+ travelers, it’s advised that you should exercise discretion when traveling in country areas. 

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting   Equaldex   or   ILGA   before you travel.

Does my trip to Peru support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveler. Trips to Peru directly support our foundation partner, Awamaki.

Awamaki empowers indigenous women in Peru with education and job opportunities. They offer lessons in quality control, product development and technical skills training for women artisans in rural Andean communities. Donations from our trips support the growth and development of their programs to lift more women into financial independence.  

Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

What is it like traveling on a small group tour?

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or you’re about to embark on your first trip, traveling can be as intimidating as it is exciting. That's the beauty of a small group tour. From handling the logistics and organizing amazing cultural activities to local leaders who know each destination like the back of their hand (like which street has the best markets and where to get the most authentic food), traveling on a small group tour with Intrepid will give you unforgettable travel experiences without the hassle that comes with exploring a new place. Plus, you'll have ready-made friends to share the journey with. All you have to do is turn up with a healthy sense of adventure and we’ll take care of the rest.

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The best of Peru unlocked for you

Experience Peru differently. Enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences and uncover local secrets when our friends across the country open their doors to you. Here’s just a sample of the rich experiences you can expect.

5 million happy guests and counting

Women by Lake Titicaca in Peru

Capital City

Good morning

Buenos dias

Good evening

Buena noches

"Follow in the path of the Incas, witness ancient rituals and mysterious geoglyphs, see the birthplace of the sun... Peru is a place that totally captures your imagination."

Travel Director

Visit a local market in Lima

Known as the culinary capital of South America, Lima’s markets are filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and seafood. We’ll introduce you to Chef Ignacio Barrios, who will show you around a local market in Lima, then take you to his cooking school to prepare some of Peru’s favorite dishes.

Board a Vistadome train for an epic journey to Machu Picchu

We’ll take you to the Inca stronghold of Ollantaytambo, where you’ll board the Vistadome train and ascend to the Lost City in the Clouds. Machu Picchu is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and you’ll delve into the mysteries of this once-great civilization with our Local Specialists.

Meet a master Quechua weaver

The Quechua people of Peru are known for their colorful handicrafts, and you’ll learn about the tradition of weaving from Nilda Callañaupa Alvarez, a local Quechua scholar. We’ll take you to Awakancha to see how the fine llama, alpaca and vicuña wool is sourced, then discover the ancient Andean weaving techniques.

See the Magic Circuit of the Water

Our Peru vacation packages take you to the Magic Circuit of the Water, the largest fountain complex in the world. The interactive fountains shoot water to a height of more than 80 meters and you’ll marvel at the mesmerizing lights, lasers and water swaying with the music.

Attend a workshop at the Peruvian Choco Museum

Visit the Peruvian Choco Museum in Cusco, where you’ll discover how Peruvian chocolate is made, from the cacao bean to the chocolate bar. The museum’s chocolate makers will share their secrets and you’ll participate in the chocolate making process, with plenty of opportunity to sample the sweet delicacies.

Our top 5 things to do in Peru

Our Peru guided tours will reveal the best of Peru, from the mysteries of Machu Picchu to ancient Andean weaving and vibrant local markets.

Larco Museum

Located in an 18th-century vice-royal building in Lima, the Larco Museum houses an excellent collection of pre-Columbian artefacts. You’ll take a journey through Peru’s history, with chronological galleries that display 5,000 years of pre-Columbian history, including ceramics, jewellery, crowns, masks, garments and gold vases.

One of the top museums on the continent, Museo Inka is an incredible showcase of the Inca Empire. You can spend hours immersing yourself in the world of the Incas, with rooms full of crockery, textiles, jewellery, goldwork, models, ancient mummies and the world’s largest collection of queros (ceremonial wooden drinking vessels).

Gold Museum of Peru

The Gold Museum of Peru is a fantastic display of Peruvian gold craftsmanship. There are thousands of items from centuries of Peruvian history, including the earflaps and bracelets of the Vicus, the belts and earrings of the Frias, the masks and wristbands of the Nazca and the crowns of the Chancay.

Best museums in Peru

Our guided trips to Peru will reveal the country’s rich history through the top museums, from ancient Peruvian goldwork to the wondrous world of the Inca Empire.

Chifa is a Peruvian word used to describe a Chinese and Peruvian fusion style of cooking. Influenced by a wave of Chinese immigration in the late 19th century, chifa is now one of the most popular types of food in Peru. We recommend trying Pato Cuarto Tiempos and Arroz Chaufa.

Anticuchos can be traced all the way back to the Inca Empire, and today they’re one of the most beloved dishes found in street stalls and restaurants all over Peru. They’re a tasty meat skewer usually made with beef, and they’re served with bread or boiled potato on the end of the skewer.

Causa Rellena

A traditional potato dish of Peru, causa rellena is made from layers of spiced yellow mashed potatoes, tuna, chicken, avocado, black olives, mayonnaise and hard-boiled egg. This delicious dish was first made by women for the soldiers during the Pacific War in 1879, when food was hard to come by.

Best food in Peru

Peruvian cuisine is wonderfully diverse and our Local Specialists will show you the best places to try everything from traditional meat skewers to Chinese style chifa.

What to pack for Peru

People packing for a tour

Spanish phrasebook

Spanish is the national language of Peru, and learning a few Spanish phrases is highly appreciated and will make it easier to connect with the locals.

Versatile clothing

Peru’s climate is wildly diverse, with 28 of the 32 world climates, and you’ll need versatile clothing to take you from the cool Andes mountains to the steamy jungle.

Comfortable shoes

Whether you plan to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, or explore the markets of Lima, you’ll need a comfortable pair of walking shoes.

Adaptor plug

In Peru the standard voltage is 220 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type A and C. The standard frequency is 60 Hz.

Bring a camera to capture Peru’s beautiful scenery, bright buildings, adorable llamas and Machu Picchu, one of the world’s most extraordinary wonders.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and refillable toiletry bottles.

Our South America destinations

A monument of Christ the Redeemer in Rio, Brazil

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  • Luxury Travel
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Destinatios Peru Tours

  • Amazon Cruises
  • Peru Cruises & Yachts
  • Galapagos Cruises & Yachts
  • Brazil Cruises
  • Chile Cruises & Yachts
  • Argentina Cruises & Yachts
  • Antarctica Cruises & Yachts
  • Private Cruise Charter & Yachts
  • Cruises & Yachts Worldwide
  • Experiences
  • Why Amazing Peru
  • Philanthropy
  • Hiram Bingham Club
  • Job Opportunities
  • Philanthropy & Responsible Tourism

amazing peru tours

  • Premium Peru Tour 1 - 9 days
  • Premium Peru Tour 2 - 9 days
  • Premium Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • Premium Adventure Peru Tour - 11 days
  • Orchid Appreciation Tour of Peru - 9 days
  • Superior Peru Tour 1 - 9 days
  • Superior Peru Tour 2 - 9 days
  • Superior Adventure Peru Tour - 11 days
  • Superior Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • 2024 Peru Superior Authentic Adventure - 15 days
  • Lake Titicaca Extension - option 2 - 3 days
  • 2024 Affordable Tours by Amazing Peru Standard Machu Picchu - 4 days
  • Arequipa & Colca Canyon Extension - option 1 - 4 days
  • 2024 Affordable Machu Picchu Tours by Amazing Peru - 7 days
  • Affordable Peru Tour 2024 - 7 days
  • Peru Escorted Escapes Tour 1 - 9 days
  • Peru Escorted Escapes Tour 4 - 9 days
  • Peru Escorted Escapes Tour 5 - 9 days
  • Christmas Short Escape - 7 days
  • Inti Raymi Festival 2024 Fully Escorted - 8 days
  • 2024 Escorted Christmas in Machu Picchu - Option 3 - 9 days
  • 2024-25 Escorted Peru New Years 1 - 9 days
  • 2024-25 Escorted Peru New Years 3 - 9 days
  • 2024-25 Escorted Peru New Years 2 - 10 days
  • Peru Escorted Escapes Tour 2 - 10 days
  • 2024 Escorted Christmas in Machu Picchu - Option 2 - 10 days
  • Peru Escorted Escapes Tour 3 - 12 days
  • Escorted Peru Tour 2 - 13 days
  • Escorted Peru Tour 4 - 14 days
  • Escorted Peru Tour 5 - 14 days
  • Escorted Peru Tour 1 - 15 days
  • Escorted Peru Tour 3 - 15 days
  • New Year Tours in Peru 2024-2025
  • Classic Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu - 8 days
  • Authentic Peru Adventure Tour- 11 days
  • Classic Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • Luxury Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • Luxury Adventure Peru Tour - Royal Inca Trail Trek-11 days
  • Other Treks within Cusco- Classic Choquequirao Trek-11 days
  • Premium Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • Premium Adventure Peru Tour - Royal Inca Trail Trek - 11 days
  • Superior Adventure Peru Tour - Royal Inca Trail Trek - 11 days
  • Superior Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • The Alternative Inca Trail Trek - Classic Salkantay-11 days
  • Peru Family Adventure Tour-12 days
  • Peru Adventure Honeymoon Tour-12 days
  • Christmas Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu-14 days
  • The Ultimate Inca Trail Trek Tour of Peru - 15 days
  • Tailor-made Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
  • The Luxury Retreat Collection - A Signature Escape - 6 days
  • Ultra Luxury Peru Travel - The Essentials - 9 days
  • Ultra Luxury Peru Travel - A personal discovery - 11 days
  • VIP Peru & Brazil Luxury Private Tour - 12 days
  • Ultra Luxury Peru Travel - Authentic Journeys - 14 days
  • VIP Peru, Brazil & Venezuela by Private Jet - 14 days
  • Ultra Luxury Peru Travel - A living experience - 16 days
  • Luxury Travel The best luxury trips to Peru with the #1 Luxury Tour Operator
  • Group Tours & DMC Destination Management Company We are the Latin America's leading group travel provider, Destination Management Travel Experts .From small to large groups. Our extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources, specializing in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and program logistics make us the Latin America's leading travel experts.
  • Tailor made Peru Travel Build your own Peru itinerary, Specialists in curated tailor-made itineraries Peru and Latin America. Contact us for a FREE itinerary & quote.
  • Escorted Peru New Years Tours 2024-25 - 9 days
  • Escorted New Year's in Brazil - 7 days
  • 2024/2025 Escorted Christmas and New Years Mexico tour - 10 days
  • Christmas and New Year in Ecuador & The Galapagos - 10 days
  • 2024 Christmas Peru and New Year's Galapagos Tour - 13 days
  • 2024/2025 Escorted Christmas & New Year's Chile tour - 13 days
  • 2024 Escorted Christmas in Machu Picchu - Option 1 - 9 days
  • 2024 Escorted Christmas in Machu Picchu - Option 2 - 11 days
  • Luxury Christmas Tour to Machu Picchu 2024 - Option 1 - 10 days
  • Luxury Christmas Tour to Machu Picchu 2024 - Option 2 - 12 days
  • Luxury Christmas Tour to Machu Picchu 2024 - Option 3 - 9 days
  • Christmas Inca Trail tour 2024 - 11 days
  • Affordable Christmas Tour to Machu Picchu 2024 - 7 days
  • Christmas in Argentina 2024 - 9 days
  • Escorted Christmas 2024 Costa Rica Tour - 9 days
  • 2024 Christmas Brazil Tour Iguazu Falls & Amazon River Cruise from Manaus - 12 days
  • 2024 Christmas Peru and New Years Galapagos Tour - 13 days
  • 2024 Christmas Peru and Galapagos Tour - 13 days
  • Land based Christmas and New Year Galapagos 2024 - 10 days
  • Brazil & Peru Christmas Highlights Tour - 15 days
  • University Student Expeditions & School Travel Programmes Special Travel programmes for elementary, high school & university students
  • 2024 Family Highlights Adventure - 7 days
  • 8 day Peru Family Adventure Tour 2024
  • Peru Family Tour: Peru Highlights Tour - 11 days
  • Peru Family Adventure Tour - 12 days
  • Affordable Family Tour - 12 days
  • Family tour to Peru - 16 days
  • Luxury Peru by Private Jet for up to 6 People - 7 days
  • VIP Peru & Brazil by Private Jet - 10 days
  • Machu Picchu Tour for Cruises Arriving to Pisco - 3 days
  • Peru for Cruise Passengers - 2 days
  • Sea & River Cruises in South America
  • Galapagos cruises
  • Peru Amazon Cruises
  • Aqua Cruise
  • Aria Cruise
  • Brasil Amazon Cruises
  • Antarctica Cruises
  • Peru Wheelchair Travel for Single traveller - 6 days
  • The Steve Gleason Inca Trail route - 7 days
  • 2024 Peru Restricted Mobility Tour - 7 days
  • Accessible Galapagos - 8 days
  • Peru Special Needs/Wheelchair Tours - 13 days
  • Marvels of Latin America - Assisted - Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu & Easter Islands - 19 days
  • Authentic Cultures of Peru - 8 days
  • 2024 Premium Peru Cultural & Wildlife Tour - 11 days
  • Cultures of Peru - 17 days
  • First Class Peru Cultural and Landscapes Tour - 19 days
  • Ancient Civilisations Tour - 22 days
  • Transaltiplano Inka Express - 15 days
  • World's Highest Railway Journey - 16 days
  • Wildlife tours in Northern Peru - 10 days
  • Wildlife tours in Southern Peru - 15 days
  • Ultimate Luxury South America Tour - 28 days
  • Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020
  • Golf Tours & Golf Tournaments in Latin America The Ultimate Amazing Golf Vacations, we are a dedicated team of Golf travel specialists, committed to providing you Golf vacations, packages and travel in Latin America. Taking your to the premier events for the golf travel industry. Private Golf vacations to Individuals and groups all with the support of Latin America's most recognized golf vacation provider.
  • 2024 Royal Inka Trail Trek - Private Tour - 7 days
  • Incentive Peru, Argentina & Brazil Tour - 10 days
  • Peru Escape Tour for Seniors - 10 days
  • Peru Culture & Nature Tour for Seniors - 12 days
  • Peru Highlights Tour for Seniors - 12 days
  • Parties, Weddings & Special Occasions We organize special celebration, wedding, events, reunions. We organise it all from start to finish.
  • Luxury Honeymoon tour in Peru - 16 days
  • Peru Honeymoon Tour 2 - 16 days
  • Rafting The Apurimac River - 4 days
  • Horseriding Peru Tour - 4 days
  • Mountain Bike - Cuzco to Puerto Maldonado - 4 days
  • Riding Tour in the Sacred Valley - 4 days
  • Lake Titicaca Kayaking - 4 days
  • Rock Climbing - Quebrada Llaca - 5 days
  • Inka Trail to Machu Picchu Salkantay and Santa Teresa - 5 days
  • 2024 Peru Authentic Adventure Escape Tour - 7 days
  • Horseback Riding Adventure across the Andes - 7 days
  • 7 day Authentic Adventure Trip to Peru - 7 days
  • Peru - Vilcabamba Trek - 8 days
  • The Two Machu Picchus Tour - 9 days
  • Peru Adventure & Cuisine - 10 days
  • 2024 Peru Trek & Adventure Trip - 11 days
  • Ultimate Andean Cycle tour - 11 days
  • Luxury Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 11 days
  • Authentic Peru Adventure Tour - 11 days
  • Unique Adventure & Nature Peru - 13 days
  • Ultimate Peru Cycling and Surfing Tour - 15 days
  • Authentic Wilderness Peru Tour - 21 days
  • Peru Culture & Golf Tour - 8 days
  • Peru Golf and Machu Picchu - 13 days
  • Luxury Tour Golf Peru & Brazil - 14 days
  • Photography Tours & Photo Travel Peru From Wildlife Photograpic Tours to Archaeological sites, Landscapes, Inca Festivals & Amazon Tribes
  • Luxury Spa Tour Peru - 7 days
  • Luxury Spa Tour Peru - 11 days
  • Peru Luxury Yoga Tour - 7 days
  • Peru Luxury Yoga & Spiritual Escape Tour - 11 days
  • Peru and Chile Combined Travel
  • Peru and Brazil Combined Tours
  • Peru and Bolivia Tours Combined
  • Peru and Ecuador Combined Travel
  • Peru and Argentina Combined Tours
  • Peru and The Galapagos Islands
  • Luxury Patagonia Trips
  • First Class Chile and Argentina Vacation
  • The Latin American New Wonders of the World Tour Chichen Itza Machu Picchu Christ the Redeemer
  • 8 day Budget Peru & Galapagos Tour - 8 days
  • 2024 Peru & Cancun Tour - First Class - 10 days
  • 2024 Magical Peru & Bolivia Tour - 10 days
  • Mexico & Cuba Tour 2024 - 13 days
  • From Peru to Chile by Amazing Peru & Beyond - 15 days
  • 2024 Mexico, Peru, Argentina & Brazil Essentials Tour - 26 days
  • TV Films, Documentary & Photographic Productions We provide with all the logistic, professional and technical support for international film productions and special expeditions in Peru and Latin America. We have extensive experience with production and expedition support and have many contacts with those who work in this field. Our clients include the Discovery Channel, National Geographic Expeditions, NBC Television, NFL Films, and famous photographers.
  • Scientific, Exploration & Research Expeditions We initiated a programme of scientific expeditions focusing on scientific, conservation, education and community whose primary or secondary purpose is scientific research and discovery, a world-class team international explorers will accompany this special expedition to share their knowledge and insights with you. Our customers include from renowned professional in every field to famous scientist, explorers and researchers.
  • Horseriding in Huaraz - 4 days
  • Escorted Birding tours in Manu - 14 days
  • Birding Tours around Peru - 17 days
  • Women Only Tours Safe, fun, for women travellers
  • Fishing tours - 18 days
  • Volunteering Programmes
  • Vivencial Huaraz - 12 days
  • Motorcycle Tour in Cuzco and Sacred Valley - 7 days
  • Motorcycle Tour in Cuzco and Sacred Valley - 9 days
  • Motorcycle Tour in Cuzco and the Cloud Forest - 10 days
  • Motor Cycling Tour Around Peru - 15 days
  • Motor Cycling Tour Around Peru - 17 days
  • Authentic Colours of Peru - 10 days
  • Wine & Oenology Tours Bespoke tours to the most exclusive wineries & vineyards, and tastings.
  • Luxury Peru Gourmet Tour - 11 days
  • 2024 New Peru Gourmet Tour
  • Winter Solstice & Inti Raymi Festival Tour 2024 "Inca Festival of the Sun" - 6 days
  • Inti Raymi Festival Tour 2024 "Inca Festival of the Sun" - 6 days
  • Luxury Inti Raymi Festival Tour 2024 "Inca Festival of the Sun" - 7 days
  • Inti Raymi Festival 2024 "Inca Festival of the Sun" - 16 days
  • 2024 Carnival in Rio de Janeiro - 7 days
  • Off the beaten-track Tours In addition to Cuzco, Machu Picchu and the Lake Titicaca tours, an off the beaten track Peru Vacation to fascinating Peruvian.
  • Pisco-Peruvian Drink Tours Pisco is a South American brandy, distilled from full, fermented grapes, constituting the national spirit of Peru. Combine trips to Machu Picchu witwh your Pisco Tasting Tours.
  • Jungle Tours
  • Tambopata & Manu Lodges
  • Christmas and New Year in Ecuador & The Galapagos
  • Christmas Travel and Tours to Machu Picchu 2024
  • Galapagos Yachts Availability
  • Inti Raymi Festival 2024 Fully Escorted
  • Luxury Machu Picchu & Amazon Cruise Adventure
  • Luxury Peru Tour Adventures
  • New Year Tours in Peru 2024/2025
  • Peru Escorted Escapes Tours
  • Escorted Chile Tour
  • Escorted Fixed Departure Tours
  • Premium Peru Tours
  • Premium Inca Trail Machupicchu Tours
  • Galapagos Thanksgiving Tour 2024
  • Peru - Off the beaten track - 12 days
  • Southern Peru - 12 days
  • 2024 Grand Peru Tour - 15 days
  • Northern Peru - 15 days
  • 2024 Wonders of Peru Shortened Version - 15 days
  • Southern Peru tour & Machu Picchu Tour - 16 days
  • Peruvian Highlands - 20 days
  • Cuzco & Machu Picchu Short Escape
  • Cuzco & Machu Picchu Standard
  • Short Trip in and Around Lima - 1 day
  • Cuzco & Machu Picchu Short Escape - 3 days
  • Lambayeque Museums - 3 days
  • Paracas - Ballestas Islands Nazca Lines - 3 days
  • Piura - Colan Beach - 3 days
  • Titicaca Lake Tour - 3 days
  • Arequipa - Colca Canyon Tour - 4 days
  • Amazon Cruise and Tour - 4 days
  • Cuzco & Machu Picchu Standard - 4 days
  • Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 4 days
  • Manu - 4 days
  • Tambopata Candamo - 4 days
  • Tumbes - Mancora Tours - 4 days
  • Huaraz Tours - 5 days
  • Kuelap Tour - 5 days
  • Trujillo - Cajamarca Tours - 5 days
  • Unknown Peru - 6 days
  • Cusco Tours &Travel Packages
  • Trekking Tours Cusco

Cusco Hotels

Cusco restaurants, cusco churches, cusco museums, cusco archeological sites.

  • About Cusco History
  • Cusco Food and Drink

Sacred Valley of the Incas

  • Weekend Breaks & Day Tours Looking for great city break deals? We have discounts on city breaks, short breaks and getaways that are available to book now across Latin America to top cities such as Cusco, Rio de Janeiro and more…
  • Luxury Shamanic & Spiritual Peru Tour - 11 days
  • Luxury Mystical Peru Tour - 11 days
  • Hiking Tours & Trekking in Cusco
  • Hiking Tours & Trekking in Huaraz
  • Hiking Tours & Trekking in Arequipa
  • Hiking Tours & Trekking in Chachapoyas
  • Peru Hiking & Trekking
  • Argentina Hiking & Trekking
  • Ecuador Hiking & Trekking
  • Chile Hiking & Trekking
  • Climbing in Peru
  • Climbing in Argentina
  • Climbing in Ecuador
  • South America Trekking & Climbing
  • Surfing Tours & Surfing Vacations Surfing in pristine Peruvian best spots
  • Peru Escape Vacation Tour - 7 days
  • 8 day Peru All-Inclusive Tour

Banner Jets Privados

Amazing Peru Tours & Trips 2024/2025 Award Winning Luxury Tour Operator since 1975 PERU TOURS & TRIPS 2024/2025

Travel Latin America with the foremost award-winning luxury travel company since 1975. All of our itineraries are custom-built for our customers by the most experienced travel specialists. We also provide set-tours and tour ideas fully customizable to suit your needs and requirements.

From the super exclusive VIP ultra-luxury tours with private jet travel , luxury hotels and private homes of distinction and concierge service to honeymoon and romantic getaways for upscale and budget requirements ; family and group leisure travel to private venues and team-building events for business trips ; wildlife excursions and scientific expeditions to cultural and archaeological trips . Our adventure department also caters for treks and extreme adventure tours . Providing services to customers worldwide we offer unsurpassed attention to detail throughout your trip. Recommended by our many customers over the years including our Forbes listed customers along with renowned travel guides such as Footprints, Frommers and Fodors, we also come highly recommended by The New York Times, USA Today, Trip Advisor, Perfect Weddings, Global Post and many more. Plan your trip of a lifetime with the experts!

  • Since 1975 we have built our network of locally based offices in the most important cities of Peru, Ecuador, The Galapagos Islands, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile & the Caribbean. We also have dedicated travel partners in many other worldwide locations.
  • With the best prices on every trip, guaranteed! . Avoid brokers and middle-men, book directly with the local tour operator.
  • Fully customizable and flexible Peru and Latin America travel itineraries to suit any budget and your exact requirements.
  • Daily departures / 365 days of the year/ Customer Support 24/7 with Multilingual staff
  • Attention to detail before and during your trip
  • Private Jets and group tours , from VIP ultra-luxury , to luxury , premium , first class , and affordable travel
  • Specializing in VIP luxury travel, private jets, helicopter transfers, private yacht charters and private train charters. With our own luxury fleet of vehicles including Porsche, Audi, Range Rover, Mercedes-Benz and Cadillac limousines.


tour a peru

  • Galápagos Christmas Cruise 2024 from US$2175 Dec 25-28
  • Galapagos Cruises
  • Galapagos Land Tours

Wellness & Health Travel and Tours

Wellness & Health Travel and Tours

A round Peru and Latin America tours specifically created for those who need to recharge their physical and mental energies. A nurturing and enlivening...

Video Scott Fujitas

We build memories. A truly priceless luxury. Click here".

  • Christmas in Galapagos & Ecuador Travel
  • 2024-25 Christmas in Galapagos & Peru New Year Tour
  • 2024-25 Christmas in Galapagos & New Year's in Brazil
  • Christmas in Peru and Machu Picchu 2024/2025 - View all
  • Christmas Brazil Amazon Cruise
  • Christmas Vacations in Costa Rica
  • Christmas and New Year in Ecuador & Galapagos Islands
  • Christmas and New Year in Chile
  • Christmas Vacations in Argentina
  • 2024 Christmas Peru and Galapagos Tour
  • 2024 Christmas Peru and New Year's Galapagos Tour
  • Mexico Christmas and New Year
  • New Year's in Peru 2024/2025
  • New Year's in Brazil
  • Christmas Brazil Tour: Iguazu Falls, Amazon River Cruise from Manaus
  • Christmas and New Year's in Latin America 2024/2025
  • Brazil & Peru Christmas Highlights Tour - 15 days
  • Christmas in Antarctica
  • Christmas in the Sun & Beaches
  • Winter Christmas & Ski Holidays
  • Christmas Cruises
  • New Year Getaways

Featured Signature Tours of the Month

  • Wildlife Tours & Peru Nature Trips
  • Adventure Tours - Adventure & Outdoor Tours
  • Trekking tours around Cuzco
  • Peru Hiking & Trekking
  • Rafting Trips, Canoeing & Kayak
  • Affordable Peru Tours & Machu Picchu Tours

Jets Private

  • Private Jet Antarctica Charter
  • Private Jet Argentina Charters
  • Private Jet Bolivia Charter
  • Private Jet Bora Bora Charter
  • Private Jet Brazil Charters
  • Private Jet Caribbean Charter
  • Private Jet Costa Rica Charters
  • Private Jet Chile Charters
  • Private Jet Ecuador Charters
  • Private Jet Galapagos Charters
  • Private Jet Guyana Charters
  • Private Jet Honduras Charter
  • Private Jet Mexico Charter
  • Private Jet Panama Charter
  • Private Jet Peru Charters
  • Private Jet Surinam Charter
  • Private Jet Tahiti Charter

amazing peru

  • Brazil Amazon Cruises

recommended frommers

  • Ultra Luxury-Luxury Retreat Collection
  • Luxury Travel Peru
  • Luxury Travel Argentina
  • Luxury Travel Brazil
  • Luxury Travel Chile
  • Luxury Travel Galapagos
  • Luxury Travel Ecuador
  • Luxury Travel Machu Picchu
  • Luxury Travel Patagonia
  • Luxury Travel Iguassu Falls
  • Luxury Travel Mexico
  • Luxury Travel Guyana
  • Luxury Travel Costa Rica
  • Luxury Travel Antarctica
  • Luxury Travel Panama
  • Luxury Travel Peru & Brazil
  • Luxury Travel Peru & ecuador
  • Luxury Travel Peru & Costa Rica
  • Luxury Travel Peru & Mexico
  • Luxury Travel Cuba

Travel to Machu Picchu & Peru

Peru & machu picchu factsheet.

Peru & Machu Picchu Factsheet

Train to Machu Picchu

Train to Machu Picchu

Free Guide Peru Destinations

Free guide peru restaurants, free guide peru museums, larco museum collection in lima, the museum of art collection in lima, free cuzco & machu picchu travel guide, cusco tours & travel packages, trekking tours in cusco, cusco history, cusco culinary tours.

  • Peru tours, travel & vacations
  • Galapagos tours & cruises
  • Ecuador tours, travel & vacations
  • Chile tours, travel & vacations
  • Brazil tours, travel & vacations
  • Bolivia tours, travel & vacations
  • Argentina tours, travel & vacations
  • Surinam tours, travel & vacations
  • Venezuela tours, travel & vacations
  • Mexico tours, travel & vacations
  • Honduras tours, travel & vacations
  • Costa Rica tours, travel & vacations
  • Cuba tours, travel & vacations
  • Panama tours, travel & vacations
  • Tahiti tours, travel & vacations
  • Guyana tours, travel & vacations
  • Bora Bora tours, travel & vacations
  • Antarctica tours, travel & vacations

Peru Private Jet Travel

Private jet & helicopter charters throughout Peru and Latin America.



Helping children in one of Peru's poorest village schools supporting hands-on initiatives such as implementation of classrooms to ensuring the robust education, health, and well-being of young children

Multi-Country Tours

Multi-Country Tours

  • Peru & Chile Travel
  • Peru & Brazil Travel
  • Peru & Bolivia Travel
  • Peru & Argentina Travel
  • Peru & Galápagos Travel
  • Peru & Ecuador Travel


As part of our philanthropic projects we support the older community to promote sporting and social events in the lesser known regions of Peru.


  • Travel Packages

Trip Advisor

Honoured to include to distinguished clients by providing jet services and luxury travel in Peru and Latin America

  • Robert De Niro Hollywood Actor, Producer & Director
  • Zygmunt Solorz-Żak Businessman Forbes Top 100 World's Billionaire
  • Diana Raab American Author • Poet • Lecturer Educator and Inspirational Speake

For more information to join our Hiram Bingham Club visit The Hiram Bingham Club © by Amazing Peru: The Hiram Bingham Club is an exclusive circle of our most passionate & loyal guests - like-minded individuals who want to experience the highest standard in authentic ultra-luxury travel. We have the World’s Most Exclusive Experiences. Venture Beyond the Extraordinary.

  • Honoured to include Robert De Niro as one of our distinguished clients by providing private jet services & luxury travel in Peru.
  • Pioneering Private Aviation Industry: New Helicopter Tours in Peru
  • Amazing Peru Private Jets Increasing Presence in Latin America
  • Christmas in Machu Picchu
  • Customer Review about her Amazing Peru Trip
  • Peru & Machu Picchu Christmas Markets
  • Google Plus

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  • Peru Tour Packages
  • Customized Tours
  • Destinations
  • Peru: +51 932 671 370; USA: +1 (786) 352-8319
  • Machu Picchu Tours
  • Inca Trail Tours
  • Salkantay Trek
  • Amazon Jungle Tours
  • Machu Picchu
  • Sacred Valley
  • Rainbow Mountain
  • Humantay Lake
  • Huacachina Oasis
  • Huacachina & Paracas
  • Lake Titicaca
  • Amazon Jungle
  • FREE Peru Travel Guide
  • Machu Picchu Guide
  • Peru Travel Tips
  • Things to do in Cusco
  • Things to do in Lima
  • Peru Amazon Guide

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At Exploor Peru, we turn your dreams of exploring Peru into unforgettable adventures. With a passion for creating extraordinary travel experiences , we specialize in crafting exclusive and personalized tours for small or private groups.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, awe-inspiring landscapes, and ancient wonders of Peru, guided by our local expert team dedicated to making your journey seamless and remarkable.

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Get to Machu Picchu Peru through authentic experiences!

Enjoy magical places without equal! Start dreaming on your greatest Machu Picchu Peru adventure for 2024!

The best of Peru! Don't watch the movie, live it for real!

Enjoy the majesty of the most beautiful places Peru has to offer together with real-life experiences and adventures.

Meaningful experiences on your way to Machu Picchu!

Live a unique cultural exchange, immerse in ancestral customs, traditions, and give back to your host community.

Peru Tours and Machu Picchu Travel Packages in 2024

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Discover the Authentic Beauty of Peru with TOUR IN PERU: Looking for an unforgettable travel experience in 2024 – 2025? TOUR IN PERU offers expertly curated tours that allow you to explore Peru’s rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture. Whether you’re visiting the iconic Machu Picchu , hiking the legendary Inca Trail , or immersing yourself in the ancient traditions of Cusco , our sustainable travel packages are designed for adventurers who seek more than just a trip —they seek a transformative journey.

Join us for responsible tourism that supports local communities and respects the natural environment. With our certified guides, personalized itineraries , and deep commitment to sustainability, you’ll experience the heart of Peru in an authentic and meaningful way. Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Start planning your Peru holidays today !

Explore Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail in 2024 and 2025

Discover the most iconic adventure in Peru! Our Machu Picchu tours and Inca Trail treks offer an unforgettable experience through breathtaking landscapes, ancient Inca ruins, and rich cultural heritage. Whether you’re seeking the thrill of trekking through the Andes or a personalized tour to explore Machu Picchu , we provide the best tours for 2024 and 2025. Our expert guides will ensure a safe, enjoyable, and sustainable adventure. Contact us now to book your trip and make your dream of visiting one of the New Seven Wonders of the World a reality!

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Explore our selection of Peru tours and find your perfect itinerary. Come to Peru to discover a mystical land with ancient citadels, coastal metropolises, enchanted lakes, bellowing canyons, top-notch hotels, and world-renowned gastronomy. You can see the Amazon Rainforest, the Pacific Ocean, the Andes Mountains, and some of the most revered ruins in the world like Machu Picchu all in one trip. Visit one of the most fascinating countries on the planet with local guides and first-rate accommodations, and cross some top destinations off your bucket list!

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6 days from $ 1249

Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu


9 days from $ 2069

Cusco, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu


11 days from $ 5979

Galapagos, Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu


12 days from $ 2549

Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Cusco, Amazon, Arequipa & Colca Canyon


9 days from $ 3649

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Lima & Amazon Cruise


9 days from $ 1919

Amazon, Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu


11 days from $ 2379

Amazon, Cusco, Machu Picchu & Titicaca


16 days from $ 3869

Machu Picchu, Cusco, Titicaca, Amazon, Lima, Paracas, Arequipa & Colca


6 days from $ 1369

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Lima


10 days from $ 2149

Lima, Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Machu Picchu, Cusco, Titicaca


11 days from $ 2769

Machu Picchu, Cusco, Lima, , Paracas, Arequipa & Colca Canyon


Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls & Machu Picchu


4 days from $ 989


8 days from $ 1679

Machu Picchu, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Puno & Lake Titicaca


12 days from $ 3769

Cusco, Machu Picchu, Titicaca, La Paz, & Uyuni


8 days from $ 2289

Machu Picchu, Cusco, Sacred Valley


7 days from $ 1469

Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu


8 days from $ 2309

Lima, Paracas, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu


The Best Trekking & Hiking Tours


6 days from $ 1759

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From Salkantay to Machu Picchu


Journey Through the Lares Valley to Machu Picchu


Trek to Machu Picchu in Comfort and Style


Trek the Magical Vilcabamba Range


Trek to Two Great Inca Citadels


Trek the Most Sacred Andean Mountain


Trek Across the Magnificent Vilcabamba Range


Trekking & Hiking Add-ons


Classic Route to Machu Picchu


Short Route to Machu Picchu


Trek to Huchuy Qosqo Ruins


Trek to Chacan Ruins


The Best Galapagos Tours


6 days from $ 4119

Galapagos Islands


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Galapagos Cruise, Amazon


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Quito, Cuenca, Galapagos Cruise


Customize your Tour

What to see at machu picchu.

Discover Peru’s most emblematic landmark, the “Lost City of the Incas”. You’ll learn about the history, Incan mythology, and the mystery that surrounds this breathtaking Inca ruin atop the mountains: Machu Picchu.

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Huayna Picchu

Hike to the top of Huayna Picchu for extraordinary views of Machu Picchu as well as the chance to visit an extra set of ruins on the way. Entrance tickets for Huayna Picchu are limited, so be sure to reserve yours in advance.

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Machu Picchu Mountain

Another popular hiking option, Machu Picchu Mountain offers incredible panoramic views of the ruins and the surrounding Andes Mountains. Like Huayna Picchu, entrance tickets to Machu Picchu Mountain are limited so be sure to reserve yours in advance.

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The iconic Sun Gate (called Inti Punku in Quechua) is the entrance through which Inca Trail hikers enter the Machu Picchu citadel. It is also possible to visit this attraction as an additional hike for those visiting Machu Picchu on a day trip.

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One of the first attractions you’ll visit on your Machu Picchu tour, the Guardhouse (also known as the House of the Guardians or Guardian’s hut) was once used by sentinels watching over the citadel, but nowadays it makes a great spot for sweeping panoramic photos of the ruins.

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Sacred Rock

The enormous Sacred Rock (also called a Wank’a in Quechua) bears a striking resemblance to the mountain peaks behind it, and is considered a powerful spiritual symbol of Machu Picchu.

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Temple of The Three Windows

One of Machu Picchu’s most iconic places, the Temple of the Three Windows overlooks the Sacred Plaza and consists of three windows in the typical Incan trapezoidal style.

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Inca Bridge

A popular additional hiking destination inside Machu Picchu, The Inca Bridge (Puente Inca) is a thin wooden plank crossing a mile-high precipice found at the end of a narrow stone pathway. Designed as a secret exit, its precarious nature helped to limit access to the citadel.

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Temple of the Condor

This natural rock formation which was carved by the Incas into the shape of an Andean condor was an object of worship and represents one of the most striking examples of Inca stonemasonry.

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“Stairway of Fountains”

The engineering ingenuity of the Incas can be seen in the 16 fountains built within the Machu Picchu citadel. Likely used by the residents of Machu Picchu, these Incan water fountains still flow with water sourced from a spring near the Sun Gate or Inti Punku.

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Temple of the Sun

The Temple of the Sun is a semicircular ruin within the Machu Pichu citadel. This site was one of the most sacred temples within the fortress. The trapezoid window is positioned so that on the winter solstice (June 21st), the sun’s rays shine directly into the temple.

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Temple of the Moon

You’ll have to hike Huayna Picchu mountain, within the Machu Picchu citadel, to see the Temple of the Moon. This shadowy temple contains a throne carved into the stone and was used only by the Inca priests for ceremonial purposes.

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The famous Intihuatana, whose Quechua name is often translated to English as “The Hitching Post of the Sun,” is a carved stone which is thought to have possibly been used as a type of sundial.

Where is Machu Picchu?

What is the best time to go to machu picchu, what is the elevation of machu picchu, can i get altitude sickness at machu picchu, how much time do i need at machu picchu, is a guide required for machu picchu, how old is machu picchu, when was machu picchu discovered, how many tourists visit machu picchu, where are the bathrooms at machu picchu, can i stay overnight at machu picchu, what is there to do in aguas calientes besides visit machu picchu.

Kim MacQuarrie

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Collage showing Machu Picchu and Virgilio Martinez, one of the world's top chefs.

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Peru inspiring packages

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Machu Picchu Classic

Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

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Amazon to Machu Picchu

Amazon, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

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Historical Peru

Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Nazca, Cusco, Lima & Machu Picchu

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The Great Regions of Peru

Amazon, Colca Canyon, Cusco, Lima, Machu Picchu, Nazca & Titicaca

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Titicaca & Machu Picchu

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Titicaca

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Cusco & Classic Inca Trail

Cusco, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

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Andean Highlights

Colca Canyon, Cusco, Lima, Machu Picchu & Titicaca

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Luxury Amazon Cruise and Machu Picchu

Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu & Amazon Cruise

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Sacred Valley highlights & Machu Picchu

Other fully customizable south america packages.

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Galapagos & Machu Picchu

Galapagos, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

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The Highlights of the Galapagos & Ecuador

Cuenca, Quito, Galapagos & Guayaquil

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Patagonia Highlights

El Calafate, El Chalten, Puerto Natales & Torres Del Paine

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Santiago & Atacama

Santiago, Valparaiso & San Pedro de Atacama

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Santiago & Easter Island

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Argentina Highlights

Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls & El Calafate

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Discover Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Buzios, Iguazu Falls, Salvador de Bahia & Manaus

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Buenos Aires, Santiago & Patagonia

Santiago, Valparaíso, Puerto Natales, El Calafate & Buenos Aires

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Brazilian Paradise

Rio de Janeiro, Búzios & Florianópolis

A collage showing a section of cracked earth next to Mil Centro restaurant and the Moray ruins.

A Day In Foodie’s Paradise

Enjoy the epitome of destination dining at MIL restaurant in the Sacred Valley. Experience the soul and flavor of Peruvian cuisine and traverse high-altitude landscapes by only lifting your fork: an expertly crafted, 8-course gastronomic tour through Peru.

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At Inca Expert, we believe in enriched travel. We have sought the expert opinion of our preeminent specialists to craft for you the most authentic experiences possible.

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We have sought the expert opinion of our preeminent specialists to craft for you the most authentic experiences possible.

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Kim MacQuarrie Four-time Emmy Winner and Author

Embark on a memorable journey in great comfort

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Allyson and John K.

North Carolina, USA Traveled to: Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

Aracelli Gutierrez

Saint Louis, MO, USA Traveled to: Lima, Cusco, Lares, Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain

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Community Building

Inca Expert Travel supports local charities that empower yout and promote growth in underserved communities.

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Your Peruvian Travel Operator

Trust our team of local travel experts to plan an unforgettable trip full of must-see attractions and our favorite hidden gems of the land of the Incas. Our peruvian experts have all traveled down the same roads, trains and treks and know what you’re about to experience. Every Peru tour offered is regularly inspected to ensure our travelers have an amazing experience.

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Cusco , Machu Picchu , Sacred Valley .











Cusco , Sacred Valley , Lima , Arequipa , Puno .





Cusco , Machu Picchu , Sacred Valley , Lima .













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We are a travel operator with Headquarters in Cusco City and offices in the main destinations of Peru catering to travelers who want an original, authentic and unforgettable experience at the land of the Incas.

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GOTOPERU is certified by the Peruvian Government, by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru (MINCETUR) . In addition we are also highly rated on Tripadvisor, Trustpilot and diverse well known travel forums.

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“At GOTOPERU, we are guided by a set of core values — quality, passion, trust and personal service : and we guarantee that these hallmarks will be met every day during your vacation in Peru".

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Peru Vacations

An epic tapestry of history, culture, and adventure.

Experience an explosive culture in Arequipa, surrounded by 3 volanoes

Handcrafted Journeys to our Most Popular Places in Peru.

Vinicunca, also known as Winikunka or Rainbow Mountain, with colorful stripes made up of layers of 14 different minerals.

Home to the Sacred Valley, the Amazon, and the Incas.

Welcome to Peru, a country where history, culture, and nature converge to create an extraordinary travel experience. From the ruins of Machu Picchu to the markets of Cusco, Peru offers a captivating blend of ancient wonders and modern adventures. Peru promises an unforgettable journey that will leave you in awe of its diverse landscapes and rich heritage.

Traditional Uros boars floating island near Puno city, Peru

The Culture

Peruvian culture is a dynamic blend of history, indigenous traditions, Spanish influence, and a rich mix of global migrations.

Indigenous Roots: Peru's cultural identity is deeply rooted in its indigenous heritage, with over 50 distinct indigenous groups. The Inca civilization is most famous for its awe-inspiring architecture and engineering feats. Even today, Quechua and Aymara languages are spoken, and traditional customs persist in many highland communities.

Spanish Influence: Spanish colonization left an indelible mark on Peru. Colonial architecture, seen in cities like Lima and Arequipa, is a testament to this legacy. The fusion of Spanish and indigenous influences gave rise to a unique art form known as "mestizo art," combining European techniques with Andean themes.

Catholic Traditions: The majority of Peruvians are Catholic, and religious festivals play a significant role in the country's cultural calendar. Semana Santa (Holy Week) and the Feast of Corpus Christi are marked by elaborate processions and rituals.

Cultural Celebrations: Peru boasts a plethora of colourful festivals throughout the year. Inti Raymi, the Inca Festival of the Sun, and Qoyllur Rit'i, a pilgrimage to a sacred glacier, offer glimpses into ancient traditions. In contrast, contemporary festivals like Mistura celebrate the country's culinary diversity.

Culinary Marvel: Peruvian cuisine has gained international recognition for its unique fusion of flavours. Dishes like ceviche, lomo saltado, and causa showcase the country's diverse ingredients and culinary creativity. Lima has become a global gastronomic capital, with renowned restaurants and street food that cater to every palate.

Music and Dance: Music and dance are integral to Peruvian culture. From the rhythmic beats of Afro-Peruvian music to the highland melodies of the Andes, the country's musical diversity is astounding. Traditional dances like marinara, huayno, and the famed marinara limeña reflect the nation's rich cultural tapestry.

The Best Time to Visit

Perfect Timing for Peru Exploration

Peru's diverse landscapes and climates mean that the ideal time to visit varies depending on your destination and interests. Here's a seasonal breakdown to help you plan your Peruvian adventure:

Dry Season (May to September):

Machu Picchu: This is the peak tourist season for the iconic Inca citadel. Expect clear skies and pleasant temperatures, but book your tickets well in advance.

Andean Treks: Trekking in the Andes, including the Inca Trail, is best during these months when rainfall is minimal, offering clearer views.

Cusco and Sacred Valley: Explore these cultural hubs with comfortable weather for sightseeing.

Shoulder Seasons (April and October):

These months offer a balance between decent weather and fewer crowds at popular sites.

Good for visiting the Amazon Rainforest as water levels are not too high.

Rainy Season (November to March):

Amazon Rainforest: Although it's the wet season, it's when the Amazon is at its lushest and wildlife is abundant.

Coastal Peru: The coastal regions, including Lima and Paracas, experience high humidity but fewer tourists.

Lake Titicaca: Despite occasional rain, this is a quieter time to visit the high-altitude lake.

Festivals and Events:

Consider timing your visit to Peruvian festivals. Inti Raymi celebrates the Inca sun god in June, while Fiestas Patrias marks Peru's independence in July.

If you're into gastronomy, Mistura is a food festival in Lima in September.

Wildlife Enthusiasts:

To witness the famous Nazca Booby courtship rituals, visit the Ballestas Islands between June and September.

For whale watching, head to Máncora between July and October.

Surfing and Beaches:

Northern Peru, including Máncora and Chicama, is ideal for surfing from April to October.

Things to Know

How to plan a trip to peru.

Peru is a popular destination, offering enormous diversity in both its landscapes and historic sights. You’ll want to plan ahead to ensure a smooth  Peru itinerary . Eight or nine days is usually enough time to see Cusco, the highlights of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, enjoying a taste of Lima on your way through. An extra week will give you time to see Colca Canyon and Lake Titicaca. A few extra days gives you time to see the Nazca Lines or  visit the Amazon . For the latter, you’ll need to fly as there are no roads connecting the gateway city Iquitos. Permits for  hiking the Inca Trail should be booked at least  six to eight months in advance. If you miss out, don’t panic! There are other treks you can take that go via fascinating Inca sites.

How long can you vacation in Peru?

Tourists are granted 90 days in Peru upon entry, which can be extended to 183 days per 365-day period.

Where should I stay in Peru?

Most visitors arrive via Lima, where the food scene has fast risen to become one of the world’s most renowned. Lima also offers historic sights and nightlife to compete with any of South America’s large cities. Peru’s most popular tourist city however is the ancient Inca capital, Cusco. It’s an ideal base for exploring the Sacred Valley and journeying to Machu Picchu. Puno is Peru’s gateway to  Lake Titicaca , and an ideal last stop if you’re on your way to Bolivia, while the white city of  Arequipa makes a good base for exploring the Colca Canyon region. Iquitos in Peru’s far northwest is the country’s gateway to the Amazon, and is the world’s largest city that cannot be reached by road.

How much is a trip to Peru?

Peru is a generally affordable destination. A moderate Peru tour including Lima, Cusco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu costs around US $170 per person, per day. If you want to travel to more remote regions such as the Amazon, Colca Canyon, and the lesser-known or pre-Inca historic sites, expect to pay more. Budget around US $375 per day for a good Inca Trail hiking package with porters and a guide.   

What currency does Peru use?

The Peruvian sol trades at about 3.75 to $1 USD. Keep at least little cash with you for tips and small purchases. Mid to upmarket hotels, shops and restaurants should all accept credit cards.

Do I need to tip in Peru?

Tip between 10 and 15 percent at restaurants, and between 10 and 20 percent to your tour guide. A few soles for bar staff and hotel staff is always appreciated, but not expected. 

When is the best time of year to go to Peru?

The months from May to September are the best time to visit most of Peru, including Cusco, Colca Canyon, Lake Titicaca and the Amazon. Coastal destinations like Lima are the exception, enjoying better weather from December to March. The Inca Trail is closed for cleaning each February.

What to take on a trip to Peru?

This depends entirely on what kind of Peru vacation you have in mind. During the dry season, you can get by just fine in jeans or shorts and a t-shirt, along with good walking shoes. However, as you reach higher altitudes, expect things to get cold at night. Bring breathable layers, or consider buying an alpaca hat or jumper once you’re in Peru. If you’re coming in the rainy season, a light waterproof jacket or poncho is a must. Bring an insulated sleeping bag and bug spray with you on any multi-day hike, as well as a day pack or small overnight bag for excursions. Most  Peru vacation packages move through destinations fairly quickly, so try to pack light.

How do I visit Machu Picchu?

Aguas Calientes is the gateway town to Machu Picchu, so you’ll most likely spend a night here if visiting. Train services including scenic trains, which start at Poroy, finish here. A short bus ride takes you the rest of the way. Machu Picchu is a fragile site that just about every visitor to Peru wants to see. As such, a limited number of tickets are made available each day, and visitors must follow one of five pre-defined circuits. Tickets can be booked online, or via your travel advisor, and all tourists must be accompanied by an authorized guide, with a maximum of 10 visitors per guide. Tickets are issued for timed entry, and visits are limited to four hours. 

Is Peru LGBTQ+ friendly?

LGBTQ+ people are generally accepted in Peru’s larger cities and towns, though more discretion may be needed when visiting rural areas. Foreign same-sex marriages are recognized and most forms of anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination are illegal. Non-binary gender is not currently recognized. A large LGBTQ+ scene exists in Lima, particularly around the Miraflores and Barranco neighbourhoods, while a smaller scene exists in Cusco. Don’t mistake the rainbow flags around Cusco for Pride flags however. This is the official flag of the city and the Incan Empire.

Why is Peruvian food so famous?

Peruvian cuisine has broken out as an unexpected star in the world of gastronomy. Of course, this isn’t news to Peruvians, who’ve been combining fresh, high-quality ingredients in interesting ways for some time. Peru also has a massive variety of ingredients at its fingertips, allowing for a lot of creativity that’s drawn chefs from France, Italy, Japan, and elsewhere. Ceviche is a local staple that comes in many varieties, but roasted  cuy (guinea pig),  lomo saltado (stir-fry beef),  papas a la huancaina (potatoes in spicy cheese sauce) and  aji de gallina , a creamy chicken dish are all worth seeking out.  

Can I drink the tap water in Peru?

Avoid drinking tap water in Peru unless it’s been boiled or filtered. It’s fine for washing or brushing your teeth however.

Food & Drink

Here's a list of must-try Peruvian food and drinks during Peru vacations:

Ceviche: Fresh fish or seafood marinated in lime or bitter orange juice, typically garnished with onions, cilantro, and rocoto.

Lomo Saltado: A stir-fry dish featuring beef, onions, tomatoes, and fries, often served with rice.

Aji de Gallina: Shredded chicken in a creamy yellow chilli pepper sauce, typically served with potatoes and rice.

Papa a la Huancaina: Boiled potatoes smothered in a spicy cheese sauce, often garnished with boiled eggs and olives.

Anticuchos: Grilled skewers of marinated beef heart, often accompanied by potatoes and a spicy peanut sauce.

Causa Rellena: Layers of mashed potatoes filled with various ingredients like chicken, tuna, or avocado, garnished with hard-boiled eggs and olives.

Rocoto Relleno: Spicy red peppers stuffed with seasoned minced meat, vegetables, and cheese.

Adobo: A savoury stew made with pork, marinated in spices and chilli, served with rice and potatoes.

Suspiro a la Limeña: A sweet dessert with caramelized condensed milk topped with meringue.

Picarones: Deep-fried rings of sweet potato and squash dough served with syrup made from figs and spices.

Tres Leches Cake: A sponge cake soaked in three types of milk: evaporated, condensed, and cream.

Pisco Sour: A cocktail made from Pisco (a grape brandy), lime juice, egg whites, and simple syrup, often garnished with bitters.

Chicha Morada: A non-alcoholic drink made from purple corn, spices, and fruit, sweetened with sugar.

Inca Kola: A neon-yellow soda with a unique fruity flavour, often described as bubblegum-like.

Chicha: A fermented corn beer often found in traditional Andean communities.

Mate de Coca: A tea made from coca leaves, believed to help with altitude sickness.

Peruvian Coffee: Peru produces high-quality coffee, so don't miss a cup of locally roasted brew.

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South America

The Best Things to Do in Peru

Peru, nestled in the heart of South America, is a land of striking contrasts, where ancient civilisations blend seamlessly with vibrant modern cultures, and dramatic landscapes provide the backdrop for unforgettable adventures. From the mist-shrouded heights of Machu Picchu to the energetic streets of Lima, Peru offers travellers a rich array of experiences. But the real magic of Peru lies in its ability to captivate all the senses, particularly through its incredible cuisine.

Our Digital Marketing Manager, Harry, journeyed through Peru to uncover the best of what this fascinating country has to offer. Here, he shares his take on the top things to do in Peru, from exploring its iconic landmarks to discovering its world-class culinary delights, an adventure in itself.

1. Exploring Lima’s Surroundings

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Lima often serves as the gateway to Peru, with most travellers arriving via Lima International Airport. While many visitors quickly move on to the country's more famous attractions, I discovered that Lima is a vibrant destination worth exploring in its own right. With plenty to see both in the city and its surrounding areas, it’s an ideal place to extend your trip, either at the beginning or end of your journey. Here are some highlights of what to do in and around Lima:

Lima City Tour

As a first-time visitor, I was captivated by the city of Lima. Starting in the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you’ll encounter breathtaking colonial architecture, including the Plaza Mayor, Government Palace, and the Cathedral of Lima, where you’ll hear the story of Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro and his dramatic demise. Next, head to the bohemian district of Barranco, famous for its colourful street art, galleries, and lively café scene. I highly recommend visiting Hotel B to explore their impressive art collection, followed by a Pisco Sour on their rooftop terrace as the sun sets. Finally, visit Miraflores, a coastal district with beautifully landscaped parks perched above the Pacific Ocean, making it the perfect spot for a leisurely evening stroll.

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Caral: The Oldest Civilisation in the Americas

Just a couple of hours north of Lima lies Caral, the oldest city in the Americas and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dating back over 5,000 years, Caral is a treasure trove of history with its pyramids, plazas, and circular terraces that once housed a sophisticated civilisation long before the Incas. A day trip to this archaeological site provides a glimpse into ancient Peru.

Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca: Ancient Pyramids in the City

Right within Lima’s city limits, you’ll find Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca, two pre-Incan pyramid complexes that offer insight into Peru’s ancient cultures. These massive structures were used for ceremonial and administrative purposes, and visiting them provides an intriguing contrast to the modern city that now surrounds them.

Swim with Sea Lions in the Palomino Islands

For nature lovers and adventurers, a boat ride to the Palomino Islands, off Lima’s coast, offers the chance to swim with sea lions in their natural habitat. Surrounded by hundreds of these playful creatures, this is an exhilarating experience not to be missed. The islands are also home to various seabirds, including Humboldt penguins, making it a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts.

2. Savour the Flavours of Peruvian Cuisine

As a foodie, I’m absolutely amazed by Peruvian cuisine, which has rightfully gained international recognition in recent years. The country’s diverse geography—spanning the Pacific coast, the Andes mountains, and the Peruvian Amazon rainforest—offers an incredible variety of fresh ingredients. Influenced by the many cultures that have called Peru home, the cuisine is characterised by a rich and unique fusion of flavours. Each region has its own culinary specialties, but here are a few of my favourite dishes that you simply must try while in Peru.

Ceviche is arguably Peru’s most famous dish. Made from fresh raw fish marinated in lime juice, mixed with onions, cilantro, and chilli peppers, it is a perfect balance of flavours and textures. The acidity of the lime "cooks" the fish, giving it a tender texture and a burst of citrus flavour. In Lima, considered the culinary capital of Peru, you’ll find some of the best ceviche in the country, often served with sweet potato, corn, and cancha (toasted corn).

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Lomo Saltado

Another iconic Peruvian dish is lomo saltado, a stir-fry that combines strips of marinated beef with onions, tomatoes, and peppers, all served with rice and fried potatoes. This dish is a perfect example of Peru’s fusion cuisine, blending Chinese influences with local ingredients. The flavours are rich and comforting, making it a favourite among locals and visitors alike.

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No exploration of Peruvian cuisine would be complete without trying the national drink, the Pisco Sour. Made from Pisco (a type of brandy), lime juice, simple syrup, egg white, and a dash of bitters, this cocktail is both refreshing and potent. Enjoy it as a pre-dinner drink or as an accompaniment to your meal.

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3. Culinary Tour of Arequipa: A Taste of Tradition

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Arequipa, often called "The White City" due to its stunning colonial architecture built from white volcanic stone, is also a culinary hotspot. During my visit, I embarked on a food tour to sample the unique local delicacies that make this region so special.

The variety of flavours was incredible, from the fresh fruits in the bustling markets to rocoto relleno, a spicy pepper stuffed with ground beef and cheese. For those looking to fully immerse themselves in Peruvian culture, give guinea pig and alpaca a try. While guinea pig might not be for everyone—especially if you had one as a childhood pet—I found it surprisingly enjoyable, the flavour can be compared to a cross between chicken, duck, and game. We wrapped up the tour with queso helado, a delicious frozen dessert made with milk, coconut, and cinnamon, which was so good that I ended up returning for seconds - and thirds!

4. Spot Peru’s Incredible Wildlife

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Peru's diverse landscapes, from the lush Amazon rainforest to the towering Andes mountains, create a haven for biodiversity, making it a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts.

In the Amazon Basin, you can explore national parks like Tambopata or Manu, where iconic species such as jaguars, macaws, and giant river otters thrive. The rainforest is also a birdwatcher’s dream, home to vibrant species like toucans and harpy eagles, along with colourful butterflies and rare primates.

While driving between Arequipa and Puno, we passed through the Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca, where herds of vicuñas and alpacas roamed freely. And if you're fortunate enough to visit Colca Canyon, you may catch sight of the majestic Andean condor, one of the largest birds in the world and a sacred symbol in Peruvian culture.

5. Explore Lake Titicaca: The World’s Highest Navigable Lake

I arrived in Puno at night, sitting at an altitude of 3,800 meters, and started feeling the effects of the altitude about an hour later. When visiting high-altitude destinations, it’s crucial to give your body time to adjust—staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest is key. Sipping on coca tea can also help ease symptoms of altitude sickness. After a good night’s sleep, I woke up to the breathtaking view of Lake Titicaca. Straddling the border between Peru and Bolivia, this mystical lake is steeped in Incan mythology and home to unique cultures that have thrived in its surroundings for centuries.

I visited the Uros Floating Islands, an astonishing sight where the islands are entirely man-made, constructed from layers of totora reeds. The Uros people have lived on these floating islands for centuries. Once on the islands, you have the chance to meet the locals and learn about their unique way of life. Our guide shared the sobering reality that this may not be an opportunity you have long to seize, as this could be the last generation of Uros people living on the islands–many younger members of the community are now attending university and choosing not to return.

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Next, we travelled to the Llachon Peninsula for a short hike and were warmly welcomed into the home of a local family for a traditional meal. On a clear day during the hike, you can see the snow-capped Illimani mountain range in Bolivia. The people of Llachon are known for their intricate weaving techniques, passed down through generations. After our meal, the family gave a weaving demonstration and challenged us to try it ourselves. Unfortunately, we all struggled and failed quite miserably!

6. Meet the Locals: A Cultural Immersion

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One of the most enriching aspects of a trip to Peru is the chance to meet the local people and learn about their customs and traditions.

The Sacred Valley and Lake Titicaca regions offer numerous opportunities for cultural exchanges. Many indigenous communities welcome visitors to experience their traditional lifestyles, whether through homestays, craft workshops, or agricultural tours. In the Sacred Valley, the Pisac Market is a vibrant hub where local artisans sell textiles, pottery and other handmade goods, giving travellers a chance to take home authentic souvenirs and support the local economy.

7. Explore the Sacred Valley: Maras, Moray, and Pumamarca

The Sacred Valley, stretching between Cusco and Machu Picchu, is a region rich in history, culture and natural beauty. The valley is dotted with picturesque villages, vibrant markets and impressive Inca ruins. It’s an ideal place to immerse yourself in Andean culture and explore the stunning landscapes.

The Sacred Valley is not only a place of natural beauty but also one of the most important historical regions in Peru. A few of my favourite sights were:

Maras Salt Mines

The Maras salt mines, or Salineras, have been in operation since pre-Incan times. Thousands of salt pools cascading down the mountainside create a dazzling mosaic and visitors can learn about the traditional salt-harvesting techniques still used today.

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Moray Agricultural Terraces

Nearby, the Moray site features a series of circular terraces that were used by the Incas for agricultural experimentation. Each terrace has its own microclimate, and hiking around the site offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

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Hiking to Pumamarca

This was one of my favourite experiences, a 7km hike from Pumamarca to Ollantaytambo. The trail itself wasn’t too challenging, but the high altitude definitely added an extra layer of difficulty. The first part of the hike to Pumamarca is entirely uphill, but the effort is well worth it. The ancient Inca fortress offers stunning views over the Sacred Valley, with sweeping vistas of the surrounding landscape. After exploring Pumamarca, the descent to Ollantaytambo follows a winding path with breathtaking valley views. The best part? We didn’t encounter a single other person on the entire hike, making it feel like our own private adventure!

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8. Explore Machu Picchu: The Iconic Lost City of the Incas

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No trip to Peru is complete without a visit to Machu Picchu, the legendary Inca citadel nestled high in the Andes. Whether you arrive by train from Cusco or take the scenic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, seeing Machu Picchu for the first time is an awe-inspiring experience.

Spend time exploring the ancient temples, plazas, and terraces of this UNESCO World Heritage site. If you're feeling adventurous, hike up to Huayna Picchu for panoramic views of the citadel and the surrounding mountains.

9. Discover Cusco: The Heart of the Inca Empire

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Once the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco is now a UNESCO World Heritage city brimming with history and culture. The city’s cobblestone streets are lined with a mix of Incan ruins and Spanish colonial architecture, offering plenty to explore.

Visit Sacsayhuamán, the impressive Inca fortress overlooking the city, and Qorikancha, the Temple of the Sun, which was once the most important religious site for the Incas. Cusco’s vibrant markets, such as San Pedro Market, are perfect for picking up local handicrafts, while its many museums offer insight into the region's past.

10. Pisco Sour Cocktail Tour: A Taste of Peru’s National Drink

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I have already mentioned Pisco Sours a couple of times already, many were drunk during my time in Peru. On our last night, we embarked on a Pisco Sour Cocktail Tour through the best bars in Cusco, where expert bartenders will show you the art of crafting the perfect Pisco Sour and other Pisco-infused cocktails. It was a great night and a great send-off from Peru.

Harry Foskett

Harry Foskett

View harry foskett's latest blog posts, related tours.

£1599pp—Machu Picchu, Lima & Lake Titicaca: 11-nt Peru tour

Visit the floating Uros islands, crafted from totora reeds

Discover the majestic Inca citadel of Machu Picchu and vast Lake Titicaca on this action-packed trip

Why We Love This Deal

Explore a gorge deeper than the Grand Canyon, visit Lake Titicaca's islands, and savour ceviche. At £1599 per person, this Peru tour includes your flights, accommodation, and excursions throughout.

W hat's included

  • Return international flights
  • Transfers and domestic flights as per the itinerary
  • Overnight at the Ibis  Lima  Larco Milaflores
  • Two nights at the Casona Plaza Hotel AQP,  Arequipa
  • Overnight stay at the Pozo del Cielo,  Chivay
  • Two nights at the Hacienda  Puno
  • Three nights at the Agustos  Cusco  Hotel
  • Two nights at the Ibis  Lima  Larco Milaflores
  • Daily breakfast and two lunches
  • All entry fees and tours with an English-speaking guide as indicated in the itinerary

When Depart from London , Birmingham , or Manchester on select dates from 23 November, 2024 –5 March, 2025.

Fly from Aberdeen, Belfast, Bristol, Glasgow, or Newcastle from £1699 per person.

Travel in April from £1699 per person. 

For more information or to book online, see our partner's website . 

Itinerary highlights

  • Arequipa…  its city centre is UNESCO-listed and adorned by a  white volcanic stone building. It's " one of the most  visually stunning cities  in Peru"  ( Fodor 's). Enjoy an included half-day city tour and discover the fascinating  Santa Catalina Monastery . 
  • Colca Canyon…  head to a canyon that's over 4000-metres deep. You'll watch the huge Andean condors flying through the valley and experience the breath-taking mountain scenery. Take an optional tour to  La Calera hot springs in the Colca Valley.  
  • Lake Titicaca...  head out on an included full-day trip to Lake Titicaca—the largest lake in South America. You'll visit the unique floating Uros islands, crafted from totora reeds. Head to Taquile island for lunch, and explore its stone paths with magnificent lake views.
  • Machu Picchu**...  between the mist and the peaceful Andean peaks lies the Lost City of the Incas. With an included guided tour, you can discover the history of this unsolved archaeological mystery.
  • Cusco...  take in the hum of activity on the Plaza de Armas. Views of the Andean mountains abound all over the city. Wander the cobbled colonial streets, and head out after dark to sample some pisco sours. Take an optional tour to the striking  Vinicunca  (Rainbow Mountain).
  • Lima...   explore the city's colonial architecture and visit the Museo Larco. You'll also see Casa Aliaga—the former home of the conquistador Jerónimo Aliaga.

Other options Alternatively, hike the Inca Trail and Rainbow Mountain , and zip-line over the Sacred Valley   on this 10-night tour from £1799 per person.

Transfers & baggage Shared transfers are included throughout. Checked baggage is included on some departures; check with Exoticca when booking. 


When you can go.

Select dates Nov, 2024–Mar, 2025

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Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru

Come face-to-face with one of the most remarkable gold collections to ever tour the globe in the immersive exhibition, machu picchu and the golden empires of peru and add-on vr experience..

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Blockbuster exhibition

Ancient peruvian treasures, vr experience.

Embark on an incredible journey back thousands of years with Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru . This extraordinary multi-sensory experience features stunning artefacts and immersive displays that bring the grandeur of Peru’s fascinating history to life.

Uncover the mysteries of ancient Peru

Explore the rich heritage of some of the world’s most captivating civilisations at the Australian Museum’s Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru exhibition. Using a combination of state-of-the-art projections, video and priceless artefacts, this immersive experience offers an unparalleled glimpse into the opulent history of the Andean people.

Come face to face with over 130 ancient artefacts including exquisite jewellery, funerary objects from royal tombs and one of the most impressive gold collections to tour the globe. These priceless treasures illuminate the artistic brilliance and cultural sophistication of ancient Peru, offering fascinating insights into the daily lives, spiritual beliefs and extraordinary achievements of these ancient civilisations.

Marvel at the wonders of legendary Machu Picchu, the pinnacle of Inca engineering. You’ll unravel the mysteries of how ancient Peruvian societies flourished in harmony with the challenging environment and learn why their innovations continue to inspire awe today.

A small side area showcases erotic ceramic artefacts that illustrate the Andean fascination with natural life cycles, birth and death.

Don’t miss out on your chance to see these stunning exhibits first-hand. Exclusive to the Australian Museum, the exhibition is in Australia for a limited time only.

Take a virtual adventure to Machu Picchu

For an add-on fee, experience a cutting-edge virtual reality visit to the Incan city, Machu Picchu, where you’ll see, hear and feel the mysterious city in the sky.

Using ground-breaking VR and 360-degree motion chairs, take part in an astonishing expedition to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, high in the forests of the Andean mountains, without leaving Sydney.

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Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru  is presented in partnership with Neon, Museo Larco and the Ministry of Culture of Peru.

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The Australian Museum respects and acknowledges the Gadigal people as the First Peoples and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which the Museum stands.

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New Perspectives in Peru

  • 09 September 2024

Chloe Landry ’25 is a College of Hospitality Management student and co-editor of the Campus Herald at JWU. Below is her story her personal story about her FAM trip and adventures in Peru.

Chloe at the Rainbow Mountains in Peru

When I tell people that I am obtaining a degree in tourism, they usually are intrigued by what that entails, and what jobs await me in the future. I assure them that traveling can be a career, and since my FAM “familiarization” trip to Peru, I have an amazing anecdote for the potential life ahead of me.

The FAM class (aka Tour Management Operations) is offered through the Adventure, Sport and Sustainable Tourism Management degree. The goal of the FAM course is to allow students to become tour guides in a new destination and gain that experience while learning in a group. We learn about tour operations, characteristics of professional tour operators, and the psychology and economics of tour management in foreign countries. Each student's role for their FAM tour is to research and plan one day of the trip as if they were a tour operator, and then executing their plan during the tour. The FAM tours are also unique opportunities for life-changing, exciting trips with your peers.

One of my favorite parts of the class was finding out what our destination would be during the first meeting of our class. Although it was months before the trip, picturing myself in a specific location became more real and I was excited to learn we would visit Peru and see one of the New Seven Wonders of the World: Machu Picchu.

A women’s weaving group in Huancalli that made clothing from Alpaca wool

In 2019, I had traveled to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, located in an area of South America not far from Peru. I was motivated to use the Spanish phrases I had learned back then to enhance my trip to Peru even further.

The classmates I traveled with were a tight-knit group — we had taken several of the same tourism classes, making the trip less daunting as far as planning and coordinating activities and downtime. We planned for months to make the most of our trip and see everything the country had to offer and teach us. Working with G Adventures and a local tour guide helped us see the social, economic and environmental aspects of Peru and its tourism industry.

Our eight-day trip began with a bus to the Boston Logan Airport, followed by the flight to Lima, the capital of Peru. During the first few days in the capital, we learned about the country’s history, had a look at the daily life of Peruvians and at what the future of tourism could be for Lima and its surrounding cities. The daily life of Peruvians is similar to ours in Providence, but as we traveled farther away from the capital, we saw less modernized and Westernized areas.

Chloe looking out over Machu Picchu

As we moved further into the country to Aguas Calientes, we could see how the culture further reflected the roots of Peru. Instead of seeing KFC and Pizza Hut combination restaurants as we did in Lima, we ate at Chullos and Chifa Sipan that served traditional Peruvian cuisine. While in this area, we took trips to both Machu Picchu and the Rainbow Mountains, and they truly highlighted the intense natural beauty of Peru. During the train ride into Aguas Calientes, I remember everyone looking at the glass ceilings and repeating over and over, “It’s like looking at a show, it’s so beautiful … I can’t look away.” With Machu Picchu being one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, it meant a lot just to be there — I could tell when I arrived that even from the bottom of the mountain this was an amazing feat by humans. You could see so much history — it felt so special to experience it.

For the duration of our trip, our class was required to complete the RISE Flagship Program certification for being sustainable travelers, which drastically changed the way we acted while traveling. RISE is an online program about traveling sustainably and responsibly as far as the social, economic and environmental aspects of travel. It included niche topics such as when to take photography, when it is acceptable to touch animals that are outside of their natural habitat and how to respect and learn from varied cultural groups.

Alpacas with their owner on the top of the Rainbow Mountain range

Through studying the RISE Flagship Program, we quickly realized that the future of tourism for Peru is dependent on us as tourists and we were able to actively change our travel habits, including spending our money and time where it would be put to the best use and flow back into the local economy. This included going to locally owned businesses and taking tours of women’s pottery groups. Being mindful of who we are and where we were also played a significant role in our overall experience.

This trip was a mindful and eye-opening experience, and my peers and I learned about trying new foods with grace and used Spanish phrases whenever possible. The FAM trip has forever changed the way I travel, and I am grateful for the experience that JWU has given me. My future career aspirations certainly were solidified by gaining tour guide experience while on Machu Picchu. I could picture myself leading a group of my own in a different unique destination across the world. Working on my tourism degree has enhanced every trip I have taken and will take, because of the knowledge I have and the goals I strive to achieve to keep tourism alive and well for everyone to enjoy.

The students and Associate Professor Tiffany Rhodes exploring the city of Lima

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Machu Picchu Tours & Trips

Machu Picchu Tours & Trips

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10 best Machu Picchu tour packages

Compiled by

Machu Picchu travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa Machu Picchu travel expert at TourRadar

7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain.

5 day cusco travel package: cusco, sacred valley, machu picchu, and maras moray., inca adventures - 7 days (lima and cusco) with domestic flights, machu picchu adventure, best of peru, inca treasures, 6 days luxury in cusco & machu picchu, classic inca trail trek 4d/3n to machu picchu (group service ), 5 days - cusco & machu picchu & rainbow mountain & humantay lake, 06 days cusco machu picchu - humantay lake and rainbow mountain.

“This trip was perfect from start to finish and exceptionally organized!” Ankita Ajitkumar Bhavsar, traveled in June 2024

7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain.

  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Tour the Sacred Valley and Pisac ruins
  • Explore Cusco's Cathedral and Qoricancha
  • Hike to the stunning Rainbow Mountain
“Great experience and very accommodating! Really worked with me to make it the best experience.” Robert Glass, traveled in January 2024

5 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Maras Moray.

  • Visit Maras Salt Mines and Moray terraces
  • Uncover the mysteries of Sacsayhuaman fortress
  • Explore Cusco's iconic cathedral and Qoricancha
“All parts of the tour were in small groups. We would highly recommend this tour to others!” Alynn McTighe, traveled in August 2024

INCA ADVENTURES - 7 Days  (Lima and Cusco) with Domestic Flights

  • Tour Machu Picchu, a world wonder
  • Discover Inca terraces and salt mines
  • Hike the vibrant Mountain of Colors
“Mostly well organized. Elias and other tour guides were amazing and accommodating.” Dyan Flores, traveled in October 2023

Machu Picchu Adventure

  • Discover Cusco's markets and optional city tour
  • Tour the Sacred Valley and traditional weaving co-op
  • Explore Lima with a local cooking class
“The hotels we stayed at were great - they were clean and had good food options.” Lisa Sawkar, traveled in April 2023

Best of Peru

  • Explore Lima's historic UNESCO-listed old town
  • Experience Machu Picchu's awe-inspiring citadel
  • Visit Moray and Maras in the Sacred Valley
“The tour was very well organized. We paid for upgraded rooms which was worth it.” Michelle Rubio, traveled in March 2019

Inca Treasures

  • Discover Chinchero and the Living Museum of Yucay
  • Experience Cusco's Santo Domingo Convent and Sacsayhuaman
  • Visit Machu Picchu and dine at Café Inkaterra
“They were professional, friendly, efficient and if they could think of a way to go 'above and beyone' they would do it with a smile.” Regan Warner-Rowe, traveled in May 2022

6 days Luxury in Cusco & Machu Picchu

  • Ride a luxury train to Aguas Calientes
  • Tour the iconic Machu Picchu with a guide
  • Explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas
“Absolutely Phenomenal experience, incredible guide, chefs & porters! They literally will run past you to cheer you on!” Alyssa Samoil, traveled in November 2023

Classic Inca Trail Trek 4D/3N to Machu Picchu (Group service )

  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Start with a scenic drive to Km 82
  • Trek through ancient Inca sites
  • Witness sunrise at Machu Picchu
“The staff got back me quickly and answered all my questions entirely. They were professional and insightful.” Nikki Smith, traveled in November 2023

5 days - Cusco & Machu Picchu & Rainbow Mountain & Humantay Lake

  • Enjoy a relaxing final morning in Cusco
  • Trek to the stunning Rainbow Mountain
  • Experience a scenic train ride to Machu Picchu
“Bucket list ✅ very happy.” Irena Stoyanova, traveled in May 2024

06 Days Cusco Machu Picchu - Humantay Lake And Rainbow Mountain

  • Trek to the vibrant Rainbow Mountain
  • Explore Chinchero's colorful town and church
  • Tour Machu Picchu with an expert guide

More about Machu Picchu

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Alejandra Guzmán en Lima y Arequipa con su Brilla Tour: ¿Cuándo y en qué estadios estará?

Alejandra Guzmán  regresa a nuestro país después de cinco años de ausencia. La cantante mexicana se presentará el  28 de noviembre  en  Arequipa  y el  30 de noviembre  en  Lima , como parte de su gira ‘ Brilla Tour ’. Durante estos conciertos, interpretará todas las canciones que han marcado su carrera de más de 35 años.

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Alejandra Guzmán en Perú

Los seguidores en nuestro país podrán disfrutar en vivo de esta leyenda de la música en español y de su extenso repertorio, que incluye temas como “ Reina de Corazones ”,  “Día de Suerte ”, “ Eternamente Bella ”, “ Mírala, míralo ”, “ Llama Por Favor ”, “ Mi Peor Error ”, “ Yo Te Esperaba ”, “ Hacer el Amor con Otro ” y “ Volverte a Amar ”, entre muchos otros grandes éxitos.

Este espectáculo, que promete ser una noche inolvidable para sus fanáticos, coincide con el reciente lanzamiento en  Netflix  de su serie biográfica “ La Guzmán ”, la cual se ubicó rápidamente en el top 10 de la plataforma y se hizo tendencia en toda Latinoamérica.

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Dónde serán los conciertos de Alejandra Guzmán

Alejandra Guzmán , la icónica cantante mexicana, ha confirmado que dará dos memorables conciertos en Perú. Los fanáticos peruanos podrán disfrutar de su enérgico espectáculo y sus grandes éxitos a finales de noviembre. La primera parada será en  Arequipa , donde se presentará el  28 de noviembre  en el emblemático  Jardín de la Cerveza . Los seguidores de la artista podrán adquirir hasta hoy lunes sus entradas con precio especial en las zonas Mìralo Mìralo - (Vip) , Eternamente Bella - (general) y Conadis

Dos días después, el  30 de noviembre , los seguidores en  Lima  tendrán la oportunidad de verla en vivo en el  Multiespacio Costa 21 , en el distrito de San Miguel.

Top de canciones de Alejandra Guzmán

  • Yo te esperaba
  • Mi peor error
  • Hacer el amor con otro
  • Día de suerte
  • Eternamente bella
  • Cuidado con el corazón

Alejandra Guzmán en Lima y Arequipa con su Brilla Tour: ¿Cuándo y en qué estadios estará?


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    319 tours. Travel to Peru and discover ancient Machu Picchu, the absolute highlight of any hiking and trekking adventure in South America. Set out on the iconic Inca Trail or take the alternative Salkantay Trek through the Andes Mountains, where the legendary Inca citadel awaits you. See all Hiking & Trekking tours.

  3. Peru Grand Travel

    Consulta Tours y Paquetes de Viajes a Perú en nuestra agencia al mejor precio y servicio, incluyen ️ Excursiones, ️Guías, ️Hoteles y más. ... Fechei todos os hotéis, tours e passeios com a Peru Grand Travel, não tive nenhum contratempo e fui surpreendida pela alto nível de serviços prestados por essa agência. Todos os ...

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    Children 12 and older are welcome to come along on the 12-day Peru Family Adventure Tour. Raft, backpack, kayak and bike through some of Peru's most unforgettable sights including Machu Picchu. The Family Tour to Peru is tailored for children younger than 12 years of age with an educational component.

  8. Exploor Peru: Top-Rated Peru Tours & Machu Picchu Tours

    tour in Peru with us! Peru Tours. Explore Peru's must-visit sites in 4-16 days starting at $779. Customized Tours. Create the Peru trip of your dreams with tours, hotels, transport & more. Machu Picchu Tours. Discover our 1 to 5-day tours to Machu Picchu starting at $369. Day Tours. Enjoy our most popular day tours in Peru starting at $119.

  9. Peru Tours Machu Picchu Travel Packages Inca Trail

    Discover the most iconic adventure in Peru! Our Machu Picchu tours and Inca Trail treks offer an unforgettable experience through breathtaking landscapes, ancient Inca ruins, and rich cultural heritage. Whether you're seeking the thrill of trekking through the Andes or a personalized tour to explore Machu Picchu, we provide the best tours for 2024 and 2025.

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    Affordable boutique travel to Peru, Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands, custom-designed and tailored just for you by travel experts. +1 817 230 4971. Start Planning My Trip. ... Food Tours. Culinary enthusiasts will enjoy the rich flavors and diverse gastronomic experiences offered by renowned restaurants in the heart of Peru's stunning ...

  11. Peru Tours and Itineraries

    Cordillera Huayhuash - 9 Days. Explore the Cordillera Huayhuash on this 9-day adventure through one of the most impressive regions of the Peruvian Andes. This is one of the lesser-known and uncrowded treks due to the remote location of this beautiful mountain range. See more Peru tours & itineraries.

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  13. Inca Expert

    Inca Expert Travel specializes in custom vacations to Peru, Machu Picchu and the Galapagos. Enjoy private tours and a travel package curated just for you. +1 817 210 6443. Start Planning My Trip. ... an expertly crafted, 8-course gastronomic tour through Peru. Learn more about MIL. Foodie Itineraries. Customize. Build your dream trip with ...

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    7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay Lake, and Rainbow Mountain. 4.9 121 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "Kantu Peru tour operation was impressive. Choices of hotels, design of itineraries and coordination were all amazing.". Parnian Haghighat, traveled in July 2024.

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    Book a guided Peru package trip with On The Go Tours. It's marveling at the Lost City of Machu Picchu and watching the sunset over the Andes. It's exploring the Amazon Rainforest and taking a boat trip to meet the indigenous islanders of Lake Titicaca - the world's highest navigable lake. It's a day immersed in nature and an evening wandering ...

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  17. Peru Travel Packages

    Every Peru tour offered is regularly inspected to ensure our travelers have an amazing experience. View Tours. WHY BOOK WITH US. Experts in tailor-made Peru travel. Headquarters in Cusco, offices in Lima, Arequipa and Tampa,FL. Local staff with first-hand South America travel experience. Dedicated to providing personalized, quality service ...

  18. Top Peru Tour Packages For 2024 & 2025

    3 Days / 2 Nights. Arrive in Cusco, enjoy the city for the day, and then go on the express tour to visit Machu Picchu on this 3-day Peru trip package, including accommodations, permits, and land transportation. Book Now! From $599. Learn More.

  19. Peru vacation packages and tours

    Peru is a generally affordable destination. A moderate Peru tour including Lima, Cusco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu costs around US $170 per person, per day. If you want to travel to more remote regions such as the Amazon, Colca Canyon, and the lesser-known or pre-Inca historic sites, expect to pay more.

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    Aventúrate en los Tours en Peru, ¡y vive la aventura de tu vida con nuestros viajes a la medida!Ya sea que te atraigan las icónicas ruinas de Machu Picchu, las vibrantes calles de Lima o el encantador Amazonas peruano, nuestra diversa gama de paquetes tiene algo para cada viajero.Cada tour es completamente personalizable, lo que te permite diseñar un viaje que se ajuste a tus preferencias ...

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    Lima City Tour. As a first-time visitor, I was captivated by the city of Lima. Starting in the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, you'll encounter breathtaking colonial architecture, including the Plaza Mayor, Government Palace, and the Cathedral of Lima, where you'll hear the story of Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro and his dramatic demise.

  23. 10 Best 7 Day Peru Tours & Trips

    Find the best 7 day tours to Peru with TourRadar. Choose from 393 tours with 3256 real tour reviews. Book now and save with! Home / Latin America tours / Peru tours / 7 day / 1 week tours; 7 Day Peru Tours & Trips 4.5 stars on (6,699 reviews)

  24. £1599pp—Machu Picchu, Lima & Lake Titicaca: 11-nt Peru tour

    Explore a gorge deeper than the Grand Canyon, visit Lake Titicaca's islands, and savour ceviche. At £1599 per person, this Peru tour includes your flights, accommodation, and excursions throughout. W hat's included. Return international flights; Transfers and domestic flights as per the itinerary; Overnight at the Ibis Lima Larco Milaflores

  25. Things to Do in Peru: 12 Unmissable Experiences

    On a Peru tour, stop by the Peruvian capital or the so-called 'City of Kings'. This place always has plenty of things to do - take a guided tour, swim with sea lions or go on a bar crawl - seriously, Lima's got it going on! Head out to one of the many restaurants in the bohemian neighbourhood of Barranco, be warned foodies, as you'll ...

  26. 10 Best Peru Small Group Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    10 best Peru small group tours. Compiled by. Melissa Peru travel expert at TourRadar. Best of Peru. Inca Treasures. INCA ADVENTURES - 7 Days (Lima and Cusco) with Domestic Flights. Machu Picchu Adventure. The Peaks of Ausangate. 6 days Special Honeymoon in Cusco.

  27. Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru

    Explore the rich heritage of some of the world's most captivating civilisations at the Australian Museum's Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru exhibition. Using a combination of state-of-the-art projections, video and priceless artefacts, this immersive experience offers an unparalleled glimpse into the opulent history of the Andean people.

  28. New Perspectives in Peru

    College of Hospitality Management tourism student Chloe Landry '25 tells the story of her FAM trip to Peru where she and her classmates were the tour guides and learned and practiced sustainable tourism. They visited Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and other sites.

  29. 10 Best Machu Picchu Tours & Hiking Trips (with 5,275 reviews

    Browse 250+ tours from the best tour operators in Machu Picchu with 5,275 reviews visiting places like Cusco and Machu Picchu. Compare & book now! Home / Latin America tours / Peru tours / ... Kantu Peru Tours: From US $587 Price per day $117 Download Brochure View tour 7 Day Cusco Travel Package: Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Humantay ...

  30. Alejandra Guzmán en Lima y Arequipa con su Brilla Tour ...

    La cantante mexicana se presentará el 28 de noviembre en Arequipa y el 30 de noviembre en Lima, como parte de su gira 'Brilla Tour'. Durante estos conciertos, interpretará todas las ...