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total drama world tour hawaiian punch

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Total Drama: "Hawaiian Punch" » Recap

The final challenge of Total Drama World Tour takes place in sunny Hawaii. Alejandro wins the tiebreaker, pitting him against Heather for the million-dollar prize. Despite being outclassed by Alejandro's strength and speed, Heather refuses to give up, stopping at nothing to secure the money. The season ends with an erupting volcano, and the entire cast's dash to escape the island before the lava reaches them.

  • Accidental Public Confession : Heather accidentally admits that she's in love with Alejandro , but he happily reciprocates Heather's feelings.
  • All for Nothing : Regardless of who wins, the million dollar case gets destroyed when it falls into the volcano with Ezekiel.
  • Appease the Volcano God : Subverted, as throwing the pineapples into the volcano made it angry.
  • Artistic License : Even if the physical bills were destroyed, Heather or Alejandro would still be entitled to have the exact amount transferred into their bank accounts.
  • Aside Glance : Noah's reaction to Heather seemingly letting slip her true feelings for Alejandro.
  • Back for the Finale : All the eliminated contestants from across the first three seasons return here.
  • The Bad Guy Wins : Alejandro's ending is the only time in which the season's main villain won. Cody even says this word-for-word in order to motivate Heather.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For : In the ending where Alejandro wins. As he makes his way back up the volcano to retrieve his prize money, he sees Chris and Heather run down the mountain. He then stops and demands to get what's coming to him. He's then abruptly trampled by the entire stampeding peanut gallery and Blaineley's dolly cart.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me : Cody offers to help Heather. Most of it is because of what Alejandro just did to him, but he does note that Heather was largely nice to him this season.
  • The Big Damn Kiss : Alejandro and Heather. Not helped by the fact that Heather had the worst facial expression for the occasion and that everyone was either annoyed or disgusted by it.
  • Heather after she found out from Chris that she threw Alejandro's dummy into the volcano in Alejandro's ending.
  • Also Alejandro (a la Darth Vader at the end of "Revenge of the Sith"), after he found out that the prize money was destroyed in the volcano. He also does this as he slides down the volcano on an ice block.
  • Blatant Lies : Alejandro claims that he let Heather reach the shore first to give her a false sense of confidence. We know that by now, he's seriously crushing on her.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity : Despite Alejandro being just a couple of feet from the mouth of the volcano, where he can easily throw his pineapple sacrifice into the lava and win the $1 million, he still chooses to converse with Heather when she catches up to him and calls him out for his actions. This allows Heather to exploit his feelings for her, to the point where they kiss, leading her to kicking him in the groin and is thrown down the slope on an ice cube. Even Chris and Heather told him to just throw his sacrifice in. This especially works best in the ending where she wins.
  • Can't You Read the Sign? : The "Do not throw pineapples into the volcano sign". Hawaiian Man: Oh, you didn't throw any pineapples in the volcano, did you? There are signs everywhere. Don't you know what happens when pineapples meet lava?
  • Cerebus Retcon : Alejandro’s dislike of Owen for calling him “Al” was played as part of his Small Name, Big Ego throughout World Tour . Here, it’s revealed that his Big Brother Bully called him Al , making Alejandro’s reaction more justified.
  • Chekhov's Volcano : The one where Heather and Alejandro have to throw the dummies.
  • Crocodile Tears : Heather cannot beat Alejandro per the rules of the finale, so she exploits his weakness for her and gets the waterworks going. With a few well-played (and not entirely insincere) lines, Heather gets him to believe she's crying over the fact he'll leave her when he has the prize money, which makes Alejandro falter long enough for her to get him out of her way.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle : After a brief struggle and a well-timed distraction from Heather, Alejandro quickly defeats Cody in the tiebreaker challenge and secures his position as Heather's opponent in the finals.
  • Damsel in Distress : Heather in the tiebreaker challenge.
  • As the volcano erupts, it sends huge flaming boulders on the contestants below, and an absolutely massive boulder goes straight for Heather in her ending.
  • Ezekiel also serves as this to Chris and Chef as they are on their boat. Ezekiel sends that boat sinking.
  • Death Glare : Most of the peanut gallery for Alejandro knocking Cody into shark-infested waters. The only exceptions are Courtney and Tyler, though the latter is unconscious and thus missed this.
  • Didn't See That Coming : Nobody, least of all Chris, thought that Ezekiel would come back for the million dollars at the very end.
  • Didn't Think This Through : The remaining contestants think the peanut gallery will vote to declare the ultimate winner, which makes it rather short-sighted of Alejandro to gleefully knock Cody into shark-infested waters after the guy had already been disarmed. Heather lampshades this.
  • Dragon with an Agenda : Courtney's still smitten with Alejandro and is his primary helper in the final challenge, but she takes the time to try and convince him to give her a fifth of the million during Versus , and he promises that he'll pay her back "somehow" for her help, though doesn't elaborate.
  • Enemy Mine : Cody and Heather against Alejandro.
  • After the tiebreaker between Cody and Alejandro nobody (except Courtney, of course) took well that Alejandro threw Cody into shark-infested waters to win. If it wasn't for Sierra, Cody would have died.
  • The tiebreaker selection involves Heather being locked in a glass case and pelted with golf balls. As much as they dislike her, Geoff and Bridgette assert they set this up with ping pong balls so that no one would get hurt. (Unsurprisingly, Chris made the switch.)
  • Evil Versus Evil : Or as Harold puts it, "Evil Versus Wicked".
  • Flipping the Bird : Every single member of Heather's peanut gallery team has been given no choice, as not one former contestant is willing to be Heather's supporter yet as a finalist she needs a team. While she is tied up during Cody's and Alejandro's fight, Heather asks her team for some support. What she gets is Leshawna giving her the finger.
  • Before Cody and Alejandro face off in the tie-breaker, Harold advises him to "Aim for the Kiwis", unfortunately, Cody loses to Alejandro, so Heather delivers the Groin Attack during the kiss near the end of the episode.
  • Closing out the episode proper during the eruption, Chris suggests that next season will have an all-new cast instead of the same group.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus : During "Versus", Alejandro sings for Lindsay and Courtney to find him "some giant feet" for his Heather effigy. But looking at the effigy later, you notice: it doesn't have any feet! But Heather's effigy of Alejandro does so... does that mean Alejandro cheated?
  • Grand Finale : Of World Tour .
  • Groin Attack : Two examples: First, Harold trying to stop Courtney from helping Alejandro, getting Helium Speech in return. The second, much more important one being Heather against Alejandro at the top of the volcano.
  • Handicapped Badass : Sierra, in a wheelchair , defeated a shark to rescue Cody.
  • "Hell, Yes!" Moment : In Heather's ending, most of the contestants over her kneeing Alejandro in the groin.
  • The Hero Dies : He doesn't die , but Cody, the only purely heroic contestant in the final three, is also the first one eliminated, resulting in the death of his game.
  • Lack of Empathy : Courtney is the only person not to glare at Alejandro after the latter knocks Cody into the shark-infested water, instead smiling while having no concern for Cody.
  • Alejandro gets kneed in the groin and sent packing down the volcano. As everyone escapes the erupting volcano, he ends up getting trampled by the majority of characters (including everyone he manipulated and betrayed throughout the season).
  • Presumably as punishments for both being jerks, the money is burned in the lava, with neither Heather nor Alejandro getting to keep it.
  • Last Villain Stand : Ezekiel, who's lost his humanity, and become a shell of his former self, tries one last time to steal the million dollar prize. He succeeds but falls into the volcano as a result.
  • Lava Adds Awesome : Chris thoroughly believes in this.
  • Lesser of Two Evils : Heather gets support from everybody except Courtney, a misguided Lindsay, an unconscious Tyler, and Katie and Sadie . By the end, Courtney's the only one who doesn't cheer for Heather. Heather herself actually seems happy to be considered "the good guy" for a change, even if it is just compared to Alejandro.
  • Oh, Crap! : Thinking final victory will be decided by a vote, Alejandro upon realizing that he just endangered Cody's life in front of the peanut gallery.
  • Playing with Fire : Chef sends two flaming arrows behind Cody and Alejandro when they participate in the challenge to become one of the final two.
  • Post-Climax Confrontation : After the challenge is over and Heather/Alejandro has won the show, Ezekiel appears and jumps Heather/Chris to make one final attempt to claim the prize money. The ensuing altercation sends Ezekiel and the money into the volcano.
  • The Power of Friendship : With Cody volunteering to help Heather, Harold signs on out of loyalty to his friend.
  • A Rare Sentence : Lampshaded by Cody when he says this: Cody : Plus Heather's been pretty good to me overall. Man, I must the first person to say that.
  • The title comes from the drink Hawaiian Punch .
  • The name of the final challenge is a reference to the movie, Joe Versus the Volcano .
  • Duncan calls Alejandro "La Cucaracha".
  • Ezekiel grabs the money and falls into the lava like Gollum . He even looks like Gollum by this point.
  • The Stinger has one to Revenge of the Sith . Alejandro is put into the robotic suit just like Darth Vader. The camera angles are pretty accurate to the movie as well.
  • Trauma Button : Heather casually saying "No way, José" really triggers Alejandro. It turns out that's the name of his Big Brother Bully .
  • Villain Respect : Alejandro is admittedly impressed by Heather carrying the heavy dummy out of sheer persistence.
  • "The Villain Sucks" Song : "Versus".
  • Threatening Shark : Several in the water that surround Cody and Alejandro in their head-to-head challenge. One swallows Cody until Sierra rescues him.
  • Wham Episode : In no particular order: Cody isn't in the final two, Heather and Alejandro confess their love for each other, the million dollar prize is burned along with Ezekiel, Alejandro has to be forced into a robotic suit in order to live, Heather gets support from almost everybody on the Peanut Gallery, and Chris says that they are going to have a new cast for the next season . Oh, and the Boat of Losers ends up getting destroyed and sunk after Ezekiel crash lands into it .
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : The fates of Blaineley, Ezekiel and Heather (though in the latter's case, only in her ending) are left explicitly undisclosed by the end of the episode, with Blaineley disappearing after running over Alejandro with her dolly and not being among those swimming away to safety, Zeke is thrown out of the volcano into the Boat of Losers but doesn't emerge after sinking it and, in Heather's ending, the episode ends just as Heather is about to be hit by a flaming rock. Needless to say, the latter two show up alive and well next season and Blaineley is shown alive two seasons later.
  • In Cody's case, he makes it to the final three, the farthest he's ever gotten on the show, and has the most support behind him. He loses his shot at the million dollar prize during the tie-breaker after being on the receiving end of a Curb-Stomp Battle from Alejandro.
  • In Heather's case, she manages to throw the sacrifice, finally be cheered on by the rest of the cast and lauded as the good guy for once. In the end, Ezekiel steals the case from her (or from Chris in Alejandro's ending) then falls into the volcano, burning it. She never gets compensated by Chris or the network for this either.
  • In Alejandro's case, he's literally just one throw away from winning the competition, but screws it up by declaring his love for Heather, who kicks him in his kiwis and throws him down the volcano slope. In his ending, thanks to a technicality where Heather throws his sacrifice instead of hers, he's declared winner the by Chris, but never actually gets to claim his prize money because Ezekiel steals it from Chris and accidentally falls into the volcano with it. He then gets trampled by the stampeding Peanut Gallery and covered in lava. And then comes the Drama Machine . At least in Heather's ending, she actually got to hold the prize.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are : When Cody rallies her into action by saying the bad guy's gonna win, Heather excitedly asks, "You mean I'm the good guy?"
  • Total Drama: "Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles"
  • Recap/Total Drama
  • Total Drama: "Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!"

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total drama world tour hawaiian punch

Hawaiian Punch

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The Big Final Fight

Hawaiian Punch is the twenty second episode of Total Drama World Tour as well as the series finale.

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total drama world tour hawaiian punch

Total Drama

Hawaiian punch.

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Hawaiian Punch (Total Drama World Tour)

" A little something called victory! So long, sucker! " — Heather, to Alejandro by virtue of winning the million-dollar case

Hawaiian Punch is the twenty-sixth episode of Total Drama World Tour , as well as the finale of season three and the seventy-eighth overall episode of the series.

  • 2 Why It's a Punch (And in a GOOD Way)
  • 3 Bad Qualities

Season three has reached its final episode, where one of the final three will win the million dollars. Two runners-up must compete in a tiebreaker to win the last spot in the final two. One moves on while the other is eliminated. The host announces the final challenge, which involves one of Hawaii's active volcanoes. One contestant manages to trick another, bringing them to their ultimate downfall in the game. However, after a misunderstanding, one of them steals the win. But, after an old face reemerges, neither of the final two takes home the one million dollar prize.

Why It's a Punch (And in a GOOD Way)

  • There is a very salient reason why Total Drama has reached its roots of incorporating creativity, honor, and iconic moments with season finales. First, we may have saw Owen or Gwen crossing the finish line in a rejected race consisting of pole climbing, flag retrieving, board walking while carrying an eagle's egg, and race-running to the finish line ( Island ) and then Duncan or Beth going through and answering many trivial questions from other faces that could decide to take home the million, and then one finally earning victory from such knowledge as a result to escape the tiebreaker in the aftermath studio ( Action ). And out of the blue, since this episode is not just any kind of epic finale that could claim the trophy for being the best, it really is the best out of them all. Simply take Heather and Alejandro as the season's determined finalists and put them through a challenge of building sacrifices—log dummies with pineapples as the heads and have one of them throw them straight into the volcano for the million with a romantic "love versus hate" motivational scene in the middle of it. Entangling and merging the pieces of scenery smoothly between challenge, romance and downfall together makes it the most memorable and perfect finale in all of TD history, as opposing to the fact that it has finished off the first generation on a perfect note.

Bad Qualities

total drama world tour hawaiian punch

Total Drama World Tour/Episode guide

^a Duncan refused to sing a reprise of " Come Fly With Us " and decided to quit. ^b Harold was safe from the elimination, but he chose to quit. ^c Izzy was evacuated from the game. ^d Blaineley "won" the return challenge and joined the competition. ^e Despite winning invincibility , Sierra was disqualified by Chris for blowing up the Total Drama Jumbo Jet . ^f As a member of the Peanut Gallery, Courtney won the reward for Alejandro .

See also [ ]

  • 1 Total Drama Island (2023)
  • 2 Total Drama Island (2024)

Total Drama World Tour (TV Series)

Hawaiian punch (2011), full cast & crew.

total drama world tour hawaiian punch

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Total Drama World Tour Season 1 Episode 25

Ep 25. Hawaiian Punch

  • November 15, 2010
  • 9.1   (139)

A race up a volcano determines the winner of the contest in the season finale.

total drama world tour hawaiian punch

  • Genres Animation & Cartoon
  • Cast Christian Potenza Marco Grazzini Kristin Fairlie
  • Channel Cartoon Network
  • First Aired November 15, 2010
  • Content Rating TV-PG
  • Runtime 22 min
  • Language English
  • IMDB Rating 9.1   (139)


Total Drama World Tour Total Drama World Tour E026 Hawaiian Punch

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  2. 🌍 TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR 🌍 Episode 26

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  3. 🌍 TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR 🌍 Episode 26

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  4. Total Drama World Tour Episode 26

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  5. Total Drama World Tour Episode 26 Hawaiian Punch Part 1

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  6. Total Drama World Tour Episode 26 Hawaiian Punch

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  3. Total Drama World Tour: Hawaiian Punch/Aloha! Finale! (2010) Ending

  4. Total Drama World Tour Episode 26

  5. Total Drama World Tour Episode 26

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  1. Hawaiian Punch

    Season three has reached its final episode, where one of the final three will win the million dollars. Two runners-up must compete in a tie-breaker to win the last spot in the final two. One moves on while the other is eliminated. The host announces the final challenge, which involves one of Hawaii's active volcanoes. One contestant manages to trick another, bringing them to their ultimate ...


    Season three has reached its final episode, where one of the final three will win the million dollars. Two runners-up must compete in a tie-breaker to win th...

  3. Total Drama World Tour

    Total Drama World Tour's twenty-sixth and final episode, "Hawaiian Punch" in FULL HD quality!0:00 - Recap0:42 - Intro1:43 - Episode

  4. Total Drama World Tour Episode 26

    © Fresh TV, Teletoon

  5. Total Drama: "Hawaiian Punch" Recap

    The final challenge of Total Drama World Tour takes place in sunny Hawaii. Alejandro wins the tiebreaker, pitting him against Heather for the million-dollar prize. Despite being outclassed by Alejandro's strength and speed, Heather refuses to give up, stopping at nothing to secure the money. The season ends with an erupting volcano, and the ...

  6. "Total Drama World Tour" Hawaiian Punch (TV Episode 2011)

    Hawaiian Punch: With Peter Oldring. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight

  7. Hawaiian Punch

    Hawaiian Punch is the twenty second episode of Total Drama World Tour as well as the series finale. Hawaiian Punch is the twenty second episode of Total Drama World Tour as well as the series finale. Hello! We've noticed that you haven't made any recent edits on your wiki this year. This is a notice that your wiki is eligible for removal.

  8. Total Drama World Tour 1x26 "Hawaiian Punch"

    Hawaiian Punch. Total Drama World Tour has reached its final episode, where one of the final three will win a million dollars. Alejandro and Cody engage in a tie-breaker to determine a spot in the final two, and with one last manipulation from Alejandro, Cody gets eliminated. Chris then announces the final challenge with Heather against ...

  9. Total Drama World Tour

    Total Drama World Tour (often shortened as TDWT and formerly titled Total Drama, the Musical) ... "Hawaiian Punch" "Aloha! Finale!" Alex Ganetakos: April 24, 2011 () November 15, 2010: 326: 1.82: Heather, Alejandro, and Cody come up with a plan to determine who will win $1,000,000. Cody and Alejandro must compete in a tie-breaker to win the ...

  10. "Total Drama" Hawaiian Punch (TV Episode 2010)

    Hawaiian Punch: Directed by Chad Hicks, Keith Oliver. With Christian Potenza, Marco Grazzini, Kristin Fairlie, Peter Oldring. An epic journey up the Big Island's active volcano determines a million dollar winner!

  11. Total Drama · Season 3 Episode 26 · Hawaiian Punch

    Total Drama World Tour has reached its final episode, where one of the final three will win a million dollars. Alejandro and Cody engage in a tie-breaker to determine a spot in the final two, and with one last manipulation from Alejandro, Cody gets eliminated. Chris then announces the final challenge with Heather against Alejandro which involves climbing Hawaii's active volcano with a wooden ...

  12. Total Drama World Tour season 1 Hawaiian Punch

    The cast of Total Drama goes on a tour around the world and faces the toughest, most embarrassing, most disgusting challenges you can imagine. ... Hawaiian Punch Air Date: Nov 30, 2010. User Score Available after 4 ratings tbd. My Score. Hover and click to give a rating Saved. Add My Review Summary The cast of Total Drama goes on a tour around ...

  13. Hawaiian Punch (Total Drama World Tour)

    Hawaiian Punch is the twenty-sixth episode of Total Drama World Tour, as well as the finale of season three and the seventy-eighth overall episode of the series. Contents 1 Plot

  14. Versus

    "Versus" is the thirtieth and final song featured in Total Drama World Tour. It is sung in "Hawaiian Punch," primarily by Alejandro and Heather, with Courtney and Harold as backup singers, while they are all building a sacrificial dummy out of driftwood and pineapples for the finale's pre-challenge. Throughout the song, the finalists and helpers insult each other, as Alejandro and Heather ...

  15. Total Drama World Tour/Episode guide

    "Hawaiian Punch" Alex Ganetakos April 24, 2011 Nov. 15, 2010 Hawaii, US "Versus" Alejandro Cody: Alejandro / Heather Alejandro / Heather: ... Total Drama Island · Total Drama Action · Total Drama World Tour · Total Drama: Revenge of the Island · Total Drama All-Stars · Total Drama: Pahkitew Island · Total Drama Island (2023) · Total ...

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  17. "Total Drama World Tour" Hawaiian Punch (TV Episode 2011)

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  18. Total Mixed-Up World Tour

    Harold's boat lands on the Hawaiian beach before Trent's and Scott will face Harold in the finale! New Plot Points: (thanks to you_2_cool for suggesting a plot point) Harold has Noah, Justin, Cody, Beth, Trent, Geoff, Leshawna, Gwen, Sierra, Staci, Cameron, Beardo, Ella, Jasmine, Shawn and Sky supporting him leaving Scott with Tyler, Izzy ...

  19. Total Flipped World Tour

    A subreddit to talk about the Canadian cartoon franchise, Total Drama, its spin offs (DramaRama & the Ridonculous Race) as well as any related works such as Disventure Camp. ... Total Flipped World Tour - Hawaiian Punch Type to edit Scott will face Anne Maria in the finale in a 7-3 vote, eliminating Topher. The episode begins where we just left ...

  20. Watch Total Drama World Tour Season 1 Episode 25

    Total Drama World Tour. Season 1. Ep 25. Hawaiian Punch. TV-PG. November 15, 2010. 22 min. 9.1 (139) A race up a volcano determines the winner of the contest in the season finale.

  21. Jayempee Reacts: Total Drama World Tour Finale! "Hawaiian Punch"

    DescriptionCome Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/E4Pjvd2Help Out The Channel On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Jayempee© 2018 Jayempee #Jayempee #TotalD...

  22. Total Drama World Tour Total Drama World Tour E026 Hawaiian Punch

    20:23. Total Drama Island Total Drama Island E026 - SRecap. furmankelley98. 18:53. Total Drama: Ridonculous Race Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race E026 A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars. harrislucille22. 20:23. Total Drama Island Total Drama Island E026 - SRecap. Forever Videos.

  23. Where would you rank Total Drama World Tour

    And finally, the final poll for Total Drama World Tour, TDWT finale with Alejandro. I did my full commentary on "Aloha, Finale.Hawaiian Punch" on Heather's ending poll. So if you're interested in checking out : "Aloha,Finale.Hawaiian Punch" Review. Anyway, I'm gonna add my short review on the slight differences between these two endings.