19 Air Travel Tips To Make Your Flight More Enjoyable

tips for air travel

Long-haul flights are something we all absolutely dread. You're stuck on a cramped plane for what seems like forever. The person who designed the seats clearly didn't understand that normal people have legs. And to top it all off, there's a screaming baby in the row just behind you.

Long-haul flights don't have to be something you dread. With simple tips from moving around on layovers to bringing a power bank, your next long flight will be a breeze.

Not only that, but your phone's out of juice, you didn't pack any headphones and the passenger next to you is way chattier than a late-night talk show host. Sound familiar?

It doesn't have to be like that - making your flight more enjoyable is not that difficult. Whether you are an experienced traveler or a first-time flyer , you just need to be prepared. These 19 easy flight tips will make your trip pass in flying colors so that you never dread a long-haul flight again.

1. Dress Comfortably


Flying is one of those things where you need to prioritize comfort over everything else. Especially on flights that are in the 10+ hour range. One easy way to make your flight more comfortable is to wear the right kind of clothes. Tracksuits, leggings, cotton t-shirts, hoodies and lightweight sweaters are all great options. Especially since you can't really wear pajamas on a flight… unless you are in first class!

However, don't forget your feet - make sure that your shoes are worn in, and as comfortable as possible. Don't make the mistake of wearing brand new shoes on a long-haul flight, and ladies, keep those heels in your checked luggage.

It's also okay to take your shoes off on long haul flights as long as you make personal hygiene a priority. That means it's not ideal to walk around the plane in your socks. Afterall, the floor is pretty dirty, especially if you have to go to the restroom. So, wear some simple slippers if you don't want filthy socks. You'll thank me later.

2. Don't Be Shy, Ask To Be Reseated

If you're not happy with the seat you've chosen, the best thing to do is ask about seating options at check-in. Of course, it's always better to book seats as far ahead as possible . However, things always change on a plane, and seats often become available over time.

For example, even if a great seat was taken when you booked, someone might have canceled their ticket. Don't give up hope.

If it's a priority to you, keep on asking too. Ask at the airport check-in desk; ask the person that's working the gate; ask the flight attendants once you've boarded the plane. You never know what's possible, especially since all of them have the power to move you around. Who knows, you might even get the dream - an aisle seat next to an empty middle seat. Or, a whole row of seats to yourself.

Ahhhh, bliss!

3. Carefully Choose Your Seat


It's smart to check websites like SeatGuru when choosing your seat, especially for long-haul flights. If we're talking about a flight that's an hour or shorter, then it's okay if you don't have enough legroom and you're sitting by the kitchen - the whole thing will be over before you can even get annoyed.

However, with long-haul flights, a little extra legroom is the difference between a good hour of sleep and swollen feet upon arrival. When choosing a seat, also consider your priorities - do you want to be closer to the exit so you can get off the plane faster? Or, do you want a window seat so you can admire the views and rest your head against the cabin wall? Maybe you want to be able to get up and go to the bathroom whenever you please - in that case, an aisle seat is the preferred option.

4. Ask for an Upgrade

When you arrive at check-in, have a polite conversation with the attendant about the seating situation. Ask if it's possible for you to upgrade your seat using frequent flyer miles, by auction, or just for some extra cash.

Even a small upgrade like premium economy will make the flight more enjoyable, thanks to the extra legroom.

Having your ticket upgraded can also get you lounge access and priority boarding. Imagine, while everyone else is waiting in line, you could be enjoying a free espresso and some actual edible airport food - how's that for more comfortable?

5. Aim for Airline Status


Having a status with your airline can be very rewarding and lucrative. It's also a sure way to make every flight more comfortable and enjoyable. Airline status means possible upgrades to business or first class, lounge access, and shorter waiting times.

Unfortunately, this is one of the few air travel tips that you can't really do much about on the day. All you can do is fly a lot with the same airline, ahead of time. The only way to have airline status is to rack up those frequent flyer miles until you reach the amount required. That's when your preferred airline will start giving you special treatment.

Of course, the rules for frequent flyer miles vary significantly from airline to airline, so be sure to do your homework. You never know when you will stumble across a loophole that might speed up your journey to that elusive status.

6. Apply for TSA Precheck

One of the best air travel tips for US residents is to apply for TSA Precheck, or Global Entry, as it's sometimes called. Especially if you fly regularly - it will save you lots of time and make all your flights more comfortable.

You can submit an application online - TSA Precheck is US$85 and Global Entry is US$100 for a 5-year membership. This may seem expensive, but it's an absolute bargain for the amount of time you save at the airport.

With TSA Precheck you don't have to remove your shoes, belt, or a light jacket (speaking of which, check out OutdoorCrunch's giant guide to best insulated jackets ), and your laptop and liquids can stay in your bag. You also have access to expedited security queues. After all, not wasting time pointlessly standing in line is one of the first steps you can take to make all your flights - short or long - more enjoyable.

7. Pack Snacks


Let's face it. Airplane meals are nothing like what your mother used to make! Especially if you're flying economy. They're usually far from the healthiest option, let alone tastiest, so your best bet is to pack your own snacks. That way you have options, even if the meal is ok. You might be hungry later, or decide to eat once you wake from a nap.

Another handy flight tip is to order the vegetarian meal , even if you're a self-proclaimed carnivore. They are usually of a higher quality, and you're more likely to be one of the first people served.

8. Charge Your Electronics at Home


In this day and age, your electronic devices are the key to making your flight more enjoyable. Watching a good TV show, or gaming a few hours away is the easiest way to make the time fly by. However, that's not going to happen if you run out of juice mid-flight. So, make sure all your devices are fully charged before you head to the airport.

Sure, some planes will have USB power ports in their seats, but not all of them do, and sometimes they just don't work. If you're flying with an airline for the first time it's best to check ahead whether you can charge your devices in-flight. If they don't have power ports, then you should pack a power bank in your carry-on.

9. Always Bring Entertainment


If you're anything like me, then you don't just want to pass the time on a long flight, you want it to go by as fast as possible. This means that you will need an activity that you find both fun and engaging.

Whether it's watching three movies in a row, binge-watching an entire season on Netflix, or devouring a good book - make sure that you have enough options to keep you entertained for the length of your flight. Otherwise, time can tick by very, very, slowly.

Did you know that Netflix will let you download episodes of certain shows and movies to your phone or tablet so that you can watch them offline ? This is great for your device's battery, since WiFi tends to drain it a lot faster and is ridiculously expensive on planes.

Similarly, game sites like Solitaire Bliss provide an excellent way to stay entertained with the ability to play dozens of classic card games offline. This feature ensures that you can enjoy continuous gameplay without the need for WiFi, saving your device's battery life while keeping you engaged throughout your flight.

10. Consider Noise Cancelling Headphones


The difference between a nightmare flight, and one you enjoy, can be as simple as bringing noise-canceling headphones . Even though some airlines will distribute earphones for free, they're usually cheap and nasty and not great at drowning out the background noise.

Imagine this scenario: you're on a 12-hour flight, you didn't bring any headphones and your neighbor is extremely talkative. Or even worse, they have a screaming child that doesn't look like it's ever going to get tired. Your only options are those overpriced earplugs you can buy from flight attendants, or jumping out the window mid-flight!

With good noise-canceling headphones, you can just put on an audiobook, music playlist, or a good movie and forget all about the mayhem around you. Quality headphones will also drown out all of the engine noise, which is important when you want to catch a few hours' sleep too.

11. Bring a Reusable Water Bottle


The key to staying comfortable on a long flight is hydration . There's nothing worse than a tickle in your throat, especially when there's no flight attendant around. You should drink extra water leading up to your flight and even more when you're in the air.

Since you can't bring a gallon of water from home, it's best to bring a reusable water bottle that you can easily fill up once you've passed the security checkpoint. That way, when you run out of water on the plane, just ask one of the flight attendants to refill it for you. They will likely help as long as the supplies onboard allow it, so just wait until they are less busy, smile, and you will be good to go.

12. Hydrate Your Skin Too

The pressurized air inside the cabin is incredibly dry and it's not great for your skin. After a long flight, it might even feel like you washed your face with sandpaper.

Prepare yourself for that - bring a moisturizer on the flight and maybe even a sheet mask if you can. Lip balm is also a good idea because your lips will dry out far sooner than your face. Just make sure that the moisturizer you decide to bring is in accordance with the TSA rules - meaning, it needs to be in packaging of 100ml (3 ounces) or less.

And you know what this also means? Don't wear any makeup on the flight. It's just going to clog up your pores, making it even more likely that you'll have issues in the days following the flight. Go makeup-free for the duration of the flight, and your skin will thank you afterward.

13. Don't Wear Contacts


I can't stress this one enough - wearing glasses instead of contact lenses on a flight. This can be the difference between a relaxing flight, and having to rush to the optometrist as soon as you land. The dry air inside the cabin will dry up your contact lenses, often causing them to stick to your eyes. Not only is this really uncomfortable, imagine what happens when you try to remove them afterwards!

If you absolutely have to wear contacts just make sure to keep your eyes from drying out with regular use of hydrating eye drops.

14. Maintain Personal Hygiene


Making yourself even a little more comfortable on a long flight can be as simple as freshening up mid-flight. We all start to feel a little gross after a few hours on a flight - after all, you're stuck in a giant metal tube, with no way to shower, or access fresh air.

So, when you start to feel icky, just head to the bathroom and freshen up. Splash some water on your face, put on some fresh deodorant, and maybe even brush your teeth. You can put on a fresh shirt - feeling nice and clean will help you stay comfortable and your neighbors might thank you for it!

15. Wear Compression Socks

Compression socks help regulate the blood flow in your legs, and they are particularly useful on longer flights. Especially if you usually have issues with swelling in your feet or ankles.

Good quality compression socks will keep the blood flowing in your legs and they can be the difference between smiling as you leave the plane at your destination, or painfully dragging your feet down the aisle.

You can easily get a pair online or at your local drug store, and they are usually very affordable.

16. Organize Your Daypack


When you get to the airport you have one important goal - board the plane as quickly and as efficiently as possible. And, if you act like a headless chicken when you reach the TSA checkpoint, you've not only failed yourself but potentially made yourself a target for a special security check.

That's why you want to organize your daypack (or carry on) down to the very last detail, instead of just throwing everything inside. Remember, when you get to the security checkpoint you'll have to take out your laptop and toiletries. So, put those somewhere easy to reach and not at the bottom of the bag. Even better, custom lanyards with a badge clip can carry your ID and are super convenient. The better organized you are the faster you'll get through security and board the plane.

17. Move Around on Layovers


The biggest mistake you can make on a layover is sit in the lounge and stare at your phone. Take the opportunity to stretch, walk around, and maybe even light exercise if it's possible. Do anything you can to get the blood flowing. You can sit again once you board the plane again. Now is the time to move.

If you spend the time waiting for the next plane sitting around, you're more likely to increase any pain or tiredness, and especially if you have swollen feet.

18. Ask Before Reclining Your Seat


If there's a person sitting behind you, it's not okay to just recline your seat whenever you please. Imagine if the person in front of you did that - not only would that make you uncomfortable, but it could also be fatal for any electronics you have on the tray. Not to mention your in-flight meal.

If you're lucky enough that there's nobody directly behind you, recline away - if you're in the window seat. If you're in the aisle seat and there's someone in the row behind, you still need to ask the person if it's okay. Maybe they want to use the bathroom or have something on the tray of your seat. Or, they are claustrophobic and it would ruin their entire flight if you recline your seat. In any case, don't do anything you wouldn't want others to do to you, and always check before reclining your seat. You might even make a new friend.

19. Bring a Blanket and a Pillow

If you plan to sleep during the flight, you will need a blanket and a pillow to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Most airlines will provide you with blankets and pillows on long flights, but it's always a good idea to bring your own. Especially if you're concerned with who used that pillow before you.

If you don't want the hassle of packing a blanket, or you don't have enough space in your carry on, at least pack a supportive neck pillow . You will be far more comfortable, and you'll avoid nasty neck pain and soreness once you wake from any nap you manage to have.

Also, the neck pillow might keep you from getting in awkward situations with your neighbor. After all, nothing quite compares to somebody waking you up because you're drooling all over their shoulder.

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Key travel tips you need to know — whether you’re a first-time or frequent traveler

Clint Henderson

The holiday travel season is fully upon us. The Transportation Security Administration expects to screen a record number of passengers this Christmas, and the TSA already broke a daily record. They screened a whopping 2.9 million travelers on Nov. 26, 2023, alone ... the most passengers ever screened in a single day.

As millions of travelers take trips by plane , cruise ship or road , we've gathered some essential travel tips on how best to book and enjoy your journeys.

Whether you're an occasional road-tripper or a frequent globe-trotter, these TPG-backed top travel tips can help you avoid unnecessary headaches when you spend time away from home.

How to find travel deals

tips for air travel

Flexibility is key when it comes to finding cheap airfare any time of year.

Changing your arrival or departure date by a single day can save you hundreds of dollars on airfare. If you don't mind altering your family's plans slightly, consider booking travel directly on major holidays like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas for cheaper prices and thinner airport crowds.

One of our favorite tools at TPG for finding deals is Google Flights . You can use the search field to find the cheapest (or best) flights. Google will also give you a historical view of how prices have ranged and will even send you email alerts if fares jump or drop on specific routes you've selected.

It also has some fun tools you can use to find a cheap destination. By clicking the "Explore" button on the sidebar and putting your departure airport, Google will give you a map or list view of the most wallet-friendly destinations.

tips for air travel

However, Google isn't the only place to find deals: TPG publishes regular deal alerts. You can sign up for Twitter alerts and subscribe to our daily newsletter for the latest deals news.

Don't sleep on mileage awards, either. If you've been hoarding miles during the pandemic, it's time to spend them. Cash prices are high, so it can be a good time to burn those miles.

No matter how much you think you know about redeeming miles for flights , there are always new tips and tricks for turning those earnings into dream trips. Turn to TPG for guidance on sweet spots for redemptions. Sites like ExpertFlyer (part of Red Ventures, like TPG) supply additional redemption ideas or even business class upgrade inventory.

You may even want to consult a travel agent to get access to special deals that aren't available anywhere else. Travel agents can sometimes get you extra perks at hotels or even cheaper business-class airfare to your dream destination.

Be your own best advocate

Since there are still air traffic controller shortages and little room for error in the system these days, travelers have to be their own best advocates.

There are ways to get ahead of any possible travel nightmares.

First, be smart when booking. Try to find a nonstop flight rather than one with connections, even if it costs a little more. You'll eliminate the risk of missing connections and lessen the chance of having your luggage go in a different direction than you during a transfer.

You could also take one of the first flights of the day, as those are least likely to face afternoon thunderstorms and most likely to depart on time. Read our article 5 reasons to book the first flight of the day for all the data.

Related: Your flight is canceled or delayed – here's what you should do next

Download your airline's mobile app to keep track of potential flight delays in real time. The airline app is a secret weapon in case things go wrong. Not only will you know when boarding starts, but you'll also learn of any delays first. Some airlines allow you to even rebook yourself in the app.

If your flight is canceled, you'll want to beat everyone else on your flight who is also looking to get rebooked.

We recommend heading for the customer service desk (or lounge desk if you have access). You could also get on the phone with the airline or contact them via social media if there's a delay . Sometimes, an airline's Twitter representative will help you faster than a phone or in-person agent can. You have to use every tool at your disposal when things go south.

Many airlines also now have live chat capabilities to help navigate delays and cancellations.

I always have an alternate plan (or two) in the back of my mind in case a flight gets canceled or delayed. I also look to see what other airlines are flying the route I'm booked in case something goes awry. This way, I'll know what to ask for if I need to be rebooked.

Also, save all the receipts for the expenses you incur during delays or cancellations. You'll want excellent documentation in the case of meltdowns like the one Southwest passengers experienced during the holidays .

If you're stuck at an airport for an extended period, seek out your airport's secret quiet spaces for a brief escape from the travel chaos.

Get Global Entry and/or TSA PreCheck

tips for air travel

One of our favorite ways to speed through the airport and avoid those summertime mega lines is via Trusted Traveler programs like TSA PreCheck and Global Entry .

Essentially, the government pre-screens you for security and thus you save a bit of time during your travels. You'll need to apply ahead of time and pay a fee. The great news, however, is that many credit cards will give you a statement credit for these fees. TSA PreCheck is a $78 application fee for five years, and Global Entry is $100.

Related: 7 ways to get Global Entry, TSA PreCheck and/or Clear for free

TSA PreCheck allows you to speed through airport security without removing your shoes, laptops or liquids. With Global Entry , you can breeze through customs when you return from an international trip.

If you have the time, going for Global Entry rather than simply TSA PreCheck makes sense. Global Entry requires an interview with Customs and Border Patrol ahead of time, but once you're approved, TSA PreCheck will be included.

Get Clear for the ultimate security trifecta

tips for air travel

The other security tool we recommend you have in your travel toolbelt is Clear .

Related: Why you should get TSA PreCheck and Clear

The expedited security program allows you to bypass long security lines by using a separate lane at many airports. You'll approach a kiosk where your identity is confirmed via an iris scan or fingerprint. A Clear employee will then escort you to the front of the security screening line.

A Clear membership combined with TSA PreCheck will enable you to go to even shorter lines at some airports with designated Clear/PreCheck lines. Clear isn't perfect at all airports where it's so popular, and there are now long lines (cough, Atlanta). However, it will still generally lead to shorter lines overall.

Related: Guide to using the Amex Platinum Clear benefit

Make copies of your important documents

Make digital and hard copies of all your important travel-related documents. Start by photographing your driver's license, your state ID and/or your passport.

You should have copies of your IDs in your phone's library in case you get separated from the actual document. Sometimes, it also helps in a pinch if you are asked for ID, and you didn't bring the hard copy. For example, I was recently asked for my ID to enter One Vanderbilt to have dinner at the new American Express Centurion Lounge in New York. The receptionist would have accepted a photograph of the ID if I didn't have the physical document.

TPG also recommends having an actual photocopy in a separate place. Editor Kristy Tolley says she stores a hard copy in a separate place from where she keeps her passport in case she loses a bag. "I also leave a copy of it at home if I'm traveling alone," she said.

Check expiration dates

tips for air travel

If you aren't 100% certain of the expiration date of your passport and other travel documents, go check them now. Renewing passports takes time, and some countries require six months of future passport validity to allow entry. Remember that child passports expire every five years, which can sneak up on you.

Related: How and when to renew your passport

Double-checking the expiration dates for your driver's licenses and state IDs is also a good idea. Remember that TSA checks the expiration dates on your documents when they screen you for security. Don't forget to check the expiration dates for your Trusted Traveler programs like Global Entry, Clear and TSA PreCheck, too. It can take a while to get a Global Entry interview appointment if you need one to renew.

Few things are worse than getting to the front of the security line and realizing the PreCheck mark is gone from your boarding pass.

Finally, check the entry requirements if you are traveling internationally. Some countries require visas that you must acquire before arrival.

Consider travel protection

When booking your travel, try to use a credit card that offers some built-in travel protection . Many credit cards, including TPG favorites like the Chase Sapphire Reserve or The Platinum Card® from American Express , offer this when you use those cards to purchase your airfare and similar.

Related: Best credit cards for trip delays and cancellations

If the coverage offered by your credit card isn't enough, you might also want to purchase travel insurance . These policies can sometimes go beyond trip cancellations to cover things like medical evacuations. Warning: Read the fine print on any extra policies very carefully to ensure it covers the situations that matter the most to you.

Those who frequently travel abroad may want to consider purchasing an annual travel insurance policy instead of buying one on a trip-by-trip basis. Some TPG staffers purchase annual policies because of the cost savings for multiple trips. Some will find having an annual policy is easier than juggling separate policies or various credit card coverage terms and conditions.

Tips for your luggage

tips for air travel

TPG has a ton of tips when it comes to luggage.

First and foremost, try to be on "team carry-on" whenever possible. If you don't check baggage, you are much less likely to become separated from it. Many of us at TPG refuse to check luggage except under extreme circumstances.

Of course, other folks with families or those embarking on long journeys may still want to check bags. If that's the case for you, you can still do many things to lessen the chance you get separated from your stuff. For example, make sure your luggage is in good working order, your contact info is attached, the bag is within the weight limits, you get to the airport early (but not too early) to check it and confirm your luggage is tagged to the right destination or connection.

Related: 7 tips to keep the airline from losing your luggage

After last year's baggage delays and luggage disasters , we strongly suggest you put Apple AirTags (or the Android equivalent ) into your luggage so you can track your items if they go missing .

If you check a bag, keep extra medicine or medical supplies in your carry-on bag in case your luggage goes missing or gets delayed. "As a diabetic, I keep a tiny emergency kit in my backpack with enough supplies to keep me going in an emergency," TPG writer Tanner Saunders said.

Former TPG credit card writer Ryan Smith also offered words of advice regarding luggage. "The last items you pack in your carry-on will be most accessible, so use this for your passport, ID, ticket, headphones or whatever else you need during the trip," he said. By making sure those items you'll use most are easiest to reach, you'll save yourself the hassle of having to dig around (or partially unpack) your bag to grab what you need.

Finally, be sure and get compensated if your bags are late or lost. Many airlines will give you points or even cash for delayed bags, and the government has rules on compensation if your bags are lost.

Staying safe on your journeys

tips for air travel

From potentially getting robbed while on the road to experiencing bad weather or natural disasters while traveling, there are many scenarios that could arise when you're away from home.

To mitigate those risks, pay attention to U.S. Department of State warnings about a destination you plan to visit and check local sources for the latest news from that country or region for additional context. Although the State Department tends to err on the side of caution with its warnings, it's still best to be aware of what you may face during your trip.

Also, know the local number in case of emergencies. In many places, including Mexico and much of Europe, if you dial 9-1-1 on your cellphone, you will be connected to emergency services just like in the U.S. However, you should know the local emergency numbers of whichever country you visit.

Let people at home know your itinerary and stay in touch with them throughout your trip. If something goes amiss, at least someone will know where you're supposed to be or the last place you visited.

If you're arriving at night, contact your hotel or home-share host to ask about the best way to get there at the time you're arriving and the safest ways to travel at night in that area.

Also, be strategic about how you check into a hotel. Some solo travelers request two keycards to imply someone else is on the trip. Giving thought to the hotel room's security swing bar can also make sense, with some taking steps like placing a hand towel over it to make it harder to dislodge from the outside.

Some final tips

tips for air travel

  • For cruisers, TPG principal cruise writer Gene Sloan suggests arriving in port at least a day in advance (if not several days ahead of time). This will eliminate the risk of missing your ship's departure time and help you get acclimated to the local time zone.
  • When taking road trips to out-of-the-way destinations, go old school and bring paper maps with you or download offline maps from Google. Using a paper map or an offline version means you always have a way to navigate around your chosen destination, even if you lose cellular service.
  • One other note, you should reserve airport parking ahead of time during peak travel times. Some airport parking areas fill up fast around holidays, so reserving your spot ahead of time will save you from wasting time looking for a space when you need to catch a flight. You can also sometimes save by booking online in advance, too.

Bottom line

tips for air travel

Whether you're fresh to the world of traveling or a seasoned expert, you can always learn new tips to maximize your time away from home. The more research and preparation you do before your trip, the better your experience will be — especially if things go wrong, as they sometimes do.

Some of our favorite tools are deal alerts, Google Flights , sign-up bonuses and credit card rewards . Learn those tools and use them for better travel every time.

Remember that these days when things go wrong, you have to be your own best advocate. For more travel tips and tricks, read the stories below.

Related reading:

  • Your flight is delayed or canceled: Here's what to do next
  • The best travel credit cards
  • The 18 best places to travel in 2023
  • 6 real-life strategies you can use when your flight is canceled or delayed
  • 8 of the best credit cards for general travel purchases
  • Here's how to get through airport security faster
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32 Tips for Making a Long-haul Flight More Comfortable

These hacks will help you enjoy the journey — and feel better on arrival.

Whether you're taking a seven-hour trip across the pond to Europe or embarking on the nearly 19-hour odyssey from New York City to Singapore, a long-haul flight can be boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. The nuisances of time-consuming air travel can range in severity from mildly inconvenient (annoying seat mates, let's say) to the downright dangerous (developing a blood clot on a plane is no joke). Luckily, there are some easy ways to make a big journey more bearable. Here are 32 of our favorite tips for long flights.

Book your flight early for good seats.

This should go without saying. The earlier you book, the better your chances of scoring your favorite seat, whether it's at the window, so you can watch the scenery, or at the aisle, with easiest access to the lavatory. It's just that simple.

Consider a seat in the back of the plane.

Your favorite seat probably isn't in the back of the plane. It's noisy back there, tends to have little leg room, and means you're the last off the plane when it lands. However, there are perks to choosing a back seat. If you're flying with an airline like Southwest that doesn't have assigned seats, you might have better luck claiming a row to yourself or at least an empty seat next to you in the back. Also, being in the back lets you watch which rows don't fill up ahead of you, so you can claim one of the emptier ones after everyone is seated.

Use those air miles to upgrade.

If you've got 'em, flaunt 'em. You'll thank yourself when you're reclining in a first-class seat, sipping Champagne and pretending to like caviar. And if you don't have the miles, this might be the time to splurge for a superior first- or business-class seat. Even upgrading to premium economy will give you priority check-in, extra legroom, and comfortable seats.

Or angle for a free upgrade.

It's worth a go, isn't it? Arrive early, dress nicely, travel alone, and put on your most winning smile for the best chance at success. Your odds of scoring a last-minute upgrade are better if you have elite status with the airline.

Adjust your sleep pattern before your flight.

In the days before your flight, adjust your sleep patterns (a few 4 a.m. or 7 p.m. bedtimes should do it, depending on what time of day you'll be flying). If your flight is during the day, be well rested before you fly. If it's a red-eye, arrive at the airport tired. Trust us on this, though: staying awake for 24 hours before your trip to balance out jet lag just doesn't work.

Check in early.

The last thing you need before your long-haul journey is to panic your way through a busy airport, arriving at the gate sweaty and frazzled — or, worse, to miss your flight.

De-stress before you board.

You don't want to spend your whole flight buzzing about all the things you have to do or what you might have forgotten. Carve out some time before your trip to sit down with a nice breakfast. Go to the gym. Read a book. Go for a walk. It's important to relax before it's time to fly.

Margot Cavin/Travel + Leisure

Don't overpack your personal item.

You'll need more for a long-haul flight than you would for a short one, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to overfill your bag with unnecessary extras. Keep only the essentials in your personal item so they're always easy to find and within reach.

Bring your own pillow.

A travel pillow is a staple carry-on item for long-distance travelers. Almost every airport sells them, and looking a little ridiculous with one around your neck is a small price to pay for arriving at your destination without a crick.

Wear noise-canceling headphones.

Noise-canceling headphones help block out annoying airplane clatter and loud passengers, so you can zone out with a riveting podcast or a favorite playlist. If you don't have them, a pair of good old-fashioned earplugs will also help.

Buckle your seat belt over your blanket.

If you plan to sleep with a blanket during your flight, make sure your buckled seat belt is still visible. In case of turbulence, the seat belt light will turn on, and flight attendants may come around the cabin to check that everyone is buckled up. If you're buckled beneath your blanket where they can't see it, they will wake you up to check.

Pack an eye mask.

An eye mask is especially useful if you're flying during the day, or if you want to catch some shut-eye before the cabin lights are dimmed.

Dress comfortably.

Keep it loose and comfortable — you're not here to impress anyone. Also remember to bring layers for when it gets cold. A cardigan or sweatshirt is always good to have on hand.

Try to relax.

Do whatever it takes — meditate, listen to some calming music, do some breathing exercises. Not only will it help you sleep more easily, but it's also good for your psyche in general.

Bring a travel blanket, not a regular blanket.

Don't bring anything too thick (remember, it has to fit in your carry-on), but make sure it's enough to keep you warm when the plane's air-conditioning is going full blast.

Download movies onto your tablet or laptop for backup.

In-flight entertainment systems are not always reliable. They sometimes fail, and when they do, you'll be glad to have something to do, watch, or listen to in reserve.

Charge your electronic devices.

The last thing you need is for your iPad to run out of juice one hour into an 11-hour flight. This is especially true if your in-flight entertainment system isn't working.

Load up on podcasts.

Listening to podcasts uses up less battery life than watching a movie, and they can be more entertaining than music. You can get through an entire flight on podcasts alone.

Stay healthy.

Sitting in a cramped metal tube for the better part of a day (or more) is not good for you. Fight off dehydration and blood clotting — your two biggest enemies in the sky — by regularly drinking water, stretching, and walking around the cabin.

Bring what you need to freshen up.

This is for everyone else's sake as much as your own. Bring toiletries in your carry-on so you can brush your teeth, throw on some deodorant, or even change your clothes in the lavatory. Also, try to stick to your bedtime routine. Wash your face in the bathroom before you go to sleep.

Get creative.

You rarely get the chance to sit down for such a long time, more or less distraction-free, so why not make the most of it? Bring a notebook, a sketchpad, or whatever else you need to exercise the right side of your brain. Switching activities throughout the flight instead of focusing on just one thing will also keep you feeling fresh.

Be productive.

If you have your laptop with you, this might be a good opportunity to catch up on any busywork that needs doing. Everyone else on your flight will think you're a sophisticated jet-setting businessperson. Never mind the Netflix tab you have open.

Befriend the crew.

Simply not being horrible to the flight crew is a given, but you could always go one step further and make an active effort to be nice. Not only will you up your chances of preferential treatment, but you'll also be doing something lovely for the folks who look after you up there.

Pack extra snacks.

Airline food is not often plentiful, even on long-haul flights, and it's important to stay nourished. No need to overdo it, of course, but no one was ever sorry to find a couple pieces of forgotten fruit or granola bars in their carry-on. Make sure the food you bring is not messy, but nutritious and easy on the stomach so you'll feel your best when you land.

Moisturize your skin.

The dry, recycled air on a plane has a way of making your skin look and feel parched and lackluster. In addition to drinking plenty of water, slather on a bit of extra moisturizer. In fact, use your thickest night cream — the one you reserve for winter. And reapply it throughout the flight.

Elevate your feet.

Sitting with your legs bent and feet on the floor for a long time can cause pain and swelling in your feet and ankles as the fluid in your body naturally flows downward. If you can, prop your feet up on a special contraption like a portable footrest, or even your underseat carry-on if it's hardy enough.

Wear compression socks.

Compression socks help minimize swelling on and after your flight by increasing blood circulation. At a minimum, they can keep you more comfortable, but more importantly, reduce the risk of developing blood clots during a long flight.

Pack a nasal spray.

Have you ever noticed a generally icky and dry feeling in your sinuses while flying? That feeling is caused by a shift in air pressure and the low humidity in the cabin. Experts recommend using a decongestant nasal spray in each nostril before takeoff and descent to alleviate those symptoms.

Adjust your watch.

It's important to acclimatize yourself to the time zone you're flying into. As soon as you get on the plane, change your watch to the local time of your destination, then alter your routine accordingly.

Be selective about your drink choices.

Some passengers enjoy a glass of wine or beer (often free on international flights) to accompany their in-flight meals and entertainment. That said, you probably shouldn't treat booze as a way to fight boredom or cope with your flight. You'll end up using those tiny bathrooms far more frequently than you'd like, plus alcohol is dehydrating and could mess up your sleep pattern. Soda can have a similar effect because of the caffeine, and the bubbles can make you feel gassy and bloated.

Bring your best conversation.

Many people dread sitting next to a chatty seatmate, but don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with your neighbor if the opportunity arises. You could be seated next to a genuinely interesting and friendly fellow traveler, and talking makes the time go faster.

Pack lots of activities for your kids.

Traveling with children? Make sure you have plenty of activities to keep them entertained throughout the flight. Bring the gaming systems, iPads preloaded with their favorite shows (and headphones), and coloring and sticker books. Plus, don't forget their favorite snacks.

tips for air travel

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

11 Easy Air Travel Tips to Make for a Happier Flight

Written By: The Planet D

Travel Planning

Updated On: June 7, 2023

Dave spoke on CBC Radio this morning about making Spring Break Travels easier. We realized that a lot of people have anxiety over air travel and we wanted to give some easy air travel tips to ease that stress.

How to make flying more relaxing, speedier, and less stressful. 

Table of Contents

Air Travel Tips

Travel can be stressful, but if you are prepared to follow our air travel tips, you can not only make your travels easier, you can have fun at the airport and relax the minute you leave home.

air travel tips deb dave

Let’s face it. In today’s world, air travel is not fun. Remember the days when you used to love being at the airport or on the plane just as much as the trip itself?

Well, they are long gone my friend, with confusing security checks that seem to change rules from airport to airport to seats getting smaller with each trip, flying can sometimes be a downright miserable experience.

But we’re here to help!

1. Arrive Early

air travel tips dave airport

This may sound routine, but we hear of so many travellers arriving at the last minute at the airport.

One time, Dave and I waited 45 minutes for our parking lot shuttle to bring us to the airport.

There wasn’t another way out. No taxis swing by the ParknFly, so we had no other choice but to stand and wait.

As seasoned travellers who rack up nearly 100,000 air miles each year, we still arrive early to our flights.

I’ve talked to other full-time travellers who feel the same way. They (and we) say, why take the risk? Arrive early and relax.

2. Use Valet Parking Service

air travel tips airport

We usually book our parking online through ParknFly and did you know that for only $20 more (online only) you can upgrade to valet parking?

Valet parking gets priority and there are more shuttles for this. You never have to wait more than eight minutes. It doesn’t matter anyway because you are waiting indoors!

If it’s the middle of winter and you are flying somewhere warm, you don’t have to bring your heavy winter coats, leave them in the car, hop on the heated shuttle and be taken door-to-door.

When you fly home, give them a call from the airport and they’ll have your car warmed up, scraped off and waiting for you when you get back. We even get our car detailed at ParknFly.

Plus when you book online there are deep discounts for long-term parking!

3. Check In Online

We always check in online. That saves you tons of time of having to stand in line to check in at the teller.

Most airlines now have a luggage drop off only section for those who have already checked in online. You have done all the paperwork and all you have to do is drop off your bags.

4. Pack Carry On Only

Or better yet, travel with carry-on only bags.

If you are flying south, you don’t need a lot of clothing. Pack a few sarongs, shorts, non-wrinkle pants, and for a ladies, a cute strappy dress or two and you are good to go.

Most hotels supply shampoo, conditioner and soap and the small tubes of toothpaste are all you need for a week. Besides, you can always buy what you need at the gift shop.

air canada travel tips

5. Packing Tips – Pack Smart

Think about what you can and can’t bring on the plane with you. If you aren’t sure, don’t bring it!

We’ve left behind some a nice mini screwdriver (I’m talking an inch long tops!) because we forgot it was in Dave’s camera bag.

If you have a pointy object, liquids larger than 100ml or aerosol cans, they are taken away at security and thrown away. Start packing in advance and then go through your luggage once or twice before you leave and scale down.

We have a lot of mix and match clothing that we can turn into several outfits with only 3 to 5 pieces.

6. Be Prepared for Security

business lounge air travel

Don’t be that guy in front of George Clooney in Up in the Air, be George Clooney!

When you get to security, have everything you need to show in a plastic bag.

We also carry our computers a separate canvas shopping bag when checking in and when going through security, it’s easy access and takes the weight out of your carryon. We wear slip on shoes with clean and nice socks.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than holy socks at security! And men, don’t wear a belt.

We always have everything put away before we get to security except our passport and boarding pass. We never carry anything in our pockets. Think of the word KISS…Keep it simple stupid.

Note : Make sure your electronics are charged, with new security measures, you may be asked to turn on your computer, iPad or cell phone. If you can’t turn it on, it’s not coming with you!

7. Load Videos, Books or Music onto your Phone or iPad

travel smith travel tips

We always have TV series, movies and books loaded on our iPads. You can never count on the entertainment system working on the flight.

Trust me it’s happened to us several times a year. We’ve sat in our seats, turn on our entertainment system and nothing happens.

The airline always offers us a coupon to redeem miles for the inconvenience but that never works either. Luckily we have our must see flick on the iPad and we enjoy our flight either way.

It passes the time in the airport too.

8. Pack Snacks

airport check in

Flights are cutting down on giving passengers food and drink, so we always have a stash of food. Our go-to flying snack is a bagel with cream cheese and some crackers.

It fills you up quickly and does the trick.  It saves you having to buy food on the plane if they don’t offer it, and it helps out with the pitiful quantity of food they do give you if you get a meal.

This is also a good tip for kids, trust me I know. Dave’s a big kid and he gets grumpy when he’s hungry, if I give him a treat, he’s instantly happy.

9. Get Lounge Access

lounge travel tips

We use American Express Platinum to get into lounges all over the world regardless of what airline we’re flying.

In Toronto they have American Express lounges that cardmembers can enter for free, but get this!

Non-cardmembers can enter too for a fee. $40 gets you lounge access with food and drinks covered including alcoholic beverages. Just look for the Plaza Premium Lounge.

We see this at all airports. It’s different credit cards at each airport around the world, but there’s usually always one lounge that offers people entry for a fee. We say, if you travel a lot, get that card that offers the Priority Pass , we have access to 600 lounges across the globe. You can also purchase a yearly membership to Priority Pass to have access to lounges.

10. Stay Hydrated

Water is a tricky one. You know you can’t bring any water bottles with you through security but what about empty bottles?

We’ve seen people have to leave behind their Nalgenes and thermoses, so we never bother. If you want to bring something to fill your own water bottle, use a collapsible water bottle or we bite the bullet and buy water at the airport.

Flight attendants are supposed to bring you all the water you need, but believe me it never happens.

I’m always parched on the plane and they never come around enough. You can go back and ask for some though, so don’t be afraid to get what you want.

11. Carry Cash

We always carry small bills of US Dollars and Euros with us. It’s great for tolls if we are driving across the border, but we also have it to tip our valet or porters when we arrive at the hotel.

When we arrive at our we go to the ATM in the airport and get out a couple hundred dollars in the local currency. We don’t buy currency in Canada, we just get it when we arrive. With chip cards, we can use our credit cards all over the world.

There are plenty of ways to make your travels easier, just remember, this a vacation so have fun.

Give yourself the time you need so you don’t feel pressure at the airport. Terminals are getting better each day with free wifi, lounge access, and even massages. So start vacation early and make your time at the airport a part of your trip!

Must Have Travel Gear For Your Flight

travel tips pin

GoToob Bottles : 

I am surprised at the amount of people that still carry liquids larger than 100 ml, but it happens nearly every time we fly.

I have to admit, I haven’t found 100ml bottles that work well or are reusable until we found the GoToob Bottles. The multipack contains three bottles perfect for shampoo, conditioner and sunscreen. I like the no-drip, leak proof valves and large opening making it easy to fill.

I didn’t bother to use the integrated label feature as it’s very small to read, I just go by the colour of the bottle instead. Keep these bottles separate in a plastic bag and you’ll whiz through security.

Trackable Luggage Tags : 

Have you ever lost your luggage never to be found again? I’m not going to lie, most airlines are not that helpful these days when it comes to helping you locate your valuables.

I’ve watched many a friend get nowhere fast as they have online discussions with airlines asking them for help finding their bags.

To make sure we have an extra leg up in case we lose our bags, we registered our trackable luggage tag’s serial number online giving us extra security when it comes to our travels.

Luggage Hugger :

Okay, how many of you have a black generic suitcase? Be honest. We’re guilty of it too, but with the luggage hugger, we can now locate our bag easily.

We thought we were safe with a duffel bag, but sure enough, when flying to Maui a couple of months ago, somebody grabbed our duffel bag thinking it was theirs.

Luckily we were there to correct the mistake. Now, that we have the luggage holder, our bags stand out when they fall onto the conveyor belt.

Read: 7 tips to Stress-Free Travel

Luggage Handle Wraps :

We’ve been using luggage handle wraps for years and this is the next best thing to the luggage hugger.

As a matter a fact, we use both the hugger and the handle wraps because you can never be too safe. We even put the handle wraps on our carryon bags because sometimes we have to stow them when boarding a small plane.

Do you know how many small black carry on rollers there are out there? Our handle wraps set them apart.

eye mask air travel

40 Blinks Eye Mask :

When flying, I always wear an eye mask. I can sleep anywhere and there’s something about air travel that knocks me right out. A good eye mask is a must.

I’ve been woken up by someone opening up their blind and unexpectedly blasting me with sunlight. I only made that mistake once. The minute I’m tired, I put on my mask.

The difference between 40 Blinks and other eye masks is that it is contoured out of molded foam so it doesn’t put pressure on your eyelids. It blocks the same light with twice the comfort.

EarPlanes :

As much as we hate to travel with a cold it is bound to happen.

We find that our allergies are acting up more and more as we get older as well. Have you ever flown with an earache? It is completely unbearable.

I keep a pair handy to relieve pressure in the ears for take off and landings. You may not always be affected by pressure, but when you are, you’ll be glad you have your EarPlanes.

Fun Read: Air Travel is so Annoying

No Jet Lag Pills :

The more we travel, the more we seem to suffer from jet lag . We do everything right.

We usually avoid alcohol, we drink plenty of water and we avoid caffeine, but we still suffer.

No Jet Lag pills have natural remedies such as Arnica Montana and Chamomilla to help ease the symptoms. We used them on our flight to Austin Texas and while it was only a two-hour time change, I felt great.

Normally I even suffer through daylight savings and it’s only an hour’s difference. So this must have done something. Plus it tastes good too.

compression socks air travel

Compression Socks  : 

I never took Deep Vein Thrombosis seriously until a friends sister got it after a flight.

Compression socks help with circulation and leg exhaustion. Compression socks have come a long way.

I tried them once a few years ago and they felt like they were squeezing my legs, my latest pair are so cushiony and cozy.

The merino wool keeps odour away and they feel comfortable on a flight.

Acorn Via Cap-Toe Ballet Flats :

Speaking of feet. I know that nobody likes to look at people’s bare feet when travelling. I was guilty of this in my backpacking days. I used to always travel in flipflops.

Now, I care about the people around me and slip into my ballet flats on the flight. They are comfortable and stylish and I’ve even worn them out of the airport too.

Why didn’t I start wearing ballet flats in my travels earlier?

And that’s our tips to make air travel easier. Did we miss anything? Have you got a tip to share? Leave it in the comments below!

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Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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21 thoughts on “11 Easy Air Travel Tips to Make for a Happier Flight”

Great read and useful tips i always arrive early cuts the stress out thinking will i get there on time. If im super early i just go find a coffee shop or somewhere to eat and just grab myself a snack. Only once was i really late 10 min before checking closed (one advantage no que at check in heheh) but so stressful. I always find bringing a proper pillow with me not one of these blow up ones is a god send yes can be a bit bulky but a small compression bag makes it easy to carry and also good tip about security again i have two bags one for liquids and one shoulder bag for electronics makes my life so much easier. Also i always set alarm on phone hour 10 min before take of time so i can start to make way to gate planes bored 40 min before flight and have had it in some airports were it takes like 30 min to get to gate i find doing that takes the stress out of oh no im running late getting to my gate.

It made sense when you said that we should arrive early so we’ll still be on-time even if something unexpected happens. I want to book an airport transportation service so I can continue doing work in the car when I depart on a business trip this May. I’m glad I read your article and learned why it’d be a good idea to book the transportation service for an early time!

Well-written article. Great summery of tips, thanks for sharing.

Your blog is filled with great tips. I just have a close call from Madrid to Malaga. I am sending this link to my family who are traveling by a themselves in April and May.

The earplanes you mention from Amazon will not ship to Canada.

Perhaps you can try Amazon.ca. Sorry about that.

Great advice, with so much to pack and organise you can easily forget stuff. Thanks guys will remember these for next time I fly.

Thanks Aaron, glad we could help!

Some good tips here guys! I myself am awful when it comes to prepping for anything, preferring to pretty much just wing everything, but I guess that’s just my style of travel.. When I am heading somewhere a little more out there, Venezuela, Palestine, Myanmar; hell yes, it makes sense to be prepared 🙂

Yes, water is tricky and depends which airport and airline we are using. Sometimes i managed to bring empty bottles, sometimes no. I ll just gulped down the whole mineral water, and bring the empty plastic bottle along. If i have to throw them away, well, i lose nothing. Just have to bear with the weird taste of in-flight water.

I could never get my hubby to not wear his belt 🙁

Arriving early to the airport is the best tip ever! Those are great tips! I always make it a point to leave early and arrive at the airport early – that’s really one of the simplest things that we can and should do!

“Arrive Early” This is the fact my friends always forget to do. Ha Ha. Effective Article.

I know eh! It sounds simple, but so many people don’t heed that rule and then get themselves into trouble

I really like your tip about loading music and books. It’s sounds obvious but I’ve forgotten before. On my longest ever flight – to New Zealand from the UK – my Kindle only had books I’d already read, and my phone battery died so I had no access to music. The 9-hour stop over in China was mind-numbingly dull!

I know how you feel. I have been caught off guard in the past. a ridiculously long flight to China with no entertainment system. Not fun at all.

I do a lot of these. My big one is arrive early. The day I’m traveling is a travel day. I’m not doing anything else, so I arrive at the airport early and I enjoy the lounge via my Priority Pass Card (a life saver). Interesting that you’ve received compensation when your in-flight entertainment system hasn’t worked. I’ve had this happen numerous times on Thai Air. Definitely no compensation of any sort, and flight attendants can get down right snarky when they have to reboot the system. Like you, I always carry my own entertainment! 🙂

That’s exactly how we feel. If we are travelling that day, we’re not doing else. That priority pass is amazing isn’t it? we’ve flashed it everywhere and are amazed with the lounge access we get. Love it! The only compensation they’ve given us is a voucher to redeem points for Air Canada (Star Alliance, same as Thai Air) Both times that I tried to redeem it didn’t work, so I almost think it is a ploy just to make us all feel better on the flight so we don’t complain.

Arriving early to the airport is the best tip ever! Recently, I needed to catch my Berlin-Paris flight and halfway to the airport I noticed I’d left my passport at the accommodation. It ended with me running like a mad woman, a 32,5€ taxi, a huge security line and more running. And even like that I didn’t make it on time, luckily the plane was delayed by 30 minutes!

Lucky your plane was delayed. We had that happen to us once years ago. We left our briefcase (it was the 90s) on the sidewalk outside my friends apartment. The passports and tickets were inside. We were almost at the airport and realized we left it all behind. Luckily a good samaritan saw what we did and grabbed our briefcase waiting for us to come back. We barely made our flight but we made it. Lucky too! Because we were moving to Vancouver at the time. That would have mess up our plans for sure!

Those are great tips! I always make it a point to leave early and arrive at the airport early – that’s really one of the simplest things that we can and should do!

I agree, it is simple and yet I see so many people arriving late! We’ve been in the ParknFly parking lot and witnessed people panicking because their flight is about to take off. We’re like “why are you just arriving now?”

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Air Travel Is Hell. Here Are 25 Little Ways to Make It Easier on Your Body

By Katie Way

25 Easy Ways to Make Air Travel Easier on Your Body

It’s not a skill I brag about a lot, but I’m good at going to the airport and getting on a plane. I’ve flown multiple times a year ever since I moved from the East Coast to the Midwest for college in 2013, and in my not-so-humble opinion, I have it down to a bit of a science. I’m not saying I look forward to air travel, which has only gotten more fraught since 2020 , but I do have a grip on making the whole ordeal as painless as possible, even on eye-wateringly long, cramped international flights.

This isn’t to say that flying is easy on the brain and body. Quite the opposite! A plane ride is a gauntlet of punishing seating, loud strangers, gross toilets, timing that feels both extremely urgent and totally out of your control, and weird snack options. The experience can leave you sore, stressed out, and exhausted.

While so many aspects are out of your control when it comes to the actual flight itself, there are simple ways to make the whole thing more comfortable, dignified, and even…a teeny bit more fun. Here are some easy adjustments that, individually and cumulatively, can make traveling on a plane as breezy as possible.

1. Do your best to get a good night’s sleep the night before your flight—that means at least seven hours—even if you plan to doze on the plane, which can be a gamble. That bedrock of rest will help you deal with whatever curveballs are thrown at you: delayed flights, snoring aisle mates, wild turbulence—whatever. Every inconvenience will be more bearable if you’re not rolling up to the airport exhausted.

2. There are a few things you can pack that will make flying more physically comfortable. I preach the gospel of those foam pillows—I grabbed this compactible Cabeau pillow from a Hudson News a few years ago, and it’s been my constant companion ever since. Wearing mine makes me feel like a dog in a cone, but I never fail to throw it in my backpack anyway because it makes napping way easier on my neck. If you’re a light sleeper, pack an eye mask to block out the ever-shifting plane lighting.

3. While you’re at it: Don’t forget a pair of earplugs or noise-canceling headphones , so you can feel empathy instead of vitriol for parents flying with antsy, vocal kids. (And if you’re the person with those antsy, vocal kids? Here’s a Condé Nast Traveler guide to help.)

4. Store anything you can’t go a day without in your “personal item,” just in case you have to check your carry-on at the gate: Think medication, a toothbrush/toothpaste/floss kit, and the book you’re using to look mysterious at the airport Starbucks. Worried about whether your medicine is okay to bring aboard? Per TSA , you’re allowed to carry on more than 3.4 ounces of liquid medications, and unused syringes are fine if they accompany injectable meds—just know that, in both cases, you might have to go through additional screenings. All of this preparation downgrades a luggage-related mishap from a potentially trip-altering emergency to a big annoyance.

5. We’re so lucky to be alive during the golden age of athleisure . My tried and true uniform: A sweater or sweatshirt that can double as a blanket or pillow, slip-on shoes with gym socks so I can glide through TSA without bare feet touching the airport floor, leggings , and breathable cotton underwear . We’re going for function over form, but looking a little schlubby in public also makes me feel like I’m a celebrity hiding from the paparazzi. Delusional? Maybe. Comfortable? Absolutely.

6. Prep your body for hours of sitting with a gentle workout routine. Personal trainers shared 18 different moves with SELF to help minimize the aches and pains that come with sitting in the same place for hours at a time, including banded squats, glute bridges, a calf stretch, and a classic child’s pose. And if you’re feeling shoulder , back , and neck pain mid-flight? Stretch it all out. You might look a little goofy doing a quick spinal decompression thousands of feet up in the air, but that’s a small price to pay for comfort—and you’re probably never going to see these people again anyways!

7. Wear a pair of compression socks . If you’re flying for more than six hours, they can help reduce the risk of blood clots that comes with sitting for long periods of time for some folks. Though this risk is minimal for people who don’t have certain health conditions, it’s increased by high altitudes. Compression socks can also help combat any related swelling and discomfort—your ankles and calves will seriously thank you.

8. On the plane make an effort to get up from your seat and take a stroll down the aisle, especially if you have a higher risk of developing a blood clot. A little movement can also help ease any travel-induced bloating . A quick jaunt every two to three hours you’re in the air should do the trick—and if you’re drinking water and snacking away, that’s probably how often you’ll need to make a pit stop to the bathroom anyway.

9. If you have a disability, you probably know that airlines legally have to accommodate you in the US—but that doesn’t mean they’re good at it. To ensure your needs are met as best as possible, try to get to your gate at least 90 minutes before your flight is set to take off. That way you have time to request what you need before the airline staff has to deal with an entire flight’s worth of people boarding the plane. Arriving early also gives you time to call the airline’s complaints resolution official , the legally mandated expert on accessibility-related travel issues, if you run into any problems—their number should be available on your airline’s website, and it’s worth looking up and saving in your phone ahead of time just in case you need it.

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10. If you’re traveling with a mobility device like a manual wheelchair or power chair, things can get extra complicated. This is a great multipart guide to traveling with a wheelchair, and this is a really helpful Reddit thread about taking your manual wheelchair on a plane—or, if absolutely necessary, checking it at the gate. One user suggested bookmarking this page , which outlines the federal regulation that states airlines have to at least try and store your collapsible wheelchair in the plane’s cabin.

11. As unfair as it is, flying comfortably while fat requires some extra preparation. Some airlines have gotten with the times and established specific policies for “customers of size,” which is the terminology carriers typically use. Southwest, for example, offers complimentary additional seats if a passenger can’t fit into a single one, including by reimbursing extra seats bought in advance.

12. When you can’t book ahead of time but think you’ll need more space, you should ask the staff at the gate whether it’s possible for you to switch to a part of the plane with an extra empty seat or even to an entire free row if your flight isn’t full, as Katie, a Delta Airlines flight attendant, tells SELF. (Katie requested that SELF omit her last name for professional reasons.) “Try just going to the gate agent and saying, ‘Hey, if there’s anywhere with a middle seat open, I’d love to be there,’” she says.

13. Request a seatbelt extender as you board the plane—according to Katie, that’s the easiest time for flight attendants to accommodate your request. “We have all different planes, the seats are made differently sometimes,” she says, so even if you don’t always need an extender, it’s worth asking if you think there’s any chance you could be uncomfortable. (You can check SeatGuru to find the width of the seats on your plane.) Also, it might seem like a timesaver to bring your own extender from home, but you’ll need to ask the flight attendants in order to ensure the one you’re using is Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)–compliant, because not every at-home model conforms to the aviation safety administration’s safety regulations.

14. Mask up. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommend that you wear high-quality masks or respirators while traveling, especially in “crowded or tight spaces with poor ventilation like airport jetways,” on planes where the ventilation system is switched off, and on trains and buses—a.k.a. the way many airports require travelers to hop from terminal to terminal. For the best protection, grab a pack of disposable N95, KN95, or KF94 masks . Keep a few on you at all times so you can put on a new one if long-term wear is making the one you came to the airport with feel stale.

15. While you don’t need to use a Clorox wipe on every inch of your seat to protect yourself from germs, it’s good to be cautious about touching shared surfaces on the plane, especially if you’re immunocompromised or traveling to visit someone who is. One thing you do need to thoroughly sanitize: your hands! Make sure you wash them after using the bathroom, and don’t be afraid to get liberal with the hand sanitizer too. “Hand sanitizer is going to be a better investment than bringing a whole tub of wipes,” Peter Chin-Hong, MD , a medical professor who specializes in infectious diseases at University of California, San Francisco tells SELF. “And washing [or disinfecting] your hands before touching your face—that’s probably the most important thing.” Dr. Chin-Hong also says that because bathroom door handles tend to be particularly germy, it’s worth finding an alternate way to open the door after you’re done, like with a napkin or your elbow.

16. According to the World Health Organization , the low humidity levels on a plane that do a number on your skin, eyes, and lips don’t actually dehydrate you internally—but it’s still important to drink enough water to stay adequately hydrated and comfortable during your flight. Bring an empty reusable water bottle in your carry-on and fill it up before you get on the plane. You might need to have a few plastic cups of water on an especially long flight too—but avoid refilling your water bottle in the airplane bathroom, because studies have shown it can be particularly germy.

17. Because plane travel is notorious for giving you that gross chapped feeling, nasal spray, eye drops, lip balm, and moisturizing lotion can also help if you’re otherwise feeling parched.

18. If you have lots of flying-related anxiety, especially during takeoff and landing, you could find relief from deep breathing exercises or other quick physical destressors , like activating your “dive reflex” by placing a cold can of soda against your cheek or forehead or manually relaxing your muscles one by one. It’s also a good idea to download a meditation app if you think you might need a little extra guidance.

19. Take it easy if you’re drinking alcohol while flying . Booze is notoriously dehydrating and can lead to big sleep disruptions—the latter of which is not the vibe if you want to arrive at your destination well-rested or need to make a tight connecting flight. Still, as long as you’re drinking plenty of water, a glass of wine or a beer probably won’t hurt anything other than your wallet.

20. If you’re prone to motion sickness, plan accordingly. From there, stay hydrated, eat small amounts of food throughout your trip, and suck on hard candies or ginger lozenges for a little extra digestive help. (Skip the ginger ale—the sugar content could actually make you feel worse.)

21. If you end up hurling midair, either in a barf bag or the bathroom, try not to rinse your mouth out with water from the airplane sink—a 2019 study found that most running water on planes is unsanitary. Take your water bottle to the bathroom, or ask the flight attendants for a cup of water. On your way back to your seat, ask for a cup of ginger tea or club soda to ease any further stomach upset. Drink more water, too, since vomiting dehydrates you.

22. Airplane food… famously not the best , if it’s even on offer! If you want to feel satiated for the duration of your flight, prep an arsenal of snacks (so you don’t wind up paying $30 for a bag of Craisins and some red pepper hummus). Ideally you’d have something that’s easy to carry and eat, protein-forward to keep you full, and doesn’t generate a ton of trash. (Here are the official guidelines about specific foods you can bring on planes in the US.) Think mixed nuts, protein bars, or a banana. You can always just copy what a registered dietitian packs to eat on trips , including her signature “airport sandwich.”

23. Be lightly friendly to your neighbors. That doesn’t mean you have to listen to anyone’s life story, but a simple “hello” and a smile as you prepare for takeoff can go a long way. Don’t you want to be on good terms with the person whose lap you’re climbing across because you have to get to the bathroom? (Being cordial might also make it way easier to find common ground if someone is being really loud when you’re trying to sleep or otherwise encroaching on your already-spartan personal space.)

24. Do yourself a profound favor and let go of the illusion that you might “get some work done” during your flight. Why the charade? Save yourself the additional stress of forced productivity—the middle seat of a flight probably isn’t going to be the site of your finest work ever.

25. When you’ve safely landed, stretch and move your body again once you reach your destination for maximum cramp-banishing effect. Then put the tiny indignities of flying in your rearview mirror, where they belong—at least, until your flight home.

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12 Practical Air Travel Tips for First Time Travelers

12 Practical Air Travel Tips for First Time Travelers

Here are 12 Practical Air Travel Tips that first time travelers ought to know. After learning these tips, you can set your mind at ease because you will be far more prepared for your first trip.

Air Travel Tips for the First Time Traveler

It’s perfectly normal for first time travelers to feel a little uncomfortable about their first trip. However, with the brilliant and practical air travel tips provided here you can put those concerns aside and focus on enjoying that first trip instead of stressing out about it.

Before we dive into the details of these practical air travel trips here’s a quick summary:

  • Give yourself plenty of time
  • Don’t over pack
  • Learn the check in, seat assignment and boarding process for your flight
  • Get your boarding pass before you get to the airport
  • Figure out your parking situation
  • Learn the TSA Security Rules
  • Charge everything before you get on the plane
  • Eat before you get on the plane
  • Stow your bag near your seat
  • Bring something to do on the plane
  • Follow good airplane travel etiquette
  • Don’t stress out

Ok, let’s get into the details!

Air Travel Tip #1: Give yourself plenty of time

A critical air travel tip to use for your first trip is to make sure you give yourself plenty of time.

As a rookie traveler you are going to be a little slower than a travel pro so you need to give yourself a little more time. A travel pro can show up around and hour before their flight (even shorter at some cases). Conventional wisdom suggests you give yourself about an hour and a half.

But, for your first trip – give yourself two hours. yeah, it’s probably overkill, but better safe than sorry. For more tips on how early to get to the airport check out our entire guide here .

As you get more proficient at traveling you will start to dial in a time frame that fits your rhythm and “travel skills.”

Air Travel Tip #2: Don’t over pack (and don’t check your bag!)

The second air travel tip might be hard one to follow, but it’s critical: fight the urge to over pack .

First time travelers often want to bring more than they ought to. It’s normal, but it’s also a total rookie move.

The cold hard facts are that you really do not need as much you think you do! Traveling light is key. Just bring the minimum and remember things like you get toiletries in your hotel room so limit those too (don’t bring shampoo or conditioner – the hotels give you that).

Moreover, never check your bag. Always pack light enough to be able to use a carry on. This gives you flexibility and helps you travel a little faster.

Pro Air Travel Tip : Get yourself a great piece of luggage (like the TravelPro Crew 11 21″ ). Listen, if this is your first trip and you are not going to have too many more trips in the near future, then get something more affordable. But, if this is going to be a regular occurrence (e.g. you took a job that has regular business travel) then spend the time to get yourself a great piece of luggage. You can read our review of the TravelPro Crew 11 21″ here .

Air Travel Tip #3: Learn the check in, seat assignment & boarding process for your flight

Each airline has a different process for seat assignment, check in and boarding process. Depending on the class of ticket you purchase you may be able to select your seat assignment. But, in some cases you can’t – and you have to select it at check in or when you actually board the plane (like Southwest Airlines).

Learn the process for all of this for your airline and adjust your behavior accordingly. For example, with Southwest Airlines you gotta check in 24 hours before and depending on your status and how close to that 24 hour window you check in determines you boarding group (A, B or C). The boarding group will often be the difference between getting a good seat and getting a middle seat .

Here’s a few examples for you:

  • Learn the Southwest process here .
  • Learn the Delta process here .
  • Learn the United process here .

Make sure you learn this process for your airline!

Air Travel Tip #4: Get your boarding pass before you get to the airport

Unless you like standing in lines and wasting time, print out your boarding pass before you arrive at the airport. Better yet, download it to your mobile phone.

air travel tips

If you do find yourself needing to get it at the airport make sure to use a kiosk. Skip the lines and find a kiosk – it’s much quicker. And, if you aren’t checking a bag (which shouldn’t be!) you can save yourself even more time.

Figure out your parking situation (Air Travel Tips #5)

Surprisingly, parking your car can sometimes be a debacle at certain airports. You may have to park well off airport property or pay a significant amount of money to park it on property. This means you are riding a shuttle to/from the airport – again adding time. Try to get a bead on how and where you are going to park your car on your first trip. Or, if you can, take a taxi or Uber.

Pro air travel tip: If you do take a parking shuttle, bring a few bucks to tip the shuttle driver. 2 bucks for a small bag, 5 bucks for a big bag. Only tip if they actually load and unload your bag

Air Travel Tip #6: Learn the TSA Security Rules

Airport security can be a little disorienting your first time through. Make sure you read up on what you are allowed to take and not take through and how you are supposed to take it through.

For example, no liquids or gels greater than 3 oz, (like water, toothpaste, shampoo and the like).

Air Travel Tips - the airport

You will have to take your shoes and coat off and remove your larger electronics (like laptops and tablets) from their bags.

The more ready you are for this the easier it will go and less likely you get pulled for secondary screening (which slows you down) and/or fumble around with your stuff like a newb.

You can read all of the TSA requirements here .

If you have time, try to get TSA Precheck . If your trip is international sign up for Global Entry . Both of these services speed up your security processing time making it a little easier to get in and out of the airport or country by going through a background check. Definitely worth the money.

Charge everything before you get on the plane (Air Travel Tips #7)

Always be charging! This is a critical air travel tip unless you enjoy your phone sputtering out somewhere over Kansas in the middle of your fourth episode of Game of Thrones.

Charge whenever you can! Better yet, buy a portable charger to bring with you for backup. I personally recommend the Anker PowerCore 20100 . You can read my review of it here .

Number 8: Eat before you get on the plane

For a shorter flight this is less important, but for longer flights it’s wise to eat before you get on the plane. Most domestic flights no longer serve meals unless you are upgraded to first class and you happen to cross a meal time while in flight.

air travel tips

Some airlines will sell you a boxed meal – but it’s usually pretty expensive. Instead, eat before you get on the plane and perhaps bring a few snacks (no hot food though! We don’t want to smell your stinky pizza!).

You might be interested in 9 Healthy Travel Snacks

Stow your bag near your seat (Air Travel Tips #9)

A rookie mistake I often see newb travels make is stowing their bags nowhere near their actual seat. Or worse, stowing it BEHIND their seat. Never do that!

If you stow your bags behind your seat you are going to be swimming upstream when you deplane – which sucks. More likely you will just be sitting in your seat waiting for enough people to deplane so you can get to your bag.

If the plane happens to be pretty full when you board, stow your bag IN FRONT of your seat in the first available bin you find. Make a mental note of what bin it was stored in so you can find it on the way out.

Number 10: Bring Something to do on the Plane

Flights can be a whole lot of boring! Make sure you bring something to do for you flight. A book, maybe download a few movies. Make sure you get some good headphones too – and a backup pair (wired, preferably) .

Follow good airplane travel etiquette (Air Travel tip #11)

When you are actually on the plane make sure you employ good travel etiquette. Things like not bringing stinky food on the plane, letting the middle seat passenger have the armrests, not listening to your music without headphones and more. Proper airline behavior is always a good thing to learn and will not only make your trip go a little easier, but it will make sure you don’t earn the ire of your fellow passengers of the airline crew.

For more air travel tips on Airplane Etiquette make sure to read our entire article: Airplane Etiquette: The Unwritten Rules for Traveling on a Plane .

Final Tip: Don’t Stress Out!

The final piece of advice we have for you in this collection of air travel tips is both simple and difficult, but incredibly important: don’t lose your crap! Regular travelers know that you win some and lose some when traveling. Sometimes the flight is delayed. Sometimes it’s early. Sometimes you get the upgrade, sometimes you get the middle seat.

You gotta just roll with it . Don’t stress out. It ain’t worth it.

Final Thoughts on the Best Dang Air Travel Tips

We hope you liked this list of practical air travel tips for the first time traveler. If you liked this content, please do us a favor share it on social media and click the “like” button below and don’t forget to follow us on social media including Twitter , Instagram , Pinterest and Facebook .

And, of course, if you are interested in more travel tips and travel advice and product reviews, you might like these great articles:

12 Brilliant Air Travel Tips for First Time Travelers

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may also earn commissions from other affiliate programs as applicable.

Jeremy Ballou is the editor of the CBoardingGroup.com and a long-time writer in both the travel and tech industry. Most days he's in thinking about travel or writing about it.

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My Flying Leap

How to Prepare for a Flight for New Travelers

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I don’t know about you, but air travel stresses me out. For real!

As much as I have and will continue to travel, I do not look forward to the travel process. If only they could get teleportation working, I’d be in my glory!

Flying, to me, is a necessary evil. Though you have to deal with it, there are ways to make it easier to take.

Here are my top tips for air travel to make it a little easier, which I’ve learned from decades of travel. Pick and choose what will work best for you.

airplane flying

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1. Check-In Before You Head to the Airport

The best tips for air travel start well before you’re on the plane. Maybe it’s just me, but I get really impatient waiting in lines. And I’ll do what I can to avoid them when possible.

So, for me, it’s a no-brainer to check in online before I head to the airport. It’s really easy to do. Each airline has its own process. So, you just need your confirmation number with most airlines and can check in.

This is a big help to avoid the often long line to check in at the airport. Also, another bonus is if you end up hitting traffic on your way to the airport, it saves you time so you can go directly to the gate. A great thing, in my opinion.

Even if you check a bag, this is still helpful. You can check in online regardless of whether you are checking a bag or not. Most airlines have a separate line for people who are already checked in and simply need to drop off their bag(s). So, either way, you save time.

And if you’re flying Southwest or an airline that does “cattle call” where they don’t assign seats but assign a place in line, it’s essential. At least, it is if you care about the seat you get, unless you don’t mind a middle seat at the back of the bus!

One of the best ways to stay healthy while traveling is to start on the right foot. And that includes getting to the airport (of course, if you’re flying!) and when you’re traveling.

flight tips, travel tips, plane travel, airplane travel tips, check in at airport

2. Choose Your Seat

As I just mentioned, certain airlines, like Southwest Airlines, don’t assign seats. Instead, they assigned you a place in the boarding line. In that case, you just want to check in as early as you can to make sure you get as high a number in line as possible.

You can generally choose your seat for other airlines when you check in. It’s a good idea to do this unless you don’t care where you are sitting for your flight.

For a short flight, it may not matter, but for longer ones, it sure does. If you prefer a window or an aisle, you’ll want to check in before you get to the airport to get what you want.

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Some airlines offer discounted fares where you either choose a seat closer to the flight. Or, you can’t choose until you get to the airport. I have seen Delta and American Airlines do this, though I’m sure there are others.

It’s something for you to consider if the money off the ticket is worth it to you.

Also, take a look at apps like Seatguru . They go way beyond what the airlines offer by including the seat size, whether it has power available, and more. It also has comparison charts.

This added information can not only help you book your flight but can also make your trip easier.

Why This Matters

Maybe you don’t care about your seat on the flight, and if that’s the case, that’s great! But most people, I think, have a preference. And generally, it’s not a “dreaded middle” seat, which is just no fun, particularly for a really long flight.

And for people who are nervous flyers (can you see my hand raised?!), this is pretty important. I personally prefer an aisle seat as I feel a bit confined in the middle seat or at the window. Though, I’ll admit I love looking out the window.

For me, it depends on the airplane’s configuration. (Sometimes you’ll see three seats or two, which you’ll see on small planes and large, transcontinental flights). Here are some other great tips for flight anxiety .

It may not matter for those airlines that don’t assign seats. But, when you are able to select your seat when you book, it’s a great thing. Other airlines allow you to select your seat closer to the flight.

And sometimes they charge extra for the benefit of a seat selection. In that case, you need to consider if the additional cost is more or less important than your seat selection.

flight tips, travel tips, plane travel, airplane travel tips, seats on an airplane

3. Pack a Carry-on Bag

I’m a huge fan of minimalist travel, and it’s one of my favorite tips for air travel that I use every time. It’s a learned thing, as I laugh when I think of my first trip to Europe. I lugged around two of the hugest bags EVER, which I could barely carry.

And the killer part of that is that I didn’t touch most of the clothes I had brought. But I brought them just in case I might need them. Sound familiar?

Packing Hacks

One trick I have done for a while now is to lay out what I’m thinking about packing and then spend some time going through it. I have found that when I think through my upcoming trip and lay everything out before packing, I don’t need as much as I originally thought.

Since then, things have improved a lot, and I have taken this to the next level! Seeing how few things I can bring is now a fun challenge. Now, I use compression packing cubes and reduce what I bring as much as possible.

I have gone on several trips of around two weeks each and brought an international-sized travel bag. (Hint: even smaller than a regular carry-on sized bag) along with a small backpack.

You May Also Like How to Pack a Carry-on for Two Weeks

Another thing I often do is plan to do laundry while I’m traveling. For a low cost, it really helped me to reduce the number of things I’m carting around while I travel. Try it! You can pack for two weeks in a carry-on bag.

flight tips, travel tips, plane travel, airplane travel tips,tips for air travel, woman rolling a bag into the airport

4. Bring a Snack

Being on a plane can be stressful enough, but it’s compounded when you’re hangry. When you think about different tips for air travel, of course, you think about your time on the plane. You want to make sure it’s comfortable.

It’s a good idea to bring snacks when you fly. You can’t always count on the flight having enough food for sale for everyone, and sometimes they run out. Or you may not like what they are offering or have left.

Another good idea is to bring a water bottle. You can fill it at the airport, and many airports now offer filtered water systems. Make sure it’s empty on your way to the airport, of course, then fill it up before you get on the plane.

If there’s turbulence or if you snooze when the flight attendant comes through, you may be out of luck. Even a short one-hour flight can feel long when you’re parched.

It’s also a good idea to ensure you’re well-hydrated before traveling. I don’t mean downing a gallon of water right before getting on the flight, but drink some extra the day before you travel and that morning in preparation.

5. Leave Enough Time

I used to be the Queen of cutting it close when it came to flights. Thankfully (knocking on wood), I have never missed a flight, but I have sure come close. And nothing says, “Please flag me for a search,” like anxiously running through an airport.

Having said that, I do feel the 2-hour arrival recommendation before domestic flights is a bit more than necessary for most people, especially if you don’t check a bag. However, it’s a good idea to make sure you have more than enough time and not to cut it too short.

And that time is up to your discretion and what you feel comfortable with.

Sometimes, Things Are Outside of Your Control

A number of years ago, I was traveling across the country for Thanksgiving. Then I had a long bus ride ahead of me. I allowed plenty of time, knowing the airport was busy during the holidays.

Well, there was construction on the highway leading to the airport, and traffic was re-routed through the city of Boston. Traffic there is hideous in the best of circumstances.

It was bumper-to-bumper, and we were going surface streets through a congested city, as if that wasn’t enough fun, BAM! We got rear-ended. And not just that, by an 18-wheeler truck. Luckily, no one was going fast, and we were able to drive away after we exchanged paperwork.

I thought the fun was behind us until we got to the airport and tried to open the trunk. You’ve got it! It wouldn’t open. We tried everything we could think of and had no luck—we just couldn’t get the trunk open.

I lucked out that the folks at the check-in desk were willing and empowered to work with me, and one even came out to help. I’m not sure how he managed, but he got the trunk open, and I raced through security with minutes to spare.

I was grateful I had left a little extra time that day.

6. Have Your Identification Handy

There’s nothing worse than standing in a long line to check in, and the person in front of you starts frantically fumbling to find their driver’s license or passport. It was as if they weren’t waiting in the same long line all that time, right?

Keep your identification handy; the same goes for a paper boarding pass. If it’s electronic, consider taking a screenshot as a backup in case you lose internet access.

True story! For some reason, I can’t figure out how to get internet access on my phone at my local airport. The first time I used a mobile boarding pass, I realized when I got to the check-in that I could not access the internet.

I had to run to the desk to get a paper copy and lost my place in line. On a Southwest flight that is done by number and not seat assignment, that s*cks.

flight tips, travel tips, plane travel, airplane travel tips, man holding passport and boarding pass, tips for air travel

7. Prepare for Security

Ok, you know the drill if you have flown in the last year or two once you get to security. You will be asked to remove everything from your pockets, dump all liquids, and take off your shoes.

Remove your belt and pull your laptop and toiletries out of your bag. Do yourself a favor and plan for it before you get to the belt.

Ideally, wear shoes that are easy to slip off and on so you’re not fumbling with them. Make sure if you are carrying a water bottle that it’s empty. And make sure your laptop and toiletries are reasonably accessible.

Planning before you get there can go a long way to reducing your stress when traveling. It will also keep you from being that person that annoys everyone behind you. (You know who I mean!)

If you have TSA Precheck or Global Entry (which comes with TSA Precheck), you don’t have to worry about some of these things. However, getting your license and boarding pass ready is still a good idea.

Don’t know about TSA Precheck or Global Entry and want to learn all about the programs? Read more about these helpful and time-saving programs in my detailed articles by clicking the links!

8. Consider the Trusted Traveler Programs (U.S.-based Travelers)

I mentioned that I am super impatient waiting in lines, right? Well, one great way to reduce your wait at airport security and immigration returning to the United States is to join one of the Trusted Traveler Programs .

These are designed for United States citizens. However, depending on the program, some other countries’ citizens may be eligible. There are several to choose from, and you can select which makes the most sense for you based on your typical travel.

You May Also Like Benefits of TSA PreCheck

The benefit of the Trusted Traveler Programs is that you get expedited times at the airports or for border crossings.

Trusted Traveler Programs Available

There are four Trusted Traveler Programs that are currently available in the United States:

  • TSA PreCheck —Expedites security screening in United States airports for domestic or international travel.
  • Global Entry —Offers expedited passport control so you can shorten your time going through immigration and customs upon entering the United States.
  • NEXUS —Provides expedited border clearance between the United States and Canada when crossing by land, air, and marine ports of entry.
  • SENTRI — Allows expedited entrance to the United States from southern land border ports.

The programs have certain eligibility requirements, require an application and an interview, and are subject to availability. They are a great idea to save time and reduce stress.

There is a cost to these programs, and they take time to get approved. However, if you’re looking for tips for making your air travel more convenient, this is a good one to consider.

You May Also Like Is Global Entry Worth It?

9. Pack Necessary Items for Convenience

If it’s something you may want or need while on the flight, pack it in the bag you stow under your seat. And make sure it’s easily accessible. There’s no point packing it in your under-the-seat bag if it’s at the bottom and you can’t easily reach it!

Also, that way, you don’t have to go rummaging through your bag in the overhead. Or worse, you need to take it down and open it up trying to find what it is you’re looking for. And if you’re “height challenged” like me, this can be tough!

If you can’t fit all that you need in your smaller bag, try to put it in an outer zipper or at the top so it’s easy to access. And don’t forget, use jacket pockets if you need to.

10. Bring a Jacket

If you’re the type of person who tends to get cold easily, grab a jacket or a sweater to wear on the plane. There’s nothing worse than shivering through your entire flight (who, me?) because either you didn’t think of it or you were too stubborn to pack an extra item.

It’s a good idea to have something in case you need it, even if it’s just a long-sleeved shirt you can put over your top.

Since I’m now so into minimalist packing , I am very careful with packing just the minimum amount that I need for my trips. But, even if I’m going to a hot-weather destination, having something for the flight or even air-conditioned restaurants is a good idea.

I pack a light wrap if I don’t want a jacket or a sweater.

The Top Tips for Air Travel for New Flyers

These are the tips for air travel that I consider when planning every trip. They have been beneficial to me, and I hope they are helpful to you as well.

What do you suggest for top tips for air travel, given what you do to prepare? I’d love to hear!

flight tips, travel tips, plane travel, airplane travel tips, airplane wing

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Sam is a travel-obsessed animal lover on a quest to create a life of travel with her dog. She loves learning new things, snuggling a dog, architecture, hiking, and bold red wine. Join her in creating a life to dream about!

Wow, it really helped when you talked about avoiding long waiting lines when traveling by airplane. My wife and I want to travel for our anniversary, so we think it’d be beneficial if we bought plane tickets instead of driving. We think your tips will help us have a pleasant flight, so we’ll read them carefully. Thanks for the advice on how we could check-in online before we arrive at an airport.

So glad this will be helpful for you. Enjoy your coming trip!

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12 Tips to Prepare for an International Trip

Tips for take-off to landing

Going on an international trip soon? The rules for international flights have many dos and don't's. Here are 12 tips gleaned from experienced globe trotters designed to make that long-haul flight easier. 

Pack Lightly

On one of my first international business trips as an adult, I overpacked drastically. Guess who had to carry a large heavy suitcase, a large purse, and a garment bag around Paris at Metro and train stations that didn’t have elevators or escalators? After that, I swore to only pack what I could comfortably carry by myself. Check out my packing tips here.

Choose an Aisle Seat

On long flights, it’s recommended that you get up and walk to stretch your muscles and avoid blood clots in your legs. This is much easier to do in an aisle seat, so book one as soon as you book your ticket.

There's an App for That!

Apps can be a savior when traveling, but especially when you're abroad. You can use travel apps them to keep in touch with your airline, translate different languages, search for services at airports, choose your seats and myriad other tasks.

Dress Accordingly

On a long flight, you want to look well-dressed, but you also want to be comfortable. so you don’t want to wear clothes that cut or bind. I wear a wrinkle-proof jacket that can double as a blanket or a pillow, and I always wear a long pashmina for the same reason. The pashmina can also be used as a wrap, a pillow, a skirt cover and an accessory to dress up travel outfits. Buy my favorite for $10 at the Bijoux Terner website. I also wear slip-on flat shoes that are easy to take on and off at security and on your flight. All of this isbeautifully illustrated here at the Chelsea Tells Storiesblog.

Arrive Early

Most airlines want you at the airport at least two hours before your flight takes off, especially if you’re leaving from a U.S. international gateway airport . It will give you time to check your bags, check in, navigate the airport security checkpoint and get to your gate in plenty of time and arrive ​stress-free.

Zip Through Customs

Those who travel internationally know that U.S. Customs and Immigration lines can be a nightmare, especially at peak arrival times at the major international U.S. airports. Smart travelers carry the  Global Entry  card, which speeds you right past the Immigration and Customs lines. And a bonus -- it also works for the domestic Transportation Security Administration's PreCheck program .

Lounge Around

Because you need to be at the airport so far in advance, consider paying for access to an airline-branded or airport lounge. There are plenty of lounges that allow you to pay a fee for entry. It's good to have time away from the masses before boarding your flight.

Drink Water

It’s OK to have a glass of wine or two while on your flight, but you really need to stay hydrated, because aircraft cabins are extremely dry. And instead of bothering flight attendants for endless little cups of water, go to your local dollar store, buy a water bottle and ask them to fill that up.

Cone of Silence

Nothing is worse than being on a plane with a screaming child or a chatty Cathy seatmate. That’s why I never travel without either a pair of  noise canceling headphones or my Beats Flex By Dr. Dre earbuds. Pop on either of them and enjoy the silence.

Sleepy Time

When it’s time to rest, you want to be comfortable. So invest in an inflatable neck pillow (I know they look silly, but they are a great sleep enhancer), an eye mask and comfortable socks.

Charge Me Up

More airlines are installing power ports on their aircraft, but you can’t always depend on that. When I flew to Paris for Christmas, the flight over had a USB port, but the flight home didn’t. That’s why I always carry mytrusty Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Duo, which allows me to charge my iPhone and iPad quickly.

Show The Love

The flight attendants are there for your safety. But they also work hard to ensure that our flight is comfortable and stress-free. Show your appreciation by presenting them with a box of sealed chocolates, like Ghiradelli Chocolate Squares or Ferrero Rocher truffles. And although you're not expecting it, they may show the love back to you in return. 

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Top questions.

  • How can I get the best air fare ?

Is there anything I should keep in mind when packing?

What if my flight is delayed, if something went wrong, how can i file a complaint.

For additional information on these topics, click “ Other Consumer Tips ” above.

Before the flight

How can i get the best air fare, what factors should i take into account when choosing flights, what kinds of fees could i end up paying in addition to my fare, i need to cancel a reservation that i just made.  can i get a refund, my child is flying alone.  what preparations should i make.

  • I want to take my pet with me on this trip. What does that entail?

At the airport

Where and when do i need to check in at the airport, what should i know about clearing security, what are my options if my flight is canceled, what are my rights if my flight is oversold, during the flight, what is the “tarmac delay rule”, what should i be alert to at my connecting airport, at your destination.

  • Is there anything I should be alert to when I collect my checked bag?

What if my bag doesn’t show up?

After your trip.

  • Be flexible in your travel plans.

The best deals may be available only on certain days of the week or particular hours of the day.  The lowest fares are often blacked out during holiday periods, but you might be able to get a discount fare if you fly on the holiday itself.

  • Plan as far ahead as you can.

Most airlines set aside only a limited number of seats on many desirable flights at the lower rates.

  • Compare fares of different airlines.

Return to top

  • A connection (change of planes) is sometimes cheaper than a nonstop, but it involves the risk of a misconnection if your first flight is delayed.  If you have a connection, make sure your itinerary allows enough connecting time.  Flights early in the day are less susceptible to delays.
  • If you have a choice of nearby airports, your fare could depend on which airport you use.

Also, if the city where you live or the city where you are going is an airline “hub,” fares may be higher than for flights to or from other nearby cities because of reduced competition.  You might save money by leaving from another nearby city.

  • Most airlines now charge for checked bags.
  • Some airlines charge a fee for ticketing depending on whether you purchase your ticket on the web, by phone, or at the airport.
  • Most airlines charge extra for preferred seats.

If you want an advance seat assignment next to your traveling companion or family and the only available adjacent seats include a preferred seat, you might have to pay a fee.

  • Many airlines offer early boarding for a fee.
  • Except on longer international flights, you will usually pay for any in-flight meals or snacks, if offered, as well as for any available internet service, video entertainment and audio headsets.
  • Most air fares require payment when you make the reservation, and most discount fares are non-refundable.
  • DOT requires airlines to either hold a reservation for 24 hours without payment or refund a paid ticket — even a non-refundable one — if you cancel within 24 hours of purchase and you purchased your ticket more than 7 days before your flight.

Airlines are free to choose between holding a reservation without payment in these circumstances or refunding after payment; they don’t have to offer both options.

  • Valuables (e.g., cash, jewelry, expensive electronics).
  • Critical items (e.g., medicine, keys, passport, tour vouchers, business papers).
  • Irreplaceable items (e.g., heirlooms, original photos).
  • Fragile items.  Consider shipping them in advance.  If they must be checked, wrap them carefully in padding.
  • Perishables

Many airlines limit their liability for loss or damage of these items on domestic trips.  Try to carry them on your person or in a carry-on bag.

  • Put items that you will need during the first 24 hours in a carry-on bag.  Although most checked bags arrive on time, some may be delayed for a day or two.
  • When purchasing a suitcase lock, remember that security inspectors may need to open your checked bags out of your presence.

If you wish to lock your bags, see www.tsa.gov   for information on locks that security personnel can open and re-lock.  If you use an unapproved lock and your bag is selected for inspection, security staff will break the lock if necessary.

  • Put a tag on the outside of your baggage with your name, address, and phone numbers.

Most airlines provide free "privacy tags" which conceal this information from passersby.  Put the same information inside each bag, and add an address and telephone number where you can be reached during your trip.

  • Contact the airline well in advance.
  • Most airlines offer “unaccompanied minor” service.  Depending on your child’s age, this service may be mandatory.
  • Children below a certain age (usually 5 years old) might not be allowed to travel alone.
  • Older kids might be limited to nonstop or “through” flights depending on their age.
  • Children above a certain age may not be eligible for unaccompanied-minor service.
  • Airlines generally charge a substantial fee for unaccompanied-minor service.
  • Read  When Kids Fly Alone .

I want to take my pet with me on my trip.  What does that entail?

  • Most U.S. airlines accept pets.

Some airlines allow you to choose between bringing your pet on your flight as checked or carry-on baggage or shipping it as air cargo.

  • Check with your airline to learn about restrictions on carrying pets.

Most airlines will not carry pets as checked baggage during the summer and winter although you might be able to ship your pet as air freight at those times.  Airlines also embargo animals on very hot and cold days, so always have a backup plan for your pet.  Many airlines will not transport snub-nosed and pug-nosed dogs and cats.

  • You will need to supply an approved kennel.

The kennel for a carry-on pet must fit under the seat, and your airline will probably require that the animal remain in the kennel during the flight and in the airport.  Your pet might count as one of your allowed pieces of baggage, and there may be an additional fee for the pet as well.

  • Check with your airline to learn about all requirements for pets.

You may have to supply a health certificate from a veterinarian, and certain destinations may require a quarantine period upon arrival.

  • For additional information, see Traveling with Animals .
  • Check-in deadlines can vary by airline and airport.

You can find the check-in deadlines for your flights on the airline’s website and perhaps on your e-ticket confirmation.

  • In most cases, you must be at the gate no later than 10 to 15 minutes before scheduled departure time for domestic flights.  For international flights this deadline may be 45 minutes or longer.
  • Allow time to check a bag and pass through security.
  • Airlines may impose an earlier deadline for obtaining a boarding pass and seat assignment.

The most common such deadline is 30 minutes before scheduled departure for domestic flights and one hour for international flights.

  • Allow more time than you think you will need to clear security.
  • Passengers who look like they are 18 or over should bring a government-issued photo ID.
  • Cabin luggage is generally limited to one carry-on bag plus one personal item (briefcase, purse, etc.).

Size and weight of allowable carry-on bags can vary by airline.  This information must be included in your confirmation/itinerary.

  • Don’t bring sharp items on your person or in your carry-on bag.
  • TSA has a “3-1-1” rule for liquids, aerosols and gels in carry-on baggage.

Those substances must be in containers that are no more than 3.4 oz. in volume (100 ml), with all such containers in one clear quart -size plastic bag, and one such bag per passenger.

  • For details see TSA’s Traveler Information site.
  • Try to find out the projected length of the delay so that you can evaluate your options.

Airlines are required to regularly update the public on the status of delays of 30 minutes or more.  But keep in mind that it is sometimes difficult for airlines to estimate the total duration of a delay during its early stages.  Weather that had been forecast to improve can instead deteriorate, or a mechanical problem can turn out to be more complex than initially evaluated.

  • If the problem is with local weather, all flights will probably be late and there is not much you or the airline can do to speed up your departure.
  • If there is a mechanical problem with the aircraft for your particular flight, or if the crew is delayed on an incoming flight, you might be better off trying to arrange another flight.

It is sometimes easier to make such arrangements by phone than at the airline counter. Check to see whether you have to pay a penalty or higher fare for changing your reservations.  Changing flights and airlines becomes more difficult and time consuming if you have checked bags.

  • If you find a flight on another airline, ask the first airline to “endorse” your ticket to the new carrier, which could save you a fare increase.  However, there is no rule requiring an airline to do this.
  • Each airline has its own policies about what it will do for delayed passengers waiting in the airport terminal.

There are no Federal requirements regarding these amenities or services.  If you are delayed, ask the airline staff if they will pay for meals or phone calls.  Some airlines may not offer amenities if bad weather or something else beyond the airline’s control causes the delay.

  • If your flight is canceled, most airlines will rebook you on their next flight to your destination on which space is available, at no additional charge.

If this will involve a significant delay find out if another carrier has seats and ask the first airline to endorse your ticket to that carrier, but be aware that there are no Federal requirements for the airline to do so.  Finding extra seats may be difficult, however, especially over holidays and other peak travel times.

  • If your flight is canceled or diverted or experiences a lengthy delay and you choose to cancel your trip as a result, you are entitled to a refund for the unused transportation — even for non-refundable tickets — and for any bag fee that you paid.
  • If the airline offers travel vouchers to volunteers who are willing to give up their seat, every volunteer must be told about any material restrictions on the use of the vouchers before the prospective volunteer gives up his or her seat.

Such restrictions can include administrative fees, advance-ticketing requirements, capacity restrictions, blackout dates, or other provisions.

  • If you are involuntarily denied boarding in an oversale situation, the airline must give you a detailed written notice explaining your rights, and you are usually entitled to substantial compensation in the form of a check.

The airline is free to offer travel vouchers as an option to passengers who are involuntarily denied boarding, but material restrictions must be disclosed in the manner described above.

  • For further information, see the “Overbooking” chapter of Fly Rights .
  • DOT rules state that at a U.S. airport, an airline may not keep passengers aboard an aircraft for more than three hours (four hours for international flights) without an opportunity to deplane.

This rule applies to departures and arrivals, and to U.S. and foreign airlines that operate at least one aircraft with 30 or more seats.

  • Food and water must be offered at the two-hour point during such a delay.
  • Airlines must provide operational lavatories, and medical care if needed.
  • Certain exceptions for safety, security and air traffic control may apply.
  • When you deplane from your first flight, check the monitor or schedule board at the connecting airport to make sure the gate assignment for your next flight hasn’t changed.
  • Get to your gate before the gate-arrival deadline.  Even if you have a boarding pass and seat assignment, late arrival at your gate opens the possibility of losing your seat.

When I collect my checked bag, is there anything I should be alert to?

  • Check your bag tag number or name tag.

Many bags look alike; don’t claim your bag solely on appearance.

  • If your bag arrives open, unlocked or visibly damaged, check immediately to see if any of the contents are missing or damaged.
  • Report any problems to your airline before leaving the airport.

Insist that the airline create a report record and give you its number even if they say the bag will be in on the next flight.  Get the agent's name and an appropriate telephone number for following up. This number is different from the reservations number.

  • Open your suitcase immediately when you get to where you are staying and check for damaged items and evidence of pilferage.

Report any damage to contents or pilferage immediately by telephone.  Make a note of the date and time of the call, and the name and telephone number of the person you spoke with.  Follow up immediately with a certified letter or return-receipt email.

  • The airline will take a report as described above and will begin tracing the bag.  The vast majority of delayed bags turn up within a few days, often on the next flight.
  • You are entitled to reasonable reimbursement for expenses you incur while waiting for the delayed bag, such as the purchase of toiletries and a change of underwear.
  • At a certain point (as early as a week or two) the airline will declare a bag lost and will provide claim forms for you to fill out and return.

Airlines don't automatically pay the full amount of every claim they receive.  Like insurance companies, airlines consider the depreciated value of your possessions, not their original price or the replacement costs.

  • If you're tempted to exaggerate your claim, don't.  Airlines may completely deny claims they can show are inflated or fraudulent.
  • Generally, it takes an airline anywhere from four weeks to three months to pay passengers for their lost luggage.
  • When airlines tender a settlement, they may offer you the option of free tickets on future flights in a higher amount than the cash payment.  Ask about all restrictions on these tickets, such as "blackout" periods.
  • Your first step is contacting the airline.

U.S. and foreign airlines are required to make available the mailing address and email or web address where complaints can be registered with the airline.  This information must appear on the airline’s website, on all e-ticket confirmations, and, upon request, at each of the airline’s ticket counters and boarding gates.  Airlines are required to substantively respond to written consumer complaints within 60 days.

  • If you are not satisfied with an airline’s response you may file a complaint with DOT .

  Other Consumer Tips

  • Fly Rights    A comprehensive collection of information for air travelers.
  • Plane Talk     Fact sheets and links on topics like flight delays, baggage and more.
  • Tell it to the Judge    Taking an airline to small claims court.
  • When Kids Fly Alone    ‘Unaccompanied Minors’ on airline flights.
  • New Horizons: Information for the Air Traveler with a Disability
  • Air Travelers With Developmental Disabilities
  • Airline Consumer Contacts
  • Common Terms in Air Travel
  • Traveling With a Musical Instrument
  • Passport Validity Period for Travel to Europe

Statistics on flight delays, consumer complaints and other matters at Air Travel Consumer Report

Most Viewed Reports

  • Air Travel Consumer Report issued April 2018
  • Air Travel Consumer Report issued March 2018
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  • 2018 Air Travel Consumer Reports
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  • Air Travel Consumer Report Archive
  • Airlines Policies on the Serving of Nuts
  • Suggested Guidelines for Accessible Lavatories in Twin-Aisle Aircraft
  • Air Travelers With Disabilities: Technical Assistance Manual for Airline Employees, Contractors, and Travelers
  • Annual Report on Disability-Related Air Travel Complaints

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How to survive summer air travel chaos: 6 tips from a flight attendant and experts

“Your flight is at 11am. What time do YOU arrive at the airport?”

It's a question that has gone viral on Twitter, with people offering a variety of answers and opinions. And with the recent surge in flight cancellations and delays at airports, more travelers are facing this dilemma in the U.S. and abroad.

For Bobby Laurie, a former flight attendant and co-host of travel show “The Jet Set,” showing up at 7 a.m. for a noon flight out of Amsterdam provided barely enough time to board. He said it took him an hour and a half just to get to the check-in counter, with lines spilling out the airport doors and onto the highway, let alone get through security and find his gate.

Frontier flight attendant Aimee Lamay, who is based out of Tampa, Florida, said she advises people to arrive at the airport three hours before their flights, especially at a busy hub like Orlando International Airport. It may take at least two hours to get through security alone, she said.

If you're flying this summer, here are more expert tips to make your journey as smooth as possible.

Book a nonstop flight.

It’s no travel secret that making flight connections is not always a safe bet. Brian Kelly, the founder and CEO of travel site The Points Guy, said booking nonstop flights will help you get to your destination on time as much as possible.

“Any time you add in a connection, you’re doubling your chances for something to go wrong,” Kelly said.

But if you do have to book a connection, Lamay recommends building in at least three hours between each flight.

Book the first flight of the day.

Kelly described the summer chaos as having a proverbial snowball effect — and the best way to preempt that, he said, is to take the first flight out of the day. It's a move that Lamay recommends as well.

These flights are the most reliable because the delays tend to have a domino effect, impacting flights later in the day.

Related:  Tips to prepare for flight changes

Know how (and when) to contact customer service.

At this point in the travel season, it’s safe to assume your trip might not go as planned. So, Kelly and Laurie both emphasized the importance of talking to customer service through many different means to ensure you’ll get to your final destination.

First, there are more ways to contact customer service than just calling a company's U.S. phone number. Kelly suggests ringing foreign numbers for the airlines — for example, the Singapore number — as they are often not as overwhelmed with calls and may be able to help more quickly.

Laurie recommends finding airlines’ handles on social media, particularly on Twitter and Facebook, and direct messaging or tweeting at the airline. Most importantly, he said, you don’t have to wait until the last minute to contact the airline — sometimes, it’s helpful to start messaging the airline while you’re still in the air if you know that you will be missing your connecting flight, for example.

“Flight schedules are not 100% back to where they were pre-pandemic. There’s less planes flying, and because travel rebounded so fast, those planes are full,” Laurie said. “So it might end up being two to three days before they can find an empty seat for you.”

Put a tracker in your baggage.

With so many flight delays and cancellations, you may expect to lose your baggage at some point in your travels. While some airlines track bags for you, with airports being overwhelmed with demand, they might not be able to find your bags until they turn up at your final destination.

That's why Kelly suggests putting an Apple AirTag or some other tracking device inside your checked bag. This way, you can track your bags from your phone and work with agents at the airport to find your luggage if it gets lost.

Prepare for a long journey.

With so many canceled flights and missed connections, Lamay advises having plenty of resources to sustain you and entertain you in anticipation of a long travel day. Whether that's downloading movies on your phone or buying toys from the Dollar Store for your kids, it’s important to make sure you have something, she said.

Lamay also said she recommends packing snacks and an empty water bottle to fill up in the airport after making it past security to make sure you have sustenance while waiting for a delayed flight or spending time taxiing on the runway.

Be flexible — everyone is in the same boat.

Above all, it's important to expect that your flight might not go as planned and to remain flexible.

“If you have an important business meeting or an important event … you shouldn’t be traveling the same day,” Laurie said. “You should be giving yourself a day or two in front and behind just to make sure you’re going to get there.”

Kelly added that things inevitably will go wrong — what’s more important is knowing “how to tackle them when they do.”

As a flight attendant, Lamay said she greatly appreciates it when travelers are kind to the flight crew. She added that it’s important to have a backup plan and to get to know the area where you might be stranded.

“Everywhere is short-staffed, so people need to take that into consideration and have patience,” she said. “And hey, don’t complain about it, apply! We need people.”

tips for air travel

Laya Neelakandan is a reporter for CNBC.

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Tiffani Sherman

Tiffani Sherman is a Florida-based freelance writer and producer who works to support her travel habit. After many years producing television newscasts and training videos, she realized working for herself gave her more time to travel and explore the world. She has taken more than 30 cruises and has visited more than 80 countries.

Meg Lee

Megan Lee joined the travel rewards team at NerdWallet with over 12 years of SEO, writing and content development experience, primarily in international education and nonprofit work. She has been published in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today and elsewhere, and has spoken at conferences like that of NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Megan has built and directed remote content teams and editorial strategies for websites like GoAbroad and Go Overseas. When not traveling, Megan adventures around her Midwest home base where she likes to attend theme parties, ride her bike and cook Asian food.

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Traveling isn’t always comfortable, and airplane seats certainly aren’t one-size-fits-all. But there are ways to make your time in the sky more pleasant, even as a larger-bodied flyer.

Here's our best advice for flying comfortably as a passenger of size.

1. Research the size of the seat before flights

There is no standard size and pitch of an airline seat. Every airline designs their planes a bit differently, which can make things difficult for passengers of size.

Knowing the width of the seat might help you decide how to proceed with your reservation.

So how big are airplane seats? Here are some general dimensions for economy class seats, broken down by airline:

Alaska Airlines: Seats on Alaska planes range from 16.5 inches to 18.2 inches.

Allegiant Airlines: Seats on Allegiant planes range from 16.5 inches to 17.8 inches.

American Airlines: With several kinds of planes, American has several types of seats ranging from 16.2 inches to 19.3 inches.

Delta Airlines: Delta has a wide variety of planes and therefore a wide range of seat dimensions, from 17.3 inches to 18.6 inches.

Frontier Airlines: Seats on Frontier range in width from 16.5 inches to 19.1 inches. 

JetBlue Airways: JetBlue seats are a bit wider than seats on many other airlines. The seats vary from 17.8 inches to 19 inches.

Southwest Airlines: Seats on Southwest planes range from 15.5 inches to 17.8 inches. 

Spirit Airlines: Seats on Spirit range from 16 inches to 18.5 inches.

United Airlines: Seat width on United planes is between 16.1 inches and 18.5 inches. 

The variability of the width of the airline seats highlighted above is due to different aircraft types and seat configurations. For instance, on Alaska, passengers on all plane types except the Embraer E175, can expect a seat width between 16.5 inches 17.3 inches.

Resources like aeroLOPA and SeatGuru can also help you check out plane configurations in advance of booking.

2. Consider purchasing a second seat

The armrest between the seats is often the deciding factor on whether a single seat is comfortable for your flight. If the armrests do not lower completely or a body part encroaches into the next seat, another seat might be necessary.

Airline policies about who needs an additional seat and the cost of that seat differ.

Here’s a sample of airline policies about buying additional seats:

Alaska: Alaska requires the purchase of an additional seat if a customer does not fit comfortably in one seat with the armrests down. Alaska does allow the refund of the second seat if the flight departed with open seats available. 

Allegiant: Allegiant requires customers to purchase an additional seat if they cannot lower the armrest and/or if they take up any part of an adjacent seat.

American: American requires an additional seat if a customer needs extra space to travel safely, and the airline encourages customers to “address all seating needs when booking.”

Delta: Delta does not have a published policy for passengers but does advise travel professionals about how to book extra seats for a passenger’s “personal comfort.” 

Frontier: Frontier says the armrest is the boundary between seats and encourages customers to buy an extra seat if the armrest will not lower or if any portion of the adjacent seat or aisle would be compromised. 

JetBlue: JetBlue allows passengers to book extra seats at the same fare class when making a reservation. 

Southwest: Southwest considers the armrest as the boundary between seats. A customer can buy additional seats when booking a reservation to make sure there is space for everyone and then apply for a refund of the extra seats. Because of this policy, some say Southwest is the best airline for passengers of size . 

Spirit: Spirit requires passengers to buy an extra seat if they “encroach on an adjacent seat” or cannot lower the armrests. Spirit does have what it calls the Big Front Seat , which has additional room. 

United: United requires the purchase of an extra seat if the seat belt will not buckle, the armrests won’t stay down or a person is taking up space in the seat next to them. If an extra seat is not available, a flight change might be required. 

3. Purchase a ticket in (or upgrade to) a higher class

Some airlines offer different classes of service, even within the economy cabin, which can be a more affordable alternative to booking a seat in business or first class.

Airlines differ in what they call these products and what they include. United's Economy Plus and Premium Plus tickets offer more legroom to passengers (6 inches and 7 inches, respectively). Delta's premium economy fares, called Premium Select or Delta Comfort Plus , meanwhile, offer up to an extra inch of width and 3-7 inches more legroom than standard main cabin tickets.

Generally speaking, premium economy tickets are typically more expensive, include other perks beyond more comfortable seating and are physically located in the front of the economy cabin.

Another option are first or business class seats, which are usually more spacious than economy seats (Southwest Airlines' Business Select passengers buck the trend and fly in the same seats as the economy flyers). Generally speaking, long-haul business class seat widths start around 20 inches and can go up to 22 inches (unless it offers lie-flat beds ). Long-haul first class seat widths typically start at 20.5 inches.

» Learn more: The best airline credit cards right now

4. Pick your seat (which may cost you)

It might cost extra to select your seat in advance, but with this plus-size flight hack, you can choose one that will be the most comfortable for you.

A seat at the front of the plane will mean a shorter walk down the narrow aisle with all of your luggage. It can also mean a shorter walk to the restroom if you need it during the flight, assuming the plane has a restroom in the front.

Bulkhead seats (in the first row of a cabin) usually have fixed armrests to store the tray table, so the seats can feel narrow.

Be careful of choosing an exit row.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations do not specifically state that people of size or anyone who uses seat belt extenders cannot sit in exit rows; however, flight attendants have the discretion to reseat anyone they do not think can assist them in an emergency or can impede the evacuation of others.

» Learn more: How to navigate costly airline seat selection fees

5. Choose when you board

When you choose to board is a matter of preference, and there are trade-offs in either scenario.

If you can secure preboarding, you'll get to board the plane ahead of many other passengers. This will give you time to get situated and potentially request a seat belt extender before you are knocking elbows with neighbors.

Others might opt to board last. This will allow you to go straight to your seat and sit down. And others still may board the plane when their ticket suggests, which is a reasonable decision, too.

6. Ask if there are empty seats

Ahead of boarding, ask the gate agent if the seat next to you is empty or if they can move you to a row that has an empty seat.

Alternatively, you can ask an onboard flight attendant after you've boarded and sat in your seat. It never hurts to request a move to a more spacious row if one is available.

7. Request a seat belt extender

A 2020 report by TripSavvy found that the length of airline seat belts range anywhere between 31 and 51 inches. Currently, the only way to know in advance the length of a specific plane's seat belt is by contacting your airline.

If you want or need a roomier seat belt, request an extender from the flight attendant when you get on board as you head to your seat.

The FAA does not allow passengers to bring their own seat belt extenders since it isn't possible to confirm the extender is compliant with safety regulations.

Seat belt extenders for airplanes are free and can make your flight more comfortable.

8. Raise the armrests

If you are sitting in an aisle seat, consider raising the aisle-side armrest after the flight attendant gives permission to. There is often a button under the aisle armrest that releases the lock.

As for the armrest between the seats, it’s polite to ask the person sharing the armrest if it is OK to raise it.

The window armrest typically cannot be raised as it's part of the plane's structure.

9. Ask about the bathrooms

Planes have multiple bathrooms. They are usually different sizes, and some are downright tiny.

If you are flying on a wide-body airplane with dual aisles, ask the flight attendant to point you to the wheelchair accessible lavatory, which is typically more spacious. If that isn't available, consider using the lavatory with the baby changing station, which might be bigger.

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced in July 2023 that it will require all single-aisle aircraft of 125 seats or more operating in the U.S. to have an accessible lavatory. The downside? The law doesn't fully go into effect until 2035.

10. Wear compression socks

No matter your size, the gentle pressure from compression socks can help increase circulation and reduce swelling. They can even help prevent deep vein thrombosis.

11. Pack backup clothing in your carry-on

If your luggage is lost, replacing basic items like underwear and pants might be challenging. Bring a few extras with you in your carry-on to buy some time in case your suitcase goes missing.

» Learn more: How baggage insurance works

Flying as a customer of size recapped

Airplane seats and reservations policies regarding second seats for people of size differ. Some airlines and aircraft are more accommodating than others.

Once on board, getting a seat belt extender, knowing which restroom to use and lifting the armrest can make the flight more comfortable.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

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Only a carry-on for extended trips: 4 tips to pack like a pro | Cruising Altitude

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  • If you’re traveling for a long time, don’t be afraid to do laundry while you’re away.
  • Shoes are probably the bulkiest items you’ll pack, and if you can manage to bring one or two versatile pairs, you can save a lot of space in your suitcase.
  • When you’re packing you should ask yourself: how many times in your regular life do you do multiple outfit changes per day?

One of the best marks of a frequent traveler is being able to pack quickly and efficiently. It’s likely part of the reason that people who fly a lot are so eager to get on the plane as soon as possible because the faster you board, the more likely you are to secure convenient overhead bin space and not be forced to check your carry-on bag. Most frequent flyers, myself included, avoid checking a bag whenever possible.

It may seem daunting to take a 10-day trip with just a small rollaboard, but I promise it’s possible. I talked to Wilson Santiago Burgos , founder of Mochileando.com and regular contributor here at USA TODAY, who is currently on a three-month trip with only a backpack. 

We compared notes on how we economize our packing, and while we don’t use all the same strategies, between the two of us we hope these four tips can help you in your own travels.

1. Lose the shoes

This is my biggest advice to almost everyone who’s trying to reduce their luggage. Shoes are probably the bulkiest items you’ll pack, and if you can manage to bring one or two versatile pairs, you can save a lot of space in your suitcase.

On his current trip to Central Asia, Santiago told me he only brought sneakers and a nicer pair of shoes for dinner and city activities. For warmer weather, you might only need flip-flops and dinner shoes.

“One technique I use always to save space in my luggage is I always wear the biggest shoes I bring when I fly,” Santiago told me.

And that’s something I do as well. Of course, I’m not wearing my snowboarding boots on the plane for a trip to the mountains, but I’ll wear regular snow boots while I travel and pack a pair of sneakers if need be for that kind of trip. 

2. Don’t be afraid to do laundry

I’ll confess I don’t usually travel long enough for this to be an issue, But Santiago told me he often travels for months at a time with only a backpack, and the key to that technique is not being afraid to do laundry while you’re away.

“When I’m traveling too long I have clothes for 7-10 days so I wash my clothes at the hotels,” he said.  

“Last week I washed my clothes in Uzbekistan and it was $14, it was so cheap,” Santiago added. “If you do the math, it’s probably cheaper to wash clothes than to pay for a checked bag every time you have to take a flight in a trip of three months.”

Last week's Cruising Altitude: Why airport bathrooms are gaining attention

3. Make a list

This was a big point of difference for us. I pretty much never make a paper list for packing. I have my own routine and usually know what I need to bring. I often just pack a few hours before I leave, especially if I have an evening flight, and count out the items I’ll bring by day.

Santiago, on the other hand, told me he makes a list every time.

“The list for me is very important: you save space, but you won’t forget anything important like medicines, technology, passport,” he said.

In his defense, he may be right. On a recent trip, I forgot to pack toothpaste for the first time in my life. Maybe it’s time for me to start getting more organized, too. 

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4. Do a post-mortem

You don’t have to feel like a failure if you don’t manage to pack light on your next trip, but if that happens and you want to travel lighter on the one after that, you can do some reflection when you get home.

“Ask yourself one question: In the last trip that you did, did you use all the things that you have in your bags? If the answer is no, you know you have space to improve your packing,” Santiago said. “My experience is 70%-80% of the people, they will tell you they didn’t use all of the things they packed on the last trip.” 

Now listen, I’m not a purist here. I think it’s a good idea to bring a few extras: maybe you’ll need a change of underwear or you’ll spill something on your shirt and want to swap it out. But honestly, when you’re packing you should ask yourself: how many times in your regular life do you do multiple outfit changes per day? You can avoid overpacking by bringing only what you’d use on a normal day, so long as you don’t need any specialized gear.

Zach Wichter is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

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Best travel credit cards of June 2024

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Travel credit cards help you earn valuable points and miles on your purchases. For maximum value, some cards earn rewards not only on travel, but also everyday purchases like dining, groceries and gas. You can redeem these rewards for free or discounted flights, hotel stays or to cover other travel-related expenses.

The best travel cards also come with additional features. Even no-annual-fee travel cards are likely to offer perks like sign-up bonuses, intro APR offers and travel insurance. But for top-of-the-line benefits like airport lounge access, elite status and travel credits, expect to pay an annual fee.

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At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to strict editorial integrity , this post may contain references to products from our partners. Here's an explanation for how we make money  and  how we rate our cards  .

Bankrate's Best Travel Credit Cards of June 2024

  • Best starter travel card:  Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
  • Best for flat-rate rewards:  Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card
  • Best for luxury travel:  The Platinum Card® from American Express
  • Best for no annual fee:  Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card  ( See Rates & Fees )
  • Best for foodies:  American Express® Gold Card
  • Best for everyday spending: Citi Strata Premier℠ Card
  • Best for intro APR:  Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card
  • Best for point values:  Chase Sapphire Reserve®
  • Best for practical perks:  Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card
  • Best for pairing:  Chase Freedom Unlimited®
  • Best for hotel bookings: Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card
  • Best no-annual-fee hotel card:  Hilton Honors American Express Card
  • Best for luxury hotel perks: Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card
  • Best for transfer partners:  Bilt Mastercard®
  • Best for gas:  Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card
  • Best for companion tickets:  Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card
  • Best starter airline card:  Southwest Rapid Rewards® Plus Credit Card
  • Best for savers: Bank of America® Premium Rewards® credit card
  • Best for first-year value:  Discover it® Miles
  • Best for fair credit:  Credit One Bank Wander® Card
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Card categories

Best starter travel card

Image of Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Bankrate score

Our writers, editors and industry experts score credit cards based on a variety of factors including card features, bonus offers and independent research. Credit card issuers have no say or influence on how we rate cards.

Intro offer

Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

60,000 bonus points

We calculate this number by multiplying the card's intro offer by Bankrate's valuation of this issuer's rewards program , showing you how much your points or miles are worth in dollars.

Rewards rate

5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠. 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries. 2x on all other travel purchases. 1x on all other purchases.

Regular APR

21.49% - 28.49% Variable

  • 5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠.
  • 3x 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries.
  • 2x 2x on all other travel purchases.
  • 1x 1x on all other purchases.

What we love: This popular card comes loaded with features that can make it easy even for occasional travelers to offset the modest $95 annual fee without eating into hard-earned rewards. Plus, its rewards program is one of the best, giving you some of the most valuable travel redemptions — through both Chase and transfer partners — and Chase card pairing opportunities if you want to build your card portfolio eventually. Learn more: Why expert Margaret Weck loves using the Chase Sapphire Preferred Alternatives:   If you’re looking for an even simpler travel card, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is a terrific option. Its flat rewards rate makes it easy to know exactly how much you’ll earn with every purchase and though it can’t match the Sapphire Preferred’s redemption flexibility, it offers more redemption options than the typical travel rewards card. 

  • You earn Ultimate Rewards points with this card — some of the most valuable and flexible rewards around, especially if you pair it with Chase’s cash back cards in the future.
  • The card touts significant long-term benefits like anniversary bonus points and travel credits, as well as travel protections like trip cancellation insurance and a car rental collision damage waiver.
  • Doesn’t offer airline- or hotel-specific perks like free checked bags, elite status or free night stays.
  • The sign-up bonus is decent, but the card has previously offered higher, chart-topping bonus points.
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $750 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2024.
  • Member FDIC

Best for flat-rate rewards

Image of Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

New Venture cardholders can earn 75,000 miles once they spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening

Earn 75,000 miles

5 Miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. 2 Miles per dollar on every purchase, every day.

2 Miles - 5 Miles

19.99% - 29.99% (Variable)

  • 5 Miles 5 Miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel
  • 2 Miles 2 Miles per dollar on every purchase, every day

What we love: It’s a great option for travelers looking for a straightforward rewards program and flexible redemption options. You'll earn unlimited miles on all eligible spending and can redeem not only for travel bookings, but also as a statement credit to cover travel purchases made in the past 90 days. Learn more: Why expert Jacqueline DeMarco loves the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card Alternatives: The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card offers a higher rewards rate in some everyday spending categories and potentially more valuable points. Chase points are worth 1.25 cents each if you redeem for travel through Chase, while Capital One miles are only worth 1 cent each when you redeem for travel. Plus, Chase rewards are more helpful for occasional travelers since you can redeem as cash back at 1-cent-per-point value.

  • Carries solid perks given its low annual fee, including expedited airport purchase security and hotel experience credits, lost luggage reimbursement and more.
  • Zero foreign transaction fees make this an excellent choice for international travelers.
  • You can’t offset the annual fee with annual travel credits or bonuses alone as you can with some rival cards.
  • The card’s sign-up bonus carries a high spending requirement, so it may be tough to earn if you don’t have large purchases on the horizon.
  • Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Miles won't expire for the life of the account and there's no limit to how many you can earn
  • Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase—or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Enrich every hotel stay from the Lifestyle Collection with a suite of cardholder benefits, like a $50 experience credit, room upgrades, and more
  • Transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs

Best for luxury travel

Image of The Platinum Card® from American Express

The Platinum Card® from American Express

Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership.

Earn 80,000 points

Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year. Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.

See Pay Over Time APR

  • 5X Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year.
  • 5X Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.

What we love: Luxury travelers and big spenders will appreciate the bevy of travel benefits, including annual statement credits worth around $1,700, elite hotel loyalty status and access to perhaps the most comprehensive airport lounge access available with a credit card. Learn more: Why expert Holly Johnson loves the Platinum Card® from American Express Alternatives: The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card offers a taste of luxury at a lower cost than many premium travel cards. You can unlock a generous rewards rate on both travel and general purchases, complimentary access to popular airport lounge memberships and valuable annual travel credits and anniversary miles.

  • Comes with a generous welcome offer and a longer time period to earn it compared to most rewards cards.
  • A robust line-up of airline and hotel partners and related perks make this card truly valuable for travelers.
  • The $695 annual fee may not be worth it if you don’t spend much on travel frequently or can’t take full advantage of the card’s luxury — and often niche — perks.
  • Redeeming and maximizing the card’s credit and benefits requires some legwork and can be a bit confusing.
  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu.
  • Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year and earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.
  • $200 Hotel Credit: Get up to $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts® or The Hotel Collection bookings with American Express Travel when you pay with your Platinum Card®. The Hotel Collection requires a minimum two-night stay.
  • $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card® on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, and The Wall Street Journal. Enrollment required.
  • The American Express Global Lounge Collection® can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market. As of 03/2023.
  • $155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to your Platinum Card®.
  • $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply.
  • $189 CLEAR® Plus Credit: CLEAR® Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $189 back per calendar year on your Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use your Card. CLEARLanes are available at 100+ airports, stadiums, and entertainment venues.
  • Receive either a $100 statement credit every 4 years for a Global Entry application fee or a statement credit up to $85 every 4.5 year period for TSA PreCheck® application fee for a 5-year plan only (through a TSA PreCheck® official enrollment provider), when charged to your Platinum Card®. Card Members approved for Global Entry will also receive access to TSA PreCheck at no additional cost.
  • Shop Saks with Platinum: Get up to $100 in statement credits annually for purchases in Saks Fifth Avenue stores or at saks.com on your Platinum Card®. That's up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • Unlock access to exclusive reservations and special dining experiences with Global Dining Access by Resy when you add your Platinum Card® to your Resy profile.
  • $695 annual fee.
  • Terms Apply.

Best for no annual fee

Image of Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

  • Earn a bonus of 20,000 miles once you spend $500 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $200 in travel

20,000 miles

5 Miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. 1.25 Miles per dollar on every purchase, every day.

1.25 Miles - 5 Miles

  • 1.25 Miles 1.25 Miles per dollar on every purchase, every day

What we love: This card offers some of the same advantages as the Capital One Venture, without the burden of an annual fee. It gives you the chance to earn flat-rate miles on your everyday spending and the option to transfer miles to over 15 loyalty program partners to even cover travel purchases outside Capital One — a unique level of redemption flexibility for a starter travel card. Learn more: Reasons to get the VentureOne Rewards Card Alternatives: A general-purpose flat-rate credit card that offers 2X points or 2 percent cash back on all purchases may bring more value if you don’t travel often and aren’t ready to upgrade to a travel rewards credit card with an annual fee. However, the Discover it® Miles earns a flat-rate 1.5X miles that can also be redeemed for cash back at 1-cent per mile, which is unusual for travel rewards.

  • The welcome offer is generous for a no-annual-fee travel credit card.
  • Booking hotel stays and rental cars through Capital One Travel nets you an impressive 5X miles.
  • Unlike several no-annual-fee travel cards, redeeming for non-travel purchases waters down your rewards’ value.
  • Capital One has no major U.S. carrier in its line-up of travel partners.
  • $0 annual fee and no foreign transaction fees
  • Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Enjoy 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months; 19.99% - 29.99% variable APR after that; balance transfer fee applies

Best for foodies

Image of American Express® Gold Card

American Express® Gold Card

Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases with your new Card within the first 6 months of Card Membership.

Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® Points

Earn 4X Membership Rewards® Points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S. Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X). Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on amextravel.com.

  • 4X Earn 4X Membership Rewards® Points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S.
  • 4X Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X).
  • 3X Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on amextravel.com.

What we love: Few credit cards are more rewarding for traveling foodies than the American Express Gold Card. Both the food-related annual credits and the rewards rates at restaurants, U.S. supermarkets and on flights booked directly with airlines or via the Amex travel portal are some of the best on the market. In fact, the up to $240 in credits each year alone nearly make up for the annual fee. Learn more: Why the Amex Gold is worth the annual fee Alternatives: If the Amex Gold Card’s annual fee sounds high, consider the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card . It carries key travel perks, high travel and dining rewards rates, and a much lower annual fee.

  • This card features one of the best rewards return rates available on dining, groceries and food deliveries.
  • There is no preset spending limit, so you can enjoy extended purchasing power, and you also have the option to pay off purchases with Pay Over Time if necessary.
  • Although the card touts a solid collection of travel perks, it doesn’t include popular premium card perks like airport lounge access or trip cancellation/interruption insurance.
  • Only eligible airfare earns more than 1X points, while rival cards often earn similar (or higher) reward rates on hotel stays and other travel purchases as well.
  • Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases with your new Card within the first 6 months of Card Membership.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® Points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S., and earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X).
  • Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on amextravel.com.
  • $120 Uber Cash on Gold: Add your Gold Card to your Uber account and each month automatically get $10 in Uber Cash for Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S., totaling up to $120 per year.
  • $120 Dining Credit: Satisfy your cravings and earn up to $10 in statement credits monthly when you pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly, Wine.com, Milk Bar and select Shake Shack locations. Enrollment required.
  • Get a $100 experience credit with a minimum two-night stay when you book The Hotel Collection through American Express Travel. Experience credit varies by property.
  • Choose the color that suits your style. Gold or Rose Gold.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees.
  • Annual Fee is $250.

Best for everyday spending

Image of Citi Strata Premier℠ Card

Citi Strata Premier℠ Card

  • Earn 70,000 bonus ThankYou® Points after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months of account opening, redeemable for $700 in gift cards or travel rewards at thankyou.com

70,000 bonus points

Earn 10 points per $1 spent on Hotels, Car Rentals, and Attractions booked on CitiTravel.com. Earn 3 points per $1 on Air Travel and Other Hotel Purchases, at Restaurants, Supermarkets, Gas and EV Charging Stations. Earn 1 Point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

21.24% - 29.24% (Variable)

  • 10X Earn 10 points per $1 spent on Hotels, Car Rentals, and Attractions booked on CitiTravel.com.
  • 3X Earn 3 points per $1 on Air Travel and Other Hotel Purchases, at Restaurants, Supermarkets, Gas and EV Charging Stations.
  • 1X Earn 1 Point per $1 spent on all other purchases

What we love: This card’s high rewards rate in everyday bonus categories makes it an especially good choice for occasional travelers and people looking for a standalone rewards card. Its practical bonus categories mean you can earn rewards quickly, even if you don’t actually spend a ton on travel. Alternatives:   As long as you don’t mind buying groceries online, the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card could be an even more lucrative everyday rewards card. That’s thanks mostly to its high point redemption value (1.25 cents per point when you use points to book travel with Chase, versus just 1 cent per point when you book with Citi using the Strata Premier).

  • It’s one of the only travel cards that offers a high rewards rate on groceries, dining and gas, so it should work well whether it’s your standalone card or just one part of your card stack.
  • Its annual hotel benefit carries enough value to potentially offset the annual fee on its own.
  • The annual hotel benefit, though generous, isn’t very flexible: You’ll only get the $100 discount if you book a single hotel stay of $500 or more (excluding taxes and fees) through CitiTravel.com.
  • Based on Bankrate’s latest point and mile valuations, Citi ThankYou rewards carry a lower average redemption value than Chase, Amex and Capital One rewards.
  • Earn 10 points per $1 spent on Hotels, Car Rentals, and Attractions booked on CitiTravel.com.
  • Earn 3 points per $1 on Air Travel and Other Hotel Purchases, at Restaurants, Supermarkets, Gas and EV Charging Stations.
  • Earn 1 Point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • $100 Annual Hotel Benefit: Once per calendar year, enjoy $100 off a single hotel stay of $500 or more (excluding taxes and fees) when booked through CitiTravel.com. Benefit applied instantly at time of booking.
  • No expiration and no limit to the amount of points you can earn with this card
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees on purchases

Best for intro APR

Image of Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

  • 25,000 online bonus points after you make at least $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days of account opening - that can be a $250 statement credit toward travel purchases.

25,000 points

  • Earn unlimited 1.5 points per $1 spent on all purchases, with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees and your points don't expire as long as your account remains open.

19.24% - 29.24% Variable APR on purchases and balance transfers

  • 1.5X Earn unlimited 1.5 points per $1 spent on all purchases, with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees and your points don't expire as long as your account remains open.

What we love: This entry-level travel card keeps things simple for occasional travelers. It offers simple flat-rate rewards and lets you redeem for a broad mix of travel options not typically available on many travel cards, such as cash back toward purchases with travel agencies,  zoos, art galleries and more. It’s even more valuable if you’re a Bank of America customer and can qualify for a rewards boost through the Bank of America Preferred Rewards® program. Learn more: Is the Bank of America Travel Rewards card worth it? Alternatives: The Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card is another great starter travel card, but, unlike many cards in this category, it lets you transfer your miles to airline and hotel partners, potentially for a higher redemption value.

  • Its easy-to-earn sign-up bonus and intro APR offers give this card good short-term value.
  • No annual fees or foreign transaction fees sweeten this offer.
  • It only offers 1.5X points on purchases, and you can’t transfer points can’t to airline partners for more rewards value, so it may not be as lucrative as competing cards.
  • The top tiers of the Bank of America Preferred Rewards® program may be out of reach for many cardholders.
  • Use your card to book your trip how and where you want - you're not limited to specific websites with blackout dates or restrictions.
  • Redeem points for a statement credit to pay for travel or dining purchases, such as flights, hotel stays, car and vacation rentals, baggage fees, and also at restaurants including takeout.
  • 0% Intro APR for 15 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made in the first 60 days. After the Intro APR offer ends, a Variable APR that’s currently 19.24% - 29.24% will apply. A 3% Intro balance transfer fee will apply for the first 60 days your account is open. After the Intro balance transfer fee offer ends, the fee for future balance transfers is 4%.
  • If you're a Bank of America Preferred Rewards® member, you can earn 25%-75% more points on every purchase. That means instead of earning an unlimited 1.5 points for every $1, you could earn 1.87-2.62 points for every $1 you spend on purchases.
  • Contactless Cards - The security of a chip card, with the convenience of a tap.
  • This online only offer may not be available if you leave this page or if you visit a Bank of America financial center. You can take advantage of this offer when you apply now.

Best for point values

Image of Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Earn 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠. Earn 5x total points on flights through Chase Travel℠. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining. Earn 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

22.49% - 29.49% Variable

  • 10x Earn 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠.
  • 5x Earn 5x total points on flights through Chase Travel℠.
  • 3x Earn 3x points on other travel and dining.
  • 1x Earn 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

What we love: Rewards-savvy travelers will be hard-pressed to find a card with better rewards potential than the Sapphire Reserve. Points are worth 50 percent more through Chase Travel, and potentially more with the right transfer partner. It’s a stellar partner for Chase’s cash back cards and stacks on even more value with enough perks to recoup the annual fee without relying on hard-earned rewards. Learn more: Why expert Holly Johnson loves the Chase Sapphire Reserve Card Alternatives: The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card offers some of the same key perks as the Sapphire Reserve at a much lower cost. Along with a generous rewards rate on both Capital One Travel and general purchases, the card boasts valuable, practical benefits like competitive airport lounge access , up to $300 in annual Capital One Travel credits and 10,000 bonus miles every year on your account anniversary.

  • You can kickstart your rewards bank with one of the most valuable sign-up bonuses on the market.
  • Its top-tier benefits include up to $300 in annual travel statement credits, Priority Pass airport lounge access, exhaustive travel protections and stand-out partner perks.
  • The card’s cost could be a deterrent for some new cardholders, especially if they plan on encountering adding multiple authorized users.
  • You won’t get as many luxury hotel and airport lounge perks with this card as you would with some of its rivals.
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • $300 Annual Travel Credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel through Chase Travel℠. For example, 60,000 points are worth $900 toward travel.
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading airline and hotel loyalty programs
  • Access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide after an easy, one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select and up to $100 application fee credit every four years for Global Entry, NEXUS, or TSA PreCheck®

Best for practical perks

Image of Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

  • Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel

75,000 miles

10 Miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. 5 Miles per dollar on flights booked through Capital One Travel. 2 Miles per dollar on every purchase, every day.

2 Miles - 10 Miles

  • 10 Miles 10 Miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel
  • 5 Miles 5 Miles per dollar on flights booked through Capital One Travel

What we love: This is the perfect middleground for travelers who want the practical benefits from luxury travel cards without dealing with bloated features and an annual fee upwards of $500. It offers complimentary lounge access, high-earning bonus rewards categories, anniversary credits and bonus miles, which can easily make the card worth it for frequent travelers. Learn more: Capital One Venture X Benefits Guide Alternatives: If a higher annual fee is no issue, consider The Platinum Card® from American Express. It’s a top choice for frequent travelers thanks to its impressive welcome offer and luxury perks like annual travel credits, lounge access and hotel elite status. However, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® may be better if your luxury travel experience calls for racking up more rewards.

  • Offers anniversary bonus miles and a chance to earn credits worth hundreds of dollars starting at your first account anniversary.
  • Comes with complimentary lounge access at over 1,300 lounges for you and two guests per visit.
  • To earn the anniversary credit, travel must be booked through the Capital One Travel portal. That’s not as flexible as some other cards, which offer credits that cover any travel purchases, regardless of how you book.
  • Lacks some perks found on other premium travel cards like airline or hotel elite status, which can get you benefits like free checked bags or room upgrades.
  • Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary
  • Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights booked through Capital One Travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases
  • Unlimited complimentary access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges, including Capital One Lounges and the Partner Lounge Network
  • Use your Venture X miles to easily cover travel expenses, including flights, hotels, rental cars and more—you can even transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Elevate every hotel stay from the Premier or Lifestyle Collections with a suite of cardholder benefits, like an experience credit, room upgrades, and more

Best for pairing

Image of Chase Freedom Unlimited®

Chase Freedom Unlimited®

Earn an extra 1.5% on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) — worth up to $300 cash back. That’s 6.5% on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 4.5% on dining and drugstores, and 3% on all other purchases.

Up to $300 cash back

Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more. 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service. 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

20.49% - 29.24% Variable

  • 5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more.
  • 3% 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service.
  • 1.5% 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

What we love: Not only does it earn 1.5 percent cash back on general spending, but it also has a bonus cash back rate for drugstores and dining at restaurants. And if you pair it with one or two premium Chase travel cards, you could pool your rewards for better travel redemption value.  Learn more: Why I love the Chase Freedom Unlimited Alternatives: If you want to take advantage of even more rewarding cash back categories and remain in the Chase family, consider the Chase Freedom Flex® .

  • You can pool rewards with other Chase cards to maximize your earnings.
  • The additional rewards rate offer can add even more cash back to your pocket for the first year.
  • The welcome offer isn’t as competitive as other cards’ offers.
  • Maximizing rewards with this and other Chase cards can get complicated for people who like simple rewards programs.
  • Intro Offer: Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!
  • Enjoy 6.5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, our premier rewards program that lets you redeem rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and more; 4.5% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and 3% on all other purchases (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year).
  • After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.
  • No minimum to redeem for cash back. You can choose to receive a statement credit or direct deposit into most U.S. checking and savings accounts. Cash Back rewards do not expire as long as your account is open!
  • Enjoy 0% Intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 20.49% - 29.24%.
  • No annual fee – You won't have to pay an annual fee for all the great features that come with your Freedom Unlimited® card
  • Keep tabs on your credit health, Chase Credit Journey helps you monitor your credit with free access to your latest score, alerts, and more.

Best for hotel bookings

Image of Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

  • Earn 60,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 in purchases in the first 3 months – that’s $600 toward your next trip.

Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels. Earn unlimited 4X points on airlines. Earn unlimited 3X points on other travel and restaurants. Earn 1X points on other purchases.

21.24%, 26.24%, or 29.99% Variable APR

  • 5X Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels
  • 4X Earn unlimited 4X points on airlines
  • 3X Earn unlimited 3X points on other travel and restaurants
  • 1X Earn 1X points on other purchases

What we love: It offers a great rewards rate on hotel bookings and gives you a chance to earn a $50 annual statement credit with a $50 minimum airline purchase. Add in a solid rate on airline purchases, other travel and restaurants and this card carries great value as a standalone mid-tier card for occasional travelers. Alternatives: If you want to earn travel rewards but don’t actually spend much on hotels and airfare, the lower-tier Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card is also worth a look. Though it earns also rewards on travel, it boasts a great mix of other practical everyday categories (including gas stations).

  • You can transfer points to Wells Fargo’s new list of airline and hotel partners, including popular programs like British Airways Executive Club, Choice Privileges and more, which could boost the redemption value of your rewards.
  • The $50 annual statement credit offsets more than half the card’s $95 annual fee and should be a cinch to earn if you fly at least once per year.
  • Wells Fargo only offers one other card that earns travel rewards (the Autograph), and there is some category overlap between the two, so they may not be as lucrative as some competing card stacks.
  • The card doesn’t carry some popular travel perks available on other mid-tier travel cards, such as credits for expedited airport security screening or rideshares.
  • Select “Apply Now” to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels, 4X points on airlines, 3X points on other travel and restaurants, and 1X points on other purchases.
  • $95 annual fee.
  • Book your travel with the Autograph Journey Card and enjoy Travel Accident Insurance, Lost Baggage Reimbursement, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Protection and Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver.
  • Earn a $50 annual statement credit with $50 minimum airline purchase.
  • Up to $1,000 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Find tickets to top sports and entertainment events, book travel, make dinner reservations and more with your complimentary 24/7 Visa Signature® Concierge.

Best no-annual-fee hotel card

Image of Hilton Honors American Express Card

Hilton Honors American Express Card

  • Earn 70,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points plus a Free Night Reward after you spend $2,000 in purchases on the Hilton Honors American Express Card in the first 6 months of Card Membership. Offer Ends 7/31/2024.

Earn 70,000 points

Earn 7X Hilton Honors Bonus Points for each dollar of eligible purchases charged on your Card directly with hotels and resorts within the Hilton portfolio. Earn 5X Points per dollar on purchases at U.S. restaurants, at U.S. supermarkets, and at U.S. gas stations. Earn 3X Points for all other eligible purchases on your Card.

20.99%-29.99% Variable

  • 7X Earn 7X Hilton Honors Bonus Points for each dollar of eligible purchases charged on your Card directly with hotels and resorts within the Hilton portfolio.
  • 5X Earn 5X Points per dollar on purchases at U.S. restaurants, at U.S. supermarkets, and at U.S. gas stations.
  • 3X Earn 3X Points for all other eligible purchases on your Card.

What we love: This card earns rewards in a terrific mix of everyday bonus categories, so it should be easy to rack up Hilton points even if you don’t spend a ton on hotel bookings. Since it charges no annual fee and provides a few Hilton Honors benefits like Silver status, it’s also a great fit if you’re new to hotel cards and want a single no-annual-fee option instead of juggling multiple rewards cards. Learn more: Why expert Holly Johnson loves the Hilton Honors American Express Card Alternatives: The American Express® Green Card could be more flexible since it lets you earn and redeem rewards on a much wider variety of travel purchases, including airfare and bookings with several hotel brands, not just Hilton. You can transfer points to the Hilton Honors program as well, but the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass® Card may be better if you prefer upgraded Hilton-specific rewards, loyalty status and other perks.

  • Comes with automatic Silver Elite status, which includes a free fifth award night when you book at least four consecutive nights with points.
  • Earns rewards in three of the average person’s biggest spending categories, making it a terrific standalone option for earning Hilton points.
  • A higher-tier Hilton card would earn more on Hilton bookings and could be more lucrative for frequent guests, even with an annual fee.
  • You can only redeem points with Hilton and its partners, which limits the rewards value you earn on the everyday categories compared to a general-purpose cards’ rewards.
  • Earn 7X Hilton Honors Bonus Points for each dollar of eligible purchases charged on your Card directly with hotels and resorts within the Hilton portfolio.
  • Earn 5X Points per dollar on purchases at U.S. restaurants, at U.S. supermarkets, and at U.S. gas stations.
  • Earn 3X Points for all other eligible purchases on your Card.
  • Enjoy complimentary Hilton Honors™ Silver status with your Card. Plus, spend $20,000 on eligible purchases on your Card in a calendar year and you can earn an upgrade to Hilton Honors™ Gold status through the end of the next calendar year.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees. Enjoy international travel without additional fees on purchases made abroad.
  • No Annual Fee.

Best for luxury hotel perks

Image of Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card

Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card

  • Earn 95,000 Marriott Bonvoy bonus points after you use your new Card to make $6,000 in purchases within the first 6 months of Card Membership.

Earn 95,000 Marriott Bonvoy bonus points

  • Earn 6X Marriott Bonvoy points for each dollar of eligible purchases at hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy®. 3X points at restaurants worldwide and on flights booked directly with airlines. 2X points on all other eligible purchases.
  • 6X Earn 6X Marriott Bonvoy points for each dollar of eligible purchases at hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy®
  • 3X 3X points at restaurants worldwide and on flights booked directly with airlines
  • 2X 2X points on all other eligible purchases

What we love: Frequent Marriott guests looking for luxury card-level perks and elite status should be able to justify this premium card. Along with a terrific rewards rate on Marriott bookings and an annual free night award, you could enjoy generous annual credits for restaurant purchases and Marriott property stays, airport lounge access, elite night credits and more. Learn more: Best Marriott credit cards Alternatives: If you’re looking for top-tier travel perks but want the flexibility to earn and redeem rewards for stays at any hotel chain, consider an elite travel card from Chase or Amex, which can come with generous travel benefits, airport lounge access and the ability to transfer points to Marriott. The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is another lucrative alternative.

  • Outperforms other Marriott cards with its boosted rewards on travel-related categories and 21X points at Marriott Bonvoy hotels, thanks to the automatic Platinum Elite status.
  • It’s one of the only hotel cards that includes complimentary Priority Pass lounge access, top travel protections and credits for expedited airport security screening.
  • Unlocking some of the card’s best perks — like Five Suite Night Awards — requires a $60,000 annual spend, which may be tough to reach even for frequent Marriott guests.
  • Unless luxury perks are at the top of your wishlist, the annual fee may not be worth it and a lower-tier hotel card may offer more value overall.
  • $300 Brilliant Dining Credit: Each calendar year, get up to $300 (up to $25 per month) in statement credits for eligible purchases made on the Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card at restaurants worldwide.
  • With Marriott Bonvoy Platinum Elite status, you can receive room upgrades, including enhanced views or suites, when available at select properties and booked with a Qualifying Rate.
  • Free Night Award: Receive 1 Free Night Award every year after your Card renewal month. Award can be used for one night (redemption level at or under 85,000 Marriott Bonvoy points) at hotels participating in Marriott Bonvoy®. Certain hotels have resort fees.
  • Each calendar year after spending $60,000 on eligible purchases on your Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card, you will be eligible to select a Brilliant Earned Choice Award benefit. You can only earn one Earned Choice Award per calendar year. See https://www.choice-benefit.marriott.com/brilliant for Award options.
  • $100 Marriott Bonvoy Property Credit: Enjoy your stay. Receive up to a $100 property credit for qualifying charges at The Ritz-Carlton® or St. Regis® when you book direct using a special rate for a two-night minimum stay using your Card.
  • Fee Credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®: Receive either a statement credit every 4 years after you apply for Global Entry ($100) or a statement credit every 4.5 years after you apply for a five-year membership for TSA PreCheck® (up to $85 through a TSA PreCheck official enrollment provider) and pay the application fee with your Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card. If approved for Global Entry, at no additional charge, you will receive access to TSA PreCheck.
  • Each calendar year with your Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card you can receive 25 Elite Night Credits toward the next level of Marriott Bonvoy® Elite status. Limitations apply per Marriott Bonvoy member account. Benefit is not exclusive to Cards offered by American Express. Terms apply.
  • Enroll in Priority Pass™ Select, which offers unlimited airport lounge visits to over 1,200 lounges in over 130 countries, regardless of which carrier or class you are flying. This allows you to relax before or between flights. You can enjoy snacks, drinks, and internet access in a quiet, comfortable location.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees on international purchases.
  • With Cell Phone Protection, you can be reimbursed, the lesser of, your repair or replacement costs following damage, such as a cracked screen, or theft for a maximum of $800 per claim when your cell phone line is listed on a wireless bill and the prior month's wireless bill was paid by an Eligible Card Account. A $50 deductible will apply to each approved claim with a limit of 2 approved claims per 12-month period. Additional terms and conditions apply. Coverage is provided by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.
  • $650 Annual Fee.

Best for transfer partners

Image of Bilt Mastercard®

Bilt Mastercard®

Intro offer is not available for this Wells Fargo credit card.

3x points on dining. 2x points on travel. 1x points on other purchases. Earn up to 1x points on rent payments without the transaction fee, up to 100,000 points each calendar year. When you make at least 5 posted transactions in a statement period using your Bilt Mastercard, you'll earn points on rent and qualifying net purchases.

1X Points - 3X Points

  • 3X Points 3x points on dining
  • 2X Points 2x points on travel
  • 1X Points 1x points on other purchases
  • 1X Points Earn up to 1x points on rent payments without the transaction fee, up to 100,000 points each calendar year. When you make at least 5 posted transactions in a statement period using your Bilt Mastercard, you'll earn points on rent and qualifying net purchases.

What we love: Not only is this card is a terrific choice for renters since it earns rewards and waives transaction fees when using it to pay rent, it’s also great for rewards strategists considering the extremely robust travel rewards program. You can earn rewards on travel and dining and your points carry a high value whether you redeem through the Bilt travel portal or one of the many airline and hotel transfer partners. Alternatives: If you like the Bilt card’s travel rewards program but don’t see yourself renting long term, consider the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card. It earns generously on both travel and dining and also boasts high-value points and transfer partners. If the way you pay rent doesn’t incur credit card payment fees, a flat-rate card may also be worth weighing. 

  • It’s the only card that helps you avoid the fees typically associated with paying rent with a credit card.
  • Offers a solid collection of travel perks for a no-annual-fee card, including trip cancellation and interruption protection, trip delay reimbursement and other high-level travel protections.
  • You can only use rewards to cover rent, toward a future home down payment or for travel and shopping. Cash back isn’t an option.
  • There is no sign-up bonus. Most competing travel cards — even those with no annual fee — offer at least a $200 bonus.
  • $0 Annual Fee.
  • Earn up to 1x points on rent payments without the transaction fee, up to 100,000 points each calendar year.
  • 2x points on travel.
  • 3x points on dining.
  • 1x points on other purchases.
  • Earn points when you make 5 transactions that post each statement period.
  • When renting at a Bilt Alliance property, you can choose to have your rent payments automatically reported by Bilt to the three major credit bureaus each month; Experian™, TransUnion™, and Equifax™.

Best for gas

Image of Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

  • Earn 20,000 bonus points when you spend $1,000 in purchases in the first 3 months - that's a $200 cash redemption value.

20,000 bonus points

Earn unlimited 3X points on restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services and phone plans. Earn 1X points on other purchases.

20.24%, 25.24%, or 29.99% Variable APR

  • 3X Earn unlimited 3X points on restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services and phone plans.

What we love: The Wells Fargo Autograph card is a great option for occasional travelers and households on the go looking to earn rewards while avoiding an annual fee and reduced redemption value for cash rewards. It’s one of a few entry-level travel cards to offer high, year-round bonus rewards for gas, dining, transit and other key travel needs. Learn more: Is the Wells Fargo Autograph worth it? Alternatives: If you’re looking for ways to maximize the value of your rewards, you should consider a travel card that lets you transfer your points to airlines or hotels, like the Bilt Mastercard® or Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card.

  • While some issuers only reward travel purchases made directly with airlines or through issuer portals, this card lets you shop around for the best deal on third-party travel sites and still earn extra rewards.
  • Carries decent perks such as rental car collision damage waiver coverage, roadside assistance and Visa Signature® Concierge benefits, like access to Visa’s Luxury Hotel Collection (terms apply).
  • Unlike with traditional travel cards, you cannot transfer your points to airlines or hotels
  • The travel perks and intro APR are weak compared to competing travel-oriented cards’ offers.
  • Select "Apply Now" to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn unlimited 3X points on the things that really add up - like restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services, and phone plans. Plus, earn 1X points on other purchases.
  • $0 annual fee.
  • 0% intro APR for 12 months from account opening on purchases. 20.24%, 25.24%, or 29.99% variable APR thereafter.
  • Up to $600 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Redeem your rewards points for travel, gift cards, or statement credits. Or shop at millions of online stores and redeem your rewards when you check out with PayPal.

Best for companion tickets

Image of Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card

Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card

  • Earn 85,000 Bonus Miles after you spend $4,000 in purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership.

Earn 85,000 miles

Earn 3X Miles on Delta purchases and purchases made directly with hotels. Earn 2X Miles at restaurants worldwide including takeout and delivery in the U.S., and at U.S. supermarkets. Earn 1X Miles on all other eligible purchases.

  • 3X Earn 3X Miles on Delta purchases and purchases made directly with hotels.
  • 2X Earn 2X Miles at restaurants worldwide including takeout and delivery in the U.S., and at U.S. supermarkets.
  • 1X Earn 1X Miles on all other eligible purchases.

What we love: The annual companion certificate on Main Cabin domestic flights (taxes and fees apply) comes with this card after the first year is valuable enough to justify the annual fee even if you’re just looking for great Delta perks to make travel smoother with a partner. Plus, the companion certificate is easier to obtain than other airline cards’ since it carries no spending requirement that must be met beyond the card’s annual fee. Alternatives: The American Express® Green Card could be a great alternative since it charges a lower $150 annual fee, lets you earn and redeem rewards on travel with any eligible airline (not just Delta) and offers credits for Loungebuddy lounge access and Clear Plus. You can even transfer points to Delta at a 1:1 ratio.

  • Boasts several valuable travel perks, including priority boarding, a free first checked bag and specialized annual credits for select rideshare services and reservations with Delta Stays and Resy.
  • Gets you closer to Medallion Status and discounts on in-flight purchases, complimentary upgrades, and more.
  • Its rewards rate on non-travel purchases is lacking — a general-purpose travel card could potentially offer better rewards value and flexibility for rewards travel outside Delta.
  • No longer offers complimentary Delta Sky Club lounge access as of this year, although airport lounge access is a staple perk for premium travel cards.
  • Receive a Companion Certificate on Main Cabin domestic, Caribbean, or Central American roundtrip flights each year after renewal of your Card. The Companion Ticket requires payment of government-imposed taxes and fees of no more than $80 for roundtrip domestic flights and no more than $250 for roundtrip international flights (both for itineraries with up to four flight segments). Baggage charges and other restrictions apply. See terms and conditions for details.
  • Receive $2,500 Medallion® Qualification Dollars each Medallion Qualification Year and get closer to Status with MQD Headstart.
  • Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card Members get 15% off when using miles to book Award Travel on Delta flights through delta.com and the Fly Delta app. Discount not applicable to partner-operated flights or to taxes and fees.
  • Earn $1 Medallion® Qualification Dollar for each $20 of purchases made on your Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card in a calendar year and get a boost toward achieving Medallion Status for next Medallion Year.
  • Earn 3X Miles on Delta purchases and purchases made directly with hotels.
  • Earn 2X Miles at restaurants worldwide including takeout and delivery in the U.S., and at U.S. supermarkets and earn 1X Miles on all other eligible purchases.
  • Enjoy your first checked bag free on Delta flights.
  • Receive Zone 5 Priority Boarding on Delta flights; board early, stow your carry-on bag and settle in sooner.
  • Receive either a statement credit every 4 years after you apply for Global Entry ($100) or a statement credit every 4.5 years after you apply for a five-year membership for TSA PreCheck® (up to $85 through a TSA PreCheck official enrollment provider) and pay the application fee with your Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card. If approved for Global Entry, at no additional charge, you will receive access to TSA PreCheck.
  • Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card Members with an eligible ticket will be added to the Complimentary Upgrade list, after Delta SkyMiles Medallion Members and Reserve Card Members.
  • $350 Annual Fee.

Best starter airline card

Image of Southwest Rapid Rewards® Plus Credit Card

Southwest Rapid Rewards® Plus Credit Card

  • Earn 85,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

Earn 85,000 points

Earn 2X points on Southwest® purchases. Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare. Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services; select streaming. Earn 2X points on Rapid Rewards® hotel and car rental partners. Earn 1X points on all other purchases.

  • 2X Earn 2X points on Southwest® purchases.
  • 2X Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare.
  • 2X Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services; select streaming.
  • 2X Earn 2X points on Rapid Rewards® hotel and car rental partners.
  • 1X Earn 1X points on all other purchases.

What we love: This card’s anniversary bonus offers enough value to nearly offset the annual fee on its own, so it should be a terrific low-stakes option whether you’re new to airline cards or a regular Southwest flyer looking for a low-maintenance card. Plus, its sign-up bonus value is on par with the value you’ll get with much pricier airline and travel cards. Learn more: Southwest Rapid Rewards Plus benefits guide Alternatives: The Southwest Rapid Rewards® Priority Credit Card could offer better value overall, despite its $149 annual fee. It carries an annual $75 Southwest travel credit and 7,500 bonus points each year on your account anniversary — more than enough value to justify the higher fee.

  • You’ll automatically earn 3,000 Rapid Rewards points each year after your account anniversary, which could offset much of the card’s already-low annual fee.
  • Delivers the same hefty sign-up bonus as higher-tier Southwest cards.
  • Unlike several travel cards, it doesn’t carry rewards categories for popular everyday purchases like gas or dining.
  • It may not be the best Southwest value for frequent flyers since it poses a 3 percent foreign transaction fee and doesn’t offer perks like upgraded boardings or elite status benefits.
  • 3,000 anniversary points each year.
  • Earn 2X points on Southwest® purchases.
  • Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare.
  • Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services; select streaming.
  • 2 EarlyBird Check-In® each year.
  • Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on all other purchases.

Best for savers

Image of Bank of America® Premium Rewards® credit card

Bank of America® Premium Rewards® credit card

  • Receive 60,000 online bonus points - a $600 value - after you make at least $4,000 in purchases in the first 90 days of account opening.

60,000 points

Earn unlimited 2 points for every $1 spent on travel and dining purchases. Earn unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases.

21.24% - 29.24% Variable APR on purchases and balance transfers

  • 2X Earn unlimited 2 points for every $1 spent on travel and dining purchases.
  • 1.5X Earn unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases.

What we love: If you do your banking with Bank of America and qualify for Preferred Rewards status, this card could provide an exclusive 25 percent to 75 percent rewards rate boost. The  rewards rates — 2X points on dining and travel, with 1.5X points on all other purchases — could increase to an incredible 3.5X on travel and dining with an unrivaled flat 2.62X points rate. Learn more: Why expert Sara Coleman loves the Bank of America Premium Rewards Card Alternatives: The similarly-priced Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is one of the best alternatives thanks to its stellar travel protections, yearly bonus rewards and stronger rewards program. However, flat-rate cards like the Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card or the Discover it® Miles card could be lucrative if you don’t think the $95 annual fee is worth it.

  • The $95 annual fee is relatively affordable for this card category thanks to the up to $100 in yearly airline incidental statement credits.
  • You can smooth out your travel experience with great benefits like credits toward TSA PreCheck or Global Entry and comprehensive travel insurance.
  • Attaining the highest rewards rate is not an easy feat, since you’ll need to hold significant funds in Bank of America accounts.
  • This card does not offer a few popular premium travel perks like lounge access.
  • Low $95 annual fee.
  • Earn unlimited 2 points for every $1 spent on travel and dining purchases and unlimited 1.5 points for every $1 spent on all other purchases. No limit to the points you can earn and your points don't expire as long as your account remains open.
  • If you're a Bank of America Preferred Rewards® member, you can earn 25%-75% more points on every purchase. That means you could earn 2.5-3.5 points on travel and dining purchases and 1.87 - 2.62 points on all other purchases, for every $1 you spend.
  • Redeem for cash back as a statement credit, deposit into eligible Bank of America® accounts, credit to eligible Merrill® accounts, or gift cards or purchases at the Bank of America Travel Center.
  • Get up to $100 in Airline Incidental Statement Credits annually and TSA PreCheck®/Global Entry Statement Credits of up to $100, every four years.
  • Travel Insurance protections to assist with trip delays, cancellations and interruptions, baggage delays and lost luggage.
  • No foreign transaction fees.

Best for first-year value

Image of Discover it® Miles

Discover it® Miles

  • Unlimited Bonus: Unlimited Mile-for-Mile match for all new cardmembers—only from Discover. Discover gives you an unlimited match of all the Miles you’ve earned at the end of your first year. You could turn 35,000 Miles to 70,000 Miles. There’s no signing up, no minimum spending or maximum rewards. Just a Miles-for-Miles match.

Discover Match®

Automatically earn unlimited 1.5x Miles on every dollar of every purchase.

18.24% - 28.24% Variable APR

  • 1.5X Automatically earn unlimited 1.5x Miles on every dollar of every purchase.

What we love: In addition to the exceptionally valuable Discover Match® , this card combines solid flat-rate rewards with consumer-friendly terms, like minimal fees and an equal value for both travel and cash back redemptions. Travelers who value simplicity will appreciate this card’s straightforward rewards and adaptability — even when you aren’t traveling. Learn more: Why expert Holly Johnson loves the Discover it® Miles Alternatives: The Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card carries a more straightforward and still easy-to-reach welcome bonus. The VentureOne card also gives you the option of transferring miles to more than a dozen airline and hotel partners, which could increase the redemption value of your rewards.

  • All miles earned in your first year will be matched at the end of the year, which could make it one of the most valuable first-year offers for no annual fee.
  • Miles don’t lose value when they’re redeemed for cash back, which gives it a leg up over many travel rewards programs for occasional travelers.
  • You’ll miss out on pretty standard travel perks like travel insurance, and car rental damage protection.
  • The rewards structure lacks flexibility; you won’t be able to transfer your miles or use them to book travel.
  • Automatically earn unlimited 1.5x Miles on every dollar of every purchase
  • No annual fee
  • Turn Miles into cash. Or redeem as a statement credit for your travel purchases like airfare, hotels, rideshares, gas stations, restaurants and more.
  • 0% intro APR for 15 months on purchases. Then 18.24% - 28.24% Standard Variable Purchase APR will apply.
  • Discover could help you reduce exposure of your personal information online by helping you remove it from select people-search sites that could sell your data. It’s free, activate with the mobile app.
  • Discover is accepted nationwide by 99% of the places that take credit cards.
  • Terms and conditions apply.

Best for fair credit

Image of Credit One Bank Wander® Card

Credit One Bank Wander® Card

Intro offer is not available for this Credit One Bank credit card.

Earn 10x points on eligible hotels and car rentals booked through the Credit One Bank travel partner site. Earn 5x points on eligible travel, dining, and gas. Earn 1x points on all other purchases.

29.74% Variable

  • 10X Earn 10x points on eligible hotels and car rentals booked through the Credit One Bank travel partner site
  • 5X Earn 5x points on eligible travel, dining, and gas
  • 1X Earn 1x points on all other purchases

What we love: The Credit One Bank Wander® Card is a solid option if you want to earn points on travel but have trouble qualifying for mainstream travel cards. Not only is this card accessible with only fair credit, but its rewards program boasts generously high rewards rates in key travel categories. Learn more: Best travel cards for people with bad or fair credit Alternatives: If you don’t mind putting down a refundable security deposit, consider a no-annual-fee secured card like the Bank of America® Customized Cash Rewards Secured Credit Card *. It’s a unique secured card that lets you build credit while earning rewards in a category of your choice (with travel just one of many popular options) as well as grocery stores and wholesale clubs.

  • It’s one of the only travel rewards cards available with a fair credit score, making it a decent option if you want to earn travel rewards as you work on your score.
  • Provides 5X points in travel, dining and gas, plus 10X points on eligible hotel and rental car bookings through Credit One Bank — rare and impressive rates with only fair credit.
  • Its annual fee is high compared to other cards you can get with a fair credit score , so it may not be the best fit if you prioritize building credit over earning rewards.
  • Other travel cards may offer better perks, fewer redemption restrictions and more value, so it may be worth working on your score with a lower-cost card before committing to the costly annual fee.
  • Earn 10x points on eligible hotels and car rentals booked through the Credit One Bank travel partner site
  • Earn 5x points on eligible travel, dining, and gas
  • Earn 1x points on all other purchases
  • Redeem your reward points for statement credits, gift cards, merchandise, flights, hotels, and more
  • With $0 Fraud Liability, you won’t be responsible for unauthorized charges
  • Free Online Credit Score and Credit Report summary, terms apply
  • If you are a Covered Borrower under the Military Lending Act, you may get a different offer
  • See Rates & Fees

Eligibility and benefit level varies by card. Terms, conditions and limitations apply. Please visit  AmericanExpress.com/benefitsguide  for more details. Underwritten by Amex assurance company.

The information about the American Express® Green Card and Bank of America® Customized Cash Rewards Secured card has been collected independently by Bankrate.com. The card details have not been reviewed or approved by the card issuers.

Compare Bankrate's best travel credit cards of 2024

What are travel credit cards.

Travel credit cards allow cardholders to earn points or miles on a variety of purchases (typically travel-related), which are redeemable for travel bookings, statement credits, gift cards and more.

The best travel credit cards do more than help you foot the bill for your next flight — travel cards also offer perks to upgrade your entire travel experience. Trip insurance , annual travel credits, concierge services and lounge access are all common benefits. Airline and hotel co-branded credit cards sometimes offer specific discounts and perks for loyalty program members.

Pros and cons of travel credit cards

Although a well-chosen travel card can pay huge dividends, it might not be the right move for every traveler. Before you apply, take time to weigh the benefits versus the drawbacks of travel credit cards .

Tips on choosing the best travel credit card for you

The right travel credit card for you will carry features and benefits that give you the best value. To help you narrow down your choices, here are the steps to choosing the best travel card.

How to choose a travel credit card

1. know how you prefer to travel.

Knowing whether your travel expenses lean toward airfare, hotel stays or a mix of other travel will help you decide whether you should get an airline card, hotel card or general-purpose travel card. A co-branded airline or hotel credit card may be a good fit if you mostly travel with a certain brand and want exclusive privileges to enhance your experience. A general-purpose travel card is better if you prefer to keep your travel options open.

2. Prioritize redemption value

You may have to pick between simplicity and maximum value when comparing cards and rewards programs. Many travel cards offer a standard point or mile redemption value of 1 cent when you redeem toward travel through the issuer portal, but some cards can get you a higher redemption value when you transfer rewards to airline or hotel partners. However, it's common for many travel reward programs to reduce the redemption value toward non-travel options or limit these redemption options altogether. If you prefer simplicity over maximizing rewards, you may want to consider cards that allow you to redeem points or miles at an equal 1-cent value toward general travel purchase credits, cash back or other non-travel options.

3. Match your card to your spending habits

Take a look at your typical spending and find which travel categories and non-travel categories you spend the most in to help you choose a card that offers a high rewards rate for your regular spending. Just make sure you factor in rewards spending caps.

4. Note what's worth the extra money

High rewards rates and valuable travel perks are the biggest reasons to get a travel card, but many of the best cards carry a high annual fee. You could stick with a no-annual-fee travel card (or at least one with around a $99 fee) if you're mainly focused on earning rewards, but you may have to pay up to $500 or more for luxurious perks like airport lounge access, comprehensive travel insurance and hundreds of dollars in annual travel credits .

5. Look toward your next trip abroad

If you travel overseas, check to see if the card you're considering charges a foreign transaction fee. And since some credit cards aren't as widely accepted as others, you'll also want to make sure your credit card will work when traveling overseas . For example, merchants may not accept Discover and American Express cards as widely as Visa and Mastercard. If a trip is coming up in the next three to six months, keep an eye out for the big sign-up bonuses travel cards are known for. As a rule of thumb, the higher the annual fee, the higher the sign-up bonus should be.

Co-branded travel cards vs. general travel cards

Experts typically divide travel credit cards into two categories: co-branded travel cards and general travel cards. Co-branded cards are linked to a particular airline or hotel, while general travel cards offer more flexible reward opportunities. Here’s why and when you might want one or the other.

  • Co-branded cards
  • General travel cards

Co-branded travel cards tend to offer higher rewards rates on eligible travel purchases in exchange for limiting your reward redemption options to just one airline or hotel program . These cards may also feature more specific perks associated with the respective hotel or airline, such as free award nights, complimentary airline elite status or priority boarding — which general-purpose travel cards don’t often carry).

However, you won’t be able to use your rewards with a wide variety of different hotels and airlines like general-purpose cards allow. Plus, despite co-branded travel cards’ typically higher rewards rates, many brand-specific rewards tend to be worth less than the potential value of general-purpose cards’ points and miles.

When to get a co-branded travel card : When you often fly or stay with a specific airline or hotel and want to maximize your benefits with that brand.

General travel cards earn rewards on various travel categories and aren’t limited to a particular airline or hotel. Such cards may lack some of the dedicated perks you’ll find on a co-branded travel card, such as in-flight discounts, but make up for it with rewards flexibility and broader perks like general travel credits, expedited security screening and wider airport lounge access. 

The top travel cards even let you transfer your points or miles to airline and hotel loyalty programs, often at a 1:1 rate. Redeeming with some airlines and hotels can even make your rewards more valuable than they would be if you redeemed with the card issuer.

When to get a general travel card : When you have no preferred airline or hotel and want the additional flexibility a general travel card offers. 

Who should get a travel credit card?

A travel credit card is almost always worth it for frequent travelers or anyone who wants to earn rewards toward their next vacation.

If you can save up airline miles, rack up points for free nights at hotels or get discounted travel through your credit card issuer, you’re on your way to significant travel savings. However, the right travel card for you will depend on your travel habits.

Frequent travelers

Naturally, the ideal candidate for a travel card is someone who travels a lot or plans to book several flights and hotel stays per year. However, in some cases, you don’t have to be a frequent traveler to reap the benefits of a travel rewards card. A number of cards offer good rewards rates on general purchases.

Travel beginners

If you’re new to travel rewards, a good place to start is with a travel card that makes it easy to earn and redeem points, without requiring you to navigate a complex rewards program or worry about tiered rewards rates or varying point redemption values. 

Brand loyalists

If you tend to book travel with the same brands frequently or already belong to an airline or hotel loyalty program, a co-branded travel card can offer terrific value.  Airline- and hotel-specific rewards cards often earn a top rate on bookings with the brand as well as exclusive perks like lounge access and automatic elite status. 

Business travelers

Some of the most valuable travel credit cards are business cards . Whether you're a freelancer on the go or the CEO of a Fortune 500, the right travel credit card can help you earn high rewards rates on everyday business purchases. 

International travelers

If you frequently travel abroad, a card with no foreign transaction fees is a great way to help you avoid extra costs on overseas purchases. Plus, if you hate waiting in line at airport security or customs, a lot of travel cards offer statement credits to reimburse you for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck application fees.

Luxury travelers

Luxury travel cards often charge a pretty penny but also offer a ton of value via perks like lounge access and annual travel credits. These perks not only make travel more comfortable, but also often carry enough value to offset the card’s cost on their own.

Still unsure if a travel credit card is right for you? Check out our Credit Card Spender Type Tool where you can get personalized credit card recommendations based on your credit score, spending habits and daily needs.

Here’s how a Bankrate editor chose his travel card

Here’s how a bankrate editor chose his travel card.

With all of this advice in mind, let’s see how a credit card expert made their pick. Here’s Bankrate editor Nouri Zarrugh on how he chose his travel card:

When it comes to earning rewards, I’ve always stuck with cash back cards, preferring the simplicity of knowing exactly how much my rewards are worth and the ease of redeeming for statement credits. Recently, though, I decided I wanted to travel a bit more frequently, and I figured a new travel rewards card could be a great tool to help me earn free trips. When choosing the right card for me, a few major points of consideration stood out: Cost: I didn’t feel like I traveled enough to justify a huge annual fee. Simplicity : I wanted to stick with a single, streamlined travel card and not worry about juggling multiple rewards programs or rewards rates. Perks : While I didn’t need anything too fancy, I thought it might be nice to have a perk like TSA Precheck included, since I hate waiting in long airport security lines. To my surprise, the card that stood out most was the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card. Though it carried an intimidating annual fee of $395 ( See Rates & Fees ), I found this cost was more than worth it once I dug into the details. In fact, its benefits were so valuable, I barely needed to worry about offsetting the cost.  Two of its annual perks — a $300 Capital One travel credit and 10,000 bonus miles every year on my account anniversary — are valuable enough to offset the fee on their own. This means as long as I take one flight a year, I can basically break even on the card. Any rewards or perks I get beyond that feel like pure upside. It’s a huge bonus, then, that the card also includes practical benefits like Priority Pass lounge access and a credit of up to $100 toward the cost of Global Entry or TSA PreCheck. While I’ve never frequented airport lounges, I see these privileges as essentially free considering the value of the annual travel credit and bonus miles. So, I figure, why not take advantage?  For me, the Venture X strikes the perfect balance: A flat rewards rate that makes it easy to earn miles on everything I buy; flexible redemption through Capital One or via transfer to airlines and hotels, and practical perks I know I’ll use when I travel. I never imagined I’d have a $395 travel card in my wallet, but for me, it’s at worst a coupon for a flight every year, which can nudge me to take that next trip. — Nouri Zarrugh, Editor, Bankrate

Travel benefits may differ from card to card, but some of the most popular travel cards available often feature a few key perks. 

Travel insurance

Travel cards may offer various travel insurances , such as trip delay protection, trip cancellation insurance, lost baggage insurance or car rental insurance. These benefits aren’t worth anything until you need them, but you’ll be glad you have them when your flight is canceled or your luggage gets lost.

Travel credits

Credits toward TSA PreCheck or Global Entry are a popular and common benefit on many travel cards. You can typically use this credit once every four years, which roughly corresponds to how long a TSA PreCheck or Global Entry membership lasts. Some cards may also provide an annual credit toward Clear Plus — another expedited security membership. Higher-end travel cards often offer annual statement credits toward travel purchases, and many of these credits nearly offset these cards’ annual fees. 

In-flight perks

Co-branded airline cards typically offer some airport and in-flight benefits on top of their reward-earning capabilities. These can include discounts on in-flight purchases (usually 25 percent back on refreshments and WiFi), free checked bags, flight seating upgrades or priority boarding. 

Free hotel award nights

Co-branded hotel cards may include free hotel award nights annually as part of their benefits. Some cards also add an extra complimentary awards night to your stay if you’ve booked a certain number of consecutive nights. These nights are typically capped at a certain value (sometimes based on the card or your elite status), and may be valuable enough to make up for some cards’ annual fees.

Airport lounge access

One of the most popular (and valuable) travel benefits featured on high-end and luxury travel cards is complimentary access to airport lounges. The lounges you gain access to depend on the card, though co-branded cards will often grant access to the lounge corresponding to the card’s airline. The Amex Platinum card currently offers the best airport lounge access .

If you want to add a credit card to your portfolio for your travel needs, knowing what cards are popular and why people like them can help steer your decision. We regularly stay abreast of these conversations online and noticed two travel cards come up regularly: the Chase Sapphire Reserve and The Platinum Card from American Express .

These cards shine because they offer some of the best rates on travel purchases and the most comprehensive set of benefits and perks . Despite their annual fees, what you get in return can far outweigh your costs. And the conversation around these two cards isn’t new: Is the effort of maximizing their perks worth it?

What people say about travel credit cards perks

The Sapphire Reserve is often referred to as the gold standard in travel benefits and protections, and the value of its trip insurance is a big part of that. A member of the Rick Steves Forum remarks on the value of the insurance: “It has pretty extensive coverage wherever I travel … my entire trip is covered as long as I charged any portion of the trip to my card.” This feature is unique to the Sapphire Reserve and sets it apart from other premium cards, which require you to charge your entire trip purchase to the card to have active coverage.

But using trip insurance isn’t always a simple process. As a user in the r/CreditCards forum on Reddit cautions: “Credit card travel insurance in general is very specific on what it covers, and people tend to overestimate just how useful the coverage actually is,” they write. “These are named peril policies, so unless you see your exact situation as a covered hazard the policies won't pay out.”

The Platinum Card from American Express gets a lot of buzz for reasons similar to the Sapphire Reserve. The card gives so many benefits, credits and additional perks that it’s often called a coupon book for luxury travel. But for many people, the value comes down to whether they’re willing to do the work to maximize its features. Another r/CreditCards member says they use the card’s Hilton and Marriott status boosters, rental car company loyalty program automatic status features, Centurion lounge access, hotel and airline incidental credits, membership credits and more. Using all these features helps them offset the annual fee.

While some people love maximizing the card’s features to extract  as much value as possible, others, like this Redditor, think it’s too much work:

“The only benefit the Platinum card really adds is Centurion but only to the [cardholder] … I believe the Platinum is worth [it] at least the first year for the [sign-up] bonus but then it doesn't get much use after that. Trust me the credits are really annoying to use.” — r/CreditCards user

These two premium cards stand out from the rest because they offer the most comprehensive features available to suit your travel needs and protect you from any issues that arise. The Chase Sapphire Reserve is an exceptional option to protect you from travel issues, but make sure you know the fine print. While the Amex Platinum may not be as ideal for travel protections, the credits offered more than offset its annual fee if you can put in the effort to fully maximize them.

Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned cardholder, your travel card should always work in your favor by offering the features and benefits you’ll actually use and that make your travels more enjoyable. But whether you’re willing to put in the effort to maximize a card’s value is something you’ll need to decide for yourself.

*The quotes and citations included on this page have been verified by our editorial team and are accurate as of the posting date. Be sure to check the issuer's website/terms and conditions for all up to date content. Outlinked content may contain views and opinions that do not reflect the views and opinions of Bankrate.

Credit card points and miles are two of the key types of credit card rewards , along with cash back. You’ll earn points and miles by making purchases with your credit card, but you can typically redeem these rewards for travel, gift cards and more — not just statement credits.

Points and miles tend to be more flexible than cash back, but since their value depends on how you redeem them — and, in the case of travel redemptions, where you’re going, when you book, your fare class and more — it may take a bit more effort to make the most of them.

What are your points and miles worth?

Since many airlines and hotels use dynamic pricing models that continually optimize airfare and room prices, it can be hard to know exactly how much your rewards are worth without doing a little math.

Luckily, you don’t need to be a travel hacker to get a sense of this idea. Before you redeem, you can check your reward redemption value by dividing the cost of a plane or hotel booking in cash by its cost in points or miles. This calculation will result in the cash value of your points or miles.

You can also compare this value to Bankrate’s latest points and miles valuations to determine if you’re getting a good deal on your redemptions. Bankrate collected data on hundreds of bookings across dozens of airline, hotel and credit card rewards programs and estimated how much each program’s rewards are worth on average .

  • Airline rewards values
  • Hotel rewards values
  • Credit card program rewards values

The table below shows Bankrate’s estimated reward redemption value for a variety of popular airline loyalty programs. You’ll notice how widely the value varies between airlines, with some offering close to 3 cents per point in average redemption value and others struggling to meet a 1-cent-per-point value.

Keep in mind, however, that these values are averages based on a variety of fare classes, destinations, booking periods and more. For example, while Bankrate estimates Delta SkyMiles carry an average redemption value of around 1.2 cents per mile, they could be worth more or less depending on the details of your booking. 

*Based on weighted average of median point/mile values across economy and first/business class fares.

Like airline miles, hotel points fluctuate in value. The table below shows Bankrate’s estimated point values for some of the most popular hotel brands. 

As you can see, hotel points tend to be worth less than airline and credit card rewards on average, often carrying less than 1 cent per point in redemption value. That said, hotel loyalty programs sometimes offer more favorable exchange rates when you transfer rewards from a credit card rewards program. For example, you may be able to turn 1,000 credit card points into 2,000 hotel points (a 2:1 transfer ratio). 

*Based on median point values across budget, mid-tier and luxury hotel bookings.

Unlike hotel and airline rewards programs, credit card reward programs typically earn points or miles that offer a consistent redemption value when you use them with the issuer. Though the redemption value of your rewards may vary based on how you redeem, each redemption method should offer a consistent baseline value. 

Some credit card rewards programs may also allow you to transfer your points or miles to airline and hotel loyalty programs, which could boost their value considerably. For each major credit card rewards program, we estimate a baseline redemption value (assuming you book for travel with the issuer) and a Bankrate’s Value, which averages the program’s best-value transfer partners.

*Based on an average of the issuer’s five highest-value transfer partners (if available).

When to use rewards vs. cash

To demonstrate when it’s best to use your reward miles versus paying in cash, we set up this example:

We estimate American Airlines AAdvantage miles are worth 1.0 cents. If you book a seat in the main cabin on a one-way flight from Boston to Miami, and it costs either $139 or 21,500 miles, your miles are only worth $0.006 ($139 / 21,500 miles = $0.006). Since your miles for this flight are worth less than 1.0 cents, you may want to save your miles and pay cash for this flight.

But if you book a first-class seat on the same flight for $433 or 31,500 miles, your miles are now worth $0.013 ($433 / 31,500 = $0.013). Since 1.3 cents is higher than our latest valuation, you’re coming out ahead if you use your miles to pay for this flight.

Bankrate experts share their advice on using travel credit cards

It’s important to know how to maximize your rewards and perks. Otherwise, a travel card could end up being a money pit. Here are a few pointers from our experts for making the most of your travel card: 

Combine cards to maximize rewards

Knowing how much you spend in different categories and which merchants are eligible for rewards will help you earn more and build an optimized stack of rewards cards. A flat-rate card is often a great starting point to earn the same rate on every purchase you make. As you build out a rewards strategy, you can incorporate a card with bonus categories to earn even more in your highest spending areas.

Expert Insight:

“For a long time, I’ve used a combination of Chase credit cards known as the Chase trifecta for all my family’s spending…. [I] don’t typically use my Sapphire Reserve for everyday spending and bills. Since it only offers 1X points on non-bonus category spending, I use my Freedom Unlimited to make sure I earn a minimum of 1.5 percent cash back on everything I buy.” “I use each card strategically to earn as much in rewards as possible, then I pool them in my Sapphire Reserve account to redeem them for airfare, excursions, hotels and more.” — Holly D. Johnson — Award-winning personal finance writer and Bankrate contributor: Why I love the Chase Sapphire Reserve

Maximize your rewards value with transfer partners and issuer travel

Save your rewards for the most valuable redemption options. Travel points and miles often lose value toward non-travel options like cash back, so you’ll want to redeem your rewards for travel through the issuer portal for at least 1 cent per point or mile. However, transferring your rewards to the right airline or hotel partner program is usually worth the extra effort since it could net you even more value.

Expert Insight

“When I redeem my points through the Chase Ultimate Rewards program, the most I can get is 1.25 cents apiece, which is pretty good. However, if I transfer them to a partner airline’s loyalty program, I will often get much more. For example, I can transfer my points to United Airlines MileagePlus and use them to pay for flights. When I do, I generally get a value of 2 or more cents per point — in line with Bankrate estimates that Chase Ultimate Rewards points are worth around 2 cents apiece on average when used with the right transfer partner.” — Margaret Wack — Personal finance expert and Bankrate contributor: Why I love the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card

Make the most of your travel perks

Travel benefits are one of the main reasons to get a travel card, and are often key to making up a card’s annual fee. Be sure to read the fine print to make sure you can take full advantage of these offers . For example, one card’s travel credit may apply to any travel purchase, including airfare, while another card’s may only cover costs like baggage fees or in-flight purchases. 

“This is the year to take inventory of your credit cards and make sure they’re serving you well. If you’re paying an annual fee, look for a card with recurring benefits. Whether it’s annual award nights, waived luggage fees or elite status benefits, these perks can offset your annual fee and make your travels more pleasant … Despite putting minimal spending on my Hilton Honors Amex Aspire card, I keep renewing it every year. That’s because the card provides automatic Hilton Diamond elite status, which can easily offset the $550 annual fee. Recurring card benefits like [these] can save you a lot on travel and are worth considering when shopping for a new credit card.” — Ariana Arghandewal — Travel rewards expert and Bankrate contributor: Five benefits you need from a travel credit card

Plan for the sign-up bonus

The best travel cards come with generous welcome offers, but these bonuses may require a high spend in a short timeframe. That’s why it’s important to consider whether the spending requirement fits with your typical spending habits or whether you need to plan purchases to meet the requirement. Just be sure not to overextend yourself or take on debt you can’t pay back just to earn a bonus — interest and fees can easily eat through any value you’d get.

“Keep in mind that credit card sign-up offers change often. So if you’re interested in a particular card but not blown away by its current offer (there are some for 100,000 points or more that aren’t always worth the trouble), it could be worth your while to wait for a better one.” — Ariana Arghandewal — Travel rewards expert and Bankrate contributor: 6 ways to get bigger credit card bonuses

Look out for limited-time offers, partner perks and other benefits

Keeping an eye out for limited-time offers like extraordinarily high sign-up bonuses, perks with partner services (like rideshares or delivery services) and other reward-earning opportunities is a great way to squeeze the most value from your travel card. Issuers sometimes provide shopping and travel portals and card-linked reward programs for select purchases (like for pre-paid dining or participating merchant spending), which can help you bank extra rewards.

“Keep an eye on your email inbox and rewards portal for any limited-time promotions your issuer may be offering. Many American Express cards feature Amex Offers, which lets you access perks like statement credits for spending a certain amount on specific hotels and other retailers.  Other cards, like the Capital One Venture X, also have occasional promotional offers, such as a credit for 5 percent back on VRBO rentals.” — Lori Zaino — Travel expert and Bankrate contributor: How to maximize credit cards for cheaper accommodations this holiday season

Track your spending and rewards each account statement

Track your favorite stores’ and services’ merchant category codes (MCCs) to fine-tune your spending habits for maximum rewards. If you notice your expenses changing, this practice may also help you notice whether you need to change which rewards cards you carry.

“The first step to optimizing your spending is to take the time to collect the MCCs of stores you frequently shop at. During the process, you might find that some stores in the same chain may have different MCCs, depending on their primary inventory. Even different counters or sections in the same department store may carry different MCCs. You can use this to your advantage if you know one location near you will provide a better cash back rate than the other. These “loopholes” can provide great opportunities to reap cash back on purchases that typically wouldn’t earn rewards.” — Garrett Yarbrough — Writer and credit cards expert at Bankrate: Merchant category codes: How to earn more cash back

Our data: What credit score do you need for the best travel cards?

It’s no secret that your credit score heavily influences which cards you’re likely to get approval for. But how good does your credit need to be to get the best credit cards for travel? We analyzed our data of Bankrate readers who applied for credit cards on our pages in 2023 and compared the approval rates of readers’ different credit tiers.

We found that, on average, 61.9 percent of users with excellent credit were approved for travel cards on our site. Then, an average of 39.5 percent and 19.5 percent of users with good and fair credit, respectively, got approval for travel credit cards they applied to.

If you have fair or bad credit, you still have options for travel credit cards. For example, the Credit One Bank Wander Card caters to people with fair credit — 57 percent of people with fair credit who applied on our site in 2023 were approved for this card , according to our data.

Obviously, the better your credit, the more likely you are to get the card you apply for , but other factors can affect your application. Issuers may also consider your income, recent credit applications, homeownership status and monthly rental or mortgage payment. Keep these other factors in mind with your credit score when you apply for credit cards.

Have more questions for our credit cards editors? Feel free to send us an email , find us on Facebook , or Tweet us @Bankrate .

When evaluating the best travel cards, we consider a mix of factors, including how cards score in our proprietary card rating system and whether cards offer features that fit the priorities of a diverse group of cardholders, from earning rewards in popular categories to scoring a large sign-up bonus or high-value perks. Whenever possible, we also feature cards that are available at various credit levels and price points. 

We analyzed over 150 of the most popular cards and scored each based on its rewards rate, estimated annual earnings, welcome bonus value, APR, fees, perks and more to determine whether it belonged in this month’s roundup of the best travel cards.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the key factors in our rewards card scoring methodology — our primary scoring category for travel cards — and details we considered when putting together our list of the best travel cards.  

  • Flexibility 15%
  • Customer experience 5%

Great rewards value

The primary criteria for a rewards-earning card’s rating is its rewards value. This includes the card’s average rewards rate, estimated annual rewards earnings, sign-up bonus value and reward redemption value.

To estimate a card’s average annual rewards earnings, we first calculate its average rewards rate based on how much it earns in different bonus categories and how closely its categories align with the average person’s spending habits. In other words, we assess whether the card earns rewards at a high rate in the most popular spending categories. 

We use consumer spending data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to get a reliable third-party measure of people’s spending habits. The most recent BLS data estimates average total spending in 2022 was $72,967 per consumer. We then narrow our focus to which purchases are likely to be put on a credit card and earn rewards, subtracting expenditures like housing, vehicle purchases and education. This gives us a total “chargeable” annual spend of around $25,500.  

This includes the following spending by category:

  • Groceries: $5,700
  • Dining out: $3,600
  • Entertainment: $2,400
  • Gas: $3,100
  • Apparel and services: $1,900

Using this data, we assign a weighting to each of a card’s bonus categories. For example, a card’s grocery rewards rate receives a 22 percent weighting based on how much of the average person’s budget is spent on groceries.

We also estimate the redemption value of points or miles from various issuer, airline and hotel rewards programs.

This weighting and rewards valuation allows us to estimate a card’s average annual rewards earnings — how many points or miles you’d earn with a given card if your spending was about average and you used the card for all of your purchases — as well as what those points are worth. We also use point valuations to determine a card’s sign-up bonus value

With these calculations complete, we assign each card a score based on how its average rewards earnings, sign-up bonus value, rewards rate and redemption value stack up against other rewards cards.

The better these values, the higher its score will be, making it more worthy of inclusion in our list and increasing its potential ranking.

Reasonable rates and fees

We also score cards based on how much it costs to keep them in your wallet or carry a balance. 

To start, each card is scored based on whether it offers an intro APR and how its ongoing APR compares to the rates available on other rewards cards. However, the latter rating only has a slight influence on the card’s score and whether the card is included in our list, since rewards card users generally try to avoid carrying a balance.

More important to both a card’s score and its inclusion in our list is how its annual fee influences its overall value. We consider a card’s annual fee in two ways — how it ranks relative to the fees you’ll find on other cards in the category and how it impacts a card’s overall rewards value. 

Cards with an annual fee will always be at a slight disadvantage in our scoring system since annual fees inherently cut into your rewards value. However, if a card offers terrific value via its ongoing rewards and perks, it can earn a high score and a spot in our list even if it carries a high annual fee. After all, the highest rewards rates and most valuable perks are often found on cards with annual fees. 

With this in mind, we rate a card based primarily on how its ongoing rewards value and ongoing perk value (such as annual credits or bonuses) stack up against those of other cards in the category when you subtract annual fees.

That said, we strive to include as many no-annual-fee options in our list as possible since many people would rather not worry about offsetting fees, even if a card carries impressive rewards and perks.

Redemption flexibility

Rewards cards may make it easy to earn a lot of points, miles or cash back, but how easy is it to use those rewards? After all, if it takes a ton of effort to redeem rewards or you can only redeem rewards in a couple of ways, a card may be more trouble than it’s worth. 

As such, we rate each card’s flexibility based on the restrictions it imposes on earning and redeeming rewards. We factor this rating into a card’s overall score and consider it when deciding on a card’s inclusion in our list. 

Flexibility factors include whether a card only allows you to earn a high rewards rate on only a small amount of spending or requires you to meet a certain earning threshold before you can redeem rewards. We also examine whether your points are worth less when you opt for some redemption options over others and whether a card gives you the flexibility to transfer rewards to travel partners.

Valuable perks

We also score each card’s set of features – its perks and benefits — against five tiers of features to provide a rating. 

We break down these tiers as follows:

  • Tier 1 includes fewer features than even standard credit cards (for example, an ultra-streamlined card that offers basic utility and next to nothing in the way of ancillary benefits). 
  • Tier 2 includes the benefits you’d expect on standard Visa or Mastercard credit cards, such as free access to your credit score, car rental insurance and $0 liability for fraudulent charges. 
  • Tier 3 includes “prime card” or better-than-average card features like cellphone insurance, lost luggage insurance, concierge services and purchase protection. 
  • Tier 4 includes luxury features such as airport lounge access, elite status with an airline or hotel and credits for expedited security screening membership programs. 
  • Tier 5 includes the sort of exemplary benefits you’ll find on top-tier luxury cards, such as high-value travel credits, cardholder memberships and other unique and valuable perks.

In evaluating the best cards, we tend to favor cards that offer at least Tier 3 benefits, unless they include other unique features that could make up for less-impressive perks.

And since this list focuses on travel cards, we tend to favor cards that carry travel-centric features like travel insurance, airport lounge access and credits for expedited security screening, instead of more general perks like food delivery credits or shopping discounts.

More information on travel credit cards

Frequently asked questions about travel credit cards, are travel credit cards worth it.

Travel cards can be well worth it since they often have exclusive travel perks like credits for airfare, hotel stays, expedited airport security services and more, as well as complimentary airport lounge access and airline or hotel privileges. However, many of the best travel credit cards come with annual fees. It’s important to at least offset the cost of these cards by taking advantage of the various travel perks and features included on the card. 

What credit score do you need for a travel credit card?

It’s possible to get a travel credit card with bad or fair credit, but most travel rewards cards are geared toward people with good or excellent credit (a FICO score of at least 670, or a VantageScore of at least 661).

Do travel miles or points expire?

Even though many major credit cards earn rewards that don’t expire, you may lose your points and miles if your account closes or isn’t in good standing. However, some co-branded cards’ rewards may expire if you don’t earn or redeem rewards within a certain timeframe (typically 12 to 36 months after the rewards are earned).

Check out our guide to credit card rewards expiration for a thorough breakdown of several popular issuers’ policies.

Are points or miles better on a credit card?

Whether points or miles offer better value will depend on the specific rewards program and how you redeem rewards. One airline loyalty program may earn miles that offer less than 1 cent each in average redemption value while another program’s points may offer close to 3 cents each on average. Similarly, a hotel card’s points may be worth less than half of a credit card issuer’s rewards points. Some programs offer points with only average baseline redemption value but high value when transferred to a partner airline or hotel. 

Ask the experts: Is it a good idea to have multiple travel credit cards?

tips for air travel

Thomas Nitzsche

tips for air travel

Stephanie Zito

tips for air travel

Erica Sandberg

tips for air travel

Financial Educator, Debt and Credit

Whether you should have multiple travel credit cards depends on several factors, including your brand affinity, frequency of travel and ability to pay off your cards in full each month. As a credit counselor, I see many people carrying credit card debt at high interest rates while continuing to make charges to the account for the sake of earning rewards. They lose far more than they earn each month. Having more than one travel credit card could make sense for you if you’re able to maximize your earnings by strategizing spending across each card. Just take into account annual fees and actual interest paid.

Contributor, Personal Finance

If you’re up for managing multiple cards and their benefits, then there are definitely big reward payouts to be had. But if the thought of multiple cards is overwhelming, it’s also a good strategy to have one or two more flexible cards and focus on maximizing your earnings and redemptions until it becomes second nature.

tips for air travel

Contributor, Credit Cards

Definitely! I currently have two travel credit cards. In addition to the Chase card that I use for my United Airlines purchases, I have the Capital One Venture card for all other airlines. I earn a solid amount of miles on everything I buy with it, so it's an easy go-to for non-travel related expenses.

Article sources

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Global entry: Trusted traveler enrollment program . U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Accessed on June 12, 2024.

Discover International acceptance . Discover. Accessed on June 5, 2024.

“ Consumer Expenditures 2022 ,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Accessed on June 12, 2024.

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Editorial Disclosure: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed or approved by any advertiser. The information, including card rates and fees, is accurate as of the publish date. All products or services are presented without warranty. Check the bank’s website for the most current information.

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center

Alaska Airlines launches seasonal, daily flight between Portland and New Orleans 

  • June 18, 2024
  • Mileage Plan
  • Alaska Airlines
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tips for air travel

Our new route becomes the first nonstop flight to the “Big Easy” from Portland   

Alaska Airlines is continuing to expand the destinations it flies from Portland with the launch of the first nonstop flight to New Orleans beginning this January. Our daily service will operate until next spring, including during Mardi Gras—New Orleans’ largest annual celebration. Guests can purchase tickets starting June 19 on alaskaair.com. 

As the largest carrier in Portland for more than 20 years, it’s important we continue to expand the nonstop destinations we offer our guests and give them choices when planning their next trip,” said Kirsten Amrine, vice president of revenue management and network planning for Alaska Airlines. “We can’t wait to offer another convenient way to connect our guests along the West Coast to New Orleans, a city rich in history and culture.” 

tips for air travel

The vibrant city of New Orleans will be Alaska’s 55 th nonstop destination from Portland International Airport when service begins in January. The daily flight will conveniently depart PDX in the morning on our mainline aircraft for guests to enjoy an afternoon in the Big Easy and return to Portland in the evening. 

tips for air travel

“We are thrilled that Alaska Airlines is launching nonstop service from New Orleans to Portland,” said Kevin Dolliole, Director of Aviation for Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. “Portland has been the top unserved destination from New Orleans, and this new route not only strengthens the connection between our vibrant cities but also underscores our commitment to enhancing the travel experience for our community and visitors alike.” 

Portland – New Orleans service 

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tips for air travel

We’ve grown our PDX presence with new routes, including daily, nonstop flights to Nashville that began this spring and to Atlanta, which is scheduled to begin on Oct. 1. We’ve also kept convenience in mind for guests traveling to and from Portland by significantly adding more flights throughout the day to some of our existing and popular destinations – bringing us to an average of 100+ daily departures from Portland this summer, including Anchorage, Ontario, Reno and Santa Rosa.  

“Alaska’s continued investment in PDX is great news for our travel community. Until now, New Orleans was one of the largest U.S. markets without a nonstop from PDX,” said Dan Pippenger, chief aviation officer at the Port of Portland. “Tens of thousands of travelers already fly between these two great cities every year, and we expect that number to only grow with this new nonstop service.”      

tips for air travel

We’re excited about our future in Portland where we’re hard at work designing our new Alaska Lounge. It’s currently scheduled to open in the 2026 timeframe with almost 14,000 square feet of space that will provide nearly double the seating of our current Lounge spaces. Lounge members and guests will enjoy a barista station with hand-crafted espresso beverages and drip coffee from Stumptown; complimentary beer, wine and house spirits; our signature Loungers to relax in; and a custom fireplace.   

tips for air travel

All our guests—whether in Portland or across our expanding network—can take advantage of a premium travel experience on their next Alaska flight. We are the West Coast’s premier airline offering our flyers the most legroom in First Class* and Premium Class; no change fees; multiple fare offerings; the most generous loyalty program with the fastest path to elite status; 30 Global Partners; and West Coast food and beverage on board.    

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* Out of any U.S. legacy airline excluding lie-flat seats        

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Military Technical Museum
  • Church of Our Lady of Kazan
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Borisoglebsky Sports Palace
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Shirokov House
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Zheleznodorozhny Museum of Local Lore
  • Stella Municipal Drama Theater
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Fryazino Centre for Culture and Leisure
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture
  • Art Gallery of The City District

American Airlines CEO: ‘We fell short’ in removal of Black passengers

Robert Isom promises changes after racial discrimination lawsuit

tips for air travel

American Airlines will take new measures — including new training for staff, creating an advisory group and evaluating policies over removing people from flights — after Black passengers filed a lawsuit alleging they were forced off a plane after a complaint about body odor.

Chief executive Robert Isom wrote in a note to employees on Tuesday that the incident was “unacceptable.” Employees involved were being held accountable, according to the airline, with some removed from service.

“I am incredibly disappointed by what happened on that flight and the breakdown of our procedures,” Isom wrote. “We fell short of our commitments and failed our customers in this incident.”

Letter from American Airlines CEO Robert Isom 6.18.2024

In the lawsuit, filed last month in federal court, three passengers said American Airlines employees removed them and five other Black men from their seats on a January flight before it was scheduled to take off from Phoenix. Eventually, an employee told them that someone on the flight had complained about body odor, even though no one had accused the plaintiffs themselves.

The men eventually were allowed back on the flight to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, but the lawsuit called the experience “traumatic, upsetting, scary, humiliating, and degrading.” The three men who ultimately filed the suit shared contact information after the flight but did not see the other five again.

American Airlines declined to comment on the lawsuit Thursday. A recent court filing said the plaintiffs and the airline “have agreed to engage in settlement discussions.”

The allegations placed American back under scrutiny, several years after the NAACP issued a travel advisory in 2017 warning that Black passengers could encounter “disrespectful, discriminatory or unsafe conditions” when flying on the airline.

Derrick Johnson, the NAACP’s president and CEO, said that advisory was lifted the following year, after American committed to moves — including creating a diversity, equity and inclusion council — to prevent discrimination. He warned in a statement earlier this month that the NAACP would need to reinstate an advisory if the airline did not deliver a “swift and decisive response” to the situation. The statement said American disbanded the DEI council in 2023 and urged the airline to revive it.

Isom wrote in his letter to employees that he had spoken with Johnson about the NAACP’s concerns. American is creating a new “oversight and excellence advisory group” that will focus on improving travel for Black passengers, Isom said. The airline also is updating its process for handling customer allegations of discrimination or bias; reviewing operational manuals, with a focus on scenarios where passengers could be removed; and introducing new training to help staff “recognize and address bias and discrimination.”

In an emailed statement Thursday, the NAACP said it had made the return of that advisory council one of its conditions for not issuing a new advisory.

“The NAACP is pleased to see American Airlines has taken initial steps to forge a path toward a more inclusive experience for all,” the organization said. “While it is unfortunately common for Black consumers to experience racism and discrimination at the hands of corporations, it is not common to see such swift, and decisive action. It is our hope that this approach will serve as a model for other corporations who may find themselves in similar situations.”

tips for air travel


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    Exercise. izusek / Getty Images. It's not good to stay in your seat when you're awake. So get up and take a walk to get your circulation going. This will also lessen your chances of getting deep vein thrombosis. Also, don't forget to stretch. 07 of 10.

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  24. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  25. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  26. Alaska Airlines launches seasonal, daily flight between Portland and

    Alaska Airlines is continuing to expand the destinations it flies from Portland with the launch of the first nonstop flight to New Orleans beginning this January. Our daily service will operate until next spring, including during Mardi Gras—New Orleans' largest annual celebration.

  27. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

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  28. American Airlines CEO promises action after race discrimination lawsuit

    The airline kicked eight Black men off a flight after a complaint over body odor, plaintiffs alleged. CEO Robert Isom called the incident "unacceptable." ... Local guides, travel tips and the ...