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Te unes porque conseguir vuestra felicidad es lo que nos hace volar, put your hands up, manita arriba quien tenga ganas de un tallarinazo, estáis ready, buscamos nuevas víctimas para nuestros cortes de pelo gratuitos ...y para los tartazooos.

tallarina on tour 2022

Tallarina on Tour en cifras

  • 5285 fans en las redes
  • 12mil kg de confeti
  • 356 cortes de pelo
  • 1076 horas de diversión
  • 37mil globos lanzados
  • 212 tartazos

tallarina on tour 2022


Un espectáculo con música comercial como hilo conductor, con una pizca de locura. Pensado para grandes aforos, Tallarina se reinventa en cada actuación para ofrecer un evento irrepetible. Una performance en la que cuatro animadores dan vida a diferentes personajes: Minions, el Barbero, los Pintores; y a divertidas situaciones: juegos, concursos, pistola lanza-camisetas, confetitrón… ¡¡El buen rollo está garantizado!!

Un elenco disparatado que, junto a Santi Bertomeu y Alex Watkinson, hacen que el público sea el verdadero protagonista

Una de las piezas clave de Tallarina On Tour es su dj, ¡sin él no sería lo mismo! Con más de diez años en el sector, Santi Bertomeu es el encargado de conducir el espectáculo hasta el clímax. Su estilo musical engloba todo tipo de música y ha pinchado en los festivales más importantes de la costa valenciana; además, en su faceta de speaker no tiene quien le supere. Si alguien puede hacer vibrar a la gente... Ese es, sin duda, Santi Bertomeu.

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+34 644 218 613‬, [email protected], [email protected], en las redes, @tallarinaontour.

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Tallarina On Tour - Disco Camaleón, Calpe

Tallarina On Tour - Disco Camaleón, Calpe

Discoteca Camaleón, Playa de La Fossa, Calpe. Calle Gibraltar, s/n, edif. Voramar, bajo. Ver mapa

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Fiesta Tallarina On Tour en Disco Camaleón, Playa de la Fossa, Calpe.

Venta anticipada 10€. Comprando tu entrada aquí, cola reducida, entrada por puerta preferencial.

Adelántate al resto, compra tu entrada y no hagas colas, entra antes!

Disfruta de las locuras de Tallarina On Tour, su música, sus retos, sus bailes, sus pruebas, su animación, su decoración, sus tartazos!

Vive y disfruta en directo de Santi Bertomeu y Álex Watkinson!

Política de acceso

Entrada permitida a la discoteca desde 16 años. Obligatorio presentar D.N.I., N.I.E. o pasaporte físico en la puerta. 

Prohibida la venta de alcohol a menores de 18 años (16 y 17 años), a los cuales se les identifica con una pulsera de menor.

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Disco Camaleón


Preparando la próxima gira...

¡quién lo prueba, repite, miles de personas no pueden estar equivocadas… ¡llevamos la fiesta a otro nivel, no santi, no party, ponemos todo nuestro empeño en hacer de tus fiestas, una experiencia única, el espectáculo.

El espectáculo incluye un pack de regalos con camisetas y mochilas de la marca Santi Bertomeu, máquinas de confeti, globos gigantes, botes de nata, chucherías,… un elenco disparatado dónde el público es el verdadero protagonista.

Una performance con un único objetivo, el #Desmadre!! Equipados con todo tipo de locuras, Santi Bertomeu Show se caracteriza por una fiesta con mucha energía! Parte de culpa la tienen sus dos animadores, que junto a Santi Bertomeu, cierran un círculo perfecto en el que prima la interacción con el público.

tallarina on tour 2022

Santi Bertomeu en cifras

  • 14mil camisetas lanzadas
  • 23mil mochilas regaladas
  • 47mil chuches repartidas
  • 15mil kg de confeti
  • 90mil globos hinchados
  • 213mil Km recorridos

tallarina on tour 2022

Santi Bertomeu, innovando para enloquecer al público

Santi Bertomeu es un dj de Benissa (Alicante) que ha ido ganando admiración y seguidores, no solo en Alicante, sino por toda España.

Es un dj que inspira, que busca la perfección y nunca deja de innovar para ofrecer espectáculos que hagan vibrar a la gente, logrando públicos desatados y una reputación que le ha llevado a grandes eventos como el David Guetta Listen Tour 2016 y 2017.

En la actualidad

Es el dj residente del Tallarina On Tour y CEO del espectáculo Santi Bertomeu Show, dos producciones que no dejan indiferente a nadie y en el que reina la locura y el desenfreno gracias al carácter gamberro de sus protagonistas. La fama precede al espectáculo allá donde va.

Experiencia y conocimientos musicales

A la edad de cinco comenzó a mostrar una intensa curiosidad por la música y fue cuando comenzó sus estudios hasta finalmente licenciarse en la especialidad de Piano. Estos conocimientos musicales y su pasión por el espectáculo hacen que sus mezclas sean distintas, únicas.

tallarina on tour 2022

Información y contratación

+34 644 218 613, [email protected], en las redes, @santibertomeu.

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Hora 14 Elda

La Plaza Castelar de Elda vibra con el espectáculo de Tallarina On Tour

El evento acogió a cientos de personas que disfrutaron de una noche llena de diversión.

tallarina on tour 2022

Santi Bartomeu, Dj del grupo Tallarina On Tour / J. CRUCES

Laura Vidal

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Si en algo no se equivocó ayer Santi Bartomeu, Dj del grupo Tallarina On Tour, fue en decir que el evento iba a hacer bailar, cantar y reír a todo el público. Y es que, ayer por la noche la Plaza Castelar se pudo ver llena de gente que disfrutó del espectáculo del grupo Tallarina On Tour.

El festival con música comercial, como hilo conductor, llevó a los asistentes a disfrutar de manera desenfrenada de toda la noche. El punto culminante fue con los tartazos, donde los miembros del grupo repartieron dianas a aquellos asistentes que querían y “el pastelero loco”, tal y como lo llama Tallarina On Tour, intentó acertar en la diana de los asistentes. Además, también hubo cortes de pelo en vivo e innumerables lluvias de confeti. El grupo logró involucrar a cada persona presente, haciendo que todos fueran partícipes un año más del espectáculo.

Gente del público se animó a cortarse el pelo en vivo

Gente del público se animó a cortarse el pelo en vivo / J. CRUCES

Sin duda, la primavera queda más que inaugurada en la ciudad de Elda, gracias al grupo Tallarina on Tour, que el año que viene espera volver a los escenarios de la plaza y hacer bailar de nuevo a todos los eldenses.

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El barrio del Cristo da el pistoletazo de salida a sus fiestas tras dos años

Se celebran entre el 19 y el 28 de agosto con múltiples actividades, como la 10ª cañas y barrio - juani moreno es la reina de las fiestas.

Barrio del Cristo | 18·08·22 | 04:30 | Actualizado a las 14:00

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Grupo de festeros y festeras de las fiestas del Barrio del Cristo de Aldaia 2022, con la Reina de la Fiestas, Juani Moreno, en el centro de la imagen.

Grupo de festeros y festeras de las fiestas del Barrio del Cristo de Aldaia 2022, con la Reina de la Fiestas, Juani Moreno, en el centro de la imagen. ED

Con el espíritu vecinal como gran protagonista , el barrio del Cristo da el pistoletazo de salida, mañana por la noche, a sus fiestas de verano , con una intenso programa de actos que se desarrollan entre los días 19 y 28 de agosto . 

Estas serán, sin duda, las fiestas «más especiales» , pues han sido «las más esperadas», ha reconocido el concejal delegado de la Mancomunidad del barrio del Cristo, José Antonio Zapata . 

Por ello, se han programado actividades para todas las edades : entretenimiento para mayores, conciertos para los más jóvenes, meriendas , concurso de paellas y mucho más.

«Sin nuestras asociaciones no podrían ser nuestras fiestas como son: participativas y para todos », ha explicado Zapata

La fiestas 2022 serán muy significativas para Juani Moreno Barrueco, Reina de las Fiestas , quien ha reconocido que sus «ganas para que lleguen las fiestas se triplican».

Ella lidera un e xtenso grupo de Damas de Honor y de festeros y festeras repleto de ilusión y compañerismo.

Actividades para todos

Las fiestas del barrio del Cristo empiezan, mañana viernes, con la gran presentación de la Reina de las Fiestas , un acto que despedirá también a Isabel Castro, la reina del año 2019.

El sábado será el turno de la 10ª edición de «Cañas y Barrio» , una ruta que buscará la mejor tapa del barrio , a partir de las 11 de la mañana. 

Reina de las fiestas y grupo de festeras 2019, junto a las autoridades, al acabar la procesión.

Reina de las fiestas y grupo de festeras 2019, junto a las autoridades, al acabar la procesión. ED

La fiesta seguirá por la noche con el bingo solidario y el concierto «Penúltimo tributo» , con las mejores canciones de El último de la fila y Manolo García .

El domingo, 21 de agosto , habrá que madrugar para la 12ª concentración Motera y la gran despertà .  

Al mediodía hay programado un espectáculo a cargo de Kabra Bike y, por la noche, tiene lugar el concurso de calles engalanadas .

Desde las 21 horas, la comitiva recorrerá las calles en compañía de la charanga de la Asociación Musical .

'Este año recuperamos nuestras tradiciones de fiestas. Serán muy especiales, pues han sido tan esperadas'

José Antonio Zapata - Concejal delegado de la Mancomunidad del Barrio del Cristo

Más tarde, a las 23 horas, habrá una noche de variedades , con las actuaciones de la falla Villarrobledo , la Unión Cultural Andaluza , Miriam Soto y el mago Roger .

A lo largo de la próxima semana, las celebraciones continúan con el Gran Concurso de Paellas , el lunes 22 de agosto ; la Holi Barrio , el Rally guarro y el gran espectáculo de la asociación OM Flamenco , el humorista Piter Prado y la cantante Chayo Mohedano , el día 23; el correfocs y el concierto «Va de rumba» , en la jornada del 24 de agosto ; y la gran noche joven, del jueves 25 , con la actuación del DJ Santi Bertomeu .

Las fiestas del barrio del Cristo finalizarán con un fin de semana de mucha actividad. Los tradicionales pucheros serán los protagonistas del viernes 26 de agosto , en una jornada en la que actuará el grupo Los de Marras . 

Un día más tarde, a las 19 horas , tendrá lugar la Gran Cabalgata de Disfraces , con premios para el mejor disfraz individual, de grupo y compara .

El desfile se enlazará con una noche de música, «hasta que el cuerpo aguante». 

La ofrenda de flores, la misa y la procesión pondrán el punto final a las fiestas, el domingo 28 de agosto . Ese día hay programada una gran mascletà y un castillo de fuegos artificiales a cargo de Ricardo Caballer .

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Lady Gaga Revealed She Did Five Shows On Her Last Tour With COVID Because She Didn’t Want To Cancel On Her Fans

“I just didn’t want to let all the fans down. And the way that I saw it also is like the fans were all putting themselves in harm’s way every day coming to the show.”

Leyla Mohammed

BuzzFeed Staff

Lady Gaga has revealed she performed five shows at her 2022 Chromatica Ball Tour with COVID-19.

Lady Gaga on a red carpet with her hair in a sleek bun, wearing dramatic makeup and a sheer black top with a diamond necklace

Spanning 20 dates, the Chromatica Ball Tour — which was Gaga’s first ever all-stadium tour — took place between July and September 2022, starting in Germany and ending in Miami.

Lady Gaga performing on stage, wearing a leather jacket, pants, fishnet stockings, and holding up a clawed glove with flames in the background

Ahead of the release of her Gaga Chromatica Ball concert special, which will be available to stream on Max on May 25, Gaga attended the premiere in LA this week, where she conversed with several hundred fans about the film.

Closeup of Lady Gaga

“I’m so incredibly lucky to be here with all of you. I’m so excited,” she began, per the Hollywood Reporter .

Lady Gaga performs on stage in a bold outfit featuring a high-shouldered jacket and thigh-high boots

“This was such a special time. This tour went on during a time that people didn’t think that you could tour,” she said, referring to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent government-mandated lockdowns.

Gaga continued, “Stadiums were packed all over the world, and they were sold out, all dressed up and dancing and singing. I’m just so excited for you all to see what we made up close.”

Elsewhere during the chat, Gaga revealed that she did five of her shows “with COVID” because she didn’t want to let her fans down.

Lady Gaga wears an elegant one-shoulder dress with a statement necklace and earrings at a formal event

She recalled, “I shared it with everyone on my team. I said, ‘I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable at work and you don’t have to perform and you don’t have to work that day, but I’m going to do the show.’”

Lady Gaga on the red carpet, wearing an elegant strapless gown and a layered diamond necklace, with retro-styled hair and bold makeup

“I just didn’t want to let all the fans down. And the way that I saw it also is like the fans were all putting themselves in harm’s way every day coming to the show,” she explained.

Lady Gaga onstage

Fans online were left divided by Gaga’s “wild admission,” with some people calling the singer “irresponsible.”

Lady Gaga, in a unique, avant-garde dress, performs with guitarist on stage, surrounded by backup dancers in futuristic attire

“Ummm why on earth would you reveal that? You just giving yourself backlash because you’re putting the health and safety of not only yourself, but THOUSANDS of people at risk,” one person tweeted . “As a Gaga fan of over a decade, this isn’t admirable,” someone else wrote .

“i don’t know about y’all but i’d rather my show get postponed than getting sick with such a virus that took millions of lives!” one more post read .

On the other hand, many fans defended Gaga, arguing that her tour took place in large, spacious venues and at a time where restrictions had lifted and most people were vaccinated.

Lady Gaga is on stage, wearing an avant-garde, structured outfit with dramatic, oversized shoulders and striking poses during a performance

“y’all acting like she was stage diving in the audience and coughing on peoples faces... she was in a STADIUM... like 20 feet away from the audience at all times,” one tweet read . 

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It’s the greatest love story over-told — and it’s already gone cold.

But don’t cry for Jennifer Lopez, or Ben Affleck either, even though they’re reportedly living apart after their much-ballyhooed 2021 reunion and two splashy weddings in 2022.

Not to mention J. Lo’s over-the-top album, hour-long musical film that she self-financed for $20 million, and the accompanying documentary about her great love for Ben , all released just a few months ago.

Lopez insiders told The Post the two are “taking time apart,” while People magazine this week quoted a source saying the marriage “is not in the best place at the moment.”

Bennifer 2.0 may be on life support, but sources who know them say there’s no villain or victim here — just two big clashing egos who may not even mind the headlines inferring the end is nigh.

Jennifer Lopez performing her song 'This Is Me Now' on Saturday Night Live, Season 49, episode 1855, wearing a floral dress

“They have this amazing Donald Trump quality, the both of them, of having no shame,” a Hollywood insider who worked with Lopez told The Post. “I’d be hiding under the carpet at the point but they’re both out and about — separately — smiling and grinning and keeping us guessing. They could clear this up with one simple statement but they don’t. Don’t feel sorry for them. She loves it, and what people don’t realize is, Ben loves it more.”

But other sources close to Lopez says she doesn’t love it and is genuinely upset — especially about being being cast as a villain who wants the spotlight at any cost, while Affleck is portrayed as publicity-shy and overwhelmed by the media scrutiny that comes with marrying a diva.

In fact, one industry insider says, Affleck has failed to defend his wife in the wake of all on the hype surrounding Lopez’s musical film about her lifelong search for love, “ This is Me Now … A Love Story ,” its accompanying album “This is Me … Now,” and the documentary “ The Greatest Love Story Never Told .”

Jennifer Lopez in a white dress at the Atlas film promotional event on the red carpet in Mexico City

The insider points out that Affleck’s company Artists Equity , which he co-founded and runs with longtime collaborator Matt Damon, produced and financed “The Greatest Love Story Never Told.”

“Affleck was across every element of production — including editing,” the industry insider said of the film, as well as the negotiations to sell it to Amazon. “As soon as the documentary came out, that’s when the online hatred and negativity towards Jennifer went rampant.”

“She has been torn apart. She’s been blamed for exposing their private life. People have called her a narcissist and said how embarrassing it is for Ben; but at no point did he come to his wife’s defense and say, ‘Actually, it was my idea and my company that made this documentary.'”

Ben Affleck pointing at Jennifer Lopez while heading to SoHo House in Los Angeles

Lopez sharply shut down an interviewer who asked her about the Affleck split rumors during the Mexico junket for “Atlas” last week, saying “You should know better than that.”

People started noticing earlier this month that the couple — who notoriously pulled the plug on their 2003 wedding three days beforehand — had not been spotted in public together since March 30.

Affleck was then seen coming and going from a new rental in Brentwood that’s near the home of his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, and their three kids, while Lopez remained solo at their $60 million Beverly Hills mansion.

The duo spent two years looking for the home, which J. Lo showed off to her 253 million Instagram followers to great fanfare last fall.

Jennifer Lopez in an elegant dress attending the 2024 Met Gala event titled 'Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

The actor, currently filming the sequel to his 2016 film, “The Accountant,” has been seen at least once without his wedding band on.

Garner, the faithful ex-wife who has been there to pick up the pieces after Affleck’s past fall-downs, even driving him to rehab after a 2018 intervention, was spotted visiting his new digs.

“Ben is a deeply damaged man who attracts women who want to fix him, and he gives them just enough hope to think that it will be possible,” one insider told The Post. “Spoiler alert: It isn’t. No one tried harder or longer than Garner. J. Lo just learned the same lesson more quickly.”

Sources close to Affleck and Lopez will say only that the couple are taking time apart, and no one has heard the word “divorce” mentioned yet.

They also say that Affleck’s wedding band has been off and on because he’s been filming.

Jennifer Lopez performing on stage at the LuisaViaRoma for Unicef event in Capri, Italy

Meanwhile, Lopez went solo to the May 6 Met Gala where she wore a shimmering, mermaid-style Schiaparelli Haute Couture dress and was dripping in more than 100 carats of Tiffany & Co. diamonds.

Sources add that Affleck’s absence at Lopez’s recent red carpet appearances in LA and Mexico to promote her new Netflix film, “Atlas,” was expected because filming on “The Accountant” has been so intense that he was also, apparently, unable to attend his daughter Violet’s high school graduation this month.

But Lopez insiders say Affleck really should have been at her side as she hosted the Met Gala.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck in character for "Gigli"

“It’s a respect thing,” a source who knows Lopez well told The Post. “There’s no excuse for not being there unless you’re in jail or you’re trying to blow up your life.”

In March, after her new album flopped — dropping off the Billboard 200 chart a week after it entered at No. 38, her worst-ever debut — Lopez canceled several concerts of her upcoming “This Is Me…Now.” tour before re-branding it as a greatest hits tour.

Venue-ticket prices for the tour are priced as low as $49 at some stops and many seats remain, according to the Ticketmaster website.

Ben Affleck walking across a street and holding a soda cup

“It feels like a disaster,” a veteran concert promoter told The Post.

But others say Lopez can handle her career; it’s her choice of men that’s the problem.

Affleck is her fourth husband.

Lopez was previously married to Cuban waiter Ojani Noa (1997-1998), backup dancer Cris Judd (2001-2003) and Latin music superstar Marc Anthony (2004-2014), with whom she has 16-year-old twins, Emme and Max.

She was engaged to baseball star Alex Rodriguez before they split in 2021 and she reunited with Affleck.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck taking a selfie at their July 2022 wedding in Las Vegas

“If there was a way to divorce on grounds of temporary insanity, he would,” an Affleck source previously told Page Six. “He feels like the last two years was just a fever dream, and he’s come to his senses now and understands there is just no way this is going to work.”

But Affleck will tax any woman he’s with, some say.

“His PR team very cleverly paints Ben as this quality director and actor who hates being a star,” Rob Shuter, who hosts the “Naughty but Nice” podcast and who was Lopez’s publicist during her first engagement to Affleck, told The Post. “Bulls–t, Ben loves being a star. He just doesn’t want to be the lesser star.”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez moving their abundant furniture, artwork, and rugs into their new white mansion in Beverly Hills.

“Jennifer is strong but Ben is stronger,” said a Hollywood insider who has worked with both Lopez and Affleck. “He’s very talented but he’s not easy. The only reason he doesn’t like being in her spotlight it’s because it’s her spotlight and not his. Their [reunion] story sounded beautiful in theory, but sometimes you just can’t go back in time.”

The source shot down online speculation that Lopez and Affleck could be playing at being the 2024 version of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton to gin up interest in J. Lo’s new film and concert tour.

“I doubt that,” she said. “But if it is a ruse it’s unforgivable, especially with all their children involved. In fact I don’t know why they’re not handling this better given all their kids and what they’ve been through.”

Another source who has worked with Lopez also insisted that she’s not the villain here: “Everyone is going to think that this is all Jennifer — it’s not. She was in love, she adores Ben, that is not a crime. And it takes two to tango in any situation.”

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Jennifer Lopez performing her song 'This Is Me Now' on Saturday Night Live, Season 49, episode 1855, wearing a floral dress


Here’s When You Can Watch the New Lady Gaga Concert on Max

She lives for the applause.

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When is the release date for 'gaga chromatica ball', when will 'gaga chromatica ball' be available on streaming, watch the 'gaga chromatica ball' trailer, what is 'gaga chromatica ball' about, is 'gaga chromatica ball' a continuation of 'gaga: five foot two', more concert films to watch after 'gaga chromatica ball'.

Lady Gaga might be the next Harley Quinn, but before embracing the iconic anti-hero in Joker: Folié a Deux (arriving in theaters later this year), she will be sharing with the world some footage from her time on tour. Gaga Chromatica Ball is a concert movie that features the singer performing some of her iconic hits from throughout her career and other tracks from her sixth studio album, Chromatica . The film has been in the making for years and is only coming out now, directly on streaming instead of having a theatrical run. The project was directed, produced, and created by Gaga, who shared on Instagram that she spent countless hours in the editing room making sure that her vision was brought to the screen in the best way. Filled with energy, dance numbers, and unique costumes, Gaga Chromatica Ball promises to keep fans off their seats with each song. If you plan to enjoy the show upon its release, here is a detailed guide to when and where you can watch it.

After the singer announced the concert film two years ago , fans couldn't help but feel excited about watching her perform from the comfort of their homes. Yet, the project was left aside with minimal updates for a long time until the pop artist announced the official release date earlier this month . Gaga Chromatica Ball is set to come out on Saturday, May 25, meaning that after more than two years, viewers will finally get to watch her dance and sing to hits like "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance."

Upon news of the film's release date, HBO Programming, Late Night & Specials executive Nina Rosenstein shared the following in a statement about the show being brought to the screen:

“Lady Gaga is a complete powerhouse. She’s a once-in-a-lifetime artist who never holds back, and Gaga Chromatica Ball puts her endless list of talents on full display. We’re thrilled to partner with her once again for this breathtaking concert special.”

The film featuring Gaga's 2022 tour will be available to stream on May 25, exclusively on Max. That means that if you aren't subscribed to the streaming service yet, you will have to create an account in order to access the concert movie. Find out more information about Max's plans below:

Watch on Max

In the teaser trailer that came out two weeks ago, Lady Gaga is seen with multiple elaborate costumes on stage in front of thousands of people watching her from the crowd. "Put your hands up, come on," the singer says, wearing futuristic claws in one hand and holding the mic in the other. In a matter of seconds, viewers are able to see her dance alongside a group of back-up dancers and sing "Stupid Love" (the main single off of Chromatica ). In addition to her over-the-top performance, several special effects are featured in the recording , such as fire cannons and a monster-like piano, which adds to the exotic visuals from Gaga's Chromatica era.

Go Gaga For Joaquin Phoenix Again in New 'Joker: Folie à Deux' Images

Here is the concert movie's official logline, provided by Max:

"In front of a sold-out crowd of 52,000 people, 13-time Grammy® and Academy Award® winner Lady Gaga gives a career-defining performance at Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium during her 2022 Chromatica Ball Tour. The HBO Original concert special Gaga Chromatica Ball delivers showstopping moments, intimate piano numbers, thrilling choreography, intense pyrotechnics, and an array of iconic outfit changes. This is Lady Gaga as you’ve never seen her before."

It might be easy to associate Gaga Chromatica Ball with the pop artist's well-known 2017 documentary , Gaga: Five Foot Two , yet they are two standalone projects . The Max original is a traditional concert film focusing on a particular live performance by Lady Gaga in 2022, whereas the documentary is centered on the musician's life behind-the-scenes. Gaga: Five Foot Two hones in on the creative process behind her fifth studio album Joanne , shows her battling chronic pain, working on her Super Bowl halftime show, and preparing for her role in American Horror Story . Gaga Chromatica Ball isn't a continuation of the Netflix documentary, but it does follow the singer years after what happens in the 2017 film. After all, during the time frame depicted in the doc, she was working on an album that marked a departure from her signature pop sound and her bold fashion choices. Chromatica , which came out during the pandemic, had the artist return to pop and the over-the-top costumes she used to wear at the beginning of her career. Like the music videos and cover art for the album, the concert movie also embraces a futuristic aesthetic and has Gaga wearing multiple looks throughout the show.

After singing along to hits like "Rain on Me" and "Just Dance," you might want to watch other concert films that will bring the energy of a live performance to your home. The recommendations below also include impressive shows from other prestigious names in the pop industry that will surely keep you off your seat dancing and belting out in the living room.

'Taylor Swift l The Eras Tour (Taylor's Version)' (2023)

Similarly to Gaga, Taylor Swift has a career that spans several eras that are different both visually and sonically. Her latest tour, entitled The Eras Tour, is notorious for embracing the chapters of Swift's career through a 3-hour-long show . The concert movie, which premiered in theaters last year and achieved major box office success, came out on Disney + shortly after its theatrical run. The version available on streaming includes three additional songs performed by the artist on stage, which are "Long Live", "The Archer", and "Wildest Dreams".

Watch on Disney +

'Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé' (2019)

Another pop icon in the music industry, Beyoncé recently released a concert movie entitled Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé , focusing on her latest tour. Yet, since the film isn't available on streaming, rewatching Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé is always an option. Part live performance and part documentary, this 2019 project sees the singer headlining Coachella, a well-known music festival that takes place in the California desert. A show that remains memorable for its elaborate choreography, marching band component, and special appearances by Jay-Z and Kelly Rowland , it continues to be known til this day as a historical moment for Black women in music. After all, Beyoncé was the first Black woman to headline the festival, and she paid tribute to Black college and university culture through her set. This movie also shows the behind-the-scenes process of the singer and her crew preparing for the performance prior to hitting the stage.

Watch on Netflix

'Ariana Grande: Excuse Me, I Love You' (2020)

The Chromatica album features a collaboration between Gaga and Ariana Grande , so it would be nothing but fitting to watch the latter's concert movie right after Gaga Chromatica Ball . In Ariana Grande: Excuse Me, I Love You , the pop artist sings some of her hits and tracks from her album Sweetner . The concert movie was shot in The O2 Arena during Grande's Sweetner World Tour and features several off-stage moments between her and her family and crew on the road, which allows viewers to get to know her at a deeper level.

tallarina on tour 2022

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{{tournament.sponsortitle}}, player results, nadal's 'encouraging' report ahead of roland garros.

Rafael Nadal is a 14-time Roland Garros champion.

Rafael Nadal brings positive news to his adoring fans ahead of the Spaniard’s first Roland Garros appearance since 2022. Preparing for just his fifth tournament of the year, the 14-time champion has made noticeable physical progress, even since competing in Rome two weeks ago.

“I am improving in different ways. I have less limitations than three, four weeks ago, without a doubt,” Nadal said in Saturday’s press conference. “I am having a good week of practices. I probably will say this is the first week since I came back playing tennis that I am able to run the proper way without having a lot of limitations. That encourages me.

“In the practices, without a doubt I improved. Especially in terms of movements. So I don't feel the limitations that I felt in Rome in terms of running to both sides, so that's a lot for me.”

This fortnight is likely to be Nadal’s final showing at the season’s second major, where he boasts an unrivalled 112-3 match record across 18 appearances. But save the emotional farewell for another day: the former No. 1 in the PIF ATP Rankings cited three important reasons why he continues to relish each moment on Tour.

“In some way I don't want to close the door 100 per cent, because of a very simple thing," Nadal said. "First thing, I am enjoying playing tennis. Second thing, I am travelling with [my] family. They are enjoying it. I am enjoying sharing all this process with them. And third thing, I was not able to explore yet the proper way of how I will be able to play being in more or less healthy conditions, playing without limitation.”

While Nadal enters Paris in his best physical shape this clay season, luck drew him no favours to begin the tournament. The 22-time major titlist faces fourth seed and Rome champion Alexander Zverev in a blockbuster first-round match. Nadal learned of his place in the draw while indulging in a Spanish board game.

“I was playing some Parchis and at some point somebody told me the draw. Something that I expected in some way, no? When you are not seeded, anything can happen,” Nadal said. “I play against one of the toughest opponents possible, and at the same time, he came here winning the last event and it's a Masters 1000. It's not a small one.”

No matter his place in the field of 128, Nadal is glad to be healthy and able to compete at the tournament he has dominated the past two decades.

“I am grateful that I am able to be in Roland Garros and give myself a chance to play at least one more time here. Maybe the last one, maybe not,” he said with a laugh. “It’s a big, big chance that it's going to be my last Roland Garros , but if I have to tell you it's 100 per cent my last Roland Garros , sorry, but I will not because I cannot predict what's going on.”

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Black Keys cancel entire North American tour, including Little Caesars Arena date

Tour was due to wrap at the detroit arena on nov. 12..

tallarina on tour 2022

Akron, Ohio, rock duo The Black Keys has canceled its entire upcoming North American tour, including a Nov. 12 date at Little Caesars Arena. No reason was given for the cancellation.

Ticket holders will receive refunds issued to the original method of payment within 14-21 days, according to a post on the event's Ticketmaster page .

The band's 31-date fall tour was to kick off Sept. 17 in Tulsa and make a stop at Grand Rapids' Van Andel Arena on Oct. 13 before wrapping at LCA.

The tour was in support of the band's 12th album, "Ohio Players," which was released in April and debuted at No. 26 on Billboard's Top 200 albums chart.

The Black Keys' last area concert was at Pine Knob in September 2022.

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    ¡El espectáculo que revoluciona tu manera de vivir las fiestas! Somos #TallarinaOnTour @SantiBertomeu @AlexTallarina @OnionAndBack

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  26. Here's When You Can Watch 'Gaga Chromatica Ball' on Max

    The film featuring Gaga's 2022 tour will be available to stream on May 25, exclusively on Max. That means that if you aren't subscribed to the streaming service yet, you will have to create an ...

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  28. Black Keys cancel entire North American tour, including LCA date

    Tour was due to wrap at the Detroit arena on Nov. 12. Akron, Ohio, rock duo The Black Keys has canceled its entire upcoming North American tour, including a Nov. 12 date at Little Caesars Arena ...

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