Groupe scolaire de la maternelle à la terminale à Tours (37)

  • Présentation
  • Les classes
  • Projet éducatif Notre-Dame
  • Projet Pastoral Notre-Dame
  • Organigramme
  • Infos Pratiques
  • Blog de l'école
  • Modalités d'inscription
  • Histoire de Saint Martin
  • Scolarité Ecole
  • Scolarité Collège
  • Projet éducatif Saint Martin
  • Projet Pédagogique Ecole
  • Projet pédagogique Collège
  • Projet pastoral Saint Martin
  • APEL Saint Martin
  • Infos pratiques
  • Vie Scolaire
  • Calendrier de l'école
  • Calendrier du collège
  • Informations Stage 3ème
  • Vie associative
  • Solidarité Familles
  • Association Culturelle de Saint Martin
  • Modalités d'inscriptions
  • Histoire de Sainte Ursule
  • La vie au lycée
  • Filières Générale et Technologique ST2S
  • Filière Professionnelle ASSP
  • Projet éducatif Sainte Ursule
  • La Pastorale à Sainte Ursule
  • APEL Sainte Ursule
  • Dates à retenir
  • Infos Bac - Orientation
  • L'accès aux notes et suivi scolaire
  • Bourses, aide au logement : demandes 2021/2022
  • Solidarités Familles


47 rue Néricault Destouches

37000 TOURS


Ecole et Collège : Régis HESLOIN

Ecole : lundi – mardi – jeudi – vendredi de 8h30 à 11h45 et 13h30 à 16h30 Collège : de 8h00 à 11h55 ou 12h25 et de 13h20 (ou 13h45) à 16h45. Le mercredi de 8h00 à 11h55.


02 47 05 69 73

Située en plein cœur de Tours , l’Institution Saint Martin comprend une école maternelle et élémentaire et un collège.

De la maternelle à la fin de la 3 ème , l’équipe éducative veille à développer les repères nécessaires au devenir de l’enfant puis du jeune, dans un cadre familial et structurant à partir d’un projet éducatif, pédagogique et pastoral .

L’Institution fait aujourd’hui partie de l’Ensemble Scolaire Saint Jean XXIII . Elle accueille plus d’un millier d’élèves, compte 66 enseignants et 36 personnes salariées de droit privé.

st martin tours college

L'école maternelle et élémentaire Saint Martin

L’ école maternelle et élémentaire Saint Martin est une école catholique, sous contrat avec l’état, ouverte à tous,  qui accueille  435 élèves chaque année répartis en 16 classes , de la toute petite section de maternelle au CM2 .

L’enseignement a lieu sur le site Saint Martin au 47 , rue Néricault Destouches à Tours .

Les activités sportives sont, quant à elles, dispensées sur un terrain de sports situé à Fondettes . Par ailleurs, les élèves bénéficient des structures sportives de la ville de Tours : patinoire, piscine, judo…

L’école développe également des partenariats avec des clubs sportifs : le tennis de table (4S), l’escrime…

L’éducation physique et sportive occupe une place privilégiée à Saint Martin.

Jours & horaires :

Semaine de 4 jours : Lundi – mardi – jeudi – vendredi

Horaires : De 8h30 à 11h45 et 13h30 à 16h30

Etude surveillée et dirigée pour les élèves de CP au CM2 : Lundi, mardi, jeudi et vendredi de 17h à 18h15

st martin tours college

Le collège Saint Martin

Le collège Saint Martin accueille 585 élèves chaque année de la 6 ème à la 3 ème   répartis en 5 classes par niveau. Il propose aussi 2 classes SEGPA 6 ème – 5 ème (Section d’Enseignement Général et Professionnel Adapté) et un dispositif ULIS (Unité Localisée d’Inclusion Scolaire).

Les cours des collégiens ont lieu sur le : Site Saint-Martin  : 47, rue Néricault Destouches pour les élèves de 6 ème et 5 ème Site Richelieu : 10, rue Baleschoux pour les élèves de 4 ème et 3 ème

Les activités sportives sont, quant à elles, dispensées sur un terrain de sport situé à Fondettes et sur des installations sportives de la ville.

Jours & horaires : Selon leur emploi du temps, les élèves ont cours les lundis, mardis, mercredis, jeudis et vendredis De 8h00 à 11h55 ou 12h25 et de 13h20 (ou 13h45) à 16h45. Le mercredi de 8h00 à 11h55.

Accueil possible dès 7h45 et étude surveillée facultative jusqu’à 18h15.


Madame, Monsieur,

Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir sur notre site institutionnel. Nous vous invitons à découvrir notre projet éducatif. Bienvenue aux nouvelles familles de l’institution Saint Martin !

Depuis 1 an, notre institution appartient désormais à l’ensemble scolaire Saint Jean XXIII qui compte trois pôles d’enseignement : l’école Notre-Dame de Fondettes, l’Institution Saint Martin (école-collège) et le lycée polyvalent Sainte Ursule. Ce nouvel ensemble accueille plus de 2 130 élèves en cette rentrée 2019.

Pour cette année scolaire 2019/2020, l’équipe éducative sera particulièrement attentive à une nouvelle orientation : « développer le sens de l’effort ». De nombreux projets pédagogiques au niveau de l’école et du collège en découleront. Sur le plan pastoral, nous allons éveiller nos jeunes autour du thème « Donner / Se donner ». La pastorale vient nourrir et éclairer notre projet éducatif.

Très belle année scolaire !

Très cordialement,

Régis HESLOIN, chef d’établissement

Responsable du site Institution Saint Martin



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Interactive Map Tour: Click here to check out our new 360 campus tour! Transfer Students:   Join us for Transfer Friday Sessions ________________________________________________________________________ Questions? We can coordinate meetings with prospective students, admitted students and campus faculty/staff. Let us know if you would like to set up a time to meet with your admissions counselor.  We are also offering in-person and virtual campus visits to one student plus guests. Please register here . ________________________________________________________________________ For assistance scheduling a group visit, please contact the Office of Admissions at: Email:  [email protected] Call: 360.688.2113 Text: 360.810.5093 ----------------------------------------------------------

Here's how to register for a visit: Select from a green date   and a registration link will appear below.   

  • Request Information

Students sitting at round tables hold up their phones toward a stage

  • Cost of Attendance
  • Admissions & Financial Aid
  • Undergraduate
  • Financial aid

Cost of Attendance (COA) is a school's best reasonable estimate of how much it costs to attend college during a given period.

What is included in the Cost of Attendance?

For full-time students the COA includes the price of tuition and fees, living expenses, books and supplies, and other indirect costs associated with attending school. These expenses include both direct costs that the school will charge you, and indirect costs that students incur over the course of a school year , such as transportation to and from campus events or hygiene products.

COA components are based on student category (ex. full-time undergraduate on-campus) and are calculated using the school's rates as well as an assessment of the local indirect rates for items such as transportation and rent. The Office of Financial Aid uses the COA to determine a student's individual total eligibility for financial aid in the academic year and to calculate a student's financial need. The Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) is calculated through federal formulas based on the information provided through the FAFSA or WASFA. An EFC with the COA is used to determine the student 's eligibility for need-based aid. COA-EFC= Financial Need. 

Summer COAs vary on a case by case basis; if you need further information on your summer COA refer to your student aid portal or contact the Office of Financial Aid .

Cost of Attendance Appeal

A cost of attendance appeal can be completed if a student has unusual expenses that are not taken into account in their standard budget (COA). Students can submit this form to have their budget reviewed and financial aid eligibility re-evaluated. Documentation is required upon submission of the COA appeal to provide enough information to make any adjustments and allow the Office of Financial Aid to comply with federal and state regulations.

Learn more about Cost of Attendance Appeals   Cost of Attendance appeal form

College Cost Transparency Initiative Partner badge

Saint Martin's University is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.

Saint Martin's is committed to making your Saints journey affordable

On an average year, Saint Martin's gives out $20 million in scholarships.

Check out scholarships

Tuition and fees

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance - Undergraduate

The below estimates are for a full year, based on full-time fall and spring enrollment.

*Based on current book rate

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance - Graduate

The below estimates are for a full year, based on full-time fall and spring enrollment. A standard Master's CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees. Ex: $1,373 x 12 = $16,476 + $200 = $16,476 in annual tuition and fees.

The standard Master's CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees, e.g.: $1,373 x 12 = $16,476 + $200 = $16,676 in annual tuition and fees.

The Master in Engineering's CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees, e.g.: $1,346 x 12 = $16,152 + $200 = $16,352 in annual tuition and fees.

The Master in Counseling's CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees, e.g.: $1,320 x 12 = $15,840 + $200 = $16,040 in annual tuition and fees.

The Master in Business/Education's CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees, e.g.: $1,254 x 12 = $15,048 + $200 = $15,248 in annual tuition and fees.

The Ph.D.'s CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees, e.g.: 

Civilian rate: $876 x 12 = $10,512 + $200 = $10,712 in annual tuition and fees. Military rate: $500 x 12 = $5,800 + $200 = $6,000 in annual tuition and fees.

2023-2024 Cost of Attendance - Undergraduate

2023-2024 cost of attendance - graduate, questions we can help, office of financial aid.

The Office of Financial Aid awards student scholarships and financial aid packages, supports students completing their aid paperwork, and provides consultation on state and federal loans and grants as well as the FAFSA and WASFA.

Old Main 250

Photo of Erin Schaffer

Erin Schaffer

Photo of Kaycee Selga

Kaycee Selga

Headshot of Madison Ivey, Financial Aid Counselor

Madison Ivey

Apply to Saint Martin's

Ready to learn how you will make a positive difference in your lives and in the lives of others through the interaction of faith, reason, and service?

St. Martin of Tours Academy & Preschool

 u.s. dept. of education green ribbon school | fair trade school | la mesa, ca.


On September 19, 1951 Saint Martin of Tours Academy opened its doors, for the first time. Five School Sisters of Notre Dame, from St. Louis Missouri, taught grades 1 through 8 and a lay teacher taught kindergarten. In 1991 the school implemented the Pilon® Workshop Way® System of Education. Pilon® Workshop Way® is a holistic approach to education that cultivates human growth goals and life skills. It enables all students to learn how to learn, how to think, and how to responsibly manage their lives. A major goal of the system is to create feelings of dignity, intelligence, confidence and power of management in every student.

On August 29th over 240 students will begin a new school year. We take pride in the fact that the Academy has maintained a reputation, throughout the years, for offering a Catholic school education of the highest quality. Since 1991, over 650 graduates have had the benefit of the Pilon® Workshop Way® System. We are proud of our heritage and honor the dedication and hard work of those who preceded us. The Academy continues to thrive as a parish school offering an education of the highest quality in academics, faith formation, and character development, with an emphasis on spirituality, prayer, and community service.

School Facts

Founded : 1951

Administrators : Rev. Elmer Mandac, Pastor Mrs. Jennifer Miller, Principal

Grades : Preschool, Kindergarten (full day), and 1st through 8th grades

Accreditation : fully accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and certified by Western Catholic Educational Association

Enrollment : Preschool = 40 students; 12 students per class Grades K-8 = 200 students; average class size = 23

Staff : teachers are credentialed by the State of California and, in addition, are certified for Workshop Way instructional strategies; instructional assistants to teachers in K-3

Curriculum : comprehensive curriculum, following State and Diocesan guidelines for instruction in religion, language arts, mathematics, social studies, fine arts, physical education, computer science, and Spanish (8th grade with an option for 7th grade)

Facilities : Preschool complex, 9 classrooms, Library Computer Center, science lab, day care building, field, track, basketball/volleyball courts, multiple playground areas, shaded lunch area and new preschool (under construction)

School Hours : Grades K-8, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Extended Care : before school 7:00 a.m. – 7:55 a.m., and then in the afternoon 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Lunch Break : 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

School Uniforms/Dress Code : uniforms are required; refer to Dress Code policy

Immunizations : all immunizations must be current, and an immunization card must be presented upon enrollment.

Fundraisers : all families are asked to support the fundraisers; proceeds from fundraisers enable the school to keep tuition rates to a minimum; there are two primary fundraisers each year (Great Cash Giveaway and Walkathon)


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  • Private, Catholic

St. Martin of Tours School This school has been claimed by the school or a school representative.

  • grade  A Overall Grade
  • Rating 4.63 out of 5   8 reviews

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Monthly Update

Bengals in the Wild! Join some of our current parents for a playdate. Look for the Bengals in the Wild Flag. Campbell Park *10 am - 12 pm all days Wed. June 19th Sat. June 22nd Wed. June 26th Alvarez Park *10 am - 12 pm all days Wednesday July 10th Sunday July 21st Wednesday August 7th Sanborn Park Saturday August 17th 10-12 for a short kid friendly hike! Learn More

Report Card

  • Academics grade  A minus
  • Diversity grade  B
  • Teachers grade  A minus
  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • NCEA Member
  • How to Apply
  • Visit Campus

From St. Martin of Tours School

At St. Martin of Tours, we believe everyone is made in the image and likeness of God. This core belief is a driving force in our mission to serve and welcome every child and their family and walk with them, no matter the journey.

  • The St. Martin Difference
  • Why St. Martin of Tours
  • Admissions Information
  • Schedule a Tour

Upcoming Events

High school acceptance rates.

academic spotlight

Our Class of 2024 has made their decisions! 36 of our 38 graduates applied to Catholic high schools, and 100% of those who applied were accepted! Where are they heading? 🐾54% Archbishop Mitty High School 🐾24% Bellarmine College Prep 🐾5% Notre Dame San Jose 🐾5% Presentation High School 🐾5% St. Francis High School 🐾5% Opted for local public schools 🐾2% Out of area Catholic high school

School Details

Home listings, homes for sale.

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YouTube Video

  • White 77.9%
  • Multiracial 11.8%
  • Hispanic 5.1%
  • African American 0.6%
  • International 0%
  • Native American 0%
  • Pacific Islander 0%
  • Offers Full Week No
  • Offers Part Week No
  • Offers Full Day Yes
  • Offers Part Day No

Instagram Posts

Living in the area.

  • Cost of Living grade  D+
  • Good for Families grade  B
  • Housing grade  D+

St. Martin of Tours School Reviews

  • Rating 5 out of 5   Excellent 7   reviews ( 88 %)
  • Rating 4 out of 5   Very Good 0   reviews ( 0 %)
  • Rating 3 out of 5   Average 0   reviews ( 0 %)
  • Rating 2 out of 5   Poor 1   reviews ( 13 %)
  • Rating 1 out of 5   Terrible 0   reviews ( 0 %)
  • 2 months ago
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  • 5 months ago

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St Martin of Tours School

Private • PK-8 • Amityville, NY

St Martin of Tours School is a private school located in Amityville, NY. The student population of St Martin of Tours School is 212. The school’s minority student enrollment is 27.4% and the student-teacher ratio is 17:1.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Yearly Tuition*

Financial Aid Available

Financial Aid

* Tuition and fees may vary depending on grade, boarding status (if applicable), and may have changed for the current school year. U.S. News and World Report began collecting tuition data in June of 2021 via the school's website.

Most private schools have application deadlines at the beginning of the calendar year. The application process changes from school to school, so contact the admissions office if you have any questions.

Considering St Martin of Tours School?

Location & Contact

30 Union Ave, Amityville, NY 11701

AP® Courses Offered

Departments and Programs

Campus Activities

College Enrollment

College enrollment is unavailable for St Martin of Tours School .

Students & Teachers

Student/Teacher Ratio

Average Grade Size

Enrollment by Grade Level

Student diversity.

Minority Enrollment

Black or African American


Two or more races

Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and American Indian or Alaska Native are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%.

Faculty & Staff

Classroom Teachers

Faculty with Advanced Degrees

Sports & Athletics

Data is not available for sports and athletics programs at St Martin of Tours School .

😱 Tennessee walks it off vs. FSU

🤩 North Carolina's perfect opening act

🐺 NC State's new MCWS dream

UGA's Condon wins Dick Howser Trophy

Oklahoma wins the 2024 Women's College World Series title

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  • Championship Info
  • Game Program

DI Softball News

  • Oklahoma vs. Texas Game 2 Extended highlights
  • Oklahoma wins the 2024 Women's College World Series
  • 2024 NCAA softball bracket: Women's College World Series scores, schedule
  • The WCWS most outstanding players, since 1982
  • States with the most Women's College World Series titles
  • The 6 college softball teams with the most national championships

College softball's all-time home run leaders

  • Oklahoma vs. Texas: 2024 Women's College World Series Finals Game 1 | Extended highlights
  • The college softball mercy rule, explained
  • Oklahoma vs. Florida: 2024 Women's College World Series (June 4) | Extended highlights

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WCWS most outstanding players since 1982

Follow ncaa softball.

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The 11 best NCAA softball pitchers of all time

🏆 kelly maxwell named 2024 mop.

Oklahoma's Kelly Maxwell has been named the 2024 WCWS Most Outstanding Player after closing out a national championship for the Sooners.

One final accolade in @kellymax28 's collegiate career: MOST OUTSTANDING PLAYER 🤩 #WCWS x @OU_Softball — NCAA Softball (@NCAASoftball) June 7, 2024
The 2024 #WCWS All-Tournament Team 🤩 — NCAA Softball (@NCAASoftball) June 7, 2024

🚨 Oklahoma makes history with fourth straight WCWS title

Oklahoma made history by becoming the first NCAA softball team to win four straight national titles after defeating Texas 8-4 in Game 2 of the WCWS championship series. The Sooners  beat Texas 8-3  in Game 1. 

The Sooners used 12 hits and five pitchers to secure the title. The Sooners' win marks head coach Patty Gasso's eighth national championship. 

oklahoma softball

💥 Sooners make room

Ella Parker launches a two-run double for Oklahoma, creating a 8-4 gap with Texas. Here's a look ⬇️

The Sooners create some separation in the sixth! 💥 #WCWS x 🎥 ESPN / @OU_Softball — NCAA Softball (@NCAASoftball) June 7, 2024

🥊 Texas cuts the deficit

Texas Longhorns softball 2024

A Mia Scott single brought the Longhorns a little closer, but Scott got tagged out after turning the corner. The Longhorns trail the Sooners 5-4 heading into the bottom of the 6th. 

🤯 Sooners snag the lead

Just when Texas took the lead in the top of the fourth, Oklahoma's Cydney Sanders found a gap toward right-center for a 3-run double. 

Here's how Sanders gave the Sooners a 5-3 lead over Texas ⤵️

Cyd Strikes 💥 📺 ESPN #ChampionshipMindset | @SandersCydney — Oklahoma Softball (@OU_Softball) June 7, 2024

🥎 Longhorns back on top

Texas' Mia Scott got one past Oklahoma's Avery Hodge to drive in Kayden Henry, giving the Longhorns the lead back at 3-2 over the Sooners. 

Horns on top courtesy of @miakscottt 🤘 M4 | Texas 3 OU 2 #HookEm — Texas Softball (@TexasSoftball) June 7, 2024

🤯 Texas ties it up

Bases loaded, two outs and the Longhorns were able to tie things up after Alyssa Washington drove one up the middle to send Viviana Martinez home from third for an RBI single. The intensity continues as we continue through the top of the third with a 2-2 score.

WE'RE TIED Y'ALL 🤘 T3 | Texas 2 OU 2 #HookEm | 📺 ESPN — Texas Softball (@TexasSoftball) June 7, 2024

💣 Bombs away: Sooners take the lead

FIVE home runs for @PickeringKasidi in her debut NCAA Tournament 💪 ↓2 | OU 2, UT 1 #ChampionshipMindset | @espn — Oklahoma Softball (@OU_Softball) June 7, 2024

🤘 Longhorns score first

Longhorns strike first 🤘 #WCWS x 🎥 ESPN / @TexasSoftball — NCAA Softball (@NCAASoftball) June 7, 2024

🙅‍♀️ Double the trouble | Top of the 1st

The Sooners closed out the top of the first with a clutch double play as Avery Hodge stepped on second to find Cydney Sanders at first. Get ready because we're heading to the bottom of the first with much more action to go.

How about a DOUBLE PLAY to end the inning 😤 #WCWS x 🎥 ESPN / @OU_Softball — NCAA Softball (@NCAASoftball) June 7, 2024

Coming 🆙 : Texas vs. Oklahoma | Game 2

The clock is winding down as Oklahoma and Texas prepare to face off for Game 2 of the 2024 Women's College World Series finals. In this best-of-3 matchup, Oklahoma holds the upper hand after taking down Texas, 8-3, in Game 1 . Tonight, the Sooners look to make history and clinch their 4th consecutive national title. The Longhorns walk into tonight's showdown hoping to tie up the series and fight for a chance to win their first national title in program history.

Check out today's lineup below ahead of an action-packed night beginning at 8 p.m. ET.

🔴 Oklahoma Line Up:

Oklahoma softball Game 2 lineup

🤘 Texas Line Up:

Texas game 2 WCWS lineup

WCWS Game 2️⃣

Oklahoma softball celly

Oklahoma now sits just one win away from becoming the first NCAA softball team to win four straight national titles after defeating Texas 8-3 in WCWS Game 1. Tonight, at 8 p.m. ET, the Sooners will look to cross that finish line and send their Big 12 rivals packing. Texas will look to even the score, in pursuit of its program's first-ever WCWS title.

Below is the remaining WCWS finals schedule:

June 6 | WCWS Final Game 2 :  Texas vs. Oklahoma, 8 p.m. | ESPN

June 7 | WCWS Final Game 3 (if necessary) : Texas vs Oklahoma, 8 p.m. | ESPN

That Game 1 W feeling 🫶 #WCWS x @OU_Softball — NCAA Softball (@NCAASoftball) June 6, 2024

Oklahoma takes Game 1️⃣

Oklahoma softball beats Texas

The Sooners never trailed as they posted a dominant performance over their Big 12 rival, taking an 8-3 win over Texas in Game 1 of the WCWS finals. Starting pitcher Kelly Maxwell tossed a complete game with 8 Ks and a 1.91 ERA. Tiare Jennings led the OU bats with a home run in the second AB of the game, as well as 3 RBIs. Oklahoma is just one win away from making history as the only NCAA softball team to win four straight national titles.


June 6: WCWS Final Game 2 :  Texas vs. Oklahoma, 8 p.m. | ESPN

June 7: WCWS Final Game 3 (if necessary) : Texas vs Oklahoma, 8 p.m. | ESPN

🛋️ OU adds a cushion

A security run scored by Alyssa Brito brings the Sooners up 8-3. A double to the right-field corner sent Brito to 2b, and Kinzie Hansen's grounder advanced Brito to third. An error by Reese Atwood brought Brito across home plate.

👊 Texas resurges

The Longhorns find their stride in the sixth, plating two to cut their deficit to four runs. With one out and one up, Katie Stewart singled to bring in Viviana Martinez. Momentum stirring, Alyssa Washington reached to first, advanced to second on a wild pitch and was sent home by Joley Mitchell's RBI single at the next AB. Texas trails 7-3 going into the seventh.

showing some Texas fight 🤘 B6 | Texas 3 OU 7 #HookEm | 📺 ESPN — Texas Softball (@TexasSoftball) June 6, 2024


  1. Institution Saint-Grégoire, Lycée

    st martin tours college

  2. Groupe scolaire de la maternelle à la terminale à Tours (37)

    st martin tours college

  3. Photo de classe St Martin, TOURS de 1964, Collège Saint-martin

    st martin tours college

  4. Photo de classe Collège St Martin -Tours de 1958, Collège Saint-martin

    st martin tours college

  5. Photo de classe Collège St Martin -Tours de 1958, Collège Saint-martin

    st martin tours college

  6. Photo de classe Pensionnat ST Martin à Tours de 1954, Collège Saint

    st martin tours college


  1. St. Martin of Tours School⏐Come feel the difference!


  3. St. Martin of Tours Gaithersburg MD French Mass

  4. ⚪️St. Martin vs. 🔴St. Mary's College


  6. Memorial of St. Martin of Tours


  1. Institution Saint Martin

    02 47 05 69 73. Située en plein cœur de Tours, l'Institution Saint Martin comprend une école maternelle et élémentaire et un collège. De la maternelle à la fin de la 3 ème, l'équipe éducative veille à développer les repères nécessaires au devenir de l'enfant puis du jeune, dans un cadre familial et structurant à partir d ...

  2. Saint Martin's University

    A Discovery Day is a perfect way to: learn more about Saint Martin's; learn about financial aid and scholarships; take a student led tour of our beautiful campus; meet current students, staff, and faculty; gather information to help you with your college search; and earn a $500 Campus Visit Award! August 10, 2024; 9:15 to 11:30am

  3. Saint Martin's University

    History. Saint Martin's patron saint is Saint Martin of Tours, a fourth-century monk and missionary.The university and its founder, Saint Martin's Abbey, sit on 300 acres (1.2 km 2) of woodlands, trees, rocks, and meandering trails.The site was selected in 1894 by Abbot Bernard Locnikar of Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, which was the mother abbey of St. Martin's Abbey.

  4. Saint Martin's University

    We are excited to welcome you to Saint Martin's University! Campus visits are available Monday through Friday with 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. options. We also offer Saturday and holiday visits on select days. Campus visits include a tour and meeting with an admissions counselor. Please be prepared to be on campus for about an hour ...

  5. Events

    Mission & Vision. Saint Martin's students learn to make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of others through the interaction of faith, reason, and service. One of our core themes is community. We learn as a community and we celebrate as community through the following signature University events.

  6. Explore our campus

    Office of Admissions. We'd love to show you our beautiful campus, introduce you to our community and provide you with the information you need to determine if we are a good fit. Give us a call or come visit! [email protected]. 360-688-2113; Text: 360-810-5093. Old Main 256.

  7. Saint Martin's University

    Warm Regards, The Team of the Office of Graduate Admissions. Saint Martin's University. Old Main Rm 412 (4th Floor) 5000 Abbey Way SE. Lacey WA, 98503. [email protected]. 360-412-6128. Next.

  8. Admissions & Financial Aid

    Admissions. &. Financial Aid. Welcome, future Saints and Saints families! On this page, find information about academic programs, financial aid, student resources, and how to apply. Visit campus Academics at Saint Martin's Tuition and fees Catholic Benedictine values.

  9. Office of Admissions

    We'd love to show you our beautiful campus, introduce you to our community and provide you with the information you need to determine if we are a good fit. Give us a call or come visit! Contact Information. [email protected]. 360-688-2113; Text: 360-810-5093. Old Main 256. Office Hours. 8:00-5:00 PM PST Monday-Friday.

  10. Saint Martin's University

    We are excited to welcome you to Saint Martin's University! _____ Interactive Map Tour: Click here to check out our new 360 campus tour! Transfer Students: Join us for Transfer Friday Sessions ...

  11. Martin of Tours

    Martin of Tours (Latin: Martinus Turonensis; 316/336 - 8 November 397), also known as Martin the Merciful, was the third bishop of Tours.He has become one of the most familiar and recognizable saints in France, heralded as the patron saint of the Third Republic.He is the patron saint of many communities and organizations across Europe.

  12. Cost of Attendance

    2024-2025 Cost of Attendance - Graduate. The below estimates are for a full year, based on full-time fall and spring enrollment. A standard Master's CoA is calculated by multiplying the tuition rate by a standard 12 credit annual load plus annual fees. Ex: $1,373 x 12 = $16,476 + $200 = $16,476 in annual tuition and fees. Master's (standard)

  13. St. Martin of Tours School > Academics

    Saint Martin of Tours School is fully accredited by the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association, and follows the Course of Study as outlined by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. ... St. Martin of Tours School. 3729 Harding Avenue Cheviot, OH 45211. Office Phone: (513) 661-7609. Principal: Mr. Jason Fightmaster. Email: JFightmaster@saintmartin ...

  14. St. Martin of Tours School Reviews

    Review St. Martin of Tours School. We have sent all three of our children to St. Martin of Tours. The small class size and high quality of teachers provides a strong educational foundation for high school. There is a great emphasis on outdoor education and trips to Science Camp & Yosemite in 6-8th grades. The community is very strong with many ...

  15. Introduction

    This site contains the Life of St. Martin, Bishop of Tours (AD 316 or 317-397), written by Sulpicius Severus (ca. AD 363 - ca. 425), with notes, vocabulary, audio recordings, and other digital enhancements.It is intended for students of Latin, who are assumed to be learning to translate themselves, so no translation is given.

  16. St Martin of Tours Academy in California

    St Martin of Tours Academy is a private school located in La Mesa, CA. The student population of St Martin of Tours Academy is 202. The school's minority student enrollment is 51.5% and the ...

  17. St. Martin of Tours School in Philadelphia, PA

    St. Martin of Tours School is a highly rated, private, Catholic school located in PHILADELPHIA, PA. It has 563 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Compare St. Martin of Tours School to Other Schools

  18. School Facts & History

    On September 19, 1951 Saint Martin of Tours Academy opened its doors, for the first time. Five School Sisters of Notre Dame, from St. Louis Missouri, taught grades 1 through 8 and a lay teacher taught kindergarten. In 1991 the school implemented the Pilon® Workshop Way® System of Education. Pilon® Workshop Way® is a holistic approach to ...

  19. St. Martin of Tours School in San Jose, CA

    5.29.2024. SPACE IS STILL AVAILABLE Summer School for Rising TK - 8th Grade Students June 17- July 26th 8am - 12pm Academic Classes 12:00pm - 5PM Extended Care *Open to everyone, you do not need to be an enrolled StM Student *Weekly Options *All Inclusive Package Options *Academic Mornings Only Options Learn More. A.

  20. St Martin of Tours School

    The student population of St Martin of Tours School is 515. The school's minority student enrollment is 2.7% and the student-teacher ratio is 18:1. Tuition & Financial Aid

  21. St. Martin of Tours School > Academics > Curriculum

    Saint Martin School offers a well-rounded academic program that fully prepares students for high school and beyond. ... St. Martin of Tours School. 3729 Harding Avenue Cheviot, OH 45211. Office Phone: (513) 661-7609. Principal: Mr. Jason Fightmaster. Email: [email protected].

  22. 2024 NCAA baseball bracket: Men's College World Series scores, schedule

    2024 DI baseball tournament regionals schedule. Here are the regional schedules for Friday, May 31 through Monday, June 3: Knoxville Regional. Game 1: Indiana 10, Southern Miss 4. Game 2 ...

  23. St Martin of Tours School in New York

    The student population of St Martin of Tours School is 212. The school's minority student enrollment is 27.4% and the student-teacher ratio is 17:1. Tuition & Financial Aid

  24. Oklahoma wins the 2024 Women's College World Series title

    The clock is winding down as Oklahoma and Texas prepare to face off for Game 2 of the 2024 Women's College World Series finals. In this best-of-3 matchup, Oklahoma holds the upper hand after ...