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Úvod / Aktuality / Sparta Camp on Tour 2023 proběhne v Č. Krumlově

Sparta Camp on Tour 2023 proběhne v Č. Krumlově

Sparta Camp on Tour 2023 proběhne v Č. Krumlově

Příměstský fotbalový kemp pro kluky a holky od 9 do 15 let, vedený mládežnickými trenéry sparťanské akademie, pořádaný na hřišti v Českém Krumlově.

Děti mají na kempech možnost okusit tréninkové metody profesionálních trenérů sparťanské mládeže, naučit se nové fotbalové dovednosti, zasoutěžit si o řadu zajímavých cen, a především si užít spoustu zábavy.

Druhý ročník Sparta Camp on Tour se uskuteční celkem v osmi lokacích napříč celou Českou republikou. Stejně jako v předchozím roce zavítáme do Kouřimi, Týnce nad Sázavou, Postřekova a Tvrdonic. Tyto lokace se navíc letos rozrostou také o Červený Kostelec, Český Krumlov , Práče u Znojma a Český Brod. Kemp v Tvrdonicích bude mimo jiné zaměřen i na brankářské tréninky.

Kempy budou pořádány postupně v průběhu července 2023 a potrvají vždy pět dní, od pondělí do pátku. Tréninky budou vedeny profesionálními trenéry ze strahovské akademie. Program se ovšem nebude skládat pouze z fotbalových tréninků, bude navíc obsahovat i další doplňkové aktivity v podobě návštěv významných sparťanských osobností, zábavných her a zajímavých soutěží. 

Své děti můžete přihlašovat na našich webových stránkách, pomocí následujícího odkazu . Přihlašování bude probíhat ve dvou etapách - do 9. března bude cena 5500 Kč, poté, do zaplnění kapacit, 5900 Kč. V ceně je zahrnut mimo tréninkových jednotek a občerstvení po dobu celého kempu také welcome pack pro každého účastníka (tréninková sada oblečení adidas, gymsack a lahev na pití).

V detailu jednotlivých kempů také naleznete veškeré potřebné informace týkající se dané lokace kempu, rámcového programu či podmínek účasti. V případě jakýchkoli dotazů nás neváhejte kontaktovat prostřednictvím e-mailové adresy: [email protected].  

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THE 10 BEST Sparta Multi-Day Tours

Multi-day tours in sparta.

  • Private Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Wine Tours & Tastings
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

sparta camp on tour

1. 2 Day Private Tour of Sparta, Mystras & Monemvasia - Overnight

sparta camp on tour

2. 5-Day Best of Peloponnese Private Tour: Nafplio/Olympia/Mycenae/Epidaurus/more

sparta camp on tour

3. 8 Days Peloponnese: Sightseeing, Historical & Tasting Private Tour from Athens

sparta camp on tour

4. Best of Greece: 7-Day Tour to Real Greece of the Peloponnese, Delphi and Meteora

sparta camp on tour

5. 9 Day Private Tour Ancient Peloponnese and Meteora

sparta camp on tour

6. 4 Days Classical Private Tour/ Corinth,Mycenae,Nafplio,Sparta,Olympia,Delphi

sparta camp on tour

7. Hydra Island & Mythical Full Peloponnese Private 9-Day Tour

sparta camp on tour

8. 5 Days Private Ancient Cities Tour of Greece from Athens

sparta camp on tour

9. 6 Day Private Tour Peloponnese & Meteora to Mythical Paths

sparta camp on tour

10. 7-Day Peloponnese Private Tour - with Lunch, Guide, Ticket & Hotel Options

sparta camp on tour

11. 2 Days Private Tour: Sparta - Mystras - Mycenae - Epidaurus & Corinth

sparta camp on tour

12. 2 Day Tour To The Best Places Of Peloponnese

sparta camp on tour

13. Greece cultural tour 12 days from Athens; Greece mainland UNESCO places.

sparta camp on tour

14. Argolis-Sparta-Monemvasia-Olympia-Delphi & Meteora Six Day Tour

sparta camp on tour

15. BEST 7-Day CLASSICAL GREECE: Corinth Olympia Delphi Meteora more!

sparta camp on tour

16. Splendid off-season tour in Greece: UNESCO sites in 19-days tour from Athens

sparta camp on tour

17. 4 Days Private Tour: Argolida – Olympia & Sparta

sparta camp on tour

18. 3-Day Private Peloponnese Tour from Athens to the medieval city of Monemvasia

sparta camp on tour

19. The Nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Southern Greece

sparta camp on tour

20. 7 Days Private Tour: Argolida - Sparta - Monemvasia - Mani - Olympia & Delphi

sparta camp on tour

21. 5 Days Private Tour: Olympia - Mani - Sparta & Argolida

sparta camp on tour

22. 10 Days Private Tour: Peloponnese

sparta camp on tour

23. Medieval Greece 3-Day Private Tour. Nafplion, Monemvasia and the Peloponnese

sparta camp on tour

24. 7 Days Private Tour: Argolida - Sparta - Mani - Olympia - Delphi & Meteora

sparta camp on tour

25. 3-Day Sparta, Mystras & Monemvasia Private Tour

sparta camp on tour

26. 15 Days Private Tour: Classical Tour

sparta camp on tour

27. Argolis-Sparta-Olympia-Delphi & Meteora Five Day Tour

sparta camp on tour

28. 5 Days Private Tour: Delphi - Olympia - Sparta & Argolida

sparta camp on tour

29. Unique Greek Experience in 1week! 7Days Private Land Tour From Athens

sparta camp on tour

30. 6 day Olive Oil Immersion Tour, Oct. 25th - Oct. 30th - Greece

What travelers are saying.


  • 2 Day Private Tour of Sparta, Mystras & Monemvasia - Overnight
  • 3-Day Private Peloponnese Tour from Athens to the medieval city of Monemvasia
  • Five days of Culinary Exploration in Laconia, Peloponnese
  • 5 Days Private Tour: Olympia - Mani - Sparta & Argolida
  • 2 Day Tour To The Best Places Of Peloponnese

SK Červený Kostelec


sparta camp on tour



V červenci 2023 proběhne celkem 8 kempů po celé České republice a Červený Kostelec je jednou z destinací, kterou si pořadatelé akce vybrali.


Bližší informace na čísle 777287100 (Jiří Říha, šéftrenér mládeže SK ČK)

sparta camp on tour

FK Jaroměř – SK Červený Kostelec A

sparta camp on tour

FK Jaroměř – SK Červený Kostelec A 5:1 (2:1)

sparta camp on tour


Jaroměř : SK ČK 5:1 (2:1) Střelec: Škoda

Hodnocení zápasu trenérem Petrem Garčekem:

“Aktuálně jsme v rozpoložení, že je nám strašně snadné dát branku, my naopak hledáme složitá řešení a jednoduše nám to nelepí. Sráží nás individuální chyby, za stavu 1:1 máme standardku z 16ti metrů a za 30 vteřin inkasujeme, tlak v úvodu druhé půlky ukončí další naše nedůslednost, domácí odskočí o dvě branky a naše hra se sesype. Jsme v situaci, ze které se musíme dostat sami, vše máme ve vlastní rukou.”

Jiskra Hořice – SK Červený Kostelec U17 /FK Náchod “B”

Jiskra hořice – sk červený kostelec u17 /fk náchod “b” 1:5 (1:2).

SEDMNÁCTKA V HOŘICÍCH ZA TŘI BODY Hořice : SK ČK/FKN “B” 1:5 (1:2) Střelci: 4x Koubek, Moravec

Spojený tým mladšího dorostu pod vedením Vlasty Vlčka soupeře přehrál a po zásluze bere plný bodový zisk.

SK Červený Kostelec B – Sokol Stárkov

Sk červený kostelec b – sokol stárkov 1:2 (1:0).


SK ČK : Stárkov 1:2 (1:0) Střelec: Mudroch ČK: Franc Matěj (2 žk)

Přestože červenokostelecká rezerva první půli dominovala, odchází po závěrečném hvizdu jak bez vyloučeného France, tak i bez bodu.

Jak utkání hodnotí trenér Pavel Vejrek:

“Do zápasu jsme vstoupili velmi dobře a už v deváté minutě jsme šli do vedení 1:0. Celý poločas jsme měli pod kontrolu a soupeře jsme do žádných gólových situaci nepustili. Škoda víc neproměněných šanci v první půli a mohli jsme jít do poločasu s větším gólovým rozdílem. V Druhým poločase jsme trochu polevili a soupeř převzal iniciativu. Dobře jsme bránili až do 69 minuty kdy jsme ne pohlídali střed zálohy odkud dostal nádherný balón Bárta J. a nechytatelnou střelou k tyči překonal Macka. V 80min. byl vyloučen po druhé žluté Franc a Stárkov přesilovku využil a nakonec vyhrál 2:1.”

SK Červený Kostelec A – SK Solnice

Sk červený kostelec a – sk solnice 1:4 (1:2).


SK ČK : Solnice 1:4 (1:2) Střelec: Hlava D.

Hodnocení trenéra Petra Garčeka:

“V středeční předehrávce 27. kola jsme přivítali v domácím prostředí aktuálně druhý tým tabulky SK Solnice. Od prvních minut si hosté vzali režii utkání do svých rukou. To, s čím jsme počítali, tedy rychlá kombinační hra s průnikovými přihrávkami, se naplnilo beze zbytku. My jsme se soustředili na pozorný defenzivní blok. Poprvé se skóre měnilo v 18.minutě, kdy se poprvé v utkání prosadil Pavlíček. Následovala pasáž hry bez šancí, solničtí kombinovali, domácí pečlivě bránili. Až ve 36. minutě se dostal za obranu David Hlava a s přehledem vyrovnal. Z vyrovnání jsme se neradovali dlouho. Hosté po sérii rohových kopů dotlačili po smolném odrazu míč do branky Nejmanem a znovu vedli. Z naší strany nebyl důvod do druhého poločasu cokoliv měnit. Více jak dvacet minut jsme trpělivě bránili a drželi solnické v nejistotě. To, jak kvalitní tým mají, nám ukázali v 68. minutě. Chvilka prostoru pro Vítka, dloubák za obranu a Pavlíček podruhé sám před naším brankářem neomylně zvyšuje na – 1:3. Jen o pár minut později krásnou střelou stanovil konečnou podobu výsledku Vítek – 1:4. Výhra soupeře zasloužená, pro nás výsledek přísný. Teď je jen na nás, abychom se z chyb poučili a na dobré navázali v dalších utkáních.”

SK Červený Kostelec A – SK Týniště nad Orlicí

Sk červený kostelec a – sk týniště nad orlicí 2:1 (0:0).


SK ČK : Týniště 2:1 (0:0) Střelci: Škoda, Hlava L. (PK)

Další vítězství na morál a veledůležité tři body v boji o odpoutání se ode dna krajského přeboru. Skvěle, jen tak dál, borci!!!

A jak viděl zápas z lavičky trenér Petr Garček:

“Chladné počasí se vrátilo i k nám a cestu na stadion si našla stovka věrných fanoušků. Úvod utkání byl opatrný z obou stran, kdy obě mužstva hrála ze zabezpečené obrany s cílem nechybovat a nepouštět soupeře do šancí. Až po úvodní čtvrthodince jsme se osmělili a do konce poločasu si vytvořili 3 dobré brankové příležitosti, ale v hostující brance čaroval exligový Radim Ottmar. Do kabin se tak šlo za bezbrankového stavu. Na úvodní branku se čekalo až do 70. minuty, kdy jsme soupeři po našem zaváhání v defenzivních řadách darovali rohový kop. Na ten si naskočil nehlídaný Krupka a soupeř se ujal vedení. Dlouho se nám nedařilo překonat defenzivní blok, až v 84. minutě nám vyrovnání krásným lobem zajistil Honza Škoda. Jen o pár minut fauloval ve vápně našeho kapitána jeden z hostujících obránců a Lukáš Hlava strhl proměněnou penaltou vedení na naši stranu. V nervózním závěru a dlouhém nastavení jsme těsné vedení udrželi, kdy jsme soupeře pustili jen k jedné standardce. Kluci ukázali srdíčko, inkasovaná branka nás nepoložila a nakonec jsme dokázali urvat dle mého názoru zasloužený plný bodový zisk. Už ve středu nás čeká domácí předehrávka se Solnicí. Snad byl předvedený výkon a výhra dobrou pozvánkou k návštěvě utkání.”

Sokol Velká Jesenice – SK Červený Kostelec B

Sokol velká jesenice – sk červený kostelec b 3:1 (3:0).


SK ČK : Velká Jesenice 3:1 (3:0) Střelec: 3x Mudroch

Po poločase snů a dík střelecké potenci Zdendy Mudrocha bere béčko další tři body

Jak hodnotí utkání trenér Pavel Vejrek:

“Začátek utkání jsme přežili díky třem výborným zákrokům Macka. Soupeře jsme potrestali třemi gólovými situacemi které jsme 100% využili a poločas vyhráli 3:0. Do druhé půle jsme museli vystřídat našeho třígolového střelce Mudrocha a bylo to znát. Už jsme vepředu nedodrželi tolik balón a museli o něj vzadu hodně bojovat. Škoda jednoho vstřeleného gólu v závěru utkání. Macek by si čisté konto zasloužil. Chci poděkovat klukům za bojovný výkon a potvrzení třech bodů z předešlého utkání.”

SK Červený Kostelec U19 – TJ Sokol Stěžery

Sk červený kostelec u19 – tj sokol stěžery 1:1 (1:0).


SK ČK : Stěžery 1:1 (1:0) Střelec: Šrůtek

Nakonec brala devatenáctka bod, přestože sahala po všech třech.

Hodnocení trenéra Zdendy Řezníčka:

“Dnes jsme přivítali na domácím hřišti Stěžery, první celek tabulky. První poločas hosté nic nepředvedli, my jsme jasně dominovali. Důrazem proti třem hráčům se prosadil Michal Šrůtek a zakončoval do prázdné branky. Je jen škoda dalších neproměněných šancí. Druhý poločas soupeř pokračoval v nevýrazném výkonu, ale my jsme nepochopitelně také vypnuli a tak za zmínku stojí jen vyrovnávací gól hostů z přímáku z půlky hřiště, kdy nakopnutý míč propadl až do naší branky. “

Spartak Rychnov n.K. – SK Červený Kostelec U15

Spartak rychnov n.k. – sk červený kostelec u15 4:2 (2:0).


Rychnov : SK ČK 4:2 (2:0) Střelec: 2x Jansa

V utkání, které si trenéři odřídili sami, tahali naši žáci většinou za kratší konec. Přesto sahali po vyrovnání, které bylo opravdu na dosah.

Jak viděl zápas trenér Jirka Říha:

“V zápase s rychnovským Spartakem jsme měli co napravovat a přestože výsledek nám úplně radost nedělá, ostudu jsme neudělali. Soupeř byl zkrátka lepší, k čemuž jsme mu bohužel pomohli i my – začít “makat” vždy až po čtvrt hodině nám samo o sobě znemožňuje bodovat. První poločas jsme se patnáct minut v podstatě jenom bránili. Chyběla odvaha a chuť hrát v soubojích 1v1 a z toho vyplývající absence kombinační hry. Soupeř naopak držel míč a jelikož stále nejsme schopní dostupovat hráče funkčním způsobem, dělal si na hřišti co chtěl. Až za stavu 2:0 jsme se probudili a ukázali, že i my fotbal hrát umíme. Bohužel ani šance Matěje Říhy, ani Kuby Jansy či pološance Vojty Kincla ke snížení nevedly. V kabině jsme si řekli, co je třeba zlepšit – a minutu po začátku druhé půle opět inkasujeme po hloupé chybě. “Deja vu” z prvních čtyřiceti minut: opět přebíráme iniciativu až po čtvrt hodině hry. Dvěmi góly Kuby Jansy jsme se dokázali dostat na dostřel a v těchto minutách se soupeř vlastně nedostal na naši půlku. Bohužel opět spalujeme jednu šanci za druhou a pět minut před koncem, kdy věříme ve vyrovnání, nám soupeř (opět po našem fatálním selhání v defenzivě) zasazuje tvrdé KO brankou na 2:4. Domácí, kteří mají tým složený z hráčů 2009 (+ dva 2010) byl silově a rychlostně nad sílu většiny našich. Přesto jsme je dokázali dostávat pod tlak a přehrávat. Proč tedy nulový zisk? Někteří naši borci si musí uvědomit, že soupeř se sám nikdy neporazí a že bez maximálního nasazení se fotbal hrát nedá. Dnes tři góly v naší síti naprosto zbytečně, minimálně tři gólovky jsme neproměnili … těžko tedy zbývá cokoliv jiného, než domácím pogratulovat k výhře a poděkovat všem hráčům za fair play hru, i když nebyl delegovaný rozhodčí.”

SK Česká Skalice – SK Červený Kostelec A

Sk česká skalice – sk červený kostelec a 3:1 (2:0).


Česká Skalice : SK ČK 3:1 (2:0) Střelec: Hlava L.

Jak utkání hodnotí trenér Petr Garček:

“V dalším kole jsme zavítali k našemu sousedovi do České Skalice. Samotný úvod byl vyčkávání na první chybu a bohužel se nečekalo ani moc dlouho. Už ve 13. minutě přišla zbytečná ztráta na půlce, následně jsme nechali domácímu Divišovi prostor připravit si míč na jeho levačku a ne zrovna nejtěžší střela skončila v brance. Pokud jsme si na vlastní kůži vyzkoušeli jaké je inkasovat po rychlém přechodu skalických, tak po půlhodince jsme okusili i druhou specialitu našeho soupeře – standardní situace. Nenápadný přímý kop na třetině hřiště u naší střídačky a na malém vápně dvojce osamocených útočníků ve žlutém – 2:0, další trest za naši lehkomyslnost. Do utkání jsme se mohli vrátit těsně před pauzou, ale v dobré pozici hlavičkoval Zdenda Mudroch mimo. Střídáním, jsme se pokusili hru oživit. Prakticky celý poločas jsme byli více na míči, ale naráželi jsme na precizní blok domácích, kteří s přehledem bránili své vedení a a my jim situaci ulehčovali naší mizernou finální fází. Závěr utkání přinesl, kromě zbytečných emocí, na každé straně po jedné brance. Nejprve proměnil penaltu domácí Rompotl a za nás ve stejné minutě na konečných 3:1 korigoval Lukáš Hlava.”

Černíkovice/Solnice – SK Červený Kostelec U19

Černíkovice/solnice – sk červený kostelec u19 0:0.


Černíkovice/Solnice : SK ČK 0:0

Hodnocení trenéra Zdeňka Řezníčka:

“Hodně nervózní utkání, kdy se první poločas o fotbalu nedá mluvit a druhý už laťku nahoru posunul jen o kousek. Dnes nad fotbalem vyhrály emoce. Tento zápas jsme nezvládli. Můžeme být rádi, že jsme odjeli z Černíkovic bez červené karty.”

  SK Červený Kostelec z. s.   Palackého 1234   549 41  Červený Kostelec 

[email protected]


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SPARTA Announce 2022 North American Fall Tour with The Get Up Kids

Tickets are on-sale this Thursday at 12PM ET / 9AM PT.


Sparta, the El Paso band featuring Jim Ward , has today announced they will head off on tour with The Get Up Kids on their 25th Anniversary Four Minute Mile tour. Sparta are the direct support and the dates kick off in Dallas on August 22 with stops in LA, SF, NYC, Boston, Seattle & more. A full rundown can be found below.

In 2020, Sparta released Trust The River on Dine Alone Records which was their first full length studio album since 2006's Threes. Ward has since released his first solo album Daggers, also on Dine Alone Records.

When it comes to his long and fruitful career in music, Jim Ward is not guided by vanity or money or some grand narrative in which he's the central player. It's all about the song, the melody, the lyric. So in late-2017, when he began making heavier, more riff-laden music, he rang his Sparta bandmate of more than 20 years, bassist Matt Miller , and began work on Trust The River.

Beyond Sparta, Ward has performed in various bands and under several monikers over his long and winding career- from the iconic post-hardcore band At The Drive-In, his alt-country project Sleepercar, to a slew of solo albums.

8/22 Dallas, TX @ Amplified Live

8/23 Houston, TX @ White Oak Music Hall

8/24 Austin, TX @ Mohawk

8/26 Mesa, AZ @ Nile

8/27 Pomona, CA @ Glass House

8/28 Los Angeles, CA @ Regent

8/29 San Francisco, CA @ UC Theatre

8/31 Portland, OR @ Revolution

9/1 Seattle, WA @ Neptune

9/3 Salt Lake City, UT @ Urban Lounge

9/4 Denver, CO @ Gothic

9/17 Chicago, IL @ RIOT FEST

9/20 Pontiac, MI @ Crofoot

9/21 Millvale, PA @ Mr. Smalls

9/23 Buffalo, NY @ Town Ballroom

9/24 Boston, MA @ Brighton Music Hall

9/25 NYC @ Irving Plaza

9/27 DC @ Soundstage

9/28 Asbury Park, NJ @ House of Independents

9/29 Philadelphia, PA @ Union Transfer

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APRIL SALE Extended:   Book now for   up to 60% off!

Sparta Tours & Trips

Find the right tour for you through Sparta. We've got 46 adventures going to Sparta, starting from just 3 days in length, and the longest tour is 29 days. The most popular month to go is October, which has the largest number of tour departures.

46 Sparta tour packages with 319 reviews

Paradisial Peloponnese (All Inclusive & Guided In-Depth Tour) Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Wine tasting

Paradisial Peloponnese (All Inclusive & Guided In-Depth Tour)

This tour was fantastic. Our guide, Sophia, was an expert on all things Greece. The scenery, the hotels, the FOOD, couldn't have been more perfect. Everything was arranged by PicTours of Greece and the owner, George, was the driver for our trip. As I was looking for a tour, I noticed that while some others were less expensive, they were not "all inclusive". Rest assured that this tour includes absolutely everything. You do not have to concern yourself with anything other than enjoying this amazing country. You will see history, culture, scenery and experience all the delights of Greek cuisine. Highly, highly recommend this tour.

This is Sparta...! Tour

This is Sparta...!

I had a relaxing time on the: This is Sparta, tour of the 2 south (middle and eastern) peninsulas of Pelopennese Island. Visiting ancient National Monuments, old world villages and hidden beach coves everyday for swimming sometimes twice. The old route on the east side peninsula followed as close to the ocean as possible where big buses can't go, was just like a personal road trip by myself. Having lunch everyday at scenic outdoor cafes by the beach was also nice. I really enjoyed this trip of the remote back roads of Pelopennense Island and will always be in my memories.

Peloponnese Wine Roads - 4 Days Private/guided/history/culinary Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Peloponnese Wine Roads - 4 Days Private/guided/history/culinary

6-Day Private Tour of Mythical Peloponnese: Corinth, Mycenae, Nafplio, Hydra Island, Monemvasia, Mani, Sparta, Mystras, Olympia, Arcadia Tour

6-Day Private Tour of Mythical Peloponnese: Corinth, Mycenae, Nafplio, Hydra Island, Monemvasia, Mani, Sparta, Mystras, Olympia, Arcadia

The Best of Greece Tour

  • Coach / Bus

The Best of Greece

Cosmos is a fantastic tour provider

6 Day Tour to Mythical Castles of Peloponnese, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora Tour

  • Sightseeing

6 Day Tour to Mythical Castles of Peloponnese, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora

Amazing well planned tour in Peloponnese! It was a truly memorable and unique experience and we enjoyed it greatly. Our driver was friendly, very knowledgeable and respectful and the car was always clean. The tour guides were excellent and very knowledgeable and we definitely learned a lot! The hotels you choose for us were delightful, comfortable and clean. The arrangements, the communication and the service by this company was outstanding and would have no hesitation in booking with them again! I can assure you, with this company, you will be very pleased!
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

5 Day Special Tour Peloponnese, Sparta, Mystras, Diros Caves, Argolis, Delphi Tour

5 Day Special Tour Peloponnese, Sparta, Mystras, Diros Caves, Argolis, Delphi

The visit was very good in all senses.There are a few points that I would líke to make in order. The Driver George was excepcional! We suggest written documents for e very Site, as a brief up.

Greece Family Journey: Stories of the Past Tour

  • Walking Adventure

Greece Family Journey: Stories of the Past

Highlights of Ancient Greece Tour

Highlights of Ancient Greece

This was a wonderful tour! It covers a great variety of sites, across Greek history. We also enjoyed beach time! Our guide, Eva, did a fantastic job and handled unexpected things with ease. There was a strike one day at she learned about it in advance and shuffled the schedule, so we still got to see everything, but it didn’t feel overly rushed, nor did the strike day feel empty or wasted. Our driver, Alex, was equally great and maneuvered our bus through tight spaces and winding roads with ease. The hotels were surprisingly nice, more than I expected from group tour 3* hotels, all with A/C. All of my rooms, but one, had a balcony and most had a fantastic view! All of the beds, but one, were very comfortable and the breakfast was good at the vast majority of hotels.

Grand Peloponnese, Self-drive Tour

Grand Peloponnese, Self-drive

Explore Greece central region main attractions with 14 days tour from Athens. Epidaurus, Sparta, Messene, Olympia, Delphi and other famous places. Tour

Explore Greece central region main attractions with 14 days tour from Athens. Epidaurus, Sparta, Messene, Olympia, Delphi and other famous places.

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Greece & Aegean Islands Cruise Tour

  • Ocean Cruise

Greece & Aegean Islands Cruise

The trip certainly met expectations visiting sites fom Athens to Peloponnese. The cruise including the islands is that are so very scenic. The tour director was a lovely, hardworking, efficient young woman. Guides were excellent sources of information. Most hotels were fine or acceptable , a few not so much which needs improvement. Bus driver skilled and friendly. More info on required amount of climbing needed for those less able would be useful. Crowds at tour stops are not pleasant but hard to avoid. All in all a lot to see of beauty and history of Greece.

10-Day Epitome Private Tour: Peloponnese, Hydra Island, Meteora & Best Greek villages Tour

10-Day Epitome Private Tour: Peloponnese, Hydra Island, Meteora & Best Greek villages

Enjoy the Peloponnese in all its splendor on a 15-days tour from Athens! Tour

Enjoy the Peloponnese in all its splendor on a 15-days tour from Athens!

Europe Explorer Grand Tour \"Epirus Route\" Tour

Europe Explorer Grand Tour "Epirus Route"

What people love about sparta tours.

My husband and I were guided around Athens and the Peloponnese by Pictours in 2024. Based on our experience here are my top 10 reasons to pick Pictourto have the vacation of a lifetime. 1. Of nearly 100 holidays, this was the most unique - everyday I was seeing and doing something memorable; whether it was me catching a trout fish (later served as lunch) or learning Greek cooking (yes, including fish). 2.  George delivers the big 3:  Cleanliness, Comfort, and Caring. The van is beyond spotless, every ride, every day. Every effort is to make things easy and he and in this case his knowledgeable aid, Aristotle, treat you like a treasured family member. 3.  Individualized attention:  We were part of a small group, but each person's needs and interests were attended to at every site, meal and every hotel stay. 4. Flexibility:  One morning there was the possibility of rain. So plans changed and we did indoor activities before going outdoors when the sun was shining.  I know this wouldn't always be possible, but if it is possible, it will  happen. 5.  Food - We are foodies and this was as much a gourmet food tour as a history/archaeological/cultural tour.  We looked forward to the meals and sites equally. Breaks for coffee are respected. 6.  Surprises:   I won't mention the specific surprises but George always has at least one  little  surprise every day.  He never oversells, and then wow! - everyone is experiencing some special part of Greek life. 7. Pride - George takes enormous pride in his tours - he is trustworthy and you feel safe. 8. Meet the locals - At a few stops, George introduced us to his favorite stores and sales folk - no pressure, ever,  but lovely to have access to his finds! 9. Extraordinaire guides – I could write another 10 reasons that the tour special due to our guide, Aristotle a certified guide, a PhD in Archaeology and a student of History. He was an earnest font of information and stories, easy to be with and we learned so much as historical sites came alive with his narratives. He was with us throughout the week and became a mentor and friend.  He was open to any and all questions and our conversations during the tours and at meals which including current events were fascinating.  Aristotle might start with a well known story about a place or event and follow this with, “Want to know the real story?” Aristotle’s theme shirts are a special addition to each day. I think there are a number of guides that work with PICTOURS, but assume they are on the same high caliber. 10.  Like minded travelers - There is lots of walking on the tour and it seems to attract an easy going, flexible crowd (at least that was our case).  Inter-generational friendships flourished. I virtually  never write reviews, but I would like everyone to experience PICTOURS and get to experience the best of Greece.
I had a relaxing time on the: This is Sparta, tour of the 2 south (middle and eastern) peninsulas of Pelopennese Island. Visiting ancient National Monuments, old world villages and hidden beach coves everyday for swimming sometimes twice. The old route on the east side peninsula followed as close to the ocean as possible where big buses can't go, was just like a personal road trip by myself. Having lunch everyday at scenic outdoor cafes by the beach was also nice. I really enjoyed this trip of the remote back roads of Pelopennense Island and will always be in my memories.
The attractions were fantastic. Paul, our tour director was knowledgeable of the places that we visited. He's organized and on-time. He's funny which makes our tour more enjoyable. The accomodations were great!
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We would love for your church or organization to experience Camp Sparta! Whether you are looking for a weekend retreat or a week long event, we are the place for you. 

sparta camp on tour

Camp Sparta seeks to create an environment where people can meet with God.

Sparta Day Camp 2024

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Sparta Announce 2023 US Tour Celebrating 20th Anniversary of Wiretap Scars [Updated]

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The post Sparta Announce 2023 US Tour Celebrating 20th Anniversary of Wiretap Scars [Updated] appeared first on Consequence .

Sparta have announced a 2023 US tour celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album, Wiretap Scars . The outing will feature support from ’68, Thursday singer Geoff Rickly , and zeta.

It’s technically the belated 20th anniversary of Wiretap Scars , which was released in August 2002. The album features the single “Cut Your Ribbon” and the epic fan favorite “Air.”

After initially announcing the first leg which runs from May 4th in Mesa, Arizona, through a May 19th show in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sparta unveiled two more legs, including a June run and a July/August jaunt. All told, the tour now spans 40 dates, concluding August 12th in Dallas.

Tickets for the first leg are already available, while the second two legs go on sale this Friday (April 14th) at 10 a.m. local time via Ticketmaster . Fans can also look for deals or purchase tickets to sold-out shows via StubHub , where orders are 100% guaranteed through StubHub’s FanProtect program.

Sparta was formed in 2001 by members of At the Drive-In after the latter band’s initial breakup. After a couple of hiatuses and multiple personnel changes, frontman Jim Ward and bassist Matt Miller remain Sparta’s only permanent members, as they play shows with a touring drummer. The post-hardcore act’s most recent album is a 2022 self-titled effort .

Editor’s Note: This story was updated on April 12th with news of the tour’s second two legs.

Sparta 2023 US Tour: 05/04 – Mesa, AZ @ Nile Half House * 05/05 – Anaheim, CA @ Chain Reaction * 05/06 – San Diego, CA @ Music Box * 05/07 – Los Angeles, CA @ Roxy * 05/09 – Fresno, CA @ Strummers * 05/10 – San Francisco, CA @ Great American Music Hall * 05/11 – Sacramento, CA @ Harlow’s * 05/13 – Portland, OR @ Dante’s * 05/14 – Tacoma, WA @ Alma * 05/15 – Boise, ID @ 9th St. Parallel * 05/17 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Metro Music Hall * 05/18 – Denver, CO @ Bluebird Theatre * 05/19 – Albuquerque, NM @ Launchpad * 06/01 – Lubbock, TX @ Jake’s Sports ^ 06/02 – Oklahoma, OK @ Beer City Music Hall ^ 06/03 – Kansas City, MO @ Recordbard ^ 06/04 – St. Louis, MO @ Red Flag ^ 06/06 – Minneapolis, MN @ Fine Line ^ 06/07 – Chicago, IL @ Bottom Lounge ^ 06/09 – Pontiac, MI @ Crofoot ^ 06/10 – Cleveland, OH @ Grog Shop ^ 06/11 – Columbus, OH @ Newport ^ 06/12 – Nashville, TN @ Basement East ^ 06/14 – Little Rock, AR @ The Rev Room ^ 06/15 – Baton Rouge, LA @ Chelsea’s Live ^ 06/16 – San Antonio, TX @ The Rock Box ^ 07/26 – Austin, TX @ The Parish # 07/27 – Houston, TX @ White Oak Music Room # 07/28 – Pensacola, FL @ Handlebar # 07/29 – Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade – Hell # 07/31 – Baltimore, MD @ Ottobar ^ 08/01 – Philadelphia, PA @ Underground Arts ^ 08/03 – Boston, MA @ Brighton Music Hall ^ 08/04 – Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Monarch ^ 08/05 – Rochester, NY @ Montage Music Hall ^ 08/07 – Pittsburgh, PA @ Thunderbird Cafe ^ 08/08 – Covington, KY @ Madison Live ^ 08/09 – Louisville, KY @ Headliners Music Hall ^ 08/10 – Memphis, TN @ Growlers ^ 08/12 – Dallas, TX @ Southside Music Hall ^

* = w/ ‘68 and Geoffrey Rickly ^ = w/ zeta and Geoffrey Rickly # = w/ zeta only

Sparta Announce 2023 US Tour Celebrating 20th Anniversary of Wiretap Scars [Updated] Spencer Kaufman

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Kenyan tour guide rescues 14 tourists after devastating floods crash through the Maasai Mara

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Friday 3 May 2024 17:41, UK

One of the vehicles on the camp was almost completely submerged. Pic: Pic: James Apolloh Omenya

A Kenyan tour guide has rescued 14 tourists after heavy rains caused devastating floodwaters to crash through the Maasai Mara national reserve.

James Apolloh Omenya's quick thinking also helped rescue 25 staff members at the Talek Bush Camp in the wilderness reserve in southwestern Kenya .

The East African nation has been battered by heavy downpours since rainy season started in March.

Flooding and landslides have killed more than 200 people and destroyed homes, roads and infrastructure across the country.

Mr Omenya was asleep in his tent at the camp on Wednesday when his driver woke him up at around 1.20am local time to warn him of heavy rainfall and flooding.

"When I woke up our tent was literally floating," he told Sky News.

"We stepped out of the tent and after a short while the water was reaching up to our waists."

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sparta camp on tour

Kenya: Dozens killed after dam collapses as floods cause widespread devastation

A girl wades through flood waters after the Nairobi river burst its banks and destroyed their home within the Mathare valley settlement. Pic: Reuters

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FILE - Kenya's military chief General Francis Ogolla is dressed in full uniform at the State House in Nairobi, Kenya, Nov. 14, 2023. Ogolla died in a helicopter crash west of the country, President William Ruto announced Thursday, April 18, 2024, evening and declared three days of national mourning. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga, File)

Head of Kenya's military General Francis Ogolla among nine killed in helicopter crash

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Realising the danger the fast-flowing water posed to tourists and staff members at the camp, Mr Omenya woke them up before leading them all to a single room where they were more safe.

However, when he looked outside, Mr Omenya could see the water level was going to keep rising and felt the room wasn't going to keep them dry for much longer.

"I realised we needed to get everyone to a higher platform.

"It was still raining, the water level was rising and some of the tourists looked extremely worried.

"In the camp there are concrete water tankers that are about 27ft (8.2m) above the ground on a platform - so I went and got a ladder and moved it up next to the tank."

The tourists keep dry next to the water tanks. Pic: James Apolloh Omenya

The group of tourists, which included three people from the UK, were finally rescued by the Kenya Red Cross at around 10.40am local time on Wednesday morning.

Some were flown to the Kenyan capital Nairobi, while others chose to stay in the Maasai Mara to attempt to finish their trip.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Mr Omenya said: "You have to stay calm in a crisis and put people's safety first.

"I love God, and by saving someone's life you are saving humanity."

Read more Sky News: Dozens killed after dam collapses in Kenya At least 29 killed in Brazil floods

Pic: James Apolloh Omenya  stands a rescue helicopter that come to collect stranded people. Pic: James Apolloh Omenya

The 14 tourists were among around 110 people the Kenya Red Cross said it rescued in the reserve after more than a dozen hotels, lodges and camps were flooded due to the downpours.

The flooding came after a river within the Maasai Mara broke its banks early Wednesday.

Mr Omenya said two 4x4s and two saloon cars used by the Talek Bush Camp were completely submerged - with one carried around 150m down the road before it hit a bush and stopped.

James Apolloh Omenya, second from right, with Narok County governor Patrick Ole Ntutu, third from right, and tourists after the rescue effort. Pic: James Apolloh Omenya

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Tourists evacuated from Kenya’s Maasai Mara reserve amid flooding and heavy rains

The reserve, in southwest Kenya, is a popular tourist destination and features the annual wildebeest migration from the Serengeti in Tanzania.

The flooding could have a significant impact on the park's ecosystem - affecting animals through drowning as well as disrupting habitats, food sources and water sources, the Nation news service in Kenya reports.

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Narok County Natural Resources Network chairperson Nicholas Ole Murero has said giraffes and gazelles have been most affected.

Kenya is bracing for rainfall this week.

Kenyan President William Ruto has said "meteorological reports paint a dire picture," citing the possibility of Cyclone Hidaya hitting coastal Kenya in the coming days.

The cyclone is expected to make landfall in Tanzania, Kenya's southern neighbour, on Saturday.

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Claudia Looi

Touring the Top 10 Moscow Metro Stations

By Claudia Looi 2 Comments

Komsomolskaya metro station

Komsomolskaya metro station looks like a museum. It has vaulted ceilings and baroque decor.

Hidden underground, in the heart of Moscow, are historical and architectural treasures of Russia. These are Soviet-era creations – the metro stations of Moscow.

Our guide Maria introduced these elaborate metro stations as “the palaces for the people.” Built between 1937 and 1955, each station holds its own history and stories. Stalin had the idea of building beautiful underground spaces that the masses could enjoy. They would look like museums, art centers, concert halls, palaces and churches. Each would have a different theme. None would be alike.

The two-hour private tour was with a former Intourist tour guide named Maria. Maria lived in Moscow all her life and through the communist era of 60s to 90s. She has been a tour guide for more than 30 years. Being in her 60s, she moved rather quickly for her age. We traveled and crammed with Maria and other Muscovites on the metro to visit 10 different metro stations.

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Moscow subways are very clean

Moscow subways are very clean

To Maria, every street, metro and building told a story. I couldn’t keep up with her stories. I don’t remember most of what she said because I was just thrilled being in Moscow.   Added to that, she spilled out so many Russian words and names, which to one who can’t read Cyrillic, sounded so foreign and could be easily forgotten.

The metro tour was the first part of our all day tour of Moscow with Maria. Here are the stations we visited:

1. Komsomolskaya Metro Station  is the most beautiful of them all. Painted yellow and decorated with chandeliers, gold leaves and semi precious stones, the station looks like a stately museum. And possibly decorated like a palace. I saw Komsomolskaya first, before the rest of the stations upon arrival in Moscow by train from St. Petersburg.

2. Revolution Square Metro Station (Ploshchad Revolyutsii) has marble arches and 72 bronze sculptures designed by Alexey Dushkin. The marble arches are flanked by the bronze sculptures. If you look closely you will see passersby touching the bronze dog's nose. Legend has it that good luck comes to those who touch the dog's nose.

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Revolution Square Metro Station

Revolution Square Metro Station

3. Arbatskaya Metro Station served as a shelter during the Soviet-era. It is one of the largest and the deepest metro stations in Moscow.

Arbatskaya Metro Station

Arbatskaya Metro Station

4. Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station was built in 1935 and named after the Russian State Library. It is located near the library and has a big mosaic portrait of Lenin and yellow ceramic tiles on the track walls.

Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station

Lenin's portrait at the Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station


5. Kievskaya Metro Station was one of the first to be completed in Moscow. Named after the capital city of Ukraine by Kiev-born, Nikita Khruschev, Stalin's successor.


Kievskaya Metro Station

6. Novoslobodskaya Metro Station  was built in 1952. It has 32 stained glass murals with brass borders.

Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 5.17.53 PM

Novoslobodskaya metro station

7. Kurskaya Metro Station was one of the first few to be built in Moscow in 1938. It has ceiling panels and artwork showing Soviet leadership, Soviet lifestyle and political power. It has a dome with patriotic slogans decorated with red stars representing the Soviet's World War II Hall of Fame. Kurskaya Metro Station is a must-visit station in Moscow.

sparta camp on tour

Ceiling panel and artworks at Kurskaya Metro Station


8. Mayakovskaya Metro Station built in 1938. It was named after Russian poet Vladmir Mayakovsky. This is one of the most beautiful metro stations in the world with 34 mosaics painted by Alexander Deyneka.

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya metro station

One of the over 30 ceiling mosaics in Mayakovskaya metro station

9. Belorusskaya Metro Station is named after the people of Belarus. In the picture below, there are statues of 3 members of the Partisan Resistance in Belarus during World War II. The statues were sculpted by Sergei Orlov, S. Rabinovich and I. Slonim.


10. Teatralnaya Metro Station (Theatre Metro Station) is located near the Bolshoi Theatre.

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Have you visited the Moscow Metro? Leave your comment below.

' src=

January 15, 2017 at 8:17 am

An excellent read! Thanks for much for sharing the Russian metro system with us. We're heading to Moscow in April and exploring the metro stations were on our list and after reading your post, I'm even more excited to go visit them. Thanks again 🙂

' src=

December 6, 2017 at 10:45 pm

Hi, do you remember which tour company you contacted for this tour?

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Sparta Camp on Tour 2023

Sparta Camp on Tour 2023

V létě 2023 se bude pořádat v pořadí druhý ročník sparťanských kempů pro děti, které budou probíhat po celé České republice. Chcete-li, aby Vaši potomci zažili pět dnů plných fotbalové zábavy pod taktovkou našich trenérů, můžete se nyní přihlásit!

Děti mají na kempech možnost okusit tréninkové metody profesionálních trenérů sparťanské mládeže, naučit se nové fotbalové dovednosti, zasoutěžit si o řadu zajímavých cen, a především si užít spoustu zábavy. Druhý ročník Sparta Camp on Tour se uskuteční celkem v osmi lokacích napříč celou Českou republikou. Stejně jako v předchozím roce zavítáme do  Kouřimi , Týnce nad Sázavou , Postřekova a Tvrdonic . Tyto lokace se navíc letos rozrostou také o  Červený Kostelec , Český Krumlov , Práče u Znojma a Český Brod . Kemp v Tvrdonicích bude  mimo jiné zaměřen i na brankářské tréninky .

  • 10.-14.7.2023 - Kouřim, Týnec nad Sázavou, Český Brod, Tvrdonice
  • 17.-21.7.2023 - Práče u Znojma, Český Krumlov
  • 24.-28.7.2023 - Postřekov, Červený Kostelec

sparta camp on tour

Kempy budou pořádány postupně v průběhu července 2023 a potrvají vždy pět dní, od pondělí do pátku. Tréninky budou vedeny profesionálními trenéry ze strahovské akademie. Program se ovšem nebude skládat pouze z fotbalových tréninků, bude navíc obsahovat i další doplňkové aktivity v podobě návštěv významných sparťanských osobností, zábavných her a zajímavých soutěží. 

sparta camp on tour

Své děti můžete přihlašovat na našich webových stránkách, pomocí následujícího odkazu . Přihlašování bude probíhat ve dvou etapách - do 9. března bude cena 5500 Kč, poté, do zaplnění kapacit, 5900 Kč. V ceně je zahrnut mimo tréninkových jednotek a občerstvení po dobu celého kempu také welcome pack pro každého účastníka (tréninková sada oblečení adidas, gymsack a lahev na pití).

V detailu jednotlivých kempů také naleznete veškeré potřebné informace týkající se dané lokace kempu, rámcového programu či podmínek účasti. V případě jakýchkoli dotazů nás neváhejte kontaktovat prostřednictvím e-mailové adresy: [email protected]

sparta camp on tour

Těšíme se, až Vás s vašimi ratolestmi na místech, které v rámci Sparta Camp on Tour navštívíme, přivítáme a užijeme si společně spoustu zábavy!

What's it like to flee your homeland? A 'refugee camp' in Sydney shows you

A man wearing a black hoodie and a bandana hiding most of his face stands by a gate with a sign that says Border Checkpoint

"You have one minute to leave your home. What five things will you bring?"

Common sense goes out the window, as I quickly calculate my list: husband, passport, family photos, medications, mobile phone and charger.

Before I can second-guess myself, we're ushered from the room.

Outside, a towering figure awaits. He stands in front of a metal fence — the sole passage to safety.

"Yallah! Yallah!" the man yells, wielding a piece of wood as though it is a weapon.

Throw a wire fence we can say a border guard "checking" the papers of a student who has come to Refugee Camp in my Neighbourhoo

None of us speak his language but, instinctively, we form a line and offer up our possessions.

There are murmurs, gasps and tiny squeals as he makes his way down the queue.

The lucky ones pass through the border crossing, the others are sent to the back.

The border guard looks at me — cashless, useless — before pointing at my engagement and wedding rings. I don't want to remove them, but what choice do I have?

This is the price for the promise of a better life.

Walking in their shoes

I wasn't standing in a war zone, but rather Western Sydney, as part of Refugee Camp In My Neighbourhood (RCIMN).

It's an interactive tour that's led by refugees and asylum seekers who want Australians to walk in their shoes.

Primary school students wearing orange life jackets.

They transform into tour guides and assume roles like 'border guard', sharing their own experiences along the way.

Hundreds of visitors take the tour each year. The majority are school students, health professionals, and people who work with refugees.

In the simulated journey, you experience what it's like to flee your homeland, take a life-threatening boat trip, and be thrust into a detention centre where names are replaced by numbers.

There's also a taste of refugee camp life: squat toilets, scant food provisions, and a hospital tent with barely any medical supplies.

Project coordinator Adama Kamara dreamed up the project more than a decade ago, when she was working at Auburn City Council. The area had one of the highest populations of asylum seekers in Australia.

It was a time, Adama says, when the portrayal of refugees "was not very positive".

Adama stares off distance, the refugee camp in the background

"It was getting worse and worse," she recalls. "In our community, people were really angry about that, to the point where [some] people didn't want to be identified as a refugee.

"To me, it's a sign of resilience, that [refugee] experience, but people were worried about how they would be treated."

For Adama, the community's story was akin to her own.

She was born in Sierra Leone, but moved with her family to Australia for her father's university study.

In 1991, civil war broke out in her homeland. It lasted over a decade, and forced more than 450,000 Sierra Leonean refugees to leave the country.

"It also meant that my family wasn't able to return home," Adama explains. "We sought safety here in Australia."

Waking up to war

War is what brought many of the tour guides to Australia's shores.

They've fled different lands — Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Sudan and Sri Lanka are among them — and found different ways to get here.

Some spent years in refugee camps, others were detained in immigration detention for equally long stretches of time.

Ukrainian refugee Oleksandra's story was different.

Oleksandra leans again a brick wall and smiles at the camera

On February 23, 2022, she had a magical night at the ballet.

"Me and my friends went to the state opera house [in Odesa]," she recalls. "[There] was an amazing performance of the Nutcracker.

"I remember all these costumes, decorations, everything so bright, a lot of diamonds. [It was] so beautiful."

The next morning, the Ukrainian woke up to war.

"The first four days I was in shock," Oleksandra recalls.

"I thought that our presidents will talk with each other and then tomorrow, or maybe a few hours later … I will see news on the TV, [saying] 'That was just an accident, sorry. Everything is over.'"

But there wasn't a retraction or a military backdown. Instead, the fighting escalated.

After those four days, Oleksandra says it sunk in.

"Life stopped. Everything became dull, grey," she says.

"You don't know what to do."

Inside a big canvas tent you can just see the shadow of a person standing outside

The realities of a refugee camp

There's no rule book for being a refugee.

I went on a RCIMN tour twice — first with a group of year 5 and 6 students, then with teens in year 9 and 10.

Both days, I was struck by the impossible decisions asylum seekers must make.

For instance, sheltering in a refugee camp might seem like the safe option.

But as an Iraqi-born guide named Kathreen tells our group, people without proper identification or money to pay for translators can spend years waiting to be processed.

And the facilities within camps are often hotbeds of disease.

On the tour with the primary school kids, a Sri Lankan guide named Neeraja shows us what a pit toilet looks like.

"Imagine 600 people line up, and going again and again," she says. "How the smell is terrible."

All of our noses wrinkle on cue.

The stench isn't the worst part, of course.

Two photos: one of rubbish and a food ration box and another of a group of used juice bottles

Neeraja, who herself lived in an Indian refugee camp, explains that malaria and diarrhoeal diseases often spread from shared toilets.

According to UNHCR, these diseases along with measles, acute respiratory infections and malnutrition are major causes of morbidity and mortality among refugees.

After our toilet stop, we're led into the medical tent and introduced to Ahmed, a Sudanese man who spent 7.5 years at a refugee camp in Egypt.

Instead of beds, there are camp-style stretchers with mosquito nets overhead.

One stretcher has a hole cut through it and a bucket underneath. This is for patients with diarrhoea, Ahmed explains.

Despite its shortcomings, Ahmed says this medical centre is "much better" than the one he had access to.

"Too many people [are] honestly dying in a refugee camps," he says. "Especially the kids, especially when the mum is delivering the baby."

Ahmed sits at a messy desk inside a big canvas tent

Unfortunately for Ahmed, these harsh realities can't simply be forgotten.

In 2023, war broke out in Sudan, forcing 8.6 million people, according to the UNHCR, to leave their homes. Among them, were Ahmed's wife, daughter, father and siblings.

"They're in a refugee camp right now," he told me .

"It's not safe to be there, but we don't have any options in our country."

Ahmed is an Australian citizen and hopes his family can be brought here. For now, all he can do is wait.

Living in limbo

Waiting is an experience that Asad knows well.

After fleeing his home in Afghanistan and travelling to Australia by boat, he spent nearly 2,000 days in immigration detention.

When he tells the school children that number, they're wide-eyed, mouths agog.

He paints a picture of life in detention: being woken at six o'clock for room searches, eating the same food day after day, and trying to learn English when your mental health is crumbling.

Asad sits on a milk crate inside a medical tent and looks off camera

He tells us how 500 people would gather around the one TV, cheering for the Australian soccer team, only for the match to be switched off mid-way by a guard.

But Asad says the uncertainty affected him the most.

"You don't know what will happen and you don't know when you [will be] released," he says.

"Living in limbo is the hardest thing."

Asad doesn't find it easy sharing his story. It takes him back to "dark days".

But it's his goal to educate people, particularly the next generation.

"Maybe among these young kids, in the future there [will] be a politician," he says. "Maybe they're going to run the country."

"They have to know what's going on with asylum seekers and refugees."

Like Asad, Oleksandra hopes to break the stigma around refugees.

"Some people may be afraid," she says. "They think that we are not educated, we are lazy. [That] we came here and want to seek some support, [and] don't want to do anything."

But that, she points out, is not the case.

Among the guides I spoke to, Oleksandra trained as a psychologist, Ahmed is an engineer, and Asad studied law.

"Desperate people leave their family behind, their homeland and their memories," says Asad. "They have no option."

Oleksandra agrees: "To be a refugee, it's not a choice, it just happens.

"And it could happen to anyone."

Watch Compass tonight at 6:30pm on ABC TV or stream any time on ABC iview . 

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Moscow Metro Tour

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Moscow metro private tours.

  • 2-hour tour $87:  10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • 3-hour tour $137:  20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. 
  • Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

Highlight of Metro Tour

  • Visit 10 must-see stations of Moscow metro on 2-hr tour and 20 Metro stations on 3-hr tour, including grand Komsomolskaya station with its distinctive Baroque décor, aristocratic Mayakovskaya station with Soviet mosaics, legendary Revolution Square station with 72 bronze sculptures and more!
  • Explore Museum of Moscow Metro and learn a ton of technical and historical facts;
  • Listen to the secrets about the Metro-2, a secret line supposedly used by the government and KGB;
  • Experience a selection of most striking features of Moscow Metro hidden from most tourists and even locals;
  • Discover the underground treasure of Russian Soviet past – from mosaics to bronzes, paintings, marble arches, stained glass and even paleontological elements;
  • Learn fun stories and myths about Coffee Ring, Zodiac signs of Moscow Metro and more;
  • Admire Soviet-era architecture of pre- and post- World War II perious;
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Sparrow Hills from Luzhniki Metro Bridge – MetroMost, the only station of Moscow Metro located over water and the highest station above ground level;
  • If lucky, catch a unique «Aquarelle Train» – a wheeled picture gallery, brightly painted with images of peony, chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers and each car unit is unique;
  • Become an expert at navigating the legendary Moscow Metro system;
  • Have fun time with a very friendly local;
  • + Atmospheric Metro lunch in Moscow’s the only Metro Diner (included in a 3-hr tour)

Hotel Pick-up

Metro stations:.



Prospekt Mira




Revolution Square

Sparrow Hills

+ for 3-hour tour

Victory Park

Slavic Boulevard





Museum of Moscow Metro

  • Drop-off  at your hotel, Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills or any place you wish
  • + Russian lunch  in Metro Diner with artistic metro-style interior for 3-hour tour

Fun facts from our Moscow Metro Tours:

From the very first days of its existence, the Moscow Metro was the object of civil defense, used as a bomb shelter, and designed as a defense for a possible attack on the Soviet Union.

At a depth of 50 to 120 meters lies the second, the coded system of Metro-2 of Moscow subway, which is equipped with everything you need, from food storage to the nuclear button.

According to some sources, the total length of Metro-2 reaches over 150 kilometers.

The Museum was opened on Sportivnaya metro station on November 6, 1967. It features the most interesting models of trains and stations.

Coffee Ring

The first scheme of Moscow Metro looked like a bunch of separate lines. Listen to a myth about Joseph Stalin and the main brown line of Moscow Metro.

Zodiac Metro

According to some astrologers, each of the 12 stops of the Moscow Ring Line corresponds to a particular sign of the zodiac and divides the city into astrological sector.

Astrologers believe that being in a particular zadiac sector of Moscow for a long time, you attract certain energy and events into your life.

Paleontological finds 

Red marble walls of some of the Metro stations hide in themselves petrified inhabitants of ancient seas. Try and find some!

  • Every day each car in  Moscow metro passes  more than 600 km, which is the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow subway system is the  5th in the intensity  of use (after the subways of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai).
  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the walking tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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  1. Sparta Camp on Tour 2023

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  2. Sparta Camp on Tour 2023

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  4. Sparta Camp on Tour

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  5. 179 dětí si užilo Sparta Camp On Tour

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    SPARTA CAMP V ČERVENÉM KOSTELCI!!!! V TERMÍNU 24. - 28.7.2023 PROBĚHNE NA SPORTOVIŠTÍCH V ČERVENÉM KOSTELCI PŘÍMĚSTSKÝ FOTBALOVÝ KEMP POŘÁDANÝ VE SPOLUPRÁCI S AC SPARTA PRAHA, SPARTA Camp on tour!!!! V červenci 2023 proběhne celkem 8 kempů po celé České republice a Červený Kostelec je jednou z destinací, kterou si pořadatelé akce vybrali.

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