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The Top 10 Things To See And Do In Lido, Venice

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Lido is a small island in the Venice lagoon. Sheltering the city from the sea, Lido offers award winning beaches and spectacular views on Venice. It’s undoubtedly most known for hosting Venice Film Festival , but it’s usually avoided by the mass of tourists coming to visit its famous neighbor. However, the trendier area of the Venice lagoon, known for its Art Deco architecture and sport resorts, has a lot to offer. Here is out list of the top 10 things to do.

Armenian Monastery of San Lazzaro I

Look Into Byron’s Study Room In The Armenian Monastery

San Lazzaro degli Armeni is a small island, located offshore Lido. Since 1717, it has been home to the Armenian Catholic Monastery of San Lazzaro. The most notable visitor of the monastery was the poet Byron, who spent time on the island studying Armenian. Nowadays, the monastery hosts a permanent exhibition devoted to the famous writer. Of note is also a publishing house on the island, established by the monks in 1789, which is the oldest continuously operating Armenian publishing house in the world. Join the tour of the island, which is organized by the monks once per day.

Lido Beach I

Lido is known as the sports and recreation area of Venice. Take some time to enjoy the sandy cost of Lido, which stretches over 11 km and overlooks the Adriatic Sea. Depending on your budget, you can go to a private or a public beach. One of the best private beaches is Hotel Excelsior Beach, whilst Lido’s public beach is located in the north. Make sure to arrive early to grab a good spot near the water.

Alberoni Dune I

Experience Nature At Alberoni

The Oasis of Alberoni is a protected natural reserve, located on the south end of Lido island. The oasis is composed of a pine forest and a complex dune system, immortalised for its beauty in the poetry of Byron and Goethe. The dunes, measuring up to 9 meters, started to develop in 1800s and are home to a diverse ecosystem, including protected bird species Kentish Plover and Little Tern. Rent a bike in the center and explore the western shore along Via Malamocco on your way to Alberoni.

Church San Nicolò al Lido I

Visit Church Of San Nicolò Al Lido

The church of San Nicolò al Lido has an important historical place in Venice. Following the yearly Sposalizio del Mare , the ceremonial marriage of the Doge of Venice to the Adriatic Sea, the church hosted a banquet before the merchant ships sailed west. As such, it was the last Venetian landmark seen by sailors. The Church houses the remains of St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors. The main attraction is the walnut choir stalls from 17th century, presenting 27 scenes from the life of the saint.

view of Piazzale S.M. Elisabetta

Take A Stroll Along Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta

Take a walk down the main street of Lido, called Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta. Commonly called Gran Viale, the street crosses the whole island. Along the street are located numerous hotels, shops and restaurants. Gran Viale finishes at the seaside, where you can follow the sea promenade north to the public beach or south to Alberoni Oasis, following the Murazzi path. The Murazzi are a protective barrier made of Istrian stone, which shield the island from water erosion.

Tempio Votivo I

Tempio Votivo

The Tempio Votivo Church is a war memorial of Venice. It was built between 1925 and 1935 by the architect Giuseppe Torres. The war memorial is the last major religious building constructed in the lagoon area, and was designed to show gratitude of the Venetians that the city escaped the First World War without major damage, especially the bombing on February 27 1918. The large green dome on top of the copper structure of the church is one of the first landmarks seen by visitors, due to its location next to the Vaporetto station.

Ancient Jewish Cemetery I

Walk Around The Ancient Jewish Cemetery

The Jews in Venice got the first opportunity to create their own cemetery in 1386, which shows the long history of Jews in the city. The cemetery is located near the San Nicolò church in the north. Nowadays, the Ancient Jewish Cemetery can only be viewed with an appointment. Many memorials have been restored in the last 30 years and date between the 16th and 18th century. Alternatively, visit the modern Jewish cemetery, which is opened to the public and is located on Via Cipro.

Malamocco I

Explore Malamocco

Malamocco is a picturesque village located on the southern part of Lido. It is an island on its own, connected to Lido by a series of bridges across the canal separating the two. The most prominent landmarks include the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, Ponte Borgo (the oldest bridge in the village), and Palazzo del Podestà, where the mayors of Malamocco lived until 1339. The Palazzo del Podestà is a Gothic style building, overlooking the lagoon, which today houses the Malamocco museum. All landmarks are situated next to each other on the Piazza Maggiore.

Palazzo del Cinema during the Venice Film Festival I

Venice Film Festival

Every year between the end of August and beginning of September, Lido hosts Venice Film Festival . The festival is the oldest of its kind and was started in 1932. Together with Cannes and Berlin, the film festival in Venice is one of the big three film festivals in Europe. Palazzo del Cinema is the main screening theatre of the event. One of the new attractions includes an open air cinema, held in the Casino gardens, where you can see a film screening free of charge.

Murazzi Pellestrina I


Pellestrina is a charming island of the south of Lido, known as an island of fishermen. Like Lido, Pellestrina also has a defense wall of Murazzi, which is a great place to cycle or skate. Take your bike on the ferry from Lido and enjoy the ride. Remember to stop over at the Little Museum of the Southern Lagoon , which aims to preserve history and traditions of the lagoon. It has two permanent exhibitions: The history of Murazzi and November 4, 1966, the great fear.

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Travel Guide to the island of Lido near Venice: Tips & Infos

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Island Lido di Venezia | Venice is one of the most beautiful and unique cities in the world. The Italian coastal town on the Adriatic coast and its sophisticated seaside resort Lido di Venezia with its impressive buildings exude their own charm and expressive character .

Anyone who has ever visited this city has certainly been drawn into its almost magical spell. A very special place to visit is the so-called ‘Lido di Venezia’, thus the small strip of islands with its beaches and hotels that separates the world-famous lagoon of Venice from the open sea.

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Something about the history of the Lido

For a long time, the Lido di Venezia was not a very popular destination for tourists or locals. Due to its distance to the city center, only very few tourists came to the narrow strip of sand and the population rate was dwindling.

Over time, however, the people have recognized the peculiarity of the interesting island strip and turned it into a really worth seeing place. Today, the beautiful sandy strip has become a popular and very fashionable seaside resort, which has great sandy beaches to offer and allows holidaymakers not far from the world-famous city some rest and tranquility.

Location & Surroundings

The Lido di Venezia is about 11 km long and has an area of about 4 km². It is located directly in the middle part of the Venetian lagoon and is, therefore, a kind of separation from the open Adriatic Sea. The largest town on the island is called Lido and currently has almost 17,000 inhabitants .

Lido is also the venue of the annual Venice International Film Festival . The other places on the island are Alberoni and Malamocco. The latter is the oldest inhabited part of the island.

Lido and its striking architecture

Travel Guide to the island of Lido near Venice

The architecture on the Lido is strongly influenced by the Venetian architectural style . In addition to the carefully managed beaches and seaside resorts on the island strip, many trades point to the venue of the important film festival, so that the design of the place has been strongly oriented towards this.

There are only a few cafés and restaurants on the Lido, all of which are very cosy and inviting.

Popular island for tourists

Travel Guide to the island of Lido near Venice

The Lido di Venezia offers some excellent, extremely luxurious hotels as for example the ‘ Grand Hotel Excelsior ‘ or the ‘Grand Hotel de Bains’, which has meanwhile closed its doors. Especially during the annual film festival, many prominent faces cavort on the fine sand strip. Many buildings offer wonderful views of the Adriatic Sea and are very exclusive and accordingly expensive. The whole island strip is kept in the typical Venetian style and offers a lot of interesting sights such as churches or extravagant villas .

Just as in the city of Venice itself, there are also numerous small canals and winding alleys on the Lido, which are navigated by boats and boats. In contrast to the Venetian city centre, which is known to be completely free of any vehicles, these are allowed on the island and can be found all over the island. Nevertheless, it is noticeable that most of the inhabitants prefer to cycle, which is why visitors are recommended to rent a bike and explore the island with all its secret places or of course typically Italian with the scooter .

How to get to the Lido di Venezia?

Travel Guide to the island of Lido near Venice

► By car – If you want to travel by car, it’s very easy to do so. As already mentioned, the Lido is not car-free and very popular with overnight guests. As soon as you reach Venice via the Ponte della Libertà, keep right and follow the signs Tronchetto “Ferry Lido”. The car ferry no. 17 departs at least once per hour and takes about 35 minutes to the Lido. Prices for a normal car are about 13,00 € per way. People pay about 7,00 €. In the season you have to reckon with waiting times.

► Public transport and airport – The best way to get there by public transport is with the main lines 1 and 2 of the water buses. If you leave the train station or the Piazzale Roma, you will need some time, but you will also pass through the entire impressive Canal Grande. Single tickets are expensive, so it is always best to buy the day or multi-day tickets of the public transport companies . Further information can be found in Transport . In the category under airport transfer , one also finds the possibility to arrive directly to the Lido with the Alilaguna boats.

►  Another option is the direct boat service for Mestre to Lido di Venezia.

A beautiful island with a fascinating view

Travel Guide to the island of Lido near Venice

The Lido di Venezia is well worth a visit. The narrow strip of the island alone is impressive because of its unique location and the breathtaking view of the sea. In addition, there is a special Venetian flair , which is reflected in the buildings of the island.

A visit is particularly suitable for relaxed, cosy days by the sea. A small island is also an ideal option to avoid the often overcrowded trouble in Venice’s city centre and to take a short break in peace and quiet.

Overnight stay in Lido di Venezia

Travel Guide to the island of Lido near Venice

The Lido di Venezia is also a trendy place for overnight stays due to its unique mixture of beach holidays and city sightseeing. Of course, it is not cheap to stay here during the summer months, but the fascinating experience Lido di Venezia compensates for a lot. But those who prefer an overnight stay in the romantic centre of the historical Venice will find my tips in Top 10 Hotels Venice . There are cheaper accommodations rather in Mestre that are in my hotel recommendations for hotels outside the centre of Venice.

For the Lido di Venezia, these are my tips for accommodation:

► Hotel Villa Laguna

The exclusive Hotel Villa Laguna offers 19 suites and a standard room. Here you will be welcomed with a familiar and warm ambience. Enjoy either the magnificent view of the lagoon or the Adriatic Sea. The island of Lido is a peaceful oasis from which you can quickly and easily experience the colourful hustle and bustle of Venice.

  • Address: Via Sandro Gallo, 6, 30126 Venezia Lido, Venezia VE, 20 Zi, double room from approx. 170 €

Book your room in Hotel Villa Laguna online

► B&B Villa Ines

This accommodation is only 1250 m away from the university and impresses with its Art Nouveau architecture. The Piazza San Marco and the public beach of Lido di Venezia can also be reached quickly and easily from here. Thanks to the bus stop you benefit from excellent transport connections. The bathrooms have a bathtub, a shower and a Jacuzzi. All public areas are air-conditioned.

  • Address: Via Lazzaro Mocenigo 10, 30126 Lido di Venezia, B&B, double room from approx. 100 €

Book your room in B&B Villa Ines online

► Hotel Atlanta Augustus

The 3-star hotel was completely renovated in 2008 and is delighted by its impressive façade, which is covered by original friezes and ornaments and make this jewellery hotel absolutely unique. The charming building is surrounded by a small garden. The historic Art Nouveau villa also impresses with its convenient location and a huge Italian breakfast buffet. All 37 rooms are differently furnished and equipped with free Internet. Enjoy the spacious sun terrace with a view of the lagoon and relax with a hydro-massage bath.

  • Address: Via Lepanto 15, 30126 Lido di Venezia, 37 rooms, double room from approx. 80 €

Book your room in Hotel Atlanta Augustus online

► B&B La Bragadina

The B&B La Bragadina is located in the pedestrian area of the central Lido di Venezia. From here you can easily reach Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta at 50 metres, the boat dock at 250 metres and the beach at 300 metres. The B&B is on the first floor. All rooms are equipped with a private bathroom with shower, air conditioning and a flat-screen TV. A real treat is the generous breakfast buffet with homemade Italian cakes.

  • Address: Via Lepanto 8/E 8/E, 30126 Lido di Venezia, B&B, double room from approx. 100 €

Book your room in B&B La Bragadina online

► Hotel la Pergola di Venezia

The Hotel La Pergola di Venezia is a family-run hotel that enjoys great popularity thanks to its central and strategic location. Here you can relax and enjoy the peace and quiet, far away from the hustle and bustle of tourists and only 300 metres from the sea. This 4-star hotel offers you all the comforts to make your stay as special as possible. Enjoy the large sun terrace and the lush garden.

  • Address: Via Cipro 15, 30126 Lido di Venezia,13 rooms, double room from approx. 60 €

Book your room in Hotel la Pergola di Venezia online

► Hotel Villa Tiziana

The pretty hotel has just been renovated and is managed directly by the friendly owners. You are in an exclusive and quiet location only 300 metres from the sea. If you want to refresh yourself in the cool water, you can simply jump into the beautiful pool with waterfall and hydromassage or look for a shady spot in the garden. Those who want to explore the surroundings have the possibility to rent a bicycle.

  • Address: Via A Gritti, 3, Lido, Venice, VE, 30126, 13 rooms, starting from approx. 90 €.

Book your room in Hotel Villa Tiziana online

► Hotel Villa delle Palme

The attractive hotel “Villa delle Palme” was designed with great attention to detail and is located directly on the outskirts of the picturesque village of Cannobio in one of the most beautiful locations on romantic Lake Maggiore. The 3-star hotel offers its guests exclusive access to the private beach and also inspires inside with an upscale atmosphere as well as the charming bright rooms. Deck chairs for sunbathing are included in the price.

  • Address: Via Enrico Dandolo 12, 30126 Lido di Venezia, 11 rooms, double room from approx. 130 €

Book your room in Hotel Villa delle Palme online

► Hotel Villa Venice Movie

This Bed & Breakfast is not only beautiful, but also very cheap. The original rooms are from famous faces of cinema like Audrey Hepburn and were named after famous movie stars. Furthermore, the rooms are distinguished by a dominant basic colour such as blue, red or yellow. This hotel is located directly behind the Film-Palais and the Kongress-Palais and is very popular with visitors thanks to its favourable location on the canal.

  • Address: Via Lorenzo Marcello 26B, 30126 Lido di Venezia, 6 rooms, double room from approx. 100 €

Book your room in Hotel Venice Movie online

► Top Tip : Hotel Best Western Biasutti, Via E. Dandolo 29, 30126 Lido di Venezia, 69 rooms, from approx. 100 €

Book your room in Hotel Biasutti online


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5 best things to do in Lido Venice

Last updated on April 8th, 2024.

I was fortunate to spend a birthday in the scenic Lido of Venice ( Lido di Venezia ).

One of my top Venice day trip recommendations, it’s a great island to visit when visiting Venice. A change from a previous birthday at Mayfield Lavender Farm , it was a breath of fresh air.

Perfect material for your Italy bucket list , you can use this post to help  plan your trip to Italy . 

Vaporetto at sunset in Venice - things to do in lido Venice

What is the Lido of Venice famous for?

Most visitors come to Venice to see Piazza San Marco , to visit Murano island or for Carnival in February . However, come September, these sights are set aside and it’s the Lido di Venezia that takes center stage.

The lido’s the location for the Venice Film Festival, welcoming big-name movie stars from all over the world. You’ve probably seen photos of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt rocking up to the lido in a water taxi.

While the festivals’ locations can change, it’s still interesting to visit the lido without the glitz and the glamour.

How to get to Lido of Venice

Lido Santa Maria Elisabetta (S.M.E) is the vaporetto stop for the lido. The vaporetto is the most popular, and cheapest, way to get around Venice. This ticket is for a single vaporetto ride but there are more economical options for a longer stay.

Lido of Venice is popular with beachgoers as well as Venetian locals returning home.

Depending on which vaporetto you take, the ride from Piazzale di Roma to Lido of Venice can take about 15 minutes. Piazzale di Roma is the main port from which the buses arrive and depart for Marco Polo airport .

Similar to our flying after lockdown experience, we kept our masks on for the entire boat ride. I’d like to tell you that passengers were practicing social distancing, but I’d be lying. It was near impossible to keep a safe distance while on a packed vaporetto.

There were no visible markers in place and workers didn’t seem to be trying to enforce any rules upon boarding.

Our vaporetto experience was similar when we visited Murano, Burano and Torcello in 1 day . Visiting Venice in the height of summer isn’t my first choice, but the crowds were still fewer than normal.

View from the vaporetto - things to do in lido Venice

Arriving at the Lido of Venice

Stepping off the boat at S.M.E was a welcome sight.

The first thing you notice upon disembarking are the number of cars and buses around. It’s something that you don’t see in Venice (for obvious reasons), and it’s surreal to say the least.

Despite the many buses — and seemingly regular services— walking around the Lido of Venice is the best way to visit. Another option is to take a tour of Venice to better familiarize yourself with your surroundings.

However, in the early evening, a light sea breeze cools down the lido, making for a comfortable night out. With a laidback vibe, and vacation feel, these are the 5 best things you can do in the Lido of Venice.

First stop: the beach

The longer I live in Italy, the more I learn about the differences between the country’s beaches. Unlike the beaches in Genoa , the coast of the Lido of Venice lies along the Adriatic Coast.

This means sandier — as opposed to pebble — shores, and a sea temperature (similar to what we experienced in the Bahamas ) that suits me perfectly. A short walk from S.M.E is the main beach called Blue Moon.

It’s open to the public and comes with plenty of wide-open spaces to relax and swim. Clean, sandy and chilled out, it’s a great way to pass a few hours at the Lido of Venice.

Lisa at Spiaggia Blue Moon - things to do in lido Venice

A short walk to the east of Blue Moon Beach is the eclectic Hotel Excelsior Venice (Hotel Excelsior Lido di Venezia). A 5-star resort with sea views and a range of water and indoor activities, it’s an ideal beachfront choice.

Choose your time

Services at the beach include places to eat and drink, as well as sunbeds and cabanas for hire.

If the hot weather doesn’t bother you, come early to claim your spot. If it does, come around 4.30pm. It’s a glorious time to swim, plus many of the early attendees will have already left by then.

Stroll the promenade

Granviale Santa Maria Elisabetta is one of the main streets that lead from the port to Blue Moon Beach. Its grand space makes social distancing a breeze.

Tree-lined streets dotted with bars, restaurants and cafes on either side make it a popular spot with visitors.

Liberty villa Lido di Venezia - things to do in lido Venice

When you feel yourself beginning to get tired, give your legs a rest and hire a bike. Venice Scooter Rental and Venice Bike Rental are 2 places, both of which are located on Granviale Santa Maria Elisabetta.

Map of Italy

Admire the villas

While walking, or biking, along Granviale Santa Maria Elisabetta, there are several noteworthy villas to look out for.

Grande Albergo Ausonia - things to do in lido Venice

Built in a Liberty style, these grand houses now masquerade as shops, restaurants or hotels. The Liberty period was popular in the early 20th century in Italy, and was renowned for turning ordinary features into something unique.

One fine example of a Liberty-style villa in the Lido of Venice is Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria . 

This 5-star hotel headturner immediately grabs your attention upon first sight. Its façade of multi-colored tiles and arched windows makes it a natural contender for your Instagram feed.

Photograph the sunsets

During lazy summer evenings in the Lido of Venice, the sunsets also play out a long-drawn performance. Walk along the Riviera Santa Maria Elisabetta to capture the ever-changing colors of the sun setting over Venice.

Sunset over the lido di Venezia - things to do in lido Venice

We arrived about 7.15pm and were able to photograph, and enjoy, a superb sunset.

If you continue walking along Riviera Santa Maria Elisabetta, you eventually reach Riviera San Nicolò. This stretch of road overlooking the water leads to a small airport called Aeroporto Nicelli. Bring your camera and a fully-loaded battery and snap away. 

Have dinner at La Favorita

Please note, La Favorita is now permanently closed.

End your stay in the Lido of Venice on a delicious note at La Favorita.

A place, which on first glance, doesn’t appear to be anything special, I implore you to take a closer look. Like many restaurants in Italy during the warmer months, outdoor dining is the norm. 

Seafood salad at La Favorita - things to do in lido Venice

Serving up classic Venetian dishes and some of the freshest fish and seafood, I’d return in a heartbeat. A delicate seafood salad, perfectly cooked ravioli with prawns, and a fish skewer with polenta, I was in foodie heaven.

An operatic surprise

While I thought that the food, wine and company was going to be the evening’s highlight, I was proven wrong.

An impromptu performance of Nessun Dorma in the restaurant grabbed all of our attention. Accompanied by an accordion player, the singer sang his heart out, hitting the high notes and blowing us all away.

The icing on the cake was, upon finishing his performance and receiving his applause, the singer returned to his table. It turned out that he was a diner just like the rest of us.

With our stomachs happily satisfied from our meal, unfortunately we’d no room left for dessert. The menu included Italian classic desserts such as Venetian tiramisu and Crema Catalana.  

Whatever you do, don’t miss booking a dinner at La Favorita. It was the perfect end, not only to my birthday, but also to our time in the Lido of Venice.

What do you think of the Lido of Venice? Is it somewhere you’d like to visit one day? Leave me a comment and let me know below.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I’ve recommended. Thank you for your support.

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Lisa at Blue Moon Beach - things to do in Lido of Venice

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64 thoughts on “ 5 best things to do in Lido Venice ”

I can’t believe I’ve never been to the Lido the few times I’ve visited Venice! I have always been short on time and trying to see the sites but missing great things like this. Making a point to see this next time I am there. I love how the water is warmer and sandier on this side too!

It’s definitely more my cup of tea than the Med! The water is far warmer and more to my liking 🙂

Such amazing timing. It seems my path is sort of linked right now to some of your favorites as we just scheduled flights this morning to experience Venice with a little less tourism. This, as always, is amazing info and full of great tips! I’m not sure we’ll make Lido this time but I’m pinning it for later!!

Great to know Kevin! Venice, as you’ll soon find out, is much quieter than normal, but with a relatively healthy number of tourists. Enjoy it 🙂

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Things to do in Lido, Venice: A travel guide

Despite its proximity to the floating city, Lido seems to be completely different than the rest of Venice . The first thing you’ll notice when stepping on this oblong island is the presence of cars: unlike Venice, you’ll see vehicles and traffic lights. However, it is one of the most charming locations on this side of Italy, and in this travel guide, you’ll discover some great things to do in Lido .

What is worth noting is that the island of Lido is a standalone summer destination, especially if you want to swim and relax away from the crowds. That said, although daytrippers spend just a few hours on the island, the truth is that you can enjoy a relaxing holiday. Therefore, in this Lido travel guide , you’ll find the island’s must-sees and also the best places to stay. Moreover, I’ll share how you can easily get to Lido from Venice and plenty of my photos.

So, let’s start with the best things to do in Lido and how you can make the most of your visit.

Table of Contents

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The best things to do in Lido Venice

Although Lido has its share of sightseeing, the truth is that you won’t find that many iconic landmarks. Places like the Jewish cemetery or the San Nicolò church aren’t enough to motivate travelers. However, most people visit Lido for its fantastic vibe, the more down-to-earth life, and the stunning coastline.

I was so fascinated by the island that I visited Lido on three different days during my journey to Venice. Venice can be overwhelming, and finding a beautiful place to unwind is always refreshing. So, after this short rant, here are the best things to do in Lido.

Enjoy the beaches of Lido

Unlike Venice, where swimming is not a good idea, Lido enjoys a long stretch of sand from edge to edge. Located in the southern part and overlooking the Adriatic Sea, Lido offers a broad, sandy beach with crystal-clear waters. To access the closest beach to the Vaporetto terminal, all you have to do is walk down the Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta for approximately ten minutes. There, you’ll reach the Blue Moon Beach .

This part of the beach has enough facilities for your pre- or post-swimming time, and the beach bars offer dishes and drinks at fair prices. Even in late October, you’ll find locals and travelers swimming on Lido’s coastline -and the Pura Vida Beach Bar is a good place to relax. The coastline has private and public beaches, and if you have more time to explore, you can head to Alberoni Beach . Located just off the Lido Center, Alberoni Beach is a majestic place with pinewood and dunes.

On the other hand, if you visit Lido off-season when the water is cold, you can enjoy long walks next to the water and enjoy the beautiful landscape of the island.

Stroll the Santa Maria Elisabetta Street

The Vaporetto to Lido will stop almost in the city center. That’s the island’s main settlement, and you will see the famous Santa Maria Elisabetta Street . The so-called Gran Viale is a beautiful, wide street with shops and restaurants. The surrounding trees give an excellent flair to the avenue, and walking down the road is a perfect introduction to the island. That’s where you’ll see the first cars during your Venetian journey, but that’s where you’ll also observe proper daily life unfolding.

Walking the charming Santa Maria Elisabetta will bring you straight to the sea. From there, you have the option to head to the public beach on the north or move on to the other direction toward Alberoni. What’s also worth mentioning (more on that later in the guide) is that most hotels in Lido are located either straight at the Gran Viale or on the side streets.

I’d say that strolling the Santa Maria Elisabetta is a great thing to enjoy, and if you’re up for some cycling, you can rent one there and further enjoy the island of Lido. Or you can simply book this wonderful 2-hour cycling tour on the island .

Visit Malamocco for some old-times atmosphere

As I already mentioned, Lido is an oblong island. Despite its unusual shape, Lido has two settlements. The first one is straight at the Vaporetto stop, and that’s where the majority of locals live. The other settlement, though, is located more in the south and has a village atmosphere. Its name is Malamocco .

What appears today like a sleepy little town was once the first and only settlement on the island. Additionally, it was the first inhabited place of Lido and among the first in the entire Venice Lagoon. Apart from the beautiful Santa Maria Assunta church, there’s little to see in Malamocco. However, it is a charming place to stroll and have a drink in its old-fashioned cafes.

You can easily reach Malamocco with the buses starting outside the water bus station. If you have a Vaporetto Pass , you won’t need a ticket: it also covers the buses of Lido. Simply embark on the bus and see Lido Island unfolding from the windows before stepping out at Malamocco. I really enjoyed the serenity of Malamocco and the views of Isola di Poveglia , which once served as a quarantine station. I highly recommend a visit to this side of Lido.

Admire the villas and architecture

One of the finest things to do in Lido is to admire its stunning villas. Apart from seeing streets off Santa Maria Elisabetta Street, you’ll also come across architectural gems. The Liberty-style architecture prevails on the island, and admiring the villas will give you an excellent impression of living in Lido.

The Liberty style is the Italian variation of the Art Nouveau, and like in Latvia’s capital, Riga , its main characteristics are the floral motifs and the stained glass windows. Lido’s villas are colorful, and some operate nowadays as luxury hotels, like the iconic Grande Albergo Ausonia Hungaria. An unmissable experience.

Stay for the sunset

There’s a good reason to stay in Lido for the sunset. Most daytrippers return early enough to Venice so that you can have a more local feeling in the early evening. However, staying for the sunset on the island is a must-do since the sun sets on Venice’s skyline. The sky turns orange and pink, and as you follow the sun’s orbit, the city of Venice is dressed in the colors.

Don’t worry: the Vaporettos travel until late at night, so you won’t have any issues returning. And here’s an extra tip: start walking from the beach toward Santa Maria Elisabetta and see the street lights illuminated, the villas turning on their lights, and the colorful sky above.

Visit the Tempio Votivo Church

Concluded in 1935, the Tempio Votivo Church is a Lido landmark and the first thing you’ll see when approaching the island. This stunning circular building serves as a war memorial for the deceased of the two world wars. It’s also designed in Art Nouveau, and its crypt hosts the corpses of almost 3,000 soldiers.

Therefore, when approaching Lido, step out on the Vaporetto’s deck and see its copper dome appear in the distance.

Venice Film Festival

Apparently, one of the most famous things to do in Lido is to attend the world-famous Venice Film Festival . I didn’t add it earlier on the list because it lasts only ten days and usually takes place in late August or early September. For these ten days, Lido becomes the spotlight of the movie industry, and many stars arrive on the island for screenings, red carpet sessions, and Q&As.

Although it’s not as audience-oriented as the Berlinale , the Venice Film Festival is one of the biggest cinema events, and anticipation is always high. The Biennale organizes it, and if you happen to be in Lido during the film festival, try to get tickets for a screening or two: chances are that movie stars might walk by or even sit next to you.

On a side note, more elevated prices for accommodation should be expected. The island sees an increased number of visitors and industry professionals, and the demand is high.

Eat at Ristorante Pizzaria Lido

Finally, I can highly recommend the place I ate twice in Lido. If you’ve been following my travel blog for a while, you know that I always appreciate down-to-earth eateries. It’s not a matter of prices; it’s mainly because I appreciate being among locals. As a rule of thumb, Lido might look posh, but it’s not overpriced compared to the rest of Venice. On the contrary, I found some places significantly cheaper.

The Ristorante Pizzaria Lido is at Santa Maria Elisabetta Street and just a few minutes walk from the Vaporetto terminal. As its name suggests, it’s a restaurant serving various dishes and, of course, pizzas. The food was excellent, and the same goes for the service. Moreover, I must admit that I enjoyed the tastiest tiramisu in Venice there.

Last but not least, its location is great too. Locals and travelers tend to walk the Santa Maria Elisabetta, and there seems to be constant movement. See, be seen, and enjoy a delicious meal on Lido’s most iconic street without spending a fortune.

How to get to Lido from Venice

After sharing the best things to do in Lido, it’s time to write about how you can reach Lido from Venice .

The quickest yet priciest option to get to Lido from Venice is by water taxi. However, it’ll cost you quite some cash, and unless there’s a reason you want to use the water taxi, I think it doesn’t deserve the cost.

That said, the best option is to travel from Venice to Lido by Vaporetto. Travel time depends on your starting point in Venice, but to give you an example, you can get from San Marco Square to Lido in fifteen minutes.

The Vaporetto Lines between Venice and Lido

The Vaporetto Lines traveling to Lido are:

Vaporetto Line 1 . This waterbus starts from Piazzale Roma and goes through the famous Grand Canal before reaching Lido. However, the downside of this line is that it stops frequently, and the journey from its starting point to Lido takes more than one hour.

Vaporetto Lines 5.1 and 5.2 . These two lines operate the same route, but one travels clockwise and the other counterclockwise. From Piazzale Roma, it takes 20 minutes to Lido with the 5.1 -and you can use 5.2 on your way back.

Vaporetto Line 6 . Finally, you have the option to use Line 6. It also starts from Piazzale Roma, but it doesn’t go through the Grand Canal but through the Giudecca Canal. Therefore, it’s much faster.

Your Vaporetto Pass covers the trips to Lido, and you can also use the buses on the island without an extra cost. You can purchase a Vaporetto Pass here .

Where to stay in Lido Venice

Lido is a paradise for architecture lovers, and on its soil, you’ll find some of the best Italian hotels. Of course, luxury always comes at a price, so keep an eye on your budget. On the other hand, there are also affordable accommodations in Lido, and if you prefer saving money, you can find reasonably priced hotels.

That said, in this section of my travel guide to Lido, you’ll find a mixture of hotels, from top-end accommodations to moderately priced rooms.

The best hotels in Lido

Ausonia Hungaria Wellness and Lifestyle . Apparently, that’s the most iconic hotel in Lido after the Hotel des Bains shut. The Ausonia Hungaria is a luxurious hotel and spa set in one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau buildings in Europe. The rooms are elegant, and the hotel is five minutes from the beach. See prices and availability for Ausonia Hungaria Hotel .

Villa Casanova . This beautiful hotel is just a few minutes from the busy Santa Maria Elisabetta Street. Set in a stunning villa of the 1930s, it offers beautiful rooms, and guests can enjoy breakfast in a superb garden. This is hands down one of the best places to stay in Lido. See prices and availability for Villa Casanova .

Villa Ines B&B . Located just 200 meters from Lido Beach, Villas Ines is also set in an Art Nouveau building with a beautiful garden. Each room has a different color and has an air-conditioner, spa bath, and breakfast. Moreover, it’s one of the most affordable accommodations on the island of Lido. See prices and availability for Villa Ines B&B .

Hotel Villa Cipro . Finally, here’s probably the most affordable place to stay in Lido. Although it’s not a luxurious accommodation, Villa Cipro is set in a stunning villa, and its garden is tastefully decorated. The hotel offers classic-style rooms, serves breakfast in the garden, and there’s also a bar where you can enjoy various cocktails. If you’re on a budget to Lido, that’s the place to stay. See prices and availability for Villa Cipro .

Please use the interactive map below for all other accommodation options in Lido.

The best things to do in Lido Venice: Conclusion

Even though it’s not packed with landmarks, Lido is among the must-see places when visiting Venice. The long sandy beaches, the stunning Liberty architecture, and the quieter rhythms of life make Lido an excellent addition to your Venice itinerary. The island doesn’t feel like a thematic park (like Venice often does), and it’s a great way to discover how daily life unfolds in the Venetian Lagoon.

To some, Lido might look as overly posh. However, the locals are polite, and the prices are not elevated compared to places on this side of Italy. I had a wonderful time whenever I stepped foot on the island, and the fact that it’s just a short Vaporetto ride from Venice is a plus. Honestly, if it’s not your first time in Venice, you should also consider staying in Lido. The prices are reasonable, the rooms will be bigger and newer -and you’ll be just fifteen minutes away from Saint Mark’s Square.

More about Venice : Gondola ride guide , Vaporetto Guide , How to get to Murano

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Last Updated on December 16, 2023 by George Pavlopoulos

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  • 2 Get around
  • 6.2 Mid-range
  • 6.3 Splurge
  • 8.1 Splurge

should i visit lido venice

If you are staying in Venice and wish to avoid the more touristy and expensive areas, along with the accompanying noise, Lido is an under-appreciated gem. Trendier and more residential than traditional Venice, it still offers small canals, a variety of dining and impressive views of the city from across the Lagoon. At times it feels reminiscent of Palm Beach, Florida, with its upscale homes, historic architecture and its easy, island feel.

Around 17:00 the atmosphere is decidedly local as professionally dressed Lido residents funnel back home from work across the lagoon. Many of the local bars and eateries have that "where everybody knows your name" family feel, lending an insider's view to life on Lido. Residents embrace, chat enthusiastically and watch each other's children.

Lido is the beach of Venice . This island shelters the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea, and is famous for its Movie Festival which is held every year between the end of August and the first week of September. In 1920 it was the most important beach in Italy, due to its aristocratic atmosphere (still present today). Here Thomas Mann wrote A Death in Venice and it was shot in Visconti's 1972 movie (inspired by the book). Some of the scenes of The English Patient were shot here as well (inside The Hotel Des Bains, one of the most important buildings, erected in Liberty Style). A scene from Casino Royale (Daniel Craig, 2006) was shot here as well. The British travel writer Robin Saikia's book, The Venice Lido , gives a lively overview of the Lido's literary and social history from ancient times to the present day.

Get in [ edit ]

should i visit lido venice

After arriving in Venice via the Aeroporto Marco Polo, find the Alilaguna waterbus station, a short walk after exiting the airport and turning left. Follow the signs. The boat will take you over to Lido with just a few stops, but does take at least 30 minutes to navigate the airport channels.

If already in Venice, take an ACTV waterbus/vaporetto, which takes about 10 minutes. Venice travel cards are valid to/from Venice, but not to/from the airport as it is run by a different company. If staying on Lido a travel card is worth the investment. Avoid "rush hour" times of day such as early morning and late afternoon when many residents and children are crowding the platform. Also, be careful to avoid local vaporetti which are designated "for residents only."

  • 45.4175 12.3683 1 Lido Santa Maria Elisabetta ferry terminal . Main terminal for ferries, adjacent to the bus station. ( updated Mar 2021 )

Get around [ edit ]


There are three main bus lines (A, B, C) and a night bus (N). On Openstreetmap all bus stops are visible. But they are not shown in the actv timetables. Busline A goes towards south. Busline B towards north. Always coming from SME. So if you are there the first time its the best to ask the bus driver where to leave and give him the hotel name.

See [ edit ]

  • 45.42466 12.37841 1 Old Jewish Cemetery - Lido ( Antico Cimitero Ebraico - Lido ), Riviera San Nicolò, Isola del Lido ( vaporetto line 1-5, 1-5-2, 2-6 to Lido ), ☏ +39 041 715359 . Over thousand tombstones dating from 1550 to early 18th century. Guided tours on Sat from May to Oct (Italian and English), booking required. ( updated Aug 2016 )
  • 45.4168 12.3765 2 Venice Lido Planetarium ( Planetario di Venezia Lido ), Lungomare d'Annunzio (area ex Luna Park) ( vaporetto line 1-5 or 2-6 to Lido ), ☏ +39 041 731518 . Optical-mechanical structure, realistic reproduction of the celestial globe. Sun admission free .  

Do [ edit ]

  • Venice International Film Festival . Attend the annual film festival, the oldest of its kind. It is organized by La Biennale di Venezia and usually takes place around late August or early September. Make your reservations early as the island is small and hotels fill up. Many celebrities attend this annual event, so have your camera ready. ( updated Nov 2017 )
  • Enjoy the beach and the sea. Most of the beach is privately owned by the various hotels, so if you are staying at a hotel that does not offer beach access, you'll have to use the public beach (at the end of the Gran Viale, most central), which is very nice but a bit crowded. A cabin in first line costs about €95 per day.
  • Rent a bike from one of the numerous shops at the Gran Viale and explore the island.
  • Partake in golf and tennis , as Lido is more about relaxed leisure than frantic tourist activities.
  • Stroll along the quiet, shaded streets, people watch and window shop.
  • 45.3419 12.3249 1 Oasi Dune degli Alberoni , ☏ +39 348 2686472 (mobile) , [email protected] . Visit the natural oasis in Alberoni, a WWF [formerly dead link] protected area of about 1.6 km² at the southern tip of the Lido. ( updated Jan 2018 )
  • Energy Darshan . A center for meditation and relaxation.  

Buy [ edit ]

Murano glassware, jewelry and art seem to be the items of choice throughout Venice, along with the famous Venetian masks. Lots of beachware is available on Lido, so don't worry if you've forgotten your flip flops. Of course, souvenir/T-shirt shops can also be found here and there.

Eat [ edit ]

Gelatos from numerous vendors - try to find the infamous Maxi-Coni in the evenings.

Budget [ edit ]

  • 45.419283 12.37626 1 Pizzeria La Taverna , Via Tiro, 9 . ( updated Aug 2022 )
  • 45.401538 12.361175 2 Da Cri Cri e Tendina , Via Sandro Gallo, 159/A . ( updated Aug 2022 )
  • 45.416856 12.371017 3 La Grande Cina , Via Perasto, 8 . Chinese cuisine ( updated Aug 2022 )

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • 45.4134 12.3702 4 Trattoria Andri , Via Lepanto, 21 , ☏ +39 041 526 5482 . Serves local Venetian seafood delicacies such as squid in ink over polenta (not as bad as it sounds), shrimp scampi and octopus, among other more common dishes. Water is served in Murano glass vases. Inside, pictures of celebrities who've eaten here line the walls, such as Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones. Dine on the terrace, nice ambiance. Locals seem to prefer this place. ( updated Aug 2022 )
  • 45.403824 12.362866 5 Punto Pizza da Maury , Via Sandro Gallo, 135/G . ( updated Aug 2022 )
  • 45.397395 12.358097 6 La Rotonda , Via Sandro Gallo, 173 . ( updated Aug 2022 )
  • 45.406283 12.364614 7 La Cantinita , Via Sandro Gallo, 82 . Mexican cuisine ( updated Aug 2022 )
  • 45.40841 12.370831 8 Chiosco Chiringuito , Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi, 30 . A Grill ( updated Aug 2022 )

Splurge [ edit ]

Drink [ edit ].

The Bellini is a mixture of Prosecco (local sparkling wine) and peach juice. Sweet and refreshing. Created at Harry's Bar across the lagoon but popular all over Venice, including Lido.

Sleep [ edit ]

  • B&B Villa Gabriella ( Vila Gabriella ), Via Istria 12 ( near Film Festival ), ☏ +39 041 731426 . Check-in: 13 , check-out: 11 . Villa Gabriella Dimora Storica Liberty is a part of a villa built in 1922. The design was inspired to the Palladio's Rotonda. Located in the Lido Island (Lido di Venezia is Blue Flag for sea water since 2008!), in front of the Adriatic Sea, it's 20 minutes far from S. Mark Sq. Wonderful panoramic seafront terrace. Last complete restoration: 2010! From €65 .  
  • Hotel Villa Albertina , Via Vallaresso 1a - 30126 Venice Lido , ☏ +39 041 5260879 , fax : +39 041 5260883 . An aristocratic building managed in a personalized and familiar way. The hotel is located only 20 minutes from St. Mark Square.  
  • Hotel Panorama , Piazzale S.M. Elisabetta - 30126 Venice Lido , ☏ +39 041 2760486 , fax : +39 041 2769805 , [email protected] . Hotel Panorama is an affordable and small yet charming hotel situated across the lagoon from Venice. Rooms are a good size with large windows, great views, and attentive service. It is easily reachable on foot from the waterbus, offering beautiful vistas along with the nearby shopping and dining districts of Lido. It also offers a scenic 2nd floor terrace and the first floor dining room also looks out on the lagoon. Excellent choice of breakfast items.  
  • Albergo Quattro Fontane , Via Quattro Fontane, 16 , [email protected] . Gracious, 4-star country house hotel, 5 minutes walk from the beach and 15 minutes by Vaporetto to St Marks Square. The spacious rooms are all air-conditioned, there's lovely floral gardens and a large outdoor terrace where you can eat in the shade of a huge, ancient plane tree. from €200 .  

should i visit lido venice

Go next [ edit ]

Around the Venetian lagoon are other smaller islands, which have since been deserted but are worth a visit.

  • Venice — The main island.
  • Murano — Nearby island with famous blown glass studios
  • Burano — Nearby island with textiles and painted houses.
  • San Lazzaro — Nearby island with an Armenian monastery and an impressive art collection, including some world class pieces.
  • Mestre — Mestre is the mainland, but still a part of Venice.
  • Jesolo — Jesolo is one of the most important beaches in Italy, just 45' from Venice by car or by boat (ferry from Treporti to Venice).

should i visit lido venice

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The Ultimate Travel Guide

Lido Island at Night

Lido Island in Venice: What to Do and Where to Stay

From winding, cobblestone alleyways to passionate gondola rides through canals, Venice is an enchanting city that captivates travelers from around the globe. If you’re looking for an extraordinary place to explore and stay that has a unique mix of urban vibes and coastal serenity, Lido Island in the Venetian Lagoon might just be your dream destination.

With its bustling streets and stunning array of sights to take in, it’s easy to get lost in its wonders as you set foot on this enchanting little strip. Explore centuries-old monuments as canals pass by, or simply relax at one of Lido’s many beachside cafes. No matter what your tastes and interests may be, something special awaits you on this Venetian Island.

Here’s everything you need to know before planning a trip – from how to get there, where and when the best time to explore Lido is, plus some must-see attractions along with our top picks for places to stay. So pull out those passport stamps and join us; your next Italian vacation awaits!

Welcome to Lido di Venezia!

How to get to lido island, history of lido island, things to do on lido di venezia, hotels on lido, lido restaurants, further reading, frequently asked questions, related posts.

Venice’s Island Guides :

  • How to Visit Venice’s Islands
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  • Torcello Island
  • Burano Island
  • Murano Island

Vaporetto in Venice

Although there are 118 islands in the Venetian Lagoon, Lido is considered one of the main islands due to how close it is to Venice.

Lido is known for its long stretches of sandy beaches of the Northern Adriatic Sea, making it a popular destination for tourists looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of Venice.

The island is also home to a number of parks, gardens, and cultural sites, as well as a variety of accommodations, dining, and shopping options.

Lido is probably most well known for playing host to the Venice Film Festival, which takes place every September. Lido island is a perfect destination for a family holiday, a beach holiday, or for those who want to combine the beauty of Venice with the comfort of a beach vacation.

Lido Island Bus

There are several transportation options to get to Lido Island:

  • Public Water Bus (Vaporetto) : The most convenient and frequent option for getting to Lido Island is by taking the public water bus (vaporetto) from various points in Venice, such as San Marco, Rialto, or Piazzale Roma. The journey takes around 30-40 minutes.
  • Water Taxi : Another option is to take a water taxi from various points in Venice. This is a faster and more expensive option, but it can be more convenient for those with heavy luggage or limited mobility.
  • Private Boat : For a more luxurious and private option, you can also hire a private boat to take you directly to Lido Island.
  • Public Bus : For those who prefer land transportation, there is a bus service, which runs between Lido Island and Piazzale Roma, with stops at various points along the way.

It’s worth noting that Lido Island is also accessible by car and bike, as it is connected to the mainland by a bridge, but due to the limited space and the high number of tourists, it is not recommended to travel by car, and it’s also forbidden to drive in the island center.

Lido Island

Also known as the “Gold Coast,” Lido has a rich history dating back to ancient times. The nobility originally used the island as a hunting and fishing ground during the Venetian Republic.

In the late 19th century, Lido Island began to attract wealthy tourists, who built grand villas and hotels on the island. This led to the development of the island as a seaside resort destination.

During the early 20th century, Lido grew into a popular destination for Hollywood stars and other celebrities, and it was also the site of the Venice Film Festival, which was first held in 1932 at the Palazzo del Cinema. The annual film festival has become one of the most important events in the international film calendar.

Some recent popular Venice Film Festival films include:

  • Brokeback Mountain (2005)
  • The Wrestler (2008)
  • The Shape Of Water (2017)
  • Roma (2018)
  • Joker (2019)
  • Nomadland (2020)

During World War II, Lido was occupied by German forces and was heavily damaged. After the war, the island was rebuilt and has become a popular tourist destination.

Today, Lido continues to attract visitors from around the world, who come to enjoy its beaches, cultural sites, and laid-back atmosphere.

Adriatic Sea

Despite being a narrow strip of land, there’s a variety of things to do when you visit Lido. Here are some of the most popular activities and attractions on the island:

Lido is known for its long stretches of sandy beaches, making it a popular destination for sunbathing, swimming, and beach sports.

Alberoni Beach

Alberoni is a free beach that is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and relaxing. The beach is equipped with all the necessary amenities such as sun loungers, parasols, and showers.

The water is so shallow, you have to walk close to 100 feet from the beach to swim, making it a great place for families with young children who want to play in the water.

Alberoni is also a great spot for those who are looking for some peace and quiet, as it is less crowded than the other beaches on Lido.

Alberoni beach is accessible by public transportation, by taking the vaporetto waterbus line 1 or 5, or by private car or bike, as it is connected to the mainland by a bridge. It’s worth noting that during the high season, parking can be difficult, so it’s best to arrive early.

Lido Beach on Lido Island, Venice, Italy

Blue Moon Beach

Blue Moon Beach is known for its crystal-clear water and fine white sand, as well as for being one of the most exclusive and expensive beaches in the Venetian Lagoon.

While families can certainly have fun at Blue Moon like playing volleyball and soccer in the sand, it’s geared adults looking for a more upscale and luxurious beach experience.

Along Blue Moon, you’ll find several well-regarded seaside resorts, grand hotels (like the posh Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido), beach bars, and restaurants serving fresh seafood and Mediterranean cuisine.

Lido Beach on Lido Island

Soak up the sun and take a dip in crystal clear waters of the Adriatic Sea at Lido Beach, the most popular public beach on this beautiful island. With its powdery white sand and tranquil atmosphere, you can make your own perfect day of swimming, sunbathing or just lounging around.

If you’re looking to spend a day in the sun, several small businesses rent chairs and umbrellas. What’s more, there are an array of beach restaurants and bars nearby where you can grab some delicious Venetian food and drinks .

Parks and Gardens

Lido is home to a number of beautiful parks and gardens, making it a great destination for those who appreciate nature and outdoor spaces. Here are some of our favorites.

Oasis of Alberoni

Oasis of Alberoni

Address: -Pellestrina,Lido, 30100 Lido VE, Italy Website

The Natural Oasis of Alberoni is a protected natural reserve on the southern tip of the island that is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna. It is a popular destination for birdwatching (look out for Kentish Plover and Little Tern), hiking, and nature observation.

The Natural Oasis covers an area of around 200 hectares and is home to a wide variety of birds, including many species of waterfowl and wading birds. The Oasis is also home to a variety of plants, including reeds, bulrushes, and other marshland vegetation.

The Oasis of Alberoni is open to the public and can be accessed by foot or by bike. There are several hiking trails and observation points that allow visitors to explore the area and observe the wildlife.

Keep in mind that this is a protected area and visitors are asked to respect the rules and regulations of the park, such as not disturbing the wildlife, not picking plants or flowers, and not leaving any litter.

Parco “Ca’ Bianca”

Address: Via Malamocco, 20, 30126 Lido VE, Italy

If you’re looking to take a break from the lagoon shore, Parco “Ca’ Bianca” (White House Park) is a state run park we found while city sightseeing. The park’s main feature is the Ca’ Bianca Villa, which was built in the early 20th century and was once the residence of the famous Italian playwright and Nobel laureate, Luigi Pirandello.

There are several walking paths and gardens, where visitors can enjoy local vegetation and wildlife. There are also several recreational areas, such as playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic areas.

The park is open to the public, and it is a great place to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine.

Museums and Cultural Sites

While mostly known for beach holidays and luxury hotels, Lido is home to some interesting museums and cultural sites.

Palazzo del Casino

1. Palazzo del Casinò

Address: Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi, 1861, 30126 Lido VE, Italy

The Palazzo del Casinò, also known as the Casino of Venice, is a historical building located near Blue Moon Beach in the northern part of Lido.

The building was built in the 1930s and was once the most popular casino in northern Italy and quickly became a popular destination for high society and celebrities.

The Palazzo del Casinò is known for its Art Nouveau architecture and its beautiful rooms. The building is now a conference and cultural center that routinely hosts events, exhibitions, fashion shows, and concerts.

Venice Film Festival

2. Palazzo del Cinema

Address: Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi, 30126 Lido VE, Italy

The Cinema Palace is a historical building dating back to the early 20th century and is known for its Art Deco architecture and being home to the Venice Film Festival, which is held every September.

Palazzo del Cinema features several screening rooms, a bar, and a surprisingly good restaurant, where visitors can grab a bite to eat or a drink before or after the movie.

The Venice Film Festival is one of the most important events in the international film calendar, and it takes place every September at the Lido’s Cinema Palace. The festival attracts film stars, directors, and film enthusiasts from all over the world, and it offers an opportunity to see some of the latest films and meet the stars.

Museo del Manicomio - La Follia reclusa

3. Museo del Manicomio – La Follia reclusa

Address: San Servolo, 30124 Venezia VE, Italy Website

Located just off of Lido’s coastline, the Museo del Manicomio is a former insane asylum that has since been converted to a fairly popular musuem.

The museum is housed in the former San Servolo Psychiatric Hospital, which was in operation from 1725 to 1978. The museum offers visitors an opportunity to learn about the history and treatment of mental illness in the past.

The museum features photographs, documents, and medical equipment, that offer an insight into the history of the asylum and the treatments used to cure mental illness in the past. The exhibits also provide information on the daily life of patients and staff within the asylum.

The museum offers guided tours, which are led by experts in the field of psychiatry and mental health, and provides visitors with a deeper understanding of the history of mental health treatments.

The Museo del Manicomio is open to the public and it is accessible by public transportation, by taking the vaporetto waterbus line 1 or 5, or by private car or bike, as it is connected to the mainland by a bridge. There is a small parking area nearby, but it can be limited during the high season, so it’s best to arrive early.

Outdoor Activities

While Venice is a great place to explore architecture and museums, Lido di Venezia is the place to go to if you’re interested in outdoor activities. Sure, they can be enjoyed all year round, but we recommend hitting Lido during the summer months.

Here are just some of the outdoor things to do in Lido:

  • Beach Sports : Lido is known for its long stretches of sandy beaches, making it a popular destination for beach sports such as beach volleyball and soccer.
  • Bicycle tours : We recommend taking a lazy bike tour around Lido. It’s a great city to explore by bike, as it offers scenic routes and bike paths. You can usually rent bikes and take a guided tour through the various hotels on the island.
  • Boat tours : Visitors can take a boat tour around the island and the Venetian lagoon. Most boat tours will take you to neighboring Burano, Murano, and Torcello islands.
  • Fishing : Lido is a great place for fishing, as it’s home to sea bass, sea bream, mullet, and eel. Visitors can take guided fishing tours or rent equipment and fish independently.
  • Hiking and birdwatching : Lido is home to several parks and natural areas, such as the Oasis of Alberoni, which offer hiking trails and observation points for birdwatching.
  • Swimming and sunbathing : Of course, you don’t come to Lido without swimming in the Adriatic Sea and sunbathing on the free beach. Go and soak up some sun!

Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido Resort

While many of the hotels on Lido are expensive and luxurious, there are enough options available you don’t have to break the bank.

Here are some popular hotels:

  • Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido Resort : This 5-star hotel offers luxurious accommodations, a private beach, and a beautiful outdoor swimming pool. The hotel has two well-regarded restaurants and three bars. During the annual film festival, the hotel hosts many film stars.
  • Grand Hotel des Bains : Built in 1900, this 4-star hotel is housed in a historic building most famous for hosting Thomas Mann in 1911, inspiring his novella Death in Venice . It has since become a popular destination for some of the best films set in Venice , including being the backdrop to Luchino Visconti’s 1971 film of the novella and appearing in 1996’s The English Patient .
  • Hotel Venezia 2000 : Owned by Caesar Hotels, this 3-star hotel is only a 20-minute walk from the vaporeto, features a free beach right outside its doors, and some great views of the Adriatic Sea. I recommend getting a fresh bellini at the bar and look out at the water.
  • Hotel Riviera : This 3-star hotel is a great choice for budget accommodation, but keep in mind that the rooms are small and older. If possible, try to book a room that faces Venice. There’s a great view of Doge’s Palace and St Mark’s Campanile.

Venice is known for its seafood dishes, and Lido is no different. That said, there are many options, even if you don’t like seafood. Here are our choices for the top restaurants in Lido di Venezia.

El Pecador in Lido

Address:  Lungomare D’Annunzio, Lido, 30126 Venezia Phone: +393495441551

With over thirty amazing sandwiches to select from, there is something for everyone. Whether you’re craving a classic Italian sandwich such as Bresaola or Prosciutto, a chicken alternative, hamburger options, or vegetarian delights – El Pecador has it all! This is a great place if you’re enjoying an outdoor day at the beach without wanting to sit down for lunch.

should i visit lido venice

Address: Via Lepanto, 9, 30126 Lido VE, Italy

While Bar 9 is a great place to grab a pizza, I recommend trying their cichetti during aperitivo (the Italian tradition of pre-dinner drinks).

It’s a small watering hole with extremely outgoing bartenders who are more than happy to make some recommendations based on your interests. Be sure to get a spritz (I prefer aperol, but my wife loves the campari) – it’s the perfect drink to enjoy on this beautiful island.

Seafood Pasta

Trattoria Andri

Address:  Via Lepanto, 21, 30126 Venezia Phone: +390415265482

Step inside Trattoria Andri, and you will immediately feel as though you have been invited to a family dinner in someone’s Italian home. This traditional trattoria is run by a loving family, creating an authentic atmosphere that simply cannot be matched!

Here, seafood reigns supreme! Every dish is decorated like an intimate Italian family gathering and the perfect way to sample a variety of delicious flavors with your group. Share wonderful dishes family-style for the ultimate experience!

Ready to head to Lido? You might also be interested in some other articles on the Venetian Lagoon:

  • What to Do on Torcello Island
  • Things to Do on Burano Island
  • Exploring Murano Island
  • Best Times to Visit Venice
  • Top 10 Museums in Venice
  • The Oldest Buildings in Venice
  • Top 10 Things to Do in Venice
  • Best Restaurants in Venice
  • Where to Stay in Venice

Is Lido Island Private?

No, Lido Island is not a private island. It is open to visitors from around the world.

How Many Houses Are on Lido Island?

Lido is one of the more populated islands in the Venetian Lagoon. There are around 12,000 houses on the island.

Are Beaches in Lido Free?

Yes, all of the beaches in Lido are free to access.

Are There Cars on Lido Island?

Lido is one of the few islands of Venice where there are roads, buses, and cars.

Why is Lido Famous?

Lido is most famous for its beaches and resorts. It is also home to the Venice Film Festival, which attracts visitors from all over the world.

Can You Walk around Lido Island?

Yes, you can walk around the entire island. It takes about two hours to complete a full circuit of Lido Island.

Is Lido Worth Visiting in Venice?

Absolutely – Lido is a great place to explore and it has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for stunning scenery, beautiful beaches, delicious food, or a unique cultural experience, Lido has it all. Plus, it’s conveniently located close to Venice so you can easily add it to your Italian itinerary.

Can You Swim in Venice Lido Beach?

Yes, you can swim at Lido Beach. Unless there is a storm, the water is usually calm. The water is so shallow that you have to walk out at least 100 ft before you can swim.

Is It Better to Stay in Venice or Lido?

It really depends on what you’re looking for. Venice is a vibrant city with plenty of attractions, restaurants, and nightlife. On the other hand, Lido has beautiful beaches and a more laid-back vibe. If you’re looking for a quieter place to stay but still want easy access to Venice, then Lido is a perfect choice.

Sant'Erasmo Island

Visit Sant’Erasmo Island: The Garden of the Doge

Explore Sant’Erasmo, the Garden of Venice, and discover its rich history, vibrant culture, and unique charm. From artichoke festivals to serene lagoon views, Sant’Erasmo offers an unforgettable Venetian experience.

Venice Sunset over the Lagoon

Visit the Venice Islands: A Guide to Murano, Burano, Torcello, and More

Plan your perfect adventure in Venice with our guide to islands like Murano, Burano, and more. Learn how to get there and what to see and do.

The front of Chiesa di Santa Fosca

Torcello Island in Venice: What To Do and See

Torcello is perfect for those interested in Venice’s history. With only 10 residents on the island, Torcello is a unique experience you won’t find elsewhere.

Woman walking in Burano

Burano Island in Venice: What to Do and See on Lace Island

Although a small island, Burano is packed with things to do. From brightly colored homes to lace-making demonstrations, there’s a lot to see and do.

Murano Island

Murano Island in Venice: What to Do and See on Glass Island

If you’re looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of Venice, Murano Island is the perfect place to visit.

Lido is the place to go if you’re looking for a true Italian experience away from the major crowds in Venice. From the food to the culture and history, there is something for everyone in this beautiful city. And don’t forget to enjoy a glass of wine while taking in the breathtaking views! If you have any tips or suggestions for exploring Lido, be sure to share them with us in the comments below.

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About Todd O'Rourke

Todd is an award-winning writer and filmmaker who co-founded Compass and Pine with his dog Leg. Together, they have traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe, with their base of operations in Philadelphia.

He started Compass and Pine after living in Vicenza, Italy for three years and falling deeply in love with the country, the people, and, of course, the food.

His favorite city is Florence, Italy, and his favorite National Park is Olympic in Washington.

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What to do in Lido Venice

Lido is a strip of land and sand, 12 kilometers long and one kilometer wide, that acts as a barrier between the lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. This thin, narrow, and long island has been inhabited since ancient times , but it was especially loved by poets, writers, and intellectuals around the 1920s. Nowadays, the island is an elegant and refined seaside resort still unknown to mass tourism.

What to do in Lido Venice

The crowds come here only for the Film Festival and summer vacation, so the place is quite peaceful for the rest of the year. Getting here is also not a big problem. You can take a direct Vaporetto line from Piazza San Marco and reach this lovely island in only 10 minutes. Therefore, you should include Lido in your travel itinerary, especially if you are staying in Venice for a few days. Here are all the things you can do in Lido Venice:

Relax on the beaches

Lido has 10 kilometers of beautiful beaches that have been awarded the Blue Flag since 2009. This means the water is super clean and still, so it is perfect for swimming. The main features of the Lido’s beaches are fine and golden sand , bathing establishments, and their famous huts. These are large changing cabins with external verandas, which are very popular among Venetians who rent them for the whole summer season and share them with relatives and friends.

They are actually a meeting place for games and meals with a sea view. These lovely huts are colored and in various shapes according to the taste of each manager. The main beach on the island is called Blue Moon . Parts of the beach near the hotels are paid for, but there is still a huge part that is free for all. The seabed sinks gently, so the beach is suitable for learning to swim, even for the little ones.

Lido Blue Moon beach

Blue Moon beach is located on the side of the open sea and not towards the lagoon, so you should take advantage of the marvelous view of the sea to infinity. Keep in mind that it’s the most loved beach by the Venetians, so it can get crowded . In summer, the whole city comes here both to rest and to escape the invasion of tourists who fill Venice’s main island.

If you are looking for the less frequented and wilder beaches, check out those in front of the Alberoni pine forest, in San Nicolò, and along the Murazzi . While Alberoni and San Nicolò beaches have sand dunes, Murazzi beach has big white Istrian rocks.

Rent a bike

The best way to discover Lido is to rent a bike. This way, it is easier to reach the most distant areas without depending on buses and boats. You can rent a bicycle in different places around the island , but the one is surely right next to the main ferry stop. Cycling is a fun experience to enjoy as a couple, with family or friends, while discovering the beauties of Lido in a healthy way.

All roads are flat, with little traffic, and very wide for a safe and relaxed ride. You can choose to rent by the hour, for a couple of hours, or for the whole day. Therefore, choose sustainable tourism , have a great time, and lots of joy await you on the bike.

Visit the village of Malamocco

An island within an island, Malamocco, is separated from the Lido by a narrow channel. It was the first historical settlement of Venice , dating back to Roman times when it was called Metamaucum. Malamcco was even the capital of the Duchy of Venice until the 9th century when it began its decline caused mainly by sea erosion.

Malamocco on Lido

Nowadays, Malamocco is a small charming mini Venice with a central square, a Veneto-Byzantine style church, old colorful buildings, a lovely bridge, canals, and typically Venetian narrow little streets called “calli” by the locals. The first impression of a village is that Malamocco is a quiet place in the middle of nowhere.

But then, as you walk around, you discover an authentic village, away from crowds, where every corner is linked to a story, especially to the saga of the Alberti family. Overall, Malamocco is a great place to spend an hour or two , grab a pizza or a drink, and wander through the narrow streets where Venetians live.

Take a stroll along the main street

The main street on Lido is called Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta or commonly known as “Gran Viale.” It is 700 meters long street that crosses the island from coast to coast and links the Vaporetto station to the beach. Along the street are located numerous hotels, shops, and restaurants.

This street is actually the center of Lido and a place where locals and tourists meet up, have lunch, or hang out at night . Therefore, you should visit this lively place and take a long casual stroll along it.

Explore Chiesa di San Nicolo al Lido

In the northern part of the Lido, located in a beautiful quiet place surrounded by the sea, there is a church of San Nicolo. It was built in 1044, but the current church was rebuilt in 1627 next to a pre-existing Benedictine monastery. The church is quite large, ancient, and with a simple brick facade . Inside, there are some relics of San Nicola and beautiful paintings on the walls.

San Nicolo church on Lido

Those who love art should not miss the two most important paintings: a Madonna with putto by Palma il Vecchio and a San Giovannino by Palma il Giovane. San Nicolo church is open to the public for free , and it is open Monday to Saturday from 8:00 AM (8:00 hours) to 12:00 PM (12:00 hours) and from 3:00 PM (15:00 hours) to 6:00 PM (18:00 hours).

Admire Grande Albergo Ausonia Hungria

On the main street, you will come across the enormous and elegant Grande Albergo Ausonia Hungaria hotel from 1905. It is filled with a luxury design from the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century when beaches of Lido were crowded by wealthy and cultured travelers who spent long months in this magnificent hotel.

Grande Albergo Ausonia Hungaria on Lido

The hotel is a wonderful example of the Modernist or Art Nouveau style . Even if you don’t stay in this hotel, you can still be struck by its beautiful facade from the outside, or you can go inside to explore.

Go to the Venice Film Festival

Every year between the end of August and the beginning of September, Lido hosts the Venice Film Festival, which attracts thousands of tourists and enthusiasts. Along with Cannes and Berlin, the film festival in Venice is one of three big film festivals in Europe and one of the oldest of its kind.

Whether you are planning to get your hands on tickets to a screening or just want to see which famous movie stars you might spot, Venice Film Festival is an event everyone should attend . Therefore, September is clearly the best time to go to Lido for cinema and celebrity lovers.

Stop at the Jewish Cemetery

Jewish Cemetery in Lido is one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Europe. It is located in the San Nicolò area, and you can reach it by walking along the promenade for 20 minutes or by taking a bus from the Vaporetto station. Actually, there are two Jewish cemeteries . One from the 14th to the 17th century goes like a wall directly onto the dam, and the other has been next to the modern Lido cemetery since the 18th century.

You cannot visit the older one if you are not an organized group, but the younger one is open to the public. There is a lot of greenery around the cemetery , so it attracts people who like peacefully walking in nature.

Check out the Alberoni dunes

The Alberoni dunes are located at the southern end of the Lido, and they are one of the largest dune systems of the upper Adriatic. They stand next to the famous Alberoni dam, which you can cycle to the lighthouse. Here you will see unique flora and fauna, a vast system of dunes with some up to ten meters high, and paths that cross a large pine forest of about 30 hectares.

Alberoni dunes

Also, in this diverse ecosystem, you can find protected Kentish Plover and Little Tern bird species. In front of the dunes is a wide strip of sand where you can walk barefoot. Access is free and always open , and the only rule is to walk along the indicated paths and not throw your leftovers into nature.

Play the golf

Finally, you can visit a golf club on Lido, one of the oldest in Italy , whose length is 6039 meters by usual standards. It was built in 1928, expanded to 18 holes in 1951, and is located on the edge of the Alberoni natural oasis. According to legend, this golf club was created by the car tycoon Henry Ford on the ruins of an Austrian fort.

It was frequented by famous guests and was even chosen by Hitler and Mussolini for their first secret meeting . Players can enjoy a challenging course while non-players can relax in a pleasant restaurant and bar.

What to do in Lido Venice at night?

If you wonder what to do in Lido Venice at night, here is the answer. There is not much to do other than peacefully walk around or have a drink in one of the bars on the main street. Therefore, Lido at night is only suitable for those who are not into partying or meeting new people . If you want better nightlife, we recommend going with Vaporetto to the main Venice island. Daily night lines run from and to Lido until 4:00 AM (4:00 hours).

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a travel blog by renata green

Day Trip to the LIDO di VENEZIA. Breaking Away from Venice

Posted on 2023-06-17 2023-11-11 Author Renata 11 Comments

Venice is magic, without a doubt: The canals, the bridges, the palazzi, the gondolas – I could go on and on. Nevertheless, a visit to Venice can also be very stressful: The tourist masses, the pushing, the shoving, the lines, the heat. Therefore, especially if you are in Venice for more than just two or three days, you should treat yourself to a day trip to the beaches of the Lido di Venezia.

View of the Lido di Venezia on a day trip from Venice

Break away from Venice and hop on the vaporatto that rushes you to the Lido di Venezia in about half an hour’s time. Here, you’ll enter a world of serenity and the flair of a Mediterranean beach resort.

San Sèrvolo

Pinnable pictures, lido di venezia.

Everything about Venice is just unique, hence, so is the city’s beach resort, the Lido .

The term Lido stems from the Latin word litus which translates to coast or beach. Nomen est omen, this island stretches on 11 kilometers east of the Venetian lagoon. Towards the Adriatic Sea in the east is the Lido’s strongest suit, namely long stretches of sandy beaches.

View of the Lido di Venezia

Sadly, many of those belong to the big fancy hotels and are therefore private. Obviously, there are also public beaches which are also nice. However, they can get very crowded during the high season. As a matter of fact, the beaches are the main seaside resorts for Venetians and tourists alike. The other islands that have beaches like the Pellestrina and the Lido di Jesolo are rather far and more difficult to reach.

Riviera di San Nicolo

As you get to the Lido, you will notice right away that it has a very different vibe than the other islands in the lagoon. It’s by far not as mesmerizing and almost surreal as Venice , Murano , and Burano where at times you feel as if you fell into the rabbit hole. It’s more real, however, very nice with the air of an endless summer.

As Time Goes By

Until the 19th century, the island was only very sparsely populated. However, a village was raised around the church of Santa Maria Elisabetta. Today, the avenue Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta is the core of the island. It stretches from the Lido’s jetty all the way to the beach.

Chiesa Patronato Santa Maria Elisabetta on the Lido di Venezia

Actually, this is one of the island’s broadest spots. This arterial street is lined with hotels, shops, and restaurants.

In 1855, Europe’s first public bath was built on the island. The Lido got famous as the epitome of beaching’n’bathing. In the late 19th century, the construction of the Porto di Lido, the island’s jetty, was completed, and since then, the vaporetti brought visitors quickly from San Zaccaria in the Centro Storico to the Lido.

House on the Lido di Venezia

Howsoever, for a long time, the Lido di Venezia was not a particularly popular destination for tourists or locals. Due to its distance from the city center, very few tourists ended up on the narrow strip of sand at that time. Also, the population rate was decreasing.

In 1883 the Lido was incorporated into Greater Venice. The first school was built on the island in 1892. In 1900, the supply of fresh water was extended from Venice to the Lido, followed by electricity in 1905.

In With the In-Crowd

Things have improved a lot over the decades as people have acknowledged the island’s uniqueness and turned it into a posh hotspot. Today, the Lido di Venezia offers some excellent lodging options, private beaches, and fine dining.

Especially during the annual film festival, the rich and the famous from all over the world can be spotted on the island. Nevertheless, the once iconic Grand Hotel des Bains had to close its doors in 2010. Until then, it was frequently visited by movie stars during the film festival.

The Grand Hotel des Bains, which you can still see from the outside, obviously, was built in 1900 for wealthy tourists. Quickly, it became famous for instance by the German writer Thomas Mann. His stay in 1911 inspired him to write the famous novel Death in Venice. To learn more about this great Nobel Prize-decorated author, go to my post on his ravishing hometown Lübeck .

Also, Luchino Visconti’s same-named movie was filmed on the island in 1971. The hotel was also the film set for the scenes at the Shepheard’s Hotel in Cairo in the movie The English Patient. Finally, the famous dancer Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev died in the Grand Hotel des Bains in 1929.

Nevertheless, there are still grand structures such as the Grand Hotel Excelsior * and the beautifully decorated Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria *.

Beaches on the Lido are just perfect for everyone: As they are gently sloping into the Adriatic, even the youngest children can frolic and bathe carefree. Various dams and other protection programs are shielding the bathing area from rough waters.

Beach on the Lido di Venezia

However, beware that some parts of the beaches are privately owned. You can recognize them by their long rows of so-called capanne . A capanna is a large cabin with a veranda and a top fitted to the closed structure. Yes, basically a cabana, obviously.

Apart from a capanna , you can rent deckchairs, beach umbrellas, sun loungers, and other stuff that makes a beach day comfortable and fun. It won’t surprise you that all those goodies come with a huge price tag. For instance, an umbrella and two chairs set you back 26 €uros. At that price, you can also buy your very own at any larger supermarket.

Beach on the Lido di Venezia

But fear you not, the Lido also has large areas of free beaches. They are nice and clean but can get quite busy especially on weekends and during the high season. Some of the nicest free beaches are actually pretty close to the Santa Maria Elisabetta vaporetto jetty. While you have to bring your own beach towels and possible refreshments, there are still bathrooms and showers you can use.

Also surfing and other water sports are quite popular on the beaches of the Lido.

Beyond the Beaches

Well, if you’re coming to the Lido on a day trip from the Centro Storico, you’re probably rather looking for lying’n’lazing on the beach than for landmarks. Because when it comes to landmarks, hardly any place on planet earth beats the Centro Storico.

Nevertheless, there are some interesting sights to visit on the Lido, too, and here they are on a brief list.

Church Of San Nicolò Al Lido

The original church was built around 1053 and considerably enlarged in 1316. Actually, the Doge Domenico Contarini was buried there in 1071. In 1071 his successor, Domenico Silvo, was elected Doge in this very church as Saint Mark’s Church was still unfinished at the time.

Church Of San Nicolò Al Lido

According to legend, returning Venetian crusaders laid the remains of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the patron saint of seafarers, in the church in 1099.

The current church, however, was commissioned by Francesco Contin in a different spot in 1626. Nevertheless, the remains of the old church can still be found in its cloister area. Also, parts of the south aisle of the original church have survived

The main attraction are the walnut choir stalls from the 17th century. They are depicting 27 scenes from the life of Saint Nicholas.

Masses are held on Saturday at 6 p. m. and Sundays at 11 a. m.

Tempio Votivo

The war memorial Tempio Votivo was built between 1925 and 1935 by the architect Giuseppe Torres. As a matter of fact, it is the last major religious building constructed in the lagoon. It was built to show gratitude that Venice was spared major damage during WWI.

Tempio Votivo on the Lido di Venezia

Today, the high tower with its large green copper dome is one of the Lido’s most prominent landmarks. However, it is closed to the public and can be admired only from the outside.

Old Jewish Cemetery

Venice’s Jewish population got the first opportunity to create a cemetery in 1386. The cemetery is located near the San Nicolò church in the north. Nowadays, the Ancient Jewish Cemetery can only be viewed upon appointment.

Old Jewish Cemetery on the Lido di Venezia

However, there is a newer section that is open to visits from April to September between 9. 30 a. m. and 12.30 p. m. and then again in the afternoon from 3 p. m. to 6.30 p. m. During the winter months from October to March, it’s only open in the morning from 9.30 a. m. till 2.30 p. m. Obviously, it remains closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays.

If you visit the cemetery before heading for the beach, note that there is a small Coop supermarket where you can stock up on snacks and drinks. However, according to this lovely Mediterranean tradition, it closes for a long lunch break between 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. I’m pointing that out since I got there about three minutes before that closure and only had time to quickly grab whatever. I kid you not, the staff let down the shutters of the fridge while I tried to take some juice. You’d better make it fast.

Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria

The historic Hotel Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria is located on Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta. In 1907, businessman Ludovico Fabrizio commissioned the architect Nicolo Piamonte to build it.

Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria

In 1913, the famous sculptor Luigi Fabris, together with his colleague Doro Sebellin, created the amazing façade. On incredible eight hundred square meters is an extraordinary multicolored mosaic made of polychrome majolica. The design corresponds to the Neo-Renaissance. Of particular artistic value is the part of female figures that is realized as a life-size bas-relief.

Detail of the facade of the Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria

In the early years, the hotel’s clientele came mainly from Eastern Europe. After all, the Kingdom of Hungary was not only connected to Venice by rail. There was also a connection by sea to Fiume, today’s Rijeka in Croatia . Obviously, already then, the hotel was frequented exclusively by the high society.

Closed during WWI and reopened in 1920, the hotel was a key player in the Lido di Venezia’s gilded age when guests danced the night away at its elegant dancing parlor.

Detail of the facade of the Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria

In 2011, the hotel was renovated. The guest rooms and suites are furnished with original Art Nouveau furniture. They were designed by Milanese artist Eugenio Quarti more than a century ago and exhibited at the prestigious Salone dell’Arte in Paris in 1907.

During its long history, the Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria has welcomed Prince Edward of England, Sarah Churchill, Claudia Cardinale, and Jerry Lewis, among other rich and famous. Of course, many national and international stars still stay at the Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria * during the film festival.

Let’s move from very posh to very natural.

Alberoni is the perfect place for visitors who are looking for a quiet spot. It is a protected natural reserve located towards the Lido’s southern tip. To get to the beautiful, wild beach, you have to cross a small pine forest and some dunes.

 Oasis of Alberoni on the Lido's southern end.

The dunes began to grow in the 1800s. Today, they are up to 9 meters high and home to a diverse ecosystem. Already English poet Lord Byron and German writer Goethe praised Alberoni’s wild beauty enthusiastically in their poems.

The Diga Faro Alberoni on the Lido di Venezia.

You can get to Alberoni either by public bus A from Piazzale Santa Maria Elisabetta to the stop Alberoni Stella Maris. Or you rent a bike in the center and cycle down the western shore along the Via Malamocco.

San Lazzaro degli Armeni

An extra tour worth taking is a visit to San Lazzaro degli Armeni. This small island off the Lido’s west coast has been home to the Armenian Catholic Monastery of San Lazzaro since 1717. The most notable visitor to the monastery was the above-mentioned poet Lord Byron. He spent time on the island studying Armenian.

Today, the monastery hosts a permanent exhibition devoted to the famous guest. Another interesting landmark is a publishing house that was established by the monks in 1789. As a matter of fact, it is the oldest continuously operating Armenian publishing house in the entire world.

For a complete visit, you can join a tour of the island that the monks normally offer daily. The tours last two hours and start at 9.45 a. m., 1.45 p. m., and 3.45 p. m. There is no set entrance fee, but you have to make a donation of at least 8 €uros.

To partake, you have to make a reservation by mail at [email protected]  or phone at +39 – 0415260104

To get to the island, take vaporetto #20 which commutes between San Zaccaria and the Lido Casinò stop on the island’s southern tip.

San Sèrvolo is an uninhabited island located in the Venetian Lagoon about halfway between the Centro Storico and the southern tip of the Lido.

Island of San Servolo between the Lido di Venezia and the Centro Storico of Venice

Beginning in the 8th century, Benedictine monks inhabited San Sèrvolo for almost 5 centuries. Eventually, the nuns of the Santissimi Leone and Basso convent took over after their home on the Malamocco island was destroyed by a storm.

In the early 15th century, a few dozen nuns who had been expelled by the Turks from the island of Crete moved to San Sèrvolo.

Later, a hospital was built on the island in the 18th century.

Sculpture composed of Butterflies on San Servolo between Venice and the Lido di Venezia

Since 1979, various educational centers and institutes were installed San Sèrvolo. The most prestigious one is arguably the Venice International University, a joint institution of the universities of Venice , Barcelona , ​​ Munich , and Durham.

How to Get There

Arriving at the Marco Polo Airport, the most spectacular way to travel to the Lido is by the  Alilaguna boat . Especially on a sunny day, it’s just dreamy and actually the first beautiful sight of your beautiful vacation.

Alilaguna stops at various stations around the main island and goes also to the Lido. So it’s recommendable to check where you’re staying and get off near that spot. A one-way trip by Alilaguna costs 15 €uros to the Lido, just like to the Centro Storico.

If you’re coming from the long-distance bus station or the train station, the best and cheapest option is to get to the Lido by by vaporetti #5.1 respectively #5.2 and #6 .

A Short Trip Back In Time: The Aeroporto di Venezia-Lido Giovanni Nicelli

What only a few people know today is that there is actually a fully functioning airport right on the Lido. It was established in 1915 as a military airfield. From 1926 on, civil use of the airfield was permitted. For instance, the airline Transadriatica offered flights to Vienna and Munich , among others. As a matter of fact, in the 1930s, the airport was among the busiest in all of Italy.

As in the 1950s, the airport became too small for the modern commercial aircraft, first airlines flew to Treviso Airport. Since the expansion of the airport on the Lido was considered too complicated, the new Venice Marco Polo Airport was constructed. However, around the turn of the millennium, the old airfield was restored and is now a cute little hub for private aircraft.

How To Get Around the Venetian Lagoon

Even if you stay at a hotel or apartment on the Lido, you’ll probably want to visit at least the Centro Storico of Venice and possibly some other islands, too. Obviously, this is only possible by boat.

Fortunately, apart from public land transport, the ACTV transport company has also a comprehensive net of vaporetti , water buses taking you to any place in the lagoon on a regular schedule.

View of Venice from the Lido di Venezia

There are a handful of vaporetti connecting the Centro Storico with the Lido. The vaporetto line #1 is the most popular one since it starts at the Piazzale Roma and crosses the entire Canale Grande before it continues to the Lido. It’s beautiful, however, if you are opting for this cruise, make sure to get a good seat since it takes forever. Far quicker are the rides by vaporetti #5.1 respectively #5.2 and #6 since they don’t bob up and down the Canale Grande. Instead, they go through the Canale della Guidecca and make much fewer stops. A lesser-known connection is by vaporetto #20 . It commutes between San Zaccaria and the Lido Casinò stop on the island’s southern tip, making stops at the islets San Sèrvolo and San Lazaro.

Once the regular vaporetti are suspended, there is a nightly connection by line #N ; hence, you never get stuck on any of the islands overnight.

ACTV has an excellent website and even an App for iOS and Android . To get an overview of your options, check out their very neat system map .

Which Ticket to Buy

While at 9.50 €uros, individual tickets are ridiculously expensive, there are travel passes that are actually not that bad. The more days you buy, the cheaper are your rides. Here is a chart on how much you pay for a day pass in 2022:

Note that a 24-hour ticket can actually be used on two days since the clock starts ticking the moment you validate your ticket and lasts actually 24 hours. With the other tickets, it’s the same, obviously.

However, these tickets are not only for the vaporetti . The passes are also valid in other parts of the Venetian area like for instance on the buses, trains, and the tram in Mestre as well as on the Lido’s buses.

Venezia e unica card

There are passes that include trips from and to the Marco Polo Airport. However, keep in mind that as you activate your pass at the airport, the clock starts ticking. It might be cheaper to pay that extra fee for those trips in order to activate your pass later when you need it for your sightseeing.

Either way, if you’re planning on seeing more than just the Lido, those passes are a really great deal.

Rolling Venice

Talking ’bout deals: Young people under 29 years of age get an even better deal with the Rolling Venice Card. This title costs 6 €uros and is valid for one whole year. Not only do you get great discounts at many museums and other places of interest. You also pay only 27 €uros for a 72 hours-pass instead of the regular 45 €uros. Unfortunately, you can actually buy only 72 hours-passes. But if you stay for instance for a week, you can get two so that you pay only 54 €uros in total.

How To Get Around the Lido di Venezia

Just like in the Centro Storico, there are numerous small canals that are navigated by boats. In big contrast to the Venetian city center, there are roads on the Lido, hence, vehicles are allowed. Therefore, there are also public buses, and although they are few, they actually take you even to the most secluded spot on the island. If you have one of the travel passes I’ve introduced above, those buses are included. Otherwise, a single trip costs as little as 1.50 €uros.

Bikes on the Lido di Venezia

This being said, it is noticeable that many residents, as well as visitors, prefer to travel by bike. Apart from standard bicycles and e-bikes, there are also tandems and these fun bike-chariot-hybrids where two people have to paddle in sync. By the way, they are also available for entire families. Apart from being unique and super-fun, they are actually really cleverly designed as they have a big roof so that you don’t get fried under the Venetian sun.

However, renting bikes on the Lido is not exactly cheap: Standard bikes start at 5 €uros for 90 minutes, for the day, you have to fork out about 10 €uros. Tandems and the double-bikes start at around 10 €uros for an hour. For a day, they cost about 20 respectively 30 €uros. A family bike costs an incredible 18 €uros for just one hour and about 50 €uros for the day.

Getting There Organized

If you are staying on the Lido for a couple of days, you should definitely include a day trip to the famous Centro Storico and possibly also to some other Islands like Murano with its glass artisans, the fishing village of Burano with its lace industries, and the great church houses of Torcello .

If you want to visit those three gems on your own, you should buy at least a day pass. You can first go by vaporetti #5.1 respectively #5.2 to the stop Fondamente Nove on the main island’s northern edge. There you hop on the vaporetto #12 that takes you first to Murano. and eventually to Burano. From there you take a shuttle boat #9 to Torcello.

A great alternative is to visit the three isles on an organized tour. This option is even not more expensive than going by yourself. However, you have to stick to their schedule and itinerary which can be a bit of a drag. On the other hand, you don’t have to jiggle timetables and check out routes. You just hop on a boat and leave the planning and organizing to others*:

What to Eat And Where to Sleep

With its attractive mix of beaches and sightseeing options, the Lido di Venezia is a perfect summer destination. Of course, it is not exactly cheap, especially during high season. However, the unique experience makes up for a lot.

Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria

If you’re willing and able to splurge, you’ll probably opt for the Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria * or Grand Hotel Excelsior *. However, on this map*, you’ll find more lodging options that won’t burn such a huge hole in your wallet:

Restaurants and bars on the Lido are catering to different folks: Tourists, day-trippers, and also locals, obviously. Especially in the center of the Santa Maria Elisabetta neighborhood, prices are definitely higher than in the Centro Storico.

For a rather simple reasonably priced bite, try out the pizza at La Taverna on Via Tiro 9. For a snack on the beach, go to El Pecador. This fun food truck is standing at Lungomare d’Annunzio across the street from Bar Spiaggia 1.

On this map, you can check where to go when visiting the Lido di Venezia. Clicking on the slider symbol at the top left or the full-screen icon at the top right will display the whole map including the legend.

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11 Replies to “Day Trip to the LIDO di VENEZIA. Breaking Away from Venice”

It’s actually a cool and very useful piece for those who want to explore more of Venice. I am so glad you shared this helpful info – will bookmark it for my next trip to Italy. Thanks for sharing!

Yes, there is so much more to see than just the centro storico. Happy travels!

This is such a thorough guide! I haven’t been to this part of Italy since the years started with 1s, but I’ll be all set for next time with these details!

There are no better days than beach days in my book, however, I would love to visit the Ancient Jewish Cemetery. I can only imagine the history! I will keep Lido in mind if I am ever able to make it over to Italy.

I tried to go only to the beach on the Lido….yet, I couldn’t resist to add at least some landmarks 😉

I love your day trip ideas from Venezia, as it’s often very crowded. The Lido seems to be a charming and quiet place with stunning architecture and history. I would like to see Chiesa Santa Maria Elisabetta, the Church Of San Nicolò Al Lido, the Old Jewish Cemetery, and stroll along the beach. The historic Hotel Grande Albergo Ausonia & Hungaria has an incredible facade!

I somehow missed this when I was in Venice. I would have loved to have visited the city’s beach resort, the Lido. I can’t believe all the seashells on that one part of the beach. I might be tempted to bring a couple home with me. I also would like to visit the Jewish cemetery. Thanks for sharing this.

Most people miss out on the Lido – which is understandable since there is sooo much to do in Venice 🙂

I must admit we have never thought of escaping Venice for a beach day. Gentle sloping beaches a short vaporetto ride would be perfect for us. Good to know that some parts of the beach are private. I might never get off my rented beach chair. But good to know there are interesting things to see in the area too.

It was a wonderful break from my…break 😉

It looks like there is so much to do there! I love the mix of beaches, history, architecture, etc. And what a beautiful beach with all the shells!

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The more than 10 km long beach on the island of Lido near Venice has been world-famous for a long time. It was once the first beach in the world.

The island Lido di Venezia is simply called Lido in colloquial language. The island separates the lagoon of Venice from the open sea. At the side to the Adriatic Sea is the long sandy beach. On the lagoon side bathing is not popular.

On the beach of Lido there are comparatively few higher waves. The northern Adriatic is a rather calm sea. In summer the sun often shines... From June to September there is a lot going on on the beaches around Venice.

If you are looking for a secluded beach, you might find your luck on the island Pellestrina south of Lido di Venezia or in the south of Lido. Very famous beaches in the north and south of the city of Venice     >>> see beaches in and around Venice.

The beach of Lido is a many kilometers long sandy beach. It is very well maintained, also the water is very clean. At the beach there are many families, according to our impression a mixture of locals and tourists.

Cabins on the beach

A special feature of the stands in Venice are the many small huts. These lockable beach huts can be rented. Many locals rent for the whole season, but it is only possible for a few days. In the hut there is furniture like sunbeds, parasols, a table and chairs. Of course, the cabins are not cheap, like many things in Venice.

On the beach of Lido there are many thousands of such huts. Some are simple sheds, others have style (see picture).

The Lido beach is freely accessible. This is not the case everywhere in Italy. In the village there is an entrance to the beach every 100 to 200 meters, mostly at a beach restaurant or at a beach bar. Those who want can walk a few kilometres along the beach. Swimming, bathing and lying on the towel is possible without payment. Thus, there are also some things in Venice that are less commercial than elsewhere in Italy.

Horse Show Jerez (famous riding schools Southern Spain)

Prices at the beach of Lido (Venice)

We asked in the northern beach section in the city center, thus opposite the ferry dock of Venice Santa Maria Elisabetta .

In our opinion sunbeds and umbrellas are quite expensive. In the lido where we were in June 2018 the following prices apply: 17 Euro for one person (1 sunbed and 1 umbrella) nnzw. 25 Euro for 2 persons (2 sunbeds and 1 parasol). It is a few percent cheaper to rent for several days. If you rent a sunbed and umbrella, you can use the toilets and showers (otherwise 1 Euro each) free of charge.

Water is inexpensive almost everywhere: From the fridge 0.5l about 1 euro, 1.5 liters about 2 euro

Other drinks, also at the kiosk, are quite expensive (Coca Cola can about 2.50 or 0.5 l plastic bottles about 3 euros, larger beer about 4 euros).

There are many restaurants on the beach of Lido. The cheapest are self-service pizzas (ours was delicious, about 8 to 10 euros). But you can also easily spend more than 20 Euro for a meal with 2-3 courses.

Toilets (bagni) and showers (docce) usually cost 1 Euro, in our as mentioned beach bath for free if you rent an umbrella / lounger.

Free of charge: You don't have to rent a sun lounger, many locals simply lie down on a towel or take a hut (see above).

There are also some shops with the usual beach items like inflatable tires, dinosaurs and other plastic animals, toys, towels etc.

You can also rent a beach towel at the beach of Lido (fee �2,50 and 10 Euro deposit).

Ice cream and drinks are generally somewhat cheaper at the many vending machines than at the kiosk.

A water guard has it in our beach section on several small towers. This of course causes costs, therefore high prices partly understandable.

You can see many bans on the beach for example playing ball, dogs, music play equipment also radios, bicycles and other vehicles.

We also saw a surfboard rental directly at the Lido beach.

Surfing and other water sports are of course also very popular on the beaches of Lido.

Directions to the beach in Lido

Those who want to go to the rather full beach in the city of Lido and come from Venice can walk. One simply walks from the ferry over the narrow island. The distance is about one kilometre. One goes through one of the most important streets in the city of Lido with restaurants and shops including a small department store with supermarket in the ground floor.

Those who want to go to a quieter part of the beach of Lido can simply take a bus from the jetty. For example, bus line A runs south every 10 minutes to Malamocca or Alberoni .

Map of the island of Lido

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where to stay in Venice, Italy

Where to Stay in Venice (For First-Time Visitors)

  • December 26, 2023

A complete guide to where to stay in Venice, Italy for first-time visitors (+ the best hotels on the Grand Canal, hotels with parking and places to stay for the beach).

Venice (Venezia) is one of the most scenic cities in the world. And one of the most visited, too! Located in northeastern Italy, the city is built on more than 100 small islands and it’s all surrounded by water.

The islands are linked by more than 400 bridges and water buses (the so-called vaporetti). There are no cars, you have to rely solely on water transport or your own feet.

Although it’s not a particularly large city, getting around is not an easy task. Venezia is crisscrossed by thousands of tiny alleyways and canals. It’s inevitable not to get lost even with a good map or GPS walking navigation. Plus, sometimes you have to walk more than 5min just to find a bridge to cross.

Thus, when deciding where to stay in Venice, Italy, it’s very important to choose a good area. Especially if you don’t want to waste precious time walking half an hour to the nearest attractions. Using the water busses is not a perfect option, too. Many of them are slow, expensive and very crowded even in the low season.

So, I created this guide to help you easily find the best place to stay in Venice for your needs and personal preferences.

I spent a long weekend in the city, combining Venice and Verona in one single trip. So, I needed a place that is close to the tourist attractions, but still not far from the train station. The best area to stay in Venice for me was the San Polo district.

San Polo district is in central Venice, right between the Piazza San Marco and Santa Lucia train station. It’s perfect if you consider taking any day trips or want to be in a less touristy area, but close to everything.

Most popular hotel in Venice, Italy

Looking for a cosy hotel with a perfect location, close to tourist sites and water bus stops? Then check out Hotel Casanova – it’s the most popular hotel in Venice. And there is a reason why – its location is outstanding.

The hotel is perfectly situated for sightseeing – just two steps from Piazza San Marco and a short walk from a water bus stop. The beautifully decorated rooms feature comfy beds with optional additional pillows. Why book – next to Piazza San Marco, close to Vaporetto water-bus stop, air conditioning, healthy and generous breakfast

Piazza San Marco

Where to stay in Venice, Italy (for first-time visitors)

  • San Marco and San Polo – the best place to stay in Venice for sightseeing
  • Grand Canal – for best views
  • Santa Croce – for convenient transport links
  • Lido Island – for beach
  • Mestre – if you’re travelling by car

San Marco – best area to stay in Venice for first-time visitors

The city is broken into 6 districts, called Sestieri: San Marco, Santa Croce, San Polo, Dorsoduro, Cannaregio, Castello and the island of Giudecca. Each of them has a unique charm and certain advantages.

San Marco is the best area to stay in Venice, Italy for first-timers. It’s the heart of the city and its main tourist area. San Marco features all the iconic landmarks – Doge’s Palace, Rialto Bridge and Saint Mark’s Basilica.

Getting here (from Marco Polo Airport) The easiest way (especially with a lot of luggage) is to get a water taxi .

You can also take the Alilaguna water bus to San Marco or Rialto. However, it’s less convenient as then you have to walk to your hotel.

Another option is taking the airport shuttle bus to Piazzale Roma and from there getting a water bus (vaporetto) to San Marco area. For this option, I recommend buying an Actv day ticket that is valid for all water buses in Venezia, Lido, Murano and Burano. It will save you a lot of money!

Getting here (from Treviso Airport) Take the airport shuttle bus to Piazzale Roma and from there get a vaporetto to San Marco area. Don’t miss to buy an Actv day ticket that is valid for all water buses in Venezia, Lido, Murano and Burano.

Why stay in San Marco district

  • You’ll be in the main historic part of the city, at a hand distance to all iconic sites.
  • All the must-see sites are within San Marco district, so it will be easy to see everything in a short period of time.
  • Easy access to the Grand Canal and vaporetto stops.
  • Take a gondola ride for a closer view of Bridge of Sighs.
  • Don’t miss to visit the iconic Saint Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace.
  • Take an early morning walk to see Rialto Bridge without tourists.
  • For outstanding views of Venice climb to the top of St.Mark’s Campanile.

Hotels near Piazza San Marco (Best for couples)

It’s a charming hotel set on a canal in the historic heart of the city. And the best part is that there is a pier right outside the hotel. So getting a water taxi to Marco Polo Airport is a breeze. The tastefully decorated rooms create a luxurious atmosphere. Why book – 180m from Piazza San Marco, rooftop terrace, gourmet restaurant, canal views

If you look for a hotel with canal views and wellness centre, look no further. Hotel Ai Reali is the best option. Set on a quiet canal near Piazza San Marco, the hotel has its own pier. This is very convenient if you’re arriving by a water taxi. The interior is classical and elegant – the best place to stay for a romantic getaway. Why book – 300m from Piazza San Marco, wellness centre, garden, superb restaurant

Hotels near Piazza San Marco (Best for families)

This is one of the best family hotels in Venice. The location is perfect for sightseeing – on a quiet street, just a short walk to Doge’s Palace and water transport. Rooms are spacious, comfy and feature authentic design. Why book – 250m from Piazza San Marco, rooftop terrace, Venetian restaurant, superb breakfast

Set in a 17th-century historic building, Montecarlo is one of the closest hotels to San Marco Square. It’s ideally situated for exploring the major tourist spots. Quiet, spacious rooms, decorated in Venetian style. Why book – 80m from Piazza San Marco, Italian restaurant, awesome breakfast, helpful staff

Luxury hotels near San Marco Square

For a truly memorable vacation, choose Baglioni Hotel Luna. It’s one of the best places to stay in Venice if your budget is big. The hotel features fabulous rooms with glass chandeliers, marble bathrooms and antique furniture. Near the major tourist attraction and designer stores. The hotel even has its own private dock (perfect for arriving by a water taxi). Why book – 50m from Piazza San Marco, private dock, excellent service and location

Danieli is one of the most famous hotels in Venice. It is housed in three historic palaces and the oldest one dates back to the 14th century. All connected by covered bridges. The interior is spectacular, some of the rooms feature view to the lagoon. Why book – brilliant location, 150m from Piazza San Marco, panoramic rooftop restaurant

Apartments near San Marco Square

Cà dell’arte Suite offers spacious self-catering apartments in a historic building. The property is tastefully decorated in authentic Venetian style. Why book – 200m from Piazza San Marco, air-conditioning, boutique-style apartments

If you search for a romantic apartment right on the canals, this is the ideal choice. The property is located on the corner where three canals intersect. Therefore, you can watch the gondolas right from your own window. Why book – excellent location, 320m from Piazza San Marco, air-conditioning

Venice canals

San Polo and Dorsoduro – best places in Venice near San Marco

The only disadvantage of the San Marco district is that it’s way too touristy. If this is a huge drawback for you, you may want to consider staying in San Polo or the east part of Dorsoduro.

San Polo is the city’s oldest district. It’s a great alternative of the touristy San Marco. While Dorsoduro is the place to stay for a nightlife (being the hippest district).

San Polo and Dorsoduro districts are separated from San Marco by the Grand Canal. The areas are central and at a walking distance from Piazza San Marco. Yet, the biggest plus is that the crowds of tourists are smaller.

The atmosphere is more authentic with a lot of local restaurants and nightlife bars . Even if you choose to stay in the San Marco neighbourhood, come here for dinner or lunch if possible.

However, when booking a hotel, be careful and check where the nearest bridge is. There are only 4 bridges on the Grand Canal and the average distance between them is about 1km.

Why stay in San Polo and Dorsoduro

  • A central, but less touristy area (also perfect for nightlife).
  • Easy access to Piazza San Marco through the Rialto Bridge.
  • The city’s biggest fish and vegetables market, Rialto, is here (just in case if you want to cook on your holiday).
  • Most popular attractions: the city’s oldest church San Giacomo di Rialto, Gallerie dell’Accademia and the museum Ca’ Rezzonico.
  • For a late night drink visit the square Campo Santa Margherita, the main hub of the city’s nightlife.
  • Don’t miss to cross Pont dell’Accademia for a stunning view of Venezia.

Hotels near Ponte dell’Accademia (Best for couples)

The hotel occupies a former palace from the 15th century. The elegant interior features frescos from the early 1800s. The location is great for sightseeing – on a quiet corner on the little Canal of San Trovaso. Close to Ponte dell’Accademia and vaporetto stops. Why book – 600m from Grand Canal, garden, helpful staff

This is one of the most popular hotels in Venice for a romantic getaway. The spacious luxurious rooms feature parquet floors, Murano glass lamps and Carrara marble. You can even enjoy a spa bath in your own room. It’s an excellent place to stay for exploring the city. Why book – 600m from Grand Canal, wellness centre, on-site bar, great location, stylish rooms

Hotels near Ponte dell’Accademia (Best for families)

The hotel occupies a 17th-century townhouse overlooking the San Vio Canal. It’s just a short walk to Ponte dell’Accademia. This is one of the bridges over the Grand Canal. It connects Dorsoduro and San Marco districts. Thus you can easily reach Piazza San Marco in no time. Why book – 80m from Grand Canal, air-conditioning, attentive staff

The hotel is very conveniently situated right on the Grand Canal and close to Ponte dell’Accademia. Easy access to the main tourist area and water buses. Rooms are spacious, decorated in authentic Italian style. Why book – located on the Grand Canal, breakfast terrace, rooms with canal views

Apartments near Rialto Bridge

Ca’ della Scimmia offers stylish, modern apartments next to Rialto Bridge. Close to the historic part of the city, restaurants, bars and water transport. Why book – 150m from Rialto Bridge, lift, air-conditioning, quiet apartment, lovely city views

Grand Canal

Best Venice hotels on the Grand Canal

If you’re looking for a room with a view of the water, there is no better place than the Grand Canal. This is a perfect area for honeymooners, because of its romantic views.

The Grand Canal is the city’s main artery. It’s the biggest canal in Venice lined with numerous former palaces of Venetian merchants. Today, most of them are turned into hotels. So, you can imagine staying there would be a once in a lifetime experience.

For a room with a gorgeous view, check out these affordable hotels below. All of them are situated directly on the Grand Canal. Thus, besides the amazing city views, you’ll be at a hand distance to the vaporetto stops.

Hotel L’Orologio is the best place to stay for sightseeing, restaurants and views. It has an unbeatable location – in San Polo district, just a short walk from Rialto Bridge. It’s a modern hotel with beautifully decorated rooms and wooden ceilings. Why book – on the Grand Canal, soundproofed rooms, terrace, rich and delicious breakfast

Pesaro Palace features a truly romantic atmosphere. The large rooms are decorated with classic furniture, massive beds and Murano glass lamps. At a walking distance to Rialto Bridge, ferry stop, Murano and Burano vaporetto stops. Why book – on the Grand Canal, garden, marvellous rooms

Foscari Palace is right on the Grand Canal in Cannaregio district. An elegant boutique hotel, housed in a 16th-century palace. Easy access to Piazza San Marco and Santa Lucia train station. Murano and Burano vaporetto stops are just a short walk from the hotel. Why book – ideal location on the Grand Canal, rooftop terrace

venetian gondolas

Hotels near the train station (and Venice cruise port)

If you need a hotel near the Venice train station or the cruise port, Santa Croce is the ideal district for you. This is the city’s main transportation hub.

The train station, Venezia Santa Lucia , and the cruise port are situated in the western part of the main island. Here you’ll also find Piazzale Roma, the last stop of the airport buses.

If you’re planning to travel by train through Italy, book tickets in advance (they are cheaper if you buy earlier). Check timetables and book train tickets online at Trenitalia official website .

You can take the vaporetto (water bus), that takes you directly to Piazza San Marco. Don’t miss to buy an Actv day ticket . A single ride on the vaporetto costs half the price of a daily card.

You can also walk to the historic city centre. It’s about 1.5km till you reach Rialto Bridge and another 500m to Piazza San Marco.

  • plan several day trips (you can easily get to Verona, Padua, Vicenza)
  • have a lot of luggage. This is the furthest point in the city where you can get using land-based transport. From here you have to take a water bus or water taxi.
  • you’re visiting Venice for 1 night. You can leave your luggage at the hotel as soon as you get to the city. You won’t waste time trying to find your way to the hotel with heavy suitcases. Plus the hotels here are cheaper.
  • you’re arriving by rental car. This is the closest place you can get by car.

Hotels near Venezia Santa Lucia train station

Bellini is perfectly situated for arrival and departure (especially if you have a lot of luggage). It’s just a 2min walk from the train station and the airport bus stop. No need to carry heavy luggage across tiny canal bridges. And the Grand Canal is just around the corner. Why book – 50m from the train station, garden, 24-hour front desk, comfortable quiet rooms

The hotel is set in a historic building in a quiet part of Santa Croce neighbourhood. The location is very convenient for Santa Lucia station, less than a 10min walk. Plus, there are a lot of restaurants in the area. Rooms combine authentic atmosphere with modern amenities. Why book – 500m from the train station, 24-hour front desk, good breakfast

Best Venice hotels near the cruise port

Stylish hotel with modern facilities, close to the cruise port. At a walking distance to Rialto Bridge and a lot of restaurants and bars. The breakfast features a lot of options, catering for all needs (including lactose and gluten intolerance). Why book – 600m from the cruise port, 24-hour front desk, great breakfast

Set on the Grand Canal and just a short walk from the cruise port, this hotel is a perfect choice. You can even take a water taxi or bus right outside the hotel. Rooms are comfy with huge bathrooms and modern perks. And in case if you’re arriving by car, this is one of the few hotels with parking. Why book – 200m from the cruise port, parking, 24-hour front desk, canal views

 Giudecca island

Where to stay in Venice (for beach)

You won’t find any beaches on the main island. Thus, if the beach is your main priority, stay on Lido island. Lido is a long island, situated southeast from Venezia. You’ll find some lovely beachfront resorts here with a lot of spacious rooms.

The atmosphere is very different from Venezia – pretty calm and laid back with lovely beaches . Yet, the biggest difference is that there are cars and bicycles. It’s a great place to stay in Venice if you look for something a little different or if this is not your first time in the city.

How to get to Venice from Lido

The only option is by taking a water bus (a 20-30min journey). So, when choosing a hotel take this in mind and book a place not far from a vaporetto stop.

Stylishly furnished hotel in the heart of the island, just a short stroll to the beach and vaporetto stops. Close to main street, restaurants and bars. Plus, the hotel has a private beach area. Why book – 450m from a water bus stop, flower garden, bike rental service, spacious quiet rooms

Situated on the western bank of Lido island, the hotel features a unique view of Venezia. The location couldn’t be more convenient. Less than a 2min walk to the ferry stop for Piazza San Marco and Murano, near the beach and restaurants. Why book – 50m from a water bus stop, small garden, room views

Bridge of Sighs

Best place to stay in Venice with a car

If you’re arriving by car you have two options. You can use the parking lots at Piazzale Roma (which are super expensive) or stay in Mestre.

Where to stay in Venice with car

  • near Piazzale Roma – the closest point to the tourist attractions (but expensive parking)
  • Mestre – the mainland of Venice (more affordable option)

Mestre is the mainland of Venice. You’ll find a lot of affordable parking options, 2-3 times cheaper than the ones at Piazzale Roma.

However, the biggest disadvantage is that you have to spend extra time to get to the heart of Venezia. It’s about 15-20min to Piazzale Roma and from there about a 20-30min walk to the main attractions. And this time doesn’t include getting to the bus stop and waiting for public transport. The hotels are a lot cheaper, however, there are fewer options in comparison to the island of Venezia.

How far is Mestre from Venice city

Mestre is very well connected to Venezia by regular trams and buses . There is even a night bus. Yet, keep in mind that you’ll need probably about 40-60min to get to the major tourist attractions.

Mestre is not a great option to stay if you have more than one day in Venice. I’d recommend paying more for a hotel on the island and don’t waste so much time in transportation.

Comfy hotel right next to Mestre train station. An ideal location for travelling to Venice and the airport. The bus station is right outside the hotel. Thus, you can reach Piazzale Roma in less than 15min. Easy access by car, as the highway exit is not far. Why book – convenient location next to Mestre train station, restaurant, public parking nearby

Best Western Tritone is one of the best hotels in Mestre. It’s practically located across the street from Mestre train station. Plus, there is a private parking lot next to the hotel. Why book – next to Mestre train station, private parking nearby, 24-hour front desk, good breakfast

Venice Grand Canal

Stay in Venice or outside

Wondering is it better to stay in Venice or outside? Unless your budget is really tight, I’d not recommend staying outside Venice in any case.

The atmosphere of the city is truly magical and you won’t be able to fully experience it if you stay outside. Plus, you’ll waste precious time to get to Venezia. In the best scenario, it’s minimum 40-50min to get to Piazza San Marco.

Also, you won’t be able to get to your hotel for a rest during the day. This means spending more than 12 hours on foot, especially if you want to see the city at night. And Venice at night it’s not something to be missed, it’s a truly magical place.

In addition, you won’t be able to hit the tourist attractions early in the morning. The later you get to the historic part of the city, the more time you’ll waste waiting in lines.

Yet, if your budget doesn’t allow it, the best place to stay near Venice is Mestre. Mestre is the mainland part of Venezia. The most convenient areas to stay in Mestre is around the Mestre train station and Piazzale Cialdini. From Piazzale Cialdini you can take bus 4L or tram T1 to get to Venice.

Where is the best place to stay in Venice

best area to stay in venice

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About the author

Thank you Milena Yordanova for your information about Venice & where to stay. A group of us is planning to go to Italy in May 2022. We are having a meeting on Saturday to organize our side trips depending on which of us want to see certain sites; 3 days, 2 nights in Venice was the general plan. Your info will help us decide where to try and stay at a rate we can afford. We will be staying at a Villa near Lucca. We are so excited to get to the actual planning and hoping that COVID restrictions are not a problem. We had to cancel last spring’s plans to go to Italy. Sincerely, Karen

I am glad for being helpful. I wish you a great time in Italy and I hope there won’t be any COVID restrictions anymore! 🙂

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15 things you must do in Venice, Italy

Posted: March 16, 2024 | Last updated: March 16, 2024

<p><span><span>Even if you've never been to Venice, you know what it looks like. Venetian buildings lined across canals, open courtyards dotted with plants, exotic bridges soft with seaweed, and buzzing with tourists. The mere mention of Venice conjures a whirlpool of images. </span></span></p><p><span><span>So why not dive in? Visit the historic city and you can amble around sun-speckled canals, mysterious alleyways, unmissable museums, and romantic restaurants. There are a million things to do in Venice, but there are only 15 things you can't go without. </span></span></p>

Even if you've never been to Venice, you know what it looks like. Venetian buildings lined across canals, open courtyards dotted with plants, exotic bridges soft with seaweed, and buzzing with tourists. The mere mention of Venice conjures a whirlpool of images. 

So why not dive in? Visit the historic city and you can amble around sun-speckled canals, mysterious alleyways, unmissable museums, and romantic restaurants. There are a million things to do in Venice, but there are only 15 things you can't go without. 

<p><span><span>The city's beating heart and romantic soul, there's no shortage of things to do here. Take a water taxi or a gondola ride. Admire the view from a bridge or a nearby restaurant. Or circle back at night when the crowds are thin, the streets are quiet and the lights flicker across the canal, beckoning you to take a closer look. </span></span></p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>15 scenic train rides across Europe</a></p>

Grand Canal

The city's beating heart and romantic soul, there's no shortage of things to do here. Take a water taxi or a gondola ride. Admire the view from a bridge or a nearby restaurant. Or circle back at night when the crowds are thin, the streets are quiet and the lights flicker across the canal, beckoning you to take a closer look. 

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<p><span><span>St. Mark's Square is kind of like Times Square without the streakers. Or the homeless people, trash cans, or New Yorkers. OK, so it's not exactly like Times Square, but <em>it is</em> nicknamed "the Times Square of Venice," because it's the central spot for tourists and is surrounded by history. Thankfully, this slice of history is lined with columns and museums, and if you arrive early enough, you can have the place to yourself. </span></span></p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

St. Mark's Square

St. Mark's Square is kind of like Times Square without the streakers. Or the homeless people, trash cans, or New Yorkers. OK, so it's not exactly like Times Square, but it is nicknamed "the Times Square of Venice," because it's the central spot for tourists and is surrounded by history. Thankfully, this slice of history is lined with columns and museums, and if you arrive early enough, you can have the place to yourself. 

Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.

<p>While you're in St. Mark's Square, you'll want to visit Caffe Florian. This iconic Venetian restaurant was once a watering hole for Proust, Dickens, and Casanova, and the decor hasn't changed much over the years. My advice: enjoy an espresso in the same seat Dickens once enjoyed a beer. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>20 essential things to know before you start composting</a></p>

Caffe Florian

While you're in St. Mark's Square, you'll want to visit Caffe Florian. This iconic Venetian restaurant was once a watering hole for Proust, Dickens, and Casanova, and the decor hasn't changed much over the years. My advice: enjoy an espresso in the same seat Dickens once enjoyed a beer. 

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<p>The name Teatro La Fenice, a landmark opera house, means "The Phoenix"--a nod to the fact that it's risen from the ashes not once, but three times, most recently after two arsonists burned it down in 1996. But it's been renovated and restored back to its former glory, complete with rows of balconies and red-velvet chairs. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Teatro La Fenice

The name Teatro La Fenice, a landmark opera house, means "The Phoenix"--a nod to the fact that it's risen from the ashes not once, but three times, most recently after two arsonists burned it down in 1996. But it's been renovated and restored back to its former glory, complete with rows of balconies and red-velvet chairs. 

<p>This private collection was once the home of Peggy Guggenheim, who played a big role in the careers of Jackson Pollock, Max Ernst, and Alberto Giacometti. Now, you'll find the walls lined with Picasso, Dali, Mondrian, and Malevich. Plus, Joseph Cornell! </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>The 23 best European cities during the spring</a></p>

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

This private collection was once the home of Peggy Guggenheim, who played a big role in the careers of Jackson Pollock, Max Ernst, and Alberto Giacometti. Now, you'll find the walls lined with Picasso, Dali, Mondrian, and Malevich. Plus, Joseph Cornell! 

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<p>After wandering museums and alleyways, you'll want to lie down on the serene sands of Lido. A 15-minute Vaporetto ride from St. Mark's Square, the island offers beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with kids, teens, families, and leather-skin grandpas. Two hours on the beach and you'll have a pretty great tan, too. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Lido Island

After wandering museums and alleyways, you'll want to lie down on the serene sands of Lido. A 15-minute Vaporetto ride from St. Mark's Square, the island offers beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with kids, teens, families, and leather-skin grandpas. Two hours on the beach and you'll have a pretty great tan, too. 

<p>Speaking of the Lido, when the Venice Film Festival hits town every September, there's no better place to be. Pro tip: get to screenings early. Even if you have a pass, you'll need to be there a couple of hours before the film starts. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>Out cold: 20 foods you shouldn't refrigerate</a></p>

Venice Film Festival

Speaking of the Lido, when the Venice Film Festival hits town every September, there's no better place to be. Pro tip: get to screenings early. Even if you have a pass, you'll need to be there a couple of hours before the film starts. 

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<p>While your hopping from island to island, make time for a trip to Murano and admire the glass-making artistry. The products are held on display at the Murano glass museum, where you're gonna want to keep an eye on your pocketbook. Not because of pickpockets, which are a problem in Venice. But because these dreamy works of art are going to inspire you to stop by the gift shop on your way out, or at a glass factory nearby. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Murano Glass Museum

While your hopping from island to island, make time for a trip to Murano and admire the glass-making artistry. The products are held on display at the Murano glass museum, where you're gonna want to keep an eye on your pocketbook. Not because of pickpockets, which are a problem in Venice. But because these dreamy works of art are going to inspire you to stop by the gift shop on your way out, or at a glass factory nearby. 

<p>For a true Venetian dinner, Osteria Alla Frasca is one of the most authentic spots in town. You come here, of course, for the delightful seafood pasta, but you're really here to eat like the locals, with the locals. It's an adventure just trying to find this small, family-owned gem, though once seated in its courtyard, you won't want to leave. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>20 essential tips for your best hair ever</a></p>

Osteria Alla Frasca

For a true Venetian dinner, Osteria Alla Frasca is one of the most authentic spots in town. You come here, of course, for the delightful seafood pasta, but you're really here to eat like the locals, with the locals. It's an adventure just trying to find this small, family-owned gem, though once seated in its courtyard, you won't want to leave. 

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<p>Everyone needs a picture of themselves in Venice. Whether it's for Instagram, Twitter, or Tinder, you can't go wrong with the tower of San Giorgio, which boasts panoramic views of Venice from 350-feet up. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore

Everyone needs a picture of themselves in Venice. Whether it's for Instagram, Twitter, or Tinder, you can't go wrong with the tower of San Giorgio, which boasts panoramic views of Venice from 350-feet up. 

<p>Another candidate for best-selfie: Rialto Bridge has the best view of the Grand Canal, though best not to go midday. Like every main attraction in Venice, make plans to go in the morning or at night. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>12 high-fat foods you should avoid and 12 you should eat regularly</a></p>

Rialto Bridge

Another candidate for best-selfie: Rialto Bridge has the best view of the Grand Canal, though best not to go midday. Like every main attraction in Venice, make plans to go in the morning or at night. 

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<p>Burano is a beautiful island 40-minutes away from Venice, but what truly sets this destination apart are the colorful buildings sprinkled around the city. The fisherman painted each house a different color so they knew whose house was whose, which makes it look like a paint sampler come to life. Every street is a rainbow of discovery. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Burano Island

Burano is a beautiful island 40-minutes away from Venice, but what truly sets this destination apart are the colorful buildings sprinkled around the city. The fisherman painted each house a different color so they knew whose house was whose, which makes it look like a paint sampler come to life. Every street is a rainbow of discovery. 

<p>Every February, the city hosts a carnival where three million people dress up in costumes and dance until dawn. It's the closest thing to Fellini-esque Venice has to offer. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>Cold as ice: 20 foods that freeze the best</a></p>

Carnevale Festival

Every February, the city hosts a carnival where three million people dress up in costumes and dance until dawn. It's the closest thing to Fellini-esque Venice has to offer. 

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<p><span><span>Known as the spot where Ernest Hemingway wrote <em>Across the River</em>, the Hotel Locanda is nicely situated just outside of town, and it's $75 a night. Not bad for a place with so much history...and such great croissants! </span></span></p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Hotel Locanda

Known as the spot where Ernest Hemingway wrote Across the River , the Hotel Locanda is nicely situated just outside of town, and it's $75 a night. Not bad for a place with so much history...and such great croissants! 

<p>Venice is a crazy, decadent maze of streets--and each one leads to a new, exciting place. You're going to get lost. Your map is going to be off. The best thing to do is walk around, lose the schedule, and discover a new restaurant, cafe, canal, or church. Once you've seen the tourist spots, wander into the heart of Venice, glide across a sun-soaked street, dance into a wine-soaked night, share a bottle with a loved one or a spritz with a stranger. There are a million things to do in Venice, but getting lost is <em>mio preferito</em>. </p><p><a href=''>Did you enjoy this slideshow? Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Venice is a crazy, decadent maze of streets--and each one leads to a new, exciting place. You're going to get lost. Your map is going to be off. The best thing to do is walk around, lose the schedule, and discover a new restaurant, cafe, canal, or church. Once you've seen the tourist spots, wander into the heart of Venice, glide across a sun-soaked street, dance into a wine-soaked night, share a bottle with a loved one or a spritz with a stranger. There are a million things to do in Venice, but getting lost is mio preferito . 

Did you enjoy this slideshow? Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.

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Getting around Venice and the islands

In Venice you can easily move around by vaporetto. From the Lido you can reach Piazza San Marco with line 1 or with Line 2, which pass through Giudecca and Tronchetto. While to reach the Rialto Bridge you can take line 1 or line 2/ .

To reach the Biennale Venice you can take line 1 that leads to both the Arsenale and the Biennale Gardens, passing through Piazza Roma and the Lido.

Line 5.1 leads to Arsenale Tese (North).

The Gardens of the Biennale can be easily reached with line 1, line 5.2 or line 6. These are the fastest lines, from the Lido it takes about less than ten minutes to reach the Gardens.

From Lido of Venice you can reach Murano with a single vaporetto via line 18.

Alternatively from the Lido you have to reach Fondamente Nove with line 5.1. Arrived at Fondamente Nove you go to Murano with line 12 by day or with the night lines NLN and NMU.

Burano can be reached by line 14 ACTV from Lido of Venice.

To reach Torcello you have to arrive in Fondamenta Nove with line 5.1. Arrived at Fondamenta Nove you go to Burano with line 12 by day and night lines NLN and NMU.

Pellestrina can be reached with line 11 ACTV from Lido of Venice.

The Municipality of Venice has developed 14 “Barrier-free itineraries” to explore the most fascinating places of the Venetian lagoon.

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    A short walk from S.M.E is the main beach called Blue Moon. It's open to the public and comes with plenty of wide-open spaces to relax and swim. Clean, sandy and chilled out, it's a great way to pass a few hours at the Lido of Venice. Dip your toes into the warm sea water at Blue Moon Beach in Lido of Venice.

  11. Lido di Venezia

    The Lido di Venezia--or simply the "Lido," in local parlance--is a barrier island that separates the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. By vaporetto or public water bus, it's only a few minutes from Venice's historic center, which makes it popular as a dormitory suburb of Venice and a summer resort for tourists. Hotels on the Lido tend to ...

  12. Things to do in Lido, Venice: A travel guide

    That said, the best option is to travel from Venice to Lido by Vaporetto. Travel time depends on your starting point in Venice, but to give you an example, you can get from San Marco Square to Lido in fifteen minutes. The Vaporetto Lines between Venice and Lido Malamocco on a foggy day. The Vaporetto Lines traveling to Lido are: Vaporetto Line ...

  13. Venice/Lido

    The hotel is located only 20 minutes from St. Mark Square. edit. Hotel Panorama, Piazzale S.M. Elisabetta - 30126 Venice Lido, ☏ +39 041 2760486, fax: +39 041 2769805, [email protected]. Hotel Panorama is an affordable and small yet charming hotel situated across the lagoon from Venice. Rooms are a good size with large windows, great views ...

  14. Ultimate Guide to Lido Island in Venice: Activities & More (2023)

    How to Get to Lido Island. There are several transportation options to get to Lido Island: Public Water Bus (Vaporetto): The most convenient and frequent option for getting to Lido Island is by taking the public water bus (vaporetto) from various points in Venice, such as San Marco, Rialto, or Piazzale Roma.The journey takes around 30-40 minutes.

  15. What To Do In Lido Venice

    Here are all the things you can do in Lido Venice: Contents hide. 1 Relax on the beaches. 2 Rent a bike. 3 Visit the village of Malamocco. 4 Take a stroll along the main street. 5 Explore Chiesa di San Nicolo al Lido. 6 Admire Grande Albergo Ausonia Hungria. 7 Go to the Venice Film Festival.

  16. Day Trip to the LIDO di VENEZIA. Breaking Away from Venice

    In 1883 the Lido was incorporated into Greater Venice. The first school was built on the island in 1892. In 1900, the supply of fresh water was extended from Venice to the Lido, followed by electricity in 1905. ... Nevertheless, there are some interesting sights to visit on the Lido, too, and here they are on a brief list. Church Of San Nicolò ...

  17. All about Beach on Lido Island (Venice): prices, umbrellas and sunbeds

    Parking in Venice: You should reserve a parking space in the parking garage online in advance. Especially now at Corona time many people come to Venice by car. ... (see picture). The Lido beach is freely accessible. This is not the case everywhere in Italy. In the village there is an entrance to the beach every 100 to 200 meters, mostly at a ...

  18. Venice--Staying in Lido

    There are plenty of very nice hotels in Venice. Staying on Lido to get a "better hotel" for the money is false economy, as you will be spending much of your time away from what you came to see ( namely Venice).Even the Lido beach isn't all that nice. Posted by Gail OP. Nashville, TN. 02/17/13 07:20 AM.

  19. #VisitLidoVenice

    Travel information +39 041 8627117. Taxi service +39 041 5265974. Luggage transfer +39 041 713719 . Local public transport network +39 041 041. Emergency numbers. Emergencies. 112. Coast Guard. ... THE OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION PLATFORMS OF VENICE LIDO ARE MANAGED BY "VENEZIA E IL SUO LIDO", A CONSORTIUM THAT UNITES MANY OF THE LIDO'S ...

  20. Venice Lido

    The Lido, or Venice Lido (Italian: Lido di Venezia), is an 11-kilometre-long ... Between Lido and the Sant'Andrea fort (see above), where the Lagoon of Venice meets the Adriatic Sea, the doge took a golden ring which pope Alexander III had donated him. He then threw it into the sea. It was attached to a string so that it can be retrieved.

  21. Where to Stay in Venice (For First-Time Visitors)

    San Marco is the best area to stay in Venice, Italy for first-timers. It's the heart of the city and its main tourist area. San Marco features all the iconic landmarks - Doge's Palace, Rialto Bridge and Saint Mark's Basilica. Don't forget to buy tickets for Doge's Palace in advance (the waiting lines are huge).

  22. 15 things you must do in Venice, Italy

    Take a water taxi or a gondola ride. Admire the view from a bridge or a nearby restaurant. Or circle back at night when the crowds are thin, the streets are quiet and the lights flicker across the ...

  23. Beaches

    Biennale Cinema at the Lido of Venice; The Lido of Venice, the green island; The Lido of Venice, the green island; Events and conferences at the Lido; Events and conferences at the Lido; By car to Venice via the Lido; By car to Venice via the Lido; Art and culture in Venice; Art and culture in Venice; Get married at Venice Lido; Get married at ...

  24. Getting around Venice and the islands

    Biennale Cinema at the Lido of Venice; The Lido of Venice, the green island; The Lido of Venice, the green island; Events and conferences at the Lido; ... Travel information +39 041 8627117. Taxi service +39 041 5265974. Luggage transfer +39 041 713719 . Local public transport network +39 041 041. Emergency numbers.