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Saint Helena

saint helena island tourism

  • 1.1 Orientation
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.2 By boat
  • 3.3 By foot
  • 5.1 Jamestown
  • 5.2 Longwood
  • 5.3 Central Island
  • 5.4 Southern Island
  • 7.2 Shopping
  • 12 Stay safe
  • 13 Stay healthy

Saint Helena Island (pron. huh-LEE-nuh ) is in the eastern part of the South Atlantic Ocean and is one of the world's most isolated islands. If you start crossing the Atlantic due west from the border between Namibia and Angola , Saint Helena Island will appear about one-third of the way across to Brazil.

Because of this extreme isolation, Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled here from October 1815 until his death on 5 May 1821.

It is the most populous of the United Kingdom 's territories in the South Atlantic with a population of 4,255 at the last census in 2006.

Main Street of Jamestown is described as one of the best examples of unspoilt Georgian architecture anywhere in the world and the whole island has been proposed to the UK government as a mixed World Heritage site .

saint helena island tourism

Uninhabited when it was discovered by the Portuguese in 1502, Saint Helena was garrisoned by the British during the 17th century to be used as a refreshment station for ships on the Cape Route . It acquired fame as the place of Napoleon Bonaparte's exile, from 1815 until his death in 1821, but its importance as a port of call declined after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Saint Helena has three smaller dependencies: Ascension Island is the site of a US Air Force auxiliary airfield; Tristan da Cunha is home to a very small community reliant on fishing for income; Gough Island has a meteorological station.

Saint Helena's most famous resident was Napoleon Bonaparte, who was exiled there by the British. Apparently Elba was not far enough away. He died there, and you can visit his beautiful grave site in a flower-laden glade, but his remains were disinterred and are now at Les Invalides in Paris. He had two residences on the island. He stayed at The Briars for about two months, and lived the rest of his life in a house in Longwood. You can visit both residences by appointment.

The grandest house on the island, however, is that of the governor. It looks like it was lifted straight out of 18th-century England. There are marvellous land tortoises on the grounds, including one purported to be the oldest known living terrestrial animal in the world.

saint helena island tourism

The flora and fauna of the island are marvellous. Though many endemic species have become extinct, there are some left to be seen. Cabbage trees, gum trees and the local ebony can all be seen. The ebony was thought to be extinct until a local botanist found a specimen hanging off a cliff. It is being propagated and planted around the island. The islanders have also begun to restore the native forests of the island. The Millennium Forest has been planted by many volunteers and consists largely of local gum trees. Native, old growth forests can be found on the highest peaks of the island. High Peak and Diana's Peak have beautiful natural areas.

Two animals are of note. The giant earwig was the largest in the world: 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) long. The species was made extinct by researchers who collected them all. The second species is a happier story: although endangered, with only about 300 remaining, the Saint Helena wirebird is a plover-like bird with long beak and legs. It is a land bird, and can be found in open areas. The playing fields behind the high school are a particularly good place to look without having to take a longer hike. The wirebird is Saint Helena's national bird.


Jamestown is the capital and main town of Saint Helena. It is located in a narrow valley between steep 500-ft (150-m) cliffs which mean that it is quite a struggle to climb out of this V-shaped slot onto the surrounding plateau by any of the three access paths. All visitors to Saint Helena arrive at "The Wharf" in Jamestown. There is pretty much only a single road about one mile (1.6 km) long.

The Tourist Office is in a quaint building with a beautiful bow window at the top of Main Street where it branches into Napoleon and Market Streets. Staff there can help you book tours and give you all kinds of advice about what to see and do on the island.

Official island tourism information can be obtained from St Helena Tourism . The tourist office's telephone is +290 2158.

saint helena island tourism

Moorings [dead link] for yachts are available at James Bay. Contact the Harbourmaster (VHF channel 14, during working hours) to obtain access to the visitors' moorings; call St Helena Radio (VHF channel 16) to confirm your arrival and seek customs/immigration clearance.


St Helena has a very limited public bus service. The routes and timetables are designed primarily to satisfy the needs of locals. Buses are rare, usually going once or twice only on some weekdays. Visitors can, with some planning, use the bus service to reach some of the island's attractions and walking opportunities. Check timetables carefully and allow sufficient time to catch the return bus otherwise you may face a long walk back to Jamestown. Stops are well marked, but a nice wave will also get the driver to stop.

Taxis are also available in Jamestown (the rank is behind the tourist information office).

Rental cars (£10-12 a day) are probably the more practical method of travel, but be sure to reserve one in advance. There are not too many, and when the flight arrives with its 50 tourists or more, the travel industry can be overwhelmed, and don't expect your rental car to be a recent vehicle (Ford Escorts are common). Ask your hotel to arrange car hire for you.

Saint Helena cars are driven on the left, as in the United Kingdom. Likewise, the traffic signs in Saint Helena resemble those of the United Kingdom.

saint helena island tourism

Walking is wonderful, but mostly in the highlands in the centre of the island. The 21 Post Box Walks, a series of graded trails are a good way to explore much of the island. The walks and routes with maps are available in a book written by the island's Nature Conservation Group, available at the Tourist Office. The cliffs all around the perimeter make it impossible to walk along the coast at most points, access to the sea is normally by descent of the numerous steep valleys that cut through the volcanic landscape. Though small, however, don't be deceived, distances can be great for a walker. Bring water and sunscreen, but the Saints on the way will be happy to provide a refill if your water bottle runs dry.

It is very hard to walk out of Jamestown. The city is in a deep canyon coming from the highlands down to the shore, and there are three roads out, one up either edge of the canyon and the third, Barnes Road, an old track that leads to Francis Plain, perched on a plateau 500 m above Jamestown. The other way to get to the highlands is via the vertiginous Jacob's Ladder, an extremely tall 699-step staircase, built as an inclined plane to bring goods in and out of town. Walking on the roads out of town would mean sharing narrow switchbacks with cars, lots of dust, and no pavements. If you walk, even once you climb Jacob's Ladder, you still aren't halfway to the green spaces at the top, and have to walk through the beautifully named, but not so beautiful to look at, Half-Tree Hollow. A rental car or the bus are much better options.

The official language of Saint Helena is English. However it is often spoken with a strong accent and using ordinary English words in unusual ways. This dialect is locally known as "Saint". Examples include "What your name is?" and "Us need one new tyre" (us = 'we' and 'one' is used where 'a' or 'an' might be expected).

Though the island culture is a melange of people from all over the world, immigration essentially ended long ago, and the Malay, Indian, African and other immigrants to the island have not maintained their original languages or cultures. Intermarriage has been the standard on the island for so long that there are no racial differences to be made, let alone linguistic ones.

  • Broadway House . M-F 08:30–16:00 . An 18th-century building that used to contain the island's museum. ( updated Nov 2019 )
  • The Cenotaph . On the wharf in Jamestown includes the names of all Saints who died in the two world wars, including those who perished in a German U-boat attack in James Harbour in 1941. ( updated Nov 2019 )

saint helena island tourism

  • The Post Office . It's in a rather disappointing building, that looks as though it could be much more interesting with a little help. It was apparently once an Officer's Mess. This is the place where you can buy one of Saint Helena's most famous exports: postage stamps. The Post Office sends out the stamps of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha to philatelists all over the world. ( updated Nov 2019 )
  • The Castle Gardens . This oddly shaped park behind the Castle has a wide variety of relatively pedestrian tropical plants, and some of the island's endemics. It is also a good place to see swarms of the songbirds that have been introduced to the island over the years hanging around in the huge ficus trees. ( updated Nov 2019 )
  • Fortifications . These built across the mouth of the James Valley where it meets the sea only after Napoleon was brought to the island in the 19th century. Apparently it was built without an entrance, but a lovely archway has been built that frames the harbour in one direction and Jamestown in the other. Heading into Jamestown the coat of arms of the English East India Company can be seen above the archway. Upon exiting, you can see a plaque depicting the island's endemic Wirebird. ( updated Nov 2019 )
  • Heart-Shaped Waterfall. . You might be excused for thinking that the water falls in the shape of a heart, but really this waterfall is so named because of the heart-shaped rock over which it falls. It can be seen from the north road out of Jamestown or walk to the foot of the 90-m fall, simply follow the valley up from Jamestown. Details at the St Helena National Trust. ( updated Nov 2019 )
  • Saint James Church, . This rather dark church just inside the fortifications of Jamestown and across from the Castle is the oldest Anglican Church in the southern hemisphere, dating from 1774. ( updated Nov 2019 )
  • Mundens Battery . Overlooking James Bay and built on the opposite side of the valley to Ladder Hill Fort, Mundens was built to aid the defence of James Bay. Mundens Battery can be explored after a short walk along a slender walled path, several building to Explore including gun Victorian Gun emplacements, Magazine. A rickety ladder leads to a lower gun emplacement, on the rocks directly below the Battery can be seen Several of the Guns from the Mundens Battery. ( updated Nov 2019 )

Central Island

  • The Central Peaks include Diana's Peak (the highest point on the island), Mount Actaeon and Cuckold's Point, which are home to the greatest concentration of endemic species. The Peaks are part of the humid cloud forest at the centre of the island, and are a must-see for those interested in native flora and fauna. Conservation efforts are under way to make sure that these species can survive the many changes that have taken place on the island over the years.

saint helena island tourism

  • Clifford Arboretum is a small, largely underdeveloped arboretum that is home to some of the island's native fauna and has medium-term germ storage facilities. There are self-guided hikes through it.
  • Saint Paul's Cathedral is the seat of the Anglican bishop of Saint Helena. It was built in 1856.

Southern Island

  • Sandy Bay is at the bottom of one of the deep ravines that cuts from the island's interior to the coast and is the only sandy beach on the island. Despite the rather dark grey sand and that it is too dangerous to swim in the sea, it is a favourite destination for family barbecues, with children enjoying playing in the waves. It's also a good place to begin hikes.
  • Lot's Wife's Ponds are probably the best swimming spot on the island. They are large natural tide-pools, and though it can be a bit difficult to get there, it is well worth it. The walk starts from Sandy Bay and is described in the Post Box walk book.
  • Stargaze The darkness of the St Helena night sky qualifies for ‘Gold Tier’ status, the highest rating by the International Dark Sky Association, the air is also crystal clear of course and it's also not chilly; even at night, the temperature rarely falls below 10° Celsius.
  • If arriving in on a cruise ship for a day visit, make sure you get out of Jamestown to at least have a quick look around the rest of the island. Jamestown is a lovely small Georgian town where you can while away a couple of hours, but it doesn't give you an insight into what the rest of Saint Helena is really like.
  • Diving and Marine Life . St Helena is surrounded by pristine waters, teeming with underwater wildlife and interesting wreck sites. St Helena is visited by humpback whales, whale sharks and devil rays. Permanent populations of dolphins (pantropical spotted, bottle nose and rough toothed) can be found around the island, and other cetaceans have been spotted, including pygmy sperm whales. Also, there are boats that offer dolphin and whale watching trips, as well as several dive operators on the island offering wreck, cave, and leisure dives. ( updated Aug 2018 )

Saint Helena uses the Saint Helena pound (₤) as its currency, which is fixed to the British pound at a value of 1:1. British currency can be used interchangeably on the island. Some shops may also accept US dollars, rands and euros.

There is a bank on the island which opens weekdays and Saturday mornings, but has no ATM, so be sure to plan ahead. The bank can use your ATM or credit/debit card to give you money. Cash can be changed at the airport also, but St Helena money is rarely available in banks outside the St Helena-Ascension-Tristan area so changing in advance should be to British pounds. Only a limited number of shops accept credit cards.

There are several shops in central Jamestown selling gifts and souvenirs, including locally hand-made items, and there are also interesting things to buy at Longwood House and the island museum.

The St Helena Distillery makes a range of local spirits that can be purchased in several of the shops in town. Of particular note are Tungi, a high-proof liquor made from local cactus, and Midnight Mist, a liqueur made from the highly regarded Saint Helena coffee.

Locally-produced items include woodwork, fine lace, jewellery and items woven from flax, which grows all around the island. A wide range can be purchased at the Arts & Craft Centre in The Canister building, next door to the Tourist Office.

  • Moonbeams , Napoleon St ( Top of Main St ), ☏ +290 22944 . M Tu Th F 09:00–;17:00, W 09:00–13:00, Sa 09:00–13:00 & 18:30–20:30 . Souvenirs, gifts, cards, etc. They have a website about the island.  

Cooking for yourself is a great way to go. Visitors renting a room or a house on the island will find it easy to get what they need and fun to get along themselves. Tourists comment that it is surprising that on such a fertile island, there is no dairy or garden market. The availability of vegetables and salad is improving, but is still very seasonal. Fruit is generally only available in the days immediately following the freight ship visits (apart from bananas, which are available more frequently as they are grown on the island). Don't worry though, you will be able to find a wide assortment of food in various small grocery stores in town and a nice butcher shop. The main local fish on sale is tuna (a wonderful, deep red tuna) and wahoo. "Pilau" (pronounced "ploe") is a speciality of the island. It is "peasant food" in the best sense. A combination of rice, bacon and other ingredients, it is delicious and greasy.

  • Ann's Place , Castle Gardens, Jamestown . 10:30-20:30 . Open air restaurant with a festive atmosphere overlooking the Castle Gardens. Tuna is the main fish of the island, and Anne is famous for her fish cakes, another island speciality. Open for dinner, but only if you call before noon.  
  • Cyril's Fast Food and Takeaway , Arch Gate Corner, Jamestown ( just next to the arch in the city walls ), ☏ +290 2728 . 11:30-14:30 . You can't miss this restaurant, even though it is only a window in a wall, because the window is directly next to the archway in the city wall. Takeaway only.  
  • Farm Lodge , Rosemary Plain, Saint Paul's , ☏ +290 4040 . Excellent country inn food in an elegant, small dining room of a private house. Call in advance for reservations. The day before is recommended.  
  • Harris' Guest House , Main Street, Jamestown , ☏ +290 2729 . By appointment only . You can eat at this guest house if you call in advance to reserve a place at the table.  
  • Orange Tree Oriental Restaurant , Smith's Yard, Jamestown ( Walk thru' the Association Hall basement arcade ), ☏ +290 2126 . M-Sa 11:30-14:00 and 17:00 till late . Extensive a la carte selection of Oriental dishes including Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Malaysian and Philippine. High quality service. Seats 40. Take-away available.  
  • Saint Helena Coffee Shop , Leisure Park, Jamestown . 10:00-16:00 . Coffee, snacks and desserts available at this outdoor cafe. Very nice picnic tables on the lawn to take advantage of the ocean view.  
  • Sally's Sandwich Bar , Association House, Jamestown , ☏ +290 2990 . 09:30-14:00 . Set daily menu. Carry out only.  

saint helena island tourism

All these are in Jamestown:

  • Consulate Hotel - see detailed listing in "Sleep" section below
  • Donny's Place - a nice open air bar with views over James Bay. You can buy some of the local Tungi there.
  • The Mule Yard - another open air bar on the seafront, next to the swimming pool.
  • The Standard
  • White Horse Pub

Out of Jamestown:

  • Pub Paradise (Longwood)
  • Colin's Bar with great views down into Sandy Bay
  • Silver Hill Bar
  • Self-catering is a great option. On the island's tourism website you can download a list of people who have rooms or small houses to rent. This is a good way to meet the locals that you rent from and see a little bit of what it is like to live on the island.
  • Huxtable Accommodation , Napoleon Street, Jamestown , ☏ +290 24342 , [email protected] . Four independent flats in the centre of Jamestown. Details, prices and full contact information on the website.  
  • Consulate Hotel , Main Street, Jamestown , ☏ +290 2962 , [email protected] . The Consulate Hotel is the largest lodging facility on the island. It has a restaurant and bar, and all bedrooms are en suite. The front porch under the wrought-iron balcony is a fine place to sit with a Savanna cider in hand and watch the world pass by in central Jamestown.  
  • Wellington House Hotel , Main Street, Jamestown . The Wellington House Hotel is in a beautiful, cobalt blue Georgian building located on the main street in Jamestown. Rooms are comfortable, boarding options are available, and a bar can sell alcohol to guests. Bathrooms are not en suite.  
  • Farm Lodge , Farm Lodge, Rosemary Plain, St Paul's . Farm Lodge is a wonderful country house hotel. It is in the highlands in a beautiful 17th-century farm house with lots of antiques and wonderful food. The views are spectacular. If you don't have a car, it is good for a night or two, and is situated 5 mi (8.0 km) from Jamestown. There is a drinks cooler in the dining room that the owners claim belonged to Napoleon. It was built as an East India Company planter's house in approx 1690. It is set in its own 12 acres (4.9 hectares) of gardens and farmland. A hire car costs about £12 per day and there is a local bus service to and from town costing £1 each way. The trip is less than 30 minutes. The farm produces fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, eggs, coffee, etc., for the dining room table. All the 5 bedrooms are en suite, and full board is available. Dinner is 5 courses, and the majority is fresh organic food from the farm. The coffee is Green Tipped Bourbon Yemeni brought to the island in 1733 by the East India Company and was enjoyed by Napoleon during his years of incarceration. Guests have the option of B&B, half board or full board. The house is also open to non-residents for morning coffee, lunches, afternoon teas and dinners. A fully stocked bar is available.  

It is illegal to do paid work on St Helena unless you have a work permit or are employed by the UK or Saint Helena Government.

Wages are low, around a fifth of that paid for the equivalent work in the UK.

A large number of Saints work off the island on the sea, in the Falklands, on Ascension, South Africa or elsewhere. This is mainly to get a higher income.

This island must be one of the safest places on earth. Crime is practically non-existent, although there is a prison with a few inmates. You can feel comfortable walking at night anywhere on the island. There are no animals of concern, with the exception of scorpions. The only safety issue might be falls for those who want to do some climbing. Law, order and security on the island is provided by the St Helena Police Service.

Summer heat provides the only common safety issue. Take a bottle of water if climbing Jacob's Ladder or doing a walking tour. Plan in advance as 24-hour shops do not exist and little is open on a Sunday.

Traffic is limited to 20 mph (32 km/h) in the entire Jamestown area, so road accidents are also rare and rarely cause injuries.

Rockfalls can occur, due to the steep sided valley in which Jamestown sits. A catch-fencing scheme has been implemented but is not expected to stop all rockfalls. No practicable avoidance measures are possible.

For Emergencies call 999 for the Police.

Stay healthy

While there is no particular health threat on the island (no special vaccinations are required), you don't want to get seriously ill. There is a hospital with trained staff available, however there are no facilities to deal with very serious health issues. Any complicated medical issue must be dealt with off island, and that is a bare minimum of three days away if the boat to Ascension and the plane is just right. More likely you will have to wait several weeks for the boat to Cape Town.

Visitors are required to carry medical insurance that will cover the full cost of their evacuation back to their home country.

Tap water is safe to drink.

Most Saints have strong loyalty to the UK monarch and to the Christian faith, and respect for both of these is strongly requested from visitors. However there are no laws requiring observance of either, by visitors or others.

The mobile phone carrier that covers the island is Sure South Atlantic Ltd. They operate a 2G/EDGE and 4G network but it is more at 3G speeds. Telecommunications are particularly expensive, and don't expect to be able to use the Internet for extended periods of time.

There are Wi-Fi hotspots in the Consulate Hotel and in Ann's Place for £6/hour. Stamps can be purchased opposite the Consulate Hotel in Jamestown. The post office is famous among philatelists the world over and sells stamps from Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan.

The only nearby islands are Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha . Beyond that you have thousands of miles of Atlantic Ocean in every direction.

saint helena island tourism

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St Helena Government

For information regarding visas and travel documentation, please visit the Immigration page.

As a Tourist

St Helena’s natural beauty and historic heritage are in turn stunning and dramatic, offering all visitors an extraordinary lifetime experience. Despite its small size, the Island has a huge amount to offer in terms of outstanding scenery, pristine marine waters, sub-tropical conditions and warm and friendly people. For more information on St Helena, what it has to offer and how to get here, visit the official St Helena Tourism website . We also encourage you to browse the pages of this website for key information about visiting the Island.

saint helena island tourism

Money and Banking

While either the British Pound or St Helena Pound can be used interchangeably on-Island, the St Helena Pound is not accepted elsewhere in the world, except on Ascension Island.

St Helena has limited international card acceptance services for cards such as VISA and Mastercard outside of cash advances at the local bank (fees apply). There aren’t any ATM’s on-island. Bank of St Helena’s Tourist Card is a Virtual Prepaid GBP Cash Card that allows users to use a virtual bank card available on mobile devices and make payments on-island. For more information, click here

Travel by Air

St Helena Airport has been open and operational since April 2016. Commercial flights commenced on Saturday, 14 October 2017. The isolation of the Island together with the potential for windshear has meant that St Helena Airport has been classed as a Category C airport. Category C airports have additional considerations for approach, landing and take-off. Difficult wind conditions, including turbulence and windshear, are encountered and safely managed at many airports around the world and St Helena Airport is no different.

saint helena island tourism

Airlink flights operate from and to OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Airlink Ascension Island charter is scheduled once every four weeks (HLE-ASI Saturdays & ASI-HLE Sundays which means that when an Ascension flight operates the return to Johannesburg is a Sunday).  Additional Ascension flights are also scheduled occasionally. Tickets are available online via the Airlink website at and through all normal IATA global distribution systems. Passengers are advised to contact their IATA travel agent. For those passengers that are resident on St Helena, ticket bookings can also be made via Solomon & Company (St Helena) PLC’s ‘Shipping & Travel Agency’ at the Malabar in Jamestown. Passengers can visit the agency in person or can conta ct [email protected] o r telephone: +290 22523.

 In addition to the regular weekly weekend flight, mid-week (Tuesdays) weekly flights are also scheduled during peak flight demand season. This is ordinarily between November and February. Mid-week (Tuesdays) weekly flights are scheduled during peak season, the link below reflects the current schedule.

Flight to and from Cape Town will also be returning for the peak demand season 2024-25. Confirmed to Return for Summer 2024-2025. These will operate alternatively with the Johannesburg flights, with Cape Town flights taking place on weekends and Johannesburg flights operating on Tuesdays.

The link below reflects the current schedule:

  • AIRLINK Flight Schedule Jun24-Apr25 Inc MidWkJNB SATCPT_27May24

Travel by Cruise Ship

Many people choose to visit St Helena by cruise ship.

saint helena island tourism

St Helena is ideally located as a midway port on cruises between Cape Town or Walvis Bay, the Falkland Islands and South America and the Caribbean. Cruising via St Helena dates back to Union Castle days. Cruise ship season is from October and ends in April. For more information please contact Solomon’s Shipping Office, St Helena, at: [email protected] .

Travel by Yacht

St Helena welcomes visiting yachts. St Helena is conveniently positioned for passing sea traffic as it sits in the middle of West Africa and South America. For more Information please visit the following link:

Travel on St Helena 

For visitors and residents wishing to utilitise the public transport system, a full bus timetable including airport service  is provided.

Working on St Helena 

Current job vacancies within St Helena Government can be found on the Vacancies page .

Persons who do not hold St Helenian status but wish to work on St Helena for a short time, are allowed to stay here and work for up to six months. More information on Entry Permits, Work Permits, Points Based Assessment and Permission to work can be found on the Immigration page .

SHG’s Sustainable Development team is the lead body responsible for promoting and enabling private sector development on the Island and if you are interested in developing a business, please contact [email protected] or +290 22470.

Investors and entrepreneurs who want to make a substantial financial investment in St Helena can apply to enter or stay in St Helena without needing a job offer. For more information please contact [email protected]  or +290 22470.

What is the currency on St Helena?

The St Helena Pound is the Island’s official currency, equivalent to the British Pound (Sterling). While either the British Pound or St Helena Pound can be used interchangeably on-Island, the St Helena Pound is not accepted elsewhere in the world, except on Ascension Island.

What is the time zone on St Helena?

St Helena is  always  on GMT. Unlike other territories, such as some of those in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere, St Helena does not adopt any daylight saving time.

What is the climate on St Helena?

St Helena boasts a sub-tropical climate kept calm and equable by the south east trade winds.

The hottest months are between January and March and the coldest are between June and September. For much of the year the temperature remains between 20-27 °C. The rainy season is usually from late March to early May and then again from July to September.

How do I travel around the Island?

St Helena has a public bus system . Taxis and hire cars are also available from private sector organisations.

Is Accommodation available?

A range of accommodation is available, from private self-catering, to guest houses and hotels. Visit the St Helena Tourism website for more information.

What facilities are available on the Island?

All the normal amenities are available. The Island offers Cafes, Restaurants, Shops, Bars, Community Centres, Public Swimming Pool, the Museum, and more.

St Helena’s environment  is truly remarkable, from dramatic cliff tops to a sub-tropical interior – All of it surrounded by pristine seas. St Helena offers world class opportunities for activities such as walking/hiking, ornithology, marine trips and fishing. Incredibly clear skies also attract astronomers.

Thinking of visiting St Helena view our Travel Checklist to ensure you are prepared before you travel.

The allure and attractions of St Helena

Sep 4, 2015 • 6 min read

Jagged rocky cliffs on Saint Helena Island.

Jagged rocky cliffs on Saint Helena Island. © ©Uwe Moser/Getty Images

It’s hard to think of an isolated speck of land more synonymous with inaccessibility than St Helena. After all, this seemingly lost island in the middle of the South Atlantic was chosen as the place of Napoleon’s final exile. But there is so much more here for the traveller – hike past soaring crags and through alpine meadows, take to the seas by boat, or explore historic villages, chatting with welcoming Saints (locals) at each passing.

The island of St Helena: 1200 miles from Africa, 1800 miles from South America. Image by Darren Robb / Getty Images

Jamestown and its Georgian houses

Jamestown, the capital of St Helena, is neatly wedged between the Atlantic and the steep sides of a narrow ravine. Founded in 1659 by English colonists, and named after James II while he was still the Duke of York, Jamestown is home to several historic sites and numerous handsome Georgian manses. An informative museum contains artefacts and stories from the island’s long history, including the wooden crates that carted Napoleon's belongings into exile. Behind the museum and past collection of old cannons is Jacob’s Ladder, a lung-busting set of 699 steep steps that precariously climb straight up the ravine to Half Tree Hollow – if not to heaven as their biblical predecessor, then at least to a heavenly view.

Back in town on a less lofty footing is one of many nods to Napoleon – an effigy of him in full regalia stands on the first-floor balcony of the Consulate Hotel, looking out at a blue mansion named after his nemesis, the Duke of Wellington. But, contrary to myth, the duke didn’t reside here during his visits – he passed his time in the now-demolished (Old) Porteous House.

Another site, one that would not look amiss in rural England , is St James’ Church – it’s across a moat and through a gate beneath the restored castle fort.

Historic Jamestown, with Jacob's Ladder climbing up to Half Tree Hollow. Image by Steve Humphreys / Getty Images

Half Tree Hollow and the crags above Jamestown

Visitors who climb Jacob’s Ladder past the wheeling and swooping of red-beaked, long-tailed white tropic birds will find themselves in Half Tree Hollow, St Helena’s largest town (for those of lesser stamina, cars and minibuses switchback up the road from Jamestown). No matter how you arrive, the vistas – over precipitous cliffs to the never-ending blues of the South Atlantic, down to Jamestown and inland to green mountains – are spectacular. Above Half Tree Hollow are the long walls and vast rounded keep of High Knoll Fort, which was built as a stronghold against invasion in 1798.

On the opposite side of the ravine to Half Tree Hollow is a trail (found off Napoleon Street in Jamestown) that climbs diagonally up the rock face to Rupert's Bay, passing Munden's Battery and centuries-old cannon emplacements that were built into the cliffs. Behind it, cliffs plunge vertically down to the Atlantic, while in front looms the stark black mass of St Helena's Sugar Loaf, with its huge square hump crowning its summit.

Jonathan and the Plantation House

Set in a wooded valley a couple of miles from Jamestown is Plantation House, a Georgian mansion built in 1791-92. Its most distinguished resident is arguably not the governor, but Jonathan, a Seychelles tortoise who is more than 180 years old. When not snoozing, he moves across the lawn at a glacial pace in search of a meal. Vegetable allotments dot the slopes nearby, and a narrow cove stretches out to the South Atlantic. A side path from the house leads through thick woods and giant bamboo stands to slave graves from the mid-18th century.

Jonathan, the more than 180-year-old tortoise, and Plantation House. Image by Darrin Henry / Getty Images

Napoleon’s ‘homes’ away from home

Longwood House, Napoleon’s final abode, is a green-shuttered villa in the island’s emerald uplands. While it afforded the former emperor fine views of Flagstaff and The Barn, a conical emerald hill and massive oblong crag respectively, the temperatures here were not kind (it can be 10 degrees Fahrenheit lower than on the coast). Eleven of the rooms, each painted imperial green, contain much of Napoleon’s original furniture, as well busts of him and his wives. Look out for the two holes in the shutters where he is said to have cut openings for his telescope to spy on his guards.

Down a sloping green tunnel of trees not far from Longwood lies Geranium Valley, a peaceful flowery bower. Here, overlooking Devil's Punch Bowl ravine, is where Napoleon was buried in 1821. The tomb had no name due to Anglo-French differences on the wording, and his body was eventually repatriated to Paris for a state funeral 19 years later. Prior to life at Longwood House, Napoleon spent seven weeks at Briars Pavilion, a single-roomed chalet in a valley surrounded by wooded hills. Inside, there's a table and various Napoleonic memorabilia. Longwood and Briars have both been deeded to France , as shown by the French tricolour flying outside each.

Longwood House, the final home of Napoleon Bonparte during his exile in St Helena. Image by Michael Arkus / Lonely Planet

Post Box walks

The island’s stunning variance in terrain and petite size – just 10 miles long and no more than six miles wide – make it ideal for hiking. The community has created 20 ‘Post Box' walks, some easy, some moderate, some very difficult. They are so named because at the end of each is a post box containing an ink stamp and a visitors’ book.

One near Jamestown leads to the impressive Heart Shaped Waterfall. Others, like Diana’s Peak, take visitors to lofty summits inaccessible by 4WD. Some access popular sights such as Sandy Bay Beach, but via starkly beautiful and treacherously precipitous slopes.

Hiker looking down to Sandy Bay, St Helena. Image by Darrin Henry / Lonely Planet

Rounding the ramparts by sea

A cruise round the island is the best way to experience St Helena’s impregnable natural fortifications. From the sea the massive crags are even more forbidding than from land – stark grey, black, sometimes with a scant dusting of green. There’s also no better way to take in the island’s marine life than from a boat. Three different species of dolphin regularly flirt with the surface, as do humpback whales during the austral winter. St Helena’s well preserved coral ecosystems and their accompanying endemic fish species make diving a welcome addition to any oceangoing foray.

Road tripping around St Helena

Taking to the road by car is a rewarding prospect on St Helena, with the landscape changing at every turn. Wildflowers, coffee plantations (Napoleon did love the brew here), waterfalls, stands of Norfolk pine and Australian eucalyptus, and carpets of New Zealand flax waving in the wind – it is a kaleidoscopic scene on so many levels. Above it all yellow canaries and crimson-bellied red cardinals add flashes of colour.

To the island’s southeast, the road twists precipitously above the brilliant green hill and red roofs of Sandy Bay village, its backdrop a huge green-dusted monolith called Lot and a frozen stormy sea of craggy ridges. Four jagged pinnacles tear at the sky – one of them Lot’s wife. At Sandy Bay Beach, the landscape becomes totally barren, the blue ocean frothing and spraying against dark black volcanic outcrops. The Gates of Chaos, massive crags on the razor sharp ridge above, conjure up a scene worthy of Planet of the Apes .

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Multifarious landscapes to crystalline waters

St Helena boasts unparalleled adventure, impeccable beauty and unrefined nature. With ancient wrecks, giant stairways, great forts, natural wonders and extraordinary walks, the world within this exclusive land fleck is a world apart from anywhere else. Journey through 500 years of history. Experience the flavoursome culture and cuisine, rub shoulders with the oldest living land creature in the world or snorkel with the incredible seasonal whale sharks.

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Saint Helena: Why You Need To Visit This Tiny Island In The Atlantic Ocean

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Umomos / Shutterstock

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A small chain of underwater volcanoes lies off the coast of Africa, 1,120 miles due west of Angola in the South Atlantic Ocean. Only one of these volcanoes actually breaks the surface though, and this is the tiny island of Saint Helena. Regularly hidden in cloud and mist, the island was uninhabited and undiscovered until the Portuguese stumbled upon it in 1502. Incredibly they managed to keep this extraordinary place a secret for almost 90 years. In 1659, the British East India Company took possession of the island and began a fortification process that has left the island covered in old cannons and crumbling stone forts. In the years that followed, a parade of now famous and infamous people have found their way to Saint Helena, including astronomer Edmond Halley (of comet fame), Captains Cook and Bligh, naturalist Charles Darwin, as well as numerous exiles, prisoners of war and, of course, probably the island’s most well-known exile, Napoleon.

For more than 500 years, the only way to reach Saint Helena was by sea. In its heyday, more than 1,000 ships a year called in. However, with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, the island became an isolated and forgotten outpost. Over the last 50 years, only the most intrepid travelers have ventured to her shores. This most isolated of British territories and its people were for years only connected to the outside world by a five-day boat trip from Cape Town . That was until the island’s airport opened, connecting Saint Helena and its population of around 4,000 people with the outside world with twice-weekly flights from South Africa. Nowadays, cruise ships also call in at Saint Helena.

For such a tiny island, there is so much to do — much more than you would expect. My husband and I spent a wonderful week on Saint Helena, doing and seeing everything there was to see and do. Read on for some tips on how best to experience this extraordinary place.

The Jamestown Harbor in Saint Helena.

1. Island Tours

We spent our first day on Saint Helena getting orientated, driving the length and breadth of this tiny 77-square-mile island. Deadwood, Longwood, Blue Hill, Man and Horse, Sugar Loaf, Half Tree Hollow, The Gates of Chaos — all places with names sounding straight out of a fairy tale, and perfectly suited to this enchanted island. From the black volcanic sand beach to cloud forests and historic fortifications perched high over churning seas, we saw it all. We lunched in one of the breeding grounds of the so-called wirebird (the Saint Helena Plover), the island’s only surviving endemic bird, and one of the rarest birds in the world. We passed the donkey sanctuary, the golf course, a curious rock called the Bellstone that, when struck, sounds just like an old church bell, ending the day with sundowners at South West Point, we looked down the dramatic coastline and out over water that glistened like liquid silver as the sun sank low in the sky. Driving back to the capital, Jamestown, we watched as sea mist slide over the landscape, enveloping the island in mystery.

For island tours, I can recommend Aaron’s Adventure Tours .

The Plantation House in Saint Helena.

In 1815, Napoleon, after meeting his “Waterloo,” was exiled to Saint Helena. The former French emperor, who had once ruled an empire that stretched across Europe, died six years into his exile on the island and his various residences and tomb (now empty) were on our itinerary. Also on our must-do list was afternoon tea at Plantation House. Built in 1792, Plantation House is home to both the island’s governor and to Jonathon, a Seychelles giant tortoise, who at 185 years old, is simultaneously the island’s oldest resident and probably the world’s oldest land animal. Jonathon has been on the island since 1882, and he, along with a couple of younger and smaller companions, can be visited as they graze the lawns of Plantation House.

3. Whale Sharks

Saint Helena is one of the best places in the world to see whale sharks. Every year between December and March they can be found here. The island may even be the key to whale shark reproduction in the Atlantic, as the whale sharks here congregate in an equal split of adult males and females. This 50/50 mix of adults is incredibly important because the mating behavior of these animals has never been recorded.

We set out one morning to look for whale sharks, bouncing across the water in a boat. We were out of real whale season, and after looking for some time, were starting to lose hope of success. Suddenly, just below us in the water was a gentle giant, the biggest fish in the sea: a whale shark. We quickly got ourselves into the water. We swam beside her for over half an hour. She was immensely inquisitive and seemed as keen to get a good look at us, swimming slowly in our direction as we back paddled out of her way. No underwater experience I’ve ever had can compare to swimming with my first whale shark.

For whale shark tours contact Dive Saint Helena .

Scuba diving near Saint Helena.

4. Scuba Diving And Snorkeling

In addition to whale sharks, several other special creatures are found in the waters around Saint Helena, including humpback whales, turtles, fantastic colorful fish, and resident populations of dolphins.

Balancing on the edge of the dive boat, my husband and I exchanged glances. Neither of us had dived for more than a year, and yet here we were, on a boat, with a bunch of experienced divers who clearly knew what they were doing. I was feeling a little out of my element as we headed out to sea! I needn’t have worried though. The minute I entered the water, I was surrounded by clouds of brilliantly colored fish. Mesmerized, I forgot all my nervousness. It is easy to love diving at Saint Helena. The clear water was a balmy 73 degrees, and the visibility was somewhere around 65 feet. Before I knew it, my tank was almost empty and it was time to clamber back on board the boat. Wrecks, reefs, islands, and caves abound in the waters around Saint Helena, all within a relatively short boat ride of the capital, Jamestown.

Our final morning on Saint Helena, we decided on a last-minute snorkel in Jamestown Harbour, just a stone’s throw from our hotel room. We clambered down slippery stone steps into the water and just feet from the harbor wall, found ourselves swimming through schools of fish that scattered like confetti, revealing below us a shipwreck. In 1911, the SS Papa Nui exploded and sank in only 40 feet of water right in Jamestown Harbour. The ship laid stretched out on the harbor floor below us. A migratory green turtle swam past, burrfish and groups of goatfish appeared, and there were glimpses of anemones and octopus amongst the tangled wreckage.

For expertly run scuba diving and snorkeling, reach out to Sub-Tropic Adventures .

Hiking to Lot's Wife's Pools in Saint Helena.

Hiking is one of the most popular outdoor activities on Saint Helena. There are numerous popular trails available around the island’s coastline, giving people the chance to experience Saint Helena’s rugged exterior and capture some of the most magnificent coastal and cliff-edge views.

Hiking through a surreal and barren landscape, we headed to Lot’s Wife’s Ponds, one of Saint Helena’s best-known trails. It’s a strenuous but rewarding hike with breath-taking scenery. We encountered breeding colonies of black-faced boobies and looked down over the brilliant blue waters waiting, enticingly, below. Reaching the last stretch of our hike, we clambered down a length of rope that hung casually over the side of the cliff. Reaching the water, we stripped off for a swim. Waves crashed against a natural stone breakwater, leaving the rock pools calm and undisturbed. Rock formations towered above us and tropical fish surrounded us, nibbling on our toes. Octopus, sea urchins, and starfish nestled amongst the rocks below us.

There are also numerous inland hikes to enjoy on Saint Helena. The severe coastal cliffs give way to ridges and valleys with lush green vegetation. We headed inland to the island’s highest point, Diana’s Peak (2,690 feet). We climbed through the cloud forest, a much easier and cooler walk than our coastal hike, and from the top were rewarded with stunning views across the island, from its green heart to its barren edges and the endless ocean beyond.

Terrific guided hikes and walks are run by MY St Helena Tours .

For a change of pace, we called in at one of the island’s coffee plantations. Coffee, more specifically, the Green-Tipped Bourbon Arabica variety, was first introduced in 1733 from Yemen by the East India Company and is still being cultivated here today, unchanged. We had a guided tour of the plantation and were talked through the process from picking and pulping to hulling and roasting, and ultimately got to drink some for ourselves. Napoleon, after years of isolation and exile, apparently said, “The only thing good about Saint Helena is the coffee,” and whilst my husband, who is a bit of a coffee aficionado, definitely concurred that the coffee was good, we would have to disagree about the “only” part of that statement, as Saint Helena is without a doubt a destination that just keeps on giving.

Ladder Hill in Saint Helena.

7. For A Physical Challenge

In 1829, a funicular railway was built to connect Jamestown, up the side of the rather steep Ladder Hill, with Ladder Hill Fort. Just a few steps from our hotel and past the oldest Anglican Church in the Southern Hemisphere are the 699 steps that are all that remains of this railway. The angle of ascent is a taxing 40 degrees, and before breakfast each morning I challenged myself to the climb. I gave it my best shot, but never managed to get near the record ascent time, currently standing at an impressive 5 minutes and 16 seconds! Having only managed to convince my husband to join me a couple of mornings, most days I reached the top of the ladder and looked down over what is regarded as the best-preserved Georgian town in the world, knowing that he was still tucked up in bed, awaiting bacon and eggs!

Saint Helena is a tiny, wonderful island, a volcanic peak jutting out of the South Atlantic, quite literally in the middle of nowhere. A welcoming island, where people wave, say hello, and have time to chat. A place with something for everyone, from history to hiking, birding to boat trips, diving, snorkeling, whale sharks, and more.

  • Getting There : The only airline offering flights to Saint Helena is Airlink
  • When To Go : Saint Helena is a year-round destination, but whale shark season is December to April
  • Language: English
  • Climate: Warm to hot
  • Currency: British Pound
  • Medical Insurance: Compulsory, proof must be shown on arrival
  • Vaccinations: There are no vaccination requirements
  • Travel insurance: Essential
  • Note: There are no ATMs on the island and credit cards are not accepted in most places beyond the Mantis Hotel (which takes all major credit cards)
  • Where To Stay: Mantis St Helena

For more bucket-list trip inspiration, consider:

  • 18 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Visiting Madagascar
  • 8 Fantastic Islands To Experience In The Indian Ocean
  • 10 Best Experiences On The Canary Islands
  • 8 Reasons To Visit The Azores Region In Portugal
  • Swimming With Manta Rays In Hawaii: 8 Things To Know
  • I Finally Checked Tanzania Off My Bucket List And It Was Worth The Wait

Image of Sarah Kingdom

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, before moving to Africa at the age of 21, Sarah Kingdom is a mountain climber and guide, traveler, yoga teacher, trail runner, and mother of two. When she is not climbing or traveling she lives on a cattle ranch in central Zambia. She guides and runs trips regularly in India, Nepal, Tibet, Russia, and Ethiopia, taking climbers up Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro numerous times a year.

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Our full travel guide to the island of St Helena

From what to eat to where to stay and cultural experiences to how to get around, here’s our guide to the Atlantic isle of St Helena…

How to get to St Helena and around

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How to get to St Helena and around (Shutterstock)

Please note, due to the coronavirus pandemic, commercial flights are not currently operating to St Helena. You can stay up to date with the latest travel restrictions in St Helena here. Once travel restrictions have been lifted, to get to St Helena you will need to fly via Johannesburg, where Airlink operates a flight to St Helena every Saturday. Additional mid-week flights operate seasonally from Cape Town between November and February. Please note, due to the coronavirus pandemic, commercial flights are not currently operating to St Helena.

Hiring a car is the best way to get around St Helena. Traffic drives on the left hand side and visitors can use an overseas driving licence for up to three months. It’s highly recommended you book a hire car in advance. Taxis are another option and good value.

The best time of year to go to St Helena

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When to go to St Helena (Shutterstock)

Despite St Helena lying within the tropics, the south-east trade winds make the island’s weather mild and often unpredictable. Temperatures can vary across the island; Jamestown can experience temperatures from 14°C to 32°C, while the forested, mountainous interior can witness the mercury flicker between 8°C and 26°C. As a rule of thumb, St Helena’s hottest months are from January to March and its wettest from late March to early May.

Top three must-sees in St Helena

1. jonathon the tortoise.

At 189 years old, Jonathan the giant tortoise is St Helena’s oldest resident by far and the oldest known living reptile in the world. He can be found patrolling the manicured lawns of Plantation House, the residence of the island’s governor. A tour of the mansion and its grounds will afford you the chance to get up close and personal with this ancient and iconic beast.

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Heart-shaped waterfall (St Helena Tourist Board)

3. Wander Georgian Jamestown

St Helena’s capital and the only ‘true’ town on the island, Jamestown was founded in 1659 by the English East India Company. Named after James II (who was the Duke of York at the time), many of the original buildings are still standing today – all were constructed from the local volcanic rock which dramatically wedges the town in a deep valley. A stroll along Main Street, described by many as one of the best examples of unspoilt Georgian architecture anywhere in the world, is like spending time in an open-air museum; its pièce de résistance is St. James’ Church, built in 1774 and the oldest Anglican church in the southern hemisphere.

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Meet St Helena’s oldest resident (St Helena Tourist Board)

2. Heart-shaped Waterfall

St Helena’s rugged terrain makes it ideal for hiking and there are 21 marked Post Box walks veining the island. One of them, the closest to the capital Jamestown, is a 1.5km route to Drummond’s Point, where you can witness a 90m-high cascade tumbling down a heart-shaped rock face. Unsurprisingly considering its incredible shape, it’s also labelled as one of St Helena’s seven wonders.

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Wander the streets of Jamestown (Shutterstock)

How to get a culture fix in St Helena

1.witness napoleonic history.

It might be 200 years since the death of St Helena’s most famous resident, but Napoleon Bonaparte’s legacy can still be keenly felt across the island. A trio of sites can be visited today, starting with Briars, a small pavilion in a lush rose-flecked valley where he spent his first few weeks on the island. Located in the island’s emerald highlands, Longwood House was where Napoleon spent the majority of his time in St Helena and much of the furniture that remains – including his own bed – date back to Napoleon’s lifetime. After his death, he was buried in the tranquil Sane Valley, where his tomb remains to this day. Even though it has long been exhumed (his body was taken back to France), both his tomb and Longwood House are moving places to visit.

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Visit the Museum of St Helena (St Helena Tourist Board)

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Longwood House, where Napoleon spent his time in St Helena (Shutterstock)

2. Visit the Museum of St Helena

Charting St Helena’s history from when the first Portuguese vessels landed on its rocky shores in the 1500s, the island’s museum paints a comprehensive picture of its past. Prepare to be surprised by the breadth of things on show, from exhibits charting the island’s many shipwrecks to a model of the more successful vessel RMS St Helena, a Royal Mail ship which was the only way to reach the island prior to its airport opening in 2017. Learn about St Helena’s Boer War history, numerous royal visits and even when termites, accidentally brought to the island aboard a Brazilian ship, forced many of the island’s buildings to be rebuilt in the 19 th century after they wreaked havoc among their timber structures.

3. Party like a saint

St Helena may be a British overseas territory, but on Carnival day it’s more like being in Rio de Janeiro. Held every two years (typically during October), the sleepy capital of Jamestown is transformed into a giant, vibrant party where the main street is filled with colourful and elaborate floats and locals (known as Saints) follow alongside dressed in their most flamboyant costumes. As well as being caught up in the festivities, the Carnival gives you a chance to try the staple cuisine, with steaming food like plo (a one-pot curried rice dish) and a Saint Curry served from streetside stalls.

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Attend St Helena’s Carnival in October (St Helena Tourist Board)

How to have an adventure in St Helena

1. hike up diana’s peak.

The highest point in St Helena, Diana’s Peak (823m) is well worth hiking up just for the panoramic island views it affords at its summit. A 3.8km-long trail, one of the island’s Post Box Walks, is your route to the top and as you ascend you’ll pass over 60 endemic species of flora and myriad invertebrates, including the pink blushing snails which can be spotted in the black cabbage trees. However, Diana’s Peak isn’t alone: along with Mount Actaeon and Cuckold’s Point it’s one of three pinnacles that are all part of the same mountain range and you’ll top all three on the walk. Make sure you pause at each one to soak up the 360-degree vista over St Helena’s entirety.

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Climb Jacob’s Ladder

3. Swim with whale sharks

St Helena’s historic relationship with the ocean has more readily been associated with the shipwrecks which have sunk close to its shores. Nowadays, the island’s coastline is better known for its rich marine life and encounters with whale sharks are one of the most memorable experiences you can have in its waters. These gentle giants visit St Helena between December and March every year and it’s the only known place in the world where both males and females arrive in equal numbers – ostensibly to mate. Over 30 different whale sharks have been spotted in a single day and a whale shark safari with a local tour operator is your ticket to a nose-to-fin swim with these beautiful beasts.

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Climb Diana’s Peak (Shutterstock)

2. Climb Jacob’s Ladder

The 699 steps of Jacob’s Ladder are all that’s left of a 19 th -century cable railway which once connected Jamestown with Half Tree Hollow but the steep staircase that remains has arguably become St Helena’s most iconic landmark. It certainly looks forbidding from the bottom but the lung-burning climb is certainly worth it for the epic panoramas at the top; the steps may not take you to heaven like its biblical namesake but the natural drama that awaits is just as good. Remember to buy a certificate commemorating your feat in the Museum of St Helena at the foot of the 180m-high stairway.

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Swim with whale sharks (St Helena Tourist Board)

How to get a taste of local life in St Helena

1. go on a coffee plantation tour.

The East India Company first brought green-tipped Bourbon Arabica coffee seeds over from Yemen to St Helena in 1733. Ever since, it has spawned a love affair with coffee that has led to St Helena producing one of the most expensive and exclusive cuppas anywhere in the world; in the UK, it can only be bought from Harrods. Join a tour of one of the many coffee plantations which dot the island to discover why a cup of St Helena’s finest was Napoleon’s most beloved brew.

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Visit the distillery to try the rum (St Helena Tourist Board)

3. Catch a fish

Being an island, it’s not surprising that fishing is one of the locals’ favourite pastimes. From groupers to wahoos and dorados, there are plenty of species to catch on a fishing trip either from boats or the coastline. Even though Saints have a particular weakness for tuna, they were wise enough to protect its future by also introducing a special fishing zone in 2017 where tuna can only be caught one fish at a time. After your fishing trip, make sure to try the island’s celebrated fishcakes, made from the same tuna you’ve been catching hours earlier.

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Go on a coffee plantation tour (Shutterstock)

2. Discover the spirit of St Helena

Established in 2006 by Welsh distiller Paul Hickling, the St Helena Distillery is more than just the world’s most remote distillery – a visit here is to get a taste of the island itself. Its most well-known – and best-loved by the locals – product is the White Lion spiced rum, named after St Helena’s most famous shipwreck, a Dutch East India Company vessel which sunk in the 17 th century. Paul’s other creations are all inspired by produce found on the island: Tungi is a spirit made from wild prickly pears, Jamestown Gin from the rare Bermuda juniper and his Midnight Mist coffee liqueur is born out of St Helena’s plantations.

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Go fishing in St Helena (St Helena Tourist Board)

Where to stay in St Helena

Harkate guest house.

Nestled within leafy countryside, Harkate Guest House has two modern self-catering apartments overlooking woodland, cows grazing in meadows and the historic High Knoll Fort, while Napoleon’s Tomb is only a short walk away.

Richards Travel Lodge

A comfortable and contemporary bed and breakfast found in the heart of Jamestown, it’s all about the personal touch at Richards Travel Lodge. A good night’s sleep is guaranteed, but owners Derek and Linda go the extra mile; you can enjoy exploring the island that little bit more if you have a homemade packed lunch in your bag or will have a tasty meal awaiting you in the evening on your return.

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Feeling inspired?

To discover more about St Helena, visit St Helena Tourism . You can book your next great adventure here.

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For a unique adventure check out our Trans-Serengeti Balloon Safari!

Top 16 things to do on st helena.

What not to miss on this remote Atlantic island, from Napoleon to whale sharks


14 Mar 2019

24 jan 2022.

Church On St Helena Island

A visit to St Helena is all about exploring the past, enjoying the great outdoors and meeting the wildlife. You might be stuck out on a remote island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but there's plenty to do here so you'll easily fill a week. The best way to get around is either by hiring a car, or taking a tour, both of which are readily available on the island. With a 4WD tour you'll be able to reach areas of the island inaccessible to a standard hire car, so it's worth considering this option if you want to get even more off the beaten track.

There are several fun and unusual things to do on St Helena island , and here are our favourites...

Aarons Adventure Tours

1. Napoleon on St Helena

Napoleon Bonaparte was once St Helena's most famous resident, and despite having been dead for nearly 200 years, it seems he still is. He was exiled here in 1815 after being defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, and spent his final years living at Longwood House , where he died in 1821 (either from stomach cancer, or poisoning from arsenic-laced wallpaper, depending on who you believe!). Longwood House was previously a storage barn, and a summer residence for the Governor, before being converted for use by Napoleon. After his death, the house was rented to a farmer who used it to store machinery and animals (Napoleon's bedroom had become a stable!). In 1858 Longwood was sold to the French who have restored the property and continue to own it today. You can visit the museum and tour the house.

Longwood House On St Helena

Don't forget to stop at the site of Napoleon's Tomb in the nearby Sane Valley. He was initially buried here for 19 years before being allowed a final resting place back in Paris. The tomb remained nameless since the British authorities and Napoleon's representatives couldn't agree on what to write! Today it's a very peaceful spot to contemplate life, and try and imagine Napoleon himself walking here, seeing the same things you are.

You can also visit Briar's Pavilion , where Napoleon spent the first two months of his exile after arriving on the island, whilst Longwood was being made ready.

Napoleons Grave Site On St Helena

2. Dolphin and Whale Watching

Dolphins and whales are a common sight around St Helena and can often be spotted from land, between June and December. Pantropical spotted dolphins as well as bottlenose dolphins sometimes appear in huge pods several hundred strong, which is quite a sight! To get a better view, take a boat trip and see them a lot closer. St Helena is also one of the best places in the world to see whale sharks, and it's even possible to snorkel with them between January and March. Keep an eye out for turtles and rays too, as well as plenty of endemic marine life that enjoys the waters around St Helena.

Dolphin Watching On St Helena

3. Diving and Snorkelling

The waters around St Helena are clear, warm and teeming with colourful marine life, and there are numerous reefs, caves and 8 wrecks to explore. Diving here is amongst the best in the world, and there's something for everyone, whether you're a beginner or an expert. It can be enjoyed all year round but the best time for visibility is between December and May, which coincides with the peak season for whale shark sightings.

Snorkelling With Whale Sharks On St Helena Mantis Hotel

4. Plantation House and Jonathan the Tortoise

One of the most popular things to do on St Helena is visit Plantation House, home of the Governor of St Helena, as well as a rather famous tortoise. Tours of the house and grounds take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11am, and it's fascinating to see what life was like here in times gone by. Apparently the chandelier in the dining room was originally used by Napoleon at Longwood House and was brought here to Plantation House after his death.

The grounds are interesting to explore too, and there are several walks to try ranging from 1km to 3km. Keep your eyes out for the 'Ladies' Bath' (a natural spring) which was constructed by the East India Company for use by ladies staying at the house, as well as the aptly named 'Big Rock Viewpoint'. There are also a couple of graves belonging to a butcher and his wife (you can tell by the meat cleaver on the headstone). If local lore is to be believed, the butcher killed his wife, and now the grave site is of course haunted. Many locals think that the house itself is haunted too and don't like visiting at night.

And then there's Jonathan, who at around 187 years old, is the oldest inhabitant on the island, and could even be the oldest living land animal in the world. You can see him and his pals trundling around the grounds, and take your photos from the specially designed viewing area. Read more about Jonathan here .

Jonathan The Giant Tortoise On St Helena

5. Old fortifications at Sandy Bay

The name 'Sandy Bay' is a bit misleading. It is indeed a bay, but don't expect a nice sandy beach. The landscape is dramatic and the shore is rocky, but people often come here for a picnic and to explore the remains of fortifications that were constructed to ward off any attempts to rescue Napoleon. Keep an eye out for rusting canons, and St Helena's lime kiln!

Sandy Bay By Ed Thorpe

6. High Knoll Fort

St Helena's history is about so much more than just Napoleon. One site of significance is High Knoll Fort, which was built in case of an invasion. The original citadel dates from 1798, although the present fort was constructed in 1874. Perhaps the best part about a visit to the fort is the views.

High Knoll Fort

7. Hiking on St Helena

Hiking on St Helena is fabulous, and there are a lot of trails all over the island to choose from, taking in an incredible variety of terrain, from eucalyptus forests and acacia woodlands, to sea cliffs and ancient deserts. It's really the best way to explore. Some routes are rugged, steep and difficult whilst rewarding those who accept the challenge with dramatic scenery and stunning views. Other paths are less arduous but equally enjoyable, taking you through gentle countryside and along green valleys.

Walking In St Helena

Particularly worthy of a mention is Diana's Peak National Park , which is famous for its exotic plants, the endemic 'blushing' snail, and some of the best views on the island. The peak itself is the highest point on St Helena at 823 metres, and from here you can see for miles.

You can buy route maps from the post office in Jamestown.

Top Of Dianas Peak On St Helena

8. Post Box Walks

Similar to 'letterboxing' in the UK, St Helena has 21 'Post Box Walks' where hikers visit certain points along island trails and collect stamps as souvenirs, whilst also leaving an entry in the log books. The paths take in some of the most remote and untouched scenery on the island so it's a fun way to explore. Each trail has a difficulty rating from 1-10 so do a bit of research first to ensure you choose the right one for you. Some of them are quite challenging, and it's recommended that you hire a guide for any trail ranked level 5 or above.

A Post Box Walk On St Helena

9. Jamestown

There's plenty to do in Jamestown, which is likely to be where you'll be staying, for at least part of your St Helena holiday. Check out St Paul's Cathedral , which was built in 1851, and the adjoining graveyard which is the final resting place of numerous Governors, Bishops and military members from the last few hundred years. Take a stroll around Castle Gardens near the centre of town. They once belonged to the East India Company, and today are home to colourful endemic plants and flowers, as well as a fish pond. It's a tranquil and relaxing place to have a picnic and a break from all the sightseeing. The castle itself is the seat of the Government on St Helena, and doesn't really look much like a castle. It's open to the public during the day, but you can only venture as far as the foyer (unless you happen to be an important visiting dignitary).

Jamestown On St Helena

The museum of St Helena is well worth a visit to help you understand more about the history of St Helena and its inhabitants, and has exhibitions on local crafts, maritime history and the role the East India Company played on the island. The building itself is interesting, and dates back to the 18th century. Apparently the first ever exhibits included a sea serpent and a flying lizard! You'll find the museum at the bottom of Jacob's Ladder so it makes sense to combine the two.

St Pauls Cathedral On St Helena Mantis Hotel

10. Jacob's Ladder

One of the best things to do in Jamestown is climb the almost vertical 699 steps up Jacob's Ladder for superb views of the lower town and sea beyond. The incline was built in 1829 as a way of hauling manure up from the town, and to send goods back down. Today it's top of the list for many tourists visiting St Helena, and you can even buy a souvenir certificate from the museum shop as a memento!

It's not a good idea for those who suffer from vertigo, but don't worry, you can drive up in half the time and enjoy the same views without working up a sweat! If you have braved the climb, it's best to ask someone to pick you up at the top so you don't have to walk down again.

Climbing Jacobs Ladder On St Helena Compressed

11. St Helena Distillery

Fancy visiting the most remote distillery in the world? It's right here on St Helena in Jamestown, and produces the famous Tungi Prickly Pear Spirit, as well as White Lion Rum, Juniper Gin and the gloriously-named Midnight Mist Coffee Liqueur. Tours and tastings cost £5 per person.

12. Halley's Observatory

The famous Astronomer Edmund Halley (of comet fame!) visited St Helena in 1673 to study the celestial skies of the southern hemisphere. The location of his observatory offers superb views over the south-eastern side of St Helena, including of Longwood, and there's a sheltered area to star gaze in some of the least light-polluted skies you'll ever come across.

13. Waterfalls

If you're into waterfalls, then make sure you visit the heart-shaped cascade at the end of James Valley, a short walk from Jamestown. You can access it along a hiking trail that starts at Drummond's Point and meanders through wild mango and island scrubland to the base of the falls. There's a boardwalk leading to the viewing platform by the plunge pool. Just bear in mind that the waterfall flows during winter and spring (April - October), and is often dry during the summer (November - March).

Heart Shaped Waterfall On St Helena

14. The remotest golf course in the world?

Not far from Longwood House, there's a 9 hole golf course (you go round twice!), where you can put your skills to the test and enjoy a bit of banter with the other players. The course isn't exactly up to international standards, with volcanic earth, public roads and grazing goats to content with, but that just makes it all the more fun! The course is open to anyone and you can borrow clubs there rather than bringing your own.

St Helena Golf Course Mantis Hotel

15. Deadwood Plain

Deadwood Plain is the site of a Boer prisoner of war camp and cemetery, and an important part of the island's history. 6,000 prisoners from the Second Boer War were held here, with most living in tents with trees planted between them to act as wind shields (you can still see some of these trees today). This is also a good place for spotting the wirebird, the only endemic bird left on St Helena.

Boer Cemetery On St Helena

16. Endemic Bird Watching

There are many unique species on St Helena, including the endemic ground-nesting wirebird (known for its thin, wiry legs) which has become the unofficial national bird of the island, featuring on its flag and coat of arms. Most typically wirebirds are found on Prosperous Bay Plain, Deadwood Plain and Broad Bottom.

Wirebird On St Helena

Wondering when to visit? Take a look at this guide on the best time to visit St Helena .

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The world’s most remote island open to tourists no longer takes five nights to get to

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O ne of the world’s most remote islands – famous for being where Napoleon was exiled – is open for tourists .

St Helena , a small, craggy island in the South Atlantic Ocean, hasn't seen many people in the past for good reason: It's one of the most remote inhabited places in the world. But you can still use British pounds.

Until 2017, it took five nights by boat to reach the British overseas territory, which is nearly halfway between southern Africa and Brazil . Today, with weekly commercial flights and the recent arrival of high-speed internet, the government is hoping to breathe new life into a fledgling tourism industry that welcomed about 2,100 leisure travelers in 2023.

The city of Jamestown

The island has just a little more than 4,000 residents, or Saints as they call themselves, and is likely to attract a certain kind of visitor.

“It’s people with a real desire to travel and learn rather than, ‘let’s go somewhere to have a bit of sunshine and some nice food,’” says Emma Phillips, whose husband, Nigel, is St Helena's governor.

After all, weather can be unpredictable and supplies occasionally run low when you’re 1,200 miles from the nearest continent.

“You’ve got to be prepared to embrace all of that,” Phillips says, while extolling the island’s welcoming locals, rich history and natural wonders. “Come with an open mind.”

The site of Napoleon Bonaparte's tomb, known as the Valley of the Tomb

Perhaps best known as the site of Napoleon Bonaparte ’s exile from 1815 until his death in 1821, St Helena features multiple heritage sites honoring the deposed French emperor. Visitors can tour his homes and his original burial grounds. His remains were returned to France in 1840.

The capital city, Jamestown, is an eclectic mix of new and old. British Georgian-era colonial buildings house small retail and grocery stores. There are a couple DVD rental shops — remnants of the island’s pre-high-speed internet days.

For a workout with a view, climb the 699 steps of Jacob’s Ladder on the edge of town. The 600-foot-high outdoor staircase was originally a donkey-powered cart track used to transport goods between the city and fortifications on the cliffs above.

Plantation House, two miles south of the capital, is a grand Georgian mansion built in 1792 by the British East India Company, which administered St Helena until 1834. Now the official governor’s residence, the house features a collection of royal portraits and original furnishings, including antique china and a chandelier from Bonaparte’s final home.

Jonathan holds the record for the oldest living land animal

Plantation House’s well-manicured yard is home to one of the island’s most famous residents, a venerable tortoise named Jonathan. At the approximate age of 192, Jonathan holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest living land animal. He has met several royals, including Queen Elizabeth II, who visited St Helena in 1947, and Prince Edward, who made the trip in January.

“Jonathan is an enigmatic tortoise,” says Teeny Lucy, one of his caretakers for over a decade. “If you come to St Helena, people usually know two things: Jonathan the tortoise and Napoleon Bonaparte.” She’s not sure who is the bigger celebrity.

Jonathan has lost his sight and sense of smell, but remains a major draw for tourists like Gilly Hill, who traveled from the UK to snap selfies with him.

“I just think he’s the most amazing creature,” she said.

What you need to know before visiting St Helena

Money: St Helena has no ATMs, credit cards are not widely accepted, and the local bank has limited hours. Be sure to bring British pounds (GBP) to cover your stay and the £20 entry fee (about $25). Another option is St Helena Bank’s prepaid Tourist Card app, which can be loaded with debit cards online and is accepted throughout the island.

Connectivity: Download essentials like the Tourist Card app and offline Google maps before you arrive, as Wi-Fi and mobile data is limited and expensive.

Getting There: Airlink flies once weekly from Johannesburg. A mid-week flight is often added during the busier summer season, December to March. You’ll need proof of medical insurance covering at least £175,000 (about $223,000) to board the plane.

Where to Stay: Accommodations range from simple home stays to boutique hotels. The higher-end Mantis St Helena has 30 rooms and complimentary, reliable internet.

Getting Around: St Helena’s narrow roads and blind curves are not for the faint of heart. If you’re comfortable driving stick shift on the left side of the road, rental cars are available. Otherwise, taxis are your best option for island adventuring.

Other bucket-list activities include swimming with Chilean devil rays or whale sharks, which are often spotted December through March. There’s also humpback whale watching from June to December. Come in January to catch peak nesting season for the wirebird, also known as the St Helena plover, which can only be found on St Helena.

A wooden bridge leading to the Heart Shaped Waterfall on the island of St Helena

Roughly one-third of all endemic biodiversity in UK territories can be found within the 47-square-mile island. More than 500 species are not seen anywhere else on earth, including 45 flowering plants and ferns.

Microclimates that range from cool tropical forests to sunny rolling grasslands and windswept volcanic cliffs can all be experienced within an hour’s drive.

With two dozen scenic trails, St Helena can satisfy even the most avid hiker’s wanderlust. Serious trekkers might opt for the highest point, Diana’s Peak. The 2.3-mile hike takes you 2,690 feet above sea level and into Britain’s last remaining natural cloud forest

Casual hikers can stroll along Blue Point Trail for spectacular views of Sandy Bay, Sperry Island and Castle Rock. For a moderate challenge, try the shaded hike to St Helena’s famed Heart Shaped Waterfall, which only flows in winter and early spring. Be sure to catch the best views of the falls from the main road out of Jamestown.

St Helena’s famed coffee is pictured during a farm tour and tasting at Wranghams

Perched at 1,700 feet on one of the lushest and most remote parts of the island lies a historic estate with sweeping cloud-forest views and a really good cup of joe.

Wranghams is a small coffee farm with tours and home stays, run by Neil and Debbie Fantom.

Coffee connoisseurs seek out St Helena’s beans, often touted as one of the rarest and most expensive varieties in the world due to their export costs and single-origin status. It sells online for $150 per half pound. Extreme isolation has ensured that the coffee plants, which were imported from Yemen in the 18th century, have never been cross-fertilized.

“Is it the best in the world? I couldn’t tell you. Is it coffee that we enjoy producing and drinking? One hundred percent,” Neil says. “We’ve got the perfect climate for it, and we do it ourselves.”

“With love,” adds Debbie.

Other local culinary delights include plo, a cross between curry and Spanish paella, fresh fishcakes, and sponge cakes with bright pink icing known as coconut fingers.

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  13. Our full travel guide to the island of St Helena

    Join a tour of one of the many coffee plantations which dot the island to discover why a cup of St Helena's finest was Napoleon's most beloved brew. Visit the distillery to try the rum (St Helena Tourist Board) 3. Catch a fish. Being an island, it's not surprising that fishing is one of the locals' favourite pastimes.

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    376. $ • Quick Bites, American, Seafood. Island Fish Market. 15. $$ - $$$ • American, Barbecue. The Gullah Grub Restaurant. 215. $$ - $$$ • American. Saint Helena Island Tourism: Tripadvisor has 4,930 reviews of Saint Helena Island Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Saint Helena Island travel resource.

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    Things to Do in St Helena Island, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha: See Tripadvisor's 1,056 traveller reviews and photos of St Helena Island tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in April. We have reviews of the best places to see in St Helena Island. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  17. Things to Do in Saint Helena Island

    Things to Do in Saint Helena Island, South Carolina: See Tripadvisor's 4,391 traveler reviews and photos of Saint Helena Island tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June. We have reviews of the best places to see in Saint Helena Island. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

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    St Helena Tourism, Jamestown, Saint Helena. 25,063 likes · 918 talking about this · 171 were here. Official Facebook page of St Helena Tourism. Be inspired to travel and discover the beauty and...

  19. Top 16 things to do on St Helena

    Picnic in Castle Gardens. 10. Jacob's Ladder. One of the best things to do in Jamestown is climb the almost vertical 699 steps up Jacob's Ladder for superb views of the lower town and sea beyond. The incline was built in 1829 as a way of hauling manure up from the town, and to send goods back down.

  20. Saint Helena

    St Helena Tourism updated its tourism marketing strategy in 2018. This outlined the targeted markets and Saint Helena's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. ... Saint Helena Island Info is an online resource featuring the history of St. Helena from its discovery to the present day, plus photographs and information about life on St ...

  21. Things to Do in St Helena Island

    Things to Do in St Helena Island, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha: See Tripadvisor's 1,062 traveller reviews and photos of St Helena Island tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June. We have reviews of the best places to see in St Helena Island. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  22. Saint Helena (island)

    UTC. Saint Helena is an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and is one of the world's most isolated islands. It is the place where Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled from 1815 until his death in 1821. If you start crossing the Atlantic Ocean at the border between Namibia and Angola, Saint Helena will appear just under half way to Brazil.

  23. Introduction ⋅ Saint Helena Island Info ⋅ About St Helena, in the South

    IN BRIEF: Saint Helena Island Info provides all the latest and most accurate information you need to help you learn about and explore our island, covering St Helena's history, culture, places to visit, food & drink, nature and activities to enjoy, with information on how to visit, where to stay and related travel information.

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    St Helena, a small, craggy island in the South Atlantic Ocean, hasn't seen many people in the past for good reason: It's one of the most remote inhabited places in the world. But you can still use ...