Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention

hotel overview picture

Guest Reviews

Services & amenities.

Grand Deluxe Giraffe

Grand Deluxe Giraffe

Leopard Grand Deluxe

Leopard Grand Deluxe

Executive Panda Room

Executive Panda Room

Cendrawasih Deluxe

Cendrawasih Deluxe

Grand Deluxe Panda

Grand Deluxe Panda

Executive Leopard Room

Executive Leopard Room

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Elephant

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Elephant

Zebra Deluxe Three Bedroom

Zebra Deluxe Three Bedroom

Bungalow Lion Two Bedrooms

Bungalow Lion Two Bedrooms

Suite Leopard

Suite Leopard

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Dolphin

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Dolphin

Suite Giraffe

Suite Giraffe

Executive Giraffe Room

Executive Giraffe Room

Guest reviews (210).

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  • Cleanliness 4.3
  • Amenities 4.5
  • Location 4.7
  • Service 4.5

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Property Policies

Front desk hours: 24/7

Property Description

  • Opened: 1989
  • Renovated: 2013
  • Number of Rooms: 80

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lobi Royal Safari Garden Resort  & Convention

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Kesan Menginap Tamu Lain

Fasilitas utama.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Tampilkan harga

Grand deluxe.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Leopard Grand Deluxe

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Cendrawasih Deluxe

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Giraffe Grand Deluxe

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Giraffe Executive

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Leopard Executive

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Giraffe Suite

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Lion 2 Bedroom

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Grand Deluxe Royal 3 Bedrooms

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Grand Deluxe Royal 3bedroom Elephant

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Info Lokasi di sekitar Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Lobi Royal Safari Garden Resort  & Convention

Lebih Lanjut tentang Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Tentang royal safari garden resort & convention.

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention merupakan resor bintang 4 yang mengusung tema satwa unik. Resor yang didirikan oleh Taman Safari Group ini memiliki 317 unit dan 379 kamar nan terdiri atas bungalo dan hotel. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention menjadi akomodasi favorit di Bogor, khususnya bagi wisatawan yang membawa keluarga.

Kenapa Harus Menginap di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention?

Bagi Anda yang berlibur sendiri ataupun bersama keluarga, teman-teman, pasangan, atau tim kerja, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention merupakan tempat menginap yang patut dipilih.

Pasalnya, resor ini menyediakan fasilitas dan pelayanan kelas atas. Anda pun bisa menikmati berbagai spot wisata menarik yang menjadi bagian dari Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention. Sebut saja, Splash Waterpark, Pulau Reptil, Taman Burung, Presentasi Edukasi Satwa, Zumba, dan Saung Hydrophonic.

Kemudian, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention juga bermacam-macam tipe kamar yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perjalanan. Jika punya kegiatan di luar resor, tak perlu cemas karena akomodasi ini berlokasi strategis, dekat dengan sarana publik seperti rumah sakit, terminal bus, dan pusat perbelanjaan.

Fasilitas Utama yang Ditawarkan Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Setiap kamar di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention dilengkapi dengan fasilitas-fasilitas seperti meja, brankas, televisi, pancuran, pembuat kopi atau teh, minibar, air mineral dalam kemasan cuma-cuma, dan AC.

Resor ini juga mempunyai fasilitas publik yang terbilang lengkap. Mulai dari area parkir berjaga, restoran, pusat kebugaran, taman, kolam renang, area piknik, dan WiFi gratis. Ada juga fasilitas bagi penyandang disabilitas, ruang santai, AC, hingga fasilitas untuk biliar, safari, badminton, berkuda, gim, tenis meja, dan bersepeda.

Bila membawa buah hati berlibur ke resor ini, Anda bisa manfaatkan fasilitas klub anak, area bermain anak, acara hiburan anak, atau penitipan anak. Pelancong bisnis pun dapat menggunakan ruang rapat dan proyektor di resor ini. Tersedia beberapa jenis ruang rapat, antara lain, Panda Meeting Room, Tiger Ballroom, Cendrawasih Meeting Room, dan Leopard Meeting Room.

Sebagai tambahan, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention didukung dengan servis-servis berkualitas. Sebut saja portir, layanan kamar, penitipan bagasi, staf multibahasa, serta penatu.

Lokasi dan Aksesibilitas Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention beralamat di Jalan Raya Puncak No. 601, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Lokasinya berjarak sekitar 77 km dari pusat kota Jakarta dan 90 km dari Bandung. Resor ini mudah dicapai karena Jalan Raya Puncak merupakan jalan yang memadai.

Berbagai moda transportasi bisa dipakai untuk menuju Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention. Misalnya, bila menaiki bus, Anda dapat turun di Terminal Bus Ciawi yang berjarak sekitar 9,92 km dari resor. Kemudian, lanjutkan perjalanan ke resor dengan naik taksi atau ojek daring selama 18 menit.

Jika naik mobil atau motor pribadi, ada banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan. Mulai dari melakukan perjalanan sejauh 2,5 km dari Curug Cilember; 8,96 km dari RSUD Ciawi; 15 menit dari Agrowisata Gunung Mas; hingga 6 menit dari Taman Wisata Matahari.

Jenis Kamar

Kamar-kamar di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention terbilang unik karena memiliki nama berdasarkan spesies satwa. Contohnya, Leopard, Panda, Giraffe, Bungalow Lion, Cendrawasih, Bungalow Zebra, Bungalow Dolphin, dan Bungalow Elephant.

Nah, untuk mengetahui detail lebih lanjut, mari intip ulasan dari sebagian kamar di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention berikut.

Deluxe Leopard

Deluxe Leopard merupakan kamar seluas 24 meter persegi yang ditujukan untuk 1 tamu. Kamar ini difasilitasi dengan 1 ranjang twin , AC, kamar mandi berpancuran, minuman gratis, toiletris, televisi, dan minibar.

Executive Panda

Kamar seluas 30 meter persegi ini tersedia untuk 1–2 tamu dan memiliki dua kasur twin . Executive Panda menawarkan fasilitas-fasilitas seperti AC, air panas, kulkas, balkon atau teras, pancuran, kulkas, minibar, air mineral, dan teater dalam ruangan.

Kamar untuk 1-2 tamu ini memiliki ruang seluas 50 meter persegi dan ranjang ukuran king . Giraffe Suite menyediakan banyak fasilitas, contohnya, AC, kulkas, pancuran, televisi, gorden blackout , dan pengering rambut.

Kamar bungalo ini punya luas ruangan 30 meter persegi dan melayani 2 tamu. Tersedia beragam fasilitas di Bungalow Lion 2 Bedroom, antara lain, AC, pembuat kopi atau teh, minibar, kulkas, balkon atau teras, pancuran, toiletris, dan gorden blackout .

Restoran dan Tempat Makan di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Jika ingin mencari menu makan sehari-hari atau camilan, Anda bisa kunjungi beberapa restoran yang ada di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention berikut.

De’Savanna Restaurant

Sesuai namanya, restoran yang satu ini menawarkan latar belakang pemandangan sabana dan arsitektur berkonsep “Light & Bright”. De’Savanna Restaurant merupakan restoran pertama di kawasan Puncak yang langsung memamerkan aneka spesies satwa, misalnya, lama, zebra, mirkat, dan walabi.

Anda dapat menyantap berbagai menu lezat di sini sambil mendengarkan alunan merdu dari musik jaz. Jika membawa buah hati, mereka dapat bermain di Kids Playground ataupun belajar tata cara makan di Kids Dining yang ada di restoran ini.

De’Savanna Restaurant mampu menampung hingga 600 tamu. Restoran ini menyediakan hidangan khas Indonesia, khususnya Sunda. Beberapa menu yang direkomendasikan, antara lain, satai maranggi, Ayam Goreng Safari, soto ayam Bogor, sop tom yam seafood , nasi liwet, gurami bakar, Summer Shimmer Coffee, dan Classic Bluemond Coffee.

Sky Garden Resto and Lounge

Sky Garden Resto and Lounge merupakan restoran yang andal dalam menyajikan masakan ala Indonesia dan Barat. Restoran ini bertempat di teras atap yang ada di lantai 5 gedung Leopard.  Sky Garden and Resto menyuguhkan suasana romantis di malam hari sekaligus panorama elok dari alam sekitar yang sayang untuk dilewatkan.

Fasilitas Rekreasi dan Kesehatan di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention menyediakan sejumlah fasilitas yang menghibur maupun menyehatkan tubuh. Penasaran apa saja? Cek poin-poin berikut.

Taman Burung

Fasilitas rekreasi ini menghadirkan koleksi 450 ekor burung dari 60 spesies yang terbagi dalam tiga kubah. Anda bisa melihat-lihat berbagai burung unik maupun memberi makan burung nuri di sini.

Pulau Reptil

Jumpai berbagai jenis reptil di fasilitas ini, contohnya, ular, kadal panana, dan buaya. Pulau Reptil juga menjadi tempat hewan-hewan lucu, seperti landak, sugar glider , dan binturong. Selain melihat-lihat binatang, Anda dapat memancing di sini.

Splash Waterpark

Fasilitas yang satu ini tidak hanya menyehatkan tubuh, tetapi juga menyenangkan. Ada banyak spot yang bisa dijajal di Splash Waterpark, contohnya, ember tumpah, perosotan, tembakan air, serta kolam air hangat.

Tempat Wisata dekat Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Tak hanya bersenang-senang di fasilitas rekreasi yang ada di kawasan Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, Anda juga bisa berlibur ke spot-spot wisata dekat akomodasi berikut.

Taman Wisata Matahari

Taman tematik ini menawarkan kegiatan rekreasi yang variatif. Mulai dari seru-seruan di wahana darat dan wahana air, berkuda, naik perahu, bermain bersama buah hati, hingga mengikuti Agro Sawah. Lokasi Taman Wisata Matahari ada di Jalan Raya Puncak KM 77, Cilember, Cisarua.

Little Venice Kota Bunga

Tak perlu jauh-jauh ke Italia, Anda sudah bisa merasakan nuansa Kota Venesia yang elok di tempat wisata ini. Little Venice Kota Bunga menawarkan beragam spot foto yang instagramable , serta pengalaman naik gondola di kanal-kanal air layaknya di Venesia.

Tempat Kuliner dekat Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Selain De’Savanna Restaurant dan Sky Garden Resto, Anda juga bisa menikmati hidangan-hidangan lezat di beberapa tempat kuliner dekat akomodasi. Berikut infonya.

Breeve Hills Resto & Cafe

Temukan restoran ini di Jalan Puncak No. 81, RT 1/RW 2, Leuwimalang, Cisarua. Breeve Hills Resto & Cafe menawarkan arsitektur industrial dan pemandangan malam yang eksotis. Menu-menu yang direkomendasikan di restoran ini, antara lain, iga bakar madu, Ramen Spicy, Pizza Smokebeef, bistik tenderloin, Pasta Cheezy Fondue, serta roti bakar karamel keju.

Cimory Mountain View

Sebuah restoran yang terletak di Jalan Raya Puncak-Gadog No. 77, Leuwimalang, Cisarua. Sesuai namanya, Cimory Mountain View menyuguhkan pemandangan gunung yang membuat momen santap-menyantap Anda makin nikmat.

Anda dapat memilih beraneka menu lezat yang tersedia di restoran ini, mulai dari Bockwurst Ring Sausage, Zuppa Chicken Cream Soup, German Bratwurst, Chicken Cheese Krainer, hingga Milk Mantau Goreng.

Tips dan Trik Menginap di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Ingin memperoleh pengalaman menginap yang memuaskan di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention? Terapkan saja tips dan trik berikut.

Memanfaatkan Fasilitas Resor Sebaik Mungkin

Fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention sangat sayang jika sampai terlewatkan. Jadi, selama menginap di resor ini, pastikan untuk menggunakan fasilitasnya dengan optimal, sekalipun Anda hanya memiliki sedikit waktu senggang.

Memanfaatkan Promo yang Tersedia

Resor ini sering mengadakan promo yang berubah-ubah secara berkala untuk menarik perhatian para tamu. Promo-promo yang ditawarkan biasanya berupa paket penginapan dan rekreasi, paket kuliner, ataupun paket acara atau perayaan momen tertentu.

Contoh-contoh promo menarik yang pernah diadakan oleh Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, antara lain, Outbound Package, Adrenaline Bridge, Dine Big Save Big, Wedding Package, dan PreWedding Photo with Animals.

Agar tidak ketinggalan promo terbaru, Anda bisa ikuti akun media sosial milik resor dan cek pembaruan terbarunya secara rutin.

Mengapa Booking Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention di Traveloka?

Banyak keuntungan yang bisa Anda peroleh bila memesan kamar Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention via Traveloka. Dapatkan potongan harga dengan Traveloka Points, promo dan diskon jika tergabung sebagai anggota Traveloka Priority, atau peluang bayar sekarang dan cicil nanti dengan Traveloka PayLater. Anda juga bisa check-in kamar tanpa perlu terburu-buru tiba di akomodasi tujuan dengan fitur Online Check-In.

Jadi, tak perlu ragu lagi, jadikan Traveloka sebagai sahabat perjalanan Anda.

Semua Fasilitas di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Kolam Renang Royal Safari Garden Resort  & Convention

Fasilitas Publik

  • Area parkir
  • Layanan kamar 24 jam
  • Restoran untuk sarapan
  • Restoran untuk makan malam
  • Restoran untuk makan siang
  • Layanan kamar
  • WiFi di area umum

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Servis Hotel

  • Concierge/layanan tamu
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Keamanan 24 jam
  • Penitipan bagasi
  • Staff multibahasa
  • Surat kabar di lobby
  • Surat kabar

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  • Kamar dengan pintu penghubung
  • Area bebas asap rokok
  • Ruang santai
  • Teras rooftop

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Olahraga & Rekreasi

  • Bersepeda atau bersepeda gunung
  • Pusat kebugaran
  • Ruangan game
  • Tunggang kuda
  • Tennis meja

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Kegiatan Lainnya

  • Area main anak
  • Acara hiburan anak
  • Aktivitas outdoor
  • Kolam renang outdoor
  • Area piknik

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Makanan dan Minuman

  • Makan malam dari menu
  • Makan siang dari menu
  • Sarapan prasmanan
  • Makanan vegetarian

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Fasilitas Terdekat

  • Toko oleh-oleh
  • Mini market
  • Laundry Swadaya
  • Supermarket

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Fasilitas Kamar

  • Brankas kamar

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Fasilitas Bisnis

  • Fasilitas bisnis
  • Ruang rapat
  • Fasilitas rapat

Fasilitas Ramah Keluarga

  • Kolam renang anak

royal safari garden deluxe zebra


  • Penyewaan sepeda
  • Parkir berjaga

royal safari garden deluxe zebra


  • Peralatan bagi penyandang disabilitas
  • Aksesibel bagi penyandang disabilitas

royal safari garden deluxe zebra


  • Fasilitas komputer/internet
  • WiFi gratis

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Anak-anak dan Hewan Peliharaan

  • Penitipan anak

Kebersihan Terjamin, Menginap Jadi Lebih Nyaman

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Waktu check-in/check-out.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Dokumen yang Diperlukan

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

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Royal Safari Garden

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royal safari garden resort & convention

Menginap di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention bisa jadi pengalaman yang berbeda dan menarik di Bogor. Resort mewah ini jadi salah satu pilihan wisatawan yang ingin menikmati liburan yang nyaman dan berkesan.

Kira-kira ada fasilitas apa saja dan berapa range harga sewa kamarnya? Ada daya tarik apa saja di resort ini? Simak review singkat mengenai salah satu penginapan sekaligus tempat wisata Bogor terbaru ini.

Sekilas tentang Royal Safari Garden

royal safari garden harga kamar

Royal Safari Garden Bogor merupakan salah satu hotel dan resort bintang empat yang terletak di Cisarua, Puncak Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Selain menawarkan kenyamanan dan kemewahan, resort ini juga menawarkan pengalaman berlibur yang mengedukasi dan menyenangkan.

Anda dan keluarga akan merasakan bertemu berbagai jenis satwa terutama jerapah. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati fasilitas waterpark , safari tour , dan sentra wisata kuliner Bogor murah di sini.

Tidak heran jika resort ini menjadi salah satu destinasi favorit bagi wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Banyak wisatawan yang rela reservasi paket tour dengan resort ini sebagai destinasi utama.

Lokasi Royal Safari Garden

Royal Safari Garden dimana? Lokasi resort dan tempat wisata ini berada di Kecamatan Cisarua, Daerah Puncak, Kab. Bogor. Tepatnya di Jalan Raya Puncak-Gadok Nomor 601.

Anda bisa buka Google Maps untuk info navigasinya. Anda bisa menempuh perjalanan selama kurang lebih 1 jam 30 menit via Tol Jagorawi.

Bila berangkat dari Kota Bandung, butuh waktu tempuh sekitar 3 jam 15 menit via Tol Cipularang. Waktu tempuh yang lumayan lama semacam ini tentu berpotensi membuat Anda lelah selama perjalanan.

Dan sewa kendaraan plus sopir adalah solusi terbaiknya. Anda dapat menyewa tipe kendaraan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kapasitas. Misal untuk rombongan, paket rental mobil Hiace Bogor bisa jadi salah satu opsinya.

Jam Operasional Royal Safari Garden

Seperti deretan hotel di Puncak Bogor lainnya, resort ini beroperasi setiap hari termasuk pada saat libur nasional dan juga musim liburan.

Jam operasional Royal Safari Garden Cisarua ini 24 jam nonstop, termasuk untuk layanan kamar dan front desk . Kemudian untuk jadwal check-in dan check-out -nya, berbeda dengan jadwal hotel pada umumnya.

Sementara itu, untuk fasilitas tertentu, jam operasionalnya berbeda-beda. Tamu baru sudah bisa check in pada pukul 15.00 WIB, sedang tamu yang ingin check out , maksimalnya pukul 11.00 WIB.

Bagaimana dengan jam operasional fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya, terutama fasilitas pendukung rekreasi di resort ini? Berikut informasinya:

Harga Penginapan di Royal Safari Garden

Royal Safari Garden harga sewa bungalow-nya bervariasi, menyesuaikan tipe bungalow yang Anda booking .

Dari 317 bungalow yang tersedia, pilihannya sangat beragam, dan nama-nama bungalow di sini diambil dari nama-nama satwa.

Sebut saja ada Bungalow Zebra, Bungalow Giraffe, Royal Safari Garden Panda, dll. Dan berikut daftar harga bungalow Royal safari Garden yang terbaru:

Dengan rate yang sangat beragam ini, Anda tentu dapat memilih tipe kamar yang sesuai dengan budget dan selera pribadi Anda.

Dapatkan harga hemat dengan manfaatkan promo atau diskon dari aplikasi booking hotel online, seperti Traveloka, Agoda, dll, di hari tertentu.

Terkait dengan budget , selain untuk staycation di resort impian ini, alokasikan sebagian budget liburan Anda untuk berbagai kegiatan rekreasi, termasuk untuk membeli tiket masuk spot wisata di resort ini.

Misalnya untuk wisata belanja di mall di Bogor kota atau di pusat souvenir dan aksesoris khas Kota Bogor.

Aktivitas Menarik di Royal Safari Garden

royal safari garden foto safari tour

Salah satu daya tarik utama hotel safari Bogor yang satu ini adalah koleksi satwanya yang lengkap dan beragam. Anda bisa melihat dan berinteraksi dengan berbagai jenis satwa seperti di Bogor Mini Zoo .

Selain itu, ada pula aktivitas-aktivitas menarik lainnya yang wajib Anda jajal. Seperti sejumlah aktivitas berikut:

  • melihat lebih dari 60 spesies dan 450 ekor burung
  • memberi makan burung atau berfoto bersama dengan spesies burung
  • melihat berbagai jenis ikan air tawar dari benua Amerika seperti Piranha, Arwana, Pacu, dan sebagainya
  • bermain dan berinteraksi dengan kelinci-kelinci lucu
  • memberi makan kelinci atau mengajak mereka berfoto
  • belajar tentang cara menanam tanaman secara hidroponik
  • memetik dan membeli sayuran segar
  • melihat berbagai jenis reptil seperti kura-kura, ular, biawak, komodo, dan sebagainya di Reptile Island
  • menikmati fasilitas rekreasi seperti Splash Waterpark, Bumper Cars, Mini Train, Paddle Boat, dan Mini Golf.

Fasilitas Royal Safari Garden

royal safari garden tiket masuk waterpark

Resort ini tidak hanya menawarkan pengalaman berlibur yang mengedukasi dan menyenangkan. Tetapi juga menawarkan kenyamanan dan kemewahan bagi para tamunya.

Berikut adalah beberapa fasilitas Royal Safari Garden yang bisa Anda nikmati:

  • ratusan bungalow
  • WiFi gratis
  • kolam renang outdoor
  • restoran dan cafe
  • gym center dan lapangan tenis
  • area bermain anak-anak
  • meeting room dan ballroom
  • layanan resepsionis 24 jam, laundry , antar-jemput bandara, dan parkir gratis.

Dari fasilitas dan juga daya tarik di atas, wajar rasanya jika resort ini selalu ramai oleh para tamu yang ingin staycation plus liburan di area yang sama.

Royal Safari Garden adalah penginapan yang cocok bagi Anda yang ingin berlibur bersama keluarga atau teman dengan nuansa alam yang asri khas tempat wisata Puncak Bogor terbaru .

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Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention

hotel overview picture

Guest Reviews

Services & amenities.

Grand Deluxe Giraffe

Grand Deluxe Giraffe

Leopard Grand Deluxe

Leopard Grand Deluxe

Executive Panda Room

Executive Panda Room

Cendrawasih Deluxe

Cendrawasih Deluxe

Grand Deluxe Panda

Grand Deluxe Panda

Executive Leopard Room

Executive Leopard Room

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Elephant

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Elephant

Zebra Deluxe Three Bedroom

Zebra Deluxe Three Bedroom

Bungalow Lion Two Bedrooms

Bungalow Lion Two Bedrooms

Suite Leopard

Suite Leopard

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Dolphin

Grand Deluxe Royal Three Bedroom Dolphin

Suite Giraffe

Suite Giraffe

Executive Giraffe Room

Executive Giraffe Room

Guest reviews (210).

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  • Cleanliness 4.3
  • Amenities 4.5
  • Location 4.7
  • Service 4.5

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Property Policies

Front desk hours: 24/7

Property Description

  • Opened: 1989
  • Renovated: 2013
  • Number of Rooms: 80

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Frequently Asked Questions

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Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow

Kutuzovsky Prospekt 2/1 bld.1, Dorogomilovo, 121248 Moscow, Russia – Excellent location – show map

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow Reserve now

Lock in a great price for Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow – rated 9.2 by recent guests!

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Value for money

Excellent location!

  • Swimming pool
  • Free parking
  • Air conditioning
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Key card access

You're eligible for a Genius discount at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in .

This luxury hotel is located at the intersection of Moscow’s Kutuzovskiy Prospekt and Novy Arbat and occupies a Stalinist skyscraper. It offers free Wi-Fi, an indoor pool and modern spa facilities. Rooms at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow offer stylish décor and classic-style furniture, offering a flat-screen TV and views of the city or inner courtyard. All rooms have high ceilings, and some have a separate seating area. 19 restaurants of the Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow are known for their unique cuisine, original cocktails and panoramic views of Moscow. Breakfast, served at Veranda Restaurant, offers a variety of dining options. Guests can enjoy evening cocktails and light snacks at the Radisson’s 6:30-00:00 Club restaurant and a 24/7 Lobby Bar. After working out in the gym, visitors can relax in the sauna or in the spa bath. Massage services can also be booked. River boat trips along the Moskva River are available all year round. The Kremlin and Red Square are 2.2 mi from the hotel. Kiyevsky Train Station is less the 0.6 mi away, providing connections to Vnukovo International Airport.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 9.6 for a two-person trip.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Family rooms
  • Airport shuttle
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Tea/Coffee Maker in All Rooms
  • Exceptional Breakfast

Radisson Collection

Property highlights

Located in the best-rated area in Moscow, this hotel has an excellent location score of 9.5

Want a great night's sleep? This hotel was highly-rated for its very comfy beds.

Free parking available at the hotel

Loyal Customers

끖 There are more repeat guests here than most other properties.


Select dates to see this property's availability and prices

Property practices

Categories:, guests who stayed here loved.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Hotel area info

Restaurants 8 restaurants on site.

  • Cuisine European
  • Ambience Family-friendly
  • Dietary options Vegetarian • Vegan • Gluten-free • Dairy-free
  • Cuisine Japanese • European
  • Ambience Modern
  • Cuisine Italian
  • Ambience Traditional
  • Cuisine Japanese • Sushi • European
  • Cuisine Italian • Japanese
  • Cuisine Italian • Japanese • European
  • Ambience Romantic

Amenities of Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow Great facilities! Review score, 9.3

  • Toilet paper
  • Bathtub or shower
  • Private Bathroom
  • Free toiletries
  • Wardrobe or closet
  • Alarm clock
  • Garden view
  • Electric kettle
  • Socket near the bed
  • Drying rack for clothing
  • Clothes rack
  • Live music/Performance
  • Nightclub/DJ
  • Entertainment staff
  • Karaoke Additional charge
  • Dining area
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable channels
  • Satellite channels
  • Fruit Additional charge
  • Wine/Champagne
  • Kid-friendly buffet
  • Kids' meals Additional charge
  • Special diet meals (on request)
  • Breakfast in the room
  • Tea/Coffee maker
  • Parking garage
  • Accessible parking
  • Private check-in/out
  • ATM on site
  • Baggage storage
  • Currency exchange
  • Express check-in/out
  • Baby safety gates
  • Outdoor play equipment for kids
  • Books, DVDs or music for children
  • Board games/puzzles
  • Babysitting/Child services Additional charge
  • Daily housekeeping
  • Ironing service Additional charge
  • Dry cleaning Additional charge
  • Laundry Additional charge
  • Fax/Photocopying Additional charge
  • Business center Additional charge
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities Additional charge
  • Fire extinguishers
  • CCTV outside property
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Smoke alarms
  • Security alarm
  • 24-hour security
  • Shuttle service Additional charge
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Designated smoking area
  • Smoke-free property
  • Wake-up service
  • Laptop safe
  • Packed lunches
  • Soundproof rooms
  • Hair/Beauty salon
  • Ironing facilities
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Airport shuttle Additional charge
  • Wake-up service/Alarm clock
  • Room service
  • Upper floors accessible by elevator
  • Locker rooms
  • Personal trainer
  • Fitness classes
  • Yoga classes
  • Spa/Wellness packages
  • Spa lounge/Relaxation area
  • Spa facilities
  • Beauty services
  • Beach chairs/Loungers
  • Turkish/Steam Bath
  • Hot tub/Jacuzzi
  • Massage Additional charge
  • Solarium Additional charge
  • Fitness center

House rules Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow takes special requests – add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of all ages are welcome.

Children 4 and above will be charged as adults at this property.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Prices for cribs and extra beds aren't included in the total price. They'll have to be paid for separately during your stay.

The number of extra beds and cribs allowed depends on the option you choose. Check your selected option for more info.

All cribs and extra beds are subject to availability.

The fine print Must-know information for guests at this property

Please note that children aged 14 and younger are not allowed to the swimming pool and the club.

The name on the credit card used for the booking should correspond to the guest staying at the property. Credit card must be presented upon check-in. In case of failure to do so, the prepayment will be returned to the card provided during the booking and a different payment method will be required.

Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.

FAQs about Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow

What are the check-in and check-out times at radisson collection hotel moscow.

Check-in at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 12:00 PM.

How far is Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow from the center of Moscow?

Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow is 1.9 miles from the center of Moscow. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What is there to do at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow?

What type of room can i book at radisson collection hotel moscow.

  • Twin/Double

Does Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow have a pool?

Yes, this hotel has a pool. See details about the pool and other facilities on this page.

How much does it cost to stay at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow?

The prices at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

Does Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow have a hot tub for its guests?

Yes, there's a hot tub. You can find out more about this and the other facilities at Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow on this page.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

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royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Deluxe room

Special features.


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Photo taken at Rancho Wild Zebra Resort 5* by Alyona M. on 6/10/2013

Rancho Wild Zebra Resort 5*

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Book Your Stay

royal safari garden deluxe zebra


One of our top picks in Puncak. Escape from the city to the cool mountain air in Cisarua. On Puncak Hill, Royal Safari Garden features a variety of recreational activities ranging from a water park to a mini golf course. Featuring tile floors, rooms are warmly lit and include satellite TV and minibar.

Check video review here

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Suite Panda

Have a feel different experience staycation in the unique and impressive Panda environment at the New Panda Hotel. Perfect ambience for qulity enjoyment with a beautiful view of pine trees and reptile island.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Executive Panda

A comfy room with experience staycation in the unique and impressive Panda environment. The Executive Panda is on the second & three floor of the Panda Building, the bedroom measure 26 square meters. With a beautiful view of pine trees, near to our reptile island and fishing area.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Grand Deluxe Panda

Have a feel different experience staycation in the unique and impressive Panda environment at the New Panda Hotel. With a beautiful view of pine trees and reptile island.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Tiger Ballroom

Experience your meeting surrounded by fresh air, nature & animals. our meetingroom facilities cater to a wide range of events and are suitable venue for a series of functions such as corporate conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops, product launches, entertainment events, private dinners, weddings, birthday parties etc.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Panda Meeting Room

A Meetingroom inside the Panda Hotel, surrounded by pines tree & near to Reptile Island, There are 4 Types of Panda Meeting Room : • Giant Panda Meeting Room  • Red Panda Meeting Room  • Golden Monkey Meeting Room  • Black Bear Meeting Room 

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Badak Meeting Room

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Leopard Meeting Room

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Cendrawasih Meeting Room

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Grand Deluxe Leopard

Wide display of living animals and water park located in a wood Land….

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Executive Leopard

Located in Cisarua within a wooden park of 14Ha, Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention offers…

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Suite Leopard

Preserving original design of heritage and thematic architecture and interior…

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Royal Giraffe Suite

A new building hotel with modern design and the warm atmosphere of the giraffe, featured with extra balcony panorama view of green garden and beautiful pine trees. The only one room at Giraffe building with luxury living room and dining space.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Deluxe Giraffe

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Executive Giraffe

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Suite Giraffe

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Deluxe Cendrawasih

Traditional architecture with modern conveniences room. Near to the waterpark, de’savanna restaurant and africa village.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Deluxe Zebra 1 Bedroom

The forest atmosphere in this bungalow with  1 bedroom, surround by green garden and  the swan lake. Near to hydroponic and recreation area

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Deluxe Zebra 4 Bedroom

Traditional architecture with modern conveniences bungalow 4 bedrooms with spacious room, surround by green garden and the swan lake. Near to hydroponic and recreation area.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Grand Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom

Traditional architecture with modern conveniences bungalow 3 bedrooms with private garage and spacious room, surround by green garden and the swan lake. Near to hydroponic and recreation area.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Grand Deluxe Lion 2 Bedroom

Trully African style design concept bungalow 2 bedrooms and spacious living room with 40 m2. Near to recreation area, bird park and Arumba Restaurant.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Grand Deluxe Royal Elephant 3 Bedroom

Feel a blissful night sleep at our ethnic with stylish furnishing and convenience bungalow 3 bedrooms with spacious living room. Near to reptile island, fishing pond and recreation area.

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Dolphin 1 Bedroom

Reminiscent of modern beach residence, aesthetic dolphin ambience with 1 bedrooms and homey living room. Near to our splash waterpark

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Deluxe Dolphin 2 Bedroom

Deluxe Bungalow 3 Bedrooms is surrounded by shady trees while rooms are twin beds….

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Bungalow Grand Deluxe Dolphin 3 Bedroom

Deluxe Bungalow 3 Bedrooms is surrounded by shady trees while rooms are twin beds…

royal safari garden deluxe zebra

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royal safari garden deluxe zebra

Limited Offers Expired

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    royal safari garden deluxe zebra


    royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  3. Royal Safari Garden Hotel Puncak

    royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  4. Royal Safari Hotel

    royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  5. Royal Safari Garden

    royal safari garden deluxe zebra

  6. Bungalow Grand Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom

    royal safari garden deluxe zebra


  1. Deluxe Zebra 1 Bedroom

    Deluxe Zebra 1 BedroomRoyal Safari Garden. Special Discount for Taman Safari Ticket. ... Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention offers a wide display of living animals and activities ranging from Dewi Kinaris Bird Park,Terarium American Fish, Rabbit playground,Hydroponic garden and a lot of recreational activities starting from The Splash ...

  2. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention. 4,719 reviews. NEW AI Reviews Summary. #1 of 23 hotels in Puncak. Jl. Raya Puncak 601, Puncak 16750 Indonesia. Visit hotel website. 011 62 251 8253000. E-mail hotel. WhatsApp.

  3. Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention

    Zebra Deluxe Three Bedroom. 1 King bed and 4 Single bed. Has window. Non-smoking. Private toilet. Shampoo. Soap. Shower cap. Room Details. Check Availability. 1. ... When you stay at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Cisarua, you'll be connected to the convention center, within a 5-minute drive of Taman Wisata Matahari and Cimory Dairy ...

  4. Bungalow zebra

    Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention: Bungalow zebra - Lihat 4.570 ulasan wisatawan, 3.881 foto asli, dan penawaran terbaik untuk Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, di Tripadvisor ... Liburan di Safri garden bersama anak anak dan keluarga besar menginap di hotel zebra bungalow 4 kamar enak dan nyaman sekali tempatnya. Dan fasilitasnya ...

  5. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Royal Safari Garden is a Family hotels & resorts with a thematic concept that has an area of 14 Ha with beautiful views of hills and mountains, providing a wide selection of hotel rooms and bungalows making the Royal Safari Garden hotel a favorite choice for families, in addition to its beautiful scenery and easy access because it is right on the edge of the Puncak Bogor highway.

  6. Royal Safari Garden Resorts and Convention

    Nestled on the foot of Mount Gede in Bogor, Royal Safari Garden Resorts and Convention presents an ideal mountain getaway just a 20-minute drive from the famed Safari Park Indonesia. The resort offers an outdoor swimming pool, a spa and extensive meeting facilities. Guests can enjoy free WiFi access in both rooms and public areas of the property.

  7. Review hotel Royal safari garden puncak, tipe bungalow deluxe zebra 3

    Hai semuanya makasih untuk dukungan buat youtube aku yaaStaycation di hotel ramah anak 📍hotel royal safari garden puncak Jalan raya gadog no 601 cisarua kab...

  8. Royal Safari Garden, Cisarua, Puncak, Bogor

    Royal Safari Garden, Cisarua, Puncak, Bogor

  9. Royal Safari Garden: Lokasi, Fasilitas & Harga Kamar 2024

    Sebut saja ada Bungalow Zebra, Bungalow Giraffe, Royal Safari Garden Panda, dll. Dan berikut daftar harga bungalow Royal safari Garden yang terbaru: Tipe Kamar. Harga Sewa Kamar Per Malam. Grand Deluxe Panda. Mulai dari Rp865.000,00 tidak termasuk breakfast. Executive Panda.

  10. Royal Safari Garden

    Welcome to Official Channel of Royal Safari Garden, Resort and ConventionEscape from the city to the cool mountain air and lush landscape of Puncak Highland....

  11. Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention

    When you stay at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Cisarua, you'll be connected to the convention center, within a 5-minute drive of Taman Wisata Matahari and Cimory Dairy Land. This family-friendly resort is 4.4 mi (7.1 km) from Taman Safari Indonesia and 2.6 mi (4.2 km) from Cilember Waterfalls. Show More

  12. Bungalow Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom

    Bungalow Deluxe Zebra 3 BedroomRoyal Safari Garden. Special Discount for Taman Safari Ticket. ... Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention offers a wide display of living animals and activities ranging from Dewi Kinaris Bird Park,Terarium American Fish, Rabbit playground,Hydroponic garden and a lot of recreational activities starting from The ...

  13. Royal Safari Garden Resorts and Convention

    Royal Safari Garden Resorts & Convention -

  14. Bungalow Zebra Archives

    Bungalow Grand Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom. Traditional architecture with modern conveniences bungalow 3 bedrooms with private garage and spacious room, surround by green garden and the swan lake. Near to hydroponic and recreation area. Explore more.

  15. Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow

    Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow, Russia

  16. THE 10 BEST Russia Safaris (Updated 2024)

    10. Mountain Guide. 1. Multi-day Tours • Safaris. By Vacation14294292087. I do recommend this tour company as safe, comfort, and customer oriented. Our guide Irina did a great job showing the... 11. Туристическая компания "Бриз"\Travel company "Breeze".

  17. Royal Safari Garden

    Royal Safari Garden's De'savanna Restaurant serves Ghostwriter Kosten Indonesian dishes, while Sky Garden Restaurant serves local and Western food. Guests can enjoy coffee and snack at Kanoopi Coffee & Eatery. ... Bungalow Deluxe Zebra 1 Bedroom . The forest atmosphere in this bungalow with 1 bedroom, surround by green garden and the swan ...

  18. Moscow Hotel room with two beds at Safmar Aurora Luxe hotel (ex

    Multimedia. Free Wi-Fi. Fee-based High-speed Internet. Plasma TV, diagonal 94cm. Cable/satellite TV. Book your hotel room for a stay with a friend in Moscow with two beds at Safmar Aurora Luxe hotel (ex-Marriott Royal Aurora). Comfortable room with coffee/tea maker, air conditioner and unique butler service.

  19. Bungalow Grand Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom Royal Safari Garden

    Bungalow Grand Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom Royal Safari Garden. Special Discount for Taman Safari Ticket. Wide display of living animals and waterpark located in a wooden Land of 14Ha with wide variety of recreational activities. "Additional Breakfast Only IDR 138.000 Nett/ Person". Located in Cisarua within a wooden park of 14Ha, Royal Safari ...

  20. Rancho Wild Zebra Resort 5*

    See 5 photos and 2 tips from 5 visitors to Rancho Wild Zebra Resort 5*. "Ацкий банщик в Spa in Rancho Wild Zebra! Жги Димон!"

  21. Deluxe Zebra 1 Bedroom

    Deluxe Zebra 1 BedroomBungalow Deluxe Zebra 1 Bedroom. Special Discount for Taman Safari Ticket. ... Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention offers a wide display of living animals and activities ranging from Dewi Kinaris Bird Park,Terarium American Fish, Rabbit playground,Hydroponic garden and a lot of recreational activities starting from ...

  22. Accommodation

    On Puncak Hill, Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention features a variety of recreational activities ranging from a water park to a mini golf course. Featuring tile floors, rooms are warmly lit and include satellite TV and minibar. Book Now. ... Bungalow Grand Deluxe Zebra 3 Bedroom.