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15 Best Places to Visit in Algeria

The largest country in the continent of Africa , Algeria has a diverse landscape and lots to offer travellers. The journey from Europe is only a short one but the difference between the two continents is immediately noticeable and provides a sense of adventure and intrigue for tourists.  Algeria has many charming cities with winding streets and stunning architecture, Mediterranean coast, lush landscapes and roman ruins to rival anywhere in the world.

The main attraction in the country however is the Saharan region where the never-ending sand and the mysterious and lively cities are enough to indulge even the most seasoned traveller’s imagination.

Despite advise about the country not being safe to travel and certain regions being off limits. Most Algerians greet tourists with warm welcomes and are happy to share their way of life with any guests to their country. All the same, any trip to this beautiful country should be well researched to ensure that all travel rules are adhered with. Let’s have a look at the best places to visit in Algeria !


Algiers is the capital city in Algeria and has an estimated population of around 3,500,000. The city was founded by the Ottomans and is rife with history and beautiful architecture.

The ancient Casbah is a winding urban maze, with streets flowing through the old town like streams. Also worth exploring is the Dar Hassan Pacha, which was once the city’s most decedent mansion. The interior of the house has been under renovation since 2005 and is unfortunately closed to the public.

The city of Algiers offers visitors from the west a stark and beautiful contrast and an intriguing glimpse into the past, present and future of Algeria.


Although difficult to reach without your own transport, the Atakor Plateau, situated in the Ahaggar National Park, is worth any of the effort or inconvenience.

The landscape is a red-brown dry landscaped dotted with harsh sheer peaks. The terrain is like something straight out of a sci-fi flick and is a sight that will stick with you for a long time. The highlight of the plateau is the Assekrem Peak.

Assekrem in the Tuareg language means “the end of the world” which is a fitting way to describe the view from the peak and the rugged harshness of the landscape.

3. Tamanrasset


Tamanrasset, sometimes referred to as ‘Tam’ is a modern and lively town that you will find if you travel south through Algeria towards Niger. Tam has everything you might expect from a modern town including a number of shops, restaurants, banks and travel amenities.

The town is a great base for exploring the Ahaggar National Park whilst retaining comforts of a well equipped town. For various reasons, the town is considered unsafe to visit at present and it is only possible to visit as part of a fully guided tour. Proof of a guided tour must be provided upon arrival in the town.

Although this is currently a requirement it is not necessarily a bad things as it improves the safety of visitors and several fun excursions such a 4×4 tours are often included.


Oran is the second city of Algeria, it is a lively port city with heaps of character and beauty. Oran is an attraction in its own right and has historical buildings a plenty to explore including beautiful mosques, the Casbah and Le Theatre.

The range of beautiful architecture is possibly the best of any city in Algeria. Oran is also a great place for scuba diving, sampling Algerian cuisine and listening to lively Rai music which has its origins in the city.

Despite many positive reasons to visit the city there are also many signs of the country’s political troubles in the 90s are visible in Oran. The city filled novelist Albert Camus with so much dread that he based his novel ‘The Plague’ here.

Hippo Regius, Annaba

There were many geographical reasons for the Phoenicians to found Annaba that are still apparent today and are the reason for the cities relative prosperity.

The city has a natural port which handles many of the country’s exports but for travellers, the city’s history and culture, especially Hippo Regius, is the main attraction.

The ruins of Hippo Regius are surrounded by olive trees on one side and the sea on the other. The ruins include mosaics, bronze trophies and ruins of villas and temples.

6. Constantine


Constantine is a natural marvel that has transformed over the years into a stunning spot for tourists. The city was the Capital of Numidia, after that Roman Numidia and it goes without saying that politics and power have always played a part here.

The majority of buildings in the city can only be reached by crossing the bridge across a large canyon. This gives the city a feeling of fantasy that has been retained since the time of the Romans.

Despite the unique way the city looks, and its astonishing history, there is not much to see here in terms of attraction and tourists may find that a couple of days here is enough.

7. Ghardaia


Ghardaia is part of a five town cluster right on the edge of the Sahara Desert but is also the name often used to refer to the entire cluster. Ghardaia is almost a country in its own right with its own dress, religion and social traditions.

Guides are required in order to access the beautiful old town or the Sidi Brahim mosque. Food and accommodation here, as in most Algerian cities, varies immensely in price and quality.

If you choose to visit Ghardaia whilst in Algeria you may leave feeling like you have visited more than one country.


For stunning Moorish buildings in Algeria there is only one option: Tlemcen. The buildings here can compete in beauty with those in Southern Spain or Morocco.

The town was important for the Romans but sadly not much evidence has survived from those times. Sights include the Great Mosque, the Eiffel Bridge and waterfalls in the nearby National Park of Tlemcen.

Tlemcen has its sights firmly set on the future and is currently in the process of building what will be the largest university campus in the country.


Another of Algeria’s cities which was founded by the Romans, Setif is situated in the Little Kabylie region of Algeria and is over 1,100 meters above sea level.

The roman ruins here are well worth taking time to study. In addition to the Romans, the French have also left their mark on the city.

Sights in the city include the main square with its Roman sculptures. Tourists are a fairly rare sight in this city which for some may be a reason to visit and see the ‘real Algeria’ far from the beaten track but it does have its disadvantages and western tourists should exercise caution.

10. El Oued

El Oued

Intriguingly nicknamed ‘the city of a thousand domes’, El Oued is an oasis of a city in what seems to be an endless sea of sand. The nickname comes from the many domed roofs on buildings in the city. The reason for the domes is protection from the intense heat from the sun in summer.

One of the main reasons tourists visit El Oued is to shop, the city is arguably the best place for shoppers in the country. Popular items include carpets and affanes (traditional Algerian slippers).

Do not even think about entering the market unless you intend to barter like a local to get the best bargain. The souqs can get busy especially on a Friday.


Djanet almost looks like a Mediterranean town with its white buildings and blue roofs but it is in fact the main town in the Tassili region of Algeria.

Set in a palm tree oasis, the town feels almost tropical. Djanet is picturesque but has a very small centre with only a post office, bank and a handful of restaurants and shops.

The town bursts into life at the weekend as French tourists arrive to experience the peacefulness and exotic surroundings on offer in Djanet.


Batna is not far from Constantine but it feels entirely different. Separated from Constantine by harsh salt flats, Batna is the capital of the Aurus Massif, a region of Algeria made up from a continuation of the Atlas Mountains.

Batna’s history is nowhere near as extensive as some of the cities in Algeria and has only existed since a decree in 1848 signed by Napoleon III. Due to its location in a valley, the summers are very hot and the winters very cold.

There is a lively student scene here due to the city’s population of over 30,000 students.


Only 40km away from Batna but a different attraction entirely, Timgad is the expensive ruins of an entire Roman town.

The ruins are a little overwhelming at first but reward those that take the time to explore every row and road. There is an entrance fee but it is well worth it for what is arguably one of the most stunning Roman ruin sites in the world.

Nothing else in Algeria will prepare you for the vastness of the Roman ruins in Timgad.

14. In Salah

City Gate, In Salah

In Salah owes its name to its famous (or perhaps infamous) salty water. The water is an acquired taste and is often the only type of drinking water available so come prepared with your own stash if you prefer the none salty variety.

The buildings are Sudanese in style and the mosque with In Salah is slowly being encroached by a moving sand dune.

The dune moves at a rate of 1m every five years and as it devours one building it often reveals another that has been under the sand for some time.


Bejaia is situated on Algeria’s Mediterranean coastline and this is the city’s primary attraction for tourists. The history of the city is expansive and has been settled by the Vandals, Byzantines and Ottoman Turks.

The museum in the city has various artifacts to prove this turbulent history. In addition to the museum there is also an impressive Spanish fortress and the so called ‘Monkey Peak’ which is home to the endangered Barbary Macaque monkey.

15 Best Places to Visit in Algeria:

  • Tamanrasset
  • Constantine

20 Best Places to Visit in Algeria


Posted on September 5, 2022 |

Algeria, a North African nation, boasts a rich history and varied landscapes, from the Mediterranean coast to the expansive Saharan desert . Notable features include picturesque beaches, vibrant cities, and opulent accommodations.

Algeria’s natural beauty is preserved across 20 national parks and 2 reserves, spanning over half a million hectares. These areas showcase diverse ecosystems, with highlights such as the ancient rock art in Tassili n’Ajjer National Park, estimated to be over 12,000 years old.

This article provides a concise overview of Algeria, touching on its climate, history, attractions, population, and natural resources.

Algiers, Algeria’s Capital City


Algiers mixes history and modernity, with French architecture and diverse cultural influences. It houses over 3.5 million people and Africa’s second metro system.

The UNESCO-recognized Casbah provides a distinctive experience with its labyrinthine streets, traditional crafts, and sea views, offering a glimpse into Algerian heritage.

Notable sites include the Martyrs’ Memorial, honoring Algeria’s independence war, and the National Museum of Fine Arts, showcasing the country’s artistic heritage. The museum’s rooftop provides stunning views of the city and the Mediterranean, emphasizing Algiers’ artistic and scenic charm .

Casbah of Algiers


The Casbah of Algiers, a historic site recognized by UNESCO, has a rich history of occupations by various groups including Carthaginians, Berbers, Romans, Arabs, and the British. It also served as a base for Algerian revolutionaries during their independence struggle.

The Casbah’s unique layout, often likened to a labyrinth, features Ottoman-style houses, narrow alleyways, and vibrant doors.

Its charm extends to the Mediterranean coast, with its appearance often compared to the Ark of Noah and a pine cone.


Oran, a coastal city in Algeria, is notable for its historical and cultural richness. The center features impressive buildings, including the Cathedrale du Sacre-Coeur d’Oran, now a library, and the main square, Place du 1er Novembre.

The Sidi el Houari district, built along the slopes of the Aidour and Wadi Rhi, offers historic buildings and the Le Ciel D’Oran Restaurant in the Sheraton Oran Hotel Towers, known for its seafood and exceptional evening views.

The culinary scene is highlighted by its street food, especially the Karantica and Chicken Shawarma sandwiches, which are local favorites.

Oran offers a dynamic nightlife centered around La Corniche, offering bars, lounges, and nightclubs that cater to various tastes, some located within luxury hotels.



Constantine, recognized for its numerous bridges, is an old city with a diverse history. It features a deep gorge, several bridges, and a range of cultural and historical locations such as museums, the Palace of Ahmed Bey, and the Emir Abdelkader Mosque.

Modern Constantine presents a variety of attractions, from the Roman Ruins of Djemila, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to diverse bridges like the Mellah-Slimane Footbridge and the Sidi Rached Viaduct, highlighting the city’s architectural variety.

Constantine is less frequented, offering to discover one of Africa’s oldest cities without the usual tourist crowds. The city offers modern art through attractions like the Ben-Badis Mosque, The Palace of Ahmed Bey, and the Gustave Mercier Museum.


Bejaia, a historic coastal city, provides a mix of natural and cultural sites. These include Cap Carbon, Aiguades, Place du 1er Novembre, and Toudja’s Water Museum.

The city’s terrain features diverse attractions like mythical caves, a high natural lighthouse at Cap Carbon, and tranquil Lake Mezaia. Modern leisure spots, such as Auberge du Thais, demonstrate a balance of natural charm and tourist development.

During summer, Bejaia becomes vibrant, with Saket village being a popular beach destination , indicating the city’s ability to handle increased tourism and its allure as a travel spot.


Notable landmarks in Tlemcen include the Great Mosque, the Eiffel Bridge, and the waterfalls in the nearby National Park. The city also houses the largest university campus in Algeria.

El Mechouar Palace, or Zianide Royal Palace, is a key attraction in Tlemcen, once part of a citadel. Only the outer wall and minaret remain, featuring impressive buildings and a beautiful garden.

Tlemcen is characterized by its many medieval structures , narrow, arched streets, and shops The 12th-century Great Mosque, built by the Almoravids, is a prime example. The Grotto of Rabbi Ephraim ben Israel Ankawa is another notable site.


Sétif is a significant city in northeastern Algeria. It houses a large Roman mosaic and an archaeology museum featuring mosaics from the 3rd century AD. The mosaics illustrate a victorious Dionysus procession and exotic animals.

Sétif sits over 1,100 meters above sea level, making it one of the coldest Algerian cities in winter. It occasionally experiences flash floods but is also known for its hot summers, with temperatures potentially exceeding 40 degrees in July.


Annaba, a port city in northeastern Algeria, features a central promenade and French colonial architecture. Notable landmarks include the St. Augustine Basilica and the nearby Roman ruins of Hippo Regius. The Musée d’Hippone houses artifacts from these ruins.

Its main street, Cours de la Révolution, boasts French colonial architecture, while the towering St. Augustine Basilica overlooks the city. A shrine to Saint Augustine is located centrally, and the main square showcases elegant colonial architecture. The city also boasts beautiful beaches.

Annaba houses popular tourist spots and lesser-known attractions, such as the ancient Roman site of Timgad, a well-preserved UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city enjoys a Mediterranean-coastal climate and is reachable by car, bus, or taxi.


Batna, located in northeastern Algeria, is a notable city with historical significance dating back to the third century BC. Its name combines Arabic and Berber languages, translating to “where we sleep tonight.”

The city’s landscape is characterized by the rugged Aurus Massif, a part of the Atlas Mountains , and experiences a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cold winters.

A key attraction in Batna is the Great Mosque, recognized as the second-largest in Africa and showcases remarkable architecture that adds to the city’s allure. Additionally, Batna houses a shrine with a fusion of Eastern and Greek architectural styles.


Ghardaia, situated in the northern desert of Algeria, approximately 600 km south of Algiers, serves as the capital of the Ghardaia state.

It’s a fortified area in the M’zab Valley featuring houses with rooftop windows and an old town mosque, Sidi Brahim. Noteworthy attractions encompass the M’zab Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, bustling markets, and scenic oases.


Timgad, an ancient Roman town, was established around 100 CE in the Aurès Mountains, Algeria, by Emperor Trajan. Originally named Colonia Marciana Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi, it served as a significant trade hub in the Mediterranean.

Today, one can explore the remaining Roman ruins, including a temple and remnants of houses, all nestled within a striking mountain landscape. Additionally, a Martyr’s Memorial is present in the city.


Djémila, a small mountain village in northern Algeria, east of Algiers, holds well-preserved Roman ruins, over 1,000 years old. The village also hosts a thermal spring at an altitude of 200 meters, known for its healing properties due to mineral-rich, boiling water.

The site hosts Christian quarters, including a church, a round Baptistery, a great bath, and a market. Notably, the Severan Forum, one of the largest from the Paleochristian period, is in the town center. It also showcases mosaic pavings illustrating daily life and mythology scenes.


Tipaza, a town and capital of Tipaza Province, was once part of the Roman Empire. Established in 1857, it’s recognized for its sandy coastline and historical ruins, situated on a peninsula with numerous sandy beaches .

The town’s charm can be experienced through exploring its ruins. Boat rides along the river or beach offer scenic views. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Tipaza attracts tourists with its ancient ruins, historic port, and regional cuisine.



Tamanrasset, also known as Tam, is a city in the Ahaggar Mountains and the capital of Tamanrasset Province. It’s the main city of the Algerian Tuareg tribe and is situated at an altitude of 1,320 meters.

It’s a stunning oasis town ideal starting point to discover the nearby Ahaggar National Park. The town’s central museum is top-notch, featuring well-lit exhibits such as pottery and lamps from Roman Setif and mosaics in the ground floor’s central court.

Chrea National Park


Chrea National Park, located in Algeria’s Blida Province, provides diverse terrains, a rich flora, and various animals and birds, including several raptor species.

It houses ancient Atlas Cedar forests, home to the endangered Barbary Macaque, a unique Old World monkey with a short tail due to evolutionary adaptation. The park offers numerous walking trails .

As a biodiversity hotspot, it hosts unique species like the Atlas hare, emphasizing the importance of preserving its diverse ecosystems. The waterfalls, rivers, and cedar forests support various wildlife and offer recreational activities like hiking, trekking, and skiing.


Djanet, a lively desert oasis town in southeastern Algeria, is recognized for its minimal inhabitants and serving as an entrance to the Sahara. The town offers markets, eateries, and traditional Berber residences from the 16th century.

Access is typically through the border from Tunisia and offers trekking opportunities, and desert sceneries within the Tassili National Park desert. The town provides a range of hotels to accommodate different preferences, from complimentary breakfast to pet-friendly rooms.

El Oued-Algeria-source-wiki

El Oued, an ancient city in Algeria, offers a delightful day trip. It’s renowned for its historical sites such as Bastion 23 – Palais des Rais, one of Algeria’s oldest structures, and shopping opportunities.

The city’s market, particularly lively on Fridays, sells unique local products like carpets featuring the distinct Souf Cross design and traditional slippers known as Affanes. The city enjoys pleasant weather year-round, with June and May being the windiest months, averaging a light to moderate breeze.

Algeria presents a multitude of captivating destination s that cater to diverse interests. From the historic sites of Algiers and Timgad to the natural wonders of the Sahara Desert and the Tassili n’Ajjer National Park, the country offers a wealth of experiences.

The coastal towns of Annaba and Bejaia provide stunning Mediterranean vistas, while the mountainous regions of Kabylie and Djurdjura offer thrilling outdoor adventures.

The cultural richness of Constantine and Ghardaia further enriches the Algerian travel experience. Each location highlighted in this list holds unique appeal, making them worthy inclusions in any travel itinerary.

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A far shot of Timimoun in Algeria. The builds are warm shades of red and copper, with occasional blue walls painted throughout.

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Africa’s largest country lies just a short hop from Europe. The north, with its snow-flecked mountains and stunning coastline, is home to urbane and charismatic cities such as Algiers and Constantine, as well as some of the most magnificent Roman sites in existence including Timgad and Djemila, both vast, perfectly preserved Roman towns with barely another tourist in sight.


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Best attractions in Algeria: Top 20

popular tourist sites in algeria

Algeria is an endless expanse of desert Sahara, warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, impressive mountain ranges, oriental color and bright mixture of different cultures.Many sights of Algeria were formed under the influence of different peoples, religions and civilizations. Most beautiful mosques, extremely ancient forts, mysterious ruins of old towns, rock towns and other places of interest strike the imagination of the guests of the country. There isn’t a big influx of tourists to the sights of Algeria - tourism is under development, but despite this, excursions to Algeria today are very interesting and informative, and with an experienced guide in Algeria you can view every monument leisurely and thoroughly. Hotels in Algeria are classified on the basis of a particular set and quality of services. There are a lot of hotels which work on an economic bed and breakfast system, but there are also world-famous hotel brands that offer a full range of services at the highest level.

The following is a rating of the best attractions, which will help you plan the route of your future trip.

What to see first in Algeria

Review of the main sights in Algeria is based on popular guidebooks, reviews of real travelers, and helps to find answers to the questions: what to see in Algeria in 1 day, where to go in Algeria, so that the trip was memorable and full of impressions. Of course, the first day of the tour is worth starting with a visit to the iconic sights located in the capital city of Algiers.

1. The Old Kasbah of Algiers

The Old Kasbah of Algiers - Sights of Algiers

In the old part of the city of Algiers is the Kasbah, full of mysterious alleyways and dark dead ends. In general, the word “Kasbah” in Algeria refers to many citadels located throughout North Africa. But it is the old Kasbah that was inscribed on the UNESCO list in 1992. It is a unique type of Islamic citadel, with ancient mosques, palaces and houses behind its walls.

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2. cathedral of our lady of africa.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa - Sights of Algeria

On the rocky coast of the Mediterranean Sea, at a height of 124 meters rises the main religious landmark of Algeria - the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa. There is a popular belief that the idea of erecting the temple came to two Lyon residents who once installed a small sculpture of the Virgin Mary in the hollow of an olive tree here. The cathedral itself, erected in 1872, is designed in an architectural style combining Roman and Byzantine motifs.

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3. City of Constantine

City of Constantine - Attractions of Algeria

Anyone who has been to the city of Constantine will confirm that visiting this city in Algiers is definitely among the first places to visit. The history of the city, located on the border with Tunisia, goes back to antiquity, it has been renamed several times and passed into the possession of different civilizations. A unique feature of the city is its location among spectacular gorges, cliffs and precipices over which many bridges are built at an altitude of several hundred meters.

4. Basilica of St. Augustine in Annaba

Basilica of Saint Augustine in Annaba - Sightseeing in Algeria

This 1900 temple is the main attraction of Annaba. According to popular belief, this is where St. Augustine rested and his relics are now kept inside the basilica. The saint was especially famous for organizing the Christian movement of Augustinism, and his writings caused a real revolution in theology. Architecturally, the basilica is unique in its mix of different styles. Inside it is a small altar with a sculpture of St. Augustine, which holds a piece of his relics.

5. Qetshawa Mosque

Ketschaw Mosque - Sights of Algeria

In the heart of the capital city of Algiers sits the medieval Ketshawa Mosque, which is considered one of the most notable architectural structures in the city. Built by the Turks in 1612, Ketshawa is an unusual mixture of Byzantine and Moorish styles, and over the years it has changed its appearance several times. During the French occupation it was the Catholic cathedral of St. Philip, and it was not until 1962 that the building was converted to a mosque.

6. Tlemsen Cathedral Mosque

Tlemcen Cathedral Mosque - Sights of Algeria

There is much to see in Algeria among the other oldest shrines, one of them being the Tlemcen Cathedral Mosque, an ancient structure dating back to 1082, built during the era of the ancient emirs. The building is built in the form of an irregular pentagon, has a rich decoration in the form of carved ornaments and many decorative arches. It was this kind of decoration that served as the basis for the development of the Baroque style in the Middle Ages.

7. Monument of Glory and Martyrdom

Monument of Glory and Martyrdom - Sights of Algeria

This monument was erected in Algiers to honor the soldiers who fell in the struggle for the country’s independence in the mid-20th century. The monument is 92 meters high and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. The author of the monument was a sculptor from Poland Maryan Koneczny. His creation imitates three palm leaves, which soar upwards. When they are united at the top, they create a kind of dome, under which the eternal flame burns. At the very top is an observation deck, where you can find a bird’s-eye view of Algiers - beautiful city panoramas and views of the sea.

8. Mzab valley

Mzab Valley - Attractions of Algeria

This landmark of Algeria is located in the northern part of the Sahara and is notable for the unusual fortified settlements, the Xours, which were founded by Berber Muslims fleeing from religious persecution. These towns are characterized by extremely simple architecture, as much as possible adapted to the conditions of the region. All the houses are erected in a circle, forming concentric circles diverging from the mosque.

9. The Royal Mausoleum of Mauritania

Royal Mausoleum of Mauritania - attractions in Algeria

About 80 kilometers from the capital, on the coast, is the small town of Tipaza. It hides an ancient Christian burial place, which has become an unsolved mystery to historians and archaeologists around the world. In different languages this historical monument, created in 3 B.C. by order of the Moorish king, has different names - for example, in English the name “Royal Mausoleum of Mauritania” is established.

Tipaza - Sights of Algeria

The town of Tipaza itself represents one big attraction in Algeria. Here lurk the ruins of ancient settlements, which are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as evidence of a vanished civilization. The city served as the most important trading post in the Mediterranean, later it was given the function of a military base, so you can see a lot of buildings, testifying to different eras and historical events.

11. The ancient Roman city of Timgad.

The Ancient Roman City of Timgad - Sights of Algeria

The ruins of the lost ancient Roman city of Timgad date back some 2,000 years. The city, built in a desert area, served as a military colony for several hundred years and was one of the origins of Christianity. It is the sands of the desert Sahara, which have covered the abandoned city, that have partially preserved the city’s buildings to the present day.

12. Qala Beni Hammad

Cala Beni-Hammad - Sights of Algeria

The ancient city of Beni-Hammad preserves the remains of its first capital, founded in 1007. Kala Beni-Hammad is an ancient landmark of Algeria, which is an amazingly beautiful ancient fortress among the high mountains. Its fortress walls stretch for 7 kilometers, and behind them there are palaces, minarets and a mosque. Of particular note is the beauty of the Beacon of Light castle, located at the very peak of one of the cliffs.

13. The ancient Roman city of Jemila

Ancient Roman city of Djemila - attractions in Algeria

One of the largest Roman ruins in North Africa was left by the ancient city of Cemila, which has now become an open-air museum. The city was originally shaped like a square with many streets, and the two main ones, perpendicular to each other, divided the area into 4 equal parts. It was a large settlement, including several temples, an amphitheater, a forum, a marketplace, baths, and more.

14. Fort Santa Cruz

Fort Santa Cruz - Sightseeing in Algeria

The ancient fort, erected in 1610, has become the main attraction of the city of Oran. It is a fortification, which in the old days was part of the outer defenses. The structure, with walls up to 2 meters thick, was made of sturdy natural stone, and some 2,000 people were involved in its construction.

15. Jurjur National Park

Giurgioura National Park - Sights of Algeria

In addition to the many historical monuments, there is something to see in Algeria and among the natural attractions. Among them, the Jurdjoura National Park, in the north of Algeria, deserves special attention. The picturesque scenery of this beautiful place is worth seeing: dizzying mountain peaks covered with dense forests, deep canyons, valleys and gorges - all this strikes the imagination of any traveler.

What else to visit in Algeria

This part of the review contains recommendations, which other sights of Algeria are worthy of attention. We will talk about natural monuments, a brief description of which will give a first idea about them.

16. Tassilin-Adjer Plateau

Tassilin-Adjer Plateau - Sights of Algeria

In southeastern Algeria stretches the mountain plateau of Tassilin-Adjer, about 500 kilometers long. Erosion has formed more than 300 natural arches, the ridge is also cut through the dried-up beds of former rivers and numerous caves. Stunning views open from the height - stone arches and pillars, mysterious shadows, steep cliffs, and gaping holes in caves. Some places in the rocks are preserved ancient drawings depicting people, animals and scenes from life. These drawings are 6-8 thousand years old.

17. The Ahaggar Highlands

Ahaggar Highlands - Sights of Algeria

The highest mountain range is in the Algerian part of the Sahara Desert. Its main peak, Mount Tahat, reaches a height of about 3000 meters. The massif itself was formed over thousands of years, as a result of the movement of subterranean plates and due to active volcanic activity in the region. The result was bizarre rocks of different unusual shapes, basalt walls, huge boulders and a mass of other natural formations.

18. Hammam Meskutin Thermal Springs

Hammam Meskoutine thermal springs - attractions in Algeria

One of the most visited places that everyone should visit in Algeria is the unique thermal spring Hammam Meskoutine at an altitude of about 200 meters, which has unique healing properties. Here flow the keys of boiling water, saturated with minerals, which has a temperature of 95-98 degrees. It is believed that its beneficial properties allow to heal almost all known diseases.

19. The Atlas Mountains

Atlas Mountains - Attractions of Algeria

It is an entire mountainous country that stretches along the coast from west to east through the territories of the states of Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. Its length is so great that on the territory of the mountains there are alternating climatic belts, from tropical to subtropical. The north and west of the valley are covered with dense picturesque forests, while in the south and in the interior the climate is more arid, and cereals, sagebrush and feather grass are well established here. The old inhabitants of these places are the Berbers, who have adapted well to the local conditions and have erected entire mountain settlements here.

20. The Sahara Desert

The Sahara Desert -What to see in Algeria

It’s no secret that many travelers dream of seeing the famous Sahara Desert in Algeria. The harsh stony desert appears in yellow and red colors, and now and then clay and sand towers appear along the way. But even deep into the desert you can get by bus, the road is paved. Once upon a time these territories blossomed green gardens, growing lush vegetation, but the changed climate has led to a radical change in the landscape, replacing the sea of greenery on the vast sandy expanses, where dry hot winds walk.

The attractions of Algeria described in this article are just a small part of the riches of this wonderful land. To understand its mysteries, it takes more than one trip, but even a few days you can see a lot of interesting things. Visit an ancient mosque, wander through the ruins of ancient settlements, take pictures of Algeria’s beautiful natural landscapes, and this land will conquer you, and the trip will leave a vivid trace in your memory. Read also about the best sights of Malta and be inspired for your next journey to Asia!

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Algeria: Ultimate Travel Guide to Algeria’s Best Destinations

Welcome to Algeria, a country where ancient history and modern culture intertwine seamlessly amidst a backdrop of breathtaking landscapes. As the largest country in Africa, and the 10th largest globally, Algeria promises a diverse travel experience that’s unrivaled.

Table of Contents

Algeria – A Mesmerizing Blend of Culture, History, and Natural Beauty

As you set foot in Algeria, you are immediately transported into a world that presents an enchanting mix of cultural richness, historical depth, and natural wonder. Algeria is a realm where tradition and modernity coexist, each complementing the other in a captivating dance of experiences that is sure to mesmerize every traveler.

In the domain of culture, Algeria stands tall as a melting pot of influences. The nation’s history has seen the reign of Berber dynasties, Roman emperors, Arab caliphates, Ottoman sultans, and French colonial powers. Each of these epochs has left its indelible mark, making Algeria a tapestry of varied cultural threads. Explore the city streets, and you’ll hear a symphony of languages, with Arabic, French, and Berber dialects blending into a unique linguistic soundscape. Taste the local cuisine, and you’ll sense the fusion of Mediterranean, Arab, and Berber flavors, each bite a testament to the country’s rich cultural heritage.

When it comes to history, Algeria is a living museum. The country is home to no less than seven UNESCO World Heritage sites, each narrating tales from a different chapter of Algeria’s past. From the ancient Roman ruins of Djémila and Timgad to the Kasbah of Algiers, history enthusiasts will find a treasure trove of historical landmarks that promise a journey back in time.

But Algeria’s allure is not limited to its cultural and historical richness. The country’s natural beauty is equally captivating. Algeria’s landscapes are as diverse as they are breathtaking. Northern Algeria offers a stunning Mediterranean coast with beautiful beaches and azure waters. Central Algeria is a hub of fertile valleys and towering mountains, perfect for outdoor adventures. Venture further south, and you’ll be awed by the expansive Sahara desert, a majestic panorama of undulating sand dunes, unique rock formations, and star-lit skies.

With such a mesmerizing blend of culture, history, and natural beauty, Algeria is not just a travel destination – it’s a journey of discovery, an adventure that promises to leave every visitor with memories that will last a lifetime.

Exploring Algeria: Travel Guide for A Two-Week Journey

Brief Overview of Algeria

Algeria, the largest country in Africa and the 10th largest in the world, covers a land area of more than 2.38 million square kilometers. It’s located in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Tunisia and Libya to the east, Niger and Mali to the south, Mauritania, Western Sahara, and Morocco to the west, and the disputed territory of Western Sahara to the southwest.

The country’s topography is diverse, ranging from the sandy stretches of the Sahara desert, the world’s largest hot desert, in the south to the fertile plains and coastal landscapes in the north. Algeria is also home to part of the Atlas Mountains, which stretch across the north of the country, dividing the coastal region from the vast desert.

Algeria experiences a variety of climate conditions due to its expansive size and varied geography. The coastal region has a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The interior highlands experience more extreme temperature variations, and the vast Sahara desert in the south is one of the hottest places on earth, with very little rainfall.

Culture and People

The people of Algeria are primarily of Berber and Arab descent. Berbers are the indigenous people of Algeria, with a history that predates the arrival of Arabs. Today, both Arabic and Berber (Tamazight) are official languages, and French is also widely spoken.

The culture of Algeria is a fusion of these influences, along with the vestiges of French colonial rule, resulting in a vibrant mosaic of traditions, languages, and cuisines. Islam is the state religion, and the majority of Algerians are Sunni Muslims.

Algeria’s vibrant cultural life includes a rich musical tradition, with genres ranging from traditional Berber music and rai (a form of folk music that originated in Oran), to classical Andalusian music. The country’s film industry has also gained recognition, with several Algerian movies winning international awards.

Population and Major Cities

As of 2023, Algeria’s population is estimated to be around 47 million, making it the 8th most populous country in Africa. The capital and largest city is Algiers, known for its French colonial architecture and the historic Kasbah, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other significant cities include Oran, known for its Ottoman-era architecture, Constantine, renowned for its dramatic cliff-side setting, and Annaba, a coastal city and hub for the steel industry.

Top Destinations in Algeria

Known as ‘Alger la Blanche’ (Algiers the White) for its gleaming white buildings that sparkle against the Mediterranean, Algiers, the capital city, is a vibrant mix of the modern and the historic. The Casbah, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must-visit. This ancient part of the city boasts narrow, winding streets, Ottoman palaces, and stunning mosques. The city is also home to numerous museums, parks, and the grand Notre Dame d’Afrique, a testament to the French colonial era.

Oran, Algeria’s second-largest city, is famous for its Ottoman-era architecture, Spanish-built Santa Cruz fortress, and the historic Qasr el-Bey. It is also the birthplace of Rai music and offers vibrant nightlife with numerous cafes and restaurants. Oran’s coastal location also provides beautiful views and beaches.


Known as the ‘City of Bridges,’ Constantine is perched on a plateau 640 meters above sea level, with the Rhumel River creating a dramatic ravine around it. The city is famous for its picturesque bridges, especially the footbridge of Sidi M’Cid, which is an engineering marvel at over 175 meters high. The city also houses several museums and the historic Palace of Ahmed Bey.

Rich in Islamic architecture and history, Tlemcen was once an important center of learning during the Middle Ages. The city is home to numerous historic sites, including the Great Mosque of Tlemcen, El Mechouar Palace, and the ruins of Mansourah, a fortified city built during the Marinid siege of Tlemcen.

Sahara Desert

A trip to Algeria would be incomplete without experiencing the vast Sahara Desert. Whether it’s exploring the unique rock formations in the Tassili N’Ajjer National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its prehistoric rock art, or the towering sand dunes in the Grand Erg Oriental, the Sahara offers a truly unforgettable adventure.

Remember, these are just a few of the many fascinating destinations that Algeria has to offer. From the idyllic Mediterranean beaches to the captivating historical sites and the awe-inspiring landscapes, Algeria is a country waiting to be explored.

Algeria’s Unmissable Landmarks and Attractions

Casbah of algiers.

At the heart of Algiers lies the Casbah, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. This old Islamic city is a maze of narrow alleyways, palaces, mosques, and Ottoman-era houses. A testament to Algeria’s rich past, the Casbah is a fascinating place to lose yourself in history.

Roman Ruins of Timgad

Timgad, also known as Thamugas, is a well-preserved Roman-Berber city located in the Aurès Mountains. Founded by Emperor Trajan in 100 AD, this archaeological site has been referred to as the “Pompeii of North Africa” because of its exceptional preservation. Its layout, public buildings, and homes provide a vivid glimpse into Roman town planning.

M’zab Valley

Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, the M’zab Valley, is a geological wonder and a marvel of human ingenuity. The valley is home to five fortified cities, or “ksour,” that were built in the 10th century. These cities are examples of traditional human habitat perfectly adapted to the environment. Their simple, functional design has influenced modernist architecture.

Ahaggar National Park

Located in the Sahara desert, Ahaggar National Park is a vast natural reserve known for its rugged mountain landscapes, particularly the Assekrem plateau, a spot made famous by French hermit Charles de Foucauld. The park is also home to a variety of wildlife, including endangered species such as the Saharan cheetah.

Basilica of Notre-Dame of Africa

Overlooking the Bay of Algiers, the Basilica of Notre-Dame of Africa is a 19th-century Roman Catholic church known for its Neo-Byzantine architecture. Its dome and bell tower offer panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea. The basilica’s inscription, “Notre Dame d’Afrique priez pour nous et pour les Musulmans” (Our Lady of Africa, pray for us and for the Muslims), is a symbol of Algeria’s multicultural heritage.

Known as the beautiful ruins, Djémila is an ancient Roman town that stands as a testament to the grandeur of Roman architecture and urban planning. Its forum, temples, basilicas, triumphal arches, and houses show a range of architectural styles and decorative art that reflect Roman civilization in North Africa.

Exploring these landmarks and attractions will provide you with a deeper understanding and appreciation of Algeria’s rich and diverse history, culture, and natural beauty. There is no shortage of remarkable places to visit in Algeria. Each one tells a unique story, and each promises a memorable experience.

Algerian Cuisine – A Gastronomic Journey

Traditional dishes.

The national dish of Algeria is couscous, small steamed balls of semolina, traditionally served with a stew spooned on top. Other notable dishes include ‘Shakhshouka,’ a flavorful dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, peppers, and onions; ‘Chakchouka,’ a spicy vegetable ragout; ‘Mechoui,’ slow-roasted lamb; ‘Merguez,’ a red, spicy mutton or beef-based fresh sausage; and ‘Dolma,’ stuffed vegetables.

Popular Drinks

Mint tea is the national drink of Algeria, often served with dried fruits and nuts. Algerian coffee is also popular and traditionally enjoyed strong and black. ‘Sharbat,’ a sweet drink made from fruit syrups or flower extracts, is also a common beverage, especially during the hot summer months.

Bread and Pastries

Bread is a staple in Algeria, and it comes in various forms, like ‘Kesra’ or ‘Khobz eddar,’ a round, flat bread. Pastries also have a special place in Algerian cuisine, with delicacies like ‘Makroud,’ a semolina cookie filled with dates and soaked in honey, and ‘Baklawa,’ flaky, sweet pastries filled with nuts.

Street Food

For food on the go, nothing beats the flavorful street food in Algeria. ‘Mhadjeb,’ a stuffed flatbread; ‘Rechta,’ handmade noodles; and ‘Bourek,’ a thin pastry roll filled with various ingredients, are popular street foods.

Best Places to Eat

While you can find good food almost everywhere in Algeria, some places are particularly known for their culinary scene. The capital city, Algiers, offers a wide range of restaurants serving both local and international cuisines. Cities like Oran, Constantine, and Tlemcen also have a rich food culture, with many eateries offering traditional Algerian food.

Algerian cuisine is a fascinating journey of flavors. With each bite, you can taste the country’s history, culture, and the richness of its land. From bustling food markets to high-end restaurants, Algeria’s culinary scene offers something for every food lover.

Practical Travel Information for Algeria

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, having some practical information can make your Algerian adventure smoother and more enjoyable. Here’s some useful information to consider:

Visa Requirements

Most foreign visitors to Algeria will need a visa to enter the country, with the exception of citizens from a few countries. Visa requirements and fees can vary based on your nationality, purpose of visit, and length of stay. It’s recommended to check the most up-to-date visa information from the nearest Algerian embassy or consulate prior to your trip.

The official currency of Algeria is the Algerian Dinar (DZD). Credit cards are accepted in some hotels and restaurants in larger cities, but it’s wise to carry cash for local markets, smaller establishments, and rural areas.

Algerian Dinar’s current exchange rates

  • 100 DZD = $0.74 or $1 = 134.41 Algerian Dinar
  • 100 DZD = €0.69 or €1 = 145.93 Algerian Dinar

Other currencies:

  • 100 DZD = 0.58 British Pounds
  • 100 DZD = 1.12 Australian Dollars
  • 100 DZD = 1.02 Canadian Dollar
  • 100 DZD = 7.83 Swedish Krona
  • 100 DZD = 2.93 Polish Zloty
  • 100 DZD = 16.93 Czech Koruna
  • 100 DZD = 1,029.04 South Korean Won
  • 100 DZD = 117.00 Japanese Yen

Weather and Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Algeria depends on the regions you’re planning to visit. For coastal regions, the Mediterranean climate makes spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) pleasant for travel. The Sahara desert region is more accessible between October and April when temperatures are more manageable.

Best Time to Visit Algeria in 2024 for Desert Safaris, Historical Tours, and Coastal Escapes. Algeria Weather Guide

Health and Safety

While Algeria is generally safe for travel, it’s recommended to stay updated with travel advisories. Basic health precautions such as routine vaccinations should be up-to-date, and it’s advisable to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical evacuation.

Arabic and Berber are Algeria’s official languages. French is also widely spoken due to the country’s historical ties with France. English is not widely spoken, so learning a few phrases in Arabic or French may enhance your travel experience.

Where to live Algeria

Travelers to Algeria can find a range of accommodations to suit various preferences and budgets. The country offers everything from luxury resorts and hotels to budget-friendly hostels and guesthouses.

Luxury hotels are primarily found in major cities like Algiers, Oran, and Constantine. These top-rated hotels often provide stunning city or sea views, high-end amenities like swimming pools, spas, fitness centers, and multiple dining options. Rooms typically include modern conveniences such as Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and en-suite bathrooms.

Mid-range hotels offer a balance of comfort and cost, often providing amenities such as restaurants, room service, and sometimes a swimming pool. They are often conveniently located near city centers or popular tourist attractions.

Budget hotels and B&Bs in Algeria offer basic amenities and usually include breakfast. They can be a good option for travelers seeking to experience local hospitality without spending much.

Hostels are an excellent choice for budget travelers, particularly students and backpackers. Algerian hostels are often dormitory-style, with shared rooms and bathrooms, although some also offer private rooms. Hostels usually provide shared kitchen facilities and common areas where travelers can meet and socialize.

It’s important to note that hostels are not as common in Algeria as in some other countries, and you’ll find more options in bigger cities like Algiers and Oran. Some hostels may also offer additional services like organized tours, ticket bookings, and local travel advice.

Booking and Considerations

Most hotels and hostels in Algeria can be booked online through international or local booking platforms. It’s recommended to read recent reviews to get a feel for the quality of service and amenities.

Prices can vary significantly depending on the location, time of year, and type of accommodation. Always confirm whether taxes are included in the price and what amenities are offered.

In Algeria, as in many countries, it’s essential to consider local customs and etiquette. Respect for privacy and local traditions can enhance the quality of your stay and ensure a warm welcome from your hosts.

Remember to check the cancellation policy before booking, and consider travel insurance to cover any unexpected changes to your plans.

Getting Around – Transportation in Algeria

Navigating Algeria’s diverse landscapes can be an adventure in itself. The country has a robust transportation system, offering various options for getting around, from planes and trains to taxis and ferries.

Algeria has several domestic airports, making air travel a convenient option for long-distance travel within the country. The national airline, Air Algérie, operates flights between major cities such as Algiers, Constantine, Oran, and Tlemcen.

Train Travel

Algeria’s train network is extensive and reasonably reliable, connecting many major cities and towns. The trains are a comfortable and scenic way to travel, especially for longer distances. The state-owned SNTF (Société Nationale des Transports Ferroviaires) operates the services, and tickets can be purchased online or at train stations.

Buses and Coaches

Buses are one of the most common modes of transportation in Algeria. Inter-city bus services are operated by various private companies and are a cost-effective way to travel. Buses usually have air-conditioning, and some long-distance coaches may also have onboard toilets.

Taxis and Car Hire

Taxis are plentiful in Algerian cities and can be a convenient way to get around. It’s advisable to agree on a fare before setting off, as not all taxis have meters. If you prefer to drive, international car hire companies operate in Algeria, but keep in mind that driving conditions can be challenging, especially in rural areas.

Ferries and Boats

Algeria has several ports along its Mediterranean coastline. Ferries operate between Algeria and several European countries, including France, Spain, and Italy. Within Algeria, traveling by boat can be a picturesque way to explore coastal areas, especially in the beautiful Turquoise Coast region.

Public Transport in Cities

Urban transportation in Algerian cities includes buses, trams, and taxis. Algiers and Oran also have a metro system. Public transport can be busy during peak hours but is generally reliable and affordable.

Useful Websites

  • U.S. Department of State – Algeria Travel Advisory : Provides detailed travel advisories for U.S. citizens, including safety and security risks, travel recommendations, and other essential information.
  • UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office – Algeria Travel Advice : Offers travel advice for UK citizens, including health, safety, entry requirements, and local laws and customs.
  • Republic of Algeria – Ministry of Foreign Affairs : The official Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website that provides up-to-date visa and immigration information for visitors.
  • – Algeria : A globally recognized online booking platform offering a range of accommodation options across Algeria, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels and apartments.
  • Airbnb – Algeria : Allows you to book unique accommodations directly from local hosts, giving you a more personalized travel experience.
  • Air Algérie – Official Site : The official website of Algeria’s national airline, offering flight bookings and detailed information about domestic and international air travel.
  • SNTF (Algerian National Railways) – Official Site : Provides information about train schedules, prices, and booking options for travel within Algeria.
  • Lonely Planet – Algeria : Features comprehensive travel guides, tips, and advice for Algeria, including top attractions, accommodations, and local culture.
  • TripAdvisor – Algeria : Offers user-generated reviews and ratings of attractions, accommodations, and restaurants across Algeria.
  • BBC Weather – Algeria : Provides the latest weather forecasts and climate information for various locations in Algeria.
  • El Watan – Algerian News : One of Algeria’s leading newspapers, offering news and current events in French.
  • Algerie Presse Service – Algerian News : The official news agency of the Algerian government, providing news and updates in both French and Arabic.

Often overlooked in favor of its more famous neighbors, Algeria is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. As the largest country in Africa and the 10th largest in the world, Algeria offers an astonishing diversity of landscapes, cultures, and experiences.

For history buffs, the country is a treasure trove. From ancient Roman ruins such as Timgad and Djemila to the Casbah of Algiers, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that captures centuries of history in its winding alleys and palaces, Algeria’s historical sites are a testament to the country’s rich and diverse past.

Nature lovers will be awed by the contrasts Algeria offers. The majestic Sahara desert with its golden dunes and star-studded skies, the lush green mountains of Kabylie, the pristine Mediterranean beaches of the Turquoise coast, or the expansive national parks teeming with unique flora and fauna, there’s a slice of nature for everyone in Algeria.

Foodies can embark on a gastronomic journey through Algeria’s delicious cuisine, a delightful blend of Berber, Arab, Ottoman, and French influences. From flavorful tagines to sweet pastries and robust Algerian coffee, the local cuisine promises a feast for the senses.

Culturally, Algeria offers a fascinating blend of traditional and contemporary. Experience the warmth and hospitality of the Berber people in the mountain villages, explore the buzzing streets of cosmopolitan Algiers, or lose yourself in the music and dance of a local festival.

Despite its many attractions, Algeria remains off the beaten tourist track, which means you can explore its wonders without the crowds that characterize many other destinations. With its unique mix of history, culture, natural beauty, and adventure, Algeria is a destination that promises an unforgettable travel experience for those willing to venture a little off the beaten path.

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Travel in Algeria – 13 Essential Things To Know Before You Go

Algeria is one of the most underrated countries in Africa.

It was also one of the most difficult visas to obtain from my travels worldwide.

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travel in algeria Djemila Rach

After extensive travels to nearly all 54 countries in Africa, independent travel in Algeria isn’t nearly as straightforward as it should be for visitors.

Tourism isn’t really a thing here. For many passport holders to be able to travel in Algeria, you will most likely need the assistance of a local Tour Operator first to help them get the visa to enter and to facilitate permission to explore many regions of this country. 

As of January 2023, Algeria announced a new visa on arrival for tourists visiting the desert regions on an organised tour. More info to follow this year.

There are many things to know before you travel to Algeria. This guide will help you arrange a visit to Algeria and provide you with knowledge and tips once you’ve arrived.

Table of Contents

Why Travel to Algeria?

travel in algeria constantine

Algeria is one of the most underrated countries in Africa. If you do decide to go through the often difficult process of obtaining a visa (more on this below), you will discover that Algeria is a very diverse country.

It boasts incredible landscapes, the Sahara desert, Mediterranean coastline and beaches, stunning colonial architecture (don’t miss visiting Oran, Algeria’s most beautiful city ) , beaches, fascinating Roman ruins, bustling cities and more.

Also, the Algerian people are some of the friendliest and most hospitable people in the world. They seem very eager and proud to share their culture with visitors.

Algeria also has an incredibly rich history with 7 World Heritage sites – if only more tourists could gain entry to this country to enjoy these wonderful places. And it may come as a surprise to most, but Algeria is one of the most socially developed countries in Africa. 

How to Obtain a Visa for Travel in Algeria

travel in algeria visa

As I mentioned above, Algeria doesn’t encourage tourism at all. From what I’ve gathered from speaking with locals on the ground in Algeria, the country is so rich in natural minerals (oil & gas being the main exports) that tourism isn’t considered as being a significant industry for boosting the economy.

Either way, for many nationalities, arranging a visa for travel to Algeria is a difficult, long and expensive process. You need to submit flight reservations, hotel reservations, itinerary for the entire duration of your stay in Algeria, travel insurance details, proof of income and a list of other documents just to lodge your application.

And most importantly, you might need a Letter of Invitation from someone in Algeria approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

To remove some of the headaches for you, I’d recommend reaching out to an Algerian Tour Operator to help to facilitate an LOI (letter of invitation). This will make things much easier to obtain a visa and in some cases, quicker.

A Tour Operator can submit other documents to the Ministry of Tourism in Algeria to support your request to enter the country.

We requested visa assistance and booked some day tours and hotels in Algeria with Wassim from  AlgeriaTours16 . You can read some fantastic reviews from past guests of AlgeriaTours16 on Tripadvisor ,  where they currently rank #1.

We’d agree that they offer great customised tours of Algeria with fantastic guides all over the country.

Note: The visa will fill an entire page of your passport.

Is it safe to travel in Algeria?

travel in algeria is it safe to travel in algeria

If you mention your intentions to visit Algeria, the first question many people ask is, “Is it safe to travel in Algeria?” Bordering these countries, Tunisia , Morocco, Libya , Mauritania, Niger and Mali, it’s a fair question to ask.

If you ask anyone, Algeria has been tainted with a bad reputation. In the past, armed terrorist groups often targeted foreigners from the civil war which finished 20 years ago, back in 2002.

Algeria is still perceived as an unsafe destination due to a lack of updated information on the internet. Most government travel advisories (including my home country of Australia) still recommend that visitors avoid travelling to the southern areas of Algeria. Furthermore, the border areas that are shared with Tunisia and Libya are deemed as extremely high risk of danger in these regions.

In saying all this, Algeria is a huge country, in fact, it’s the largest country in Africa. Based on my visit (in Mar 2022), I felt safe the entire time, Algerians are extremely curious and welcoming to foreigners. My answer to the question of whether it is safe to travel in Algeria is yes, it is.

Currency in Algeria

travel in algeria algerian dinar currency

The currency used in Algeria is the Algerian Dinar (DZD). 

We travelled to Algeria in early March 2022. The prices quoted in this itinerary for Algeria are in local currency, Algerian Dinar (DZD). Obviously, exchange rates fluctuate depending on when you may travel in Algeria.

Prices are mentioned here at the black market rate. 

At the time of writing, 1 USD = 192 DZD OR 1 EUR = 215 DZD.

Travel in Algeria – 13 Things to Know Before You Go

1) bring cash.

travel in algeria bring cash

Algeria is a ‘cash’ type of society. If you want to save at least 30% on everything you buy inside this country, I’d recommend bringing enough Euros or USD in cash to change on the black market.

We experienced difficulty paying anything on Visa/Mastercard and withdrawing local currency at an ATM. We’ve heard many other international visitors have had a similar experience.

The official rate to change cash in the bank is 1 EUR = 156 DZD, however, the black market rate was 1 EUR = 215 DZD. The official rate to change 1 USD = 143, the black market rate was 1 USD = 192. This is a significant difference and you will certainly save a considerable amount of cash changing on the black market.

Be careful when changing your currency, as it’s not entirely legal.

Try and do it out of the view of others if possible or ask a local friend if they have someone they trust to exchange it with you at a good rate. We found shops to exchange our Euros in the back office of ‘shops’ that appear to be selling souvenirs etc. 

Trust us, Euros or USD cash will be helpful once you discover how diverse this country is.

You’ll most likely want to extend your stay to see the 8 most amazing places to visit in Algeria ! Obviously, this all depends on your visa dates/conditions.

Travelling to a country with a different currency? Avoid ATM transaction fees and pay in local currency with a Wise Card . We love this card; it has saved us so much in fees.

2) Language in Algeria

Arabic and Berber are the two official languages in the country. But French is also spoken by almost everyone. We spoke our ‘survival French’ to travel in Algeria, the same limited French skills we used when  we travelled overland across West Africa in 2019 .

  We know enough French to have small conversations, understand numbers when paying for things and have a good concept of reading French on menus. It was enough to get by in Algeria, and to be honest many people spoke quite a lot of English in Algeria.

They would apologise to use because they couldn’t speak more of it, such humble people.

I recommend learning some French or Arabic with   Babbel , a fantastic language app to learn new languages on the go. If not then at least download Google Translate on your phone in these languages so you can communicate when you get stuck. 

RELATED POST:  17 things to know before travelling to West Africa

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3) The Food in Algeria is great

travel in algeria the food

Algerian food is a mixture of many cultures. Since Algeria was a French colony for over 130 years, the food here takes influence from French cuisine.

But you will find influence from Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Arab and Berber cuisines as well. You will notice many fast-food places selling shawarma, pizza, crepes, burgers and savoury pastries. If you want to travel in Algeria on a very low budget, it can be achieved by just eating street food, it is very cheap.

During my visit, I wanted to try as much of the local Algerian cuisine as possible and taste some delicious food.

My favourite local dishes were couscous with chicken or lamb, Rechta , steamed marinated meats or barbeque brochettes (skewered meats), tasty soups such as lentil and Chorpa soup and freshly cooked bread dipped in spicy harissa paste and olive oil. Trust me, Algerian food is good!

4) Drink Only Bottled Water or Bring a LifeStraw

Avoid drinking tap water in Algeria and stick to bottled water. Large bottles of water (1.5L) can be purchased from small shops and supermarkets for about 35 DZD or $0.18c.

Better yet, bring along a  LifeStraw filtered water bottle.  Not only will you be helping the environment to reduce plastic waste, but you can take it with you on your future travelling adventures.

popular tourist sites in algeria

8 Amazing Places to Visit in Algeria

popular tourist sites in algeria

AFRICA Food Map – African Food Guide to 54 Countries

popular tourist sites in algeria

African Food Guide – 10 Best Food Countries in AFRICA

5) download app to help you navigate.

One of the best tools to get around Algeria is the  Maps.Me  app. You can download offline maps of the country, so you never have to use mobile data to get around. The map also shows hiking trails and walking paths, which Google Maps doesn’t have. 

Although Algeria has an excellent train network between cities and buses and trams, it is much faster to use shared taxis. Shared taxis are small vans that connect all cities and towns. You go to the dedicated station in town, buy a ticket from the ticket office and take a seat in the van that fits up to 8 people.

Once the van is full, it departs directly for the final destination. If you’re not flying or taking the train, it is one of the fastest ways to get from A to B in Algeria.

6) Domestic flights are cheap – but book them once you’re here

travel in algeria air algerie domestic flights

There are 18 airports in Algeria, the most popular in Algiers and Oran. We flew into Oran from Marseille, France, with Volotea. This airline has some great deals if you book early through Skyscanner .

Once you’re in Algeria, domestic flights with Air Algerie are very reasonably priced, but the trick is to book them when you’re in the country. If you use the black market rate and pay cash, you will save a fair chunk of change.

Book your ticket at any local travel agency (Agence de voyage) or the Air Algerie counter at any airport.

It’s always busy with locals lining up to do the same thing, but it’s worth the wait to get some reasonable fares to travel around in Algeria.

Note: There are many destinations within Algeria that independent travellers cannot access without a guide or written permission from the Ministry of Tourism.

Check with a Local Tour Agency about these destinations, and if you would still like to travel there, perhaps book a customised tour with them to facilitate your visit.

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7) Get a SIM card or eSIM for travel in Algeria

Try and get a SIM card at the airport upon arrival in Algeria. You will soon discover that hotel’s internet connection isn’t very good. Furthermore, friends or family who wonder whether it is safe to travel in Algeria will feel better knowing you have a functional phone if you get into trouble.

We bought a local Ooredoo SIM card for 1200 DZD; it included 10 GB of internet usage and call time. I believe getting up to 40GB of data is only an additional 300 DZD. We had at least a 3G connection anywhere we travelled, and it was always convenient to be connected.

TOP TIP: If you want to get connected the moment you arrive in Algeria, we recommend buying an eSIM for Algeria before your arrival.

Travel in Algeria will be much easier if you’re connected. It means you can access the YASSIR Ride-sharing app and order a ride, book hotels on the go with , find reviews on the best places to eat in Algeria and access maps on your phone to navigate cities. 

Get Connected with eSIM

popular tourist sites in algeria

Get connected easily on your travels—buy an eSIM! It works like an app: buy it, download it, and get connected in minutes! It’s easy, affordable, and convenient. Keep your original phone number, too!

Use our code: RACHEL5045  to get $3 off your first purchase!

8) Use the Yassir Taxi Ride ride-sharing app

Download the YASSIR App before you arrive (or when you’re here). It will save you time and money. You will need an Algerian local number to access YASSIR, so I recommend buying a SIM card on arrival.

If your French or Arabic language skills are non-existent, this app will help you get from A to B without hassle. 

It’s a helpful tool to learn what fares typically cost from A to B, and it works similarly to Uber.

The main difference is that you must pay cash (Algerian dinar) for your fare directly to the driver once your ride is complete. Taxis are cheap in Algeria, so it’s a recommended way to travel .

9) France colonised Algeria for 132 years

travel in algeria oran french buildings

Algeria was part of France from 1830 to 1962. With the influence of France for that long, cities here look much more French than, say, African. As you travel in Algeria, you will notice all of the grand colonial buildings that show the influence of France to date.

You will also find many great patisseries where you can eat delicious French baguettes, biscuits, cakes and sweets.

Skyscanner is permanently bookmarked on our browser! We use it all the time to research and book travel options for your trip, including flights, hotels and car hire.

10) Get a Bank Account that doesn’t charge International Transaction Fees 

There is no good reason why you should still pay International transaction or ATM withdrawal fees.

Banks have come a long way over the years. If you haven’t signed up for a bank account with WISE yet, you’ll most likely pay unnecessary bank fees when travelling to different countries. 

I highly recommend bringing euros (the best option) or USD to exchange on the black market to save a lot of money during your time in Algeria, but if you want to rely on using a Debit Card to withdraw funds, then this bankcard is essential. 

For example, during my trip to Tunisia (read  our 14-day itinerary for Tunisia here ), I was charged 12 TND ($4.20) each time I withdrew local currency from an ATM. But, because I have a bank account with WISE, the cash withdrawal fee was minimal. It’s fantastic!

11) Exchange your Algerian Dinars before your departure 

Before departing Algeria, ensure you convert all of your Algerian dinars to Euros/USD (or another hard currency) before you leave.

Algerian Dinars are nearly impossible to exchange once you’ve left the country.

12) Everything is closed on Friday in Algeria

travel in algeria friday is weekend

Algeria is an Islamic country, and they observe the weekend on Friday and Saturday. Each Friday, everywhere in Algeria will be closed, and nobody will work or open their stores. It is intended to be a day of rest, prayer, and family time.

It’s good to plan for this if you want to eat out, visit some attractions or go shopping. Saturday is still the weekend in Algeria, but it is much busier in the markets, and people are out and about.

13) Travel Insurance

Make sure you get Travel Insurance before hitting the road. We recommend Heymondo & SafetyWing

Click here and get 5% off Heymondo from us!

If you ask us, this vast North African nation is underrated and perhaps misunderstood. We hope this guide is helpful if you do plan to travel in Algeria.

If you’re travelling afterwards to Tunisia, the fantastic country just next door, don’t miss our  10 best tips for travel in Tunisia  and our  detailed 14-day itinerary for Tunisia.

Travel Tips for Algeria

We have some helpful travel guides and tips for Algeria—what a beautiful country!

Here are the top 8 amazing places to visit in Algeria.

Don’t miss our post on 13 essential things to know before you travel to Algeria.

We really loved the beautiful city of Oran. Here’s our complete guide to visiting Oran , including the best things to see and do, how to get around and where to stay.

And the cuisine is a major highlight! Check out these 10 delicious Algerian foods .

Tunisia is the country next door to Algeria. Consider visiting Tunisia after Algeria; it’s an exciting nation. We’ve got some helpful travel guides for Tunisia to help you plan your visit.

Check out our Food Map of Africa to learn more about what they eat in all 54 nations.

You’ll need to stay connected while travelling in Algeria. We recommend eSIM. It’s easy, reliable and affordable. View eSIM options in Algeria .

If your travels in Algeria are part of a larger global adventure, then a Global eSIM may be the answer. It connects you in 124 countries , offering data-only eSIM and data/call/text eSIM . The Global eSIM has been a game-changer; we couldn’t imagine travelling without it now.

Want to travel in Algeria with like-minded travellers? View the best deals on group adventures in Algeria .

Check out our best-ever travel tips compiled from more than twenty years of experience.

Travel Planning Resources

✈️ Flights : We use Skyscanner to book cheap flights worldwide.

🏨 Accommodation : is our preferred platform for booking hotels and accommodation. We use Vrbo to book apartments and long-term stays.

🏥 Travel Insurance : We recommend Heymondo ( Get 5% off Heymondo)  & SafetyWing

🚌 Transportation : Trainline is the best website to reserve trains. We use Omio to book transport worldwide. For travel in Asia, we use 12Go.  

🚘 Car Rental : We use DiscoverCars to book rental cars worldwide.

👫 Group Tours :  G Adventures OR compare multi-day tours worldwide with Tourradar .

📸 Day Tours & Trips :  GetYourGuide  & Viator are the only two platforms you need.

📚 Lonely Planet: The Best Range of Travel Guides & Ebooks , and FREE Shipping! (use code RACHELDAVEY10 for a 10% discount)

🎒 Luggage :  Osprey Farpoint 40L Backpack  or  Samsonite Luggage Range.

🛄 What to Pack:  Don’t forget your Universal charger and a good  power bank .  To help you pack the essentials, here is our ULTIMATE Packing List for all Travellers .

🐶 Become a House Sitter:  Join Trusted Housesitters and enjoy FREE accommodation worldwide. Use our invite to receive 25% off your new membership.

💰 Send Money Anywhere: WISE  &  Revolut  are the best online accounts that let you send money, get paid, and spend money internationally. Both are so easy to use and way cheaper than any bank transfer.

📶  Stay Connected: Airalo eSIM allows you to get connected the moment you land at your destination, and you can avoid those expensive data roaming charges. We LOVE this product! Use promo code NOMAD15 for 15% off ALL eSIMs (new Airalo users only) OR use NOMAD10 for 10% off ALL eSIMs (for existing Airalo users)

✅ Check out our Travel Gear  and  Travel Resources for more valuable tips to save you money!

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Travel Guide of Oran Algeria – 11 Best Things to Do

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25 Comments . Leave new

popular tourist sites in algeria

Thank you for all the nice words you spoke about Algeria, simply and frankly. I hope that you like Algeria, but you know that you visited only 20% of it, and I hope that you will visit it again for me. . But all the love and appreciation

popular tourist sites in algeria

Thank you for giving the followers of your Instagram account and other social media sites to discover my country Algeria through your visit. You are always welcome and I hope you will return soon. Thank you very much.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Thank you for your comment, Mohamed. We’re so happy to share with our travel community how much we enjoyed visiting Algeria. We hope to return to explore more in the future.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Hello! Thank you very much for this article. It is wonderful to see that there are people who love our country Algeria so much. I will add you on the social networks. Good continuation Rach, with pleasure.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Thank you for posting this! This is a place we are really excited to visit but wading through all the outdated data and biased opinions online is tough. Our trip looks more like a cross-country bike tour, and if you have any suggestions or more information it would be greatly appreciated!! We are hoping to cross into Algeria from Morocco and exit to Tunisia 🙂 thanks again

It sounds like an amazing trip you’ve got planned there. We’re pleased to hear that you’ve found this post useful. We’ve tried to include as much practical and essential information in this post as we could and we wrote it because we ran into the same problem. There is very little information found online, or info online in English. There is some information in French, but that isn’t very useful for non-French speakers.

As for border crossings, this information changes regularly. At the time we visited, crossing the border into Tunisia wasn’t possible. We’d recommend joining up some overlanding Africa groups of Facebook. They can usually help with up-to-date information of travellers who are there now or have travelled here quite recently. We wish you the best trip!

And you’re probably already aware, but we’ve got some great practical information about travel in Tunisia too. We spent quite a bit of time travelling independently around Tunisia recently and you may find all the info and prices paid for local transport helpful.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Hello Rach,

Is it possible to use travel agent only when applying for visa & then travel independently (with couchsurfing) after we get into the country?

Hello, There are visa companies that can assist with this. It depends whether you’re living in US, Australia or Uk, for example. Just google Visa Service Company for (entry your country here). Visa HQ and TravelVisaPro, or VisaLink are just a few to name that can help you with this. If you are from the USA, the Algerian embassy in Washington DC seems to be very helpful and most American citizens have no problem getting a visa. Hope this helps 😉

popular tourist sites in algeria

Did you all find it safe? I am a female and I wasn’t sure how I would be if I traveled alone.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Based on that passport photo, it looks like you’re a US passport holder? (You mention Australia, but I see a US passport in the photo — maybe just a stock photo?). Anyway, if I understood right, you got a travel company to get you a letter of invitation and maybe book you some hotels, but you were free to go around without a guide/driver/minder on your own afterwards? My wife and I are also looking to go to Algeria to do a roadtrip, and we speak French and Darja, but having to deal with a driver or a minder/guide is a full stop for us. I guess we should just contact Wassim and see? We were also thinking of going in late Feb/early March, just before Ramadan next year. How was the weather? It looks kind of chilly, but otherwise sunny? I can’t quite tell your itinerary from here, looks like mostly Oran and Algiers focused. Any idea if the mountain roads are all drivable in late winter, like near Setif? We were thinking something like Algiers-Setif-Timgad-Constantine-Skikda-Kabylie-Algiers over about 16 days.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Hi Rach, thank you for your blog and helping us all with some great information and follow up replies to questions. I am looking at going to Algeria in May and would like to do it independently. I am finding it hard to find accommodation within a reasonable (read cheap) price range. Can you recommend anything in Algiers, Annaba or Constantine if you went there?

Also, how long did it take to get your visa from the Algerian Embassy in Canberra? Do you think that a hotel booking alone would have been enough as proof or were you asked for an invitation letter?

Thank you and safe travels

Yes, reasonably priced accommodation in Algeria is difficult to find online, but once you arrive in these cities you will find them. In Constantine, we stayed at Hotel El Maghreb (3 star) and it was very clean, comfortable, and very well-located. It’s not far from the Novotel, but much cheaper. We recommend this place. For Algiers, we stayed at City Hotel Alger. Not so cheap, but we were happy to stay here – good location, very clean and good breakfast too.

My visa took up to 4 weeks to process. Requirements were that I needed an invitation letter and to have booked a tour. If you send in your application with just a hotel booking, you may risk it being rejected. This is why we contacted Wassim to help us with the paperwork (the local operator I’ve mentioned in the blog).

Hope you have a great time in Algeria 😉

Hi Rach, thank you so much for your prompt and detailed answers to my questions. So good to have you helping us with all our queries.

I do want to ask. Now that you’ve seen every country in the world. What’s next?

All the best

Good question! We’d like to focus on building this travel blog so we can help more travellers like you. can bet there will be some more travels coming up in 2023…and maybe enjoy a little rest too 😉 Who knows what else is next…we’re always up for a new challenge. Thanks Andrew!

Hi Rach, I don’t want to keep bothering you but just wanted to add that it’s a great travel blog so once again thank you. I first came across your blog some months ago when researching Haiti and made plans to visit based on your experiences as I’ll be in the Dominican Republic in April next year but matters have got worse in Haiti so gave up on that idea.

I used to think that it would have been great if Earth was the size of Jupiter so there would be so many more countries to visit. You probably thought that when you visited Samoa, your last country.

Looking forward to reading more of your blog and once again thank you so much for all your work and help.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Really good travel blog. Aussies know how to travel. You know how to write a good article too.

Thanks Mike 🙂

popular tourist sites in algeria

This is so helpful- thank you! I hope to visit Algeria someday and appreciate your advice and sharing you adventure with us.

You’re very welcome, Paul. We hope you do get to visit Algeria – it really is a fascinating country.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Hola Rach, I am planning a trip with Wassim! Yay! I am debating if we should travel the north and Ghardaia. Or just the north.

Was Ghardaia incredible?

What time of year did you travel?

Thank you for this blog it’s so helpful and inspiring 🙂 Cheers

Hi Vanessa,

Yes, Ghardaia was amazing! Try and include it in your itinerary for sure. We travelled around Algeria in March 2022. We’re so happy to hear that you’ve found our blog helpful, and Wassim and his team will take very good care of you. Tell him we say hello, and we wish you an incredible time in Algeria.

popular tourist sites in algeria

Hi Rach, Just discovered your blog. Love it! Many thanks for sharing your tips and tricks. I found AlgeriaTours16 to be quite expensive, quoting in Euros and using black market rate when asking to pay in Dinars. Do you have any other local guide contacts that price more in line with local cost of living? Many Thanks

Hi Roberto, Glad to hear you love our blog! Unfortunately, we don’t have any other local guide details to pass on to you. Most of our arrangements were made with this company, and when we could travel on our own, without Police escorts/guides (which was quite difficult at the time we visited Algeria), we did manage to guide ourselves around other cities such as Oran. Wishing you a great time in Algeria!

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Tour Algeria

Tour Algeria

Explore the Undiscovered


20 Best Cities to Visit in Algeria

If you’re planning a trip to Algeria, then you need to add these 20 best cities to visit in Algeria to your list of destinations! Each of these cities has something unique to offer visitors, making them ideal for a relaxing and enjoyable trip. From beautiful Algiers to bustling Bejaia, there’s sure to be a city that hits the spot. And if you’re looking for some additional inspiration, be sure to check out our blog for more travel tips!

20 Cities You Must Visit in Algeria

Algeria is a country with many different attractions, ranging from ancient ruins to white-sand beaches. Travelers can experience the traditional Algerian food and culture in some of the 20 cities on this list. All of these destinations are diverse, offering something for everyone. Algeria is a country filled with beautiful cities that you must visit if you’re ever in the region. So without further ado, here are the 20 best cities to visit in Algeria:

Algiers is one of the most beautiful and cosmopolitan cities in Algeria. It’s a great place to visit for its history, culture, and nightlife. The city has plenty of attractions for both tourists and natives alike, such as the National Bardo Museum and Fez Medina. If you’re looking for a city break that’s relaxing and full of things to see and do, Algiers is the perfect destination!

If you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit, be sure to check out Bejaia. This beautiful city is home to a variety of attractions, including beautiful architecture, historical sites, and tranquil ambiance. If cycling is your thing, be sure to explore the nearby routes. Bejaia is also known for its traditional architecture, which includes colorful souk markets and beautifully restored mosques. So, if you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit in Algeria, be sure to add Bejaia to your list!

Tlemcen is a beautiful city that’s definitely worth a visit. Its architecture is stunning, and the atmosphere is unique. There are plenty of things to do in Tlemcen, so you won’t be bored. In fact, you might even find yourself wanting to stay longer than originally planned. The food in Tlemcen is particularly noteworthy, with dishes like lamb tagine being some of the best around. Traveling to Tlemcen will be an enjoyable experience!

4. Constantine

If you’re planning a trip to Algeria, be sure to add Constantine to your itinerary. This lively city has plenty to offer tourists of all ages, including beautiful historical monuments, a lively nightlife scene, and mouth-watering food. Don’t forget to explore the city’s nooks and crannies – there’s always something new to discover. Don’t miss out on some of the city’s top attractions, like the historical monuments or the lively nightlife scenes. When you’re ready to end your trip on a high note, sample some of the delicious food that Constantine has to offer!

Oran is a beautiful city with a rich history. It’s a great destination for tourists, especially those interested in history, culture, and attractions. Some of the city’s most popular attractions include Bejaia and El Djem beaches, as well as the city’s designer boutiques and traditional markets. There are plenty of affordable accommodations in Oran, making it easy to explore all that the city has to offer. Make sure you also take the time to enjoy some delicious local cuisine while you’re there!

6. Tamanrasset

If you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit in Algeria, look no further than Tamanrasset. The city is located in the middle of the country, making it easy to get to from all corners of the country. In addition to its beautiful landscapes, Tamanrasset is home to many historic and cultural sites, making it a great destination for history lovers. Some of the city’s most well-known landmarks include the Citadel and Ghar El Mela. There are also many cultural events and festivals that take place throughout the year, so make sure to check out the latest offerings!

Djemila is a beautiful and lively city that offers a wealth of attractions for visitors. From its architecture and historical sites to the Medjerda Valley, which is UNESCO World Heritage Site, Djemila has something for everyone. While in Djemila, be sure to visit the beautiful and serene Medjerda Valley. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to some of the world’s most beautiful traditional Berber architecture. If history is your thing, then you’ll love touring Djemila’s historic sites. From the Roman ruins of Djemila-Zaouia to the stunning medersas ( Islamic religious schools), Djemila has something for everyone who’s interested in sightseeing. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head to Djemila!

If you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit in Algeria, look no further than Timgad. This beautiful city is known for its architecture and history, as well as its many cafés, restaurants, and nightlife options. It also has the Timgad National Museum, which offers an interesting perspective on Algerian culture. Timgad is an ancient city with a fascinating past, and it’s also one of the most beautiful and well-preserved cities in Algeria. There are many palaces, mosques, and archaeological sites to visit in Timgad, making it a great destination for anyone looking to explore the country’s heritage.

9. Ghardaia

If you’re planning a trip to Algeria, Ghardaia is a city worth visiting. It has a rich history and culture, as well as beautiful architecture. There are many attractions in Ghardaia, including the Bou Saâdja Tombs and Museum of Civil War Victims. Be sure to check out the Ksar El Djem ruins – one of the best attractions in town! In addition to attractions, Ghardaia is also home to a variety of markets and a beautiful downtown district. If you’re looking for a peaceful city to explore, Ghardaia is the perfect choice.

10. Timimoun

If you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit in Algeria, look no further than Timimoun. This city is located in the north of the country and is home to some beautiful architecture and attractions, like the Ibn Khaldun Library and Museum. Be sure to visit wine estates in the area for a taste of Algerian wines! Timimoun is also a beautiful mountain town with ancient temples and mosques. It’s a great place to explore nature, and is also home to some of Algeria’s most famous natural attractions – the Timimi canyon, for example. So if you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit in Algeria, be sure to check out Timimoun!

There’s no doubt that Setif is a beautiful city. With its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage, it’s a great place to visit for anyone. From its narrow alleys to its stunning mosques, Setif is a city with a lot to offer. If you’re looking for things to do, Setif has a lot to offer. There are plenty of hiking trails, beautiful parks and lakes, and of course, plenty of restaurants and cafes. If you’re looking for an exciting city break this year, Setif should be at the top of your list!

Annaba is a city with a lot to offer visitors. From its welcoming atmosphere to its rich history and culture, this city has something for everyone. In addition to its attractions, Annaba is also known for its beautiful architecture, which is varied and colorful. The city is home to the University of Mohammed V, a great place to learn about Algeria’s history and culture. With plenty of historical landmarks to explore and some contemporary attractions, Annaba is an excellent city for tourists of all ages. So if you’re looking for a fun and engaging city to visit, Annaba is the perfect choice!

Algeria is a country with a rich history and culture. One of the best cities to visit is Atakor, thanks to its rich history and archaeology. You’ll be able to see the desert from most places in the city, making it a great destination to explore. The city is also home to a variety of attractions, such as the Fes el Kebir amphitheater and the Tower of Ouarsenis. In addition, the food in Atakor is popular, with variations such as couscousmadoura (a type of Moroccan stew). If you’re looking for a beautiful city to visit, Atakor is definitely worth a visit!

Batna is a beautiful city located in the south of Algeria. It’s also home to the University of Batna, making it a great place to learn about Algeria’s history. Batna is also home to several mosques, making it an attractive destination for visitors of all faiths. You’ll love exploring the medina and strolling along the river banks when you’re in Batna.

15. In Salah

When it comes to visiting cities, there’s no doubt that Algeria is a popular destination. But which one should you choose? If you’re looking for a beautiful and culturally rich city, then you should definitely consider In Salah. This city is home to an impressive archaeological site with remains from ancient civilizations. Additionally, the city is also known for its vibrancy and culture – including traditional music and dance performances. If shopping is your thing, then you won’t be disappointed. You can explore the city’s shops and markets or take a walk along the main street to see all of the sights. And if you’re looking for a delicious meal, then you won’t be disappointed either – In Salah is home to some of the country’s best cuisine. So, which city should you choose? In Salah or anywhere else in Algeria? It’s up to you!

Djanet is a beautiful city with a lot of history and culture to explore. The weather is perfect for all year round activity, making it a great destination for tourists of all ages. There are many delicious food options in the city so you’ll never have to run out of things to eat. Additionally, the city is well-connected, so you’ll never be far from where you need to be. Be sure to use common sense precautions when exploring the city, and stay safe at all times! Djanet is a rural town located in the North-West of Algeria, so make sure to do your research before visiting.

17. El Oued

El Oued is a city located in the center of Algeria and has a rich history. Its architecture and monuments are quite spectacular, making it an excellent tourist destination. It’s also known for its delicious cuisine – try some of the local dishes! If you’re looking to enjoy scenic views while visiting El Oued, head to viewpoints like Djebel Tafilalet or Serouja Valley Viewpoint. It’s home to some of Algeria’s most iconic historical sites, like the mosque of Ksar el-Kebir and the Roman ruins of Djémila. If shopping isn’t your thing, take in some sights during your stay in El Oued – like the imposing walls surrounding the old city!

Chrea is a beautiful city located in the north of Algeria. It is known for its olive oil production, which makes it a popular tourist destination. In addition to its beautiful landscape and architecture, Chrea has a rich history and culture to explore. f you’re looking for a charming city to visit in Algeria, Chrea should definitely be at the top of your list.

Jijel is a city that offers a variety of things to see and do. From the Bardo National Museum, which showcases the history of the country, to the ruins of Timgad, which are a great place to explore if you’re interested in ancient history, there’s something for everyone. The architecture in Jijel is truly unique, and the medina (old town) is a must-see on any trip to this city. Be sure to get lost in it and enjoy the bustling atmosphere. Add Jijel to your list of cities to visit in Algeria – you won’t regret it!

Biskra is a beautiful city located in the south of Algeria. It has many attractions, including an archaeological site and a castle. The local cuisine is also popular and includes fresh fruits and vegetables. If you’re looking for a peaceful escape, Biskra may be the perfect city for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which cities in algeria are most popular with tourists.

Algeria’s most popular tourist destinations vary depending on the city. However, a few of the cities that receive the most tourists include Constantine, Mostaganem, Oran, Sétif, and Tizi Ouzou. As a general rule of thumb, it is always a good idea to do your research before traveling to a new place. This way, you can familiarize yourself with each city’s attractions, including its ancient ruins and world-famous museums.

Which Algerian city is regarded as the cultural capital of the country?

The city of Algiers is often regarded as the cultural capital of Algeria because of its rich history and attractions. Some of the most popular places to visit in Algiers include the Kasbah, Maison d’Ailleurs (House Elsewhere), Notre Dame de la Gare, and Ali Baba et le Forty Thieves.

How can I find out more about the history and culture of different Algerian cities?

One great way of learning more about the history and culture of Algerian cities is by reading their respective Wikipedia pages. Additionally, you may want to explore the city’s culture by taking in local activities or events. If you’re interested in Arab cuisine, then you should head over to this list of 20 best restaurants in Algeria.

How can I find the best places to stay in Algeria?

When it comes to finding the best places to stay in Algeria, you should consider things like price range, type of accommodation, location, and more. You can save money by looking for deals online or through vacation rental websites. In general, accommodation can be found in cities and rural areas, but most people prefer staying in the bigger cities. Some of our favorite places to stay in Algiers include: Casa Tunis – a luxury boutique hotel located in the heart of the medina; Villa Magna – a beautiful country estate located in the suburbs of the city; and Villa Myrtea – a luxurious villa located near the city center.

Which cities offer the best value for money when it comes to food and accommodation?

When it comes to food and accommodation, the cities listed below offer the best value for money. 1. El Jadida: Located in the north of Algeria, El Jadida is a city with a long history that is worth visiting. This city has a rich cultural heritage and is home to delicious Algerian dishes that are affordable when compared to other cities. 2. Tlemcen: Tlemcen is located in the southern part of Algeria and offers great value for money when it comes to food, accommodation and attractions. You can enjoy Algerian dishes at affordable prices, as well as find excellent deals on hotels and Airbnb properties. 3. Constantine: Constantine is located in the north-eastern part of Algeria and is known for its beautiful natural setting and outstanding historical sites. The city also has a variety of food options that are affordable, including kebabs, Shawarma, couscous, tajine etc.

Which cities in Algeria are best for a relaxing vacation?

When it comes to choosing the best cities in Algeria for a relaxing vacation, many tourists choose to visit the coastal towns of El Bayadh, Salé, Sétif and Annaba. These cities have beautiful beaches, charming old medinas, and lively nightlife. Other popular cities in Algeria include Algiers itself, Biskra, Oran and Constantine. Each city has its own attractions and things to do that will make your vacation unique. Therefore, the best way to find the perfect city for you is to research which hotels or resorts offer the best deals in each city so you can save some money while enjoying your time away from home. Bon Voyage!

What is the cheapest way to get around each city in Algeria?

The cheapest way to get around each city in Algeria is by public transportation. This will cost you around $1-$3 per day depending on the city you’re visiting. If you’re looking for an affordable and hassle free way to see all the beautiful places that Algeria has to offer, then renting a car may be your best option!

Are there any safety concerns that people should be aware of before traveling to Algeria?

Yes, there are some safety concerns that people should be aware of before traveling to Algeria. Some of the things to keep in mind are that while Algeria is an Islamic country, LGBT travelers should feel safe as Algerian law allows same-sex marriage. Bear in mind that street crime such as pickpocketing and bag snatching can happen anywhere and at anytime throughout the city. Make sure to carry your passport at all times, keep a low profile when traveling in rural areas, and avoid speaking about politics publicly.

Thank you for reading this blog post! We’ve compiled a list of the 20 best cities to visit in Algeria, based on the travellers’ reviews and ratings. From beautiful beaches to historical sites, this list has it all! So if you’re planning a trip to Algeria anytime soon, be sure to check out this list and choose the city that tickles your fancy the most. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and recommendations in the comments section below.

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