Best attractions in Uzbekistan: Top 30

must visit places in uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a bright and inspiring country of the East. Rich architectural heritage, lots of historical monuments, colorful bazaars, generous nature, which is carefully protected in the protected parks - this is all that everyone can see in Uzbekistan, even without a solid budget. It’s simply impossible to count all the interesting sights of Uzbekistan, but you should definitely visit at least the main ones, which will be discussed further in this article.

What to see first of all in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is divided into several regions, each of which holds a lot of its unique attractions. But every tourist, as a rule, is faced with the need to “fit” all the memorable places in a limited time, given for traveling and exploring the country, often even have to choose what to see in Uzbekistan for 1 day. Exactly to simplify the process of choice and competent planning of future trip this rating is compiled.

1. Tashkent

Tashkent - the sights of Uzbekistan

The review begins with the capital of the country - Tashkent, which is one of the five largest cities in the CIS in terms of population. Among the tall modern buildings are hidden historical buildings, ancient mosques and modern shopping centers alternate with traditional oriental bazaars and markets. It is worth noting that many of the old buildings have been restored - in 1966, a powerful earthquake partially destroyed them, and the look of the renewed city has since changed significantly.

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2. tashkent tv tower.

Tashkent TV Tower - Sights of Uzbekistan

This structure is considered the tallest in all of Central Asia - the TV Tower of Tashkent is 375 meters high, and its long spire, piercing the sky, can be seen from anywhere in the city. At the height of about a hundred meters you can visit the observation deck in the TV tower, and one level higher there are restaurant halls, where you can not only admire the panoramic views from the windows, but also have lunch. Guides in Uzbekistan eagerly cover the history of the construction of the structure, take visitors through the interior, including the museum, the exposition of which reveals the role and place of the TV tower among other similar structures in the world.

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3. Amir Temur Square

Amir Temur Square - Sights of Uzbekistan

The square, which bears the name of the famous commander, was built at the end of the 19th century. Then it was a small park in the center of Tashkent, at the intersection of two main city streets. Only in 1994 a monument to Amir Temur was installed there, and the park was cleared and turned into a square with greenery and fountains. Today the square is surrounded by such famous buildings as a hotel, a law institute, a museum in honor of Amir Temur, and the Palace of Forums, where many official ceremonies are held.

4. Chorsu Oriental Bazaar

Chorsu Oriental Bazaar - Sights of Uzbekistan

Visitors have a lot to visit in Uzbekistan once they find themselves in Tashkent’s central square, Eski Zhuva. Despite the modern look that this market has today, the history of Chorsu market goes back centuries. About two thousand years ago, an ancient settlement was founded in this area, the center of which was traditionally a bazaar. As time passed, a fair was established where an active exchange of goods began and merchants from different parts of Central Asia streamed here. Since some time the bazaar became the center of town life, and to this day Chorsu, located at the intersection of four shopping streets, attracts visitors with its fresh fragrant fruits, oriental sweets and colorful Uzbek souvenirs.

5. Samarkand city

Samarkand City - Sights of Uzbekistan

The city of Samarkand is famous for its amazingly long history - it is one of the oldest cities in the world, founded as far back as 8 centuries before our era. Some time ago this city was the most important point connecting the East and the West, and the Great Silk Road passed exactly through Samarkand. That’s why here, like nowhere else, a great number of cultural and historical monuments have been preserved, such as mausoleums, museums, mosques, ruins of ancient settlements and many other things.

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6. Registan Square in Samarkand

Registan Square in Samarkand - Sights of Uzbekistan

The best sights of Uzbekistan should certainly be complemented by another historical place - Registan Square, which has existed for more than 6 centuries. Some of the buildings on the square have been preserved here in their original form since the moment of their construction. The complex of three medieval madrasahs (schools) faced with mosaic in traditional national style deserve special attention. The square itself was paved with cobblestone and burnt brick back in the late 19th century.

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7. Bibi-Khanum Mosque in Samarkand

Bibi-Khanum Mosque in Samarkand - Sights of Uzbekistan

Another ornament of Samarkand is the Bibi-Khanum Mosque, a sacred monument of the 15th century. It is believed that the mosque was erected by order of Tamerlane Khan, who returned from India with a triumphant victory. The great commander wanted to erect a lifetime monument as a testimony of his victories. About 7 hundred people were involved in the construction, including a huge number of masters from other Asian countries. To this day, despite numerous earthquakes, the mosque was able to retain its original grandeur and beauty, it contributed to the large-scale restoration work, which was carried out here for 35 years, starting in 1968.

8. Rukhabad Mausoleum in Samarkand

Ruhabad Mausoleum in Samarkand - Sights of Uzbekistan

9. Bukhara city

Bukhara City - Sights of Uzbekistan

The following recommendations will touch on another ancient city founded 2.5 thousand years ago. Bukhara is a real museum city: every building there is a landmark, a real exhibit. Ancient mosques, citadels, mausoleums, madrassahs, monuments - all this you can visit, enthusiastically walking through the city, because here every corner of the land keeps its memory. Once upon a time the Great Silk Road ran through Bukhara, which is being purposefully revived these days.

10. Lyabi-Hauz in Bukhara

Lyabi-Hauz in Bukhara - Sights of Uzbekistan

And, of course, when mentioning the best sights of Uzbekistan, it is impossible not to sound at least some of the sights of Bukhara. One of the main squares of the city, Lyabi-Hauz, is a real treasure of Bukhara - there is a whole architectural ensemble consisting of a mosque, madrasah and a monument in honor of Khoja Nasreddin - a favorite character in oriental folklore. The square is surrounded by a wonderful clean pond with a fountain. Lyabi-Hauz has become a favorite place for various mass festivities and official celebrations in Bukhara.

11. Samanid Mausoleum (Bukhara)

Samanid Mausoleum (Bukhara) - Sights of Uzbekistan

The Samanid Mausoleum, an ancient family tomb, another masterpiece of architecture created at the juncture of the 9th-10th centuries, is located in Samanid Park, on the territory of the ancient Bukhara cemetery. Despite the fact that the facade and interior decoration of the structure does not play with bright colors, amazing openwork finish, which builders managed to achieve using ordinary bricks, impresses. On the territory of the tomb there used to be an ancient Muslim cemetery, and later there was laid out a park with ponds, which became a place for mass festivals.

12. The Minaret and Mosque of Kalyan in Bukhara

Kalyan Minaret and Mosque in Bukhara - Sights of Uzbekistan

Choosing where to go in Uzbekistan, traveling through Bukhara, it is definitely worth visiting Poi-Kalyan, the main architectural complex that has become a symbol of Bukhara, which includes a minaret, a mosque and a madrassah. Constructed in the 12th century of burnt brick, the minaret of Kalyan rises more than 46 meters, and its top is crowned with a conic lantern. The minaret is connected to the roof of the Kalyan Mosque by a bridge, from where, in turn, a spiral staircase leads up to the dome itself, where a spectacular panoramic view opens up. The mosque itself was built a little later than the minaret, in the 16th century, and to this day it is the main cathedral mosque of the city.

13. Khiva city

Khiva city - sights of Uzbekistan

Another city, many centuries ago located on the Great Silk Road, is the ancient Khorezm, or Khiva, as it is called now. Khiva may be regarded as an open air museum, not without reason it is included in the UNESCO list, because here every building is an ancient landmark. In the old part of the city of Ichan-Kala, founded about 5 century AD, kept about 60 historical monuments, including a citadel, palaces, mosques, minarets and mausoleums. Outside the walled old city is another ancient part, Dishan-Kala, where there were residential buildings and trading rows.

14. Ichan Qala Fortress in Khiva

Fortress of Ichan-Kala in Khiva - Sightseeing in Uzbekistan

Now more details about the citadel of Ichan-Kala, which like nothing else preserves the image of the ancient eastern city of Khiva. The conclusions of archaeologists suggest that Old Khiva, which already existed in the 5th century, served as a stopover on the Great Silk Road. The old city within the walls of Ichan-Kala occupies about 30 hectares and is surrounded by a massive wall of 6-8 meters. Ditches were dug on the outer side of the walls and filled with water. There are also four gates in the fortress wall, reinforced with percussion towers and augmented with observation galleries.

15. Ulugbek Observatory

Ulugbek Observatory - Sights of Uzbekistan

The background to the appearance of this landmark in Uzbekistan was the birth of the famous Tamerlane’s inquisitive grandson Ulugbek, who from an early age was reaching for knowledge. During one of his grandfather’s expeditions, the boy saw and visited an observatory for the first time, and ever since then he dreamed of building one of his own. At a fairly young age, becoming the ruler of Samarkand, Ulugbek begins to realize the dream, and by 1423 a famous observatory appears in Samarkand. Only one part of the observatory has survived to our time - a sextant with a radius of 40 meters, which was used to measure the height of the celestial bodies.

16. Shahi Zinda Architectural Monument

Shahi Zinda Monument of Architecture - Sights of Uzbekistan

Not far from Bibi-Khanum mosque in Samarkand there is one of the most beautiful and picturesque memorial complexes, the street-cemetery, Shahi Zinda necropolis. The history of this ensemble begins in the 11th century, when a cousin of the prophet Muhammad - Abbas, nicknamed Shahi Zinda, which translates as the Living King, was buried on the southeastern slope of the settlement of Afrasiab. Today there are 14 mausoleums, whose facades sparkle with blossoms of blue and blue ornaments and painted domes. Here are the tombs of famous personalities, military leaders, scientists and masters who have entered the glorious history of Samarkand.

17. Ark Citadel

Citadel Ark - Sights of Uzbekistan

One of the interesting places, which can be attributed to the ancient cultural monuments of Uzbekistan, is located in Bukhara - the Ark Citadel. Archaeological research determined the age of the citadel - its foundations were laid between the 6th and 3rd centuries BC. Up to the beginning of the 20th century the citadel served as a palace for the rulers of Bukhara. During its long history many creative and scholarly minds, including Avicenna, Ferdowsi and Omar Khayyam, lived on the territory of the citadel. Nowadays the citadel has turned into a big museum, where there are several departments - for example, history, numismatics or nature department.

18. Gur-Emir (Tamerlane Mausoleum)

Gur-Emir (Tamerlane Mausoleum) - Sights of Uzbekistan

Like many other famous monuments of Samarkand, Gur Emir Mausoleum is associated with the name of the famous warrior Tamerlane. Many descendants and associates of Amir Timur found their last resting place here. And the beginning of the construction of the tomb was associated with the sudden death of one of Tamerlane’s grandsons - Muhammad-Sultan. The family vault of the Timurid dynasty is a large single-domed building, the expressive design of which left a mark on many of the great architects of all Central Asia. The intricate wall paintings, filigree blue and gold patterns, and the combination of precious materials are further reminders of how great personalities rest within these centuries-old walls.

Sights of Uzbekistan: what else to see in Uzbekistan

The main sights of Uzbekistan were briefly listed above, but this is only a part of the memorable places, whose glory through the centuries has reached our days. In addition to man-made monuments, there are a lot of beautiful and amazing places created by nature itself on the territory of the country. Natural attractions of Uzbekistan photo with names and descriptions are given in the continuation of the review.

19. Charvak reservoir

Charvak Reservoir - Sights of Uzbekistan

Charvak reservoir would be a simple artificial reservoir, if not for its emerald waters on the background of the magnificent nature, so harmoniously framing the banks. In the background are the peaks of the Tien Shan mountains, and the total length of the reservoir shoreline is almost a hundred kilometers. This contributed to the fact that with the advent of the reservoir began to actively develop and resort infrastructure: the coast is now the best hotels in Uzbekistan, summer camps, resorts and tourist centers, the entire coastal area is divided into several large recreation areas.

20. Kyzylkum desert

Kyzylkum Desert - Sights of Uzbekistan

In the Uzbek lands between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers lies the great desert of Asia - Kyzylkum. In addition to Uzbekistan, Kyzylkum partially extends into the lands of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, occupying a total area of 300 square kilometers. Despite the lifeless sand massifs, dry and sharply continental climate, flora and fauna is quite diverse, especially with the advent of spring when precipitation increases. Also the lands of Kyzylkum have been partially developed by man - small oases are created on the basis of artesian basins, gold ore deposits are discovered, and sheep breeding is carried out.

21. Fergana valley

The Fergana Valley - the sights of Uzbekistan

Fergana Valley is a real gem of Uzbekistan with a rich and very picturesque nature. This fertile land, full of water resources, various natural resources and oasis lands, cultivated by sedentary farmers, and the perimeter of this land is surrounded by majestic Tien Shan ridges. Even in ancient times representatives of different civilizations lived in this blooming oasis, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds.

22. Chimgan mountains

Chimgan Mountains - what to see in Uzbekistan

Chimgan mountains are not only beautiful nature, picturesque slopes overgrown with relict bushes, valleys and gorges with the cleanest mountain rivers. It is also a popular tourist area where skiing, paragliding, hiking thrives. The reviews testify that a trip to Chimgan Mountains allows you to “reload” and recover, being nourished by the inexhaustible source of energy - nature itself. They come here not only on vacation but also on weekends and holidays, and a large number of active tourist facilities and hotels can always find a suitable place for accommodation and overnight stays.

23. Ship cemetery in Muinak

Ship graveyard in Muinak - what to see in Uzbekistan

Muynak was once a real oasis city where fishing flourished and the Aral Sea was one of the world’s largest salt lakes. Beginning in the 1960s, the sea began to be regularly drained by man in order to change the direction of the rivers to irrigate the fields. As a result of these activities, the sea began to die, denuding the land of much dust and poisonous chemicals. The rusty remains of ships are a sight to see, illustrating the sad consequences of the unwise treatment of the Aral Sea. The seaport that was once there has turned into a graveyard of ships, to the ruins of which you can go down and walk along the former seabed.

24. State Museum of the History of the Timurids

State Museum of the History of the Timurids in Uzbekistan

In the heart of the main city of Uzbekistan, the capital city of Tashkent, the State Museum of the History of the Timurids is located - its collection contains more than 5 thousand exhibits from the era of Amir Timur and the Timurid dynasty. Opening of the museum in 1996 was timed to coincide with the 660th anniversary of Tamerlane’s birth, and the site was located next to the square of Amir Timur, surrounded by beautiful parks, public and educational institutions. The style of the building is appropriate to the epoch it is dedicated to - the round building is crowned with a huge blue dome, the walls are lined with mosaics in the national style. The interior rooms are solemnly decorated and impress with their pomp; the second and third floors are completely devoted to the history of the famous dynasty. The interior of these halls is richly decorated with gold leaf, marble, oriental paintings and miniature paintings; on the walls there are frescos depicting historical paintings. The exposition includes archeological, numismatic and ethnographic materials, military ammunition, skilful miniatures, pictures of Amir Timur performed by talented European masters.

25. History Museum of Uzbekistan

Museum of the History of Uzbekistan in Uzbekistan

The eventful history has found its reflection in numerous museums - these national attractions of Uzbekistan can be found even in the smallest towns of the country. What to say about the capital - in Tashkent at the end of the 19th century was founded the National Museum of Turkestan, which at the beginning of the last century was transformed into the Museum of History. The vast and original cubic building houses a large scale composition describing the country’s historical development through cultural objects such as tools, crockery and household items, jewelry, mirrors and many others. On the first floor there is administration, conference hall and cinema hall. And the most interesting places are on the 3rd and 4th floors. Around ten thousand exhibits are on display here, and this is just a small part of the 250-thousand collection in the funds. Among the most famous exhibits are a huge Saka cauldron from the 4th-5th centuries BC, a Buddha figure with 2 monks called “Triad” from the 1st century AD, samples of ancient fabrics and ceramics, coins, historical photographs and documents.

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26. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Tashkent

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Uzbekistan

Against the background of the usual Tashkent skyline of blue domes and minarets stands the gothic silhouette of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the main Catholic cathedral in Uzbekistan known to locals as the “Polish church”, which is not typical of Central Asia. It is worth saying that Christianity first began to spread in Central Asia in the first centuries AD thanks to the development of the Great Silk Road. Nevertheless, the first Catholic churches did not appear until many centuries later - for example, the construction of this cathedral started in 1912, and the process was mainly carried out by prisoners of war, among whom there were many specialists - architects, engineers, sculptors, etc. The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a magnificent example of Neo-Gothic architecture. Its odious and gloomy façade is adorned with stained-glass windows and spires, the interior is lined with granite and marble, and the furniture and doors are made of precious wood. The main hall is adorned with a 2-meter statue of Jesus Christ and a musical organ.

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27. Assumption Cathedral in Tashkent

Assumption Cathedral in Uzbekistan

The history of the Assumption Cathedral is unique in that it was once a small cemetery church, called the Church of St. Panteleimon. In the middle of the last century work began to expand the temple. In the 1930s and 1940s, the church was closed, and its premises were used for the needs of a hospital. After the end of the Second World War, the church was consecrated with the name of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and appointed the main Orthodox cathedral in the capital. In 50-60’s the church was almost rebuilt, the new premises could accommodate up to 4 thousand worshipers. After the collapse, the cathedral was thoroughly renovated and restored. Today you can visit the territory of the cathedral by passing through a triple arch, topped with a golden dome. The constructions in the courtyard are strikingly beautiful. They are all designed in the same style according to classicism; the white decor in combination with the blue facades give the composition an airy feeling. The 5-tier openwork belfry, reconstructed in the 20th century, deserves special attention.

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28. Bolo House Complex

Bolo House Complex in Uzbekistan

For travelers to Uzbekistan, there’s a good reason to take a hot tour with a visit to Bukhara. This city is famous for its many historical buildings that testify to turbulent historical events, among them the majestic Ark fortress occupies a special place. Another striking example of the architectural traditions of the East is the Bolo-Hauz Mosque, built near a spring of water. In general, the tradition of erecting artificial reservoirs, as well as mosques near them, appeared many centuries ago - there have always been problems with water on the territory of Central Asia. The beautiful architectural ensemble Bolo-Khauz has the status of Bukhara’s historical landmark. The mosque rises on Registan square and is decorated with 20 carved wooden columns. Near the mosque you can see the minaret, erected a few years after the mosque - this elegant structure for a long time before the reconstruction was in a slightly inclined condition, but later was thoroughly strengthened and acquired an upright appearance.

29. Khoja Donier Mausoleum

Khoja Donier Mausoleum in Uzbekistan

The status of the most revered landmark of Samarkand has theMausoleum of Khoja Doniyer, located in the ancient settlement of Afrosiab. Today, thousands of pilgrims come to the tomb, including not only Muslims, but also Jews and Christians. All because Donier, in Orthodoxy Daniel is a prophet, significant in these three world religions. Anyway, it is worth visiting this sacred place for everyone who comes to get acquainted with Samarkand - it hides a lot of amazing beliefs and keeps a blessed spirit. Daniel was endowed by God with the ability to see and understand dreams and visions, and some of those concerning the end of the world and the second coming of Christ were recorded by the prophet and carried by peoples through the ages. One of the legends says that Amir Timur, making a pilgrimage to the place of the saint’s original burial, decided to move some of his relics to Samarkand, and now that is where the mausoleum is located. It is captivating in its peacefulness, and for many believers it is an ideal place to rest in peace and quiet, to find a state of grace.

30. Kukeldash Madrasah in Tashkent

Madrasah Kukeldash in Uzbekistan

During the Middle Ages, arid Central Asia was a true cultural oasis. Intellect, knowledge of the basics of art and theology were the most important abilities of men of that time. At that time madrasahs served as educational centers, Muslim educational centers and, at the same time, religious seminaries, and nowadays they are historical and cultural landmarks of Tashkent. Kukeldash is the largest institution of its kind and an important architectural monument in the center of the Uzbek capital. This “high school” was founded in the 16th century by one of the people close to the Tashkent khans. This man had a nickname “kukeldash”, which in Uzbek means “foster brother of khan”. During centuries of the existence Madrasah was both fortress and hotel, it survived two strong earthquakes. That’s why the building has been restored many times, and only modern restorers were able to restore its original appearance - today the architecture and size of the madrasah is fully consistent with the canons of medieval architecture. The urge to explore the world more and more attracts modern travelers to Uzbekistan. Today almost everyone can afford it, even having a relatively modest budget. Uzbekistan is one of the post-Soviet countries, where with the fall of the “Iron Curtain” began a slow but steady development of tourism. Bright sun, exotic cuisine, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, oriental flavor, an unimaginable number of historical sites - this is what gives its guests a fabulous sunny country of the East.

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must visit places in uzbekistan

25 Incredible Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

must visit places in uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is an undeniably beautiful country full of breathtaking architecture. If Uzbekistan isn’t on your travel radar, hopefully, this post will change that!  It is an enchanting country that will give you a glimpse into the past.  The famous Silk Road trade route from China to the Mediterranean includes many Uzbek cities. History buffs, foodies, culture lovers and photographers will all be delighted by all the amazing places to visit in Uzbekistan.

Hopefully, you read my post with tips for visiting Uzbekistan and now you want more detail about what to do.

Table of Contents

Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

No visit to Uzbekistan would be complete without visiting the capital and it is usually the easiest place to fly into. Information about how to get to Uzbekistan in another post as well as how to get around.  Tashkent or Toshkent meaning “city of stone” is a city of 4 million people and historically an important location along the silk road. It a modern city but has an old section that is great to visit.

1.  Hast Imam Square (Hazrati Imam)

Hast-Imam is the religious center of Tashkent located in the old town. This complex appeared near the tomb of one of the first imam of Tashkent city, the famous scientist, a scholar of the Koran and Hadith, poet and craftsman Hazrati Imam.  On the territory of the Hast-Imam, there are few architectural monuments, including the madrasah of Barak-Khan, Tilla Sheikh Mosque, the Abu Bakr Mausoleum and the Islamic Institute of Imam al-Bukhari, where future imans are taught.

Inside the mosque here, you can see the world-famous Quran of Caliph Uthman, written in the 8th century on deerskin (paper was not yet known in this region).

must visit places in uzbekistan

2.  Chorsu Bazaar

This is a must-visit in the old city. Under a huge blue dome is this largest market in Uzbekistan where daily life takes place. You can see mountains of spices, nuts, dried fruits as well as rows and rows of yogurt, cheeses, pickles noodles as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. There is also an area where fresh bread is baked. I encourage you to sample everything possible!

must visit places in uzbekistan

3.  The Tashkent Metro

It is one of only two subway systems currently operating in Central Asia (the other one being the Almaty Metro). It was the seventh metro to be built in the former USSR, opening in 1977. Its stations are among the most ornate in the world. The metro is a convenient way to get around Tashkent and even if you don’t need to use it, you should if only to see how beautiful the various stations are. The station near the Yuri Gargarin (first man in space) monument has a cosmonaut theme which is super fun.  Rides are 1200 som each (less than 15cents).

must visit places in uzbekistan

4.  The Opera House

Looking for something different? I took the opportunity to see the opera La Traviata while here and it was only 50,000 UZS ($6 USD) and a great experience.

must visit places in uzbekistan

5.  Plov Center

This is THE place to try the Uzbek national dish, Plov. I’ve never seen so much rice in my life. It was fun to see how it’s made outside in the huge bowls. It’s delicious too!

must visit places in uzbekistan

6. Applied Art Museum

Dating back to 1927 this is a beautiful state museum holding over 7,000 samples handmade embroidery,  jewelry, carpets and other handcrafted goods from the early 19th century to the present. There is a beautiful gift shop as well.

Beautifully colorful tiled building with arched wooden doorways in Tashkent Uzbekistan

Places to Stay in Tashkent

must visit places in uzbekistan

7.  Registan Square

Registan was the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand during the Timurid dynasty. It was a public square, where people gathered to hear royal proclamations and a place of public executions. It holds three madrassas (Islamic schools) of distinctive Islamic architecture

must visit places in uzbekistan

Registan is beautiful at sunset and at night when the lights come on. I actually enjoyed the night view of Registan Square the most. It was beautiful to walk around and see the courtyards light up with different colors.  Sometimes there are shows here at night as well.

must visit places in uzbekistan

8.  Gur-E-Amir Mausoleum

This is the shrine of Tamerlane, the legendary ruler from the 14th century.  Apparently, the Taj Mahal was modeled after this building.

must visit places in uzbekistan

At night, the Gur-E-Amir is simply stunning. It is a short walk from Registan Square and both are beautifully lit. I recommend seeing both sights by day and go back after dinner to see after dark.

must visit places in uzbekistan

9.  Shah-i-Zinda

Blue tile Mosque. Tips for Visiting Uzbekistan.

10.  Bibi Khanum Mosque

This one of the most important monuments of Samarkand. In the 15th century, it was one of the largest and most magnificent mosques in the Islamic world. The favorite wife of Tamerlane, Saray Mulk Khanum, decided to build a mosque next to the bazaar. To make the mosque more majestic than the madrassah of Tamerlane, the queen ordered architects to erect the tallest building in the city, but a construction error led to the building’s ultimate destruction.

It was mostly ruined by the mid-20th century, but major parts of the mosque were restored during the Soviet period.

11.  Siyob Bazaar

This is the largest bazaar in Samarkand and located next to the Bibi Khanum mosque.  All daily necessities are sold here. It is a fun place to visit and witness local life but to also try different sweets and local delicacies.

12.  Meros Paper Mill

In village 5 km from Samarkand called Koni Ghil, you can visit this paper mill set amongst shady trees on the Siab River. It was founded by well-known masters the Mukhtarov brothers and is a renovated factory using ancient paper-making traditions. Everything is manual and is fascinating to watch. Paper making started in China as far back as 1 BC and after the Battle of the Talus River, the art was learned from Chinese prisoners.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Places to Stay in Samarkand

Sultan Boutique Hotel

13.  Kaylan Mosque and Minaret

must visit places in uzbekistan

14.  Ark Fortress

Ancient Fortress. Tips for Visiting Uzbekistan

15.  Lyabi Hauz Ensemble

16.  bolo-khauz mosque.

Mosque with pillars in Uzbekistan. Tips for Visiting Uzbekistan

17.  Mausoleum of Bakhoutdin Naqshbandi

The Memorial Complex of Khoja Bakhouddin Naqshbandi is one of the most important Muslim shrines. As the burial place of one of Sufism’s leaders, Naqshbandi, this site is regularly visited by Muslim pilgrims from around the world Naqshbandi was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur and made the hajj to Mekka 32 times. He encouraged people to be modest and rejected luxury.

must visit places in uzbekistan

18.  Sitorai-Mokhikhosa

must visit places in uzbekistan

19.  Chor Minar

Mosque with 4 minarets with teal tops. Tips for Visiting Uzbekistan

Places to Stay in Bukhara

Fatima Boutique

Boutique Hotel Minzifa

As-Salam Boutique Hotel

This ancient walled city was a “khanate” in the 1500s.  It was a place ruled by one of the descendants of Genghis Khan. It is also a UNESCO world heritage site.  This well-preserved city has the feel of a theme park yet has a dark history, one definitely downplayed by local guides. The city is well-known for being an important slave-trading market during the time of the Silk Road. Its proximity to the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan made it a convenient trading market for slaves captured by the Turkmen tribesmen or Kazakh tribes from the steppes.

Itchan Kala is the old center of Khiva, where you will find most of the city’s attractions. Definitely get a guide to take you around as to not miss out on the secret courtyards and hidden places you would miss otherwise. It definitely gets crowded with tourists here which I didn’t expect so head out early or in the early evening for better photos!

10.  Islam Khoja Minaret

This 57m tall minaret resembles a lighthouse. You can climb it for excellent city views as well as some exercise! Beware the stairs are steep and windy. Not easy if you aren’t in the proper clothing for such activity.

Tips for Planning a Trip To Uzbekistan

21.  Watchtower

At the back right corner of the throne room in the Kuhna Ark, a door leads to a flight of steps up to the watchtower, the original part of the Ark. The fee to climb up here is definitely worth it, especially at sunset for city views.

22.  Tash Hauli

A palace inside the Itchan Kala with extraordinary decor, blue ceramic tiles, more than 150 rooms, and 9 courtyards.

23.  Juma Mosque

This Friday mosque is on the plain side but unique with its 218 intricately carved wooden columns that support the roof and lack of artificial lighting.

must visit places in uzbekistan

24.  Kuhna Ark

A fortress that used to be the residence of Khiva’s rulers. The ark presented a complex multi-yard composition, containing a house for khan, the members of his family, and dignitaries.

must visit places in uzbekistan

25.  Kalta Minor Minaret

A turquoise-tiled minaret begun in 1851 by Mohammed Amin Khan, who aspired for it to be 80m tall. Unfortunately, he dropped dead in 1855, leaving the structure unfinished at 29m, but still striking.

Places to See Uzbekistan

Make sure to walk around Khiva in the evening to see the old city aglow with soft lighting.

Places to Stay in Khiva

Orient Star

Qosha Darvoza

Shaherazada Hotel

Photos of Uzbekistan for Pinterest

About The Author

must visit places in uzbekistan

Cherene Saradar

Cherene is a travel expert with 30 years of experience in over 100 countries and 7 continents. She has traveled solo to over 50 countries. She is also a nurse anesthesiologist with over 20 years of healthcare experience. Her passions include wildlife travel and visiting wine regions of the world.


30 stunning photos of uzbekistan to inspire a visit - wandering redhead | 24th aug 19.

[…] Read More:  Places to Visit in Uzbekistan […]

must visit places in uzbekistan

Jay Artale | 18th Aug 19

Looks truly amazing … your main pic reminds me of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul …. thanks for sharing.

must visit places in uzbekistan

csaradar | 12th Nov 19

must visit places in uzbekistan

Nancy Hann | 17th Aug 19

The colors in the architecture are amazing and I can just smell the spices! Thanks for the detailed post.

csaradar | 18th Aug 19

They did smell good! Thank you!!

must visit places in uzbekistan

Sage Scott | 17th Aug 19

I am absolutely mesmerized by the amazing tiles and gorgeous architecture. Having never been to Uzbekistan, it feels a little bit like Lisbon meets Istanbul. Thanks for letting me travel along with you via your amazing photos and post!

Glad you enjoyed. It is magnificent!

must visit places in uzbekistan

myfabfiftieslife | 17th Aug 19

Your photos are beautiful. this country is high on my list and I hope to visit in 2020. Have saved for future reference.

I hope you do! I also have tips for planning and soon to do an itinerary:)

Tips for Visiting Uzbekistan - Wandering Redhead | 13th Aug 19

[…] have more details in my post about places to visit in Uzbekistan as well as beautiful Uzbekistan photos that will make you want to plan a trip immediately.  […]

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Uzbekistan – Top 10 Places to visit

Uzbekistan – top 10 places to visit, #1 samarkand.

Samarkand city view with Bibi Khanum mosque in Uzbekistan

#4 Shahrisabz

This flourishing city of the Timurid Empire is the birthplace of the great medieval conqueror Amir Temur.  It has exceptional monuments from 14 th to 15 th centuries though its history dates back over 2000 years.  Its historic center retains the layout from the original Timurid city planning.  Amir Temur ordered the Ak Sarai – the white summer palace – to be built as well as his own grave. Tamerlane’s summer palace was one of the highlights of the Timurid architecture.  These days you can still see the remains of the palace’s 65 meter high monumental gates.

#5 Tashkent

Tashkent Earthquake monument in Uzbekistan

#6 Aidarkul Lake & Nurota Mountains

Aidarkul lake with yurts in Uzbeksitan

#8 Ancient Fortress Ruins

Ancient Khorezm fortresses in Uzbekistan

#9 Fergana Valley

Fergana pottery master in Uzbekistan

#10 Karakalpakstan

Aral Sea ship on sand in Uzbekistan

Keep up with our blog or travel to Uzbekistan yourself to learn more first hand about the country’s fascinating history and rich culture.

You can find all our small-group tours to Uzbekistan here . All listed departures are guaranteed. If you prefer a custom private tour, please don’t hesitate to contact us .

On Tripadvisor you can read reviews from some of our travelers about their trips to Central Asia and Uzbekistan.

sightseeing Uzbekistan

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Kalpak Travel

Bukhara - top places to see.

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16 EPIC Things to Do in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (2024 Guide)

Picture of Richard Barnes

  • Last Updated: February 5, 2024

From exploring imposing Soviet Architecture to marvelling at gorgeous mosques and museums, here’s our list of the best things to do in Tashkent.

The biggest city in Central Asia has never received much love from the travelling community.

Articles on Uzbekistan tend to focus on the countries’ big hitters and more well-known destinations like Samarkand , Bukhara or the fabled Aral Sea.

Even when compared to other Central Asia cities, Tashkent is usually trailing behind the regions big hitters; Ashgabat and Astana.

Most travellers blast through on their way in or out of Uzbekistan and this really is a crying shame.

However, as tourism to the region increases, this is slowly starting to change. Tashkent is starting to show itself as a fascinating destination in its own right.

Tourism is really starting to take off in the Uzbek capital and travellers are starting to take advantage of Tashkent’s awesome tourist spots.

It is a city brimming with culture, architecture, history and good food.

Whilst having all of the Uzbek and Central Asian staples, if you need a break from plov, manti and shashlik then this is the place!

READ MORE: Check out our epic Uzbekistan travel guide to make the most of your trip here!

Table of Contents

Tashkent Travel Guide

Now that you know what to do in Tashkent, here’s my mini travel guide to the city to help you plan the rest of your trip.

Transport in Tashkent

Getting to Tashkent and around the city has never been easier. Here’s my guide to help you plan your next trip.

Most people enter Tashkent at the city’s international airport. In the past there were strict limits on how much cash you could bring into the country.

However the restrictions have been lifted somewhat, but you need to declare if you are bringing in between $2000 and $5000.

Anything over $5000 requires the completion of another form at the airport.

The most convenient way of getting to and from the airport is by taxi. When you exit the airport you will be harassed by taxi drivers charging extortionate prices.

Ignore them and keep walking. The further away you get from the entrance the cheaper the prices will get.

We stayed around Kosmonavtlar subway station and paid $2 (16,000 som) from the airport.

Alternatively you may arrive in Tashkent by train. Again, taxi’s are the best way to get to and from the station. From the station to Kosmonavtlar it cost us $2 (16,000 som).

Tashkent is serviced by two train stations handling both high speed and slow trains travelling from all over Uzbekistan.

Tickets can be purchased online in advance or from ticket offices in the city centre.

However the chances of encountering an English speaker at these ticket offices is slim.

If you come across the border from Kazakhstan you will need to get a taxi into Tashkent itself which should cost around $5.

However do be warned that this border with Kazakhstan is extremely chaotic and as a result it can take a few hours to get through.

Tashkent’s metro is famous for its extravagant designs, although not quite at the level of Moscow or St Petersburg there is some fantastic artwork on display. Aside from that, it’s taxis or marshrutka.

In Uzbekistan, every car is a potential taxi. Stand on the side of the street and try and flag one down and you will probably get a regular car before you get a taxi.

When we hopped into regular cars we never felt unsafe or ill at ease. However if this isn’t for then just get a regular taxi.

Expect journeys within the city centre to be between $1-2 (8000-16000 som).

Generally the months to avoid are June, July and August when Tashkent and Uzbekistan swelter under the desert heat.

Spring and Autumn are excellent times to visit.

In the past the only way to get local currency was through the bank or black market. Uzbek som was traded for dollars by any international visitor, due to the lack of ATM’s.

However the bank rate was much worse than the black market rate. This is because the bank rates were fixed by the government and the black market rates reflected the actual value of the som against the dollar.

Banks set $1 at being worth 4210 som, on the black market it was worth around 8,000 som.

You were better off changing money with some shady looking characters round the back of the Chorsu bazaar than going into a bank.

However in 2017 this all changed. The government abandoned the fixed rates and the black market and bank rates were the same.

In addition the government introduced 10,000 and 50,000 som bills, although the 50,000 som bills are not that common yet.

Prior to this the only notes available were 1000 som.

This gave Uzbeks the reputation of being the worlds fastest money counters, certainly something we are no position to disagree with after seeing them in action.

Nowadays you don’t need to bring all of you money in with you, but ATMs are not widespread, may not work and there can be issues with them accepting foreign cards.

Therefore it’s still probably a good idea to bring most of your cash with you. In Tashkent you shouldn’t have too many issues finding an ATM, but elsewhere is much trickier.

Another piece of good news is that a number of major currencies are now accepted by all Uzbek banks: US Dollars, Euros, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen and increasing the Chinese Renminbi.

When changing money you will need to bring you passport and you money needs to be crisp and clean. They will not accept ripped or old notes.

You can change som back, usually into dollars as that’s the currency most banks hold.

However do this in Uzbekistan as it’s a nightmare to do it outside of the country.

Accommodation – Where to Stay in Tashkent

Being the largest city in Central Asia, there are certainly plenty of accommodation options in Tashkent ranging to cheap and cheerful dorms to luxury suites.

The nearer you are to a subway station the easier life will be. We stayed a two different places during our time in Tashkent – Anvar’s Guests and Top Chan.

We felt Topchan was too far away from everything for us. Anvars on the other hand was just a 15 minute walk to Kosmonavtlar station.

This is probably the most popular hostel in Tashkent. With wifi and free breakfast as well as a variety of private and shared rooms this could suit couples and solo travellers.

However bathrooms are shared so it may not be for everyone. It even has a pool, perfect for escaping the Uzbek summer. Additionally staff are friendly and can offer plenty of helpful advice where necessary.

This excellent guesthouse is something of a stalwart on the Tashkent travel scene.

Offering decent rooms and free breakfast it’s also close to the subway as well as numerous restaurants and shops.

There’s also an excellent cafe just opposite serving great coffee and cakes. The rooms do need a little bit of TLC in places and the bathrooms are a bit on the small side.

However for price and private bathrooms this is an excellent option.

Anvar himself is full of helpful advice and information and speaks flawless English alongside Uzbek and Russian. He was able to recommend taxi drivers, restaurants and the best place to pick up a cheap sim card.

Located near the Minor Mosque this hotel has large rooms and free breakfast.

The wifi connection is quick and reliable and being located up here means that it’s in one of the more secluded accommodation options in Tashkent.

Luxury hotels in Central Asia usually run into the issue of not being up to international standards.

There are a number of luxury options in Tashkent however this issue is a consistent area of complaint.

However Sharq hotel seems to be one of the few that has overcome this. It has everything you would expect form a luxury hotel; large rooms, great food and a pool. This really is a superb luxury option in Tashkent.

For great Uzbek food, you can’t go wrong with checking out some of the stands at the Chorsu bazaar. The plov and shashlik are both excellent.

Do check the price before ordering as you may end up with a bigger bill than you anticipated.

Most small hole in the wall restaurants offer good cheap eats, so if you’re watching the pennies these are excellent options.

You won’t find too many of these in the city centre, however.

Shashlik Chorsu Bazaar

One thing that sets Tashkent apart from other cities and towns in Central Asia is the variety of cuisine.

As good as plov, manti, lagman and shashlik are, you will at some point crave something different.

Tashkent can provide this in oodles, but it is more expensive than local cuisine.

The excellently named Jumanji has a huge menu offering local, European and Asian cuisine. Functioning as both a bar and restaurant it usually has live music as well.

However our favourite non-Uzbek eatery was an excellent Korean restaurant located on the corner of Vosit Vokhidov Street and Shota Rustaveli Street, just east of the Mir Hotel.

The dishes are certainly not cheap, but taste wise it is exactly what you would get if you walked into a restaurant in Seoul.

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Picture of Richard Barnes

Richard Barnes

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The Perfect Uzbekistan Itinerary (2024 Guide)

The 25 best things to do in uzbekistan [2024 edition].

The 14 BEST Places to Visit in Uzbekistan [2024 Guide]

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You don’t say exactly where are the mosaics nor posted any pictures. I walked that road you mentioned and could not see anything to be honest…

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Journal of Nomads

The 15 Best Things to do in Tashkent Uzbekistan – Tashkent City Guide

Tashkent will be very likely the first city you’ll arrive in when you travel to Uzbekistan. What are the best places to see in Tashkent Uzbekistan? Read this travel guide to have a wonderful stay in Tashkent city!

Uzbekistan’s modern capital Tashkent lives a bit in the shadows of the more attractive-looking Silk Road cities Samarkand ,  Bukhara  and  Khiva . It’s a shame because Tashkent is a really nice destination to visit and spend some time if you know where to go.

Tashkent city can be seen as an introduction to the stunning Islamic architecture – probably the reason why you’re going to travel to Uzbekistan – as it has some beautiful historical sites.  It’s also a very modern city with many parks and fountains, beautiful statues, nice cafes, and great restaurants.

How to get from Almaty to Tashkent - Journal of Nomads

Tashkent city is a fantastic base from which to explore the rest of Uzbekistan.  It’s very easy to take buses or trains from Tashkent to all the other interesting destinations around the country.

You’ll very likely begin and end your trip to Uzbekistan here as it’s home to the country’s international airport. If you prefer to travel overland, it’s also very straightforward to travel from Almaty (Kazakhstan),   Bishkek   (Kyrgyzstan) or Osh (Kyrgyzstan) to Tashkent by bus or train. 

It’ll also be a nice place to hang out at the end of your travels in Uzbekistan because trust me, after spending days and/or weeks of staring intensely at radiant colors and interlaced patterns of architectural masterpieces, you’ll be feeling a little “ tiled-out” !

Tip: See my  Uzbekistan Travel Page  for a complete overview of all my travel guides and blog posts about Uzbekistan!

Uzbekistan Travel Guide - Traveling to Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

The 26 most beautiful and best places to visit in Uzbekistan

What to see in Tashkent Uzbekistan

Disclaimer: This posts might contain affiliate links, meaning that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn an affiliate commission. Thank you for helping to support this website!

Plan your trip to Tashkent

Where to stay.

  • Best budget pick: Light Hostel
  • Best mid-range hotel choice: Hotel Suzuk-Ota
  • Top premium hotel: Ichan Qala

Top experiences in Tashkent

  • Visit the stunning metro of Tashkent
  • Tashkent Walking City Tour
  • Highlights of Tashkent City Tour

Plan your trip to Uzbekistan

  • 18 important things to prepare your trip to Uzbekistan
  • Uzbekistan Itineraries: 1 to 4 weeks in Uzbekistan
  • How to travel around Uzbekistan by train
  • Uzbekistan Money Guide
  • Travel insurance for Uzbekistan


Tashkent City – Things you need to know before you go

Tashkent is the economic and cultural center of Uzbekistan and one of the wealthiest cities in Central Asia. It used to be the most populated city of ex-Soviet Central Asia and the 4th largest city of the Soviet Union. 

It’s very easy and cheap to get around Tashkent by metro. It only costs $0.15, there are metro stations near all the must-see places to visit in Tashkent and one of the top things to do in Tashkent is riding its metro as the city has some of the most beautiful metro stations in the world! 

Taking the metro in Tashkent - Journal of Nomads

Another way to get around Tashkent is by taxi. Install the Yandex Taxi app on your phone to easily order a taxi and see the rate in advance. This saves you the hustle of bargaining or the risk of paying triple the standard rate.

Tashkent is also a very clean and green city filled with Soviet, Islamic and modern-day architecture. It’s really not as conservative as you might think and I was even surprised to see young women walking around in cute little dresses.

This doesn’t mean you can start wearing tank tops and shorts that barely cover your bum but you also don’t need to cover yourself completely. 

How to dress in Tashkent Uzbekistan

Tashkent has many banks where you exchange your money for Uzbekistani Som (UZS). There are also ATMs in the city where you can withdraw Uzbekistani Soms or US Dollars.

The best time to visit Tashkent (and Uzbekistan) is during spring (April – May) and fall (October – November). The weather during those seasons is very pleasant and the temperatures are usually around 20°C (68°F). 

Summers in Tashkent (July-August) are dry and hot with average temperatures of 35°C (95°F). Once the sun has set though, it’s nice to walk around the parks and boulevards as this is the time when the city and its inhabitants come to life. 

Winter in Tashkent can also be a nice time if you want to see the city covered in snow. The average temperature during the winter is usually around 5°C (41°F).

Historic center of Bukhara - Best places to visit in Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

Uzbekistan Travel Guide: 18 u s e f u l t h ings you need to know before you go

Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

Discover the mystical Silk Road cities and travel along the ancient caravan trails in the mountains and desert of Uzbekistan during the 14-day H i g h l i g h t s o f Uzbekistan Adventure Tour !

Silk Road Tour - Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan - Bukhara Travel Guide - Best things to do in Bukhara Uzbekistan - The Complete Bukhara City Guide

Is Tashkent safe for tourists?

The capital of Uzbekistan is very safe for travelers and it has even become safer now that the government introduced a ‘tourist police’. You’ll find their boots in every tourist destination in Uzbekistan.

Is it safe to travel to Uzbekistan - Tourist Police Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

So in case you’d ever feel uncomfortable or in danger – which I highly doubt – just go to one of those touristic police stands and they will help you.

When I traveled for the first time to Tashkent in 2017, I was a bit worried about my safety. 

I was a woman traveling alone, I didn’t know many people who had been there before, and the country was a bit of a mystery to me.

Solo female travel Uzbekistan - traveling as a woman alone in Uzbekistan

Whether you’re a solo traveler or not, you shouldn’t worry too much about your safety in Uzbekistan and in Tashkent.

The Uzbeks are very friendly and have no bad intentions whatsoever. If they see you’re lost or you’re in need of help, they’ll kindly approach you and offer you their help.

When I traveled for the second time to Tashkent with my friend, we had a bit of an awkward situation in the metro.

A group of young guys surrounded us and our first instinct was to walk away as we thought they might want to rob us. But they were students and just wanted to have a chat so they could practice their English with us!

There might be cases of petty crime such as pickpockets, especially in crowded places and in the bazaars of Tashkent, but they don’t happen often. Just always keep your valuables in a safe place, no matter where you are in the world.

Siyob Bazaar - places to visit Samarkand Uzbekistan

Is Uzbekistan safe? 1 4 useful safety tips

Is it safe in Tashkent for tourists - Tashkent Travel Guide - Journal of Nomads

What I recommend to avoid being pickpocketed is to always keep your wallet in your front pocket or carry a money belt . Another great option is to travel with a slash-resistant and lockable anti-theft bag .

I would also recommend getting good travel insurance that covers theft .

Travel Insurance for Backpackers - The 2 best backpacker travel insurance - Journal of Nomads

The 3 most budget-friendly travel insurance companies compared!

Need Travel Insurance for Central Asia ? I use and highly recommend HeyMondo Travel Insurance . As a reader of Journal of Nomads, you get a 5% discount off your insurance plan!

The 15 Best Things to do in Tashkent Uzbekistan - Tashkent City Guide

15 places to visit and top things to do in Tashkent in one day

While Tashkent is a nice place to relax and do some sightseeing for a couple of days, you might not have much time on your trip around the country.

That’s why I made a 1-day itinerary for Tashkent so that even if you only have one day to spare in Uzbekistan’s capital city, you won’t miss out on the highlights and main tourist attractions in Tashkent. I would also recommend going on a guided city tour in Tashkent as you’ll learn so much more about the history and importance of Uzbekistan’s capital.

If you follow the map below, you’ll have an enjoyable time and you’ll also find out what Tashkent is famous for!

Tashkent Tourist Places – Map

I marked the places and attractions on the map below. You can open this map on your phone and also quickly find your way to and from the nearest metro stations.

1. See the world’s oldest Koran at the Hazrat Imam Complex

The Hazrat Imam Complex , also known as the Hast-Imam Ensemble or Khast Imam, is the religious heart of Tashkent. It’s the perfect place to start your Tashkent sightseeing trip.

While you walk around the complex, you’ll see some beautiful architectural monuments, such as the Barak Khan Madrasah, the Tilla Sheikh Mosque and the mausoleum of Saint Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi. 

Hazrat Imam Complex Tourist Places to visit Tashkent Uzbekistan

They are a nice introduction to the impressive Islamic architecture that you’ll find in other Uzbek cities like Bukhara . You can freely enter the courtyard of the Barak Khan Madrasah.

Barak Khan Madrasah - Hazrat Imam Complex - places to visit Tashkent- Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

Barak Khan Madrasah

Hazrat Imam is also home to the Muyi Mubarak Library, a library with oriental manuscripts and the Uthman Koran, which is claimed to be the world’s oldest Koran. The entrance fee to visit this library is  30,000 UZS (around €3/ US$3). 

Muyi Mubarak Library in Hazrat Imam Complex - Tashkent sightseeing - Journal of Nomads

How to get to Hazrat Imam Complex

Get out at the Gafur Gulom Metro Station . Follow Abdulla Qodiriy Street to the left and turn into Qorasaroy Street (see map).

The Hazrat Imam Complex is a 10-minute walk from the metro station and on your way there, you’ll get a glimpse of the old town of Tashkent. 

2. Shop at Chorsu Bazaar

The Chorsu Bazaar is Uzbekistan’s largest market where locals can buy anything from raw food products, fresh fruits and veggies, honey and spices to clothing, jewelry, beauty products and more. You can find everything here!

Chorsu Bazaar - places of interest in Tashkent

The central part of the bazaar is covered by an impressive blue dome but you’ll also find many outdoor food, textile and household stalls in the surrounding streets and alleys. It seems like this market just goes on forever!

Chorsu Bazaar Tashkent attractions Uzbekistan

Even if you don’t want to buy anything, the Chorsu Bazaar is an ideal place to do some people-watching and observe the cultural blend Tashkent is famous for. 

Shopping at Chorsu Bazaar, top things to do in Tashkent Uzbekistan

How to get to Chorsu Bazaar

The moment you walk out of Chorsu metro station , you’ll be in the midst of bread and cheap Chinese products stalls. You’ll also quickly see the blue dome.

If you’re coming from the Hazrat Imam Complex, walk back to Abdulla Qodiriy Street and go right at the intersection. Follow the road towards Zakaynar Street (see Tashkent Tourist Places map above).

It’s about 15 minutes walking from Hazrat Imam to the Chorsu Bazaar.

3. Visit the Kukeldash Madrasah and the Dzuma Mosque

The Kukeldash Madrasah is the largest madrasah and one of the most famous historical places in Tashkent.

While Kukeldash is not as impressive as the three madrasahs surrounding Registan Square in Samarkand , the building still is a beautiful example of Islamic architecture and worth a quick visit.

Tashkent's famous Kukeldash madrasah - Uzbekistan

Kukeldash was originally an educational institution (madrasah means ‘school’ or ‘college’ for Islamic education) but over the centuries the building has been used as a caravanserai for merchants, a fortress of the Kokand rulers and even as a place of execution.

The Madrasah survived several earthquakes and has repeatedly been repaired and restored. Today Kukeldash functions again as a spiritual institution.

You can enter the courtyard of the madrasah where you’ll find a small wood carving workshop. The entrance fee to the courtyard is 10000 UZS .

Kukeldash Madrasah - beautiful places Tashkent Uzbekistan

The Dzuma Mosque is right next to the Kukeldash Madrasah and worth a quick stop to admire the architecture.

Dzuma Mosque - Tashkent tourist places of interest

How to get to Kukeldash Madrasah and Dzuma Mosque

Kukeldash Madrasah and Dzuma Mosque are right outside the Chorsu Bazaar and the Chorsu Metro . Just walk between the outdoor stalls in the direction of Beruniy Street (see the Tashkent Tourist Places Map above). 

4. Admire the Minor Mosque

Minor Mosque is a striking new mosque in Tashkent. It was built in 2014 on the banks of the Ankhor Canal.

Minor Mosque Tashkent Things to do in Tashkent - Tashkent City Guide

Locals call it the “Snow Mosque” because it’s completely made of white marble. It’s particularly beautiful when the sun rays hit its walls, making the mosque sparkle and shine. 

Minor Mosque Tashkent Things to do in Tashkent - Tashkent City Guide

How to get to Minor Mosque

Take the metro (at Chorsu metro station if you’re following this itinerary) and get out at Bodomzor Station . Walk along Amir Temur Avenue until you reach the intersection with Kichik Halqa Ring Road.

Turn right and keep walking along Little Ring Road until you reach Minor Mosque. It’s about 15 minutes walking from Bodomzor metro station.

Samarkand Travel - One day itinerary Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

Top Things to do in Samarkand – Samarkand City Guide

5. Climb the Tashkent TV Tower

The Tashkent Tower is at its 375 meters, the 11th tallest tower in the world. You can take the elevator to the 6th floor and enjoy the panoramic views over the city from the observation deck.

There’s also a restaurant on the 7th floor where you can have a beer and/or enjoy a meal at a reasonable price. 

The entrance fee to go to the observation deck is  40,000 UZS . You’ll also need your passport to go up the tower. The Tashkent Tower is open daily from 10 am until 8 pm. 

It could be a nice spot to return in the evening and see how the sun sets over the city’s skyline.

Tashkent TV-Tower - Things to do in Tashkent - Tashkent City Guide

How to get to Tashkent TV Tower

Get out at  Bodomzor Station   and walk along Amir Timur Avenue in the direction of “Tashkent Land”. The Tashkent TV Tower is a 5-minute walk from the metro station.

6. Visit the Memorial to the Victims of Repression and the surrounding park

  I really enjoyed spending some time near the Memorial to the Victims of Repression and the park surrounding it.

Memorial to the Victims of Repression Tashkent Things to do

The memorial itself is a large gazebo-shaped structure with a blue dome.

Memorial to the Victims of Repression Tashkent Monuments

The museum of the Victims of Political Repression is also a beautiful building but the story behind it is a bit sad.

Museum of the Victims of Repression Tashkent Musea Uzbekistan

The museum is dedicated to the people who fought for the independence of Uzbekistan during the Soviet Union time and who were killed by the government. Inside you can find photographs, documents and personal belongings of those killed.

If this sounds a bit too heavy, just stroll around the complex and enjoy the peace and quiet of the park near the river bank.

What to see in Tashkent -Museum of the Victims of Repression Tashkent Uzbekistan Mus

How to get to the Memorial to the Victims of Repression

The museum and Memorial to the Victims of Repression are across the Tashkent TV Tower. You have to cross Amir Timur Avenue to reach it.

7. Have lunch at Besh Qalan, the Central Asian Plov Center

Plov is the most famous Central Asian dish. This traditional Uzbek dish consists of rice fried with raisins, carrots, and spices with meat on top of it. It’s usually cooked in lamb fat and served with pieces of lamb meat. 

Where to eat in Tashkent - Plov Uzbekistan

You can find this dish anywhere in Uzbekistan and Central Asia but Besh Qozon claims to have the best Plov of the whole region.

What is really cool about this Plov Center is that you can see how the plov is made in huge pots that can serve hundreds of people!

Uzbekistan tradtional dish Plov - Central Asian Plov Center Tashkent

Eating plov at the Central Asian Plov Center is an activity you can’t skip while in Tashkent!

For about 25000 UZS ($2.50) you get a big bowl of plov, freshly baked bread, pickled veggies, and lemon tea. Keep in mind that the Plov center closes at 2 pm . 

How to get to the Central Asian Plov Center

The Central Asian Plov Center is located across the Memorial to the Victims of Repression and next to the Tashkent TV Tower. The nearest metro station is  Bodomzor .

8. Ride the metro

Another top thing to do in Tashkent is to ride its metro. It’s the perfect activity to do in the early afternoon during the summer when it’s scorching hot outside as the metro has air conditioning. 

Things to do in Tashkent - taking the beautiful metros in Tashkent - Journal of Nomads

Tashkent has some of the most beautiful metro stations in the world! Visiting Tashkent’s subway was one of the most memorable highlights of my time in the city!

Most beautiful metro stations in Tashkent Uzbekistan - Alisher Navoi Metro Station - Journal of Nomads

Almost every metro station in Tashkent is fascinating. They all have their own unique architectural features and artistic elements.

Kosmonavtlar Metro Station Tashkent Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

The 1 3 m o s t b e a u t i f u l m e t r o s t a t i o n s i n T a s h k e n t

Beautiful metro stations in Tashkent Uzbekistan - Bodomzor - Journal of Nomads

9. Leaf through some books at the Book Bazaar 

If you love books and old magazines, you might enjoy this small Book Bazaar. 

We stayed in an Airbnb next to the park where this bazaar is located so we stumbled upon it by chance.

The Book Bazaar has little bookstalls lined up along a pedestrian street in a nice green park.

Tashkent Book Bazaar

Most books are only in Russian but it’s quite fun to leaf through the books and find some old-school English books as well.

At one side of the bookstalls, you’ll also find some souvenir stalls and people selling antique items. 

Things to do in Tashkent - Book Bazaar Tashkent

On the other side of the book bazaar, you’ll pass some ice-cream shops and little dining places selling Uzbek and western food. 

How to get to the Book Bazaar

Get out at the  Kosmonavtlar metro station . This is a metro station you really can’t miss when visiting Tashkent! 

Kosmonavtlar Metro Station Tashkent Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

Cross the intersection of Afrosiyob and Mirabad Street and walk towards the park. That’s where you’ll find the book bazaar. 

10. Learn about Uzbekistan’s history in the State Museum of History

If you want to learn a bit more about Uzbekistan’s history, then the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan is the place to be.

This museum has 2 floors with a range of exhibits showing the history of Uzbekistan over the past 2500 years. 

The entrance fee is  10000 UZS, 25000 UZS  if you want to take photos (not really worth it in my opinion) and you can get an English-speaking guide for  8000 UZS  (this is worth it if you want to learn more).

The museum is open daily, except on Mondays, from 10 am until 6 pm. 

If you’re not really into musea, it’s worth passing there anyways as the architecture of the museum is quite interesting to see.

It’s built in the form of a cube, blending a Soviet approach with oriental decorative patterns. This Soviet-Modernism architecture can also be found back in other places in Central Asia. 

Soviet architecture Uzbekistan Tashkent State Museum of History of Uzbekistan

How to get to the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan

The nearest metro station is  Mustakilik Maydoni , one of the most beautiful metro stations in Tashkent!

Safety in Metro Tashkent Uzbekistan - Mustaqillik Maydoni Station - Journal of Nomads

If you’re following this itinerary, it’s a 7-minute walk from the Book Bazaar to the museum. You’ll pass the beautiful Alisher Navoi Opera on the way. 

Alisher Navoi Opera of Tashkent - Fun things to do in Tashkent

If you want to see a performance in the opera building, you can check the program at the small ticket office outside the building. I didn’t go inside the opera building but I’ve heard it’s quite grandiose. 

Uzbekistan One Week Itinerary

Top Things to do in Bukhara – Bukhara City Guide

11. Watch the stunning fountains and monuments at Independence Square

Independence Square , also known as Memorial Square, is a popular gathering place for the residents of Tashkent. It’s located right in the center of Tashkent. 

Victory park Tashkent - traveling from Almaty to Tashkent - Journal of Nomads

This square used to be known as Lenin Square during the Soviet Union but upon declaration of independence in 1991, it was re-named Mustakillik Maydoni, which translates to Independence Square in English.

It’s used for large gatherings and performances on festive days, like Uzbekistan Independence Day (1st of September) and New Year (1st of January). 

Independence Square has some of the most beautiful fountains of the city and a number of significant monuments.

Independence Square Tashkent Uzbekistan

Among them, 16 marble columns joined by a bridge and sculptures of storks on top of it that symbolize peace, the Independence Monument itself and a statue of a woman holding a baby, the symbol of Motherland. 

How to get to Independence Square:

Mustakilik Maydoni   metro station is right at Independence Square. It’s a stunning metro you definitely have to see!

If you’re coming from the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan, just keep walking down the road. Independence Square is just a 5-minute walk from the museum.

12. Go for a stroll around Amir Timur Square

Amir Temur, also known as Tamerlane, is Uzbekistan’s national hero and the most famous Central Asian conqueror.

You’ll hear his name very often in Uzbekistan, especially in  Samarkand   as this city was the center of his Temurid Empire. 

from Almaty to Tashkent - statue of Timur - Journal of Nomads

The Amir Temur Square is a little park and ideal for an afternoon stroll or to take a break from all your sightseeing in Tashkent. 

The highlight of the square is the 7-meters high statue of Amir Temur on his horse, which is a popular spot for the locals to take photos and selfies. 

Amir Timur Square Tashkent places of interest

How to get to Amir Timur Square:

Get out at  Amir Temur   metro station. 

If you’re following this itinerary, you can make the pleasant 7-minute walk from Independence Square to Amir Temur square along Sailkogh Street (see #15 below). 

Ak Saray Palace Shahrisabz Samarkand Uzbekistan - Best day trip from Samarkand - Uzbekistan itinerary

Travel Guide to Sharisabz and 6 more great day trips from Samarkand

13. Have a beer at Hotel Uzbekistan

Hotel Uzbekistan is one of the most iconic sights of Tashkent. It’s a must-see place in Tashkent if you like Soviet architecture.

Hotel Uzbekistan Tashkent - Journal of Nomads

The inside of the hotel isn’t really spectacular but you can walk in and go to the bar on the 17th floor for a beer and a good view of the city.  Tip: Go there for sunset!

Hotel Uzbekistan View over Tashkent city

How to get to Hotel Uzbekistan

Hotel Uzbekistan is behind the Amir Timur statue so get out at Amir Temur metro station. The hotel is so massive that you can’t miss it. 

14.  Visit Amir Temur Museum

As I’ve mentioned already above, Amir Temur is the national hero of Uzbekistan and this museum is dedicated to him.

Amir Timur Museum Tashkent Things to do

The architecture of the building is quite photogenic. The inside of the museum is also very beautiful with its golden-domed ceiling.

The entrance fee to visit the Amir Temur Museum is 16000 UZS  ( 30000 UZS  if you want to take photos).  You’ll find some paintings and belongings of Amir Temur, as well as a copy of the Qoran and small-scale models of the most important mosques of Uzbekistan.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am until 5 pm. It’s closed on Mondays.

Amir Temur Museum Tashkent what to see

How to get to Amir Timur Museum

The Amir Timur Museum is located next to Amir Timur Square. Get out at  Amir Temur metro station.

15. Enjoy the evening on Broadway Boulevard (Sailkogh Street)

Sailkogh Street is a pedestrian street that unites the two most important squares of Tashkent: Amir Temur Square and Independence Square. 

The street is known as Broadway Boulevard is a very popular place for the locals to enjoy time with their friends and families.

Sailkogh Street Broadway Boulevard Tashkent Uzbekistan

You can find all kinds of food, souvenir, and art stalls on this boulevard, along with street artists and carnival games for kids. 

Tashkent tourism places to visit Sailkogh Street Broadway Boulevard

It’s particularly nice to walk there during the early evening when Broadway Boulevard is illuminated by all kinds of lights. 

Tashkent at night Sailkogh Street Broadway Boulevard

How to get to Broadway Boulevard

You can get out at Amir Temur metro station   and walk from Amir Temur Square or the museum to the boulevard.

You can also get out at Mustakillik Maydoni metro station  and walk along Broadway Boulevard after you’ve visited Independence Square.

Broadway Boulevard Tashkent City Guide

Tashkent City Tours and Experiences

There are several guided city (walking) tours you can do in Tashkent. I often like taking a guided tour around a city as it allows me to learn more about the local culture and the history of a destination.

Tashkent is also on the itinerary of my Uzbekistan Adventure Tours .

Here are a couple of city tours in Tashkent I recommend:

Best Uzbekistan Silk Road Cities - Khiva

Uzbekistan itineraries: 1 to 4 weeks in Uzbekistan

Where to eat in Tashkent – Tashkent Restaurants

Tashkent is a big city so the restaurant options are practically endless. There’s a wide selection of restaurants that can satisfy travelers with different budgets.

Whether you want a traditional restaurant where you can try some Uzbek Plov or you’re craving some western food, you’ll find plenty of savory options in Tashkent.

Here are the restaurants I suggest:

1.Besh Qozon

This is the place you don’t want to miss in the capital of Uzbekistan. Eating at Besh Qozon is one of the top things to do while in Tashkent (see above). 

This restaurant is a bit outside of the city center but believe me, eating there is absolutely worth it! If you arrive there a bit before noon, you’ll witness hundreds of kilograms of rice being cooked right in front of you.

The ambiance of this place is fantastic. When you’ll walk in, you’ll see men stirring the rice in a giant pot. It’s mainly locals who eat there. This is great because the best way to capture the spirit of Tashkent is to eat where the locals do.

The plov served here is delicious and it only costs 25000 UZS (around $2.50) for a big bowl of plov. You’ll find the Central Asian Plov Center in Tashkent near the metro station of  Bodomzor . 

Where to eat in Tashkent Central Asian Plov Center

2. National Food

National Food is one of Tashkent’s best restaurants. You’ll get a wonderful culinary experience of Uzbekistan’s cuisine and the restaurant is set in a traditional Uzbekistan decor that offers a warm and welcoming ambiance. National Food is located at walking distance from Gafur Gulom Metro Station .

Caravan is another great budget-friendly Tashkent restaurant that offers delicious traditional food, rustic decor, and live music. It’s located in a small suburb, about 30 minutes walking from Tashkent Metro (best would be to take a taxi to get there). They have great manti (Central Asian dumplings ), salads, and Uzbek wine. Caravan has both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.

Afsona is a modern Uzbek restaurant with a terrace, located near Ming O’rik metro station . The budget-friendly menu offers traditional Uzbek dishes such as plov, somosa, manty and dolma, as well as vegetarian options. There’s often some live music so it’s a nice place to relax after a day of sightseeing.

Uzbekistan Fergana Valley - Kokand - Things to do in Fergana Valley - Khan's Palace Kokand

Uzbekistan Budget Guide: How much does it cost to travel in Uzbekistan?

Shopping Tashkent Chorsu Bazaar

Where to stay in Tashkent?

Tashkent offers a wide choice of hostels for budget travelers to top-end hotels for those who enjoy that extra bit of luxury. I also stayed a couple of times at an Airbnb in Tashkent.

1. Budget Hostels (less than $20 per person)

  • Topchan Hostel

Topchan hostel’s location is ideal if you’re traveling by yourself and visiting Tashkent for the day. It’s at a 30-minutes walking distance from the railway station to start (or finish) your travels in Uzbekistan. See the rates and availability for “Topchan Hostel”

  • Light Hostel

This is another hostel conveniently located in Tashkent. It’s about 40-minutes walking from the train station and a 20-minute walk from Oybek metro station, from where you can easily travel to Tashkent’s city center. See the rates and availability for “Light Hostel”

  • Jules Verne Hostel

Jules Verne is a lovely hostel located near the Minor Mosque in Tashkent. You don’t have to go far to get to a metro station or walk to the city center of Tashkent. Click to check out rates and availability for “Jules Verne Hostel”

2. Mid-range (between $20 and $50 per night)

  • Leader Hotel

I stayed at the Leader hotel while hiking in Uzbekistan and it was my base across the trip. It has beautiful rooms (one of mine had a *chandelier*), hot showers, great food, and excellent service. The rooms average around $50 per night.  Check out rates and availability for “Leader Hotel”

  • Great Trip Mini-Hotel

Great Trip Mini-Hotel offers comfortable rooms with a shared lounge, free private parking and a garden. It’s located in a quiet residential area close to the Tashkent TV-Tower and Japanse Garden and other places of interest in Tashkent. See rates and availability for “Great Trip Mini-Hotel”

  • Hotel Suzuk-Ota

Hotel Suzuk-Ota is a highly-rated hotel in the center of Tashkent. It offers clean and nice rooms, a shared lounge and a garden and is located in a park next to the Suzuk Ota Mosque, at walking distance from a mall and many restaurants. The closest metro stations are Chorsu and Bunyodkor. Click to check out rates and availability for “Hotel Suzuk-Ota”

3. High-end (+ $50 per night)

  • Hyatt Regency Hotel

If you like to splurge a bit, you can stay at the  Hyatt Regency Hotel   with its stunning rooms, indoor swimming pool and a restaurant on the 7th floor. Check out rates and availability for “Hyatt Regency Hotel”

  • Ichan Qal’a Hotel

Another stunning luxurious hotel we’d recommend is the Ichan Qal’a Hotel. This hotel doesn’t only offer beautifully decorated rooms but also an indoor fitness center and swimming pool.  See rates and availability for “Ichan Qal’a Hotel”

The 6 Best Places to visit in Fergana Valley Uzbekistan - Yodgorlik Silk Factory in Margilan - Journal of Nomads

6 Best Places to visit in the Fergana Valley – The Complete Travel Guide

My Tashkent photography gear

This is the gear I used to capture Tashkent. You can also see my article on photography essentials and cameras for travel photographers for more information.

  • Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DC-90
  • Main lens: Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-140mm f/3.5-5.6
  • Wide-angle lens : Leica DG Vario-ELMARIT 8-18mm f/2.8-4.0
  • Prime lens: Leica DG Summilux 15mm f/1.7
  • Tripod: Manfrotto Compact Action Tripod (Hybrid Head)

Where to stay in Tashkent

How to get to Tashkent?

Tashkent is very well connected by train with other Uzbek cities such as Bukhara , Khiva or Samarkand .

It’s a city that is also very easy to reach from Almaty in Kazakhstan or from Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan .

1. How to get from Tashkent airport to the city center

It’s a 30-minute drive to get from the airport to the city center of Tashkent by taxi.

As soon as you exit the airport, you’ll be greeted by eager taxi drivers who are happy to bring you to the city center of Tashkent for 50.000 UZS.

This is the same rate as the “official” taxi office in the airport, which doesn’t make sense as the standard price for a taxi from the airport to the city center of Tashkent is between 20.000 and 25.000 UZS (around US$2 – US$3).

This means you’ll have to negotiate the price with the driver and you might not feel like playing the bargaining game after a long flight. So here’s a good tip.

When you exit the airport, ignore the taxi drivers who are standing at the gate. Walk to the left towards the parking lot across ‘Departures’. There you’ll find taxi drivers who just drove travelers from the city center to the airport.

They’ll be happy to quickly return to the city center and therefore are a lot easier to negotiate with. Offer the driver 20.000 UZS, max 25.000 UZS.

Show him the money and tell him to take it or leave it. He’ll probably try to ask for more but as soon as you start walking towards another taxi, he’ll very likely take it…

Another way is to install the Yandex Taxi app on your phone. You can easily order a taxi through the app and it shows you how much you have to pay upfront.

2. How to get to Tashkent from Almaty by public transport

It’s possible to travel from Almaty to Tashkent by bus and by train. Although the bus and train rides can take a long time (13 and 16 hours respectively), it’s a very relaxing journey.

It’s definitely a good option to travel this way if you’re on a budget and/or if you have plenty of time to spare.

Visit Almaty City - Things to do in Almaty - Places to visit in Almaty - Almaty Travel Guide

How to get from Almaty to Tashkent by bus or by train. 

Bus station Tashkent - Journal of Nomads

3. How to get to Tashkent from Bishkek by public transport?

There is now a bus line connecting Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan with Tashkent in Uzbekistan.

Traveling between the two cities by bus takes about 8 to 13 hours depending on how long it takes to cross the borders and this bus runs at night.

What are the best things to do in Bishkek

How to get from Bishke k to Tashkent by bus. 

4. How to get to Tashkent from Bukhara by public transport?

Getting from Bukhara to the Uzbek capital is very easy. There is a high-speed train that connects the two cities as well as a standard train. It’s also possible to take a night train towards Tashkent. It leaves Bukhara at 10:30 PM and arrives in Tashkent around 6:30 AM.

Traveling between the two cities by bus is also super convenient.

Getting from Bukhara to Tashkent by train

Bukhara’s train station is about twenty minutes by taxi from the old town. It’s located in the newer part of Bukhara called Kogon.

You can reach it from the old city center by taxi for 20000 som. Taxi drivers tend to overcharge tourists but you shouldn’t pay more than this.

You’ll need your passport to buy a train ticket. The train station is usually very crowded with people so it’s preferable to arrive there early in the day.

You can book your tickets online on the official Uzbek Railways website . It also shows you the train schedules. Read my Uzbekistan Railways Guide with all the information on how to take trains in Uzbekistan and how to order tickets online.

In Tashkent, you will arrive at the Northern train station . It’s right next to Toshkent metro station so it’s easy to reach the city center from the station. You can also reach the city center of Tashkent from the station for 16000 som.

Train Station Tashkent Uzbekistan - Journal of Nomads

It’s possible to take a bus from Bukhara to Tashkent from the northern bus station on Gijduvon street, north of town.

How to get from Bukhara to Tashkent by bus?

Reaching Tashkent from Bukhara by bus takes around 8 hours and costs around 60000 som. You can buy your ticket directly at the bus station or through the official website where you can also check the bus schedules.

5. How to get to Tashkent from Khiva by public transport?

How to get from khiva to tashkent by train.

It’s possible to take trains from Khiva to Tashkent. There are currently 2 trains a day connecting Tashkent and Khiva and the journey takes around 16 hours.

Tashkent Travel - What to see in Tashkent Uzbekistan

I hope this guide was useful and that you’ll have a great time in Tashkent.

If you have any questions or updates about Tashkent, let me and other readers know in the comments below!

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17 thoughts on “the 15 best things to do in tashkent uzbekistan – tashkent city guide”.

Hi Cynthia,

Like many others, I found your blog so informative and feel somewhat confident in what to expect in my upcoming solo travel in a few days. From Tashkent I booked a train to Bukara and from what i can deduce Tashkent has a few traj stations and as per your blog, i should take the Northern train station. Would you mind mentioning the nearest metro station to get to that place? Thank you so much! Off to read your other blogs 🙂

Hi Ruqs, the nearest metro station to the train station is Metro Toshkent . Have a great trip!!

Thank you so much! Flying tonight 🙂

Greeting from Brussels!

Happy to come accross to your blog while planning a trip to Uzbekistan! Thanks for advices and the beautiful photos.

Wherever you are now, enjoy yourself,

Thanks so much Fanny!

hello Cynthia, what an incredible journey you’re sharing with us! Your adventures in Uzbekistan are truly captivating. I’ve been planning my own trip there next month, and your vlogs have only heightened my excitement and really a great help for me. Your insights into the culture, the food, and the breathtaking landscapes are invaluable for someone like me who’s about to embark on a similar adventure. Thank you for taking us along with you on this unforgettable expedition!”

Hello Eloisa, thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot!! Wishing you a fantastic time in Uzbekistan!

Enjoyed reading your page and learning about you, Cynthia. We are planning a 5-day trip to Tashkent and Samarkand in November. Will let you know abour our experiences there.

Have a great time Suresh and always happy to hear more about your experiences!

Is the Central Asian Plov Center will be opened during Ramadan? I will be visiting Uzbekistan next month, and my visit to Tashkent still falls during Ramadan.

The Plov Center should be open as Ramadan isn’t as strictly followed in Uzbekistan as in other countries. Have a great trip!

Very help full information, currently planning a backpacking budget tour to Kazahstan & Usbekistan. Your detail information will definitely help me a lot, thanks.

Hi Jayshree, I’m very happy to hear that my travel guides are helping you! When are you planning to travel to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan?

Dag Cynthia Vermits jij in België woont veronderstel ik dat je Nederlands spreekt…indien niet dan zal ik de mail opnieuw sturen maar dan in ‘t Engels. Ik ga op m’n eentje van 9-26 oktober naar Uzbekistan. De route ligt vast. Maar ik zou je advies knn gebruiken ivm kiezen tussen een dag meer in Tashkent (1 dag of 2 dagen) ipv Khiva (2 ipv 3 dagen) . Het verschil is een ochtendvlucht in Tashkent (7.25u dus vroeg uit de veren) of een avondvlucht om 19.00u. Super dankje voor je advies en de prachtige foto’s !!. Fijne, zonnige groetjes uit Boechout. Peggy.

Nu begrijp ik wat je in je mailtje bedoelde 😀 Ik had je reactie hier nog niet gezien! Je hebt vermeld dat je intussen al je beslissing hebt gemaakt. Eigenlijk kan je alles in Khiva in 2 dagen bezichtigen, tenzij je nog een daguitstap vanuit Khiva naar de woestijn wil maken.

Groetjes! Cynthia

It is nice journey to know about Uzbekistan

I’m happy you enjoyed the post!

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16 things to know before visiting Uzbekistan

Bradley Mayhew

Aug 12, 2023 • 9 min read

must visit places in uzbekistan

Everything you need to plan a trip to Uzbekistan from someone in the know © Andrii Lutsyk / Ascent Xmedia / Getty Images

Uzbekistan is the Central Asian destination that you’ve been dreaming about. Magnificent blue-domed mosques, towering minarets, atmospheric Silk Road cities and ancient bazaars are coupled with the region’s best accommodation, easiest transportation and great value for money. It’s the most visited of the Central Asian republics and with good reason.

A decade ago, Uzbekistan had a reputation for tricky travel. The country was plagued by complex visa rules, corruption and bureaucratic hassles, but all this has changed dramatically in recent years and it’s now a surprisingly easy place to explore.

If you are at all tempted to explore the glories of Uzbekistan’s iconic Silk Road cities, then all the planning tips you need are here. I've been visiting since the mid-1990s as a Lonely Planet writer for the region and have dealt with pretty much every travel challenge you can imagine!

1. Uzbekistan can be uncomfortably hot in summer

Time your trip to coincide with the best weather. Land-locked Uzbekistan has an extreme continental climate, which means cold winters and hot, dry summers. It’s possible to visit Uzbekistan year-round but the most comfortable months weather-wise are from March to May, and September to November.

July and August’s summer heat often bring punishing temperatures of over 40C (104F), though you may have to visit at this time if you are heading onward to the mountains of neighboring Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan .

2. Most nationalities get a visa-free one-month stay

Getting a visa for Uzbekistan is easy these days. Over 60 nationalities now qualify for visa-free travel for up to a month, including the UK, most EU countries, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and Israel. Other countries (including the USA and India) are required to apply for an e-visa online , but this is an easy process that only takes a couple of days. Gone are the days of complicated visa invitations and trips to obscure embassies – hurray!

Passengers waiting for the trains to Tashkent and Bukhara surrounded by beautiful stained glass, chandeliers and architecture

3. Book high-speed train tickets in advance

The most comfortable way to travel the modern Silk Road between Tashkent , Samarkand , Bukhara and the Fergana Valley , is on Uzbekistan’s modern high-speed Afrosiyob train service. It takes just over two hours to travel from Tashkent to Samarkand, and the same again to reach Bukhara from Samarkand. For longer distances, Russian-style sleeper trains are an atmospheric way to travel overnight between Tashkent and the remoter cities of Nukus, Khiva or Termiz.

However, seats do sell out on popular routes, especially for high-speed tourist services, so book tickets a week or more in advance. Try online via the Uzbekistan Railway e-ticket portal , use the Uzrailway phone app, or book through a local travel agency (for a markup).

4. Book B&Bs well ahead of your arrival in the high season

The traditional towns of Samarkand, Khiva and Bukhara all offer an excellent selection of stylish, comfortable, family-run B&Bs, which are easily the most interesting places to stay. The best ones fill up quickly in late spring and summer, so be sure to book a few weeks in advance. Contact owners directly, or see what comes up on .

5. Pre-book an airport pickup when flying into Tashkent Airport

Many international flights to Tashkent arrive into Uzbekistan’s sprawling capital in the dead of night. If you don’t fancy negotiating with a scrum of eager taxi drivers, while still bleary-eyed after a seven-hour flight, it might be worth booking an airport pickup through your accommodation.

If you'd prefer to take a taxi, be aware that overcharging by taxi drivers is not uncommon in Uzbekistan – always try to get a rough idea of the correct fare beforehand. The easiest way to arrange a taxi ride in Tashkent is via the ride-sharing app Yandex Go , though you’ll need a local sim card to use it.

A woman looking up at the memorial buildings of Shah-I-Zinda Mausoleums in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

6. Travel is easier if you speak a few words of Uzbek or Russian

English is not widely spoken in Uzbekistan outside of tourist hotels, so it helps to learn some words of Uzbek (a Turkic language similar to old Turkish), or Russian, which remains a lingua franca amongst older people right across the former Soviet Union. Street signs are mostly in Uzbek Latin script, though you may also see some Russian-style Cyrillic script; it’s useful to learn both so you can at least read signs for place names and bus destinations.

Knowing numbers in Uzbek or Russian will come in particularly handy when negotiating with shared taxi drivers. Google Translate can help, but only if you have smartphone data – to minimize roaming costs, tourist sim cards valid for a month are available from several local companies, notably Beeline and Ucell.

7. Be ready for the local bureaucracy

Uzbekistan is very tourist-friendly these days, but there are a few bits of lingering bureaucratic red tape that are worth knowing about. When entering the country, you cannot bring in any codeine-based medications (such as painkillers) and you may need to declare how much foreign cash you are carrying. In reality, you are unlikely to be quizzed at customs if you arrive by air into Tashkent, but you might be when entering via land crossings.

You may also find that your hotel or B&B gives you a small paper registration slip when you check in. In the past you had to show these for every night of your trip when leaving the country; these days, the old paper system has been superseded by an online system and slips are rarely checked, but you should still keep these when given them, just in case.

Be sure to carry your passport (or at the very least a photocopy) with you when you go sightseeing in Uzbekistan. Police have the right to inspect your passport on demand, and you’ll likely need to show it at checkpoints on any long-distance trip. Keep a photocopy to hand to avoid having to dig through your money belt in public.

8. Don’t bother with the black market when changing money

Changing money is relatively straightforward in Uzbekistan these days. You’ll get the same rate at banks and ATMs as you do from shady bazaar money changers, so there’s little reason to change money through unofficial channels.

Credit and debit cards (especially Visa) are accepted by most accommodation and upmarket souvenir stalls. ATMs in major cities accept foreign cards, but stock up on Uzbek som (the local currency) if you are headed into the countryside.

Uzbek bills now come in denominations up to 100,000 som , so you won’t have to carry around the brick-sized wads of cash that were the norm just a few years ago. It’s always a good idea to have a stash of small denomination bills in Euros or US dollars for an emergency or a border crossing.

Two tourists sitting having tea at East Islam City Center Square in Uzbekistan

9. Brush up on your chaikhana etiquette

Chai (tea) is Central Asia’s social lubricant, so it helps to know the local tea etiquette. Look like an expert in the local chaikhana (teahouse) by pouring the first two bowls of tea back into the pot before drinking, to help it brew. Choose from Russian-style kara (black) or Asian-style kok (green) chai.

10. Body Language

Uzbeks are big hand-shakers, so be sure to shake the hands of any men you come into contact with, especially elders (known as aksakal in Central Asia). Another particularly graceful gesture used by Uzbeks and Tajiks is to place your hand on your heart when meeting someone. When meeting women, a slight bow is the norm, in place of a handshake.

At the end of a meal, Uzbeks and Tajiks generally place their hands in front of their face in a cupped prayer gesture and run them lightly over their face to give thanks for the meal. Following suit will earn you respect for understanding and following Uzbek customs.

11. Haggle, but don’t push things too far

Haggling over things like the price of taxis and buying produce at markets is common in Uzbekistan, but prices are not vastly overinflated, so only expect a modest discount. Aggressive haggling is not appreciated – keep things light-hearted and friendly. You may also be able to bargain for a discount on accommodation prices outside the high season.

12. Bazaars are your friend if you’re vegetarian

Food in Uzbekistan is quite meat-heavy, focused on the four staples of shashlik (lamb kebabs), plov (pilau rice), shurpa (stew) and laghman (noodles) – all sometimes featuring more fat than visitors may be used to. But there are almost always some vegetarian options, including plenty of Russian-influenced salads, so don’t be afraid to ask for a meat-free meal.

For food on the hoof, Uzbekistan’s bazaars are good places to stock up on dried fruits and nuts, fresh fruit (Uzbek melons and peaches are legendary), spicy Korean salads, jars of mountain honey and freshly cooked non (naan) bread.

Aerial view down towards the famous Kalyan Poi Kalon Complex and Poi Kalon Minaret, Poi Kalan or Po-i-Kalyan and Mir Arab Madrasah (right side) in the center of the old town of Bukhara

13. Uzbekistan is generally safe

Uzbekistan is generally a very safe country for tourists. Despite sharing a border with Afghanistan, there is little religious extremism and crime against foreigners is rare. As in big cities anywhere, watch out for pickpockets on crowded city buses and bazaars in hubs such as Tashkent; tourist police frequent the more popular tourist sights.

14. Women travelers face few problems

Uzbekistan is a Muslim country, but people are very relaxed. There aren’t many things to worry about when it comes to clothing, and women travelers will have few problems traveling solo here. Short skirts, tank tops and yoga pants are best avoided, and you may want to cover your arms and legs when visiting the conservative Fergana Valley . Bring a headscarf to cover your hair when entering active mosques.

15. Health Issues

The most common complaints amongst visitors are heat exhaustion in summer and the occasional dodgy tummy after eating too much oily plov or shashlik. Wash your hands, avoid the tap water, and wash all fruit and salads before eating and you should be fine.

16. Get more from the sights

We have a couple of bonus tips. Be sure to return to the exteriors of the main architectural sights in Samarkand at night, as most are spectacularly lit up. Also, when planning your itinerary, avoid visiting Tashkent on a Monday, when most of the museums are closed.

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Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

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Tourist Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

Here is the list of best places to visit in uzbekistan:.

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Shahrisabz happens to be a city in Qashqadaryo in southern Uzbekistan about 80 km to the south of Samarkand. As per history, the city is known as Kesh or Kish and it was one of the major cities of Central Asia as well as the urban centre of Sogdiana which was the province of Achaemenid Empire of Persia. The city is very much famous for being the birthplace of Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur. Shahrisabz happens to be one of the beautiful places to visit in Uzbekistan that is adorned with pristine landscapes and age old architectural marvels with beautiful intricate designs. You will surely fall in love with the heritage sites. Shahrisabz is home to some of the architectural marvels and tourist places like the famous Palace Complex of Ak-Saray, Dorut Tilovat, statue of Amir Timur, crypt of Tamerlan, and Dor Us-Siyodat. While on a trip to Shahrisabz, you can capture the glimpse of the beautiful construction  of Ak-Saray Palace, explore the relics of the past era at Amir Timur Museum, enjoy your time at the peaceful courtyard shaded by trees of Dor-Us Siyadat Complex. The summer season of Shahrisabz is hot, arid and clear however the winters are very cold, dry, and partly cloudy. The average temperature of these places remains in the range of 32 - 95 degree celsius.


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Karakalpakstan which is also known as the Republic of Karakalpakstan happens to be an autonomous republic that is located to the northwestern end of Uzbekistan. The capital city of this region is Nukus. The territory of this region covers the land of Khwarezm. Karakalpakstan is one of the enchanting cities of Uzbekistan that is packed with pristine landscapes and enthralling architectural marvels that display the intricate artworks of the bygone era. During your trip to Karakalpakstan, you will be marvelling at Savitsky Museum which is known for its remarkable art collections, unexpectedly modern and hip place Cinnamon Cafe, ruins of the beached ships close to the  Aral Sea memorial, Karakalpak State Museum of Regional Studies which is home to some of the ethnographic and jewellery displays, and Moynaq Museum which stores  interesting photos and paintings of the area. Explore the remarkable art collections in the former Soviet Union at Savitsky Museum, sip some real coffee and a tempting array of cakes and home-made gelato at Cinnamon Cafe, and explore the underground vault of the Mausoleum of Mazlum Khan Slu at Mizdakhan Necropolis. Karakalpakstan happens to be one of the coldest regions in Uzbekistan that has an average daily high temperature of 20 degree celsius. The climate of this place is basically cold and wet and it corresponds to most Central European Weather.

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Khiva which is also known as Kheeva, Khwarizm, Khoresm, Khorasam, Khwarzam, and Chorezm in the past is a city in the Xorazm region. The city is believed to have been established about 1500 years in the past. The city has served as the capital of Khwarezmia. Khiva was the very first place in Uzbekistan to be included in the world heritage site by UNESCO because of its architectural beauty and rich heritage. The city flaunts some of its heritage constructions that are fashioned with the best ever artworks. The popular attractions of Khiva are Itchan Kala GatesKhiva Gates in Uzbekistan known for its oriental atmosphere, Kunya Ark which is home to mosque, Arsenal, harem along with a royal residence, and Blue Minaret which is known for its colorful tiles. During your stay in Khiva, you can walk on top of the Northwestern Wall, capture the beautiful view over Khiva from the watchtower, witness the blue and green tile decorations  of Kalta Minor Minaret, and appreciate the beauty of Juma mosque. Khiva happens to be located at an elevation of 98 meters above the sea level. It has got a desert type climate with no rainfall during the year. The climatic condition of Khiva is classified at BWk by the Kopper Geiger classification system. The average annual temperature is recorded to be 14.9 degree celsius and the annual rainfall is about 103 mm.

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Kokand happens to be a city in the Fergana Region that is located in Eastern Uzbekistan. The city is situated about 228 km southeast of Tashkent, 88 km west from Fergana, and 115 km west of Andijan. The name of the city derives from the well known tribal family group of Kokan which belong to the Kongrat tribe of Uzbeks. Popularly known as the city of winds, Kokand is a beautiful place that is popular for its colorful architectural marvels. Tourists love to capture the scenic moments in their cameras so that they can cherish all through their life. The popular tourist attractions of Kokand are Chimgan popular for its ecotourism, Alisher Navoi Grand Theatre which is popular for its operas and ballet theatres, The State Museum of the Timurids History which stores a wide range of relics of the past, and The Ak-Saray Palace in Shakhrisabz which happens to be a grandiose monument of the Medieval era. While heading out on a trip to Kokand, you can think of spending time exploring some of the age old museums and boutiques, relishing a delicious meal, hangouting in cafes, taking in a show at a theatres, walking hand in hand with your partner along the streets. You can also choose to visit some of the art galleries to capture the beautiful portraits made by local artists. The climate of Kokand is hot and humid. It is one such city of Uzbekistan which experience all the climate changes ie. monsoon, winter, and summer. The average annual rainfall is recorded at 300 mm - 900 mm and the average temperatures remain in the range of 40 - 22 degree celsius.


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Bukhara is the 5th largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital of the Bukhara Region. This place has been inhabited for more than five millenium and the city has been existing for more than half of it. It has served as a centre of trade, religion, culture and scholarships in the bygone era. It has also served as the capital of the Samanid Empire. Bukhara City is one of the most beautiful cities in Uzbekistan because of its arches and cupolas that take you back in the timeline to witness age old art and architecture. Bukhara can be considered as an architectural mirror of the past. Some of the popular places in Burkha are Ark Fortress which was a military fort and the symbol of the state’s power, Poi Kalon Ensemble which is famed for its blue cupola of the Madrasah, and Ismail Samani Mausoleum which is one of the few marvels left out of the rich Persian Samanid dynasty. You can stroll around the city and marvel at its architectural legacy of the city which is home to more than 140 beautiful monuments. Tourists can marvel at the architectural complex in Bukhara, Khoja Gaukushan Complex, explore the beautiful and reflect daily scenes of Uzbek life at Bukhara photo gallery, and shop souvenirs at the covered bazaars. The city of Bukhara can be considered as an epitome of beautiful architectural marvels. It is home to more than 140 architectural marvels which stand tall as the testimony for the intricate design styles. UNESCO has also listed the city as a world heritage site because of its beautiful mosques. Bukhara has a Central Asian Coll Arid type climate. As per the Koppen Geiger classification, the climate of Bukhara is classified into BWk. The maximum average temperature is 37.2b degree celsius in the month of July and 6.6 degree celsius in the month of January. The annual precipitation is recorded at 135 millimeters.


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Termez happens to be a city in the southernmost part of Uzbekistan that is located close to the Hairatan Border crossing of Afghanistan. It is the capital of Surxondaryo Region. It is believed to be founded more than 2500 years in the past. Termez is very much popular for its amazing brick works and pristine Buddhist monasteries adorned with colorful deities and prayer flags. The most sought after attractions in Termez are Al Hakim At-Termizi Mausoleum, Fayaz-Tepa, Fortress Kirk Kiz, Friendship Bridge, Jarkurgan Minaret, Karatepa, Kokildor-Ota Khanaka, Stupa Zurmala, and Sultan Saodat Ensemble. During your stay in Termez, you can Visit Fayaz-Tepe Buddhist Monastery, Dine at Rich Restaurant, Visit Sultan Saodat Complex, Eat at Restaurant Dubai, Go on a Samosas Tour, Visit Surxon Ipagi Silk Factory, See the Silk Road Gate, and Enjoy a Soviet Breakfast at Café Bistro. Termez is located at an elevation of 302 m above the sea level. It has got a cold desert type climate that is very hot, long summer and short, cool winters. As per the Koppen Geiger classification, the climate of the city is classified as BWk.


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Andijan happens to be a city in Uzbekistan that serves as the administrative, cultural and economic centre of the region. Located in the south eastern edge of Fergana Valley close to the border with Kyrgyzstan. It is one of the oldest cities in the Fergana Valley and it dates back to almost the 7th and 8th centuries. It is widely famous for being the birthplace of Babur, a mighty Mughal Emperor. Andijan is very much famous for its beautiful architectural marvels that are adorned with intricate design elements of the bygone era. You will also get to witness some wonderful scenic beauty as well. Some of the popular attractions of Andijan are Jami Madrasa which is a popular religious school and Ruins of the fortress Ershi which housed the capital of the ancient state of Davan. During your stay at Andijan, you can think of exploring the Garden of Winds, go spices and the souvenir shopping at the Local Bazaar, learn more about the Andijan local culture at Juma Mosque, stroll along the collection of art and history at Babur Museum, and witness the work of art and splash of colors at Babur Memorial Park. The city has got a cold semi arid type climate. It experiences cold winters and hot summers and midler winters. The precipitation in this area is a bit light and erratic.


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Tashkent is one of the largest cities as well as the capital of Uzbekistan. It is also one of the most populous cities of Uzbekistan. It is located in Northeastern Uzbekistan close to the border with Kazakhstan. The city has got a islamic influence and you will find prevailing Sogdian and Turkic cultures. It has been one of the important parts of the famous silk route and has witnessed a major growth. Tashkent is a beautiful city with a decorative heritage. It is home to extremely wide avenues and the centre of cultural tradition. You will come across beautiful architectural marvels that not only have great heritages but also have got beautiful designs. Some of the must visit tourist places of Tashkent are Chorsu Bazaar which is well known for handicraft shopping, massive, old-fashioned Hotel Uzbekistan, and Central Asian Plov Center which offers delicious meals. During your stopover at Tashkent, you can eat at Minor Somsa, visit the Khazrati Imam Complex, tour Chorsu Bazaar to purchase souvenirs for your loved ones. If you wish to explore the history of Tashkent, you can visit Amir Timur Square and admire the Hotel Uzbekistan. Tourists can also visit Minor Mosque to capture the glimpses of the scenic mosaic works, and dine at Lagman House which is popular for its wide range of cuisines. Tashkent has got a mediterranean climate with a humid continental climate. The city experiences cold and snowy winters and hot and dry summers. It receives a peak of precipitation in the early winters as well as in the spring season. The climate of the city remains hot for most of the time of the year and receives very little precipitation in the form of snow.


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Samarkand is located in Southeastern Uzbekistan. It is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia that was inhabited. As per the records, human activities have been found in these places from the late Paleolithic Era. The city is believed to be founded in between 7th and 8th century BC. It lies on the ancient silk road that connects China and Mediterranean sea and was one of the largest settlements of Central Asia. Samarkand happens to be the home of contemporary Uzbek culture. With beautiful historical monuments and holy places, the city is very much popular among the pilgrims and architecture lovers. You will get to enjoy some of the best architectural marvels here.Samarkand is home to some of the beautiful tourist attractions like Registan which is popular for its beautiful madrassah that dates back to the 15th and 17th century and Gur-e-amir Mausoleum which is considered to be the architectural model of Taj Mahal in India. While visitng Hovrenko’s wine factory lets you taste some exotic spirits, the Tomb Of The Prophet Daniel is famous for its impressive 18 meter long sarcophagus. While on a trip to Samarkand, you can explore the masterpieces of ancient architecture, impeccably glittering minarets, sparkling turquoise domes and hypnotic mosaic. You can stroll along the narrow avenues witnessing blue tombs and various spectacular mausoleums. Samarkand has got a Mediterranean Climate which means you will find hot, dry summers and wet, variable winters. The hottest months of the year are July and August whereas the coldest month is January. The average summer temperature is recorded at 40 degree celsius while the winter temperature can drop till -22 degree celsius.


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Urgench is a city located in western Uzbekistan and is the capital of Khorezm Regions. The city is about 45 km west of Bukhara which is across the Kyzylkum Desert. Urgench is famous for its orchards and serene landscapes. During your visit, you will not only be able to witness the architectural marvels and age old heritage sites, but you will also be able to take a tour of the agricultural lands of cotton and rice. Some of the popular tourist places of Urgench are Statue of Muhammed al-Khwarizmi who was a mathematician known especially in Algebra, Itchan Kala a World Heritage site by UNESCO, and Of Note which was constructed in remembrance of the twenty Komsomol members. While on a tour of Urgench, you can offer prayers at the Bibi Khanym Mosque, explore the heritage monument of Statue of Amir Timur, marvel at the beautiful Shah-i-Zinda, and head out on beautiful countryside tours with your loved ones. Located at an elevation of about 101 meters above the sea level, it has a desert type climate. There is absolutely no rainfall in this place all through the year. As per the Koppen Geiger classification, the climate of the city is classified as BWk. The average annual temperature of this place is recorded to be 14.5 degree celsius and the rainfall recorded is about 103 mm.

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Nukus is the 6th largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital city of the Republic of Karakalpakstan which is an autonomous city. The city of Nukus is very much popular for being the centre of the world class Nukus museum of Art. Nukus is very famed for its countryside environment and old fortresses. During your visit to the city, you will be heading out on various exploration tours to witness the intricate art of the artisans of the bygone era. Some of the popular tourist places to visit in Nukus are Qaur Qala Fortress which is popular for its beautiful location on top of the hill, Moynaq & Aral Sea which is a popular ship cemetery, Karakalpak Homestay known for its traditional Karakalpak culture, and Mizda Khan Necropolis which happens to be an  active place of worship. Capture the glimpse of some Russian avant garde paintings at Savitsky Art Museum, try local delicacies like samsa, kymyz and kurut at the bazaars, walk along the amu darya river, explore the ultimate collection on traditional Karakalpak culture at Karakalpak Homestay, and find some architectural marvels that date back to the soviet era. Nukus has a cold desert climate which is BWk as per the Koppen Geiger classification. The summer season in this place is experienced for a long period of time and the atmosphere remains dry and hot. The winters are very short, cold and snowy. The city overall experiences a dry continental type climate.

Other Attractions

Aydarkul lake.

Aydarkul Lake

Nurota Mountains

Nurota Mountains

Greater Chimgan

Greater Chimgan

Fergana Valley

Fergana Valley

Lake Charvak

Lake Charvak

Ugam Chatkal National Park

Ugam Chatkal National Park

Amir Timur Museum

Amir Timur Museum

Chorsu Bazaar

Chorsu Bazaar

Palace Of Khudayar Khan

Palace Of Khudayar Khan

Lyab I Hauz

Lyab I Hauz

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The Top 14 Things to do in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

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Samarkand is one of the highlights of Uzbekistan and one of the cities that you must visit during your trip. This small town is packed with strikingly beautiful architecture and so much history. Add in delicious cuisine and cute shops, all in close proximity so it’s easy to walk everywhere. It’s impossible not to fall in love with Samarkand!

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Bibi-Khanym Mosque

Federico Mayor, the former Director-General of UNESCO accurately described Samarkand in his touching quote – “There are such names in the world, which unwillingly lead people to the world of dreams. The magic and fame of these words immediately impact your mind when you hear or read about them. There is such a name among them that attracts our imagination to itself, it is Samarkand. It seems that this name emerged from the whirlpool of clear and diverse colours, the scent of perfume, fabulous palaces, bells of caravans, pure melodies and yet misunderstood feelings.”

So if you’re wondering what to do in Samarkand, then you have come to the right place! Read on for our list of the best things to do in Samarkand!

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of our links we may earn a small commission (don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you).

Samarkand, Uzbekistan Travel Basics

Know before you go.

  • The currency of Uzbekistan is the Uzbekistani Soʻm (UZS). At the time of writing, the conversion was 8,450 UZS to $1 USD. In this post, we’ll be referring to prices in Uzbekistan currency.
  • Many people in Samarkand, and Uzbekistan overall, do not speak English. Ask your hotel to write down the names of the places you want to go by taxi as taxi drivers are often the most difficult to communicate with.
  • Google Maps isn’t entirely accurate in Samarkand. Restaurants that appear to be in one location aren’t actually there and some addresses are simply listed as “Samarkand”.

Getting to Samarkand

There are several trains each day from Tashkent to Samarkand. They are fast, comfortable, and generally run on schedule. The trip from Tashkent to Samarkand takes less than three hours and you’ll pay 105,000 UZS for the fast train, and 70,000 UZS for the regular train.

You can book your train tickets online but the station names are all in Uzbek which can be confusing. Plus, they’ll add a processing fee to the price of the ticket. You can save yourself some cash and confusion by buying your tickets directly at the station.

A taxi from the train station to downtown Samarkand or the historic area around Registan should cost you 20,000 UZS.

Getting Around Samarkand

Unfortunately, the Yanix.Taxi app does not work in Samarkand and none of the taxis in Uzbekistan use a meter. So you’ll have to attempt to communicate your destination with taxi drivers and negotiate the price.

The yellow taxis operate on a shared taxi system meaning they will continue to pick up additional people as long as there are extra seats. There is a flat rate of 4,000 UZS for most trips around downtown and Registan.

If you want to take a taxi further than a few kilometers, you’ll need to negotiate a taxi fare. Shoot for 2,000 UZS per kilometer as it seems to be the going rate, even though they’ll always start with a price about twice that. Never get into a taxi before first agreeing to the cost.

Where to Stay in Samarkand

The Best Hotels in Samarkand Uzbekistan L'Argamak Hotel

L’Argamak Hotel

The L’Argamak Hotel is ideally located right near the main tourist sites in Samarkand. Rooms are spacious, comfortable, and well-appointed with views of the beautiful garden below. Guests love the delicious breakfast spread and the super friendly and helpful staff!

Check Prices on

The Best Hotels in Samarkand, Uzbekistan Sultan Boutique Hotel

Sultan Hotel Boutique

The Sultan Hotel Boutique is located right in the heart of Samarkand and offers stunning views from the rooftop terrace. You’ll be within walking distance of all of the most popular sites in the city. Rooms are comfortable with all of the amenities that you’ll need during your stay.

The Best Hotels in Samarkand Uzbekistan the Platan Hotel

Platan Hotel

The Platan Hotel is a bit further from the tourist sites of Samarkand, but closer to restaurants (including their own restaurant which is one of the top-rated in town!). Rooms are clean and spacious and the bathrooms are updated, a rare luxury in Uzbekistan.

Where to Eat in Samarkand

Where to Eat in Samarkand, Uzbekistan (Best Reatsurants): Shashlik Grilled Shish Kabobs

Our favorite place for lunch was Cafe Magistr , a small cafe that serves both Western and traditional Uzbek food . Plus, they had the best Wi-Fi that we found in the city. It’s a great place to chill, drink a coffee, and catch up on emails. Be sure to try the Magistr Pizza and the Chuchvara Soup! And if you are in the market for a manicure/pedicure or a haircut, the barbershop right next door has the best prices around and super friendly staff.

The Bibikhanum Teahouse is a cute outdoor restaurant near the Bibi-Khanym Mosque. It’s a bit touristy in that the servers are all dressed in traditional clothing but prices are reasonable and the food is delicious. Be sure to try the “Mantu” and the stuffed peppers!

We’ve included several other favorite restaurants below!

The Top 14 Things to Do in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

1. visit the registan.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Registan in the Evening

Of course, one of the top things to do in Samarkand is to visit Registan . This iconic landmark of Uzbekistan is a central courtyard surrounded on three sides by impossibly beautiful madrasahs.

When you enter the courtyard, Tillya-Kori is directly in front of you. It has the most striking interior area with a small mosque. The walls of the mosque are covered in intricate gold details and the ceiling is spectacular. If you walk around here, you’ll see photos on the walls of the Registan before it was restored to its current glory.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to See: Registan

Facing the Tillya-Kori, the Sherdor Madrasa is on the right, and the Ulu Bey Medresesi is on the left. Both have beautiful courtyards in the back as well as small shops with traditional Uzbekistan souvenirs. Be sure to stop by the shop at the Sherdor Madrasa where you can dress up in traditional clothes for the small fee of 5,000 UZS per person. It’s super entertaining and the guy running the place will take as many photos of you as you want!

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Registan

Around sunset, the lights come on and illuminate all three of the gorgeous buildings. Crowds dwindle and it’s a great time to enjoy the inner courtyard.

Entrance Fees: 40,000 UZS per person

Hours: Open daily from 8 am until 7 pm. From our observation, as long as you’re at the gate by 7 pm, you are allowed to stay until 8:30 or 9 pm.

2. See the Nighttime Show at the Registan

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Registan at Night

If you take our advice and stay inside the Registan courtyard for sunset, you’ll be in for another treat. At 7 pm every evening (except, apparently, when they don’t feel like doing it), there is traditional music and dance show in the courtyard of the Sherdor Madrasa.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Registan at Night

A small group of five men plays instruments while several others sing and dance. It’s a 50-minute show and you’ll certainly be entertained the entire time. The backdrop of the performance is the beautiful interior walls of the courtyard, lit up with colorful lights.

Entrance Fees: 60,000 UZS per person to see the 50-minute show

Hours: The 50-minute show begins at 7 pm

3. Check out the Bibi-Khanym Mosque

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Bibi-Khanym Mosque

Another one of the best places to visit in Samarkand, the Bibi-Khanym Mosque is directly in front of the Siab Bazaar. It’s a striking mosque with a lovely interior courtyard. Areas of the courtyard and the interior are under reconstruction so a few areas are off-limits. There are so many opportunities for beautiful photos here and it’s generally not that crowded so spend some time here enjoying the peaceful garden.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to See: Bibi-Khanym Mosque

Entrance Fees: 25,000 UZS for adults, 10,000 for children. The sign says you’ll need to purchase a camera permit but it does not appear to be enforced.

4. Shop at the Siab Bazaar

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to See: Dried Apricots in the Siab Bazaar

The Siab Bazaar is mainly a food market meant for locals, but there are a few things here to satisfy tourists as well. If you enjoy wandering through markets and enjoying the people watching, you’ll definitely get your fill of that here. And if you’re searching for the perfect Uzbekistan souvenir to take home with you, there are several small shops off to the side of the covered market.

The candy, fruit, and nut vendors will call out to you from their stalls, offering you small tastes of their goods. Be sure to try the pistachio halva, it’s a sweet, chewy nougat that is absolutely delicious. It’s easy to get ripped off here so be sure to bargain. A bar of halva should cost no more than 5,000 UZS.

5. Appreciate the Beauty of the Gur-e Amir Complex

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Gur-e Amir Mausoleum

The Gur-e Amir Complex is a striking madrasah that houses the tombs of Amir Temur and his beloved descendants. The building was originally meant to be an Islamic school at the direction of Temur’s grandson, Muhammad Sultan. But after he died suddenly in 1403, Temur ordered that the complex be changed to a mausoleum.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Gur-e Amir Mausoleum

Temur was originally meant to be buried in his hometown of Shakhrisabz, but his body was laid to rest at the Gur-e Amir, as well as his other infamous grandson Ulugbek. Amir Temur’s jade stone grave is in the center of the grandiose room that houses all of the tombs. Outside is a lovely courtyard and garden, with a spectacular arched gate at the entryway.

Entrance Fees: 25,000 UZS per person. Keep your ticket as it’s good for reentry for three days.

Hours: Open daily from 8 am until 7 pm

6. Admire the Shah-i-Zinda Mausoleum

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Shah-i-Zinda

The Shah-i-Zinda Mausoleum is a magnificent work of art and a must-see during your trip to Samarkand! Once inside it feels as though you’re walking down the main avenue of a city comprised of the most beautiful mausoleums. The vibrant blue tilework is prevalent throughout the complex, making it a photographer’s dream!

The name Shah-i-Zinda translates to “Tomb of the Living King” which refers to the holiest of the shrines, what is likely the grave of Qusam ibn-Abbas. He is famed for bringing Islam to this region in the 7th century. The mausoleums here were built over the periods of the 11th to the 19th centuries as Timur and Ulugbek buried their families and closest confidants here at later dates.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to See: Shah-i-Zinda

If you want to snap photos here without loads of people in the background, come in the early morning.

There are several rules that visitors are asked to follow during a visit to the Shah-i-Zinda Mausoleum, namely to dress modestly with respect to the deceased. It is also forbidden to take photos next to the tombstones, sit on them, speak loudly, behave badly, put money on graves, or sacrifice animals on the graves.

Entrance Fees: 15,000 per person

Hours: Open daily from 7 am until 7 pm

7. Sample the Goods at the Museum of Wine-Making

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Wine Tasting

At this point, you’re probably wondering what to do in Samarkand besides looking at Islamic architecture. How about sampling some Uzbekistan wine?

The Museum of Wine-Making is less of an actual museum and more of a tasting room. There is a large room with some old winemaking tools on display that you can wander around before heading into a room with a large central dining table. Here you’ll get to try 10 different alcoholic beverages for 50,000 UZS per person. There are three dry wines, four dessert wines, two brandys, and one medicinal liquor similar to Jagermeister. You’ll get some information on the varietals while you sample.

8. Take a Day Trip to Shakhrisabz

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Ak Saray Palace in Shakhrisabz

Shakhrisabz is a small town located about 55 miles south of Samarkand. You’ll need to hire a driver for the day, the going rate is generally $40 for two people and the drive takes about an hour and 40 minutes each way. You’ll want about two hours to explore the city and your driver will drop you off on one end of the complex and pick you up at the parking lot on the other side.

Shakhrisabz is an important city in the history of Uzbekistan as Amir Temur was born in the neighboring village of Hodja-Ilgar and made Shakhrisabz his residence. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has several interesting architectural sites to explore. Your tour will start at the Ak Saray Palace where you’ll pay 7,000 UZS per person to visit. A large statue of Amir Temur stands proudly in front.

The next stop along your tour of Shakhrisabz is the Medrese Chubin if you choose to visit. It’s 16,000 UZS per person and the museum is poorly signed with some “artifacts” that are just paper-mâché copies of the originals. It is definitely skippable, especially if you are short on time. The Caravanserai Koba has been converted into a very fancy-looking restaurant, and the Medieval Bath is now a cafe.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Dorus Saodat in Shakhrisabz

You’ll wander through the central park before coming to the highlight of the city, the Dorut Tilovat Complex (entrance fee of 7,000 per person). Here, you’ll be able to see the Kok Gumbaz Mosque and two mausoleums. And directly across the park pathway is the Dor-Us Siyadat Complex (entrance fee of 10,000 per person) which houses the tomb that was meant for Amir Temur before it was decided that he would be buried at the Gur-e Amir Complex in Samarkand.

9. Visit the Mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari

The Mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari is about 30 minutes north of the central area of Samarkand, so you’ll need to catch a taxi to get there. The architecture of the complex is similar in architectural style to most of the buildings listed above and it is a revered pilgrimage site in Uzbekistan for the devout. Imam al-Bukhari was a theologian and authored the second most important book for Muslims after the Quran.

The complex houses a mausoleum, mosque, library and museum, and several souvenir stalls.

10. Eat Plov

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Pov at Osh Markazi

No trip to Uzbekistan is complete without trying their beloved national cuisine – plov. This hearty rice dish is cooked in a cast-iron pot and topped with chunks of lamb and an assortment of veggies. And the most popular place to eat plov in Samarkand is at Osh Markazi Filial 1 . It’s a bit outside of town, but conveniently located just a few blocks from the Ulugh Beg Observatory.

11. Dress Up to Dine Out

A popular nighttime activity for locals in Samarkand is to get dressed up and go out for dinner and dancing. Restaurants serve classic Uzbekistan dishes while blasting club music and the patrons move from their tables to the dance floor throughout the night. There is a strict dress code for locals, but tourists aren’t held to the same standards. But if you show up in workout clothes, you’ll probably feel out of place.

Karimbek is a lively restaurant where you’ll find locals dressed to the nines rocking out to music in the room right off the entrance. If the music downstairs is too loud for your taste, you can grab a private room upstairs. There are no prices on the English menu which can be scary, but everything is quite reasonable. Their local red wine is only 8,000 UZS per glass. Be sure to try the kabobs!

Samarkand Restaurant is perfect if you’re looking to be entertained while enjoying your dinner. As you enter you’ll immediately see the dance floor where locals are dancing to the loud club music. The food is great, the alcohol is cheap, and you really can’t beat the people watching! The menu is quite similar to Karimbek and you’ll have to ask for the Uzbek menu to see the prices.

Oasis Garden is similar to Karimbek and Samarkand Restaurant in that there is a room dedicated to dancing and loud music. But there are also several quieter areas of the restaurant if you’re not in the mood to party. The staff members are super friendly and attentive and the decor is cute and comfortable.

12. Get a History Lesson at the Ulugh Beg Observatory

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to See: Ulugbek Observatory

In full disclosure, our visit to the Ulugh Beg Observatory (also called Observatory of Ulugbek Samarkand) wasn’t our favorite activity in Samarkand. But if you have some extra time in Samarkand, or if you are particularly interested in astronomy, it’s worth a visit.

The Ulugh Beg Observatory was originally constructed in 1428-1429 by astronomer Ulugh Beg and at the time it was one of the finest in the Islamic world. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in 1449 by religious fanatics and was lost for many years before being discovered in 1908.

Some truly magnificent discoveries were made in this observatory. Ulugh calculated that the length of a star year was equal to 365 days, 6 hours, 10 minutes, and 8 seconds which is only off by less than a minute to our current calculations.

The only thing that remains of the observatory today is the sextant, which was an instrument that was used to determine midday. It is covered by a roof but you can peer down into the large hole and see a large section of it below. There is also a very small museum that gives some history of Ulugh and of the work that was done in the observatory in the 1400s.

Entrance Fees: 25,000 per person

Hours: Open daily from 9 am until 7 pm

13. Stop at the Saint Daniel Mausoleum

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: Tomb of Daniel

If you do choose to visit the Ulugh Beg Observatory, it’s a fairly easy walk back to the main touristy area of Samarkand. There are a few optional stops along the way. The Saint Daniel Mausoleum supposedly houses at least part of the remains of Saint Daniel, a biblical prophet from the Old Testament. It is a religious pilgrimage site for religious people wishing to worship him.

There is also a natural spring that is considered good luck so you’ll see people drinking from it or splashing water over their faces. You’ll need to pay a small fee to enter the mausoleum and an additional 20,000 if you’d like a tour guide to explain the significance of the area.

It is a peaceful place, and it’s a nice break from your walk to sit and enjoy if your legs are tired. But it’s probably not worth going out of your way to visit unless you have a particular interest in Saint Daniel.

Entrance Fees: 15,000 UZS per person to enter. 20,000 UZS if you want a tour guide.

14. Visit the President’s Tomb

Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top Things to Do and See: President's Tomb

The President’s Tomb is another easy stop on your walk back from the Ulugh Beg Observatory. But unlike Saint Daniel’s Mausoleum, I would recommend going out of your way to visit this spot. You’ll be able to see both the Hazrati Khizr Mosque and the tomb of the former president.

The former Uzbekistan president, Islam Karimov, ruled Uzbek SSR in 1990 before declaring Uzbekistan’s independence on September 1, 1991. The first general election took place in December of that year which he won by a landslide. He continued to win re-elections with over 90% of the vote until his death in 2016.

As with many of the other religious and historical sites in Samarkand, the mosque and enclosed tomb are absolutely stunning. You may be able to climb the minaret after paying your entrance fee which offers views of the courtyard below. You can take photos here, just not of the actual president’s tomb.

We hope that’s enough things to do to keep you busy in Samarkand, Uzbekistan!

Want more help planning your trip to Uzbekistan? Check out our favorite travel guides!

Uzbekistan Travel Guide by Bradt


Best Things to see in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Val grew up in Portland, Oregon but moved to Oahu on a whim back in 2013. She sold her house and all of her belongings and bought a one-way ticket. Since then she’s taken two around-the-world trips and has visited 60-ish countries while living out of a duffel bag. Val started documenting the Wandering Wheatleys travels back in 2013 as a way to update friends and family about her whereabouts and to relay humorous daily interactions. The only readers were her mom and her mother-in-law but that didn’t stop her! These days you’ll find Val dreaming up future trips, creating new travel content, managing a team of amazing travel enthusiasts, and chasing around her two adorable but naughty kids.

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2 thoughts on “the top 14 things to do in samarkand, uzbekistan”.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Amazing travel blog! I am going to Uzbekistan next May. In your opinion, how much time to spend in Samarkanda, Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent? We have few days and wonder which cities need more time to seet it.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Oh yeah, you’ll LOVE it! Khiva is quite small and Tashkent is more of a metropolitan city so I’d recommend less time in both of those and more time in Samarkand and Bukhara!

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  • 10 Trending Places To Visit In Uzbekistan For A Fabulous Vacation In 2024

09 Feb 2023

The current showstopper of world tourism, Uzbekistan- which was almost absent in the tourist map until 2011 – has become a trending destination. The bloody history of the Silk Road, and the cultural assortment of ancient cities have contributed to the budding tourism in Uzbekistan. In the year 2017, Uzbekistan witnessed an influx of 3 million tourists, ranking it 76th in the world in absolute terms. Ever since the Arab Spring, tourists have shown a greater interest in the history, culture and architecture of Uzbekistan. If you are planning a classic tour, make sure to scale these trending places to visit in Uzbekistan for an impressive experience.

10 Trending Places To Visit In Uzbekistan

Steeped in rich cultural history, Uzbekistan offers a vivid window for tourists to capture amazing glimpses of its eccentric attractions, architectural wonders and rugged terrains. From the futuristic city of Samarkand to the sprawling city of Tashkent – Uzbekistan holds the potential to be the topmost destination for your next holiday. While you are here or planning a visit to explore Uzbekistan, check out the list of the 10 best places to visit in Uzbekistan:

1. Ark, Bukhara

Ark, Bukhara

Image Source Boasting one royal town inside another town, the impressive Ark is Bukhara’s oldest structure till date. Ark, Bukhara, also the residence of the emir of Bukhara for many centuries, remained occupied from the 5th century to the early 20th century. Although the structure was bombed by the Red Army in 1920, it still reflects the royalty of the past. Plan a visit to the ruins to witness the remaining royal quarters now converted into museums.

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2. Registan, Samarkand

Registan Samarkand

Image Source Equipped with majolica, mosaics, and well-proportioned spaces, Registan is a vast, cambering medressas occupy the heart of Samarkand. Undoubtedly one of the most stunning sights in Central Asia, Registan makes up for three magnificent edifices which were constructed as per the Islamic architecture. Although destroyed by Chinggis Khan, it still boasts the world’s oldest preserved medressas and holds pride in being one of the major Uzbekistan tourist attractions. Visit anytime in the day for a stunning glimpse.

3. Amir Timur Museum, Tashkent

Amir Timur Museum, Tashkent

Image Source Named after the Mongol emperor, Timur, the Amir Timur Museum in Tashkent is home to more than 5,000 exhibits of heirloom which represent the culture and history of the Timurid Dynasty. Only in the year 1996, it was inaugurated in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. An interesting fact about the Museum is that it is deliberately constructed to replicate the Gur-e Amir mausoleum in Samarkand. And no one knows why!

4. The Walled City of Khiva

The Walled City of Khiva

Image Source Often known as Khorasam, Kiva is an ancient city which is 2,000 years old. Protected by the crenellated brick walls, Kiva is abundant in amazing places and monuments. UNESCO named the walled inner city – Itchan Kala- as the first Uzbek World Heritage Site. It is suggested to spend a night in Khiva because the old town offers some marvelous views of sunsets and sunrises.

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5. Chor Minor, Bukhara

 Chor Minor, Bukhara

Image Source

Located in the northeast of Bukhara, Chor Minar was constructed in the 18th century. A rich merchant, Khalif Niyazkul, is accredited for its construction. True to its meaning, “four minarets”, Chor Minor is a long-standing symbol of the four cardinal points of geography. Do not miss out on the strikingly unique decorations in the Minor as you get to explore more of Chor Minor which is also one of the impressive places to see in Uzbekistan.

6. Gur-e-Amir, Samarkand

Gur-e-Amir, Samarkand

Image Source Mausoleum of the 14th-century Mongol conqueror, Timur, Gur-e-Amir is an ancient structure remarkable for its beautiful azure dome constructed in the shape of a flute. The dome holds special importance because Timur and his sons and grandsons were cremated here. A visit during night enhances the beauty of the dome manifold.

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7. Chorsu Bazaar, Tashkent

Chorsu Bazaar, Tashkent

Situated in the centre of Tashkent, Chorsu Bazaar is a blue-domed building which is famous for its traditional market. From clothes to trinkets – the bazaar offers a host of articles for tourists and locals, equally. Make sure to visit the Kukeldash Madrasah which is present at the end of the bazaar which is definitely one of the top places to visit in Uzbekistan.

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8. Palace Of Khudayar Khan, Kokand

Palace of Khudayar Khan, Kokand

Named after Khudayar Khan, the last ruler of Kokand Khanate, the Palace was once housed seven magnificent courtyards and 119 rooms. It was built in the year 1871 and occupied four acres of green land. Also known as ‘the Pearl of Kokand,’ it is now left with only two courtyards and 19 rooms which are open for public visits.

9. Lyab-i-Hauz, Bukhara

Lyab i Hauz Bukhara

Lyab-i Hauz, built in the early 17th century, stands as one of the few remaining ponds in Bukhara. It is quiet plaza which is surrounded by tall mulberry trees and watered by an ancient canal. There is a historic city of Jewish Quarter located towards the south of Lyab-i-Hauz which definitely demands attention as one of the nicest places to visit in Uzbekistan.

10. Aydarkul Lake

Aydarkul Lake

Image Source Created by the Soviets, Aydarkul Lake is a semi-natural lake which covers more than 4,000 sq kms in the present time. It is located near a smaller seasonal lake amidst the Kyzylkum desert. This place is not only a tourist attraction but also offers a few things to do during vacation.

Further Read: 10 Ancient Museums In Uzbekistan For An Exciting Historical Tour

While these are some of the most trending and remarkable places to visit in Uzbekistan, there are many others which demand less or similar attention. Once you are in Uzbekistan, hit out the streets and alleyways to discover the mysterious Silk Road and many more. If you haven’t planned yet, make haste and reserve your Uzebkistan vacation with TravelTriangle for an even more memorable experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Places To Visit In Uzbekistan

What Uzbekistan is famous for?

Uzbekistan is famous for its amazing Islamic architecture in the form of mosques and mausoleum some of them belong to the 17th century. History and culture of this place have attracted a lot of tourists in recent times.

Is Uzbekistan safe to visit?

Traveling to Uzbekistan is absolutely safe and has a very relaxed atmosphere even for solo travelers who often find their solo trip quite rewarding.

What is the best time to visit Uzbekistan?

April to May and September to November is the best time of the year to visit Uzbekistan. During this time you can enjoy the warm and dry climate which is quite pleasant and does not get uncomfortable.

What should I wear in Uzbekistan?

There is no particular dress code to follow in Uzbekistan but the conservative dressing is very much appreciated. Long pants and skirts along with long sleeves shirts are the most preferred dress code for both men and women.

Can you drink alcohol in Uzbekistan?

Alcohol is a part of the culture and day to day life for most people of Uzbekistan. So you are free to drink alcohol and can find them being served in most of the restaurants and hotels.

What is the climate like in Uzbekistan?

Uzbekistan enjoys a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. The temperature in summers reaches up to 40℃ and in winters drops to -2℃.

What is there to do in Uzbekistan?

Some of the fun things to do in Uzbekistan are: 1. Explore Uzbekistan’s History at Gur-e-Amir 2. Enjoy sightseeing at Sher Dor Madrasa 3. Check Out Mosques And Madrasas at Registan 4. Shop For Handicrafts in Tashkent 5. Dig into the most delicious Pilau at Plov Center

What can I buy in Uzbekistan?

Some of the must-buys in Uzbekistan are: 1. Ceramics. 2. Wood carvings. 3. Ikat fabrics -Uzbek textiles. 4. Embroidery. 5. Samarkand paper. 6. Puppet. 7. Miniature paintings. 8. Metal art – engravings. and jewelry.

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Trip to Uzbekistan: Where to go, the best time to visit, recommendations for tourists

must visit places in uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, the heart of Central Asia, is a treasure trove of history, culture, and architectural marvels. Nestled along the ancient Silk Road, it offers a rich tapestry of experiences that beckon the intrepid traveler. From the majestic minarets of Samarkand to the bustling bazaars of Tashkent, Uzbekistan is an enchanting destination that promises to leave visitors spellbound. If you are planning a trip to Uzbekistan, where should you go and see, and when is the best time to travel to this gem of a country?

Must-Visit Places

Samarkand: No journey to Uzbekistan is complete without a visit to Samarkand. This city, one of the oldest in the world, boasts the magnificent Registan Square, flanked by three grand madrasahs adorned with intricate tilework. Each madrasah — Ulugh Beg, Sher-Dor, and Tilya-Kori — showcases the exquisite artistry and architectural prowess of the Timurid dynasty. The Shahi-Zinda necropolis, with its stunning blue-domed mausoleums, offers a poignant tribute to Islamic architecture and craftsmanship. The Bibi-Khanum Mosque, once one of the largest mosques in the world, stands as a testament to the city’s historical significance and grandeur.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Bukhara: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bukhara is a living museum of Central Asian history. The Ark Fortress, a massive citadel that once served as a royal town, invites visitors to explore its labyrinthine halls and courtyards. Nearby, the Poi Kalyan complex, with its towering minaret and exquisite mosques, provides a glimpse into the spiritual life of ancient Bukhara. The Lyab-i Hauz, a serene pool surrounded by madrasahs and teahouses, offers a tranquil retreat in the heart of the city. The city's bustling bazaars and ancient caravanserais evoke the vibrant trade that once flourished along the Silk Road.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Khiva: Enclosed within ancient walls, the historic city of Khiva is a well-preserved example of medieval Islamic architecture. The Itchan Kala, the inner town, is home to over 50 historical monuments, including the iconic Kalta Minor minaret, intended to be the tallest in the Islamic world but left unfinished, and the ornately decorated Juma Mosque, with its 213 wooden columns. The Kunya-Ark Citadel, a fortress within the city, offers panoramic views of Khiva and its intricate network of streets and alleys. Exploring Khiva feels like stepping back in time, with every corner revealing a new architectural marvel.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Fergana Valley: Known as the "Garden of Uzbekistan," the Fergana Valley is a lush and fertile region renowned for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant cultural heritage. The valley is dotted with charming towns such as Kokand, where the opulent Khudoyar Khan Palace stands as a symbol of the region's regal past. Rishtan, famous for its exquisite ceramics, offers visitors a chance to witness the creation of intricate pottery using age-old techniques. Margilan is another gem in the valley, celebrated for its silk production. At the Yodgorlik Silk Factory, visitors can observe traditional silk-weaving techniques and purchase beautiful silk products directly from the artisans.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Tashkent: The capital city, Tashkent, is a vibrant metropolis that seamlessly blends the old with the new. The Hazrati Imam complex, housing the world's oldest Quran, is a spiritual and historical treasure. The bustling Chorsu Bazaar, with its maze of stalls and vibrant atmosphere, offers a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and smells. Modern Tashkent is home to a plethora of dining and entertainment options, reflecting its dynamic and cosmopolitan spirit. The city’s numerous parks, museums, and theatres provide ample opportunities for cultural exploration and relaxation.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Recommendations for Tourists

Embrace Local Cuisine: Uzbekistan's culinary delights are a highlight of any visit. Sample the national dish, plov, fragrant rice pilaf with meat and vegetables. Try the succulent shashlik (grilled meat skewers) and savor fresh bread from the tandoor (clay oven). Do not miss out on traditional sweets like halva and dried fruits, best enjoyed with a cup of local green tea.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Engage with the Locals: Uzbeks are known for their hospitality. Engage in conversations, learn about their customs, and perhaps even partake in a family meal. This immersive experience enriches the travel experience and fosters meaningful connections.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Explore the Silk Road Heritage: Uzbekistan's cities are interwoven with the legacy of the Silk Road. Delve into the history of this ancient trade route at local museums and heritage sites. The country’s vibrant markets offer a glimpse into the bustling commerce that once thrived along this route, with an array of handicrafts, textiles, and spices on display.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit Uzbekistan is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) months. During these periods, the weather is pleasantly mild, making it perfect for sightseeing and outdoor activities. Springtime brings blooming flowers and lush landscapes, while autumn offers a bounty of fresh fruits and vibrant foliage. The summer months can be scorching, especially in desert regions, while winter can be harsh and cold, though it does provide a unique, quieter charm.

must visit places in uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, with its rich history, stunning architecture, and warm hospitality, is a destination that captivates and enchants. Its blend of ancient traditions and modern vibrancy creates an unforgettable experience for those who venture to this Central Asian gem. As the world rediscovers the wonders of the Silk Road, Uzbekistan stands out as a beacon of culture and heritage, waiting to be explored.

By embracing the allure of Uzbekistan, travelers are not merely visiting a country but embarking on a journey through time, experiencing the heart and soul of Central Asia.

Doniyor Tukhsinov

  • #tourism #Samarkand #Bukhara #travel #trip

must visit places in uzbekistan


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  2. Best Things to See in Uzbekistan

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  3. The Top 14 Things to do in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

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  4. Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan: Top Sights on the Silk Road

    must visit places in uzbekistan

  5. 20 Most Beautiful Places To Visit In Uzbekistan

    must visit places in uzbekistan

  6. The 9 Top Places To Visit In Uzbekistan

    must visit places in uzbekistan


  1. 3 Must Go Places in Uzbekistan

  2. Top 5 Must-Visit Travel Destinations in Uzbekistan

  3. Beautiful Places of Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 😍(Part-1)#travel#travelvlog#share#love#explore#tour#shorts#fun

  4. EPIC Uzbekistan Travel Guide: TOP Places to Visit for Tourists

  5. top places to visit in Uzbekistan

  6. ট্রামে চড়ে সমরকন্দ


  1. 9 of the best places to visit in Uzbekistan

    Here are our top recommendations of places to visit in Uzbekistan for architecture, culture, nature and immersion in the arts. 1. Registan, Samarkand. Best for dramatic architecture. The historic Registan Square in Samarkand impresses first-time visitors more than any other attraction in Uzbekistan. Included on the UNESCO World Heritage list ...

  2. The 14 BEST Places to Visit in Uzbekistan [2024 Guide]

    Without further ado, let's check out some of the best places to visit in Uzbekistan. Table of Contents. The Most Incredible Places to Visit in Uzbekistan. 1) Tashkent. 2) Chimgan Canyon, Charvak Reservoir and Chatkal Biosphere Reserve. 3) Samarkand. 4) Shahrisabz. 5) Bukhara. 6) Khiva.

  3. What are the 26 Best Places to visit in Uzbekistan in 2024?

    3 great day hikes in the Ugam Chatkal National Park in Uzbekistan. 8. Necropolis of Mizdakhan, Karakalpakstan. Uzbek people consider the Mizdakhan Necropolis to be one of the most sacred sites in Central Asia and the cemetery attracts pilgrims from all over the world..

  4. 20 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

    The Best Places to visit in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Bukhara is another ancient city in the center of Uzbekistan. It was a well known stop on the Silk Road and a must visit place when traveling through Uzbekistan. The abundance of mosques, architectural marvels, blue domes and detailed mosaics have transformed Bukhara into an open air museum.

  5. The 25 BEST Things to Do in Uzbekistan [2024 Edition]

    Table of Contents. The Best Things to do in Uzbekistan. Tashkent and Around. 1) See a Play at the Navoi Theatre. 2) Chow Down at the Chorsu Bazaar. 3) Take a Wander Down the Kolkouz Canal. 4) Enjoy Islamic Architecture and a Slice of History at Khast Imam. 5) Check Out the Spectacular Art on the Tashkent Metro.

  6. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Uzbekistan

    Amazing place with an unique atmosphere. 9. Chorsu Bazaar. 702. Flea & Street Markets. Traditional market teeming with a variety of fresh produce, meats, spices, and baked goods. Known for its lively atmosphere and cultural significance in the local community. See ways to experience (26) 2024.

  7. 9 of the best things to do in Uzbekistan

    Be sure to try 2. Find the real plov in a local chaikhana . Plov is the answer in Uzbekistan, no matter what the question.This traditional rice dish is cooked for every occasion. Plov is a source of national pride and each region, each city, every oshpaz (master plov-maker) has their own recipe and secrets for preparing this special dish.. There are more than 30 varieties of plov in Uzbekistan ...

  8. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Uzbekistan (UPDATED 2024)

    10. Bibi Khanym Mosque. 665. Religious Sites. Built between 1399 and 1404, this was one of the Islamic world's biggest mosques which crumbled for centuries before collapsing in an 1897 earthquake. See ways to experience (45) 2024. 11. Ismail Samani Mausoleum.

  9. The Best Uzbekistan Itinerary ideas: What to Visit in one week in

    Here are 3 best Uzbekistan itinerary suggestions to visit the most beautiful places in Uzbekistan: visit Uzbekistan in 5 days, one week, 10 days, 14 days or more with these detailed itineraries. ... and practical travel info concerning this open-air museum of Uzbekistan. It's a must-read! Reading Tip: Top things to do in Khiva - The ...

  10. Must-see attractions Uzbekistan, Central Asia

    Discover the best attractions in Uzbekistan including Registan, Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum, and Shah-i-Zinda. Lonely Planet. Destinations. Planning. Inspiration. Shop. Search. Saves. Open main menu. ... The History Museum is a must-visit for anyone looking for a primer on the history of Turkestan from its earliest settlements 5000 years ago to the ...

  11. Top 30 places to visit in Uzbekistan in 2024 (Lots of photos)

    17. Ark Citadel. The Ancient Walls of Citadel Ark. One of the interesting places, which can be attributed to the ancient cultural monuments of Uzbekistan, is located in Bukhara - the Ark Citadel. Archaeological research determined the age of the citadel - its foundations were laid between the 6th and 3rd centuries BC.

  12. 25 Incredible Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

    12. Meros Paper Mill. In village 5 km from Samarkand called Koni Ghil, you can visit this paper mill set amongst shady trees on the Siab River. It was founded by well-known masters the Mukhtarov brothers and is a renovated factory using ancient paper-making traditions. Everything is manual and is fascinating to watch.

  13. 12 Most Beautiful Places in Uzbekistan to Visit

    A stroll through its streets is not just a walk, but an immersion into a tapestry of history and culture. This makes it a top place to see in Uzbekistan. Shahrisabz, one of the most beautiful places in Uzbekistan, brings up thoughts of grandeur and wealth with only a mention of it. 5. Fergana Valley.

  14. Uzbekistan

    Uzbekistan - Top 10 Places to Visit. Uzbekistan is one of the fascinating countries in Central Asia and famous for its Silk Road cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. Twice the size of the UK, it has a rich cultural heritage and a long history steeped in tradition.

  15. Top Things to Do in Uzbekistan

    Things to Do in Uzbekistan, Asia: See Tripadvisor's 82,528 traveller reviews and photos of Uzbekistan tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Uzbekistan. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  16. 16 EPIC Things to Do in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (2024 Guide)

    Our List of the Best Things to Do in Tashkent. Visit Khast Imam. Wander Around the Chorsu Bazaar. Marvel at the Soviet Mosaics. Kolkouz Canal. Check Out the Minor Mosque. Hang Out in the Amir Timur Square. Catch a Show at the Navoi Theatre. Explore Mausoleums at Tashkent Islamic University.

  17. The 15 Best Things to do in Tashkent Uzbekistan

    10. Learn about Uzbekistan's history in the State Museum of History. If you want to learn a bit more about Uzbekistan's history, then the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan is the place to be. This museum has 2 floors with a range of exhibits showing the history of Uzbekistan over the past 2500 years.

  18. Best Places to Visit in Uzbekistan: Top Sights on the Silk Road

    Tashkent. Amir Timur Monument. One of the best places to visit in Uzbekistan is Tashkent. Tashkent is located in the northeast of Uzbekistan, near the border with Kazakhstan. It is the capital city and also has the largest international airport. So it's very likely that you'll need to fly into and out of Tashkent.

  19. 25 Best Tourist Attractions to Visit in Uzbekistan

    Tourist Attractions in Uzbekistan, Visit 25 Best Amazing Places: Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Nukus, Kokand, Fergana, Termiz, Andijon, Shakhrisabz.. Skip to the content. 01979-172797 ... was funded from the booty of Timur's attack of India and must have been the gem of his empire and one of the best Tourist Attractions in Uzbekistan ...

  20. 16 things to know before going to Uzbekistan

    15. Health Issues. The most common complaints amongst visitors are heat exhaustion in summer and the occasional dodgy tummy after eating too much oily plov or shashlik. Wash your hands, avoid the tap water, and wash all fruit and salads before eating and you should be fine. 16.

  21. Places to Visit in Uzbekistan

    Tourist Places to Visit in Uzbekistan. Aydarkul Lake, Nurota Mountains, Greater Chimgan, Ark, Gur-e-Amir, Fergana Valley, Lake Charvak, Ugam-Chatkal National Park, Rishtan, Registan, Amir Timur Museum, Chorsu Bazaar, Palace Of Khudayar Khan, Lyab-i-Hauz. Places to visit in Uzbekistan are packed with never ending heritage and history that dates ...

  22. The Top 14 Things to do in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

    Samarkand, Uzbekistan Travel Basics Know Before You Go. The currency of Uzbekistan is the Uzbekistani Soʻm (UZS). At the time of writing, the conversion was 8,450 UZS to $1 USD. In this post, we'll be referring to prices in Uzbekistan currency. Many people in Samarkand, and Uzbekistan overall, do not speak English.

  23. 10 Places To Visit In Uzbekistan To Enjoy A Splendid Vacation

    3. Amir Timur Museum, Tashkent. Image Source. Named after the Mongol emperor, Timur, the Amir Timur Museum in Tashkent is home to more than 5,000 exhibits of heirloom which represent the culture and history of the Timurid Dynasty. Only in the year 1996, it was inaugurated in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

  24. Trip to Uzbekistan: Where to go, the best time to visit

    Must-Visit Places. Samarkand: No journey to Uzbekistan is complete without a visit to Samarkand. This city, one of the oldest in the world, boasts the magnificent Registan Square, flanked by three grand madrasahs adorned with intricate tilework. Each madrasah — Ulugh Beg, Sher-Dor, and Tilya-Kori — showcases the exquisite artistry and ...

  25. Hotel Uzbekistan

    Discover Hotel Uzbekistan in Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Once a luxurious flagship of the Soviet Union, this Brutalist structure remains a landmark of Tashkent's communist past.