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june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

June's Journey

Relax with a story of romance, intrigue, and mystery in this glamorous hidden object game straight from the roaring 20s!

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The June's Journey Online Shop is open! It's the best place to get a deal on diamonds, coins and more. Purchases made here will be directly deposited into your game, with great savings to make the most of your game! As a bonus, once you make your first purchase from the online shop you'll get the Furry Farmers decoration absolutely free! And there are a ton of other amazing deals to be found. And be sure to bookmark this page in your browser to visit again later!

june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

Curl Up With a Good Mystery

Step into the role of amateur detective June Parker and set out on a journey through the glamorous roaring 20s. Escape to a bygone age of mystery, danger, and romance as you search for hidden object clues, from the parlors of New York to the sidewalks of Paris.

june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

Behind the Scenes

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June’s Journey Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Solve All Mysteries

By: Author Rachel Robbins

Posted on Last updated: February 16, 2024

Everyone loves a good mystery. There’s undoubtedly a measure of excitement in trying to solve crimes, ghost sightings, or other events that need more than commonplace logic to be explained. Mysteries beget intrigue, and humans are inherently drawn toward strange happenings if only to satisfy our curiosity and break the monotony of the everyday.

It’s why cartoons like Scooby Doo or shows like CSI , Ghost Hunters , or even Ancient Aliens have become such hits, there’s always an element of mystery to them, a puzzle that needs to be solved, a story to be unraveled. Of course, one cannot discount the importance of the Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew books, which have given readers the chance to step into these mysterious stories long before they’ve become staples of the big screen.

It’s no surprise then that games like June’s Journey can deftly pull players into a world of intrigue, romance, and crime. Set in the roaring ’20s, June’s Journey is a hidden objects game wherein you’re presented with a scene and are tasked to find objects corresponding to a set of words. The mechanics of the game seem simple enough at the onset, but there’s more to it than meets the eye, just like the mystery surrounding the deaths of June’s sister Clare and Clare’s husband, Harry.

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Before giving an overview of how the game is played, let’s first talk about the story in which the game revolves so we can have some context into June’s motivation, which, by extension, also serves as your motivation as the player: June’s Journey begins with June Parker receiving news that her sister Clare had been killed by her husband, Harry, just before Harry himself committed suicide.

With their teenage daughter Viriginia left in the estate, June takes it upon herself to travel to her late sister’s house, which also happens to be the scene of the crime. Here, June discovers that her hunch had been right: that there was something awfully suspicious about the circumstances surrounding her sister and brother-in-law’s deaths. Though without any experience as a detective, June has nevertheless made up her mind to find out what truly happened to Clare and Harry.

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Determined to get to the bottom of things, June sets off to find more clues, and this is where you, as the player, will come in.

In following the story, you will be, as mentioned, provided with scenes containing a set of words that pertain to specific objects found in that particular scene. Some of these objects can be easily spotted while others are hidden, testing your observation skills. Your goal is to find all the objects until every word in the list has been crossed out.

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In some cases, an object included in that list is a clue that drives the story forward. Every time you play a round of a specific scene, the list of words and objects you have to find will change.

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For every object that you click correctly, you stand to gain multipliers that will give you bonus points. The faster you click on the right objects, the higher the multipliers and your score will be.

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Scores are calculated based on your speed, accuracy, and whether or not you’ve availed of hints. Using hints will decrease your score.

Scenes are considered as levels and playing a single round will require you to spend energy. Completing a round will earn you points that can gain you stars. Each level has a maximum of 5 stars, which will earn you Mastery of that level. There are multiple levels in each chapter and you may only proceed to the next chapter if you’ve achieved all its requirements, which may consist of stars and flowers.

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If stars can be earned by mastering a level, flowers can be earned by buying decor for Orchid Island, which is where Clare’s estate is. As June, you’ve become the unofficial caretaker of the estate. Every piece of decor costs a varying amount of coins, which can be earned by completing rounds. Placing certain types of decor will also yield a varying amount of flowers. Aside from being used to access new chapters, flowers are also needed to level up your overall account. Increasing your account level will grant you access to more decor, more levels, more chapters, and so on.

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The estate itself, which is considered an individual building, can be leveled up. Completing rounds may get you construction materials, which are necessary for the upgrade. Only specific decor can be leveled up, which can yield flowers after the upgrade has been completed. Buildings also passively produce coins, which can be collected after a waiting period.

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Additionally, you may eventually expand accessible spots in Orchid Island when you collect compasses, which are used in exchange for expanding your plot. Reaching certain chapters in the main story or getting enough stars will also grant you access to different places around Orchid Island, such as the lighthouse, the hangar, or the shipyard.

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Of course, you can get all of these rewards and open up more locations when you play the main hidden objects game following Clare and Harry’s murder mystery. But while the mechanics of the game sound rather simple, just find an object and click on it, it’s a lot more challenging than you might think.

With our beginner’s guide for June’s Journey, we’ll teach you some tricks to find objects in the fastest way possible, as well as tips to get those high scores, not waste a drop of energy, and decorate Orchid Island into a vintage paradise that will be the envy of your neighbors, and solve the murder mystery along the way, of course.

Spend Your Energy Well

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As we mentioned earlier, playing a round will always require energy. As a beginner, you have roughly a maximum of 110 energy points. Each round costs a minimum of 15 energy points. Depending on how well you do in a round, you can either gain a star or portion of a star.

This means that if a level has a maximum of 5 stars to achieve Mastery, you likely have to play it more than 5 times as completing a round does not automatically mean gaining 1 whole star. Sometimes, you might gain only 12% of a star or 30% of a star.

Again, it depends on how quickly and accurately you find all the objects included in the word set. If you do extremely well in a round, perhaps even get a “Perfect” rating, then you might be able to get, say, 50% of a star.

However, if you do poorly, you might get only 12% of a star, for example. If you consistently get low percentages, this basically means that you’re spending a lot of energy without getting much in return. Additionally, 1 energy point regenerates every 2 minutes so waiting times can feel quite lengthy.

This brings us to the two ways you may choose to approach the game so you can allocate energy points in the most productive way: you can either gain mastery of one level at a time or find all the clues first to complete a whole chapter.

What difference do these two approaches make? They both have their pros and cons and here’s what sets them apart:

Gaining Mastery of a Level First

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Gaining Mastery of one level means earning all 5 stars for that level. Again, this will likely take more than 5 rounds as the game doesn’t seem to let you earn 1 whole star with every round, even if you do manage to get a “Perfect” rating.

This can seem a little tedious at first, but the advantage of gaining Mastery of a level is that you’re only focused on one scene and though there will be objects added to it every time you play a round, you’ve already become familiar with most of where the objects are hidden that you’re more likely to get Perfect ratings even if the difficulty increases. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, so playing a level over and over to earn all 5 stars is definitely good practice.

Eventually, you would become quite familiar with the scene and the locations of objects that you’ll complete rounds faster without using hints. This then maximizes the energy you spend. Additionally, after attaining Mastery of a level, you get to open a 5-Star Box, which often contains Rare, Marvelous, and Special items.

The downside to this approach, however, is that the story won’t progress as fast and you won’t be able to unlock other areas in Orchid Island until later.

Finding Clues First

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On the other hand, you may opt to complete searching for clues first then moving on to the next level instead of earning Mastery for one level. The way the game works is that in every level, you get to find 2 clues, the first of which you’ll encounter upon starting the level and the second when you’ve reached a certain number of stars for that scene.

Once you’ve found all the clues, you may unlock the next level (provided you also have enough of the flowers required) and proceed to play that scene. The advantage to this is that you’ll be able to drive the story forward and unlock more levels, chapters, and other features of the game such as unlockable locations around Orchid Island.

The downside is that most of the time, accessing the final level of a chapter requires a certain number of stars, which you’ll have to earn from previous levels. This means you may have to gain a Mastery rating of certain levels anyway.

Between these two approaches, gaining Mastery of each level may be the more productive approach when it comes to maximizing your energy points. It might seem slow in terms of story progression, but you won’t have to worry about going back to previous levels and trying to reacquaint yourself with a specific scene all over again.

You only have to focus on one scene at a time, raising your chances of getting a high score and Perfect ratings since you’re already familiar with the objects that can be found in the scene. Additionally, stars (alongside compasses) are also required to expand the plot around your estate, which is surrounded by fog. Certain decor items may also be unlocked when you earn a number of stars.

That said, you can consider gaining Mastery as the slow but steady approach that will ultimately lead to more rewards in the long run. All you need to do is be patient about your progression.

Thoroughly Study the Scene

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As mentioned, high scores for each round depend on how quickly and accurately you find the right objects in a scene. During your first few tries, this can seem a little difficult and may take some time getting used to.

Many objects are cleverly hidden wherein some are shrouded in shadows, placed behind a more prominent object, or look as though they’re part of what our vision perceives as the background. Thus, you need to thoroughly study the scene to become familiar with what objects it contains from the get-go. But how exactly do you do that? Here are a few tips we’d like you to consider: 

Pick the Image Apart

The first time you encounter a particular scene, you’ll be given an overall view of what it looks like. You’ll quite literally get to see the entire picture but not all the details, at least, not immediately. Upon encountering a scene, we strongly recommend zooming into it first before clicking on any object as listed in the word set.

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This is because clicking an object automatically begins the round, and how fast you find objects will be taken into account when tallying up your final score. Thus, it’s better to pick the image apart first before beginning the round so you don’t waste time zooming the picture in and out when the invisible timer has begun.

When zooming into portions of the scene, try to be methodical about it. One thing you can do is try to imagine lines dividing the picture into several parts. Let’s take this scene for example:

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As you can see from the image above, we’ve divided the scene into three. Let’s look at the rightmost portion first. The most obvious objects are the big ones or those closest to the foreground, so take note of those first:

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Smaller objects which may be mistaken as part of the background or can be easily overlooked include:

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  • Easel on the balcony
  • Water tower beside the trees
  • Crown on top of the fountain

At the center portion, the most obvious objects may include:

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  • Hanging flowers
  • Flower bush

Further breaking the image into smaller objects, we can see the following:

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  • Lights on the second floor
  • Clock on top of the front door
  • Heart shapes on the front door
  • Horn at the side of the car
  • Steps to the entrance
  • Golden decor on the balcony

The left side of the image also has a lot of small things that may be included in the word set:

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  • Basket on top of the car
  • A stack of books on top of a suitcase
  • Flowers of different colors
  • Foggy windows from the car
  • Small balcony
  • Exclamation point

You might think that the last item sounds strange, but there will be times when numbers, shapes, and even Zodiac symbols will be part of the word set. This is why it’s important to take note of every small detail that you come across since they might be included as an object you have to find.

Take your time when doing this and go back and forth zooming in and out of the scene until you have a good grasp of all the objects you can possibly recognize. Don’t start until you’re confident that you’ve managed to discern most, if not all, objects in the scene.   

Take Note of Additional Items

Apart from recognizing hidden objects, the other challenging aspect in this game is that every round you play may have other objects added to what you’ve already encountered. Take for example these two images below:

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It can be rather subtle, but the scene on the right has more objects in it, any one of which may be included in that round’s word set. This brings us back to our first tip, wherein it’s a good idea to pick the image apart as thoroughly as you can.

Additionally, you need to treat each round as though you’re encountering a new scene since objects will occasionally be added or even removed from it. Reacquaint yourself with the scene each time you play it and take note of what’s been added or what’s been removed. This way, you don’t get caught off-guard when a new word suddenly springs up from the word set. 

Remember the Words and Their Locations

Now it can be extremely difficult to memorize each and every object in every scene. Fortunately, some words get repeated, allowing you to better remember the object corresponding to this word.

Aside from just knowing what the object looks like, also take note of its general location. Keep in mind that you have about 2 to 3 seconds before bonus multipliers disappear, which may be enough time to find a specific object when you know its general location.

As for encountering new words in the set, their location might not always be where you expect as some objects are placed in spots that don’t always make sense, like a letter M on a fireplace…

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… or a figure eight on a sofa.

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If you’ve zoomed in and out of the scene before beginning the round, these odd locations can work as markers that will help you remember an object’s general location better.

Don’t Just Click Objects at Random

You might think that it’s a clever move to just start clicking at random and hope to find the object indicated in the word set, especially if you’ve been staring at the scene for what feels like ages. Surely, you’re bound to get lucky and click on the correct object, right?

While that may be somewhat true, keep in mind that accuracy is also taken into account when tallying your overall score. This means that for every mistaken click, you lose points.

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How many points are lost seem to be arbitrary, but suffice it that they do affect your final score, thus lowering your chances of getting a high percentage when it comes to earning stars. That said, it may be better to lose just speed points instead of losing both speed and accuracy points. After all, you’ve already spent some time trying to find the object that you might as well click on the right thing.

Use Hints Only When Necessary

Sometimes, there’s just that one object you can’t seem to find in the scene. You’ve zoomed in and out of the image, stared intently at the picture, but this particular object remains hidden from view. In this case, you may click the hint button, which is the light bulb on the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Upon clicking the hint button, it will illuminate the object you’re looking for, allowing you to spot it. Below is one case where we used the hint button because the chapel was extremely difficult to see and looked deceptively part of the background.

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Of course, using hints will decrease your overall score. You may use hints multiple times but the button has a waiting period before it can be used again. That said, use hints only when absolutely necessary. If you really can’t find the object, then it may be time to use a hint, especially if it’s the last item on the word set.

Similarly, you may want to use the hint button if the last word on the list is one you’ve yet to encounter and you don’t want to lose the speed multiplier bonus. Click the hint button just before the multiplier bonus appears so you can still at least have a decent high score even if some points will be deducted.

Don’t Expect Items to Look the Way You Imagined

As we’ve mentioned earlier, June’s Journey is set in the 1920s, so characters, scenes, and other features of the game are all made to align with this era’s vintage aesthetic. This poses a new challenge as objects from the word list might not look like the way you imagined.

For instance, in Chapter 1, in the Old Garden Gate (Level 4), you might be asked to find a thermometer. Of course, our idea of a thermometer looks different from the way it used to in the 1920s. This is how it’s presented in the Old Garden Gate:

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You’ll encounter a similar instance in Chapter 2, when you play the scene for Harry’s Yacht (Level 7). Here’s how the thermometer in this scene looks like:

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Neither of these images look the same, and neither of them are likely familiar to people today, but both of these images will be listed as “thermometer” if they pop out on the word set.

On the other hand, you might encounter a word that may be totally unfamiliar to you. One example is, again, in Harry’s Yacht (Level 7), where the word “Amphora” might spring up. Amphora isn’t an everyday word so we had to use the hint button to find out where the corresponding object is. It turns out that an amphora is an ancient Greek or Roman jar with a narrow neck and two handles.

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Other times, the word included in the list can also be pretty vague or just simply isn’t what you’d expect. For instance, the word airplane or plane is something you might encounter once or twice, but it can mean either an actual plane, a paper plane, or even a poster of a plane.

The word star can mean a literal star in the sky, a carving shaped into a star, or even a starfish. Grapes can mean the literal fruit or might even pertain to stone grapes that are part of a statue or decor.

You won’t really be able to tell unless you’ve actually found the object for a particular scene so it’s best not to associate a certain word with what you might think it looks like since this can keep you from finding the right object when your eyes are looking for a specific appearance based on word-image association. As much as you can, keep both your eyes and your mind open to all sorts of possibilities so you can find the right objects even if they can be tricky.

Don’t Panic!

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Last but not least, panic is definitely your worst enemy! With the way the game operates, you’ll be put under time pressure not to break your streak and the pressure to click objects correctly every single instance just to get a high score and earn bigger portions of stars. You’ll soon discover, as we did, that the game can be a little stingy when it comes to earning stars.

In this case, panicking won’t help as it can sometimes lead to paralysis and you’ll lose the chance to find an object as opposed to when you approach a scene calmly and methodically. When you don’t know which object a specific word is referring to, leave that word for now and move on to the other two words flashed on the screen.

Find the objects that are most familiar to you or those whose locations or appearances you can remember best. Upon correctly finding an object, a new word will be flashed so you can turn your attention towards that first until such time you can focus on an object or objects you’re not familiar with.

Additionally, it’s easier to be calm and find the right objects when you’re in an environment that has minimal distractions. If you’re the type to concentrate better in a quiet place, play the game at a location without too much noise. You may even choose to mute the game altogether if you find the music distracting (although this is hardly the case as the music playing for each scene is rather soft and relaxing).

Also, try not to play when you’re sleepy, if your eyes feel tired, or while you’re in a spot without ample light to avoid straining your vision. Your environment may play a significant role in keeping you calm and focused so it’s best to play in a setting that fosters these.

All in all, your performance in each round will rely on your skillfulness as an observer. It can take some time getting used to but it’ll be easier once you get the hang of things. Keep our tips in mind and don’t panic!

Claiming Rewards

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Though June’s Journey can be a little bit stingy when it comes to giving rewards, there are a few avenues in which you can get some extra coins, energy, and other items just by playing the main game. Here are a few of them:

Opening Boxes

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Occasionally, you’ll be able to earn both 1-star and 5-star boxes during and after playing scenes. Naturally, 1-star boxes typically give out common materials and are earned at random. On the other hand, 5-star boxes are usually earned after gaining Mastery of a level. Upon acquiring boxes, they’ll simply be kept unopened in your inventory so make sure to open them up when you’ve finished a round or have run out of energy to play.

Both 1-star and 5-star boxes have a varying chance of giving the following items:

  • Coins: Used to purchase decor for Orchid Island.
  • Gems: Used similarly as coins, but may also be spent for speedups and other purchases like decor.
  • Compass: Used in exchange for expanding plots in Orchid Island.
  • Energy: What you spend playing scenes.
  • Construction materials: Used to upgrade certain buildings and fixtures in Orchid Island.
  • Character cards: Can be collected so you can discover more about the characters indicated in cards. When you complete character cards, you’ll be able to play a mini game where you’ll put a fragmented picture of the character together.

Once you’ve acquired a number of these rewards, you may be able to play more scenes with additional energy, buy more decor, expand plots in Orchid Island, or get additional story-related information.

Daily Deliveries

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You can get random rewards from the Daily Deliveries every day you log into the game. Fortunately, the reward counter won’t reset if you forget to login and you’ll simply be able to claim the next delivery. Any of the items mentioned above can be earned through the Daily Deliveries. At the end of five days each week, you’ll be able to get a special prize and a fancy decor item by the end of 30 days.

Opening Mail

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There are times when you’ll receive letters from other characters, even those you might not have met yet. Included in these letters are small rewards such as a handful of coins. That said, check your mail from time to time in case you have a letter alongside a tiny reward.

Decorate and Expand Orchid Island

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Speaking of decoration and expansion, these are two important activities that you need to accomplish aside from playing scenes and finding clues. As we briefly mentioned in the beginning, decorating Orchid Island will let you earn flowers, which are needed to level up your overall account. Flowers are also required to unlock levels, particularly the last level of a chapter.

You can earn flowers by buying decor, which will often cost coins, though some can be acquired by spending gems. You will gradually unlock more decor when you keep playing scenes and earning stars.

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Some decor can be expensive but yield more flowers, while cheaper decor will only give you a handful of flowers. Often, decor that earns a lot of flowers will ask you to accomplish a long waiting period, which can last between 2 to 12 hours or much more.

Taking waiting times into account, it may be best to accumulate as many coins as you can so you can afford more expensive decor items instead of buying a multitude of cheaper ones. Basically, you can play the hidden objects game over and over to earn coins and open boxes, then buy the more costly decor by the end of the day so they’ll be ready the next time you log back into the game.

On the other hand, you can still buy cheaper decor if you only need a very small amount of flowers to level up your account or unlock a particular scene. This way, you don’t have to wait too long for just a handful of flowers to progress.

Upgrading your estate, too, requires a certain waiting period, but this is something you can start anytime, provided you have all the required construction materials. Upgrading your estate or other buildings like the fountain will take several hours so the earlier you can begin this, the better.

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When this is done, you’ll be able to collect extra coins from these spots. The higher the level of these buildings, the more coins you can get.

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Barring aside how many flowers you can earn, you can always just have fun decorating Orchid Island and the area surrounding your estate. Of course, you will need ample space to place all the decor you’ve bought, so don’t forget to click on the foggy areas to know how many stars and compasses you need to unlock those spots.

Each expandable spot requires a different number of compasses and stars so you technically can’t choose which foggy area you want to access first because of these varying requirements, unless you skip the expansion for one spot and pick the one you desire when you’ve earned enough stars and compasses for it. Otherwise, keep playing the hidden objects game and claiming rewards so you can accumulate expansion requirements.

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Similarly, progressing the main story by unlocking more chapters may also give you access to other spots in Orchid Island. For instance, you can start renovating the lighthouse when you reach Chapter 3. When you reach Chapter 7, you’ll be able to access the hangar to the west of the island.

Some other spots, on the other hand, will require the complete renovation of other areas to be accessed. For example, this cottage on the northeast side of the estate can only be accessed when the lighthouse has been completely renovated.

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On the other hand, the airplane on the east side can only be unlocked when you’ve earned 60 stars.

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Occasionally check what needs to be upgraded and renovated in Orchid Island so you can unlock more features and, consequently, more modes and rewards.

Complete Challenges and Tasks

As with any mobile game, tasks and challenges will spring up from time to time. These are avenues from which you can earn additional rewards apart from playing the main game. During our run, we were able to catch the event for the Elegant Gazebo, which is an exclusive decor piece you can gain by earning points from buying specific decor.

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Basically, you simply need to buy the decor indicated in the list to earn the Elegant Gazebo. Each time you buy these specific decor, you gain points that will fill up a bar. Once the bar has been filled, you’ll be rewarded the Elegant Gazebo, which will give you an extra 100 flowers.

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Similarly, we also caught the Help Wanted challenge, which is a set of tasks you can accomplish to earn rewards like energy or coins. Tasks can include just about anything, from finding a certain amount of hidden objects to playing a number of scenes, and so on.

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Frequently check which tasks are needed to be fulfilled so you can gain additional rewards. Don’t forget to claim these rewards as well so the task will refresh into a new one. Upon claiming rewards for a completed task, you will have to wait a few hours to view the new task, unless you watch an ad.

Watch Ads for Perks

Ah yes, ads, they’re a staple in mobile games. Though they can sometimes break your immersion from the game, ads in June’s Journey are helpful in that they offer a handful of perks in exchange for 30 to 45 seconds of watch time. Here are just some of the things that you can gain whenever you watch ads:

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  • Reduced energy expenditure: Before playing any scene, you can click on the purple button at the lower right-hand side of the screen so you can watch ads. Doing this will lessen the cost of playing scenes from 15 energy to just 10 energy for a duration of 10 minutes. Once your 10 minutes are up, you may watch another ad so you can bring the energy cost back down to 10 once more.

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  • Building renovation: Let’s say you’ve unlocked the lighthouse, which is in need of renovation. The only way you can actually renovate this spot is by watching ads. Depending on how far you’ve progressed into the renovation phase, you’ll need to watch a minimum of 1 to 2 ads. Once the renovation phase is completed, you’ll have to wait around 20 hours to be able to continue renovating the area. This way, you don’t have to watch ads continuously and the game actually gives you sort of a break from playing.

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  • Refresh tasks instantly: This one specifically applies to when you’ve encountered the Help Wanted challenge or other similar challenges. As we mentioned in the previous section, you’ll have to wait a couple of hours before you can view new tasks. However, you can skip this waiting time once you watch an ad for each new task you want to view instantly. Between waiting a couple of hours and watching a short ad, the latter sounds like a reasonable compromise so you can continue completing tasks and not waste energy without gaining additional rewards.

This brings us to the conclusion of our beginner’s guide for June’s Journey! Hopefully, our bag of tips and tricks are able to help you find objects faster, complete scenes with higher scores, maximize your energy points, and earn more rewards! Who do you think is the real killer? What’s the object you had the most difficult time finding? Do you have other tips for your fellow detectives? Share your thoughts in our comment section below!

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June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami PC

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Przy całej swojej pasji do grania w June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami, twoje ręce nie powinny być ograniczone na małym ekranie telefonu. Graj jak zawodowiec i uzyskaj pełną kontrolę nad grą za pomocą klawiatury i myszy. MEmu oferuje ci wszystko, czego oczekujesz. Pobierz i graj June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami na PC. Graj tak długo, jak chcesz, bez ograniczeń baterii, danych komórkowych i niepokojących połączeń. Zupełnie nowy MEmu 9 to najlepszy wybór do grania w June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami na PC. Przygotowany dzięki naszej wiedzy, znakomity, wstępnie ustawiony system mapowania klawiszy sprawia, że June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami jest prawdziwą grą na PC. Zakodowany naszą absorpcją, menedżer wielu instancji umożliwia granie na 2 lub więcej kontach na tym samym urządzeniu. A co najważniejsze, nasz emulator może uwolnić pełny potencjał twojego komputera, sprawić, że wszystko będzie płynne. Dbamy nie tylko o to, jak grasz, ale także o cały proces czerpania radości z grania.

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Zrzuty ekranu i wideo z June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami PC

Ciesz się wspaniałym doświadczeniem podczas grania w June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami na komputerze z aplikacją MEMU App Player. Jest to potężny darmowy emulator Androida pozwalający grać w tysiące gier na Androida. Are you ready to go on an exciting journey to seek and find hidden objects in this adventurous unsolved detective mystery game?

June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami PC

Informacje o grze

Are you ready to go on an exciting journey to seek and find hidden objects in this adventurous unsolved detective mystery game? Sharp-eyed detectives, take matters into your own hands! June’s Journey is the thrilling adventure you’ve been waiting for. Relax with a story of romance, intrigue, and mystery in this exciting hidden object game straight from the roaring 20s! Dive into June Parker's captivating quest to unveil a scandalous hidden family secret. Escape to an era of glamorous mansions, drama, and romance as you solve riddles and search for clues through hundreds of stunning mind-teasing puzzles! I spy a hidden mystery detective game you don't want to miss out on. * ARE YOU READY FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME?* ⭐KEEN-EYED DETECTIVES WANTED – Engage your sense of observation to find all hidden clues in this unsolved mystery adventure detective game. Think you’d make a great spy? Take notes and find the hidden objects to crack every case. ⭐YOUR FIRST CLASS TICKET TO THRILLS – Search and find: Mystery! Danger! Romance! Where will each new chapter and every new scene take you? Will June uncover the murder mystery? Will she surrender to true love? We’re sworn to secrecy; only you can unravel this enigma. ⭐MYSTERY WITH ADDED GLAMOUR – Experience hundreds of dazzling Hidden Object Scenes that will test your problem-solving skills, exercise your memory, and help sharpen your mind. ⭐ HUNDREDS OF BEAUTIFUL SCENES – Lose yourself in June’s world. Build your visual memory as you travel to new locations. Where will this mysterious thriller take you next? ⭐ DECORATE YOUR MANOR – I spy a masterpiece! Get into decorating and gardening with the opportunity to customize, remodel, and fix your very own luxurious mansion and garden island. The way you decorate your manor matters. Upgrade and customize the gorgeous gardens as well as your mystery manor on your island estate. ⭐ NEW DETECTIVE LOUNGE – Make friends and get social when you join a Detective Club. Chat, share rounds of drinks, and challenge each other in Detective Leagues. Share notes on how to best complete challenges and seek for hidden items. Can you find the difference in certain scenes quicker than your challengers? ⭐25 MILLION FANS ALREADY LOVE IT – Don't miss out on the latest hit from Wooga, the makers of the mythical hidden object classic Pearl's Peril. ⭐ ALL-NEW EPISODES – Love stories? Just like your favorite TV series, look forward to a new mystery in each new story chapter, with a new chapter every week. Cliffhangers guaranteed! ⭐ RELAX AND UNWIND – Make this seek-and-find puzzle part of your mindfulness routine. Unwind while you solve mind-teasing mysteries in opulent settings. You’ll be surprised just how much you can improve your memory skills. --------------------------------------------------------------- June's Journey is intended for those 18 and older. June's Journey does not require payment to download and play, but it allows you to purchase virtual items with real money inside the game, including random items. You can disable in-app purchases in your device’s settings. June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information. By downloading this game, you agree to future game updates as released on your app store or social network. You may choose to update this game, but if you do not update, your game experience and functionalities may be reduced. Visit us at Like us on: Terms of Use: Privacy Policy:

Jak pobrać June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami na PC


1. Pobierz instalator MEmu i zakończ instalację

2. Uruchom MEmu, a następnie otwórz Google Play na pulpicie

3. Wyszukaj June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami w Google Play

4. Pobierz i zainstaluj June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami

5. Po zakończeniu instalacji kliknij ikonę, aby rozpocząć

6. Ciesz się grą June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami na PC z MEmu

Dlaczego warto używać MEmu dla June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami

MEmu Play to najlepszy emulator Androida, a 100 milionów ludzi już korzysta z jego i dosta doskonałe wrażenia z gier na Androida. Technologia wirtualizacji MEmu umożliwia płynne granie w tysiące gier Androida na komputerze, nawet tych najbardziej wymagających grafiki.

Większy ekran z lepszą grafiką; Długi czas, bez ograniczeń baterii lub danych mobilnych.

Pełna obsługa mapowania klawiszy dla precyzyjnego sterowania klawiaturą i myszą lub gamepadem.

Wiele kont gier lub zadań na jednym komputerze jednocześnie z menedżerem wielu instancji.

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Więcej od wooga, podobny do june's journey - gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami.




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Play June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami on PC by following steps:

  • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
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June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami PC

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june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

June's Journey - Hidden Object Mystery

june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

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june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

Latest updates

  • MORE REWARDS WITH THE VAULT! Complete tasks by playing Hidden Object Scenes and earn additional Coins, Diamonds, Energy or some extra special goodies like Memoirs packs or Flowers.
  • MINOR BUG FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS - We fixed several bugs and made a few adjustments to create a smoother gameplay experience. We hope you enjoy it!

Product Details

Developer info.

Product features

  • FROM THE MAKERS OF PEARL’S PERIL – The follow-up to the hit hidden object game played by over 90 million fans
  • PUT YOUR SENSE OF OBSERVATION TO THE TEST– Hidden object scenes, jigsaw puzzles, estate decoration, and loads of exciting modes. Which is your favorite?
  • TRAVEL THE WORLD – See some of the most beautiful places in the world, all lovingly hand captured from the 1920s
  • ALL-NEW EPISODES – Just like your favorite TV series, look forward to a new mystery in each new chapter, and a new chapter every week
  • HUGE CAST – Lose yourself in the wild and wonderful characters of June's Journey, but watch your every step!

Product description

User data privacy, technical details.

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  • Access information about networks
  • Access information about Wi-Fi networks
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  • Read only access to device state
  • Access the vibration feature
  • PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming
  • Allows sending in-app billing requests and managing in-app billing transactions
  • Allows verification of Google app Entitlements
  • Receive message via Amazon Device

Customer reviews

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the plot, saying it's engaging, entertaining, and cute. They also appreciate the distractions, saying the game keeps the mind busy. Customers also appreciate that the hidden objects are a fun challenge. They like the beautiful graphics and the scenery. However, some customers dislike the boringness and playability. Opinions are mixed on ease of use.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the game fun, relaxing, and enjoyable. They also say it's nice to play when they have free time. Customers also mention that the graphics are good and the beautifications are fun.

" Worth playing ! This game is fun and it also helps in developing memory when finding hidden objects. I enjoy the murder mystery story." Read more

"...ended up spending money on the game to play more, though, as the game is quite fun and relaxing...." Read more

"...The graphics are good. The beautifications are fun , so there are aspects of the game that I really enjoy. But, the downsides make me crazy." Read more

" So much fun and super easy to play. It can be addicting. You can play without spending money. Lots of ways to earn free games." Read more

Customers find the plot engaging, cute, and entertaining. They also appreciate the variety of scenes and the level of challenge. Overall, customers describe the game as interesting, challenging, and addictive.

"...I enjoy the murder mystery story ." Read more

"...The storyline is interesting , and I still haven't managed to make it to the end of the game, even after a LOT of playtime...." Read more

"...One of the best things is how low-stress the actual game is . Most objects aren't very hidden. They don't change places between levels, either...." Read more

"I've been playing almost since the game started. I love the storyline , building and developing islands, coffee hour and club mysteries...." Read more

Customers find the graphics in the mobile application beautiful, great, and creative. They also say the scenery is beautiful, helpful with memory, and passes time with something cute. Customers also like the picture puzzles that give you background. They say the game is clever and a pleasing mix of intuitive, optical illusion, and fun.

"...It has an engaging story. The graphics are superb . The options for building your own mansion, estate, town, and environment are a delight...." Read more

"...The rules are convoluted and after playing 2x, I'm done. The graphics are good ...." Read more

"...The graphics are good and the storyline keeps your attention. I enjoy the game and like learning names of objects from the past." Read more

"...I eventually completed my island and it is beautiful !!!! The problem is, "There is no rewards at the end of the rainbow"!!!!!..." Read more

Customers like the hidden objects in the mobile application. They say the game keeps their interest with tricky hidden objects and the challenge of finding them. Some say the scenes are not too difficult and don't raise their frustration. They also love searching for the objects and storylines.

"... Most objects aren't very hidden . They don't change places between levels, either...." Read more

"...Easy to begin play. Can become as immersive as you want ." Read more

"... Hints are free which is rare for a hidden object game...." Read more

"...It's no-nonsense with a clear focus on hidden object scenes ...." Read more

Customers find the distractions in the mobile application relaxing, and enjoyable. They say it keeps their mind busy and active, providing alertness to looking out for objects that are hidden in places.

" on the game to play more, though, as the game is quite fun and relaxing ...." Read more

"Enjoying this game. Helps keep the mind active " Read more

"Good way to focus and take your mind off yourself . Easy to begin play. Can become as immersive as you want." Read more

"Very enjoyable and relaxing " Read more

Customers are mixed about the ease of use of the mobile application. Some mention that it's super easy to play, with instructions for beginners. They also say there's no pressure to play every day. However, others say that some games are hard to follow, complicated, and take time to figure out the rules.

"...I'm giving it one star so others are warned about the hidden rules that spoil this game ." Read more

"So much fun and super easy to play . It can be addicting. You can play without spending money. Lots of ways to earn free games." Read more

"...The rules are convoluted and after playing 2x, I'm done. The graphics are good...." Read more

"Good way to focus and take your mind off yourself. Easy to begin play . Can become as immersive as you want." Read more

Customers find the game boring, annoying, and frustrating to play. They also say the game is repetitious and ridiculous.

" started out as a Intriguing journey you will soon realize it becomes repetitious and boring. The story line becomes to good to be true...." Read more

" This game is so GOOFY ! If you have an older device it will take forever to load...the story is good but it kinda just goes on forever...." Read more

"...its programmed to do this. This brings on frustration and takes away the fun element ." Read more

"...Having to go back to the main page, which takes a while, is a bit frustrating ." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the playability of the mobile application. They mention that it crashes frequently, has unreliable ads, and freezes in the middle of a mission. Some say that the app has stopped functioning properly after more than a year of use.

"...To add insult to injury, the same ad appeared every time. So, it crashes , you wait to reload and then it crashes again & again...." Read more

"...So its a great idea but sometimes its frustrating because my surveys keep freezing , then I'm unable to collect the diamonds I was awarded...." Read more

"...It freezes in the middle of a mission (like the one that requires tickets to keep playing) but still counts down the seconds and then tells me I ran..." Read more

" very occupied the only thing I don't like about it is it freezes sometimes I contacted them and they said it's probably my internet but it's just..." Read more

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Generator monety oraz diamenty JUNE'S JOURNEY

Amount of monety

Ilość monety JUNE'S JOURNEY

Amount of diamenty

Ilość diamenty JUNE'S JOURNEY

Metrosurfers⭐zasoby, karty i darmowe kody.

Czy dajesz z siebie wszystko w JUNE'S JOURNEY, ale nie osiągasz oczekiwanych rezultatów? Mamy rozwiązanie, aby dotrzeć na szczyt i umieścić Cię na tym samym poziomie, co najlepsi gracze. Sekret tkwi w pozyskiwaniu większej ilości zasobów, coś, co możesz uzyskać za pomocą naszego generatora monety diamenty gwiazdy. To bezpłatne narzędzie jest dość intuicyjne i wystarczy poświęcić kilka sekund czasu, aby jak najlepiej je wykorzystać.

Jak łatwo korzystać z generatora monety diamenty gwiazdy w JUNE'S JOURNEY

Bardzo satysfakcjonujące jest rozwijanie naszych umiejętności jako zawodnika, aby osiągać wyniki. Jednak JUNE'S JOURNEY nie ułatwi Ci tego zadania i będziesz potrzebować odrobiny nacisku, aby przejść dalej. Nasz generator monety diamenty gwiazdy ułatwi Ci zdobycie wszystkiego, czego potrzebujesz i staniesz się niepokonanym graczem, którym zawsze chciałeś być.

W tym miejscu wyjaśnimy, co musisz zrobić, aby szybko i łatwo uzyskać monety diamenty gwiazdy dla JUNE'S JOURNEY :

  • Wejdź do sieci i uzyskaj dostęp do generatora zasobów. W wyszukiwarce wpisz nazwę JUNE'S JOURNEY i w środku wybierz zasób, który najbardziej Cię interesuje.
  • Każda gra ma inne zasoby, aby przejść każdy poziom, więc jeśli chcesz kontynuować postęp, wpisz kwotę monety diamenty gwiazdy , którą chciałbyś, aby pojawiła się na Twoim koncie.
  • Jedyne, o co poprosimy Cię o dostęp do potrzebnych zasobów, to Twoja nazwa użytkownika i platforma , na której zwykle grasz JUNE'S JOURNEY.
  • Gdy to zrobisz, naciśnij przycisk Start, a zasób automatycznie pojawi się na Twoim koncie.

Co jest proste? Te podstawowe kroki pozwolą Ci jeszcze bardziej cieszyć się JUNE'S JOURNEY, uzyskując nieograniczoną liczbę monety diamenty gwiazdy. Ponadto nie będziesz musiał dokonywać żadnych płatności ani rejestrować się na platformie.

W ten sposób otrzymasz monety diamenty gwiazdy za darmo za JUNE'S JOURNEY

Jeśli przeczytałeś powyższe kroki, wiesz, jak łatwo jest zdobyć monety diamenty gwiazdy dla JUNE'S JOURNEY . Nasz generator jest całkowicie darmowy i będziesz musiał poświęcić na niego bardzo mało czasu. Ponadto zawsze będzie dla Ciebie dostępny, a wraz z nim otrzymasz nieograniczone zasoby .

Każda gra ma szereg wymagań, które gracz musi spełnić, aby dalej prosperować. W naszym generatorze będziesz miał wszystkie niezbędne zasoby, aby osiągnąć najwyższe poziomy przy znacznie mniejszym wysiłku. Nie ma znaczenia, jakie masz urządzenie, ponieważ to bezpłatne narzędzie działa na każdym z nich, czy to Windows, telefon komórkowy z Androidem, Xbox360 czy PS4.


Wideo poradnik.

June's Journey 12+

Find objects & solve a mystery.

  • #71 in Adventure
  • 4.8 • 161 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



I spy a mystery! Find the hidden objects to crack every case. Love True Crime and hidden murders? Solve mind teasing mysteries in the glamorous 1920s! Dive into June Parker's captivating quest to unveil a scandalous, hidden family secret. Escape to an era of opulence and romance as you search for hidden clues through hundreds of stunning mind-teasing puzzles in your own mysterious manor! * ARE YOU READY FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME?* * KEEN-EYED DETECTIVES WANTED – Engage your sense of observation to find all hidden clues and spot the differences. Can you find the differences to solve the mystery? * YOUR 1ST CLASS TICKET TO THRILLS – Mystery! Danger! Romance! Where will each new chapter take you? * MYSTERY WITH ADDED GLAMOUR – Relax through hundreds of dazzling hidden object scenes and customize your very own luxurious estate island * 25 MILLION FANS ALREADY LOVE IT – Don't miss out on the latest hit from the makers of the mythical hidden object classic "Pearl's Peril" * A NEW EPISODE EVERY WEEK – Just like your favorite TV series, look forward to a new mystery in each new chapter, and a new chapter every week! --------------------------------------------------------------- June's Journey is intended for those 18 and older. June's Journey does not require payment to download and play, but it allows you to purchase virtual items with real money inside the game, including random items. You can disable in-app purchases in your device’s settings. June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information. By downloading this game, you agree to future game updates as released on your app store or social network. You may choose to update this game, but if you do not update, your game experience and functionalities may be reduced. Terms of Use: Privacy Policy: Visit us at Follow us on:

Version 3.12.3

MORE REWARDS WITH THE VAULT! Complete tasks by playing Hidden Object Scenes and earn additional Coins, Diamonds, Energy or some extra special goodies like Memoirs packs or Flowers. MINOR BUG FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS - We fixed several bugs and made a few adjustments to create a smoother gameplay experience. We hope you enjoy it!

Ratings and Reviews

161 Ratings

Really cool app to train your brain and have fun.

Developer Response ,

Hi, It’s always nice to have honest reviews from players. If you’d like to get more involved, and let us know what you think we can improve, feel free to drop us a line using the in-game FAQ page, or alternatively visit and use the contact form there. Thanks again for making us smile.


Happening now, app privacy.

The developer, wooga , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • User Content

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More


English, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish

  • Pouch Of Diamonds 5,99 €
  • Purse Of Diamonds 9,99 €
  • June's Medium Present Box 5,99 €
  • Handful of Diamonds 1,99 €
  • June's Large Present Box 9,99 €
  • June's Small Present Box 2,99 €
  • June's Huge Present Box 22,99 €
  • Memoirs Sale 9,99 €
  • Memoirs Sale 5,99 €
  • June's Petite Present Box 1,99 €
  • Developer Website
  • App Support
  • Privacy Policy

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Relax with a story of romance, intrigue, and mystery!

June's Journey - Hidden Object for PC

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june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

June's Journey - Hidden Object for PC

Latest Version

June`s Journey - Hidden Object for PC LATEST

Jack Taylor

Operating System

Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11

User Rating

Author / Product

Wooga / External Link

  • Compelling story-driven gameplay
  • Beautifully detailed graphics
  • Wide range of scenes and settings
  • Challenging hidden object puzzles
  • Regular content updates
  • Energy system limits playtime
  • Limited character customization
  • Slow loading times

June`s Journey - Hidden Object for PC Screenshots

The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

June`s Journey - Hidden Object for PC Screenshot 1


June`s Journey - Hidden Object for PC Screenshot 1

Top Downloads

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Comments and User Reviews

Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:

Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations . Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition - in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared .

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free . Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.

Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program's interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.

Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time . After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.

Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose .

To make sure your data and your privacy are safe, we at FileHorse check all software installation files each time a new one is uploaded to our servers or linked to remote server. Based on the checks we perform the software is categorized as follows:

This file has been scanned with VirusTotal using more than 70 different antivirus software products and no threats have been detected. It's very likely that this software is clean and safe for use.

There are some reports that this software is potentially malicious or may install other unwanted bundled software . These could be false positives and our users are advised to be careful while installing this software.

This software is no longer available for the download . This could be due to the program being discontinued , having a security issue or for other reasons.


  1. Play June's Journey Online for Free on PC & Mobile

    june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

  2. Wooga's June's Journey hidden-object game features ambitious weekly

    june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

  3. Download June's Journey

    june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

  4. Play June's Journey on PC

    june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

  5. Wooga’s June’s Journey hidden-object game features ambitious weekly

    june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

  6. June’s Journey Hidden Object For PC Windows 7/8.1/10/11 (32-bit or 64

    june's journey kody 2022 za darmo


  1. @yatracom's Co-Founder & CEO Dhruv Shringi

  2. GoPro DogTV

  3. June's Journey Time Rush Scene Shift 21-22 MARCH 2023 Scenes 1-7 Energy 9

  4. June's Journey

  5. Mental Update! KODY BROWN'S Mental Health Journey + From STRENGTH TO SERENITY! Inside ROBYN Mind!

  6. June's journey Les secrets 8 scène n°22 mode (silhouette 👥)


  1. June's Journey: Hidden Objects

    Sharp-eyed detectives, take matters into your own hands! June's Journey is the thrilling adventure you've been waiting for. Relax with a story of romance, intrigue, and mystery in this exciting hidden object game straight from the roaring 20s! Dive into June Parker's captivating quest to unveil a scandalous hidden family secret.

  2. June's Journey: Hidden Objects

    June's Journey is the thrilling adventure you've been waiting for. Relax with a story of romance, intrigue, and mystery in this exciting hidden object game straight from the roaring 20s! Dive into June Parker's captivating quest to unveil a scandalous hidden family secret. Escape to an era of glamorous mansions, drama, and romance as you ...

  3. June's Journey

    June's Journey. 921,891 likes · 21,081 talking about this. Challenge your mind with the most exciting hidden object mystery game on mobile!

  4. June's Journey

    June's Journey. 921 909 osób lubi to · 20 337 osób mówi o tym. Challenge your mind with the most exciting hidden object mystery game on mobile!

  5. june's journey kody 2022 za darmo

    العَرَبِيَّة; Podstawowa wiedza; Przewodnik dla średniozaawansowanych; Instalacja & uruchomienie; Grafika & wydajność; Przewodniki gier; App Reviews ...

  6. June's Journey is on Facebook Gaming

    Support June's Journey by watching live and following.

  7. June's Journey SEKRETY

    This website is run and maintained by fans, for fans and is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by Wooga GmbH. Private. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Visible. Anyone can find this group. History. Group created on January 29, 2022. Name last changed on February 13, 2022. See more.

  8. June's Journey scena 621, TR, 22.03.2022

    Wyzwanie June´s Journey. Rodzaj wyzwania: gra na czas. Dzień rozpoczęcia: 22 marca 2022. Scena #1 (Tom 2, Rozdział 25 Razem, Scena 621 Gabinet lekarski).Dete...

  9. ‎June's Journey on the App Store

    June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information.

  10. June's Journey

    The June's Journey Online Shop is open! It's the best place to get a deal on diamonds, coins and more. Purchases made here will be directly deposited into your game, with great savings to make the most of your game! As a bonus, once you make your first purchase from the online shop you'll get the Furry Farmers decoration absolutely free!

  11. June's Journey

    Dive into June Parker's captivating quest to unveil a scandalous, hidden family secret. Escape to an era of opulence and romance as you search for hidden clues through hundreds of stunning mind ...

  12. June's Journey Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Solve All Mysteries

    Set in the roaring '20s, June's Journey is a hidden objects game wherein you're presented with a scene and are tasked to find objects corresponding to a set of words. The mechanics of the game seem simple enough at the onset, but there's more to it than meets the eye, just like the mystery surrounding the deaths of June's sister Clare ...

  13. June's Journey: Hidden Objects

    June's Journey is the thrilling adventure you've been waiting for. Relax with a story of romance, intrigue, and mystery in this exciting hidden object game straight from the roaring 20s! Dive into June Parker's captivating quest to unveil a scandalous hidden family secret. Escape to an era of glamorous mansions, drama, and romance as you ...

  14. June's Journey scena 304, TR, 29.01.2022

    Wyzwanie June´s Journey. Rodzaj wyzwania: gra na czas. Dzień rozpoczęcia: 29 stycznia 2022. Scena #2 (Tom 1, Rozdział 61 Prawda o Markizie, Scena 304 Karpack...

  15. Pobierz June's Journey

    Jak pobrać June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami na PC. 1. Pobierz instalator MEmu i zakończ instalację. 2. Uruchom MEmu, a następnie otwórz Google Play na pulpicie. 3. Wyszukaj June's Journey - Gra tajemnic z ukrytymi obiektami w Google Play. Install. 4.

  16. ‎June's Journey on the App Store

    June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information.

  17. June's Journey

    Szukasz pomocy dotyczącej June's Journey? Dowiedz się więcej o Często zadawane pytania - ogólne, Aktualizacje dotyczące pomocy, Poznaj June, Wyspa Orchidei, Torebka June, Postępy w June's Journey, Gra w June's Journey z innymi graczami, Rozwiązywanie problemów z June's Journey, Zakupy w aplikacji, Archipelag Orchidei, Nota prawna, TAJEMNICE, Tajemnice klubowe, Podróże, The ...

  18. June's Journey scena 702, TR, 10.05.2022

    Wyzwanie June´s Journey. Rodzaj wyzwania: gra na czas. Dzień rozpoczęcia: 10 maja 2022. Scena #1 (Tom 2, Rozdział 41 Rozwiązanie, Scena 702 Sklep z ceramiką)...

  19. June's Journey

    June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information.

  20. ‎June's Journey on the App Store

    June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information.

  21. JUNE'S JOURNEY: Generator Monety Oraz Diamenty Darmowy

    W ten sposób otrzymasz monety diamenty gwiazdy za darmo za JUNE'S JOURNEY. Jeśli przeczytałeś powyższe kroki, wiesz, jak łatwo jest zdobyć monety diamenty gwiazdy dla JUNE'S JOURNEY. Nasz generator jest całkowicie darmowy i będziesz musiał poświęcić na niego bardzo mało czasu.

  22. ‎June's Journey on the App Store

    June's Journey may also contain advertising. You may require an internet connection to play June's Journey and access its social features. You can also find more information about the functionality, compatibility, and interoperability of June's Journey in the above description and additional app store information.

  23. June's Journey

    June's Journey: Hidden Object for PC is a stylish and challenging puzzle game that places players into the shoes of a famous detective that must solve various mysteries set in stylish and attractive locations. Originally released on mobile platforms in late 2017 by the Wooga dev team (creators of the critically- acclaimed detective hit Pearl's Peril), this game immediately managed to attract a ...