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7 Waterfalls Tour El Salvador – Video Ep. 11

| by Aracely | 27 Comments » | Central America , El Salvador , Travel Videos

When we decided to begin our journey in Central America, El Salvador was the country we decided to avoid. The decision was not based on any specific reason, we simply preferred a more direct route south and planned to travel from Guatemala to Honduras to Nicaragua and onwards. However, with Honduras’ political instability, which was causing some border issues, we decided to take a detour through El Salvador instead.

JuayĂşa, El Salvador

Small towns and villages in El Salvador surprised us with their cleanliness, friendly people and active community events. JuayĂşa was the highlight with its weekend food festival, colorful street buildings and amazing surrounding landscapes and towns. If you enjoy coffee plantations, Juayua is a great base to visit nearby towns to tour and taste coffee beans.

Hostels in JuayĂşa

Hotel Anáhuac in Juayua, El Salvador

Our style of travel thus far has been extremely spontaneous; we do the research of where we are going the day before we get there. It has worked out well so far. As usual, we consulted our twitter followers and fellow travelers for their suggestions in El Salvador and they brought us to Hotel Anáhuac in Juayúa (don’t worry I still have some trouble pronouncing that myself). Once again, we’ve found a gem in an unexpected place.

Iglesia JuayĂşa, El Salvador / Juayua Church

Juayúa is located two and half hours from the west coastal Guatemalan border. It’s a small town in the Routa de las Flores (a compilation of picturesque towns) with much local charm and is most widely known for their weekend food fair. The hotel is perfect: it’s very clean, has a gorgeous open courtyard filled with tropical plants, and the walls of the room display varying local art. Anáhuac also provides walking and adventure tours to neighboring natural attractions, one of them was the 7 Waterfalls , which we eagerly signed up for.

7 Waterfalls Tour

7 Waterfalls Tour in Juayua, El Salvador

Our guide, Mario, met us at Hotel Anáhuac at eight in the morning. He led us through the empty Spanish streets of town towards its outskirts where we would begin to find our way into the thick forest. Before the hike began we stopped at Mario’s house which was at the foot of our hike. Mario and his family live in a small structure built with metal roofing and wooden logs. His brother and five dogs accompanied us on our trek.

Coffee Plantations

As we made our way up the path to 7 Waterfalls Mario explained the different plants and vegetation. During our hike we encountered large El Salvador coffee plantations where we learned about cultivating coffee and how elevation increases a coffee’s grade. Mario told us that most of El Salvador’s high quality coffee is exported elsewhere in the world. Only the lowest grade of coffee stays in the country. Previous hikes have had at a minimum wooden steps or rock laid into steps to reduce difficulty and risks. On this hike not one single portion of the trail is built up and it’s not well maintained. There are large branches to climb over, thorn filled trees to duck under, rivers to cross, rocks to hop over, and waterfalls to repel down from. The reward was majestic views of nature in its purest form.

Waterfall Nature Pictures

Chorros de Calera - 7 Waterfalls Tour

Once we arrived at the top of the mountain there was yet another large wall of waterfalls that fed a pool of fresh water where we swam. This area was popular for the locals to picnic, however we never passed any along our hike. We assume they take a different trek. Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of trash around the swimming area. Mario explained the cultural challenge of changing this problematic behavior. Of course, since Mario benefits from tourism in El Salvador directly, he is able to see the benefit of a cleaner environment. We all enjoyed fresh sandwiches filled with tomatoes, onions, avocado, eggs and salt and pepper. They were probably some of the most refreshing simple subs we have ever had.

Ultimate Adventure Tour

Stick Insect Landed on My Hand

As we ate, the local families were jumping from rocky cliffs into the water. Jason eyed the possibility of jumping from the waterfall. Mario escorted him up to a rock that stood out slightly from the wall. He jumped and softly hit the sand in the bottom of the pool. It was only about 9-10ft deep and the area that was safe to jump in was considerably small. Next, Mario climbed another 2.5 meters up the wall and dove head first into the shallow pool. As he entered the water he curled his body immediately to avoid being paralyzed. It was very impressive.

Water Channel Tunnels

Mario Taking Our Portrait With the Largest Waterfall

Along the hike Mario also explained to us that there were tunnels or caves we could explore. Once at the pools we realized they were man made tunnels bored for sending the water to a hydro station. At first I was up for it, but when we got to the opening of the tunnel and I watched Mario go in first, I decided to back out. It was very dark, the water came to his shoulders and there was hardly any head room. I knew Jason wanted to do it; I told him I would wait for them at the opening. After they returned and heard about their adventure, I was jealous.

Just as we began to pack up for our return, clouds rushed into the valley at our elevation and suddenly we were engulfed in clouds full of mist. The scene of the clouds squeezing into the valley seemed very Jurasic Park. It wasn’t a slow process, the clouds came in fast at five miles per hour. I still carry this scene in my mind. We could hear heavy rain hitting the leaves of all the trees in the valley, but we didn’t see or feel any on us. I can only assume it was raining below. We arrived back at Mario’s home where he changed again into jeans and a clean shirt to walk us back through town to our hostel. You won’t find any locals wearing shorts in the streets of El Salvador. The rain did catch up to us during our walk back through town, but it felt simply refreshing.

A Challenging Hike

Although we’ve already been on a few hikes during this trip, the hike to the 7 Waterfalls in Juayua was still unique due to its primitive trails, abundance of rivers and waterfalls and varying terrain. The trek was not difficult from an endurance perspective, but it was a hike that required a lot of focus and caution. It’s muddy, wet, slippery, itchy and wonderfully adventurous. Juayua is a must see in El Salvador, and the 7 Waterfalls hike is their hidden gem.

Weekend Festival in Juayua, El Salvador

How Can You Help?

When Mario isn’t conducting tours to the Seven Waterfalls he is looking for work doing odd jobs in construction, harvesting and anything else he can find. We kept him busy over the next few days, since we highly recommended the tour to every traveler that wandered into the hostel. We booked the tour through the hostel, but you can book the 7 waterfalls tour by contacting Mario’s family directly, providing his family greater income. If you plan to book directly, then please send an email well in advance (doesn’t have access to a computer daily) to douglas.martinez1203(at)gmail.com. I set up an email account for them and taught them how to access their mail. Mario and his brothers William and Douglas were the kindest of people and we encourage you to enjoy their tours and friendship. They speak Spanish only, so please email in Spanish as well.

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Written by Aracely

27 responses to “7 waterfalls tour el salvador – video ep. 11”.

Great video, those waterfalls are stunning. I love that the hike is left in its natural state and that it is not maintained. These are the hikes that seem most rewarding and this one certainly looked challenging. The corn plants are cool too. Very interesting how they block the wind to protect the coffee plants. It’s unfortunate to hear about the trash around the falls, but it seems that it is a common thing in CA. We are constantly picking up trash on our beach from the locals, and hoping that one day they realize the impact they are making by leaving it all around. Great post, I will definitely try and make it here. Cheers!

It is an exciting day hike to do, and mostly because of it’s natural state. But, this also did contribute to its difficulty. Well worth it.

Loving the pictures and the story. Will definitely keep this hike in mind (with a name like ’7 waterfalls’ it might not be that hard to remember) for when we’re in El Salvador.

I have the same problem. In this video I say, “These are the most beautiful waterfalls I have every seen.” Aracely points out to me that I say every time I see a waterfall. It’s true, I do say that.

Great to see you guys are back with a new video. Looking forward to seeing more!

I know, it’s been a terribly long time. Aracely has been pressuring me to get them out. I was going to wait for the new website design, but that is taking longer than expected too.

I like the new introduction, and end credits. I’ve jumped from a few waterfalls, but the higher one the local did looked super sketchy!

Glad you enjoyed it Dave. Right now we have 3 different intros that we alternate in each video. Currently in the process of updating all the old video posts with the newly edited videos.

could almost feel the water spray and thought the info about the plants interesting also pics of wildlife. the print part is also interesting and colorful… Nice job… Miss hearing Jason’s choice of background music but understand copyright issues.

I know right! I love having good music in there, but I gotta watch my back now.

Great video! I love adventure travel and you two are definitely adventurous! Sorry about the bruise on your foot. I hope it healed nicely. This makes me want to climb a waterfall now!

That bruise was a painful one. Took about 2 weeks to not hurt anymore, but I survived! Thanks for watching Tai!

“…the one spot where survival is possible.” Love it…glad you made it into that spot!

And great vid! Looks like an awesome place!

A little dramatic right? I was trying to remember back to how scared I was and that I didn’t speak Spanish. I could only assume I was to jump to where I could see white sand below. Everything else was rocks. What was most frightening was that I couldn’t ever get good footing on the moss covered rocks. As soon as I let go from behind I just jumped for fear that I would end up falling. It was a great adventure, but a crazy one there at the end.

I have been to Juayua like 5 times and have never been able to go to the Chorros de la Calera. I tried to do once but locals told me I needed a guide for security reasons. I need to contact the guy who guide you.

It’s a great day hike Ruth. It’s challenging, but worth it. They guys were wonderful, but do speak Spanish only. They actually live in forest, so they know it very well.

I am absolutely amazed at your video editing skills!

And what a beautiful location.

Thanks Valerie, it’s much appreciated. We love doing videos… more than anything else. I wish you great success putting together your new travel blog.

Love the video! Can’t wait to see more! The new introduction sequence looks good.

Thanks Wendy, we are just as excited to see the footage too. It’s been a while since we sifted through all of it.

Yes, very, very slippery. We are working on the Juayua weekend food festival video now. We tried to make that one adventurous by finding some armadillo to eat, but unfortunately we never found any.

Looks like one great destination to visit. Great photos.

I stayed at the same hostel and it was one of my favorites for all of Central America. It was also really easy to meet other travelers there (not sure why, but some hostels simply are better that way though you can’t point to any specific reasons why in general). Also did the waterfall tour with Mario and had a great experience. And, LOVED the weekend food festival. The only negative was that the food stops being served quite early and I wasn’t hungry after a big lunch in time for an early dinner!

I would also point out the great amount of street art to be found in Juayua and surrounding towns along the ruta de las flores.

We enjoyed that hostel too and their bar that they run. Our next video, out next week captures the food festival.

I just love your videos. They are fully original not too long not too short. Really enjoy watching these. And it makes me dreams of my own departure for latin america.

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El Salvador Tours & Vacations

Sunset along the coastline with waves crashing and a pink sky in El Salvador near El Zonter

Good things come in small packages and nowhere more so than El Salvador.

The volcanoes, cloud forests and quiet colonial towns will capture your imagination, while the surf coast will unleash your inner grommet.

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El Salvador at a glance

Capital city.

San Salvador (population 2.4 million)

6.4 million

(GMT-06:00) Central America



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin)

Learn more about El Salvador

Best time to visit el salvador.

The coast can be hot all year round making it a haven for sun lovers. To cool down, head inland to higher altitudes where the climate is milder, but rarely cold. The dry season (November to April) is an ideal time to explore. For spectacular afternoon storms, come during the wet season (May to October).

Geography and environment

The home of the point break, El Salvador’s biggest natural attraction is its beaches. Drag yourself away from the waves of the Pacific and you’ll find volcanoes, lakes and cloud forest aplenty. El Salvador is bordered by Honduras and Guatemala .

Top 5 places in El Salvador

1. cerro verde national park.

This is volcano country. Take a hike through the cloud forest for incredible views of volcanic peaks.

2. Suchitoto

This sweet colonial town boasts colorful houses, cobbled streets and a relaxed old-world charm.

3. Lago Suchitlan

Not far from Suchitoto, this lake is a haven for thousands of migrating birds.

4. El Imposible National Park

Hike, camp and spot pumas in one of Central America’s most remote national parks.

5. Pacific Ocean

Even from the misty peaks of the north you can see the impressive breaks of the Pacific Ocean. Jump on a board or just enjoy the view from the beach.

Further reading

El salvador travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do I need a visa to travel to El Salvador?

EL SALVADOR: Australia: Not required Belgium: Not required Canada: Not required Germany: Not required Ireland: Not required Netherlands: Not required New Zealand: Not required South Africa: Yes - in advance Switzerland: Not required United Kingdom: Not required USA: Not required

Whilst for most nationalities a visa is not required, you may be required to purchase a tourist card on arrival, costing approximately US$10. If you do require a visa, please obtain this in advance from your local embassy or consulate.

Is tipping customary in El Salvador?

A service charge will be included in restaurant bills. A small tip for hotel staff may be expected.

What is the internet access like in El Salvador?

Internet cafes are available in most places but wi-fi is only just becoming available.

Can I use my cell phone while in El Salvador?

Reception is good in most urban areas. Ensure you have global roaming activated with your carrier if you wish to use your phone.

What are the toilets like in El Salvador?

It's likely that you’ll encounter different types of toilets while traveling in El Salvador. Western-style flushable toilets are commonly found in high-end resorts, hotels and restaurants, while squat toilets are common in rural areas and homes. Be prepared by carrying your own supply of toilet paper and soap, as these aren't always provided.

What will it cost for a…?

Bottle of soft drink = $0.80 Beer in a bar or restaurant = $1.50 Simple lunch = $3 Three-course meal = $15 Short taxi ride = $6

Can I drink the water in El Salvador?

Drinking tap water in El Salvador isn’t recommended. For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water. Fill a reusable water bottle or canteen with filtered water. It's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating.

Are credit cards accepted widely in El Salvador?

Credit cards are widely accepted.

What is ATM access like in El Salvador?

There’s good access to ATMs in nearly all towns and cities.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

What public holidays are celebrated in El Salvador ?

  • 1 Jan New Year's Day
  • 13 Apr Holy Thursday
  • 14 Apr Good Friday
  • 15 Apr Easter Saturday
  • 1 May Labor Day 
  • 17 Jun Father's Day *
  • 6 Aug Feast of San Salvador
  • 15 Sep Independence Day
  • 2 Nov All Souls' Day
  • 25 Dec Christmas Day

*Subject to change

Please note these dates are for 2017. For a current list of public holidays in El Salvador click below.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

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El Salvador Tours & Trips

Adventures in El Salvador include climbing volcanoes, kayaking in crater lakes, riding on horseback and mountainbiking. The beaches are some of the best in the world for either first time surfers or professionals. For a bit of Mayan culture, try an archealogical tour.

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Around El Salvador 6 Days

My guides (3 total) were all great, however I was hoping to be part of a small group & not be the only tourist. However, because I was the only tourist, my guides were able to cater to my wants. The tour was a good mixture of history, nature, & culture.

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Tailor-Made El Salvador Adventure with Daily Departure

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

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  • Hiking & Trekking

El salvador Adventure Program

Highlights of El Salvador Tour

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It was a superb trip with an outstanding itinerary. I had briefly visited El salvador before, but I learned so much more on this trip.
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Prebooking information from Alex was clear, responsive and thorough. We booked with confidence. Out guide Hugo, has excellent language skills. His knowledge of the flora and fauna is extensive. Our group benefitted from Hugo's flexibility to alter our itinerary to suite our interests. We highly recommend Vibe and our guise Hugo.

Taste of El Salvador 4 Days Tour

Taste of El Salvador 4 Days

It was an amazing tour! Well organised. Our guide Alex was always on time, his english was very good and he knew a lot about the country. You can tell he is well traveled. We also felt very safe during the whole tour.

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I really enjoyed this trip. Everything was arranged very well. We had different tour guides everyday but everyone was very nice. The owner of the company Inter Tours was a very decent person. He was very patient working out an itinerary that worked for me. I will definitely use them again and highly recommend them.

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Inspired By Maps

The 6 Best El Salvador Tours For Unforgettable Adventures That Are Achievable & Affordable!

Posted on Last updated: October 13, 2023

Categories Tours , El Salvador

The 6 Best El Salvador Tours For Unforgettable Adventures That Are Achievable & Affordable!

Expert travel storyteller Jordan Adkins, founder of InspiredByMaps.com, brings a decade of adventures across 101 countries and 450+ UNESCO sites into rich, off-the-beaten-path narratives, melding ecological expertise with genuine, seasoned travel insights. His full bio can be found here.

Welcome to El Salvador, a nation that offers a mesmerizing mix of natural marvels, extensive history, and kind hospitality. El Salvador is a jewel in Central America tucked away between the Pacific Ocean and thick jungles.

With breathtaking scenery, volcanic peaks, and immaculate beaches, Exploring El Salvador is an experience unlike any other, and the best way to experience this rich and exciting country is, without a doubt, on a multi-day tour.

Beyond the stereotypes and preconceived notions is a nation with a rich history, kind people, and an unmatched sense of genuineness. El Salvador’s soul-stirring scenery, which includes imposing volcanoes, gorgeous beaches, and attractive lakes, provides the perfect setting for extraordinary excursions. El Salvador’s resolve to improve its reputation is a shining example of its tenacity and aspiration. The country is emerging from the shadows of its past to embrace a new narrative of progress and positivity. It has a rich cultural heritage and stunning scenery.

best tour operators in El Salvador - best El Salvador tour package - best tours in El Salvador - best tour companies in El Salvador - best El Salvador tours

El Salvador is exhibiting its undiscovered gems to the globe through creative tourism promotions, eco-friendly initiatives, and infrastructural investment. By overcoming prejudices and embracing a spirit of progress, the nation is luring visitors to experience its genuine attractiveness. El Salvador stands tall as the world looks past preconceived notions and is eager to welcome others into sharing its transformational tale.

But El Salvador’s modest and unassuming charm distinguishes it from its surrounding nations. Since there aren’t any busy crowds or mass tourism here, you may immerse yourself in real cultural interactions and create relationships that will last a lifetime. 

El Salvador offers options for hiking, surfing, and touring national parks, making it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. The good news? Many of these excursions can be planned as part of a multi-day trip to ensure you get the most out of the country’s natural splendor and feed your inner adventurer.

In conclusion, El Salvador is a gem waiting to be discovered, full of natural beauty and cultural richness. A multi-day tour provides a thorough and seamless experience, allowing you to explore this intriguing country’s interior and giving you priceless memories of an enlightening adventure. Here is a look at the top six best tours in El Salvador.

best tour operators in El Salvador - best El Salvador tour package - best tours in El Salvador - best tour companies in El Salvador - best El Salvador tours

Page Contents

Highlights of El Salvador

Tour to el salvador: culture, history & nature, taste of el salvador 4 days, best el salvador tailor-made tour with daily departure, 7 days discover el salvador, 3 day surf & stay adventure in el salvador.

Welcome to Explore Tours’ Highlights of El Salvador, a fascinating trip through the best of this undiscovered jewel in Central America. Learn about the stunning natural beauty, fascinating past, and dynamic culture that make El Salvador a truly unique travel destination.

This expertly planned tour guarantees an amazing experience, including visiting ancient Mayan ruins, unwinding on stunning beaches, and exploring lush rainforests and charming local villages. Prepare to uncover El Salvador’s charm with the help of knowledgeable guides and seamless logistics, and depart with priceless memories of an unforgettable adventure. Day One: Arrive in El Salvador. Day Two: Head to Jiquilisco Bay; boat trip with a local biologist to monitor hawksbill turtles Day Three: If you choose not to partake in the boat trip on Day Two, this next tour is for you. Enjoy an Optional kayaking tour or a visit to a local cacao farm. Day Four:  Drive to Suchitoto via the Laguna de Alegria; evening pupusa-making class Day Five: Visit the ex-guerrilla community of La Cinquera; free afternoon in Suchitoto Day Six: Discover San Salvador on foot; visit the Joya de Ceren; drive to Cerro Verde via Lake Coatepeque Day Seven: Hike the Santa Ana volcano to the impressive Llamatepec crater lake; drive to Ataco via the Tazumal Archaeological Site Day Eight: Explore the small villages on the Ruta de las Flores; explore the street food markets Day Nine: Coffee farm visit; drive to the Los Cobanos protected marine area; continue to La Libertad Day Ten: Free Day to Explore!

Day Eleven: Departure Day. Explore will take you on a remarkable journey around El Salvador’s Top Attractions. Explore the ancient Mayan ruins at Joya de Cerén and take in the sun-kissed splendor of El Tunco’s beaches as you uncover the hidden gems of this alluring nation. Enjoy regional specialties and dance to folkloric beats as you feel Salvadoran culture’s warm embrace.

Explore verdant rainforests teeming with biodiversity and experience the excitement of surfing Pacific waves. This thoughtfully planned schedule guarantees an authentic, off-the-beaten-path journey that will leave you with priceless memories. A genuinely memorable journey awaits as Explore leads you through this colorful tapestry of landscapes and customs.

Highlights of El Salvador Explore! - best tour operators in El Salvador

Vibes Adventures

Welcome to the tour to El Salvador: Culture, History & Nature, a tour that will enrich you with fascinating encounters, incredible wildlife, friendly locals and more. Discover the heart of this Central American treasure, renowned for its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and cultural heritage.

This meticulously planned itinerary promises an amazing journey, including viewing old archaeological sites and colonial villages, hiking through lush rainforests, and relaxing on lovely, pristine beaches. Discover the unique local culture that makes El Salvador a travel destination unlike any other, as well as the warm Salvadoran hospitality and delicious cuisine.

Prepare to forge cherished memories and a stronger bond with this remarkable nation. With all that in mind, here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. Day One: Arrive in San Salvador. Day Two: Start your day with a walking tour of the historic center of El Salvador’s capital. Then you will enjoy a guided visit to the National Anthropology Museum. Then, move to the beautiful town of Suchitoto. Day Three: First , take a boat tour of Lake Suchitlán and Market Food Experience in the morning. After that, visit the impressive Mayan ruins of Joya de Ceren and San Andres in the afternoon. Day Four: In the morning, continue our “Tour to El Salvador: Culture, History & Nature” and take free time to enjoy the sun, swim, or jet ski on the lake. Then, go to explore the impressive Tazumal Archeological Site before finishing the day in Ahuachapán. Day Five: Spend your entire day exploring la Ruta de las Flores. Day Six: First, in the morning, take a 3-hour intermediate-level hike to enjoy the sunrise from the crater of Santa Ana Volcano. Then, go to discover El Zonte and El Tunco. Day Seven: Free program: rent a surfing board and enjoy the waves, relax on the beach sipping a refreshing cocktail, or go hiking in the nearby Walter Thilo Deininger National Park. Day Eight: Departure Day.

You bid farewell to this magnificent place as your enthralling Tour to El Salvador: Culture, History & Nature ends, your heart full of priceless memories. You have enjoyed the very best of El Salvador’s rich legacy and natural beauty, from discovering old archaeological sites to enjoying the vibrant local culture.

This journey has been spectacular, thanks to the skilled supervision and expertly designed tour. You leave with a richer understanding of this alluring nation and the immeasurable value of its cultural and historical treasures. Safe travels and happy memories of your time spent in El Salvador till we meet again on your next excursion!

Tour to El Salvador Culture, History & Nature by Vibes Adventures - best tour operators in El Salvador

Inter Tours

Take a culinary journey through Inter Tours’ “Taste of El Salvador 4 Days” and indulge your senses! Get ready to be mesmerized by the enticing tastes and beautiful marvels this gem of Central America offers. Each day is a voyage into the country’s rich cultural legacy, from enjoying pupusas, El Salvador’s delightful national dish, to sipping rich coffee straight from the plantations.

Let your knowledgeable tour guides take you to vibrant local markets and quaint towns where you can meet enthusiastic makers and discover the true EL Salvador. Discover El Salvador’s character through its delectable treats, views and friendly locals. Here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. Day One: Arrive in El Salvador. Day Two: Your local guide will be happy to show you the capital of El Salvador. You will see the Center of San Salvador,  including the National Palace, Monsenor Romero memorial site, El Rosario church, a relief map, a government district,  and modern areas such as Santa Elena and Zona Rosa. Continue to Boqueron national park for the remainder of the day. Day Three: Your Choice, you can select one of the Two tours.

Archeological tour or Coffee tour. On the coffee tour, you can visit typical mountain villages of El Salvador. You will also visit Izalco, Nahuizalco, and Salcoatitan and then return to San Salvador at sunset.

On the Archaeological tour, you will see the Archaeological Site Joya de Ceren, San Andres archeological site, Tazumal, and overlooking Coatepeque Lake before returning to San Salvador.

Day Four: Departure Day.

Join Inter Tours on an incredible sensory journey through the “Taste of El Salvador”! Spend four wonderful days getting to know this fascinating country’s true character. Each experience promises to pique your interest and leave you spellbound, whether engaging in vivid cultural interactions in humming markets or exploring ancient ruins that hide stories of the past.

As you veer off the usual path, take in the stunning scenery, from imposing volcanoes to peaceful lakeshores. Allow your knowledgeable guides to design the ultimate adventure that invites you to embrace El Salvador’s genuine spirit. Prepare to experience the dynamic beat of this unique country through taste, touch, and sight.

Taste of El Salvador 4 Days by Inter Tours - best tour operators in El Salvador

Agate Trave

Your fantasy holiday can become a reality when you book the Best El Salvador Tailor-Made Tour with Daily Departure. This special trip allows you to design a journey that precisely fits your interests, preferences, and time constraints. The options are unlimited, whether you’re looking for cultural immersion, outdoor adventure, or tranquility on exquisite beaches.

You may start your personalized vacation whenever you like, thanks to daily departures and professional direction. Immerse yourself in El Salvador’s rich history, breathtaking scenery, and friendly people to have an amazing, personalized experience for you. Prepare yourself to experience this alluring nation in a way that will leave you with priceless memories and a genuine connection to its allure. Here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. Day One: Arrive in El Salvador. Day Two: This morning, we will spend a half day exploring the capital city of El San Salvador. Then we will drive around 1 hour and a half to Suchitoto, the symbol of El Salvador’s cultural traditions. Upon arrival, you will visit the Iglesia Santa Lucia, known as the gem of Suchitoto. Afterward, you will have some time to stroll around the central plaza. Day Three: Today, we will first head to the Joya de Ceren Archaeological Park to discover the mysterious Maya civilization in this pre-Columbian Mayan farming village. Then pay a visit to the Sitio Arqueologico San Andres, an important ceremonial center with various structures and well-preserved indigo mills. We will visit the Tazumal archaeological sites at the end of the tour. Day Four: Today, we will have a full day to visit the Santa Ana Volcano. After breakfast, we will drive around 1 hour and a half to the National Park Cerro Verde.  If you are interested, you could also row a boat at Lake Coatepeque or swim there. In the late afternoon, we will drive back to San Salvador. Day Five: After breakfast, we will drive around 40 minutes to the Playa El Tunco. Here, we will leave a free day for you to explore. Day Six: Departure Day.

Please note this is a sample itinerary. The full itinerary is 100% tailored to you and your interests. Your Best El Salvador Tailor-Made Tour with Daily Departure will provide priceless experiences in the hands of Agate Travel. As the journey comes to an end, you’ll think back on the special occasions that were created just for you.

That’s what makes this tour so unique. It is very customizable. Take advantage of the warm El Salvadorian welcome, savor the beauty of hidden treasures, and become engrossed in the country’s rich tapestry. Agate Travel’s dedication to quality assures a seamless trip, leaving you with a heart full of special memories and the desire to visit this magical country again.

Best El Salvador Tailor-Made Tour with Daily Departure by Agate Trave - best tour operators in El Salvador

Epic Tours El Salvador

Join Epic Tours El Salvador on a memorable 7-day vacation to explore El Salvador. As we reveal the hidden gems of this Central American treasure, enjoy access to good eats, outstanding hospitality and unique natural beauty. A well-planned itinerary promises a once-in-a-lifetime trip, taking in everything from historic Mayan ruins to pristine beaches and lush rainforests.

This tour offers just that. Experience the vibrant tapestry of Salvadoran culture while dining on regional specialties and interacting with welcoming residents. With the help of our knowledgeable tour guides, you’ll learn more about this fascinating country and make lifelong memories. Prepare yourself for the most amazing way to experience El Salvador at its best. Here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. Day One: Arrive in El Salvador. Day Two: Breakfast at the hotel. The driver will take you to the Ruta de Las Flores mountains. Afternoon at Leisure with the opportunity to join an Optional Coffee Tour of Finca El Carmen Day Three: In the morning, you will visit the archeological site of Joya de Ceren. After this, we will travel to the San Andres May a site. Transfer to Suchitoto. Day Four: You will spend the entire day exploring Suchitoto. Visit the cultural treasures of the Church of Santa Lucia on the main plaza, panoramic streets, old houses, and the “theater of the ruins”. Day Five: Transfer from Suchitoto to the east coast of El Salvador with beautiful remote beaches surrounded by tropic lush. An afternoon of leisure enjoying the sound of the Pacific Ocean. Day Six: Spend the day at leisure on the beach. Day Seven: Departure Day. Don’t pass up the opportunity to see all that El Salvador has to offer in just seven days with Epic Tours El Salvador. Thanks to such a carefully crafted itinerary, you will embark on an extraordinary journey through ancient history, stunning landscapes, and colorful culture.

Whether you’re an adventurer or a culture vulture, we have a customized experience. Get lost in El Salvador’s charm, from the famous Mayan ruins to the sandy beaches. Discovering the heart and spirit of this magical nation with Epic Tours will leave you with a sense of adventure or perhaps a longing to return. 

7 days Discover El Salvador by Epic Tours El Salvador - best tour operators in El Salvador

Surf and Trips El Salvado

Welcome to El Salvador’s amazing 3-Day Surf & Stay Adventure, where you may enjoy the sun, sea, and adrenaline surf. Experience the ultimate surfing adventure in El Salvador’s unspoiled coastlines, which are recognized for their top-notch breakers and surfable conditions.

This expertly planned experience mixes heart-pounding surf sessions with cozy beachside lodging, guaranteeing the ideal harmony of thrill and relaxation. This expedition promises an exciting tour into the center of El Salvador’s surf culture, regardless of whether you are an experienced surfer looking for new challenges or a beginner ready to ride your first wave. Prepare to catch waves, create memories, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this surfing haven. Day One: Arrival in El Salvador. Day Two: Depending on your surfing ability, we’ll choose the right surf break for you — enough to be challenged but still have a good time. Expect 2 surf sessions a day, so start layering on that sunscreen! Day Three: Depending on your departure time, you may get a morning surf in before departing. The tour ends here. Surf and Trips El Salvador offers the ultimate 3-day Surf & Stay Adventure in El Salvador, where you may catch the ideal wave. Experience the exhilaration of surfing while being coached by seasoned professionals along the magnificent Pacific coastline.

After seeing huge waves, relax in plush lodging with stunning ocean views. Enjoy delicious regional cuisine while taking in the vibrant surf culture. Your customized journey guarantees to leave you with priceless memories, whether you’re an experienced surfer or a beginner seeking an adrenaline rush. This is one of the best tours of El Salvador.

3 Day Surf & Stay Adventure in El Salvador by Surf and Trips El Salvado - best tour operators in El Salvador

In Conclusion, Travel to El Salvador for a unique experience as you discover this hidden jewel of Central America. Wander through historic colonial towns and ancient Mayan ruins to learn more about this country’s rich cultural legacy. Enjoy the warm friendliness of the locals while indulging in delectable cuisine that combines a variety of influences.

Admire the stunning scenery, which includes spectacular volcanoes, luscious jungles, and immaculate beaches along the Pacific coast. El Salvador satisfies every traveler’s needs, whether seeking exhilarating experiences like surfing world-class waves or peacefulness in natural reserves.

El Salvador is an amazing place that provides many activities for tourists seeking adventure, culture, and stunning natural scenery. The best way to experience the Nation and get the most out of your trip is to go on a multi-day tour. A multi-day vacation in El Salvador ensures a memorable and enlightening experience through a nation that frequently astounds and thrills its tourists. A multi-day tour guarantees that you will leave El Salvador with a profound appreciation for its natural beauty, cultural legacy, and warm hospitality, thanks to skilled direction, seamless logistics, and access to unique activities.

Overall, El Salvador is a country that has done a lot to change its image on the world stage. Because of this, El Salvador is becoming the travel hotspot it always should have been and travel to El Salvador is easier now than ever. Accept El Salvador’s many charms and everything there is to offer here. I can guarantee you; you will completely enjoy yourself. Visit El Salvador.

If none of these tours work for you in El Salvador, please do not worry. There is a wide variety of tour options in the country, and we are confident that there will be something that fits your needs and interests.

Take a look at all the group tours in El Salvador now , which you can sort by private or group, maximum sizing, budget, dates and much (much more). The team at TourRadar is also always more than happy to answer any questions, provide further information or assist in any way in finding the perfect tour for you.

Worldwide Multi Day Tour Deals

THE 10 BEST El Salvador Private Tours & Tour Guides

Private tours in el salvador.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Archaeology Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Coffee & Tea Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Beer Tastings & Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • Literary, Art & Music Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

el salvador tour video

1. Bike Zipline, Cafe Albania Rainbow Slide and Wings Swing

el salvador tour video

2. City Tour San Salvador

el salvador tour video

3. San Miguel ( Chaparastique ) Epic Hiking Volcano

el salvador tour video

4. San Salvador City Tour and El BoquerĂłn National Park including Pupusa Tasting

el salvador tour video

5. Coffee Country and Ruta de las Flores. A day full of fun!

el salvador tour video

6. Hidden Waterfall Guided Tour in El Imposible National Park

el salvador tour video

7. Wet & Wild: Tamanique Waterfalls + World Famous El Tunco Beach, lunch included

el salvador tour video

8. Private 4x4 Tour with View of San Salvador from the Former Cable Car

el salvador tour video

9. Full Day Private Tour to Suchitoto and Ilopango Lake

el salvador tour video

10. City Tour in El Salvador

el salvador tour video

11. San Salvador Transport to Mizata, Nawi Beach, Shalpa

el salvador tour video

12. Conchagua Volcano Overnight + Boat Ride & Lunch at Golfo de Fonseca

el salvador tour video

13. Santa Ana Volcano Sunrise

el salvador tour video

14. Best of El Salvador in a Week : Mayan Sites, Volcanoes, Towns, Lake & Surf City.

el salvador tour video

15. Private Full-Day Tour Visiting the Colorful Towns in La Ruta De Las Flores

el salvador tour video

16. Private Guided Walk to Cinquera and Suchitoto

el salvador tour video

17. Ecotourism in El Pital, The highest point in El Salvador 4x4 Tour

el salvador tour video

18. Hiking Santa Ana Volcano ( Private Tour ) Coatepeque Lake Front

el salvador tour video

19. Explore San Salvador: Historic Center, local market and volcano

el salvador tour video

20. The Best Colonial Town with Clobbestone Streets: Suchitoto and Ilopango Lake

el salvador tour video

21. Transportation to El Boqueron National Park, San Salvador Volcano

el salvador tour video

22. The Best of San Salvador: City and Volcano Tour

el salvador tour video

23. Day at exclusive club Costa del Sol Beach from San Salvador or Airport

el salvador tour video

24. Santa Ana volcano hike with privileged early access. Go safe and skip the crowds

el salvador tour video

25. Transfer Airport - Hotel in a VAN ( 10 people Maximun )

el salvador tour video

26. El BoquerĂłn Volcano Private Tour from San Salvador

el salvador tour video

27. The Mayan Triangle Tour : Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador in a week!

el salvador tour video

28. Kayaking to the Center of a Volcanic Lake Cerros Quemados

el salvador tour video

29. 2 Days : Copan Ruins + Luna Jaguar Spa + Macaw Mountain Park

el salvador tour video

30. Private Hiking Tour to Santa Ana Volcano & Coatepeque Lake

What travelers are saying.



The best day tours, experiences & things to do

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  1. Lake and Volcano Complex Day Tour

    el salvador tour video

  2. San Salvador City Tour

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  3. 19 Best Places To Visit in El Salvador in 2024

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  4. Rainbow Slide El Salvador: A must if you are in El Salvador

    el salvador tour video

  5. San-Salvador-El-Salvador Tour

    el salvador tour video

  6. San Salvador City Tour half day

    el salvador tour video


  1. EN VIVO

  2. El Salvador Tour Ep. 1 (Part 1)

  3. El Salvador tour

  4. El Salvador Tour

  5. El Salvador 🇸🇻 #short #elsalvador #LosChorros



  1. San Salvador, El Salvador 🇸🇻

    Visit San Salvador, El Salvador, on this 4K walking tour. 🎧 Best with headphones for an immersive experience. ⬇ LINKS (gear, etc.) ⬇💰💰PAYPAL DONATIONS --...

  2. San Salvador, El Salvador Travel Guide: Best Things To Do in San

    In this San Salvador, El Salvador travel guide we explore the city center, do some hiking and then head down to Surf City and the beaches near San Salvador. ...

  3. El Salvador

    Un tour por las calles de el centro de EL salvador , vemos como nuestra gente se gana la vida como puede, lucha por sobrevivir, nuestra gente nuestro pueblo!...

  4. THE TOP 10 El Salvador Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    Explore El Boqueron National Park and the city of San Salvador on this all-day combination tour. First, head to the national park, which is located on top of the San Salvador Volcano, and stop at the main attraction: a crater that measures 3.1 miles (five kilometers) in diameter and 1,831 feet (558 meters) deep.

  5. 7 Waterfalls Tour, El Salvador

    7 Waterfalls Tour. 7 Waterfalls Tour in Juayua, El Salvador. Our guide, Mario, met us at Hotel Anáhuac at eight in the morning. He led us through the empty Spanish streets of town towards its outskirts where we would begin to find our way into the thick forest. Before the hike began we stopped at Mario's house which was at the foot of our hike.

  6. THE 10 BEST El Salvador Tours & Excursions

    12. Santa Ana Volcano Tour Adventure Early Hike + Coatepeque Lake visit and swim. 38. Walking Tours. 6+ hours. The highest volcano in El Salvador. Santa Ana Volcano hike, is a window to nature, which connects with the power of volcanoes…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers.

  7. San Salvador: Half-Day City Tour

    Explore the history of El Salvador and its capital on a half-day orientation tour of San Salvador's city center. Take in key attractions, including plazas, the historic downtown, churches, and markets to get a glimpse of local life. Discover local handicrafts, statues, architecture, and more. Following hotel pickup, drive down the main avenues ...

  8. The BEST El Salvador Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    Our most recommended things to do in El Salvador. 1. San Salvador: Guided Tour of Volcanoes, Lakes, & Mayan Sites. During this El Salvador Combo Day Tour you will visit the main highlights of El Salvador: The Volcanoes, Lake and Mayan Sites of the country. First, visit the volcanoes and lakes of El Salvador. Cataloged as the "2nd 8th Wonder ...

  9. Best El Salvador Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Nicaragua & Beyond. Paul · Traveled March 2024. This is a well intended and thought out tour with an enthusiastic well intentioned guide. He and the tour however, were let down by poor accommodation, even poorer transport and tour numbers designed for profit and not safety or comfort. Review submitted 10 Apr 2024.

  10. El Salvador

    Learn More ️http://VirtualWorldTravels.comMap It ️https://bit.ly/VWTSM1Get Travel Ready ️https://bit.ly/Health-Wealth-TravelTake a virtual vacation with a...

  11. 10 Best El Salvador Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Adventures in El Salvador include climbing volcanoes, kayaking in crater lakes, riding on horseback and mountainbiking. The beaches are some of the best in the world for either first time surfers or professionals. For a bit of Mayan culture, try an archealogical tour.

  12. The 6 Best El Salvador Tours For Unforgettable Adventures That Are

    Day Two: Start your day with a walking tour of the historic center of El Salvador's capital. Then you will enjoy a guided visit to the National Anthropology Museum. Then, move to the beautiful town of Suchitoto. Day Three: First, take a boat tour of Lake Suchitlán and Market Food Experience in the morning.

  13. Best tour packages in El Salvador

    If you are looking to discover Central America, visit our best tours packages in Central America section that includes some of the region highlights such as Antigua Guatemala, Tikal and Panajachel in Guatemala or Copán and Roatan in Honduras. Tour Packages in El Salvador, hidden and unique destinations.

  14. 7 Top rated tours & activities in El Salvador

    We have the best and biggest selection of day tours in the country! Our certified tour guides are top rated on TripAdvisor and in many other travel sites. Our day tours have been especially crafted and molded over more than 10 years of experience in the market. We have achieved this thanks to the comments of the hundreds of travelers who trust ...

  15. Hiking the Santa Ana Volcano / El Salvador

    In this video we hike Santa Ana, the highest volcano in El Salvador and show you how you can do it on your own without paying for a full day tour.00:00 - Int...

  16. THE 10 BEST El Salvador Private Tours

    1. Non Guided Bike Zipline, Rainbow Slide- All Cafe Albania. 20. Adventure Tours. 6-7 hours. Visit some of the main attractions of El Salvador in one day. We drive to the mountains in the west of El Salvador, in a…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers.

  17. Salvadorean Tours

    Day tours, layovers, experiences & things to do. E-mail: [email protected] WhatsApp: +503 7054 1599 Address: Centro Comercial Feria Rosa B-101, San Salvador, El Salvador

  18. El Salvador: The Don'ts of Visiting El Salvador

    Hey there fellow travelers, here we go through the do's and don'ts of visiting El Salvador as a tourist. Whether you want to enjoy the Mayan sights throughou...

  19. #TourElSalvador 🇸🇻 ¡El Tour El Salvador en vivo por Crciclismo! 🎙️

    #TourElSalvador ¡El Tour El Salvador en vivo por Crciclismo! Desde este viernes llevaremos minuto a minuto la emoción de la prueba femenina por etapas más importante de latinoamérica. Grandes campeonas y nuevos talentos protagonizan el regreso de una carrera que siempre ha contado con la presencia de grandes figuras.

  20. El Salvador Travel

    Conoce El Salvador en video, un destino único en el corazón de latinoamerica, playas, centros culturales, sitios arqueológicos, destinos de aventura y montañas simplemente ¡Impresionantes!.

  21. See shocking footage from El Salvador's new mega-prison

    El Salvador's President, Nayib Bukele, released glossy, professionally shot footage of a 40,000-capacity mega-prison built to incarcerate members of the country's gangs. But there's more to ...

  22. El Salvador Tour

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