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FERAL DRUID Macros that I use

Hello, Was trying to get good macros for Feral druid on internet, but some are for different expansions and do not work in 3.3.5a. I think I did ok for my first try. Every macro should work. Some are specific for my 2v2 partner so just change name and thats it. Hope I helpped someone. DRUID #showtooltip Remove Curse /cast [target=Verh] Remove Curse = You can remove HEX from your partner arena /use shadowmeld /use [noform]cat form;!prowl /cast [stealth] Pounce =For Night elfs racial #showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][help] /targetenemyplayer [noexist] /cast [stance:1] Maul; [stance:3] Shred /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form /cast [nostealth] Prowl /cast [stealth] Ravage /startattack = So I made every attack I use in Cat to be in Bear the same button... this is for Shred / Maul.... if you are not in Bear or Cat it will go in cat and if ofcombat it will go in stealth. From stealth it will use Ravaga. #showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][help] /targetenemyplayer [noexist] /cast [stance:1] Lacerate; [stance:3] Rake /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form /cast [nostealth] Prowl /cast [stealth] Pounce /startattack = Same here different spells... this is for bleeds = Lacerate / Rake.... if you are not in Bear or Cat it will go in cat and if ofcombat it will go in stealth. From stealth it will use Pounce. #showtooltip Pounce /cleartarget [dead][help] /targetenemy [noexist] /cast [nostance:3] !Cat Form /castsequence [nostealth] Mangle (Cat), Rake /cast Pounce /cast [nostealth] Prowl = This is one buttton opener, you can skip this, but i like it :) #showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][help] /targetenemyplayer [noexist] /cast [stance:1] Mangle (Bear); [stance:3] Mangle (Cat) /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form /cast [nostealth] Prowl /cast [stealth] Pounce /startattack = For both Mangles, Stealth still Pounce... Revenge is only on shred so if u realy wanna burst u go there :D #showtooltip Dire Bear Form /cast [nostance:1] !Dire Bear Form /cast Frenzied Regeneration = One button macro for Bear and heal... u can use with enrage but problem with enrage is that you lose armor, so not so good idea. #showtooltip Faerie Fire /cast [nostance][stance:2/4/5] Faerie Fire; [stance:1/3] Faerie Fire (Feral)() = This is one button Faerie Fire, you need only this one since it will change spells if you are in human or forms #showtooltip /cleartarget [dead][help] /targetenemyplayer [noexist] /cast [stance:1] Swipe (Bear); [stance:3] Swipe (Cat) /cast [stance:0/2/4/5] !Cat form /cast [nostealth] Prowl /cast [stealth] Pounce /startattack = Swipe, that all... same cat stealth **** #showtooltip Feral Charge - Cat /cleartarget [dead][help] /cast [nostance:3] !Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Feral Charge - Cat /startattack = I like to have charges on my Shift + Mwheel up / down, so I use different macros for Cat and Bear. Cat Feral charge. #showtooltip Feral Charge - Bear /cleartarget [dead][help] /cast [nostance:1] !Dire Bear Form /cast [stance:1] Feral Charge - Bear /startattack = Bear Feral charge #showtooltip Cyclone /stopcasting /cast Cyclone = Just to make sure I got fast Cyclones #showtooltip Cyclone /stopcasting /cast [@focus, exists] Cyclone = Focus Cyclone #showtooltip Innervate /cast [target=Cefizelj] Innervate = Innervate on me / if u play with someone that use mana, u can have modifier here #showtooltip Survival Instincts /cast [noform:1/3] Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift) /cast Survival Instincts = To make sure u go in form if u are not in one.... it will go in Bear if u are not since u probably wont using Survival Instincts if u are not under pressure /cast !Cat form = Just to make sure I dont go human form /cast !Dire Bear Form = Just to make sure I dont go human form /cast !Travel form = Just to make sure I dont go human form #showtooltip Entangling Roots /stopcasting /cast [@focus, exists] Entangling Roots = Focus roots #showtooltip Healing Touch /cast [target=Verh] Healing Touch =Feral has instant heals, so this is macro for healing my partner with insta Healing Touch If anyone have macros that wanna share or have Ideas to improve mine, let me know. Have a nice day. Rawr

Scolix's Avatar

A couple of pointers on how write more efficient macros: - Whenever you plan to type out "target=" you can use "@" instead. In your [target=Verh] macros for example you could shorten it to [@Verh]. One way to remember this is that @ stands for "at". So in the macro's case it's literally reading "cast at verh, healing touch". - You don't need to add anything after #showtooltip in order to have the macro show the icon of the ability it casts. In fact you don't actually need it at all if you don't care about the tooltip that pops up when hovering over the macro. - /use does the exact same thing as /cast except it takes 1 less character. It's a very small thing but if you're struggling with the macro character limit (like I am sometimes lol), it's useful to keep in mind. - You don't need a space after the modifier for the macro to use the ability. The only time when you need a space in a macro is after the very first /use or /cast Taking these 4 tips in mind you can change this macro: #showtooltip Healing Touch /cast [target=Verh] Healing Touch to look like this while it functioning exactly the same as before but taking up fewer characters: #showtooltip /use [@Verh]Healing Touch ----------------------------------------------------------- I would also advise against putting /stopcasting in the same macro that runs spells that require casting. You won't be able to spam those macros with /stopcasting in front of them which will screw you over in heated moments since your character will just keep stopping their casts. Especially considering ferals already don't really manually cast much having /stopcasting in those macros is kinda unnecessary and in cases where you do need to get a quick instant cast cyclone/root off and you're currently casting, you just tap your movement key to stop casting. ----------------------------------------------------------- Your /startattack lines also require [nostealth] after them to prevent you from accidentally exiting stealth when spamming those macros. ----------------------------------------------------------- You can also shorten the [stance:0/2/4/5] modifiers to [nostance:1/3]. Those two modifiers do the exact same thing which is to not cast cat form when in bear form or cat form. ----------------------------------------------------------- Regarding this macro: "#showtooltip Dire Bear Form /cast [nostance:1] !Dire Bear Form /cast Frenzied Regeneration = One button macro for Bear and heal... u can use with enrage but problem with enrage is that you lose armor, so not so good idea." You can add "/use Enrage" at the start and "/cancelaura Enrage" at the end and you'll be able to double tap the macro to gain 20 rage while cancelling the armor reduction. ----------------------------------------------------------- Beyond that your macros look pretty good. Some things I would add would be /cancelaura Swift Flight Form (or regular Flight Form) to the macros so you can exit flight form much more easily and be able to attack/heal someone slightly faster. ----------------------------------------------------------- Something else that might be useful to know is that macros can cast different things depending on which spec is active by adding [spec:1] or [spec:2] as modifiers to your abilities. For example "/use [spec:1]Insect Swarm;[spec:2]Wild Growth" will cast insect swarm if your first talent specialization is active and wild growth if your second is active. ----------------------------------------------------------- In general though, most macros are very personal and dependent on a player's keybinding and UI set up. Sharing the more specialized ones can be a bit unhelpful because they're simply too unique to a player's set up. That said I do have one macro I'd like to share that I think is helpful to any night elf druid: /use Shadowmeld /use !Swift Flight Form = Spam this macro and you will be able to escape ANY open world encounter by mounting up even if you were previously in combat.
Emfg Thank you for corections and suggestion... i will add enrage into my bear macro like u said. I was sharing because since week ago I was not so good at macros and building druid seemed impossible... Mybe someone will get at least idea what you can do with all of this :)

halesk70's Avatar

Great tips both of you.

Kovachut's Avatar

Here are some macros that I use: #showtooltip Rebirth(Rank 7) /stopmacro [nohelp,nodead] /run c="Resurrecting %t"if UnitInRaid("player")then SendChatMessage(c, "RAID")elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(c, "PARTY")end /cast [combat] Rebirth ; Revive Description : This command combines the druid's resurrection spells, and it announces in /p or /raid chat whenever you bring someone back to life. Depending on whether you are in combat or not, it uses either the normal revival spell or the bress. #showtooltip Innervate /cast [help] Innervate /script SendChatMessage("innervated.", "WHISPER", nil, UnitName("target")) Description : Whenever you innervate someone, you /w them "innervated". #showtooltip Barkskin /cast Barkskin /cast Nature's Grasp Description : Personally I hate having too many keybinds. This macro combines two defensive abilitites. #showtooltip Tiger's Fury /cast {name of the gloves with Nitrospeed Accelerators if you have Engineering} /cast Tiger's Fury Description : -//- This macro combines two offensive abilities. NB! NONE of the macros I mentioned above are mandatory. If someone wants to improve their ingame performance, then they should use good addons and communicate with other members during a raid. For example, I use grid2. I can keep track of the healers, whose mana goes below 50% (or below a different threshold), and dead players. Because of that information, I can react immediately. So, again, you don't need the macros I suggested above. No one will read the /raid chat during a boss encounter. People will be too occupied with the boss mechanics.

Argo7's Avatar

/use Bravo :))

perfect tips i didnt know it thanks loooot <3

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Useful macros for druids

  • 1.1 Re-Creating Old Macros
  • 1.2 Example Macro
  • 2.1 Disclaimer
  • 2.2 Stance Number Variations 4.0.6
  • 2.3 General Customization
  • 3.1 Shadowlands Speed Shifting Macro
  • 3.2 WoD Power Shifting Macro
  • 3.3 Travel 4.0.6
  • 3.4 Feral Powershift/Travel - 4.0.6
  • 3.5 Moonkin Powershift/Travel 4.0.6
  • 4.1 Innervate 4.0.6
  • 4.2 Faerie Fire 4.0.6
  • 4.3 Dash 4.0.6
  • 5.1 Crowd Control 4.0.6
  • 5.2 Assist 4.0.6
  • 6.1 Skull Bash - 4.0.6
  • 6.2 Mouseover Charge 4.0.6
  • 6.3 Tiger's Fury/Enrage/Berserk 4.0.6
  • 7.1 Maim 4.0.6
  • 7.2 Mangle/Ravage 4.0.6
  • 7.3 Shred/Pounce 4.0.6
  • 7.4 Night Elf Pounce 4.0.6
  • 7.5 Charge -> Ravage 4.0.6
  • 8.1 Bash- 4.0.6
  • 8.2 Taunt - 4.0.6
  • 8.3 Gowl / Chalenging Roar - 4.0.6
  • 8.4 Survival - 4.0.6
  • 8.5 Savage Defense - 5.0.5
  • 9.1 Wild Mushroom 4.0.6
  • 9.2 Call out Innervate to Party/Raid respectively 3.1.1
  • 9.3 Cyclone / Roots 3.1.1
  • 9.4 Thorns 4.0.6
  • 10.1 Hover healing
  • 10.2 Rebirth / Revive
  • 11 Multibox Battle Rez Macro 4.0.1

Macro Formatting Guidelines [ ]

Note: With the release of 6.0.2, many spells have been renamed, and much of the scripted command functionality has been modified. In an effort to keep Wowpedia posts relevant, please re-validate and re-post macros that work in the current version.

Re-Creating Old Macros [ ]

When re-creating a macro in Useful macros please

  • follow the example format posted below (to get the frame around your macro, add a space before you start it)
  • describe what it does
  • note the version of WoW in which you tested it
  • remove it from the Old Macros page

Example Macro [ ]

  • Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!"
  • Works in 6.x

How to Customize These Macros [ ]

Disclaimer [ ].

The macros in this page are intended for general use. They are not intended to cover all situations, buffs, or items which you, or other players, own. You may need to modify these macros for your specific use.

Included below is a quick-reference guide to the most relevant macro customizations that druids may want to perform. This is not an exhaustive list, as this is not the primary aim of this document. Should you need to perform other customization work which is not part of this quick guide, please refer to Making a Macro . The UI Forums and the Druid Forums on the official World of Warcraft website are also great resources, should you need additional help.

Stance Number Variations 4.0.6 [ ]

Ability druid flightform

General Customization [ ]


-  You can either turn off Error Speech in your Sound & Voice settings, or add the following lines at the beginning and end of the offending macro:

-  Add these lines at the end of your macro to activate a trinket (13 is the top trinket slot, 14 is the bottom slot). For any other equipment or inventory slot, refer to InventorySlotId

-  The following command will set a skull raid target:

  • The number 8 in this line refers to the skull. Refer to Raid_target_icons for the ID of other raid targets.
  • Target can be replaced with any valid unit ID. Refer to UnitId for other valid unit IDs.

-  Nowadays, most action bar mods allow very fine control of action bar paging. However, some might still wish to page bars using macros. In that case, this line will allow you to do that. Change the numbers to the bars you wish to swap.

Shapeshifting and Travel [ ]

Shadowlands speed shifting macro [ ].

As of 9.0, the stag part of Travel Form can no longer be ridden by party members. You must either speak to Amurra Thistledew in The Dreamgrove (Legion class order hall in Val'sharah) or to Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade and purchase Tome of the Wilds: Mount Form. This will teach you a new shapeshifting option called "Mount Form" that is a rideable stag. Glyph of the Doe will affect the appearance of Mount Form, but Glyph of the Cheetah will not.

Once you have acquired this new form, you can use the following macro for a shapeshifting button that is almost identical to how Travel Form worked before 9.0. This macro will:

  • Shift you into Travel Form if any modifier is held (alt, shift, or ctrl).
  • Shift into Travel Form if swimming or not in a group.
  • Shift you into Cat Form if you are indoors and not swimming (for extra speed).
  • Shift you into mount form if you are in a group and can not fly (a second version without this option is listed as well).
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the pathfinder achievements are no longer necessary for flying in WoD or Legion, the pathfinder achievement seems to affect the "flyable" modifier in this macro. If you do not have the pathfinder achievement for BFA or Legion, this macro will behave as though you can not fly in those zones. This is why the macro includes the option to override the macro by holding any modifier key.

Shadowlands Speed Shifting Macro (with Mount Form)

Shadowlands Speed Shifting Macro (without Mount Form)

  • Tested in 9.0.2

WoD Power Shifting Macro [ ]

Now that all three travel forms (Flight Form/Swift Flight Form, Travel Form and Aquatic Form) have been all merged into a single Travel Form as of 6.0, a much simpler macro can be used to powershift. This macro will:

  • Shift you into the aquatic version of Travel Form if you are swimming and not in Travel Form
  • Shift you into Cat Form if you are indoors and not in Cat Form
  • Shift you into Travel Form (flight or ground version, depending on location/combat status/training) if you are outdoors and not in Travel Form
  • Shift you into Bear Form if you are in Travel Form or Cat Form (for maximum survivability while power shifting)

WoD Power Shifting Macro

  • tested in 6.0.3

Travel 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will select the appropriate travel mode depending on which ones are usable.

  • If mounted, you will be dismounted.

Ability druid aquaticform

  • Otherwise, your Ground Mount is used.
  • This macro includes a powershift feature to clear snares. It will always choose the most appropriate travel mode while doing so.
  • When Shift is pressed, all forms will be canceled and you will be returned to Caster form.
  • Replace Ground Mount with Ground Mount of choice.
  • You may not have access to all travel mods, depending on your level. Use the macro appropriate for your level. Some minor edits may be needed.
  • The lvl 60 - 85 version of this macro may not work as expected. The flyable condition only tests to see if you can fly in that zone; it does not test to see if you have the ability to do so. You may want to keep using the lvl 30 version until you have bought the necessary flight licenses.
  • This macro does not take into account the aquatic mount you get in Vashj'ir. With the speed bonus you get in Vashj'ir, and Glyph of Aquatic Form, there is no noticeable speed difference which would warrant a modified version of this macro.

LVL 60 - 85

Feral Powershift/Travel - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will remove snares without taking you out of your current form. This will allow you to avoid being caught in caster form and making you vulnerable to sheep. It has been customized for Feral Druids and includes travel functionality.

Ability racial bearform

  • If you are not in any form, and are not in combat, or ALT is pressed, this macro will have the same basic functionality as the Travel Macro . It does not support unshifting, at it is already very close to the 255 character limit for macros.
  • All notes valid for Travel Macro are also valid for this macro.

Spell holy blessingofstamina

  • This macro is not meant to be used on its own. While it does support Bear Form powershift, it does not have any way to shift to Bear Form. This macro is meant to be used along with shifting macros such as Bash and Mangle/Ravage .
  • Shifting does not break roots as of 4.0.6

Moonkin Powershift/Travel 4.0.6 [ ]

This is a simple travel and powershift macro for Moonkins.

  • Swift Stormsaber if out of combat and not in a flyable zone.
  • Replace Swift Stormsaber with non-flying mount of choice.
  • The noswimming condition is required, as without it, the macro would always powershift Moonkin while indoors and swimming, even if CTRL is held.

General [ ]

Innervate 4.0.6 [ ].

This macro will choose a target and cast Innervate.

  • If you press any of the modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl), you will be the target of your Innervate.
  • If you are mousing over a friendly target, it will be the Innervate target.
  • If you you have a friendly focus, it will be the Innervate target.
  • If you you have a friendly target, it will be the Innervate target.
  • If you do not have a mouseover target, or a friendly focus or target, you will be the target of your Innervate.
  • There are multiple versions of this macro. This document is not intended to cover all versions. This version is intended to cover as many situations as possible. You should edit it for your own needs.

Faerie Fire 4.0.6 [ ]

This will cast the appropriate Faerie Fire, depending on your Form, at your target, or any target over which you are mousing.

Dash 4.0.6 [ ]

This will shapeshift to Cat Form and then use Dash.

Worgen version:

  • This macro will cast Dash, or Darkflight if Dash is on cooldown.
  • Dash is placed first as it will be a root break in patch 4.1. This also allows Darkflight to remains available in Caster or Bear Form.
  • The 144 time value on the reset assumes that Dash is glyphed.

"Focus" Macros [ ]

These 2 macros were designed to be a portable "Crowd Control and Assist" solution for PvE and PvP settings. They were built with a good Assist and Focus scheme to support those activities. They can be used individually, or in pair, without conflict.

Crowd Control 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro is meant to be used for Crowd Control.

This focus macro is designed to be used with Crowd Control abilities. It will cast your Crowd Control spell on your focus, your mouseover target, your target, or on your friendly target's target.

  • Interupt your current spell cast to give priority to your Crowd Control.
  • The target you are mousing over, if hostile.
  • Your target, if hostile.
  • Your focus if hostile
  • Your mouseover if hostile
  • Your target if hostile
  • Your target's target if hostile
  • This macro can be used as a template for almost any spell.
  • This macro has been made so that it won't override a helpful assist focus.
  • This macro supports either direct targeting, or mouseover. Mouseover has priority.
  • If you already have a focus, you must press Ctrl in order to focus a hostile player for Crowd Control.

Assist 4.0.6 [ ]

Temporairly unavailable, found bugs and slight functionality problems, currently testing a new version which will be edited ASAP.

Smart Feral Shape [ ]

  • Some macros will shapeshift to either Bear Form or Cat Form if you are not already in either Form. Cat Form is the preferred form in most cases.
  • They are intended to be buttons that will cast the appropriate spell in Cat or Bear Form in a setup which does not page.
  • Use the Skull Bash macro as a template, if you need to create other similar macros.

Skull Bash - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast the appropriate Skull Bash spell, depending on whether you are in Cat or Bear Form.

  • If not in Cat Form or Bear form, this macro will Shapeshift to Cat Form.
  • If in Cat Form or Bear From, this will cast the appropriate Skull Bash Spell.

Mouseover Charge 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast the appropriate Feral Charge spell.

  • If mousing over a target, it will be chosen as the target of the charge, otherwise, this will check to see if you currently have a target. If you don't, this will fail. A mouseover target has priority over your currently selected target.
  • If in Cat Form or Bear From, this will cast the appropriate Charge Spell.
  • If in Cat Form after performing a charge, the next use of this macro will cast Ravage
  • To be able to benefit from the free Ravage after a Feral Charge in Cat Form, you will need the Stampede talent.

Tiger's Fury/Enrage/Berserk 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Tiger's Fury in Cat Form, Enrage in Bear Form, or Berserk if shift is held.

Feral (Cat) [ ]

  • These macros will shapeshift to Cat Form if you are not in Cat form
  • Most of these macros will cast Prowl if you are not in combat and not already prowling.
  • They are intended to be spammable buttons to be used with an interface setup which does not page.

Maim 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Maim.

  • If you are not in Cat Form and have no combo points, using this macro will Shapeshift to Cat Form, but will fail to cast Maim.
  • The code of this macro serves as a base for most of the Cat Form macros presented here. It can be used with almost any of Cat Form's spells.

Mangle/Ravage 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Mangle (or Ravage, if prowling).

Shred/Pounce 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Shred (or Pounce, if prowling).

Night Elf Pounce 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Pounce if prowling. While in combat, the first use of this macro will cast Shadowmeld, the second will cast Pounce.

  • If you are in combat, Shadowmeld will be cast.
  • If you are Shadowmelded or Prowling, Pounce will be cast.
  • This macro can also be used to re-stealth mid fight. Be aware that it does take about half a second for the UI to detect that you are out of combat once Shadowmeld has been cast. This macro works much better as an in-combat Pounce, because the UI is much faster to detect stealth, and Shadowmeld does not burn the Global Cooldown. You may have to press this button a few times before you enter prowl. You will want to put some distance between you and your opponent. You will also want to make sure that you do not have any dots on you before you attempt this. Make sure you do not move until you are prowling.
  • This macro is aimed at Night Elves. If you aren't a Night Elf, I would recommend using the Shred/Pounce version of this macro.
  • This macro will also work with Ravage, although you will have to be behind the target before you Shadowmeld, in order to be able to Ravage.

Charge -> Ravage 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Feral Charge and then follow with Ravage.

  • These macros are intended to be used with the talent "Stampede" to benefit from the free Ravage after a Charge.
  • The ! after Ravage is required for these macros to work properly. In your spellbook Ravage is a single spell, but the UI sees Ravage and Ravage! as 2 different spells. Ravage is only usable while stealthed, and Ravage! is usable while the Stampede buff is up.

Charge -> Ravage

Pounce/Charge -> Ravage

  • Same as the above, but with the added twist that it will cast Pounce instead if Stealthed.

Feral (Bear) [ ]

  • Theses macros will shapeshift to Bear Form if you are not in Bear form
  • They are intended as spamable buttons to be used with an interface setup which does not not page.

Bash- 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro macro will shapeshift to Bear Form if not in bear form and cast Bash.

Taunt - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will shapeshift to Bear Form if not in bear form and cast Growl.

Gowl / Chalenging Roar - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will shapeshift to bear form if not in bear form and cast Growl or Challenging Roar if shift is held.

Survival - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will use all of your survival cooldowns with one press.

  • This macro is not optimal. In most situations, survival cooldowns are best staggered in order to extend your survival time.
  • All 3 abilities will activate simultaneously.
  • You may want to add a /use 13 or /use 14 line to this macro if you have a tanking trinket.
  • If you have potions, or healthstones at your disposal, you may want to add a /use line for those.

Savage Defense - 5.0.5 [ ]

This macro will include Savage Defense (45% dodge ability) on Guardian Druids every time the button it's linked to is pressed.

  • You'll probably want to add this to (at least) Lacerate, Thrash, Mangle, and Swipe.
  • Pressing the button will fire SD, holding any modifier key (ctrl, alt, shift) will bypass SD. You can reverse this behavior by changing [nomod] to [mod] below.
  • Change "Mangle" below (in both places, to keep the tooltips in line with the ability) to whatever is appropriate for the button you want (you'll need a total of 4 macros to do all the buttons above)
  • The UIErrors bit keeps you from getting spammed with "not enough rage" or "not ready yet" on screen, but the voice prompt will still go off (this can be turned off in your settings).

Moonkin [ ]

Wild mushroom 4.0.6 [ ].

This macro will cast wild mushroom. When shift is held, it will detonate the mushrooms.

Call out Innervate to Party/Raid respectively 3.1.1 [ ]

  • Use: This macro will send a message to the appropriate channel (raid if you're in a raid, party if you're in a party, or no message at all if you're soloing) declaring who it is that just got your innervate spell.
  • Will send message even if self-cast or cast does not go off due to range or skill being on cooldown.

Cyclone / Roots 3.1.1 [ ]

  • This macro is very imperfect. Please improve or preferably give alternatives.

Thorns 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro casts thorns on the most apropriate target.

  • Friendly mouseover
  • Friendly focus
  • Friendly target
  • Friendly mouseover's target
  • Friendly focus' target
  • Friendly target's target
  • Depending on your use of this macro, you might want to remove some target options or reorder them.

A lot of macros in this section make use of mouseover. The mouseover target is simply a target which is under your mouse pointer. This can be the frame of any friendly unit in your UI, or a friendly player you are mousing over in your play area. This does not change your current target.

Hover healing [ ]

Spell nature healingtouch

  • This macro can be used as a template for any healing spell you might want to cast as a mouseover.

Rebirth / Revive [ ]

This macro will cast the appropriate resurrection spell depending on if your in combat or not.

  • You can announce which target you are resurrecting by adding the following line. /say I am resurrecting %t Do note that <no target> will be listed when you are simply mousing over the target you want to res.

Multibox Battle Rez Macro 4.0.1 [ ]

4th line: the reset timer is set to 10 minutes and it's put on a cast sequence so that each of the 3 guys i have it on casts it in order

What this does is cause each of the different druids to cast nothing and move on to the next "spell" in the cast sequence, or cast Rebirth

In a nutshell, you press one button when one of your guys keels over and it auto-selects, auto-cast, and auto-cycles all in one button press. If you have time to set it up or have a consistant 5/10/25 man group, you can replace the Player# names with your group members for a quick brez.

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Thread: Druid Travel Form Macro Help

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druid travel form macro wotlk

So I use this macro for switching into and/or swapping to a druid specs main form. For Balance it's Moonkin form, for Feral it's Cat form, Guardian is Bear form and Resto is also Moonkin form because I take Balance affinity. While you're indoors, it swaps you into Cat form. The only thing I'd like to do now is to make is so if I'm in Feral spec, in Cat form while indoors, it makes me Prowl instead of shifting out of Cat form. What do I add to it? #showtooltip /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,noform:3]!Travel Form;[noswimming,indoors,noform:2][spec:2,form:3][spec:2,form:2,noswimming]!Cat Form;[spec:3]!Bear Form;[spec:1]!Moonkin Form;[spec:4]!Moonkin form Here's what I've settled on for a pretty all around travel form/primary form macro for anyone else looking. Thank you lawomous. #showtooltip /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,noform:3]!Travel Form;[spec:2,form:2,nocombat,nostealth]Prowl;[noswimming,indoors,noform:2][spec:2,form:3][spec:2,form:2,noswimming]!Cat Form;[spec:3]!Bear Form;[spec:1]!Moonkin Form;[spec:4]!Travel Form
Last edited by BobAwesome; 2022-07-24 at 08:17 PM .
Priest Warrior You are not your role. You are not how much gold you have on your account. You are not the mount you ride. You are not the contents of your bank. You are not your epic purples. You are not a special and unique snowflake. You are the all-grinding, all-farming crap of Azeroth.

lawomous is offline

Hmm try this? Code: /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,nomounted,noform:3]!Travel Form;[form:2,nocombat,nostealth]Prowl;[noswimming,indoors,noform:2][spec:2,form:3][spec:2,form:2,noswimming]!Cat Form;[spec:3]!Bear Form;[spec:1]!Moonkin Form; [spec:4]!Moonkin form
Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator
Originally Posted by lawomous Hmm try this? Okay, so this almost works perfectly, but it causes me to go into Prowl not just when Feral spec, but in Balance, Guardian and Restoration as well. Is there a way to only do it for Feral spec? Is there any condition to add so that it only Prowls when in Feral spec? I'm trying to get it to swap between Cat and Moonkin when Balance, Cat and Bear when Guardian, and Cat and no form when Restoration. I guess I could always use the old macro for non feral specs. #showtooltip /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,noform:3]!Travel Form;[form:2,nocombat,nostealth]Prowl;[noswimming,indoors,noform:2][spec:2,form:3][spec:2,form:2,noswimming]!Cat Form;[spec:3]!Bear Form;[spec:1]!Moonkin Form;[spec:4]!Travel Form AHHH I figured it out. I just needed to add a "spec:2" condition to the Prowl cast. I don’t think I can get it any better since it’s pushing the macro character limit at 250/255. The only thing you could possibly customize is changing the bolded !Travel Form at the end of the macro to which ever Affinity Talent Form you pick if you’re in Restoration spec for solo/dps/tank purposes. Maybe there’s a condition set that’ll automatically do it based on which talent you have selected, but that might be beyond this macros character limit. #showtooltip /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,noform:3]!Travel Form;[spec:2,form:3,nocombat,nostealth]Prowl;[noswimming,indoors,noform:2][spec:2,form:3][spec:2,form:2,noswimming]!Cat Form;[spec:3]!Bear Form;[spec:1]!Moonkin Form;[spec:4] !Travel Form
Last edited by BobAwesome; 2022-07-25 at 11:44 PM .
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druid travel form macro wotlk

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druid travel form macro wotlk

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Useful macros for druids

Formatting macros [ ].

When editing a macro on the Wiki please:

  • name it, describe what it does, and use a 'space' before each command for the 'code box'
  • note the version of WoW that you tested it in
  • if moving from another page, remove it from the old page
  • follow this Macro formatting example:

Macro Name [ ]

  • Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!"
  • Works in 5.4.2
  • 1.1 Macro Name
  • 2.1 Druid Stances
  • 2.2 Audible Errors
  • 2.3 Trinkets
  • 3.1 Travel Macros - 6.0.3
  • 3.2 Powershift - 6.0.3
  • 3.3 Moonkin Travel Macro 5.4.x
  • 4.1 Maim 4.0.6
  • 4.2 Mangle / Ravage 4.0.6
  • 4.3 Shred / Pounce 4.0.6
  • 4.4 Night Elf Pounce
  • 4.5 Charge -> Ravage4.0.6
  • 4.6 Charge -> Pounce -> Ravage
  • 4.7 Dash - 4.0.6
  • 5.1 Bash- 4.0.6
  • 5.2 Growl - 4.0.6
  • 5.3 Growl / Challenging Roar - 4.0.6
  • 5.4 Lazy Tanking - 4.0.6
  • 6.1 More actions - Less buttons
  • 6.2 Faerie Fire - 4.0.6
  • 6.3 Skull Bash - 4.0.6
  • 6.4 Mouseover Charge 4.0.6
  • 6.5 Tiger's Fury / Enrage / Berserk 4.0.6
  • 7.1 Call Innervate to Party/Raid 3.1
  • 7.2 Innervate 4.0.6
  • 7.3 Cyclone / Roots 3.1
  • 8.1 General Attack
  • 8.2 Shapeshift/Target/auto attack
  • 8.3 Faerie Fire/Pull
  • 8.4 Improved Power Shifting
  • 8.5 A Travel/Combat macro:
  • 8.6 Stance Number Variations
  • 8.7 MetaShifting Macro
  • 8.8 Shift out and Heal instantly
  • 9.1 Cat vs Cat/Rogue opener (Ghetto Sap)
  • 9.2 Berserk PvE w/ H-bot Blood DK
  • 9.3 Cat Start
  • 9.4 Cat "Battle-in-a-Button"
  • 10.1 Shifter (Resto Version)
  • 10.2 Smart Rez with smart calling
  • 10.3 Smart Rez with Smarter Calling
  • 10.4 Mouse-over Healing
  • 10.5 Better Tranquility
  • 10.6 Tank Died/Panic
  • 11.1.1 Maim / Lacerate / Healing Touch
  • 11.1.2 Healing spell / damage spell
  • 11.1.3 Keep Rooted / Hibernated
  • 11.1.4 Best weapon & OH per form
  • 11.1.5 Bear Form Single Button Tanking
  • 11.1.6 Druid's Shield Wall
  • 11.2.1 Mangle w/ trinket
  • 11.2.2 Mangle w/ trink (no errors)
  • 11.2.3 Mangle w/ trink & rocket/h-speed
  • 11.2.4 Alternating Finishing Moves
  • 11.3.1 All-purpose force of nature
  • 11.3.2 Root, DOT, debuff
  • 11.3.3 Barkskin + Hurricane
  • 11.3.4 Moonfire w/Anti-Totem
  • 11.4.1 Moonkin Powershift / Travel
  • 11.5.1 Previous ??
  • 12 External links

How to customize those macros [ ]

The macros on this page are intended for general use. They are not intended to cover all situations, buff or item which you or other player own. You may need to modify them to get them to your liking. Making a macro is a great reference. The UI Forums and the Druid Forums on the official World of Warcraft website are also great resources should you need additional help.

For quick reference, here is the most relevant information.

Druid Stances [ ]

Many macros make use of the stance modifier. The stance numbers each refer to a Form.

Audible Errors [ ]

Some macros may generate audible errors such as "Target not in Range". You can either turn off Error Speech in your Sound & Voice settings, or add the following lines at the beginning and end of the offending macro.

Trinkets [ ]

Add theses lines at the end of your macro to activate a trinket. 13 is the top trinket slot, 14 is the bottom slots. For any other equipment or inventory slot, refer to InventorySlotId

Shapeshift Macros [ ]

Travel macros - 6.0.3 [ ].


Advanced travel macro for if you want to use a land mount when you can't fly. With a workaround for Draenor being seen as flyable by the game.

  • While outdoors, not in combat and standing still, a mount will be used.
  • CallCompanion("MOUNT", 2) refers to the second mount in the list of mounts. Change the 2, to what you want. It should be a flying mount. CallCompanion("MOUNT", 1) is the first mount in the list and should be changed to a number that represents a land mount.
  • The macro checks if Survivor's Bag of Coins is usable as a way of checking if the area is flyable.
  • While Indoors, Cat Form will be cast.
  • In all other cases, travel form will be used.

Advanced Travel Macro

This macro will select the appropriate travel mode depending on which ones are usable.

  • While swimming, Aquatic Form will be cast
  • When outdoors and in combat, travel form will be used
  • When outdoors, out of combat and in a zone where you can fly, Swift Flight Form will be used

Travel Macro

Powershift - 6.0.3 [ ]

This will remove snares without taking you of the Form you are currently in. This will allow you to avoid being caught in caster form and making yourself vulnerable to sheep.

  • Defaults to Travel Form if not shifted, or Cat Form indoors.

Cat and Bear Only

If not in Cat Form or Bear Form, this version defaults to Cat Form. It does not include travel modes.

NOTES : These Macros still need testing. They've been created out of my understanding of macros and I am currently unable to test them.

Moonkin Travel Macro 5.4.x [ ]

This is a simple travel macro for moonkins. Updated for 5.4.x

  • Moonkin Form if target is hostile and is not dead.
  • Aquatic Form in water.
  • Cat Form when indoors.
  • Swift Flight Form if out of combat and in a zone where flight is allowed.
  • Replace "Swift Flight Form" with "Flight Form" if you do not have Swift Flight Form yet.

Feral (Cat) [ ]

  • Theses macros will shapeshift to Cat Form if you are not in Cat form
  • Most of theses macros will cast Prowl if you are not in combat and not already prowling.
  • They are intended as spamable buttons to be used with an interface setup which does not not page.

Maim 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast maim.

  • If you are not in Cat Form and have no combo point, using this macro will Shapeshift to Cat Form, but will fail to cast Maim.
  • The code of this macro serves as base for most of the Cat Form macros presented here. It can be used with just about any spell Cat Form has.

Mangle / Ravage 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Mangle or Ravage if prowling.

Shred / Pounce 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast shred, or pounce if prowling.

Night Elf Pounce [ ]

This macro will cast pounce if prowling. While in combat, the first use of this macro will cast shadowmeld, the second will cast Pounce.

  • If you are in combat, Shadowmeld will be cast.
  • If you are shadowmeld or prowling, Pounce will be cast.
  • This macro can also be used to restealth midfight. Be aware that it does take about half a second for the UI to detect that you are out of combat once Shadowmeld has been cast. This macro works much better as an in combat Pounce because the UI is much faster to detect stealth and Shadowmeld does not burn the Global Cooldown. You may have to mash this button a few times before you enter prowl. You will want to put some distance between yourself and your opponent. You will also want to make sure that you do not have any dots on you before you attempt this and make sure you do not move until you are prowling.
  • This macro is aimed at Night Elves. If you aren't a Night Elf, I would recommend using the Shred / Pounce version of this macro.
  • This macro will also work with ravage although you will have to be behind the target before you shadowmeld in order to be able to ravage.

Charge -> Ravage4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Feral Charge and then follow with Ravage.

  • Theses macro are intended to be used with the talent Stampede to benefit from the free ravage after a charge.
  • The ! after Ravage is required for theses macro to work properly. While in your spellbook, Ravage is a single spell, the UI sees Ravage and Ravage! as 2 different spells. Ravage is only usable while stealthed and Ravage! is usable while the Stampede buff is up.

Charge -> Ravage

Pounce / Charge -> Ravage

  • Same as the above, but with the added twist that it will cast pounce instead if stealthed.

Charge -> Pounce -> Ravage [ ]

This will cast charge while in cat form weather stealthed or not, then cast ravage. If stealthed it will cast charge,pounce then ravage. Its a deadly combo.

Dash - 4.0.6 [ ]

This will shapeshift to Cat Form and then use Dash.

Worgen version:

  • This macro will cast Dash, or Darkflight if Dash is on cooldown.
  • Dash is placed first as it will be a root break in patch 4.1. This also allows Darkflight to remains available in Caster or Bear Form.

Feral (Bear) Macros [ ]

  • Theses macros will shapeshift to Bear Form if you are not in Bear form
  • They are intended as spammable buttons to be used with an interface setup which does not not page.

Bash- 4.0.6 [ ]


This macro macro will shapeshift to Bear Form if not in bear form and cast Bash.

Growl - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will shapeshift to Bear Form if not in bear form and cast Growl.

Growl / Challenging Roar - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will shapeshift to bear form if not in bear form and cast Growl or Challenging Roar if shift is held.

Lazy Tanking - 4.0.6 [ ]

Theses macros combine Maul with other various abilities.

It is not recommended to use those macros. They may put you in a situation where you do not have enough rage to perform an interrupt. Theses macros have also been known to create threat issues as they may deny you the rage you need for other more important threat generating moves. It is far better to maintain full control over how you spend your rage by using Maul as needed. Use them at your own risk.

Mangle / Maul

Swipe Trash Cast Sequence / Maul

Lacerate / Maul - 4.0.3

Feral (Cat and Bear) [ ]

  • Some of macros will shapeshift to either Bear Form or Cat Form if you are not already in either Forms. Cat Form is the prefered Form in most cases.
  • They are intended as buttons which will cast the appropriate spell no matter the Form in a setup which does not not page.

More actions - Less buttons [ ]

I made this macro for people who would like to have less spells on their spellbars. This is a perfect way to customize your UI. This is 1 of my examples, so you can edit it all the way you want it.

This macro will do the following:

  • In combat - Innervate
  • Bear - Growl
  • Bear with ALT button pushed - Challenging Roar
  • Cat out of combat - Prowl
  • Cat in combat - Shred
  • Cat stealthed - Ravage
  • Cat with ALT button pushed - Rake
  • SHIFT button pushed (any form) - Rebirth

You can edit the spells and add more [mod:xx] but keep your eye on the maximum characters of 255. I didn't use the 'ctrl' button because thats my push-to-talk button. In my opinion it is useful to have Rebirth on 'Shift' in any form because this way I know for 100% sure that I do the right action which is needed. There is a way to create more spells on this button but Rebirth is an action which is not allowed to fail, so to make sure I won't fail, I didn't made more actions on 'shift'.

Faerie Fire - 4.0.6 [ ]

This will cast the appropriate Faerie Fire dependent if you are in Cat Form, Bear Form, or any other Form.

Skull Bash - 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast the appropriate skull bash spell, depending if your in cat or bear form.

  • If not not in Cat Form or Bear form, this macro will Shapeshift to Cat Form.
  • If in Cat Form or Bear From, this will cast the appropriate Skull Bash Spell.

Mouseover Charge 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast the appropriate Feral Charge spell.

  • If mousing over a target, it will be chosen as the target of the charge, otherwise, this will check to see if you currently have a target. If you don't, this will fail. A mouseover target has priority over your currently selected target.
  • If in Cat Form or Bear From, this will cast the appropriate Charge Spell.
  • If in Cat Form after performing a charge, the next use of this macro will cast Ravage
  • To be able to benefit from the free ravage after a Feral Charge in Cat Form, you will need the Stampede talent.

Tiger's Fury / Enrage / Berserk 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will cast Tiger's Fury in Cat Form, Enrage in Bear form or Berserk if shift is held.

Balance Macros [ ]

Call innervate to party/raid 3.1 [ ].

  • Use: This macro will send a message to the appropriate channel (raid if you're in a raid, party if you're in a party, or no message at all if you're soloing) declaring who it is that just got your innervate spell.
  • Works in 3.1.1
  • Will send message even if self-cast or cast does not go off due to range or skill being on cooldown.

Innervate 4.0.6 [ ]

This macro will choose a target and cast Innervate.

  • If you are mousing over a friendly target, it will be the innervate target.
  • If you you have a friendly focus, it will be the innervate target.
  • If you you have a friendly target, it will be the innervate target.
  • If you do not have a mouseover target or a friendly focus, you will be the target of your innervate.
  • If you press any of the modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl), you will be the target of your innervate.
  • There are multiple versions of this macro. This document is not intended to cover all versions. This version is intended to cover as many situations as possible. You should edit it for your own needs.

Cyclone / Roots 3.1 [ ]

  • This macro is very imperfect. Please improve or preferably give alternatives.
  • Edited 24 may 2011: try this.

General Feral Macros for version 3.1 [ ]

General attack [ ].

This will give you an attack macro common to Bear, Druid, or Cat. It also uses both trinkets to enable you to use them without errors saying they are on cooldown, or letting them sit there never getting used.

  • Validated: 3.2

Shapeshift/Target/auto attack [ ]

This will shift you into cat form, target nearest enemy in front of you (tab targeting). The nice thing about this macro is that you can link it to your tab button and use it the same way. It will not target dead mobs and it will change targets if you hit it again.

works as of 4.0.1a

Faerie Fire/Pull [ ]

I like to use this to both pull the target to me and activate my trinkets without error messages. It can also be used during battle, if, for example, you used pounce to initiate the battle. Having usable trinkets can be a nuisance as trying to remember to use them only to have to watch for cooldowns, or forgetting about them completely, during battles can make them far less useful than they could be. With this, I might not use it at the most opportune time, but at least I do not fail to use them at all, using them quite often in fact. For a long time I had shortcuts to the trinkets direct and meant to use them as needed, but almost never remembered them during actual battles. This macro works for any form - if you are not in a balance casting form or a feral casting form, it will cancel form before you cast it. It prevents the error sound and message from occurring, but your character can still say it is not ready yet.

  • Validated: 3.1

Improved Power Shifting [ ]

More advanced form of Powershifting (breaks snares and roots) (above). This will break snares and shift you into a faster movement form if it's safe to do so. That is, if you're Cat/Bear/Tree/Owl/Otter you'll powershift to the same form. However, if you're caster form you'll shift to Travel. If Flight is available from Travel, you'll shift to that, otherwise you'll just powershift in Travel Form. In case you get snared on the ground in flight form, you'll power shift in flight form as well.

Note: By default the macro uses Flight Form . When you get Swift Flight Form, you'll have to prepend " Swift ". Additionally, if you don't have Tree of Life or Moonkin Form you must change [stance:0/4/6] to [stance:/0/4/5].

  • Focus: Universal

A Travel/Combat macro: [ ]

This macro allows for 1 button shifting between travel and combat for feral druids. Feral druids who spend most of their time fighting as a cat, but switch to bear when extra armor or health are needed, may find this useful.

  • First, if you are swimming and use button 1, then it will use aquatic.
  • Second, if you are outside, not fighting, in a no fly zone, not a bear, and you use button 1, then it will use cheetah.
  • Third, if you are outside, not fighting, in a fly zone, not a bear, and use button 1, flight form - or, if you are in bird form and in combat, it will let you get out of flight form

I have had it happen where I aggro something in flight form and then I am "in combat," so the button turns into bear form but I am too high so WoW will not let me leave flight, instead I get the "You are in shapeshift form" error. This rule catches that and lets you exit flight form then the button turns into bear form.

  • Fourth, if you are in not in combat, and in bear form, it will give you druid form.
  • Last, if you are in combat, or anything else (a catch all) !Dire Bear form.

With this macro a Feral Druid can use the button they normally use while in Druid or Cat form to get to bear form instead to, in combat, still give bear as expected, but in non combat give travel forms: in water anywhere, give aquatic, in fly zones give flight form, and in bear form, give druid form. It always turns into bear when you right-click on it, or do anything but left click on it. The last form includes "Power Shifting" listed below to allow the druid to go from and to bear form while in combat to break impediment.

Due to a flying bear that goes splat because this macro does not swap you to a travel form from bear even if you are not in combat, i have edited it from the original base, so all credit to original author.

Stance Number Variations [ ]

-THESE MACROS MAY REQUIRE CUSTOMIZATION - Please read before saying the macro doesn't work -

  • If you are a feral druid with swift flight form, this macro is the one you want.
  • IF YOU DON'T HAVE SWIFT FLIGHT FORM then you need to replace "Swift Flight Form" with "Flight Form" in the macro.
  • IF YOU HAVE THE FORM MOONKIN OR TREE OF LIFE then you need to change all above instances of 2/4/5 to 2/4/6.

Why do you have to change the numbers? Because of the way blizzard set up stances.

  • Stance 0 is default - never changes
  • Stance 1 is bear - never changes
  • Stance 2 is aquatic - never changes
  • Stance 3 is cat - never changes
  • Stance 4 is travel - never changes
  • Stance 5 is for moonkin or tree of life - never changes - or could be for flight form.
  • Stance 6 is for flight form. - changes if moonkin or tree are not available

If there is no moonkin or tree of life form available, flight form is moved down a number , thus flight form is stance 5 for a feral druid.

MetaShifting Macro [ ]

For properly working you need to clear 4-5 action buttons for that metamacro.

  • Main Macro:

Note: Place that macro at any useful action slot and bind any button w/o any modificators like " shift+/ctrl+/alt+ ". I've use side-mouse button for myself (button4/button5).

  • NoMod Macro:

Note: Place that macro at 1st slot of left side-actionbar (4th in interface settings). Otherwise you need to change 1st line in Main Macro (MultiBarLeftButton1).

  • Mod:Shift Macro:

Note: Place that macro at 2nd slot of left side-actionbar (4th in interface settings). Otherwise you need to change 2nd line in Main Macro (MultiBarLeftButton2).

  • Mod:Ctrl Macro:

Note: Place that macro at 3rd slot of left side-actionbar (4th in interface settings). Otherwise you need to change 3rd line in Main Macro (MultiBarLeftButton3).

  • Optional: UserFriendly Macro:

Note: It's a interface part of meta macro =). If you planing to use that macro, then you need replace a Main Macro to 4th slot of left side-actionbar (4th in interface settings). Otherwise you need to change 2nd line in UserFriendly Macro (MultiBarLeftButton4).

Description: If you are in any forms except bear and cat, you'll be shifted in cat by clicking macro w/o mods. If you are in cat or bear form, then clicking w/o mods charge you at enemy target. If you hold shift in cat or bear form that'll shift you in another form: Cat -> Bear or Bear -> Cat. At any cases if you hold control mod macro shift you in travel form if you are not in combat, otherwise you'll be shifted in cat form. And one more: clicking macro in combat with control makes you powershift at same form (bear/aquatic/cat) except tree/moonkin.

  • For more information about MultiBarLeftButton's look at Making a macro page.

Shift out and Heal instantly [ ]

Will shift you out, equip healing weapon + healing idol and toss out Lifebloom or whatever you prefer. Ideally a feral pvp'er/dps'er would have one for Lifebloom and/or Regrowth and/or Healing Touch and/or Nourish as you may find yourself running and healing with and without the Predator's Swiftness buff.

  • Use: Press once to shift out of form and equip max healing weapon+idol and toss Lifebloom (or with Shift to toss Regrowth). Press with Alt to make sure you're back in dps weapon/idol. Adjust names of weapon and idol of course. The /stopmacro line is there to make sure you don't shift out and toss Lifebloom when you're just trying to re-equip your main dps gear.

Cat Feral Macros for version 3.1 [ ]

Cat vs cat/rogue opener (ghetto sap) [ ].

Cat Anti-Cat/Rogue Opener, a.k.a. "Ghetto Sap".

  • Will Pounce anything in range but clear ranged targets, fire up hand tinker if not stealthed and use Rake out of stealth. Spam this when searching for that elusive rogue or cat. Not entirely sure how it works, but it does. Starmist credit for the idea, Coldbear for the successful addition of Rake. Might be a few too many modifiers, but ...yeah.

Berserk PvE w/ H-bot Blood DK [ ]

Berserk in PvE with a Hysteriabot Blood DK.

  • Safe to use regularly in pvp/bg's/whatever, then when raiding with a Blood DK who's going to provide you with Hysteria, hit Shift + Macro hotkey - get Hysteria - then hit button normally and go to town. If you run with several different Blood DK's on a regular basis, just make a line for each of them but disable the line by putting a space between the "/" and the "w".
  • Why the Sulfuron Slammer? - Makes things look pretty, puts a different-looking notification into everyone's chat frame (which can get you Hysteria if you've forgotten to notify the Blood DK), but could possibly self-stun you if the fight goes on for too long or you mash the button.

Cat Start [ ]

In Battle Grounds I died a lot so I designed this macro for easy one button startup. If you right click, the sequence gives you your Mark, Thorns, Nature's Grasp, Cat, and if you want, Stealth. If you left click, it prepares you for a battle by giving you a few heals over time, Nature's Grasp, then Cat Form, and finally stealth, so you can attack and for up to 21 seconds get healing while you fight. Both reset after 6 seconds, basically as soon as you are through with them. The second one costs a lot of Mana, but a good battle last a while and you gain mana very quickly while fighting, if you spec right, such that after the battle you are usually in good shape. Also, if you do not change forms during the fight, you really could care less how much Mana you have at the start of the battle.

Cat "Battle-in-a-Button" [ ]

This is a complete sequence for a battle. It starts with Pounce if you are in stealth, otherwise it steps through a sequence of moves designed to get combo points and give effects. I tried to fill the time between rake's to account for its cool down. The first power is Savage Roar , to give 30% more attack power. If you see the target will give a long battle then you can use other keys before you get to the roar to add more points. Usually I have 3 points which leads to 24 seconds of extra attack power and that is longer than most battles for me, but some elites lead me to want all five points prior to the roar so I click three times, two if I was not stealth, then use other buttons to add points as needed, then continue on the macro for a maximum 34 second roar buff. Next we build up for Rip , for added damage over time. (It is really nice to see mangle, rake, and rip all going on target at the same time.) If they are still alive after this, then we build up for Ferocious Bite , usually non-elite targets are dead before or at this point. Finally we build up for Maim , a finishing move to stun them and let you watch them bleed, do a little healing before restarting from the beginning, or run away if you think they are too much for you to handle. (If they lived this long then they are tough or you are fighting things too high for your level). The macro will start all over again. I tried to ensure that for every mangle there was a bleed effect present for it to enhance. If you are in stealth and start the battle with a pounce, then rake, when you mangle you will have two separate bleed effects going on. It is useful to have separate shortcuts for the maim, rip, or bite as this macro cannot account for misses, dodges, or parries; and you can find yourself with five points collected and three or more moves to the next finishing attack, wasting potential point build up. You can substitute Claw for Mangle , if you do not have the mangle talent yet, but claw costs more and does less damage. Another important button is any ability to get a point, as sometimes you may find yourself at a power ability and no points, do to using another power or having the point building moves being missed, dodged, or parried; giving you the error "That ability requires combo points," which will block the rest of the macro. I have Maim set up as a hot key to stop spell casting if I see them trying to heal, which uses up my points and sometimes that hinders the macro and forces me to earn extra points before proceeding.

3.1 Restoration Macros [ ]

Shifter (resto version) [ ].

Normal Version

Wintergrasp Version

  • Shift: Summon Mount or dismount you (if already mounted).
  • Alt: Cancel any form you are in or do nothing, if already without form.
  • If swimming: Toggles between Aquatic Form and Tree of Life (Aquatic Form first).
  • If Out of combat and in a flyable area: Toggles into and out of Swift Flight Form.
  • If Outdoors, a non-flyable area, or in combat: Toggles between Tree of Life and Travel Form (Tree of Life first).
  • If Indoors: Powershifts Tree of Life. (See Powershifter macro for explaination.)
  • Replace "Darnassian Nightsaber" with non-flying mount of choice.

Smart Rez with smart calling [ ]

  • Use: If you're in combat, casts your Battle Rez, otherwise casts your normal rez, and then picks the appropriate channel to announce your rez target to (raid if you're in a raid, party otherwise) The calling is a little buggy if you're targetting someone who already released, not much can be done to get around that.
  • Does not work on players who have released.

Smart Rez with Smarter Calling [ ]

  • Similar to the one above, which I used for some time, but does not make the announcement that you are rezzing someone out of range or otherwise not available.
  • It should be easy to modify the channels(c) directly or by adding ELSEIFs for additional channels, but you might have to get cryptic on the messages to fit in 255 characters.

Mouse-over Healing [ ]

  • Use: Casts Swiftmend on your mouseover target; if you don't have one, it'll cast on your target, if you have neither it'll just cast on yourself. Swiftmend can be replaced with any beneficial spell.
  • Works in 4.0.6
  • i do not like self casts for you might just not be over the frame you want to be when you hit the macro and gcs do kill ;)
  • combined with a spell for your target if it means harm to you
  • you might be able to moonfire some mages oder root cats to death
  • 243 / 255 German spellnames

Better Tranquility [ ]

  • This is buggy. Please improve.
  • Q: Might be better? - But what happens if Barkskin is on cooldown?
  • A: The macro is edited, this way you can see if your weapon is not equiped, you see an icon of your weapon. If this is equiped, it will show an icon of Barkskin. If you have equiped your weapon and Barkskin is on CD, than you see an icon of Tranquility.
  • Equips your "icecore staff" (or replacement for Cata) only if you do not have it already up, and forces you to use Barkskin if it's not equipped, only casts tranq if you happen to have the preferred staff equipped. - Zenithas

Tank Died/Panic [ ]

  • Simply casts Nature's Swiftness and Rebirth back to back, giving you instant battle rez, and announces it using a clipping of the rez macro up there.
  • Tested in 3.3.0

Old macros [ ]

This is the final resting place for older macros, or macro versions.

The macros below this line have not been validated to work in a recent version of WoW. Use at your own risk.

Macros moved here should be placed at the bottom.

General [ ]

Maim / lacerate / healing touch [ ].

This will give you one button that in bear form does Lacerate ; in cat it does Maim , and in caster it does a downranked Healing Touch. The button will show the icon for whichever skill/spell is up.

This is an example that is made obsolete by Action Bar switching. It remains practical for custom User Interfaces that make all 120 Action Buttons visible simultaneously. Also, since there are only 12 Action Buttons reserved per form, a 13th action may need to be a macro.

In the laziness department, people who use the /follow command to go afk in a wide variety of in-game activities (Molten Core runs, AV, corpse-runs) are generally recognized to be a step above. If you'd like to join this elite but misunderstood crowd, and cut down on your UI clutter at the same time, install this someplace convenient.

See also: Useful_macros#Follow_with_emote

Healing spell / damage spell [ ]

Holding ALT will cast Rejuvenation on yourself regardless of who you're targeting; otherwise cast Moonfire on an attackable target and Rejuvenation on a target that can be healed.

This behavior can also be accomplished using two Action Buttons, key bindings, and spells alone - with one exception: If Rejuvenation is cast without a macro, and nothing is targeted, then the cursor will await identification of a target (the next unit you click).

Keep Rooted / Hibernated [ ]

This is a great crowd control ability either in pve or pvp against rogues and warriors. First you root the enemy that you want to save for later, then whenever it's time to re-tangle, just press the key again without changing targets.

See also: http://www.wowwiki.com/Useful_macros#Crowd_Control_stays_on_1_mob

Best weapon & OH per form [ ]

Equip the best weapon and off-hand per form.

(To use this for Cat Form, just replace Dire Bear Form with Cat Form .)

This macro will cancel form and equip your healing weapon/idol so you can heal yourself. Then, when you use it again to return to feral form, it will equip your DPS or tanking weapon and idol.

See also: http://www.wowwiki.com/Useful_macros#Easy_equip_off-hand

"Basic Bear Tanking Macro" from Karakye <Wrought from Ruin>'s Meatshield Guide:

...will Mangle if the cooldown is up on it, if not do nothing. After Mangle's trigger of the 1.5 sec GCD, it will cast Lacerate up to 3 times as long as you hit the macro at least once every 4 seconds, then reset to Mangle again.

The reset time of 4 seconds was selected after much field testing. Change the reset number to 2, 3 or 4 and try it out on non-dangerous mobs to see what works for you. Also remember that you will tank multiple mobs, and spamming Swipe isn't always the answer to that, so you might need more control over which attack to use - Mangle, Lacerate, Swipe or Maul.

You may also wish to take off one Lacerate, so that the macro resets after just two Lacerates.

Bear Form Single Button Tanking [ ]

Left click for single target tanking, right click to generate threat on multiple targets. Great for beginning feral tanks who cant seem to generate threat.

Druid's Shield Wall [ ]

This macro warns your party or raid that you have activated the druid version of "Shield Wall" and then activates both your avoidance trinkets (Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch and Badge of Tenacity). You must have both items equipped, of course. Since they don't share cooldowns and are instant, you can trigger them both at the same time. Thanks to the warning, your healer(s) will know they have to pay extra attention.

Mangle w/ trinket [ ]

Basic Cat Mangle with trinket

Activates one of your two trinket slots (both is possible, and certainly desirable for your Rip macro, but this lets you keep your pvp trinket in the other slot, unused til you need it). Starts autoattack if you have too little energy to Mangle right off the bat.

Mangle w/ trink (no errors) [ ]

Basic Cat Mangle with trinket (with error suppression)

This is the same as the Basic Cat Mangle with trinket macro above, but disables the error sound effect if the trinket is on cooldown. It also shows Mangle as the icon.

Mangle w/ trink & rocket/h-speed [ ]

Basic Cat Mangle with trinket and Hand Mounted Pyro Rocket / Hyperspeed Accelerators

Activates 1 of 2 trinket slots, casts Mangle - Cat. Hold down alt and click/press hotkey to fire any 'on use' effect that's on your hands/gloves. Like the Hand Mounted Pyro Rocket or the Hyperspeed Accelerators!

Alternating Finishing Moves [ ]

Will cast Rip , then change the button to Ferocious Bite for the duration of the Rip, or until you use Bite. You can substitute Rip for Savage Roar and change the reset timer accordingly, or even just add SR to the sequence, although this will not work well if you will be alternating between SR and Rip without using Bite in between every time. If you have Glyph of Rip , change the reset timer from 12 to 16. This will not account for increased duration from Glyph of Shred .

Offensive Spellcasting [ ]

All-purpose force of nature [ ].

All-purpose Force of Nature macro

The first click causes you to target where you want to summon them. After that, all subsequent presses of this button sets them to aggressive and causes them to attack your target, or if you forget, since they are set on aggressive, they attack any nearby hostile target.

Root, DOT, debuff [ ]

Moonfire has a slight chance to break Entangling Roots. The order of the two could be reversed, but this gives the mob time to Charge, cause spell pushback , or worse, prevent a life-saving spell. Despite these risks, this is a powerful Balance opener:

Barkskin + Hurricane [ ]

As of Patch 3.0.8 , Barkskin no longer triggers the global cooldown, so it can be cast simultaneously with Hurricane .

Moonfire w/Anti-Totem [ ]

This macro will Moonfire your target like normal, or - if present- any totems you list, starting with Grounding Totem, then Mana Tide Totem, etc. *NOTE* This will target friendly totems too!

Multibox Battle Rez [ ]

  • Tested: 4.0.1
  • 1st line: Forces the UI to show the Rebirth tooltip (the thing that pops up when you hover your mouse over a -spell/item/etc)
  • 2nd line: Stops any spellcasting in progress
  • 3rd line: This is the targeting line, it automatically cycles through my guys and finds the 1st dead one on the list, then selects him
  • 4th line: Before casting the spell and wasting a precious 10min CD for a brez, it makes sure the target exists, is friendly, and is, in fact, actually dead and not just pretending.
  • 4th line: the reset timer is set to 10 minutes and it's put on a cast sequence so that each of the 3 guys i have it on casts it in order

What this does is cause each of my different druids to cast nothing and move on to the next "spell" in the cast sequence, or cast Rebirth.

In a nutshell, you press one button when one of your characters keels over and it auto-selects, auto-cast, and auto-cycles all in one button press. If you have time to set it up or have a consistant 5/10/25 man group, you can replace the Player# names with your group members for a quick brez.

Moonkin Powershift / Travel [ ]

Description: This is a simple travel and powershift macro for moonkins.

  • Using this macro will shapeshift you into moonkin form.
  • If already in moonkin form, using this macro will powershift to clear roots and snares.
  • Aquatic Form in water
  • Travel Form if in combat and outdoors
  • Swift Flight Form if out of combat and in a zone where flight is allowed
  • Swift Stormsaber if out of combat and not in a flyable zone.
  • Powershift moonkin if indoors, not swimming and in combat (This is equivalent to using the macro without pressing shift)
  • Replace "Swift Stormsaber" with non-flying mount of choice.
  • The noswimming condition is required as without it, the macro would always powershift moonkin while idoors and in combat, even if shift is held.
  • Tested: 4.0.6

Previous ?? [ ]

I commented the old version. I removed a few conditions, removed the aquatic form moonkin form toggle and made it a simple powershift with the ability to chose the proper travel form if shift is held. --Enalung

  • Ctrl: Cancel any form you are in or do nothing, if already without form.
  • If swimming: Toggles between Aquatic Form and Moonkin Form (Aquatic Form first).
  • If Outdoors, a non-flyable area, or in combat: Toggles between Moonkin Form and Travel Form (Tree of Life first).
  • If Indoors: Powershifts Moonkin Form. (See Powershifter macro for explaination.)

External links [ ]

  • excellent thread - The Druid forums at the Blizzard official web site have an full of macros for many more situations. Feel free to browse and bump for a sticky.
  • continued here
  • World of Warcraft
  • 1 Sayge's Fortunes

Druid Travel Macro

I am looking for a macro that lets me do tavel form, seal and in TBC, Flight form. All with one button (Like how it works on retail).

So far in classic I have been using the following:

#showtooltip Travel Form(Shapeshift) /cancelaura Cat Form(Shapeshift) /cancelaura Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift) /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form

And it has been serving me to perfection. When in water the macro would go into seal, when on land it would be travel, and the other cancelauras are just in case I was in one of the non travel forms and wanted to exit fast.

Now, when I apply “/cast Flight form(Shapeshifted)” what happens depends where the line is placed. At best the Druid will go into travel form every time first and after go into Flight. At worst during combat it will say “you are in combat and cant do that” because the macro is reading the command as get me into flight form, and not travel.

What I want is if flight is possible it does that first, if in combat travel, and if not in combat but on lets say Azeroth where you cant fly it will just do Travel.

Anyone know of a functioning macro that would solve this?

Bump. Anyone ? At all? Help a friendly Druid out ?

Don’t have a druid but looking at what you can do with macros maybe these will help out


combat - true if you’re in combat

flyable - true if you are currently somewhere you can fly.

mounted - true if you are currently mounted.

flying - true if you are currently flying.

Keep in mind that macros cannot make smart decisions like skipping an ability that’s on cd

Any version or combo that I try w/ this is not giving me the desired macro.

Not sure why its causing such a problem to use X when out of combat and Y when in combat. I am failing to see where the macro is finding the confusion.

#showtooltip /cast [swimming] !Aquatic Form; [flyable,nocombat] !Flight Form; !Travel Form

edit: forgot the combat

Found a version that works , wanted to update in case other Druids were looking for this:

#showtooltip Travel Form(Shapeshift) /cancelform [noform:2/4/5] /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [flyable,nocombat] Flight Form; Travel Form /cancelaura Travel Form /cancelaura flight form

Credit goes to Dogmandk.

Should be /cancelform [noform:2/4/5]

You mean so out of bird you go into caster form, correct ?

I’m not sure exactly how you want the macro to work, but your conditionals don’t work at all. You have to use / as separator

They work for me, if I am in bear or cat and use this macro I go into bird or travel depending on combat.

Or did you mean something else?

Small p.s. The macro that I linked works in Outland where you can fly, but not Azeroth.

Hmm, now I worry it wont work in the Arena since you cant fly…

Your cancelform doesn’t work as you would expect. Not sure if your macro works in arena but the one I gave will work. I don’t see the point in using the cancelform in the first place anyways, if you need something like that then there is something else wrong in your macro.

Your cancelform will give macro conditional error.

When I add what you suggested:

/cancelform [noform:2/4/5]

It does not change the fact that when on Azeroth the macro does not work, as its firstly trying to fly.

If you meant something else just put down the macro you mean and il give it a try now.

Did you copy my macro? It does work in azeroth for me.

yes /10char

Sorry, yes. Just took a min to test it all, I guess you changed your first variation ? Since you are correct, this version is better as it works proper everywhere.


Damn IT programator druids.

#showtooltip /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form /cast [nocombat, harm] Travel Form /cast [combat] Travel Form /cast [flyable] Flight Form

tested and works!


#showtooltip /stopcasting /cast [mod:shift]Swift Brown Ram; /use [flyable,noform:5] Flight Form(Shapeshift); [swimming,noform:3]Aquatic Form(Shapeshift);[outdoors,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift); [indoors,noform:3] Cat Form /cancelform

/stopcasting /cast [mod:shift]Swift Brown Ram; /use [flyable,nocombat] Flight Form(Shapeshift); use [flyable,combat] Travel Form(Shapeshift); [swimming]Aquatic Form(Shapeshift);[outdoors]Travel Form(Shapeshift); [indoors] Cat Form /cancelform

Druid Shapeshift Macro

/cast [mod:shift] Travel Form /cast [stance:2] Bear Form /cast [stance:1] Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Bear Form /cast [stance:0] Bear Form /cast [stance:4] Bear Form

Here is my druid shapeshift macro. It works perfectly. However; if someone could tell me if it’s possible to have it when I’m in Travel Form if I hold shift I can go into Cat Form. I understand that currently holding shift puts me into Travel Form. I was just curious if it’s possible to have two shift macros in one? So when I’m in Travel Form and I hold shift I can choose to go to Cat Form? Hopefully, this makes sense lol

I’m not 100% sure because I don’t have a druid, but I would think that this should work:

/use [nostance:0,mod:shift] Travel Form; [nostance:1,nomod] Bear Form; [stance:0,mod:shift] Cat Form; [stance:1] Cat Form

Can take it a step further and only cast travel form while outdoors or swimming

For my personal setup I have 2 macros: 1 for combat forms, 1 for mobility/abilities in those forms

Moonkin Form (shift + balance spec), Incarn Tree (shift + resto), Cat (alt or ctrl + bear form), Bear (nomod or ctrl + cat form)

Wild Charge (shift+alt, supports mouseover), Dash (cat + alt), Prowl (cat), Stampeding Roar (bear + alt), Incap Roar (bear), Travel Form (can be forced with shift)

So this is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. However, how do I make it to where when I’m in no form and hit shift it switches to Cat Form instead of Travel? Other than that it’s perfect!

#showtooltip /use [swimming,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[outdoors,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[indoors,noform:2]Cat Form(Shapeshift);[indoors,form:2]Bear Form(Shapeshift);[form:3]Cat Form(Shapeshift)

Please note there are areas that are specified as inside, and under water that travel form can absolutely take advantage of.

Hi! I recently started using druid and currently, I’m looking for good shapeshifting macros and I found yours to be pretty darn good, also I’ve seen you in many posts regarding the topic so I think you’re the person to ask.

I’m curious to know if it is possible to change the macro in a way where I can cast stampeding roar while also in feral form without having to go to bear form to cast it. Bear and stampeding functions are great, but I can also cast it while in cat form and I’d like to see if it’s possible. I’d also like to understand how the macro is meant to be used in terms of key bindings because I’ve loosely had to key bind 4 different keys to use all combinations and I’m unaware of whether that is efficient or not (it’s working fine however).

To give an example I use the combat macro in E and the mobility macro in Q, to utilize the whole macro I’ve keybinded four separate keys as E, shift+E, ctrl+E, and alt+E. Same as the mobility key binds in Q. On a separate note, I main moonkin and when I press E I automatically shift to bear. Rather than pressing shift+E to change to moonkin I’d prefer it to be E. Could you help me with this?

Yeah but then it won’t show Dash in Cat.

I’ll post updated versions of my macros when I next get on my comp.

You bind the unmodified press and make sure the modified presses are unbound, otherwise those keybinds will supersede the macro modifiers.

What would you want Bear set to in that case?

/cast bubble wand

Understood. In that case its really not that important.

Thank you! That would be great!

I’ll have to research this cause Im generally new to macros and I don’t understand these terms.

I’d like to switch one for the other. Moonkin to E and bear to shift+E.

Can just flip their position in the macro and remove the ,spec:1 conditon from [mod:shift,spec:1]

Tried it and it worked but the other interactions don’t seem to work well with the change so Ill just keep it like the original.

Alright, so here’s the current versions of the macros I’m using.

Wild Charge (shift+alt), Dash (alt+cat), Stampeding Roar (alt), Prowl (cat), Incap Roar** (bear), Dragonflight Mount (nomod+no combat), Travel Form **Need to adjust incap for use in all forms, without it messing with travel form ( or leaving a ? when not known… while keeping it under 256 chars… might need to wait till 10.0.7)

Incan Tree** (shift+known), Moonkin Form (shift+known), Cat Form (alt, ctrl if in bear), Bear Form (default, ctrl if in cat) ** I need to move Incarn Tree to a different key but haven’t decided where yet.

Here’s the simplified Bear/Boomy swapped version.

Comment by Rastafa

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  • Fact: Travel Form does not work indoors.
  • Fact: Travel Form can be cast in combat. (This means that you can travel 40% faster than everyone else.  IE: Run away/gain distance)
  • Fiction: Travel Form is a Cougar
  • Fact: Travel form owns level 30-39 Battle Grounds's   Disclaimer: Don't go in to a BG until your in the top 3 of the bracket (37-39) or your account may be spontaneously deleted by Blizzard's Ghost.
  • Fact: Cat Form does work indoors but does not get the benifit of Feline Swiftness (+30%)
  • Fact: Dash requires Cat Form, always buy all of your spells/skills.  Any one who doesn't is a moron. The skills costs pennies compared to what you are taking in at that level.

Comment by Allakhazam

Travel form, spell details.

  • Can only be used outdoors
  • Cannot be used while shapeshifted
  • Do Not Sheath
  • Remove auras on immunity
  • Unaffected by school immunity
  • Allow Entering Arena
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Classic Guide to Druids' Best Macros

Welcome to our Macros guide for Druids where you will find out what the best macros are for your Druid in WoW Classic.

  • 1. Foreword
  • 2. Classic Druid Macro Templates
  • 3. Classic Druid Addons

While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible / useful macros, we will be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. Use these templates as an example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, personally.

Classic Druid Macro Templates

Power shifting.

  • #showtooltip
  • /cancelform [noform:3]
  • /cast Cat Form
  • /startattack [form:3,harm,nodead]

Cat Form Icon

One-Button Travel Form

  • /cancelform [swimming,noform:2][outdoors,noform:2/4]
  • /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form;[outdoors] Travel Form; Cat Form

Travel Form Icon

Spell Casts from Forms

  • #showtooltip SpellNameHere
  • /cancelaura Cat Form
  • /cast SpellNameHere

Rejuvenation Icon

Mouse-over Healing

  • #showtooltip Regrowth
  • /cast [@mouseover,exists,help][@player] Regrowth(Rank 5)

Healing Touch Icon

Cancel Form

  • /cancelform

A useful macro that cancels your current form, for any form. It will also dismount you if you are mounted, just replace MountNameHere with your mount.

Rake and Pounce

  • /cast [nostealth] Rake; [stealth] Pounce

Rake Icon

  • #showtooltip Prowl
  • /cast [noform:3] Cat Form
  • /cast !Prowl

Prowl Icon

  • #showtooltip Dash
  • /cast !Dash

Dash Icon

Classic Druid Addons

Macros are very important in making your character play as smoothly as possible, but so do addons, for which reason we recommend that you also read our Druid Addons page.

  • 24 Feb. 2020: Page added.

Classic Dungeon Guides

Classic profession guides, classic reputation guides.

This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG , the #2 North American guild on retail. In addition to live WoW, he has also been a classic theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. You can watch him stream on Twitch , or follow him on Twitter .

  • Restoration Druid Healer Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities
  • Feral Druid DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities
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  1. New Travel Form Appearances for Druids in 9.1.5: 4 New Appearances with

    druid travel form macro wotlk

  2. Druid Form Macro

    druid travel form macro wotlk

  3. WotLK Classic DB

    druid travel form macro wotlk

  4. WoW Classic WotLK: Druid Leveling Guide (1-80)

    druid travel form macro wotlk

  5. WoW Classic WotLK: Druid Leveling Guide (1-80)

    druid travel form macro wotlk

  6. PvE Balance Druid Addons & Macros

    druid travel form macro wotlk


  1. Smoldering Dreamstag Druid Travel Form

  2. Demo: DRUID Travel Agent

  3. New Flight style works with Druid travel form too,and old flying mounts

  4. Druid Dolphin and Travel Form

  5. T Morph Macro Transmog on my Druid

  6. WoW Night Elf travel form


  1. WotLK Classic Guide to Druid's Best Macros

    This allows you to quickly react with your interrupts and crowd control without targeting or focus requirements. We only recommend this kind of macro for 3v3 because focus and regular targeting should be enough for 2v2, and 5v5 would require too many keybinds if you wanted to be able to target the full enemy team. 2.5.

  2. Druid 1 Button Mount/Travel Forms Macro

    My travel macro is: /dismount [mounted] /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Dire Bear Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; [] travel form; Swimming - Aquatic Inside - Bear Flyable/Out of combat - Bird Default if none of those other conditions are met (in a flyable zone in combat, in a noflyable place like a BG/arena/vanilla zone ...

  3. Druid mount and travel/flight form macro

    Posted July 10, 2013. Alright, here's the complicated one that I use. #showtooltip Swift Flight Form /use [swimming] Aquatic Form; [combat,nomounted][mod:alt] Travel Form;[form:0,nocombat,flyable,nomod,nomounted] Swift Flight Form; [form:0,nocombat,nomod:alt] Grand Expedition Yak /cancelform /dismount. For me this is bound to the tilde (~) key ...

  4. BIS Druid Travel Form Macro (works in Dalaran) : r/wotlk

    BIS Druid Travel Form Macro (works in Dalaran) Been screwing around with the druid travel form macros and couldn't find one that works in Dalaran to pick Cheetah when you can't Birb, cause Dalaran's zone is weird. The key is the [flyable,noresting] for swift flight form. Let me know if you think there's anything to add to it, but I have been so ...

  5. Travel and forms one-button macro (including affinity forms)

    None of these macros includes Treant form, but they handle the current Blizzard bug where Moonkin form can start as form 5 if you directly login as Balance, while in any other situation it is form 4. As a side note: Travel form, Treant form and Stag form all seem to use the same action-bar 1 that caster form uses, only Cat and Bear forms switch ...

  6. Cat + Travel Form Macro

    Morning to you! If you play a bit of Boomkin and have multiple buttons for !Travel Form; !Cat Form; and !Moonkin Form. This is a great little macro that works well with Feral and Restoration Affinity. This allows the user to shift between !Moonkin Form + !Cat Form [indoors] and !Moonkin Form + Travel Form [Outdoors] within a single macro. #Showtooltip /cast [indoors] Cat Form(shapeshift ...

  7. Druid travel form macro modificator

    Hello, it seems flying travel form and ground travel form have same [form:3] modificator. Can i distinguishe them in macro modificator? I want to on first press go to Travel form. On second press cast Skyward Ascent or Wild Charge depended on the form. Like this: /cast [form:9999] Skyward Ascent; [form:8888] Wild Charge; [form:0/1/2/4/5/6] Travel Form Thanks for the advices I found the ...

  8. WotLK FERAL DRUID Macros that I use

    Description: This command combines the druid's resurrection spells, and it announces in /p or /raid chat whenever you bring someone back to life. Depending on whether you are in combat or not, it uses either the normal revival spell or the bress. #showtooltip Innervate. /cast [help] Innervate.

  9. Travel form macro

    So not sure if someone has made a macro for the "mount form" yet but this works for me #showtooltip travel form /cancelaura shadowmeld /cast [indoors,nostance:2] cat form; [nostance:3,outdoors,noflyable] !Mount Form(Shapeshift); [nostance:4,outdoors] !travel form; so if u are indoors you will use to cat form. If you outdoors and cant fly, you will use mount form so your friends can ride ...

  10. Useful macros for druids

    Many druid macros make use of the stance modifier to detect which form you are taking. The stance numbers each refer to a Form. Be aware that [Flight Form] or [Swift Flight Form] will be either stance 5 or 6, depending on the availability of [Moonkin Form] and Tree of Life (druid ability). Stance Number. Form.

  11. Druid Travel Form Macro Help

    Druid Travel Form Macro Help. So I use this macro for switching into and/or swapping to a druid specs main form. For Balance it's Moonkin form, for Feral it's Cat form, Guardian is Bear form and Resto is also Moonkin form because I take Balance affinity. While you're indoors, it swaps you into Cat form.

  12. Easy Travel/Mount Form single button macro for Druids : r/wow

    This macro makes hitting a single button for my fellow druids out there work largely how it worked prior to the patch. The only thing is if you come out of the water in to an area where it isn't flyable, you'll be in Travel Form by default, so you'll need to swap forms once more to change back in to Mount Form. Enjoy.

  13. 1 Button Travel Form Macro : r/classicwow

    1 Button Travel Form Macro. Finally got it finished and figured out so though I'd give all the druid bois out there some help and present the infamous 1 button travel form macro. Obviously once we reach peak performance and get swift flight form you just modify Flight Form to the new name. Enjoy!

  14. Useful macros for druids

    When outdoors and in combat, travel form will be used; When outdoors, out of combat and in a zone where you can fly, Swift Flight Form will be used; Travel Macro #showtooltip /cast [indoors] [combat] Cat Form; [outdoors] Travel Form LVL 20. Powershift - 6.0.3 [] Description: This will remove snares without taking you of the Form you are ...

  15. [Macro help] flight form OR travel form

    Hey code wizards, I'd like to tweak my travel macro to do a thing, but I need help with the syntax. Currently, I use a macro that allows me to use key mods to determine which travel form I morph into as shown here: #showtooltip [mod:shift] Aquatic Form;[mod:alt] Flight Form;[nomod:]Travel Form /cast [mod:shift] Aquatic Form /cast [mod:alt] Flight Form /cast [nomod:] Travel Form What I would ...

  16. Druid Travel Macro

    Druid Travel Macro. WoW ClassicCataclysm Classic Discussion. Gottwald-shazzrah May 11, 2021, 11:46pm 1. Greetings, I am looking for a macro that lets me do tavel form, seal and in TBC, Flight form. All with one button (Like how it works on retail). So far in classic I have been using the following:

  17. All-in-one Druid Mount/Travel Macro : r/classicwow

    All-in-one Druid Mount/Travel Macro. Here's what I'm looking for: A macro that will cast aquatic form in water, swift flight when possible, ground mount if flying is not allowed, and travel form if in combat. My current macro does all of it except it won't use ground mount ever. And I have another one that works but won't use travel form in combat.

  18. Druid Shapeshift Macro

    /cast [mod:shift] Travel Form /cast [stance:2] Bear Form /cast [stance:1] Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Bear Form /cast [stance:0] Bear Form /cast [stance:4] Bear Form Here is my druid shapeshift macro. It works perfectly. However; if someone could tell me if it's possible to have it when I'm in Travel Form if I hold shift I can go into Cat Form. I understand that currently holding shift puts ...

  19. Travel Form

    Travel form is a beast. . . . any druids looking to get the quick cap achievement need to prowl to the flag, activate natures grasp, grab the flag, use dash and bolt. . (goin in the tunnel and grabbing the speed boost is just icing on the cake but either way works) once outside put on travel form and leave everyone in the dust. . . **disclaimer**

  20. Druid travel form macro

    /cast [modifier] Travel Form, [swimming] Travel Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [noflyable,group] Mount Form(Shapeshift); Travel Form; Puts you in the fastest form for what you are doing - Cat inside, Mount if outdoors in a group, and Travel form if outdoors solo (or in water). No modifier needed, just press the key again to turn back into humanoid.

  21. Classic Guide to Druids' Best Macros

    Classic Macros Guides. 1 Druid Macro Guide 2 Hunter Macro Guide 3 Mage Macro Guide 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro Guide. Find the best macros for your Druid in WoW Classic.