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Invitation Letter for Visist VIsa

Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia (With Sample)

If you’re interested in assisting a friend or family member in obtaining a tourist visa, writing a genuine invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia can make a significant difference. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create a persuasive and thorough invitation letter, enhancing their prospects for a successful application!

What is a tourist visa?

A tourist visa for Australia is a temporary entry permit allowing individuals to visit the country for leisure or recreational purposes. It typically permits stays for up to three, six, or twelve months , depending on the type of visa granted. Tourist visas may be obtained online or through Australian diplomatic missions abroad.

They require applicants to demonstrate sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay, have health insurance, and prove their intention to return to their home country after the visit. Tourist visas do not allow individuals to work in Australia. They’re suitable for holidaymakers, sightseers, or those visiting family and friends.

  • To visit family, friends or any other travel activity you can apply Visa subclass 600 (Tourist Stream)
  • If you wish to be Sponsored by any blood relative having Australian Permanent residency or Australian Citizenship, you can apply Family Sponsored Stream

Step-by-Step Guide – How to Apply Visit Visa Australia without an agent

What is an invitation letter, and what is its main purpose.

An invitation letter is a formal document written by an individual or organization inviting another person or group to visit or participate in an event, activity, or occasion. Its main purpose is to extend a sincere invitation, outlining the details of the event or visit, including the purpose, dates, location, and any relevant information the invitee needs to know. Invitation letters can be used for various purposes, such as inviting family or friends to visit, extending invitations for business conferences or seminars, inviting dignitaries for official functions, or inviting individuals for cultural exchange programs.

These letters serve several key purposes. Firstly, they provide clarity and formal acknowledgment of the invitation, ensuring both parties understand the terms and expectations of the visit or event. Secondly, they serve as a supporting document for visa applications, especially in cases where individuals need to provide evidence of their purpose for visiting a country. Additionally, invitation letters help demonstrate genuine intent and build trust between the inviting party and the invitee.

Is an invitation letter required for an Australian tourist visa?

There is no official requirement to have an invitation letter for the visa.

But it can significantly enhance the strength of your invitee’s application. This is particularly advantageous if the intention behind the visit is to reunite with family and friends. An Australian visa invitation letter can serve as compelling evidence of the purpose and sincerity of the visit, potentially increasing the likelihood of approval.

What are the requirements for an invitation letter in Australia?

For an invitation letter to be effective in Australia, it should include essential details such as the

  • host’s full name,
  • contact information,
  • and residential address. The letter must clearly state the purpose of the visit, duration of stay, and relationship between the host and the invitee. Additionally, it should provide details about
  • accommodation arrangements,
  • financial support,
  • and any planned activities during the visit. While not mandatory, including copies of the host’s identification documents and evidence of their status in Australia can strengthen the letter. Overall, the invitation letter should be sincere, comprehensive, and accurately reflect the intentions behind the visit. Some basic requirements that must be provided for both the sponsor and applicant are given below:

For Australian Host

  • Date of Birth:
  • Evidence of Australian residency, citizenship, or status in Australia (e.g., student visa, work visa):
  • Occupation: Australian Address:
  • Contact Details (including mobile number,
  • email address, etc.):
  • Relationship with Visa Applicant (e.g., friend, family member, relative, etc.):
  • Financial Proof (if hosting applicant’s visit):
  • Accommodation Details (if responsible for applicant’s stay):

Visa Applicant

  • Date of birth
  • Reason for their visit
  • Date of visit and departure
  • Duration of the visit (number of days or weeks)
  • Applicant’s address
  • Applicant’s contact details, including mobile number and email
  • Accommodation details

How to write an invitation letter for tourist visa ?

Writing an invitation letter for a tourist visa is a crucial step in facilitating your invitee’s journey to your country. A well-crafted letter can enhance their visa application and increase the likelihood of approval. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to write an invitation letter for a tourist visa.

  • Understand the Purpose: Begin by understanding the purpose of the invitation letter. It should serve as an official document inviting your guest to visit for tourism or leisure purposes.
  • Gather Essential Information: Collect all necessary details, including the full name and date of birth of the invitee, the purpose of their visit, planned dates of arrival and departure, duration of stay, and their contact information.
  • Format the Letter: Format the invitation letter in a professional and formal manner. Use a business letter format, with the sender’s and recipient’s addresses, date, salutation, body paragraphs, and closing.
  • Provide Host Information: Include your full name, address in the country, contact details (phone number, email address), and your relationship with the invitee (e.g., friend, family member).
  • Outline the Purpose of Visit: Clearly state the purpose of the visit, whether it’s for sightseeing, visiting family or friends, attending an event, or any other leisure activity.
  • Specify Dates and Duration: Clearly mention the dates of the intended visit, including the arrival and departure dates. Also, specify the duration of the stay, whether it’s for a specific number of days or weeks.
  • Offer Financial Support (if applicable): If you’ll be providing financial support during your guest’s visit, mention this in the invitation letter. Include details about how you’ll cover expenses such as accommodation, meals, and transportation.
  • Provide Accommodation Details: If you’ll be responsible for arranging accommodation, specify the details in the invitation letter. Include the address of the accommodation, contact information, and any other relevant details.
  • Express Warmth and Invitation: Convey warmth and sincerity in your invitation letter. Express excitement about welcoming your guest and assure them of your support during their stay.
  • Closing and Signature: Close the letter with a polite closing remark, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your signature. Make sure to sign the letter by hand if sending a hard copy.

Writing an invitation letter for a tourist visa requires careful attention to detail and a professional approach. By following these steps and guidelines, you can create a compelling invitation letter that enhances your invitee’s visa application and facilitates their visit to your country.

Sample Invitation Letter for Australian Tourist Visa

Scenario: Olivia is a Australian Citizen and going to get married to James( his BF). Olivia has best friend Anushka from India whom she met few years ago while visiting India and she spend a good time with her family. Olivia want to call Anuska on her wedding.

Olivia Armstrong 87 Miller Street, Sydney Australia, NSW 2000

15 May 2024

Re: Invitation letter for Australian Visit visa application Visa applicant: Anushka Sharma (Passport Number: XX321XX) To Whom it may concern

I am writing to extend a formal invitation to my esteemed friend, Anushka Sharma, a citizen of India residing in Delhi, to visit Australia. Anushka holds a special place in my heart, and our enduring friendship has stood the test of time, spanning several years.

The purpose of Anushka’s visit to Australia is to attend my wedding ceremony, a momentous occasion scheduled for August 12th, 2024, in Sydney. Her stay is planned from August 8th, 2024, to August 29th, 2024. As an Australian citizen, I am eagerly anticipating this significant milestone in my life, and having Anushka by my side would be an immense joy and honor.

Anushka and I share a profound bond that transcends distance, and her presence at my wedding would add immeasurable joy to the celebration. We have forged countless cherished memories together, and it would be incomplete without her presence.

During her visit, Anushka will be accommodated in Sydney with friends and family attending the wedding, ensuring her comfort and enjoyment throughout her stay.

Enclosed with this correspondence are the following supporting documents:

  • Formal wedding invitation addressed to Anushka Sharma.
  • Details of the wedding venue, including date and time.
  • Hotel reservations for selected wedding attendees.
  • A copy of my Australian passport for verification of my citizenship.

I humbly request your favorable consideration of Anushka’s tourist visa application to Australia. Rest assured, her visit is solely intended for attending my wedding, and she is committed to returning to India upon its conclusion. Anushka maintains a stable life in Delhi and has no plans to seek employment or permanent residency in Australia.

Should you require any additional information or documentation to support Anushka’s visa application, please feel free to reach out to me. I am readily available to provide any necessary assistance to facilitate a seamless and successful process.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I earnestly hope that Ploy’s visa application will be approved, allowing her to share in this significant moment of my life.

Warm regards, Olivia Armstrong M: 0458990123 E: [email protected]

Do you need an invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia for your parents?

It will be a positive point if you provide Invitation letter on Tourist stream, while its not mandatory, an invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia for your parents can significantly strengthen their application.

It serves as evidence of their purpose of visit, stating details such as the duration of stay, accommodation arrangements, and your relationship with them.

Additionally, it demonstrates their ties to their home country and ensures immigration authorities of their intentions to return after their visit. Although not a guarantee of approval, an invitation letter can boost their chances of obtaining a tourist visa for Australia.

How do I write an invitation letter for a family member?

Writing an invitation letter for a family member is a thoughtful gesture to welcome them for a visit. Whether it’s for a family reunion, celebration, or simply spending quality time together, a well-written invitation letter can facilitate their travel plans and enhance their experience. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to write an invitation letter for a family member.

  • Understand the Purpose: Begin by understanding the purpose of the invitation. Determine whether it’s for a specific event or a general visit to spend time with family.
  • Identify the Recipient: Identify the family member you’re inviting, specifying their full name and relationship to you.
  • Gather Essential Information: Collect essential details such as the recipient’s date of birth, nationality, passport information, planned dates of visit, and contact information.
  • Format the Letter: Format the invitation letter in a professional and courteous manner. Use a formal business letter format, including the sender’s and recipient’s addresses, date, salutation, body paragraphs, and closing.
  • Express Warmth and Invitation: Begin the letter with a warm greeting, expressing your excitement and eagerness to invite them to visit.
  • Specify Purpose and Dates: Clearly state the purpose of the visit, whether it’s for a family event, holiday, or reunion. Mention the proposed dates of arrival and departure.
  • Provide Accommodation and Living Arrangements: Offer details about accommodation arrangements, whether they’ll be staying with you, other family members, or in a hotel. Specify living arrangements to ensure their comfort during their stay.
  • Outline Planned Activities: Share details of planned activities or events during their visit, highlighting any special occasions or family gatherings they’ll be part of.
  • Offer Assistance and Support: Assure your family member of your assistance and support throughout their visit, including transportation, sightseeing, and any other needs they may have.
  • Closing and Invitation: Close the letter with a heartfelt invitation, expressing your anticipation of their visit and excitement to spend time together as a family.

Writing an invitation letter for a family member requires careful consideration and attention to detail. By following these steps and guidelines, you can create a warm and inviting letter that ensures a memorable and enjoyable visit for your loved one.

Sample invitation letter for brother to visit Australia

Scenario: David is a Australian permanent resident. David just become a father of two kids and want to call his brother from Newyork on the birthday of his elder son Andrew.

David Brown 325 Pitt Street Sydney Australia NSW 2000 To Whom IT MAY Concern

I, David Brown, a proud Australian permanent resident, am writing this letter to formally invite my brother, Victor Joe, who resides in Newyork, a Brazilian citizen, to visit me and my family in Australia. I am excited to extend this invitation to him, especially given the recent joyous occasion of becoming a father to two children, including my elder son, Andrew, whose birthday celebration is approaching.

Victor has always been an integral part of our family, and it would be incredibly meaningful to have him join us for Andrew’s birthday celebration. I am eager for him to share in the joy and happiness of this special milestone in our lives.

During his visit, Victor will be accommodated at my residence, located at 325 Pitt Street Sydney, where he will receive all the necessary care and support to ensure a comfortable stay. He will also have the opportunity to bond with his nephews and be a part of our family celebrations.

As the sponsor, I take full responsibility for Victor’s expenses during his stay in Australia, including accommodation, transportation, and any other incidental costs. I assure you that he will abide by all the laws and regulations of Australia and return to Newyork upon the conclusion of his visit.

Enclosed with this letter are the following supporting documents:

  • My Australian permanent residency proof.
  • Birth certificates of my children, including Andrew.
  • A formal invitation letter addressed to Victor Joe, detailing the purpose and duration of his visit.
  • Financial documents demonstrating my ability to support Victor Joe during his stay in Australia.

I kindly request your favorable consideration of Victor’s visitor visa application to Australia. His visit is solely intended for the purpose of joining our family celebration and spending quality time together.

Should you require any further information or documentation, please feel free to contact me at 090078601 or [email protected] .

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your assistance in processing Victor’s visa application is greatly appreciated.

David Brown

Invitation Letter for Visist Visa

CitizenshipTestsOnline provides authentic information regarding Visas, immigration, and sample letters. You must use the information on your behalf. The information we provide is only for guidance, and take no legal responsibility.

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Thursday, 7 Sep 2023

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Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia (With Sample)

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If you want to help your friend or family member get a visitor visa, consider creating a heartfelt invitation letter for a tourist visa in Australia! 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a compelling and comprehensive invitation letter, so you can increase their chances of a successful application!

Table of Contents

What is a tourist visa?

What is an invitation letter, and what is its main purpose, is an invitation letter required for an australian tourist visa, what are the requirements for an invitation letter in australia.

  • How to write an invitation letter for tourist visa?

Sample Invitation Letter for Australian Tourist Visa

Do you need an invitation letter for a tourist visa to australia for your parents, how do i write an invitation letter for a family member, sample invitation letter for parents to visit australia.

A tourist visa is a legal document that allows you to visit Australia for a holiday, or to see family and friends.

To get this, you must apply for the Visitor Visa Subclass 600 (Tourist stream) . This visa type allows you to stay for up to 12 months for the purpose of:

  • Tourism (sightseeing, vacation, leisure activities)
  • Visiting friends and family members who are in Australia

If you want to spend more time with your family in Australia, you might want to consider applying for the Sponsored Family Stream .

An invitation letter is a written request addressed to the Immigration Office, asking them to approve a temporary visa (like a tourist visa) for the person you want to invite.

It is usually provided by an Australian resident or citizen who wishes to host a family member or a friend for a specific purpose, such as a family reunion or a simple meet-up.

Why is this important?

Well, the main purpose of this visa invitation letter is to support the visa application of the person being invited. 

It tells the consular officers handling the visa request that the applicant or invitee has a genuine reason for their visit and that they will have a place to stay, and support during their stay in Australia.

This can increase the likelihood of their visa getting approved.

No, an invitation letter is not required when applying for a tourist visa to Australia. 

However, as discussed earlier, an Australian visa invitation letter can absolutely make your invitee’s visa application stronger and boost their chances of approval, especially if the purpose of the visit is to meet family and friends.

So, what essential information and attachments should you include in the visitor visa letter of invitation? Below are the general requirements for an invitation letter in Australia:

For the Australian host:

  • Date of birth
  • Proof of Australian residency, citizenship or status in Australia (e.g. student visa, work visa) 
  • Current occupation
  • Address in Australia
  • Contact Information (including mobile number, email address, etc.)
  • Relationship with the visa applicant (e.g. friend, family, relative, etc.)
  • Proof of financial means (if the host is funding the applicant’s visit)
  • Living arrangements (if the host is responsible for the applicant’s accommodation)

For the visa applicant or invitee:

  • Reason for their visit
  • Date of visit and departure
  • Duration of the visit (number of days or weeks)
  • Applicant’s address
  • Applicant’s contact details, including mobile number and email
  • Accommodation details

australia tourist invitation letter

How to write an invitation letter for tourist visa ?

Now that you have all the information you need for your invitation letter, let’s break down the process of writing it. Here are the steps to creating a compelling invitation letter:

  • Start by following the standard letter format.

Provide your full name and address in Australia, as well as the date when you’re writing the invitation letter.

When addressing the recipient, you can use “To whom it may concern” or the more formal “Dear Sir or Madam.”

  • Include a subject line and the visa applicant’s details.

In the subject line (often indicated as “Re” or “Regarding”), mention the purpose of the letter. For example, “Re: Invitation Letter for a Childhood Friend’s Visa Application.”

Below the subject line, provide essential details about the visa applicant. Include their full name, birthdate, and passport number.

This information helps clarify the purpose of the letter and establish the identity of the applicant.

  • Describe the relationship and its purpose.

Here, briefly describe your relationship with the visa applicant. For example, “I am writing to confirm that [Visa Applicant’s Full Name] is a [friend, family member, or relative] of mine.”

Explain the purpose of the visit, such as a vacation, family reunion, or other specific reasons.

Be concise in your explanation.

  • Specify the duration and living arrangements.

Clearly state the duration of the visit, specifying the number of days or weeks the visa applicant plans to stay in Australia. 

Mention the accommodation details, particularly if you will be providing accommodation during their visit. This ensures that the authorities understand the arrangements.

  • Express your intentions and support.

Explain why you’re inviting the person and how you plan to support them during their stay. You may mention any specific plans or activities you have in mind. 

For instance, “During their visit, I am excited to show them around Sydney, including famous landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and Bondi Beach.”

  • Offer contact information.

Include your contact information, including your mobile number, email address, and any other relevant details, for easy communication. 

This allows the immigration authorities to reach you if they have any questions or need further clarification.

  • Verify your status in Australia.

Provide the details and proof of your Australian residency or citizenship, including copies of your Australian passport or proof of residency, or your current visa status in Australia (e.g. student visa, work visa).

  • State your current occupation.

Briefly mention your current occupation or work status in Australia. This adds credibility to the invitation. 

For instance, if you hold a respected or responsible position, it may positively influence the visa officer’s perception of your ability to host and support the invitee.

  • State all attachments included.

Mention and summarize (preferably in bullet points) all supporting documents you’ve attached, such as copies of passports, proof of Australian residency or citizenship, a lease agreement, and any additional documents required for the visa application.

  • Close with politeness.

Wrap up the letter with a courteous closing statement, extending an invitation for any inquiries or concerns the visa officer may have. 

Conclude with warm regards and sign the letter with your name.

  • Double-check details and attachments for accuracy.

Take a moment to review your letter. Ensure that all the details, including names, dates, and contact information, are accurate and complete.

Check if you’ve attached all the required documents and make sure all documents are clear and legible.

Scenario: Sarah Adams is an Australian citizen who is about to tie the knot with her fiancé, James. Among her closest friends is Ploy, who hails from Bangkok, Thailand. Ploy holds a special place in Sarah’s heart, and she wouldn’t imagine her wedding without her dearest friend.

writing a letter of invitation for your family

If you want to strengthen your parents’ tourist visa application, then you may need to write an invitation letter for your parents. 

However, keep in mind that this is not mandatory. 

The letter of invitation for parents serves as a strong supporting document – although it’s just one of many documents and factors necessary for a successful visa application.

It gives visa officers a better grasp of your parents’ situation, clarifying why they want to visit and their ties to you in Australia.

Writing an invitation letter for family or parents follows a similar process as for friends or colleagues. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write one:

  • Begin with the appropriate letter format.

Start your letter with a standard letter format. Include your full name and address in Australia at the beginning, followed by the current date.

Use formal salutations such as “To Whom It May Concern” or the courteous “Dear Sir or Madam.” when addressing the recipient.

  • Add a subject line and your parents’ details.

Incorporate a subject line (often indicated as “Re” or “Regarding”) to specify the purpose of the letter. For example, “Re: Invitation Letter for My Parents’ Tourist Visa Application.”

Below the subject line, provide crucial details of your family members or parents, including their full names and passport numbers.

  • Describe the purpose of your parents’ visit

Explain the purpose of their visit, which may include attending a special event like a graduation, celebrating a holiday, or spending quality time together.

You may also consider the unique family dynamics. Include details about shared family activities, like celebrating holidays or attending weddings.

Share your excitement about their visit and any special plans or activities you have in mind. Be concise and heartfelt in your explanation.

  • Specify how long your parents are staying in Australia.

Clearly state the duration of their visit, specifying the number of days or weeks they plan to stay in Australia, as well as their dates of arrival and departure.

Mention accommodation details, especially if you will be providing lodging during their visit. 

  • Provide your occupation details

Briefly mention your current occupation or work status in Australia. This adds credibility to the invitation and gives the visa officer an idea of your financial capability.

  • Provide your contact details.

Include your contact information, such as your mobile number, telephone, and email address, so immigration authorities can easily reach you in case of any concerns or further clarification. 

  • Verify your Australian status.

Provide proof of your Australian residency or citizenship, which may include documents like your citizenship certificate or residency proof. If that’s not applicable, provide your visa status instead (e.g. student visa) to confirm your legal status in Australia.

  • Mention attachments.

State all the attachments included with the letter. List any supporting documents you’ve included, such as bank statements, itineraries, or any additional documents necessary.

  • Conclude with politeness and an invitation for questions

Conclude the letter with a courteous closing statement. Extend an invitation for any inquiries or concerns the visa officer may have, and sign the letter with your name.

  • Review all information and attached documents for correctness.

Carefully double-check that all details in your letter, including names, dates, and contact information, are accurate and complete.

Verify that you’ve attached all the required documents and confirm that all documents are clear and legible.

Scenario: Alex Fernandez, an Australian resident, wishes to invite his parents, John and Mary Fernandez, both Filipino citizens residing in the Philippines, for a family reunion in Melbourne.

Still need help with how to write an invitation letter for tourist visa?

Before you know it, you’ll be embracing the happiness of being together with your loved ones!

With an Australian visa invitation letter that truly reflects your intentions and relationships, you can make a big difference in helping your friends or family get the tourist visa they need.

At KBA Global, we’ll help you create invitation letters that convey your genuine warmth and sincerity. Just leave the details to us and wave the stress away.

Everything begins with a call! Talk with our friendly team, and let’s make that long-awaited reunion a reality. Related Articles:

  • Tourist Visa Extension Australia
  • How to Apply for Bridging Visa B
  • Sponsored Family Visitor Visa 600 Checklist
  • Student Visa Extension Australia: A Guide for Foreign Students
  • How to Apply for Student Visa in Australia

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australia tourist invitation letter

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Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa to Australia

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November 20, 2023

About Visa to Australia

Invitation Letter for a Tourist Visa to Australia

Not all the visas require an invitation letter. Usually, it is needed in the case of a temporary Australian tourist visa (but there are exceptions to this rule). It is good to know that a letter of invitation for a visa to Australia increases the chances of getting the needed permit. The invitation letter can be treated as confirmation of not overstaying, so it is advisable to attach it to the visa application.

Invitation Letter for a Tourist Visa to Australia

An Australia Visa Invitation Letter – Definition

An invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia is a type of request when somebody is invited to visit Australia . In most cases, it is written by a friend or family member who would like to obtain an Australian tourist visa or other permits.

Generally, the letter should contain information about a person inviting a foreigner, circumstances, and a visitor. It is sent to the Immigration Office in order to make the process of application for a visa easier.

What is more, an invitation letter may be needed in the case of business visas as the kind of proof that the applicant is involved in some business events in Australia. It is good to know that the host of the company must write an invitation.

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How should I write an Invitation letter?

In order to write an invitation letter for Australian tourist visa (or visitor visa ), you need to take into consideration the standard format of this written form. You should i nclude your name, address, formal greetings, salutations, and signature at the bottom .

Remember to be polite and formal . Also, when it comes to invitations from family and friends, the letter should confirm the relationship between the inviter and the applicant.

You need to include the following information in the invitation letter to Australia:

Details about the Australian host

  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Status of residency (residency or citizenship)
  • Current occupation
  • Date of visit and departure
  • Relationship description (family, partner, friend, etc.)

Details about the applicant for an Australian visa

  • Full address
  • Purpose of the visit
  • Visit Duration
  • Accommodation details

Note that it is crucial to provide information if the guest will stay with the Australian host or somewhere else. Also, note that the information about financial proof must be included in the letter in case of a financially supported visit.

Australia visa invitation letter

Sample of Invitation Letter for Australian Tourist Visa

Below, you can see the template of an invitation letter for a tourist visa:

Australian Department of Home Affairs Immigration Office Address

Greetings (such as Dear Sir or Madam)

Introduction including full name, address, residency status (temporary resident, permanent resident, citizen), full name of the guest, and personal information.

Then, you need to describe the relationship between you and your guest briefly. You can explain what type of relationship you are involved in, how you have met, how long you have known each other, etc.

Also, provide details about the guest’s plans (length of the stay, why they want to visit Australia if they stay with you). It is good to mention their financial plan (who is going to pay for the visit).

Final salutations (With respect, full name) and signature

Example of Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa

So you can write a similar invitation letter and attach it to the tourist visa application:

Date: 12.11.2023

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Maria Steward, and I live in the Northern Territory of Australia. I was born in Darwin on September 21st, 1991, and I am a citizen of Australia. I would like to invite my friend, Amy Brown, for a short visit to Australia. She lives in Boston and was born on December 2nd, 1992.

We have known each other since secondary school when we joined the online writing course together. Since then, we have been discussing our projects and various topics almost daily. I visited her in The USA a few times, and now Amy would like to visit me in Australia.

Currently, my friend is a journalist, so Australia will be a perfect spot for her. She is very excited about the travel, as it will be her first visit to this country. She generates about USD108,520 a year, so it is not a problem for her to afford the trip to Australia. Amy can stay with me at my apartment. She’s going to be in Australia for 3 weeks.

You can find proof of my citizenship in the attachment.

Maria Steward

Phone number

What is the Statutory Declaration for an Australia Visa?

The Statutory Declaration is a document where the relationship between two partners is proved. If you apply for a partner visa (provisional), you need to provide the Statutory Declaration with the invitation letter. Some additional requirements may be needed, so keep that in mind.

You must provide information about the relationship (nature of it, marriage, etc.), explain what the relationship looks like, who does the household work, how you share expenses, what are your joint ownership, etc., in the declaration form.

Remember that this document must be filled in and signed in the presence of a witness. It is not possible to provide it without a witness. Remember that it is advisable to read all the information before and prepare accordingly to enjoy your stay without problems.

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australia tourist invitation letter

Oracle Immigration Consultants

Invitation Letter Sample for Tourist Visa

What is an invitation letter for a tourist visa?

Someone in Australia writes an invitation letter for a visitor visa. They write an invitation letter for a person outside Australia who is looking to visit Australia to meet them. This invitation letter for a tourist visa can be a simple letter or a statutory declaration.

How to write an invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia?

The following questions will explain what to write in an invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia:

What needs to be included in an invitation letter for a tourist visa?

This invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia needs to include the following details:

Information about the sponsor on the invitation letter for the tourist visa

The inviter who is writing an invitation letter needs to include the following in their visitor visa invitation letter:

  • Date of Birth
  • Mobile Number
  • Residential Status
  • Passport Details
  • What evidence are they providing with the visitor visa invitation letter? Examples are Their passport copy, bank statement, council rates, and any other reason such as pregnancy report, illness, celebration, etc.
  • Occupation of the inviter
  • An Australian invitation letter for a tourist visa could have multiple invitees. For example, a husband and wife could invite the applicant.

Information about the person invited on the invitation letter for the tourist visa in Australia.

  • Full Names or Names if multiple people are traveling together. For example, parents traveling to Australia on a visitor visa together. In this case, the family parents invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia can be written.
  • Passport Information, including Passport number and nationality.
  • Travel dates must be mentioned in an invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia.
  • Occupation of the applicant or applicants
  • Address of the tourist visa applicant or applicants.
  • Mobile number or numbers for applicants or applicants for visitor visas.
  • Applicants’ leave approval should be mentioned in the case of an employee from the employer.
  • The invitation letter should mention a list of documents that the applicant will provide, such as bank statements, CA reports, property valuations, income tax returns, income tax computations, etc.


Sample invitation letter for tourist visa Australia for parents

 The Case Officer,

 Department of Home Affairs,


  Subject: Invitation letter for my parent’s visitor visa (Subclass 600 Tourist Stream).

 I am writing this letter to support the visitor visa application of my parents, Mr. Mohinder Pal

 Kataria and Uma Kataria are citizens of India. I am a student in Australia on a

 student visa (subclass 500). I am currently residing at 6 XYZ Drive, Epping, VIC 3076. I

 am writing to confirm that I will host and support them during their stay in Australia. I

 am planning their visit from March 1, 2024, until April 30, 2024.

 Their details are:

Mr. Mohinder Paul Kataria

 Passport no– R00004444

 D.O.B., 29 May 1950

 Address– 10 XX Avenue, Amritsar, Punjab, India 143001

 Mrs. Uma Kataria

 Passport no– R00003333

 D.O.B., March 1958

 My parents intend to visit me in Australia for tourism purposes. During their stay, I will be responsible for their accommodation, financial support, and all other related expenses, including medical insurance. I am enclosing the following supporting documents for your consideration:

Bank statement.

 Passports copy.

 All these documents are attached to the visa application.

 I kindly request that you consider their visa application, as I look forward to spending time with my parents and showing them around Australia. I assure you that they will comply with all visa conditions and return to India before their authorized stay expires.

 If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 040000000.

 Thank you for your time and consideration.


Rahul Kataria

D.O.B- 20rd September 1999

Passport No– X00009999

 Contact no– 040000000

 Email– [email protected]

Invitation letter for tourist visa for brother

The Case Officer,

Department of Home Affairs,

SUBJECT: Invitation letter for my brother’s visitor visa (Subclass 600 Tourist Stream).

We, Agar Arora (Indian Passport No.- U000000) and Akshi Kalra (Indian Passport No.- Y000000), are permanent residents of Australia and live at XYZ Road, Werribee, VIC, 3030, would like our brother to come to Australia and spend some time with us. We are planning for him to visit Australia on 5 TH August 2023 and stay until 10 th September 2023.

Also, my mother and father have visited us in Australia. Still, my brother has never visited us since we moved to Australia, so we would like him to visit us and explore Australia’s beauty.

The details of my brother are below.

Mr. Hirag Arora – Indian Passport No. W000000

Date of Birth: 17/01/1999

Address: XYZ Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Date of Issue: 05/08/2019

Date of Expiry: 04/08/2029

During his stay in Australia, we take responsibility for his expenses, i.e., food, accommodation, health, travel tickets, health insurance, etc. During his stay in Australia, he will live at our home at XYZ Road, Werribee, VIC, 3030. We assure you that he will abide by all visa conditions and Australian Laws, rules, and regulations during his stay in Australia and return to India before his visa expires. We would be very grateful if you could grant him a visa so he can visit and spend some time in Australia with us. While this will be an emotional union, we also intend to take him around Australia to see Australia’s natural beauty. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with further queries using the details below.

Since he has a business in India and his company imports Australian fruits to sell to retailers, he will return to India and look after the business.

All relevant documents, including our bank statements, passport copies, and visa grant letter, have been attached to the visa application.

Yours Sincerely ,

Agar Arora DOB:  16/10/1989                             Akshi Kalra DOB: 04/06/1990

Indian Passport No: U000000                               Indian Passport No: Y000000

Mobile No: 040000000                                          Mobile No: 0400000000

Email: [email protected]                                          Email: [email protected]                                                                

Disclaimer: The above information is not tailored to personal circumstances. For information relevant to personal circumstances, please book an appointment with Oracle Immigration Consultant’s expert migration agents in Australia. For any inquiries, please contact us at +61 430812158. We are premier Immigration agency and consultancy in Melbourne (Bundoora and Geelong).

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australia tourist invitation letter

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How To Write Statement and Invitation Letter For Tourist Visa 2024

Updated March 20, 2024

Statement Letter For Visitor Visa

Visitor Visa Statement Letter and Invitation Letter Samples For Tourist Visa / Visitor Visa [Updated For 2024]

Are you planning to apply for a visitor visa ? Or maybe would you like to sponsor someone to come under a visitor visa? Have you prepared a statement letter or an invitation letter before? Below, we have addressed the information that you need to add to your visitor visa invitation letter and statement letter.

You also need to be aware that this is only a sample. Every person’s circumstances are different; therefore, you need to personalise your letter according to your circumstances.

If you don’t have a sponsor, you need to provide the below information for your statement letter.

  • Your complete personal details, such as your full name, date of birth, passport number, address, and phone number.
  • Your intention to visit Australia, for example, to visit your family, for tourism purposes, or for business purposes.
  • Your itinerary during your stay in Australia, such as how long will you stay in Australia, what places you want to go, what activities you want to do, accommodation details, etc.
  • Your incentives to return home, such as your immediate family member, employment, study, assets, etc.
  • Your documentation to support your stay, such as your bank account, payslip, assets, etc.

An example of a visitor visa statement letter is if you don’t have a sponsor

(Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously):

Jakarta, 01 Januay 2024

Department of Home Affairs

Australian Embassy, Jakarta

Visitor Visa Section

RE: Letter in Support of My Visa Application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600)

Dear Case Officer,

I, Josephine Hartanto, am an Indonesian citizen living in Indonesia. My passport number is C123456. I am writing this letter based on my intention to travel to Sydney, Australia.

I intend to spend my holiday off work to travel to New South Wales to visit Sydney, the Opera House, the Animal Park and other places around for two weeks, starting from 22 April 2024 to 06 May 2024. During my short holiday in Sydney, I will be staying in different accommodations.

I will support myself during my vacation in Sydney. I have a stable job in Jakarta, Indonesia as the head of accounting at PT. Makmur Jaya, and I have been employed in this company since November 2014.

As the Head of Accounting, I am responsible for all financial administration in this company. As a hard-working employee, I sometimes feel worn out, and if it happens, I usually take my annual leave and go on a vacation. This year, I have applied for my annual leave and have been granted two weeks for my short holiday to Australia from 22 April 2024 to 06 May 2024. I have to return to work on 08 May 2024.

I plan to visit Sydney in Australia as to me, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also very popular for tourists from Indonesia. Every time I hear about Australia, I think about the city of Sydney. So far, I have only seen Sydney and some of its iconic landmarks such as the Opera House on television, movies, et cetera. I want to witness it personally and take pictures as a memory of the places I visit. Also, I want to see kangaroos in real life. During my stay in Australia, I will stay in accommodations near places I want to visit such as Original Backpakers Sydney, which is 20 minutes away from the Sydney Opera House and 33 minutes away by foot from the Wildlife Sydney Zoo. I will book for my hotel stay and plane tickets as soon as I receive my visitor visa (600).

I am very close to my parents as they always take care of me since I was a child and encourage me to be someone who is not easily satisfied and who still work towards self-development. Now, my father has retired and together with my mother, he takes care of our oil palm plantation. Since I am the third child with five siblings, we usually take turns sending money to our parents. Besides my parents, I also have assets in the form of a land and a house.

I can guarantee that I am a genuine visitor and have no intention of overstaying my visa. I will make sure that I leave Australia before my visitor visa expires and I obey all of the conditions on my visitor visa. I have all of my family and friends in Indonesia whom I will return to. Besides that, I have to return to work on 08 May 2024. I have built my career for five years since 2014, and it is very unreasonable for me to overstay my visa and be irresponsible.

I will ensure that during my short stay in Australia that I obey all of my visa conditions and that I do not act in any way that could be harmful to the Australian nation. During my stay in Sydney, I will fully support myself financially for accommodation, food and transport. I have worked for my company for five years since November 2014 and worked on my current position since January 2017 with a monthly salary of IDR 11,450,344, and I have an amount of saving accumulated from my monthly salary. As a traveller, I always put aside some money from my monthly salary for funding my holidays. I will cover all necessary temporary living costs during my short holiday. To prove my capability in doing so, I have attached some supporting documents such as:

  • Bank statement which has an amount of 150,754,867 or will be equivalent to AUD 15,000. Evidence of assets (land and house) under my name.
  • My payslips for March, April and May 2019, showing the amount of IDR 9,450,344.
  • My employment letter from my company showing the period of my service in the company since 2014.
  • My leave letter for two weeks from 22 April 2024 until 06 May 2024.
  • National ID Cards of my parents and other families.

All I have stated is true and sincere. If you have any questions or would like to know more about my intentions to travel to Sydney Australia, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Josephine Hartanto

Address: Jalan Fatmawati, Cipete , Jakarta Selatan

Mobile number: +6285123456

Email address:  [email protected]

Visitor Visa Statement Letter For Sponsored Applicant

I have someone willing to sponsor me for my tourist visa applications, what do I include in the content and how should I write my tourist visa statement letter?

If you have a sponsor, you need to provide the below information for your statement letter.

  • Your complete personal details, such as your full name, date of birth, passport number, address and phone number.
  • Your intention to visit Australia, for example, to visit your sponsor, for tourism purposes, or for business purposes.
  • Your relationship with your sponsor.
  • Your itinerary during your stay in Australia, such as how long you will stay in Australia, what places you want to go, what activities you want to do, accommodation details, etc.
  • Your incentive to return home, such as your immediate family members, employment, study, assets, etc.

Example of a visitor visa statement letter if you have a sponsor. In this case, your sponsor is your partner

11 January 2024

Australian Embassy, India Visitor Visa Section

RE: Letter in Support of My Visa Application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600) for India

I, Anika Kapoor of India, am writing this letter based on my intention to travel to Perth where my partner, Peter Beckmand (Peter) lives. My passport number is S123456.

I intend to travel to Perth to visit the home of my partner, Peter Beckmand to experience his lifestyle, learn about his heritage and meet with his family and friends. I want to finally be able to meet his family and friends in person. I have already spoken to some of his family and I am excited about being able to meet these people in person.

I met Peter in July 2018 through a dating website. We met on a dating website and have been continuing our chat by Phone, Email as well as Whatsapp. Through spending so much time talking, we were able to develop our relationship further on every occasion we spoke on the phone. I found Peter to be a charming, humorous and caring person with my best interests at his heart. He was straightforward to establish a conversation with and from the very first chat, I was always comfortable sharing my life stories with him.

We have been talking every day about everything; life, work, kids and catching up with one another. My partner Peter always gives support and helps us in many situations. He also gives me strength, encouragement and the desire to deal with every challenge. I find that with Peter beside me and supporting me, I find new strength within myself. I am more confident in my personal life, and my work has been enhanced with this newfound confidence, strength and much brighter and happier future.

Peter and I have committed to a serious relationship and haven’t been happier since. Our relationship is solid, and even though Peter and I have our residences permanently apart, I feel as though I have known him my whole life. As we have committed to each other, we agreed to bring this relationship to the next level. We got married on 20 December 2019.

My family believes in Peter and his intentions. They have heard about the way he makes me happy and the way he treats me. They have accepted our relationship and trust Peter to take care of me while I am on holiday in Australia and they are so happy that I have met someone who can allow me to travel and see different places.

I have been lucky to have a person like Peter in my life. I have done my best to show him the things I love about my home here in India. Peter is very excited to show me the things that he loves about his home in Perth and I am very excited to learn about Perth and experience it. I consider myself so lucky to travel to Perth and I will be able to return to India to tell of my adventures. I cherish the opportunities that Peter has made available for me and our love continues to grow stronger every day.

I will make sure that I leave Australia before my Visitor visa expires and that I obey all of the conditions on my Visitor visa.

I still have my full-time employment in India in the position for an Operational Manager in one of the logistic companies. I have been working with this company since Jan 2015.. My roles include being a Sales Consultant and also managing all the employees, etc. Having these responsibilities in India, I won’t want to stay long-term in Australia. I intend to continue with my current employment once my holiday is over.

I am planning to go to Australia from 10 March 2024 to 24 March 2024 and I am planning to visit some places like Kings Park, Perth Zoo, etc.

I have my friends and family who are waiting for me to come back after my trip to Australia. With all that I have back in India, it would be hard for me to leave them behind. I guarantee 100% that I will go back to India after my short holiday.

My partner will be fully supporting my trip by providing accommodation, food, and transportation, and ensuring I get to meet and enjoy the company of his family and friends. I have all of my family, and friends in India, to whom I will return after my short holiday in Australia.

I cannot live without my partner and we will do whatever it takes for us to be legally together in Australia. I can guarantee that I am a genuine Visitor and will not do anything to jeopardise our future plans of applying for another visa application as this is the only way we are able to be together one day.

We both know that if I overstay a visa in Australia that I may face up to a 3-year ban and this is not an option for either of us.

Thank you kindly for reading my letter. All I have stated is true and sincere. If you have any questions or would like to know more about our relationship and/or my intentions to travel to Perth, please contact me.

Anika Kapoor

Address : 24, Bidhan Sarani, India

Phone: +91-123456

Email: [email protected]

I am sponsoring someone for their visitor visa application, how should i write the invitation letter?

If you are the sponsor, you need to provide the below information for your invitation letter.

  • Your intention to invite the applicant to visit Australia
  • Your relationship with the applicant.
  • The itinerary during the applicant’s stay in Australia, such as how long they will stay in Australia, what places you want to go with the applicant, what activities you want to do, accommodation details etc.
  • The applicant’s incentive to return home, such as the immediate family members, employment, study, assets etc.
  • Your documentation to show that you can support the applicant.

Example of visitor visa invitation letter. In this case, you are the sponsor for the applicant

January 12, 2024

Australian Embassy Visitor Visa Section

RE: Letter in Support of my Partner, Elizabeth Clarkson and the Application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600)

I am writing this letter in support of the application for Visitor (subclass 600) visa being made by my partner, Elizabeth Clarkson of the Philippines.

I first met Elizabeth in February this year in the Philippines. We met through a friend who knew her and he believed that she is the perfect match for me, as I was going through a rough moment. So we met at a coffee shop, we shared stories, and from that day, I could feel the connection. I feel like she understood what I had been through. We continued to communicate with each other and see each other in the last two weeks of my time in the Philippines. I was so grateful to have had that time and made the most out of it. I found this was the opportunity to know her. We went out for movies, coffee, sightseeing etc. That period of time also gave me a chance to get to know her family. She has a twin and her twin sister is living in the USA and has two beautiful children. She has an older brother and her mum is living with her at home.

In April, I decided to make a surprise visit travelling to the Philippines unannounced. I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be. I was watching her, and as soon as she saw me, she was shocked but happy I supposed. Then I spent the evening with her; meeting her mum and her brother and everyone was very kind and welcomed me into her family.

Since I visited her and the family, we have committed to a serious relationship and haven’t looked back since. I am more confident that she is the right woman for me. We continue to communicate with each other via SMS, Voice and Video call. We talk to each other every day; sharing our daily activities and telling jokes. There was a time when I sent her a poem to tell her my feeling about her.

My primary reason for inviting Elizabeth to visit Australia is, so I am able to show her more of my lifestyle. During my time in the Philippines, Elizabeth has kindly shown me around town, her lifestyle and tradition which I have been so curious and interested in. Therefore it is important for me to be able to return the favour to her and demonstrate to her my ways of life.

My plan is, whilst she is here in Melbourne, I will take her around to Great Ocean Road, Mt Dandenong and Phillip Island and if the weather permits to take her to Mt Buller to experience snow. Besides that, I will take her to taste a variety of cuisines Melbourne has to offer. I will also take her to Footscray to taste the traditional Vietnamese Pho, not to forget also the DFO (Essendon or South Wharf) where she can enjoy all the shopping at a fraction of the cost.

I also understand that she had been travelling overseas in the past, either for work or personal leisure. I knew she recently went to Japan to work for five days. She also spent a few months in India for study and weeks in Europe a few years ago.

I’ve made a firm decision that I’m ready to commit my life to Elizabeth I will ensure that during her stay that she obeys all of her visa conditions and that she does not act in any way that could be harmful to the Australian nation and the community that I live in. I can guarantee that Elizabeth will not overstay or disobey her visa conditions as we would not do anything that would jeopardise any future visa applications.

I will make sure that she leaves Australia before her Visitor visa expires and that she obeys all of the conditions on her Visitor visa. Elizabeth is my whole life which is why I can guarantee that she is a genuine visitor and will not do anything to jeopardise any future visa applications.

Elizabeth has all of her family and friends in the Philippines to return to after her short holiday in Australia. She will be so excited to return home after her short holiday to tell of all her experiences and stories.

We both understand that if she overstays her visa that she will face a three-year ban and this is not an option for either of us.

During her stay in Australia, I will fully support Elizabeth financially by providing her with accommodation, food and transport. I will cover all necessary temporary living costs during her holiday. To prove my capability in doing so, I have attached some supporting documents such as:

  • My recent bank statements;
  • My payslips and tax assessment;
  • Statutory declarations;
  • Bills (electricity, etc.) to prove my residence.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. If you have any questions or would like to discuss my relationship with Elizabeth further and my willingness to support her short holiday to Australia, please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile phone or send me an email.

Samuel Holt

Address: 45 Marquands Rd, Truganina, 3029 VIC

Mobile number: 04123456

Email address: [email protected]

I need help with My Visitor Visa application

We understand that applying for a visa, to Australia is certainly very complex due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our visa specialists at ONE derland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have 98% success rate and one of the most recommended migration agencies in Australia. Read our close-to-perfect score customer reviews.

We specialize in complex visa cases. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) , we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first leap and get in touch with us. Our migration agents are professional, honest and our team members are able to speak various languages such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, Polish, German and Russian. Contact us through email at [email protected]  or via phone on 1300 827 159 . Alternatively, you may book your seat on our online consultation and it is 100% refundable if you become our client.

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Letter of Invitation for an Australian Tourist Visa

Have you ever wanted to invite a friend to visit australia, don’t know how to write a letter of invitation for an australian tourist visa.

Beyond the required information below, there is no exact method or style that the Australian Consulate or Embassy requires. Writing an Invitation Letter is just one piece of the Puzzle.

If you are unsure of the rest of the puzzle, or you would like us to help you write your letter of invitation, Contact us now for a paid consultation, and we will help you navigate the rough waters of Immigration.

Briefly, the following should be included in an Australian tourist visa invitation letter.

Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:

  • Complete name.
  • Date of birth.
  • The person’s address and telephone number.
  • Your relationship to the person being invited.
  • The purpose of the trip.
  • How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Australia.
  • Details on accommodation and living expenses.
  • The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Australia.

Your letter must also include the following information about the person writing the letter :

  • Address and telephone number in Australia.
  • Occupation in Australia
  • Your status in Australia
  • A photocopy of documents proving your status in Australia and financial Status.

So set sail today and Contact Us . To get more help, we recommend a face-to-face paid consultation.

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Invitation letter for tourist visa 600

Invitation letter for Tourist Visa 600 – A Complete Guide

Are you planning a trip to Australia and need help with your tourist visa? An invitation letter for  Tourist visa 600 is an essential part of the visa application process and can help increase your chances of success. In this blog, you will learn all about the invitation letter for an Australian Tourist Visa 600 .

From who should write it to what information needs to be included, here’s everything you need to know about getting your visitor visa approved. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

What is an Australian Tourist Visa?

The Australian tourist visa 600 is a great option for those looking to visit Australia. Tourists can apply for this visa if they are outside Australia and have a passport from an eligible country.

Once they get the visa, they are free to enter and exit Australia as frequently as they like for the duration of it. It is important to be aware that Australian tourist visas do not allow applicants to take up employment or undertake study in Australia, and all visitors must adhere to visa conditions upon entry and during their stay.

In this article, we will tell you how to get an invitation letter for a tourist visa 600. Following these steps will make sure everything you need to apply for a tourist visa 600.

Who Can Apply for an Australian Tourist Visa 600?

Eligible applicants include passport holders from most countries who do not hold permanent residency rights in Australia. Additionally, individuals who have Australian family members may be able to gain entry under the Family Stream Migration Program.

Applicants must meet certain criteria and provide documents such as evidence of financial stability, confirmed return travel arrangements, and proof that they intend to leave Australia after their visit. Depending on your nationality or circumstances.

Tourist visa 600 allows people to travel to Australia for tourism or business visitor activities. This includes people who want to visit Australia on a cruise ship, as well as those traveling as a member of an organized tour group.

Eligibility Requirements 

To become eligible for an Australian Tourist visa 600, there are the necessary requirements:

  • Visitors from eligible countries and territories can apply for an Australian tourist visa to visit Australia for purposes such as tourism, recreation or to see family or friends.
  • Applicants must meet specific criteria in order to be granted a visa, which includes providing documents that demonstrate their identity and valid travel plans. have a valid passport with at least six months validity from the date they intend to return to their country of residence
  • Eligible applicants may include tourists, business visitors, and those from countries that are eligible for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).
  • Prospective visitors may also need to undertake a health check as part of their visa application process.
  • Applicants will be required to provide documentation such as a valid passport, evidence of funds, and return tickets at the time of making an application.
  • When applying for an Australian visa, you must pay a fee. The cost varies depending on factors such as the type of visa being applied for and applicants may need to pay additional fees if they wish to fast-track their application.
  • be a tourist or business visitor to Australia Be a family member or friend of an Australian citizen or permanent resident and/or hold an Eligible New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship visa.
  • Applicants must also meet the character requirements and can do so by providing documents such as police certificates from each country they have lived in for 12 months or more over the past 10 years since turning 16.
  • Additional evidence may also be required to demonstrate their purpose for visit and accommodation arrangements while in Australia.
  • Have enough money to support your stay in Australia
  • It is highly recommended that applicants read all information about Australian tourist visas before beginning an application. This will assist them in understanding the eligibility requirements for their particular visa type and what documentation needs to be provided as part of the application
  • Applicants must have valid travel documents.
  • Australian tourist visa holders will also need to demonstrate they have enough funds available to cover their travel costs while in Australia
  • Before traveling, all Australian tourist visa holders should ensure they have valid health insurance coverage for their time in Australia as they may be required to pay any medical costs incurred while there.
  • Be outside of Australia when you apply for the visa and when it is granted.

Once all criteria have been met and all relevant documentation has been provided, applicants can lodge an Australian tourist visa application online or with an immigration office in person.

An Australian tourist visa may be granted for up to 12 months and will allow multiple visits within this period. Visas can also be extended depending on circumstances and the length of stay that is approved.

It is important to be aware that Australian tourist visas do not allow applicants to take up employment or undertake study in Australia, and all visitors must adhere to visa conditions upon entry and during their stay.

What is an Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa 600?

An invitation letter for tourist visa 600 is a formal document from the host in Australia to the applicant, confirming that they have agreed to cover accommodation and other living costs for the duration of their visit.

The purpose of this letter is to provide evidence that the applicant has sufficient financial support while staying in Australia. The Invitation letter for tourist visa 600 should also contain details about the relationship between the host and applicant , such as how long they have known each other and their contact details.

Outline of Invitation Letter

If you are invited to visit Australia, the invitation letter for Tourist visa 600 will typically outline:

  • Full name of both parties
  • Relationship with the other party
  • Length of time they have known each other
  • Address, phone number, and email address of both parties
  • The reason for your invitation
  • The duration of your stay
  • Your accommodation arrangements while in Australia
  • Your proposed itinerary while in Australia
  • Any other relevant information that may be useful for your application

An invitation letter for tourist visa 600 is a supporting document for your application for a brief visit to Australia. This type of visa allows you to enter and remain in Australia for up to three months, or longer depending on the length of your trip.

Your invitation letter for tourist visa 600 should be written by an Australian citizen or permanent resident who knows you personally and can vouch for you.

The Invitation letter for Tourist visa 600 should include details about your host’s identity, their relationship with you, and how you will support yourself financially during the period of your stay. Your host must also declare that they are willing to accept responsibility for any costs related to medical treatment or other assistance which might be incurred during your visit.

What is the Process of Getting an Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa 600?

According to Australia’s Department of Home Affairs . The following are the required steps if you intend to acquire an invitation letter for tourist visa 600.

Step1- Understand the Visa Requirements

Before applying for an Invitation letter for tourist visa 600, it is important to understand all the visa requirements as outlined by Australia’s Department of Home Affairs. This includes necessary documents such as passport details, health, and character checks, financial statements, and evidence of the reason for travel within Australia.

Step2- Find an Eligible Sponsor

An eligible sponsor must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident who can provide evidence of their Australian residential address and contact details. The sponsor should also have enough funds to support themselves and any dependents (if applicable) during your intended stay in Australia.

Step3- Prepare Documents

The sponsoring individual must then prepare documents that prove that they are capable of supporting your stay in Australia, including an invitation letter for Tourist visa 600. This should include the dates of your intended stay, the purpose of travel, the contact information of both parties, and proof that they are able to facilitate such a visit. It is also important to ensure that the documents are certified by a Justice of the Peace (JP) .

Step4- Submit Documents

The sponsoring individual must then submit all relevant documents, including their invitation letter for tourist visa 600, to the Australian Department of Home Affairs along with your application form and other required supporting evidence.

Step5- Wait for Processing

Once submitted, you must wait for the processing which may take up to eight weeks before receiving a verdict regarding your visa application.

Following these steps can help streamline obtaining an invitation letter for a tourist visa 600 from an eligible sponsor in Australia. It is important to ensure that all relevant documents are included and certified by a JP before submitting your application. With the right preparation, you can look forward to a successful outcome.

Tips for Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa 600?

One of the documents that you’ll need to provide as part of your application is an Invitation letter for tourist visa 600. Here are some tips to help you write an invitation letter for tourist visa 600 that will increase your chances of getting approved for a tourist visa:

1- Keep it Short and to the Point

The invitation letter for tourist visa 600 should be no more than one page long. Be sure to include all relevant information, such as your name, the dates of your trip, and your contact details.

2- Make it personal

Invitation letters for tourist visa 600 should be written by the person inviting you to Australia. In addition to including information about yourself, be sure to mention why you’re inviting the applicant and how you know each other.

3- Include Supporting Documents

Along with your invitation letter for Tourist visa 600, be sure to include other supporting documents, such as proof of accommodation and a travel itinerary. All required documentation will increase the chances of your application being accepted.

Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa(600): Final Words

There are many ways to get an invitation letter for a tourist visa 600 . The most common way is to ask a friend or family member who lives in Australia to write one for you. However, if you don’t have any contacts in Australia, there are a few other options available to you.

One choice is to get in touch with a travel agent that specializes in securing Australian visas. All other requirements for the tourist visa (subclass 600) must still be met, including evidence of sufficient funds and a genuine intention to visit Australia for tourism purposes.

If you have any questions about invitation letters or the tourist visa (subclass 600) application process, please contact The Migration. Throughout the entire procedure, our knowledgeable migration agents can offer you advice and help. If you are unsure which is the right visa for your travel, use The Migration to help you decide.

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I’m Nasir Nawaz. I’m a registered migration consultant in Australia. I am based in Sydney. I’ve studied Master of Laws at the University of New South Wales. I’m providing immigration services for several years.

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Invitation letter for tourist visa, what exactly is a tourist visa.

  • Legal document for holidaying or visiting family in Australia.
  • Apply for Visitor Visa Subclass 600 (Tourist stream).
  • Stay up to 12 months for tourism or family visits.
  • Suitable for sightseeing, vacations, leisure.
  • For extended family stays, explore the Sponsored Family Stream.

Explaining the Concept and Core Purpose of an Invitation Letter

  • Invitation letter: A request to the Immigration Office for a temporary visa approval.
  • Purpose: Written by an Australian citizen or resident to invite someone for a specific event or visit.
  • Importance: Supports the visa application by demonstrating the visitor's genuine travel purpose.
  • Assurance: Confirms accommodation and support for the visitor in Australia.
  • Impact: Enhances the likelihood of visa approval.

Requirements for an Invitation Letter in Australia

To create a visitor visa invitation letter in Australia, follow these guidelines:

For the Australian host:

  • Provide your full name and date of birth.
  • Show proof of your Australian residency or citizenship, or your status in Australia (like a student or work visa).
  • Mention your current occupation and address in Australia.
  • Share your contact information, including your mobile number and email.
  • Explain your relationship with the visa applicant (e.g., friend, family member).
  • If you're financially supporting the applicant, provide evidence of your financial means.
  • If you're responsible for the applicant's accommodation, describe the living arrangements.

For the visa applicant or invitee:

  • Give the full name and date of birth.
  • State the reason for the visit.
  • Specify the dates of arrival and departure.
  • Mention the duration of the visit in days or weeks.
  • Provide the applicant's address and contact details, including mobile number and email.
  • Share accommodation details.

Tips for Writing an Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa

Here are simplified steps for writing a tourist visa invitation letter in Australia:

  • Begin with a standard letter format, including your name, Australian address, and the date.
  • Address the recipient as "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam."
  • Include a subject line indicating the letter's purpose, e.g., "Re: Invitation Letter for Visa Application for [Applicant's Name]."
  • Provide key details about the applicant: full name, birthdate, and passport number.
  • Briefly explain your relationship with the applicant and the purpose of their visit.
  • Specify the visit's duration and accommodation arrangements.
  • Express your support and intentions during their stay.
  • Share your contact information for easy communication.
  • Confirm your Australian residency or citizenship and mention your occupation.
  • List all attached documents and close the letter politely, inviting inquiries.
  • Double-check for accuracy and completeness, including attached documents.

Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa to Australia - Format

Sample invitation letter for tourist visa to australia.

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australia tourist invitation letter


Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:

  • Complete name.
  • Date of birth.
  • The person’s address and telephone number.
  • Your relationship to the person being invited (friend, sister, brother, parent, niece, uncle, etc).
  • The purpose of the trip (vacation, business visitor, seminar, event).
  • How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Australia (number of days, weeks).
  • Details on accommodation and living expenses (if they will be staying with you or at a hotel, etc).
  • The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Australia.

Your letter must also include the following information about the person writing the letter:

  • Address and telephone number in Australia.
  • Occupation (job or profession) in Australia.
  • Your status in Australia (Permanent resident, Citizen, 457 Visa holder, Student).
  • A scan of documents supporting your visa/citizenship status in Australia, living arrangements and financial capability.

Remember that this is just a sample and should be considered as general information only. Please contact us for a detailed analysis and review of your case.

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Australia Visitor Visa: Requirements, Eligibility and Application Process

Updated: February 7, 2024

Australia Visitor Visa is the only option to visit Australia as a tourist for many nationalities. If you don’t qualify for either the Electronic Travel Authority(ETA) or the eVisitor Visa, then you will need to get a Visitor Visa.

Australia no longer accepts paper applications for the visitor visa. All applications must be lodged online through the Australian Government Immi Portal.

The Visitor Visa has subclass 600 in Australia’s visa documentation and the subtype we’re interested in is the “Tourist stream (apply outside Australia)”.

Quick summary:

  • Eligibility: All nationalities are eligible
  • Validity: Valid for 6 months, 1 year or 3 years with single or multiple entries
  • Duration of stay: Generally, 3 months allowed stay, but up to 6 or 12 in some cases
  • Visa fee: Visitors visa fee is 190 AUD
  • Processing time: 50% of applications are processed in 7 days and 90% in 21 days.

If you haven’t already, read the  Australia Visa Guide  to familiarize yourself with Australian tourist visa types, requirements, eligibility and entry procedures at the border.

Table of Contents

Understanding australia visitor visa.

Australia Visitor Visa (Subclass 600, Tourist Stream) Sample

Visitor visa validity

The Australian Visitor visa is valid for 6 months, 1 year or 3 years from the date of issue. The validity of the visa depends on your nationality and circumstances. For example, most Indian passport holders get a 3-year valid Australian visa, whereas Phillippine passport holders get a 1-year valid visa. Pakistan nationals get a 6-month validity.

You must visit Australia within the validity of your visa.

Duration of stay

Most Visitor visas granted allow for 3 months of continuous stay in Australia. Depending on circumstances, you might be granted a stay of 6 months or even 12 months.

Allowed number of entries

Most Visitor visas are multiple-entry , but Home Affairs also issues single visas in certain circumstances for certain nationalities.

When to apply

Since the tourist visas are valid for at least 3 months, it’s a good idea to apply well in advance. Most applications get processed in 3 weeks or fewer.

Visa extension

Australia Visitor visa is non-extendable . If you need to  extend your stay in Australia , you are allowed to apply for another Visitor Visa (onshore) from within the country.

Australia Visitor Visa Requirements

Australia Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) Required Countries

Who requires a Visitor Visa?

Australia Visitor Visa is REQUIRED for all nationalities to enter Australia as a tourist, except for the below.

  • New Zealand passport holders
  • Electronic Travel Authority (ETA)
  • eVisitor Visa
  • Those transiting in Australia for less than 72 hours and can get a Transit visa .

Documents required

To support your application, you can attach as many as 60 documents online. You don’t have to attach that many but the more documents you provide, the better your chances of approval.

You have to satisfy the Home Office that:

  • You are who you say you are
  • You are a genuine visitor who will not overstay or work illegally
  • You are of good character and not have a criminal record
  • You won’t be a burden to Australia’s healthcare system

To do this, attach as many of these documents as you can :

Identity documents

  • Valid passport (must be valid for the duration of the stay)
  • Valid National ID card (if from a country that issues them)
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • change of name documents;
  • documents that show other names you have been known by
  • Residence Permit/Visa (if residence and citizenship differ)
  • One passport-size photo

Genuine visitor documents

  • Itemized personal bank statements for the last 3 months. Aim to have at least 5000 AUD in your bank account. The money cannot be deposited suddenly and inexplicably – it should be from legitimate sources and savings over time.
  • Tax returns
  • Credit card statements
  • their relationship to you
  • the purpose of your visit and length of stay
  • if you will be staying with them
  • Proof of their funds (if they will be paying for your stay)
  • Your plans or travel itinerary while in Australia  
  • a letter from your employer stating you plan to return to your job
  • proof that you study at a school, college or university in your home country
  • proof that you have immediate family members in your home country
  • proof that you own a house or other major assets in your home country;
  • Confirmed return flight ticket;
  • Health Insurance

At a later date, you may be required to obtain and submit the following:

  • Medical Certificate
  • Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)

All non-English documents (except for police certificates) must be translated into English and all documents’ copies (both original and translations) must be certified.

Photo requirements

You need one passport-size digital photo for the Visitor Visa application. The photo must meet the following requirements. 

  • Taken in the last 6 months
  • Showing your head and shoulders against a plain background
  • Neutral facial expression with mouth closed, eyes open, and looking at the camera
  • Religious head coverings are allowed but must not obscure the face
  • Piercing is allowed but must not cause any reflections or shadows

There is no official guidance for the size and resolution of pictures uploaded online but the file type must be JPG. You will get to move the photo to position your face within a frame.

As long as the picture is clear, crisp, and not excessively big, it will be accepted.

Visitor visa fee

The Australian Tourist Visa application fee is 190 AUD , payable online.

You may also have to pay for:

  • Health checks
  • Police certificates

Processing time

Australian immigration reports that 50% of applications are processed in 7 days and 90% are processed in 21 days . These periods start after you submit your biometrics (if required).

Visitor Visa Application Process

Australia Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) Application on ImmiAccount Portal

How to apply

You must apply for your tourist visa online through the Immi Portal. Applying on paper is not possible for the visitor visa anymore. Follow the below steps:

  • Go to the ImmiAccount portal and create an account
  • Click on “New application” and pick “Visitor Visa (600)”.
  • Enter your personal information, passport details, employment details and financial information
  • Upload your documents such as passport, photo, etc.
  • Pay the required visa fee
  • Submit the application

The Visitor Visa is part of Australia’s biometrics program. If you apply for a Visitor Visa from any of the below countries, regardless of your nationality, you must give your biometrics.

  • Afghanistan
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kazakhstan 
  • New Zealand
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • United Arab Emirates

If you apply from one of these countries, you will receive an email informing you that you need to visit an Australian Biometrics Collection Centre (ABCC) to have your biometrics collected. The biometrics are usually a face photo and fingerprint scan.

You must complete the biometrics procedure within 14 days of getting this email otherwise your application becomes void without a refund!

AABCs are typically managed by VFS Global. They charge a service fee for biometric collection. This fee depends on AABC and the country you are applying from.

For example, the biometric service at AABC in Dubai, UAE is AED 109.17. The biometric service fee at AABC in Manila, Philippines is PHP 557.

How to schedule biometric appointment?

Within 24 hours of applying for your Visitor Visa, you will receive an email with a biometric request letter from Home Affairs. Follow these steps to schedule your biometric appointment.

Find the nearest ABCC to you and follow the prompts to schedule your biometric appointment.

How to attend biometric appointment?

Follow the below steps to attend your biometric appointment at an AABC.

  • Arrive at the AABC at least 15 minutes before your appointment time
  • Original passport
  • Biometric appointment confirmation
  • Biometric fee receipt and
  • Biometric request letter received in the email from Home Affairs
  • Your facial photo is taken and your 10 fingertips are scanned

What if you can’t attend your appointment?

If you can’t make an appointment, you can reschedule your appointment up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment date and time. You can reschedule up to 2 times.

What if you miss your appointment?

If you miss your scheduled appointment, you will lose the fee paid as the biometric fee is nonrefundable. You will also have to wait 24 hours to schedule a new appointment.

How to track status

You will receive the status of your application in your email. You can also track the status of the visa in your ImmiAccount.

How to download approved visa

When your Visitor Visa is approved, you will receive a grant letter in your email from Home Affairs. The grant letter is your Visitor Visa.

The Visitor visa is electronically linked to your passport, so you don’t need to download or print your Visitor Visa.

If you’re ever asked to show any proof, you can use the Grant Notification you received in your email. You can also download it from your ImmiAccount under “Visa Grant Details”.

How to check the validity of your Visitor Visa

The expiration date of your Australia eVisitor visa is indicated as “Must not arrive after” on the visa letter. If you lost your grant letter or don’t have a copy of your Visitor Visa, you can check the validity details on the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) portal by using either your Visa Grant Number or Transaction Reference Number.

Customer service

Refer to the Self-help Guidelines for information to troubleshoot any issues. If facing issues with your ImmiAccount or the Visitor visa application, contact customer service using the below webform

Web: ImmiAccount Technical Support Form

Procedure at the border

The Visitor Visa is digitally attached to your passport so you don’t need to print anything. When you enter Australia, simply present your passport and be ready to answer a few basic questions about your visit.

Eligible passport holders can use the Smart Gates for faster arrival and departure procedures.

All visitors including Australian citizens are required to fill out an Incoming Passenger Card on arrival.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to get an australian tourist visa.

It can take up to 3 weeks to get an Australian tourist visa, especially if submitting your biometrics. It can be faster or slower depending on where you are applying from, your circumstances and the number of documents you submit.

How hard is it to get a tourist visa to Australia?

It is easy to get a tourist visa to Australia if you submit a complete application with as many documents. You must convince the Home Office that you won’t overstay or break the conditions of the visa.

How much bank balance is required for Australia tourist visa?

Australian Home Office doesn’t specify the minimum bank balance required for a tourist visa. Your bank account must show continuous cash flow and not a lump sum deposited recently. 

Based on the reports from travelers reports and recommendations from embassies, you should aim for at least 5,000 AUD in your bank account when you apply.

Can you get a 3-year visitor visa to Australia?

Yes, you can get a 3-year visitor visa to Australia if are from an eligible country and meet the requirements. Australian Visitor Visa is issued for 6 months, 1 year or 3 years depending on your nationality and circumstances. For example, Indian nationals can get an Australian tourist visa valid for 3 years.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


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If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

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Invitation Letter for Australia Tourist and Visitor Visa

Invitation Letter for Australia Tourist and Visitor Visa

An Invitation Letter for Australia is typically required for temporary visit tourist visas, though it may not be mandatory in all cases. However, including an invitation letter can significantly improve your chances of obtaining a visa. This letter serves as evidence that the visa holder intends to comply with the visa regulations and will not overstay in Australia after the visa expiration date.

What Is an Australia Visa Invitation Letter?

How to write an invitation letter for australia visa, template for invitation letter for australia visa, australian tourist visa invitation letter for a friend, can i invite someone on an australian student visa, invitation letter sample for holders of a student visa, other required documents, what is the statutory declaration for australia visa.

An invitation letter for Australia is a written request inviting someone to visit the country. Typically, the letter is written by a friend or family member inviting another friend or family member to visit for a short period. It includes information about the inviter and is addressed to the Immigration Office as a request for a temporary visa for the invitee.

In addition to tourist visas, an invitation letter may also be required for short-term business visas. For business visas, the invitation letter must be written by the host company, serving as proof that the applicant will be conducting business with a company in Australia.

UK Cover Letter for Visa Application

UK Cover Letter for Visa Application

When writing an invitation letter to Australia, it’s important to follow a standard letter format. Include your name and address, a formal greeting, and salutations, and sign the letter at the bottom.

The tone should be formal and polite, while also reflecting the close relationship between the visa applicant and their Australian host (for family or friends invitations).

Key information to include in the invitation letter:

  • Full name (first, middle, and last name).
  • Date of birth.
  • Full address.
  • Telephone number.
  • Residency status (proof of residency or citizenship).
  • Current occupation.
  • Visit and departure date.
  • Description of the relationship between the applicant and the host (family, friend, partner, etc.)
  • The purpose of their visit.
  • The duration of their visit.
  • Details on accommodation.

Following these guidelines will help ensure your invitation letter meets the requirements for an Australian visa application.

When drafting an invitation letter for Australia, ensure it specifies whether the guest will be staying with the Australian host. If the host is financially supporting the visit, include proof of financial means in the letter. This information helps demonstrate the purpose and details of the visit, enhancing the visa application’s credibility.

Here is a template for an invitation letter for an Australia visa:

Here is an example of an invitation letter inviting a close friend to visit an Australian resident.

Inviting family members or friends to visit you in Australia is entirely possible. However, since 2013, universities no longer issue invitation letters. Instead, students are responsible for drafting the invitation letters themselves.

For students extending invitations, it’s crucial to include additional details in the invitation letter, such as:

  • Student ID.
  • Copy of enrollment certification.
  • Copy of the graduation ceremony pamphlet (if the visit is related to attending your graduation ceremony).

Ensuring these details are included in your invitation letter can facilitate the visa application process for your guests.

How to Write an Effective Invitation Letter for Canada Visa

How to Write an Effective Invitation Letter for a Canada Visa

When preparing your invitation letter for an Australian visa application, you may need to include additional documents based on your specific circumstances. These could include:

  • Scanned copies of the host’s passport.
  • Scanned copies of the invitee’s passport.
  • Evidence of financial means, especially if the host is financially supporting the visit.
  • A program confirmation letter, particularly for hosts holding student visas.
  • An enrollment confirmation letter for hosts who are student visa holders.

Ensure these documents are included to strengthen your visa application.

When applying for a partner visa (provisional) for Australia, a statutory declaration is required to prove the relationship between the partners. This declaration, along with the invitation letter and other visa requirements, is a crucial part of the application process.

In the statutory declaration form, applicants must provide detailed information about the nature of their relationship, whether it is a marriage or a de facto relationship. They are also required to explain how their relationship functions on a day-to-day basis. This includes details about the division of household work, how expenses are shared, and any assets that are jointly owned.

It’s important to note that the statutory declaration form must be filled out and signed in the presence of a witness.

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  • Invitation letter for tourist visa

australia tourist invitation letter

Application Letters for Tourist Visas

Some individuals may require or benefit from submitting a letter of invitation to their visa application, particularly if their stated reason for travelling to Australia is to visit friends or family. Letters of invitation should generally include the following information about the individual applying:

  • Full, given name
  • Current address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Relationship to the individual who they are visiting (e.g. parent, sibling, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, friend, business associate)
  • Reason for the visit (e.g. family visit, holiday, event, business meeting)
  • Length of intended stay and planned date of departure
  • Where the applicant will be staying

The following information should also be provided about the individual writing the invitation letter:

  • Full given name
  • Date of Birth
  • Citizenship/residency status in Australia
  • Scan/picture of passport and/or visa

The above information is for guidance only, and the need for and precise contents of any invitation letter may vary from applicant to applicant.

For further information and peace of mind on your individual requirements prior to submitting a visa application, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team .

Example of a letter of invitation

21 September 2023

Robert Brown, 4/56 Smith Street Melbourne, 3000 Australia

Re: To Whom It May Concern:

Application for Tourist visa: George Robson; October 18 1992; Passport No: W8365542

I am writing to confirm I wish to invite George Robson to visit me in Melbourne, Australia for 2 weeks as part of a short vacation. He intends to arrive on 15 November 2024 and leave on 29 November 2023.

I am an Australian citizen working at Eagle Island Consultancy Services in Melbourne. I will be on annual leave for the duration of Mr Robson’s visit.

I can confirm that I can provide accomodation for Mr Robson for the entirety of his stay in Australia.

I have attached evidence of the following documents: • My current passport • My apartment’s tenancy agreement

Please get in touch if you require any further details.

Yours faithfully

Robert Brown

Rachel Davison 78 Hockley Road Melbourne, Australia. VIC 3145

Re: Letter of invitation letter for my parents’ application for an Australian tourist visa Applicants: Roger Davison (passport no: T737902) and Thea Longstaff (passport no: R773272)

To whom it may concern.

I am writing to support my parents’ applications for tourist visas to enter Australia. I am due to receive my PhD at Victoria University on I’d like to ask for consideration of a visitor visa for my parents. I have recently completed my PhD degree at Victoria University and my graduation ceremony is set for 13th April 2023. My parents would like to attend the ceremony and spend a month visiting me and having a holiday.

I am currently living in Australia on a student visa, which is valid until 16th January 2024. My parents will initially stay with me, then in holiday rentals for the rest of their stay.

I have enclosed copies of the following supporting documentation:

  • My passport
  • My student visa

Please get in touch should you require further details.

Rachel Davison

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Crafting an Effective Invitation Letter for an Australian Tourist Visa

Planning a trip to Australia as a tourist often involves gathering the necessary documents, and an invitation letter can be a valuable asset for your visa application. While not mandatory for all visitor visas, an invitation letter can significantly bolster your application, especially if you're visiting family or friends residing in Australia.

australia tourist invitation letter

Understanding the Purpose of an Invitation Letter

An invitation letter serves as a supporting document that outlines the purpose and details of your visit. It provides the Australian visa officer with insights into your intended stay, including your itinerary, accommodation arrangements, and the purpose behind your visit.

Writing an Effective Invitation Letter

When crafting your invitation letter for an Australian visitor visa, follow these steps to ensure it's comprehensive and persuasive:

Define the Purpose: Clearly state the reason for your visit—be it for a special event, tourism, or visiting family and friends.

Specify Dates : Include precise dates of your intended stay in Australia to assist in determining the visa duration.

Accommodation Details: If staying with friends or family, provide their contact information and address. For other accommodations, include the property details.

Outline Travel Plans: Briefly describe the activities you plan to engage in during your visit, such as sightseeing or attending events.

Relationship Documents: If visiting friends or family, include copies of documents proving your relationship, like birth or marriage certificates.

Writing Style: Maintain a clear, concise, and straightforward writing style, avoiding overly formal language.

Key Components for an Informal Invitation Letter

For an informal invitation letter to a friend or family member, ensure you include:

Personal details: Name, contact information, date of birth, and residency status in Australia.

Recipient's details: Personal particulars of the person you're inviting and your relationship with them.

Purpose and itinerary: Explain the reason for their visit and how you'll be involved in their stay.

Financial support: If applicable, state any support you'll provide and offer evidence, like bank statements.

Requirements for a Formal Sponsorship Invitation Letter

If sponsoring a family member through the family-sponsored subclass 600, consider including:

Your personal information: Name, contact details, date of birth, and residency status.

Recipient's details: Information about the person you're sponsoring and your relationship with them.

Purpose and duration: Explain the purpose and duration of their stay and why you believe it's a 'genuine temporary entrant.'

Financial and practical support: Detail the support you'll offer during their visit, providing evidence if needed.

Writing an effective invitation letter tailored to your circumstances can significantly enhance your Australian tourist visa application. Ensure you provide accurate and detailed information to support the purpose of your visit, making your application more convincing and increasing the likelihood of a successful visa outcome.

Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia – 4 Best Samples

Share The Knowledge

Want to invite someone on a visitor visa to Australia?

Be it your family members or friends, all you need is a simple invitation letter for visitor visa along with your application.

Your Invitation letter for visitor visa to Australia should be formal and convincing enough for the immigration officer to grant your invitee a visitor visa to Australia.

In this blog post, I’m going to share the complete unique invitation letter for visitor visa application for Australia.

Let’s start.

Sample Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia

Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia

Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia for Parents

Here is an Invitation Letter for Parents to invite on Visitor Visa Australia :

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

To whom it may concern,

Subject: Invitation for Visitor Visa Application for [Father’s Full Name]

I am writing this letter to formally invite my father, [Father’s Full Name] , to visit me in Australia. I am currently residing in [City], [State] , and I am an Australian citizen/permanent resident [select whichever is applicable] .

I kindly request that you grant my father a Visitor Visa to Australia for the purpose of visiting and spending time with me. The intended duration of his stay will be from [ proposed arrival date ] to [ proposed departure date ], for approximately [ number of weeks/months ].

[Purpose of visit: Provide details about the reason for the visit, such as attending family gatherings, celebrating a special occasion, spending time with grandchildren, or any other relevant details.]

My father’s personal information is as follows:

  • Full Name: [Father’s Full Name]
  • Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]
  • Passport Number: [Passport Number]
  • Relationship to me: [Your relationship with your father, e.g., father/parent]
  • Address: [Father’s Address in his home country]

During his stay in Australia, I will bear full financial responsibility for all his expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and any other necessary expenses. I have enclosed my financial documents, including bank statements and payslips, to demonstrate my ability to support my father throughout his visit.

I assure you that my father intends to return to [his home country] at the end of his visit. He has strong ties to his home country, including [mention any relevant ties, such as employment, property ownership, family, etc.]. Moreover, I will ensure that my father abides by all the laws and regulations of Australia during his stay.

I kindly request that the Visitor Visa for my father be processed at the earliest convenience to allow adequate time for travel preparations.

Please find attached the following supporting documents:

  • Invitation Letter (this letter)
  • My Australian citizenship/permanent residency certificate [include if applicable]
  • My financial documents (bank statements, payslips, etc.)
  • Copy of my passport/residency documents [include if applicable]
  • Father’s passport information page
  • Any other supporting documents as required

If you require any further information or additional documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number] .

Thank you for considering this invitation, and I sincerely hope my father’s application for a Visitor Visa to Australia will be approved.

[Your Name] [Your Signature (if submitting a printed copy)] [Your Full Name (printed)]

Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia for Spouse

Here is the sample of Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia for the spouse

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Application – Embracing Moments Together in Australia

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and happiness. It is with immense joy and anticipation that I extend this heartfelt invitation to my beloved spouse, [ Spouse’s Full Name ], to visit me in Australia. Our time apart has only deepened my appreciation for the moments we share, and I can hardly wait to create new memories together against the backdrop of Australia’s beauty.

Purpose and Duration of Visit: The purpose of this visit is simply to be together, to reconnect, and to immerse ourselves in the wonders Australia has to offer. I envision [Spouse’s Full Name] staying with me for approximately [number of weeks/months], from [proposed arrival date] to [proposed departure date], during which we can truly cherish each other’s presence.

Relationship: Our journey as a couple has been one of love, growth, and unwavering support. Our separation, however temporary, has only reinforced the significance of the bond we share. This visit is an opportunity to celebrate our relationship and to nurture the love that has been our guiding light.

Financial Support: Please rest assured that every aspect of [Spouse’s Full Name]’s visit will be taken care of. As a [your occupation], I am fortunate to be in a stable financial position, which allows me to provide for [him/her] during [his/her] stay. I have enclosed relevant financial documents, such as [bank statements, payslips, etc.], to demonstrate my capacity to ensure [his/her] comfort.

Accommodation: I have prepared a warm and welcoming space for [Spouse’s Full Name] in my residence during [his/her] visit. My address is [your address], and I am committed to making [his/her] stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Compliance with Visa Regulations: I am fully aware of the visa regulations set by the Australian authorities and I assure you that we will adhere to every requirement. [Spouse’s Full Name] will return to [his/her] home country well before the visa’s expiration, in complete compliance with the terms.

Supporting Documents: Enclosed with this letter, you will find the necessary documents to support [Spouse’s Full Name]’s visa application:

Copy of my Australian passport Copy of our marriage certificate Copy of my Australian visa Invitation letter from me Proof of accommodation (lease agreement, utility bills) Proof of financial capability (bank statements, employment verification)

If any additional information is needed or if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at [your email address] or by phone at [your phone number].

I am deeply grateful for your consideration of [Spouse’s Full Name]’s visa application. This visit holds immense importance to us, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to be reunited and to experience the wonders of Australia together.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name] [Your Signature (if sending a physical letter)]

Enclosures: [List of enclosed documents]

Final Words

I hope you have find this article about Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia insightful. Please share it with your friends and family. If you have any doubts regarding visitor visa invitation then pls let us know in the comments. We will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia – 4 Best Samples via @rupimavi

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How To Write An Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia

You’re all set to travel to Australia, but first, you need to get your Australian visa in order. You must demonstrate that you are travelling to Australia for sightseeing, family or friend visits as part of the application process for a tourist visa. You can prove this by including an Invitation Letter for a Tourist Visa Australia from a friend or relative in Australia that you are visiting with your visa application.

Not all visas call for an Australian letter of invitation. It’s typically necessary for Australian tourist visas for short visits, while it’s only sometimes a rigorous necessity. However, having a letter of invitation will improve your chances of getting a visa. The letter indicates that the visa holder will only remain in Australia after the expiry.

What Is an Australia Visa Invitation Letter?

A written invitation to someone to visit Australia is known as an invitation letter. Typically, a friend or family member writes a letter to sponsor another friend or family member to come and stay with them for a short while. The letter, which asks the Immigration Office to grant a temporary visa for the invitee, provides some information about the inviter and is addressed to that office.

It is to demonstrate that the applicant will be conducting business with an Australian company when applying for short-term business visas. The host organisation is required to write the business letter of invitation.

Depending on how long your journey will be, this visa 600 enables you to travel to and stay in Australia for up to three months. An Australian citizen or permanent resident familiar with you personally and who can attest to your character should write your invitation letter for tourist visa number 600.

The invitation letter for Tourist Visa 600 should contain information about your host’s name, relationship to you, and means of financial assistance during your stay. Additionally, your host must certify that they are ready to take on financial responsibility for any expenses you might have for medical care or other help.

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How to Write an Invitation Letter for a Tourist Visa?

You should adhere to the proper letter-writing format while writing an invitation letter. A formal salutation, your name and address, and your signature must all be in the letter.

When inviting family or friends to Australia, the letter’s language should be formal and polite while also conveying the close link between the visa applicant and their host country.

The invitation letter must contain crucial details like:

Information about the host, an Australian:

  • Initials, middle name, and last name.
  • The birthdate
  • Entire address.
  • Call-in number.
  • Status as a resident (documentation of residence or citizenship)
  • Current employment.
  • Date of arrival and departure.

Describe the applicant’s and the host’s connection (i.e., whether they are related, friends, partners, etc.)

The information of the visa applicant:

  • Initials, middle name, and last name
  • The reason for their trip.
  • The length of their stay.
  • Information about lodging.

Whether or not the guest will be staying with the Australian host must be made clear in the letter. In addition, the letter needs to include evidence of the host’s financial ability to finance the visit.

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How to Order an Australia Invitation Letter?

The actions you must take to order your Australia Invitation Letter for a Visitor Visa are listed below:

1. Select a package

The Regular package and the Express package are the two options you have.

2. Complete the necessary fee payment. 

To complete the payment, you must provide your personal information, including your first and last name, country of residence, email address, and credit card information. You have the option of paying with a credit card or PayPal.

3. Fill out the form for the invitation letter. 

Give accurate and truthful information on yourself, your visitor, and the dates of their arrival and departure in Australia on the form. Additionally, ensure the embassy or consulate to which you are submitting the invitation letter has the correct information.

4. Send the request in. 

Press complete once you’ve filled out the invitation letter form completely. Following that, we will get your invitation letter form and send it to you with a first draught.

5. Your invitation letter will arrive in your mailbox. 

Depending on the package you select, we will email you the finished invitation letter form as a PDF within two to three days.

6. Print out the invitation letter. 

Print, sign, and mail the invitation letter to your guest as soon as you receive it. The guest must deliver the invitation letter to the Australian Embassy closest to their home nation.

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Template for Invitation Letter for Australia Visa

A sample invitation letter for an Australia visa is as follows:

  • Address for the Australian Department of Home Affairs’s Immigration Office
  • Salutations [Dear Sir or Madam]
  • Introduction [Enter full name], address [ full address], Mention your residency status [clearly state whether you are a citizen, a temporary resident, or a permanent resident], and write out your invitation [ your guest’s full name and personal information].
  • Briefly describe your relationship, including the connection type, how you met, and the length of time you have been dating. Explain in detail the purpose of your visitor’s visit, their stay duration, and whether they will be staying with you. Mention their financial strategy (whether you will be paying for their trip or whether they will pay for it themselves).
  • Signature and final salutation: [With respect, complete name].

Essentials of an Invitation Letter

The invitation letter for Tourist Visa 600 will include the following information if you are invited to visit Australia:

  • Names of both parties in full
  • Connection to the other party
  • the duration of their relationship
  • Address, contact information, and email addresses for each party
  • The motivation for your invitation
  • The length of your visit
  • Your lodging choices while visiting Australia
  • Your suggested travel schedule while in Australia
  • Any other details relevant to your application

Things to Consider for Writing an Invitation Letter

An invitation letter for tourist visa 600 is one of the papers you must submit with your application. You can improve your chances of acquiring a tourist visa by following these guidelines for writing an invitation letter for tourist visa number 600:

1. Be brief and to the point

The length of the tourist visa invitation letter should not exceed one page. Include pertinent facts, including your name, travel dates, and contact information.

2. Personalise it

The person inviting you to Australia should write the invitation letters for tourist visa number 600. Be sure to include details about yourself, the applicant, the occasion for the invitation, and your relationship. 

3. Add Supplementary Data

Include other supporting documents, such as a vacation itinerary and evidence of lodging, with your invitation letter for the Tourist Visa 600. Your application’s chances of getting accepted will rise if you include all necessary documentation.

Also Read : Common Reasons for Tourist Visa Rejections in Australia (2023)


Obtaining an Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia is possible in several ways. The most popular approach is asking a friend or relative living in Australia to write one for you. There are a couple more choices. But if you have no one in Australia. One option is to contact a travel agent who focuses on obtaining Australian visas.

The applicant must still satisfy all other conditions for the tourist visa (subclass 600), including proof of sufficient cash and a sincere desire to travel to Australia.

You may contact a migration agent with any inquiries regarding invitation letters or the application procedure for tourist visas (subclass 600). Our registered migration agent can guide and assist at each point. If you are unsure which visa is best for your trip, use the professionals to help you decide.

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australia tourist invitation letter

Visa Letter - Visa Invitation Letters for All Type of Visas

Visa Invitation Letter for Australian Visa

Want to invite someone to and need to write a visa invitation letter for visa? Find and download the right visa invitation letter for your needs, here.

How to Write a Visa Letter for Australia

When you are preparing plans to fly to Australia, there are multiple things you may need to take into account, such as if you will be allowed to get in Australia, and do need an Australian visa, where you will be visiting and for how long.

If you need to apply for an Australian visa, be advised, typically applying and getting an Australian visa is a long process and you as a visa applicant will need to provide numerous files and actions to obtain it.

Among the most important things you need to show to the visa officer at the Australian embassy is that you will not remain illegally in Australia more than you are allowed to. Due to this reason, having an invite letter for the Australian visa is required for the most part and will assist your request at the least.

Visa Invitation Letter for Australia

What is an invitation letter for Australian visa?

A visa invite letter is a written letter from the individual you are paying a visit to who lives in Australia. The person you are seeing is inviting you to stick with them and by default they ensure that you will not stay in Australia unlawfully.

As a general guideline, if you are paying a visit to a family member or pal in Australia, he or she will send you an invite letter to stay with him or her for specific dates. The visa invitation letter will detail the relationship he or she have with you and state that they will assist you financially if you are unable to for the duration of your stay in Australia.

When you look for your Australian visa, you must attach this visa letter to the other files with your visa application. The visa invitation letter is a good booster of your application because the visa officer at the Australian embassy will know that you are not just going to the nation without a purpose.

The letter will let them know why you are going and who you are visiting. If for any reason, you do not go back to your home nation within the defined timespan, the authorities will know you are staying unlawfully, however they will also have the contact info of the individual you were residing with. That is how they can catch you and take the necessary steps if you overstay your Australian visa.

If you are planning to take a trip for a particular purpose to the Australia, you must make certain that you have the proper visa invitation letter. The letter will make things a lot easier for the Embassy to grant you the needed visa.

We have listed the various types of visa invitation letters below, a visa officer at the Australian embassy require descriptions of what each of them are and the frequently asked for files. Please seek advice from the Australian embassy website in your country of residence to learn more as the required files can vary from country to nation for the same Australian visa.

What are the different types of visa invitation letter?

The type of visa invitation letter you have to include with your application depends upon the reason for your travel to Australia, thus there are numerous kinds of visa invitation letters. To contribute to the complexity, each type of visa letter will also require extra supporting files to prove that what is written in the visa invitation letter is true. The visa officers are extremely specific about this and they will not take into consideration an inviting letter for an Australian visa without the needed documents that support its claims.

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Letter Templates

sample of invitation letter for australian tourist visa for parents

sample of invitation letter for australian tourist visa for parents 1

Are you planning to invite your parents to Australia to visit you? Writing an invitation letter for an Australian tourist visa for parents is an important part of the process. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to write a compelling invitation letter along with some examples that you can use as a reference.

As you start to think about your invitation letter, it’s important to keep in mind that this letter will be submitted as part of your parents’ visa application. The purpose of the letter is to provide evidence to the Australian government that your parents have a genuine reason for visiting and that they have adequate support during their stay. In the following sections, we will provide you with tips and examples to help guide you through the process of writing an effective invitation letter.

Tips for Writing an Invitation Letter

Here are some tips to help you write an effective invitation letter:

1. Keep it concise and to the point

Your letter should be brief and clearly state the purpose of the visit. Avoid long paragraphs or irrelevant details.

2. Provide your contact information

Include your full name, address, and phone number in the letter. This will help the Australian government contact you if they have any questions about the application.

3. Explain the reason for the visit

Clearly state why your parents are visiting Australia and what they plan to do while they are there. Be specific and provide details about their itinerary.

4. Show evidence of financial support

Your letter should indicate that you will be providing financial support for your parents during their stay. You can provide evidence of this by including bank statements or other financial documents.

5. Offer accommodation details

Provide details about where your parents will be staying during their visit. If they will be staying with you, include your address and the dates of their stay.

6. Use a formal tone

Your letter should be written in a professional and formal tone. Use proper grammar and avoid using colloquial or informal language.

Examples of Invitation Letters

Example 1: invitation letter for sightseeing trip.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent’s name), to visit me in Australia for a sightseeing trip. They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days). During their stay, we plan to visit popular tourist attractions such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Great Barrier Reef.

We will cover their expenses during their stay in Australia, including accommodation, food, and transportation. Please find attached my bank statements as evidence of my financial support.

Thank you for considering their visa application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

(Your name and contact information)

Example 2: Invitation Letter for Family Reunion

I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent’s name), to Australia for a family reunion. They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days). During their stay, we plan to spend time with our extended family members who live in Australia.

I will be providing financial support for my parents during their stay in Australia. Please find attached my bank statements as evidence of my financial support.

Example 3: Invitation Letter for Graduation Ceremony

I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent’s name), to Australia to attend my graduation ceremony. The ceremony will take place on (date) at (location). They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days).

Example 4: Invitation Letter for Medical Treatment

I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent’s name), to Australia for medical treatment. They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days). My father is suffering from a heart condition, and we have arranged for him to receive treatment at (hospital name).

We have arranged for suitable medical insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in Australia. Please find attached the insurance documents.

Example 5: Invitation Letter for Vacation

I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent’s name), to Australia for a vacation. They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days). We plan to explore the beautiful beaches and natural scenery of Australia.

Example 6: Invitation Letter for Family Event

I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent’s name), to Australia for a family event. We will be celebrating (event) on (date) at (location). They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: what should i include in my invitation letter.

A: Your invitation letter should include your full name, address, and phone number, as well as the purpose of your parents’ visit, their itinerary, and evidence of financial support. You should also include details about their accommodation during their stay in Australia.

Q: Can I write the invitation letter on behalf of my parents?

A: Yes, you can write the invitation letter on behalf of your parents, but you should clearly state this in the letter and provide evidence that you have their permission to do so.

Q: Can I include scanned copies of my bank statements as evidence of financial support?

A: Yes, you can include scanned copies of your bank statements as evidence of financial support. Be sure to include your name and account details on the statements.

Q: How long should my invitation letter be?

A: Your invitation letter should be brief and to the point. It should not exceed one page in length.

Q: Can I use a template for my invitation letter?

A: Yes, you can use a template for your invitation letter, but be sure to customize it to your specific situation and include all the necessary information.

Q: How soon should I send the invitation letter?

A: You should send the invitation letter as soon as possible, but at least two months before your parents’ planned visit to allow sufficient time for visa processing.

Writing an invitation letter for an Australian tourist visa for parents may seem daunting, but by following the tips and examples provided in this article, you can create a compelling letter that will help your parents’ visa application. Remember to keep the letter concise, provide relevant details, and use a formal tone. Good luck!

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  1. Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia (With Sample)

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  2. Invitation Letter for Australia Tourist and Visitor Visa

    An invitation letter for Australia is not obligatory for all of the visas. It's usually required for Australian temporary visit tourist visas, and even then it might not be a strict requirement. However, having an invitation letter will increase the chances of receiving a visa. The letter serves as proof that the visa holder won't overstay ...

  3. Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia (With Sample)

    No, an invitation letter is not required when applying for a tourist visa to Australia. However, as discussed earlier, an Australian visa invitation letter can absolutely make your invitee's visa application stronger and boost their chances of approval, especially if the purpose of the visit is to meet family and friends.

  4. Invitation Letter for a Tourist Visa to Australia

    The invitation letter can be treated as confirmation of not overstaying, so it is advisable to attach it to the visa application. An Australia Visa Invitation Letter - Definition. An invitation letter for a tourist visa to Australia is a type of request when somebody is invited to visit Australia. In most cases, it is written by a friend or ...

  5. Invitation letter for tourist visa

    Melbourne, Australia. VIC 3145. 01/04/2022. Re: Invitation letter for Australian tourist visa for my parents Visa applicants: Oscar Peterson (passport number X938472) and Briana Olask (Passport umber O8372645) To Whom it may concern. My name is Hanna Peterson and I'd like to ask for consideration of a visitor visa for my parents.

  6. Invitation Letter Sample for Tourist Visa

    Australia. Subject: Invitation letter for my parent's visitor visa (Subclass 600 Tourist Stream). I am writing this letter to support the visitor visa application of my parents, Mr. Mohinder Pal. Kataria and Uma Kataria are citizens of India. I am a student in Australia on a. student visa (subclass 500).

  7. Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa: The Definitive Guide 2024

    My passport number is C123456. I am writing this letter based on my intention to travel to Sydney, Australia. I intend to spend my holiday off work to travel to New South Wales to visit Sydney, the Opera House, the Animal Park and other places around for two weeks, starting from 22 April 2024 to 06 May 2024.

  8. Applying for a visitor visa

    Follow the tips below to help you apply for a visitor visa to come to Australia. . Submit your application well in advance of your travel. Attach all required d ocuments. You must submit all the documents we ask for with your application, including a clear copy of the personal details page of your passport.

  9. Australian Tourist Visa

    Briefly, the following should be included in an Australian tourist visa invitation letter. Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited: Complete name. Date of birth. The person's address and telephone number. Your relationship to the person being invited. The purpose of the trip.

  10. Invitation letter for Tourist Visa 600

    An invitation letter for tourist visa 600 is a supporting document for your application for a brief visit to Australia. This type of visa allows you to enter and remain in Australia for up to three months, or longer depending on the length of your trip. Your invitation letter for tourist visa 600 should be written by an Australian citizen or ...

  11. Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa 2024

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    Your letter must also include the following information about the person writing the letter: Complete name. Date of birth. Address and telephone number in Australia. Occupation (job or profession) in Australia. Your status in Australia (Permanent resident, Citizen, 457 Visa holder, Student).

  13. Australia Visitor Visa: Requirements, Eligibility and Application

    Eligibility: All nationalities are eligible. Validity: Valid for 6 months, 1 year or 3 years with single or multiple entries. Duration of stay: Generally, 3 months allowed stay, but up to 6 or 12 in some cases. Visa fee: Visitors visa fee is 190 AUD. Processing time: 50% of applications are processed in 7 days and 90% in 21 days.

  14. Invitation Letter for Australia Tourist and Visitor Visa

    An Invitation Letter for Australia is typically required for temporary visit tourist visas, though it may not be mandatory in all cases. However, including an invitation letter can significantly improve your chances of obtaining a visa. This letter serves as evidence that the visa holder intends to comply with the visa regulations and will not ...


    Example of a letter of invitation. 21 September 2023. Robert Brown, 4/56 Smith Street. Melbourne, 3000. Australia. Re: To Whom It May Concern: Application for Tourist visa: George Robson; October 18 1992; Passport No: W8365542. I am writing to confirm I wish to invite George Robson to visit me in Melbourne, Australia for 2 weeks as part of a ...

  16. Crafting an Effective Invitation Letter for an Australian Tourist Visa

    Planning a trip to Australia as a tourist often involves gathering the necessary documents, and an invitation letter can be a valuable asset for your visa application. While not mandatory for all visitor visas, an invitation letter can significantly bolster your application, especially if you're visiting family or friends residing in Australia.

  17. Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Australia

    Subject: Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa Application - Embracing Moments Together in Australia. Dear [Recipient's Name], I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and happiness. It is with immense joy and anticipation that I extend this heartfelt invitation to my beloved spouse, [ Spouse's Full Name ], to visit me in Australia.

  18. Australia Visa Requirements

    Employer Permission Letter. Invitation Letter. Passport. You must hold a valid passport (at least 6 months before the expiration date) when you apply for an Australian visa. When applying, submit copies of your passport pages, coloured and scanned. If you have copies of previous passports then you have to submit those as well.

  19. How To Write An Invitation Letter for Tourist Visa Australia

    1. Be brief and to the point. The length of the tourist visa invitation letter should not exceed one page. Include pertinent facts, including your name, travel dates, and contact information. 2. Personalise it. The person inviting you to Australia should write the invitation letters for tourist visa number 600.

  20. Visa Invitation Letter for Australian Visa

    A visa invite letter is a written letter from the individual you are paying a visit to who lives in Australia. The person you are seeing is inviting you to stick with them and by default they ensure that you will not stay in Australia unlawfully. As a general guideline, if you are paying a visit to a family member or pal in Australia, he or she ...

  21. sample of invitation letter for australian tourist visa for parents

    Example 3: Invitation Letter for Graduation Ceremony. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to invite my parents, (parent's name), to Australia to attend my graduation ceremony. The ceremony will take place on (date) at (location). They will be staying with me at (address) for a period of (number of days).

  22. How To Write An Invitation Letter for Australia Visa Step by ...

    How To Write An Invitation Letter for Australia Visa Step by Step Guide | Writing PracticesWhat is an invitation letter for visa Australia?A letter of invita...