will travel or going to travel

I will travel, I’m traveling, or I will be traveling?

will travel or going to travel

Take your grammar to the next level!

Our question of the day is about the future in English: should we say:

  • I will be traveling next month.
  • I am traveling next month.
  • I will travel next month.

The two best options are “I will be traveling next month” and “I am traveling next month.”

We could also say “I’m going to travel next month.” Three correct ways for talking about future plans.

Why DON’T we say “I will travel next month”?

We tend not to use will + verb for established plans. We use this structure more for promises, offers, and decisions made at the moment of speaking:

  • “I’ll give you a ride.” (that’s an offer)
  • “I’ll have a large coffee.” (that’s a decision made in the moment)

So, what are you doing tomorrow? I’ll be making more videos!

Go ahead and write your own examples using one of these 3 future forms.

Learn more: Present continuous for future plans


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I am going to travel/ I am traveling

  • Thread starter KonradBade
  • Start date Feb 10, 2011

Senior Member

  • Feb 10, 2011

Hey guys, I've just stumbled over this dialog: A: "We're coming to London in April. You guys are coming too, right?" B: "Sadly, my family is traveling without me!" A: "We're going to miss you! Where are you going? B: "I'll be at university studying! It is going to be horrible, but I'll be thinking of you!" I am wondering what's the difference between using the present continuous or the going-to-future tense? I would change the dialog into this: A: "We're going to go to London in April. You guys are going to come there too, right?" B: "Sadly, my family is going to travel without me!" A: "We're going to miss you! Where are you going to be ? B: "I am going to be at university studying at this time ! It is going to be horrible, but I'll be thinking of you!" Would my version be correct, too? better/ worse or the same? so what's the difference? I have read present continuous is used if something has already been decided before speaking. So, it would be right here. But going-to-future is also for situations you have already planned or prepared to do something in the future. Therefore, where is the difference?  



KonradBade said: Hey guys, I've just stumbled over this dialog: A: "We're coming to London in April. You guys are coming too, right?" B: "Sadly, my family is traveling without me!" A: "We're going to miss you! Where are you going? B: "I'll be at university studying! It is going to be horrible, but I'll be thinking of you!" I am wondering what's the difference between using the present continuous or the going-to-future tense? I would change the dialog into this: A: "We're going to go to come to London in April. You guys are going to come there too, right?" B: "Sadly, my family is going to travel without me!" A: "We're going to miss you! Where are you going to be ? B: "I am going to be at university studying at this time ! It is going to be horrible, but I'll be thinking of you!" Would my version be correct, too? better/ worse or the same? so what's the difference? I have read present continuous is used if something has already been decided before speaking. So, it would be right here. But going-to-future is also for situations you have already planned or prepared to do something in the future. Therefore, where is the difference? Click to expand...


KonradBade said: ...A: "We're going to go to London in April. ... Click to expand...
KonradBade said: ... B: "I am going to be at university studying at this that time ! Click to expand...


Hi there, Well, what I teach my students is: Use the present continuous for the future when the action is planned, for example, "Tomorrow I am meeting my friend at 10.00 am for breakfast". Use going to + verb for an intention in the future (you are pretty sure you'll do it, but have not made definite plans), for example, "This year, I'm going to learn Chinese". (also, instead of saying "I'm going to go" or "I'm going to come", we prefer just "I'm going" or "I'm coming"). So, you changed the meaning by making it an intention, instead of a plan. Hope that helps!  

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Understanding the Difference Between Will Travel and Will Be Travelling

Zackary Hooper

will travel or going to travel

Ever puzzled over the slight but significant difference between “will travel” and “will be travelling”? You’re not alone! As a fellow travel enthusiast, I’ve also stumbled upon this linguistic conundrum .

Table of Contents

In fact, during my research as a travel writer for ‘Have Blog Will Travel’, I found these two English language constructs intriguing yet often misunderstood. This article is designed to demystify these terms by highlighting their specific meanings , key differences , and appropriate usage .

Ready? Let’s dive right in and help smooth out your future travel conversations !

Key Takeaways

  • “Will Travel” refers to a future action that will happen after a specific time, while “Will Be Travelling” indicates ongoing or continuous movement .
  • “Will Travel” is used when referring to a specific point in time , while “Will Be Travelling” implies an ongoing or continuous period of movement .
  • “Will Travel” implies a planned trip , while “Will Be Travelling” suggests ongoing movement and exploration .

Explanation of “Will Travel”

“Will Travel” refers to a future action after a specific time, such as “I will travel to New York next week.”

Refers to a future action that will happen after a specific time

“Will travel” is a term often used in written English that precisely outlines an intention to go on a journey after a specific point in time . We deploy these words when we’ve settled on our plans , such as embarking on a trip or vacation after crucial events like entrance exams or at the completion of certain jobs.

Moreover, the phrase “will travel” doesn’t just pinpoint our future actions; it also signifies the start of an exciting expedition . For instance, I have decided to explore French landscapes by keeping my gap year aside for this purpose.

In this case, saying “I will travel to France next year,” demonstrates my resolve and scheduled plan for taking that voyage once my dedicated time arrives .

Indicates a planned or scheduled trip

When we say “will travel,” it means that we have a specific trip planned or scheduled for the future. It could be a vacation, a business trip, or any other journey that has been arranged in advance.

This phrase indicates our intention to go somewhere at a particular point in time. For example, I will travel to New York next week for a conference. The important thing is that there is an organized plan in place and we are committed to making the trip happen.

It’s worth noting that “will travel” does not imply continuous movement or ongoing journey like “will be travelling.” Instead, it highlights a single event or period of time when we will be away from our current location.

Whether it’s just for a few days or several weeks, this phrase emphasizes the fact that we have made concrete plans and set aside the necessary time to embark on our intended adventure.

Explanation of “Will Be Travelling”

“Will be travelling” refers to a future action that will be in progress at a specific time, indicating ongoing or continuous movement or journey.

Refers to a future action that will be in progress at a specific time

When we say that an action “ will be in progress at a specific time ,” we are talking about something that will happen in the future and continue for a period of time. This could be ongoing movement or a journey that will take place at a particular moment.

It implies that the action will not be completed instantly, but rather it will be happening continuously during the stated timeframe. For example, someone might say, “I will be traveling around Europe for three months.” In this case, the person is indicating their intention to embark on a journey and spend an extended period of time exploring different places within Europe .

The use of “will be traveling” emphasizes the ongoing nature of their movement throughout those three months.

Indicates ongoing or continuous movement or journey

I love the feeling of being on the move, experiencing new places and adventures. When it comes to future travel plans, there’s a distinction between saying “I will travel” and “I will be travelling.” The phrase “will be travelling” indicates ongoing or continuous movement or journey .

It implies that I’ll be in motion for an extended period rather than at a specific point in time. For example, if I say, “I will be travelling around Europe for three months.” it means I’ll be exploring different countries and cities over those three months without a fixed schedule .

This is perfect for those who want flexibility and spontaneity in their travels, allowing them to indulge in the joy of continuous exploration.

Differences between "Will Travel" and "Will Be Travelling"

Differences between “Will Travel” and “Will Be Travelling”

“Will Travel” is used when referring to a specific point in time, while “Will Be Travelling” indicates an ongoing or continuous period of movement.

“Will Travel” is for a specific point in time, while “Will Be Travelling” is for a continuous period

I love planning trips and exploring new places, so understanding the difference between “Will Travel” and “Will Be Travelling” is important to me. When I say “Will Travel,” it means that I have a specific point in time in mind for my trip.

It could be next week, next month, or even next year. On the other hand, when I say “Will Be Travelling,” it suggests that my journey will be continuous over a period of time. Whether it’s a couple of weeks or several months, I’ll be on the move exploring different destinations and experiencing new adventures .

Both phrases convey excitement and anticipation for future travel experiences , just with different durations in mind.

“Will Travel” implies a planned trip, while “Will Be Travelling” implies ongoing movement

When we say “Will Travel,” it suggests that there is a specific trip or journey planned in the future . This means that there is a set date or time when the travel will take place. On the other hand, when we use the phrase “Will Be Travelling,” it indicates ongoing movement or continuous journeying .

It implies that there will be no fixed endpoint , and the movement will continue for an extended period of time . So while “Will Travel” refers to a scheduled trip, “Will Be Travelling” implies ongoing movement and exploration .

Examples and Usage

Examples and Usage

– “I will travel to New York next week.”

– “I will be travelling around Europe for three months.”

“I will travel to New York next week.”

Next week, I’ll be embarking on a journey to New York City . This trip has been planned and scheduled for some time now, and I can’t wait to explore the bustling streets, iconic landmarks , and vibrant culture of the Big Apple.

It will be an exciting adventure filled with new experiences , delicious food, and unforgettable memories. From strolling through Central Park to visiting Times Square at night, there’s so much to see and do in this incredible city.

I’m eagerly counting down the days until my departure as I prepare for an amazing travel experience in New York City next week.

“I will be travelling around Europe for three months.”

I have exciting plans to travel around Europe for three months! During this time, I will be exploring different countries, immersing myself in new cultures, and experiencing all that Europe has to offer.

From the historic streets of Rome to the picturesque canals of Amsterdam, I can’t wait to embark on this incredible journey. Whether it’s tasting delicious cuisines, visiting famous landmarks, or simply wandering through charming cobblestone streets, my European adventure promises to be an unforgettable experience.

Conclusion on Will Travel and Will Be Travelling

Understanding the difference between “Will Travel” and “Will Be Travelling” is essential for clear communication in future tense . By recognizing that “Will Travel” refers to a specific point in time, while “Will Be Travelling” implies ongoing movement , we can effectively convey our plans and intentions.

Use these distinctions to express your upcoming adventures with accuracy and precision. Happy travels!

FAQs on Will Travel and Will Be Travelling

1. what is the difference between “will travel” and “will be travelling”.

The main difference is that “will travel” refers to a future action that will happen at a specific time, while “will be travelling” indicates an ongoing or continuous action in the future.

2. When should I use “will travel”?

You should use “will travel” when talking about a planned trip or journey that will take place at a specific time in the future.

3. When should I use “will be travelling”?

You should use “will be travelling” when referring to an upcoming trip or journey that will continue for some time, often indicating movement from one place to another.

4. Can these phrases be used interchangeably?

No, these phrases cannot be used interchangeably as they convey different meanings related to the timing and duration of the travel action.

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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Is Interstellar Travel Really Possible?

Interstellar flight is a real pain in the neck.

Artist’s illustration of a Breakthrough Starshot probe arriving at the potentially Earth-like planet Proxima Centauri b. A representation of laser beams is visible emanating from the corners of the craft’s lightsail.

Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at The Ohio State University , host of Ask a Spaceman and Space Radio , and author of " Your Place in the Universe. " Sutter contributed this article to Space.com's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights . 

Interstellar space travel . Fantasy of every five-year-old kid within us. Staple of science fiction serials. Boldly going where nobody has gone before in a really fantastic way. As we grow ever more advanced with our rockets and space probes, the question arises: could we ever hope to colonize the stars? Or, barring that far-flung dream, can we at least send space probes to alien planets, letting them tell us what they see?

The truth is that interstellar travel and exploration is technically possible . There's no law of physics that outright forbids it. But that doesn't necessarily make it easy, and it certainly doesn't mean we'll achieve it in our lifetimes, let alone this century. Interstellar space travel is a real pain in the neck. 

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Voyage outward

If you're sufficiently patient, then we've already achieved interstellar exploration status. We have several spacecraft on escape trajectories, meaning they're leaving the solar system and they are never coming back. NASA's Pioneer missions, the Voyager missions , and most recently New Horizons have all started their long outward journeys. The Voyagers especially are now considered outside the solar system, as defined as the region where the solar wind emanating from the sun gives way to general galactic background particles and dust.

So, great; we have interstellar space probes currently in operation. Except the problem is that they're going nowhere really fast. Each one of these intrepid interstellar explorers is traveling at tens of thousands of miles per hour, which sounds pretty fast. They're not headed in the direction of any particular star, because their missions were designed to explore planets inside the solar system. But if any of these spacecraft were headed to our nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri , just barely 4 light-years away, they would reach it in about 80,000 years.

I don't know about you, but I don't think NASA budgets for those kinds of timelines. Also, by the time these probes reach anywhere halfway interesting, their nuclear batteries will be long dead, and just be useless hunks of metal hurtling through the void. Which is a sort of success, if you think about it: It's not like our ancestors were able to accomplish such feats as tossing random junk between the stars, but it's probably also not exactly what you imagined interstellar space travel to be like.

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Related: Superfast Spacecraft Propulsion Concepts (Images)

Speed racer

To make interstellar spaceflight more reasonable, a probe has to go really fast. On the order of at least one-tenth the speed of light. At that speed, spacecraft could reach Proxima Centauri in a handful of decades, and send back pictures a few years later, well within a human lifetime. Is it really so unreasonable to ask that the same person who starts the mission gets to finish it?

Going these speeds requires a tremendous amount of energy. One option is to contain that energy onboard the spacecraft as fuel. But if that's the case, the extra fuel adds mass, which makes it even harder to propel it up to those speeds. There are designs and sketches for nuclear-powered spacecraft that try to accomplish just this, but unless we want to start building thousands upon thousands of nuclear bombs just to put inside a rocket, we need to come up with other ideas.

Perhaps one of the most promising ideas is to keep the energy source of the spacecraft fixed and somehow transport that energy to the spacecraft as it travels. One way to do this is with lasers. Radiation is good at transporting energy from one place to another, especially over the vast distances of space. The spacecraft can then capture this energy and propel itself forward.

This is the basic idea behind the Breakthrough Starshot project , which aims to design a spacecraft capable of reaching the nearest stars in a matter of decades. In the simplest outline of this project, a giant laser on the order of 100 gigawatts shoots at an Earth-orbiting spacecraft. That spacecraft has a large solar sail that is incredibly reflective. The laser bounces off of that sail, giving momentum to the spacecraft. The thing is, a 100-gigawatt laser only has the force of a heavy backpack. You didn't read that incorrectly. If we were to shoot this laser at the spacecraft for about 10 minutes, in order to reach one-tenth the speed of light, the spacecraft can weigh no more than a gram.

That's the mass of a paper clip.

Related: Breakthrough Starshot in Pictures: Laser-Sailing Nanocraft to Study Alien Planets

A spaceship for ants

This is where the rubber meets the interstellar road when it comes to making spacecraft travel the required speeds. The laser itself, at 100 gigawatts, is more powerful than any laser we've ever designed by many orders of magnitude. To give you a sense of scale, 100 gigawatts is the entire capacity of every single nuclear power plant operating in the United States combined.

And the spacecraft, which has to have a mass no more than a paper clip, must include a camera, computer, power source, circuitry, a shell, an antenna for communicating back home and the entire lightsail itself.  

That lightsail must be almost perfectly reflective. If it absorbs even a tiny fraction of that incoming laser radiation it will convert that energy to heat instead of momentum. At 100 gigawatts, that means straight-up melting, which is generally considered not good for spacecraft. 

Once accelerated to one-tenth the speed of light, the real journey begins. For 40 years, this little spacecraft will have to withstand the trials and travails of interstellar space. It will be impacted by dust grains at that enormous velocity. And while the dust is very tiny, at those speeds motes can do incredible damage. Cosmic rays, which are high-energy particles emitted by everything from the sun to distant supernova, can mess with the delicate circuitry inside. The spacecraft will be bombarded by these cosmic rays non-stop as soon as the journey begins.

Is Breakthrough Starshot possible? In principle, yes. Like I said above, there's no law of physics that prevents any of this from becoming reality. But that doesn't make it easy or even probable or plausible or even feasible using our current levels of technology (or reasonable projections into the near future of our technology). Can we really make a spacecraft that small and light? Can we really make a laser that powerful? Can a mission like this actually survive the challenges of deep space?

The answer isn't yes or no. The real question is this: are we willing to spend enough money to find out if it's possible?

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Learn more by listening to the episode "Is interstellar travel possible?" on the Ask A Spaceman podcast, available on iTunes and on the Web at http://www.askaspaceman.com . Thanks to @infirmus, Amber D., neo, and Alex V. for the questions that led to this piece! Ask your own question on Twitter using #AskASpaceman or by following Paul @PaulMattSutter and facebook.com/PaulMattSutter .  

Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook . 

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at SUNY Stony Brook and the Flatiron Institute in New York City. Paul received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2011, and spent three years at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, followed by a research fellowship in Trieste, Italy, His research focuses on many diverse topics, from the emptiest regions of the universe to the earliest moments of the Big Bang to the hunt for the first stars. As an "Agent to the Stars," Paul has passionately engaged the public in science outreach for several years. He is the host of the popular "Ask a Spaceman!" podcast, author of "Your Place in the Universe" and "How to Die in Space" and he frequently appears on TV — including on The Weather Channel, for which he serves as Official Space Specialist.

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3 predictions for the future of space exploration — including your own trips

Headshot of Alejandra Marquez Janse.

Alejandra Marquez Janse

Mary Louise Kelly, photographed for NPR, 6 September 2022, in Washington DC. Photo by Mike Morgan for NPR.

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will travel or going to travel

Peggy Whitson says more widely available space tourism is realistic. Axiom Space hide caption

Peggy Whitson says more widely available space tourism is realistic.

If you've ever traveled somewhere that left you so enthralled that you wanted to go back over and over, then you get how Peggy Whitson feels about space.

She is a seasoned astronaut who has multiple achievements under her belt: She was the first woman to command the International Space Station, and in 2017 broke the record for most cumulative days in space of any American and female astronaut, with a count of 665.

Whitson retired from NASA nearly five years ago, but last month, at age 63, she packed up the necklace she wore on her wedding day, zipped her spacesuit one more time, and took flight in a SpaceX capsule as commander of the Ax-2 mission. It was sponsored by a private company, Axiom Space, where she now works as the director of human spaceflight. Three paying crew members traveled with her.

After returning to Earth, Whitson spoke with All Things Considered host Mary Louise Kelly and shared a few thoughts about the future of space exploration.

This interview has been edited slightly for clarity and brevity.

will travel or going to travel

The Ax-2 crew in a training session. The group, composed of Whitson (far left) and three paying costumers, spent nine days in space last month. Axiom Space hide caption

The Ax-2 crew in a training session. The group, composed of Whitson (far left) and three paying costumers, spent nine days in space last month.

1. Space exploration will be a mix of public and private money

If you look at even the NASA missions returning to the moon, lots of different private space companies are involved in that process. And that includes Axiom Space, for instance, who are building the spacesuits that will be used by the NASA astronauts as they step on the moon again. So it's exciting to be part of this changing philosophy of space and the efforts of commercial companies like Axiom Space. We intend to build the first commercial space station initially attached to the International Space Station, but to undock before the space station is decommissioned.

I think it's a worldwide relationship between different companies and peoples, and that's what makes it such a special time to be a part of the [Ax-2] mission, because [space exploration] is changing flavor and it's exciting because there are going to be many more opportunities in the future.

will travel or going to travel

The Ax-2 crew returns to Earth. Could this be you one day? Axiom Space hide caption

2. More people will be able to go to space

Obviously some of it will take time to make it not cost-prohibitive, but the fact that we are taking those initial steps is really important now. If you look back at commercial aviation and how that occurred and the development of that process, you know, it also started off to be only a few people could be involved and then later more and more, and so now it's pretty commonplace. I like to think that we're doing some of the same steps in commercial spaceflight now.

3. The goals depend on the person — and the country — that's traveling

Well, the objective of the mission is slightly different, obviously. My personal roles and responsibilities of taking care of the crew and ensuring their safety obviously are very similar. But our objectives were, we had one private astronaut, John Shoffner, who was trying to develop science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) outreach products for educators in the future, as well as doing research. And then we had two government sponsored astronauts from Saudi Arabia – the first female Saudi Arabian to fly in space and go to the International Space Station – and the second male to arrive.

SpaceX mission returns from space station with ex-NASA astronaut, 3 paying customers

SpaceX mission returns from space station with ex-NASA astronaut, 3 paying customers

So the objectives of the crew weren't all that much different necessarily than a NASA mission, which is outreach and scientific investigations, but these were with the specific goals of expanding outreach in specific areas for Saudi – which hadn't had a person in space for 40 years – and, you know, to inspire their youth as well as inspiring the youth in the United States.

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Future of space travel: What will it be like?

Future of space travel: What will it be like?

More than 60 years have passed since the first human space flight, but the future of space travel is still being written since only about 600 people have been in orbit so far. For most people willing to experience space travel, this wish remains an unattainable dream. But let’s remember that cars, planes, and trains, available to everyone today, seemed a fantasy once. So will space tourism ever be a reality? It already is. More than that, it has been around for 20 years. Orbital Today will shortly remind you of the story and try to look into the future of space travel.

How it all started

A 37-year-old American English and biology teacher Sharon McAuliffe could become the first space tourist, on winning the “Teacher in Space” competition in 1984. By that time, US astronauts had made 55 successful space flights, and their safe return to Earth had become commonplace. to increase public’s interest in the industry and demonstrate space flight reliability, NASA decided to send the first civilian into space. But it all ended in tragedy. On 28th January 1986, 73 seconds after launch, the Challenger’s fuel tank exploded, killing all seven crew members, including McAuliffe. The practice of sending amateurs into space has been abandoned for many years, and the space tourism future was put on hold.

Astronaut Dannis Tito

The second attempt took place in April 2001. American businessman Dan Tito paid Space Adventures a whopping $20 million for a seat on a Russian Soyuz rocket to go to the ISS. The journey lasted ten days, eight of which Tito spent at the station in zero gravity at an altitude of 400km from the Earth in the company of professional astronauts. From 2002 to 2009, another 7 millionaires and billionaires followed his example, but after that, no one wanted to part with a significant sum for years.

The tipping point occurred in the summer of 2021 when private aerospace companies Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin sent their first tourists into space, and while these flights were suborbital, they still determined the future of space tourism trends.

Unlike the $20 million eight-day trip to the ISS, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson’s companies offer to spend only three minutes in zero gravity, but the fare is also way lower – $200,000. At the same time, Virgin VSS Unity flight takes 2.5 hours, and Blue Origin New Shepard’s – 11 minutes. This time difference is explained by different launch technologies. Virgin uses an air-launch system (similar to an aeroplane), while Blue Origin uses a classic vertical rocket launch. One thing these two have in common is that both offer to enjoy the view of Earth and starts from space, through panoramic windows from a height of more than 60km.

Virgin has made only one tourist launch so far, while Blue Origin carried out three. The pricing policy has fully justified itself. Seats in the suborbital shuttles of both companies are sold out several years in advance.

As the era of suborbital flights officially began, the interest in orbital flights rekindled. Unwilling to lag behind its main competitors, in September 2021, Space X hastened to launch the first Inspiration 4 orbital mission. The mission implied that four tourists stay on the Crew Dragon ship in orbit for three days. Following in Elon Musk’s footsteps, the Russian Soyuz MS 20 delivered Japanese billionaire Yusaka Maezawa and his assistant to the ISS. This marked an important milestone for space tourism in the future.

commercial space travel in 2021: Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, SpaceX

What is the future of space tourism?

A study by Northern Sky Research (NSR) analysts suggests that over the next 10 years, about 60,000 passengers will go into space, and the total income from space tourism will be about 20 billion US dollars. What will the future of space travel look like?

Suborbital transportation

Private companies will continue to improve suborbital flight technologies, reducing their cost and improving the quality. However, despite this, interest in suborbital tourism is unlikely to last long due to limited supply. The Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic spacecraft can carry a maximum of six people (including two Virgin pilots) and offer only three minutes in zero gravity. Besides, the ships do not cross the Karman line (100km), beyond which real space begins. However, there is hope.

Experts believe that future space travel technology will be able to replace long air flights. In 2020, SpaceX announced its Starship rocket currently in development will be able to take up to 100 passengers on board and deliver them from one continent to another in less than an hour. More specifically, a 15-hour flight to Shanghai from New York on Starship will take only 40 minutes. If Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic follow the same path, while providing adequate service costs, the demand for suborbital flights will grow steadily.

Orbital vacation

Orbital vacation

As more companies consider space tourism, orbital vacations will become one of the future space tourism trends. Orbital infrastructure for recreation, including hotels in orbit and on the moon, could become profitable. Interest in the ISS in this regard is already reemerging. In addition, Orion Span and Blue Origin are developing luxury space hotel concepts called Aurora Station and Orbital Reef . Of course, vacations in space are still far away, but many tourists can already visit space themed hotels on Earth. The best of them are located in China, the USA, Canada, and Switzerland.

Will space tourism ever be affordable?

No doubt, only multi millionaires can afford such trips today. Paying 200 thousand dollars for 3 minutes in weightlessness or 20 million for 8 days in space is not something everyone can easily afford. A century ago, ordinary people could hardly pay for a ticket across the Atlantic, and flying on planes was even more expensive. Today, such trips no longer surprise anyone. Once space tourism becomes mainstream, it will also have a positive impact on many socio-economic processes on Earth: job creation, development of new energy infrastructure based on solar energy, etc. This will increase the scale of opportunity and innovation, boost competition, and ultimately make space travel available for ordinary citizens.

Is space tourism a good idea after all?

Blue Origin shuttle for space tourists

Every industry has positive and negative aspects, and space travel is no exception. Despite the prospects and benefits, this industry calls for careful risk assessment. Let’s take a look at the main facts about future space travel.

1. High expenses

Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic flights require huge investments in infrastructure and technology that are not paying off at this stage. How much does it cost for space tourism? It is difficult to say, but the costs are in the tens of billions. In fact, these are very expensive toys of billionaires. Of course, they can afford such a luxury at the expense of other, highly profitable businesses, but imagine if this money was spent on more pressing issues, i.e., fighting poverty, hunger, medicine, etc.

2. Passenger health

While astronauts take years to prepare for flights, private individuals will fly with minimal instruction. However, heavy workloads and zero-gravity conditions greatly affect health. According to a recent study involving British astronaut Tim Peake , space travel causes more than a third of astronauts to experience temporary anemia due to the destruction of large numbers of red blood cells. While astronauts remain in a state of weightlessness, this does not cause any problems, but the symptoms appear on Earth, under the influence of gravity. This threatens not only the development of space tourism but also the idea of ​​colonising planets since it creates an increased risk for passengers experiencing conditions exacerbated by anemia. Here, we are, first of all, talking about cardiovascular pathologies, which, according to WHO, top the list of common diseases. In other words, you need to be not only rich but absolutely healthy to fly into space. The combination of these factors significantly reduces the number of potential space tourism customers.

3. Environmental impact

A rocket burns hundreds of tons of fuel to overcome the Earth’s gravity and leave the atmosphere. Of course, humanity is inventing ever-more environmentally friendly fuels, but emissions in the upper atmosphere still destroy the ozone layer and provoke global warming. And although the level of emissions from rockets is less than 1% compared with cars, the development of space tourism will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the number of rocket launches, which means an increase in environmental impact risk.

In addition, emissions are not the only problem with a rocket launch . While technology does not yet allow a full transition to a reusable rocket, there remains a high risk of an uncontrolled fall of the first stages to Earth, spills and fuel leaks during transportation, which inevitably destroys the environment.

And yet, despite all cons, the future of space exploration looks quite promising. Rapid technology development can no longer be stopped. In another 5-10 years, getting from London to Sydney by a rocket in half an hour or spending a vacation in orbit could become as commonplace as ordering a taxi or a hotel room today.

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Emma joined the team in 2020 as an Editorial Assistant. She is currently on an internship with us while going through her further education. She is enthusiastic about Science and about Space in particular.

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Travel Inflation Report: August 2024

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Table of Contents

How airfares have changed

How hotels room rates have changed, how rental car prices have changed, how restaurant prices have changed, how the price of movies, theaters and concerts has changed, smart money move: use travel rewards cards to book, if you’re planning to travel in 2024 ….

Some good news for travelers: Airfares, car rental and hotel prices in July were down compared to the same month last year.

The falling price of travel is good news for customers, considering the price of pretty much everything else is rising. In fact, average consumer prices across all items rose 2.9% year-over-year.

According to NerdWallet's Travel Price Index, the overall cost of travel is down 1% from the same month in 2023. Meanwhile, travel prices are up 9% compared with July 2019 (the last fully-normal July before lockdowns).

In short, expect the same trip taken this year to cost slightly less than it did this time last year, but more than it would if you had taken the trip before the pandemic. And even though travel prices are up 9% since pre-pandemic, that's still a much smaller price increase than the average increase of 22.6% across all items over the same period.

Still, there are smart moves you can take now to reduce the price of your next trip. Check out our travel saving suggestions below.

NerdWallet's Travel Price Index combines data from individual travel categories tracked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index data, such as airfares, lodging, meals and rental cars.

Overall prices for the past 12 months through July 2024 rose 2.9% before seasonal adjustment. That's the smallest 12-month increase since March 2021.

Still, not every line item experiences inflation at the same rate — especially when it comes to travel. Some trips might actually be more or less expensive than in the past, depending on if you're driving versus flying, if you’re staying in a hotel and whether it involves a rental car.

To help you better understand how travel prices have changed, NerdWallet honed in on five categories:

Car rentals.

Food away from home.

Movies, theaters and concerts.

NerdWallet then compared those costs to their same prices a month ago and a year ago. Given how significantly COVID-19 altered the state of travel, the data also compares today’s prices to their pre-pandemic prices. For example, July 2024 is compared to July 2019 as the last corresponding pre-pandemic month.

Here’s what today’s travel prices look like:

When comparing July 2024 prices versus July 2023, U.S. airfares are down 7.1%. And when compared to pre-pandemic prices, airfares are also down — by an even larger margin of 8.2%. That's pretty staggering, considering average prices as a whole are up by 22.6% since July 2019.

Prices for lodging away from home — including hotels and motels in U.S. cities — dipped, too. The increase was much smaller, though, dropping 0.8% month-over-month. Hotel prices are also down from last year, falling by 2.8% versus July 2023.

Unlike airfares that are barely higher than pre-pandemic prices, hotel and motel prices are significantly higher than what they were pre-pandemic — though still not as high as the 22.6% all-items average increase.

High rental car prices were one of the biggest stories of pandemic-era travel. Though prices rose this month versus last, they have largely leveled off from pandemic-era highs. Still, they are still up an astounding 28.6% versus the same month in 2019. That's much more than the average rate of U.S. inflation.

For what it's worth, rental car prices are better now than they were a year ago. Car rental prices are down 6.2% year-over-year.

Food prices consistently rise nearly every month, and this month was no exception. In July 2024, the cost of food away from home was up 4.1% versus the same month in 2023.

And prices are far higher than pre-pandemic, with July 2024 prices coming in at 29.7% higher than what they were in July 2019. That's higher than the inflation rate across all items, meaning restaurant prices have risen more than many other categories of goods.

Like restaurants, entertainment prices see fairly consistent increases — save for a small dip in 2020. Prices are now up 22% from what they were in June 2019, which pretty much matches the general rate of inflation of 22.6% for that same period.

Still, the price for tickets to movies, theaters and concerts is up 3.9% year-over-year.

Paying for travel with points and miles versus cash isn’t as daunting a task as it may seem. Frequent flyer miles and hotel points can be accrued not just for recurring travel, but through other outlets as well. Credit card rewards and welcome bonuses can be one of the most popular ways to accrue a big stash of points for a lot less effort than living your life out of a suitcase.

In addition, travel credit cards can offer various money saving perks, like:

Complimentary trip insurance .

Savings on checked bags .

Waived foreign transaction fees .

Airport lounge access .

Cash back credits that can offset the annual fee.

Here's a sampling of cards that offer travel-related statement credits.

Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card

on Chase's website

U.S. Bank Altitude™ Reserve Visa Infinite® Card

on Bank of America's website

Citibank Strata Premier Card

on Citibank's application

• 10 points per $1 on Chase Dining, hotel stays and car rentals purchased through Chase.

• 5 points per $1 on air travel purchased through Chase.

• 3 points per $1 on other travel and dining not booked with Chase.

• 1 point per $1 on other purchases.

• 5 points per $1 on prepaid hotels and car rentals booked directly in the Altitude Rewards Center.

• 3 points per $1 on eligible travel purchases and mobile wallet spending on Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay.

• 1 point per $1 on all other purchases.

• 10 ThankYou® points per $1 spent on hotels, car rentals and attractions booked through the Citi Travel site.

• 3 points per $1 on air travel and other hotel purchases.

• 3 points per $1 on supermarkets.

• 3 points per $1 on gas stations and EV charging stations.

• 3 points per $1 on restaurants.

$300 annual travel credit .

$325 annual credit.

$100 in airline incidental statement credits.

If you’re building your next vacation budget based on an early-pandemic-era trip, expect to pay far more now for pretty much every expense. Yet even though prices constantly feel like they’re getting higher, you can still save on travel with a little planning.

To avoid the costs of eating out, head to local grocery stores — which can be a fun activity on its own — or pack snacks from home. While in an airport, head to the lounge. Many credit cards have partnerships with airport lounge operators ( Priority Pass is a popular one) where you can typically expect complimentary snacks and drinks.


NerdWallet conducted an analysis of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index data released by the U.S. Department of Labor, which was most recently updated in August 2024 and measures prices of items like travel, groceries and cars. Prices usually change every month, but some prices change more than others.

Keep in mind, this data is based on July 2024 information, even though it is released in August 2024. Thus, prices you actually see may have actually improved (or gotten even worse) than this data, because it lags one month behind.

And even within the realm of travel, some expenses might go up, while others might go down.

The NerdWallet Travel Price Index combines data from the Consumer Price Index, weighted by the estimated spending in each category, which is based on 2019 travel expenditure data from the BLS.

Here are the spending categories considered, and how heavily each was weighted:

Flights: 36%.

Car rental: 6%.

Lodging: 30%.

Entertainment: 7%.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

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What kind of holidays will we take when we can travel again?

What will the future of travel look like

As we emerge from this torpor, we’ll be craving health-enhancing experiences, restorative immersions in nature, spirit-lifting exercise in the open air and safe escapes for quality time with our nearest and dearest. We’ll need to transition to venturing back into the wider world at a new, slower pace. But we might not want to stray so far from home at first – minimising the amount of time we spend in airports or on planes.

What will the future of travel look like

Without a functioning crystal ball or professional qualifications as a psychic or psychoanalyst, my take – as a sustainable luxury travel expert – is from the perspective of both an optimistic idealist and a solemn realist. I think it’s safe to assume that demand will initially be greater than supply. Reports say searches for holidays in Spain for next January are up by almost 2,000 per cent – but it’s clear, we’ll never return to the old version of ‘normal’.

Read our article on when will flights resume in the UK

When we can travel again – whether that is weeks or months away – many airlines will still be grounded indefinitely, if not bankrupted. Travel insurance policies could be more limited (always play it safe and make bookings with a credit card and not a debit card). Wanting to know our escapes are underwritten and won’t fall through is a given. Traditionally that meant making sure they’re ATOL- and/or ABTA-protected if they’re package holidays: but these non-profit organisations' coffers won’t have much left to give. We’ll likely require health certificates and need to jump through more hoops for visas – if our desired destination even allows visitors. In short, high-quality travel will be more complicated, restricted and more expensive. It breaks my heart to write that.

What will the future of travel look like

You probably hoped for an article steering you to a bounty of bargains awaiting us after this travel-barren time. But, as a sustainability enthusiast proposing what a New World Order might look like, I’m also confident we’ll emerge from this more conscious, conscientious and sensitive to the health of people and planet, and we’ll be ready to help the world heal. Yes, the travel industry has bounced back from crises before – but never has the entire globe been forced to stop entirely like this. After 9/11, flights were down, year on year, by 30 per cent for the rest of September. The current slowdown is on an incomparable scale. A few days ago, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) maintained that a pause should be put on all non-essential international travel ‘indefinitely’. How long will the uncertainty last? Who knows. But whatever happens, we’re going to feel the after-effects for a long time.

I know this isn’t music to anyone’s ears, so let’s look at the positives: overtourism has been turned upside down. Marine life is frolicking in Venice’s clear-watered canals, and empty overly trodden paths to World Heritage Sites are sprouting wildflowers. We can take a leaf from Bhutan’s book: its ‘low-volume, high-value’ policy helped the country thrive through a less-is-more approach to tourism – and that is the model much of tourism will now follow. Ask yourself why you always loved to travel in the past. Now ask yourself why you’ll want to travel as we come out of this.

Time has slowed down. A year ago, it was the most precious thing in many of our lives, and because leisure time was at such a premium we savoured it most on our sojourns. Now, time away will need to really feel worth leaving home for. But pleasures await, I promise, as we look forward to planning our next holidays , we'll find joy in aiming to be a better traveller post-lockdown , and appreciating the memories in full afterwards.

What will the future of travel look like

Keeping it safe and simple with staycations

We’ve all been forced to stop and look around at what’s right in front of us – and, luckily for us all, the United Kingdom has culture, coastline, conservation parks and countryside aplenty. Where we might have been compelled to travel to other shores in search of sunshine, the new UK travel quarantine rules may be a blocker for many. Plus due to climate change the weather has become fairly unpredictable and unseasonable everywhere – there's no sunny guarantee so why not give Britain our undivided attention with a staycation ?

The convenience of serviced private villas and luxury hotels

The race is on to reserve the best exclusive-use cottages and villas once travel resumes. All the better if they’re fully serviced and all you need can be brought to you. Avoiding mingling with strangers will be especially appealing for guests in an older age-bracket and those with health issues. One imagines the reputable luxury hotel brands known for their highest standards of health and safety and service may be the most appealing – especially when managed by renowned resort operators. Sorry Airbnb, your digs won’t be so enticing in the short term – unless someone launches a formal hygiene accreditation.

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A heightened fear of flying

Spending time in airports isn’t appealing until a confirmation of vaccines or cures are on the horizon. We’ll want more space on flights, with less folks breathing on us, which may mean the layouts of airports and planes will have to be reconfigured. Mandatory self-service testing at airports identifying medical conditions will be de rigueur. There will be an increase in demand for private travel, be it by car or jet. I’m not saying I don’t instantly go weak at the knees thinking about sipping wine in Tuscany or picking at tapas in Barcelona, but many must agree that hopping on short-haul flights so regularly had become too habitual. When I do travel again it will have to feel worth it for all that faff. Which may mean less travel, with our wanderings more considered, cautious and carefully planned, but we will crave next-level adventures more than ever.

will travel or going to travel

Deferred gratification

Instead of hopping on a low-cost flight for the sake of it, we’ll spend more time planning, prepping and squeezing the most out of the anticipation. Once-in-a-lifetime holidays will become exactly that again. It’s the anticipation of heading off on holiday, more than the experience of having had the trip itself, that releases the endorphins that lift our mood. Dr Jeroen Nawijn at the Centre for Sustainability, Tourism and Transport in Breda University in the Netherlands published a study indicating that we derive most of our happiness from the expectation of an upcoming escapade. So imagine if you’ve invested time in making it extra sustainable? That buzz is going to be even greater, surely.

What will the future of travel look like

Travel with purpose

We’ll be all the more judicious about who we give our money to, in the hope that our trips help communities heal after this hiatus. Conservation has been in jeopardy without revenue from tourists. We’ll want to support hotels, such as those represented by the Long Run , which also provide revenue for much-needed cultural and environmental preservation. Singita’s safari lodges have a ripple effect, which includes empowering women and girls through its Safaris with a Purpose, from its new-look Singita Sabora Tented Camp in Tanzania, a black rhino project, to its Dian Fossey experiences at Singita Kwitonda Lodge in Rwanda. Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp in Kenya is a safari lodge that doesn’t just approach conservation the right way; it has set a benchmark with its ‘theory of change’ scheme. Calvin Cottar created the Cottar’s Wildlife Conservation Trust with this framework to lay out its manifesto of how it's helping the local Maasai people benefit from tourism, boosting biodiversity and fostering wildlife conservation. Those are the type of hosts we should be seeking out and supporting.

Read our glossary for sustainable travel

will travel or going to travel

Be careful what you wish for…

In Out of Africa , Karen Blixen famously said, ‘When the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers.’ Eco advocates espousing the need for us to minimise our impact on the planet spent a lot of last year fretting over carbon emissions and shaming the jet set. As someone who recognises the vital role tourism plays in economies everywhere and the development of less well-off communities, I didn’t think we should stop flying entirely. We just needed to boost awareness and be more judicious of how and where we travel and to whom we give our money. If you think about the power booking a future holiday could have in helping rehabilitation, when we seek value for money, we need to also think of values for money.

Read our article on how to reduce your carbon footprint when flying

article image

Keep the rewilding going

After isolation and confinement, we’ll all want to immerse ourselves in fresh air and wilderness – without having to traverse vast continents. Alladale in Scotland is a swathe of land being rewilded thanks to the efforts of The European Nature Trust ( TENT ). Spending time in nature is good for mental health and stress relief, physical wellness and development in childhood – so much so the Scottish NHS had been prescribing time in nature long before any of this happened. Founder of TENT, Paul Lister created the Alladale reserve 50 miles north of Inverness, after acquiring the land in 2003. He points out that less than four per cent of charitable giving focuses on environmental and wildlife-related causes. In Romania, TENT is aiming to create Europe’s largest forested protected area in the Carpathian Mountains, and it hopes this will become the Yellowstone Park of Europe… What we’ll all need is vitamin N – nourishment from nature – and lots of it.

What will the future of travel look like

Wellness, fitness and health enhancement

And finally, it’s a given that many of us will want and need immunity-boosting escapes for preventative or restorative reasons. When restrictions loosen, have these articles bookmarked:

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Until we can start travelling, stay safe and be kind to eachother.

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road trip trailer

With the decline in air travel from the pandemic, the classic road trip has become more popular in America.

Here are 8 ways travel will change after the pandemic

What will travel look like in the future? We asked the experts.

With coronavirus cases continuing to spike in America and abroad, travelers with a United States passport remain grounded. To date, just nine countries are open to Americans without restrictions. If Belarus, Serbia , Zambia or any of the other six countries on that list aren’t in the cards, then travelers itching to get on an international flight will have to wait.

How long is still unknown. Elizabeth Becker, author of Overbooked: The Exploding Business of Travel and Tourism , notes that the pandemic “ decimated ” the $8 trillion global travel industry overnight. “Those essential pillars of 21st-century global travel—open borders, open destinations, and visa-free travel—won’t return in the short term or even medium term,” she says.

What does that mean for the future of travel? Despite the turbulence, experts are seeing blue skies. Bruce Poon Tip, author of Unlearn: The Year the Earth Stood Still and the founder of travel company G Adventures , says not only will we travel again, we’ll do it better. “I still believe travel can be the biggest distributor of wealth the world has ever seen,” he says. “This pause gives us the gift of time to consider how we can travel more consciously.”

From a renewed commitment to sustainable tourism to creative ways to globetrot from home, here’s how travel authors, bloggers, and podcasters are navigating.

( Related: These 25 destinations inspire future journeys and remind us why we love to travel .)

Sustainability will be a driving force

Tourists crowd St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy

Tourists crowd St. ​Mark’s Square in Venice, Italy, in 2013. In the wake of the pandemic, experts predict there will be more interest in visiting less-crowded places.

One silver lining of the pandemic? Consumers are doubling down on sustainability . Becker predicts travelers will take on the role of “concerned citizens” demanding responsible travel policies. The industry will respond with active measures to prioritize a healthy world over profit margins. “Don’t be surprised if countries mandate ‘fly-free days’ and other measures to control climate change,” she says.

  • Nat Geo Expeditions

Take action: Reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing offsets with companies such as Cool Effect and by staying at certified green hotels. Check sites like Book Different , which rates accommodations for eco-friendliness.

( Related: Here’s how Greece is rethinking its once bustling tourism industry .)

Our journeys will become more inclusive

The Black Lives Matter movement has brought the issue of representation to light in all industries, including travel. That’s overdue, says Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon . The award-winning journalist and TV host says she hopes the industry is moving toward meaningful change but worries that any change may be short-lived. “When the pandemic is past and the hashtags are no longer trending, will industry gatekeepers still be eager to attract, cater to, and celebrate travelers of color?” she writes in an email. “I’m cautiously optimistic but not completely convinced.”

Black Travel Alliance ’s Martinique Lewis feels the industry is moving in the right direction and remains hopeful. She notes that companies are addressing the needs of diverse customers and says it’s about time. “For the first time they are considering what a trans female goes through not only when choosing what bathroom to go in at a restaurant, but when she checks into a hotel and her license shows a different person,” says Lewis. “Now plus-size travelers wanting to surf and scuba but can’t because the lack of wetsuits in their size are being acknowledged. Now blind travelers who still want to experience tours and extreme sports while on holiday are thought of.”

Take action: Visit one of the nearly 200 living history museums in the U.S., where historic interpreters portray figures from the past. They shed light on painful issues (such as racism in America) and hidden narratives (such as those of people of color, whose stories have been suppressed).

Small communities will play a bigger role

Travelers can make a difference in small towns that were already struggling economically before the pandemic. Caz Makepeace of Y Travel Blog says she and her family have always traveled slowly to lesser-known areas, “rather than racing through destinations.” Now she’s supporting these places by patronizing local businesses and donating to nonprofits.

Kate Newman of Travel for Difference suggests travelers focus on “ global south ” or developing countries that depend on tourism. “We need to diversify our locations to avoid mass tourism and focus on the places that really need it,” she says. “Seeing so many communities suffer during COVID-19 has brought [this issue] to light.”

Take action: Turn to sustainable tourism educational and advocacy nonprofit Impact Travel Alliance to learn how to empower locals and protect the environment.

We’ll seek quality over quantity

High-mileage travelers are putting more thought into their bucket lists. “COVID-19 has allowed me to rethink how and why I travel,” says Erick Prince of The Minority Nomad . “It’s given me the freedom to explore travel projects for passion instead of the paycheck.” Rather than focusing on paid gigs, the blogger, who lives in Thailand, says he’ll be embarking on a self-funded project to highlight off-the-beaten-track provinces in his adopted country.

Eulanda Osagiede, of Hey Dip Your Toes In , is putting the breaks on international trips, citing travel as a privilege many take for granted. “Privilege comes in many forms, and the act of recognizing our travel-related ones have called us to think about traveling more intentionally and less often—if ever the world begins to look similar to its pre-pandemic days.”

Take action: Check the Transformational Travel Council for resources and recommendations on operators who can help organize meaningful journeys.

The road trip will kick into high gear

For many, road trips may be the only feasible option for travel right now, and frequent fliers like Gabby Beckford of Packs Light are revving up. Driving across state lines can be just as exciting as flying across international borders; it’s about the mindset. “Road-tripping has shown me that the core of travel—curiosity, exposure to newness, and wonder—[is] a perspective, not a destination,” she says.

Take action : Plan a coronavirus-conscious trip to Colorado, home to superlative stargazing sites —and what may become the world’s largest Dark Sky reserve.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee

Some high-mileage travelers say they plan to focus on meaningful experiences at out-of-the-way areas, like Chimney Tops in Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park .

( Related: Check out these eight epic drives across America .)

Travel advisors will become essential

Conde Nast Traveller sustainability editor Juliet Kinsman predicts a shift to booking travel through agents and established operators, noting their invaluable knowledge and industry connections. “I think what 2020 has shown and taught us is the expertise and financial protection of booking through a travel agent often outweighs the amount you pay in commission,” she says. Additionally, she hopes that consumers will look to agents who specialize in the environment. “Those who care about where they send their customers can intuitively cut through greenwash and really ensure every link in the supply chain is an honorable one,” she says.

Related: Amazing architecture you can see from your car window

the Exterior view on Sunset Boulevard of Emerson College in Los Angeles

Take action: Find a travel advisor : The American Society of Travel Advisors maintains a database that allows travelers to search by destination, type of journey (such as eco-tourism or genealogy), and cohort (such as LGBTQ+ travelers). Virtuoso , a network of advisors specializing in luxury travel, can help with good deals, convenient itineraries, and tailored experiences.

We’ll appreciate staying closer to home

Some are discovering the benefits of travel even at home. Blogger Jessie Festa of Epicure & Culture and Jessie on a Journey normally travels internationally once a month. These days, online cultural cooking classes, games, and virtual experiences are helping her “to keep the spirit of travel alive by considering the feelings that travel elicits,” she says. Exchanging postcards with her extended travel community is another “beautiful way to ‘experience’ travel again, safely,” she adds.

“When we compare everything to being locked up indefinitely in our respective towers, a walk to the park can feel like travel,” says blogger Chris Mitchell of Traveling Mitch . “Now people are willing to see the magic in a meal on a patio at a restaurant down the street.”

Take action: Get outside, says the Norwegian concept “ friluftsliv ,” an idea of outdoor living that promises to make the pandemic’s colder months more bearable.

( Related: Here’s why walking is the ideal pandemic activity .)

Planning trips will become joyful again

Although some people are making the best of being grounded, this difficult period is reminding them that travel is important for boosting mental health and personal growth. There’s research to back it up. A 2013 survey of 483 U.S. adults found that travel improves empathy, energy, attention, and focus. Planning a trip is just as effective—a 2014 Cornell study showed that looking forward to travel substantially increases happiness, more than anticipating buying material goods.

Joanna Penn can attest to the healing benefits of both. The U.K.-based author and podcaster behind The Creative Penn and Books and Travel normally travels to research her books. “For me my writing life is all about what I learned when I travel,” she said in a recent podcast, “the ideas that come from being someplace new.” Her future trips will include walking the Camino de Santiago in 2022. Studying maps and determining a route makes her feel like she’s working toward a real goal. “I can expand my comfort zone without too much stress, especially if I accept that things might get canceled,” she said.

Take action: Plan a trip now, with inspiration from this essay on why travel should be considered an essential human activity.

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Mexico

Key points .

  • There have been reports of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) in people traveling to the United States from Tecate, in the state of Baja California, Mexico.
  • RMSF has been found in urban areas of several states of northern Mexico, including but not exclusive to Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo León (see map).
  • Ticks spread the bacteria that causes RMSF. Ticks can live anywhere that dogs live. This includes close to peoples’ homes and in their yards.
  • Dogs can carry the infected ticks that can bite humans. RMSF is NOT spread from a person to another person.
  • Using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellants on exposed skin and clothing.
  • If you find a tick on your body, remove it as soon as possible.
  • Ticks can be tiny and their bites may be painless, so you may not always notice a tick bite.
  • If traveling with your dog, you can protect yourself and your dog by using tick-preventatives on your dog. Talk to your vet for further guidance.
  • RMSF can be deadly. Seek medical attention if you or a family member has traveled to Tecate or another city in northern Mexico and develops symptoms during travel or within 2 weeks of returning to the United States.

Traveler Information

  • Health Information for Travelers to Mexico
  •   Prevent Tick Bites
  • About Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Clinician Information

  • CDC Health Alert Network (HAN): Severe and Fatal Confirmed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever among People with Recent Travel to Tecate, Mexico
  • Rickettsial Diseases  (CDC Yellow Book: Health Information for International Travel)
  • RMSF: Clinical Overview of Transmission and Epidemiology
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment for Health Care Providers (Continuing Education ) [Available in English and Spanish]
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Training Video [Spanish Subtitles]

Map showing location of Tecate, Mexico

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a potentially deadly bacterial disease spread through the bite of an infected tick.  

RMSF is spread by the brown dog tick ( Rhipicephalus sanguineus ) in parts of the southwestern United States and Mexico.

Symptoms of RMSF include fever, headache, and rash. The rash usually appears about 2–4 days after onset of symptoms, however, some patients never develop a rash. The disease can rapidly progress and be deadly if not treated early with the recommended antibiotic. Children younger than 10 years old are five times more likely than adults to die from RMSF.

Doxycycline is the recommended antibiotic treatment for RMSF in adults and children of all ages.

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If You Test Positive for Covid, Can You Still Travel?

With coronavirus cases on the rise, summer travelers are once again facing difficult questions. Here’s the latest travel guidance from health experts.

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By Shannon Sims

As new coronavirus variants gain traction across the United States, summer travelers are facing a familiar and tiresome question: How will the ever-mutating virus affect travel plans?

In light of updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the answers may be slightly different from those in previous years.

Here’s what to know about traveling this summer if you’re worried about — or think you might have — Covid-19.

What’s going on with Covid?

Recent C.D.C. data show that Covid infections are rising or most likely rising in more than 40 states. Hospitalization rates and deaths, while low compared with the peaks seen in previous years, are also on the rise.

The uptick is tied to a handful of variants — named KP.2, KP.3 and LB.1 — that now account for a majority of new cases .

At the same time, record numbers of people are traveling by car and plane.

I’d planned to travel, but I’m sick with Covid. What should I do?

In short: You should probably delay or cancel your trip.

If you tested positive or are experiencing Covid symptoms, which include fever, chills, fatigue, a cough, a runny nose, body aches and a headache, the C.D.C. recommends that you stay home and keep away from others.

According to its latest guidelines, the agency advises waiting until at least 24 hours after you are fever-free and your overall symptoms are improving before going back to normal activities, including travel.

What are the isolation rules?

New C.D.C. guidelines issued in March made significant changes to the recommended isolation period for people with Covid.

The agency now says that you can resume daily activities if you meet two requirements : You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and your symptoms are improving overall. Previously, the agency recommended isolating for at least five days, plus a period of post-isolation precautions.

Even after your isolation period, you may still be able to spread the virus to others, which is why the C.D.C. encourages you to continue to take precautions for the next five days: Use masks, wash your hands frequently, practice physical distancing, clean your air by opening windows or purifying it, and continue testing yourself before gathering around others.

Are there any lingering testing or vaccine requirements?

Travelers no longer need to show proof of being vaccinated against Covid or take a Covid test to enter the U.S. (This applies to both U.S. citizens and noncitizens.)

The same is true in Europe and most other countries.

How can I prepare before traveling?

First, make sure you stay up-to-date with Covid vaccines .

Next, plan to bring any items that would be helpful should you become sick while traveling.

“Make sure to take a good first aid or medication kit with you,” said Vicki Sowards, the director of nursing resources for Passport Health , which provides travel medical services. Ms. Sowards recommended that your kit include medications that you usually take when you are ill, as well as Covid tests.

You may want to consider packing medications that can help alleviate the symptoms of Covid, like painkillers, cold and flu medicines, and fever reducers. Bringing along some electrolyte tablets (or powdered Gatorade) can also help if you get sick.

Ms. Sowards also suggested speaking with your physician before traveling, particularly if you’re in a vulnerable or high-risk group. Some doctors might prescribe the antiviral Paxlovid as a precautionary measure, she said, to be taken in the event of a Covid infection.

How can I stay safe while traveling?

Wearing a mask on a plane or in crowded areas is still a good idea, said Ms. Sowards. Covid is spread through airborne particles and droplets, “so protecting yourself is paramount, especially if you are immunocompromised or have chronic health conditions.”

If you do get sick, start wearing a mask and using over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for fever or joint aches, Ms. Sowards advised.

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10 Compact Travel First Aid Kits for Peace of Mind on the Go

When you’re on the road, whether for adventure or relaxation, having a reliable first aid kit is essential. A well-stocked kit can be a lifesaver, ensuring you’re prepared for minor injuries and emergencies without taking up too much space in your luggage. 

Here are ten compact travel first aid kits that offer convenience and exhaustive care.

  • Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight/Watertight – Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, this kit is designed to withstand the elements with its waterproof pouch
  • Surviveware Small First Aid Kit –This compact kit is organized with labeled compartments, making it easy to find what you need quickly.
  • Swiss Safe 2-in-1 First Aid Kit – This versatile kit combines a comprehensive 64-piece kit, perfect for various emergency situations.
  • DEFTGET First Aid Kit – This 65-piece kit comes in a compact, shatterproof polycarbonate case with watertight O-ring seals.
  • M2 BASICS First Aid Kit – With 300 pieces, this kit includes a wide array of supplies, from bandages and antiseptic to a first aid guide.

Continue reading to discover our complete list of travel first aid kits. 

What to Look for in a Travel First Aid Kit

When selecting a travel first aid kit, consider the following factors to ensure it meets your needs.

Size and Portability

Choose a kit that is compact and lightweight. This will make it easy to pack and carry without taking up too much space in your luggage.

Look for kits that include essential items such as adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, gauze pads, and tweezers. Some kits also offer specialized items like emergency blankets and CPR masks.


Kits with labeled compartments or transparent pouches allow for quick and easy access to supplies during emergencies.

Opt for kits with durable cases, especially if you plan to travel in rugged environments or challenging weather conditions.


Depending on your travel plans, consider kits that offer a wider range of supplies, especially if you’re going on a longer trip or traveling with family.

Why We Chose These Kits

The travel first aid kits selected for this article were chosen based on several criteria to ensure they provide the best options for travelers:

  • Versatility – Each kit offers a range of supplies suitable for different types of travel, from hiking to road trips.
  • User Reviews – We considered kits that consistently receive high ratings and positive feedback from users for their reliability and quality.
  • Variety – We included kits that cater to different needs and preferences, whether you’re looking for a minimalist solution or a thorough kit.
  • Practical Features – The kits selected are known for practical features like waterproof pouches, organized compartments, and durable cases, ensuring they can withstand various travel conditions.

10 Top Travel First Aid Kits 

These compact travel first aid kits ensure that you’re prepared for any minor emergencies on your journeys, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on enjoying your travels. 

Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight/Watertight

Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight/Watertight

Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, this kit is designed to withstand the elements with its waterproof pouch. It includes a variety of bandages, antiseptic wipes, and medications for common ailments, all in a lightweight package weighing only 3.68 ounces.

Perfect for – Hikers and campers who need a durable, weatherproof option.

Surviveware Small First Aid Kit

Surviveware Small First Aid Kit

This kit is organized with labeled compartments, making it easy to find what you need quickly. It includes 100 essential items, such as adhesive bandages, tweezers, and an emergency blanket, in a durable, portable case.

Perfect for – Travelers who value organization and quick access.

Swiss Safe 2-in-1 First Aid Kit

Swiss Safe 2-in-1 First Aid Kit

This compact kit combines a comprehensive 64-piece kit, perfect for various emergency situations. It includes medical-grade items such as large and small bandages, relief pads, a mylar blanket, a fire starter rod, a wire saw, and a fishing Line. The durable, water-resistant case keeps supplies organized and protected, ensuring you’re ready for any minor injuries or emergencies.

Perfect for – Travelers, families, and outdoor enthusiasts who need a reliable and portable first aid solution for minor emergencies.

DEFTGET First Aid Kit

DEFTGET First Aid Kit

This 65-piece kit comes in a compact, shatterproof polycarbonate case with watertight O-ring seals. It includes essential first aid supplies for treating minor injuries during outdoor adventures. With dimensions of 4.6” H x 3.15” W x 1.65” D and weighing just 0.25 lb, it’s easy to carry in a backpack, vehicle glove box, or med cabinet for quick access.

Perfect for – Travelers who need a durable, waterproof first aid kit for quick access.

M2 BASICS First Aid Kit

M2 BASICS First Aid Kit

With 300 pieces, this kit includes a wide array of supplies, from bandages and antiseptic to a first aid guide. Despite its extensive inventory, it remains compact enough to fit in a backpack or glove compartment.

Perfect for – Those who prefer a larger inventory of items for extended travel.

Lifeline AAA Premium Road Kit

Lifeline AAA Premium Road Kit

While designed for road safety, this kit includes a variety of first aid supplies alongside emergency car tools. It’s a great option for road trips, offering both medical and automotive assistance.

Perfect for –  Road trippers who want to cover both medical and vehicle emergencies.

Be Smart Get Prepared First Aid Kit

Be Smart Get Prepared First Aid Kit

This FDA-approved kit includes 110 pieces of medical supplies, organized in a durable, hard-shell case. It’s ideal for handling minor injuries and illnesses while traveling.

Perfect for – Travelers seeking a sturdy, impact-resistant option.

TripWorthy Compact First Aid Kit

TripWorthy Compact First Aid Kit

This kit is packed with 100 essential items, including a variety of bandages, gauze pads, cleaning wipes, scissors, and even a sewing kit – all neatly organized in a compact, travel-friendly case.

Perfect for – Minimalists who need just the basics in a small package.

Coleman All Purpose Mini First Aid Kit

Coleman All Purpose Mini First Aid Kit

Small enough to fit in your pocket, this kit contains 27 essential items for treating minor injuries. It’s a great addition to any backpack or purse for everyday adventures.

Perfect for – Day travelers who need a tiny, on-the-go solution.

First Aid Only 100-Piece All-Purpose First Aid Kit

First Aid Only 100-Piece All-Purpose First Aid Kit

This 100-piece kit provides essential supplies for treating minor injuries and emergencies. It includes a variety of adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, tweezers, and more, all organized in labeled pockets for optimal organization. 

Perfect for – Families and individuals looking for a complete and portable first aid kit that can be used in various settings, including at home, in the office, or on the go.

Whether you’re hiking in the mountains or exploring a new city, there is sure to be a kit on our list that fits your needs.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Do you travel with a first aid kit? What do you think is important to carry when traveling in case of a minor emergency? Do you have a favorite kit that you would like to recommend? Tell us about it in the comments section below. 


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Sandra Roussy

Sandra Roussy

Sandra is the middle-aged woman you hear about who sheds everything she owns and sets out into the world to rediscover and redefine herself. After more than twenty years spent in the fashion industry designing collections for brands such as La Senza, Victoria’s Secret, and JACOB Lingerie, she shifted her path and pursued her longtime passion for writing, traveling, and photography. Sandra was published in the NY Times best selling book Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It. A deeply personal essay hand-picked by Elizabeth Gilbert about loss, facing fears, and going after dreams. Visit her website: www.sandraroussy.com

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Jamaica Travel Advisory

Travel advisory july 25, 2024, jamaica - level 3: reconsider travel.

Updated to reflect additional information on crime and health care.

Reconsider travel to Jamaica due to  crime . Exercise increased caution regarding medical services. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. 

Country Summary: Violent crime occurs throughout Jamaica. Tourist areas generally see lower rates of violent crime than other parts of the country. The homicide rate reported by the Government of Jamaica is among the highest in the Western Hemisphere. Armed robberies and sexual assaults are common. 

The U.S. Embassy routinely receives reports of sexual assaults, including from U.S. citizen tourists at resorts. U.S. citizens report slow or unsatisfactory response to serious criminal incidents. When arrests are made, cases are infrequently prosecuted to a final verdict and sentence. 

U.S. citizens should not expect the same level of health care available in Jamaica as is available in the United States. This includes generally lower levels of emergency service response times or routine care for illness or injury. Private hospitals require payment up front before admitting patients and may not have the ability to provide specialized care. Ambulance services are not always staffed with EMTs or always readily available, especially in rural areas. U.S. citizens should bring extra prescription medication as common medications such as insulin can be difficult to obtain.

We strongly encourage you to obtain traveler’s insurance, including medical evacuation insurance, before traveling.  The Department of State does not pay medical bills.

U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. Air ambulance service to the United States can range from $30,000-50,000. Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Jamaica.

If you decide to travel to Jamaica:

  • Do not attempt to bring firearms or ammunition. This includes stray rounds, shells, or empty casings. The penalties for carrying firearms and/or ammunition, even inadvertently, are severe, and can include lengthy prison sentences.
  • Avoid walking or driving at night.
  • Avoid public buses.
  • Avoid secluded places or situations.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep a low profile.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  at www.step.state.gov to receive alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and X/Twitter . 
  • Review the State Department’s Country Specific Information for Jamaica.
  • Make a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information related to your travel.

U.S. embassy personnel are prohibited from traveling to certain areas of Jamaica due to crime. Additionally, U.S. embassy personnel are prohibited from using public buses and from driving outside of prescribed areas of Kingston at night. The off-limits zones for U.S. embassy personnel within each parish are listed below . 

Off-limits locations for U.S. embassy personnel throughout Jamaica – Level 4: Do Not Travel

St. Ann’s Parish - Steer Town and the Buckfield neighborhood near Ocho Rios

St. Catherine’s Parish - Spanish Town, Central Village, areas within Portmore, including: Naggo Head, New Land, Old Braeton, Portmore Lane, Gregory Park, and Waterford

Clarendon Parish - all of Clarendon Parish, except passing through Clarendon Parish using the T1 and A2 highways.

St. Elizabeth’s Parish - Vineyard District Community, between the communities of Salt Spring and Burnt Savanna, St. Elizabeth

Hanover Parish - Logwood and Orange Bay

St. James Parish/Montego Bay - Inland side of the A1 highway and The Queen’s Drive from San San to Harmony Beach Park

Kingston and St. Andrew Parish - Cassava Piece, Duhaney Park, Grants Pen, Standpipe, Swallowfield, Elleston Flats, August Town, and downtown Kingston, defined as between Mountain View Avenue and Hagley Park Road, and south of Half Way Tree and Old Hope Roads. Downtown Kingston includes Arnett Gardens, Cockburn Gardens, Denham Town, Olympic Gardens, Seaview Gardens, Trench Town, and Tivoli Gardens. 

Manchester Parish - Green Vale, Gray Ground, Red Ground, and Vineyard neighborhoods of Mandeville

St. Thomas Parish - Black Lane neighborhood in Seaforth, Grands Penn, Church Corner neighborhood near Yallahs, Town of Yallahs, except when driving through on the main highway.

Trelawny Parish - Clarks Town

Westmoreland Parish - Russia community in Savanna-la-Mar (The Southeastern quadrant of Savannah la Mar east of Darling Street and south of the A2 highway/Barracks Road), Morgan Bay, Kings Valley, The Whitehall, Bethel Town, and Red Ground neighborhoods of Negril

If you do decide to travel to the above-listed Do Not Travel areas, please visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Travel Advisory Levels

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EU Entry/Exit System

Information about changing requirements for UK nationals travelling to countries in the Schengen area.

From November 2024, the EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit system ( EES ). This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.

If you are travelling to a country in the Schengen area using a UK passport, you will be required to register your biometric details, such as fingerprints or a photo, when you arrive. EES registration will replace the current system of manually stamping passports when visitors arrive in the EU.  ​

The exact date that EES will be introduced has not been confirmed.

If you are travelling to the Schengen area

When EES is introduced, you will need to create a digital record on your first visit to the Schengen area at the port or airport on arrival. You will be required to submit your fingerprints and have your photo taken at dedicated booths. 

You will not need to provide any information before travelling to a Schengen area country.  

If you are flying to a country in the Schengen area, you may experience longer queue times when you arrive at your destination.  

At some ports and international stations (Dover, Eurotunnel and St Pancras), there may be increased wait times while EES registration is completed before passengers leave the UK. ​If you are travelling through one of these stations, you should check with your travel operator to find out whether EES will affect your journey.

Your digital record is valid for 3 years. If you enter the Schengen area again during this time, you will only need to provide a fingerprint or photo at the border, when you enter and exit.

Why the EU is introducing EES

EES is designed to improve border security within the EU and its neighbouring countries, and reduce illegal migration in the Schengen area.  It will automate border control checks to help the EU stop visitors overstaying.​

EES is part of wider work the EU is doing to strengthen their border security. In 2025, the EU will introduce the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System ( ETIAS ).  ​ 

When ETIAS is introduced, you will need to apply for authorisation to enter Schengen area countries if using a UK passport. You will need to provide personal information and details about your trip, and pay a 7 Euro fee, as part of the authorisation process.  

The EU has already set out more information on ETIAS , including what information will be required from each nationality, on the EU’s official Travel Europe website .

How EES will affect travelling to the Schengen area

The UK government has been working closely with the European Commission, member states, local authorities and the travel industry to prepare ports for EES . The government is supporting ports and carriers to ensure EES registration is simple for people travelling to the Schengen area.

UK government support includes providing Eurostar, Eurotunnel and Port of Dover with £3.5 million each, to spend on registration kiosks and infrastructure. 

Eurostar expects EES registration to be quick and easy. ​It will have 50 kiosks across 3 locations at stations for people to carry out the checks.

Eurotunnel will have over 100 kiosks and estimate EES checks will add just over 5 minutes to journey times.​ 

Port of Dover will have 24 kiosks for coach passengers and will register passengers in cars using agents and tablets to make the process as straightforward as possible. 

Find out more information on the EES initiative on the EU’s official  Travel Europe website .

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  1. Will vs. Going to: Differences Between Will and Going to

    will travel or going to travel

  2. Quando Usar O Will Ou Going To

    will travel or going to travel

  3. WILL vs. GOING TO: The Difference Between Will and Going to

    will travel or going to travel

  4. تفاوت will و going to در زبان انگلیسی

    will travel or going to travel

  5. Differences Between Will and Be going to

    will travel or going to travel


    will travel or going to travel


  1. I will travel, I'm traveling, or I will be traveling?

    Take your grammar to the next level! Our question of the day is about the future in English: should we say: I will be traveling next month. I am traveling next month. I will travel next month. The two best options are "I will be traveling next month" and "I am traveling next month.". We could also say "I'm going to travel next month

  2. I am going to travel/ I am traveling

    B: "Sadly, my family is going to travel without me!" A: "We're going to miss you! Where are you going to be? B: "I am going to be at university studying at this time! It is going to be horrible, but I'll be thinking of you!"

  3. Understanding the Difference Between Will Travel and Will Be Travelling

    Key Takeaways. "Will Travel" refers to a future action that will happen after a specific time, while "Will Be Travelling" indicates ongoing or continuous movement. "Will Travel" is used when referring to a specific point in time, while "Will Be Travelling" implies an ongoing or continuous period of movement.

  4. Will vs. Going To—How To Use Them

    Will vs. Going To—How To Use Them

  5. COVID-19 and Travel: What You Should Know

    COVID-19 and Travel: What You Should Know

  6. Space Travel Updates: When Will We Be Able To Travel To Space?

    The proceeds go to the Club for the Future philanthropic foundation to support STEM education. Currently, Blue Origin has a Federal Aviation Administration license for human space travel through ...

  7. Is Interstellar Travel Really Possible?

    The truth is that interstellar travel and exploration is technically possible. There's no law of physics that outright forbids it. But that doesn't necessarily make it easy, and it certainly doesn ...

  8. Explainer: Here's what we know about how U.S. will lift travel

    President Joe Biden's administration plans to ease in early November COVID-19 pandemic-related travel restrictions that have barred people from much of the world from entering the United States ...

  9. CDC Travel Guidelines: What You Need to Know

    CDC Travel Guidelines: What You Need to Know

  10. Tropical Storm Francine

    When rebooked travel occurs after September 14, 2024, a difference in fare may apply. If travel is not able to be rescheduled within these guidelines, customers may cancel their reservation and apply any unused value of the ticket toward the purchase of a new ticket for a period of one year from the original ticket issuance.

  11. 3 predictions for the future of space exploration

    Axiom Space. 1. Space exploration will be a mix of public and private money. If you look at even the NASA missions returning to the moon, lots of different private space companies are involved in ...

  12. What travelers need to know about the new US travel requirements

    0:00. 2:02. The U.S. is launching a new travel system on Nov. 8. Vaccinated foreign air travelers will need to show proof of full vaccination and test for COVID-19. The new travel system also adds ...

  13. Is time travel really possible? Here's what physics says

    Is time travel really possible? Here's what physics says

  14. 2024 Travel Predictions: Airline Prices, Destinations, AI and More

    2024 Travel Predictions: Airline Prices, Destinations, AI ...

  15. Future of space travel: What will it be like?

    17th Mar 2022. 🔊 Listen to this. More than 60 years have passed since the first human space flight, but the future of space travel is still being written since only about 600 people have been in orbit so far. For most people willing to experience space travel, this wish remains an unattainable dream. But let's remember that cars, planes ...

  16. Travel Inflation Price Tracker: August 2024

    Travel Inflation Price Tracker: June 2024

  17. When will international travel return? Here's what we know right now

    ACI's de Oliveira says that the summer rebound could mean international air traffic reaching 50% to 60% of previous levels in most countries. Here are some of the hurdles travelers and the ...

  18. The Latest on U.S. Travel Restrictions

    What to Know: U.S. Travel Restrictions. Lauren Hard 📍 Reporting from New Jersey. Stephanie Keith for The New York Times. The hope is with these longstanding bans being lifted, the U.S. tourism ...

  19. Lebanon Travel Advisory

    Refugee Settlements - Level 4: Do Not Travel, Depart If You Are There. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to avoid travel to refugee settlements in Lebanon and depart if you are there. These settlements are prone to outbreaks of violence including shootings and explosions. Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas.

  20. Burkina Faso Travel Advisory

    Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Do not travel to Burkina Faso due to terrorism, crime, and kidnapping.. Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting attacks in Burkina Faso.Terrorists may conduct attacks anywhere with little or no warning.

  21. What will the future of travel look like?

    Our prediction: we're going to travel less, but we will travel better. As we emerge from this torpor, we'll be craving health-enhancing experiences, restorative immersions in nature, spirit-lifting exercise in the open air and safe escapes for quality time with our nearest and dearest. We'll need to transition to venturing back into the ...

  22. What will travel look like when the pandemic is over?

    Higher airfares. Airlines will be looking to recoup the staggering losses prompted by the pandemic. Paul Charles is seeing fares rise, often by 20-30%, "and because there's so much pent-up ...

  23. Here are 8 ways travel will change after the pandemic

    Elizabeth Becker, author of Overbooked: The Exploding Business of Travel and Tourism, notes that the pandemic " decimated " the $8 trillion global travel industry overnight. "Those essential ...

  24. The Bahamas Travel Advisory

    Updated with additional water safety information. Exercise increased caution in The Bahamas due to crime.. Country Summary: The majority of crime occurs on New Providence (Nassau) and Grand Bahama (Freeport) islands.In Nassau, practice increased vigilance in the "Over the Hill" area (south of Shirley Street) where gang-on-gang violence has resulted in a high homicide rate primarily ...

  25. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Mexico

    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a potentially deadly bacterial disease spread through the bite of an infected tick. RMSF is spread by the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) in parts of the southwestern United States and Mexico.. Symptoms of RMSF include fever, headache, and rash. The rash usually appears about 2-4 days after onset of symptoms, however, some patients never ...

  26. If You Test Positive for Covid, Can You Still Travel?

    If you tested positive or are experiencing Covid symptoms, which include fever, chills, fatigue, a cough, a runny nose, body aches and a headache, the C.D.C. recommends that you stay home and keep ...

  27. 10 Compact Travel First Aid Kits for Peace of Mind on the Go

    Depending on your travel plans, consider kits that offer a wider range of supplies, especially if you're going on a longer trip or traveling with family. Why We Chose These Kits. The travel first aid kits selected for this article were chosen based on several criteria to ensure they provide the best options for travelers:

  28. Haiku Stairs: 14 people arrested for illegal hiking in Hawaii

    Hawaii's most controversial nature spot has once again become a center of concern, with 14 people recently arrested for accessing the Haiku Stairs on the island of Oahu according to officials ...

  29. Jamaica Travel Advisory

    Air ambulance service to the United States can range from $30,000-50,000. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Jamaica. If you decide to travel to Jamaica: Do not attempt to bring firearms or ammunition. This includes stray rounds, shells, or empty casings.

  30. EU Entry/Exit System

    From November 2024, the EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit system (EES).This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.