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Every Country’s High & Low Seasons On One Useful Map

You are currently viewing Every Country’s High & Low Seasons On One Useful Map

  • Post author: Andrew D'Amours
  • Post published: April 24, 2018
  • Post category: General wanderlust / Travel inspiration / Travel tips / Trip planning tips
  • Post comments: 3 Comments

One of the most frequently asked travel questions is related to the best timing to visit various destinations around the world. It’s an important factor when choosing either to avoid crowds and save money, or to get the best weather. It obviously varies greatly for each country, so here’s a really useful animated map.

There are 193 countries in the world, all of which have amazing things to showcase. But with that variety comes vastly different climates… and different high / low seasons . So if these details matter to you, keep that in mind when you are checking out the amazing prices featured on Flytrippers’ curated cheap flight deals page.

By the way, our deals are often for the high season: there are deals year-round (but those might expire even more quickly than usual). That said, the worst time to travel, airfare-wise, is in July and August, since everyone is on vacation at the same time (don’t miss our upcoming article with tips to save money for summer travel) and during the Christmas holidays, for obvious reasons.

Personally, I always avoid travelling in July because I absolutely hate huge crowds of tourists. And I prefer to travel more often, so I am always trying to save money when traveling.

During high season, you could be paying up to twice as much for accommodation and plenty of other things, including of course plane tickets. Others prefer to go to Europe in July because the weather is better, even if everything ends up costing twice as much. Like pretty much everything in the world of travel, it all depends on your personal preferences, there are so many variables.

The Useful Map

Here is the map of the tourism seasons around the world (it is a month-by-month animation):

(apparently it doesn’t always play on all mobile browsers, so try a different one or save this page for when you’ll be on a computer)

In red is the high season, in teal is the low season and in yellow is the shoulder season.

The map, created by European travel agency  is a great way to quickly get an idea of the high/low/shoulder seasons for each country at a glance.

Of course, this map doesn’t have the highest level of details. Once you have a few specific destinations targeted (it’s always best to have a few destination options to increase your chances of finding a deal on flights), then you can Google it and research the specifics for each destination .

It’s very easy to find out when is the high season for a specific destination you have in mind with Google. As is the case for literally any information you are looking for in the world of travel, you can be sure Google knows the answer and will find you a useful article with more details for any destination.

More Tips About Seasons

Traveling during the low season has many advantages, and shoulder seasons are also often a great compromise for travelers.

In some cases, it might not be considered high season for tourists, but the weather can be just as beautiful. Some countries have a very similar climate year-round, but quieter months on the tourism front.

Or as one of our guest-bloggers mentioned in her story about a trip in one of the countries where low season means rainy season (it’s obviously not always the case), it doesn’t necessarily rain all the time and the trip can be just as memorable.

Another example is my trip to Peru in August 2017, of course it wasn’t as hot as if I had gone during their summer, but my flight cost me $390 roundtrip (instead of the $800 some travelers pay) and with the money saved I was able to visit 18 countries that year.

Shoulder seasons often offer the best of both worlds (but again, it depends on the country, just like everything else in the world of travel). It can be just as nice weather-wise, without the hordes of buses full of tourists.

For example, we shared recently the best time of summer to travel if you want to save money and it happens to be just after the peak season… and the weather is almost always as beautiful (I’ve been choosing those specific weeks for my summer vacations every year for the past 5-6 years now, and will again this summer),

Remember that all the money you save by going somewhere outside of the high season will allow you to pay for an extra trip. I’ve never been to Europe in summer for example, but I’ve been 4 times in the past year and a half because I saved so much money… I prefer that 100% of the time.

Two trips with slightly less enjoyable weather will always be better than just one trip with better weather in my opinion. Especially given that even high season can never guarantee perfect weather. And in fact, even ignoring the weather, the simple fact of avoiding crowds in high season is even more interesting to me.

What do you think?

Bottom Line

This is a very useful map to share with your travel buddies to see the high and low seasons.

Have you traveled during the low season? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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Posted April 24th 2018, updated April 28th 2019

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Andrew D'Amours

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This post has 3 comments.

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Got quality information about when to visit a country is best suited. As far as Pakistan,s concern April to Sept is Hot season for Provinces like Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan but pleasant like Nothern areas of Pakistan. Oct to March is good to visit these provinces but snowfall can be seen in Gilgit Baltistan, KPK, and Azad Kashmir.

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Such a handy tool! 🙂 We often prefer travelling after Labour Day (northern hemisphere), for all the reasons you mentioned: Weather is still good, less crowded and cheaper.

' src=

Exactly, it’s the easiest tip to save money at least for those who have the option of not going during school holidays of course 🙂

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The Backpacker Network

Europe Backpacker

Best Time to Visit Europe: A Season by Season Guide

Quaint street in France

If you are wondering when is the best time to visit Europe, you’ll be pleased to learn that there isn’t really a bad time to go! 

Nonetheless, it’s smart to devise a prioritization system to figure out where to go and when. Separating destinations based on seasons, weather patterns, and your budget can help narrow things down, and knowing what to expect from different regions at different times of year will also help you choose where to go. 

To help you get started, we’ve outlined a season-by-season guide to Europe, with climate information, peak season mapping, and general information on what the best activities are in each season. 

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  • Best Places to Backpack in Europe
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A Season by Season Guide to the Best Time to Visit Europe

Climate in europe.

The climate in Europe can vary wildly depending on where you go, from Arctic winter conditions in northern Norway to summertime in southern Spain, affectionately called ‘the frying pan of Europe’. 

Western and Eastern Europe generally have fairly temperate climates, though the inclusion of Russia can lead climate averages to skew a bit colder in Eastern Europe, and it also gets quite hot in the summer. 

Norway - colourful houses

Northern Europe can have very chilly winters for sure, but the summers are some of the best in the world: mild and breezy, optimal for outdoor activities. Conversely, Southern Europe can be a fantastic off-season destination due to its balmy winters but can be overwhelmingly hot in the summertime peak season.

While of course, it would be ideal to visit Europe when the weather is best, it’s not a coincidence that this is usually the most expensive time to visit. A winter visit is a great way to save some money, and in fact, winter in Europe may be comparable (or maybe even warmer!) to winter where you live. 

Even winters in Scandinavia aren’t quite so bad if you’re accustomed to some snow and ice back home. This can definitely be a case of rumors overstating the actual conditions, as temperatures often stay above freezing during the day and can feel quite mild if there’s no wind. 

Overall, if you’re concerned about being too hot or too cold, shoulder season is often the best time to maximize both budget and weather conditions. Most things are still open, but with fewer crowds and lower costs, and the weather hovers somewhere in the middle of the heat/cold spectrum. 

Relatedly, it merits mentioning that weather patterns are not as set in stone as they used to be. Wherever you choose to go, you’re much more likely to experience unanticipated weather due to climate change. 

Porthcurno Beach, United Kingdom

This can mean warm days in the middle of winter, snow in early summer, or random thunderstorms during typically dry seasons… but it can also mean dizzying heatwaves and freak blizzards that can easily take a turn for the dangerous, as climate change has also led weather patterns to become much more intense in recent years.  

It’s best to be prepared for a variety of situations, and visitors to Southern Europe, in particular, should be prepared for fierce heat in the peak summer season. Be sure to stay hydrated, and remember that many Airbnbs or local accommodations may not have air conditioning! 

While becoming more of a necessity due to high temperatures, air-conditioned homes are still not a particularly common occurrence in Europe. This is definitely something to consider splurging on if you’re visiting in July or August!

Visiting Europe in Summer 

  • Northern Europe Average Summer Temp: 13°C – 22°C (55°F – 72°F)
  • Eastern Europe Average Summer Temp: 22°C – 27°C (55°F – 80°F)
  • Southern Europe Average Summer Temp: 24°C – 38°C (75°F – 101°F)
  • Western Europe Average Summer Temp: 20°C – 27°C (68°F – 80°F)

👉 Best European Destinations for Summer ☀️

Summer tends to be the favorite time for many to visit Europe due to across-the-board warm and sunny temperatures. This includes Europeans themselves who take advantage of regional tourism in July and August, as well as students and families on summer holidays around the world. 

There may also be some holidays that you aren’t familiar with during this time, such as celebrations of Corpus Christi in countries like the Netherlands and Germany . Keep in mind that most shops and restaurants will be completely closed on those days. 

Again, remember that Southern Europe (along with most of Western and Eastern Europe) gets very hot in the summer. This is a plus for those seeking sunshine and beach destinations, especially along the epic coastlines in Italy , Greece, the south of France, and Croatia.

Zakynthos beach

It’s a great time for water sports like surfing or sailing, soaking up that vitamin D, and relaxing by the shore on the Côte d’Azur or ‘on island time’ in Mykonos or Ibiza. Outdoor pools and baths in Reykjavik and Budapest are a great way to spend an afternoon, and the cities come alive as well, with great opportunities for nightlife, outdoor dining, and picnics in local parks, lush and green with summer leaves. 

It’s a great time to see lavender fields in full bloom in Provence or the lesser-known (but equally gorgeous) sunflower fields in the Dordogne region in France. Edelweiss are in bloom in Switzerland and Austria in July, but remember that these only usually appear at high altitudes – perfect for hiking enthusiasts. 

There is a wide variety of multi-day, European music festivals in the summertime, like Sziget in Budapest, Glastonbury in the UK, or Tomorrowland in Belgium . Also look out for film festivals like Cannes or food and wine festivals, which take place all over the continent. 

However, for many, the heat can be a deterrent, and everyone traveling during peak season should be aware of the dangers of heat exhaustion. The UV rays can be intense for those sensitive to the sun, and it’s good to keep in mind that these temperatures are steadily rising – sometimes shattering records 100 years in the making. 

Pena Palace

It’s not unusual for temperatures to surpass 40°C (104°F) in the southern parts of Greece and Spain, with Athens consistently clocking in as the continent’s hottest city. High temperatures and humidity can make outdoor activities like hiking extra-strenuous, or perhaps just a bit too sweaty to be fully enjoyable. 

Relatedly, peak season also means peak crowds! Expect to pay more for accommodation, dining, and activities, and to fight large crowds for everything you want to do, from museums to boat excursions or even just walking around an outdoor attraction like the Roman Forum or the Acropolis. It’s really worth getting up as early as you can before the sun is too high in the sky and to avoid the waves of tourists trying to do the same things you are. 

If you’re seeking to avoid the combination of peak crowds and peak heat, consider saving Southern Europe for a shoulder season visit (in fall or spring) and checking out Northern Europe in the summertime instead. The comparatively milder weather equals a hiker’s paradise, and the long hours of daylight make for great nightlife in cool urban locales like Stockholm, Helsinki, or Oslo. 

While the mosquitoes can be a bit vicious, the comparatively cooler temperatures make for a much more comfortable stay while still experiencing some of Europe’s best tourism options. Some areas of Scandinavia are actually only reachable in the summer, like parts of the Westfjords in Iceland , though it’s still a good idea to double-check that a given place is accessible before visiting.     


Visiting Europe in Autumn 

  • Northern Europe Average Autumn Temp: -1°C – 15°C (30°F – 60°F)
  • Eastern Europe Average Autumn Temp: 1°C – 21°C (33°F – 70°F)
  • Southern Europe Average Autumn Temp: 15°C – 28°C (59°F – 82°F)
  • Western Europe Average Autumn Temp: 13°C – 20°C (55°F – 68°F)

👉 Top European Destinations for Fall 🍂

Autumn is typically known as ‘shoulder season’ in Europe, sandwiching the peak summer season and the winter off-season. This is a great time to visit Europe! In many instances, you’ll find that you get the best of both worlds: prices are often lower, but the weather hasn’t gotten too chilly yet, and while some attractions have limited hours, they are largely still open. You may have to plan a bit in advance to make sure you can do what you want to do, but you’re unlikely to have any issues. 

In early autumn, swimming is still possible in warm places like Sicily, Sardegna, and Cyprus. Fans of fall foliage will love visiting the mountainous areas of the continent, like the Alps, Caucasus Mountains, or the Dolomites. Switzerland, Scotland, Slovenia, and Georgia, among other places, are also wonderful destinations to visit during autumn. 

Scotland in autumn

If you’re not a fan of the heat, consider visiting hotspots like Paris, Athens, or London during the fall instead of the summer. Crowds will be fewer, and temperatures will be lower. Fall is said by many wine enthusiasts to be the best time to visit wineries, with a variety of harvest festivals occurring in European wine regions in Portugal, France, and Italy.    

One con of visiting in autumn is that several places, like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, can already start to get quite rainy and gray during this season. Relatedly, the sun will start to set progressively earlier after October, with sunsets well before 5pm in some places by November. 

However, packing layers can definitely mitigate this, especially a thin waterproof layer and comfortable shoes. It is also recommended that you check the forecast to plan indoor activities like museums for rainy days. If you visit before the time changes in October, it will still be light out until past 7 or so in the evening as well.  

what is the best season to travel in your country

Visiting Europe in Spring

  • Northern Europe Average Spring Temp: 4°C – 10°C (39°F – 50°F)
  • Eastern Europe Average Spring Temp: 11°C – 20°C (52°F – 68°F)
  • Southern Europe Average Spring Temp: 15°C – 22°C (59°F – 72°F)
  • Western Europe Average Spring Temp: 8°C – 20°C (46°F – 68°F)

👉 Amazing Destinations in Europe for Spring 🌸

Spring is also considered ‘shoulder season’ in Europe, preceding the peak summer season. Spring can offer the best bang for your buck in terms of weather and activities, with summer-adjacent temperatures, progressively later sunsets, and longer opening hours. 

Flower lovers will adore visiting Europe during bloom season, which, of course, occurs only in the springtime. Places like the world-famous Keukenhof tulip gardens in Lisse, Holland, cherry blossoms in Obidos, Portugal or Bonn, Germany, and wildflower valleys filled with poppies in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany all bloom between March and May. 

Tulips in bloom

In April, festivals like the Feria de Sevilla and Zurich’s Sechseläuten take place, and courtyards and patios come alive in May for Fiesta de los Patios in Córdoba, Spain. Some hikers also love seeing the progress of the spring thaw in the mountains of Scandinavia, and while conditions can be a little muddy, spring is a great time for outdoor activities of that nature.   

Visiting in the springtime can have similar cons to an autumn visit – it can also be quite rainy, with somewhat unpredictable weather. It’s not at all uncommon to have a snowstorm here or there and blasts of wintry temperatures, or unseasonably warm temperatures as well. 

Again, packing layers is essential, especially that thin rain layer and something toasty for the evenings. The later in the spring you visit, the more stabilized temperatures and conditions often are (but not always).  


Visiting Europe in Winter 

  • Northern Europe Average Winter Temp: -15°C – 4°C (5°F – 39°F)
  • Eastern Europe Average Winter Temp: -4°C – 4°C (22°F – 39°F)
  • Southern Europe Average Winter Temp: 10°C – 18°C (50°F – 65°F)
  • Western Europe Average Winter Temp: 2°C – 12°C (35°F – 53°F)

Winter visits are a total gem, and are still somewhat under-the-radar which leads to cheaper airfare, among other things! With way fewer visitors around, you’ll have tourist hotspots all to yourself, which is always a perk when visiting popular European museums like the Louvre, the Prado, or the Vatican. Outdoor places with long wait times, like Saint Peter’s Basilica or the Mezquita de Córdoba, will be virtually empty, and you’re sure to have a much more relaxed visit, along with better photo opportunities. 

While not everything will be open, if you’re willing to be a bit flexible and plan ahead, Europe in winter is a fantastic destination. Most notably, keep in mind that many activities and transportation options, such as trains and water ferries, run on reduced schedules during the winter. Just be sure to buy tickets ahead of time and check opening times.

On the boat in Nærøyfjord

Things are often much cheaper in the wintertime, especially in terms of lodging and dining. Many restaurants in tourist hotspots, such as the lakes region in Italy or the French Riviera, will even have seasonal menus, with way cheaper prices for the same items in the winter. 

Also read: A Winter Guide to Visiting Lake Como, Italy.  

Winter is a more common time for local tourism, which results in a more laid-back and relaxed vibe, rather than the hustle and bustle of other seasons. While activities like swimming and sunbathing may be a no-go (unless you are particularly intrepid!), numerous winter activities take their place. 

The Alpine regions of Switzerland, France, and Italy have some of the best skiing in the world: a major bucket list item for a lot of folks. There are also options for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and snowboarding available as well, or just relaxing in the quaint and picture-perfect lodges. You can go dog-sledding in Norway, ice fishing in Finland, and of course, the winter is statistically the best time to see the awe-inspiring Northern Lights throughout Northern Europe. 

Northern lights

Germany’s towns and villages are aglow with adorable Christmas markets and New Year festivals , and scorching summer destinations in Southern Europe, especially on islands like Ibiza or the Azores, are balmy and lovely this time of year. 

Much-reduced daylight is often a concern for those considering a winter visit, but there are ways to maximize this as well. You may have heard horror stories about places in Scandinavia only getting a few hours of daylight per day, but in most cases, these calculations only take hours of “full sunlight” into account. When you add in sunrise and sunset times, you’ll find that it’s not so bad after all – the sun is still out, it’s just not fully overhead yet. 

The only other thing to note is that February is often school break time, which leads many Europeans to seek a break from cold and gray winters in places like Tenerife or Mallorca. If you’re planning an island getaway, try to book flights and hotels well in advance. 

Appenzell, Switzerland

When to Visit Europe FAQs 

When is the high and low season in Europe?  

High season in Europe technically runs from June to September, with July and August being the busiest months. Keep in mind that many Europeans take extensive holidays in August, often to the same popular places you may be interested in visiting. 

Where is the hottest place in Europe?  

The hottest parts of Europe include much of the southern part of the continent, including places like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Montenegro, Sardegna, and Greece. Athens is often ranked the hottest city in Europe, but Rome, Sevilla, and Podgorica are not far behind. 

Rome Trevi Fountain

Where is the coldest place in Europe?  

The coldest places in Europe are mostly in Scandinavia (Norway, Finland, Iceland) and Russia, with Russia definitely dominating the coldest cities list. 

Are there any hot European countries in December?  

December is a great time to visit Europe’s island locales, which are pretty reliably warm year-round. Some options include Madeira, the Canary Islands, or the Azores. If you prefer the mainland, the south of Spain and Portugal stay quite warm as well, including Lisbon, Málaga, and Córdoba. 

What are the rainiest countries in Europe? 

The wettest cities in Europe are Podgorica (Montenegro), Ljubljana (Slovenia), and Tirana (Albania), in terms of total rainfall per year. However, keep in mind that countries like Scotland, Norway, and the Netherlands are known for fairly consistent drizzle in fall, winter, and spring, which may affect your day-to-day more than a downpour from time to time. 

When is it safest to visit Europe?

Europe is overall a remarkably safe continent to visit, no matter what time of year you go. However, dangerous weather events such as flooding, avalanches and mudslides can happen, especially in the winter months. Check out this list of the safest cities in Europe if you are worried.

Read more: What are the safest countries in Europe?

What is the cheapest month to travel to Europe?  

The cheapest time to travel to Europe is between January and March. Here, the winter holidays are over, but the spring weather hasn’t hit yet, which leads to significantly lower prices. Next-cheapest is between September and November, which is often called ‘shoulder season’. 

Top tip: Weekday flights (particularly Tuesdays and Wednesdays) can also often be cheaper. 

Backpacking on a budget

Read more: What Are the Cheapest Countries in Europe to Visit? 

Ultimately, there is truly no bad time to visit Europe. Traveling in the low season may bring less favorable weather, but still comes with plenty of advantages: fewer crowds, cheaper accommodation, and ticket prices, and a more relaxed, ‘local’ vibe. 

While a few activities (like swimming or skiing) can be more seasonal, many bucket list destinations are doable year-round. As you prioritize where you’d like to visit most, it’s never a bad idea to see if it’s doable in the off-season. 

If what you’d like to do truly can only be done in peak season, planning ahead is your friend – try to book your flights 2-6 months ahead of time, and track prices on Google Flights or Hopper to get the best deals on airfare.

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Tegan George & Alex McKenzie

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what is the best season to travel in your country

Women On The Road

When Is The Best Time To Travel The World?

I’ll never forget stepping off the plane in Cape Town in shorts and a T-shirt in mid-July and watching my breath curl upwards. I’d forgotten winter and summer were reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.

My first shopping stop? Long underwear…

If you’re planning a vacation and trying to decide the best time to travel, you’ve come to the right place. The most critical factor to ensuring the best possible vacation is the weather. So finding the best weather around the world and planning your trip to coincide can help determine when to go. However, weather can be unpredictable in some places, making the best times to travel limited.

From  visiting Madrid  to  experiencing Africa , this post will take you through the best time of year to visit each country and why.

Choosing the best time to visit a destination

It’s a sad fact: weather and climate don’t come with guarantees, especially when global warming makes temperatures even more unreliable.

Like this day in Istanbul, when I’d planned to take a lot of photographs… and so much fog rolled in I ended up sipping coffee half the day instead.

best time to visit Istanbul - the fog rolls in

One recent Easter holiday, British tourists accustomed to cold and rain packed their suntan lotions and bathing suits and headed off to Spain – only to find cold and rain! Had they stayed home, the heatwave in England would have kept them hot and tanned. So how do we know when is the best time to visit each destination is? 

The following color key explains what season is the best to visit your country and why:

Best time to visit a destination

So yes, as we know, the weather is impossible to predict and can affect the best months to visit.

To make your trip (a bit) more predictable I’ve prepared these little charts to help you decide the best time to go travel and where. But please – if you land down under in winter in your shorts, just don’t blame me! (The white squares mean “no opinion” on when to visit – it’s sometimes good, sometimes not, usually an unpredictable mixture).

Best time to travel to North America

Best time to visit North America

North America is so vast it’s almost impossible to categorize its weather. My favorite traveling season is fall foliage in the northeast US and Quebec. My worst? It’s a toss-up between mid-winter in the windswept prairies and high summer in the Southeast US. 

May can be beautiful anywhere on the West Coast, as can September, making them the overall best time to visit America’s Northern regions.

Best time to travel to Central America, including Mexico

Best time to visit Central America and Mexico

The climate for most of Central America is hot and humid – especially near the coast. To escape the heat, go upwards, into the mountains. So when’s the best time to  go to Mexico  and the Central USA? The dry season between December and April is the best time to go to Central America.

For the rest of the year, brace yourself for heavy rains and tropical storms, maybe not the best time to visit Latin America.

 Best time to travel to the Caribbean

Best time to visit the Caribbean

Despite variations, weather throughout the Caribbean is relatively similar. The best time in the world to visit is sometime between November and April, although the seasons on some islands are shorter. Here, the weather abroad in April can be temperamental, but don’t let that get in your way.

The rainy season takes up the rest of the time, but of particular note is September-October, the hurricane season. Stay away if you can!

Best time to travel to South America

Best time to visit South America

The best time of the year to visit South America varies. The climate for this region is incredibly diverse and the Equator cuts right across the continent. Depending on which side you’re standing, winter and summer are reversed.

In the North, when  visiting Colombia  and Venezuela, the dry season (and best time to visit) is usually winter, sometime between Christmas and Easter. In Ecuador, visit Quito between June and August.

In the Amazon, humidity is just about 100% most of the time with violent storms in the afternoon, usually timed to coincide with the one daily incoming flight. The best time to visit the Amazon is June to October. If you’re  visiting Rio , the June to September summer is pleasant, although the water can be a bit cold.

Along the western coast of the continent, the dry season tends to be around June to October, with the season slightly longer or shorter depending on the country. The best time to travel to Machu Picchu is in winter, between May and mid-September.

Chile, more than 4000km long, has several types of climate, as does  Argentina . They range from desert through tropical to nearly Antarctic, or from bikini to parka in a single country.

Best time to travel to the Middle East and North Africa

Best time to visit the Middle East and North Africa

Climate for most of this region is uniformly torrid, except for the Sahara Desert. The flatter the land the hotter the weather, especially in summer. So if you’re hot, head up to the highlands, where altitude can make winter downright cold. Coastal areas are greener and wetter – and cooler.

Best time to travel to West Africa

Best time to visit West Africa

West Africa’s climate goes from hot and dry in the Sahel, just south of the Sahara, to hot and humid along the tropical coast. The nearer the coast, the greater the rainfall. Summers are stifling and muggy, winters dryer and cooler. 

When deciding the best time of year to go to Africa, avoid the rainy season; rain makes dirt roads muddy and travel difficult, and you’ll constantly be swatting mosquitoes.

Best time to travel to East and Central Africa

Best time to visit Eastern and Central Africa

This is the Africa of the tropics, with majestic rainforests and humidity so thick you could cut it with a knife. In the northernmost part of the region, around the Horn of Africa, the weather is hot, with some areas – such as the below-sea-level Danakil Depression in Eritrea – among the hottest on earth.

The region also has some of the highest cities on the planet, with cold nights and cold winters. You might freeze, but you’ll take amazing photographs in the crystal clear light of Ethiopian winters.

Best time to travel to Southern Africa

Best time to visit Southern Africa

Don’t forget: the further south you go, the colder it gets in winter. April to October, autumn and winter, are usually the best times to visit Africa’s Southern regions – no rains, warm sunny days, and cool nights. 

The rains, from November to March, are bearable as long as you are well above sea level. Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean, is a huge island with varied climates – to see the entire island, go in September or October. And if you’re there on the right day,  South Africa  will provide you with some of the most spectacular thunderstorms you’ll ever see.

Best time to travel to Europe

Best time to visit Europe

What is the best time to  travel to Europe ? Well, Europe’s climate tends to be relatively stable – cold in winter, which lasts from around December to February, becoming warmer as summer (July-August) nears. 

The further North you go the colder it becomes, with the northernmost tips nearly Arctic in winter and the South scorching in summer. Spring can start early and then freeze again. There are distinct rainy seasons in the autumn (October-November) although areas with Atlantic coasts seem to have longer rainy seasons. And even if London tends to be miserable in December, there’s a wonderful Christmas spirit in the city so don’t let weather alone be your judge!

Best time to travel to Central and South Asia

Best time to visit Central and South Asia

The winters are frigid and snow is frequent, with springtime the best time to visit Central Asia. South Asia, by contrast, is warmer and more humid, with  monsoons  for part of the year and cold winters. 

Climate is also extremely diverse; a country like India ranges from tropical in the South to temperate in the North, near the Himalayas. The best time to visit Asia for a trekking holiday could be either before the monsoons, from February to May, or after them, from October onwards.

Best time to travel to Southeast Asia and East Asia

Best time to visit East and Southeast Asia

This region ranges from temperate Japan in the North to tropical Borneo in the South. Southeast Asia has a tropical climate with plenty of rainfall, except in the more northern mountainous areas, where the weather is a bit cooler. 

The northern part of the continent is more diverse. It can be very cold in Japan in winter – with good skiing too! The weather here is not unlike that of Europe or North America’s more temperate regions.

Best time to travel to Oceania

Best time to visit Oceania

This is the continent that groups Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the Pacific.  Traveling to New Zealand  and  exploring Australia  are great to visit almost anytime, although Australia’s summer (December to February) can be quite hot – but that’s what beaches are for! 

Island weather differs from island to island, although they do share in common tropical wind systems and even cyclones, so check before you go.

Best time to travel if you’re looking for seasonal events around the world

The world is full of festivals, special events, championships, or cultural high points. Here is a brief sample taken from around the world… just in case this is when you want to go!

To make it easier for you, the list is divided into almost quarters: Dec-Feb, Mar-May, Jun-Aug, and Sept-Nov. and – it goes without saying – this is NOT a complete list, only highlights to get you started now that you know what is the best time to visit the country.

Special events in North America


  • New Year’s Eve in Times Square , NY
  • Sundance Film Festival in Utah, USA
  • Quebec Winter Carnival, Quebec City, Canada
  • Winterlude, Ottawa ON, Canada
  • Mardi Gras in New Orleans, LA
  • Kentucky Derby, Louisville, KY
  • Coachella, CA
  • Texas Sandfest, Port Aranasas, TX


  • Comic Con International in San Diego, CA
  • Montreal International Jazz Festival, Montreal, Canada


  • Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, New York City
  • New England Foliage in the Fall, Northeast USA
  • Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM

Special events in Latin America

  • Festival de la Candelaria, Bolivia & Peru
  • Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Mendoza Wine Harvest Festival, Argentina
  • Inti Raymi in Cuzco, Peru
  • Tango Festival – August – Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Day of the Dead, Mexico City, Mexico

Special events in Europe

  • Carnevale di Venezia  in Venice, Italy
  • King’s Day in Amsterdam , The Netherlands
  • Up-Helly-Aa, Shetland, Scotland
  • Monaco Grand Prix
  • Frieze in London
  • St. Patrick’s Day, Dublin , Ireland
  • Anastenaria Firewalking Ceremony, Greece & Bulgaria
  • The Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Royal Ascot, UK
  • Wimbledon, London, UK
  • Melt Festival, Gräfenhainichen, Germany
  • Le Tour de France
  • Running of the Bulls, Pamplona, Spain
  • La Tomatina, Valencia, Spain
  • Midsummer’s Eve Pagan Festival, Tallberg, Sweden
  • Salzburg Festival, Salzburg, Austria
  • Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany
  • Rubber Duck Race, Tübingen, Germany
  • Wexford Opera Festival, Wexford, Ireland

Special events in Asia

  • Chinese New Year, Shanghai, China
  • Ice Festival in Harbin, China
  • Sapporo Snow Festival, Sapporo, Japan
  • Mevlana Whirling Dervishes Festival in Konya, Turkey
  • The Lantern Festival in Taiwan
  • Elephant Festival, Jaipur, India
  • Holi Festival of Colors, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and other Hindu regions
  • Dragon Boat Carnival, Hong Kong
  • Diwali, Festival of Lights, Mumbai, India
  • Loy Krathong and Yi Peng in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • World Nomad Games, Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan (every other year)

Special events in Africa

  • Asa Baako: One Dance Festival, Ghana
  • Cape Town Jazz Festival, South Africa
  • International Festival of the Arts, Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Gnaoua World Music Festival, Essaouira, Morocco
  • Sun Festival at Abu Simbel, Egypt (in February and October)
  • The Great Migration of the Serengeti, Tanzania and Kenya (can start in November)
  • Mombasa Carnival, Kenya

Special events in Oceania

  • FIFA World Cup Final (varies), Australia
  • Pasifika Festival, March, Auckland, New Zealand

— Originally published on 31 July 2011


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An Ode to Shoulder Season: Travel’s Best-kept Secret

In travel, like in life, timing is everything.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

Visit a destination during its high season and you’re bound to encounter sticker shock and wall-to-wall crowds. Low season, conversely, swaps steep flight and hotel rates and tourist throngs for closed attractions and crummy weather that could crash even the best-planned itineraries. A happy middle ground? Shoulder season.

This brief, in-between period, typically the sweet spot following a busy summer vacation and just prior to the off-peak winter months (or as the curtain closes on winter and just before the summer rush gets underway) is perhaps the best time to travel. Prices are more palatable, temperatures are comfortable, crowds have evaporated, and local businesses have yet to close up shop. Who knows, you might even be able to nab an impossible-to-get seat at that hot restaurant everyone’s talking about. All this to say, shoulder season offers the chance to experience a brand-new destination, even if you’ve been before. 

So, now that you’re in on our secret, join other savvy, in-the-know travelers and book your shoulder-season getaway.

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These 10 Countries Are Worth Visiting In All Seasons

Find out why these countries are ideal to visit in all seasons, making it easier for travelers to check them off their bucket lists.

Sometimes travelers don’t have a lot of flexibility in terms of when they can take their trips; there are many factors to consider, such as work schedules, the schedules of individuals they’re traveling with, and the best time of year to visit their desired destination. However, when traveling to any of these 10 countries, there is no wrong time of year to visit for the best possible experience. Each of these destinations is beautiful in its own way during every season, allowing travelers the flexibility to check a dream country off their bucket list at any time.

Iceland has become a popular travel destination in recent years because of its unique lava rock landscapes, volcanoes, glaciers, and waterfalls. One of the best parts of visiting Iceland is that it offers unforgettable and unique experiences during different seasons. In winter (December to March) the days are shorter and the average temperatures range from -10ºC to -1ºC . This is the perfect time to see the Aurora Borealis lighting up the night sky , explore ice caves on a guided tour, or soak in a hot spring.

In summer (June to September) the days are long, giving travelers a chance to experience the midnight sun. The temperatures are mild, ranging from 2ºC to 12ºC , allowing visitors to camp around the country for a budget getaway.

Japan is truly stunning in all four seasons, making it challenging for travelers to choose when to visit. In the spring (specifically March and April) travelers can experience the beauty of Sakura Season when cherry blossoms are in full bloom and temperatures are mild, ranging from 5ºC to 19ºC on average in Tokyo . Summer in Japan is hot and humid, so this is the ideal time to head to the coast for some beach time. Summer is also the only time of year that visitors can attempt to summit the iconic Mount Fuji (July to September).

In the fall, the leaves on the trees turn to incredible shades of orange, yellow, and red, creating a beautiful backdrop for hiking and photography. Winter in Japan is cool, with snow falling in some parts of the country. Hokkaido prefecture is especially known as a winter destination for skiing. The lower temperatures make soaking in an Onsen (hot bath) even more appealing.

Canada is well known for its snowy winters, which are beloved by skiers and snowmobilers alike. However, the vast country is just as magical during the summer (June to September) when temperatures in the southern part of the country are warm. Travelers can go hiking in Alberta, wine tasting in Kelowna, camping in Algonquin Park, or swimming in one of the country’s many freshwater lakes.

In autumn (September to December) the temperatures are cool, and the leaves change color, making it the perfect time of year for outdoor enthusiasts to go hiking. In Alberta, the larches are a vibrant yellow at the end of September and the beginning of October. In Ontario, near Toronto, the maple trees turn vibrant shades of yellow and orange at the beginning to middle of October.

Related: When To Visit Nepal And What To Do During Each Season

Europe is a quintessential summer travel destination for North Americans, but countries like Germany are beautiful year-round. In the spring and fall, prices are lower, crowds are fewer, and temperatures in the capital range from 0ºC (in March) to 20ºC (in May and September).

During the winter months (December to March), Berlin faces average temperatures as low as -2ºC . The country boasts charming Christmas markets as the holiday season approaches.

6 New Zealand

Since New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere, its seasons contrast those in North America, allowing Americans to escape the cold winter months by heading to New Zealand for summer (December to March). During New Zealand’s summer, temperatures average anywhere from 15ºC to 24ºC , and visitors enjoy hiking trails like the Milford Track and swimming at the beaches.

New Zealand’s autumn takes place between March and May, while their spring is from September to December. During these months, temperatures are mild to cool, making it pleasant to spend time outdoors. Snow appears in New Zealand during the winter, typically between June and October, depending on where travelers are in the country. The North Island receives the most rainfall during the winter months, while this is the season with the least precipitation for the South Island. During winter, head to the South Island for snow sports like skiing and snowboarding at some incredible resorts.

Peru only has two main seasons, the wet season (November to March) and the dry season (April to October). While it might sound like the dry season is the prime time to visit for clear skies, consistent weather, and sunshine, the rainy season offers warmer temperatures. Travelers planning a trek to Machu Picchu via the Inca Trail or another hiking route will probably find the dry season is best for less slippery conditions. However, anyone visiting to explore the cities of Lima, Cusco, or Arequipa can have a wonderful experience year-round as long as they remember their rain poncho.

4 United States

The United States is a vast country with varied climates and seasonal temperatures throughout. This means that regardless of the time of year you’re traveling, there’s a destination that meets your needs. On the west coast, south and central California offer moderate temperatures year-round. In the spring (March to May) visitors should head to Central Park in New York City to see the picturesque cherry blossoms and enjoy temperate weather. New England on the country’s East Coast is an idyllic fall location with vibrant red, yellow, and orange leaves on the trees.

During the summer months (June to September) many travelers want to enjoy blue skies and sunshine in Boulder, Colorado, Lake Tahoe, California, or Portland, Maine. In the winter months, visitors can go skiing in Colorado and Vermont, or escape to the beach in Florida.

Related: Here's Why You Should Visit Boston In The Fall Over Any Other Season

3 Argentina

South America is a country with diverse landscapes and climates. Unlike Peru, Argentina is located at the southern tip of the continent and experiences four seasons instead of two. Travelers planning to go hiking in Patagonia will find they can enjoy Argentina in all seasons, although conditions are kindest during spring (September to November), summer (December to February), and fall (March to May).

During the winter, visitors can still explore Patagonian Argentina via El Chalten. Temperatures range from 3ºC to 17ºC during this time and snow is possible, creating a magical landscape among the mountain peaks.

Finland is an exciting country to visit throughout the year. Summer activities like swimming, hiking, canoeing, and fishing are abundant thanks to the wild landscapes outside the capital of Helsinki. In the winter, many travelers head north to the capital of Finnish Lapland, Rovaniemi. Here, the temperatures range from -1ºC to -17ºC on average and snow is bountiful. Visitors will find themselves in a true winter wonderful with reindeer, igloo accommodation options, sleigh rides, dog sledding excursions, and more.

1 South Africa

Since South Africa is located south of the equator, the four seasons here are opposite of North America. Summer (December to February) is an enjoyable time of year to visit with temperatures in Cape Town and the southern coast reaching 28ºC on average . Travelers can explore the city, head to Boulders Beach to see the penguins, or rent a car and drive the garden route into wine country.

Winter temperatures remain mild around the legislative capital, averaging between 7ºC to 19ºC between June to August. Prices are more affordable, making this a great time to explore the country in the off-season.


IELTS Speaking topic: Season

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1. What’s your favourite season? 2. What do people in your country like to do in different seasons? 3. What’s the least favourite season in your country? 4. What are the differences between different seasons? 5. What season is good for travelling in your hometown?

I guess the autumn is the best time to travel. As it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to go out. Besides, as the foliage of trees will turn yellow or red, you will find the picturesque views all around you. Wherever you go, you will experience a memorable trip.

When in spring and autumn, the temperature is neither too cold nor too hot, people in China tend to hike in the mountains, or go running. When it comes to summer, people can choose more physical activities like swimming, camping in the forests and playing balls, etc. But in winter, people believe it not suitable for outdoor exercises, so they prefer to stay at home for resting.

I’m afraid there is no apparent unfavourable season in my favourite, but relatively I believe summer is least favourite season because it’s much too hot everywhere which will bring inconvenience to everything, especially for people to fall asleep at night.

There are four distinctive seasons in my country. Basically, summer is the hottest season of the year, while winter is coldest. Autumn and spring are not severe seasons. Moreover, in summers people love to wear light clothes while in winter use of woollen clothes increase. Summer and winter are longer seasons, while autumn and spring are shorter ones.

As for my hometown, I guess the autumn is the best time to travel as in the Huangshan Mountain, it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to hike. Besides, it will rains a lot which will have the stunning cloud sea in the mountain.

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IELTS Speaking topic: A dream you have had

IELTS Speaking topic: A dream you have had

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IELTS Speaking topic: Social network

IELTS Speaking topic: Rainy days

IELTS Speaking topic: Rainy days

Best Time To Visit United States of America

What is the best time to visit united states of america.

The USA has varied seasons in each of its regions, but in general, the best time to visit the USA during Spring and Fall, however Summer months from May to September are considered the peak time for tourists to visit the country. Spring generally lasts from March to May as it is a beautiful season for most of the country . It is the best time to visit heritage sites and a great time for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and camping because of the varied terrain. Spring comes a little late in places of Northern USA. Another favourable season is the Fall from September to November. This is the time when the country celebrates the Harvest season and the weather is pleasant. Mountain driving, camping and rock climbing are the most enjoyed activities by tourists. The summer months, on the other hand, could bring a really hot and humid temperature to the country although it's considered the peak tourist season.  It is an ideal time for beaches and exploring nature. The hurricane season hits the USA during August and September which is not a good time to visit the country. Another time that could be horrendous is in December during the snowfall which lasts until February. The winter season is generally an offseason to visit the USA. However, visiting the country during Christmas and New Year's Eve could be a different experience.

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What’s your favorite season?  

Without question it’s summer! This is because I see jubilant faces on people wherever I go – that’s for sure because of the bright sun. Also, I love the positive vibes that this season gives off as it makes me motivated to get up every day, not to mention, that I get thrilled with the idea of going to beaches and enjoying unwinding with my friends.


Without question [phrase] – something is definitely true

Jubilant [adj.] – the state of feeling great joy or satisfaction

Positive vibes [expression] – positive feeling that you get from a person

Gives off [phrasal verb] – to radiate or produce

Thrilled [adj.] – extremely happy

Not to mention [phrase] – in addition; as well as

Unwind [verb] – relax  

i.) Instead of saying ‘It’s summer’ immediately, try using some good expressions like what the speaker used (‘without question’). Other expressions can be: Absolutely/Definitely/Without a doubt, it’s summer

ii.) Right after the speaker provided his answer about summer, he then gave the first reason and explained a bit then created another personal reason to make his answer not too short. His answer sounded so natural.  

What’s your least favorite season in your country?

I suppose it’s winter since the atmosphere is gloomy and cold as opposed to summer. People look so blue that it’s common to see people frowning or feeling empty. Also, the roads are quiet since you can only see a handful of people walking around, the majority are staying inside their houses and keeping themselves warm.  

Gloomy [adj.] – depressing; dark

As opposed to [phrase] – in contrast to; as against

(look so) Blue [adj.] – sad

Frowning [adj.] [noun] – (used as an adj. in this answer) showing the feeling of disapproval or displeasure

Handful [noun] – very few  

  i.) The use of ‘I suppose’ is an expression of uncertainty, in other words, the speaker was not really sure what is the least favorite season in his country since in the first place he didn’t really know (He never asked each person in his country.). ‘I suppose’ → I think; I guess

ii.) The speaker simply described the common scene of winter in his country and that description is what he used in supporting his answer. Very clear or easy to understand!    

What do people in your country like to do in different seasons?  

Well, each season is unique – during summertime, people head for beaches and enjoy sunbathing and swimming which I love doing as well, as for winter, people are like bears hibernating in their own houses to get away from the cold weather but of course, some love to do winter sports. Also, my countrymen enjoy going on a picnic at the park during springtime while appreciating the beauty of cherry blossoms. In autumn, people usually spend time hiking and satiating their eyes with the magnificent colors of the foliage.  

Head (for, toward) [verb] – to go to particular places

Hibernate [verb] – to remain inactive or be indoor

Get away [phrase] – to escape

Countrymen [noun] – fellow national

Satiate [-ing] [verb]  – to satisfy

Foliage [noun] – leaves

  i.) What the speaker did was just provide a certain activity that people do in his country in each season and provide situations to each answer to make the examiner understand better.  

ii.) Take note that the speaker used some specific words in each season to best describe what people do in every season. These are what we call topic vocabulary words. (summer – beach; spring – cherry blossoms; winter – winter sports; autumn – foliage)  

What is the best season for traveling in your country?  

Honestly, that’s a difficult question to answer since each traveler has their own preference. However, if we consider the travel cost, winter is best to travel since most flights are way cheaper than summertime. But, if money is not an issue, summer is the best since my country has a lot of white sand beaches to visit which makes the traveler’s jaw drop in awe.

Also, there are a lot of summer activities that they can do such as scuba diving, snorkeling, and paragliding, among others. With all these activities, they can surely make their vacation much more memorable.  

(Own) preference – choice

Way cheaper [expression] – another way to say ‘very cheap’; the use of ‘way’ is the same as ‘very’

Jaw drops in awe [expression] – to be amazed/surprised

Among others [expression] – used to indicate that there are other things aside from the ones mentioned but you do not intend to name them all  

  i.) Well this question is difficult to answer, and that’s the reason why the speaker provided two situations and explained clearly to make the examiner get his point. By doing so, his answer sounds natural and realistic. Don’t be afraid to be realistic in expressing your answer as that helps you express naturally.  

Learn how the speaker developed

his story for the recent IELTS Cue

Card about 

Describe A Subject You Used To Dislike  



PART 3 Here!

Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge , Oxford

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what is the best season to travel in your country

Julius Malaza

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what is the best season to travel in your country


  • IELTS WRITING: It is not necessary for people to travel to other places

ieltsDragon – BAND 9.0 ACHIEVER

Author, Band 9.0 Achiever (First Attempt - IELTS Speaking)

Hi students! My name is Julius. I am the author of this IELTS website. I am a non-native English speaker who achieved the highest band score (band 9.0) on the IELTS speaking test on my first attempt. I graduated with a degree in Communication Arts from Cebu Normal University, one of the prestigious state universities in the Philippines. I am a licensed teacher and TESOL-certified. I once worked at a UK-based company teaching business English to Japanese businessmen who primarily work at Nikkei, a popular media company in Japan. I created this website to help you all achieve your desired band scores so you will waste so much money, time, and effort for retaking the exam numerous times. All of the sample answers I provided on this website are a product of my experience as a band 9.0 achiever and an experienced IELTS speaking coach. I've made sure that all of the sample answers are developed in a conversational and natural way because that is how I achieved a crisp band 9.0. Be one of the many students who achieved their target band scores by utilizing this website as one of the learning resources!

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what is the best season to travel in your country

Costa Rica in May: Guide to Weather, Where to Go, What to Do

C osta Rica in May is the start of the rainy season throughout most of the country. It is a great time to visit, but there are a few things you should know as you plan your trip.

Thomas and I created this post to detail the pros and cons of May in Costa Rica. We have lived in Costa Rica since 2016, so we are somewhat experts on the weather you can expect each month of the year. We also included tips on what to pack, the best areas to visit, and the pros and cons of this time of year.

So, let’s get to all the tips to make sure you have an amazing experience while visiting Costa Rica during the month of May.

Costa Rica in May at a Glance

  • This is a transition month between the end of dry season and the start of rainy season. Weather will be hot and sunny with occasional afternoon rain showers on the Pacific Coast.
  • Typically tourism starts to go down a bit at this time of year. That means prices also get a bit lower.
  • Focus on sun-blocking clothing, high SPF sunscreen, bug spray, rain protection, and lots of water for hydration. This time of year is humid!

Should You Travel to Costa Rica in May? 

We say definitely! It’s actually one of the best months of the year to visit Costa Rica (in our opinion).

Pros of Visiting Costa Rica in May

  • The weather should be good. We go into the weather details further in this post, but in general, you can expect perfectly sunny days, afternoon rain storms, and warm evenings.
  • Everything will be open at this time. Sometimes later in the year tour companies and hotels close because there are just not enough tourists for there to be a reason to stay open.
  • Everything starts turning green again after the dry season, and it is so beautiful!
  • There are still a lot of tourists, but it is not as busy as peak high season ( January – April).
  • You can expect what is referred to as “mid-season prices”. That means rates aren’t as high as in peak season, but not as low as later in the year when the chance of rain is higher. 
  • Hotels, activities etc, aren’t as full.
  • Wildlife can be more active because the temperatures cool down a bit. It’s a great time to visit national parks !

Cons of Visiting Costa Rica in May

  • This is the beginning of the green season and you may have to contend with afternoon rain.
  • Rates go down a bit, but not as much as later in the year
  • The mosquitoes tend to be worse in the rainy season versus dry season

Costa Rica Weather in May

​​May is the start of the rainy season in many parts of Costa Rica, which means you can expect some wet weather during your visit. 

The weather can vary significantly depending on where you are in the country. 

The sun rises daily around 5:15 am and sets around 5:50 pm. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the weather forecast online is never correct during the rainy season. They typically predict rain showers all day long. This is luckily all lies.

Pacific Coast

On the Pacific Coast, we suggest getting up as early as possible. Usually, you won’t really be able to sleep in anyway because the however monkeys and other loud wildlife will make sure you are up early.

In our opinion, the early morning hours are the very best time of the day. It’s beautiful!

You can expect hot days (mid 80’s Fahrenheit) with plenty of sunshine until the early afternoon.

Around 2pm the afternoon rain storms usually roll in. These storms typically last for an hour or two. This is a great time to take a little siesta. 

After that, the weather tends to cool off a bit. But, “cools off” is a relative term. Really, it typically gets down to the mid to high seventies Fahrenheit. 

The evenings tend to be clear with nice sunset views. 

After sunset, you will need bug spray.

On the northern Pacific Coast in the Guanacaste Province , you can expect even less rain. Typically this area tends to stay dry a bit longer.

San Jose & Central Valley

San Jose and the Central Valley area is always bit cooler than the Pacific Coast.

The average daytime temperatures range from around 75°F to 80°F (24°C to 27°C), while nighttime temperatures usually drop to around 60°F to 65°F (16°C to 18°C).

Just note that temperatures can vary depending on the specific location within the Central Valley. Higher elevation areas tend to be cooler.

Northern Mountains   

The Northern Mountains region consists of La Fortuna and Monteverde.

The days should be clear enough that you will be able to enjoy good views in mountain towns. For example, Arenal Volcano should be mostly clear for viewing. 

In Monteverde , you may have more rain. Usually, it is not super heavy, but the rain can occur more throughout the day and tends not to be limited to only the afternoons. 

Caribbean Coast

The Caribbean Coast has the opposite rainy and dry season the Pacific Coast. May in the Caribbean can mean heavier rains. In our experience, usually, it rains more in the evening than during the day, but you never know.

Average highs range from 80°F to 85°F (27°C to 29°C) and lows from 70°F to 75°F (21°C to 24°C).

What to Pack for Costa Rica in May

In May, layers are also a good idea because it can get cool in the evenings after the daily rain. 

  • Lightweight and breathable clothing (shorts, T-shirts, tank tops). We suggest opting for moisture-wicking clothing that also blocks UV rays. 
  • Long-sleeved shirts and lightweight pants for cooler evenings and sun protection
  • Swimsuits for beach and water activities
  • Comfortable walking shoes or sandals for exploring
  • Rain jacket for occasional showers during the transition to the rainy season
  • Sunglasses for sun protection

Weather-Specific Items:

  • Sunscreen (high SPF) for sun protection in the tropical climate
  • Insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes, especially during evenings
  • Daypack for carrying essentials during day trips and excursions. I suggest a dry bag. 
  • Plastic bags or waterproof pouches for protecting electronics and important documents from rain

Outdoor and Adventure Gear:

  • Sturdy and comfortable hiking shoes for exploring natural trails. We like Keens .
  • Pocket binoculars for wildlife viewing, especially in national parks
  • Refillable water bottle to stay hydrated during outdoor activities. I suggest LifeStraw bottles .
  • A glasses strap to keep your sunglasses secure during adventures like zip lining and boat trips
  • Quick-dry microfiber travel towel for convenience on the go

Electronics and Accessories:

  • Camera or smartphone for capturing the stunning landscapes and wildlife
  • Portable charger to keep devices powered during outdoor excursions

Health and Safety:

  • Travel first aid kit with basic medications, bandages, and any necessary prescriptions
  • Motion sickness tablets if you’re sensitive to travel on winding roads or if you plan to take boat trips
  • Hydration tablets or electrolyte supplements for staying hydrated in the warm weather
  • Hat with a wide brim for added sun protection, especially during outdoor activities

Miscellaneous Items:

  • Copies of important documents (passport, travel insurance, itinerary)
  • Zip lock bags to separate wet items in your luggage

Check out our complete packing list for women and packing list for men for more ideas of what to bring.

The Best Places to Visit and Places to Avoid

There is nowhere I would suggest completely avoiding. You will likely have more rain on the Caribbean Coast, but it is a beautiful area to visit.

As always, you can expect more tourists in the bigger towns (La Fortuna, Monteverde, Playas del Coco, Tamarindo, Jaco, Manuel Antonio) but it shouldn’t be too crazy. 

Things to Do at this Time of Year

This is a great time of year for pretty much all activities. When booking your Costa Rica tours, keep in mind that there may be afternoon storms. We like to try and schedule as much as we can in the morning to avoid the possibility of being rained out. 

Some of our favorite activities are:

  • Visit a Waterfall : The water levels will be a bit higher than during the dry season, so you can enjoy a better experience.
  • Go Hiking in a National Park : We love it when everything turns lush and green again. Plus, with fewer crowds, the national parks are super enjoyable. This is a great time to go to Corcovado National Park or Manuel Antonio National Park .
  • Go Zip Lining : Again, with everything starting to turn green and vibrant in May it is a great time to get overhead views of the jungle canopy with a zip-lining adventure. We suggest this activity in Monteverde or La Fortuna .
  • Take a Catamaran Sunset Tour : This is a fun activity to do after the brief afternoon rain shower. A catamaran tour typically includes a fun time out on a nice boat, Usually, these tours are a bit cheaper than in the high season.
  • Visit the Beautiful Beaches : It is always a good time to visit the amazing beaches. All beaches in Costa Rica need to have free public access by law. That means there is thousands of miles of coastline for you to explore.

Booking Transportation

Typically, we think renting a car is the best way to easily get around.

In May, demand isn’t as high, but it is still best to book somewhat early because things can still book out.

Adobe Rent-a-Car

  • 10% discount for Costa Rica Vibes readers
  • Free second driver
  • 0% deductible on Liability Protection Insurance
  • Excellent customer service
  • New fleet of well-maintained vehicles

Some other transportation options you might consider are:

  • Book a shared shuttle on BookAway
  • Book a private shuttle with Adobe Transfers

Booking Hotels

We like to use and reserve places with free cancellations up to a certain date. This will give you the most flexibility if your plans change or if you find a better option. Just make sure to remember to cancel in time!

We also really like VRBO for booking villas or houses. Again, we suggest filtering by places that allow free cancellation if you are concerned about your plans possibly changing.

When booking a place make sure it has AC. sometimes you might be fine with just an electric fan, but we have definitely learned to give preference to places with AC because the evenings can stay semi-warm. 

Holidays and Festivals

There is one Costa Rican national holiday in May.

Labor Day : May 1st is celebrated as Labor Day in Costa Rica, and it is a public holiday. Many businesses and shops are closed, and there are often parades and demonstrations in the major cities.

Another fun festival is, Día de San Isidro Labrador on On May 15th. This event is observed in various towns near San Jose such as San Isidro de Heredia, Perez Zeledon, and Atenas.

This festivity pays homage to the patron saint of farming. It features vibrant parades, traditional cuisine, and a ceremonial blessing of the crops.

Our Travel Tips for Visiting Costa Rica in May

  • Check out flying into both the San Jose and Liberia Airport for your trip to Costa Rica in May. More and more flights are flying into Liberia Airport and sometimes you might find great deals. We like San Jose Airport because it is very centrally located, but Liberia is a lot less hectic and great if you are planning to visit the Guanacaste Province or Northern Mountain region. 
  • If you need more info, we have a complete guide to Costa Rica weather with more details of what to expect in every month.
  • Don’t forget travel insurance. Since we suggest booking everything as early as possible. It is always good to have travel insurance if your travel plans change. 

Do You Have Travel Insurance?

Don’t let unexpected medical expenses or trip interruptions overshadow your dream Costa Rican vacation.  

Secure your worry-free Costa Rican adventure with Heymondo travel insurance

Conclusion: Costa Rica in May

In conclusion, May is a great month to visit Costa Rica for a fun and unique experience. Get ready for sunny days, afternoon rains, and lush landscapes!

While May is part of the rainy season, don’t let the occasional showers dampen your spirits. Just remember to pack lightweight rain gear, insect repellent, and you’ll have an amazing experience!

So what do you think? Are you ready to plan your Costa Rica vacation in May and enjoy the start of the green season? If you have any questions about visiting at this time of year, just leave them in the comment section below. We are always happy to help you out!

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The post Costa Rica in May: Guide to Weather, Where to Go, What to Do appeared first on Costa Rica Vibes .

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what is the best season to travel in your country


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Ielts Speaking Travel Topic

what is the best season to travel in your country

Ielts Speaking Part 1 Travel Topic Sample Answers – câu trả lời mẫu chủ đề Travel

Do you like travelling?

Absolutely. It is my lifelong passion. I love meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, tasting exotic food and taking awesome photos.

Do you like to travel by air?

Sure, it is very fast and convenient compared to other means of transport. I mainly fly for business, and sometimes for both work and holiday.

What do you think about travelling to the outer space?

It sounds fascinating, like a fantasy. However, I believe space travel will eventually come true. Airplanes, computers and smartphones we are using today were once just someone’s imagination, weren’t they?

What would you prepare on a trip to the outer space?

I suppose I would need to make sure I’m in perfect physical condition. Also, I must go through rigorous training on how to cope with extreme levels of pressure and the feeling of weightlessness.

(khỏe mạnh: in good condition/ trải qua: go through/ chịu được: cope with)

Where would you like to travel for a vacation? (Why?)

I enjoy going off the beaten track to discover remote mountainous areas or little known villages in the countryside. This allows me to stay away from all tourist traps and truly get immersed in local culture.

(đến những nơi it người đã từng đến: go off the beaten track)

Who do you often spend holiday with?

I enjoy travelling with my close friends, several of them are also my colleagues. I believe amazing experience and joy multiplies when shared among a group of like-minded individuals.

(like-minded: đồng chí hướng, sở thích, quan điểm)

Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group?

When I was young, solo or independent travel would be my first choice. The older I get, I realize that having someone by my side can make the journey even more exciting and fulfilling. Also, I don’t have to ask strangers to take photos for me anymore.

How much traveling have you done?

I’ve done several road trips across Vietnam, from tribal highlands in the North to the Mekong Delta in the South. Thailand, Cambodia and Japan are some Asian countries I’ve visited. I hope to add more European countries to the list soon.

What kind of places have you visited in your life?

I’ve been to quite many different places, ranging from the futuristic Tokyo with its cutting edge facilities to unknown laid-back villages in the far north of Vietnam. I think we are all in search of novel experiences and diversity when travelling.

When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

I am a food lover so I always try to discover local cuisine first. Wandering around, visiting historical sights and talking to people are also excellent ways for me to get some insights into local culture.

In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

Generally, mild and dry weather is perfect for my travel style with a lot of walking around.  I love travelling in autumn and early winter but it really depends on each destination.

What is the best season to travel in your country?

The prime time to visit Vietnam is in autumn (September to November) when the weather is most favourable: it is sunny but not too hot or humid. Most importantly, these months are not local holiday season, thus less crowded.

(Copyright by DUONG VU – IDV )

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what is the best season to travel in your country


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10 Best Places to Travel in September

Budapest, perth, and italy’s campanian archipelago all shine this month..

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Labor Day might mark the end of summer and a return to work for many—and a reminder to wash and fold every pair of white pants you own until next year—but why not eke out a little extra off-duty time by planning a vacation for this month?

The weather is more appealing in September than it is in midsummer for popular destinations like Italy, where the temperatures will be balmy but the crowds have thinned. It’s the first chance to check out autumn foliage in an unexpected locale, or head to Europe for an urban music festival with more swagger than Coachella and Lollapalooza combined.

Here are our 10 favorite spots to visit this September. Once you arrive, use our insider scoops from local experts to make the most of your trip.

Red-roofed castle beside a river

Enjoy Hungarian wine by the Danube this September.

Courtesy of Ignat Kushanrev

1. Budapest, Hungary

September is great for: sampling some unexpected vintages.

Hungary is an overlooked wine producer, but there are world-class wine regions here, including Tokaj in the country’s northeast, and the tiny, 741-acre Nagy Somló just west of Budapest, where the terroir of dormant lava confers a deep smokiness to every white made there. Sample those and more this month during Budapest’s Wine Festival , held at historic Buda Castle September 12–15. Don’t miss the chance to take a few tipples at the famous ruin bars known as romkocsma in Pest, which squat in many abandoned buildings of District VII.

Where to stay: W Budapest

  • Book now: W Budapest

The 151-room hotel sits in the Drechsler Palace, a neo-Renaissance wedding cake of a building constructed in the 1890s opposite the State Opera House. The decor is suitably maximalist—plenty of mirrors—and the location’s unbeatable, convenient for both sides of the river.

Insider tip

W Budapest chief concierge Peter Zimmerman recommends all the spas for which Budapest is renowned, but with a twist—come ready for a game of chess: “Hungarians love chess, and we were always in the top tier of chess competitions. Locals love to play in spas whether it is a floating chess board or a built-in one.”

Person in blue sequin suit jacket near a crowd of people outdoors at dusk

The Reeperbahn Festival is an edgier answer to Coachella.

Photo by Lina Zavgorodnia/Shutterstock

3. Hamburg, Germany

September is great for: the coolest music festival in Europe.

Locals call the Reeperbahn Die sündigste Meile , or the Most Sinful Mile, as the barely half-mile-long strip is a den of sleazy bars and XXX-rated experiences year-round. In September, though, its appeal broadens, as the strip hosts the Reeperbahn Festival , this year running September 18–21. The event commandeers the bars and clubs along the road for a wide-ranging and eclectic program, spanning neo-classical to hip-hop. Last year’s program featured almost 500 concerts from 400 bands from more than 40 different countries. This year’s roster is equally impressive, from London-based classical multi-instrumentalist Maria Chiara Argirò to French punk-inspired duo Bracco.

Where to stay: The Reverb by Hard Rock Hotel Hamburg

  • Book now: The Reverb by Hard Rock Hotel Hamburg

Where else but the brand-new music-inspired hotel, set to open in June, the second outpost of Hard Rock’s attempt to refresh its rather tired associations? Reverb is rockier and younger and will offer daily live entertainment on site.

One to watch during the festival? Alli Neumann, who’s playing at the Elbphilharmonie on September 20. “She doesn’t mince her words when it comes to addressing social issues, be it sexism, finding one’s identity, or personal integrity,” says the Reverb’s GM, Till Westheuser, calling her “one of the most sought-after live artists in Germany.” Pick up her debut album, Madonna Whore Komplex, to prepare for the powerhouse set.

Pink flowers rising from a yellow field with a plateau in the background

Don’t miss Western Australia when its flowers are in bloom.

Photo by travellight/Shutterstock

4. Perth, Australia

September is great for: going wild about flowers.

It’s springtime down under in September, and that’s when Western Australia bursts into bloom, with more than 12,000 species of wildflowers springing to life this month—60 percent of them are unique to the area and found nowhere else on the planet. Come to its largest city to see the riot of color that carpets urban greenspaces like Kings Park (at almost 1,000 acres, it outstrips Central Park). Now in its 60th year, the Everlasting Kings Park Festival runs September 13–29 this year, and includes guided walks, photograph displays, and workshops for families. It typically draws around a half-million attendees.

Where to stay: Como the Treasury

  • Book now: Como the Treasury

Singaporean luxe hotelier Como is usually associated with sprawling resorts in far-flung locales, so this urban, 48-room property in an historic 19th-century building downtown is an outlier. Still, it doesn’t skimp on all the signature indulgences, including the Shambhala spa.

The winter markets run through the end of next month at Scarborough Esplanade, every Saturday till late afternoon, packed with craft stalls and food trucks. Pick up some locally made wildflower honey, too, says Como the Treasury’s front of houser Katrina Borgogno-Salis. “It’s a warm and intimate experience, all while the sun sets over the ocean.”

Distant view of people in a plaza with palm trees on left side, surrounded by historical and modern buildings

Santiago is Chile’s capital and largest city.

Photo by Shutterstock

5. Santiago, Chile

September is great for: experiencing an alternative Independence Day.

September 18 is a major day in the Chilean calendar— Fiestas Patrias, or Independence Day. It marks the time when the Creole leaders in Santiago formed a junta to try to overthrow the Spanish colonial powers in 1810; official independence came eight years later. Expect the usual street parties and events across the country, with the largest celebrations in the capital. Try native food and drinks, like corn-based chica or pisco, and see superb instances of cueca , a courtship-inspired handkerchief-waving performance that is officially the national dance of Chile.

Where to stay: The Singular Santiago

  • Book now: The Singular Santiago

This 10-year-old boutique hotel sits in the heart of the coolest current nabe in town, the tree-lined Barrio Lastarria. Make sure to have a drink or two on the rooftop terrace, with its 26-foot marble bar and killer views across the city.

The Chilean painter Carmen Aldunate is under the spotlight via a new exhibition at the Ralli Museum. It’s a career-capping retrospective that’s unmissable, per Martin Torres, concierge at the Singular. “She’s associated with the pre-Renaissance illustratism and the Latin American neo-figurative movement,” he explains, “After a 60-year career, she has decided to retire due to a sight problem that left her without vision.”

Sun shining over a hill overlooking a vineyard

Skip the overcrowded vineyards this harvest season.

Photo by HTurner/Shutterstock

6. Central Valley, California

September is great for: harvest-time sightseeing in America’s winelands.

September means harvest season, so skip the traffic-clogged roads of Napa and Sonoma for a few tastings further south in the Central Valley. Its hot, dry conditions, and shelter from ocean spray, make it a powerhouse producer, with almost half the state’s grapes grown here; its profile, though, is much lower than those rivals up north.

Follow the Madera Wine Trail here for a chance to explore eight smaller, family-owned wineries like Papagani and Birdstone, or head to Vista Ranch in Merced, another boutique property that’s handily close to Yosemite if you need an outdoorsy detour.

Where to stay: El Capitan Hotel

  • Book now: El Capitan Hotel

This historic hotel, operating for more than 150 years in Merced, was fully renovated three years ago to give it a funky, pioneer-meets-midcentury vibe—think record players in rooms, bentwood chairs, and monochrome tiled bathrooms.

Sneak in a snifter on the patio at Hi-Fi Wine in downtown Merced, says Robin Donovan, managing director at El Capital Hotel. “It hosts a ton of events, including charcuterie classes, wine education tastings, and even field trips to vineyards to meet with producers.”

A mound at Ocmulgee Mounds Historical Park

Different American Indian cultures occupied Ocmulgee Mounds for thousands of years—some of which created the series of mounds that gave the park its name.


7. Macon, Georgia

September is great for: previewing Georgia’s would-be national park, its first.

Lawmakers have just introduced proposed legislation to create Ocmulgee Mounds Park and Preserve, a national park out of a 54-mile stretch of land and ceremonial mounds along the Ocmulgee river in Macon. This proposed park is a chance to honor the Indigenous communities, including the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, who consider the land sacred and lived here for thousands of years before their forced displacement to what’s now Oklahoma. Come to celebrate that history this month over the weekend of September 14–15, during the Ocmulgee Indigenous Celebration , one of the largest Native American gatherings in the Southeast. Hundreds of craftspeople, dancers, and storytellers convene here to perform and exhibit art, drawing from nations including Cherokee and Chickasaw.

Where to stay: Hotel Forty Five

  • Book now: Hotel Forty Five

This 94-room hotel in Macon’s central business district sits at a 45-degree angle amid the city grid—hence the name—and still retains elements of the former occupants, mostly banks and insurance companies, with intact vintage signage and historic details like terrazzo floors and copper fixtures.

Don’t leave town without grabbing breakfast at Macon Bagels, says Ashley Glassman, GM of local restaurant Quill. “Go early, because they tend to sell out. The Out of Towner is my current obsession, with cream cheese, lox, capers, and house-made pickled onions. Pick the bagel of your choice; try and grab a cheddar bagel though they’re usually the first to sell out, and for good reason.”

7. Campanian Archipelago, Italy

September is great for: eking out an extra few weeks of summertime.

Stretch out summer with a trip to Italy’s southwest coast, where the weather reliably sits in the 80s for most of the month. Skip overtouristed Capri, and opt instead for lesser known but just as gorgeous islands in the Bay of Naples like Procida and Ischia. Named the Italian Capital of Culture in 2022 , Procida is the smallest, a postcard-pretty island where everything from Il Postino to the Jude Law–starring Talented Mr. Ripley were filmed; the village of Chiaiolella has a long, lounge-worthy strip of black sand. Otherwise, try Ischia, whose volcanic nature means there are ample natural thermal springs along the coast—and wellness-focused resorts as a result.

Where to stay: San Montano Resort & Spa

  • Book now: San Montano Resort & Spa

Make the most of Ischia’s thermal springs at this five-star hotel, which sits in its own 7.5-acre garden and has an on-site spa complex with panoramic tubs and pools.

Gary Portuesi of Authentic Explorations , a travel specialist with particular expertise in the area, says the best thing to do is rent a boat for the day. “Go to Sorrento Bay for the hot springs that bubble up from the sea floor, or San Montano Bay, where the sandy beaches can’t be beat.” And try some rabbit at the restaurant Il Focolare—that’s Ischia’s delicacy.

Red-roofed building on a mountainside.

This September, head to Bhutan for cultural festivities.

September is great for: folkloric festivals

Monsoon season comes to a close this month, easing the tropical downpours and sweltering temperatures making exploring this hilly, landlocked kingdom much more pleasant. It’s also a chance to experience one of the most exciting, and all-consuming, national festivals of this Buddhist nation, Thimphu Tshechu, held this year in the capital during September 12–14. It dates back more than 350 years and draws thousands from the countryside to attend. Expect plenty of displays of Cham dancing, the narrative folkloric tradition that tells stories through masked, elaborately costumed performances, all to the sounds of drums and horns.

Where to stay: Amankora Punakha Lodge

Book now: Amankora Punakha Lodge

Stay at this four-suite converted farmhouse in the subtropical valley where Bhutanese royals once overwintered—and hope for chilly nights this month because each of the suites has its own wood-burning stove.

Eve Shaw, Head of Operations at Timbuktu Travel, strongly urges anyone to go to the Happiness Field Village to experience local food and also try out the local natural textile dye process via a workshop there. “The place belongs to Aum Karma Yangchen, an award-winning designer and traditional Bhutanese textile dye expert who was asked to design the Royal gho for His Majesty the King of Bhutan’s Coronation in 2008,” she says, “She can give a demo about traditional dyeing in a hands-on workshop using organic plants and minerals.”

 London Eye Ferris wheel beside River Thames, with Big Ben tower in distance

This September, dig into London’s creative side.

Courtesy of Reid

9. London, United Kingdom

September is great for inspiration from across the creative spectrum.

This month, creatives across the world descend on the British capital—not for one, but three events. It’s London Fashion Week September 13–17, when the likes of JW Anderson and Burberry will showcase collections simultaneously with the London Design Festival, which runs Sept 14–22, and includes exhibitions, installations, and special events at museums and stores around the capital. The Totally Thames event lasts the entire month, and cultural and environmental activities span its entire 42-mile stretch. All that plus the opening of A Face in the Crowd, which reworks the Hollywood classic into a stage musical with original songs by Elvis Costello.

Where to stay: The Londoner

  • Book now: The Londoner

The three-year-old hotel sits squarely on London’s answer to New York’s Times Square, Leicester Square, and is superbly convenient to walk to most of the major central sights, from Covent Garden to Buckingham Palace.

Keep yourself powered-up by pit stopping at the Bar Termini in Soho, five minutes’ walk from the hotel, founded by cocktail maestro Tony Conigliaro. “It’s a tiny hidden gem,” says Paul Gauger, a senior executive from VisitBritain. Order the Il Diciotto Spritz, he adds, made with amaro created in-house by the bar team.

Aerial shot of red-roofed houses surrounded by trees

Kick off fall foliage season in an unlikely place.

Photo by Michael Munster/Shutterstock

10. Branson, Missouri

September is great for: an all-American alternative to New England’s crowded leaf-peeping routes

Forget New England : What about looking at changing colors in the heart of the country? Branson is known for man-made entertainment, from concerts to amusement parks, along 76 Country Boulevard, but consider a trip here to explore the outdoors, specifically the Ozark Mountains. Head out to the Highway 165 scenic overlook, a 22-mile loop that offers superb views throughout, including across Table Rock Lake. Get out of the car and go hiking around the more than 1,500-acre Ruth and Paul Henning Conservation Area , or take an easy stroll for a couple of miles on the paved path around Table Rock.

Where to stay: The Ozarker

  • Book now: The Ozarker

The 102-room boutique hotel opened last summer, offering a funkier alternative to the somewhat workaday accommodations that are common here. The six-person bunk bed rooms, with double bathrooms, are a fun, affordable family option.

Go big when you go out to eat here, says Ozarker general manager Chris Patrick. Try the deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza at Mr. Gilberti’s Place, he says, or the retro-accented Billy Gail’s restaurant, a diner where the killer must-order is its oversize pancakes.


Best Travel Guides For Blissful Vacations

United States of America

  • Posted in in Travel Guides

Best Season To Visit USA: Country’s Best Time To Explore

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  • Posted by by Logan Smith
  • Updated 01/12/2024

The USA is a vast country where you can find countless destinations to explore, admire, and love. A wide range of majestic mountains, dense forests, pristine lakes, and meandering river make this country a perfect place to spend an ideal vacation throughout the year. The country has various places to visit during any season. To make you decide your best destination here, I am giving you a seasonal guide for a USA vacation so that you can enjoy to the fullest. Take a quick look at the best Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter destinations of the USA. But, let’s start with the spring first.

Best Time to visit the USA

South carolina, new orleans, glacier national park, los angeles.

The best time to visit the US for vacation is either spring (March to May) or autumn (September to October). But if you are planning to visit during other than these seasons, then still there are lots of destinations you can should see once. Let’s know about some of the destinations that you can visit in different seasons.

Destinations to Visit in Spring Season:

In the United States, spring season starts from March and ends in May. This is one of the most beautiful seasons to enjoy nature to the fullest. As the weather is pleasant here, and greenery is at a peak, a vacation to these destinations would be great during the spring break. If you are searching for a budget spring vacation destination , then you should opt for New Orleans. It has stored a lot for the tourists and is one of the best places to visit, no matter if you are traveling with your family, friends, or going on a solo trip.

South Carolina

The destinations in the US, which are best to visit in spring are:

One of the most popular destinations during summer. South Carolina has a lot to offer to its visitors during the season. Myrtle Beach is the perfect spot for you to enjoy your spring as it has miles of beaches where you can chill and relax peacefully. During this time you should visit one of the best tree tunnels, made of live oak trees in the state, which is on Botany Bay Road – Edisto Island. Also, do not forget to enjoy a delicious meal at the rooftop restaurants in the evening.

As New Jersey is famous for its beautiful beaches , delicious food, and intriguing culture, you can spend great spring vacation with friends or family here. Spending a few days on the beaches and boardwalk, Morey’s Piers Amusement Park and the adventure aquarium will make your vacation-worthy.

Coachella Music Festival is the main highlight of the state during the spring season. Other than that, you can go to Disneyland, Yosemite National Park, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, and Lake Tahoe, which are popular to visit during springs.

Many visitors come to this city to attend the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival to celebrate the music culture of the city. Explore the major attractions of the city park like the Botanical Garden and New Orleans Museum of Art.

Summer Season

The USA in summer is pretty hot, and the average temperature is in between 21 to 40-degree celsius, which mainly depends on the region. June, July and August are the summer months in the USA.  Also, the Americans celebrate their independence day during summers, i.e. 4 th of July, so, vacationing during this time will be a good choice. As the summers are for vacationing, Glacier National Park will be a great budget-friendly pick for you.

what is the best season to travel in your country

During Summers, this is one of the best seasonal vacation destinations in the USA and the most popular vacation spot for the families for an ideal summer break. The Independence day celebration in the city is a must-watch, and along with the celebration, you will also enjoy sumptuous food, drinks and vibrant live performances by renowned bands. In fact, you will get a chance to the colorful aerial fireworks display. If you are in the city, do not forget to experience the Friday night parties, organized across the city.

The emerald city, Seattle, is quite popular amongst summer vacationers. Some of the best activities you can do in Seattle are swimming in the lake Washington, enjoy lemonade Sundays, parasailing, spending a sun-kissed day at the beach, hiking, watching outdoor movies, and experiencing the sunset from the Luna Park.

Mainly known for cowboys and rodeos, Wyoming is a good place to enjoy a perfect summer vacation, especially because there are several-horse riding, off-roading, camping , hiking, fishing, and rodeos. Many festivals are organized here during summers, including Laramie Jubilee Days, and bull riding competitions.

The lake McDonald is the largest water body in the glacier, and is a must -visit spot in the glaciers. Apart from that, going to the Sun Road, which is the most difficult roads to drive, will promise you with an enthralling experience. You can halt for some time at the Logan pass, which is quite a popular spot. It is the highest point on the glacier at the elevation of 6646 ft.

Fall Season

The weather during this time starts cooling, and the temperature goes a bit down. The high temperature during falls remains 17 to 29 degrees celsius. You can enjoy this season for around three months; from September to November. During this season, as the temperature goes down, there is a lesser influx of tourists, making this season a budget-friendly one. Some of the most important places to visit in the USA during the Fall are:

what is the best season to travel in your country

San Francisco

Referred to as the jwell of California, San Francisco is a beautiful city to visit during the Fall. The Golden Gate Bridge is the highlight of the city, where you can enjoy scenic views and get some pictures clicked. Additionally, the Great Pumpkin Fest is also organized in the city during October, and the event is often packed with a series of fun-filled activities, making it perfect for a family outing with kids. The Fall season in the city promises you with a pleasurable bay cruise trip or a bike trip experience; so, you must try them, if you are an adventure-lover.

Autumn turns the Boston city into a beautiful hamlet; the fallen leaves in the parks are the highlights of the city. The place also has a lot for the music lovers as Boston is known for hosting thumping music concerts of rock ‘n roll, lively rap shows, and popular pop music events. The city also has the Freedom Trail that lets you gain in-depth knowledge about the history of the country.

Being quite a popular tourist destination, Denver has many festivals that take place during the Fall season. Denver Beer Fest, Denver Food & Wine Festival, and The Great American Beer Festival are some of the festivals in the city you must experience to get the true essence of the city. Red Rocks Park and amphitheatre is also a must-visit spot in the city, which is a combination of a city park and a live music venue to spend a beautiful evening amidst a picturesque view.

The Hoosier State Indiana is situated in the region of the majestic and eye-pleasing Great Lakes, which of course adds to the beauty of the state, making it look even more pleasing. It is also a perfect place for couples who want to spend some romantic time together. Cataract Falls, Brown County State Park, and Kissing Bridge are some of the places where you can feel romance in the air.

Winter Season

With the arrival of December month, the USA marks the onset of the Winter season, which ends with February. The temperature in the country varies from 19 degree Celsius to -16 degree Celsius, depending on the state. Because of the freezing cold, footfall of the tourists decreases in winters. So, if you want to explore the country in winters, then California is a good option to explore on a limited budget.

what is the best season to travel in your country

Despite the fact that Alaska is a very popular destination to visit in summers, it has many things which tourists can enjoy even in winters without burning a hole in the pocket. You can relax in a hot spring while the snow fully surrounds you, and later you can enjoy skiing or snowboarding at the biggest ski resort in Alaska. Also, witness the grandeur of the winter fest at Denali National Park, which is one of the most beautiful national parks in Alaska. Moreover, do not forget to see the ice museum at the Chena Hot Springs and Dog Sledging Race, which will promise you with a lifetime of experience.

Bordering the four major pristine lakes, the state of Michigan promise you an awesome experience of an ideal winter vacation. Visit the City of Frankenmuth, known for its Bavarian-style architecture and get into the Christmas spirit as soon as you arrive. Include Avalanche Bay in your itinerary, which is the largest indoor water park in the state. Later, visit the Tahquamenon Falls to explore the beauty of a frozen waterfall.

Famous for its bold architecture and limitless skyline, the city of Chicago has a lot of places where you can enjoy your winter vacation to the fullest. During this season, you can enjoy the Chicago Winter Fest and Chicago Bulls Game to get your adrenaline gushing.

If you don’t like snow, yet willing to go on a winter vacation, Los Angels is the right destination for you . The city hosts several reputed events during winters like Hollywood Christmas Parade, Golden Globe Awards, Grammy Awards, and Academy Awards.

So, this is a short seasonal guide to visit the USA.   After reading the guidelines given-above, make your plans accordingly to turn your vacation a memorable one.

As fewer tourist prefer to travel in the falls, it will be the best season to visit the USA on a fixed budget. Most of the airlines drop their rates during this time, making it easier for you to book flight tickets at cheaper rates.  

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Logan Smith

I'm a wanderer rooted in California, USA. My love for traversing the globe fuels my mission: crafting travel guides and tips that empower fellow explorers. Drawing from my personal escapades, I aim to equip readers with practical advice for seamless journeys. Let's embark on transformative adventures together.

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Cue Card Sample

Ielts cue card sample 62 - describe your favourite season in your country, describe your favourite season in your country..

  • what it is and when it comes
  • what the season is like
  • changes that happen and things you like to do during this season

Tips for answering this Cue card topic:

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what is the best season to travel in your country

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Travelling, Tourism, Holidays IELTS Speaking Test with Answers


42 min read

Updated On Nov 22, 2023

what is the best season to travel in your country

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Travelling, Tourism, Holidays IELTS Speaking Test with Answers

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This article contains the  Travelling, Tourism, and Holidays  Speaking sample answers.

IELTS Speaking consists of a short discussion between the examiner and the candidate. You will be asked a series of questions on common topics. You have to state your opinion or experiences.

Given below are the actual IELTS Speaking Part 1 stuff based on  Travel  questions and answers, followed by Speaking Part 2 and 3 on the same topic. When speaking, your tone will clarify and convey meaning.

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Speaking Part 1

1 do you like travelling.

Yes. Travelling just changes your mind and refreshes you and makes you forget the busy work schedule. When you start enjoying yourself for some time, you get charged up.

2 Whom do you often spend the holiday with?

I often spend my holidays with my cousins at my grandma’s place in Hyderabad which is the capital of Telangana state. We enjoy each other’s company.

3 Have you done much travelling?

Yes. I have. Places which I visited have a very rich heritage and are colourful like Jaipur which is also known as the pink city, Hyderabad which is also a great metropolitan city, Nagpur famous for its oranges, Delhi famous for its shopping centres and food, Punjab famous for its lively atmosphere and etc.

4 What kind of places have you visited in your life?

I have visited almost every type of place where people enjoy their life, places where people have a lot of opportunities to express their creativity, places which are well known for their educational facilities etc.

5 When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

Whenever I visit a place the first thing I do is search about the history or past of that place ,then record the experiences I get there. I write about what I did , what I liked etc. I just jot down in my travel diary so that whenever I open and read it I can relive those memories.

6 Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

I prefer travelling in a group as it’s always safe and most affordable. Also when we go on a trip as a group we are bonded with different type of people and make a lot beautiful ,sour and sweet memories.

7 Do you often travel abroad?

I haven’t travelled abroad yet. First I want to tour all places within my country.

8 In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

I prefer travelling in winter because the weather and atmosphere remains cool and soothing and it feels good to travel when it’s cool and soul-satisfying.

9 What is the best season to travel in your country?

The best time to travel in India is in the span of November to February when it is mixed weather. In this period it’s cold and dry simultaneously.

10 Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

Yes , definitely. India is considered to be one of the best countries to travel to because of its rich and diverse culture. The way the people in India welcome others with such a warm heart is tremendous to be felt.

11 What would you recommend a foreigner to visit in your country?

Each and every place in my country is significant for a particular thing. I would rather suggest a foreigner to tour all over India because there is not even a corner here that isn’t unique.

12 What places would you like to visit in the future?

I would like to visit New York and also Switzerland. These are my most favourite and desired destinations because of their scenic beauty and also the people who are very generous and sweet.

13 How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?

On normal days I don’t spend much time as you know I’m pursuing my studies and working simultaneously. So it is really difficult to travel on normal days.

14 What do you do while you are travelling?

When travelling in a car I just sit back and enjoy the scenery. When on the train I really prefer sleeping and if I’m travelling by flight I would prefer reading a novel with my music on.

15 Do you think your hometown is a good place for a holiday?

Yes , definitely. My hometown is the best place to visit on a holiday as it has the best scenic views and a lot of places to roam around. Also my hometown is kind of famous for its delicious food and shopping areas.

16 Are you planning any vacations at the moment?

Yes, I am actually planning a vacation at the moment. I’ve been considering taking a trip to South Korea, which is known for its unique food and beautiful landscapes. I believe it would be a great opportunity to unwind, explore a new culture, and take a break from my daily routine.

17 Can you easily find your way around new places?

I would say that I’m quite adept at finding my way around new places. I enjoy exploring unfamiliar destinations, and I usually start by researching the area before I arrive. I rely on maps and navigation apps on my phone, which are incredibly helpful. Additionally, I often ask for directions from locals, which not only helps me find my way but also allows me to interact with people and learn about the local culture.

18 Can you tell me about the kind of things that you usually do on holiday?

I spend most of my time with my family members because my holidays are the only time I am available to them. I also pay visits to my extended family members. We as a family love to talk a lot, play games, watch films and go shopping.

speaking infographic

Speaking Part 2

Describe a tourist attraction you once visited.

You should say

  • When you visited it
  • Where is it situated
  • Whom you went with
  • and say what about it you like the most

Sample Answer 1

I love to visit places, but due to my busy schedule, I am unable to go out on a lot of trips on holidays. Before the global pandemic started, I visited Sikkim with my family. I don’t clearly remember the exact date ,but it was in the month of May, 2019. It was summer, but the weather was very soothing there. Sikkim is  one of the smallest states of India situated in the North eastern part. Since my childhood I was drawn towards mountains more than I was towards the sea. Mountains always used to be peaceful and calm and I think that is the most attractive part of it. We started our journey from Pelling which is a small town in the northeastern Indian state of Sikkim, at the foothills of Mount Khangchendzonga. The town is filled with monasteries and waterfalls. Pemayangtse Monastery is another equally important Buddhist shrine in Pelling. I visited the place the same day I visited Khecheopalri Lake,Rimbi fall, Kanchenjunga falls  and Singshore bridge. It is the second largest suspension bridge in Asia. The next day we visited Rabdentse Ruins and in the evening we were off to Ravangla. Unfortunately it started to rain so we were unable to visit anything but Temi tea garden on our way to ravangla. The next day we were off to Gangtok. We stayed there and went out on alternative days for sightseeing. We visited Tsomgo lake, Seven Sisters waterfall, Banjhakri falls, Rumtek monastery. The days we were not sightseeing, we used to spend quality time in the Gangtok “mail” which they used to call their shopping markets. We were unable to visit Nathula Pass as it started to snow heavily. We visited Yumthang-the valley of flowers and the flower shows of Gangtok. The beautiful snow capped mountains, the waterfalls, the monasteries, the lakes, the people and everything was so serene and beautiful. Sikkim increased my love for mountains ever since. I had a memorable trip which I will relive forever.

Vocabulary for Cue card

  •  Suspension: hanging Eg: The suspension bridge is beautiful
  • Sightseeing: visit places of that area Eg: She was going sightseeing before she left.
  • Relive: to live again Eg: She was reliving her old memories.
  • Monasteries: Buddhist Pilgrimage  Eg: The north east is full of monasteries.

Sample Answer 2

The Colosseum, one of the few intact Roman Empire constructions, stands today as a testament to ancient Rome’s architectural and engineering prowess. It is also a significant source of tourism.

I visited it with my family during a trip to Italy. I have always been very interested in the history of Rome, so I was excited about this visit. The Colosseum is a Roman amphitheatre open to the general public. It was built solely for the amusement of the Romans, and there were numerous games held there during the week in ancient times. It was famed for hosting exotic animals, chariot races and gladiatorial combat. We did the underground tour of the Colosseum. Our guide told us how the lower levels would be flooded with water to simulate naval battles during the shows. She also gave us great detail in terms of the architectural structure and cultural importance of the site. I learned a lot and was amazed by the sheer scale of witnessing it in real life as opposed to photos. I would definitely recommend checking it out if you have the opportunity.

Describe a beautiful place you once visited

  • when you went to this place
  • where it was
  • whom you went with
  • and say why you liked it so much.

Sample Answer

I happened to have a trip to Darjeeling a few years back. I don’t exactly remember the perfect date, but it was soon after my class 10 board examination. It was a trip conducted by my school authorities which can be classified as an excursion. Darjeeling is one of the prettiest hill stations in India located in the northern part of West Bengal. It’s all about magnificent views of snow capped Kanchenjunga, streams flowing down the mountain slopes, lovely tea gardens, landscapes with firs, pines & ferns, and all that combined with friendly people and modern yet colonial charm. We took a train from kolkata to NJP station. From there we took a bus that was pre-booked by our tour guide manager. There were fifty students and 8 teachers,along with our tour guides. We were served our lunch packets on the bus. We visited the beautiful himalayan railways aka toy trains. It was so beautiful to get a city ride on a toy train by the side of the mountains, stopping at every beautiful spot. The majestic view of the mountain on one side and the busy lives of people in the city was something worthy of watching. We also visited Batasia loop, Tiger Hill,ropeway,Himalayan Mountaineering Institute , the zoo,Rock Garden and several other places. We stayed there for about a week. On the evening of the fifth day, we were given permission to buy things from the shopping area of Darjeeling. As it was an excursion, it’s needless to say about the amount of fun I had there with my friends. On the sixth day we were off to the NJP station recalling the very new memories and sadness of the ending of our much-awaited trip. We bid our goodbyes to the most beautiful place of our dream, but the art of heaven, named as Darjeeling, will remain cherishable in our heart and brain forever. 

  • Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or scale. Eg: The sight was majestic in its own way
  • Excursion: a long trip held by the institution Eg: our school held an excursion to hyderabad.
  • Relive: to live again Eg: She was reliving her moments with her grandmother.
  • Art of heaven: very beautiful Eg: The sketches she makes are like art of heaven

Describe a short trip that you usually make (or, take) but dislike

  • where you travel from and to
  •  how often you make this trip
  •  why you make this trip
  •  and explain why you dislike this trip

Since I study in Bhubaneswar and stay in Kolkata, the trip from home to college is often the trip I dislike to make. The journey from Kolkata to Kalinga is the most disliked journey I have to take every now and then. 

I return to Kolkata whenever I get a long holiday in my college and whenever I want to spend some quality time with my family. 

Being born and brought up in  a bengali family, you are bound to be home-sick. And I’m no exception. Just everytime I get a chance, I pack up and return home. So, I have to make the trip back to Bhubaneswar when the holidays are over.

Whenever I return home, my mother pampers me so much that I always feel reluctant to return to the college hostel and live on my own. Though good food is available in the hostel, it is no match to the home-cooked food. So, whenever It’s time to return to the hostel, the thought of doing everything on my own is the very reason why I dislike travelling. But there’s one more reason too. I have to travel alone most of the time and since this is long, I often get bored by the monotonous journey. I usually travel in 3 tier AC, and the people travelling are on a trip to Puri with their family, which makes me want to return. They are all to themselves, and being a grown up it seems awkward to reach out and start a conversation. Thus the dislike becomes stronger each time.

  • home-sick: loving to stay at home. Eg: She was home-sick.
  • homeland: a place where u grew up Eg: Nadia is my homeland .
  • Pamper: give special care Eg: She often pampers her sisters.

Describe a trip that took longer than you expected.

  • when it happened
  • where you were travelling to
  • whom you were travelling with
  • and explain why it took longer than you expected.

A few years ago, we were on a  road trip to Digha. It was my elder sister’s Bachelorette party.  There were ten of us, out of which five were her friends, and 5 were cousins. We booked a ten-seater van to travel. It was air-conditioned. If I can recall, it was in 2018. 

The first few days flew swiftly. Then, the west winds started. Bengalis call it Kalboishakhi. Storm, rain, and sea never go well together. Beaches were a prohibited place, and we were instructed not to leave the hotel. Thus, we were stuck inside the hotel room and were all to ourselves. The return trip was canceled, and our journey got delayed. But it was the best time of the year. We had parties and were gossiping, recollecting memories, and even were on movie marathons. 

We were supposed to return after a week. But we returned after 15 days. Even though the situation was challenging, we were having a good time. The weather was scary near the sea. No tourists were out.  But I loved the journey even though it got longer than expected. 

So when we returned, we had a lot to plan and organise for my sister’s wedding. But keeping in mind the storm and the sea, we were buckled up for whatever work stress that was about to hit. 

  • Bachelorette: a celebration one gets before they get married Eg: She went to a Bachelorette party with her brother. 
  • Kalboishakhi: the Western storm from Bay of Bengal that hits West Bengal during Summer Eg: There’s a possibility of kalboishakhi in the next week
  • Buckled up: gather up what you dropped; gather courage Eg: She buckled her up for the upcoming competition 
  • Delay: got late Eg: The train got delayed because of the rain.
  • Movie marathon: watching a series of movie in a single sitting Eg: The friends were having a movie marathon . 

Describe a trip that didn’t go as you had planned/expected

  • where were you travelling to
  • who was travelling with you
  • what didn’t happen according to plan
  • what did you do there
  • and explain how you felt.

Last year we were on a trip to Puri.

It was a trip with my family members. We hadn’t been anywhere for a long time, so we decided on taking a short trip to freshen our moods. My father always has this habit to pre-plan all the places according to the days.

One day, we went sightseeing in Chilka and several other places nearby. It was a long day planned till evening. It was all according to plan until my father decided to take the advice of our driver. He was a localite and knew every road and turn. He was well accustomed to the history of the temples and the places. He suggested we visit a few temples that were really beautiful. He also added that the history of those places was very intriguing. 

We returned 3 hours later than we had planned but the journey there was worth the time, we lost. We visited 3 temples, and the driver took us to a small village near Kalinga. We saw handloom works and several other things that will forever stay in our memories.

It was an unnoticed, not so famous village. The people were so humble. We wouldn’t have visited the place if he hadn’t suggested it to us. I had fun, and so did my parents. If I visit Puri next time, I will revisit the place.

  • Sightseeing : places inside an area to visit Eg: She went sightseeing .
  • Humble: good and polite Eg: She was a humble girl 
  • Localite : local area person Eg: He was a localite.
  • Intriguing:  arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity  Eg: The friends were having an intriguing conversation. 

A bicycle, motorbike or car trip you would like to go on in the future

  • Where would you like to go
  • How would you like to go there
  • Whom would you like to go with
  • And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike

The thing that troubles me more often than not when living in the city is that majority of people are riding motorbikes rather than cars. As a result, most people don’t know how to drive a car, including me, which also annoys me, since I have always wanted to take a road trip across the country. A road trip by car from the south to the north of my country would be tough and adventurous  because hundreds of  marvelous destinations are waiting to be explored. However, it is worth  taking risks  and  stepping out of your comfort zone  to truly  experience  what life  has to offer when your legs can still carry you rather than to regret later in your life.

“If you wanna go fast, go alone. If you wanna go far, go together.” It might be fun if you were a lone traveller  and didn’t enjoy  getting lagged behind your schedule. But, the adventure could be more colourful and unexpected, when you’ve got company, especially during a long journey like the one I prefer. Hence, my choice would be to pick up a close friend or two who share the same vision, the same  eagerness  to  capture the beauty of nature. We would start from the south where we are living and move north. On the go, we could stop by our favorite beaches a little longer than other places because there isn’t anybody who doesn’t have time for juicy coconuts and white sand paradise. Traditional cuisine  would also be our  utmost priority whenever we reach a new place as the best way to live like a local is to eat like a local. A car is our best choice because it would give us room to  comfortably  converse with  each other and  shelter  from  inclement weather  during our journey if any. It is not only about the destinations but also about the time I would love to spend with my dear friends as we would share the same space in a four-wheel vehicle  along the road; and  at the end of the day , it’s the people that matter.

  • more often than not: usually Eg: More often than not, people get confused with this map.
  • take risks: to do something that might be dangerous Eg: You have to take risks to win .
  • have to offer: have something available to be used or appreciated Eg: She has to offer prayers to God .
  • get lagged behind: get fallen behind Eg: The yellow car got lagged behind.
  • cuisine: style of cooking Eg: She likes Chinese cuisine.
  • utmost: greatest; most extreme Eg: Knowledge is of utmost importance .
  • inclement: not pleasant; cold, wet, etc. Eg: The inclement  weather is not safe for flights.
  • at the end of the day: in the end, finally Eg: At the end of the day your hard work pays off.
  • shelter: protect or shield from something harmful, especially bad weather Eg: The birds are in search of a shelter.

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  • IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
  • Idioms for IELTS Speaking
  • IELTS Pronunciation Guide
  • Common English words in IELTS Speaking

Describe an unforgettable trip you have had

  • When and where you went
  • Who you went with
  • What you did there
  • And explain why you think it was enjoyable

Well, it has been two years since I had my very first motorbike trip with my colleagues to one of the most ancient villages situated in the Northwestern part of our country. And I have to say that it was the most memorable trip that I’ve ever had.

Our group with 3 people made a decision to visit a village because we wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city  and  get off the beaten track.  Moreover ,  the village was fairly typical of the countryside in our country, so we wanted to get an insight into  the lifestyle of local people there.

We set out for a day trip quite early. I’m always a night owl , not an  early bird , so leaving the city at 5 a.m made me feel like I was deprived of sleep. However, I was  over the moon  shortly after  embarking on the trip to the village. This was because on the way to get there, we had a chance to get  the magnificent views of breathtaking landscapes  which is totally different from the city we are currently living in.  After a long drive, we got to the  picturesque village  which made me feel   deliriously happy. We rented some bikes to cycle around the village to  feel the vibes  of the village. After that,   we visited some 400-year-old ancient house and had a look at communal houses where the local people gathered for festival celebrations or public meetings. Then we had lunch and the food was scrumptious .  In the afternoon, we joined a cooking class with the villagers who were extremely friendly and  clever at making traditional cakes. The highlight of the trip to the village was going to the paddy fields to help the farmers harvest the crop. It was once-in-a-lifetime  experience which we really enjoyed. My friend was  like a dog with two tails while I was also  on cloud nine . We relished everything in the village from the fresh air, cozy ambience to beautiful landscapes such as small houses or paddy fields. We hoped that we can have a longer trip to the countryside down the road if we had more spare time.

  • made a decision: Making an agreement to something Eg: She made a decision.
  • get away from the hustle and bustle of the city: go to somewhere peaceful Eg: She wants to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city
  • get off the beaten track: get distracted Eg: She got off the beaten track
  • fairly typical of: things of the same type Eg: It’s fairly typical of her.
  • get an insight into: to gain some knowledge about  Eg: She got an insight into the matter
  • set out: begin a journey Eg: She sets out for the journey
  • night owl: stays up all night Eg: She is a night owl
  • early bird: wakes up early Eg: He is an early bird
  • deprived of: devoid of Eg: She is deprived of medicines. 
  • over the moon: very happy and delighted Eg: She is over the moon  for her success
  • embarking on: to begin a journey Eg: She embarked on a journey to Delhi.
  • the magnificent views of breathtaking landscapes: very beautiful sight Eg: She is awestruck by the magnificent views of breathtaking landscapes.
  • picturesque village: Beautiful village Eg: It’s an picturesque village
  • deliriously happy: very happy Eg: She is deliriously happy.
  • feel the vibes: sensing the energy Eg: I can feel the vibes of winning.
  • Scrumptious: delicious Eg: The meal was scrumptious. 
  • Once-in-a-lifetime: happening once in your entire lifetime Eg: One should visit NYC at least once-in-a-lifetime.
  • like a dog with two tails: used to emphasize how delighted someone is. Eg: She is so happy that she is like a dog with two tails
  • on cloud nine: very happy Eg: She is on cloud nine today.
  • Ambience: Surrounding and atmosphere Eg: The ambience is very appealing.
  • down the road: down the memory lane Eg: She went down the road and realised how innocent she had been.

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Speaking Part 3

1 do people in your country like to travel.

Yes, people in India like to travel. India is a colossal country to travel around. There are so many beautiful and adventurous places here. Hence people of India are athirst to travel from one place to another. Indians are always keen on discovering the daring and quixotic moments through travel. Nowadays, Indians mostly travel with friends wherever they get a vacation or a weekend

2 How has travelling changed, compared to several decades ago?

With the growing population and economic growth, India has changed especially in regards to travel. People now travel for uploading travel blogs, pictures or everyday travel videos on social media.The mode of transportation has improved a lot, as travel now is cheaper, comfortable and faster. Nowadays content creators go to places, find stuff and share in social media which is phenomenal. Now travel has become so easy that anyone can go for a long vacation.

3 When do people travel (as tourists), whom do they usually go with?

People usually travel with family friends or loved ones for a weekend to a neighbouring country or for a family vacation or for long travel. There is something within us that triggers us to pack our bags and visit a new place. Tourists mainly visit India, especially the southern part of India, during April – May and December for experiencing the crystal blue waters and soft white sand beaches. Tourists usually visit India with family and friends. Some people come with their loved ones to spend their most adventurous moments of life.

4 Do you think travel can (or, does) change people’s ways of thinking?

I think travel has made people better communicators. It has allowed people to be more patient. Through travelling, people can get to know a lot more about the world around them. Travel increases the desire to meet new people and pushes one to explore all kinds of amazing, admirable things. You become a well-rounded person just by experience. Travelling focuses on a greater sense of empathy and we also gain knowledge about diverse cultures. Interaction with people is another pathway to revitalize our minds. I think travelling really develops a personality. They become less judgemental, more stable, more open-minded, find themselves more optimistic, and don’t panic often.

5 What are the disadvantages of not travelling?

There are many disadvantages of not travelling to a new place. Many educational and health benefits will be missed. We will be unable to learn new cultures and languages. Memories for a lifetime will really pass over. You will not be able to deal with the stress, if you don’t take a break and travel. Also, you cannot sense and appreciate independence. You cannot boost confidence within yourself. You cannot realize your passion if you are not physically exploring places.

Travelling in cities

6 how do most people in your country travel to work.

Most of the people in India own a vehicle. It could either be a two-wheeler or four-wheeler. And the ones who don’t have a private vehicle travel through public transport like metro, buses, or by local trains. Sometimes they travel by subways too.

7 People in cities used to like living downtown but now they prefer to live in the suburbs. Can you explain why?

In suburbs there is a lot of free space available. Also in most suburbs, there is an element of peace and people lead a normal life. But in cities, the places have become more and more compact with population increase. One more advantage of suburbs is that the cost of living is low.

8 What is the impact of vehicles on people’s lives?

Owning a private vehicle is very common nowadays. It makes our life easy as we can travel at our convenience. People have started travelling from one city to another. Vehicles have made their life comfortable. People have also become a bit lazy as they tend to take vehicles even for shorter distances and also a lot of fuel is burnt in this process.

9 Do people in your country prefer to walk or take a car for short trips?

People in India mostly prefer taking a walk if it is a very short trip like walking to the nearby grocery shop. Walking is also essential for a person to maintain proper metabolism. Walking is preferred because firstly it is, of course, environmentally friendly and also it boosts up our immune system ,energy, and also keeps our heart healthy and fit

10 How can big cities deal with the problem of having many people crowded in the same place?

We can help people by providing them with valuable and good sources of information to plan a visit. E.g., Help schedule the time of travel. We can also improve the infrastructure in an area that can reduce overcrowding in the particular region. We can also encourage corporate companies to build technology parks in the suburbs and villages as well.

11 Are there any connections between transportation and the environment?

Yes, there is a direct linking between travelling and the environment. When the weather is perfect and soothing, we enjoy travelling. If the heat comes right above our head, we get irritated and will not enjoy our trip.

12 Does your hometown have problems connected to transportation??

The transportation in my hometown is not good. The public transport can’t be trusted because the buses don’t arrive on time. Also, the people aren’t educated and are unaware of the timings of public transport. The most important thing is that women are concerned about their safety in public transport.

13 How could these problems be solved?

These problems can be solved by making people aware of the timetable of the buses. They can also educate the drivers about being on time. The people can be trained to use metro options too

14 Is cycling very popular in your city?

Cycling is given a lot of importance in my hometown because it is good exercise. People are educated and know that it helps in increasing cardiovascular fitness, muscle flexibility, decreasing stress level and that it also makes our mind fresh and boosts up our energy level.

15 What are the differences between travelling by car and travelling by bicycle in a city?

Car is faster and effective than bicycles. A car can hold more stuff into it, but you can’t carry heavy items in a cycle. Also in a car, safety is guaranteed because of its compact and secured design. A car can house a group of people but a cycle cannot. Also it is way more comfortable than a cycle.

16 What are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?

Riding a bicycle helps in building mental and physical fitness. It helps in saving a lot of money too. It is rejuvenating to take a cool shower after cycling for an hour or two. As we have pros, there are cons too. We may be exposed to the day’s temperature, which can harm our body ( if it is not moderate). We can meet with accidents. Cycles are theft-prone too.

17 How could the government encourage more people to use bicycles in the city?

Government can create separate lanes for cycling. They can also introduce some schemes related to cycling. Marathons can be held in a regular interval of time. They can even distribute pamphlets regarding the importance of cycling to encourage people.

18 What are the benefits of having a good public transportation system in a city?

Having good transportation in a city makes life convenient and helps people reach their destination on time. It will be safe for girls to travel. Also, it helps in less consumption of fossil fuels like petrol or diesel. By this, we can help in reducing the pollution as we will use the buses rather than our own vehicle.

19 How will transportation in cities change in the future?

There are already many plans that our government is looking into, and one of them is the technology of the bullet trains, which can help people travel in less time at a very reasonable cost. In the coming days, people might develop a technology that can help them reach their destination within the city very fast and without pollution.

International travel

20 do people from your country like to travel abroad.

 Yes , many of my friends travel abroad when they get holidays. Also, many such people are there who go out of India to experience more about the culture, food , people ,climate , of foreign countries.

21 Can you suggest why some people (from your country) go abroad to work?

Some people go abroad to work to get more exposure and gain experience. Some people like to travel a lot. So they take up a job which will help them in travelling. They even travel to embrace a new lifestyle and also to learn a new language.

Traffic congestion in cities

22 what causes traffic problems in big cities.

Due to the increase of population and growth of the economy in big cities, people rush for work everyday which is the main cause of traffic problems. Due to an increase in the number of vehicles on the road such as at the peak hour, lack of vehicle regulation has increased the problems. Sometimes non recurring events like road accidents slows down road traffic and weather problems also result in immobility of vehicles.

23 What could be done to solve this problem?

The more the lanes, the higher the capacity a road has. So cars should be able to drive faster, but that’s a very narrow analysis of the problem. Some technical procedure is needed to control the traffic jams over roads. The use of public transport should be encouraged. Parking should be controlled via universal pay and park-in parking facilities. Proper signboards at each and every junction may also help to reduce traffic. Traffic control systems should be improved, traffic lights should be fully computerized and constantly serviced. Traffic lanes could be created for multiple-car occupancy.

24 What do you think are the benefits of having a good public transportation system in a city?

Travelling by public transport is very useful in saving money. You don’t need to spend much money on purchasing cars. Imagine that you are on a bus, taking a seat, and starting to relax by reading the newspaper or sleeping a little while. Yes, you can do this on a bus. You don’t have to concentrate on the road. This source of transportation is perfect for tourists. It is a good alternative for the older generation. Public transportation sometimes becomes adventurous, and we get to know many new people every day.

25 How do you imagine public transport might change in the future?

I think public transport might change in the future. The world is changing fast. Cities are growing, and the urban population is rising. The need to transport people and goods is increasing, but so is congestion, air pollution, road accidents, and climate change. In the present times, electric vehicles are used for public transport, and the transportation system is enabled through an integrated cloud platform, connecting vehicles, people, infrastructure, and logistic platforms. Bus platooning is improving efficiency and capacity in the city of public transportation. The future is the electric zero mission with low noise, giving the electric combat excavator access to the environmental city zone.

Long-distance travel

26 what are some of the reasons why people travel long distances.

There are many reasons like getting more of a personal perspective, giving yourself some time, grasping more adventure. Also, the most important thing is building a solid relationship with whomever you travel.People tend to travel to meet their family members who stay at a distant place. Travel bloggers travel for fun and pleasure.

27 Is it easier to travel long distances today than in the past? (Why?)

Yes, it has become much easier to travel now than in the past. Nowadays, it is much more feasible and affordable for a person or a group of people to travel even to far off places. In fact, nowadays people just travel because they are crazy to explore the latest technology

28 How does long-distance travel today differ from the past?

Nowadays it’s very convenient and affordable and also we have a lot of options as in to travel anywhere but this wasn’t the case in the old days . People used to travel mostly with bullock carts or either used to take walk for travelling which would take a lot of time but with the help of recent technology we can travel faster

29 What effects does long-distance travel have on people?

People who are old or babies usually get tired in the long-distance journey. If we are with a group of people and travelling, it becomes fun, but if we had to travel alone, we tend to get bored. And also most importantly, it can turn into travel fatigue which disturbs our daily lives.

30 Can long-distance travel ever create problems for people?

People who travel frequently tend to become lonely and may develop long-term health issues that can be very dangerous at times. Travelling long distances isn’t cheap either. Also it is very taxing. Even after reaching our destination we become lethargic and tend to sleep more rather than taking a tour of the place.

31 Does long-distance travel have any effect on the environment?

Travelling long distances by any means of transport will cost you a lot and is also not environmentally friendly. All types of transportation including air create a greenhouse effect in the topmost layer, which is way too hazardous.The most polluting vehicle is the flight. Then comes the car and train. Cars use fossil fuel and release toxic gases into the air.

32 How might long-distance travel change in the future?

With the advent of technology, it might become much easier and affordable to travel. We can reach long distances at the fullest comfort in no time. Recent research shows that electric flights might be coming up in the future to minimise pollution.

33 How would it be like to travel to space?

It would be fantastic. There are very few people who have been getting a chance to undertake such excellent travel. And if I am the chosen one I might be very proud of myself to step into the moon.

34 What are the problems people might experience when going on a trip and what could be done to avoid/solve these problems?

 There are a lot of problems which might occur during travel. We might suffer from health issues or run out of cash, or get delayed, which might affect our whole tour. The only solution for this is that we should plan adequately before we step out.We can also pool vehicles to avoid pollution. 

Preparing for a trip

35  is it important for travelers to carefully plan the trip.

Yes, planning a trip is really important for travellers. If everything happens in an organised way, we can switch to the travelling mindset with ease. Traveling to different places and staying there for a few days will help us to rejuvenate and relax if we arrange everything before the trip.

36 What are the differences between a well-planned trip and a trip that is not well-planned?

Well-planned trips are those which accommodate even the sudden changes that occur on the spot. Talk and discuss the trip with whom you are going. Make sure you have the travel plans. Let the problems be sided and let all the solutions get strained in one piece of sheet. Not planned trips will face budget problems and they will meet with unnecessary expenditures. They will not know more about where to visit how to go, and how to stay. They will not be aware of the culture and of the place they are travelling to and will always face problems.

37 In general, what factors should people consider when planning a trip?

We need to first focus on booking tickets or visas or passports. Internal currency planning, sightseeing, etc seem to be so daunting which is why people rely on travel agents and they don’t mind paying them. But making a plan under budget needs time. The factors that we should keep in mind while making the trip are the number of days needed to reach the destination, travel companions, and adventures.

38 What essential things do people need to take when they go on a trip?

I will now talk about some of the essential things people need to take when they go on a trip: a neck pillow for train or flight travel to relax the body. Eye masks are also crucial for good sleep, as we also need time to energize ourselves through sleep. We need to take our clothes accordingly by keeping in mind the weather of that particular place. You can take a camera with you to capture those beautiful moments, which would remain handy. Chargers and power banks are very crucial during travelling. Skincare products and other necessary makeup materials can make you look glamorous with a photoshoot.

39 Do you think there are any differences between men and women when they plan a trip?

Yes, I think there lies a difference between men and women when they plan a trip. Women start packing a month early. They make several lists, pack for themselves and their kids. They plan many activities for their kids, and they get busy with packing different varieties of clothes and makeup. Women stage things serially and in an organised way, but men remain leftover with last moment packing. Men drag 2 – 3 pairs of jeans, shirts and 3 pairs of socks and shorts, and they’re done. They remain excited and capture the beautiful natural beauty on a camera.

40 People with different personalities sometimes plan or prepare for a trip differently. Can you give some examples of this?

People with different personalities plan and prepare for trips differently as they want to explore and explore that destination from their inner core. Naturally, people travel for enjoyment with family and friends, but some people think differently. They remain enthusiastic about bringing out the dangerous unknown adventure. They generally make sudden plans.

41 How do people find information about places to travel to?

There are several factors which people must consider while preparing for a trip. They should not get so confused about stuffing all the things in one bag. Some usually keep everything for the last moment and get confused. These people must make a checklist and ensure that all the necessary documents, cards are adequately arranged. They should also double-check that necessary medicines and clothes are packed.

42 What factors would people consider when preparing for a trip?

Nowadays we can find information about travel on the internet . We can get information through vlogs, twitter, and different social media sites. We can easily get a detailed analysis and budget list of the particular destination. There are travel agencies that help us with information about unknown places . The encyclopedia and youtube travelogue channels, also make our travel easy.

Travelling differences

43 if you were travelling with friends, what qualities would you like them to have.

When we have to choose the travel companion we should think of a person who is compatible and has a good sense of humour, is sensible, generous and also shares the budget

44 Some people prefer to go on guided tours when they travel while others prefer to travel individually. Which do you think is better?

From my point of view taking up a guide is more preferable as these people have knowledge which may not be in books or any kind of brochure and they also will suggest the best and affordable places to stay, eat etc

45 What are the different means of transport that a person can choose when travelling?

There are different types of transport which one can use for travelling. For example, sea, rail, flight or car. Most suitable out of these is the flight as it makes our travel quick and convenient. Other means of travelling such as public transport or cabs etc also make life easy and enable us to enjoy a tour.

46 In what ways does a person’s wealth affect the quality of that person’s travelling experience?

Wealth does affect the quality of travel we do. If we are rich, we can enjoy a trip to the fullest. The opposite of it is that if we have less money to spend, we may have to compromise our comforts.

47 Whom do you think learns more from travelling, old people or young people?

Young people learn more. The youth get inspired by travelling as they get to know more people and learn how to handle them. They also get excellent exposure, and come across new opportunities. They even get to know themselves and also will have a clear vision over what should be one’s goal.

48 Do you think it’s a good idea to use a credit card when travelling?

A credit card is considered the best friend of anyone travelling. It makes the payment easier and provides certain advantages such as cashback or a reward. People prefer this, as there is a considerable risk involved in carrying cash.

49 Some people like to take a lot of things with them when they travel and other people prefer to take as little as possible. Why do you think people have this difference?

It varies according to the individual. Person A would like to carry a lot so that he/she dont have to borrow anything from others. On the other hand, person B may not like to carry much luggage because he might prefer taking only basic things and buying the rest.

50 Do you think the tourism industry is very important?

Yes, the tourism industry is vital to the world’s economy. It not only takes part in the economy but also plays a vital role as the backbone of the country. It provides job opportunities to the people of the country. It also creates a special bond between the visitors and the localities. We get to know about the history of places, culture and almost everything.

51 What do you think has led to the growth in the tourism industry?

There are several factors that have led to the growth of the tourism industry. One of the most important factors is people’s hunger to learn and see. This “interest” is the reason why people have decided to consider this as a means of employment. Now, the most significant factor of the World’s economy comes from this industry.

52 What benefits does tourism bring to society?

Tourism brings several benefits to society. The tourism industry is the largest contributor to the world’s economy and facilitates foreign trade. For example, India is rich in spices, and our country holds the biggest spice trading business. Yes, if it hadn’t been for tourism, our minerals and resources would have been unknown to the world. The handloom industry is another branch, which has flourished only because of the tourism industry. In short, it has an impact on a lot of factors that are interconnected.

53 Are there any problems caused by tourism? How to address these problems?

Yes. Alongside the benefits, it brings in some problems too. All these trade and foreign business has resulted in exposing our wealth and riches to the other countries. This is one of the very reasons why the British empire wanted to settle in India and make it their colony. If the government is weak, it can easily be taken over and ruin the nation.

54 How to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the environmental damage that is done by tourism?

The economic benefit and the environmental damage can only be balanced by limiting the trading. One should stop forcing the environment to go beyond its limit just to produce a greater yield for exports . The greed for money has led to disaster. Tourists also tend to contaminate the ground by throwing plastics or wrappers. Some throw eateries on the road.

55 What effects do you think international travel has on the different countries involved?

International travel has an impact on the relationship between the tourists and localite. It builds a bond between the people of the two countries involved. This bond will eventually mature into foreign settlements which will be beneficial for both countries in the long run. It also helps better import and export systems.

56 How has international travel changed in the past 20 or 30 years?

With the passing ages, everything has changed. Places have changed their infrastructure. Villages have turned into metropolitan cities. I think currency is an important factor too. The value for money has changed too. What cost 1rs back then, might cost 10 rs now. So yes, that’s a factor too.

57 Can you suggest some things that people should and should not do when they travel to a foreign country as tourists?

People visiting foreign should not exploit their land and properties. One should not make fun of their culture and sentiments. Thus the person visiting a foreign land should respect it as how they want to be treated by their visitors/tourists.

58 Do you think that the media has many effects on tourism?

Media has a tremendous impact on tourism. In the modern world, people rely primarily on social media and news. An unknown place can turn into a popular holiday destination overnight. So yes, the media impacts a lot. Media has also captured attractive pictures and videos which have attracted many tourists too. So behind the popularity of a place, the media played a vital role.

59 Some think it’s not necessary to go to tourist places, now that we can see these places on the internet. Do you agree?

Some people think it’s not necessary to go to tourist places because we can see places on the internet. But it’s like watching a picture of your favourite food and filling up your appetite. Unless and until you are present in that area in person, you can never feel the true essence of the place

Changes in travelling

60 how do you think travelling today is different from what it was several decades ago.

In modern times, we have different modes of communication which were not in history. Earlier people used to walk and used animal drawn carts to travel from place to place. The discovery of petroleum was the light of revolution. Now, one can visit places conveniently.

61 In 20 or 30 years, how do you think travelling will be different from what it is today?

With every passing day, the level of crude oil is decreasing. Many vehicles are being idealised to  draw fuel in alternative ways. Tesla, is one such example. I am sure there will be inventions like this. So yes, there will be a huge difference between today and the future generation. Soon there will be a way to resolve the issue, and we might be able to run a vehicle via solar energy, or any other source for that matter. Even though there will be a lot to plan and implement, mankind will overcome every hurdle. 

Modern technology and travel

62 in what ways has modern technology changed people’s travelling experiences.

 In the earlier times, people used animal drawn carts or palanquins to travel from place to place. With the inventions of technologies, the vehicles have also become modernised. Modern technologies have reduced human effort and so of animals. It has saved a lot of time and it is much more convenient.

63 Do you think the internet has had an effect on people’s travelling behaviour today?

Yes, the internet has impacted indirectly on people’s travelling behaviour today. We can sit at home and book train tickets or flight tickets. One does not have to go to the station and search for trains or go to the airport to book tickets. The Internet has made online services like Ola,Uber or Rapido, which will help us to reach our destination in a shorter period of time.

64 If you were going on a trip, what essential modern technology would you carry, and why?

If i am travelling somewhere, i will carry my cell phone. It’s the modern technology I choose to carry because it will help us in several ways. Beginning with google maps, contacts, or helpline and emergency numbers. Among all the boons of mobile phones, the advantages overshadow them. One can capture the beautiful moments of the trip on their mobiles. They can also play music during the trip. So a mobile phone serves many purposes while you travel.

Vocabulary for Speaking Part 3

  • Colossal: extremely large or great. Eg: In fact, this means a colossal amount of foreign travel.
  • Athirst: Very eager to get something Eg: She was athirst to get her birthday gift
  • Platooning: Use the strategy of alternating (a pair of players or one player with another) in a specified field position in successive games. Eg:   Marim designed a platoon for badminton along with her friends
  • Immobility: The state of not moving; motionlessness. Eg: She was almost frozen into immobility by the fear that it would be something illegal.
  • Petroleum: oil used to make petrol and diesel Eg: Petroleum is used for all purpose these days
  • Crude oil: source of petroleum Eg: Crude oil is a source of energy which is found deep under the ocean
  • Tesla:  a modern car working on electricity Eg: He is so rich that he can afford a Tesla
  • Revolution: change Eg: Revolution is the only constant
  • overshadow: to overcome something Eg: He overshadows his pain with a smile
  • Impact: affect Eg: Good food has an impact on people. 
  • Adequately: to a satisfactory or acceptable extent. Eg:  He was adequately prepared for the situation
  • Hazardous: risky; dangerous. Eg: The situation in which we are working is really hazardous
  • Facilitates: beneficial Eg: Befriending the captain facilitated better understanding of the team
  • Exploits: destroys Eg: “ You should not exploit anyone’s innocence.”
  • Appetite: Hunger Eg: She lost her appetite.

Sample Answers (Updating)

Suggested answers for part 1, do you like travelling.

Yes, definitely! I think getting to know the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy beaches, is what life is all about . It’s a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places.

Whom do you often spend the holiday with?

It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer to hang out with my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s the New Year holiday, I just want to celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambience.

Have you done much travelling?

Well, I’m an international student, so I travel a lot. I’ve been on a road trip to the USA, a vacation to Japan and Korea when I was younger. Thanks to my father. And most recently Australia – a splendid country.

What kind of places have you visited in your life?

I prefer to visit the places which elevate my mood and energize me. I have been to some of the beautiful beaches and lakes in my country. These places bring me closer to nature and rejuvenate me.

When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

It seems to me that there’s a lot of stuff to do when visiting a brand-new place. At first, I would love to take photographs to bookmark my travel experience as well as share it with my best mates. Culture vulture seems to be my other character when I feel like discovering the places of great aesthetic appeal everywhere I set foot in.

Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

Well, it depends on my current mood. A trip to the off-the-beaten-track destinations, mountainous or forested place, for instance, will be my initial choice if I feel devastated. On the contrary, I will congregate and sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take photographs – one of my hobbies when feeling overjoyed.

In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

I guess it would be autumn. This season has little rain, clear skies, and temperature conditions. It’s really the best season as most places are at their best at that time.

What places would you like to visit in the future?

If I have the chance to visit one famous place, it will be Paris, a must-see place for me. I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, to tuck into French delicacies in prestigious restaurants. In addition, it’d be great for me to visit the Louver Museum and discover history as well as La Sorbonne University – the oldest educational institution in modern France.

If the choice is in my hands, I’m yearning for travelling to Paris on Christmas vacation when the weather is neither too cold or too hot.

You can find some more questions about Holidays at:  2017 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Holidays & Sample Answers

You can also improve your Vocabulary for Cue Card about Traveling & Adventures which is a common topic in the IELTS Speaking test at:  IELTS Travel & Adventure Vocabulary for Cue Card: Useful Phrases & Expressions In IELTS Speaking

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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The Best Country for Tourism Is Not France, Italy, or Spain—Here’s What Nation Claims the Title

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Image may contain City Nature Outdoors Scenery Metropolis Urban Aircraft Airplane Transportation and Vehicle

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United States is the best country in the world for tourism. The independent international organization recently released a list of top locales for travel, which looked at a number of factors, including infrastructure, sustainability, labor availability, pricing, and natural resources. In addition to clinching the top spot on the list, the United States was the only country in North America to secure a place within the top 10.

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New York City, the USA’s largest city by population.

As WEF notes in its report, global tourism is expected reach pre-pandemic levels in 2024. However, there are a number of challenges that continue to face the industry, such as AI, which may require adaptation and agility. Some countries and economies are more equipped to do this, and this new data “aims to serve as a benchmark for stakeholders to gauge progress, inform decisions and policies, and encourage sustainable and resilient growth.” As such, the report doesn’t necessarily speak to the experience of being a traveler in these nations, but rather the business of travel.

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Barcelona, Spain. The country ranked second on the WEF list.

Among the top 10 countries on the list, Europe demonstrated an impressive showing. Spain ranked second, while France, Germany, the UK, Italy, and Switzerland nabbed spots four, six, seven, nine, and 10, respectively. Rounding out the list, Japan ranked third, Australia fifth, and China eighth. The data also showed that of 119 economies reviewed, 71 displayed improvement between 2019 and 2023. However, the average index scores were only 0.7% above pre-pandemic levels.

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San Diego, California

Of the countries that improved their scores since 2019, 52 were those with low to upper-middle-income economies. Countries such as Uzbekistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Nigeria all showed growth; however, the report also notes that “despite above-average growth, non-high-income economies account for nearly 90% of below-average index scorers, indicating a need for further investment to close gaps in enabling conditions if these economies wish to increase their share of the travel and tourism market.”

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Overall, the report showed that Europe and Asia-Pacific regions were in the most favorable position to grow travel and tourism markets, as were high-income economies. Of the top 30 ranked nations, 19 are in Europe, seven in Asia-Pacific, and 26 are high income.

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While the report doesn’t speak directly to traveler experience, the United States’ title as the best country for tourism does correlate with the abundance of places to visit in the nation. From towering metropolises like New York City and Chicago to beautiful small towns , trips for a design and architecture lover are aplenty. Of course, the country also boasts striking natural scenery, such as the South West’s deserts and canyons; Midwest prairies; the Rocky, Appalachian, and Sierra Nevada mountains ; and beaches on the east, west, and south coasts. Whether an international or local traveler, there is no shortage of destinations to discover.

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What is the best season for travel any time of year.

If the holiday season is over and your trip is over, there is no reason to be sad. It's time to dream about your next trips, make plans, choose routes.

What is the best time of the year to travel? For true travel lovers, any time of the year is suitable. Just changing directions, activities, types of travel. The main thing is that there is a desire to travel and opportunities (time and money).

Along with the seasons, the types of our travels also change to some extent. By type of travel, I mean, for example, urban tourism, a beach vacation, a trip to beautiful natural places, a trip to a ski resort.

Probably everyone will agree that summer is the best time to travel. In summer, you can travel around the cities, and spend time on the beach, and wander along nature trails.

There is no reason to be upset if your vacation fell in the fall. Summer is too hot in many countries and cities. There are many places where the weather is truly comfortable in autumn. Many beach destinations are great for an autumn vacation when the water is still warm and the day is not too hot. Have you seen how beautiful the national parks are in autumn, when the leaves of the trees change their color to yellow, red, brown? In autumn, in many places on the planet comes the opportunity to watch whales.

You don't know what to do in winter? Winter is a great time to travel. Nature in winter is especially beautiful in the northern regions. It is in winter that we have more opportunities for winter activities - skiing, dog sledding. Don't miss the opportunity to have fun in the ski resort and see the Northern Lights. Many cities of the world (America and Europe) are specially decorated for the Christmas holidays.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year for many. Probably, only residents of northern countries can truly appreciate spring. This is the time when winter has already had time to get bored and we begin to dream of summer. You can bring summer closer and go somewhere to the warm southern beaches. It is especially pleasant to swim in the warm sea and warm up under the sun on the beach at a time when winter has not yet left our house. It is the beginning of spring that is the best time for skiing in many ski resorts.

Maybe you don't like to travel? Appetite comes with eating! There was a time when I didn't travel and that suited me. Then there were vacation trips about once a year. But when I began to travel more often, twice a year, I noticed that soon after returning and unpacking my suitcase, there was a desire to go somewhere again, even by plane, even by train, or in my car. Travel more often!

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Band 7 Success

What Is Your Favorite Season? IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers)

You might be asked about the weather in part one of your IELTS Speaking test. The examiner may ask you, “What is your favorite season?”

Here’s how to answer this question really well, with 10 good example answers ( go straight to the answers here ).

What You Can Say

First, choose a season: winter, spring, summer, autumn (or fall). Then, describe why you like that season. You could talk about:

  • Why that season has your favorite weather
  • How the weather makes you feel in that season
  • Things you usually do in that season
  • Holidays, festivals, or other special events in that season
  • Good memories from when you were younger in that season
  • Anything else that comes to mind

Autumn vs Fall

These two words ‘autumn’ and ‘fall’ mean the same season. And both words are good English. You can use whichever one you prefer.  

Autumn is used in British English and sounds a little more formal. Fall is American English, and is more commonly spoken around the world.  

Answer As Quickly As You Can

In part one of your Speaking test, you should only focus on two things:

  • Warming up (relaxing and becoming more confident)
  • Fluency (speaking quickly, without hesitation)

So don’t hesitate while you try to think of clever vocabulary in part one. Just speak as quickly and confidently as you can.  

Simple English is fine in part one. Remember, you are only warming up in part one.  

The examiner will be impressed and happy if you answer quickly, without hesitation.  

You can show off your more advanced vocabulary and grammar in parts two and three when you will be better prepared.

Use the Three-Step YES Method

Your part-one answers should also be quite short. Just 10 or 20 seconds each is fine.

Use the three-step YES Method in part one. This will help you remember not to speak for too long. Just say:

  • Y our answer (say which season you like best)
  • E xplain your answer (say why you like it)
  • S top talking (wait patiently for the next question)

Now let’s take a look at 10 good band-seven answers to this question about seasons.

‘Summer’ Answers

1. My favorite season is summer because I love the sunshine and everyone in my city is much more cheerful when the weather is hot.  

2. I’ve always loved the summer because as a student I get a long summer holiday. To my mind, summer is a time for relaxing, having fun, and traveling to new places.  

3. My favorite season is definitely summer because the weather is lovely and there are some wonderful music festivals in my country during the summer months.  

‘Autumn’ Answers

4. I think my favorite season is autumn because the trees look so beautiful with orange and yellow and red leaves. It’s also cooler in autumn, and I don’t like very hot weather.

5. I love fall because I’m from Germany and we have the most exciting festival in October. It’s called Oktoberfest. It’s a huge beer festival that lasts for several weeks.  

‘Winter’ Answers

6. My favorite season is winter because I love the snow. My hometown sees many months of snowfall each year, and I really enjoy how peaceful and quiet and beautiful the world becomes when it’s blanketed in snow.

7. I suppose my favorite season would have to be winter. I started skiing a few years ago, and now I go skiing every winter, which is so much fun. I love it.  

‘Spring’ Answers

8. I love spring most because it’s the season when the world comes back to life after a long winter. All the flowers are blooming in spring. The trees are becoming green again and the birds are singing. It’s a season full of life and hope.

9. I think my favorite season is spring because the weather is perfect. It’s sunny but not too hot, like during summer. The air in spring is usually fresh and cool and that feels lovely.  

10.  My family and I like spring because spring is the rainy season in my country. We need the rain to water our garden and the crops in our vegetable patch.  

Your Turn To Answer

Now, you give this question a go.  

Turn on your voice recorder and ask aloud, “What is your favorite season?”

When you’ve finished, listen, find any mistakes, and answer the question again.  

Keep repeating this process and you’ll soon be ready for part one of your IELTS Speaking test.  

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what is the best season to travel in your country

Rolling Out

Summer travel trends and tips for a memorable vacation

  • By Isaac Ocean
  • May 27, 2024


As the summer season approaches, travelers are eagerly planning their vacations. With the anticipation of holiday celebrations and warm weather, it’s the perfect time to explore new destinations. However, with the excitement comes the challenge of navigating crowded tourist spots, soaring travel costs and the unpredictable elements of summer travel .

Top summer destinations

  • International flights from the United States are gearing up for the busy season, with new routes to Europe and beyond.
  • Destinations like Bora Bora and Cancun remain popular for their sunny allure.
  • For those seeking a unique experience, France’s Mediterranean hidden gem, Calanque de Sormiou, offers an escape to paradise.

Travel tips and hacks

  • Planning ahead is crucial to avoid the hassle of crowded places and delayed transportation.
  • Expedia shares airfare hacks to help travelers save money and enhance their travel experience.
  • Portable fans and misters can be a lifesaver to keep cool in hot weather.
  • Lightweight linen wear and travel shorts are recommended for staying comfortable and stylish.

Challenges and solutions

  • Extreme heat has led airlines to limit passenger capacity, and Amtrak warns of potential delays.
  • Passport renewal delays and strikes by air traffic controllers in France may affect travel plans.
  • Uber introduces new services in Europe to cater to the summer season’s travel demands.

Despite the potential obstacles, summer travel offers an opportunity for adventure and relaxation. By staying informed and prepared, travelers can enjoy a memorable and stress-free vacation .

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what is the best season to travel in your country

Hướng dẫn trả lời IELTS SPEAKING – Topic: Travel & Holidays

  • vohoangan262

what is the best season to travel in your country

Chia sẻ bài viết

Chủ đề Travel & Holiday là một trong những topic phổ biến nhất trong các đề thi IELTS năm 2018. Các câu hỏi về chủ đề này tưởng chừng quen thuộc nhưng vẫn khiến nhiều thí sinh mất điểm. 

Vì thế IELTS HIEN NGUYEN hướng dẫn bạn cách trả lời  câu hỏi Speaking IELTS trong Part 1 – 2 – 3 liên quan đến Chủ đề Travel & Holidays. Ngoài ra, các bạn cũng có thể tham khảo một số câu trả lời mẫu để hiểu rõ cách trả lời đạt điểm cao trong kỹ năng Speaking.

Do you like travelling?

Who do you often spend holiday with?

How much traveling have you done?

What kind of places have you visited in your life?

When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group?

In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

  • What is the best season to travel in your country?
  • Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?
  • Where would you recommend a foreigner to visit in your country?

What places would you like to visit in the future?

  • How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?
  • What do you do while you are travelling?
  • Do you think your hometown is a good place for a holiday?

Describe a tourist attraction you once visited.

You should say:

  • when you visited it
  • where is it situated
  • who you went with
  • and say what about it you like the most

Describe a beautiful place you once visited.

  • when you went to this place
  • where it was
  • and say why you liked it so much

Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike.

  • where you travel from and to
  • how often you make this trip
  • why you make this trip
  • and explain why you dislike this trip

Describe a trip that took longer than you expected.

  • when it happened
  • where you were traveling to
  • who you were traveling with
  • and explain why it took longer than you expected

Describe a trip that didn’t go as you had planned/expected.

  • who was travelling with you
  • what didn’t happen according to plan
  • what you did
  • and explain how you felt.
  • Do people in your country like to travel?
  • How has travelling changed, compared to several decades ago?
  • When do people travel (as tourists), who do they usually go with?
  • Do you think travel can (or, does) change people’s ways of thinking?
  • What are the disadvantages of not traveling?

Travelling in Cities

  • How do most people in your country travel to work?
  • People in cities used to like living downtown but now they prefer to live in the suburbs. Can you explain why?
  • What is the impact of vehicles on people’s lives?
  • Do people in your country prefer to walk or take a car for short trips?
  • How can big cities deal with the problem of having many people crowded into the same place?
  • Are there any connections between transportation and the environment?
  • Does your hometown have any problems connected to transportation? How could these problems be solved?
  • Is cycling very popular in your city?
  • What are the differences between traveling by car and traveling by bicycle in a city?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?
  • How could the government encourage more people to use bicycles in the city?
  • What are the benefits of having a good public transportation system in a city?
  • How will transportation in cities change in the future?

International Travel

  • Do people from your country like to travel  abroad?
  • Can you suggest why some people (from your country) go abroad to work?

Traffic Congestion in Cities

  • What causes traffic problems in big cities?
  • What could be done to solve this problem?
  • What do you think are the benefits of having a good public transportation system in a city?
  • How do you imagine public transport might change in the future?

Long-Distance Travel

  • What are some of the various reasons why people travel long distances?
  • Is it easier to travel long distances today than in the past? (Why?)
  • How is long-distance travel today different to in the past?
  • What effects does long-distance travel have on people?
  • Can long-distance travel ever create problems for people?
  • Does long-distance traveling have any effect on the environment?
  • How might long-distance travel change in the future?
  • What would it be like to travel in space?
  • What are the problems people might experience when going on a trip and what could be done to avoid/solve these problems?

Preparing for a Trip

  • Is it important for travelers to carefully plan the trip?
  • What are the differences between a well-planned trip and a trip that is not well-planned?
  • In general, what factors should people consider when planning a trip?
  • What essential things do people need to take when they go on a trip?
  • Do you think there are any differences between men and women when they plan a trip?
  • People with different personalities sometimes plan or prepare for a trip differently. Can you give some examples of this?
  • How do people find information about places to travel to?
  • What factors would people consider when preparing for a trip?

Travelling Differences

  • If you were traveling with friends, what qualities would you like them to have?
  • Some people prefer to go on guided tours when they travel while others prefer to travel individually. Which do you think is better?
  • What are the different means of transport that a person can choose from when traveling?
  • In what ways does a person’s wealth affect the quality of that person’s traveling experience?
  • Who do you think learns more from travelling, old people or young people?
  • Do you think it’s a good idea to use a credit card when travelling?
  • Some people like to take a lot of things with them when they travel and other people prefer to take as little as possible. Why do you think people have this difference?
  • Do you think the tourist industry is very important?
  • What do you think has led to the growth in the tourism industry?
  • What benefits does tourism bring to society?
  • Are there any problems caused by tourism? How to address these problems?
  • How to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the environmental damage that is done by tourism?
  • What effects do you think international travel has on the different countries involved?
  • How has international travel changed in the past 20 or 30 years?
  • Can you suggest some things that people should and should not do when they travel to a foreign country as tourists?
  • Do you think the media has much effect on tourism?
  • Some think it’s not necessary to go to tourist places now that we can see these places on the internet. Do you agree?

Changes in Traveling

  • How do you think traveling today is different to what it was several decades ago?
  • In 20 or 30 years, how do you think traveling will be different to what it is today?

Modern Technology and Travel

  • In what ways has modern technology changed people’s traveling experiences?
  • Do you think the internet has had an effect on people’s traveling behaviour today?
  • If you were going on a trip, what essential modern technology would you take with you, and why?


Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy beaches, is what life is all about. It’s a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places.

It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer hang out with my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s New Year holiday, I just want to celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambiance.

Well for a start I’m an international student, so my life can be counted as travelling. I’ve been on a road trip to USA, a vacation to Japan, and Korea when I was younger thanks to my father meeting sales goals, and most recently Australia – a splendid country.

I am a working person. Therefore, I prefer to visit the places which elevate my mood and energize me. I have been to some of the most beautiful beaches and lakes in my country. These places bring me closer to nature and rejuvenate me.

It seems to me that there’re a lot of stuff to do when visiting a brand-new places. At first, I would love to take photographs to bookmark my travel experience as well as share with my best mates. Culture vulture seems to be my another character when I feel like discovering the places of great aesthetic appeal everywhere I set foot in.

Well, it depends on my current mood. A trip to the off-the-beaten-track destinations, mountainous or forested place for instance will be my initial choice if I feel devastated. On the contrary, I will congregate with my companions and sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take photograph – one of my hobbies when feel overjoyed.

I guess it would be autumn. This season has little rain, clear skies and temperate conditions. It’s really the best season when most places are at their best at that time.

If I have the chance to visit one famous place, it will be Paris, a must-see place to me. I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, to tuck into French delicacies in prestigious restaurants. In addition, it’d be great for me to visit the Louver Museum and discover history as well as La Sorbonne University – the oldest educational institution in modern France.

IELTS HIEN NGUYEN hy vọng bạn sẽ có thể sử dụng những kiến thức nêu trên để áp dụng 1 cách hiệu quả vào phần thi IELTS Speaking của mình.

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Breaking news, best vacation spots if you’re trying to avoid hurricanes in the caribbean.

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The Caribbean is an enticing place to escape, especially if you’re searching for sunshine and warmth. 

Yet taking a jaunt there during the heart of hurricane season is always a bit of a risk that a major storm could crash your vacation plans. Some islands have fared better at dodging tropical systems than others. 

The FOX Forecast Center has found six islands that have become a “hurricane haven” in the last 170-plus years and have been a safe bet for vacation seekers.

“Of course, every island in the Caribbean can see hurricanes,” FOX Weather Meteorologist Michael Estime said. “However, there’s a couple of islands that are south of what we call the ‘hurricane belt’ that aren’t as prone to seeing tropical disturbances, and hurricanes and tropical systems.”

For Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao – sometimes colloquially known as the “ABC Islands” – it’s been more than a century since the islands have felt major hurricane impacts.

While eight hurricanes have passed within 100 miles of the islands since 1851, none of the islands have ever recorded a direct landfall. The last time any hurricane caused impacts was over 130 years ago.

Bull shark swimming near a beach with palm trees, rocks and a pier

The dual island chain of Trinidad and Tobago has also had fortuitous luck in dodging hurricanes. Again, only eight have passed near the islands and the only recorded hurricane landfall was from an unnamed storm in 1933.  

However, the island did feel some impacts from Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Emily in 2005.

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San Andrés, a small island near Nicaragua, hasn’t fared quite as well as the previous five islands, but still rates in the rare category for experiencing hurricane impacts.

The FOX Forecast Center has found only two hurricanes have made landfall in their records, plus Tropical Storm Julia in 2022. Only 13 hurricanes have passed near the island, most recently was Hurricane Iota in 2020.

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  1. This Map Shows You Exactly When to Travel to Each Country have put together a super-helpful series of maps that illustrate exactly when you should be travelling where. In an instant, you can easily view when the high and low seasons end for every country around the world, and can plan your trip accordingly. Often, the best compromise is to travel in 'shoulder season', just before ...

  2. Best Time to Travel Anywhere

    Best time of the year to travel to the Middle East: Israel, Jordan and Turkey. Shoulder season in the Middle East is during the summer months. The period between June and August is a water lover's paradise in countries like Israel and Jordan. Turkey's summer offers fantastic coastal temperatures, but inland the heat can be stifling.

  3. 2022 Travel Plans: Best Countries To Travel To Every ...

    Best Countries To Visit Every Month Of The Year. 1. January. 💡 Visit these countries in January: 🇰🇭 🇹🇭 🇵🇭 🇮🇸 🇸🇪 🇫🇮. January is perfect for vacations as it's right after the year-end holidays, which means you'll get to enjoy generally more affordable prices and smaller crowds! Most countries in Southeast ...

  4. Every Country's High & Low Seasons On One Useful Map

    One of the most frequently asked travel questions is related to the best timing to visit various destinations around the world. It's an important factor when choosing either to avoid crowds and save money, or to get the best weather. It obviously varies greatly for each country, so here's a really useful animated map.

  5. Why Shoulder Season is the Best Time to Travel & Save on Flights

    Of course, shoulder season is, by definition, not the very best season to travel. The school year calendar makes it easiest for most people to travel during the summer months. And by the time you make it into October, the weather over in Europe is cooler than what you'll find in July - though that's not necessarily a bad thing.

  6. Best time to go: average weather for every country in the world

    When are you going on holiday? Find the best time to visit the destination of your dreams by browsing country profiles on our site. To do this, you can select a country from the map below or by selecting a continent below the map.

  7. When to Go to Europe: Timing Your Trip

    Some places are best experienced in peak season. Travel in the peak season in Scandinavia, Britain, and Ireland, where you want the best weather and longest days possible, where crowds are relatively rare, and where sights are sleepy or even closed in shoulder season.

  8. Best Time to Visit Europe

    To help you get started, we've outlined a season-by-season guide to Europe, with climate information, peak season mapping, and general information on what the best activities are in each season.

  9. When Is The Best Time To Travel The World?

    Best time to travel to the Caribbean. Despite variations, weather throughout the Caribbean is relatively similar. The best time in the world to visit is sometime between November and April, although the seasons on some islands are shorter. Here, the weather abroad in April can be temperamental, but don't let that get in your way.

  10. Shoulder Season Is Travel's Best-kept Secret

    In travel, like in life, timing is everything. Here, the best places to visit during shoulder season for affordable prices, smaller crowds, and beautiful weather, plus tips on how to plan and save.

  11. These 10 Countries Are Worth Visiting In All Seasons

    Find out why these countries are ideal to visit in all seasons, making it easier for travelers to check them off their bucket lists.

  12. Speaking part 1 Travel

    2. When is the best season to travel in your country?

  13. IELTS Speaking topic: Season

    3. What's the least favourite season in your country? 4. What are the differences between different seasons? 5. What season is good for travelling in your hometown? I guess the autumn is the best time to travel. As it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to go out.

  14. Best Time To Visit in Usa

    The USA has varied seasons in each of its regions, but in general, the best time to visit the USA during Spring and Fall, however Summer months from May to September are considered the peak time for tourists to visit the country. Spring generally lasts from March to May as it is a beautiful season for most of the country. It is the best time to visit heritage sites and a great time for outdoor ...


    Take note that the speaker used some specific words in each season to best describe what people do in every season. These are what we call topic vocabulary words. (summer - beach; spring - cherry blossoms; winter - winter sports; autumn - foliage) What is the best season for traveling in your country?

  16. Costa Rica in May: Guide to Weather, Where to Go, What to Do

    Costa Rica in May is the start of the rainy season throughout most of the country. It is a great time to visit, but there are a few things you should know as you plan your trip.

  17. Ielts Speaking Travel Topic

    The prime time to visit Vietnam is in autumn (September to November) when the weather is most favourable: it is sunny but not too hot or humid. Most importantly, these months are not local holiday season, thus less crowded.

  18. 10 Best Places to Travel in September 2024

    Booking a trip this fall? Here are some of the best places to travel in September, including Budapest, Perth, Italy's Campanian Archipelago, and several other locations around the world.

  19. Best Season To Visit USA: Country's Best Time To Explore

    The USA is a vast country where you can find countless destinations to explore, admire, and love. A wide range of majestic mountains, dense forests, pristine lakes, and meandering river make this country a perfect place to spend an ideal vacation throughout the year. The country has various places to visit during any season. To make you decide your best destination here, I am giving you a ...

  20. IELTS Cue Card Sample 62

    1. This is the most comfortable season in our country. 2. Nature appears like a queen in this season and nature shows all of her beauty during the time of this season. 3. People get vacations and enjoy this season. 4. Different activities are performed in my country during this season. 5.

  21. Travelling, Tourism, Holidays IELTS Speaking Test with Answers

    Explore the IELTS speaking topic - Holiday and Travelling questions and answers! Boost your speaking skills with the expert-crafted model answers for these actual test questions!

  22. Six Summer Travel Trends to Know About This Year

    The busiest travel season of the year is about to begin: Almost 44 million people in the US are expected to unofficially kick off their summers by traveling on Memorial Day weekend, a 4.1% ...

  23. The world's best countries for tourism

    The United States has just won a significant honor - being named the world's best country for travel and tourism in 2024.

  24. The Best Country for Tourism Is Not France, Italy, or Spain—Here's What

    While the report doesn't speak directly to traveler experience, the United States' title as the best country for tourism does correlate with the abundance of places to visit in the nation.

  25. What is the best season for travel? Any time of year!

    Probably everyone will agree that summer is the best time to travel. In summer, you can travel around the cities, and spend time on the beach, and wander along nature trails. There is no reason to be upset if your vacation fell in the fall. Summer is too hot in many countries and cities. There are many places where the weather is truly ...

  26. What Is Your Favorite Season? IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers)

    My favorite season is summer because I love the sunshine and everyone in my city is much more cheerful when the weather is hot. 2. I've always loved the summer because as a student I get a long summer holiday. To my mind, summer is a time for relaxing, having fun, and traveling to new places. 3.

  27. Summer travel trends and tips for a memorable vacation

    Uber introduces new services in Europe to cater to the summer season's travel demands. Despite the potential obstacles, summer travel offers an opportunity for adventure and relaxation.

  28. Hướng dẫn trả lời IELTS SPEAKING

    How much traveling have you done? What kind of places have you visited in your life? When you visit new places, what do you like to do? Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group? In which seasons do you prefer to travel? What is the best season to travel in your country? Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

  29. National Forecast Maps

    Short Range Forecasts. Short range forecast products depicting pressure patterns, circulation centers and fronts, and types and extent of precipitation. 12 Hour | 24 Hour | 36 Hour | 48 Hour.

  30. Best Caribbean vacation spots if you're trying to avoid hurricanes

    The Caribbean is an enticing place to escape, especially if you're searching for sunshine and warmth. Yet taking a jaunt there during the heart of hurricane season is always a bit of a risk that ...