Hebridean Whale Cruises Logo

Welcome to Hebridean Whale Cruises !

Wildlife and Whale Watching Cruises from Gairloch, on Scotland’s spectacular North West coast !

Our ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM is OPEN !!! Click the BOOK NOW button below to book your cruise :)

We’re looking forward to welcome you on one of our cruises in 2024.

As always we’ll start our season at end-April / early-May with cruises towards the Shiant Islands.

Not only are the Shiant Islands an amazing place to visit for the views, but from mid-April till mid-August this location is one of the most important nesting sites for many birds that visit our area during the summer. During a visit you’ll see over thousands of birds including Guillemots, Razorbills, Puffins, Kittewakes and Fulmars. Chances on seeing the great White-tailed Eagle are also very high! The Shiant Islands also houses Grey and Common Seals.

From mid-May onwards we’ll be running more cruises focussed on Whales and Dolphins as their numbers increase in the waters of the North Minch.

As we cruise the waters looking for wildlife, we have a chance to see Harbour Porpoises, Common Dolphins and Minke Whales. If we’re really lucky, we might even see other species as well, like Risso’s Dolphins, White-Beaked Dolphins, Humpback Whales, Fin Whales and Killer Whales, … and maybe even a Basking Shark or Sunfish.

Glittering Waters

From Gairloch, we look out over the fringes of the Atlantic Ocean. On the horizon are the misty shapes of the Outer Hebrides. To the South, we see the majestic peaks of the Isle of Skye.

We Bring You Close

These Hebridean Waters are favoured with an abundance of Marine Wildlife. Here you will find Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises, Sharks, … – the great creatures of the sea. On the Shoreline, there are colonies of Seals and families of Otters. We have Birds as rare and spectacular as the White-tailed Eagle and as lovable as the Puffin.

Offshore to where the Whales feed

Our boat operates daily Whale / Dolphin Watching and Wildlife Cruises. Offshore, to whale and dolphin feeding grounds in the open waters of the North Minch. Inshore, around Loch Gairloch, a natural Wildlife Haven.

Get to Know Hebridean Whale Cruises

2024 season trips will be running from 1st April -

To book click on a link below


The trips below are available on AquaXplore or Island Cruiser as stated. If you have a preference please state this in the comments field when booking. If you do not state a preference we will assign you to whichever type of boat is available.

(* see Questions page for further information)

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Online bookings for all trips are now open - see Boat Trips pages

For Enquiries - please email or call.


Week commencing Monday 16th September: -

The weather looks good for the week ahead so all trips should be running as normal.

If you wish you can check sailings with us during the week.

Please remember we run 7 days a week.

See Weather Forecast for the week ahead here            


whale tour skye

  • Opening Hours

Otters and Eagles

Testimonials, conservation.

  • Skye History

Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours


Established 2013

Over 10 wonderful years of experience in finding skye's wildlife .

If you have ever wanted to see a Golden Eagle cruising a hillside or an Otter hunting the shoreline, then you have an excellent chance of making your dream come true on one of our day tours around the dramatic Isle of Skye.

The Isle of Skye is truly one of Scotland’s best wildlife locations for the birdwatcher and wildlife enthusiast. And you never know, on your trip you might get one of those truly amazing moments that we’ve had out:

A Golden Eagle swooping just metres overhead, two pairs of White-Tailed Sea Eagles having a territorial dispute, a female Otter teaching it’s cubs to hunt, or even watching an Otter hunting the along the coast while a Golden Eagle cruises along the hillside behind . . . . which way to turn!

“Andy is a very personable, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and persistent guide. He really knows his stuff and the bonus of being out all day with him is you get a familiarization tour of the island whilst searching for wildlife. We had excellent sightings of white tailed eagles, golden eagles, seals and otters. And red deer in the distance. ”

“Andy is one of the most enthusiastic people we've come across in ages who is so lucky to be able to do a job he loves whilst passing on his knowledge to others! We had a super day visiting sites where we saw otters, many many different species of birds and the highlight of our visit - a golden eagle. Nothing was too much trouble for Andy....he knew where the best sites were to see the wildlife....without Andy's help we would have been looking in the wrong places for days! Thanks Andy for one of the best days we've had out for a long time . ”

“Fantastic day out with Andy. The tour was excellent with good sightings of otter, Golden Eagle and sea eagle with some seal and red deer thrown in for good measure! Andy is very knowledgable of the area and the wildlife and we learned a lot. Great pack lunch too! Andy provided good binoculars and his scope was amazing affording great sightings without risk of disturbing the wildlife. Highly recommended”

Andy will be your Tour Guide. He has been watching and photographing the wildlife in North West Scotland for over 40 years. He is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic, and never tires of seeing the stunning wildlife that Skye has to offer.

Wendy looks after bookings and enquiries. She is a photographer and videographer. She is also knowledgeable about the wildlife, so will be only too happy to help plan your tour.

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Wildlife We Can See

Visiting various habitats we have the chance to see-

Golden Eagles

White-tailed Sea Eagles

Basking Sharks

Hen Harriers

Short-eared Owls

Peregrine Falcon

Grey and Common Seals

Great Northern Divers

Red-throated Divers

Great Skuas

and many many more, even the odd Minke Whale!

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Don't be put off by bad weather as these days can often surprise you with some of the best sightings.

With our top of the range Swarovski Telescope you will be able to see wildlife in amazing detail.

Bring binoculars if you have them, although we do have some you can borrow.

Certain Sightings are of course dependent on the time of year but all seasons provide a wealth of wildlife.

Tours depart from the Long Stay Car Park at Lisigarry Court, Portree, down by the shore. 

Departing at 9.45am and returning around 4.15pm (earlier in winter).

Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and bring binoculars if you have them.

whale tour skye

The Isle of Skye is a beautiful but fragile environment, as such we take great care on our tours not to disturb any of the wildlife we see.

The majority of our sightings are made from public roads or on short walks on well trodden pathways. Considering the persecution much of our wildlife has suffered in the past, at the hand of man, we do all we can to protect them now.

We will not show you any nest sites or visit sensitive areas, that's not to say we don't get close views, just that the views we have are on the animal's terms not ours.

We will also endeavour to teach you where and how to look for the amazing animals that inhabit North West Scotland, so that not only will you be able to find them for yourself in the future, you will do so in the knowledge that the wildlife you see remains undisturbed.

We work closely with the local RSPB office, especially with the recording of Sea Eagle sightings and distribution.

whale tour skye

Already on Skye?

- text us or whatsapp on 07972260249, we know how bad the mobile signal is on skye, and we will do our best to accommodate you., open all year.

Tours start at 9.45am in Portree, and end by 4.15pm

(earlier during winter hours)

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White Tailed Sea Eagles

The Isle of Skye has Scotland’s biggest population of White-tailed Sea Eagles, with numbers still growing.

Although often assumed to be a “coastal” bird, their scavenging nature regularly takes them inland, and we see them all over the island. Their sociable nature means we can get multiple sightings at times: a group of 10 riding a thermal together, and 7 sat in a line on a hillside, being particular highlights.  

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On our Tours we’ve got an excellent record of spotting Otters,  with a 95% success rate. Our current record is 8 different Otters in one day!

The rocky coasts of Skye are an ideal habitat for Otters, the seaweed beds holding a plentiful supply of fish. Otters can be found on Skye’s rivers and inland lochs as well, although they are a little harder to see in these locations.

As with all wildlife, patience is required to spot these beautiful mammals.

The tides, weather, and sadly an understanding of human disturbance, are all factors in trying to locate the shy Otter.

With around 30 pairs of Golden Eagles, the Isle of Skye has one of the densest population of this magnificent bird in the whole of Scotland.

Golden Eagles can be found throughout Skye, from the high peaks of the Cuillins to the rolling moors of Sleat, from the Trotternish ridge to the high sea cliffs.

That said Golden Eagles are still elusive birds and many a birdwatcher has failed to track down this huge raptor. To be successful seeing a Golden Eagle requires knowledge of the bird’s habitat and habits, an ability to read the weather conditions, a lot of patience, and a little luck.

As I write this we’ve seen 36 Golden Eagles on the last 7 Tours, and the most Golden Eagles we’ve seen in a single day is 10.   Our overall success rate is 98% with only a couple of days each year we fail to spot one.

So whether you are a keen birder on a dedicated birdwatching holiday, or a wildlife enthusiast who’d just love to see Scotland’s iconic bird of prey, then the Isle of Skye is without doubt the best place in Scotland to see a Golden Eagle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What wildlife will we see.

We have an excellent record of seeing two of Scotland's most iconic species, the Golden Eagle and the Otter. Skye has Scotland's biggest population of White-Tailed Sea Eagles, and we usually see these magnificent birds on our Tours. Although land based we still see plenty of aquatic life, the Summer being particularly good for Basking Sharks, Minke Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoise. We get frequent sightings of Red Deer, Seals, Hen Harriers, plus a whole host of other wildlife. Some sightings are common, such as Great Northern Divers, others rarer like a wandering Osprey.

As all the wildlife is "wild", and we don't lure anything with food or visit sensitive breeding areas, then nothing can of course be guaranteed. That said every Tour has so far had a number of memorable highlights, and many have had moments that stay with you forever.

Will we do any walks?

The Tours are designed to see wildlife from the roadside without the need for long walks. We do though tailor each Tour to the abilities and interests of the group. So if someone has mobility problems then we don't have to leave the side of the minibus.

But if everyone is up for a walk then we may well head off on a short stroll.

What should I bring with me?

Please come suitably dressed for the outdoors. Walking boots or stout shoes are preferable, even if we don't do a walk the ground is normally uneven everywhere we stop. A waterproof coat (even if the weather looks good). Bring binoculars if you have them.

Please bring your own packed lunch and refreshments.

Please note that there is limited storage space in the minibus, so please consider the size of any bags that you bring with you.

What about toilet stops?

Skye isn't blessed with many public toilets but we do aim to stop at any we pass (you won't have to ask!), and will certainly make at least two stops during the day.  There are also toilets 2 mins walk from our meeting place.

Dogs on Tours 

As dog lovers and owners ourselves we understand that you may bring your dogs on holiday too. We can take smaller well behaved dogs with prior agreement. Please note however that as there is limited room in the minibus any dog would need to stay on the floor. A £5 charge will apply.

Why do you ask for payment at time of booking?

We can only take a maximum of 8 people on a tour, so with numbers limited we take bookings on a first come first served basis. We have occasionally had group bookings that filled the minibus with one enquiry, so we felt the fairest way to deal with places was simply to guarantee them once payment was made. Of course there are times when you will find we have availability the next day, but equally some days are filled months in advance.

What's the itinerary for a tour?

Where we go is dictated by the weather, wind direction, tides, and time of year, on any given day, to give us the best chances of sightings. There is no set route, although we cover quite a bit of Skye in a day so see many of the sights.

I'm a keen photographer, will I be able to photograph the wildlife?

The Tours are aimed at seeing wildlife, keeping a sensible distance with no disturbance at all. Cameras are welcome and if you look at our Facebook page and website you will see that photo opportunities do frequently arise, but obviously they can't be guaranteed.

What you do get though is information of where, and how, to look. You may like to use this in your own time to sit quietly and patiently waiting to get that "shot", if you don't happen to get it out with us.

What if the weather is bad on the day?

We have run Tours in low cloud, heavy rain, and gale force winds, and still had great sightings - particularly of Otters. In reality it's rare to have a whole day of bad weather, and often we get spectacular sightings as the weather finally breaks and the wildlife comes out.

We're happy going out whatever the weather and don't see poor conditions as a particular drawback - in fact it can be an advantage at times. That said you are on holiday and supposed to enjoy yourself, so if the weather is absolutely appalling on the day and we can move you to a tour on a different day we will.

You say the Tours aren't really suitable for young children but can I bring my child?

We're happy to have children along and have had 5 year olds who have come with us and enjoyed their day. Ultimately it's a day in a minibus looking at wildlife, if you think your children will enjoy that then they are more than welcome.

When is the best time of year to see the wildlife?

All seasons offer great opportunities to see wildlife. Golden Eagles, Otters, Sea Eagles, Seals, Red Deer, Hen Harriers, are year round residents. The Summer months bring animals such as Basking Sharks and Minke Whales to the coasts. Spring and Autumn offer the chance of seeing migrants such as Arctic and Long-tailed Skuas, and Whimbrel. Winter visitors include Great Northern Divers, Barnacle Geese, and Slavonian Grebes. In fact Winter can be a great time to visit. Both eagle species start displaying in the new year, and with fewer people about the often shy Otter can be more easily spotted.

Highly Recommended

“Had a brilliant day looking for wildlife on Skye with some excellent action from the Golden Eagles. Would highly recommend to anyone who is considering booking a wildlife tour as your guide Andy is enthusiastic and very well informed on the local wildlife and how to find it.”

- September 2020

whale tour skye

“We had a brilliant day with Andy. his spotting abilities are ridiculously good. saw great views of eagles, dolphins and a merlin. and he was very happy to answer our hundreds of questions. would recommend this for people of all ages and levels of wildlife knowledge.”


Fantastic day out

“We had a fantastic day out with Andy who was extremely knowledgeable about the island and its inhabitants. His passion for the wildlife on Skye was contagious and we would love to do another trip in the future. We saw golden eagles, sea eagles, deer, dolphins, otters and many more of the island's resident species. We were made to feel welcome, and Andy made sure that all of our party, including children, saw the animals. Fully recommend.”

- August 2020

whale tour skye

“A brilliant day out with such a knowledgeable guide. Andy showed us a family of otters playing, sea and golden eagles and red deer, as well as explaining the landscape and animal habits. Thanks to this new knowledge we spotted more wildlife over the following days of our holiday, which I'm sure we wouldn't have otherwise.”

“We loved our day with Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours. We saw so much wildlife including otters, dolphins, seals and 3 golden eagles among many other animals. Andy was friendly and very knowledgeable and went to great efforts to ensure we saw lots of wildlife and enjoyed our experience. It really opened our eyes to what we could see on Skye. The tour provided good quality binoculars which meant we got a lot more out of our experience. We also felt very safe considering the current coronavirus situation with measures in place to protect everyone. We would definitely recommend this tour.”

“The aim of our trip was to see eagles. Andy, the tour guide, didnt disappoint and by the end of the day we had over 10 sightings under our belts. The kids now think eagles are common. Great day had by all.”

Alasdair MacIlleathain

Historian, writer and author, who is alasdair, ally is our son.  now studying for his ma he studied, ancient history, history and classics at exeter university.  , intrigued by this wonderful landscape he spent his childhood exploring and investigating the island and its landscape, castles, ruins and brochs.  it has inspired his studies and his storytelling which will we hope, will inspire you to visit other areas on skye, off the beaten track as it were., here is his blog/website where some of his articles tell tales that have made the isle of skye so captivating.  so enjoy, as we do too.....


Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions of Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours . 

The contract between the parties is made on the terms and conditions outlined herein.  

Price  - Prices are as advertised on the Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours website. 

Payment - Payment for tours will be required in full in advance when booking. 

Booking  - Bookings can be accepted from persons aged 18 years and over. Bookings can be secured on full payment at the time of booking, via our Bookings telephone line. Information will need to be provided at the time of booking including the name, home address, vacation address (where applicable), e-mail address and telephone numbers of the person making the booking. 

What is included  - Up to date details of what is included in the tours is publicised on the Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours website. Some Binoculars will be available for customers to borrow. 

Dates and Timings  - Dates of wildlife tours are as advertised on our website but are subject to change without notice. Customers should confirm dates and times at the time of booking. 

Customers Obligations  - Customers should ensure that they are suitably dressed for the weather conditions on the day of the tour. Some of the tours do require a small amount of walking. If you have a health problem or physical limitation, which may affect your enjoyment of the tour, then please advise us when booking. If you have specific dietary requirements, you should advise at the time of booking so that we can confirm whether we are able to accommodate you. A certain amount of tolerance is needed when touring with small groups and we expect participants to show consideration for other participants. Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours reserve the right to terminate a tour or not to take a participant if any participant behaves in a manner that is not appropriate. 

Cancellation  - Where a payment is made and the client cancels, a full or part refund of any fees paid will only be considered if a new client can be found to take their place. Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours reserve the right to charge an administration fee in relation to trips cancelled by the client, even if a refund is made. 

Where a payment is made and Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours cancels, a transfer of bookings will be offered. Should there be no suitable alternative, a full refund will be considered.  

Limitation on Liability  - Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours will not be held responsible if any of the following events occur, whilst on our tours: 

Injuries or any loss of earnings caused by those injuries Illness or any loss of earnings caused by that illness  

Target wildlife not appearing during the tour  

Cancellation caused by adverse weather conditions  

Prices , terms and details are subject to change without notification.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved


DURATION: 1hr 45.

PRICE: Adult - £48, Child - £39.

Our most popular Seafari takes you out of the Bay of Portree and into the Sound of Raasay exploring the magnificent coasts/sea cliffs of Skye and Raasay. Depending on wildlife activity on the day, we will venture either North or South. Although wildlife is never guaranteed regular sightings on this trip include Sea Eagles, Puffins (earlier in year) Dolphins, Minke Whales & Basking Sharks.

On this trip we cover an impressive 25 (approx.) nautical miles in 1hr 45mins combining as much coastline & marine wildlife as possible although you are always guaranteed spectacular views on this Seafari!

Itinerary of your trip

Experience the following -

  • Cover an amazing 25 nautical miles in one trip!
  • Portree Bay
  • Sound of Raasay
  • See Dolphins, Minke Whales and Basking Sharks.

As always, you are accompanied by two fully qualified Seafari crew members who are always on hand for anything you need.

See amazing Wildlife

Enjoy the amazing wildlife around the Isle of Skye including Dolphins, Sea Eagles, Whales and Puffins!

Explore the Isle of Skye

Our tours allow you to see the Isle of Skye from a different perspective. Enjoy the best of Skye.

Enjoy the landscape

Our skippers will allow you plenty of time on our tours to take amazing photographs of the landscape.

Book easily online

You can book our tours easily and conveniently by using our online booking system .

Wildlife Seafari Tour

See the stunning local Wildlife of the Isle of Skye on our Wildlife Seafari tour. Covering 25 nautical miles, you will have the chance to see Sea Eagles, Puffins, Dolphins, Minke Whales and Basking Sharks.

Read more about us

Find out more

[email protected]


Stunning boat tours of the Isle of Skye on our exciting 12 seater rib. See the alternative view of the Island!

Portree Harbour, Quay Street, Portree, IV51 9DD

Isle of Skye

Customer Reviews


Whale image provided by Steve Truluck - Hebridean Whale Cruises.

Website design by www.hughcampbellmarketing.co.uk

16/06/2022: SeaflowerSkye has been awarded 5 star visitor tour status by Visit Scotland for the last 3 consecutive years. We continue to be the #1 boat tour on the Isle of Skye on Tripadvisor.

Seaflower Skye

Luxury Boat trips on the Isle of Skye

Luxury Day Trips from Portree

See the beauty of skye, raasay and rona from the sea, enjoy some of the freshest and finest seafood available, isle of skye boat trips.

Come and explore the stunning coastline of the Isle of Skye from the water on one of our luxury sea tours. Enjoy a unique view of landmarks such as The Storr and the breathtaking Cuillins aboard the MV Seaflower. Departing daily from Portree

Why come aboard?

A unique experience.

Take to the sea and experience sights of the isles of Skye, Rona and Raasay that are otherwise unseen. Enjoy spectacular views of the abundant and beautiful island wildlife from the comfort of the MV Seaflower!


Spacious and fully equipped for your comfort, our custom built catamaran offers a luxury experience. Relax in the main heated cabin or sit outside on the sizable deck and take in the breathtaking views around the island.


All the products we use are of the highest standard and locally sourced where possible. This, paired with a glass of wine or light refreshment, makes for a fabulous dining experience on the water.

Looking for a beautiful, intimate alternative to a big traditional wedding? Imagine tying the knot in one of the most fabulous settings that Scotland has to offer. Eloping is an incredibly romantic and adventurous way to profess your love for one and another. Imagine saying “I do” aboard your own private catamaran, just off the coast of Skye. It truly doesn’t get much more special than that!

What Our Guests have to say

Our departure point, follow us on instagram, departure point.

Seaflower Skye, Portree Harbour Quay St, Portree, Isle of Skye, IV55 9DE

Quick Links

  • Accessibility
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Covid-19 Measures

Stay Connected

Misty Isle Boat Trips

Welcome to Misty Isle Boat Trips, Isle of Skye

Our local skippers and crew look forward to entertaining you with tales and legends of the area as you sail out to visit the jewel in the heart of the Cuillins: Loch Coruisk!

Boat Trips from Elgol to Loch Coruisk since 1969!

The Mackinnon family have been welcoming passengers from all over the world since 1969. Come and experience for yourself the finest scenery Scotland has to offer on one of our boat trips form Elgol to Loch Coruisk on the Isle of Skye.

Misty Isle Boat Trips’ owner, Seumas Mackinnon, is a local skipper, born and bred in the village of Elgol with a lifetime of experience at sea. The boat trips continue as a family business with Seumas and his wife Anne working alongside their sons and grandchildren bringing visitors to see Loch Coruisk in the heart of the Cuillin hills where we guarantee you will enjoy some outstandingly beautiful Highland scenery. We also guarantee you will enjoy some true Highland hospitality!

We have frequent regular sailings from Elgol to Loch Coruisk from  through to the end of October. Though less frequent we also run cruises, boat trips and private charters throughout the year…

Find out more about our boat trips , our local skippers and crew and the beautiful areas of Elgol, Loch Coruisk and the Isle of Skye .

star rating


whale tour skye


SkyeXplorer Boat Trips Puffins & Whales  .  Isle of Skye  


Puffins guaranteed!


Update for the Season 2024 !

We will be back for the Puffin season 2024!

All our trips during the Puffin sea son (May - July) will be leaving from Uig.

We are able to guarantee that you will see these cute birds on all trips!

For the months of August & September we will head across to Staffin  and do the Kilt Rock & Whale/Dolphin spotting trips. We had a great success rate in spotting whales and dolphins during the 2023 season.

whale tour skye

Puffin Trips - Uig

whale tour skye

Kilt Rock & Whale/Dolphin spotting trip - Staffin

May - July Trips leaving from Uig

We will be visiting the Ascrib Island with its Puffin breeding colony. During the 3 months of May, June and July, Puffins arrive from the Atlantic and have their offsprings in borrows on the steep grassy slopes on the Ascrib Islands.

You are guaranteed to see the Puffins during these three months!

90 minutes non-landing trips leaving from Uig - 10am, 12pm & 2pm

August - September  Trips leaving from Staffin

Join us on an exciting trip to the north of the Trotternish peninsula which is a favourite feeding ground of minke whales and dolphins.  We will go alongside the steep cliffs of the peninsula  visiting the  famous Kilt Rock. Flodigarry islands has a resident seal colony and we hopefully spot the resident sea-eagle family. Later in the season there is also a chance to see the 2nd largest shark in the world - The Basking Shark!

2 1/2 hours non-landing trips leaving from Staffin - 10am & 1pm

whale tour skye

Book your trip now

Trips can book out a few weeks in advance. To avoid  disappointment I recommend to book your places as early as possible. 

Terms & Conditions

In the event of the weather being unsuitable in the interests of comfort and safety, the trip will be cancelled. In such events, passengers will be offered an alternative date. If not suitable for the passenger, there will be a full refund. In event of the passenger cancelling there will be no refund unless the seat can be re-sold, in which case there will be a refund (subject to deduction of a 10% admin charge.) We do not store credit card details, nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.

The Wild Wonders of Skye

Eurasian otter in Scotland.

Skye’s spectacular mountainous peaks reach high where both golden and white-tailed eagles soar. The surrounding waters are home to cetaceans and seabirds while on shore otters thrive. With expert guidance, the island's natural treasures will be revealed.

Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

White-tailed eagle in Scotland

White-tailed eagle in Scotland

Red deer in Scotland

Red deer in Scotland

Fairy Pools in Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools in Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Grey seal in Scotland

Grey seal in Scotland

Corncrake in Scotland

Corncrake in Scotland

Aerial of Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Aerial of Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Common dolphin in Scotland. Image by Nic Davies

Common dolphin in Scotland.

Dinosaur footprint on An Corran Beach in Scotland

Dinosaur footprint on An Corran Beach in Scotland

Glen Shiel and Five Sisters of Kintail on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Glen Shiel and Five Sisters of Kintail on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Urquhart Castle ruins at Loch Ness in Scotland

Urquhart Castle ruins at Loch Ness in Scotland

Eurasian otter in Scotland. Image by Dani Free

Eurasian otter in Scotland.

Portree on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Portree on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Golden eagle in Scotland. Image by Nic Davies

Golden eagle in Scotland.

Neist Point lighthouse on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Neist Point lighthouse on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Harbour seal colony in Scotland

Harbour seal colony in Scotland

A private boat trip to the Small Isles offers an excellent chance of cetaceans with harbour porpoise, common dolphin and minke whale all possible alongside both harbour and grey seals. These same waters attract seabirds from miles around and as summer takes hold of the islands, breeding colonies of puffins, guillemot and razorbills follow suit. A further boat trip focuses on seeing Europe’s largest raptor, the white-tailed eagle as it sweeps down to snatch a fish from the surface of the water.

From passerines to pinnipeds, golden eye to golden eagle, and otters to… dinosaurs (footprints), all amongst stunning scenery and stretching days, we will have plenty to see.

This group tour explores Scotland’s second largest island from the comfort of two superb hotels, the Duisdale House Hotel in the south and Skeabost House Hotel in the north. With three nights at each hotel we have ample time to settle in and explore the varied and starkly contrasting landscapes of the two, encountering a wealth of wildlife along the way. Each evening we return to our delightful hotels, where we are able to reflect on the day's sightings over a sumptuous meals of the finest local produce.

Typical Itinerary

Day 1 : transfer from inverness to skye.

At around 2pm we are collected by minibus from Inverness airport and/or train station as necessary. From here we begin our journey west, to the Isle of Skye.

We travel via Loch Ness, taking a quick stop to view the famous Castle Urquhart and loch from a roadside viewpoint. This scenic drive takes us through the dramatic highland scenery of Glen Shiel and the Five Sisters of Kintail, through the Kyle of Lochalsh and over the Skye Bridge onto the Isle of Skye.

We travel to our hotel to check-in and relax a little before dinner.

Accommodation: Duisdale House Hotel, 3-nights

Day 2 : Sound of Sleat

After breakfast we take the tiny single-track road up over the hills that leads down to Kylerhea with its beautiful view over the Sound of Sleat to the magnificent mountains of the West Coast of the Scottish Highlands. Here we stop along the way to look for red deer, otters, seals, and white-tailed eagles.

We then take the short trip across the Sound of Sleat to Glenleg on the mainland, from where we head towards the nearby beautiful sandy beaches and islets of Sandaig Bay. We take a gentle walk down to the bay where we can stop to watch out for any coastal wildlife that's around before re-tracing our steps back to the hotel and dinner in the evening.

Day 3 : Boat tour to the Small Isles

Today we head for the sea and drive to the quiet little coastal village of Elgol on the shores of Loch Scavaig with its views across to Skye’s famous Cuillin mountains in the distance.

From the small harbour we take a day’s boat trip out over the cetacean-rich waters hoping for sights of harbour porpoise, common dolphins and maybe even minke whales on our way to the Small Isles, and the island of Canna in particular. This is a National Trust for Scotland reserve and is an important breeding colony for seabirds, including puffins, guillemots, razorbills, fulmars, and shags, with kittiwakes nearby and white-tailed eagles possible too. We spend time on the island to enjoy this spectacle of nature and watch the comings and goings of the inhabitants.

Day 4 : Glen Brittle and on to Skeabost

Glen Brittle is home to both impressive white-tailed eagles and Scotland’s iconic golden eagles. We may even be lucky enough to see them in the sky together as their territories overlap here, offering a chance to compare plumage and size. There are also some likely otter haunts along the way so we will stop to check them for any signs of activity.

Continuing to the end of the road we reach the shallow waters of Loch Brittle and the large sandy beach there where we can check for any shorebirds that might be feeding along the tide or strand lines.

From here we continue to our next hotel and after an early dinner, we head back out and take a drive to the Waternish peninsula. Here, amongst stunning scenery we spend some time listening out for the distinctive “crrek-crrek’ of the dimunuitive and high secretive corncrake. With the aid of the thermal imaging camera, we hope to catch sight of one of the UK's most elusive species.

Accommodation: Skeabost House Hotel, 3-nights

Day 5 : Glendale and Neist Point

Today we head towards the 7,000 hectare estate of Glendale on the west coast, full of stunning scenery and sea views from the cliffs. Along the way we pass by Dunvegan, famous as home to Dunvegan Castle, where the Chiefs of Clan Macleod have had their ancestral home for 800 years. Here in Loch Dunvegan, we can view the mixed colony of greys and common/harbour seals that some estimate at around 500 animals in total. It's also a great place to spot otters if we're lucky and wading birds such as greenshank that come down off their breeding areas on the moorland above to feed along the shoreline.

We continue from there towards the finger of land sticking out into the sea known as Neist Point, with its iconic lighthouse at the end. We turn away from the usual tourist route, and instead head towards a quieter clifftop vantage point where the great views out to sea give us good chances of spotting any passing cetaceans and seabirds. Eagle sightings are also always of course very possible too.

Day 6 : White-tailed eagle boat tour, Portree & Staffin

This morning we head out on a half-day trip in search of close-up encounters with white-tailed eagles, although marine mammals may also be spotted too of course.

In the afternoon we take you back in time, 170 million years to be precise, to the mid-Jurassic (yes THAT Jurassic) period! Driving up the east-side of the Trotternish peninsula, the road follows the high coastal cliffs, passing the Old Man of Storr rock formation on the landward side, and then reaching the Meallt Falls which tumble into the sea, and Kilt Rock, named for the pleated appearance of its basalt columns – also a well-known and official shore-watching location on the Hebridean Whale Trail.

Our last stop will be at Staffin for a visit to An Corran beach where you can stand next to footprints of dinosaurs on the flat rocks found down along the water. The size and shape of the imprints has led scientists to believe these were made by a large predatory dinosaur, similar to a Megalosaurus.

Day 7 : A scenic return to Inverness

After a final breakfast and check-out from the hotel, we drive back across the Skye Bridge on our way towards Inverness. We take a northerly route this time, passing along Loch Carron and up Glen Carron past the tiny hamlet and remote train station at Achnasheen. From here, the road passes through the desolate moorland of Strath Bran. We take a few minutes along here to stop and admire the engineering skills of some local ospreys that have constructed a huge nest on a pylon in sight of the road - it got so large in past years that a team had to move the nest to a purpose-built platform.

Arriving back in Inverness in the afternoon we say our farewells.

  • Duration and price excluding international flights : 7 days from £ 3,395 pp
  • Single supplement : From £ 1,375
  • Trip type : Group Tour
  • Group size : 7
  • When to go : Jun
  • Group Departures : We are currently finalising future dates for this tour. Please contact us for further details.
  • 6 nights hotels on the Isle of Skye
  • 2 private boat tours
  • Breakfast and dinner
  • Naturalist guide
  • Nature drive
  • View Detailed Itinerary
  • Send an Enquiry

Expert leader

David lambie.

Photo of David Lambie

David was brought up in the Highlands, and aged 14 climbed to his first eagle nest with renowned Scottish naturalist Lea McNally.

An avid collector of Seton Gordon books, David’s passion for wildlife has been integral to his career in conservation, forestry and land management and running his own ecology company, he and his team cover the Highlands and Islands monitoring raptors, upland species and with a particular interest in woodland grouse, has been involved with capercaillie research and monitoring for over 30 years.

This past ten years has seen him working on the Isle of Skye and the Western Isles which has allowed him to immerse himself in the special atmosphere of these iconic Scottish islands.

View all tours led by David

Tour Reports

Find out more about the day-to-day sightings and wildlife activities on our group tours from our expert naturalist leaders.

White-tailed eagle on the Isle of Skye.

Isle of Skye

whale tour skye

The Isle of Skye is full of natural wonders. Both white-tailed and golden eagles soar above this Hebridean island while seabirds thrive on the nutrient rich waters that in turn hold a remarkable diversity of marine life. In the lochs and bays otters forage, and across the glens red deer roam. Find Out More about {acc:title}

  • Where : Hebrides
  • Ideal for viewing : golden eagle , white-tailed eagle , Eurasian otter , Atlantic puffin , common dolphin
  • Excellent for : Birdwatching

Duisdale House Hotel

whale tour skye

Duisdale House Hotel is a luxury family-run hotel on Skye’s southern Sleat Peninsular. The hotel began life as a hunting lodge in 1860 and although the beautiful, landscaped gardens and historic exterior remain, inside you will discover a modern and stylish boutique hotel that makes the perfect base for exploring Skye. Find Out More about Duisdale House Hotel

Skeabost House Hotel

whale tour skye

Skeabost House Hotel is situated in an idyllic location with nine hectares of woodland on the edge of a loch, with views out to sea and crofting hamlets. The hotel has been extensively refurbished using beautiful, luxury fabrics and décor to complement the historic building. Find Out More about Skeabost House Hotel

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Wildlife Worldwide is a brand of The Natural Travel Collection Ltd , Long Barn South , Sutton Manor Farm , Bishop’s Sutton , Alresford , Hampshire , SO24 0AA , UK .

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For almost 25 years, wildlife enthusiasts from all over the world have been using Stardust Boat Trips for one main reason: Portree Harbour and the Sound of Raasay has some of the most exciting wild-life anywhere in Scotland, and we feel incredibly lucky to have it all on our doorstep.

Being the 4th largest species of eagle in the world and the largest and rarest bird of prey in the UK, the White-tailed Eagle is our main attraction. Standing at just under 1 metre tall and with a wing-span of up to 2.5 metres, this incredible bird was once extinct in the UK, with the last sea eagle being shot in Skye, and the rest of the UK for that matter in 1918. Re-introduced in 1975 by John Love on the Isle of Rhum, you can see this majestic animal on our boat trips that is sure to take your breath away. Nowadays, there are over 100 pairs of sea eagles in Scotland, with around 25 pairs located here in Skye.

In addition to our eagles, we also visit well-established seal colonies up and down the Sound, depending on what trip you take with us. These include a colony up north towards Rona on Grèine Sgeir, a colony off the west coast of Raasay on the tidal islet Holoman Island, and a colony down towards Braes in the south known as Sgeir Dhubh.

We also spot dolphins regularly in our trips, as well as whales, basking sharks (in season) and a variety of seabirds such as cormorants, rock doves, shags and guillemots, among others. With stunning scenery to the Cuillin Mountains in the south and the Trotternish Ridge in the north, there is an abundance of wildlife and sights to see to give you the trip and memories of a lifetime.

See Sea Eagles on a Boat Tour with Stardust Boat Trips from Portree on the Isle of Skye


Stardust Boat Trips will allow you to get up close to Dolphins which swim around the waters of the Isle of Skye, Raasay and Rona. Amazing photo opportunities are possible and will offer you an experience that you will remember for a long time.


Whales, Basking Sharks and Orcas can be found swimming around the waters of the Sound of Raasay. Our experienced crew will safely navigate our boats to let you see up close for amazing photos.


Living on the cliffs and islands around the Isle of Skye, Raasay and Rona is a wide selection of birdlife including Puffins, Gannets, Sea Eagles and more. Stardust Boat Trips will get you as close as possible to the nesting sites to allow you the best possible view of the amazing birdlife in the area.


Book your tour with Stardust Boat Trips now!


Join Stardust Boat Trips and Isle of Skye RIB Experience for the ultimate wildlife watching adventure on the West Coast of Scotland centred around the spectacular scenery of Portree Bay and the Raasay sound. See stunning wildlife such as Sea Eagles, Dolphins, Puffins, Whales, Seals, Orcas, Basking Sharks and more.



[email protected]

Portree Harbour, Portree,

Isle of Skye IV51 9DD


Tours around skye, rona & raasay..




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The Old Man of Storr

Skye Outdoor Activities

Isle of skye wildlife tours.

Wildlife Tours on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.

If you have ever wanted to see a Golden Eagle cruising a mountain ridge or an Otter hunting the shoreline, then you have an excellent chance of making your dream come true on one of our day tours around the dramatic Isle of Skye.

Visiting various habitats we have a chance to see:- Golden Eagles, Otters, White-Tailed Sea Eagles, Basking Sharks, Dolphins, Grey and Common Seals, Porpoise and many many more, even the odd Minke Whale.

More Information


  1. Skye whale trail, Portree, Isle of Skye (Sept. 2022)

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  2. Whale and Wildlife watching tours on the Isle of Skye with Aquaxplore

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  3. Minke Whale In The Sea Off The Coast On Visit To Isle Of Skye Inner

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  4. Whale Watching in Glendale, Isle of Skye

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  5. WHALE & DOLPHIN watching on SKYE!

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  6. Minke whale

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  3. Whale tour in Sydney, Australia (Part 3) !

  4. Adventure in Scotland

  5. 'Wooden Whale / Leaps & Bounds / Skye Barbeque' ~ Alasdair Fraser


  1. Isle of Skye Boat Trips

    Puffins and Whales - SkyeXplorer Boat Trips. Guaranteed to see Puffins and Seals - Whales and Eagles with luck! We offer daily 90 mins boat trips to see the Puffins and Seal colonies in the north of Skye. We also offer 3 1/2 hour whales spotting trips (June - September). More Information.

  2. Whale and Wildlife watching tours on the Isle of Skye with Aquaxplore

    AquaXplore - Exhilarating wildlife and whale watching tours on our offshore RIBS (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats). Experience the remote and beautiful isles of Canna, Rum, Soay, Eigg and the Cuillin and Loch Coruisk. ... AquaXplore, Elgol, Isle of Skye, Scotland, IV49 9BJ Tel: 0800 731 3089 and (+44) 01471 866244:

  3. SkyeXplorer Boat Trips

    Guaranteed to see Puffins and Seals - Whales and Eagles with luck! We offer daily 90 mins boat trips to see the Puffins and Seal colonies in the north of Skye. We also offer 3 1/2 hour whales spotting trips (June - September). More Information. SkyeXplorer Boat Trips run out of Uig on the Isle of Skye. See Puffins, Whales and Seals when out on ...

  4. Hebridean Whale Cruises

    Welcome to Hebridean Whale Cruises! Wildlife and Whale Watching Cruises from Gairloch, on Scotland's spectacular North West coast ! ... To the South, we see the majestic peaks of the Isle of Skye. We Bring You Close. These Hebridean Waters are favoured with an abundance of Marine Wildlife. Here you will find Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises ...

  5. Isle of Skye Seafari Experience offer Portree Boat tours of the Isle of

    Skye Seafari Experience. We operate from our base down at the Pier in Skye's Capital Portree where you can pop in for a coffee and a chat while mulling over which of our Seafari experiences best suit you, your family or group. Our trips all depart from the Pontoon at Portree Pier head just beside the RNLI Station and we offer a range of ...

  6. Stardust Boat Trips Skye Whale Trail Isle of Skye Boat Tour

    TRAVEL IN TOTAL COMFORT. Join Stardust Boat Trips and Isle of Skye RIB Experience for the ultimate wildlife watching adventure on the West Coast of Scotland centred around the spectacular scenery of Portree Bay and the Raasay sound. See stunning wildlife such as Sea Eagles, Dolphins, Puffins, Whales, Seals, Orcas, Basking Sharks and more.

  7. THE BEST Dolphin & Whale Watching in Isle of Skye, Scotland

    Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. 1. SkyeXplorer Boat Trips. Wonderful and great value for money trip to see the puffins on the islands off Uig. Top Isle of Skye Dolphin & Whale Watching Activities: See reviews and photos of dolphin & whale watching in Isle of Skye ...

  8. Book our Kilt Rock Whale and Dolphin Seafari Boat Trip of the Isle of Skye

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  9. AquaXplore boat trips Elgol, Isle of Skye

    AquaXplore boat trips Elgol, Isle of Skye - exhilarating wildlife and sightseeing tours - see whales dolphins sharks seals otters sea-eagles puffins - visit the beautiful isles of Canna Rum Eigg Soay and the Cuillin and Loch Coruisk ... Look out for Minke Whale, Dolphin and Porpoise on the way - we regularly pause to watch them. You will be ...

  10. Isle of Skye Boat Trips to Loch Coruisk from Elgol with Bella Jane

    Bella Jane Boat Trips - Elgol, Isle of Skye. Sightseeing and Wildlife Tours to Loch Coruisk and the Small Isles. Dolphins, Whales, Seals, Sea Eagles, spectacular scenery and much more. Your choice of trips and destinations - click boat name below for more information. Bella Jane.

  11. Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours

    Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours. If you have ever wanted to see a Golden Eagle cruising a hillside or an Otter hunting the shoreline, then you have an excellent chance of making your dream come true on one of our day tours around the dramatic Isle of Skye. The Isle of Skye is truly one of Scotland's best wildlife locations for the birdwatcher and ...


    Stunning boat tours of the Isle of Skye on our exciting 12 seater rib. See the alternative view of the Island! Contact us. 07535312617. [email protected]. Portree Harbour, Quay Street, Portree, IV51 9DD. ... Whale image provided by Steve Truluck - Hebridean Whale Cruises.

  13. THE 10 BEST Isle of Skye Boat Tours (with Prices)

    Garden is a must-see destination for travelers to the Isle of Skye, famous for its rich history and stunning beauty. 2024. 3. Bella Jane Boat Trips & AquaXplore. 874. Boat Tours • Sightseeing Tours. By kevino970. Superb trip to loch Coruisk with Captain Dave, Dominic & Maggie, the boat is very comfy and well equipped.

  14. Home

    Come and explore the stunning coastline of the Isle of Skye from the water on one of our luxury sea tours. 16/06/2022: SeaflowerSkye has been awarded 5 star visitor tour status by Visit Scotland for the last 3 consecutive years.

  15. Stardust Boat Trips

    Stardust Boat Trips operate from Portree harbour and can almost guarantee wildlife sightings. Specialising is getting close up to the amazing White-Tailed Sea Eagle and have regularly sightings of Seals, Dolphins and Whales. During the summer we offer fast rib trips which we use on our Skye Whale Trail where we search for whales further out to sea.

  16. Home

    The Mackinnon family have been welcoming passengers from all over the world since 1969. Come and experience for yourself the finest scenery Scotland has to offer on one of our boat trips form Elgol to Loch Coruisk on the Isle of Skye. Misty Isle Boat Trips' owner, Seumas Mackinnon, is a local skipper, born and bred in the village of Elgol ...

  17. THE BEST Isle of Skye Dolphin & Whale Watching Tours ...

    Chiang Rai Day Tour from Chiang Mai + The Long Neck Hill Tribe With Boat Pig Island Private Longtail Boat Trip From Koh Samui Odyssee 3: The Glass Bottom Boat Tour in Fuerteventura Death Valley Sunset and Starry Night Tour from Las Vegas Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery Dining Experience in London. More. Top Isle of Skye Dolphin & Whale Watching ...

  18. SkyeXplorer Boat Trips

    Puffins on Skye! We will be visiting the Ascrib Island with its Puffin breeding colony. During the 3 months of May, June and July, Puffins arrive from the Atlantic and have their offsprings in borrows on the steep grassy slopes on the Ascrib Islands. ... Kilt Rock & Whale/Dolphin spotting trip - Staffin. May - July Trips leaving from Uig . We ...

  19. The Wild Wonders of Skye

    golden eagle white-tailed eagle Eurasian otter Atlantic puffin common dolphin. The Wild Wonders of Skye is a group tour for Isle of Skye in Scotland, United Kingdom . It is ideal for Birdwatching. Join us on this small group holiday as we discover the Isle of Skye's wildlife and landscapes including visits to Old Man of Storr and Fairy Pools.

  20. See amazing Isle of Skye Wildlife on a Boat Tour with Stardust Boat Trips

    THE BEST WAY TO SEE DOLPHINS. Join Stardust Boat Trips and Isle of Skye RIB Experience for the ultimate wildlife watching adventure on the West Coast of Scotland centred around the spectacular scenery of Portree Bay and the Raasay sound. See stunning wildlife such as Sea Eagles, Dolphins, Puffins, Whales, Seals, Orcas, Basking Sharks and more.

  21. THE 10 BEST Isle of Skye Boat Rides & Cruises

    Aspire Boat Trips - Isle of Skye. 6. Boat Tours. By StefanosK741. Spindrift is the best boat among the ones doing the Portree boat trips. It has 2 decks and passengers can easily enjoy... 20. Kayak Loch Ness (Highland Experiences Ltd) 12.

  22. Skye Boat Trips

    SkyeXplorer Boat Trips. Puffins and Whales - SkyeXplorer Boat Trips. Guaranteed to see Puffins and Seals - Whales and Eagles with luck! We offer daily 90 mins boat trips to see the Puffins and Seal colonies in the north of Skye. We also offer 3 1/2 hour whales spotting trips (June - September). More Information.

  23. Isle of Skye Wildlife Tours

    Visiting various habitats we have a chance to see:- Golden Eagles, Otters, White-Tailed Sea Eagles, Basking Sharks, Dolphins, Grey and Common Seals, Porpoise and many many more, even the odd Minke Whale. Wildlife Tours on the Isle of Skye on the West Coast of Scotland.