Getting started with Voyager Laravel [Tutorial]

May 22, 2023

Voyager Laravel is a popular open-source package that provides an easy-to-use admin panel and CRUD functionality for Laravel applications. Voyager Laravel is built on top of the Laravel framework. It is designed to simplify building and managing Laravel applications by providing a user-friendly interface for managing data, media, users, and permissions.

With Voyager, you can easily create and manage content for your applications without writing complex code or building custom admin panels from scratch. Laravel Voyager also offers a range of customization options, making it easy to tailor it to your specific needs and requirements.

Whether building a simple blog or a complex web application, Voyager Laravel can help you streamline the development and management process and get your application up and running quickly.

Installing Voyager Laravel

In this section, we will install Voyager and configure it to use a new Laravel application. Here are the steps.

Install Laravel

Voyager is built on top of the Laravel framework. So, the first step is to install Laravel if you haven't already.

This will create a new Laravel project in a directory called voyager_laravel .

Install Voyager

Next, install Voyager using Composer.

This will install the latest version of Voyager and all of its dependencies.

Publish Voyager's assets

After installing Voyager, you need to publish its assets to your application.

This command will publish Voyager's configuration files, views, assets, and other files to your application. The --with-dummy option will also install some dummy data to help you get started. It creates for your application a user with the following login credentials:

email: [email protected] password: password

Alternatively, you can assign admin privileges to an existing user

or create a new admin user with the --create flag.

Configure your database

Voyager uses your application's database to store data. You need to configure your database settings in your .env file. Update the DB_HOST , DB_PORT , DB_DATABASE , DB_USERNAME , and DB_PASSWORD variables to match your database settings.

Run the migration and start the application

Finally, run the migration to create the necessary tables in your database.

This will create the necessary tables in your database.

Now you can start the application.

and log in at .

Getting started with Voyager Laravel [Tutorial]

Using Voyager Laravel

After logging in to Voyager admin, there are unlimited things you can do at a click of a button. For example, you can manage your application's data through the Admin panel.

Getting started with Voyager Laravel [Tutorial]

At a glance, you can see we have 1 user, 4 dummy posts and 1 page. The left panel exposes you to all settings, customizations and management of your application.

You can do CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionality without writing custom code. For example, if you click on View all posts , Voyager takes you to an interface with all the posts. You create a new post or update, delete, and read the existing ones on the same interface.

use Voyager Laravel

Besides, you can use media manager, BREAD builder, user role management and customization options through the dashboard.

Media manager : Voyager includes a media manager that allows you to upload and manage media files, such as images and videos. You can use the media manager to add images to your application's pages or to create image galleries.

BREAD builder : Voyager includes a BREAD (browse, read, edit, add, delete) builder that allows you to create CRUD functionality for your application's data quickly. The BREAD builder can create custom data types and manage their fields.

User and role management : Voyager provides a user and role management system that allows you to manage your application's users and their roles and permissions. You can create new users, assign roles to them, and define their permissions.

Customization options : Voyager provides a range of customization options, such as the ability to create custom views, layouts, and data types. You can use these customization options to tailor Voyager to your specific needs and requirements.

Voyager Laravel is a powerful open-source package that provides an easy-to-use admin panel and CRUD functionality for Laravel applications. It simplifies the process of building and managing Laravel applications by providing a user-friendly interface for managing data, media, users, and permissions.

With Voyager, you can easily create and manage content for your applications without writing complex code or building custom admin panels from scratch. Voyager also offers a range of customization options, making it easy to tailor it to your specific needs and requirements.

If you are a Laravel developer looking to simplify the development and management process of your Laravel application, then Voyager Laravel is worth considering. With its powerful features and customization options, Voyager can help you save time and effort while building and managing your application.

So why not try Voyager and see how it can benefit your Laravel project? Start by following the installation steps and exploring its features to see how it can make your development journey more efficient and enjoyable.

Steve Alila

Steve Alila

He specializes in web design, WordPress development, and data analysis, with proficiency in Python, JavaScript, and data extraction tools. Additionally, he excels in web API development, AI integration, and data presentation using Matplotlib and Plotly. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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Build a fullstack admin app with Voyager in 5 minutes

Build a fullstack admin app with Voyager in 5 minutes

Laravel is an incredible framework built by Taylor Otwell that combines powerful web development features, extensive documentation and an active community. In this tutorial we are going to build a fullstack application complete with an admin panel and user management.Special thanks to The Control Group for building Voyager , an open source admin tool for Laravel.

Minute 1: Create the Laravel application

I'm going to assume you have Laravel and MySQL installed for the purposes of this tutorial. I wrote a short shell script for creating Laravel applications available here if you are not familiar with the commands or interested in saving yourself time.

Minute 2: Generate a Database

Create a MySQL database and set your environment variables. You will need to know the MySQL username and password for your dev machine. The commands below should help:

I also recommend Sequel Pro for visualizing records and tables within the database we created.

Sequel Pro database connection interface

Minute 3: Set your environment variables

The first shell script to create the Laravel application created a .env file. Open up the project in Sublime Text or your editor of choice and edit the .env files so that our Laravel application can connect to the database we set up.

We need to clear out the configuration cache so that Laravel can update the application with the new values. Additionally, we need to run our database migrations to create the tables and columns for MySQL. Migrations in Laravel applications are in database/migrations .

Minute 4: Install and Configure Voyager

Use Composer to install Voyager: composer require tcg/voyager

Add the Voyager pachage to our list of supported Package Service Providers. This list is in config/app.php .

You'll now have access to a voyager artisan command that will generate all of the required files for a state of the art admin dashboard. Run that command.

Minute 5: Log into your Admin dashboard to check it out!

Start your application with php artisan serve and then head to http://localhost:8000/admin. Use the default credentials [email protected] / password to login.

Congrats you set up the admin dashboard for a brand new Laravel app!

Congrats you did it! Check out Voyager's amazing features by reading the docs or checking out the video tutorials below.

Voyager Laravel intro video

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed the article give me a shout on twitter or you can support the Voyager project directly by issuing a PR or giving it a star on github .

Enjoy this post? Give Connor Leech a like if it's helpful.

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Please Help Me Dear Laravel Experts. Laravel Voyager Admin Dashboard Page Show Blank After Adding PagesController In Route Page. My Route Script:

Route::get(’/’, function () { return view(‘welcome’); });

Route::get(’{slug}’, ‘PagesController@show’);

Route::group([‘prefix’ => ‘admin’], function () { Voyager::routes(); });

My PagesController Script:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Page;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class PagesController extends Controller { public function show($slug) { $page = Page::findBySlug($slug); return view(‘about’, [‘page’ => $page]);

My Page Model Script:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Page extends Model { public static function findBySlug($slug) { return static::where(‘slug’, $slug)->first();

And My View Page Script:

<html> <head> <title>{{ $page[‘title’] }}</title> </head> <body>

</body> </html>

Claudio Ribeiro

Voyager – Can an Admin UI Make Laravel Even More Approachable?

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Voyager – Can an Admin UI Make Laravel Even More Approachable?

Installing Voyager

Database manager, bread builder, menu builder, media manager, frequently asked questions (faqs) about voyager and laravel.

This article was peer reviewed by Wern Ancheta . Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

Today, we are talking about Voyager !

Voyager logo

Voyager is a Laravel package that provides a full administration system for the framework in its “skeleton app” form. Voyager has 4 main features:

Media Manager – Built on top of Intervention Image , it provides a fully functional media manager that allow us to view, edit, and delete images from storage. This way, we can have all of our media in a single place, making it easy to access and manipulate.

Menu Builder – The Menu Builder allows us to add, edit, and delete menu items. It also gives us the ability to create new menus and manage them.

Database Manager – Allows us to access and manipulate our database directly from the admin panel. Instead of having to use Laravel’s Schema , Voyager provides us with a mechanism to add, delete, and edit entries in the database. It will also (upon specification) create our models when adding tables to the database.

Bread/CRUD builder – BREAD is simply CRUD for the database. Voyager provides a mechanism to Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete entries and views of any table in our database.

Let’s take a closer look at it.

First, let’s start with a fresh Laravel installation. Of course, we can start with an existing project, but for the purpose of this article we will start with a fresh one.

While it’s outside the scope of this article, the recommended way to start a new Laravel project is by using Composer :

This will create a new Laravel project called voyager inside the /voyager folder. To serve this new Laravel project, using PHP’s built in server:

On Homestead Improved , the serving is taken care of for you with Nginx.

With a fresh Laravel installation up and running, we can now focus on installing the Voyager Admin package.

As we can see during the installation process, Voyager is pulling components from some very well known PHP packages like Doctrine ORM for the database manager, or Guzzle and Intervention Image for PHP image handling and manipulation. This shows us that Voyager is built on top of reliable and proven components.

Next, let’s fire up our favorite code editor. We will need to edit some files in order to have Voyager up and running.

First, we open the .env file and add our database credentials so that Voyager can connect to it.

After that, let’s add the Voyager and Image Intervention service providers to our providers array. This array can be found in the config/app.php file, and all we need to do is append the following elements to it:

To finish the installation:

We should now see the "Successfully installed Voyager! Enjoy :)" message.

There is only one thing left to do: seeding the database.

This will seed our database with test data using the seed classes. If we serve our Laravel installation again, we should now see login and register options in the top right corner.

The newly created admin area in /admin should look like this:

Main Screen

Quite gorgeous! The TCG team made quite an effort. To log in and explore, let’s use the following credentials:

From this admin panel, we have access to all our main features. The media manager, menu builder, database manager and CRUD/BREAD builder, all can be accessed from the admin panel’s main menu.

We also have access to a dashboard, via which we can add Google Analytics by going to Settings , and adding our Google Analytics Client ID into the designated field.

If we check Tools -> Database we can see that the menu items are the ones that have the BREAD option activated (and a proper menu created, but we will get to that later). We are looking at three of our main features: the database manager, BREAD builder, and menu builder. Let’s look at them in action.

To create a new database column in Laravel, we normaly need to use migrations and the Laravel schema facade. While both are relatively simple to use, if we compare them to using Voyager, we can easily see which method is faster.

Let’s imagine we want to create a new table and add some columns the Laravel way (using migrations as our database “version control” and then using Schema to build our database schema).

Let’s focus on creating a Dogs table with some columns to identify our beloved pets. First, let’s start with the table. To begin, our table will hold an auto-increment field called id .

Then, let’s add name and breed columns to our table.

Our full migration file will look like this:

While migrations are useful, using Voyager makes things easier and more visual, making it so that even a non-programmer can easily do it.

Let’s look at the same example using Voyager’s database manager.

In our Voyager admin area let’s click the Tools -> Database -> Create New Table button

New Table

It’s pretty self explanatory, and should look familiar if you’ve ever used a tool like PhpMyAdmin. Let’s fill the fields accordingly and click the Create New Table button. Be sure to add the timestamp fields by choosing the Add Timestamp Fields option, as this will be important in the future. After that, let’s check the tables listing. We can see our dogs table there, with the option to View , Edit , Delete , and Add BREAD to this table . If we click View , we can see that we just created the same table as above, without using any code, and twice as fast.

View Table

Earlier we talked about the BREAD feature. BREAD is nothing more than the ability to Browse, Read, Edit, Add and Delete views and functionality from any table in our database. Adding this functionality is as easy as clicking the Add BREAD to this table on any table in our table listing. Let’s do it to our Dogs table.

As we can see by clicking the button, we now have this big form builder. Here, we can find all the options for our BREAD, from display name to visibility. We can also see that Voyager allows us to set our Input type not only as text fields and different box types, but also as images and files. This way, we can easily add image and file fields to our database.

Bread Options

There are also some fields for information like the Slug, the Icon (it has the option of using Voyager’s font class for icons), Display name, and Model name.

After filling out the form and creating our BREAD, if we check our menu, we can see that we don’t have our Dogs option yet. That’s where the Menu Builder comes in.

In Tools -> Menu Builder , we have the option to create a new menu, edit the admin menu, or the main menu. Right now, we want to create a new menu item in our admin panel so we can use the BREAD options created for our Dogs table. Next to the admin, let’s click the Builder option.

A drag and drop menu lets us organize our admin panel menu now. At the top of the page, there’s the New menu item option.

New Menu

Be careful when filling this form. The URL should follow the following structure: /admin/slug , where the slug should be the URL slug used when creating BREAD for the table. If they’re not identical, we will end up with routing problems that are fairly hard to debug. After selecting the icon for the menu, we are good to go! Our Dogs menu is created!

We can now navigate to our Dogs menu to view, add, edit, or delete entries. We currently have none, so have fun creating some.

Note: One of the things I found out while playing around with Voyager is that it would try to insert a created_at and updated_at value when trying to insert values to a newly created database table. This would happen even when those fields were not created in the database. I had to go back and add those fields manually to the database table. This is the reason why we had to add those fields earlier.

If we check our menu, we can see that we have a Media option.

Media Manager

The media manager is straight forward. It gives us a centralized place to access all static files in our application, with the option to upload files, create folders to further organize our media, move files around, rename, and delete them. As we can see in the screenshot below, we also get some information on the uploaded file, including a thumbnail and a public url for easier access.

Everything will be conveniently stored in the the storage/app/public folder.


Voyager is a great admin package for Laravel. It is very easy to use, and extremely practical. Voyager is also open source, being improved every day. Why not take a look at its repo and help out with writing better docs or fixing some of the bugs? This incredibly practical Laravel package is sure to benefit many Laravel users, and deserves all the help we can give it.

Have you given it a go? What are your complaints? What are your praises? Let us know in the comments.

What are the main features of Voyager that make Laravel more approachable?

Voyager is a Laravel package that provides a complete admin system to speed up web development. It comes with a multitude of features that make Laravel more approachable. These include a media manager for handling media files, a menu builder for easy navigation, database manager for direct database manipulation, and a settings manager for controlling site settings. Voyager also includes BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete) functionality for all your resources, making it easier to manage your data.

How do I install Voyager on Laravel?

Installing Voyager on Laravel is a straightforward process. First, you need to have Laravel installed. Then, you can use Composer to require Voyager. Run the command composer require tcg/voyager . After that, you can install Voyager with dummy data using the command php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy . If you don’t want dummy data, just omit the --with-dummy part.

How does Voyager compare to other Laravel admin packages?

Voyager stands out from other Laravel admin packages due to its simplicity and rich feature set. It’s designed to be approachable for beginners while still providing powerful tools for experienced developers. Unlike some other packages, Voyager includes a media manager, settings manager, and menu builder out of the box. It also has a very active community, which means you can expect regular updates and quick bug fixes.

Can I customize the Voyager admin interface?

Yes, Voyager is highly customizable. You can modify the views, add new admin pages, and even create your own widgets. Voyager uses standard Laravel views for all its pages, so you can customize them using Laravel’s Blade templating language. This makes it easy to create a unique admin interface that fits your specific needs.

How do I use the BREAD system in Voyager?

BREAD, or Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete, is a system in Voyager for managing resources. To use it, you first need to create a database table. Then, in the Voyager admin panel, you can add BREAD to the table. You’ll be able to specify what fields to show in the BREAD views, what type of input to use for each field, and whether the field is required. Once you’ve set up BREAD, you can easily manage the data in your table.

How secure is Voyager?

Voyager takes security seriously. It uses Laravel’s built-in authentication system for user management, and all data transactions are secured through Laravel’s CSRF protection. However, as with any software, it’s important to keep Voyager and all your other packages up to date to ensure you have the latest security patches.

Can I use Voyager for complex web applications?

Yes, Voyager is suitable for both simple and complex web applications. It provides a solid foundation for any type of web application, and its modular design means you can add on additional functionality as needed. Whether you’re building a small blog or a large e-commerce site, Voyager can help you get there faster.

Does Voyager support multiple languages?

Yes, Voyager has built-in support for multilingual websites. You can easily add new languages in the Voyager admin panel, and then translate your site content into those languages. Voyager also supports RTL (right-to-left) languages.

How do I update Voyager?

Updating Voyager is as simple as running a Composer command. Just run composer update tcg/voyager to get the latest version. However, before updating, it’s always a good idea to back up your application and test the update in a development environment.

Where can I get help if I run into problems with Voyager?

If you encounter issues with Voyager, there are several places you can turn to for help. The Voyager GitHub page is a good place to start, as you can find documentation, submit issues, and view solutions to previous problems. The Voyager community on Slack is also very active, and you can often get quick answers to your questions there.

Cláudio Ribeiro is a software developer, traveler, and writer from Lisbon. He's the author of the book An IDE Called Vim . When he is not developing some cool feature at Kununu he is probably backpacking somewhere in the world or messing with some obscure framework.

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Installation #

Require the package #.

After creating your new Laravel application you can include the Voyager package with the following command:

Run The Installer #

Now we are ready to install Voyager. To do so, run

And that's it. You can now go to http://[YOUR URL]/admin and login with any existing user.

voyager admin

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Pass Rail pour les moins de 28 ans : un forfait pour voyager en illimité en TER et Intercités

Publié le 05 juin 2024 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Premier ministre)

Si vous avez entre 16 et 27 ans inclus, vous pouvez acquérir depuis le 5 juin 2024 un forfait vous permettant de voyager en illimité dans les trains régionaux (TER) et les Intercités circulant sur l’ensemble du territoire, sauf entre des villes d'Île-de-France. Ce dispositif, qui coûte 49 € par mois, est valable pour vos voyages ayant lieu en juillet et août 2024.

Tous les jeunes âgés de 16 à 27 ans inclus, quelle que soit leur nationalité, sont éligibles au Pass Rail.

Vous pouvez en faire l'acquisition jusqu'au 31 août 2024, sur sncf-connect ou trainline .

Le Pass Rail vous permet de bénéficier, pour 49 € par mois, de billets en 2 nde  classe :

  • dans les trains régionaux (TER) ;
  • dans les Intercités classiques jour et nuit  (place assise).

Dans certaines régions, vous pouvez utiliser votre Pass Rail pour voyager à bord des autocars labellisés TER .

Pour ce qui est des Intercités de nuit, si vous souhaitez réserver une couchette (2 nde  classe) vous devez payer un supplément de 19,50 €. Par ailleurs, si vous transportez un vélo vous pouvez devoir payer un supplément tarifaire lors de votre réservation de billets pour certains trajets.

La région Île-de-France ne fait pas partie du dispositif. Les déplacements entre gares franciliennes ne sont donc pas éligibles. En revanche, les Intercités et les TER interrégionaux qui partent ou arrivent à Paris et dans certaines villes d’Île-de-France (Versailles, Rambouillet, Mantes-la-Jolie, Longueville…) sont inclus dans le Pass Rail.

À savoir  

Sont exclus du Pass Rail :

  • les RER et Transiliens en Île-de-France ;
  • les TERGV (région Hauts-de-France) ;
  • les Ouigo trains classiques ou grande vitesse ;
  • les Eurostars (Transmanche et Continental) ;
  • toutes les entités d’offres internationales (TGV France-Bruxelles, TGV Lyria, TGV France-Italie…).

Le Pass Rail est en revanche valable sur les TER partant ou arrivant dans des gares étrangères à taxation française (Bâle, Genève, Vintimille, Vallorbe).

Le Pass Rail est expérimenté cet été. Un bilan du dispositif sera réalisé par la suite.

Comment utiliser votre Pass Rail ?

Lors de l’achat de votre Pass Rail sur les sites internet sncf-connect ou trainline, vous devez indiquer une date de début de validité (comprise entre le 1 er  juillet et le 31 août 2024). Le Pass Rail est valide pendant 31 jours consécutifs . Si vous indiquez le 1 er  juillet comme date de début de validité, votre Pass est donc valable jusqu’au 31 juillet inclus ; si vous indiquez le 15 juillet, il sera valable jusqu’au 14 août inclus.

Vous pouvez ensuite renouveler sur les 2 mêmes sites internet votre Pass Rail à la fin de sa période de validité pour continuer à en bénéficier, à nouveau pour 49 €. Le Pass Rail n’est pas valable au-delà du 31 août 2024. Si vous l’achetez le 17 août par exemple, il ne sera donc valable que jusqu'à la fin du mois.

Même si vous êtes détenteur d'un Pass Rail, vous êtes obligé de réserver votre place à bord du train que vous souhaitez emprunter. Au moment de votre réservation, vous pouvez indiquer le numéro de votre Pass Rail et ainsi bénéficier d’un billet à 0 € (ou 19,50 € en cas de réservation d'une couchette dans un Intercité de nuit).

Avec votre Pass Rail, vous ne pouvez pas :

  • effectuer 2 voyages partant de la même ville au cours d’une même journée ;
  • réserver plusieurs trajets ayant lieu la même journée sur le même créneau horaire.

Les réservations de voyage avec le Pass Rail sont ouvertes à compter du 5 juin 2024. Vous pouvez donc l'utiliser dès votre achat pour réserver des trajets ayant lieu entre le 1 er  juillet et le 31 août 2024 inclus.

Vous pouvez acheter votre Pass Rail avant vos 16 ans si vous atteignez cet âge en juillet ou en août 2024, mais sa validité ne pourra commencer qu'à partir du jour de votre 16 e  anniversaire.

Si vous avez 28 ans en juillet ou en août, le dernier jour de validité de votre Pass Rail est quoi qu'il en soit la veille de votre 28 e  anniversaire.

Le prix d’un Pass Rail est fixé à 49 €, même si vous l’utilisez moins d’un mois.

Lors des contrôles du titre de transport, vous devez présenter votre Pass Rail (sur votre téléphone portable ou en version imprimée), votre billet et votre pièce d’identité.

Le pass rail

Ministère chargé de l'environnement

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  1. Voyager Laravel 6 Install Admin Panel for managing users, roles, permissions & crud Example Tutorial

    voyager admin

  2. Cara Mudah Membuat Admin Interface Dengan Voyager Pada Laravel

    voyager admin

  3. Voyager Introduction

    voyager admin

  4. Installing Laravel Voyager admin panel

    voyager admin

  5. Using Voyager admin icons on the front end

    voyager admin

  6. Getting started with Voyager Laravel [Tutorial]

    voyager admin


  1. 60 Laravel Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package

  2. Pokémon Voyager

  3. Cube-Voyager, Tutorial 1: Setup and Master Network

  4. 38 Laravel user interface front end

  5. 56 Laravel Send in blue Send Email

  6. 3 Laravel 5 install and database setup


  1. Voyager

    Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD (CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and much more. View on Github. Learn More. Featured On. Ahoy Matey & Welcome aboard! Voyager will take care of your administrative tasks, this way you can. focus on what you do best, which is building the next kick-ass app!

  2. thedevdojo/voyager: Voyager

    This can easily be done by running this command: php artisan voyager:admin [email protected]. If you did not install the dummy data and you wish to create a new admin user, you can pass the --create flag, like so: php artisan voyager:admin [email protected] --create. And you will be prompted for the user's name and password.

  3. Getting started with Voyager Laravel [Tutorial]

    Voyager Laravel is a popular open-source package that provides an easy-to-use admin panel and CRUD functionality for Laravel applications. Voyager Laravel is built on top of the Laravel framework. It is designed to simplify building and managing Laravel applications by providing a user-friendly interface for managing data, media, users, and permissions.

  4. What is Voyager

    What it is. An admin interface for your Laravel app. An easy way to add/edit/delete data for your app. A media manager for your files. CRUD/BREAD generator. Voyager is simply an admin for your Laravel app. Whatever you want your app to do on the front-end is completely up to you. You are in control of your application and you can use Voyager to ...

  5. Install & Configure Voyager Admin Panel for Laravel 7

    1) Install the package using composer: 2) Add your Mysql details in your .env file: And add or modify the following line with your website URL. 4) Assign or create a admin user: If you already ...

  6. Build a fullstack admin app with Voyager in 5 minutes

    Minute 3: Set your environment variables. The first shell script to create the Laravel application created a .env file. Open up the project in Sublime Text or your editor of choice and edit the .env files so that our Laravel application can connect to the database we set up. APP_URL=localhost:8000. DB_HOST=localhost.

  7. Voyager

    Voyager is a Laravel package that provides a complete admin system to speed up web development. It comes with a multitude of features that make Laravel more approachable. These include a media ...

  8. I can't access the Voyager admin panel after installing

    I want to access the Voyager admin panel. laravel; voyager; Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Jul 4, 2019 at 7:50. Akash Kumar Verma. 3,260 2 2 gold badges 17 17 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. asked Jul 4, 2019 at 6:57. Franz Franz.

  9. Installation

    Documentation for Voyager II. Installation # Require the Package #. After creating your new Laravel application you can include the Voyager package with the following command:

  10. Voyager Admin · GitHub

    A widget-boilerplate for Voyager II. PHP 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Aug 31, 2021. site Public. Source code for the Voyager Admin website. HTML 0 0 0 3 Updated May 8, 2021. voyager-testbench-plugin Public. A plugin implementing all kinds of plugins-types to test Voyager. PHP 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Dec 25, 2020.

  11. Laravel Admin Panel Full Course

    Laravel Admin Panel | Laravel admin dashboard | Voyager Admin Panel | Laravel Tutorial | Laravel 8In this video we will going to learn use of voyager laravel...

  12. Voyager Relationships| The Missing Laravel Admin Voyager

    What is Voyager?Voyager is simply an admin for your Laravel app. Whatever you want your app to do on the front-end is completely up to you. You are in contro...

  13. itsma3il/voyager-admin: Voyager

    The dummy data will include 1 admin account (if no users already exists), 1 demo page, 4 demo posts, 2 categories and 7 settings. To install Voyager without dummy simply run php artisan voyager:install

  14. Voyager

    2. Installation. Installing Voyager is super easy, especially with Laravel 5.5 and the new package auto-discovery we can install Voyager within a few commands. Let's get right into the video and learn how to install this package. The Missing Admin for Laravel.

  15. Poly

    As the first boomless headset to get MSFT Open Office certification, the Voyager Surround 80/85 lets you work where you want whilst always sounding your best. You can immerse yourself in complete comfort with soft ear cushions and an adjustable headband and whilst ensuring your message is clear with sound delivered by 6 built-in boomless mics ...

  16. After crisis in interstellar space, stream of Voyager 1 data resumes

    It was the ultimate remote IT service, spanning 24 billion kilometers of space to fix an antiquated, hobbled computer built in the 1970s. Voyager 1, one of the celebrated twin spacecraft that was the first to reach interstellar space, has finally resumed beaming science data back to Earth after a 6-month communications blackout, NASA announced this week.

  17. Pass Rail pour les moins de 28 ans : un forfait pour voyager en

    Jeunes. Pass Rail pour les moins de 28 ans : un forfait pour voyager en illimité en TER et Intercités. Publié le 05 juin 2024 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Premier ...

  18. Voyager

    4. Routing. The routing system in Voyager is pretty simple and pretty straight forward. After you install Voyager you will be able to navigate to your site URL/admin and you will be at the Voyager admin login screen. In this video we will talk about how all the routes are generated and used in the Voyager admin. The Missing Admin for Laravel.

  19. Voyager

    15. Dashboard Widgets. When you install Voyager you will have 3 widgets on your main dashboard which are Users, Posts, and Pages. You can add as many widgets as you would like to your dashboard. In this video we'll show you how to customize and add your own widget. The Missing Admin for Laravel.

  20. Voyager

    The Media Manager. Voyager has a full fledged built-in Media Manager where you can add files, edit files, and everything else you would typically be able to do in a Media Manager. This means you can upload files or delete files from your Laravel storage directly in Voyager. Let's learn how all this works. The Missing Admin for Laravel.