Safari au Rwanda : trek, randonnée et voyage

Un safari au Rwanda est sans nul doute l’un des plus incroyables qui existe, un véritable rêve d’enfant au pays des mille collines. Pendant votre voyage vous partirez sur les traces de Diane Fossey pour approcher les emblématiques gorilles de montagne du Rwanda .

Le Rwanda, un voyage au pays des merveilles… Vous découvrirez l’incroyable forêt de Nyungwe au sud avec pas moins 200 espèces d’arbres, des bégonias sauvages , des centaines d’espèces d’orchidées et, bien sûr, les extraordinaires lobélies géantes . Vous parcourrez le parc national des Volcans au Nord et vivrez l’une des plus poignantes expériences imaginables : la rencontre avec les gorilles.

Lors de ce safari au Rwanda , vous randonnerez aussi à travers le parc de l’Akagera à l’est, ce refuge d’animaux sauvages où les troupeaux d’éléphants et de buffles sortent des bois pour se désaltérer au bord des lacs. Des lacs comme le lac Kivu qui, entouré de collines et de volcans et sur lequel flotte d’innombrables îlots, vous offriront l'un des paysages les plus exceptionnels du continent africain.

Vous l’aurez compris, un safari au Rwanda mettra vos émotions à l’épreuve face à ces rencontres fortes et émouvantes que vous pourrez partager avec une population qui vous réservera un accueil exceptionnel.


Trek et randonnée au Rwanda

voyage trek rwanda

Randonnée Rwanda

Un voyage au pays des mille collines à la recherche des chimpanzés et singes colobes puis randonnée sur les rives du lac Kivu en empruntant une partie de la célèbre "Congo Nile Trail".

Prochain départ : le 19/07/2024

à partir de 3 190 €

10 jours , vol inclus

voyage trek rwanda

Safari à pied Ouganda

Ce voyage combiné Ouganda et Rwanda est d'une richesse exceptionnelle: des forêts qui abritent des primates, grands et petits, mais également une flore et une faune unique pour une expérience inoubliable.

Prochain départ : le 14/09/2024

à partir de 5 090 €

18 jours , vol inclus

voyage trek rwanda

Safari Ngorongoro

Safaris dans les plus beaux parcs du nord de la Tanzanie puis rencontre avec les gorilles des montagnes au Rwanda. Un voyage combiné unique et magique.

Prochain départ : le 20/11/2024

à partir de 5 990 €

15 jours , vol inclus

We Make your Imagination A Reality

With rwanda gorilla trek, best decision was a honeymoon here, one & only gorilla's nest, a lodge with a stunning volcano views, singita kwitonda lodge, remarkable rwanda, the ‘land of a thousand hills’, rwanda gorilla trek (best gorilla trekking safaris & tours).

Looking for Gorilla Trekking in Africa? Here is Rwanda Gorilla Trek Ltd. Rwanda is the ultimate destination for gorilla trekking & wildlife safaris in East Africa. (Rwanda Gorilla Trek Ltd) Travel to Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills that is characterized by rugged landscapes, vast wilderness areas, and plains filled with wildlife offering you the opportunity to see the legendary “Big Five”,! A Rwanda safari fills the senses and assures you of a memorable African safari of great diversity. Book with us your holiday and enjoy a combined gorilla tour to Rwanda , Uganda , and the Democratic Republic of Congo .

Planning to visit the primates in the Virunga mountains? We are the best tour operator to organize for you a thrilling gorilla trekking tour in the region. Explore the chain of volcanoes that teem with huge forests that sit at the border of Rwanda ,  Uganda , and  DR Congo . There are over about 1000 mountain gorillas left in the whole world, and there are over 20 gorilla families waiting for a visit in the Virunga. Apart from gorilla trekking, we have several safari add-ons/safari extensions including the famous Nyiragongo hike, cultural experiences, wildlife safaris, golden monkey tracking, etc.

Would you like to get started with planning your next  gorilla trekking tour in Rwanda , Uganda & Congo? Book a tailor made gorilla safari with us and be rest assured that you will enjoy an Ultimate African safari. Planning for a Multi country Safari? Rwanda Gorilla Trek has designed a customized  9 Days Gorilla Safari & Nyiragongo Hike  in Congo. This Tour Package is available at all levels; budget, mid range and luxury.

Active African Vacations LTD   offers a variety of tours to visit Mountain gorillas and other wildlife animals  in Rwanda, Uganda and the Congo ! Whether you are looking to 1 day Rwanda Adventure to  10 days Africa gorilla safari  to spend with us, we can curate a custom experience just for you, putting the best private guides at your service. This is an adventure you will never forget!

Our Affordable Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Packages

Gorilla Trekking

Book this 1 Day Rwanda Gorilla Trek and visit the mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park in the shortest time. Read More

Gorilla Trekking Rwanda

Book a Perfect 1 Day Gorilla tour to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in southern Uganda. The trip starts from Kigali and can depart daily at 3:30 AM. Read More

Gorilla Tours in Rwanda

Book 3 Days Gorilla Safari to Volcanoes . This trip combines gorilla trekking & Golden monkey tracking, a visit to the twine lakes, and a Kigali city tour. Read More

Gorilla Safari Rwanda

5 Days Uganda Rwanda Safari is perfect for a double gorilla trekking experience with a great chance of comparing gorilla trekking in Mgahinga National Park & Volcanoes. Read More

Rwanda Gorilla Trek

5 Days Rwanda Congo Safari is a perfect gorilla trekking & Nyiragongo hike in Congo on a combined multi Country safari to visit the mountain gorillas. Read More

Gorilla Tracking Rwanda

Book 5 Days Rwanda Primate Tour offered by Rwanda gorilla trek the destination expert in Safaris to Rwanda throughout the entire year. Read More

Rwanda Gorilla Tour

9 Days Gorilla Trekking Safari . Plan for a multi-country Safari to visit Africa? Click here to read about the Gorilla Trek within Rwanda, DR Congo & Uganda for Gorilla trekking. Read More

Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda

Get the Best out of 13 Days Rwanda Uganda Gorilla and Wildlife Safari with Active African Vacations that begins from Rwandan Airport Kigali and ends in Uganda. Read More

Rwanda Safaris

Uganda safaris, congo safaris.

A Rwanda Safari  offers an opportunity to see the best attractions in Rwanda. From the popular  mountain gorilla safaris  to game viewing in the vast plains teeming with game and cultural experiences that will enable you to learn the past and the present of Rwanda. Don’t miss the magnificence and diversity of the primates & wildlife and landscape that are all unsurpassed.

See the spectacular  golden monkeys  while visiting the Volcanoes National Park for the unforgettable gorilla watching safaris through the land of a thousand hills. Rwanda Gorilla safaris will require you to secure the gorilla permit which costs USD 1500. The team at Active African vacations will be ready to help you book a gorilla permit for your adventure.

Book a Gorilla safari to Rwanda with Active African Vacations, a local safari operator well rated for offering primate safaris in Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Get the best quote for your gorilla tour , contact us  Rwanda Safari .

Uganda Safari takes you on a voyage through the pearl of Africa. Discover the legends and places that intrepid explorers of the past looked for from the pearl of Africa. There are green landscapes teaming with wildlife that include primates like mountain gorillas, chimpanzees as well as the big five animals that are all protected in over 10 national parks. Book a  gorilla trekking & wildlife safari with us today.

Legendary places such as Q ueen Elizabeth , the fabled Mountains of the Moon as well as Bwindi Impenetrable National Park will evoke ancient memory and instill awe. Uganda’s National Parks are working to conserve one of the highest concentrations of  African wildlife  on the planet where millions of animals roam an eternal grassland.

Book a discount gorilla trek in Uganda and meet the endangered gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest on a primate safari with Rwanda Gorilla Trek. See our  Uganda Safari offers

Congo Gorilla Treks by Rwanda gorilla trek lets you discover the best of DR Congo, a year round gorilla & wildlife safari haven that promises you a unique and memorable journey

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s system of National Parks and Reserves is extensive, well-organized, and notable for the range of safari experiences that are available ranging from volcano hiking tours to primate safaris to Congo.

DR Congo is the largest country in Central Africa and therefore offers possibly the ultimate exotic adventure, in a spectacular world. Its neighbors are Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, and Angola. Irrespective of the travel advisories about Congo, Active African Vacations takes all the extra efforts to enable you to enjoy gorilla trekking in Congo & Nyiragongo hike.

Book an Ultimate Congo Gorilla Trek to visit the mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park and the Eastern lowland gorillas of Kahuzi Biega. Check our  Congo Gorilla Safaris  and book a trip of your choice? Here is a discounted trip to Kahuzi biega national park for a  3 Days Lowland Gorilla Tour  with Active African Vacations LTD.

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Auto - Uganda

Découverte complète de la faune exceptionnelle du Rwanda : Gorilles, Chimpanzés, Colobes, singes dorés et Safari dans l'Akagera !

Voyage et safari Rwanda

5 voyages d'aventure au rwanda.

voyage Rwanda

Ils y sont allés , ils nous en parlent

Rien de tel que les avis de nos clients pour vous éclairer dans votre choix… et nous aider à améliorer nos voyages !

Avatar de DOMINIQUE ayant fait le voyage Grands singes et safari au Rwanda

DOMINIQUE, Partie le 02/03/2024 Très satisfait

Voyage excellent: itinéraire parfait, guide chauffeur Patrick expérimenté. attentif,marches d.approche adaptées à notre condition,après plusieurs tours du monde avec divers voyagistes vous êtes Nomade THE BEST

Avatar de Hélène ayant fait le voyage Gorilles dans la brume...

Hélène, Partie le 13/05/2023 Très satisfait

Superbe voyage!! Le Rwanda est un pays très accueillant... La réussite de ce périple est aussi due à notre guide, Liza, et au groupe de 4, dynamique et positif. La cerise sur le gâteau, ce sont bien sûr les gorilles, totalement indifférents à notre présence, qui continuent leur petites affaires...(...)

  • Mount Bisoke
  • Mount Gahinga
  • Mount Karisimbi
  • Mount Muhabura
  • Mount Sabinyo
  • Buhanga Sacred Forest
  • Musanze Caves
  • Karisoke Exhibit
  • Dian Fossey
  • Gorilla Tourism
  • Community Tourism
  • Conservation
  • Research Gorilla Groups
  • Agashya Gorilla Family (Group 13)
  • Amahoro Gorilla Family
  • Bwenge Gorilla Group
  • Hirwa Gorilla Family
  • Karisimbi (Susa B)
  • Kwitonda Gorilla Family
  • Sabinyo Gorilla Family
  • Susa A Gorilla Family
  • Ugenda Gorilla Family
  • Umubano Gorilla Family
  • 1 Day Rwanda Gorilla Trek
  • 2 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trek
  • 3 Days Golden Monkey Trek
  • 3 Days Karisimbi Hike
  • 3 Days Rwanda Gorilla Tour
  • 4 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Golden Monkeys
  • 4 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Lake Kivu
  • 5 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Chimpanzees
  • 6 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Dian Fossey
  • 7 Days Rwanda Safari Adventure
  • Gorilla Families
  • Virunga Gorillas
  • Golden Monkeys
  • Twin Lakes of Bulera & Ruhondo
  • Virunga Birdlife
  • Visoke Crater Lake
  • Bird Watching
  • Gorilla Trekking
  • Dian Fossey Hike
  • Boating on Twin Lakes
  • Golden Monkey Tracking
  • Caving Tourism
  • Kwita Izina
  • Volcano Hiking
  • Getting Around
  • Getting There
  • About Rwanda
  • Gorilla Permits
  • Gorilla Watching Guidelines
  • How to Get Rwanda Visa
  • Packing List
  • Tour Operators

What to Expect

Trekking to see mountain gorillas at a close distance in Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda is one of the incredible and unique experience in the world. In the northwestern part of Rwanda, the park stretches over an area of 160 square kilometers of rainforests and encompasses five of the eight volcanoes in the Virunga mountains and these are; Karisimbi , Bisoke , Muhabura , Gahinga and Sabyinyo . Bordering Virunga national park of Congo and Mgahinga Nnational Park of Uganda, Volcanoes Park is not only a home to the endangered mountain gorillas but also other species including; golden monkeys, and several bird species. As you are travelling to the park, here’s what you can generally expect during a gorilla trek ;

Preparation and Briefing : Before the trek, you’ll receive a briefing from park officials. This typically covers safety guidelines, gorilla behavior protocols, and what to expect during the trek.

Group Allocation : Visitors are divided into small groups, each assigned a specific gorilla family to track. Groups are usually formed based on trekking difficulty preferences and fitness levels.

Starting the Trek : Gorilla trekking usually starts early in the morning. You’ll meet your guide and possibly armed guards at the park headquarters who will lead you into the forest in search of the gorillas.

Trekking Duration : The duration of the trek can vary widely depending on the location of the gorilla family you’re tracking. It can range from 1 to 6 hours or more, involving hiking through dense vegetation and steep terrain.

Encountering Gorillas : Once the gorillas are located, you’ll spend a precious hour observing them in their natural habitat. Visitors are usually allowed to spend up to one hour in close proximity to the gorillas, although this can sometimes be shorter or longer depending on circumstances.

Observation : You’ll have the opportunity to observe the gorillas as they feed, play, groom, and interact with each other. This is an incredible chance to witness their behavior up close and capture photos.

Respectful Behavior : It’s important to follow the guidelines provided by the park authorities and your guide to ensure minimal disturbance to the gorillas and their habitat. This includes maintaining a safe distance, keeping quiet, avoiding flashlights, and refraining from making sudden movements.

Return Trek : After your time with the gorillas, you’ll trek back to the park headquarters. This may involve retracing your steps or taking a different route.

Debriefing and Certificate : At the end of the trek, there’s usually a debriefing session where you can share your experiences and ask questions. Visitors are often presented with a certificate to commemorate their gorilla trekking adventure.

Optional Activities : Depending on your itinerary and preferences, you may have the option to engage in additional activities such as visiting the Dian Fossey Tomb, exploring nearby villages, or participating in community experiences.

In conclusion, gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to encounter these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat while contributing to their conservation efforts. It’s an experience that’s both exhilarating and deeply rewarding for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

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  • Three Day Rwandan Gorilla Trekking Experience

Short Overview

Our top selling itinerary in Rwanda, the three day gorilla trekking tour combines the unforgettable experience of trekking into Volcanoes National Park to interact with mountain gorillas, but also a city tour of the Rwandan capital.

Animals you will spot on this trip

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Day two - gorilla trekking, day three - volcanoes national park - kigali, how it works.

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How to Go Gorilla Trekking

How to Go Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

voyage trek rwanda

ksumano / Getty Images

What to Expect

What to wear, how to get a permit.

  • How to Budget

Other Attractions

Best time to go.

  • Getting There

The African continent is renowned for its once-in-a-lifetime animal encounters. Few are more memorable (or so frequently featured on traveler bucket lists) as coming face-to-face with mountain gorillas in their natural environment .

There are approximately 1,000 mountain gorillas left in the wild, divided across two distinct populations. The first lives in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park . The second, larger population lives in the Virunga Mountains, at the point where the boundaries of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) meet. Each country has its own national park in the Virungas. Respectively, these are Volcanoes National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, and Virunga National Park. 

Of these, Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park is considered the best option for gorilla trekking. It is a safer country to visit than the DRC, with more developed infrastructure and a better choice of reliable tour operators. Meanwhile, Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is much smaller than its neighbors, and home to just one habituated gorilla troop. This means that there are far fewer trekking permits available, and, because the troop often moves across the border, there is a chance of missing the gorillas completely. 

Although Rwandan permits are considerably more expensive than Ugandan ($1,500 versus $700), they sell out less quickly, making it more likely that you will be able to travel on your chosen dates. Additionally, a day trip from Kigali is possible, which cuts down on extraneous costs.

From the best time to go to our favorite tours, here's what you need to know to plan your gorilla trekking adventure in Volcanoes National Park.

Volcanoes National Park has 12 gorilla troops that have been habituated for tourist encounters. Each one is made up of at least one alpha male, or silverback, and his harem of females and juveniles. Your adventure starts at the park headquarters in Kinigi at 7 a.m., when your group will be assigned to a troop and given a briefing on rules for visiting the gorillas. These rules include maintaining a distance of around 22 feet, and not hiking when sick with any contagious diseases that could infect the gorillas. Basic rules for safe interactions will also be outlined, from not using flash photography to keeping voices low and movement to a minimum. 

Your group will be the only one to interact with your allocated troop on the day of your visit. The maximum number of people in each group is eight, ensuring that the experience is kept as unobtrusive as possible for humans and gorillas alike. As nomadic creatures, gorillas spend their days on the move, foraging for the vast quantity of vegetation required to support their huge size. Because of this, it is difficult to predict exactly where each troop will be from one day to the next, although they tend to stick to a preferred general area. Much of the trekking experience consists of hiking through the misty forest to find them—a process that can take anywhere from 30 minutes to five hours or more. Generally, troops are assigned according to the fitness levels of each group and porters are available to help carry cameras and backpacks. 

Once your guide has located the troop, you will spend up to an hour sitting quietly within a few feet of them, watching as they continue to go about their daily routines unfazed by their human visitors. Encounters are strictly kept to this time limit to ensure that each troop is impacted on as little as possible. Gorillas are our closest relatives after chimpanzees and bonobos, sharing 98 percent of our DNA. As such, much of their behavior feels familiar—whether it’s a mother grooming her infant, or juveniles play fighting with one another while the adults forage for food. 

The climate in Volcanoes National Park is both cool and wet, so whenever you travel, you should be sure to dress appropriately. This means plenty of layers so that you can stay warm when sitting with the gorillas, but strip off when hiking. It also means waterproof jackets and pants, and sturdy hiking boots or shoes with sufficient grip for slippery, uphill terrain. There are plenty of stinging nettles, so thick-woven clothing and gaiters are also recommended. If you’re susceptible to sunburn, bring sunglasses, a sunhat, and sunscreen for when the sun makes an appearance in between downpours. 

With eight people permitted to visit each of Volcanoes National Park’s 12 habituated gorilla troops every day, there are only 96 permits available for any given date. This means that they sell out months in advance and getting hold of one can be quite competitive. Do not wait to book your permit until you are in Rwanda. Instead, book your permit first and then build the rest of your itinerary around it. You can purchase your permit independently through the Irembo government website ; however, the site is in Kinyarwanda and most visitors prefer to have their chosen tour operator navigate the process.

How to Budget 

Rwanda is often hailed as the world’s best destination for gorilla trekking. However, it is also the most expensive with permits costing $1,500 per person. Ten percent of this fee goes towards local community initiatives and may also be used to compensate farmers if the gorillas venture onto their land and damage their crops. This helps to keep the relationship between conservationists and residents amicable, as well as increase local support for gorilla conservation. 

In addition to the trekking permit, you will need to consider the cost of flights, accommodation, transportation, meals, tips, and optional extras. Often, the easiest way to budget is to book an all-inclusive package with a company that specializes in gorilla safaris. This way, you will know the total cost well in advance and have plenty of time to save up without worrying about unexpected expenses. Having said that, package prices vary considerably depending on the style of accommodation and other variables. Read on for our pick of the best package tours for all budgets. 

With trekking permits costing $1,500 per person, there’s no such thing as a cheap Rwandan gorilla trekking tour. However, locally owned company Katona Tours caters to budget travelers by offering an in-and-out experience that starts and ends in Kigali on the same day (eliminating the cost of accommodation in Volcanoes National Park). $1,850 per person includes transportation in a 4x4 safari vehicle, the services of an English-speaking guide and driver, your gorilla trekking permit, park entrance fees, and lunch at the local Muhabura Hotel. 

For a more immersive experience, consider extending your stay in Volcanoes National Park with this four-day itinerary from Intrepid Travel . It also begins and ends in Kigali, starting with a tour of the Kigali Genocide Memorial. Then, you’ll sleep overnight at a lodge on the outskirts of the national park before heading out on your gorilla trekking adventure the following day. The third day is reserved for other park activities, including visiting the Karisoke Research Center and tracking golden monkeys. On the last day, you'll head back to Kigali for a walking tour of the city. $4,835 includes transportation, accommodation, most meals, your trekking permit, and both activities in Kigali. 

South Africa-based luxury travel company andBeyond offers luxury gorilla trekking packages starting from $5,504 per person. Lasting five days and four nights, the tour starts and ends in Kigali and includes one day dedicated to tracking the gorillas and a second reserved for tracking golden monkeys (at an additional cost). Accommodation is included and involves stays at the luxurious Kigali Serena Hotel and Virunga Lodge. Also covered are your airport meet-and-greet, gorilla permits, most meals, soft and alcoholic drinks, scheduled transfers (including the exclusive use of a luxury vehicle), a nature walk, and a complimentary post-hike massage. 

Although gorillas are top of the wish list for most visitors, a hike through Volcanoes National Park also yields an opportunity to spot many other interesting species. These include endangered golden monkeys (of which there are two habituated troops), forest elephants, black-fronted duikers, buffaloes, forest hogs, and more than 200 bird species. Many of the park’s birds are endemic to the Albertine Rift, making them especially sought-after by keen birders. 

Also of interest is Karisoke Research Center , where legendary primatologist Dian Fossey began her 18-year research project on mountain gorillas in 1967. It’s also where she wrote her seminal book, "Gorillas in the Mist," made many discoveries about gorilla behavior that continue to form our understanding of the species today, and was eventually murdered in 1985. Today, visitors can tour the research center to learn more about the valuable work being carried out by resident scientists, as well as conservation initiatives put in place to ensure the future of the park’s gorillas. It is also possible to hike to Dian Fossey’s grave. 

Due to its proximity to the equator and its high elevation, temperatures in Volcanoes National Park stay consistently cool throughout the year. Expect average daytime temperatures of around 61 degrees F, and chilly nights that can drop as low as 43 degrees F. Rain and mist are also ever-present, although less so in the drier months from June to August. Lighter rainfall at this time of year makes it the best time to visit for gorilla trekking since the terrain is easier to navigate and the gorillas themselves are often more active. October, March, and April are the wettest months and are typically best avoided.

Getting There 

For most international visitors, the main port of entry to Rwanda is Kigali International Airport (KGL), located roughly 6 miles east of the Rwandan capital. From there, it’s just over 70 miles and a little under three hours by road to Musanze, the park’s closest town. Then, it’s another 30-minute drive to the park headquarters at Kinigi, from where all gorilla trekking tours depart. Most visitors either hire a car and driver to get to Volcanoes National Park or choose an organized tour with transfers included.  

Tourist visas are required for most nationalities and can be purchased on arrival at Kigali International Airport or any land border. You can opt for a single entry tourist visa (priced at $50 and valid for 30 days), or the East African Tourist Visa, which costs $100 but lasts for 90 days and permits entry into Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya.  

Before traveling to Rwanda, remember that the CDC recommends a variety of vaccinations, including hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and rabies . Proof of yellow fever vaccination is an entry requirement if you are traveling from any country where this disease is prevalent. Additionally, malaria medication is recommended for travel throughout Rwanda. Be sure to book a consultation with your physician to discuss which option is best for you.

World Wildlife Fund. "Wild mountain gorilla numbers grow to more than 1,000." Retrieved on December 6, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Rwanda." Retrieved on December 6, 2021.

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Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

No other wildlife encounter matches the experience of spending time face-to-face with silverback gorillas. With 50 gorilla trekking adventures in Rwanda, you're sure to fall in love with these fascinating human-like creatures. Click here to see all gorilla safaris .

Best Rwanda gorilla tours based on 36 reviews

Rwanda-11- Days Rwanda Primates and Wildlife Experience Tour

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  • Christmas & New Year

Rwanda-11- Days Rwanda Primates and Wildlife Experience

Rwanda is an amazing country. Its forests are unlike anything we have ever seen.

11-Day Rwanda Wildlife Luxury Safari Tour

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11-Day Rwanda Wildlife Luxury Safari

7 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Chimps  Trekking Tour Tour

7 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Chimps Trekking Tour

Great tour. A lot was packed into tour and was able to do all the things I wanted to.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

8 Days Rwanda Gorillas, Chimps, Dian Fossey Tour Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

8 Days Rwanda Gorillas, Chimps, Dian Fossey Tour

I really enjoyed my trip and safari in Rwanda and my experience with Devine African Safari.

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5 Days Discover Rwanda & Gorilla Trekking Adventure

The company gave us a driver and had a super wonderful in Akagera National Park sighting Rhino, Leopard, Buffaloes.

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9 Days Rwanda Gorilla Experience & Safari

I was taken at all corners of the country in a fantastic jeep and enjoyed cultural, historical, community, hiking/trekking, boating, night life experiences.

Tailor-Made Private Rwanda Gorilla Trip with Daily Departure Tour

Tailor-Made Private Rwanda Gorilla Trip with Daily Departure

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Rwanda Safari Tour

Rwanda Safari



3 days Rwanda gorillas and golden monkeys tracking tour. Tour

3 days Rwanda gorillas and golden monkeys tracking tour.

4 Days Itinerary Rwanda Gorilla Experience -Luxury Tour

4 Days Itinerary Rwanda Gorilla Experience -Luxury

4 Days Rwanda Itinerary Gorilla Experience- High End Accommodation Tour

4 Days Rwanda Itinerary Gorilla Experience- High End Accommodation

Remarkable Rwanda Tour

  • Jungle Trekking

Remarkable Rwanda

4 Days Budget Mountain Gorilla tour Tour

4 Days Budget Mountain Gorilla tour

3 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safari. Tour

3 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safari.

What people love about gorilla trekking tours in rwanda.

Ok,in terms of the services and accommodations provided to us,excellent to say the least,the people in charge of us were also a merry bunch,I represent a group of 4-2 couples,each one of us had a lot to say,but we all agree that Rwanda is an amazing country.its forests are unlike any thing we have ever seen considering we've gone on 3 safaris,unlike the serengeti and the Savannah,it offers a fresh percpective of Africa,it's lush green full of magestic trees and the wildlife is definitely different,a wide range of primates you won't see anywhere else,birds ar also in plenty,if you enjoy such kids of stuff,you'll have a blast.
I deliberately chose an inexpensive tour because my intention was to see animals rather than utilize luxury accommodations. I was not disappointed. The tour promised a number of items and never failed to deliver.
Great tour. When people ask me how my vacation was, I tell them we had a great time. Of course, seeing the gorillas and monkeys was great, the landscape was gorgeous, the Genocide Museum was eye-opening, but the best part was the people. We made friends with locals that we continue to keep in touch with. Our guide, Ronald, was awesome. Ronald was accommodating, easy-going and friendly. I would recommend this tour and, even if you don't choose this tour, I would highly recommend visiting Rwanda. It was an unforgettable and powerful experience.

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National Geographic Journeys with G Adventures

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Devine African Safaris Ltd

"Great tour, guide was very knowledgeable and helped a ton! Saw some great sites and animals.

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Gorilla trekking in Rwanda – Everything you need to know

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda feature

Seeing mountain gorillas in the wild is one the top wildlife bucket list experiences for most of us. Mountain gorillas are shy and their entire population live in remote areas in only three countries : Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic republic of Congo (DRC). Other subspecies of gorillas can also be found in other countries in Africa such as the Congo, Central African Republic or Gabon. You can read more about gorillas and the many facts that make them unique and fascinating animals in my article here . If you’d like to find out more about this beautiful country, here is my complete travel guide. 

While mountain gorillas only inhabit these three countries they are concentrated in the Virungas Mountain Range which is split among the border they share. In Rwanda the Gorillas are in the Volcanoes National Park, in Uganda they are primarily in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and in the DRC they are in the Virungas National Park. The three parks are connected and gorillas can roam freely between the three parks.

Map of mountain gorilla population

I have seen the mountain gorillas in both Uganda and Rwanda so I can also compare between the two experiences. The DRC is the least stable and most dangerous place to see mountain gorillas and in fact, at the time of writing, the park is closed following the kidnapping and release of two British tourists and their local driver and the killing of a park ranger. It is therefore advisable to organise your gorilla trekking in Rwanda or Uganda instead.

I have written an article comparing gorilla trekking in Rwanda vs. Ugand a so you have all the information to make the right choice of country for you. This article is focused on the gorilla tour in Rwanda .

But first, let’s talk about the gorillas in Rwanda and the families they are part of, how to obtain the permits for your gorilla trek in Rwanda and how much you should budget for.

Before getting into the facts, here is some inspiration on the gorillas of Rwanda, the first is a video on facts about mountain gorillas and the second is a video I made of my complete trip to Rwanda including the gorilla trekking experience, my face is in constant awe…

The gorilla families you can see in Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda

There are currently 12 habituated gorilla families welcoming daily visitors in Rwanda, not eight as other resources will have you believe. I double confirmed this with the park rangers who visit them every day and with the lodge. Other families are set aside for research and many others are simply wild.

Each of the gorilla families can be visited by eight guests every day that means a total of 96 visitors are taken gorilla trekking in Rwanda every day at the Volcanoes National Park. I will be discussing the guidelines for gorilla trekking, how to obtain the gorilla permits in Rwanda and their cost below but first let’s look at each of the gorilla families.

Agashya mountain gorilla family in Rwanda

Agashya silverback gorilla

My gorilla safari was with the Agashya family . This is one of the largest and it gets its name from the main silverback dominating the pack. Agashya means “the news” and it comes from the fact that the silverback truly made the news when it took off with the entire gorilla family from the previous silverback, Nyakarima who was the original silverback of Group 13 which was how Agashya was originally known as when it formed.

A small gorilla from the Agashya family with his mother

Agashya has grown a lot since the original 13 and is now made of more than 25 gorillas of all ages as a result of strong efforts by the silverback to snatch gorillas from other groups, attract lone gorillas and procreate. When I visited this was the family with the most number of baby gorillas, the youngest being just one month old.

The breadth of ages in the Agashya group and its large size makes it a great gorilla group to track as you can see how gorillas evolve as they grow older by looking at the various members and how they interact with each other. There are four silverbacks in this gorilla family but the oldest one is the leader.

Mr. Agashya the silverback

As Agashya took over from the previous gorilla, he is afraid of attacks from others, so if he sees any threat, he will take the family uphill making it more difficult to track. I was lucky and he was right by the park’s edge with the entire family by his side so we spent an hour seeing all the of the gorillas together in a clearing.

Susa A mountain gorilla family in Rwanda

Susa A is probably the most famous gorilla family in Rwanda because it was the one studied by Dian Fossey and so it is the oldest habituated gorilla group and it also hosts the oldest habituated gorilla , Poppy . Poppy was born in 1976 and is believed to have been part of Dian Fossey’s original gorilla group. The Susa gorilla family was originally the largest with 42 individual gorillas but it was then reduced to around 30 gorillas when it split into two, Susa A and Susa B.

Susa A gorilla family gets its name from the river Susa where they are usually found and is also known for having a pair of young twin gorillas, Impano and Byishimo who are often seen playing around and together. Susa is usually found at higher altitudes requiring longer treks and so it is suitable for those who are fittest .

Susa B or Karisimbi mountain gorilla family in Rwanda

This is the other part of the original Susa family which broke off and it is sometimes referred to as well as the Karisimbi family because it stays on the higher parts of the volcano at around 4,500m.

This family is also often found further afield in the mountains. Trekking the Karisimbi family is tough as the treks are long and steep so only the fittest visitors can reach them. The group has around 16 members.

Sabyinyo mountain gorilla family

The Sabyinyo gorilla family has the largest of all the gorillas in Rwanda, Guhonda , which is a mighty and impressive gorilla. The name of this family comes from the volcano and it means “old man’s teeth”. It is a relatively small family with around 10 gorillas and is usually easy to find as it is located on the park’s edge so it is one of the favourites. Guhonda definitely fulfills the image of a fierce huge silverback.

Bwenge mountain gorilla family

At around 11 members the Bwenge gorilla family is one of the smallest after six of its young gorillas died a few years ago. It is usually also located higher up the mountain and gets its name from the silverback who formed the family after leaving his original group and managing to attract females from other families in 2007.

Amahoro mountain gorilla family

This mountain gorilla family in Rwanda gets its name from the main silverback and from how peaceful he is (amahoro meaning peace). The family is made of almost 20 members and is usually found in the lower parts of the mountain so it is easier to reach. His peacefulness has been the source of some breakouts which created the Umubano family.

Umubano mountain gorilla family

This gorilla family was created when Charles , its dominant silverback, defeated Ubumbwe , the silverback from Amahoro, in a fight that lasted months. He then left with a few of his females to form Umubano. The group currently has around 10 gorillas. Umubano means “neighbourliness”.

Hirwa mountain gorilla family

Hirwa means the lucky one . This family was formed with parts of the Sabyinyo and the Agashya families who broke off and created a new family. This is a common event and the only way for a silverback from a former gorilla group to have his own family: he either fights the dominant silverback for control or leaves and tries to poach some females from other families. When this happens, the new family is also named as part of the annual gorilla naming ceremony. This is a small family with around 10 members but with twins.

The Kwitonda mountain gorilla family

Kwitonda means humble and it is a reflection of the silverback and the group of around 20 gorillas. As Volcanoes National Park is a continuum of forest and mountains expanding to the DRC and changing its name to the Virunga National Park, mountain gorilla families often move across the borders from one country to the other. This was the case for the Kwitonda family who came to Rwanda from the DRC .

Ugenda mountain gorilla family

The name of this mountain gorilla group comes from “being on the move” as it is always changing its area and so it is harder to track. The group has around 10 gorillas and unless they are moving around, they are usually easy to trek to.

Summary of all the gorilla families

There is also a new gorilla family that has recently been found and named Mgoza , which is the name of the guide that found the new family. We currently have no further details about this new family.

What to expect in your gorilla trekking safari

Going on a gorilla trekking excursion is one of the most memorable experiences for anyone fortunate enough to afford it, so it is important to be prepared.

What to wear for a gorilla trek in Rwanda

Firstly, you should read my gorilla packing list because I put together a very detailed list of things you should bring with you on the trek and how you should dress . This is important to make your gorilla excursion most comfortable.

Secondly, you should also familiarise yourself with gorillas so you know how they behave, how they look, what you should and should not do in their presence, etc. I wrote a very in-depth article on gorilla facts packed with some of the most interesting aspects of gorillas in general and of mountain gorillas in particular. Gorillas are such fascinating creatures it is very interesting to read more about them.

Now that you are well geared and knowledgeable about the gorillas here is what you should expect on the day of your gorilla trek.

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda starts very early in the morning, and you will probably be picked up from your lodge by your guide or the lodge’s staff at around 6,30am so you can be at the park offices around 7am. Coffee and tea will be available there for you to warm up or wake up.

Briefing with your gorilla trekking guide at the park headquarters

All visitors, guides and park rangers will be there at the Volcanoes National Park offices at around that time. Visitors will then start to be assigned to the various gorilla families and around 7,30am you will be called to your group .

The Volcanoes National Park offices have an outdoor area with round seating areas each named after a gorilla family. Once your guide or a park ranger comes to tell you your assigned gorilla family you will head to the specific briefing area.

Emmanuel, our second gorilla trekking guide

A gorilla family briefing will start then and will be carried out by the two gorilla guides that will go out with you. They will introduce themselves, tell you more about the gorilla family you have been assigned and give you tips and warnings about your gorilla trekking experience. All the dos and donts of coming in close contact with the gorillas in Rwanda will be explained then. You can read more about them in the next section.

Once your gorilla guide has explained everything and you are properly briefed you will go back to your cars and drive to the park gate that has been assigned to you. Every day, gorilla trackers leave the park early in the morning to locate the gorilla families that will meet visitors on the day. This way, the trackers find the gorillas before the visitors arrive at the park and can direct them to the location of their gorilla family from the closest park entrance.

Our porters at our gate to the Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park, unlike Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda, has many park entrances . So you can drive to the one closest to your assigned gorilla family to make the trek shorter.

The drive to the park entrance can be shorter or longer depending on the family and their location. We drove for about 20min to our designated park gate then left the cars there and continued on foot, starting our gorilla trek.

At the designated park gate you will meet your porters . These are absolutely optional but a good way to help the community and get some help in your trek. Even if you are really fit, trekking in the soft volcanic soil and the slippery mud of the park is tricky so having a helping hand to hold on to is quite useful. The porter will also carry your things so both your hands are free and you don’t get tangled in the branches.

A stop on the gorilla trek along the farmland surrounding Volcanoes National Park

The Volcanoes National Park is surrounded by farmland so depending on the trackers directions you may start trekking on farmland, along the edge of the park, before entering. This is because trekking inside the park boundaries is far more difficult than doing so in the farmland where there are less trees, branches and ups and downs. In our case, we arrived at the gate before our trackers found our Agashya family who were still on the move. So we started by walking along the farmland on the boundary of the park.

The trackers and the guide communicate via mobile phones and keep each other updated on the gorilla whereabouts so the guides can find the quickest and easiest route there. This part of the gorilla trek is the least predictable. You could be trekking for just an hour like I did, or you could be trekking for several.

The gorilla trackers in Rwanda

The trekking can happen in various kinds of vegetation depending on the location of the gorilla family but you will for sure trek through thick vegetation, mud, sliding soil, across rivers or streams, under barbed branches, through stinging nettles, bamboo thickets or extreme undergrowth. It is essential to be properly equipped .

Once the trackers have found the gorillas, the guide will take you immediately there. This could mean suddenly getting into the park or finding the next gate in. You will continue trekking until you are just a few meters from the gorillas at which point you will meet the trackers.

It is at that point that you will be briefed again , reminded of the dos and donts and also where you will have to leave all your belongings except for your camera equipment. Everything else, including your bags, needs to be left behind with the trackers who will take care of it until your hours with the majestic gorillas is over.

Our gorilla tracker leading the way to our gorilla family

This is a safety measure as you want to have the least amount of things with you but also because all food and drinks need to be kept away from the gorillas so their habitat and ways of life can be preserved. I welcomed the rule because the space around the gorillas is usually small and you can become too busy with too many things on yourself. Grab the camera, the lenses, the memory cards and batteries and get ready for the experience of a lifetime .

Once everybody is ready, you will leave it all behind with the trackers and approach the gorillas following your guide and the park rangers who carry guns. You will smell the gorillas before you can even see them . Your adventure will begin the moment you spot them. The guides will start “talking” to the silverback saying “We come in peace” and the group will approach and find a good viewing point.

During your one hour with the gorillas you will be moving as they move and may be shifting position . You can go down on your knees, and can even get quite close to them, always respecting the rules. Sometimes the gorillas may come close to you, the little ones may want to play, the silverback may move, you are not in a zoo and this is a dynamic experience .

If you are lucky and the entire family is around and together, you may choose to focus on one or another gorilla. In our case, we were very lucky to have the entire Agashya family right there so we could split a little and watch our favorite gorilla in the group. Other times you are not as lucky and you only get to see a few of the family members.

This is how close you can get to the gorillas in Rwanda

While you are advised to be healthy and relatively fit for the gorilla trek, it is also true that for those visitors who are not and whose dream is to see the gorillas, the local porters can do magic . There was a guest on the day prior to our trek that had serious issues for trekking and arranged for four porters to help her through the jungle. We have also been told of guests in stretchers being carried across the forest by the porters. While this is not the rule, there are ways to make the experience possible for everyone .

When the one hour is over, the guides and visitors leave while the gorilla trackers stay longer collecting data and observing the gorillas and will stay with them until the gorillas find the place where they will be making their beds for the night. This way they also know where they will be the next day when they will be tracking them again.

At the end of the gorilla trek, just outside the park’s entrance

The gorilla tour does not end when your hour ends but when you return back. Trekking needs to  be done back to the closest park gate and that could mean a long way again. There, the guides will communicate with your driver so that the car will be waiting when you arrive. At that point is when you pay the porters the standard $10 fee or more if you are happy with their services.

Rules and guidelines for gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Now that you know what to expect in gorilla trekking in Rwanda you need to be aware about the Dos and Donts .

Gorillas are wild animals. They have been habituated , which basically means that they are used to seeing humans and understand we are not a threat, but that does not mean they are 100% predictable. Wild animals are and will always be unpredictable so certain rules need to be observed both for their safety and that of the tourists who visit them.

Age requirements

In order to go on your gorilla trekking tour you need to be at least 15 years old .

Although you can take as many photographs and videos as you like, you cannot use flash photography as this could scare the gorillas and cause them to react violently.

Only 1 hour a day

Habituated gorilla groups spend only one hour a day with visitors. That means that your time with them is limited to that and your guide will make sure that this timeframe is respected. This ensures that gorillas are not disturbed and that their activities are not changed due to human interaction .

Always keep your distance from the gorillas

During the one hour you will spend with the gorillas you will be requested to stay 7m away from any of the members in the family. If a small one comes close to you, the guide will make noises telling him to go away. If he comes towards you and wants to pass, just move aside to make way for him or her.

I found the 7 meter rule was not always easy to observe given the constrained spaces of the forest and that the guides, and the silverback, were quite relaxed. So at times we got much closer to the gorillas, especially to take photos.

Quiet, calm and non threatening

The silverback, calm but imposing

As mentioned, gorillas in Rwanda have been habituated to humans. That is, they are used to seeing us and know that we pose no threat. However, these are wild animals in a wild environment so you should always remain calm, quiet and avoid yelling. You should also avoid direct eye contact with silverback which may be seen as a provocation. If he stares at you or gets closer, look down and submissive.

No cold or disease

Gorillas share more than 97% of the same genetic code as humans . That means that they are susceptible the same diseases that we suffer from only that they may not have developed any resistance to some of them so they could die from a simple cold.

Ebola, for example, wiped out entire populations killing hundreds of gorillas. It is essential not to go on a gorilla trek if you are sick. If you feel unwell on the day, let your guide know and try to reschedule the trek.


A one month old baby gorilla

Despite the park staff trying to accommodate requests for seeing specific families and trying to match difficulty levels and distance to the gorilla families to the fitness level of the individuals trekking on the day, the location of each gorilla family and the difficulty to get there is unpredictable .

As I mentioned, our gorilla family was supposed to be at a specific gate and ended up being at another one. That meant we walked for an hour to find them. This was not particularly difficult but some families can be really high up in the mountain and require up to 5 hours of trekking to find. So, hope for the best but be ready for the worst .

Dress appropriately for your gorilla trek

This means packing water, snacks and food in case you are one of the unlucky ones trekking for the entire day towards the volcanoes’ peaks, at high altitude.

The unpredictability also goes for the weather . You can start the trek in sunny skies only for all to break loose and for the rain to pour down before you even find the gorillas. Wearing waterproof gear is a good idea, especially to keep your camera equipment dry.

How to get the permits for your gorilla trekking in Rwanda

A female gorilla

To get your gorilla trekking permit you can use the online booking system by the Rwandan Government e-services portal. All tour companies have to buy the permits from the same government entity which controls the fair allocation and makes sure that there are no favoritisms towards any tour company or hotel.

However, most tourists will buy their gorilla trekking permits in Rwanda from the tour company who will organise their tour. If you are only coming to Rwanda for your gorilla safari, the lodge that you are booking your stay with will also be able to organise the transport from and to Kigali as well as the permits. Just make sure that no additional cost is added to the already steep cost of the permits.

When buying the permits you will not be able to choose the gorilla family you will be visiting as that is decided on the morning of the trek depending on the guests, their level of fitness, their interests and their abilities. Your guide will then be able to make a request which may or may not be respected.

Cost of gorilla trekking in Rwanda

A young gorilla trying to climb the tree

The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) announced at the end of 2017 that it would double the price of gorilla trekking permits to $1,500 from then onwards for any new booking. This makes Rwanda’s gorilla permits the most expensive at more than double the price of a gorilla permit in Uganda where they cost $600.

The permit includes the experience of spending an hour with the gorillas and the rangers, trackers and guides and applies both to locals as well as foreigners who all pay the same price. This amount goes towards conservation and to the local communities who now receive $150 from each permit.

This price hike is part of the country’s high end tourism strategy that is reflected in all the moves. The new lodges opening in the country follow that philosophy. For example, Bisate Lodge , at the edge of the Volcanoes National Park, was brought in by the RDB in an effort to work towards conservation while attracting the most discerning and wealthy tourists. Bisate Lodge, managed by Wilderness Safaris , is a great example of low impact tourism with just six villas set on the hillside, on land that was not suitable for farming. At $3,000 a night, the lodge is the best base for gorilla trekking. Add the cost of a permit and a trip for two people and two nights easily adds up to $9,000 without flights or transportation .

There are more affordable accommodation alternatives in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park but the cost of the gorilla permit is the same.

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Forbes Travel Guide Stories

Go On A One-Day Gorilla Trek In Rwanda By Isabelle Counsell

April 3, 2024


When I told friends I was heading to Rwanda, I was surprised by their reaction. “So, you’re going to fist-bump gorillas?” they asked. Their response turned out to be rather accurate.

The central African country has made remarkable changes following its brutal 1994 genocide, in part due to the tourists eager to see the famed mountain gorillas within fist-bumping distance.

Rwanda’s mountain gorillas, made famous by primatologist Dian Fossey, live primarily in the north of the country within Volcanoes National Park. About 10 habituated gorilla families who call the park home are carefully protected; only 80 trekking permits (issued solely by the government or licensed tour operators at $1,500 a person) are available each day, making them highly coveted.

The planning for the one-day gorilla trek can feel chaotic, and you know little (Which family will I visit? What will the hike be like?) in advance. I arrived at the park headquarters at 7 a.m. along with the day’s other permit holders (you must be a minimum of 15 years old). We milled about, adjusting our gaiters and exchanging countries of origin while the eight guides divided us up (likely by presumed fitness level) and assigned the newly formed groups to gorilla families. With the gorillas spread across the 62-square-mile park, treks to reach them vary in difficulty, from a brisk 30 minutes to a daunting four hours.

voyage trek rwanda

My group of 10 trekkers — a mix of French, American, Dutch, German and South African tourists all roughly in their 30s — was deemed fit enough to visit the Igisha family of gorillas high up in the mountainous jungle. This necessitated an hour’s drive from park headquarters to a trailhead, where we each handed off our backpacks to porters (portering is the country’s answer to fighting poaching — the $20 tip from each trekker is enough to keep the practice at bay). After our guide provided a quick overview of the plan and handed out trekking poles, we began the upward climb to meet the 34 members of the Igisha family.

The trek was hard, like reconsidering-my-desire-to-see-gorillas hard. I received many a sympathetic look from the seasoned porters as I huffed up the mountain, forcefully planting my trekking poles, hoping they would help pull me up the steep incline. After two hours of brutal ascent, we finally reached our goal: the trackers who went out at dawn to find the Igisha family linked up with us and said the gorillas were nearby. We were instructed to mask up and follow the machete-wielding trackers off-piste into the thick jungle, crashing over brush and through stinging nettles.

Mere moments after I questioned whether the trek was worth it, I was face-to-face with a mother mountain gorilla gently breastfeeding her baby. It was breathtaking. For an hour, we watched various Igisha family members, from babies to silverbacks, as they napped, snacked and, in one tense moment, charged at us (the guide’s clipped instruction of “Do not run” as the silverback hurtled toward us was hard to obey).

The time went by quickly as we observed the gorillas in their natural environment, snapping picture after picture in quiet awe. Nothing prepared me for the simple yet intense encounter.

The hike back down — a much more manageable 30 minutes — was conducted in silence as the group contemplated the trek, coming to the same unspoken conclusion: this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

voyage trek rwanda

Where to Stay One&Only Gorilla’s Nest was a wonderful base to launch my Volcanoes National Park trek. Although the staff cannot book your permit directly, it goes above and beyond when it comes to preparing you for the adventure — expect a robust packed lunch; complimentary gaiters, backpacks and hats; and a bottle of champagne waiting for you upon your return. A bonus: after the trek, the staff rounds up your muddied clothes and shoes for a quick cleaning, so you don’t have to worry about stowing the dirty items in your luggage.

voyage trek rwanda

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Afrik-Trek Holidays

1 Day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda

1 day gorilla trekking rwanda - best itinerary to volcanoes national park.

Wondering if you can see Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda on your day off or a short holiday! Well, 1 Day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda package is the answer. 1 Day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda is one of the best Rwanda gorilla tours designed uniquely to allow you participate in gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park. 

1 Day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda

The 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda is a short gorilla tour and distinctly designed to let those of you with limited time or on business trip/conference to be part of a magical encounter with the endangered mountain gorillas in the wild.

Unlike most Rwanda gorilla safaris, the 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda takes only one day- begins and ends in Kigali City. To be in position to enjoy this exciting primate tour, you will require to spend a night in Kigali or Ruhengeri.

Volcanoes National Park Rwanda’s only mountain gorilla trekking park is located in Musanze/Ruhengeri, in the Northwestern side. The lush gorilla safari park was gazetted in 1925 and sits on land area of 160sq.kms.

Volcanoes NP has 13 gorilla families habituated and open for gorilla tourism, with only one to be assigned to you to trek on your 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda . The gorilla families in this park include Kwitonda, Hirwa, Amahoro, Sabyinyo, Susa A, Umubano, Agashya, Susa B/Karisimbi, Titus, Bwenge and others.

Detailed itinerary for 1 day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda

Wake up as early as 4:30am, meet an experienced Rwanda safari guide for briefing about your 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda and what you should expect. You will carry packed breakfast which you will have en-route in your 4×4 vehicle and after briefing, set off for a 116kms trip/2-3 hours’ drive to Volcanoes National Park in Ruhengeri, Northwestern Rwanda.

Driving from Kigali Capital to Volcanoes National Park involves navigating via the hilly landscape of Rwanda. Arrive at Kinigi early for briefing on gorilla trekking rules, allocation of gorilla families and park guides then at around 8:00am, be prepared to hit the lush forest of Volcanoes National Park as you search for a gorilla group family.

Your gorilla trekking adventure today will take you 2-6 hours but this will depend on the nature of gorilla habitat, the physical levels and location of mountain gorillas . Only one hour will be given to you and the rest of trekkers to settle with gorillas, enjoy a face to face interaction with them, explore how they behave, the unique body gestures and the park guide will be explaining in details and interpret more about these unique apes.

You will begin walking back to the briefing point (Kinigi) after taking enough pictures and learning about the behaviors of gorillas . When taking photos, you will be required to use a camera that is free from the flashlight and if it does have, turn it off before starting taking any pictures. Flashlights tend to scare away gorillas or even make them irritated/charge against you.

Once you have returned to Kinigi, get your gorilla trekking certificate and you will be driven back to Kigali by your Rwanda tour guide. This will mark the end of your 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda.

End of 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda

Book This Gorilla Tour

1 Day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda Cost includes

  • Gorilla permits-(each is at USD1500 per person)
  • Meals and ground travel to & from Volcanoes National Park
  • Park entry fees
  • English-speaking guide services from Rwanda
  • All relevant government taxes to be paid for 1 day gorilla trekking Rwanda
  • All trip activities in Rwanda except the optional ones

1 Day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda Package Price excludes

  • Laundry expenses
  • Porter costs
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Telephone bills

Gorilla Trekking Rules & regions to follow on 1 day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda

  • A maximum of 8 tourists are allowed to track a single gorilla family already habituated.
  • If you have any symptoms of cold/illness, you won’t be allowed to track any of the 13 habituated families of mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park.
  • Wearing a mask, hand sanitizing is mandatory as COVID 19 prevention measure.
  • Keep a distance of 8-10m off from your gorilla family.
  • A gorilla permit is a must to carry and only persons above 15 year go to track gorillas.
  • Keep low your voices while trekking gorillas- but be open to ask any burning question, your guide will be of great help.
  • Don’t leave any rubbish during and after your gorilla trek in Volcanoes NP.
  • Use of flashlight cameras is highlight prohibited during photo taking.
  • All human wastes- in case a visitor wants to help him/herself must be buried as directed by the guide.
  • Don’t smoke before mountain gorillas- these apes are susceptible to respiratory diseases since they share 98% of their DNA with humans.

What to carry for 1 day Gorilla Trekking Rwanda

  • Bottled water
  • Energy giving snacks
  • Long sleeved shirts
  • Daypack- waterproof is better
  • Waterproof & sturdy hiking/walking shoes/boots
  • Rain coat/jacket

Related Short Gorilla Trekking Safaris

2 Days Gorilla Trek Rwanda

2 Days Rwanda Gorilla Safari

Your 2 days Rwanda gorilla safari takes you to Volcanoes National Park for gorilla trekking. Volcanoes National Park is in northwestern Rwanda. It is a home to a section of 1004 mountain gorillas that today remain on earth and only exist in Rwanda, Uganda and… View Itinerary

3 Days Rwanda Gorilla Tour

3 days Rwanda gorilla tour is a short tour set for those of you with limited time or on budget tour in Rwanda to also get a magical encounter with the rare mountain gorillas while in their natural habitat. It takes you to Volcanoes National Park in the northern… View Itinerary

4 Days Rwanda Gorilla and Wildlife Safari

This is a short Rwanda wildlife safari that start with a Kigali city tour before going for mountain gorilla trekking in Volcanoes. You will also visit Ibyiwacu cultural village, go for a game drive and boat cruise and a another game drive in Akagera before ending… View Itinerary

Home of the Endangered Mountain Gorilla

Mountain gorillas Rwanda

Rwanda Sample Safaris

voyage trek rwanda

Rwanda 4-Day Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda can be added on to any other safari.

Top Rwanda Safari Locations

  • Kigali Capital and largest city in Rwanda, home to the Genocide Memorial Museum
  • Lake Kivu One of Africa's Great Lakes, forming part of Rwanda's western border
  • Volcanoes National Park World famous home of the endangered mountain gorillas in the Virunga Mountains
  • Akagera National Park Decimated in civil war, this park is under restoration as a classic Savannah safari destination
  • Nyungwe Vast rainforest, home to 13 primates including chimpanzee and colubus monkey

Rwanda Safari Regions

voyage trek rwanda

Best Times to Go

Volcanoes national park.

Year round. Large swaths of the park are in a cloud forest, with showers occurring throughout the year. June through September sees the least rainfall, with April and May and late October through November being the rainiest.

Akagera National Park

Nyungwe national park.

  • Uganda Travel Tips
  • Congo (DRC)
  • Kenya National Parks
  • Rwanda National Parks
  • Tanzania National Parks
  • Uganda National Parks

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  • Gorilla Trekking
  • African Wildlife Safaris
  • Birding Safaris
  • Ultimate Honeymoon Safaris

5 Days Rwanda Safari (Gorillas And Golden Trek Itinerary)

Get ready to embark on a 5 Days Rwanda Safari: Gorillas and Golden Trek Itinerary in Volcanoes National Park , home to the elusive mountain gorillas. On day two, you’ll be transferred to the Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge , nestled in the Virunga Mountains . The lodge’s name derives from the Kinyarwanda word “ibirunga,” meaning volcanoes, which reflects the park’s essence. Established in 1925 to protect gorillas from poachers, this was Africa’s first national park.

The Itinerary Summarized for you

Day 1: arrival at kigali international airport and transfer to volcanoes, day 2: transfer to the volcanoes national park, day 3: mountain gorilla trekking, day 4: golden monkey trekking.

  • Day 5: Transfer to the airport for your flight back home

Detailed Itinerary: 5 Days Rwanda Safari

Upon arrival at Kigali International Airport , your travel guide will pick you up and accompany you to the Kigali Serena Hotel, a contemporary luxury hotel with various amenities, including multiple restaurants, bars, a spa, and a gym. The comfortable rooms will provide a soothing night’s sleep, enabling you to be fully eager to embark on a 5 Days Rwanda Safari: Gorillas and Golden Trek Itinerary in Volcanoes National Park , where you’ll be searching for the elusive mountain gorillas amidst the slopes and jungles.

Accommodation: Luxury, Mid-range Meal Plan: Lunch and Dinner

5 Days Rwanda safari

Upon being transferred to Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge in Volcanoes National Park on day two, you will live here for the next four days. Your arrival will mark the beginning of the Rwanda Gorilla Trek . This lodge is situated in the Virunga Mountains . The term ‘Virunga’ originates from the Kinyarwanda word ibirunga, which translates to ‘volcanoes’ in English. The park was initially established in 1925 to safeguard gorillas from poachers and was the first national park created in Africa. The lodge is comfortable and inviting, providing a pleasant home for your stay. With its pleasant demeanour and determined mindset, Rwanda epitomizes warmth and positivity. At the lodge, you can expect top-notch service that is characterized by a personalized touch. Indulge in superb dining while cozying up next to the inviting fireplaces housed within warm stone buildings featuring suite bathrooms and sheltered verandas.

With the endangered status of mountain gorillas and only a handful remaining, encountering them at Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge is truly an unforgettable experience. Permits are essential for controlled trekking with these majestic creatures, but rest assured that spotting one is almost guaranteed. After a strenuous trek, unwind with hot beverages or enjoy refreshing cocktails outside while basking in breathtaking views of majestic forests and mountainsides. For leisurely moments during your stay, there’s even an extensive library as well as a games room available for all guests’ enjoyment! Although this may be the pinnacle of your stay here, there’s still plenty to explore, such as unwinding after your hike by indulging in massage treatments before embarking on another exciting adventure, like catching sight of playful golden monkeys in their natural habitat!

golden monkey trekking Rwanda

Golden monkey trekking Rwanda

Arise early in the morning to a golden monkey trekking activity of the endangered species. These are playful primates with their striking gold and black fur, making them unforgettable sights. This activity will last around 1 to 4 hours, depending on where the monkeys are located within the thick Volcanoes park. Golden monkey trekking is an excellent opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of Rwanda while supporting conservation efforts to protect these endangered primates.

Day 5: Transfer to the airport for your flight back home.

Before setting for your flight to Kigali, treks and walks are also available to see the volcanoes and their hidden gems, such as the Dian Fossey Research Camp or Mounts Visoke, Muhabura, or M’gahinga. You may take a trip on Lake Bulera or visit Buhanga Sacred Forest, Gishwati Forest , or any of the numerous gorgeous lakes. If you’re feeling enthusiastic, rent a mountain bike and explore the area. Explore the settlements and their cultural life to fully comprehend the traditional rhythms of the mountain woods.

Talk to ex-poachers who have abandoned their previous way of life in the Iby’iwacu cultural village . Any of the above activities will be at your discretion and will follow your tourism desires. Discover a traditional king’s residence, see a medicine man create herbal concoctions, try your hand at bow and arrow shooting, or listen to African drumming. This will mark the end of the 5 Day Rwanda safari experience.

End of the 5 Days Rwanda Safari

  • Bottled Water
  • Accommodation (4-nights)
  • Safari 4×4 Vehicle
  • Gorilla permit and park fees
  • English-speaking guide
  • Visas and International flights

5 Days Routes

> Circuits itinérants Rwanda > Voyage trek / randonnée > Trek / randonnée au Rwanda

Trek / rando au Rwanda

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  • Durée du séjour Circuit 10 jours au Rwanda

Vous voulez faire un trek / rando au Rwanda ? Capitaine Rando liste et compare tous les voyages trek au Rwanda proposés par les différents tour-opérateurs et agences de voyage. Les circuits trek permettent de découvrir le pays Rwanda de manière originale et authentique. Partez à l'aventure trek dès maintenant.

Quelle randonnée faire au Rwanda ?

Vous cherchez un trek au Rwanda ? Voici 1 bonne raison de partir randonner au Rwanda et découvrir des treks exceptionnels :

  • L'approche des chimpanzés dans le parc national de la forêt de Nyungwe

Trek / randonnée au Rwanda

Il y a 1 séjour trek proposé au Rwanda.

Rwanda : Rando et rencontres au pays des mille collines

Un voyage au pays des mille collines à la découverte des endroits les plus remarquables du Rwanda : au cœur de la végétation luxuriante de la forêt de Nyungwe, vous partirez à la recherche des...

  • Circuit Rwanda

Trek - Rando et rencontres au pays des mille collines

2 990 €

Voir le circuit

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  • Volcanoes National Park
  • Akagera National Park
  • Nyungwe Forest National Park
  • Colobus Monkey Tracking
  • Chimpanzee Tracking
  • Volcano Hikes
  • Dian Fossey’s Tomb
  • Golden Monkey Tracking
  • Gorilla Tracking
  • Kigali Genocide Memorial
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Trek & aventure Rwanda

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Des balades accessibles pour la découverte inoubliable d’un pays et de ses habitants ! Des itinéraires conçus pour prendre le temps de vivre chaque instant.

randonneur devant un volcan en Islande

Trekking & Randonnée

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ours brun en Espagne

Immersion nature

L’immersion dans de grands espaces encore sauvages pour observer les milieux naturels et ses espèces. Des balades et des randonnées pour des rencontres 100% nature !

Départs confirmés

Séjours France

Séjours France

Voyage d'auteur.



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Plus qu’un voyage, une expérience.

Terres Oubliées vous propose plus qu’un voyage au travers de la création de ses itinéraires, une véritable expérience, loin d’un enchaînement de cartes postales ! Notre promesse, c’est l’arrière de la carte postale, là où l’histoire et les souvenirs s’écrivent et s’imprègnent au plus profond de vous. Des récits, des histoires et des impressions qui ressurgissent à la moindre occasion même après de longues années, évoquant ainsi ces souvenirs intenses comme si vous y étiez encore !

Chacun de nos itinéraires a été conçu dans cet esprit, ils sont le fruit de nos nombreuses années à sillonner le monde et de notre envie de vous les faire partager depuis 17 ans.

deux oiseaux se tenant le bec

4 bonnes raisons de voyager avec Terres Oubliées

20 ans d'expériences.

Une identité forte et indépendante construite au fil des années dans laquelle les voyageurs se reconnaissent.

Des groupes limités à 8 participants

Des voyages en petit groupe pour mieux apprivoiser l’environnement et faciliter les rencontres.

Une écoute & un conseil de qualité

Des spécialistes à l’écoute de vos attentes et aspirations profondes pour le voyage qui vous ressemble.

Une approche humaine

Des voyages engagés dans un tourisme à visage humain au plus près de nos voyageurs, de nos équipes et des populations locales.


Destination *

Date de départ, mes envies *, mes activités *, niveau d'effort *, niveau de confort *, niveaux de confort, picto-host-habitant chez l’habitant, hébergement de charme.

illustration niveau confort

Niveaux d'effort

illustration niveau effort

Accessible à tous

Votre âme de voyageur aime prendre le temps de la découverte : balades quotidiennes pour visiter les sites et aller à la rencontre des cultures et des populations.

Temps de marche :

Condition physique :.

Vous avez une bonne condition physique et vous aimez marcher. L’isolement et la moyenne altitude ne sont pas une contrainte pour vous.

Temps de marche :

Dénivelé :, portage :, condition physique :.

Vous avez envie de marcher 7 à 8 heures par jour en itinérance et autonomie, pendant plusieurs jours consécutifs (5 à 10 jours) avec des dénivelés conséquents.

Dénivelé :

Condition physique.

Vous êtes un grand sportif et vous aimez les défis. Vous savez gérer l’effort intense et prolongé, les dénivelés importants allant jusqu’à la marche en haute-montagne et les conditions climatiques parfois rudes

꧁ La tribu Terres Oubliées ꧂


Game Drive in Akagera National PArk


[email protected], +250791506855, 1 day akagera safari.

You will be Picked up by Our English speaking guide at 5:00am in the morning and drive to Akagera National Park, the park lies in eastern Rwanda, hugging the border with Tanzania. It's characterized by woodland, swamps, low mountains, and savannah. The varied terrain shelters wildlife including zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions, and hundreds of bird species, such as the rare shoebill stork. In the southern part of the park, vast Lake Ihema is home to hippos and crocodiles.

​The Park has a diversity of wildlife including buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, zebras, impalas, and many others. After a long time being extinct in Akagera National Park, the black rhinos and lions have recently been restocked. Their sighting is always not guaranteed due to their small number and the hiding character of the black rhino. Enjoy the game drive viewing the natural habitat of different animals, birds, and enjoying the view of different lakes and landscapes. This will be a very rewarding experience so remember to carry your camera so as to capture every memorable event.  Then after all that you will drive back to Kigali.

Driver Guide

Bottled Water

Entrance Fee


After your heavy breakfast, you will be picked up by our english-speaking guide at the hotel in musanze for the whole day tour, he will take you to one of the local community family, participate with themto learn the methods of farming, become part of a village family’s daily chores by beginning the morning in the gardens cutting grass for the animals and getting out in the fields for a seasonal agricultural activity. you will love the setting with the community guide for a chat after a pretty much physical activity in the garden., thereafter, harvest some food from the farms, visit the local market, join them learn the art of cooking with the local in homestay setting and be introduced to various cooking’s mainly preferred by the locals. after your lunch later i the afternoon hours participate in banana beer making, have an opportunity to experience rwandan traditional living and what makes it authentic. get a practical experience on grinding sorghum on the traditional grinding stone to make food and beer, you can join the production and grinding of sorghum that works as the fermenting catalyst. learn how to weave baskets as a long history and culture of making beautiful hand craft items. agaseke basket is a decorating gift item given the daughters during marriage ceremonies. it’s a precious feminine gift that has connotation of beauty and love. the tour ends with a traditional rwandan cultural dancing, then back to the hotel for dinner and overnight..


You will be picked up in Kigali by our English speaking guide at 0430hrs In the morning and transfer for a 2 hour’s drive to Musanze Ruhengeri the second largest town in Rwanda, with its spectacular view of five volcanic mountains –The virungas. Then continue to kinigi RDB Headquarters to meet your guides for the day.

After completing our park formalities, we embark in life for once in a lifetime experience for mountain gorilla tracking. once you spot them, you are allowed to spend an hour watching your closest long lost cousins. this perhaps one of the most breath taking wildlife experience on earth, you get so close to these awesome giant primates. you stare at each others blankly not knowing who to break the long silence first.tracking the gorillas through the light mountain forest on the slopes of the virunga is a magical experience these massive giants are extremely rare with less than 700 living today. you will get within meters of the family, and be privileged to spend an hour amongst them. the tracking maybe fairly strenuous rare, up to six hours or longer at a relatively high altitude .for your enjoyment, we encourage your to make sure that you are perfectly fit and healthy. (we’ve had people as old as 70yrs old do gorilla tracking so this should be not be a problem .all you need to ask your driver guide is to request a shorter group for you if you cannot trek far). its important to bring good hiking boots  ,long trousers, gloves for protecting against stinging nettles ,some snack and sweets( for you not the gorillas) as well as sufficient water as the rain forest gets hot and humid during the day. you will spend one hour with the gorillas, but it’s an hour you will never forget. return to musanze/ruhengeri to freshen up and have lunch then depart for a 2 hour’s drive back t kigali., end of service., driving distance: 2 hours (both ways), activities: gorilla tracking, overnight: 0, meal plan: lunch, cost includes:, transport in a 4wd safari vehicle exclusive to you, english speaking guide, all guide fees, one gorilla tracking permit per person, cost excludes:, international flights and visa, travel insurances, driver guide or local escort tips, drinking and dining rooms tips, porters, personal travel and luggage, telephone bill, laundry and any item of a personal nature, activities not mentioned in a program., 3 days nyungwe and lake kivu, day 1: departure for nyungwe, after breakfast you will drive to nyungwe national park. this lies in southwest rwanda, partly abutting the burundi border. it's a vast area of mountain rainforest, home to many species of chimpanzees plus owl-faced and colobus monkeys. the canopy walkway. it takes about 6 hours’ drive.get to the hotel check-in and relax in the afternoon., day 2: chimpanzee trekking + canopy walk, take an early morning breakfast then drive to this park for the starting point of your chimpanzee trek. two species of chimpanzee occur in africa. there is the bonobo and the common chimpanzee pan troglodytes (often shortened to chimpanzee, and sometimes referred to as the robust chimpanzee). the largest remaining populations occur in central africa (gabon, dr congo and cameroon). about only 400 individuals, the population in rwanda is an endangered one. however; it should be mentioned that it is not guaranteed to see the chimps as they are unpredictable and can move long distances in one day. nyungwe national park is the largest block of montane forest in east and central africa and it is an incredibly rich area of biodiversity. you will have lunch first and later in the afternoon go for nyungwe canopy walk. the canopy walkway provides an exhilarating perspective on the ancient treetops and wildlife. the canopy walk sets 50 me­ters above the ground with a 150-meter walkway and is the first of its kind in east africa and third on the continent after south africa and ghana. it allows visitors to see the forest from above the trees and be at eye level., later in the afternoon drive to gisenyi. this is about 4 hours’ drive., activity: chimpanzee trekking + canopy walk, day 3: kayaking –departure to kigali, after breakfast you enjoy kayaking in rubavu (also known as gisenyi) is a waterfront town located on the shores of lake kivu, one africa’s great bodies of 4hours away from nyungwenational park, rubavu is a great way to unwind after trekking adventures. lake kivu lies on the border between the democratic republic of the congo and rwanda, gisenyi has some of the most spectacular scenery, peace and tranquillity in rwanda, lake kivu by kayak is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the scenery, gazing up at the mountainous backdrop from the tranquillity of the water. we find a picturesque coastline where traditional fishing boats ply the azure waters and lush, verdant hills reach up around you. visiting the border of rwanda and congo is also a part of this tour. later in the afternoon you will drive back to kigali., activity: kayaking. visit the border of congo, 4 days gorilla and chimpanzee trekking, day 1: drive to musanze, your drive guide will pick you from the hotel drive to musanze check-in to the hotel, after settling everything go for lunch, and visit musanze food market. later go back to the hotel relax in the afternoon and get ready for the gorilla trek., driving distance: 2hrs day 2: mountain gorilla tracking, after an early breakfast, our driver-guide will drive you to the volcanoes national park headquarters to get a briefing from the park guides. the guide will go with you to the volcanoes forest and start trekking the mountain gorillas. you will be amazed by the behaviors, size of the mountain gorillas, and how they communicate. after 2hours of experience, you will drive back to musanze town for lunch and later drive to kibuye its 3hrs30 drive from musanze. get to kibuye check-in to the hotel spend the afternoon at the shore of lake kivu., activity: gorilla trekking, day 3: kibuye – nyungwe national park (canopy walk), after breakfast, you will depart for nyungwe national park which takes about 2hours’ drive from kibuye. you will first check-in to the hotel, have lunch and later in the afternoon go for canopy walk. the canopy walkway provides an exhilarating perspective on the ancient treetops and wildlife. the canopy walk sets 60 me­ters above the ground with a 150-meter walkway and is the first of its kind in east africa and third on the continent after south africa and ghana. it allows visitors to see the forest from above the trees and be at eye level., driving distance: 2 hours activity: canopy walk, day 4: chimpanzee trekking-kigali, take an early morning breakfast then drive to the starting point of your chimpanzee trek. two species of chimpanzee occur in africa. there is the bonobo and the common chimpanzee pan troglodytes (often shortened to chimpanzee, and sometimes referred to as the robust chimpanzee). the largest remaining populations occur in central africa (gabon, dr congo, and cameroon). about only 400 individuals, the population in rwanda is an endangered one. however, it should be mentioned that it is not guaranteed to see the chimps as they are unpredictable and can move long distances in one day. nyungwe national park is the largest block of montane forest in east and central africa and it is an incredibly rich area of biodiversity. later in the afternoon drive back to kigali if your flight is in the evening your guide will drop you to the airport. activity: chimpanzee trekking, inclusion: all accommodation on half board (hb), full board (fb) or bed and breakfast (b&b) basis as quoted in the text ·         safari vehicle and fuel ·         english and french-speaking tourist guide ·         all activities ·         taxes ·         free mineral water in the vehicle during the tour ·         air evacuation emergency insurance, excluded: ·         visa fees ·         drinks / alcoholic drinks ·         additional meals ·         tips ·         activities not part of the described program     , 8 days best of rwanda, day 1: kigali genocide memorial - village experience, after breakfast, your guide will pick you from the hotel and visit kigali genocide memorial, here you will get a chance to learn more about the rwandan genocide that took place in 1994. after you will drive to eastern part of rwanda in the village where you will be able to interact with local community and experience village life by getting to see and learn a lot, like how to cook some local food then you eat together with the locals, farming lessons, fetching water using jerry cans and sharing stories with locals. you will spend a night with your host family., accommodation: home stay, activity: genocide memorial & village experience, day 2: akagera game drive - kigali, after an early morning breakfast drive to akagera, start searching for the big five, rhinos, lions, buffalos, leopard, and elephant in the expansive park. arrive at the picnic site for your lunch then later go on your afternoon exploration with a game drive by visiting the giraffe valley. depart the park in the late afternoon through the northern gate and travel back to kigali arriving early evening., activities: game drive, day 3: kigali-nyungwe forest, have breakfast and thereafter embark the vehicle and transfer to nyungwe forest and on yourway to this forest have your lunch en-route, visit king's palace museum and ethnographic museum of rwanda, activities: king's palace museum and ethnographic museum of rwanda, day 4: chimpanzee trekking, have breakfast and meet at the park offices for the briefing about the primates and the forest, afterenter into the tropical rainforest searching for the shy chimpanzees in the tree branches. while onthis walk expect to spot other primates like the white and black columbus, vervet monkeys, redtailed monkeys and manageably. more birds can be spotted too in the nyungwe national park,after the trekking go for lunch and later drive to kibuye where you will spend an overnight, activities: chimpanzee trekking, day 5: kibuye, you will have a relaxing day at the lake, after breakfast you will take a boat trip to the island of amahoro napoleon’sisland -with its colony of fruit bats (aptly known as one bar island as all it has on it is one bar).deeply incised creeks, towering mountain ranges and islands offer a magnificent panorama. afternoon at leisure., activities: boat ride, day 6: kibuye – musanze, after breakfast you will depart for musanze area the second largest town in rwanda, with its stunning backdrop of five volcanic mountains, then check in at red rocks and have lunch and later on the afternoon visit gorilla guardians, a non-profit umbrella organization that aims at improving the lives of reformed poachers and communities around rwanda’s volcanoes national park through provision of conservation incentives, supporting community enterprise development and livelihood based projects., activities: gorillas guardians, day 7: culture tours and painting lessons for kids, after morning breakfast you will start your day with some traditional dance lesson, basket weaving and learning to make a famous local banana beer, a beer made from banana juice, this is a good experience for kids and adults banana beer is made from bananas and sorghum flour, all work is done by hands and the juice from bananas will be the best morning drink for the kids and others get to test the fermented banana beer. after the experience you will go for lunch in musanze town later have a short city tour. the tour includes visiting art galleries like icuti and ikirunga art galleries provides visitors with art pieces that depict rwanda cultural history and where kids can learn how to paint with a local artist and take what they paint back home as souvenirs. a visit to the musanze marketfound in the middle of the town is recommended for the adventurers who like to experience local culture; purchasing local food , clothes stalls that pack both rwanda traditional attires and western fabrics, traditional handicrafts and, of course, meeting the local people., activities: culture experience & painting lessons, day 8: musanze – kigali, have breakfast, and after embark the vehicle and drive back to kigali with lunch en-route. then drive to the airport for your return flight back home., 9 days get to know the people of rwanda, day 1: arrive kigali international airport, on arrival at kigali international airport, you will be met by our driver/guide and be transferred to your hotel in kigali arriving for overnight on bed and breakfast., day 2: depart for ruhengeri + intercutural exchange, after breakfast you will depart for a 2 hours’ drive to ruhengeri area the second largest town in rwanda, with its stunning backdrop of five volcanic mountains – the virungas- arriving at the red rocks intercultural exchange center for a lunch that you will help prepare. our cooking lessons involve mainly rwandese dishes in an african cuisine and in an african kitchen – with a range of fresh crops, the ingredients for african cuisine are diverse even though certain foods are common to many regions. ground maize or corn (called ‘sweet corn’ in the uk) is used as the basis for many meals. maize flour is cooked with boiling water to form a stiff porridge (called ugali in swahili or kaunga in kinyarwanda). sometimes it’s made into dough. this starchy staple is served with sauces or stews as well as different fresh vegetables like cabbage, carrots, spinach and other traditional greens. you get to join our staff in the kitchen as you explore the varieties of food grown from our farm behind the main building. get your hands dirty; it’s fun if you haven’t cried in a long time the smoke from the kitchen will give you a chance to if you are not swift in keeping the wood together to keep the flames burning. enjoy the meal outside in the sun or at the dining area as you chat with the locals and you will be introduced to the rwandese way of telling evening stories of our past and present. this kind of tour will give you an inside way of the rwandan culture and way of life that leaves you with a picture of our history. later in the afternoon indulge in banana beer production to understand the chemistry about the process of brewing a local beer from bananas fruits. if you find the activity interesting enough you can join the women in squeezing the juice out of the bananas and drink a glass of juice (optional). understand how long juice takes to turn into alcohol after adding in sorghum floor. enjoy the big glass of our local brew. among other activities they also do basket weaving and with your visit this local community will be proud of this activity and families supported financially. continue for your local home stay arriving for dinner and overnight., activity: intercultural exchange, “red rocks” is a cultural exchange project, which is willing to spread all aspects of rwandese culture, life style, traditions & history. we involve and benefit local people in cultural tourism.  we offer basic types of accommodation (back packers) and community related activities. the rooms have clean but shared bathrooms and hot shower., day 3: golden monkey tracking + twin lakes visit, this day is set out for golden monkey tracking in the volcanoes national park. entering dense stands of bamboo interspersed with open glades; you will make your way deep into golden monkey territory. guides lead visitors to the habitat of groups of ‘habituated’ golden monkeys – monkeys that have become accustomed to human presence. though viewing is kept to a maximum of one hour, travellers can get an up-close look at the golden monkey in its natural habitat. adult monkeys frolic in plain view, feeding on bamboo leaves and leaping from perch to perch. females carry their young, completely comfortable among onlookers. return to your hotel to freshen up and have lunch then depart for the twin lakes of bulera & ruhondo– these are beautiful lakes located at the base of volcano muhabura and close to the border with uganda. they are surrounded by steep hills with a backdrop of the virunga volcanic mountains. these twin lakes are great spots to be visited and used to be referred to as neglected gems but things have changed and bulera and ruhondo are a place not worth missing out on. their deep blue waters ringed by steep hills and tall waterfalls with the outlines of the nearby virunga volcanoes provide a spectacular backdrop. later drive back to your hotel for dinner and overnight., activities: 1 golden monkey trek + twin lakes visit, day 4: gorilla tracking + kagano community visit, after an early breakfast, you will proceed to the national park headquarters – kinigi to meet your guides for the day. after completing our park formalities, we are embark on a once in a life time experience of tracking mountain gorillas. once you spot them you are allowed to spend an hour watching your closest long lost cousin. this is perhaps one of the most breath-taking wildlife experiences on earth you get so close to these awesome giant primates. you stare at each other blankly not knowing who to break the long silence first. tracking the gorillas through the light mountain forest on the slopes of the virunga is a magical experience. these massive primates are extremely rare, with less than 700 living today. you will get within meters of the family, and be privileged to spend an hour amongst them. the trekking may be fairly strenuous; up to six hours or longer at a relatively high altitude. we encourage for your own enjoyment to make sure that you are perfectly fit and healthy. (we’ve had people as old as 70 years old do gorilla tracking so this should not be a problem; all you need is to ask your driver guide to request a shorter group for you if cannot you trek far)it is important to bring good hiking boots, long trousers, gloves for protection against stinging nettles, some snacks & sweets (for you, not the gorillas) as well as sufficient water as the rain forest gets hot and humid during the day. you will spend one hour with the gorillas, but it is an hour you will never forget. evening visit to the kagano community village as you get to know why the community left the park and when was that. return to your hotel for lunch and later dinner and overnight., activities: 1 gorilla trek, day 5: mount bisoke hike, after an early breakfast and with your packed lunches; depart for kinigi and on to the starting point of your hike. mt bisoke stands at 3700m; it has the typical conic shape of a “perfect” volcano and in its crater lays a deep crater lake. the volcano does not present an exceptionally demanding climb but it is nevertheless still a tough hike. the high elevation demands extra strength of climbers and the whole excursion can take between 5 hours and the whole day depending on the speed of the walk and the frequency of stops. the ascent typically takes around 3 hours. during the climb, you will cross a series of different vegetation habitats starting with bamboo forests, then moving into hagenia – hypericum forest and finally moving through senecio – lobelia bush near the summit. the trek starts at 07:00am from the park’s headquarters in kinigi. porters can also be hired from the park headquarters but a professional guide from the park will accompany you for the hike. return to your hotel to freshen up and later stay for dinner and overnight. (it is important to bring with you sufficient drinking water as the rain forest gets hot and humid during the day)., activities: bisoke hike, day 6: local community visit (bee keeping +local village market pharmacy visit), after breakfast and with your packed lunch we depart for a village walk-this is a walk through one of the villages in musanze; this helps visitors gain a broad perspective of a rwandan way of life. the walks go through the villages residing the volcanoes and you will have views of the volcanoes – enjoy the mountainous vegetation in its natural state. continue for a visit to the bee keepers. members of various bee keeping associations produce bee hives that they place in swamps or forest areas rich in certain types of plants. depending on what kind of honey is desired, these plants for example could be banana trees or certain flowers. honey is an important means to cure a number of local diseases, so that it is shared with traditional doctors. the remaining honey is sold to local people and the benefits are shared with the other association. take a tour to a local village market pharmacy and learn of the healing abilities in traditional medicine which has been used for ages by the rwandan people. later take a walk around musanze town then a small hike around the amahoro tours office that leads you to a small picnic site where you enjoy your packed lunch as get to see different types of birds while enjoying the view of all the volcanoes. later return to your hotel for dinner and overnight, day 7: local school visit + depart for gisenyi, after breakfast; look into the rwanda’s education by visiting local schools and participate in either teaching or play games with the children, that way they appreciate tourism ( if schools are not closed for the routine break ) get to interact with the primary school children in this remote locale and get an idea of how they lead their lives. later have your lunch then depart for gisenyi arriving for check in at your hotel. the afternoon is spent in this largest port on the rwandan shore of lake kivu (you will be in the company of our guide to show you around). enjoy a boat ride to one of the islands in lake kivu. simply explore the town, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the local market or wander through the leafy streets admiring the old colonial buildings. later stay for dinner and overnight at your hotel., activities: inter cultural exchange + 1 hour boat ride in gisenyi, day 8: depart for kigali, after breakfast the early part of the day is spent on the rwandan shore of lake kivu. take a swim at this lake that covers an area of 2,700 km² (1,040 sq. mi) and sits at an altitude of 1,460 m² (4,790 ft.) above sea-level. the lake-bed is situated in a rift valley that is slowly being pulled apart, causing volcanic activity and making it especially deep. its maximum depth of 480 m (1,575 ft.) is ranked the fifteenth in the world. the lake is surrounded by majestic mountains. this one of the  african great lakes  lies on the border between the  democratic republic of the congo  and  rwanda . depart for a 3 hours’ drive to kigali arriving for overnight at your hotel., activities: at leisure, day 9: ntarama & nyamata memorial visit + depart, after breakfast and depending with your flight departure timings; you will depart for a complementary visit to the ntarama church where mass killings occurred during the 1994 genocide; more than 5000 people were killed in the church. the ntarama genocide memorial is located about 30 kilometres south of the capital city of kigali. located in the bugasera region, this church and its contents are a reminder of the horrifying violence that took place at this site during rwanda’s 1994 genocide. learn more about the unity and reconciliation commission. proceed to nyamata memorial site- a church where around 2,500 people were killed and it has become emblematic of the barbaric treatment of women during the genocide. continue to nyamata a church where around 2,500 people were killed and it has become emblematic of the barbaric treatment of women during the genocide. in the church at nyamata, there will be graphic and audio-visual displays that will focus particularly on the mass rape, brutalization of women and the use of hiv as a deliberate weapon of genocide. return to the city for lunch then be transferred to the kigali international airport for your flight back home., activity: city tour, 10 days best of rwanda, day 1: arrival at kigali international, arrival at kigali international airport met and transferred to your kigali hotel., day 2: kigali, breakfast at your hotel, city tour of kigali including the genocide memorial site a grim reminder of a senseless massacre of innocent lives in 1994. learn about rwanda’s history from pre-colonial times to the 1994 genocide; learn about other genocides in the world and how this country has dealt with that past. have lunch thereafter set off along the rwamagana – kayonza road to akagera national park. you will come across a lot of bird’s activity along the way. banana plantations abound, with vegetable and fruit markets lined along the roads., day 3: akagera national park, early breakfast, enter the park for game drives; akagera is home to a variety of animals, and an exciting reserve in which to spend a few days. it offers an interesting contrast to the more mountainous central and western parts of rwanda. there are plenty of animals around and the birdlife is quite exceptional. mammals include a healthy population of elephant and buffalo, plus 11 species of antelope including impala, common duiker, defassa waterbuck, bushbuck, oribi, tsessebe, cape eland and the rare sable antelope.  hippos are present in impressive numbers in the lakes and rivers and zebra and giraffe still roam the more open acacia dotted plains. after game viewing drive back to the lodge., day 4: transfer to nyungwe national park, breakfast at your hotel, drive back to kigali and proceed on the drive to nyungwe national park via butare, the second largest city of rwanda and regarded as the intellectual city of rwanda. butare hosts the national museum, several academic (universities) and research institutions. visit nyanza the former mwami’s palace (king’s palace) and the seat of the feudal monarchy. the palace has been reconstructed to its 19th century state and shows a traditional dome. you will also visit the butare national museum in huye which is one the best set-up, if not the finest ethnographic museum of east africa. a good source of information on the cultural history of rwanda., lunch at a local restaurant in butare. afternoon drive to the wonderful rainforest reserve of nyungwe at an altitude range of between 1600 m-2950 m above sea level with temperatures varying between 0°c and 30° c; average day temperatures 15°c. nyungwe receives rainfall ranging 1800-2500 mm per year. rainy season is september to may. dry season june to august with some dry weeks in december and january. the main features and attractions in nyungwe forest include largest montane rain forest remaining in africa, mt. bigugu (2925m), kamiranzovu marsh (13 km²). nyungwe forest has 260 species of trees and shrubs and over 100 species of orchids and giant lobelias. for those interested in botany, the flora in nyungwe comes as an added bonus., day 5: nyungwe forest national park, early breakfast at your lodge, transfer to nyungwe forest national park offices. enter the park for chimp trekking . chimpanzees are great apes that are closely related to humans. during the morning’s walk we are also likely to encounter troops of primates. nyungwe forest hosts these intelligent primates who are an endangered  species. the forest harbors more than 275 endemic and migratory bird species recorded including the ruwenzori turaco, ross’s turaco, grey –cheeked hornbill, red-throated alethe, red-breasted sparrow hawk, white-headed wood-hoopoe, kungwe apalis, ruwenzori batis, blue-headed and regal sunbirds.afternoon, relax or enjoy the many optional activities in nyungwe or visit the nearby areas including a tea farm / factory., day 6: nyungwe national park and kibuye, after an early breakfast re-enter the forest for canopy walk – experience the forest on a bird eye view, you will encounter tree climbing primates and rare birds, thereafter drive to kibuye, also known as a beach city in karongi district, and the capital of western province of rwanda. the city lies about halfway down the eastern shore of lake kivu, between gisenyi and cyagugu, you should not miss visiting the napoleon island on this lake and the ndaba falls lie near the city. lake kivu is the largest of all lakes that fill the valleys of rwanda. the lake is a 2650 square kilometer freshwater expanse. lake kivu has an inland beach, the most serene environment within the central african region., day 7: great rift valleys, depart to gisenyi a scenic drive that takes you over the albertine (western) rift, a part of the great rift valleys. gisenyi city lies on the eastern shores of lake kivu on the northwest part of rwanda. lake kivu is one of the greatest lakes in rwanda, an extraordinarily beautiful inland water enclosed by steep, green terraced hills along eastern rwanda. gisenyi has a beautiful sandy beach lined with swaying palms and colonial-era hotels that exude an atmosphere of tropical languor.  , day 8: lake kivu, morning at leisure to explore the lake kivu , optional boat ride to explore nearby islands,  visit the famous and historical hot springs, thereafter drive to ruhengeri, at the foothills of virunga volcanoes and the home of gorillas. the town itself is located only 25km from uganda boarder, it is relatively a small city of about 100,000 people. the constant flow of humanity is quite remarkable. the town has great views of the surrounding volcanoes. people are very friendly here., day 9: volcanoes national park gorilla trekking, transfer to the volcanoes national park hqs for registration, where the park staff determines which group of gorillas you will visit. the park staff discusses your fitness level and advises you of the trekking times and conditions to the various groups based upon their location in the park the previous evening. there are a total of 80 gorilla permits available each day with a maximum of eight trekkers visiting any one group. once the trekkers are put into groups, each group’s lead guide briefs the trekkers of the trekking procedures as well as the “do’s and don’ts” while in the presence of gorillas. after the briefing, trekkers return to their respective vehicles for the drive up the mountain to the starting point. trekking can take from two to six or more hours if the gorillas move before the park rangers locate them the next morning. the guides stop frequently to allow trekkers a chance to rest and take photos along the way. after the trek, rejoin your driver guide for a transfer to your lodge for lunch., day 10: departure, early breakfast at your lodge, depart from foothills of the virunga volcanoes and drive south a scenic sharp hills and valleys drive to kigali. transfer to kigali international airport for your departure flight., 15 days best of rwanda & uganda, day 1: arrival, arrive kigali international airport, be met by our drive guide thereafter transfer to your hotel., pick up by the driver guide from your hotel in kigali for a tour of kigali city. kigali is a beautiful modern and very clean city, offering visitors a chance to visit the gisozi genocide site, craft shops, and local markets. have lunch and later hit the road driving north-wards to volcanoes national park in musanze province., day 3: golden monkeys at volcanoes n.p., this day is set out for golden monkey tracking in the volcanoes national park. entering dense stands of bamboo interspersed with open glades; you will make your way deep into golden monkey territory. guides lead visitors to the habitat of groups of „habituated‟ golden monkeys – monkeys that have become accustomed to human presence. though viewing is kept to a maximum of one hour, travelers can get an up-close look at the golden monkey in its natural habitat. adult monkeys frolic in plain view, feeding on bamboo leaves and leaping from perch to perch. females carry their young, completely comfortable among onlookers. later visit red rocks intercultural center be introduced dance., day 4: lake kivu, start your day with breakfast at your hotel and embark on a journey with your guide to lake kivu. this is the largest freshwater lake in rwanda and provides a perfect relaxing place when in rwanda. afternoon relax along the lake shores or take an boat to explore nearby islands., day 5: transfer and lake bunyoni, after breakfast drive to the border of rwanda and uganda via cyanika border post. enter uganda then drive out to lake bunyonyi for a canoe ride your guide will give you an introduction to uganda. you later proceed to your hotel for check in and relaxation. we recommend and early night in order to be ready for your gorilla trekking expedition the next day., day 6: gorilla tracking; bwindi n.p., today is the big day… prepare yourself for an encounter with one of bwindi’s gentle giants: the rare mountain gorilla. for most people this is the absolute highlight of their tour in uganda. you will be required to wake up early in the morning then be led to the visitor’s reception center for a briefing about the park. you are allocated guides before heading into the forest in search of mountain gorillas., day 7:  queen elizabeth n.p., head out to the beautiful wilderness of ishasha plains that are a part of queen elizabeth national park - the oldest & second largest national park in uganda, located at the base of the massive rwenzori mountains, adjacent to lakes edward&george. the park is covered by savannah plains that provide an abundance of game viewing like; elephants that trumpet when you get too close, lazy leopards laying in the sun, abundant gazelle and buck, lions, buffaloes, hippos and others. if you’re lucky, a game drive through the open savannah of acacia on the edge of the albertine rift valley will enable you view ‘tree climbing lions’ and other wild animals., day 8: queen elizabeth n.p., after breakfast, go in for a game drive in time to see the sun rise. you will search for all the wildlife in the park; elephant, buffalo, lion, waterbuck, leopard, uganda kob, warthog, the afternoon, take a boat safari along the kazinga channel- a natural channel which connects lake edward to lake george. view buffaloes, elephants, waterbucks, crocodiles and the highest concentration of hippos plus a variety of colourful species of water birds like crested eagles, pelicans and cormorants – an amazing diverse collection of the african animal kingdom which comes to the waterhole to drink or bathe. this will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of your tour., day 9: kalinzu forest, kalinzu forest is home to over 414 species of trees, shrubs and in this forest, you can find 379 species of birds which is an amazing treasure trove for birders. 378 species of birds call this their home including the great blue turaco, black and white cascket, cuckoos, and sunbirds. there are six different species of primates found in kalinzu forest reserve including; the blue monkeys, vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys and over 220 chimpanzees. you can hike up the kishunja hill viewpoint, where you can behold the entire forest canopy, great parts of the queen elizabeth national park and some peaks of the rwenzori mountains. being close to queen elizabeth national park, wildlife tend to come from the park and if you are lucky you can see leopards, antelopes, and wild pigs. in the evening head out for an evening game drive as you watch the sun set over the horizon., day 10: fort portal, transfer to fort portal and have a visit of the king’s palace. the palace is worth a visit purely for its panoramic views. looking down from the highest hill is the residence of king oyo, who ascended the throne in 1995 at the age of three. later proceed to your lodge for refreshment and overnight., day 11: kibale fores, depart at 8:00am your chimpanzee tracking excursion will commence. kibale forest boasts of the highest number of primate species in the world, including our delightful cousins- the chimpanzees. at this moment, in uganda, there are approximately 4,950 chimps left in the wild, which makes this forest a perfect and best place to spot chimpanzees in africa during the excursion, your ranger will point out the other species living in the forest, including birds, flora and fauna. in the afternoon, you’ll embark on a nature excursion. your swamp walk (1- 2 hours) will take you through grassland and some beautiful scenery. it is usual to spot 3 or 4 different primate species during this walk through the highlight is catching a glimpse of the great blue turaco bird, day 12: transfer to murchison falls national park, today you head out for the mighty murchison falls national park, which is the largest national park and uganda's flagship with exceptional wildlife. the meandering victoria nile and the dramatic murchison falls neatly bisecting uganda's largest park, here you'd expect a wide range of animals and you'd be right. it's a stunning habitat for wildlife and it’s where to go in uganda for classic big game species., day 13: murchison falls national park, after an early breakfast, you head out on an early game drive while the animals are the most active since it’s not yet so bright and temperatures are cooler. this is the best time to spot wild animals.a drive through the park brings you eye-to-eye with the african animal kingdom: elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, lions, leopards, different species of antelope and many tropical birds. they are all there in murchison falls national park .in the afternoon, a 3hour boat cruise along the victoria nile will lead you to the base of the murchison falls. along the way, you will be able to view a wide variety of birds and wildlife; numerous hippos, elephants and crocodiles, as well as breathtaking scenery., day 14: budongo chimps / to ziwa rhinos/ to kampala, transfer to ziwa rhino sanctuary. en route to ziwa, you will go for a chimpanzee trekking experience in budongo forest.budongo forest offers an extremely rich biodiversity including 24 species of small mammals, 9 species of primates and 280 butterflies. it is also the natural habitat of more than 600 chimpanzees. other primates that can be observed are the black-and-white colobus monkeys, olive baboons, red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys and grey-cheeked mangabeys. later  you trek rhinos at the ziwa rhino sanctuary- this rhino reserve is a true success story of the revival of rhinoceros after the extreme poaching that killed the last rhino in uganda in 1982. doing this guided trek gets you “up close and personal” to these special animals that are among “africa’s big five.”after trekking rhinos, you will proceed to kampala reaching your hotel late in the evening., day 15: kampala, kampala the capital of uganda is an amazing city seated on 7hills and located in the central region. it is not as advanced as modern day first world cities but has lots of infrastructural development going on and kampala’s main tourist attractions are majorly pre-colonial and colonial sites that have a lot historical attachment to ugandans. you will explore some of the seven hills of kampala and visit several places among which include: kabaka’s palace & parliament: the kabaka`s lake, gadaffi mosque: later proceed to entebbe airport from where you’ll catch your departure flight home..

Rwanda Gorilla treks

Rwanda Gorilla Treks

Rwanda Gorilla Treks

Are you in search of a Rwanda gorilla trekking tour ? Or perhaps a customized tour that allows you to explore Rwanda and East Africa according to your preferences? Safari Desire – Rwanda is here to ensure your safari holiday in Rwanda becomes a personalized, cost-effective, and delightful experience! As an East Africa-based safari company, we specialize in arranging private and group package tours in Rwanda . With the assistance of our experienced tour operator, you can effortlessly organize your safari in Rwanda and explore the breathtaking destinations it has to offer, including the habitat of almost half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas. Count on our expertise to address all your queries and assist you in booking your dream safari to Rwanda. Embark on a Rwanda safari with us and uncover a country that guarantees one of the most unforgettable wildlife encounters on the planet.

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3 days gorilla trekking tour in rwanda, about rwanda.

Rwanda , situated in Eastern Africa, is a captivating and picturesque country. Despite its tumultuous history marked by a genocide that tragically claimed the lives of approximately 800,000 individuals within a mere 100 days, Rwanda has emerged as a prominent destination for adventurous experiences in Africa. In recent years, the country has witnessed a surge in tourism, attracting thousands of visitors eager to partake in activities such as gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking, golden monkey tracking, volunteering, and cultural tours.

Rwanda offers a plethora of attractions for holidaymakers, ranging from the remarkable mountain gorillas to its diverse bird species. With its abundance of tourist sites, rich historical heritage, and cultural encounters, Rwanda promises unforgettable experiences.

Join us as we embark on thrilling journeys of adventure, discovery, and exploration throughout this captivating country. Our Rwanda safaris are available throughout the year, ensuring you can partake in these remarkable experiences whenever you choose.

Affordable Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Rwanda Gorilla trekking

Tailor Made Safaris in Rwanda

For a holiday in Rwanda, you have to choose from our wide range of activities and prepare for a seriously good wildlife experience! Though most of Rwanda tours take in gorilla trekking in the fabled Volcanoes National Park, there is a lot to include on your Rwanda Safari. From game viewing and bird watching in Akagera National Park , to leisure holidays and volunteer trips in Rwanda, we can add anything that you may want to undertake on your Rwanda tour. Not forgetting chimpanzee tracking in the primates packed Nyungwe Forest National Park , Rwanda has a lot to include in a trip within East Africa. Therefore to make your holiday more personal, just let us know your preferences, interests and priorities.

When would you like to visit Rwanda? Which places would you like to cover during your stay? Where would you like to explore?. our staff will be glad to assist you in creating a custom-designed safari that will fit your interests. To inquire for a custom made holiday in Rwanda please proceed and fill in our simple booking form.

Rwanda Mountain Gorillas – Quick Facts

Rwanda is home to nearly half of the remaining mountain gorillas in the world. with only about 720 mountain gorillas thriving in the forests of Uganda, Rwanda and congo, trekking the mountain gorillas is one of the most unique wildlife encounters, one can have on this earth! Trekking amongst the mountain gorillas of Rwanda is a heartwarming and memorable life changing experience – one of the richest and exciting experiences on earth. Each visit immerses you in the gorilla’s kingdom, surrounding you with fantastic views of bamboo forests, lush jungle and the exotic sounds of turaco bird calls and the chatter of golden monkeys. Rwanda Gorilla Trekking is a worthwhile adventure and Africa’s indisputable safari highlight.

The lush and forested slopes form a dramatic natural setting for your face-to-face encounter with the gorillas. Trekking with these gentle giants through the damp, misty undergrowth gives you the adventurous experience of the first explorers. And standing amongst them as they eat, play, groom and rest – acting in every way like our own families – will take your breath away and leave you smiling for ages. Meeting mountain gorillas in their misty natural habitat, where the courageous and famous American primatologist Diane Fossey lived, died and was buried while protecting them, is a privilege one shouldn’t miss in life. As Sir David Attenborough said, “There is more meaning and understanding in exchanging a glance with a gorilla than any other animal I know.” See our packaged gorilla tours or customize your gorilla tour in Rwanda.

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    Randonnée et balade. Randonnée muletière. Randonnées croisières (bateau, kayak, voilier, caïque) Rencontre des peuples. Sentiers sacrés. Terres polaires / raid nordique. Trekking. Volcan. Comparez nos différentes offres de trek Rwanda et comparez les circuits, voyages et randonnées Rwanda avec le comparateur de trek

  22. About

    Experience Rwanda and surrender to immersive African travel. We are Travelers and Trekkers in Rwanda. We are also first class guides and hosts. Experience Rwanda and surrender to immersive African travel. top of page. Forum Login. 0. Home. About. Book Your Trip. Gift Shop. Trek Forum. Trek Magazine. Kimironko Fashion. Urban Wear. Gallery.

  23. Rwanda Gorilla Treks

    Rwanda Gorilla Trekking is a worthwhile adventure and Africa's indisputable safari highlight. The lush and forested slopes form a dramatic natural setting for your face-to-face encounter with the gorillas. Trekking with these gentle giants through the damp, misty undergrowth gives you the adventurous experience of the first explorers.