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Découverte Asie Bali

À la découverte de Bali

Aussi connue sous le nom de « l’île des dieux », Bali est un véritable paradis au beau milieu de l’archipel indonésien. Avec ses quelque 5 637 km 2   et ses 3 millions d’habitants, Bali est située entre les îles de Java et de Lombok. L’île est caractérisée par ses paysages d’une beauté remarquable, un climat agréable et une culture d’une originalité sans borne. 

➡  Découvrez Bali en voyage de groupe organisé et accompagné

Homme en tenue traditionnelle devant un temple à Bali

Un peuple et une culture authentique

Les cérémonies religieuses à Bali sont des événements vibrants et empreints de spiritualité qui jouent un rôle central dans la vie des Balinais. En effet, la culture balinaise est profondément ancrée dans les pratiques religieuses hindouistes. Les cérémonies, qui ont lieu fréquemment, sont orchestrées avec soin et dévotion par les communautés locales. Les temples, appelés "pura", sont les lieux sacrés où se déroulent ces célébrations. Les Balinais se rassemblent vêtus de leurs plus beaux habits traditionnels, portant des offrandes colorées et des instruments de musique traditionnels. Les rituels sont menés par des prêtres qui récitent des prières, allument des encens et effectuent des gestes symboliques. Les sons envoûtants des cloches et des gamelans, ainsi que les danses gracieuses exécutées par les danseurs traditionnels, créent une atmosphère magique et sacrée. Les cérémonies religieuses à Bali sont un témoignage de l'engagement profond des Balinais envers leur foi, ainsi qu'une occasion de renforcer les liens communautaires et de célébrer leur identité culturelle unique.

Rizière verdoyante sur l'île de Bali

La diversité de ses villes et régions

Signifiant « à l'est du marché », Denpasar est devenue la capitale de l'île de Bali en 1958. La ville présente un mélange entre l'architecture traditionnelle et contemporaine. Elle abrite des marchés animés, comme le marche de Pasar Badung, où les visiteurs peuvent découvrir l'artisanat local, des textiles colorés et des produits frais. Denpasar offre également des temples magnifiques, tels que le Pura Jagatnatha, qui est dédié à Sanghyang Widi Wasa, le Dieu suprême balinais.

Située au centre de l'île, Ubud est considérée comme le centre culturel et touristique de Bali. Nichée au cœur des rizières en terrasses, la ville vous permettra de découvrir les nombreux musées, les galeries d'art et les spectacles de danse traditionnelle balinaise. Ubud abrite également des spas réputés pour leurs traitements de bien-être et leurs retraites de yoga. Car Ubud est également un haut lieu de la gastrinomie, les amateurs de cuisine seront ravis de trouver une variété de restaurants offrant une cuisine balinaise authentique !

Puis, c'est à Tegallalang que vous trouverez les plus belles rizières en terrasse de toute l'île de Bali ! Ces paysages pittoresques offrent une vue imprenable sur les vallées verdoyantes et les rizières en escalier. En explorant Tegallalang, vous aurez également l'occasion de rencontrer des artisans locaux spécialisés dans la sculpture sur bois et la fabrication d'objets d'art traditionnels balinais.

Enfin, située dans la portion centrale de l'île, Bedugul se trouve dans une région montagneuse où la culture maraîchère est prépondérante. Elle est célèbre pour ses lacs d'eau turquoise, tels que le lac Bratan, qui abrite le temple Ulun Danu. Ce temple est dédié à la déesse des eaux et est considéré comme l'un des symboles les plus emblématiques de Bali. Bedugul est également réputée pour son climat frais et agréable, ce qui en fait un lieu de retraite apprécié des habitants de l'île et des touristes en quête de tranquillité.

Groupe de canards à Bali

Une faune et une flore impressionnantes

L'île de Bali regorge de paysages aussi spectaculaires que variés. À chaque étape de votre voyage, vous serez émerveillé par les panoramas qui s'offrent à vous. Que vous recherchiez des plages de sable blanc, des rizières en terrasses pittoresques, des volcans majestueux ou des temples sacrés, Bali a tout pour combler vos attentes.

À Singapadu, le Bali Bird Park renferme des milliers d'oiseaux de 250 espèces différentes, provenant de toutes les parties du globe. Entouré de 2 000 plantes tropicales, le parc abrite également des papillons, des cascades et des étangs de lotus, créant ainsi un environnement enchanteur pour les visiteurs.

Sur la route d'Ubud, Tegallalang est remarquable grâce à ses rizières en terrasses étagées à perte de vue. Offrant un camaïeu de verts spectaculaire, ces rizières sont considérées comme les plus impressionnantes de toute l'île de Bali. Les visiteurs peuvent se promener au milieu des rizières, admirer le travail des agriculteurs locaux et profiter de la sérénité de ce paysage agricole unique.

Sebatu est un autre lieu qui ne manque pas de surprendre avec ses eaux thermales sacrées, ses fontaines et son temple, Gunung Kawi, également connu sous le nom de "montagne des poèmes". Niché dans une gorge encaissée, ce temple présente des monuments funéraires taillés et sculptés à sa base, abritant les restes des membres de la famille royale balinaise qui régnaient au 11e siècle. La visite de Sebatu offre une expérience spirituelle et culturelle captivante.

Kintamani, quant à lui, est un bourg offrant une vue exceptionnelle sur le mont Agung, qui culmine à 3 142 mètres et est le point le plus élevé de Bali. La région abrite également le volcan Batur, avec son lac formé à l'intérieur de l'ancien cratère. Les paysages panoramiques de Kintamani sont à couper le souffle et offrent aux visiteurs une occasion unique d'admirer la beauté volcanique de Bali.

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Découverte , Asie , Bali

La rédaction du Blogue du voyageur

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L'équipe du Blogue du voyageur est composée de passionnés de voyage qui ont à cœur de vous partager leurs plus belles découvertes, leurs précieux conseils et leurs suggestions d'activités pour une panoplie de destinations des quatre coins du monde.

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20 jours - À partir de 9999$

Croisière accompagnée L’Indonésie, la Malaisie & la Thaïlande au départ de Bali

Incluant un court séjour à Bali et 1 nuitée à Singapour

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Votre itinéraire

Description du navire

voyage traditours bali

Celebrity Cruises

Celebrity Millennium

Comment appelleriez-vous un lieu réunissant des restaurants de première qualité, des spectacles dignes de Broadway, un spa luxueux et des services comparables à ceux du meilleur hôtel? Ce lieu est le navire Celebrity Millennium. Promenez-vous sur ses ponts et découvrez de vos propres yeux ce que d'autres savent déjà: il est plus qu'un navire, c'est un souvenir spécial qui restera gravé à jamais. Inauguré en 2000 - Rénové en 2019 - Capacité : 2218 passagers - Tonnage : 90 940

Jours 1 et 2 | 21 et 22 janvier — Départ de Montréal

Rencontre avec notre accompagnateur Traditours à l’aéroport de Montréal. Assistance aux formalités d’enregistrement et envol à destination de Denpasar.

voyage traditours bali

Jour 3 | 23 janvier — Denpasar, Indonésie

Arrivée, transfert à Nusa Dua et installation à l’hôtel. Souper. Nuitée.

voyage traditours bali

Jour 4 | 24 janvier — Nusa Dua, Indonésie

Déjeuner. Journée libre afin de se détendre au bord de la plage ou de profiter des installations et des activités de l’hôtel. Dîner et souper à l’hôtel. Nuitée.

voyage traditours bali

Jour 5 | 25 janvier — Nusa Dua, Indonésie

Déjeuner. Départ pour le tour de ville de Denpasar. Visite du musée de Bajra Sandi qui nous donnera l'occasion de mieux connaître l'histoire balinaise. Nous poursuivrons par la visite du marché traditionnel de Pasar Badung, endroit propice pour vivre l'ambiance de la vie quotidienne des habitants de la ville. Dîner. Retour à Nusa Dua afin de profiter de notre après-midi libre. Souper et nuitée.

voyage traditours bali

Jour 6 | 26 janvier — Nusa Dua, Indonésie

Déjeuner à l'hôtel. Matinée libre. Transfert vers le port d’embarquement. Installation dans votre cabine à bord du Celebrity Millennium. Dîner tardif. Le navire appareille à 16 h. 

voyage traditours bali

Jour 7 | 27 janvier — Lombok, Indonésie : 7 h à 21 h

Sur cette île, le temps semble s'être arrêté. Des chutes d'eau tropicales à couper le souffle, comme Tiu Kelep, aux volcans imposants et aux plages de sable couvertes de cocotiers des îles Gili, la nature intacte et les paysages magnifiques abondent. Émerveillez-vous devant la beauté naturelle de Lombok.  

Jour 8 | 28 janvier — Celukan Bawang, Indonésie : 7 h à 16 h 30

Plongez dans les profondes racines culturelles de Bali en visitant l'ancienne capitale historique de Singaraja. L’architecture coloniale hollandaise et la beauté balinaise se mélangent harmonieusement. Vous pourriez découvrir des centaines d'espèces d'oiseaux tropicaux sauvages et de poissons de récif dans le parc national de Bali Ouest. Immergez-vous dans les coutumes et la culture balinaises traditionnelles dans le village de Munduk, entouré de chutes d'eau et de sentiers de montagne. À proximité, vous pourriez vous rendre au temple le plus célèbre de Bali, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, situé dans un lac serein.

voyage traditours bali

Jours 9 et 10 | 29 et 30 janvier — Journées en mer

Profitez des activités et divertissements à bord.

voyage traditours bali

Jour 11 | 31 janvier — Port Klang, Malaisie : 10 h à 20 h

De cet endroit, vous pourrez découvrir la capitale de la Malaisie, Kuala Lampur où l’ancien et le moderne se mélangent harmonieusement. Au centre-ville de Kuala Lumpur, vous pourriez effectuer une promenade dans le parc KLCC admirablement aménagé, apercevoir les fabuleuses tours jumelles Petronas, emblème de la ville, le palais du Roi et la place de l'Indépendance. Vous pourriez choisir de visiter un temple et un sanctuaire hindou, sur le site des sublimes grottes de Batu.

voyage traditours bali

Jours 12 et 13 | 1er et 2 février — Penang, Malaisie : 10 h 30

Inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, Penang est le genre d’endroit qui vous marque avec son atmosphère et son ambiance uniques : un parfait mélange de nature, de culture, d’histoire et de gastronomie. Le navire appareille le 2 février à 22 h. 

voyage traditours bali

Jour 14 | 3 février — Langkawi, Malaisie : 8 h à 19 h

Cette île paradisiaque au nord-ouest de la Malaisie vous accueille avec ses plages de sable blanc et ses spectaculaires chutes d’eau. Vous pourrez également accéder au funiculaire et vous promener sur le Langkawi Sky Bridge.

voyage traditours bali

Jours 15 et 16 | 4 et 5 février — Phuket, Thaïlande : 7 h

La baie de Phang Nga est spectaculaire avec ses îles découpées ayant notamment servi de décor à un film de James Bond. Découvrez-la en choisissant notre excursion optionnelle à bord d’un hors-bord. Vous pourriez également y visiter un village sur pilotis. Le navire appareille le 5 février à 18 h. 

voyage traditours bali

Jour 17 | 6 février — Journée en mer

voyage traditours bali

Jour 18 | 7 février — Singapour

Déjeuner à bord, débarquement et départ pour le tour de ville de Singapour. Cette visite nous permettra de découvrir des lieux grouillants d’activités inspirés d’un riche héritage. Promenade dans le quartier indien et ses rues colorées, arrêt le long de la rivière Singapore et au Merlion suivi de la visite du quartier financier. Dîner. En après-midi, installation à l’hôtel pour une nuit et souper. 

voyage traditours bali

Jour 19 | 8 février — Singapour

Déjeuner à l’hôtel. Matinée et dîner libre. En après-midi, départ pour la visite des magnifiques Gardens by the Bay qui comptent plus de 500 000 plantes provenant de plus de 2 200 espèces. Le Dôme Floral présente une exposition changeante de fleurs et de plantes des régions méditerranéennes et semi-arides. Il se compose de 9 somptueux jardins différents provenant des 6 continents : baobabs et jardin africain, jardins australien, sud-américain, californien et méditerranéen ainsi qu’une oliveraie parmi d’autres merveilles. Après la visite, selon l’horaire de vol, transfert vers l’aéroport et vol de retour vers Montréal.

Jour 20 | 9 février — Arrivée à Montréal

Votre itinéraire en image.

voyage traditours bali

Cabine intérieure à partir de

Cabine vue mer à partir de

Cabine balcon à partir de

Tous les prix indiqués ci-dessus sont « par personne en occupation double » et sujets à disponibilité au moment de la réservation. Autres catégories de cabines disponibles sur demande et selon les disponibilités au moment de la réservation. Un conseiller en voyages communiquera avec vous.

Compensez les émissions de CO2 de ce voyage

L'ensemble de ce voyage équivaut à 3.06 tonnes de CO2 à compenser.

OPTIONNEL : Compenser ce voyage en plantant 15 arbres avec la collaboration de Compensation CO2 Québec

voyage traditours bali

Inclusions et exclusions

  • Les vols de Montréal — Denpasar et Singapour — Montréal
  • 3 nuits en hôtel 4 étoiles avec déjeuners, dîners et soupers à Nusa Dua 
  • La croisière ainsi que ses repas et ses activités à bord
  • Forfait boissons classique (alcoolisées et non-alcoolisées) à bord*
  • Internet SURF illimité à bord*
  • 1 nuit en hôtel 4 étoiles avec déjeuner et tour de ville à Singapour
  • Tous les transferts
  • Toutes les taxes
  • Les services d’un accompagnateur francophone (minimum 12 participants)
  • Le fonds d’indemnisation OPC

Les plus Traditours

Une POCHETTE souvenir personnalisée (par couple ou par participant voyageant seul).

Le SOUVENIR d'un voyage inoubliable au cœur des traditions!

Les TRANSFERTS en autobus de Québec.

Une OFFRE spéciale hôtel aéroport de Montréal et stationnement.

La possibilité de compenser les émissions de CO2 de nos voyages en plantant des arbres.

Programme de reconnaissance Passeport Fidéli-T

  • Les frais de passeport et de visa éventuels
  • Les frais de bagages éventuels des compagnies aériennes
  • Les dépenses personnelles
  • Les assurances
  • Les visites et excursions optionnelles
  • Les pourboires aux guides, aux chauffeurs et aux accompagnateurs
  • Les pourboires du navire
  • Certains repas et boissons hors croisière

Les coups de coeur Voyages Traditours inclus:

voyage traditours bali

Lancement : Croisières maritimes en Asie

samedi 25 mai 2024 | 13:00

Québec - Hôtel Universel Québec Sainte-Foy

voyage traditours bali

dimanche 26 mai 2024 | 13:00

Drummondville - Hôtel & Suites Le Dauphin

voyage traditours bali

mercredi 29 mai 2024 | 13:00

Brossard - Quartier Dix30, Hôtel Alt

voyage traditours bali

vendredi 31 mai 2024 | 13:00

Laval - Centre de congrès Palace

voyage traditours bali

samedi 1 juin 2024 | 13:00

Gatineau - Hôtel V

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Consultez les avis et commentaires de nos récents voyageurs.

Nous voyageons depuis 1977 et les croisières sont arrivées dans notre parcours un peu par accident en 2009 alors que nous avons accompagné des amis en voyage de noces qui avaient réservés une croisière en Méditerranée. Au retour, séduits par les plaisirs et avantages de ce mode de voyage, nous sommes allés che... Lire la suite

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voyage traditours bali

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Bali Tours & Vacations

Tourists with their guide at a temple in Bali

There are 17,000 islands in the Indonesian archipelago, but none shine brighter than Bali. 

See the green slopes of Mt Batur to the Bintang bodegas on Seminyak’s main party strip. Bali is a volcano-dotted, beach-fringed paradise that’s serene and sensational by turns. Beyond the mega-resorts and yoga studios, you'll find the essence of Bali, the temples, out-of-the-way mountain towns, local markets and lazy fishing villages. Our Bali tours have something for everyone. Dive the impossibly blue waters off Lovina. Be welcomed into a Balinese family home. Soak in the Banja hot springs or sip smoothies in Ubud’s cafes . As always, when it comes to paradise, the hardest bit is choosing what to do first. 

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Beautiful Bali

Jakarta to Ubud

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Bali in your belly: our ultimate Bali food guide

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5 reasons why it’s worth exploring Indonesia beyond Bali

Travelling to Ubud? Here’s where to yoga, eat and explore

Bali at a glance

Capital city.

Denpasar (population 789,000)

4.2 million

(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta



Type C (European 2-pin) Type F (German 2-pin, side clip earth) Type G (Irish/British 3-pin)

Learn more about Bali

Local culture.

Between the 12th and 20th centuries, Bali has often been treated as a pawn in the games of kings, rajahs and generals. More often than not, its fate has been closely tied to neighboring Lombok with fierce battles between the two islands over the centuries as different rulers vied for regional dominance. This history of varied occupation can be seen in Bali today, with elements of Hinduism and Islam present in modern Balinese society. However, there is no historical animosity between the religions, or even between the islands of Lombok and Bali.

One of the defining moments in Bali’s history took place in the 16th century when the collapse of the Majapahit dynasty encouraged the spread of Islam from the surrounding states into the Javanese kingdom. Rather than live under Islamic rule, many Hindu elites chose to escape to Bali. These elites included many artists, dancers, musicians, actors and court-supported artisans, as well as some more artistically inclined priests. The result was an intense proliferation of cultural arts across Bali, no doubt inspired by rich Balinese folklore featuring epic battles of good and evil, gods and mortals. This reputation persists today, with many travelers falling in love with the island’s intricate temple carvings, dance performances, colorful sarongs and handicrafts.

When you combine a love of arts with world-class beaches and deliciously fiery sambals, it’s no surprise Bali’s tourism industry is soaring. It’s not unusual for someone to ask you whether this is your second, third or fourth visit to the island. Many locals rely on tourism to some extent, either by working as tour operators or running hotels, yoga studios, massage parlors, bars, cafes or restaurants.

The destination’s popularity with  Australians  means there’s a gradual cultural creep in larger cities like Seminyak, where Melbourne-style cafes and international clothing labels are particularly popular. If you escape the resorts and head further north from Denpasar, you’re more likely to encounter traditional warungs (eateries) and villages untouched by tourism sprawl.

One last word of advice: always watch where you put your feet. Locals will traditionally place small offerings on the footpaths outside their homes or businesses up to three times a day. 83.5% of the population identifies as Hindu and religion plays a large part in Balinese life. In fact, there is a small religious ceremony associated with just about every aspect of Balinese culture, whether it’s the beginning of a soccer game, celebrating the full moon or cleaning the house.

Food and drink

At first glance it might seem difficult to pinpoint Bali’s exact culinary identity. The mishmash of Indonesian and pan-Asian influences means you’re likely to come across menus that sometimes feel part Thai, Malaysian, Indian and Vietnamese. But no matter what you order, the food will always be fresh and bursting with flavor. Dishes are typically made fresh each day, with curries and pastes prepared by hand using traditional methods.

The most authentic food in Bali is usually found streetside at eateries called warungs. Warungs are common in every village and city, and a good place for a quick feed on a budget. Many will specialize in a small menu of popular local dishes.

Top foods to try in Bali

Babi guling:  This is slow cooking Balinese-style. A whole pig is stuffed with chilli, turmeric, ginger, galangal, shallots, garlic, coriander seeds and aromatic leaves and rotated over an open fire. This dish is commonly seen at celebrations.

Satay:  Sometimes spelt ‘sate’ on local menus, Indonesia is famous for its tasty meat skewers (usually chicken) cooked over hot coals and slathered in moreish peanut sauce.

Nasi campur:  Nasi campur feels like a bit of a buffet. Your plate typically comes with a scoop of nasi putih accompanied by small portions of a number of other dishes, including meats, vegetables, peanuts, eggs, and fried-shrimp krupuk.

Nasi goreng:  The old favorite among tertiary students is nothing like the local version. Nasi goreng, literally meaning "fried rice”, is a popular rice dish with pieces of meat and vegetables, and a fried egg added on top.

Sambal:  A fiery paste made using a chili base smashed with secondary ingredients like shrimp paste, fish sauce, garlic, ginger, shallot, scallion, palm sugar, lime juice, and rice vinegar.

Learn more about some of the dishes to try in Bali

Eating vegetarian in Bali

Going vegetarian is relatively easy in Bali as many dishes are already meat-free. Tofu and tempeh are also a standard part of the local diet. Key vegetarian dishes to look out for include nasi saur (rice flavored with toasted coconut and accompanied by tofu, tempeh, vegetables and sometimes egg), urap (steamed vegetables mixed with grated coconut and spices), gado gado (tofu and tempeh mixed with steamed vegetables, boiled egg and peanut sauce) and sayur hijau (leafy green vegetables, usually kangkung – water spinach – flavored with a tomato-chilli sauce).

The abundance of fresh fruits in Bali means you can buy fresh coconuts and juices (or fruity cocktails) almost anywhere you go. If you're looking for something with a bit more punch then you could order a Bintang, the national larger or maybe arak – a local liquor made from fermented rice and coconut palm flowers.

Learn more about local drinks to try in Bali

Festivals and events

Many festivals in the Balinese calendar revolve around religious and spiritual occasions marked by periods of prayer or silence, and followed by lots of festivities and feasting. Some festivals might be inconvenient for travelers, such as the Day of Silence, but they’re also a great opportunity to gain an insight into local life that many don’t get to see.

Multiple surf contests are held throughout the year at different times and in different places. Check with local surfing schools for up to date information.

Top festivals in Bali

Nyepi (Day of Silence):  Bali’s major Hindu festival, Nyepi, or the Day of Silence, celebrates the beginning of a new year and is marked by inactivity. Legends say that this is a strategy to convince evil spirits that Bali is uninhabited and therefore not worthy of visiting! Jokes on them. The day involves prayer, meditation and quiet reflection.

Bali Arts Festival:  For an island with a strong history of cultural arts, it’s no surprise the Bali Arts Festival has pride of place in the annual calendar. Based at the Taman Wedhi Budaya arts center in Denpasar, travelers can see village-based dance groups competing for local pride across several traditional dance categories. The date changes each year but is typically held between mid-June to mid-July.

Bali Kite Festival:  From July to October, the skies of southern Bali fill with huge, colorful monsters, critters and imaginative creations. Scores of kites are launched by the locals as part of this special spiritual event. It is believed the kites urge the gods to provide abundant harvests.

Indonesian Independence Day:  Held on 17 August each year, this day celebrates Indonesia's independence from the Dutch in 1945. Expect to see legions of marching school children, flags, kites and fireworks. Don’t expect to get anywhere quickly either on the day or the days leading up to it.

Galungan and Kuningan:  Galungan celebrates the death of a legendary tyrant called Mayadenawa. The celebrations come to a head with the Kuningan festival, which is when the Balinese say thanks and goodbye to the gods. The exact dates of these two festivals vary as they are planned using the 210-day wuku (or Pawukon) calendar.

Learn more about Bali's festivals

Geography and environment

Bali is undoubtedly Indonesia’s most popular province thanks to its abundance of beautiful beaches, leafy jungles and impressive mountains. Located just east of Java and west of Lombok, the Bali province includes not only the island of Bali but also a few of the smaller neighboring islands, such as Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan.

Bali's highest mountain is Mt Agung (3,031 m, 9,944 ft), which is also known as the "Mother Mountain”. One of the other popular volcanoes on the island is Mt Batur. Both of these volcanoes have contributed to Bali’s incredibly fertile soil, which has allowed the rice crop trade to flourish.

Bali is located just 8 degrees south of the equator, which means it enjoys a fairly even climate year-round. The average year-round temperature hovers around 86°F, with a humidity level of about 85%. It's also surrounded by coral reefs and is part of the Coral Triangle, an area with the highest biodiversity of marine species. Over 500 reef-building coral species can be found here, which is seven times the entire Caribbean.

Bali’s problems with environmental pollution are well-documented, and it’s fair to say that the nearly 5.7 million tourists who visit annually are contributing their fair share. In late 2017, Indonesian officials declared a “garbage emergency” after a tide of plastic washed up a 5.8 kilometer (3.6 mile) stretch of coastline. We encourage all travelers to carry a reusable plastic bottle with them, a reusable tote bag for carrying items and to try and minimize their use of plastics wherever possible.

While you’ll find many of the main tourism hubs, like Seminyak and Kuta, filled with international fashion labels, there are also many local boutiques offering a wide variety of hand-made goods. These include traditional wood carvings (and even some famously phallic bottle openers), silver jewelry, colorful sarongs, eco-friendly bags, bamboo satchels, recycled furniture and a near limitless range of body oils and fragrances. Of course, if you’re looking for a traditional ‘I Heart Bali’ t-shirt or Bintang singlet, these are never in short supply either.

Like many parts of South East Asia, bargaining is a big part of the local shopping experience. Getting a good price comes down to how well you can haggle, but it’s important to have fun, bargain in good faith, and remember to smile. You’ll usually find better prices, and more negotiable shop owners, away from the main tourist strips.

Health & safety

Intrepid Travel treats the health and safety of its travelers seriously and takes every measure to ensure that trips are safe, fun and enjoyable for everyone. We recommend that all travelers check with their government or national travel advisory organization for the latest information before departure:

From Australia? Go to:  SmartTraveller

From Canada? Go to:  Travel.GC.CA

From the UK? Go to:  GOV.UK

From New Zealand? Go to:  SafeTravel.GOVT.NZ

From the USA? Go to:  Travel.State.GOV

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information. Go to:  WHO.INT

Further reading

Bali travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

When is the best time to visit Bali?

Sitting a snug 8 degrees from the equator, Bali’s climate is classic tropics. There’s a dry season and a rainy season, and not a whole lot in between.

The best time for a Bali tour (weather-wise) is the July to August peak season, or from December to the first week of January.

Although if you’d like to avoid the crowds (and why wouldn’t you) shoulder months like April, May, June and September make an excellent alternative.

The weather is dry and slightly less humid, and the island in general is a lot more relaxed.

October isn’t too bad either, especially if you’re into water sports like scuba diving, surfing or snorkeling (the rainfall is much lighter than in November).

Do you need a visa for a Bali tour?

The short answer is maybe – depending on your nationality. Passport holders from over 60 countries (including the   UK ,   Australia   and the   United States ) can enter Indonesia with a free tourist visa on arrival which allows you to stay for 30 days for tourism purposes. An immigration officer will date stamp your passport when you arrive and you will not be able to extend your stay. If you overstay there are hefty fines of IDR 1,000,000 (approximately 70 USD) per day.

If there's a chance you might want to stay longer than 30 days, you'll need to pay for a visa on arrival or apply for one prior to traveling at an overseas Indonesian consulate or embassy.

To enter Bali, you’ll need to meet the following requirements:

  • proof of onward or return ticket
  • proof of funds to pay for your expenses during your trip
  • completed immigration card (this will usually be given to you on the plane or at the arrival terminal)

Local laws require that you must be able to show your valid passport at any time when required to do so by an immigration office. We recommend taking a clear photocopy of your passport photo page, and visa (after arriving), to carry with you.

This page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 27 June 2023 

Should I tip on a Bali tour?

Tipping isn’t compulsory in Bali, or anywhere else in Indonesia. But, like most countries, it’s very much appreciated.

Remember that many Balinese rely on tourism as a main source of income, and a tip is always appreciated.

What is the internet access like in Bali?

In tourist centers like Kuta, Seminyak, Denpasar, and Lovina internet access should be fine, and there will be plenty of internet cafes (or cafes with free internet) to choose from if your Wi-Fi isn’t up to scratch.

In more rural areas, there could be little or no coverage, particularly during homestays. Just remember to plan ahead. 

What are the toilets like in Bali?

Restaurants and hotels in developed tourist centers will have Western-style flush toilets.

In more rural areas the traditional squat toilet will be more common.

We recommend packing a bottle of hand sanitizer if you plan to visit rural parts of Bali.

Can I drink the water on a Bali tour?

Drinking water from taps isn’t recommended in Indonesia, but for environmental reasons try to avoid buying bottled water every day. There are a number of filtered canteens you can purchase or bring a supply of water filtration tablets that you can drop into your bottle wherever you go.

If you’re traveling on an Intrepid Travel trip, we always carry with us a large drum of water in our truck to refill your bottles on the road. Our hotel operators will also provide water free of charge to refill your bottles.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Bali?

Major credit cards are widely accepted by large shops, hotels and restaurants in Bali.

T hey may not be accepted by smaller vendors such as small family restaurants, market stalls or in remote towns and rural areas.

Make sure you carry enough cash for purchases since credit cards aren't always an option everywhere in Bali.

What is ATM access like in Indonesia?

ATMs are found widely throughout Bali, so withdrawing cash shouldn't be problematic in most areas. Some smaller villages and rural areas may not have ATM access, so be prepared for this before venturing too far from a city or major town.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

Are Intrepid trips accessible for travelers with disabilities?

We are committed to making travel widely  accessible , regardless of ability or disability. We do our best to help you see the world, regardless of physical or mental limitations. 

We are always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them toward the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Is Bali safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

Homosexuality is legal in most of Indonesia, however, revisions to Indonesia’s criminal code are currently being considered that would criminalize gay sex and same-sex relationships. Advocacy groups fear this would represent a profound setback to human rights in Indonesia as a result. The LGBTQIA+ community has also been known to be targeted and harassed by police.

Bali, with its Hindu majority, has always been more liberal, tolerant and relaxed in attitude, however, public displays of affection are still not the norm for any couples anywhere in the country. Upscale hotels will likely not have any issues with same-sex travelers sharing a bed, however, if you are staying in budget or family-run businesses and are allocated separate beds, you might feel more comfortable not drawing attention to your relationship. 

Because sex, in general, is a taboo subject in Indonesian society, the issue of sexuality is unlikely to arise while traveling here. Indonesia is generally safe for LGBTQIA+ travelers, provided you are willing to be discreet and cautious with public behavior.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  ILGA  before you travel. 

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Many come to Bali in search of something more: the mystical, the lush, the indescribable. Pulled in by the Balinese traditions, pristine beaches and thick jungles, people come to Bali to rejuvenate and tune back in to a simpler way of life.

sarah miller

A life of balance, a life of community, a life where joy seems to be the single priority for many of the locals in Bali. 

First time and veteran visitors alike come to Bali to experience and be a part of:

  • Processions and purifications
  • Temple festivals and timeless rituals to deities and spirits
  • Trance dances of the Gods
  • Mountainous offerings of fruit, incense and holy water
  • The gotong royong - the mutual cooperation that occurs in village communal life
  • The splendor of the dance and music, intricate paintings and woodcarvings
  • The Balinese sense of balance as manifested in their temple, village and house compound structure
  • Tranquil spots in nature filled with serenity
  • The beauty of terraced rice fields and majestic volcanoes

Over the last decade, tourism in Bali has grown tremendously. This has had some positive impacts so you can find Western conveniences in the Urban town centers like Ubud, Seminyak, Denpasar and Kuta. However, it has also made getting to see the real Bali a little bit more challenging.

The small and authentic jungle adventures with just you and the locals aren’t as readily accessible nowadays. If they do not use large scale advertising and often they won’t have a website, they are still there, just harder to find. You will have to ask around and connect with a few locals to find the smaller off the beaten track tours.

The Balinese love to put on a show, especially when it involves sharing their country and traditions, and if you make a local friend or two while you’re in Bali, you’ll be guided exactly to where you wanted to go (intentionally or unintentionally!).  

Below we have connected you with our favorite local guides and Bali tours that will lead you on an incredibly intimate and unforgettable Bali experience.

Sepeda bali -.

Sepeda means “bike” in Balinese, and local twins Wayan and Ketut Kembar will take on you the biking tour of your dreams!

Guided by their warm smiles and cheeky personalities, the Kembar twins offer you a unique cultural experience through their full day cycling excursion. The twins cycle you along a little known bike path that winds through exotic jungle rarely seen by tourists, extensive rice fields, and incredible views of Mt. Batur. Along the way, you will stop for sampling of local fruits fresh from the tree, views of Balinese herbs and coffee plantations. For lunch, you will make a stop at the Twin’s family compound in Klungkung village where you will be served a traditional Balinese gourmet meal. And you’ll end your trip together with a stop at the white sand beach for swimming just before going back to your hotel.

voyage traditours bali

Sepeda Tour Packages:

1. Kampung Bali Adventure

  • Pick-up from your hotel
  • Rice Terrace
  • Herb and Coffee Testing
  • Volcanic Mt. Batur
  • Village Ride
  • Lunch at Balinese Family Compound
  • White Sand Beach
  • Off to Home

Price : IDR 600,000/pax (admission fees, drinks, lunch, well-maintained bike, gloves, helmet, and DVD of your cycling tour included)

2. Secret Jungle Adventure (advanced fitness required)

  • Visit & Pray at The Temple
  • Jungle Ride
  • Lunch & Swim at the White Sand Beach

Price : IDR 800,000/pax (admission fees, drinks, lunch, well-maintained bike, gloves, helmet, and DVD of your cycling tour included)

Discounts are available for group of 4 or more.

22 days 200-hour yin & yang yoga teacher training

Sepeda’s Project Cycling Recycling:

In addition to hosting incredible tours, Sepeda Bali has a non-profit project called Cycling Recycling. The twins use the profits from their Bali tours to give back to the beautiful mother-earth they tour every day. They devote themselves to collecting and recycling items along their treks, villages, and the beach. By taking a cycling tour, you help the Twins educate the local villagers (from youngsters to elders) and contribute to cleaner Bali.

If you are interested in joining for a Cycling Recycling trek, pick-up Areas & Times are listed below:

  • Nusa Dua, Bukit : 7:00 AM
  • Kuta,Seminyak, Changgu : 7:00 AM
  • Sanur : 7:30 AM
  • Ubud: 8:00 AM

To book your tour:

Email : [email protected] / [email protected]

Phone : 081236783259 / 0818566743

Skype : wayan.kembar

Website : www.sepedabali.com

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Bali Experience - 10 Day Trip

Explore 3 regions incredible regions in 10 days.

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The best way to explore Bali!

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Is this trip going to blow your socks off? You better Bali-eve it. We’d start by asking you whether you’re ready for a mindblowing 10-day tour where we'll explore three awesome destinations across Bali and the Gili Islands, but that’d be a stupid question. Of course, you are. This is the perfect intro to a gap year, or if you are looking to find your feet in Indonesia this is the tour for you! Imagine landing in Canggu for 10 incredible days of stunning temples, flowing waterfalls, and insane beaches too! Your guide will show you the highlights of Canggu, Ubud and Gili T and of course being locals they'll introduce you to the hidden gems too!

Tour Rating

Here at Tru our 'People and Planet Promise' is crucial to designing and running every tour. We also want to be transparent about what we are doing to give back to the local communities and the planet too! Check out the measurements of sustainability below to find out more about how we are giving back.

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What's Included

  • Airport Pickup
  • Travel Ninja
  • Accommodation
  • tru Exclusives

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Girl on Bali swing surrounded with jungles and rices terraces

Bali Experience 10 Days

Canggu - gili trawangan.

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Bucket List

Girl on Bali swing surrounded with jungles and rices terraces

airport pick up

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The time has come for your trip of a lifetime to begin! Pack your bags, get a pint (what do you mean it’s only 8 am?), hop on a plane and we’ll meet you at Denpasar airport, before taking you to meet the rest of your TruFam at our hotel in Canggu. Your welcome talk with our Travel Ninjas will become a highlight in itself as you’ll be meeting your coolest friends for life and hearing all about the insane stuff to come over the next 10 days. Then spend the rest of the day relaxing by the pool, popping to the beach or exploring Canggu, before a rooftop dinner and drinks to get acquainted with your new TruFam as your Balian adventure begins. We'll start off with a traditional Indonesian to wet your appetite for all things Nasi Goreng and Sambal! Then we'll kick off with a great night out - for those of us that aren't suffering from jet lag of course...The bars in Canggu are located right next to the beach so get ready for a dreamy night by the sea, soaking in all the vibes - start as we mean to go on right?

temple visits

A group at the temple Taman Ayun in Bali Indonesia

So, what better introduction to Bali's rich culture than heading to two of it’s most famous temples. First we'll make our way to the Royal Temple of Taman Ayun, which translates as ‘beautiful garden’. D’you know why? Well, yeah, obviously it’s a beautiful garden; a garden filled with fantastic architecture, fish-filled ponds, and lush greenery. We'll then head over to Tanah Lot, set on a rock formation in the sea, which, let us tell you now, is a (Tanah) Lot of fun to explore! Exploring the temples is a perfect way to spend our first day in Canggu, the culture in Bali is such an amazing part of Indonesia and we can't wait to explore with you. In the evening we'll take in the spectacular sunset on one of the area’s most picturesque beaches, before a big night out in Canggu, a place where, if you’re looking to party, you’ll thank us. Bring on the joss shots!

Large group  wearing blue wet suits with blue surf boards on sandy beach with sea in the background

Surf’s up, dudes. Grab your board, hit the beach and let’s catch some bitchin’ waves (surf slang for amazing). That’s right, it’s time for your very own surf lesson on Kuta Beach, one of the best places to surf in Asia. Our excellent local Kuta instructors will teach you the basics and show you how to make some cool moves in the waves. When we say cool we mean we’ll be well impressed if you can stand up for longer than 5 seconds, but you never know. Maybe you’ll be a natural. For those of you that are more experienced you're free to jump into the waves and practise some more, just promise not to show off! After a day on the water, we’ll head back to chill out at the rooftop pool or have a stroll on the beach, your guide will have so many ideas for your afternoon! Then we'll watch the sunset, cocktail in hand, recounting the day’s surfing stories, like when you did that 360 when no one was looking. Course you did.

ubud waterfalls

A group shot by Tegenungan waterfall in Indonesia

Right, pack your bags. We’re off to the bohemian jungle town of Ubud. Ubud doesn’t need much of an introduction; it's full of famed terraced rice paddies, temples, shrines and, of course, monkeys. Before we get there though, we’ll stop to cool off in the most famous waterfall you’ve never (if you have, 5 points to Gryffindor) heard of, the beautiful Tegenungan waterfall. Optional activities, including taking one of those ridiculous pics of you emerging from the water, flicking your hair back for Insta. Once we’ve checked into the hotel, you'll have a bit of time to look around the town, take in the sites, chat to the lovely locals and have a nibble on some Ubud delicacies. After we've freshened up, we'll head out to one of Bali’s coolest live music destinations, play some pool and get your guide to show you the coconut ice cream parlour in Ubud - it's not one to miss!

cooking class & monkey forest

voyage traditours bali

Gordon Ramsay? Jamie Oliver? Heston Blumen-whatshisface? Yeah, they ain’t got sh*t on you after today, a traditional Indonesian cooking lesson is on the horizon. We’ll start the day by having a bit of brekkie, before heading down to the markets to have a peek at the freshest ingredients Bali has to offer. Then we’ll join the amazing Wayan and his fam (part of our TruFam) to learn how to rustle up some of Bali’s most famous cuisine, as well as Canang Sari, the flower offerings made for the God. And the best part? You’ll get to tuck into the delicious dishes you’ve just made. Then, with our bellies popping with scrummy Balinesian grub, we’ll head and meet some of Ubud’s cheekiest locals at the sacred monkey forest, where it is believed the hundreds of monkeys that live there protect the ancient temples inside. That protection also means they’ll nick whatever you have to hand so that Micheal Kors bag? Yeah, we’d advise not bringing that. The Balinese long-tailed monkeys are big fans of designer brands, smartphones, Raybans and AirPods. After a day with these literal cheeky monkeys, it’s time to head back for dinner with your TruFam where you can eat, drink, monkey around and count up all the unforgettable memories you’ve made so far. Might be a late one.

rice terraces & volcano viewpoint

A girl sat admiring the luscious green rice terraces in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Did you know half the world’s population’s daily diet is 20% rice? No? Well, now, you do. Get ready for one of the most exciting (and famous) things to do in Bali - wandering through the impossibly beautiful and scenic rice terraces of Tegalalang. Trek through Ubud valleys, snap an Insta-worthy pic on one of the many swings (please keep your arms inside the vehicle), and take a swig from a fresh coconut, all the while learning the importance of those little grains in the Balinese, and world economy. This afternoon we'll visit Kintamani for a spot of lunch overlooking the active volcano Mt. Batur. It is mesmerising and the perfect photo opportunity - this day has to make it on the feed! We’ll then head back to either top up your tan by the pool, pick up some souvenirs at the colourful and vibrant local market, or have a pilau fight with your Tru buds (see what we did there).

head to the gili islands

voyage traditours bali

Right. We’ve done the temples. Done the rice paddies. It’s about time we hit up Bali’s famous beaches, don’t you think? Grab your snacks because today we’re jumping on a bus, before riding a ferry over to the stunning Gili Trawangan, an island that might be small in size, but that’s big in ‘Holy sh*t, this is amazing'. First, we’ll check in to our tropical accommodation in the heart of the island, where we’ll spend our final few days, before spending the afternoon having a beer, chilling by the pool, or exploring the many idyllic beaches that are only a stroll away. It is one of the most stunning places in Indonesia and the perfect place to end our trips. Kick back, put your feet up, and paddle in the crystal waters of the Gili Islands before gorging on the mouth-watering food on offer for dinner. Then get your glad rags on (shorts and a semi-clean tee’ll do) as we head out to drink responsibly in the incredible bars this tiny (but mighty) island has to offer. Did we say responsibly? Yeah, course. If you want to. This can be as loose or as civilised as you guys want, this is your Tru party after all.

island hopping adventure

A girl swimming with a turtle in the clear blue sea while snorkelling in Gili Trawangan, Bali, Indonesia

They call it ‘island hopping’. We call it getting in a boat, racing along the sapphire waters, feeling the sea breeze in your hair, clearing the hangover in a matter of minutes, and visiting the most stunning places Bali has to offer. We’ll hop around two islands - Gili Trawangan & Gili Meno home to some of the best snorkel spots this incredible place has to offer. You’ll see stunning coral, beautiful fish, turtles and maybe even a shark or two. Once you’ve had a gander at Bali’s incredible sea life, you can enjoy a beachfront lunch on Gili Meno, before we head out this evening to enjoy the stunning sunset and an ice-cold cocktail at some of the best beach bars on the island.

bike ride around gili t

A group of five on bicycles by the beach, ready for a bike ride around the island of Gili Trawangan, Bali, Indonesia

Did you know one of the best ways to explore the Gili islands is by bicycle? Well now you do! Today we’ll explore the island on one of Gili’s only modes of transportation, pushbike. We’ll all cycle around the island, exploring all the nooks and crannies of this unreal place, before taking a small trek up the hill to see the best viewpoint Gili has to offer. (Which is bloody incredible, if we do say so ourselves. Which we do, by the way.) Then you’ll get a chance to enjoy one last sunset with your TruFam as you reminisce about your epic time on the trip over a farewell dinner, before finishing off in Tru style with a little party to celebrate what we guarantee have been the best 10 days of your life. There might be some group awards, emotional speeches and we can guarantee that at least one person will cry...you've explore some of the most beautiful places in the world together and built bonds to last a lifetime, of course it'll be totes emosh!

chilled check out

voyage traditours bali

Ah, mate. Last day. Today you say bye to your Tru Fam, the unbelievable place that is Bali, and to this amazing experience that, let’s be honest, changed your life. Thing is, the fun doesn’t necessarily have to end. Your Travel Ninja is on hand to fly kicking you into your next adventure; whether that be more adventures throughout Indonesia, a trip to another destination, or to bid you farewell on your journey home. It’s been a wild one. Whatever you do, keep in touch, TruFam.

Where does the trip start & Finish?

The trip begins in Canggu but we will pick you up from Denpasar airport and your tour will end in Gili Trawangan.

Which airport do I need to fly into?

You will need to fly into Denpasar international airport (DPS). Please note when booking a return flight on Day 10 that we recommend the earliest you can fly is around 7pm from Denpasar to allow for your journey back from Gili Trawangan.

What is the closest airport to the end destination?

You will need to travel back to Denpasar international airport (DPS). Please note when booking a return flight on Day 10 that we recommend the earliest you can fly is around 7pm from Denpasar to allow for your journey back from Gili Trawangan. change to this: You will need to travel back to Denpasar International Airport (DPS). Please note when booking a return flight on Day 10 that we recommend the earliest you can fly is around 7pm from Denpasar to allow for your journey back from Gili Trawangan due to traffic. The Ferry from Gili Trawangan starts at 9am and takes around 3 hours depending on conditions to Padang Bai, where you can then grab a taxi from the port to the airport.

How do I get back to the start destination and is this included in the price? If not, how much is it?

No it is not included but we can assist you with booking it all. You can get a boat and then a bus back to Kuta or Denpasar airport which is 5-6 hours and around 500,000 IDR. Please allow enough time to get back to Denpasar! We recommend if you are planning to fly home that day, that you book a flight for after 7pm to allow time to get back without rushing.

What kind of accommodation is included on this trip?

The accommodation for this trip is all twin share private rooms.

How much is a night’s accommodation at our start hotel?

If you would like to book a pre-night please contact our sales team on info@trutravels.com

What is the currency?

The currency in Indonesia is Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)

Is my money protected?

Yep! You’re protected. TruTravels is both ABTA and ATOL registered meaning your money is safe. We also offer 1 free date change before 60 days of your departure date.

voyage traditours bali

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voyage traditours bali

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Blog Voyage – Amoureux du Monde

Trip to Bali (3 weeks)


Article mis à jour le 31 May 2023

3 weeks in Bali : itinerary

Where to go in bali .

You asked us a lot of questions about our road trip to Bali! We just came back from our 2nd trip of 3 weeks. We are still as excited on this destination, which had already been a favorite last year. This time, we explored the island of the Gods from South to North. Of course, we did different things from last year.

For all practical information: money exchange, plane tickets, transportation, go here .

✈️ To find cheap plane tickets, we use Skyscanner.

(Video of our trip at the end of the article! )

Let’s go for the tour in Bali of our 3-week stay . We could have done more in 21 days , that’s for sure! But we made the choice of taking our time, without having to rush. Here is our road trip in Bali :

voyage à Bali

Trip to Bali : 3 weeks

  • Day 1 and 2 : Uluwatu
  • Day 3 to 6 : Nusa Penida
  • Day 7 to 13 : Ubud
  • Day 14 to 17 : Munduk
  • Day 18 to 20 : Lovina
  • Day 21 : Return to home

Uluwatu – Day 1 and 2

What to do in uluwatu.

Uluwatu is located south of Bali . It is the spot not to be missed by surfing enthusiasts. As a result, the atmosphere is rather cool, though still very touristic very touristic.

In Uluwatu , you’ll find trendy cafés/restaurants. You can see beautiful beaches with huge cliffs. If you want, this is the perfect place for a surf lesson ?‍♀️! Our favorite beaches: Padang Padang Beach, Dreamland Beach and Uluwatu Beach.

uluwatu beach

Last, there is a nice temple that borders the sea and that can be visited. Beware: you should have your legs covered in all temples in Bali. Most of the time, they provide “sarongs” at the entrance for those wearing shorts. The entrance costs 30,000 RP per person (1.81€).

what to do in uluwatu

Where to sleep in Uluwatu?

We slept at the Kubu Jimbar  Hotel. The price is 15€ per night. There is a swimming pool, which is super nice. It is ideally located for visiting the south of Bali (at a good distance from the different places of interest).

Booking here

Where to see the sunset in Uluwatu?

We saw a beautiful sunset at Balangan Beach . From the cliff, the view is bewitching ! On the other hand, the big negative point of this spot is that you will also find there a dozen of Chinese couples doing their wedding photo shoot. It could be cute, but no. Their crews yell at you like skunks if you have the misfortune to appear in their field. It’s like they’ve privatized the place! With so many of them around, your space of freedom is greatly reduced…

what to do in bali

❓ Should we go to Kuta and Seminyak during our trip to Bali

If you’re looking to go out clubbing, eating in trendy restaurants at Parisian prices and crowded places: yes, go for it! If you want to see the authentic Bali , off the beaten track , avoid this area at all costs!

Nusa Penida – Day 3 to 6

Nusa Penida is our favorite trip to Bali ! If you are wondering where to go in Bali , visiting Nusa Penida is a must! This island is located 30 minutes by boat from Bali. We talk about it in detail in the article: What to do in Nusa Penida?

nusa penida bali

Ubud – Day 7 to13

Even though it’s mega touristic, we love Ubud . It’s a great place to live and a great base place to visit Bali . Your stay in Ubud will be placed under the sign of relaxation. We advise you to rent a scooter to get around (price between 3 and 6€ per day). For us, it is mandatory to add Ubud to your itinerary in Bali !

What to do in Ubud?

  • Enjoy a Balinese massage at 5€ . Among the countless massage parlours and spas that there are in Ubud, you’ll find great prices.
  • Take a walk on the Campuhan Ridge Walk . Right next to Ubud center, this 2 km walk is gorgeous. The path is lost in the rice fields, a few steps from the hustle and bustle of the city… It’s just amazing! Go early in the morning to be quieter.   ?
  • Eat. Eating is the basics though , one of the activities that makes us the happiest, yes, oh yes! ? There are many restaurants in Ubud. We always went to warung (typical Balinese restaurants) to taste the local dishes and eat at good prices! We particularly recommend the Warung Makan Bu Rus – the setting is too nice (tables on the inner courtyard) and it’s delicious.

Dream at the site of rice terrace fields. The Tegalalang Rice Terraces are one of the most beautiful landscapes we have ever seen. To avoid the massive influx of tourists, go there around 8am. On site, you will find swings for 3€ (50 000 RP) per person with an outstanding view over the vegetation and rice fields. Do not be fooled by the Bali Swing which is located near Ubud! First, it will be crowded and on top of that, you will have to pay 35€ per person for a swing.

  • Go shopping at the Ubud Market. This is where we advise you to buy your souvenirs. Bargain prices. Usually we directly divide the price announced by the seller by 3 or 4 in order to start the “hostilities”. ? Of course, haggle with kindness and take it as a game.
  • The waterfalls near Ubud: Tibumana Bangli Waterfall, Nung Nung Waterfall and Tegenungan Waterfall (mega touristic but there is a swing). If you plan to go to Munduk  for the rest of your stay, don’t waste time at the waterfalls of Ubud which are less beautiful and more crowded than those in the north.

Campuhan Ridge Walk – Ubud

Bali road trip

Tegalalang Rice Terrace

amoureux du monde

Balinese handicrafts

trip to bali

Where to sleep in Ubud?

Two nice hotels with a swimming pool for 20€ per night, breakfast included:

Surawan Bisma and  Alam Terrace Cottage .

The hotels are located in our favorite street of Ubud : Bisma Street. Nearby, go and eat at the Alam Pizza (Gorgonzola pizza is too good, and they make 2 cocktails bought 1 offered every night). Also, enjoy the live music concerts at the Why Not bar/restaurant which is in the street.

Sunset in Ubud

For a sunset in Ubud alone in the rice fields, enter Café Pomegranate in your GPS. Get lost in the rice fields that are here for you. We felt like alone in the world.

what to do in ubud

Munduk – Day 14 to 17

?  To get to Munduk from Ubud, take a driver in the street or at your hotel: the trip cost us RP 400,000 (24€). You also have the choice of minibuses for 150 000 RP, or to ride a scooter to make the trip, if you are brave (2h30).

Where to go in Bali

Off the beaten paths? Then you should go to Munduk during your trip to Bali . Between nature, culture, and mountains , you will enjoy a cooler climate than in the rest of Bali. Find here our article dedicated to Munduk .

trip to Bali

Lovina – Day 18 to 20

What to do in lovina.

We went to Lovina to see some waterfalls . Also, we had never been all the way north of Bali , so it was a good opportunity to discover it. We saw three waterfalls, located in the same place (about 1h30 of walk): Aling Aling Waterfall, Kroya Waterfall and Kadek Waterfall. The departure is from Sambangan. You have three treks “Secret Garden of Sambangan” :

  • Long trek with 7 waterfalls (350,000 RP per person) – 6h
  • Medium trek with 5 waterfalls (250,000 RP) – 3h
  • Short trek with 3 waterfalls (125,000 RP per person) – 1h30

The Lovina waterfalls

The Lovina waterfalls are very charming. We chose not to take a guide and just pay the entrance to the waterfalls: 10 000 RP per person (60 cents of €). On the other hand, if you do like we did, you will not be allowed to swim. Why not? By policy, we hate these almost mafia-like systems of forcing people to take guides. The fact of privatizing nature that way, mindlessly, it’s not really fair. To top it all off, the guys at the ticket office are not really friendly.

Animals in Bali

Then, at the beginning, we wanted to see dolphins in Lovina . After asking around, we heard that there are far too many boats that “chase” as soon as a dolphin would show up its fin. It was appealing to us. However, if you want to try it out, the dolphin trip costs 100,000 RP per person (6€). Book here

On the other hand, we can never repeat it enough. DO NOT TAKE elephant rides. It is common to see this activity offered on the street in Bali. Elephants are mistreated and harmed to accept to submit to man.

waterfall bali

Where to sleep in Lovina?

We had a luxurious interlude in Lovina at the Damai Hotel . We were lucky enough to be invited there for 2 nights. The hotel is beautiful and the staff very welcoming. In the evening, they set up tables by the pool for a gourmet dinner. We were impressed by the quality of the courses and desserts.

If you are planning a honeymoon in Bali or just want to relax, the Damai Hotel is the perfect place. The private villas with their own swimming pool really made us dream.

See prices on Booking

damai bali

We do hope we have helped you with this tour in Bali! We will be happy to answer all your questions and remarks in the comments. ?

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visit Embiez Island

The island of les Embiez, hidden paradise in the Var

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Lune rinjani

Is an amazing article and very informative with detailed experiences shared. Thank very much for share.

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Amoureux du Monde

Thanks Lune! 🙂

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Munduk - Bali : Waterfalls, Lakes and Nature

What to do in paros in 3 days .

voyage traditours bali

Voyage Indonésie et Bali

Un voyage en Indonésie , voilà qui fait rêver. Partir à la découverte de cet archipel immense, en apprendre plus sur la culture locale et admirer les paysages à couper le souffle des différentes îles, habitées ou non. Laissez-vous tenter par un voyage à Bali en amoureux et profitez des plages idylliques et de la gastronomie épicée exceptionnelle. Organisez une escapade bien méritée entre amis et partez à l'assaut des activités sportives comme le surf. Le soir venu, vous pourrez vous divertir sur le dancefloor jusqu'au bout de la nuit. Offrez à votre famille des vacances à Bali et découvrez les temples, la culture, l'Histoire de cet archipel unique au monde. 

Des îles exotiques au parfum d’aventure 

Le plus grand archipel du monde compte plus de 13 000 îles dont moins de mille sont habitées. Parmi elles, des terres dont le seul nom suffit à faire rêver les amoureux du voyage, en Indonésie ou ailleurs. Bornéo, la plus grande de toutes, est connue pour la richesse de ses forêts tropicales qui abritent des milliers d’espèces animales et végétales : panthères, macaques, orang-outans, éléphants, plantes carnivores géantes… Java, elle, est la plus peuplée. Normal : elle est l’hôte de Djakarta, la capitale, seconde métropole au monde. L’une de ces villes qui ne dort jamais. Pour goûter à la sérénité, il faut partir à la découverte des grands volcans et des temples millénaires. 

Fief des hippies dans les années 70, Sumatra exhale encore et toujours un parfum d’aventure avec ses forêts sauvages, ses plages désertes, ses villes et villages oubliés par le temps, ses cratères fumants et ses chamans. Mais s’il est un endroit où la magie opère plus qu’ailleurs, c’est sans aucun doute à Bali. Un coup de cœur, un coup de poing tant cette île est belle. Des temples au bord de l’eau, des rizières en terrasses, des volcans gigantesques et des plages sublimes fréquentées par les surfeurs et les dauphins : elle vous en met plein les yeux ! Ajoutez-y une culture aussi vivante que dépaysante, des nuits endiablées et une cuisine typée, raffinée, épicée qui flatte jusqu’aux palais les plus blasés, et vous comprendrez pourquoi Bali passe, pour ses habitués, pour le paradis sur terre. 

Nos bons plans et promotions Indonésie

Kappa senses ubud 5 * indonésie, bali (ubud).

9 jours / 6 nuits - Petit Déjeuner

Dès 1 366€

Kappa Club Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa 5 * Indonésie

9 jours / 6 nuits - Tout compris

Dès 1 667€

Kappa Senses Ubud & Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa 5 * Indonésie

10 jours / 7 nuits - Selon programme

Dès 1 706€

Combiné Bali : Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa & Kappa Senses Ubud 5 * Indonésie

Combiné sanur, lembongan & ubud : prime plaza sanur - the acala shri sedana - kappa senses ubud 5 * indonésie.

Dès 1 834€

Circuit au Coeur de Bali et Extension Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa 5 * Indonésie

13 jours / 10 nuits - Selon programme

Dès 2 025€

Circuit Kappa Découverte - Trésors de Bali & Extension Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa 5 * Indonésie

Dès 2 058€

Combiné Sanur, Lembongan & Nusa Dua : Prime Plaza Sanur - The Acala Shri Sedana - Kappa Club Bali 5 * Indonésie

12 jours / 9 nuits - Selon programme

Dès 2 389€

Circuit au Coeur de Bali et Extension Kappa Club Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa 5 * Indonésie

15 jours / 12 nuits - Selon programme

Dès 2 630€

Aston Canggu 4 * Indonésie, Denpasar

9 jours / 6 nuits - Logement seul

Dès 1 090€

Korurua Dijiwa Ubud 4 * Indonésie, Denpasar

Dès 1 099€

Nikko Bali Benoa Beach 5 * Indonésie, Denpasar, Bali

Dès 1 109€

Nos idées de voyage en Indonésie selon vos envies

Nos idées de voyage en Indonésie selon vos envies

À quoi ressemble le séjour en Indonésie de vos rêves ? Un voyage à Bali tout compris ? Un club de vacances avec nombreuses animations et services ? Un hôtel avec Spa ? Vous pourrez choisir précisément votre formule pour créer votre voyage parfait. 

Découvrez tous nos clubs de vacances en Indonésie et les hôtels qui se proposent de vous accueillir. Des établissements tout confort jusqu’à 5* : en bord de mer, abrité par la végétation, avec une ou plusieurs piscines, en intérieur et en extérieur, avec des activités sur place ou à proximité. Il y a des offres adaptées à chaque envie, pour un séjour en famille, entre amis ou en couple. 

Si vous avez une préférence pour les circuits, vos vacances en Indonésie pourront prendre la forme d'un combiné pour visiter les plus beaux lieux de l'archipel, les grandes villes, les espaces naturels et les lieux qui cachent des trésors culturels et historiques. Il existe forcément un circuit en Indonésie fait pour vous ! 

Laissez-vous tenter par un voyage sur-mesure qui répondra à vos exigences. Que vous soyez attiré par l'Histoire, la gastronomie, le sport, la détente sur la plage, un hôtel en Indonésie saura combler vos attentes. 

Séjours Indonésie

136 offres Dès

197 € TTC/pers.

Circuits Indonésie

310 offres Dès

967 € TTC/pers.

Clubs de vacances Indonésie

4 offres Dès

1162 € TTC/pers.

Les incontournables en Indonésie

Une fois débarqué de l'avion et vos valises déposées à l'hôtel, le champ des possibles qui s'offre à vous est immense. L'archipel et ses très nombreuses îles regorgent de spots à ne pas manquer. Suivez le guide et découvrez les plus beaux lieux à voir lors d'un voyage en Indonésie . 

  • Le Temple d’Uluwatu (Pura Luhur) à Bali : Ce temple offre un point de vue extraordinaire, il est installé au bord d'une falaise avec une vue à couper le souffle. Situé dans la péninsule de Bukit, ce temple extraordinaire a été construit au XIe siècle, à 70 mètres au-dessus de l’océan Indien. Cerise sur le gâteau, vous trouverez juste à côté de superbes plages et des spots de surf immanquables lors d’un séjour à Bali. Lors de votre visite du temple, cramponnez bien vos affaires, les singes qui vivent dans le temps ont tendance à explorer, sans autorisation, les sacs des visiteurs.
  • Le Temple Ulun Danu sur le lac Bratan (Pura Ulun Danu Bratan) : Ce lieu de pèlerinage incontournable est également appelé "Temple au bord du lac". Il fait partie des plus beaux temples à visiter et mérite vraiment le détour. Vous pourrez visiter le temple, tomber sous le charme de son incroyable reflet dans l'eau puis continuer la balade dans les environs et vous imprégner de la douceur et de la sérénité des lieux, une véritable bouffée d'oxygène.
  • La Senggigi plage à Lombok : Plage de sable fin, cocotier et farniente vous attendant sur cette plage digne des plus belles cartes postales. 13 kilomètres de plage avec une eau turquoise qui lui a valu une renommée mondiale, il ne faut manquer cette découverte sous aucun prétexte.
  • Le Jalan Raya et le marché central à Ubud : des lieux à ne pas manquer pour s'imprégner de l'ambiance locale. Vous pourrez découvrir une des rues les plus animées de la ville et faire des achats dans les boutiques. Vous y trouverez également des restaurants, des musées et des galeries. 

Pour vos vacances en Indonésie, laissez-vous emporter par l'âme de l'archipel. L'Indonésie vous accueille avec chaleur, vous découvrirez un mode spirituel étonnant et apaisant, des paysages sublimes qui vous marqueront à jamais. Surf, randonnées, balades culturelles, musées, farniente. Les familles, les groupes et les couples trouveront toujours ce qu'ils cherchent en Indonésie, le plus difficile sera de repartir, l'archipel a quelque chose de magique qui donne envie d'y rester pour toujours.

Les incontournables en Indonésie

Informations pratiques sur Voyage Indonésie : vos questions fréquentes

Quand partir en Indonésie ?

Quand partir en Indonésie ?

La meilleure période pour visiter l'Indonésie s'étend de mai à octobre, pendant la saison sèche, car les températures sont agréables, les journées sont ensoleillées et les pluies sont moins fréquentes. En voyageant à cette période, vous éviterez la foule touristique. Nous vous déconseillons de voyager en Indonésie pendant la saison des pluies, entre novembre et avril, car les fortes pluies et orages frappent tout le pays à cette période. De plus, les touristes viennent abondamment visiter le pays.

Quel décalage horaire entre l'Indonésie et la France ?

Quel décalage horaire entre l'Indonésie et la France ?

En hiver, il y a 6 heures de décalage horaire entre la France et l'Indonésie. Par exemple, s'il est 12 heures à Paris, il sera 18 heures à Jakarta. En été, il y a 5 heures de décalage horaire entre ces deux pays. Ainsi, s'il est 12 heures à Paris, il sera 17 heures à Jakarta.

Quelles langues parler en Indonésie ?

Quelles langues parler en Indonésie ?

La langue officielle de l'Indonésie est le bahasa indonésien (bahasa indonesia). Il s'agit de la langue maternelle de la majorité de la population indonésienne. Il existe également de nombreuses autres langues régionales et locales parlées en Indonésie comme le javanais ou le sundanais. Le français est parlé en Indonésie, mais il n'est pas largement répandu. Dans les grandes villes touristiques, vous pouvez trouver des guides touristiques ou des professionnels du tourisme qui parlent français et qui pourront répondre à vos besoins. Durant vos vacances en Indonésie, privillégiez l'anglais pour échanger avec vos interlocuteurs.

Quelle monnaie emmener quand on part en vacances en Indonésie ?

Quelle monnaie emmener quand on part en vacances en Indonésie ?

La monnaie officielle de l'Indonésie est la roupie indonésienne (Rps). En moyenne, 1 euro est égal à 15 000 roupies. Pour bien préparer votre séjour en Indonésie, nous vous conseillons de vous rendre aux money changers plutôt qu'aux banques car ils sont ouverts tous les jours et souvent très tard. Il est possible d'utiliser des cartes de crédit internationales dans les hôtels, les restaurants et les grands magasins des zones touristiques. Cependant, il est recommandé de toujours avoir de l'argent liquide en roupies indonésiennes, car les petites boutiques, les marchés locaux et les transports publics peuvent n'accepter que les paiements en espèces. Si vous choisissez de payer en carte bancaire, il y aura des suppléments à payer : 3% pour les cartes Visa et 5% pour les cartes MasterCard.

Quels documents faut-il pour aller en Indonésie ?

Quels documents faut-il pour aller en Indonésie ?

Pour voyager en Indonésie, vous devrez vous munir de votre passeport. Bonne nouvelle : aucun visa n'est nécessaire pour les séjours de moins de 3 mois ! Assurez-vous que votre passeport soit valide six mois à compter de la date prévue de votre départ de l'Indonésie. Les mineurs voyageant seuls doivent apporter leur passeport, un formulaire signé par l'un des parents titulaires de l'autorité parentale et la photocopie de la pièce d'identité du parent signataire.

Faut-il être vacciné pour voyager en Indonésie ?

Faut-il être vacciné pour voyager en Indonésie ?

Aucun vaccin n'est obligatoire pour passer des vacances en l'Indonésie. En revanche, plusieurs vaccins sont conseillés contre les maladies suivantes : DTCP, hépatites A et B, fièvre typhoïde et un traitement antipaludique indispensable pour toute l’Indonésie.

Comment se déplacer en Indonésie ?

Comment se déplacer en Indonésie ?

Il existe plusieurs moyens de transport pour circuler en Indonésie. Si vous voulez vous déplacer d'une île à l'autre, vous pouvez prendre les ferries qui effectuent plusieurs trajets quotidiennement. Au sein d'une île, des bus sont disponibles pour vous emmener à différents endroits. Nous vous déconseillons de voyager avec ce moyen de transport, car ils sont généralement pleins. De plus, la circulation est dense et les bus sont souvent bloqués dans les embouteillages. À Java et Sumatra, des trains circulent fréquemment et vous permettront de vous déplacer confortablement en toute sécurité. Si vous souhaitez prendre le train, il vous faudra réserver les billets avant. Enfin, si vous optez pour un séjour en Indonésie en liberté, vous pouvez louer une voiture qui vous permettra de circuler à volonté pour découvrir la beauté et le charme de l'Indonésie.

Puis-je utiliser mon téléphone en Indonésie ?

Puis-je utiliser mon téléphone en Indonésie ?

Pour téléphoner de l'Indonésie vers la France, composez le 00 + 33 + numéro du correspondant. Pour téléphoner de la France vers l'Indonésie, composez le 00 + 62 + indicatif de la ville + numéro de votre correspondant.

Comment avoir internet en Indonésie ?

Comment avoir internet en Indonésie ?

Il existe différents moyens d’accéder à Internet en Indonésie. Vous pouvez acheter une carte SIM auprès des principaux fournisseurs de services de télécommunications en Indonésie, tels que Telkomsel, Indosat, XL Axiata et Three. Pour pouvoir insérer la carte SIM, vérifiez que votre téléphone soit débloqué (utilisable avec tous les opérateurs téléphoniques). Des cartes SIM prépayées offrent des forfaits comprenant une quantité de données pour une durée d’utilisation temporaire. La plupart des hôtels, restaurants, cafés et centres commerciaux en Indonésie proposent une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite ou payante. Il est important de noter que la qualité et la vitesse de la connexion peuvent varier. Des points d'accès publics à Internet sont disponibles dans certaines villes et lieux touristiques, mais vous devez vous inscrire avec votre adresse e-mail ou utiliser vos identifiants de réseau social pour vous connecter. La qualité de la connexion 4G est généralement bonne dans l’archipel. Enfin, vous pouvez utiliser un appareil mobile portable appelé "Pocket Wi-Fi" ou "Mobile Wi-Fi Router". Ils vous permettent de connecter plusieurs appareils à Internet en utilisant le réseau mobile.

Que manger et boire en voyage en Indonésie ?

Que manger et boire en voyage en Indonésie ?

La cuisine indonésienne est réputée pour ses saveurs riches et épicées. Lors de votre voyage en Indonésie, ne passez pas à côté de la gastronomie locale. Le plat le plus populaire de l'Indonésie est le nasi goreng, plat de riz frit avec des légumes, des morceaux de viande ou de crevettes, et des épices. Un autre incontournable de la gastronomie indonésienne est le rendang, plat de viande, généralement du bœuf, cuit lentement dans un mélange d'épices et de lait de coco jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne tendre et savoureux. Pour les boissons, vous pouvez goûter la Bintang, bière locale populaire en Indonésie. Si vous voulez une boisson chaude, essayez le Teh Tarik, thé au lait sucré servi chaud, préparé en le versant de haut en bas pour le rendre mousseux. Voici une liste non-exhaustive de restaurants préparée par nos soins : Kaum à Bali (restaurant proposant des plats issus de différentes régions d'Indonésie), Nusa Indonesian Gastronomy à Jakarta (restaurant gastronomique mettant en valeur des plats traditionnels indonésiens d'exception) et Bali Asli Restaurant à Bali (restaurant offrant une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle dans un cadre magnifique entouré de rizières verdoyantes et d'une vue panoramique sur la vallée).

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  • Bali S Best Art And...

Best Art And Culture Tours In Bali, Indonesia

voyage traditours bali

The small Indonesian island province of Bali is one of the nation’s top tourist spots, celebrated for its temples, artistic communities, and incredible landscapes. Discover the best art and culture tours Bali has to offer.

© Justine Hong

Bali Agung Tours – Tanah Lot Tour

Known as the land of a thousand temples, Bali is home to more than 5,000 stunning examples. This makes it difficult to know where to begin. Tanah Lot temple is one of the most famous, known primarily for its unusual position atop a rock formation at the edge of the sea. Bali Agung Tours bring travelers to the temple at sunset, taking advantage of the warm glow produced by the last rays of daylight. Although the temple is visited at the end of the day, tours begin at 8:30 am. It takes visitors to other locations including the Suwung, Celuk, Kemenuh and Kayuamba villages as well as the spectacular waterfall at Tegenungan.

voyage traditours bali

Bali Bintang Tour Company – Bintang Downhill Cycling Tour

The Bintang Downhill Cycling Tour is not a typical bicycle adventure. It uses the bike as a peaceful and exhilarating way to journey around the Northeastern area of Kintamani. Groups are led through the region’s lush, green landscape to visit ancient Hindu temples and local craftspeople on the way to the charming and authentic village of Pejeng. To begin the tour guests are brought from their hotels to enjoy a morning coffee while soaking in the majestic sights at Lake Batur. Later in the day a traditional Indonesian lunch, prepared in the open kitchen of a Balinese family, is enjoyed in a pleasant garden setting. The price of the tour includes a mountain bike, helmet, water, coffee, a soft drink, and lunch as well as transport to and from the hotel.

voyage traditours bali

Bali Food Safari

Bali Food Safari takes visitors on a tour of some of the island’s most outstanding restaurants. The selected establishments are remarkable not only for the quality of their food but also for the particular atmosphere that they create for the dinner. Guests have the opportunity to sample between nine and 12 courses at the three or four restaurants visited over the course of the tour (depending on the tour package). Special customized tours can be created for groups of six people or more to suit the specific tastes of the participants. Transportation from the hotel and between the various stops along the route is included in the booking.

© Sean Hamlin

Dewa Bali Tours – Ubud Art Village Tour

For those with an interest in Bali’s traditional arts and crafts scene, Ubud Art Village Tour visits the art villages in and around the artistic center of Ubud. Sites of interest include Celuk Village, famous for its highly skilled gold and silver crafting and Mas Village, renowned for its master carvers of teak, mahogany, ebony and hibiscus wood. There’s also Ubud Market, open daily for the exchange of arts, handicrafts and textiles. Also featured on the itinerary are the Sacred Monkey Forest and the Ubud Palace, the residence of Bali’s Royal family.

voyage traditours bali

Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat

As one of the world’s most awe-inspiring destinations, Bali attracts many travelers wishing to capture the vibrant landscape of this multicultural island on film. Balifornian Photography, together with Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat , offer what are perhaps the region’s most well instructed and professionally organized photography tours. Experienced guides lead visitors to places of stunning natural beauty and ancient cultural significance. Each of the destinations on the tour has been chosen for the variety of photographic challenges and opportunities that it presents. Visits are organized for the appropriate times of day in order to take advantage of the sun’s position in the sky. Travelers benefit from the instruction of highly experienced guides and leave Bali with the perfect documentation of their trip.

voyage traditours bali

Bali Griyasari Tours & Travel – Bali Traditional Dances Tour

Bali’s range of traditional dances combine elements of religious and artistic influence, culminating in highly expressive, decorative and dynamic performances. One has not fully experienced Indonesian culture without bearing witness to these spectacles. Over the course of four hours, the Bali Traditional Dances Tour exposes travelers to three of the dozens of different types of colorful Balinese dances. Typically performed as an exorcism to promote health within the village, the Sanghyang (Trance) Dance is followed by the Kecak (Monkey) Dance. In this dance, a large group of men performs while carrying bamboo torches. Then there’s the Fire Dance which is enacted atop scorching hot coals.

© David Stanley

Bali Bagus Tours – Bali – A Way of Life

To provide visitors with access to the real Bali, Bali Bagus Tours offers unparalleled access to the everyday experience of the people who live here. This eight-hour tour begins bright and early with a trip to the daily morning market, where local housewives shop for food, spices and other necessities. Next, a guide leads groups through the nearby village and rice fields, offering insight into the local Balinese culture. Finally, guests are invited into a family home, where they have the opportunity to engage with people from the region. Here they learn about the strong value the Balinese place on family and community.

voyage traditours bali

Art Hideaways Painting and Drawing Holidays

Sandy Infield began Art Hideaways upon realizing that Bali was an ideal source of artistic inspiration. She became fascinated by the attitude of the Balinese people, who believe that everyone has a creative contribution to make and that producing art is a way of demonstrating devotion to one’s family and the community. Sandy’s two-week long tours bring travelers to spectacular vistas, quaint villages, and beautiful temples. Itineraries balance studio time and cultural excursions. Individuals are able to choose between acrylic, oil, pastel or watercolor painting, drawing, batik and mono-type. Tours cater to anyone from the experienced artist to the beginner.

© Dominic Alves

Balinese Art – Bali Tours DB

Bali Tours DB brings travelers on a three-day, two-night tour of Bali’s incredible art and culture. On the second day, following the previous evening’s dinner at a seaside restaurant on Jimbaran Beach, visitors are brought to the Village Centre of Balinese Art in Ubud. Here they are invited to learn classic Balinese dance. Afterward groups are instructed in the method of fabric painting known as batik. On the third day of the tour, travelers are taken to participate in a number of other activities around the central foothills of the Gianyar regency. Guests can choose from a range of nearby attractive hotels, the price of which, along with that of basic meals, is included in the booking.

Culture Trips launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes places and communities so special.

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All our travel guides are curated by the Culture Trip team working in tandem with local experts. From unique experiences to essential tips on how to make the most of your future travels, we’ve got you covered.

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Balinese Traditions and Island Magic

9 Days from $2,090 / person

Gili Trawangan: Traumstrand

Heritage & Culture

Nature & Landscapes

Itinerary Summary

Itinerary details.

International Arrival

Your English speaking guide will accompany you from Denpasar airport to your hotel in a private vehicle

Included activities

Discover Ancient Ubud Attractions

Unravel the mysteries of ancient Ubud on this captivating exploration of prominent landmarks. Head to Goa Gajah or Elephant Cave, a ninth century sanctuary for Buddhist monks, known for its exquisite carvings. Travel on to the small settlement of Pejeng that sits tucked into the Petauan River Valley. Get a good look at the largest single-cast bronze kettle drum housed in the Pura Penataran Asih temple before you wander around the Purbakala Archaeological Museum. Stop by some of the smaller temples in the vicinity including the Pura Arjuna Metapa that sits amid a verdant paddy field. As you journey on to central Ubud, savor views of the terrace fields at Tegalalang. You could also choose to relish lunch in town and browse around the local market with its apparel, leather goods, and handcrafted jewelry before you head back. (Half Day; Private Activity & Transfers; Fitness Level: Easy.)

Walking and Biking Exploration of Central Bali

Get picked up from your hotel as you head out to Kintamani known for its splendid views of the active volcano Mount Batur. Hop on a comfortable bicycle at Abuan village and make your way downhill passing by the scenic Balinese countryside. Make frequent stops along the way to interact with villagers and admire beautiful temples. Afterward, drive out to the picturesque rice terraces of Tegalalang village and browse the wares on display at the local market. Travel back to Ubud to savor lunch at Arma Kafe, a unique art and cultural center. Take your pick of a crispy duck menu with local delicacies as sides or a three-course Indonesian meal. Afterward, begin your easy walking exploration of Ubud with a stroll to the fascinating eighth century Gunung Lebah Temple. Saunter across the lush river valley popularly known as Campuhan Ridge enjoying beautiful views of Mount Agung, hamlets, and the fields. Walk around for about two hours before you return to your hotel. (Full Day; Time: 0800 hrs; Lunch Included; Private Activity & Transfers; Fitness Level: Easy.).

Hotel options

voyage traditours bali

Your guide will meet you at your hotel and accompany you to Denpasar airport in a private vehicle

Board your flight from Denpasar to Lombok (Flight duration: 1 hr)

Your English speaking guide will accompany you from Lombok airport to your hotel in a private vehicle

voyage traditours bali

Your guide will meet you at your hotel and accompany you to Lombok airport in a private vehicle

Board your flight from Lombok to Denpasar (Flight duration: 1 hr)

Your chauffeur will drive you from Seminyak to Seminyak in a private vehicle (Duration: 45 mins). A guide will accompany you on this drive.

Personalized Tour of Uluwatu Temple

Visit one of Bali’s most iconic Hindu temples on this trip. You’ll be picked up from your hotel in the afternoon by your local guide and driven to the magnificent temple complex of Uluwatu. Take in a spectacular sunset from your vantage point overlooking the Indian Ocean. Then, ride over to the rugged hills of the Bukit Peninsula, home to the ancient Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue. The famous monument is one of the tallest statues of a Hindu deity in the world. Later in the evening, enjoy a traditional Kecak Dance performance by a lotus pond. Watch episodes from the ancient Indian epic, ‘The Ramayana’, reenacted by local dancers. After the show, head to a restaurant at Jimbaran Bay and enjoy a dinner of delicious Balinese seafood. Savor gorgeous views of the ocean along with your meal before heading back to your hotel. (Duration: half day; Private activity & transfers; Meals included: dinner; Please inform us of any food allergies in advance; Fitness level: easy; Please dress appropriately for a temple visit, covering forearms and legs)

voyage traditours bali

International Departure

voyage traditours bali

Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Bali and discover magical islands on this nine-day tour. Ubud is the perfect blend of natural beauty, intriguing history and traditions that go back ages. Unwind at Lombok that draws you in with its pristine beaches, lush forests and paddy fields. In Seminyak, visit ancient temples by the sea and learn more about Bali’s culture through its traditional dance and architecture. You’re never far away from a stunning strip of sand, so make the most of your break by relaxing at the beach and basking in beautiful sunsets.

If you’re seeking a beach vacation with cultural allures, this is sure to appeal to you. Speak to our travel experts about customizing this itinerary to suit your preferences and interests.

Price & Inclusions

From $2,090 / person

From $2,690 / person

Prices are in USD and exclude international flights. This trip price is based on low season rates for accommodation and other applicable services, and may change depending on availability, currency fluctuations and number of people traveling together. For high season prices, please contact us with your exact travel dates and preferences.

Price Includes

  • Accommodation and meals, as specified in the itinerary
  • Activities and excursions, as specified in the itinerary
  • Transportation services, as specified in the itinerary
  • Your Trip Coordinator: a 24/7 point of contact supporting you during your trip
  • Carbon emissions offsetting for your trip

Not Included

  • Entrance fees and meals, unless mentioned in the itinerary description
  • Tips and personal expenses
  • Visa and tourism fees
  • Travel, health, and cancellation insurance
  • International airfare

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Bali Travel Guide: The Ultimate 3-Week Itinerary

A spiritual haven and a traveler’s dream, Bali offers an unforgettable experience to the many visitors who flock to its beautiful beaches , vibrant green rice terraces, and sacred volcanoes. Three weeks is the perfect amount of time to explore all the hidden corners of this beautiful island, whether it’s creative Ubud with its colorful markets, the undiscovered coastal villages of Amed , or the paradise islands where turtles and manta rays float in the turquoise water. Use this Bali travel guide to plan your perfect route, and don’t miss a thing!

Bali Travel Guide (3 weeks)

This complete Bali travel guide includes a mix of the best the island has to offer. That way you can visit many cultural and spiritual sites, see stunning natural scenery, and meet wonderful local people. The Balinese people are very friendly, and although many people speak English here, learning a few words in Bahasa Indonesia goes a long way.

Here are all your hotel options in Bali.

bali travel guide beach

The island is also a foodie haven, with thousands of international restaurants, trendy cafes, and local warungs. Discover all the best spots using this Bali 3-week itinerary!

map Bali itinerary 3 weeks

Day 1-2: Canggu or Seminyak

Welcome to Bali! The beach towns of Canggu and Seminyak are less than an hour’s drive from the airport. Because of this, it’s a great place to kick off your Bali 3-week itinerary. 

Also read: The complete Bali 7-day itinerary

relax on beach in canggu bali

Canggu is now one of the island’s most popular (and most expensive) destinations, famed for its hipster cafes, trendy beach clubs, digital nomad hub, and world-class surf scene.

See availability for a surf lesson in Canggu

bali 3-week itinerary la brisa beach club

Both towns also have fantastic shopping, so spend some time browsing vintage shops and trendy concept stores. Canggu is particularly great for shopping. Plus, if you’re here at the weekend, you should check out the lively La Brisa Sunday Market.

shopping bali travel guide

If you’re looking for prettier beaches and a more sophisticated resort-style location, Seminyak is a better option. This side of the island also boasts some of the best sunsets; we recommend heading to the clifftop temple Pura Tanah Lot for some spectacular golden views.

bali travel guide seminyak beach club

Alternatively, simply grab a beanbag at one of the beach bars to watch the show; it’s a must-do while following this Bali travel guide!

Bali Travel Guide: The Ultimate 3-Week Itinerary

Once the sun has gone down, hit the clubs in Seminyak, which has one of the best nightlife scenes on the island.

Tip: It is a 20-minute drive or a 40-minute walk between the two towns, so you can easily base yourself in one place and split your time between the two.

travel guide bali potato head beach club

How to get to Canggu and Seminyak

Canggu and Seminyak are very close and easily accessible from Ngurah Rai International Airport.

It will take 35-45 minutes to drive to Seminyak and 45 minutes to an hour to reach Canggu. This is all dependent on traffic, particularly during the high season, when queues can be expected. A taxi from the airport costs approximately 300,000 IDR (~ 20 USD). Unfortunately, you can’t order a Grab taxi from the airport. 

yande bali friend tour

Where to Stay in Canggu and Seminyak

The most central places in Canggu are Batu Bolong and Berewa. Here, you’ll find plenty of great cafes, restaurants, beach clubs, and surf spots. 

Hotels in Canggu 😴

Amar Boutique Hotel

In Seminyak, stay around Jalan Kayu Aya Street, also known as ‘Eat Street’, for its wide variety of restaurants. The beach is just a 10-minute walk away.

Hotels in Seminyak 😴

The Legian

Day 3: Jatiluwih Rice Terraces or a Local Homestay

Nestled in the center of Bali is Jatiluwih, an area of stunning rice terraces over 600 acres in size. For the third day of your Bali travel guide, explore this beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Site on foot. Alternatively, hire a bicycle, and take in the natural beauty of vibrant yellow and green rice fields, palm trees, and mountain views. It is not that touristy, so you can peacefully enjoy this incredible natural landscape away from the crowds. 

bali travel guide jatiluwih rice terraces

If you want to give your legs a break, you can also stop off at the cafes scattered around the area. Sip on hot coffee and homemade rice cookies before heading out again.

Tip: Please remember that the rice terraces are working land, so be a respectful and sustainable traveler by staying on the designated paths as much as possible and taking trash with you.

google maps phone

Bali Homestay

Alternatively (or additionally!), allocate some time on your Bali 3-week itinerary to get to know Balinese locals at a homestay. Staying with a local family is a fantastic way to meet new people and make lifelong friends! It will also give you a taste of day-to-day life in Bali, and you’ll learn something new about the culture and traditions. We stayed at a homestay in Gadungan, an hour’s drive from Jatiluwih.

Find out how to experience a homestay in Bali

traditional bali

How to get from Canggu / Seminyak to Jatiluwih

From Canggu and Seminyak, it takes approximately 1.5 hours to drive. Please note that the traffic in Canggu can be particularly bad, so be extra careful if you are on a motorbike. Alternatively, hire a private driver if you don’t feel that confident.

Where to Stay near Jatiluwih

Stay with a local family on your Bali 3-week itinerary by contacting our friend Adi and his family on WhatsApp .

If you’d rather choose other accommodation, there are plenty of guesthouses and hotels around the rice terraces. Most of these have incredible views where you’ll wake up to stunning natural scenery. 

Hotels in Jatiluwih 😴

Ti Amo

Day 4-5: Munduk

The next stop on our Bali travel guide is Munduk. This stunning mountain region in the north of Bali is home to towering waterfalls, shimmering lakes, and some of the best coffee on the island! The higher altitude means cooler weather, so it’s a great place to escape the coastal heat and relax in peaceful surroundings. 

travel guide waterfall route

Spend a few days discovering the area’s many beautiful waterfalls and hiking along jungle trails in the mountains.

Read: The best waterfalls in Bali!

bali route guide waterfalls

Activities in Munduk

Don’t miss a visit to Ulun Danu Bratan while you’re here; the floating water temple in Tamblingan Lake is easily one of the most beautiful temples in Bali. Go early in the morning to beat the crowds, as it is a popular spot. Alternatively, book a tour exploring Ulun Bratan, the Twin Lakes, and waterfalls.

Ulun Danu Bratan temple bali travel guide

Before you leave Munduk, head up to the Wanagiri Swing viewpoint for sunrise, where you will be met by panoramic views of the beautiful Twin Lakes. 

Tip: If you have time on your Bali itinerary, you can also take a tour of a local coffee plantation. However, we recommend avoiding the infamous Luwak coffee; many producers use unethical and cruel practices, and 80% of the time, it is not even ‘real’ Luwak coffee!

hiring driver bali swing

How to get from Jatiluwih to Munduk

It is 1.5 hour’s drive from Jatiluwih to Munduk. On your way into Munduk, stop at Handara Gate – a stunning spot for photos with an incredible mountain backdrop and beautiful greenery. Contact our dear friend Yande if you need transport or a tour!

Where to Stay in Munduk (Bali Travel Guide)

The area has many guesthouses and homestays. However, we’d recommend Munduk Moding Plantation for its peaceful nature, spectacular panoramic views, and infinity pool!

Hotels in Munduk 😴

Munduk Menir Villas

Day 6-9: Ubud

There is so much to see and do in this vibrant village, which is the spiritual and cultural heart of the island. There is a reason it is one of the more popular destinations and a must-see on any Bali itinerary; historic temples with traditional ceremonies, a dynamic art culture, and stunning natural surroundings mean you’ll never want to leave. Fill your days with traditional cooking classes , visits to beautiful temples, and afternoon tubing trips down the river!

ubud tegalalang rice terraces bali

Activities in Ubud

On days 6 and 7, explore Ubud on foot. This is the best way to discover its hidden corners, cozy cafes, art markets with handcrafted souvenirs, and peaceful rice fields. For an evening stroll, we recommend the Campuhan Ridge Walk, which is popular among dog walkers and local families.

Read: Best Things To Do in Ubud

bali traditional ceremonie

During your time in Ubud, you should also spend a morning at the famous Tegalalang Rice Terraces . We recommend arriving before 10 AM before everyone else gets there. Later, head to the sacred Monkey Forest to wander among ancient trees and temples bathed in a beautiful golden light; it’s one of the most popular sites in this Bali travel guide!

Here are all your hotel options in Ubud.

travel guide bali ubud monkey forest

Day Trip to Mount Batur

Allocate one of your days in Ubud to join a day trip to the incredible Mount Batur ! It’s only an hour and a half away and is one of Bali’s most sacred volcanoes. Hike up in the dark to catch the sunrise at the summit. It’s well worth it, as it’s a relatively easy trek that pays you back tenfold with panoramic views over the whole island. This is easily one of the best things to do in our Bali travel guide!

view mount batur bali

You can book a tour with Yande that includes hotel pick-up and drop-off. A guide will keep you safe and teach you about the volcano’s sacred significance. Most tours also include a visit to the nearby Batur hot springs , where you can soothe your sore muscles in warm volcanic water while gazing over beautiful Lake Batur. 

batur hot spring bali

How to get from Munduk to Ubud

It takes about 2 hours to drive from Munduk to Ubud through beautiful mountain scenery. Rent a scooter so you can stop for photos!

Where to Stay in Ubud

There are many accommodation options in and around Ubud, whatever your budget, including hostels, hotels, and guesthouses.

Hotels in Ubud 😴

Kayon Jungle Resort

Stay in the center of the village to be close to the action. Alternatively, head a little out of town if you want to be among the beautiful rice fields.

best bamboo house ubud bali

Day 10-12 of your Bali Travel Guide: Amed

A beautiful and untouched area of Bali, this long stretch of coastline dotted with traditional fishing villages is far from the tourist crowds. It’s also one of the cheapest destinations in our Bali travel guide! Expect black sand beaches, stunning turquoise water, jungle-covered mountains, and local life. 

amed bali lipah beach

This is the best place in Bali for snorkeling and diving, as it’s home to beautiful reefs and crystal-clear water. Discover colorful marine life, vibrant coral, and long-forgotten shipwrecks, or simply relax on a quiet beach with a book. 

Read: 13 Top things to do in Amed, Bali

things to do amed bali shipwreck diving

Amed is also one of the better places to explore on a motorbike, as the roads aren’t busy. Because of this, you can enjoy peaceful journeys, heading up into the mountains for some incredible viewpoints like Lahangan Sweet. The treetop platform boasts panoramic views over green forests, lush rice paddies, and the tallest volcano in Bali (most stunning at sunrise). 

Tip: Don’t miss out on a visit to the serene Tirta Gangga water palace, where you can wander around colorful gardens before cooling off in sacred pools of healing water.

Tirta Gangga Water Palace bali

How to get from Ubud to Amed

It is a 2.5-hour drive from Ubud to Amed. However, there are some incredible views along the way as you wind through stunning countryside and over lush green mountains. Amed is far from most of Bali’s main towns and attractions, but this is why it’s so uncrowded and peaceful.

Where to Stay in Amed

This area has fewer resorts and trendy hotels as it is less touristy than other parts of Bali. However, there are still some lovely guesthouses and homestays along this stretch of the coast.

Hotels in Amed 😴

Aquaterrace Amed

Day 13-15: Gili Islands

On day 13, leave from Amed to the magical Gili Islands! A ferry from Amed will take you to the next destination on your Bali 3-week itinerary: Gili Air .

Read: 1o Best things to do on Gili Air

bali gili air

Gili Air is just one of several breathtakingly beautiful Gili islands off the coast of Lombok. We recommend basing yourself here on your Bali 3-week itinerary. It’s a lovely, laid-back island with white sand beaches and stunning sunsets.

bali gili air swing

The island is small, and there are no cars, so rent a bicycle to explore at your own pace. Swim with turtles in turquoise blue water, lounge on beach swings, and find your new favorite cafe for chilled-out brunches.

floating breakfast bali

Tip: One of our favorite things on this Bali itinerary was to book a snorkeling boat trip off the coast of Gili Meno (a smaller island close to Gili Air). Here you’ll find some unique underwater sculptures and fantastic sea life!

bali gili islands underwater sculptures

How to get from Amed to the Gili Islands

Take the fast boat from Amed Beach, which takes about 1.5 hours. Return tickets cost 40-65 USD, depending on the boat and the season.

See ferry tickets and availability here

Where to Stay on the Gili Islands

Gili Air is very small, so wherever you stay, you won’t be too far from anything. What’s more, there are a variety of beautiful hostels, villas, and hotels to choose from.

Hotels in Gili Air 😴


The best beaches are on the island’s east side, while the best sunset spots are on the west side.

beach club gili air bali

Day 16-18: Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Lembongan is another tiny island paradise off the south coast of Bali. It is all about the beautiful beaches here; sunbathe on soft white sand, snorkel in crystal clear water, or grab a board and catch some waves. 

bali travel guide beach nusa ceningan

There are also some fantastic beach clubs on the island. One of our favorites is Ginger & Jamu , which has gorgeous sunset views and great food.

blue lagoon nusa ceningan bali

If you need some adventure to break up all the relaxation time, try a paddleboarding tour through the peaceful mangrove forests, or dive with manta rays at Manta Point. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and one of our favorite things to do in this Bali travel guide!

Book a snorkel trip in advance

Tip: Nusa Lembongan is connected to the nearest island, Nusa Ceningan, by a yellow suspension bridge, so you can easily travel between the two!

beach club nusa ceningan bali

Day Trip to Nusa Penida

One of the best things to do on this Bali 3-week itinerary is a day trip to Nusa Penida , a stunning island just 15 minutes by boat from Lembongan. Take in the breathtaking ocean views from the top of enormous limestone cliffs before hiking down to blinding white beaches for a relaxing day of swimming, snorkeling, and all-around island paradise vibes! 

best beaches in bali kelingking beach

How to get from the Gili Islands to Nusa Lembongan

There are daily ferries between the Gili Islands and the Nusa Islands. From Gili Air to Nusa Lembongan, it takes around 3 hours and costs 20-30 USD. 

See all ferry times and tickets here in advance

Where to Stay in Nusa Lembongan

The island is small (you can walk from one side to the other in around an hour). However, there are many hostels, hotels, and resorts to choose from for any budget.

Hotels in Bali 😴

Nusa Veranda

Day 19-21: Uluwatu or Canggu

We’re finishing the Bali travel guide with a bang! For the last stop on your Bali 3-week itinerary, choose from hipster Canggu or the surf haven of Uluwatu.

uluwatu bali cliffs

Canggu has bohemian vibes aplenty, big beach clubs, and great shopping. Alternatively, for a more chilled atmosphere, head to laidback Uluwatu for stunning beaches, epic clifftops, and incredible surf spots.

Read: 17 Things to do in Uluwatu, Bali

bali itinerary uluwatu cave

Uluwatu – Our Bali travel guide favorite

Uluwatu is a little more off-the-beaten-track than Canggu and slightly more upmarket, so it is a good choice if you’re looking for a bit of luxury to end your Bali itinerary. Spend a few peaceful days exploring the beautiful beaches, discovering lovely cafes, and motorbiking along clifftops with the wind in your hair. 

travel guide bali uluwatu beach

While you’re here, you can’t miss out on one of the best cultural experiences in Bali, the Kecak Fire Dance. Ancient stories are told through music and movement in a clifftop amphitheater as the sun sets over the island – an amazing sight!

Book your tickets in advance for the Kecak Fire Dance

On the last day of your Bali 3-week itinerary, hit the beach for one final dip in the ocean before setting off for the airport, which is just under an hour away.

bali kecak kecak dance uluwatu

How to get from Nusa Lembongan to Uluwatu / Canggu

From Nusa Lembongan, take the ferry to Sanur port, and from there, it is a 1-hour drive to Canggu or 1.5 hours to Uluwatu. Many taxis are available from Sanur, or you can rent a motorbike. 

Where to Stay in Uluwatu / Canggu

In Canggu, stay around the Batu Bolong and Berewa areas which are by the beach and close to everything. 

In Uluwatu, pick somewhere along the clifftop in the Pecatu area, which is central and offers stunning views!

Hotels in Uluwatu 😴

Padang Padang Inn

How to Visit Bali in 3 Weeks

Denpasar-Ngurah Rai International Airport is where you will fly into when visiting Bali. It is located on the southern tip of the island, close to Canggu, Seminyak, and Uluwatu.

If you are already traveling around Indonesia , you also have the option to take the ferry from Jakarta, Lombok, or the Gili Islands, among other places.

Traveling around Bali

Although Bali is relatively small, and driving distances can look very short on the map, be aware that heavy traffic can increase traveling times significantly, especially during the high season in July and August.

balinese street

By Motorbike

One of the easiest and most flexible ways to travel around Bali is by motorcycle. This is the best way to explore the island at your own pace, and you can make stops whenever you feel like it. You also have unimpeded views of the beautiful countryside! Additionally, renting a scooter is very affordable, with daily rates starting from as little as ~4 USD per day and cheap fuel.

rent motorbike bali

The downside is that some roads aren’t in that good condition (although this is continually improving) and the streets can get very busy, especially during the high season. If you are not that confident on a scooter, you might prefer an alternative form of transport to complete your Bali itinerary. 

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By Private Driver

Renting a car is a slightly safer option than a motorcycle. However, traffic is an issue in Bali, and it can take a long time to get from A to B. For that reason, we recommend hiring a private driver , which is very cost-effective, especially for a small group with lots of luggage.

bali driver group trip

For day trips or multi-day itineraries, the driver will wait for you at each place, and the price is set for the day, so there are no surprising hidden costs. 

Hiring a driver in Bali costs around 35 USD per day, which is around the same price as a car rental without the hassle of navigating, parking, and getting fuel! 

Public buses are popular among the locals and an extremely cheap way to get from A to B, with an hour’s journey costing around 2 USD. However, if you are short on time, this isn’t the best option, as the schedules are a little unreliable. It will also take much longer than a scooter or taxi, and you may have to change several times to get to where you want to go.

Taxis are a very affordable and convenient way to travel short distances. However, always check that the meter is on or agree to a price beforehand! An even cheaper option is ride-sharing apps like Grab or Go-Jek. However, these aren’t allowed in some areas, like the airport, for instance.

For longer trips and for traveling between popular tourist attractions, it is better and cheaper to rent a private car and driver for the day. 

motorbike taxi bali

Booking Tours

In this travel guide, you’ll find options for tours to join throughout your itinerary. Joining a tour is a good option for specific trips like the sunrise trek to Mount Batur or the day trip to Nusa Penida. Everything is included, including hotel pick-up and drop-off, and occasionally even a local guide who can provide fascinating local insight into the area and culture that you wouldn’t get otherwise.

voyage traditours bali

Our Favorite Bali Accommodations

There are some fantastic accommodation options in Bali, whatever your budget. Discover bamboo villas, lively hostels, and five-star resorts all over the island. Here are our favorite places to stay in every destination in our Bali travel guide:

  • Canggu : Amar Boutique , Cali Villas , Guru Canggu
  • Seminyak : The Legian , Elysian Boutique , Villa Air
  • Jatiluwih : Ti Amo , Saridevi Ecolodge , Dwan Tea Mountain Side
  • Munduk : Munduk Menir Villas , Munduk Cabins , Ekommunity
  • Ubud : Kayon Jungle Resort , Ubud Valley Boutique , Sapodilla Ubud
  • Amed : Aquaterrace Amed , Blue Earth Village , Kubu Kangin Resort
  • Gili Air : PinkCoco , The Koho Air Hotel , Anahata – Tropical Private Villas
  • Nusa Lembongan : Nusa Veranda , The Jingga Villas , Bukit Taman Cottages
  • Uluwatu : Padang Padang Inn , Bukal Sari , The Elementum

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How Much Do 3 Weeks in Bali Cost?

The cost of your trip will depend on what time of year you visit, which part of the island you’re in, and what you like to spend your money on. Bali is generally a very affordable travel destination, however, and if you go outside of the high season months of July and August, you can also find cheap accommodation in most places.

Costs of Traveling in Bali

Travel on a budget in Bali, from $200 − $500 USD weekly per person, mid-range $530 − $1180 USD, and high-end from $1160 − $1810 USD. However, costs depend on factors like accommodation, transportation, and activities. We did not include flights. Check flight prices here

  • Hotels: $25 − $150 USD Check available hotels
  • Hostels: $10 − $40 USD Check available hostels
  • Transport: $5 − $40 USD Book public transport
  • Car Rental: $25 − $60 USD Book a rental car
  • Food: $5 − $20 USD
  • Activities: $5 − $20 USD See tickets & tours
  • Sim: $1 − $3 USD Get an eSIM or SIM here
  • Travel Insurance: $2 − $6 USD Get Travel Insurance

Tip: Be aware that Canggu is one of the most expensive areas on the island. However, you can still find budget hostels and cheap local restaurants.

bali travel guide nusa lembongan

Best Time to Visit Bali for 3 Weeks

The best time to visit Bali is during the dry season between April and October, when the weather is best for sightseeing, beach days, surfing, snorkeling, and diving. We recommend avoiding the high season of July and August. It gets crowded with local and international tourists, and prices go up to reflect this.

The wet season is much quieter, accommodation is cheaper, and the countryside is lush and beautiful. However, be prepared for at least a few hours of rain a day!

Tip: April, May, September, and October are the best months to follow this Bali travel guide. This is when the rice paddies are at their greenest and most vibrant, right before harvest.

sunset beach canggu bali

Do I Need a Visa for My Bali 3-Week Itinerary?

Most people will need a visa for Bali unless their country has a Visa Exemption Agreement. You can get a Visa on Arrival (VOA) when you land at the airport, which is valid for 30 days and costs 500,000 IDR (~ 33 USD). To avoid long queues at the airport, apply electronically at least 48 hours before you arrive.

Get your visa for Bali in advance

visa bali

Is Bali Safe?

Bali is generally a very safe place to travel and is one of the safest destinations in Indonesia. There is a small level of petty crime, such as phone theft or pickpocketing, particularly in the more touristy areas, so exercise caution and always watch your belongings.

Read: Top travel safety tips!

Traffic is the main issue on the island, especially during the high season in July and August, and there are very few pavements. This is something to consider if it’s your first time riding a motorcycle, and be careful while walking around the busier areas. 

Tip: Although a volcanic eruption on Bali is unlikely, check the local news or government website for warnings before attempting the hike up Mount Batur.

streets canggu bali

Travel Insurance Bali

Travel insurance is an essential purchase for any trip away. It gives you peace of mind and may also save you money in the long run if anything unexpected happens while you are away. You can buy single-trip insurance very cheaply, and there are plenty of options if you are traveling long-term. 

What to Pack for a Bali 3-Week Itinerary

What you pack for your 3 weeks in Bali may change depending on what time of year you visit. If you are here during the wet season, waterproofs and suitable footwear are a must-have, while the hot weather of the dry season will require more sunscreen! Try to pack as light as possible, especially if you are moving around a lot.

Bali Travel Guide: Packing List

  • Layers – Useful for when you are up in the mountains where temperatures are much cooler (particularly at night) and for motorcycle trips.
  • Universal travel plug – A great addition to any trip, so your electronics can be charged wherever you are. ( Get one here )
  • Raincoat – In the rainy season, this is an essential item in Bali! It may come in handy during the dry season when there are occasional showers or to keep the wind off while motorbiking. 
  • Hat – Essential for keeping the sun off your face while sightseeing, hiking, or simply sunbathing on the beach.
  • Good footwear – Good hiking boots, sneakers, or sturdy sandals are a must for your Bali 3-week itinerary. You will need good shoes for hiking in the mountains or the rice paddies.

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  • Sarong – Most sacred temples require everyone to cover up their legs out of respect. There is often an option to rent these, but it’s good to have one packed just in case, even if it’s just to cover up from the sun.
  • Microfibre towel – A small, lightweight towel is great for beach days and waterfall trips, as they fit easily into a small bag and dry very quickly.  
  • Camera – You need something to capture all the incredible sights on your Bali itinerary! Consider a waterproof camera or a GoPro for snorkeling and diving or for that perfect waterfall shot.
  • Power bank – Helpful for day trips, mountain hikes, and power outages, a power bank is a great backup to have on hand.  Get one here .
  • Small backpack – A small day bag or backpack is convenient for day trips, so you can just bring the essentials.

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Packing Sustainable Items

  • Stainless steel straw – Carrying a small stainless steel straw around with you will save on plastic and can be used for your sunset cocktail or a beachside coconut! Lots of restaurants offer refills!
  • Non-toxic insect repellent – Choose an insect repellent that isn’t made with harmful chemicals like DEET.
  • Non-toxic sunscreen – Opt for a reef-safe sunscreen , which helps to protect marine life.
  • Reusable bags – Say no to plastic bags at local markets by keeping a few reusable bags on hand.

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  • Find Hotels via Booking.com
  • Find a Rental Car via Rentalcars.com
  • Find Flights to Bali via Skyscanner
  • Get a Travel Insurance via Heymondo
  • Book Tours & Attractions via GetYourGuide
  • Book a Bus/Train/Transfer via 12Go

Best Hotels and Hostels in Bali

Indonesia travel guide: the ultimate itinerary to bali, java & flores, 17 things to do in uluwatu, bali.

Looking for more travel information? Plan a chat with us for personalised travel advice or get an answer from the Salt in our Hair Travel Community on Facebook.

Hello, thank you for all the information, it help me so much to plan my trip to Bali in may! I will be visiting the island for 17 days, I would really appreciate if you provide any feedback on the itinerary D1 : Uluwatu D2-5 : Ubud and the area D6: Mount Batur D7-8: Munduk D9: Amed D10-11: Sidemen D12-14 Gili or Nusa penida? D15-17 Canggu/Seminyak (2 nights) Would you recommend Nusa Penida or Gili Air (as we don’t have a driving license)?

Thanks a lot !

Hi Colyne, looks like you are planning on seeing some of Bali’s best! Depending on where you’re flying from, you might want to have a few days to unwind from the journey. Amed is worth exploring for a few days, hopping around the different fishing villages and beaches (+ the journey from Munduk to Amed is not short). From Amed, it’s also really easy to get to the Gili Islands by fast boat! Gili Air is really small and doesn’t have any cars, so this is a great option to explore cycling around. From there, you can return to Amed and explore Sidemen after on your way to Canggu/Seminyak. Hope that helps a bit!

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  • Tours in Bali
  • Tours in Nusa Penida
  • Tours in Ubud
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Our passionate team have carefully curated Bali tours to suit any vacation. We're adding new tours in Bali monthly, so keep checking back to see our new excursions!

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The Best Tours in Bali

If you’ve never been, the amount of activities in Bali and sights you can see can be quite overwhelming, making it quite a stressful experience when planning your vacation - however, we’re here to make every single part of your trip enjoyable with our amazing guided tours in Bali where you can benefit from itineraries curated and run by friendly locals, who’ll love to show you round the best spots on the island!

We have Bali tours for every type of traveler; from an action packed Bali white water rafting tour , an ultimate Bali spa experience or a cultural trip around the best temples and instagram spots in Bali, our Bali excursions are great for different people and what they want to experience. We’ve put together our best tours in Bali, along with a handful of very useful tips and tricks, so you can easily plan an amazing Bali trip that you won’t forget.

Why take Bali tours in 2024?

Located in the heart of Indonesia, Bali is famous for its rich history, incredible landscapes and deep rooted culture, all of which helps to create a huge variety of tourist activities in Bali since there’s so much to show - in fact, tourism makes up the majority of its economy. With many discovering this hidden gem, it’s no surprise that day trips in Bali are becoming more and more popular every year, with the increased bookings of Bali tours in 2024 showing no exception!

Looking to get away from the commotion and chaos of everyday life? Excursions in Bali are the ideal way to escape, with plenty of opportunities to kick back in luxurious hotels and resorts, relax on pristine beaches and marvel at impressive waterfalls; it’s the perfect place to de-stress! Whether you’re exploring alone or want the best Bali tour operators to curate an amazing vacation, going on Bali trips is a brilliant way to step back and experience some new things.  

Suitable for families and solo travelers alike, taking a trip to Bali can be whatever you want it to be; a relaxing getaway or a way to experience unique and fun activities in Bali that are on offer. Taking guided tours in Bali is both an easy and relaxing way to explore this beautiful island, whether you’re looking for spiritual meaning or a day packed full with adventure. 

Amongst our most popular options is our famed Bali island tours , a unique selection of Bali trips where you can discover and relax in a slice of paradise; it’s something many people dream of being able to do and never think they will, but we can take you on some incredible Bali day trips without any hassle on your end. Even better than that, you can experience these and many more sights and activities with no-one except yourself, family and friends and your very own guide with our private tours in Bali! We think there’s no better way to take in this beautiful province, and it will create memories for a lifetime.

If you want a change of scene from the regular local tours in Bali, consider coming with us on one of our  Nusa Penida tours to explore the amazing neighboring island, renowned for its quiet and relaxed way of life - you’ll even get some memorable snaps along the way! If you’re less of the relaxing sort and you were after some exciting tourist activities in Bali, then take a look at our  cultural Bali tours where you can find all sorts of unique trips - our  Ubud tours are also great for seeing how the locals live their lives, and you might even get the chance to buy some handmade souvenirs, recommended by your private tour guide in Bali.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many days do you need in Bali?

As many as you can stay for! There are countless private tours in Bali and other activities which can keep you entertained for weeks on end; although we’d love for you to stay as long as possible, a week or two should be enough to discover the best activities in Bali for you to do. However long you plan to go for, you’ll definitely want to come back as soon as possible to take some of the Bali excursions you missed out on!

What clothes do you need to pack for a trip to Bali?

The diverse weather and range of private Bali trips you might be undertaking makes it necessary to pack a variety of lightweight clothes, comfortable shoes and a swimsuit as a minimum (the latter will come in handy for many Bali activities!). This should include shorts, t-shirts, skirts and other items of loose-fitting clothing - the island is sunny most of the time, but there’s no harm throwing in a rain jacket if you happen to get stuck in a shower! Before embarking on your Bali excursions, it’s worth taking the time to research the best time to visit Bali so you can try and avoid a downpour when hoping for a bright and sunny getaway - although, we’d recommend you still pack a variety of clothes so you can expect the worst and hope for the best. It’s important to be prepared for any occasion so you can make the most of our stunning Bali tours for 2024!

Are trips to Bali family friendly?

Yes! Day tours in Bali are perfect for any family holiday, due to the diverse range of activities ranging from adventure to relaxing that are suitable for any age. With cultural sites to discover, beaches to relax on, fun filled activities to partake in and even amazing amenities at most hotels, you can be sure that most Bali tours are safe for children - although we recommend taking normal precautions with your children as you would anywhere in the world!

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Guide Français Bal i - Guide Parlant Français Ubud Bali- Guide Francophone Bali

Bonjour, je vous remercie de visiter le site du Guide Français Bali. tout d'abord je veux me présenter, je suis Adi Wiranata ou simplement vous pouvez m'appeler Adi. Je suis né et j'ai grandi ici à Bali, j'ai 36 ans et 14 ans d'expérience en tant que guide touristique parlant français sur l’île.

Je vous propose des visites personnalisées avec guide balinais francophone, excursion sur mesure en fonction de vos intérêts et de ce que vous voulez voir. Nos circuit découvert , excursions journalière , sont conçus pour explorer l'essence de Bali au prix raisonnable.

Guide Français Bali -Guide Francophone Bali Circuit découverte, Excursions tout comprise, au to tour, activité sportive . Circuits, excursions découverte guidée en français *tout compris pas cher . ​

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Vo iture et Guide

Location voiture climatis é e  avec guide -chauffeur francophone, carburant, parking. Préparez votre itinéraire , Je vous conduis..

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6 jours au 12 jours de découverte en profondément de tradition, people et la beauté de Bali 

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Excursion Privé

Excursions privée tout compris avec guide-chauffeur licencié parlant francais 

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Activité Sportive 

Sélection des activités sportive et loisir pendant votre séjour sur Bali

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www.guidefrancaisbali.com est une site internet de Adi Wiranata un guide balinais parlant francais,  est un  guide-chauffeur local qui travaille seul sans équipe derrière.  Guide Francais Bali n'est pas un agence de voyage ,   ne propose pas des hébergement, des billet d'avion,......... même la réponse des mail et whatsapp temps en temps tardive car je suis souvent au volant.

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Adi wiranata

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Bali Ritual Tours provides best selections of Bali Day Tour Packages for a joyful holiday experience in Bali, our professional Bali Tourist guide & experience driver will lead your trip to explore the beauty of Bali and see closely the uniqueness of our culture and social tradition. Our team committing to provide high standard services to meet our customers need. Customers’ satisfaction is our priority and we aim to make your holiday experience a memory that you will never forget.

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Best seller tours.

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Bali Batur Volcano Sunrise Trekking Tour

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Bali Best of Ubud Tour with Jungle Swing

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Bali Ubud Cultural Tour & Tanah Lot Temple Sunset

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Bali Kintamani Volcano & Ubud Tour

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Bali Ubud Waterfalls Tour

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Bali Volcano & Besakih Temple Tour

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Bali Blue Lagoon Snorkeling Tour

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Bali Undisan Village Sacred Forest & Waterfall Trekking

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Bali River Tubing Tour

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Des rizières de Bali aux plages de Lombok

voyage traditours bali

Circuit Philippines

de Mai à Octobre

Bali - Sengeggi - Kuta Lombok & région - Jimbaran

21 000 Dhs / pax

voyage traditours bali

Arrivée à Ubud Centre

Un joyau niché au cœur de Bali, allie harmonieusement la sérénité de la nature luxuriante, l'art inspirant et une culture profondément spirituelle, créant ainsi une expérience unique et apaisante pour les voyageurs du monde entier.

voyage traditours bali

Partez à la découverte de Bali en vélo Guide disponible en anglais.

voyage traditours bali

Journée libre à Ubud

Découvrez les magnifiques rizières, les temples, The Monkey Forest et cette âme unique qui y règne : entre culture et spiritualité.

voyage traditours bali

Visite du centre et du Sud de Bali

Le centre de Bali est un sanctuaire culturel au milieu de rizières en terrasses et de temples, tandis que le sud brille par ses plages dorées, ses stations balnéaires de luxe et son ambiance animée.

voyage traditours bali

Randonnée aventure

Lombok, une perle tropicale moins fréquentée que sa voisine Bali, vous séduira par ses plages immaculées, ses paysages montagneux majestueux, et une culture locale authentique à découvrir.

voyage traditours bali

Escapade à Lombok

Quittez les eaux cristallines de Bali pour rejoindre des îlots plus éloignés.

voyage traditours bali

Lombok: Kuta Lombok et sa région

Réputée pour ses plages de sable blanc, ses eaux turquoise idéales pour le surf, et les paysages côtiers spectaculaires de sa région.

voyage traditours bali

Journée libre à Kuta et sa région

Il est bon de prendre le temps de profiter des plages paradisiaques de Kuta et sa région comme celles de Tanjung A’an, Mawi ou Tampa, pour se reposer le corps et l’esprit …

voyage traditours bali

tandis que d’autres spots sont propices à la plongée sous-marine.

voyage traditours bali

Arrivée à Jimbaran

Célèbre pour ses plages de sable doré, ses restaurants de fruits de mer en bord de mer et son ambiance paisible, Jimbaran est une destination idéale pour les voyageurs en quête de détente balnéaire et de délicieux repas en plein air. Les couchers de soleil à Jimbaran sont particulièrement spectaculaires, ce qui en fait un endroit prisé pour savourer des fruits de mer frais tout en profitant de la vue sur l'océan Indien.

voyage traditours bali

Journée libre : Plage et surf au Sud de Bali

Les côtes sud de Bali, bien que très touristiques, ravissent amateurs d'activités nautiques et de plages. Commencez par Kuta et ses spots de surf mythiques. Continuez vers Legian, où vous opterez pour quelques vagues en bodyboard ou une petite heure de farniente dans un coin tranquille avant que les cafés et restaurants du rivage ne vous attirent. Vous pourrez ensuite digérer à Seminyak, contemporaine et huppée, aux longues plages sablées. Eventuellement, restez-y le soir: la ville ne dort jamais. Sinon, il y a encore Jimbaran et ses délicieux fruits de mer frais qui vous attendent.

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Value for money


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Mon aventure brésilienne avec Atlas Voyages a été un véritable enchantement. Le circuit m'a permis de découvrir la diversité incroyable du Brésil. Des vues imprenables aux chutes d'Iguaçu aux plages sereines de Búzios, chaque étape était un émerveillement. Le professionnalisme de l'agence a rendu ce voyage inoubliable et sans souci. Hautement recommandé !

September 2023

Je suis revenu d'un voyage extraordinaire au Brésil avec Atlas Voyages. Le circuit São Paulo, Foz do Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro et Búzios a dépassé toutes mes attentes. Les guides étaient compétents, les hébergements luxueux, et les sites étaient à couper le souffle. Merci à Atlas Voyages pour une expérience brésilienne inoubliable !

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Experts +de 20 conseillers spécialistes du voyage sur-mesure de luxe

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Curation Une sélection de destinations choisies et testées par nos experts

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Accompagnement Des centaines de guides locaux vous accompagnent à travers le monde

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Assistance Une réelle assistance avant, pendant et après votre voyage

Inscrivez-vous et participez à nos ventes privées réservées uniquement à nos membres inscrits.

Lundi à Vendredi : 9h-18. Samedi : 10h à 17h. Appel non surtaxé.

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Votre voyage à bali : île des dieux.

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Le paiement en 3 ou 4 fois par carte bancaire

Afin de bénéficier du paiement en plusieurs fois, les seules conditions à remplir sont :

  • Réserver un séjour à partir de 100 € et jusqu’à 4000 €
  • Être une personne majeure
  • Résider en France
  • Être titulaire d’une carte bancaire Visa ou MasterCard (hors cartes Electron, Maestro, e-card, Indigo, American Express, …)
  • Posséder une carte bancaire dont la date de validité est supérieure à la durée du financement choisi
  • Un premier paiement est dû le jour de la réservation. Les autres échéances suivent 30 et 60 jours après pour le paiement en 3 fois ou 30, 60 et 90 jours après pour le paiement en 4 fois.
  • Pour le paiement en 3 fois, les frais correspondants sont de 1,64% du montant total de la commande (dans la limite de 25€ maximum). Vous pourrez bénéficier d'un paiement en 3 fois par carte bancaire pour des achats d'un montant compris entre 100 et 4000 euros.

Exemple : Paiement en 3 fois pour un achat d’un montant de 150€, apport de 52,46€, puis 2 mensualités de 50€. Crédit sur 2 mois au TAEG fixe de 22,08%. Coût du financement 2,46€ dans la limite de 25€ maximum

  • Pour le paiement en 4 fois, les frais correspondants sont de 2,46% du montant total de la commande (dans la limite de 50€ maximum). Vous pourrez bénéficier d’un paiement en 4 fois par carte bancaire pour des achats d’un montant compris entre 350 et 4000 euros.

Exemple : Paiement en 4 fois pour un achat de 400€, apport de 109,84€, puis 3 mensualités de 100€. Crédit sur 3 mois au TAEG fixe de 22,22%. Coût du financement 9,84€, dans la limite de 50€ maximum

Offre de financement sans assurance avec apport obligatoire, réservée aux particuliers et valable pour tout achat de 100€ à 4000€. Sous réserve d’acceptation par Oney Bank. Vous disposez d’un délai de 14 jours pour renoncer Oney Bank - SA au capital de 51 286 585€ - 34 Avenue de Flandre 59 170 Croix - 546 380 197 RCS Lille Métropole - n° Orias 07 023 261 www.orias.fr

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  1. Bali : Quelle Est la Meilleure Période Pour Partir Découvrir ce Paradis

    voyage traditours bali

  2. Tourisme à Bali : guide voyage pour partir à Bali

    voyage traditours bali

  3. Itinéraire Voyage Bali

    voyage traditours bali

  4. Que faire à Bali

    voyage traditours bali

  5. Découvrir Bali : que visiter ?

    voyage traditours bali

  6. Bali, en Indonésie

    voyage traditours bali


  1. voyage de noce bali 2023

  2. Voyage Traditours en Italie (2023)

  3. La Croatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine & le Monténégro

  4. Publicité télé 2017: Voyagez au cœur du monde avec Traditours

  5. Courte capsule vidéo de Guy Richer

  6. La Croatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine & le Monténégro


  1. Circuit Bali, Voyage organisé à Bali

    Traditours propose un voyage organisé à Bali, pays rempli de beauté et de charme. Découvrez la végétation unique et l'histoire de ce magnifique pays. Notre équipe; Nos services. Assurances voyages ... Je suis sans mots (100 mots) pour exprimer mon euphorie pour notre voyage à Bali. C'est extraordinaire, merveilleux, exotique ...

  2. À la découverte de Bali

    À la découverte de Bali. La rédaction du Blogue du voyageur 25 juillet 2023. Aussi connue sous le nom de « l'île des dieux », Bali est un véritable paradis au beau milieu de l'archipel indonésien. Avec ses quelque 5 637 km 2 et ses 3 millions d'habitants, Bali est située entre les îles de Java et de Lombok.

  3. Croisière L'Indonésie, la Malaisie et la ...

    Croisière accompagnée L'Indonésie, la Malaisie et la Thaïlande au départ de Bali d'une durée de 20 jours. Accompagné et guidé en français. Contactez votre conseiller.

  4. Best Bali Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Bali is a volcano-dotted, beach-fringed paradise that's serene and sensational by turns. Beyond the mega-resorts and yoga studios, you'll find the essence of Bali, the temples, out-of-the-way mountain towns, local markets and lazy fishing villages. Our Bali tours have something for everyone. Dive the impossibly blue waters off Lovina.

  5. Bali à moto

    Octane et Voyage Traditours vous présente la suite de Bali à Moto avec Martin Horik. Visionnez l'épisode 2 et suivez le groupe de motocyclistes à Bali afin d...

  6. Bali Authentic and Traditional Tours

    Phone : 081236783259 / 0818566743. Skype : wayan.kembar. Website : www.sepedabali.com. Discover a range of Bali tours from renowned tour guides in Bali. Spiritual and Cultural day trips, Bike rides in Bali, Mount Batur hiking, Temple visits and more - from just a couple of hours to full-day tours and activities.

  7. Bali Experience

    Join us on an epic adventure as we explore 3 awesome destinations across Bali and the Gili Islands. See amazing sights, explore majestic temples, splash around in waterfalls, visit an active volcano, wander through rice fields, discover idyllic islands and sip cocktails on white sandy beaches. Shop the markets and indulge in delicious food.

  8. Trip to Bali (3 weeks)

    Animals in Bali. Then, at the beginning, we wanted to see dolphins in Lovina. After asking around, we heard that there are far too many boats that "chase" as soon as a dolphin would show up its fin. It was appealing to us. However, if you want to try it out, the dolphin trip costs 100,000 RP per person (6€). Book here.

  9. Voyages, Séjours et Circuits Indonésie et Bali

    Sri Lanka. Thaïlande. Vietnam. Corée du Sud. Mongolie. Philippines. Voyage Indonésie et Bali 400 séjours et circuits en Indonésie à partir de 197€ : Bali, Lombok, Ubud...Découvrez notre sélection d'offres et promotions Indonésie et Bali. Jet Tours le spécialiste en vacances réussies !

  10. Best Art And Culture Tours In Bali Indonesia

    Tanah Lot temple is one of the most famous, known primarily for its unusual position atop a rock formation at the edge of the sea. Bali Agung Tours bring travelers to the temple at sunset, taking advantage of the warm glow produced by the last rays of daylight. Although the temple is visited at the end of the day, tours begin at 8:30 am.

  11. Bali Traditional Tour & Indonesia Trip

    Balinese Traditions and Island Magic. 9 Days from $2,090 / person. Itinerary Summary. Itinerary Details. Price & Inclusions. Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Bali and discover magical islands on this nine-day tour. Ubud is the perfect blend of natural beauty, intriguing history and traditions that go back ages.

  12. L'île de Bali à moto avec Voyages Traditours

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  13. Bali Travel Guide 2024: Ultimate 3-Week Itinerary

    Costs of Traveling in Bali. Travel on a budget in Bali, from $200 − $500 USD weekly per person, mid-range $530 − $1180 USD, and high-end from $1160 − $1810 USD. However, costs depend on factors like accommodation, transportation, and activities. We did not include flights.

  14. Best Bali Tours, Day Trips & Excursions 2024

    US$180. US$174/pp. Spend the day on this popular Bali tour and it will create memories you'll cherish forever. On the Bali Elephant Bath & Breakfast Day Tour, you will wash, bathe and splash around with these incredible animals in the heart of Bali's tropical jungle, in the sacred town of Ubud.

  15. Guide Français Bali

    guide de voyage ubud, gui de bali, g uide français b ali , g uide p arlant f rançais b ali, g uide b ali f rancophone ubud, guide fra ncophone bali prix, voyage de r ê ve bali, guide bali en solo www.guidefrancaisbali.com est une site internet de Adi Wiranata un guide balinais parlant francais, est un guide-chauffeur local qui travaille seul ...


    SAVIEZ-VOUS QUE ? | Bali est surnommée « l'île des dieux » en raison de ses nombreux lieux de culte de l'hindouisme balinais. On y dénombre plus de 20... Voyages Traditours ...

  17. Bali Ritual Tours

    Welcome to Our Site. Bali Ritual Tours provides best selections of Bali Day Tour Packages for a joyful holiday experience in Bali, our professional Bali Tourist guide & experience driver will lead your trip to explore the beauty of Bali and see closely the uniqueness of our culture and social tradition. Our team committing to provide high ...

  18. Bali Prana Tour

    Votre voyage sur mesure dans l'archipel indonésien. Nous vous aidons à définir un itineraire adapté a vos envies pour profiter au mieux de votre séjour à Bali : une sélection d'hôtels et de villas. des guides francophones, des chauffeurs francophones et anglophones.

  19. Des rizières de Bali aux plages de Lombok

    Imprégnez-vous de cette spiritualité qui vous entoure. Partez ensuite direction la région de Lombok, en découvrant la richesse culturelle et naturelle de ce pays enchanteur. Une expérience inoubliable vous attend à chaque étape de ce voyage unique en Indonésie. Bali - Sengeggi - Kuta Lombok & région - Jimbaran !

  20. Voyage Bali pas cher, séjours et vacances Bali tout compris

    Découvrez notre sélection voyage Bali. Vols, hôtel(s), transferts et options disponibles à la réservation. Meilleur prix garanti. Départ de régions. Pas de frais de dossier. Réservez votre voyage Bali en 3 clics, on s'occupe du reste !