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Download any file on your iPhone or iPad with Safari Downloader+ tweak for Safari

tweak download video safari

Safari is one of the most popular mobile web browser and thanks to the recent changes that were added to it with the release of iOS 7 it has got even better than ever before. While Safari is a great way to browse the internet on iPhone and iPad it lacks a major feature i.e. the ability to download files from the web. Same is true for any third party iOS browser since Apple does not allow iOS users to download files from the web.

However if your device is jailbroken then you don’t have to worry about Apple’s pointless restrictions. A new tweak called Safari Downloader+ is yet another hack for Safari that enables it to download stuff from the web. This tweak supports a wide range of file types and features that make it a must have for every iOS user.

The best thing about the Safari Downloader+ tweak is that it is fully integrated in the Safari browser so you can initiate downloads and manage them right from the Once downloaded you can export the files in your favorite third party applications such as Dropbox, VLC and iFile.

Safari Downloader+ is a two in one tweak that not only enables file downloading in Safari but also allows users to download videos from Youtube.

Some of the features of this download manager for Safari browser include simultaneous downloads, support for a wide range of file types and extensions, ability for users to control concurrent downloads, badge notifications showing how many downloads are in progress, ability to change browser’s UserAgent so the desktop version of the website can be viewed and more.

Safari Downloader+ is a universal tweak, which means you only have to purchase it once for both iPhone and iPad. It fully supports the newer 64-bit iOS devices and works on iOS 7 as well as iOS 6.

You can download it for $3.50. The price seems a bit excessive but if downloading stuff on your iPhone or iPad is important to you then its a small price to pay.

If you are looking for a free solution then try Safari Download Enabler tweak .

  • iOS 7 tweaks
  • Safari Downloader+

tweak download video safari


There is no safari downloader on india’s AppStore

this can only be installed using Cydia on jailbroken devices

Lol, this guy wrote his thoughtless comment 2 months ago – Don’t think he’ll ever read your reply today.

Looking at the time of your reply, bet you searched for an compatible Safari Download Tweak for iOS 8 too. I only saw a list where Chrome Downloader was listed under the compatible tweaks. Anybody knowing about Safari?

Last year (iOS 7) it was a two month wait until Safari Download Enabler came out. Luckily for free, but who knows when it gets updated. (Paid for Safari Download Manager in iOS 6, but the guy still hasn’t updated just for 7 – despite promises otherwise. Hope the Enabler Dev handles that different).

Would also consider buying Downloader+ for iOS 8. At least that would show the dev’s updating his tweaks (hate paying for tweaks which get abandoned for the next iOS version)

Hahahahaha, You are 100% correct! I am defiantly going to buy idownloader+ Once they allow us to buy tweaks on iOS 8

Hehheh, the timing was your tell 😉 Thx for your reply. Being able to DL through Safari is one of the coolest features after a JB 🙂

I’m using Downloads HD (or Downloads for iPad from the App Store) for now. Like last year until Enabler arrived. Works really fine but of course there’s no possibility to choose a Download Destination with this. Real hassle to always have to cut & paste the files to different directories but it still beats downloading through Safari alone where you don’t see any DL progress/speed and thus have no idea when this darn “Open With …” screen appears.

iDownloader? Thanks for the tip – Cydia buying is open again but can’t find any iDownloader. Only found a repo from a guy named iDownloader 😉

Is there a typo or did you mean the tweak mentioned in this article (Downloader+)? Afaik it’s not compatible with iOS 8 atm. Tried Download Enabler as some iOS 7 apps/tweaks also work with 8 (like iFile, iCleaner or Mobile Terminal) but alas Enabler isn’t one of them.

My mistake, it’s “Safari downloader+” THX for ur wishes have a nice week end two

Thanks mate 🙂

Did you end up buying it (if yes did it work)? Couldn’t even purchase it in Cydia if I wanted to (product not supported in your iOS version). Sucks that so many devs seem to lose interest in updating their apps after every new iOS release.

Best wishes

Yea so far this tweak and all similar ones are not working ! That’s very frustrating!!! Will let u know if they did

Thx. Same for me if I end up discovering something working

just searched, if you don’t know already Safari Downloader+ (the one named in the article) is finally iOS 8 compatible. The creator updated it, apparently he still needs to fix the “Import Media” feature, everything else should work fine. Will buy it now.

Good news is – especially considering the little higher price than similar not (yet?) compatible tweaks, apparently it’s also for Youtube DLs

Thx a lot I’ll buy it now ! Can’t wait

Wow fast reply 🙂

Just tried it out – Works fine. Little unused to that it’s an own app. The screen up in the article (with the DL speed) doesn’t appear for now, but browsing, DL location etc work well. Just no DL speed and progress at the moment but when the DL is finished shortly a little blue bar appears in the upper right screen … Lol

Sure those small things’ll get fixed too but all in all I’m happy finally a Safari DL tweak has arrived for iOS 8 😉

Where can I find the ios8 version.. What source ?

Just the normal Big Boss Repo in Cydia – But you need a jailbroken iPhone/iPad to be able to download/use it. (I take it from your question that you maybe haven’t – If that’s the case – and you are on any iOS version below iOS 8.1.1 – a Jailbreak is possible and not too hard. There a plenty of step-by-step tutorials out there but it’s basically just plugging your iDevice into your Computer, starting the downloaded Jailbreak Program for you iOS Version and wait a few minutes until it’s done. After that you’re able to customize your iDevice in pretty much any way you want (like with a downloading app for Safari). Before doing it however, read up a bit about it and decide if it’s for you.)

Uninstalled this again – Alas even though updated for iOS 8, the app made Safari constantly crash on my iPad Air. Hope it runs better for you.

If not I stumbled over an awesome alternative. There’s a browser in the App Store called iCab and it’s great! It has so many more features than Safari (much more search engines, better operability, settings for nearly everything). But best of all, it also has a very well implemented download function!

Besides only being half the price of the Downloader one never has to wait for (maybe-)updates of Cydia tweaks anymore – As it is an official App Store App and also works for non-jailbroken.

Can’t believe I haven’t discovered this app sooner. People always talk about Chrome or Dolphin in terms of alternative browsers. Of course, they’re free but with all the features and the awesome download function iCab’s more than worth its 2 bucks.

I prefer using safari, but thx a lot for the advice ill keep it in m y mind

i recently updated to iOS 8.1.2, had this tweak already purchased when i was on iOS 7 which was working relatively fine except for Safari crashing 6 times out of 10 and i thought upgrading might fix the problem but i’m now discovering that this cannot download ANY video types in Safari

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These are the best whatsapp alternatives for your iphone: line, kik messenger, bbm, telegram messenger and wechat, clear for ios goes free for 24 hours, download now.

Safari Downloader+ Tweak Adds Vimeo Support, More Languages, Other Improvements

Safari Downloader+ Tweak Adds Vimeo Support, More Languages, Other Improvements

Safari Downloader+ Tweak Adds Vimeo Support, More Languages, Other Improvements

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Tweak for iOS App "Safari" - Various enhancements


Folders and files, repository files navigation.

Various enhancements to Safari

Force HTTPS (+ configurable exception sites)

Locked Tabs - Adds a lock switch to every tab inside the tab switcher that, when enabled, prevents the specific tab from being closed until the switch is disabled again

Biometric Protection - Require TouchID / FaceID verification for switching browsing modes, locking tabs, unlocking tabs or accessing locked tabs

Uploads & Downloads

Upload Any File - An additional option to the document sheet that can be used to upload any file on your root file system

Download Manager - Extensive enhancements to the downloading functionality of Safari, check the preference page for more detailed info

Both Link Opening Options - Have both the "Open in Background" option and the "Open in New Tab" option available alongside each other

Open in Opposite Mode Option - Adds an option to open a long pressed URL in the respective other browsing mode

Desktop Mode Switch - A switch inside the tab switcher that can be used to toggle desktop mode on / off globally

Tab Manager - An easy way to batch-export, batch-close, and batch-add tabs

Disable Tab Limit - Disables the default tab limit (varies between devices)

Always Open Links in New Tab (+ Option to always open in background)

Disable tab Swiping (Only available on iOS 12 and up)

Fully Disable Private Browsing

Insert Suggestion on Long Press - Insert a search suggestion into the URL bar by long pressing it

Suggestion Insert Button - Insert a search suggestion into the URL bar by pressing a button on the right of it

Show Tab Count - Shows the tab count on the button that opens the tab switcher

Fullscreen Scrolling - Hide the top bar when scrolling down

Lock Bars - Lock the top and buttom bar into place while scrolling

Show Full Site URL - Always show the full URL in the top bar

Suppress Mailto Dialog (on iOS 10 and above)

Change Browsing Mode on App Start, App Resume, and when an External Link is Opened

Auto Close Tabs when Safari is Minimized or Closed

Auto-Clear Browser Data hen Safari is Minimized or Closed

URL Bar Swipe Left, Right, and Down Gestures

Toolbar Swipe Left, Right, and Up / Down Gestures

Many available actions to trigger


Color Settings for the Top Toolbar, Bottom Toolbar and the Tab Switcher for both normal and private browsing modes

Change the button order of the Top and Bottom Toolbars and add additional buttons

Custom Start Site - Change the default favorites view when opening a new tab to a specified URL

Custom Start Engine - Change the search engine of Safari to any URL

Custom User Agent - Change the user agent for both mobile and desktop mode


Any iOS device running iOS versions 8.0 to 14.8.1 should be supported!

You will need the following libraries / frameworks in order to compile Safari Plus:



To compile the WebContent part of Safari Plus, slightly patched WebKit headers are needed. Running the script will download and patch them automatically.

There are also some variables you can set when running make:

SIMJECT=1 to compile Safari Plus for an iOS simulator

ROOTLESS=1 to compile Safari Plus for rootless jailbreaks

NO_LIBCOLORPICKER=1 to compile Safari Plus without the Alderis/libCSColorPicker dependecy (color settings will be disabled if this flag is set)

NO_DEPENDENCIES=1 to compile Safari Plus with all of the above NO_* flags set

DEBUG_LOGGING=1 to compile a version of Safari Plus that produces some very verbose debug logs related to the Download Manager feature that are stored inside sandbox container/Documents/Logs


If you wish to help with localizing the tweak, take the english template from here and contact me somewhere with the localized file.

Contributors 8

  • Objective-C++ 42.8%
  • Logos 36.1%
  • Objective-C 19.2%
  • Makefile 0.4%
  • Python 0.3%

How To Download Any Video From Safari

Copy to Clipboard

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Downloading videos from Safari can be a convenient way to access your favorite content offline, whether it's a tutorial, a music video, or a captivating documentary. While Safari doesn't have a built-in feature to download videos directly, there are simple methods to achieve this. By following a few straightforward steps, you can effortlessly save videos from Safari for later viewing, even when an internet connection is unavailable.

In this guide, we'll explore the process of downloading videos from Safari, providing you with the knowledge and tools to accomplish this task with ease. Whether you're using a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the methods outlined here can be adapted to suit your specific device and preferences. With the right approach, you'll be able to enjoy your favorite videos at your convenience, without being tethered to an internet connection.

Let's delve into the steps required to download videos from Safari, empowering you to enjoy your favorite content on your terms. Whether it's for entertainment, education, or inspiration, having the ability to download videos from Safari can greatly enhance your digital experience. So, let's embark on this journey to unlock the potential of offline video access, making your browsing experience even more fulfilling.

Step 1: Open Safari and find the video you want to download

When it comes to downloading a video from Safari, the first step is to open the Safari browser on your device. Whether you're using a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the process begins with launching the Safari app and navigating to the website where the video is located.

Once Safari is open, you can use the address bar to enter the URL of the website hosting the video. Alternatively, you can utilize Safari's search functionality to look for the specific webpage containing the video content you wish to download. This could be a video-sharing platform, a news website, a social media platform, or any other site where videos are accessible.

Upon reaching the desired webpage, take a moment to locate the video you want to download. Videos on webpages can be embedded in various ways, so you may need to scroll through the content or click on specific links to find the video. In some cases, the video may start playing automatically, while in others, you may need to click on a play button to initiate playback.

It's important to ensure that you have permission to download the video, as unauthorized downloading of copyrighted content may infringe on intellectual property rights. Once you've identified the video you wish to download and confirmed that you have the right to do so, you're ready to proceed to the next step in the process.

By carefully navigating Safari and locating the video you want to download, you're setting the stage for the subsequent steps in the video downloading process. With the video in view, you're now prepared to move on to the next phase, which involves copying the video URL to facilitate the download process.

This initial step sets the foundation for a seamless video downloading experience, allowing you to access and enjoy your favorite videos at your convenience. With the video identified and ready for download, you're well on your way to building a library of offline content that aligns with your interests and preferences.

Step 2: Copy the video URL

Once you've located the video you want to download in Safari, the next crucial step is to copy the video's URL. The URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, serves as the unique web address that points to the specific location of the video on the internet. By copying this URL, you'll be able to provide the necessary information to the video downloader website or app, enabling it to locate and retrieve the video for download.

To copy the video URL in Safari, you can employ a straightforward approach that varies slightly depending on the device you're using. If you're using a Mac, you can simply click on the address bar at the top of the Safari window to highlight the video's URL. Once the URL is highlighted, you can right-click and select the "Copy" option from the context menu that appears. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Command + C" to copy the URL after it's been highlighted.

If you're using an iPhone or iPad, the process of copying the video URL is equally intuitive. When you've located the video on the webpage, you can tap and hold on the address bar to highlight the URL. After the URL is highlighted, you can tap "Copy" from the options that appear. This action will copy the video's URL to your device's clipboard, making it readily available for the next step in the video downloading process.

By copying the video URL, you're effectively capturing the digital address of the video, allowing you to transfer this information to the video downloader website or app. This step is essential for initiating the download process, as the URL serves as the key to accessing the video content from its online location.

With the video URL copied, you're now equipped with the vital information needed to proceed to the next phase of downloading the video. This simple yet pivotal action sets the stage for the subsequent steps, bringing you closer to the gratifying experience of having your desired video readily available for offline viewing.

Step 3: Use a video downloader website or app

After copying the video URL from Safari, the next step involves utilizing a video downloader website or app to initiate the download process. Video downloader tools are designed to facilitate the retrieval of online videos, allowing users to save them for offline access. These tools come in various forms, including websites that offer online video downloading services and dedicated applications that can be installed on compatible devices.

When it comes to using a video downloader website, the process typically begins by navigating to the site's homepage using the web browser of your choice. Once on the website, you may encounter a designated input field where you can paste the video URL that you previously copied from Safari. After pasting the URL into the provided field, you can initiate the download process by clicking a button or selecting an option to begin the video retrieval.

Alternatively, if you opt to use a video downloader app, you can launch the application on your device and locate the functionality that allows you to input the video URL. Depending on the specific app you're using, this may involve accessing a designated section for downloading videos, pasting the URL into a specified area, and initiating the download process through a series of on-screen prompts or buttons.

It's important to note that there are numerous video downloader websites and apps available, each offering its own set of features and capabilities. Some may support a wide range of video hosting platforms, while others may specialize in specific types of content or offer additional functionalities such as video format conversion or batch downloading.

When selecting a video downloader website or app, it's advisable to consider factors such as user reviews, security measures, and the overall user experience. Additionally, verifying the legitimacy and reputation of the chosen downloader tool can help ensure a safe and reliable video downloading process.

By leveraging a reputable video downloader website or app, you can harness the power of technology to seamlessly retrieve the video from its online source. This step marks a pivotal moment in the video downloading journey, as it represents the bridge between the online video content and its transformation into a downloadable format for offline enjoyment.

With the video URL in hand and a trusted video downloader at your disposal, you're poised to progress to the final step in the process: downloading the video and preparing it for offline viewing. This transition from online to offline accessibility underscores the versatility and convenience that modern technology affords, empowering users to curate their digital content for personalized consumption.

Step 4: Download the video

With the video URL successfully copied and the video downloader website or app ready for action, the final step in the process involves initiating the download of the desired video. This step brings the entire video downloading journey to fruition, transforming the online video content into a locally stored file that can be accessed at any time, even without an internet connection.

When using a video downloader website, the process of downloading the video typically commences after pasting the copied URL into the designated input field. Upon initiating the download, the website's backend system retrieves the video from its online location and begins the process of transferring it to your device. Depending on the size of the video and the speed of your internet connection, the download duration may vary, but once completed, the video will be available for offline viewing at your convenience.

Similarly, if you're utilizing a video downloader app, the process of downloading the video involves pasting the copied URL into the app's interface and triggering the download functionality. The app's underlying mechanisms then come into play, fetching the video and saving it to a location on your device where you can easily access it. As with the website-based approach, the download time may fluctuate based on factors such as file size and internet speed, but the end result remains the same: a locally stored copy of the video ready for offline playback.

It's important to note that some video downloader tools may offer options to select the video format and quality before initiating the download. This can provide flexibility in tailoring the downloaded video to suit specific preferences, such as optimizing for device compatibility or conserving storage space. By choosing the desired format and quality settings, you can further customize the downloaded video to align with your individual requirements.

Upon completion of the download process, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that the video is now readily available on your device, poised for offline viewing whenever the need arises. Whether it's a captivating documentary, an educational tutorial, or an entertaining music video, having the video stored locally empowers you to enjoy it on your terms, without being reliant on internet connectivity.

By successfully navigating through the steps of locating, copying, and downloading the video from Safari, you've unlocked the ability to curate your own collection of offline video content, tailored to your unique interests and preferences. This seamless transition from online discovery to offline accessibility epitomizes the convenience and empowerment that modern technology offers, enriching your digital experience in meaningful ways.

In conclusion, the ability to download videos from Safari opens up a world of possibilities for offline access to your favorite content. By following the simple yet impactful steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly transition from online video discovery to offline video enjoyment, all within the familiar confines of the Safari browser. The process begins with the initial step of opening Safari and locating the video you wish to download. Whether it's a captivating vlog, an insightful tutorial, or a mesmerizing music performance, Safari serves as the gateway to a vast array of video content waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.

Once you've identified the video of interest, the subsequent step involves copying the video's URL, effectively capturing the digital address that points to its online location. This crucial action sets the stage for the next phase, where you'll leverage a video downloader website or app to initiate the download process. The availability of various video downloader tools offers flexibility and choice, allowing you to select a method that aligns with your preferences and device compatibility.

The final step culminates in the gratifying act of downloading the video, transforming it from an online entity to a locally stored file ready for offline viewing. This transition underscores the empowerment that comes with controlling your digital content, enabling you to curate a personalized collection of videos tailored to your unique tastes and interests. Whether you're on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the process of downloading videos from Safari can be adapted to suit your specific device, ensuring that you have the flexibility to enjoy your favorite videos at your convenience.

By embracing the capability to download videos from Safari, you're not only enhancing your offline viewing experience but also gaining the freedom to access your preferred content without being tethered to an internet connection. This newfound flexibility empowers you to curate a library of videos that resonate with your individual preferences, ensuring that your digital journey is enriched with content that inspires, educates, and entertains.

In essence, the ability to download videos from Safari represents a seamless convergence of online discovery and offline accessibility, embodying the convenience and empowerment that modern technology offers. As you embark on your video downloading endeavors, may this guide serve as a valuable companion, empowering you to unlock the potential of offline video access and enriching your digital experience in meaningful ways.

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How to Download Videos From Safari on iPhone and iPad

Darryl Dsouza

While on the internet, we often come across videos that we would like to save for offline viewing or sharing. However, downloading videos from the Safari browser is challenging. Also, most social media websites (where many users come across these videos) lack a built-in option to download videos nor allow users to download videos.

We’ve compiled a guide to help you learn how to download videos from Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Also remember that while you can download videos from the internet, make sure it is for personal use and refrain from sharing elsewhere. We’ll talk more about this, later in the article. 

Steps to Download Videos From Safari on iPhone and iPad

Please ensure that you only download videos from websites that allow users to download videos. Planning to repurpose the content? Before doing that check whether the videos are royalty free. All I’m trying to convey is that avoid trouble by following the legalities. 

To demonstrate the process, we’ll be using the Pixabay website which has thousands of free stock videos shared by the community members.

Time needed:  3 minutes

Steps to download videos from Safari on your iPhone and iPad.

Tap Download button in Safari

Alternatively, you can tap and hold on to the video, drag it to the Photos app, and directly save it to your iPhone or iPad. 

Where are the Downloaded Videos Stored on iPhone and iPad?

The videos you download are saved to the Photos and the Files app. Navigating to download videos in the Photos app is quite easy. You can find it in the Albums > Recents . However, if you want to locate it in the Files app, follow the steps mentioned below. 

1. Open the Files app on your iPhone or iPad. 

2. Head to the Browse tab and tap the iCloud Drive option. 

3. Now tap on the Downloads folder and you’ll find the downloaded videos in this tab. 

Where are the Downloaded Videos Stored on iPhone and iPad

Download Videos from Social Media Apps and Websites 

Downloading videos from social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc., might not be ethical or even legal. Especially, if you want to download and share these videos or use the content in your videos, etc.

Coming to YouTube, it allows users to download videos for offline viewing within the app. These videos will not appear in the Photos or Files app and can only be accessed on YouTube. You might need a YouTube Premium subscription for some videos and resolutions (This is region specific). We have a guide that will help you download YouTube videos on your iPhone or iPad .

Now, if you upload your videos to YouTube (to store them privately as backup), then downloading these videos shouldn’t be a problem. You can look up websites that allow you to download videos from YouTube. However, please refrain from downloading videos from other creators and using them as it will come under copyright infringement laws. 

On the other hand, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites do not allow users to download videos even within their apps. So, if you’re looking to download a video from Twitter you can check out our detailed guide to download Twitter videos on your iPhone .

If you want to download Instagram reels or videos, you can use websites like Snapinsta , Save Insta , etc. Again, please ensure that you do not circulate these videos or repurpose the content as it can land you in trouble. 

Download Videos From Safari With Ease

We hope you’ve learned how to download videos from Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Now that you’re aware of the steps, ensure that you do not download and use the content. And, if you intend to do so, please pay the royalties or take the necessary permissions from the original creators. 

If you have any doubts regarding downloading videos from Safari on iPhone or iPad, let us know in the comments below. 

Open the video in Safari > tap Download > tap the Download Icon in the address bar > select Downloads > play the video > tap Share > Tap Save Video. 

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  • Darryl Dsouza

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Safari Plus

Version · 1.7.10.

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  • Updated 16 February, 2020
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How-To Geek

How to download files using safari on your iphone or ipad.

Need to quickly download a file on your iPhone or iPad? Here's how you can do this using Safari or a third-party app.

Quick Links

How to download files using safari, how to the change default download location, alternative for ios 12 users: documents 5 by readdle.

In your work or personal life, you'll sometimes need to download a file on your iPhone or iPad. Using the new feature introduced in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, you can now do this directly in Safari. No third-party app needed!

Safari's download manager is a hidden new feature in the  iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 updates. If you're going about your day, browsing the web, you probably won't be aware of the feature. Instead, it comes up when you tap on a download link.

Go to a web page and find the link for a file you want to download. When you select it, you'll see a popup with the filename asking if you want to download it. Tap on the "Download" button.

The download will start, and you'll see a new "Downloads" button appear next to the address bar at the top of the browser. Tap on the button to reveal all current downloads. From here, you can monitor the progress of multiple downloads.

If you want to stop a download at any time, simply tap on the "X" button.

Once the download is finished, tap on the file to preview it. If you've downloaded a media file, image, or a PDF, you'll be able to see it in the preview window.

You can then share the file to any app. Tap on the "Share" button from the bottom-left corner.

Press the "Search" icon next to the filename in the Downloads section to open the file.

Once you open the file in the Files app, you can tap and hold on the file to reveal the menu.

From here, tap on "Delete" to delete the file.

By default, the downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder in iCloud Drive in the Files app. This is a great option if you have a paid iCloud storage plan  because it allows your downloaded files to instantly sync across all your devices.

But if you're on the free, 5GB tier, you might not have space for storing large files.

Thankfully, you can change the default location to local storage. Open the "Settings" app and go to Safari > Downloads. If you can't find the browser on your phone, try using Apple's Spotlight search to locate it.

Here, switch the selection to "On My iPhone" or "On My iPad" depending on your device.

By default, Safari will pick the "Downloads" folder. You can change this by tapping on the "Other" option to select any folder from the local storage (or from a cloud storage option).

The new download manager in Safari is exclusive to iOS 13, iPadOS 13, and above. If you haven't updated to the latest OS (which you should), or if you're in a situation where you can't update, here's a workaround for you.

Try using the free Documents 5 app by Readdle . It's an all-in-one browser and file manager app.

Open the Documents 5 app and tap on the "Browser" button in the bottom-right corner to switch to the browser mode.

Now, navigate to the page with the download link and tap on it. From the next screen, select the folder where you want to download the file and tap on "Done."

The download will now start. You can tap on the "Downloads" tab to view all downloads.

Tap on the "Files" button from the bottom-left corner to switch to the file manager. From here, tap on the "Downloads" folder to see your downloaded file. You can tap on the download to preview it in the app. Tap on the "Menu" button to view options for opening the file in another app.

Safari's download manager is just one of the many new features in iOS 13. Take a look at our list of the  best iOS 13 features to learn more.

Related: The Best New Features in iOS 13, Available Now

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SafariX tweak customizes Safari mobile browser on iOS 16

Promotion image of SafariX article.

SafariX, a recent addition to the offerings of the 0xkuj repository, aims to elevate the Safari browsing experience on mobile devices. This tweak introduces a plethora of features designed to enhance user convenience and functionality within the browser. With SafariX, users can enjoy a more seamless and empowered browsing experience on their mobile devices running a jailbroken environment on iOS 15 or iOS 16.

SafariX Tweak Repository

SafariX tweak was released as a DEB package that can be purchased directly from the private 0xkuj Store at $1.50. To quickly access the Safari enhancement tweak, you can add the official SafariX Repo to your preferred package manager and install it on iOS 15 – iOS 16. Notably versatile, the SafariX tweak for Safari supports rootless jailbreak environments.

What is SafariX?

SafariX offers some amazing features. Among its notable offerings are Tabs In Portrait Mode, which optimizes tab management even in a vertical orientation, Customizable Shortcut Buttons for personalized browsing, Streamlined Grouping for easier organization, a Download Manager, Full URL visibility for comprehensive navigation, and Quick Access Buttons for swift controls.

Upon installation, this tweak seamlessly integrates into the Safari app, augmenting its capabilities and enriching its functionality. One of the most challenging aspects of this tweak was reinstating tab functionality for Safari, particularly in portrait mode. While previous solutions like Tabsa and SafariTabs provided similar functionality, they became obsolete with the release of iOS 15. SafariX delivers similar features but for modern iOS 16 jailbreaks.

Kindly be aware that SafariX opting for Tabs in portrait mode will position your address bar at the top without the ability to alter its placement. It's important to note that this feature is exclusively available for jailbreaks running iOS 15.1 and later versions.

SafariX tweak running in Safari browser.

Additionally, with the SafariX tweak, users have the flexibility to customize any desired button, with more customization options slated for future updates. Furthermore, the tweak enables the expansion of the bottom bar, accommodating up to seven fully functional buttons.

Should 7 buttons prove insufficient, a multifunctional button has been incorporated, capable of housing an additional ten buttons. All these customization options are conveniently accessible from the Safari bottom bar menu, placing enhanced functionality right at your fingertips.

Another valuable feature offered by the SafariX tweak is the ability to display the URL of any website you visit. This feature proves particularly handy during browsing sessions, providing quick access to the website's URL for reference or sharing purposes.

Last but certainly not least, SafariX offers an enhanced tab grouping experience for the Safari browser. With the added convenience of customizable buttons, accessing the Tab Groups section becomes quicker and easier, facilitating seamless navigation between tab groups.

SafariX tweak for iOS 16.

With the release of SafariX 1.1, you now have the option to customize the color of the tab bar to suit your preferences. This means that the tab bar won't dynamically change according to each website, giving you more control over your browsing experience. Additionally, you can now color your navigation bottom for each mode, further enhancing your browsing interface.

How to add SafariX Repo

SafariX tweak is available for purchase and download from the 0xkuj Repository. When you add the official SafariX Repo to your package manager you will be able to find, purchase, and install the tweak on iOS 15 – iOS 16. Rootless jailbreaks such as Dopamine 2.0 are also supported.

To install SafariX on an iOS device with Sileo, follow the steps:

  • Open the Sileo app from the Home Screen.
  • Tap on the Sources tab, then select the Edit button.
  • Add the following repository URL:
  • SafariX will automatically refresh all new packages.
  • Search for SafariX and install the package from the new repository.
  • Restart the Springboard to apply changes.
  • Configure the SafariX tweak from the Settings app.

Author Photo

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak topics since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from Intel, Avast, Microsoft, and more. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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7 ways to download Twitter videos on your iPhone

Love a video from X (né Twitter) and want to save the clip locally to your iPhone’s Photos app or Camera Roll? Check out these seven easy ways to download Twitter videos on iPhone and iPad for free.

How to download Twitter video on iPhone

1. Use the built-in Twitter download option

Ease of use: 10/10

If you’ve subscribed to X Blue or Twitter Blue , you get the native option to save Twitter videos to your iPhone or iPad’s Photos app. Here’s how it works:

  • Open the X app and tap a video post to open it in full-screen.
  • Tap the three dots icon from the top right.
  • Select Download video .
  • Once the download completes, go to your iPhone’s Photos app, and you will see this Twitter video there.

Download video in X app with Twitter Blue

Can’t download a video even though you’ve paid and subscribed to Twitter Blue? Here’s what you need to know:

  • You can only download a video from Twitter if the original poster has allowed downloading it.
  • If you don’t see the option to download a video, update the X app . After that, force quit and reopen it. Restarting your iPhone should also help.

In case the problem continues or if you are not subscribed to Twitter Blue, please follow the other six methods mentioned below.

2. Use an iOS shortcut to save a Twitter video

Ease of use: 9/10

Are you someone who makes a lot of memes, does video editing, and Twitter is your primary source of clips? If yes, you will like this excellent iOS shortcut by Saif Al Falah . Here’s how to use this easy iOS shortcut to quickly download Twitter videos offline and save them to the iPhone Photos app:

1) Visit the TVDL v3.1 shortcut link and tap Add Shortcut . If you’re on the older iOS 14 or earlier, allow untrusted shortcuts before tapping the link.

2) Open the Twitter app and tap the share button > Share via > TVDL v3.1 . If you’re using Twitter in an iPhone browser, tap the share button > Share Tweet via > TVDL v3.1.

3) Tap Allow Once or Always Allow .

4) Choose the desired video quality, and you’re done!

The video is downloaded from Twitter and saved to your iPhone’s Photos app.

iOS Shortcut to save Twitter video on iPhone

3. Use AnySave to download Twitter videos

1) Download AnySave from the iOS App Store.

2) Go to the Tweet that has the video you want to download and tap the share icon > Copy Link or Copy link to Tweet .

3) Open AnySave and it should automatically paste the Twitter video link from your iPhone’s clipboard. If it doesn’t, use Paste From Clipboard or paste the link manually.

4) Tap Save .

5) Go through the basic T&C screen and allow the app to access your Photos app. You have to do this the first time only.

Done! Open your iPhone’s Photos app to find the downloaded Twitter video there.

Use AnySave to download Twitter videos on iPhone

4. Use Safari to save Twitter videos to the iPhone Photos app

Ease of use: 8/10

If you occasionally download Twitter videos, there isn’t a need to keep your iPhone’s local storage occupied by an extra app. You can follow these steps instead:

1) Go to the Tweet in the Twitter app or browser, tap the share button , and copy its link.

2) Visit Downloader For Twitter in Safari on iPhone, paste the Tweet link here, and tap the enter or go key on the keyboard.

3) Scroll down and tap Download next to the desired video quality.

4) Tap Download .

5) Select the blue download arrow in Safari’s address bar and choose Downloads .

Download Twitter video using Safari on iPhone

6) Choose the downloaded video file.

7) Tap the share button , and from here, you can send the video via other apps or tap Save Video to have it in your iPhone’s Photos app.

Save Twitter video from Safari on iPhone

5. Use Safari and picture in picture

Ease of use: 6.5/10

In case the above website doesn’t work for you, follow these similar steps with a little change:

1) Copy the Tweet link that has a video.

2) Visit Twitter Video Downloader or TW Saver in Safari and paste the Tweet link here.

3) Tap Download .

4) Scroll down and select  Download Video .

5) The video will start playing immediately. Tap on the screen and then tap the Picture-in-Picture button .

Twitter video downloader on iPhone

6) Tap the share icon and select Save to Files > choose a location > Save .

7) Now, open the Files app > Browse and go to the folder where you saved the video. From here, you can tap the video and play it or tap the share button and send it via other apps. To transfer the video to the Camera Roll, tap Save Video on the iOS Share Sheet.

Save Twitter video downloader on iPhone

6. Use a third-party iOS file manager app

In the above methods, we used a Twitter video downloader website in Safari to download and save the clip. You can also use the same website in file manager apps like Documents. If you’re someone who downloads a lot of Twitter videos and wants to keep them in a separate app, follow these steps:

1) Get the Documents app from the App Store, open it, and finish the basic setup.

2) Open Twitter and copy the Tweet link that has a video.

3) Come back to the Documents app and tap Browser .

4) Search for Twitter Video Downloader and choose the result.

5) Paste the Tweet link here and tap Download > Download Video .

6) Rename the file if you like and tap Done . The Twitter video will start downloading. You can tap the arrow button to see it.

To share it, tap the folder icon from the bottom left to return to the main screen. From here, tap Downloads to see and share the video clip.

iOS file manager app to download Twitter videos on iPhone

7. Use Twitter bots

Ease of use: 5/10

Finally, you can also use one of the many Twitter video download bots to help you download a Twitter video without manually searching for any website or downloading an app or iOS shortcut.

Here’s how to use SaveVidBot to download Twitter videos on iPhone:

1) Go to the video Tweet you want to download.

2) Below that Tweet, type @ and tag GetVideoBot or  SaveVideBot . Like, type @GetVideoBot

3) Once the bot replies with a download link, tap it. If you’re using the Twitter app, tap the tiny Safari icon to open the download page in the Safari browser instead of the Twitter app’s built-in browser.

Twitter bot to download video on iPhone

5) Tap the share icon > Save to Files > Save . If the video starts playing, tap the Picture-in-Picture button and tap the share icon to save the video. (These steps are the same as shown in the methods above.)

Other Twitter tips:

  • This tweak lets you download videos from the official Twitter app
  • 3 ways to download music from SoundCloud to iPhone
  • How to download Instagram Reels without watermark for free

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Giraffe Snatches Toddler At Drive-Thru Safari In Texas

Giraffe Snatches Toddler At Drive-Thru Safari In Texas

Chipotle chaos unfolds as three customers launch food fight against cashier, chipotle chaos table-topping customers unleash food fight ... cops show, but no arrests.

  • Exclusive Details

A wild food fight broke out at a Northern California Chipotle when 3 female customers tried to fight a cashier, turning the place into a burrito battleground ... all on camera, of course.

This whole ordeal went down Friday -- and, as you can see, one furious woman dressed all in black leaps onto a table, screaming at the cashier ... while her other 2 pals also unleash chaos, undeterred by a man trying to play referee and stop them.

The women completely ignored horrified onlookers, with the table-topper and her ground-level sidekick flinging items to the ground. All this, despite no one knowing what kicked off the brawl in the first place ... in any case, it was definitely on once they started chucking crap.

Now, in terms of the police response to this mayhem -- a Vallejo PD rep tells TMZ ... they were called to the Chipotle on Admiral Callaghan Lane shortly after 5 PM that day, responding to reports of a disturbance stirred up by the unruly women.

However, we're told when the cops showed up, the girls had pulled a vanishing act ... and the employee involved was also gone.

The police left a card for the involved employee, letting him know they'd been there. They also told us they responded again this morning (Monday) but it's unclear what unfolded in that situation. Either way -- it doesn't sound like anyone was held to account for this.

We're told police have launched an investigation ... but so far, no arrests.

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