Arimo Travels

How to Travel from USA to Europe by Ship

travel from usa to europe by ship or boat, flightless travel

It is possible to travel from the United States to Europe without flying. This guide explains how to travel by ship from the USA to Europe. 

For one reason or another, you came here to look for information about crossing the Atlantic from America to Europe. This guide covers three different ship travel options from USA to Europe:

  • Freighter Travel

I’ve previously written about flightless routes from Europe to America , but this guide focuses on the opposite direction. The examples in this post were checked in 2023.

Traveling from the United States to Europe without flying is not always easy. I know some of you will choose to fly anyway because it’s easier. In that case, I ask you to consider donating 10% of your ticket cost to a high-impact climate charity. Carbon offsetting isn’t very effective , so it’s better to support charities suggested by Giving Green instead.

Cruise ship routes from the United States of America to Europe

1. Cruise from the USA to Europe

How can i find a transatlantic cruise from the usa to europe.

Plenty of travel companies offer cruises from the United States to various European destinations. As of now, the website Seascanner listed 108 one-way cruises from the United States to different parts of Europe .

Where do transatlantic cruises to Europe depart from?

Most transatlantic cruises from America to Europe leave from Florida. Fort Lauderdale – a part of the Miami metropolitan area – is the most popular port of departure. New York also serves as a departure point for many cruise ships, and there are even departures from Massachusetts (Boston), New Jersey (Boston), and even Texas (Galveston)!

Which are the most popular ports of entry in Europe?

For transatlantic cruises, Southampton in England, Barcelona in Spain, and Lisbon in Portugal are the top destinations. Other cruises also travel to countries like Germany, Greece, Italy, and the Netherlands.

How much does it cost to travel from the USA to Europe on a cruise ship?

The cheapest cruises from the United States to Europe start at around $1100-1500 for a cabin, including meals. For example, a 7-day voyage from New York to Southampton on the luxury cruise ship Queen Mary 2 start at approximately $1400. 

How long does a cruise from the United States to Europe take?

The duration of the journey varies depending on the departure and arrival points. The fastest transatlantic cruises to Europe leave from New York. Cruises from New York to Southampton, England, take around 7 days, while cruises to Hamburg take two days longer.

On the other end of the spectrum, cruises from Florida to Europe generally last about two weeks.

Is traveling on a cruise ship better than flying?

While this guide focuses on flightless travel routes it’s important to note that cruises and ferries may actually produce way more CO2 emissions than commercial flights .

However, there are sustainable ways to cross the Atlantic as well.

Freighter travel from USA to Europe without flying

2. Travel on a Cargo Ship from the USA to Europe

Can you travel from the united states to europe on a cargo ship.

Yes, you can! At least if COVID restrictions allow it.

Compared to cruises, freighter travel is considered nearly CO2 neutral . To book a freighter voyage, you can use specialized travel agencies or contact shipping companies directly, though the latter may be more challenging.

Popular freighter travel companies include Cargo Ship Voyages , Freighter Travel (NZ) , Slowtravel , and Voyages en Cargo . I have personally used Freighter Travel, but I’m sure other companies work just as well.

What about COVID? Does the global pandemic limit freighter voyages?

Unfortunately, yes. At the time of writing (early 2023), many freighter companies around the world were not taking passengers. Some sources expect passenger sailing to resume normally in January/February 2024.

How much does it cost to travel from the USA to Europe on a freighter?

On average, traveling on a cargo ship costs $100-150 per day. A transatlantic journey typically takes around 10-15 days, resulting in a total cost between $1000-3000.

Which are the most popular ports of departure for cargo ship travel from the United States to Europe?

There are plenty! Cargo ships head out to Europe from many harbors on the East Coast. Listed from north to south, these include Boston (Massachusetts), New York, Charleston (South Carolina), Savannah (Georgia), New Orleans (Louisiana), and Houston (Texas).

Where do cargo ship voyages from America to Europe arrive?

Popular destinations in Europe for freighter voyages include Antwerp (Belgium), Cork (Ireland), Le Havre (France), Rotterdam (Netherlands), and Southampton (England). Many ships make multiple stops along the European coast, with Mediterranean cities also being accessible.

How long does it take to travel on a cargo ship from the USA to Europe?

I provide more detailed information about this in my article “ How Long Does It Take to Cross the Atlantic on a Cargo Ship? “. That article also explains why cargo ships venture so slowly.

Here are a few examples with estimated prices for one person:

Flightless travel from the United States to UK, Spain, Portugal

  • This northern route includes a stop in Halifax, Canada, before crossing the Atlantic.
  • At the time of writing, this route wasn’t available, but it was expected to open to passengers in mid-2023.
  • Freighter voyages to the south of Europe are less common, but here’s one example of a southern route.

What else should I know about freighter travel?

Freighter travel offers an intriguing and sustainable way to explore the world. I personally haven’t traveled between America and Europe on a freighter, but I did cross the Pacific on a cargo ship during my 2-year trip around the world .

In summary, the journey was quite uneventful, but I loved it. I passed the time playing games on my laptop, savoring delicious meals, and marveling the waves. My trusty Amazon Kindle Paperwhite e-reader – one of my favorite travel essentials – kept me company.

(The photo above is from that journey.)

To travel on a freighter, you need to meet certain health and age requirements. You should also be quite flexible, as freighters have infrequent schedules. For more information, you can refer to my guide “ How to Prepare for Traveling on a Cargo Ship “.

travel from USA to Europe by boat via Bermuda, Azores

3. Sail from the USA to Europe

Can you travel from the usa to europe by boat.

Yes, traveling from the United States to Europe by boat is possible, although the reverse journey is more common. Also, direct boat travel from the United States to Europe is less prevalent. Starting your voyage from or making a stop in Bermuda is more typical.

Why is crossing the Atlantic from east to west more popular?

The trade winds are to blame. These prevailing winds blow east-to-west near the equator. The prevailing winds make a clockwise loop along the northern Atlantic.

As a result, sailing westward is aided by the wind in a warmer environment. Sailing eastward against the wind entails enduring harsher weather in the north.

I don’t own a boat. Can I still travel from the USA to Europe by boat?

Even if you don’t own a sailboat or a yacht, you can hitch a ride on a boat across the Atlantic. Websites such as Find a Crew and CrewSeekers connect captains with individuals willing to work as crewmates in exchange for the voyage.

Yacht clubs in harbors may also have notice boards for those seeking a boat or a crew. While many captains prefer crewmates with experience, it is not always necessary.

Sailing from US East Coast to Bermuda west to east

Where and when should I depart?

First, you should head to Bermuda, an archipelago about 600 miles (~1000 kilometers) away from the US East Coast. A cruise or a sailing trip from the US to Bermuda typically takes a week or less.

However, traveling to the Caribbean first before continuing to Bermuda might be more convenient. To reach the Caribbean, you can hitch a ride on a sailboat or take a ferry from Florida to the Bahamas .

According to World Cruising Wiki , the best time to sail to Bermuda is in May/June. At that point, the weather is warm but the hurricane season hasn’t reached its peak yet.

How long does it take to sail from the USA to Europe?

Main article: How Long Does It Take to Sail the Atlantic?

According to Life of Sailing , an eastward crossing of the Atlantic takes around 4 weeks. This includes a week of sailing to Bermuda, two weeks or more from Bermuda to the Azores, and another week from the Azores to the coast of Portugal.

The journey from Europe to America tends to be slightly faster.

How can I sail from the US to Europe?

There are numerous comprehensive guides on crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat. I am not even trying to compete with the experts. In this guide, I have provided basic details about the Atlantic crossings. If you wish to explore the topic further, here are a few recommended guides:

  • How Long Does It Take To Sail Across The Atlantic? (
  • How to cross the Atlantic from the Caribbean to Europe: Everything you need to know (
  • Sail Across the Atlantic: The Definitive Guide (

Popular routes to travel overseas from the United States across the Atlantic

Traveling by Ship from USA to Europe

How to travel from USA to Europe by ship? In this guide, I have covered three ways of traveling from America to Europe without flying. The guide is not comprehensive, and I may have missed some good alternatives.

This website, Arimo Travels, is a sustainable travel blog. I launched the site during my predominantly flightless trip around the world . Since completing the journey, I have focused on writing flightless travel guides (along with random generators ) for fellow travelers.

You can find more guides like this one on the Flightless Travel page.

P.S. In this guide, there are times when I call the USA “America”. Personally, I prefer not to use the name of the continent to refer to the country. However, many people hold a different view, and most of my readers come from Google searches.

For that reason, I have used phrases like “travel from America to Europe by ship” throughout the text. Additionally, I have omitted the article “the” from “the USA” for similar reasons.

A flightless or sustainable travel guide

Tell Me More!

Arimo Travels is a sustainable travel blog by Arimo, a mostly traveler from Finland. The site focuses on sustainable travel guides and randomness.

I was hoping that you would have mentioned something about traveling with pets. I have a cat and a dog which is why I would like to travel by boat and not fly.

Thank you for the feedback Ceitlan, that is a good point!

From what I’ve understood, cargo ships don’t allow pets, and finding a sailing captain willing to take cats and dohs would also be a challenge. In that case, a cruise would be your best option. This site has some information about crossing the Atlantic with pets:

Some years ago, a friend of mine wrote a short guide on traveling in Europe with a dog on this site. You can find that guide here:

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Cargo Ship Voyages

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Travelling on a cargo ship is a unique experience.  Whether you love the sea, are conscious of your carbon footprint, don't like flying or simply prefer to sail in a relaxed atmosphere, away from the crowds, then travelling by cargo ship is the right choice for you.

We've been doing this for over 30 years and are passionate about providing a personalised service tailored to your needs.

Alas, since the pandemic and with only a few exceptions, deep sea intercontinental voyages are no longer possible; shipowners and/or their charterers have withdrawn this discretionary activity, we are seeing little enthusiasm from them to resume the activity any time soon.

That means:

- No transatlantic voyages

- No Australia/New Zealand/Europe voyages

- No Europe/South America voyages

- No transpacific voyages

- No round the world voyages

- No voyages in around Asia or Oceania

However, still possible are:

- short haul European, Mediterranean, Baltic are bookable however 2024 availability is already limited on some routes.

- Europe/South Africa/Europe voyages but are fully booked well into 2025; waitlisting/standby is possible for additional cargo induced voyages on a rolling 6-week basis.

- French Polynesian voyages (mv Aranui V)

- mv Bella Desgagnes (St Lawrence River, Canada)

- mv St Helena, global voyages supporting the Extreme E organisation are available but bookable only close to departure.

There may be cruise ship alternatives, please ask if you have a specific voyage in mind as several Voyage Options are possible on some of the routes popular with cargo ship travellers. Note please that owing to the restrictive policies of the major cruise lines, in most cases you may only book cruises through a travel agent in your country of residence. 

Do please take some time to check our website for available routes, also our ‘Ask the Captain’ section for frequently asked questions BEFORE contacting us!

Our website is updated regularly with currently bookable options; please do not contact us regarding deep sea international cargo voyages that are not listed as without the support and co-operation of willing shipowners we can no longer viably respond.

Try us and travel the world your way!

Follow @CargoShipVoyage

Registered Office: 10 Westway, Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK

TTA Member: Seabreaks Ltd Q1569

100% Financial Protection

Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine. You turn your head towards the water just in time to spot a pod of dolphins swimming by or flying fish, providing company in the ocean. After lingering in the sunshine for a while, it's time to head inside for a 3-course evening meal and a splash in the pool before retiring to bed.

Now, what kind of vessel are you on?

No, you are not on a standard commercial cruise ship. You are not on a packed luxury liner hopping between Caribbean islands. You are aboard a modern freighter. Hundreds of cargo ships, carrying everything from fire engines to apples, are crossing the world's oceans, and many are happy to take you along for the ride. Adventurous travelers, including the Transitions Abroad family, have been doing so for years, as have many long before us.

What Does Travel on a Cargo Ship Feel Like?

A far more intimate and relaxed experience than you might imagine! The experience on board contrasts sharply with the rough and industrial outward appearance a container ship tends to project. You will be one of a handful of passengers among a crew likely to number up to a dozen or a few more. There will be no evening cabaret shows as on a standard cruise, though you may have access to TV, video, and board games in a common area on the ship where passengers may meet the crew. You may even play cards with the crew under the night skies. You might be invited to karaoke with the sailors, and you will almost always dine alongside the captain, who is far more likely to turn up in shorts and a t-shirt than in full uniform. Some cargo ships also offer equipped exercise rooms or pools.

Here was our first taste of the wonders of sea travel. Our introduction to freighter travel was a relatively short 5-day sailing between Australia and New Zealand. We joined the French ship CMA CGM Utrillo in the busy port of Melbourne, where our luggage — including two bicycles and bags — was quickly hauled on board and into a spacious cabin by a host of cheery Filipino deckhands.

What are the Costs of Cargo Ship Travel?

Depending upon your destination (Transatlantic, Transpacific, South Seas, Worldwide, and other special combinations), your daily freighter travel costs will be about $100-$130 per day per person per day with a luggage allowance of approximately 30kg-100kg (66-220lbs) depending on the line you are taking. Generally, US dollars are the primary currency used onboard to buy soft drinks, snacks, beer, and toiletries. You can then use your credit cards at each location you disembark.

What kind of Hospitality Can You Expect on Board?

Our next surprise was how quickly we felt part of the family. Just moments after arriving, our fellow passenger (a French woman "going around the world in 80 days”) hinted that the captain was sure to throw us a welcome barbecue. “He does that for every one new,” she said with a wink. Sure enough, the next evening was spent on the back deck of the ship, feasting on grilled fish and chatting with the seamen as the sun went down.

One of our concerns before sailing was that we'd find the days long. It was just the opposite. There were three square meals a day (hearty plates of meat and vegetables for workers) and our time between eating was filled with strolls around the deck and trips up to the bridge to check our position and ask questions.

Had there ever been stowaways? Yes, once a harmless passenger was allowed to board. What about pirates? Not here, but there were off the coast of Africa. And just how much fuel did a cargo ship need? In the current era of relatively low oil prices, $60,000 U.S. a day will generally cover the trip.

Why is it a Relaxing Way to Travel?

With our curiosity temporarily curbed, we would return to our cabin for reading our books or Kindle, journal writing, and a bit of table tennis if we felt especially energetic. Far away from the hustle and bustle of life on firm land, we were truly relaxed. The experience was in complete contrast to our usual hurried airplane trips.

For Hamish Jamieson, the owner of Freighter Travel NZ and one of only a handful of travel agents in the world licensed to book tickets on cargo ships, the simplicity of being at sea is the main attraction.

“When you're sitting up the front of the bow of the ship, on your own, and all you see is the sea going past and you hear the wind and waves, you're in heaven. For me, an afternoon...sitting right on the bow, watching the world go by with my binoculars, that's my heaven,” he said.

What Kind of Flexibility is Needed for Freighter Travel?

Of course, nothing in life is all smooth sailing. While we didn't encounter any problems during our trip, we did struggle with the uncertain nature of freighter travel before we boarded. Our initial departure date jumped forward first by three days and then seemed to bounce around by 12-24 hours every time we called to check the latest news. Ours was not an uncommon experience and you must prepare yourself for flexibility.

Even ports of call are not guaranteed because on a cargo ship, freight comes first, not the passengers. If the demand is not there for a certain stop, the ship will go where the business is.

“Our trip from the USA to Europe changed three times after initial booking,” said Rebecca Hogue and Scott Drennan, then on a journey around the world without using airplanes . Their initial trip from South Carolina to Belgium was from Florida to Italy. “Had we not been flexible with our departure times and locations, things would not have worked out.”

As Mr. Jamieson is fond of telling his passengers, when you go to sea, there are two things you must pack: a sense of humor and a sense of patience.

What are the Practical Issues?

Your trip may also involve some red tape, particularly concerning U.S. stops. American citizens are not permitted, for example, to travel within their country by cargo ship, although they can make international journeys. Meanwhile, travelers to the United States must have a visa, even if they would not need one to arrive by air. Only Canadians are exempt from this rule.

Be sure to budget time and money to get vaccinations like Yellow Fever if you are going through the Suez and Panama canals. A medical certificate declaring you in generally good health is another typical requirement.

Where in the World Do You Want to Go?

The hardest part of booking your cargo ship voyage is deciding where to go. Will it be to South America and around Cape Horn? How about a 55-day round trip from California to Australia and New Zealand via Tahiti and Mexico? Mr. Jamieson offers a few more ideas and favorite voyages based on years of experience.

“For me the ultimate voyage is from Auckland, in New Zealand, to Singapore. It takes 40-45 days to sail what you can fly in just under 12 hours but it visits nearly every island in the Pacific on the way and it stops for 2-3 days. The second choice for me would be from Singapore through to Houston in Texas. It goes up through Thailand, Vietnam, half a dozen ports in China, into Japan, then straight across the Pacific and through the Panama Canal.”

With enough time and money at your disposal--round-the-world trips can take 80 to 100 days or more--there are few places a cargo ship can't reach. Voyage destinations on cargo ships can change, so the many options available will often surprise you. You need to be adventurous enough to do your research, find a specialized cargo ship travel agent (see resources below), and then get on board.

The Golden Rules of Cargo Ship Travel

  • Be prepared to make your own fun. There are seldom programmed activities aside from the odd safety drill.
  • Go before you're too old. An upper age limit of 77-80 years is not uncommon, as no doctor on board and there are often plenty of stairs.
  • Check that your travel insurance covers freighter travel.
  • Be flexible. Schedules can and do change frequently. You may need 2-3 ships to reach your destination.
  • Book in advance. Cabins are limited and the most popular routes can be sold out by ships months ahead.
  • Forget about working in exchange for your passage. Current union rules mean this is no longer permitted.
  • Take a good supply of seasickness pills. While not very common, rough weather can occur, sending tables, chairs, and your stomach flying across the room.
  • Wifi and other modern electronics are now often available on cargo ships for travelers . If connectivity is important to you, ask whether those options are accessible and free in advance.

Friedel Rother gave up her job as a journalist for Reuters to ride a bicycle around the world with her husband. They have published two books in addition to cycling.

  • International edition
  • Australia edition
  • Europe edition

One of only two fellow passengers enjoying a sunny afternoon on board the cargo ship.

I didn't want to fly – so I took a cargo ship from Germany to Canada

A slow boat across the Atlantic plus a scenic train home to Vancouver add up to a hugely enjoyable three-week trip

‘A re you a crew member?” the security guard asked, fixing me with a stare in the van’s rear-view mirror. “Passenger,” I replied. The guard gave me a quizzical look then muttered something to himself in German, shaking his head. It was 7am and the port of Hamburg was a hive of activity, our port security van speeding past whirring cranes and towering stacks of shipping containers. As the ship’s immense hull came into view, I entered a world where everything was larger, louder and more dangerous than my life on land. The 300-metre, 100,000-tonne vessel before me was to be my home for the next 15 days.

Four months earlier I had made a reservation on a cargo ship to take me from Hamburg to Halifax, Nova Scotia. My European work visa was expiring and I hoped to make it home to the west coast of Canada in time for Christmas. Recent campaigns such as the Swedish flygskam (flight shame) had shone a harsh light on my blindness to the climate impact of air travel, and I had decided that booking a flight wasn’t an option. Since 2017, I’d emitted over 14 tonnes of carbon from flights alone. I realised that all my efforts to reduce my carbon footprint at home in Milan – I cycle to work, limit food waste and seldom buy new clothes – are wiped out by just one flight between Canada and Europe .

View of Hamburg, Germany.

Sustainable travel within Europe often involves trading a plane for a train, but getting to Canada from Europe is more complex. A cargo ship became the obvious low-carbon choice. Shipping companies sell surplus cabin space through selected travel agents and I booked my passage through Berlin-based Slowtravel Experience . This is still a niche mode of travel and ships rarely have room for more than a dozen passengers, so booking well in advance, especially for peak times, is essential. Flexibility with travel dates is also crucial. I was notified just days before departure that the ship would be leaving three days ahead of schedule, and had I not already been in Germany, I would have literally missed the boat.

I anticipated a long and tiresome journey (I packed dozens of books and downloaded films) and had visions of gruelling nights spent with my face in a barf bag, but my experience on board could not have been more enjoyable. The two other passengers, Tony from the Netherlands and Janos from Germany, were hitching a ride for the same environmental reasons and their company made time fly by. Our cabins were simple and comfortable, each with private toilet and shower, two single beds, a desk and vast ocean views. The 25 crew members, a mix of Filipino and eastern European men, were warm and friendly. I was in all-male company for my transatlantic voyage but Isabel Hagen, a Swedish student I met through a friend, made the voyage earlier this year, and said she’d had a positive experience as a solo female traveller: “The crew was welcoming, respectful, and polite from the moment I stepped on board.”

The writer’s cabin on ship

Left mostly to our own devices, Janos, Tony and I filled our days with darts tournaments, jigsaw puzzles and raucous games of Risk. One morning we played chess on a deck bathed in sunshine; the next afternoon Tony lost his knitted cap to hurricane-force winds off Newfoundland. During port calls in Antwerp and Liverpool, we were allowed to disembark and explore both for a day. Back on board, a daily routine quickly emerged: morning coffee on the bridge with the gregarious chief officer, sociable mealtimes with the crew, and hourly strolls around the outer decks, the frigid ocean wind buffeting my face and dark waters churning below.

A highlight was a morning’s tour of the ship, led by crew members. Passenger access to working spaces was restricted, so the chance to walk through the bowels of the ship from bow to stern was eye-opening. In addition to nearly 4,000 containers stacked on the exterior decks, there were six “roll-on, roll-off” decks carrying vehicles, ranging from a fleet of Range Rovers and transport trucks for the US army to an aeroplane fuselage. As the captain explained, the complexities of the enormous operation, I marvelled at the sheer scale of everything around us, an industry responsible for transporting 90% of goods worldwide.

Arriving in Halifax after 15 days on board a cargo ship from Hamburg

Life on board was so immersive that after a few days I didn’t even mind the food. Passengers dine with the crew, and meals are meat- and starch-heavy, with few vegetables (think beef stew and mash or bacon-wrapped chicken portions). As I soon came to understand, the luxury of being at sea is not about fine food or a plush mattress; rather, life at sea itself – the tranquil pace and intoxicating sense of adventure – is the true luxury. When I finally set foot on dry land in Halifax, it was hard to say goodbye to the hulking ship that had come to feel like home.

Arriving in Halifax, I still had more than 6,000km to go to get home (further than London to New York), this time by train. With limited passenger rail infrastructure, a cross-country trip in Canada means a halting, week-long adventure rather than high-speed rail jaunt. There’s no single coast-to-coast train, so after an overnight train from Halifax I spent a night each in Montreal and Toronto before boarding The Canadian, VIA Rail’s flagship sleeper train to Vancouver. Designed for tourists, it has a charming dining car, glass-domed observation decks, live music and even wine tastings during the four-night trip.

Approaching the Rocky Mountains on the VIA train, the Canadian

As on the ship I was immediately struck by the hospitality of the crew – servers and attendants who seemed genuinely happy to be there despite being thousands of kilometres from home. The food was impressive as well, like the brunches of fluffy buttermilk pancakes drowning in the maple syrup that I’d missed so much in Europe. Dinners of hemp-crusted trout, roast veal chops and fresh vegetables were equally delicious. The atmosphere among passengers was jovial, with communal mealtimes and a rowdy bar where we swapped travel stories.

As on the ship, the vast expanses passing by my window made the journey special: the endless boreal forests of northern Ontario, the icy, placid prairies and the magnificent Rockies in the west, every landscape shimmering under mid-December snow. Sitting in the dome car watching a blazing sun set over white Quebec forests and waking to whiteout blizzards in Manitoba deepened my connection to the land I call home, and reaffirmed my commitment to protecting this natural beauty.

Dome car on board the Canadian train.

Stepping off the train in Vancouver, having travelled more than 13,000km and crossed nine timezones, that van ride at dawn through the dreary port of Hamburg felt like a lifetime ago. World travel with a low carbon footprint may not be convenient or easy, but I had proved to myself that it is achievable. Now it’s time to plan my next adventure.

The 15-day cargo ship passage from Hamburg to Halifax, booked through Berlin-based Slowtravel Experience, costs just under €100 a day (including full-board and carbon offset) in a two-person cabin. The best-known shipping companies offering passenger berths include Hamburg Süd and Grimaldi Lines . Other agencies to look at are New Zealand Freighter Travel , London-based Cruise People , and Maris Freighter Cruises . Train travel was provided by VIA Rail Canada . The Ocean travels from Halifax to Montreal three times a week from £68 (C$117) one way, daily trains from Montreal to Toronto from £22 one-way and The Canadian, from Toronto to Vancouver twice weekly from £271 one-way.

Carbon emissions (according to weight of passenger)

Flight Frankfurt-Vancouver: 1.3 tonnes * Cargo ship Hamburg-Halifax (via Antwerp & Liverpool): 5.3kg ** Trains Halifax-Vancouver: 204.2kg *** Total CO2 Hamburg to Vancouver: 209.5kg * myclimate Foundation ** International Council on Clean Transportation *** Via Rail

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It's no coincidence that many of the best European cruises call in the most beautiful ports in the world. Eat your way through the cobbled streets of Italy, contrast the timeless beauty of Greece's ruins with the modern chic that's come to define its islands or hike through forlorn caverns and up lush waterfalls in captivating Croatia.

Rome, Italy Colosseum


From the storied streets of Rome to the charming canals of Venice, Italy is a country that needs no introduction. Whether you pose with Michelangelo's David in Florence or indulge in to-die-for Pizza in Naples, it's no wonder why so many cruises to Europe visit la bella Italia.

Crociera Mediterraneo Grecia


Greece is remarkable, from the ancient Acropolis of Athens to the blue-roofed houses of Santorini. Whether you trek through the limestone hills in the north or swim through the cobalt waters around the Cyclades, it's easy to see why this is one of the best places to visit in Europe.

Cityscape Walls and Coastline in Dubrovnik, Croatia


The hit TV show might be finished, but "Game of Thrones" fans will recognize dozens of locations in the walled city of Dubrovnik , the jewel of Croatia's Adriatic coast. Farther afield, explore the countless waterfalls of Plitvice Lakes National Park or pair European cruises with tastings at underrated wineries.

Beach with Boats in the Mediterranean


Endless possibilities are what the coasts of France, Spain and Portugal have always been about. Generations of painting greats from Van Gogh to Picasso have found inspiration from the crystalline coasts of the French Riviera, to the craggy mountaintops of the Canary Islands. Of course, the best European cruises also dock in timeless cities like Barcelona, Cherbourg, Lisbon and beyond.  

French Riviera Botanical Garden


The only thing better than strolling into Paris as the Eiffel Tower lights up at night? Sitting down for a meal of fresh-caught seafood as the sun sets into the harbor of aptly-named Nice. France has got something for every traveler, which is why so many cruises to Europe dock here.

Spain Barcelona Sagrada Familia


Sitting down for Spanish tapas is one of the most satisfying food experiences in the world, especially when you wash it down with fruity sangria. Plus, the Jurassic topography of the Canary Islands and the storied streets of Barcelona are just a few of the best places to visit in Europe you'll find here.

Lisbon, Portugal, Pena National Palace


Portugal is where many of the first expeditions to the New World start, but most people on European cruises bound for Lisbon wonder why anyone would leave. Explore the mysterious Quinta de Regaleira castle in Sintra, pour port wine in Porto or practice your surfing skills in the Algarve.

Northern Europe Water Canal and Buildings

Best European Cruises

A cruise to Europe is filled with exciting destinations, each with its own style and vibe. Discover Europe onboard the Best Royal Caribbean Cruise Ships.

Sagrada Familia   Barcelona, Spain



Amsterdam, Netherlands Canal Bridges


Eilean Donan Castle in the Scottish Highlands


Santorini, Greece Oia White Blue


WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE YOU GO European Cruises Insider

There’s no vacation like a summer cruise in Europe. Meander through cobblestoned streets lined with cafes and shops. Go from exploring the awe-inspiring at the Colosseum in Rome to wandering along the Acropolis in Athens. Admire the architectural splendor of marvels like Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia and the blue-domed churches of Santorini. And eat your way through the Mediterranean and beyond — like pasta in Italy, tapas in Spain, fresh seafood in Norway and grilled meats in Greece. Pack a lifetime of adventure into one legendary Europe vacation next summer.

Pathway in catacombs. Old skulls and bones form walls. Grim lighting. Underground cemetery.

The Spookiest Places in Europe for Ghost Hunters | Royal Caribbean Cruises

May 20, 2024

Seeking scary places to visit? These are some of the spookiest places in Europe, from the streets of London to the forests of Transylvania.

View of Big Ben over Westminster Bridge on a sunny day. United Kingdom.

Big Ben Facts to Know Before Your Next Vacation | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Discover the most fun Big Ben facts, plus facts about the royal family and its connection to Elizabeth Tower and the Houses of Parliament.

Athens (Piraeus), Greece, View of city and Acropolis

Best Things To Do in Athens, Greece, on Your Cruise Vacation

There is no shortage of things to do in Athens. The Greek capital has a history of more than 3,400 years to entertain you.

Aerial view of Barcelona beach and city during sunrise. Spain.

Planning a Barcelona Vacation From the Sea

A Barcelona vacation is always a good idea, but arriving at this iconic port of call by sea is a truly unique experience. Here's why.

Coco Beach Club Friends Having Cocktails at the Bar, Perfect Day at Coco Cay

Can You Take Days Off Without PTO? Here's What You Need to Know | Royal Caribbean Cruises

April 19, 2024

An epic vacation doesn't have to mean depleting all your vacation days. Can you take days off without PTO? Yes! Here are some ways to do it.

Venice, Italy Grand Canal

Plan the Best Cruises From Venice | Royal Caribbean Cruises

March 11, 2024

Cruises from Venice can be a gateway to discovery — and not just of the places you sail to. Here are some Venice excursions to get you inspired.

Scottish Loch in Autumn Scottish Landscape at Sunset

Visiting Lovely Loch Ness on Scotland Vacations | Royal Caribbean Cruises

March 8, 2024

Here's everything you need to know about visiting Loch Ness on Scotland vacations, including its history, how to get there, and the best things to do.

 Brilliance of the Seas Pool Entrance Opacity

The Top Things to Do Onboard Brilliance of the Seas | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Brilliance of the Seas makes it impossible to feel bored during a vacation! These top things to do onboard this beloved cruise ship make it a fan favorite for many.

Kitesurfing in Tarifa. Plenty of colorful kites flying against a background of the mountains, beautiful clouds and waves of the Atlantic Ocean

Fun European Vacations for Adventures | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Are you looking for your next adventure? This thrill-seekers guide will show you where to get the ultimate adrenaline fix on European vacations.

Young women in traditional Bavarian clothes - dirndl or tracht - on a festival or Oktoberfest in a beer tent

Berlin for Oktoberfest: What To Know Before You Go | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Berlin for Oktoberfest is one of the world's best parties. Here's everything you need to know before you go on your cruise to Berlin.

Coco Beach Club Woman Swimming Infinity Pool, Perfect Day at Coco Cay

Plan Your Best Spa Getaways | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Plan the best spa getaway possible with experiences being tailored to suit your vacation needs. Rest and rejuvenate in exotic destinations around the world.

Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Ultimate World Cruise: An Epic Journey Around the World | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Tick countless items off your bucket list in an epic journey around the world when you book the Ultimate World Cruise — Hurry, it will soon set sail!

Barcelona Spain La Rambla Restaurants

Top Secret Vacation Spots in Europe | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Take your best European vacation with access to the top secret vacation spots to visit when traveling in Europe. Pick and save your favorite.

Italy Sardina Spiaggia Rosa Pink Beach

The Best Secret Mediterranean Beaches | Royal Caribbean Cruises

From the mainstream French and Italian Rivieras to secluded idylls in the Balkans, your search for the best Mediterranean beaches ends here.

Sun Star on Whitby Abbey  The Gothic ruins of Whitby Abbey with the suns rays producing a star

Visiting Historic Abbeys in England | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Did you know some abbeys in England are still open for visits? This guide will help you discover the most glorious and influential abbeys in England.

Hamburg, Germany, Christmas Market

The Best Holiday Destinations To Visit This Season | Royal Caribbean Cruises

The best holiday destinations are those that allow you to forget your stresses back home and spend time with your closest loved ones.

View seen when visiting the famous Millennium Bridge in London. UK

The Most Famous European Cathedrals | Royal Caribbean Cruises

From Notre Dame to the iconic La Sagrada Família, here are some of the most famous European cathedrals.

abstract drawing, woman head in cubist art style

Pablo Picasso Facts and How He Influenced the Art World | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Headed to Europe on a cruise for art immersion? Enjoy these Pablo Picasso facts for your vacation travels and save your favorite destinations.

View of a Dock and a Fjord, Flam, Norway

Underrated European Travel Destinations | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Take your best European vacation with access to the top underrated travel destinations to visit when taking a vacation in Europe. Pick and save your favorite.

Picture of Park Guell of Barcelona captured during golden hour

How to Get Travel Tuesday Cruise Deals | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Travel Tuesday cruise deals go live at midnight on Cyber Monday, and are designed to bring you discounts on experiences that you'll remember for a lifetime.

Rhapsody of the Seas Sailing Through Alaska

How to Have an Epic Family Vacation Onboard Rhapsody of the Seas | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Planning your next epic family vacation starts today onboard Rhapsody of the Seas, a mid-sized cruise ship that is part of the Royal Caribbean Vision Class.

Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Aerial View

Enjoying Breakfast in Rome

While it's true that many Italians take a quick, casual approach to the day's first meal, your breakfast in Rome will be anything but forgettable.

Singapore City Landscape at Sunset

Top 10 Most Beautiful Port Cities | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Cruising is a wonderful thing. It can bring you to some of the most beautiful port cities in the world.

Contemporary home exterior on lakeshore with flat roof and large feature windows

9 Tips for Preparing Your House for an Extended Vacation | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Preparing your house for an extended vacation can seem like a huge task, but doing a few things before you go will make your trip carefree.

Spain Barcelona La Sagrada Familia Interior

Local Things to Do in Barcelona

Discover the best things to do as a local while traveling to Spain for your own Barcelona vacation experience with these helpful ideas & travel tips.

the golden fountain of the Piazza de Spagna at sunrise. Europe.

Europe Vacation: Best Places to Visit

There's more to a European cruise vacation than just packing your bags! Plan the perfect trip on your travel getaway to visit the best places in Europe.

Couple visiting the Eiffel Tower standing with a red heart-shaped umbrella in Paris. Europe.

Couple's Weekend Getaway | Paris Vacation

Reveal the most romantic ideas for a couple’s weekend getaway while traveling on a Paris vacation. Experience love and the charming city built around it.

Greece Athens Family Selfie with Greek Temple in the Background

Ancient Greek Architecture

Learn about the types of Greek architecture you can explore during your next Mediterranean vacation. When in Greece, you're sure to discover hidden gems of ancient ruins that still stand alongside modern buildings.

Kotor Montenegro Castle During Sunset

Best Mediterranean Cruise Destinations

Uncover 8 of the best Mediterranean cruise destinations while on your travel vacation. Adventure awaits those who seek it, enjoy a guide tailored to you.

Mountain River during Sunrise, Geiranger, Norway

Rock Climbing on Norway Fjords Cruise

Discover the best rock climbing locations while on your Norway fjords cruise. Adventure awaits those who seek it, enjoy the ultimate guide made for you.

Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Roman Forum

Italian Architecture | Italy Tours

Uncover the history of Italy through Italian architecture and art tours as you travel to Rome, Florence, and Milan. Visit the best cities in the world.

France Paris Couple by Arc De Triomphe

The Best European Summer Vacations

Planning the best European summer vacations? We’ve curated the ultimate guide to visiting some of the most relaxing and legendary destinations to travel to in Europe.

Mediterranean Italy Colorful Homes by the Coast

Top 11 Must-Try Mediterranean Foods

Mediterranean food is renowned worldwide for being exceptionally healthy and balanced. Here are the top 11 must-try Mediterranean foods.

Traditional Spain Street with Tables

6 Popular Farm Foods from Spain

Here are six of the most popular farm foods from Spain. The headstrong Spanish farmers continue to produce some of the world's finest oranges, olives, and hams.

Norway Mountain Landscape

Wildlife You'll See on Your Norway Vacation

A Norway vacation will help you take in all the wild north has to offer. You'll be able to see an incredible range of wildlife during your stay.

Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey, Celsus Library Close Up

10 Best Places to Visit in Turkey

Cruising to Ephesus soon? Here are the 10 best places to visit in Turkey, with something for every traveler.

The Arena and Palazzo Barbieri at night in Verona. Italy.

Italian Music Culture & its Famous Operas

Plan a trip to Italy to discover opera as the largest influence on Italian music culture. Create an unforgettable getaway vacation cruise!

Plan the Best London Day Trips Ever

Set sail on a getaway cruise vacation and discover the best things to do in London while enjoying your day trips. Experience history, Harry Potter, and more!

Greece Fira Principal Town View

Plan a Greek Island Hopping Getaway

Take a moment to make the most of your Greek island hopping travels, reveal the best places to visit in Greece. Plan your unique vacation with ease.

Visiting the famous Stonehenge landmark. British Isles

Visit Famous Landmarks in the British Isles

Uncover the most famous landmarks while making the most of your British Isles vacation. Adventure awaits those who seek it, enjoy a tailored guide.

Spoon pouring oil as a traveler chooses the best olive oil to use. Mediterranean.

How to Choose the Best Olive Oil

Uncover the secrets to having the best olive oil in the world as well as the know-how on all the many types and their uses. Enjoy a guide tailored to you.

Pulpí Geode lined with beautiful crystals in the crystal caves in Spain

Traveling to the Crystal Caves in Spain

Visit the crystal caves in Spain as you take a travel vacation to uncover a view of the magnificent Pulpí Geode. Enjoy a tour guide tailored to you.

View of the Salvador Dali House in Spain in a coastal hillside. Spain

Visiting the Salvador Dali Museum in Spain

Explore the Salvador Dali Museum and Garden in Spain as you make the most of your cultural traveling adventures. Enjoy a guide tailored to your vacation.

Original Italian Gelato

Eating in Italy | Local Food Traveling

Uncover the ultimate guide to eating locally in Italy as you make the most of your vacation travels. Adventure awaits those who seek it.

Inside of a tranquil Turkish hammam, with stars on the ceiling. Turkey

Vacation with Turkish Baths & Hammam Spas

Uncover the ultimate Turkish baths & hammam spa experiences to making the most of your vacation to Turkey. Enjoy a guide tailored to your travels.

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Gladiators of the Roman Colosseum

Plan a cultural vacation to Italy by setting sail for the Roman Colosseum. Enjoy a tour guide tailored to you on the history of Rome & its gladiator.

Turkish desert baklava with peanut,  pistachio, hand on fork and Turkish tea

Turkish Desserts to Sweeten your Vacation

Turkish desserts are as pivotal to the experience of traveling in Turkey as a cruise through the Bosphorus Strait. Enjoy a guide tailored to your vacation.

Colorful hot air balloon riders hovering over the rock formations of Cappadocia, Turkey.

Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride in Turkey

Find a new perspective from high in the sky with a hot air balloon ride in Turkey. Adventure awaits those who seek it, enjoy a guide tailored to you.

Royal Suite, Champagne Balcony

The Ultimate Sparkling Wine Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Sparkling Wine Cheat Sheet. Before you say "cheers" with your next glass of sparkling wine, take a moment to learn about what's inside the glass you're clinking.

Italy Rome Family Colosseum Tour

Fun European Cities to Visit With Kids

Traveling with kids? Here are some fun European cities to visit on your next European cruise — plus tips to make it a memorable, stress-free experience.


Israeli Food: Top 10 Must-Trys

Here's a list of some of the best Israeli food found in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and beyond including sabich, shakshuka and bourekas.


Planning a Rome Vacation From the Sea and Beyond

Here are some Rome vacation must-sees and tips on how to navigate travel when arriving or departing via cruise through Civitavecchia.

Male Backcountry Skier Skiing Down High French Swiss Alps

Where to Find the Best Skiing in the Alps

Here's everything you need to know about skiing in the Alps, including where to stay and when to visit.

Navigator of the Seas Aerial Front View

Cruise Ports Near Me: Midwest United States

As you browse cruises, the first question you ask will be "Where are cruise ports near me?" Here's how to choose a port, and what to do once you're there.

Happy woman with open arms stands on the viewpoint and enjoys the panorama of Kas resort town of the Mediterranean sea in Turkey

10 Facts About Turkey the Country

Planning to visit Turkey? We have the top 10 facts about Turkey the country, giving everything, you need to know to plan the best vacation trip.

Explorer of the Seas Docked at the Valleta Malta Port

Relaxing 7 Day Cruise to Europe

No matter which 7-day cruise to Europe you end up booking, here's how to plan a European vacation that's high on adventure with low added stress.

Reykjavik, Iceland, Blue Lagoon

The Ultimate Guide to a Blue Lagoon Iceland Vacation

Plan the ultimate Blue Lagoon Iceland vacation. Our guide covers top attractions, insider tips, and expert recommendations. Start planning now.

Blurred image of a Fashion show runway.

Fashion Week Places to Visit in Paris

Find all the top fashion places to visit in Paris and how to get there during Fashion Week getaway travels. Plan your France vacation!

Closeup view of Urquhart Castle.

Best Scotland Castle Tours

There are over 1,500 Scotland castle tours to choose from. We've narrowed down a list of the most; historic, cultural, famous, and royal significance.

Rotterdam, Netherlands, Oude Haven Harbor


You can feel warmth in your heart no matter the temperature outside, and the northwestern reaches of Europe illustrate this beautifully. Join the best European cruises through the British Isles and along the coast of the Netherlands, where enchanted country charm and royal, old-world cities offer endless possibilities for memories that will last a lifetime.  

Amsterdam, Netherlands Tulip Field


The Dutch have managed to keep the sea at bay for hundreds of years, but many of the best European cruises still make their way into Amsterdam . If you tire of the tranquility you find amid tulip fields and beneath towering windmills, make your way to the hipster capital of Rotterdam.

Ireland Rock of Cashel


Life is but a dream in Ireland , whether you down a pint of Guinness and trace tales told by James Joyce in Dublin, or careen along the Cliffs of Moher along the west coast. Many cruises to Europe also stop in Northern Ireland's Belfast, a city that's a testament to rebirth and reconciliation.

Cityscape in Glasgow, Scotland


When you visit Scotland, it can be difficult to discern legend from real life. Strolling down Edinburgh's Royal Mile to Edinburgh Castle might feel like a dream, while the fabled and mythical Loch Ness may surprise you with its charm and stunning scenery. Scotland's one of the best places to visit in Europe, period.

Iceland is an unbelievable wonderland where scenes like this one of Kirkjufell mountain abound.


Scandinavia  is dark for much of the year, but light is what defines its polar nations, from the Midnight Sun that rises high above Demark in mid-summer, to the skies above Norway and Iceland amid winter's deepest freeze. Find endless possibilities and the best European cruises along the Baltic, from the savory seafood eateries of Oslo, to the cold cityscape of Reykjavik.  

Copenhagen, Denmark Nyhavn Pier Sunset


Many of the best European cruises dock in Denmark, and it's no wonder why. From colorful Nyhavn harbor in Copenhagen to storied castles like Amalienborg and Frederiksborg, Denmark more than makes up for the fact that its more famous neighbors often eclipse it.

Iceland Blue Lagoon Geothermal Spa


It's easy to be intrigued by Iceland , whether you walk through Reykjavik's riveting Hallgrimskirkja church, or visit “the Wash Road”, the hippest shopping district in the city. There are few better ways to cap off cruises to Europe than a dip in the aptly-named Blue Lagoon.

Norway, Stavanger Majestic Cliff


Norway is a country in beautiful balance. Had enough of the orderliness of Oslo? Head west to beautiful Bergen, where finger-shaped fjords jut into and out of thousands of miles of coastline. Or contrast a fresh fish dinner at sea level with the view from towering Trolltunga cliff.

Europe is beautiful in every season, but the peak of comfortable weather (especially in the north) is between May and September.

You should always be prepared for rain and colder weather when you travel to Europe, especially in the North. Dress in light layers for your vacation.

Europeans speak more English the farther north you go. Your phone's translation app (or, at minimum, learning how to say "Hello" and "Thank You" in local languages) will aid you along the Mediterranean.


Learn more about Baltic ports like Klaipeda, Lithuania and Tallinn, Estonia, or read up on Bergen, the gateway to Norway's stunning fjords. The Mediterranean provides many options but start by exploring Malaga on Spain's Costa del Sol or the exciting Monte Carlo, Monaco. The most popular ports in the British Isles are Edinburgh in Scotland and the cities of Belfast and Dublin in Ireland. No matter what you like, you will find your favourite European cruise.

Rotterdam, Netherlands, Delfshaven Historic Center

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Canal Boat Traditional Houses

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy Aerial View

Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy

Barcelona, Spain Park Guell Architecture

Barcelona, Spain

Copenhagen, Denmark Rosenborg

Copenhagen, Denmark

Venice, Italy Grand Canal

Venice, Italy

Argostoli, Greece Kalamia Beach

Argostoli, Greece

Croatia Banje Beach Coast Aerial

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Mykonos, Greece Windmills From Restaurant

Mykonos, Greece

Santorini, Greece Oia White Blue

Santorini, Greece

Bologna (Ravenna), Italy Piazza Maggiore

Bologna (Ravenna), Italy

Zadar, Croatia Islands

Zadar, Croatia

Bergen, Norway Colorful Waterfront Homes

Bergen, Norway

Aarhus, Denmark Colorful homes on a canal

Aarhus, Denmark

Picturesque Coastal View, Ajaccio, Corsica

Ajaccio, Corsica

Alesund, Norway Rocks and Seawall

Alesund, Norway

Amalfi Coast (Salerno), Italy Homes Lining A Lush Mountain

Amalfi Coast (Salerno), Italy

Multiple Pieces of Ice Floating through the Sea, Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle (Cruising), Norway

Belfast, Northern Ireland Tollymore Park Gate

Belfast, Northern Ireland

A Green Coastal Lighthouse in Rostock, Berlin (Rostock), Germany

Berlin (Rostock), Germany

Berlin (Warnemunde), Germany Two Lighthouses At Harbor Entrance

Berlin (Warnemunde), Germany

River Running Through City, Bilbao, Spain

Bilbao, Spain

Brest, France Coastal Cliff

Brest, France

Bruges, Belgium Old Brick Homes On Canal

Bruges/Zeebruge (Brussels), Belgium

Aerial View of Harbor, Cannes, France

Cannes, France

Chania, Crete Pristine Beach

Chania (Souda), Crete

Cork (Cobh), Ireland Cityscape

Cork (Cobh), Ireland

A Replica Viking Boat with Mountains in the Background, Flam, Norway

Flam, Norway

Fredericia, Denmark Egeskov Castle

Fredericia, Denmark

Geiranger, Norway, Snowcapped Fjord

Geiranger, Norway

Gibraltar, United Kingdom, Rock View From Beach

Gibraltar, United Kingdom

Gijon, Spain, San Lorenzo Beach

Gijon, Spain

Hamburg, Germany, Historic Buildings

Hamburg, Germany

Holyhead, Wales, Aerial View of South Stack Lighthouse

Holyhead, Wales

Northern Lights Over Arctic Terrain in Norway, Honningsvag, Norway

Honningsvag, Norway

Katakolon, Greece, Ancient Pilar Ruins

Olympia (Katakolon), Greece

Klaipeda, Lithuania, Aerial View of Baltic Sea Coast

Klaipeda, Lithuania

Lisbon, Portugal, Cityscape

Lisbon, Portugal

Reykjavik, Iceland, Aerial City View

Reykjavik, Iceland

Sardinia (Cagliari), Italy, View Of City From Sea

Sardinia (Cagliari), Italy

Agadir, Morocco, Kasbah Oufella Fortress

Agadir, Morocco

Alicante, Spain, Aerial View

Alicante, Spain

Athens (Piraeus), Greece, View of city and Acropolis

Athens (Piraeus), Greece

Cartagena, Spain Lighthouse

Cartagena, Spain

Cherbourg, France, Tip of Cotentin Peninsula

Cherbourg, France

Dover, England, Seven Sisters National Park

Dover, England

Dublin, Ireland, Howth Head

Dublin, Ireland

Edinburgh (S. Queensferry), Scotland, Holyrood Palace

Edinburgh (S. Queensferry), Scotland

Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey, Celsus Library Close Up

Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey

Gdansk (Gdynia), Poland, Old Town

Gdansk (Gdynia), Poland

Glasgow (Greenock), Scotland, Aerial View

Glasgow (Greenock), Scotland

Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Coastline

Gran Canaria, Canary Islands

Helsinki, Finland, Aerial view of Suomenlinna Fortress

Helsinki, Finland

Ibiza, Spain, Es Verda Island

Ibiza, Spain

Inverness / Loch Ness, Scotland, Urquhart Castle

Inverness / Loch Ness, Scotland

Kotor, Montenegro, Boats in the bay

Kotor, Montenegro

Kristiansand, Norway, Coastal Mountain

Kristiansand, Norway

La Palma, Canary Islands, Volcanic Terrain

La Palma, Canary Islands

Lerwick/Shetland, Scotland, Coastal terrain and bay

Lerwick / Shetland, Scotland

Madeira (Funchal), Portugal, Coastal Village

Madeira (Funchal), Portugal

Molde, Norway, Panoramic View

Molde, Norway

Nice (Villefranche), France, Aerial Beach View

Nice, France

Olden, Norway, Jostedalsbreen Glacier

Olden, Norway

Oslo, Norway, Coastal Buildings

Oslo, Norway

Paris (Le Havre), France, Panoramic City View

Paris (Le Havre), France

Rhodes, Greece, Beach

Rhodes, Greece

Riga, Latvia, House of Blackheads Statue

Riga, Latvia

Sete, France, Panoramic harbor view

Sete, France

Sicily (Messina), Italy, Cityscape

Sicily (Messina), Italy

Sicily (Catania), Italy, Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolo l'Arena

Sicily (Catania), Italy

Edinburgh (Newhaven), Scotland, Scenic Dean Village

Edinburgh (Newhaven), Scotland

Genoa, Italy, Boccadasse district

Genoa, Italy

La Coruna, Spain, Tower of Hercules

La Coruna, Spain

Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Coastal natural pool

Lanzarote, Canary Islands

Ponta Delgada, Azores, Sete Cidades Lagoa

Ponta Delgada, Azores

Sicily (Palermo), Italy, Panoramic view

Sicily (Palermo), Italy

Skjolden, Norway, Mountain Landscape

Skjolden, Norway

St. Peter Port, Channel Islands, Castle Cornet

St. Peter Port, Guernsey

Southampton, England, Houses in city center

Southampton, England

Stockholm, Sweden, Aerial panoramic view

Stockholm, Sweden

Tallinn, Estonia, Cityscape

Tallinn, Estonia

Tenerife, Canary Islands, El Duque beach

Tenerife, Canary Islands

Valletta, Malta, Coastal view

Valletta, Malta

Vigo, Spain, Hilltop city view

Vigo, Spain

Palma De Mallorca, Spain, La Seu Cathedral

Palma De Mallorca, Spain

Provence (Marseille), France, Chateau d'If

Provence (Marseille), France

Skagen, Denmark, A beach with lighthouse in distance

Skagen, Denmark

Tromso, Norway, Mountain landscape

Tromso, Norway

Visby, Sweden, View of the building rooftops

Visby, Sweden

Waterford, Ireland, Coastal cliff

Waterford (Dunmore East), Ireland

Stavanger, Norway, Cliff Preikestolen

Stavanger, Norway

Málaga, Spain Aerial View

Málaga, Spain

The main square in Ravenna in Italy

Ravenna (Venice), Italy

Provence (Toulon), France, Boats anchored in a bay

Provence (Toulon), France

Valencia, Spain, Panoramic view

Valencia, Spain

La Spezia Portovenere Cliffs

Florence / Pisa (La Spezia), Italy

Florence - Pisa, Italy Aerial View

Florence / Pisa (Livorno), Italy

Italy Naples Positano Couple Jumping in Ocean

Naples / Capri, Italy

Bremerhaven, Germany Sailing Ship

Bremerhaven, Germany

Split, Croatia Waterfront Panoramic

Split, Croatia

Corfu, Greece, Paleokastritsa Beach

Corfu, Greece

limassol cyprus old ruins

Limassol, Cyprus

Porto (Leixoes), Portugal Old Town Skyline

Porto (Leixoes), Portugal

Monte Carlo, Monaco The Rock Of Monaco

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Portofino, Italy Sea Coast Houses

Portofino, Italy

Slovenia Coastal Town Koper Historic Aerial

Koper, Slovenia

Spain Cadiz Seafront Cathedral Campo Del Sur

Cadiz, Spain

England Liverpool City Centre Three Graces

Liverpool, England

France Rue St Jean Du Perot La Rochelle

Bordeaux (La Rochelle), France

Turkey Istanbul de Hoofdstad City View

Istanbul, Turkey

Florence Italy Ponte Veccio

Florence / Pisa (Carrara), Italy

Aerial view of Porto Zorro Azzurro beach in Zakynthos (Zante) island, in Greece

Zakynthos, Greece

Saint Paul cathedral in Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki, Greece

View of Durdle Door Cove, Portland, Dorset, UK

Portland, Dorset, England

Skiathos Old Port with a Blue Sky, Skiathos, Greece

Skiathos, Greece

Bristol Cityscape, Bristol, UK

Bristol, England

Panorama of fjord in Norway

Maloy, Norway

Norway is beautiful in the summer.

Haugesund, Norway

Seville (Cadiz), Spain Square

Seville (Cadiz), Spain

Beautiful harbor of the town of Kotka, Finland

Kotka, Finland

The port of Kiel is a portal into the past.

Kiel, Germany

Bodrum Town in Turkey

Bodrum, Turkey

Saint Anastasia Bay in Burgas, Bulgaria

Burgas, Bulgaria

Admiring the Local Seacoast of Casablanca, Morocco

Casablanca, Morocco

Street view of Pirgi, a village in Chios, Greece

Chios, Greece

Santa Margherita Ligure - beautiful coastal town in Liguria, popular luxury resort

Santa Margherita, Italy

Scenic panorama view of the historic town of Perast at famous Bay of Kotor

Bay of Kotor (Cruising), Montenegro

Landscape with Olimp beach at Black Sea Coast, Romania.

Constanta, Romania

Ocean views from the Sinop Fortress attract many visitors.

Sinop, Turkey

Concrete pier at a beach in Varna, Bulgaria

Varna, Bulgaria

Landmarks and beautiful places (cities) of northern Italy - elegant Trieste town

Trieste, Italy

View of Trabzon Yomra district from above

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Traveller entry requirements

How to prepare for crossing the border into Canada

travel to europe by ship from canada

Services and information

Travel and identification documents for entering canada.

Acceptable documents, establishing your personal identity, your citizenship and other important information

Find out if you can enter Canada

Visas, Electronic Travel Authorizations and other documentation you may need to enter or transit through Canada

Visas, Electronic Travel Authorizations and other documentation you may need to enter or transit through Canada.

Information on what you can bring back to Canada, what to declare, duties and taxes, and personal exemptions

Airport arrival kiosks and eGates

Verify your identity and make a customs declaration at Canada’s major international airports

Directory of CBSA border offices and services across Canada

List of designated CBSA offices and service locations across Canada

Examining digital devices at the Canadian border

Your cell phones, tablets, laptops and any other digital device you are carrying can be examined when you when cross the border

Reporting requirements for private boaters

Options, exceptions, consequences for failing to report and more.

Reporting requirements for non-commercial aircraft

Landing private, company-owned or charter aircraft in Canada

Advance Declaration: Save time at the border

Use Advance Declaration in ArriveCAN to submit your customs and immigration declaration before flying into Canada

Language selection

  • Français fr

Entry requirements by country or territory

You need to give your biometrics.

In most cases, you now need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply.

Find out who needs to give biometrics .

What you need will depend on where you are from, how you are travelling, and what documents you are travelling with.

On this page

Canadian citizens, canadian permanent residents, u.s. citizens, lawful permanent residents of the u.s., eta exemptions, visa-required travellers, workers and students.

  • Visiting your children and grandchildren in Canada

Canadian citizens, including dual citizens, need a valid Canadian passport . American-Canadians can travel with a valid Canadian or U.S. passport.

Canadian permanent residents need a valid permanent resident card or permanent resident travel document .

U.S. citizens must carry proper identification such as a valid U.S. passport.

As of April 26, 2022, lawful permanent residents of the United States must show these documents for all methods of travel to Canada:

  • a valid passport from their country of nationality (or an equivalent acceptable travel document ) and
  • a valid green card (or equivalent valid proof of status in the United States)

You need an official proof of status as a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., such as one of the following:

  • valid permanent resident card (Form I-551)
  • foreign passport with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp (also known as an Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunication [ADIT] stamp)
  • foreign passport with a temporary I-551 printed notation (“Upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residence for 1 year”) on a machine-readable immigrant visa upon endorsement with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection admission stamp
  • expired permanent resident card (Form I-551) with Form I-797 (Notice of Action) for pending Form I-751 (Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence) or Form I-829 (Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status)
  • expired permanent resident card (Form I-551) with Form I-797 (Notice of Action) for pending Form I-90 (Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card [Green Card])
  • valid re-entry permit (Form I-327)
  • Form I-94 with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp (ADIT stamp) and a passport-style photo

Visa-exempt (eTA eligible) travellers

The following travellers need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to board their flight to Canada. However, these travellers do not need an eTA if entering by land or sea – for instance driving from the U.S. or coming by bus, train, or boat, including cruise ship.

  • British citizen
  • British National (Overseas)
  • British overseas citizen (re-admissible to the United Kingdom)
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
  • Pitcairn Island
  • Saint Helena
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • British Subject with a right of abode in the United Kingdom
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Czech Republic
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, must have a passport issued by Hong Kong SAR.
  • Israel, must have a national Israeli passport
  • Republic of Korea
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Romania ( electronic passport holders only )
  • Solomon Islands
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan, must have an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes the personal identification number
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Vatican City State, must have a passport or travel document issued by the Vatican.

Electronic passport holders only

Look on the front cover of your passport for the symbol of a rectangle with a circle in the middle. If you see this symbol, you have an electronic passport.

Image of an electronic passport cover that shows the electronic passport symbol at the bottom

Foreign nationals with official Canadian documents

  • Travellers with a valid Canadian visa.
  • Travellers with valid status in Canada (e.g. visitor, student or worker) who re-enters Canada after only visiting the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon.

Foreign nationals in the following situations

  • French citizens who live in Saint Pierre and Miquelon and are flying directly to Canada from St. Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Foreign nationals who are passengers destined to, or coming from, the United States on a flight that stops in Canada solely to refuel and
  • have proper documents to enter the United States, or
  • were lawfully admitted to the United States.
  • Foreign nationals who are passengers on a flight that makes an unscheduled stop in Canada.
  • Foreign nationals who transit through a Canadian airport under the Transit Without Visa or China Transit Program .

Travel and official representatives

  • Flight crew, civil aviation inspectors, accident investigators who are or will be working while in Canada.
  • Members of Armed Forces (not including the civilian component of an armed forces) of a country designated under the Visiting Forces Act coming to Canada to carry out official duties.
  • Diplomats accredited by the Government of Canada.

The following travellers need a visa to come to Canada by any method of travel—plane, car, bus, train or cruise ship.

Note: Holders of a foreign national passport and stateless individuals need a visa to visit or transit through Canada.

  • Afghanistan
  • Antigua and Barbuda (Some citizens of Antigua and Barbuda may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Argentina (Some citizens of Argentina may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Brazil (Some citizens of Brazil may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cameroon, Republic of
  • Central African Republic
  • China, People's Republic of
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of
  • Congo, Republic of
  • Costa Rica, Republic of (Some citizens of Costa Rica may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Israel, must have a valid Israeli “Travel Document in lieu of National Passport”
  • Ivory Coast
  • Korea, North
  • Macao Special Administrative Region
  • Maldives Islands
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mexico (Some citizens of Mexico may be eligible for an eTA if they  meet certain requirements .)
  • Micronesia, Fed. States
  • Morocco (Some citizens of Morocco may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • North Macedonia
  • Palestinian Authority
  • Panama (Some citizens of Panama may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Philippines (Some citizens of the Philippines may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Romania (holder of a non-electronic passport, such as a temporary passport)
  • Sao Tomé e Principe
  • Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
  • Seychelles (Some citizens of the Seychelles may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • St. Kitts and Nevis (Some citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • St. Lucia (Some citizens of St. Lucia may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines (St. Vincent) (Some citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Taiwan, must have a passport other than an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes their personal identification number
  • Thailand (Some citizens of Thailand may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Timor-Leste
  • Trinidad and Tobago (Some citizens of Trinidad and Tobago may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uruguay (Some citizens of Uruguay may be eligible for an eTA if they meet certain requirements .)

If you’re a worker or student, you must also meet Canada’s entry requirements. A work permit or study permit is not a visa. In most cases, you’ll also need a valid visitor visa or eTA to enter Canada.

If you’re applying for your first study or work permit

We’ll automatically issue you a visa or eTA if you need one and we approve your application. When you travel to Canada make sure you have:

  • your letter of introduction
  • if you’re visa-required, it must contain the visa sticker that we put in it
  • if you need an eTA and you’re flying to a Canadian airport, it must be the passport that’s electronically link to your eTA.

If you already have a work or study permit

If you’re visa-required, make sure that your visitor visa is still valid if you choose to leave Canada and re-enter.

If you need an eTA and you’re flying to a Canadian airport, make sure you travel with the passport that’s electronically linked to your eTA.

You must travel with your valid study or work permit, a valid passport and travel document.

If you’re eligible to work or study without a permit

If you’re eligible to work or study without a permit, you’re considered a visitor to Canada. You must meet the entry requirements for travellers from your country of citizenship.

Visiting your child or grandchild in Canada

If you’re the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you may be eligible for a  super visa . A super visa lets you visit your child or grandchild in Canada for 5 years at a time. Additionally, this visa allows for multiple entries to Canada and is valid for up to 10 years.

Popular Questions

travel to europe by ship from canada

Visit your children or grandchildren

Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents have a new option for visiting Canada

Page details

Shipping to Europe From The US, UK & Canada (2024)

Shipping to Europe

Shipping from Canada to Europe: The Ultimate Guide for Europeans

Europeans looking to purchase goods from Canada or receive packages from the vast nation often face myriad questions about the shipping process. From the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia to the bustling streets of Toronto, Canada has a lot to offer, and knowing how to ship items from there to Europe can make shopping or receiving gifts much more accessible.

Europe’s Landscape: Navigating Multiple Destinations

Europe, with its rich history and vast cultural diversity, is not just a continent of varied traditions and languages but also a patchwork of intricate and sometimes challenging shipping and customs environments. When shipping to Europe, understanding its multifaceted landscape becomes crucial. Here's a closer look at this diverse continent:

1. A Tapestry of Nations:

Varied Landscape: Europe consists of 44 distinct countries, each with its unique identity, customs protocols, and regulations. While many share common guidelines, especially the countries within the European Union, each nation can have specific stipulations that shippers should be aware of.

2. The European Union (EU) Effect:

Unified, Yet Unique: The EU, with its 27 member countries, aims to standardize regulations, including those for shipping and customs. However, even within this union, local nuances persist.

Customs Union & Single Market: These two pillars of the EU simplify trade among member countries. Once goods have cleared customs in one member state, they can circulate freely within the union. This doesn't mean one can overlook national requirements, but it does reduce redundant processes.

Resources: The European Commission’s Customs Union provides extensive information on customs procedures within the EU.

3. Non-EU European Countries:

A Different Approach: Countries like Norway, Switzerland, and the UK (post-Brexit) are not part of the EU. This means they don't benefit from the simplified processes of the Customs Union and Single Market. Each has individualized customs and shipping protocols that shippers must navigate.

Bilateral Agreements: Some of these countries have bilateral agreements with the EU, which can ease certain shipping and customs processes. It's essential to check specific agreements to ensure smooth shipping.

4. Cultural & Linguistic Considerations:

Language Barriers:

While English is widely spoken and understood, especially in business contexts, providing documentation in the destination country's language can smoothen the customs process.

National Holidays & Working Days:

Europe's cultural diversity means a plethora of national holidays. Being aware of these can help anticipate potential shipping delays in specific countries.

Shipping to Europe isn't a one-size-fits-all scenario. Each destination within this vast continent has its unique requirements and considerations. By investing time to understand these nuances, businesses and individuals can ensure efficient, timely, and hassle-free shipping experiences.

Deciphering Shipping Methods: Choosing the Best Transit Route for Your Package to Europe

Shipping from Canada to Europe presents various options, each with its pros, cons, and specifics to understand. Your choice will depend on your priorities: speed, cost, or perhaps the nature of the items you're sending. Here's a more detailed dive into the various shipping methods available:

1. Air Freight: The Fastest Link Between Continents

Speed: Undoubtedly the quickest way to get your parcel from Canada to any European destination. If time is of the essence, air freight should be your go-to choice.

Cargo Safety: Given the shorter transit times and the standardized processes at airports, the chances of damage are relatively lower.

Considerations: While fast, air freight tends to be pricier, especially for heavier shipments. Moreover, environmental concerns are making businesses rethink frequent air shipments.

Further Reading: To understand air freight's international standards and nuances,

IATA (International Air Transport Association) is an invaluable resource.

2. Sea Freight: The Voluminous Voyage

Economical: For large, bulky shipments, sea freight often offers the most cost-effective rates.

Volume and Weight: Sea shipping allows for much larger quantities and weights without exorbitant costs.

Pace: The trade-off for its affordability is time. Transatlantic sea shipments can be lengthy, so plan ahead.

In-depth Information: The European Maritime Safety Agency provides detailed guidelines and regulations concerning sea shipping to and from Europe.

3. Rail Freight: The Emerging Star

Eco-friendly: Rail freight emits considerably less CO2 compared to air and road transport, making it an environmentally conscious choice.

Central and Eastern Europe: With improving rail networks, it's becoming an increasingly viable option, especially when shipping to inland destinations.

Research Resource: The UIC (International Union of Railways) offers comprehensive insights into rail freight standards, networks, and opportunities.

4. Courier Services: The Balanced Approach

Versatility: Courier services often offer a range of options, from express deliveries that rival air freight's speed to more economical options.

Tracking: One major advantage is the detailed, real-time tracking that giants like FedEx, UPS, DHL, and Canada Post provide.

Cost vs. Speed: While couriers are generally quicker than sea or rail, they can be costlier. However, they strike a good balance for smaller shipments or when time is moderately important.

Courier Services: Global players like FedEx , UPS , DHL , and Canada Post offer a balance between speed and cost.

Navigating Customs, Duties, and VAT when Shipping from Canada to Europe:

Shipping internationally, especially to a diverse region like Europe, can seem daunting due to the intricacies of customs regulations, duties, and the VAT system. However, with a clear understanding and careful preparation, you can ensure a smooth process.

Essential Paperwork:

Customs Declaration Form: This is a must-have for all international shipments. It provides information about the contents, purpose (e.g., gift, sale, or return), and value of your shipment.

Detailed Invoice: Whether it's a commercial or pro forma invoice, ensure it clearly states the product's description, quantity, value, and country of origin. This assists customs officers in determining the correct duty and taxes.

Special Certifications:

Depending on the product type and the specific European country you're shipping to, you might need particular certifications. For instance, products like food, plants, or electronics may have different requirements.

Europe's Customs Union Guidelines: It’s recommended to acquaint yourself with the

European Customs Union's guidelines to understand the documentation and processes.

Duties and VAT:

Understanding VAT: The Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax in Europe. While the system is relatively harmonized across EU countries, the rates can vary. For instance, standard VAT rates differ from one country to another, with some nations offering reduced or super-reduced rates on specific goods.

Calculation: Duties and taxes are typically calculated based on the product's Harmonized System (HS) code, its value, and its origin. It's crucial to accurately declare the value of your shipment as it directly impacts the amount of duty and VAT.

Duty-free Allowances: Some goods can be shipped duty-free depending on trade agreements between Canada and the specific European country. Familiarize yourself with these allowances to potentially reduce shipping costs.

European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union: For comprehensive details on VAT rates, customs tariffs, and other related topics, the European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union is an invaluable resource.

While shipping to Europe involves several layers of customs, duties, and tax considerations, with diligent research and preparation, you can ensure your shipments reach their destination without undue delays or unexpected costs. Always keep abreast of any changes in regulations, as international trade dynamics are continually evolving.

Spotlight on Key European Destinations: A Deep Dive into Shipping Specifics

Shipping to Europe means dealing with various customs regulations, documentation requirements, and potential delivery time differences. Let's explore the intricacies of sending parcels to some of the major European destinations:

United Kingdom:

Post-Brexit Changes: Since the UK's exit from the European Union, the customs and trade regulations have shifted. It's no longer governed by EU customs regulations, which means there could be different documentation requirements and duty structures.

Resources: The UK's HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website

is the definitive source for all customs-related information. Regularly check for updates, especially if you frequently ship to the UK.

Potential Tariffs: Some goods might be subject to tariffs, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with any preferential trade agreements in place.

France and Germany:

Stringent Documentation: Both countries, known for their luxury markets, emphasize accurate and thorough documentation, especially for high-value items. Ensure all invoices are clear, precise, and genuine.

Luxury Items and VAT: Items like designer wear, watches, and jewelry might attract higher VAT rates and require specific certifications or appraisals.

Resources: Local customs websites for France's Directorate-General of Customs and Indirect Taxes and Germany's Generalzolldirektion provide detailed guidance on shipping protocols, requirements, and duty structures.

Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, and beyond):

Extended Delivery Times: Due to a combination of logistics infrastructure and customs processing, shipments to some Eastern European countries might take longer than those to Western Europe.

Local Postal Systems: Understanding local postal systems can be advantageous. For example, Poczta Polska in Poland and Magyar Posta

in Hungary have their guidelines and delivery structures.

Customs Variabilities:

Each Eastern European nation might have its unique customs regulations, especially if they're not part of the European Union. Research each destination separately to ensure smooth delivery.

Shipping to Europe requires a blend of understanding regional nuances and adhering to broad EU-based standards. By diving deep into the specifics of each destination, shippers can ensure their parcels reach promptly and without unforeseen costs.

Mastering Packaging and Labeling: Ensuring Safe and Swift Deliveries to Europe

Proper packaging and labeling aren't just about ensuring your items reach their destination undamaged; they're about guaranteeing a smooth journey through customs, logistics chains, and eventually to your recipient's hands. Here's a detailed breakdown of how to excel in this arena when shipping to Europe:

Durability Matters:

Withstand the Rigours: Your parcel may travel by air, road, and possibly sea before reaching its European destination. It will be handled multiple times, go through sorting centers, and might face various climate conditions. Choosing sturdy, weather-resistant packaging is paramount.

Internal Cushioning: Ensure items within the package are securely cushioned using bubble wrap, foam inserts, or other protective materials. This is especially crucial for fragile items. Consider double-boxing for added protection.

Sealing: Use high-quality tape to seal the package. Ensure all openings are securely closed. This not only keeps the contents safe but also prevents any tampering.

Language Essentials:

English as a Standard: English is globally recognized and understood by most customs officials and postal workers across Europe. So, ensure primary details like content description, shipper's and recipient's addresses, and any special instructions are prominently written in English.

Localized Labels: While English is widely accepted, adding translations in the destination country's language can be beneficial. For instance, if shipping to France, include French translations; if to Germany, add German. This can potentially speed up customs checks and make the delivery process smoother.

Clarity and Fonts: Use clear, legible fonts. If you're handwriting labels, ensure it's readable. If you're unsure about your handwriting, printed labels are a safer bet.

Accurate Descriptions:

Customs Forms: When describing the contents for customs forms, be as detailed and accurate as possible. Instead of writing "gift" or "merchandise," specify "handmade wooden statue" or "cotton t-shirt." This clarity can expedite the customs process.

Value and Quantity: Always be honest about the value and quantity of items in your package. This helps in accurate duty and tax calculations, preventing potential delays.

By mastering the intricacies of packaging and labeling, shippers can significantly reduce the chances of hiccups in the shipping process, ensuring their parcels are delivered promptly and efficiently to their European destinations.

Stay Updated: Tracking and Insurance

Shipping from Canada to Europe involves crossing vast distances and often several transit points. For shippers, it's more than just sending a package; it's about ensuring that the package reaches its destination safely and in a timely manner. This is where the importance of tracking and insurance comes into play.

1. The Significance of In-Transit Visibility:

Understanding Tracking: As your package makes its way from Canada to its European destination, it will go through various stages, from dispatch to in-transit, customs clearance, and finally, delivery. Comprehensive tracking systems provided by major carriers break down this journey into traceable steps, keeping you in the loop.

Major Carrier Systems: Leading carriers like DHL and UPS

utilize advanced technology in their tracking systems. With real-time updates, these systems offer the shipper the reassurance of knowing the package's exact location and status at any given time.

Addressing Delays:

Tracking is not just about monitoring. In case of unexpected hold-ups, such as customs delays or weather-related issues, tracking systems provide timely alerts, allowing shippers to take proactive measures.

2. The Prudence of Package Insurance:

Why Insure?: While most carriers take utmost care in handling shipments, unforeseen circumstances like loss, damage, or theft can occur. Insurance acts as a safety net, ensuring that in the event of such mishaps, the shipper isn't left facing a total loss.

Carrier-Provided Insurance: Many carriers offer insurance as an integrated service or an add-on option. This insurance often covers the declared value of the items in the package and, in some cases, the cost of shipping as well.

Third-Party Insurance: If your chosen carrier doesn't offer comprehensive insurance, or if you're seeking more specific coverage terms, third-party insurers can be a good alternative. These insurers specialize in shipment insurance and may offer more competitive rates or expanded coverage options.

Reading the Fine Print: It's crucial to understand what the insurance covers. For instance, some policies might exclude specific items or only cover damages but not theft. Always ensure you're adequately covered based on your shipment's value and nature.

Effective tracking and adequate insurance are not mere afterthoughts but essential components of international shipping. They provide shippers with the confidence that their packages are not only traceable but also safeguarded against potential setbacks. Investing in these services is an investment in peace of mind.

Partnering with Reship for Europe-Bound Shipments from Canada, USA, & UK

For many Europeans, the allure of shopping from North America and the UK is undeniable. The diverse array of products, exclusive releases, and special offers present an irresistible shopping experience. However, the hurdles of international shipping—costs, time, customs, and more—can often deter eager shoppers. Reship has emerged as the essential bridge, connecting European customers to their desired products in North America and the UK.

1. Streamlined Shipping Experience:

One-Stop Solution: With Reship , you can shop from multiple stores across Canada, the USA, and the UK. Instead of managing multiple shipments, Reship offers a consolidated approach, ensuring a smooth and efficient shipping process.

Access Top Stores:

Canada: Dive into stores like Roots for quality leather goods and apparel, or explore

Hudson's Bay for a curated selection of Canadian and international brands.

USA: The options are vast—from iconic department stores like Macy's and Nordstrom to niche outlets offering specialized products.

UK: Delight in British brands from the iconic Marks & Spencer to luxury labels on

Harrods . Europe-based shoppers can tap into renowned stores that previously might have been out of reach:

2. The Advantage of Warehousing:

Flexibility in Storage: Not ready to ship yet? Want to wait for another purchase? Reship provides warehousing options, allowing you to determine when you're ready to consolidate and ship.

Cost-Effective Consolidation: By merging multiple purchases into one shipment, not only do you save on shipping costs, but you also minimize the environmental impact. It's a win-win.

3. Dive into North American & UK Shopping:

Europeans no longer need to be daunted by the challenges of international shopping. Reship simplifies the experience, offering a solution that's both convenient and economical. Whether you're after unique Canadian crafts, American technological innovations, or the classic elegance of UK fashion, Reship ensures these global offerings are just a click away.

Shipping from Canada to the EU (European Union) requires careful consideration of various carrier options, each offering a spectrum of services tailored to various needs. Here's a look into some of the major carriers that operate between Canada and the EU, with a highlight on their specific services for international shipments:

1. Canada Post

International Parcel - Surface: Cost-effective solution for non-urgent deliveries.

International Parcel - Air: Faster than the surface option but more expensive.

Xpresspost - International: A premium service for urgent deliveries, with a delivery time frame of 4-7 days to most EU destinations.

Priority Worldwide: Their fastest international service, partnered with FedEx.

Canada Post Services & Rates

FedEx International First: For time-sensitive shipments, earliest deliveries to major EU cities.

FedEx International Priority: Time-definite delivery typically within 1–3 business days.

FedEx International Economy: A more budget-friendly option with delivery within 4-6 business days.

FedEx International Ground: Cost-effective service for less-urgent shipments, but longer delivery times.

FedEx International Services

UPS Worldwide Express Plus: Early morning delivery to the EU.

UPS Worldwide Express: Midday delivery for your urgent shipments.

UPS Worldwide Saver: End-of-day delivery for time-sensitive shipments.

UPS Worldwide Expedited: 2-5 business days delivery, offering a balance between speed and cost.

UPS International Shipping Services

DHL Express Worldwide: Time-definite delivery within the next possible business day.

DHL Economy Select: Day-definite delivery during the business day, catering to less urgent shipments.

DHL Global Forwarding: For bulky or heavy shipments, using air, rail, road, or sea routes.

DHL Shipping Options

5. Purolator

Purolator Express International: Next-day delivery to major EU destinations.

Purolator Ground U.S. & International: Ground shipping services for less time-sensitive items.

Purolator International Services

When selecting a carrier, consider the nature of your shipment, budget constraints, and delivery urgency. With diverse options available, you can find a solution tailored to your specific needs. Always check with the carrier's official website for the most updated information and any changes in their services.

Embarking on the quest of international shopping unveils a realm of excitement and unparalleled selection, yet it's often accompanied by a complex maze of logistical challenges. In this vibrant landscape of global commerce, Reship has distinguished itself as an indispensable ally for European consumers. Offering more than just a bridge across borders, Reship provides a streamlined gateway to the rich and diverse shopping paradises of Canada, the USA, and the UK.

With Reship , the hurdles of international shipping—ranging from prohibitive shipping costs and customs complexities to the outright inability of stores to ship overseas—are effectively navigated and overcome. This ensures that European shoppers enjoy unfettered access to a broader array of products, exclusive deals, and the latest trends that may not yet be available in their home countries.

Reship does more than facilitate the logistics of international shopping; it transforms the experience, making it as seamless and enjoyable as shopping locally. Through its comprehensive suite of services, including package consolidation, customs handling advice, and flexible shipping options, Reship tailors the global shopping journey to your needs. Whether you're seeking the latest tech gadgets from the USA, fashion-forward apparel from the UK, or unique home goods from Canada, Reship acts as your trusted navigator, ensuring your purchases arrive at your doorstep promptly and without hassle.

In essence, Reship empowers European shoppers to explore and embrace the global shopping experience with confidence. By removing barriers and simplifying the complex, Reship enables you to immerse yourself in the vast shopping landscapes of North America and the UK. Let Reship be the compass that guides you through the exciting world of international shopping, turning aspirations into acquisitions and dreams into deliveries. With Reship, the world is not just at your fingertips—it's within your grasp.

Shipping from the US to Europe (FAQs)

What is the cheapest shipping option from the usa to europe.

Shipping rates vary by destination and carrier. Reship offers competitive rates for smaller packages, such as $20 for 2lb shipments to the UK, which can be indicative of their pricing to other European destinations.

How much does it typically cost to ship from the USA to Europe?

Costs depend on the package's size, weight, and chosen service. For specific rates like small shipments, Reship's example of $20 for a 2lb package to the UK may offer a benchmark.

What are my options for international shipping from the USA to Europe?

Major carriers include USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, and specialized services like Reship, offering various rates and services tailored to your needs.

Is USPS a budget-friendly option for shipping from the USA to Europe?

USPS provides several international shipping options, but for lightweight packages, exploring rates from services like Reship could be more cost-effective.

What are the costs associated with USPS shipping to Europe?

USPS international shipping costs vary based on service level and package details. Comparatively, Reship might offer simpler deals for smaller shipments.

How does USPS shipping from the USA to Europe work?

USPS offers different international services with varying delivery times, tracking, and insurance options. For simple needs, consider Reship's straightforward rates.

What is the best shipping option from the USA to Europe?

The best option depends on factors like cost, speed, and service requirements. For small packages, Reship's competitive rates, like $20 for 2lb shipments, are worth considering.

What is the best way to ship from the US to Europe?

Evaluate carriers for the best balance of rate, delivery time, and services. For small shipments, check out Reship's offerings.

How much does it cost to ship from the USA to Europe?

Shipping costs vary widely. For a 2lb package, Reship's rate of $20 to the UK may serve as a useful reference point.

Why is shipping from the USA to Europe expensive?

Costs are influenced by factors like fuel charges, international taxes, and carrier fees. Services like Reship may offer more economical options for smaller parcels.

How much does it cost to ship a pallet from the USA to Europe?

Pallet shipping is significantly more expensive and depends on factors like destination, size, and weight. Direct quotes from freight carriers are recommended.

How can I ship something from the US to Europe?

Choose a carrier that suits your budget and delivery timeline. For lightweight packages, Reship's pricing model can be attractive.

Which carriers ship to Europe?

USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, and Reship are among the carriers offering shipping services to various European countries.

Are there restrictions on what I can ship from the USA to Europe?

Yes, each country has its own restrictions on items like hazardous materials, perishables, and electronics. Always check with your carrier.

How long does shipping from the USA to Europe take?

Delivery times range from a few days for express services to over a week for standard options. Services like Reship will specify transit times for their rates.

Is tracking available for shipments from the USA to Europe?

Yes, tracking is typically available, offering peace of mind and real-time updates on your shipment's status.

Do I need to pay customs duties and taxes for items shipped to Europe?

Yes, recipients are usually responsible for any applicable customs duties and taxes upon arrival in their country.

Can I insure my shipment from the USA to Europe?

Insurance is available from most carriers, providing protection against loss or damage during transit.

What is the weight limit for shipping packages to Europe?

Weight limits vary by carrier and service. For small shipments, Reship's 2lb package rate to the UK is an example of their offerings.

Can I ship electronics from the USA to Europe?

Yes, electronics can be shipped, but must comply with destination country regulations and be properly declared to customs.

transatlantic crossing

Toronto to Rome: how to do a transatlantic crossing without flying

As the global movement for climate change gains traction, many people, including me, wonder what we can do to help. While there are many ways we can all become more responsible travellers, flying seems to be the most talked-about topic. So, with all the flight shaming going on, can we give up flying by finding flying alternatives? How do we do a transatlantic crossing without flying?

Naturally curious, I wanted to see how travelling without a plane can be done. I decided to plan out a route from Toronto, Canada to Rome, Italy. Since I live in Toronto, that was a natural starting point. As we travel to Italy quite a bit, Rome is a frequent destination we fly into. It made a logical endpoint. So, how to get to Rome from Toronto without a plane?

Affiliate Disclosure – This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission. This doesn’t affect your purchases or any fees you may pay for the product or service. Read more in my DISCLAIMER .

Note: For the purpose of calculating the journey itself, I’m not including the transport from home, lodging, food and journey to the final destination in Rome from the bus station.

Flying alternatives option 1 – transatlantic cruise

So, what do you do when you want to cross the ocean without a plane? Your next option is to do it as they used to in the past – get on a boat. Toronto’s inland location makes it challenging to find a direct route to Europe. After further research, I couldn’t find any cruises that sailed directly from Canada (even the eastern coast) straight to Europe. Next best option? New York City.

transatlantic crossing

Transatlantic crossing cruise – Toronto to New York City

New York City is accessible from Toronto without flying. Our choices are driving, taking a bus or the train. It seemed easier and more environmentally friendly not to drive, so that option is out. Besides, where would we leave the car?

I decided on the bus as it was cheaper and quicker than the train. During the time this trip would take place, a service disruption would force us to take a train/bus combo anyway. The bus option allows us to leave in the evening of Oct. 17 and arrive mid-day on Oct. 18. This gives us a few hours before the cruise departs at 5 p.m. No additional cost for the hotel.

Transatlantic crossing cruise – a journey across the ocean

While cruising is a very popular activity, the choices for transcontinental travel are limited. I settled on the Cunard transatlantic cruise from New York City, USA, to Hamburg, Germany. There is a stop in Southampton, UK, and we could have stopped our journey there. However, it seemed better to take the cruise all the way to Hamburg, which puts us closer to Rome. More on-the-ground options within Europe.

This part of our flying alternatives journey takes nine days, Oct 18 – Oct 27. I opted for the basic inside cabin and no transfers between ports and airports ($104 per transfer). The cruise fee includes food and onboard entertainment. Alternative dining is available at extra cost if we want to spend additional money.

Transatlantic crossing cruise – Hamburg to Rome

I couldn’t get details of when the ship actually arrived in Hamburg, so I decided to assume we would stay there overnight and leave the next day. If we chose to travel by train, our journey from Hamburg to Rome clocks in at 15 hours. It involves a combination of trains, including four stops/transfers in Switzerland plus one stop in Milan before finally arriving in Rome.

Another option is the bus. The shortest option on Oct. 28 is just over 26 hours and involves one stop in Bologna. Despite the longer duration, I’m inclined to go with the bus as it’s more of a direct route. Also, simpler.

Nevertheless, this would put us in Rome on Oct. 29, almost two weeks after we left our home.

Transatlantic crossing cruise: the pros

The fact that you can get to Rome from Toronto without a plane is great news. Also, the fact that the transatlantic cruise would take nine days is a huge improvement from the days when it took weeks or months to cross the Atlantic. The ship is also a lot more comfortable than those ships of the past.

The journey by ship doesn’t seem too bad. There are entertainment and food, so you definitely don’t have to worry about that part. You can bet that the food is definitely better than what you get on the plane. There is also no need to worry about legroom or crying babies.

I was actually surprised that the cost wasn’t higher. While almost $3,000 is no chump change, it’s a lot less than I expected for all the transportation.

Transatlantic crossing cruise: the cons

There is a lot of scrutiny over cruising. Until recently, I wasn’t even aware of how damaging the cruising industry can be. Based on that, the transatlantic cruise doesn’t seem like an environmental option since it’s as polluting, if not more, than flying.

I get motion sickness, so sea travel is not my friend. I’ve done a cruise once, a long time ago, and it wasn’t always a pleasant experience. That cruise stopped in numerous ports over the one-week journey, allowing us to leave the ship frequently. A week across the Atlantic is definitely more challenging as the water is choppier, and you can’t get off the boat. I can imagine being sick the whole time.

While you’re not likely to encounter turbulence, I’m sure there are rough currents in the ocean. The elements can be unpredictable, and being in the middle of the ocean during inclement weather is just terrifying. Plus, there are pirates. Probably not as likely to pray on this route, but it’s a reality that can’t be discounted.

Finally, there is time itself. Two weeks to get to a destination is not a realistic option for regular people. In Canada , the average vacation is two weeks. If it takes you two weeks to get somewhere and two weeks to come back, you’d need way more than a month’s worth of holidays to make this journey. 

Flying alternatives option 2 – transatlantic crossing on a freighter

I must honestly say that before doing this research, I had no idea that freighter cruising was a thing. If you’re wondering what exactly is a freighter cruise, it’s exactly what it sounds. Although the “cruise” part may not be what normally comes to mind. You are travelling on a freighter barge. Yes, the same one that transports large shipping containers.

The good news is that you’re not actually sleeping in a shipping container. You get a simple cabin and meals with the crew. No shows, no frills and lots of time to ponder, read and relax. This is either your idea of heaven or hell. There is no in-between.

Transatlantic crossing on a freighter – what you need to know

These types of voyages take on as few as two passengers and as many as 12. As the lower age allowance is around 14, you’re not likely to be surrounded by kids. The downside is that if you want to take your kids with you (providing they meet the minimum age requirement), they will likely be bored out of their minds. As space is limited, your family might be the only passengers travelling on the barge. Your kids will be the only kids.

Upper age limits range from 65 for some ships to 79 for others. There are strict requirements for passengers over 65 that require them to provide a medical certificate before sailing. As the voyage itself is lengthy and medical assistance limited, if you have any medical conditions or are fully abled, this is not the option for you.

Some ships don’t have elevators, so you have to move around the ship with no issues. People with mobility challenges or health restrictions won’t be able to choose this option. Don’t expect room service, fine dining, shopping or Internet access. This is not that type of cruise.

The logistics of transatlantic crossing on a freighter

If the idea of being on a boat for an extended period of time is your kind of thing, freighter cruising might be the thing for you. You can book one way or return trips between continents and based on availability.

Freighter cruises have to be booked way in advance, as in months, not days. The sites for freighter cruises are limited, but I found the Maris one to be the most informative and current. The others I found had info older than six years, which didn’t seem relevant. Based on this, it seems that you can’t just book it yourself online. Maris has an online form where you can fill out the initial request. There is also a phone number if you want to go that route.

To reserve your spot, you have to provide a 25% deposit, while the balance of the fee plus management fees have to be paid 70 days before departure. As apparently, they don’t take credit cards, you’ll have to pay by cheque or a bank transfer. Once everything is paid, you’ll get information on the cruise’s details and location in port.

You’ll also be required to provide a medical statement (signed by you and your doctor), possible vaccinations and visas, depending on the ports you’ll be visiting.

Transatlantic crossing in a freighter: the pros

If you’re looking for an adventure and something that’s not a typical run-of-the-mill vacation, this transatlantic crossing option is it. This is also perfect for those seeking relaxation, quiet and a lot of “me” time. You can also learn first-hand about the transport industry and life on the sea.

Honestly, can’t think of any other pros as to why this would be a great option. If you do, let me know.

Transatlantic crossing in a freighter: the cons

Let’s talk about all the reasons why this is not the best option to cross the Atlantic. As resources are minimal, the amount of digging for up-to-date information and the booking process can actually be off-putting. Especially to the occasional traveller, not versed in complex travel planning.

Unlike the transatlantic cruise, this voyage is not a straight route. The Maris transatlantic cruise from North America to Europe leaves approximately every six weeks from New Orleans. That means a bus or train from Toronto to New Orleans. The cruise is set to reach Le Havre (France) on day 16, Antwerp (Belgium) on day 17, Rotterdam (Holland) on day 19 or Bremerhaven (Germany) on day 22. This means a few options to get to Rome once we reach Europe.

The fees for the freighter cruise vary between €110-€130 per person per day. Administrative fees are in US$ and also very. This makes this a pretty expensive trip in Canadian dollars.

To illustrate this option, the fees below are converted to CAD$ based on today’s exchange. As the cruise dates are not available, I used available departure dates for the trains/buses to get prices.

Flying alternatives option 3 – Alaska to Russia

Someone suggested on Twitter that travelling to Europe from North America was possible by crossing from Alaska. Clearly, they didn’t know where in North America I live. Although I enjoy a challenge, it became clear that this was not a feasible option.

To get to Alaska, we would have to take the train from Toronto to Vancouver. That journey is about four days. Once in Vancouver, we would have to get to Prince Rupert (about a day’s journey from Vancouver) to sail to Alaska. That is another couple of days on a ferry. To get from Toronto to Alaska, it would take about a week (give or take) without even leaving North America.

Once in Alaska, it appears that crossing to Russia isn’t as simple and easy as it might seem. It’s pretty challenging to find accurate and relevant information on the process. However, the bigger challenge arises once you (hypothetically) arrive in Russia. The towns on that side are so remote that it’s not possible to get across the country without flying at least some of the way.

For these reasons, this doesn’t seem to be a viable option for getting from Toronto to Rome. At least not without taking months to get there and spending a fortune.

Key takeaways from planning flying alternatives for a transatlantic crossing

I was actually surprised that there were options for getting to Rome from Toronto without flying. While two of these were workable, they are not very practical for the average traveller with a limited budget and time.

Both options for a transatlantic crossing were more expensive than flying and took a lot longer to get to Rome. Because of the logistics, it was more challenging to plan a return trip. I ended up planning it one way to illustrate the point. When you look at the cost, it’s way more affordable to fly than it is to take all the different modes of transportation.

Carbon footprint calculations for a transatlantic crossing

We are told that planes are the biggest carbon contributors, which is why we should avoid them. That might seem simple unless you have done a transatlantic crossing. It turns out, that calculating carbon footprint is complicated. There are many different carbon footprint calculators online. However, they are not consistent. Many of them want you to sign up by email or through social even to do the test.

Another challenge is the actual carbon footprint calculation methods. They are not all created equal. Many calculators have different options for your daily activities, food and transportation habits over time. That is great if you want to track your daily impact, but not so great when you just want to know your travel footprint.

Travel is mostly limited to car, plane or bus. The options for transatlantic crossing other than ferries and cruises are almost non-existent. It’s not even possible to estimate a barge cruise, so I had to improvise. The numbers I have come up with are approximate and not completely accurate.

Without a clear comparison of every available mode of transportation in the same calculator, it isn’t easy to understand your actual carbon footprint. I can guarantee that most people would give up in the first hour because I know I found it challenging to complete.

After completing all the calculations, it seems that flying from Toronto to Rome actually produces fewer carbon emissions than either option.

Challenges with flying alternatives

The problem with avoiding flying is that you limit who can travel. Especially when you want to attempt a transatlantic crossing. In the past, only people who had the means were able to travel. As travel became more affordable, it opened up the world for everyone. This means no matter who you are, your chances of seeing the world are far greater today than they were 50 years ago.

Reducing plane travel is a lot easier in Europe than it is in North America and other continents. There isn’t as much reliable infrastructure easily available for people as what you find in Europe. As a continent, Europe is a lot smaller, more populated and has older infrastructure, making it easier for people to get around.

Large distances also make travel without a plane challenging. Never mind doing a transatlantic crossing. In Canada, like many other places, there are communities only accessible by plane. We have trains and buses, but you can’t get everywhere by ground travel alone. It’s also costly for Canadians to travel in Canada. We might live in the second-largest country in the world, but our small population means that there are many remote places with limited or non-existent transportation options.

Is flight shaming the answer?

Flight shaming is reaching new heights. The movement, stated in Sweden, is gaining momentum and making everyone feel guilty about flying. What are we to do, especially when a transatlantic crossing is at stake?

While I think it’s important to recognize the damage flying is inflicting, blaming each other for flying isn’t the answer. Let’s not forget that people used to travel on trains that were powered by a coal engines. We didn’t stop taking trains. Instead, we improved them and developed cleaner alternatives. The same can be done with planes.

Instead of pointing fingers at ourselves, we should pressure airlines to become more environmentally friendly. Reducing the use of single-use plastic, using biodegradable alternatives and implementing cleaner fuels are just some ways airlines can become leaders in changing the industry.

Final thoughts on transatlantic crossing without a plane

After doing the comparison, I am not convinced that either option is better for doing a transatlantic crossing. Based on the calculations, the carbon footprint is lower for flying than it is for taking a transatlantic cruise. It’s also cheaper to fly and takes a lot less time to get there.

This, again, makes me think that the problem isn’t with our flying. We should be looking at the airlines, holding them accountable and taking the lead in making flying more sustainable.

Source: Carbon calculator ,  google flights

So, would you take option 1 or option 2 over flying? Are you surprised by any of these numbers? Let me know. 

Kasia is an avid traveller, a self-professed castle, architecture and art lover, and an outdoor enthusiast. She takes readers on journeys to ancient ruins, cultural sites and museums to inspire others to embrace the magic of travel.

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Alaska Cruise Tours:

A cruise tour is a voyage and land tour combination, with the land tour occurring before or after the voyage. Unless otherwise noted, optional services such as airfare, airport transfers, shore excursions, land tour excursions, etc. are not included and are available for an additional cost.

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Ocean crossings provide the time to truly appreciate the pure pleasure of the sea..

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travel to europe by ship from canada

Canada Cargo Ship Travel

Freighter travel agency cargoholidays, cargoholidays the best freight cruise arround for canada cargo ship travel.

One thing is clear: Given that you’ll be taking on the role of a passenger rather than that of a customer, you won’t find the usual conveniences on a cargo ship. There will be neither entertainers nor leisure programs or wellness amenities. The crew serves the ship and the cargo – not the passengers. Shore excursions are possible, but only permitted when agreed upon with the ship management and provided the route and schedule allow for it. Then, if you don’t return from your trip in time, the ship might put back out to sea without you. On the other hand, the ship is not obligated to stick to the port layover times stated at the point of booking, since these depend not only on the prevailing weather conditions, but also on the loading and unloading operations and the number of available cranes and manpower. Hence, layovers can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days – flexibility is of the essence.

AdobeStock 397092285 - Canada Cargo Ship Travel

Freighter travel is different from using ropax ferries, which often live on the cargo, but follow passenger ship regulations to be able to ship the truck drivers as well and have other passengers as a supplemental income. These are much more like cruise ferries, although sometimes quite spartan. It is a common myth that freighter travel is cheaper than other forms of transportation, but save for a select number of regional freighters, this is essentially never the case. The overhead of carrying supplies and setting aside rooms is quite significant for Canada Cargo Ship Travel, compared to a long-haul flight. Comparing is difficult of course: are you paying for transport, or for food, accommodation and the experience to go for Canada Cargo Ship Travel?

What’s it like to go for Canada Cargo Ship Travel ? The level of luxury is dependent on the carrier. Some have DVD players and state-of-the-art entertainment facilities, others have VHS and a ping pong table, but if it’s an experience you’re after then you couldn’t ask for more. Food varies from ship to ship (often depending on the nationality of the crew), and you will probably eat in the officer’s mess along with the more senior crew onboard.

AdobeStock 344566703 - Canada Cargo Ship Travel

Freighter ship travel can at times be an emotional rollercoaster as it’s quite unlike anything you’ve done before. Everyone’s experience will be different but you’re certainly in for the adventure of a lifetime. we’ve first-hand experience of this alternative way to travel. It can be lonely if you travel alone and sometimes deadly boring, but with a stash of good books and a willingness to engage with the crew the time will soon be slipping away.

If you’re tempted to reach your next travel destination by container ship, be prepared to bring a lot of time – and you will be rewarded with memories beyond comparison. Trade in narrow rows of seats, endless queues, tight sightseeing schedules and fleeting impressions for a newfound type of peace and quiet, a novel sensation of distance and the priceless luxury of getting to know the ocean in its most beautiful manifestations.

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A Holland America Line transatlantic cruise ship with text reading 'Sailing 150 years'

Transatlantic Europe Cruises

Our transatlantic cruises go sail to both seldom-visited and iconic European and American destinations, true hidden treasures that offerlike Athens, Barcelona, and Key West, where so much to dounique experiences and immersive shore excursions await. But it’ is also the journey that makes a transatlantic cruises so special, as you join centuries of nautical history and become very familiar with the sea. Gaze at the stars or watch the sun set over the horizon; you’ll feel like you have the ocean all to yourself on our perfectly sized ships. UUnwind at the spa, or take in enriching entertainmentlive music, and enjoy carefully crafted culinary experiences aboard our perfectly-sized shipsthat deepens your understanding of the places you visit. Take a round-trip transatlantic cruise or go from one continent to the other and then explore on your own time. Welcome to the cruise of a lifetime.

Explore Transatlantic Cruise Ports

(Civitavecchia) Rome, Italy

Architectural treasures abound here, where the glory that is Rome spans more than two thousand years. Walk in the footsteps of emperors and saints. Make a wish at Trevi fountain. Climb the Spanish Steps and treat yourself to a gelato al limone.

(Cádiz) Seville, Spain

Over the centuries, Moorish and Spanish cultures have intermingled in Andalucía to spectacular effect. Explore the results in Seville Cathedral and the magnificent Alcazar. Then head to a wine cellar to sample the region’s legendary sherry.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is a trove of architectural treasures. Explore the city’s exquisite landmarks, including the Tower of Belém, the Monument to the Discoveries, and the Jerónimos Monastery. Venture beyond to Sintra, dubbed “a glorious Eden” by Lord Byron.

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Start your transatlantic cruise in Fort Lauderdale. Relax and explore the city while gliding down the New River in a gondola. Take an airboat ride through the Everglades. Discover the chic cafés and galleries of Las Olas Boulevard.

Head East or West on Your Transatlantic Cruise

Skyline view of the Rotterdam, Netherlands cruise port.

Journey West to the New World

Boats docked in a canal in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Voyage East to the Old Continent

150th anniversary sailings.

Join us on anniversary cruises that commemorate the maiden voyage of the original Rotterdam I. We’ve re-created these historic sailings exactly 150 -years later with calls in Plymouth, United Kingdom, and New York City.

Couple sitting in deck chairs, holding hands and looking out onto the water from the deck of a Holland America cruise ship.

Transatlantic Cruise Onboard Experience

Your ship becomes a second home on transatlantic cruises. Relish in sumptuous staterooms and suites, and an immersive experience with engaging presentations and plenty of live music options. Live the good life on these incredible voyages.

The main dining room on a Holland America Rotterdam cruise ship.

Perfectly Sized for the Passage of Time

A steak dinner served aboard a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Dining Experiences

The World Stage theater for live performances onboard a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Onboard Entertainment

Transatlantic cruise ships.

Nieuw Statendam

This modern ship fills every day with dramatic beauty. The second in the line of our Pinnacle-class ships, it draws inspiration from musical instruments. Enjoy many entertainment options, including the two-level World Stage.

Blissfully glide from continent to continent aboard Rotterdam, our newest ship. With exquisite dining, innovative entertainment, and luxurious staterooms and suites, Rotterdam is the soundtrack to your transatlantic discoveries.

A recent update with new bar, entertainment, and dining venues and completely reimagined staterooms makes Oosterdam an excellent choice for your transatlantic cruise. Find out why Oosterdam has won multiple “Best Ship” awards.

Self-Care on Sea Days

A transatlantic cruise means plenty of time for you to take care of you. Unwind with a massage, get a new hairstyle, or take a fitness class.

Group lounging in the thermal spa on a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Spa Services

Full Service Salon

Whether you want a new look for a night on the ship or just a simple touch-up, our professional and creative stylists can help.

Thermal Suite

Pamper yourself with soothing heat. Warm up on a heated lounge chair, step into the sauna, and take a dip in the hydro pool.

Fitness Class

Keep it moving on leisurely sea days at our Fitness Center. Take an indoor cycling or yoga class. Or go at your own pace with cardio and weight machines.

Body Treatments

Treat yourself and nourish your body with stone-therapy, acupuncture, and solution focused messages.

Manicure Pedicure

Fresh nails are always a good idea. Get Gala-ready with manicures and pedicures.

Leave the stress behind with massages that use time-honored techniques from around the globe.

Men's Grooming Services

If you feel scruffy at sea, relax with a facial cleansing treatment, shave, manicure, or other men’s grooming service.

Recommended for You

A Holland America Personal Cruise Consultant wearing a telephone headset.

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travel to europe by ship from canada

Best Shipping to Europe from Canada: Carriers, Customs and Free Trade

Canada and european trade.

Trans-Atlantic trade remains a major economic contributor to Canada. With the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and Europe, shipping of Canada origin goods can clear duty free to France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the entire EU.

For cross border shipping of e-commerce orders to Europe, there are three main components: Airlift, clearance and last mile delivery. The intricacies involve how to classify and clear thousands of individual orders efficiently.Ocean freight can also be an option. Read more about sea freight Canada to Europe.

Jet Worldwide has the solutions to the European Union via partnerships with leading European carriers and innovative pre-labeling and direct solutions direct from Canada. Contact Jet's logistics team (see contact form below) to expand your offer to the European market.

How-to-Video: Shipping to Europe from Canada

Download accompanying PDF

The European market is alternatively a single market of 27 countries and 27 unique countries. Shippers from North America can benefit from "euro-domestic access.” Such access usually involves local warehousing or VAT registration for e-commerce.

There are several shipping options available to ship from Canada to Europe. The best option depends on your specific preferences. Factors include the type and size of the goods, the speed of delivery, and target unit cost. Here are some common shipping options that you might consider:

Canada Post is generally best for sending the occasional small shipment to Europe. The surface packet option offers the lowest cost for shipments under 4 pounds.

FedEx, DHL and UPS are well known options with major European networks.

Sea freight it ideal for shipping pallets and containers. Allow for a transit time of around 1 month. 

Jet Worldwide provides European North American logistics. This includes discount access to global carriers and e-commerce last mile delivery solutions.

DPD is a leading European carrier owned by La Poste France. Via Jet Worldwide, they offer direct import and Euro-domestic delivery for Canadian e-commerce.

Contact Jet Worldwide for rates and logistics support with best in class access for your online orders. Fulfill your orders in Canada and ship direct to your European customers. Get low cost access to shipping options and logistics support.

Shipping to Europe from Canada:

All transportation companies will see increased volume.

Eastern seaports, ocean carriers, international airfreight carriers, international couriers anticipate growth will quickly follow implementation of CETA.

Jet Worldwide assists companies with low cost shipping for e-commerce, parcels and pallets from Canada to Europe.

In this post we review the key elements to understand regarding shipping to European Union countries.

  • Coordinating shipping to both the UK and EU
  • The role of parcel shipping to Europe from Canada
  • Canadian Export Declaration for Shipments to the E.U.
  • Clearance of goods to the EU from Canada
  • Shipping quote to Europe
  • Shipping terms when shipping duty paid or unpaid to EU countries
  • IOSS and payment of VAT for e-commerce imports to the EU
  • Carrier options for shipping to the EU: Canada Post and private carriers
  • EU import, warehousing and distribution from Canada and USA
  • CETA duty free clearance for Canada origin goods that import to the EU
  • Shipping Canadian e-commerce to the EU
  • International shipping rate request form


Expand your cross border transportation and logistics options to Europe. Get a one on one discussion with seasoned professionals with decades of proven results. Grow your understanding of the how, why of European cross border processes. 

Strengthening your team - even if you are a team of one! Learn about unique options to regional, national and country specific specialists. Contact our team for an initial consultation.

What does it cost to ship e-commerce orders to Europe?

The cost of sending e-commerce orders to Europe depends primarily on the size and weight of the package. Carrier discount, volume and tracking requirements are other factors. Some sample costs are outlined below.

What is the cheapest way to ship e-commerce orders to Europe?

The lowest cost for shipping packages to Europe is to consolidate orders and ship direct. But such consolidations require higher volumes. For occasional shippers, Canada Post surface options offer the lowest cost. Canada Post small packet services are a popular options for smaller volumes

Best way to lower delivery costs to Europe

Use a shipping cost calculator to compare rates from different carriers.

  • Consider surface options via Canada Post
  • Diversify volumes away form the post by shipping e-commerce orders direct
  • Ship smaller packages to reduce the volume weight. Read about chargeable weight.
  • If you are shipping a large volume of packages, you may be able to negotiate a discounted rate directly with the major carriers.
  • Consider using a third-party shipping service that can provide both savings and - more important - logistics support.
  • Check to see if your goods quality for duty free import. Read more about the Canadian European Free Trade Agreement.
  • Consider using ocean transportation instead of air shipping for large commercial orders.

Useful "How to Ship" Videos

How can I zone jump for e-commerce orders to Europe?

Shipping consolidations of orders to Europe offers the most control and lowest cost. It involves building proprietary import processes and last mile delivery via a domestic courier. Contact our team for details.

Can I ship via DPD Europe from Canada?

Yes, Jet Worldwide Canada offers access to DPD's low cost European delivery from Canada.

Contact. Discuss. Get Best in Class Support !

Can Canadian e-commerce orders import duty free to Europe?

Most shipments under 150 euros can import duty free. Goods that qualify as being Canadian origin can import duty free under the Canadian European Free Trade Agreement (CETA).

European union graphic duty plus VAT

Is VAT a charge on duty free imports to Europe?

Yes, value add tax applies to all imports to Europe.

Shipping to both the UK and EU distribution:

E-commerce sellers now have two parcel logistics flows: One to the UK the other to mainland Europe. UK orders benefit from the UK Canadian Free Trade Agreement (UKTCA) which essentially is a continuation of the European Canadian Free Trade (CETA) following Brexit.

The UK is often the single biggest market for Canadian exporters and e-commerce orders. Jet has solutions to both the EU and UK: Get updates from Jet's logistics team .

Énvoyer France Direct

The Role of Parcel Shipping to Europe

International Parcel delivery is a way to connect Canadians to European suppliers and customers. Canadian e-commerce sellers benefit from preferential duty free access (for Canadian origin goods under CETA), are able to qualify for EU government contracts, and can send goods with no import fees to their European customers.

Canadian manufacturers and engineering companies will have greater access to the entire EU market. Canadian retailers can serve their European customers direct using existing warehousing and fulfillment infrastructure. Contact Jet's team for a consultation on how to set up best in class shipping options for e-commerce orders to Europe and the UK.

Jet Worldwide helps Canadian and American companies develop efficient parcel delivery processes across the EU via direct import processes.

Grow your business in Europe directly from your Canadian facilities. Get cost-effective shipping options from a Canadian global expert.


Read about Jet's best in class solutions for shipping online orders direct to the EU (PDF)

Cost of shipping packages to Europe

What is the cost of shipping packages to europe.

The cost to ship a package to Europe for occasional shippers is from around $30 for up to 4 pounds/ 2 kilograms for Canada Post parcel surface options to around $150 for up to 10 pounds/ 4.5 kilograms via a commercial carrier.

The prices below are estimates only for a general guide. Canada Post's website is a great place to start when sending to Europe from Canada. Some Eastern European destinations may cost more.

How Can I Reduce parcel delivery to costs to Europe

The first step is to make sure you are getting the maximum discount for your shipping volume and to contact competing carriers. Often, the biggest discount can be via a reseller who partners with other carriers. The best way to reduce your package delivery cost is to consolidate your packages and ship via direct air freight from YUL, YYZ or YVR.

Can I connect directly with DPD from Canada for lowest cost European Delivery

Yes, Jet Worldwide can help you set up best in class shipping processes to send direct to European countries and the UK with tracking and guaranteed no import fees to your customer. Contact our team for a consultation.

Canadian Export Declaration for Shipments to Europe

For shipments from Canada to Europe CAD 2,000 and above (or otherwise with restrictions) require a Canadian export declaration.

Read more about Canadian Export Reporting System (CERS).

Clearance of goods from Canada to Europe

CETA provides some standardization in the clearance process. This process improvements are often the most overlooked benefits of trade agreements.

Simpler processes allowing Canadian companies greater access to the EU.

An example of the improved processes is an attempt by the EU to standardize the customs sanctions across all members. Currently, there is a wide discrepancy which causes great confusion and compliance cost by Canadian exporters.

Common Items Purchased from European Consumers

According to Eurostat, the most common online purchases of goods include:

  • clothes, shoes or accessories (ordered by 42% of internet users)
  • cosmetics, beauty or wellness products (17%)
  • furniture, home accessories or gardening products (16%)
  • printed books, magazines or newspapers and sports goods (excluding sports clothing) (both 14%)

Deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains and catering services make up around 20% but, of course, not part of cross border transactions.

These consumer goods categories that commonly import to Europe.

European online purchasing graphic

Shipping via Ocean freight to Europe from Canada

Transit times for containerized cargo can range but average between 1 to 2 months. This can be a challenge when building parcel flows. Yet, for unwieldy items and larger orders the much lower costs can support this business model. Major container Europe depends on the hub location. Major European ports have direct services from the East Coast (e.g., Montreal and Halifax).

Useful information: Things to know about Ocean Shipping From Canada.

LCL Sea Freight to Europe

Less than container load (LCL) is best when you start building consolidations of online orders. Allow extra transit time for the loading and de-consolidation of the container.

FCL Sea Freight from Canada to EU

Full container load (FCL) is the fastest way to ship via ocean. This can be via either 40 foot or 20 foot container.

Shipping Air versus Ocean

With the many minimum surcharges for ocean shipments, shipping smaller consignments via air is cheaper. This is especially true for door to door shipping.

Overseas shipping options import export Canada graphic

Duty Free - But With VAT - online orders Canada to Europe

Consignments to Europe Union countries under €150 (around CA$220) can import duty free. VAT applies to all imports. This includes items sold on eBay, Shopify, bigcommerce, and other e-commerce platforms. Read our blog on payment of VAT for online orders that ship to Europe.

Among the main changes are provisions for online marketplaces to be deemed the "supplier." As a supplier, the online marketplace is responsible for collection of VAT for online orders of up to €150. This new process, the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) simplifies the importation of online goods. Contact Jet's logistics team for updates on new shipping options to European Union countries.

Useful Video: Declaring a Value for Shipping

Shipping Terms to Consider When Shipping to EU Countries

The default option for shipping internationally from Canada is delivery duty unpaid. Common carriers use the term EXW which essentially assigns all import related costs (duty, taxes, and other fees) to the receiver/ importer. Shippers from Canada can choose to pay the import fees on behalf of the receiver via a Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) options that many carriers offer. Read more: IncoTerms and shipping terms for packages and online orders.

The disadvantage of paying import fees on behalf of the receiver is that the bulk of the import fees are often from a value add tax . The importing business in the EU may otherwise be able to claim back VAT.

jet-VAT-vector image-1

VAT Rules for Imports to the European Union

All goods to the EU are subject to VAT. E-commerce shipments under EUR 150 can import via One-Stop Shop (IOSS) processes. This facilitates marketplaces to charge VAT at the point of sale and remit it directly to the authorities.

IOSS Solutions

Jet Worldwide provides IOSS solutions to facilitate registration and integrate shipping direct to all the EU with low cost, tracking and no import charges to the consignee.

For details on IOSS and the otherEU’s VAT rules, Visit: Publications Office of the European Union .

"Non UK" EU Distribution

With Brexit, companies are seeking new distribution networks on the continent. Jet has warehouse and delivery solutions from our French partner to help Canadian and American companies get low cost e-commerce parcel delivery across Europe.

Canadian and US e-commerce shippers now rely on two parcel injection points: One for the UK and the other for the EU.

Build E-Commerce Consolidations for UK Access

Jet has direct shipping solutions to both the UK and EU with prepaid VAT and Duty to ensure no charges forward to their European and British customers.

Parcel Delivery carrier options from Canada to Europe

Canadian companies shipping to France, Germany, the UK and throughout the EU often choose Canada Post for small parcels. Canada Post traditionally offers low cost delivery to Europe from Canada for small parcels under 2 kg ( "international packet").

Canada Post parcel post options to Europe: Canada Post lowest cost surface delivery is usually the lowest price available for individuals shipping to Europe from Canada. Other options include standard air and an "Xpresspost" option.

Jet Worldwide provides best in class shipping solutions with significant savings versus traditional postal options.

Best Shipping Options to Europe from Canada

Options for shipping freight between Canada and Europe include:

  • Air freight: This is the fastest option with economy air options
  • Ocean: Best for large commercial orders
  • Canada post options are generally best for individuals shipping personal items to Europe
  • FedEX , DHL, UPS air options are popular options with information readily available via their websites.
  • Direct shipping of parcels to Europe to take advantage of pre-paid VAT, low value duty free threshold and CETA duty free import.

When choosing a shipping method, you will need to consider factors such as the size and weight of your freight, the time frame in which you need it to arrive, and your budget. It may be helpful to compare quotes from different carriers to find the best option for your needs.


Jet Worldwide is helps Canadian sellers ship direct to the EU. (and UK)

FedEx and UPS shipping options to Europe from Canada include:

  • International air priority express shipping to Europe
  • International economy air shipping to Europe from Canada

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Canadian Shipping to European Union via Jet Worldwide

Jet Worldwide offers options for shipping between Canada and USA and the European Union and UK for parcels, pallets and online orders.

Jet's helps our Canadian and American customers register for IOSS VAT payments and connect with European parcel leader, DPD. Read our presentation (PDF) our best in class shipping to to Europe for online orders.

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Parcel Import warehousing distribution options to Europe via Jet

Jet Worldwide offers low cost shipping from Canada to Europe helping to connect Canadian businesses with Europe! Jet provides local importing and EU distribution from our Paris hub for low cost ground delivery to France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and all the EU.

  • Parcel shipping and delivery from Canada to Germany, France, Italy and the EU
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Goods to EU must include an invoice for customs or other supporting documents.

Duty free import for Canada origin goods via under CETA:

The Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) does not require a formal certificate in order to obtain tariff benefits. A declaration on the invoice or any other commercial document accompanying the shipment meets the CETA requirements.


Of course, the country origin rules are associated with factors that determine if the product is eligible for preferential duty free treatment under CETA.

The CETA country of origin declaration has a specific wording, which is fairly straight forward (check with up to date regulations before shipping).

Understanding the difference between shipping from Canada versus Canadian Origin Goods

Best Canadian e-commerce shipping to Europe

Jet Worldwide has best in class European direct shipping solutions for Canada's leading e-commerce platforms and retailers.

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We are happy to help with your shipping to and from Europe. Please provide some more information about the type of goods, and whether they ship via air or sea freight? Additionally, it would be helpful to know the volume of shipments.

Jet Worldwide provides Canadian and global logistics. Our support refers to the various systems and services regarding European Canadian movement of goods. This can include things like transportation, storage facilities, and supply chain management. Our logistics support augments your team by not being beholden to a specific carrier or process.

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Brits going on holiday warned over airport security rule change due to start next week

Brits going on holiday warned over airport security rule change due to start next week

Big rule changes are on the way if you're heading through uk airports.

Tom Earnshaw

Tom Earnshaw

The time has almost come for the most revolutionary development in airport travel across the United Kingdom as a new policy looks set to be implemented within days.

And one travel expert is sending a warning to Brits over the rule, claiming that four out of five UK travellers are unaware of the massive rule change at airport security.

We all know just how awful the airport security process can be when you're looking forward to jetting off . That excitement to get in to the skies and land at your destination endures a temporary lull as you do thing Brits do best: queue.

And it's a process that gets even worse when people don't pack their bags properly. Yes, we're talking about you with your 500ml bottle of water or a 20cm by 20cm toiletries bag that's bursting at the seams.

Well, thankfully that's going to be a thing of the past very, very soon.

For nearly two decades now, we've been made to whack all of the liquids in our hand luggage in a 20cm by 20cm plastic bag, with nothing topping 100ml in size .

It's now time for change, though, with the government moving to bring in new legislation on the issue to speed up airport security queues.

It means that the 100ml limit will be scrapped as well as the need for all your liquids to go in a separate plastic bag within your luggage.

You can't take liquids larger than 100ml through airport security under current rules (Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images)

A really drastic change to the rules mean you can now carry two litres of liquids in your hand luggage, if you so wish to take that much with you. Although doing that could land you in a tricky spot .

The rule changes were meant to have been brought in two years ago to speed up security queues but were pushed back due to the Covid-19 pandemic .

So far, only four UK airports have brought in the new changes ahead of when the rules go live; those being Teesside, London City, Birmingham and Newcastle airports.

The new rules will start going live from Saturday, 1 June, in a major boost to those heading overseas. But they're rules four in five aren't aware of.

Anton Radchenko, founder and CEO of AirAdvisor, told the Mirror: "Considering this rule holds significant importance and will redefine how we travel, people should be aware of it."

We've all been there (Getty Stock Images)

Other airports have now been given until the 2025 summer season to get ready, meaning there could be another year of queues for millions heading abroad.

Heathrow Airport declined to comment at this stage on the timescale of its changes. It understood the upgrades to its airport will cost £1 billion .

A total of 146 security lanes are being installed across its four terminals – that's more than all other UK airports - so it is a big task for the international travel hub.

For the time being, Heathrow passengers should continue to prepare for security as normal. Liquids in containers up to 100ml should be put in a one litre clear plastic bag, which should be removed from cabin baggage, alongside electrical items and placed in the tray to be processed through security.

Liquids in the dreaded 20cm by 20cm bags at airport security (Getty Stock Images)

Manchester Airport Holdings (MAG), which runs Manchester Airport, London Stansted Airport, and East Midlands Airport, was also approached for comment on when we can expect the new scanners and rules to come in to play across its three travel hubs.

Online reports suggest all Heathrow and MAG airports will introduce the new 100ml rules in early 2025.

Radchenko warned Brits that you should check before travelling, and not assume the 100ml liquid limit has been scrapped.

He said: "The old rules will still apply to you even if you're travelling to/from London City, Newcastle, and Teesside, which have scrapped the 100ml liquid rule.

"Passengers flying on this route must be careful and aware that old rules will still apply this summer.

"I don't think airlines are prepared for it. Airlines are also to blame for this confusion because they hardly keep their passengers informed with relevant updates."

Topics:  Europe , Hacks , Holiday , London , Travel , UK News , US News , World News

Tom joined LADbible in 2024, specialising in SEO and trending content. He moved to the company from Reach plc where he enjoyed spells as a content editor and senior reporter for one of the country's most-read local news brands, LancsLive. When he's not in work, Tom spends his adult life as a suffering Manchester United supporter after a childhood filled with trebles and Premier League titles. You can't have it all forever, I suppose.

@ TREarnshaw

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On June 6, 1944, over 14,000 Canadians stormed Juno Beach, as part of the largest combined military operation in history. Canadian soldiers fought heroically, and side by side with Allies – defending freedom, liberty, and democracy. The Battle of Normandy came at a heavy price, with more than 5,000 Canadian troops killed and thousands more injured – but the Allies won. The battle became a defining moment for our nation. 

We must remember the bravery and sacrifice demonstrated by Canadians in Normandy. We must honour them, and the more than one million Canadians who served during the Second World War. We must pass on their stories for generations to come. 

The aftermath of the Second World War and the Allied victory in Europe led to the foundation of the modern rules-based international order, an order which has since underpinned peace and prosperity around the world, and an order that Canada defends. On the beaches of Normandy, our troops fought valiantly for peace and democracy. Many gave their lives so we could live free – and we will do what it takes to preserve and protect our hard-won freedoms. 

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that he will travel to Normandy, France, from June 5 to 6, 2024, to participate in commemorative events to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy and to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in service of peace and freedom during the Second World War. 

The Canadian delegation will include the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Veterans, representatives from Indigenous and Veterans organizations, and parliamentarians.

“On D-Day, we remember the 14,000 Canadian troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy in defence of freedom and liberty. They fought heroically; they helped liberate Europe; and they changed the course of history. This milestone 80th anniversary is an important opportunity to share their stories, commemorate their bravery, and pay tribute to their immeasurable service, sacrifice, and legacy.” The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • The Allied high command launched the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, a date that has become known to history as D-Day. On that day, a massive Allied force would cross the English Channel, heading for an 80-kilometre stretch of the Normandy coast. There were five landing zones assigned to the forces of Allied nations: Juno Beach (Canada); Gold Beach (United Kingdom); Sword Beach (United Kingdom and France); and Utah Beach and Omaha Beach (United States).
  • On August 25, 1944, the Allies liberated Paris, officially ending the Battle of Normandy.
  • More than 45,000 Canadians lost their lives during the Second World War, of whom over 5,000 were killed during the Battle of Normandy, including 359 of our soldiers on D-Day.

Associated Links

  • 80th Anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy
  • Juno Beach Centre
  • Canada-France bilateral relations


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    Topics: Europe, Hacks, Holiday, London, Travel, UK News, US News, World News Tom Earnshaw Tom joined LADbible in 2024, specialising in SEO and trending content.

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    They fought heroically; they helped liberate Europe; and they changed the course of history. This milestone 80th anniversary is an important opportunity to share their stories, commemorate their bravery, and pay tribute to their immeasurable service, sacrifice, and legacy." The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. Quick Facts