BeeLoved City


34 Best travel TV Shows to Binge watch this year!

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Are you looking for some amazing travel TV shows to feed your wanderlust?

There is nothing better than watching inspiring travel TV shows when you don’t get to travel. They are entertaining, helpful to plan your travels and open your mind (and heart) to new places.

I absolutely love watching travel shows on TV. While it’s true that I prefer doing the actual travelling, I’m like everybody else and I also enjoy staying at home and dreaming of my next destinations.

I spend a lot of time watching travel shows and find it to be not just entertaining, but enlightening!

Sometimes you will discover underrated places that you would have never thought of going. And that’s the great thing about it, you don’t only get to learn about the places you want to go. You discover new places!

It’s also a very good way to learn more about the culture of these places.

As you may know, I love discovering new cultures. I find all of them so incredibly interesting. Foreign languages, food, history… there is just so much to discover. It’s so interesting and exciting!

Here are some of the best travel TV shows to watch now!

🔎 Table of Contents

1. Jack Whitehall: Travels with my father

Jack Whitehall is a famous British comedian. He is mainly known to be the posh lad in Fresh Meat (filmed in Manchester by the way 😉 ).

In real life, Jack Whitehall actually is a very posh Londoner. He comes from a wealthy family and never got the chance to go backpacking as many young people do.

On top of that, he always had quite a difficult relationship with his dad, who is 79.

This is why, in 2017, Jack Whitehall invites his dad, Michael, to go backpacking with him in Asia for a Netflix original series .

By that, I mean proper backpacking. Sleeping in hostels, taking cheap transportation, carrying a backpack… and guess what, his dad said yes!

This show is absolutely hilarious and a perfect mix between comedy and travel. If you need something to cheer you up and make you dream of foreign lands, it’s the perfect choice!

In the first season, they travel through countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

It’s so funny to watch as the dad is quite a character. He is a very posh person and obviously not quite happy about the lack of comfort.

If you like British humour, Jack and Michael Whitehall will crack you up!

The show had so much success that it was renewed for a second season in Europe . A continent that Michael famously voted to leave! In the third season, they go to America and here again, it takes a whole new dimension.

Give it a try, you will be hooked straight from the first episode! It’s so funny and arguably the best travel reality show on Netflix!

2. Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

You may know Anthony Bourdain as a chef but did you know that he had a few travel shows as well?

My favourite is Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown .

This American food and travel show was produced by CNN and ran from 2013 to 2018. Sadly, Anthony died while working on a show about Strasbourg, France on the 8th of June 2018.

In this show, he travels the world and focuses on the lesser-known and underrated places.

He goes to pretty much any country you can think of and explores the culture and cuisine with locals. Very often he goes around with local guides, sometimes he also gets to meet famous personalities.

In his episode about Lyon in France, he goes for dinner with Paul Bocuse, the famous French chef.

Bourdain has this very unique way to explore the world. He sees the beauty in everything and always makes sure to be in perfect sync with local cultures.

He had this unique ability to see the world as the absolute beauty it really is and through Parts Unknown, shares his vision of the world’s cultures.

It’s not a show that I would categorise as funny, although there are some quirks. But it’s definitely the most interesting and passionate one of this list!

3. Down to Earth

Seasons:  1

This is a fun travel show / documentary to watch. It stars Zac Efron who travels around the world with wellness expert Darin Olien.

The goal of these travels is to discover more sustainable ways to live. They go everywhere around the world including Iceland, Sardinia and South America. 

Each destination highlight a specific sustainable lifestyle. For example, Sardinia in Italy is known as a blue zone. A blue zone is an area with more people reaching the age of 100 than the average.

When they get to Sardinia, they meet with locals and experts to try to understand how the way people live and eat has impacted their health.

Darin Olien is known to be big on super foods so you will also learn plenty about that when they go to South America.

All in all, this is a great show to watch as it perfectly mixes together fun and education.

4. BBC Race Across the World

Even though the Amazing Race is a concept available in almost all countries, it doesn’t exist in the UK.

But don’t you worry, the BBC thought that through and created its own program!

The concept of the Race across the world is a bit different though. In this show, you will follow 5 pairs of travellers on an epic race across the world.

In the first season, their mission is to go from London to Singapore without taking a single flight.

They are being given a bit of money, the equivalent of a flight ticket from London to Singapore ie about £1000. With this money, they have to go to Singapore without flying.

This means they have to find transport, accommodation and food for a month within that £500 budget per head. Each pair adopts a different strategy.

They take all sorts of transportation. Some hitchhike, some take the bus…

It’s a very entertaining thing to watch. You will surprise yourself trying to plan that trip as well!

5. Somebody Feed Phil

Seasons:  4

This Netflix Original is an excellent thing to watch if you love both travelling and food.

You will follow Philip Rosenthal on his trips around the world and discover the local delicacies.

There is no better way to understand the local culture than eating local dishes with the locals themselves and that’s what Phil is doing here.

From the floating markets in Thailand to the classic Mexican cantinas, he tries it all!

The best thing about this show is that you will discover so much more than just food and drinks.

He really tries to understand the local culture and why things are the way they are.

It’s also worth noting that Phil is a very happy and funny guy which makes it very pleasant to watch.

6. Instant Hotel

Instant Hotel is an Australian reality show that follows several teams of homeowners.

Each duo owns a holiday rental in Australia and will host the other contestants for a day and a night.

It’s a nice thing to watch if you love Australia or would like to visit one day.

You will get to see several states including Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Northern Territory.

Not only will you see some very famous locations such as Bondi Beach but will also get to discover some hidden gems.

There are 2 seasons available on Netflix.

7. Ugly Delicious

This is another food and travel TV show on Netflix. In this one, you will follow chef David Chang on his journey around the world.

A bit like Anthony Bourdain used to do, Chang is using food to tackle misconceptions and break down cultural barriers. 

Food is a powerful way to experience a country and learn more about the local culture. Chef Chang knows that and he shows you exactly how to!

He is also joined by guests including other chefs, artists, activists and plenty more. With him, you’ll discover many different regions including the USA, Asia and Europe.

8. Dark Tourist

In Dark Tourist, the journalist David Farrier focuses on something rarely talked about: Dark Tourism. Dark tourism is the fact of travelling to places associated with death or tragedy.

This type of travel is getting more and more popular and that’s why David Farrier goes to experience it and share with us his journey.

Dark Tourist is a very interesting show to watch as clearly, he is immersing himself into some culture and believes that you probably never even heard of before that.

Secondly, it can get quite funny and that Kiwi accent is always so cute!

Lastly, let’s be honest, it’s bloody weird! And clearly extremely interesting. I had no idea most of these things existed and although it can be creepy at times, it is quite interesting to know more about them.

9. Emily in Paris

Emily in Paris is a Netflix Original TV Show that was released in 2020. It was created by Darren Star (best known for “Sex and the City”).

It’s the story of Emily Cooper, an American girl, who moves to Paris to work in a French marketing agency.

Although it was argued that the show was full of clichés, it is still a very cool thing to watch. As a French person, I loved it!

It may not quite be representative of what a normal french life is but it highlights the most magical aspects of Paris! It will make you dream!

Emily Cooper is played by Lily Collins (British-American actress) but most of the other main characters are French which makes the show even better!

They all speak English (some with a better accent than others).

It’s a feel-good travel show that will make you want to visit Paris straight away!

And if you do, you will be able to visit Emily in Paris filming locations!

10. Griff’s Great Australian Rail Trip

Looking for a travel show about Australia? Here you go!

This 2020 docuseries is one of the best things to watch before going to Australia.

Here you will see Griff Rhys Jones, a Welsh comedian, taking on an amazing train journey from Perth to Sydney and Darwin to Adelaide.

Not only is it a great way to see what the Indian Pacific and The Ghan trains are like but you will also get to learn so much about the Australian outback and culture.

You can tell that Griff is truly fascinated by Australia and he will definitely make you want to jump on a plane straight away!

11. The Kindness Diaries

The Kindness Diaries is one of the best travel programmes if you also love motorbikes (don’t worry if you don’t though, it’s fun either way but if you do like motorbikes, this is the ultimate best travel series for you).

You will follow the adventures of Leon who travels around the world on a vintage motorcycle relying solely on the kindness of strangers for accommodation, food and even petrol.

This is an extraordinary travel tv program. Not only is it interesting and fun but seeing the kindness of people all around the world is simply the most moving thing you can see.

It will leave you quite emotional on a few occasions!

12. James May: Our man in Japan

You may know James May as one of the presenters of Top Gear. But he’s got way more in store than you’d think.

In this Amazon Prime original , James May goes to Japan and experiences many aspects of Japanese Culture.

He goes to all the main cities including Tokyo and Kyoto but also some more remote places in the Japanese countryside.

James May is a typical British guy and definitely knows how to come up with the best comments!

Just picture him, in Japan, not speaking a single word of Japanese, clueless about the culture… and yet going for it!

It’s a very interesting mix of fun and culture.

If you love Japan, you will definitely like it but even if you don’t have any specific interest in this country, you will still enjoy it, I promise!

You can watch this amazing show on Amazon Prime.

Click here to check it out and get a free trial!

13. Gordon, Gino and Fred’s Road Trip

If you are looking for comedy travel shows, look no further! This one will make you laugh out loud!

This 2-season show features 3 famous chefs in the UK: Gordon Ramsay, Gino D’Acampo, and Fred Serieix.

Just picture it for a moment, we are putting together a British man, an Italian man and a French man, in a same place and make them travel the world to discover the best foods.

The result? One of the best celebrity travel shows we can think of!

It is a very cool show and you get to discover their home countries of Italy , France and Scotland but also some other destinations such as Texas or Mexico.

14. By Any Means

Seasons:  1 (6 episodes)

This one is for all the adventurers out there! Unlike some of the shows out there that are quite commercialised, this one is very pure and honest. You will be following Charley Boorman, an Irishman who decides to go from his small hometown in Ireland all the way down to Australia without flying.

Charley is not doing all of that on his own. He is with a team which makes it even more entertaining.

In the first episode, you will see how they went about planning the trip itself which was pretty challenging back in 2008. After that, the good stuff starts and you follow them on this incredible journey.

It’s a great way to learn more about hidden gems and underrated travel destinations.

Click here to watch on Amazon Prime.

15. The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour is British motoring show featuring Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. Although it is known for cars, it’s also an excellent travel TV show to watch.

The famous trio used to present Top Gear for BBC. In 2015, BBC didn’t renew Jeremy Clarkson’s contract.

At this point, his friends decided to follow him and they signed a contract with Amazon Prime. The Grand Tour was born!

On the Grand Tour, Clarkson, Hammond and May embark the most incredible vehicles and set off to explore some of the most beautiful countries in the world!

They visit some famous places but also adventure themselves in very remote, off-the-beaten-path, locations. This includes Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, Italy and many more!

The Grand Tour is available on Amazon Prime . There are several seasons and some specials!

Click here to watch The Grand Tour.

16. Amazing Race

travel reality shows

The Amazing Race is an American reality TV show. I’ve watched every season of the French equivalent, Pekin Express.

As much as I would love to talk about this show, I appreciate that watching a show in french might not be of your liking!

But it’s ok because the Amazing Race is pretty much the same thing. There is an American and Canadian version.

The concept is simple. There are several teams of two racing around the world. In each episode, they have to go to a certain destination with no money.

Therefore their only option is to hitchhike and get locals to accommodate them for free.

Along the way, other missions are given to them. These can be hikes, riding… all sorts of things.

It’s the perfect show to discover many countries in a different way. The Amazing Race has it all: competition, culture, landscapes, fun… A must see!

And there are over 30 seasons available so plenty to binge-watch!

Click here to watch the Amazing Race.

17. Travel Man

If you are looking for another funny British travel show, Travel Man is for you!

In this channel 4 show, the host Richard Ayoade explores all major cities around the world. The goal? Visiting as many tourist spots in the minimum amount of time.

When I say that, don’t get me wrong. He is very well organised and makes sure to go on a guided tour most of the time.

This means he actually embeds himself very well in the culture of the place he is visiting.

But where loads of travel shows focus on hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations, Travel Man does the opposite. He goes for the most famous landmarks!

And it’s a good thing because even though these places are touristy, they are famous for a reason!

Richard Ayoade is a very funny man and will make you laugh out loud quite a few times!

Somehow, he always does his best not to enjoy himself which makes the whole show absolutely hilarious!

This show is perfect if you are planning city breaks or are into architecture.

If you are an adventure and after nature discovery, it won’t be what you are looking for.

Click here to watch Travel Man.

18. Anthony Bourdain: The Layover

The late Anthony Bourdain was famous as a celebrity chef. But he gained an army of new fans with his excellent travel series, Anthony Bourdain: The Layover .

Showcasing Bourdain’s swift visits to various cities around the world, the show aired on the Travel Channel from 2011 to 2013.

It focused on how to make the most of a short layover or brief stopover in a city.

Each episode featured Bourdain spending 24 to 48 hours in a featured city, providing viewers with a fast-paced, no-nonsense guide to experiencing the best food, culture and attractions a place had to offer.

He often sought the help of local experts and friends, including chefs and celebrities, to uncover hidden gems and popular hotspots.

Visiting everywhere from New York City to Istanbul, the show is renowned for Bourdain’s candid and unfiltered commentary, his willingness to try exotic and unconventional dishes and his deep appreciation for the diverse cultures he encountered.

19. All Joanna Lumley’s Shows

Joanna Lumley is a famous British actress. You may know her from  The New Avengers  or more recently  The Wolf of Wall Street.

She is also well known for her travel documentaries.

She has done quite a few of them over the years and they are all fantastic things to watch. The most recent one was released in 2020 and is called Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean: Havana to Haiti.

If you love the Caribbean and want to learn more about this part of the world, watching Joanna Lumley’s TV show will be the perfect thing to do.

It is considered a documentary but like most travel shows, it’s quite funny on top of being interesting.

In this one, she goes to Cuban and Haiti. Local culture, quirky situations, funny humour… it has it all!

You should also consider watching the other ones as they are all fantastic:

  • Joanna Lumley’s Nile
  • Joanna Lumley’s Japan
  • Joanna Lumley’s Trans-Siberian Adventure
  • Joanna Lumley’s Unseen Adventures
  • Joanna Lumley’s Greek Odyssey
  • Joanna Lumley’s India
  • Joanna Lumley’s Home Sweet Home: Travels in My Own Land
  • Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure
  • Joanna Lumley’s Postcards

Most of them are available on Amazon Prime as well as ITV Hub and BBC Select.

20. Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad

This one is very similar to Jack Whitehall Travels with my father. On paper at least.

In this case, the dad is the celebrity. Bradley Walsh is a famous British comedian and presenter. If he never particularly wanted to travel, his 21-year old son, Barney, decided otherwise!

Together they go on a road trip in America in an RV. The series started in 2019 and can be watched on Amazon . There are 2 seasons, 10 episodes in total.

In this case, they don’t go for a budget-travel version. They keep their comfort but try very unexpected activities in the States.

It’s more about the contact with the locals which is quite interesting.

As you would expect from the Walsh’s, it’s also very funny!

They go from the Florida Keys up to Georgia. So if you are interested in knowing more about Florida and the east coast states, this one’s for you!

You can watch this amazing show on  ITV (eligible for a free trial as well!).

21. An Idiot Abroad

An Idiot Abroad is one the quirkiest travel show that you can find.

Here is the plot: the main person, Karl Pilkington has never wanted to travel and will be forced to.

Basically, at the beginning of the episode, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (who created the show) send Karl abroad with instructions. They put together a bucket list and he has to do everything.

It’s so funny! I promise, this British show will crack you up!

The thing that makes it so entertaining is the fact that Karl Pilkington has no interest in travelling and ends up doing all these things while the other two stay in the UK!

If you want to have a good laugh, An Idiot Abroad is the way to go!

22. The Americas with Simon Reeve

If you are looking for the best travel shows on BBC iplayer, this one is for you!

It features Simon Reeve, a famous British adventurer, exploring the Americas.

The first season includes 5 episodes during which you discover some of the most famous places in the Americas such as Machu Picchu in Peru but also some very remote places in the Amazon rainforest.

If you’d like to learn more about Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay, this is the travel show for you.

There is a lot to love about the Americas. Between the ancient Maya heritage and the beautiful national parks in the USA, there is so much to discover.

That’s exactly what you will do if you want “The Americas with Simon Reeve”.

You will follow him on his incredible journey and learn more about the local culture as well as sustainable ways to live. From planting trees in Costa Rica to hiking the Rocky Mountains, this is the perfect mix between adventure, culture and sustainability.

This TV show was produced by BBC and available on BBC iPlayer. 

23. Men in Kilts

If you’d love to learn more about Scotland , then Men in Kilts is the perfect travel show for you!

Here you will follow Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, the stars of Outlander, around Scotland and discover plenty about the local culture.

This includes whisky, bagpipes and of course, stunning landscapes.

Not only is it a very interesting show to watch but the hosts are so funny and it’s so great to see them in another context than Outlander.

24. Long Way Up

Premiering in 2020, Long Way Up is part of the Long Way series of documentary travel TV shows, which follows motorcycle journeys led by longtime actors and friends Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor.

In Long Way Up , Charley and Ewan embark on an epic adventure, riding electric Harley Davidson LiveWire motorbikes from the southern tip of South America in Argentina to Los Angeles in the USA.

The journey covers over 13,000 miles and 13 countries, taking them through Chile, Bolivia, Peru , Ecuador, Colombia, Central America and Mexico between their start and finish points.

Some of the most memorable moments include navigating challenging terrains like the Atacama Desert and the Andes Mountains, dealing with extreme weather conditions, and experiencing the cultural diversity of the countries they visit.

The duo also encounter unexpected obstacles, like charging their electric motorcycles in remote locations with limited infrastructure, which adds an extra layer of adventure to their trip.

25. Booze Traveler

Booze Traveler was a popular Travel Channel television series from 2014 to 2018. Its host was the effervescent Jack Maxwell – a well-known Boston-born actor and television personality.

Each episode featured Maxwell embarking on a worldwide adventure to learn about different cultures through their alcoholic beverages and drinking customs.

The series took viewers to various destinations, including Mexico, India, Japan, Italy, and South Africa.

In each place, Maxwell immersed himself in local customs, tried traditional drinks and interacted with the locals to understand the importance of alcohol in their culture better.

In doing this, he often tried unique and sometimes unusual alcoholic drinks, such as snake wine in Vietnam and fermented mare’s milk in Mongolia.

Overall, the show explored the cultural and historical significance of alcohol, revealing how it has shaped societies and brought people together.

Sadly, the show was not renewed for a fifth series because Maxwell was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma while filming the last few episodes of this travel series.

26. Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby

Considered one of the best travel TV series out of the UK, Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby debuted in 2017 and quickly became popular amongst those who aspire to the finer things in life.

Giles Coren, a British food and travel writer and Monica Galetti, a renowned chef and restaurant critic, host the show.

The series explores some of the world’s most unique and luxurious hotels, delving beyond their opulent lobbies to uncover the behind-the-scenes operations and extraordinary experiences they offer.

In each episode, Coren and Galetti visit a different exceptional hotel, often located in stunning and remote locations.

They meet with the staff, from chefs to concierges, to understand the craftsmanship, innovation and dedication required to maintain these extraordinary establishments.

The show highlights the environmental and sustainability efforts of these hotels where possible.

Over the years, Amazing Hotels has featured various destinations, including the Fogo Island Inn in Canada, the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, the Giraffe Manor in Kenya and the Treehotel in Sweden.

27. Iain Robertson Rambles

If you watch Iain Robertson Rambles , you’ll see one of the most fascinating documentary travel TV shows ever.

As its name suggests, this captivating series is hosted by Iain Robertson, a Scottish presenter and broadcaster widely recognised for his love for nature and the outdoors.

The show focuses on Robertson’s expeditions through some of Scotland’s most picturesque and remote terrains and the UK.

During each episode, viewers accompany Robertson on his long walks and hikes across breathtaking landscapes.

The show offers a unique blend of travelogue, natural history, and personal storytelling.

Robertson’s passion for the outdoors and his knowledge of wildlife and environmental conservation are central to the series.

Throughout the series, Iain Robertson explores various destinations in Scotland and the UK, including the rugged Highlands , the serene islands of the Hebrides, and the lush woodlands of Wales.

Whilst watching him do this, viewers feel like they are alongside him – trekking through the picturesque landscapes he explores.

28. The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan

If you are looking for funny travel shows, look no further than The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan .

The show, a travel documentary series starring the British comedian, first aired in 2018.

It follows Romesh as he embarks on journeys to various destinations worldwide, often focusing on places considered off the beaten path or challenging for tourists.

Throughout the series, Romesh immerses himself in the local cultures and traditions of the places he visits.

He often seeks unique and authentic experiences, interacting with locals and trying his hand at their customs and activities.

Some places he visits include Ethiopia, Haiti, Albania, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, and Bosnia – locations known for their rich history, distinctive cultures, and, in some cases, reputations for being less frequented by mainstream travellers.

As Romesh offers humorous and self-deprecating commentary while navigating unfamiliar and sometimes challenging situations, the show provides a fresh perspective on travel.

His witty observations and genuine reactions to the places he goes to make for entertaining viewing. 

29. Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown

Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown is one of several TV travel shows that hit our screens from the Travel Channel.

The show ran from 2004 to 2006 and was hosted by the American television personality and travel expert known for her engaging and relatable approach to travel.

In the series, Samantha Brown explores various European destinations, providing viewers with insider tips, cultural insights and travel recommendations.

She regularly immersed herself in the local culture, trying regional foods, experiencing traditions, and interacting with locals.

Some of the destinations she went to included Paris, Rome, Venice, London, Vienna and Barcelona.

The show captures each location’s iconic landmarks, historical sites and vibrant neighbourhoods while highlighting their unique charms during her visits.

It was known for dishing out practical travel advice and inspirational exploration of European cities and cultures.

It encouraged viewers to embrace the adventure of travel and discover the beauty and diversity of Europe’s many destinations.

30. Globe Trekker

One of the longest-running TV travel shows was the incomparable Globe Trekker , which aired for 17 seasons and well over 200 episodes from 1994 to 2010.

The show features trekkers who embark on journeys to destinations worldwide, providing viewers with insights into different cultures, traditions and experiences.

Over the years, it has had a rotating cast of hosts, including Ian Wright, Megan McCormick, Zay Harding and one Bradley Cooper – who went on to achieve international fame as a Hollywood superstar.

These hosts have travelled to various destinations around the globe from the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru and the vibrant markets of Marrakech in Morocco to the serene landscapes of New Zealand and the untouched beauty of Bora Bora.

The show’s format combines travelogue-style storytelling with practical travel tips, making it entertaining and informative for viewers interested in exploring the world.

31. Conan Without Borders

For those wanting the best travel shows streaming right now, it’s hard to go past Conan Without Borders.

Hosted by the famous comedian and talk show, the show debuted in 2015.

It featured Conan travelling to various international destinations, often to engage with local cultures, traditions and humour.

Celebrity guests, friends, and local personalities join Conan O’Brien in exploring the destinations throughout the series – including former First Lady Michelle Obama, actor Jack Black and comedian Jordan Schlansky.

The show has taken viewers on hilarious and insightful journeys to destinations like Cuba, Mexico, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Italy and Ghana.

It typically blends travelogue-style segments with Conan’s trademark comedic sketches and interviews.

While watching his attempts to immerse himself in cultural practices (such as learning traditional dances or trying regional cuisine), Conan presents us with his comedic take on each destination’s unique quirks and idiosyncrasies.

In doing so, the show entertains and fosters a sense of global connection and curiosity.

32. Tales by Light

Combining breathtaking imagery, storytelling, and a profound appreciation for the planet’s wonders, Tales by Light is a must-watch travel TV series for photography enthusiasts and anyone interested in the world’s most extraordinary and untamed places.

The show is a documentary television series that delves into the world of photography and the experiences of renowned photographers as they capture compelling images from around the globe.

It explores the stories behind these captivating photographs and the photographers’ journeys to catch them.

The series has featured various acclaimed photographers, including Art Wolfe, Darren Jew and Krystle Wright, who each provide insights into their unique approach to photography. 

They usually travel to remote and exotic destinations – including the Amazon Rainforest, Antarctica, Papua New Guinea, India and the Arctic Circle – often pursuing wildlife, nature and indigenous cultures.

Overall, the show provides viewers with a visually stunning and educational experience, showcasing the photographers’ dedication to their craft and deep respect for the natural world.

33. Ed Stafford: Into the Unknown

If you have yet to see it, Ed Stafford: Into the Unknown is one of the most compelling travel-related shows you can watch.

Hosted by British adventurer and explorer Ed Stafford – known for being the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River – the show illustrates the spirit of human exploration and resilience.

It highlights the former British army captain’s quest for adventure by journeying to some of the world’s most remote and challenging locations.

Throughout the series, Ed Stafford travels solo to destinations like Venezuela, Mongolia, Ethiopia and Peru. He has close encounters with grizzly bears in Alaska and tracking elusive snow leopards in Mongolia.

In every episode, Stafford immerses himself in the local culture and landscapes, often relying on his survival skills to navigate the wild and unfamiliar terrains.

The show combines elements of exploration, adventure and survival as Stafford pushes himself to his physical and mental limits.

34. Expedition Unknown

Expedition Unknown, a popular adventure and travel documentary television series, premiered on the Travel Channel in 2015.

The show’s presenter is Josh Gates, an explorer and adventurer who takes viewers on a quest to uncover mysteries, legends, and secrets from around the world.

During the series, Gates travels to a wide range of famous and obscure destinations to investigate historical enigmas, treasure hunts, and unsolved mysteries.

He often collaborates with experts, historians, and local guides to gather clues and solve puzzles related to each episode’s theme.

Some places he visits include Egypt, South America, and the Caribbean, where he seeks hidden treasures and solves perplexing mysteries.

His adventures involve investigating Amelia Earhart’s disappearance, searching for Atlantis, and pursuing the elusive Yeti in the Himalayas.

Ultimately, the show is known for its blend of adventure, history and exploration, making it entertaining for viewers interested in the thrill of discovery and the fascination of uncovering the world’s hidden secrets.

How to watch travel TV shows?

There are many places where you can find travel TV shows, but these would be the best places to start! I use all of them and love them! They are very complementary!

You can create an account and start watching Netflix here. This is where you will find most of the shows about travel.

Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video comes with your prime subscription. There are many things to watch on Prime and it’s very good value. You can get a free trial for Amazon Prime Video here.

BBC iplayer

BBC offers some of the best UK travel shows including Race Across the World and The Americas with Simon Reeve.

ITV channel

ITV Channel offers some amazing TV shows such as the Bradley Walsh one or Gordon, Gino and Fred Road Trip. You can get a free trial for ITV here.

Disney + / Hulu

Although these are no TV shows, I’d recommend you to watch some Disney movies . Loads of them are perfect to discover new places.

We don’t always realise it but they are very good to embed yourself into a foreign culture.

For example:

  • France: Aristocats
  • UK: Mary Poppins
  • China: Mulan

I thought I’d put it in there as clearly, Disney is always a good idea !

Channel 4 is a free-to-air television channel in the UK. You can go to their websites and watch everything for free.

There are some ads but they are pretty short.

I hope you will enjoy these amazing travel shows! If you have any recommendations, please share them in the comments as I would love to discover more myself!

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Founder of Beeloved City, I am originally from France and have been living in the UK since 2016. I've travelled to 25 countries as a backpacker, travel coordinator and for holidays. I spent a year in Australia before eventually settling down in Manchester, England

50 Best Travel Shows Of All Time (& How To Watch Them)

Anthony Bourdain clip from "Roadrunner"

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Most of us can't reasonably travel all of the time. Thankfully, we can live vicariously through our screens when we cannot be globetrotting ourselves. Travel shows are a dime a dozen, mainly because many of us would rather explore than deal with our responsibilities. But how do you know which shows are worth your time? That depends mainly on your tastes and interests, but we can provide some solid starting points.

From celebrities heading their own adventurous docuseries to food-loving vagabonds visiting remote destinations, travel shows can show us scenes and cultures we would otherwise have no concept of. In fact, television often inspires travel, and watching world wanderers eat their way through exotic destinations is a great way to help plan your next trip. These 50 series are some of the best TV has to offer, and even if you don't make it through all of them, you may find a gem that piques your particular interest.

50. Nomad with Carlton McCoy

Classically trained chef and expert sommelier Carlton McCoy seeks out the best in international cuisine, music, and art in the CNN series "Nomad with Carlton McCoy." Premiering in May 2022, McCoy travels everywhere in the travel series, from the overlooked pleasures of Mississippi to the corners of Ghana. For McCoy, the show's focus lies in adventures and delights found away from the well-worn paths frequented by tourists. Instead, he enjoys savoring hometown favorites from local populations. What McCoy may lack in experience and poise, he and "Nomad" make up for with its premise to go behind the scenes of some of the world's most recognizable locales. 

The first "Nomad with Carlton McCoy" season is available to stream on  Prime Video with Discovery+.

49. Down to Earth with Zac Efron

The world is a beautiful place, and it's easy to showcase such on film. This is why a travel show has to be about more than just pretty scenery, and "Down to Earth with Zac Efron" delivers in a big way. The series puts a highly informative spin on the genre by taking viewers on whirlwind journeys worldwide in search of health secrets. We're not talking about avocado toast or juice cleanses, either.

Efron and wellness expert Darin Olien visit destinations to learn about topics like renewable energy, superfoods, and water quality. Have you ever heard of a water sommelier? The experts know a thing or two about what kind of water makes our bodies happy, and a "Down to Earth" episode in France consults one of the few professionals in existence. The series also has episodes on a seed bank stocked for the end of the world, Iceland's Blue Lagoon, and the Amazon rainforest.

Although "Down to Earth" earned Zac Efron a Daytime Emmy, lack of viewership caused the series to be canceled quickly. It had one season at Netflix and was picked up for another at The CW, only to be on the chopping block two episodes later. Lack of quantity does not mean lack of quality, though, and the "High School Musical" star's travel show is a solid viewing.

You can watch "Down to Earth with Zach Efron" on Netflix and The CW .

48. The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals

Sometimes, a typical hotel on vacation doesn't cut it, with intrepid travelers opting for more unique and luxurious digs during their stay abroad. The Netflix original series "The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals" explores everything from treehouses to alpaca farms to rent worldwide. Hosted by Megan Batoon, Jo Franco, and Luis D. Ortiz, the show reminds viewers that far more than cheap motels and chain hotels are available to make a vacation even more authentic and unique. While some of the rentals visited on the show run on the pricier side, these are balanced out with more cost-effective rentals for travelers not looking to shell out top dollar on accommodations.

"The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals" is available to stream on  Netflix .

47. Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy

Academy Award-nominated actor Stanley Tucci reconnects with his ancestral roots in the CNN travel series "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy." Premiering in 2021, the show has Tucci visit different regions in Italy to learn more about the local cuisine, culture, and history in a sun-soaked tour of the Mediterranean country. Though the major tourist centers of Italy are among the destinations in Tucci's tour, the host takes the time to explore restaurants and locations off the beaten track to reveal a more authentic Italian experience. Buoyed by Tucci's understated yet quietly charismatic presence, "Searching for Italy" has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards, winning two for its achievement in nonfiction television. 

Available to purchase and rent through most digital retailers, "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy" is also available to stream on Discovery+ .

46. Mysterious Islands

Accomplished pilot and explorer Kellee Edwards invites viewers to join her on his globe-trotting adventures with the Travel Channel series "Mysterious Islands." Edwards particularly takes an interest in some of the most remote islands on Earth, visiting them with her private seaplane to examine them from above and by foot. A refreshing contrast to the hustle-and-bustle of travel shows revolving around heavily populated locales, "Mysterious Islands" offers a more serene, nature-focused look at isolated getaways. Before hosting "Mysterious Islands," Edwards hosted and published a travel vlog through her website that catapulted her into the public eye.

"Mysterious Islands" is currently available to stream on  fuboTV and Philo .

45. Ride with Norman Reedus

"Cool" is the only way to describe "Ride with Norman Reedus." Cruising on a slew of bikes, "The Boondock Saints" and "The Walking Dead" actor meets up with a different travel partner in each episode to explore the open road of America and international destinations. With six seasons as of 2023, the series has become a lasting one on AMC.

Norman Reedus isn't the first to make a travel show centered on biker culture, so what makes it so unique? His vibe, for one. However, it's also the particular variety that his program offers viewers. Reedus does not stick to just one style or motorcycle manufacturer; he also has many celebrity guests. He has the bikers' seal of approval.

From Dave Chapelle to Keanu Reeves, you'll be surprised that some of your favorite celebrities ride and are just as captivating in an environment you don't usually see them in. Fans of Reedus' work will also be happy to see quite a few familiar faces as his "The Walking Dead" co-stars, including Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Steven Yeun, join in on the fun.

You can watch "Ride with Norman Reedus" on AMC+ .

44. Epic Drives

Car expert Arthur St. Antoine entered the pole position with the automobile travel series "Epic Drives," premiering in 2010. Backed with a whole fleet of cars, often with some of the world's coolest and fastest sports and luxury automobiles, St. Antoine opens the engine up and cuts loose on roads around the globe. From traversing the Pacific Coast Highway to showcasing winter driving tips on the frozen roads of Scandinavia, St. Antoine guides viewers through truly stunning international roadways. Though "Epic Rides" puts its slick automobiles in the forefront, the travel series is also keenly aware of how to capture the natural beauty of the gorgeous destinations visited. 

"Epic Drives" is available to stream on Roku and Prime Video  with a MotorTrend extension.

43. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Prolific chef, author, and television personality Andrew Zimmern delves into the off-kilter local cuisine from around the world that outsiders may view as strange in the Travel Channel series "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern." Running steadily since 2006, "Bizarre Foods" has become a large television franchise in and of itself, spawning spinoff series and specials, while the main series has undergone several rebrands. Later, carrying the subtitle "Delicious Destinations," Zimmern's unique perspective on local cuisine proved as engaging as ever. Traveling anywhere from remote settlements in the untamed wilderness to local gastronomy usually avoided by tourists, Zimmern doesn't just focus on the cuisine and preparation itself but where the key ingredients come from. 

A Travel Channel staple for over a decade, "Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern" is currently available to stream on Max and Discovery+ .

42. Samantha Brown's Places to Love

Prolific travel television personality Samantha Brown created the acclaimed PBS series "Samantha Brown's Places to Love," which premiered in 2018. Markedly different from her previous programming on the Travel Channel, Brown's PBS show offers ways for prospective travelers to blend in more naturally with places they visit rather than disrupt local scenes. Featuring a more subdued approach, Brown presents a more authentic, understated cultural experience in the destinations she showcases. "Places to Love" was widely praised for its approach to travel programming and won two Daytime Emmy Awards for its outstanding achievement.

"Samantha Brown's Places to Love" is available to watch through local PBS outlets.

41. A Cook's Tour

Chef and author Anthony Bourdain's first foray into travel television was on the Food Network series "A Cook's Tour," which was filmed while Bourdain was simultaneously writing a book about his experiences. Running for two seasons from 2002-2003, the show took Bourdain around the globe to sample local cuisine and culture, with Asia being a prominent recurring destination. In Variety's review of the first season, "A Cook's Tour" was praised for focusing on destinations less well-documented by other travel shows while providing a man-on-the-street perspective. The series offers a fascinating look at Bourdain discovering his voice as a television host while still possessing his acerbic wit.

"A Cook's Tour" is currently available to stream in full on Prime Video and Tubi .

40. America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston

Notable writer and commentator Baratunde Thurston expanded from his usual political fare to launch the PBS travel series "America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston." Thurston travels around the United States, from Death Valley to the Appalachian Mountains, to document America's distinct and immersive outdoor destinations. More than simply hiking and camping, Thurston engages in local activities, including trying his hand at collecting wild rice and surfing, to better appreciate local cultures. Thurston takes the premise behind "America Outdoors" more liberally than most travel shows with similar scopes, with an entire episode reframing outdoor culture in Los Angeles. 

An engaging look at the United States' relationship with its outdoor spaces, "America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston" is available to stream on Prime Video with PBS Living or PBS Documentaries and PBS with WOSU Passport.

39. Travel Man

Popular British actor and comedian Richard Ayoade launched the breakneck travel series "Travel Man," blending comedy with hectic itineraries. Paired with a celebrity guest, Ayoade and his travel companion have 48 hours to take in the sights and cuisine in different international cities. Starting with the show's tenth season, Ayoade was replaced by British comedian Joe Lycett, but the overall formula remains largely the same. Buoyed by Ayoade and Lycett's hilarious personalities and its limited-time premise, "Travel Man" is as freewheeling and fun as travelogs get.

"Travel Man: 48 Hours in..." is available to stream on Prime Video and  Peacock .

38. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Beloved chef and restauranteur David Chang covers all the most important meals of the day around the world in the original series "Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner." Joined by different celebrity guest stars in each episode, including Seth Rogen and Kate McKinnon, Chang learns what constitutes traditional daily meals in major cities from Marrakech to Phnom Penh. Elevated by thoughtful and entertaining discussions between Chang and his guests, the series offers a broader perspective on the meals we take for granted each day. As with Chang's other travel and cooking shows, the international cuisine-driven travel series focuses on authenticity and a society's connection to its defining food. 

"Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner" is available to stream on  Netflix  and  Prime Video with Fuse+.

37. No Passport Required

With a country as richly vast and varied as the United States, there are plenty of interesting travel spots without ever having to go abroad. This underlying truth provides the basic premise to the PBS travel series "No Passport Required," which is focused on exploring the legacy of immigrant traditions and cuisines within the country. Hosted by noted chef Marcus Samuelsson, six major American cities are showcased as Samuelsson examines the immigrant legacy and food that lovingly define each locale. Going beyond the typical fare that colors each city's perception, Samuelsson meets with everyone from the Armenian community in Los Angeles to the Chinese legacy behind Las Vegas, showcasing some of the cultures that help to make each city great.

"No Passport Required" is currently available to stream on Roku ,  Prime Video with PBS Living or PBS Documentaries, and PBS.

36. Big City, Little Budget

The prospect of living in or visiting major American cities isn't cheap, but host Oneika Raymond guides audiences through more cost-effective approaches to modern metropolises in "Big City, Little Budget." Produced by the Travel Channel, the web series has Raymond visiting cities from sea to shining sea while also providing tips on how to navigate each place without having a robust budget at one's disposal. From frugal dining tips to which neighborhoods won't break the bank, "Big City, Little Budget" offers invaluable advice. With its bite-sized episodes, Raymond offers clear and concise guidance through cities from Miami to New York as she leans into approaching each destination on a budget without compromising the fun.

"Big City, Little Budget" is available to stream through the Travel Channel's YouTube channel .

35. I'll Have What Phil's Having

After helming the long-running sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond," prolific television writer and producer Phil Rosenthal turned to travelog hosting, starting with the 2015 series "I'll Have What Phil Is Having." Running on PBS for six episodes, the show follows Rosenthal as he travels around the world to check out the local food scenes. Joined by celebrity guests like Martin Short and Ray Romano, Rosenthal's comedic perspective helps give the usual travel show proceedings a more engaging approach. Though short-lived, "I'll Have What Phil Is Having" provides an early look at the type of travel programming Rosenthal would host to greater success on Netflix.

"I'll Have What Phil's Having" is currently available to stream on Roku , Prime Video with PBS Living or PBS Documentaries, Pluto TV , and PBS.

34. Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost

Even the same iconic locales can offer vastly different experiences depending on the visitor's financial situation, and this dichotomy is explored in the travel series "Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost." Hosted by siblings Alex and Marko Ayling, the two showcase how to navigate major travel destinations on a budget or take advantage of the visit when flush with cash. Whether they're discussing different approaches to visiting Hong Kong or trying the varying cuisines of France, the Ayling brothers provide plenty of information and varying perspectives on the same destinations. One of the things that work in favor of "Basic Versus Baller" is that the show's premise isn't necessarily binary, as tourists can mix the frugal and luxurious options provided as they see fit. 

A dual-perspective on the travelog formula, "Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost" is currently available to stream on Hulu , Prime Video with Tastemade, and Peacock .

33. Ugly Delicious

Chef and author David Chang looks at the cultural history and deeper meaning behind popular cuisine in the Netflix original series "Ugly Delicious." Premiering in 2018, Chang and a group of celebrity guests explore the origins of different foods through extensive interviews and traveling to informative points from the cuisine's origins. A thoughtful discussion about food and its inextricable links to societal identity, "Ugly Delicious" blends serious insight with Chang's quick wit to great effect. Widely acclaimed for its approach to asking the hard questions about cuisine's impact on culture and cultural perception, the series was nominated for an Emmy Award.

"Ugly Delicious" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

32. United Shades of America

The United States is, like any nation, an incredibly complicated and occasionally contentious place to live, from sea to shining sea, across a variety of communities. Comedian W. Kamau Bell spotlights these communities, their traditions, and their struggles in the CNN documentary series "United Shades of America." From speaking with indigenous communities in South Dakota to the extensive Black populations in the Appalachians, Bell provides an all-encompassing tour of the modern American experience. Bell's thoughtful approach to admittedly somber subject matter paints a more complete look at the country and the many voices that bring it to life as he travels nationwide.

The winner of multiple Emmy Awards for its sweeping work, "United Shades of America" is available to stream on Discovery+  and  Max  and purchase and rent via online retailers.

31. Booze Traveler

A lot can be learned about a culture through its gastronomy, and host Jack Maxwell is determined to get to the bottom of this search for identity – and the bottom of many bottles – in the Travel Channel show "Booze Traveler." Exploring domestic and international destinations, Maxwell reveals how drinking culture informs daily life in places like Seoul and Dublin while partaking in local spirits himself. With Maxwell's easygoing personality at the forefront, "Booze Traveler" looks at how communities bond over their love of drink. As a former South Boston bartender, Maxwell lends an everyday perspective to his global travels. He is more interested in looking for a good time than asking the hard questions as the show breezily chugs along.

A fittingly rambunctious travelog, "Booze Traveler" is available to stream on Discovery+ and rent and purchase through most digital retailers.

30. Street Food

While acclaimed filmmaker and documentarian David Gelb focuses primarily on haute cuisine with his award-winning "Chef's Table" series, his other Netflix original show, "Street Food," takes a different perspective. Rather than spotlight a single cook per episode like his previous work, Gelb examines an entire city's street food scene, exploring the origins of the cuisine that defines it. From the robust marks of Singapore to hole-in-the-wall restaurants in New Orleans, "Street Food" and its rotating set of hosts provide an authentic culinary portrait of the show's destinations. Gelb's everyman approach and broader scope per episode, in contrast to "Chef's Table," is an effective change that "Street Food" takes full advantage of.

The first season of "Street Food" is set in Asia, the second in Latin America, and the third in the United States, with the series currently available to stream on Netflix .

29. The Kindness Diaries

Connecting with your fellow humans and experiencing people of different backgrounds and cultures is one of the enormous benefits of traveling; for some, it's their entire purpose. In a way, "The Kindness Diaries" encapsulates the spirit of travel, as host Leon Logothetis traverses the globe depending on the kindness of strangers.

Equipped only with a bright yellow motorbike swapped for an equally yellow vintage convertible in the second season, Leon Logothetis searches for kind-hearted people to supply his needs on his travels. This includes food, accommodations, and gasoline. You'll be pleasantly surprised how far one can get in the world just by simply asking — though, he does sleep in his motorbike's sidecar when necessary. While the destinations range from all over the United States to Europe, Cambodia, and Vietnam, this feel-good travel doc is more about the people we meet along the way. Even though "The Kindness Diaries" only has two seasons behind it, the beautiful souls depicted stay with viewers for the long haul.

You can stream "The Kindness Diaries" on Discovery+ .

28. Gordon's Great Escape

Famous chef and television personality Gordon Ramsay decided to visit the originating countries of some of his favorite cuisines in the British television series "Gordon's Great Escape." In an interview with The Guardian , Ramsay shared his lifelong love of Indian food and chronicled his first trip to India in the show. Beyond his visit to India, Ramsay filmed the second set of interviews exploring other parts of Southeast Asia and its cuisine, including Thailand and Vietnam. Offering Ramsay a chance to escape the limelight he was experiencing in America and the United Kingdom, the show reveals him rediscovering his love of cooking while learning about overseas culinary traditions.

"Gordon's Great Escape" is available to stream through Prime Video , Tubi , Roku , and Fox.

27. Long Way Down

Actors and longtime motorcycle aficionados Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman reunited for another international motorcycle voyage with the British travel series "Long Way Down." A follow-up to their 2004 series "Long Way Round," the 2007 offering has the two bikers travel from Scotland all the way to Cape Town, South Africa. Along the way, the pair rides through 18 countries by motorcycle as they traverse Europe and the length of Africa. Even for those not particularly enamored by motorcycles, "Long Way Down" is a fascinating look at life on the open road across two continents anchored by two charismatic leads.

"Long Way Down" is currently available to stream on Apple TV+ .

26. Globe Trekker

One of the longest-running travel shows from the United Kingdom is "Globe Trekker," originally broadcast from 1994 to 2016. With a rotating set of hosts for each episode, the British series highlights a different region and provides audiences with a thorough guide to the sights and culture. More than simply presenting the major tourist attractions, the hosts examine local traditions, including interviews with local industries beyond tourism and hospitality. With such an impressive breadth of episodes, "Globe Trekker" set an enduring standard for travel programming in the United Kingdom against which all other travel shows are to be judged. 

Unfortunately, "Globe Trekker" is unavailable to stream or purchase in the United States.

25. Man v. Food

Eating challenges can say a lot about a culture, from the type of cuisine competitors consume to the quantity eaten to succeed. Actor and television personality Adam Richman took it upon himself to travel all over the United States to face all manner of eating challenges in the Travel Channel series "Man v. Food." Heading to a different destination each episode, Richman singlehandedly subjects himself to various regional eating challenges, from consuming massive steaks to an entire platter of chili dogs in a limited time. "Man v. Food" gave the Travel Channel its highest-rated debut upon its premiere in 2008 (per the Los Angeles Times ), with the show revived in 2017 and Richman replaced by current host Casey Webb.

An amusing look at different American regions by the eating challenges that help define it, "Man v. Food" is available to purchase and rent through most online retailers and to stream on Discovery+ and Max .

24. Tales by Light

If a vacation isn't documented and shared on Instagram, did it actually take place? Photography in some of Earth's most jaw-droppingly gorgeous places is the central premise behind the Australian travel series "Tales by Light." Each episode follows different professional photographers who tell an immersive story about exotic destinations through their pictures and videos. The perfect travel series for the social media-oriented generation, "Tales by Light" delivers truly breathtaking photographs and videos from the overlooked corners of the world.

All three beautifully rendered "Tales by Light" seasons are currently available to stream on Netflix .

23. Conan Without Borders

As an extension of his popular talk show on TBS, veteran host Conan O'Brien took his series on the road on multiple occasions to experience different cultures around the world. These special episodes were compiled in the online "Conan Without Borders," as O'Brien eschewed his typical talk show format. Traveling everywhere from Cuba to South Korea, O'Brien explores the societal morays of each of these destinations with his usual comedic antics and insight. A welcome change of pace from his usual formula, O'Brien blends biting political commentary with a genuine appreciation for local cultures, with "Conan Without Borders" winning an Emmy for its efforts.

"Conan Without Borders" is currently available to stream on Max .

22. The Moaning of Life

When British comedian and actor Karl Pilkington faced something of a midlife crisis, he decided to examine the lives and cultures of others around the world to gain a better sense of perspective (per Cinema Blend ). The resulting international tour was filmed for the British travel series "The Moaning of Life," as Pilkington contemplated love, life, and mortality on the road. To expand his view on the human condition, Pilkington visits drive-thru weddings in Las Vegas, professional mourners in Taiwan, and fertility clinics in Japan. The Hollywood Reporter's review of "The Moaning of Life" complimented the show's existential subject matter and Pilkington's hilarious perspective on the world to make its messaging less somber.

A good-natured look at life, death, and everything in between with an international scope, "The Moaning of Life" is available for purchase and rent on most major digital retailers, including Prime Video and Vudu .

21. Long Way Round

The first of a trilogy of documentary series, 2004's "Long Way Round" puts Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman in the driver's seat as they ride motorcycles from London to New York City eastward. The 19,000-mile journey is undertaken to promote the international humanitarian causes spearheaded by UNICEF, while McGregor and Boorman endure pitfalls and injuries in their journies around the globe. Inspired by the experience, McGregor and Boorman wrote a book detailing their journey, including McGregor adopting an orphan encountered along the way. The kind of celebrity road trip that doesn't feel overly pretentious or self-indulgent, McGregor and Boorman provide a unique perspective as they embark on a truly epic journey.

"Long Way Round" is currently available to stream on Apple TV+ .

20. Three Sheets

Not all cuisine is solid, which is why the 2008 travel series "Three Sheets" showcased a decidedly liquid diet as it visited drinking cultures around the world. Hosted by comedian Zane Lamprey, the show highlights local alcoholic beverages at a multitude of destinations, learning about their history and cultural impact. Of course, this examination goes beyond a mere history lesson, with Zamprey partaking in the beverages, usually in impressive quantities. Part travel series and part televised pub crawl, Lamprey is often accompanied on his journeys by a group of guests, including his college friend Steve McKenna.

After starting on MOJO HD, "Three Sheets" was broadcast on various platforms before ending its run on Spike in 2011. Most of the series is currently available to buy on Prime Video .

19. Worth It

The popular Buzzfeed series "Worth It" offers three different and simultaneous perspectives on the worldwide dining scene in each episode. The show has the three hosts, Steven Lim, Andrew Ilnyckyj, and Adam Bianchi, order three different dishes from a range of price points at varying destinations. This can entail a cheap cup of coffee or designer espresso costing hundreds of dollars while visiting Tokyo. The underlying question is whether or not the dishes are worth the price. Winning a Streamy Award, "Worth It" has been credited with changing how people approach food criticism online, actively comparing quality with price points worldwide (per SBS ).

Available to stream on Hulu , "Worth It" helps viewers know how best to check out the food scenes and types of cuisine in several countries.

18. Somebody Feed Phil

After getting his start travel hosting on PBS, Phil Rosenthal went bigger and better for the Netflix original series "Somebody Feed Phil" in 2018. While maintaining the broader premise of his previous show, "I'll Have What Phil Is Having," Rosenthal's Netflix series feels like a more personal experience for its host. Occasionally checking in with his brother, parents, and son while he is on the road, Rosenthal continues to sample local cuisine from around the world. As Rosenthal visits major international cities, he spotlights local charities and nonprofit organizations active in the destinations, providing a more community-based scope.

"Somebody Feed Phil" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

17. Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father

Popular British comedian Jack Whitehall and his longtime television producer father, Michael, take their paternal dynamic on the road for the Netflix original series "Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father." With a decided focus on familial comedy, the Whitehalls find themselves in countless awkward and hilarious situations worldwide as they bond together over their international trips. The two men learn about the cultures they visit, from Cambodia to Turkey, with the final season bringing the father-son duo back to the United Kingdom. Though Jack and Michael Whitehall's antics are played for laughs, the societies they visit are largely treated with the utmost respect as they travel through the jungle and desert together.

All five "Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father" seasons are available to stream on Netflix .

16. Extreme Engagement

Journalists and producers PJ Madam and Tim Noonan decided to put their then-recent engagement to the test around the world for the Netflix original series "Extreme Engagement." The miniseries has the happy couple travel around the globe for over a year to see how their relationship endures. While the premise feels relatively scripted, rather than providing an authentically spontaneous show, "Extreme Engagement" offers a romantic twist on the travelog format. Noonan and Madam visit romantic destinations that keep the focus on love and lasting relationships, from observing ancient fertility rituals to meeting cultural practices promoting romantic love.

A love odyssey that spans the islands of Indonesia to remote villages in Africa, "Extreme Engagement" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

15. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Restauranteur and television host Guy Fieri has become something of a cultural icon himself, and Fieri's flagship series is the enormously popular "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." Premiering in 2006 on the Food Network, the show has Fieri travel across North America, stopping at diners, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and dive bars to sample their signature cuisine. Occasionally joined by an impressive set of celebrity guest stars, Fieri has visited hundreds of locations as part of his cross-country odyssey. Due to the sheer popularity of "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives," many of these spots have seen a noticeable increase in business following episode airings.

As the gold standard among Fieri's travel and food reality shows, "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" is available to rent and purchase via most online retailers and to stream on Discovery+ and Max .

14. Survivorman

Travel isn't just luxury hotels and all-inclusive resorts; for some, vacations involve roughing it in the wild and returning to nature through camping and other immersive experiences. The Canadian travel and wilderness survival series "Survivorman" takes these sensibilities to their extreme as host Les Stroud spends over a week alone in remote locations. With only a handful of tools and the clothes on his back, Stroud has to make do with local flora and fauna to survive these conditions for the allotted time. As a much more stripped-down and extreme approach than "Man vs. Wild," Stroud takes audiences everywhere, from the frozen expanse of Alaska to the predator-filled Amazon rainforest.

For those looking for the ultimate survivalist approach to the world's most unforgiving locations, "Survivorman" is available to stream on Discovery+ and Roku and to rent and purchase through most digital retailers.

13. An Idiot Abroad

When comedian Karl Pilkington's friends and frequent collaborators Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant learned he had no interest in world travel, the two created the series "An Idiot Abroad" in response. Capitalizing on Pilkington's often innocently naive worldview, the British travel show is primarily played for laughs as Pilkington makes wry observations about the destinations he visits. Not content to simply let Pilkington take in the picturesque sights, sounds, and cuisine, Gervais and Merchant have Pilkington endure several challenges, including bungee-jumping in New Zealand and swimming with sharks in Australia. MSN's review of "An Idiot Abroad" praised the mishaps for Pilkington's voyages orchestrated by Gervais and Merchant, with Pilkington's odd perspective and observations elevating the entire show.

A humorous look at the most gorgeous international locales, "An Idiot Abroad" is available to purchase and rent on most digital retailers, including Prime Video and Vudu .

12. Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

After two seasons on the Food Network with "A Cook's Tour," Bourdain made the leap to the Travel Channel to host his popular travel series "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations." Running for nine seasons from 2005-2012, Bourdain upped the scope considerably from his previous series while still retaining its everyman qualities. Backed by a more ambitious production, Bourdain visits a wider range of locales while incorporating his love of pop culture and inviting celebrity guests, including Bill Murray and Sean Penn. One of the more notable episodes sees Bourdain and his film crew trapped in Beirut during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War. "No Reservations" went on to win two Emmy Awards and multiple nominations as a testament to the show's captivating perspective on the world. 

"Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" is available to purchase from most online retailers and to stream on Discovery+ , Max , and through the Travel Channel website with a linked television provider.

11. Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

After exploring and experiencing culinary traditions in Southeast Asia firsthand in his first travel series, chef Gordon Ramsay expanded the scope of his follow-up show " Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted " to encompass the whole world. Premiering on National Geographic in 2019, "Uncharted" has Ramsay visit different countries to learn about their cuisine and cooking techniques and take advantage of local thrills. From white water rafting through Laos to climbing up Alaskan mountains and glaciers, Ramsay showcases a more outdoorsy side of himself beyond the world of restaurants and kitchens. In Forbes' review of the series, Ramsay's genuine enthusiasm for the subject matter and destinations he visits was praised for elevating the premise and showing a new side to the temperamental chef.

"Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" is available to stream through Disney+ and Hulu .

10. Chef's Table

After directing the universally acclaimed documentary film "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" in 2011, filmmaker David Gelb teamed up with Netflix for its original documentary series, "Chef's Table." Premiering in 2015, the show focuses on a different cook for each episode, from a Korean monk renowned for her kimchi to Mexican street food in Philadelphia. With its highly detailed and stylized cinematography and in-depth portraits of its subjects, "Chef's Table" is one of the best documentary series currently on the air. "Chef's Table" brings a global scope to cuisine while never losing sight of the very grounded and human story behind each of the cooks that make every dish possible. The show has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards as it shines a light on everything from Michelin-starred restaurants to hole-in-the-wall dining locations. 

The main "Chef's Table" series and its numerous spinoffs are available to stream on Netflix .

9. The Amazing Race

In contrast to "Survivor," which keeps its contestants in a single remote location for an entire season, CBS' long-running reality series "The Amazing Race" takes full advantage of its global scope. Teams of two speed through different legs around the world, following clues and completing challenges to gain an edge. On the air since 2001, "The Amazing Race" has showcased some of the most stunning locales on the planet while pitting its teams in genuinely thrilling competitions each season. With many seasons of "The Amazing Race" offering a journey with contestants circumnavigating the globe, the travel element to the reality competition series is unmistakably at the forefront.

"The Amazing Race" is available to stream on Hulu , Netflix , and Paramount+ .

8. Expedition Unknown

With so many legends and historical mysteries around the world demanding answers, archaeologist Josh Gates sets out to find the truth in the Discovery Channel series "Expedition Unknown." From cryptozoology searches for mythical creatures like Bigfoot to attempting to discover clues linked to the lost city of Atlantis, Gates positions himself as a real-life Indiana Jones. Part globe-trotting history lesson, part debunking widely known myths, "Expedition Unknown" provides a fun twist on international travel off the beaten path. As an immensely popular show, "Expedition Unknown" has spawned several spinoff specials, miniseries, and after shows as Gates widens his worldwide search for truth.

"Expedition Unknown" is currently available to stream on Discovery+ and  Max and is available to purchase or rent through most online retailers.

7. Dark Tourist

Not every tourist is going to check out conventional art museums or major family-friendly attractions in their voyages around the world. The Netflix original series "Dark Tourist" offers travelers a chance to check out the more off-beat elements of local cultures, sometimes venturing into the outright macabre. Hosted by journalist David Farrier, "Dark Tourist" visits the purportedly haunted areas of major cities and tourism sites capitalizing on local tragedies and notorious figures around the world. From exploring irradiated sites to touring museums dedicated to infamous serial killers, "Dark Tourist" certainly isn't every traveler's cup of tea by the way it provides a morbid twist on the genre.

"Dark Tourist" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

6. The National Parks: America's Best Idea

Celebrated documentarian Ken Burns, who has crafted documentary series chronicling numerous elements of American culture and history, turned his attention to the country's national parks. The 2009 six-episode miniseries "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" recounts the history behind the parks and how they each capture the stirring beauty of the United States. From the enduring legacy of John Muir to the evolution of the National Park Service, "The National Parks" is a must-watch for anyone planning to visit the natural wonders nationwide. Universally acclaimed, "The National Parks" won two Emmy Awards, with critics praising how the documentary series presented the parks as a gorgeous extension of the national identity.

Released with a companion book expanding its story, "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" is currently available to stream on PBS with WOSU Passport and Prime Video with PBS Documentaries.

5. The Grand Tour

After being ousted from hosting "Top Gear," Jeremy Clarkson and his co-hosts Richard Hammond and James May took their globe-trotting automobile expertise to Prime Video for "The Grand Tour" (via Variety ). Retaining much of the format from their previous work together on "Top Gear," "The Grand Tour" has participants travel to different destinations using an impressive array of cars. From Cambodia to Madagascar, "The Grand Tour" showcases thrilling routes and cars, backed by the hosts' irascible wit. The Independent's positive review of "The Grand Tour" praised the show as distilling the best elements from "Top Gear" while boasting a significantly larger production budget.

With jaw-dropping destinations and high-octane action, "The Grand Tour" is currently available to stream on Prime Video .

4. Passport with Samantha Brown

Television personality Samantha Brown has built an impressive empire of travel shows on a number of platforms. One of Brown's most enduring lines of programming to date is "Passport," which sees Brown extensively explore different regions around the world for the ultimate experience. Starting with 2004's "Passport to Europe," Brown launched several different shows, taking her informative style to examine Latin America, China, and eco-friendly tourism. Brown's "Passport to Europe" won a Daytime Emmy Award while the subsequent "Passport to Latin America" was nominated for an Emmy, as a testament to Brown's eye for entertainment and educational quality. 

Brown's "Passport" series are currently available to stream on Discovery+ .

3. Anthony Bourdain: The Layover

As someone who hosted travel shows since 2002, Anthony Bourdain has experienced a lot of extended layovers and quick detours between trips to larger destinations. This premise of enjoying a locale on a tight turnaround time drives the core premise behind his Travel Channel series "The Layover." With only 24-48 hours in each location, Bourdain enjoys as much of the tourist-oriented and locally authentic experiences as he can before departing once more. A more tightly paced approach to Bourdain's usual travel fare, "The Layover" still finds the time to provide an informative look at different city cultures all over the globe. 

Invaluable for those looking to make the most of their time on a tight schedule, "Anthony Bourdain: The Layover" is available to stream on Discovery+ , along with purchase and rent options on most digital platforms.

2. Rick Steves' Europe

Perhaps the gold standard in public broadcasting produced travel shows, "Rick Steves' Europe" follows travel author and television personality Rick Steves as he explores cities in Europe. Running from 2000 to 2021, Steves not only shares the biggest cultural landmarks and defining fare in each destination, but he provides audiences with valuable travel tips along the way. More than simply focusing on the biggest tourist spots, like London and Paris, Steves adds plenty of overlooked getaways, including Slovenia and Oslo. With a steady hand and wealth of knowledge, Steves has provided his even-keeled traveler wisdom to those interested in visiting Europe for decades.

"Rick Steves' Europe" is currently available to stream on the show's website , PBS with WOSU Passport, Prime Video , and Tubi .

1. Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Television personality Anthony Bourdain's final travel show was "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown," which ran for 12 seasons on CNN from 2013 to 2018. Though "Parts Unknown" certainly retains the focus on local cuisine prominent in Bourdain's past travel shows, the CNN series weaves in more sociopolitical commentary in examining its locales. The series came to an abrupt end  following Bourdain's tragic death , with the remaining episodes becoming a tribute to the late host and his unique worldview. Led by Bourdain's insightful and incisive perspective on the places he visited around the world, "Parts Unknown” was widely acclaimed and won numerous Emmy Awards across its run. More than just a show about food and culture, "Parts Unknown" examines the overlooked qualities of its destinations and what brings people together on a universal level.

Available to purchase on most digital retailers, "Parts Unknown" is also available to stream on Max and Discovery+ .

Our ranking methodology

Everyone has that one show they're connected to, whether popular or not. "Best" is always subjective, and your all-time favorite series may not even be something someone else knows exists. That doesn't mean it's any less valid, though. We've tried to keep our personal opinions from this list and instead relied on more tangible elements when compiling our rankings. You'll find some of the most beloved, compelling, and critically acclaimed travel shows — and some you may have never heard of.

A travel show's host can be as important as the places traveled. There's a reason why Anthony Bourdain will always appear on lists like this one. His captivating storytelling capabilities and genuinely raw nature make for compelling TV that viewers resonate with. This kind of grab power shows up throughout our list of picks, with the face and voice of a program helping to boost some of the programs in our rankings.

We've considered the likability of the shows chosen here by scouring reviews from multiple sources, like Reddit, Rotten Tomatoes, and IMDb. We've also factored in the number of seasons and any accolades a show may have been given. A lack of awards certainly doesn't dull a hidden gem's luster, though, so don't be surprised that many shows featured here have gone under the award committees' radar.

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The Best Travel Shows to Stream Right Now

Enjoy the thrill of the chase in paris, a stanley tucci tour of italy, and a puppet’s-eye view of global cuisine with these streaming tv shows..

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The Best Travel Shows to Stream Right Now

In “Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy,” the actor lives the dream by exploring the best of Italy’s food and wine.

Courtesy of CNN

While we wait for borders to open , these fuel-your-wanderlust shows will take you off the couch to Italy, England, Norway, France, and Peru (by magic shopping cart). Can you tell we’re excited about Michelle Obama’s fantastical new global food show, Waffles and Mochi ? It debuts next week on Netflix. Until then, explore the world from home by streaming any of these 26 travel shows and TV shows set in foreign countries.

Waffles and Mochi

Watch it : Netflix

A Sesame Street –style kids’ TV show for the budding chef, Waffles and Mochi follows the eponymous puppets—one a sweet little monster with waffles for ears, the other a sentient pink rice ball—around the world as they seek out fresh global ingredients and learn about healthy eating and cooking.

This show will appeal to adults as much as to toddlers. To start: Michelle Obama costars (this is part of the Obamas’ production deal with Netflix) as a grocery store owner who teaches Waffles and Mochi about the wide world beyond the Land of Frozen Food. Off on fabulous journeys they go—to Japan, Peru, Italy, where they have friendly encounters with famous chefs like Samin Nosrat and José Andrés, as well as special guests Rashida Jones, Queer Eye ’s Tan France, Zach Galifianakis, Sia, Common, and more (technically, Mandy Moore). Start streaming it on Netflix March 16. —Laura Dannen Redman

Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy

Watch it : CNN

Actor Stanley Tucci kept spirits afloat with his cocktail and cooking demos on Instagram during lockdown. When travel restrictions lifted in Europe last year, Tucci traveled to Italy—where he has deep roots—to film this six-episode series exploring food and culture through Italy’s people, cities, and regions: Sicily, Tuscany, Milan, Bologna, Rome, and Naples and the Amalfi Coast.

For those desperately missing Italy, Tucci is the perfect knowledgeable yet curious tour guide, introducing his friends—winemakers, chefs, and authors—who he pokes a little fun at, and taking you on tours, such as around Florence’s Renaissance-era wine windows, aka “little doors of paradise.”

If the show leaves you craving more, buy his two Italian cookbooks— The Tucci Table: Cooking with Family and Friends and The Tucci Cookbook— and preorder his memoir, Taste: My Life Through Food . The series has been renewed for season two. — Annie Fitzsimmons

Who is Lupin? He’s a gentleman thief, a master of disguise, a sort of French superhero at the heart of Maurice Leblanc’s short stories, “Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar.” These early 20th-century Sherlockian tales inspire the new Netflix show, Lupin , starring Omar Sy ( The Intouchables ) as a Senegalese immigrant in today’s Paris who follows Arsène’s escapades as a road map for revenge.

In the pilot episode Sy’s Arsène struts through the Louvre disguised as a janitor, plotting a jewelry heist like a cohort of Danny Ocean. Lupin is also full of lust-worthy shots of the city: a room with a view of Sacré-Cœur; the Eiffel Tower from every angle; the Jardin du Luxembourg in the rain; a bustling café. A heist thriller is only as good as its setting, and Lupin —and Paris—deliver. —L.D.R.

“Outlander” stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish take you on a spirited journey through Scotland.

“Outlander” stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish take you on a spirited journey through Scotland.

Courtesy of Starz

Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham

Watch it : Starz

If the popular period drama Outlander didn’t already have you craving a trip to Scotland, this travel show starring Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser in Outlander ) and Graham McTavish ( Outlander’s Dougal Mackenzie) will seal the deal. Even if you’re not an Outlander devotee, this Scottish duo, who are constantly making jabs at each other and themselves, are ideal guides for this literal campervan road trip through Scotland. Their banter is on point (you can tell they’re good pals IRL), and they transport viewers into the heart and soul of the country without taking themselves too seriously.

Each episode focuses on a different aspect of Scottish culture and history. For the food and drink episode, Heughan and McTavish visit one of Scotland’s oldest whisky distilleries and introduce viewers to Scottish seafood. For the sports episode, they try their hand at archaic Highland Games (aka throwing a massive hammer) and playing golf on Scotland’s most hallowed turf. And for the song and dance episode, viewers learn more about bagpipes and traditional Scottish dancing—Heughan and McTavish are game guinea pigs while also offering insights and knowledge into the theme at hand.

I’m not always big on traditional “travel shows,” but I absolutely love this one and am ready to book my first trip to Scotland ASAP after watching. — Michelle Baran

Watch it : Apple TV

West London’s Richmond upon Thames, with its distinctly British cobblestone shopping alleys, parks, and lively pubs, is the backdrop to the story of very American Ted Lasso, played by Jason Sudeikis.

Lasso is an American football coach hired to reboot a Premier League British football team, AFC Richmond. An eternal optimist, Ted is someone you wish you knew—warm and funny, with leadership skills that win over nearly everyone he meets in this fish-out-of-water story.

The Apple TV show isn’t really about sports, though there are plenty of soaring, heart-pumping soccer—football!—scenes. There are love triangles and mishaps, a delightful cast of characters, and the realization that you can do the impossible if you just “Believe,” Ted’s motto. The show has already been renewed for two more seasons. —A.F.

The head of government rides her bike to work: two clues this series isn’t set in the United States. In Copenhagen, everyone rides a bike. Maybe “Danish political drama” doesn’t sound compelling but this is, with a standout cast of well-developed characters. It follows the path of politician Birgitte Nyborg and how demands of her rise to power clash with her family life. Concerns about media news coverage are among the issues making this drama universal. The show, with an 8.5 IMDb rating, originally aired 2010–2013; Netflix plans a fourth season for 2022. — Pat Tompkins

If you’re one of the few who haven’t seen Bridgerton yet (apparently, it’s Netflix’s most successful series ever ), and you miss the U.K., it’s time to settle into Shonda Rhimes’s soapy, steamy Regency-era drama that reimagines the time as one when equality reigns: Black and white people coexist as equals, and the Queen is Black.

It centers on the romance between debutante Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, reluctant Duke of Hastings. Scenic British locations include the Bridgerton family home, Ranger’s House in Greenwich, London; promenades in Bath’s green parks and Royal Crescent; and parties at Wilton House in Salisbury as the Duke’s country mansion. — A.F.

“Killing Eve” sets the codependent cop-and-killer chase in glamorous sites around Europe.

“Killing Eve” sets the codependent cop-and-killer chase in glamorous sites around Europe.

Courtesy of BBC

Killing Eve

Watch it : YouTube TV

When Eve, a British intelligence investigator, becomes obsessed by an assassin-for-hire, Villanelle, their cat-and-mouse chase leads the characters through Tuscany, Paris, London, and Romania. The glamorous destinations make this a bingeable spy thriller for travel lovers who crave dark humor, cliffhangers, and dreamy settings. —Ciera Velarde

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Watch it : Hulu

This 10-episode series from Mindy Kaling is nothing like the movie it takes its name from, except that there are four weddings and one funeral. London has never looked more magical as friends in their thirties fall in love, break up, and get married across rooftop parties in Trafalgar Square, conversations at the National Gallery and inside dreamy Notting Hill houses, and walks in Kew Gardens.

Like its cast, but unlike so many romantic comedies, it also showcases the diversity of the city through Indian family culture in Hounslow and the multicultural Southall Market. It’s completely addictive, and you might replay the final 10 minutes of the series (a wedding, of course!) over and over again. — A.F.

Un Village Francais/A French Village

Watch it : Amazon Prime

Over seven seasons, this series captures what German occupation of a fictional village, Villeneuve, meant for its inhabitants from 1940 to 1945. Instead of battles, we get the war’s impact on civilian life, an impact that affects everyone. It could have been a soap opera, but it’s not, thanks to complex characters and intriguing stories.

Among those in the first episode are Spanish refugees, a Jewish family, and the town doctor, all coping with the sudden upheaval of life in Occupied France. Travel to a different place and time in these 80+ episodes. — P.T.

Home for Christmas

The first Norwegian series from Netflix, Home for Christmas was filmed in Oslo and the small mining town of Røros, known for its colorful wooden buildings from the 1700s. We see the town and countryside dressed for the holidays, with snow, twinkle lights, and cider at Christmas markets aplenty.

But the festive season is just a vehicle for showcasing the complicated bonds of family. The show follows the up-and-down love life and quirky characters surrounding Johanne, a nurse in her thirties who feels pressure from her large, boisterous family to settle down. But what relationship can compete with her friendships? — A.F.

Call My Agent

Calling all francophiles. For those missing not just France but the language and people as well, this French-language Netflix show is génial . Call My Agent is a witty comedy about a Paris-based talent agency. The central cast of characters brings viewers along as they manage the many moods and demands of their high-maintenance actor clients. (They do everything from intervene when clients refuse to get intimate on a film set to help a client learn to drive for a movie role, plus attend ridiculous soirées to appease these high-strung celebs.)

As the series continues, deeper emotional themes around family, friendship, and love develop. I found myself tearing up (in a good way) by the end of the first season, something I wasn’t expecting at all at the start. The comic relief serves as a wonderful escape and there’s something oddly satisfying about seeing behind the scenes of France’s acting and filming world even if it is a fictional look. — M.B.

Indian Matchmaking

This is a reality show, with all its tropes and gimmicks, inviting us to be voyeurs of the Indian dating world. But Indian Matchmaking is also a fascinating glimpse into the culture of matchmaking and quasi-arranged marriages, for both the singles and families. It follows Mumbai-based matchmaker Sima Taparia as she tries to pair clients both in the U.S. and India; the scenes in India are most vibrant and really make the show worth a watch even if you’re skeptical about the premise.

You feel like you’re sitting right next to the characters in that Mumbai restaurant or Delhi bar as they chat with friends or go out on that first (slightly awkward) date with their match. — M.B.

Watch it : HBO Now , Hulu , YouTube TV

If your family is driving you up the wall, imagine self-quarantining with Succession ’s Roy family. This addictive dramedy centers on who will take over a global media and hospitality empire as the family patriarch faces health issues. Because this dysfunctional family is crazy rich, the series transports us to the most exclusive corners of New York City, a sprawling ranch in New Mexico, and even a castle in England. The juicy Season 2 finale takes place on a private yacht in Croatia, so pour yourself some prosecco and lose yourself in someone else’s family drama. —C.V.

Olivia Colman dazzles as Queen Elizabeth in the third season of “The Crown.”

Olivia Colman dazzles as Queen Elizabeth in the third season of “The Crown.”

Courtesy of Netflix

Pour yourself a cuppa and don your finest sweatpants, because we’re headed to Buckingham Palace, folks. Well, no filming was actually done in Buckingham Palace, but Lancaster House, Wilton House, and Waddesdon Manor serve as lavish, convincing stand-ins. Get ready to follow the trials and tribulations of the Windsors and get peeks at country-home castles, private train cars, African tree houses, and passels of corgis romping on the moors. —C.V.

Watch it : Hulu , HBO Now

Every time a local musician appears onscreen during this series (and they appear a lot), hearing the soulful jazz they play will transport you to New Orleans. Shot entirely on location in the city, Treme ’s storyline begins three months after Hurricane Katrina and follows its characters—musicians, bartenders, families—as they try to rebuild their lives. —C.V.

Sam Heughan stars in “Outlander,” a drama heavy on time travel and rolling Scottish countryside.

Sam Heughan stars in “Outlander,” a drama heavy on time travel and rolling Scottish countryside.

Watch it : Starz , Netflix , YouTube TV

After just one episode of Outlander, you’ll be eager to traverse the peaks of Scotland’s evergreen Highlands and drink a wee dram of whisky. This time-travel series, shot on location in Scotland, creates a fantasy world that feels rooted in a real place. —C.V.


Watch it : Amazon

South England’s Jurassic Coast is the real-life setting for this moody crime drama set in a fictional seaside town. Millions of years of coastal erosion have formed striking rock formations along the craggy cliffs and beaches of the region—the spectacular UNESCO World Heritage–recognized area even serves as an important plot device. —C.V.

Ugly Delicious

Watch it: Netflix

In each episode of this docuseries, the James Beard Foundation award–winning chef David Chang focuses on a specific food (one episode is about fried rice, another about barbecue) and then bounces from country to country to taste local iterations of the same dish. After the first episode (which involves pizza: lots and lots of pizza), you’ll learn not to watch on an empty stomach. —C.V.

Top of the Lake

Viewers will be instantly hooked by Elisabeth Moss’s performance as a detective investigating the disappearance of a pregnant 12-year-old girl. The show was filmed on the South Island of New Zealand, and the titular lake provides an eerie and dramatic background for the emotionally heavy show. —C.V.

The action of “The Night Manager” starts in Egypt, but the scenes were actually shot in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The action of “The Night Manager” starts in Egypt, but the scenes were actually shot in Marrakesh, Morocco.

Courtesy of Amazon

The Night Manager

Watch it : Amazon Prime Video

Great writing, fast-paced action, and an all-star cast (Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Colman, Hugh Laurie) make this drama unmissable. The story follows a hotel night manager recruited to infiltrate the inner circle of a corrupt businessman. The show is rumored to be the most expensive miniseries ever made by the BBC, and travel-hungry viewers will enjoy the gorgeous locations, like Majorca, Spain; Zermatt, Switzerland; and Marrakesh, Morocco.

Salt Fat Acid Heat

Chef Samin Nosrat visits culinary colleagues in Italy, Japan, Mexico, and Berkeley, California, to explain how—you guessed it—salt, fat, acid, and heat are the essential elements to master when cooking any meal. Samin’s passion for food radiates through the screen, and you’ll be left hungry and inspired to test out some of her cooking tips—with her cookbook by the same name —yourself. —C.V.

If you want to lean into the current news, Fortitude is one way to go. Set in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard (but filmed in Eastern Iceland), this drama is about a deadly virus that turns infected people into murderers. Winter-travel lovers: Get ready for sweeping icy landscapes, snow-capped mountains, and frigid, rocky beaches. —C.V.

“My Brilliant Friend” is a realistic portrayal of the gritty yet beautiful city of Naples.

“My Brilliant Friend” is a realistic portrayal of the gritty yet beautiful city of Naples.

Photo by Eduardo Castaldo/HBO

My Brilliant Friend

Although this show follows two childhood friends as they grow into women in postwar Italy, the true star is Naples , with its crowded sidewalks, lively piazzas, and ancient architecture. (In the sixth episode, viewers get to travel to the volcanic island of Ischia, to summer with the characters on beaches lapped by turquoise waters). —C.V.

The makers of Our Planet leave no corner of Earth untouched. This breathtaking nature docuseries allows you to swim with whales, swing from tree to tree with orangutans, and explore the Serengeti, all from your couch. The camerawork is remarkable: You’ll ask yourself “how did they even film that?!” at least four times per episode. —C.V.

Big Little Lies

Oh, what we’d give to be social distancing in one of the spacious seaside mansions on this show. The frothy mix of petty neighborhood squabbles, a mysterious death, and the sweeping shots of the Pacific Ocean makes watching Big Little Lies roughly 10 times better than watching the news. And if you’re inspired to plan a trip to Monterey after watching the show (and, of course, after virus concerns are lifted) , we’ve got you covered . —C.V.

>>Next: Around the World in International Films

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The Best Travel Shows Of All Time (TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime & More)

If you are like me and always yearning to travel, then one of the best ways to do this from home is to watch amazing travel shows on TV.

Over the years I have spent way too much of my spare time consuming every travel show under the sun. And, I thought it was high time I shared some of them with you.

So, without further ado, here are some of the best travel shows on TV – whether it be DVD, Netflix or Amazon.

1. Long Way Round

I remember watching the Long Way Round years ago (2004), which is still clear in my memory. The world-famous Ewan McGregor and one of his best friends Charlie Boorman, pursue their passion for BMW motorbikes and adventure travel and head east from London, as far as possible.

The journey was nearly 19 thousand miles (33,000 kms) and took them through Europe, overland through Asia (Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia) to the USA and New York.

Of course, they do take a crew with them, but this is hardcore overland travel at its best. No script, all the hardships are shown. Boy, they had a difficult time in some parts of Asia!

Update: They have the latest episode in this series, Long Way Up, which features the boys riding from Ushuaia in Argentina to Los Angeles. This is more or less the classic Pan-American Highway route that travelers love!

2. Long Way Down

Following on from the 2004 success, Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman set out again in 20017. This time North to South from Scotland to Cape Town in the Long Way Down . This is yet another infamous overland route and also not a simple one.

Many of the roads and countries in Africa are not in the same state as their European counterparts, so they had some challenges with their suspension. They also had quite some adventures and exciting visits, even with presidents!

If you liked the first one of the series, then this is an equally good follow-up.

It’s also available on Amazon.

Below is a quick intro to the show. It’s worth taking a look.

3. Anthony Bourdain (Parts Unknown, No Reservations, A Cook’s Tour & The Layover)

With the sad news of his recent passing, how can I not include one of the food travel show classics from Anthony Bourdain and his team at CNN? This series was still being filmed at the time of this death, and they have since tried to finalise it without being able to use him for voiceovers. However, there is so much material in this series, you won’t be stressed looking for things to watch.

Anthony was actually made famous by his book, Kitchen Confidential , where he revealed how things work in the restaurant business. I actually read this book over 20 years ago, long before I even realised he was on TV.

Parts Unknown is a unique take on travel from Anthony where he visits various countries around the world that interest him and explores all the great food they have on offer. But, he does not go for the classy restaurants and showy food, he looks for the best of what locals enjoy.

And dives right in himself! It’s super-inspiring to see someone so famous get down and dirty and have absolutely zero pretence. He loves food. He loves people. And he loves to travel. What more could you ask for in a TV Show.

Some of the series from Parts Unknown is available on Amazon .

As are some of his older series like No Reservations , A Cook’s Tour , The Layover

And here is a quick preview of season 7 from CNN.

4. Departures – with Scott Wilson and Justin Lukach

Two best friends from Canada decide they need a little excitement in their lives and head off for a year of adventure.  They end up exploring vast areas of the world and looking for as many unique experiences as possible.

The series is quite in-depth, covering 43 episodes , and almost as many countries. And by the time you have finished it, I will be surprised if you don’t just get up and go traveling yourself.

You can grab it on Bluray on Amazon.

Here is a quick intro to the series.

5. Simon Reeve Travels

I absolutely love to watch Louis Theroux on TV. His bumbling, almost nerd-like charm somehow disarms all the crazy nut-jobs that he interviews.

Simon Reeve, at least to me, seems like his equal in the BBC travel world. He is not a gung-ho daring, Tom Cruise look-alike. He is a down-to-earth, easy-to-like, bumbling reporter who takes to the most interesting places on earth. And makes you fall in love with them all as much as he does.

We have started watching some of his earlier shows. We have started with his crazy trip around the Equator. But some of the others are available on the BBC (if you live in the UK) including such trips as: the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Australia, Africa, Colombia and many more.

Here is a quick intro to the Caribbean series.

6. Rick Steves Travel Series

Another prolific traveler and creator of travel-related content both on and offline is Rick Steves. If you type in many European-related travel searches in Google, you will often find his website in the top ten.

He seems to have been everywhere worldwide and made a TV show about most of it. He appeals to an older demographic in my opinion, as his commentary is a little stiffer, but you can certainly learn a lot from this guy.

You can check them out on his website.

And below is an intro to Season 9 of his European series.

7. Michael Palins (Various Adventures around the world)

Michael Palin, a former Monty Python member and Jon Cleese, has been producing top-notch travel series for years and is a little more old-school than Rick Steves. His shows focus on longer adventures, similar to A Long Way Round, although perhaps not as challenging.

They are fun to watch, and you certainly get to see some of the lesser-explored regions of the world. Although some of these series will be a little dated by now – I remember watching some decades ago!

And just as I said that I took a look and saw he has since made some new series on Channel 5 in the UK, including a trip into the forbidden land of North Korea !

Michael Palin’s Around the World in 80 Days

8. An Idiot Abroad

Venturing into a little bit of Travel Comedy, An Idiot Abroad is the brainchild of the creator of the British (original) The Office, along with a few co-creators. The idea is to send someone who has almost never left their town, let alone lifestyle and send them to some very foreign destinations.

Along the way, they experience some extremely challenging destinations and situations all in the name of broadening their horizons. Karl Pilkington will never be the same again, and maybe neither will you.

You can grab Season 1 and Season 2 on Amazon.

Here is a quick Best Of from the China episode to give you a taste of the show.

9. Travel Man with Richard Ayoade

Another long-running comedy travel show from the UK, Travel Man is very short episode focused on 48 hours in various cities, mainly in Europe. Of course, now that he is on about his 10th season, he has started to venture a little further afield. Apart from his sarcasm, one of the best things about the show for me is the wacky things he (or his team) finds in every location. Not your run-of-the-mill tourist attractions.

Each episode is extremely sarcastic and accompanied by another usually British comedian, so people outside the UK may have trouble laughing or even understanding what he is saying. His accent is strong and his vocabulary is broad. You might have seen him as one of the wacky IT experts in t he IT Crowd (which you can see on Netflix ), a little like the British version of Silicon Valley, albeit filmed years before.

There are various seasons up for grabs on Amazon .

If you want to see if it’s up to your alley, here is a quick taste of Richard with some of his fellow comedians on the show.

10. Top Gear

Intended as a bit of a petrolhead’s show about cars, Top Gear has also done a significant amount of travel-related shows over the years too. From the drives down the most dangerous roads in the world to almost killing themselves in places like Switzerland. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May will show you a great time on the road and while traveling.

You can check out Season 1 here on Amazon and other seasons that follow.

11. Joanna Lumley’s Travel Series

Joanna Lumley became famous back in the 70s, but for me, she became even more famous for her role in Absolutely Fabulous. Since then, she has traveled and filmed it all for us. She has also done a “making of” series that I enjoyed. She may seem very posh and British when you first see her shows, but if you love sarcasm and comedy then just wait a bit and she will deliver!

Here is a list of her extensive travel shows you can catch on BBC or other online streaming services:

  • Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean
  • Joanna Lumley in the Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon
  • Joanna Lumley in the Land of the Northern Lights
  • Joanna Lumley’s Japan
  • Joanna Lumley: The Quest For Noah’s Ark
  • Joanna Lumley’s India
  • Jennifer & Joanna: Absolutely Champers

The Best Travel Shows On Netflix

Netflix is a bit of a special category in this post because they don’t have many of the more famous shows above at the moment.

12. Dark Tourist

One of the more recent and perhaps more infamous trends in travel right now is called Dark Tourism. With the recent airing of the series about Chornobyl, it seems to have accelerated even more.

One wacky New Zealand traveler, David Farrier heads to some quirky and sometimes dangerous locations in eight episodes of Dark Tourist , which sees him head to most continents. From the recent Japanese nuclear disaster to perhaps shooting a cow in Cambodia, he tries it all.

13. Street Food: Asia

If you like to combine mouth-watering food and travel, a popular past-time, then this is a recent addition to Netflix that I am currently devouring. It shows you some amazing chefs who are almost always out on the street and serving the locals with something of an obsession. From Thailand to India, you get to see it all – no-frills cooking from some of the best street food vendors in the world.

14. Tales By Light

Another show I have been checking out lately is Tales By Light , a travel and photography-based series up to season 3. It follows a famous Australian photographer all around the world, delving into the lives of the people he meets and how he experiences travel through the lens.

15. Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father

A show I have not had a chance to see, but it certainly looks like a travel comedy worth checking out. It involves a comedian and his stuffy father taking far-flung adventures to foreign lands and trying to teach each other a thing or two.

16. Somebody Feed Phil

A more modern version of a travel & food show, Somebody Feed Phil , is about exploring the places and food no one talks about. Phil is quite the quirky and loveable character, so you will either love him or loathe him. I watched half the first season and did not fall in love with it. However, given that Netflix has commissioned 6 seasons of the show, there must be a lot of people who love it.

17. Conan Without Borders

Following famous TV night show host Conan O’Brien to some adventurous destinations around the world, this is yet another travel and comedy combination you won’t want to miss. From Haiti and Cuba to K-Pop in South Korea this is as wacky as it is travel.

18. Restaurants on the Edge

“Restaurants on the Edge” is a Canadian reality TV series premiered in 2020. It showcases chef Dennis Prescott, designer Karin Bohn, and restaurateur Nick Liberato assisting struggling restaurants in scenic, remote locations like seashores, lakes, and mountains. This is a little like Gordon Ramsay’s old show Kitchen Nightmares, but more travel related.

The goal of the visits on this show is to rejuvenate these places by integrating them with the local culture. Additionally, the show offers a travel experience, with episodes featuring the experts exploring local areas, meeting artisans, and tasting authentic local foods.

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About the author roger timbrook.

Roger is a little obsessed with travel. He has been to over 40 countries, broken 3 suitcases and owned over 10 backpacks in 12 months. What he doesn't know about travel, ain't worth knowing!

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14 of the best travel TV shows to watch on demand

Epic landscapes, interesting characters and cool cultures – we transport you to the best places in the world right from the comfort of your sofa, with these top travel shows on Netflix, iPlayer and others…

While you may be hitting pause on your adventures, you can still be transported somewhere wild – using your TV remote as your passport to exotic climes, instead.

Chances are you’ve seen everything travel legends David Attenborough and Simon Reeve have done, but if you’re looking for inspiration for your next trip, sweeping landscapes and interesting characters to meet, take a look at our round-up of th e best travel documentaries available to stream right now…

Best of all, you can start this journey on the couch.

Here are the best travel TV shows to watch on Netflix or on demand now…

1. the americas with simon reeve (2019).

What you’ll watch: It topped the list for best TV show at our 2020 Reader Travel Awards, but if you haven’t yet seen The Americas with Simon Reeve , put it straight on top of your must-watch list.

And when you’ve binged on his journeys hiking through the Rocky Mountains, hanging out with the US Border Patrol in Texas and discovering a tropical paradise in Costa Rica, you can turn to his other documentaries: the Caribbean, Australia, the Mediterranean, and Indian Ocean.

If there’s anywhere this man hasn’t been or seen, we challenge you to find it.

Where to watch it: The Americas with Simon Reeve is available to watch in full on BBC iPlayer . Plus see Simon accept his Wanderlust award !

2. Race Across The World (2020)

What you’ll watch: Limited cash, no smartphones and forget about internet access – basically all the ingredients for an epic off-the-grid adventure.

In the latest series of the BBC’s Race Across The World , you can follow five teams as they race the length of Latin America, starting in Mexico City and ending in Ushuaia in Argentina, the most southerly city in the world.

Married couples and familial bonds are put to the test, as they weave friendships in the most unexpected of places on their way to the finish line. And if you can’t wait until next week’s episode, you can binge on series one as well. What’s better than that?

Where to watch it: Catch up on series two of Race Across The World on BBC iPlayer . And read our filming locations guide .

3. Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean: Havana to Haiti (2020)

travel reality shows

Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean: Havana to Haiti is on ITV Player now (ITV)

What you’ll watch: She’s one of our favourite tour guides, taking us everywhere from India to the mighty Silk Road – it is, of course, the absolutely fabulous Joanna Lumley.

Let her lead you into a lesser-seen side of the Caribbean in her new two-part documentary, Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean: Havana to Haiti, which begins in a boxing gym in the lively Cuban capital.

Keep watching as she wanders the streets of Havana, discovers Hemingway’s favourite beach and explores Fidel Castro’s hometown, before making her way over the Windward Passage to end her adventure with trips to ancient mountain fortresses and a mystical voodoo ceremony in Haiti.

Where to watch it: Catch up on Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean: Havana to Haiti on ITV Player now.

4. Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (2018)

What to watch: If delicious food is at the very top of your reasons-to-travel list, Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is the Netflix show to tune into.

Culinary capers abound as loveable chef Samin Nosrat takes us to Italy, Japan, Mexico and California to show us how the title elements are key to the cuisine of each country.

Where to watch it: See Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat on Netflix now.

5. Ugly Delicious (2020)

What to watch: H ungry for more? Try Netflix’s Ugly Delicious – there are two series to devour, as chef David Chang takes us to culinary hotspots across the world, showing us why good cooking is universal.

He meets everyone from pizza purists in Brooklyn and Naples to trying Viet-Cajun fusion cuisine in Houston.

Where to watch it: Catch the new series of Ugly Delicious on Netflix .

6. Night on Earth (2020)

What to watch: Even when you’re travelling, you don’t get to see some of the most incredible sights – because some of them happen under the very cover of darkness.

In Netflix’s Night on Earth , you can see this world open up before you, witnessing the secret lives of lions, bats and monkeys. Eerie and visually compelling stuff.

Where to watch it: Night on Earth is on Netflix now.

7. James May: Our Man In Japan (2020)

What you’ll watch: We know you loved Japan with Sue Perkins , but now that’s it not available on iPlayer… how about racing through the island country with James May, instead?

Starting on the chilly northern island of Hokkaido, James embarks on a journey south to the balmy beaches of Shikoku and Kyushu, while meeting samurai in Honshu, sampling street food in Osaka and, of course, tackling the Suzuka Circuit on his way.

Where to watch it: Watch James May: Our Man in Japan on Amazon Prime now.

8. Travel Man: 48 Hours in… (2019)

What you’ll watch: Richard Ayoade’s droll two-day jaunts through cities across the world has provided us all with laughs since 2015.

While 2019’s series was his last as lead presenter, we can still look forward to more Travel Man in the future as Hugo Boss – aka the the comedian formerly known as Joe Lycett – takes over the role.

If you haven’t seen 48 Hours in… Amsterdam , it’s the perfect episode to get a feel for Hugo’s personality and learn more about the city’s culture, cuisine and canals.

Where to watch it: Find the past ten series of Travel Man: 48 Hours in… on All 4 .

9. Great Railway Journeys with Michael Portillo (2019)

What you’ll watch: Thousands of British commuters have plenty to say about UK train travel, but in the hands of Michael Portillo, the divisive subject matter seems to take on a golden glow of nostalgia.

You know best, after all – you voted for the BBC’s Great Railway Journeys as one of your top TV programmes in the last year.

Delving into the history of British rail, Michael reveals things we never knew about our local stations, including how an unlikely collaboration between London’s Crossrail railway project and a conservation charity is helping to protect birdlife in Series 11’s Limehouse to Rochford episode.

Where to watch it: Look out for your local station on Great British Railway Journeys on iPlayer.

10. Around the World in 80 Days (1989)

What to watch: It’s an oldie, but definitely a goodie – what could be better than staying in and getting a glimpse of how the world used to be with TV icon Michael Palin?

In Around the World in 80 Days , Michael follows in the footsteps of its main character Phileas Fogg, setting off on an epic adventure from London’s Reform Club across the world.

Close shaves, missed connections and inevitable delays await as he desperately attempts to meet the 80-day deadline in time. A delicious throwback to a simpler time.

Where to watch it: Watch Around the World in 80 Days on iPlayer .

11. Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (2013)

What to watch: The late Anthony Bourdain’s Emmy-winning travel series is a must-watch for any traveller whose adventures are driven by a passion for excellent food.

Parts Unknown sees the world-renowned chef and documentarian delve into cuisines, cultures and politics in countries across the globe. Essentially, he eats his way around the world.

With 12 seasons covering countless destinations (Vietnam and New York said to be two of his favourites), the later seasons take viewers on an off-the-beaten-track culinary journey through Armenia, Uruguay, Myanmar and beyond.

Where to watch it: You can stream the series on Amazon Prime now.

12. Dark Tourist (2018)

What to watch: If you’ve watched the majority of travel TV already, here’s one that may have slipped by you.

TV presenter David Farrier deep dives into so-called ‘dark tourism’: worldwide interest in visiting sites of nuclear disasters, destinations marred by danger or even death. If you’ve been to Chernobyl and Pripyat in Ukraine, you’ll understand the fascination.

You can expect to see a trip to Turkmenistan, a visit to Pablo Escobar’s former playground, Medellin in Colombia, as well as an excursion to Tomioka in Japan, the ghost town left behind after residents were evacuated following the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Where to watch it: You can stream one season of Dark Tourist now on Netflix .

And… anything narrated by Sir David Attenborough

13. our planet (2019).

14. Seven Worlds, One Planet (2019)

What you’ll watch: Of course, no list of travel documentaries is complete without an appearance from the legend that is Sir David Attenborough.

Most of his back catalogue is listed on Netflix, including the original Our Planet and the BBC’s iconic Planet Earth and Frozen Planet.

You can also listen to Sir David’s dulcet tones on BBC iPlayer – as he takes us through Seven Worlds, One Planet , introducing us to some of the globe’s most hostile habitats and remote landscapes, while narrating the fascinating behaviour of the local creatures, such as golden snub-nosed monkeys and grey-headed albatross chicks .

Where to watch it: Find Our Planet along with most of Sir David’s past shows on Netflix or catch up on Seven Worlds, One Planet on iPlayer now.

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The Best Travel Shows You Can Stream Right Now

By Meredith Carey

Image may contain Nature Ice Outdoors Mountain Snow and Iceberg

Most of us can't be on the road 365 days a year, but that doesn't mean we have to stop exploring. With some of the best travel shows streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, we have the world at our fingertips, with episodes that take us from markets in Mexico to hawker stalls in Singapore to the farthest reaches of the Arctic, back home to BBQ joints in Charleston. Whether you'd rather follow the late Anthony Bourdain, Sir David Attenborough, David Chang, Samin Nosrat , Samantha Brown , Ewan McGregor, or the Fab Five along the way is up to you. Here, find some of our favorite travel shows available to stream right now (fictional and not), involving journeys by land, air, and sea—and lots and lots of eating.

This gallery was last published in March 2020. It has been updated with new information. All products featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Image may contain Human Person Food Culinary and Chef

Taste the Nation

With international travel largely on hold, there's no better time to explore our own backyard—which is exactly what host Padma Lakshmi did on her new Hulu show Taste the Nation . The show's first season, released in June, follows the Top Chef host and author as she quite literally tastes the nation , stopping at restaurants around the U.S. to sample the foods of a variety of Indigenous and immigrant groups. Expect to see some familiar faces, like comedian Ali Wong and spearfisher Kimi Werner , along the way. 

Watch now: Free with a Hulu subscription ( sign up for Hulu here )

Komodo dragon

Planet Earth and Planet Earth II

We had to wait 10 years between the debut of Planet Earth , a groundbreaking natural history show narrated by Sir David Attenborough, and its sequel Planet Earth II , but it was worth it. The first season, which focus on a specific biome and the flora and fauna that live there in each episode, spotlights smooth coated otters in Southeast Asia, Tibetan foxes, critically endangered Ethiopian ibex, and blue whales, among so many others. Our two favorite episodes, though, come from part II. In the sixth episode, the high-def cameras turn to cities to show how leopards in Mumbai, monkeys in Jodhpur, and catfish in southern France live alongside humans. And in what may be the most heart-racing episode of nature television, the islands episode of Planet Earth II follows a lone iguana racing against time—and a horde of snakes. 

Watch Planet Earth now: $3 per episode, $25 per season;

Watch Planet Earth II now: $3 per episode, $20 per season;

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Long Way Up

Believe it or not, actor Ewan McGregor has been in the travel show business for some 16 years. It all started with Long Way Round , a 2004 series that followed McGregor and his friend Charley Boorman on a motorcycle journey from London through Europe, Asia—and then after a flight to Alaska—Canada, and the U.S. all the way to New York City. The show was followed by 2007's Long Way Down, which took the duo from Scotland to South Africa, on motorcycles once again. Now, they've turned their bikes (electric this time) towards South and Central America, with the latest iteration following the duo some 13,000 miles from Ushuaia, Argentina, on the continent's southernmost tip, to L.A. As usual, hijinks, pitfalls, and stunning scenery are all on view. Neither of the earlier shows are available to stream in the U.S. currently (though you can find them on Apple TV+ in the U.K.), but Long Way Up is an Apple TV+ original and on view for all. 

Watch now: Free with an Apple TV+ subscription ( sign up for Apple TV+ here )

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Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat

Be sure to watch this show on a full stomach, or you'll be pausing to bake focaccia or cook tahdig along with affable host and Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat cookbook author Samin Nosrat. In the four-part show, Nosrat travels the world, making stops in Mexico, Japan, Italy, and her home in California, to discover the properties of each of the show's title elements. There's cheese. There's olive oil. There's miso. There are tortillas. There's salsa. And just like that we're hungry again. (FYI, she's as delightful in person as she is on screen—and joined us for a Women Who Travel podcast episode soon after the show premiered.) Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

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Image may contain Clothing Apparel Jacket Coat Human Person Alice Levine Richard Ayoade Overcoat and Pedestrian

If you're familiar with Anthony Bourdian's The Layover, then the premise of British comedian Richard Ayoade's Travel Man will seem quite familiar. The goofy show follows the comic and primarily English celebrity friends as they galavant around cities like Helsinki, Miami, and Hong Kong over the course of 48 hours. If you're a Great British Bake Off fan, start with Ayoade's trip to Paris with original GBBO host Mel Giedroyc or the season two episode featuring current host Noel Fielding in Copenhagen . Other familiar faces include Paul Rudd in Helsinki and Bridesmaids' Chris O'Dowd in Vienna.

Image may contain Human Person Restaurant Food and Burger

Somebody Feed Phil

This Netflix original follows host Phil Rosenthal, the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond , as he eats his way through cities like Bangkok , Lisbon, Mexico City , New Orleans ,   Buenos Aires , Cape Town, and Dublin. The hyper-positive show was called "impossibly optimistic," by former Traveler editor Paul Brady, who spoke with Rosenthal before the first season's premiere in 2018. The fourth season, out October 30, takes Rosenthal from Rio de Janeiro to the Mississippi Delta and the islands of Hawaii to eat even more delicious grub.  Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Parts Unknown

Parts Unknown

You simply cannot have a list of the best travel shows and not feature the late Anthony Bourdain. In fact, he's on our list more than once. In Parts Unknown , the chef and travel personality circled the world many times over, in search of music, culture, humor, history, and—of course—really good food. Over 12 seasons (the last aired posthumously), Bourdain visited the indigenous Andes with Eric Ripert, the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Mississippi Delta, and, most famously, Hanoi with then-president Barack Obama. (That's season eight, episode two, if you want to jump right to it.) 

Watch now: $3 per episode, or $10 per season;

Connected Season 1

Technically, Netflix's original show Connected is a science show, but that doesn't mean it isn't filled with travel. Plus, host Latif Nasser told us earlier this year that the show was built in the footsteps of Bourdain's Parts Unknown and No Reservations (with a dash of Bill Nye thrown inn). The show speaks to how the world is interconnected—like how Delaware's birds can offer clues about the Gulf's hurricane season or how sand from the Sahara impacts the Amazon. Throughout, you'll follow Nasser as he hopscotches around the world to speak with scientists to find out more. 

Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Street Food Asia

Street Food

Made by the same folks behind Chef's Table (spoiler: it's also on this list), this show moves away from formal restaurant kitchens and onto the streets, for a guide to some of the world's best curbside meals and snacks . The show's first season is all about Asia, traveling to nine different countries to meet the people behind the food, like Jay Fai from Bangkok's Raan Jay Fai , a Michelin-starred street stall serving up tom yum soup, and Truoc (pictured left), who serves a variety of snail dishes in Ho Chi Minh City . The second season, which hit Netflix in July, zeroes in on Latin America, with stops at Doña Vale's in Oaxaca for memelas and Las Chicas de las Tres food stall in Buenos Aires, run by chef Pato Rodriguez. 

Image may contain Human Person Slate Clothing Apparel Outdoors Transportation Vehicle Bicycle Bike and Garden

Lost Cities With Albert Lin

In this National Geographic –produced show, explorer and scientist Albert Lin tracks down some of the world's most famous lost cities. We're talking buried Knights Templar caves in Israel, El Dorado in the jungles of Colombia, and ancient, forgotten island cities in Micronesia. Along the way, he speaks with archaeologists, historians, and other experts to discover the origins of the legends and, in turn, the reality of those places today. 

Watch now: Free with a Disney+ subscription ( sign up for Disney+ here )

David Chang drinking pickle juice in Istanbul

Ugly Delicious

The second season of the David Chang –hosted Netflix series debuted in March 2020, taking viewers from Istanbul (pictured), to Tokyo , to Sydney , to… Outback Steakhouse? Along the way, he tackles balancing parenthood with restaurant life, cooks with Top Chef 's Padma Lakshmi , rubs elbows with comedians like Nick Kroll and Aziz Ansari, and gets a lesson in not calling all Indian food curries from Traveler contributor Priya Krishna . (If you want more Chang, try your hand at a recipe from his Momofuku cookbook, or watch Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner , also on Netlfix, where he joins one famous friend on a food tour of a city, like Chrissy Teigen in Marrakech.) 

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Produced by Vice , this show is about the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. In it, actor Elliot Page and their film director friend Ian Daniel travel to learn about what it's like to be LGBTQ+ around the world. They meet with two-spirit Native Americans, head to ballroom scenes in New York City, and visit the gay bars of Tokyo to dive deep into the vibrant gay and queer culture. But the duo also spends time in Rio de Janeiro, Jamaica, and Ukraine, speaking with LGBTQ+ locals to learn about the discrimination and threats they face just by existing. Expect tears, both happy and sad. 

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Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

Gordon Ramsey is involved, so of course this cooking and travel show is extreme. In the National Geographic –produced series, the Hell's Kitchen chef goes out of his element—and out of the kitchen—to learn cooking tips and tricks from locals in unusual locales, culminating in a cook-off of sorts to show off what he's picked up. Here, he heads to Peru's Sacred Valley to learn high altitude cooking, cooks seal with a Tlingit elder in Alaska , and learns about Berber food culture in Morocco. 

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Carmen Sandiego

Many of us got our first lesson in geography from this trench coat–wearing master thief, and today's kids can too, thanks to the Netflix reboot of this animated series. This high-flying, Robin Hood–style caper takes kids (and parents) with Sandiego as she jet sets between Rio de Janeiro , Matsumoto in Japan, Amsterdam, Mumbai, and more. There are three seasons available and plenty of educational value here for mapheads—plus pretty stellar animation. This year, an interactive choose-you-own-adventure style show, called Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not to Steal, came to Netflix and provides endless entertainment as Sandiego fights off the Villains International League of Evil (V.I.L.E.), with your (kid's) help. Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Nature Ice Outdoors Mountain Snow and Iceberg

If Planet Earth and Planet Earth II weren't enough Attenborough for your liking, get your fix on Netflix, thanks to Our Planet . This docuseries, made by the creators of Planet Earth in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund and narrated by Attenborough, is almost a mix of the two, taking armchair travelers from the North American grasslands and the Everglades to the Arctic tundra and deepest parts of our oceans. Once you're done with the nine 50-minute episodes, switch over to Our Planet: Behind the Scenes to see how the 600-person crew filmed the series. Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

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No Reservations

If you want even more Bourdain, Hulu has you covered with No Reservations and The Layover, two of his travel shows that preceded Parts Unknown . In No Reservations, Bourdain takes us to both familiar—Maine, Prague, the Philippines—and unfamiliar—Kurdistan, Mozambique, and deep into the Amazon—corners and kitchens of our world, introducing us to new foods, cultures, and personalities over nine seasons. The Layover takes that same premise, but shortens the time line drastically, knocking down Bourdain's time to explore to just 24 to 48 hours. Both are must-sees—it's Bourdain after all. 

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Chef's Table: BBQ

While you can watch some of world’s most extraordinary chefs (like Dominque Crenn ; Peruvian Virgilio Martínez , the owner of Lima's Central restaurant; and Swede Magnus Nilsson ) as they create impossibly complicated dishes in the original Chef's Table, we've become partial to its latest iteration, which is all about barbecue. The Netflix original docuseries follows pitmasters like Tootsie Tomanetz—the 85-year-old spitfire pictured above who minds the brisket and sausage at Snow's, outside of Austin—and Rodney Scott, known for his Low Country–style pulled pork and ribs. But the show doesn't stick to the American South. You'll head to Rosalia Chay Chuc's Yucatán home and visit the grills of Lennox Hastie in Sydney, too.  Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

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Travels with My Father

The first season of this Netflix original, which came out in 2017, follows British stand-up comedian Jack Whitehall and his father, Michael, across Southeast Asia, tracking the duo as they finish the gap year Jack never got to complete, just a few years late (eight, to be exact). It's everything you'd expect: a Thai full moon party and, of course, a trip to Cambodia's Angkor Wat, but the moments in between are what make the show really worth watching. Now, in the three seasons that have followed, the father-son pair have road tripped through Transylvania , visited Chernobyl , and gotten into drag with Sydney queens. Needless to say, it's a romp.  Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

This image may contain Kaoru Kobayashi Human Person Pub Bar Counter Worker Architecture Building and Tower

Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories

Set in a tiny Tokyo diner that's only open from midnight to 7 a.m., the fictional show follows the Midnight Diner's owner and clientele as they share their trials and joys, all while eating whatever the owner, called Master, dishes up. In the diner, pork miso soup is the go-to, but Master will cook visitors anything they order, as long as he's got the goods to make it. Episodes are a little over 20 minutes long, so it's the most bingeable of the bunch. Watch with subtitles and don't—seriously, don't—watch while hungry. Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Human Person Sinan Albayrak Clothing Apparel Sitting Indoors and Interior Design

Get your international fix by watching Antoni , Karamo , Jonathan , Tan , and Bobby makeover the wardrobes and lives of everyday “heroes” in Yass, Australia , and Tokyo in their Queer Eye specials. That said, we're partial to the U.S.-based seasons, where the Fab Five hits up Atlanta, Kansas City, and, most recently, Philadelphia to give new life to regular folks. Whether they're making over the sisters behind Jones Bar-B-Q in Kansas City or the small town mayor of Clarkston, Georgia, we're on board. Have tissues on hand, as you're all but guaranteed to shed a tear (who are we kidding, you'll sob). Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Samantha Brown Human Person Wheel Machine Vehicle Transportation Bicycle and Bike

Places to Love

For many years, Samantha Brown was the only female host on travel TV , period. And while some, albeit small, growth has been made in this regard (Nosrat and Kellee Edwards are among the new faces), Brown is still one of the few women on the go on our screens. While she made her start on the Travel Channel with Passport to Europe, Passport to Latin America, and Passport to China , you should really be checking out her latest show, Places to Love. Now in its third season, the show sees Brown discovering off-the-beaten-path spots in some of the world's most loved destinations as far-flung as Seoul and Auckland, and right in our backyard, like Phoenix and Dallas . 

Watch Places to Love now: Free on PBS

Watch Passport to Europe now: $2 per episode, $35 per season;

Image may contain Human Person Transportation Vehicle Van Ambulance Glasses Accessories and Accessory

The World According to Jeff Goldblum

Ok, so this isn't as much of a travel show as it is a “what is Jeff Goldblum curious about” show—but it doesn't mean they don't travel all over the U.S. With each episode focusing on the actor's ceaseless interest in the minutiae of one specific thing (like tattoos, or pools, or RVs, or ice cream—it really runs the gamut). Over the course of the show, Goldblum visits Hawaii , Las Vegas , NASA’s neutral buoyancy lab in Houston , and so much more. If you love Goldblum, you'll probably love this show. 

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The Best Travel Shows On Netflix Right Now, Ranked

Zach Johnston

Last Updated: November 12th

There’s rarely been a time in recent history in which travel has been more out of reach. That means we all have to live out our travel dreams vicariously for now. Enter the travel TV genre — our most straightforward path to inspirational and aspirational escapism .

No network has changed the game more in recent years than Netflix when it comes to providing a great list of travel shows that’ll motivate you to hit the road one day while scratching that wanderlust itch between trips. But this being Netflix, there’s a dearth of content to sort through. Knowing where to start and which shows are worth your binging time is tough.

We’re here to help. The fifteen travel series below are the best Netflix has to offer right now. We’ve gone ahead and ranked them, though we have to point out that these rankings represent minor quibbles at most. We also tried to cover multiple types of travel shows from the standard food+travel series to nature shows to reality TV travel escapism.

Let’s dive in!

15. Restaurants On The Edge

1 season, 6 episodes | IMDb: 6.8/10

The “fixer-up” aspect of reality TV is a tried and true concept. Gordon Ramsay has umpteen shows doing just that. Where Restaurants on the Edge stands out is the travel and cultural aspect of the show. Restaurateur Nick Liberato, chef Dennis Prescott, and designer Karin Bohn travel the world and find restaurants with amazing views that are on the edge of shutting down (something that’s become even more heightened given recent global events). They team up with the restaurant’s chefs and owners to turn the place around. The ripple here is that the hosts guide the local owners to delve more deeply into the local culture and have their establishments better represent that scene.

14. Stay Here

1 season, 8 episodes | IMDb: 7.5/10

Designer Genevieve Gorder and real estate expert Peter Lorimer join forces in Stay Here to help homeowners turn their spaces into short-term vacation rentals. This is all about Airbnb’ing your digs even though “ Airbnb ” is never mentioned. This is a fun and breezy travel show that goes deep enough to show you how much works goes into the sharing-economy to make it actually work for you. In the end, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for that perfect Airbnb you stayed in.

13. The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes

2 seasons, 12 episodes | IMDb: 7.6/10

This show is addictive. Let’s get this out of the way. This is luxury and lifestyle porn first and foremost. It’s a traveling show, we guess, by proxy. However, it’s intoxicating.

The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes takes us inside architectural wonders around the world. These range from the homes of the elites in places like Greece, Los Angeles, and New Zealand to the homes of a fisherman in Japan and writers in Holland. Hosts Piers Taylor (an architect) and Caroline Quentin (a British actor) offer a great entry point. Taylor offers professional insight, while Quentin is the audience’s awed surrogate.

12. Tales By Light

3 seasons, 18 episodes | IMDb: 8.3/10

Tales By Light isn’t your average travel show per se. The focus here is on great travel photographers and how they operate around the world.

The photographers the show follows just happen to be some of the best in the world who have devoted their life to globetrotting to find the absolute best shot. Every corner of the world is covered over three seasons of breathtaking episodes and crazy escapades.

Seriously, one episode is about swimming with anacondas in the Amazon.

11. Night On Earth

1 season, 6 episodes | IMDb: 8.2/10

Shows like Night On Earth offer a glimpse into the world that beckons you out into the wider world. These are the shows that lay a foundation of wanderlust in our young souls. On top of all of that, this show is visually mesmerizing. It’s a trippy, unique, and captivating look at our world, and it’ll make you want to be someone who seeks these places out.

10. High On The Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America

1 Season, 4 Episodes | IMDb: 7.7/10

High on the Hog is based on the seminal work of Dr. Jessica Harris and her breaking down of how African food cultures mingled with Indigenous American foods and European techniques to help define what American food is today. The show is a sort of short-hand for Dr. Harris’ work and book, with chef and writer Stephen Satterfield trekking around America and West Africa looking back at the origins of African American cuisines, where those foods are today, and profiling the people keeping those traditions alive. This is the sort of travel show that will stick with you while teaching crucial history about Black Americans’ impact on the food we eat today.

9. Our Planet

1 season, 8 episodes | IMDb: 9.3/10

Our Planet is Netflix’s very own Planet Earth . They even got Sir David Attenborough to narrate this beautiful series. Again, yes, this is a nature series. But, we argue that a series this intriguing and beguiling will stoke your wanderlust fires and get you out there enjoying everything nature has to offer. If this series doesn’t get you itching to see new places on our planet, nothing will.

8. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

1 season, 4 episodes | IMDb: 6.8/10

David Chang’s second Netflix travel and food show is a little broader than Ugly Delicious . This four-part series finds Chang hanging out with big-name celebrities and diving into local food scenes around the world. Seth Rogan shows Chang around Vancouver while getting very stoned. Internet star and model Chrissy Teigen wanders around Marrakesh with the chef. Writer and actor Lena Waithe takes Chang through her Los Angeles. Finally, the show’s final ( and best ) episode finds Chang hanging out with SNL superstar Kate McKinnon in Cambodia. Overall, this is an easy, fun watch to breeze through on a shut-in Sunday.

7. Ugly Delicious

2 seasons, 12 episodes | IMDb: 7.8/10

Chef David Chang’s food show, Ugly Delicious , is a travel show at its heart. Chang travels the world eating food and talking to people about culture, life, and what they do while experiencing it all for himself — that’s all travel really is. The beauty of the show lies in the lack of pretension — a child-like curiosity really — that Chang carries with him as he travels, talks, and eats. The way Chang travels becomes aspirational with a crazy good dose of food porn along for the ride.

6. Larry Charles’ Dangerous World Of Comedy

1 season, 4 episodes | IMDb: 7.3/10

Larry Charles’ Dangerous World Of Comedy is a travel show at its heart. Acclaimed TV and film comedy director, Larry Charles, travels the world seeking out how comedy is done in war zones, on Indian reservations, in theocracies, in slums, and beyond.

This is the sort of show that takes you deep inside the harder side of life around the world. It’s a part behind-the-scenes look at TV comedy around and a part subversive travelogue with a keen eye on finding the grey areas of life and comedy in places few dare to travel. Plus, it’s only four one-hour episodes, making this one a very easy binge.

5. Dark Tourist

1 season, 8 episodes | IMDb: 7.6/10

David Farrier’s Dark Tourist isn’t what you think it is . This isn’t about the western gaze, looking down upon the weird or “other.” Farrier’s nuanced approach to travel and diversity shines through as he parses some of the lesser-known parts of varying cultures.

The show shines in its ability to hook you in from the first frames. Episodes about vampires in New Orleans, Pablo Escobar’s hitmen, and haunted forests offer a glimpse into the unknown in our world without judgment.

4. Somebody Feed Phil

4 seasons, 22 episodes | IMDb: 8.2/10

Phil Rosenthal has cut out a pretty great second act after his days running Everybody Loves Raymond . Rosenthal is traveling around the world eating great food, meeting people, and seeing new places he thought he’d never see.

Rosenthal is on a trip of discovery. There’s a clear food focus to the show. But, really, the series ends up being just as much about the journey as a great meal with new friends.

3. Street Food

2 season, 15 episodes | IMDb: 8/10

This series from the creators of Chef’s Table leans more heavily into the travel aspect of great cooking. The series highlights street food vendors across East Asia, Mexico, and Central and South America through two seasons. The series revels in letting those vendors tell their stories and highlighting the food they make with that now iconic Chef’s Table aesthetic . The bonus is that each episode clocks in at around 30 minutes, making this a very easy and enjoyable binge any time.

2. MeatEater

3 seasons, 29 episodes | IMDb: 7.8/10

This is probably the most interesting and unique travel (and food) show on this list. Steve Rinella’s MeatEater might be the best nature-meets-travel-meets-food show, full stop. Rinella and his crew travel around the U.S., Mexico, and even parts of South America to embrace nature in the most visceral way, through hunting and fishing for their own food and then cooking that food, providing us with wild recipes to boot. We’re not kidding when we say that the wild places this show goes are the places you almost never see on the average travel show, which is usually obsessed with hitting the same old spots over and over again (looking at you Rosenthal and Chang).

Yes, hunting or fishing for food is the core of each trip. Still, with sourcing your own wild food being one of the fastest-growing food movements in America (far outpacing veganism with people under 40), MeatEater offers real-world advice as an entry-point to the wild spaces of the world and the food available therein. It’s also about the people around the world who live their lives in harmony with nature. Add in the beautiful cinematography (from the same crew as Bourdain’s shows) and you have a great watch.

1. Down to Earth with Zac Efron

1 season, 8 episodes | IMDb: 8.1/10

This show was the sleeper hit of the travel TV world in 2020. Yes, it premiered during a pandemic when we can’t travel, making it an easy hit. But the show really has some serious heart and insight. Viewing the world through Zac Efron’s always wide-eyes proved really refreshing. His excitement to be seeing the world and trying on new ideas while also making an effort to step out of the most well-worn paths made for solid TV.

There’s a real soul to this show that gets to what’s beautiful about travel. It captures the spirit of wanderlust — learning about the world while learning about yourself.

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Love and Road

The 20 Best Travel Shows on Netflix to Watch in 2024

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Whether you’ve been missing the thrill of traveling or are currently feeling inspired to pick the destination for your next adventure, travel shows can help. Netflix has no shortage of cool travel documentaries and shows, but we’ve decided to pick 20 of the best travel shows on Netflix.

Woman choosing a travel show on Netflix to watch at home.

If you’re traveling right now, or if some of these shows are not available in your country, use a VPN to access them without any restrictions. To play the shows, open up your VPN app and select a server located in a different state. If the show is available in your country, but you’re currently traveling internationally, choose the server of your home country to enjoy the show. 

Now let me tell you why these Netflix travel shows are worth watching and don’t blame me if you get hooked on some (or all) of them.

The best travel shows on Netflix

Before we start, let me tell you that this list is in no particular order. It’s up to you to choose the one you want to watch first, but we recommend watching them all. At home, traveling for a holiday, or at a new destination, these Netflix travel shows and documentaries will set you in the mood for discovering new places, tasting exotic food, maybe even cycling, driving, or just staying at home until you finish all the seasons. Lol 

The list is divided into travel shows or documentaries focused on nature, food, dark tourism, cycling and cars, photography, family travels, and specific destinations. Enjoy it!

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The best travel and nature Netflix shows 

Arguably one of the most famous travel documentaries on Netflix, Our Planet takes you on a world tour of earth’s fascinating creatures. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough and filmed in Ultra High Definition, this show takes you to over 50 countries and perfectly captures the wonders of the earth. 

Our Planet is the perfect Netflix travel show to give you some new ideas for your bucket list. Trust us!

Untamed Romania

While most seasoned travelers deeply appreciate Romania’s natural beauty, it is still overlooked in the mainstream media. Untamed Romania is a feature-length film celebrating the country’s immaculate wildlife.

Untamed Romania is one of the best Netflix travel documentaries for those who love nature and want to discover a new destination to travel to.

The best travel and food Netflix shows 

Down to Earth

Down to Earth documentary follows Zac Efron, the actor, and wellness expert Darin Olien as they explore healthy and sustainable practices across different cultures. This documentary showcases the diversity and creativity seen across the globe to make the most of one’s resources.

It’s intriguing and can be inspiring, not only about travel but how we think of sustainability and health. 

Street Food Asia

Sometimes the most accessible way to connect to a different culture is food. Asian food holds a special place in the world regarding street food and is probably one of the most universally beloved cuisines today. Street Food Asia takes you on a food journey across Asia and Southeast Asia’s best food cities, including Bangkok, Delhi, Osaka, and Singapore.

Street Food Asia is one of our fave travel shows on Netflix. We love Asia and Asian delights you can only find from street vendors. If you have never visited this part of the world, watch this show, and it will open your mind to a new world of flavors, aromas, and ways of life. If you are craving an Asia trip, watch it and plan international travel soon. 

Also, read our guides and articles about Asian destinations as they have many travel and food recommendations. Read our guides about Thailand , Vietnam , Indonesia , Malaysia , The Philippines , China , Taiwan, India , and Cambodia .

Ugly Delicious

Ugly Delicious is another food travel show where a star chef David Chang is looking for the world’s most satisfying grub with his buddies. Despite being a professional chef, Chang isn’t pretentious with his picks and takes us on a cross-cultural food trip filled with laughter.

Another great travel and food show on Netflix about food culture.

Somebody Feed Phil

In this series, we follow the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, Phil Rosenthal, as he explores world cuisines and meets the locals. Phil’s upbeat attitude is probably one of the best parts of the Somebody Feed Phil travel show together with a lot of food scenes that will help your plan your future trip to incredible destinations including Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

On this Netflix travel show, you will visit cities like Bangkok , spend days in Mexico City , see Lisbon , and many more. Well-known travel destinations are pictured with flavors and a local touch.

High on The Hog: Culinary Journey From Africa to America

This show explores African American soul food and its long journey from Africa to North America. It has been dubbed the most engaging history of African American cuisine. It traces the process of cultivating, harvesting, cooking, and serving the food that enslaved Africans brought with them to the States.

This Netflix cultural travel and food show will take you on a true gastronomic journey. 

Restaurants on the Edge

As you might be able to guess from the name of the show, these hour-long episodes take us to restaurants that are located in some of the most stunning locations in the world but are struggling with their menus and dishes. They are located on the edge of the world but are also on the edge of closing down.

This travel show on Netflix pictures unique locations and a bit of drama, as you can expect. 

Netflix shows about travel, cycling and cars

Biking Borders

This one is for lovers of slow traveling and less-known countries. Two friends go on a 15,000 km bicycle journey worldwide, including the Balkans, Central Asia, and other countries, to build a school in Guatemala.

Rob and I love cycling, so this Netflix travel documentary series is tremendously appealing to us. Biking Borders is also an excellent travel inspiration for those who dream of traveling by bike or going on a cycling holiday. And if this is you, read our article about cycling on Taiwan’s East Coast and cycling in Spain .

Pedal the World

This is another Netflix travel documentary that portrays a world tour on wheels, but this time our protagonist visits 22 countries during his year-long journey, searching for the meaning in life and discovering something new in each country.

Pedal the World is an inspiring and realistic epic road trip that might give you ideas of how you want to spend your life and what really matters. 

Page showing Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip show on Netflix.

Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip

Paul Hollywood studies the ties between popular cars in Europe and their local culture and identity as an actor and a baker. In this short but educational Netflix documentary , Hollywood will visit France, Germany, and Italy.

This isn’t your Netflix show if you are looking for food and baking goods. But if you like cars, speed, a bit of history and traveling in Europe, you will enjoy the ride. 

Netflix travel shows about a specific destination


This travel series focuses on Iceland, specifically the volcano Katla , which began constantly erupting just recently. The show has eight episodes and does a wonderful job portraying Iceland’s breathtaking beauty . Katla serves as a great reminder of all that we still don’t know about the earth. 

This Netflix travel show is a powerful trigger for wanderlust, and it will make you want to book a trip to Iceland as soon as possible. 

Magic Andes is one of the top travel shows on Netflix right now.

Magic Andes

A documentary following five characters from the Andes, South America’s breathtaking mountains. It is a fascinating series that highlights real people living in communities located under the mountains and paints a nuanced picture of the region of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia .

After watching Magic Andes read our Peru travel guides , and for sure, you will want to visit South América. If you are worried about safety, then read our guide to the safest countries in South America , and you will be surprised. 

Banner for a Netflix travel documentary focused on Guatemala's rich landscape and culture.

Guatemala: Heart of the Mayan World

This documentary focuses on Guatemala’s rich landscape and culture, the territory where 2000 years ago, the fascinating Mayan civilization collapsed. The Mayan influence is still all over Guatemala and Central America, and this documentary does an amazing job of connecting the dots between the past and the present.

Guatemala: Heart of the Mayan World is an inspiring Netflix travel documentary that will add interesting facts to your travel knowledge, and it might make you want to explore more of Latin America. 

Zulu Man in Japan

Starring South African rapper Nasty C, this Netflix travel documentary focuses on Japanese culture. The film takes place in Tokyo, where Nasty C explores the city’s go-to places, culture, sounds, and much more.

Zulu Man in Japan was released in 2019. It’s a 44-minute episode, perfect for those days that you want to have just a little dose of wanderlust knowing that you won’t be addicted to long travel series. 

The best Netflix travel show for unusual tourists

Dark Tourist

Filmed by journalist David Farrier, the author of the 2016 hit documentary Tickled, Dark Tourist takes a different approach to tourism. Farrier travels to places associated with death or tragedies that have turned these destinations into tourist attractions. You can expect anything from haunted places, nuclear lakes, and unusual and weird destinations. Those spots might not be on your travel bucket list, but it is interesting to know that they exist so you can avoid them on your next holiday. 

It’s one of the most-watched travel shows on Netflix, so it’s worth trying.

Netflix show for photography and travel lovers

Tales by Light

Created by Abraham Joffe, this show embraces the art of travel photography and film and the people behind them. This is an Australian documentary/reality travel series on Netflix that follows photographers around the globe as they chase that perfect shot.

This Netflix travel documentary is a good match for those who love photography and travel. It’s perfect for inspiring you to travel and photograph more. 

The best Netflix show about traveling with family

Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father

A comedian Jack Whitehall and his uptight father, Michael Whitehall, travel across the world together. The show starts with Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, with the second season focusing on Eastern Europe. The third season explores the American West, the fourth features Australia, and the fifth is all about the United Kingdom, their homeland. On this last season expect everything from dining with Gordon Ramsay to searching for the Loch Ness monster.

A great Netflix travel show for those thinking of traveling with family. It also sparkes a reflection of our relationships with parents and how travel can be a good way to get together or break apart.

Netflix show that combines travel and design

Banner about the Cabins in the Wild. It is a Netflix streaming show about building cabins in Wales, the UK.

Cabins in the Wild

This show takes place in Wales and follows engineer Dick Strawbridge and craftsman Will Hardie as they inspect eight unique cabins built for a pop-up hotel in Wales. Their final goal is to construct a cabin of their own.

If you like the British Tv series, chances are you will love Cabins in the Wild as well. If you like architecture and construction shows too. This type of Netflix show combines different elements, from traveling to design, making you want to have a cabin in the wild just for you. 

We end our list of the 20 best Netflix travel shows here. Drop us a comment if you have watched any of them or if you have any other good travel series to recommend. 

Love these Netflix travel shows and documentary ideas? Pin it for later!

The best travel shows on Netflix streaming now! An inspiring list of travel documentaries and series on Netflix that will make you want to pack your bags and book a holiday. The list is in no particular order and it has travel and food shows, Netflix travel documentaries, dark tourism, wildlife, family travel, design and more. These travelers' Netflix series are perfect for those who want to be inspired, prepare for the next trip, or are already in a destination and want to know more about it.

4 thoughts on “The 20 Best Travel Shows on Netflix to Watch in 2024”

I’m so glad you mentioned The Latchkees! I’ve been obsessed with their adventures since I saw their episode on Netflix. It’s amazing how they make travel look so effortless and fun. I’m definitely adding some of the other shows on your list to my queue 😍

Such a great show!

I can’t believe I never knew about some of these shows! The Travel Diaries is definitely going on my watchlist. 😍

Glad you enjoyed it!

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The 12 best travel shows to stream right now

Travel shows can give you every different kind of envy, but the best travel shows can also offer immersion.


A great travel show can be almost as great as great travel itself. There’s nothing like the real thing, of course, but for those on a budget or those looking for travel recommendations, travel shows and documentaries can be very helpful. We’ve put together an amazing list of shows to stream about all of the beautiful, strange, and mysterious places in the world, including some you wouldn’t go to even if you could.

Featuring food and cooking , comedy, drama, and some celebrity appearances, you’ll see the world from an entirely new perspective. Travel shows can inspire, captivate, and above all else, remind us of how vast and wonderful the world really is.

Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father (2017)

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Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations (2005)

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Joe Allen

What is there left to say about Adam Sandler? The Sand-Man has been a fixture of pop culture for well over 20 years, having worked first on Saturday Night Live and then broken out in a series of farcical, wonderful comedies in the years after his departure. He's one of the biggest comedy stars on the planet, and he's been part of some of the best comedy movies. He's also made plenty of movies that nobody should be forced to watch twice. For every movie that has immediately been relegated to the trash bin of history, though, Sandler has also made an indelible comedy or a surprising turn into drama. While he could have emerged looking a little bit like a one-trick pony who relies on funny voices for cheap laughs, Sandler turned out to be far more complicated than that. He is a genuinely great actor whenever he wants to be. The rest of the time, he's content to make silly movies with his best friends. Here are the best Adam Sandler movies you need to watch now.

There are few actors working today who can match the career that Robert De Niro has had. Some, like Brad Pitt or even George Clooney, have been in plenty of great movies, but even they don't stack up to the kind of career that De Niro has had over the last half a century. De Niro's success can be chalked up, at least in part, to his collaboration with great directors. De Niro has been in some of Martin Scorsese's best movies, and Scorsese isn't the only director who knows how to use him.

Really, though, it's De Niro himself who deserves a lot of the credit. Although he's been in plenty of schlock, the best movies of his career are up there with the best movies ever made. When he emerged on the scene, De Niro showed off his ability to play a range of different types, and his skills have only deepened as the years have gone by. Keep reading and find out what Robert De Niro movies you cannot miss if you have already.

If you're too young to remember the hype around Sean Connery, ask your parents or grandparents what it was like to be a movie fan during his era of stardom. There wasn't a person on the planet who didn't immediately think of Connery when listing the actors with the biggest screen presence. But what is it that makes this man so incredibly iconic? Could it be because he never changes his voice for movies because "the emotions should be the same, internationally?" Perhaps it’s because of his unique Scottish accent that any novice impersonator is sure to try and mimic. All we know for sure is: Connery’s James Bond is -- for an overwhelming majority -- the best and most memorable of all 007 iterations in history. Though his big on-screen break was as the devilishly handsome and smooth secret agent, real fans know that Sean Connery was much more than that. Besides being a respectful, earnest, and successful actor, Connery spent his first 25 years -- starting at the age of 7 -- working manual labor jobs and eventually joining the Royal Navy at 16. Truly a man of many hidden talents, he also took dance lessons for 11 years, was offered a soccer contract with Manchester United, and he also spent time working as a nude model for art students after being honorably discharged from the military. There are so many reasons to love the late, great Sir Sean Connery, but we are here to praise him for his most memorable on-screen performances. Yes, James Bond will, of course, be mentioned, but we also bring out the later films in his career that made him so much himself. So mix yourself a vodka martini "shaken, not stirred" and help us celebrate the shining star that was Sean Connery. Here are the best of the best of Sean Connery movies.

Dr. No (1962)

Greta's Travels

10 Best Travel TV Shows That Will Inspire You To Travel

Posted on Last updated: June 24, 2020

If you love travelling, that time between when you come home and your next trip often feels never ending.

You sit at home reminiscing about all the great memories from your last trip, and day dreaming about the next time you’ll step on a plane.

At the moment we’re all spending a lot more time at home, and keeping that wanderlust and travel feeling alive can be hard. Watching some fun travel TV shows can be a great way to travel without leaving the house .

In this post I’ve outlined my favourite travel TV shows. These are all series that you can find either on Netflix, Amazon or streaming. Whether they do it in a funny or inspirational way, they’re all shows guaranteed to fuel your wanderlust.

So let’s dive in, and discover the best travel TV shows!

  • 1.1 Race Across The World
  • 1.2 Planet Earth
  • 1.3 An Idiot Abroad
  • 1.4 Tales by Light
  • 1.5 Departures
  • 1.6 Anthony Bourdain – No Reservations, The Layover, A Cook’s Tour and Parts Unknown
  • 1.7 Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern
  • 1.8 Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father
  • 1.9 Long Way Round & Long Way Down
  • 1.10 The Kindness Diaries

Hiking at Gorropu Gorge in Sardinia

Hiking at Gorropu Gorge in Sardinia

10 best travel TV shows

Race across the world.

This fairly new British series is only on its second season. It’s a reality competition show where five pairs (couples, friends, siblings or parent/child pairs) have to pretty much race across the world on a very limited budget.

In the first season they had to travel from London to Singapore , and in the second season from Mexico City to Ushuaia. They’re not allowed to fly and their total budget for the whole trip is the equivalent of a flight for that route.

It’s a very fun TV show that shows the beauty of overland travel and getting in touch with the locals, as well as the hardships of a limited budget. It’s a reality TV show so there’s always an element of drama to keep things fun.

Planet Earth

This series of nature documentaries narrated by Sir David Attenborough is, in my opinion, one of the best things ever shown on TV.

I remember being fifteen in high school and both my Biology and Geography teachers would show us episodes of Planet Earth when studying biodiversity and ecosystems.

Watching those clips is one of the things that inspired me to travel and pursue my passions in photography and film making.

Teenage me wanted to become the person travelling to some remote corner of the world to film wild animals in their natural habitat.

While that isn’t quite what I do now, being a full-time travel blogger gets fairly close to that childhood dream. On Planet Earth you will see some simply astounding natural landscapes, that will make you want to pack your bags and go.

An Idiot Abroad

If you’re looking for a light-hearted travel TV show, An Idiot Abroad is the one. The series follows Karl Pilkington as he travels around the world to see the Seven Wonders of the World.

Karl Pilkington takes your average Joe, a normal man who was never much into travel and who doesn’t have much travel experience, and puts him in all sorts of situations that take him outside of his comfort zone.

The show is funny and highlights some of the negative experiences you can have on the road, which many inspirational movies leave out. It’s guaranteed to make you laugh, as well as inspire your next trip!

Tales by Light

If you’re a photography lover, then you will absolutely love Tales by Light . This documentary was produced by Canon and National Geographic, and it follows professional photographers as they travel around the world to capture a story.

When you pair the absolutely stunning natural landscapes they see, with the deep connections they make with the locals, and their own inspiring stories, it will make you want to drop everything and pack your bags.

Tales by Light shows us people who love travelling and discovering new places, and who have made it their mission to transmit their love to others. Safe to say, the TV show does a great job in inspiring us to travel!

Departures follows two Canadian best friends as they drop everything and set off on a year-long adventure around the world.

Their desire to escape normal life for a bit, see the world and live new experiences is something all travellers can relate to.

They travel to some of my favourite destinations, like Sri Lanka , Jordan and Japan . Throughout the series you will see some stunning natural landscapes, and real travel moments from the road.

If you’ve ever thought about taking a gap year to travel the world, this TV show will make you want to do just that.

Anthony Bourdain – No Reservations, The Layover, A Cook’s Tour and Parts Unknown

When travelling, do you love sampling all the local cuisine has to offer? Then you will love any of Anthony Bourdain’s travel TV shows. You don’t have to be a foodie lover to appreciate the humour and awesomeness of his shows.

Anthony Bourdain, famous chef and author, takes us with around the world to sample some of the most notorious and traditional dishes of local cuisines, as well as unknown delicacies.

He is also the author of some of the most inspiring travel quotes . His shows, and life, are all about enjoying the journey and living life to the fullest.

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Another great TV show for the foodie lovers! Andrew Zimmern focuses on regional cuisine that is perceived as disgusting, exotic or bizarre. Think about scorpion skewers in Thailand or cheese with worms in Sardinia , Italy .

I love this show because it’s raw, honest and funny. He shows how the food is procured, without shying away from the gross parts too, how it’s cooked and then tries it.

You can learn a lot about a country by its cuisine, and this show does just that. Besides showing you beautiful places and bizarre foods, it teaches you about local culture, all with an underlying light hearted and humorous tone.

Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father

If you’ve ever been travelling with your parents, you will find this one hilarious. Comedian Jack Whitehall takes his father Michael on a “gap year” around the world.

They’re a very different couple, Jack is jovial and open-minded while the father is a bit more old school and stuffy, which makes for very funny dynamics.

Be prepared for when he tries to take his dad to a hostel or on a night train, the laughs are guaranteed!

Long Way Round & Long Way Down

This British classic follows actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman as they travel around the world on motorbikes.

In the first season they travel from London to New York (all the way through Europe, Asia and North America) and in the second one they travel down from Scotland to South Africa.

The TV series shows some incredible scenery, narrated by two fantastic actors and with their unique humour and honesty. Travel isn’t always pretty, and they’re not afraid to show you the truth of such a challenging journey.

The Kindness Diaries

If you’re looking for a feel good inspiring show then The Kindness Diaries is the one for you. The show follows former broker Leon Logothetis as he travels around the world relying only on a motorcycle and the kindness of strangers.

In exchange for their kindness, he then repays by helping them realise their dreams.

The Kindness Diaries isn’t as much about grand landscapes and inspiring stories, but more about the day to day of the locals and people you meet on the road.

It’s a TV show that will not only inspire you to travel more, but also to do some good in the world.

Final thoughts on the best TV shows for travel lovers

I hope you’ve enjoyed my compilation of best travel TV shows! These are only my favourites, if you have other TV shows that have inspired you to travel let me know in the comments below.

Watching travel themed TV shows can be a great way to keep your wanderlust alive when you can’t travel. I hope you find these useful in finding some travel inspiration!

If you prefer reading to watching TV, check out this compilation of the best travel books !

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The 9 Best Reality TV Shows on Hulu

From 'Kitchen Nightmares' to 'Vanderpump Villa,' these are the best reality shows on Hulu.

When it comes to the vast and expansive world of reality television , you'll be hard-pressed to find a better option than Hulu. Even before merging with its sibling service of Disney+, Hulu had just about every type of reality tv content one could want. This includes cooking competitions, slice-of-life dramas, uplifiting workplace deep-dives, and much more.

The list of popular reality shows on Hulu is near-bottomless, with some of the biggest names in the industry being a part of the conversation. You'll be able to find a controversial dancing show, the queens of reality television, a new Hulu Original reality sensation, a hysterical prank show, and much more on Hulu right now. For a few suggestions of what you should be watching next, are some of the best reality shows you can watch on Hulu .

'Dance Moms'


One of the most controversial reality shows ever made, Dance Moms has been heavily criticized for glorifying abusive behavior towards children , particularly towards young adolescent women. The show's lead star, dance instructor Abby Lee Miller , has even had some run-ins with the law, serving time in prison after a fraud conviction. Still, these didn't stop Dance Moms from being a massively popular series, as the moms of the students at Abby Lee Miller's dance school try to prove each of their daughters is the best of the best. The show recently held a reunion special, which was characteristically condemned by an excluded Abby Lee Miller .

All eight seasons of Dance Moms are available to stream on Hulu .

A reality TV series follows the intense and often dramatic experiences of young competitive dancers at a prestigious dance studio, under the guidance of a notoriously demanding instructor. The dancers and their mothers navigate the high-pressure world of competitive dance, where ambition, rivalry, and the pursuit of perfection collide.

Watch on Hulu

'The Kardashians'

There's not a single connoisseur of reality TV that isn't aware of The Kardashians . Following the cancelation of the wildly popular Keeping Up with the Kardashian s , The Kardashians continues the same momentum by following the legendarily contentious family of affluent stars. A new season is set to begin on May 23rd, once again showing Kim , Kourtney , and Khloé Kardashian living the high life in Los Angeles along with the Jenner family.

The first four seasons of The Kardashians is available to stream on Hulu .

The Kardashians

Follow the Kardashian family as they celebrate new ventures and navigate through their new normal: motherhood, relationships, and career goals.

'Vanderpump Villa'

A Hulu original and one of their more recent hits, Vanderpump Villa offers a glimpse into the lives of a swanky getaway location's employees. Operated by The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Vanderpump , the villa regularly brings in guests who are willing to pay top dollar for a gorgeous venue and quality service. While Vanderpump tries to steer the ship, the young and eligible bachelors and bachelorettes she employs can't seem to stay out of trouble, often getting a bit too close to comfort with the villa's many guests.

Vanderpump Villa Season 1 is available to stream on Hulu .

Vanderpump Villa

Follows the hand-picked crew of Lisa Vanderpump's opulent French villa as they live and cooperate to satisfy each extravagant want of their affluent visitors.

'Impractical Jokers'

What do you get when you take a group of life-long friends from New York and make them embarrass each other? You get the long-running and unique prank show, Impractical Jokers , where the butt of the joke isn't unsuspecting bystanders, but the show's four main stars. Here, the comedy group try to one up each other with more and more audacious dares and challenges, with anyone refusing becoming at risk of being given a humiliating punishment. One of the groups member, Joe Gatto , departed the show in order to spend more time with his family, but the series is still going strong to this day.

The first seven seasons of Impractical Jokers are available to stream on Hulu .

Impractical Jokers

Four lifelong friends challenge each other to execute a series of public pranks while being filmed by hidden cameras. The catch is, they must obey all instructions given through an earpiece by the other members, leading to awkward and hilarious situations. The one who fails the most tasks faces embarrassing punishments.

'Wife Swap'


Wife Swap might have the lowest success rate of any social experiment series in history. As the title implies, Wife Swap takes two moms from two opposite households and replaces them to see how they operate with a different family. The result almost always ends with the moms getting into heated arguments with the other family members and opposing couples, with their explosive blow-ups becoming legendary in reality TV history.

The first seven seasons of Wife Swap are available to stream on Hulu .

'Kitchen Nightmares'


The undisputed king of reality food shows, Gordon Ramsay , puts struggling restaurants to the test with Kitchen Nightmares . Here, the Scottish-born chef and Hell's Kitchen host visits some of the worst restaurants in America, hoping to refurbish and reinvigorate them with new life. While Ramsay isn't always successful in his endeavors, it's still a dramatic and tension-fueled look into what it's like to run a restaurant. It's no wonder why the show made a welcome return in 2023 .

The first six seasons and the most recent season of Kitchen Nightmares are available to stream on Hulu .

Kitchen Nightmares

'storage wars'.

Accusations of staging be darned , there's a reason why Storage Wars has been on the air for so long. Ever wondered what happens to your storage units if you don't pay them off on time? Storage Wars explains that they're auctioned off to the highest bidder, with many paying top dollar to go through and resell the units' contents. More often than not, the bidders are constantly getting into arguments and fights with their opponents.

Seasons 1, 9, 11, and 15 of Storage Wars are available to stream on Hulu .

'Undercover Boss'

With so many companies and chains out there, quality control can be a difficult feat. That's what Undercover Boss hopes to solve, with high-ranking executives of some of the country's biggest companies going undercover within their organizations. While doing so, they'll not only see the daily operations of the businesses they oversee, but they'll also form meaningful bonds with the employees that make the company run smoothly.

Seasons 1, 7, 9, 10, and 11 are available to stream on Hulu .

Undercover Boss

'90 day fiancé'.

Last but not least, TLC's audacious dating show 90 Day Fiancé has inspired a multi-show-spanning dynasty for the network. The show explores the unique romantic relationships between couples that live in completely different countries and originate from totally different backgrounds. Typically, the goal of the show is to see if the couples are compatible enough to get married and apply for a 90-day fiancé visa.

Seasons 2, 3, and 4 of 90 Day Fiancé are available to stream on Hulu .

90 Day Fiance

Using a unique 90 Day Fiance visa, overseas fiances will travel to the US to live with their partners for the first time. Each couple will have just 90 days to decide to get married or send their international mate home.

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Rylan responds to unexpected reaction to his new BBC show

He travels across Italy with Rob Rinder.

The pair joined forces for Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour , a three-part series where they travel across Italy, using Lord Byron’s poems to guide them along the way as they stop off in Venice, Florence and Rome.

Following the release of the show on BBC iPlayer, Rylan took to social media to thank fans for their positive messages, writing on X/Twitter : “Wow, we never expected this reaction to the show. Thank you so much for the love. It’s so welcome x”

rob rinder and rylan clark in venice during rob and rylan's grand tour

Related: Rylan Clark reveals he's dating again after divorce

The post itself received several comments from fans, with one happy viewer responding : “I loved it. It's interesting and educational. Funny and sad. You two are the nicest of people. Your honesty when you both share your experiences and feelings is so emotional. Can't wait for the next episode.”

“What an absolute joy it’s just been to watch your new show with Rob Rinder… I’ve always thought you were a joy inside and out but seeing a new side to you.. a deeper side has been a true pleasure! Can’t wait to watch the rest!! Love ya Rylan x” added another fan .

“It was fun, poignant and refreshing. (In fact, it was just like an Aperol). I can already tell that 3 episodes is nowhere near enough” wrote another viewer , with another one adding : “Best thing I’ve watched in ages! You pair are the friendship we didn’t know we needed! Laughed and cried all through that. Can’t wait to see more!”

Related: Rylan Clark compares his brand-new show to Big Brother

Ahead of the show’s launch, Rylan expressed his excitement at the prospect of working – and travelling – alongside Rinder , saying: “When I found out that Rob and I actually get to go travelling around Italy for the Grand Tour, I couldn't have packed my suitcase quicker.

“We're not going to be your typical Brits abroad though, as we properly immerse ourselves in all of Italy's cultural offerings. Rob will be teaching me all about Italian history and art as we follow in the footsteps of the cultural greats, while I show Rob how to dance on bars.”

Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour streams on BBC iPlayer and airs on BBC Two on Sundays at 9pm.

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Reporter, Digital Spy George is a freelance writer who specialises in Movies and TV. After graduating with a degree in Film Studies and Journalism from De Montfort University, in which he analysed the early works of Richard Linklater for his dissertation, he wrote for several websites for GRV Media.  His film tastes vary from blockbusters like Mission: Impossible and John Wick to international directors such as Paolo Sorrentino and Hirokazu Kore-eda, and has attended both the London and Berlin film festivals.  

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travel reality shows

20 reality dating shows and where to stream them

C ountless reality television shows have popped up over the years. But, there remains one tried and true concept viewers can’t seem to get enough of: the search for love . 

For decades, single people hoping to find their soulmate have turned to reality television for help, leading to rom-com worthy professions of love and unforgettable, dramatic confrontations.

Since the premiere of dating shows like "The Dating Game" in the 1960s, reality TV has continued to develop news ways to get contestants to fall in love. Now, series all over the world use out-of-the-box methods and unique compatibility tests to help contestants meet their ideal match.

With so many options to choose, it can be hard to find a reality dating show that has the perfect balance of romance and drama. So, we’ve scoured different channels and streaming platforms to compile a list of the dating shows that have us hooked every episode.

Take a look and learn where you can watch each series, below.

'The Bachelorette'

Where to watch: Hulu, Tubi and Roku

While originally a spinoff of "The Bachelor," "The Bachelorette” has made a name for itself, boasting a better relationship success rate than its counterpart.

Most seasons of “The Bachelor” typically rely on the contestants for drama, but “The Bachelorette” leans on its lead to carry the show. For the past few seasons, producers have picked heroines who are entertaining and seriously looking for a lifelong partner. Season 20 renewed interest and an uptick in ratings to the franchise as Charity Lawson swiftly diffused the drama and fell in love with Dotun Olubeko.

'Love Island UK'

Where to watch: Hulu

The “Love Island” franchise has expanded to the U.S., Australia and France, but there’s no denying the charm of the original version.

Every season (or "series," across the pond), producers manage to find islanders who aren’t afraid to step on a few toes to secure a connection. With ridiculous kissing challenges, dramatic recouplings and plenty of British sayings, “Love Island UK” keeps fans entertained all summer long. 

In January 2024, the franchise expanded and debuted "Love Island All Stars," which featured a few fan-favorites and controversial figures from past seasons.

'Temptation Island'

Where to watch: Apple TV

After originally airing on Fox from 2001 and 2003, “Temptation Island” was revived by USA Network in 2019. The updated version returned with the same concept: four couples test their relationship by moving in with a group of singles of the opposite sex. The original couples cannot communicate with each other until the finale, but they see glimpses of their partner’s transgressions on the island each week during the bonfire.

Helping manage all of the contestants’ tears, heartbreaks and secrets is host Mark Walberg, who has led the series since the beginning. Walberg seems genuinely invested in each contestant’s journey, offering judgment-free advice. 

In January 2024, Deadline reported that "Temptation Island" was switching networks, again. The outlet revealed that the next season will stream on Netflix with the same format.

'Love Is Blind'

Where to watch: Netflix

It’s hard to believe that “Love Is Blind” first premiered in 2020, considering how quickly it has dominated pop culture. But a show where contestants propose after only speaking to each other through a wall was bound to become an instant hit.

At the start of every season, fans watch contestants date each other in pods and before getting engaged. Then, they meet for the first time and see if their relationships can survive in the real world.

During their weddings, each contestant reveals if they want to get married or call it quits in front of all their family and friends. Six Seasons in, “Love Is Blind” continues to deliver heartfelt love stories and outrageous moments thanks to its captivating casts.  

Fans all over the world can't stop watching — The Hollywood Reporter revealed in February 2024 that the first few episodes of Season Six brought in 907 million minutes of viewing time.

'The Ultimatum' and 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love'

Slightly similar to “Temptation Island,” Netflix’s “The Ultimatum” shows couples briefly break up with their partners and move in with their “trial” wife or husband. “The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On,” which premiered in 2022, followed six couples that wanted to figure out if they needed to end their relationships or take the next step by getting engaged. 

In May 2023, “The Ultimatum: Queer Love” debuted, featuring an all-queer cast of women and non-binary people. The contestants discussed serious topics like IVF treatment and developed strong relationships with their new partners. Each episode introduced a new “villain,” and the finale ended with some unexpected breakups and hookups.

The "Marry or Move On" version returned for its second season in August 2023. Viewers followed only four couples as one pair exited the show early on after a surprising revelation.

'Bachelor in Paradise'

Where to watch: Hulu, Tubi and Roku 

Season Nine of “Bachelor in Paradise” arrived in September 2023, reintroducing viewers to some of the most entertaining contestants from the recent seasons. Just like “Love Island,” every episode “Bachelor in Paradise” welcomes new contestants who are hoping to form connections with someone already on the beach. If they succeed, they receive a rose and get to keep living in Sayulita, Mexico. 

Compared to “The Bachelorette” and “The Bachelor,” “Bachelor in Paradise” does not take itself too seriously — as evidenced by a weeks-long "poop baby" storyline last season. But, the contestants still manage have meaningful conversations and many leave the beach engaged or in a committed relationship.

According to Bachelor Data on Instagram , “Bachelor in Paradise” has the highest success rate out of the three current shows in the franchise. 

'Are You The One?'

Where to watch: Paramount + and Pluto TV

Is there a science to falling in love? In 2014, "Are You The One?" began as a dating experiment where contestants tried to find their “perfect match.” At the start of every season, matchmakers secretly pair each contestant with their most compatible partner. The contestants then spend each episode going on dates and competing in challenges to try to discover their perfect match. If they figure out all 10 matches by the end, then the group wins a shared prize of $1 million.

In Season Eight, the show cast only bisexual contestants, meaning that anyone could be someone’s perfect match. After the entertaining and progressive season, “Are You The One?” disappeared from MTV’s lineup and was later revived by Paramount+ for an international version. The show’s ninth season premiered in January 2023 with new host Kamie Crawford.  

'Love Trip: Paris'

Where to watch: Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video for purchase

In February 2023, Freeform launched “Love Trip: Paris,” which basically turned “Emily In Paris” into a reality show. “Love Trip: Paris” focused on four American women who decided to move to Paris to search for love. Each week the women, who had different ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations, chose a French suitor to date. 

Although the women were all fascinated with French culture, they soon realized that there were some cultural differences and expectations they didn’t understand, creating tension in their relationships. At the end of the season, the women decided if they wanted to pursue a relationship and stay in Paris or return to the U.S.  

'Meet Me in Paris' and 'Meet Me in Rome'

Where to watch: Roku 

“Meet Me in Paris,” technically a film produced by Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine and Zoe Saldaña’s Cinestar, brought a rom-com to life, literally . The unscripted movie followed three women who embarked on a romantic getaway to Paris. When they arrived, they were each given a script describing a rom-com scene where they would meet a potential match. From there, the ladies were on their own and had to figure out if they wanted to pursue the connection or wait for another meet-cute moment to happen. 

In February 2024, the production crew traveled to Italy for the next installment: "Meet Me in Rome." The new film followed the same format and included "13 Going on 30" alum Christa B. Allen as one of the leads.

'Married at First Sight'

Where to watch: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Discovery Plus and Lifetime

For 17 seasons, “Married at First Sight” has found a group of contestants who are willing to say “I do” to someone just minutes after seeing them for the first time. On the show, relationship experts — like marriage counselors, psychologists and sexologists — match each contestant with someone they think shares the same goals and values. The couples then have eight weeks to live with their spouse before they decide to get a divorce or stay married. 

Since Season One, which aired in 2014, 11 couples have found lasting love on the show. “Married at First Sight” has also created eight spinoff shows and the series expanded to other countries, including Belgium, New Zealand, Italy and Brazil. 

The same crew behind "Love Is Blind" and "The Ultimatum," Kinetic Content, produces the show.

'The Bachelor'

Where to watch: Hulu, fuboTV, Tubi and ABC

It is almost impossible to create a list of reality dating shows and not include “The Bachelor.” The show that has become the blueprint for reality television since 2002, developing a passionate and loyal fanbase, Bachelor Nation, for years. 

The long-running series still manages to deliver dramatic moments, like “the rose ceremony from hell” in Clayton Echard’s season and one contestant repeatedly pleading for lead Zach Shallcross to "help" her.

Bachelor Nation has fallen in love with Season 28's current lead Joey Graziadei, who has brought in impressive ratings . Each week the contestants, and fans on social media, have been gushing about Graziadei and wondering who will receive his final rose.

'Ready to Love'

Where to watch: Max, Discovery Plus, fuboTV and OWN GO (with cable)

In 2018, Will Packer, the producer behind “Girls Trip” and “Think Like A Man,” teamed up with Oprah Winfrey’s OWN to create a dating series for Black men and women in their 30s and 40s. The show promises that all the contestants who sign up for “Ready to Love” are looking for a serious commitment. But, sometimes a few of them realize they are not prepared for a long-term relationship and drama ensues.. 

“Ready to Love” returned for its ninth season on Jan. 12, 2024. This season, the show headed to Fort Worth, Texas, to find a group of singles. Multiple awkward dates have had viewers invested in the relationships every episode.

'FBOY Island'

Where to watch: The CW

After working as an executive producer on “The Bachelor” since 2010, Elan Gale left the franchise in 2019 and later created his series “FBOY Island.” The reality show, hosted by comedian Nikki Glaser, focuses on three women who are looking for love. Along the way, they need to determine which half of the 24 contestants on the show are self-categorized as “nice guys” and which are “FBoys.” At the end of each season, the women who successfully choose a “nice guy” get to split the $100,000 cash prize with their partner. 

"FBOY Island" landed at CW for its third season and tapped former "Bachelorette" Katie Thurston to be one of the leads.

In April, fan-favorites from "FBOY Island" will return to look for love in a spinoff called "Lovers and Liars."

'Dating Around'

Where to watch: Netflix 

One of Netflix’s most underappreciated reality shows is “Dating Around.” The series, which premiered in February 2019, is the perfect show for viewers who only want to invest in a couple’s love story for one episode, and leave what happens next a mystery.

Each episode of the series focuses on one single person who goes on five blind dates. At the end of the dates, the contestant reveals who they want to meet again for a second date. 

Season Two of “Dating Around” was released in June 2020. Since then, Netflix has not announced an update about the show’s future. But, there are still 12 episodes full of romantic, funny and awkward first dates for fans to currently enjoy. 

'Love on the Spectrum'

“Love on the Spectrum” is a docuseries that follows people on the autism spectrum who are hoping to fall in love.

Season One, which premiered in 2019, showed cast members in Australia going on dates and forming relationships with potential matches as they opened up about their lives on the autism spectrum. The show also highlighted people of all ages with different cultural backgrounds. Heartwarming and educational, the show also spurred an American version.

The second season arrived in January 2024 with a few familiar faces. Some season one contestants, like James Jones , returned to gain some more dating experience.

'The Courtship'

Where to watch: Peacock

"The Courtship" essentially reimagines "The Bachelorette" if it was set in the world of "Bridgerton." This show premiered in March 2022 and, unfortunately, only has one season. While it doesn't seem likely that it will return, it is still worth watching to see Nicole Rémy and her suitors travel back in time to Regency era England for love.

In each episode, the men compete for Ms. Rémy's attention while also trying to impress her royal court, which includes her father, mother, sister and best friend. Everyone on the show is dressed in Regency era clothing, and Ms. Rémy eliminates a suitor if she doesn't feel a connection during their romantic final dance. If you are a big Jane Austen fan, you'll definitely want to check out this series.

'Perfect Match'

Essentially the Netflix version of "Bachelor in Paradise," "Perfect Match" brings together a bunch of stars from different reality television shows and places them into one villa for a second chance at love.

The couples compete in a series of challenges each episode to determine if they are compatible. There are also new arrivals that could disrupt strong pairings. During the season, the contestants must decide if they want to remain in their current coupling or trying something new. In the finale, the eliminated contestants return to vote on the most compatible couple.

"Perfect Match" Season Two has already been announced and will feature "Love Is Blind" alums Jessica "Jess" Vestal, Micah Lussier and Izzy Zapata.

'Farmer Wants a Wife'

Where to watch: Hulu and fuboTV

"Farmer Wants a Wife" debuted in the UK in 2001 and traveled around the world, launching international versions in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany and more countries. It made its way stateside in 2008 and aired one American version that year.

In 2022, Fox revived the series with country music star Jennifer Nettles as the host. The second Fox season premiered on Feb, 1, 2024 with four farmers hoping to meet a partner.

The show follows the farmers as they test their connections with eight different women to see which one is truly prepared for a life on a farm.

'The Golden Bachelor'

"The Bachelor" franchise had its most ingenious idea in years when it decided to cast Gerry Turner as its first "Golden Bachelor." Gerry, a 72-year-old widow, wanted to go on the show to find someone to spend his golden years with.

From the first seconds of the premiere, it was apparent that "The Golden Bachelor" was special. Throughout the first season, the ladies became close friends and opened up to Gerry about how his affection and the show made them feel seen. Some of the women, including his final rose recipient and now wife Theresa Nist , also spoke about their grief after losing spouses.

The series was an instant hit and Variety confirmed that a "The Golden Bachelorette" spinoff will air in fall 2024.

'Love Island Games'

On "Love Island Games," past contestants from "Love Island" shows around the world traveled to Fiji to live in one villa and compete for $100,000. But just like a normal season, the islanders also formed connections and selected new partners during the recoupling ceremonies.

From the first episode, it was clear adding a competitive element to a show where islanders are also hoping to find love would deliver an endless amount of must-see moments.

This article was originally published on

20 reality dating shows and where to stream them

travel reality shows

Rishi Sunak calls snap vote for 4 July

Are there other versions of race across the world, fans are loving the current series of the bbc travel reality show.

Race Across the World has everyone gripped, with viewing figures showing that more than five million tuned in as the fourth series started.

The BBC competition – which sees teams racing across the globe to win a £20,000 prize – returned in April, with the contestants making their way 15,000km from Japan to Lombok, on a budget of around £1400. The contenders are now gearing up for the final leg, and fans are desperate to know who will get to Lombok first. Will it be 20-year-olds Alfie and Owen? Or retired couple Stephen and Viv?

But with the final fast approaching, viewers are also worried about doing without their weekly fix of Race Across the World. So we have a look at whether there are any versions from other countries that we can catch up on.

The UK series of Race Across the World started in 2019, but the following year the programme made it to Denmark. Entitled First To The End Of The World, it has proved to be a hit with TV viewers there and has continued to air.

So far, racers have travelled from Denmark to Singapore, from New York to Argentina and then in one series they travelled in a circle around Europe, starting in Denmark and finishing there too. Its fourth run is currently under way, and the contestants started in Tokyo and are heading for Bali.

There was drama a couple of years ago when two hopefuls caught COVID, meaning the series had to be paused for 11 days.

While much of the game is the same, the winners get a slightly larger prize than in the UK – DKK250,000, which is around £28,000.

The show airs on Danish network TV2.

This year Finland unveiled Race Across the World Suomi. It airs on Finnish channel MTV3 and sees six couples racing from Marrakesh in Morocco to Finland.

Like the UK show, the hopefuls are on a limited budget of around what the journey could cost in air fare, and they have no phones or credit cards to help them get from A to B.


The Netherlands has also produced a version of Race Across the World. The show aired in 2023 on the channel RTL 4, with five pairs of contestants taking part. Their race ran from Mexico City to southern Argentina.

The journey was more than 14,000 kilometres and covered a whopping 17 countries.

It has been announced that Germany is joining in the fun, with a series of the show set for next year. Deadline recently reported that the six-part series will air on German pubcaster ZDF in spring 2025.

However, so far details of the route are unknown.

Race Around The World

Australia’s Race Around The World had a similar title to the UK, but quite a different spin on a travel contest.

The programme aired in the late 90s and saw contestants selected from video auditions. Those chosen were then given a crash course in making documentaries, before heading off around the world. But their focus wasn't just on getting to their destination, they also had to make interesting short films as they went.

The films they created along their routes were then judged by a panel, and the public.

The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race started in America in 2001 and sees teams of two trying to beat each other across several countries, with their journey split into legs as in Race Across the World.

Most routes circumnavigate the globe, with the hopefuls setting off from one US city and finishing in another.

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There are some big differences, with one being that teams are allowed to travel by air. They also have to work out clues and take on challenges during their journey. While Race Across the World often sees a team cut before the end, on The Amazing Race they are gradually eliminated at the end of most legs.

The show – which airs on CBS – also has a massive prize, with a $1m (£78,000) up for grabs.

The Amazing Race has caught on in many countries, with France, Norway, New Zealand, China, Canada, Brazil and Vietnam among those airing versions.

Peking Express

In the early 2000s, Dutch-Flemish reality show Peking Express caught the attention of viewers. The series really put contestants through their paces as they had to travel miles and miles to or from Beijing - by hitchhiking.

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The 85+ Best Food & Travel Shows, Ranked

Ranker TV

There's something captivating about non-fiction TV that allows even seemingly boring subjects to pull you in and hold your attention episode after episode, and it is especially true with food travel shows. While most of us don't lead a life that allows us to travel to exotic countries and eat whatever random and delicious food is being sold on the street, whenever food and travel shows come on TV there's few of us who can resist the hunger to tune in. The best food and travel TV shows are a mix of delicious HD food porn, quirky hosts that know their spices, and wish-fulfillment that involves seeing all the places you'll never visit and the five-star meals you'll never eat. Simply put, food travelogue series makes us feel good (and hungry) and the best ones are just plain old entertaining TV.

So whether you're flipping through the Food Network on a day off, burning hours at a time on Netflix, going around the world thanks to all of Zimmern's Travel Channel food shows, or actively seeking out and sharing clips of your favorite food and travel shows online, there's no denying that the top food travelogue shows can make us salivate in front of our TVs and keep us there until well past dinner. So go on and fire up the grill, enjoy a quick and easy sushi meal while traveling down an ancient river, eat all the street food in the world without worrying about getting sick, and rank the best food and travel shows ever. 

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Explore the farthest corners of the world through the eyes of a culinary legend in this renowned series. Delving into local cultures, politics, and history, it's an extraordinary journey that goes beyond mere food shows and provides unparalleled insights into the human experience.

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Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

Travel alongside an iconic chef as he seeks out the most authentic culinary experiences in every corner of the globe. As compelling as it is entertaining, this show is a must-watch for foodies who crave adventure and authenticity.

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Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Host Guy Fieri takes viewers on a journey across America to visit mouthwatering mom-and-pop restaurants, hidden food gems, and beloved greasy spoons. It’s a tribute to the hardworking people behind these eateries while showcasing the flavorful dishes that make them stand out.

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Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

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Somebody Feed Phil

Join Phil Rosenthal, creator of "Everybody Loves Raymond," as he immerses himself in the gastronomic delights of various cities worldwide. With boundless energy and enthusiasm, Phil connects with locals, embraces cultural differences and savors a smorgasbord of international cuisine.

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A Cook's Tour

A Cook's Tour

Follow the exploits of a world-renowned chef as he embarks on a culinary adventure across the globe. From France to Vietnam, each episode showcases local cuisine, traditions, and the art of cooking in unique and fascinating ways.

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The Layover

The Layover

Imagine trying to squeeze the best food and cultural experiences from top cities around the world in just 24-48 hours. As if traveling like a local, each episode features exciting culinary adventures, insider tips, and local culture that's perfect for travelers with a tight schedule.

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Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip

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Adam Eats the 80s

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Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

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From the Source

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Ainsley Eats the Streets

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Eater's Guide to the World

Eater's Guide to the World

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How a Physics Professor Helped Shape Interdimensional Travel in 'Dark Matter'

Apple TV Plus subscribers can watch new episodes of the sci-fi series on Wednesdays.

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Joel Edgerton standing in front of a purple screen showing him in different states

Dark Matter has some real scientific theories at its core.

Blake Crouch isn't a scientist, but that didn't stop him from including real scientific theories in his bestselling novel Dark Matter and the Apple TV Plus sci-fi thriller based on it. One theory that really stuck with him was that of alternate universes.

The cover for the book Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

Dark Matter was originally published in 2016.

"I got really turned on by the idea of multiple realities and more so the science behind it," Crouch told me in an interview. "I [thought] it would be really cool to write a novel about quantum physics." 

Crouch said he didn't take any science or math courses in college. So to incorporate quantum physics into the book and show, he worked with Clifford Johnson, a physics professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I talked with Johnson about the physics behind the fiction. 

"It really is a compelling story all about the choices we make in our lives," Johnson said. "It's a real pleasure to see that much science upfront, and so I helped [Crouch] develop a lot of the ideas."

The main theory Dark Matter explores is that of the multiverse: the theory that there are infinite other universes beyond our own. To explore this theory, the show uses an interdimensional travel device called "the box." 

The box is a hefty contraption that might not be as visually appealing as similar devices in other works of science fiction, like Back to the Future's DeLorean or Dr. Who's Tardis, but there are real theories behind how it might work. Who knows, maybe these theories will lead to breakthroughs in the world of physics, or maybe they already have in another universe.

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How does the box work in Dark Matter?

Dark Matter's box is an example of an interdimensional travel device . According to TV Tropes , these kinds of devices allow a person or group of people to travel to another universe. That journey starts with the box.

In Dark Matter, characters enter the box -- which blocks out everything from the outside -- and take a mind-altering drug. Our characters then imagine the reality they want before exiting the box to a different universe. Johnson explained that the box is a way to visualize all possible outcomes for a superposed quantum state. 

OK, explain it to me like I'm five, please

Joel Edgerton's character Jason Dessen standing in front of the box

It's no DeLorean, but the box will still get you to another universe.

An easier way to understand this, and superposed quantum states, is by using the famous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. 

The gist of the experiment is you put a cat in a sealed box that you can't see into, along with something that can kill it, like poison or radioactive material. Then, because you can't interact with what's inside the box or see whether the item in the box killed the cat or not, you can't observe whether the cat is dead or alive at any given moment. Therefore the cat is both at the same time -- it's in a superposition of both dead and alive. Only after you've opened the box and observed the cat can you report on the cat's state.

Johnson said that the cat in the experiment has two possible outcomes -- alive or dead -- but when a person enters the box in Dark Matter, they have many outcomes they can choose from. Dark Matter's box is in essence the inverse of Schrödinger's cat. Instead of an observer not being able to see or interact with a small portion of reality, the observer can't see or interact with anything outside of a small portion of reality (the box). 

So, the way the Dark Matter box works is that a person enters it, imagines the reality they want to be in with the help of a drug and then exits the box to the reality they constructed with their mind. While the person is in the box, they put themselves in a state of superposition among all the different realities, and the one they focus on becomes real once they observe it by leaving the box.

Could the box really work?

Dark Matter's box on the shore of a lake with the sun in the background

Maybe we'll invent a device like the box one day.

Maybe, but we may never know. Some people have posited theories on reality similar to those posed in Dark Matter. 

"The guys who won the Nobel Prize for physics in ['22] were talking about nonlocality and the idea that objective reality doesn't exist," Crouch said. "There's no independent reality that is just hanging out there without conscious, biocentric beings observing it."

Others have said similar things. Robert Lanza , an adjunct professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, developed a theory of biocentrism that argues that consciousness is the driving force behind reality and the universe, not the other way around.

"Nothing has existence unless you, I, or some living creature perceives it," Lanza wrote in the American Scholar in 2007 . "The images you see are a construction by the brain. Everything you are experiencing right now… is being actively generated in your mind."

The biggest obstacle to proving these theories is building a device like the box. Crouch and Johnson both said designing the box was a challenge since it had to block out everything -- and I truly mean everything -- for a person to be in superposition.

"Things like temperature, anything above absolute zero," Crouch said. "Or neutrinos flying through our atmosphere, constantly flying through our bodies… Variations in wind, temperature, all these things…"

Any shifts in these variables would cause the box to simply be a hunk of metal since those shifts would act on the person inside the box, taking them out of a superposed state. 

"We've never built anything like that and it's not clear that we really can," Johnson said. "But it's fun to imagine what that might look like if you could."

Are there any other ways to get to alternate universes if they exist?

If entering a state of superposition to enter into another reality seems a little too far out there, perhaps a black hole can help. This might sound as fantastical as Dark Matter's box, but renowned physicist Stephen Hawking entertained the idea. Hawking theorized that a black hole could function as a passage to somewhere else, including another universe.

"They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought," Hawking said in a 2008 lecture . "Things can get out of a black hole, both to the outside, and possibly, to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don't give up. There's a way out."

We don't know for certain what would happen if a person fell into a black hole, but Gaurav Khanna , a physics professor at the University of Rhode Island , told me in an interview that a person might be able to survive the encounter. 

The Milky Way's black hole

Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Khanna and a team of researchers found that if a person, or spacecraft, fell into a supermassive black hole, like Gargantua in the film Interstellar or Sagittarius A* in our own solar system, it might be a smooth and steady ride. 

"While we don't know what the other side of a black hole connects to," Khanna said, "If we make a leap of faith and envision that the other side of a black hole connects to another part of our universe, or perhaps another dimension, then you could smoothly, without much discomfort, go from one to the other."

Khanna said that a black hole must meet three criteria for it to possibly function as a portal: it has to be considered supermassive, it has to be old and it must be rotating. If a black hole doesn't meet those requirements, like it's too small, well…

"The smaller [the black hole], the worse it's going to be," Khanna said. "Even if you go to a black hole the size of our sun, I don't think there's any hope of surviving."

So we could travel to other universes with the right conditions?

"This is not a blueprint on how to travel to other worlds," Crouch said. "This is a speculative idea that says, 'Oh if we had a few things, a few advances in these certain areas of technology, then perhaps we can start having a conversation about how macroscopic objects exist in a state of superposition.'"

If traveling to another universe by getting a person into a state of superposition like in Dark Matter proves unreliable, a supermassive black hole might do the trick. 

"The door's open a little bit," Khanna said. "We have some understanding, experimentally, that this could actually work."

You can watch Dark Matter now on Apple TV Plus ( $10 a month ), and new episodes are available on Wednesdays. You can also check out how February was the warmest February on record and what to know about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch .

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    Explore the farthest corners of the world through the eyes of a culinary legend in this renowned series. Delving into local cultures, politics, and history, it's an extraordinary journey that goes beyond mere food shows and provides unparalleled insights into the human experience.

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    Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets

  28. How a Physics Professor Helped Shape Interdimensional Travel in ...

    Zachary McAuliffe. May 15, 2024 4:00 a.m. PT. 6 min read. Dark Matter has some real scientific theories at its core. Tharon Green/CNET. Blake Crouch isn't a scientist, but that didn't stop him ...

  29. Houston entrepreneur faces Gordon Ramsey in Fox reality show

    Wednesday, Houston entrepreneur Chuan Liu will be featured in the premiere episode of the FOX network's reality show, Gordon Ramsey's Food Stars. The reality/pitch competition show, which ...

  30. We look at all the new and returning reality tv shows of 2024

    As reality TV enthusiasts gear up for a thrilling 2024, these shows promise to deliver a mix of emotions, surprises, and unforgettable moments. From love-filled islands to cut-throat strategy games, this year's lineup is set to keep audiences hooked and entertained. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where reality is anything but ordinary.