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25 Must-Visit Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

25 Must-Visit Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

In this blog, we go on a virtual journey to explore 25 must-visit tourist places in Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad, the vibrant city on the banks of the Sabarmati River, is a treasure trove of history, culture, and architectural marvels.

With its rich heritage and modern vibrancy, this bustling metropolis beckons travellers worldwide.

As we set foot into the heart of Gujarat, the city’s rich heritage unfolds, inviting us to explore its hidden gems.

Ahmedabad stands proudly as a testament to centuries of cultural evolution, with each brick and arch echoing the stories of the past.

The myriad tourist places in Ahmedabad are chapters in a captivating novel, revealing the city’s historical, architectural, and cultural significance.

Ahmedabad’s Skyline is an open book chronicling the evolution of architectural brilliance through the ages.

The phrase “Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” becomes a gateway to a world where stepwells like Adalaj and architectural marvels like the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque showcase the city’s penchant for blending beauty with functionality.

In every corner, from the Bhadra Fort to the intricate carvings of Hathee Singh Jain Temple, Ahmedabad narrates a story of artistic prowess and historical grandeur.

Beyond the architectural splendor, Ahmedabad pulsates with a vibrant cultural rhythm.

Discovering Ahmedabad: Unveiling the Cultural, Spiritual, and Natural Treasures

The phrase “Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” unfolds into bustling markets like Law Garden, where cultural and commercial experiences intertwine seamlessly.

The city’s museums, including the Calico Museum of Textiles and the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum, stand as guardians of cultural heritage, offering a glimpse into the artistic tapestry woven by generations.

Ahmedabad isn’t just about historical monuments; it’s a city that embraces nature. Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary adds a touch of wilderness, making “Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” synonymous with diverse outdoor experiences.

For those seeking spiritual solace, Ahmedabad opens its doors to various temples and sacred spaces.

The Akshardham and ISKCON Temple are beacons of faith, while Ahmed Shah’s Mosque and Teen Darwaza reflect the city’s inclusive spiritual legacy.

The phrase “Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” thus transcends physical locations, becoming a spiritual journey.

Exploring Ahmedabad’s treasures, we embark on a journey where every street, every monument, and every cultural haven beckons us to delve deeper.

“Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” transforms from a mere phrase into a guide to uncovering the city’s soul.

As we navigate through the following chapters, each destination will unfold, revealing the beauty, diversity, and timeless allure that make Ahmedabad a must-visit destination for every traveller.

1. Sabarmati Ashram: A Tranquil Retreat Amidst Urban Chaos

Sabarmati Ashram

Our Ahmedabad odyssey begins with the iconic Sabarmati Ashram, a testament to Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy and his pivotal role in India’s independence.

The ashram, one of the prime tourist places in Ahmedabad, is a serene abode that invites visitors to connect with the spirit of the Mahatma.

Tourists seeking a respite from the cacophony of city life find solace within the confines of the Sabarmati Ashram.

As the phrase “Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” becomes synonymous with historical significance, this ashram emerges as a living testament to Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy and his role in determining the fate of a nation.

The Sabarmati Ashram isn’t merely a historical site; it’s a living museum that invites tourists to step back in time.

As they traverse the pathways where Mahatma Gandhi walked, the ashram weaves a narrative of the struggles and triumphs that unfolded within its walls.

The Sabarmati Ashram is more than just a collection of buildings; it’s a spiritual sanctuary that fosters reflection and introspection.

As tourists explore the serene gardens and the quaint Hriday Kunj, Gandhi’s living quarters, the ashram becomes a haven for those yearning for a deeper understanding of India’s past.

It invites visitors to partake in a journey of self-discovery and historical enlightenment, making it an indispensable gem among the tourist places in Ahmedabad.

2. Calico Museum of Textiles: Weaving Stories of Heritage

Calico Museum of Textiles

Next on our list of tourist places in Ahmedabad is the Calico Museum of Textiles.

Housed in a splendid mansion, this museum showcases an exquisite collection of textiles dating back to the 17th century, providing a captivating journey through India’s textile heritage.

Step into the hallowed halls of the Calico Museum, and you step back in time.

Each exhibit is a testament to the artistry that has graced Indian looms for centuries.

The museum meticulously showcases textiles dating back to the 17th century, allowing patrons to trace the evolution of Indian craftsmanship across different regions.

The Calico Museum showcases India’s weavers’ aesthetic prowess and serves as a guardian of cultural heritage.

As a highlight among tourist places in Ahmedabad, it unveils the intricate details of traditional textile techniques, demonstrating the interplay of colour, design, and cultural symbolism.

The stories of the loom come alive, offering a profound appreciation for the artistry embedded in every textile masterpiece.

Beyond the mesmerizing displays, the Calico Museum is a pilgrimage for those seeking to understand the cultural tapestry of India.

It transcends the conventional boundaries of a museum, becoming a living repository of the nation’s heritage.

3. Adalaj Stepwell: An Architectural Marvel Beneath the Surface

Adalaj Stepwell

The Adalaj Stepwell, a five-story architectural wonder, seamlessly integrates utility with artistic brilliance.

This stepwell, among the prominent tourist places in Ahmedabad, is an underground delight adorned with intricate carvings, reflecting the city’s architectural prowess.

Among the myriad tourist places in Ahmedabad, the Adalaj Stepwell emerges as a hidden gem, inviting visitors to explore the intricate depths of architectural brilliance.

Located on the city’s outskirts, this stepwell, locally known as ‘Vav,’ dates back to the 15th century, showcasing the city’s historical prowess.

The Adalaj Stepwell offers a captivating journey beneath the surface, where architecture, art, and history converge.

It beckons travellers to immerse themselves in the ancient charm of Ahmedabad, highlighting the city’s commitment to preserving its cultural legacy.

4. Akshardham Temple: Where Spirituality Meets Grandeur

Akshardham Temple

Tourist places in Ahmedabad would only be complete with a visit to the Akshardham Temple.

This marvel of architecture and spirituality is a testament to modern craftsmanship while paying homage to traditional Hindu culture.

The Akshardham Temple is not merely a structure; it is a spiritual oasis that beckons both locals and tourists looking for peace from the hustle of daily life.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Ahmedabad, the temple’s serene surroundings and exquisite architecture offer a sanctuary for introspection and prayer.

The Akshardham Temple is not merely a religious tower but a cultural icon showcasing Gujarat’s artistry and craftsmanship.

Its architectural details narrate stories of devotion and dedication, making it a cultural pilgrimage within the realm of tourist places in Ahmedabad.

The temple complex, with its lush gardens and reflective pools, adds a layer of tranquility to the spiritual experience, making it a holistic destination that transcends conventional tourism.

For those seeking a harmonious blend of architectural marvels and spiritual solace, the Akshardham Temple emerges as a must-visit destination, leaving an indelible mark on Ahmedabad’s cultural and religious landscape.

5. Kankaria Lake: An Oasis in the Heart of Ahmedabad

Kankaria Lake

As we shift our focus to leisure, Kankaria Lake emerges as a prominent destination.

This artificial lake, surrounded by gardens and attractions, offers a perfect blend of tranquility and recreation, making it a favourite among locals and tourists.

Beyond its natural beauty, Kankaria Lake is a vibrant centre of entertainment and culture.

The lakefront is adorned with gardens, parks, and an amusement park, creating a lively atmosphere that attracts people of all ages.

The sprawling Kankaria Carnival, held annually, adds a festive touch, turning the lake into a cultural hotspot with music, dance, and various performances.

This amalgamation of natural beauty and cultural vibrancy makes Kankaria Lake a versatile destination among tourist places in Ahmedabad.

Originally constructed by Sultan Qutb-ud-Din in the 15th century, the lake has undergone various transformations, becoming a testament to Ahmedabad’s rich heritage.

The lakeside has structures like the Nagina Wadi and the Kankaria Zoo, further enhancing its historical and cultural significance.

Kankaria Lake emerges as a multifaceted gem in the array of tourist places in Ahmedabad.

Its tranquil waters, lush surroundings, and diverse recreational offerings create an oasis in the city’s heart.

Whether seeking a peaceful retreat, an active day of recreation, or a cultural experience, Kankaria Lake is a testament to Ahmedabad’s ability to seamlessly blend nature, history, and modernity in a single picturesque locale.

6. Jama Masjid: A Glimpse into Ahmedabad’s Islamic Heritage

Jama Masjid

Jama Masjid, an architectural gem, is a significant landmark in Ahmedabad’s Islamic history.

This mosque, among the cherished tourist places in Ahmedabad, stands tall with its stunning architecture and historical significance.

Beyond its architectural splendour, the Jama Masjid is a cultural bridge, inviting people from diverse backgrounds to experience the rich tapestry of Ahmedabad’s Islamic heritage.

With its marble flooring and serene ambiance, the mosque’s courtyard becomes a communal space for prayer, reflection, and community gatherings.

Amid Ahmedabad’s dynamic landscape, the Jama Masjid is a tranquil haven where tourists can immerse themselves in the city’s Islamic heritage, fostering an appreciation for its cultural and religious diversity.

The Jama Masjid, amidst the array of tourist places in Ahmedabad, becomes a cultural time capsule, narrating stories of faith, resilience, and architectural brilliance.

Its historical significance and continued relevance as a place of worship make it a cornerstone of Ahmedabad’s identity.

7. Sarkhej Roza: Where Sufi Mysticism Meets Architectural Splendor

Sarkhej Roza

Sarkhej Roza, a complex of tombs and structures, symbolizes Ahmedabad’s syncretic culture.

As a prominent tourist destination in Ahmedabad, Sarkhej Roza encapsulates the architectural finesse of the Mughal era.

The complex boasts structures like the Rauza, a mausoleum adorned with exquisite jali work, and the Shah Jahan Mosque, an architectural marvel featuring domes and minarets.

Each element of Sarkhej Roza narrates a story of cultural syncretism, where Persian and Indian influences converge, creating a unique blend that captivates history enthusiasts and architecture lovers alike.

Sarkhej Roza stands as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, serving as a spiritual retreat for seekers and a visual delight for architecture admirers.

In the grand tapestry of tourist places in Ahmedabad, Sarkhej Roza emerges as a timeless destination, inviting all to experience the harmonious union of Sufi mysticism and architectural splendour.

8. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque: The Marvel of Stone Latticework

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque

As we continue our exploration, the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque captivates us with its awe-inspiring stone latticework.

This mosque, among the top tourist places in Ahmedabad, is a testament to the city’s architectural finesse during the reign of Ahmed Shah I.

As one explores the architectural wonders among the tourist places in Ahmedabad, the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque emerges as a captivating jewel renowned for its exquisite stone latticework.

This mosque stands as a testament to the city’s architectural finesse during the reign of Ahmed Shah I.

9. Auto World Vintage Car Museum: A Journey Back in Time

Auto World Vintage Car Museum

The Auto World Vintage Car Museum is a haven of nostalgia for automobile enthusiasts.

For fans of automotive history, the Auto World Vintage Car Museum offers a nostalgic journey back in time, making it a standout attraction among the tourist places in Ahmedabad.

This museum, a treasure trove for vintage car enthusiasts, houses an extensive collection of classic automobiles that spans decades of evolution.

From sleek and polished luxury cars to rugged and iconic models, the museum allows visitors to immerse themselves in the rich history of the automobile industry.

It’s not merely a museum; it’s a time machine that transports visitors to bygone eras, offering a unique and immersive experience that transcends the conventional tourist destination.

10. Vastrapur Lake: A Picturesque Respite in the City

Vastrapur Lake

In the heart of Ahmedabad, Vastrapur Lake offers a serene escape from the urban hustle.

The lake, surrounded by lush greenery, is a popular spot for strolls and boat rides, making it a must-visit among tourist places in Ahmedabad.

Amid the urban hustle, Vastrapur Lake emerges as a picturesque respite, distinguishing itself among the tourist places in Ahmedabad.

This artificial lake, surrounded by lush greenery and well-maintained promenades, provides a serene escape in the city’s heart.

Whether seeking a stroll, a peaceful boat ride, or simply a moment of tranquility by the water’s edge, Vastrapur Lake caters to locals and tourists alike.

The harmonious blend of natural beauty and recreational amenities makes it a preferred destination, where the phrase “Tourist Places in Ahmedabad” finds a tranquil embodiment in the reflective waters and serene ambience of Vastrapur Lake.

11. Science City: Unleashing the Wonders of Science

Science City

For an educational yet entertaining experience, Science City is a hotspot among tourist places in Ahmedabad.

This interactive science and technology centre captivates visitors of all ages, making learning a delightful experience.

This sprawling complex is a celebration of knowledge and innovation, unleashing the wonders of science in a way that enthrals visitors of all ages.

As a premier tourist destination in Ahmedabad, Science City transforms learning into a dynamic, interactive experience where education and entertainment converge seamlessly.

Science City’s appeal lies in its ability to make science accessible and exciting for everyone.

Families, students, and science enthusiasts immerse themselves in a world where the wonders of physics, biology, and technology come to life, making Science City a must-visit destination that transcends conventional notions of education.

12. Shreyas Folk Museum: Celebrating Rural Heritage

Shreyas Folk Museum

For a journey into the vibrant tapestry of Gujarat’s rural traditions, the Shreyas Folk Museum stands as a cultural gem among tourist places in Ahmedabad.

This museum celebrates the state’s rich heritage, showcasing a diverse array of artefacts that reflect rural communities’ art, crafts, and lifestyles.

Visitors are transported into a world where every exhibit narrates a story for a deeper understanding of Gujarat’s cultural roots.

The Shreyas Folk Museum’s charm lies in its authenticity and dedication to preserving the essence of rural life.

From intricately crafted textiles to traditional utensils and folk art, each artefact on display tells a tale of craftsmanship and community.

The museum becomes a living testament to the resilience and creativity of Gujarat’s rural populace, inviting tourists to immerse themselves in a cultural journey beyond Ahmedabad’s bustling urban landscape.

13. Law Garden: Where Culture and Commerce Collide

Law Garden

Law Garden, a bustling market and cultural hub, beckons those looking to explore the vibrant side of Ahmedabad.

The garden transforms into a colourful bazaar in the evening, offering a perfect blend of shopping and cultural experiences.

14. ISKCON Temple: A Spiritual Haven


Its architectural splendour and serene ambience make it a must-visit among tourist places in Ahmedabad for those seeking spiritual solace.

Within the ISKCON Temple, devotees and tourists find themselves surrounded by the timeless teachings of Lord Krishna.

T he temple serves as a centre for spiritual education, cultural enlightenment, and communal harmony.

Its presence in the array of tourist places in Ahmedabad symbolizes the city’s inclusive ethos, as people from various walks of life come together to experience the universal message of love, peace, and devotion.

The ISKCON Temple’s spiritual allure extends beyond its architectural brilliance; it encapsulates a sense of unity and communal harmony.

In the heart of Ahmedabad, where the city’s pulse beats with diverse cultures, the temple stands as a beacon of inclusivity, welcoming everyone to partake in its spiritual festivities.

As tourists explore the vibrant cultural landscape of Ahmedabad, the ISKCON Temple offers a unique window into the city’s religious diversity and the universal appeal of spirituality.

15. Bhadra Fort: Fortress of Ahmedabad’s Legacy

Bhadra Fort

Bhadra Fort, a historical citadel, narrates tales of Ahmedabad’s bygone era.

This fort, housing a palace and a Bhadrakali Temple, is a silent witness to the city’s historical transitions.

16. Sardar Patel National Memorial: Homage to the Iron Man of India

Sardar Patel National Memorial

Pay tribute to Sardar Patel, the Iron Man of India, at the Sardar Patel National Memorial.

This memorial, among the distinguished tourist places in Ahmedabad, offers insights into the life and contributions of this iconic leader.

17. Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary: A Haven for Birdwatchers

Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary

Nature enthusiasts will find solace in the Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, a serene lake that transforms into a haven for migratory birds during the winter.

Birdwatching and boat rides make this sanctuary a must-visit attraction.

18. Hathee Singh Jain Temple: Architectural Elegance in Marble

Hathee Singh Jain Temple

The Hathee Singh Jain Temple, crafted in pristine white marble, is a testament to Jain’s architectural brilliance.

Among the architectural marvels in Ahmedabad, this temple boasts intricate carvings and a tranquil ambiance.

19. Dada Hari Ni Vav: Stepwell Splendor Unveiled

Dada Hari Ni Vav

Stepwells hold a special place in Ahmedabad’s architectural landscape, and Dada Hari Ni Vav is a prime example.

This stepwell is a visual feast for those exploring the city’s historical depths.

20. Teen Darwaza: A Gateway to the Past

Teen Darwaza

Teen Darwaza, an ancient gateway, is a symbolic entrance to the Bhadra Fort.

With its intricately carved arches, this historical structure stands tall as a reminder of Ahmedabad’s architectural grandeur.

21. Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum: Art and Culture Unveiled

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum

Art enthusiasts will find a haven in the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum.

This cultural institution houses a diverse collection of art, artefacts, and manuscripts, offering a comprehensive view of India’s cultural evolution.

22. Gujarat Science City: A Fascinating Blend of Science and Entertainment

Gujarat Science City

Gujarat Science City is not just an ordinary science museum; it’s a vibrant hub of knowledge and entertainment.

With interactive exhibits, an IMAX theatre , and a planetarium, it engages visitors of all ages in the wonders of science.

23. Ahmed Shah’s Mosque: Legacy of the City’s Founder

Ahmed Shah's Mosque

Ahmed Shah’s Mosque, built by the city’s founder, Ahmed Shah I, is a historical gem.

This mosque, with its simple yet elegant architecture, provides a glimpse into Ahmedabad’s religious and cultural foundations.

24. Rani no Hajiro: The Resting Place of Queens

Rani no Hajiro

Rani no Hajiro, or the Tombs of Ahmedabad’s Queens, is a poignant testament to the city’s regal past.

This quiet resting place, adorned with intricately carved tombs, offers a serene escape from the urban buzz.

25. Riverfront Promenade: Rediscovering the Sabarmati

Riverfront Promenade

Our exploration of tourist places in Ahmedabad culminates at the Riverfront Promenade.

This beautifully developed waterfront, with its landscaped gardens and vibrant ambiance, provides the perfect setting to reflect on the city’s past while embracing its future.

In conclusion, with its amalgamation of history, culture, and modernity, Ahmedabad stands as a unique destination for travelers.

Ahmedabad’s 25 must-visit tourist places showcase the city’s multifaceted charm, inviting visitors to journey through time and heritage.

Whether exploring ancient step wells, marveling at architectural wonders, or simply enjoying the tranquility of lakes and gardens, Ahmedabad offers an enriching experience that lingers in the hearts of those who venture into its vibrant embrace.

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Top 19 Things to Do in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Located on the banks of the picturesque Sabarmati River in Gujarat, Ahmedabad is dotted with historical sites, stuffed with cacophonous markets, and famed throughout India for its delicious street food . In 2017, the walled city of Ahmedabad was declared India’s first UNESCO World Heritage City . If you’re interested in understanding the city’s roots and culture, check out our list of the top things to do in Ahmedabad.

Join an Old City Heritage Walk

The most atmospheric part of Ahmedabad is the walled city area or old city, set on the eastern bank of the Sabarmati River. A heritage walk through the lanes of the UNESCO-listed Old City is a great way to discover the facets of the city that would otherwise be missed. The early morning heritage walk conducted by Ahmedabad’s Municipal Corporation is one of the best. It lets you delve deep into the local communities where you pay a visit to the pols (interconnected cluster housing characterized by wooden facades, canopied bird feeders, and sprawling courtyards). The tour runs for about two and a half hours.

To avoid the crowds and enjoy the stunning view of Ahmedabad after dark, book an hour-long night tour conducted by the House of MG . It’s available year-round and takes you around the city’s historic neighborhoods. A two-hour Breakfast Heritage Walk, focusing on the Old City, is also offered by the House of MG from October to March.

Wander Around the Bhadra Fort and Teen Darwaja

The beating heart of Ahmedabad in its time, the 15th century Bhadra Fort, has the distinction of being the first Muslim structure in the city. It was constructed by the Gujarat Sultanate’s ruler Ahmad Shah I, founder of the Old City, as a royal complex and progressively enlarged and embellished by later rulers. As a result, there are many structures to see inside the fort complex. The Bhadrakali Temple, located within the Azam Khan Sarai palace, is one of the most popular places in the fort complex. It contains a black stone statue of goddess Bhadra Kali (a form of Goddess Shakti), who is believed to be the city's protector. Then there’s a 171-year-old Clock Tower that’s still working.

A short stroll east will take you to Teen Darwaza (three-arched gateway), an architectural landmark in its own right. It served as the gateway to the royal square named Maidan Shah, and royal events were held there. Today, it’s one big marketplace crammed with shops offering everything from ethnic wear to handicrafts, electronics, and household items. While you’re here, visit the nearby Bhatiyar Gali, a meat lover’s paradise. It’s dotted with buzzy stalls and eateries specializing in non-vegetarian food—don’t miss succulent mutton chaap at the ZK Fry Centre, keema samosa at Bera Samosa House, and white chicken and Hyderabadi chicken at Akbari Hotel.

When you tire of exploring, the Victoria Garden is a great place to recharge.

Experience Serenity at a Mosque

Over 160 years of Gujarat Sultanate rule (1411-1573) in Ahmedabad left a legacy of fine architecture, with the domes of Ahmedabad’s mosques attesting to the city’s diverse nature. One of the most popular buildings is the 15th century Jama Masjid (Friday Mosque) in the Old City area. Architecturally, it’s a unique blend of Islamic, Jain, and Hindu styles, complete with lotus-like carvings and Arabic calligraphy. The 16th century Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, with its filigree-traceried windows, is another interesting stop. It’s about a 10-minute walk south of Friday Mosque. The filigreed window with the tree of life motif is particularly noteworthy and considered the city’s unofficial mascot.

Two more prominent old mosques are less than 15 minutes from Jama Masjid. These are Ahmed Shah’s Mosque and Rani Sipri’s Mosque. The former is the oldest mosque in the city built in the early 1400s for the royal rulers, while the latter was commissioned by Queen Sipri in the early-16th century and has a room containing her tomb. Both the mosques have finely carved lattice screens. Be sure to dress modestly.

Marvel at the Shaking Minarets of Sidi Bashir Mosque

Although much of the 15th century Sidi Bashir Mosque was obliterated by the war in the 18th century, this ancient structure still inspires awe. The surviving remains consist of an arched central gateway flanked by two triple-storied minarets, which are said to be the tallest in the city. Situated between the Sarangpur Gate and Ahmedabad railway station, the minarets are unique. When one is given a gentle push, the other begins to shake automatically, hence the nickname Jhulta Minar . Visitors aren’t allowed to enter the minarets and test these claims but can take a moment to stare up at the richly carved minars with balconies on each story and see if you aren’t left astounded at the architectural ingenuity of the ancient architects

Enjoy a Street Food Feast at Manek Chowk

For the best food scene in Ahmedabad, hit the Manek Chowk, located near the Bhadra Fort. From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., this city square is dotted with food stalls serving an array of delicious foods. Locals swear by the pav bhaji (rich vegetable curry with buttered bread) at Mahalaxmi Pavbhaji Centre, the chocolate pizza and sandwich at Manek Pizza and Sandwich Centre, and the buttery Gwalior dosa at Balan Dosa Centre. Pick up a kulfi from Asharfi Kulfi to round out an entire day’s snacking.

The mornings and afternoons here are great for browsing the shopping markets when clothes, jewelry, souvenirs, fruits and vegetables, and other household items are sold in abundance. It’s popular with locals as well as tourists.

Visit One Too Many Hindu and Jain Temples

Ahmedabad has many impressive Jain and Hindu places of worship. Perhaps the most popular temple in the city is the 172-year-old Hutheesing Jain temple. It was built in honor of the 15th Jain tirthankara (spiritual teacher), Dharmanatha. The temple complex includes the main shrine with a marble statue of the presiding deity, over 50 miniature shrines that belong to various Jain saints, and a victory tower called Manasthamba, modeled after those in Chittorgarh Fort in Rajasthan. However, the structure’s most striking attribute is its front facade, with a jharokha balcony and latticed screens ( jalis ) that are carved exquisitely.

Another popular temple is the 19th century Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Kalupur . It is dedicated to the Hindu deity Nar-Narayan Dev (a form of god Vishnu). The wooden carvings depicting everything, from auspicious symbols, mythical animals, and religious icons to episodes from the mutiny of 1857, are a highlight.

Other temples worth visiting include the Jagannath Temple dedicated to Lord Jagannath (a form of Lord Vishnu) and the Shri Mata Vaishnodevi Tirthdham, which is the replica of the original Vaishno Devi temple in Katra, Jammu Kashmir.

Catch a Glimpse into Life and Times of Mahatma Gandhi at Sabarmati Ashram

To learn about Mahatma Gandhi, one of India’s most iconic and respected historical figures, the Sabarmati Ashram , on the west bank of the Sabarmati River, is the perfect educational tool. It was from here that Gandhi led his movement for India’s independence through non-violence. Aside from the sparsely furnished living quarters, the ashram has a museum filled with written documents, photographs, and artifacts that give visitors a window into the life and teachings of Gandhi. There’s a library and a curio shop too, where you can buy authentic Khadi items, key chains, miniature charkhas (traditional spinning wheels), and books on and by Gandhi. On Oct. 2 (Gandhi’s birthday), special events and cultural performances are held here.

Get Educated at a Museum

Ahmedabad is steeped in history and culture, and the museums in the city are fitting tributes to the rich heritage. Visit the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum to see thousands of years’ worth of Indian sculptures, manuscripts, miniature paintings, coins, and more, or the Calico Museum of Textiles to understand the rich textile history of the Indian subcontinent. The latter can be visited with a guided tour only. There are two tours every day, six days a week, and it’s best to book well ahead of time since spots are limited.

Then there’s the charming Patang Kite Museum, paying homage to Gujarat’s lavish tradition of kite making and flying. It is housed within the Sanskar Kendra, a museum that focuses on the history, art, craft, and architecture of Ahmedabad.

If you’re into cars, then Auto World Vintage Car Museum is a must-visit. It houses a mind-blowing collection of automotive vehicles—from the early models of Rolls Royce, Mercedes, and Cadillacs to classic motorcycles and cars of the erstwhile royal families.

Detach Yourself from the Density of the City at Kankaria Lake

The 15th-century Kankaria Lake is an enormously beautiful artificial body of water with a lot to offer when it comes to sights, activities, and experiences. Recreational activities at the lake such as boating, toy train ride, and tethered balloon rides are available to visitors, while the surroundings include a zoo, a children’s park called Balvatika, a miniature kids City, an amusement park, a natural history museum, and a garden called "One Tree Hill" that contains imposing Dutch tombs from the colonial era. There’s also an artificial island named Nagina Wadi in the middle of the lake, accessible via a walkway. Have a picnic there and enjoy the peaceful lakeside atmosphere. There are food carts nearby if you need to refuel. You can spend the whole day here with your family; be mindful of crowds during national holidays and weekends. Don’t miss the evening sound and light show. The lake is closed on Monday.

If you’re around in December, make sure to attend Kankaria Lake Carnival. It’s a seven-day cultural festival that includes folk dances, music, activities for kids, and more.

Eat a Meal to Remember

The New Lucky Restaurant, to the north of Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, is a graveyard restaurant, which is a bit of an unusual choice for a restaurant. It’s erected atop a Muslim cemetery, and you eat your meal amidst the real graves, which according to the owner, Krishnan Kutti, brings good luck. Whether that’s true or not, both locals and tourists come here for its unique setting and delicious food. Do try its bun maska (soft bread with butter) and tea. The restaurant also has a painting gifted by the renowned artist M.F. Hussain himself.

Fancy a rural setting for your meal? Head to Rajwadu or Vishalla ; both are styled as a local village and serve authentic Gujarati fare. The latter also houses a museum of ancient utensils called Vechaar , which is worth checking out.

Admire the Carvings on Step Wells

Step wells are known as vavs in Gujarat, and there are more than 100 of these. While most are dilapidated, some—such as the little-known Dada Harir Vav to the east of the Ahmedabad Old City in Asarwa and the popular Adalaj Ni Vav located about 12 miles north of Ahmedabad in the Gandhinagar district of Gujarat—are better-preserved and worth visiting.

The 520-year-old Dada Harir Vav has a spiral stairway that leads down five levels, past beautifully carved pillars and arches. There are Sanskrit and Arabic scripts carved on the walls, and the step well looks particularly arresting in the late morning when the carving-covered tiers are bathed in sunlight. At the rear of the step well lies a 16th-century Dai Halima Mosque that stands out with its latticed screens. On the other hand, the five-story step Adalaj Ni Vav is known for its Indo-Islamic architecture. The walls are decorated with carvings of deities, ornamental motifs, elephants, musicians and dancers, as well as scenes from mythology and daily life. 

Shop to Your Heart’s Content

Ahmedabad is home to many colorful markets, and you should definitely aim to visit a few. Law Garden Night Market is one of the city’s oldest markets, where vendors stock up on ethnic outfits, handbags, antique jewelry, and home decor items prepared by the skilled artisans in the villages of Gujarat. It’s open daily from 7 p.m. until midnight. Make sure you arrive hungry because it’s nearly impossible to resist the smell of street food like ragda pattice (mashed potato patties with white peas curry) or pani puri (bite-sized fried balls stuffed with potato and tamarind water).

Less than two miles away is Dhalgarwad. This is the place to buy traditional and hand-made fabrics, including prints and weaves from Patan, Jaipur, and several parts of South India.

The 125-year-old Chopda Bazaar of Fernandes Bridge in Old City is one of the best-known places for those with a passion for first editions and rare books. Thousands of new and secondhand books and novels across all genres (including academic books) are piled up for sale.

So, hone your haggling skills and dive in.

Sleep in a Heritage Hotel

Courtesy of House of MG

Immerse yourself in Ahmedabad’s rich cultural heritage by staying in a heritage hotel. There are plenty to choose from. If you want to be in the thick of the action, book a suite at the House of MG , a 20th-century haveli (mansion) turned boutique hotel, or check into the 19th-century Divans Bungalow. The former is celebrated for the authentic experiences it provides to its guests, which include several walking tours. To feel like a local, stay at 150-year-old French Haveli located in the heart of one of the Old City’s pols .

Catch a Flick on the Outdoor Big Screen

Looking for a fun night out? Go to Sunset Drive-In Cinema located on the Drive-In Road. It has been around since the 1970s, making it the oldest drive-in cinema in India, and it also boasts the title of “largest open-air screen in Asia”—so you know it’s going to be a great experience. It features a huge screen with a Dolby surround sound system and a 665-car capacity. They play movies most days of the week, and there are two shows a day, at 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Visitors can watch the film from the shaded seating area outside or the comfort of their vehicle. Plus, there’s a food court, and a huge garden, making it a fun place for the whole family.

Check Out an Underground Art Gallery

Located within the ground of CEPT University, Amdavad ni Gufa is a work of art in itself, thanks to its Modern Blobitecture style. It’s basically an art gallery that is situated below the ground. For its design, architect Balkrishna Doshi drew inspiration from the Ajanta and Ellora caves. Inside, it’s a cavern-like space filled with artworks by the legendary Indian artist M. F. Hussain. Much of the works have been painted on the walls and ceilings just like cave paintings. It’s open daily, except Mondays and public holidays, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Go for the art and architecture, but stay for a light meal since the above-ground Zen Cafe is excellent.

Stroll Along the Sabarmati Riverfront

The Sabarmati Riverfront is a waterfront promenade along the banks of the namesake river. Visitors can jog, stroll or cycle along this 7-mile stretch and enjoy people-watching and river views along the way. Plus, there are food kiosks, parks and gardens, and markets to explore nearby. The sunset or a night view at the riverfront presents fascinating photo opportunities. For the full experience, take a boat ride along the west bank of the river.

Attend a Festival

For an added dose of local culture, visit Ahmedabad during a festival. The International Kite Festival in mid-January is one of the biggest events in Gujarat. It is part of Uttarayan or Makar Sankranti (harvest festival) and is held at the Sabarmati Riverfront. There are kite flying and painting competitions, kite-making workshops, and aerial acrobats. This popular festival attracts kite flyers from across the world.

Other festivals worth traveling to Ahmedabad for are the 13-day long Saptak Annual Festival of Music in January and the nine-day Sharad Navratri in late September or early October. The latter is a celebration of the nine forms of goddess Durga, while the former is a celebration of Indian classical and folk music.

Visit the Acropolis of Ahmedabad

Four miles southwest of Ahmedabad, in Makarba village, is Sarkhej Roza, a vast sprawl of time-scarred monuments dating to the mid-15th century. It is popularly known as the ‘Acropolis of Ahmedabad,’ and one of the remarkable features is its architecture, a magnificent blend of Islamic, Hindu, Jain, and Persian influences.

Must-sees include the shrine of the Sufi mystic Ahmed Khattu Ganj Baksh (Ahmad Shah I’s spiritual advisor) that features a huge central dome, the Jama Masjid located beside the shrine, and the royal tombs of the kings and queens of Gujarat Sultanate, with their walls adorned with intricately carved jalis . It’s open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day, and admission is free. Get here by auto rickshaw from the Old City center.

Take a Day Trip

While Ahmedabad has a great deal to keep visitors captivated, taking a day trip outside the city will add some variety to your travels. For a peaceful spiritual encounter, visit Swaminarayan Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, less than 40 minutes from Ahmedabad. It’s a vast temple complex that belongs to the Hindu Swaminarayan group. The highlight is its five exhibition halls that feature high-tech multimedia displays on the 18th-century mystic Swaminarayan’s life and teachings and the Hindu epics.

Fascinated about dinosaurs? Make way to the dinosaur and fossil section of Indroda Nature Park in Gandhinagar, less than 35 minutes north of Ahmedabad. It’s filled with dinosaur remains.

The Thol Bird Sanctuary, less than one hour from Ahmedabad, and the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary , about one hour and 35 minutes southwest of Ahmedabad, are ideal for bird-watching. More than 150 types of birds can be seen at Thol, while the latter is home to more than 250 species of migratory birds. Combine the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary with a visit to Lothal (25 miles south), one of Gujarat's most extensively excavated Indus Valley Civilization sites. There’s a museum at the site filled with items from that period. It’s open daily except for Fridays. Find more day trip options in our pick of the top attractions and places to visit in Gujarat .

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Tourist Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

Located along the banks of Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad is a land of colours, traditions and hospitality that knows no bounds. Ahmedabad’s origins can be traced back to the 11th century, when it was known as Ashaval. However, it was Ahmad Shah who laid the foundation stone of a walled city in 1411, the place we now know as Ahmedabad. Over the centuries, Ahmedabad has been a melting pot of cultures, even serving as the capital of the state of Gujarat. Ahmedabad also happens to be India’s first UNESCO heritage city, a factor that has drawn travellers from all across the world.

Travellers heading to the city can spend their time visiting the many historical sites which are some of the best places to see in Ahmedabad. Bai Harir Vav, Teen Darwaza and Jama Masjid are some of the most notable, historical tourist places near Ahmedabad. The affluent city also houses many temples that have continued to attract devotees and pilgrims for years now. Shree Swaminarayan Temple, ISKCON Ahmedabad and Shree Jagannath Temple are some of the top tourist places in Ahmedabad you can visit to add a touch of serenity to your travels. 

Owing to its traditional and lively culture, Ahmedabad is also recognised as one of those cities that brims with entertainment options. The city is lined with several vibrant markets that make for the ideal place to pick clothes, home decor, handicrafts, handlooms and much more. Lal Darwaaza, Sindhi Market & Rani No Hajro are some of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad for all the shopaholics out there. Additionally, Ahmedabad also offers a plethora of attractions that make the city a top pick amongst family travellers. Head to Kankaria Zoo, Auto World Vintage Car Museum or Gujarat Science City and spend a wholesome day with your family. And as if that wasn’t enough, travellers are also treated to the choicest Gujarati delicacies in Ahmedabad. Go on a gastronomic adventure across the top tourist places near Ahmedabad like Manek Chowk, Bhatiyar Gali & HL College Road to experience a food coma unlike any other!

Photo of Sabarmati Ashram / Mahatma Gandhi's Home

Places to Visit in Ahmedabad: Tourist Attractions

Sabarmati Ashram

Calm, peaceful and soaked in culture & history, Sabarmati Ashram is hands down, one of the most important places to see in Ahmedabad. Sabarmati Ashram enjoys an idyllic location and is situated right in the heart of the city, by the banks of Sabarmati River. The iconic ashram was built by the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, upon his return from South Africa in the year 1915. Ever since then, the ashram became his abode and also an important centre in the Indian independence movement.

The ashram is also referred to as Gandhi Ashram, Harijan Ashram and Satyagraha Ashram, and is one of the top places to visit in Ahmedabad. The ashram complex also houses an art gallery, a museum and a huge library that has some of the best works on the life and times of Gandhi. Visitors can also sign up for an extensive, 90-minute walking tour of the ashram, held by the Gandhi Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust. This tour covers a range of attractions within the complex such as Magan Niwas, Upasana Mandir, Udyog Mandir and Hriday Kunj, Mahatma’s house. Sabarmati Ashram attracts travellers from all over the world, making it one of the most popular places to visit in Ahmedabad.

Swaminarayan Temple

An important religious site in Hinduism and one of the best places to see in Ahmedabad, the Swaminarayan Temple is an institution in its own right. The fascinating temple is the first temple of the Swaminarayan Sampraday, a Hindu sect and was constructed by Swaminarayan, the founder of the sect.

The temple is one of the most visited tourist places near Ahmedabad and attracts thousands of devotees every single day. The temple complex is known particularly for its larger than life architecture and intricate carvings. The temple remains open all seven days of the week and is amongst the best places to visit near Ahmedabad to get a slice of India’s rich culture and heritage.

Jama Masjid

Built during the reign of Ahmedabad’s founder, Ahmed Shah, Jama Masjid is one of the top tourist places near Ahmedabad. The age-old monument is located in the heart of the walled city and is one of the most famous tourist places in Ahmedabad. The iconic structure dates back to 1424 and is now, also commonly known as Jami or Jumma Masjid.

Interestingly, Jama Masjid is one of the only places in the country where one can witness a beautiful amalgamation of Hindu and Islamic styles of architecture. The popular mosque also holds the distinction of being the largest of its kind built during this period. Owing to its stunning panoramic views and a massive courtyard, Jama Masjid also happens to be one of the best places to visit near Ahmedabad for photographers. However, if you’re someone who wants to go all out, visit Jama Masjid for the Friday prayers and witness the area at its vibrant best.

Bhadra Fort

Built by Ahmed Shah in the year 1411, Bhadra Fort is one of the most recognisable structures in the city and amongst the top places to see in Ahmedabad. The massive fort complex houses the main palace building, a well-maintained courtyard garden and a Bhadra Kali temple that draws devotees of all age groups. Bhadra Fort went under an extensive redevelopment project in 2014 by the Archaeological Survey of India, and since then, has become one of the best places to see in Ahmedabad.

In addition to being a historically important site, Bhadra Fort also has a mysterious story attached to it. Locals believe that Goddess Lakshmi once visited Bhadra Fort and blessed the Sultan the city, saying that Ahmedabad will always remain wealthy. Locals, till date believe that there are treasures hidden in the deep corners of the fort. It is this mysterious angle that only adds to the charm, making Bhadra Fort one of the top places to visit in Ahmedabad.

Kankaria Lake & Zoo

Located in the Maninagar area, Kankaria Lake is one of the most popular places to see in Ahmedabad. The lake happens to be the second largest in the city and is surrounded by a range of entertainment options for tourists of all ages. The foundations of Kankaria Lake can be traced back to the Chaulukya Period but it was officially completed in 1451 during the reign of Ahmad Shah II.

Ever since then, Kankaria Lake has been one of the best tourist places near Ahmedabad. In addition to chilling by the calm lakefront, travellers can treat themselves to water rides, toy train rides, food stalls and kids city. Ever since its revamp in 2007-08, Kankaria Lake has also become the hotspot for several art & culture festivals, making it amongst the top places to visit near Ahmedabad.

In addition to the lake, the Kankaria complex also boasts of a sprawling zoo, which is one of the best tourist places in Ahmedabad. The Kankaria Zoo, officially known as Kamla Nehru Zoological Garden, was established by Rueben David in 1951 and spreads over 21 acres. The zoo is home to several exotic birds and animal species. Tigers, lions, elephants, pythons, blackbuck, crocodiles and pythons are some of the most exotic animal and reptile species found in Kankaria Zoo, making it one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad.

Sabarmati Riverfront

Often considered to be the city’s answer to Marine Drive, Sabarmati Riverfront is definitely one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. The gorgeous waterfront is a part of a redevelopment project that was initiated in 2012 and since then has, has become one of the most visited tourist places in Ahmedabad. The 11-km long promenade is lined with attractions that appeal to both travelers and locals alike. Visitors heading to the riverfront can spend their time boating in the calm waters, relaxing in the manicured gardens, indulge in street shopping or simply, take a nice stroll along the river.

Places to Visit in Ahmedabad: Markets

Rani No Hajro

The area surrounding Rani No Hajro, a popular tomb complex in Ahmedabad also serves as a street market that is a shopper’s delight. The vibrant market is best known for being the hub of textiles, making it one of the most popular tourist places in Ahmedabad. Rani No Hajro is lined with scores of shops selling women’s clothing, jewellery and accessories. The market also happens to be the go-to place for locals for garba outfits and other local handloom fabrics like mashrush and ajrak.

Manek Chowk

Geographically located at the centre of the city, Manek Chowk is quite simply, the heart of Ahmedabad. The bustling market is multi-faceted in its nature, making it one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. Manek Chowk is visited by locals in the early hours of the day, who come here to pick fresh fruits and vegetables. Later in the day, Manek Chowk transforms into a hub of retail shopping. The market has some of the most recognised jewellery traders in town. Additionally, travellers can also head to Manek Chowk, one of the best places to visit near Ahmedabad to shop for block printed fabrics, chunky silver jewellery and Gujarat’s iconic bandhani fabric.

Law Garden Bazaar

A favourite amongst college goers, Law Garden Bazaar is a budget shopper’s paradise. The street market is set up right in front of the colleges on Ellis Road and is known for having the best mirror work clothing in town. Additionally, one can also shop for chaniya-cholis, sarees, wall hanging and lehengas here. Law Garden Bazaar is one of the most visited tourist places near Ahmedabad and also offers enough options for people looking to buy some traditional beadwork Kutchi jewellery. If you’re someone who takes pride in their bargaining skills, this is the place to be!

Lal Darwaza

Old, authentic and as chaotic as it can get, Lal Darwaza is a place that is close to every Ahmedabadi’s heart. Quite simply, the oldest market in the city, Lal Darwaza is one of the top tourist places near Ahmedabad. The winding lanes of Lal Darwaza are full of hidden treasures and are bound to bring out the compulsive shopper in you. The wholesale market is particularly loved by locals for wedding shopping and makes for a great place to pick sarees, fabrics and electronic items. And if all the shopping gets to you, just head to a roadside eatery and sample some delectable Gujarati delicacies.

Sindhi Market

If you call yourself a shopaholic and planning a trip to Ahmedabad, your trip to the city will be incomplete without visiting Sindhi Market, one of the most popular tourist places in Ahmedabad. The bustling market is known as the hub of bed sheets, pillow covers, dress materials and traditional footwear. Also known as Revdi Bazaar, this famous market is also a great place to shop for traditional wall hangings, intricate carpets and handicraft items that will add a rustic charm to your home decor. Much like other markets in Ahmedabad, it is important to have your bargaining skills sharpened while visiting Sindhi Bazaar.

Fernandes Bridge Book Market

Does your idea of travelling involve picking up some good reads? Drop everything and plan a visit to Ahmedabad’s Fernandes Bridge right away! The unique street book market is set up all seven days of the week, right under the Fernandes Bridge, making it one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. The market is a one-stop shop for books, magazines and journals across genres. In addition to being a paradise for bibliophiles, Fernandes Bridge Book Market is also one of the places to visit near Ahmedabad for students. Make sure you take out enough time as the heaps of books at Fernandes Bridge Book Market also behold several hidden gems.

Places to visit in Ahmedabad: Eateries

In addition to being a shopping hub, Ahmedabad’s famous Manek Chowk also happens to be one of the places to visit in Ahmedabad for foodies. Each night, the busy marketplace transforms into a street food mecca, attracting diners who step out for midnight hogging. The street food hub comes alive with dozens of vendors selling traditional Gujarati delicacies, desi Chinese and many extreme, experimental dishes. Pav bhaji, ragda patties, farali sandwich, jalebi and paan are some of the best dishes you need to try at one of the most famous tourist places in Ahmedabad.

Bhatiyar Gali

Most travellers heading to Ahmedabad often end up associating the city with just vegetarian eats. However, one visit to Bhatiyar Gali is bound to shatter all those inhibitions, and how! The winding lanes of Bhatiyar Gali are home to traditional, 600-year old Ahmedabadi meat delicacies, making it one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. Tava Biyani, bhuna gosht, chicken angaar, bheja masala, keema samosas – you name it, and Bhatiyar Gali will have it! Akbari Hotel, ZK Fry Centre, Haji Fry Centre & Zamzam Hotel are some of the best places to eat at in Bhatiyar Gali.

Food Truck Park

One of the newer additions to the food scene of Ahmedabad, Food Truck Park is amongst the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. A favourite amongst youngsters and family diners, Food Truck Park makes for the ideal place to spend an evening with your loved ones. The park boasts of several independently-run trucks dishing out everything from starters to main course to gourmet cuisine and some sinful sweet eats. Food Truck Park’s central location, lovely ambience and never-ending variety only adds to its charm, making it one of the most unique places to visit near Ahmedabad.

Das Khaman Outlets

Gujarat is often referred to as the ‘snack capital of India’ and khaman, is easily the state’s most iconic dish. One can find khaman stalls pretty much all throughout the city, but Das Khaman is the best place to visit in Ahmedabad if you want to try authentic khaman. The famous khaman store has been dishing out this classic dish for almost a century now and has eight branches spread throughout the city. Head to a Das Khaman outlet early in the morning or grab a plate for your evening snack, but don’t miss out on this gem – one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad.

HL College Road

Another street food hub that’s particularly loved by college students, HL College Road is one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad if you’re looking for cheap eats. The entire street is lined with makeshift stalls and vendors selling comfort fast food. Cheese maggi, manchurian frankie and paneer frankie are some of the most popular items that you will find on HL College Road. No matter what you get your hands on, don’t forget to wash it all down with the iconic HL Special Cold-Coco – it’s sinful and it’s to die for!

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©Shrey Singh/500px

Ahmedabad (Amdavad)

Ahmedabad (also called Amdavad, Ahmadabad or Ahemdavad), Gujarat's major city, will bowl you over. Its incredible architecture ranges from centuries-old mosques and mausoleums to cutting-edge contemporary design — and then there's the old quarter, where the narrow streets hide excitement around every twisting corner. Throw in some excellent museums, fine restaurants and a bustling street-food scene and you end up with a city that rightly deserves its place as India's first Unesco Urban World Heritage Site.


Must-see attractions.

Sabarmati Ashram

Sabarmati Ashram

In peaceful, shady grounds on the Sabarmati River’s west bank, this ashram was Gandhi’s headquarters from 1917 to 1930 during the long struggle for Indian…

Adalaj Vav Step-Well

Adalaj Vav Step-Well

The Adalaj Vav, 19km north of Ahmedabad, is among the finest of the Gujarati step-wells. Built by Queen Rudabai in 1498, it has three entrances, leading…

Siddi Sayid’s Mosque

Siddi Sayid’s Mosque

One of Ahmedabad’s most stunning buildings, this mosque is famed for its exquisite jali windows, spiderweb fine, two of them depicting the intricate…

Jama Masjid, Mosque, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Jama Masjid

Built by Ahmed Shah in 1423, the massive Jama Masjid ranks as one of India’s most beautiful mosques. Demolished Hindu and Jain temples provided the…

Calico Museum of Textiles

Calico Museum of Textiles

This museum contains one of the world’s finest collections of antique and modern Indian textiles, all handmade and up to 500 years old. There are some…

Sarkhej Roza

Sarkhej Roza

This mosque, tomb and palace complex is dedicated to the memory of Ahmed Shah I’s spiritual adviser, Ahmed Khattu Ganj Baksh. The elegant, dilapidated…

Hutheesingh Temple

Hutheesingh Temple

Outside Delhi Gate, this Jain temple is one of 300 derasars in Ahmedabad. Even if you've already seen some, this one will make your jaw drop in wonder at…

Dada Hari Ni Vav

Dada Hari Ni Vav

This relatively little known step-well, built in 1499 by the supervisor of Sultan Mahmud Begada’s harem, descends through five levels to a small well, now…

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  • 52 Intriguing Tourist Places In Ahmedabad For Your Gujarat Getaway In 2024

23 Mar 2023

A busy urban metropolis, an educational center, a textile hub, and a city with a glorious past – Ahmedabad is a popular and one of the most significant places of Gujarat. As a city full of history and heritage, Ahmedabad attracts a number of tourists with varied interests. Popular places to see in Ahmedabad are a mix of magnificent temples, striking mosques, interesting museums, picturesque lakes, calming river-front and bits of Gandhi heritage. With so many tourist places in Ahmedabad , all you need is to pick your favorite four or five (depending on the duration of your stay) and cover them for sure.

52 Best Tourist Places In Ahmedabad City

Do you wish to make the most of your vacation in Gujarat? Fancy enjoying the tourist places in Ahemdabad ? Then it is a must for all travelers alike to explore the grandeur of the city that extends beyond boundaries and forms a crucial part of Ahmedabad sightseeing . From the Sabarmati Ashram to the phenomenal Jama Masjid, the city is an epitome of diversity that reflects the beauty of culture in India. Don’t forget to check out these mind-blowing Ahemdabad tourist places. 

  • Sabarmati Ashram – A Glimpse Into The Mahatma’s World
  • Jama Masjid – Ahmedabad’s Most Spectacular Site
  • ISKCON Temple – A Step Closer To Divinity
  • Swaminarayan Temple – A Work Of Wonder And Awe
  • Bhadra Fort – Full Of Mysteries And Wealth
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Museum – Archiving A Leader’s Life
  • Calico Museum – A Rich Play Of Colors & Designs
  • Kankaria Zoo – Ahmedabad’s Most Fun Picnic Spot
  • Sanskar Kendra – Exhibits Of Old, Simple Ahmedabad
  • Vechaar Utensils Museum – From Kitchens Of Different Centuries
  • Vintage Car Museum – From Horse Carriages To Limos
  • Rani No Hajiro – A Beautiful Vault For Beautiful Souls
  • Nagina Wadi – For A Perfect Family Evening
  • Sarkhej Roza – An Attractive Architectural Complex
  • Vastrapur Lake – A Man-made Beauty
  • Parimal Garden – For Picnics And Long Walks
  • Sidi Saiyyed Mosque – Grand Islamic Architecture
  • Hathisingh Jain Temple – A Pearl-White Sanctum Of Peace
  • Jhulta Minar – The Unsolvable Mystery
  • Law Garden Night Market – Late-Night Shopping & Snacks
  • Manek Chowk – The Three-In-One Market Square
  • Lal Darwaza – For A Shopping Spree With Street Food
  • Alpha One Mall – A Fun Day Out With Family & Friends
  • Adalaj Step Well – A True Architectural Wonder
  • Gujarat Science City – A Delight For Kids And Youngsters
  • Dada Hari Vav – Every Photographer’s Paradise
  • Vaishnodevi Temple – For Lifelong Blessings
  • Patang Kite Museum – The Most Colorful Museum
  • Lothal – A City Lost In Time
  • Sabarmati Riverfront – For A Relaxing Walk
  • Banascraft – Every Shopaholic’s First Love
  • Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum – Ancient Art Preserved Beautifully
  • Dada Bhagwan Temple – The Heavenly Trimandir
  • Kankaria Lake – The Most Kid-Friendly Side Of The City
  • Ahmedabad One Mall – Shop Till You Drop
  • Nehru Bridge – Ahmedabad’s Crown Jewel
  • Radhe Shopping Mall – For An Enjoyable Retail Therapy
  • Sun Temple Modhera – An Architectural Legacy
  • Bhairavnath Temple – For Devoted Souls
  • Gulmohar Greens Golf Club – The Perfect Stress Buster
  • Ahmedabad Haat – Grab Handmade Merchandise
  • Open Air Theater – A Movie Night With Loved Ones
  • Shreyas Folk Art Museum – A Tour Of Ahmedabad’s Rich Heritage
  • Teen Darwaza – An Epitome Of Expert Masonry
  • Philatelic Museum – A Stamp Collectors’ Dreamland
  • Gandhi Ashram Museum – Pay Your Respects
  • Zanzari Waterfall – Unwind
  • Splash The Fun World – An Adventure Ride
  • Shanku’s Water Park – For The Joyrides
  • Maniar’s Wonderland – Beat The Heat
  • One Tree Hill Garden – A Serene Escape
  • Bansidhar Garden – Relax and Reflect

1. Sabarmati Ashram – A Glimpse Into The Mahatma’s World

The tranquility and calmness of Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad is unmatched

Image Source Tranquil and placid, Sabarmati Ashram is an ultimate abode to acquire peace and calm. Located on the banks of River Sabarmati, it is one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad that is also popular as Gandhi Ashram, Harijan Ashram, and Satyagraha Ashram. It was built by Gandhiji after he returned from South Africa in 1915. Mahatma desired to pursue works related to agriculture, animal husbandry, and khadi udyog from here.

Today, Sabarmati Ashram is one of the most significant tourist places in Ahmedabad and one of the best ashrams in Ahmedabad . A number of Indian and international tourists flock here to have a look at the reminiscences of the ‘Life of Gandhi’, his works, and success and failures while attempting to develop India.

Don’t Miss: If you are visiting the Gandhi Ashram, stop by at Upasana Mandir, Magan Niwas, Hriday Kunj, Udyog Mandir, and Nandini. The Ashram Museum, which includes an art gallery, a library, and the archives, tells you a lot about Gandhi, his family, his ways, revolutionary movements and much more. Built By: Mahatma Gandhi Built In: 25 May 1915 Location: Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya, Ashram Rd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380027 Opening Hours: 8.30 am to 6.30 pm, every day Entry: Free

Must Read: 16 Playful Picnic Spots Near Ahmedabad To Have Some Leisure Time With Your Family

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2. Jama Masjid – Ahmedabad’s Most Spectacular Site

The beauty of Jama Masjid makes it one of the spectacular tourist places in Ahmedabad

Image Source Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad was built by Sultan Ahmed Shah I in 1424 and your Ahmedabad sightseeing is incomplete without visiting this mosque . It is as spectacular and majestic as its namesake, the Jama Masjid in Delhi. It is one of the striking places to see in Ahmedabad , also known as Jami or Jumma Masjid. Located adjacent to the Bhadra Fort, along the road extending from Teen Darwaza to Manek Chowk, Jama Masjid is counted as the highest watermarked mosque design in western India. Its beauty and architecture are simply astounding and makes it one of the most popular tourist places in Ahmedabad .

Built By: Ahmad Shah I Built In: 1424 Don’t Miss: The wide courtyard of the mosque; and the yellow sandstone architecture which depicts a blend of Hindu and Islamic styles. Location: Manek Chowk, Gandhi Rd, Danapidth, Khadia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Opening Hours: 6 am to 8 pm, all the days of the week. Also, the mosque doors are closed for visitors during prayer times. Entry: Free

Suggested Read: 15 Romantic Restaurants In Ahmedabad That’ll Fill Your Dinner Date With Love!

3. ISKCON Temple – A Step Closer To Divinity

The Iskcon Temple in Ahmedabad is full of charisma and divine aura

Image Source The gorgeous temple of ISKCON, also known as Hare Krishna Mandir, amalgamates Gujarat Sompura and Rajasthani Khamira architectural pattern. The temple is located on a sprawling 4 acre land full of beautiful gardens, fountains, refreshing flora, and is one of the best visiting places in Ahmedabad .

Though the temple is dedicated to Krishna and Radha, it also houses idols of various other deities of Hindu mythology. One of the most famous tourist places in Ahmedabad , it sees a huge footfall of devotees, who fill up the premises with energizing and cleansing chants of ‘ Hare Rama Hare Krishna ’.

The temple’s architecture, pattern, and design of the walls; the exquisite prayer room; and morning and evening aarti.

Location: Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Hwy, near BRTS Bus Stop, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380059 Opening Hours: 4:30 am to 1 pm, and 4 pm to 9 pm; all days of the week Entry: Free

Suggested Read: 6 Best Waterfalls In Gujarat For A Super Cool Vacation!

4. Swaminarayan Temple – A Work Of Wonder And Awe

Swaminarayan Temple in Ahmedabad is magnificent in its architecture

Image Source The grandeur of its architecture, milky white buildings, jaw dropping styles, and remarkable patterns make Swaminarayan Temple of Ahmedabad a crucial wonder of modern India and one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad . One of the top tourist places in Ahmedabad , the temple depicts the glory of Indian culture and tradition. The neat arrangement of the temple premises is worth mentioning. Known for their exquisite architecture and intricate carvings, this is the first of many Swaminarayan Temples around the world and one of the best temples in Ahmedabad .

Don’t Miss: Nar Narayan Temple, Akshar Bhavan, Temple for Women, Haveli in North and East. Location: Swaminarayan Mandir Road, Old City, Kalupur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Opening Hours: 6 am to 7 pm, all the days of the week Entry Fee: Free

5. Bhadra Fort – Full Of Mysteries And Wealth

The stunning facade of Bhadra Fort - one of the best heritage tourist places in Ahmedabad

Image Source Built by Sultan Bhadra Fort in 1411 during Martha rule, Bhadra Fort is one of the prime attractions and one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad . This royal fort comprises of a majestic palace, a lush green courtyard, and a Bhadra Kali Temple. Popular belief says that Goddess Lakshmi once stepped into the Bhadra Fort and blessed the Sultan that his city was to always remain wealthy and affluent. Till now, it is believed that there are hidden stashes of riches, somewhere deep in the fort which makes it one of the must visiting places in Ahmedabad .

The fort was renovated in 2014 and is now managed by the Archaeological Survey of India as a heritage property.

Built By: Ahmad Shah Built In: 1411 Don’t Miss: Teen Darwaza; Royal Square; BhadraKali Temple; Azam Khan Sarai; Clock Tower; and gardens, Nagina Baugh and Maidan-e-Shah. Location: Near eastern banks of Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Opening Hours: 9 am to 5 pm, all throughout the week Entry: Free

Suggested Read: Gear Up For A New Year Party In Ahmedabad: A Celebration Like Never Before!

6. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Museum – Archiving A Leader’s Life

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Museum is one of the most visited tourist places in Ahmedabad

Image Source One of the most famous tourist places in Ahmedabad , Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Museum is located in Moti Shahi Mahal in the Shahibaug area of Ahmedabad. The museum building was constructed between 1618-1622 and was used as British Cantonment at that time. However, after independence, it was used as the serving Governor’s residence. Set up in 1978 by Shri Babubhai Jashbhai Patel, then CM of Gujarat, it’s one of the best museums in Ahmedabad showcases artifacts and the belongings of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The archives depict the life and achievements of the beloved national leader.

Don’t Miss: The multimedia halls which demonstrate 3D interactive and experiential exhibits on Sardar’s life and work. Built By: Moghul emperor Built In: 1618 and 1622 Location: Gandhi-Sardar Smruthi Chowk, opp. Circuit House, Shahibag, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380004 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Show timings for 3D interactive shows are from 7 pm to 7.45 pm daily, except on Mondays. Entry Fee: INR 20 per head

Suggested Read: 20 Things To Do In Ahmedabad For An Extraordinary Experience

7. Calico Museum Of Textiles – A Rich Play Of Colors & Designs

Some of the the colorful textiles in Ahmedabad

Image Source Calico Museum of Textile is another one of the famous tourist places of Ahmedabad . Managed by Sarabhai Foundation, it is one of the oldest textile museums in the country and one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad . It comprises exclusive collections of various textiles, fabrics, and artifacts; rare collections of antique textiles; spectacular samples of Kashmir shawls; tie and dye fabrics; and relics from various parts of the country that makes it one of the best visiting places in Ahmedabad .

Don’t Miss: Exclusive collections of bronze, pichwai paintings, Jain art items, Indian miniature paintings, tribal art and handicrafts. Built By: Gautam Sarabhai Built In: 1949 Location: The Retreat, Airport Rd, Opp. Rani Sati Mandir, Jain Colony, Shahibag, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380004 Opening Hours: From 10 am to 12.30 pm, then from 2.45 pm to 4.30 pm; every day except Wednesdays. Entry: Free

Suggested Read: Top 26 Places To Visit Near Ahmedabad On Your Gujarat Vacation

8. Kankaria Zoo – Ahmedabad’s Most Fun Picnic Spot

A deadly yet silent crocodile lounging at Kankaria Zoo in Ahmedabad

Image Source Kamala Nehru Zoological Garden is a perfect tourist spot to explore with family especially with kids. The zoo was established in 1951 along the banks of Kankaria Lake. It’s one of the most beautiful lakes in Ahmedabad and it houses rare and endangered species of birds, mammals and reptiles, including crocodiles and alligators. The lush greenery and animal spotting make the experience memorable and thrilling, while taking utmost care of your safety. Pack a picnic basket and set out to enjoy your day with the wilderlies at one of the most alluring tourist places of Ahmedabad .

Don’t Miss: Along with wild animals and birds, explore Butterfly Park, Water Park, Nocturnal Animal House, Nagina Vadi, Rasala Nature Park, Balvatika, and NH Museum. Location: Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Opening Hours: Timings of the zoo vary with seasons. From March to October, it is open from 9 am to 6.15 pm and from November to February, it is open from 9 am to 5 pm Entry Fee: INR 20 per head. Every Thursday, entry is free for Educational Tours.

Suggested Read: 8 Most Popular Homestays In Ahmedabad For A Unique Stay Experience

9. Sanskar Kendra – Exhibits Of Old, Simple Ahmedabad

Various exhibits at Sanskar Kendra - one of the top places to see in Ahmedabad

Image Source Designed by architect Le Corbusier, Sanskar Kendra is one of the best tourist places of Ahmedabad . It is a museum that is located near Sardar Bridge in Ahmedabad. Exhibiting history, art, culture, traditions and architecture of the city, the museum is one of the prime tourist attractions in Ahmedabad. You must visit the museum to get a brief glimpse of the living heritage of the city and its glorious past. It is also surrounded by some of the best shopping places in Ahmedabad .

Don’t Miss: Photographs related to history of city, art, photography, Mahatma Gandhi, Indian independence struggle, various religious communities of Ahmedabad; the tallest incense stick of the world – 4.5 m long. Built By: Le Corbusier Built In: 9 April 1954 Location: Bhagtacharya Road, Near Sardar Patel, Bridge, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006 Opening Hours: All days of the week from 10 am to 6 pm Entry: Free

PS: Do not miss the adjacent Patang Museum. Kites of different colors, shapes and designs can hold your attention for long. Don’t miss it as you won’t get a better opportunity to indulge your inner child.

Suggested Read: 20 Amazing Resorts Near Ahmedabad: Guide To Your Next Vacation Hotspots

10. Vechaar Utensils Museum – From Kitchens Of Different Centuries

Various utensils of different ages at display in Vechaar Utensils Museum in Ahmedabad

Image Source Vechaar Utensils Museum is a unique and exclusive showcase depicting centuries old antique collection. The exhibits of utensils and pots have been picked from all over the country, and the total number ranges over 4,500 samples. Built in 1981, this museum is one of the famous tourist places in Ahmedabad that aims at preserving evolution of Indian utensils over time.

Location: Opp. Vasna Tol Naka, Rehnuma Society, Vishala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380055 Opening Hours: 1 pm to 3 pm and 5 pm to 10.30 pm; all days of the week except on Mondays. Entry Fee: INR 20 per head

Suggested Read: 51 Incomparable Places To Visit In Gujarat For A Memorable Trip

11. Auto World Vintage Car Museum – From Horse Carriages To Limos

A rare vintage car at display in Auto World Vintage Car Museum in Ahmedabad

Image Source Auto World is a vintage car museum located in the Kathwada area of Ahmedabad. One of the popular tourist places of Ahmedabad , the museum displays spectacular collections of antique vehicles, cars, motorcycles, utility vehicles, and buggies from all over the world. The well-preserved vintages attract much fanfare due to the rarity and heritage associated with them. It is also surrounded by some of the best adventure spots to visit in Ahmedabad .

Don’t Miss: The special collection of grand limousines, romantic convertibles, swanky sports cars, railway saloons, horse-drawn carriages, boat-tailed wooden speedsters, and shooting brakes-cars. Location: Dastan Estate Sardar Patel Ring Road Kathwada, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382430 Opening Hours: 8 am to 9 pm Entry: Free

Suggested Read: Law Garden In Ahmedabad: An Ultimate Guide To Make The Most Of Your Visit

12. Rani No Hajiro – A Beautiful Vault For Beautiful Souls

Rani no Hajiro in Ahmedabad is the resting place to the queens of the empire

Image Source The Hajiro is a cellar for graves of the queens of Gujarat affil of Mughal Empire. A tomb complex near Manek Chowk, it is one of the popular tourist attractions of Ahmedabad . The Queens’ tomb, located adjacent to Badshah na Hajiro, is a serene place, away from the hustle-bustle of the city chores.

Don’t Miss: The tombs and the architectural pattern of the complex is awe-inspiring. The approach road is dotted with numerous local shops good for souvenir shopping in Ahmedabad . Location: Gandhi Rd, Manek Chowk, Khadia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Opening Hours: 6 am to 10 pm Entry: Free

Suggested Read: Ahmedabad’s Real Poseidon Is The First Underwater Restaurant In India

13. Nagina Wadi – For A Perfect Family Evening

The musical fountain at Nagina Wadi is one of the best tourist places in Ahmedabad

Image Source One of the most charming tourist attractions of Ahmedabad , Nagina Wadi is a garden-themed amusement area in the heart of the picturesque Kankaria Lake. It is approached by a straight tree-lined concrete pathway criss-crossing half of the lake. The area also comprises numerous food stalls serving lip smacking street food of Ahmedabad . Actually, it is a perfect spot for family outing and some quality time with your loved one.

Don’t Miss: Illuminated musical fountain – the dancing fountain is quite enchanting with its soothing music and hypnotizing lights. Speed boat, jet ski, and other water sports are also popular. Location: Nr.Kankaria Lake, Front Gate No.6, Gujarat 380002 Opening Hours: 9 am to 11 pm Entry: Free

Suggested Read: Top 12 Surreal And Romantic Places Near Ahmedabad Where The Love Birds Flock!

14. Sarkhej Roza – An Attractive Architectural Complex

Sarkhej Rosa is one of the best architectural wonders in Ahmedabad

Image Source One of the most enchanting tourist places in Ahmedabad city , Sarkhej Roza is a tomb and mosque complex located in Makaraba area of Ahmedabad. It is one of the most attractive architectural complexes of the city, depicting Islamic style of the Mughal period. Sarkhej Roza is also known as Ahmedabad’s Acropolis as Le Corbusier’s compared this mosque’s design to the Acropolis of Athens.

Don’t Miss: Persian designs of the tombs, Ganj Baksh’s Tomb, and Sarkhej Lake. Built By: Mohammad Shah Location: Post Jeevraj Park, Sarkhej Makarba Rd, Makarba, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380051 Opening Hours: 9 am to 6 pm Entry: Free

Suggested Read: 13 Awesome Reasons Why Ahmedabad Will Ruin You For Life

15. Vastrapur Lake – A Man-made Beauty

Vastrapur Lake - A man-made beauty in Ahmedabad

Image Source Vastrapur Lake is located in the western side of the city and is maintained by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. This man made beauty is one of the most spectacular places to see in Ahmedabad. Emerging as a popular attraction for some family time, Vastrapur lake is perfect to indulge in boating while enjoying the company of your loved ones.

Don’t Miss: Children’s park, jogging track, and open-air theatre for various cultural events and performances. Location: Western Ahmedabad, Gujarat Opening Hours: The lake area is open to the public from 8 am to 10 pm on all days of the week. However, maximum footfall is observed during weekends. Entry: Free

Suggested Read: 15 Wildlife Sanctuaries In Gujarat For Spending A Day With Nature

16. Parimal Garden – For Picnics And Long Walks

Parimal Garden in Ahmedabad

Image Source The garden is located right on the Parimal Cross Road in Ambavadi. It is a beautifully landscaped and well-maintained garden set in the heart of Ahmedabad. A sheer delight for kids, the garden is replete with swings, stone benches, and trails for walking and jogging. Apart from being the center of morning walks, evening strolls, and fun picnics in Ahmedabad with children, the garden can also be used by the elderly since it has many routine laughing clubs.

Don’t Miss: Nature’s bounty Location: Parimal Cross Road, Panchavati Society, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006 Opening Hours: 8 AM – 10 PM Entry: Nil

Suggested Read: 7 Wedding Venues In Ahmedabad That Will Make Your Day Grand In Every Way!

17. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque – Grand Islamic Architecture

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque in Ahmedabad

Image Source Renowned as the Sidi Saiyyed Ni Jaali, this beautiful mosque was built in 1573 and happens to be one of the most popular mosques in the city of Ahmedabad. The architectural grandeur of this structure has gained this place a lot of attention over the years, attracting more and more visitors from around the world each year. This is among the favourite spots in the city for history buffs, art lovers, and photographers. Originally credited to Sidi Saiyyed in the army of the Shams-Ud-Din Muzaffar Shah III, this mosque has beautiful stone lattice work windows (or Jaalis) along with stone slabs carved to imitate intertwined trees and palm foliage. The mosque is now under the care of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

Built In: 1572-73 AD Don’t Miss: The intricate carvings and Jaalis Location: Bhadra Rd, Opposite Electricity House, Old City, Gheekanta, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Opening Hours: 7 AM – 6 PM Entry: Nil

Suggested Read: 7 Villages In Gujarat That Are So Beautiful That They Will Change Your Outlook Towards Gujarat!

18. Hathisingh Jain Temple – A Pearl-White Sanctum Of Peace

Hathisingh Jain Temple in Ahmedabad

Image Source The temple is dedicated to Dharmanath, the 15th Tirthankara of Jains, and is among the finest Jain temples in Gujarat . Pleasing to the eyes, this temple is essentially an elegant two-storied white marble structure that offers utter peace. Other than the white structure, the temple also has a tiled courtyard that adds to the uniqueness of the temple. The courtyard, in turn, is bordered by a row of pergolas that has 52 shrines where each shrine exhibits remarkable designs and intricate carvings. The temple was christened after Sri Hathee Singh and it was made in the same architectural patterns of the Dilwara Jain Temples of Rajasthan.

Don’t Miss: The 52 shrines in the tiled courtyard Location: Shahibaug Rd, Bardolpura, Delhi Darwaza, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380004

Suggested Read: 19 Beaches Near Ahmedabad Which Will Let You Get Over The Monotonous Life!

19. Jhulta Minar – The Unsolvable Mystery

Jhulta Minar in Ahmedabad

Image Source Jhuta Minar is among the most intriguing architectural wonders not just in the state of Gujarat, but perhaps in the world itself. What fascinates visitors about this place is the unsolved mystery revolving around it – if one of the minarets is shaken, the other minarets start shaking on their own within a few seconds, even when the connecting passage doesn’t transmit any vibrations to facilitate movements. Other than the unexplained mystery, these minarets are also known for their strikking architecture and carvings.

Built In: 1452 Don’t Miss: The swinging movement of the minarets Location: Kalupur Road Sarangpur, Laxmi Bazar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380002 Opening Hours: 5:30 AM – 9 PM Entry: Nil

Suggested Read: 12 Hill Stations Near Ahmedabad To Escape For A Chilling Getaway This Summer!

20. Law Garden Night Market – Late-Night Shopping & Snacks

Law Garden Night Market in Ahmedabad

Image Source Set right next to Ahmedabad’s famous Law Garden are these sets of stalls and shops selling exclusive wall hangings, bandhej sarees, antique ornaments and jewelry, chaniyas (colourful long skirts) and a lot of other things. One can grab these traditional Gujarati merchandise off these streets at very reasonable prices, an aspect that makes this market a popular go-to place for all shopaholics visiting the city.

Don’t Miss: Traditional Gujarati attire and jewelry Location: Law Garden, Maharashtra Society, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 Opening Hours: 7 PM – 12:30 AM

Suggested Read: International Kite Festival In Gujarat: Join The Uttarayan Celebrations This January

21. Manek Chowk – The Three-In-One Market Square

Manek Chawk in Ahmedabad

Image Source Set right in Old Ahmedabad, the Manek Chowk is a busy city square surrounded by historic structures and bustling markets. The chowk plays three different roles in the day – of a vegetable market in the morning hours, a bullion market in the afternoon, and a joyful street food hub in the evening. It is a great place for shopaholics with a large retail appetite since it is considered to be one of the second biggest and busiest markets in India. Other than shopping, it’s also a great place for hanging out with friends and family.

Don’t Miss: Snacks like pav-bhaji, dosa, sandwiches, and kulfi Location: Near Bhadra Fort, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Opening Hours: 6 AM – 2 AM Entry: Nil

Suggested Read: 20 Amazing Resorts Near Ahmedabad: Guide To Your Vacation Hotspots

22. Lal Darwaza – For A Shopping Spree With Street Food

Lal Darwaza in Ahmedabad

Image Source Lal Darwaza is another famous market in Ahmedabad. With hawkers lining the street selling a variety of items like clothes and electronics, it is among the most popular markets of Ahmedabad, though also very crowded. It’s a must-visit place to get whatever you want if you have some pro-bargaining skills as well as fill your tummies with some delightful street food like pani puri, samosas, dhoklas, paan, dosas, and more. Just make sure you don’t over-bargain or argue too much or you can end up in some serious trouble in this spot.

Don’t Miss: The endless variety of street food Location: Near Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Suggested Read: 23 Gorgeous Places To Visit In Junagadh And Around It To Get To Know The Real Gujarat

23. Alpha One Mall – A Fun Day Out With Family & Friends

Alpha One Mall in Ahmedabad

The Alpha One Mall is unlike the other niche malls in the town and makes for a wonderful tourist hub for those wondering what a mall is doing in this list of the best tourist places in Ahmedabad, Gujarat . It’s Ahmedabad’s largest mall spanning an area of over 706,000 square feet right in the middle of Ahmedabad’s busy Vastrapur area. What makes it a favourite of visitors is the fact that it is a mixed-used city centre dotted with national and international branded merchandise, entertainment facilities like movieplex, and a vast food court. With so much to do, it’s surely the best place to spend a day with your family.

Don’t Miss: A movie at the grand movieplex Opening Hours: 10 AM – 9:30 PM Entry: Nil

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24. Adalaj Step Well – A True Architectural Wonder

Adalaj Step Well in Ahmedabad

Image Source Initially built to curb water crisis in and around the Adalaj village, the famous Adalaj Stepwell happens to be a magnificent piece of architecture in Ahmedabad. It is located just 4 km south-west of Gandhinagar and was constructed way back in 1498 in order to provide the villages access to groundwater. The entire structure is exemplary of the excellent illustration and masonic skills of the engineers and architects of old. And you will be able to marvel that the moment you walk in and experience a sudden yet soothing drop in temperature. In here, you will be able to breathe in tranquillity as well as gaze at the detailed carvings before heading back out.

Don’t Miss: The detailed carvings inside Location: Adalaj Rd, Adalaj, Gujarat 382421 Opening Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM Entry: Nil

Suggested Read: 7 Best Adventure Sports In Ahmedabad Which Will Give You That Adrenaline Rush

25. Gujarat Science City – A Delight For Kids And Youngsters

Gujarat Science City in Ahmedabad

Image Source Situated on the Science City Road in Ahmedabad, the Gujarat Science City happens to be a commendable initiative taken up by the Government of Gujarat. The Science City was established with an aim to spread awareness as well as establish a scientific temperament among the Indian youth. The center is spread over a whopping 107 hectares of land and it conducts regular talk shows and interactive workshops for students and science enthusiasts.

Don’t Miss: Talk shows and seminars Location: Science City Rd, Off, Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Hwy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380060 Opening Hours: 10:30 AM – 7:30 PM Entry: INR 5 (Students) | INR 10 (Kids) | INR 20 (Adults) | INR 20 (Musical Fountain)

Suggested Read: Surat Fort: Know Everything About This Monument Which Has A Rich History!

26. Dada Hari Vav – Every Photographer’s Paradise

stepwell in ahmedabad

Image Source Dada Hari Vav is a beautiful stepwell in Ahmedabad that is worthy of your attention. The intricate carvings and stunning architecture of a bygone era will make your jaw drop. This place is your escape from the scorching heat in the summers because no matter how hot the temperature is outside, this place is always cool. It is a great spot for photography.

Don’t Miss: The mosque adjacent to the stepwell Built In: 1499 Location: Hanumansingh Rd, Haripura, Asarwa, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380016 Opening Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: Winter In Gujarat: Visit These 6 Astounding Cities In The Gujju Land

27. Vaishnodevi Temple – For Lifelong Blessings

Vaishnodevi Temple ahmedabad

Image Source Yes, even Ahmedabad has its own Vaishnodevi Temple! Situated on the Sarkhej-Gandhinagar highway Road, Ahmedabad’s Vaishnodevi Temple is an exact and stunning replica of the famous temple in Jammu and Kashmir. Devotees and pilgrims in thousands visit this temple year after year without fail, partly because of its scenic splendor and divinity, and partly because this version can be visited in a mere couple of hours!

Location: Vaishnodevi Cir, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382421

Suggested Read: 14 Airports In Gujarat That Make Traveling To This Indian State A Cakewalk

28. Patang Kite Museum – The Most Colorful Museum

patang museum ahmedabad

Image Source Where else will you find a Kite Museum if not Ahmedabad? Patang Museum is located inside Sanskar Kendra in Paldi where you will find kites of variegated colors. On display, you have different colorful including mirror-work kites, block print kites, and even Japanese kites. A visit to this museum will refresh your sweet memories from childhood. In Ahmedabad, kite flying is still a tradition celebrated with much fervor on festivals and special occasions.

Don’t Miss: The beautiful kites Location: Sankar Kender, Bhagtacharya Rd, Kocharab, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007 Opening Hours: 10-12 PM, 4-6 PM Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 7 Spectacular Cafes In Bhavnagar That Will Make Your Mouth Water!

29. Lothal – A City Lost In Time

lothal ahmedabad

Image Source Lothal is a bit far from the city center but it deserves its due attention. It is a popular Indus Valley site located on the banks of the dried up Saraswati River. This place preserves the ties between our past and the present. Know about the colorful tales of people who used to live here. It sure is an interesting place to visit, especially for history buffs.

Don’t Miss: The evacuation sites that are as old as 4,500 years old Location: Lothal, Saragwala, Gujarat 382230 Opening Hours: 10 AM – 5 PM, Friday closed Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 5 Jain Temples In Gujarat That Are A True Architectural Marvel!

30. Sabarmati Riverfront – For A Relaxing Walk

sabarmati riverfront

Image Source You will cross the Sabarmati Riverfront a lot of times during sightseeing in Ahmedabad. It is one of the quaint points in the city where you can catch a break and gaze at the sluggish river for hours. Evening makes a perfect time to visit this place. There are lush green promenade, beautiful parks, and plazas around the riverfront made for visitors to relax and enjoy their time.

Don’t Miss: Parks and plazas around the riverfront Location: Sabarmati Riverfront Walkway East, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Opening Hours: Open all times Entry Fee: None

31. Banascraft – Every Shopaholic’s First Love

Banascraft ahmedabad

Image Source This is among the most famous boutiques in Ahmedabad and offers a massive variety of handmade items. Most of the goods made at Banascraft are handmade and are directly sourced from SEWA, which is a renowned women’s cooperative society in Gujarat. You must stop by to grab some awesome tote bags, purses, wall hangings, cushion covers, door panels, and more for your friends and family back home.

Don’t Miss: Handicraft items like purses, cushion covers, and wall hangings Location: 8, Chandan Complex, C G Road, Nvp, Nvp, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 Opening Hours: 11 AM – 9 PM Entry Fee: None

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32. Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum – Ancient Art Preserved Beautifully

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum ahmedabad

Image Source The L.D Museum is home to a diverse range of Indian sculptures, bronzes, manuscripts, paintings, drawings, miniature paintings, woodwork, beadwork, as well as ancient and contemporary coins that all tell tales of India’s rich history and vast heritage. This wonderful museum was established way back in 1984 and was developed out of the visions of the monk scholar Muni Punyavijayaji and famous industrialist Sheth Kasturbhai Lalbhai. You’ll also find the finest Gujarati Jaina Style paintings in this museum, many of which are older than the Mughal period itself.

Built In: 1984 Don’t Miss: Sculptures, miniature paitings, woodwork Location: L.D. Institute of Indology Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 Timings : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM Entry fee : Nil

Suggested Read: 16 Magnificent Temples In Gujarat For A Divine Holiday

33. Dada Bhagwan Temple – The Heavenly Trimandir

Dada Bhagwan Temple ahmedabad

Image Source Dada Bhagwan Temple is also referred to as the Adalaj Trimandir and it is tucked in the serene village of Adalaj over the Ahmedabad-Kalol highway. It lies approximately 20 kms from Ahmedabad but is a must visit for all those seeking peace and tranquility on their tour. Founded by Dada Bhagwan Foundation, this beautiful trimandir has brought forward a unique concept of religion where idols of almost all religious deities have been placed on a single platform, something that always intrigues visitors.

Don’t Miss: Morning and Evening Aarti at the temple Location: K K Nagar Road Near Jamiyatpura, Ahmedabad 382481 India Timings : 5:30 AM – 9:30 PM Entry Fee: None

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34. Kankaria Lake – The Most Kid-Friendly Side Of The City

Kankaria Lake ahmedabad

Image Source The Kankaria Lake is the second largest lake in all of Ahmedabad. Previously known as Hauz-e-Qutub, this massive lake was built way back in the 15th century and was only recently revamped in 2008. Equipped with family-friendly activities like balloon safari, zoo, toy trains, and an amusement park, this lake area is a complete entertainment package for families with kids, and one of the most prominent places to visit in Ahmedabad . If you only seek peace, you can take a leisurely stroll in the beautiful park here.

Built In: 1451 Don’t’ Miss: Visiting the amusement park and riding the toy train Location: Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Timings : 9 AM – 10 PM Entry F ee : INR 10 (for adults) | INR 5 (for children)

Suggested Read: Shopping In Daman: A Handbook To Buy Authentic Gujarati Items

35. Ahmedabad One Mall – Shop Till You Drop

showrooms inside a mall

Image Source This mall is quite popular in the city, as it is the largest amongst all. This mall was opened in the year 2011 and it didn’t take much time for it to become one of the most famous spots in Ahmedabad for tourists as well as locals. Initially, the mall was known by the name Alpha One but over a period of time the name was changed to Ahmedabad One and is one of the best places to see in Ahmedabad .

Don’t Miss: Food court and window shopping Location: Plot No-216, T.P Scheme-1, Near Vastrapur Lake, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054 Timings: 10 AM – 10 PM Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 9 Romantic Places In Gujarat That Will Strengthen Your Bond

36. Nehru Bridge – Ahmedabad’s Crown Jewel

vehicles running on a bridge upon a river

Image Source This is a huge bridge and is considered to be one of the most awe-striking highlights of the city and one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad . The bridge has been constructed across the Sabarmati River and connects the western region of the city with Real Old City called Kot Vistar. Built to pay tribute to Jawahar Lal Nehru, the bridge saw its opening in the year 1962. During the night hours, the bridge is beautifully lit, becoming a sight worth beholding.

Don’t Miss: Driving over the bridge Location: Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Timings: Open 24 hours Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: These 10 Incredible Places To Visit In Gujarat In May Are Rich In Culture And Heritage!

37. Radhe Shopping Mall – For An Enjoyable Retail Therapy

mannequins on the display window

Image Source Being one of the best places to see in Ahmedabad , this mall will ensure you have a fulfilling shopping experience. The mall has various brands in clothing, accessories, footwear, and more. The mall also has eating joints where you can bring an end to those incessant hunger pangs as you shop your heart out at this mall.

Don’t Miss: Shopping at various brand outlets Location: Khokhra Cir, Khokhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380008 Timings: NA Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 7 Amazing Places To Visit In Gujarat In July Which One Cannot Miss Out!

38. Sun Temple Modhera – An Architectural Legacy

Sun Temple Modhera

Image Source A part of the erstwhile ‘Solanki’ rule in Gujarat, the famous and beautiful Sun Temple is among the most elegant places to visit in Ahmedabad. Set in the soothing village of Modhera amidst blooming fields and charming rural settings, this temple is the perfect place to witness the mind blowing craftsmanship of the masons of olden times as well as the history of the Golden Age of Gujarat. The exclusively carved temple complex is set on the banks of River Pushpavati that gives it a magnificent backdrop.

Built In: 1026 AD Built By: King Bhimdev Don’t Miss: Taking photographs of the revered shrine Location: Near Mehsana, Modhera, Ahmedabad,Gujarat 384212 Timings: 6 AM – 6 PM Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 5 Impeccable Resorts Near Gujarat That Are Perfect For A Luxurious Staycation

39. Bhairavnath Temple – For Devoted Souls

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source Dedicated to the Hindu deity Kal Bhairav, the Bhairavnath Temple is a revered holy shrine that is believed to grant wishes and solve your life problems. Located near the Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, this temple also makes up for an awesome place for Ahmedabad sightseeing other than being famous among pilgrims and spiritual seekers. The ancient architecture of this sanctum attracts hundreds of devotees daily who come from near and far to offer prayers, explore the architecture, and watch the unique rituals that involve offering liquor to the temple deity.

Don’t Miss: The special puja Location: Bhairavnath Road, Rambagh, Maninagar Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380028 Timings: 5:30 AM – 12 PM Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 9 Eye-Pleasing Hill Stations Near Gujarat That’ll Steal Your Heart

40. Gulmohar Greens Golf Club – The Perfect Stress Buster

Gulmarg Golf Course

Golfing is a great stress reliever when you’re exhausted by the hamster wheel and just want to unwind for a bit. But Ahmedabad’s prestigious golf club is much more than that. It’s an escape from the otherwise crowded city life in Ahmedabad and offers a chance to people to look at the royal and luxurious side of the city. Gulmohar Greens is where you can indulge in a session or two of golf along with other sports and activities to get a break from your hectic sightseeing schedule.

Don’t Miss: Spa and fine-dining restaurant Location: B/204, Shapath IV, S.G.Higway, Opposite Karnavati Club Ltd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054 Timings: 10:30 AM – 7 PM Entry Fee: INR 1500 per person

Suggested Read: 19 Best Beaches In Gujarat That Show How The Locals Have Fun

41. Ahmedabad Haat – Grab Handmade Merchandise

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source One of the best visiting places in Ahmedabad is the Ahmedabad Haat which makes up for a great shopping avenue if you wish to buy the unique handicraft of Gujarat at affordable prices and also find great variety while you’re at it. You can buy everything from brass and iron items, clay items, pottery, furniture, embroidery work, dhurries, silver jewelry, and much more at subsidized rates.

Don’t Miss: Shopping local artefacts Location: Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015, India Timings: 4 PM – 9 PM Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 15 Beautiful Lakes In Gujarat That Will Make You Realize That There Is More To This State!

42. Open Air Theater – A Movie Night With Loved Ones

Open Air Theater Ahmedabad

Image Source Ditch the cliched cinema halls and choose to watch a movie under the stars with your special someone. Ahmedabad offers you the fabulous Drive-In Cinema that gives you a glam theatre experience and quality, but with a lot more. With luxurious arrangement, a food court, and other perks, it is a superb way to treat your lady with a special movie night under the blanket of stars. It’ll surely be a night you’ll never forget, which is why it’s one of the most amazing places to visit in Ahmedabad.

Don’t Miss: movies with your friends Location: Sunset Drive In Cinema, Drive In Road, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat Timings: varied Entry Fee: Varied

Suggested Read: 17 Famous Festivals In Gujarat To Celebrate With Joyous Fervor

43. Shreyas Folk Art Museum – A Tour Of Ahmedabad’s Rich Heritage

Shreyas Folk Art Museum

Image Source Ahmedabad’s famous Shreyas Folk Museum is a women’s initiative that started to give the talented women of Gujarat a chance to showcase their skills and be independent. It is one of the best tourist places in Ahmedabad that are perfect for all shopaholics. It’s a foundation where women craft exotic handmade goods using their unbound imagination and the organization then sells them to raise funds and to provide these women with a means of livelihood. It’s also a museum where you’ll find a number of articles on display like weapons, coins, musical fountains, animal caparison, masks, toys.

Don’t Miss: artefacts like earthen pots, coins, weapons, toys, etc Location: Mithila Bhudarpura, 7/B, Shreyas Tekra Road, Mithila Society, Bhudarpura, Ayojan Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015 Timings: 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM (Monday Closed) Entry Fee: INR10 for adults, INR 5 for kids

Suggested Read: 15 Museums In Gujarat To Redefine Your Trip

44. Teen Darwaza – An Epitome Of Expert Masonry

Teen Darwaza

Image Source An architectural marvel in every sense, the Teen Darwaza is among the most bizarre places to visit in Ahmedabad that tends to leave people awestruck. The Teen Darwaza is made of stunning arched gates and is among the longest and oldest gateways in Ahmedabad, which is just one of the many mind blowing facts about its history and architecture. Established in 141 A.D. by the founder of Ahmedabad city Sultan Ahmed Shah, this ‘doorway’ stands right adjacent to the famous Bhadra fort and is a must visit for all history geeks and architecture enthusiasts.

Don’t Miss: The impressive arch Location: Bhadra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Timings: Open 24 hours Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 20 Best Things To Do In Gujarat On A Vacation

45. Philatelic Museum Of Indian Stamps – A Stamp Collectors’ Dreamland

Philatelic Museum Of Indian Stamps

Image Source Among the most unique places to visit in this city is the queer Philatelic Museum of Indian Stamps which houses a rather large collection of rare and unique Indian stamps. One of the many factors that makes this museum bizarre includes the fact that some of these postal stamps date back to as far back as 1800 A.D. All in all, it’s a must visit attraction in Ahmedabad that you’d surely like to explore when you’re here.

Built In: July 6, 1968 Don’t Miss: Stamps of various kinds Location: Kocharab, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007 Timings: 10 AM – 6 PM Entry Fee: None

46. Gandhi Ashram Museum – Pay Your Respects

Gandhi Ashram Museum

Image Source Located inside the Sabarmati Ashram, the Gandhi Memorial Museum stores the life and achievements of the Mahatma. Inaugurated on May 10, 1963, by India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, this museum is located in an iconic building inside the Ashram premises and has been designed by Charles Correa. Gandhi Memorial Museum is one of the most famous places in Ahmedabad and you must visit it! Visitors can visit any or all of the 3 galleries here, namely the Gandhi in Ahmedabad Gallery, the Painting Gallery, and My Life is My Message Gallery along with the library.

Don’t Miss: Different wings like Hriday Kunj, Vinobha Kutir, Upasana Mandir Location: Sabarmati Ashram, Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya, Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad-380027, Gujarat Timings: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM Entry Fee: INR 20 for adults, INR 10 for kids

47. Zanzari Waterfall – Unwind

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source Tucked snugly in a remote and offbeat location a mere 3 hours drive from the main city of Ahmedabad, this waterfall is one of the most beautiful in all of Gujarat. The milky white cascading water collects in a refreshing pool at the base and is perfect for a light and shallow swim to beat the heat. Since it is not popular yet, you’ll only ever see a handful of avid travelers and adventure seekers hanging about in the day. It’s the perfect getaway for couples and families as it offers to be a great picnic spot with amazing views set in the midst of pristine natural surroundings.

Don’t Miss: The lush greenery surrounding the waterfalls Location: Zanzari, Dabha, Gujarat 383325 Timings: Open 24 hours Entry Fee: None

48. Splash The Fun World – An Adventure Ride

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source If you are looking for a fun place to spend the afternoon with your friends and family, Splash The Fun World is one of the most recommended places to visit and perfect for a quick weekend stopover. Pack up a bathing suit, some sunscreen, and head off to enjoy some cool rides and brunch. This place can be reached easily by car or bus and you can get tickets for your entire family at great affordable prices.

Don’t Miss: The water slide and rain dance party Location: Sarkhej-Sanand Road, Village Telav-Kolet Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 381102 Timings: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Entry Fee: INR 150

Suggested Read: 17 Historical Places In Gujarat That Uncover A Legendary Past

49. Shanku’s Water Park – For The Joyrides

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source Shanku’s Water Park is not just a popular place to enjoy some water-y fun with your friends and family but it is a 5-star resort tucked away in Amipura, a quick drive from Ahemdabad. From adrenaline-pumping rides to chill-out spots in the pool, this place is an absolute paradise for a weekend well spent. If you are planning to visit this place, please content the resort and book your tickets in advance.

Don’t Miss: Tsunami Bay Location: Amipura, Ahmedabad- Mehsana Highway, Mehsana, Gujarat 384435 Timings: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Entry Fee: INR 100

Suggested Read: 7 Thrilling Picnic Spots In Gujarat That Are Worth Visiting With Your Fam!

50. Maniar’s Wonderland – Beat The Heat

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source Get your blood siphoning at Ahemdabad’s coolest amusement or walk around a beautiful snowpark to add some chill into your weekend. Families searching for activities with children can frequently be found here. If you are planning a trip and want to know about the best things to see and do, booking your tickets in advance so that you can invest less energy standing in line, and more time having great fun in Ahmedabad.

Don’t Miss: The artificial snow ride Location: Highway, Behind Kiran Motors, Sanand – Sarkhej Rd, Sarkhej, Sarkhej-Okaf, Gujarat 382210 Timings: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Entry Fee: INR 100

51. One Tree Hill Garden – A Serene Escape

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source Tucked snugly in a quaint corner of the city, this lakeside park is an absolute gem for those who want to catch some quick moments of peace and solace in their daily routine. If you are a traveler, you can stroll through the garden in the evenings to observe local life, enjoy some street-side food just outside the gate and do some nature photography to share on your Instagram.

Don’t Miss: The lush greenery surrounding the lake Location: 56, Babubhai Manilal Choksi Marg, Kankaria, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380002 Timings: Open 24 hours Entry Fee: None

Suggested Read: 9 Alluring Places To Visit Near Pavagadh To Explore The Heritage Of Gujarat

52. Bansidhar Garden – Relax and Reflect

tourist places at ahmedabad

Image Source Another popular garden oasis in Ahemdabad, the Bansidhar garden is a popular spot in the city frequented by travelers, locals, and yoga enthusiasts who can be spotted on the green lawns every day practicing meditation. Take a walk around the park, enjoy some ice-cream from the local cart and photograph the vibrant flowers here for a relaxing day.

Don’t Miss: The lush flora and fauna Location: Near Bansidhar Society, Vasna, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007 Timings: Open 24 hours Entry Fee: None

Further Read: 11 Fun-tastic Picnic Spots Near Vadodara

So, set out and explore the city of Ahmedabad and its top tourist places. Make sure all these tourist places in Ahmedabad figure in your itinerary so that you don’t miss out on any of the fabulous experiences that this vivid city has to offer. Take a trip to Ahmedabad with the help of TravelTriangle and explore this wonderful place like never before.

Disclaimer: TravelTriangle claims no credit for images featured on our blog site unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to its respectful owners. We try to link back to original sources whenever possible. If you own rights to any of the images and do not wish them to appear on TravelTriangle, please contact us and they will be promptly removed. We believe in providing proper attribution to the original author, artist or photographer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tourist Places In Ahmedabad

What is ahmedabad famous for.

Ahmedabad is one of the largest cities in Gujarat that is famous for its tourist attractions, food, and the handicrafts you can buy here. It is popular amongst tourists for its cotton textiles, places serving awesome street food, diamond cutting, and goods like Bandhej clothing, Bandhani Sarees, silk, and more.

Which are the popular tourist places in Ahmedabad?

Some of the unmissable tourist places in Ahmedabad are: 1. Jama Masjid 2. ISKCON Temple 3. Bhadra Fort 4. Calico Museum Of Textiles 5. Kankaria Zoo

Which are the popular markets for shopping in Ahmedabad?

There are several good markets for shopping in Ahmedabad: 1. Rani No Hajiro Ahmedabad Cloth Market 2. Lal Darwaza Market 3. Dhalgarwad Market 4. Sindhi Market

When is the best time to visit Ahmedabad?

The Winter months from November to February are the best time to visit Ahmedabad. The weather is pleasant and a great time for a sightseeing tour of the city.

Which is the best area to stay in Ahmedabad?

Courtyard Marriott, House Of MG, Dodhia Heritage Suite, Four Points By Sheraton, Sitara, and Chabutro are some of the best places to stay in Ahmedabad for visitors, along with various homestays and hostels.

What is there to do in Ahmedabad at night?

Ahmedabad has a rather exciting nightlife against what people think. 1. Head to Manek Chowk or Bhatiyar Gali for the famous street food of Ahmedabad 2. Have tea at Law Garden 3. Enjoy snacks and shakes at Sphere Lounge in Ramada 4. Have a midnight buffet at Ramada, chill at Dabi’s Cafe and Shiva’s Cafe

Is there any beach in Ahmedabad?

Ahmedabad has no beaches but there are popular beaches near Ahmedabad which makes a perfect weekend getaway. They are Somnath Beach (Somnath), Dumas Beach (Surat), Dwarka Beach (Dwarka) and Devka Beach (Daman).

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24 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

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  • Ahmedabad Overview
  • Top 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad
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Sabarmati Ashram

tourist places at ahmedabad

#1 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 8 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Sabarmati Ashram, also known as Gandhi Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad. Situated on the banks of the River Sabarmati, it is one of the prime Ahmedabad places to visit . Formerly known as Satyagraha Ashram, the Sabarmati Ashram was established by Mahatma Gandhi in the year 1915 at the Kocharab Bungalow of Jivanlal Desai, a barrister friend of Gandhi. Later on, it was shifted to the banks of Sabarmati River and then it came to be known as 'Sabarmati Ashram'. This was one of the residences of Gandhi, who lived here with his wife, Kasturba Gandhi from 1917 to 1930 CE. The ashram was served as one of the main centers of the Indian freedom struggle. Gandhiji led the Dandi March or the Salt Satyagraha from this Ashram on 12th March 1930 and had taken a vow that he will not return to Sabarmati Ashram until India gained independence. In gratitude .....

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Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple

Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple

#2 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 29 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Swaminarayan Akshardham is a Hindu temple located in Gandhinagar city of Gujarat State. It is one of the most magnificent temples in India, and among the top attractions in Ahmedabad . Dedicated to Swaminarayan, Akshardham Temple was commissioned by Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) after initiation by its promoter, Pramukh Swami Maharaj in 1979. It took 13 years to complete and was inaugurated in 1992. It is a Hindu house of worship and a spiritual and cultural campus dedicated to devotion, education, and unification. A specimen of fine craftsmanship, the Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar is one of the largest and most prominent temples in Gujarat state . Sprawling across an area of 23 acres, the temple complex consists of a splendid shrine, large prayer halls, exhibition .....

Adalaj Stepwell

Adalaj Stepwell

#3 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 21 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Adalaj Stepwell, also called Adalaj ni Vav is a stepwell located in the village of Adalaj near Ahmedabad city of Gujarat. It is one of the famous places of heritage in Gujarat , and among the must-include places in Ahmedabad tour packages . Also known as Rudabai Stepwell, Adalaj Stepwell was built in 1499 by Queen Rudabai, wife of Vaghela chief, Veer Singh. According to history, the construction of stepwell was started by King Rana Veer Singh and he died in a war with King Mahmud Begada unfortunately. Begada fell for the beauty of the widowed Queen Rudabai and asked her to marry him. The Queen agreed to marry Begada on the condition that he completes the construction of the stepwell that was started by her husband. He agreed and started the construction again. When the well got completed, Rani Rudabai jumped into the vav and committed .....

Jama Masjid

Jama Masjid

#4 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 2 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Jama Masjid, literally known as Friday Mosque, is a splendid mosque situated within the old city region of Ahmedabad. Located on the western side of Manek Chowk, it is one of the beautiful mosques in India, and among the best pilgrimage in Gujarat . Also known as Jami or Jumma Mosque, Jama Mosque was built in 1423 AD during the reign of Ahmed Shah I, the founder of Ahmedabad city. It is considered the largest mosque in the Indian subcontinent built in this period, and among the must-include places in Ahmedabad tour . The mosque was originally intended only for the private use of the sultans. This edifice was built by using materials retrieved from the demolished Hindu and Jain temples. The most striking feature of the construction is its unique meshwork in the main prayer hall, which allows enough illumination into the room without .....

Sabarmati Riverfront

Sabarmati Riverfront

#5 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 4 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Sabarmati Riverfront is a waterfront developed along the banks of Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad. It is one of the beautiful places to visit in Ahmedabad. Sabarmati Riverfront is a project undertaken by Gujarat Government in order to preserve the river and promote tourism. Even though the project was proposed in 1960s, the construction was began in 2005. Since 2012, the waterfront is gradually opened to public with various facilities. The prime agendas of this project include environment improvement, social infrastructure and sustainable development. The main feature of this 11 km long riverfront project is a two-level promenade situated on both sides of the river where the lower level serves only pedestrians and cyclists while the upper level is capable of hosting numerous cultural and educational events, leisure activities, large public parks and plazas and a few areas for commercial and retail development. This is an ideal spot .....

Kankaria Lake

Kankaria Lake

#6 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 3 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Kankaria Lake is a manmade lake situated at Maninagar area of Ahmedabad. Formerly known as Hauj-e-Qutub, Kankaria Lake is the second largest lake in Ahmedabad and among the popular places to visit in Ahmedabad. Covering an area of 76 acres, Kankaria Lake was built by Sultan Qutub-ud-Din in the year 1451 AD. It is basically an artificial lake with 34 sides and having shore length of quarter mile. The lake has slopes instead of steps at six places to reach water and is covered by square cupolas each raised on 12 pillars. Lying on the south eastern side of the Ahmedabad city, Kankaria Lake is one of the most favorite picnic spots of the people of Ahmedabad. There is a beautiful island in the center of the lake known as Nagina Wadi or Bagh-e Nagina which houses a small summer palace and a musical fountain with multicolored laser lights that are displayed during night. An evening walk around the lake when the entire area is lit-up .....

Bhadra Fort

Bhadra Fort

#7 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 2.5 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Bhadra Fort is an ancient fort situated on the east bank of Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat. It is one of the historical places in Gujarat and among the most popular Ahmedabad Tourist Places. Bhadra Fort was built in 1411 AD by Sultan Ahmad Shah I, the founder of Ahmedabad city. In the year 1573, Bhadra Fort was taken over by the Mughal emperor Akbar. Under the rule of Mughals, Ahmedabad became the leading center of textiles in Gujarat. Peshwas and Gaekwads jointly ended the Mughal rule and established Maratha Empire in 1583 CE. The British defeated the Marathas in the war held between 1775 AD and 1782 AD but they gave back the fort after signing a treaty with the Marathas. The British captured the fort in 1817 CE and was used as a jail till independence. The fort was named so because of the presence of Bhadra Kali Temple which was built during the reign of the Marathas. .....

Kalupur Swaminarayan Temple

Kalupur Swaminarayan Temple

#8 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 2 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Swaminarayan Temple is a Hindu temple situated at Kalupur area of Ahmedabad. It is one of the popular places of pilgrimage in Gujarat and among the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. Dedicated to Lord NarNarayan, Kalupur Swaminarayan Temple is the first and foremost temple of the Swaminarayan Sect. Swaminarayan Sampraday is categorized into two sections namely the NarNarayan Dev Gadi and the Lakshmi Narayan Dev Gadi. Swaminarayan Temple at Kalupur serves as the headquarters of the NarNarayan Dev Gadi. According to history, the land for construction of this temple was given by the British Imperial Government in 1822 CE. The task of constructing this temple was hand over to Anandanand Swami by Swaminarayan. The structure of the temple is mesmerizing and has been designed like a mansion. The temple is carved in Burmese teak, and every arch and bracket is painted with bright colors. It is adorned with brilliantly ornamented domes and .....

ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple

tourist places at ahmedabad

#9 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 13 km from Ahmedabad Junction, ISKCON Temple is a Hindu temple located on Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Also known as Sri Radha Govind Dham, it is one of the top places of pilgrimage in Gujarat and among the famous places to visit in Ahmedabad. ISKCON Temple in Ahmedabad is dedicated to Lord Krishna and his beloved lover Radha. The temple was opened in 1997 on the orders of A. C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the ISKCON Society. The temple has much significance as it is still considered as the most popular temples in Ahmedabad. The idols of Lord Krishna & Radharani are attractive and many people come here for worshipping Lord Krishna to fulfill their needs. Sprawling over an area of 4 acres, the architecture of the temple is a blend of Gujarati-Sompura and Rajasthani-Khamira style. The temple features the largest temple rooms in India, which can accommodate around 4000 devotees. One can see intricate marble work, beautiful .....

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial

#10 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 6 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial is a museum and exhibition center situated in Shahibaug locality of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Dedicated to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, it is one of the most famous museums in Gujarat and among the best places to experience Ahmedabad Tourism. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial Museum is housed in Moti Shahi Mahal, which was constructed between 1618 and 1622 for Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. The building was later used as a British cantonment to house the senior officials. In 1878, the great Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore stayed here and this building served as an inspiration behind his story The Hungry Stones. This palace became the Raj Bhavan, the official residence of the Governor of Gujarat from 1960 to 1978 and was transformed into a national memorial dedicated to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in the year 1978. Later in the year 2013, the infrastructure of the museum was enhanced with the latest .....

Jhulta Minar / Shaking Minarets

Jhulta Minar / Shaking Minarets

#11 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 1 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Jhulta Minar is an ancient monument located near Ahmedabad Junction Railway Station in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This is one of the unique monuments in the world and among the must visit tourist places in Ahmedabad. Also known as the Shaking Minarets, Jhulta Minar is one of the most intriguing architectural wonders that the world has ever seen. They are playful but still an unsolvable mystery. What makes the minarets unique is if one of the minarets is shaken then the other minaret shakes within a few seconds, while the connecting passage doesn't transmit any movements or vibrations. Many architects and historians have tried to understand the physics and logic behind the unrelated movements of the minarets. There are two well-known pairs of Shaking Minarets in Ahmedabad, one located opposite the Sarangpur Darwaja and the other near the Kalupur Railway Station Area. The one near Sarangpur Darwaja is within the vicinity of the Sidi Bashir .....

Calico Museum Of Textiles

Calico Museum Of Textiles

#12 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 5 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Calico Museum of Textiles is a museum situated in Shahibaug area of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It is one of the popular textile museums in India and among the top places to visit in Ahmedabad. The museum was founded in 1949 by industrialist Gautam Sarabhai and his sister Gira Sarabhai. Originally, the museum was housed at the Calico Mills in the heart of the textile industry. Later the museum was shifted to Sarabhai House in 1983 due to an increasing number of exhibits. The museum has played an important role in determining the curriculum taught in the textile designing courses at the prestigious National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. The museum is managed by Sarabhai Foundation. The museum exhibits an enormous collection of fabrics, which are collected from all over the country. Bordered by the lush green gardens and fountains, the museum has two separate sections for textiles, the religious clothing section and the historic textiles .....

Hutheesing Jain Temple

Hutheesing Jain Temple

#13 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 4 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Hutheesing Jain Temple is a Jain temple situated at Madhupura locality of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Also known as Hatheesingh Jain Derasar, it is one of the prominent Jain temples in Gujarat and among the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. The Hatheesing Jain Temple was constructed in the year 1850 AD by Seth Hutheesing, a prosperous Jain merchant. Named after its founder, Hatheesingh Temple of Amdavad was built in the honor of Lord Dharmnath, the15th Jain Tirthankara. The temple is known for its fabulous architectural styling and designing that consists of intricate carvings. The architect of the temple is Premchand Salat and is now managed by Hutheesing family trust. The temple is an architectural marvel that has been built using beautiful white marbles. Hutheesing Jain Temple is a double storied construction which houses the marble idol of Lord Dharmnath, the 15th Tirthankara. The main shrine lies on the east and the temple is covered .....

Auto World Vintage Car Museum

Auto World Vintage Car Museum

#14 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 12 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Auto World Vintage Car Museum is a museum situated at Dastan Estate in the Kathwada area of Ahmedabad in Gujarat. It is one of the best vintage car museums in Gujarat and among the must-visit places as part of Ahmedabad packages . Auto World Vintage Car Museum was started by Shri Pranlal Bhogilal in the year 1927. Pranlal Bhogilal is an enthusiast of vintage cars and he has converted his private collection of more than 100 exclusive vintage cars into a museum at Dastan Farm. The museum exhibits several of the greatest cars of all types and ages from all over the globe. It is one of the prominent places of sightseeing in Ahmedabad . The Museum houses some finest cars like Bentley, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Maybach, Cadillacs, Austin, Chrysler, Lincoln, Fords, and many other varieties from the classic .....

Sidi Sayed Jali Mosque

Sidi Sayed Jali Mosque

#15 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 3 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Sidi Sayed Mosque is an old mosque situated near Lal Darwaza in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat. Popularly known as Sidi Saiyyed ni Jali, it is one of the well-known mosques in Ahmedabad and among the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. The mosque was built in 1573 CE by Sidi Sayed during the reign of Sultan Muzaffar Shah III, the last ruler of Gujarat. He came to Gujarat from Yemen and later served Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Madmud III. According to history, the mosque was built in the last year of the existence of Sultanate of Gujarat, before the Mughals took over the city. Earlier, the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque was used as a government office during the British Rule, but now it is under the care of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque is built with yellow sandstone in Indo-Islamic style of architecture. The mosque is famous for its beautifully carved ten stone latticework windows (jalis) on the side and rear arches. .....

Sarkhej Roza

Sarkhej Roza

#16 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 12 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Sarkhej Roza is a mosque and tomb complex located in Makarba village of Ahmedabad in Gujarat. It is one of the popular historical places in Gujarat and among the best places to experience Ahmedabad Tourism. Sarkhej Roza is an elegant architectural edifice comprising various buildings grouped around a stepped tank called Sarkhej Pond. These include the tomb of Ahmed Khattu Ganj Baksh, a mosque, the tombs of Mahmud Shah Begada and his queen, and a palace. It is also known as Acropolis of Ahmedabad as its design is often compared to the famous Acropolis of Athens. According to history, Sarkhej Roza was a prominent centre of Sufi culture and where the Sufi saint, Ganj Baksh lived. It was on the saint's suggestion that Sultan Ahmed Shah set up his capital on the banks of Sabarmati River, a few miles away from Sarkhej. After the death of the saint in 1445 CE, Mohammed Shah has ordered to build a mausoleum in his remembrance together .....

Vaishnodevi Temple

Vaishnodevi Temple

#17 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 19 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Vaishnodevi Temple is a Hindu temple situated on Sarkhej - Gandhinagar highway in Ahmedabad. It is one of the most important places of pilgrimage in Ahmedabad and among the best places to experience Ahmedabad Tourism. Built in 2007, Vaishnodevi Temple in Ahmedabad is dedicated to Goddess Vaishnodevi, an incarnation of Goddess Durga. The temple is a true replica of the original Vaishnodevi temple of Jammu Kashmir and satisfies the quest of devotees seeking a pilgrimage to the sacred Hindu temple. This temple even has the look of the original one and is built on a mock hill instead of the high peaks in Jammu. This circular shaped manmade hill made out of yellow sandstones. The temple interiors have beautiful carvings and many sculptures of Gods and Goddesses. Pilgrims have to go through the manmade hill to reach the main shrine located at the top of the hill. There are also sprawling gardens surrounding this temple. As the .....

Shree Camp Hanumanji Mandir

Shree Camp Hanumanji Mandir

#18 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 7 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Camp Hanuman Temple is a Hindu temple situated in the Cantonment area of Ahmedabad. It is one of the biggest Hanuman Temples in India and among the popular places of pilgrimage in Ahmedabad. Dedicated to Hanuman, the temple was established more than hundred years ago by Pandit Gajanan Prasad. According to legend, Shree Hanuman was a military leader of the monkey army from Kishkinda, who aided Lord Rama in his quest to retrieve his kidnapped wife Sita from the demon king Ravana in the Hindu epic tale Ramayana, written by the Hindu sage Valmiki. The main sanctum sanctorum of the temple houses a gold plated statue of Lord Hanuman. The weapon of Lord Hanuman, a mace, is also placed near the idol. The temple walls are adorned with writings of the name of Lord Rama. People come here from faraway places to seek the blessings of Hanuman and to get rid of their various problems. The first woman prime minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi visited .....

Dada Harir Vav

Dada Harir Vav

#19 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 2.5 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Dada Harir Vav is a stepwell situated in Aswara area of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Popularly known as Dada Hari ni Vav, it is one of the beautiful stepwells in Gujarat and among the popular places of heritage in Ahmedabad. Dada Harir Stepwell was built in 1485 by Dhai Harir, a household lady of Mahmud Begada according to the Persian inscription in the stepwell. She was the superintendent of the royal harem. The well bears two inscriptions, one in Sanskrit on the south, and one in Arabic on the north wall, of the first gallery. Like most step-wells, this vav is also designed to store water and also a resting place for the travelers. The well lies just behind the tomb of Dada Hari. This seven-storey step well has a spiral stairway that takes visitors to each storey. The walls and pillars are detailed intricately with delicate carvings and floral sculptures. The decorated arches and ornate columns showcase a fine blend of traditional Muslim .....

Science City

Science City

#20 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 15 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Science City is an educational center located in Hebatpur locality of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Focused on Science and Technology, it is one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. The Science City was set up in 2001 with a motive to spread awareness about the progression of science and its application in human life. Ventured by state government of Gujarat, this science city is a blend of education and entertainment. It showcases contemporary and imaginative exhibits, working models, virtual reality, activity corners, labs and live demonstrations to provide an understanding of science and technology to the common man. Covering an area of more than 107 hectares, the Gujarat Science City houses an IMAX 3D theatre, an energy park, a hall of science, Planet Earth, an amphitheater, Life Science Park and musical fountains. With a variety of working exhibits, visitors discover science by themselves in the Hall of Science. They can turn handles, .....

Manek Chowk

Manek Chowk

#21 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 2 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Manek Chowk is a bustling market situated in old Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat. Surrounded by historical places, it is considered as the second biggest markets in India and among the best places to visit in Ahmedabad. Named after the Saint Maneknath, Manek Chowk acts as a vegetable market in the morning, a jewelry market in the noon and the street food market at night. This place has an average annual turnover of 3 million rupees. It is widely known for its street food stalls that start emerging around 9 PM and continue till midnight. The food is also very tasty and economical. Locals consider it a suitable place for hanging out with friends and family. The Morning Vegetable Market is suitable for the people who are in search for fresh fruits and vegetables. Tourists who want to cook their own food can purchase fresh produce at really affordable rates. In the afternoon, Manek Chowk is a hub of gold and silver jewelry. There .....

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

#22 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 41 km from Sanand and 69 km from Ahmedabad, Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is a protected bird sanctuary situated at Nalsarovar village in Gujarat. Nalsarovar is one of the largest wetland bird sanctuaries in India , and among the prime attractions of Ahmedabad sightseeing packages . The Nalsarovar Lake and the wetlands around it were declared as a bird sanctuary in 1969. Covering an area of 120.82 Sq.km, it is a serene marshland with shallow waters which contains 36 small islands. It has been identified as one of the 15 important wetlands of India by the National Committee on Wetlands for intensive conservation. Lying in an area between Central Gujarat and East Saurashtra, it represents a sea link that once existed between the Little Rann and the Gulf of Khambat. The lake gets filled with water that drains from the adjoining Surendranagar and Ahmedabad districts in the monsoon. Mainly .....


#23 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 42 km from Nalsarovar and 79 km from Ahmedabad, Lothal is an excavated site situated Bhal region in Dholka of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Lothal is one of the prominent cities of the ancient Indus valley civilization and among the best historical sites in Gujarat. Literally called 'Mound of the Dead', this ancient and desolate ruined city of Lothal provides a fascinating insight into the life of the Harappan culture and the Indus Valley Civilization. The origin and history of Lothal can be dated back to 2400 BC. Discovered in the year 1954, Lothal is one of the primary sites of Archaeological Survey of India. The excavation work here began in 1955 and was continued till 1960. Like other cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, Lothal too had an excellent architecture and town planning. Excavations have revealed that the town was divided into two parts. The upper part or the acropolis was where the ruler and other important people of the city lived while the lower .....


#24 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

At a distance of 23 km from Rajpipla, 85 km from Vadodara, 147 km from Surat, 189 km from Ahmedabad, 316 km from Indore, 331 km from Nashik, 367 km from Rajkot, and 415 km from Mumbai, Kevadiya is a census town in the Narmada district of Gujarat. It is one of the must-include places in Gujarat tour packages as the Statue of Unity is located here. The tribal village of Kevadia is home to the Sardar Sarovar Dam built on the Narmada river and was a popular picnic spot even before the Statue of Unity came up. Nestled between the Satpura and Vindhyachal mountain ranges, the gigantic statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, built at a cost of Rs 2,989 crore, was inaugurated by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in 2018. The project was carried out by the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Rashtriya Ekta Trust (SVPRET). Designed by the Indian Sculptor, Ram Vanji Sutar, the construction was taken up by the Indian company Larson & Toubro. It is the must-include ..... Distance (From Ahmedabad): 189 Kms Trip Duration (From Ahmedabad - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Most Asked Questions on Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad can be visited at anytime throughout the year. However, the best time to visit Ahmedabad is in the month of October to March. This is also the time for exploring its splendid monuments, wonderful museums and gorgeous lakes. Winter is the busiest season in Ahmedabad and often hotels run full and tourist places are crowded.

Ahmedabad usually takes at least two full days to visit the most important attractions. Several tourists usually prefer visiting Ahmedabad along with Gandhinagar which requires an additional day. Ahmedabad can be mixed with near by wonderful destination like Dwarka, Somnath, Junagadh, Gir, Diu and Bhuj by adding few additional days to your trip.

Budget of Ahmedabad trip depends on the trip duration and category of hotel you choose for your stay along with the kind of vehicle you prefer. Ahmedabad tour packages offered by Trawell.in start from as low as INR 5500 per person for a 2D/1N trip and from INR 7350 per person for 3D/2N vacation.

Ensure to cover most important places to visit in Ahmedabad like Adalaj Step Well, Sabarmati Ashram, Jama Masjid, Kankaria Lake, Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, Sabarmati Riverfront, Manek Chowk, Calico Museum Of Textiles and Sarkhej Roza. Gandhinagar which is around 28 km from Ahmedabad and can be visited along with Ahmedabad.

Yes, One day trip is possible to visit the Statue Of Unity which is 198 kms from Ahmedabad. Start at 7am in Ahmedabad and visit Statue Of Unity, Sardar Sarovar Dam, Valley of flower, Children park etc and drive back to Ahmedabad by the end of the day.

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Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

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Tourist Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

Here are the best places to visit in ahmedabad:.

Experience a luxury stay by being close to nature

Swaminarayan Temple

Swaminarayan Temple

Swaminarayan Temple is one of the most popular religious sites in Ahmedabad. This magnificent Temple is dedicated to Lord Narnarayanan and it is the first temple of the Swaminarayan sect. The Temple is exquisitely designed and intricately carved in Burmese Teak. There are several brightly colored arches and brackets surrounding the Temple and beautifully adorned galleries and domes. The image of Lord Narayanan in the main hall is made of pure marble while the inner walls and the exterior of the Temple is covered in colorful Gujrati designs depicting the culture and lifestyle of Gujarat. There are many idols of Swaminarayan all around the temple including some of his personal belongings. Location: Swaminarayan Mandir Road, Kalupur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380001 Entry Fee:   No entry fee Timing: 5 AM to 12 Noon; 3 PM to 10 PM Best Time to Visit: All year round

Dada Harir Stepwell

Dada Harir Stepwell

The Dada Harir Stepwell is a marvelous example of refined architecture and masonry of that era. It is one of the most tranquil places to visit in Ahmedabad. Here you can enjoy some peace and quiet as you observe the fine craftsmanship and the various inscriptions in Sanskrit and Persian on the walls and pillars of the stepwell. As you gaze down at the stepwell you can find birds flitting about as the whole essence of this structure takes you back in time. Another feature that attracts visitors here is the sudden cooling effects that can be felt the moment you enter. It provides for a lovely respite from the hot Ahmedabad sun, especially during the summers. It is best to visit the stepwell in the late mornings when the rays of light falls on the depths of the well. Location: Hanumansingh Rd, Haripura, Asarwa, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380016 Entry Fee:   No entry fee Timing: Monday - Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM, on Sundays 9AM - 6PM Best Time to Visit: All year round

Sabarmati Ashram

Sabarmati Ashram

Located on the banks of the Sabarmati River, this is one of the most popular tourist places in Ahmedabad. Once a residence of Mahatma Gandhi, now it is one of the best Ashrams in Ahmedabad. It has been divided into several sections. The most interesting part is the Museum section where the personal belongings of the Mahatma and several of his letters are on display. The Ashram was one of the main centers of the Freedom Struggle of India. Some of the main attractions here are the Upasana Mandir, Magan Niwas, Hriday Kunj, Udyog Mandir and the Ashram Museum. The Library has several manuscripts, books, photographs and other objects of interest. Till today, you will find the personal belongings of Mahatma Gandhi such as the round glasses, wooden slippers, the hand-operated chakra and other personal memorabilias for visitors to witness. Location: Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya, Ashram Rd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380027 Entry Fee:   No entry fee Timing: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Resort with Swimming Pool View

Auto World Vintage Car Museum

Auto World Vintage Car Museum

The Auto World Vintage Car Museum was established by Shri Pranlal Bhogilal in 1927. He was a vintage car enthusiast himself and converted his own private collection into a museum. There are over 100 exclusive vintage cars on display in this Museum. Each one is the finest example of high end brands like Bentley, Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Maybach, Austin, Chrysler, Cadillacs and many more. The most interesting and special part is that each of these cars are custom-made according to the specifications of the buyer. There is also a section of special cars meant for special occasions such as the convertibles for evening rides, limousines for ceremonial events, boats, station wagons, motorcycles and horse drawn carriages as well. Location: Dastan Estate Sardar Patel Ring Road Kathwada, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382430 Entry Fee:   INR 50 per person.  Timing: 8 AM to 9 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Kankaria Lake

Kankaria Lake

Kankaria Lake was earlier known as Hauz-E-Qutub and served as a bathing area for the sultans of that era. It now features a beautiful island-garden in the center with a splendid summer palace known as Nagina Wadi. Kankaria Lake is one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad to indulge in a picnic. You can also enjoy the various activities such as toy train rides, tethered balloon rides, kid’s city and boat rides  at the entertainment zone. The area around the lake is a perfect place to enjoy a relaxing evening stroll. There are also other activities that you can indulge in here such as archery, gymnastics and water rides. The Kankaria Lake Carnival, held here during the last week of December is celebrated with great enthusiasm with people visiting from around the country during this time. Location: Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Entry Fee:   Free for all between 4 AM to 8 AM. Rs. 5 for kids below the age of 12 and Rs. 10 above the age of 12. Timing: 4 AM to 11 PM every day except Monday. No entry between 8 AM to 9 AM and 10 PM to 11 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March


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Jhulta Minar

 Jhulta Minar

Jhulta Minar is one of the most unique monuments in the world.  Featuring a most fascinating style of architecture. When one of the minarets is shaken the other corresponding minarets start vibrating after a few seconds but the area between the minars do not exhibit any vibrations at all. This phenomenon has had many archaeologists and other experts stumped. Till date there is no explanation to this phenomenon. The Minars also exhibit exquisite architectural splendour and reflect Mughal and Rajputana styles of architecture. The Minars were to be the entrance to the Sidi Bashir mosque but it was torn down during the Gujarat Sultanate uprising. Learn more about this unique structure by adding it to your bucket list of places to visit in Ahmedabad. Location: Kalupur Road Sarangpur, Laxmi Bazar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380002 Entry Fee:   No entry fees Timing: 7 AM to 7 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Law Garden

Law Garden is a beautiful oasis of lush greenery in the heart of the vibrant city of Ahmedabad. This is one of the most fascinating places to see in Ahmedabad. It is a public garden both locals and tourists love to visit this place to indulge in some relaxing and recreational activities. The Law Garden Night Market is very famous amongst the locals and visitors. This market offers a unique shopping experience as the goods sold here are handcrafted by local artisans. The Garden also serves as a venue for several cultural and music festivals, concerts and other activities. This area is famous for street shopping and delicious Gujrati street food and snacks. The lush greenery of Law Garden is a wonderful place to enjoy a relaxing walk or spend some quality time with family and friends in the evening. Location: Law Garden, Maharashtra Society, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 Entry Fee:  No Entry fee Timing: 5AM - 12 Noon, 2PM - 10PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Bhadra Fort

Bhadra Fort

Bhadra Fort is an imposing ancient fort located on the eastern banks of the Sabarmati River.  It was built by the founder of the city of Ahmedabad, Sultan Ahmad Shah I in 1411 AD. Over the years many rulers conquered the Fort and in 1817 the British defeated the ruling Marathas and took over the Fort. They turned it into a prison during the entire British Rule in India. The Maratha rulers built a Bhadra Kali Temple in the Fort which in turn gave the Fort its name. The Fort lies on a sprawling ground of about 43 acres and it has an elegant palace, the Bhadra Kali Temple, the Nagina Baug, Teen Darwaza and Ahmad Shah’s mosque. The Fort was mainly built using bright red colored stones and the palace within the Fort has ornate arches and intricate carvings. Today, the Fort is used for several Government offices. Location: Court Rd, Old City, Bhadra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Entry Fee:   No Entry fee Timing: 9AM - 5PM Best Time to Visit: November to February

Manek Chowk

Manek Chowk

Located in Old Ahmedabad, Manek Chowk is a bustling market place surrounded by several historical buildings and popular streets. This vibrant market is the second largest in the country and the busiest too. Manek Chowk plays three main roles every day of the week. In the mornings, it is a bustling fresh fruit and vegetables market, in the afternoon it is a jewellery market as there are many jewellery stores here and in the evenings till late at night it turns into a bustling street food joint with many night market stalls. Try out the famous pav bhaji, Gujarati sandwiches, different flavored dosas, local Gujarati snacks and delicious kulfis whenever you visit this amazing city square.The vibrant ambiance that Manek Chowk provides is enough to make it one of the most fascinating places to visit in Ahmedabad. Location: Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat Entry Fee:   No entry fees Timing: 6 AM to 2 AM Best Time to Visit: Anytime of the year

Jama Masjid

Jama Masjid

The Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad is one of the most popular attractions in the city. The mosque was built by Ahmad Shah I, the founder of Ahmedabad in 1423 AD. The structure is a magnificent blend of Hindu, Muslim and Jain architecture. There is a massive archway at the entrance that is complete with intricate carvings on stone. Made of yellowstone the mosque has about 260 pillars and each pillar is covered with intricate carvings. The other unique feature is the vibrant flow of light through the beautiful latticework screens that floods its interiors. The Jama Masjid is one of the most interesting places to visit in Ahmedabad because of its architectural splendour and history. Location: Manek Chowk, Gandhi Rd, Danapidth, Khadia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Entry Fee:   No Entry Fees Timing: 6 AM to 8 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March


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Sabarmati River Front

Sabarmati River Front

Sabarmati Riverfront is a beautiful waterfront area on the banks of the Sabarmati River. It has been developed very artistically turning this area into one of the most enchanting tourist places in Ahmedabad. This is a beautifully developed area on the banks of the Sabarmati River. Initially it was started as an effort towards environmental improvement but over the years it has become one of the most visited places in Ahmedabad for both locals and tourists. The beautiful promenades, parks and plazas have turned into a relaxing place for people around the city, especially in the evenings. The project features two levels of developed areas where the lower level is meant for pedestrians and cyclists and the upper level has parks, plazas, venues for social and cultural events, etc. It is a great place to enjoy a family picnic. The Riverfront is also perfect for a leisurely evening stroll or you can enjoy a boat ride on the River. Location: Sabarmati Riverfront Walkway East, Lal Darwaja, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Entry Fee:  No entry fee Timing: 9AM - 9PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Iskcon Radha Krishna Temple

Iskcon Radha Krishna Temple

The ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple is a magnificent Temple dedicated to Lord Krishna and Radha. The Temple grounds are spread over a sprawling 4 acres and the main hall is one of the largest in the country with a capacity to hold over 4000 devotees at a time. The architectural style reflects a harmonious blend between Gujrati Sompura architecture and Rajasthani Khamira designs. The Temple has some very ornately carved marbles, colorful murals, beautiful columns and stunning marble floors. Within the Temple complex you will also find a library, a hostel, a meditation room and a restaurant. Janmashtami and Nand Mahotsav are the two main festivals that are celebrated with great enthusiasm by the devotees here. Believers from across the globe visit this Temple, especially during the festivals making it one of the most popular places to visit in Ahmedabad. Location: Sarkhej - Gandhinagar Highway, near BRTS Bus Stop, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380059 Entry Fee:  No Entry fee Timing: 4:30AM - 9:00PM Best Time to Visit: Year round, Janmashtami and Nand Mahotsav

Science City

Science City

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial is a museum dedicated to the memory of Sardar Patel. The structure itself was once a palace built by Shah Jahan, Moti Shahi Mahal. Later, during the British rule it was converted into a cantonment area for them which housed the senior officials of the Company. It was then converted into a Museum in 1978. The Museum features more than 10,000 exhibits of traditional arts as well as the personal belongings and biographies of Sardar Patel. The Museum is also well equipped with the latest technologies like LCD displays, multi-touch tablets and multimedia. In the evenings, a light and sound show is held where the legendary tales of our country are narrated right from the Vedic period till the Freedom Struggle. Location: Gandhi-Sardar Smruthi Chowk, opp. Circuit House, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380004 Entry Fee: Museum - Rs. 20 for Adults and Rs. 10 for Children 3D show - Rs. 30 for Adults and Rs. 10 for Children Timing: 9.30 AM to 5 PM, Closed on Monday Best Time to Visit: All year round

Sarkhej Roza

Sarkhej Roza

Sarkhej Roza is an elegant architectural complex of tombs, mosques and palaces built around the Sarkhej Pond. It is an important site of Sufi culture and this is where the Sufi Saint, Ganj Baksh resided. After his demise the mausoleum along with the mosque was built in his memory. This is the largest Roza in Gujarat and it is a fine example of Mughal and Indian architectural designs. Besides the tomb of the Sufi Saint, Sarkhej Roza also houses the tombs of the kings and queens of that era. The area around the mosque also has a large courtyard, colonnades and prayer halls. The Sarkhej Roza is a great place for history buffs to visit and learn about the cultural heritage of this place. It is important to remember that women are not allowed in the main hall of the mosque and the men should always wear full pants and not shorts. Location: Post Jivraj Park, Sarkhej Makarba Rd, Makarba, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380051 Entry Fee: No Entry Fees Timing: 6 AM to 8 PM Best Time to Visit: September to March


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Teen Darwaza

Teen Darwaza

Teen Darwaza is an amazing structure established by Sultan Ahmad Shah in 141 AD. It is the longest and oldest gateway in Ahmedabad. The three arches of this gateway are intricately carved, the windows are semicircular with the famous Ahmedabad jali works adorning it. Teen Darwaza was the gateway used as an entrance to the Royal square through which the royal procession would pass. The arches are about 25 feet in height and it features Indo-Islamic architecture. One of the most striking features of the Teen Darwaza is the inscription by the Maratha Governor Chimnaji Raghunath. The plague was engraved with the decree that a daughter deserves equal rights on her father’s property. Location: Old City, Bhadra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Entry Fee:  No Entry Fee Timing: 9 AM to 5 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Hutheesing Jain Temple

Hutheesing Jain Temple

Hutheesing Jain Temple is an architectural marvel built with white marbles and filled with stunning stone carvings, 238 stone images, shrines of the Tirthankaras and ornate pillars. The latest addition to this beautiful temple is the 78 feet high Manastambha which is similar in design to the famous Kirti Stambh at Chittor, Rajasthan. The Temple also has a tiled courtyard surrounded by pergolas. There are 52 shrines in these pergolas each showcasing magnificent designs and craftsmanship.  Devotees from far and wide come to this Temple especially during the festivals of Paryushan and Mahavir Jayanti. Location: Shahibaug Rd, Bardolpura, Delhi Darwaza, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380004 Entry Fee:  No Entry Fees Timing: 9 AM to 12 Noon, 5 PM to 7 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Kankaria Zoo

Kankaria Zoo

The Kankaria Zoo was established in 1951 by Reuben David. What makes this Zoological Park one of the most special tourist places to visit in Ahmedabad is that it does not only display the various wild animals but it also helps conserve the endangered species as well. The Zoo has over 450 mammals, over 2000 birds and 140 reptiles. It also serves as a breeding ground for rare species of pythons, bear cats and crocodiles. I t is a perfect place to enjoy a lively picnic with friends and family. L ocation: Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Entry Fee:   INR 20 per head. Entry free on Thursday for educational tours Timing: March to October 9 AM to 6:15 PM; November to February 9 AM to 5 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Vastrapur Lake

Vastrapur Lake

Vastrapur Lake is located right in the heart of the city, this Lake is one of the most peaceful places to visit in Ahmedabad.  The Lake is surrounded by a lush green garden that adds charm to the whole ambiance. The path around the Lake is perfect for early morning jogging or walking. You can also enjoy a family picnic in the garden area and club it with a relaxing boat ride in the Lake.  The lush green lawn near the Lake also serves as an open air theatre for cultural and musical programs. There are several street food stalls near the entrance where you can enjoy some mouthwatering snacks. Location: Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380052 Entry Fee:   No entry fees Timing: 8 AM to 10 PM Best Time to Visit: October to  March

Sanskar Kendra

Sanskar Kendra

Sanskar Kendra is a museum that was created to showcase the city’s cultural heritage, art and lifestyle. The structure itself is a marvel and a delight to those who are interested in architecture. The Museum was built by renowned architect Le Corbusier. The Museum exhibits the rich art and cultural aspects of the city and its glorious past making it one of the best tourist places to visit in Ahmedabad. There are stunning photographs showing the journey of the development of the city of Ahmedabad. Many of the exhibits showcase the artistic skills of the people of Gujarat. You can also find manuscripts and pictures that narrate the Freedom Struggle and loads more here. Location: Bhattacharya Road, Near Sardar Patel, Bridge, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006 Entry Fee:   No Entry Fees Timing: 10 AM to 6 PM everyday of the week Best Time to Visit: October to March


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Nagina Wadi

Nagina Wadi

Nagina Wadi is a beautiful themed garden and entertainment park which is located right in the heart of the Kankaria Lake. A beautiful tree-lined walkway is used to get to Nagina Wadi. This entertainment park and garden is the perfect place for a family or friends outing in the evenings. There are several activities that you can enjoy here such as jet skis, speed boat rides and other water sports, musical fountains and laser light shows. While you enjoy these activities you can also munch on some tasty Gujarati snacks. Location: Nr.Kankaria Lake, Front Gate No.6, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380002 Entry Fee:  No Entry Fees Timing: 9 AM to 10 PM. Monday Closed Best Time to Visit: October to March

Rani No Hajiro

Rani No Hajiro

Rani No Hajiro is a tomb complex constructed specially for the wives of the Mughal royalty. This complex is located near the famous Manek Chowk. The tombs are in a courtyard and the complex is like a peaceful oasis in the middle of a bustling area of the city. An imposing gateway leads to the enclosure which is built on a higher platform. The courtyard itself is surrounded by  trellised cloisters which are fitted with stone screens with intricate carvings. The streets leading to the complex is a bustling market place from where you can shop for some traditional clothes and accessories as well as souvenirs. Location: Gandhi Rd, Manek Chowk, Khadia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001 Entry Fee:   No Entry fees Timing: 6 AM to 10 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Kite Museum

Kite Museum

Located in the Sanskar Kendra, the Kite Museum in Ahmedabad is the brainchild of Bhanubhai Shah. The Museum is one of a kind in our country and it is the second one in the world. The collection includes mirror work kites, a Japanese hexagonal kites, kites with images of famous personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, hand painted kites, block print kites, a kite made from 400 pieces of paper and so much more. The exhibits in this museum can definitely take you back in time to your childhood so do add it to your list of places to visit in Ahmedabad. Location: Sankar Kender, Bhattacharya Road, Kocharab, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007 Entry Fee:   No Entry Fee Timing: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM, Closed On Mondays Best Time to Visit: October to March

Maniar’S Wonderland Snow Park

Maniar’S Wonderland Snow Park

Maniar’s Wonderland is an amusement park with several interesting sections and exciting rides. The Snow Park is a part of the Maniar’s Wonderland and it is the perfect place to beat the scorching heat of Ahmedabad. Here you can enjoy a snowball fight, build your own snowman, roll about in the snow, sip on a cup of coffee in sub-zero temperature and simply enjoy the feeling of being transported to a whole different place. There are snow huts where you can sit and enjoy the ambiance. Location: Highway, Behind Kiran Motors, Sanand - Sarkhej Road, Sarkhej, Gujarat 382210 Entry Fee:   Adults - INR 450 per person, INR 400 for children Timing: 10 AM to 8:30 PM Best Time to Visit: All year round

Shanku's Water Park

Shanku's Water Park

Shanku’s Water Park is a complete family entertainment and amusement park. The place is filled with thrilling rides and adrenaline pumping activities. Some of the most exciting ones include Tumble Jumble, Shanku’s Twister, Racing Slide, Aqua Shuttle, Crazy Wave Pool and loads more. Shanku’s Water Park also has a separate section for kids with special rides and slides for their entertainment. The Park also provides for a full range of accommodation facilities, a spa, a gymnasium and naturopathy center. You can also choose from a wide variety of mouthwatering cuisines ranging from Gujarati, Rajasthani, Punjabi, Kathiyawadi, etc. Location: Amipura, Ahmedabad- Mehsana Highway,, Mehsana, Gujarat 384435 Entry Fee:   Mon to Fri - INR 650; Sat to Sun - INR 750 Timing: 10 AM to 5:30 PM Best Time to Visit: September to March

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Vechaar Utensils Museum

Vechaar Utensils Museum

The Vechaar Utensils Museum brings to you a most unusual yet spectacular collection of utensils from the Gujarati kitchens. This Museum was the initiative of Surendra Patel, the owner of the Vishala Restaurant. This massive collection of utensils, nut crackers and nut cutters have been gathered from various villages, towns, antique dealers and other places. Here you will find uniquely designed and crafted pots, pitchers, betelnut boxes, incense burners, hookahs, lamps and many other accessories. The most unique exhibits are the variably shaped nut crackers such as animals, birds, angels, dancers in different poses, etc. Location: Opposite A P M C Market, Vasna, Vishala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380055 Entry Fee:   Adults - INR 20, Kids - INR 10, Foreign Nationals - INR 50, Camera and Mobile phones - Extra INR 100. Timing: 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Monday Closed Best Time to Visit: October to March

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum is a museum exhibiting a massive collection of manuscripts, Gujarati Jain style paintings, rare diagrams on cosmology, a diverse collection of sculptures, a Japanese style ancient wooden cupboard, Tibetan mandalas in bronze, Indian drawings and miniature paintings and so much more. The Museum is divided into four sections and three galleries. It also has its own conservation and restoration lab and an art library. This is an ideal place to visit if you are a history buff or an art lover.  Location: L.D. Institute of Indology Campus, Navarangpura, Gujarat University Clock Tower, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 Entry Fee:   No Entry fee Timing: 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday closed. Best Time to Visit: October to March

Adalaj Step Well

Adalaj Step Well

Adalaj Step Well is an architectural marvel and it seamlessly blends Hindu, Jain and Islamic designs. The Step Well is five storeys deep under the ground and there are three sets of stairs leading down to the first floor. The route near the Step Well was once a trader’s route and many used it as a rest stop or a place to spend the night before the advent of hotels. The whole structure is filled with intricate carvings, beautiful sculptures and images of Jain and Hindu deities. There are also carvings that depict the everyday life of the people here such as women churning butter. Location: Adalaj Rd, Adalaj, Gujarat 382421 Entry Fee:   No entry fees Timing: 6 AM to 6 PM Best Time to Visit: October to March

Nehru Bridge

Nehru Bridge

Nehru Bridge is the main connecting bridge of the two banks of the Sabarmati River. This Bridge connects the old and new city and offers some of the best views of the nearby attractions.  This Bridge is 950 meters in length and made of steel and RCC slabs. Pandit Nehru inaugurated the Nehru Bridge in 1962. IF you take a walk along the Bridge you can get a fantastic view of the Sabarmati Riverfront and the attractions around the area. There are wide footpaths on both sides where you can enjoy a leisurely walk as you enjoy the view or click perfect instagrammable pictures. Location: Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad Entry Fee:  No entry fees Timing: Always open Best Time to Visit:  November to February, June to October

Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple

Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple

Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple is a beautiful shrine dedicated to Lord Narayan. It is a fine example of nineteenth century Indian architecture. This Temple is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Ahmedabad the day after Diwali, when people from all over the country and abroad come for ‘darshan’. The deities within the sanctum are elaborately decorated with ornately carved ornaments and colorful fabrics. The intricate carvings within the Temple premises showcase the artistic craftsmanship of the artisans. The Temple has also preserved all the personal artefacts of Swami Narayan. Whenever you visit the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, do not miss out on the morning Aarti to experience one of the most mesmerizing rituals of all time. The Temple also has a fascinating water show and a light and sound show in the evenings. Location: J Road, Sector 20, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382020 Entry Fee:  Entry is free. Abhishek Rs 50 Timing: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM; Light and sound show - 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Best Time to Visit: July to October


Best of Vadodara

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Dada Hari Vav

Dada Hari Vav

Calico Museum Of Textiles

Calico Museum Of Textiles

Calico Museum of Textiles is one of the oldest textile museums in the country and one of the most interesting places to visit in Ahmedabad. The exhibits in this museum are phenomenal which includes a massive collection of all kinds of fabrics, artefacts, rare collections of antique fabrics, tie and dye,  pichwai paintings, traditional Indian miniature paintings, rare collections of bronze artefacts and lots more. The Museum is divided into two sections - In the first section there is the  Haveli where the exhibits include religious textiles, miniature paintings, artefacts, etc. The second section is the Chauk which has a collection of costumes of the Mughal era, carpets, furnishings etc. Location: The Retreat, Airport Rd, Opp. Rani Sati Mandir, Jain Colony, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380004 Entry Fee:   No entry fees Timing: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM; Closed on Wednesdays Best Time to Visit: All year round

Zen Garden

Kaizen Academy 

Parimal garden.

Parimal Garden

Vaishnodevi Temple

Vaishnodevi Temple

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Hathisingh Jain Temple

Hathisingh Jain Temple

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque

Gujarat Science City

Gujarat Science City

Law Garden Night Market

Law Garden Night Market

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20 best places to visit in and around ahmedabad, gujarat.

tourist places at ahmedabad

Ahmedabad has surely changed from the time of Sultan Ahmed Shah and become a prominent metropolis, but what hasn’t changed about it is its charm. The city has always been the heartbeat of western India and has remained an important seat no matter which era we talk of. It has been one of the most beautiful destinations of Gujarat Tourism . Today, we see a wonderful mélange of old and new Ahmedabad and it indeed does keep things interesting for the tourists. Be it the incredible lattice work or the poles, be it the grand Jumma Masjid or the Adalaj Step Well everything has a story to tell and TRUST ME it is a story you sure want to listen to.

What is So Special About Ahmedabad?

  • Ahmedabad is a unique blend of age-old historical monuments and contemporary avant-garde design buildings.
  • Divided in two parts, Ahmedabad’s one side is steeped into history and tradition and the other side has great buildings, industries, multiplexes with a good urban-planning.
  • Ahmedabad was earlier known as Karnavati, it got its name from King Karnavati 1.
  • Ahmedabad is known as “Manchester of East” because of the abundance of textile industries.
  • Ahmedabad is the birthplace of the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The logo of the state bank of India is taken from Lake Kankaria which is located in Ahmedabad.
  • There are two kite museums in the world. The world’s second kite museum is located in Ahmedabad. The first is located in Japan.

Quick Information on Ahmedabad Tourism

Here is a blog that offers you an insight into some of the best places that brings you a step closer to the real Ahmedabad:

Sabarmati Ashram

  • Akshardham Temple
  • Jama Masjid
  • Sidi Saiyyed Mosque

Sarkhej Roza

Teen darwaza, shah alam roza.

  • Kankaria Lake

Hutheesing Jain Temple

  • Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

Adalaj Stepwell

  • Manek Chowk

The Calico Museum

Bhadra fort, jhulta minar, dada hari vav.

  • Sun Temple Modhera

Open Air Theatre

Recommended Tour Packages

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  • 8 Nights 9 Days Gujarat Heritage Tour
  • 4 Nights 5 Days Gujarat Temple Tour

Sabarmati Ashram

Your Gujarat Sightseeing Tour would be more interesting and memorable if you visit Sabarmati Ashram . It is a worldwide popular tourist attraction in Ahmedabad. Dubbed as the second home of Mahatma Gandhi, Sabarmati Ashram is a Spartan colony of tiled houses in Ahmedabad.

The place has historical importance as it is considered that it was from here Gandhi orchestrated the final struggle of independence. Here one has the opportunity to witness his cottage called the Hriday Ashram, which has been well-maintained by the authority. One can still see Gandhi’s personal items like round eyeglasses, wooden slippers, letters and books.

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Akshardham Temple Gujarat

Akshardham Temple is located in Gandhinagar, which is situated about 25kms from Ahmedabad. The temple is dedicated to Swaminarayan and is the best example of contemporary architecture and style. Akshardham is considered a place of education, enlightenment and in a way entertainment. More than 2 million people are estimated to visit the temple each year.

The major attractions of the temple are its 10-story tall golden idol of Swaminarayan; Mystic India, a film on an incredible journey of an 11-year-old child yogi called Neelkanth; the light and music show called Sat Chit Anand Watershow and audio animatronic shows. It is indeed one of the major tourist attractions in Ahmedabad.

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The Jumma Masjid (Jama Masjid)

Jama Masjid Ahmedabad

Situated on Mahatma Gandhi Road in Ahmedabad, Jumma Masjid is one of the finest architectural specimens found in the city. It is one of the top tourist attractions in Ahmedabad. Also known as Jama Masjid, this mosque was built by Sultan Ahmed Shah in the year 1423 to render the Muslim devotees a place to congregate for Friday prayers.

It is believed that this yellow sandstone mosque was built using pieces from the vandalized Hindu and Jain temples. The mosque has 260 pillars that are covered with intricate carvings and the interior of the shrine is illuminated by natural lights that filter through latticework screens.

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Sidi Saiyyed Mosque Ahmedabad

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque Ahmedabad

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque is one of the most popular monuments in Ahmedabad. It is situated in the northeast corner of Bhadra Fort and is famed for its latticework over the yellow sandstone. The major highlight of this mosque is the twin jails on the western wall that depicts intertwining of tree branches.

The carving is well appreciated as it has been done with excellent delicacy. The serene and spiritual vibe of the place is the reason why you should spend some time here.

Also Read: Religious Tourism in Gujarat

Poles Ahmedabad

Pols are the tightly packed conglomeration of houses, built to ensure safety and security of the people. Ideally, a Pol would have one or two entrances and secret exits, which only the people residing in the Pol would know about. In Gujarat, Pols can be found at many places; however, the Pols in the old city of Ahmedabad are its best example. The most famed Pol is situated near the Manek Chowk.

In many Pols, one would find a personal temple built at the center and chabutro (tall poles placed for bird feeding). Today, many Pols have been converted into cottage industries, so one may find people on the steps hand-sewing books or crimping the silver. Visiting these Pols in the Old City is a one of its kind experiences and the best way to enjoy the best of Ahmedabad Tour.

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Sarkhej Roza

At a short distance from Vishala Complex is Sarkhej Roza, which is a beautiful complex of tombs and pavilions. The complex is built around an artificial lake made for the rulers of Gujarat.

The prominent tombs here include that of Ahmed Shah’s spiritual advisor, Sheikh Ahmed Khattu. One can witness fine carving and brass lattice work here. Steeped into history and decked with the beauty in abundance, it’s one of the best places to explore in Ahmedabad.

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Teen Darwaza Ahmedabad

Situated southeast of the Bhadra Fort, the Teen Darwaza (Triple Gateway) was the entrance to the Royal Square or Maidan Shahi where the royal processions and polo games were once held. It is a must visit tourist attraction in Ahmedabad.

Today, the Teen Darwaza straddles the road, which is replete with shops selling block prints, silverware and other small items. It is the oldest and the longest gateway of Ahmedabad. It is one of the remarkable examples of Muslim architecture. It is said that Mughal emperor Jahangir used to visit here with his wife Noor Jahan, the possession of which began from here to end in Jama Masjid.

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Shah Alam Roza

Shah Alam Roza is a famous Sufi shrine that draws a lot of visitors. It is one of the top tourist destinations in Ahmedabad. Shah Alam Roza is a tomb complex, which is well known for its exquisite architecture.

The highlight of the tomb complex is the dome that has been decorated with gold and precious stones. To the west of the tomb is a mosque, which is done in typical Islamic architecture.

To the south of the mosque is a tomb that has twenty-four small domes, where the Shah-e-Alam family including Saiyyd Makhdum Alam, the sixth grandson of Shah-e-Alam is buried. Outside of the wall to the west is an argo reservoir built by the wife of Taj Khan Nariali.

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Kankaria Lake Ahmedabad

Reckoned to be the largest lake in Ahmedabad, Kankaria Lake is located in the southern part of the city. The lake is the best picnic spot for families and kids. The lakefront has been developed into an entertainment zone as it has features like a zoo, toy train, kids’ city, tethered balloon ride, water rides, Water Park, food stalls, and other entertainment facilities. It is one of the top family and kids friendly tourist destinations in Ahmedabad for a wonderful weekend. Even a week-long festival is celebrated here each year in the last week of December.

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Hutheesing Jain Temple Ahmedabad Gujarat

Built by a Jain Merchant named Hutheesing Kesarsing in 1850, Hutheesing Jain Temple is situated outside the Delhi Gate. The temple is made of marble and is dedicated to Dharmanath, who was the 15th Jain Tirthankara. The marbles are intricately carved and the paved courtyard of the temple has 52 cubicles that house shrines dedicated to different Tirthankaras. A quiet and sacred place that reflects fine craftsmanship, Hutheesing Jain Temple is one of the must-see temples in Ahmedabad.

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Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

About 60kms from Ahmedabad, Nal Sarovar is reckoned to be one of the largest bird sanctuaries in India. Sprawling over an area of 115 sq. km, Nal Lake and the surrounding marshy forests attract about 250 species of waterfowls like flamingos, geese, cranes, pelicans, storks, cormorants, spoonbills and ibis.

In winters many migratory birds like Bluish-grey demoiselle cranes gather here in large numbers from Siberia. Also, Nalsarovar is the best place to catch sight of Sarus Crane, who performs a synchronized dance that involves bowing down with its wings outstretched. This bird sanctuary makes for an ideal weekend getaway from Ahmedabad as it allows one to get closer to nature and away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

If you are planning a trip to Ahmedabad, make sure you include this peaceful yet adventurous destination in your travel itinerary for a memorable Ahmedabad Tour.

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Adalaj Stepwell

There are innumerable step wells or vavs in Gujarat and Ahmedabad has one of the finest of all. Named Adalaj Vav; this Adalaj Step Well was built in 1499 by Rudabai, the wife of a local chieftain. It is one of the best places to see in Ahmedabad. The step well is adorned with beautiful platforms and galleries.

The shafts of the well are profusely carved with floral and geometric motifs, interspersed with a number of figurines. The carved pillars that support the pavilions are flooded with diffused light and provide ideal resting places. This beautiful Vav is certainly considered as one of the beautiful destinations to visit in your Ahmedabad sightseeing tour.

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Lothal Gujarat

About 75kms from Ahmedabad, Lothal offers the remains of a commendable city of the Indus Valley Civilization that existed 4500 years ago. The site reveals the foundation of a well-planned city with paved drains, channels, wells, public baths and blocks of houses. Bead accessories, earthen pots, birds and animal motifs, seal and weighing instruments were also found here. So, if you are someone who loves digging history, Lothal can be an enthralling destination for you to explore near Ahmedabad.

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Manek Chowk Ahmedabad

Manek is a prominent city square in Ahmedabad. Located in the old city, this place is more than a chaotic square. Manek chowk is surrounded by many heritage attractions and has a bustling multi-purpose market. Shopping is the best thing to do here to satisfy your shopaholic soul.

It is ideal to visit Manek Chowk in the night time when it converts into a food lovers’ paradise, where one can relish the taste of authentic Gujarati Street food. Baba Maneknath Temple, Badshah no Hajiro, Rani no Hajiro, Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Building and Mahurat Pol are all present in the vicinity of Manek Chowk.

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The Calico Museum Ahmedabad

At Calico Museum one has the opportunity to see a collection of rare textiles such as royal tents, costumes and carpets. The museum was established in 1949 and displays 17th and 18th century’s collection of religious paintings on cloth, embroideries, brocades and silk weaves and Kashmiri Shawls.

The Calico Museum is situated in the Shahi Bagh Garden and is spread over 12 rooms and across two stories. Within the museum compound is another haveli that exhibits a fine collection of bronze icons and paintings. It is one of the must visit museums in Ahmedabad.

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Bhadra Fort Ahmedabad

Today Bhadra Fort houses government offices and Kali temple but once upon a time it was the allure and crowning glory of the city of Ahmedabad. For history buffs it is a sight to behold. It was built by Ahmed Shah in 1411. It got its name from the Bhadrakali Temple which is located near it. It was the part of Ahmed Shah’s kingdom who ruled over Gujarat from 1411 till 1442.

It was also occupied by the British to use it as a prison in 1817 till independence. There is a very interesting story about Bhadra fort. As per the legends it was visited by Goddess Laxmi who blessed Sultan Ahmed Shah with a prosperous city. You will also behold one of the most popular tourist attractions of Ahmedabad Teen Darwaza which is an entry point for Maidan Shahi.

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Jhulta Minar Ahmedabad

The story of Jhulta Minara- Shaking Minarets is very interesting and mysterious. It is said that if one minara is shaken the other one begins to vibrate on its own and nobody till date has been able to decode the engineering of the minarets. Its architecture is quite mysterious and complicated.

There are two minarets, one is located in Sarangpur Darwaja and the other one is located near Kalupur Railway Station. It’s not in good condition and due to the unknown style of construction, it is not possible to renovate it.  Even Britishers were confused and interested to know the secret behind the vibration of the minarets. It is one of the most interesting and popular tourist attractions for sightseeing in Ahmedabad.

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Dada Hari Vav Ahmedabad

Located near Asarwa village, it is one of the offbeat tourist attractions near Ahmedabad. Stepwells are quite popular in Gujarat. They were constructed by kings and Queens to store water and also to give shelter to the wanderers who used to take a break from their journey. One such amazing Stepwell is – Dada Hari Vav, it is a 500-hundred-year-old Vav built in the reign of Mahmud Begada by the household lady of Mahmud Begada’s harem – Bai Harir Sultani.

However, the date of the construction of this Vav is very confusing due to the presence of two inscriptions in the walls. One is in Persian and the other is in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit inscription mentions the construction year of this Vav in the year 1499 AD and according to the Persian inscription the year is 1485. The Vav has 7 storeys and the exquisite carvings on the walls, pillars and columns are a great blend of Hindu and Muslim architectural style.

The Arabic and Sanskrit sculptures, the floral motifs in the walls and the beautiful traditional architecture is what makes it one of the top places to visit around Ahmedabad.

Timings- 5:00pm to 9:00pm

Also Read: Popular Weekend Getaways in Gujarat

Sun Temple Modhera

Decked with the River Pushpavati, flowering trees, sounds of the sweet chirping of the birds all around and nature’s blissful vibes, The Sun temple of Modhera is a place of ultimate serenity and tranquility. It is one of the best places to visit near Ahmedabad. The temple is dedicated to the sun god and its gorgeous backdrop is the sole reason to dive deep into the soothing calmness of nature and spiritual whirlwind here.  It was built during the Solanki Period. The temple complex will tell you about the times gone by.

The Rama Kund in the temple has 108 shrines of various gods and demigods and it is surrounded by the idol of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh. It also houses a Sabha Mandap which houses 12 representations of sun god carved in 52 pillars. If you are interested in listening to the stories and myths associated with these gods then you must ask the priest to tell you the stories associated with murals, shrines and carved pillars. The statue of the sun god no longer exists in the temple but the divine light of the sun illuminates the sanctum sanctorum of the temple.

Also Read: Girnar Ropeway – Asia’s Longest Ropeway

If watching movies are your favorite pastime then you must try open air theatre to do so for a wonderful experience. Watching your favorite movie with good quality sound and graphics under the starlit sky with your friends and family would be the most delightful experience one can ever have. It is one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad with family and friends for a good weekend. The delicious food of the food court will delight your taste buds. There is no need to worry about space; the theatre can accommodate around 6000 people.

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If you are a type of traveler who loves city tours, markets, heritage attractions, delicious food and fun filled adventures then the delightful city of Ahmedabad is a must visit place.  No place can match the amazing aura and royal grandeur of our Manchester of the East – Ahmedabad. We also cannot explain its beauty in words but we tried our best.

If you are planning to visit Ahmedabad then make sure you visit these places and share your wonderful experience with us in the comment section of the blog. We will be pleased to listen to your stories. Visiting Ahmedabad would be considered to be the most worthy decision of your life.

Other Important Gujarat Tourism Resources

  • Ahmedabad Complete Tourism Guide
  • Popular Gujarat Tour Packages
  • Eco-Tourism in Gujarat
  • Popular Festivals in Gujarat
  • Beach Tourism in Gujarat

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what are top tourist places to visit near ahmedabad within 200 kms.

  • Polo Forest

Q. What are top tourist places to visit near Ahmedabad within 100 KMs?

  • The Lake Bird Sanctuary
  • Zanzari Waterfalls

Q. What are the top places to visit in Ahmedabad for couples?

  • Sabarmati Riverfront
  • Victoria Garden
  • Parimal Garden
  • Chandola Lake
  • Rustic Rooftop Candlelight Dinner

Q. What are the best places to visit in Ahmedabad at night?

  • Drive in Cinema
  • Sphere Lounge
  • Spirit O' Soul
  • Rewind the Disk
  • Law Garden Night Market

Q. What are the top places in Ahmedabad to hang out with friends?

  • Calico Textile Museum
  • Kite Museum
  • Science City
  • Bhatiyar Gali

Q. How many minimum days to explore the best of Ahmedabad sightseeing tours?

There are many places to delight one’s soul completely in Ahmedabad. For the best travel experience at least, a week is needed to explore the city completely. The place is rich in culture and heritage so it is important to take time and explore the treasure of our ancient past.

Q. What are the nearest airport & railway stations to Ahmedabad?

  • Nearest Airport to Ahmedabad - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport
  • Nearest Railway Station to Ahmedabad- Ahmedabad Junction Railway Station

Published: 29 Nov, 2021

About the author

Nidhi Singh

Nidhi Singh

From the Lake District, Nainital, Nidhi Singh is a travel writer whose love for mountains can be seen in her write ups. Talk about solo travelling, indulging in adventure activities, binging on good food, planning budget trips or the Aurora Borealis and you will get all her attention. It is the wanderlust that keeps her going and if at all she could get one wish granted she would love to live a life less ordinary. Follow her on Twitter , Facebook & Instagram .

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Ahmedabad: See & Do

By Sushmita B


The classic itinerary:

The Jama Masjid, built in 142 . by the city's founder Sultan Ahmed Shah, is easily one of the most spectacular mosques you will ever see, with its enormous courtyard and the lotus-like carving of some domes. Outside the Delhi Gate, north of the old city, the Hutheesing Jain Temple is a phenomenal example of how elegant Jain religious art can really be. Another city highlight is the vibrantly coloured Shri Swaminarayan Temple, built with intricately carved teak, depicting everything from religious characters to episodes from the mutiny of 1857 . India's First War of Independence.


The Sabarmati Ashram. Photo: Dinodia

Other must-visits in Ahmedabad include Gandhi Ashram , Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum (open from 10.30am to 5.30pm Tuesday to Sunday), Calico Textile Museum , housed in a beautiful haveli (mansion), should definitely be on your Ahmedabad wish list. It contains one of the world's finest collections of antique and modern Indian textiles, including many examples of embroidery, tapestries and weaves from the whole country, from as far back as the Mughal era. Also in Ahmedabad are two of India's most prestigious education institutes the Indian Institute of Management , and the National School of Design . Classic shopping spots include Bandhej the place to go if you are looking for some of the remarkable tie-and-dye work and beautiful embroidery that Gujarat and Rajasthan are famous for.

The cool itinerary:

1 . Climb down the step-wells: Water has always been a precious resource in Gujarat's arid climate, so vavs (or stepiwells), were essential. The 500-year-old step-well, Dada Harir Vav, in Asarwa is particularly striking because of its octagonal shape; it has steps going down through five levels of stone columns and walls, carved with stunning Sanskrit and Arabic script, and more. But Adalaj ni Vav, 18km north of the city in the village of Adalaj, is one of the true wonders of Gujarat. Constructed in 149 . AD, it has five levels with ornate pillars and carvings of Hindu and Jain symbols such as birds, flowers and fish, as well as mythological scenes. The most remarkable feature is that the temperature inside the vav is always six degrees cooler than outside, which keeps the water cool, even through the unbearable summer.

2 . Go hot-air ballooning and have a picnic at Kankaria Lake: Enjoy a breezy, lakeside afternoon on Ahmedabad's favourite picnic spot. Kankaria Lake, built in 1451 . now features a toy-train, zoo and bungee trampoline, which will keep the children occupied while the adults explore the grand Colonial Dutch Tombs. After the picnic (but not too soon after), hit the skies in a hot-air balloon. Yes, you're tethered, but it's still worth it for the great city views.

3 . Take a heritage walk: This is one of the best ways to take in the walled city's unique mix of old and new, and there are plenty to choose from, most taking you through vibrant and ancient alleyways to the key sights. The Municipal Corporation (+91-9824032866 . runs daily heritage walks through the old city, starting at the Swaminarayan Temple at 8am and finishing at the Jama Masjid at around 10.30am. However, the walk we would recommend is organised by well-known conservation architect Debashish Nayak (+91-7925391811). Remember to wear comfortable footwear preferably sandals or slip-ons because you will have to remove them each time you visit a temple.

4 . Go on an audio-guide walk: The House of MG heritage hotel can provide you with a brilliant audio guide, which takes you on an 80-minue walk along a quirky route through the old city, enlightening you as you stroll.

5 . Experience local life at the Sunday Market: Every Sunday, the space underneath the eastern end of Ellis Bridge turns into one of the largest markets in the city. It fills the entire bridge and sprawls out down the hill and across the riverfront. Here, you'll find everything from kitchen supplies to antiques, goats, hardware, chickens, furniture, clothing and electronics. It's a lively, colourful affair, not to mention an interesting peek into the locals' lives. There is no official street address but virtually anyone will be able to guide you to this market once you've made it to the bridge.

6 . Explore the city's contemporary art scene:

Archer Art Gallery exhibits works by both well-known and emerging artists, along with limited-edition serigraphs and lithographs of the old masters. Its collection ranges from artworks by big names such as SH Raza, Jogen Chowdhury, Manu Parekh and Amit Ambalal to fine-art prints and paintings by emerging artists.

The collection at Marvel Art Space has more than 1,00 . works by 15 . artists. Apart from originals, it also features limited-edition serigraphs and has a range of affordable art, which includes fine-art prints that are ideal for presents.

Also stop by Hussain Doshi's Gufa, an underground gallery designed by celebrated architect BV Doshi, which hosts the work of the world-renowned Indian painter MF Hussain. The gallery received its name from an amalgamation of the two masters. A quiet refuge in the middle of chaotic Ahmedabad, it is a whimsical fusion of modern art and natural design.

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7 . Visit the Vintage Car Museum: If you're pumped about cars, add this museum to your Ahmedabad bucket list. Here, you will find about 10 . classic vintage cars under one roof, ranging from classic motorcycles to Rolls-Royce beauties; this place is nirvana for car lovers.

8 . Time your trip to a festival: Plan your trip to coincide with the annual Saptak Music Festival , which takes place in November and December. Another good time to go is during the Uttarayan Festival, a traditional kite-flying fiesta held on 14-1 . January each year, when the city comes alive. There's also a Kite Museum on the ground floor of the City Museum, which is worth a visit.

9 . Hunt down the city's best souvenirs to take home: Ahmedabad is blessed with an abundant supply of stalls and shops selling exquisite local handicrafts. The best of these are: Bandhej, Garvari, Gujrari, Hastkala and Kapasi. Lighten your wallets at Fanaas Light Design and Studio, a quirky studio which has a wide range of lamps, lanterns and sculptural installations. And go to Asif, where Interior designer Asif Shaikh is known for his work on reviving embroidery techniques and restoring fabrics. At his studio, you can buy rich and exclusive materials embellished with vasli, marodi, chikankari, kamdani, soof or aari work for your home.

10 . Go on a day trip to Akshardham: Venture a bit outside city bounds by paying a visit to this temple of architectural brilliance. Revel in the richness and majesty that Akshardham temple, dedicated to Lord Swaminarayan, has to offer. Spend the day exploring the secrets of the temple, roaming the gardens and perusing the various exhibitions usually on show; end your visit with the colourful Sat-Chit-Anand Water spectacle.


Studio Virtues

11 . Seek out the city's designer boutiques:

Housed in a charming bungalow, Studio Virtues is a bespoke pr t gallery owned by NIFT graduate Viral, her husband Ashish Parikh and their partner, Vikrant Mehta. Over a course of 1 . years, it has become one of the city's hottest addresses for wedding and festive wear. The store offers both readymade collections and one-of-a-kind, custom-fitted pieces.

Start with Shyamal & Bhumika , two designers who turned their passion into a business. They are best known for their bridal couture and pr t collections. Admire the hand-woven Indian embroideries perfect souvenirs and age-old techniques used on these beautiful garments.

NIFT graduate Anoli Shah's boutique, Anoli Shah Design provides trendy ethnic wear for men and women. The young designer specialises in colourful, graphic trousseau ensembles.

At Purvi Doshi's signature store, you can get colourful womenswear, embellished using Gujarat's unique handicraft techniques.

12 . Shop and feel good about yourself:

Hansiba is an initiative started by the not-for-profit organisation, Self-Employed Women's Association, popularly known as SEWA. Everything here is made by female artisans and is handcrafted. Hansiba's artistry has been on display in museums in places like Madrid and at New York Fashion Week. Today, about 3 . percent of its products are exported but the good news is you can pick and choose from the remaining 7 . percent of beautiful textiles, linen and apparel at this Ahmedabad store.

You can also help a cause by stepping into Artisan's Cottage , the brainchild of a NIFT graduate who showcases the work of local craftsmen, NGOs and young designers.

Banascraft sells beautiful fabrics crated by women in Gujarat's north-western desert district, using traditional techniques of applique, patchwork and embroidery. It is run by the Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) and aims to help these women and their children have a sustained income.

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53. Maniar's Wonderland

Maniar's Wonderland

10 km from city center 53 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Situated on the Sarkhej Sanand Highway in Ahmedabad, Maniar's Wonderland, true to its name, is truly a wonderland for both the adults and kids. It is the best place to beat the heat amidst snow or in the water park while having fun all the while. Among the most thrilling and popular rides are Aqua Roller, Aqua Splash, Zip Line, Wonder Chair etc.

54. Shanku's Water Park

Shanku's Water Park

52 km from city center 54 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Shanku’s Water Park And Resort is situated on the Ahmedabad - Mehsana Highway in Ahmedabad. Spread across 75 acres of lush green land, the water-based theme park and resort is a popular recreational space in the city. Besides the umpteen thrilling water and regular rides, the resort also has stay and accommodation options for an extended trip.

55. Splash The Fun World

Splash The Fun World

16 km from city center 55 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Situated on the Sarkhej Sanand Road in Ahmedabad, Splash The Fun World is popular hangout and weekend entertainment place in the city. With over 25 water rides and regular rides, the place also has an artificial waterfall which is the highlight of the place. The water park also has a lazy river where you can float or swim downstream.

56. Swapna Srushti Water Park

Swapna Srushti Water Park

40 km from city center 56 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Swapna Srushti Water Park is situated on the Gandhinagar-Mahudi Highway near Ahmedabad in Gujarat. The place is one of the most popular water parks in the city with a plethora of water and regular rides, an adjacent amusement park and a cafeteria to cater to your hunger pangs. Spread over a humongous 130 acres of land, the park also has artificial waterfalls, snowfall area, fog and rain and a children's playground.

57. Jaldhara Water World

Jaldhara Water World

6 km from city center 57 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Jaldhara Water World is situated in Mani Nagar in Ahmedabad. It is situated near the popular Kankaria Lake and boasts of a plethora of water and regular rides for both adults and kids. The water park also hosts private events and functions which are organized by the poolside. They also have a Gujarati hall which serves authentic Gujarati food.

58. Butterfly Park

Butterfly Park

5 km from city center 58 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Butterfly Park is a vibrant park situated in One Tree Hill in Kankaria in Ahmedabad. Spread across 8000 square meters of lush green land, the park is dotted with trees, benches, and colourful flower beds. It is especially popular among the kids who flock the place throughout the year. Established with a sum of INR 89 lakhs, this butterfly park houses an array of about 150 species of flowers in addition to the in-house Skyderman Glider and Junior rides.

59. Magen Abraham Synagogue

Magen Abraham Synagogue

3 km from city center 59 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Established in 1934, Magen Abraham Synagogue is the only surviving Jewish congregation in Ahmedabad. Located in Khadia, this synagogue was set up using the donations from the local Bene Israel Jewish Community. A prominent part of the city's heritage and history, the Magen Abraham Synagogue carries out an Indo-Jewish style of architecture and interiors picked up from the 1920s Parisian design and structure.

60. Teen Darwaza

Teen Darwaza

3 km from city center 60 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Located at the eastern end of the Bhadra Fort in Ahmedabad, the Teen Darwaza holds historical significance as it used to bracket the Maidan Shahi palace. The gateway essentially opened into the fort's Royal Square which organised games, processions and events at the time. Besides being the city's longest and oldest gateway, the Teen Darwaza is also featured on the emblem of the AMC (the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation). 

61. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

57 km from city center 61 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Located near the rustic little town of Sanand, Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is the largest wetland bird sanctuary of Gujarat. Nalsarovar is home to a beautiful lake spread across a scattered group of marshy islands which are vastly blessed with flora and fauna. Boating on the serene lake or Picnics in the vicinity of wildlife, Nalsarovar makes for a surreal experience.

62. Food Truck Park

Food Truck Park

7 km from city center 62 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

Food Truck Parks in Ahmedabad offer visitors the best dine-out experiences. These multi-cuisine parks not only offer visitors drool-worthy meals but are also the stage for live performances, be it music, theatre or games. These usually open in the evening and run till late at night, giving a unique experience of the food and culture of the country. Mostly located on the city's outskirts, food parks provide the quickest getaways!

63. Atal Bridge

Atal Bridge

63 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

The Atal Bridge in Ahmedabad stands as an iconic structure, being the first of its kind in the country. Spanning the Sabarmati Riverfront, this glass bridge, inspired by the vibrancy of the Kite Festival, connects the east and west parts of the river. Solely intended for pedestrians, the bridge offers seating arrangements for individuals to revel in the river's beauty. The project, inaugurated in August 2022 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is a testament to architectural brilliance and creativity.

64. Old Ahmedabad

Old Ahmedabad

16 km from city center 64 out of 64 Places To Visit in Ahmedabad

The Historic City of Ahmedabad, established by Sultan Ahmad Shah in the 15th century on the eastern bank of the Sabarmati River, showcases a diverse architectural heritage from the sultanate era. Notably featuring structures like the Bhadra citadel, fort walls, gates, mosques, tombs, and Hindu and Jain temples from later periods, the walled city represents a rich historical tapestry.

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Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

One of the largest cities, Ahmedabad a fast-growing metropolitan town of India is known as Manchester of East. It is a prominent industrial hub, a leading educational hotspot. This city has a rich cultural past and the old part of the city was declared as the UNESCO World Heritage Site with old monuments and mosques exhibiting the fusion of varied forms of architecture. It is situated on the banks of the Sabarmati River and is known for its numerous tourist attractions. Ahmedabad is known for its flourishing cotton textile industry, delicious street food places offering lip-smacking flavors of their cuisine, diamond cutting industry, and malls offering an eclectic shopping experience.

Covering attraction's type of Ahmedabad : Art Galleries & Museum, Forts & Tombs, Govt. Museum & Memorials, Lakes & Waterfalls, Mosques, Palace & Landmarks, Street Market, Temple, Zoo, etc.

Top Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Adalaj step well, ahmedabad.

Adalaj Step Well is an excellent example of Indo-Islamic architecture exhibiting a mélange of Hindu craftsmanship and the geometric pattern of Islamic architecture with exquisite stone carving and embellishments. It was built in 1498 in sandstone in the famous Solanki architectural style. Adalaj stepwell is five stories deep, octagonal at the top, built on a beautifully carved large number of pillars. There are a series of platforms and galleries built on the side of the stepwell. Flight of the steps leading to the circular tank, entrance pavilion at the ground level, and well at the lowest level. Every floor is spacious and offers ample space for people to congregate.

Akshardham Temple, Ahmedabad

It's a magnificent monument dedicated to Lord Swaminarayan and is made up of pink stone. The famous temple houses the life story of Lord Swaminarayan in pictures and his prasadik items. There are exhibition halls which exhibits the teachings and philosophy of Lord Swaminarayan in its massive complex. Experience the enthralling world-famous attraction laser light and sound show which is based on a spiritual theme. There is an Amusement park for children and a clean vegetarian restaurant. Devotees get to revel in the inner peace, and experience bliss and happiness. The visiting time is 9:30 am to 7:30 pm from Tuesday to Sunday and is closed on Monday.

Auto World Vintage Car Museum, Ahmedabad

Auto World Vintage Car Museum is an awesome collection of vintage cars, horse carriages motorcycles, and carts that are manufactured by famous automobile companies. Located at Dastan Estate, Sardar Patel Ring Road, Kathwada, New India Colony, Nikol, Ahmedabad, it inspires motor enthusiasts with its wonderful collection of vintage and classic cars. It exhibits arresting displays is the 1923 Rolls 20 HP and Chrysler Imperial Airflow, Bentley Mark VI. The splendid museum housing priceless collection of valuable cars was developed by Shri Pranlal Bhogilal Patel.

Bhadra Fort, Ahmedabad

Situated in the walled city area of Ahmedabad, near the eastern banks of Sabarmati River, Bhadra Fort was built by Ahmad Shah. Famous as the cultural center of the city, this colossal fort stands out with its imposing red stone architecture and lush gardens. It houses beautifully carved royal palaces, mosques, gates, and open spaces where you can witness intricate carvings, excellent lattice pattern works, and fascinating frescos suits. The fort derived its name from Bhadrakali temple which is also located on the premises. The Arches at the entry gate has inscriptions that exhibit the ancient history of the fort.

Calico Museum of Textiles, Ahmedabad

Located at SP Ring Road in the bustling area of Hebatpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Science City houses several exciting attractions that are engaging and mind-blowing. It houses an IMAX 3D theatre and a wonderful display of dancing musical fountains. Embark on an exciting adventure with Thrill Rider or spend some breathtaking moments listening to the sweet jingles of Asia’s largest Musical Fountain. Enjoy the planetarium, a thrilling earthquake experience ride, and explore Hall of Science, Hall of Space, Life Science park, and Energy Park. The Science City is open from 1 0:30 am to 07:30 pm on all days of the week

Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad

Gandhinagar is sprawling India's Tree capital as it lies on the west bank of the Sabarmati river with more than 50 % green covers on its land area. There are numerous tourist attractions such as Akshardham Temple Indroda nature park, Dandi Kutir, and Mini Pawagadh, Shopping at Agora Mall is a lovely experience Children can enjoy thrilling joy train ride at expansive and well-maintained Children’s Park. A visit to serene and soothing temple Timandir, Adalaj is a must which is the most unique temple with a scientific concept of secularism where Gods and Goddesses of different religions are worshipped

Gujarat Science City, Ahmedabad

Located at SP Ring Road in the bustling area of Hebatpur, Ahmedabad, Gujrat Science City houses several exciting attractions that are engaging and mind-blowing. It houses an IMAX 3D theatre and a wonderful display of dancing musical fountains. Embark on an exciting adventure with Thrill Rider or spend some breathtaking moments listening to the sweet jingles of Asia’s largest Musical Fountain. Enjoy the planetarium, a thrilling earthquake experience ride, and explore Hall of Science, Hall of Space, Life Science park, and Energy Park.

Hutheesing Jain Temple, Ahmedabad

This remarkably elegant temple created out of white marble has been sacred to many Jain families, generation after generation. A sacred Jain place of worship, Hutheesing Jain Temple draws a huge crowd owing to its divinity and serenity. An architectural gem of the city the temple is decorated with stunning stone carvings. With an outstanding layout, the revered site has a courtyard enclosed with cloisters. It was built in 1848 A.D and is dedicated to the 15th Jain Tirthankar, Shri Dharmanatha. A temple is a place that reflects the perfect harmony of diverse religions. It is known for its rich culture, fascinating history, and welcoming people.

ISKCON Temple, Ahmedabad

Iskcon temple is a peaceful and lovely temple with mesmerizing statues of Lord Krishna beautifully dressed every day. Located at the Satelite Road, Sarkhej, Ahemdabad the temple has clean compound, food court, and well maintained Govindji Food Restaurant. Khichdi is served as prashadam for all the devotees coming to the temple during the evening. It has a gift shop as well. The magnificent temple art is enchanting as the heart is filled with genuine humility, integrity and a true sense of love  There is a feast every Sunday, and when people come to the temple to pay obeisance, chant, dance and take the prasad.

Jama Masjid, Ahmedabad

Located outside Bhadra Fort at Manek Chowk, Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad, Jama Masjid is one of the ancient and most popular Islamic places of worship. Jama Masjid is a fine example of the Ahmedabad’s fine architectural heritage. Popularly known as Jumma Mosque you will be enthralled by its amazing reflection of Indo-Saracenic form of architecture and matchless charm. The mosque is built in yellow sandstone with splendid archway rectangular prayer hall, marble- floored courtyard with impressive columns imposing domes and intricate jallis.

Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad

Kankaria lake is the second largest lake in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It is located in the Himmatnagar Village, Maninagar area. It boasts of a zoo, thrilling water-based rides, kids city, toy-train, hot-air balloon ride, and other entertainment attractions The pristine lake is ideal for a peaceful evening stroll with multi-colored lights glowing all around its periphery. For adventure buffs, Kankaria Lake lays down a plethora of options like archery, gymnastics and water rides. It consists of an island that encompasses Nagina Wadi, placed, right in the middle of a summer palace known as Ghattamandal. It is open from 4 am to 8 am and 9 am to 10 pm on all days of the week.

Kankaria Zoo, Ahmedabad

Located at Kamla Nehru Zoological Garden, Kankaria, it houses various wild animals and offers an ideal environment for preserving the endangered species. Kankaria Zoo offers a thrilling adventure experience, especially to kids. It houses fauna, flora, mammals, birds, and 140 reptiles. The zoo is surrounded by a serene lake, butterfly park, musical fountain, water park where you can enjoy lots of water sports activities. It takes around 3 hours to explore all the places in the park.

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, Ahmedabad

Nalsarovar wetland is deemed as the biggest wetland bird sanctuary in the state. This serene place houses a lake and ambient marshes with shallow waters and is dotted by 36 small islands.  Spread over a large area, this bird sanctuary is located at about 64 km to the west of Ahmedabad near Sanand Village, Gujarat, and boasts of the wide variety of migratory birds. Use a pair of binoculars or telescopes for bird watching, and chill out with a live barbeque session near the banks of the lakes or enjoy a horse ride or thrilling boat rides. Enjoy the local food at small huts where kathiyawadi thali is served and buy handicraft items.

Rani no Hajiro, Ahmedabad

Located near Manek Chowk, Gandhi Road, Khadia, Ahmedabad, Rani no Hajiro is popularly known as Mughalai Bibi's Tomb or Tombs of Ahmed Shah's Queens. The tomb has an ornate gateway, an open courtyard enclosed by a magnificent trellised cloister with carved stone screens on the walls. The tombs are beautifully embellished with fine intricate carvings and are inlaid with pure mother-of-pearl and metal. The tombs are covered with rich brocade fabric. The architecture is an amazing blend of Hindu, Jain, and Islamic style.

Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad

Sabarmati Ashram is popularly known as Gandhi Ashram, Harijan Ashram, or Satyagraha Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, adjoining the Ashram Road, 4.0 miles from the town hall. Experience the tranquil sanctity of the Ashram as you watch the beautiful pictures on the wall depicting the history of Gandhi and India’s freedom struggle. See Magan Niwas, Hriday Kunj, Nandini, Udyog Mandir, Vinoba-Mira Kutir Somnath Chhatralaya, Upasana Mandir, and Gandhi Memorial Museum and get an insight into the philosophies, values, and teachings of Gandhi.

Sarkhej Roza, Ahmedabad

A fine reflection of rich Islamic culture with amazing stylistic influences from Persia with Indian Hindu and Jain features Sarkhej Roza exhibits a splendid Indo-Saracenic architectural style. Located at Post Jeevraj Park, Sarkhej Makarba Road, Makarba, Ahmedabad, Sarkhej Roza is an Islamic place of sacred worship and is known for its history, spirituality and, reverence. The impressive monument includes a splendid mosque, mausoleums housing the tombs of Saint Ahmed Khattu Ganj Baksh, King Mohammad Shah Begada, and his queen.

Shah-e-Alam's Roza, Ahmedabad

Shah-e- Alam Roza is a popular and medieval mosque also known as Rasulabad Dargah. It houses Shah e Alam's tomb complex with two mausoleums and Jama’at Khana. The main part of this Dargah is surrounded by a lofty and a bastioned wall. The majestic mosque has a trophy construction with an arch-shaped gate on the entrance with an impressive line of arch-shaped windows and pure white marble beautifully carved jalis. The mausoleums were built by Taj Kham Narpali popularly known as Shah-e- Alam Roza and are located near Shah Alam Darwaza at Sha Alam Road.

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, Ahmedabad

Located at Dr. Kankaria Road, Opposite Electricity House Gheekanta near Lal Darwaza, Sidi Saiyyed Mosque was built in 1572-73 AD and is popularly known as Sidi Saiyyed ni Jali. It is one of the most famous mosques of Ahmedabad exhibiting architectural grandeur and decorative latticework. The mosque is famous for beautifully carved ten stone latticework windows on the side and rear arches are filled with square stone pierced panels made in beautiful geometrical designs. The two bays which flank the central aisle have stone slabs carved in amazing designs of intertwined trees, dense foliage, and a palm motif. The central window arch is walled with stone.

Swaminarayan Temple, Ahmedabad

Swami Narayan temple is designed with its intricate carving in pure Burma-teak. The deities exhibit exquisite sculptural art depicting deities' episodes, representing auspicious symbols, religious icons, and Indian culture. The magnificent temple is built of hand-carved Italian Carrara marble, Turkish limestone, along with Indian pink stone. It is also housing the sculptures of Swaminarayan along with an idol in the form of a child, Ghanshyam Maharaj. The first temple of the Swaminarayan Sampraday temple is located at Swaminarayan Mandir Road Kalupur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

The Pols, Ahmedabad

Almost 360 pols within a compound are an exceptional feature of the old walled city in Ahmedabad, where tourists can enjoy morning heritage walk. Many of the pols were built between 100 to 300 years ago and the oldest one was being aptly titled ‘Mahurat Pol’. Built adjacent to Manekchowk most of the multi-story houses here are in steps, to provide a greater shelter area for the cattle to rest on during the rains or the scorching heat. Some pols contain old beautiful houses with internal courts having intricate wooden carved facades with columns and fresco work done around court walls or ceilings and a fascinating underground Jain temple.

Vastrapur Lake, Ahmedabad

Located in the western part of Ahmedabad in the heart of the city in Vastrapur lake is a popular tourist spot in the city. There is an open-air theater and well-maintained children's park amidst the splendid environs of Vastrapur Lake. This tranquil place is a popular getaway from the stress of the busy city. The lake is surrounded by a well-manicured lustrous green garden and the riverside of the lake has around the pathway for joggers. The peaceful lake is a venue for cultural- events in the city.

Ahmedabad City FAQs:

𝒬 . What is Ahmedabad famous for?

𝒜 . Ahmedabad also known as Amdavad, is famous for its cotton textiles, street food places, diamond cutting, tourist attractions and much more.

𝒬 . What is the best time to visit Ahmedabad city?

𝒜 . October to March is the best time to visit Ahmedabad as the weather becomes mild and pleasant to road around the city.

𝒬 . Ahmedabad is the city of which Indian state?

𝒜 . Gujarat

𝒬 . Does Ahmedabad city have an airport?

𝒜 . Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport (AMD) is located in Hansol, 9 km (5.6 mi) north of central Ahmedabad, serving the cities of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar in Gujarat, India.

𝒬 . What are the names of railway stations of Ahmedabad city?

𝒜 . Name of railway station(s) in Ahmedabad city: Ahmedabad railway station, Kalupur, Maninagar, Sabarmati, Ganghigram, sarkhej, Asarwa, chandlodia, vastrapur, geratpur and Vatva railway station

𝒬 . What are the top malls or shopping places of Ahmedabad?

𝒜 . Malls and Shopping places in Ahmedabad city: AlphaOne Mall Vastrapur, Iscon Mega Mall SG Highway Bodakdev, Himalaya Mall Vastrapur, Ahmedabad Central Mall Ambawadi, 10 Acres Shopping Mall Kankaria, Acropolis Mall SG Highway Thaltej, Gulmohar Park Mall ISKCON Circle, Shree Balaji Agora Mall Ring Road Sughad

𝒬 . What are the famous religious places in Ahmedabad?

𝒜 . Famous Religious places in Ahmedabad city: Shree Camp Hanuman Mandir, Dada Bhagwan Temple, Gurudwara Gobind Dham, Vaishnodevi Temple, Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, Bai Harir ni Vav (Stepwell), Hare Krishna Mandir Temple, Bhagwat Vidyapith, Sultan Ahmed Shah Mosque, Amarnath Dham, Koteshwar Mahadev Temple, Mata Boot Bhawani Temple, Koth Ganesh Mandir

𝒬 . What are the places for fun and activities in Ahmedabad?

𝒜 . Fun and Activity places in Ahmedabad city: Kamla Nehru Zoo, Sundarvan, Sabarmati Skyline Tour, Gaps Outback, Shiv Theatre, Apsara Theatre, Rajshree Theatre

𝒬 . List out the inter-state bus terminal and major bus stands of Ahmedabad city.

𝒜 . Following are the names of major bus terminals of the Ahmedabad city: GSRTC Bus terminal, Gita Mandir, Ahmedabad

𝒬 . Does Ahmedabad city have any metro rail facility?

𝒜 . Yes, Ahmedabad city has metro rail facility to commute locally. Search Ahmedabad Metro routes .

Park, Restaurant, Shopping Mall in the city

▣ Himalaya Mall ▣ R3 The Mall ▣ Lion Sharad Mehta Garden ▣ Ramlal Ruplal Municipal Garden ▣ Swastik Mall Vastral ▣ Amul Garden

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22 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad 2024: Check Location, Entry Fee

Budget Hotels > Travel Blog > Destinations > Ahmedabad > 22 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad 2024: Check Location, Entry Fee

Ahmedabad or Amdavad as Gujaratis love to call it, is a city that paints a pretty picture of fun, frolic, colours of the chaniya cholis and the taste of gathiya s and undhiyu . It is the first in the world to be declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO . Ahmedabad has undergone continuous change since the time it was conceptualised and founded by Sultan Ahmed Shah. But, all through these years, something that has stayed constant is the love of the city for celebrating life and preserving its heritage through its architectural wonders. These wonders are now the pride of the city and are some of the top tourist attractions of Gujarat. Apart from these, there are several parks and water tanks in the city that are worthy of a visit.

Places to Visit in Ahmedabad:

1. sabarmati ashram, ahmedabad.

Sabarmati Ashram | Tourist places in Ahmedabad

Sabarmati Ashram | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

The very first name that pops into the mind at the mention of Ahmedabad is that of Mahatma Gandhi and Sabarmati Ashram . Once home to Bapu and being the centre of operations for the Indian freedom struggle, it is located on the banks of river Sabarmati. This place gives visitors an insight into the life and struggles of Mahatma Gandhi.

You can see many of his personal artefacts, including his glasses, slippers, and books. There is an art gallery and a library with almost thirty-five thousand books in English, Hindi, and Gujarati here. The literature, paintings and the artefacts here are a treasure trove if one wants to learn more about the life, family, and revolutionary ways of Gandhi. Sabarmati Ashram holds the honour of being the starting point of the iconic Dandi March , which was a key point in the Indian freedom struggle.

  • Location : Ashram Road, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention: Magan Niwas, Upasana Mandir, Udyog Mandir, Hriday Kunj, and Nandini
  • Opening hours : 8.30 AM to 6.30 PM
  • Entry Fees : Free

Explore recommended places to stay in Ahmedabad at best price

2. Bhadra Fort, Ahmedabad

Bhadra Fort | ahmedabad india points of interest

Bhadra Fort | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

It was in 1411 that the founder of the city of Ahmedabad, Sultan Ahmad Shah built Bhadra Fort. A popular tourist attraction now, the forts holds many stories within its walls. It houses a temple called, Bhadra Kali Temple, which gave the fort its name. Legends tell the story of Goddess Lakshmi once entering this fort to shower her blessing on the Muslim Sultan that the city will always be blessed with wealth. The majestic fort has a grand courtyard with lush green lawns and several palaces.

  • Location : Court Road, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Teen Darwaza, Clock Tower, Royal Square, Azam Khan Sarai
  • Opening hours : 9 AM to 5 PM
  • Entry Fee: Free

3. Jama Masjid, Ahmedabad

Jama Masjid | ahmedabad india points of interest

Jama Masjid | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Another architectural wonder created by Sultan Ahmed Shah, Jama Masjid is one of the top Ahmedabad tourist places. The fort was built in the year 1423 by the Sultan, who wanted the Muslims of Ahmedabad to have a place where they could gather for their Friday prayers. Located right next to Bhadra Fort, it matches its grandeur with its yellow sandstone and two hundred and sixty pillars with fine carvings. The architecture of the mosque presents an amalgamation of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles, and it is said that the yellow sandstone used in the mosque was once part of some Hindu and Jain temples.

  • Location : Manek Chowk, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Its wide courtyard sunlight-filtering latticework
  • Opening hours : 6 AM to 8 PM. (closed during Namaz)

Also Read: Ahmedabad – The Manchester of India

4. Sarkhej Roza, Ahmedabad

Sarkhej Roza | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Sarkhej Roza | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

A group of tombs and pillars make up the beautiful complex of Sarkhej Roza. Like most monuments in the city featuring Islamic architecture, this one too has some gorgeous latticework along with intricate carvings. Built around an artificial water body, called Sarkhej Lake, this tomb is among the architectural attractions of the city. While its brackets and pillars are Islamic elements, the majority of ornamental motifs are starkly Hindu influences.

  • Location : Sarkhej Makarba Road, Ahmedabad
  • Special Mention : Sheikh Ahmed Khattu Ganj Bakhsh’s Tomb and Baradari
  • Opening hours : 9 AM to 6 PM

5. Shah-e-Alam’s Roza, Ahmedabad

Shah-e-Alam’s Roza | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Shah-e-Alam’s Roza | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad is replete with tombs that enchant you with their magnificence and ornate carvings. One such tomb that should be a part of any tourist’s itinerary is Shah-e-Alam’s Roza, also known as Rasulabad Dargah or Shah Alam no Rojo. This mausoleum is a famous Sufi shrine that draws devotees from far and wide. The dome of the tomb was once adorned with gold and precious stones that added to its grandeur. The tomb complex has a smaller mausoleum with twenty-four domes, which holds the graves of Shah Alam’s family. The floor of the tomb is done with an elegant pattern of with black and white marble and the door frames as well as the two stone pillars on both sides are made of intricately carved pure white marble.

  • Location : Shah Alam Road, Ahmedabad
  • Special Mention: Perforated stone windows and pierced stone wall
  • Opening Hours: Morning to Evening

6. Rani no Hajiro, Ahmendabad

Rani no Hajiro | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Rani no Hajiro | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Rani no Hajiro, which means Queen’s Tomb in Gujarati, holds the graves of the queen consorts of Ahmed Shah. Away from the chaos of the city, tourists flock this place for the calm that marks the place, in complete contrast to its appearance which has been made quite lively with buntings added to the place by the squatters. The graves here, unlike at other tombs, are not in a closed hall but in an open courtyard. These richly carved mausoleums display a fine interlaying of mother of pearls, and their carvings boast a beautiful coming together of Jain, Hindu and Islamic aesthetic influences. Click here to know more about Rani ki Vav

  • Special mention : The road leading to the tomb is lined with shops selling souvenirs
  • Opening hours : 6 AM to 6 PM
  • Entry: Free

7. Vastrapur Lake, Ahmendabad

Vastrapur Lake | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Vastrapur Lake | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

One of the best places to spend your evenings in Ahmedabad is this man-made Vastrapur Lake , which is in the eponymous area of the city. It is a calming experience, spending leisurely hours on its shores, admiring the greenery all around. The open-air theatre here is host to several cultural shows round the year that you can attend for a glimpse into Gujarat’s colourful traditions. Read also – lakes in Ahmedabad

  • Location : Vastrapur, Ahmedabad
  • Special Mention : Jogging track and grassy shores
  • Opening hours : 8 AM to 10 PM

8. Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad

Kankaria Lake | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Kankaria Lake | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

The largest waterbody in the city, Kankaria Lake has enticed the people of Ahmedabad and tourists flocking the city for many years now. Built in the fifteenth century by Sultans Muhammad Shah and Ahmed Shah II, it even had an in-built water purification system since it was the bathing place of most rulers of that era. An entertainment zone has now been developed on the lakeside, which has a zoo, kids’ city, toy trains, a water park with loads of rides, and food stalls. You can easily have a day picnic at this place, ending the day with a stroll along the lakefront. Enjoy your meals at Nagina Wadi, which is a garden themed food stall area lip-smacking authentic Gujarati food.

  • Location : Kankaria, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Children’s park, musical fountain, Jogging track, mini-golf, balloon rides, archery, Segway, mirror maze
  • Opening hours : 9 AM to 10 (visitors); 4 AM to 8 AM (joggers)
  • Entry Fee: ₹ 25 for Adults, ₹ 10 for children and free entry for joggers

9. Kankaria Zoo, Ahmendabad

Kankaria Zoo | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Kankaria Zoo | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Kamala Nehru Zoological Garden or Kankaria Zoo as it also called is the perfect picnic spot in Ahmedabad . Kids love the place for its wide array of flora and fauna. Located on the banks of Kankaria Lake, the zoo was set up in 1951. It is a haven for wildlife lovers for you will find some rare and endangered species of birds, mammals, and reptiles. In 2017, the zoo opened up a nocturnal section, which houses animals like hyenas, jackals, and leopards; animals which are most active at night. The nocturnal zoo is one of its kind in Gujarat and as it uses light management to induce a night-like environment during the day, making these animals active. Soundproof enclosures keep the animals protected from the loud noise of visitors, but visitors outside can easily hear the animal and bird sounds through speakers.

  • Special mention : Butterfly Park, and Rasala Nature Park
  • Opening hours : March to October – 9 AM to 6.15 PM November to February – 9 AM to 5 PM
  • Entry fee: Free for children up to 3 years; ₹ 5 for educational tours; ₹ 10 for children between 3-12 years; ₹ 20 for adults

10. ISKCON Temple, Ahmendabad

ISKCON Temple | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

ISKCON Temple | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

The fascinating exterior of ISKCON temple reflects a seamless mix of two styles: Gujarat Sompura and Rajasthani Khamira. The sprawling 4-acre campus holds the temple, manicured gardens, and beautiful fountains. ISKCON temple is primarily dedicated to Lord Krishna and Radha, but it also houses idols of other Hindu deities.

  • Location : Satellite Road, Sarkhej, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Meditation in the prayer room and morning and evening aartis
  • Opening hours : 4.30 AM to 1 PM and 4 PM to 9 PM

11. Hutheesing Jain Temple, Ahmedabad

Hutheesing Jain Temple | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Hutheesing Jain Temple | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Built around 1850, by a Jain Merchant, named Hutheesing Kesarsing, this temple adds to the rich cultural heritage of Ahmedabad. Made with marble and carved with extreme finesse, this exceptional work of art pays reverence to Dharmanath, who was the fifteenth Jain Tirthankara. The temple courtyard paved with marble has 52 cubicles that are the sanctum sanctorum for the various Tirthankaras.

  • Location : Bardolpura, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : A massive courtyard and a mandapa with a large ridged dome that has twelve grandiose pillars
  • Opening hours : 9 AM to 5.30 PM

12. Swaminarayan Temple, Ahmedabad

Swaminarayan Temple | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

Swaminarayan Temple | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Historical places in Ahmedabad are floored by the elegant and mesmerising architecture of Swaminarayan Temple. The pristine white exteriors are awe-inspiring and you cannot help but admire its fine craftsmanship. There are nine tombs here that are called ‘Nau Gaz Pir’ or the ‘Nine Yard Saints’. The temple is dedicated to Lord Narnarayan, but you will find idols of Hari Krishna Maharaj, Radhakrishna, and Dharmadev-Bhakti Mata as well in the premises. Food at the temple is cooked in satvik style and served hygienically.

  • Location : Swaminarayan Mandir Road, Kalupur, Ahmedabad,
  • Special mention : Nar Narayan Temple, Akshar Bhavan, Women Temple, Light and Sound Show
  • Opening hours : 6 AM to 7 PM
  • Entry fee : Free

13. The Pols, Ahmedabad

The Pols | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmendabad

The Pols | Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

You cannot leave Ahmedabad without visiting its Pols . Many cities in Gujarat have pols but those in old Ahmedabad are one of the best. These are tightly packed rows and blocks of houses, with each house having one or two secret entrance or exits that only the owner would know about. The pols have derived their name from Sanskrit word Pratoli , which means a gate. Going inside the houses through one of these secret doorways would be quite a thrilling experience. With urbanisation taking over most cities now, these pols now house the cottage industry set-up of the city. Most pols used to have a temple at the centre and a platform in the courtyard for feeding birds. The architectural style of pols is a mix of many elements, with some having a Peshwa symbol at the entrance while another sporting a Persian-style grapevine carving on its facade.

  • Location : Multiple, Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Intricately carved wooden facades and frescoes

14. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, Ahmedabad

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque - Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque – Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Standing right in the centre of the city, Sidi Saiyyed Mosque has an ethereal beauty that knows no bounds. The latticework on yellow sandstone is the favourite of tourists and also among the most photographed monuments in all of Ahmedabad. Its craftsmanship will hold you spellbound when you see that every carving on it is flawless. These iconic jaalis have also been used in the logo of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad; such is their connection to the city.

  • Location : Gheekanta, Ahmedabad
  • Special M ention : The twin jaalis that look like a delicate, intertwined framework of tree branches
  • Timings : 7 AM to 6 PM
  • Entry Fee : Free

15. Auto World Vintage Car Museum, Ahmedabad

Auto World Vintage Car Museum - Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Auto World Vintage Car Museum – Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

The history and the evolutionary journey of automobiles can be witnessed at this museum. Right from horse-drawn carriages and railway saloons to spectacular convertibles, some grand vintage cars, and a gorgeous collection of vintage buggies, the museum is a visual delight for tourists. The cars exhibited here represent brands like Rolls-Royce, Buick-Cadillac, Daimler, Bentley, Chryslers and Mercedes.  

  • Location:  Kathwada, Ahmedabad
  • Special M ention : Exquisite limousines, sports cars, and boat-tailed wooden speedsters
  • Timings : 8 AM to 9 PM
  • Entry Fee : ₹ 50

16. Calico Museum of Textiles, Ahmedabad

Calico Museum of Textiles - Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Calico Museum of Textiles – Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

One of the oldest museums in Ahmedabad , it awe inspires tourists with its vast collection of rare textiles, fabrics, and artefacts from all over the country. A pashmina from Kashmir finds a place next to a tie-and-dye from Gujarat, giving you a glimpse of the lifestyle and culture that are visible in India.

  • Location : Shahibag, Ahmedabad
  • Special M ention : Pichwai hangings, tribal art collection, and Indian miniature paintings
  • Timings : 10.30 AM to 1 PM (Wednesdays closed)
  • Entry Fee : Free (prior registration mandatory)

17. Gujarat Science City, Ahmedabad

Gujarat Science City - Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Gujarat Science City – Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

This science city presents scientific information to you in an interesting and entertaining manner. It is an initiative undertaken by the Gujarat government to develop an interest in people for science. Exhibits that spark your imagination, virtual reality activity corners that keep you entertained and easy-to-understand demonstrations make this science city one of the best places to visit in Ahmedabad for kids and students.

  • Location : SG Highway, Ahmedabad
  • Special M ention : 3D IMAX theatre, Energy Park, musical fountain, simulator, Hall of Space, Elecrodrome, Auda Garden
  • Timings : 10.30 AM to 7.30 PM
  • Entry Fee : ₹ 20 (adults); ₹ 10 (children) and ₹ 5 (school group)

18. Jhulta Minar, Ahmedabad

tourist places at ahmedabad

Jhulta Minar – Among the Best Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

Jhulta Minar, often called the Shaking Minarets, will tickle your scientific minds as even the gentlest shaking of one makes the other vibrate too within seconds. Once a part of Sidi Bashir Mosque, these wondrous minarets are now located north of Ahmedabad Junction. The architecture of these three-storied tall minarets with carved balconies is definitely worth admiring for history enthusiasts.

  • Location: Laxmi Bazar, Ahmedabad
  • Special Mention: Striking architecture
  • Opening Hours: 5.30 AM to 9 PM

Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

19. gandhinagar, ahmedabad.

Gandhinagar | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Gandhinagar | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat, is a well worth place to see in Ahmedabad. A large number of temples that are in the city like the Hanuman Temple and the Brahmani Temple lend an aura of divinity to Gandhinagar. There is a lot to do in the city like visiting the deer park, Sarita Udyan, and Children’s Park.  A must include in your things to do in Gandhinagar, is the Indroda Dinosaur and Fossil Park. It is one of the largest parks of its kind, including a botanical garden and an amphitheatre in its premises. The highlight of the park is the skeleton of giant mammals like the blue whales.

  • Location: 26 km from Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Trimandir, Fun World, Rani Roopmati’s Mosque, Mahudi Jain Temple, and Sant Sarovar Dam

20. Akshardham Temple, Ahmedabad

Akshardham Temple | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Akshardham Temple | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

This temple holds the honour of being the most beautiful Akshardham temple of India, and rightly so. Almost two million devotees from all over Gujarat flock to this temple to pay homage to Lord Swaminarayan. The temple is a masterpiece when it comes to an amalgamation of contemporary style while keeping the essence of Hindu mythology alive in the architecture. The structure stands tall in the centre of the 23-acre lawns and has been built using six thousand tonnes of pink sandstone, without the use of steel. Inside the temple, 1.2-tonne gold-plated idol of Lord Swaminarayan is seated with the right hand of the idol raised in Abhay mudra . It is one of those places which offer you much more than the enlightenment that you seek in a temple. Mystic India, a film that takes you through the journey of an 11-year old child yogi called Neelkanth is educative and reflective. A light and music show called Sat Chit Anand Water show and audio-animatronics shows are also held at the temple, which is quite entertaining.

  • Location : 26 km from Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : the Seven-foot high golden idol of Lord Swaminarayan
  • Opening hours : 9:15 AM to 5:15 PM. Mondays closed.
  • Entry fee : Free  

21. Adalaj Step Well, Ahmedabad

Adalaj Step Well | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Adalaj Step Well | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Step wells are quite a common sight in Gujarat, as they used to be the primary water source for the area before modern day plumbing rendered it out of use. The love of the people of Gujarat for colours and decoration is reflected in these step wells too. They are ornately carved and decorated just like the other architectural wonders in the area.  Adalaj step well is the most famous of all the others in the city. It was constructed in 1499 by Rudaba i, who was the wife of one of the prominent chieftains of the city. Each floor of the step well has intricately carved platforms and galleries that overlook the depth of the octagonal well. Hindu mythology has been vividly showcased through the carving of deities on the pillars on each floor. The shafts of the well are adorned with floral and geometric motifs which are interlaced with figurines that amplify the beauty of the well. The pavilions are lit with diffused lighting in the evening, which adds an intriguing look to the step well. The step well speaks highly of the fine craftsmanship and the architectural brilliance employed in its designing.

  • Location : 30 km from Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : The annual Water Festival in Adalaj-Ni-Vav, which is organized every year in November. The weeklong festival celebrates The World Heritage Week.
  • Opening hours : 5 AM to 7 PM
  • Entry fee: Free

22. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, Ahmedabad

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is one of the largest bird sanctuaries of India and though it stretches a little over our fifty-kilometre criteria, it is worth including in this list. Covering an area of almost 115 sq km, the sanctuary is home to several exotic species of the aviary world. Presence of Nal lake and marshy land in the area attracts more than two hundred kinds of waterfowl like geese, pelicans, flamingos, cranes, spoonbills, storks, and ibis. Migratory birds like the bluish-grey hued demoiselle crane from Siberia are sighted here easily in winters.

  • Location: 60 km from Ahmedabad
  • Special mention : Sarus Crane and his famous dance that has him gracefully bowing down with his wings outstretched
  • Entry fee: ₹60 for entry and ₹100 for a camera. Boating charges are ₹220 per person and ₹1320 for an individual boat

Several other major attractions await you if you venture a little further from Ahmedabad, like the villages of Anand and Modhera, both at a distance of 74 km from Ahmedabad. Click here to check shopping places .

Frequently Asked Questions About Ahmedabad:

Q: When is the best time to visit Ahmedabad?

A: It is best to plan a trip to Ahmedabad during winters, i.e. November to February when the weather is mild and pleasant and ideal for sightseeing.

Q: What can I get back from Ahmedabad as souvenirs?

A: Tie and dye fabrics, patola silks, chaniya cholis, traditional textiles, handicrafts and antique jewellery are among the top things to buy in Ahmedabad.

Q: Which are the popular places to shop in Ahmedabad?

A: Law Garden, Lal Darwaza, Sindhi Market, Dhalgarwad, Manek Chowk and Rani no Hajiro are the best markets in Ahmedabad.

Q: What streets foods of Ahmedabad should I try?

A: When in Ahmedabad, you must not miss street foods like khakhra, dhokla, dal vada, khandvi, khaman, fafda, jalebi, samosa, bhajiyas, pani puri, stuffed paranthas, pav bhaji, kulfi and bun maska.

Q: Where can I enjoy the local cuisine of Ahmedabad?

A: Some of the best places to eat in Ahmedabad that you must add in your list are Manek Chowk, Law Garden, Bhatiyar Gali, Das Khaman House, Asharfi Kulfi, Ambika's Dalvada, Om Sai Parantha and Baghdad Fry Centre.

Q: Does Ahmedabad have an international airport?

A: Yes. Ahmedabad is served by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport that has non-stop connections to many foreign cities including Dubai, Singapore, Kuwait, Bangkok and London.

Q: How to reach my hotel in Ahmedabad from the railway station?

A: Ahmedabad Railway Station is directly served by BRTS and AMTS buses connecting to various parts of the city. You can also find auto rickshaws for shorter distances or book an app-based cab.

Q: What festivals in Ahmedabad are worth attending?

A: Makar Sankranti (14th January) and the 9-day long festival of Navratri (October) are celebrated with great vigour and joy in Ahmedabad.

Q: Are there any good weekend getaways from Ahmedabad?

A: There is no dearth of popular weekend getaways from Ahmedabad. Choose from Gir National Park, Mount Abu, Udaipur, Kutch, Kumbhalgarh, Patan, Somnath, Modhera and Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, among others.

Q: Suggest some places to visit in Ahmedabad with kids.

A: Auto World Museum and Kids City at Kankaria are a few places in Ahmedabad that you can visit with kids.

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Ahmedabad A rapidly growing metropolis, an industrial hub, an educational hotspot, and a city with a magnificent past – Ahmedabad is one of the most important cities in Gujarat and is fast becoming a very popular tourist destination as well. Rent a car in Ahmedabad on affordable rates and get Ahmedabad cabs from Bharat Taxi. You can easily hire Ahmedabad car rental and enjoy your trip in & around the city. Call for offline booking or inquiry on +91 9696000999.

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Wonderful Blog. Ahmedabad is such a very beautiful historical city. This blog has an amazing information about the destination place and pictures are also beautiful that you mention in your blog.

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Really appreciable blog

tourist places at ahmedabad

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tourist places at ahmedabad

Top 10 must visit tourist attractions in Ahmedabad

A hmedabad, the largest city in the Indian state of Gujarat, is a bustling metropolis with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Renowned for its remarkable blend of tradition and modernity, the city has much to offer to both residents and tourists. With its intriguing history, architectural marvels, vibrant markets, and delectable cuisine, Ahmedabad is a must-visit destination for those seeking an authentic Indian experience. Let's explore the top tourist attractions that embody the essence of this vibrant city.

Sabarmati Ashram (Gandhi Ashram)

Located on the tranquil banks of the Sabarmati River, Sabarmati Ashram was Mahatma Gandhi's home during India's struggle for independence. It is a place of great historical significance, where visitors can immerse themselves in the peaceful atmosphere and learn about Gandhi's life and principles of non-violence. Unique Feature: The spinning wheel (charkha) used by Gandhi during his stay is preserved here, symbolizing self-reliance and India's quest for freedom.

The Adalaj Stepwell

A true architectural marvel, the Adalaj Stepwell is an intricately designed five-story stepwell that dates back to the 15th century. The stepwell served as a water source, a community gathering place, and a cooling respite during the scorching summers. Unique Feature: The beautifully carved columns and walls, adorned with exquisite sculptures, narrate stories from mythology and history.

Sidi Saiyyed Mosque

Known for its awe-inspiring stone lattice window, the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque is a testament to the city's rich architectural heritage. The intricate Jali work of the mosque's arched window is often referred to as "Sidi Saiyyed Ni Jali" and is an iconic symbol of Ahmedabad. Unique Feature: The celebrated "Tree of Life" Jali, which showcases foliage patterns that are a visual delight.

Kankaria Lake

Kankaria Lake is not just a serene body of water; it's a recreational hub for locals and visitors alike. The lake is surrounded by a beautifully maintained garden, a zoo, an aquarium, and an amusement park. It's the perfect place to relax and enjoy various activities. Unique Feature: The Kankaria Carnival, an annual festival held around the lake, offers a vibrant showcase of local culture, food, and entertainment.

Jama Masjid

A stunning piece of architecture, the Jama Masjid is one of the largest mosques in India. It boasts an exquisite blend of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles, making it a fascinating visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. Unique Feature: The mosque's two tall minarets, which offer a breathtaking panoramic view of the city when climbed.

Bhadra Fort and Teen Darwaza

The historic Bhadra Fort, built by Ahmad Shah I, is surrounded by a bustling market area. The Teen Darwaza (Triple Gateway) is a majestic entry point to the fort. The fort has an exquisite palace and the Bhadrakali Temple within its walls. Unique Feature: The beautifully designed arched gateway, Teen Darwaza, is an excellent example of Indo-Saracenic architecture.

Hathee Singh Jain Temple

This 19th-century Jain temple is a true gem, known for its intricate architectural details and peaceful ambiance. The temple is dedicated to Dharmanath, the 15th Jain Tirthankara. Unique Feature: The temple's ornate architecture and magnificent marble work are a testament to the artistic brilliance of the time.

Manek Chowk

Manek Chowk transforms from a bustling vegetable market in the morning to a dazzling food market at night. It's the ideal place to savor local street food, from delectable snacks to sumptuous meals. Unique Feature: The night market is famous for its mouth-watering pav bhaji and the variety of delicious street food stalls.

Sarkhej Roza

Sarkhej Roza is an architectural complex that includes a mosque, tombs, and a stepwell. This serene place showcases Islamic and Hindu architectural styles harmoniously blended together. Unique Feature: The tranquility and architectural elegance of Sarkhej Roza offer a stark contrast to the city's urban hustle and bustle.

Calico Museum of Textiles

For those interested in the rich textile heritage of India, the Calico Museum is a treasure trove. It houses an impressive collection of textiles, costumes, and handicrafts, providing a glimpse into India's intricate textile history. Unique Feature: The museum's collection of ancient and contemporary textiles showcases the evolution of textile artistry in India.

Ahmedabad is a city of diverse experiences, where tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously. These top attractions offer a glimpse into the city's vibrant culture, history, and architectural splendor. Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or a food lover, Ahmedabad has something to offer to every traveler. So, don't miss these incredible sites and experiences to truly soak in the essence of this captivating city.

Note: The article is based on content generated by AI models like Bard and Chatgpt.

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    12. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. 615. Historic Sites. The Sidi Saiyyed Masjid, The most reputed Heritage marvel of Ahmedbad city, built in 1572-73 AD, is one of the most famous Masjids (Islamic place of Worship) in Gujarat, India. It was built by Sidi Saiyyid in the retinue of Bilal Jhajar Khan, general in the army of the last Sultan Shams-ud-Din ...

  2. Places To Visit In Ahmedabad

    16. Manek Chawk. 3.7 /5. 3 km. from city center 16 out of 64. Places To Visit in Ahmedabad. Manek Chowk is a notable city square in Old Ahmedabad which is a vegetable market in the morning, a bullion market in the noon and the street food market at night.

  3. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Ahmedabad (UPDATED 2024)

    Kankaria lake. Review of: Kankaria Lake. Written 2 March 2024. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Madhulika L. Noida, India4,697 contributions. Intricately carved old temple. Review of: Hathee Singh Jain Temple.

  4. 25 Must-Visit Tourist Places in Ahmedabad

    Ahmedabad's 25 must-visit tourist places showcase the city's multifaceted charm, inviting visitors to journey through time and heritage. Whether exploring ancient step wells, marveling at architectural wonders, or simply enjoying the tranquility of lakes and gardens, Ahmedabad offers an enriching experience that lingers in the hearts of ...

  5. Top 19 Things to Do in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Wander Around the Bhadra Fort and Teen Darwaja. saiko3p / Getty Images. View Map. Address. Bhadra Fort, Court Rd, Old City, Bhadra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380001, India. The beating heart of Ahmedabad in its time, the 15th century Bhadra Fort, has the distinction of being the first Muslim structure in the city.

  6. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Ahmedabad

    Nice place to visit in Ahmedabad. Science city is the nice place to visit with family or friends. There is many places with full of information and nicely placed. Planetarium is very nice. Newly developed Nature park is great to hang out. Aquarium is world class with a very wide variety of fishes. However, some of the older things are not ...

  7. Plan Your Trip to Ahmedabad: Best of Ahmedabad Tourism

    Statue of Unity tour from Ahmedabad in private car with lunch and guide. 1. from $180 per adult. Day Trip to Statue of Unity (Guided Full Day Sightseeing Tour from Ahmedabad) 1. from $152 per group. Ahmedabad Heritage Trail: A Journey Through Time. 3. from $53 per adult.

  8. 70 Places To Visit In Ahmedabad For A Memorable Vacation

    Built during the reign of Ahmedabad's founder, Ahmed Shah, Jama Masjid is one of the top tourist places near Ahmedabad. The age-old monument is located in the heart of the walled city and is one of the most famous tourist places in Ahmedabad. The iconic structure dates back to 1424 and is now, also commonly known as Jami or Jumma Masjid.

  9. Ahmedabad Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    from ₹15,402 per adult. Day Trip to Statue of Unity (Guided Full Day Sightseeing Tour from Ahmedabad) 1. from ₹12,399 per group. Ahmedabad Heritage Trail: A Journey Through Time. 3. from ₹4,535 per adult. Surat to Ahmedabad, Glimpse of Gujarat Tour. 1.

  10. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Ahmedabad

    12. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. 615. Historic Sites. The Sidi Saiyyed Masjid, The most reputed Heritage marvel of Ahmedbad city, built in 1572-73 AD, is one of the most famous Masjids (Islamic place of Worship) in Gujarat, India. It was built by Sidi Saiyyid in the retinue of Bilal Jhajar Khan, general in the army of the last Sultan Shams-ud-Din ...

  11. Ahmedabad (Amdavad) travel

    Ahmedabad (Amdavad) Ahmedabad (also called Amdavad, Ahmadabad or Ahemdavad), Gujarat's major city, will bowl you over. Its incredible architecture ranges from centuries-old mosques and mausoleums to cutting-edge contemporary design — and then there's the old quarter, where the narrow streets hide excitement around every twisting corner.

  12. 32 Things to Do in Ahmedabad

    Kankaria Lake is the second largest lake in Ahmedabad, formerly known as Hauz-e-Qutub. Located near the Maninagar area, the lakefront is popular for the balloon safari, zoo, toy trains and amusement park. 4. Shop and Eat at Manek Chawk. Manek Chowk, a bustling city square, is located in Old Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

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    6. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Museum - Archiving A Leader's Life. Image Source. One of the most famous tourist places in Ahmedabad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Museum is located in Moti Shahi Mahal in the Shahibaug area of Ahmedabad.

  14. 24 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

    Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple. Pilgrimage. #2 of 24 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad. At a distance of 29 km from Ahmedabad Junction, Swaminarayan Akshardham is a Hindu temple located in Gandhinagar city of Gujarat State. It is one of the most magnificent temples in India, and among the top attractions in Ahmedabad.

  15. Places to Visit in Ahmedabad

    Tourist Places to Visit in Ahmedabad. Sabarmati Ashram, Jama Masjid, Kankaria lake, Law Garden, Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, Dada Harir Stepwell, Sabarmati River Front, ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple, Bhadra Fort, Science City, Swaminarayan Temple, Jhulta Minar, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial, Sarkhej Roza, Teen Darwaza and many more.

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    The Jumma Masjid (Jama Masjid) Situated on Mahatma Gandhi Road in Ahmedabad, Jumma Masjid is one of the finest architectural specimens found in the city. It is one of the top tourist attractions in Ahmedabad. Also known as Jama Masjid, this mosque was built by Sultan Ahmed Shah in the year 1423 to render the Muslim devotees a place to congregate for Friday prayers.

  17. The 10 Best Things to Do in Ahmedabad

    11. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. 614. Historic Sites. The Sidi Saiyyed Masjid, The most reputed Heritage marvel of Ahmedbad city, built in 1572-73 AD, is one of the most famous Masjids (Islamic place of Worship) in Gujarat, India. It was built by Sidi Saiyyid in the retinue of Bilal Jhajar Khan, general in the army of the last Sultan Shams-ud-Din ...

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    Other must-visits in Ahmedabad include Gandhi Ashram, Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum (open from 10.30am to 5.30pm Tuesday to Sunday), Calico Textile Museum, housed in a beautiful haveli (mansion), should definitely be on your Ahmedabad wish list.It contains one of the world's finest collections of antique and modern Indian textiles, including many examples of embroidery, tapestries and weaves from ...

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  20. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Ahmedabad (UPDATED 2024)

    The Government is creating a sprawling center at Ahmedabad which aims to provide a perfect blend of education and entertainment. 11. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. The Sidi Saiyyed Masjid, The most reputed Heritage marvel of Ahmedbad city, built in 1572-73 AD, is one of the most famous Masjids (Islamic place of Worship) in Gujarat, India.

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    January, February, March, April. Shah-e-Alam's Roza, Ahmedabad. Shah-e-Alam's Roza | #17 of Top 21 Places to Visit in Ahmedabad. Shah-e- Alam Roza is a popular and medieval mosque also known as Rasulabad Dargah. It houses Shah e Alam's tomb complex with two mausoleums and Jama'at Khana.

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    22. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, Ahmedabad. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary | Among the Best Places to Visit near Ahmedabad within 100 km. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is one of the largest bird sanctuaries of India and though it stretches a little over our fifty-kilometre criteria, it is worth including in this list.

  23. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Ahmedabad

    11. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. The Sidi Saiyyed Masjid, The most reputed Heritage marvel of Ahmedbad city, built in 1572-73 AD, is one of the most famous Masjids (Islamic place of Worship) in Gujarat, India. It was built by Sidi Saiyyid in the retinue of Bilal Jhajar Khan, general in the army of the last Sultan Shams-ud-Din Muzaffar Shah III of the ...

  24. Top 10 must visit tourist attractions in Ahmedabad

    Top 10 must visit tourist attractions in Ahmedabad. Story by Ayush Mehrotra,Shagun Chaudhary • 7mo. A hmedabad, the largest city in the Indian state of Gujarat, is a bustling metropolis with a ...