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Effective Travel Ads: Examples and Ideas

tour travels advertisement

Looking for fresh ideas on how to create ads for your travel business? In this article, we'll explore tourism advertisement, focusing on what really resonates with the viewers. We’ll share a selection of creative ideas and insights for marketers looking to kickstart their travel campaigns. Stay with us and get inspired.

Features of Engaging Travel Ads

Creating ads that grab attention and get stuck in one’s head, making them hum the ad’s catchy tunes on the way to work, isn't easy—it takes a whole team of creative minds. But even with all that creativity, these ads often share some key elements and are built on the same basic principles.

The 5 Commandments of Good Travel Ads:

1. Emotional resonance. Ads that evoke feelings of excitement, peace, or adventure tend to connect more deeply with viewers, encouraging them to imagine themselves in the setting.

2. Visual storytelling. Can’t afford a team of outstanding screenwriters? Luckily, in the tourism industry it’s often enough just to show what a destination looks like. This is the case, when an image speaks a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures.

3. Compelling narratives. Storytelling and a simple, but strong message is what truly sets great ads apart. Always keep in mind that people don’t want to buy tickets and tours - they pay for emotions, memories and adventures with their loved ones. If you want to create a strong message, define for yourself what your company’s mission is, and how exactly you aim to make your clients’ lives happier and easier.

4. Personalization. Speaking to a broad audience is rarely sufficient. Spend extra time to understand who your clients are. What are their lifestyles, budget, values? At what stage of decision-making are they? Are they just window shopping? Are they thinking about where to spend their honeymoons? Or maybe, they already have a destination in mind, and now search for the best deals? Conduct a survey, use big data and hire a strategy team to learn everything about your target audience.

5. Call to action. A self-explanatory, but often overlooked point. A strong CTA that clearly guides viewers on how to explore more about the destination or offer ensures the ad doesn't just captivate but also converts interest into action.

6 Best Travel Advertisement Examples

Let’s take a look at some travel ad examples to see how the industry giants do it.

1. American Express Travel

Why does this Delta SkyMiles American Express Cards ad work? It’s short, its message is perfectly clear and simple, and it speaks to a very specific demographic. If you’ve ever been in a long-distance relationship, you know how expensive it is to keep seeing your significant other frequently. Amex doesn’t offer their clients to save some money on flights. Instead, it offers to remove the obstacle that stands between them and their desired love lives.

In this ad , Amex offers exclusive access to event presales, to dedicated venue entryways and Card Member lounges:

Here is what the Vice President of Global Brand Advertising at Amex, Jessica Ling, has to say about this ad:

“Sports have the power to connect communities around the world. We’re excited to launch these high-energy, contextually relevant ad spots that show a mother and daughter building their connection through a shared love of sports. We hope by watching these stories, viewers will get a taste of the energy and excitement that comes with experiencing sports with Amex.”


What does the following Booking ad sell?

Right, it sells the opportunity to try oneself in different roles people don’t get to play in their everyday lives. Whether you're an office worker or a stay-at-home dad, book a vacation and be an explorer, an artist, or a professional surfer. This ad is a pro example of when a strong message gets across even without precise targeting.

And here is a banner ad by Booking:

travel ad examples

It has several noteworthy features:

  • a great photo, which conveys emotions;
  • a clear and straigh-forward CTA;
  • seasonality (it is tied to New Year -  a time, when most people probably reevaluated their life decisions and promised themselves to experience life more);
  • a limited special offer.

travel ad examples

Most companies strive to be omnipresent and reach viewers through all the possible channels. Here is an ad that runs across META platforms. Nothing fancy, but the main elements of a good ad are still here. It features a short video of surfers, a clear CTA that invites to install the app, and a short message that highlights the company’s main proposition - the possibility to find and book a place fast and easy. 

The company makes sure to dominate the search result pages too. Just last month they ran around 2.1M Search ads on Google:

travel ad examples

And even though their Paid Ads game is strong, the company visibly invests a lot of resources into Search Engine Optimization . This way appears on the search result pages of most of the travel-related queries, saving a lot on clicks:

travel ad examples

Most of the tourism industry giants use pop-up ads on their websites:

travel ad examples

It’s a great opportunity to inform about your current special offers, or get visitors on the email list in return for some bonuses. You have to be careful with pop up ads though - sometimes they can do more harm than good. 

Read more about how to make effective pop up ads here . 

Another effective strategy that many companies use is user-generated ads:

Such approach kills several birds with one stone:

  • it costs basically nothing;
  • it serves as a social proof and makes the company look trustworthy;
  • you get exposure among the users’ following.

travel ad examples

Agoda also runs ads on Meta. This ad in particular is 6 seconds long, but enough for the actor to say the buzzwords:  “cashbacks, coupons, discounts”. Most companies use short formats on social media ads, saving longer and more complex video ads for Youtube.

And here is a beautiful campaign run by Agoda during the pandemic:

It shows sympathy for everyone stuck at home, and shifts the focus from closed borders to discovering places in our own countries. It’s compassionate and doesn’t pressure us to purchase anything. It simply suggests that now might be the time to see more of our own countries, and Agoda is here to help with special offers. 

The recipe is the same:

Understanding the pain of the target audience + strong positive message + beautiful emotional storytelling + great visuals. 

Be like other successful companies and don’t forget about mobile marketing . Travel companies that have mobile apps actively invest in Paid User Acquisition and App Store Optimization. 

travel ad examples

But, of course, mobile marketing isn’t limited inside the app stores. Here is a creative and slightly dark YouTube ad from Kayak marketers, who did a great job at understanding the struggles of their target audience:

One more proof that the Kayak marketing team just gets us:

travel ad examples

No, we’re not telling you to use politics in your marketing messages. But it’s always worth it to keep up with the latest news and trends, in which people are emotionally invested. If done tastefully, such ads are likely to become viral and connect with big audiences. 

Take a look at this campaign that ran on YouTube and TikTok:

Just perfect targeting. If you can, always address different segments separately.

travel ad examples

This is an Expedia Facebook ad. If you look closely, you'll notice it's structured similarly to the travel ad examples from other companies we've discussed. It targets parents with family-friendly packages and features a clear call to action (CTA).

Expedia has a very strong social media game. Apart from the most popular media, it also runs ads on Pinterest, which has less competition and still isn't widely-used for advertising.

travel ad examples

This video ad from Expedia is another good example of appealing to emotions and using a strong slogan:

If you’d like to get more inspiring ideas and see ad examples, choose a brand you look up to and browse through their social media and YouTube account. Also, Google, Meta and TikTok have open ad libraries that show what kind of campaigns run on the platforms at the moment. 

Ideas for Crafting Effective Travel Ads

Now let’s sum up what we have seen. Based on successful campaigns from leading companies, here are some straightforward ideas for making ads that connect with viewers and inspire action.

🥰 Make an Emotional Connection

Try to create a strong emotional bond with your audience. Like Agoda's campaign during the pandemic, show you understand and care about your audience's current challenges. Showing support for your clients without pushing for sales can make your brand feel more relatable and trustworthy.

🌍 Keep Up with Trends and News

As suggested in the Kayak example, staying updated with the latest trends and news can make your ads more relevant and engaging. This approach can help your ad become popular and connect with more people.

🤳 Use Content from Your Customers

‍ Add content made by your customers, as it's cost-effective and acts as proof of trust. Ads with content from users can make your brand seem more credible and expand your reach to the users' followers, making your company seem more reliable.

✔️ Show Clear Benefits

Make sure your ad clearly shows the unique advantages your service offers, like the Amex Miles Cards ad that focuses on solving a specific problem for its target audience. Ads that clearly state their benefits tend to work better.

🗂️ Target Carefully

‍ Make your message specific for different groups of people, as shown by Airbnb's campaign. The more personalized your ad feels to its viewers, the more effective it will be.

💡 Use Eye-catching Visuals and Easy-to-Remember Slogans

‍ Use striking visuals and catchy slogans to make your ads memorable. Expedia's video ad is a good example of how using emotions with great visuals and a strong slogan can make a big impact.

💰 Promote Special Offers and Benefits

‍ Don't hesitate to highlight special access, discounts, or special deals, as Amex Travel does. These incentives can be a key factor for people thinking about making a purchase.

➡️ Have a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

‍ Your ad should have a straightforward CTA, telling viewers exactly what to do next. Whether it's booking a trip, looking at discounts, or signing up for an email list, make the next step clear.

🍁 Take Advantage of Seasonal Trends

‍ Use seasonal trends and holidays to make your ads feel more timely and relevant.'s banner ad related to New Year's resolutions is a great example of how to connect with people's mindsets during different seasons and holidays.

By applying these simpler ideas, drawn from the practices of top travel companies, you can create effective travel ads that grab attention, spark interest, and get viewers to engage with your brand.

Unlock Your Potential with Promodo

We know managing ads can be tough. To make a successful campaign, you need strategic approach and creativity. But you don't have to figure it out by yourself. Promodo experts are ready to help you every step of the way, from researching the market and running A/B tests to launching pay-per-click campaigns and analyzing the results. Get in touch with us today, and let's talk about how we can help you reach your goals.

Here is the feedback we got after working on destination marketing for National Tourism Department of Seychelles:

tourism ads examples

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

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6 ideas for travel and tourism advertising campaigns (with examples)

Carla Vianna

Want to create eye-catching travel ads like Expedia, Southwest Airlines, and KAYAK?

As travel starts to pick up again, it’s time to get serious about your advertising. Tour operators can hugely benefit from paid ads — but with so many forms of advertising available across different platforms, you may be wondering where to start.

In this post, we’re sharing actionable strategies to build better ad campaigns that appeal to your target audience, plus top-level examples from the brands who do it best.

Top factors to consider for travel advertising campaigns

Want to see more positive results from ads? Keep these strategies in mind when crafting your future marketing campaigns .

1. Define your target customer

Do you know who your customers are? Before you begin crafting an ad campaign, you need to know more about your guests.

Building a buyer persona is a strategic way for tour businesses to get to know their customers. A buyer persona is a visual representation of your ideal customer: Dig into their demographics, study their behaviors on your website, and send surveys to your email list to find out more.

The takeaway? You’ll find a much higher ROI with ad campaigns that specifically appeal to your target audience.

2. Understand the travel customer journey

It’s difficult to sell a tour to someone who hasn’t decided on a destination yet. Ideally, you want to show your ads to people when they’re most likely to book.

Understanding the travel customer journey can help you pinpoint when that is. Google defines the travel search process in four stages:

  • Dreaming: Guests are looking for destination inspiration.
  • Planning: Guests are researching potential travel dates, hotels, and activities.
  • Booking: Guests are booking flights, hotels, etc.
  • Experiencing: Guests have arrived and are searching for activities and attractions to experience.

Tour operators are likely to see more conversions in the “booking” and “experiencing” stages. For example, if you’re investing in Google Ads, it’s better to target narrow search terms like “best hiking tours in Colorado,” which is what someone in the booking or experiencing stage would search for.

People in the dreaming stage, on the other hand, would likely be searching overly broad terms like “best summer destinations.”

3. Choose the right platform

There are several different platforms to launch your advertising campaigns, and choosing the right one matters. Where is your audience most likely to see your ad? Where are they already hanging out?

Here are five popular travel advertising outlets:

  • Google Ads: Show up at the top of Google search results for relevant keywords.
  • Social media ads: Target specific demographics on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Yelp ads: Appear to people searching for similar experiences on Yelp.
  • Tripadvisor ads: Target people planning a trip to your destination.
  • Email marketing: Offer discounts to your email list, one of the more cost-effective ways to advertise.

4. Pay attention to seasonality

Timing is one of the most important factors in travel advertising. Keep seasonality in mind when crafting your campaigns, and remember to edit previously launched campaigns as needed.

A skiing ad won’t make sense at the beginning of summer, so make sure to pause seasonally irrelevant campaigns.

5. Stay true to your brand

airbnb experiences

Your ad campaigns should reflect your brand identity. People who click on your advertisements are expecting to find the same tone of voice, visuals, and customer experience on your website.

6. Use geographic targeting 

Rather than making your ad visible everywhere on the planet, you can target specific locations your guests are likely to be in. For example, you can target other tourism websites in your state to lure in tourists who are already visiting.

By narrowing down your ad’s geographic reach, you can maximize your budget and focus on the areas that’ll bring you the most return.

7. Promote your sales and special offers

What better way to entice someone to click on your ad than to present them with an unbeatable offer? Advertisements are an effective way to promote your sales, especially seasonal offers. You can send out an ad offering a great discount during the low season to help replenish your bookings, for example.

Pro Tip: One of the simplest ways to do this is by creating coupon codes. Here is how easy it is to create a new coupon code in Xola.

8. Leverage user-generated content 

intrepid travel instagram post

Sometimes you can generate an ad campaign with user-generated content alone. It’s another cost-effective way to bring more eyes to your tour company.

You can start by encouraging guests to use your brand’s hashtags, share their photos with their own followers, or even submit photos on your website. Apps, like Fotaflo , which integrates natively with Xola, make the process of curating UGC photos and videos easier. Tour operators can also offer incentives for anyone who posts on social media about your tours, such as hosting a giveaway for everyone who uses a hashtag related to your brand.

Tour operator Intrepid Travel asks guests to share their experiences on Instagram with the hashtag #BeIntrepid , for example, which has garnered over 50,000 posts.

Guests typically love seeing their content reposted on other accounts. Still, make sure to always credit the original owner. To avoid serious copyright issues, many brands ask followers to agree to a disclaimer about how and where the images will be used before re-posting them.

Reviews can also be considered user-generated content — but tour operators need to be very careful when it comes to encouraging guests to leave positive reviews. Tripadvisor prohibits brands from offering incentives in exchange for testimonials “because they can hinder the validity and accuracy of reviews.”

9. Use images and videos

Images and videos are the most powerful form of advertising in the travel industry. High-quality images of your destination and scenes from your tours can entice hundreds of clicks. An expertly crafted video can drive even more engagement.

Instagram and Facebook are great places to start experimenting with image and video ads; see a couple of great examples below.

6 examples of great travel advertising examples 

Ready to see these strategies in action? Here are six travel brands that have nailed their travel marketing — including examples of general ad campaigns, paid search ads, and social media ads.

Expedia’s campaign: “It matters who you travel with.” 

This Expedia campaign wants travelers to feel confident booking with the platform in a post-pandemic travel world. The tagline “It matters who you travel with” frames the company as a trusted travel partner rather than just a booking platform.

The company created a playful and very relatable video of a solo traveler who runs into several hiccups on her trip. That is until actress Rashida Jones steps in, embodying Expedia, and makes the trip more memorable.

The company chose a video to expertly convey its marketing message to travelers: Expedia promises a seamless trip and memorable experiences you can’t find on your own.

Southwest’s Transfarency campaign

Southwest Air Lines’ new campaign targets the controversial topic of ticket prices. The company has always billed itself as a transparent brand that cares about employees and customers alike. The new campaign called Trans fare ncy , a play on the words transparency and airfare, builds on that reputation.

The campaign promises customers no unexpected bag fees, change fees, or hidden fees. It’s a great advertisement because it fits perfectly within Southwest’s brand identity, and the airline delivers on the promise.

TourRadar’s travel and destination Facebook ads

Vienna-based TourRadar launched a Facebook campaign to increase bookings from people who had visited its website. The company used visually stunning travel ads to promote relevant tours to people who had browsed the same tours online.

The company also promoted relevant destination offers and tours to people who hadn’t visited their website yet but had shown interest in the destination. The campaign focused on the company’s core markets, including the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand.

It was a success: TourRadar doubled its conversion rate over a year.

KAYAK’s video ads on Instagram

Kayak facebook ad example

KAYAK ran video ads on Instagram to bring more people to its website, including one that shows how simple it is to filter flights by airline, price, number of stops, and destination.  

The company played around with ad placement in both Stories and the News Feed, and each ad had a “book now” or “learn more” call-to-action button that linked back to the KAYAK website.

The ads were shown to a lookalike audience based on the travel search engine’s existing audience, which increased the likelihood of clicks. As a result, KAYAK saw a 5x increase in incremental sales conversions.

Airbnb Experiences search ad

Airbnb experiences search ad

Airbnb is targeting people who search for outdoor activities in Colorado to promote its local-led tours. In this example specifically, Airbnb’s paid search ad for a hiking tour shows up under the search for “best hiking in Colorado.”

The title “Hiking in the Rockies – Year Round” quickly answers the questions of “where” and “when,” two details that directly impact the customer’s trip. The wording of the title narrows down the search for the searcher. The description focuses on Airbnb’s unique offerings — “hosted by expert locals,” “experiences vetted for quality,” and “small group sizes — further enticing readers to click.

It’s a great example of Airbnb using a feature other than its main accommodation services to bring people into its website.

Viator’s Brooklyn food tours search ad

viator search ads

Here’s another effective Google Ad example. Viator is promoting its food and wine tours in Brooklyn under the search term “Brooklyn food tours.” 

Unlike the other search ads that pop up, Viator specifically mentions the keywords that the customer will be skimming the page for and includes another enticing offer.

Viator includes “Book & Save Money” in its title, directly appealing to money-conscious travelers visiting a destination known for being very expensive. Therefore, this ad specifically speaks to budget or mid-range travelers who appreciate a good deal.

As you can tell from these examples, an effective ad campaign is crafted around your ideal audience. Top travel companies like Viator and Southwest use words, images, and videos to appeal to their target customers, and your campaigns should follow suit.

Now it’s time to implement these strategies into your own campaigns. Then sit back, relax, and watch those bookings soar.

Writer Carla Vianna

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Proven Tactics for Travel Ad Success

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Travel is one of the favorite activities of millions worldwide, all of whom want to discover new corners of the world. And the question plaguing these travelers: where should I go next? This is where travel ads come in, as they can directly influence users’ decision making. With every place competing to become the next go-to destination, the level of creativity in travel ads just keeps getting higher.

The competition is tough, and it’s onlygoing to get harder going forward. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to consistently make powerful travel ads that will captivate your audience and make a huge impact on the decision making of travelers.

6 Key Steps to Creating a Successful Travel Advertising Campaign

If you’re serving different markets in the digital marketing space, you’ll find that advertising has the same foundations across practically every industry. Travel agency ads are no exception. In-depth research will still be foundational for you to move further in the campaign. Whenever possible, we are going to make our insights specific to travel ads; however, the information you’ll find here will also be applicable to other industries that use digital marketing.

Step #1: Establish Why You Want to Create Travel Ads

Understanding why you want to create a travel campaign makes it easier for you to set campaign goals. Unless you want your campaign to be directionless, you can’t skip this step! The decisions and actions that you will take moving forward should be aligned with your goals for making travel ads. To give you an idea, here are a few things that you may want to achieve with your campaign:

  • Increasing brand visibility;
  • Improving user engagement with digital assets;
  • Getting new customers to book;
  • Having existing customers book again;
  • Introducing a new offer.

Please note, travel ads can be useful for many things, but if you want to accomplish multiple goals, you may have to run multiple campaigns.

Step #2: Understand the Intended Audience for Your Travel Advertisements

After you have established the goals of the campaign, you should then answer the question: who do you want to reach? How you communicate will largely depend on who you’re communicating with. So, if you want your travel ads to be received well by your audience, first identify who your audience is. This ensures that you can meet them at a point of understanding.

Step #2.1: Identify Target Demographics and Psychographics

Demographics refer to data like age, education level, location and gender. It is usually objective data used to segment the audience for your travel ads (more on this later). Meanwhile, psychographics are subjective data that focuses on users’ thoughts, preferences and even lifestyles. When you create travel ads, you’ll want to know about your audience’s views on tourism as well as travel-related preferences, such as activities, weather, mode of traveling and other experiences. And how do you get that information? Interviews, surveys and polls can give you a lot of insights!

Step #2.2: Create Market Segments Based on Certain Traits

Normally, demographics are used to create market segments, which are highly beneficial for travel ads. For example, the priorities of younger and older travelers may be different. Financial status is also a popular basis for segmentation. After all, there’s no sense in showing someone travel ads for a five-star hotel if they’ve already decided that they want to keep costs as low as possible. Feel free to experiment with the data that you have. There are no rules for how to approach segmentation. Just make sure that your decisions are logical in the context of the travel industry.

Step #2.3: Make and Utilize Customer Personas

Now that you have the segments, it’s time to create the personas! To ensure that each persona is useful for your travel ads, really make it come to life. Having a lot of specifics and insights will help here, so review the information you have obtained from data gathering in Step 2.1. Then, use it to mold an imaginary person. As you go through the next steps in creating travel ads, you can refer to the personas, rather than all of the obtained data, and use them as the basis for your personalized campaigns.

Step #3: Choose the Right Platform for Your Travel Ads

The right platform will depend on where the personas you created hang out online. The examples below are just a few platforms that you can use.

  • Google ads: Google travel ads are great for high-intent searches, where the keywords are very specific, as this indicates that the viewers are ready to book. An example of this would be “family hotels in Bali.”
  • Social media ads: Instagram travel ads and other types of social media ads are great for reaching a wider audience and driving awareness for your offer.
  • Email marketing: Unless you’re sending cold emails, email marketing already assumes a higher level of trust. So, this can be used for travel ads, but more specifically for running discount promotions and providing updates.
  • MGID ads: MGID offers native advertising placement services through top-tier, verifiable publishers with highly engaged traffic. A variety of advertising widget formats allows you to choose the best option for any business story. In addition, MGID offers a rich and modern toolkit for creating advertising that stands out: its AI image generation feature helps you create unique creatives for your travel campaign.

tour travels advertisement

Step #4: Leverage Compelling Visuals and Storytelling to Create the Most Effective Travel and Tourism Ads

“Living the dream!” That’s what you want your potential customers to experience even before they book. So, give them a glimpse of their future experience through captivating imagery and videos. To decide what to include in your travel ads, consider answering these questions:

  • What do existing customers love most about the destination?
  • Is there anything that the place is already known for?
  • What do you want to show your target audience?

Again, most travel ads work best when used to transport the audience to the destination. So, try to incorporate authentic local experiences as well.

Step #5: Use Geographic Targeting so Your Ads Travel to the Right Places

Travel will always have a geographic element to it as people will have to get from Point A to Point B. So, it’s necessary to consider locations when you create travel ads. And how exactly do you do this?

  • Geotargeting and location-based advertising: Google ads for travel agency businesses can be made more effective if they’re targeting location-based keywords.
  • Tailoring campaigns to local cultures and languages: If you’re advertising in France, travel ads must be in French!
  • Cultural sensitivities and relevance in ads: Make sure that you’re respectful of any customs or religions in the area you’re targeting so as not to turn off potential clients.

Step #6: Take Advantage of User-Generated Content (UGC) for the Best Travel Ad Examples

Are you up for some free advertising? Encouraging your existing customers to talk about their experiences is a good way to get it. User-Generated Content (UGC) is a great way to create a pool of valuable content that you can then curate for your travel ads. But how do you decide which pieces you will feature in your ads? Here are a few tips that you can use for curating and using UGC:

  • Organize the content into categories;
  • Promote content that fits your brand and the objectives of the campaign;
  • Edit the content to fit the platform where you plan to publish.

But, before you publish, remember to get the consent of the original creator.

Travel Advertisement and Influencers: How to Maximize the Power of Influencer Marketing

Influencers are defined loosely as people who have gained a following online, usually through social media platforms. Incorporating influencers into your travel campaign presents a great opportunity for those who want the best travel agency ads. After all, according to Expedia’s Travel Value Index 2023 , social media is one of the main sources for travel inspiration. Creating partnerships with those who already have a stronghold on a platform will help you improve the returns on your travel ads. Our suggestion? Strongly consider tapping relevant travel influencers to help you get bookings.

Best Practices for Selecting and Collaborating with Travel Influencers

When done right, influencers can be a great medium for your travel ads. So, keep in mind these best practices for your collaborations:

  • Consider micro influencers because their audience tends to be more engaged and more loyal;
  • Make sure that their content is aligned with the brand so the travel ads won’t look inauthentic;
  • Be clear about and document the responsibilities of both parties;
  • Create ways by which you can measure the effectiveness of the travel ads;
  • Check the similarity between your target audience and those of the influencers that you’re targeting.

The work ethic of the influencer is important as well. So, if you encounter issues with the publishing of your travel ads with them, seek alternatives.

Analyzing ROI of Influencer Partnerships in Travel Advertising: Which Metrics Should You Look at?

The financial effectiveness of placing travel ads on an influencer’s page is not always a primary concern! However, if your goal with the partnership is to get new customers and drive sales, you should look at the following metrics.

  • Cost per acquisition: The average cost to get a customer through influencer-published travel ads.
  • New customers generated: This can be tracked using a code that users can use to get a small perk.
  • Reach and impressions: Even though these don’t necessarily translate into money, they still widen your market of potential clients.

The effectiveness of travel ads should also be measured against industry standards. This helps set expectations for the results that influencers can deliver.

Successful Travel Ads and Companies That Used Influencers: What Made Them Work?

By working together, influencers and companies in the travel industry have been able to generate impressive results! Here are some of our favorite examples.

1. Live There by Airbnb

The Live There campaign was designed around a townhouse that people could visit to experience the local scene. Then, influencers helped spread the message and made it into a massive success!

2. Travel the World with Viajaway

Viajaway tapped major influencers and engaged followers to travel around the world with them. This allowed them to grow their Instagram account to 100k followers.

3. Snap’Eyes by Ibis

Ibis Hotels tapped Alex Vizeo to visit spots in European cities based on what subscribers chose. The level of interaction made this a huge success!

All About the Creative: Most Creative Travel Ads Examples

It goes without saying that influencer marketing isn’t the only way to market a travel package. As you have learned earlier in the article, there are many platforms where you can publish travel ads. But, you’re probably still wondering: what do successful travel ads look like? Let us answer this once and for all with a few examples. Here, you’ll find that creativity is a lot more than just making something that looks good. Regardless of their format or platform, these companies used true creativity in their travel ads to generate some amazing campaign outcomes.

Google Search PPC Ad from TUI Holidays

tour travels advertisement

Typically, search ads are text advertisements; however, TUI Holidays went beyond that by including a captivating image. Mind you, this isn’t the only thing that makes the ad stand out from other travel ads. We love how TUI was able to introduce several of their offers using various extensions. The copy in the meta description also added new information and presented a strong and simple message that encouraged viewers to take action. Then, you have the headline summarizing what the offer is in just one glimpse.

Dynamic Ads for Travel from Marriott International

tour travels advertisement

Creativity doesn’t have to be loud and elaborate. Sometimes, simplicity is what makes something amazing. That’s why we chose this as one of our favorite travel ads! A dynamic travel ad helps those in the industry retarget users who have started but not completed the booking process. It is meant to be a gentle reminder of the great offer that users can get. For this ad, Marriott International went with a very straightforward approach, showing attractive properties in Austin as well as the nightly pricing. Travel ads tend to show more. However, since the buyer is assumed to be at the bottom of the funnel already, not a lot of convincing is required.

Banner Ad from Cheapflights

tour travels advertisement

If you think banner travel ads are too dry, think again! The Drag, Drop and Go ad from Cheapflights was a huge hit! This banner ad was placed in multiple articles about music, sports and art events. Then, users just had to drag and drop the image on the page to the banner ad to get the cheapest flight to that event from their location. Cheapflights have surely beaten a lot of travel company ads in terms of effectiveness! The clickthrough rate for this campaign was a whopping 92% , which is practically unheard of.

MGID Travel Ads

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When it comes to travel advertising, MGID stands out for a multitude of reasons. Beyond providing prime advertising placement services, we offer comprehensive campaign creation from the ground up. Our team of creative specialists dives deep into your brand's essence, crafting captivating visuals and compelling headline appeals tailored to your unique audience.

But that's just the beginning. With MGID, advertisers benefit from:

  • Targeted reach: Reach highly engaged travel enthusiasts with precision targeting options tailored to your campaign objectives.
  • Optimized campaigns: Leverage our expertise in travel advertising to optimize campaigns for maximum impact and ROI.
  • Engaging content: From stunning visuals to enticing headlines, our creative solutions ensure your travel ads stand out and resonate with audiences.
  • Performance insights: Gain valuable insights into campaign performance with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.

Below, we've curated examples of travel-themed advertising creatives to inspire your next campaign. Experience the MGID difference and elevate your travel advertising efforts today.

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FAQs on Travel Ads

What are the key elements of a successful travel ad campaign?

Running a successful travel ad campaign is, in many ways, the same as making one in any industry. You should have:

  • The right platform for travel ads;
  • Sufficient audience research;
  • Measuring and monitoring tools;
  • At least two versions of the ads for split testing;
  • A unique value proposition.

How can I effectively target my audience for travel ads?

Depending on where you’re operating, there may be regulations on where you can provide your services. So, the first thing you want to do is limit your target audience to those who live in these places. Beyond location-based targeting for travel ads, you should also consider these two tips:

  • Create market segments to better communicate based on local cultures and languages;
  • Ensure that the ad itself resonates with the local market based on current events and other factors.

Remember, targeting isn’t just about creating travel ads for people in a specific location. How you communicate is also very important.

What role do visuals play in capturing attention for travel advertisements?

Travel ads largely captivate through visuals. This gives the target audience a picture of the experience that they can get by going to a certain destination.

How important is storytelling in travel ads, and how can I incorporate it into my campaigns?

Storytelling of any kind transports people to a different place, which is exactly what you want to accomplish when you create travel ads. Here are a few ways that you can incorporate storytelling into your travel ads.

  • If you’re selling a travel package, include an itinerary as part of the text description for your travel ads.
  • Demonstrate how the amenities elevate the experience.
  • Create a video of someone walking around scenic places.

What platforms and formats work best for travel advertising, and why?

Many platforms and formats can work for travel ads for a variety of reasons.

  • In-feed and reel formats for photos and videos on social media platforms: This combination of format and platform makes it easy for your audience to engage with the ad and even share it with their friends and family.
  • Dynamic travel banner ads on websites: This type of ad can be effective because it introduces a level of engagement, which means the viewer will truly pay attention to the offer.
  • Native posts on publishing platforms: Travel ads can also look like your average articles where the author talks about their travel experience. A call-to-action or some links may be added as part of the article.

Are there specific trends or strategies that are currently shaping the landscape for travel ads?

Technology has created so many potential directions where the online travel marketing industry can grow. Among these options, we believe that these three have the biggest influence on travel ads.

  • Augmented reality and virtual reality: Agencies are always trying to win their audience’s business. One of the strategies that they may use for their travel ads is to incorporate AR/VR to bring the experience closer to them.
  • User-generated content: Social proof is still going to be an important ingredient to the success of any brand. So, the best travel ads may involve more pictures from travelers and narrations of experiences.
  • Influencer marketing: Nowadays, users who are interested in traveling are part of various travel groups where they share tips, experiences and other travel-related insights. Micro influencers who post creative travel ads in such groups are expected to help generate a lot of inquiries, bookings and engagement.

How can I measure the success of my travel ad campaigns and optimize for better results?

Travel ads are still a lot like your average online ad. Therefore, you can use the same metrics, like clickthrough rates, customer lifetime value and impressions, to measure success. Make sure that the metrics you choose for assessing travel ads are aligned with the goals that you have set for the campaign. To make optimization easier, we suggest creating two versions of each ad, enabling you to identify the elements that work.

Are travel ads different from ads in other industries?

They are not fundamentally different. Ads for the travel industry benefit from having captivating visuals, which can be said for practically any advertisement nowadays. Giving the audience a taste of the experience is also an advantage regardless of industry because people always want to limit their risk exposure when purchasing a product or service.

Show the Beauty of Every Destination to Create the Top Travel Ads

No matter what ad format or platform you want to use, the visual impact will always be important for your travel ad. This same principle is true even for travel agent ads, which incorporate the effectiveness and trustworthiness of an agency. Set clear goals, do your research and make people’s travel goals possible!

Do you want to run successful travel native ads in 2024? Register on the MGID platform . By signing up, you get access to sophisticated tools, an expert manager and a department of creative specialists who can help you create the best travel creative ads. Simplify success in advertising today!

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5 Best Travel Facebook Ad Examples (And What Works)

  • International Tour Operators
  • Group & Multi-Day travel
  • Wellness & Retreats

As you probably already know, social media works really in the travel industry. As the largest social advertising platform with a reach of over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook should be forming an integral part of your social advertising strategy.

Facebook's advertising platform is really intuitive which makes setting up an ad fairly easy, even for a first timer. However, getting an ad to perform according to your desired outcomes is a much greater challenge. In this post, we will take a look at a few Facebook ad examples for travel companies and highlight the key attributes that made them a success.

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5 Successful Travel Company Facebook Ad Examples

The first of our travel Facebook ad examples is TourRadar , a well-known online travel marketplace that specializes in multi-day tour group offerings. To boost conversions on their website they set up a campaign using Facebook travel ads and destination ads.

Results they achieved

The campaign was a great success, and over a twelve-month period they doubled their conversion rate and halved their cost per booking. Additionally, they reached over 1.2 million people with relevant ads every month.

Ad format used

How did they do it? They used carousel ads which provided tour headlines, gave prices, showed destination images, mentioned discounts, and had a call to action to showcase their tours to interested travelers who had browsed online but not booked.

To pack more punch, they also set up destination ads which used relevant images and product information to target people who had shown interest online in a destination. The goal here was to entice them to visit the TourRadar website. These ads were also directed to people who had viewed specific tours on their own website.

TourRadar targeted travelers who had already shown interest in a particular tour or destination with key information curated into one visually appealing ad. As a result of using their own first party data which they passed onto Facebook, they were able to fulfill the objectives of the campaign.

TourRadar Facebook ad examples

Trentino Marketing

Next on our list of success stories is Trentino Marketing . This public tourist board wanted to develop tourism in the very scenic Trentino in Italy. We’ve included them as one of our Facebook ad examples to show how they managed to raise awareness and reach new markets for the destination.

Campaign results

Their four-month Facebook advertising campaign saw a 4.2X year-on-year increase in holiday offers viewed, resulted in an 18.4% increase in organic search traffic on brand keywords after the campaign, and reached 13 million people across Europe and the US in that timeframe. Additionally, 1.5 million people viewed their videos adverts in full, indicating their relevance to the target group.

How did they do it

All of this was achieved using canvas with video ads and the carousel format. Canvas is an interactive media experience ad which encourages viewers to interact with it by swiping and clicking around to see it.

To kick off the campaign and grab travelers attention, Trentino used short eye-catching videos which encapsulated the scenery of the destination.

Next, they progressed to retargeting carousel ads to travelers who had either watched the video for a certain amount of time or who had clicked through to their website. These ads showcased the four different types of holidays travelers could to choose from.

Lastly, they set up five different travel Facebook ad examples in three different languages to take the final step and push conversions.

Ultimately the combination of ad formats captured travelers attention and drove people to the Trentino Marketing website. Furthermore, they helped raise the visibility of both the company as well as the destination on search engines.

Visit Trentino Facebook ad examples

Meliá Hotels International

As one of the best Facebook ad examples showcasing how dynamic ads for travel can be successfully used to target a broad audience and find new customers, we have selected  Melia Hotels International success story.

Their success story

The Spanish Hotel chain wanted to target new customers in the UK and drive down the cost per booking compared to their previous UK ad campaigns.

This time they managed to secure a 3.2X lower cost per booking, as well as a 2.8X higher return on ad spend compared to previous campaigns.

Ad solution

Melia Hotels had previously used dynamic ads for travel and been successful with it. However, they wanted to find a way to continuously draw-in new customers from around the world. This led them to try out the ad format using a broad audience target.

They ran their dynamic ads for travel with a broad audience target for one month and delivered them to people in the UK who had travel plans to a specific destination. The ads were customized to each individual, displaying a hotel in a specific destination that was likely to suit their needs.

Why they were a hit

After the trial run had achieved impressive results, Melia setup similar campaigns to run for all of its’ global markets. The very relevant and personally tailored experience that these Facebook ad examples delivered to their target audience made the campaign a huge success for the company.

Melia Hotels Facebook ad examples

Now we will take a look at an example of how Facebook ads for travel companies generated interest in El Al's flight fares and improved their click-through rate over a period of five months.

Campaign goals

The Israeli airline wanted to promote special fares and new routes, as well as increase flight searches on its’ website. Ultimately they achieved 5X more flight searches, had a 25% higher click-through rate, and 50% lower cost per flight search than previous campaigns using Facebook ad examples.

Products used

Using Facebook ads for retargeting with a website conversion ad objective, Fialkov Digital put together a campaign that saw El Al retarget travelers who had browsed flights within the last 21 days but not yet booked. The campaign featured ads showing the exact routes people had searched, and appeared across Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, they linked to flight auction site bid2fly to give travelers an even more attractive incentive to book.

Winning all the way

Because the Facebook pixel gives you the power to target a highly relevant audience, El Al was able to match their product with interested travelers. With a prominent CTA, their click-through rate shot up and their website views increased greatly.

El Al Facebook ad examples

Travel Department

To end off our list of Facebook ad examples that travel companies have successfully used to promote their business, we will examine a case study on Travel Department . This holiday company wanted to try out a new way of advertising, as well as boost awareness and sales.

Results of their campaign

They too worked with an agency, Wolfgang Digital. A three-phase campaign was put together and run for three months. Their video ads saw a 27X return on spend, the dynamic and slideshow ads saw a 30X return, while the dynamic ads saw a 131X return.

Formats used

To start with, they used video ads to showcase the stunning destinations and describe their expert services.

In the second phase, they retargeted carousel and slideshow ads to people who had interacted with videos from phase one of the campaign. Carousel ads allowed them to showcase up to ten destinations in one space, and the slideshow ads have almost the same effect of video ads without the related costs.

In the final phase, they used dynamic ads with the Facebook pixel to retarget travelers who had viewed products on the site or added to their basket without completing checkout.

The end story

Again, the various ad formats provided Travel Department with the opportunity to reach a wide audience. They were then able to narrow their audience down to those who expressed interest in their product and successfully target them with relevant ads.

Travel Department Facebook ad examples

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Zaky Prabowo (he/him)

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10 best travel ads that will make you book your next vacation in seconds

May 10, 2024

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As the world recovers from the pandemic, travelers are keener than ever to find their next vacation spot. And the companies’ and countries’ tourist offices are wasting no time trying to attract as many visitors as possible to their destinations. 

To show you some of the true gems in travel advertising, we’ve put together a list of the 10 best travel marketing campaigns that will make you want to book your next holiday ASAP. Plus, a little background on tourism marketing.

So let’s dig in!

What is tourism marketing?

Tourism marketing refers to strategically promoting travel destinations, attractions, and services to potential visitors. As part of tourism marketing, companies from the various aspects of the tourism industry develop targeted marketing campaigns on various channels to spread compelling messages to attract tourists.

Each tourism campaign aims to increase awareness, generate interest, and ultimately drive visits from local and international visitors.

10 best tourism marketing campaigns

Here are the ten best tourism campaigns and ads:

1. Switzerland – Yodel Ay Hee Hoo

Is there a better way to promote the countryside than by inviting various people from a train station to spontaneously take a day off from work and enjoy the beautiful and peaceful Alps?

That’s exactly what the Switzerland tourist office did in one of their endearing tourism campaigns and sent the important message of how often we forget to take a step back to relax from our busy daily schedules. 

The creators made the travel ad even more authentic by live streaming from the Alps, with an elderly man inviting everyone from the Zurich train station to come join him. 

Intending to inspire travelers, this innovative approach caught daily commuters off guard and made them question whether to take a free daily ticket to the Alps or to continue their regular trip to work. 

2. Travel Oregon – Only Slightly Exaggerated 

Whether you’re watching an ad for the latest toothpaste or a fantastic new trip destination, they all have one thing in common – they exaggerate how great they are. 

Travel Oregon used this common motive in their “Only Slightly Exaggerated” tourism campaign to paint Oregon as a unique, dreamy, cartoon-like destination. 

The ad shows that Oregon mountains are more magical than anywhere else, rivers hide secrets never seen, and the streets offer entertainment like nowhere else. Just like in your childhood dreams! 

3. Iceland – OutHorse Your Emails

Being able to disconnect from work when on vacation is something that many of us struggle with these days. Luckily, Iceland found a perfect solution for the problem – outsourcing your emails to Icelandic horses. All you have to do for that is come to Iceland, and the rest will be taken care of.

This quirky ad is an amazing example of how creative and funny countries can get in attracting new tourists. 

4. Sweden – Spellbound

Have you heard of Dark Tourism? If you’re a fan of horror stories and mystic movies, then you certainly did! And you’ll absolutely love what Visit Sweden released this year as an attempt to attract a specific target audience with their unique tourist marketing campaign.

Their Spellbound campaign invites mystique lovers to Sweden to explore beautiful nature while enjoying the unique experience of listening to a chilling audio story. The campaign was set up so that a Spotify playlist would only become available to visitors once they came to a specific location. 

This way, they had to visit the location to get the unforgettable and scary experience. Who would’ve thought that horror stories could be such a great way to advertise a country?

5. Tourism Ireland – What Fills Your Heart?

You can never go wrong with a heartwarming tourist marketing campaign that celebrates good spirits, brings nostalgia, and connects people to the nature and the culture of one place. Tourism Ireland managed to do all that in one of their recent campaigns titled “What Fills Your Heart?”

In a series of ads with famous Irish actresses in the main roles, including Derry Girls and Sharon Horgan , the Irish tourist board told the story of Irish history, culture, and customs. 

tour travels advertisement


6. Vienna – What Does A Belly Do In Vienna?

There is no better place for a hungry and heartbroken belly to indulge in life’s beauties than Vienna. That’s the story Vienna’s tourist board told in their highly creative and surrealistic short film. 

As the belly walks through the streets of Vienna, trying to forget his dear human who didn’t treat him well, we get a glimpse of what tourists can see and enjoy during their next visit to the city. 

The creator’s unique approach to promoting Austria’s capital wins the creativity award and is an excellent magnet for new tourists. 

7. Only in Scotland – Why Scotland Needs You

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries struggled to attract tourists. People were concerned about their safety and if the location could provide memorable experiences despite numerous restrictions. 

At that time, Scotland released a beautiful ad showing why Scotland needs people while showing tourists why they’re the ones who actually need a holiday in this astonishing place. The ad is in the spirit of hope, serenity, and relaxation – everything people needed during the pandemic. 

8. KLM – Live Hologram Bar

Imagine spending hours at the airport talking to almost anyone in the world. You could learn about different cultures, what to visit in your next destination, or chat to make the time go by faster. 

In their 2019 marketing campaign, KLM placed hologram bars in airports around the world and allowed travelers from different parts of the world to connect and exchange their stories. Not a bad way to spend your time waiting for your next plane. 

9. Croatia Full of Life – Ode To Joy

What is a summer vacation in Croatia other than your own yearly ode to joy? 

This famous symbolic motif is what Croatian Tourist Board chose for the promotional campaign in 2012, and earned a prestigious travel industry ‘Oscars’ award, ‘Das Goldene Stadttor,’ at the International Tourism Film Festival. 

Beethoven’s inspiring music narrative, led by cellist Ana Rucner carries the video highlighting the rich cultural, historical, and natural heritage of Croatia as well as many Croatian beauties. 

10. Chicago Not in Chicago

In 2022, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced the launch of the “Chicago Not in Chicago” campaign to show how Chicago has inspired many other iconic cities worldwide. 

This creative campaign featured city tour buses across major US cities where people got a tour of Chicago instead of the city they were visiting. And by first confusing and then entertaining the visitors, the campaign sent a powerful message that every city has a story – a Chicago story. 

Final thoughts

When it comes to travel marketing campaigns, the sky’s the limit. Countries and companies can use many different sources of inspiration to tell unique stories about a location or a travel service. 

And these travel marketing campaigns are a great example of how creativity combined with emotional appeal is a recipe for success. The only question remains: “In which of these locations did you book your next vacation?”

Nika Prpic


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10 Best Travel & Tourism Ads

Last updated on: May 28, 2024

Travel And Tourism Advertising

The world of travel and tourism is a realm of endless exploration and discovery, where the allure of new destinations and experiences beckons adventurers from every corner of the globe. Amidst this vast and competitive landscape, the art of capturing the essence of a destination and inspiring wanderlust has given rise to some of the most captivating and memorable advertising campaigns. These advertising campaigns are not just advertisements,  they are portals to a world of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and unforgettable journeys. In this article, we delve into the realm of travel marketing and unveil the 10 Best Travel and Tourism Advertising Campaigns that have successfully transported viewers to distant shores, inviting them to embark on incredible adventures.

Table of Contents

Incredible India Ad by Incredible India

The “Incredible India” campaign, launched by the Government of India, is a global initiative to promote India as a premier travel destination. This particular ad by “Incredible India” encapsulates the country’s astonishing diversity and rich cultural heritage. It visually narrates the story of India’s vibrant festivals, ancient traditions, and breathtaking landscapes. The ad seamlessly blends scenes from bustling cities, tranquil rural areas, historical landmarks, and spiritual sites, showcasing India as a land of contrasts and wonders. It appeals to a global audience, inviting them to explore the myriad experiences that India offers, from spiritual journeys to adventurous explorations, thereby boosting tourism and cultural awareness.

Signature Video | Kerala Tourism | Experience God’s Own Country by Kerala Tourism

The “Signature Video | Kerala Tourism | Experience God’s Own Country” by Kerala Tourism is a captivating visual representation of the Indian state of Kerala, often referred to as “God’s Own Country.” In just under two minutes, this video beautifully encapsulates the essence of Kerala’s natural beauty, rich culture, and unique experiences. It showcases the lush green landscapes, tranquil backwaters, pristine beaches, and exotic wildlife that define Kerala. The video also highlights the state’s Ayurvedic traditions and delectable cuisine. With its stunning cinematography and soothing music, the campaign invites viewers to immerse themselves in the serenity and charm of Kerala, making it an irresistible travel destination.

Paradise Unexplored – North East India by Incredible India

“Paradise Unexplored – North East India by Incredible India” is a captivating tourism campaign that invites travelers to discover the hidden gems of India’s North East. With lush landscapes, rich cultural diversity, and breathtaking vistas, it offers an enchanting glimpse into the lesser-explored regions of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and more. The campaign celebrates the indigenous traditions, vibrant festivals, and pristine natural beauty of North East India. It encourages adventure seekers to explore dense forests, serene lakes, and the unique lifestyle of the local communities. This campaign serves as a window to the untouched paradise of North East India, enticing tourists to embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery.

Madhya Pradesh – The Heart of Incredible India by Madhya Pradesh Tourism

Madhya Pradesh – The Heart of Incredible India” is a captivating tourism campaign by Madhya Pradesh Tourism that portrays the state as the very essence of India’s cultural and geographical diversity. It offers a visual extravaganza of Madhya Pradesh’s majestic forts, dense forests, and serene rivers, providing a glimpse into its rich heritage and natural beauty. The campaign invites travelers to explore the state’s numerous wildlife sanctuaries, ancient temples, and historically significant sites, all while celebrating its central role in India’s cultural tapestry. With stunning visuals and a strong narrative, the campaign successfully entices tourists to immerse themselves in the heart of “Incredible India,” Madhya Pradesh.

Rajasthan: Jaane Kya Dikh Jaaye by PIB India

Rajasthan: Jaane Kya Dikh Jaaye” is a captivating campaign by PIB India that immerses viewers in the vibrant tapestry of Rajasthan, India’s largest state. This campaign brilliantly captures the essence of Rajasthan, known for its majestic forts, colorful festivals, and rich cultural heritage. The slogan “Jaane Kya Dikh Jaaye” invites travelers to discover the surprises that await them in Rajasthan, from the iconic palaces of Jaipur to the golden sands of the Thar Desert. The campaign’s imagery showcases the state’s exquisite architecture, bustling bazaars, and warm hospitality, enticing tourists to experience the grandeur and authenticity of this royal land.

Madhya Pradesh – The Heart of Incredible India by Incredible India

“Madhya Pradesh – The Heart of Incredible India” by Incredible India is a captivating tourism campaign that showcases the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh as the very essence of India’s cultural and geographical diversity. This campaign beautifully captures the state’s rich heritage, majestic forts, and lush wildlife sanctuaries. It highlights iconic destinations like Khajuraho, known for its exquisite temples, and the tranquil Narmada River, a symbol of spirituality. The campaign’s imagery and narrative invite travelers to explore this heartland, where history comes alive in its architecture, and nature flourishes in its forests. Madhya Pradesh truly embodies the soul of India, and this campaign presents it as a must-visit destination for those seeking an authentic Indian experience.

Apla Maharashtra Unlimited | Maharashtra Tourism by Maharashtra Tourism

Apla Maharashtra Unlimited” is a captivating tourism campaign by Maharashtra Tourism that invites travelers to explore the diverse and boundless attractions of the Indian state of Maharashtra. The campaign celebrates the rich tapestry of experiences that Maharashtra offers, from the bustling metropolis of Mumbai to the serene hills of the Western Ghats and the stunning coastline along the Arabian Sea. It showcases the state’s vibrant culture, historic landmarks, and varied landscapes. Whether it’s exploring ancient caves, enjoying the vibrant festivals, or savoring the local cuisine, Maharashtra promises unlimited experiences for tourists. The campaign beautifully captures the essence of Maharashtra’s heritage and its status as a tourist haven in India.

Jammu and Kashmir – Where time stands still. (Director’s Cut) by Jammu & Kashmir Tourism

Jammu and Kashmir – Where time stands still. (Director’s Cut)” by Jammu & Kashmir Tourism is a captivating tourism campaign that immerses viewers in the timeless beauty of this northern Indian region. The Director’s Cut edition offers an extended and more immersive experience. It portrays Jammu and Kashmir as a place of serene beauty, where the passage of time seems to slow down. The campaign showcases the region’s breathtaking landscapes, including snow-covered mountains, pristine lakes, and lush valleys. It invites travelers to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life and immerse themselves in the tranquility and natural splendor of Jammu and Kashmir, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a peaceful retreat.

Khushboo Gujarat Ki – A journey towards the majestic land of Gujarat (Hindi)

Khushboo Gujarat Ki – A journey towards the majestic land of Gujarat” is a captivating campaign spearheaded by Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, to promote the state of Gujarat. This campaign, with its title translating to “The Fragrance of Gujarat,” encapsulates the essence of the state’s diverse attractions. It showcases Gujarat’s rich historical heritage, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, including the iconic Rann of Kutch and the bustling city of Ahmedabad. With a focus on tourism and cultural pride, the campaign invites travelers to embark on a mesmerizing journey through Gujarat, offering a glimpse into the state’s unique traditions, wildlife sanctuaries, and remarkable experiences.

KERALA Backwaters ● India 2020 by Travel Penguin

The “KERALA Backwaters ● India 2020” video by Travel Penguin offers a mesmerizing glimpse into the enchanting backwaters of Kerala, a state in southern India. This visual masterpiece captures the essence of Kerala’s backwater ecosystem, with its intricate network of serene waterways, lush greenery, and traditional houseboats gently gliding on the placid waters. The video showcases the unique and tranquil way of life in the backwaters, where communities thrive along the shores. Viewers are transported to a world of calm and natural beauty, making it an enticing invitation for travelers seeking a serene and picturesque escape in the heart of God’s Own Country, Kerala.

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The Ultimate Playbook for Travel Advertising: Taboola’s Data-Backed Creative Strategies and Recommendations

The  global tourism industry grew by over 40%  in 2022 after steep drops in 2020 and 2021. And it’s expected to rise another 14% in 2023, reaching nearly $2.29 trillion.

Now, how can advertisers take advantage of this travel boom and increase revenue? By reaching consumers with optimized campaigns that speak to their needs and wanderlust.

That’s where the  Taboola Creative Playbook: Travel  comes in — built just for advertisers of booking sites, airlines, hotels, tourism boards, and travel products.

The Taboola Creative Shop  — a global team of experts and strategists — pulled readership trends, insights, and engagement data from our network of over 9,000 premium publisher properties and 5.6 billion travel pageviews. And they compiled it all into the ultimate creative guide for travel marketers.

Download Taboola's Travel Creative Playbook

Here’s just some of what they found:

  • Convey ease and inspiration for travel.  Use your ads to share how your product or services can make the travel experience easier and more convenient, and share tips and offers for specific trips.
  • Write first-person headlines.  Craft ad titles written from the perspective of a real traveler, often in the form of a review.
  • Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) to increase clicks.  DKI automatically customizes ad copy  to each user based on specifics like their location or device. For example, you can use DKI to personalize headlines like “People in [Los Angeles] Love These Weekend Travel Tips.”
  • Include suggested calls to action (CTAs).  Taboola recommends travel advertisers use CTAs like “Book Now,” “Get Offer,” and “Read More” to drive ad clicks.
  • Make it all-inclusive.  Put pricing and saving opportunities front-and-center by highlighting actual travel costs, savings opportunities, and added benefits. For example: “These Affordable All-Inclusives Are Under $400 Plus Bonus Perks.”
  • Add visuals and social proof to your landing pages.  Improve on-page engagement with moving images, GIFs, and videos. Also, add testimonials and featured press snippets to build trust and credibility.

Ready to help your travel ad campaigns take flight with data-backed strategies for enhanced performance? Download the  Taboola Creative Playbook: Travel to learn more.

Create Your Content Campaign Today!


Mastering Travel Advertising: Effective Strategies and Emerging Trends

Ana Predescu

You can’t rely solely on people’s wanderlust when advertising travel services because while it may keep your business afloat, it’s not enough to help you make waves in the industry.

Besides, people’s appetite for traveling is dependent on many factors and may decrease as a result of unforeseen events.

We’ve seen this happen when traveling took a hit in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is reflected in the industry’s spending data on digital advertising from previous years. While things are improving, a lot is riding on travel ads performing well.

For your vacation advertising efforts to be truly successful, you need a combination of good strategy and creative ads .

Stick with me as I walk you through the steps of building an actionable travel advertising strategy, including identifying your target audience, knowing the customer journey, setting your campaign goals, and measuring ads’ effectiveness.

Create Ad Campaigns 1

Table of Contents

  • Understand Your Audience
  • Know the traveler’s customer journey
  • Set your travel campaign goals
  • Craft compelling ads
  • Choose the Right Channels
  • Measure your ads’ effectiveness

Travel Advertising trends

1. understand your audience.

A well-defined target audience is the foundation of any good travel advertising strategy. 

Just think what a waste of resources it would be to target users with no potential to become customers. Narrowing down the group allows you to focus your efforts on reaching those who would benefit most from your travel services.

Plus, with a clear target audience in mind, you can create travel ads that double as personalized customer experiences, proven to be more successful in converting to sales.

To define your audience, make a list of different attributes you’d like your ideal customer to have, a.k.a. build a buyer persona. These attributes can be geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavioral. 

  • Geographic : anything related to location, including customers’ country, region, city, or even postal code;
  • Demographic : population-based attributes, such as gender, age, education, income, marital status, and so on;
  • Psychographic : personality traits, values, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle aspects;
  • Behavioral : online behaviors according to browsing patterns, spending and purchasing habits, and many others.

2. Know the traveler’s customer journey

The customer journey sums up all interactions a prospect has with a brand during the purchase process, from the first encounter, up until a transaction is completed. 

Commonly, it’s divided into three main stages: awareness, consideration, and conversion.

However, a traveler’s customer journey differs from the typical model because booking a trip isn’t an easy-to-make purchase decision; quite the opposite—a lot of thought and planning is put into it. 

I mean, would you buy plane tickets as quickly as you would a chocolate bar? Me neither.

So, the customer’s travel journey can be split into the following four to five stages: 

  • Dreaming: whether it’s picturing themselves in a gondola on the canals of Venice or sunbathing in Greece, all soon-to-be travelers begin here.
  • Planning: even the most spontaneous people make some sort of arrangement for their trip, even if it only implies picking a hotel to stay at.
  • Booking: prospects are ready to buy plane tickets and book accommodation. 
  • Experiencing: travelers are enjoying their vacation and making lasting memories.
  • Remembering: this is an optional stage that comes after the traveler’s journey is completed, where you can consolidate the relationship with your brand .

Understanding this customer journey allows you to time your travel advertising to the most favorable moments, specifically when prospects are in the planning and booking stages.

3. Set your travel campaign goals

Goals or objectives give your travel campaigns a clear direction and help you measure progress along the way, so you don’t lose sight of the value of your work.

To yield the best results, you should set your campaign goals according to the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. The acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, all qualities your goals should have.

A few of the most common goals that can aid your campaign’s success are the following:

  • Increase brand awareness by getting your travel services on the radar of potential customers;
  • Grow website traffic or attract new visitors to your company’s website;
  • Drive consideration through campaigns that promote different travel services;
  • Generate leads , whether that means new subscribers to a newsletter or prospects filling out a form to find out more about an offer;
  • Boost conversions , a.k.a. make sales.

4. Craft compelling ads

Use high-quality visuals.

Travel advertising relies heavily on visuals. Use high-resolution images and videos that showcase the destinations, experiences, and accommodations you offer. Invest in professional photography or use user-generated content with permission.

Tell a Story

People are more likely to engage with ads that tell a story. Highlight the unique aspects of the destinations and experiences you offer. Use customer testimonials and success stories to build trust and credibility.

Include Strong Calls to Action

Encourage potential customers to take action by including clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs) in your ads. Whether it’s “Book Now,” “Learn More,” or “Get a Free Quote,” make sure your CTA stands out.

Leverage Seasonality

Tourism is highly dependent on weather conditions, which creates three seasons in the travel industry: peak season, shoulder season, and off-season.

  • Peak Season (High Season): Summertime (mid-June through August), when demand is at its highest.
  • Shoulder Season: From April to mid-June and from September to October, when people still travel, but not as much as during peak season.
  • Off-Season: From November to March, when travel businesses experience a decline in sales.

Seasonality isn’t necessarily negative for travel marketing as it provides a clear perspective over the coming months. Stay mindful of seasonal patterns and trends to understand when prospects are most likely to purchase plane tickets, accommodation, or all-inclusive offers. Timing your creative ads and tailoring your messaging according to these seasons can significantly influence purchase decisions.

5. Choose the Right Channels

There are numerous advertising platforms available, and the easiest way to identify the most suitable ones for your brand is to look at where your customers are spending time.

Generally, the following three platforms are obvious choices for most businesses: Google Ads: Running search or display campaigns on the Google ad network allows you to leverage Google’s massive reach and advanced targeting options to get in front of potential customers exactly when they are looking for travel services.

Social media ads: Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, advertising on social media helps you increase brand recognition and reach a wider audience at the same time. Plus, it gives you the chance to experiment with a wide range of ad formats, including image and video ads.

Email marketing: Email offers a direct communication channel with customers that you can use to send personalized messaging, as well as discounts and special offers. Besides, it’s a cost-effective marketing method that provides easily measurable results.

6. Measure your ads’ effectiveness

Even with a killer strategy up your sleeve, things might not go as expected. And even if they do, measuring the success of your travel campaign is vital to understanding how your vacation ads are performing. 

If everything is going well, you’ll know what to repeat with future campaigns, and in the opposite scenario, you’ll figure out how to optimize ads for success.

Luckily each advertising platform, including Google and Facebook , offers relevant metrics known as KPIs (key performance indicators) to track for the most popular campaign objectives. Hence, you know exactly what to look at.

Things work differently for email marketing campaigns, as you need third-party tools that also enable email automation to measure campaign performance.

Staying up-to-date with travel advertising trends is essential to keep your strategy fresh and compelling. Here are some current trends to consider:


Sustainable travel is gaining traction. Highlight eco-friendly practices and sustainable travel options in your ads to appeal to environmentally conscious travelers. Emphasize efforts such as carbon offset programs, eco-friendly accommodations, and sustainable travel itineraries.

Remote Work Travel

The rise of remote work has led to a new trend: the digital nomad lifestyle. Many professionals now have the flexibility to work from anywhere, making destinations that offer reliable internet, coworking spaces, and long-term stays particularly attractive. Advertise destinations as ideal remote work locations, emphasizing amenities and lifestyle benefits.

Solo Travel

Solo travel continues to grow in popularity, with more people seeking independent and personalized travel experiences. Create ads that cater to solo travelers by highlighting safe, welcoming destinations, solo travel packages, and opportunities for social activities and community engagement.

Wellness Travel

Wellness travel is on the rise as more people seek vacations that offer relaxation, health, and rejuvenation. Advertise spa retreats, yoga retreats, wellness resorts, and health-oriented travel packages to attract this growing segment.

What is the future of Travel Advertising?

  • The future of travel advertising is expected to be highly personalized, leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to deliver tailored content and offers to travelers. The focus will also be on creating immersive experiences through virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), allowing potential travelers to explore destinations virtually before booking. Sustainability will play a crucial role, with more travelers seeking eco-friendly options and companies highlighting their sustainable practices in their advertising.

How important is social media for travel advertising?

  • Social media is incredibly important for travel advertising as it allows brands to reach a broad audience, engage with potential travelers, and showcase destinations and experiences through compelling visuals and stories.

How can I measure the success of my travel advertising campaign?

  • Success can be measured through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, return on ad spend (ROAS), and engagement rates on social media.

What are some effective strategies for off-season travel advertising?

  • During the off-season, focus on highlighting unique experiences and deals that travelers can take advantage of. Use personalized marketing to target specific demographics and interests, and consider promoting destinations that offer activities suitable for the off-season.

How can influencers help my travel advertising strategy?

  • Influencers can help by reaching a wider audience and building trust through authentic content. They can showcase your destinations and services in a relatable way, which can lead to increased engagement and conversions.

As seen from the strategy tips and information in this article, understanding and connecting with the customer is key in the travel industry. Hopefully, you’ve learned something new that you can implement when planning your future travel campaign or designing ads for it.

Ana Predescu

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Expedia Group Media Solutions

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The world’s leading travel media network

Our advertising solutions help you inspire, engage, and convert hundreds of millions of travelers — everywhere in the world.

Sign up for our Travel Marketing Insider Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest travel industry trends

Unmatched global inventory that travelers access every day

We connect thousands of advertisers around the globe with the most highly valued travelers. Every day, travelers visit our websites to dream about, search for, and book their trips. The advertising solutions and targeting capabilities we offer help you engage with those travelers and deliver the results you want.

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Look and book with our immersive travel tech

As travel evolves, so does our technology. That’s why we built the industry’s first streaming platform that delivers a wholly unique experience for travelers.

This innovative approach to travel advertising gives travelers a firsthand view of what it’s like to be a tourist at various destinations. The videos our Media Studio team creates brings these locations to life, from road trips through the California desert to kayaking the Potomac or sitting down with filmmaker Spike Lee to talk about Brooklyn, New York. This immersive experience lets travelers shop for and book travel as they’re watching the content, putting a whole new spin on tourism marketing as entertainment.

Explore unexpected places with the GoUSA TV series

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Travel advertising that delivers results

We’ve got decades of experience helping advertisers bring travelers to their destination, book hotels and flights, and more. We get you to the right traveler at the right time and through the right channel. You need someone who understands the travel business better than anyone else, and that’s Expedia Group Media Solutions.

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Flexible advertising solutions

Solutions that work for any business — and any budget.

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Find your ideal traveler

Actionable data insights and targeting capabilities to put you in front of the right people.

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Real-time data

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Why you should partner with Expedia Group

Our unique capabilities and custom digital media solutions meet your needs and bring your brand to travelers.

TravelAds Sponsored Listings

In the competitive hotel market, it’s essential to stand out from the crowd. TravelAds is a simple, proven solution with a pay-per-click approach designed to increase your hotel’s visibility with travelers. Use TravelAds to:

  • Boost room bookings.
  • Drive incremental revenue and profitability.
  • Reach the right travelers.
  • Control your cost-per-click and daily spend.
  • Create customized copy and images.


Like TravelAds, Accelerator, our cost-per-stay solution, is a budget-friendly and effective way to gain visibility with travelers. Use Accelerator to:

  • Boost your visibility in search results.
  • Scale up or down as needed with an easy-to-use platform in Partner Central.
  • Cost-effective: You only pay when you receive a booking.

Co-op campaigns

Make an impact with a collective and cost-effective advertising solution that will extend and amplify your marketing spend. Co-op advertising allows you to:

  • Connect with other destinations, hotels, airlines, and more to jointly engage with travelers and drive demand.
  • Easy and simple: We secure similar strategic partners for you.
  • Stretch your marketing budget.

Media Studio

Get access to our award-winning in-house creative agency to create immersive and compelling interactive experiences that engage travelers. With Media Studio you can:

  • Create videos that tell your brand’s story in a unique and unforgettable way.
  • Use emerging technology to stand out.
  • Build engaging social media campaigns and work with influencers.

Display advertising

Build a full-funnel experience that inspires, influences, and converts travelers. With display advertising you can:

  • Reach the millions of travelers who visit our 200+ websites every day as they dream, plan, and book travel.
  • Design ads that seamlessly integrate across all our sites.
  • Choose from a range of media options that work for advertisers of any size, budget, and business goal.
  • Create branded ads for mobile or email.
  • Become a sponsor — use homepage takeovers or promotional sponsorships to capture travelers’ imaginations.

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Work with the biggest brands in the business

Advertise with Expedia Group, where you’ll get the strength, experience, and reach of globally recognized travel brands to help you succeed. Our brands offer the largest expanse of travel channels for you to connect with travelers across the globe.

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Exclusive and actionable traveler insights

We have billions of data points from travelers using our 200+ travel websites. The benefit of this exclusive first-party data is unrivaled traveler insights, and, in a cookieless world, you’ll always be able to reach your target audiences with specific ads that align with their interests.

Explore our customer stories

Find out how we help advertisers meet their needs, from airlines and hotels to destinations.

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The largest airline in Canada, has been a long-time partner with Expedia Group Media Solutions. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday approaching, Air Canada wanted to stay top of mind with travelers looking for deals during some of the most important sales events of the year.

Hotels capture traveler demand

During the early days of the COVID-19, the Hyatt Regency Chicago realized that there was going to be limited customer demand. They decided to use TravelAds to differentiate themselves from other hotels in Chicago to drive bookings.

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Looking to rebuild and renew, VisitScotland embarked on a tourism marketing campaign to highlight the unique experiences it offers travelers.

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In a competitive market, visibility is key to filling room nights and Blinkup wanted to help Place of Charme connect with more travelers. To reach travelers worldwide, the marketing consultancy partnered with Media Solutions to showcase Place of Charme’s six properties on Expedia Group sites.

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The Path to Purchase

New research to help you understand how travelers search, plan, and book travel.

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Travel Insights report

Our exclusive first-party data and research provides you with actionable insights.

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TravelAds guide

Find out how to reach the right travelers and maximize results with TravelAds targeting and bidding tools.

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Are you ready to advertise?

Get in touch with one of our digital advertising experts today to find out how our first-party data insights and full-funnel suite of solutions can work for you.

*Expedia Group internal data, 2023, identified and anonymous visitors.


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Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World

Category: Travel

Date: May 30, 2024

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World

Creating a successful travel marketing campaign can be a challenging task for most of the travel marketers. With numerous travel agencies, airlines, and hotels in line, there is fierce competition for brand awareness.

A lot of travel marketing campaigns try hard to capture the curiosity of travelers, but fall flat. So, our expert digital marketers at ColorWhistle wanted to give you a little inspiration for your own travel and tourism marketing in 2023 and beyond.

From social media, video content, display, we searched for some of the most compelling travel marketing campaigns that inspired people to go on their next travel adventure.

Here’s a roundup of some of the most famous travel and tourism marketing campaigns you should check out.

Best Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World

We have segregated all the travel marketing campaigns into social media, video content and display ads. This will help you to frame a multi-channel strategy.

14 Best Examples of Travel Video Marketing Campaigns

Here are some of the most innovative travel videos.

1. KLM – Live Hologram Bar

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has built a hologram bar where people can meet to exchange local tips when they are waiting for flights. These holograms are placed in the airports of Amsterdam, Oslo and Rio de Janeiro.

2. Turkish Airlines – The Journey

Turkish Airlines released a short film called ‘The Journey’ where 90% of the film was airplanes and scenery. This short film has done a brilliant job promoting the airline and the destinations.

3. Iceland – Explore the a-ö of Iceland

The A-Ö of Iceland, a marketing campaign uses Icelandic alphabet to increase awareness of Iceland as a good place to visit; a great place to do business; and a place that provides great food and experience.

4. Cheapflights – Drag, Drop and Go

Cheapflights and agency Uncle Grey designed an ad banner that appeared on articles about sports, art, music events and relevant publications. The user had to simply drag the article image into the Cheapflights banner and it will instantly find the best tickets. Rather than focusing on destinations, it promoted experiences that people were already interested in.

5. Van Gogh’s Bedroom – Let Yourself In

To promote the Art Institute of Chicago’s 2016 van Gogh exhibit, Leo Burnett built Van Gogh’s Bedroom and listed it on Airbnb as a place for people to stay for a night. The campaign was a tremendous success.

6. Switzerland – Yodel Ay Hee Hoo

This ad campaign encouraged busy city people to visit the countryside. A live video feed was placed in the train station where a man was sharing information about his village and even printed train tickets in real-time.

7. Tourism Ireland – Fill your Heart

Tourism Ireland asked a married couple to wear a custom-made technology which had head-mounted cameras during their holiday in Ireland. The technology tracked their response to various experiences. They wanted to use this data to show the ‘heart-filling’ effect that Ireland has on visitors. This campaign has combined storytelling with technology.

8. Airbnb – Let’s Keep Travelling Forward

Geo-politically, 2018 was not a good year. When Donald Trump imposed a travel ban during that year, Airbnb immediately released a video highlighting the brand’s belief – “to limit travel is to turn back progress.” This campaign helped to voice the brand’s message to the world while staying relevant.

9. Hong Kong Tourism Board – VR Time Travel

When the Hong Kong tourism board launched a VR time travel experience with Timelooper, it wanted to show people that this will be an engaging experience. This VR experience enabled viewers to see the 1960’s Hong Kong, the battle between two kung-fu fighters on Hollywood Road, aircraft landing at Kai Tan airport and more. This campaign showcased the location in an innovative and engaging way.

10. British Airways – Safety Video

Safety videos are usually boring. But, British Airways turned it into a marketing opportunity. They made a safety video with actors Sir Michael Caine, Olivia Colman and comedian Chabuddy G. This video created a great online buzz for British Airways.

11. Easyjet – Imagine

Easyjet launched a £12m pan-European campaign in 2018 called ‘Imagine.’ It was a TV ad which showed the many wonders of air travel. Along with this, the company also ran ads across print, digital and social. This ad campaign helped viewers associate Easyjet with imagination and experience.

12. SNCF – Europe, It’s Just Next Door

The French National Railway operator wanted to encourage people to take the train to visit nearby countries. It placed blue doors in and around Paris. When a person opens the door, it will give an immersive digital experience of what they could see ‘next door’.

13. Tourism Quebec – Blind Tourist

Quebec is a place known for its outdoor lifestyle. But, Tourism Quebec wanted to show people that traveling can be more than just visual experience. They wanted to offer a rich experience to the senses in such a way that seeing things was only a small part of the picture. This ad has a very rich narrative.

14. Northern Ireland – Doors Of Thrones

Northern Ireland used the hit show Game of Thrones to draw tourists in. They took destroyed remnants of battered trees and carved them into 10 intricate doors. All these doors resembled the 10 episodes of season 6.

15. Helsinki Airport – Life In Hel

Helsinki was voted the best airport in 2016. They leveraged this success by running a campaign featuring Chinese actor Ryan Zhu. He lived in this airport for 30 days and shared the experience across social media and other video channels.

11 Best Examples of Creative Travel and Tourism Print Ads

Here are some of the most innovative print ads.

1. LATAM Airlines used the rainbow flag in a series of print ads

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (LATAM) - ColorWhistle

2. Norwegian Airlines utilized the Brangelina split to its advantage

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Norwegian) - ColorWhistle

3. Kielo Travel – Dreaming of a Holiday?

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Kielo) - ColorWhistle

4. Detroiter Travel Center – You Made It

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Detroiter) - ColorWhistle

5. CVC – The World Is Outside

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (CVC) - ColorWhistle

6. Cruise Ship Centers – Dreaming of a cruise?

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (Cruiseshipcenters) - ColorWhistle

7. Flight Center – Forget Work

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (FlightCentre) - ColorWhistle

8. WWF – Exploring the ecosystem also threatens lives

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (WWF) - ColorWhistle

9. TBWA Buenos Aires – Medical assistance for travelers

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (Medicus) - ColorWhistle

10. Shchusev State Museum of Architecture – Discover the full story

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (Muar) - ColorWhistle

11. Staedtler – Where it begins

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (Staedtler) - ColorWhistle

13 Best Examples of Travel Social Media Campaigns

Here are some of the most innovative travel social media campaigns.

1. Eurostar

This Instagram campaign from Eurostar turned heads by trying something new. They wanted to promote train travel from London to Paris. So, they split an illustration of a journey from London to Paris into 200 Instagram tile images. Some tiles were videos and others were hidden offers.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Eurostar) - ColorWhistle

2. Alaska Airlines

At the end of the year, many companies give gifts to customers and employees. Keeping this in mind, Alaska Airlines launched a fun promotional Twitter campaign by partnering with Starbucks. They gave a free Starbucks gift card to their guests.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Alaska) - ColorWhistle

3. Hawaii Tourism Department

The Hawaii tourism department wanted to give first-time visitors an idea of Hawaii’s beauty and culture. Plus, they also wanted veteran vacationers to visit the island again So, the tourism department collaborated with travel Instagrammers to get users to share their favorite Hawaii memory by using the hashtag #LetHawaiiHappen. The campaign was a huge success because ordinary users shared their own experiences.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Hawaii) - ColorWhistle

4. WOW Airlines

WOW Airlines launched a Snaptraveler program where 4 winners would get to tour across all 28 of the airline’s destinations for free. In exchange, they have to post a Snap story about all the locations they visit. The idea of this summer Snapchat contest was to create a reality television-like experience, target their main demographic and share relevant content in WOW Airlines’ Snapchat account. Here is a short video of the campaign.

5. National Geographic

National Geographic launched a wanderlust contest for aspiring travel and nature photographers. They have to submit their own photographs with the hashtag #Wanderlustcontest. The idea behind this campaign was to improve National Geographic’s reputation as the leading source for beautiful travel photography.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (National Geographic) - ColorWhistle

6. Kenya Tourism Board

Kenya Tourism Board partnered with Expedia to promote Kenya and an incredible destination to travelers. They choose a famous travel blogging couple and sent them on a one week trip to Kenya with no fixed itinerary. The people following this couple on Instagram can decide the itinerary by voting through an Instagram Stories poll. Throughout the week, the couple broadcasted their journey to their Instagram followers. The content was also repurposed on a microsite. This campaign was a huge success. Here is a short video of the campaign.

7. Cheapflights Facebook Messenger

Cheapflights Chat launched the world’s first Facebook Messenger bot which allowed people to search for flights and hotels. The bot utilized seven APIs. To promote this chat, videos of fictional conversations were created and shared across Facebook. Here is the chat demo.

8. dedicated an entire Facebook ad carousel to promote its “Gift $50, Get $10” holiday deal. Each slide focuses on the deal and also shows the different types of trips that people can take. This is a simple and memorable ad.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Hotels) - ColorWhistle

10. Visit PA

Visit PA wanted to push Pennsylvania as the perfect summer getaway. They used Facebook’s carousel ads format to show one panoramic photo in parts.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (VisitPA) - ColorWhistle

Airbnb created a unique Instagram video ad that showed users how the experience of discovering each activity in the Airbnb app will look like.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Airbnb) - ColorWhistle

12. Air Canada

Air Canada ran an ad in the US during the night of the 2016 presidential election. That night, Canada’s Immigration and Citizenship site had so many visitors that it crashed. Air Canada learnt this sudden interest and targeted the ad towards people who are looking to fly outside the country.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (AirCanada) - ColorWhistle

13. Explore Georgia

Explore Georgia wanted to position itself as the most pet-friendly state in America. So, they created a social media strategy targeting millennial pet owners. They shared lots of posts with the hashtag #ExploreGeorgiaPup to show that Georgia was the perfect place to visit with a dog. This campaign generated lots of traffic to their website and also helped them to reach 10,000+ followers on their pet-friendly travel Pinterest board.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (ExploreGeorgia) - ColorWhistle

7 Best Examples of Travel Email Marketing Campaigns

Here are some of the most innovative travel email marketing campaigns.

1. Air Canada

During email sign-up, Air Canada asks new subscribers to tell their home airport and the destinations they are interested to travel. By using this information, they send personalized emails according to the interest of the subscriber.

For example, this email was sent to a subscriber whose home airport is in Montreal.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (AirCanada) - ColorWhistle

2. Virgin Atlantic

Virgin Atlantic proved that it can promote activities that focus on the journey and not just the destination. The company created a memorable customer experience by sending them email offers for virtual reality skydiving. The name of the campaign was Virgin Experience Days.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Virgin) - ColorWhistle

3. Fairmont Hotels

Loyalty is hard to find in the travel business because travelers always search for the best deal rather than a specific brand. However, if there is a reward program, it will encourage loyalty and repeat business.

Fairmont Hotels wanted to persuade their subscribers to sign up for their loyalty program through an easy sign-up form which included a call-to-action. Here’s the attractive email.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (Fairmont) - ColorWhistle

4. Flight Centre

Limited period offers always create a sense of urgency and encourages people to take action. Flight Center used this idea and offered cheap deals to New York City. To convey that this was a limited-time offer, they added a countdown clock at the bottom of the email.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World  (FlightCentre) - ColorWhistle

5. Southwest Airlines

Subscribers will feel good if you send emails appreciating them. Southwest Airlines sent an email to its subscribers by adding their customer’s name, travel history and reward points they earned. This ‘thank you’ email also had smiling faces and diverse employees.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Southwest) - ColorWhistle

Holidays are the time when flight tickets might go up. Mostly, people book tickets at the last time and when the rates are high, they often get disappointed. To avoid this, Hipmunk sent a simple email announcing that prices will go up.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Hipmunk) - ColorWhistle

7. Memphis CVB

Memphis CVB wanted to improve awareness of Memphis by showcasing its many attractions and key events they must attend. Here is one of the custom emails they sent to their subscribers.

Innovative Travel Marketing Campaigns From Around The World (Memphis) - ColorWhistle

Drive Conversions and Boost your Business with Expert Travel Website Development.

It’s time to start your next travel marketing campaign.

We hope that the above travel marketing campaigns will inspire you to kickstart your next one. All of these ads have gone beyond the typical boring list of destinations, images and pricing. They show the power of timing, relevance and personalization – all of which are important to create a great campaign.

To create such ad campaigns, all you have to do is get creative, think big and dig deep to find inspiration in the destination you represent. The ideas you come with today will continue to inspire travelers for years to come.

If you need any help to create a travel marketing strategy, our experts at ColorWhistle are eager to assist you. Contact us today. We will help you to stand out from the crowd.

Have you seen a better online travel marketing campaign? Do share them in the comment section below.

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About the Author - Anjana

Anjana is a full-time Copywriter at ColorWhistle managing content-related projects. She writes about website technologies, digital marketing, and industries such as travel. Plus, she has an unhealthy addiction towards online marketing, watching crime shows, and chocolates.

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Advertisement Writing on Tour and Travels

Are you looking for the Advertisement Writing on Tour and Travels? If Yes, then you are the right place. Here in this page we have provided Tour and Travels Advertisement Writing, Format and Examples for students of CBSE class.

Advertisement Writing on Tour and Travels Format

Now, let us focus on the following points that can be included in ‘TOUR AND TRAVELS ’ type advertisement.

  • Must have the title – ‘TOUR AND TRAVEL’or any other suitable heading in capital letters.
  • Must include the name of the destination and the duration of the trip.
  • Must include the available packages and sightseeing.
  • Must include if any special discount available.
  • Must have the detail contact information of the advertiser.

Advertisement Writing on Tour and Travels Examples

Nomadic Matt Travels offers an exciting vacation package of 3 nights and 4 days to North Sikkim at reasonable price. Draft an advertisement for Local daily in about 50 words.

Nomadic Matt Travels offers an exciting vacation package of 5 nights and 6 days to Andaman Island at reasonable price. Draft an advertisement for Local daily in about 50 words.

Stay tuned with Net Explanations for more information regarding Advertisement Writing on Tour and Travels for CBSE Class 6 to 12.

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Tours and Travels Advertisement Examples

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These ads announce new tour/travel schemes launched by travel agencies to attract new customers and retain the old ones.

Important points for writing Tour and Travel advertisements.

  • Begin with ‘Package Available’ etc.
  • State name of travel agency.
  • Specify destination and duration.
  • Supply details of package— food/boarding lodging, sight-seeing etc.
  • Give estimated cost and special discounts.
  • End with contact address and phone number.

Q. Global Travels C-89, Connaught Place, New Delhi offers its patrons cheapest air tickets for any destination by an airline besides offering consultancy and exchange service. Draft an advertisement for publication in a national daily in about 50 words.

Q. Sita travels, 284, Rohini Enclave, Delhi offers a package tour for 3 nights/4 days in Mauritius for Z 10000 per person. Draft an advertisement for publication in a national daily in about 50 words. Give necessary details.

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You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

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  • Malenky Puppet Theater
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  • Saturn Stadium
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  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center

Hotel and Airbnb price tags may soon spike. For travelers, that’s a good thing

A man with a suitcase walks by three monopoly style hotel pieces each taller than the other forming a rising bar graph.

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If you’re making travel plans for summer or fall, brace yourself for a jump in some advertised prices — which is, believe it or not, good news for consumers.

It’s the result of a new California law aimed at bringing transparency to the resort fees, service fees, host fees and other “drip pricing” that often inflates consumer’s bills beyond the rates first advertised, especially at lodgings and restaurants. Under the California law known as SB 478 , which takes effect July 1, businesses selling their wares in California now must include mandatory fees in their initial advertised prices.

“The price you see is the price you pay,” California Attorney General Rob Bonta has said.

Collage of images featuring the Huntington Library, Art Museum & Botanical Gardens, a dancer at Barnsdall Art Park, a man biking with his dog, and the steps at the Santa Monica Canyon — Rustic Canyon Loop.

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May 22, 2024

The law has gotten a lot of attention for its potential effects on struggling restaurants, many of which have imposed service fees since the arrival of the pandemic. (In fact, one legislator has proposed an eleventh-hour exception to exclude restaurants.) But the law also brings big changes for travelers and that industry — especially when it comes to the “resort fees” that many hotels automatically charge, saying they cover services and amenities such as pool and gym access.

By putting a separate label on those fees, hotels have been able to advertise lower daily rates — an advantage when consumers are comparing prices. Now the hundreds of U.S. hotels that have been tacking “resort fees” onto their daily rates will be required to include them in the advertised rates that California consumers see.

At a consumer’s first glance online, it may seem the new rules have pushed the cost of a $149 room up by $20 to $50 per night. In fact, the hoteliers are just disclosing all pre-tax fees up front, as required — a change that may allow consumers to make better cost comparisons.

Cleaning fees should show up sooner

Meanwhile, the same law requires vacation rental hosts to include fees for service and cleaning from the beginning.

This follows an initial voluntary step taken by Airbnb in 2022. Under pressure to be more transparent, the company added a digital “toggle” switch allowing customers to initially see either a basic daily rate or a total showing how much those secondary fees would add to the daily rate. Now, Airbnb officials have said, customers in California will automatically see the “total before taxes” number.

In practice, the new requirement means that instead of quoting a $150-per-night rate to some search-page visitors, an Airbnb host would need to tell all consumers up front that the five-night rental will cost $1,050 (the $150 daily rate plus $150 service fee and $150 cleaning fee) — effectively $210 per day, before taxes. This will cover any destination being considered by a California-based consumer, an Airbnb representative said.

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Splendid day trips you can take from Las Vegas — each less than a two-hour drive

Feeling drained on the Strip? Nature and fun await when you take a drive to Red Rock Canyon, Valley of Fire State Park, the Colorado River’s Black Canyon or the Las Vegas Ballpark.

May 31, 2024

The vacation rental company VRBO shows consumers two prices on its browsing pages: the basic nightly rate in larger bold type and the total price in smaller, plain type, no toggling needed.

Though the new law is aimed at any business selling to Californians, many businesses beyond the state may not comply immediately. If you’re planning a trip outside California, check closely to see what costs your prospective lodging is and isn’t disclosing. (But if you’re headed to a country within the European Union, no worries: The E.U. already requires businesses to advertise using their total cost, including taxes.)

“This is all about uncovering the hidden fees that are everywhere in our economy. It’s pretty sweeping,” said Jamie Court, president of Los Angeles-based Consumer Watchdog. He noted that if offenders ignore warning letters, they can face penalties of $1,000 per violation (potentially including other damages and attorneys’ fees).

Though this change will disrupt some hotels’ strategies for boosting profits, the changes also may give hoteliers a better chance at winning back customers from short-term rental companies, which have grabbed a hefty share of the travel market since the birth of Airbnb in 2007.

Lynn Mohrfeld, president and CEO of the California Hotel & Lodging Assn., said the group supported the legislation in Sacramento because it should bring “a level playing field” between hotels and the vacation rentals. “If everybody does it the same way, it’s makes it a better buying experience for the consumer.”

The California law is unlikely to change base rates for airlines or rental cars, industry experts said, because the add-on fees those businesses charge are typically for voluntary services and items, such as preferred seats and insurance.

California Atty. Gen. Bonta has noted the transparency law doesn’t raise or lower any prices, but it does require more clarity and is intended to curtail “junk fees” and “drip pricing.”

How resort fees got to be enormous

Though many hotels do not charge resort fees, the practice has grown dramatically since the late 1990s, especially in vacation destination areas like Las Vegas, Palm Springs and San Diego. The fees typically range from $20 to $50 nightly.

By one estimate, the U.S. hotel industry in 2017 reaped $2.7 billion in resort fees. Lauren Wolfe, counsel for the consumer advocacy group Travelers United and founder of, has called resort fees “the most deceptive and unfair pricing practice in the hotel industry.”

As consumer sentiment against the fees has grown, public officials have filed several court challenges nationwide, including a lawsuit against Marriott International by Pennsylvania’s attorney general. That suit led to a 2021 settlement , which led to Marriott’s announcement in May 2023 that it would start including resort fees in initial website search results. Hyatt followed with a similar change in July 2023, Hilton in September.

17 things to do in Santa Cruz Lead Video

17 things to do in Santa Cruz, the old-school beach town that makes for a charming getaway

From the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk to ambitious new restaurants like Copal, gems fill the laid-back city at the northern edge of the Monterey Bay.

March 2, 2023

In 2023, President Biden denounced resort fees and the Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule targeting junk fees and related practices. A Junk Fee Prevention Act was introduced to the Senate in March 2023 , followed by a Hotel Fees Transparency Act in July , but so far, Congress has taken no action.

Meanwhile, some questions remain about how the travel industry will respond to California’s transparency law. For instance: What about companies that continue to advertise the lowest version of their rates in large type, while simultaneously disclosing the large true full price in smaller type?

“That seems to violate the intent of the law,” Court said, but “It’s up to a court to figure out. Companies are going to push to the limit.”

For those ready to make hotel or rental property reservations, a second new state late could also be helpful: Beginning July 1 under legislation known as SB 644, California consumers must be given 24 hours to cancel most lodging bookings without any charge, so long as the consumer has made the booking at least 72 hours ahead of arrival. The law includes hotels, rental agencies and third-party booking services.

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We’ll help you find the best places to hike, bike and run, as well as the perfect silent spots for meditation and yoga.

You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times.

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Born and raised in California, Christopher Reynolds has written about travel, the outdoors, arts and culture for the Los Angeles Times since 1990.

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Melania Trump did not travel with Trump to first presidential debate, CNN reports

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Donald Trump 's wife and former First Lady Melania Trump did not accompany him on his flight to the first presidential debate with President Joe Biden , CNN reported.

While Trump has brought an entourage to Atlanta where CNN is hosting a historic debate , it is unclear if any of his family members are among the gaggle. Melania Trump's former chief of staff told NBC News  that she it would be surprising if the former first lady did not attend the debate.

Trump's sons made a number of appearances at another de-facto campaign stop for Trump: the New York criminal trial where the former president was found guilty of falsifying business records in relation to a hush money payment issued to porn star Stormy Daniels .

Melania Trump did not appear at the courthouse with him.

Presidential debate live updates: How to watch Donald Trump, Joe Biden debate tonight

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Who is attending the debate for Biden and Trump?

Both candidates have a substantial group of supporters joining them in the spin room, where they speak with members of the press, before and after the debate.

President Joe Biden's campaign touted names including California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Trump's niece Mary Trump .

Trump also has a number of surrogates , many of whom have been flagged as potential picks for his running mate.

Watch the first presidential debate

Tune into the CNN Presidential Simulcast starting at 9 p.m. ET.

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You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

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  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Military Technical Museum
  • Church of Our Lady of Kazan
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
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  • Fryazino Centre for Culture and Leisure
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
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  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Zheleznodorozhny Museum of Local Lore
  • Stella Municipal Drama Theater
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  • Art Gallery of The City District

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Taiwanese Are Told to Avoid China After It Threatens Independence Backers

Beijing released new rules calling for execution of “diehard” Taiwanese independence supporters, as hostilities surrounding Taiwan’s status rise.

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People watching a large outdoor video screen showing ships on the ocean.

By Eve Sampson

Taiwan raised its warning level for travel to China on Thursday, urging its citizens not to visit there unless necessary after Beijing spelled out potential punishments — including execution in extreme cases — for what it called “diehard supporters of Taiwanese independence.”

China regards Taiwan, a democratically governed island of 23 million about 100 miles off the mainland coast, as its territory. It demands that Taiwan ultimately accept unification and has long denounced Taiwanese who oppose its claims to the island.

Last week, China turned up the pressure, issuing legal guidelines that detailed the steps it might take to punish supporters of Taiwanese self-rule. They came as tensions between U.S.-backed Taiwan and China ratchet ever higher. Last month, Taiwan swore in a new president, Lai Ching-te, who has vowed to preserve democracy on the island and is denounced by Beijing.

The new rules adopted by China authorize execution for what it describes as exceptionally severe cases of Taiwanese separatism, though the language stops short of saying exactly what actions might constitute a severe offense.

In response , Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council, which deals with policy toward the mainland, said Beijing had “raised the risk to personal safety for nationals traveling to China, Hong Kong and Macau” by “clinging to its own position” on Taiwan.

The new president, Mr. Lai, criticized the new rules. “China has no right to sanction Taiwanese people for their political opinions or pursue prosecution across borders,” he said on social media earlier this week. “Democracy is not a crime; autocracy is what’s truly malicious.”

Mr. Lai called on China to engage in dialogue, and has stopped short of calling for Taiwanese independence. He says he wants to preserve the status quo, with Taiwan enjoying autonomous governance.

Beijing, however, has denounced Mr. Lai, declaring him a separatist and greeting his new government with inflammatory rhetoric and a flurry of military exercises near the island.

Despite Beijing’s escalating antagonism and its military muscle-flexing, many Taiwanese appear sanguine. A recent poll showed that most people on the island believe that the United States would intervene should China invade, but some question whether Washington and their own government have nettled Beijing needlessly.

Beijing has a history of detaining people linked to Taiwan.

In 2023, a Taiwanese-based Chinese citizen, Li Yanhe , who published books critical of the Chinese Communist Party, was charged with crimes against national security. And in 2022, a democracy advocate, Li Ming-che, was released after serving five years in Chinese prison over accusations of subverting the government.

A generational gap in travel has also emerged among Taiwanese, fraying ties to the mainland. A 2023 poll showed that travelers over 40 years old were much more likely to visit China than their younger counterparts, who were more likely to visit Japan.

Taiwan urges citizens to avoid travel to China, Hong Kong and Macao following Beijing threats

Taiwan has urged its citizens to avoid travel to China and the semi-autonomous Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macao following threats from Beijing to execute supporters of the self-governing island democracy’s independence

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan has urged its citizens to avoid travel to China and the semi-autonomous Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macao following threats from Beijing to execute supporters of the self-governing island democracy’s independence.

Spokesperson and deputy head of the Mainland Affairs Council Liang Wen-chieh issued the advisory at a news conference Thursday.

That came amid growing threats from China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory to be annexed by force if necessary.

China’s threat to hunt down and execute “hardcore” Taiwan independence supporters follows the election of Lai Ching-te of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party as president. China has refused all contact with Taiwan’s government since the election in 2016 of former president Tsai Ing-wen of the DPP, who refused to endorse Beijing’s demand that Taiwan recognizes itself as a part of China, seen as a prelude to political unification between the sides.

“In response to the new guidelines related to the so-called ‘secession crime,’ the government has the responsibility to remind citizens that there are genuine risks involved” in such visits, Liang said. The government is not banning visits, but those that do travel should not express political opinions or carry books or post online about topics that the authoritarian Communist Party would use to detain and potentially prosecute them.

Hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese live in China or travel their for business, tourism or family visits each year. China has also hosted visits by local Taiwanese officials and leaders of the opposition Nationalist Party, which backs eventual unification between the sides.

The sides operate direct flights and mainland Chinese are permitted to visit, although Beijing has severely restricted tourism to the island as a means of bringing economic pressure on the government in addition to its threatening military exercises and the daily deployment of warships and military planes around the island.

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    Madhya Pradesh - The Heart of Incredible India by Incredible India. Apla Maharashtra Unlimited | Maharashtra Tourism by Maharashtra Tourism. Jammu and Kashmir - Where time stands still. (Director's Cut) by Jammu & Kashmir Tourism. Khushboo Gujarat Ki - A journey towards the majestic land of Gujarat (Hindi) KERALA Backwaters India 2020 ...

  10. Travel Advertising Creative Strategies and Tips from Taboola

    Taboola recommends travel advertisers use CTAs like "Book Now," "Get Offer," and "Read More" to drive ad clicks. Make it all-inclusive. Put pricing and saving opportunities front-and-center by highlighting actual travel costs, savings opportunities, and added benefits. For example: "These Affordable All-Inclusives Are Under $400 ...

  11. Mastering Travel Advertising: Effective Strategies and ...

    Travel Advertising trends. Staying up-to-date with travel advertising trends is essential to keep your strategy fresh and compelling. Here are some current trends to consider: Sustainability. Sustainable travel is gaining traction. Highlight eco-friendly practices and sustainable travel options in your ads to appeal to environmentally conscious ...

  12. Travel Advertising & Marketing Services

    With display advertising you can: Reach the millions of travelers who visit our 200+ websites every day as they dream, plan, and book travel. Design ads that seamlessly integrate across all our sites. Choose from a range of media options that work for advertisers of any size, budget, and business goal. Create branded ads for mobile or email.

  13. Best ways to promote your Travel Business Online

    VR time travel excursions are now possible at HKTB. Easyjet. Easyjet's 2018 pan-European campaign, "Imagine," was designed to elicit a sense of wonder. The TV ad showed the many wonders of air travel, and across print, digital, and social media Easyjet advertised that it was about imagination and experience.

  14. 10 examples of great travel marketing campaigns

    £8.9bn in advertising equivalent value. £52.5m in partner funding (cash and in kind). VisitBritain continues to build on its Olympian success, and in 2018 it launched its 'I Travel For…' campaign to "shine the spotlight on unexpected experiences and less-explored destinations in Britain, alongside its globally renowned and iconic ...

  15. Expedia TravelAds

    Expedia TravelAds offers targeted advertising solutions for travel businesses looking to reach a wider audience.

  16. Inspiring And Creative Travel Marketing Campaigns Worldwide

    14 Best Examples of Travel Video Marketing Campaigns. Here are some of the most innovative travel videos. 1. KLM - Live Hologram Bar. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has built a hologram bar where people can meet to exchange local tips when they are waiting for flights. These holograms are placed in the airports of Amsterdam, Oslo and Rio de Janeiro.

  17. Travel Marketing: Most Effective Strategies to Boost Business

    Your travel marketing strategies can span social media, paid marketing, local content, seasonal SEO, content marketing, and beyond. Customer personas are important for effective travel marketing. For example, our survey data shows that 88% of people either try somewhat (45%) or very hard (43%) to save money while traveling.

  18. Advertisement Writing on Tour and Travels

    EXAMPLE-1. Nomadic Matt Travels offers an exciting vacation package of 3 nights and 4 days to North Sikkim at reasonable price. Draft an advertisement for Local daily in about 50 words. TOUR AND TRAVELS.

  19. Tours and Travels Advertisement Examples

    These ads announce new tour/travel schemes launched by travel agencies to attract new customers and retain the old ones. Important points for writing Tour and Travel advertisements. Begin with 'Package Available' etc. State name of travel agency. Specify destination and duration. Supply details of package— food/boarding lodging, sight-seeing etc. Give estimated cost and special discounts

  20. Inflight 'raw dogging': The bizarre new travel trend that's ...

    Ad Feedback. Inflight 'raw dogging': The bizarre new travel trend that's creating a buzz By Lilit Marcus, CNN 2 minute read Published 5:47 AM EDT, Fri June 28, 2024 Link Copied! ...

  21. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  22. Massive AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon outage for US customers traveling

    An international roaming outage is leaving customers of the three major US mobile carriers in the dark, making it difficult or impossible for American customers who are currently out of the ...

  23. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow ...

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Jun 15 - Jun 16. Tonight. Jun 15 - Jun 16. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Jun 16 - Jun 17. Tomorrow night.

  24. Hate hidden hotel fees? In California, they're about to be illegal

    Advertisement California Atty. Gen. Bonta has noted the transparency law doesn't raise or lower any prices, but it does require more clarity and is intended to curtail "junk fees" and ...

  25. Melania Trump did not travel with Trump to first presidential debate

    Melanie Trump did not travel with the 45th president to CNN Presidential Debate. Donald Trump is joined by some potential VP candidates.

  26. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right. Vacation Packages. Stays. Cars. Flights. Support. All travel. Vacation Packages Stays Cars Flights Cruises Support Things to do. My Account. Members can access discounts and special features.

  27. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  28. Taiwanese Are Told to Avoid China After It Threatens Independence

    A generational gap in travel has also emerged among Taiwanese, fraying ties to the mainland. A 2023 poll showed that travelers over 40 years old were much more likely to visit China than their ...

  29. Taiwan urges citizens to avoid travel to China, Hong Kong Macao

    Taiwan has urged its citizens to avoid travel to China and the semi-autonomous Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macao following threats from Beijing to execute supporters of the self-governing ...