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Flowchart Tutorial (with Symbols, Guide and Examples)

A flowchart is simply a graphical representation of steps. It shows steps in sequential order and is widely used in presenting the flow of algorithms, workflow or processes. Typically, a flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows.

Flowchart example

What is a Flowchart?

A flowchart is a graphical representations of steps. It was originated from computer science as a tool for representing algorithms and programming logic but had extended to use in all other kinds of processes. Nowadays, flowcharts play an extremely important role in displaying information and assisting reasoning. They help us visualize complex processes, or make explicit the structure of problems and tasks. A flowchart can also be used to define a process or project to be implemented.

Flowchart Symbols

Different flowchart shapes have different conventional meanings. The meanings of some of the more common shapes are as follows:

The terminator symbol represents the starting or ending point of the system.

Flowchart symbol: Terminator

A box indicates some particular operation.

Flowchart symbol: Process

This represents a printout, such as a document or a report.

Flowchart symbol: Document

A diamond represents a decision or branching point. Lines coming out from the diamond indicates different possible situations, leading to different sub-processes.

Flowchart symbol: Decision

It represents information entering or leaving the system. An input might be an order from a customer. Output can be a product to be delivered.

Flowchart symbol: Data

On-Page Reference

This symbol would contain a letter inside. It indicates that the flow continues on a matching symbol containing the same letter somewhere else on the same page.

Flowchart symbol: On page reference

Off-Page Reference

This symbol would contain a letter inside. It indicates that the flow continues on a matching symbol containing the same letter somewhere else on a different page.

Flowchart symbol: Off page reference

Delay or Bottleneck

Identifies a delay or a bottleneck.

Flowchart symbol: Delay

Lines represent the flow of the sequence and direction of a process.

Flowchart symbol: Flow

When to Draw Flowchart?

Using a flowchart has a variety of benefits:

  • It helps to clarify complex processes.
  • It identifies steps that do not add value to the internal or external customer, including delays; needless storage and transportation; unnecessary work, duplication, and added expense; breakdowns in communication.
  • It helps team members gain a shared understanding of the process and use this knowledge to collect data, identify problems, focus discussions, and identify resources.
  • It serves as a basis for designing new processes.

Flowchart examples

Here are several flowchart examples. See how you can apply a flowchart practically.

Flowchart Example – Medical Service

This is a hospital flowchart example that shows how clinical cases shall be processed. This flowchart uses decision shapes intensively in representing alternative flows.

Flowchart example: Medical services

Flowchart Example – Simple Algorithms

A flowchart can also be used in visualizing algorithms, regardless of its complexity. Here is an example that shows how flowchart can be used in showing a simple summation process.

Flowchart example: Simple algorithms

Flowchart Example – Calculate Profit and Loss

The flowchart example below shows how profit and loss can be calculated.

Flowchart example: Calculate profit and loss

Creating a Flowchart in Visual Paradigm

Let’s see how to draw a flowchart in Visual Paradigm. We will use a very simple flowchart example here. You may expand the example when finished this tutorial.

  • Select Diagram > New from the main menu.

Create flowchart

  • Enter the name of the flowchart and click OK .

Create flowchart start symbol

  • Enter Add items to Cart as the name of the process.

Create other flowchart processes

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The Ultimate Flowchart Guide 2023

This guide is brought to you by Zen Flowchart , the simplest free flowchart maker.

All you need to know about flowcharts (or flow chart): Definition, History, Flowchart Symbols, Flowchart Examples & Templates, What Flowcharts Are and How To Use Them.

Table of Contents

  • Flowchart Definition
  • When to Use a Flowchart?
  • History of Flowcharts
  • Flowchart Symbols & Components
  • How to Create a Flowchart
  • Types of Flowcharts
  • Flowchart Tools
  • Flowchart Examples

1. Definition / What is a Flowchart?

In the most basic sense, flowchart or flow chart , is a type of diagram that describe processes.

Flowchart Example - Sales Process Map

Flowchart represents information or processes as boxes, lines, and text. The boxes represent activities, the lines (or flowlines ) represent the workflow that connects them, and the text represents what happens at each activity. A flowchart can be drawn by hand on paper or projected on a whiteboard. A flowchart consists of a set of interconnected shapes which signify process steps, decision points (if-then branches), or headings.

Let’s take a quick example:

Let’s say you need to write up the instruction of the first step to clean your home, which would be deciding whether to throw away or keep an item (courtesy of Marie Condo’s cleaning method).

Here would be the text-only instruction, and the very same instruction presented in flowchart form:

INSTRUCTION : Follow the following steps. First, pick up an item, then ask yourself: “Does this item spark joy for me?”. If the answer is Yes, the keep the item. If the answer is No, then discard the item. Then, repeat the process until you have gone through all of your items.

Flowchart Example - Marie Condo Method

This is only a made-up scenario, and in which case, flowchart is not that helpful because the text-based instruction is already quite easy to follow. But as you can imagine, for processes with numerous steps and complex rules, flowchart can be a powerful tool to describe processes clearly and concisely.

Since its invention, flow chart has expanded its usage to different functions and industries, with various types serving specific purposes. Alternate names for “ flowchart ” may include process flowchart, functional flow chart, process map, process chart, functional process chart, business process model, process model, process flow diagram, work flow diagram, business flow diagram , etc.

2. When to Use a Flowchart?

Flowchart is a very simple yet powerful tool to improve productivity in both our personal and work life. Here are some ways flowchart can be helpful:

  • Document a process
  • Present solution to a problem
  • Brainstorm ideas in a meeting
  • Design an operation system
  • Explain a decision making process
  • Store information
  • Draw an organizational chart
  • Create a visual user journey
  • Create a sitemap

3. History of Flowcharts

It's hard to set the records straight on who was the true inventor of flowcharts, but we do have records of the first standardized documentation on flow chart, which was first introduced by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.

In 1921, the Frank and Lillian presented what was only a "graphic-based method" in a presentation titled: “Process Charts: First Steps in Finding the One Best Way to do Work”, to members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

In 1930s, Allan H. Mogensen, an industrial engineer trained some participants in his Work Simplification Conferences in New York. Afterwards, participants from this conference such as Art Spinanger and Ben Graham then began to use flowchart in their respective fields, which helped propagate the use of flowchart. Because of its wide range of potential applications, flowcharts quickly became a very popular tool in the modern workspace.

In 1947, ASME adopted a symbol set derived from Gilbreth’s original work as the “ASME Standard: Operation and Flow Process Charts.”

In 1949, flowchart has started to be used to plan computer programs. It has become a popular tool for designing algorithms and programs due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Nowadays, flowcharts are an important tool for productivity, being used by business employees or professionals in various industries.

Flowchart Inventor - Lillian and Frank Gilbreth

4. Flowchart Symbols & Components

Flowchart Symbols

Flowchart is a very intuitive way to illustrate processes. In most cases, you won't need to worry about the standards and rules of all the flowchart symbols .

In fact, a simple flowchart, made up of simple rectangles and drawn arrows, is sufficient.

Nevertheless, to get more formal and precise about flowcharting, there are rules and standards in place that you can follow. Specifically, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) set standards for flowcharts and their symbols in the 1960s (PDF guide). Afterwards, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted the ANSI symbols in 1970.

In general, flow charts are read from top to bottom and left to right. Read our flowchart tips article to learn more about how you can improve your flowcharting skills.

Flowchart Symbol - Flowline

1. Flowline: Shows the step's direction. Each flow line connects two blocks. This component is represented by lines with arrows indicating the flow's direction. Users can also add text on top of flow line to add more context to the step.

Flowchart Symbol - Terminal

2. Terminal Symbol : Indicates the beginning or end of a flowchart. This symbols is indicated by the oval shape.

Often, you'll see the word "Start" or "End" in a terminal component. In a large flowchart, having terminal symbols helps users quickly identify where the flowchart begins so they can actually begin reading the process.

Flowchart Symbol - Process

3. Process Symbol : Represent a step in a process. This is the most common component of a flowchart. Process symbol is represented by the rectangle shape.

Flowchart Symbol - Decision

4. Decision Symbol : Shows a step that decides the next step in a process. This is commonly a yes/no or true/false question. Decision is represented by the diamond shape.

Typically, from this decision symbol, there will be two flow lines that branch out. Often, these flow lines will have the texts "Yes" and "No", indicating the decision to be made.

Flowchart Symbol - Input Output

5. Input / Output Symbol : Indicates the process of inputting or outputting external data. Input / Output is represented by the parallelogram shape.

An example for this

Flowchart Symbol - Annotation

6. Annotation / Comment : Indicates additional information regarding a step in a process.

Predefined Process

7. Predefined Process : Shows named process which is defined elsewhere.

On-page Connector

8. On-page Connector : Pairs of on-page connecter are used to replace long lines on a flowchart page.

Off-page Connector

9. Off-page Connector : An off-page connector is used when the target is on another page.

Flowchart Symbol - Delay

10. Delay : Any delay period that is part of a process

Flowchart Symbol - Alternate Process

11. Alternate Process : An alternate to the normal process step. Flow lines to an alternate process block is usually dashed. Alternate Process is represented by a rounded rectangle shape.

Flowchart Symbol - Data

12. Data : Data input or output

Flowchart Symbol - Document

13. Document : A document

Multi-document Symbol

14. Multi-document : Multiple documents

Flowchart Symbol - Preparation

15. Preparation : A preparation step

Symbol Display

16. Display : A machine display

Symbol Manual Input

17. Manual Input : Data or information into a system

Flowchart Symbol - Manual Operation

18. Manual Operation : A process step that isn’t automated

5. How to create a flowchart

Step 1: map out major steps.

Start drawing several major blocks that represent the most important steps in your process. Don’t worry about the details for now.

In most cases, you can start with terminal symbol , and start drawing more process symbols (rectangles) for the next steps, and continue working your way through the end of the process. Because flowcharts are read left to right and top to bottom , make sure to draw your terminal symbol at the top left corner of your workspace.

Step 2: Input the details

Fill in the remaining steps. We recommend working in the natural order of the process. An optional step here is to style your chart with different shapes and color to make it easier to follow.

Step 3: Test your result

Work through all the steps in your chart to make sure they are clear and exhaustive, and that there is no unintended open-ended node remained. When there is a decision point, make sure the options cover all possible scenarios.

Step 4: Gather feedback on your flow chart

Share a draft of the flowchart and get feedback from the intended users. If the flow chart is meant just for yourself then you can skip this step. But if the chart is meant for a team or a group of people, then it’s important to get their feedback to make sure that your flowchart is accurate and helpful.

Step 5: Publish the flowchart

Flowcharts should be made easily accessible to all parties involved. So make sure you publish your work in the right place. Our flowchart maker has a handy publishing feature, which allows you to publish and share your flowcharts.

6. Types of Flowcharts

From the basic flowchart, we have seen its proliferation into other variations to serve specific functions and industries. Here are some types of flowchart you may come across:

  • Process Flowchart
  • Process Map
  • Process Flow Diagram
  • Workflow Chart
  • Workflow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

Epc diagram.

  • System Flowchart
  • Six Sigma Process Map

Swimlane Flowchart

  • Website Flowchart
  • Cross-functional Flowchart

A type of diagram that represents the flow of data in a process or system.

Swimlane Flowchart is a flowchart with the addition of swimlane component, which helps organize the nodes of a chart into the appropriate party or team. Each lane will only contains the steps involving a single party. For example, for a hiring process that involves multiple teams, a standard flowchart may be reorganized into different lanes involving different teams to better view the division of task and handover points in a process.

swimlane flowchart

EPC diagrams , or event-driven process chain diagrams, are used to document or plan business processes. This standard was developed within the framework of Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) by August-Wilhelm Scheer.

SDL Diagram

SDL diagrams, or specification and description language diagrams are used to describe specifications of a system. In comparison to UML, SDL diagrams deal with the detailed aspects of a system, whereas UML deals with a more abstract level.

UML activity diagrams / Activity Diagrams

UML is a standardized modeling language used to visualize the design of a system. It is often used in the field of software engineering.

7. Flowchart Tools

You can use just some pen and paper to start drawing a flowchart. However, these days, there are many flowchart maker software available to create flowcharts effortlessly. Here’s a full list of flowchart tools which may help serve your needs:

Zen Flowchart

  • Microsoft Visio
  • Omnigraffle

8. Flowchart Examples & Templates

Flowchart have endless use cases and are used extensively across all industries and functions. Below are just a small number of examples we have compiled. For more examples and templates, visit our Flowchart Examples & Templates Guide here.

  • How A Bill Becomes A Law Flowchart
  • Factorial Flowchart
  • Blood Supply to the Brain Flowchart
  • Blood Circulation In Heart Flowchart
  • Sales Process Flowchart
  • Matter Flowchart
  • Recruitment / Hiring Process Flowchart
  • Pain Pathway Flowchart
  • Getting Things Done (GTD) Flowchart

Flowchart Example - System Flowchart

Flowchart Guides

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tour guide flowchart example

How to Write a Tour Guide Script Perfectly in 2024 (Craft Engaging Narratives!)

  • Blog , Digital Nomad Travel Guide
  • January 2, 2024

How to Write a Tour Guide Script Perfectly in 2024 (Craft Engaging Narratives!)

To write a tour guide script, identify key attractions, and weave in engaging stories. Highlight facts that captivate and entertain your audience, keeping them intrigued throughout the tour.

How to Write a Tour Guide Script perfectly? A tour guide script is the backbone of any memorable and educational guided tour. Crafting a script requires a balance of historical data, interesting anecdotes, and practical information. It should be engaging, offering unique insights that intrigue your audience and provide a deeper connection to the sights.

A successful tour guide script is not just a monologue but a conversational tool to interact with your audience and enhance their touring experience. It’s crucial to tailor your content to your specific audience, ensuring clarity and relevance. The goal is to leave your tour-goers with lasting impressions and newfound knowledge about the places they’re exploring. Remember, a well-crafted script is the key to making any trip both enjoyable and informative.


  • Engage Your Audience from the Start: The importance of a compelling opening hook was emphasized. Drawing in your audience from the very beginning is crucial to capture their attention and set the tone for an engaging tour. This could involve a fascinating fact, a thought-provoking question, or a captivating anecdote related to the tour destination.
  • Blend Information with Storytelling: From early on, try how to effectively weave information seamlessly into storytelling. Rather than presenting a dry list of facts, the recommendation is to integrate historical details, anecdotes, and intriguing facts into a cohesive narrative. This approach not only educates the audience but also entertains and keeps them enthralled throughout the tour.
  • Encourage Reflection and Interaction: Incorporate moments for reflection and audience interaction throughout the tour. Pose thought-provoking questions and invite participants to engage actively with the content. This not only enhances the educational aspect of the tour but also fosters a dynamic and participatory experience. Such an approach allows tour attendees to connect more deeply with the subject matter, making the entire tour more memorable and enjoyable.

Table of Contents

What Is A Tour Guide Script?

What is a tour guide script

Embarking on an unforgettable journey requires more than just a keen sense of direction; it demands a captivating narrative to guide the way. A tour guide script plays a pivotal role by being the very crux of this narrative, paving the path for explorers through a blend of storytelling and factual information.

Tour guide scripts are meticulously crafted pieces of writing designed to enrich the touring experience for guests. They serve multiple purposes:

  • Instructional roadmap: It outlines the tour’s structure, guiding the guide through each segment and transition smoothly.
  • Engaging storytelling tool: The script contains fascinating tales and anecdotes about the places visited, ensuring an engaging and memorable experience.
  • Educational resource: By delving into historical, cultural, or natural insights, the script educates and informs the audience.
  • Interpersonal connector: It prompts interaction with the audience, encouraging questions and discussions.

A well-composed script transforms a mundane outing into an educational adventure, leaving tourists with lasting memories and insights into the visited landmarks. Consider a tour guide script as the backbone of the tour, supporting a seamless integration of fun facts, navigation, and interaction that all contribute to a successful and spellbinding tour.

Tour Guide Script Opening Remarks

Tour Guide Script Opening Remarks

Crafting A Captivating Beginning For Tour Guide Scripts

Crafting the perfect opening remarks for a tour guide script is akin to setting the stage for an enthralling performance. The initial words that emerge from the guide’s mouth can either spark the audience’s interest or fail to captivate them.

Therefore, it’s critical to start strong with remarks that are both welcoming and hint at the exciting journey ahead.

Incorporate Local Greetings

Starting a script with a touch of local flavor can immediately draw your audience in and show cultural immersion:

  • Local greeting: Use a common greeting from the tour’s area to create a sense of place.
  • Acknowledge return visitors: Express pleasure for repeat guests, signaling that the experience is worth revisiting.

Share An Intriguing Fact Or Story

Kicking things off with an interesting tidbit can pique curiosity and set the tone for the tour:

  • Share a secret: Begin with an unknown or little-known fact about the location to entice your audience.
  • Tell a short story: Relay a brief anecdote that ties into the tour’s theme or destination, providing a narrative hook for listeners to latch onto.

Outline Expectations Clearly

It’s essential to manage your audience’s expectations from the get-go for a smoother experience:

  • Duration of the tour: Clearly stating the tour length helps guests gauge their time commitment.
  • Key attractions: Preview some highlights to build anticipation for the sights and experiences on the itinerary.

Emphasize Engagement And Interaction

Encourage your guests to interact and engage with the tour, ensuring a memorable and dynamic experience:

  • Promote questions: Invite the crowd to ask questions at any time, fostering a two-way dialogue.
  • Suggest participation: Let guests know their involvement is not only allowed but encouraged, whether it’s trying something hands-on or sharing their insights.

Communicate Essential Safety Information

Safety must always be a priority, so make sure your audience knows what to do in case of an emergency:

  • Point out safety features: Briefly note the location of exits, first-aid kits, or life vests.
  • Cover basic safety rules: Include any necessary guidelines applicable to the tour to prevent accidents and ensure collective well-being.

By incorporating these elements into your opening remarks, you set the stage for an informative, enjoyable, and smoothly run tour that will keep your audience captivated from start to finish. Remember, the goal is to blend education with entertainment seamlessly—forge a connection, earn trust, and most importantly, leave your guests eager for the adventures that lie ahead.

Become A Confident Public Speaker

Become A Confident Public Speaker

1. Embrace Your Unique Voice

As a tour guide, your voice is your most valuable asset. Projecting confidence begins with accepting and leveraging the unique qualities that make you stand out. Embrace your tone, cadence, and accent, as these are part of what makes each tour distinctly yours.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

The path to public speaking confidence is paved with practice. Regularly rehearsing your script aloud will:

  • Improve diction: Speaking is vital for keeping your audience engaged.
  • Assist with pacing: The flow of your speech affects the audience’s ability to absorb information.
  • Build familiarity: The more you rehearse, the more natural the content will feel, reducing the need for constant script-checking.

3. Engage With Your Audience

Creating a connection with your audience can transform your script from monologue to dialogue:

  • Eye contact: This establishes a personal connection and can help gauge the audience’s interest and understanding.
  • Responsiveness: Adapt to audience reactions and questions to make the experience more interactive.

4. Incorporate Storytelling Techniques

Storytelling can elevate a factual guide into an enthralling narrative:

  • Set the scene: Paint a vivid picture of each location to immerse your audience fully.
  • Use anecdotes: Personal or historical stories related to the tour sites can make the information more relatable and memorable.

5. Maintain Positive Body Language

Confidence is as much about what you say as how you say it:

  • Posture: Standing tall conveys authority and can positively affect your vocal projection.
  • Gestures: Appropriate hand movements can emphasize points and make your delivery more dynamic.

6. Continue Learning

As with any skill, staying informed and educated is crucial for growth:

  • Stay updated on public speaking techniques: New methods can revitalize your approach and effectiveness.
  • Learn from others: Attend other tours to observe different styles and incorporate elements that resonate with you.

By following these practical steps and consistently honing your public-speaking prowess, your tour guide scripts will not only inform but also delight and inspire your audience, leaving a lasting impression long after the tour ends.

How To Make A Good Commentary In Tour Guiding?

How to Make a Good Commentary In Tour Guiding

Below, let’s explore how to create a commentary that transforms a simple excursion into a memorable adventure.

Understand Your Audience

Before diving into scriptwriting, take a moment to think about your audience. Are they history buffs, adventure seekers, families with children, or a mix of everyone? A good commentary should cater to the interests of your group:

  • Audience analysis: Identify the demographics, interests, and knowledge level of your tour group.
  • Tailoring content: Adjust your script to include information that resonates with these interests.
  • Engage personally: Add personal touches or address the group in a way that makes them feel included in the narration.

Keep It Relevant And Accurate

Your script should be a treasure trove of facts and anecdotes that pertain to the locations you are touring. Here’s how you can make it educational and entertaining:

  • Reliability: Double-check all historical facts, dates, and figures to establish credibility.
  • Relevance: Connect your commentary to the location’s significance or events that capture the essence of the place.
  • Anecdotes: Include short stories or interesting tidbits that stick with the audience and enrich the experience.

Mix Humor With Information

A great tour guide script delicately balances educational content with a light-hearted tone. The incorporation of humor makes the tour more enjoyable and less monotonous:

  • Light humor: Introduce jokes or funny observations that relate to the sightseeing points without overshadowing the informational content.
  • Timing: Know when to use humor effectively, especially after a heavy dose of history or facts to lighten the mood.

Utilize Storytelling Techniques

Weaving a story around the facts makes the commentary not just informative but memorable. This technique allows you to connect with the tour group on an emotional level, guiding them through a historical or cultural journey:

  • Chronological flow: Arrange events or information in a logical sequence to maintain clarity.
  • Vivid descriptions: Paint a picture with words to make locations come alive in the imagination of your listeners.

Engage With Interactive Elements

It’s not just about what you say, it’s also about how you encourage participation:

  • Questions: Ask open-ended questions that provoke thought and encourage interaction.
  • Activities: Include pauses where attendees can engage with the environment or participate in brief activities related to the tour.

Plan For The Unexpected

Tours don’t always go according to plan. Here’s how you can stay ahead:

  • Flexibility: Have additional material or alternative routes ready in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Problem-solving: Be prepared to smoothly transition your script to adapt to changes.

Remember, every word and phrase in your script weaves a larger picture, setting the stage for an unforgettable journey. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to crafting a tour guide commentary that is as engaging as it is informative.

Researching The Destination

Researching The Destination

Understand The Historical Context

The true essence of a place is often rooted in its history. Embarking on a journey through a destination’s past can provide invaluable insights for a compelling tour guide script:

  • Research the founding dates and key events: This lays a historical timeline for your narrative.
  • Identify significant figures: Historical personalities can add vividness to your storytelling.
  • Explore local myths and legends: These can captivate and intrigue your audience, adding a mystical layer to the factual history.

Delve Into Current Cultural Practices

To paint a complete picture, it’s crucial to intertwine the past with the present. Tourists are often just as interested in current customs as they are in ancient tales.

  • Investigate local festivals and events: Knowing local celebrations can descriptively showcase the community’s spirit.
  • Understand dietary customs: Food is a profound reflection of cultural identity and can be a savory detail in your script.
  • Recognize contemporary art and music: These elements underscore the modern vibe of a place, connecting the past to the present.

Highlight Noteworthy Landmarks

Tourists are visually oriented, seeking the spectacular sites that give a place its postcard-worthy status. Dive into the architectural wonders and natural sceneries that define your location. This is where you can turn descriptions into experiences, invoking the grandeur of man-made edifices or the serene whisper of a rolling landscape.

Gather Local Stories And Anecdotes

A place’s heartbeat is often felt in the stories of its inhabitants. Collecting anecdotes can give your script a personable touch that aligns perfectly with the sightseeing experience:

  • Talk to residents: Their personal experiences can provide unique and engaging content for your script.
  • Read local literature: Novels, poems, and articles can offer a treasure trove of inspiration and authentic material for your narrative.
  • Follow community social media groups: They can be goldmines for the latest buzz and little-known facts about your destination.

In weaving together your research, ensure that your script resonates with the enthusiastic pulse of eager explorers. Let your words be their guide through time, culture, and the marvels of the destination; transforming each step into a discovery and each view into a lasting memory.

Understanding The Target Audience

Understanding The Target Audience

Identifying Demographics

Demographics provide insight into the age, nationality, and cultural background of your audience:

  • Age range: This influences the complexity of language and the choice of stories.
  • Nationality: Being aware of where your audience comes from can help you include relevant cultural references or explain local customs in a relatable way.
  • Cultural interests: Understanding whether your audience prefers art, architecture, history, or nature helps tailor the content of your tour.

Through this understanding, you can shape a script that resonates with your audience, making your tour not only informative but also deeply engaging.

Recognizing The Visitor’s Purpose

People take tours for various reasons. Identifying these can vastly improve the script’s relevance:

  • Educational objective: Is the tour part of a study trip? Incorporate more detailed historical data and analysis.
  • Leisure and relaxation: For those seeking enjoyment, prioritize captivating stories and lighter, entertaining content.
  • Specialized interest: Cater to enthusiasts by delving into niche topics such as local gastronomy or architectural styles.

Assessing Prior Knowledge

Being mindful of the audience’s existing familiarity with the toured area contributes to a well-paced and informative experience:

  • First-time visitors: Explain the context and basic information more thoroughly.
  • Repeat visitors: Focus on lesser-known facts or unique perspectives that deepen their understanding.

Remember, the best tour guide script is one where the audience feels seen, understood, and considered throughout the journey. This way, you create not just a tour, but a memorable adventure for every participant.

Structuring The Script For Maximum Impact

Structuring a Script

Let’s delve into how you can structure your script to achieve a seamless storytelling experience in 6 easy steps:

1. Beginning With A Bang

Starting strong sets the tone for the rest of your tour. Your opening remarks should be:

  • Compelling: Draw in your audience with an intriguing fact or question.
  • Relevant: Ensure it relates to the theme and purpose of the tour.
  • Brief: Keep it concise to maintain interest and curiosity.

2. Dividing Your Content

Your tour script should flow naturally from one segment to the next, like chapters in a book. To accomplish this:

  • Organize logically: Arrange points in an order that makes sense geographically or thematically.
  • Pace evenly: Divide content so that each part is given appropriate time.
  • Transition smoothly: Use connecting sentences to seamlessly move from one point to another.

3. Emphasizing Key Points

Within the body of your script, highlight the must-know details:

  • Significance: Explain why certain facts or sites are noteworthy.
  • Clarity: Present information clearly and avoid jargon that may confuse visitors.
  • Engagement: Pose questions or invite participation to keep the audience involved.

4. Wrapping Up With A Memorable Close

Conclude your script on a high note by ensuring:

  • Reflection: Encourage the audience to think back on the experience.
  • Summary: Recap the key themes or highlights of the tour.
  • Call to action: Suggest further reading, places to visit, or encourage feedback.

5. Pacing Your Information Delivery For Audience Retention

A well-paced script is the key to keeping your audience engaged throughout the tour. Overloading listeners with information can lead to disconnect, while too little may cause them to lose interest. Think of your script as a symphony with variations in tempo . Arrange your content to alternate between storytelling, facts, and pauses, where the audience can absorb the sights and sounds around them.

  • Introduce a captivating story.
  • Follow with intriguing facts or history.
  • Pause to allow reflection and observation.
  • Resume with anecdotes or lesser-known tidbits.
  • Encourage questions and discussions.

6. Incorporating Interactive Elements Into Your Narrative

Interactivity transforms a monologue into a dialogue, fostering a more dynamic and memorable experience. Consider incorporating interactive elements such as Q&A sessions , scavenger hunts , or role-playing activities to immerse your audience in the narrative. A simple, “Can anyone guess the reason behind this building’s unusual shape?” can spur participation and investment in the tour’s storyline.

Crafting an effective tour guide script requires thoughtfulness in structure and content. Through the careful organization of your script, punctuated with engaging and significant facts, you’re setting the stage for an unforgettable experience for your audience. Keep it concise, keep it lively, and watch as your words bring the life journey.

Writing Techniques You Can Follow for Maximizing Output

Writing Techniques

Paint Pictures With Words

  • Vivid descriptions: Bring locations to life with descriptive language that appeals to the senses. Imagine you’re creating a scene in a novel.
  • Storytelling: Weave historical facts with anecdotes to captivate your listeners. A personal touch can make history feel relevant and intriguing.

Incorporate Interactive Elements

Tour experiences become more enriching when the audience is involved. Utilize these techniques:

  • Questions to ponder: Pose thought-provoking questions that encourage reflection on the visited sites.
  • Activities: Brief, relevant activities can break up the script and maintain engagement. For example, asking the group to imagine themselves in a historical moment.

Keep It Structured

Every word counts in a script where attention spans are limited. Organize your content to ensure clarity and logical flow. Highlight the key points you want the audience to take away, and transition smoothly between topics to keep the narrative engaging.

Use Humor Wisely

  • Relatability: Humor helps connect with the audience, but it’s crucial to be sensitive to cultural differences.
  • Timing: Strategic placement of light-hearted comments can enhance enjoyment but be aware of the context in which you use them.

Precision And Brevity

Keeping it Precise and Concise is vital. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

  • Stay on topic: Avoid meandering narratives that can cause a loss of interest.
  • Simple language: Opt for direct, straightforward sentences that are easy to follow while walking and absorbing the surroundings.

Remember, your script is the bridge between the audience and the world you’re describing. It is both an educational tool and an entertainment source. Keep your voice natural, as if you’re conversing with a friend, for a truly immersive experience.

Closing Tour Guide Script

Closing Tour Guide Script

Engage With A Personal Touch

  • Thank you for joining us:

Express genuine gratitude toward your audience for choosing your tour and spending their time with you.

  • Share a personal story or favorite moment:

Conclude with an anecdote that ties back to the journey, reinforcing a personal connection and making the closing remarks more relatable.

Encourage Further Exploration

  • Suggest related places of interest:

Recommend nearby attractions or hidden gems that guests could explore on their own to continue their adventure.

  • Offer materials for additional information:

Provide pamphlets, website links, or social media handles that direct guests to more resources about the sights they’ve seen.

Seal It With A Call To Action

Creating an effective call to action can help maintain the connection between you and your guests long after the tour ends. Encourage them to share their experience through social media, write a review, or sign up for future tours. This not only promotes your service but also fosters a community of enthusiastic travelers.

Parting Words Of Thanks

  • Reiterate your thanks:

A final thank you reaffirms the value you place on your guests’ choice to spend their day with you.

  • Wish them well on their journey:

Send them off with warm wishes for the rest of their travels, highlighting your role as both a guide and a goodwill ambassador.

As your group prepares to disperse, remind them of the incredible journey you’ve shared, and let them know that their presence made the tour that much more special. With these tips in mind, your closing script will not only echo in their memories but will encourage them to dive deeper into the wonders they’ve just discovered.

Practical Tips for Writing A Perfect Tour Guide Script

Practical Tips for Writing the Perfect Tour Guide Script

1. Research Thoroughly

Immersing your listeners in the experience requires more than just skimming the surface:

  • Historical accuracy: Ensure every historical reference is double-checked for accuracy to build trust with your audience.
  • Local color: Dig for those quirky facts and lesser-known stories that give a place its unique flavor and charm.

2. Keep It Interactive

Avoid monologues; encourage participation to keep your audience engaged:

  • Questions and prompts: Spark curiosity by asking questions or encouraging them to guess what’s next.
  • Physical involvement: Allow them to touch, feel, or perform actions when appropriate to create a multisensory experience.

3. Balance Information With Entertainment

A good tour guide script educates while it entertains; here’s how to strike that balance:

  • A mix of facts and stories: Blend historical accounts with anecdotes to keep the information digestible and exciting.
  • Humor: A dash of light-heartedness can make a tour memorable but use it judiciously according to your audience’s tastes.

4. Script Structure Is Key

An organized script ensures a smooth tour flow:

  • Chronological order: If possible, structure your narrative to follow a logical timeline that’s easy to follow.
  • Clear transitions: Guide your group from one topic to the next with smooth segues to maintain continuity and interest.

5. Practice Pacing

The rhythm of your delivery can have a significant impact:

  • Variety in tone: Use changes in pitch and pace to highlight different points, creating a dynamic audio experience.
  • Pauses: Employ short pauses to let important information sink in or to build suspense before revealing an interesting fact.

6. Language And Word Choice

Selecting the right words can paint a vivid picture:

  • Descriptive language: Enliven your script with descriptive language that helps your audience visualize the scene.
  • Simple terminology: Choose words that are easily understandable to avoid alienating listeners who may not be familiar with complex jargon.

7. Understand Your Audience

Take a moment to consider who will be listening to your script:

  • Audience demographics: Tailor your language and content to the age, interests, and cultural background of your audience.
  • Audience knowledge: Gauge their familiarity with the subject to provide information that enlightens, but doesn’t overwhelm or bore.

8. Final Touches

Before the premiere of your tour, some finishing touches are needed:

  • Rehearse out loud: This can help you catch any tongue-twisters or awkward phrasing.
  • Seek feedback: Share your script with a trusted colleague or friend to get a fresh perspective and constructive criticism.

By following these practical tips, you will craft a tour guide script that not just informs, but also inspires and entertains. Remember that the most extraordinary tours are those where the guide’s passion for the subject shines through every word.

Example Of A Tour Guide Script

Example Of A Tour Guide Script

Good day, intrepid explorers! Welcome to the land where history whispers through the winds and the sands tell tales of ancient wonders. I’m [Your Name], your guide on this extraordinary journey, as we stand in the shadow of a marvel that has withstood the test of time – the Great Pyramid of Giza!

As we gather here today, envision a time when pharaohs ruled and colossal monuments rose from Egyptian soil. The Great Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Before we dive into the wonders of this colossal structure, let’s take a moment to soak in the atmosphere and appreciate the magnitude of what lies before us.

[Cultural Introduction]

Let’s start with a local greeting, “Ahlan wa sahlan!” (Welcome!) Egypt, a land where the past and present coexist harmoniously, beckons you to explore its mysteries. And what better way to embark on this adventure than by unraveling the enigma of the Great Pyramid?

Now, my fellow adventurers, how many of you have ever dreamt of standing in front of this colossal structure, pondering the secrets it guards? Today, your dreams become reality as we delve into the heart of ancient Egypt, a civilization that left an indelible mark on the annals of human history.

[History Unveiled]

Our story begins over 4,500 years ago, in the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, with the Pharaoh Khufu. Imagine, if you will, a bustling construction site where thousands of laborers, skilled craftsmen, and architects collaborated to build what would become one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Now, why did they embark on this colossal project? Was it merely a display of power, or did it hold a more profound purpose? The Great Pyramid was not just a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu but a celestial pathway to the afterlife, a testament to the ancient Egyptians’ belief in the divine journey beyond the earthly realm.

As we stand here, let your imagination wander back to the time when the Great Pyramid gleamed, covered in smooth, white Tura limestone casing stones, reflecting the sun’s brilliance like a dazzling jewel against the golden Egyptian sky.

[Intriguing Facts]

Let’s sprinkle our journey with some fascinating facts about this architectural marvel. Did you know that the Great Pyramid was originally 146.6 meters tall but has slightly diminished over time? Even so, its towering presence remains awe-inspiring, standing as the tallest of the original Seven Wonders of the World.

Consider this – the Great Pyramid was constructed with an estimated 2.3 million blocks of limestone and granite, each weighing several tons. How on earth did the ancient Egyptians transport and position these colossal stones with such precision? That, my friends, is a question that still intrigues archaeologists and Egyptologists today.

And here’s a little puzzle for you: Can you guess how many chambers are concealed within the heart of the pyramid? Well, not to keep you in suspense – there are three primary chambers: the King’s Chamber, the Queen’s Chamber, and an underground chamber. Each holds its secrets, and we’ll explore them in due course.

[Questions and Reflection]

Now, let’s pause for a moment of reflection. Imagine you’re an ancient Egyptian gazing upon the Great Pyramid for the first time. What thoughts might be swirling in your mind? How would the sheer magnitude of this structure inspire awe and wonder?

Consider the symbolism embedded in every block, the meticulous alignment with the cardinal points of the compass, and the reverence for celestial bodies. As you ponder these questions, you start to grasp the layers of meaning woven into the very fabric of this monumental creation.

[Exploring the Chambers]

Our journey continues as we venture inside the Great Pyramid, stepping into the sacred spaces that have guarded the mysteries of millennia. As we enter the grand gallery leading to the King’s Chamber, imagine the echoing footsteps of priests, the flickering light of torches, and the anticipation of reaching the heart of the pyramid.

The King’s Chamber, with its granite sarcophagus, sparks countless debates among scholars. Was it truly the final resting place of Pharaoh Khufu, or does it conceal a deeper cosmic significance? Take a moment to absorb the resonance of this sacred space, where ancient rituals and ceremonies unfolded.

[Anecdotes and Mysteries]

Let me share a captivating anecdote about the Great Pyramid. Legend has it that when the Arab conqueror Al-Ma’mun opened the pyramid in the 9th century, he discovered an astonishing sight – a massive, starry-eyed, mummy-like figure sitting on a throne. This figure, known as the “Doomsday Machine,” was believed to come to life when the end of the world approached. A fantastical tale, indeed, but one that adds an intriguing layer to the mystique of the Great Pyramid.

As we navigate through the Queen’s Chamber and the subterranean chamber, let your senses absorb the energy that permeates these ancient corridors. These chambers, with their unique features and alignments, deepen the enigma surrounding the purpose of the Great Pyramid.

[Connecting With the Cosmos]

Now, let’s delve into the astronomical alignment of the Great Pyramid. The four sides of the pyramid are remarkably aligned with the cardinal points of the compass – north, south, east, and west. The precision with which the ancient Egyptians achieved this alignment is nothing short of astronomical genius.

Consider the correlation between the sides of the pyramid and the cardinal points as a celestial dance, connecting the earthly realm with the cosmos. The Great Pyramid, in its harmonious alignment, served as a symbolic bridge between the earthly kingdom of Pharaoh Khufu and the celestial realm of the gods.

[Legacy and Influence]

As we conclude our exploration, let’s reflect on the enduring legacy of the Great Pyramid. This iconic structure has not only withstood the ravages of time but has inspired generations of explorers, scholars, and dreamers.

The architectural principles and mathematical precision demonstrated in the construction of the Great Pyramid continue to captivate modern minds. Its influence extends beyond the boundaries of ancient Egypt, reaching into the realms of architecture, mathematics, and even mysticism.

As we stand here, surrounded by the whispers of antiquity, let the Great Pyramid of Giza be a beacon that transcends time. It beckons us to ponder the mysteries of the past, marvel at the achievements of our ancestors, and contemplate the intricate tapestry of human history.

I hope this journey has ignited a spark of curiosity within each of you, a curiosity that will linger long after we part ways. Remember, the Great Pyramid is not merely a monument of stones; it is a gateway to the mysteries of the ages, an invitation to explore the profound connection between humanity and the cosmos.

Ahlan wa sahlan! Thank you for joining me on this unforgettable expedition through the marvels of the Great Pyramid of Giza. May your travels be filled with wonder, and may the echoes of ancient Egypt linger in your hearts forever. Safe travels, fellow adventurers!

Craft Engaging Narratives in Tour Guiding

Engaging Narratives In Tour Guiding

Understanding Your Audience For Maximum Engagement

Every tour guide knows that the foundation of a successful tour is understanding the audience . A deep comprehension of who the tour attendees are—their interests, cultural background, and what they wish to gain from the experience—can dramatically shape the way a narrative is structured for maximum engagement.

  • Analyze the demographics of the group to tailor content that is relevant and interesting.
  • Ask preliminary questions or provide a questionnaire beforehand to get insights into your audience’s expectations.
  • Adjust your language and delivery style based on the audience’s expertise level or age group to maintain engagement.

The Role Of Storytelling In Enhancing The Tour Experience

Storytelling is not merely a tool for entertainment; it is an essential mechanism for creating a memorable experience. A well-crafted story can make historical facts come alive, build a connection between the audience and the location, and leave guests with a lasting impression.

  • Create a theme that ties the narrative together.
  • Use vivid descriptions to place the audience in the scene, engaging multiple senses.
  • Develop emotional arcs through anecdotes or personal stories related to the sites.
  • Integrate interactive elements to encourage participation and keep the group dynamic.

Remember, the aim is to transform a monologue into an interactive dialogue. Engage with compelling narratives that are both informative and enjoyable to leave a mark on your audience’s travel experience.

Content Curation For Making the Script Interactive

Research And Content Curation

Aspiring to excel as a tour guide requires a script that is not only informative but also captivating to your audience. Research and content curation are the foundational elements for a well-crafted script that will leave your guests with lasting memories. Whether you’re wandering through historical landmarks, vibrant city streets, or tranquil nature trails, embedding accurate details and interesting narratives is key to enhancing the tour experience.

To curate engaging and educational content for your tour guide script, you must start with thorough research to gather relevant information. This process ensures that the facts you share are not only accurate but also resonate with your audience. Dive into this essential phase with focus and creativity to transform raw data into a memorable storytelling experience.

Sourcing Accurate And Interesting Facts

Finding reliable and fascinating facts is integral to your tour guide script. The aim is to not only educate but also to intrigue your audience. Start by consulting reputable sources such as:

  • Official historical archives
  • Local museums and cultural centers
  • Books written by respected historians or subject matter experts
  • Documentaries and academic journals
  • Local experts or oral history interviews

Remember to verify the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. Keeping a balance between well-known facts and lesser-known trivia can captivate your listeners and make your tour stand out.

How To Weave Historical Context Into Your Tour Guide Script

Providing historical context helps your audience appreciate the significance of the sights they are seeing. Here are some tips to seamlessly integrate history into your script:

  • Start with a brief overview of the area’s history, setting the stage for your tour.
  • Use narrative techniques to make historical events come alive, such as storytelling or reenacting scenes.
  • Connect historical events to present-day locations or landmarks.
  • Include anecdotes about historical figures to personalize the experience.
  • Employ descriptive language that helps guests visualize the past.

By crafting each element carefully, you blend education with entertainment, creating a powerful experience that goes beyond mere sightseeing. Engage your audience by making history relevant and relatable, allowing them to step back in time and truly connect with the destination.

Language And Delivery Techniques

Guiding tourists is an art form that blends storytelling, information sharing, and entertainment. The success of a tour often lies in the language and delivery techniques employed by the guide. An impactful script and skillful delivery can transform a mundane excursion into an unforgettable experience. By focusing on tone, language, and rhetorical devices, tour guides can ensure their narratives resonate with diverse audiences and create lasting impressions.

Perfecting Tone And Language For Diverse Audiences

Every audience is unique, and adapting your script to cater to each group’s specific interests and comprehension levels is crucial. Perfecting tone and language demands a keen understanding of cultural sensitivities and preferences. Striking the right chord with your audience is essential for engagement.

  • Know Your Audience: Gather as much information as you can about your tour participants to tailor your language and references appropriately.
  • Be Inclusive: Use language that is accessible and refrain from jargon that could exclude or confuse listeners.
  • Vary Your Tone: Different segments of the tour may call for different tones; a historical account might be solemn, while an anecdote could be light-hearted.

Effective communication goes beyond words. Nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, play a vital role in conveying emotion and enthusiasm, making your script more relatable and your tour more enjoyable.

Using Rhetorical Devices To Make The Script More Compelling

Employing rhetorical devices can greatly enhance the appeal of your tour script. These techniques are powerful tools that can persuade, entertain, and stir emotions, contributing to a richer, more engaging tour narrative.

Utilizing such a variety of rhetorical tools not only brings your script to life but also helps in creating memorable hooks that tourists are likely to remember and share. Anecdotes, quotations, and dramatic pauses can all contribute to the ebb and flow of the narrative, enticing your audience every step of the way.

Polishing And Practicing Your Script

Perfecting the art of tour guiding encompasses more than just memorizing a script; it’s about delivering a compelling narrative that enchants your audience. As the final draft takes shape, polishing and practicing become crucial in transforming words on a page into a spellbinding experience . Here are essential strategies for refining your script, ensuring your delivery is flawless and captivating .

Tips For Script Revisions And Edits

  • Read out loud: Notice any awkward phrasing or tongue twisters.
  • Clarity: Simplify complex sentences. Make sure your message is easily understandable.
  • Engagement: Include questions or prompts to interact with your audience.
  • Pacing: Ensure a natural flow, with pauses for emphasis and reflection.
  • Accuracy: Double-check facts, dates, and names. Accuracy builds trust.
  • Personality: Let your uniqueness shine through; avoid sounding robotic.
  • Feedback: Seek input from peers and consider integrating their suggestions.

How To Tour Guide Script: Rehearse For Perfection

  • Memorization: Familiarize yourself with the script to keep eye contact with your audience.
  • Voice Modulation: Practice varying your tone to maintain interest and energy.
  • Body Language: Use gestures and expressions to enhance the storytelling.
  • Mirror Practice: Rehearse before a mirror to observe and improve your presentation.
  • Mock Tours: Conduct a few dry runs with friends or family for a realistic experience.
  • Location Relevance: If possible, practice on-site to adapt to the environment.
  • Time Management: Time your script to fit within the allotted tour duration.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Write A Tour Guide Script

A tour guide script is a culmination of well-researched commentary and engaging stories prepared in advance. It serves as a blueprint for tour guides to lead and educate guests about various points of interest throughout a tour.

How Long Should A Tour Script Be?

The length of a tour script often correlates with the duration of the tour itself. Aim for a script that complements the tour’s pace, allowing time for interaction and questions without overloading information, typically several pages for average-length tours.

What Makes A Good Tour Script?

A good tour script is clear, informative, and entertaining, incorporating historical facts with storytelling. It should engage visitors, be easy to follow, and allow space for improvisation, making each tour feel personal and unique.

Can I Write My Own Tour Guide Script?

Creating your tour guide script allows for a personalized touch to the narrative. Ensure it is well-researched, structured, and includes elements of storytelling to captivate your audience effectively.

How Do You Introduce Yourself As A Tour Guide?

Hello, I’m [Your Name], your knowledgeable and friendly tour guide for this adventure! Let’s explore and create memorable experiences together.

How Do You Talk Like A Tour Guide?

Speak with clarity and energy to engage your audience. Use storytelling to make facts come alive. Highlight key attractions with enthusiasm. Stay knowledgeable yet approachable. Keep your script informative, concise, and captivating.

How Do You Write A Travel Script?

Research your topic, craft an engaging introduction, deliver facts with storytelling, maintain a friendly tone, and end with a memorable conclusion.

How do you start a tour guide script?

Start by researching your tour theme and destinations. Outline your main points, ensuring a structured narrative flow. Begin with an engaging introduction, balancing facts with stories. Use short, punchy sentences for clarity. Update your script periodically to keep it fresh and relevant.

Crafting the perfect tour guide script takes practice and skill. Keep your audience engaged with lively descriptions and intriguing facts. Remember to personalize, stay flexible, and infuse your passion into every word. With these tips, your next guided tour is sure to be memorable and captivating for all who embark on the journey with you.

Related posts:

  • What are the Disadvantages of Being a Tour Guide? (Unveiling the Challenges)
  • Questions to Ask a Tourist Guide To Unlock Hidden Gems While Travelling (2024)

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Md Tanvir

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Ultimate Flowchart Tutorial | Learn What is a flowchart and How to create a flowchart


So you want to learn flowcharts? Well, This flowchart tutorial will teach you all you need to know. It will cover the history of flowcharts, flowchart symbols, how to create flowcharts, flowchart best practices and we’ve also included a section to answer frequent questions about flowcharts. Best of all you can use our flowchart software.

Creately already has some really awesome articles and videos covering various things related to flowcharts like meanings of flowchart symbols, how to use swimlanes in flowcharts, flowchart best practices, case studies, and much more.

History of Flowcharts

Frank Gilberth introduced flowcharts in 1921, and they were called “Process Flow Charts” at the beginning. Allan H. Mogensen is credited with training business people on how to use flowcharts. Wikipedia has a great summary of the history of flowcharts, read more in this wiki section .

What is a Flowchart

Flowcharts are visual representations of processes and systems, showing the various steps, decision points, and paths through a process. In a wide range of fields, including software development, engineering, business, and education, it is used to help understand, analyze, and optimize processes. A well-designed flowchart should be easy to read and follow a logical sequence of steps.

Flowchart Symbols

Flowchart Symbols - Flowchart Guide

Flowchart symbols are graphical representations of various components of a process or system. Each symbol is used to denote a particular action, decision, or result in the process being represented. Each symbol also has a specific meaning.

So what are the different symbols used in a flowchart?. Most people are only aware of basic symbols like processes and decision blocks. But there are many more symbols to make your flowchart more meaningful. The above image shows all the standard flowchart symbols.

The most common symbol used in a flowchart is the rectangle. A rectangle represents a process, operation, or a task. The next most common symbol is the diamond which is used to represent a decision.

With this following list, you can figure out the most commonly used flowchart symbols as well as those that are little-known. All these shapes are available in Creately and you can try out a demo or take a look at some flowchart examples for more context.

Terminal / Terminator


The terminator shows where your process begins or ends. You can use words like ‘Start’, ‘Begin’, ‘End’ inside the terminator shape to make things more obvious.

Process / Rectangle


Flowchart process shape is used to represent a process, action step, or operation. While these are pictured with rectangles, the text in the rectangle mostly includes a verb. For example, ‘Edit Video’, ‘Try Again’, ‘Choose Your Plan’.n’.


The Data object, often referred to as the I/O Shape shows the Inputs to and Outputs from a process. This takes the shape of a parallelogram.

Decision / Conditional


The decision shape is represented as a Diamond. This object is always used in a process flow to ask a question. And, the answer to the question determines the arrows coming out of the Diamond. This shape is quite unique with two arrows coming out of it. One from the bottom point corresponding to Yes or True and one from either the right/left point corresponding to No or False. The arrows should always be labeled to avoid confusion in the process flow.


The document object is a rectangle with a wave-like base. This shape is used to represent a Document or Report in a process flow.

Stored Data

Stored Data

This is a general data storage object used in the process flow as opposed to data that could be also stored on a hard drive, magnetic tape, memory card, of any other storage device.

Direct Data

Direct Data

Direct Data object in a process flow represents information stored which can be accessed directly. This object represents a computer’s hard drive.

Internal Storage

Internal Storage

This is a shape that is commonly found in programming flowcharts to illustrate the information stored in memory, as opposed to on a file. This shape is often referred to as the magnetic core memory of early computers, or the random access memory (RAM) as we call it today.

Sequential Access

Sequential Access

This object takes the shape of a reel of tape. It represents information stored in a sequence, such as data on a magnetic tape.

Manual Input

Manual Input

This object is represented by a rectangle with the top sloping up from left to right. The Manual Input object signifies an action where the user is prompted for information that must be manually input into a system.

Subroutine / Predefined Process

Predefined Process

This shape takes two names – ‘Subroutine’ or ‘Predefined Process’. Its called a subroutine if you use this object in flowcharting a software program. This allows you to write one subroutine and call it as often as you like from anywhere in the code.

The same object is also called a Predefined Process. This means the flowchart for the predefined process has to be already drawn, and you should reference the flowchart for more information.

Although these are the standard symbols available in most flowchart software, some people do use different shapes for different meanings. The most common example of this is using circles to denote start and end. The examples in this flowchart tutorial will stick with the standard symbols.

How to Draw a Flowchart

How do you draw a flowchart? Well, our flowcharting tool is a good place to start. But before directly using the tool, let’s take a look at some basics.

There are four main types of flowcharts. Document flowchart, System flowchart, data flowchart, and program flowchart. Not everyone agrees with this categorization, but the core principles of drawing a flowchart remain the same. You need to consider a few things when drawing a flowchart, Check out 6 useful tips on drawing flowcharts before you start.

If you are drawing a flowchart with many responsible parties you can group them together using swimlanes. Swimlanes are a powerful technique to increase the readability of your flowchart so you should use them according to the situation. Read how to use cross-functional flowchart for planning to learn more about the process.

The below video shows how to draw a flowchart using Creately. It is very simple to use and one-click create and connect helps you draw them faster as well. You can drag and drop symbols from the library or drag images to your diagram by doing an image search.

Here are the Steps to Draw a Flowchart

1. explain the procedure.

Determine the function and boundaries of the system or process you wish to depict in the flowchart. The process’s inputs, outputs, and actions should be identified.

2. Choose the shapes and symbols

To represent the many process components—such as the start and end points, inputs, outputs, actions, decisions, and loops—choose the right symbols and shapes. Rectangles, diamonds, circles, and arrows are the most often utilized shapes in flowcharts. To access all shapes, enable Creately’s flowchart shapes library.

3. Organize the flow

Determine the order of the steps in the process and the different paths that can be taken. This will help you organize the flow of the flowchart. Use Creately’s Plus Create to add the next shape and the connector in a single click.

4. Review and revise

Check that the flowchart accurately depicts the procedure and is simple to read and understand. If required, revise it to make it more precise and understandable. Share feedback using Creately’s contextual comments.

5. Share the flowchart

Distribute the flowchart to coworkers, stakeholders, or clients who will need to use it or refer to it easily with a workspace link

Flowchart Templates and Examples

Although you can start drawing flowcharts by scratch it is much easier to use templates. They help you reduce errors and remind you about the best practices to follow. If you want to use a ready-made template, go to the flowchart examples section and click on the flowchart that best suits you. Click on the use at template after the image and you are ready to draw your flowchart.

Below are two templates out of hundreds of flowchart templates available to the user. Click on any of them to start drawing flowcharts immediately.

Meeting Flowchart Template

  • Ready to use
  • Fully customizable template
  • Get Started in seconds

exit full-screen

Flowchart Best Practices

There are a few things you can do to make your flowchart universally accepted. And there are some things that you can do to make it visually pleasing to others as well.

If you’re planning to share your flowchart or hoping to use it on a presentation etc. then it’s wise to use standard symbols. However, it is important to remember that the idea is to give out information in an easy-to-understand manner. It is perfectly acceptable to use an alternative image instead of the document symbol as long as the audience understands it.

Keeping the arrow flow to one side, using the same size symbols, naming the decision blocks, processes, arrows, etc. are a few things you can do to make it better. The common mistakes section covers most of these practices in detail.

Map out any process, workflows, or system with ease. Dedicated shape library, drag and drop interface, and powerful diagramming for super-fast drawing.

Common Mistakes Made when Drawing Flowcharts

This section highlights the common mistakes made when drawing flowcharts. Some of the things mentioned here are to make it better looking and more understandable, not having them in your flowchart won’t make it wrong. Since there are two posts covering these mistakes in-depth I will link to them from this flowchart tutorial.

Effective Use of Flowcharts – Case Studies

A flowchart tutorial isn’t complete without some case studies. Below are three case studies and real-life examples of how flowcharts can help you make decisions.

  • Ten Flowchart Ideas for Your Business – How flowcharts can be used in making business decisions and optimizing the current business processes
  • Analyzing Sales Funnel with Flowcharts – How to analyze the Google analytic sales funnel using a flowchart.
  • Flutterscape Case Study – How one of our customers used flowcharts to enhance their processes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Flowchart

The comments section of this article is full of questions. Please note that I will not draw flowcharts for specific scenarios. Below I have answered some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q 01 : What is a subprocess in a flowchart?

Answer: Sometimes complex processes are broken down into smaller sub-processes for clarity. So a flowchart can point to a different sub-process within its flow. The predefined process symbol is used to show such subprocesses.

Q 02 : How are flowcharts used in computer programming?

Answer: A computer program consists of many processes and flows. Flowcharts are used to visualize the processes and make them understandable for non-technical people. They are also used to visualize algorithms and comprehend pseudo-code which is used in programming.

Comments and Feedback on the Flowchart Tutorial

I hope this flowchart tutorial will help you to come up with awesome flowcharts. Flowcharts are a great way to present complex processes in a simple-to-understand manner and they are used all over the world in many industries. If you have a question about drawing flowcharts or have any suggestions to improve this post, feel free to mention in the comments section.

More Diagram Tutorials

  • Sequence Diagram Tutorial: Complete Guide with Examples
  • Business Process Modeling Tutorial (BPM Guide Explaining Features)
  • Use Case Diagram Tutorial (Guide with Examples)

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How Flowcharts Can Supercharge Programming

Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.

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Blog Graphs and Charts What is a Flowchart? Use Cases, Templates & Design Tips

What is a Flowchart? Use Cases, Templates & Design Tips

Written by: Jessie Strongitharm Sep 15, 2022

what is a flowchart

Want to make any complex process a breeze? Start with a flowchart.  These documents help you understand, analyze and communicate processes by visualizing the action steps and decisions involved. 

Yet while used in so many professions, not everyone knows what flow charts are or how to interpret them. So if you’re wondering: what is a flowchart? And how do I use or create one? Rest assured, you’re in the right place. 

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about flowcharts, including the different types, their use cases and a ton of  flowchart templates  and tips. Then, use  Venngage’s flowchart maker  to design your own in minutes. 

Click to jump ahead 

What is a flowchart?

What’s the purpose of a flowchart, common elements used in flowcharts.

  • Common flowchart symbols

Types of flowcharts

Best practices for making flowcharts, how to make a flowchart using venngage.

A flowchart, also known as a flow diagram, is a step-by-step graphical representation of a process, system or algorithm needed to perform a task or complete a workflow. 

Here’s a good example:

what is a flowchart

As you can see, these  types of diagrams  communicate a sequence of actions and decisions that lead to a specific outcome, using symbols and directional cues to convey information.

Here’s an even simpler example: 

what is a flowchart

Not sure if something is a flowchart? Refer to this:

what is a flowchart

But in all seriousness, flowcharts are great for providing guidance and clarifying the logic behind if/then scenarios… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

From software development, engineering and sales, to  business process mapping , manufacturing and recruiting, there is literally no shortage of use cases for these nifty visualizations. 

What’s more, these charts can range from the most basic designs…

what is a flowchart

…to comprehensive, multi-step diagrams accounting for a wide range of conditions and variables. 

what is a flowchart

In other words, these handy tools have got  range . 

Flowcharts are typically used to help people understand, communicate or improve upon a process or system. They’re ideal for documenting the steps in a process so they can be repeated accurately. 

Other uses for flowcharts include….

  • Visualizing and analyzing a process
  • Optimizing business processes or workflows for efficiency and quality
  • Communicating a process for training or understanding
  • Identifying bottlenecks, unnecessary steps and waste in business processes

The bottom line? With a detailed process flowchart, even the most complicated series of steps becomes easy understand.

what is a flowchart

There are many kinds of flowcharts out there (more on that in a sec). And while they all have their differences, most share a few common features.

These are the six basic elements of a flowchart, or process map:

  • The starting point , or the beginning, of the process.
  •  The steps involved in the process.
  • The directional arrows that show a sequential order for the process
  •  The decision points within the process
  • The ending point , or the end, of the process.
  • Flow chart symbols representing different types of actions or steps in a process.

Ah yes, the perfect segue to my next point…

Common flowchart symbols 

One of the reasons flowcharts are easily understood is because they typically use universal, standardized symbols in their designs. Here’s an example:

what is a flowchart

Let’s take a look at some of the common flowchart symbols used in a process flow diagram: 

Start/end symbol

Commonly depicted as an elongated circle (or ellipses), these terminal points signify the beginning or endpoints of a process outlined by a flowchart.

Process symbol

what is a flowchart

These symbols represent a step taken in the sequence of operations or decisions. They are usually represented as a rectangle.

Decision symbol

what is a flowchart

Typically in the shape of a diamond (rhombus), these symbols demonstrate a point where a conditional statement is made, before the flowchart branches off into two or more paths.

Input/output symbol

what is a flowchart

These symbols, usually parallelograms, indicate data inputs and outputs as it enters or is sent out of a process.

Connector or flowline symbol

what is a flowchart

These symbols represent a connection between two process symbols, input/output symbols or decision symbols. Usually represented as a line with an arrow, they guide the viewer through the sequence (or steps). 

On-page connector symbol

what is a flowchart

The on-page connector symbol takes the form of a circle. It connects two or more parts of a flowchart when it continues on a different section of the page 

Off-page connector symbol

what is a flowchart

These symbols connect two or more parts of a flowchart when it continues onto another page. 

Swimlane diagram

Swimlane diagrams  are used to delineate who is responsible for what during a process. Like swimming lanes in a pool, these flowcharts are divided into horizontal or vertical lanes according to the employee, role or department involved at each step:

what is a flowchart

They’re useful in providing clarity and accountability as far as communication, connection, handoffs and redundancies.

Event diagram

Event diagrams show a sequence of events and their cause-effect relationship to a process. They are often used in software engineering to show how different parts of the system interact.

Event Diagram Example

Workflow diagram

A workflow diagram is a business process model that visually communicates  the steps in a business process . These charts typically use standardized symbols and shapes to showcase how work should be done, in what sequence, and by whom. 

what is a flowchart

This is a great way to simplify a complex chain of events and make it easy for employees to understand their roles and responsibilities.

System flowchart

A system flowchart shows how parts of a system work together, by displaying how data flows through the system and how decisions affect this process. 

what is a flowchart

Data flow diagram

what is a flowchart

Data flow diagrams  illustrate the flow of data or information for any process or system. This makes understanding how the system is designed to work possible. Like most process maps, data flow diagrams make it easier to see where any problems or bottlenecks may occur.

Process flowchart

A  process flow diagram , also known as a process flowchart or flow process chart, shows the steps or tasks involved in a process. P.S. nearly all flowcharts are process flowcharts!

what is a flowchart

Decision flowchart

Decision flowcharts are exactly what they sound like: they’re used to help reach decisions.

what is a flowchart

These types of charts include “yes” and “no” questions and answers as part of their flow to illustrate how the decision-making process should work. They provide an ideal example of the questions that need to be asked and the order in which they should be considered. 

PERT charts, short for Program Evaluation and Review Technique, are a kind of  project management tool  used to visually display a series of events during a project. A PERT chart illustrates the sequence of tasks to make organizing, coordinating and scheduling easier. They are commonly used in IT.

Fault tree analysis

A fault tree analysis is a  tree diagram  used for risk assessment processes that shows the possible causes and components of system-level failures. 

Starting with the failure itself, these charts reverse engineer the problem by using a top-down method to graphically represent the chain of events and individual elements involved. This makes them an invaluable tool for complex systems. 

Organizational chart

Organizational charts  are a type of flow diagram showing the structure, and ultimately, the hierarchy of an organization. This makes it easier to see teams, chains of command and who reports to whom.

what is a flowchart

Specification and description language (SDL) diagram

Named after the programming language, specification and description language flowcharts or diagrams are a type of chart used to show the structure of a software program. This description language diagram deploys symbols to represent different parts of the program, clarifying how real-time applications and systems operate. 

Now that you’re well on your way to becoming an aficionado, keep the following in mind when designing a process flow diagram or flowchart:

Choose the right type of flowchart

If you’ve been paying attention so far, you’ll know different types of flowcharts are used for different purposes. That’s why understanding which type of flow diagram is the best choice is vital when trying to effectively communicate a process or system to someone else.

For example, a data flow diagram is perfect for illustrating the movement of data between different parts of a computer system, whereas the PERT chart below is used to illustrate the sequence of tasks required to complete a project.

what is a flowchart

Knowing which type of flowchart to use can be helpful when trying to communicate a process or system to someone else. 

For more information, check out:  7 Types of Flowcharts and How to Choose the Right One

Keep things clear, simple and straightforward 

A flowchart’s purpose is to help viewers easily understand the process or workflow illustrated. But to do that, it has to communicate clearly.

That’s why it’s important to ensure every detail in your flowchart is clear: labels should be concise, the connections between different flowchart symbols should be clear and correct and any symbols should be easy to interpret. 

Design tip: when in doubt, choose the tried and true symbols outlined above. 

Stay organized

A great flowchart = a well-organized flowchart.

To arrange your elements effectively, group related steps together, and use indentation to indicate sequences or hierarchies. That way, readers can easily see which steps are subordinate to others.

Design tip: use different colors in your chart to identify respective responsibilities or paths.

Include all possible paths

For a flowchart to do its job, it needs to include all possible paths the process can take. That means including both the correct path  and  any potential offshoots or errors that could occur along the way. 

Use conditional (if/then) statements and decision boxes wherever necessary, like in the Sales Order Process chart below:

what is a flowchart

Use graphics sparingly

Graphics and illustrations are helpful in a flowchart, but too much can cause unnecessary distractions. Be intentional with your imagery, and choose a simple background.

Design tip: make sure any icons used make sense in your design. For example, the chart below only has a few steps, so icons are welcome. However, for complicated flowchart diagrams or those with many process steps (like the process chart above), it’s best to keep things minimal. 

Related: 7 Best Flowchart Software for 2023

tour guide flowchart example

Now that you know the basics, you’re all set to create flowchart diagrams yourself. 

Fear not! You don’t have to be a design whiz to produce one that looks great  and  gets the job done. With  Venngage’s Diagram Maker  and easy-to-edit library of professionally-designed templates, you can customize your own in minutes.

 Here’s how: 

  • Start by  signing up  for a free Venngage account.
  • Next, click on the “Flowcharts” tab on  Venngage’s template page  and  select a flowchart template that matches your use case.  Then, click the “Create” button on the template. 
  • It’s time to customize!  Swap in your desired text, icons and colors to make it your own. Then, use the drag-and-drop editor to map out the process with symbols and directional cues. 

FYI: many of our diagram templates are “Smart” — meaning you can add, edit, delete or drag nodes, texts and icons around in one click, and the nodes will automatically adjust to match. 

  • Once you’re happy with your design,  share the link publicly for free or  upgrade to a paid plan  to download . 

Upgrading gives you the ability to download your flowchart as a PNG, PNG HD, PDF, Interactive PDF or PowerPoint file. And with a Business Plan, you get access to other premium features like  real-time Team Collaboration , and  automated branding via My Brand Kit . 

Visually represent any process with flowcharts

There you have it: an introduction to flowcharts, plus a ton of flowchart examples and design tips to help you get a good grasp on this type of process mapping. Now you’re all set to truly go with the flow, yo!

And remember: with Venngage, it’s easy to jump right in and create your own detailed flowchart. Simply sign up for a free account, select a template and get into the flow.

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What is a flowchart? Examples, tips, and templates

tour guide flowchart example

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What is a flowchart.

Flowchart definition: A flowchart is a diagram that uses symbols and arrows to visualize a process.

A flowchart is a diagram that uses symbols and arrows to visualize a process. Flowcharts, also known as flow diagrams, are a handy way to design and document each step in a workflow and illustrate how they’re interconnected. Using a standardized set of symbols, including shapes and arrows, flowcharts make it possible to show complex processes using a shared visual language.

What are flowcharts used for?

Flowcharts were first used in the computing world in the 1940s. As Indiana University professor Nathan Ensmenger explains, “The idea was that an analyst would examine a problem, design an algorithmic solution, and outline that algorithm in the form of a flowchart diagram.”

But flowcharts don’t start and end with computer programming. Today, flowcharts are a useful tool for building and documenting virtually any process, be it simple or complex. They’re used in a wide variety of disciplines and fields, from software development to education to business operations and beyond.

What are the benefits of using flowcharts?

Flowcharts are a powerful tool for visualizing processes, and they offer several benefits that enhance communication, collaboration, and understanding in various contexts. Here are some ways in which using a flowchart can be beneficial:

Clarifies complex processes

Flowcharts break down complex procedures into more manageable, sequential steps. This visualization helps to simplify understanding by showing the flow from one step to another in a logical manner.

Enhances communication

By providing a visual representation of a process, flowcharts facilitate clearer communication among team members and stakeholders. They help ensure that everyone understands the process in the same way, reducing misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Identifies redundancies and inefficiencies

Flowcharts can help identify redundancies and inefficiencies within a process. By laying out each step visually, it becomes easier to see where delays, unnecessary steps, or bottlenecks occur, which can then be addressed to streamline the process.

Improves problem solving 

With a clear visual map of a process, it's easier to pinpoint where issues are occurring. Flowcharts enable problem solvers to focus on specific stages of a process where improvements are needed, facilitating more targeted and effective solutions.

Facilitates training and onboarding

For new employees or team members, flowcharts serve as an excellent training tool. They provide a quick overview of how processes work , which helps new hires understand their roles and responsibilities within the broader system more quickly and thoroughly.

Supports documentation and standardization

Flowcharts are useful for documenting processes for consistency and standardization. They ensure that everyone follows the same process steps , leading to consistent outputs and quality control.

Aids decision-making 

Decision points are clearly marked on flowcharts , showing where decisions need to be made and what the subsequent steps are based on these decisions. This clarity supports quicker and more informed decision-making within a team or organization.

Encourages collaboration 

By visualizing the process, team members can see how their work interconnects with others . This understanding can make the workplace more collaborative, as people understand their roles in the bigger process and work together better.

Supports continuous improvement

Flowcharts aren't static; they can be updated and modified as processes change and improve . This adaptability makes them an excellent tool for continuous improvement efforts within an organization.

Provides a tool for compliance and quality control

In industries where compliance with standards is crucial, flowcharts help ensure adherence to required processes . They can be used as a part of quality control systems to help maintain high standards.

Demystifying flowchart symbols

At first glance, flowcharts and diagrams can look overwhelming. What do all the different shapes mean? But when we take some time to understand flowchart symbols’ meanings, they start to tell a visual story. They indicate when a process starts, the logic that makes it progress, and when it comes to an end.

Basic flowchart symbols

Let’s start with the basics. These are the five symbols you’ll most commonly find in a simple flowchart.

  • ‍ Terminator, Start/End : Every process has a start and an end point. Use the oval shape to identify both moments. ‍
  • Action, process : The rectangle shape is used for actions or instructions, the things that must be done. ‍
  • Decision : The diamond shape indicates a step in the process that asks a question or requires a decision. ‍
  • Connector : Use a circle when leaping from one action to another. ‍
  • Flowline : Flowlines indicate the directional flow of the process and point to the next step. ‍

Other common flowchart symbols ‍

You can create most simple flowcharts using just five symbols — but you’re not limited to those shapes.

Different types of flowcharts also rely on different symbols. For example, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagrams use icons, while Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams use a much more complex notation system.

Some visual collaborators prefer to use less abstracted images to represent specific aspects of a workflow. For example, an app developer might use an image of a bug to represent all the QA steps in launching a new feature. Play around with your flowchart’s arrows, shapes, and symbols to find what works best for you.

tour guide flowchart example

Whatever visual language you use, make sure to be consistent so that the idea or process you are mapping is easily understood.

How to make a flowchart

For almost as long as we’ve had computers, we’ve had flowchart creation software. For serious diagrammers, like the folks mapping out computer algorithms, there are dedicated tools specifically for creating complex flowcharts. However, most people don’t need something quite so robust. In fact, you probably already use a tool that offers flowcharting capabilities — for example, Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, or Google Slides.

Unfortunately, these types of flowchart software have some limitations. Most flowchart makers are designed to be extremely linear, making it difficult to adjust and iterate on the fly. They also limit your team’s ability to collaborate on diagramming in real time. Instead, you’re left playing diagramming ping-pong with your teammates. This back-and-forth can cost you valuable time and prevent you from coming to solutions quickly as a cohesive team.

If you need a flowchart maker that allows you to collaborate — especially with a remote or distributed team — you need a visual collaboration platform.

Visual collaboration platforms are especially useful when you’re in the early stages of designing a flowchart. You’ll have more flexibility with a dynamic flowchart creator that makes it easy to drag and drop symbols and quickly connect the dots — and to do it collaboratively.

7 flowchart examples and templates to get you started

Possibilities for mapping and diagramming with flowcharts are endless. They can be used for something as simple as documenting a linear process, or as complex as describing a computer algorithm. So, how do you know which type of flowchart to create?

It all depends on your goal. Do you need to document a process for new employees? Understand everyone’s roles in a cross-functional project? Visualize the flow of data? There are specific types of flowcharts designed to do each of those jobs — and we’ve rounded up five of the most common for you here.

Rather than starting from scratch, use a template to jumpstart your diagramming process. For each type of flowchart, we built an easy-to-use template based on insights from consultants, product teams, project managers — the people who do this every day.

1. Workflow Diagram template

Use a workflow diagram (also called a workflow flowchart) to visualize all the actions and steps needed to complete a project or process.

An image of the Mural Workflow Diagram template

➡️ Get the Workflow Diagram template

2. Process Flowchart template

Use a process flowchart (also called a business process flow or process flow diagram) to visualize all the steps and inputs of a business process to identify opportunities for improvement.

An image of the Mural Process Flowchart template

➡️ Get the Process Flowchart template

3. Data Flow Diagram template

Use a data flow diagram (DFD) to visualize and annotate how data flows within an information system or process.

An image of the Mural Data Flow Diagram template

➡️ Get the Data Flow Diagram template

4. Swimlane Flowchart template

Use a swimlane flowchart, or swimlane diagram, to visualize roles and responsibilities for important projects so that no one feels underwater.

An image of the Mural Swimlane Diagram template

➡️ Get the Swimlane Flowchart template

5. Business Process Modeling Diagram (BPMN) template

Diagram step-by-step actions and inputs in a business process.

An image of the Mural Business Process Modeling Diagram template

➡️ Get the Business Process Modeling Diagram (BPMN) template

6. Schematic Diagramming template

A schematic diagram is best used when you need to show the parts of a system or circuit clearly and simply. It shows how the parts connect and work together without showing how they are laid out in a physical way.

An image of the Mural Schematic Diagramming template

➡️ Get the Schematic Diagram template

7. Stakeholder Mapping template

A stakeholder map diagram is used to visually organize and analyze the relationships, influence, and interests of stakeholders in a project, helping to strategize communication and engagement throughout the project lifecycle.

An image of the Mural Stakeholder Mapping template

➡️ Get the Stakeholder Mapping template

When to use a flowchart

Flowcharts are versatile tools that can be used in various scenarios to organize information, clarify processes, and identify inefficiencies. Here’s a more detailed look at some common use cases for flowcharts:

Documenting a Process

When new employees join a company or when a team is updating its procedures, a flowchart can serve as a visual reference that outlines each step in a business process. This helps ensure everyone understands the workflow and their roles within it.

Identifying potential breakdowns and bottlenecks in a process

Flowcharts can highlight areas where processes slow down or where errors frequently occur. This visualization helps managers and team members anticipate problems and implement preventive measures before issues become more severe.

Visualizing dependencies in a process

In complex projects, understanding how different tasks are interconnected can help in planning and resource allocation. A flowchart can show the sequence of actions and dependencies, ensuring that prerequisites are completed before subsequent steps begin.

Automating a manual process

By mapping out the steps of a manual process, a flowchart can help identify which parts can be automated . This is particularly useful in reducing repetitive tasks and improving efficiency in operations.

Visualizing the flow of data

In IT and data management, flowcharts are essential for illustrating how data moves through systems . This can be crucial for troubleshooting issues, enhancing systems, or complying with data protection regulations.

Planning a project

Project managers use flowcharts to outline the phases of a project and the critical milestones . This helps in communicating the project plan to team members and stakeholders, ensuring a clear understanding of project timelines and deliverables.

Identifying the right person to own a task or project

A flowchart can help clarify roles and responsibilities within a team by mapping who's responsible for each step in a process. This is particularly useful in complex projects where multiple teams or departments are involved.

Troubleshooting technical issues

In technical support and engineering, flowcharts are used to diagnose problems and determine solutions . By following the paths laid out in a flowchart, technicians can systematically identify the source of a problem and the steps needed to resolve it.

Making a decision that involves multiple variables

Decision-making flowcharts help in situations where choices depend on multiple factors . By following different branches based on varying conditions, decision-makers can see potential outcomes and make informed choices.

Collaborative diagramming made easy with Mural

Anyone can visualize diagrams, flows, processes, and more in Mural to generate great ideas, structure complex processes, and optimize user experiences. Work at the speed of thought alongside teammates, clients, or customers.

Sign up for a Free, Forever account today and see how flowcharts can enhance collaboration, improve your processes, and make communication more effective and efficient.

Shauna Ward

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Flowchart templates

Flowcharts are useful whenever you need to map out a new process or reassess existing ones. Using a flowchart helps you visualize each step. It's not just for engineers, a flowchart can also help you in managing projects across every industry.


UI Flowchart Template

Works best for:.

UI, UX, UX Design, Design, Product Design

Our UI Flowchart Template unlocks the potential of seamless design collaboration. Map user flows and product interactions, providing a structured canvas to articulate the intricate journey of users through your digital interface. One key benefit of this template is its ability to facilitate real-time collaboration, ensuring everyone is on the same page and fostering a shared understanding of design decisions. Elevate your design game, enhance collaboration, and bring clarity to your projects with our UI Flowchart Template.


Product Development Flowchart Template

Product Development

Improve your product development process with the product development flowchart template. The template offers a shared space where team members can provide real time input and feedback as they engage in the various stages of product creation. This collaborative feature ensures that everyone involved is on the same page, reducing the likelihood of miscommunication and enhancing overall project efficiency. By centralizing insights and ideas within the flowchart, teams can collectively shape and refine the product development process, leading to a more cohesive and successful outcome.


Yes No Flowchart Template


The Yes-No Flowchart Template is a simple and efficient tool that helps to simplify complex decision-making processes into clear and easy-to-follow steps. This template uses standard shapes to illustrate processes, decisions, and outcomes, with arrows that guide users from one action point to the next based on binary 'yes' or 'no' decisions. Its most prominent benefit is its ability to bring clarity to decision-making. By presenting processes visually, teams can effortlessly understand and navigate complex scenarios, ensuring that each step is transparent and reducing the potential for misunderstandings or missteps.


Headcount Approval Process Flowchart

Flowcharts, Mapping, Diagrams

The Headcount Approval Process Flowchart template offers a visual framework for illustrating the steps and stages involved in the headcount approval process within an organization. It provides a structured framework for documenting approval workflows, roles, and decision points. This template enables HR professionals and managers to streamline the headcount approval process, ensure compliance, and improve transparency and accountability. By promoting clarity and efficiency, the Headcount Approval Process Flowchart empowers organizations to manage their workforce effectively and make informed staffing decisions.


Algorithm Flowchart Template

The Algorithm Flowchart Template is a useful tool for simplifying the process of creating and understanding complex algorithms. Its pre-structured format makes it easy to lay out each operation and decision point in a clear and easily understandable visual format. This is particularly helpful for explaining intricate processes to team members who may not be as technically proficient in the subject matter. With each step clearly defined within its designated shape, the flowchart promotes clarity and makes it easy to identify the logical flow at a glance. This clarity is the template's most significant advantage, reducing cognitive load and enabling a more inclusive and straightforward approach to discussing and refining algorithmic solutions.


Current State vs. Future State Flowchart Template

The Current State vs Future State Flowchart Template is an essential tool for strategic planning, providing teams with a dynamic and visual roadmap for organizational transformation. One of its key benefits is streamlining collaboration by using swimlanes to allocate tasks to specific departments. This feature promotes accountability and transparent communication, ensuring everyone is aligned on their responsibilities. As a result, teams can navigate complex processes with ease, fostering a shared understanding of the current and future states, ultimately leading to efficient and collaborative decision-making.


Troubleshooting Flowchart Template

Diagramming , Flowcharts

The Troubleshooting Flowchart Template is an easy-to-use and versatile tool that simplifies problem-solving. It provides a step-by-step visual guide to identify, analyze, and fix issues, ensuring a clear and structured approach to troubleshooting. One of the key benefits of utilizing this template is that it helps improve communication among team members. By representing the troubleshooting steps visually, it simplifies complex processes and makes it easier for team members to understand, collaborate, and contribute efficiently.

Flowchart Thumbnail

Flowchart Template

Trying to explain a process or workflow to your team — or just wrap your head around it yourself? Sometimes the best way is to see it, and that’s when you create a flowchart. Using common shapes (generally just ovals, rectangles, diamonds, and arrows), a flowchart shows you the direction a process or workflow goes and the order of steps. Beyond giving you a clear understanding, you’ll also be able to see potential flaws and bottlenecks, which helps you refine and improve your process and create a better product more efficiently.

Cross-Functional Flowchart Thumbnail

Cross Functional Flowchart

Org Charts, Business Management

Have a quick look at everyone on a project and see exactly what they’ll contribute. That’s the clarity and transparency a cross-functional flowchart will give you. These are also called “swim lane” flowcharts because each person (each customer, client, or representative from a specific function) is assigned a lane—a clear line—that will help you visualize their roles at each stage of the project. This template will empower you to streamline processes, reduce inefficiencies, and make meaningful cross-functional relationships.


Design Process Flowchart Template

Flowchart, Diagramming

The Design Process Flowchart Template is an excellent tool to navigate the complexities of a design project. It offers a clear and organized visual representation of each step in the design journey, making it easier to understand and follow. One of its key benefits is that it enhances team collaboration. By providing a visual outline of the design process, the template fosters a shared understanding among team members, regardless of their individual roles or expertise. This common visual framework enables more efficient communication, aligning everyone's efforts toward a unified goal. As a result, it not only streamlines the workflow but also encourages collective creativity and innovation, which are essential elements in any successful design project.


Production Flowchart Template

The Production Flowchart Template is a well-crafted tool that clearly represents a production process from start to finish. It breaks down complex procedures into easy-to-understand segments, making it easier for stakeholders to grasp the entire process. One of the key benefits of using this template is that it helps to clarify complex production pathways. By mapping out operations visually, teams can identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies, facilitating timely and well-informed decision-making.


If then Flowchart Template

The If-then Flowchart Template is a useful tool for decision-making. It visually maps out conditional steps and outcomes, allowing users to anticipate potential challenges and opportunities. This foresight is valuable for making informed decisions, especially for those with significant implications. Whether for business strategy, project management, or personal decision-making, the template helps navigate complex decision trees with confidence.


Cross Functional (Swimlane) Chart

The Cross Functional (Swimlane) Chart template offers a visual tool for mapping out processes or workflows with multiple stakeholders or functional areas. It provides swimlanes for organizing tasks and responsibilities by department or role. This template enables teams to visualize process flows, identify handoffs, and improve coordination and collaboration across functions. By promoting transparency and accountability, the Cross Functional (Swimlane) Chart empowers organizations to streamline workflows and drive cross-functional alignment effectively.


Cross-Functional Flowchart by Hiro Studio

Flowcharts, Flows

The Cross Functional Flowchart template is a visual tool for illustrating the sequence of steps and interactions between different departments or functional areas within an organization. It provides a structured framework for mapping out processes, identifying handoffs, and improving communication and collaboration. This template enables teams to visualize end-to-end processes, identify bottlenecks, and streamline workflows across functions. By promoting transparency and alignment, the Cross-Functional Flowchart empowers organizations to optimize processes and drive cross-functional collaboration effectively.


AHA! Moment Flowchart

Mapping, Flowcharts

The AHA! Moment Flowchart template offers a visual tool for mapping out the journey of users or customers and identifying key moments of realization or insight (AHA moments). It provides a structured framework for documenting user interactions, emotions, and pain points throughout their journey. This template enables teams to understand user experiences, identify opportunities for improvement, and enhance product or service offerings. By promoting empathy and customer-centric design, the AHA! Moment Flowchart empowers organizations to create meaningful and impactful user experiences effectively.


Swim Lane Diagram with Data

Flowchart, Mapping, Diagrams

The Swim Lane Diagram with Data template is a visual tool for illustrating processes or workflows with swimlanes that contain additional data or information. It provides elements for documenting process steps, timelines, and performance metrics within each swimlane. This template enables teams to analyze process efficiency, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions for process improvement. By combining visual clarity with data insights, the Swim Lane Diagram with Data empowers organizations to optimize workflows and drive continuous improvement effectively.


ICOR® Workflows

Flowcharts, Diagrams, Mapping

The ICOR® Workflows template offers a visual framework for documenting and optimizing business processes according to the ICOR® (Input, Control, Output, Resources) methodology. It provides elements for defining process inputs, controls, outputs, and resource requirements. This template enables organizations to streamline operations, enhance quality management, and achieve process excellence. By promoting systematic process documentation and analysis, the ICOR® Workflows template empowers organizations to optimize efficiency, minimize risks, and deliver value to stakeholders effectively.


Project Management Flow Chart

The Project Management Flow Chart template offers a visual tool for planning and managing projects using flowchart diagrams. It provides elements for mapping out project phases, tasks, dependencies, and timelines. This template enables project managers and teams to visualize project workflows, identify critical paths, and track progress effectively. By promoting clarity and transparency, the Project Management Flow Chart empowers organizations to deliver projects on time, within budget, and according to specifications.


GenAI Application Workflow

The GenAI Application Workflow template is a visual tool for mapping out the workflow of applications developed using GenAI. It provides elements for defining process steps, decision points, and data flows within the application. This template enables developers and project teams to visualize the application workflow, identify potential bottlenecks, and optimize the user experience. By promoting clarity and efficiency in application development, the GenAI Application Workflow empowers teams to deliver innovative and user-friendly applications effectively.


Salesforce Flow Builder

The Salesforce Flow Builder template offers a visual tool for designing and automating business processes within the Salesforce platform. It provides elements for creating flowcharts that represent process flows, decision logic, and data transformations. This template enables Salesforce administrators and developers to streamline workflows, improve productivity, and enhance user experiences. By promoting automation and efficiency in Salesforce process design, the Salesforce Flow Builder empowers organizations to leverage the full potential of the Salesforce platform and drive business success effectively.

Join thousands of teams collaborating and doing their best work on Miro.

About the Flowchart Template Collection

Flowcharts are essential tools for visualizing processes, workflows, and systems. They help break down complex procedures into manageable steps, making it easier to understand and communicate intricate details. Miro's flowchart templates are designed to cater to various needs, from simple process mapping to more complex cross-functional workflows. These templates are adaptable and can be used across different industries and departments, including project management, software development, and business analysis.

Why you'll love our flowchart templates

Ease of use : Miro's intuitive interface allows users to create detailed flowcharts without any prior design experience. The platform's user-friendly tools make the process straightforward and accessible.

Customization options : Miro's flowchart templates are highly customizable. Users can adjust shapes, colors, and connectors to fit their specific needs, ensuring that the flowchart accurately represents their process.

Collaboration features : Miro supports real-time collaboration, allowing team members to work together on flowcharts simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for remote teams, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

Integration Capabilities: Miro integrates seamlessly with other tools such as Jira, Confluence, and Slack. This makes it easier to incorporate flowcharts into existing workflows, enhancing overall productivity.

Template variety : Miro offers a wide range of flowchart templates, including cross-functional flowcharts, algorithm flowcharts, and production flowcharts. This variety ensures that users can find a template that suits their specific requirements.

Advanced diagramming capabilities : Miro's advanced diagramming features include tags, smart containers, auto-layout, and layers. These capabilities allow users to create complex and detailed diagrams efficiently. The platform also supports the use of highly customizable shapes, sizes, colors, attachment points, and metadata.

Miro AI : Miro AI improves the diagramming experience by quickly turning natural language descriptions into tailored UML (Unified Modeling Language), ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagrams), or process flow diagrams. This feature removes the hassle of searching for the right template and jumpstarting projects. Miro AI also includes smart drawing tools and auto-layout features to organize diagrams neatly.

Feedback and iteration : Miro's comment and voting features enable team members to provide input and suggest changes, ensuring continuous improvement and that the flowchart evolves with project needs.

By leveraging these benefits, users can effectively utilize Miro's flowchart templates to streamline processes, improve communication, and enhance collaboration within their teams.

How to use the flowchart templates in Miro

Select a template : Start by browsing through our collection of flowchart templates. Choose the one that best fits your needs. You can find templates for different purposes, such as website flowcharts, cross-functional flowcharts, and more.

Customize your flowchart : Once you've selected a template, you can start customizing it. Add or remove shapes, change colors, and adjust connectors to match your process. Miro's user-friendly interface makes this step straightforward.

Collaborate with your team : Invite team members to collaborate on the flowchart. They can add comments, make edits, and provide feedback in real time, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Integrate with other tools : Use Miro's integration capabilities to connect your flowchart with other tools you use. This can help streamline your workflow and ensure that your flowchart is part of a larger process.

By following these steps, you can effectively use Miro's flowchart templates to streamline your processes, improve communication, and improve collaboration within your team.

Home Blog Business Complete Guide on How to Make a Flowchart (Examples + Templates)

Complete Guide on How to Make a Flowchart (Examples + Templates)

Complete Guide on How to Make a Flowchart (Examples + Templates)

Designing and documentation is a process that entails mapping out the different steps from start to the very end. A single mistake in such a case can result in the entire system breaking down, resulting in a major loss of time, money, capital equipment, and might even threaten the safety of the manpower employed to carry out the process. Therefore, flowcharts are constructed to design and document such procedures. Let us show you the best ways to construct a flowchart, with FAQs, examples, design tips, and suggested PowerPoint flowchart templates.

Try our free flowchart maker to evaluate our templates and products.

What is a Flowchart?

A flowchart is a diagram used for representing workflow, programs, processes, and for representing algorithms. To make a flowchart, you have to go through various steps and ensure strict adherence to how each step is presented visually.

Typically, flowcharts follow a strict rule regarding the type of symbols used for representing each step. These symbols have specific meanings, representing the start, process, connectors, input, output, end, etc. These symbols are represented using different shapes such as a circle, diamond, oval, arrow, and the like.

Is it Flow Chart or Flowchart?

The term flowchart or flow chart are both used for diagrams that depict processes, workflow, programs, and computer algorithms using a set of symbols that have pre-defined functions. This diagrammatic representation is also known by other terms such as a flow sheet, flow diagram, workflow diagram, and business flow diagram.

Example of a simple Flowchart diagram in PowerPoint

Brief History of Flowcharts

The use of flowcharts to document processes can be traced back to the early 1920s. Flowcharts were the brainchild of American engineers Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. During 1921, both Frank and Lillian introduced the concept to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), as flow process chart . These tools soon found their way to the curricula of industrial engineering and was used by other engineers. One such individual was Allan H. Mogensen, who during the 1930s, began training business people using the same tools. Similarly, Mogensen’s student, Art Spinanger, used the concept at Procter and Gamble to develop the ‘Deliberate Methods Change Program’.

What caught the attention of people from across different industries was the simplicity of using a flowchart. Even today, flowcharts are deemed as diagrams used for documenting and representing simple processes. In recent years, flowcharts have evolved into other forms including Unified Modeling Language (UML) activity and Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) diagrams.

What is the Purpose of a Flowchart?

Flowcharts are used for the documentation, design, and depiction of a process, program, or algorithm. Flowcharts help map the aforementioned, with a visual map of the flow, and control of resources. Flowcharts are used to communicate processes in various fields. A presentation flowchart can be used as a tool to break down information and clearly explain it to an audience, making it easy to understand and follow. The purpose and fields across which flowcharts are used are explained in detail below.

Different Types of Flowcharts

Different types of flowcharts can be divided into four broad categories. These include:

  • Document flow charts
  • System flow
  • Program flow charts.

There are also other types of flow chart categories, such as swim lane, EPC, workflow, SDL, DFD diagram, etc. 

While flowcharts have been defined differently by various authors, the four broad categories that define flowcharts according to Alan B. Sterneckert in his book ‘Critical Incident Management’ in 2003 include the following:

1. Document Flowchart:

A document flowchart shows controls over document flow through a system. Such a chart is constructed from left to right, showing the flow of documents across business units.

2. Data Flow Chart:

Such a flowchart is primarily used to show the channels through which data is transmitted rather than the flow of controls.

3. System Flowchart:

A system flowchart shows the physical or resource level controls. This type of chart displays the flow of data within a system and the decisions made to control events.

4. Program Flowchart:

As the name suggests, this type of flowchart shows the controls in a program used in a system.

Flowchart Symbols — Meaning of the Different Symbols in Flowcharts

Every flowchart symbol has a pre-defined meaning. Using these symbols in the right order at the correct part of the chart is essential to accurately depict the flowchart. Below is a list of common symbols used in a flowchart.

Terminal Symbol

A terminal is an oval or rounded rectangle shape used at the beginning and end of a flowchart. Terminals come with a word like ‘Start’ or ‘End’ to indicate the beginning or conclusion of a process. A terminal (a.k.a. Terminator symbol) might also come with a phrase, such as ‘Receive Product’ to explain the phase of the process. Sometimes it is also displayed as ‘Start’ or ‘Stop’.

Terminal Symbol in Flowchart

Flowline Symbol

A flowline shows the flow represented by various symbols by connecting one symbol to another via a line. If the process is not standard, arrowheads are added to flowlines. This might be the case when the flow is not in a standard format such as top to bottom or left to right.

Flowline Symbol in Flowchart - Example how to use it

Process Symbol

This is a rectangle shape used for representing a set of operations with a change of form, location, data, value, etc. It is the action step or process represented in the flowchart.

Example of Process Symbol in Flowchart

Predefined Process Symbol

This symbol has a rectangle shape with vertical edges on both sides and indicates a subroutine or predefined process in the chart.

Predefined Process Symbol in Flowchart

Decision Symbol

Represented with a diamond shape, the decision symbol in a flowchart comes with a yes or no or true or false question/test, determining the path of the program.

Decision Symbol in Flowchart

Input/Output Symbol

As the name implies, the rhomboid input/output symbols indicate inputting or outputting of data.

Input and Output Symbol in Flowchart (Example)

On-page Connector Symbol

Represented with a small circle, the on-page connector uses letters inside the shape to show where the adjoining connector is present.

tour guide flowchart example

Off-page Connector Symbol

Represented as a home plate like a pentagon, the off-page connector indicates that the target is on another page.

Annotation Symbol

This open rectangle shape indicates additional information about a step in the flowchart.

tour guide flowchart example

Data File or Database Symbol

This cylinder shape represents a disk drive.

tour guide flowchart example

Document Symbol

The document symbol represents one or more documents. For single documents, a single wavy rectangle is used, whereas a stacked wavy rectangle shape represents multiple documents.

tour guide flowchart example

Manual Operation Symbol

The trapezoid symbol in a flowchart represents an operation or process adjustment that needs to be made manually.

tour guide flowchart example

Preparation or Initialization Symbol

This elongated hexagon symbol is used when initializing a routine or setting a switch.

tour guide flowchart example

How to Make a Flowchart?

You can construct a professional-looking flowchart by following the five basic steps mentioned below.

Step 1. Determine the Purpose of the Flowchart

Before you start constructing your flowchart, you should have clarity regarding its purpose and gather information. Is the chart supposed to help employees understand or execute a process, determine the workflow, facilitate an operation or routine task or show the various steps for executing a program or algorithm?

Step 2:  Pick a Flowchart Design and Template

Depending upon your needs, you can pick different flow chart templates across various platforms. For example, to create a PowerPoint flowchart for a presentation, you can pick a template from our suggested PowerPoint templates mentioned in the section below.

The flow chart templates by SlideModel can be edited in Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides, but then you can reuse them in any other presentation or word processing tool such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. By using copy & paste, you can insert the flow chart design into another document.

Step 3: Make a Flowchart According to the Correct Symbols

Sometimes, flow charts are also constructed using various images and icons that do not correspond to the standard flowchart format. For example, ‘how a bill becomes a law flowchart’ might contain icons and symbols related to the judiciary, the parliament, or other icons that might appear eye-catching for making a flowchart infographic. However, the standard format is to use the symbols in the correct order, such as using the standard symbols to show the start, process, decision, connectors, etc.

Step 4: Ensure Your Flowchart is Properly Labeled and Connected

Using the right symbols, with the required terms is necessary to ensure that the flowchart can be read and understood correctly. This is vital for processes to be executed and understood properly. Even a slight error in constructing a flowchart used for a process or program can at times have dire consequences. Resulting in the loss of time, money, equipment and affecting manpower. If you use a Flowchart maker, typically the flowchart tool provides text placeholders. It is essential to replace the default labels by the actual text to use.

Step 5. Stylize Your Flowchart

To make the flowchart easy to understand and eye-catching, you can add colors, text, and icons in a manner that it appears visually pleasing, without compromising on the standardization of the chart. You can use color coding for symbols, as well as different font styles and stylish versions of flowchart icons to make your chart easy on the eyes.

Flowchart Example: How a Bill becomes a Law Flowchart

How a bill becomes a law flowchart shown below maps the process from the draft bill to the stage when the law is enacted.

How to create a Flowchart in PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is the go-to presentation software for many business professionals, educators, and students. Despite there are flowchart tools that are very specific to create “flowcharts”, PowerPoint can also be used to create beautiful eye-catching Flowcharts.

How to insert a flowchart into a PowerPoint slide? The built-in shapes catalog in PowerPoint includes several flowchart symbols and elements that you can use to insert a flowchart. Then, applying styles you can produce some high-quality flow charts to use in presentations.

To insert a flowchart symbol in PowerPoint, go to Insert -> Shape button and locate the symbol in the Flowchart section, as shown in the screenshot below.

How to design a flowchart diagram in PowerPoint using Shapes

How Does Flowchart Programming Work?

Flowcharts programming can be quite different from charts used for business, sales, and marketing, or a manufacturing process. The video below shows how a flowchart for computer programming or algorithms is constructed.

How Flowcharts are Used Across Different Fields?

Flowcharts are used across different fields and purposes, ranging from manufacturing, engineering, education, sales and marketing, to information technology, audit management planning, etc.

1. General Purpose Flowcharts

The general purpose of flowcharts across different fields can include the following:

  • Documenting a process which can be later used for analysis and trainings.
  • Analyzing a process to identify and eliminate redundant parts to make it more efficient.
  • Standardization of a process for quality control purposes.
  • Communicating a process during a training to orient the staff regarding how the process should be carried out.

Example: A process flowchart or data flowchart are a few examples of the type of flowchart uses mentioned above.

2. Flowcharts in Manufacturing and Engineering

In manufacturing and engineering, a flowchart can be used to document, analyze, standardize, or communicate a process. The flowchart can appear as an instructional diagram where set procedures need to be followed to ensure smooth manufacturing of products, quality, prevention of hazards, and to document the process itself.

Example: The most common types of flowcharts used in manufacturing and engineering include process flowcharts, workflow chart, data and swimlane flowchart.

3. Flowcharts in Computer Algorithms and Programming

Flowcharts are commonly used for computer algorithms and programming for the following purposes:

  • To show how the code is organized.
  • To Visually represent the way a code or program needs to be executed.
  • To show the structure of a frontend, website or app.
  • To show how the end user experience regarding a GUI for a website, operating system or program works.

Examples: A few examples of flowcharts used for the aforementioned purpose include Unified Modeling Language (UML), Nassi-Shneiderman Diagrams and DRAKON charts.

4. Flowcharts in Education

A flowchart might be used for educational purposes, such as to teach a process to students or during staff training. There are different ways how this can be done such as:

  • For creating lessons for a presentation.
  • When making infographics or other types of designs in order to show the flow of data or to teach a process.
  • When showing a legal or civil process such as registration of identity documents or voters.
  • When explaining a scientific process.
  • When mapping out the outbreak of a disease or effects of a natural disaster.
  • For Communicating theories and hypotheses.
  • To teach a business process.
  • To teach the use of a program, system or computer algorithm.

Examples: A data flowchart, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) model, data flow and Cross-Functional flowchart are a few of the many flowchart types that can be used for educational purposes.

5. Flowcharts in Sales and Marketing

Flowcharts used in sales and marketing are important for mapping out the target market, sales, flow of communication and to understand what impact such information might have on the broader marketing or sales strategy. Flowcharts used in sales and marketing might serve the following purposes:

  • To view the flow of the sales process.
  • To view the flow of customer feedback.
  • To plan and execute a research or marketing strategy.
  • To show the flow of information to reach the target audience.

Examples: A process, data or swimlane flowchart might be suitably used for sales and marketing purposes.

As an alternative source for flowcharts you can check Visme .

Flowchart Examples and PowerPoint Templates

Below is a list of flowchart examples and PowerPoint templates that you can use to create and showcase different types of flowcharts to present before an audience.

Business Process Flowchart

This Business Process Flowchart template is meant for making presentations where you need to construct a flowchart to explain how a business process works, such as by depicting a top-down illustration.

A few examples of business processes that can be created using this template includes a product development process, payroll process, procurement process, advertising process, sales and marketing process, etc.

Swim Lane Flowchart

A Swim Lane flowchart distinguishes responsibilities and job sharing for sub-processes for a business process. This presentation template can be a good resource for making swim lane illustrations by using sample flow chart slides with editable symbols and flowlines.

Example of flowchart diagram in PowerPoint

Manufacturing Process Flowchart

In order to show a manufacturing process, you can use this template for creating an illustration that can help show the entire manufacturing mechanism in a step-by-step manner. The PowerPoint template provides terminal, process, decision and other useful symbols. You can also add or remove symbols by editing the original slide layouts.

Construction Flowchart

With a blueprint like layout, this construction themed flowchart template for PowerPoint gives clipart for symbols and sample flowchart slides to help you create construction related illustrations.

Contingency Plan Flowchart

Businesses require a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned or an unforeseen event hampers business continuity. This Contingency Plan Flowchart Template for PowerPoint is meant to design such plans in the form of flowcharts.

Customer Journey Flowchart

Mapping the customer journey is a common practice among businesses to identify how a customer ends up buying their product. To map this journey, you can use the help of flowcharts by mapping out the entire process using this simple template. The template is meant for showcasing the most basic factors leading up to the purchase of a product by a customer.

Example of Customer Journey Flow chart diagram

Product Flowchart

This is an unconventional flowchart template with a two column design that you can further edit to add symbols and flowlines to construct a product flow chart.

Product Flowchart PowerPoint example

Yes/No Flowchart Template

Yes/No Flowchart designs can help to visualize different paths based on a Yes and No decision. Yes/No Flowcharts are sometimes known as dichotomous keys and are represented with a decision tree graphic.

Yes/No Flowchart Example in PowerPoint

Final Words

A flowchart is of immense importance to document, explain, and execute process, programs, and workflow. The use of the flowchart has evolved over the years and is likely to continue changing in the wake of new processes and technology being introduced at an accelerated pace on a global scale. However, it is important to construct flow charts accurately, according to the need of the end users.

A minor mistake in the chart can result in a major issue due to the incorrect depiction of a step. At the same time, it is also important that such a chart is explained and properly understood for the correct implementation of the flow depicted in the chart.

1. Flat Business Process Flowchart for PowerPoint

tour guide flowchart example

Use This Template

2. Swim Lane Diagram for PowerPoint

tour guide flowchart example

3. Process Flow Diagram for PowerPoint

tour guide flowchart example

4. Blueprint Flowchart PowerPoint Diagram

tour guide flowchart example

5. Contingency Plan PowerPoint Template

tour guide flowchart example

6. Customer Journey PowerPoint Template

tour guide flowchart example

7. 2-Column Product Flow Diagram for PowerPoint

tour guide flowchart example

8. Multi-Level Segmentation Tree Diagram for PowerPoint

tour guide flowchart example

A decision tree presentation template design that can be used to represent a Yes/No flowchart.

9. Simple Flowchart Template for PowerPoint

tour guide flowchart example

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Business Diagrams, Diagram Templates, Flow Chart, Workflow Filed under Business

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tour guide flowchart example

Travel Flowcharts Templates

Help Visualize the Management's Protocols and Processes of Every Travel Planning and Booking to Guide Travel Agents and Staff Members Once a Customer Plans to Avail of the Tour, Vacation, or Flight Services. Each Template Comes with Its Own Unique Content That Is Suited to Your Agency's Needs. Download’s Free Travel Flowchart Templates Today!

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Travel Flowchart Template

  • Travel Agency Templates
  • Travel Agency Flyer
  • Travel Agency Invoice
  • Travel Agency Letterhead
  • Travel Banner
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  • Travel Checklist
  • Travel FlowChart
  • Travel Flyer
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  • Travel Organizational Chart
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Making your travel plan worry-free and memorable is the best thing that could ever happen in your entire life. You don't have to be anxious thinking about your hotel and flight bookings. You don't even have to feel bothered about the costs and itinerary . Traveling with no regrets can make you come back for more. Hence, make your traveling experience outstanding by planning and organizing it so well to embrace life's sanity and free from any tension. What you need is a travel flowchart that will help you systematize your travel plans making it successful. Our ready-made Travel Flowchart Template is well-created by our professional team to give you an enjoyable traveling experience. It's nailed with original suggestive headings & content. Plus, it's 100% customizable, printable, and downloadable. It's also available in Google Docs , Excel , MS Word , and Apple Pages . And for more business deals, you can subscribe to our website.

What is a Travel Flowchart?

A travel flowchart is a diagram that shows a step by step process for traveling. Travel agencies and travelers commonly use it as their ultimate guide making the traveling experience fun and regretless. So, if you're excited to establish a travel agency business or even traveling as an individual, you can start creating a travel flowchart to give you a convenient traveling exposure.

How to Create an Excellent Travel Flowchart

Crafting a flowchart layout or an organizational chart might not be easy, but we provided you steps and tips to make it easier for you to create one. These steps are well-researched and well-written by our professional team to give you convenience and to avoid consuming your time. You can start by merely following step one through step five:

1. Research and Inquire

Let your curiosity show up. You can start by calling a travel agency that you can reach. Ask regarding their flowchart for you to have an idea about the process. Or you can ask someone who has experience in traveling just to get the scope of information that you need. You may also check the internet to give you massive details about traveling.

2. Experience is the Best Teacher

Here's an alternative way to get the kind of information you need. You expose yourself as a traveler. You read it right! It's one of the most common methods of catching data. You may avail of the services offered by travel agencies, or you may apply the do-it-yourself way. Then, lists the process or the steps that you have involved for you to start a basic chart . Now, isn't this helpful?

3. Draft it Up

After you've got all the essential information that you need from your research and participation, recall the process and organize it according to its order. Draw a chart of it. You can use a scratch paper or any material you can use so that you can create a sample draft of your flowchart.

4. Craft Your Layout

Now, it's time to use a digital tool where you can produce your travel flowcharts layouts, such as MS Word, Apple Pages, or MS Publisher. They have unique features and tools you can use to help you form a fantastic editable chart . You can use shapes or draw them using these editing tools to design a diagram.

5. Save and Print

When you have completed furnishing your diagram, save your work to make sure you can still use it in the future. Or you can save it on websites , such as google drive or yahoo mail for you to secure a copy. And if you want it exposed in your room or at the office, you can print it. Just make sure to use a durable paper to make your flowchart can last longer.

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Flowchart for a Travel Booking System

Flowchart for a Travel Booking System

The  Travel Booking  System flowchart outlines the steps involved in booking a trip through an online  travel booking system . The process begins with choosing a destination, which involves browsing through a list of available destinations and selecting the one that the traveler wishes to visit.

Once the destination has been selected, the next step is to choose the date and time of the trip. This involves selecting the dates on which the traveler wishes to depart and return, as well as the specific times of departure and arrival.

After the date and time have been selected, the traveler must enter their  passenger information , which includes their name,  contact information , and any special requests or requirements they may have.

Once the passenger information has been entered, the traveler must confirm their booking to ensure that all of the details are correct. This involves reviewing the itinerary, including the destination, dates, and passenger information, and making any necessary changes or corrections.

Finally, once the booking has been confirmed, the traveler is issued a ticket that includes all of the details of their trip, including the destination, dates, and passenger information. The ticket can be printed out or stored electronically for easy access during travel.

Overall, the  Travel Booking System flowchart  is designed to provide travelers with a convenient and efficient way to book their trips online. By following the steps outlined in the flowchart, travelers can easily choose their destination, select the dates and times of their trip, enter their passenger information, confirm their booking, and receive their ticket, all from the comfort of their own home.

Effective  travel booking systems  are essential for businesses in the travel industry, as they can help to streamline the booking process and improve the overall customer experience.

Using a flowchart for a travel book system

The Travel Booking System flowchart provides a visual representation of the process involved in booking a trip through an online travel booking system. It streamlines the booking process, enhances the customer experience, facilitates communication and collaboration, and helps to identify potential issues.

By following the steps outlined in the flowchart, travelers can easily choose their destination, select the dates and times of their trip, enter their passenger information, confirm their booking, and receive their ticket, all from the comfort of their own home. Effective travel booking systems are essential for businesses in the travel industry, as they can help to streamline the booking process and improve the overall customer experience.

Do you need templates for flowchart design? Right away, go to  Visual Paradigm Online  to look at some of your favorite customizable templates.

Explore more Flowchart templates

Decision-Making Flowchart for Choosing a Career Path

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  • ERD | Entity Relationship Diagrams, ERD Software for Mac and Win
  • Flowchart | Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning
  • Flowchart | Flowchart Design - Symbols, Shapes, Stencils and Icons
  • Flowchart | Flow Chart Symbols
  • Electrical | Electrical Drawing - Wiring and Circuits Schematics
  • Flowchart | Common Flowchart Symbols

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  1. tour guide flow chart [classic]

    tour guide flow chart. You can easily edit this template using Creately. You can export it in multiple formats like JPEG, PNG and SVG and easily add it to Word documents, Powerpoint (PPT) presentations, Excel or any other documents. You can export it as a PDF for high-quality printouts. flow flowchart business workflow. Business Workflow Example.

  2. Flowchart Tutorial (with Symbols, Guide and Examples)

    In the New Diagram window, select Flowchart and click Next. You can start from an empty diagram or start from a flowchart template or flowchart example provided. Let's start from a blank diagram. Select Blank and click Next. Enter the name of the flowchart and click OK. Let's start by creating a Start symbol.

  3. Ultimate Flowchart Guide 2024: Definition, Examples, Symbols, etc

    In the most basic sense, flowchart or flow chart, is a type of diagram that describe processes. ‍. Flowchart represents information or processes as boxes, lines, and text. The boxes represent activities, the lines (or flowlines) represent the workflow that connects them, and the text represents what happens at each activity.

  4. 30+ Flowchart Examples (With Guide, Tips and Templates)

    30+ Flowchart Examples (With Guide, Tips and Templates) One tried-and-true visual format for dissecting complicated processes is the flowchart. You've probably seen all types of these, from humorous ones to those used in technical fields such as computer programming and engineering. Flowcharts are diagrams that graphically represent a step-by ...

  5. How to Write a Tour Guide Script Perfectly in 2024 (Craft Engaging

    Audience analysis: Identify the demographics, interests, and knowledge level of your tour group. Tailoring content: Adjust your script to include information that resonates with these interests. Engage personally: Add personal touches or address the group in a way that makes them feel included in the narration.

  6. How to Make a Flowchart: Beginner's Guide (& Free Templates)

    Step #1: Know the purpose of your flowchart. Step #2: Start with a template. Step #3: Add shapes and symbols. Step #4: Connect your shapes with lines and arrows. Step #5: Split paths or add decisions. Step #6: Customize your flowchart's appearance. Step #7: Download or share your flowchart.

  7. Ultimate Flowchart Tutorial

    Organize the flow. Determine the order of the steps in the process and the different paths that can be taken. This will help you organize the flow of the flowchart. Use Creately's Plus Create to add the next shape and the connector in a single click. 4.

  8. Flowchart Symbols and Meaning: A Complete Guide (2024)

    Feb 29, 2024. Flowchart symbols are used to show the steps, order and choices in a process. Together, they form a universal language that makes process analysis easy. I'm sure you've seen flowcharts before with various shapes, lines and arrows to depict stages within a process like where it begins or ends.

  9. Travel planning flowchart

    The Travel planning flowchart outlines the process of planning a trip, starting with selecting a destination and ending with enjoying the trip. The first step is to select a destination, which involves choosing a location for the trip. The next step is to choose travel dates, which involves selecting the dates for the trip.

  10. What is a Flowchart? Use Cases, Templates & Design Tips

    A flowchart, also known as a flow diagram, is a step-by-step graphical representation of a process, system or algorithm needed to perform a task or complete a workflow. Here's a good example: EDIT THIS FLOWCHART TEMPLATE. As you can see, these types of diagrams communicate a sequence of actions and decisions that lead to a specific outcome ...

  11. What is a flowchart? Examples, tips, and templates

    A flowchart is a diagram that uses symbols and arrows to visualize a process. Flowcharts, also known as flow diagrams, are a handy way to design and document each step in a workflow and illustrate how they're interconnected. Using a standardized set of symbols, including shapes and arrows, flowcharts make it possible to show complex processes ...

  12. How to Make a Flowchart: A Simple Guide

    Step 4: Draw the flowchart. Drawing the flowchart is where the creative process begins. With the shapes arranged in the right sequence, begin adding connection lines and arrows between steps. You can add labels to the connection lines and easily move the elements around to adjust the order as needed.

  13. What is a Flowchart? Types, Symbols, and Examples

    Typically, a flowchart is created using various symbols, each representing a different step within a sequence or process. These diagrams usually include a variety of elements, such as actions, materials, services, inputs, and outputs. If you need to make a decision but are unsure of the process and the different elements required to inform that ...

  14. Flowchart Symbols & Meanings: A Guide with Examples

    Flowchart symbols are the graphical elements that represent the steps, actions, and decisions in a flowchart. Learn the meanings and rules of different flowchart symbols, such as shapes, icons, and connectors, with examples and tips. Explore how to create professional and engaging flowcharts with Slickplan, a powerful online tool for diagramming and planning.

  15. Flowchart Tutorial

    Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields for illustrating a solution model to a given problem. A flowchart is a diagram constructed from connected shapes representing a process or a plan. Here is an example of a simple flowchart illustrating the process of withdrawing cash.

  16. Free Flowchart Templates & Examples

    The Yes-No Flowchart Template is a simple and efficient tool that helps to simplify complex decision-making processes into clear and easy-to-follow steps. This template uses standard shapes to illustrate processes, decisions, and outcomes, with arrows that guide users from one action point to the next based on binary 'yes' or 'no' decisions.

  17. How to Make a Flowchart (with Examples + Templates)

    Step 2: Pick a Flowchart Design and Template. Depending upon your needs, you can pick different flow chart templates across various platforms. For example, to create a PowerPoint flowchart for a presentation, you can pick a template from our suggested PowerPoint templates mentioned in the section below.

  18. FREE Travel Flowcharts Templates

    Help Visualize the Management's Protocols and Processes of Every Travel Planning and Booking to Guide Travel Agents and Staff Members Once a Customer Plans to Avail of the Tour, Vacation, or Flight Services. ... You can use a scratch paper or any material you can use so that you can create a sample draft of your flowchart. 4. Craft Your Layout ...

  19. Cross-Functional Flowchart Basics

    Don't let your first glance fool you. ConceptDraw is a lot easier to use than it looks. Use its cross-functional templates and library as basics to get started. <br>All you need to know are a few basic steps and terms. <br> <br>ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology is a new age in drawing software. Use it for process flows and its new rapid draw feature enables to draw an impressive charts in a ...

  20. Flowchart for a Travel Booking System

    The Travel Booking System flowchart outlines the steps involved in booking a trip through an online travel booking system. The process begins with choosing a destination, which involves browsing through a list of available destinations and selecting the one that the traveler wishes to visit. Once the destination has been selected, the next step ...

  21. Flow Chart Diagram In Tour Guide System

    Transportation Infographics. ConceptDraw is a visualization Software for making transportation infographics. Infographics design vector elements and vector graphics which will surely help you in your design process. Flow Chart Diagram In Tour Guide System. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

  22. Tourguide And Tourist Flow Chart

    Flow Chart Diagram In Tour Guide System. Process Flowchart | Flow chart Example. Warehouse Flowchart ... Data Flow Diagram Software. Process Flowchart | Data Flow Diagram Software | Data Flow ... Flowchart Of Tourist Guide. Process Flowchart | Data Flow Diagram Software | Data Flow ... Tour Guide Flowchart. Aerospace - Design Elements | Tourist ...

  23. Tour Guide Organogram

    An Organogram Of A Tour Operating Company. Your Guide Organogram. What An Organogram In Tourism. Tourist Guide Flowchart. Diagram And Flowchat Of Tourist Guide. How To Draw An Organizational Chart For Tours. Mechanical Design Software | Diagram Showing Organogram Of ... Tour Guide Flowchart. Tour Guide Symbol.