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The Ball Pit is an object that first appeared in Into the Pit , the first story of Fazbear Frights 1: Into the Pit , and is a crucial object that plays a role in the epilogues of the Fazbear Frights series .

  • 1 Physical Appearance
  • 2.1 Into the Pit
  • 2.2 Epilogues
  • 3 Abilities
  • 4 Speculation

Physical Appearance [ ]

The ball pit resides in a building that was formerly a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza , and was kept inside the building as many owners opened their own business ventures over the years, such as Papa Bear's Pancake House and Jeff's Pizza . The pit itself is filled with red, green and blue balls. Some of the balls have a strange sticky substance that smelled like copper on them, which is later revealed to be blood. The ball pit is closed off by rope and yellow tape stating "DO NOT USE." Having been closed out for many years, the pit eventually started filling up with dust and mildew.

History [ ]

Into the pit [ ].

Oswald is an ordinary customer at Jeff's Pizza. He comes there every day because the prices for pizza and soda are cheap. One day, Oswald snaps at his father due to how repetitive and boring the summer had been. In an act of spite, Oswald hides in the closed off ball pit, going inside of it. After some time, Oswald comes out only to see the pizzeria filled with arcade games, kids running around and animatronics singing on stage. The ball pit had sent Oswald back in time to the year 1985.

Oswald meets two kids from the era; Chip and Mike . After hanging out for a while, Oswald heads back into the ball pit which takes him back to the present. The ball pit could seemingly take a person 30 years into the past to the day. Oswald spends the next few weeks time travelling to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to hang out with Ben and Mike, seeing someone in a yellow rabbit suit standing about. One day, Oswald comes to see people screaming and running out of the pizzeria. He is horrified to see that the man in the bunny suit murdered 6 children out in the open.

Oswald immediately jumps back to the present. His father came to pick him up, only for the yellow rabbit to grab his father and throw him into the pit. For the next few days, the rabbit replaces his father and everyone else sees him as his father, rather than a walking rabbit. After a talk with new girl Gabrielle during his first day of middle school, Oswald gains the courage to face the rabbit and save his dad. He returns to Jeff's Pizza and finds his father unconscious in the pit, and after a fight with the evil bunny, the creature ends up hanging itself on the pit's rope from above. The two reunite and leave the restaurant, as Oswald decides to never use the time travelling ball pit again.

Epilogues [ ]

Detective Larson , a man investigating an animatronic named the Stitchwraith , had suffered an injury from a stab wound and a deadly infection; both of which were burnt away. The unique properties of the infection and the subsequent burning of it gave Larson lucid visions. He could see, hear and smell the fake environment around him. One of the things he always saw as he transitioned through the random memories was the ball pit of Jeff's Pizza.

Wanting to seek answers, Larson travels around town until arriving at Jeff's Pizza. Jeff allows him in, and Larson sees the pit. It was in the exact same condition as he saw in his visions. Larson steps into the pit, but doesn't go directly under it. Instead, he notices spurts of blood on the balls. Thirty samples of blood were collected, and after DNA examination, were revealed to belong to the same person.

The strange part was that each blood spurt came from a different year, and they all coincided with dates that of incidents involving a strange female animatronic with red pigtails, gray skin and a silver heart shape pendant ; Eleanor . It can be assumed that the blood belonged to her, and that she wanted to use the ball pit and its powers to house the souls of all the people shes killed for the past thirty years.

Larson visits Dr. Talbert , an expert who had been called in to study multiple of the cases involving the missing children. When he walks in, he discovers both the Stitchwraith and Eleanor inside his house. Despite Eleanor being in a human disguise thanks to the heart shaped pendant, Larson sees through her and realizes that she is an evil being made from pure negative emotion. Larson is overwhelmed by visions before he can do anything, and is sent to Eleanor's memories to see some of her killings first hand.

Eventually, Larson figures out that he can use the ball pit within Eleanor's various memories to hop between them. Larson kills Eleanor multiple times in the memories, weakening her in real life. This gives the Stitchwraith an opening to absorb Eleanor and dumb her down to nothing, leaving her animatronic body inanimate and the bits of her trapped inside of her worst memories.

After everything that happened, the Stitchwraith, possessed by a young boy named Jake , begins to have visions of the ball pit as well. Jake is eventually able to find Jeff's Pizza and can feel all of Eleanor's victims souls still trapped in there. He decides to go into the ball pit himself, and bring all the souls to peace. He meets Millie , another one of Eleanor's victims who only remembers the events before her death in Count the Ways . Jake leads her back to her grandpa's house, so that they can celebrate Christmas together. Jake is able to put all the souls in a happy space, within the balls of the ball pit. The balls glow to show an image of the souls living happily. While everyone's trapped inside the pit, they can all rest in peace.

Abilities [ ]

The ball pit has displayed some strange abilities from its appearances.

  • Time Travel : The ball pit has the power to send someone back in time exactly 30 years into the past. It's unclear how the process is done, but Oswald is sent back when he dips his entire body underneath the pit. Strangely, Oswald ends up immediately after he left when he returns to the present.
  • Stasis/Incapacitation : When Spring Bonnie took Oswald's father into the pit, he replaced him while the real dad was trapped in the pit. Oswald's dad didn't travel back in time, but instead remained unconscious within the pit for weeks on end until Oswald came back to rescue him. Despite not having any food or water for weeks, Oswald's dad didn't die and remained in perfect condition throughout his time trapped. It's likely the pit had put him in some form of frozen stasis, pausing him completely.
  • Vision Connection : Larson can see the ball pit in his visions, and it's quite prominent as it's the transition point to the various memories he sees of Eleanor's victims. It's unclear how the ball pit is able to appear in the vision, especially since Larson never knew of the ball pit beforehand. It can be assumed that this has something to do with its supernatural presence.
  • Memory Hopping : The ball pit still works within the visions themselves. Since the ball pit is the transitioning point between memories, Larson uses it to travel through Eleanor's memories while he's still stuck in her head.
  • Soul Housing : Eleanor had put the souls of thirty people inside of the ball pit, presumably trapping them using her blood. The souls remain trapped in the ball pit, unaware of where they are. Jake is able to put these souls at ease, but the ball pit remains their resting place.

Speculation [ ]

  • The charge in question is most likely Eleanor's blood put inside the ball pit, given that it's the only remotely off thing about the pit. It also couldn't be caused by the murders in the pizzeria, given that Oswald could use the ball pit to head back to the present weeks prior to the incident.
  • It's possible that the "time travel" Oswald experiences when he jumps into the pit is actually diving into someone's memories and being able to affect them, similar to how Larson hops through people's memories using it.
  • Jake putting all the spirits to rest in the ball pit is similar to the spirits being given their Happiest Day .
  • Other confirmed victims of Eleanor include Sarah from To Be Beautiful , Delilah from 1:35 A.M. , Pete from Step Closer and Toby from Hide-and-Seek . It's very likely that all their souls are within the ball pit as well, alongside 25 other unnamed victims.
  • Five Nights at Freddy's
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Recap / Fazbear Frights: Into the Pit

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Recap: Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights : Into the Pit Into the Pit | To Be Beautiful | Count the Ways

Please, he wished, his eyes closed tight. Please let something interesting happen.

Tired of his boring summer and fuming from an argument with his Dad, Oswald decides to hide within the ball pit of an old pizzeria. However, upon coming out, he finds himself in Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in 1985. He utilizes this time-travel ability until he ends up in the middle of a panic caused by the murders committed by Spring Bonnie. He escapes back to his own time, only for Spring Bonnie to follow him home, drag his father into the pit, and replace him. The only one who can see the monster pretending to be his father, it’s up to Oswald to set things right.

The first short story of the Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights series, Into the Pit also provides the title and cover for the first book. It was later adapted into the Graphic Novel collection in 2022, and is set to have a game adaptation in 2024.

Tropes related to “Into the Pit”:

  • The '80s : The ballpit transports Oswald to 1985, where characters have gelled-back hair and listen to rockin' tunes.
  • Accidental Time Travel : Oswald doesn't think there's anything special about the ballpit when he first enters it: he just wants to hide from his father for a little while. It's only when he gets out that he discovers its time-warping properties.
  • Adapted Out : Bully Dylan Cooper isn't seen in the graphic novel adaptation.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance : In a way; in the book, the six deceased children are left unnamed and undescribed. In the graphic novel, one panicked father specifically calls out for Susie, referring to the murdered child who would later be featured in "Coming Home."
  • Adults Are Useless : Following Spring Bonnie's escape, none of the adults around Oswald can tell that anything has changed. This requires the ten-year-old to sneak out of his house while his Mom is away and deceive the pizzeria's owner in hopes of stopping his nightmare.
  • Alas, Poor Villain : As the rabbit is dying, it looks almost pleadingly at Oswald for help. Oswald refuses, instead dragging his father out of the pit.
  • Alternate Continuity : To the video games. Spring Bonnie shows Oswald "half a dozen" children's bodies propped up to look like they're at a birthday party, something that's later referenced in "You're the Band" as how the children were found. In the game universe, the children were ''never'' found , hence the title "Missing Children Incident." Their bodies were stuffed into the animatronics to hide them. It should also be noted that both the book and graphic novel imply there are six children present for this incident, while the games specify that there were only five missing children.
  • Ambiguous Robots : In reality, Spring Bonnie is simply a springlock mechanical suit. However, the Spring Bonnie that stalks Oswald appears to be organic in some kind of way.
  • What exactly the rabbit was up to, after following Oswald out, is also unknown. Was it just going to pretend to be Oswald's dad for the rest of time, or was it waiting for Oswald to slip up so it could drag him back to the pit?
  • Bad Liar : Oswald's Informed Flaw , mentioned at the end of the story.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For : Oswald wishes for something interesting to happen to him over the summer. Something interesting sure does happen, though it's a bit more deadly than anticipated.
  • Bookworm : A bit by necessity, Oswald ends up pouring through books during his summer days at the library. Mostly science fiction. It's implied that the new girl, Gabrielle, is one as well.
  • The Bully : Dylan Cooper, who bothers Oswald throughout his childhood. Oswald says that Dylan is "the kind of kid who'd pick on anything that'd make you different." After dealing with Spring Bonnie, however, Oswald quickly shuts Dylan down, telling him he has bigger problems to deal with.
  • Cats Are Magic : Jinx, the family cat, is the only one other than Oswald to see through Spring Bonnie's illusion.
  • Death of a Child : Spring Bonnie– likely representing William Afton – proudly shows Oswald his handiwork: six murdered children, set up to look like they're at a party. A horrified Oswald notes that they're all younger than ten years old.
  • Establishing Series Moment : The entire short serves as one for Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights , with its nonsensical yet terrifying plot and loose connection to Freddy's. The ballpit is also re-utilized in the following epilogues, with the book cover being used as the series' iconic image.
  • Expy : Oswald's favorite films, Zendrelix , are thinly-veiled references to the early Godzilla films, what with their low special effects and bad dubbing.
  • After Oswald's mother comes home and claims his father is alright and that she hasn't seen the rabbit, Oswald doesn't even bother to leave his room and check for himself if the rabbit is gone. This leads to him becoming very freaked out in the morning when the rabbit sits down at the breakfast table.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water : Once in the '80s, Oswald tries his best, but still slips up when talking to kids from the time period and betrays his lack of knowledge of appropriate pop culture. He tries to look up '80s movies and games at the library whenever he's not at the ballpit.
  • Foul Ball Pit : The time-traveling Agony-infused ballpit is basically our main set piece.
  • The Ghost : Oswald's grandmother. His family decided against moving out of town in order to stay nearby in case she needed help. She doesn't appear directly in the story, however.
  • Hair-Raising Hare : Spring Bonnie at first is just an unnerving animatronic. When it attacks Oswald, however, it reveals itself to be something else entirely.
  • Happy Ending : Despite being the first story in a horror series, Oswald manages to defeat the rabbit and free his father with no implications of the darkness returning to his life.
  • Humanoid Abomination : Spring Bonnie. Initially, only Oswald is able to see it inside the ballpit, at least until it follows him out and kidnaps his father. It then replaces Oswald's father without anyone else — including his own wife — acknowledging the change; only Oswald himself continues to see it for what it really is. One might suspect illusion discs to be least until it unhinges its jaw during Oswald's final confrontation with it, revealing itself to be organic. It ultimately dies by asphyxiation after hanging itself on a rope, but even after its demise, Oswald's father is left unable to remember anything that happened involving it. Then there's the matter of whatever connection it may have to William Afton ...
  • I Just Want to Have Friends : While Oswald keeps wishing just that something interesting would happen, it becomes clear through his missing Ben contrasted with his joy upon hanging out with Chip and Mike that he just wants someone to spend time with. The end of the story implies that he will be friends with Gabrielle moving forward.
  • Kill and Replace : Spring Bonnie does that to Oswald's dad in "Into the Pit", with nobody but Oswald himself noticing. Thankfully, Oswald later finds his father unconscious, but alive .
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover : Oswald and his family have a spoiled black cat, Jinx.
  • Monster of the Week : Spring Bonnie.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family : Spring Bonnie is described as having multiple rows of teeth once his mouth is opened.
  • Mummies at the Dinner Table : Instead of being stuffed into suits, Spring Bonnie shows Oswald that his victims have been propped up as if they're at a party.
  • Mysterious Past : Nobody in Oswald's town ever mentions the Freddy's that Jeff's Pizza used to be, leaving him to find out for himself. When he asks his dad about it, his dad gets awkward around the subject, implying that he knows about (or was present for) said event and is keeping the more gory details from his son.
  • No Full Name Given : Oswald's never given a last name. His parents don't even get a first .
  • No Name Given : While the audience knows the rabbit to be Spring Bonnie, Oswald never hears the animatronic's name, leading him to refer to it exclusively as "the Yellow Thing."
  • Noose Catch : When Oswald pushes the rabbit off of him in the fight, the rabbit ends up caught in the ballpit rope and hangs himself on accident.
  • Psychic Children : Implied with Oswald; he dreams up and draws the Freddy Fazbear animatronics in his sketchbook long before finding out anything about Freddy's.
  • Shout-Out : Mike's favorite movie is Back to the Future . Oswald thinks this is hilariously ironic .

time travel ball pit

  • Silent Antagonist : Eerily, Spring Bonnie never speaks, only dead-staring at everything. When in disguise as Oswald's dad, other people seem to hear him.
  • Small Town Boredom : Oswald hates living in his economically dying town, and envies his friend Ben for being in more exciting places and being able to afford vacations.
  • Time Travel : Oswald jumps into a Ball Pit located in an old Freddy Fazbear's location. When he emerges, he is sent to the past, to when Freddy's was still open. Later epilogues however implied that the ball pit might not actually be able to time travel, but be some sort of entrance to some sort of spirit world limbo for the souls of Eleanor's victims.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia : Oswald's dad can't remember seeing Oswald in the pit or being attacked by Spring Bonnie. It may be from a concussion gained in the attack, or it may be from the magical effects of the pit.
  • True Sight : Oswald is the only one who can see that Spring Bonnie isn't his dad. Everyone else seems fooled.
  • Unnamed Parent : Neither of Oswald's parents are given names.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : Oswald leaves the pit even after seeing the panic and commotion that the rabbit has caused because he's worried that his friends, Chip and Mike, might be present and in danger. He quickly forgets about them after being lured by the rabbit, though, and they get a singular mention at the end as Oswald thinks that he'll miss them, but will never return to the ballpit again.
  • When I Was Your Age... : A favorite talking point of Oswald's dad, who likes to tell his son about how much better it was when he was a kid.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad? : Oswald's mother works a twelve-hour shift at the hospital, preventing her from seeing her son anytime but breakfast. Over the summer, his dad also has to leave him alone at the library in order to make it to work on time.
  • Working-Class Hero : Oswald's family has become pretty poor following his father's job loss. With both his parents working difficult hours, Oswald has to be shepherded to Jeff's Pizza to keep him under supervision... which is how this whole thing starts.
  • Fazbear Frights: The Stitchwraith Stingers
  • Recap/Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights
  • Fazbear Frights: To Be Beautiful

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How the Newly Announced Five Nights at Freddy’s Game Crosses an Item Off Fans' Wish List


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  • Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit is adapting the first short story from the Fazbear Frights novel series, bringing long-abandoned events to the spotlight and possibly establishing canonicity.
  • Into the Pit features heavy supernatural elements, including time travel and a dark and disturbing narrative, promising a unique and visually new direction for the series.
  • The game may see the triumphant return of Circus Baby as a villain, as recent developments suggest a connection between the Frights series and the main game narrative.

2024 marks the Five Nights at Freddy's series' 10th anniversary, and fans have long suspected that creator Scott Cawthon had multiple titles secretly under development to ring in the celebration. However, barely one month after Help Wanted 2 's release, a brand-new title has been announced, which looks to adapt the very first short story in the Fazbear Frights novel series — Into the Pit . Despite being far removed from the events of developer Steel Wool Studios' modern narrative, Into the Pit brings a lot to the table, much of which fans believed to be scrapped during the development of Security Breach.

In adapting Fazbear's Frights , the newly announced Five Nights at Freddy’s game crosses an item off fans' wish lists and sets the stage for a fan-favorite's return. Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit is the first of 37 short stories in the Fazbear Frights series, which were originally believed to set the stage for the narrative of FNAF: Security Breach .

When that title launched, it featured no hint of the major narrative shifts that occurred in the novelizations.

This led to general confusion throughout the series’ fandom, leading many to hunt for connections between Fazbear's Frights and each subsequent release. Four years after the Into the Pit novel’s release, Scott Cawthon is returning its narrative to the spotlight, leading many fans to wonder if the title will deliver the long-awaited truths behind the book’s parallel narrative.

Into the Pit Suggests Fazbear's Frights Reestablished Canonicity

The Five Nights at Freddy’s: Fazbear Frights novels were explicitly labeled as “non-canon” during their original release. That said, they were said to reveal parallel truths to the series' true canon, through the use of characters, locations, and events that mirrored their gaming counterparts, while utilizing the same animatronic characters.

Into the Pit was of particular significance, as it featured the Spring-Bonnie Costume and a time travel mechanic that saw the series’ central tragedy play out in real-time. In adapting Into the Pit , Scott Cawthon is returning these long-abandoned events to the spotlight and possibly hinting at their reestablished canonicity moving forward.

Into the Pit boasts heavy supernatural elements, following a boy named Oswald who visits an abandoned Pizzeria and jumps into its ball pit. Much to his surprise, he emerges in the same restaurant decades earlier, where he sees an unforgettable tragedy unfold. Upon returning to his time, Oswald is confronted by his father, who is then attacked by Spring Bonnie, who emerges from the ball pit and drags him inside.

Unfortunately, this is where the true nightmare begins for young Oswald, as the horrors he's witnessed follow him home. Into the Pit' s game adaptation boasts a unique retro style, taking the series in a new direction visually, but fans shouldn't let their guard down. Into the Pit 's narrative is darker, scarier, and far more disturbing than many of the titles the series has released this far, and, according to its announcement trailer, developer Mad Cat Studios is going all-in on bringing those elements to life.

FNAF’s 10th Anniversary Celebration May See a Villain's Triumphant Return

While Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit features a self-contained tale of supernatural horror, it forms the backbone of a malevolent plot from a long-thought-dead antagonist—Circus Baby. Baby, referred to as Eleanor in the Frights series, uses William Afton and entities throughout the 37 short stories to kill her victims and amass an immense amount of agony. She often accomplishes these tasks using a pendant that disguises her as something else. The souls of these victims are trapped within the ball pit from Into the Pit , where they are forced to exist in torment.

While many believed that Frights ' true role was to usher in Circus Baby as the series' new villain, she did not canonically appear in Security Breach , Help Wanted , RUIN , or Help Wanted 2 . Rather, recent developments suggest a connection. In Tales from the Pizzaplex , the latest FNAF novel series, Eleanor's pendant seemingly appeared, tying the character to the Pizzaplex era.

Additionally, 2023's game releases established links between Sister Location , FNAF 4 , and the Pizzaplex, while retconning William Afton's appearance in Security Breach . With more potential game releases before Five Nights at Freddy ’s 10th Anniversary in August 2024, fans anticipate more references to Fazbear's Frights ' ball pit being added to the canon, with many eagerly awaiting Circus Baby's return soon after.

Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's is a first-person survival horror and resource management game from Scott Cawthorn that raced to popularity thanks to its creepy animatronic enemies and its array of panic-inducing jumpscares. Bringing life to a cavalcade of well-known characters like Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, and more, Five Nights at Freddy's has seen immense success, spinoffs, and fan games.

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FNAF Into the Pit Synopsis: Fazbear Frights #1

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Into The Pit

To be beautiful, count the ways, into the pit synopsis, to be beautiful synopsis, count the ways synopsis, stitchwraith stinger #1 synopsis, question: is into the pit appropriate for kids, question: should i play fnaf before reading into the pit, question: is into the pit available as a graphic novel, conclusion & closing thoughts.

Fazbear Frights #1: Into The Pi t is the first installment in the Five Nights at Freddy’s Fazbear Frights anthology series. In total, there are 12 Fazbear Frights books , the last of which was released in April of this year.

Each book in the Fazbear Frights series contains three stories, as well as an epilogue that tells one long story known as a “Stitchwraith Stinger.” While this anthology series has officially come to a close, the upcoming anthology series, Tales from the Pizzaplex , will presumably take its place for the foreseeable future.

Into The Pit contains the titular story “Into The Pit,” as well as “To Be Beautiful” and “Count the Ways.” As the first book in the series, Into The Pit also has the first Stichwraith Stinger story, which introduces the premise of the epilogues’ overarching narrative.

Into The Pit’s three stories are somewhere between a short story and novella length, making them quick, fun reads for fans of the FNAF franchise who want to dive deeper into its expansive universe. The relationship and connections between the Fazbear Frights series and the canon of the FNAF games are unclear, giving readers the chance to explore some of the more unique sides of this weird, twisted world.

Bottom Line Up Front: Fazbear Frights #1 At-A-Glance

A boy named Oswald finds himself alone for the summer in a town with nothing left to do. Upon discovering a ball pit in the local pizzeria that allows him to time travel, however, Oswald finds himself visiting the old Freddy Fazbear ’s Pizza in 1985.

Unfortunately, the yellow rabbit that no one else seems to notice takes an interest in him, and before long, Oswald gets caught up in this strange creature’s idea of “family.”

Sarah always longed to be one of the Beautifuls: the pretty, popular clique that rules her high school. When she finds a life-sized, mechanical doll in the local scrap yard that calls itself Eleanor, Sarah’s new robotic friend promises to make all of her wishes come true.

Sarah can finally have what she always wanted as long as she never takes off the heart-shaped necklace that Eleanor gives her—no matter what.

Millie is a melancholic fourteen-year-old obsessed with death. Once she climbs into the stomach hatch of a strange animatronic, however, the thing seems more than happy to help her face her own mortality sooner rather than later.

Into The Pit

“Into The Pit” tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named Oswald who is left with no friends in a desolate town for summer vacation.

As Oswald’s dad drives him to his last day of school, Oswald reflects on how the town has deteriorated over the years since the local mill closed. A lot of the town’s residents lost their jobs, causing families to leave and search for work elsewhere.

Oswald’s best friend, Ben, moved out of town when his father found a new job, leaving Oswald with no one his own age to hang out with. He spends his last day in class doodling strange, mechanical animals, including bears, bunnies, and birds.

Over dinner, Oswald’s dad suggests that he spend his summer days at the library rather than staying home alone all the time.

He offers to give Oswald lunch money for pizza and a soda at Jeff’s Pizza, which serves a good slice despite its run-down and somewhat creepy atmosphere. Not one to turn down free pizza every day for a whole summer, Oswald accepts.

At Jeff’s Pizza, Oswald takes note of the pizzeria’s painted-over murals, the empty show stage, and a strange ball pit that he can only assume is crawling with every germ under the sun. He orders a slice of cheese and an orange soda, which quickly becomes his regular order since it’s pretty much the only thing his lunch allowance will buy.

Oswald makes the best of his long summer days by reading library books at Jeff’s Pizza, but as the weeks begin to drag on, he gets more and more bored without any friends in town to hang out with. One morning, Oswald wakes up in a particularly bad mood, which escalates into a fight with his dad during their typical morning drive.

After a miserable day, Oswald decides to hide from his father when he arrives to pick him up at Jeff’s Pizza. The ball pit makes for an excellent hiding spot, so he climbs in despite the dust, germs, and other strangely sticky substances, submerging himself completely in the gross plastic.

When Oswald gets up, however, he finds himself in a bustling arcade full of flashing neon lights and retro game cabinets. Not only is this arcade packed with other kids, but everyone around him is dressed in 80s fashion. Oswald also spots a trio of animatronics performing on stage, including a brown bear, a blue rabbit, and a yellow chicken—all of which resemble the mechanical animals Oswald had been sketching.

The mural on the wall, which had been painted over in the present-day Jeff’s Pizza, depicts the band above the restaurant’s name: “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza.” Oswald meets two kids, Chip and Mike, who invite him to hang out with them. In the corner, Oswald spots a strange man in a yellow rabbit costume, but nobody else in the restaurant seems to notice him standing there.

After a few rounds of skee-ball, Oswald figures he should get going before his dad starts to really worry, so he dives back into the ball pit to try and return the way he came. Once Oswald climbs out of the pit, he finds himself back in Jeff’s Pizza. According to his phone, no time had passed at all while he was at Freddy’s.

Over the next few days, Oswald continues to use the ball pit to visit his new friends at this bizarre pizzeria from the past. He continues to notice the creepy rabbit man, but mostly, he’s just happy to have kids his own age to hang out with again—not to mention access to a cool arcade where time doesn’t pass.

One morning, Oswald asks his dad about the old arcade that existed before Jeff’s Pizza, but his dad seems to get nervous when the subject is brought up.

When Oswald climbs back into the ball pit and arrives at Freddy’s that day, he finds the restaurant in total chaos. Amidst the panicked sounds of running and screaming, Oswald spots the man in the rabbit costume, who beckons him into a private room.

Inside, the rabbit shows Oswald a row of dead children, who Oswald assumes are his victims. He suddenly suspects that the rabbit intends for him to join them, so he runs. Narrowly escaping the rabbit, Oswald dives back into the ball pit and reemerges in Jeff’s Pizza, only to find his father standing over the pit searching for him.

Oswald’s dad scolds him for hiding, but all of a sudden, the rabbit’s arms reach up from the pit and drags Oswald’s dad under the surface. After a brief struggle, the rabbit rises from the pit with a creepy grin. He guides Oswald back to his dad’s car and locks the door, driving back to the house without needing directions.

To Oswald’s horror, no one else seems to notice anything strange about the yellow rabbit, and Oswald’s mom insists that the rabbit is Oswald’s dad when he tries to tell her that something’s wrong.

The rabbit impersonates Oswald’s dad pretty well, too. It does some household chores, drives Oswald to his first day at school, and even serves frozen pizza and Oswald’s favorite fruit punch for dinner. Oswald manages to escape from the house and run back to Jeff’s Pizza. He finds his dad unconscious in the ball pit and hoists him back to the surface, but the rabbit catches up with him and grabs him from behind.

Oswald fights the rabbit as it tries to attack him and his dad. During the struggle, the rabbit gets caught in the ball pit’s netting and hangs itself, leaving nothing more than an old, empty costume behind. Oswald’s dad wakes up and asks for an explanation, but Oswald decides to lie, telling his father that he must have hit his head while searching for him in the pit.

fnaf To Be Beautiful

Sarah, an extremely self-conscious high schooler who’s obsessed with becoming prettier, wants to be one of the popular girls at school, who she refers to as “Beautifuls.” Between their flippable hair and expensive fashion, they’re everything Sarah wishes she could be when she looks in the mirror.

Sarah’s long-time best friend, Abby, expresses disdain for the Beautifuls. When Abby tries to reassure Sarah about her looks and tells her to be herself, Sarah storms off, feeling that Abby is judging her for becoming more superficial in recent years.

After failing to dye her hair blonde and accidentally dumping her lunch all over her crush in the cafeteria the next day, Sarah avoids the bus and walks past the local junkyard on her way home from school. There, she spots a hand sticking out of a scrapped car. With no one around to stop her from entering, Sarah approaches the car and pulls the hand from the wreckage, revealing a life-sized, mechanical doll.

The doll’s beautiful green eyes, pink cheeks, red pigtails, and sleek body somehow remind Sarah of the supermodels she always aspired to look like, so she takes the doll home and turns it on. When the doll springs to life, it introduces itself as Eleanor.

Eleanor thanks Sarah for rescuing her, offering to fulfill her wishes in exchange for her act of kindness. The only thing Sarah wants is to be beautiful, which she admits to Eleanor. The doll asks for twenty-four hours to come up with a plan to make Sarah’s wish come true, and Sarah agrees.

After school the next day, Eleanor gives Sarah a pretty, heart-shaped pendant on a silver chain. She makes Sarah promise to never take the necklace off, saying that as long as the pendant stays around Sarah’s neck, she’ll wake up a little more beautiful each morning.

Eleanor sings Sarah to sleep as part of the necklace’s weird wish-fulfilling requirements. When she wakes up in the morning, Sarah notices that her arms are more slender and toned, and her fingernails are painted a lovely shade of pink.

Over the next few days, Sarah not only begins to look better, but she begins to feel better as well. Her mom compliments her appearance and confidence, and she makes up with Abby after their fight earlier in the week. The boys at school begin to notice her, and her long-time crush strikes up a flirtatious conversation despite the fact that their last interaction left him covered in her lunch.

Eventually, Sarah asks Eleanor to change the appearance of her face as well. The next day, her brand new look finally gets her noticed by the Beautifuls, who ask her to sit with them at lunch. After a conversation that seems like more of a test than the start of any sort of friendship, they invite her to go to the mall with them on Sunday.

Abby, however, is quick to warn Sarah that the Beautifuls are shallow, which makes Sarah feel like she’s being judged yet again. After another fight with her friend, Sarah runs into her crush once more, and he asks her out for ice cream.

Her new looks give her some new confidence as well, and the date ends with another invitation to pizza and a movie on Saturday night. After a fantastic weekend that fulfilled all of her most beautiful fantasies, Sarah wakes from a nightmare to find Eleanor standing over her, watching her sleep.

At school the next day, Sarah slips in the cafeteria and falls, only to be laughed at by her beautiful new friends. Their laughs quickly turn to screams, however, as Sarah’s body begins to transform before them.

Sarah reaches for her throat and finds that Eleanor’s heart-shaped pendant fell from her neck when she slipped. Her legs have already been inexplicably replaced by old, rusted parts and mechanical pieces, and after taking her pendant back from Abby, she rushes home to try and find Eleanor.

The doll, however, is nowhere to be found. Sarah desperately searches the house as her body continues to turn to scrap, but when she reaches the garage, she discovers bags of her own bloody body parts in a storage cabinet.

Eleanor, finally revealing herself as Sarah becomes all but immobile, presses a heart-shaped button on her chest that’s identical to Sarah’s pendant. She transforms into Sarah—the “old” Sarah—and leaves the real Sarah to collapse into a rusty pile of parts on the floor.

fnaf Count The Ways

Unlike the first two stories in Fazbear Frights #1 , “Count The Ways” isn’t written in chronological order, instead skipping back and forth in time.

The story begins as fourteen-year-old Millie Fitzsimmons wakes up trapped in the dark torso of a talking animatronic. It seems to know an alarming amount about her and her personal life, including her nicknames, her preference for gothic fashion, and above all, her daydreams about death.

This scene of Millie inside the animatronic is cut and woven throughout the rest of the story. The animatronic bear, which had apparently been designed as a killing machine (according to the bear), kindly gives Millie the option of choosing how she wants to die. Unfortunately, it insists on killing her even as she expresses her desire to live.

Millie, whose parents moved to Saudi Arabia for her father’s new teaching job, had recently started living with her somewhat eccentric grandfather. He lived in an old Victorian house that was filled with junk from his various collections, but he did his best to make Millie feel at home despite her frequent brooding.

A week before winter break, Millie meets Dylan, the new boy in school. His alternative fashion and interest in the more morbid side of literature cause her to start crushing on him pretty quickly, and she’s soon looking up “love poems” instead of “death poems” online.

Mostly, Millie seems happy to finally have someone in her life who makes her feel seen and understood.

When Millie’s grandpa invites her to the school holiday bazaar, however, Millie sees Dylan holding hands and acting couple-y with a girl from her government class. She finds her grandpa and gets him to take her home, but she can’t stop herself from crying on the drive back.

When Dylan greets her at lunch the next day, Millie lashes out at him for leading her on and dating someone she describes as “blonde and basic.” Dylan defends his girlfriend, expresses his disappointment in Millie for judging people based on their appearance, and leaves her alone at the table.

Over winter break, Millie informs her grandpa that she won’t be celebrating Christmas. Her grandpa tries to get her to open up about her feelings, but she storms off instead, and he retreats to his workshop with a twinge of anger in his own voice.

On Christmas Eve, Millie reluctantly greets her visiting family at her grandpa’s request, but they get on her nerves as soon as she steps out of her room. She goes for a walk to cool down, but she sneaks into her grandpa’s workshop to warm back up with his space heater once the night air gets too cold.

Millie notices an animatronic bear tucked away in the corner of the workshop; its white and pink paint turned gray with age. When she hears her cousins playing nearby, she climbs into the bear’s stomach hatch to avoid being subjected to further Christmas cheer.

Back at the house, Millie’s grandpa calls the kids in for dinner. When Millie doesn’t return, he attempts to call her cell phone, but it rings uselessly in the pocket of the coat she left hanging in the hallway. Figuring that she’ll come back when she’s ready, Millie’s grandpa arranges her presents into a big pile for her under the tree.

Stitchwraith Stinger #1

The first “Stitchwraith Stinger” epilogue of the Fazbear Frights series introduces Detective Larson, the investigator assigned to the Stitchwraith case.

While working late one night, Larson finds himself reflecting on his ex-wife, Angela, who took their seven-year-old son, Ryan, when she left. He was an absent father, often putting his work before his family, though he still seems to think of his job as more than just a job despite the fact that it caused a rift in their family.

Larson’s reflection is interrupted by his boss, Chief Monahan, who tosses him the file of a case that none of the other detectives will take. Larson doesn’t want it either, and he laments that his decision to work late got him stuck with investigating a ridiculous urban legend.

Chief Monahan, however, seems to be taking this “Stitchwraith” case seriously. Apparently, a local girl named Sarah had disappeared a week earlier, and dozens of eyewitnesses had reported that they saw her turn into garbage.

According to the file, the Stitchwraith is a shrouded figure that lurches around with a hulking gait, searching through trash and dumpsters for reasons unknown. While it seems to ignore other people unless provoked, the situation became more serious after five bodies were discovered, all with black, bloody tear-tracks on their faces.

Larson recognizes two of the victims as having previous criminal charges, and Chief Monahan agrees with his suggestion that they may have tried to mug the Stitchwraith. The file also contains several images caught on security footage, one of which shows the Stitchwraith digging the torso of a mannequin from a dumpster.

Its face is visible in another image, but instead of a human face, it wears what appears to be a mask or bandages with features drawn on in thick, black marker. Larson also notes blood stains around its mouth.

Chief Monahan reveals that they already have a match on this thing, but unfortunately for us, this first entry of the Stitchwraith story ends before we can learn any more.

FNAF Into the Pit Synopsis: FAQs

Answer: In general, I would say that the Fazbear Frights’ 12+ age rating is a good guideline for Into The Pit. The book is written for an audience of teens and young adults, so it contains relatable ideas and themes for young readers at a level that’s relatively easy to read and enjoy.

That said, these stories do incorporate some aspects of body horror, light gore, child murder, and death, as well as some potentially upsetting or triggering topics such as body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and suicidal ideation. However, the content of Into The Pit doesn’t contain anything more graphic or intense than the horror portrayed in the FNAF games themselves.

I would put Into The Pit on par with similar anthology series like Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, which I personally loved around age 10-12. These FNAF-inspired tales read like quick thrillers, so they’re similar to the types of urban legends or ghost stories that get passed around a campfire or lunch table.

Answer: I would definitely recommend playing FNAF before reading Into The Pit or the other installments of the Fazbear Frights series. This anthology draws on a lot of the concepts, characters, settings, and imagery of the FNAF games, which makes them potentially difficult to understand if you’re unfamiliar with the series.

The horror, plot twists, and details included in these stories are a lot more impactful if you know the story of the games. Into The Pit draws on parts of the series that appear most prevalently in the first five games, including FNAF 1-4 and Sister Location.

Answer: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection #1 will be released on August 2, 2022. This first graphic novel adaptation of the series covers three stories from the anthology, including “Into The Pit,” “To Be Beautiful,” and “Out Of Stock,” which originally appeared in Fazbear Frights #2: Fetch.

A second Fazbear Frights graphic novel collection is scheduled for release on March 7, 2023, which will include “Fetch,” “Room For One More,” and “The New Kid.”

Overall, I really enjoyed the first installment in the Fazbear Frights series. All three of Into The Pit’s stories expand on aspects of FNAF in a way that feels very true-to-form for the franchise, but at the same time, their unique structure and style takes FNAF’s horror in an entirely new direction from the games and novels.

As a long-time lover of both horror and short stories, I thought Into The Pit was really effective, evoking some genuine chills and at least one hand-to-mouth gasp that actually made me put the book down for a second to think about what just happened.

I would definitely recommend picking up Fazbear Frights #1 from your local library or bookstore, especially if you enjoy quick, bite-sized horror that packs a twisted punch. Read More:

• FNAF The Silver Eyes Synopsis

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Small Ball Pit for Dogs - Trendplay Foldable Ball Pit for Pets, Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Playtime, Great for Travel

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Small Ball Pit for Dogs - Trendplay Foldable Ball Pit for Pets, Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Playtime, Great for Travel

About this item.

  • EASY POP UP & FOLDABLE: Experience hassle-free assembly in seconds with our foldable ball pit, perfect for babies and kids. Unfold it to reveal a surprisingly spacious play area. The compact zipper bag makes storage and transportation a breeze. Ideal for on-the-go adventures or at-home fun.
  • THE LITTLE BASKETBALL HOOP IS A BIG HIT TOO! Enhance the excitement with our ball pit that includes a hoop. Let kids have a blast splashing around, wiggling, and shooting hoops. It's a perfect play space for toddlers . Hours of entertainment guaranteed!
  • GIFT IDEAS: Surprise your little ones with this foldable ball pit, a great gift for birthdays, baby showers, or Christmas. Fill it with the included balls for instant fun or add some sand and excavator toys for a construction-themed playtime. Girls will love the ball pit, creating their own magical play area. It's also suitable for small dogs to enjoy.
  • CLASSIC COLOR & WELL-MADE QUALITY: Our foldable ball pit features no character pattern design and is made with child-safe materials. The sturdy construction ensures durability, making it perfect for kids . It's a safe and comfortable ball pool that provides endless fun indoors or outdoors.
  • FLEXIBLE SIDES: The foldable ball pit offers flexible sides, allowing toddlers to easily climb in and out on their own. With a size of 47 inches, it provides ample space for kids to play and explore.

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Hello from TRENDPLAY

Baby, remember the most precious gift of yours is not only from our ball pit balls, but also from the love of your parents for you.


Combining excellent design, ideal function with fashionable trend, the TRENDPLAY brand was founded with the joint efforts of two pediatric experts and a two-kids designer mom. We always take users' needs as the original intention, try our best to make it more than you expect!

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TRENDPLAY Colorful Ball Pit Balls for Toddlers 1-3, Pack of 100 Balls BPA Free Phthalate Free Cru...

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Pink Ball Pit with basketball hoop gift for kids

Product information, looking for specific info, product details.

  • Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11.1 x 11.02 x 3.39 inches; 15.84 ounces
  • Manufacturer recommended age ‏ : ‎ 3 years and up
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 15, 2023
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ TRENDPLAY
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C84JY4VZ
  • #302 in Kids' Ball Pits

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Ballie Ballerson

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Ballie Ballerson

Time Out says

Feel like a baller at this kidult-friendly playground

What do one million balls, two private ballpits, a ballpit waterfall and more retro sweetie cocktails than you can shake a stick at make? London’s biggest and best adult ball-pit. That’s what. The folks at Ballie Ballerson have moved shop from their former site in Dalston to Shoreditch’s Curtain Road, to an even bigger space and with even more balls to jump in. Not only does the 4,000ft space pack in a staggering million balls, there’ll also be a huge mirrored cage with a waterfall, and UV murals plastered across the walls. Plus, the bar will be serving kidult-friendly sweet cocktails (think Dibbie Dabberson and Skittle Sour), while DJs pump out deep house and disco into the wee hours. 

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MESH kids co. Custom Soft Play + Ball Pit Experiences Rentals Los Angeles

MESH kids co. Custom Soft Play + Ball Pit Experiences Rentals Los Angeles

Custom Soft Play + Ball Pit Experiences

MESH kids co. is a custom soft sensory play company, based in Los Angeles County, CA. While we specialize in luxury ball pits, we also have an in-house design and build team who can custom fabricate and/or print a variety of decor and installations. Our service area is primarily within LA/OC County, and neighboring cities.  Special travel accommodations are possible for those beyond our service areas.

A gingerbread wonderland. ✨ Where guests were warmly welcomed into an immersive life sized gingerbread experience covering all five core senses — sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🤍 Love and appreciate you beyond @mindyweiss @andrew_mindyweiss ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸 @johnandjoseph ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #christmas #christmasdecor #christmasparty #winterwonderland #holidayseason #holidayparty #gingerbread #gingerbreadhouse #stylemepretty #kidsparty #kidseventplanner #ballpit #ballpitfun #softplay #softplayrental

time travel ball pit

An enchanting vintage Disneyland shower for Baby Barker ✨ Magic @mindyweiss @andrew_mindyweiss 📸 @johnandjoseph

An enchanting vintage Disneyland shower for Baby Barker ✨ Magic @mindyweiss @andrew_mindyweiss 📸 @johnandjoseph

Not our typically lavish balls-to-the-wall ball pit post — just a friendly reminder that we also offer soft play for the littles. 🥰 Love our all white modules because, like our all white ball pits, sky’s the limit for customizations. After all, helping create play spaces unique to your respective themes, palettes, and preferences is our favorite thing to do. 🤍

Not our typically lavish balls-to-the-wall ball pit post — just a friendly reminder that we also offer soft play for the littles. 🥰 Love our all white modules because, like our all white ball pits, sky’s the limit for customizations.  After all, helping create play spaces unique to your respective themes, palettes, and preferences is our favorite thing to do. 🤍

Incredibly fun day celebrating the Topgolf Open. We got to activate a custom-built and branded 4ft deep ball pit (with branded balls!) and dive deck for guests @pgatour2k @topgolflosangeles with friends @blackflamingoagency ⛳️

Incredibly fun day celebrating the Topgolf Open.  We got to activate a custom-built and branded 4ft deep ball pit (with branded balls!) and dive deck for guests @pgatour2k @topgolflosangeles with friends @blackflamingoagency ⛳️

How stunning is the roof terrace at Audrey Irmas Pavilion (which glows like a constellation, by the way!) for this mitzvah? 🤩 This historic building was redesigned by @omanewyork @shohei_shigematsu, and the facade houses over 1,200 hexagonal panels — while our ball pit picture houses over 7,000 spherical balls. 💫 Always a great time with @lapartystylists.

How stunning is the roof terrace at Audrey Irmas Pavilion (which glows like a constellation, by the way!) for this mitzvah? 🤩 This historic building was redesigned by @omanewyork @shohei_shigematsu, and the facade houses over 1,200 hexagonal panels — while our ball pit picture houses over 7,000 spherical balls. 💫 Always a great time with @lapartystylists.

Somewhere over the Zaynebow 🌈💫 Always, always love celebrating alongside you @matthewschiff @eventsbymatthew @secretagentm

Somewhere over the Zaynebow 🌈💫 Always, always love celebrating alongside you @matthewschiff @eventsbymatthew @secretagentm

Hello Kitty for Chicago 💖 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Five cute shades of pink for this five year old cutie. 🫶🏼 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Love you @mindyweiss @andrew_mindyweiss 📸 @johnandjoseph ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #hellokitty #hellokittylover #fifthbirthday #birthdayparty #kidsparty #ballpit #ballpitfun #ballpitrental #softplay #softplayrental #softplayfun #softplayhire #eventdesign

All-pink @starburst brand activation fun with our sweet friends @sterling_social. All pink, all branded, all cute. 💕 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (See last slide for scale) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Fun fact: In order to get the starburst candy wrappers folded accurately, it took at least five educated adults, about one hour, and the consumption of many candies (for research, of course) - and we loved every second 🍬 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #branding #brandactivation #ballpit #ballpitparty #ballpitrental #ballpitfun #softplay #eventdesign #eventinspo #eventplanner #partyinspo #partyentertainment #starburst #allpink #prettyinpink #allpinkeverything #pinkstarburst

What is Soft Play?

Soft play in a nutshell:

  • Foam-padded play equipment primarily for crawlers to five-year-olds
  • Creates a structured, stimulating, and safe play environment
  • Stimulates and develops physical dexterity and literacy*
  • Greatly beneficial for children with special/development needs
  • Provides hours of inter active   entertainment

A little story about why you should soft play:

Have you ever imagined?  You’re at a toddler’s birthday party, and the kiddos are  not screaming and sweating in a ginormous jumper.  You’re sitting through an entire wedding ceremony or reception, and your (or someone else’s) children are not interrupting the vows or first dance.  You’re enjoying a fragrant glass of Cabernet, schmoozing at your family-friendly corporate holiday event, and your littles are not tugging on your gown because they’re bored and “want to go home–now!”  You’re buying thousands…no, several thousands of dollars worth of baby/toddler equipment and toys within the seriously-quick span of one to five years, and your tots are not  rapidly getting tired of and  not  rapidly outgrowing those top-rated, “must-have” items.

We have.  We’ve more than imagined, because we’ve been there.  Our toddler has whisper-yelled (you know that one, ‘rents), “I wanna go!” while the groom emotionally recites his vows–sorry, cousin Phil.  Our toddlers have tugged on my new lace overlay dress, wrinkled my husband’s freshly dry-cleaned suits, and stood under my satin dress–in the middle of a large crowd–because they’re “ sooo bored.”  Our precious tots have expressed the “need” for  so many toys and other development-related items, which we’ve given into more times than we’re proud of and can remember.  To this day, we’ve basically handed away several thousands of dollars worth of baby/toddler products which our children rapidly “outgrew” and/or simply got bored of.  If only we knew then what we know now.  If only we knew about soft play all those years ago!

Now, let’s shimmy down to how we may help prevent our dear littles from whisper-yelling, interrupting, tugging, convincing us to spend silly sums of our hard-earned money, and beyond.

*For all you fellow readers out there |  Good (and lengthy) article about physical literacy

Ways to (Soft) Play:

Athletic events.

For the younger ones to stay active and entertained, while the siblings practice/play basketball, baseball, whatever-other-ball, hockey, golf, tennis, and/or any other sport out there.

Beach days are the best days.  Whether it’s for a get-together, workout session, volleyball game, surf contest, holiday festival, etc., we provide a safe, shaded, soft play area for the littles to enjoy.

Birthday/Milestone Parties

First of all, happy birthday !  Are you celebrating baby’s 100th day or first year?  How about a golden birthday, quinceañera, bar/bat mitzvah, or sweet sixteen, and you’re expecting lots of littles to attend?  Please allow us to provide a unique, safe, fun alternative and/or addition to entertainment such as bounce houses, jumpers, and other types of inflatables.

Block Parties

Block parties are always a blast!  Make it even blastier (yes, it surprisingly  is  a word–a 10-point playable Scrabble word , in fact) by rounding up all the neighborhood kiddos to mingle and (soft) play.

Community Events

Community events are wonderful opportunities to bring folks together–neighbors, community members, civic leaders, servicemen and women, etc.–to connect and create a true culture of  community .   If you’re hosting or attending community events such as yard sales, holiday light displays/walks/parades, egg hunts, BBQs, beach/park cleanups, game nights, fundraisers, hobby clubs, bonfires, potlucks, bake sales, cook-offs, residential open houses, fire and police department open houses, school open houses, meetup groups, wellness fairs, or  just because , look no further for your toddler entertainment.

Corporate Events

More and more workplaces are shifting from promoting work-life balance to work-life integration. With that shift, company events (i.e., holidays, anniversaries, awards, etc.) are wonderful opportunities to celebrate the support that your employees and their families have contributed to workplace engagement and success.

Farmers Markets

Offer your farmers market shoppers (big and small) a break between the sundried tomato hummus and “we grow what we sell” organic pluots.  Our soft play stations are safe, shaded, and slammin’.

Festivals and Fairs

While there are always a slew of fun rides and activities for the older crowd at festivals and fairs, let’s not forget about our younger crowd who also deserve a great time.  Our soft play stations offer parents/guardians a breather, while the kiddos safely play, allowing them to stay even longer to enjoy all the exciting festivities.  We’re happy to fully customize our soft play stations to fit your needs–5′ x 5′?  20′ x 20′?  We’ve got your back!

Golf and Country Clubs

Please allow us to create an active, safe, and fun soft play station for your tiny guests, so your adult guests may enjoy their tee and tea times!

Graduation Ceremonies

ConGRADulations!  These ceremonies can be long– very long .  Offer your guests safe, active, and shaded entertainment for the many mini busy bodies who aren’t built to remain seated for long periods of time.  Idea: Live stream the ceremony at the soft play station so your attendees don’t miss a beat.

Malls and Promenades

With consumers no longer going to malls solely for retail shopping, family entertainment has become one of the primary drivers for attracting visitors to your property.  Our soft play stations are ideal for both indoor and outdoor spaces, with customizable styles and sizes.

Mommy/Daddy-and-Me Groups

For the many Parent-and-Me (and similar) groups out there, entertainment and/or breaks are necessary.  Our soft play stations provide just that–an active, safe, and fun play space for your little ones to enjoy, during yoga, sports, support, church, education, post-partum, play, and others.

Multifamily Property Resident Events

As a manager or owner of multifamily properties, you know that resident retention is key.  Host engaging events onsite while remaining invested, hospitable, and grateful–events that allow residents to get out of their homes, promote a stronger sense of community, and reveal how much you care about their happiness.  With social media being so prevalent today, your thoughtful events will create buzz, making your community stand out as the hottest in town.  All that to say, our safe, fun, and customizable soft play stations are a fantastic addition to your family-friendly resident events.  Keep those occupancy rates up!

Pediatric Occupational/Physical Therapy

Children of many ages and abilities have sensory processing challenges within areas such as communicating, socializing, playing, and learning.  Soft play equipment can aid in meeting new goals and maintaining progress.  For those in formal occupational/physical therapy, consider our equipment on days off, by recreating the experience right at home.  Daily/weekly/monthly plans are available–please reach out to discuss one that fits your needs.

Play Groups

Of the many activities available to us parents for play groups with our littles, there seem to be  less  options for the littler littles.  If you’re hosting or attending a play group, we have customizable packages to provide an entertaining and safe (soft) play environment for cuties as soon as they’re able to crawl.

Retail In-Store Events

Our soft play stations are a unique, safe, and fun addition to cater toward your toddler guests, for store events such as soft openings, grand openings, anniversaries, promotions, etc.

Family reunion, class reunion, colleague reunion?  Reunite with your family/friends, while you  unite all your littles for a great time in our customizable soft play stations.

School and Childcare Settings

Whether you’re hosting a special event, seeking a longer term rental arrangement, or a regularly scheduled rental, we are here to collaborate and help design age-appropriate, space-appropriate configurations to keep your busy toddlers busy.

Viewing Parties

Hosting or attending a viewing party?  Is it sports-related, like NBA Playoffs/Finals, MLB World Series, NFL Super Bowl, College Bowl games, Sunday/Monday night football, Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, Wimbledon, Tour de France, Stanley Cup Finals, UEFA Champions League, or NCAA March Madness ?  Is it awards-related, like The Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Grammys, CMAs, VMAs, or AMAs ?  Perhaps it’s a TV premier/finale, a classic/new movie, Rose Parade, Macy’s Parade, or *gasp* even the Royal Wedding !  Invite us to keep the kiddos active and entertained, while you all enjoy your viewing.  “The show must go on!”

For a kid-friendly wedding ceremony and/or reception, entertainment for toddlers is a must.  Please allow us to help relieve some of the wedding planning and configure a classy soft play station for the tots–one that will mesh (see what I did there?) right in with your wedding venue and theme, so you can help ensure all your loved ones are able to join you on your incredibly special day.

Where else would you like to see us?

Let’s discuss!

Time Travel Balls

Vega Mix 2: Mystery of Island


  1. One extra hour in the time-traveling ball pit : r/5nafcirclejerk

    time travel ball pit

  2. File:Ball Pit With Playground Wikimedia Commons, 47% OFF

    time travel ball pit

  3. XL Ball Pit & Slides

    time travel ball pit

  4. The World's Largest Ball Pit!

    time travel ball pit

  5. How To Build A Ball Pit In Your Living Room

    time travel ball pit

  6. Giant Ball Pit 72" x 72"

    time travel ball pit


  1. Well I wasn't expecting that

  2. "Space Jam"

  3. Ball Travel 3D Full

  4. Bazinga

  5. #1235 Understanding Pinball

  6. Does The Ball Pit Actually Time Travel?


  1. Ball Pit

    Time Travel: The ball pit has the power to send someone back in time exactly 30 years into the past. It's unclear how the process is done, but Oswald is sent back when he dips his entire body underneath the pit. Strangely, Oswald ends up immediately after he left when he returns to the present.

  2. Can someone explain why the time traveling ball pit isn't time ...

    Crystal mostly explained it well to you already, but yeah, the ball pit doesn't take you to a different time period, but rather, it takes a chunk of a different time to you, like replaying a tape. Remnant is basically memories/emotions lingering in matter, as in, the remnants of the past events. As I see it, there is a difference between soul ...

  3. Time-Travelling Ballpit. How does it work? : r/fivenightsatfreddys

    The Ballpit is a massive entity made out of the souls (and pieces of souls too) of people, the "time travel" that Oswald does is less of a time travel because he is visiting a world, a twisted memory that was trying to kill him and add him to itself. There is more to it explained in the epilogues. memory world.

  4. Time Travel-less Ball Pit theory [FNAF] : r/GameTheorists

    Time Travel-less Ball Pit theory [FNAF] Just got off of watching the latest theory, nicely done btw, and wanted to unload my thoughts regarding the final bits of the 3rd theory. While I thought it was an interesting idea, it certainly is a bit bold to claim that it might be fun times with time travel going forward.

  5. Fazbear Frights: Into the Pit / Recap

    Foul Ball Pit: The time-traveling Agony-infused ballpit is basically our main set piece. The Ghost: Oswald's grandmother. His family decided against moving out of town in order to stay nearby in case she needed help. ... Time Travel: Oswald jumps into a Ball Pit located in an old Freddy Fazbear's location. When he emerges, he is sent to the ...

  6. Does The Ball Pit Actually Time Travel?

    #fnaf #fnaftheory #fnaf4 #fnafbooksWill the ball pit time travel? Who knows. only time will tell.If you feel the need to yell at me:


    In this video I will review the Five Nights at Freddy's book series known as Fazbear Frights. Warning: some of the books get pretty graphic when it comes to ...

  8. Newly Announced Five Nights at Freddy's Game Crosses Item Off Fans

    Into the Pit features heavy supernatural elements, including time travel and a dark and disturbing narrative, promising a unique and visually new direction for the series.

  9. FNAF Into the Pit Synopsis: Fazbear Frights #1

    Upon discovering a ball pit in the local pizzeria that allows him to time travel, however, Oswald finds himself visiting the old Freddy Fazbear 's Pizza in 1985. Unfortunately, the yellow rabbit that no one else seems to notice takes an interest in him, and before long, Oswald gets caught up in this strange creature's idea of "family.".

  10. Click N' Play Plastic Balls for Ball Pit, Phthalate & BPA Free, Crush

    Child-Sized - Click N' Play's value pack of 200 ball pit balls is an assortment of 6 bright and attractive colors: blue, red, pink, green, orange and yellow. Each small ball pit ball measures 2. 3 inches in diameter - the perfect size for a toddler or child's hand.

  11. A TIME-TRAVELING BALL PIT??! Reacting to "Game Theory: FNAF ...

    Original video: Box 77614 Greensboro, NC 27417I ate a banana for the first time:

  12. The time traveling ball pit isn't a time traveling ba : r ...

    The time traveling ball pit isn't a time traveling ba. New Theory! In all of the books, the time traveling ball pit always felt out of place. In the lastest FNAF theory video, Matpat said that Cassidy had died in the ball pit. So, I thought- "What if the time traveling ball pit isn't a time traveling ball pit, but instead is a normal ball pit ...

  13. An enormous ball pit is popping up across the East Coast ...

    What makes this ball pit special? It's so big that adults and kids can swim in a deep sea of more than a quarter of a million plastic balls, spread over 10,000 square feet.

  14. Fun and Function

    SHJADE Foam Ball Pit, 47.2"x 13.8" Large Ball Pits for Toddlers, Soft Round Kiddie Baby Playpen Ball Pool for Kids, Ideal Gift for Babies Indoor and Outdoor Game, Balls not Included (Grey) 4.6 out of 5 stars 310

  15. Small Ball Pit for Dogs

    Eocolz Kids Ball Pit Large Pop Up Childrens Ball Pits Tent for Toddlers Playhouse Baby Crawl Playpen with Basketball Hoop and Zipper Storage Bag, 4 Ft/120CM, Balls Not Included (Pink) 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,995

  16. Ballie Ballerson

    London's biggest and best adult ball-pit. That's what. The folks at Ballie Ballerson have moved shop from their former site in Dalston to Shoreditch's Curtain Road, to an even bigger space ...

  17. The "time travel" ball pit : r/GameTheorists

    The "time travel" ball pit . Alright thought I'd make a time theory/discussion about the main story from the first Fazbear Frights book (are partially canon, they are more for supplemental info) also known as The Pit. So in the study of parainvestigation there is something called psychic imprinting and is the basis of ghost hunting and the ...

  18. Home

    MESH kids co. is a custom soft sensory play company, based in Los Angeles County, CA. While we specialize in luxury ball pits, we also have an in-house design and build team who can custom fabricate and/or print a variety of decor and installations. Our service area is primarily within LA/OC County, and neighboring cities.

  19. Ball pit

    A ball pit (originally called a ball crawl, also known as a ball pool or ball pond) is a padded box or pool filled with small colorful hollow plastic balls generally no larger than 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter. They are typically marketed as recreation and exercise for children . They are sometimes found at nurseries, carnivals, amusement ...

  20. When you use the time-travel ball-pit one too many times

    Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games ...

  21. Time Travel Balls

    Drop the colored balls into the amphoras of the same color in Time Travel Balls! Solve tricky puzzles to complete challenging levels. Play now at Kizi! Top Games Favorite Games Leaderboard Categories ... Red Ball Forever 1961133 Plays Alien Escape 142045 Plays Merge Fruit 407214 Plays Dr. Panda Daycare 60280 Plays Fit Balls ...