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  •  / Tasmania

Australia’s ‘The Travelling Jackaroo’ arrives in Hobart after huge Tasmanian journey

Pulse Tasmania

  • Pulse Tasmania
  • Sunday, June 09 2024

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A young Queensland farmer who embarked on a mission to circumnavigate Australia by tractor three years ago has arrived in Hobart.

21-year-old Sam Hughes, known as ‘The Travelling Jackaroo’, set off from his hometown of Maleny on the Sunshine Coast in March 2021 with his brightly coloured tractor named ‘Slim’.

The viral journey has since turned into a charity powerhouse, raising more than $240,000 for various not-for-profit groups, including $140,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, $70,000 for Dolly’s Dream and $20,000 for Drought Angels.

Hughes arrived in Tasmania on a Strait Link ferry in late May and made his first stop at the Tasmanian State Ploughing Competition in Elliott.

the travelling jackaroo gofundme

He then travelled along the north-west coast, where he was greeted with open arms by locals who offered him meals, repairs and new gear.

During a visit to the Don River Railway, volunteers Harry, Barry and John fixed several issues with the tractor before it sets off on its journey around the island state.

the travelling jackaroo gofundme

“In less than a day they completely removed Slims cooling system, repaired several cracks/leaks/blemishes as well as doing some welding repairs,” Hughes said.

He then made his way south on the Midland Highway, stopping at the Epping Forest Truckers Memorial, visiting the Campbell Town Show and calling in to Roxy’s IGA in Oatlands.

Hughes is now parked up at the Hobart Showground, where he’s planning to stay until Monday-Tuesday.

“If anyone would like to come make a donation and say Gday to myself or Bitsa, [I’ll be here]. If I’m not around I’ll be out and about occasionally in the zook doing the odd touristy things and fundraising but feel free to have a look,” he said.

Hughes is now only $10,000 away from his fundraising goal of a quarter of a million dollars for Australian charities.

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Travelling Jackaroo, 18, crisscrosses outback in tractor for rural mental health

A young man and a dog sit in front of a tractor with a pushbike tied to the front.

Sam Hughes is hard to miss as he chugs along a highway in his bright orange tractor, gathering fame and funds along the way.

The 18-year-old, known as the Travelling Jackaroo, pulled up in Mount Isa five months into his outback road trip raising money and awareness for charities dedicated to rural mental health.

He is using humour to draw attention to a serious and insidious problem.

"If you can get people to laugh, people start smiling, people start talking," Mr Hughes said.

Young man in wide-brimmed hat and orange shirt takes a toothy selfie with a tin-man figure wearing a cap

Isolation, high suicide rates and poor mental health are issues familiar to outback Australians.

The Maleny-based teenager said he was astonished by the number of stories of farmers pushed to breaking point and families stretched thin.

"You always see pictures of the starving cow, but never of the farmer," he said.

"A couple recently took me in. There wasn't any food in their fridge, but out on the deck would have been hundreds of dollars' worth of feed for their animals."

A young man in a bright orange shirt stands in front of a tractor holding a donation tin. A man in a grey shirt is next to him

Clocking up 5,000km at 40kph

After two years saving up, Mr Hughes put the Sunshine Coast in his rear-view mirror and "sped off" towards red-dirt country, albeit at 40 kilometres per hour.

He has clocked up more than 5,000 kilometres in his bright, orange 1957 Chamberlain 9G tractor called Slim, named after Slim Dusty.

Towing a trailer packed with a donation tin, fairy floss machine, jumping castle, cinema screen, Suzuki Sierra, and a wingless Beechcraft Musketeer, the Travelling Jackaroo has been a big drawcard for kids and adults alike.

An orange tractor topped with a gyrocopter towing a trailer crowned with a Beechcraft Musketeer. 

So far, Mr Hughes has raised at least $43,000 for the RFDS, youth anti-bullying charity Dolly's Dream, and drought relief.

The head of Dolly's Dream, Stephen Bendle, said he never expected a call from a young high school student wanting to take on a journey of this magnitude.

"Sam contacted us … as a 17-year-old high school student and we were thrilled to be able to partner with him," Mr Bendle said.

"Mental health is the biggest issue among young people, that's what they identify as the greatest struggle in their lives, especially at this time with the virus."

Dolly Everett.

'Nothing more Australian' than checking on a mate

The voices of those impacted by an overwhelmed system have weighed heavily on Mr Hughes during his long drives.

"I have had people tell me stories of their experiences with suicide, of people picking up the pieces when loved ones can't cope," he said.

"One Mount Isa couple is facing a nine-month wait to get their daughter access to a psychologist."

Young man in bright orange shirt stands next to tractor holding out donation tin as a man puts money in it

Each year, around one in five — or 960,000 — rural and remote Australians experience a mental illness, with remote Australians twice as likely to die by suicide than those in the city, according to the RFDS.

Country residents have an exacerbated risk of mental illness because of insufficient early intervention and prevention services, with farmers, young men, the elderly, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians at greatest risk of suicide.

"I'm trying to break the stigma of not talking about it. A lot of blokes, women too, but especially blokes, they don't want to talk about mental health," Mr Hughes said.

"Go and have a chat with your neighbour.

"There's nothing more Australian, in my opinion, than checking up on a mate and making sure they're alright."

Young man wearing bright orange shirt and jeans stands atop an orange caravan, leaning against a light aircraft.

The Travelling Jackaroo's next stop is Camooweal, before making his way to Darwin and Western Australia, COVID-19 border restrictions pending.

But he's certainly in no rush.

"I want to raise as much as I can. If I cap it at $100,000, I'll make $100,000, and people will stop donating," he said.

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The Travelling Jackaroo

A man and his dog are heading for Darwin. They’re on a long, slow trip that has so far taken half a year and spanned 6000km, from the ­Sunshine Coast to the Top End via rutted roads, remote settlements and vast outstations.

There are so many standout features on their unlikely adventure: the fact that it is even happening during a pandemic; the fact that Sam Hughes, who is accompanied by his beagle-kelpie cross, Bitsa, is just 18; and, perhaps most significantly, the fact that they are undertaking this journey, which Hughes hopes will become a two-year circumnavigation of the continent, on a 60-year-old tractor.

“I’m used to being overtaken,” laughs Hughes, who has a knack for acquiring multiple modes of transport. A freshly minted driver, he has red P-plates affixed to the back of a trailer hitched to his old tractor to form a colourful one-man ­convoy. Travelling light is not for Hughes. His extensive and eclectic load includes a cockatiel, a boat and a gyrocopter that travel on a rack atop his tractor, plus – in or on his trailer – a small car, a motorbike, a wingless light aircraft in which he sleeps most nights, a bike, a portable ­cinema, a jumping castle and a popcorn machine.

The Travelling Jackaroo | Photo by Helen Orr c/o The Australian

He has been on the road since leaving his ­family’s 120ha cattle property at Maleny, in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, in March. “I like helping people and I was too stupid to be a doctor,” he says drolly when asked about the inspiration for his trip. “I didn’t have the guts to be a police officer… and I thought, well, if I want to do a gap year and I want to help people, the best way I can do it is by ­supporting charities.”

He initially planned a drive to Toowoomba, a 200km-odd journey that would have taken him just a few days on his preferred mode of transport. “I can work with a tractor better than I can a car,” he says, having tinkered with the former for almost five years, compared with the few months he’s had a licence to drive the latter. So he bought a 1960 Chamberlain 9G from a neighbour and spent a year modifying it; new canvas and a four-inch foam-core seat were about the biggest luxuries he could afford. By the time he was ready to leave home, his plans had expanded and for next to nothing he had acquired a small if ageing transport fleet to make his progress even more visually outstanding. “There are no computers in any of my vehicles,” he says proudly. “That means if it breaks you can fix it with duct tape or zip ties.”

Sam Hughes, travelling jackaroo.

Sam Hughes, The Travelling Jackaroo | Photo by Helen Orr c/o The Australian

At an average speed of 35km/h, his progress is slow and low-tech. He has a VHF radio, but no airconditioning or power steering. And with all the ­rattling in his cab it can be hard to hear the Slim Dusty songs he plays, full blast, on a journey that has so far taken him to Barcaldine and Longreach, along the coast to Rockhampton, Cairns and Townsville, inland to Charters Towers, Cloncurry and Mount Isa, and up through the Red Centre via Tennant Creek and Katherine to Darwin.

He sometimes picks up work en route, helping out at a local pub for a shift or two. Often, to raise funds, he sets up his outdoor cinema or jumping castle for locals. In half a year he has already raised $50,000 for his three favourite charities: the Royal Flying Doctor Service, anti-bullying group Dolly’s Dream and Drought Angels. You can also help with his repairs via his GoFundMe page.

“Out here doesn’t seem to have changed much because of Covid, just a QR code as you go in,” he says at the end of another seven-hour drive, ­during which he encountered fewer than 30 ­vehicles on the Northern Territory’s big open roads. So far he has ­managed to avoid lockdowns, bar a few days in Townsville.

The Travelling Jackaroo | Photo by Helen Orr c/o The Australian

While driving a tractor around a largely ­shuttered country has its disadvantages (“of course it’s lonely”), he has been overwhelmed by the ­welcome he has encountered. He’s been unsettled, too, by the breadth of mental health issues and lack of local support services. Many times Hughes, the 18-year-old outsider, has found ­himself listening for hours to the harrowing ­stories of those struggling to access psychiatric help for children or recounting yet another story of ­suicide. “I feel very privileged with what I do because not only do I get to see the country but I hear so many stories,” he says. And he has been astounded by the scenery. “When you’re cruising along at 35km an hour you get to see the country change. It’s the most amazing thing to see the underbrush go from a yellow to a beautiful green, and the trees.”

But of all the standouts of his unlikely gap year, there is one incident on which Hughes is extra keen to report. “The most proud moment of this entire trip, and I think it will be until the day I ­finish, was the day I overtook a grey nomad,” he reveals with enormous satisfaction.

“Coming out of Roma, I was cruising down the highway and up ahead I’ve seen this big white box sitting in the middle of the road.” He soon realised it was not in fact stationary, but moving – very slowly. To Hughes’ astonishment, a couple in a mobile home were proceeding through southwest Queensland at an even slower pace than a tractor.

“And I’ve just gone, ‘Holy heck, you’ll never get a chance like this again’. Twenty metres away, I’ve floored it – 42km an hour – and I went past them, like I was jogging, and waving like hell.” After months of being repeatedly overtaken, he was ecstatic. Victory, however, was short-lived. “About two seconds later they miraculously found their throttle – and went past me at 80km an hour.”

Please help Sam cover the costs of maintenance and repairs on his trip:

Sam Hughes GOFUNDME page and follow Sam on his FACEBOOK PAGE for plenty of handy hints and trip schedule.

Source: Excerpt from The Australian Magazine story by Fiona Harari Oct 2nd 2021

The Travelling Jackaroo | Photo by Helen Orr c/o The Australian

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The adventure of a lifetime for The Travelling Jackaroo

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It’s been three years since this young man and his trusty old tractor hit the road for an epic adventure that’s seen him raise over $225,000 for charity.

And it sure has been one hell of a ride for Sam Hughes – better known as The Travelling Jackaroo – who at just 21 years of age, has already achieved so much.

When he last chatted to Big Rigs, he was only 18 and just a few weeks into his trip – still not completely sure of what to expect.

Since then, his adventures have seen him gain quite the following along the way, with his Facebook page now topping 210,000 followers. Hughes had to learn on the road and has gained quite a bit of mechanical knowledge. He also got his HC truck licence in December too.

Hughes set off from his hometown of Maleny, Queensland, in March 2021, driving his 1957 Chamberlain 9G tractor on a journey that has seen him travel the length and breadth of Queensland, the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia – with plans to visit the remaining states throughout 2024.

His set-up certainly stands out, with the tractor pulling a trailer with a motorbike and car inside, and carrying a boat and a plane on top.

the travelling jackaroo gofundme

The aim of the trip was to raise money for his three chosen charities: the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Drought Angels and Dolly’s Dream – and to raise awareness for mental health. He set out to raise a total of $250,000 and he’s already so close, just $25,000 shy of his ultimate goal.

“I’d like to imagine the tractor has helped spark conversations around mental health. The reason it’s been built the way it has and it stands out so much is because it starts conversations by being that outlandish,” said Hughes.

the travelling jackaroo gofundme

So far, Hughes has travelled over 20,000 kilometres – and he anticipates he’ll clock over 25,000 kilometres by the time he finishes the trip and begins working towards his next endeavour, but more on that later.

It’s quite a bit further than the original route he’d mapped out, which was only 14,500 kilometres.

“I originally went from the Sunshine Coast to Perth, doing no more than 35km/h so it took a very long time. And there’s no power steering or air con either in the old girl,” Hughes said.

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“The plan changed a little bit when I got to Port Augusta and decided to go back up to Queensland, then head up to the NT to go for my truck licence. It’s a handy skill to have; something I think most people should have if they can afford to get it.”

And how has the tractor held up? “Touch wood, it’s been pretty good. I’ve had a few hiccups but the Chamberlain is a pretty rough old reliable fella,” he added.

While the tractor mostly required just the “regular maintenance sort of stuff”, Hughes told of how the engine blew while he was in the middle of the outback.

“The old one blew up between Geraldton and Perth. I blew an oil line and that blew it to pieces. The new engine came courtesy of Geraldton Towing. They swapped it out for a truck motor – a Perkins Phaser.”

While the trip has mostly been a positive, Hughes does admit, “It has had its ups and downs – there have been some really long points. But it’s been an education. I’d say I probably learnt more in the past three years than I did in all my other years. I left home not knowing much, but I’ve been learning as I go. I got to meet a lot of people, raised a lot money for charity and have made contacts all over Australia.

“It’s the knowledge that I’ve gained and people that I’ve met.

“You see all these amazing places too but when you pull up and get to have a yarn, that’s the best part.”

Undertaking such a grand adventure at such a young age, we asked how his parents reacted when he first broke the news.

“It went down like a lead balloon,” he laughed. “They knew they couldn’t really stop me, but a lot of people, including some of my family, thought I’d quickly turn around and come back. But I kept going and my family has been incredibly supportive. They’re really proud of me for what I do.

“When I first started, I didn’t think it’d get the support I’ve got. I was just going to plod along and hoped I’d be able to get some donations. I’ve been doing this for so long now that my camp is pretty much my home. When I go home, I miss being in my camp. When I’m on the road, I miss my family.”

So what is it that has kept him going for three years? “It’s just the driving force to help people. That’s what keeps me going.”

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For the last few months, Hughes has taken a temporary hiatus from his tractor travels, working as a tilt truck driver for Berry Springs Mechanical in Darwin, as he saves up some coin for the next leg of the trip.

“I’ve just clocked in over 100 call outs and over 10,000 kilometres in the tilt truck. I’ve been shifting everything from cars to containers and doing roadside assistance work like batteries and tyres. It can be long hours but I enjoy the work. Everyday there’s a new challenge and something to keep the brain ticking along,” explained Hughes.

“I love driving the truck – it’s some of the best work I’ve done.

“With the roadside assistance, if someone breaks down in the middle of nowhere, we’re who they call. It’s a good job.”

Hughes and his tractor are due to return to the road around late February/early March. “Hopefully in the next couple of months I’ll get to Adelaide, then Victoria, go over to Tasmania, head back through Victoria, up through NSW and then back up to Queensland.”

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The long-term vision is to finish the trip by the end of 2024, so he can spend 2025 building a mobile museum, which he can then take on the road in 2026.

“The museum will focus on the Aussie battlers – on the people who built the country including our truckies and the transport industry,” Hughes explained.

“I’m thinking of building it into a trailer, so it’ll be a walk-through design and then I’ll transport it around the country on the back of a truck – that’s why I needed to upgrade my truck licence. It’s also a handy thing to have if I want to spend some time driving trucks.”

Hughes added that once he retires his tractor set up from the road, the plan is to have it on display in a museum. “I’ve been in talks with one museum which has said they would potentially take it,” Hughes said.

Must have been his first day on the road when I seen him at BP service station at Kilcoy in Queensland only just down the road from Manley I wished him good luck on his trip It’s wonderful to see him and have wonder how he has been travelling Have seen things from time to time about him and his journey All I can say Keep it up son and enjoy life

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VKS-737 The Australian National 4WD Radio Network

The Travelling Jackaroo

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Have you heard of Sam ‘The Travelling Jackaroo’ who recently started out on a trip around the country in his Tractor to raise funds for the RFDS and Dolly’s Dream? He has only just received his P Plate Licence.

His tractor and trailer combination is impossible to miss.

I caught up with him in Yarraman on his second day of the trip to wish him well and to drop a few dollars into the tin. He is a remarkable young fella who has rallied to gather sponsorship and find over 22K followers on Facebook.

He is travelling without long range communications other than his phone and a UHF which concerns me slightly so I was wondering if VKS-737 travellers might be able to keep a bit of an eye out for him and let us all know how he is travelling and maybe log his progress for safety?

His Facebook Page has heaps of info and he does plan on doing some remote travel.

Cheers… Andrew (VKS-737 Mobile 0405)

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Hitting the road: the travelling jackaroo gets ready to ride.

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He is only 17 years old, recently passed his driving test and is about to embark on a gap year adventure like no other.

Maleny’s Sam Hughes, otherwise known as the Travelling Jackaroo, is planning the outback trip of a lifetime as he prepares to travel 13,500 kilometres on a bright orange tractor.

Many locals may recognise the young man, who regularly drives into the main street of Maleny on the weekends.

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Sam Hughes and his Tractor

“Most kids have a gap year,” he says. “I love tractors and I thought, why not do something different.”

Sam will drive a fully restored Chamberlain 9G tractor on a yet-to-be finalised route across the Australian outback fundraising for three charities along the way.

“I will be stopping in all the major country town to fundraise,” he says.“The tractor only goes 45 to 50 kilometres per hour, so it should be interesting.”

He is also having a trailer custom built to tow a car and store essential items, and as if he wasn’t a conversation starter enough, the trailer will be fitted with the fuselage of an old plane on top.

“I actually bought a plane wreckage from Caboolture Airfield a while ago and I was thinking I would do it up and put it on top of a shed or something,” Sam says.

“Then when I started planning this I thought, hey, what if put the plane on the roof of the trailer?”

With one of his chosen charities being the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Sam has been in touch with the charity to have the plane, which will double as a sleeping space for his long journey, painted to look like a working aircraft.

“I chose the Royal Flying Doctors Service because if you speak to anyone in the bush, everyone knows someone who has been saved by them.”

Sam is also supporting Dolly’s Dream, to raise awareness for bullying, and Lights on the Hill Trucking Memorial, in recognition of the sacrifices truck drivers make to do their job.

“I think it’s important to give back and I have grown up being taught if you have money to spend you have money to give.”

Sam says he is grateful so far with the support form local business and other major companies who have come on board to sponsor or donate to the journey.

Currently busy with final year 12 exams and with plans to set off some time in February 2021, Sam says he is excited and nervous for the journey ahead and hopes his journey will leave a legacy for years to come.

To support Sam, visit and search ‘The Travelling Jackaroo’.


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GoFundMe set up for the families of two victims in a fatal Marinette County crash

MARINETTE CO., Wis. (WBAY) - A GoFundMe has been set up for the families of the two victims of a fatal crash that happened last weekend in Marinette County.

The crash occurred at the intersection of County Highway B and W in the town of Grover.

The sheriff’s department says 46-year-old Scott Mathis was traveling on County Highway W when he failed to stop at a stop sign, colliding with another vehicle driven by 44-year-old Elysia Kust.

73-year-old Mary Kust was also a passenger.

Both women died as a result.

If you would like to help out the Kust family, you can find their GoFundMe here.

Copyright 2024 WBAY. All rights reserved.

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A 5-year-old named Noah Mason has been discharged from the hospital after a horrific accident that claimed the lives of his parents and siblings in Georgia. The crash happened as the family was leaving a church event. He was traveling with his parents, 43-year-old Dakarai Mason and 35-year-old Erin Mason, along with his brothers, Brandon and Titus, as reported by Fox5 Atlanta. Erin was the assistant to the police chief at the Holly Springs Police Department.

The family, from New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia, was in a Kia van driven by Dakarai when it veered off its northbound course, crossing into the southbound lanes and colliding with a Chevy Tahoe and a Toyota 4Runner. The sequence of collisions on Interstate 75 near Red Top Mountain Road didn’t end there; a commercial vehicle subsequently struck the Kia and Toyota, and a Hyundai SUV impacted the rear of the Chevy. Tragically, Dakarai, Erin and Brandon were pronounced dead at the scene. Titus succumbed to his injuries and was taken off life support, dying four days later.

In the midst of this overwhelming grief, the Mason family’s youngest member, Noah, survived and was recently released from the hospital. A GoFundMe  page  has been set up to cover Noah’s medical and future expenses. According to updates on the GoFundMe page, the young boy is now residing with family members who are committed to providing a loving environment despite the immense loss. Noah’s grandmother wrote on the fundraising site, “He still has a ways to go. But the outlook is great. We shall never completely heal from the loss of his family and ours. But God blessed us with a 5-year-old that will never allow us to slow down or wallow in our sadness.”

The community has rallied around the Mason family, extending their support through messages, prayers and contributions to the GoFundMe page. The page has raised over $75,000. The impact of the tragedy has also been felt by the family and friends of Aimee Odom, a 21-year-old from Cartersville, who was fatally injured while driving the Toyota 4Runner. Odom was en route to a graduation party when the accident occurred. Her life was celebrated in a service held last Friday, where attendees were asked to wear pink in her honor.

The crash also resulted in hospitalizations for the driver of the Chevy Tahoe and two occupants of the Hyundai, though their names and current medical statuses have not been disclosed. Reflecting on the community’s response, the Mason family and their extended network have expressed deep gratitude toward healthcare professionals and all who provided support during this harrowing time. “We couldn’t have gotten through this without all of you. We all came to love each and every one. We will forever be grateful. God Bless you all,” stated Noah’s grandmother.

Brandon’s funeral service was conducted at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, with his interment following in Cassville Cemetery. Dakarai, Erin and Titus’s funeral service was held at the end of May.

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Nearly $25,000 raised for GSP trooper injured in crash with 24-year-old Augusta man

Georgia State Patrol has confirmed a 24-year-old Augusta man accused of crashing head-on into a trooper on May 31 while driving the wrong way on River Watch Parkway was "suspected" of being impaired at the time of the wreck.

Just after 11 p.m., trooper Zachary Walker, 32, of Martinez, was traveling east on River Watch Parkway near mile marker 3.5 when he was hit head-on by a Toyota 4Runner traveling in the wrong direction, according to GSP public information officer Joshua Staff.

Walker was just an hour into his shift, slated to work 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., according to the agency.

Walker sustained "serious injuries" and had to be extricated from the car, according to Staff. He and the other driver were transported to Wellstar MCG for treatment.

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"We don’t know their exact injuries, but they both were seriously injured," according to Staff. "We don’t have an update on the other driver, but [Walker] is stable and has a long road to recovery."

GSP confirmed the 24-year-old was "suspected of impairment" and chemical blood tests were performed in accordance with Georgia law. Staff said the man has "not been charged yet" because GSP's Specialized Collision Reconstruction Team is conducting an investigation of the crash.

"Their investigation can take some time," Staff said. "It's not known what the possible charges will be."

Walker has been with GSP for about five years and was assigned to Post 25 in Grovetown, according to the agency. He was recently promoted to corporal in Nighthawks South , which is a task force specializing in DUI enforcement. 

Starting as a jailor with the Richmond County Sheriff's Office in December 2014, Walker worked his way up to peace officer and remained at the sheriff's office until May 10, 2019 when he voluntarily resigned, according to records from Georgia P.O.S.T.

Walker started with GSP on May 19, 2019, according to P.O.S.T.

Fundraiser for trooper raises nearly $25,000

Lauren Baxley, who claims to be a friend of the Walker family, created a GoFundMe fundraiser on Wednesday with Walker's wife, Emilie, listed as the beneficiary.

"Thoughts and prayers pour out for [Walker's] wife, Emilie and their [three] young children. Emilie will be unable to resume work (normal work schedule) right now as she is currently caring for Zach and their children," Baxley wrote on the site. "... a GoFundMe has been launched to provide financial support for meals, bills, and overall relief in this difficult time."

Baxley noted Walker's injuries included a concussion, broken elbow, broken right leg, and a shattered right ankle and foot.

"After an initial surgery and many more to come, he is looking forward to physical therapy so he can get back to a normal life," she wrote on the GoFundMe page.

As of Friday afternoon, the GoFundMe raised $23,948 from 250 donators, surpassing the $20,000 goal.

To donate, visit .

Cleveland woman indicted on a charge for killing 3-year-old at Giant Eagle, video released

the travelling jackaroo gofundme

A Cleveland woman was indicted Wednesday for murder, attempted murder and a slew of other charges related to the stabbing death of a 3-year-old boy outside of a northeastern Ohio grocery store.

Bionca Ellis , 32, is accused of stabbing 3-year-old Julian Wood to death during an attack on the toddler and his 38-year-old mother Monday outside of a Giant Eagle in the city of North Olmsted, Cuyahoga County officials said.

North Olmsted police officers responded to multiple 911 calls about the stabbing, which happened in the parking lot of the grocery store, the department said in a news release.

"All information gathered at this time indicates this is a random act of violence and the defendant and the victims never met," North Olmsted police spokesperson Matt Beck said.

Julian was stabbed twice and his mother was stabbed once in the shoulder, according to Beck. Julian would later die after being taken by paramedics to a nearby hospital, officials said.

In addition to the two counts of murder and attempted murder, a Cuyahoga County grand jury indicted Ellis on aggravated murder, endangering children, tampering with evidence, aggravated theft and two counts of felonious assault, according to court records found by USA TODAY. She is currently in jail with a $1 million bond.

Ellis did not have a defense attorney listed in Cuyahoga County court records on Thursday.

Surveillance video shows Bionca Ellis with knife in hand before fatal stabbing

Surveillance video obtained by USA TODAY captured Ellis wielding a knife and gingerly walking around the shopping center where the Giant Eagle is located before the attack.

The 30-second clip shows Ellis hitting the knife on a brick pillar before she walks out of the frame.

Ellis stole two knives from a thrift store next to the Giant Eagle around 3 p.m. on the day of the attack, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley said in a news release . After obtaining the knives, Ellis walked next door and spotted Julian and his mother leaving the grocery store, according to the prosecutor.

Ellis followed the mother and son before she "immediately stabbed the 3-year-old" who was inside the shopping cart, O'Malley said. When Julian's mother attempted to pull him out of the cart, Ellis stabbed her too, the prosecutor added.

Police arrested Ellis on the scene without incident following the attack.

"This case is truly devastating," O'Malley said in the release. "I want to express my heartfelt condolences to the Wood family during this difficult time. As a father, I could not begin to imagine this grief, but I can promise that we will do everything in our power to bring justice for Julian Wood and the Wood family."

Bionca Ellis was in the process of being evicted from Cleveland apartment

Before the attack, Ellis was in the process of being evicted from her subsidized apartment building in Cleveland, according to court records obtained by .

Real estate company K&D's attorneys filed a complaint in Cleveland Housing Court in March seeking permission to remove Ellis from the apartment after she missed three rent payments, according to the court records, the outlet reported.

A Cleveland housing court magistrate granted the company's request in May. K&D also evicted Ellis from a different location in 2018, said, per the court documents.

'We are sick to our stomachs'

A GoFundMe was created by Julian's mother's family members and friends to help the Wood family cover funeral arrangements and other expenses.

"We are sick to our stomachs writing this," the fundraising page says. "Many of you have been following this horrendous story online and have been asking what happened and how something like this could happen in our own neighborhood.. honestly we have no explanation as to how or why this happened… it was a random act of violence. There was no prior altercation, they did not know each other… this was a malicious random act. She has devastated our family beyond words…she took something from us we can never get back."

The GoFundMe said the Wood family is "overwhelmed with sadness."

"This is something no person, no family, no mother, no father, no grandmother should ever experience. We urge you all to hold your babies close. This should have never happened," according to the page.

The outpouring of support for the Wood family continues as the GoFundMe's goal of $10,000 has been greatly surpassed with over $190,000 in donations being raised so far.

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‘General Hospital’ Star Johnny Wactor’s Family Launches $100,000 Crowdfunding Campaign After Fatal Shooting; Donations Exceed $50,000 in 24 Hours

By Zack Sharf

Digital News Director

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PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - OCTOBER 29: Actor Johnny Wactor is seen in Old City on October 29, 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images)

A GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign to support the family of late “ General Hospital ” actor Johnny Wactor earned more than $50,000 in donations in its first 24 hours. The campaign was started by Wactor’s godmother, Michaelle Kinard, after the actor was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles on May 25. Wactor was 37 years old. The crowdfunding goal is set at $100,000 and has exceeded $83,900 from 800 donations and counting.

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“With God‘s will, the killer will be arrested and the family will see him face to face,” she added. “This may help bring closure to this tragedy. Any excess donations will be donated to the charities the family chooses in memory of Johnny.”

Wactor portrayed Brando, son of Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Borroughs) who was married to drug addict Sasha Corbin (Sofia Mattsson), in “General Hospital” from 2020 to 2022. He appeared in more than 160 episodes. His additional television credits includes episodes of “Army Wives,” “Westworld,” “The OA,” “Station 19,” “Siberia,” “Agent X,” “Vantastic,” “Animal Kingdom,” “Hollywood Girl,” “Training Day,” “Criminal Minds,” “NCIS,” “The Passenger” and more.

Wactor’s talent agent, David Shaul, confirmed the actor’s death to  Variety  the day after the shooting.

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  27. GoFundMe

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